#no one cares gina
shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 months
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I got access to the website that makes these types of gifs so here you go
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Leverage 3x11 - "The Rashomon Job"
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divingsave · 2 months
i'm sure it's been talked about on here but i think the most heartbreaking thing about the alleged attempted blackmail of the schumacher family still is that one of the men allegedly involved apparently was part of their security team and that's how they got hold of the sensible personal data and pictures
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this-should-do · 2 years
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hi guys i know how to draw still and i love memes, and i love editting memes to my own personal beliefs
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kedreeva · 2 years
Prompt: Steddie, laughter in the dark
(my inbox is open for ST prompts!)(Previous prompts)
"Hey, Steve, c'mon," Eddie murmurs, budging at him with an elbow.
Steve mumbles something that sounds an awful lot like a small child asking for more minutes, and for a second Eddie nearly gives it to him. He sleeps so poorly usually, and he's warm against Eddie's side on the couch, head nestled against Eddie's shoulder. He doesn't let his guard down like this very often, and Eddie treasures every time he gets to see it. Evidence that he's beginning to relax, finally. Evidence that he trusts Eddie won't disappear if he closes his eyes for a minute.
But Steve had wanted this, so Eddie nudges him again. "C'mon, it's quarter past. You're gonna miss it."
Steve's dark eyes open and then scrunch shut as he takes a breath. "Already?"
"You've been asleep an hour," Eddie tells him, lamenting the loss of him as Steve straightens up and stretches and yawns.
Steve falls still with his head hung, leaning forward on his elbows, and Eddie traces the curve of his back with his eyes, wishing his hands could follow. There's a strange tension to him, like he really doesn't want to get up, or like he's expecting something bad to happen. Like the Upside Down might crack open again and swallow them up.
"We don't have to...?" Eddie ventures.
Steve laughs, but it's strained, the sort of hysterical like Eddie's told a joke, except he hasn't, and then Steve is on his feet and offering his hand to help Eddie up next. "C'mon, dude, we'll miss it. I want to see it. With you."
Eddie laughs under his breath and takes Steve's hand up. He puts his rumpled clothing to rights as they cross the trailer. He opens the door and spins in order to stand outside of it, ready to let Steve pass and close it behind him, mostly so that he can see Steve smile in thanks. Eddie's heart gives a little flutter, the way it always does when Steve smiles at him like that.
Together they scramble up on top of the van, and just as they reach the top, the street lights in the trailer park shut down. There are people all over standing on their porches, eyes raised to the sky, to the full moon shining brightly. Eddie risks a glance over at Steve, can't help his excited grin, and is relieved to see a matching smile on Steve's face.
"I haven't come out to see an eclipse in a long time," Steve admits, turning his face back up to the sky.
"I'm glad you came to see this one," Eddie tells him, watching the edge of the moon begin to darken.
Steve doesn't reply, he just leans over and presses his warm arm to Eddie's, chasing away the chilly October air. Eddie lets himself lean back - it's cold, he can get away with it - and stares up into the sky with him, watching the light of the moon slowly bleed away. It's perfect. Beautiful.
"Hey, Eddie?" Steve says softly, as the last sliver of moon is fading, plunging the night into darkness.
Eddie turns to find Steve looking at him instead of the moon, too close, not moving back, and his heart starts kicking extra hard against his ribs. "Yeah?"
Something unreadable flickers over Steve's features, and then his hand is sliding smoothly along Eddie's jaw, and Eddie lets himself be pulled in. He definitely does not give a breathy little whine when Steve kisses him, except for how he does. There are people all around them, anyone could look, but Eddie knows they won't. They're too busy staring at the full moon eclipse.
It ends too soon, only a few seconds, only a dry brush of lips, the warming rub of cold noses, Steve's breath mingling with his when they part, steamy tendrils visible in the chill night air.
Eddie's eyes open - he doesn't remember closing them - and he stares at Steve as the moon begins to unmask, silver sliver shining on the other side again. He has to swallow twice before he can find any words, takes a quick glance around to see if anyone had caught them, but everyone's faces are turned up to the moon, fingers pointing. He looks back, meets Steve's eyes, and can barely stand the fragile hope there.
