#no im kidding Pipe down ugly
mallowmaenad · 1 year
my new political ideaology is that I get a device called the dipshit detector that removes self-important white people’s ability to use cellphones for 1 month and I don’t fucking care if this is a fascist dictatorshit i actually would turn joe biden into joe woke and donald trump into pronoun trump if i see one more loud mouthed straighty act like their opinion fucking matters im introducing their shy 9 year old son to my little pony i cant fucking take this shit yes fuck it throw republicans in concentration camps they’re practically begging for it they wont shut the fuck up about how theyre gonna be hunted down and killed wish granted bitch blam blam its wabbit season bitch im sick of liberals im sick of voting im sick of norway if youre even slightly uncomfortable around gay people you should be set on fire black power asian power jewish power latino power and i fucking mean it im not just buying the stupid 30$ tshirt on fckhate.com the worst thing to ever happen in american history is abraham lincoln not publicly executing every confederate general and outlawing slavery full stop we literally live in starship troopers we are trapped in a shitty gmod half life dark rp server yeah I do think you’re basically a terrorist if you go to disney land and i also think that if the first words out of your mouth when the rustbelt gets set on fire is “those dirty rednecks deserve it” ill show you a fucking redneck you fucking yank prick you fucking racist i wish hilary clinton would explode on live tv charitys are fucking fake theyre as fake as those cardboard towns in north korea oppenheimer was a limpdick pussy and fallout is becoming a game franchise that fetishizes the mass genocide of asians and i want todd howard pinned under a large rock for it spec ops the line wasn’t ugly enough there is a conspiracy started by the cosmetics, nutrition and fashion industry in collaboration with the upper class descendants of fucking typhoid “moneybags” marys to fool the masses that fat people aren’t hot as fuck. My body and mind and soul degrade with the week because of yhe shit ass menial labor yhey made me do and the fucking lead in gasoline and world war 1 started a chain reaction of fathers beating their kids and wives because it’s cheaper to buy a gun than go to therapy because we’re fucking warhammer orks without any of the endearing mental stupidity we live in mordor. we live in fucking mordor. it literally does not matter who is president our two political parties are Nazis and Neo-Nazis bernie sanders was the closest thing to a centrist this country has ever seen. capitalism grinds up joy into a paste to divvy out on 500$ gucci toothpicks public urination should be legal rent is theft corporations are agents of satan who is jesus christ who is not jesus of nazareth jesus christ is the poster boy of white supremacy i fucking hate Hamilton white people should listen to MORE rap i want to get my dick sucked at a death grips concert. Laundromats and burger joints where you can get a meal for 5$ are far more important than police stations and walmart. pop anarchists want to personally confiscate your wheelchair uou fuckers treat yhis like a game fuckin e girls with hammers and sickles in their icons arguing about what form of communism or socialism or whateverism is right when bitch that is a pipe dream you are going to die in captivity arguing about which dragon ball z character is the strongest (girl broly) at least go punch a hole in your wall and fuck it to prove you’re human you facebook fetishist jesus christ every other day i want a biblical death just so my fucked up thouhhts mean something i need a fuckingjason vorhees bitch wheres the yandere tea party this is all so fucked up its not fucking real the christian god hates you whoever says otherwise is trying to make you a fucking slave. Mormonism and scientology should be wiped off the map any religion formed after the invention of the gun is a fucking pyramid scheme i wish i was a 9 foot toll shark lady with hugebrealssta so i could fucking knock over thechrystler building
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griffintail · 2 years
Phil grinned up at the little girl perched on his shoulders, even as she gripped his hair tightly, wings flaring out to stare around the wilderness as the three figures marched through the woods. "Woah!"
Techno grunted, raising an eyebrow at the small winged folk. "It's a bunch of trees, kid."
The girl pouted, huffing as she glanced over at him. "No! No, it's the wowld!"
This caused Phil and Wilbur to grin as Techno's brow furrowed. "What? That doesn't-that doesn't even make sense-"
Wilbur moved over, wrapping his arm around his brother's shoulders as he patted the man's arm. "No, no. She's right. It's the world."
Phil snorted softly as he gently patted the girl's knee. "You Tell 'Im, (y/n)."
The girl opened her arms, beaming. "It's so-so pwetty!"
The two other winged folk nodded safely as Techno groaned, causing Wilbur to snicker. "You just don't get it, Techno. Just cuz the nether is butt ugly-"
That earned the lanky boy a light shove, Techno snorting. "Watch it."
Phil snickered, glancing up at the little girl again-as much as he could see, anyway-as the two boys continued to bicker behind him. "Don't grow up like them, alright?"
"Nevew." She agreed, eyes shining seriously, causing the man to dissolve into laughter. She frowned, affronted, and the two boys glanced forward, trying to decipher the meaning behind the sudden laughter.
The young girl sighed as she glanced at her three older brothers, folding her arms quietly as they all sat-Tommy and Wilbur playing cards by the fire, Techno settled on a log as he read, clearing her throat loudly.
None of them bothered to glance up as she did and this only caused her scowl to deepen.
"I know one of you did it."
Wilbur snorted at that, rolling his eyes as Tommy played a card. "Process of elimination, love."
Techno hummed. "Not really. Phil's around."
Tommy piped up at that. "Sometimes."
The girl huffed. "Shut up. Also dad wouldn't steal my shit."
This cause techno and Wilbur to speak up-techno without looking. "Language."
"Something got stolen? What was it?" Wilbur glanced at the girl, frowning softly at her-oh, she did seem upset. He paused, taking in her quivering lip and raising an arm out to her, but she held firm.
"My book!"
Tommy jerked a thumb at Techno, who ignored him, while the girl huffed angrily. "No, the one with my flower presses an'-!"
Wilbur sighed, placing his cards down and turning fully to the girl, opening his arms to her, giving her a look when she didn't move, before she finally crawled into his lap and arms as he rubbed her back, between her wings soothingly. "There, there, love. We told you to keep your presses in your inventory."
"But I don't use the stinky method you an' Tommy do!"
Tommy huffed at that, resting his chin on his palm and frowning at Wilbur before glancing at the girl. "Who would even want it?"
That got her to gasp indignantly at him, huffing angrily. "Lots of People! Daddy says it's the bestest collection of stuffs in the world!"
Techno grunted softly from his log. "It is."
The girl threw up her arms as Wilbur nodded, continuing to rub her back gently, the girls eyes narrowing. "...I heard you were all up late last night. E-espicially you, Tommy."
Tommy blinked at her. "What? Why would I even want your stupid fucking flowers?"
Wilbur hummed. "How'd you even know it was flowers, Tommy?"
"Yeah!" The girl gasped, while Tommy spluttered.
"What?! She just fuckin' said-"
"*language*." Techno repeated, still not looking up as he turned the page in his book.
"I wouldn't want your flowers, and I was up late with Wilbur, anyway." The boy muttered, crossing his arms angrily as the girl glanced at Wilbur suspiciously, who gently booped her nose.
"Would I ever do that to my favorite sister?" He hummed, smiling at her.
"Yes." The three others replied instantly, and he gasped, placing a hand over his heart.
"Oh, you all wound me. I am the greatest brother I can be, and-"
Techno hummed. "You stole my things since you were born."
"You take my shit all the time." Tommy huffed.
The girl pouted at Wilbur. "An' you always take my food."
Wilbur hummed. "Well, this is different. This means something to you."
Tommy hummed. "It's a book, Techno probably took it." He muttered, and Techno didn't even grace that with a response as both y/n and Wilbur turned to look at the boy for a moment before Wilbur spoke.
"Weird of you to try and push off the blame, Tommy."
"Oh, for the love of-!"
The girl smiled at the four as they sat around the fire, beaming as Phil carefully filled her plate, before warning her softly, "careful, dove, the food is hot still."
She nodded, beaming as Tommy dug in immediately, before he quickly gasped as he burned his tongue. She giggled softly and he shot her a small glare.
Wilbur tuned his guitar, thanking Phil softly as he placed the plate on the log next to him, muttering under his breath as he formed keys with his hand, not playing yet.
Techno settled next to y/n, accepting his plate from Phil with a quiet thanks before he glanced down at the girl, staring around the at the group with shining eyes, kicking her legs as she held the plate carefully.
She glanced up at him, blinking in confusion, before he nodded at her lightly. "You have the look in your eyes. Why?"
She blinked at him. "What look?"
"The Look you get before you say something dopey." He hummed, taking a bite of her roll as she beamed at him. "All...sparkly."
She giggled softly, glancing back at the group around the fire as Phil settled on his own log, scolding Tommy softly as the boy made a mess. "I was jus' thinking' I want this forever, 'sall."
Techno hummed, a faint smile twitching at the edge of his lips as he looked at her. "Forever?"
She nodded happily, beaming up at him. "Mhmm. Forever."
He grunted at that, ruffling her hair as she tried to remove his hand. "Alright, nerd."
She huffed. "Hey! Daddy says I'm perfect the way I am."
Techno hummed, taking another bite of his breakfast. "Phil's a sap. Now eat your breakfast, Roo."
The girl huffed softly but carefully munched a forkful as techno spoke again. "And we'll see about that forever."
Gah!! My emotions! Please!
(I asked to be fed though.... It's a constant struggle)
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swampgallows · 2 years
crispy golden notes
1. weirdly interjects mentions of people eating/drinking and a list of what is being served. multiple times it feels superfluous especially because what’s described is usually just water, cheese, and bread. it doesnt add anything to the scenes beyond reminding the audience that the characters are mortal and need to eat sometimes (which can be a valuable sentiment to read about in the right context, but in most scenes is depicted in an alien and detached way, as if the audience is also not tacitly aware of the characters’ need to breathe).
2. girl do you have to hit a wordcount or what. is this a legal deposition? why do so many conversations have such thoroughly notated exchanges. again, there are times where you want to draw out a conversation in its entirety but so many points have been rehashed again and again in this book that they dont need a full callback every three chapters. you vowed when your brother was born that you would protect him no matter what. we get it. you dont have to reflect on the moment of his “perfect birth” every time the two of you have an argument, unless it is to display how disturbing your obsession with your brother is. like really, it’s fucking creepy.
3. siblings are, and have always been, written in the creepiest way imaginable. the fact that this book is dedicated to the author’s siblings is shocking considering the way sibling interactions are written is idyllic to the point of being unnerving. like, the hallmark channel would tell her to pipe down a bit. i thought the “my little moon” exchanges in war crimes were bad; the whole fucking family is “lady sun” “lady moon” “little moon” and “LITTLE LORD SUN”. and then the constant referring to anduin as the “little lion” and “now not-so-little lion” genuinely feels like some kind of a complex. i am still making my way through so we’ll see how it turns out, but i doubt a book written for the warcraft franchise will touch on the apparent obsession sylvanas has toward her younger brother and how she is later projecting it on anduin. it’s so glaringly apparent as the story continues that it makes me uncomfortable, as i feel it was entirely unintentional on the author’s part. maybe it’s because im not a parent and grew up in an age range too close to my other siblings to feel that sense of overprotectiveness so i’m interpreting it wrong. but others ive talked to also agree the chemistry is stilted or bordering on possessive. 
at one point in the book sylvanas explicitly compares her attraction to nathanos as superseding the intimacy she has with her brother (lirath, by name). considering that nathanos is her romantic interest, this is a beyond bizarre comparison to make. sometimes i will say that my own younger brother is my favorite man in the world, but he is not on a rubric of comparison to a romantic or sexual partner. maybe this was her backwards way of saying sylvanas was discovering her love for nathanos was “more than a friend” or “different from a brother”, but “...She needed nathanos. ugly, blunt, sarcastic nathanos, who somehow understood her better than anyone, even lirath” is a weirdly tinged way to put it. again this is a more doylist read of “golden wtf are you writing” than a watsonian interpretation because, as i said, i dont think it was executed well enough for this nigh inc*stuous attachment issue to be written deliberately.
4. dovetailing on point 3 a little bit, several different characters have displayed genuine anger over kids growing up. like seething over lirath becoming a man, or that any of the windrunner siblings are no longer children, or that anduin is the aforementioned “no longer little lion” or whatever. i can understand the melancholy of the linear passage of time, and wistfulness of how “they grow up so fast”, but there are some points where sylvanas’ parents and sylvanas herself express near malice over the kids getting older, that they are no longer “perfect newborns”, and that they are starting to make their own decisions and have their own feelings and opinions and expect to be treated as adults. it happened enough times to stand out to me as being weird. like, you’re elves. you’ve had literally hundreds of years to adjust. get a grip sylv
5. i know he means “richness” in terms of familial stability but anduin crying to sylvanas that he “never had those riches” is fucking hilarious. you are LITERALLY KING my dude!!! battle of the bluebloods up in this LMFAO the girls are fighting!!!!!!! it’s just so fucking funny hearing sylvanas and anduin tearfully bickering over who had slightly less privilege: sylvanas, born into nobility to a tight-knit loving family separated by war and her teenage hijinks before being tortured beyond all recognition into a banshee? or anduin, forced to grow up too soon with a murdered mother and an absent, then psychologically-compromised father, but is also literally king? of a kingdom? AND theyre both white?
6. hard to figure out who this book is for. warcraft is rated T for teen but there is such palpable discrepancy between the events occurring and the tonality of them that is simultaneously immature and morbid. things that are supposed to be heartwrenching are just goofy and things that are supposed to be lighthearted and humorous are tepid and banal, inauthentic as canned laughs and formulaic like an afterschool special. well, at least sylvanas holding lirath’s dead body (spoilers) was actually sad, unlike anduin wrynn holding his own after the downright comical war crimes AU battle. foreshadowing is rough but keeps within its expiration date. however one periodically remembers (and the book refreshes this factoid in a quite hilarious fashion) that the backdrop of these stories of childhood love and loss is the tartarus-like prison in a sanctum of eternal damnation which gives the whole thing a dissonant atmosphere. and not in a clever ka applegate “kids crave these stories, actually” way but in a grimdark comic book “too far down the rabbit hole” mcu type way. this elf is telling stories about getting kicked out of a fancy party to a prince chained up in hell to persuade him to join the devil and it’s not supposed to be even a little bit funny? im not convinced this entire book isnt a bit
more as i continue. maybe
(second part here)
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gingerwritess · 5 years
I'm painting my house! BEGONE UGLY YELLOW!!! What about some family fluff painting day?
ok this is definitely not what you were talking about BUT it’s still painting s o o o 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Uh oh!”
“Shh. They’ll wake up if you’re not quiet.”
Something brushes lightly across your bare back, tickling softly between your shoulder blades.
You’d love to guess Loki’s hand, but he’s fast asleep beside you, hand resting just under your chin—he must’ve had a hand on your cheek when you fell asleep.
“Uh oh.”
“Stop sayin’ that, Blueberry, it’s fine. They’re gonna love it!”
“…uh oh.”
The third little “uh oh” rouses you from your rest, the blurry bedroom slowly coming into focus as you blink.
As expected, your kids are visiting this lovely early morning—Elliot sprawled across Loki’s legs, little Frigg sitting calmly between the two of you.
“Wha’s goin’on?” You mumble, keenly aware of the fact that you’re a bit…bare, and probably shouldn’t roll over until you’re able to get the blankets back.
Elliot just gives you a sheepish grin, whipping his hands behind his back to hide. “Nothin’.”
“I don’t believe you,” you yawn, rubbing your eyes. “Frigg, honey, what’re you doing back there?”
“Uh oh,” she whispers.
That’s comforting.
“Is that—is that a paintbrush??”
