#no matter what i do or accomplish or how hard i fight or try
coffeecatcraze · 4 months
I would just like to say how hard it hits me in the chest to see Charlie masking every time she's onscreen the day before the fight (including what we see on Vox's spy screens of course), except when no one is with her but Vaggie. Even during her emotional speech she tries so damn hard to keep that confidence up and smile on. But we do see her stop masking twice, when the only person watching her is Vaggie.
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No one's really paying attention to her, and she's not smiling; she's worried. When Vaggie approaches her, she doesn't put on a happy face. She talks about her mom with the same smile as in the first episode (during a very emotionally vulnerable moment with Vaggie, might I add). It's not happy or confident. It's nostalgic, wistful, and sad, because her mom's absence is something very personal and painful for her. When Vaggie asks if they're ready, Charlie doesn't instantly start to smile or answer with confidence even though she usually would (even within that short beat of time), because her mask is off. She's not confident or optimistic. She's scared. She's not ready.
Then Pentious comes out and she's all smiles again! The mask comes back on when someone other than Vaggie is there.
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Of course, one of our favorite scenes. Charlie's alone when she breaks down, but when Vaggie shows up, she keeps the mask off. She admits how scared she is. When she does smile, it's not the big smile she's been throwing on throughout the day, and it's not strained either. It's soft, gentle, and real. She's not masking. Vaggie is genuinely making her feel better when she's finally letting herself fall apart, just by being there and reminding her that no matter what happens, she's already accomplished so much, and she's so loved.
Charlie is under a lot of stress and pressure. She's scared. She's not as optimistic as she's making herself out to be. She's giving everything she's got out there being a strong, confident, inspirational leader and friend in front of everyone, and it's only with Vaggie that she lets it go. She doesn't have to try to be strong. She doesn't pretend. She lets down her guard, because for her, Vaggie is that one infinitely special person who gets to see every part of her; the one person she can always be her honest self with.
There were plenty of times in other episodes when Charlie didn't mask her negative emotions around people, but that was when she didn't have anyone looking to her as a leader. She's running on adrenaline and the weight of people's expectations as Extermination Day gets closer, and she can't let the mask she's put on slip in public. She has to seem like she's totally ready for what's coming. But Vaggie is different.
The amount of trust and love Charlie has for her is staggering. She's under an insane amount of stress and pressure, and having Vaggie by her side is probably the only thing keeping her from completely falling to pieces. Seeing a relationship so full of deep trust and love is absolutely beautiful. <3
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bitchimasnake-sss · 8 months
"my girlfriend's a nerd" ft. the monster trio!
self explanatory self-indulgent drabbles to soothe my book!loving ass
ft. luffy, zoro and sanji x fem! reader
set-up: you like books, he likes you that's it
warnings: none lmao this is very sfw. one might call it wholesome even.
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thats my baby ^^
— im not even sure if this mf can read 😭😭
— honestly 9/10 chance he can't but when has that ever stopped him from being our most supportive himbo king
— go king give us everything!!
— he doesn't get why you read books when instead you can be like sleeping or eating or looking at the sea but well, he doesn't question it
— he just thinks it's a weird hobby you have (i don't think he's aware of how freakishly illiterate he is)
— but just cause he thinks it's weird that doesn't mean he wouldn't hug you half-asleep when he hears you sobbing into the dead of the night or he wouldn't listen with keen interest when you explain the plot of your favourite book as he wraps his arms around you and hums into your hair
— will 100% offer to fight the author/ tear up the book everytime he sees you having a breakdown over a particular scene/character
"who should I kill?!" the deadpan seriousness in his voice is what terrifies you
"nobody! I'm okay–"
— after you explain to him that hurting somebody is not necessary and you're fine, he will try to coddle you with extended hugs and food (lots and lots and lots of food).
"yn you should eat something! should I get you something to eat??" you can hear the panic in this poor boys voice 😭😭
"no luffy, its okay. im fine!" you say through sniffs and snorts, eyes bloodshot from crying over ink on paper
"brb" and he gets you dinner enough for 5 people because that's how he knows to comfort you (willingly took sanjis kicks and namis punches to accomplish this mission)
— since he's a clingy little child, he will hold onto you some way or the other when you're reading
— you're reading in your room while he's fast asleep? his arm is draped across your waist lazily. you're on the other side of the deck, sunbathing and reading? his hand is stretched out from where he's sitting and on your thigh (ussop tripped thrice over his hand, rip god ussop 🙏) . you're reading during breakfast cause the book just got so good? his toe is rubbing your calf up and down periodically (he won't stop no matter how many weird looks you give him)
— conclusion: he doesn't at all get it what it is, but if it makes you happy he will spend all the berries in the world to buy you those books (plz know if you actually ask him to jokingly off an author for killing your favourite character, he will do it. please don't ask him that.)
— he's just so supportive and nice 😭😭
"my girlfriends a nerd, I love her" (ussop explained to him what a nerd was and now he's introducing you like this to everybody)
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the shades tho 😎
— I'm convinced this mf can't read either
— even he can there's like literally no evidence to prove it and the entire crew has come to the conclusion that he gets lost even with clear directions because he just can't read please 😌👌
— at the start, he actually thinks it's dead stupid to invest so much time reading books when you can do other stuff like getting stronger, sleeping, literally doing anything else (luffy backs up his opinion with full enthusiasm)
— i mean like he's seen you sob at 7 in the morning over breakfast cause your fav character died and now he's confused as to why are you spending money and buying books if they make you cry so hard (he doesn't understand the concept of angst im afraid)
— but over time he just accepts it as something you enjoy and well, if it makes you happy then who is he to question it?
— acts like he doesn't care/isn't listening when you're rambling about the plot and how thE MAIN CHARACTER IS IN LOVE WITH HIS ENEMY AND VICE VERSA SKEJFHSJKSN but is actually fully listening
— he's actually invested at one point
"but they are enemies? why does he wanna be with him?"
"you don't get it! thats the appeal!!"
"the appeal is forcing a knife on somebody's throat?" he's laughing, "as if you'd enjoy it if i threatened you with my swords"
"... i would actually enjoy that"
he is now asking nami for loan to send you to a therapist (nami has seen you nosebleed over fictional characters and is considering giving money away to zoro for free. you really do need help.)
— as I said, he's invested now (although he does question your taste every now and then) but he'd force you to either summarize the plot to him as he trains or read out loud so he can hear the story as it goes.
— so naturally you're now sitting on his back, reading out loud as he does push-ups
— this beloved himbo has now formed strong opinions about characters and will battle you with headcanons because "there's no fucking way the hero would ever go back to the villain after that! that's ridiculous! if he does I'll sell my swords off."
— will remember the stuff you told him, no matter how trivial, so if you get off an island and he spots a keychain from your fav book series he's spending whatever money he has left to buy you it
"oh excellent choice! who are you buying it for?" the shopkeeper lady questions aloud
"oh, my girlfriend." he's smiling, "my girlfriends a nerd."
— actually looks forward to you telling him all the plot details and jokes at this point (one might call him a part of the fandom now)
— when you're a crying, sobbing mess because a character died, he's genuinely comforting you (no matter how bad he is at it)
"yn it's okay, you want some sake?" he is hugging you, patting your head like you're a child
"no 😭😭" you sob harder into his chest
"well... that's the best i can offer"
he tried. it's not his fault you don't wanna drink your feelings away.
— conclusion: he started off thinking its stupid and now he's an honorary nerd. would never admit it though. stubborn asshole.
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he's actually so pretty tho ^^
— he actually liked reading books before you even joined the crew although his tbr consists of cookbooks and auto-biographies about the people he has some interest in
— he started reading so that he could impress zeff with his knowledge on cooking and other miscellaneous stuff (imagine kid!sanji reading a book till late night under a lamp cause he wants to impress his old man that's so cute 😭😭)
— respects your hobbies when he finds out you like reading
— and then he sees your book collection. whY ARE THERE LIKE 5000 BOOKS HERE?! NOW HES SCARED FOR YOUR SANITY CAUSE GIRL WTF
— he hears you recommend a book to robin/nami once and now he's running to the nearest bookstore on the next island you guys land on to buy it
— he obviously did it to impress you and win you over but goddamn that book was actually pretty nice. so, the next time he asks you for recommendations he's actually a bit sincere
— now you're both in a book club of your own (which makes luffy mad cause why are you leaving him out of conversations :/)
— like zoro, he often asks for updates on the book you're currently reading while he cooks everyone food. he loves hearing you talk about the things you like.
— when he sees you crying over books, he is making you sweet stuff to soothe you, holding you and rubbing your back supportingly, peppering kisses to make you feel better
— he's so fine 😫😫
— anyways, also def the kind of person to ask you to roleplay things in real life
"yn-saaaan" his voice is bubbly, "can i ask you something?"
"the last book you read–" his face is going a little bit red, "you think we can maybe... do that irl?"
now it's your turn to go red
— but no fr, he's so so supportive of your little hobby like yes baby! read those books and have fun imagining people in your head
— 100% matches your vibe when you crush on fictional characters cause "you're right. he is actually very attractive" (a bi king we love)
— once zoro made fun of you for reading and this was his response: "you can't even read, mosshead. the next time you speak shit I'll kick your ass."
now they are fighting while ussop, luffy and chopper laugh in the background
— but yes he loves staying up late, reading with you before you both cuddle and fall asleep
— you once read about a specific sort of dish in a book and mentioned that it sounds delicious so now obviously he has to go make that dish. it doesn't matter if it's 1 am at night.
— when nami asks him what he's cooking, he just smiles and shrugs, "i dunno either, im just trying to make yn happy. she's such a nerd"
— conclusion: an enabler, an enthusiast. this man is ready to buy you books and then read them if it makes you happy. only the finest for his favourite lady <3
a/n: enjoy my wayward thoughts about these fine men!
