#no one should be making ANY money off of it
woso-dreamzzz · 3 days
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Sam Kerr x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You go to IKEA
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It was Guro's fault.
Everyone could agree on that, though Guro insisted it was actually Millie's fault for bringing up the idea of a trip to IKEA in the first place.
Everyone else disagreed because Guro was the one that was meant to be holding your hand before you disappeared.
Either way, you were gone and they were fucked.
"I mean," Erin says as they wander through the winding halls of IKEA," She's Swedish so this place must be a second home. She's probably not lost."
"She's practically a baby," Millie replies bluntly, dipping into one of the showrooms to check you're not hiding there," I think we should be more worried about someone kidnapping her."
"You don't think she's been kidnapped, right?" Guro asks, gnawing on her bottom lip as she glances around," I mean, no one actually kidnaps kids, nowadays? Right? I thought we've moved past that."
"No one's kidnapped her!" Sam insists," She's somewhere around this place. We'll grab her and not let Magda and Pernille know she even got lost."
The others nod in agreement before Millie makes the choice to split everyone up. They'd cover more ground by themselves and hopefully find you a bit quicker.
IKEA is already a maze for normal people. She doesn't want to think about how confusing it must be for such a little kid.
Although, you don't think you're lost at all. It's not your fault that Guro got distracted by something and told you that you were free to wander for a little bit. You didn't mean to go so far and out of sight but this shop is exciting.
It got even more exciting when you hit the toy section. There's lots of toys for you to choose from so you're not quite sure which one you would like.
All of them would be a good choice but Momma only gave you a little bit of money to spend and you're just learning your numbers but you know that it's not enough to buy everything.
That's a little sad but Morsa's always told you that you can't have everything so this must be one of those times.
You keep staring at them though, eyes wide as you try to decide which one you want to take home with you.
You can hear movement behind you, footsteps pounding on the shiny floor. You don't turn around though.
This shop is busy so it must be someone trying to find something. You don't want to get in their way so you press a bit closer towards the toys.
Sam doesn't want to let you remain lost any longer and she certainly doesn't want to call Magda and Pernille to let them know.
Her feet pound against the linoleum as she tries to find you.
Erin's stayed behind to check where they've lost you while Sam, Millie and Guro have moved forward to check in the other areas you could have wandered to, peeling off from each other to cover more ground.
Sam's hoping she can sprint to the exit before you can get there with your little legs. Even if she can't, she's sure none of the staff will ignore a little girl wandering around by herself so hopefully, one of them can nab you and announce your disappearance through the tannoy system.
Sam's sprinting so fast that she almost misses you.
Before she got to take you out for the day, Magda and Pernille made her memorise what you're wearing, just in case you wandered off a bit like now. She'd been made to stand on their doorstep with her eyes closed as she recited exactly what you wearing, straight down to your sock colour and pattern.
It comes in handy now as, out of the corner of her eye, Sam catches sight of the exact same colour of your shirt and leggings.
She skids to a stop, turning around to look properly.
You're right there, head tilted up to study the big bear toy in the crate in front of you.
You recognise the sound of Sam's voice behind you and turn to look at her.
"Sam!" You say," I have enough?"
You hold out your fistful of money out to her to inspect.
"I have enough money for the bear?" You elaborate, pointing at the toy you want and shaking your hand to draw her attention back from your face to your money.
"You scared us!" Sam says instead," Why did you leave?"
You frown. "I didn't leave. Guro said I could walk by myself for a bit."
Sam's just about to tear her hair out at your clear misinterpretation of Guro's words. "Okay, well-"
"Sam!" Guro comes sprinting up behind her. "Pernille's calling! What do I do?!"
You tilt your head to the side in confusion. "Why are you scared of Momma calling?"
"Oh my god! We found you!"
"I found her," Sam replies, rolling her eyes.
"I didn't hide!" You say stubbornly, stamping your foot on the ground," Making a new friend!" You point at the big bear you want to buy.
"That's nice," Guro says before her phone is pressed against your ear," Talk to Pernille."
"Hi Momma!" You chirp," I'm buying a bear!"
"Hi, princesse," Pernille coos in your ear, finally feeling settled and calm now that Guro finally picked up her fifth call," Are you having fun?"
You nod before realising this is a phone call and Momma can't see you so you speak again," Yes! Sam was running to find-"
Sam's hand covers your mouth and she hurries to speak. "To find a new lamp! Helen broke my last one."
At home, Pernille frowns, waving over Magda and putting the phone on speaker.
"You were running to find a new lamp?"
Sam chuckles awkwardly. "Er...yeah...I'm really into lamps. Did I not tell you?"
It's clear this is the first time Magda's hearing of it too, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Sam?" She asks.
Sam squeaks hearing Magda's voice and her own goes very high pitched as she replies. "Yes, Magda?"
"What kind of lamp do you recommend?" Magda asks," I've been thinking of getting a new one."
"Er...One that fits next to your bed?"
"Uh-huh. What about decoration? Just plain or pattern?"
"Er...I think...Erm...You can get patterned lamps?"
Magda rolls her eyes. "Put my daughter on the phone, Sam." There's a rustle. "Princesse, can you tell me what Sam was searching for?"
"She thought I was hiding!" You giggle and Magda can hear squabbling in the background. "Which is silly because I wasn't! I think she thought I was lost!"
You keep giggling and Pernille takes a very deep breath.
"Princesse," She says," Please put Sam and Guro back on the phone, please. Morsa and I need to talk to them."
"Okay, Momma!"
"Sam, Guro," Magda says through clenched teeth," You get Erin and Millie and you get back to this house within the hour."
"Do-Do we have to?"
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shuenkio · 1 day
Honeymoon 🌹
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Paring: Heeseung X male!reader
Genre: Fluff & Smut
Cw: heavy nsfw ;) cum inside, belly bulge, unprotected sex etc
Summary: You want to ride that crazy cow ride, so hee offers you a free ride.
Read at your own risk.
Word: 2.5k
Lack of massive perfect words, pardon me if it overdoes [words]
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Getting married to Heeseung after knowing each other for quite some time was a great experience. He was lovely, is a gentleman, loves to take care of you, and he's also a grandma's boy. You've never seen him cursing or doing dirty stuff like normal adults do; instead, he was soft toward you, as if you were his diamond. Or maybe he never showed up? 
He decided to take you to his home for your Honey Moon together since he wanted to show you where he was growing up. 
You agreed without any second thought; before the next thing you know, you're already standing under the hot sunlight, shining through your hat. The wind, the fresh air, and the summer felt so ascending. 
"This is amazing, hee!" You said as you breathed in the cold breeze to your lungs. This is better than city life 360°. 
"I know you would like it, Bob. Now let's go to my grandparents's house; we're going to stay there for a few days." He uttered as a soft smile spread over his face, signing in relief as you loved his idea of coming here.
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Arriving at the destination, Heeseung's grandparents immediately came out and greeted both of you with a warm welcome. Not only do they support you, but they also love you as if you're their grandchild and treat you like everyone else. 
They help to move your luggage and stuff, even though you insist they should not; however, it won't work for them. They also prepared your shared room with Heeseung with a lot of decorations that fit your personality, which show how much they're dragged into your background. 
Thanking them is not enough; you want to pay back for all their hard work by showing your gratitude. Again, they won't let you, as they said your presence was more than enough for them. You were touched by their words, as you're on the edge of a crying river, but Heeseung was there to comfort you, or else you would look so ugly in front of them. They're so sweet. 
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During the day, after spending a night at Heeseung's grandparent's house, they suggested your husband take you somewhere nice for your honeymoon because Heeseung is an outside person. He knew a lot of places, and he was born here too, so don't question him. 
Your husband thought for a while before making up his mind by taking you to the racetrack, where people love going there for horse riding, competition, bets for money, and many more thrilling events. 
Your eyes filled with sparks when he recommended Racetrack for your date. You immediately said yes in an aggressive, cute manner. He was giggling at your reaction, smiling from ear to ear as he adored you even more. 
"Okay, then let's go!" 
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At the racetrack. 
Heeseung brought two tickets for both of you for the show of horse racing. The horse racing was epic; you've never seen such a thing like this before since you're a city boy. 
Now you've realized that this is better than any sports you've watched, and you prefer watching this instead of football because, why not? This is so addictive; riding at a fast pace, reaching for the goal, definitely gives the rollercoaster feeling. 
The show comes to an end with a winner, the one you're rooting for as You scream in victory and celebrate the moment with other people. Your lover was standing there beside you, a bit jealous that you forgot about him; however, he just shrugged it off and formed a delightful smile. Seeing you're happy makes him happy too, putting jealousy back away. 
Making your way back home, out of the venue, your eyes suddenly lay on a carnival event. It's a crazy cow ride, where many people come to challenge a bull machine that moves at a wild speed. You release your hand from your husband's grip before running to see. I left Heeseung all alone once again as he scoff in upset with your childish behavior. 
"Love! Love, can I ride that?? It's so cool." You said your eyes turned into stars watching the kids ride that crazy machine. Heeseung narrowed his eyebrow and took a closer look as he shook his head as a sign of no. 
"Awwae, why not? I want to ride that, please." You beg, with your puppy eyes, for your husband's permission, but still, he's disagreeing. As he intertwined your hand, taking you home.
"Nope bob! It's getting late now, and that thing looks dangerous. You don't want to end up at the hospital, don't you?" He responds, barely looking at you while he's talking, which upsets you even more. 
"But come on, love, it was once. I swear, I rarely come to a place like this. Give your husband a chance, please." You left no choice but to try all your methods to melt his heart, but nothing seemed to work on him; he was already ignoring you. 
You pout in disappointment; let it be as you let out a heavy sign as a result. 
A few minutes later, he suddenly spoke. 
"There's something you can ride at home; stop sulking or I'll kiss your swollen lips." He finally broke his silence. In return, a joyful frown appears on your face, jumping in happiness.
"Really, but what kind? Like that machine one? There's another place nearby your grandparents house." You started to question him with a lot of questions. He answered with only one word. 
"You'll see yourself, and it's also the real one." Heeseung replies, bending down to your level before whispering to your ear in a low, seductive tone. His hot breath hits your skin, giving you unexpected goosebumps.
"Tsk, I'll look forward to it then, but if you're lying to me, you're dead." 
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Walking into the room, you throw your body on the soft king bed size; you didn't even bother to get changed since you're too tired to do so. You nuzzle your face, dipping to the bed sheet, breathing in no space air, before you feel a warm hug pressed behind your back with his head brushing into the crooked of your neck. 
