#no love for u R-Tord
baconcolacan · 1 year
Did R Tord try to have some contact with Tom when he left the house?
I'm compiling all recent Regimen (+ one Stay AU) anon asks into one so I dont overwhelm my dash lmao. Question start!
Nope! Actually, Tom was the one to contact him, although he didnt realize he did as he was drunk when he did it.
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I'm slightly following "canon" when it comes to Regimen so I'll just say that Tord joined the army at 18, left the guys shortly thereafter, took part in the civil war Norway got plunged into which led to a leadership position at 23. He took over that civil war group which later turned into RA so I guess technically 23 lmao, but he built up their network and expanded recruitment after the events of 'The End'
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Tord did, kind of, being a military leader is a lot of work so he couldn't keep his attention on them all the time, he would peek in now and then to check if they were alive then leave it at that to address his other matters. Around this time, Tord would be pretty connected to a lot of powerful people, so its not that hard to have satellites track what was going on with the guys when he wanted to know.
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R-Tord: He would tut at him, pull him as close as possible and just smile sadly. "Min kjaere, why would you say something like that?" His voice would be small, sad, soft. His touch would be gentle, cupping the sides of Tom's face as he looked at him "You are my most precious treasure, nothing about you is lacking, you are mine and I only keep the most beautiful things at my side."
Then his grip might tighten, might hurt a bit, did Tom mistake that second? Did he just imagine it? Because Tord's hold was gentle again, maybe he did imagine it.
"Never say something like that again."
S-Tord: Tom likes to joke about it sometimes, because his humor was partly self-deprecating, but this time it sounded too bitter, too personal. Tord hated when his husband got like this, it hurt to know that Tom felt this way about himself, when all that Tord ever saw was a handsome, adorable, snarky but funny person who he loved more than anything.
He would frown and shake his head at Tom. "Why would you say that kjærligheten min?"
"Uh...it's just a joke though?"
"No no," He would stand and come closer to Tom, frown still in place. He'd squish Tom's face between his hands and ignore all his protests if he has any. "I know that tone, my love. You meant it this time." He would sigh and press their foreheads together, maybe ease up on the face squishing. "You know I hate when you say that about yourself, nothing about those words are true, nothing about those thoughts are true...." He would pout and separate himself but still not let go of Tom. "Are you calling me a liar, then? When I tell you all the things about you that I love, am I a liar?"
"Tord, no-" "Then I will list aaaaallll the things I love about you until your stupid head stops making up those horrible lies!" "Oh god, Tord don't-" He'd scoop him up in his arms and spin them around, laughing. "Tooooo late! Here we go: One - I love your voice, especially when you sing, very sexy-" "OOOOH MY GOD! TORD STO-HAHAHHAP!!"
It will keep going until Tom is begging him- but smiling wide enough for Tord- to stop talking.
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edducard · 2 years
Would you mind if I wrote you a TomTord drabble...like do you have any specific requests..
I will slit my wrists for u if u give me a top tier bitches fighting over the stupidest thing but when alone w just them they just kind of sit in silence watching a movie like no words they just kind of look at the other every now n then n sometimes that Look is smn a little Different and then they get caught staring and look away all flustered and when asked what's wrong they start fighting like wtf bro ur so mean!!!!! but like edd can fucking SEE he can TASTE that tension brother u aint slick
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Ever since you sent this I've been so excited to write it, I had a lot of fun with the first one (nsft past this point, proceed at your own risk)
Edd had just waiting since he had some time before his next class, Tord's, sitting on the lawn with his skethbook. Then, a close friend of his, Tom came. He had Tord too, not at the same time as Edd though, which for any other class would have been disappointing, but considering the... Nature of his and Tord's relationship, Edd was sort of glad.
"hey, Mr Dahl told me to send you early, he wants to talk to you about something" he said sitting down as well and Edd felt his cheeks go pink, that always meant the same thing. "R-right... I should probably go then" Tom nodded and chuckled a little to himself.
He figured Edd just had a crush on him, teachers aren't supposed to date students though so even if he does seem like the professor's favorite he wasn't worried about it, Edd can give him goo goo eyes all he wants, it's not like it's gonna go anywhere.
Edd walked down the hallway and into the classroom once he got there. His class with Tom had just ended so the room was empty, other than the two of them. He looked up at Edd, not even cracking a smile. He just nodded for the brunette to come closer once he shut the door.
The year was ending soon, and it was Edd's last year there which meant they wouldn't have to sneak around anymore. It was great of course, but Tord was honestly just a little bit disappointed. He thought it was so hot watching Edd try to act natural around the other students or trying to keep himself quiet so no one would find them, he would miss that. So they have been doing it in the classroom a lot more lately.
Edd came in, sort of meekly, as always when he was flustered. He was always a little bit intimidated by Tord, even with how close they had become. "Mr Dahl you... Wanted to see me?" He nodded, standing up to look down at the boy "I got something the other day I need your help with. Come here" it was a new toy, a vibrating one. He was honestly trying to contain his own excitement, he just loved this.
Though he liked coming off as serious, especially to Edd, he looked so cute when he got all nervous. The boy walked over, gasping as Tord grabbed his hip and pulled him closer rather aggressively. He kissed him with no warning, deeply and passionately. He shoved his tongue in and Edd melted right away, letting his hands find their place on Tord's strong shoulders as his eyes fluttered shut.
The norsk wrapped his arm around Edd's waist to pull him closer, the other opening up the drawer of his desk he had reserved for Edd, getting out the new toy. The artist didn't notice, too busy swooning for his boyfriend. His lips were rough, and he seemed so good at this, it was just wonderful.
Edd blushed deeper as he felt the man's hand move lower to hold his ass, pushing his hips forward a bit as he grinded against him causing him to give a few little gasps and moans into the kiss, whimpering softly and holding Tord tighter. The taller couldn't help smirking slightly into the kiss before it was broken.
"Sir th-the class is about to start-" he mumbled looking up at him with big, worried eyes. Surely he didn't want to now right? The door wasn't even locked, everyone could start coming in any minute. "I'm well aware Edd, bend over for me" despite being very concerned, Edd did as he was told, bending over Tord's desk. "Good boy~" the man coed softly making him blush deeply, feeling a little shudder through him, making Tord chuckle softly.
He gently slipped Edd's pants down, not all the way. He sadly wasn't wearing any of the langire Tord had bought him, it was always a nice surprise when he did. He pulled his underwear down as well, gently rubbing his sub's cock as he grabbed the lube out of the drawer. He opened it, watching the way Edd wined and squirmed a little, getting fully hard in Tord's hand.
He poured some of the lubricant onto his fingers, rubbing them together a bit before shoving two inside of Edd with no warning, electing a sharp yelp from the shorter. He whined, hints of pain in his voice but mostly pleasure. "Ohh, sir~" he softly moaned as the man began slowly moving his fingers, pushing his hips back just a bit. Tord couldn't help a chuckle at his sudden eagerness, he thought it was just adorable.
He added a third finger, making sure to push them deep, but purposely avoided his sweet spot. This was a little frustrating especially when he got so close to it but it still felt amazing and Edd was too focused on that to be too upset. Soon though, Tord took his fingers out and Edd braced himself for what was to come, but it wasn't what he expected.
Tord took the toy, rubbing it down with a little lube just to be sure before carefully pushing it inside Edd. It was a red egg about the size and shape of Tord's thumb, it had a cord for easy removal and a little remote that could control how much it vibrated. Edd tensed up slightly as it was pushed in, but he seemed confused.
He didn't know what this was, Tord had made him wear plugs before but this was different. Mr Dahl slowly pushed it deeper until the brunette in front of him gasped, flinching a bit. He smirked to himself and left it right on his prostate, taking his fingers out.
"stand up" he said helping Edd put his underwear and pants back on, and he obeyed despite being fully hard still. "W-what-" "you should get your things and sit down, the others are gonna get here any second" he said it as if nothing had happened, sitting back in his desk and looking at Edd expectantly. The shorter was speechless, and very curious as to what Tord put in him.
He just did as he was told, grabbing his bag, and surely enough the other students began coming in. It rubbed against his spot as he sat down, his face still a bright red. Soon all the chairs were full and Mr Dahl stood up, both of his hands in his pockets at first, then Edd felt something click and the toy started vibrating.
