#no offense if you ship either do what you want
andejoe · 10 months
No one wanted to ask. Someone had to. It was terrifying. But it made sense.
Of course humanity finally abandoned its planet. Everyone was surprised they hadn’t abandoned it sooner. Still, the concern was there.
What made humanity abandon their planet in a mass event? What thing was finally found to scare them off their favorite death world?
Of course not every last human abandoned the planet, but enough did that Earth was no longer considered ‘inhabited’. Humans flocked to other worlds, most choosing death worlds with similar biomes to the ones they preferred. (And there was a suspiciously armored ship heading towards Disney planet.)
The concerning thing was the humans kept going back. Never landing. Never breaking the atmosphere. Just driving by.
Finally, a delegate was chosen to ask the human council member. Poor Laeri was nervous, but they had been called friend by council member Daryl before. Surely this question wouldn’t be an offense.
“Daryl, may I speak with you a moment?”
Daryl paused, and nodded, careful not to smile. He was well practiced in the art of not offending. “Of course Laeri. What is the matter?”
“Humanity has recently applied for habitation permits for a dozen planets. As soon as the permits were awarded, humans left very quickly.”
“Well sure. The permits took three earth years to be approved. Most of the planet had been preparing for over five years at that point,” Daryl explained.
“Yes, that is not my question. The question is why?”
“Why were they ready?”
Laeri shook their head. “Why did they leave Earth? Humans have made it a point to ‘stick it out’ despite better options being available. Why leave now?”
“Oh, that. Well.” Daryl paused. He knew he didn’t have to report officially yet, but his friend wanted to know. “Will you keep it a secret from the council?”
Laeri paused. The answer being a secret did not occur to them. What could the humans possibly be hiding? Would they be able to hide it as well?
“I do not think I can keep any dangerous thing a secret,” Laeri finally admitted.
Daryl nodded. “Nor would I ask you to. It’s not dangerous, just a little experiment more like.”
“If it is an experiment, then you should speak with-“
“No Laeri.” Daryl interrupted calmly. “This isn’t something we want help with. That’s why we haven’t mentioned anything to the Viyon Academics. We just need time to see if it works.”
Their curiosity finally got the better of them.
“If what works?”
“A new society. A new civilized species.”
Laeri didn’t speak, but either from awe or concern, they weren’t sure. Daryl continued.
“We believe a species evolves when they start to take care of their injured and impaired. It means they have compassion. Well an intelligent species on earth has been observed showing compassion. We simply want to give them the space they require to evolve.”
Laeri considered the intelligent species that lived on earth. They were suddenly very concerned. Had the humans been duped?
“The dolphi are showing compassion?” Laeri asked.
Daryl almost laughed. “Not even close. No, we wouldn’t break the agreement we made. They’re not escaping earth anytime soon.”
Laeri felt immediate relief. “Then which species is it?”
Daryl smiled. He couldn’t help it. He liked birds. “Corvids.”
“But, but they’re so small.”
“We know. That’s why some humans are still there, zoologist types to help them grow, learn, and show them the way.”
“What if another species wipes them out before they get the chance?”
Daryl shrugged. “Well that’s why we left some warriors behind, to help keep the corvids alive while they grow. And of course to keep the dolphins contained. We do take that assignment very seriously.”
Laeri was excited now. Another avian species may be joining the galaxy soon. They wanted to tell everyone.
“Promise you’ll keep the secret?” Daryl asked.
Laeri felt their excitement dash upon the cruel rocks of reality. “I will.”
“Good. Here.” Daryl held out a small computer drive.
Laeri took the drive. “What is this?”
“The live feed of the experiment. You really think we wouldn’t watch? As soon as they reach civilized status, I have to report them. Until then, they’ve been completing some very complex puzzles and problem solving lately. You’ll want to start at the beginning but they post new information all the time.”
Laeri clutched the drive to their feathered tunic. Suddenly the small drive was priceless. “I, must go now.”
Laeri took off as fast as would be ignored by others. Daryl watched his friend, surprised by how excited they were. His watch gave him an alert.
“Ooh, a group puzzle. Wonder if they managed it this time.”
Daryl walked off to his own private quarters to watch the newest update on the corvids.
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naffeclipse · 3 months
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Woohoo! I'm opening up writing commissions! My job slows way down in the summer and I need a little cash, however, I want to make this clear: this is not replacing the usual writing that I regularly post. I will continue to write stories and share them. This is a way to earn money while continuing to do what I love.
I will be taking commissions on a 3-slot round basis as indicated on my Ko-Fi. First come. First serve.
Please click on the read more for more information! (I also transcribe my commission info above.)
Word Count - Prices:
1,000 — $25 1,500 — $35 2,000 — $50 2,500 — $60 3,000 — $80
Will Do:
Romance Platonic Love Angst Fluff Hurt/Comfort Mild Violence/Gore/Horror (ask me via Tumblr Ask) Suggestive Themes
Won't Do:
NSFW Incest Hateful, Offensive Themes Minor Romantic Pairings DCA x DCA (i.e. Sun/Moon) (ask me via Tumblr Ask if you're unsure what what counts as 'won't do')
I won’t post any commissions on AO3. I will post it to my Tumblr with your permission. I will keep you updated on your commission as needed. You will receive the finished piece via E-Mail or Discord (your preference) in PDF format.
Extra Notes:
Payment is accepted only via Ko-Fi in the commissions tab, then we will discuss your comm on Ko-Fi messages. I will write any DCA in AUs I’ve created (I won’t write Sleuth Jesters Eclipse, but I will write Bloodstain Fool Eclipse, Syzygy in Dedication Sun and Moon, etc.) I won’t write any AUs/DCAs that belong to someone else. Original AUs, monster OCs, monster prompts, and Creature/AU DCAs are okay. Comms will be Second Person POV non-gender specific.
More Notes (Please Read before Commissioning Me):
I will write shipping fics with the DCA, AUs of the DCA (I won’t write any AUs/DCAs that belong to someone else), and Monster OCs! So long as it's a relatively non-human being (e.g. robot, vampire, alien, swamp thing, ghostly entity, mermaid, etc) I'm down to write your scrumptious monster boyfriend/girlfriend.
I also accept prompts if you're unsure of exactly what you want but have an idea for something e.g. 'the reader discovering Mothman on the side of the road' or 'the reader repairing a Ruin Eclipse' or 'the reader with a swamp creature Sun'. I will happily run away with a prompt if you so desire.
My writing commissions are strictly pairing fics (either romantic or platonic).
All fics are written in second-person POV and are strictly non-gender-specific.
I will contact you on Ko-Fi Messages when I am ready to get started with your commission. Please be prepared with your request at the time of purchase.
We will then discuss your request. I will write a detailed outline of what I plan on writing. I will show you the outline, rework it at your desire, and once your approval is given, I will begin writing.
I will deliver your final piece in a PDF format via E-mail or Discord (your preference).
With your permission, I will post your fic to my Tumblr (you can be anonymous if you wish).
Cancellations are not allowed once I begin writing after the outline is accepted. Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances past this point so you need to be sure you're satisfied with the outline before I begin writing!
I ask for your patience, however, if I don’t contact you after 3 days of radio silence without at least an update on my situation/your commission after payment, please feel free to message me on Ko-Fi for an update.
Again, I ask for your patience, however, if I don't contact you after 2 weeks of radio silence after confirming your commission and starting on it, feel free to message me on Ko-Fi for an update.
Lastly, this is my Ko-Fi where you will find the commissions tab. You can also find my Ko-Fi in my pinned post on my Tumblr. Thank you for reading! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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okay I am not involved in the current call out drama personally but it's made its way to my Twitter feed and im so genuinely confused because have none of you interacted with fandom before?
yes, the jrwi boys explicitly stated that there is a hard boundary against rpf about them and that they do not want to be shown nsfw art/ fics of their characters. these are reasonable boundaries to have, and they should 1000% be respected.
HOWEVER: they also explicitly said that they could not stop people and they're RIGHT. fandom is, at its core, weird. people write weird, gross, and even immoral shit all of the time. thats what tagging systems, scrolling, or blocking fan creators is for. for example: i really hate arthur being shipped with either of the twins or the twins being shipped together. i think its gross. so i exclude tags, and i scroll. its that easy! weird stuff will always exist on the internet, and nsfw works in the jrwi tag have some of the highest hits. many people read and write these things casually, and that isn't inherently wrong.
it's completely understandable that the jrwi guys dont want to see the characters that they put pieces of themselves into in nsfw situations. SO don't show them!!! as a general rule, you should not be showing, @ing, or sending creators of any media your fanwork, especially if it's suggestive or gorey. THAT is what a boundary looks like. fandom is not for creators anyways, and involving them in it tends to break many creators boundaries, even in more innocent situations (as a general pattern I've observed)
the person who made the call out post is a minor. they are likely steeped deeply in purity culture and have not interacted with fandom much. HOWEVER, calling specific people out by name is not a cool move. these are not bad people. they aren't being bigoted or doing harmful things irl or in the community, and their fan content is relatively harmless as well. they are simply creating things that people feel uncomfortable with on a personal level, and instead of blocking or scrolling, people have decided that they are morally bad people. and that's just... wrong?
sorry about this rant but writing "weird" or "gross" things is not a cancelable offense; it's a part of being in fandom. I am begging anyone who is genuinely upset by this to click on a supernatural or mha tag on ao3 and scroll for 3 seconds. I promise people writing correctly tagged gore or porn that will never be seen by people who don't want to see it is not the end of the world.
love you to the people who got called out and have been getting hate anons if you see this. yall are cool as hell
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bridenore · 5 months
HD longer fics recs : 80k to 90k words
Here are a few recs for fics ranging between 90k and 100k words.
You can see my recs for fics that have more than 200k here, between 150k and 200k here, between 125k and 150k here, between 100k and 125k here and between 90k and 100k here.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic [88k]
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
the call of sweet things by @softlystarstruck [88k]
Draco’s happy with his quiet, lonely life in Woolbury, spending his days working at Pen Pals and keeping his already tidy flat spotless. But when Harry Potter shows up with pink hair and secrets about his magic, Draco’s carefully upheld balance falls apart. He doesn’t quite know how he ends up decorating Harry’s cottage, drinking unreasonable amounts of cocoa, and laughing more than he’s laughed in years, but it’s Christmas, after all– and he finally has a chance to set things right.
Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love by aibidil [80k]
In which a group of wizards’ rights activists goes on the offensive after a prohibition against love potions, forcing the magical world to confront the horror of magic’s role in sexual assault and the murky   legal nature of consent. Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Draco are swept   together to solve the case, and in the process they’re made to confront their own love and lust—with and without potions.
Criminal by @the-sinking-ship [83k]
Things were going just fine for Draco Malfoy. He successfully conned and counted cards across Europe and America, amassing a small fortune, along with a lengthy rap sheet. That was until he made the grave mistake of returning to England for a high stakes card game and got himself caught – by Harry Potter no less. Now, Draco is stuck in England under Auror Potter’s guard with no friends, no distractions, and no escape. How the hell will he pass the time? And since when did Potter get so bloody fit?
Dear Cousin, Love Regulus by @xx-thedarklord-xx [86k]
As the sole Malfoy heir, Draco understood that his path was set long before his birth; who to be, how to act and what his choices should be. What he had not counted on was the power of outside influences. Letters from his deceased cousin caused him to realize that he did have choices, starting with the choice to be someone else, to be who he wanted to be. The road to self-discovery was difficult and navigating that path in the shadow of Harry Potter was its own challenge but maybe, just maybe, his friends would help him along the way. And he would owe it all to Regulus Black.
Heaven Through a Window by JocundaSykes [81k]
Life is going swimmingly for Draco: he’s a respected Healer, his son is excellent in every way, and none of his patients have died recently. Then he gets landed with Perfect Potter and his hordes of stupid friends. It’s intolerable. But the more time Draco spends with the lonely boy from Surrey, the more he believes that there might be a hero within us all.
If the Fates Allow by Saras_Girl [80k]
What’s that crackling in the walls? Harry has no clue at all. He’ll eat some cake and drink some wine Because he is completely FINE. –A story about life’s disregard for our plans. [2017 advent story]
In Free Fall by @kbrick [81k]
Draco Malfoy is a serious university student whose idea of a good time is translating Ancient Greek texts and having game night with his small circle of friends. Harry Potter is a hard-partying adrenaline junkie who’s happiest when he’s leaping from an airplane or hurtling over a waterfall in a kayak. They have nothing in common. But when they reconnect in the Muggle world, curiosity prompts them to strike up a deal. Draco will show Harry what it’s like to be a swotty overachiever and Harry will show Draco what it’s like to live life dangerously. It’ll be fun, and really, what’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like Draco’s going to fall in love with the guy or anything.
In Pieces by @dysonrules [85k]
Harry returns to Hogwarts as the new DADA instructor, only to find his teaching efforts thwarted by a very familiar ghost.
Knead by laughingd0g [83k]
This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy’s lean arms.
The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound [81k]
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter’s help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn’t been enough to dim Draco’s obsession with him.