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targaryenluvs · 5 months
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pairing: dark!president!coriolanus snow x fem!wife!reader
summary: president snow was praised for his love and devotion to his wife, a cripple. if only they knew how you’d ended up that way.
warnings: violence, basically torture, unhinged coryo, obsession, forced marriage, short fic
a/n: based on this request, this is actually insane
what an angel he is.
the capitol viewed your dear husband as nothing short of a saint. an amazing president, an even better husband. of course they all knew about you, his dear wife, the one who swept him off his feet.
the start of your marriage was torture enough for you, having been forced into it by your parents. all they could talk about was what a sweet man coriolanus was. how accomplished he was. it didn’t matter what he’d been in the past, he had built himself up again and he was undeniably coveted by many. you should be thanking him for choosing you.
yet you couldn’t help but feel annoyed.
you’d already told him you weren’t interested. you weren’t charmed by the copious amounts of gifts he’d sent your way. the poetry books that you were sure you’d never talked about to anyone else, only written of in your journals and read at home. the pretty dresses and jewellery but the only gift you’d accept of coriolanus’s was his absence from your life.
and he couldn’t handle it so he went over your head and enticed your parents.
you hated him with your whole soul and every bone in your body whilst he worshipped you. “you look gorgeous, fit to be my wife.” you stood in front of him, hand in hand, wedding dress donned and ready to marry.
you wanted to punch him in the face yet you held your breath, and smiled at him as well as the guests, of which you knew only a few. he kept you restricted, as if on lockdown in your own home. he was like a leech, feeding in your happiness and you’d been sucked dry. coriolanus was the worst possible thing that could’ve happened to you and you wouldn’t let him win.
so you ran.
you’d made it about a few steps down the street before his sleek black car pulled up, his driver walking around to you whilst you backed up, all the way against the tall, black bars of your home. prison.
“did you think you’d get far? that i’d let you? you are my wife, my responsibility, you are here for me. i was trying so hard to give you space, to let you adjust and you took advantage of my generosity.” his words were filled with spite, each word piercing your skin.
he was truly insane.
“generosity? generosity? you forced me into a marriage and expect me to kneel down and kiss your feet for this? for me to not fight back? i have never loved you nor will i coriolanus.” you were a cornered animal, only being able to lash out, bad mistake. the sun reflected off of the crowbar in his hand, twirled between his hands as he stepped out of the car, you were shrinking into yourself whilst he grew taller.
a selfish man stealing the oxygen you needed, the freedom, and now, your abilities.
“how many times must i correct you, it’s coryo darling.”
the unspeakable pain broke your heart, your throat raw from the shrieking and screaming. eyes stinging at the touch of a hand, puffy and sore. blood drawn from your lips tasted metallic and odd, yelling seemed to do nothing so you resorted to biting down on anything.
he’d shattered your legs.
you’d never walk again.
you’d have to rely on him.
you were confined to a wheel chair for your life.
he now controlled where you went.
you’d never be able to move on your own.
in your desperation to escape you’d overlooked and underestimated coriolanus’s obsession for you. he knew the second you’d stepped out of the home, either he was waiting for it or was always ready to come home. whether it was a trap or just bad luck, you were stuck.
most of panem viewed your husband to be an absolute angel, he could have remarried, he could have turned you away yet he stuck by your side, ever the supportive partner. how lucky you were! the rest of them saw you as a chore, someone undeserving, unable to provide for your family. he was a nice man.
you were just charity.
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lowtaperfeyd · 3 months
Feyd x diplomatic reader, think padme but she doesn't want to change feyd. Reader is the go to for diplomatic issues in lower houses/ minor politics and yet for all her words and actions when arranged to marry feyd she doesn't want to change him. " you would fight for me and defend me if needed it is only right I do the same, why try and change you when I respect who you are".
Uxorious Duties
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!reader
author's note: slightly submissive feyd, but not sexual? Yes please!
warnings: death, mentions of death, blood, normal dune things, house harkonnen
wc: 1158
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Being sent to Geidi Prime was not surprising for (Y/N). She was a go to for the emperor to send to planets and sort out political issues. The part she didn’t expect was being arranged to marry Feyd-Rautha. His actions were the surprising part. The way he fought and his prowess in and out of the arena. He was overconfident, even arrogant. But, since he was going to be the new governor of Arrakis. Why not give him a wife who could take care of business when he is off slaughtering. After all, is that not the duties of a wife? 
As (Y/N) was sitting in the mammoth Harkonnen dining room eating breakfast alone, she started to look over the letters she was sent from people who thought her marriage was a death sentence. That it was only good for securing a short alliance with houses that the Harkonnens wanted to import from. Everything went along the lines of, 
Your husband will kill you once you’re not of service. You’re nothing but a pawn for him.
Think twice before asking for mercy. That will make it more amusing when they kill you. 
You should've gotten away from the emperor when you had the chance.  Other places need you more. 
While she knew what she was getting herself into, the acceptance that she would die, at the hands of her husband, disturbed her.
Those feelings washed away when she watched him fight. It was entertaining for everyone watching and for Feyd-Rautha himself. But, for (Y/N), it was a testament of what he would do for his wife. The wedding day vows of him not letting anyone hurt her, touch her, or disrespect her. Because sure, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen was a harmful man who wasn’t afraid to kill, but that meant his wife could say whatever she wanted, no matter how vehemently, and who she said it to, could not disagree, out of fear for their life. It only took one time for this to be instilled, two days after they had gotten married. 
“Na-Baroness Harkonnen, while your idea for this trading route is good. Compared to others it’s mediocre at best.” The imperial advisor scoffed, “Who ever said it was your place to make these things?” 
The other people at the sides of the table chuckled along with what he was saying. But (Y/N) knuckles were tensing up at just how hard she was gripping the arm of her chair at the head of the table. White hot anger flashed through her mind and over her eyes.  
The advisor kept on going, mocking her ideas and diminishing her accomplishments on other planets, saying they were mere flukes and shouldn’t have been taken seriously.
“... and your marriage to the Na-Baron,” he snorted out, not realizing that he was walking through the door now to listen in on what his wife had to say, “he chose an alien from a different planet, not a Harkonnen highborn. At least that shows to us you won’t be around for much longer, so we don’t have to look at your atrocious ideas anymore!” He finished, guffawing. 
“Are you done?” replied (Y/N), smirking, as she saw the angry look on her husband’s face, “because I think there is someone behind who would like to speak with you.” 
As the advisor turned around he saw Feyd-Rautha glaring at him. Before could say anything, Feyd grabbed him by the neck and threw him against the wall.
From the outside of the room, you could only hear the screaming of the poor advisor, who had dared to speak badly about the Na-Baron's new wife, as he had his head stomped in by the Na-Baron’s boot. 
The letters now seemed irrelevant to her now. She had a good life so far on Geidi Prime. She had respected and she had earned it too. But it did help to have a husband who invoked fear in those around him. Speaking of her husband, the doors opened and in walked Feyd. 
“Why are you here?” She questioned while looking up from her assortment of papers, letters, and documents, “Why aren’t you training?” 
“I finished early,” He uttered as he began to walk closer to the table with his bloodied knife still in his hands.
“While I don't mind you sitting with me,” She said, not surprised at the fact her husband had a knife that was covered in blood, “please clean your weapons off before coming to visit.” 
Feyd reluctantly took a cloth that was on the table and wrapped it around the knife before setting it down. 
“You say you don’t want to change me and yet you make me follow your rules.” Feyd retorted in slight irritation. 
“Rules don’t necessarily imply change, Feyd.” She responded, “I just don’t want blood on the table while eating. Iron is a very important part of one's diet, I don’t prefer it in the form of blood.” (Y/N) joked. 
“Then what do you want me to change!” he shouted angry at his wife for not asking him for anything, including change. Because he knew that’s something she strived for and he just wanted to make his wife happy. 
(Y/N) was not scared by his outburst, she had been witness to many of them, but none of them pointed at her before. 
“I don’t want to change you, Feyd,” She said as she got up from the table to walk to him, “you would fight for me, defend me if I needed it.” She stopped right in front of him and gently grabbed his forearm, “why should I try to change you when I respect who you are?” 
Feyd looked at his wife who treated him like an asset to herself. It surprised Feyd because he had never heard her say something about why she needed him. Only the reasons why she didn’t. But even then it wasn’t words that came from her, voices from other planets. The confession of his wife tugged at a place in his chest, a feeling that he hadn’t felt before. He took his rough hands that were calloused from fights and placed them on the soft skin of his wife’s jaw near her ears. 
“Then use me as your sword if someone needs slashing,” he whispered as he laid his forehead against his wife’s, “and use me when someone disagrees with your ideas and plans.” he continued softly, “If someone chooses not to hear you; I will make them, no matter the cost.” 
“Thank you” (Y/N) said softly, knowing she had that man right where she wanted him to be. She now knew that Arrakis would be hers if asked. And it was in her cards and plans to ask soon to take over spice production when they would leave, under the guise of allowing him to hunt down a well known fighter.        
And why would he say no to her?                   
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enkas-illusion · 4 months
Better Than Your 2D Men
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Fandom / Pairing: Attack On Titan / Eren x f!reader
Rating: SFW / Fluff
Genre/Theme: Established relationship; non-titan au
Content warning: fluff, teasing, language, suggestive (?), they make out a little.
Summary: When you crush over your fav anime men, Eren gets jealous cause homeboy wants all the attention to himself.
Author's Note: Hello, here’s a short fluffy one-shot with my fav 2D man cause I wanted to have an ambitious crossover of my fav animes. Thank you for reading <3
~ Eren’s Birdie
Song Dedication: 3D (Alternate Ver.) by Jung Kook
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“Baby… pay attention to me…”
You ignore your boyfriend's pouty voice as he lies across the bed, near your feet – instead, you focus on the laptop screen on your lap.
“How much longerrrr?” You hear him sigh and feel fingers caressing the bottom of your feet.
“You know I'm not ticklish,” you reply plainly, eyes still glued to the screen.
“Hmm, that's why…” you hear him mumble before you feel a set of teeth bite around your right foot toes.
“Eren, ew… what the fuck,” you cringe, pulling your foot away from him as you slide the laptop to your side, abruptly halting the anime you were watching to finally look at him.
Your boyfriend smiles ingeniously, proud of his accomplishment at finally getting your attention redirected towards him.
“So that’s what it takes for you to finally pay attention to what really matters,” he ponders as he crawls up to lie between your legs, tilting his head to rest his face on your right thigh.
“I was focusing on what really matters,” you roll your eyes as you grab your laptop once again to rest it on your other thigh. However, Eren’s quick to move further up till his torso is splayed over you, almost like a lizard trying to cover as much surface area of a wall it possibly can.
“Rennie, please let me finish these episodes, I haven’t had the time to watch them for like… weeks now,” you sigh as you try to move his heavy body to the side.
He doesn't budge but simply wraps his arms around your waist, tucking his hands into the gap between your body and the mattress, resting his cheek on your belly, “Okay, you can continue watching.” 
You sigh in defeat as you tilt your laptop screen, pressing play and focusing your attention back on the show despite the awkward position you’re in. 
It isn’t another 10 minutes into the episode before you hear your boyfriend speak again, “Sometimes I wonder if the only reason you watch this show is cause the men are attractive. There’s no way a slice-of-life person like you enjoys such violence and death.”