It took him by surprise and he quickly covered his mouth before just biting his lip hard to be less suspicious. He was just melting in his chair, whimpering quietly under his breath as it buzzed against his spot. He could hardly think, his brain totally scrambled. Tord kept catching his eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips as he reached into his pocket again, turning it to the second setting.
He watched as Edd nearly doubled over, his eyes blowing wide and fighting as hard as he could to keep quiet and not raise alarm. A well meaning and concerned girl looked at him for a moment before leaning over "Are you ok?" His face went bright red and Tord had to stop himself from laughing in the middle of the lecture as the artist forced a smile "Y-yeah! Yeah, I'm f-" It was turned up even more for just a moment before back down, Edd quickly covering his mouth to muffle a sharp moan he managed to disguise as one of pain "Fine, I-I'm fine just uh- having some stomach cramps, thanks" she nodded with a little smile and went back to her notebook.
It was nearly impossible to do anything like this, he had to totally focus on not being noticed. With his brain so foggy and scrambled, he ended up with his hands in his lap rubbing his legs together and trying to grind against them, desperate for friction against his painfully hard cock.
Tord, upon seeing his very flushed and sweaty partner squirming and grinding, turned it up more watching him totally tense up with a whine, putting his forehead down against the desk and his hands gripping the chair between his legs. He was getting closer to orgasm by the second, and that thought terrified him beyond words.
The class was coming to an end thankfully, Edd didn't know how much longer he could have managed in such a state. He was so much less focused on not getting caught, he could hardly focus on anything other than how good it felt and how badly he wished Tord would touch him. The man wrapped up the lecture, his eyes catching Edd's for a moment before turning it all the way up as he dismissed them.
Everyone around the artist had gone packed their bags and stood up to go thankfully, leaving. The second the door closed behind everyone Edd fell apart, whining as he put his head down and gave a desperate moan. Mr Dahl laughed, hard, it wasn't mean spirited, it sounded warm and joyous, despite the fact the joy was coming from Edd's torture.
He walked over, and took the remote out of his pocket, turning it off and the student nearly began sobbing, just collapsing into tears. He had been so so close, and now that everyone was finally gone he was stopped. It was so frustrating. Tord cupped his cheek and wiped away a stray tear of pleasure on his face.
"You did so well sweetheart, I'll make sure you get to feel very very good now" he promised, placing his thumb on Edd's lips as his hand moved down to gently rub the tent in his pants with his fingertips. The brunette gave a little whimper and leaned into his hand, looking up at him with his desperate glossy eyes.
He took his hands away, standing up straight and once again using his commanding tone "come here" he walked to his desk, and the artist scrambled to get up and follow him. Tord sat down in his chair and had Edd stand in front of him so he could unbutton and remove his pants as well as his boxers, tugging them off of him.
The brit flinched slightly as his fully hard cock sprung up, tip flushed and covered with pre, which Tord just loved. He always thought it was such a pretty sight, how desperate his Edd was for him. Edd tensed up and whined as the taller man gently ran his fingers up the underside of his dick, it twitching slightly. It was so over sensitive since he had been edged, desperate to finish.
Tord's other hand grabbed the cord of the toy and slowly pulled the vibrator out of his hole, watching him shudder but try his best to stay still. He liked being good for Mr Dahl and doing what he told him to, he wanted to be praised and be his good boy. "Hand me the lube"
"yes sir" he grabbed the bottle off of the man's desk again and handed it to him, sitting on his lap when guided to do so "good boy..." He was straddling the professor, a warm hand slowly running up under his hoodie. He used his other hand to unbutton his pants, as much as he loved teasing Edd he was so hard from watching him he couldn't have gone much longer without getting to be inside of him.
"will you help me put some on Edd?" He asked like he was asking the brunette to do something simple like bring him some papers or deliver a message for him. Said man blushed deep scarlet and nodded, opening the lube as Tord took his member out, pouring a bit on his hand before then gently wrapping his hand around his lover's cock.
The taller took a sharp breath from the cold liquid, exhaling softly again as Edd gently pumped his hand, then using two. He bit his bottom lip slightly, not looking at Tord's face, he was too embarrassed. It was warm in his hands, and so hard, the thought that it was going to be inside of him in a matter of moments was so exciting, he could hardly bare it.
"just like that... Very good" sweet praise was whispered to him as he continued applying the liquid, only being allowed to continue for another few seconds before he was stopped, having his hands gently taken away. Tord then grabbed his hips and had him raise them a bit, lining up with his dick. He gently guided the artist as he sank down on it slowly, though it seemed like he understood what he was supposed to do.
His face got several shades more red and he held Tord's shoulders tight, not taking it all just yet. He didn't start moving right away yet either, taking second to himself to get comfortable before he did. He began slowly raising and lowering his hips with a bit of Tord's guidance to keep a steady pace. "Good boy... Doing so well" Mr Dahl spoke softly, very softly as he kissed the shorter man's neck.
The brit just melted in his arms, giving soft sweet moans and gasps, starting to come down a bit harder and faster when he did. Tord encouraged him, even bucking his hips up a bit occasionally to push it deeper in which case Edd would give a high pitched yelp "sir!~" before moaning. "That's it" "just like that" the teacher's accent was thick as he spoke quietly, giving his sub's ass and thighs little squeezes as he guided him up and down.
His moans and panting only escalated as he started going harder, now taking it all in almost every time he came down. He would cry out every time it touched his sweet spot, tears beginning to well up in his eyes as his shaky hands held onto Tord tight.
The taller began tugging him down slightly when he came down, making him take it all every time. He wasn't thinking about being quiet, moaning loudly for Tord, whimpering and trying to stay as close to him as he could. He was starting to struggle to bounce, not able to focus on it while Tord plowed him.
Edd put his face in Tord's neck, squeezing his eyes shut tight as tears rolled down his cheeks and he moaned loudly. It was more the teacher thrusting up into him then anything but he didn't mind at all, holding the smaller close to him as he did, listening to his moans and whimpers and the way he'd gasp and jolt whenever his prostate was touched. His insides were so tight and hot around Tord, he could feel himself starting to get close.
Edd was addicting, he could never get enough of him he always wanted more, it was intoxicating really. "Taking it so well for me sweetheart" he said softly, kissing his cheek then neck as he melted, holding Tord a bit tighter. "Oh God- it feels- Ah!~ f-feels soo good" he mumbled, barely managing to get the words out before moaning again and letting his head fall.
Tord held his hips and gently rubbed him as he bounced. "P-please sir, I think I'm gonna cum-" he spoke quickly and almost frantically as if it were some kind of emergency, making Tord laugh a bit. "Not yet sweetheart" he started going harder making Edd moan loudly, holding the fabric of Tord's shirt tight in his hands.
"Mr Dahl- please!~" he begged, his voice breaking and cracking, his shoulders shaking in a heavy sob. Tord was huffing and grunting quietly as he fucked the brunette. He yanked him down by his hips as he thrust all the way in, going especially deep, making the man in his lap scream.
"go ahead" and Edd was glad he said so, because he didn't know if he could have helped it. He gave a high pitched moan as he came on Tord's shirt, panting and whining softly. The way his walls squeezed around the norsk's dick pushed him over the edge too, climaxing deep inside of him electing another soft moan, this one sounding more surprised.
He leaned fully against Tord and panting softly, drooling a bit. He couldn't think, he just felt so stuffed and foggy. The professor held him close, running his hands further under his hoodie, just rubbing his back to offer comfort and affection. He kissed his forehead "such a good boy, so pretty, my beautiful Eddie" he whispered kissing his face more, watching it flush as the big brown eyes looked up at him. "You wanna get off and let me clean you up some?"
Edd huffed a bit and thought for a moment, frowning slightly "um, I wanna stay just a little longer... Please" Tord felt his heart flutter, Edd was always able to leave him at a loss for words so easily without even trying, just by being himself. He was just so sweet "of course, as long as you want" he kissed his cheek again and held the smaller as he got comfy again.
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Ok,idk if u take requests from the same person twice,but I've had this idea all day.......ghost Jon tickling tord to show he's forgiven
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Let me just say something, to you and all of my previous askers: I LOVE when people ask for more than one fic. It makes me feel like you just like my writing that much, to ask for more. It feels very nice ^w^
  Ler Jon, Lee Tord
Warning: Mentions of  m u r d e r, and cussing
Word count: 1088
Tord never regretted killing anyone. Not once. After all, he was Red Leader. He went on killing sprees for fun. He did that kind of thing professionally, and without remorse.