Loverboys by @corvuscrowned [84k]
As post-war violence and tensions rise, it seems as if there’s no hope to unify the wizarding world. Except, maybe, a manufactured relationship between resident Saviour Harry Potter and known purveyor of the Dark Arts Draco Malfoy. (The fact that they detest each other is beside the point.) But as Draco’s unrelenting mind games begin to wear him down, Harry has to remind himself that it’s all fake. The relationship is fake. The affection is fake. The pet names, the romance — even the engagement photos are fake. But there’s something in Draco’s kiss that might just be real.
Martyred by @doingthechachaslide [82k]
Harry Potter only wants one thing: to take care of the people he loves. After Teddy’s abrupt departure from his role as Andromeda’s caretaker, Harry decides it’s finally time to step up and handle the job himself. Castoff Manor, an old Black family estate, has never seemed as sinister as the stories make it sound, but it’s there that Harry stumbles upon ghosts, haunting family secrets, and a familiar, snarky blond gardener hell-bent on chasing him out. Maybe if Harry sticks around long enough, he’ll finally learn why all of Andromeda’s previous caretakers have fled without looking back.
Merlin, Give Me Strength by Aelys_Althea [86k]
Draco retreated after the war. Despite the Wizarding world turning a smiling, forgiving face to any and all with a black name and stained reputation, he wanted none of it. All Draco wanted was to be left alone. Unfortunately for him, Harry Potter doesn’t want to leave him alone. And more than that, he finds himself with the most unlikely of house guests that he just can’t seem to rid himself of. Why is life never simple?
Merlin Works in Mysterious Ways by @lordhellebore [82k]
When Harry is forced to form a Blood Bond with Draco Malfoy under threat of death, he thinks his future will consist of a cold home and sexual frustration. But when a group of left-over Death Eaters decides to stir trouble, their lives change completely – and it takes them both some years to figure out whether it’s for better or for worse.
The Nightmare Club by Elle Gray [85k]
Hermione and Ron are going back to Hogwarts to do N.E.W.T.s, Ginny isn’t. Harry hasn’t decided, until he has, in front of the Wizengamot and now he’s responsible for Malfoy as well. A tale of enemies who learn to get along, get it wrong and get it on. Everything is purple, some things are on fire and no-one is sleeping properly. But don’t worry, there’s tea!
On the Last Day of Our World by Sansa [84k]
During a detention, Harry and Draco get locked in a strange room together overnight. When they escape the next morning, they discover they are alone. Love, angst and adventure abound as they struggle to survive in an empty world.
red and green are complimentary colours by  ace_0fhearts [88k]
After the war Hermione manages to convince Harry to go back to Hogwarts for his eighth year. Expecting an uneventful year of classes and rooming with the other Gryffindor boys, he’s surprised when McGonagall tells him he’ll be sharing a room with Draco Malfoy. Now Harry has to get through a year of arguments and awkward silences. Or he would, if Malfoy would stop ignoring him and moping around the castle alone. Or: Draco and Harry fall in love through sleepless nights and late night quidditch games
Reparo by amalin [84k]
Voldemort’s final defeat does not mean Harry Potter’s troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances—and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it. 
The Stars Have Courage by @fantalf [85k]
Draco can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t move. He can’t hear anything besides the buzzing in his ears. The walls are closing in. The world becomes smaller, narrowing itself to the pain in his chest, and it becomes the only thing that makes sense. He tries to cry. Maybe he is crying, but there are no tears anymore. Luna’s words echo endlessly in his brain. Harry doesn’t remember. Harry doesn’t love Draco. Repeating ceaselessly. Infinite, Harry used to say. No. No. No. Draco can’t lose him again. But he doesn’t know who you are now. He doesn’t love you. He hates you. You are no one. His world turns into an overwhelming pain. And that pain is all that he is. — Draco waited five long years to watch his husband wake up from a coma. He’s not ready to meet a Harry with no memory of anything that happened after he died at The Battle of Hogwarts, twelve years ago.
Things That Change by eutichydes [84k]
After Hogwarts, everything changes.
This Year’s Love by trishjames [84k]
This year’s love had better last, heaven knows it’s high time when you try to make lovers from friends. But Harry Potter realises time and time again that it’s simply not possible for him. And then along comes Draco Malfoy— the ultimate foe on the mend. Whatever will become of them? A story about love.
Variation by @lower-east-side [87k]
After suffering enormous losses, Draco Malfoy must now struggle to define his place in the post-war world. Through dashed hopes and changing fortunes, Draco carves out a new niche for himself. But adapting to life with Harry Potter may be the biggest challenge of all.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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backwzzds · 9 months
ೃ⁀➷ choose me, trafalgar law
it was the hundredth morning that the heart pirates were woken up before their time. the sound of glass being thrown on the ship alerted everyone, but mostly bepo, causing him to be the first one to wake.
"what the hell is all this noise?" the furry pirate grumbled, taking a full stop to your shared room with the captain.
"you're not being fair!" your voice is muffled from the other side of the door. "you never choose me!"
"i always choose you!" the captain's voice is loud as ever. bepo could actually hear some offense cloud his tone as well. "i do all this shit for you!"
tears ran down your face as your hand shook against it. "but you d-dont! i've been with you—longer than anyone else here has. I've had your back through thick and thin. time and time again you choose the crew over me—your wife!"
law’s voice is harsh as the next few words leave his lips. "so you're gonna make me choose?"
"i would never make you choose! these men are your family and i get that—they are just as much mine as they are yours-but you don't understand law that no one has had your back, not like i fucking did. that time where you fought with the entire crew over something you were clearly wrong about? i chose you. every single time whether you're right or wrong—i fucking choose you, as any wife would! you never choose me!"
law scoffed with a shake of his head, trying to dodge everything that just came out your mouth.
"i always fucking choose you. you have no idea how much i choose you. I'd kill anyone over you. you know that."
"that is not enough law, why don't you understand that?!" you scream. "you choose being a pirate over being a husband sometimes and i would never tell you to stop pursuing your dreams. i know you've wanted this since kids," your voice cracks. "but you choose the sea over me every time i beg you not to do something and you still do it. i fight with you over and over and you just think that sex will be enough to get rid of this empty feeling inside."
bepo could hear your sobs from the other side of the door. he could tell whatever you two were fighting about was very important. from what he gathered though, he could see both sides of the story.
law was a pirate captain; it was his dream to rule the sea.
but he was also a husband first; committed to you, he's been clearly neglecting you the past few months and it was only natural that you became restless and needy for your man.
also understandable.
there were times that bepo did not agree with his captain and best friend often. he was brave enough to tell law when he was flat out wrong about things, and that wasn’t very often. but now he wasn't sure who was in the right or wrong this time. not when law had his mind set on completing a specific goal.
but, at the end of the day, captain's orders were still captain's orders. the heart pirates were obligated to follow their captain to death if the time asked for it. he could see both sides of the story limitlessly, but ethically, had to side with his captain no matter what. it wasn't his business to intervene either.
you and law continue going back and forth, but over time your comebacks slow down as you're practically choking on your tears. at the sight of your reddened brown face, law walked over to you and wrapped his large tattooed hand around your neck, grabbing your attention.
"look at me," his voice is low and demanding. but you didn't want to look at him right now. you wanted to look at anything but him. your sniffles don't stop him from repeating himself though as his grip on your neck grows a little stronger, tight enough not to hurt you of course, but just enough to where you got a little buzz in your head, just way he knew you liked it. "look at me."
finally, your beautiful eyes slowly moved upward to look at him. they couldn't help but glare (although it still came out as a pout), and law visibly frowned when he saw just how upset you were over this. your sniffles get lower as you fight the urge to wipe away your tears, but he beats you to it, swiping the D of his tatted thumb across your hot face.
"i will divide the seas for you, if need be,” law told you, voice strong and calm. you could tell he was out of breath from how worked up he was getting a minute ago. with a much lower octave, he leans in closer to your face, hazel gold eyes never leaving your own. "i’d fucking rip the flag off my own fleet and burn this sub on land with everyone in it over you," more tears run from your eyes in response to his words. but law continues to wipe them away for you, always catching your tears. “i will bring hell to this fucking place we call earth if that’s what you asked of me. everything i do as this ship's captain is for you. i would fucking give up being a pirate if that's what you wanted me to do. tell me. tell me what it is you want to me to do y/n because sailing these seas aren't worth shit if you hate me and if it's in another lifetime where you aren't my wife. tell me what you want me to do. not as your captain but as your fucking husband. that what you want, right baby? tell me what you want."
and that was when your lip quivered and your words cried out to the seas, "i want you to choose me!"
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misstycloud · 4 months
Just thinking about a darling who loves the idea of aliens and the thought of life somewhere else. But unfortunately their knowledge doesn’t extend beyond the classical little green creatures with big eyes and heads.
An alien of the species X is traveling through hundreds of galaxies and dimensions in search of a perfect mate. They suddenly get the urge to travel in a specific direction.
Eldritch alien: Earth? Is my mate really from such an unadvanced planet?
They decide to land anyway and is unimpressed with what they see. They decide to use their super technology to disguise themself to what is considered an anarage human. They walk around town and believes the trip was a waste of time, until they see darling for the first time.
Their mind is blown. Darling is the cutest thing they’ve ever laid their eyes on! Immediately they feel the pull and start stalking them. They learn everything they can about darling, food preferences, what they like to do for fun, and even what they like in partners.
Imagine the euphoria they feel when they find out darling is into the idea of aliens! Things might be rough in the beginning of taking darling, but things will surely clear up when they tell them they’re not from earth.
Darling, woken up by strange sounds outside their house and goes to check it out, even though it’s against every horror movie rule.
As soon as they walk into the kitchen they see a large shadow standing there. Before they manage to get a sound out, the creature pounds on them and keeps them from screaming.
Eldritch alien: shhhh, little mate. Don’t be scared, I’m not here to hurt you.
Darling sensing the large frame and tentacles definitely doesn’t belong to an earthly creature: what are you? What do you want from me?
Eldritch alien: I’m your mate and I’m going to take you away on my ship. As to what I am, I am part of species X, of course. I am what you would call an alien.
Darling: …….. No you’re not.
Eldritch alien: ……?
Darling managing to loosen the aliens grip on them: I’ve seen aliens before in comics, and you certainly doesn’t fit the picture.
Eldritch alien: ????
Darling: I mean, no offense, but look at you. You’re all tentacles and you’re head isn’t that big either too be honest.
Eldritch alien: ??!!
Darling: soooooo, you come from the forest or something?
Eldritch alien having no clue what’s happening: please, I promise I’m an alien *sob sob* I’ll even show you how to suck up cows with my ship.
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Bob Seger
Ship: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: Is there a handbook for what to do when your crush walks into your store to buy a gift for his girlfriend? There should be!
Word Count: 5,432 words
Warnings: Stancy, Steve being deeply in love and then getting his heart broken, brief mention of Steve's asshole dad, pining reader, hurt/comfort, Tommy & Carol, language, innuendo
Note: Inspired in part by Steve's rendition of Old Time Rock & Roll.
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
Nancy hadn't been herself, not since Barb disappeared, and her mood had only been getting worse every day. Steve could feel her retreating into herself, hiding from the world and from herself and from him. He could feel Tommy and Carol getting progressively more frustrated with her (and with him for putting up with it) with every passing day.
And it's not like Steve blamed Nancy. Her best friend had gone missing while Nancy hung out with people Barb wasn't the biggest fan of. And, to rub salt in an open wound, Nancy had been having sex with Steve while Barb disappeared.
Steve felt a little guilty, to say the least. He'd had the thought of If I hadn't wanted to sleep with Nancy so bad, she would have gone home with Barb and they'd both be safe. But after a while, he wasn't so sure about that. The longer he thought about it, the more he became convinced that if Nancy had gone with Barb, they both would have gone missing.
Whether it was through his own guilt or because he wanted to make Nancy feel better, he wasn't quite sure, Steve found himself driving to the record store just off Main Street after school got out. He'd blocked out the noise of Tommy and Carol bickering, Tommy in the passenger seat and Carol leaning forward from the back seat, too busy trying to remember which bands had played from the radio the night he was studying at Nancy's house, and whether or not Nancy had actually liked them. He didn't want to screw up his little surprise by getting her music she wouldn't listen to—or a vinyl she already owned. Maybe he should have discreetly snooped through her pile of records before he'd made up his mind to do this...
Tommy sharply elbowed Steve in the ribs. Before Steve could snap at him, he said, "You're overthinking this, man. She's either gonna pretend to love it and not actually care, or she's just gonna not care."
Behind them, Carol giggled. It sounded far more sinister than it should have.
Steve glared at him for a second before he made the turn into the store's parking lot. "You're no help, you realize that?" He parked the car and turned to the two of them. "You're gonna stay here and wait, got it? And don't do anything stupid, I'll make you clean the back seat this time."
Carol grinned. "What if it's the passenger seat?"
"Or the driver's," Tommy added, leaning back to kiss Carol, before Steve could snap that the passenger's seat was Nancy's seat. Steve felt his throat constrict.
"Do not get it on in my fucking car," he warned, "or I'm never driving you anywhere ever again."
He got out, slamming the door behind him, and sent a warning glare back over his shoulder. Tommy flipped him off through the windshield. Beside Steve, an elderly woman gasped in offense and Steve winced.
"Sorry about him," he muttered, but the woman was already scurrying off into her own vehicle. Steve sighed and pushed open the front door to the record shop.