You don’t reply, trying your best to ignore his commentary and focusing on the fight scene.
“Oh my god, I’m right! Who is it? Do you like Gojo? Or Nanami? Or who– what are the names of other hot men in this one?” Eren chuckles in disbelief, looking up to scan your face to see if you give away anything.
“Shh, let me concentrate… it’s an important fight,” you mumble without looking at him and the scene is almost over.
“Yeah right,” he scoffs as he pauses the episode right when Choso enters the frame, “tell me, do you find this guy hot?”
“Eren, are you seriously jealous of a 2D character?” you counter, trying not to laugh at his actions.
“Well, if he’s stealing my precious time with my girl then ye–”
“We’ve literally been in bed the whole day,” you interrupt him.
“And is it so wrong to want to be closer to my girlfriend?” he gasps.
“Yes, you were lying around, scrolling on your phone… doing random shit the whole day but the minute I decided to watch JJK, you suddenly want my attention,” you roll your eyes at him.
“Don’t change the topic– who’s your fav among them?” he dodges your accusations.
A smile creeps up on your lips as you decide to indulge him, “Well, they’re all so hot, it’s hard to choose really. There’s this guy, Choso… and Geto, and Toji! Now that I think about it, all of them are equally attractive.”
“All brunettes,” he notes.
“What?” you ask, confused.
“All the men you just named have dark hair,” he states.
“Yes… so?” 
“I’m basically like the real-life version of them – I have long, dark hair, a good physique, handsome face–”
“Okay, Narcissus, chill,” you snort. Eren pulls away from you to move further up till he’s hovering over you, caging your head between his arms.
“No, my point being… if you have all of this right here,” he points at himself as he smirks, “why waste your time on some stupid anime?”
“I can have both,” you grin, pressing your palms over his chest.
“One is clearly better than the other,” he dips his head down for a peck.
“I seriously can’t believe you’re jealous of a bunch of sexy 2D men,” you giggle once again.
“No, I'm not… Can your 2D men do this?” he whispers, tilting your face and burying his face into your neck. He licks your skin before sucking on it roughly, causing goosebumps to rise all over your body.
“Can they?” he asks once again as his hand glides under your t-shirt to cup one of your breasts, playing with the nipple. Eren nibs at the spot behind your ear and you let out a soft moan. “Yes?” 
“No,” you huff, closing your eyes at the feeling.
“So, am I not better than your 2D men?” he whispers in your ear before biting your earlobe. His hand abandons your tit, instead travelling down to dip into the waistband of your shorts, pressing two fingers over your mound.
“Y-yes,” you sigh. He laughs at how desperate your voice comes out and you tilt your head to kiss him on the lips to end this awkward conversation. 
And Eren, being the good boyfriend that he is, lets you mask your embarrassment into his embrace – delighted at being the centre of your attention once again.
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pablitogavii · 8 months
Can i request something fluff with gavi?
Hard times together
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It was a hard game with many injured players but fighting till the last second. Pablo was a winner and anything other than that was unacceptable for your angry bird.
No matter how many times you had the same conversation exposing to him that they can’t win every single fame, he is still stubborn enough to listen.
“Amor, it was a good match..you’ll win next time” you can back home following after him into the bedroom where he threw himself into the bed dramatically.
“We should have won! That goal shouldn’t have been removed! It’s not fair!!” He shine laying on his stomach and hiding his face into the pillow. Aww poor baby!!!
You sighed getting on top of him and just laying there on his back while nuzzling your nose into his neck trying to find his face. You knew he was a bit ticklish and you tried getting f him to laugh at least a little bit.
“Amorrr!!! Stooop!” He whined still and you sighed kissing his cheek about to move off but his strong arms wouldn’t let you. Seems like he just wanted you to stop the tickles but still keep cuddling him? He’s so adorable! ! !
“What do you need cariño???” You ask and he shrugged his shoulders. Pablo wasn’t a big talker, and he almost never just says what he needs. You got to know him so well that you could guess for yourself at this point.
“Wanna lay on my chest and let me play with your hair for awhile? Maybe take a nap? Huh?” You suggested and he immediately nodded his head and you both moved to the position he severely loved the most. Obviously to his friends, he’s only one holding you and stuff!!! But you didn’t mind loving that he is free to be vulnerable with you.
“I’m even more angry that you traveled to watch me and we lost! It’s annoying!” He said and you smiled at how much he cares leaning down and kissing your head while continuing to play with his messy curly hair.
“I’m still so proud of you amor..so proud!” You say and he smiles finally nodding his head and moving up to kiss all over your neck.
"Hmm but I want to win for you..always princesa" he whined like a baby and you smiled knowing what it means for him to win with Barça but also to prove that he is 'good enough'. You both strive very hard in your careers because you want to feel accomplished, which is why you comeptlely understood him and vice versa.
"I know cariño..pero tú siempre estas mi campeon" you say kissing his forehead and he looks up with that adorable pout on his handsome face. You giggled kissing his pout and he blushed a little. He was so cute when he was needy like this!!!
"Promiso???" he asked and you smiled nodding your head while pecking his lips a few times more.
"Promiso.." you say loving the way his smile looked when he was reassured that you will always be there with him. He knew that he found something really special with you and he was always making sure to take care of it.
"Get your ass up Gavira!" Mario barged in without knocking (which he always does) with Ale following behind giggling when he saw Pablo laying on your chest like an adorable little baby.
"You don't know how to knock cabrón!?" Pablo said but didn't make an effort to move from your chest and hide how much he was enjoying this position right now. He didn't care what anyone thought since everyone already knew what a huge simp he was for his girl.
" We're going to celebrate!!!" Ale added earning a death glare from his friend.
"Celebrate what!? If you haven't watched the match, we lost cabrón!" Pablo was grumpy and that meant angry bird was surfacing which his friends knew very well.
"So what?? You still scored and played really well! Come on, stop being a baby and get off your girlfriend's chest so we can go out and party!!!" Ale said clearly more in the mood for the party than your boy right now. You knew what it meant being in Barça..winning wasn't an option but a necessity.
"Maybe it's not a bad idea to go have some fun out, huh cariño?? Forget about the match for awhile???" you ask and he raised his head a little pouting and shaking his head..he just wanted everyone to leave and let him sleep on your chest in peace.
You smiled kissing his lips and starting to play with his hair while he laid down nuzzling further into your chest not caring that his friends were right there watching. You were blushing hard a little embarrassed at them staring at Pablo practically hiding his nose in between your breasts.
"Lucky cabrón..." Mario said and Pablo pulled you even closer so that he was completely covering your chest with his body not wanting his friends to keep staring and making you uncomfortable.
"Stop staring!" Pablo said and both bots flipped him off saying politely goodbye to you before leaving to have some fun tonight. You giggled once you and your boy were finally alone again.
"You being a little celoso cariño???" you ask noticing that the moment his friends were gone he moved from trying to cover your chest.
"Tu eres mia! Let me sleep amor!!" he of course whined not wanting to be teased so you decided to let it go and him win cuddling him and playing with his hair for hours while he napped on your chest.
"Mi campeon cariñoso..rest up..I'll always be there for you..through both good and hard times..siempre contigo" you whispered knowing that he was asleep but Pablo heard it feeling his heart melt at those words. They meant everything to him..<33
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fumifooms · 6 months
Firefly Wedding is so…
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It’s so
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It’s them. It’s "It’s just a firefly, they’re meant to die soon. Why should I care about the sick, or the poor?"
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It’s "I was purposely trying to scare you and push you away to see how far you were willing to go with your act, how desperate you were to play with my feelings as if I was a fool, but it didn’t work."
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It’s "I know you’re just using me but now I care. Please keep using me. I need you to need me."
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It’s choosing to give her her freedom anyways. Because your love is no longer all about you, no longer selfish. Because this love isn’t just a shallow balm to soothe your complexes anymore.
It’s being betrayed, finally facing the lies and no longer pretending you both don’t know that this is a farce, but desperately wanting to keep it going anyways. It’s "I should hate you now. Why don’t I? Hey, tell me we’ll go through with the plan, tell me you’ll marry me after all. Otherwise, why am I still here? Why don’t I want to leave? You act like you don’t need me but I still need you."
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Like that’s so revolutionary for a yandere story. The self-delusion is strong, denial that things have changed despite it being impossible to truly believe, BUT HE STAYS. It’s no longer selfish 😭😭
"I don’t care about you anymore, I won’t help you. Get yourself killed for all I care." <- Jumps to her rescue 3 milliseconds later when she almost falls down a ladder/roof. It happens twice. The ‘lying and trying to emotionally distance yourself from something to protect yourself and not get hurt’ defense mechanism is blatant and it’s failing really bad.
It’s "My sense of duty and goals to have accomplished something useful in my short life are making me do this, but I do want you to stay with me." The yandere stuff here gets turned on its head because what he says is empty where it matters and meaningful where it matters. It’s knowing that if Satoko asks him not to kill anyone he won’t, but knowing that he won’t give up on her no matter what, even if she’s unattainable, even if she’s sickly, even if she pushes him away like just before. It’s so thinly veiled for "I’m determined to see my goal through, but that’s not what I want. If you just so happen to take me away and I don’t try to run away hard enough then we can elope and be free. I want to have an excuse to leave with you. Please give up on marrying me. Please don’t. I want that, but I can’t."
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It’s "If I didn’t burn brightly in my short firefly life, then what was the point?"
Except that burning brightly doesn’t have to mean making big achievements, or being useful to your family.
It can be living happily, living for the ones you love, fighting for them. It can be worth to risk it for things that actually matter to you.
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It’s giving your heart to someone, figuratively and literally. To lend it to them even if it might get used or battered, for as long as it beats to use your body to protect them, even if you have to sacrifice yourself. A love that burns bright into a bonfire before they both turn to ashes. Unwise but wholehearted.
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It’s despite even that, needing grandiose gestures to be able to trust that this is real. It’s needing external cues that prove it to feel safe in their love existing, other people to confirm that he’s not crazy, that this is happening and this is how they both feel. Their love has been fake, both being a warped love and being a lie, only being out of necessity or because the other was the only one willing to offer it to them, offering comfort, safety, support and care. And showing that they care is the most loving of all It’s despite everything falling back into old habits that "Oh if she was miserably worried for me then that means she’s not indifferent to me! That’s good!" And then once again being taken aback by her, by her earnestness and by her will. Because oh, no, this goes deeper than that. She cares. It’s love.
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It’s opening your heart up to love, and both being punished and rewarded for it.