So why was this random man he had never spoken to, who he remembered killing, suddenly stuck in his mind?
It couldn’t have been remorse or regret. No, not at all. Maybe it was how shockingly… plain he looked, even while bleeding out of his chest. Maybe it was the fact he had died in someone else’s arms. Maybe it was because this man had made him miss his one fucking shot at killing that damn JEHOVAH’S WITNESS ASSHOLE-
He took a deep breath to calm himself down, taking a sip of hot cocoa. It was too frozen outside to get anything accomplished, so he had given himself and most of his staff the day off. A nice, relaxing day in with nothing more than a cup of cocoa, whatever song he could get working on his arm’s speaker, and a nice comfy chair. It was all he needed…
That is, if he could stop thinking about that man.
What was it he had heard that other one call him? ‘John’? That seemed about right. He took out a piece of paper, placing it down and writing the name on it, then leaned back, holding it up and reading it over and over, trying to remember how exactly his face looked. He remembered it being so… plain. Normal. Short tan hair. Blue button up shirt. That was what was most notable about him. How utterly forgettable he looked. Even his name was plain.
“Hm. Ironic…” he mumbled, tilting his head as he read the paper.
“Actually, there’s no ‘h’ in my name.”
Tord literally leapt out of his chair upon hearing that, looking back to see a partially transparent figure peeking from behind. It took him a bit to realize, this was the ghost of this very John- er, Jon. Was that why he was so stuck in his head? He was literally HAUNTING him?! Should he call someone? A priest or exorcist? What was he supposed to do with a literal ghost in his room?!
“Are you here for revenge?” was the one question that escaped his lips, clicking multiple buttons on his robotic arm as though he could find a defense option for vengeful spirits.
“What?! No, of course not!”
“And why would I believe that? Hell, I don’t know why I asked. You’re obviously here to make sure I suffer just as much, huh?”
“No, no, that’s not it at all! I promise!”
“A ghost has nothing to promise on!”
“What does that even mean?!”
Jon was beginning to see why Tom hated this guy, he was pretty frustrating. He only wanted to talk with someone, and this guy seemed cool despite killing him. But how was he meant to prove he only wanted to talk? That he was a friendly ghost?
Wait… That’s it!
“Then let me prove it to you, with a little game!” Jon offered innocently, and while Tord was skeptical, he knew he was much less likely to die if he somehow won this ‘little game’.
“Alright… how does this game go…?” he questioned, obviously nervous.
“Simple! I turn invisible, and you have to try to catch me! I’ll keep giving little hints of where I am, and if you manage to grab me, you win! But, if I win… I get to choose my prize! Sound fair?”
“Is your prize… blood?”
“No! Stop thinking I want to kill you!”
“Ok, ok, I’ll try. Let’s begin…”
“Great!” Jon chirped before turning invisible and began moving around the room, occasionally tapping on something, giving hints like he said. Tord, however, refused to move, thinking one wrong step could lead to his demise.
Jon saw how tense he was, and it made him upset. Thankfully, with Tord standing still, he could initiate his plan flawlessly.
Tord flinched as he felt it, sudden and surprisingly ticklish for a single touch. He looked around, rubbing his side where he’d felt it.
Another poke, right between his ribs on the same side. He noticed how Jon seemed to avoid his injured side, which was pretty considerate, oddly enough.
He squeaked as he felt a poke right above his hip, quickly covering the spot with his hand, his head whipping around as though he could use sight against the ghost.
“Ohh, good spot?” he heard an enthusiastic chirp from somewhere on his left, and instead of answering, he lunged in the general direction, grabbing exactly nothing.
“Woah! Got pretty close! But not close enough, I’m afraid!” Jon punctuated his sentence with some quick pokes to Tord’s hip, earning a squeaky giggle before he reached out for his hands. Nothing, again.
“Not quite!” he heard the sweet chirp before he felt something fluttering against his neck, pulling yet another surprised giggle from him as he scrunched up.
“Dahammit, stop moving!” Tord demanded, reaching for him fruitlessly again.
“No way! That’s half the fun! Oh, by the way, you only have a minute left to catch me!”
The cycle continued that whole minute: Jon would find another tickle spot and poke at it until Tord reached to stop him, then he’d back off for a few seconds before coming back. After nearly a minute had gone by, he started counting down.
“Nononono I can’t lose!”
“3…” poke poke poke.
“Nohohoho c’mere!!” he reached, but nothing.
“No goddammit!”
“1! Time’s up! Looks like I win!” Jon chirped as he turned visible, standing in front of Tord with a sweet smile. “And that means I get to choose my prize! And I want it to be…” he looked the man up and down before he decided on something he was sure they’d both agree on.
“I want my prize to be you telling me about yourself!”
“I… really? That’s all you want?” the Nordic boi questioned, skeptical.
“I mean, unless you really want to go through a nice, long round of tickling~”
“NONO- No, telling you about me is fine!”
“Great! And maybe afterwards you can show me around! I wanna remember this place before I go. Sound good?”
“You know what, Jon? It does. Come, let’s talk,” Tord smiled a bit as he sat down in his chair, Jon floating beside him as he began to walk through his tale of life.
Turns out not all ghosts are vengeful.
This is utter ass, I’m sorry, but I got it done while listening to music so I was basically only half-focused ;w;
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edd-xhausted · 1 year
Ohhh mechanic Tord! That'd be perfect actually, thank you
And hehe Tord yes :) Lucky for him the cult mostly leave him be at the start, because when they first tried to send someone to the house Matt ripped the hood off and sucked the poor guy's blood. The gang do feel like they're being Watched at times though
Okay I have more things actually
I think I've decided that everyone moves in post-The Stars bc I think that has the most potential (imagine the four having the Happy Fella for a bit lol). Bing, Larry and the Rejects were there before The Stars tho
Rick gets jobs at the places Matt, Tord, and Tom work at at various different points. He bonds with Tom the most (they got drunk on shift together a couple times before Rick was inevitably fired)
Laurel and Jon are besties, and Laurel keeps trying to get Eduardo to be nicer to Jon. Similar to the Hatzgang warming up to Skid and Pump, Eduardo actually does treat Jon better as the AU goes on
Kevin hates Eduardo, is indifferent to Mark, and likes Laurel and Jon
Tom can't be Stars'd (gee I wonder why), however if the boys were to meet Eyes in person it'd be WAY later
Eduardo moved all over the place while he was growing up, i.e. my way of explaining why he has a Spanish name, a Brooklyn accent, and was in England
The boys keep getting in trouble with the law, whether it be John and Jack or Captain and Shotgun
Highkey thinking of making Jon work at the theater with Radford
Tord's Halloween costume in Tender Treats is the Red Army uniform and pickelhaube to go with Edd dressing as a zombie and Matt dressing as a vampire (again, no Red Army, just a fun reference. Paul and Pat either have different costumes or no costumes). The spike on his hat comes in handy later on, heehoo
Been weighing on it and I think Paul and Pat's associated colors will be burgundy and mustard yellow, respectively. More sold on Paul than Pat tbh. Paul wears a coat and Pat wears a blazer
Assuming everyone is in the SM style, RL Matt is the only character with an actual skintone. His face is still an actual photo (I'm imagining it similar to how Pelo depicts Susan Wojcicki in some of his animations), but there's a bag over it bc everyone thinks he's hideous
Lowkey wanna give Tomatoredd's black eye a white pupil because I think it would fit
I LOVE ALL OF THIS!! so so so sorry I didnt get to this sooner FDBSJHSNS
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hi so i finally got back into my tord addiction after so long. i am thinking abt him DAILY my friend, school was suspended today and all i could think about was “mmm tord picking me up from school <33”. however, i have gained 2 new f/os…again…from childhood fandoms…the narrator from stanley parable and fucking grillby? from undertale? aksel and august will be making a comeback because i love them more than anything <33 i just need prompts
but yeah i picked myself up out of hiatus because i’m me. how’s tom by the way? any new hcs for maybe edd,matt and tord also? 👀
- ave!!! your moot who makes bad decisions (at ang traffic today…like talaga)
avery yo!!!!!! missed seeing u pop up hehe but I'm glad u're doing alright 🥺 damn walang pasok ha sanaol joke lang AHAHSGDHAHEH i already got like a quiz and report in just the first week of actual classes help me /lh lh but I love everyone in there so haha
my goodness tho yes <3 everyone else is so jealous cuz ooooo u got ur handsome bf picking u up so true so true <3
dude........ i need to touch on stanley parable again oh mAN I heard amazing stuff abt the new update and.... that's like peak 2015 shit for me I gotta go back to it some time!!! also undertale ayOoo I'm suddenly seeing a resurface of ut faves 🥺🥺🥺💚💚💚
HOW PERFECT i genuinely like aksel and august's character, you know actually they suddenly remind me of kel and hero omg SHSHHSHSBSHSHAJAJSJ FR THO AAAAA
no worries on the hiatus! we're all busy now. classes go brrrr orz
oh MAN i still have him on my mind, but it's now balancing with hero/p and tom/r because they just sit there and do their magic and make me happy that's like therapy ayo 🥺 /jjj pos
I guess if there's a big hc I can drop for all the 3 boys, it's that I finally thought about MY idea on their heights, I'm too lazy to look at my gallery for the screenshot DPFOJTOROR but basically edd-matt-tord-tom from tallest to shortest and jesse sits at the very last hehe 🤸
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tordathan · 13 days
i want u to know i cant stop thinking about ur post-end tord comic im so normal about it oh my god i love it so much
omg THANK YOU??? I’ve never had so many people like my art before u guys r so sweet 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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trashbins-stuff · 2 years
some info abt me:
PART ONE THIS IS PART ONE (just summary):
Haiii!! ^^ :3 we M.A.C constellation program (collective) (M.A.C is for Morbid Antisocial Cosmonaut) (p-did!!)
