#no one in the citadel would question why they sound super similar to each other because kousetsu exists lmao
wolfofcelestia · 3 months
Did the personality chemistry thing with Shoku and Rei
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I fluctuate between ISFP and ISTJ depending on how much energy I have but I think my resting default personality is closer to ISTJ. If I really did live with Shoku though, he’d definitely put me in ISFP more often
ESFJ for Shoku because he’s definitely more extro than intro, sensing and judging because he makes sure everything is in order when he goes out (especially to battle), and feeling because he is the citadel’s heart, aside from the saniwa, and he’d go out of his way to help everyone
Rei is basically just a more intense version of me lmao. Intro is a given. Sensing over intuition is a given, even when he’s not a man of science. Thinking over relationships is a given, except when it comes to one person. And although he can be flexible with his activities, he would definitely be one to plan things out well in advance
I don’t see these personality types as being more real than horoscopes, but it’s fun to see how the compatibilities match up
Shoku would be good with me either way. We’d be chill when I’m tired/in my default mode, but he’d be able to hype me up and bring out the more social side of me
Rei and me would just be chill the entire way through, until I get more energetic. I can picture him just tolerating me when I’m being a brat towards him lol
Shoku and Rei would get along just fine too, given me and Rei have the same personality type
Their main common ground? Shoku trying to convince him that he can still wear his regular suits, but it doesn't hurt to wear something a little flashier too. Rei admittedly doesn't know much about fashion (Vday event), so he'd take his advice, if it means that he'd be more appealing to one person :')
Their second common ground would be cooking tbh. They'd both learn recipes and techniques from each other. And maybe Rei could teach him and the rest of the citadel how to fix themselves up more properly
Shoku: Your knife skills aren't bad for a doctor
Rei: You dress a wound up pretty well for a sword
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chaoshaven · 10 months
Chaotic Card 11-Heptadd
An ultra rare Creature, Heptadd seems to show up any time there is a mystery in the world of Perim. No one knows where he came from, and he can ignore the tribal Mugic rule; only Overworlders can cast Overworld Mugic, Underworlders with Underworlder, etc etc. Also notable I want to say because of his voice sounding similar to Batman The Animated Series Joker, I thought Mark Hamill voiced him. In actually it was Mike Pollock, so I feel the need to credit him here. Art By: Khary Randolph, Etienne St.Laurent
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Stat Spread:
Mugic Counters:1
A Guardian Muge (but guardian of what?) all of his average stats are counter balanced by the fact that he can use any Mugic card regardless of tribe affiliation and can use any elemental attack. There are some decks built around creatures sharing elements, so if one card controls fire then they all have that ability. In those decks Heptadd is a must have, so you can have all the elements. 
The downside is that he has the Unique and what would come to be the Loyal tag; Loyal Creatures cannot be played in a team with tribes other than it’s own. The Unqiue tag means you can only have one copy of him in your team, as opposed to the standard rule of 2 copies of a card in your deck.
In modern decks, Heptadd is fully a support creature. He could be frontlining in DoP which would require the Unqiue tag, but, theres better attackers now. He’s mostly used only for his elements and one Mugic counter, often with another Creature set up to defend him from attacks. 2 offensive warriors in the front, protector in the front, Heptadd in the middle, then a Mugic caster in the middle and back. 
There is a mech suit Battlegear that beefs his Discipline and Energy, at the loss of being able to any any tribal Mugic. Or a Battlegear from the newest set where you gain 5 in each Discipline and 5 Energy for each element you possess. Great!! He can have that. But where your front liners also have all the elements, and you can only have 2 copies of Citadel Fragments...do you give it to a support person to make a decent fighter, or the front liner to make a good fighter better?
Heptadd has 7 letters, can cast Mugic from any tribe, the Mugic crystals having 7 sides. No one knows where he came from (at first) but he has a vested interest in protecting all of Perim, which is why he sided with the Overworlders. The least aggressive tribe in Perim.
Creatures think he knows where the Cothica is and now I need to explain that.
Out of universe, it’s a  McGuffin. All the tribes want it to further their own goals, which is why they all fight. So what is it?
...not sure.
In Chaotic NoN there was a Chaos Rock, which served as the engine for the space ship that Overworlders piloted but crashed on Perim and somehow got ejected in the crash. They want it to go home, Underworlders want it to take over the planet, etc etc.
In the version of the lore we have however, the Cothica, anagram for Chaotic, is a mythical thing  that will give the given tribe ultimate power. Some say it’s a creature with really high Disciplines, or a Mugic to make you unstoppable, or a Location that gives you an automatic win in combat, maybe a Battlegear that gives you a killer ability.
Bryan Ganon was in an interview and when the question of “what is the Cothica?” was asked, he said it was a combination of all of the above. The right Creature with fitting Battlegear, good attacks, a Location the favors you, and a Mugic to help you in a pinch. The Cothica is an idea, that idea being strategy and planning. Knowing your deck and building it properly, with good synergy, is the Cothica.
Or who knows maybe it’s just a super giant mech suit with unlimited Mugic Counters and a flamethrower.
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The Misty Planet
Here we go.  By request, a story (or, in this case, story line) where the Scoundrels meet Deus from the Empyrean Iris stories by starr-fall-knight-rise.  Things play out a little differently here, because this time, the Great Game has begun, and there are now more players...
“The game is afoot.”  -Sherlock Holmes
The view from the starship’s bridge was quite the sight to behold.  A massive red star, glowing with power, shone from outside.  The windows were tinted, of course, to allow the individuals inside to see without damaging their vision.  But, mighty as the star was, it was another structure that the individuals were examining.  The second star.  Smaller, but no less beautiful than the first.  This one, though, had strange, alien structures orbiting it.  Which was why the group was here.  
“So.  We’re the bloody universe’s problem solvers, I suppose,” muttered Thomas Drake, itching his nose with the edge of a black-gloved finger.  
“Well, we were the first to make contact with each other and the other galaxies after the… time-screwy thing.  We also prevented the attack on the Citadel, and found out who was behind it,” replied Shepard.  “Still working on finding the Shadow Broker and why he… or she, possibly, would want to kill the members of almost every government in the universe.”  
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.  We’ll figure that one out later.  One problem at a time,” sighed Krirk.
“I’m good with that,” said Drake.  “Now.  On to business.  Admiral Vir.  Why the hell are we here?”  Vir walked up to the viewing glass and let out a low sigh.  
“Well, basically, here’s the deal.  My crew and I came to the Polaris star, which most of you ought to recognize as it exists in all of your galaxies except one, and saw this weird, unknown structure on Polaris Ab, the smaller star of the two main ones.  We have also discovered a planet nearby.”  Vir went to a console and pulled up an image, taken from the ground of a strange looking alien wasteland.  He let out a deep breath before going on.  “This was a picture taken on a very similar planet that my crew found in the past.  The two seem to be related.”
“I have a bad feeling about this,” muttered Solo.  Cooper gave him a blank stare.  
“Do you ever not?” 
“Occasionally,” huffed Solo.  “When we aren’t going to mysterious planets covered with red mist and big black pillars.”
“I agree.  The whole thing is rather… ominous,” said Shepard.  
“Well, if in doubt, we nuke the whole thing and be done with it,” said Drake.  Vir gave him a long-suffering side glance.  
“No.  We are not going to nuke it,” he said.  “There is too much information at stake.”  He sighed again.  “On that planet, we, or some of my crew and I, received visions of an entity called ‘Deus.’  What Deus is or what it wants we do not know.  However, we believe that these planets are somehow aligned.”  The holographic image changed, showing the Polaris system interlinked with the other strange, red planet, the Drev homeoworld, the Celzex homeworld, and Earth.  “What this place is, who created the massive structure on Polaris Ab, and why these systems are all interlinked is what we are here to find out,” finished Vir.  