A little bell above the door chimed once as he swung the door open, and then again as it closed behind him. Steve had only been in the store a handful of times, but he loved it more and more with every visit. The walls were plastered in old vinyls, displayed so that the name of each band was readable. No vinyl was the same color, some of them blue, some red, some multicolor, but all of them were different. A small gold plaque designated the oldest vinyl the store had on the walls, which was a reddish Vocalion from 1922 and was positioned directly above the door.
Rows and rows of alphabetized vinyls spread throughout the store, which was bigger than it looked from the storefront. In the lefthand corner nearest the door, a cashier's desk was set up, though there was no employee behind it. A plastic sign read I'm in the back! I'll be back soon!
Steve headed for the aisles of vinyls, then recognized what was playing over the speakers—Bob Seger's Night Moves.
Humming as he flipped through the stacks, Steve didn't notice the door to the back open, or you walk out of it and back to your desk.
"Mmm, sweet summertime, summertime," Steve sang, keeping his voice low, still embarrassed by his voice, an instinct his father made sure he would never shake.
But you heard it, even with the volume of the radio. You looked up from the desk, gaze scanning the rows. You spotted the back of Steve's head and recognized him immediately. That hair was unmistakable.
Heat burned in your belly. Suddenly, you really wished your coworker hadn't gone home just ten minutes earlier, complaining of nausea. If she'd just stuck around a few more minutes...you wouldn't have to face your long-time crush who was absolutely not available, happily dating Nancy Wheeler and unlikely to leave her any time soon.
You resisted the urge to hide your face in your hands. Sure, you'd liked him since middle school, long before he'd become part of the popular crowd and back when his hair was still a mess that hid his eyes from the world, and yes, you had two classes with him, but it's not like he'd know who you were, right? You'd keep relative anonymity and he would remain none the wiser of your long-standing admiration of him.
But then the song changed to The Fire Down Below and Steve was shimmying where he stood, singing the line "Here comes hot Nancy, she's steppin' right on time" with the hugest grin on his face.
You sighed. The school, your best friends, the entire senior year was right—Steve Harrington was down bad for Nancy Wheeler.
The tiniest bit of hope that he might one day notice you was dashed every time you heard that loving croon of his voice every time he sang Nancy's name.
This is why we don't get our hopes up, you told yourself, echoing a sentiment your best friend had drilled into you ever since Steve became the ladies' man that made him so popular in high school. Not that it erased the previous middle school years of drooling over Steve, back before anyone else had really considered him attractive.
You watched as Steve meticulously went through every record in the store, clearly searching for something specific. You normally would have gotten up and approached a customer taking this long, but it was Steve. You knew the instant you got up from your stool, your legs would give out underneath you. And if that didn't happen, you'd walk into a shelf on your way over to him. And if that didn't happen either, you'd start stuttering the moment you tried to talk to him. And if that didn't happen, you'd turn bright red and combust on the spot when he either asked for your help or turned you away.
Too stuck in your head, you didn't even realize the record had stopped playing until you heard Steve's singing stop. A pang went through you at the sound of silence—Steve's voice was almost more soothing than the music itself.
You turned around and dug through your pile of vinyls the store let you play until you found another Bob Seger—the album he'd released last year. Steve had been singing Bob Seger, and you desperately wanted him to keep singing.
You cleaned off the record before placing the needle down. A few bars into Even Now, you turned back around and squeaked, jumping in surprise.
Steve was standing at your desk, a pleasant but awkward smile on his face.
"Uh...hi," he said. "Sorry if I scared you."
You blinked at him and cleared your throat, hoping your voice didn't come out squeaky. "It's...it's fine. Can I help you with something?"
"Uh, please, I'm looking for—" He snapped his fingers. "You're in my chemistry class, aren't you?" You nodded, meekly adding that you were also in English together, and he beamed. "I knew I recognized you from somewhere!"
"Yeah, uh... Hi, Steve," you said. "You said you were looking for...?"
Steve shook himself out. "Oh, yeah, um... I'm trying to find a record for Nancy, my girlfriend, because I want to cheer her up after...everything. I'm sure you've heard about it."
The tiredness in his voice surprised you. But you nodded without bringing it up. "I have. How's she holding up?"
Steve sighed. "Not...fantastically. That's why I'm doing this, I want to get her something to take her mind off things."
You raised your brows. "So you decided on a record?"
Steve shrugged, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. "I thought it would be something we could dance to, and that that might make her feel better."
Your heart squeezed. How are you so sweet? "Alright, makes sense. What does she like to listen to usually?"
Steve shut his eyes as if thinking for a moment, then said, "She likes ABBA and Michael Jackson, she has a Fleetwood Mac tape but only ever listens to Rhiannon, but she sings under her breath every time Journey comes on the radio, doesn't matter what song it is. She's got Madonna, Bowie, Blondie, and The Beatles already as tapes and vinyls, so I don't want to get her those."
You blinked at him. "You really do pay attention to everything, don't you?"
Steve smiled shyly. "I...I guess so, when it comes to Nancy."
You left the back of the desk, hoping you weren't visibly shaking too much. "Let's go find you a Journey vinyl, okay? They just released a new album a few months ago, I'm pretty sure we've got it on vinyl..."
Steve followed you to the J section and the two of you started flipping through, both of you softly singing along to Love's The Last To Know as you did.
Halfway through the song and completely through the Js section, you interrupted the song with a gasp.
"I know where it is! Wait here," you told him, and hurried into the back room. You dug through the most recently delivered box of records until you saw the familiar blue album cover of Frontiers, letting out a victory cry as you grabbed it.
Steve was leaning on the shelf, still singing "We lost our way and our love's the last to know" so mournfully you wondered what heartbreak he'd been through before.
"I got it!" you said, grinning and holding the record aloft.
Steve beamed. "Thanks! I really appreciate it. I know I was kind of...out of my depth for a bit there."
You shrugged. "Eh, that's nothing. I've had people come in here demanding records we don't carry from bands that only just released music." You rolled your eyes. "'No, sir, we don't carry Metallica, and even if we did, the album came out last week, so we wouldn't have it yet anyway!'"
Steve snorted with laughter, handing you cash to pay for the vinyl. "Let me guess, it was the Munson kid."
"The Munson kid," you confirmed.
"Thanks again," Steve said, though he didn't seem inclined to head out the door.
"Any time," you said, instantly regretting the words because if you saw Steve at your workplace more than this, you were going to have a heart attack, but you paired the words with a kind smile anyway.
"See you in class tomorrow," he said, stepping out the door and waving goodbye. You watched him go, putting the record in the back seat, snapping at Tommy and Carol in his car, and pulling out of the parking lot.
You let go a tense, nervous breath. The pain in your chest eased. Well, at least Steve knew of you now. And even if his dedication to Nancy was unfailing, at least you might get to talk to him now, even if it only worsened the ache in your heart.
Steve skipped third block.
The entire school seemed to be talking about why—or at least, his entire gym class, who had told a story about Billy Hargrove getting in his face the entire basketball game, and then Nancy dragging him out of the class to "talk" about something. At first, everyone had assumed they were banging in the locker rooms, until somebody reminded them Nancy hadn't been in first block, and she never skipped, and that Steve usually drove her to school—but he hadn't missed first block. Then when he'd come back, upset and angry, from his talk with Nancy, people started to put a story together.
You weren't sure you wanted to believe the story, or the many versions of the story, that were floating around you chemistry class. It didn't line up with what you knew of Steve, or what you knew of his relationship with Nancy, most of which you heard straight from him.
But then again...
You shook yourself out of your head, your gaze straying back toward Steve's empty seat. You sighed, pulling your notebook toward you and copying down the notes on the board as neat as you could—undoubtedly you'd need to give them to Steve when he decided to come back to class.
But when your best friend came into the class, handing your teacher a doctor's note, her wide eyes already told you Steve wasn't coming back today.
She sat down beside you, hissing your name. You looked at her. "What? What's wrong?"
"Is there a reason I just saw Steve Harrington crying in his car?" she whispered to you.
Your eyes went huge. Whatever had happened between him and Nancy, it wasn't good. "Keep your voice down and don't tell anyone else about that," you said.
She flipped her notebook to a blank page and started writing. "You better fill me in on everything I missed today," she said.
"Obviously, but only once I know exactly what happened," you said. "Which means only once Steve tells me what happened. However long that takes."
It became painfully clear that Steve didn't want to talk—to anyone. He snapped at anyone who tried to bring it up with him, and his mood was waspish. The situation was made worse by the rumors spread by Tommy and Carol—that Nancy had only been with Steve for his money and the sex; that she left because Steve wasn't good enough for her; that she was cheating on him with Jonathan.
You knew that the jibes about Jonathan hit Steve a little too close to home. The same rumor had circulated last year when Will and Barb went missing, but this time, you were almost positive they were true.
Nancy was entirely unbothered by the whole thing. Seeing her prance around with Jonathan, not caring that doing so was hurting Steve more than anything, made your blood boil.
On your way to the record store for another one of your slow closing shifts, a week after Steve skipped chem class, you saw the two of them walking together along the sidewalk. You rolled your eyes at them. You had once thought Nancy to be the luckiest girl in the world: smart, pretty, and dating the hottest man Hawkins had to offer. Now you were certain she was the most careless, throwing it all away for a mediocre man.
Steve's car was in the store's parking lot when you arrived. You parked next to him, looking over to find him in the driver's seat, staring into his lap.
You got out and knocked on his window. "Steve? You okay?" He looked up, sporting red-rimmed eyes. You could hear Bob Seger's Comin' Home playing quietly on his radio. "Oh, Steve..."
Steve got out of his car. Voice quiet and rough, he asked, "Can I hang out for a while?"
"Yeah," you said. "Whatever you need."
His lip trembled. "A...a hug?" His voice as meek and barely there. But you heard it and the request made your heart break. You enveloped him in a tight hug, letting him soften into your hold. You remained that way until Steve decided he was done, not caring how many of your classmates walked by, staring in wonder at Steve clinging to you, new gossip already burning on their tongues.
A good day meant boppier music at the record store as soon as you started your shift and shoved your coworker from the mid-afternoon shift out the door. So you swapped out all the mellow music in the stack of records beside your record player with music with a good beat that you could dance to while you restocked and reshelved.
Not even half an hour into your shift, the Naked Eyes record spun into Always Something There To Remind Me. You turned up the volume as high as you could without destroying the speakers and being chewed out by your managers, singing along and dancing by yourself while you worked.
"Well, how can I forget you, girl? When there is always something there to remind me!" You finished stacking your records in the aisle and turned back for a new pile. "Always something there to remind me. I was born to love her, and I'll never be free, you'll always be a part of— Steve!" You careened into his chest, grateful you weren't holding anything, because it all would have dropped to the floor. Steve's arms looped around you, stopping you from falling. "Don't sneak up on me, you scared me!"
"The doorbell rung!"
"Well, I didn't hear it!" You finally looked up at him, heart beating wildly out of your chest at the feeling of his chest against yours, his arms around your waist. You realized he looked downright miserable. "What happened?"
He sighed. "Remember how I said I was gonna try and patch things up with Nance?"
Steve's lower lip started to tremble. "It...it didn't go well."
Your heart dropped to your feet. "Oh, Steve, I'm...I'm so sorry."
He sniffled. "It's, uh, it's over. She...she doesn't love me, has never loved me, I'm still bullshit, and she's been sleeping with Jonathan. So..." He heaved a heavy sigh. "It's over. Completely, totally, officially over."
"Steve," you whispered. "I'm so sorry, honey. Is there anything I can do?"
He smiled, lips trembling and eyes watering. "Change the song?" The words came out with a little hiccup and a laugh.
You realized what the song was about. "Oh! Yeah, sure, right—sorry. It's such an upbeat song in the actual music, I didn't even think about the words!" You untangled yourself from his arms to change the record. "What are you in the mood for?"
"Nothing romantic, please," he said, sitting down on your stool. "And, after you're done..."
You looked at him, sensing his hesitation. "Yeah?"
"Can I have another hug?"
You smiled at him, looping your arms around his back where he sat. He fell into you, burying his head in your shirt. "Of course, Steve."
You held onto Steve as tightly as he held onto you, praying he wouldn't notice the fast beat of your heart while he wallowed in his grief. It was a strange feeling, for Steve to be hiding from the world, form Nancy, from his broken heart in your arms, all while you harbored a horribly deep crush on him and a secret, guilty delight that it was over with Nancy.
"I just..." Steve huffed, clearly trying his best not to sob into your shirt. "I don't know where I went wrong. I don't know why I wasn't good enough."
Without really meaning to, you put your hand in Steve's hair. "Does there need to be a reason? Some people just aren't meant for each other, Steve."
Steve looked up at you with his red rimmed eyes, tears on his lash line. He hesitated a moment and then said, "If I tell you something...promise me you won't just...laugh at me."
Your heart broke for him. How many times had he told Tommy or Carol or, what the hell, even Nancy something, only to be laughed at, for him to ask that of you? "Of course I won't laugh at you, Steve." You squeezed his shoulder. "Why would I laugh at you?"
He didn't answer your question. "I know it sounds...ridiculous, but...I just—" He sighed. "I thought Nancy was the one. I've never been happier with a girl before, and she was honest, she was smart, she was determined, she had goals, she was nothing like the girls I was with before, and she made me feel alive! I thought for sure that I was... That I was maybe gonna spend the rest of my life with her."