"Hmm?" You hum in response, asking what he wanted, until something poked hard underneath your tailbone. You immediately open your eyes from your rest, knowing too well what exactly he wants. 
"Sigh* yes, I want to start this with you, love." Heeseung said, his tone almost sounding guilty. You roll your eyes, lost in thought, asking him to leave your body. As you turn around, look at your surroundings. 
"Bu-.. Y'know, are you thinking what I am thinking? This is your grandparents house." You utter, almost whisper, anxious at the idea that someone might catch both of you doing this couple stuff in the house, especially his grandparents. 
Heeseung laughed under his throat, with a mix of excitement and humor. He moved closer to you as he cupped your face, looking at your endearment. 
"Love! Once I closed this room's door, not even a single fly could interrupt us. This room is noisy.  proof even if you're scream nobody gonna hear ya~" Heeseung mutters as his gaze grows darker at the thought of having you under him. You almost jaw-dropped upon hearing the dirty talk from your husband. This is probably just the beginning; what will come more once he gets full control of you?
"Wow, you're something darling, I have never seen you're like this before." You stutter. His eyes are burning, full of lust and desire, like a wolf wanted to breed its mate, dominant them until they're satisfied. 
You move backwards using the strength in your arm until your back hits the headboard. 
"I want to make sure, do you really want to have s- uh se-" 
"Yes, I want to fuck you, mn! Don't be shy; this is our honeymoon after all, didn't it?" He smirked as his hand traced down on your skin in ecstasy. Your breath hitched at his touch; he was so good at this. Not even a day you'd thought one day you would have sex with him, since he's too good at hiding his wild side. 
"Now do I have your permission, my love?" He licks his lip, patting like a puppy, as he feels like his bulge is getting more painful in these clothes. 
You nod slowly and accept your fate. Heeseung is full of surprises. Even though you're now his husband, there are too many things he is hiding from you for real. 
He began to take your clothes off piece by piece until you left with nothing but a naked body, which turned him on even more at your milky smooth skin. The heat in his body is getting out of control, begging to claim you sooner. 
He soon ripped out his t-shirt and unbuckled his belt.Now both of your clothes are all over the floor, and your two naked bodies lie on the bed, ready for the real moment to start. 
"One moment, mn." Heeseung stood up on his feet, went to close the door, and locked it as he found something in his bag. Then he pulled out a labricate.
Your mind went blank. Question yourself about how the hell he had that without your knowing. As you deep down in your mind, you remember the word he said—that he would take you to the crazy cow ride—but look at you and him now—very unholy. 
Unexpectedly, He pulls your hip with both of his hands, making your head fall to the pillow. He positions himself in front of your entrance as he puts liquid on his huge cock and your hole.
"Hee hee, this is my first time!" You state it out of the blue, which makes him tilt his head in return. You expect a shock reaction from him; however, instead of confusion, a big grin spread across his face. He looks really happy right now after hearing that. 
"Even better, love; don't worry, I'll be gentle." 
You gulp down, ready for what is coming for you, with a mix of thrilling and nervous. 
Without further ado, he put a tip inside you, and as a result, the two of you moan in unison. His head was big enough to spread your hole, rolling his hip to warm you up to get used to his massive size. 
"Please put it in Heeseung; I want you." Your words slipped out of your mouth after you adjusted to the warm skin inside your asshole. His crotch was so big that you wanted them pulsing inside you to ruin your beautiful pink hole. 
Heeseung didn't waste his time, pushing his shaft all inside in a swift motion. Once he's fully in, he begins to move slowly, still respecting your first-time experience. 
His cock is not going to lie; feel too good for you to not grip on the bedsheets underneath. He's making your body tremble and shiver as a small belly bulge is visible on your skin, even though he's just pushing at a slow pace. 
"Faster love! I want faster; I don't care anymore." You said this as you were still catching your breath at his slower speed. What will happen if he pounds on you like an animal? 
"Your wish is my command, my little husband," he said, squeezing tight on your leg and throwing both of your legs on his shoulder. The next thing you know, he slams his crazy big cock inside you at rapid speed. Not even warning you. 
Thumps thumps
The wet noise started to occur in the empty room, and with every pound he pushed in, his lower abdomen was always pressed against your butt cheeks, making you squirm in no time. 
His cock spread your wall, almost tearing you into two, but as he continued to fuck you in, the painful feeling faded away, leaving only the arousal inside. Since this is your first time, naturally, your ass is clenching on his cock like a baby grip. 
He cried out in gasps; your hole sent a shockwave to him. As he continues to grind his hip, jerking inside you, chasing for pleasure and climax,. 
He increases his speed with every thrust once he gets full control and access to your body when your entrance gets used to his cock. 
You catch out of your guard, and after he quickly changes his position, he puts you on top of his stomach, still buried inside of you, as he lay on the bed instead. 
"You said you want to ride a crazy cow ride; go on~ ride me as you please, babe!" Your eyes went wide, realizing he's behind this. Your gaze softens, leaning down before you bite his bottom lip, kissing him in passionate tension. You no longer be mad at him because he's making you feel good right now. He returned your kiss, lurking his tongue inside your mouth with his wet saliva, eating you two in one at the same time. 
"Fuck uhh," you quake, feeling a jolt send all over your body as your body signals your about to cum. 
"Hee-ahh, narggg, I will cum on you. You want it?" You become more breathless with every thrust he pushes in, his finger still busy spreading your hole to take him all in. 
"Don't hold back, love~ cum for me; now would you like it if I filled you in?" He's too close to the edges, hitting you in every sweet spot. He asked for your permission once again if he could spill his cum inside your hole. You nod aggressively without even answering him. 
In the very last few final thrusts, his tip crushed on your G-spot, making you go insane for a sec, as your cum splashed out on his toned abs, unable to hold in. 
"HOLY MOTHER FUCKER AHHH," your chest heaving in an error motion as you arch your back, throwing your face above the ceiling, to the sensitive pleasure he's pushing you in. 
"Ah-... Ahhh, mn, I'm comming b-brace yourself." With another one last push, his cock started to twitching as the warm, hot seed filled you in. He let out a heavy moan, like vomit, as he reached his goal. 
You collapse on his body while his cock falls out of your hole, like a river of cum dripping out of your entrance. 
"That was one of the hell rides, mn? How do you feel, Mn? Am I hurting you?" He presses a kiss on your forehead as he holds on to your waist, supporting your weight on his. 
You inhale and exhale, rolling your eyes to the back of your brain, still feeling it. 
"I never know. Fuck feel this good." 
"So you want another round, mn?" 
"No, but I want you in." 
"Like, what love?" He asked your unfinished question. You couldn't explain what your desire was to him, so you snaked your hand before grabbing his cock and pushing inside of you again. 
"I love how you feel inside; please don't pull out." You responded embarrassed, covering your face in his chest. He snorted at your reaction and boldness, as he started to love this side of you. 
"Anything you want, little one~ not to mention that I could be there forever if you insist." 
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers
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squoxle · 2 days
✏ TNAIT 002: No Money, No Problem l.at fanfic
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✰ pairing: nerdy!bandboy!anton x cheerleader!fem!reader | ✰ wc: 2.5k | ✰ cw: profanity, sexual themes, lgbt comments | ✰ plot: you find the perfect guy to help you bring up your grades, but he's so shy you wonder if you'll make any progress. too bad you couldn't get his cute little friend instead... [Series Masterlist]
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“Dude! What the hell was that?” Chanyoung spat.
“What? Oh you mean making your wet dreams come true? In that case, you’re welcome,” Dongmin chuckled.
“Wet dreams? You’re the one who fantasizes about screwing the whole cheer squad, not me.”
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“Stop acting like such a prude. You know you want it too. I saw your little buddy standing up for attention.”
“It was cold as fuck out there.”
“Right…those thoughts were pretty hot though, huh?”
“Shut up…”
“Look you just better make sure you pull your dorky ass together and text that girl before tomorrow. Unless…you’re too chicken,” Dongmin said as he began clucking like a chicken.
“God, you’re such a fucking child,” Chanyoung rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone.
Dongmin looked over his shoulder to watch him text you. “Dear my beloved personified fantasy,” he began. “I’d love to meet you tomorrow at 12 o’clock sharp to help you raise your grades while you raise that skirt,” he chuckled.
“Seriously dude, back the fuck up. I can’t concentrate,” Chanyoung sighed.
hey i wanted to text u before it got too late
i'll be at the library around 8am tomorrow morning
Sent 9:43pm
Chanyoung carefully re-read the messages, double-checking for any missing details.
"Ponytail" Typing...
"Shit!" he spat.
"What? What happened? Did you accidentally send her that video of you whacking off?" Dongmin teased.
"No...she's typing."
it's fine
i'll be up by that time anyway
should i...bring anything?
Sent 9:45pm
"Fuck! What do I say?"
"Gimme," Dongmin grinned as he snatched the phone from Chanyoung's hand.
yeah that sounds great
and nah ur good
just make sure u bring ur laptop...and maybe a notebook
Sent 9:46pm
Read 9:46pm
"Ponytail" Typing...
gnite <3
Sent 9:46
"Ha!" Dongmin exclaimed before giving Chanyoung back his phone. "Too easy," he huffed. "Now, all you gotta do is shave your balls and get ready for tomorrow," he smiled, patting Chanyoung on the shoulder.
"Shave my what?!"
"Your nuts, bro. So you can get that brain while you use yours," he chuckled.
"You know if anyone else heard the way you talk to me they'd think you were gay."
"I'm just being real with you."
"Yeah...really gay."
"Whatever," Dongmin laughed as he wrapped an arm around Chanyoung's shoulder.
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"You sure lucked up, huh?" Abigail chimed as you told her about your little rendevous with Chanyoung. "I've seen him before, but I always kinda thought he was...y'know," she paused to flick her wrist, a motion you very well knew the meaning of.
"No, no. At least, I don't think so. He's just kinda shy."
"Shy? Or more into guys," she chuckled.
"Hey, knock it off. You're the one who told me to get my own guy."
"Actually, you wanted that. If I recall it correctly you said it would be weird for us to use the same guy."
"Oh...right," you blew air into your cheeks as you thought back to that moment earlier.
"Well, just let me know how everything goes for you. And remember, there's a sweet little Aussie boy named Jake who'd be more than glad to help you out," she smiled. "But beware. He's a subby little switch," she chuckled. "Cute and sexy."
"Hopefully, everything goes well tomorrow and I won't need your puppy," you chuckled as Abigail pulled up to your house.
"Fingers crossed that even if he is gay, he's at least useful."
"He's not gay."
"You don't know that for sure," she tilted her head.