“Visions?” asked Cain.  Not good.  Most definitely not good.  
“Yes,” replied Vir.  “Not harmful or long lasting, though.”  The group was silent for a moment, as they decided on how to approach this.  Throughout his career as a ship’s captain, and later, admiral, Vir usually operated on his best judgement.  While occasionally shaky at times, it usually won the day.  However, when wasn’t sure what to do, he usually asked himself one question: what would Captain Kirk do?  Well, Kirk was now here, in the same room, and apparently he didn’t have any clue either.  Might as well find out what he thinks, I suppose.  “Captain Kirk?  You seem to be in these sorts of situations a lot.  What do you think we should do?”  Kirk looked over with a frown.  
“We should investigate,” he said finally.  “I don’t particularly like it, never have, never will, but we have to see what’s going on all the same.”  The group nodded to each other.  
“Cooper and Solo, you stay up here in case anything… funny goes on,” ordered Vir.  The two nodded their consent.  “The rest of us… prepare.  Meet you on these coordinates on planet in 45 minutes.”
Aboard the Apocalypse   
“Right you sorry lot!  We are going planetside to investigate a bunch of alien architecture.  There may or may not be hostiles, but this place gives me the creeps,” announced Drake.  The Third Squad of armsmen looked over to him.  Lucky them.  They drew duty rotation when we’re above disturbing planet central.  “I’ve been around long enough, seen enough, heard enough stories, and watched enough horror movies to know what’s probably going to happen.”  As he said this, a pair of robotic arms locked his armor in place.  The armsmen were gearing up and checking their weapons, but still listening intently.  “You are going to bring full combat gear, full weapons, the works!  The whole works!  Everyone is going to be wearing fully sealed armor, and carry an extra respirator on hand, just in case.  You are also bringing provisions, again, just in case.”  Drake grabbed his plasma rifle and double, then triple checked it.  He then keyed his comms.  “Richter.  Ordelphine.  If for some reason we do not make it back, you are not to send any more soldiers down.  You have full authorizations for Genesis 19 protocols.  Use your best judgement.  I trust you two more than anyone else in this fleet, so do not allow them to override you.  Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.”  On the other side of the comms line, Richter and Ordelphine winced.  Genesis 19 was code for the complete nuclear annihilation of anything on a planet deemed to be a threat.  Drake wasn’t taking any chances here, it seemed.  
Aboard the Normandy
Shepard took up a heavy machine gun and checked the ammunition.  This place reminded him too much of old Prothean planets, and the beacons located on them.  The massive black pillars and the visions Vir and his crew got from being near them were too much like the beacon he had touched on Eden Prime…  He still had nightmares about that mission.  This time, he was taking no chances.  Instead of taking a full team with him, he decided to go with what he normally did, and take three ground crew members.  All were carefully selected.  Garrus, because he wouldn’t trust anyone else to have his back as well as the Turian sniper.  Samara.  An ancient Asari biotic.  None more powerful or calm in a crisis.  Lastly, Mordin.  A Salarian scientist.  The only expert he had at the moment who might be able to figure out what these ruins were.  He hoped it would be enough.  
Aboard the Enterprise
Kirk, Spock and Master Chief stood next to the cylindrical grey transporters of the Enterprise.  The two Starfleet officers stood, checking their phasers and respirator masks, making sure nothing would go wrong once they got planetside.  Alongside them were a group of low ranking redshirts (hopefully they wouldn’t die this time, though Kirk was less than hopeful)  and the massive, green-clad figure of the Chief.  Said figure was currently looking over all of his weapons, making sure they were all there and battle ready.  Out of all the Scoundrels, it went without saying that he was the most physically powerful.  It would be his duty to eradicate anything particularly big or nasty they found on the planet.  If, of course, there was actually anything there.  The fleet’s scanners had picked up no life signs, but everyone was still on edge.  Kirk nodded and the group stepped into the transporter.  
“Beam us up, Scotty.”
Aboard the Omen
Commissar Cain leaned against a shuttle in the Omen’s massive hangar bay.  Of course, as the regiment’s champion of all things strange and alien, he had been chosen to lead the surface party.  He couldn’t say no.  How would it look to refuse to partake in a mission of this calibre in front of not only the Valhallans, but the Omen’s crew as well?  He would lose his status if he did.  So, it was with a very heavy heart that he warily donned his tattered set of carapace armor, strapped on his weapons, and made his way to the hangar.  Sargent Grifen was already there, along with her squad.  At least it was Grifen.  Cain had gone through a necron tomb with her squad and lived.  If he trusted anyone in the regiment with this mission, it was her.  And, of course, Jurgen.  Cain’s aide stood by his side, his ever present smell lingering in the air.  In his hands he held his melta gun, a weapon that had saved both their lives on numerous occasions.  Cain was sure Jurgen had other trinkets hidden in his pouches, in addition to the las rifle slung across his back.  Jurgen was ever prepared for anything.  
Cain looked up and over to where Admiral Vir entered the hangar.  He was backed up by a full contingent of marines and members of the Drev clan, followed by a few of the ship’s scientists.  Vir was wearing his suit of Iron Eye armor, fully insulated against the outside atmosphere.  Inside it, he was one of the group’s resident super soldiers, able to perform feats no ordinary person could ever aspire to.  Vir nodded as the Drev came to ease, resting their spears on the floor, and the marines checked their rifles one last time.  
“Let’s get going then, shall we?”
On the Planet
The Omen’s shuttle had landed in some sort of marshland, brackish water reaching up to the group’s shins.  Red mist stretched as far as the eye could see.  Black plants and a few totally black, dead trees littered the ground.  The Milano was parked nearby, on a larger solid stretch of ground, and Quill lounged outside it while his crew looked merely bored at the lack of action on this strange planet.  The Valhallans filed out of the shuttle, looking apprehensive in contrast to the Quill’s boredom and Vir’s excitement over exploring new planets.  A tiled black road led to some sort of black mass in the distance.  A city, if Vir had to guess.  How exciting!
A high whining sound rang out, and Kirk, Spock, and Master Chief teleported in alongside a contingent of Starfleet red-shirts.  The Chief stood statue still, weapons ready, as the Starfleet operatives joined the crew of the Omen in examining the black plant life that dotted the ground and the spaces in between the road tiles.  
The roar of shuttle engineers pierced the air, and the Normandy’s sleek shuttle made its descent alongside the Apocalypse’s heavy gunship transport.  Shepard, Garrus, and two aliens Vir and Cain didn’t recognize stepped out of the first, while Drake and a full contingent of armsmen.  
One of Shepard’s crew, a Salarian, by the looks of him, made a b-line to the scientists examining the plants, while Shepard and the other two greeted Quill.  The Apocalypse’s armsmen disembarked quickly, weapons at the ready as if they were on an active battlefield.  Drake made a circular motion to the shuttle pilot, who gave a thumbs up and immediately took off.  Drake approached Cain and gave a curt nodd.   
“This is your galaxy, Vir, so you’re in charge, but I don’t like the looks of this place.  I don’t want to spend a second longer here than I need to.”  Cain nodded.
“I agree.  This reminds me too much of some of the… stranger things I’ve seen.”  Vir pointed to the buildings on the horizon.  