Elliot’s face falls. “It’s washable! It’ll come right off!”
“Elliot!” You’d sit up, or at least roll over, but Frigg takes the wet paintbrush to your back again and you realise that might not be the best option, considering you apparently have a work of art smeared across your back. “What on earth made you think this was a good idea??”
He gives you another sheepish grin, twirling his paintbrush between his fingers. “Um…I just, um…Frigg told me to do it.”
“Uh oh.”
“Frigg told you,” you repeat, trying to give him your best glare over your shoulder. “Frigg, the baby. She told you to come paint your parents?”
His bright eyes flit away from yours.
“You know she only knows about four words, right?”
“Yup. She’s a real smart baby.”
You bury your face back in your pillow with a quiet groan. “Elliot, don’t lie to me.”
It only takes about two seconds before he cracks.
The tears come first, lip wobbling as his eyes brim with tears, and he flops off of Loki’s thighs to bury his face in the blankets, muffled sobs echoing through the room.
“I’m sorry,” he cries, “I just—I just wanna draw, and-and I wanted t’ do somethin’ with Frigg, and you’re just layin’ here—”
“Elliot,” you whisper, reaching back to rub a hand over his back. “Elliot. It’s okay, sweetheart. Look at me.”
He lifts his head, eyes red and sniffling. “I’m sorry, mommy.”
“I forgive you,” you quietly assure him with a gentle smile. “You just can’t lie to me like that. And you definitely can’t blame your sister for things that you do, you understand?”
“I understand.” He nods furiously, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. “Really, I do, I understand.”
“We’re all good, then.” Grabbing your pillow, you clutch it close and prop yourself up on your elbows to smile at him. “Now show me this piece of art you’re making. Dad’s back makes for a good canvas, doesn’t it?”
“Dah,” Frigg agrees.
Paintbrush abandoned, she’s apparently decided to switch to finger-painting your back, tiny fingers smearing across your shoulder blades.
Elliot nods, picking his paintbrush back up. “Well, I-I took all the bumps and made ‘em into stars. Kinda looks like space, doesn’t it?”
You scoot your way closer, studying the paint drying on Loki’s bare back—he might just be pretending to sleep, at this point, you wouldn’t put it past him.
All the bumps, Elliot said.
The bumps, apparently meaning the scars.
Each scar, each freckle on Loki’s back has been painted a dark blue, contrasting against his pale skin rather beautifully, actually. With his paleness and the painted scars and the darkened freckles, an expanse of constellations stretches across your husband’s back—you can’t believe you never noticed.
“That’s beautiful,” you tell your son in a hushed voice. “Geez, Elliot, you’ve got a good eye for hidden art.”
“Thank you!” A bright smile spreads over his face. “If he turned blue, then it’d really look like space, but I’m just gonna imagine it.”
That really would, completing the masterpiece perfectly; you’ve half a mind to run and get an ice cube, make him turn blue in his sleep just to finish off the painting, but at that moment, Loki squirms.
“Dah!” Frigg gives your back one last swipe with green-painted hands, then clambers over the mattress to Loki. “Dah, dah!”
His eyes flutter open and her little hands go straight to his cheek.
“Dah,” she coos, a gummy grin on her tiny lips.
“Morning, Frigg,” he laughs. “I hope that’s only paint on your hands.”
The little handprint she leaves on his cheek brings a laugh to your lips, and Loki reaches up to grab her chubby hand and plant a kiss on her knuckles.
“What brought about this cozy art session?” He yawns, huffing a disobedient lock of hair out of his face. “To be conducted in the nude, nonetheless?”
“Watch it,” you laugh and smack him lightly on the arm. “Elliot and Frigg wanted to paint, and somehow we ended up as the canvases.” You point at your back, laying back down on your stomach with a grin. “What do you think? Frigg painted this.”
“Me!” She bounces a little as she laughs, waving her green hands in the air.
Pushing himself up on his arms, he lightly pinches her cheek. “You, sweetheart? It’s absolutely beautiful, a masterpiece if I’ve ever seen one.”
He leans over to press a firm kiss to your cheek as you lay there, head turned to him and a conundrum of colours smeared around your back, unable to stop the smile that spreads over your face.
You turn your head just a bit, catching his lips in a deeper kiss before he can move away.
“I think you had the perfect canvas, Frigg.” Loki sighs happily when you break away. “Just look at your mother. A work of art even before the paint.”
“That’s enough, silvertongue.” You shake your head at him with a laugh. “Elliot, you should tell dad what you painted.”
“I painted the sky,” Elliot answers excitedly. “It’s space, and I drew some stars and I made all your bumps into stars, and they made a constellation!”
“All my bumps?”
“One sec. Can you turn blue real quick, Loki?” You reach over for your phone, focusing the camera on his scarred back as it shifts to that beautiful blue. “Look at what he saw.”
Scooting closer to him, you bump your arm into his and show him the photo.
“It’s even better when you’re blue like this,” Elliot pipes up, taking the brush back to Loki’s skin, touching up on the little body painting.
Loki just blinks a couple times, still staring at the photo.
A bit of hair falls in front of his face and you quickly push it behind his blue ear, a bit of anxiousness starting to prick at your heart—how’s he going to take this?
“I think it’s beautiful,” you offer, and dart forward to press a kiss to his cheek. “We’ve got two little artists on our hands.”
“Wha’d’ya think, daddy?”
“You’re going to make me cry.”
He buries his face in his pillow, and you and Elliot can’t help but laugh.
“I’m not joking,” he laughs, voice muffled, “you can’t go around saying things like that, you can’t be that soft with me.”
“Yeah, I can!” Elliot argues with a grin. “I love you, so hah!”
Frigg lets out a string of garbled giggles in agreement, bright eyes jumping from each of your smiles to the next.
Head still shoved in the pillow, Loki lets out an anguished groan. “You three. You end me. You ruin me.”
“Guilty as charged,” you hum with a smile. Taking his hand in yours, you lay back down beside him and plant a kiss on the tip of his blue nose. “Are you two done back there or is this how the entire morning is going to be spent?”
“Don’t move,” Elliot orders, climbing back onto Loki’s thighs. “I’m gonna draw the moon. Pass me the white paint, Blueberry?”
Loki grins at the little gurgle from the other end of the bed.
“Fine, I’ll get it,” your son huffs, and a hand lands heavily on the back of your leg as he reaches over the two of you for the open tub of paint. “I can’t—reach—oop.”
Something warm spreads over your thigh. 
In the sudden silence of the cozy little room, Frigg speaks volumes.
“Uh oh.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
feel free to send me ideas!!
if you enjoyed…what if i linked my venmo…haha no i jest…no obligations….just in case….u don’t have to ha ha…….unless… ??
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney @anxiousamandapanda @padmeisgay @authordreaming13 @lokisironthrone @theunknowinglys @highfuncti0ningfangirl @epicfallenismine @stubby-toe-589331 @fandomnerdsarecool @retrofantasyland @arch-venus25 @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @littleredstarfish @marshyrebelcloud @okie–loki @atterodominatus @stfxlou @pandacookieowo @tonakings @shinisenko @tinchentitri @nildespirandum @thefallenbibliophilequote @vodka-and-some-sass @highfunctioningfangirl19 @sadwaywardkid​ @lokioneshot​ @brooksaza
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Today was a pretty good day. I am really excited about going into work later. It really helped make today suck a little less. My jaw and ear are still really swollen, but Im in a much better mood. I slept pretty good too. Getting up wasnt as urgent, so I could just lay and take my time. James had woken me up to say goodbye before heading to their ESL class. But I just left myself lay here for a while. 
When I did get up I got dressed and felt very cute. It was cold in here so I wore a flannel and slippers. But I was in a nice mood. 
I had the crepes James left me. Did a little bit of cleaning. I worked in the studio for a while. I actually did some sewing! Very proud of myself. I also worked on a digital drawing and Im really happy with how it came out. I painted my nails and worked on some small stuff in the studio. It was a good morning. 
I was surprised when James came home around 11. The ESL class doesnt take all that long so they got to come and have lunch with me. It was good to spend time with them and just chill for a while. Some plans were laid about what needed cleaning and organizing. And I got ready to go to work. 
I had spent a good chunk of my studio time this morning covering cardboard in tinfoil for the kids to do some sharpie drawings on. I was pretty excited for the kids to get to try this new thing. So I use all our tinfoil and cut a bunch of flaps off cardboard boxes. And once lunch was finished I packed up my bag and headed to work. 
I ran into our neighbor, Nick, outside. He said my mask and makeup were very cool. His hair was looking great. It was nice to see him! He doesnt live here all the time anymore so it was nice to see a familiar face. 
I got to the Y site around 1240. Riquelle laughed at me that I was so early and I was just like. I told you I have anxiety!! I told her about the leak in our ceiling and the stress of that. But I was thankful for getting to go in late so I was still in a good mood. 
And it was an alright day. There were 11 kids, which became 12 after a bit. Most of the kids were really into the tinfoil drawing. Though there was some confusion about what I meant by "cells" but after an example most of them got it. I hung them on the wall and I think they look pretty great. 
We had some issues with snack. Just not enough food. But we made it work best we could. We took them upstairs to run around. One kid got hit in the head with a basket ball though and had his sunglasses broken and he was very upset. And just like, bruised. So I took him down to get an ice pack and sit quiet. 
I sat with him in the class while Riquelle called home. He was alright, but I think talking to mom helped. I worked on figuring out how to make a fortune teller thing that the project of the day called for. I was not that kind of girl and never learned to make one so it was neat getting to learn today. Travis mostly lead that project but all the kids got a working fortune teller by the end so thats all that mattered. 
The kids started getting picked up pretty quick after that. I ended up sitting down at the desk to call for pick ups when parents and adults came. It was nice to just get to chill by myself for a bit, and to talk to parents. Check in on some of the things the kids have been telling us about the work they have to do. Which mostly are lies or half truths. Sucks. I want to trust the kids, but I get not wanting to do work. So its hard. Were all doing our best. 
Our last kid of the day's nanny brought us BBQ??How nice. She brought me mac and cheese and corn bread. I was very excited to have those. So me and Travis quickly finished cleaning and closed up for the night. And off I went. 
Its nice having so much sun after work still. I walked home and found James and Mr Will working to solve the leak. It is going to be a plumber issue, and seems to be coming directly from the pipe in our closet. So while it sucks at least its not freezing or anything. Nothing is getting destroyed. Trying to stay positive. 
And it was funny seeing Mr Will play with sweetP in the hallway. I had my mac and cheese and cornbread. James made us pizza and salad too. We hung out. I got to open some mystery packs. They were all cute/ugly critters. And then at 7 I stuck to my word and worked on art for about an hour. 
I am working hard on my collages and its been nice having some more direction. The plan is to get some large scans of them to make prints to sell. Well see how well that works out. 
James and me sat in the dungeon and had some cheese cake and played video games. And now I am going to go take a shower and get ready to get some sleep. I hope tomorrow is another nice day. For all of us. 
Goodnight everyone. Take care of eachother. 
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lovely-angst · 5 years
Hi! I’m so glad to see you back, I’m dying with college too so good luck! So my request would be Bakugo forgetting his girlfriend bday and things get angsty and ugly and the Bakugo trying to make it up? You decide wether they make up or not muahahahha, thanks a lot and have a lovely day!
oof, me. My birthday last year was not so hot. Thankfully this year it went by pretty okay!
Bakugou is a Pro Hero in this fic! I thought it would fit the story a little better, hope you enjoy!
Today was your big day; your birthday had finally rolled around! The past few months had taken all of your power to not burst out of excitement and tell Bakugou how close your birthday was getting. You wanted to see if he would remember his own girlfriend’s birthday, it shouldn’t be too hard, right?
“Good morning Katsuki!” You chirped as you rolled around to lift yourself off the male, hovering over him with your arms on each side of his head. Bakugou squinted at you before turning away and tucking himself into his pillow, “Why are you so excited, go back to sleep,” he groans, pulling the blankets with him. “Katsuki, come on, lets go do something fun today!” You whine as you lay on his side dramatically.
“I can’t, I have work today,” he mumbled from underneath the blankets and you frown, getting off him and sitting beside him on the bed. “You work today?” you ask as he finally sits up, blankets falling off his bare chest. “You didn’t take work off or anything?” 
“No, why would I?” he asks puzzled but shrugs it off with a hard stretch. You furrow your brows slightly upset with how things are looking but you still had hope for today. “What time will you be done?” you ask as Bakugou stands from the bed and makes his way towards his dresser.
“Sometime around five, maybe?” he states, “Were you trying to do something today?” Bakugou asks and you laugh lightly at his question. “Well, not really. I have no plans today, I’m free all day!” you hint but Bakugou didn’t react at all. 
Bakugou didn’t mention anything about your birthday the entire morning before he left for to work for the day, but you still had hope. Bakugou was loving and he cared for you! There was no chance he could forget your birthday, you two had been together for all these years! 
At least, that’s how you tried convincing yourself.
“Thanks again, Mina! It means a lot to me!” You exclaim as you held the girl’s hands happily. As you were out buying a cake for you and Bakugou to share for the evening, you ran into Mina, who had wished you a happy birthday.
“It’s nothing! I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a present today, I wasn’t expecting to run into you like this!” she cried and you shook your head, “The fact that you remember is more than enough!”
She gave you a warm smile before perking up, “Oh! What did Bakugou do for you today? I bet he got you some red roses or an elegant ring!” She exclaimed excitedly but you could only smile back in response. “Um, he hasn’t done anything yet, but maybe he’s just trying to surprise me?” You state hesitantly and Mina steps back in shock. “You’re kidding! Has he at least wished you a happy birthday?!”
“Well...no..” You sigh dejectedly before she reaches over to grab your hands once more. “Do you need me to yell at him? I can go to his hero agency right now!” 
“Thanks, but it’s okay. I want to see if Katsuki will remember,” you sigh once more as you step away. “Thanks again for today, see you soon,” you say with a small wave as you make your way towards the bakery.
By the time you got home with the cake, four in the evening was approaching quick. You had spent your morning replying to birthday wishes from old classmates and spent the afternoon running errands. Bakugou would be coming home in an hour so you decided to give him a quick call just to check on him.
“Hi Katsuki, how’s work going?” You ask with a smile as you decorate your cake with many candles around the neat piping. “Coming home soon?”
“Same as usual, just finishing up these dumbass papers. Why do we even need to fill out paperwork?” Bakugou complains over the phone causing you to giggle. “But turns out im going to be at the agency a little longer today, later in the evening.” 
Your hand finishes placing the candles on the birthday cake as you look at it with sad eyes, “You can’t come home early?” You say in a voice so soft it almost comes out as a whisper. Bakugou sighs into the phone, “I’m trying to get this all done so it’ll be easier on us in the future.” 
“Okay,” you sigh, “see you later then.” and with that, the phone call ended.“The day’s still young...” you whisper as you placed the cover back over the cake with a heavy heart.
It was long past ten at night and Bakugou was still at the agency finishing his hero work. It had taken him much longer to complete his paperwork and other hero assignments in the office than he had anticipated. 
“Woah dude, you’re still here?” Kirishima exclaims, jerking to a stop when he sees his friend still in the office. “Unless you finish these papers for me, these papers don’t finish themselves,” Bakugou mumbles as he scribbles away.
“Shouldn’t you be home with (Name) right now?” Kirishima inquires and Bakugou turns around from his chair, “Did you even do anything with her today?” 
“What are you getting at?”
“Well, it’s (Name)’s birthday today.”