But most of all it’s
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And it being the most loving thing he’d ever heard
Firefly Wedding is so…
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And yet it’s also
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The complicated and hurtful nature of love and the joy and light it brings are two sides of the same coin, because that’s what inevitably happens when you care about something. But caring about a firefly isn’t a waste even however short lived it is, or how hard the loss will inevitably hit you. Isn’t their light just such a wonder to witness?
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hey! was wondering if you have some ideas/tips for running a dark fantasy campaign? ive been running one for about a year now and while ive included horror elements im a naturally silly person and i feel like i go a couple sessions without including something strange and off-putting. i do wanna be distinct from grimdark, i want my story to have hope and moments of levity, but still feel scary and like the world is against the pcs.
hope ur day is well :]
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Genretalk: Dark Fantasy
Maintaining a consistent tone at our d&d table is a notoriously hard thing to accomplish. Partially it's because it's a collaborative game and not all of our players might be as dictatorially inclined as we are, there's also the dice to contend with and those little polyhedral bastards don't care about dramatic consistency or the wrath of god.
So it falls to us as dungeon masters to do most of the work, but luckily I've found that evoking a specific genre can be pretty easily done through keeping a few ideas in mind while we're running scenes and building out our worlds.
First, a meditation on loss :.|:;
What makes dark fantasy dark? The surface level is aesthetics; dirt covered fauxmedivalism, horror imagery, gritty "realism", a lack of smiles and rainbows and happiness. These are all too common but they only reflect the feelings the genre exists to convey, specifically ones related to both the fear of loss and the suffering caused by it.
If people are going to lose something (whether they be players or npcs), you're going to need them and your audience to care about it, which means learning to build connections and evoke sympathy. Having those moments of levity is SO important because they're the point of attachment for your players, the thing that makes them care about this sometimes rotten world you've crated that they've taken on the responsibility of saving. If you skipped this step you'd be going into grimdark, which is one of the reasons I dislike the genre: death and suffering lose all meaning if there's no alternative.
Likewise, as easy as it is to lose hope, people are going to try to make the best of bad times. There's good food and the warmth of a fire and the company of friends and the chance of something better happening tomorrow. People are going to want these things no matter how turbulent circumstances get, so it's important to focus on them to give contrast to the darkness of your story.
Bad things happen to good people and there's (probably) nothing you can do about it
One of the central conceits of playing D&D is that the players are heroes, characters with a unique power and agency in the world and the ability to shape the outcome of events, specifically to beat the odds and save the day. However we can still lean into the dark side of dark fantasy by highlighting that while the players are privileged by their protagonist status, most other people aren't.
Most NPCS the party end up getting to know should have something tragic in their backstory; a war, a famine, a plague, a loved one's death. This will have affected them deeply and have coloured their outlook on the world and will set up their later dramatic arc. The town magistrate is going to have opinions about adventurers after her sister befriended a passing gang of sellswords and ended up dying in childbirth after being seduced by their charismatic leader. The townspeople are unlikely to rebel against their petty and sadistic baron since they remember his military acumen that saved them during the last border war. This also sets up the unexpected moments where the party can fight against the darkness of the world by getting people to see past the lifetime of cruelty they've been forced to endure.
A centeral part of the players having agency is making choices, but sometimes things go wrong, and sometimes there's no good options. Innocent people get hurt, there are costs that we end up having to pay that may or may not be worth the price. Keeping the young lovers apart and letting the unpleasant political marriage go through is the only way to avert war. There's a murder demon stalking town and the only way to banish it is for someone innocent to be ritually sacrificed, none of the heroes count, they've all got blood on their hands.
One of the best tricks I've learned to highlight the "no good options" approach is to present the party with a status quo that needs to change, but characters they like who are reliant upon it. It's easy to justify toppling the evil empire, those guys are jerks and are actively making life worse for everyone, but things get messy when doing what needs to be done involves making life worse for a lot of generally good people.
Messy decisions are what we want in dark fantasy because it really gives the party agency over the story. Are they willing to give up something they care about to perform an act of heroism? Are they willing to let the world tip further into chaos for the sake of seeing justice done? If there is no right choice, then what choice will you make?
The universe trends towards darkness
Worldbuilding is an important part of establishing your tone, and while you don't need to constantly keep ratcheting up how dreadful things are it pays to be mindful while thinking up new details for your setting.
Living in the world is a bloody business and people are all too often accepting of awful things if it makes their lives easier. On the base level it's the "kill people who are different monsters take their stuff" angle of self enrichment, but it gets more abstract as you venture into the non-adventuring levels of society. It's stuff like religions venerating painful martyrdoms as miracles, joyous feast days and festivals to commemorate some bloody event, national or family pride over participation in historic slaughter. A dark fantasy world is one that celebrates it's hypocrisy and compromises because it has long given up on good actually winning out.
To really hammer in that "fighting against the odds" feeling, stories/legends/songs about other heroes should either be tragedies or well known falsehoods.
Change (to say nothing of actual improvement) comes at terrible cost. It isn't fair that the world/narrative/universe is set up this way, but now the heroes have to deal with it.
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peterparkouryo · 11 months
operation, distract | ﹒⪩⪨﹒
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prompt; You're second best in every class you have with Peter Parker, and you decide that has to change.
warnings: fluff and banter, maybe typos nd stuff
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is short and bad, just a lil sumn for y'all since i've been gone for two whole months :(
You hated the feeling of seeming or even being remotely close to the brink of a failure. 
Which, yes is something every human has to go through in life in order to get to the top, but it's hard to lose all the time. You'd like to think you were a really good person, a great one even. Always helping out your community, all that good people stuff, and you were really smart, so smart that you're almost top of all your classes.
Just almost, though.
The thing is, when you want to make it to the top and be the best, there's obviously always going to be some sort of obstacle. Your obstacle is, Peter Parker.
Just thinking of his name makes that big fat vein form on your forehead, because of course someone as socially awkward and conveniently attractive as him has to be your competition to prove your smartness.
Peter is sweet, that much you can admit, but not to you and only because you dislike him just as much as he dislikes you. He can pretend he doesn't but you know your irritation and insults toward him really sets him off, which albeit is sometimes hilarious, but the boy's presence is insufferable and no matter what anyone says you, you will never like him.
You might be overreacting, and to be fair it's a possibility that you are, but is it your fault that every time you two share a class he just has to rub it in your face that he can solve math problems faster than you? Or that he has an internship with THE Tony Stark? It's unfair and you can't help but feel a little jealous.
"I hate gym." Cindy grumbles and sits next to you on the bleachers, and you pay her complaints no mind as you study for an upcoming test.
"Y/N?" She waves a hand in your face and you have to psychically fight back an eye roll just to look at the girl.
Cindy Moon is one of your only friends (sadly) and she's so sweet and understanding toward you when you want to rant about how hard your life is or how unfair the justice system is, which is something you two have in common.
"Are you listening?" 
"No." You go back to studying.
Before you can reread the paragraph you were looking at, Cindy closes your book and you look over at the girl in disbelief and frustration.
"Why did you just do that?" You glare at her as she innocently shrugs.
"Talk to me!" She pouts, you look away with a huff.
Another thing is, she's annoyingly good at getting what she wants, especially from you.
"I'm trying to study Cin, maybe later," You reach for your book and she moves it out of your reach.
You show her a disapproving look.
"Why do you need to study? You're the smartest person ever."
You show her a fake smile and reach for the book again.
"Thanks but if I want to be top of my science class, I need to study, no give me the book." You start climbing onto her lap to get the book.
All Cindy does is laugh at the lengths you're going to, and you both pay no mind to the staring students.
"We look like lesbians." She jokes and your eyes go wide, quickly looking behind you two at the lingering gazes.
Your embarrassment is probably evident so you decide to get out of your friend's lap before your lazy excuse of a gym teacher and other students think the wrong thing.
"Just give me the book," You sit next to her again.
"Fine, you're no fun." Cindy gives you the book and you smile in accomplishment.
A few peaceful minute go by, and the gym class drags on for another fifty minutes at you study in somewhat silence as Cindy watches a small basketball game going on, on the other side of the gym.
"Uh oh, Peter missed the shot." She mumbles and you snap your head up, looking in the direction she stared.
If there was one thing you wanted to see, was Peter Parker fail.
Unfortunately all hopes and dreams crash and burn because when you look at the small basketball game, you see Peter shoot the ball into the basket and you roll your eyes at your dumb luck.
Another few minutes past and the basketball game was over, thankfully, now you can study in peace as your friend is now reading a book you had so kindly recommended (you didn't).
"Hey Cin, and goodie two shoes," An annoying voice distracts you from your studying and you try to ignore him and his voice as Cindy looks up with a smile and greets him back.
"Hey Peter, good game," She nods, and you continuing studying.
"Y'know there's no point in studying when I'm just gonna get the highest grade anyway." Peter brags and if you weren't so bothered by his presence your left eye wouldn't twitch at his words.
You rub your forehead and look up at him with a subtle glare, he shows you a smile as you finally give him what he wanted.
In all honesty, what you wanted was to not be bothered by him and, his unruly sweaty hair, flushed face and—stop.
"Who asked you?" You raise your eyebrow with an irritated tone, and you can feel Cindy grow uncomfortable.
Peter just smiles at your question.
"I'm just saying, like sure you're smart, but you're not exactly 'Peter' smart." He emphasized with a shrug.
"Is smart Peter in the room with us right now?" You tilt your head and hear Cindy snort at your expense.
His smile drops and you watch as jaw clenches at your words.
"I try."
The silence takes over and you can't decide to either be thankful or what, and the tension is painfully palpable. The only thing you can do is stare at him as he stares at you. A staring contest you didn't want.
Cindy has to break the death glares you two were sending each other.
"Are you going to Flash's party?" She asks Peter and you want to hug her for saving the day.
Peter's gaze linger on you for awhile before looking at Cindy with a smile way different from the glare or whatever he was showing you a mere second ago.
"No, I wasn't invited." He shrugs.
"And a good thing too." You grumble, Cindy nudges you at that.
"Well I was thinking you come with me and Y/N, if you have nothing better to do." The girl offers with a grin.
You knew your kindness would come back and bite you, and she was proving to be no better as a "friend" by inviting your arch nemesis.
"Are you sure witches are even allowed to parties?" Peter looks at Cindy with fake concern and you go to stand up to attack but your friend grabs your hand.
And of course all Peter can do is smile at your reaction.
"Anyway, you should come, it'd be fun."
Peter considers this and nods at your friend with an awkward smile, and if you didn't despise everything he did, you'd think it was adorable.