“I understand,” he said reassuringly.  “Plus, we need to investigate that way anyway.  Let's move on.”  Vir made a motion to the scientists still crouched along the beginning of the pathway.  Dr. Wilson, one of the Omen’s scientists, looked up and held out a vial of the black plant.
“These are all dead.  But they’re remarkably well preserved…”
“Wilson is right.  Planet is dead.  Was once alive, but now everything here is lifeless.  Strangely well preserved, though,” rattled off the Salarian, almost without any breaths.  
“I’m liking this less and less,” muttered Cain.
The group had walked the long titled road in silence, the red mist swirling around them.  At one point, there was a rain storm, and Vir had ordered everyone inside one of the decayed buildings they had finally reached.  Everyone had taken it differently.  Shepard and his crew looked apprehensive.  The crews of the Omen and Enterprise were looking over everything with curiosity.  Master Chief, Drake, Cain, the Valhallans, and the Apocalypse’s armsmen were fanned out, weapons raised, clearing corners and rooms as if they were expecting something to pop out of the dark any minute.  Quill and his Guardians merely looked bored.  Again.  
They had moved on further since then, into the city itself.  Huge black buildings, in varying states of decay, loomed ominously through the fog.  The scientists were all muttering to each other as the took readings, while the soldiers had all unconsciously moved into wedge formations.  Drake’s gunship whined overhead, ready to provide close air support at his request.  Some might have called it overkill and over-caution, but Drake hadn’t lived this long by not taking such measures.  
At this point, Vir was starting to get creeped out.  Everything here was… wrong, somehow.  It was like a faint childhood memory that one knew they remembered, but couldn’t actually remember.  The place was… familiar.  Sacred, somehow.  In addition, it was a decayed city with no signs of life, and no signs of what had happened to it.  
“Anyone know what might have happened here?” he whispered to the rest of the group.  Somehow, it felt wrong to raise his voice.  
“No.  Not the Borg’s style,” replied Kirk.  
“Reapers would have been more thorough,” whispered back Shepard.  
“I have no idea…” trailed off Cain.  In actuality, he had a few ideas.  None of them good.  None of them he could say, either.  
They came to a central spot, the roads all branching into what looked to be a main square.  A large building rose up in front of them, looking distinctly human in style.  
“Should we investigate?” asked Shepard.  
“Yes, and no,” replied Drake.  “I think some of us should stay here, outside, to make sure no one attacks our rear, while others go inside to investigate.”
“That makes… tactical sense,” replied Vir with a nodd.  “Alright.  Quill and Chief, along with some of the Enterprise’s crew and Valhallans, stay here.  The rest of you, follow me.”  
The building, as it turned out, was some sort of massive laboratory.  There were test tubes of strange, glowing liquid, some form of massive, incomplete mech hanging on calves, and endless rows of filing cabinets.  There were huge factory floors, complete with conveyor belts, all decayed and rusted into ignominy, and rooms filled with rows upon rows of vats of sludge.  With every passing room, the entering group got more and more apprehensive.  What the hell is this place?  What were they doing?  Vir wanted to yell.  It was all so very strange.  So very… creepy.  
This went on for some time, the invaders of this strange sanctum touching nothing, until they got to a central room.  The heavy blast doors that should have protected it were open.  Not a good sign.  In the center of the room was a pedestal, and upon the pedestal, a glowing white ball.  
“Safeties off,” hissed Drake.  “If there’s an ambush coming, now’s as good a time as any.”  Vir, Wilson, Kirk, and Shepard walked up to the ball. 
“What the hell is this?” asked Shepard warily.
“I don’t know,” replied Vir.  “Maybe… some sort of artifact?  Communication device?  No clue.”  Wilson reached out.  
“Don’t touch it!” screamed Cain and Shepard as one.  It was too late.  As soon as Wilson’s skin made contact with the glowing ball, a blast of pure white energy rang throughout the room, knocking everyone off their feet.  Soldiers flew in tangles of weapons, and scientists stumbled and knocked into walls.
Cain slid on the floor, and shook his head a moment to clear it of the force the ball had unleashed.  He looked around.  The Valhallans stood up, checking their weapons to make sure they were still working.  Shepard’s team stood up, Garrus bringing his rifle around and Samara glowing with blue energy.  Kril and the Salarian scientist stood up.  Rigaldis, leader of the Apocalypse armsmen, pushed himself to his feet.  All of the aliens were fine.  All of the Imperial humans were fine.  But the rest, the other humans…  Cain checked Shepard’s neck for a pulse.  It was there.  They were all alive, but completely unconscious.  
“What the hell was that?” asked one of the Valhallans.  
“Don’t know,” murmured Cain as he studied the unconscious humans.  With a suddenness that caused the medic checking him to recoil, Vir’s one organic eye snapped open.  It looked straight ahead, completely unseeing, and seemed to have an incandescent white glow about it.  The medic waved his hand in front of Vir.  He didn’t blink.  
“Deus…” he murmured, before falling once more into unconsciousness.  Everyone looked around uneasily.  
“What do we do?” asked one of the red shirts. 
“Don’t touch that,” Cain pointed at the white orb, “But bring them outside.  We can’t leave them here.”  
Outside was calm, or, as calm as a planet filled with roiling red fog could be.  Quill and Master Chief walked up to the group, noticing the bodies flung across many of the soldiers’ backs.  
“What the hell happened?” asked the Chief.  
“One of the scientists touched some sort of strange white orb,” replied Cain.  “It knocked them all unconscious.”
“We noticed some sort of burst of white energy,” said Quill.  “Didn’t know what it was.  Now we do, I guess,” he added with a shrug.  
“What do we do now?” asked the Chief once more.  
“It’s a strange, alien artifact, and they seem to be… possessed,” replied Cain.  He didn’t want to say it, but there was no avoiding it.  All of the unconscious humans had a white glow around their eyes.  
“Hmm,” muttered Quill.  “Possessed… I think I know someone who might be able to help us here,” he announced after a moment’s deliberation.  “I’ll send a message to him.”  
“I need to send a message too,” said Cain.  “We need to call in the experts.”
Stay tuned, because next time, the experts will arrive, and things are about to get pretty cool...
As per usual, none of these characters except Drake and his crew belong to me.  If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, requests, or concerns, please, feel free to ask!
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podcastlimbo · 3 years
My honest honest opinion on second citadel season 3
Uhhhh... short answer? I didn’t like it much.
Okay wait before I go on to my long answer I need to say that this is all just my opinion and it’s all subjective. If you liked sc season 3 that’s awesome! I get why you do and I’m glad you enjoyed it!
But I really wasn’t a fan of where they went with it (even from episode 1), and I’m gonna go on a long rambly and repetitive rant about it.
I’m not gonna talk about the way the season ended and the setup for s4 because I haven’t fully formed my opinion about that - to form my opinion means to relisten to the season and i don’t really feel like doing that.
Anyways, these are my unfiltered 2am thoughts about the Rest Of It - maybe I’ll neaten it up later to make it more palatable but for now it’s wordy n messy and you can just. Not read it bc it’ll probably make you mad, or feel free to pick it apart and tell me I’m wrong, or unfollow me (and at least one person has already done so lmao) but like that won’t change the fact that I just wasn’t feeling s3 so uh. That said.
Long answer? I love the second citadel... at least the first two seasons
I love the world building, how the setting is such a unique, deliberate step away from eurocentric fantasy, how refreshing all that is! The Second Citadel (the place) is rich with culture and history from the brief glimpses we get of it (mostly in knight of the crown). Not to mention the monster society, with its own rules (or lack thereof) and environments and personalities.