You bit your lip. "There was no maybe about it, was there, Steve?"
He sighed, letting his head fall back into you. You muffled your grunt as he hid his face in your stomach, his arms sliding up your back and hold you closer to him. "No," he mumbled into the fabric of your shirt.
You smoothed your hand through his perfect hair and kissed the top of his head. You froze, hearing his tiny intake of breath. "Oh, I'm...I'm sorry, that was kind of...automatic, I guess?"
Steve peeked up at you and tugged you closer to his body until your feet hit the legs of your stool he was perched on. "It's okay. Um... Can you...keep doing that? With my hair?" Pink tinged his skin. "If you don't mind."
"I don't mind," you whispered, rubbing your fingers across his scalp. He sighed, pushing into your touch. Heat bloomed across your body.
"Sorry," he whispered. "I know this is...weird. But, um, Nancy never... Never really touched me or— Or held me or anything, so..."
"You don't have to explain yourself," you whispered. "Not to me, not to anyone. Okay?"
"Okay," he agreed, slowly relaxing in your arms.
"I've got you, Steve," you assured him. "I've got you."
Before he'd even pulled into the parking lot, Steve was mentally apologizing to you. You'd told him time and time again when he visited you while you were working that you enjoyed your slow closing shifts. It meant there was no one to bother you while you were in the middle of a restock, making you forget where you were; it meant there was no one to complain about the music you played, so you could listen to whatever you wanted; it meant your final hour was spent just closing up shop instead of shooing customers out the door—except for Steve, who had become a regular and always stayed until you left, sometimes to give you a ride home and other times just to have a friend around.
But today, he wasn't coming alone. His car was full to bursting with young children: Dustin, Max, Lucas, Mike, and Will, all of whom he'd been tasked with picking up from their after school activities for the day. He had tried to get them to go home quickly, but his attempts to rush them out of his car had led them to discover that he was seeing a girl, which they all took the wrong way, of course.
Sort of.
Now that Steve was prowling the world alone again, he'd realized his initial estimation of you—pretty, smiley, shy with new people but confident with your friends—was right, but it was a muted reality compared to how you really were. It was like he'd been looking at you with sunglasses covering his eyes this whole time. Now that those glasses were gone, the record shop girl had become more than just his best friend.
And he was really hoping the kids were not about to point that out.
As per usual, you were playing Bob Seger when Steve pushed the door open. He'd yet to figure out if you played Bob Seger so much when he came to visit because you loved Bob Seger, or if you had (correctly) pinned Steve as a fan.
(Not that Steve had ever told anyone he was a fan; he let them think the only reason he even knew about his music was because of Carol's obsession with Risky Business.)
You weren't at your desk like Steve had expected; you were carrying a huge stack of records in your arms, shelving them as you walked along the rows, singing along to Sunspot Baby without a care in the world.
"Sunspot baby," you sang. "She sure had a real good time."
"I looked in Miami, I looked in Negril," Steve joined in. You turned with a grin, heading back to your desk. "The closest I came was a month old bill."
You noticed the kids as you put down your stack. "You brought company today, I see."
Steve gave you a look while the kids were still behind him. You stifled a giggle. "Uh, yeah, these are the kids. Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Will Byers, and Mike Wheeler."
Dustin walked straight up to your desk. "So you're the girl Steve talks about all the time?"
"All the time, huh?" you said, smiling in a way that suggested you were sure Dustin was exaggerating.
"Every time we see him," Mike groaned. You stared at the younger Wheeler in surprise.
"Oh, really? Is that so, Steve?" you teased.
He rolled his eyes, unable to stop his blush. "Sorry to interrupt your quiet shift. They wanted to stop in and grab some records."
"No we didn't—we just wanted to meet you," Lucas said. Steve's calm expression became painfully forced.
The young redhead snorted. "Speak for yourself." She looked up at you expectantly. "Do you have any David Bowie?"
You grinned. "I like you, you have good taste. Back side of the first row."
Max grinned and dragged Lucas with her.
You looked back at Steve. "Do you have enough room in your car for one more?"
"Need a ride when you leave?"
You nodded.
"Yeah, I've got room. I'll just make the kids rearrange."
You laughed. "You don't have to do that," you insisted.
Steve leaned across the counter. "Don't worry about it—I want to. I'd feel terrible if I left you to get home on your own."
You smiled at him, noticing Dustin nudging Mike and Will and pointing in your direction out of the corner of your eye.
Somehow, the kids' presence lightened up the rest of your shift. Time passed quickly with them there, adventuring through the store and asking you question after question about the vinyls lining the walls.
You waved off Steve as he tried to get the kids to leave you alone. "They're fine, Steve. It's okay. You wanna help me get everything packed up? I've gotta lock up soon."
"Oh, yeah, sure." Steve took the vinyl off the record player and slipped it back into its case. He glanced over his shoulder and called to the kids, "Hey, guys! We're gonna head out soon."
You ran through your closing tasks as quickly as you could, anxious to head home for the night.
"Alright, everybody out. Got everything?" you asked, ushering the kids to the door and taking out the key. You set the alarm system for the building and locked the door behind you.
Steve put a hand on your back. Warmth bloomed through you from where he touched you. "You're all ready to go?"
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.
The kids opened the doors of Steve's car, jumping in quickly. Dustin made his way to the passenger's seat. Steve stopped him, gently shoving him toward the back seat with everyone else.
"Hey—move it, Henderson, she's got the passenger's seat."
You stared at Steve. "No, no, it's okay, he can—"
Steve shook his head, holding open the door for you. "Come on, it's fine, just..." He gestured into the car. The kids whispered and giggled at him. He sent them a glare and Dustin's annoyed face shifted into a gleeful smirk.
You got in the front seat, unaware of the glances being exchanged in the back or the glare Steve was giving them.
"Seat belts!" Steve said as he got into the driver's seat. You giggled at him as the kids groaned. You caught the way his face lit up when he looked at you, and butterflies tickled your insides.
Once the kids had listened and all were buckled, Steve pulled out of the parking lot and started his way through Hawkins, dropping them off one-by-one: Will first, on the outskirts of town, his mother waiting at the door; Max, who was relieved the Camaro wasn't in the driveway; Dustin next, his new cat sitting on the front step; Lucas, who was immediately met with his snarky young sister; Mike last, Nancy already at the door—saying goodbye to Jonathan.
You glanced at Steve. "You alright?"
Steve looked at you, releasing a deep sigh. "I'm okay," he said. "I...I'm doing better now."
"Good," you said. "You deserve it."
Steve gave you a curious look before he said, "Let's get you home, right?"
And if Steve drove slower the whole way back to yours compared to driving the kids home, you weren't going to say anything.
When he got back to your house, Steve pulled into the driveway and sighed. "Well. Home sweet home," he said.
You looked at Steve with a smile. "Thanks for the ride home." You picked up the bag you had put on the ground. You got out, then stopped yourself before you could close the door. You crouched to look at him in the car. "Hey, Steve?"
"Yeah?" Was it just your imagination, or did he sound nervous?
You took a deep breath. Now or never.
"I talk about you all the time, too."
For a moment, Steve processed your words. Then his eyes went wide. Hope bloomed on his slack-jawed face. "You..." He bit his lip, holding back a smile. "You mean that you..."
"Yes, Steve," you said, voice quiet. "Always have. Just ask my friends—they'll give away my secrets just as quickly as Dustin gave away yours." You drummed your fingers against the roof of his car. "Do with that what you will. It's up to you if...you want to even acknowledge it or not." You closed his door and started for your front door.
A door squeaked and then slammed shut moments later; running steps approached you.
You turned as Steve's hand fell on your shoulder, pulling you close to him. He yanked your body close to his, his arms sliding around you, his hands gripping your shoulder blades. For a split second, you reveled in his hug, noticing the difference in it, relishing in the love in his arms instead of the misery.
Those few seconds became nothing as Steve pulled back. You gave a sound of protest, quickly squashed by Steve's lips.
Your heart had stopped beating, but was simultaneously pounding. You moved on instinct, looping your arms around his shoulders, yanking him down to you. Never once did your lips part from his as the two of you grappled to hold each other in the best way possible.
Thunder boomed overhead. You gasped, pulling apart.
"Was it supposed to storm?" you asked.
"I didn't think so," Steve said.
You kissed him again. Steve smiled into the kiss.
"You should get home before it pours," you whispered against his lips. But neither of you made any move to let go of each other.
Steve adjusted so that his head was against yours, his mouth at your temple. "See you tomorrow in class, then?"
You hummed. "Yeah. Tomorrow."
Steve pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I don't wanna leave."
You looked up at the sky, watching the already-grey skies grow darker as storm clouds rolled in. "We're going to get soaked if we stay out here, Steve."
Steve squeezed you tightly. "Tomorrow, then." He kissed your forehead again. "I'll see you tomorrow...sweetheart."
You beamed at the nickname while Steve blushed while he gave you the moniker.
"And to think," you whispered. "You'd known me all this time, but this? This happened all because you stopped in my store one day."
Steve hugged you tight to his chest. "I wish I'd noticed you before, sweetheart, really I do."
You kissed him. "Well, you've noticed me now." Light rain started, dusting Steve's hair until it sparkled. "Now go, before that pretty hair of yours gets ruined."
He grinned, brushing his hand through it. "I knew you liked my hair."
"Always have." You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "Always will."
☞ ❊ ☜
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Stranger Things // Steve Harrington
part 2? lmk!
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the S.H. taglist!} @ohatropa@nix-rose@live-the-fangirl-life
619 notes · View notes
storywriter007 · 1 month
Thank you for answering my other two requests, I loved them!! I have two more if you are interested!
1) Can you do a Percy Jackson x reader (I'm imagining this occurring on the Argo II) that's basically an enemies to friends to lovers? Where maybe they both just don't really like each other based on the encounters they've had, but then end up going on a small quest off the ship just the two of them and some sort of trauma happens that makes them friends, and then you can decide how they get to lovers from there! Basically just want some angst!
2) This one has a little bit of a trigger warning with suicidal thoughts, so I understand if you don't want to write this one. Percy Jackson x reader (this one I'm also envisioning on the Argo II, but this one could also be just at camp when Percy is like 17) where they are good friends and the reader is struggling mentally but tries to smile for everyone else, but she is sitting alone in the woods at some point holding her knife to her wrist just kind of thinking about it but not sure about it, but then Percy appears to check on her and scares her so the accidentally slips and cuts herself there, and from there basically Percy comfort. Idk if that made sense but basically Percy angst and comfort.
You're amazing!!! 🩷
Friends? - Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
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author's note: this is request one. thank you for your request :) i kind of had to cut it short bc this was getting too long.
warnings: cursing, mentions of suicide, betrayal, mentions of death, battle scenes, kissing
genre: angst ending in fluff
word count: 1.8k
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
y/n took her seat at the table alongside seven other demi-gods. she noticed percy scowl at her and she rolled her eyes back at him. they'd never gotten along. and chances were, they never would.
her intense hate for the son of the sea god had begun a few summers back during capture the flag. they were on the blue team, and she was assigned to offense with annabeth and percy. suddenly, four members from the red charged at the trio, swords in hand. y/n and percy swung and slashed at two of them until they fled. one of them yanked off annabeth's invisibility cap and decided she was their next victim. the other one came for y/n, hitting her ankle hard. percy was quick to defend annabeth and run away with her.
but he left her. y/n was left to fight two members of the opposing team, who were merciless. they were violent, they were twice her size, and to y/n's dismay, her ankle didn't provide her any support to run away. it was a terrible and cruel beating. the two kept going even when they didn't need to. she could barely see by the end of it. y/n remembered that capture the flag game as "don't trust your teammates."
ever since then, y/n had made her distaste for percy clear. everyone admired his loyalty, until they were on the receiving end of his betrayal.
"we need to find a map." annabeth started.
"it's our key to finding out which way is the safest to go." jason explained. "it's somewhere in the woods, according to what hecate told hazel."
"we're going to have to split up." annabeth continued. "it's a huge forest, and we need to cover ground efficiently."
"i've split you guys up. i don't want to hear any whining." jason said, looking at the group, but his gaze lingered longer on percy and y/n. "annabeth, piper, and i are going eastwards towards the mountains. frank, leo, and hazel are going south to the rest of the woods. percy and y/n will head north, towards the shore."
"why is it 3-3-2?" hazel asked curiously.
"because we need a power balance." annabeth said politely. "it's matched with each person's strengths."
"strengths?" percy chuckled. "i'm the strength. she's going to slow me down."
douchebag, y/n thought.
"i don't want to go with you either, but i'm not bitching about it, am i?" she snapped back.
"you don't have to bitch because going with me does you a favor."
"i'd rather drown."
"lucky you, i can make that happen."
they stared at one-another in an intense fury.
"we'll meet here again in four hours." jason instructed. "and when we do, all eight of us better be here." he said, eyeing percy and y/n.
it was already eight. and they had to search the stupid northside until midnight. she couldn't even run away if she wanted to.
they continued walking. the sun slowly set as the night sky arose. the woods looked scary at night. tall, thick trees hovered over the two demi-gods as strange creatures and noises came by. after what felt like a long time walking, y/n could hear the sea.