“No it’s not, (Name) didn’t tell me it was her birthday this morning,” Bakugou scoffs and Kirishima sighs disappointedly, “Of course she didn’t. Girls do that to test if their boyfriends remember their birthdays. You’re kinda hopeless in a relationship Bakugou..”
Turning around to grab his phone from his desk, Bakugou checked on the time only to find a little less than two hours until midnight. “Fuck!” Bakugou cursed as he grabbed his items and dashed past the red haired male. “Good luck!” Kirishima yelled out as he watched Bakugou running home.
When Bakugou reached the door to your shared space, he was nervous and incredibly guilty, to say the least. Opening the front door, he noticed all the lights off and all that surrounded him was the silent of the night. 
“(Name)?” Bakugou called out as he made his way towards the kitchen table. A cake was all that sat upon the table with a single sliced removed, the peice you ate by yourself alone on your birthday. 
Slowly, Bakugou made his way towards the bedroom where he found the door shut. Hesitantly he opened the door and found you on the bed covered in blankets, asleep probably. 
Stepping closer, his heart shattered in his body when he saw the light tear streaks illuminated by the moonlight streaming down your cheeks. You turned away from him and towards the wall as you covered your face with the blankets. 
“(Name), I-” Bakugou started, unsure of what to say to make you feel better. “Happy Birthday,” he said softly but you didn’t react. The room was silent for what felt like an eternity before you spoke up in a whisper.
“It doesn’t matter anymore; it’s already night time,” you said heartbroken. “Babe,” Bakugou whispered as he walked over towards the bed and turned you over, your face filled with sadness. “I’m- fuck- I know I'm an idiot for forgetting.”
“I waited for you to say something all day, Katsuki,” your replied as more tears filled your eyes, “All I waited for was a simple ‘happy birthday’ from you.” you brought the blanket to your eyes as you let out a sob. 
“Birthdays aren’t all that special but I thought that you could be there to make it special for me and make me feel special on this day, but in the end, I was left feeling like I didn’t matter instead.” 
All Bakugou could do was sit there and listen to your sobs. He really messed this up big time. The only day in the year dedicated to you and he forgot it. 
What a mess. 
“I can take work off tomorrow for you and we can celebrate together, that sounds like a solid plan,” Bakugou tries but you just shrug, “It’s not the same though cause it’s not on my birthday anymore.” You sure were a tough bug when it came to your birthday and though it was quite frustrating to Bakugou, he still couldn’t blame anyone but himself.
Checking the digital clock on the nightstand, it read an hour until midnight. That’s an hour left of your birthday. An hour left to make things right for you. Bakugou sighed to himself, what was he going to do?
As a thought emerged into his mind, Bakugou got up and left the bedroom. You didn’t move from your spot until you had heard him slowly come back towards the bedroom, setting a few things down on the nightstand, it sounded like he was carrying things? 
Finally sitting up, your eyes widened in surprise as you found Bakugou holding the cake with all it’s candles lit up in front of you. Looking up at him, he quietly, yet embarrassed, sang you a happy birthday with that low yet charming voice you loved.
“Happy birthday to you,” he finished as he glanced at your illuminated cheeks from the flames. A small smile made its way onto your lips as you blew out the candles. Bakugou held back his smile for you after seeing you lighten up a bit. He hurried and placed the cake back on the kitchen table before joining you in bed with the soft moonlight in the room. 
“It wasn’t much, but I hope it was enough,” Bakugou whispered against your cheek as you turned to face him, your eyes staring into his. “Can I ask for something Katsuki?” You whispered back, he was silent, an answer for you to continue. “Could you hold me tonight?”
The sudden request caused Bakugou’s cheeks to flush before letting out a sputter of nonsense. “W-what the fuck kinda request is that?” He blushed as you stared at him with that sweet look of yours, causing him to be unable to look at you. “Katsuki-”
Before you could say anything, Bakugou pulled you into his arms and securely wrapped his arms around you. “It doesn’t have to be your birthday to ask for such a lame request like this,” he states roughly. “It doesn’t matter what day it is, as long as it’s what you want.”
You smile gently into his chest before you close your eyes, “Thank you Katsuki. This birthday isn’t so bad after all,.”
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nic-214 · 4 years
Maylor: Pretty Boy (1)
Brian blushes darkly his eyes on Roger Taylor the most popular boy in the whole fucking school. He had a string of girls following after him, as they pass by one of the girls a brunet with pink streaks bumps into him making him knock into the lockers, "Watch it crater face."
Brian touches his acne ridden face and he looks away, "It's not that m-many."
Freddie slowly comes to his side, "Bri?"
"Is it that noticeable?"
"What?" Freddie asks.
"My acne." Brian spat a little because of his braces.
Freddie squints and looks at his face closely, "You have more freckles than anything."
Brian fixes his bun and sighs sadly, "I wish I was like Roger."
"Who would want to be him? He fucked the principal's daughter! Vandalized lockers! Cheats on tests!"
They didn't realize Roger was looking over at them a smirk on his face. He walks himself back over, "Look at me as I say this curly,"
Brian kept his eyes to the ground clutching his books tightly in his thin arms. He could smell Roger's cologne, it made him smell heavenly.
"You can't be like me. You're too much of a softie.''
"You cried when the classroom snake died!" Roger tells him laughing, "You're a cry baby."
Freddie pushes Roger back from Brian, "Stay away from him or I'll let all of Eastwood know your secret."
Roger growls, "You wouldn't dare."
"One more bullying incident and the video is leaked." Freddie warns.
Roger hisses and stomps off like a pissed off cat, "What secret?" Brian asks as the two walk to lunch.
Freddie leans in real close Brian could feel his hot breath tickle his ear, "This college senior, John last name starts with an L, he fucked Roger, okay? And he filmed it and give me the link. I've being using it as blackmail against Roger the entire time, I'm untouchable."
Brian shivers and picks at a zit on his chin, "That's wrong."
"Do you want the link?"
Brian pauses he felt something tingle and he looks to his older friend. It would be nice to humiliate Roger for a bit to let him know the video is being shared around, "I want it." he promises to himself not to send it to anyone else, that it will be just for blackmail purposes he won't even watch it.
"Good boy." Freddie says wiping out his phone.
Roger stands in front of Ms. Green the new English teacher she's young fresh out of college teacher,
"Well, Ms. Green do I still have detention now?" he didn't mean to throw the dictionary at Paul Prenter but he's too stupid to duck. A kid did yell out duck and Paul asked where so that was his own fault.
Ms. Green is pressed against her desk panting she shakes her head and blushes as Roger fixes the buttons on her blouse, "Y-You may go, Mr. Taylor."
Roger winks at her, "See you Friday." he licks his lips and leaves. Once he made sure she couldn't see him, the blond took a mad dash into the bathroom, "Disgusting." he spits into the trashcan and rises his mouth with the tap water.
"Not doing that again." Roger huffs drying his face off.
"Hey, R-Roger."
It was that Richard kid, he typically ran errands for the Pauls, or that George kid, sometimes he even worked for Lennon.
"What, Dickie." Roger says pushing away from the sink and strolling to him.
Richard exits the men's room and so does Roger, Paul McCartney was waiting out there he was Lennon's current boyfriend along with the two Asian girlfriends Lennon was screwing.
Roger stands their confused, "May I help you two?"
"Paul wanted you." Richard tells him.
"And he couldn't of stepped in there with me why?"
"They're gross." Paul pipes in, "Now that curly and the Muslim kid he hangs out with,"
"Sir, Fred's not Mus-"
Paul snaps his fingers, "Sit, Richard."
Richard sits down his face flush with humiliation, "Now as I was saying before the dumbass got in the way curly and the Muslim kid are starting to get too nosy with you and the scandal you caused."
"John fucking me?" Roger whispers.
"Yes.. Yes..." Paul says snapping his fingers again to Richard.
The boy hands Paul his phone, "I know a way for you to get even with the Muslim kid and curly in involves the upcoming prom. Make them wish they never got involved, got it?"
"What's in it for me?" Roger asks.
"560£." Paul tells him, "All cash."
Roger lowers his head, "What do I have to do?"
"Well you have too," Paul leans in and whispers in his ear.
Two weeks later, Freddie is getting Brian ready for the dance once the final touches were done Brian asks, "Well how do I look?"
"Stunning." Freddie says clapping his hands.
"How do I look?" Freddie asks doing a little twirl for him.
"Very gorgeous." Brian says fixing his corsage, "If you were my type I would totally shower you with love and affection right now."
Freddie giggles pulling his closest friend into a tight bear hug, Brian snuggles into his neck he felt safe and the faint scent of his perfume was calming, "Are you ready?"
Brian nods grinning ear to ear this was the first prom he's ever gone to and it made him so happy. This is the most attention he's ever received, his parents practically forgot they had a son so interactions basically were yelling that he forgot to do a chore or for them to sign something for him.
Freddie kisses his forehead, "Come lets get to you car and go."
Brian nods and gets into his car, he drives to prom with Freddie good god he felt so nervous and sick. Freddie gives him a reassuring smile, "Hey don't worry. It'll be great, I even invited Deacon to come along!"
"John Deacon? Son to the priest guy? Good luck getting into John's pants tonight."
Freddie waves his hand knocking his handbag onto the floorboard, "I can get into anyone's pants. Just you wait."
Brian laughs rolling his eyes, "Don't be such a perv, Fred."
Freddie laughs picking up his bag, "Don't worry. I want to wait until he's legal."
Brian nods, "Waiting is good. "
They pull into the school parking lot and Brian felt his nerves get all jumbled. He let Freddie lead the way he freezes spotting Roger Taylor, he looked so hot.
Brian felt his mouth water, "D-Damn he cleans up well."
"Yeah but he doesn't know how to dress formal." Freddie chuckles going over to his Johnny.
Brian blushes darkly as Roger walks over. Roger looks down at his hand, squints then looks to Brian, "Hello, Brian. Care to dance?" there was a tone in his voice that made him feel weak.
"Y-Yeah." Brian takes Roger's hand as he leads him to the dance floor.
A group of girls glare at Brian as he's pulled along and he shudders a little. He feels bad for the girls they probably waited the whole school term to dance with him and here comes a ugly ass nerd getting their only chance.
It was like Roger can read his mind, "Don't think about them. You're my only right now. Let me focus on your beauty."
Brian nearly faints he's never been talked to like this before. He takes his time dancing with Roger even as he steps on the poor boy's feet, "It's okay." Roger says, "I wasn't good either when I first started. Hell Im still not that good."
Roger was amazing at dancing it put Brian to shame.
They finished dancing and got to talking more at their table. Soon the prom king and queen voting cards were passed around. Brian knew he wouldn't win that's a fantasy, some cliche fanfiction but he couldn't help but dream of the crown on his hand and the warmth of Roger holding his waist. He was snapped out of his daydream by him and Roger being announced as the prom kings a first for their school.
He smiles at the crowd as they clap for them. He holds the flowers close to him he saw Freddie giving him the thumbs up as John beams at him. This was the best night of his life, he would never forget it.
Roger kisses him on the stage and Brian melts into his arms. They are taken off the stage quickly after that, Roger keeps snogging him in the back of the room, he grabs Brian's ass making the boy blush darkly.
"You're still a virgin aren't ya?" Roger asks nipping at his neck.
Brian grips onto his bicep and pants, "Y-Yeah." he didn't really know why Roger brought that up.
"Why don't we have some fun?" Roger asks teasingly.
Brian finally realizes what Roger meant. And thought back to Freddie he did sleep with Paul Prenter before, he decided to go with it.
Roger takes his wrist and leads him out of the gym and into the empty science classroom, "Get undressed, baby." he licks his lips eyeing him through his sunglasses.
"R-Right here?" Brian asks shyly.
Roger started to feel like shit. He was truly falling for Brian and that dorky smile of his with those big blue braces he couldn't go on with the prank, "No, I want your first time in my house."
Roger rushes him out and drives to Brian's place with the guide of Brian. He presses Brian against the close door and kisses him, "Your love is with more than any money anyone could give me. I love you.''
Brian blushes darkly his whole face redder than a fire truck, he was feeling so many new things it was all a rush, "I-I love you too."
They rush to Brian's room where Roger undresses quickly leaving him in his briefs, Roger lays him on the bed he wanted to chuckle at how dorky Brian's room was but he felt like he shouldn't this is what made his Brian, his Brian. Roger kisses him again undressing him slowly pressing heated kisses throughout his bare body, "Can I take these off?" Roger asks thumbing the waistband of Brian's Star Trek theme boxers.
Brian covers his face embarrassed, "Y-Yes." if he would of know he was going to score tonight he would of gone with a plain pair.
Roger uncovers him he smiles softly, "You're beautiful, Brian. Truly a beauty."
Brian blushes darkly he felt his arousal grow more and a needy whine leaves his lips, "R-Roggie.~"
Roger pulls a travel size bottle of lube from his jacket pocket on the floor, "Hold on. Let me prep you."
"W-What should I do?" Brian asks.
"Spread your legs apart." Roger instructs him, "And let me do the work."
Brian does as told gripping onto his pillow tightly as Roger presses a finger into his tight heat. The curly haired boy tosses his head back and groans. It hurt badly, it stung, it felt so uncomfortable. He waited until Roger was trying to scissor him that he couldn't take it anymore, "S-Stop, Roger."
Roger stops, "Want me to remove my fingers?"
Brian nods and sniffles, "S-Sorry for ruining our night."
"You weren't ready and that's totally fine." Roger says cleaning him up gingerly, ''I can wait for it."
Brian snuggles into his chest letting himself be held in Roger's strong arms, "Thank you for being understanding."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." Roger tells him kissing his head holding him close and loving on him.
Little did Roger know is Paul carried on the plan and got all the footage he needed to blackmail Brian and Freddie, next week at school will be hell for them.