name: bin !!!!
! also goes by crt, cabby, roxy, charlotte, anne, sasha, danny, catatonia, caroline
! also cosmic brownie/cosmoes, sunshine, ellie/ellen, jenny, marcy, ruby, ve(e), vinnie is cool too!!
! friends/moots feel free to use candycane, ell, badger, đèn dầu/đd/dd, cosmic sunshine or any silly nicknames <3
! also goes by kin names, you have to ask first before using our code name tho
-collectively identify as arospec queer agirlboy (agender/genderless but want 2 be perceive as girlboy) (full girl half boy) + ghostgender + system-fluid + autospec, altho headmates have their own orientation yeah
-adhtistic dysgraphia and is kleptomaniac w possible ocd and mild ptsd(+)
-language we can speak: Vietnamese + English
-doodle request r closed
-art tag:
current #trashbins-art
old: #i know it look uggo but i was drawing with a mouse okay??? (it is very unique ik/j)
boundaries (dni and thin ice):
-neutral/agaisnt Palestine dont int ill block you
-Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, Misogynistic, Racist, Sexist, Ableist, Discrimination, Truscum.. ILL BLOCK!!
-ppl that like to start drama, i might avoid you
-dont call my headmates siblings
-if were not supa dupa close and jsut mootie that int sometime then ill be happy if we have toher shared fandom but uhm when u get jsut a lil close enough and i see u reblog other fandom post i get super uncomfy, huge pet peeve, big no no
before you follow, were:
-pro mspec les and mspec gay, anti harassment, other opinions we havent thought about much, neutral or dont care
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PART THE POWER OF TWOOOOOO (social, plz check carrd and pronoun page to know more):
-my pinterest
-discord: trashbin2587
-my spotify
-pronouns page (there are english, norwegian and vietnamese ver)
-pronouns.cc (go more in deep)
-carrd for overall
-carrd for headmate intro
PART THIRD TIME THE CHARM!! (other stuff):
-sona info sheet (bins the objectsona also has 2 pairs of wings like humanoid form, im jsut too lazy to redraw lole):
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Items desp:
-bin's personal trusty shovel, bin like to refer to it as "Shovel Phoenix Thoradotte!! WARRIOR OF BURIED TREASURE, DESTROYER OF DIRT AND MY BESTIE!!1!" (if the string snapped or get removed form the shovel, bin shut down and go to a stage kinda like parallelogram (obs) when jerard died and stuck in a dream-loop until the string (u can get a new one) is tied back. the string being there is kinda of holding everything bin want to forget in) bin's is hesitant to telling ppl about the shovel in fear of them hurting it
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i hope you have a great day :)
tags for moots (wip):
-carpybara (circuitcarp)
-blairy (blairdrawzstuff)
-moony hazel (moonmxple)
-winters ice trail (winterwrxter)
-messages from the stars (salachy-part-two)
-theres a frog in my boot and now were best bros (snoot-in-yo-boot)
-a harp-mony (harpjsutexsists)
-cola with no coca (devycola)
-tinted tunes (haiamkai)
-gooooobz (gooberdrawz)
-lovely shoelace (mausuwinasa)
-cuperooooo <3 (mochablogger)
synpath list below"
notes: red means theyre my fickin and im not always fine with doubles (especially if were very very close friends, am fine with double that i just met, already know theyre that before, or friends who arent that close, ask if u want), blue means high-mid synpath/other-hearted?, green means mid-low synpath (yes i know some of these characters r pieces of shits yes i still relate to them </3)
sasha waybright (amphibia)
tord (ew)
cabby (ii)
clover (ii)
ruby (bfdi)
remote (bfdi)
airy (hfjone)
charlottle/moldy (hfjone)
treasure chest (ppt2)
blue rectangle (voo)
buzzery (obs)
pinkie pie (mlp)
bmo (adventure time)
roxy lalonde (homestuck)
sollux captor (homestuck)
danny fenton (danny phantom)
little baby man (danny phantom phandom)
anne boonchuy (amphibia)
marcy wu (amphibia)
blueberry (ii)
four (bfdi/xfohv)
gold ingot (ppt2)
slipper (ppt2)
journal (ppt2)
fireball (aib)
pill (aib)
pitchfork (aib)
comet (objectified)
bee (bee&puppycat)
fionna (fionna&cake)
chloe garcia (dork diaries)
luz noceda (toh)
yuki sakasima (pretty girl neko show)
spinel (su)
horrid henry (horrid henry)
gus porter (toh)
mephone4 (ii)
bot (ii)
oodle (aib)
bone (aib)
moonstone (ee)
pool (object invasion)
thanks for reading! :] im probably gonna update these as time goes on
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zombiepirates · 2 years
starting the blog off strong with my funny little hcs/redesigns for the main 4
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read more for a looooong list of hcs
okay here we go
- 5'9
- half korean half white
- 26 in the end
- bi and the token cis friend, uses he/him pronouns
- built like a muscular santa LOL, definitely physically the strongest of the main four
- has lots of moles all over
- likes to have a clean shaven face but gets lazy sometimes. he has hairy arms, legs, etc
- OBVIOUSLY listens to the beatles his cat is named ringo. also is a pink floyd, journey, rolling stones, and led zepplin enjoyer. he likes bo burnham too
- i see his personality as being like. he doesn't start chaos but boy is he happy to join in and be along for the ride.
- actually is pretty apathetic a lot of the time *points at pre legacy edd who wants nothing to do with his friends when he has to put effort into the relationship*
- gets so competitive over every. little. thing.
- has adhd , was hyperactive as a kid but now struggles to muster the energy to do anything that doesn't relate to a hyperfixation (animation and writing comics are the major ones)
- tics as a result of his adhd which pisses him off especially when he's drawing
- also stims quite a lot ☺ canonically gets flappy hands + his "broccoli!" is ABSOLUTELY a stim r u kidding
- still has leftover powers from poweredd! they aren't always there but if he feels threatened they can pop up. his eyes turn completely green when he uses powers 😮
- really quick on his feet and is always able to pull the boys out of trouble if need be (big reason why he naturally falls into a leadership position)
- only eats junk food unless someone sits him down and forces him to eat a proper meal. eats really frequently too, always has a bag of chips and cola within arms reach
- drinks and smokes 🍃 socially but never by himself. isn't a fan of anything with nicotine
- likes beer and whiskey, and takes 🍃 in pretty much any form without a preference
- his green hoodie is a comfort item so he is p much always wearing it, even in the summer. otherwise wears t shirts and cargo pants
- his lucky can is also a comfort item
- vibes really well with tom! they're both really chill and mellow when around eachother. they like to talk about movies together
- when with matt his energy level is definitely boosted. they like to go out to eat, go to the mall, and ofc go to amusement parks
- tord activates the competitive part of his personality lol. they butt heads a lot but most of the time it's in a joking way. loooove to play video games together
- 6'1
- black
- 25 in the end
- bi with a male preference, doesn't label his gender but is somewhere inbetween agender and male. uses he/it/they pronouns
- messes with his hair a lot, most of the time it is bleached more than it should be. it sometimes has shoulder length locs which he'll tie into a ponytail
- has many scars up his arms and thighs
- has tons of piercings everywhere bc he uses it as a form of sh and figures nobody will notice (tord totally does n worries but never says anything)
- muscular arms and chest bc he works out when he's mad (which is. frequently!)