"I'll think about it, thanks." He smiles before bidding his goodbyes to her, because god forbids he even thinks of saying another word to you.
Once Peter leaves you snatch your hand away and look at Cindy with a fuming expression.
"Why did you invite the real life walking devil to go to that party with us?" You shake your head in disbelief.
Cindy snickers and you're even more bewildered.
"Because, it's so obvious you two like each-other." She laughs.
You wanted to vomit at her words of disrespect. Like Peter? That's rich.
"Oh no, no I do not like Peter, trust me." You argue with a laugh.
Cindy nods, obviously unconvinced just as the bell rings for the next class.
"Sure and I don't have a crush on Keanu Reeves." She stands up and walks to the girl's locker room, you follow.
"But you do."
"Exactly." She shrugs and you roll your eyes.
"I do not like Peter, believe me." You try your hardest to embed that in your friend's head.
As you two walk into the locker room, she turns around.
"I guess we'll see at the party, yeah?" Cindy turns back around and puts in her combination to her locker before unlocking it.
You groan and do the same with yours.
You hated the fact that now there's was a possibility of you liking Peter, when of course you showed no signs of ever even considering him as more than a person you wanted to prove better than.
That's what it is, and that's what it'll be. 
Peter is nothing more than a person you want to prove better than.
there's obv gonna be a part two
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akoyaxs · 7 months
Hi! Could you do a Ao’nung x Sully Reader where Ao’nung gets heat stroke or something and kind of brushes it off and is stubborn about it (cause he doesn’t really seem like the kind to ask for help-) but Reader takes care of him anyways. Thank you!!
✮ Pairing: Aonung x fem!metkayina!tsakarem reader (betrothed but not in love YET)
✮ Tags: oneshot, injury, FLUFF
✮ Word Count: 1.8k
Sweet Anon, I hope you enjoy this story 💗
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You knew something was wrong when Aonung didn’t have that stupid cocky grin always plastered to his face, no taunting gleam in those bright eyes, no entitled comments rolling from his mouth like it was his birthright (which in some ways it was, but you’d never admit that).
He had stumbled into the healing marui you occupied when helping Ronal out as Tsakarem, completely oblivious to you seated on the floor, crushing some herbs in the cool shade from the entrance. You frowned first, fully intending on asking him what he was doing bothering you right now when he knows full well his mother isn’t in here, before it occurs to you that he mustn’t know you’re in here either.
Usually, he spots you with that piercing gaze reserved only for you, just so he can come over to make some snarky comment or boast about his latest accomplishment you hardly pay attention to. Which makes it extremely odd he hadn’t noticed you in your pretty obvious spot on the floor, staring at him with confused annoyance as he rifles carelessly through the boxes and storage of herbs you had just organised.
“Can I help you,” you ask with a sigh. You were well used to Aonung’s entitled take on life, but this was a whole new level of brazen cockiness to storm into your healing marui and make a complete mess.
But to your surprise, Aonung flinches back, apparently actually not having realised you were right in front of him, face twisted in a slight grimace, which he tries to hide with a scowl.
“Yes, actually,” he grunts, teeth grinding slightly as he straightens up. You notice the muscles in his neck tighten as he winces again. “Where is all your stupid healing shit?”
“In this marui..?” you point out, getting increasingly confused, and now slightly unnerved. “You need to be more specific. What do you need help w-”
“I don’t need help,” Aonung says tensely through gritted teeth, and your frown deepens. “Just- where is all your stuff?”
He gives an irritated flick of his hand as he turns towards you, accidentally knocking over a box of herbs you collected this morning, all of them spilling and mingling out of their neat selections onto the woven floor.
This is how it usually was with Aonung. Since the two of you became betrothed, you had tried to make reason with him, but by this point you had resigned yourself to the fact that your future mate was a complete and utter skxawng. Trying your best to fight down the pained, annoyed shout you were longing to berate him with, you take a deep breath and lightly tug at his arm.
“Sit, Aonung,” you sigh, leading him to the floor. When he impatiently tries to tug himself free, you tighten your grip and give him a stern look.
“Do you know who I-”
“Yes I am very aware who you are Aonung,” you roll your eyes, pushing down on his head to try and get him to sit, to no avail given his ridiculous size. “But this is my marui where I heal, so no matter who your parents are or if you’re going to lead in the future, I won’t be tolerating bumbling skxawngs with anger issues breaking my stuff.”
Aonung huffs in disbelief and you’re sure he’s about to make some comment that one day you’ll share as mates, blah blah blah, but finally to your surprise, he obliges and sits cross-legged on your woven mat for your patients, and you sigh with relief.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” you say, patting his head like a good little boy and kneeling in front of him. “Now what’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” he grumbles, not meeting your gaze and scowling.
“Right,” you raise your brows. “So I guess I’ll just let you sulk on my floor then.”
“Perfect, I don’t need you bothering your pretty little he- HEY!”
You suck in a sharp gasp, ignoring Aonung’s indignance that you distracted him to try and discern the issue, and his ears flatten back against his head. Half of his side, stretching painfully from his waist and up along his ribcage is scraped with the unmistakable barb of the outer-reef coral, and there’s a deep bite mark in the flesh of his left arm. Instantly, your gaze flicks up to Aonung, to find him already watching your face closely.
“You went hunting outside the reef alone? Again?”
“Eywa,” Aonung says sullenly. “I’m not a little boy, I can take care of myself.”
“Clearly not,” you whisper, eyes raking once more over the scrapes. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”
“I didn’t know you were in here,” Aonung hisses, teeth gritted once more. “If I knew you’d be here and bothering me, I never would have come. I can just as easily leave-”
“No!” you say quickly, grabbing his arm to keep him still. “I’m sorry. Just let me help you.”
Aonung blinks, the words he’d been about to utter dying on his tongue at your offer, before his gaze flicks down to his arm held in your gentle, smaller hands. Instantly, for fear of being yelled at for touching the precious prince, your fingers loosen, and your hand drops away, face flushing.
“I just mean,” you correct, clearing your throat and cursing the blush on your cheeks, “that it wouldn’t be right of me to let you leave like this, particularly with you being… who you are. Just… please stay still Aonung.”
To your surprise, he blinks back, still looking a little disorientated which you quickly write off as a side effect of his injury. With a small sigh of relief and a shy, encouraging smile, you stand up and gather some herbs and ointments, mashing them in a large round shell before kneeling back in front of him.
“This may sting a little,” you say gently, placing a steadying hand on his shoulder to get a good look at his injuries. All he returns is a curt nod, muscles tense under your fingers as your face peers around his body.
It’s a tedious process, wiping and dabbing the scrapes with a cool damp cloth, tentatively smearing the paste over them before blowing lightly on it. Despite all your determined efforts to be overwhelmingly gentle – you are weary of the fit he might throw if you accidentally hurt him – Aonung doesn’t complain or wince or hardly even bat an eye, and you’re ever grateful for it.
However, it is a tense ordeal. Every light brush of your fingers against his warm muscled body makes his jaw clench. Every infinitesimal flex of your hand on his shoulder as you lean and shift to treat him makes the muscles in his neck strain somewhat, as though he’s fighting the urge to break away from you. Every cool breath of yours fanning across his skin has his eyes narrowing and widening in a laboured almost-panic.
You’re almost scared to speak (though you don’t know what you would say), terrified to break this strained, stretched silence, but also very aware of every movement, noise, and flinch in said quiet. You settle on finally speaking; at least that way you aren’t flinching every time you accidentally brush against him.
“Are you okay?” you ask quietly. “Is this not-”
“It’s fine,” Aonung says tersely, cutting you off with blunt coldness, and you feel yourself wincing inwardly at how stupid you sound right now.
“Right,” you mutter under your breath, aspirating the t and rolling your eyes. You duck your head back down and continue in your work, praying to Eywa he doesn’t notice the flush of your cheeks as you heal him.
Finally, his side is finished, and you take his arm in your hands to study it. It must be an akula bite, given the sheer terrifying size of it, and as you slowly dab the injury, Aonung finally cracks, letting a tiny wince and an almost silent hiss escape from his stony façade.
“Sorry,” you mumble, but Aonung just shakes his head, grits his teeth, and you continue.
It’s obvious this wound is deep, excruciating even, but Aonung stares straight ahead throughout your dabbing and smearing and blowing until you can finally wrap a bandage around it and clear your stuff away. You pour him a cup of soothing tea as he waits somewhat patiently for you to address him, maybe even dismiss him. His newfound obedience is strange, and you find yourself smiling at the sight of him sitting cross-legged and grouchy like a little boy who scraped his knee.
“You should stop hunting alone outside the reef,” you say quietly, back turned to him as you rinse out the paste and blood sodden cloth. “I don’t want you getting hurt again.”
Aonung is silent for a moment and you highly suspect he’s rolling his eyes or maybe even preparing himself for yet another entitled monologue on his great status and disregard for authority and yada yada yada, but strangely, you feel him shift behind you with an amused, “Yes ma’am.”
“I’m serious,” you huff, chucking the towel down and turning to glare at him. The amused look on his face slides off at the evident concern on your face, and you sigh. “You have to stop getting injured, Aonung.”
He blinks in surprise, before reaching out to tug you closer. He’s strong enough – even with his injury – to pull you alone, but you find yourself obliging and coming to sit beside him.
“Well, I’m lucky to have you to fix me up,” he comments, smirking slightly and tucking your hair back.
“Not if you keep acting like an absolute skxawng every time I try and help you,” you counter, but you don’t pull away. Instead, you still, letting Aonung’s hand tucking away your hair fall gently to stroke your cheek fondly.
“I’m sorry syulang,” he whispers, a small furrow forming between his brows. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“I wasn’t,” you lie. “You were bothering me.”
Aonung laughs lightly, but as his face trails nearer to yours, you still don’t pull away.
“Is that so?” he asks, face inches from yours. You don’t answer. It’s only when his lips are practically breaths away from brushing against your own when you pull back and frown at him.
“Heal first skxawng,” you grin at his offended, shocked expression. “Then we’ll see what happens.”
༊ Taglist:
@hadesbabygurl @wavesarchive @kqlopsia @tadomikiku @ntymavtr @mommyanddadskiller @thehoneymushroomhealer @tsireyax @integers @tiyawnyana @whatevenisagrapefruit @oakbuggy @sunsetviper @blue-slxt @simplyawh0re@yootvi @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @vminlvxr @elegantfankidsoul
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torscrawls · 2 months
They a Bit Confused, but They Got the Spirit
Maddie and Jack are ready to support Danny now that he's become a half-human, even though he's not ready to talk to them about it yet. He's so lucky that he has such observant and caring parents! They'll do anything they can to make sure he feels accepted and that he knows they love him no matter what, especially since turning into a werewolf must have been so scary.