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hobimysun-shine · 6 years
bts as billie eilish songs
I love both artist so much because they are so diverse, so driven and in love with their art, so here’s what my mind created at 2am when i actually gotta study for an exam, but anyhow, enjoy
Jeon Jungkook - Ocean eyes 
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“Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind Careful creature Made friends with time”
- color scheme: Venice lavender; purple rain; valor blue 
- grey clouds, quiet ocean, salty air, cold sand, bare feet, long sweater, careful wind, watery eyes, 
- angelic, naive, trusting, incapable of stopping emotions
- a feel of uncertainty for the future, because you still have so much to experience in life, it’s hard to know who to trust, where to go and what your tears mean, who you should give them to 
- young love, pain
- it basically speaks of someone who is impressed by another human - love based on instinct and intuition, when you’re young you just feel things, even if you don’t know where these emotions come from (jungkook-namjoon relationship) ; 
- trusting someone by the feeling you get around them, without being able to trust your common sense,
- have you seen jungkook’s beautiful, ocean, doe eyes ?? (if not, then wth you doin’ with your life))
Park Jimin - idontwannabeyouanymore
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“I just wish you could feel what you say Show, never tell But I know you too well Got a mood that you wish you could sell
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before I don't wanna be you anymore”
- color scheme: pale smoke; scotch mist; apple blossom 
- cold air, morning dew, raindrops at the bottom of your window, the fabric softener your mom uses to wash your sheets, soft breathing on the side of your neck, white mirrors 
-  self-persuasion, self-critique, inner conflict, serenity, content, libra’s aesthetic approach
- if you have listened to lie and looked at the lyrics, you know why i chose this song for jimin 
- you basically get the feeling that the person is speaking to himself in this song, trying to find an answer, as to why he puts himself through all these hardships, when he could break free from this vacuum of perfectionism he created for himself
- let’s be real, we all know what jimin had to go through and maybe is still going through with being too harsh on himself, with his body image and his appearance on stage, i hope he is doing well now and is content with himself, cause he is a 100/10 and we all love him so much 
Kim Taehyung - hostage; my boy 
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“I wanna be alone Alone with you - does that make sense? I wanna steal your soul”
“ My boy's an ugly crier but he's such a pretty liar”
- color scheme: concord purple; red wine; aurum gold
- big windows, night sky, city view, studio apartment, dark walls, smell of acrylic paint, ripped jeans with that paint splattered on them, acoustic guitars on the walls, quiet jazz music, film paper smoke, deep laughter, strong arms around your waist
- artistic freedom, no fear of judgement, mutual understanding, chest butterflies, assurance, hope, soulmates, in tune with your emotions, who cares if the world doesn’t get us, we get us
- hostage just reminds me of two people, who connect on a soul level so much, that what happens is their love turns into mutual engagement, similar to keeping each other as hostages in their hearts, however i wanted to turn the meaning of that song less toxic for taehyung,, 
- i believe that if there’s a member that would want to connect with people in such level as the song suggests, it would be taehyung
- as for my boy, idk it just gives me a similar base line as in singularity, and i don’t know it’s just probably my fave song of billie and i feel like it is just taehyung’s vibe when i listen to it 
Jung Hoseok - bellyache
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“ Everything I do the way I wear my noose Like a necklace I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere Like I'm wreck-less
I lost my mind I don't mind “
- color scheme: marigold yellow; apricot orange; candy red
- summer heat, tan skin, blushed cheeks, endless roads, loose shirts, scratched knees, rich kids away from home, one backpack and a shiny red ford convertible from your bf’s dad’s garage, loud music, lips, swollen from kissing, night fireworks
- fed up with everything, escape from reality, that one summer you will never forget, vibrant love, point of no return, rhythm, gut intuition, boldness 
- i don’t know exactly either, it’s just these are the connections i make when i hear this song, and all of that screams hobi to me (aries moon) 
- also am i the only one who imagines he would make a killer dance routine to that song (but again he could probably dance to a water drops going down a pipe, so,,)
Namjoon - bury a friend; copycat 
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“What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go? “
“ Perfect murder, take your aim I don't belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name”
- color scheme: pearl river; silver fox, steel wood
- empty stage, burning projectors slowly being turned off, microphone heavy in your hand, as the words that went though it start to make sense, sweaty hair, footsteps echoing in the vast space, feeling of falling down, unexpected, but comforting hug, security, the calming scent of someone you know in this new environment, tears of fear and excitement at the same time, new life, new beginning
-  words said out loud, revenge, mixed feeling of content and fast approaching emptiness, always racing thoughts, insomnia, trying to fill a void, searching for an overall meaning, 
- so bury a friend is just has all these questions man. they remind me of rm’s mind. i feel like all of them are things he had already asked himself, or themes he implies in his songs too 
- copycat is for namjoon swiftly leading a group that got a ton of criticism in the beginning and is still getting hate, but regardless he manages to stay on top, write what he feels, be a real artist and throw everything people said about bts failing back at their faces 
Min Yoongi - lovely ; you should see me in a crown 
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“Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here Even if it takes all night or a hundred years Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear”
“ You should see me in a crown I'm gonna run this nothing town Watch me make 'em bow One by one by, one”
- color scheme: marble white; smoke ember; royal silver;  
- dark room, cold hands, shaky breath, unable to look at each other’s eyes, fear of the outside and the inside, pocket money, long fingers pressing the out-of-tune piano keys, weary smiles, small steps
 steady hands, marble walls, scent of freshly printed documents, looking through a box of old photo albums your mom sent, turning the pages a larger hand stops you from flipping the next page, two teenagers than look awfully like you two are staring back fearfully, low chuckles, eyes full of love  
- strong minds, growth, stability, strength, control, prosperity, hard work, passion, ambition
- lovely is in here because i feel like it portrays struggles with mental health and depression very well. you feel trapped and you feel like there is no one else who understands your personal hell and you are the only one who has to find a way for yourself to get out of that place. yoongi has been in such places before as we’ve heard from him and his lyrics, so i though lovely represents his struggles when he was younger
- you should see me in a crown. literally that’s all i can say, he worked for his success and he got it and he deserves it and he is killing it right now
- yall don’t know the amount of respect i got for this man and everything he has been through and i feel like these two songs portray his lowest and his highest in life and take account every struggle along the way and how he truly deserves everything he has right now 
Kim Seokjin - when the party’s over
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“ Don't you know I'm no good for you I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
Don't you know too much already I'll only hurt you if you let me
Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that”
- color scheme: night snow, onyx black, muddy grey
- smell of liquor, messy steps, blurred vision, flood of thoughts, the darkest time of the night, dried streams of tears on your cheeks, your boyfriend’s hand quietly holding yours, but them you have to split ways, walking alone on the dead street, cold wind air hitting your face, but you find comfort in it, you reach home, but you can’t seem to go in; so you sit on the sidewalk, looking down; you hear distant steps; he sits down in the snow next to you; the sky slowly, but surely becomes lighter 
- quiet sadness, deeper understanding of the world, human relationships seem harder, yet simpler, timeless feeling, a sense of maturity
- this song is just a masterpiece. hear me out, i don’t think i would understand this song as well as i do now, if i have listened to it a few years back. I would have been like “oh yeah it’s sad”
-But like. no. It’s not just sad. It’s a song that shows so much maturity and experience with life that first of all, idk how billie is so young and is able to create music like that. Second of all i don’t think anyone else of bts would fit better to it, than jin 
- people tend to overlook his deeper emotions because he tends to distract from them, he always acts “silly” and tells jokes, but i feel like in songs like epiphany and awake we can see that jin really sees the world and his abilities from a much more mature point of view than other members. And i get the same vibe from billie’s song, so i feel like it would fit best for jin. 
So actually this was way longer than i planned, but yeah, this is just strictly my opinion and it was just an idea i had at 3am now, as i said, hope it’s fun to read :))
im off to bed, because i’m so sleep deprived i will start hearing colors soon 
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ybcomplicated · 5 years
Soft Songs
The ache was too much sometimes. It throbs in my chest like a hammer on my rib-cage, an angry thrust against my lungs to the beat of some Billie Eillish song, and a weight on my throat making it impossible to breath. But somehow i still feel the smoke filling my lungs and fogging up my brain. The sting in soft pink tissue deep beneath the skin keeping me together. 
My body floats in an endless sea of tears that won't fall because i wont allow them too. It comforting in a way. The sting in my eyes out weighs the ache in my chest. Its a slow simple ting now against the sweater over my torso. The sweater that reminds me too much of how I’m alone at this moment. The Anti-Social Social-Club. 
What a joke. Being antisocial was a choice people make. To not be around others either because you can't handle it or because you don't want to. It's not sitting alone in your car without anyone to call you and check in. It's not the inability to go anywhere with anyone because you don't want to be doing it alone. It's not being alone because you have no other choice. 
Loneliness may be what causes the ache. Or at least part of it. Definitely not all of it, This ache I’ve had for years, it just intensified more so in these recent months I guess.  It’s all a little foggy these days. Days intertwine and hours seem to fade like scars. Not completely gone, but enough to not really remember them.
“What the actual fuck?” a voice cuts into my musing. It is slightly muffled but catches my attention all the same.
I look out the window slowly and lift my drooping eyelids enough to see my sister standing outside the door with her hand on her hips and face like a disappointed mother. My mother probably wouldn't be disappointed. Just sad.
I roll down the window letting smoke seep out towards the grey sky, the rain stopping for this one moment of confrontation, as if it can't fathom falling on the all powerful and great Abby, “Hey, sis.”
Abby looks looks me over while I rest my head on the back of my seat and stared at her through the haze of fog in my brain, “Siyera…. Why didn't you call me? You promised to call next time you felt like this.”
I stare at her without responding and she sighs before walking to the passenger door and getting in. Her face showing her distaste for the smell in the car. I unconsciously move to grab an incense and light it up with my little pink lighter. I roll down her window as well and let the music and smoke flow out the car windows quietly. 
Now it was some Ed sherran song that was somehow on my playlist but I don’t remember putting it there. I look at my phone and see im listening to some random playlist and remembered that I didn't make this one.
“‘TikTok Soft songs’’? A little soft for your usual taste isn't it?” Abby tries to joke softly and I shrug putting out the joint in my ashtray. I stared out the window and didn't pay attention to her. The voice was a soft muffle in the fog in my head. Barely making it through any better than she was out my window.
“Do you think that when I die, people will actually go through my stuff? Or will Wayne just leave my room alone? Keep it like a space lost in time, collecting dust and never being used again? Or will he just pack up my shit and pretend i was never there?” I ask quietly.
Abby watches my face as if to find something and I caught her eye. Brown on brown. So different but the same. Mine red and hers a clear white to match her white tank top. Abby was always the pretty one. She was a nice 5’6”, she had a nice build and perky breasts. Legs for days and large lips that didn’t belong anywhere but a beautiful black woman. Yet somehow they were put on this white lady. And to top it off she was a crazy person who didn't give a shit if people saw her. She was a catch.
“I-,” She paused trying to collect her thoughts. I could see the cogs in her brain turning through her eyes, “I hope that it's not for a long while, and it's your kids looking through your stuff. Trying to decide what they want to take and what they should give away. I know that's what you would want. Your stuff to be given to a thrift store so someone else can love it the way you have.”
I laugh bitterly at her, “Right, Pipe dream, babe.”
“Siyera, why are you here? You could have gone to a park or the parking lot of a Walmart, or Lissa’s. Yet you are getting high in the parking lot of my School. You know that you could get arrested? And then id have to explain to Wayne and mom and dad why you were there with weed!” She says gesturing to Dave in the center console of my mustang. 
I sigh and look up at the roof of my car. The back seemed to suck me in, “I wasn’t planning on smoking Abbs. It just happened. Alex hit me up as I was on my way here to talk to you instead and it-”
My throat closed up and Abby looked at me with sad eyes. I hated that look. The pity in her gaze. The disappointed tone in her voice. The uncomfortable stature of her person as she sees me breakdown next to her, unsure if she should hug me or get out of the car. 
I wish she would just leave. I don't want her to see me like this. I don't want anyone to see me like this. The last time anyone saw me like this was two years ago at one of my old jobs. This time it wasn't so bad but it was close. It's’ more sadness than panic this time.
It’s like a wave washing over me, pulling he under the current, unable to come back up. Breath gone and head high with lack of oxygen. Maybe I shouldn't have smoked. Maybe I should lay down? Maybe I should go home and sleep it off.
Abby sighs with tears in her eyes that she won't let fall as i fall apart in my car. The rain had started up again and it matched me. Heh, Aesthetic. I feel like in floating, like I'm watching everything happen from the outside. I watch as Abby goes out into the rain, I feel a bit disappointed at the rain making the perfect curls of her hair flat and stick to her face as she gets me out of my car and into her apartment. She gets me in the door somehow and sits me down at the table.
I'm not processing anything. I'm not really think about anything either, though I guess that's not true. I'm thinking about how im not thinking about anything. I start to giggle and Abby comes back in with sweatpants and a shirt that she puts in my hands and pushes me towards the bathroom.
“Change and then come back. You are staying here tonight, I’ll message Wayne so he knows and doesn't freak out. I won't tell him about this, I promise,” She must have seen the panic on my face at the thought of Wayne finding out about my relapse. I don't need him to know! He will just be disappointed and I only want one person disappointed in me at this moment. I don't think I'd be able to handle more.
I change and make my way into the living room and make myself comfortable on her second hand couch she got from our grandmother. It was an ugly thing, with a faded flower pattern that still faintly smells of cat piss. I found a pack of smokes that were hidden in my sweatshirt pocket and lit one up. I breathed it in and held it before letting it out to the air, to be dissolved in the air that the ceiling fan made. 
“How many times do I have to tell you not in the house?” Abby says sitting next to me and looking disapproving at the cigarette. I hold eye contact as i take another drag.
“And how many times have I listened?” I say letting the smoke seep through my words.
“You are disgusting,” She said with a slight teasing tone.
“It’s what you love about me,” I say with a smirk and she laughs.
The ache is still there but it’s not so bad now.
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personagf-moved · 6 years
alphabet & soft questions ✨
I was tagged by my bb’s @prksjmiin (alphabet ask) and @joonieblossoms (soft ask) and i didn’t want to make two separate posts so im gonna apologize in advance bc i decided to stick both posts together :’) dkdkkdkd yall aint gotta read everything but if u do ily and im sorry i write novels on novels dlfksdkf
i’ll tag @koyasdad, @1ovegf, @joonlit, @sleepyyyoongs, @constellationstars and @capgi 💘
honestly feel free to do either one or both or none if u want dkkdkdkd i just wanted to tag u guys bc ily
Alphabet ask:
a // age: 21
b // birthplace: new jersey!
c // current time: 1:17 am
d // drink you had last: coffee
e // easiest person to talk to: my brother when he isnt being an absolute fool
f // favorite songs: 
aint it fun - paramore
trivia love 
honey - kehlani
abbey - mitski
moonlight - ariana grande
g // grossest memory: i was in the city one time and a bird shit on my forehead. i think about it at least twice a week 
h // horror yes or horror no:  H O R R O R   Y E S   B A B E E E Y Y Y Y Y Y Y im the absolute worst person i’ll dead ass watch a scary movie/video or read horror stories by myself just bc. 
i // in love: with my whole ass soulmate namjoon. i luv u string bean man
j // jealous of people: im not even gonna try to lie i am a very jealous person and i am so sorry about it but i really cant help it lmfao. blame my scorpio venus i guess
k // kids of your own someday: when i say i have been thinking about this everyday.........! i wanna have it all i want the kids the white picket fence the dream house everything. i cant wait to be a mommy one day and love n support my bb’s :’)
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: we a whole ass fool on main and believe in love at first sight!!!! i really do believe soulmates are a true thing and if a love is destined to be across an infinite span of lifetimes and universes then it will always find its way back. when you know, you know, and i genuinely believe that. 
m // middle name: padilla
n // number of siblings: 1 older brother, 1 half brother (older), and 1 half sister (older)
o // one wish: to find true love
p // person you last called: my manager bc i had a work question lol
q // question you’re always asked: “why are you like this” (usually friends @ me when i wild out...which is like everyday), “are you mad?”, “how old are you REALLY?”, “how’s your brother?” (bc he ghosts all family n i have to speak on his behalf like always fsdfjksdf)
r // random fact about you: i once used a horrible bootleg copy of the force awakens to make a star wars crack video dubbing the part in shrek when he first meets donkey over the scene when rey first met bb-8 and it went viral and has like 200,000 notes and even had articles written about it. also i had a weird fascination with jar jar binks and danny devito when i was in high school and i had a habit of making either one of them my icon on school accounts so i could make people laugh when they emailed me or saw me in a word document skfkkkfkf
s // song you last sang: “abbey” by mitski :’(
t // time you woke up: exactly 10 this morning and it was weird bc i picked up my phone and it had JUST turned 10 when i looked i was so shook lol 
u // underwear colour: she be black 
v // vacation destination: paris bc im a basic bitch :’) also japan/all asian countries. i wanna connect with my roots more :/
w // worst habit: yeeting the fuck outta people’s lives when i think they’re getting too close/when i get overwhelmed. im sorry im a flighty bitch @ anyone i’ve ever ghosted :( i love anyone who’s ever tried to talk to me and its never ur fault, i just get the urge to escape sometimes and i’m trying to fix it 
x // x-rays: omg @ tori dead ass me too tho, i had x-rays when i broke my arm when i was around 6 :o
y // your favorite food: my mom’s spaghetti! and sushi. also i love any and all filipino food but specifically i like nilaga and kare-kare oooo baby
z // zodiac sign: we’re a proud libra sun 
Soft ask:
What’s the smell of your shampoo?
we got them fruity scents up in here we keep that shit smellin like a goddamn strawberry field take a fuckin whiff babes
What’s your aesthetic?
the moon and stars, soft pink and purple sunsets with a burning red on the horizon, sunrises as well, paintings and generally all art revolving around flowers and the celestial, pretty pastel pink and yellow, the sound and smell of rain falling against the window while being curled up in bed uwu 
What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
lately it’s been night time. i generally get more creative and feel more at home during the night. i miss being a morning person tho. 