- has stubble and very thick + usually untrimmed sideburns. also lots of body hair
- nails are usually painted black
- enjoys ska punk fashion
- has lots of patchwork and embroidery on his clothing. wears tons of accessories , chains, rubber bracelets, belts, fingerless gloves, yada yada
- ok im abt to rapidfire list artists i think it listens to bc. he loves music so <3
sublime, queen, david bowie, radiohead, ac/dc, abba, nirvana, oasis, deftones, korn, the smashing pumpkins, neutral milk hotel, the smiths, pavement, violent femmes, and pixies
- a lot of ppl write him as like. always serious and deadpan, never experiences joy. THIS IS INCORRECT!!!!! this is literally the guy whose running bit is "random xd"
- tom is the first to make a joke out of a shitty situation, in fact his inability to read the room causes problems sometimes. he def made jokes about tord after the end and it made edd and matt massively uncomfortable
- also sometimes makes those awkward self deprecating jokes that are not funny but. he's working on it
- relies on situational humor to be funny
- generally is quiet unless he wants to make a lil snide remark or someone speaks directly to him
- ......unless he's drunk. GOD does he love to talk when he's drunk. usually about himself, although it could either be "i'm worthless" or "i'm awesome and sexy"
- SO BAD WHEN PPL HAVE EMOTIONS... lacks empathy so if someone cries in front of him he has no clue how to react
- very possessive + protective of susan and tomee bear
- *unfolds list and puts on reading glasses* has depression, mild social anxiety (was bad in hs but is getting better), adhd, ocd, bipolar, + insomnia and obviously issues with alcohol. sorry for making him mentally ill it is simply how i see him
- his alc addiction is actually a lot better than it was pre legacy :] especially post the end he is able to occasionally drink socially without it being an issue
- of course i will talk abt monster tom omg. so their monster traits (super strength, increased height, claws, horns, tail) will appear when he feels any super intense emotion no matter what it is. it's typically painful but not always , n its very rare that it assumes full monster form without injections from tord/the red army
- his pessimistic nature comes in handy bc edd and matt don't think abt the risks or possibility of failure for a lot of things so tom is able to reel 'em back and help ground everybody
- forgets to eat all. the. time. and when he DOES eat, it's at like 3am when he grabs a plain bagel from the kitchen
- prefers vodka when drinking but will take anything. not a huge fan of hard seltzers or beer though bc they don't get him drunk enough. i think they prolly like taking edibles to calm their nerves and likes to smoke weed with tord
- probably has a juul that he gets too embarrassed to use outside of his room . not as into nicotine as tord but certainly enjoys it
- makes money as a film composer .. he loves what he does but also wishes he could be a director
- used to work part time at the local bar but uhmmmm
- tom and matt just enjoy being in eachothers company tbh. if they're sittin in the same room on their phones both of them will consider it a good time! tom also likes to play matt music
- i could write a whole essay on tom and tord's relationship but i have so many thoughts i can't even figure out my train of thought. my god
- they bond a lot over hating things LOL they'll watch stupid movies just to laugh at. tom will go on a rant about how he wishes he had the budget to make a blockbuster film and tord just listens
- tom is secretly interested in tord's inventions but would never ask about them so as not to boost his ego LOL
- 6'4
- white
- 26 in the end
- unlabeled sexuality, almost exclusively likes men. genderfluid and uses he/they + comes up with new neos for himself biweekly
- an absolute twig with very little muscle. he does have very broad shoulders however which gives the illusion he might be anything other than a string bean
- his hair is in awful condition because he treats it horribly 😵 it's naturally curly but since middle school he has straightened and put gel in it daily
- nails always look very nice, sometimes gets extravagant and colorful manicures but usually just has french tips. their nails are quite long
- has long canines and a bite mark scar on his neck
- covered head to toe in freckles
- little to no body hair, they barely have to shave bc they simply don't grow much
- big fan of maximalism in fashion and interior decor
- has his ears pierced and a little stud on his nose
- really enjoys music, listens to madonna, kesha, the millionaires, marina, britney spears, doja cat, avril lavigne, and of course
gwen stefani
- yes he is stupid but not. THAT. stupid. this dude was the leader of a zombie army .
- he's very smart when it comes to manipulating people and likes to use his charm and good looks to get what he wants
- HOWEVER . they lack some common sense. he definitely would use his phone flashlight to check a clock in the middle of the night LOL
- struggles to understand sarcasm a lot of the time
- constantly seeking validation from the boys and ESPECIALLY tom. tom isn't the most affectionate so when tom compliments him his brain explodes /pos
- he was that kid in elementary school with nut allergies n all the adults catered to him LMFAOOOO
- has cute petnames for the boys (dimples for edd, teddy bear for tom, captain for tord) also uses handsome as a name for all of them rather than an adjective lol. he calls tord sunshine when he wants to peeve him
- goes ALL OUT for holidays!!! decorating and gift giving sparks joy
- took french in high school and actually enjoyed it a lot, he's almost fluent
- likes going to parties bc he's constantly understimulated so bright lights and loud music = A GOOD TIME
- always has incense or a candle burning
- has sensory issues with a lot of food (canon example would be him not able to eat ice cream bc it hurts his teeth)
- autistic , ocd and bpd haver . i specifically think he has ocd because of his compulsive hoarding
- actually has a decent eating schedule 😱😱 he eats a lot of fruit . don't ask why i know this i simply can just see it
- enjoys drinking quite a lot actually, they're a big fan of fancy cocktails. enjoys edibles but HATES smoking and vaping, coughs a lot when he does. probably vomited his first time smoking and was traumatized ever since lol
- works at a novelty toy shop in an outlet mall 😁😁 really genuinely loves his job and is so sweet to customers .
- he is still a vampire! thankfully since modern mirrors are not backed by silver he can see his beautiful face🙏
- can't eat garlic and can't be out in the sun for very long without a parasol
- is good at comforting the boys when they're upset, not great at giving advice but they're a great listener and shoulder to cry on
- likes to watch anime with tord 👍 although they have very different taste in anime for the most part, both of them enjoy shounen
- 5'2
- white
- 26 in the end
- i know. logically.  in canon he definitely likes women (see: kim and katya) but it is simply my opinion that he's only attracted to anime girls and when interacting with irl women he's uncomfortable
- that being said he's gay and transmasc, uses he/him. he was so quiet before leaving and then when he comes back he's  suddenly super boisterous and can't shut up? there's no way he didn't start T and get top surgery in the time he was gone
- muscular from being in the army but when he takes time off to work on inventions he'll eat exclusively instant noodles and takeout so he has some pudge on his tummy, hips and thighs
- scars all over which he claims are from combat training but are just from him being careless with his weapons
- massive eye bags bc his sleeping schedule is horrid
- started bleaching and dying his hair a much lighter brown about a year before leaving , when he gets depressed or too consumed in his work his roots can grow out a decent bit though
- had lots of acne as a teen but is finally free in his 20s
- bites his nails so they look VERY ugly lmao
- sharp teeth >:)
- can get pretty tan in the summer and has freckles on his face, arms, and shoulders
- can't grow facial hair 😒😒 has hair pretty much everywhere else though
- has a few ear piercings and a tongue piercing
- pre legacy tord was emo and legacy tord / red leader is military goth
- since tord was emo in high school and he simply never decided to find to new music his playlists just have ptv, old p!atd, paramore etc...
- he likes hentai in canon so i'm going to pretend that automatically means he is an anime enjoyer! his alltime fav is code geass because r u kidding. a mecha anime abt a guy taking over the world using intellect rather than brute force .