Wordcount: 1,344
Can be read on AO3!
This is written as a part of Phic Phight for the prompt: Jack and Maddie knew something supernatural was going on with their son, waiting for him to feel comfortable telling them they set out to help him in subtler ways. If only they had actually gotten the species right.
“Maybe we should just tell him that we know?” Jack asked one night after they had watched Danny stumble up the stairs and to his room with badly hidden injuries. “This is the fifth time this month.”
Maddie bit her lip with furrowed brows. “I’m not sure he would be open with us if we cornered him like that. We really should wait for him to come to us…” She trailed off, the last few words sounding less than certain.
Jack let out a deep sigh. He knew she was right, but it was so hard to stay silent and just watch their son go through something that was no doubt very scary and disorienting. To not be there for him. Especially since it wasn’t something that was going away any time soon. Speaking of, “I think it actually might be getting worse. Have you seen how his ears have changed?”
The change had been gradual, but as his ears grew distinctly tapered and more inhuman his attempts at keeping them hidden with his slightly too short hair started to fail. Jack had begun to worry that he might have a hard time keeping his condition a secret in school—kids could be unnecessarily cruel—and had given Danny a new NASA-branded hat. He felt more accomplished as a parent than he had in years when Danny had worn it the very next day.
Maddie nodded before biting at her thumb. “Yes, and his nails… And teeth!”
Jack heaved a deep sigh and grimaced. He had seen them too; long and sharp, both nails and teeth. “He’s been trying to hide them too.”
Maddie shook her head. “Our poor baby. He must be so scared. Wasn’t it enough with the late nights and the fights, and—”
Jack placed a hand on her shoulder and she cut herself off with a shaky breath. He drew her into a hug and murmured into her hair, “But he has us now. We’ll support him, no matter what.”
Maddie nodded and leaned back to look up at him with a determined look in her eyes that reminded him of why he fell in love with her in the first place, “Let’s make sure he knows it.”
Jack agreed. He hated that Danny felt that he had to keep the whole thing a secret from them but he and Maddie had decided to support him as best they could until he felt comfortable telling them about his sudden change into a half-human.
They would do their best to support their son even though he had been transformed into a werewolf.
It was later that night, with Maddie and Danny setting the table with Jack cooking at the stove, when Maddie decided to try and take the first step. ”Danny, I know how much you like space. And… and the moon.
Danny put out the plates with a distracted, “Yeah, sure?”
“You know…” Maddie began, trailing off as she wasn't sure how much she should reveal that they knew. The last thing she wanted was to scare him even further away from them. “There's a full moon coming up next week.”
Danny immediately perked up, his full attention on her. “Oh, I know!” he smiled, plates seemingly forgotten in his hands. “I’m going to go watch it with Sam and Tuck.”
That made Maddie pause, hand hovering over the table where she had been reaching for the last ectogun to put away before their meal. Maddie cast a glance over her shoulder, meeting Jack's equally surprised one. Danny's friends were involved in this too? She carefully asked, “Oh, with your friends?”
Maddie picked up the gun and twirled it in her hands as she decided to be a bit bolder in her approach. If Danny's friends knew, then he was surely more comfortable talking about this than they had thought. Maybe he had just thought that they wouldn't listen. “So… They know?”
Danny put out the last plate and started on the cutlery. “About the moon? I sure hope so.”
“No…” Maddie fingered the gun in her hands. “About you?”
Danny snorted. “That I like space? Yeah, I think it’s pretty hard to miss.”
Maybe he wasn't ready to talk with them just yet. That was fine, they could wait. “Never mind. I’m happy you have friends you can trust.”
Danny smiled at her. “Me too.” Then he paused with a small frown, “Wait, what do you mean trust—”
Jack turned from the stove with a steaming, bubbling, pot and a shout of, “Dinner’s ready!”
“That looks amazing, honey!” Maddie kissed Jack on the cheek before calling up the stairs, “Jazz, honey! Come down! It’s time to eat!”
“I made sure to make your steak extra bloody, Danny-boy!” Jack said with a wink as he deposited the big pot on the table and turned back around to whisk a frying pan with steaks from the stove.
Danny raised an eyebrow. “Uuuuh, why? I like them well-done. I always have?”
Maddie placed a hand on his shoulder and said, voice as reassuring as she could make it, “It’s okay if your tastes change, you know.”
“We would support you,” Jack added with a smile and a thumbs up as he pushed aside the blueprints to the new gun they had been developing to finally catch that menace Phantom to place the pan on the table.
Danny frowned as he slowly said, “Thanks? That’s great to know.”
Maddie mentally patted herself on the back. They were making progress!
Jazz came into the kitchen and surveyed the set table, eying the green bubbling pot in the middle with a critical eye. “Oh, you’re not done with the experiments for today? I thought dinner was ready?”
Maddie waved her off with a chuckle. “No, that's just the potatoes, silly.”
Jazz grimaced as she sat down. “Right. Of course.”
They finished eating—both of their kids must have eaten too many snacks again since they barely touched the food—and as they were cleaning up Jack hesitantly asked, “So, Danny-boy. Do you want a bone?”
“What?” Danny glanced up from his phone. “I have enough bones myself, thanks?”
Maddie straightened up, fascinated. “Oh, you have a stash? Can I see it?”
Danny slowly put his phone down with a confused frown. “…Yeah? It’s called my body?”
“In your…? Ah!” Maddie laughed. “No, to eat.”
Danny squinted at her. “Why would I want to… eat a bone?”
“You know…” Jack trailed off, gesturing vaguely in the hope that Danny would catch on and they wouldn’t have to spell it out and put him on the spot.
Danny didn't seem to catch on as he slowly said, “No? I don't know?”
“For your…” Jack hesitated and sent a pleading look at Maddie but she only gestured for him to continue. It was best if they really showed that they were there for him through all of these changes. Jack took a breath and finished with—according to Maddie—admirable casualness, “Condition.”
“My what?!” Danny exclaimed in clear bafflement. The poor dear, he had probably thought that he had managed to keep it a secret from them. It wasn't his fault that she and Jack were very observant.
Maddie decided to jump in and try and sooth him. “Oh, honey, it's okay! We love you no matter what.” She gave him what she hoped was a supportive look and added, “No matter what you turn into.”
Danny gaped at her. “Wait, you know?!”
Jazz placed a hand on Danny's shoulder and squeezed. “I told you they would understand.”
“Yeah!” Jack added with vigorous nodding. “It's okay that you're a werewolf!”
Danny blinked. “I'm not a—”
Jack cut him off with a shout, “At least you're not a damned ghost!”
Maddie shook her head in horror. That would be… Unimaginable. “And thank god for that!”
“I'm a werewolf!” Danny admitted with a vigorous nod, clearly relieved to finally come clean to them. “Bark bark! Awoo!”
Jazz removed her hand from Danny’s shoulder and slapped it over her own face.
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roomsofangel · 1 month
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synopsis ateez are on a much needed break after their recent comeback — traveling overseas for a short-term vacation, yunho desires nothing more than just to ease himself and let go of worries.
but with a run in with someone he deems an angel in human skin, yunho learns she doesn’t know who he is and pretends to be someone else.
filled with secrets and a burning romance, yunho learns that no matter what you do or how hard you try, life just isn’t fair.
and he only had himself to blame.
wc 775
chapter warnings none that i can think of!
if you’d like to be added to the taglist please either send an ask in my inbox or leave a comment to be added to the taglist! reblogs and comments are also very appreciated! ♥️
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yunho swore if someone asked him, he could describe the day you two encountered again down to every little detail there was, something that deeply burned into his memory and left a permanent scar. this was something perfectly handcrafted and molded into your shape. a personal shrine for you in his mind.
but time was never on yunho’s side, his slender fingers messing with the year old receipts he was dreading to throw away, the list of charges lining up before he shoved them back into the shoebox, a huff of air leaving his lungs as he closed his eyes, your silhouette on display. he swears he can reach you if he just shuts them tighter. with a sigh, he grabbed the shoebox cover and closed the lid, heart faltering for a second each time he read the handwriting
yunho and y/n’s memories
i’ll love you forever, yuyu! - yn
but time was never on yunho’s side, and he only had himself to blame for always being five seconds too late.
yunho remembers the first time he asked you out, the same day you two reconnected and you swore he was following you for a moment and he had let out a belly laugh — but now when he recalls the memory, it tastes bittersweet and he wants to purge it out like bad liquor. his regrets stain it all, knowing that was the day he chose not to tell you the truth.
“i’m just coming to pick up something from a friend,” he had voiced and you scoffed at first, not believing him until his manager had came with a few documents shoved into an envelope, resting in a tote bag that yunho accepted happily, “see? my good friend,” he teased
and technically he wasn’t lying about the friend, his manager was a decent guy who he got along with, maybe he wouldn’t go out for drinks and sunday brunch with the guy but he liked to think that they were decent enough — professionalism was a line he didn’t cross however, his manager was his manager.
but that day, he wasn’t.
that day, yunho was someone else. someone that he wished he could be again, and he knew that was selfish.
it wasn’t fair on you that you fell in love with someone you were now convinced you didn’t know at at all
but yunho doesn’t blame you, he never really knew himself either.
“do you wanna go to this cat cafe?” yunho asked you, the first place he ever took you to and you were hesitant at first — an intrigued expression, but tone laced with venom when you had eventually spoke
you hummed, not bothering to lift your head to meet his gaze or act as if you were genuinely acknowledging him, hell, you could have convinced yunho you didn’t even hear a thing he said, but you stopped flipping through the magazine you were assessing before your answer followed, “a cat cafe?” you parroted back to him, finally meeting his gaze with brows lifting in question, “why would i go with you?”
yunho shrugged, “so i can apologize better,” he responded to your glare with a smile, showing a bit of teeth and he felt accomplished watching the red run across your cheeks more and more, you rolled your eyes but yunho saw the smile you were fighting back
“just do it here.” you motioned to the building the two of you were in and he shook his head
“no, i wanna be surrounded by cute cats and hot chocolate,” wiggling his eyebrows to tease you, he let out another laugh when you playfully shoved his shoulder, your expression not matching but with the way your eyes glistened when they met his, even you couldn’t stop the small smile from forming
your eyes flickered to the clock then back towards the taller male in front of you who fixed the strap of the bag on his shoulder, “do you mind waiting a bit? my shift ends in ten minutes, i just have to sort out these,” your hand lifted the magazine you were going through earlier to shimmy it a little, and yunho smiled wide
“i don’t mind!” he beamed, walking towards one of the sofas that were in the lobby the two of you resided in, plopping himself down and getting comfortable, “i’ll be here.”
if only the two of you had known what was going to be awaiting you, because maybe it would have hurt less — but time was never on yunho’s side
no matter how desperately he wanted it to be now that you were gone.