What do you most like about the beach?
not a lot fklsjdjfkslkdflksdlkf i usually only go to get a tan and walk the boardwalk with my friends, but if i had it my way i would never step foot in the ocean for the rest of my life sdjdjdjdjsj we dont trust her!!!!!!!!!
What do you worry about constantly?
when i’m gonna figure out what i wanna do with my life lol. i took a year off to think about it but all i ended up doing was working myself to exhaustion and getting comfy in a work only mindset and now i’m only even more confused about what i want to pursue. i’m just glad im going to chicago next week because i feel like a change of setting for even just a week could give me a much needed reset on my mindset going into the next year. i worry about the future but the problem is i worry about the present too lol. oh well, we’ll figure it out!
What is a song you’ve cried to before?
oh boy...
trivia love
first love
she used to be mine - waitress soundtrack
20 something - sza
26 - paramore
the letter - kehlani
landslide - fleetwood mac
when you see my friends - mayday parade
and many........many many more...... skskskks music is my main emotional outlet so naturally im gonna cry over anything that reflects my heart
What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
as The World’s Number One Most Stressed Out Human Being™️ i am definitely in no way fit to give advice on how to relax LMFAO 
but i guess something that always works for me is putting on music i KNOW will make me sing a long or make me happy to distract me from the nerves i’m feeling. also putting on my favorite comfort movies to make me feel better (they’re big fish, scott pilgrim vs the world, and spirited away btw lol)
 What are some things that make you tear up?
the ending of coco, seeing my mom cry, or anyone i love cry tbh, when children are neglected/abused, thinking about the world i’ll have to bring my future children into and how i’m going to be able to teach them to stay strong and bright in the face of it, lyrics that hit too close to home, absolutely anything tbh i cry easy
What is your favorite from each sense?
sight - the view of my cherry blossom tree against a pink sunset in the spring of my childhood home, a person’s eyes and how they light up when they smile, especially when they crinkle as they laugh
smell - the earth after rain, a forest in autumn
taste - my mom’s cooking, good coffee on an early morning
sound - beautiful melodies and harmonies to accompany them, a baby cooing, birds chirping at sunrise
touch - my pillow when its nice and cool, a cat’s tummy, a baby’s cheeks, fingers running through my hair
What is an alternative reality you’d like to live in?
one where im married to namjoon n we have a lot of smart musical prodigy babies who have his dopey smile and i live comfortably in our big ass home in korea where i raise our babies n get that good pipe down every night like i should
jk i wanna live in a reality where magic is real and i can cast spells and live my best life as the true witch that i am
What are some troubles you face on a daily basis?
for starters im ugly as shit so theres one
if we mean practically then i have really bad knees and i recently busted them again so its been really hard getting up and down stairs lately and bending over 
but idk theres not really much. emotionally i just tend to get withdrawn and timid in public so it can be hard for me to speak up when i go out
What is one scene from a book that makes you really sad?
unfortunately i haven’t read as many books lately as i did when i was younger...so a lot of my memories are from books that i read like as a kid lol......THAT BEING SAID i think rue and finnick’s death in the hunger games was truly heartbreaking to read, the spine of my copies of both books have cracks on those pages bc i had to read it several times just to really believe it. also i thought it was written so heart wrenchingly well that i had to go back.  also in looking for alaska when pudge, a man who loved to know people’s last words, realized that he would never know alaska’s last words. im also really thankful for that book bc it introduced me to wh auden’s poetry and to this day he’s still one of my favorite poets of all time.  
Say something to your followers:
thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU for following me and for some reason deciding to stay after how many times i act up on the daily. all jokes aside i really appreciate every single one of you no matter the number and i sincerely hope that you always have love and joy in your heart and that 2019 treats you well. i HONESTLY mean it when i say that i am always here if you guys want to talk or send me things or roast me or talk shit seriously i wanna hear it all and talk about it all i think all of you are so interesting and so beautiful and i’d love to get to know more about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS! yeet!
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fight-me-wyatt · 7 years
Finn Wolfhard ~ Mistletoe ~ part one
Request/Prompt: Nope. Just a special since its Finns birthday on the 23rd and Christmas on the 25th. 
Ship:  Finn Wolfhard x fem!reader 
Summary: (for part one) Finn and the reader are childhood friends but kinda drifted apart. Finn invites her over for his birthday/Christmas party with all his cast mates. 
Type: Fluff! 
Warning: Only warning would be swearing, I think. 
 Word count: 2356 (including A/Ns) 
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! I'm going to be doing something a little different for this, and I'm going to post each day for them on the actual day (New Zealand time), so it'll be split into 5 parts. If that makes sense. Hope you guys don't mind me doing it this way! Tbh im not sure if ill be able to write it all in time, but might as well give it a shot!
Gif credit goes to @shitposting-tozier
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2 1 s t   D e c e m b e r . 
"Y/N pleeeeeaaassseeee" the muffled voice of Finn Wolfhard begged through the phone, "everyone's dying to meet you!" 
 I sighed and plopped down on the couch, spinning so I was upside down with my legs over the top and my hair brushing the ground. 
I loved talking to Finn and hearing his voice, but right now I was ready to end the call. 
"I don't know Finn... They're probably just saying that for your sake." I mumbled, staring at the world from an upside down point-of-view. 
Finn groaned through the phone and I rolled my eyes at his over-dramatising. It was cute, but extremely annoying. 
"Pretty please, Y/N?! I really want you there, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages! It'll just be like when we were younger and had family Christmas parties." He offered, trying to get me to come. 
He wanted me to agree to go to a Birthday/Christmas party he was having with all his cast mates and stuff. And as someone from his past, not really his present; I wasn't very keen to go. 
 Our families used to live next door, so Finn and I grew up together. We were best friends and we did everything together. Every year we had a massive neighbourhood Christmas party. But since the Wolfhards moved away, and with Finns acting, it got harder and harder trying to catch up. We kind of drifted apart, despite both of our efforts. 
I sighed, closing my eyes. 
The more we talked, the harder it was to say goodbye. The more I saw him, the harder it was to deny my feelings. 
"I don't know Finn. You'll be fine without me, you've got all your new friends there. I really wouldn't fit in. I'd be the only non-Cast mate. It would just be me sitting in a corner while everyone else has fun. I appreciate the offer, dude, but it's a no." I said softly, chewing my lip anxiously just thinking about the situation.
The more time I spent with him, the more likely it was for him to find out. 
On the other side of the phone there was quiet. Maybe he had finally given up? 
"Y/N/N, I wouldn't want to be there without you. You're my oldest and bestest friend, and I want to introduce you to my other friends so that all of my friends can be friends! I know for a fact you'd fit in. Josh will be there as well, so you won't be the only non-cast member! And if you end up sitting in a corner, I'll come sit with you. But, I guess, if you really don't want to go and it'd just going to make you uncomfortable, you don't have to come...." Finn said reassuringly. 
I pondered for a long moment, thinking through my options. 
Surely I could manage an hour or so... Just for Finn.. And he was right, we hasn't seen each other in ages, and I missed him so much. It was only one night, right? It wouldn't be that hard to act like the me that he knows, the one that was completely and utterly his platonic best friend... Right? 
"Fine. But only for you, asshole." I sighed. 
I heard a loud cheer from the phone, and laughed. 
Shit. What have I gotten myself into. 
"You weren't gonna give me the option to not go were you?" I asked, knowing the answer. 
"Nope. I was gonna keep bugging you." Finn said in a very happy voice. 
I simply laughed and wrote down the details of the party, not really listening. 
23rd. Finns house. Sleepover. Ugly Christmas sweater. 
"Okay, see you later, Finn" I said, wanting to get off the phone before ten minutes turned into two hours. 
"See ya, Y/N/N!" He responded. 
We hung up and I sighed, slowly sliding off the couch like a snake. My heart was pounding even from just hearing his voice.
I was screwed royally. 
Finns POV 
I put my phone down, letting out a sigh. I lean my head back against the couch and smile. 
It wasn't a great execution, but I got the intended end result, so that's all that matters. I sat up and opened my eyes to see the boys grinning at me expectantly.
I rolled my eyes and nodded, sending them up into cheers. Nic and Wyatt both slapped my back in congratulation and Jaeden wiped away a fake tear. 
"Guys, it's not that big of a deal." I groaned, running my hands through my messy hair. 
I mean, it was a big deal, but I wasn't going to tell them that. I had to act normal. Might as well get some practice in at it before Y/N came over for the party. 
Chosen scoffed and looked at me with raised eyebrows. 
"Dude, you've been spending all morning freaking out and writing a script for what to say to her, just to invite her to your party, despite knowing each other since forever." He teased. 
"And when you finally actually called her you couldn't stop blushing, and stammering and biting your lip." Dustin piped up. 
"Oh, and when she agreed to come you cheered as if you won a gold medal at the Olympics." Caleb said nudging me. 
I could feel my face heat up but I just rolled my eyes. 
"Whatever" I muttered sheepishly, glad that they had finished attacking me. 
Sophia walked in then, having gone shopping with my mom for some 'much needed girl time'. 
She looked at all the boys surrounding me, the blush on my face and the phone beside me, and quickly realised what was happening. 
"Oh, and don't forget about how he never shut up about her on set." She teased, one hand on her hip, the other holding a Starbucks coffee. 
 I groaned and buried my face in my hands as they all went around the circle, saying something I had said or done that gave it away. 
Everyone except Millie and Sadie added something in, and that was only because they hadn't arrived yet. 
Soon, Josh was telling them stories about times I had made an idiot of myself in front of her, since the three of us used to spend a lot of time together. 
Eventually, when my face was as red as a fire truck, I spoke up. 
"Okay. Fine. You got me. I have massive fucking crush on my best friend, Y/N, but there's no point. She only likes me as a friend, barely even that I think. Besides, I don't want to ruin the friendship, so please don't mention it to her?" I sighed, giving up. 
Jaeden rolled his eyes, but nodded. "Took you long enough to admit it, dumbass." He said grinning. 
"And we won't tell her. Yet. We have to actually meet her first and see if she's right for you, then we'll think about telling her." Jeremy grinned, winking. 
Sophia plopped down onto a spare chair, sighing. 
"I just can't wait to be the only girl. I mean there's gonna be three other girls here. That's like three more than I'm used to" Sophia grinned, changing the subject, thank god. 
 "Speaking of, when does Millie and Sadies plane arrive? I wonder how their holiday was..." Noah asked, checking his watch. 
"9pm tonight," I replied nodding, looking at my own watch. 
It was only mom and I that went to pick up the girls, since we wouldn't all fit in a car, and needed space for their luggage. 
It gave me a good opportunity to think. 
How was I gonna greet Y/N? Should I play it cool? Or act like I used to when my feelings were purely platonic? Or should I go out on a limb and flirt with her? 
I decided on acting. I was good at acting, I could do that easy. Just act like I didn't get butterflies whenever I see or hear her, act as if the way she would grin at me expectantly after telling a shifty joke, didn't effect me at all. Act like I didn't care whether or not she noticed me. Act as if she didn't make me feel weak in the knees or make my heart flutter whenever she looked at me with her gorgeous eyes.... Act like I didn't want to kiss her on those cute lips of hers that seemed to draw my eyes in like a magnet. Easy. 
I sighed deeply, wiping my face with my hand as if this would wipe away my thoughts. 
My mom looked at me concerned, before turning her attention back to the road. 
"Are you okay, honey? That was a big sigh. Do you still want to have the party? It's not too late to cancel." She said, her voice thick with concern and love. 
I shook my head simply. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. I still want to have the party, it's just..." I trailed off weakly. 
 "It's just, what? You can tell me, Finn, it's okay." She prompted. 
"It's just that I have this... This crush.. On this girl whose coming to the party, and I don't know how to act around her. I really, really like her, mom, but I don't want to ruin our friendship." I sighed, letting it all out. 
It felt good to vent. 
Mom smiled, quickly glancing at me. 
"And this girl, are we going to pick her up right now?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her. 
"No, mom." I glared at her. 
She nodded, slowly. 
“That Sophia is a very nice girl, Finn, and I think-" 
"It's not Sophia either." I mumbled, cutting her off. 
She gasped, her eyes widening. 
"You like Y/N! Oh, Finny! Aw, wait until I tell Y/M/N! We've been waiting for this since you were just kids!" She squealed uncharacteristically like a schoolgirl. 
My eyes widened in alarm. 
"Mom! No! Both Y/N and her mom are not finding out about this! And that's really weird." 
 She simply shrugged, and reached over to ruffle my hair. 
"Okay, Finny. I just think you two would be adorable together." 
I rolled my eyes and slumped into the seat of the car, wanting to melt into it. 
"Honey, just know that if your friendship is important enough to the both of you, even if she doesn't share the same feelings about you, as you do for her, your friendship will stay the same. It might be awkward at first, but she's not worth it if she can't keep the lifelong friendship you guys have, just because of a crush." Mom said calmly and reassuringly, smiling at me gently, "but something tells me that you guys will figure it all out." 
I nodded, smiling softly, hoping what she said was true. 
 Millie and Sadie both fell asleep in the car on the way home. 
The reunion between me and them must've taken up what little energy they had left after a long flight from London, where they had flown to from Mexico. 
 Millie and Sadie had run to meet us, and engulfed me and then my mom in a big hug each. 
When Millie gave me a hug, she whispered in my ear, "I can't wait to meet her." 
I had groaned, responding, "they told you already?" 
She had laughed and nodded, "texted me just as the plane landed." 
When Sadie had given me a hug that seemed to have way too much strength from someone her size, she whispered, "Sounds like you're head over heels from what I've heard, Finn." 
Unable to stop the blush, I just laughed nervously. 
She grinned at me before going over to give my mom a hug. 
“Thank you so much for letting us stay with you, Mrs. Wolfhard." I only just heard the girls say. 
I was too busy caught up in my own thoughts. 
Slowly, I walked to the car behind the others. 
Everyone, apart from Y/N -hopefully-, knew that I was crushing on her, hard. Would someone let it slip that I liked her? Or, more likely, would they hint at it very heavily until she caught on? Would she, then, laugh at me with everyone about how stupid I was? Would she- 
"Finn!" Mom said loudly and I snapped out of my thoughts. 
"We're at the the car, sweetie." 
She gestured to the car, the girls in the backseat, giggling. 
I smiled sheepishly. 
"Oh, yeah, right, sorry." I said and jumped in the passenger seat. 
"Daydreaming about someone were we, Finny?" Millie teased as Sadie made kissy faces beside her, teasing me. 