"do you hear it?" she asked him.
"i can feel it." he said, walking quickly.
she trailed behind him as they reached sandy terrain. the sea was dark and terrifying. y/n and percy searched the shore for what felt like another eternity.
suddenly, it got colder and y/n heard a voice. it was a sweet, soft voice.
look at me it whispered.
"do you hear that?" she asked percy.
"yeah." he said, shakily.
look at what you've done it demanded.
suddenly, y/n was watching something in front of her. it was a battle. she looked at the gory scene in front of her. it took her a minute to realize it was the battle of manhattan. she felt a lump in her throat as images of dead campers raced through her mind. silena, charlie, ethan, and luke.
this is your fault the voice said, but it wasn't sweet anymore. it was hoarse, raspy, and cruel.
look at what you've killed. look at what you've brought it continued.
the images flashed terrible battle scenes. it replayed deaths of each and every camper.
you did this the voice yelled.
"n-no, i didn't." y/n whispered, shaken by the images.
look at what you've done
"i didn't do it!" she pleaded.
you did! you did it all!
"i had no choice." she said, tears spilling from her eyes.
terrible, tortuous images kept playing. the deaths of the campers she'd grown up with, the reactions of their mothers and fathers, and the destruction that had been caused.
you deserve to die.
"i know." she whispered. "don't you think i know?"
do it the voice encouraged. do what you should've done years ago.
y/n tried to think through it. this voice, this voice wasn't human.
do it.
it was a siren. it was trying to get her to sacrifice her life.
"no." she said, standing her ground. "i did what i had to. i can't be blamed for it."
then who can you blame?
"kronos." she said, gripping her sword.
the siren showed it's demented face and y/n quickly slashed it. she snapped out of her trance, and the images faded and so did the voices. she turned to see percy holding his sword to his neck. she saw the twisted siren circling around him. she swiftly ran up to him and took his sword from his hand, before slashing the siren. percy too snapped out of his daze, and stumbled a little. y/n caught him, and looked up to meet his sea green eyes. they were teary, and he looked so disheartened.
"you saw it too." she confirmed.
he nodded.
"thank you." he said, his voice low and sincere. "i would've done-well you know what, if you hadn't saved me."
she nodded.
"we should probably get back to the ship." he said quietly.
when percy and y/n got back, it was half-past midnight, and everyone was already there.
"we ran into sirens." y/n briefly explained.
they all nodded as the ship entered the air, sailing to its next location.
"we found the map." hazel informed. "goodnight guys."
y/n tossed and turned in her bed. she couldn't get those images out. those dam sirens. she needed to talk to someone. someone who would understand. she sat up and opened her door. she trailed the hallway until the came across the door that read percy jackson. she lightly knocked before pushing the door open.
"couldn't sleep either?" he asked, laying down and staring at the ceiling.
"yeah." she said. "i can't get what the sirens showed me out of my head."
"c'mere." he said, patting the area next to him.
y/n laid down next to him.
"i know it's not our fault." he said quietly. "but it feels like it is."
"i know." she said softly. "it's like i should've done something. but there was nothing to be done."
"exactly." he said. "on one hand, i know i couldn't have saved them no matter what i did. but on the other, i feel like i should've figured it out."
"mhm." she agreed. "they were good people. that's what makes it hurt more."
"they didn't deserve death. and i don't deserve the hero title." he chuckled. "i let them die."
"you had no choice." she reminded.
"did i?" he questioned.
"percy, i saw and heard the same things you did. it just wanted to get in our heads." she explained. "and they did it through guilt. guilt that isn't ours to carry. it's kronos'."
"you're right." he agreed.
y/n had spent years hating him. but maybe, just maybe, he was alright. they had both seen the same things growing up. the same wars, deaths, and betrayals. in an odd way, she felt almost identical to him.
a few moments of silence passed by before y/n realized percy had fallen asleep. and after a few more minutes, she felt herself drift off as well.
the next morning when y/n awoke, percy was already awake.
"morning." he smiled.
"oh dear god." she said, sitting up. "what time is it?"
"it's five-thirty. and i'm sorry." he said, sitting up as well.
"for what?"
"for how i treated you all these years." he exhaled, as if this was something he'd been meaning to get off his chest. "i'm sorry for leaving you in capture the flag."
"so you did know what you were doing, huh?" she retorted.
sure, the cuts and scars from that beating had been healed a long time ago. but, the betrayal never did.
"i didn't know you." he explained. "i didn't care about you. i just wanted to get annabeth to safety. that was wrong of me. you were on my team, i should've helped."
"'sorry' and 'i should've' doesn't fix anything. we're not best friends because we got along for a day." she said bitterly. "i know for a fact you would've left me in the woods the way you did all those years ago."
"that's not fair y/n." he frowned. "i would never do that to you."
"and you get to decide what's fair now?" she chuckled. "are you forgetting you continued tormenting me instead of swallowing your pride and apologizing?"
"that's the thing about your loyalty, jackson. everyone admires it until they're on the receiving end of your betrayal." she said coldly, getting up.
"y/n, you might not trust me today, hell, you might not trust me for the rest of our short lives. but believe me when i say, from the bottom of my heart, i'm sorry."
"how do i know you're never going to do the same thing again?" she asked.
get got up and moved closer to her. he was practically towering over her. she felt her back hit the wall.
"you have my word." he promised, looking at her eyes.
she nodded in agreement, feeling herself breathe heavily being this close to him. she could feel him leaning in, and she did too. their lips pressed against one-anothers in a passionate kiss. his hands were placed on her waist, and her arms snaked around his neck. he tasted like salt and blue frosting. she felt herself get pushed backwards towards the wall as he continued to kiss her. it grew more passionate and ferocious until they both pulled away. she rested her head underneath his.
"friends?" he asked.
"we just made out. we are not friends." she laughed.
"i thought it was too bold to say lovers."
"lovers." she agreed.
hope you liked it :) sorry for the wait!
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buddiebeginz · 3 months
You do remember that those pride post excluding Eddie only showed up after some Buddie fans very deliberately excluded and outright erased Tommy and the Bucktommy realtionship from their pride posts and still called them "happy pride for all the canon(!) queer characters of 9-1-1"? You wouldn't call that homophobic?
Actually what happened was the 911 news account made a post for pride that included multiple queer characters and ships (both canon and not) including Buddie and B/T. (You can't see B/T in this screenshot but you could in the og twitter post. They are in the top left corner.)
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After that was posted some B*mmy fans did not like that Buddie was included even though Eddie has been headcanoned to be queer pretty much since he showed up on 911 and Buddie has been a popular queer (non canon) ship since s2 as well.
So they harassed the 911 news account over this. Some of them even decided to make their own 911 news account because they decided that news account was too biased (solely because they had included a non canon ship in a pride post I guess). The B/T shippers then made their own pride post on their new account highlighting canon queer characters and it didn't include Eddie or Buddie. I believe not long after that they took down their news account. Not sure if it was because of lack of interest or because people were calling them out on the ridiculousness of it all or what.
There was also this:
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I've also seen multiple gifsets, tweets, and comments on various posts made this month making it clear that B*mmy stans think only canon queer characters and ships deserve to be celebrated.
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Also the posts you're talking about the ones Buddie shippers made some that looked like this👇 happened after we started seeing you attacking Eddie and Buddie. Especially when you all have continually been saying that canon is all that matters.
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I find it seriously hypocritical and offensive to call us homophobic when you lot just don't seem to even understand queer history. Lgbtq people have ALWAYS headcanoned characters and ships and while getting canon representation is great and important it doesn't negate those characters and ships that people have seen as queer for years.
A lot of lgbtq people love and relate and feel seen by Eddie and Buddie. And while we want them to be canon of course, just the fact that these characters exist and we can see ourselves in their journey matters.
You don't have to like Eddie or ship Buddie and you certainly don't have to include them in the stuff you make and that goes the same for us not having to include B/T or T*mmy in our stuff either. The problem comes when some in your fandom try to act like you're in charge of the entire 911 fandom and even apparently in charge of the correct way pride month is supposed to be celebrated.
A lot of you were Buddie shippers for YEARS and you had no problem headcanoning Eddie as anything but straight and shipping Buddie. There never used to be any issue with celebrating them during pride I've been around fandom for years and there's been Buddie pride stuff made since s2.
I guess things changed when you all decided to jump ship after Buck kissed a guy. And you know what that's your right. You have the right to ship whoever you want. But you don't get to decide that canon characters and ships matter more than fanon ones.
I also think your fandom needs to find some new ways to disagree with people because calling us homophobic every chance you all get is only making you look bad.
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lokisprettygirl · 7 months
Utopia (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x female reader) (Non Canon AU) (18+)
Read chapter 5 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 6
Summary: Daemon doesn't show up for the date but he makes up for it.
Warning: 18+ sex ,period sex (if it bothers you skip the scene) death and destruction that comes from a ship wreckage, smut, sex, menstrual sex, unprotected sex. Some inconsistency with ship sinking, i researched as much as I could
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You sat there on the couch for half an hour before you began fiddling, when the clock finally hit 8 you realized he wasn't going to come. He didn't even call or text to inform you that he won't be coming and that's what hurt you the most because you had hoped that he cared at least that much. You were expecting such courtesy after what you both have been through together.
Perhaps he changed his mind or perhaps he realized that he was still in love with Lily. Your eyes welled up as you thought about that possibility, you didn't want to be that person, you didn't want to be someone to come between two lovers but a part of you always knew that Lily didn't care about him as much as he cared about her. Wasn't it supposed to go both ways? Ships sink, planes crash and in those moments she'd always pick herself up first.
As the clock struck 9 you felt the familiar churning in your uterus and knew there won't be any dates today even if he did show up miraculously. You grabbed a sanitary pad from the closet and made your way to the bathroom, cursing his stupid face throughout the way as tears filled your eyes.
You knew you were about to burst into a fit of cry sooner or later.
Around 9:30 while you were preparing a cup of tea after ingesting a pain killer you finally heard the doorbell ring. Taking a deep breath you crossed your arms, and stared at the door for a moment to make him sweat before you decided to answer it.
And Why did he have to look sooo hot?
You were mad at him. Completely furious but he had a maroon shirt on with the top few buttons opened that showed the silver of white satin skin, fitted black pants, his hair was ruffled in that ' i either had sex or a strenuous workout' way. He leaned against the door frame as he looked at you up and down, you still had that stupid black dress on. The bouquet of flowers he brought wasn't going to fix anything if he had fucked Lily and was swept back into her charms.
“What do you want?” You asked him so he gave you the flowers, you grabbed it and threw it behind you, feeling awful for doing that to those poor flowers but you were raged in the moment.
“Can I explain?” He asked you as he sighed deeply.
“Go on”
“Can I come in at least?” he mumbled as he stepped closer to you so you took a step back but he grabbed you by the waist and stopped you from moving, his body pressed against yours as he closed the door behind him.
“You could have called that you weren't coming” your teeth gritted as spoke to him, anger visible in your voice.
“But i wanted to come and I'm here” he answered nonchalantly and that only spiked your irritability.
“You're 3 hours late”
“I have a reason for that”
“Did you fuck her?” his brows furrowed in slight offense as you asked him.
Your heart felt still for a moment as he diffused your fears, you were so sure that he was with her, fucking her and realising that he was still madly in love with her. As your eyes welled up he grabbed your chin between his fingers and made you look up at him.
“I'm sorry i have let you down” his tone was gentle now and somehow that made you feel even worse about the situation.
“Why didn't you come? Did you change your mind?” your lips trembled as you struggled to keep your emotions in check. The thought of Lily being the reason for his absence was too much to bear.
“Do you think I'd look like this if I had changed my mind?” You looked him up from head to toe as he said that as if you weren't checking him out as soon as you had opened the door. “I was on my way when Lily called and told me that she had slipped in the bathroom. I thought that I'd take her to the hospital and still be here on time but it took longer than i had expected” you shrugged as he said that to you. What a convenient fall that was from Lily, you felt so selfish in the moment but you were extremely jealous and hurt.
“Why didn't you text or call?”
“I left my phone at her place when I picked her up so I had to go back.. good because now I have your number memorized” he mumbled softly as he placed his hands on your shoulders to pull you closer.
“You memorized my number?”
“Mmmhm..you should too”
“Okay” you both stared at each other for a moment before he cupped your cheeks. You felt a surge of emotions as he slowly leaned in and kissed you, a gentle kiss that seemed to melt away all the tension and anger between you.
“Ummm is she okay?” you asked him as you realized that you might have overreacted a bit and had allowed your emotions to get the best of you.
“Her right leg is fractured but she'll be okay”
“How do you feel about that?”.
“Fine? She's going to be alright”
“I'm still upset for some reason” you told him honestly because you didn't want to pretend as if him not showing up wasn't affecting you at all now that you knew the reason behind it.
“I'll fix that”
He picked you up in his arms and turned around to press you against the door to kiss you again, this kiss wasn't as gentle though, it was heated, full of passion and needy.
“I really wanted to treat you right baby..I'm sorry” he mumbled against your mouth so you curled your fingers around his neck.
“It's okay..you can treat me right.. here”
“Sure can” as he lifted up your dress you placed your hand on his.