"Eddie?" Steve asks, low and concerned. "Was that- are you mad?"
"Mad?" Eddie laughs, entire body a live wire desperate to ground himself with another kiss while knowing full well they can't, now that the moment has passed. "You insisted on watching this eclipse with me, you have been a nuisance about it for days since you found out. I really thought you were excited about the moon."
The more he talks, the bigger Steve's knowing little grin has gotten, and it's no wonder because Eddie cannot keep the smile off his own face. Steve had kissed him. Steve had planned to kiss him. Steve had picked possibly the most romantic way to kiss him, ever. Eddie doesn't know what to with that. It doesn't feel real.
"Well," Steve says slowly, and Eddie can already tell he's about to have regrets about whatever Steve is about to say in that tone, "I was excited, just... not about the moon. I guess you could say I'm over the moon, for you."
Eddie stares at him with as blank a mask as he can, knowing full well now that Steve had included Dustin in whatever this plan was, because there's no way Steve had come up with that on his own. He is better than puns. Eddie turns away when he cannot keep a straight face any longer, and starts getting down from the van, coughing to cover up his laugh.
Behind him, Steve laughs and starts following him. "Wait, Eddie, c'mon! Dustin said it would work!"
Eddie stops, perched on the very edge of the van's hood, and waits for Steve to catch up to him before speaks. He lowers his voice to a growl, staring at the front door of the trailer. "I am going to take you into my home, and make out with you to within an inch of your life, Steve Harrington, but only if you promise to stop taking dating advice from an eleven year old."
"He's fifteen," Steve says, and then shakes his head. "And he was right." Eddie looks over, almost sidelong, and Steve adds: "And I will never take dating advice from him again."
Eddie breaks a little, letting the warm feeling in his chest stretch and spread within him, and he finally relaxes. This isn't a joke. Isn't a prank. He'd just promised to kiss Steve again, and Steve wants him to keep that promise.
"You really..." Eddie swallows and clears his throat. "You really planned all this? Waited?"
"I tried to," Steve says, keeping his hands in his own lap. "I really... really like you, Eddie. And then you... when you told everyone, and suddenly I had a shot... I just... wanted to tell you in a way that'd be special."
Eddie blows out a breath, and leans closer, tipping his head. "It's you," he says, helpless. "It would have been special no matter when or where you did it. But I gotta admit... kissing me under a full moon eclipse?"
"Please don't say metal," Steve says, but he's grinning now.
"Pretty fucking romantic," Eddie says over him. They both laugh, and Eddie lays his hand down between them, palm up and fingers loose. Steve slips his hand in and, to his credit, doesn't look around to see who's watching. "Now, I believe I have a promise to keep."
He hops down, pulling Steve with him, all the way to the trailer, just as the moon begins to shine its brightest once more.
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elemental-plane · 9 months
i think we as a society need to talk about madam glask and oscar's dynamic more it's very interesting to me
like she's his boss so when she sees him at cosmo's shop she's like "wait a minute." but doesn't get mad or frustrated, just tells him to let her know ahead of time. and her reaction to elsie killing him? the way that *that's* what pushes her towards not really trusting elsie? idk man their dynamic is just very dear to me idk why i just love the way gina and sam bounce off of each other like that
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cowardlycowboys · 6 months
blocked anon get off your self-righteous high horse
also my therapist said I could say kill yourself a long time ago so
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on today's edition of rinas will always get the last laugh:
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blood-choke · 10 months
My girlfriend and I are watching Bound (1996) right now because of your recommendation, and you were SO RIGHT. She and I are foaming at the mouth over this film
YES!!!!! i'm so excited for you. it's such a fun film to experience for the first time. they put so much thought and love into it, and they really fought for it, too, despite the MPAA originally trying to restrict it with an NC-17 rating. and shout out to susie bright who was a sex consultant on the film o7 check out this interview with her & this one with jennifer tilly. it was susie's input that really made corky and violet authentic butch/femme lesbians on screen.