I rolled my eyes and pulled the finger at them before focusing ahead. 
When we reached home, everyone else was asleep. I guess all of the reunions were going to be tomorrow morning. 
I showed the girls their bedroom where Sophia was already sound asleep and said goodnight, before retreating to my own room. 
I almost stepped on a snoring Jeremy, and Chosen muttered in his sleep, worrying me that I had woken him up. 
I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. 
There's part one! How was it? Good enough to make you want to read part two, hopefully! Let me know how I can improve etc!
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soybeansoyul · 7 years
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pairings: bae jinyoung x lee daehwi, mentioned minhwan and ongniel
summary: the words tattooed on your arm are the first words your soulmate will say to you. or ; daehwi grows up to be a police officer. or ; every human being is born with white blood.
warnings: violence, murder, coarse language
“stop being so salty, daehwi. you're gonna find him one day." jihoon rolls his eyes.
"my soulmate is a loser who's gonna ask me 'have you seen my packet of milk?' are you serious?" daehwi scoffs while woojin bursts into laughter.
"anyway. the new student is gorgeous. daehwi, you're really lucky to be sitting next to him." samuel pipes up while sipping on his apple juice.
"bae jinyoung, right? he's so pretty," seonho adds on, and the two high-five.
"he hasn't even said anything to me yet." daehwi comments, and goes back to slurping down his noodles.
a month goes by, and jinyoung has yet to utter a single word to daehwi. but daehwi couldn't care less today, especially after what happened at assembly.
"everybody, we are deeply saddened by the murder of our student im youngmin. may he rest in peace." the principal's words linger in his head.
daehwi can't even believe it - his childhood friend was gone, just like that. he knew that there were many murder cases in this town, but he never expected his dear friend to be a victim.
the day youngmin's death was announced, was the day daehwi decided he wants to be a police officer when he grows up.
daehwi's in class while waiting for lunch to be over. he came back to class earlier today, since he had to rush his incomplete homework. it’s been 2 months, yet he hasn’t spoken with his new seatmate at all.
he's desperately trying to recall formulas for the physics worksheet in front of him when he feels a tap on his shoulder. he turns to face jinyoung.
"did you see my packet of milk?"
it can't be.
daehwi nearly falls off his chair and lifts up his sleeve. his tattoo matched whatever jinyoung had just asked, word for word. he gulps.
"sorry, i haven't."
this time, jinyoung's mouth drops open, and he looks down at his own arm. "are, are you my,"
daehwi leans in closer to jinyoung and lets him have a look at his arm. jinyoung shows him his own, too.
they're at a party hosted by seongwoo to celebrate their exams being over. "yeah, jinyoung, 6 months ago, daehwi was complaining about how his soulmate was going to ask him about a packet of milk," woojin grins. "he was so annoyed by it!" daehwi flicks woojin's forehead. while jinyoung simply chuckles and presses a kiss onto daehwi's forehead.
daehwi has never seen his boyfriend cry.
not until today, when hyunbin's murder was reported on the news.
"oh my gosh. jinyoung. so many people have been killed," daehwi groans. "someone else just died."
"it's getting fucking scary," jinyoung's lips begin to curve downwards, his nose and eyes beginning to sting. "it's making me scared to even leave the house."
daehwi sighs, leaning onto his boyfriend's chest and wiping his tears away. "it's been 2 years since youngmin was murdered. and now hyunbin and 7 other people have been, too." he sighs. "jinyoung, i'm worried and scared at the same time. who even is this heartless to murder so many people?"
"once you become a cop, you'll help fight for justice, right?" jinyoung croaks. "you'll catch that asshole who's been killing everyone, right?" daehwi hums in response.
"i can't believe hyunbin is gone. i barely knew youngmin, too." jinyoung cries, while daehwi tears up.
daehwi breathes deeply as they fall asleep in each other's arms.
"this murderer is very, very dangerous. it's suspected that they're responsible for im youngmin, kwon hyunbin, kim chungha, choi yoojung, jung sewoon and many other's deaths as well." minhyun, the head of department speaks. "it's believed their blood is black. since they did allegedly commit so many crimes, it would make sense.”
"we need to catch them as fast as we can. it's been about 9 years, and they're still at large." dongho adds, and everyone agrees. "for now, they are believed to be living in this neighborhood," he says as he points to an area on the map. "the murderer is believed to be a male, especially with the amount of strength they possess. however, this cannot be comfirmed yet."
daehwi heads home with heavy footsteps. it's around 12 in the morning, and he sees jinyoung on the couch, eating ramen.
"hey," jinyoung starts, giving his husband a quick peck.
"hi, hyung."
"you're tired, aren't you?"
"of course. guess what, the murderer supposedly lives in our neighborhood."
jinyoung chokes on the broth. "are you serious? and i thought we could finally live in peace,"
daehwi shakes his head. "fucking hell, it's been 9 years, and there aren't any new leads."
to say that daehwi was worried would be one hell of an understatement - this serial killer had murdered so many of his friends, wrecked so many lives, and they just had to live in the same neighborhood as him and his husband? daehwi's muscles tense. what's worse is that, jinyoung, being a dance teacher, always came home late since some of his lessons ended at 11pm. he didn't want his husband to get hurt.
daehwi bitterly accepts the fact that things don't always end up the way you want it to when it's 3am and jinyoung isn't home yet. the older had not contacted him all night, and daehwi felt like his heart was threatening to spill out of his mouth.
i've lost so many people, i don't want to fucking lose jinyoung.
he jumps off the couch when he hears the door creak open. he rushes to the door, only to be met with a red and puffy-eyed jinyoung, his hair in an absolute mess, a scab carressing his cheek, milk white blood on his hands.
"hyung, are you okay?" tears threaten to spill out of his eyes. he heaves a sigh of relief when he sees that jinyoung's blood was white.
"the murderer, that guy," jinyoung stutters. "he,”
daehwi grabs their first aid kid and cleans jinyoung up. he learns that his currently distraught husband was assaulted by a man dressed in all black while he was on the way home from the dance studio.
once his husband steps out from the shower, daehwi wraps his arms around him.
"i'm glad you're here," daehwi chokes out. "hyung, i love you."
"i love you too."
daehwi doesn't waste another moment. he connects their lips.
"go to the station tomorrow to give a statement, okay?" daehwi breathes out when they pull away. jinyoung nods in agreement. "i won't let whoever did this to you and many other innocent people get away."
"kim samuel has been found dead in his apartment after it had been broken into. it's believed that this has been comitted by the notorious serial killer. there's not enough evidence, since this killer is extremely smart." jonghyun begins, changing the slides of the presentation. "however, the cctv footage of the lift lobby shows the killer. he's dressed in all black, which is exactly what bae jinyoung described to us when he was assualted. a male dressed in all black."
"plus, if you zoom in - this killer's blood is black. extremely black." daniel adds, pointing to the presentation. "this happened at around 9.45pm yesterday night."
daehwi can't stop his tears from flowing. neither can jinyoung.
"now samuel too?" jinyoung switches off the television after the reporter was done talking about samuel's murder.
"jinyoung, i'm fucking scared," daehwi's tears dripped fom his chin. "i literally was just texting him at 8pm last night, and an hour or so later and he was killed? what the fuck is going on,"
they hold each other, the only sounds in the house being the blaring of the air conditioning and their sobs.
daehwi pouts as daniel takes a sip of his coffee.
"hey, i'm stressed and scared too. i'm worried that something is gonna happen to seongwoo or my other loved ones. i'm sure minhyun-hyung feels that way about jaehwan-hyung too," daniel comforts him, rubbing his back. "i know what it feels like to lose someone. most of the victims were our friends in school. it's really saddening, i know. samuel and the others wouldn't want you to sulk like this." daniel stops to wipe away a few tears. "let's catch this horrible person and serve justice, okay?" he smiles, and daehwi's lips curve up in the slightest as he nods.
"let's catch him, hyung."
"babe, there's a letter for you," jinyoung says, walking towards his hubsand as he looks through the rest of the mail.
daehwi puts the cup of hot chocolate jinyoung had made for him earlier down to grab the envelope from the older male. he opens it up, and he chokes on his own saliva as he reads it.
You wanna know who I am so badly, huh? Seongwoo is next. Say your goodbyes. PS: Jinyoung will be leaving you very soon. xx
there's a drop of black blood spread across the bottom of the letter. daehwi feels his stomach churn, and his lips tremble as the word 'hyung' comes out of his mouth.
jinyoung raises an eyebrow and takes a look at it. his eyes widen, as his jaw retracts and his neck muscles tighten.
daehwi snaps out of it quickly and grabs a ziplock bag, placing the letter, together with the envelope, in it.
"i'm taking this to the station tomorrow. or rather, in a few hours," daehwi mutters as he glances at the clock. 2am. he turns to look at his husband. his eyes are glossy, and he looks even paler than usual. "hyung..."
an avalanche of tears are falling from jinyoung's eyes, and daehwi's heart breaks.
"i won't let anything happen to you, okay? hyung, i'm not letting anything happen to you. or seongwoo-hyung, or anyone else. i'll catch him, hyung, i promise." daehwi tells jinyoung as he leans in, pressing his lips against jinyoung's.
the ugly thought of jinyoung leaving him floods his mind, but daehwi tries his best to push it away.
hyung will not leave me.
daehwi's eyelids are heavy but he remembers to shoot daniel a text before going to bed.
daehwi: hyung, i got a letter in the mail from the killer apparently
daehwi: black blood was smeared onto it, it said jinyoung would leave me soon. it also said his next target was seongwoo-hyung
daehwi: please protect him, i'm bringing the letter to the station later so u can take a look at it
daniel: Oh my fuck
daniel: Shit.. will do
daniel: Thanks for letting me know
daehwi puts his phone down on the nightstand, and within the next few moments, he's already deep in slumber, in jinyoung's warm embrace.
daehwi wakes up at 6am, ready for work, only to find his bedroom door open. jinyoung is still sound asleep next to him. he walks out of their room and he quickly realises their apartment door is ajar. there's no sign of forced entry - and as far as he can see, nothing has been stolen. his heart is pounding wildly in his chest.
he goes back into their bedroom, shaking jinyoung gently. "hyung, i think someone broke in last night," jinyoung stirs a little before he wakes up. "what?"
"hyung, i think someone broke in. the door's wide open, and the front door is open, too."
"are you serious? is anything missing?"
"nope. what time did you sleep last night?"
"a little after you fell asleep? everything was still normal, though."
daehwi takes a look at jinyoung. he then realises how stressed jinyoung looks - his dark circles have been getting significantly darker. i just want all of this to end. i want to live happily with hyung.
"i'll call the team in to do a check later. what time are you leaving for work?" his husband replies with a "10am" and daehwi heads to the bathroom to get ready.
he looks through his bag to make sure he has everything he needs.
"hyung, the letter isn't here anymore?" daehwi exclaims, and jinyoung gets out of bed to take a look. "hyung, it's gone. do you think whoever broke in took it?"
jinyoung runs a hand through his hair. "if so, that person might either be the killer or someone associated to him."
daehwi sighs. "hyung, i really want you to be safe."
"i really want you to be safe too, daehwi."
jinyoung closes the gap between their lips.
"we looked around daehwi's apartment. there was no signs of forced entry, no fingerprints or footprints." minhyun speaks, resting his hands on the table. "daehwi also received a letter from the killer that he had planned to show to us today. the letter was typed out, and so was the address, so we can't do any handwriting tests. however, it seems like whoever had broken into his home has stolen it."
they continue with their discussion, and daehwi's mind is in a whirl.
daehwi: hey
daehwi: how's seongwoo doing
daehwi: it's been 2 weeks since anyth happened so i suppose he's fine?
daniel: Yup! He is. Jisung and Sungwoon stay with us now to look after him and the house when I'm not around
daehwi: ahh that's good
daehwi: maybe i should get jihoon and woojin to live with us so they can look after baejin lmao
daehwi: the killer said baejin is gonna leave me soon.. i really don't want that to happen
daniel: It won't. We're close to solving this case
daniel: We can do it :)
2 weeks and many changes of locks later, everything has seemed to die down a little. daehwi has the day off today, and jinyoung doesn't have to go to work until later in the afternoon. they're enjoying the day together. daehwi is cooking rice, while jinyoung is chopping up the meat.
daehwi hears jinyoung hiss in pain, and he takes a gander in his lover's direction. "hy-hyung,"
black blood is flowing from jinyoung's finger.
every human is born with milk white blood. your blood gets darker with every crime you commit.
the older smirks, and daehwi can't take his eyes off the blood. he has already established a conclusion in his mind, but he refuses to believe it. he's rooted to the ground. his throat feels dry, his head is spinning.
"are you surprised, baby?" jinyoung chuckles, smirk never leaving his face. a chill sweeps down daehwi's spine as he slowly steps backwards, back hitting the refrigerator.
the taller male leans in and cups daehwi's face with his clean hand, and the latter flinches at the contact.
"you wanna know who killed youngmin, hyunbin and samuel? you wanna know who supposedly attacked me? you wanna know who sent you that letter? you wanna know who broke into our apartment?" he speaks slowly, in a disgustingly sweet yet sickly manner. daehwi can't even speak. he can't even think. his lips slowly part as he stares at jinyoung in absolute shock and horror.
jinyoung smears the black liquid onto daehwi's bottom lip. "i did it."
"hyung, you're lying, you're lying," is all daehwi manages to choke out, his heart beating rapidly.
jinyoung grins as he heads to the couch, grabbing his backpack and pulling out a knife, clad with dried blood, black mask, black cap, black hoodie and black jeans. he walks back to daehwi.
the shorter male feels his heart almost stop.
"i'm the serial killer you've been searching for, baby." jinyoung laughs darkly. "i'm a good liar and actor, aren't i, sweetheart?"
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rowdy-revenant · 7 years
The Beauty of a Beast - part 5
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen (briefly), Y/N Singer, Gabriel, Castiel, Balthazar, Chuck, Jack, Charlie, Crowley - future pairing of Gabriel x reader
Words: 1500+
Beta-reader: @nobodys-baby-now
Warnings: Bi!Dean (if you consider that a warning), arguing
Chapter summary: Sam tries to cheer up his rejected brother. Planning dinner doesn’t work out very well at the castle.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
[General masterlist] [Gabriel masterlist]
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Part 5 - Taverns and Tea
Business at the Roadhouse tavern was like it always was; busy. Dean Winchester sat in his usual fur covered chair, facing the fireplace. His brother brought another round of drinks for the both of them and set them on a table before Dean.
Dean downed another pint. “What’s the point.” He muttered. “I keep pursuing Y/N and every time they shoot me down.”
“So maybe stop pursuing them?” Sam offered.
The older Winchester glared at his brother.
“Look, Dean, it’s not the end of the world. You can get any girl- or guy, for that matter- in town you want!”
“Yeah, but I don’t want anyone else!” Dean huffed. The hunter was too stubborn to let the one that got away go.
“Dean, please. Come on, Benny Lafitte’s single, right?” Sam said.
“I’m not dating someone taller than me.” Dean grumbled.
“What about Jo Harvelle?” Sam offered.
“Talks too much.” Dean scoffed.
“Gadreel? The librarian?”
“He’s a nerd.”
“Becky Rosen?”
“More like clingy.”
“Garth Fitzgerald’s a nice guy.”
“He’s always too happy.”
“You’re joking. Why can’t Y/N just like me?” Dean whined.
Sam sighed. “Don’t put yourself down like this, Dean.”
