#no more mom jeans!
brave-and-gentle · 29 days
Does anybody else think about Jean Kirstein reuniting with his mother post-rumbling?
This scene is living rent free in my head: on the boat, he's dreading the moment. Not because he doesn't want to see her, no, Jean desperately wants to see his mother. He dreads seeing her because he doesn't know what she'll think of him now.
Will she see a monster? Jean hasn't seen his mother in years - will she look at him in horror? Because she knows he's killed people? That he has blood on his hands? He can never go back now.
Once they arrive to Paradis, Jean finds his mother waiting for them. He approaches her tentatively, his head hung down. She throws her arms around him - "my Jeanboy!" and pulls him into a tight hug. And Jean breaks down sobbing, because in that moment, he knows that his mother loves him so fiercely no matter what he's done - he will always be the little Jeanboy she made omelettes for in her mind.
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iron-sides · 12 days
shaking and frothing at the mouth like a small rabid dog. i have thoughts about the perfect court that do not and cannot exist in any language but what's important here is that you HAVE to under that fundamentally. fundamentally riko moriyama is a scared little boy who has been told since birth that he is nothing, and that the only way he can change this is to be the best: he can be the best or he can be nothing, and the default state here is nothing. and he knows somewhere deep in his gut that he will never be the best. he grew up with kevin day and saw the way kevin lived and breathed exy and knew there was something different about him, knew that they way kevin lived and breathed exy was somehow more than the way he did. and so he lied, he drew numbers on their faces he beat kevin down however he could because he could not stand to be nothing ever again. and it still wasnt enough.
#GODDDDD IM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM!!!! WORST GUY EVER FOR REAL#DESPERATE TO FEEL IN CONTROL OF ANYTHING HE CAN BECAUSE HE CAN NEVER CONTROL THE IMPORTANT THING#which is to say he will never understand WHY kevin is better than him. because the answer is so simple and so contradictory to everything#he has ever known:#fundamentally riko plays exy because he needs to be something more than nothing. fundamentally kevin plays exy because he LOVES it because#he knows nothing else because its what he has left of his mom because he is incredibly autistic about it#and that level of love of fondness of drive of passion is not something riko will ever have#because riko doesnt love EXY#he loves BEING THE BEST. he loves the spotlight the attention the being more than nothing#this is why hes better with the media than kevin: he plays exy For This and kevin does media For Exy#aaaaaaa. anyway <3#riko man. im so normal about him#my thots#aftg#also i think its important to understand that (i think) (to me) kevin KNOWS THIS#he knows exactly why riko does the things he does and thats why he makes so many excuses for him#because that's his brother. because it isnt rikos fault he was raised to believe he could be the best or nothing#but its not kevins fault that hes the best. and its not jeans fault he exists#<- because it was never about jean. it was never even about kevin! they were both collateral damage#of the way tetsuji raised riko#and im not totally sure how much of that jean knows ill have to read tsc again#but yeah. anyway ^-^#kevin day#riko moriyama
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thebirdandhersong · 1 month
Lol. Lol. Lol.
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doomstonee · 5 months
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Let’s go to bed.
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sailorspica · 4 months
i do Not buy karina braun arriving at a similar self-awareness to grisha's in the short time between the end of marley's mid-east war and the rumbling. if anything the rumbling should further embitter eldians in marley: yes, we sacrificed our children to a futile mission, but that was because we good eldians were right about those devils all along! etc. by the same token the jaegerists probably prop eren up as a martyr, the ultimate patriot, why wouldn't surviving eldians off paradis give bertolt and the galliard bros and colt the same treatment? grisha's line in 87 is "I dare say I never once treated Zeke as Zeke." could karina manage that now that her son is literal savior of the whole world? can she see past that and remember he was a boy?
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rithmeres · 6 months
it’s so annoying every time i wash my sheets and remake my bed i can never get the mf hospital corners right and it always makes me think of that brief line from attack on titan (before everything went to scheiße) that implies that when the 104th was in their domestic era eren saved jean from getting chewed out by levi by redoing the hospital corners on jean’s bed
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tamagotchikgs · 15 days
speaking of new clothes today in the car my mom was like u need to show a lil more skin,,,,,, its not illegal u know .. and my sister was like it's their religion (joke) ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Can a man not just live in his comfy oversized clothes
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hum-suffer · 4 months
Today was Bollywood day at college and I went as Pakhi from Lootera
Kisi ko samjh nhi aaya aur meko Varun Mila nhi koi
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unpopular opinion maybe, but personally I think it is WAY past time for the Super Tight Butt Jeans thing to fade into obscurity.