- he also enjoys fooly cooly, death note, mobile suit gundam, promare, fma:b, evangelion, and gurren lagann
- his fav anime characters are lelouch and asuka <3
- his personality pre legacy is . MASSIVELY different  . he was kind of jst like "i'll keep my head down unless A. edd or tom tries to start shit or B. i get to talk about the military or weapons" LOL
- he always knew he was destined for something greater though and had been working on blueprints and finding materials for his giant robot since hs
- started building it a few years before he left . i like to think he didn't take it with him because he knew if he did he wouldn't have a reason to ever see edd, matt, or tom again
- already had connections to paul and pat , they kept in contact after school bc it was always the plan that they would take over the world together
- i think tord stayed in the army seen in moving targets, rose through the ranks, and slowly but surely included more and more of his own ideals into the teachings n trainings of new recruits until eventually they broke off and became the red army
- paul did basically the same thing in his branch of the army and then conjoined it with tord's, pat and yuu being in paul's branch (i hc yanov was in tord's)
- tord is very good at manipulating people into thinking they know what they want which is how he was able to keep soldiers on his side despite being a communist in the uk which is. very much capitalistic!
- even before joining the army he didn't have a job because he can't keep a regular job for life of him. instead he does the majority of the cleaning around the house
- does that silly thing where he forgets words in english so he's like "the uhmm... the thing! with the! yknow !"
- curses in norwegian
- refers to the boys by their full name (edward, matthew, thomas) if he wants to emphasize a point or really get their attention
- defaults to babe or doll as a petname. calls edd and matt his "brave soldiers" in a sweet way and for tom its in a condescending way
- forgets to shower often 😶 typically smells like cigars, gunpowder, oil + grease and sweat
- very intuitive
- a little too confident about his intellect though so when he gets humbled. the man is in Shambles
- has adhd , aspd, bipolar, c-ptsd and insomnia (these boys are all mentally ill)
- not a huge fan of drinking because he's a little Too emotionally vulnerable for his liking and gets uncomfortably hot, if he does drink he'll almost always have bourbon . enjoys smoking pot a whole lot but almost always does it by himself because he gets giggly, flirtatious, and very willing to dump out all his secrets . is very very very addicted to nicotine (strongly prefers cigars but will also use cigarettes, doesn't vape tho cuz he thinks it's uncool LMAO)
- POSSIBLY me being self indulgent with this hc but tord loooves shotgunning with his bfs more than anything  , he is so sad matt isn't into it
- is also with paul and pat but their relationship is much more casual than with edd matt and tom. tord cares more abt the success of his army and cause than kissing his handsome soldiers (unfortunately)
- tord and pat's relationship is like. tom and tord if they used their shared negative outlook on the world for a combined cause instead of a reason to fight constantly
- tord and pat struggle to talk about things other than the red army which upsets paul
- paul is kinda just here for the ride and loves pat and tord very dearly
- paul strokes tord's ego a bit more than what is probably safe lolololol
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astrochemstry · 3 years
Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy how are u? Can i please have some headcanons for the main four eddsworld boys with a reader that drink a lot of coffee with no sugar? Thank you!
Hello anon!! Doing good and Thank you for requesting :D this is an interesting request huhu
This can be interpreted as romantic and platonic
Gender neutral reader
This guy loves cola
Su ga r
And if hes drinking coffee, it hAS to have sugar
“How do you drink that???? Why?? whY?? How?” “with a cup and swallowing it”
Hes okay with it but just intimidated as hell
Especially since you keep drinking it a lot
“Im just concerned Tom, what if they die from all that Coffee?” “You drink Cola everyday- now find the answer.”
He makes coffee puns btw
“Hey! You better stop drinking a latte-” “oh theres a cup of coffee! Where has it bean your whole life?”
He even got Matt into it lmao
“Edd, we’re going to the mall-” “I can’t fully espresso my excitement!” “oh my god.”
He once broke your coffee maker and managed to buy another one
“Hey (Name)-” “Look, Edd, i don't-”
And then you see him holding the box for the coffee maker and a coffee in his other hand
“I made a pot of coffee, espresso-ly for you.”
What a dork
Ah the ginger bread man
bro is terrified of coffee
If you thought Tord just punched him
Not on purpose tho
Matt and Edd tried to scare him and he was drinking Coffee so
He does think its bad for you to drink A LOT of coffee
“(naaaaaameee) stoooooop!! That coffee is distracting you from my beautiful face!!”
Uh he tried it once actually
When he got zapped by that gun which makes u forget?
He saw ur coffee and went “oH????”
He uh didnt know how to make coffee with the coffee maker
So he just drank yours
Hes runNing around hES up the rooftoP HE brOke ur coffee maker and probably at Eduardo’s house now
In the end he swore to never drink coffee again
He woke up at a dumpsite after he didnt feel so energetic
But i mean he can be unaware sometimes and he doesnt even realize hes drinking your coffee
He wonders why theres ‘mud stains’ on his face after he leaves the kitchen
But deep down, somewhere,
He knows.
Ehh hes just neutral about it? but
Concerned tho abt u drinking coffee a lot
Very concerned
“Im just concerned, Edd. I don't want them to die after some- coffee crash-” “Ok- didnt i talk to you about this before? Also you drink smirnoff all the time.” “Touche.”
Hes the one hiding the coffee from u whenever it gets too much
Tried to hide the coffee maker, broke it but managed to get away with it actually
But felt guilty and did tell the truth to you
Tord drinks coffee too and youre coffee buddies and hes uh
“Stay away from this guy hes dangerous” “we’re literally drinking coffee?”
Yeah not after The end
I mean it could be expected he hates the coffee bcs Tord drinks it too buuuuut
that aint gonna stop him from trying new things just bcs some guy he hates drinks it too, hes a mature guy
Hes tried it before and he drinks it only when hes feeling tired
Vv tired and stuff
One time Edd got everyone (except Matt) to drink coffee with sugar
Actually i mean mixing it with his Cola
Tord didnt like it, tasted weird but he felt REALLY energetic
Though the aftermath wasnt so good
Edd, of course, loved it but said “still not better than the real thing.”
And actually Tom likes it too
“Not like smirnoff buut, its good.”
He actually drinks with you from time to time since Tord went off
Hes pretty chill abt it tbh and sometimes forgets you drink a lot
Like the last three, concerned but
Hes just yolo, your life, your problems, your pain tbh
He drinks coffee
Not that much like everyday
I mean when he was still livin with the guys
But since he left and went around to make some thing
He stays up a lot to finish a project
So he needs coffee to energize the fuck outta him
Though it doesnt affect him that much now, cant be energized with something hes tasted for like 365 days and 2 years
So before he went away
You guys drank coffee together
Like you and him will get out of your rooms and make coffee
“Tired?” “very.”
And yk just chat about stuff
Pretty chill stuff until you get close
Bro starts making challenges
Even worse than cola in coffee
“I think i can sneeze the coffee out of my nose- hey lets try it whoever does it fir-” “oh my god”
Actually he started selling some of them using your coffee maker
Managed to make a couple of cash
But he broke it
Yes all 4 of them broke your coffee maker equally
He used his recently gained money for it lmao :’)
Actually you don't see him much with coffee
Most of the time he drinks it inside his room or at early mornings
He invites u to hang out tho
Coffee and bird watching
Until he shoots one
Pretty good shot tho
oK so he leaves the gang to pursue a dream
You guys keep in contact through skype, zoom whatever app you wanna use lol
You guys just drink coffee with cameras on while working on stuff
And having a convo
“Hows the gang?” “same old same old, what about you?” “eh, been alright.”
And uh after The end, bro still drinks it
But it aint making him energized
Oh boy does he wish he didnt ban cola
Overall, very chill with the coffee and he doesnt drink it with sugar either
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redleadurr · 3 years
What do you think of that theory/HC about Tord in the End being a clone? love your art an hc s about Eddsworld btw!
thank you!!
and about the clone theory— i unfortunately dont like it very much, at least for my own ideas and content (not hate it or want ppl who hc to stop tho, thats just mean, this is just personal taste & people who hc it are cool). its not a personal jab to anyone whos main headcanon is that, because of course anyone can headcanon anything (glad u guys are having fun w it!). its just that i myself personally dont vibe with it much.