“I'm on my periods”
He put you down and pulled your underwear down and placed it on the dresser next to you , grabbing your waist by one hand. He slipped his other hand between your thighs, teasing you until you couldn't take it anymore and had to buck your hips into his palm. Your fingers clutched on his biceps as you tried to stifle the shameless moans that were erupting due to his skilled ministrations.
He leaned down and sucked a mark on your neck as he continued to rub your lips, mixing your dripping arousal with the blood. Your fingers traced down as you felt the bulge in his pants rubbing against your midsection, that's how close he was squished against you.
“Hold your dress up for me darlinn” his words came out almost in that of a drunken slur but his voice was sharp and commanding so you quickly grabbed the hem of your dress to lift it up, a loud moan escaped your throat as he wiped his bloody wet fingers all over your thighs, making sure to clean it well before he unzipped himself hurriedly as if he couldn't go a second longer without fucking you right against this wall.
His cock was hard and leaking already as he rubbed the tip over your clit repeatedly, your arms wrapped around his neck as he lifted you up swiftly and entered you in one quick motion.
“Mmm is this good sweetheart..you alright?” You bit on your lips as you noticed the concern evident in his voice,
“I am in heaven..keep going please”
“Oh you sound so sweet like that love..do it again won't you?” He mumbled in your ears as he teased you with his torturously slow thrusts of the hips.
“Please Daemon..i..need you to keep going please” you mumbled sweetly, your voice went higher and turned more sensual than he had ever heard from you.
“I'd do anything for you if you'd speak to me in such a way”
Your hands wandered to grab his gorgeous ass, they were always begging to be held. He let out a grunt as you squeezed those cheeks.
This was new, he knew that, he also knew the raw electric passion he felt in the moment would fizzle with time like how it did with Lily but the way you had your arms around him and how tightly you were holding onto him, you'd continue to hold him in the same manner right?
Even when the sex would become a routine between you two he hoped that you'd still look into his eyes when he's making love to you and and he hoped that you'd look at him with the same passion you had in your eyes right this very moment.
He really hoped so, he really wished for this feeling to never end.
He didn't want to fall out of love again, certainly not with the woman who had risked everything for him..
“Why did you come darling?” He whispered in your ear as his thrusts slowed down again.
“When? Last night ? Because you're so good at this..?” he chuckled and pressed a soft kiss on your lips before his expressions turned serious.
“That night..you came for me..why? You'd have been on that lifeboat with the rest of our friends..far away from the wreckage if you hadn't done that. Why did you do it?”
Your eyes teared up as he questioned you ..
“Because you came for me first, remember?” you caressed his cheek with your fingers as you answered him even though it wasn't the complete truth.
“I was right next to you. I didn't't do you any favor. What you did was risky and life threatening..you could have died” his grip around your waist tightened as if he was afraid of losing you like that.
“No regrets..i..think about that moment a lot..that one fraction of a second where I see myself standing on the top of the deck with our friends and thinking if I had made a different choice.. the one where i never ran after you and that thought scares me because..i picture you all alone on that Island and it breaks my heart..” his own eyes welled up as tears rolled down your cheeks, his lips wiped those tears away and he picked up his pace again.
Every inch of his presence was burning with constant hunger for you, he was all inside you at the moment then how come he was still not satisfied? How come he still felt so hollow as if he wasn't already submerged so deeply into you?
He has been in love before and it wasn't a fleeting sort of love either but what he was feeling in the moment was something so magically profound, a feeling he had never really experienced before.
That wasn't it though, what astonished him was the fact that he never wanted to experience this again with anyone else either, he wanted you to be it, from now to the end.
As he came so suddenly inside you, your walls clamped around him and milked every drop of cum he had to offer. Your mind felt hazy as you convulsed against him, everytime he made you cum you felt your soul leaving your body for a moment.
You were still soaking in the orgasmic bliss when he took you to the bedroom and laid you down on the bed, after cleaning himself up he came back with a wet napkin to clean you thoroughly, then he went into the living room to grab your panties.
“Do you need me to change the pad sweetheart?” he asked you softly so you denied,
“No, I have hardly bled on it” he proceeded to pull it up your legs. On the island you were using the same two pieces of clothes every month, you'd wash the other one and Daemon would keep it in the sun to disinfect it as much as possible, sometimes the life you lived on the island didn't even feel real, it felt like a nightmare or a dream depending on the situation.
“Had Dinner?” He asked you as he laid down next to you so you shook your head “Want me to cook?” He questioned, making you giggle in response.
“You can cook?”
“I have fed you that slightly charred fish for months.. of course I cook”
Before you could answer him he received a call from Cole, they were at Lily's place to check up on her and he was surprised that Daemon wasn't tending to her needs on hands and feet.
“Don't you think you're being a bit of an arse?” Cole said to him on the phone and Daemon excused himself away from you as he didn't want to have this conversation in front of you.
“What are you on about mate?” He asked Cole as his jaw clenched, he didn't really appreciate the snarky tone Cole was using with him.
“She's hurt and crying..come on..it's Lily..your Lily” Cole reminded him as if it was something Daemon could ever forget.. Daemon and Lily, that's how people always knew them together but he wasn't the same man anymore.
“I took her to the hospital and brought her back home..what else am i supposed to do?” he asked Cole in a frustrated voice, he didn't want to get tangled into her selfish mess again, not when life had something so precious and selfless to offer to him. Only a fool would let go of a woman like you, he wanted to move on from that failed relationship and explore the depth of this thing between you two.
“She's not wrong you know..You have changed man..” Cole chuckled and it only angered him further.
“Yeah well live on a fucking uninhabited island for months and then preach to me” he hung up the phone and when he turned around you were leaning against the bedroom door with a small comforting smile on your face.
“You should go check on her..she's hurt”
“Oh..I'll go but you're coming with me”
“Daemon –”
“Just come..let's just tell them about us yeah?”
“Us?” You asked him so he walked towards you and placed his arms on your sides, you had no option but to look up at his tall frame.
“Us..me and you..Us” you bit on your lips as he said that, he had a way of making you feel all flushed and warm with his words, one of the reasons why you were even attracted to him in the first place.
“Okay…Calm down cavemon” he was huffing and puffing about something so you traced your fingers over his chest, the half unopened shirt gave you plenty to play with.
“Doesn't it bother you? The way they're treating us? The way everyone is treating us?” he spoke solemnly so you sighed deeply as you truly resonated with the frustration he felt regarding the matter.
“Treating us as if we have just returned from a long isolated vacation? Yes it does bother me” you cupped his cheeks to make him look at you “But it's not their fault, they won't understand..for them the ship sinking was the worst of it all and it was a huge trauma in itself and they went on with their lives thinking that we were dead. But we aren't, we are back.. alive and well..so it's as if nothing had ever happened to us, they think we suffered the same as they did but it's not the same and it won't be the same. But you can't expect them to understand that. We ate fruits and fish everyday and slept on the bed of leaves..they hear those details of our survival and they think it was easy and that's okay..let them think that we had it easy”
He placed his forehead down on yours as you finished speaking, your soft soothing voice melted in his ears like honey.
“Are you always this wise?”
“Mmmhm” you smiled before you kissed him softly “Do you feel betrayed by Lily? Is it anger that's making you drift away from her?”
“Not her first time when she looked out for herself only. She was scared when she realized what was happening on the ship..I understand that..it's just hurtful that I didn't cross her mind even once”
“I'd feel the same way”
He didn't want to go see her tonight so while he attempted to cook you grabbed those poor flowers and placed them in a vase as you mumbled softly apologies to the mother nature for the disrespect, then you cuddled him on the bed to make him feel better. Daemon, not the flowers.
However, you awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of Daemon's pen scratching the paper. Despite your curiosity, you refrained from disturbing him, assuming he was in the midst of writing a song or a piece of music. So you simply snuggled closer to him, taking comfort in his presence as you drifted back to sleep.
It was surreal having no jobs but having all that money that would feed you well even if you never work again. It wasn't really the employment you needed but the passion for the art you felt so strongly about before your life changed so drastically..
The following day, much to your displeasure you went to go see Lily with Emma but you could tell she wasn't at all happy about your presence there and as soon as you had stepped inside her house you regretted your silly decision of coming here, you two would never become friends, even more so now that you were with Daemon. As Emma excused herself to go make coffee the air around you both tensed even more.
“Thanks for the flowers..they're my favorite” she said to you as she grabbed a cigarette. The way Daemon spoke about her you really thought she was against his smoking.
“I know.. Daemon told me..i hope you're feeling better” she smiled as you mentioned him.
“Of Course he knows me more than anyone..Do you mind or want one?” she pointed towards the cigarette so you denied.
“No and no..thank you though” you gave her a polite smile in the hope that Emma would return soon and rescue you from this uncomfortable situation.
“Look y/n..I like you and I feel for you..that tragedy was hard on all of us but me and Daemon..we are like soulmates. People come and go..but in the end it's me and him for each other. I'm telling you all this because I don't want you to get hurt by him eventually and then end up hating me for the rest of your life” she spoke softly. Despite her gentle tone, you felt the jab of her words and the dismissive attitude towards your relationship with Daemon.
“Okay ummm..maybe you should talk to him about this because I don't think he's on the same page as you anymore”
You mumbled as politely as you could as you didn't really want to offend her in her own space and her well crafted delusions but it was apparent that your words had bothered her greatly..
Her smile dissipated for a moment but she quickly recovered and gave you a sly retort. And then she said something to you that hurt you to the core especially after what he had said to you last night about you and him being Us.
“I don't think so..i don't think he'd have made love to me last night if he wasn't on the same page as me..he's just upset but he'll get over it.. he's my Daemon i know him”
Note : Raise your hands if you think she lying.
@mcufan72 @123forgottherest @shuichiakainx @stupidthoughtsinwriting @tmlbdv
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beebeewoop · 1 year
It has come to the attention of I and many others that there has been some disrespect going on between Tumblr users who like to draw ship art of the Eddsworld characters and those who do not like to see certain ships. I will not name names or point fingers, but this needs to be addressed. Making art of these ships is absolutely okay to do as long as it is not problematic! We want Tumblr to be a safe place for those who use it as their outlet for art.
To any newcomers entering the Eddsworld fandom: most of us Eddhead veterans are in our late teens or early twenties so most of us are adults. WE'VE BEEN THROUGH THE WRINGER AND WE KNOW THE DRILL:
The fictional characters are not the real people, so yes, it is okay to ship the fictional characters. We know the difference between the fictional characters and the real people.
DO NOT bash those who ship certain characters together. DO NOT comment on a post of ship art you don't like just to tell the artist you don't like it. They spent a lot of time making that and it is very disrespectful to the artist. They have every right to take offense to your comment. Even if you were to say "Nice art but I don't ship it" is still considered disrespectful.
If you see something you don't like either scroll past it, filter out the tags, or block the person. It's really that simple! You do not have to interact with the art or the artist.
Also, T.H.I.N.K. before you speak, please! What has been said many times before needs to be said again.
T.H.I.N.K. is an acronym that stands for:
Is it True?
Is it Helpful?
Is it Inspiring?
Is it Necessary?
Is it Kind?
If what you want to say is none of these, then please reconsider saying it.
Thank you.
And thank you @crystalwhisp for helping me write this.
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godofdystopia · 1 year
I really like your dark urge posts and especially the ones about orin and I really find fascinating how the sibling are understood almost in the inverse depending on the audience like outside the temple people dislike Orin IMMENSELY because she’s seen as too bloodthirsty and we do see evidence with her killing assistants of Gortash just to talk about how badly she want to gut him and how she doesn’t stray from that conversation and she does believe in Bhaal’s dream of killing everyone, but in the temple about the Bhaalist and pre game Durge she’s condemned heavily for being too artistic and premeditated and valuing quality of a murder over quantity which we see a method to the people she chooses to kill or kidnap to hold hostage or how she needles you with letters at fight versus just fighting or even her dramatic intended original coup against Durge not even making sure they’re dead and frankly from her diary entry calling them mindless and her speech about wanting them to be a mindless puppet it seems like she didn’t want them dead vs to live disgracefully originally and we see how she does use bodies as display even her own mother in there privacy of a room no one is going actively in and out.
Versus Durge is praised by Bhaal, the butler, and everyone in the temple not only for their direct line from Bhaal alone that orin can’t replicate ever even if her line is probably intentionally murky so Sevarok who already tried to throw a coup against Bhaal himself could get as close as possible to making his own kid related to only himself to do what he couldn’t (and sevarok and bhaal both setting Uk the sibling to end up in fight to the death like the fratricide duel practice saverok I believe started? And that sevarok if you confront him after killing Orin will try to kill you to be the chosen and given him having Helena try to be a chosen by killing Orin probably was not only trying to be the murder god again by setting these murders up but also does what he both compliments and insults Orin for by raising quietly through the side and in his case by not even doing the killing himself despite the title he wants). Especially if you break her verbally she accuses Durge of stealing both her and her grandfathers inheritance from Bhaal despite being made by Bhaal given how Helena doesn’t hesitant to try to take her place but makes me wonder what on earth their conversations with like that he didn’t immediately seem like a lair talking around either Helena or Durge or other worshippers.