I love the storytelling, how different mediums are woven into the way each episode is formatted. Rilla has her tape recorder, Damien his prayers, Caroline her letters, and each medium is so well suited to each character, and it truly lets us get a glimpse of what’s going on in their minds, and I find it utterly fascinating how a protagonist of one story could just as easily become an antagonist (or at least, an annoyance) in another
And the characters! Each one so compelling, with their own goals and motivations, their own intriguing backstories and potential.
Most importantly, the way these characters play off of each other is what makes second citadel amazing. Getting to see people with similar experiences but different world views clash (Caroline and Mira), people with fundamentally different beliefs reconcile and meet in the middle (rilla and arum), just, Kabert created so many interesting characters, and watching them bounce off one another is a joy.
And that’s what made season 2 so great for me. The exploration of each character, getting to see their good sides and bad, through either a medium tailored for them, or through interactions with others, as they explored a fascinating world.
The end of season 2 left me so satisfied, but still with so many questions and excitement about what was to come. I wanted to see Talfryn come into his own and step out of his brothers shadow. I wanted to see Damien, Arum and Rilla navigating their new relationship. I wanted to know more of the fate of Rilla’s parents, Damien’s past, the consequences Arum would surely face after defying the monster court. I wanted Marc to finally be recognized by his fellow knights, to watch as Caroline lead the journeymen knights, while learning to trust in others as she was beginning to do. I wanted Angelo continuing to unlearn the implicit biases that had been instilled in him as a result of his upbringing, or more details on Caroline and Quanyii’s relationship. I was also curious!! How would human and monster relations change after the events of the finale? And would we learn more of the past, when humans and monsters lived together in peace?
I was buzzing with excitement for season 3, and then.. it came, it aired, and then it went.
And I felt... meh?
Don’t get me wrong. There were moments that I liked. Some of what I hoped to see did happen (see the above paragraph lmao), getting a glimpse of the western wastes with its own culture a joy. The dynamics between Olala and some of the characters were really fun! And the direction the story took at the end was one I didn’t expect, but left me open to more.
That said,,, everything else about the season just. Didnt gel with me.
Everything I loved about second citadel pretty much wasn’t there??? Aside from Caroline, Angelo and Quanyii, all the characters they spent so much time introducing to us and fleshing out over 2 seasons were just relegated to the side??
I think my main problem with season 3 was that it felt like a completely different show. Characters introduced as part of an ensemble became side characters in (what was supposed to be) their own stories. Character arcs that got set up were dropped, and mysteries/backstories teased were forgotten. Heck, the monster court and senate wasn’t even brought up! The aftermath of the fear bugs attack ont the citadel went unexplored! It’s like nothing in the past season even happened!
And I’m sorry I gotta say this, but the problem is Olala.
I mean. Okay I don’t wanna be super mean- she’s perfectly fine as a character. We root for her, we cry when she cries, and we cheer when she wins the day.
But since all the episodes were centered around her, we didn’t get to see anyone else’s inner worlds. And like okay, yes, they did it for this season of Juno Steel too, where Juno, the previous POV a character for 2 seasons, became a part of an ensemble, and was a side character for many episodes. But this choice worked for Juno and not Second Citadel, because it was a natural progression for his story! We spent 2 seasons exploring Juno’s character, his backstory, his motivations, we saw him come to terms with his family history, grow and change as a person, and by the time he joined the Carte Blanche, we’d gotten to a point with Junos story where we’re okay to step away for a while, and see events through the lens of others.
But that just?? Doesn’t work in second citadel? Because unlike Juno, the characters introduced in s1-2 are virtually unexplored! There’s still so much about their stories we don’t know, and so many ways for them to progress.
But we didn’t get any of that! Stuff established in s1-2 barely got payoff in this season. Characters stagnated, and when previously it was amazing to watch them interact with each other? Having each episode throw different combinations of characters together and seeing how they clashed and came together? Yeah we didn’t get that, it was all the same characters bouncing off of Olala, which is fine at first, but honestly? After the first couple episodes, it got stale.
And remember how before, we would get to see the characters tell their story through a medium suited for them? Well I noticed that the format of this season was a lot moreee audio drama-y (basically a TV show but with no visuals) and while there’s nothing wrong with that, one of SC’s strengths was in using the medium in unique ways, presenting the episodes in unique formats depending on the POV character. And with the exception of a few moments, the season really lacked that!
I know there were episodes in s1-2, like caves of discord and the Janus beast which didnt follow that format, but I think it’s a fan consensus that the episodes that do (moonlit hermit, KOTC lots, lady of the lake) are favourites, because they fully embraced the advantages and limitations those framing devices offered, and were truly perfect for character exploration.
It’s like. Idk. Imagine wolf 359 s3 where the si5 were introduced, and there was like 1-2 episodes of them interacting with the rest of our cast, but then after that the rest of the season just completely focuses on Eiffel and the new characters, and everyone else just disappears n twiddles their thumbs and doesn’t even do anything during the finale. That’s what happened this season, and that’s the kinda weird vibe I’m talking about.
Since I’m already rambling, I might as well just say some more stuff. I was disappointed with the music this season. I can tell Ryan Vibert was trying to figure a way to make SC sound different from Juno, and he was getting there in s1-2! The pieces that stand out now are the soft, acoustic guitar pieces, like Rillas song, or the lone melody line of the guitar in the SC theme. I thought he was getting it with s3e1, when Marc fought the dinosaur while traditional Japanese instruments were playing!! But then for the rest of the season, it was just samey echoey ambient electric guitar, like how it is for Juno. There could’ve been so much potential to give this world its own musical identity, but in the end, that attempt was dropped (at least that’s how it come off to me), just like so many other elements introduced in s1-2!
I’ve gotten this far in my rant, and I haven’t even talked about the story. And the story is. Hmmmmm
Like. It’s completely serviceable? Kabert are good at what they do so the story is a okay I guess? But to be completely honest, the characters and story were so tied together in previous seasons, so much so that in this season, even though the plot was just fine, it stayed just that. Fine. it always felt like there was something missing because the characters were the story, and to have just. So many holes in that department meant that the story itself was fundamentally empty.
Anyways uh. All of this is to say that this all boils down to character. I had my nits to pick with other elements but the fact that Rilla, Arum, Damien, Marc and Talfryn got completely sidelined (Tal most of all) when so much of the previous seasons were spent setting them up- in favour of a completely new storyline featuring new characters and settings when there was still so! Much! Left! Unfinished! From unfulfilled arcs to dynamics left untapped, and creative potential lost, the essence of the show was watered down and it left me with the intense feeling of
Idk. Season 3 felt like a completely different show. I liked s1, I loved a2, but s3 just. isnt second citadel for me. I’ll probably still listen to the next season out of loyalty, but I don’t think I’ll ever feel as passionately about the shows future as I do it’s precious seasons, especially if they continue this way.