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ringneckedpheasant · 7 months
considering redrawing my queen of cups card w ehsaan. desperate to see her again
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Kaeya wasn’t one to really get angry as a kid, but the very few times when he genuinely did, it was extremely obvious to everyone, in the way he carried himself.
#hc; kaeya#//Dude had/has like#//Mom type anger bfbfb#//Where his bad mood would just absolutely Contaminate the very room he was in and make the atmosphere utterly Suffocating#//He wouldn’t be confrontational about it either; just be absolutely Frigid; enough that it leaks through his politeness#//Which most of the time was at Luc (after antics gone too far or him pressing Kae abt himself/his past too much)#//Or maids who mouthed off and gossiped a bit too much; esp abt Addie. Which was the most frequent cause#//Only TWICE at Crepus; 1) directly when he tried to pry once; 2) from afar the day he died when Kae saw the Delusion on him#//And ONCE at Addie after Luc left & she tried to lessen the blame Kae heaped upon himself; in reasoning Luc could have; too#//He regrets that one most#//He’s not even overt with it; not usually. But still v palpable to those it’s directed at#//It’sa subtle storminess in his eye; a particular tension in his body.ACertain Tone in his voice; like an air of finality w each sentence#//It was far more obvious as a kid than present day; bc later on he got better at hiding it as smth else#//& as a bab; it was far more jarring to see him acting that way after being used to him being so warm and shy#//For Diluc esp; it was prolly a mad stressful affair each time it happened; no matter how infrequent#//One minute yer bro is jokin around & chilling; then he’s suddenly put what feels like leagues between you & kicked you off Dragonspine#//Tended to show up sometimes during their knight days at the others & ESP in his first few months as Cavalry Captain#//Except he was deffo far more willing to resort to confrontations over insubordination & challenges of his capability in latter#//Before he mellowed out again bc of Jean & Varka and really started picking up the silver tongue’n sly approach more#//It was more efficient seeing people fall apart seemingly from their own doings than do it himself & deal with the troublesome aftermaths#//Nowadays; his Vision acting up if anything is is main tell to if he’s angry or not#//Unless the person knows him REALLY well; or he genuinely can’t hold it back#//But that one is v extreme cases
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eurekavalley · 1 year
Jane Fonda is so fascinating, like she had three husbands and reinvented herself for each of them in a way that was always authentic to herself, and also only became herself after leaving all of them and giving up on marriage altogether. After her first divorce, she moved back in with her dad and let the Black Panthers use his apartment for press conferences while she served cocktails to reporters, until the FBI showed up and her dad asked her to move out. When she was married to Tom Hayden, she was the major breadwinner and she also did all the dishes and laundry by hand because he wanted them to live like the proletariat. When they needed a source of funds for his economic justice work, she made her first workout tape and it sold 17 million copies. Sometimes she took her laundry over to the house of her French ex-husband to use his washing machine in secret. For Coming Home, she refused to film the part of a love scene that implied p*netration, so the final cut just has Jon Voight going down on her. Then she had to justify it to her socialist husband *and* her five-times-married dad who were both mad about it, and then she won an Oscar for it. When she was exiled for Hollywood for her political views she filmed a version of The Dollhouse where she made Nora a lesbian against the director's wishes and he had to cut around it. Then she married a billionaire and lived on a ranch for ten years. Then she went back to Hollywood and had a whole other career. Just a total legend.
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kath-artic · 11 days
thank god for crazy women 🙏
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autopsytableromance · 12 days
Edward 40hands. I’m gonna kill
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brinkle-brackle · 10 months
✨️trouble with a capital t✨️
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hi hello fellow trekkies please hear me out
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There is something to be said for
“I like these clothes because they mess with your preconception of me and I want people to stop sticking me in a certain box”
“I like these clothes because they make me feel more comfortable in my own skin”
and how they’re sometimes but not always the same thing
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