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frostluvrs · 2 years
the reason the “ricky would go back to nini it’s always been her” argument annoys me so much is because there’s no evidence for it but so much for the exact opposite which is ricky regretting even getting back together with her at the end of s1 in the first place. and it’s CANONICAL evidence like genuinely what do you think he meant by regretting letting her ever slip through his fingers? if he never let her slip through his fingers him and nini would have never gotten back together people do realize that right ….
all because y’all insist he “chose her over gina” when that didn’t happen either like gina left and told him to stop contacting her and then they had their goodbye scene RIGHT AFTER he had just gotten back together with nini when they both thought it was the last time they would ever see each other. do you just wish he was going to dump nini on the spot after confessing his love to her when he 1.) started regressing as a character already and wanted to be with her bc of his fear of change so he wasn’t breaking up with her regardless; he needed to grow as a character first. and 2.) he thought he was never seeing gina again. they never not the chance to start something and neither of them even made a move before she was told she’s moving and told him they didn’t need to talk anymore (which is what pushed him to nini - not gina’s fault it was understandable she felt as though she should give up on continuing their connection but it still pushed him to nini).
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ginaporterr · 1 year
rina was always gonna be the second choice, and was only made canon because olivia left, cope with that, their story was embarassing and they had been building up to ej and gina forever <3 everyone watching was disappointed except a tiny percentage
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kettlequills · 1 year
sorry but I feel the competitive strap game between nica!chucky and tiff is insane. they're comparing them like old men do their sports cars. tiffany's is custom made heart-shaped with pink bows on. chucky found his in the garbage behind the local sex shop and carved his name into the base with a knife. and so on.
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beauzos · 7 months
i think part of my issue with the new Ace Attorney trilogy (having not yet played Spirit of Justice) is that it feels like none of the characters give a fuck about each other. i could not get into the dynamic of Apollo and Klavier in AJ because it feels incredibly obvious that they don't care about each other at all. they seem to have 0 interest in knowing each other, even if they hang out in 4-3. there is no growing friendship or respect, they both just exist together and then the game ends. and when they reunite in 5-3, there's still nothing to their interaction. they see each other once, are whatever about it, and then leave it at that.
Apollo doesn't even like Phoenix. Trucy and him have a good dynamic, though, but Trucy is very likable and caring in general
this was fixed more in Dual Destinies, but it still feels like there's missing dynamics that should have been there. Phoenix feels so emotionally distant from everyone, including his own daughter, and even when the game's most caring character, Athena, exists and loves the people around her, she still doesn't care about what happened to Bobby Fulbright even though she logically would have. nobody cares about him, not even Blackquill, really, when it seemed to me early on that Blackquill genuinely did like Bobby deep down in his own way.
the Athena-Blackquill dynamic is endearing, i actually think it works, but that's the strongest bond in the game and we only know it exists in the last fuckin case. her friendship with Apollo feels relatively genuine, but Apollo is such... like... a wall of a character, if you know what i mean. it feels like he doesn't really connect to any of the characters. shit, i genuinely think 5-4 and 5-5 would have been the exact same whether he was friends with that one guy or not, that's how static his relationship to Clay is.
i dunno, it really disappoints me. it really really feels like the new trilogy is missing the heart that the original trilogy had. the way the narrative treats Bobby is the biggest example of that for me right now.
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naradreamscape · 2 years
I've avoided watching anything to do with Velma, whether it be actual clips or critical analyses, but I have to say it's incredibly satisfying watching HBO Max and the show itself go "hehe......a lot of people are going to hate that Velma isn't white anymore..... 😈" and then the entire world responded, "No, we hate it because it's not funny and it sexualizes teenagers and it actively despises the source material"
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lingeringscars · 8 months
harper does not listen to authority 90% of the time, but she will once she respects you. jasper is her friend, so she gets annoyed at him acting like a leader and ordering her around, even if ultimately she does it. she stands with lincoln against pike and bellamy, but when bellamy reminds her that he's always done what's in their best interest, she moves aside, apologizing to lincoln. she doesn't listen to abby or kane or jaha, but she does listen to bellamy because he earned her respect over their time on the ground and in mount weather and every day since mount weather. in the end, she'll stand against him though because the actions he and pike take go too far and she doesn't believe in them.
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rosesradio · 2 years
i wish i could be friends with some rina shippers because they seem really cool until they like. relentlessly hate portwell :’)
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