“If I’m not good enough for them, I’m not good enough at all.” Dean concluded, turning his green eyes to the ground and pouting like a child.
Sam sat next to Dean. He looked up at the mantle and the wall behind it. Countless animal heads decorated the tavern but this section? This was all the Winchesters’. Scratch that, it was all Dean’s. All Sam did during hunts was chase the prey for Dean to wear it out before his brother got the final shot, and all the credit. Sam always felt proud of his brother, though there was always a hint of jealousy.
“Everyone here wishes they were you. Your skills, your good looks…” Sam would add ‘your brains’ but his brother wasn’t exactly the sharpest arrow in the quiver. “Your reputation…” He added. “Everybody in town either wants to be with you or to be you.”
Dean just grunted as a reply.
“Tell me again how you got that one.” Sam said, pointing to the stuffed head of a bear.
A faint smile crept across Dean’s face. “Took me three whole days. I sprained my ankle in the process, but still managed to catch it.”
A couple people grouped around Dean as he told the tale.
“It got caught in a trap I had laid out by the river, so I caught up to it and BANG!” Dean shouted. “Killed it in one shot.”
Becky, a blonde who was arguably Dean’s biggest fan clapped as he finished the story. Dean gestured for her to come closer, so she did, sitting on the arm of the armchair, leaning towards her crush.
“Oh Dean,” Becky sighed. “You’re sooo manly.”
The elder brother grinned and flexed. “I work out, you know. I bet I could lift Sam.”
“Really?” She gasped.
Sam grimaced. “Please don’t. We’ll take your word for it.”
Dean laughed. “Scared I’m right, Sammy?”
Dean went on telling hunting stories about his prowess. He was skilled, that was true, but his ego and stubbornness often got him in trouble, so Sam was the one who had to pull him out of it. Of course, the favour was never returned.
Sam was always there for his brother. He supported him and helped him with hunts or picking up flings. The thing was, he didn’t have the courage to get in Dean’s way when things got out of hand.
If Sam had Dean’s courage, or Dean had Sam’s intellect, things would probably turn out different for the brothers.
A loud knock at your door woke you. You sat up and yawned, surprised for a second by the unfamiliar surroundings. You weren’t home, you remembered.
Your room in this castle had to be the size of your house in the village. The four poster bed was soft and big. The walls were painted elegantly, rather than plain brick. Everything was so much bigger, so much more expensive. Not to mention the wardrobe was alive too.
There was another knock. “Dinner. Now. Join me.” The Beast growled from outside.
“Ask nicely.” Castiel chided.
“And smile!” Balthazar added.
The Beast bared his fangs in what vaguely resembled a smile.
Balthazar winced. “We’ll work on that.”
“Now ask again,” Chuck said. “Nicely.”
The Beast huffed and faced the door again. “Would you join me for dinner?” He asked in a softer, but still demanding voice.
You wanted to scream. “Join you? You treat me like garbage and you want me to eat dinner with you?!” You yelled.
The feathers of the Beast wings bristled, and his chest rose and fell heavily as his breathing quickened.
The servants picked up quickly on his anger. Castiel was the first to try and calm him down. “Easy now-”
The Beast raised his fist and slammed it against the door. “YOU WILL JOIN ME FOR DINNER AND THAT’S NOT A REQUEST!” He roared.
“NO!” You yelled back, twisting the lock on the door handle and dragging a chair in front of it. You didn’t want to see his ugly face again if you could help it.
“Fine!” The Beast sneered. “GO AHEAD AND STARVE! If you don’t eat with me, you don’t eat at all!”
“Fine!” You replied.
The Beast turned and stormed off down the hall, slashing a wall in anger as he went.
Balthazar looked at his friends. “Staff meeting.”
Balthazar stood on the round table, tapping his arm against a glass to get everyone’s attention.
“Hello, everyone.” Balthazar started. “Well, everyone who could be here.”
“I can tell dad!” A teacup piped up.
“Hush, Jack. Later.” Castiel replied.
“So, we have a guest. Someone from the village named Y/N.” Balthazar continued. “As you know, we don’t have a lot of time left. If things work out, Y/N could be the one. We’ll all return to normal.”
“That’s a great plan and all, but what if it doesn’t work?” Charlie, a former maid turned cardinal-shaped feather-duster asked.
“We have to try.” Chuck said.
The group murmured in agreement.
“So, the master has forbidden Y/N to eat dinner with him after his temper tantrum. Of course, we can’t have that.” Balthazar retold. “Gabriel will be asleep in his quarters soon enough. We’ll make a second dinner.”
“Castiel, Jack, bring some tea upstairs for our guest. Tell Y/N and Crowley of the plan. Charlie, tell Lucifer to wait in the dining room. The rest of us will cook and set up.” Chuck gave the orders.
Cas nodded as best as a teapot could nod. “Come along, Jack.”
Jack skipped across the table to join his uncle. “Charlie, tell dad I say hi!”
Charlie smiled. “Will do, kiddo.”
“So, can I ask why you’re a wardrobe?” You inquired.
Crowley hummed, thinking. “Suppose the one who cursed us had a sense of humour. I was a tailor.”
“Huh. Interesting.” You replied.
“And you?” Crowley asked. “What do you do?”
“I help- or helped my father with his work.” You explained. “He makes things like clocks and music boxes.”
A tap at the door ended your quiet conversation.
Your voice wavered as you spoke. “Go away.”
“It’s Castiel.” Was the muffled reply.
“The master doesn’t knock that softly.” Crowley chuckled. “Let him in.”
You moved the chair away from your door and unlocked it. When you opened the door, a trolley with a tea set was before you.
“You must be Castiel.” You said, wheeling the cart in.
“I am.” The teapot replied. “This,” He gestured to the teacup beside him “Is Jack.”
“Nice to meet you!” The little cup replied, its painted face grinning. He sounded young. You felt pity for this poor kid. He was probably the only one of his age in this palace.
You smiled. “Nice to meet you too.”
“We’re making you something to eat.” Castiel said.
You frowned. “I thought I wasn’t allowed to eat.”
“What the great big lummock doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Crowley huffed. “You need to eat, love.”
“You’re not afraid of him?”
The room fell silent.
“No,” Castiel finally spoke. “He has outbursts but he’ll never hurt anyone.”
“I think the person who fears him most is himself.” Crowley mused. “Are you afraid?”
“No,” You replied. “He doesn’t scare me. He’s big and he’s cruel, but there’s… something about him. Like an animal lashing out in pain…”
You fell quiet. Could this beast have any emotion apart from anger? Why would these cursed people stand up for him? How did this happen?
~ Murdoch’s tag list - want to be added or removed? Send me an ask! ~
All fics: @a-r-c-h-a-n-g-e-l @ashiewesker @ashtheironbat @authoressskr @baritonechick @blessedbebucky @crowleysprincess159 @cynda-kiwi @d4rzill4 @fayepummeluff @feelmyroarrrr @gabriels-depressed-angel @hunters-hiraeth @impatient-witch @kristaparadowski @lenawiinchester @like-gabriel-and-castiel @madelineannmolder @negansgrimes @oldpaperfan @sdavid09 @shrimpdrake @sumara62 @tangle-of-ivy @team-barry @thehowling1234 @thewhiterabbit42 @treitike @tenderlybeautifulbarbarian @tyrex15 @unsink-the-titanic
All Supernatural: @gabriels-trix​
Gabriel: @elven-leaf​ @hiddles-and-skittles​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @im-gabriels-bitch​ @jannalionheart​ @elenawrit​ @trollhunter94​
The Beauty of a Beast: @a-michellerae-things @a-vast-african-plain​ @clockworkmorningglory @red-bandana-girl@icharleecongrevemultifandomsblog @person-born-winchester@sumara62
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 8 (Quick Livestream Recap)
This post contains spoilers.
Alright, I missed a bit of the first half which must have been fanservice, because I was tossed into eliminations straight up.
I recapped the first half here!
It was pretty awful, with the boys talking about their dreams and hopes with the elimination sword swinging above their heads. They keep talking about Jihoon and his number one rank. It was not entertaining.
What was entertaining, however, was the little segment they prepared with Hwiseung and to do that punching strength machine thing.
Kim Dongbin started it off and did surprisingly well. 
Minki expanded his shoulders to go try knock him off the #1 chair. He’s really so good at variety, strutting and playing himself up, but his score wasn’t even near enough to beat Dongbin’s surprising 917.
Sunghyuk, the muscled dark horse topped it easily.
Of course Ong-ssi had to come be casually confident. He snorted derisively at the score, and went to the back of the hall to charge up his power run before punching the machine and....did not reach the 900s. He said sheepishly said he’ll try to be humble.
BNM are embarrassed of their Donghyun hyung and his gags, but the guy outpunched Sunghyuk easy.
A lot of the other trainees tried and got close, until Manly Man Real Oppa Sexy Bandit was hyped and brought on. He gets nervous about the burden before punching the machine hard.
Samuel: OH. MY GOD.
He tied with Donghyun. They both face off, Donhyun got 949 and Sexy Bandit punched to a cool 950. He did a shy little Nayana victory chant.
Thank god BoA is back. She’s perfunctory but not annoying. She’s also really bad at acting to build anticipation so it’s endearing.
Mnet doesn’t clean their audio very well. I keep hearing background audio from floor mics when they walk to their seats.
Yehyun got in in the early 30s (!!!!)
Kwon Hyunbin is in. He said some stuff about working hard (cut to shots of Jonghyun and Auntie Jisung), looking a lot like the Monsta X rapper with pink hair. BoA asked if he’s been working hard and the trainees said yes, because they’re polite kids. 
I’m not sure if they’re trying to Brohye him, but he does have his own section of fans. I believe there were rumours some fans are buying spots for him from voters, but its uncertain how far his looks will carry him even with the helpful edits and apologies. 
Jang Moonbok dropped to a petty 32. He looked beautiful though, they’ve started to style his hair instead of lazily flat ironing it. He had a half ponytail and large gold rimmed glasses. So pretty. His thank you speech was humble, he said he’ll work slow and steady like a tortoise to earn his spot. He’s actually good with his words, his raps mimic his speaking style a lot.
Kenta made it at 31! It’s a risk spot, but lowkey incredible how little screentime he gets. 
RBW Lee Gunhee who was the Amazing Kiss main vocal, BoA points out, and he had the 110,00 vote benefit. His label mate, Hwanwoong, did not :|
Brand New Music Donhyun made it at 29! I was  worried about him too! 
BNW Park Woojin, who’s been getting really popular lately, was 14. He didn’t see Youngmin trying to congratulate him and ran up as though he was ignoring him and then had to run back to hug his hyung properly lol 
God that awful music library with the mournful instrumentals.
Park Woodam made it at 28. He hugged his fellow HF trainee, Woo Jinyoung, whose face started settling into resignation as the numbers went up.
Noona killer Hunus Kim Sanggyun made it!!!! 
Baby maknae Lee Woojin was safe too.
FNC Yoo Hwiseung was not, as handsome as he looked that day. It was awful because he kept smiling and playing around with the camera when it swung past him. I’m really going to miss him, he reminds me of Nam Woohyun so much at some angles too. When will Infinite comeback.
Ardor and Able Ha Sungwoon made it too, thank fucking god. He’s blond now. 
I’m not as excited about that. Please don’t keep the frizzy bleach.
WH Creative Seo Sunghyuk, my unintentional meme boy, has been gaining traction and was safe. He cried a little at his rapid, unexpected rise through the ranks. Even the trainees were a bit surprised at his rank.
Yuehua Lee Euiwoong made it in the early 20s. Ahn Hyunbseob was in at 20, he thanked Woojin and gave him a heart, while also thanking the voters. 
The Chinese Yuehua boys, Jung Jung and Justin, were eliminated. It’s a shame, they were definitely idol material. I’m keen to see what Yuehua has planned with the boys, hopefully after a few more vocal classes.
The Vibe Label Kim Tadeong, the vampire flower boy from SoY was in, along with his teammate Noh Taehyun, who was a rank above at 21.
Pledis Minki made it at 20
Brave Samuel’s dropped to 16 though they mentioned he had one of the highest views on his fancam (Auntie Jisung gave him that reassuring thumbs up). Samuel, thankfully, has gone back to chocolate brown hair.
Chun Arctic Fox Kim Yongguk was safe, so was Bae Jinyoung.
Starship Jung Sewoon dropped to 17, and clarified that he was not scared of Dongho (’Yes, well done!’ piped in Baekho, as he spoke) but Gwanghyun didn’t make it, my poor baby :(
MMO Yoon Jisung made it at 15 and all the trainees hugged him and called him an ajhumeoni lol. His weird clapping thing has become a gag for real.
I love you, Auntie Jisung, the only ray of sunshine in this mess.
Cube Yoo Seonho was 13. Baby Chick knew he was going to be safe, making BoA laugh. He chestbumped his hyungs on stage and called Guanlin a superstar, saying he knew the lower ranked Cube trainee was going to be him lol
Pledis’ “Power Sexy” Baekho was 11. He smiled like a big baby, even though everyone thinks he’s sexy and rough. BoA made him do aegyo and I, his noona, approve. 
He sat down on his 11 chair and said, very cutely, ‘Wow, it’s so high.’
Cre.Ker Joo Haknyeon was 10.
Jaehwan was 9, he got embarrassed seeing his face on the big screen and said he’ll work hard to become a worthy vocal. BoA asked him to sing Sorry, Sorry to fill broadcast time.
MMO Kang Daniel dropped to 8. His wrist seems to be injured. Since he thanked his noonas in Busan satoori last time, he thanked his dongsaengs in Seoul accent this time lol
Ong Sungwoo was in at 7, and apparently he has predominately male fans (Yoo Seonho: I’m a fan too). He did an extra little thank you and reenacted his high note gag from the Get Ugly performance
Pledis Minhyun was 6. Everyone was shook by how handsome he is on that big screen. He picked Jaehwan as someone he wants to debut with.
BNM Im Youngmin was at 5 - he was trending the last few weeks but it’s been found out that he had a girlfriend this week, so it’s safe to assume he’s going to drop rapidly now. 
He did his alpaca dance to celebrate his entrance to top 11. Cute.
BNM Lee Daehwi was 4, which is a relief. After being cyber bullied, he’s being very careful with his words, not revealing his ambition for being number 1. He thanked his mum in America and bounced to his seat, clearly relieved.
Lai Guanlin got ready to stand up as she spoke about handsomeness lol but Park Jihoon was number 3. He thanked his fans and said he loved his mum. We got an unnecessary peek into his journey like he’s being eliminated or something. He only dropped 2 ranks, geez. 
Taiwanese baby chick Lai Guanlin shot all the way up to 2. He feels the burden of being a six month trainee, which means he’s self aware if nothing else because this is a disproportionate and totally unwarranted rise. They can’t actually debut this kid yet along the likes of Jaehwan, Daehwi and Ong-ssi, as much as I like him and think he has potential.
Hilariously though, he asked his CEO to buy them delicious food.
Nation’s Leader Angel GodJonghyun maintains his number 1. Good on you, Wartortle!! 
He did his pose as a victory ceremony and apologised to Jihoon. Aw, he’s scared as much as he’s happy, he said.
OUI Kim Donghan was saved by the skin of his teeth at 35. The anticipation to have to wait till the end and the guilt made him cry (Kenta teared up instantly of course).
HIM Park Sungwoo, aka Tip Toe Oppa, was eliminated. He’s handsome but there wasn’t much to back up his hype, I guess.