"Neither do you," you tilted your head, mocking her.
"Hmm, fair enough. But you owe me lunch if he is," she smiled as you unbuckled your seatbelt.
"You're really sure about this," you laughed.
"Okay well I gotta go inside now before my dad eats me alive," you said as you climbed out of the car.
"Good luck, girlie," she waved as you jogged to the front door, waving back at her.
The next morning, you stopped by the ATM to withdraw 50 bucks before meeting with Chanyoung. "This should be enough for today," you thought to yourself.
"Debit Declined, Transaction Failed," the automated voice chimed as you inserted your card. "What the hell?" you spat before attempting to insert your card again only to see the same message pop up 3 more times.
"Did dad freeze my debit card?" you asked as your mom answered the phone.
"Yes, he did it when you came home late last night."
"I literally just came home from a game."
"I know, but you know how he feels about that."
"Yeah...it's fine."
"What did you need the money for?"
"Nothing, I changed my mind," you lied.
"You sure, honey? I can send the money to you a different way. Just let me know how much you need."
"No, Mom. It's alright. Really. Thanks though."
"Okay, well let me know if you change your mind again."
"M'kay. I will."
"Bye," she said before hanging up.
You needed that money right now more than anything else. However, given the current circumstances, that wasn't an option.
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"Hey," you waved shyly as you sat down at a table across from Chanyoung.
"Hey," he said, so softly that you almost didn't even hear him. "So, umm...what did you want to start working on first," he asked in that same sheepish tone.
"Umm, well maybe math. It's an introductory algebra course, but I'm kinda struggling to grasp it y'know."
"Can you show me what you've been working on?"
"Sure," you stood up to move your chair closer to him. "Sorry," you apologized as he jerked slightly. "Fuck, I hope I'm not being too aggressive," you thought to yourself.
"It-it's okay," he smiled softly before scrolling through your modules. "Dongmin and his stupid big mouth," Chanyoung thought to himself.
"So, what do you think we should do first?" you asked, breaking the silence.
"Umm...maybe we could look through one of the quizzes and review the content. It'll be the easiest way to learn."
As brilliant as that idea sounded, you didn't have the time to actually learn the material.
"I'm not trying to sound ungrateful or anything, but is there any way I can get you to do the majority of the work...I just don't really have time to learn this with cheer practice and everything," you cringed at your own words, realizing just how pathetic you sounded.
"Oh, uhh--"
"I'll pay you," you blurted just as you remembered that you couldn't exactly finance this little escapade. "Well...actually--"
"It's fine. You don't have to do anything unless you want to. Let's just look at this as a friendly favor," he shrugged as his lips formed into a shy smirk.
"Huh, really?"
"Yeah," he nodded, turning back to the laptop. "You can watch me work the problems out. Maybe it'll help you learn the material," he said as you leaned over, unconsciously bracing yourself on his thigh.
You listened as he explained the process of solving each equation and watched him scribble notes in your journal. For a moment, you got lost in his eyes. You watched them glaze across the screen through his glasses.
Maybe it was his shyness, or maybe it was something else, but your heart always fluttered when he came around. That was the real reason you stumbled on your words whenever you spoke to him.
It was something about the way he bit his bottom lip when he was focused that made you want to kiss him...
"Ugh!" he groaned as you lost your balance. Your hand fell right into his manhood and you could see it all over his face.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," you pleaded, grabbing onto his shoulder as he hunched over in pain.
"I-it's alright...I know you didn't do it on purpose," he said, grinding his teeth together.
"Umm, do you want me to get something?"
He exhaled deeply before replying, "No, I just have to wait it out."
"I'm really sorry," you apologized again as he continued to take deep breaths, squeezing his eyes shut. You reached over to close your laptop. "We can finish this later," you said as he seemed to calm down.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. You've already done more than I would've."
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"So..tell me something about yourself. Since we're gonna be hanging out a lot more often, we might as well take the time to get to know each other," you said as the two of you sat outside together.
"There isn't really much to know," he shrugged.
"What about past relationships?" this question was triggered by a sense of curiosity and the fact that Abigail was so sure he was gay.
"Well, I've never really dated anyone before," he said, looking off.
"Anyone...well did you at least have a crush?"
"Hmm...there was this one girl I liked, but she only ever saw me as a friend."
"Have you always been into music?"
"Huh? How'd you know I was into music?"
"Shit," you swore to yourself. You didn't hear this from him..
"Oh, well umm I remember seeing you in the orchestra during the first week of school," you were able to save your ass this time, but you had to be more careful. You knew more than you were letting on.
"Oh yeah. Well, actually my parents encouraged me to start playing the cello, but I grew to like it on my own. Heh, I remember one time when I stayed up all night to learn this one piece. It was really important because that would be my first solo performance in high school," you watched as he smiled thinking back to that moment.
"Well I'm sure you did amazing," you smiled.
"Ehh...that would've been the expected outcome," he chuckled to himself. "But I thought it was a brilliant idea to be Romeo before my performance and ended up forgetting half of my solo. You can imagine how that went."
"Not really..."
"Well, it's like I said earlier. She saw me as a friend. So my head was all over the place after that. I should've just waited until after the show to tell her. I was gonna do it anyway."
"Hmm...maybe," you sighed, wondering if he still had feelings for her or had moved on by now.
"Alright, enough about me. It's my turn to ask you some questions."
"Okay, hit me," you laughed at his boldness.
"How many relationships have you been in?"
"Zero. Next question."
"Zero?! How?"
"My parents are pretty strict so I wasn't allowed to date. To them, my grades are the most important thing. But there was one guy I liked. He was a little older than me, but he hated the fact that we had to sneak around all the time," you sighed thinking back to the first real boyfriend you could've had.
"Oh, well I can understand that," he said looking over to you as if he was trying to read your body language, hoping it would expose another part of you.
"So what else did you want to ask me?"
"What made you come up to me? Aside from needing help."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've come to every game and that was the first time we ever spoke to each other. I'm just wondering if there was something that stood out," his shaggy brown hair was perfectly draped across his face, slightly peeking over his round glasses.
"Uhh...well you were a familiar face. I figured you had to be a genius if you were in the orchestra. Y'know musically inclined people are said to be more intelligent," you smiled even though you knew very well that you chose him randomly and could barely remember him on your own.
"Heh, that's what my dad always tells me," he smiled with an expression so pure and sweet you could only sit there in silence.
You felt bad realizing that your only intention of talking to him in the first place was to use him to improve your grades. Plus this little heartfelt conversation started for two reasons--1) you had to buy time to come up with another form of payment and 2) you were not buying Abigail lunch.
If you didn't need him, you honestly wouldn't have looked twice in his direction. Yes, you found him attractive, but that was it. You didn't care about his interests...
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"Spill the tea! Is he gay or not?" Abigail squealed as you met up with her in the campus cafe.
"Woah, what happened to 'hey, how did the studying go?'" you laughed.
"Tell me about that after this. I'm starving and I wanna know if I'm gonna be paying or not."
"Well he told me about a girl he liked back in highschool so I think that should answer your question."
"Dammit," she swore before reaching in her bag. " Text me what you want. I'm gonna go order out stuff and I'll be right back, 'kay?"
You nodded as she walked away. You watched her blonde ponytail sway with her movements as she went up to the register. You had completely forgotten about the whole frozen card thing, so you were even happier that she would be paying today.
"Alright, now tell me. Did you suck him off or what?"
"Ugh! No way. I was gonna pay him instead, but my dad froze my cards so I'm just pretending to be his friend so he can keep helping me," this was mostly true except for the fact that you were kinda falling for him.
"Well, you can either keep doing that or at least try to get some pleasure out of it. As cute as my little Jakey is, I just need him for my grades," she smiled, flipping her ponytail. "Do you really think I care about his nerdy life?"
"I know right," You laughed.
"You just need to give that boy your homework and walk away. He's not your study-buddy he's your dorky little fuck-toy and that's it. Don't let him bore you to death with his lame-ass life stories. That is not what you signed up for girl.”
“Honestly. After he fixes my grades I’ll probably never talk to him again.”
“Yeah, until next semester,” Abigail laughed. “I’m not trying to sound like the stereotypical blonde, but I’m too pretty to use my brain. Especially when I have a body like this,” she poked her tongue out as she playfully shook her tits.
“Oh my god! You can’t do that in public,” you hid your face behind your hand.
“Oh baby trust me, there’s a whole LOT you can do in public. It’s only illegal if you get caught,” she winked. “Thanks,” she smiled as the waiter came to the table with your food.
Abby wasn't entirely wrong. You could get away with a lot in public, but someone else is always present. Another witness. Another loose end. Or maybe...a ticking time bomb. Eager to get their way at the expense of your dirty little secret.
Living a double-life has its consequences.
You were so wrapped up in your conversation with Abigail you failed to notice Dongmin who was busy cleaning a table not too far from you. How were you supposed to know he worked here part-time? Like you said earlier, you hardly even knew of their existence before the other night.
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Thanks for reading the second episode of my series. [Series Masterlist]
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CURRENT TAGLIST: @chlorinecake @addictedtohobi @nikisvanillaccola @laylasbunbunny @urfavberry @antonitty @billiondollarworth @meowbini @mamuljji @riizeis-7 @littlebrightsrar @jisfairy @galorehearts @misfit-nvrfitin @siuewnb @ot7sevenlvr @earth2hannah @professsionalsimp @fairyofhours @wonbinkisser @lovelymulti @annielovescry @antosaurius @inlovekyo @luv4stxrs @v4mpsunghoon @rikiiminaj @brachiobun @pointlessapple @antititititoni @mrkvrse @ywnzn @kisplayhouse @strawberryhillsworld @cartimitsuya @jungwon15 @hanni711 @tsukkiteamo @hajoon-iz-won @songgmingii @bloodiichainzzxx @sunnynearthecoast @riris-a-mess @deewly @ericlvr @freeluvbot @pandajihoonn @mint-yooniverse @pwarksasteroid @huan9jun @zixoxos @snowyseungs @mintmyg @moonchild-please-dont-cry @taeheartss @seesawh @chloelr60 @dodot04lover @firedalarm-blog @kazscara
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sigmasemen · 3 days
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multiple blue lock characters x reader
tags: established relationships, tooth rotting fluff, short headcanons
taglist: n/a currently.
characters: jingo raichi, meguru bachira, yo hiori, kurona ranze, sae itoshi, gin gagamaru, michael kaiser, kenyu yukimiya, alexis ness, gender neutral!reader.
word count: 2348
extra notes: reposted from my wattpad ^- ^ !! older work... you cannot get me to read this shit. had to post it in multiple parts sorry y'all!!