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ramheavenandhell · 4 years
The Mortys and their Stories – Chapter 3: Super Morty Fan Morty
AN: As always, it's advised to read chapter 4 of "The Lines between Ricks and Mortys" first. Warnings: surprisingly none for this chapter despite the Morty that it is about (other than that it is kind of lame as far as background stories go)
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The Mortys and their Stories – Chapter 3: Super Morty Fan Morty The first time that Morty met his grandfather, he had been confused by the man. Rick had been so delighted – excited – to finally meet him. Why that was, was something that Morty hadn't understood for a long while. At first, the boy had been a bit weirded out by the scientist since his grandfather treated him as if he was some kind of celebrity. He wore a ski hat that had the form of Morty's head, some badges on his lab coat that looked like his head or had a big red 'M' in front of a yellow background and a t-shirt that also had his face on it. There was also a red dazzler with a big 'M' around his neck, a yellow belt buckle also in the shape of an 'M' and he had a doll that looked like him that spoke weird sentences in a recorded voice that sounded very much like Morty's. Morty truly didn't understand why his grandfather did that or where he even got all of his merchandise. However, after a short time, he stopped caring about that. He actually enjoyed all the attention that he got from the crazy scientist, being the only one that was invited to come along on his adventures. Usually Morty had been below average and aside from the school bullies no one had ever paid him any attention – not even his own family. So, obviously, he was overjoyed to have finally found someone that he considered as a friend, albeit a crazy one that was a hell 'a lot older than he was, but he wasn't one to nitpick about something like that. Things however began to change drastically when his Rick brought him to the Citadel of Ricks for the first time. It was finally at that point that Morty understood where his grandfather had gotten the merchandise but not only that. He was met with the realization that his grandfather wasn't the only Rick there was, but that there were plenty different versions of him throughout the entire multiverse and so many of them were gathered here in this one place. However, this was only something that he took notice of one the side because even more he realized that there were also many different versions of himself. Normally, one would expect that the boy might have felt offended about this, seeing himself so often that he would feel like he was insignificant and nothing special, but that was not the case. In fact, he was in awe as he saw all the many other versions of himself. While most of the Mortys looked exactly the same as him, there were also ones who looked completely different. Like the Aqua Morty who looked like a fish and had to wear a helmet with water inside it so that he could actually breathe on land. Or the Cyclops Morty who had orange skin, pointed ears and only a singular eye – he actually looked a bit intimidating and dangerous. The Robot Morty looked also very interesting. And there was even a Morty whose head was in the shape of a hammer. "Woah! There are so many of them and all they're all different!" Morty said to his grandfather with starry eyes. His Rick could only grin and agree. It was at this point that Morty himself became a fan of Mortys because even though they were essentially the same as him, he thought that they were really awesome and cute. He completely fell in love with them. Loving every chance that he got to interact with them. Also loving to just watch them. So, from this moment on, he also started to dress himself in a similar fashion as his grandfather: He wore a hat in the form of a Morty head, a backpack in similar shape on which he put all of his badges that he bought on the Citadel and a t-shirt with a Morty's face on it. A similar red dazzler to that of his grandfather hung also around his neck, he also wore the same 'M'-shaped belt buckle and he even thought about getting himself a fancy tattoo, but so far only drew 'MORTY' and a heart on his stomach and abdomen. Morty and his Rick seemed to have gotten even closer than before, having now something to talk about excitedly the entire time like all the different looks or lifestyles that Mortys from other dimensions could have. Of course, those new changes didn't go unnoticed by the rest of his family for long. Especially as Jerry found one questionable fanart that the boy had drawn – he had started to actively draw and write fanfictions, too – his parents knew that they had to do something. "I don't know what we should do with him, Beth! Probably admit him to a mental hospital or something because what he does is anything but healthy!" Morty could overhear his father yelling. It wasn't rare that his parents argued with each other, but it was one of the rare times that he was the topic of their argument and they somewhat agreed that things were not okay with him. "A mental hospital, Jerry?! Really?!" his mother argued back. "I don't think that it's that serious that we need to look for medical help. Maybe we can just try to talk with him." "Not that serious?! Have you even looked at the picture that he had drawn?!" was the counter argument. "The boy is narcissistic! A little friendly talk won't just fix that magically! This probably would have never happened if he wouldn't hang out so much with your crazy father!!" "Keep my dad out of this!" "No, if anyone is at fault that our son has developed such a weird tendencies than it's Rick's!" His father thundered and didn't let his mother get another word in. "We should have never allowed him to stay with us! It's only because of your fucked up father complex!! You're probably not even going to care when the old weirdo ends up sexually molesting or even raping our son, do you?!" Morty had heard enough. He was just fed up with everything. He was fed up with his parents trying to stage an intervention – even wanting to go so far as to lock him up in a loony bin. And on top of that they wanted to place the entire blame on his grandfather and would try to kick him out of the house now. His brilliant Rick who had opened his eyes to a whole new world – a whole new level of existence even! No, he wouldn't stand for this anymore. Morty felt actually a little bad for what he was about to do, but he didn't have any other options. He had packed his Morty backpack to the brim with snacks, his block and pencils for drawing his fanart and some of the Morty merchandise that he was able to fit inside. It was in the middle of the night that he secretly snug in the garage. His grandfather had fallen asleep in front of the TV so he knew that it was save to go in there without getting interrupted or stopped by anyone. The boy grabbed his grandfather's portal gun, which rested innocently on top of the workbench. He put in one of the view coordinates that he had memorized – the ones that would bring him to the Citadel of Ricks. Maybe it wasn't the wisest choice and Morty knew that his grandfather would know where he went from the coordinates, but then again since it was the Citadel, maybe he wouldn't find him so easily. Opening a portal against the wall of the garage, Morty put the gun back where he picked it up. Slowly he moved closer to the rip in space and time that presented itself visibly as a swirling green vortex. Morty took one last look back towards the door. He really felt bad for what he was about to do. Not because of leaving his parents and sister behind, but because he was leaving his Rick despite knowing how much the man loved him. It had to be done though. In Morty's mind this was the only option to protect them both. So, he faced the portal again, took a deep breath and then walked through it. The portal closed, leaving no trace behind that it was ever there to begin with. It would take a long while before anyone in the house would rose from their slumber. It would take an even longer while before anyone would notice that Morty was gone. And it would take even longer before Rick would notice that his portal gun had been used. But who knew how long it would take before he would find his boy again… if he ever would.
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Part 12 of Entricked Fates
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 1 of Entricked Fates: Gotta Catch Me Some Morty
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 2 of Entricked Fates: Mortyfied and Rickfused
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 3 of Entricked Fates: Ricking the Routine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 4 of Entricked Fates: Ricks will always be Ricks
Part 5 of Entricked Fates: The Morty-Lover
Part 6 of Entricked Fates: Second Chances AKA The Rick One For Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Part 7 of Entricked Fates: Rickvestigating the Morty Disappearances
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 8 of Entricked Fates: When the Morty’s away, the Rick will play
Part 9 of Entricked Fates: It’s Not His Ricking Fault!
Part 10 of Entricked Fates: I Ricking Hate My Life!
Part 11 of Entricked Fates: The Lines Between Ricks and Mortys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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rickssugarplum · 5 years
Ricky Doll
This one is super long, my longest fic so far so be prepared! ❤
(Rick C-137 x Female Reader) NSFW-ish, Swearing, Fluff, Missing Someone, 2300+ words
You’ve missed Rick for so long and you have a Rick Plushie to fill the void. Rick finds out.
As much as you loved Rick, you couldn’t deny his constant adventures across the galaxy had occupied a lot of his time. You could never tell him, that you secretly wished he would spend less time in different dimensions and more time with you. But you weren’t stupid, Rick wasn’t a person who would be tied down. He was not like other men. He had priorities that were beyond relationships. A man of science could not be tied down. You respected his ways, knowing that telling him otherwise would be futile. But that never changed the fact that whenever he was gone, you felt... lonely. 