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masterlist . . next
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matchsumu · 5 months
description: now that he’s lost you, winning means nothing
genre: angst to open ending (i cannot commit to angst, it’s just too sad)
warnings: anxiety, substance use as a coping mechanism
Kageyama Tobio knew that he had grown up too soon when it was too late;
when smiles were rare to come by, and never managed to reach his eyes; when he pushed everyone that he loved away (because people can’t leave you if they’re already gone); when his determination to succeed turned into an obsession. 
Kageyama Tobio knew that he had lost himself when even you couldn’t find him. 
You weren’t there to will the clouds away, so he stayed in the shadows- but he deserved it. 
He had lost his guide, his one way out of the dark abyss his mind had become- only it was his fault.
Part of him wanted to chase after you, to apologize for what he had done, even though he had promised himself that he would never neglect you; but he did. He deserved to be locked away in the hell that he had created for himself. He didn’t deserve your compassion but even so, he longed for it. 
He wanted to slump into your arms like he used to and have you hold him tightly, humming softly. He wanted your fingers in his hair. He wanted his hands in yours- they had always fit so perfectly together. He wanted to make you smile, even if it was only a slight quirk of the corner of your mouth. 
Kageyama Tobio wanted to be a kid again. He wanted to be happy; back when his grandfather was still alive, back when you still loved him.
Kageyama Tobio wanted nothing more than to want nothing. 
You had always told him that his determination was one of his greatest strengths, but how could it do him any good if his determination for volleyball was the reason he lost you? 
He thought he had gotten better, really he did. His time at karasuno helped him outgrow his King Mentality, and you couldn’t have been more proud of him;
but good things don’t last forever. 
Why did he stay late practicing all those nights? Why did he leave you alone in your shared apartment? if he had been better then maybe-
You had made his favorite food the day that you left. He had come home to the lights off- it was always dark when he got home- you were probably in bed. Everything felt normal until he saw the note on the table, next to a cold bowl of pork curry. Happy Anniversary! was scribbled out and replaced with i’m leaving. 
Kageyama Tobio was a proud man- it was difficult not to be prideful as a professional athlete; but he was beginning to see the fault in this as well. 
Playing for the Schweiden Alders was a massive accomplishment. He wanted to make you proud so he worked himself to the bone, day and night at practice; but you each took pride in different things. Kageyama believed that he needed to be the best setter, and if he couldn’t achieve this, all of his hard work would be wasted. Whereas your pride resided within an accumulation of memories. shared happiness made your heart swell. His volleyball career only mattered to you because it mattered to him. you didn’t ask for this life, yet he had forced it onto you.
He had been selfish.
His determination propelled him forwards but he didn’t know how to slow the blades. Little by little, the spinning metal chipped away at his mind until he had lost the very essence of himself. He couldn’t slow down, and in doing so Kageyama Tobio had lost the one person in his life that kept him sane. 
The effects were almost immediate. His heart slowed but his mind moved at an impossible speed. He was desperately trying to keep himself from falling apart, fighting an uphill battle against his own mind. Countless nights, his thoughts were dedicated to you and what ifs. 
What if he had been on time that night?
What if he had worked harder? There had to be a way he could have both, right?
But the question that plagued his mind the most frequent:
What if he just wasn’t good enough?
And that’s what it really came down to, his pride; because Kageyama Tobio was always good enough. He put in the effort required- and more- everyday at practice. He worked his way up from the bottom to be one of the best setters in all of Japan, so how did he lose with you?
But mixed within the bewildered feeling that consumed his mind, Kageyama knew that it was only a matter of time. He knew exactly why you were leaving him, and as much as he wanted to chase after you, he knew you deserved better. 
Even so, it sickened him how well he was playing. His first official game back was a few weeks after you had left and he had never played better. his body moved in the way he had worked so hard to train it to; every step was polished to perfection and the footwork came as naturally as breathing. Until after a particularly impressive service ace, Kageyama’s eyes glanced across the seat that was always reserved for you, only to find someone else sitting in it and that empty feeling in his chest grew a little bigger.
You were really gone. Maybe part of him had thought that you didn’t really mean it- like this was the same as your other arguments where you’d finally come around back to him. Panic began to build up in his throat and his mind clouded over. 
Had he even called you? 
Kageyama wiped his hands on his jersey in an attempt to dry them off. It felt like he was moving in slow motion as he walked back to the service line; jaw tightening into iron, leaving him unable to respond to Hoshiumi’s concerned question, settling for a stiff nod instead.
His joints had stiffened and his body felt too tense, but there was nothing he could do about it, only a spectator trapped in his mind, forced to watch the mechanical cyborg he had become go through the motions.
The referee’s whistle- which normally brought his mind into focus- made his body jolt and he couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling inside of him.
The ball was suddenly up in the air, a perfect, high toss; and his shoes squeaked against the gym floor: right, left, right, left. The contact was solid enough to feel his brain rattle inside his skull;
Another ace.
And as the crowd cheered his name, Kageyama Tobio hoped that somewhere, someone noticed that something was wrong with him. 
Help me.
The vodka burned as it slid down his throat, but he didn’t care- in fact he welcomed the feeling; at least he was feeling something.
It was dark in the apartment. Kageyama refused to turn the lights on ever since you had left. He didn’t need to be reminded how empty everything was without you. 
That’s what he told you, in one of his seven voicemails that he had drunkenly left before passing out on the couch.
He didn’t remember what had happened when he had woken up. After checking to see if there were any messages from you- there weren’t- he stumbled to get ready for practice. 
This became his new routine. play a match, drink to forget his problems, leave you embarrassing voicemails, and go to practice the next day.
Why did he push you away? He could feel that something was wrong, so why did he ignore it? Why did he have to be so selfish?
Kageyama Tobio was reminded of his fear of solitude. 
The silence was unbearable- suffocating. It came slowly, creeping up his chest and tightening around his neck; he was stuck in a constant state of asphyxiation and his mind had clouded over until you were the subject of every thought.
Had he always been this cold? Or had you just been there to pull his hands into yours and massage the warmth back?
Kageyama Tobio wasn’t sad, he was numb.
Schweiden Alders 24 vs Tachibana Red Falcons 23
The referee’s whistle was shrill in his ears and the crowd roared Kageyama's name as he made his way to the service line. 
One more, just one more and then he could be done.
Were you watching him? Before, even if you couldn’t make it to a match, you would still always watch the broadcasting. He hoped you were.
“Nice serve, Kageyama,” Ushijima encouraged, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
With a curt nod and another whistle from the referee, he tossed the ball high into the air and slammed it onto the other side of the court: an ace.
As the spectators cheered loudly and his team crowded around him excitedly, Kageyama Tobio couldn’t help but feel that none of this mattered if he was alone, without you by his side.
Hoshiumi wanted to go out to a bar to celebrate, but Kageyama just wanted to go home. He had opted for water tonight, sipping it slowly. It was cold outside and he was exhausted, Besides he normally celebrated with you and-
"Hi, Tobio."
His mouth went dry and he whirled around at the sound of your voice. What were you doing here? 
“You guys played well.” you looked normal, bundled up in a big puffer jacket. His eyes didn’t miss the necklace he got you a few years ago with his initials on it. 
“Did you enjoy the game?” Kageyama finally remembered how to speak.
“No, not really.” 
He knew that his mouth had fallen agape, but couldn’t manage to shut it. 
Of course you didn’t- why would he even ask you that? This was the first time he had seen you in a month and that was the first thing he said to you? 
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Huh?” the question sent his mind through another whirlwind.
“Well, you just looked really tense out there, that’s all.” you had said it so nonchalantly, it almost went over his head.
Every emotion Kageyama Tobio had felt since you left immediately pumped in his heart and spread through his veins, warming his body. You noticed. Of course you had noticed.
“I miss you.” his voice came out croaky, but he didn’t care. 
“I miss you too, Tobio.” your eyes softened and crinkled a little at the corners. You always made that face when you forced a smile.
Don’t leave. Don’t leave me alone, not again. 
He didn’t think that he would physically be able to handle it if you had turned up, only to disappear again.  
“Wanna grab coffee?”
“Isn’t it a little too late for caffeine?” Kageyama wished his soul would separate from his body so he could punch himself in the gut. Why would he even say that? Of course he wanted to go with you.
You snorted, “Doesn’t have to be coffee, dumbass. I just wanted to talk more, that’s all.”
“Tea sounds good.” His heart ached deep in his chest, but he wasn’t sure if it was from heartbreak or hope. Everything felt so normal, almost as if the past month never happened. How were you able to continue on with your life so easily? 
Did all those years that you had spent loving each other really mean nothing? 
Of course, you could throw that same question back at him. Kageyama hated himself. 
“Let’s get out of here then.” 
He nodded, quickly gathering his things. 
He would not mess this up– whatever this was or could be. 
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inbarfink · 2 years
It’s truly hard to overstate just how much Spamton’s mere existence is a nightmare for himself. Like, arguably the life of everyone in the Deltarune universe, and especially the Darkners, is an existential nightmare. Spamton’s just on a whole other level. This is Advanced Existential Nightmare.
Cause yeah, on some level it’s always kinda depressing to think about the idea that all Darkners are bound to the fact that they are created from inanimate objects and the emotions Lightners associate with them. That this forms some sort of irrevocable inner essence and Purpose they can never change, even if they truly wanted to be something else. No one can choose who they are in this world and so on.
But like, at least most of the other Darkners we met can get some sort of contentment from following the role they have been given. Tasque Manager loves managing things (and Tasques), Lancer is a playing card who ultimately just wants to play around and have fun, Queen seems to truly love being a useful computer who can supply Lightners with endless hours of entertainment and knowledge in her own egoist way. Even King’s initial angst was based around no longer being able to fulfill his purpose.
But Spamton… as the living embodiment of Spam Mail, he was created with the desires of your typical spam-mail; advertising and/or scamming people. And he was created to be obsessed with the things that your typical Spam Mail talks about; success, fortune, status and [[BIG SHOT]]. But he was also created to be utterly terrible at accomplishing these things.