Wings’ Kim Youngjin and Kiwi Media Kim Dongbin, who survived the last elims on the back of pity votes, were cut. Dongbin dropped to last after that embarrassing rap position battle mission, while Youngjin, who I think showed actual improvement, was eliminated while he was ahead.
Hong Eunki, Lee Insoo, Sangbin, S.How Namhyun, Yoon Heeseok were eliminated. 
So were Kiwon, The Vibe Jaechan and my man K-Tigers’ Byun Hyunmin. 
There shall be no more acrobatics.
MMO Joo Jinwoo was eliminated too. I mean, I’m thankful he made it as far as he did, but he was so handsome and such a good singer. I hope he gets to debut when MMO prepares their group :(
My poor boy Kim Seonglee too. His voice really was one of my favourites. It had real resonance, and he sounded so well trained, fully in control of his lovely tone. I truly believe he’s too good for this show. I mean, it didn’t even get him any screen time or hype of any sort.
I wonder how FNC will ruin Yoo Hwiseung’s potential idol career for me. He was another person I think could have made it to top 22 at least with more screentime.
Dongsu made everyone cry as he was eliminated at 36. The S.How boys have had a hard time in this industry.
All the tears. Far out.
Woo Jinyoung, he really deserved better, that boy was such a good rapper. Woodam sobbed as they hugged. I almost cried too, but my tears were of sheer bitterness and resentment.
Nation’s Leader GodJonghyun led the bowing to the national producers, with next week (re)splitting the trainees for concept evals. 
It’s going to be interesting to see the rankings shift from now. There’s talk of a 2-trainee per voter shift for the system. It’ll throw off the rankings considerably, going off how turbulent this season’s been.
Below’s a comprehensive top 11 from this week’s ranking.
Kim Jonghyun 
Lai Guanlin 
Park Jihoon 
Lee Daehwi 
Im Youngmin 
Hwang Minhyun
Ong Sungwoo 
Kang Daniel 
Kim Jaehwan 
Joo Haknyeon 
Kang Dongho  
As always, please let me know if you spot any errors or have any questions!
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foreverbettie · 7 years
Because: Meth.
For four years he had been my drug of choice. For two months I hadn’t seen him. I hadn’t heard his voice.
Oh, how I ached for him. Being away from him was no further from wrapping a noose around my own heart but I knew I had to run then. If I hadn’t, he was sure to drop the board from under my feet. My heart was dying everyday, begging him to show me a twinkle of love. Everyday, he denied me. Everyday, I came closer to taking my own life. I had plans in everyway you could think of. I swore to myself I would find a way for my kids to be taken care of. I was sure of it, as long as I didnt have to bear the heartache anymore. My son would live with his father and my daughter would stay with him. He didnt love me. He didnt need me. He didnt want me. I was merely there to care for the children while he fed his addiction. Without me, it was just the two of them and that sounded so much more like the life what he wanted.
I hated the thought of him there. With no one on the outside to talk to. No visitors. No money on his books. No money on his phone. He sat there with bare minimum. The longer he was there, the more my brain twitched and told me to save him. You did this to him, it would say. You left. You put him there. You took away the only things in his life that could truly save him. NO! I would counter back. He did this. He hurt me. He hurt us.  He hurt ALL of us and never did anything to help himself. He did this. I kept pushing that other voice down further into my stomach to dissolve anything that spewed a hint of of second guessing.
He wasn’t free, which in itself is a sad idea. From a birds eye view, to be locked in a cage without means to escape is nearly animalistic. Put into a much closer perspective however, he was more free than he could have ever been on the outside. The devil wasn’t able to walk so closely beside him. There was nearly no whispering left nor taunting of evil in his face. Freedom (as pretty as it sounds) in the hands of a broken spirit, turns privilege into power of self destruction.
Each day that passed I twisted inside knowing that he was the only man I had ever fallen in love with with every single part of my heart. All others failed to come close to anything that gave my heart exactly what it wanted. I thought I loved them but I always questioned. There was always a part of me that was unsure. Not with him. There wasnt a single cell inside of me that ever once denied it. So each day I was frantically sending messages from my head hoping they would travel through some magic beam passed the jail walls like: How long do you think I can keep this up? Why did you make me put this mask on? Why do I have to pretend I’m someone Im not? Why do I have to hide that Im missing you? Please, know that I love you. Please, know that I want you to come home. I hope youre sitting there thinking about me. I hope you’re missing everything you had that you never worked for. You were supposed to be my Knight. She misses you daddy. She doesnt want daddy to be sick anymore. She says ‘Daddy get better. Dont be sick anymore. Come home daddy.’ Choose us this time. Please please please…choose us. And each day I had to frantically remind myself… Because: Meth.
Little boxes of pseudoephedrine, Coleman, instant cold packs, lithium batteries, 2 liter bottles, paper towels, tubing, etc. Yeah I know how to make meth. Never tried it but I know how its done. In the beginning, I was naive. I never knew just how awful it was. I was the dealer’s girl and people assumed that I used too. It just makes sense that way but I was always clean. He jumped at anyone who would offer it to me and did anything possible to encourage me to never do it.
After the years went by though, I was so sick of it. In my head I was screaming vulgarities at the top of my lungs, digging my fingers into people’s shoulders and rattling their heads to the point of concussion. What are you doing? Stop! Please stop! Even if I had, no one would’ve looked up. Not even a blink. Theyd just pass the pipe and light the torch like the words I shouted were nonexistent. I was the television at volume 87 and the remote was stuck on mute. I had seen, touched and smelled more dope in my life then I could bear to stand. I had seen more people tweaking and doing the most selfish, hurtful, obnoxious and annoying things than I ever wanted to see. I didnt want to see ot anymore. Not even for one more day.
In there he was safe and his mind was free. Those were the two things that convinced my heart that he was at least okay. My head though, was still playing tug of war with itself. Until the time finally came when I said, I cant go on like this. I could never love another man.  I need her to see her daddy. I need to see my knight.
That Thursday came in like a flash. You would have thought I was going out on a first date. I wanted to look gorgeous for him. Give him a little reminder of what he’d been missing out on longer than just the couple months hed been away. A reminder of who hed turned away for years. I had to be careful though. Yes, I would look pretty but I had to be careful not to let him sway me into his trap. He could be so manipulative- a good side effect from using.
I stood in the elevator shaking, stomach in knots, trying not to puke all over my dolled up self. I stood there not wanting to love him, thinking about how every time that I had chosen him, he chose the devil. I didnt want it to feel so easy for him, to think I would simply just come back to him. I wanted to stick to my guns, to let him know that I stood firm in my choice to walk away. I told myself lies that I was only visiting him for my daughter’s sake. Maybe if I told it to myself, maybe he would believe it too.
If we could have sat there without speaking, my craving for him still would have been satisfied. I just wanted to look at him, to just stare at him and take in his presence that make me complete. But of course, he spoke.
He smiled at me the most joyful smile that I had ever seen cross his face. As if all the beautiful things inside himself that were lost in his addiction (aside from his plump cheeks) were returned. I cringed inside afraid I was going to break my character. Still, I forced myself to only half smile and try to look as if I felt indifferent to see him. That thick ugly glass between us, thank goodness for it. I would have kissed him and clobbered him right in the jaw at the same time.
There were new lights and doors and levels I was trying to build. New rooms with locks and codes. All of which in one visit, realized they were built with an unsteady frame. I could feel the laborers in my chest hoisting the wrecking ball up with the crane. They were prepared for demolition. Behind them were protesters. They chanted and held signs that read- Because: Lies! Because: Deceit! Because: Meth! The crowd was large and had some unpeaceful participants but the working machines were much louder.
When I reached the door to step outside, I felt the swing of the crane bring rubble to the site. The walls were going to come down and there wasnt a protester in sight that could stop it.
Because: Sobriety.
#meth #addiction #sobriety
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fictionalrat · 7 years
let it happen | chapter one
pairing: klance
a/n: i’m pretty shit at summaries
IT’S A COLLEGE AU BRO | lance’s working on a new creative writing project. that’s it, that’s all i’m gonna give y’all.
read on ao3
Lance drops his cue on the floor dramatically.
“LANCE!” Shiro warns from behind the bar, making Lance wince and throw him an apologetic smile over his shoulder.
“LOVE YOU, TAKASHI!” Lance yells back, then looks back at Keith and whines. “AWWWW COME ON, KEITH!!!!!” He throws his head back like a tantrum-throwing kid, his arms flailing.
“Nope.” Keith leans over the table, aims and takes the shot, his cue slides smoothly between his fingers. The ball falls into the pocket with a satisfying thunk. He points at Lance and smirks so fucking proud of himself Lance almost combusts, “SCORE, SUCKER.”
“Wow.” Lance bats his eyelashes, adding a sweet lilt to his voice, “Great shot there, Mullet. I didn’t know you were so awesome, I’m impressed.”
Keith scoffs. “That’s a…” He stares at Lance dead in the eyes, “no.”
Lance juts out his bottom lip, picking up his cue dejectedly and getting back to the game. He goes silent for a moment only to take his shot, the ball hits the side of the pocket and bounces back, taking away his hopes and dreams, so Lance curses. Keith snorts, then shrugs when Lance looks at him like he’d just shot a puppy.
“Seriously Keiiiiith,” He implores, “I need your help. Pretty, pretty please. I’ll do whatever you want. Pleeeeaaassseeeeeee.”
Keith hums thoughtfully, considering, with his chin propped on the tip of his cue, “Nope.” His lips pop around the last syllable.
“Yeah, okay.”
Lance brightens. “Really?” He asks, his heart swelling with hope.
Keith snorts, “Course not, dumbass. Quit being a baby and get back to the game. Jesus!”
Lance huffs indignantly but yields. For now.
Day 1
“Yo, Keith!” He calls out when he spots that ugly mullet hunched over a stack of books. Keith’s head shots up so fast his glasses go askew when he hears his name and Lance smiles to himself. Keith’s frown turns into an ugly glare when he realizes it’s Lance who’s approaching him.
“Keep quiet, you fiend,” Keith reprimands him, adjusting his glasses as Lance dumps himself on the chair next to Keith’s. Lance waves him off, so Keith turns his attention back to his books.
“So Keith,” Lance taps his fingers on the table.
Keith hums in lieu of an answer, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he scribbles down on his notepad. Lance thinks that’s kind of adorable.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna help me? Like, super sure? 100%?”
Keith sighs and glowers up at him, his brows furrowed in annoyance, “Are you really gonna do this right now? Can’t you wait a minute? I’m trying to study.”
“I don’t mind waiting, go ahead,” Lance shrugs, grinning. Keith squints at him for a second before pushing his glasses up and going back to his notes. Lance picks up one of the open books on the table and flips through its pages absentmindedly.
“Keith,” Lance calls when he gets too bored, closing the book and throwing it back on the table. Keith ignores him, though. So he tries again, louder. “Keith!”
Keith clenches his jaw.
“Keith,” Lance singsongs. “Keith, Keith, Keith, Keith. Keiiiiithhhhh!”
Keith rolls his eyes, still not looking at him.
“Awwwwwww Keith,” Lance cries, pouting, “Why are you like this? I’m hurt.”
Lance freezes when a new, polite yet annoyed voice pipes in behind him. “Sir,” He looks over his shoulder so he can see the librarian frowning at him, her arms crossed, “would you mind keeping your voice down or should I call security?”
Lance looks back at Keith for help, his eyes pleading. Keith isn’t looking at him, though, but at the woman instead.
Keith’s mouth twitches. “Oh please do,” he insists, dropping his pen down on his notepad so he can mimic her stance, “I’m trying to study here but this guy here’s getting in the way, so I’d truly appreciate if you did kick him out.”
Lance gapes at him, the asshole! He clamps his mouth shut, then turns to the librarian. He grimaces apologetically at her. “I’m sorry, ma'am.” He says, “There’s no need for that, I’ll shut up.”
She squints at him, skeptical, but nods and leaves anyway.
Lance thunks his forehead on the table and groans. “I hate you,” Lance hisses under his breath. He hears Keith chuckle, then groans again.
Day 2
Lance trudges into the bathroom with his laptop in one hand and aggressively pulls the shower curtain open with the other. “Keith, I really need your help with this.” He waves his laptop at Keith.
“WHAT THE FUCK.” Keith yelps, covering his crotch with the shampoo bottle. Lance can’t focus on Keith’s dick when his mullet’s all foamy and ridiculous like that. He can’t help but snort. “I already told you no, you fucking pervert.” Keith snarls, “Get out.”
Lance doesn’t dwell on Keith’s mullet too much, he’s a man on a mission, after all. He pouts, “I’m serious, Keith! This is important.”
“I don’t care, get the fuck out.”
“But Keith,” he whines.
“No,” Keith throws the bottle he’s holding at Lance’s head. Lance yelps and almost drops his laptop trying to dodge it.
Lance gapes at him, hugging his laptop to his chest, “CAREFUL, KEITH!”
“Out!” Keith growls, throwing the conditioner bottle at him this time.
“Ugh, fine!” Lance grumbles, defeated and stomps out of the bathroom.
                Day 3
“Okay, I have an idea.”
“Shoot,” Keith says as he straps on his gloves.
Lance cracks his neck, “If I win this match, you’ll help me with my story.”
Keith scoffs as he jumps on his spot, rolling his shoulders.
Lance levels him with a look and adopts a fighting stance, “I’m serious.”
Keith lifts one eyebrow, challenging, “Come at me, then.” He beckons Lance forward with his hands.
Lance lunges at him, pulling him into a headlock. Keith hooks his arms around Lance’s thigh, hoists him up by the crotch and throws him down on the mat. Lance grunts and scrambles back on his feet.
He’s back on the floor in a matter of seconds, his torso pressed to the mat by Keith’s forearms as he straddles Lance’s ass, “Do you yield?”
Lance taps the mat twice and Keith rolls off him, cackling triumphantly.
Day 4
Lance (10:20 p.m.)
hey keith
Lance (10:22 p.m.)
Lance (10:23 p.m.)
Lance (10:26 p.m.)
key lime pie
keithy kat
Keith (10:34 p.m.)
the fuck do u want
also why are u texting me???
ure literally a door away u idiot
Lance (10:35 p.m.)
im feeling too lazy
Keith (10:40 p.m.)
what do u want???
Lance (10:42 p.m.)
i need ur help with something
Lance (10:48 p.m.)
Keith (10:50 p.m.)
not this again
[eyeroll emoji]
ask one of ur classmates
Lance (10:52 p.m.)
but keeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiith
they dont know me like u do
also they dont have ur mad editing skills
plus theyre not my friends
Keith (10:54 p.m.)
im not ur friend either
i just need u to split the rent
Lance (10:55 p.m.)
Lance (10:56 p.m.)
Lance (11:00 p.m.)
Keith (11:01 p.m.)
Lance (11:01 p.m.)
Keith (11:05 p.m.)
good night lance :)
Lance (11:06 p.m.)
Keith (11:07 p.m.)
Day 5
Knuckles rap on his door.
“Can I come in?” Lance asks.
“Yeah, Lance,” Keith says, taking off his glasses and sitting up on his bed. He rubs his eyes, yawning.
Lance enters Keith’s bedroom with a pout and his laptop clutched to his chest.
Keith rolls his eyes and sighs, slumping back on his bed. “Okay, fine!” He relents, rubbing his temples, “I’ll do it, I’ll edit your fucking porn.”
Lance splutters indignantly, “I TOLD YOU ALREADY KEITH, IT’S EROTICA!!!”
Keith snorts, “Yeah, whatever.”
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