Sometimes, you would feel a little hurt when you had gone days without seeing him, or falling asleep alone in your bed. Sure, he gave you a special phone to call him from space, but you didn’t think Rick would want to be bombarded with calls while he was traveling with his grandson, putting them in dire situations. Plus, you didn’t want to seem desperate. Lately though, he had been gone much longer than usual, sometimes going weeks without hearing anything from him. He would text you to let you know he was still alive, which you were thankful for. Still, you really missed him. You longed for his company, to have him hold you, to hear his gruff voice whisper sweet nothings in your ear as he would plant you with kisses, and fall asleep with his warm body beside yours. But you were also loyal. Cheating was never an option for you. You wanted Rick and Rick alone. While you knew he could never be replaced in your eyes, you recently found a temporary solution.
A few months ago, you had been dragged along to the Citadel of Ricks. While the genius had despised the idea of a citadel and thought it was basically a bunch of Ricks living as sheep, he had to make a delivery that would pay a ton of cash. You were pretty freaked out at seeing so many Ricks at once, They were all Rick, but at the same time, they were not. You had seen one Rick cleaning the streets, a few cop Ricks, a lizard Rick, and a few homeless Ricks too. It was a huge city filled with them! You kept by your own though for safety. While your Rick was talking to a client, You had been stopped by a Rick, wearing a brown suit, with some stuffed toys in his hands. “HEY, PRETTY LADY!” he startled the ever-living crap out of you. You were not used to a Rick acting so enthusiastic.“Would you be interested in buying a Rick and Morty doll?” He continued on with his little sales pitch. “Only twenty-five flurbos for you own stuffed companion!” He exclaimed. Companion. That was something you were missing lately, you had contemplated that it was a stupid idea, but it would be funny to have. You agreed to purchase the stuffed Rick doll, and exchanged with some flurbos Rick had given you from a trip to Blips and Chitz. The salesman handed the doll over and as you looked at it more closely. It was, oddly adorable.
It was near life-size. The stitching on the face captured his expression accurately. Its eyes were stitched to appear half lidded, lips in a thin line, perfectly capturing Rick’s resting expression. The spikes of his wild blue hair had were sprawling over the doll’s head. You ran your fingers through the material and it was soft to the touch, just like his hair. The skin was the same grey shade and the fabric of the clothes were cheaply made. But look wise, it looked amazing. And you had nothing to complain about. You just had to find a way to hide it from Rick. Surely, he’d make fun of you for buying a freaking stuffed toy, like a 6-year-old. Luckily, the citadel had a free service that offered to drop off anything to your chosen destination via a drop-off portal close by. You quickly entered the coordinates, and threw your new plushie through it. Not even a minute after, Rick returned by your side, 6,000 flurbos richer. You simply followed him as he shot a portal to leave the weird city. You never told him about the salesman, you never tell him about your purchase. Had no thought of telling him either. It wasn’t a big deal.
Weeks had gone by and you hadn’t seen Rick since. The loneliness you felt in your heart only intensified with each passing day without him. At night, you would take the doll out of your closet, smiling as you looked into its felt eyes. You would bring it to bed with you and hold it, wishing it was really him. Sometimes you would play with its hair as you drifted off to sleep. That had been a habit of yours when Rick stayed over. His hair was so soft, you couldn’t help running your hands through it, not that he minded.  You felt you might have gone insane by sleeping with a stuffed version of your lover. But honestly, it helped you process throughout the day, knowing you would get to fall asleep with something physically similar at least. All you had to do is think of him, and he would be in your heart.
In the dark, you were sleeping, clutching onto the plush. The silence was interrupted when a bright green portal swirled to your room, Between the loud warping sound of the transportation and the bright effect it had, you woke up almost immediately. 
“Mmph...” You hated being woken up in the middle of the night but your heart almost leaped out of your chest when you heard a familiar husky voice calling you.
“Hey, I’ve been texting you all night! What the fuck wer-” He stopped when he saw a lump beside you on the side of the bed he would usually sleep, his side of the bed. Rick’s brow furrow furiously, face becoming red; fuming. He looked ready to kill.
“MotherFUCKER!” He screamed as he launched into your bed dragging the source of his anger out of the bed.
“What the fuck, Rick!?” you shouted, now fully awake. 
Next thing you see is him on the ground, punching the stuffed toy, with no rational thought in his body.
“Rick, STOP!!” you demanded, but he would not budge. You watched, freaking out as he kept assaulting his current target.
“She’s MINE, you fucking asshole!!” He screamed out, he was so pissed off, he couldn’t see, or care to see what kind of damage he would potentially do to the victim of his rage.
You jumped off your bed, running to the light switch and turning it on, revealing all of the room, including what had Rick seething with jealousy.
“You’re fucking dead you piece o-” He paused for a second, getting a better view of what he had been pummeling to the ground. It was.....soft, much softer than a human, he looked at his victim’s face and it was like looking in a mirror. It was...him? But a softer version, he examined the damage and he noticed, bits of cotton stuffing escaped on parts of the arm and chest.
“W-w-what the hell? Rick blurted out. Standing up, he picked up the soft item and looked at you, confused at what was going on. Your eyes shamefully moved to the floor, not wanting to see his face. “What is this??” he finally asked you.
“It’s a plush.....of you.....” you muttered, embarrassed. He saw the thing that had been a temporary fill-in for him.
“Where’d you get this?” He asked, he looked slightly intrigued and curious.
“At the citadel. While you were with that client. A salesman Rick approached me selling Rick and Morty dolls” you giggled, thinking about it. “I thought it would be kinda funny to have so...I bought one.” you explained, nervously rubbing the back of your neck, eyes darting across the room. This was honestly really humiliating. He still had one more question though.
“Well, w-w-why was it in your bed?” He could see your point about having it as a funny little gift, but he still didn’t understand why you were sleeping with it.
Now you were completely in an awkward position, you had no real choice but to answer him truthfully. There was no point in lying to him. You took a deep breath before you finally answered.
“It’s just that.....you haven’t been around lately. You’re off doing all these crazy adventures and working on new inventions and I just....really missed you..” you admitted. “I had it mainly to fill the void of you not being here... I’d hug it and would think of you...Nothing and no one can ever replace you, but, it has helped me a little when I really wanted you around...” you finished.
The cat was out of the bag now. He knew the truth. You told the god’s honest truth about how you just missed him and used the doll to cope with his absence.  You mentally prepared yourself to face his ridicule, to hear him mockingly laughing at you for your sentimental, clingy, teenage mentality bullshit. To tell you to grow the hell up and get over the fact he was gone and that you look stupid sleeping with a damn doll. You looked up to see Rick’s face and see his reaction, which had surprised you.
He was looking at the plush that he just mere moments ago had been beating the shit out of. He sneaked in a slight smile. He was actually kind of touched that you missed him so much that you had a doll that resembled him to make yourself feel better about him not being there. In his expression, you saw something else; guilt. Rick knew he had been gone a little longer than he should’ve been. He never liked leaving you alone for so long, he had just had so much on his plate lately and didn’t have time to visit you or take you anywhere. After a while of silence, Rick finally looked up to you.
“Oh baby....” He said as he placed the doll on the edge of the bed. He was making his way over to you, opening his arms.
“C’mere.” Rick wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace. Your body warmed up at his hold. It had been so long since you had seen him, heard him, felt him. A smile crept on your face as you closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment. You were listening to his soft heartbeat that always made you feel safe, let you know he was there, alive and well. That was something the doll could never replicate. Rick finally spoke up.
“I’m so sorry I haven’t been around. I nev-I never wanted to be away for so long, Shit’s just been so crazy lately. I’m sorry you’ve been so lonely.” he apologized as his hand was rubbing your back soothingly. 
“I’m here now, baby...” 
You had listened to every word he said and he sounded so sincere. You had no reason to doubt him. Sure he loved science, but he knew that it was important to let go sometimes. He was always able to do that with you.