(gonna explain why i personally dont like the hc for my own content here but please dont take it as me saying it sucks, this is just personal tastes when it comes to interpreting story things): the reason i dont like to adopt this headcanon for myself is mostly bc i feel like its denying of what tord became as a character. from what ive seen, its been used a lot as a way to say that “hey tord didnt actually become evil suddenly, silly legacy team!!!! im gonna explain this random evilness by saying that that is an evil tord clone from spares” (most ppl say it in a lighthearted way is fine & actually p silly). it isnt bad to think of reasonings why tord suddenly became this way since i do it with my own RL headcanons too, i just like to headcanon these types of shifts in personality as a kind of Character Growth instead of resorting to an outside source/excuse(?) for him to suddenly becoming evil like making the evil tord a clone.
i understand why people feel more comfortable in letting the og tord be his own self instead of suddenly becoming bastardized within a single episode after years of not appearing, though. i get it— i was a fan since classic so the change took me by surprise as well. i just personally enjoy thibking about what couldve made tord change for the worst. its particularly fun for me especially considering there was a big hint of it back in Christmas Special 2005 (i was actually gonna write a post abt this some time.. also dont take this as me saying smth like ‘lol my hc has proof while urs doesnt!!’ in the end it doesnt matter if theres proof of a hc or not, its all for fun, just saying that making these connections makes it fun for me)
considering my blog title is literally Red Leader Apologist.. i guess what im saying is that im a sucker for character growth and stuff LOL.. that is all. hc’ing that The End tord was a clone kinda takes that growth aspect of tord headcanons away at least imo. but hey, to the ppl who hc it: ur cool! i actually do like seeing ppl create stuff based off this headcanon especially when it’s humorous like the spiderman pointing meme lol. i feel like you can do a lot w it too. just personally not what i headcanon myself.
sorry if anything here came off weird sounding or badly structured/repeating, my english isnt good. and also u r all very cool & i love seeing ur guys hcs keep it up
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baconcolacan · 1 year
Okay, get ready Daniel, you know how this goes
1) I doubt R!Tord knows about Hilarson, or if he does, i doubt he's aware of the bond Tom and him had. How would he react knowing that Tom held him so dear and close to his heart, let alone that he skimmed through his years-old dairy (that maybe he still has on? I bet Tord would die to read the parts with Tom mentioned)
2) What would R!Tord do if, after Toms capture he found out that Tom has a partner? A love life? He doesnt know who they are, where they are, in what country and how serious it is, he has no leads, he only knows that Tom is determined enough to endure any type of torture and will keep his mouth shut.
3) so about that ask of Tom disappearing (before the war ) and Tord ruling, more empty than ever.
What would he do, if he found out that someone killed Tom, but only after YEARS of having ruled the world. Years of being empty, he's a lot older, maybe tired, probably bored and one of his search teams somehow finds his remains. What would he do if he found the murderer?
4) so lets say, Tom's murdered right? Does it matter how he was murdered? I mean, would R!Tord treat the person more or less horribly, had he found out Tom suffered a lot while dying, mayhaps was tortured to death- or does he not care at all and only cares that he's dead?
5) R!Tord dies. Tom kills Tord, hooray, what does he do after that? Can he really find peace? With Edd and Matt?
6) RTord dies after tom kills him, but Matt and Edd are also dead, can Tom live on happily still?
7) Stay question, because im feeling generous today ^^ Does AK like anime? I want to think that Tord drags them in comicdoms, maybe begs to do team cosplays, like dress up from the same anime. I can picture them doing a full out Spy family cosplay, and for some reason i feel like Tom would be Loid and Tord Yor
8) idk if you've answered this, but when Matt and Tom were in a relationship for like, a week, back in their teenager years. Did Tord know? How was he coping?
9) How do you feel about someone making fan works, of your fan work. Like what if someone made a oneshot, based on regimen (they've given u credits, ofc)
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Also theres something so amazing about R!Tom having to pretend to be in a relationship with S!Tord and battling with his emotions and bodily functions, so wholesome, i needed this (meanwhile Stay Tom keeps suffering (o´Д`)=з)
10) How are you?? ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
HAHAHAHA Alright bud here we go: 1) Well at this point, he wouldn't matter much. Hilarson is dead and gone and it's not like Tom can do anything about that. So it's whatever, but he'll do his best to ensure Tom focuses on the present more. (Unfortunately, Tom does not have Hilarson's journal anymore. It was left behind.)
2.) :) 3.) It's your standard execution, but it would be a lot slower. Though I doubt Tord will be able to feel much of anything even if he watches them die. I'm pretty sure by this point he'll be a very hollow version of himself. After all that power tripping, violence, and domination, all he's left with is a cold, grey, broken world. He has everything he could ever want. But, now he faces a void. And there is nothing. There is nothing. 4.) He cares a lot about everything that happened to Tom. How he died won't really matter to how he'll treat the murderer, if it was a fast or slow death, he won't let the perpetrator die in peace, for daring to take the only colour he'd ever had in his life, the only thing that made things fun, the only person he could call an equal. Now things are empty empty empty. And it's their fault their fault THEIR FAULT. 5-6.) :̵̧̡̧̨̛̖͇̭͔̱̼̘̳͇̠͍̹͇͇̫̯͇̺̣͍̙͔͔͖͓͙͕̫̪̺̻̫̳͔͖͓͉̠͙̰̪̓͋̀̓͌͛͑̑̿̽̑͊̑͊̾̎͂̉͑̑̅͋̎͂̈́̒͗͘̕͝͝͝͝ͅ)̸̢̧̨̡̡̢̢̛̱̞̦̺̪̣̰͙̞̝̪̝̻͉̜̣̺̬̫̯̰͙̮͇͕̲͙̺̼͉͔̗̜̥̮̬͎͙̲̗̓͌̒͋̉̅̏͋̅͋̇̂̃͑͐̿̐͗̈́̂̑̍̏͗̆̋͋̈́̾̄̄́̂͐́͗͐̇̒̀͛̚̚̕͘͠͝͝͝ͅ ̷̨̧̢̟̦̹͉͚͓̮͚̪̥͉̰̫͚͉̰̼̼͕̗͉̣̞̩̰̞̯̰̤̆̌̒̓̈́͑̈͌̏̔̀̉̆͂͐̾͊͋̈́̏̃̎̑̃̄̄͌̀̉̋̐͒̊̊̀̀͂̍̿́̏̈̕̚͘̚͜͝͠͠ͅw̴̨̢̧̪͖͓̮͕̻͉͉̬͔͙͚̟̞͉̺͍͓͈̥͍̘͎̖͎̳̟͚̰̱͖͕̻̘̲̠̥̥̘͊̊͆̈́̀̄̆̌̿̅͊͋̐̅̈́͛̈́̊̿̀͂̈́́̌͋̚̚͜͝ę̵̡̡̢̡̛̛̫̭̮͔̯̮̯̮̪̗͉̱̻̰̌̎͒̍̃͑͑̈̄̓̄͂͛̍͂͗͛̓͐̔́̊͠͝͝͠ļ̵̨̡͇͇̰͇̲̠̝̖̲͕̹̻͙̲̯̗͕͇̖̰̦̯͔̦̤̼͔̟̬̱̜̙͔̮̘͔̄̽̆̏̈́̔̆͂̾̑̍̈͒̉̾̄̿̌̆́͌͐̐̚̕͘͘͜͝ͅl̸̛͙̰͔̪̞̅̎̃̾ I will be the death of me So now I write this eulogy For the better, saner, part of me The person who I used to be A long forgotten melody A hymn composed in malady Long a rotten symphony Found faith within insanity A life of great misanthropy Cannot be given amnesty So goes the given penalty Of a mind in constant reverie With grace alike the Holy See I plead for any sympathy My soul should find its ecstasy In a merciful eternity I had been the death of me A lie I spoke too easily For I refused the remedy To avoid a life of entropy.