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- Dating Kaiser was an entire rollercoaster, so getting around wasn't too hard. He had the money to afford limousine after limousine for you two, except when you two chose to go out on a hiking trip. "Good for training!" He said. He lied.
- Now here you two were, dashing home in the rain as makeup dripped down both of your faces. Kaiser had attempted to carry you, yet nearly slipped so you refused to get back in his arms.
- Around 10 minutes of moving, you realized how deep in this trail you were. It seemed Kaiser noticed too, as he sighed and finally paused.
- "Follow me!" He grasped your hand and ran you to a small cave. It was the sort of thing you saw in those stereotypical movies. It even made you wonder if Kaiser had purposefully planned this. Still, you got in.
- "Seriously? A cave?"
- He laughed, "Well, I'm not sure we have much of a choice, now do we?" He reached towards his own front and quickly unzipped his jacket to put around your shoulders. 
- "For you."
- You pause and softly laugh, "I'm not some damsel in distress. Besides, this is soaked too."
- Kaiser just shrugged, getting closer to your warmth and leaning his head against your's. His arms soon wrapped around you as well. "Well, I might as well warm you up with my body."
- It wasn't like you had any complaints with that.
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- You weren't aware of who Yukimiya was beyond Blue Lock before this. He was one of the top 6 to you, one of the people who had been an essential part to the U20 match. Honestly? You hadn't ran into anyone from Blue Lock since this break had started.
- However, you had chosen to go outside now of all times in a brightly lit street with gleaming lights hitting your eyes. Even so, it was raining. It dropped off the signs and right onto your faces. You were one of the few people that didn't have an umbrella and didn't see any holders in sight.
- So, for 10 minutes, you walked through the freezing cold rain. You allowed the rain to make your shirt stick to your skin and make you shiver. The dissatisfactory feeling haunted you as you walked past a bowling place.
- Your eyes eventually landed on Yukimiya. You didn't expect to see him of all people out here, but it wasn't the best time for you. You didn't look good at all.
- But, of course, he had to notice you. His eyes narrowed as he saw you, giving a short chuckle and walking over to pull off his bright orange scarf over your head and dark grey coat over your shoulders without a word.
- He paused, "You shouldn't get yourself like this, you might not be able to face off against everyone in Blue Lock."
- "Wouldn't that be better for you?"
- "It would, I would just hate to see you like this." He reached up and pushed through your wet hair, "You should focus on getting home. It's getting dark."
- You paused to stare at him, before nodding, "Right, thank you Kenyu."
- "It's my pleasure. I'll see you tomorrow?" He smiled, starting to walk off yet looking over his shoulder to wave.
- And you matched that, tightening the coat around you to make a dash for your place once more.
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- Oh how Ness is so doting over you. Every little thing, he wants to make sure you're perfectly pampered and feel special during the entire date! He's planned it out in his head for months, researched this festival multiple times, he won't let anything go wrong!
- Until it rains.
- You remembered being under one of the tents as it started to pour down. You just sighed and looked at your boyfriend. Yet he seemed pissed. He was biting his lip, staring at the ground and having issues with calming himself. 
- You take his hand and laugh. For a second, he doesn't notice. Until you slip his jacket off his shoulders and pull it onto your head, covering yourself from the rain.
- Ness then notices, he seems confused until you speak again. "Oh my! Thank you Alexis for giving me your jacket."
- He pauses, softening his bite as his eyes light up. "Of course!" He adjusts it, holding it on your head and wrapped his upper body around you. "Let's make a run for it to our car, alright?"
- And minutes later, Ness is running and getting soaked while you're comfortable underneath his jacket. "Thank you..." 
- "For what?"
- "For saving my perfect date." He smiled and pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
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marzipanandminutiae · 7 hours
so, I'm hunting for an apartment-share for the first time...ever, really. when I moved to Boston, it was with a group of friends intent on renting together, and the apartment where the fire happened was a Friend At Dance Class Had A Room Open In Her Place situation. and I'm noticing a distressing trend
is anyone else just...perturbed by the idea of a landlord renting out individual rooms in an apartment?
not like a houseshare in general. I mean a situation where everything is done through the landlord, with minimal contact with the other actual tenants. landlord lists the place, landlord vets new tenants, lease is signed potentially without meeting the other people you're going to share a not-overly-large living space with, at all
obviously rooming-houses- where individual rooms are rented in just that way -have existed for ages. but that's a house. I'm lucky to live in a city where larger, two-floor apartments are extremely common, but you're still sharing Less Than A Full House of space with total strangers. the landlord's concerns are pretty bare-bones here- basically just Will They Pay Rent On Time? and Are They Not An Axe Murderer, Probably (Because That Would Lower Property Values)?
I've lived in such a situation for a year now, and it's been fine, but in many ways I don't feel empowered to decide anything with my housemates in the very space we all pay to inhabit. I didn't know them when I moved in- had never even SEEN any of them before, when you come down to it. it's a very weird way to live; I'm not fond of it
and why are the landlords taking over what, it seems to me, should be the housemates' job? do they insist on doing it themselves? in what other ways do they usurp the creation of a functioning household in the unit? landlords can't exactly decide chore-dividing or facilitate a conversation about that bare-assed painting in the living room that only one person likes. do the housemates not know each other well enough to have these conversations, even after they move in?
to be sure, I'm not much of a We Must All Be Besties, Mandatory Weekly House Dinners type. I let housemate relationships develop organically, and if we're only ever polite acquaintances, so be it
but I like my community just a bit more intentional than "this person making money off of us threw us together and we've never met," personally
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zerokurokawa · 2 days
Daughter From Another Lifetime, Part Two (Bonten!Rindou x Reader)
(part one)
After the conversation with his you, the mother of his child, Rindou did everything he could to make up seventeen years worth of lost time with his daughter. He picked her up from school in his nice car, took her out to eat, took her shopping, and even taught her how to drive like a father should. Other than spending time with d/n, he had other things on his agenda was well. 
He couldn't help but to notice how great you looked to be in your early thirties. Both of you looked amazing. You, with your e/c, h/c and h/l, and overall beautiful physique, were as stunning as the day he had met you. Truth be told, he had never fallen out of love with you and thought of you often. He craved you, needed, and wanted you. Hell, he even thought to himself about having a second child with you if it wasn't too late. He enjoyed being a father after all. 
One night, after taking d/n out to eat, he brought her home on time as promised. You and Rindou had a set schedule when it came to your daughter. He would pick her up from school, take her out on certain days, and drop her back off at home before or at nine. Only this time, Rindou had invited himself inside to talk more. 
As d/n went to her room, he sat himself at the counter once more, making himself at home in your humble apartment. 
"I think I should buy you a house." He stated, out of the blue. 
"I don't need your help with that, I've got plenty in savings and we're doing just fine here." You sounded cold. 
"It would be my gift to you, y/n... I want you to live comfortably and never have to work again." He said, taking a sip of the wine you had poured him. He was still wearing his suit, which was neatly pressed, from work. His lilac and purple hair cascaded down his shoulders as he watched you intently. 
"You would really go that far, huh?" You were leaning against the counter now, cleavage out. He was obviously trying not to stare, but what could a man do? He wanted you, badly. He wanted you back so bad that he even told his brother about your return and the fact that he was a father. Needless to say, Ran was surprised that he was an uncle and couldn't wait to meet his niece. 
"Yeah, I would. I would do anything for you both." He said, leaning in across the counter and propping his arms on the edge. He wanted to get closer to you, but the damn counter was in the way as you were standing opposite of him. You stayed silent while he spoke up again. 
"I want you both to live happily, without worry. I've kept my promise by putting her first. I've been leaving work early and picking her up. I've spent time with her. I've gotten to know her likes and dislikes and she's just like me!" He rambled, a wide grin creeping upon his face. He was trying to win you back. 
"I'm glad, Rindou." You smiled at the thought of your daughter finally having her father in her life. You had seen how happy it made d/n to be around her dad. She even came home one day and told you all about the awesome shopping trip he took her on and how she got everything she ever dreamed of, including the newest iPhone. 
"So why don't you give me a chance to prove myself even further?" He smiled, taking his hand and placing on top of yours. He got up from the counter and walked around to where you were standing. He towered over you, his eyes gazing into yours. 
"What do you mean?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. You wanted him, but not all that he came with. You knew he was in a very illegal, dangerous line of work and you didn't want that to affect your relationship any further than it already has. You caught yourself thinking about the Tenjiku days and how often Rindou would come home with wads of money from seemingly nowhere. That's when you knew he was up to no good. 
"I mean... me and you. Let's give us another chance." He started to wrap his arm around your waist. You let him, for a split moment, as you were lost in his gaze. The next thing you knew, you two were inches apart and he was leaning in further. Right when he was about to kiss you, or so you thought, he tilted his head while brushing back a piece of hair behind your ear. 
"I think... we can make it work this time." He whispered gently into your ear, his breath grazing your skin, causing you to shiver. You stayed silent; lost in a daze of confusion and thoughts as he leaned back, arm still wrapped around your waist. 
"I need time to think about this, Rin..." You trailed off. You wanted him, badly. You were scared though. You were terrified of numerous things. What if he brings work home and someone comes after you and your daughter? What if he gets caught and gets sentenced to prison? What if... he gets killed? 
He backed away, trying not to upset you. He could see the look on your face. As he turned to leave, he asked one more question. 
"Promise me, you'll think about it?" 
You nodded your head in response, still in a daze of thinking. He left without a single word. 
(Tagging: @rukiasluver @merrymerrykiss @burndownyourparade) <333 <333 <333
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gusty-wind · 2 days
Mindy Robinson@AmericanAFMindy
The fact they are trying to raid Alex Jones over his questioning of Sandy Hook, means you should ABSOLUTELY start looking into Sandy Hook.
So many things did not add up with what the Feds were saying....but no one is allowed to question them because it's sensitive, like ever?
• How did the dead teacher's fingerprints get on the bullets on the inside of an unused magazine?
• Why didn't the DNA of the shooter and his mother match the DNA of their own crime scene?
• Why were articles and charity pages set up online the day before it happened?
• Why did so many people at the scene have their entire mortgages immediately paid off?
• Why was one of the fathers caught laughing and smiling right before the press conference?
• Why was the coroner so weird and off while giving his statement?
• Why did they ban the public release of autopsies for children a year earlier?
• Why does the drone footage show everyone walking in and out of the building, over and over in one giant circle through a crime scene?
• Why did their main witnesses keep changing their stories?