“I missed you so much...” you told him, as you were melting in his arms.
“I know. I know, babe...” he muttered. He bent down to kiss the top of your head, rocking you gently in place. “I missed you too....” he confessed quietly. 
Looking up at him, you gave him a warm smile and leaned in closer to his face. Rick leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. It was very soft and welcoming. Then it became more passionate. You felt his tongue sneak into your mouth, making you giggle with excitement. More than happy to let him in, you wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed back with the same amount of need. It had been too long.
To your surprise, Rick lifted you up as you yelped and wrapped your legs around his waist. He carried you over to the bed and gently laid you down. Before long, he crawled on top of you and attacked your mouth again with lustful kisses. You sighed and shivered at his touches. He stopped to breathe and looked in your eyes. You were dazed to say the least. Then, you felt Rick lightly press his lips to your jaw, leaving you gasping. “Baby....” he muttered into your ear. “I-I-I’ll make it up to you. I promise...” He started moving down to kiss your neck. No biting like he would usually do, just soft lips against your body, worshipping it. He stopped for a moment. Your heart sped up as you watched him take off his lab coat and throw it across the room. He crushed his lips back on yours. He looked in your eyes and whispered, “Mmm...I got a looot of time to make up for.” Crashing his lips again, your fingers traveled to touch his soft hair. His hair. Not some material meant to feel similar attached to a plush doll. You had Rick again at last, and relished in euphoria. You couldn’t get enough.
“Rick...I need you...” you begged as you couldn’t stop touching him.
“Don’t worry baby...” He peppered your neck with kisses again. It seemed he couldn’t get enough of you either. “I-I’m not going anywhere....I’m aallll yours, sweetheart.....” he proclaimed in a whisper. “I’m the oooonly toy you need now.”
Laughing, you caught his lips once more as you both enjoyed each other’s company.
The drought had ended. Rick was finally back by your side, giving you the love and affection you sought from him and him only. While you had no intention of getting rid of the plush toy, it would have to get used to being in your closet for awhile. Because, your Rick would always be your favorite doll.
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 5 years
Witness: Owlship
Creator name (AO3): Owlship
Creator name (Tumblr): v8roadworrier
Link to creator works: https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/owlship
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: i am still asking myself this question! something about fury road grabbed me at just the right point in my life to interest me, and the people & community i found have been just wonderful at keeping me feeling interested & connected. i love that the world presented is clearly well thought-out and cohesive, while at the same time allowing for a huge variety of explorations even while staying strictly within the bounds of canon.
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: well, it's pretty clear that i adore the relationship between max & furiosa, since they star in 90% of my fics, and au's are kind of my thing. i don't consciously have a style that i write in- i just try and write more-or-less what i think could reasonably happen, i suppose, and to be honest i think of my actual writing as pretty utilitarian, rather than anything with a nice artistic style. probably the most frequent recurring theme in my fics is pining leading up to a happy ending, and i like to think i flirt with miller's idea of "engage to heal" pretty frequently as well.
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: i have fun with all my fics, or else they don't get written! i'm not good at making myself do things i don't want to do, especially if the only reason to be writing fic is to have fun in the first place. most difficult would probably be "birds in last year's nest" (the omega!max fic) because i really wanted to handle the issues in it well, while the easiest to get written was "out of the bag" (cat!furiosa) despite its length because it basically just wrote itself. my most popular is definitely "around the corner" (petshop au), which has a very dear place in my heart even if it's not the most polished of my fics. my favorite is usually whichever i've published most recently :)
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: hopeful above all, with a good balance of gritty and soft, depending on the particular fic. i like to explore the realistic effects of things, but i'm also happy to gloss over the tricky details in favor of fluff. i've only written one fic with an unhappy ending so far and i don't see myself adding to that number anytime soon, and i am just not great at humor so i avoid trying to be funny.
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: my writing process is simple: i get an idea (usually i steal it), i bundle myself up in bed, and then i do other things while writing a sentence or two every few hours. sometimes i get into the groove and can bash out a few thousand words in a day, other times i flounder for weeks without anything holding my interest. when i do write i always work chronologically, which means finding the actual start of the fic can take a few tries, and figuring out the end can be difficult if i haven't really filled in the details in my head yet. for rough patches i put my head down and try to force words out, but if it doesn't want to happen i just let it go and move on, unless it's for a gift, or something like nanowrimo where i want those bragging rights. i don't use written outlines or keep notes of anything, which is a bad habit but one i can't shake. if it's not important enough for me to remember, how important was it really in the first place?
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: right now it's finding the motivation to write when i've got other stuff going on in my life, especially on days when i am tired out even on my days off. other than that- staying focused on a project long enough to get it finished! i also struggle with juggling multiple characters especially in the same scene, making sure that everyone gets their turn and sounds authentic.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: my writing, both in terms of technical skills and how i compose a story, has just improved leaps and bounds since i started writing fics, thanks in large part to the feedback i'm lucky enough to get, as well as the sheer volume i've been able to put out. i've definitely learned a lot about what kinds of ideas interest me to write, which is not necessarily the same things i want as a reader.
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: i probably relate to max the most, or at least the version of him that lives in my head- it's easy for me to get inside his pov, but that means i have to stop myself from making *every* fic his pov! furiosa is a close runner up in terms of how much i like writing her, which is lucky because she's the other 50% of my fics, but it's a lot harder for me to get inside her head, so i have to pay attention more to what i'm doing when i write her.
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: i probably do, but not intentionally. of course i use my own experiences and feelings when writing, but i always try to translate them to the mindset of whoever i am writing. it's just been drilled into my head too many times that writing yourself as a character is not what you are supposed to do, i think.
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?
A: max & furiosa, 100%. platonic, romantic, as soulmates, as enemies- i love every possible permutation of how they can interact with each other since they're so similar but still very distinct. i love how much of their relationship is unspoken but perfectly understood- or not, and how that can set up their interactions.
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: i pay a hell of a lot more attention to what's happening in canon, and pick apart even minor gestures or bits of speech to really drill down into the character's heads. if i was just watching the movie(s) to enjoy them, i'd stay a lot more surface level instead of analyzing details like what the interior of the war rig says about furiosa, or what's in max's kit at the beginning of the movie vs the middle, etc.
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: nearly all of my works are unrelated. i love coming up with little tweaks that don't really effect anything but might contradict each other (which of the wives takes on what role post-canon, how long it takes before max comes back for the first time, etc), and writing in a single series would mean i'd have to address those differences. short fluff or pwp pieces where the entire fic is just a single scene tend to share enough similarities that you could imagine they take place in the same 'verse, but to be honest, that's just me being lazy ;b
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: canon is fake and the author is dead! that said, i do actually try and stick as close to the canon facts as possible unless it's something i'm deliberately changing, because after all without canon there wouldn't be any shared understanding of the characters that makes fanfic possible. this is one of the trickiest parts about writing an au, because i have to find the right balance of familiarity to canon with what's different about each au in order to have the changes i make to the characters/setting/etc make sense to the reader.
Q: Where do you get your ideas for your AUs?