But I find it so interesting that through the play through and the way durge both boast the quantity of their kills, the wha they’re praised by most bhaalist and insult by orin for it, they’re definitely as much if not more bloodthirsty then orin. Yet outside the temple Durge palms multiple heists that require patience and premeditation and discipline including in the hells and from an arch demon and was respected and feared by people outside the cult for their violence and control. And even taking a tip from Goretash about former bhaalist bones in a museum and taking offense at it being tourist attraction bc Durge does have some idea and defensiveness about the temple as a family and planning both a heist for the bones but also a murder of many as revenge/Justice. And this does concede with Goretash dies of murder as a means of messaging but that relation ship is also so interesting here the gap he sees the two’s behavior as. Especially since their relationship with Goretash that had them apologizing to Bhaal for losing sight of the goal to kill everyone and is condemned by Orin for doing such yet, Goretash not only explicitly says he respect you for your control and discernment he doesn’t think Orín has but canonically massively dislikes mass murder and doesn’t even want to hear what you think about it if you argue with him about Orin after killing her despite you being a bhaalist. Which I definitely think is related to the sides of the two he saw. Which I feel like must have built the resentment more for Orin seeing durge not only get praised for a huge long term plan but sounding more like bane disciple then a bhaalist and she’s the one insulted for things you both associate more with the older sibling.
People do both act differently and are seen different by different people especially groups but I just find it so interesting and I think the game does a good job here showing how roe game durge and orin were neither that different but also why they clashed so badly she’d attempt a coup but also couldn’t carry out the plan durge started and how much other people influenced (especially directly from the butler to sevarok to bhaal) their relationship and antagonism. (Though I also think the difference in perception is related to Durge growing up outside the temple and not meeting the butler until “maturity” versus Orin being born and raised there). Idk I just think it’s very neat and drive the sibling animosity in such an abusive home to an interesting boiling point where you can se how Orín and and pre game Durge saw and understood more of each other then other people who couldn’t understand not being in the family or the temple (especially Goretash saying he’s never been to the temple) but also never really respected or looked in the other in the eye truly.
Sorry for the length, I just find it all really interesting but I really like fratricide in fiction where it’s the aeducan family cycles of brothers killing brothers in dragon age or lion king or hamlet. I think larian did a great job escalating their themes of abuse and familial cycles of violence for the Dark Urge Origin and I would love more of your thoughts on any of it 😅
You, you are my favorite ask this year.
Thank you for giving me the chance to infodump about my Durge Family Mechanics and just how much of a sad and pathetic little meow-meow Orin is if you really think about it.
So Durge was the Golden Child, the Prodigy, the Purest Bhaalspawn that ever was, An Antichrist born from a drop of Bhaal's own gore. Durge never stood a chance, from both the Noble Stalk and Lvl 6 Heal its been shown that Bhaal has had his murderous claws in Durge's mind since the very beginning. No Childhood friends allowed, no other family allowed, nothing outside of Bhaal's Grand Design for global murder allowed.
"Was i sweet once?" In snippets and chances stolen when you could, you were sweet and you tried and tried and tried- But you were the Golden Child, The Purest Bhaalspawn, The Antichrist. You never stood a chance. Any connection was severed when you slept, any escape route was closed by death, any outside connection was forcibly removed. Only Bhaal, only the Dark Urge.
And then we have Orin. Orin: the Zuko to your Azula, the Scar to your Mufasa, the child who always came second. Sarevok may not be working on the same level that Bhaal is but he still never gave her a chance.
Raised by murderers, raised by the cult. She is the child of a child of a Bhaalspawn, and the child of a Bhaalspawn on top of that. Let's not get into that and instead get into how Sarevok, in his own ways, ruined any chance Orin had as well.
Orin may never have had the Dark Urges, she never had Sceleritas whispering in her ear and encouraging her worst aspects, she never had the hooks of Bhaal himself clawed deep in her very mind and soul. And yet because of Sarevok she never stood a chance, she was raised to kill Durge. Raised to kill the person that was raised as her sibling. Raised to hate and despise Durge and desire their downfall all because Sarevok wanted what he was denied in the first games. Where Durge was made to be the perfect Bhaalspawn, Orin was raised to be the perfect Bhaalspawn.
And yet it was never enough.
Orin is despised by the cult for not being enough, not being murderous enough, for killing wrong, for not being as pure as Durge. the people who raised her, who she grew up around, looked down on her as second best and passed her over in favor of Durge. Is it any real wonder that she struck out and tried to murder her sibling? to take what she was raised to crave and desire? To try and claw some semblance of respect from the peoplke who despised her?
And it was never enough.
She wasn't Durge, she wasn't the mastermind, she wasnt enough: Not for the cult, not for the Chosen, not even for Bhaal. she was the second best, the runner up, the perpetual failure who wasnt a pure Bhaalspawn. The chosen hate her for not being Durge, the Cult hate her for not being Durge, Sarevok sees her as a tool and Bhaal sees her as a replacement.
Neither Orin or Durge had a childhood, not really. Durge was a cuckoo forced into an unsuspecting nest, a nest that was coated in blood because of Bhaal. Orin was raised by serial killers and murderers, almost choked by her own mother because of Sarevok. Durge had friends: friends they played with, friends they vivisected alongside Sceleritas. but did Orin? Did Orin have anyone besides subordinates and lackeys? Perhaps she didnt, perhaps young Orin looked at Durge having a family (until it was ruined) and friends (until they were stolen away) and seethed.
Neither Durge nor Orin had anything outside the cult: any connection severed, any lifeline cut. And together they were pti against one another. Durge looking down at the upstart, and Orin looking up at the idol. Hate upon hate, fueled by Bhaal and Sarevok. Fathers who saw them as tools, as weapons, as things instead of people.
They never stood a chance
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Locked up with Anakin:
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Summary: Enemies to lovers (almost). You're locked up with Anakin Skywalker and ~tension~ happens.
Warnings: None just fluff and banter.
Word count: 1,330
"It's no use." He says uninterestedly, watching you pull at the door. "I already tried that."
You bristled at his unhelpfulness. Anakin Skywalker was seated in the far corner of the dark cell, under the light of the only small window, a tiny rectangle high up on the wall. The light outside was dying, the suns setting, illuminating the cell only slightly in an orange glow.
"How long have we been in here?" You asked, having only awoken moments ago. Cold, tired, and terribly confused. 
"I don't know for sure. I only gained consciousness a couple of hours ago. Hopefully this is the first sunset and we were only out for a few hours but there's no way to know for sure."
You groaned and wiped your face with your hands. A four day offensive on Ryloff, you just arrive back into orbit before your ship was pulled in via a tractor beam. Some kind of gas must have knocked the two of you out because now you were most certainly on a planet somewhere. 
"I sent out a distress signal before we were cut off. I'm sure they've already sent someone to come get us." He says lazily, arms crossed on his chest as he watched you try to think. 
You roll your eyes and take stock of what you had on you. No saber, obviously, no... anything. Frustration bubbled up inside of you, finding outlet in Anakin's bored features. 
Here you were, stuck in a cell with no way out, and he was acting like it was no big deal. You took a deep breath to calm yourself before turning to him.
"Can't you at least try and help me think of a way out?" you asked, trying to keep the anger out of your voice.
Anakin shrugged. "I've been trying, but it's not like I have my lightsaber or any of my other tools."
You knew he had a point, but you couldn't just sit there and wait for rescue. You looked around the cell, taking note of the stone walls and the metal door. There was a small vent near the ceiling, but it was too small for either of you to fit through.
You paced back and forth in the cramped space, "Ok fine. forget escaping - for now. Do you have any idea where we are? Who took us?" 
Anakin let out a sigh, his face twisted in a scowl. "I have no idea. This place is unfamiliar to me, and whoever took us must have jammed our senses somehow. I can't even use the Force to sense anything outside of this cell."
You nodded, glad he had some understanding the gravity of your situation. "So, what now?"
Anakin's eyes flickered to the metal door, his mind working. "We wait for our captors to show themselves. When they do, we take them by surprise and make our escape."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. "And how do you propose we do that?"
Anakin smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "I have my ways."
"Force, I hate you." You sit down in the opposite corner of his room and he looks at you with complete amusement. 
"What have I done?"
"Nothing. That's the problem." You say to his increasing agitation. “I’m sure you used to this by now but I don’t want to be locked up here!”
"Hey - what’s that supposed to mean?! Look, I can't magic us out of here! And I don't see you being very productive either!”
“Oh come on, this is not your first time locked up like this! You must be able to do something!” You say exasperated. 
He was getting wound up now. “I got nothing! I’m stuck here, same as you. We just have to sit here and wait.”
You huff, annoyed. 
Silence falls between you as you both settle in for the long wait ahead. The orange glow of the suns outside fades to darkness, leaving the cell in complete blackness. You're left to your thoughts and fears, wondering what fate awaits you at the hands of your captors. Wondering if Anakins eyes will ever leave your face. He has been staring at you for what feels like hours. Glaring, or gloating, something horrible. He always drove you crazy, it was supposed to be the quickest of missions otherwise you were sure to have put up more of a fight when the council paired you two up for it. 
So you sat here, frozen, feeling helpless as he stared, waiting for him to look away so he could think of some way to free you from your predicament. You didn't want his attention. So you simply sat quietly, trying to ignore him as best you could. 
 If Anakin kept looking at you like that, you might end up killing him, or worse, you might just go crazy under his gaze, lose your nerve and start kissing him.
No. Stop thinking about that. Just focus on the mission. You let your head lean back against the wall and let out a weary sigh, shivering slightly in the cold. 
As the moments dragged on in the dark cell, the tension between you and Anakin only seemed to grow. His intense gaze remained fixed on you, and you could practically feel the waves of irritation radiating from him. It was infuriating how he managed to push your buttons even in the direst of situations.
"Listen, I know we don't always see eye to eye, but if we're going to get out of here, we need to work together. Can you promise me that we'll put our differences aside for now? We need to be ready to face whoever has us, and I don’t want you using me as a human shield if it comes to it.”
You look up from your brooding and softened slightly, noticing for the first time some signs of agitation and fidgeting from you cell-mate, you nodded. “Fine. I'll do what it takes to get out of here safely. We can argue later."
He grins at that, posture relaxing slightly. “Ok then.” 
The two of you sat in silence once again, but this time it was a more peaceful one. You could hear each other's breathing, the rustling of clothes as you shifted your weight, and the occasional creaking of the cell door. It was in this stillness that Anakin spoke up once more.
"You know, I've been thinking," he began.
"Dangerous." You quip, and he rolls his eyes. 
"Fine, don't worry about it."
"No- No, come on please. I'm sorry!" You laugh at him a bit to ease the tension in the room.
"It's just- It's pretty cold in here."
"And it's going to get worse."
Oh. "Oh. Right well... You're right." Before you could think too much of it you stand up and go to sit beside him. Still leaving about a foot of space between you, much to his amusement. 
"I don't bite. Well... I won't" He seems to find this all too funny, patting the space right next to himself rather condescendingly. You had half a mind to go back to where you were before but you shuffle over, huffing again, choosing practicality instead of pettiness. At least you could be the bigger person.
Your shoulders were touching now and as the sky grew ever darker you legs found their way to each other as well. It was unconsciously done, minuscule movements over the hours drawing you together. 
You couldn't help but notice the way Anakin's body seemed to fit so perfectly against yours, as if it was meant to be there.
You could feel the heat emanating from Anakin's body, and it was a welcome relief from the cold stone walls. As fatigue won you over your head sunk with heaviness, ever closer to his shoulder. Until eventually the two of you were asleep, tangled together in the corner of the cell. 
And that's exactly how Obi Wan found you in the small hours of the morning…
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pagesfromthevoid · 2 years
Cowboy Like Me | d.d. | 3
Din Djarin x princess!reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Reader is a bit unhinged and wants din to kill her. Din is a simp and he’s known reader for less than a day
Author’s Note: Thriving on our space cowboy
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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The Chase
“Before we leave, can I pick up a few things?”
She was walking in front of Mando —only a few steps but enough to not have her feet stepped on. He was giving her more leeway than she anticipated, though she assumed it was because he didn’t see her as a threat. And she certainly wasn’t.
Not to him, at least. She was more of a threat to herself.
But she wanted to spend what money she had left on things to enjoy, even if it was to be enjoyed on a bounty hunter’s ship. The trip from Nevarro to Senex wasn’t necessarily long. It was five days max; apparently just enough time to put a bounty on her head, but given that the bounty hunter behind her didn’t seem to be a talker —well, she’d like to get something to entertain herself with.
“What do you need?” His voice was distinct through the modulator in his helmet, though she wondered what he really sounded like.
“Food, mostly,” she continued, pulling her backpack around to the front. He stopped her, however, taking the bag from her. For a moment, she gave him an annoyed look. “Give me my bag, Mandalorian.”
He ignored her, opening the bag to riffle through the contents. While she didn’t have anything bad in there, she certainly didn’t want someone just searching her things. But she supposed this is what she gets for running away.
When satisfied with his search, he handed it back to her unceremoniously. She huffed in annoyance, but went back into what she was originally doing —tallying up what she had and determining what she needed.
“I’d like to get something to read,” she went on, closing the bag up and putting it back on. “You don’t seem like someone who is going to entertain a guest —no offense, of course. I just figure I should entertain myself and stay out of your way.”