• Why wasn't there any triage being performed whatsoever on the day of?
• Why were the Feds and the press so obsessed with demonizing the mother as a "Prepper?"
Before you lay into me....I'm not saying what did or didn't happened. I'm saying why aren't we allowed to ask questions when authorities are this evasive and combative about the truth?
How many weird things happened in Uvalde that they simply refuse to ever answer or address? Or any mass shooter that was "previously known to Feds" for making threats, but then they're too busy going after MAGA grandmas that were at the Capitol?
I did a full length documentary exposing the insane Las Vegas shooting cover up....which they also suspiciously swept under the rug after only 2 weeks, because so many holes were forming in their story. That doesn't mean it didn't happen...it means authorities aren't telling the truth.
You think a government that's willing to unroll a medical genocide on our dime with an illegally made virus by a foreign enemy and an untested vax they lied their asses off about, or try to start WW3 by blowing up a pipeline, or kill 3,000 of us in one day to hide the money the Pentagon lost, push the Patriot Act through, and start a lucrative war in the Middle East over imaginary weapons of mass destruction....isn't being deceptive about all these mass shootings?
Their plan is to just....make it illegal to even question them, and then crucify anyone that does? Yea, because that's what innocent people do...
Watch my doc, and you tell me what these people are capable of.
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immediatebreakfast · 21 hours
Dracula sees to it that Jonathan is psychologically destroyed. He wasn't content to simply take his envelopes and paper, which were his methods of sending letters home once more. Dracula, for example, knows that Jonathan is unable to escape the castle, but he nevertheless says, "Even if you miraculously made it out of the house and the mountains and the wolves, you will never be able to go far from here," after stealing his documents, his identity, and his letter of credit (money). "Everything that may have brought you home has been taken away by me. You are a stranger and destitute, so no one will help you. Give up, you can't go home."
It's truly wild isn't it?
It's the powerful image of abuse portrayed from a single journal, a purposeful attempt at breaking the human psyche. What kind of paper trail would lead anyone to Dracula's castle? The locals are terrified of him, the romani are under his control at claw point, and the castle seems to exist in a liminal standing between reality, and hallucination so what does it serve to make Jonathan a ghost in living paper? To make Jonathan spiral more inside those stone walls with doors that won't open.
Dracula is a vampire who is so human that it is scary. Who cares about the lizard climbing when he keeps invanding Jonathan's personal space, who cares about the lack of servants when the Count forces Jonathan to believe how he just fell asleep, how his sleep schedule is suited for the night, how his duty is not finished unless Dracula says it's finished. Why does any vampirism matter when the Count's greatest weapon is his understanding on human rules.
Unlike Draula, the Weird Sisters are what is the mythical notion of "monster". They are the dreamy stalkers that roam the night hunting humans, they are the strigoi, they are the shadows of the moon, what Dracula has an addition in the supernatural, the Sisters embody it entirely. They don't feel different from Dracula, the Count is the different one, how come the ones that came from the original seem to be far more merciful in their monstrousness. Why does he insist in games? Why does he let the prey stay alive one more day?
This is why he is so despicable, why he is the villain, and not a simple antagonist. Dracula is not an inhumane monster drinking blood to survive, he is a humane abuser that loves breaking down a younger and powerless being emotionally. None of his mental games are necessary to survive, or to keep Jonathan captive, he does it because he just wants to. Dracula enjoys the suffering, he enjoys those looks of despair in Jonathan's eyes as he burns the letter just like how an abusive husband enjoys breaking his wife's precious belongings. It's a power play, it's social conventions, it's economic imbalance, it's gothic gender roles breathing down on Jonathan's neck as he must smile while Dracula puts his hand on his shoulder, overly familiar and so degrading my good friend.
One could literally take the vampirism off the Count, and he still would be a terrifying person. He is a wealthy noble man in a land where his fortune, and social standing gives him free reign to terrorize anyone unlucky enough to catch his attention. Dracula is not an inhumane monster, Dracula is the most human right here in the castle as he dares Jonathan to break their challenged standing with a movement of his eyebrows, but in a way that satifies him without Jonathan actually making an attempt of breaking their new status quo, he is just a puny human, he should know his place.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 18 hours
if Charles is giving Andrew 4 millions per year, he's definitely giving Harry as much or more.
To me it would also make sense if Charles gave Andrew more than Harry. Andrew has no source of income. Harry not only has his own source of income, but makes that income by trashing Charles and Charles’ family.
I find it so hard to comprehend that Charles would continue to give Harry money after being called a racist. Not saying he doesn’t, it just breaks my brain. If proven true, it would make me lose all respect for Charles and I think a lot of pro-monarchy Brits would too.
Time will tell all, especially by how the Sussex’s react when William is King.
There's been rumors off and on for a while that the BRF (The Queen, Charles, William, and Kate more than others) is aware that Harry has a personality disorder/mental health issue that causes him to take on the personality, attitude, beliefs, behaviors, etc. of whoever he's with such that yes, he called Charles racist but no, the BRF knows Harry doesn't really believe that so they continue supporting him on the down low because they know it's just this disorder/mental illness speaking.
There's also been a few rumors that Charles is concerned that Harry's mental health isn't as well as claimed and worries that any little thing could push Harry over the edge into a burnout/breakdown such that Meghan could force a conservatorship/5150 hold (aka what happened to Britney) over Harry and the BRF keeps close enough tabs through palace officials that should something like that happen, they have strong justification to petition for responsibility instead of Meghan.
Again, these are just rumors.
I'm probably more sympathetic towards the situation than others may be. I think Charles sees Harry calling him 'racist' as Meghan's puppeteering and that Harry knows he's ultimately not racist. I think Charles is worried about the racist allegations from the stance that it could stain his legacy but at the same time, Charles has a huge body of work, and people who'll defend him of their own volition, to lean on to disprove any allegations from the Sussexes.
This might be a bit naive of me but again I lean back on how long Charles has been a public figure; 55 years since his POW investiture. It's been 55 years and there's not one shred of evidence - no spider letter, no emails, no recorded phone calls, no disgruntled beneficiaries from the Prince's Trust, etc. - accusing him of racism other than Meghan's allegations.
Now there is a chance Charles could be racist. But it's a slight chance because, again, 55 years as a public figure, 75 years in the public space. There would be cracks somewhere if he was actually racist, but no one's been able to find them. And frankly, given Charles's age, if someone suddenly came out with stories about him being racist, I'd be worried about him because a sudden change in personality like this (including a loss of filter) is a key indicator of dementia and/or Alzheimer's and I'd be petitioning the BRF to get him evaluated.
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joyouslee · 24 hours
Variations on a Theme:  There Was Only One Bed
For @thawrecka
From this post. 
(I couldn’t help myself.)
The three of them stood looking down at The Bed.  An awkward silence descended.  The night was quiet, just the rustle of the cool night wind blowing through dry autumn leaves.  Su Xiaoyong was presumably all tucked in and sleeping soundly in the bed downstairs.  
Two pillows and a neatly folded blanket were stacked on the bed.  Li Lianhua had built his guest room with the idea of renting it out for extra money, so the bed was large enough for two, but – he glanced at Fang Duobing’s shoulders and Di Feisheng’s, well, everything – it’d be a squeeze for three.
Li Lianhua only owned two blankets: the one he was holding and the one Su Xiaoyong was using.  The tastefully luxurious one on the bed was one Fang Duobing brought from home.  (Other things Li Lianhua had found tucked in previously empty drawers: silver, lots of it; random gadgets and tiny tools; medicines and spices; old (expensive) ginseng; clothes and jewelry.)
After that very first night when Di Feisheng and Fang Duobing nearly tore the tower down around them, Li Lianhua had drawn a firm line and forced the two of them to get along and share or sleep in the woods.  They ended up sharing the bed, though not without muttered complaints from Fang Duobing about giants with ridiculous arms and legs taking up too much room.  A-Fei was easier-going than Di Feisheng and hadn’t objected to continuing the sleeping arrangements.  
A-Fei kicked off his boots, shrugged out of his outer robe, and was laying down on his usual pillow before either of them could say anything.  Clearly the awkward silence was only on Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing’s part.  A-Fei did not believe in awkwardness.
Variation 1 - a bossy shepherd herds an indulgent wolf and bewildered fox into bed
Li Lianhua looked around the room and started moving towards the bench against the far railing.  “You two take the bed, I’ll sleep over here.”  
Fang Duobing tsked audibly and said, “Li Lianhua you can’t sleep over there.  It’s too cold, there’s nothing to block the wind and it’ll go right to your bones.  You’re so skinny - you’re going to freeze to death.”  
Taking the blanket and pillow from Li Lianhua, he continued, “A-Fei, turn over, you’re taking up too much room, and take out your guan you’re going to stab Li Lianhua in the eye.”  
A-Fei huffed but did as he was told, to Li Lianhua’s astonishment.
“Take off your robe and hairpin, Li Lianhua,” Fang Duobing urged as he put Li Lianhua’s pillow down on the bed.  He then shook out the large blanket over A-Fei, laying it across the bed. “Quickly, it’s cold.  You should know better - the cold isn’t good for your heart.”  He then put Li Lianhua’s blanket around his shoulders, nudging him to sit on the bed.  
“Shoes off,” he tutted, before reaching over as though he were going to help Li Lianhua take them off.  Li Lianhua held him off with a quickly raised hand as he toed off his boots.  
“If you want any sleep tonight, just let him,” A-Fei said. “Otherwise he will go on forever.”  Li Lianhua was surprised to detect the slightest hint of indulgent amusement in his tone.  
“What are you talking about, A-Fei?  I’m just making sure Li Lianhua sleeps well and doesn’t catch a cold.  You know his health is poor.”  Fang Duobing said distractedly as he pushed Li Lianhua into bed against A-Fei’s back, straightening both blankets over him.
“You need us to block the wind for you,” he continued as he blew out the lamps and readied himself for sleep.  He carefully lifted only the top blanket and slid in gently, keeping the night air from touching Li Lianhua, and tucked in with his back to Li Lianhua.  
“Goodnight,” Fang Duobing said with a cheerful wiggle, getting comfortable, then within a few breaths he was asleep.
With both of them laying on their sides, Li Lianhua didn’t feel crowded in the middle, just … protected.
Li Lianhua blinked in bewilderment at how easily he – and Di Fucking Fei Sheng! – had been herded into bed together.  But as he lay there, fond amusement settled in.  He hadn’t a clue where the precious only son of Minister Fang and Sect Leader He of the famed Tianji Manor would have had the opportunity to learn how to take care of someone.  But his concern warmed Li Lianhua’s heart as much as the two furnaces he lay between warmed his old bones.  He closed his eyes and let himself rest.