A: all sorts of places! some of them are given to me- i love prompts- others i steal from other fandoms, like bodyswap or wings or turning furiosa into a cat, some i search out via idea generators, and at this point i honestly can't watch/read any new stories without going "but how can i turn this into an au??" i also like to say "what if" almost *constantly* and sometimes that leads to full fics, other times i just make a post on tumblr with some half-baked ideas of how it could work out. what if furiosa's mother didn't die before the movie? what if max had a pet dragon? what if it started raining and didn't stop? it's honestly harder for me to write a strictly canon fic at this point :)
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: i actually don't have a ton that apply to every fic, because i like switching things up- but here's some ones taken for granted in 99.99% of my canonverse fics: furiosa lives after the end of the movie without any major complications, max comes back to the citadel at some point, furiosa has her own room with not much more than a bed, a workbench, and a window, the war boys are willing to accept the wives as the new rulers (and that the wives form a council rather than a dictatorship), and somehow the bullet farm & gastown fall into line with the citadel's new way of thinking. also, max has a sweet tooth and furiosa doesn't remember most of her dreams.
Q: What advice can you give someone who is struggling to make their own works more interesting, compelling, cohesive, etc.? 
A: something i try to keep in mind at all times is: write for yourself and not your audience. does your heart of hearts want to ship those two characters? hell yeah make 'em kiss. have a scene that is super cliche or over the top but you can't stop thinking about? write it! your stories need to be interesting to you first and foremost, because a reader absolutely can sniff out the difference between a scene you thought would be "good" and one you had fun with. you can always edit later to shape your fic into a different direction if you feel like you need to.
Q: Have you visited or do you plan to visit Australia, Wasteland Weekend, or other Mad Max place?
A: i've been to wasteland weekend twice now and hope to visit many more times in the future! it's a super fun experience in general, and it's also helped me get a feel for what a mad max world would really be like, rather than just relying on my imagination. i'd love to visit australia some day, both for mad max and other reasons, but ideally not while there's an apocalypse going on.
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: *throws dart at gdocs* let's see.... i've got a fic started where furiosa is a viking, and after a raid gone wrong she ends up injured at max's farm where she has to learn the language and customs and come to terms with being his slave (until they fall in love, obviously). haven't worked on that one since july but hey, it's not going anywhere.
Thank you @v8roadworrier
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taz-writes · 6 years
1, 12, 27 for that fantasy ask meme?
Hi! i’m answering this pretty late because I got busy! 
01. which world is your favorite? least favorite? why?
Feilan’s definitely my favorite fantasy world that I’ve created, just because it’s so old and so precious to me as a person that I will never stop adoring it. It’s got a lot of depth, because I’ve spent years and years making up ridiculous nonsense and then trying to explain it. 
I think the least favorite fantasy world I’ve tried to build was… I dunno. I’ve forgotten what I named it, because I scrapped it for being kind of a weird racist mess. I made it when I was in fifth grade and thought it was fine, but then I grew up and started looking at it and realized that it had all kinds of unfortunate implications that I’d been totally oblivious to. I didn’t know how to fix those, and the good parts of the ‘verse weren’t good enough to be worth saving, so it went bye-bye. Least favorite fantasy world that isn’t mine and that I didn’t make is a tough question, but I am very disappointed in a lot of YA fantasy worlds because so many of them seem really uninspired. They get treated as set dressing for a romance and that’s the end of it. 
12. is there an ocean in your story? what kind of creatures lurk in it?
Yes, there is! My fairies actually spend a lot of time there in book 2. It’s home to the underwater nation of Marazzia, home of the mersprites. My mersprites are… special people. I have a personal grudge against mermaids, but I’m fond of my interpretation anyways. They’re the diplomats of the sea! Since their home nation lies between the two major continents of the world, they find themselves in the middle of a lot of international trade and drama. They’ve taken advantage of this to control intercontinental trade and travel, even going as far as to negotiate and arbitrate surface wars and conflicts. Peace makes good business. And if you would choose to break the peace, well… you won’t be very welcome when you’re marooned in still waters, will you? Mersprites do not have internal aura magic like fairies, but they are masters of manipulating the magic in their environment. They’ve perfected the art of creating magical wands and amulets, including the amulets commonly used for physical shapeshifting and transformation. Visitors to Marazzia are often loaned diplomat amulets which let them take the shape of mersprites and travel underwater themselves, and the mersprites will engage in surface diplomacy using amulets that turn them human for a while. Rumor has it that the mersprites who speak with surface-dwellers wear some kind of amulet even under the water, to appear pleasant and pleasing to the eye. This sounds ridiculous, but they do look quite a lot like humans with pretty scaled tails, despite sometimes living at the depths of ocean trenches where light wouldn’t even reach for them to sea with…
27. is there a castle? what does it look like?
Hell yeah! There are a few of them, actually. 
The castle on Eth Zantaara is Kyrina’s stronghold. It’s pretty squat and wide, built up on a mountain face with one big fat tower. It looks like a kid drawing, Kyrina designed it herself when she was like 4 or 5 and blew an unfair amount of the country’s budget on construction. 
The Great Castle, Feilan’s most iconic building, is SUPER impressive. It’s located in Lanorium and has been the seat of royal power for thousands of years before Kyrina’s regents moved the capitol. It was built in the Age of Light, before written history, and the architectural techniques used to create it have been lost to time. It is SO huge and SO tall that it’s visible for miles, and it could potentially house the whole population of the surrounding city inside its walls. It consists of seven towers next to each other, like… symmetrical panpipes is the image I’m coming up with right now, surrounded by gardens. The towers feature spectacular and ENORMOUS multi-story stained glass windows, plus an opalescent finish to the stone that’s unique to the castle. Once again, nobody knows how they did that. It’s iconic enough that the castle is featured on Feilan’s currency as a symbol of the nation! The castle’s insides are also spectacularly huge. There’s a whole orchard and small farm located in one of the towers, which produces enough food to make the castle self-sustaining. There’s also a big cathedral, and a ballroom with special marble flooring that reflects dancers’ magical auras. Unfortunately, the westernmost tower was severely damaged in the fire that killed the previous Queen and Prince Consort, and due to the age of the architecture it’s unable to be fully repaired. The damage is visible from the outside as a nasty black char over much of the tower’s walls, and the nice pointed roof has caved in. 
The Tsi Citadel also sort of counts as a castle, although the royal family’s home is more of a palace, since it’s not fortified. The whole city is built up in the canopy of the Tsi Forest, reaching somewhere around 200 feet in the air. It’s surrounded by an ancient, crumbling wall, reinforced by vines and built onto the surrounding valley. There’s an old fortress down there too, but it’s been surrendered to the undergrowth. It’s safer and easier to live up in the trees. The aesthetic is…well, I’ve been describing it to people as Lothlorien but chunkier, and that’s pretty accurate. It’s very surreal and inhuman-looking, but also very strong. The architecture is modeled after traditional Germanic aesthetics. 
The Irkatzi Palace in V’Ianor is also worth mentioning, just because it’s really pretty. Like the Tsi city, V’Ianor is a treehouse town, but the aesthetic is TOTALLY different. Most of the trees in V’Ianor are pines, so the buildings often look like they’re on stilts supporting themselves on slimmer tree trunks. There’s an East Asian look to the designs, I’m still working out which specific type of East Asian but right now I’m leaning Chinese or Vietnamese. They’re similar looks but with different cultural implications. The Irkatzi palace is no exception, it has those gorgeous pagoda-style curved rooftops and some very nice detailing on the walls. The overall look is more graceful than the Tsi, very angular but very precise. A little elven. There’s water everywhere. The Irkatzi associate themselves with the goddess Harmonine and believe that their people came from the sea, and this expresses itself in water art, so their palace is full of these gorgeous enchanted streams and waterfalls that are guided through thin air using magic. Sculpting these water formations is a traditional Irkatzi art form. The palace has very famous water gardens in its courtyard. 
Thanks so much for the ask! I really love talking about my worldbuilding, it’s something I’m very proud of even though it’s still a work in progress in a lot of ways. 
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