He made no indication that he had heard her, aside from a slight nod towards the market place. She hesitated a moment, looking up at him. Truthfully, she didn’t think he’d let her. While he wasn’t necessarily being nice, he wasn’t being overly aggressive towards her either. But his nod to the market was all she needed for her to know he trusted her just enough.
That would change soon, she was sure.
He wouldn’t take her money now and put her out of her misery. But she would find a way to make whatever money her mother offered her less appealing than simply being rid of her.
She had a week to get the Mandalorian to kill her.
Mando didn’t let her out of his sight as they walked through the marketplace. She wasn’t making a run for it, and she had no weapons in her bag. But he didn’t like how easy this was –how willingly she just gave up. Karga was a lot of things, but his warnings were usually valid.
She’s a fighter.
But she didn’t even try to put up a fight.
Mando didn’t trust that. Something else was happening, and she was up to something. There was no other way around it. Unfortunately for her, however, he had figured that part of her plan out. Which just left figuring out the rest of her plan.
Grogu had been trailing beside her in his sphere, following her as she went through each stall. Mando listened as she spoke quietly to the child, asking him what he would be interested in or what he liked. Grogu only responded in little giggles and coos, reaching for the small things she held out to him. The kid finally settled on a stuffed tooka, though Mando was certain it was only because Grogu remembered eating one weeks ago.
Probably best not to mention that to her.
He stepped closer to Grogu, who held the toy up to show him. Mando reached over to brush a gloved finger against the toy, acknowledging it, before he returned his attention back to her. She was looking over a stack of books, fingers trailing over the spines. Something about the motion caught his attention, and he couldn’t help but watch her as she went through each book. Mando chalked it up to having to watch her, but he knew deep down that wasn’t why he was.
Her nails were painted —well, were previously, at least. The paint was chipping in places, but matched the fabric he had seen in her backpack earlier. A deep green, flecked with gold, that signified her actual position in the galaxy. But the nails were broken and jagged, shortened more so than they were supposed to be. If Mando had to guess, she had bitten them down at some point recently. He wondered why —what could cause her to be so wary that she turned to nail biting? What was in Senex —
“Do you like to read?” She asked, breaking his thought process as if feeling his gaze on her. A book was held up in his face, though he snatched it unintentionally harshly, and set it down.
“Don’t have time.”
“That doesn’t tell me if you like reading or not,” she retorted, glancing over at him as she picked up two more of the books.
Mando didn’t know how to answer the question. He couldn’t remember the last time he even sat down to read a book that wasn’t a manual or a quarry’s background files. Religious texts he read, though not recently.
“No,” was the safest answer, he supposed.
“What a shame.” And she sounded sincere.
Mando didn’t respond to the comment, instead choosing to step aside after she finalized her payment to guide her back outside. She didn’t look at him as she passed, though he couldn’t help himself as looked her over up close.
The hologram gave a good idea of what she looked like as a princess –beautiful, wide-eyed and regal –but Mando preferred her civilian appearance. It felt less forced, and she moved through the crowds with an ease that suggested that this wasn’t necessarily her first time wading through people. And she knew what she needed to wear; it wasn’t simply for show. It wasn’t to hide in plain sight. It was practical.
Meticulously picked out to ensure she not only played the part of a civilian traveler but would be able to withstand whatever environments she may have found herself in. Proper boots, laced and buckled up her calves with the legs of her pants tucked into them. An empty holster was wrapped around her thigh –and while it may be empty now, he was certain she probably didn’t plan to keep it empty if she had gotten any further in her runaway plans. Even up to the shirt and vest she wore, which were both simple enough in practicality. It all fit her well, shaped with the natural curves she had, but protected her against the elements as needed.
Someone taught her to do this. No princess would run away and have the knowledge to blend in and be practical without being taught.
As Mando moved to follow her out, she stopped short in front of him. He bumped into her and instinctively, he reached out to grab her shoulders to stop her from falling. However, she reached down and grabbed his hand, pulling him.
“What are you –,”
“We need to leave, Mandalorian,” she ordered, pulling him back into the stall and towards the back exit.
Mando tried to argue with her, but she wasn’t running from him –she was running with him as she hurried out the back. If she hadn’t grabbed his hand and forced him with her, he would have chased her regardless –but as if she feared for his safety, she brought him with her. Mando grabbed the edge of Grogu’s bassinet, pulling it behind him so it would keep up.
She glanced over her shoulder occasionally, then finally pulled him into an empty alleyway. The buildings casted shadows that obscured them for the most part, but if one looked close enough, they would be able to make out his armor.
Back against the wall of the building, she pulled him against her as if trying to use him to shield her from view. Under the helmet, Mando’s brow furrowed as she ducked into his side –as if trying to make herself smaller than she already was. They were too close, too pressed together for him to move without brushing against her. And…he wanted to. But that meant he shouldn’t.
After several minutes, two droids with Senex markings passed by the alley, though they did not stop if they noticed the three hiding there.
When they were out of sight, Mando tapped her shoulder gently, as if to say the coast was clear. She pushed off the wall, away from his side, and peered around the corner. Relief flooded her features.
“It seems you’re not the only one who was looking for me,” she murmured, returning to her spot against the wall as she looked up at him. “If you want your credits –or your life, for that matter –then you want to avoid those two.”
“I avoid droids as it is,” he offered as a response, though he didn’t question her warning.
“Maker, they work fast,” she mumbled, stepping back into the fading daylight of Nevarro. “I think, if you’re going to deliver me alive, Mandalorian, we should be leaving.”
He wanted to correct her; tell her to simply call him Mando. It felt less formal, less like someone commanding him. But more so —he wanted her to call him Din. By his name. He knew better; it was a wanton desire. One that was just exasperated by how close they had been mere moments earlier.
Instead, he simply gave a nod and motioned for her to follow him.
“No sign of the princess or the Mandalorian,” the B32-C droid reported back through the communicator.
In the sitting room of the house of the Senex senator, Calista hissed in annoyance, slamming her hand down on her table. “I do not want to pay that fool hunter thirty-five thousand credits —you were supposed to get to her before the guild picked up the bounty.”
“We were close, Lady Calista,” B33-C chimed in. “We will locate both and terminate the Mandalorian before the end of the week.”
“You better. If I have to do it myself, I will.”
The comms went silent, and Calista stood from her seat. Her hands clasped behind her back as she looked over the monitors with a deep frown.
“Wherever you are, child —I will find you. You cannot run from me forever.”
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Sorry I really didn’t mean I’m attacking you or your ship. I also don’t think it’s a red flag, most gay men I saw don’t really like shuggy either. I mean, probably the entire world prefers any other shanks ships? On almost every site, con or store there’s always tons of mishanks and Bennshanks and never shuggy. I get it’s also about dynamic and connection those two pairs have, like with the parallels to other ships the base for them is extremely strong. But the minimal shuggy does speak volumes. I genuinely wonder about this. Shuggy is unpopular and again while I do agree there’s strong connection between “rival ships” I don’t think that’s the only reason… and like…. Buggy is ugly, isn’t he? He doesn’t have cool style, doesn’t look cool, makes ugly faces all the time, also is a coward. I like him as comedy character and shanks brother though!
I understand where you're coming from when you say Shuggy is unpopular amongst some people (actually, before anyone says anything. It IS an extremely popular ship in Japan but I have seen A LOT of hatred towards it in this side of the fandom, so that's what I'm talking about when I say it's unpopular). I have talked about this before. And I have said a lot of times that the reason why is often because people only focus on looks and Buggy is not conventionally attractive for the fangirly twinkified sexualized gaze numerous sides of the fandom and the general audience seek. Like, I am not forcing people to ship them, but I have had people admitting the only reason they don't is because of the looks, and I personally believe that is a very (despite valid, of course) dull way of seeing ships. And respectfully, I don't care that other gay dudes or all the people in the world agree with you. It's not a red flag to not like Shuggy, what it is a red flag, though, is to come into people's inboxes to do what you're doing!
I know you don't mean to attack me or anybody who ships them but your tone does wonders showing otherwise. Your perception of shipping is just based on looks and the fact that you came here, to a blog that explicitly ships these characters and is fond of Buggy, talking shit about one of the characters' looks... Is just straight-up mean and not following the social etiquette this site should follow, which is "let people do whatever the fuck they want".
So with all due respect, what makes you think I won't find your questions offensive in any way? Because you keep talking bad about a character I like in my inbox for literally no reason. Do you expect me to admit that the ship is unpopular because Buggy is ugly and boring? Well, I do admit people view him as ugly and only a comedy relief, but I don't. Expecting others to find beautiful and interesting the same things you do is having a very close-minded vision that One Piece's plot itself is against.
By the way, you're showing that you clearly don't like Buggy in the slightest because you're only talking about the traits that you find negative about him. But of course, you like him as comedy relief. Of course, you like him as a character in Shanks' story and not as a character himself. Despite Buggy having lots of depth. Your perception of these characters seems, in my opinion, extremely empty and, as I said, only based on looks. And you're free of shipping whatever you want however you want! But please, please, don't do this anymore. This is just petty high school mean girl behavior. Even Regina George would word this in a more polite way.
So, as a little advice for you, let people ship whatever they want without questioning their favorite characters! I am sure you will live a more peaceful life!
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therealtsk · 9 months
What Your Favorite Worm Ship Says About You
some people have found my crusty, old ass tumblr post on this very topic, so im making a new one with my updated opinions! Cause those are, in fact, allowed to change. Enjoy! Taylor x Lisa: you're into relationships that could be dysfunctional or healthy with one push in either direction. also something something sun lesbian moon lesbian. Taylor x Rachel: You love dogs, and you want a girlfriend who can kick your ass. You're also into bomber jackets. I respect you. Taylor x Alec: Sadly, you do exist, and you did make it weird. Go away! Taylor x Amy: You read altpowers on the daily and complain about canon worm being too grimdark. Solid odds on you having never read worm. To be clear, it's worse if you have. also something something FBI OPEN UP Taylor x Victoria: You like the vibes of Lisa and Taylor's dynamic, but you want them to be a little more heroic and a little less dysfunctional. But only a little. Taylor x Clockblocker: You're straight and liked that one joke that cropped up. I also haven't seen any of you in a hot minute, thank god. No offense but this ship is mad boring.
Taylor x Sophia: You've come to realize that Sophia is a great character who gets done extremely dirty by the rest of the fandom. Also, rivals to lovers. Taylor x Emma: This can go one of two ways. Either you adore childhood friends to lovers, or you love enemies to lovers. Either way, you're obsessed with hurt and/or comfort fics. Taylor x Theo: You actually read Worm and recognize that Theo is criminally underrated in the fandom. Now just stop shipping him with Taylor and you'll complete the next step on your journey to enlightenment.
Taylor x Simurgh: I can't say for sure you're a anime fan, but you're definitely at least a little bit of a monsterfucker. also something something inherent eroticism of being world-destroying power couple. Taylor x Greg. You read Worm SI's unironically and get really defensive when people say that Greg is an incel. Completely unrelated, you haven't spoken to a woman other then your mother in five years. Taylor x Cherie: I've been informed this is a ship. I've yet to be informed as of a reason why I should like it. Cherie likers stay mad!
Lisa x Rachel: I don't remember the last time I saw this ship that wasn't also tagged as a polycule with Taylor, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're an OT3 enjoyer.
Lisa x Victoria: You’re into the “enemies to lovers” trope, but more of the "Spiderman x Black Cat" type then the "you murdered my entire home town but i can't help but find you sexy" type. Also you have a thing for blondes
Lisa x Faultline: Your ideal relationship dynamic is bickering married couple. You're also into heist movies.
Lisa x Simurgh: You have a thing for smart girls... who hate you. Also, you really liked Part of the Whole.  Contessa x Alexandria: You're fucking based. Also something something inherent eroticism of girlbosses winning Contessa x Numberman: you're friends with Peri and enjoy memes about pants and math Numberman x Jack Slash: You think serial killers are hot and are starved for m/m ships. Danny x Eidolon: You're losersexual and are starved for m/m ships. Also you frequent r/wormemes Danny x Miss Militia: Honestly, i think you all died out. I couldn't be happier, this ship is fucking dumb. Amy x Literally Anyone Besides Taylor: listen, there's like a hundred different jokes i could make here, but all of them boil down to amy defenders always defending the rapist for some reason so let's just agree amy defenders are fucking cringe and move on Dragon x Defiant: You understand that this is unironically the only healthy relationship in worm with some of the best character growth and romance in the entire story, and a majority of all of it happens off screen. You're extremely bitter that so many fanfics do both of them so dirty they get beaten into different characters. Alec x Aisha: You like the idea of this ship, cause two pranksters making everyone miserable is the kinda vibe you enjoy, but constantly run into the issue that Alec is...well. Alec. That or you're into Alec's brand of shit, in which case, FBI OPEN UP Aisha x Missy: You read It's Cold Out There Every Day. I did too. Fuck, this fic is so good. I'm going to go cry about the ending again. Lily x Sabah: Yes, you know the age gap is a little problematic, you just want to be happy with your relatively healthy canon lesbians goddamn it Purity x Literally Anyone: You don't understand why people keep calling you racist. You're not! You're just weirdly defensive of the hot milf who murders people of color and seem to constantly bring up that Kaiser didn't actually believe the nazi propaganda he was peddling. You are racist btw Taylor x Brian: You...are Wildbow
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