Variation 2 - shutting up a yappy pup
Fang Duobing’s mouth dropped open in outrage.  
Li Lianhua braced for noise.
“A-Fei how can you take the bed like that?  You know Li Lianhua’s sick.  He can’t sleep on the floor.”  He stomped over and started pushing at A-Fei’s shoulder, presumably to get him to move onto the floor.  A-Fei tolerated three pushes before grabbing his arm and uncurling in a flash.  With a startled squeak Fang Duobing rolled over him and landed on the other side of the bed.  A-Fei rolled on top of him smoothly and covered his mouth with one hand.  
“Sleep,” he said firmly.  
Fang Duobing flailed at him with his free hand but A-Fei had him fully controlled.  Fang Duobing’s protests were muffled but it was clear what he was yelling about with the way he kept looking over at Li Lianhua emphatically.
A-Fei looked at Li Lianhua and jerked his chin at the open space.
Li Lianhua rolled his eyes and put his pillow on the bed.  
Alt chord progression 1: A-Fei puts his other hand over Fang Duobing’s eyes and he falls asleep - I’ve seen that trick work on puppies before and expect it would work just as well here.
Alt chord progression 2: A-Fei and Li Lianhua find other ways of keeping Fang Duobing quiet and sharing the bed.  i.e., lots of sex.  
When Li Lianhua wakes up, Di Feisheng is curled around him, and Fang Duobing is tucked up against his back, a little spoon trying to be a big spoon even though his forehead only hits A-Fei’s nape.  Fang Duobing’s arm is around Di Feisheng with his fingers curled into Li Lianhua’s robe, leg thrown over both of them.  Untangling is going to be a process but - Li Lianhua cups his hand around Fang Duobing’s, tilting his cheek against Di Feisheng’s nose- something to deal with later.  He closes his eyes and falls asleep again.  
Variation 3 (minor chord progression to theme in G major) - puppy pile 
“No.   My house, my rules.  No dogs in my bed.”  He swept the thick blanket into Fang Duobing’s arms and pushed him towards the clear space on the other end of the room, ignoring his indignant “Who are you calling a dog?!”.  
He pointed at Di Feisheng.  “Off,” he said imperiously.  “You two can keep each other warm over there.  Don’t think I don’t know what you two have done up here.”  
Fang Duobing choked and turned red.
“But you better keep in mind I’m right here, and downstairs is the granddaughter of the biggest gossip in the jianghu.  If you don’t want your liaison published in the next bulletin, keep your paws off each other.”
A-Fei shrugged and grabbed a sputtering Fang Duobing by the arm, pulling him down and rolling them in the large blanket like a spring roll.  “Go to sleep,” he said calmly.  
Fang Duobing managed to choke out a muffled “Goodnight.”
Li Lianhua blew out the candle and only heard a few rustles and a rather loudly whispered “A-Fei!” before all was quiet.  He curled up, rubbing his socked feet together.  He’d known about them pretty much since they started… whatever it is.  Fang Duobing wasn’t able to keep his emotions off his face; he blushed to the tips of his ears every time Di Feisheng came near him and occasionally tripped over nothing while pretending not to look at him.  He’s glad for them - the jianghu can be vicious, so taking comfort where you can is a gift.  He doesn’t want what they have, but it still feels ….  He shakes his head, no point in being maudlin about something he doesn’t even care to have.
The night wind swept through the room, and Li Lianhua shivered.  It really was a lot colder up on the second floor, and he couldn’t expend any neili to warm himself.  He was so tired.  His joints ached and he worried he might have a bicha attack that he wouldn’t be able to hide. He pulled the blanket over his head to keep the heat in and squinched his eyes shut, hoping to reach unconsciousness before his teeth started chattering. 
“Li LIanhua?  Are you okay?”
He ignored him, deciding that pretending to be dead was a viable route to sleep.  
“Li Lianhua?” 
A long pause.  He clutched the blanket closer, wondering if Fang Duobing gave up.
“Don’t be an idiot,” he heard as warmth settled over and around him, two warm bodies bracketing him, legs tangling and arms curling around him.  
“Don’t call him an idiot,” he felt more than heard Fang Duobing mutter.  The heat of them settled into his bones, and he fell asleep before he could tell them to get out of his bed.  
He woke up warmed through, muscles relaxed for once instead of tight from pain and cold.  He blinked his eyes open, shockingly well rested.  Fang Duobing was still asleep, clutching him like a favored toy, soft breaths hot against his neck.  He could tell by Di Feisheng’s breathing that he was already awake, but he still kept his arm over Li Lianhua’s chest, hand curled at Fang Duobing’s nape.  A warm wiggly weight settled over his feet, and he glanced down.
Hulijing had once again snuck into bed.
Li Lianhua sighed.  How did he end up with three unruly dogs in his home?
Note: ok, so like, not so much variation because I’m constitutionally unable to leave Li Lianhua sad and cold and alone in bed.  Or any of them, really.  So.  Puppy pile!
28 notes · View notes
bloody-bee-tea · 2 days
June of (minimal) Doom 2024 Day 4 - Does that hurt?
Suguru meticulously counts out the money he owes for his coffee. It’s not as if there’s much more in his purse anyway, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful. He knows he shouldn’t even spend this money on the coffee in the first place, but one treat every other week is not going to make that much of a difference and Suguru only ever splurges like this when he managed to get a good deal at the grocery store.
“Thank you,” he politely says when he gets his coffee and he’s already salivating a bit because he has been looking forward to this for almost the entire day.
He turns around, his cup safely in his hand and then it all goes to shit when he collides with a brick wall and his coffee goes flying.
“Fuck,” a voice says as Suguru mournfully stares at his coffee which is now spilled on the floor.
So much for that, then, he bitterly thinks before he pulls himself together and turns his attention towards the person he ran into.
At least half of the coffee is now in that guy’s shirt and Suguru’s stomach drops.
He cannot afford to get that to the cleaners.
“I’m so sorry,” he rushes out, hands uselessly fluttering in front of him because it’s not as if he can magically get the coffee out of the shirt. “Fuck, I’m sorry, are you hurt?”
The coffee had just been made for him, so it’s bound to be hot and compensation is something Suguru can absolutely not pay this guy.
“No, it’s fine, I’m fine,” the guy says and Suguru finally forces himself to tear his eyes away from his ruined shirt to look at him.
The gaze he meets leaves him stunned because those are the bluest eyes he has ever seen.
“Are you alright? You don’t look so well. Do you need to sit down?” the guy asks him, concern clear as day on his face and Suguru mutely shakes his head even though he feels sick to his stomach with nerves.
“I’m just—I’m really sorry,” Suguru repeats again and the guy snorts, clearly amused, which is leagues better than angry, like Suguru had feared.
“Yeah, you said. But in all honesty, I should say sorry, because I was the one who snuck up on you. I really should have left some space.”
“No, that’s—” Suguru cuts himself off, because he should really take this out in stead of arguing for his own fault.
Like this the guy is less likely to ask Suguru for any kind of money.
“Hey listen,” he now starts and there it is again, the dread that makes Suguru’s stomach drop out. “Since this is my fault and all, how about I invite you for another coffee?”
“Huh?” Suguru gives back, thinking that he must have heard that wrong.
“I’m Satoru,” the guy introduces himself with a grin, “and I’d like to invite you to a coffee.”
“Uhm,” Suguru stammers out, blinking rapidly because this is not at all going how he expected it to go. “Suguru,” he finally manages, acutely aware of how familiar it is, of how inappropriate it is, but then again, he did just spill coffee all over this guy and is apparently being treated to a new one, so he best play along.
“Great, Suguru, tell that nice lady what your order is and that you’ll be taking it here,” Satoru says, turning Suguru around, back to the counter where the girl who just made his coffee is watching the scene unfold, mop at the ready.
“I remember,” the girl tells them and hands the mop over to her co-worker, who immediately rushes around the counter.
“I’m really terribly sorry,” Suguru can’t help but to say again, because he also caused these people more work but Satoru clicks his tongue.
“It’s my fault, why do you keep apologising. I am sorry,” he says to the guy, who waves them both off with a smile.
“It happens, no worries,” he reassures them just as the girl puts down Suguru’s order, together with what must be Satoru’s.
Satoru hands the money over without a care in the world and Suguru bitterly presses his lips together. How nice it must be to not care about every cent he spends, he thinks and then forcefully pushes that thought away.
It’s not Satoru’s fault that their situations are different and Suguru has absolutely no right to take it out on him, especially not after Satoru is being so nice to him.
“Thank you,” he says to Satoru as he picks up his coffee and dutifully follows him over to a booth.
“I really should be thanking you,” Satoru says with a cheeky little grin and now that Suguru is no longer paralysed by fear he notices for the first time how hot Satoru is.
He’s tall and handsome and his white hair and blue eyes are striking enough to turn anyone’s head.
“What for?” Suguru gives back, sitting down opposite of Satoru. “I spilled coffee all over you, that’s hardly something you should thank me for.”
“But it gave me an excuse to talk to you,” Satoru says with a shrug. “I was about to talk to you anyway, but like this I at least get to invite you for a coffee. Gives me more time to charm you.”
“To—charm me,” Suguru repeats because what the hell.
“Yep,” Satoru cheerily says right before he takes a big sip from his coffee and it gives Suguru just enough time to at least try and gather his thoughts.
“Is this like—you wanted to ask me out?”
“Sure did,” Satoru easily replies and Suguru can do nothing but blink.
“You don’t even know me.”
“That’s what dates are for, right?”
“But why would you—”
“I think you’re the single most gorgeous guy I have ever seen, so why not?” Satoru interrupts him, leaving Suguru completely speechless and it’s only when the silence drags on that Satoru seems to become bashful. “I mean, no harm done if you’re offended or would rather leave. The coffee is paid for, if you don’t want to you don’t have to stick around,” he says, scratching at the back of his head.
“No!” Suguru rushes out, making Satoru smile. “I’m just—not used to this,” he admits because it’s been a long time since anyone has shown interest in him.
Longer even since anyone stuck around after finding out just how poor Suguru and his family are.
“I can’t really return the favour though,” Suguru weakly says, which only seems to brighten Satoru up more.
“Oh, already thinking about a second date? Lucky me,” he replies which makes Suguru blush faintly. “And hey, no worries, if you do want to do this again with me, I’m happy to invite you. Don’t even worry about that.”