He’s Spam Mail, Spam Mail is weird, obviously scammy and generally gets ignored or thrown away. And no matter how much Spamton wants or how hard he tries, by the basic nature of his being, he can never actually be good at this. And he also can’t, like, understand that maybe salesmanship isn’t his thing and take up macramé or something. Because that obsession is also part of his basic nature. Spamton’s basic nature is to be forever frustrated, desperate and miserable.
And that’s exactly why he’s the first Darkner we’ve seen who’s truly set on cutting his puppet-strings. I think that a lot of the ‘Freedom’ he wants is freedom from that utterly miserable lot in life. To longer be bound by the rules of Being Spamton. On some level it’s probably about breaking the Rule of Nature that means he has to be a failure, that he can’t truly become a [[BIG SHOT]] on his own. He wants to overthrow God so he can get the financial success that feels he deserves.
(I know some people are angry at the Mysterious Voice on the Phone for abandoning Spamton, but I do wonder if it wasn’t basically inevitable. That the Mysterious Voice, regardless of what they wanted, could simply not subvert Spamton’s Failure-ness forever)
And that’s kinda tragic cause it’s shows that even when trying to break away, he’s still doing so through the lenses of the existential curse that’s causing him so much suffering. To be free is to get [[BIG]], and the only way to get [[BIG]] is by scamming and tricking and manipulating. Because as long as he’s Spamton, those are really the only things he can do.
But on some level, I think, he might also want to be free of that. Maybe it started as wanting to break away from the ‘script’ that means he’s bound to be a failure - but with time, I think he also grew to want to want different things. It’s clear Spamton is very distressed about losing the friendship of the Addisons and Swatch. He considers his own loneliness as one of the most defining traits of his own existence (he always start projecting on Kris on the basis of both of them being lonely). But he literally can’t put his obsessive quest for success aside and focus on his relationships. He literally can’t.
Outside of, I guess, the Pacifist ending to his NEO fight. That’s the one point where Spamton was able to put his ambitions aside for the sake of friendships.
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If only for a moment.
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But however brief it was, it still feel like it meant something to Spamton.
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tirfpikachu · 5 months
seeing feminist events and protests etc being ruined breaks my fucking heart :( like what do they think they're even accomplishing? even if they hate radfems there should be alternatives to just thrashing every feminist good deed radfems do for women in their often impoverished communities
if AT LEAST they had been working hard replacing it with their own trans-positive feminist version or whatever in the area that would've been one thing. but often they just destroy and just go aha! job well done, that'll teach those bitches. when women in those communities actually really truly need these things and all they do is ruin those resources for others and losing the movement activists that the movement badly needs. if they only knew that other activist movements that they respectfully bow down to ARE ALSO FULL OF WOMEN WHO HOLD RADFEM BELIEFS!!! and if every woman who thought that sex mattered, which is especially common with woc from outside the west or with family outside the west since they know first-hand how horrifyingly bad oppression can get for afab people, if they all had gotten called out cancelled banished from the spaces etc the movements would've failed before they even began and that would've led to SO MUCH more marginalized suffering!!!!
i truly believe that these kinds of extreme trans activists tend to be more on the privileged side outside of being afab, and use that activism as a way to prove they're not bigots like their white middle-class parents were nope they're radical and they fight the cistem and are cooler than those freaky bigoted genitals-obsessed gays and transsexuals... the same ones that fought hard for decades to earn them all the rights they currently enjoy and were oppressed on the basis of being same-sex attracted and are now being thrown out of pride events
it's also interesting with different cultures, bc for example with french instances of trans activists going batshit, the french world is much newer to the concept of gender identity than english folks, like there's SOOO many stolen english words that young french qweer activists are trying to awkwardly make a Thing in french spaces and they have the intense righteousness of trans english tumblr but the people around them are just like huh ????? bc the words and the concept of gender identity just aren't as widespread in french spaces, esp since our language is so sex-based. it makes them feel even more like martyrs and seeing the entire french world as bigoted. it makes for some wild shit in france like sex-based feminist events being trashed and cis feminists being assaulted and only english radfems hear of it and call it out, bc english trans activists don't care about news like these, it makes them all look bad and they assume it's all just elaborate fox news type shit or cis women are being dramatic again
i just think that the way trans activists are treating the feminism vs gender identity divide is really unproductive, surprisingly violent, very dangerous, and negatively impacts the afab women who need feminist events and protests etc the most. especially woc, disabled women, senior women, and other women w few resources. i'm seeing women being turned away from SHELTERS and other life-saving resources for using the words man/woman in a sex-based way or wanting only people with vaginas in trauma victim spaces for safety and healing reasons. would a homeless dude spouting the same language be turned away from a shelter or lead to activists rallying and protesting outside the shelter for daring to home him bc he's unsafe for transmasc people??? would a trans activist say nope we shouldn't give him a safe home we shouldn't give him a space in a shelter we should record him and post a video of him and shame him and laugh at him???? I REALLY DON'T THINK SO
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amber-michaelson · 1 year
The Gift Of Eywa
Neteyam x Na'vi reader
Summary: becoming the main protector of Pandora eywa decides to gift you something you've been missing.
Read At Own Risk
Warning: breeding, protective neteyam.
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Yn pov
Returning to camp after another successful attack against the sky people only 2 dead and afew injured of our people "feed the ilus and ikrans they'll be hungry" I said as I landed, it was only a month after neteyam's death I left to start my own clan but not only of Omaticaya but Metkayina too, we built our resting place on the cliff side at the edge of the forest for the Omaticaya people to be close to the forest and the Metkayina can reach the water, we've become the most feared clan for the humans no matter how hard they can try we were always a step ahead, but not only that Norman, Toruk Makto friend joined us with the rest of the dream walkers "outstanding job yn they've cut back on the deplanetation instead focusing on projecting their base" norm laughed walking out of their lab in his human form "then that's what we hit next" I murmured stretching out my back as I walked to my tent placing down my bow at the door sighing sadly as I walked into my tent it was hard without him he would've been the best chèf for this type of thing, he's learn both the Omaticaya and Metkayina way of hunting
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎Back At the Metkayina Village▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
"Ma neteyam" neytiri cried hugging her son as the village started to crowd around her gasping as they saw the fallen son of Toruk Makto "thank you ewya thank you" she chanted rocking her and her son back and forth "what's goi-" jake froze as he saw his eldest son so did their other children who trailed behind him "neteyam" he said covering his mouth as tears ran down his face "how".
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎back to you▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
Staring down at the ongoing celebration, there was singing, dancing and laughter but I couldn't face it, not to night "you should be down there yn you're the one to lead this clan to victory" krykan one of our most talented warriors said as he emerged from the shadows "i don't feel like celebrating but you should go and have fun" i said tensing as he sat beside me i never really liked him, he was always lurking close to me and when I talk to the other hunters he always interrupts and no matter how much I give him a hint he still wants to mate with me "but I celebrate better with you around" he slurred as he winked at me, it took my entire being not to cringe "kryk-" "no I know what your going to say and you can't keep denying me yn I am thee most talented hunter in this clan and I have been trying to mate with you and you keep denying me so heres the deal if you don't have a mate within a month your mine" "and if I do get a mate" I asked angrily "then I'll fight them"he muttered getting up and walked off 'great now another thing to worry about'.
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎time skip the day of the end of the deal▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
I snuck off early for my patrol I'm gonna try my hardest to ignore krykan for the day his obsession with me has gotten worse now I was able to speak to the other hunters without him being a few feet behind me and his intense stare on whoever I'm speaking to "freedom" I say as I reached a safe enough distance from the village breathing in the fresh air as if it was something new I knew if i mated with krykan the clans downfall would begin, he doesn't even listen to my battle plans now it would just get worse after we mated with neteyam he did not only listen to my plans but gave me advice on certain things 'i wish you were here neteyam'.
Neteyam pov
I finally arrived at yns village glancing around amazed at what she's accomplished "neteyam" my gaze quickly moving over to Norman "I can't believe my eyes" he smiled as he came closer "yn is gonna be soo happy when she gets back" he laughed "yn you mean my mate Norman" I turned to the unfamiliar voice my eye twitching as he said 'my mate' "who the hell are you" I muttered straightening up "oh look so tough" he mocked "the names krykan best hunter of the clan and the future chief" he grinned sticking out his arms gesturing to the whole village "yn already has a mate she doesn't need a new one" I muttered and hissed he smirked as he got my reaction but a yns call got our attention my breathing hitching as she lands jumping off her ikran and froze as she saw me "neteyam" she murmured I was about to say something but a punch was landed on my lower draw sending me a few steps back "she's mine" krykan hissed as he went for me again but swiftly dodging and kicked him in the ribs making him fall to the ground I quickly punched him in the nose surly breaking it but also sending his head back against the ground hard making him scream in pain "next time don't go for someone else's mate dickhead" I spat before running to yn and wrapped my arms tightly around her as she cried into my chest "I thought I lost you I thought I lost you" she hiccuped as her hands gripped my shoulders "I'm here yn" I smiled sadly kissing her head as I turned to take her to her hut after asking norm for directions "wow" I murmured as I entered her hut, her crys finally settling, her hut was like the one she had at home except for a few extra things here and there "I'm gonna lay you down yn" I whispered into her ear and made my way over to her bed, she whined as I layed her down "don't leave me" I chuckled as she made grabby hands towards me "don't worry I'm never going to leave you again" I murmured as I layed down beside her.
Yn pov
I snuggled into his warmth and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me "I missed you so much" I whispered "I missed you to my mate" he said and lifted his hand to guide me to look at him "so so much" he murmured and leaned over and kissed me deeply "neteyam" I whined as he pulled away "what" he chuckled and climbed on top of me softly growling as he looked me up and down "oh fuck how I missed you" he muttered before smashing his lips to mine roughly and his hands began to grab and squeeze "mine" he growled against my lips "yours" I replied and moaned aloud as his knee rubbed up against my pussy "fuck I need you neteyam" I whined rocking my hips into his "I'm going to breed you" he muttered rubbing off mine and his clothes and not wasting any time and lubed up his cock with my juices "I'm gonna enjoy this" he groaned and pushed inside me causing me to arche my back "fuck" we both moaned, he started thrusting hard and fast as his hands playing with my boobs his eyes gazing down at me with hunger "I want you full with my seed" he panted his thrusts never changing pace "fuck" I mewled my fingers and toes curling as I cum "fuck that was fast" he groaned but spasmed as I clenched around him and his seed coating my walls "fuck neteyam" I moaned leaning my head back "oh baby I still got a few more rounds".
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