7.) AAAAAAAAA That's so cute! Though I think AK will be neutral when it comes to anime, he much prefers more western animation like all the old cartoons Man of Action used to produce. (I bet he'd be into Megas XLR lmao) But he humors his dad when he drags him over to show him the classics, so despite not being a huge fan of it, AK is pretty up to date with anime and anime culture. AND YOU'RE RIGHT, Tom is Loid, Tord is Yor, and he will ROCK THE SHIT out of that dress. Their family cosplay is super accurate bc Tord is a dork and he knows how to make clothes (remember one of his hobbies is doll customization lmao) 8) Matt and Tom dated for about 5 months when they were teens! And ofc Tord knew bc they were super obnoxious about being a happy gay couple (Not that they weren't obnoxiously affectionate when they were just best friends, now they just get to kiss a lot.), and this made him super depressed and jealous (although he didn't know he was jealous.) And more or less exacerbated his shut-in weeb tendencies, which Edd had to deal with by dragging him out of his house to hang out with them some more (or at least with just him, since Edd would notice that Tord is pining after Tom.) How was he coping? Badly, could've resulted in him being an incel like RTord with all of the 'nice guys finish last' or 'Im always in the friendzone boo hoo' but luckily Edd is there to make him stop before he gets redpilled. 9.) I'd be really flustered but I wouldn't mind ahahaha, as long as credit is given I guess. ALSO YEAH FAKE MARRIAGE EXCEPT ITS WITH THE ALT VERSION OF YOUR ENEMY/EX FRIEND/EX-MAYBE-LOVER?? JDSLFKDJSFL WILDIN 10.) I am tired =7=<0 I got too big for my britches and ended up juggling multiple projects so...rip.
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whoistord · 7 years
its silly but i do worry ppl just like me for art n wanna b my friend just bc of it idk just past experiences made me weary but u guys seem very genuine? i have nice followers even the ones who make Bad™ jokes i got alot of good eggs
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Dare you to tell a random person “I love you”!
Name Randomizer: Cinder
Cinder: “I love you.” Ugh. But that would require emotional vulnerability.
Cinder: Well? Who do I get to be completely dishonest with?
Name Randomizer: Pyrrha
Cinder: Oh my gods....
Pyrrha: Oh.
Cinder: Dammit....
Ruby: Well, you gotta say it.
Cinder: I don’t have to say it.
Yang: You gotta.
Cinder: No.
Blake, holding up her Scroll, recording a video: Say it.
Cinder: Nah.
Nora: Say it.
Cinder: Ehhh....
Everyone, chanting: Say it! Say it! Say it!
Cinder: Chanting will get you nowhere.
Pyrrha: I won’t...take it seriously or anything.
Cinder, sighing: Alright, fine. Pyrrha... *groans* I love you.
Ruby: Aww!!!
Yang: OTP!
Blake, stopping the recording: Nice.
Pyrrha, grinning: Love you, too, Cindermon Roll.
Cinder: The fuck?
Ruby: Cindermon Roll.
Blake: Cindermon Roll.
Nora: Cindermon Roll.
Yang: Get her ass.
Emerald: Cindermon Roll.
Ilia: Cindermon Roll.
Cinder, shocked and dismayed: I hate all of you with a burning passion...
((And with that, that is the last TorD ask from the original batch before I closed the ask box the first time. Now we venture into a new era, friends))
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the-resurrection-3d · 4 years
Alright, using the EddTord sex slave au for @drake-the-incubus‘s questions
How did you come up with title for [x fic]?
The actual title is “I want to destroy everything that’s mine,” from the scary jokes’ song catabolic seed, which has always been in the Part Four section of my big ETF playlist.
Which idea came to you first in [x fic]?
Honestly, at first the idea was around Red Leader using time travel to kidnap a younger, less jaded version of Edd (in a similar vein to him visiting young!Edd in ETF 3). I honestly love the trope of a deeply fucked up, emotionally stunted individual using some kind of physically identical surrogate for their lost love. The idea of cloning Ringo was already canon to ETF 4, shamelessly stolen from a post on here (did I link it in the footnotes? I feel like I did. If not I’m sorry but I don’t remember where it’s from). So this was the natural next step. 
I’d also been reading some more first-person books and wanted to try writing in a style more fitting of Green Leader. I like writing Edd in second-person because of his general passivity, but it’s also a style that’s more generic, you know? A lot of fic types have their own common writing styles and while this is not a bad thing, I just wanted to try something different. It didn’t work. 
Which part of [x fic] was the hardest to write?
Fucking all of it because my laptop crashed T H R E E F U C K I N G T I M E S in a single day. 
I also have complicated feelings about the depiction of rape here, and just in fics in general. I’m getting very tired of fics writing incredibly long and detailed rape scenes that would need literally zero editing to be generic rape porn and trying to pass that off as meaningful commentary on sexual assault. I’m not saying that people are necessarily doing this intentionally, but it’s gotten to the point that something that should be shocking and disgusting -- I mean why else are you describing it for 2k words? -- is just mundane, and I feel like it conflicts with these stories’ otherwise overt messaging about how feeling pleasure =/= consent or deserving it. 
I should specify that this is really only a problem with authors who approach every single rape scene with this technique. You can’t both have a story that takes rape trauma seriously and have your obvious rape kink on display literally every single time the topic comes up. Furthermore, despite the incendiary subject matter, rape scenes are still scenes -- if all I got out of a 4k word rape scene was “X character was raped and now they has a sad :c” that’s just a waste of my fucking time.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the way rape is portrayed here is great or groundbreaking or anything, but everything I just said is problematized when it’s from the rapist’s pov. As multiple studies have shown, (male) rapists actually think all men are also rapists, they just keep it on the down low. In this case, Green both justifies his actions as consensual and, when pushed, admits to himself he doesn’t really care about who he hurts. So why should it be censored in any way? 
And it is consensual at the start-- or rather as consensual as it could be given how fucked the optics are-- but Green just can’t help himself from pushing things too far and ignoring Tord’s boundaries. So I tried to keep the reminders of his violence invading the scene the way I did with Paultryck had in “our love gorges,” with things like Green’s cum getting on where Tord’s burn should be, or having the scene be interrupted with Green thinking, “(If he doesn't stop playing coy I’m going to slit his wrists and let him bleed out over the balcony).” As the night goes on, Green reveals just how much he views sex and violence as pretty much one and the same. 
I dunno. As 2019 went on, I became increasingly frustrated with and critical of myself and the way I utilized and portrayed violence and suffering in my writing, so I’m not going to defend myself all that much. I’d be happy to get some other opinions though.
If you were ever to do a sequel to [x fic], what do you think might happen in it?
Red Leader somehow reaches out to clone!Tord and tries to bring him out of that situation by reminding him that Green Leader is fickle and cruel, which he’s already been getting a taste of. Thereafter clone Tord finds the videos of Green Leader livestreaming Red’s eye being taken out and starts freaking. 
It doesn’t get much better.
In [x fic], what is a happy, post-fic headcanon you have about [pairing]?
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howlingcliffs · 5 years
Khfxjkgxxgj these hc afe the fucking best,, pat and edd next???
EPIC two dumb tall idiot boys thamk u
had a nasty dad
very neat and clean hes a huge fckin germaphobe will literally kill you if you do not clean your ROOM (yuu doesnt clean his room) (yuu dies)
didnt talk a lot as a kid but believe me he Listened and knew Everything
was lead medic/left hand man in the ra before it disbanded
loves his family very much and is always worried he's a worse father than his own dad which is impossible
works two jobs and does his best at them
he gay
knew of pau before they met, and did not expect him to be such a mess or so nice
a little bit shorter than pau (they look like they're the same height from a distance), they r very tall dads
very proud of all his stupid idiot boys
does not know when to stop working pat you have been working for 13 hours please go home to your family please pat pl
very protective of the goblin quartet he will literally kill someone 4 those idiots
has a pet chicken named snowball
loves his sons so much he wil die for goblin hat boy and goblin red hoodie boy
he has anxiety
hes bi/trans
met tord in kindergarten, edd had a scraped knee (this is based of a drawing i saw years ago, if anyome knows who made it lmk) and tord asked him if he needed help in broken english which led to edd teaching tord how to speak english and them becoming friends
had shit parents who didnt want him
his brother alex (YES i have an oc whos a sibling that i use to project my own sibling relationship with my own brother you are going to DEAL with it) named him after eddie brock bc alex is a fckingng nerd (edd being named after venom was an idea by m friend @/radicalspacemom)
alex was kicked out when edd was in 7th grade because their parents were being assholes to edd and alex was like "stop yoire bein MEAN" and then they kicked him out
edd has to stop himself from buying every cat he sees he loves them all too mucb Dear Lord help him
he goes to a cat cafe with ringo to have father daughter time
fell in love with tord when they listened to nightcore anime music together
Holds His Friends
like 6'10
got buffness from the poweredd powers before that he was a simple twunk
good and round hes shaped like a friend
make fun of his boys and he will beat ur ass
scared of fdk bc fdk bit his hand once
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