Suguru is definitely going to worry about that, but in all honesty, he’s kind of getting ahead of himself. He doesn’t know if he likes Satoru yet, doesn’t know if they click like that and to already be thinking about another meeting—it’s awfully forward of him, so he pushes those thoughts away for now.
“Well, let’s just see how this one goes, alright?” Suguru offers and Satoru nods with so much enthusiasm that Suguru fears for a moment he’s going to dislocate something.
It turns out spending time with Satoru is easy and comfortable and good in a way Suguru isn’t used to so when Satoru proposes to exchange numbers Suguru is quick to agree, just like he’s quick to agree to meeting again at the same time next week.
He already knows that it’s going to be a highlight for him.
They keep meeting. At first it’s once a week, a set date, but soon it devolves into shooting each other a quick message if one of them is free to see if the other has time to meet as well. Suguru doesn’t always order something and he also doesn’t let Satoru pay for him all the time, but as long as one of them has something to drink they are not being kicked out at least.
Suguru knows that Satoru is curious, can see it in the glances he shoots him every now and then but so far he hasn’t asked and Suguru is thankful for it.
Their conversations tend to bounce around topics, from stupidly silly stuff to the more serious things, but somehow Suguru doesn’t feel comfortable telling Satoru about his situation yet.
It’s on a day when Suguru decides not to buy something that Satoru speaks up.
“Listen, Suguru,” Satoru starts with, and immediately Suguru tenses.
Of course this thing was too nice to last for long, he thinks and almost misses what Satoru says next, already so consumed by his heartbreak.
“I know that there are some things you don’t like to talk about,” Satoru says and reaches across the table, taking Suguru’s hand in his and Suguru clings to that point of contact.
That’s not something someone would do who is about to tell him to get lost and never come back, right?
“The same goes for me, but. I just want you to know that you can talk to me. When you’re ready. About anything. Just—putting that out there,” Satoru finishes with a weak smile and Suguru takes in a deep breath.
“I know,” he gives back, because he does and he wanted to tell Satoru so often already, but something is always holding him back and it has little to do with Satoru.
He’s ashamed, if Suguru is honest, even though it’ not his or his family’s fault but he still can’t shake that feeling. It doesn’t help that everything about Satoru screams money and the careless way he waves his credit card around, clearly not caring one bit for any money he spends only adds to the uneasy feeling in Suguru’s gut.
Satoru wouldn’t be the first person to leave him behind once he learns just how poor Suguru is, and while the others had sucked as well, this would hurt Suguru in a way none of the previous ones could.
For that he simply likes Satoru too much already and Suguru is certain it would take him a long time to pick himself up again should Satoru judge him in that way.
“I will, eventually, I think” he adds when Satoru continues to look at him and Suguru squeezes his hand. “It’s just—not easy.”
“I get that,” Satoru lightly says. “Like I said, there are things I haven’t said either, because it is hard, I just wanted you to know.”
“Well, the same goes for you, alright?” Suguru replies, because he needs Satoru to know that he can also tell him anything and Satoru smiles at him.
“I know,” he repeats Suguru’s own words, “but not yet.”
“Not yet,” Suguru agrees and relief floods his body.
He should have known that things would be this easy with Satoru, because everything with him has been easy.
And he will tell him, eventually. He just needs to gather a little bit more courage first.
Suguru feels like shit. Things have taken a turn for the worse, yet again, and his hands shake with the knowledge of what he has to do.
Satoru is already waiting for him, happily waving when he spots him and he points across from him where a coffee is already waiting for Suguru.
It makes him feel like crying.
Satoru never asks for him to pay him back, even though Satoru pays for both of them more often than not, and Suguru knows that he’s probably never going to ask but still.
It doesn’t sit right with him and with what happened at the beginning of the week he’s not sure he can take this kindness any longer.
“Satoru,” Suguru says as he sits down, pushing his coffee away from him and immediately Satoru’s face falls.
“Suguru,” he greets him in return but his shoulders are tense.
“I can’t keep doing this,” Suguru admits, scrubbing a hand over his face as he comes right out with it.
“Doing what?”
“Meeting with you, here. I don’t have the time and—I don’t have the money,” he admits, dropping his gaze to his hands so of course he sees it when Satoru hesitantly reaches out for him.
“What happened?” he asks when Suguru doesn’t pull his hands away and Satoru is quick to tangle their fingers together.
“Only bad things, like always,” Suguru bitterly says. “I’m sorry.”
“What’s going on?” Satoru asks and Suguru heaves out a sigh.
If this is the last time he gets to see Satoru he might as well come clean about it, too. It’s not as if it’s going to matter if Satoru judges him for it afterwards, because they won’t see each other again.
“My mom’s back in the hospital and my dad’s old company cut the compensation money they are supposed to still pay him.”
“Is your mom okay?” Satoru asks and Suguru shrugs.
“No clue. They are doing tests again but at this point it’s all chronic anyway so I doubt they’ll find something new. The bills though, they will be brand-new and shiny and I won’t be able to pay them.”
“You said your dad’s old company skimped out on paying him?”
“The Gojo Group, yeah,” Suguru sighs out and notes how Satoru jerks at that. “They fuck you over, too?”
The Gojo Group is the biggest company in the area, so there’s really not much choice but to work there, especially with how many different branches they cover, but they are ruining more lives than Suguru cares to think about and it’s not as if the company or anyone else really cares about the lives of the employees.
Almost everyone in Suguru’s neighbourhood got fucked over by them and they show no signs of stopping any time soon.
“You can say that,” Satoru says, not meeting Suguru’s eyes and Suguru decides to drop it.
He can hardly fault Satoru for not wanting to talk about this.
“Well, my father got injured on the job, which should entitle him to life-long compensation, but of course they somehow found a loophole or whatever, so they are no longer paying him. Mom’s issues are from her work there as well, she was exposed to some kind of chemical there for too long and now it fucked her all up so—” Suguru trails off. “I’m the only one who really works anymore and with two sisters in college it’s not easy. I had to pick up some more work, to cover the essentials and even that is hard,” he admits and watches how Satoru works his jaw before he reaches into his pocket.
“I want you to call him,” he says as he slides a card over the table.
Suguru takes it, reads ‘Kento Nanami, lawyer’ and puts it right back.
“Did you not listen to me, Satoru? I don’t even have the money to buy myself a goddamn coffee, how do you think I’m going to pay for him?”
“He’s building a case against the Gojo Group. He’ll be thankful for everyone who comes forward and speaks to him and if you tell him I sent you, he’ll represent you for free.”
“You know him.”
“Have known him for a long time. I promise, he won’t charge you. If he doesn’t believe you, tell him to call me. He’ll get you your money, he’s the best.”
Suguru hesitantly picks up the card again.
“Are you sure? If he’s going to charge me for anything—” he trails off, because in the grand scheme of things what is one more bill he’s unable to pay, but it still doesn’t sit right with him.
“He won’t, I promise. And if he tries to, tell him to sent it to me. But he won’t.” Satoru seems completely certain about it and Suguru dares to believe him.
Even if this Kento loses whatever case he’s building, then at least Suguru can say he tried something. That has to count for something, too, right?
“Thank you,” Suguru softy says and slides the card into his pocket. “I will, then.”
“Good, that’s good,” Satoru mutters, and takes his hand back, sliding both of them under the table.
It leaves Suguru feeling strangely cold.
“You still don’t want to meet again, right?” Satoru asks him and Suguru presses his lips together.
“It has nothing to do with want, Satoru,” he gently corrects him, giving him a sad smile. “I just can’t afford to. I don’t have the time or the means.”
“You know I don’t care about the money thing, right? I would happily pay for everything, if you’d let me. It doesn’t matter to me and I really don’t care.”
“I know,” Suguru whispers.
“But it doesn’t change anything,” Satoru quietly says and Suguru shrugs helplessly.
“You probably have no idea how it feels but it’s not good, Satoru. Knowing that even this coffee is breaking this week’s budget and knowing that it doesn’t even register for you. It might be misplaced pride or whatever but—I can’t stop thinking about it every time we meet. I don’t want it to be like that. And I truly no longer will have the time starting next week. I can’t juggle three shifts and a social life, let alone dating. It’s just not possible.”
“I see,” Satoru mutters as he nods. “I get it. I just—I really hate it. It sucks,” he then rushes out and Suguru laughs bitterly.
“That it fucking does. I like you, Satoru, I really do, and this sucks so much.”
“You—hate the Gojo Group, right?” Satoru asks after a moment and Suguru almost sprains his neck he nods so hard.
“Fuck, I hate them so much. They screw so many people over and don’t give a flying fuck. Everyone in that family and in executive positions in that company is rotten to the core and I would be happy to see them all drop dead, if I’m being honest,” he hisses out and while that wouldn’t solve any of his problems, it would bring him a lot of satisfaction, that’s for sure.
“Alright,” Satoru says, as if that just decided something for him and he taps the table again. “Call Nanami. And if after the trial you’d—I would just like to hear from you again,” Satoru finishes weakly and Suguru frowns at him.
“Okay,” he carefully says because he doesn’t know what’s going on with Satoru right now but in all honesty, there’s too much going on with himself for him to try and figure out someone else’s shit.
“Goodbye then, Suguru,” Satoru says and before Suguru can find his voice, Satoru has already left, coffee untouched and forgotten on the table.
It hurts Suguru’s heart to see him go, even if he was the one to decide this and it just confirms his believe that this is a week straight out of hell.
He just hopes that from now on things won’t get any worse.
“I’m supposed to tell you that Satoru sent me,” Suguru starts with as soon as Kento Nanami steps into the room and immediately Kento tenses.
“Of course he did,” Kento says with a sigh and sits down opposite of Suguru. “And for what did he sent you here, exactly?”
“The Gojo Group. He said you’re building a case against them. Both my parents worked there and—”
“Things are not looking great, I supposed,” Kento drily says and immediately his aura changes. “Tell me everything.”
So Suguru does. If nothing comes out of this, he at least has to admit that it feels good to get it all off his chest for once. Kento takes meticulous notes and he seems pleased by what Suguru tells him, so he has to believe that it’s something he can use to build his case even more.
“Are you willing to testify in court? Your parents, too?” Kento asks him once he’s done and Suguru nods.
“I am. I have to ask my parents, but I would think they’d say yes as well.”
“Wonderful,” Kento mutters, continuing to write things down.
“I—can probably talk to some of our neighbours? There are a lot of people who got screwed over by the Gojo Group and I think at least a few of them would be willing to talk to you.”
“That would be perfect. I’ve been trying to find more people willing to testify, but I wasn’t very successful. Everyone would help this case.”
“We didn’t know someone was doing this,” Suguru says with a shrug. “If not for Satoru I wouldn’t have either. And it’s not as if any of us have any money to spare on a lawyer.”
“Valid points, I should have considered this. But since I am building this case out of my own volition, I’m not going to charge anyone. I just need more people.”
“Believe me, there are more than enough,” Suguru promises him and he leaves the office with more of Kento’s cards and a promise to send as many people as he can.
Suguru wonders if Kento’s firm is prepared for the onslaught of people they will receive in the next few days.
“I would like to call on Gojo Satoru next,” Kento says and Suguru feels as if he’s having an out-of-body experience.
It can’t be true, he desperately thinks but when he looks up it’s Satoru—his Satoru—walking up. Satoru doesn’t look at him and Suguru feels as if he’s frozen right where he stands, a loud ringing in his ears.
He doesn’t hear anything Satoru says, doesn’t know why he’s on Kento’s side and not speaking out for his family but nothing makes sense anymore.
Except for how it totally does.
It explains the money Satoru has, the connections and why he flinched that one time Suguru talked about the Gojo Group.
It all makes sense and Suguru feels sick to his stomach.
The rest of the trial flies right by him and he doesn’t even hear what the verdict is or if there’s been one yet.
It’s only a few days later when his father excitedly waves around an official letter that it all truly sinks in.
They’ve won.
Kento won this case for them and Suguru’s family—and everyone else—is basically set for life. Every medical treatment of his mother will be paid for. His father will receive life-long compensation that is way higher than what the Gojo Group originally had to pay and because they tried to skimp out on it they are legally required to pay it for ten more years even after Suguru’s father dies, which means that he and his sisters are taken care of as well.
It’s everything Suguru never dared to hope for and he spends his fair share of tears over it before he quits two of his three jobs.
And then he messages Satoru to meet.
Satoru invites him over to his place, which is just as well with Suguru, because he really doesn’t want to do this in public and his hands shake with nerves as he rings on Satoru’s doorbell.
It’s not the outlandish apartment Suguru expected and he wonders if Satoru already down-sized after his family lost the case, even though this is still leagues nicer than anything Suguru knows.
There’s an awkward moment when Satoru opens the door, because Suguru can’t quite find his voice and clearly Satoru doesn’t know what to say either, so he simply waves him in. Satoru’s apartment is nice inside as well and Suguru is about to compliment him on it when Satoru speaks, arms crossed in front of his chest as if he needs to defend himself.
“Before you ask—and I know this is going to be the topic—I cut ties with my family as soon as I legally could. Nanami’s partner in that firm got me emancipated when I was sixteen. I did take a lot of my family’s money when I left but I haven’t spoken to them since. That trial was the first time I’ve even seen my parents in almost ten years.” Satoru works his jaw and Suguru’s head is just a mess of thoughts, just like his chest is a mess of emotions. “Of course I could never get rid of the name, though. So. How does it feel to find out I’m something you hate? Does that hurt?” Satoru asks him, his voice mocking and bitter and Suguru doesn’t think. He just acts.
The sound of his hand meeting Satoru’s cheek rings out loudly in the otherwise silent apartment.
“How dare you,” he hisses out but Satoru can’t even meet his eyes and this is all so wrong Suguru doesn’t even know where to start, so he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. “Marry me.”
That certainly gets Satoru’s attention.
“If you marry me, then you can take my name, right? That’s a way to get rid of your family name,” Suguru says because he’s committed now that it’s out there even as his heart beats rabbit-fast in his chest.
“Suguru, what are you even saying? Did you not listen? I’m a Gojo, too. You said you want us all to drop dead where we stand.”
“Not you,” Suguru immediately says and steps close to pull Satoru into his arms.
It’s the most physical they’ve ever been despite the numerous dates they’ve been on and Suguru wonders why they’ve never done that before.
It feels as if Satoru was made to fit into his arms.
“You just said it, you broke with your family, you have nothing to do with them. And you worked with Kento against them, what more could I possibly ask of you?”
“I don’t—did it help then? I know he won the case but I don’t know what that means for every family. What it means for your family.”
“We’re set for life, Satoru, with everything. Your—the Gojo Group even has to pay us after my father eventually dies. Kento won it all for us.”
“That was all you, actually,” Satoru corrects him, finally bringing his arms around Suguru. “He told me that he’d never have gotten enough evidence without the people you brought to him.”
“Then it was all you,” Suguru corrects him and noses at Satoru’s temple. “Because you sent me his way. So thank you.”
“I just—I just wanted to help.”
“And you did, Satoru, you did so much for us.”
“You said you didn’t want to see me again,” Satoru reminds him of their last talk at the coffee shop and Suguru huffs.
“Because of extenuating circumstances not because I didn’t want to. I have missed you every day since then. I didn’t want to do it in the first place but everything was so much and I didn’t know what to do.”
“So you do want to see me?” Satoru asks and tightens his arms around Suguru as if he’s afraid that he could slip through his fingers at any moment now.
“I do, Satoru, I do. If you still want, of course.”
“You just asked to marry me,” Satoru replies as if that makes any sense.
“And you didn’t answer me,” Suguru reminds him. “So I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean.”
“It means that I think we should date for real first,” Satoru softly says and brushes his lips against Suguru’s neck. “And then see where that gets us.”
It’s a reasonable suggestion, Suguru has to admit that but still.
“When we marry, you’ll take my name, though. Just putting that out there so you can’t act all surprised when it happens.”
“When, huh?” Satoru mutters and Suguru goes hot when he presses his face into Suguru’s throat. “You that certain?”
“I was already in love with you back then,” Suguru admits because it’s not as if he has to hold anything back anymore. “I doubt that’s going to change.”
“Despite me being a Gojo?”
“Excuse me, you’re a soon-to-be-Geto,” he corrects him which makes Satoru laugh.
Suguru doesn’t even mind that he’s pulling away from him because it only means he gets to see the happiness on Satoru’s face.
“Soon-to-be Geto Satoru,” Satoru says. “It does have a nice ring to it.”
“Yeah, there’ll be a ring alright,” Suguru grumbles and does what he should have done at their second date but was too scared to do: he puts his hand to Satoru’s neck and pulls him right in for a kiss.
He’s met with no resistance at all, Satoru an eager participant in the kiss and Suguru finds himself wanting to do it again as soon as they part.
“We’re doing this all out of order,” Satoru mutters and Suguru shrugs.
“Doesn’t matter as long as we’re doing it,” he gives back and dives right back in for another kiss.
“Thank you,” he whispers against Satoru’s lips and he hopes Satoru knows just how grateful Suguru is for everything he’s done for him.
“This is not some strange guilt thing or anything, right? Or gratitude.”
“It most definitely is not,” Suguru assures him. “I wanted to do that way before all of this happened.”
“Okay then,” Satoru nods and leans their foreheads together. “Still, dating first. Real dating. Then we can talk about getting married.”
“First date right now,” Suguru demands because while he sees the merit of what Satoru says, it also sounds stupid and as if it’s going to cost them way too much time.
Better start the dating right now.
“Deal,” Satoru says with a big smile and then steps out of Suguru’s reach to put on shoes. “A dinner date. You’re paying.”
Suguru laughs at that because for once hearing it doesn’t make dread crawl up his back and it doesn’t sent his mind into overdrive to figure out if he can afford it.
And it’s all thanks to Satoru.
“Deal,” he agrees and threads their fingers together. “Next date it’s your turn though.”
“It will be my pleasure,” Satoru gives back and drops another quick kiss onto Suguru’s lips.
Things are absolutely, phenomenally perfect in Suguru’s opinion and he can’t wait to make them even more perfect by giving Satoru his name. And he’s definitely not going to wait years to do it.
(It takes them eight months. Mostly because for whatever reason Satoru is being stubborn about it and turns Suguru’s proposals in month three and five down. And then Suguru turns Satoru’s proposal in month six down because of the principal of the thing. They do get it right, eventually, and once Satoru is officially Geto Satoru he stops being informal with everyone and gleefully demands people use his family name. It always gets Suguru a little hot and bothered when he does and he encourages it shamelessly.)
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brinnanza · 8 months
i do think there is a place for ai/automated image generation but that place is exclusively a dataset composed entirely of creative commons photographs (the ones that give you permission to edit them) and a generator hosted on a shitty geocities website paid for by absolutely massive banner ads. the resulting images are bound by the same creative commons license as the original dataset and also should be potato quality just so no one gets any big ideas
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Tumblr media
nervously holding out & rattling a Little Tip Jar
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toxooz · 8 months
oh to make a mock old skateboard magazine but with the skate squad 😔
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sskk-manifesto · 1 month
#A nice episode :) I have a lot of headache tho and forgot everything I wanted to say#The ss/kk is nice :) It's nice every time Akutagawa spontaneously saves Atsushi seemingly with no reason to#The animation was very nice! It's evident a lot of money and effort went into this season and these last episodes in particular#And I like the art style a lot better than the one in the other seasons. Even season 4 where the animation is comparatively as good#What more. The Kyouka screentime is nice. The whole Guild aftermath celebrations section is very nice and heartwarming to watch#I still take a lot of issues with the entire way Kyouka's entrance exam was conceived but I think they're fairly self-explanatory.#Also fundamentally coherent with b/sd's general worldviews so#But even then there's a line that bothers me to an unexplainable amount from the first time I watched it to now.#The “it hurts” when she's hugging Atsushi. And I've reflected over that line so long from the moment I first heard it...#I think. Its meaning is to symbolize how being in the light sometimes will still result to be too overwhelming for Kyouka–#to the point at times it will still end up hurting her. But that doesn't make it any less worth it#So to say‚ there's no such thing as perfect happy endings. But she is going to be okay nonetheless#BUT IT STILL BUGS ME. I feel like it's part of a school of thought for whom we should just accept the fact that there's evil in the world–#that we can't eradicate. And nothing can be done about it. Which I don't think is a functional or useful way of thinking?#ALSO I know it's. Most definitely‚ 99% not how the scene is supposed to be interpreted#BUT ATSUSHI IS THE ONE HUGGING AND THUS HURTING HER and you know how there is this very slight narrative that seemingly–#frames Kyouka and Atsushi as romantic partners and like... Idk.#In that context the line almost feels expression of a narrative of wives having to bear pain that is natural and unavoidable.#I know this definitely wasn't the intended meaning it's just a bad impression for some reason I can't be able to shrug off even after years#But don't listen to me#I don't think there's anything else to add. Overall a very good episode.#Take a shot every time someone says “all according to Dazai's plan”#random rambles
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mossflower · 7 months
okay not dropping out 👍
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