#no reblogs anymore i dont want to fight with people online
nytfythfhtyf · 2 years
what’s your damage about “gifted kids”?? i mean, i was a nightmare in class but i don’t see any reason to have issues with them
please read this im begging you. i put off breakfast for an hour writing this bc i really care about it
i even capitalized stuff and did punctuation to make it easier to read.
The biggest thing that bothers me is that there is so much content for and about ppl who are “gifted kid burnouts”. It’s literally everywhere on every website, there are thousands of posts and everyone on this site reblogs them. It’s inescapable. And because this subset of people gets so much attention, anyone who didn’t have the “gifted” experience who also wants to talk about their struggles in school gets. Basically ignored.
(Sorry this is long I just wanna explain it as well as I can) On tumblr the “gifted kid problems” thing is extremely popular bc this is the ppl-who-read-books-instead-of-talking-to-people website. Which is totally fine, and I wouldn’t mind it if it didn’t feel like I was the only person out of millions who wasn’t gifted. If someone makes a post about being a burnt out gifted kid it gets thousands of notes. If I make a post about how being the “stupid kid” my whole life fucked me up, it gets three likes from my mutuals and then dies and is never seen again.
I think it also has a lot to do with the idea that overworking yourself, and getting straight As (even if you’re not actually learning anything!), is highly praised in Society. Because schools need good test scores if they want to keep getting money. Bad test scores, while literally being part of the learning process because we learn from mistakes, don’t bring in the funds. So the “dumb” kids get treated like shit, and teachers have to teach kids how to pass tests, instead of actually getting the material into their brains in a meaningful way. If you skip meals and don’t sleep to cram for tests, you’re considered a better student than someone who prioritizes their mental and physical wellbeing.
So you get the culture of kids who brag about sleeping three hours every night and having an iced coffee as their meal for the day, and the less you take care of yourself the more cool and relatable you are. Which I don’t really blame them for. When the school system is this fucked up and you’re struggling this much, of course you want to tell people how much it’s hurting you. I think a lot of people just want someone to tell them that’s not okay, and they shouldn’t have to neglect themselves so much. But unfortunately, it’s usually impossible to graduate college without overworking yourself to the point of exhaustion and illness. So it continues.
I think it’s good that people are posting and sharing their experiences and trying to unlearn the bad habits and mentality. But unfortunately a lot of the “gifted kid” people still think or at least act like they’re the only ones who struggled in school. Because they worked the hardest, they deserve more attention. (I also think being constantly praised by teachers as a child and being the favorite plays a part in the attention seeking behavior).
So anyone who physically couldn’t overwork themselves to the point of earning the “gifted” label, because of disabilities or any other reason (don’t even get me started on the expectation that all autistic people are great at school (((non-gifted non-savant autistic kids are treated like worthless failures their whole lives)))), those people don’t deserve to have the whole internet feel bad for them. You couldn’t see them working themselves to exhaustion studying or doing homework, because their everyday lives were already exhausting, and they literally couldn’t spend any more energy on school.
So, if someone makes a post about how hard it is to do any schoolwork at all, and how their school experience was torture because the classes weren’t made to actually teach them and they weren’t good at test taking, you ignore it, because you “worked harder” and still struggled just as much. Or you comment and say “Oh same but I got all A’s and can write an essay in 5 minutes without even trying and I can read books at the speed of light” or “Oh and did you know how many gifted kids are autistic and adhd. I’m autistic and adhd and it made me so good at school” because you’re so used to having everything cater to you.
My goal isn’t to minimize burnt out gifted kids issues and trauma, it’s to get people to understand that they aren’t the only ones that deserve pity and sympathy. School fucked everyone up in different ways and it sucks no matter how good your grades were.
So no I don’t hate gifted kids themselves just for being gifted (although I will admit I absolutely have a grudge of burning jealousy bc I wish society liked me as much as them, which is where my urge to insult them comes from), I hate the way they act, on social media and in real life. You can post about your struggles and that’s totally fine, but if someone makes a post about how hard school was for them because they weren’t good at it, instead of commenting that your experience was different, or literally just ignoring it, maybe reblog it. Because school sucked and you both had it hard. Maybe even leave some sympathetic or understanding tags (without making it about you) if you’re feeling it.
but if they go on here and make fun of ppl who arent good at school or any academic skills and call them stupid then i hate them and im hitting them with my car
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horrorshow · 1 month
Can you talk about why you think blocking and moving on is a bad thing? I thought it was a way to curate your space and avoid drama
idk maybe i'm too idealistic but fandom is a much more friendlier, welcoming, supportive, creative, engaging, active, diverse and interesting space when it's treated like a community where people are encouraged to participate and talk about their interests and where there's space for niche or more unpopular opinions without these people having to worry about being blocked and feel unwelcome by the majority of the fandom they are in. i can't stand how blocking everyone you disagree with has become the first thing to do.
you say its 'to curate your experience'. but blocking people does not only curate YOUR experience. you're also forcefully curating other users' experiences. and not for the better.
people say 'i will block you for literally anything' and then those same people wonder why engagement is down, why no one sends asks, why no one reblogs, why rarely anyone talks in the tags anymore and why this place feels so dead and boring and quiet. i wonder why!!!!
people treat real people as annoying ads they can dispose of at their whim. but that's not how a fandom or a site like tumblr works. (besides, if you really care about people curating their own experience you wouldn't block people. you can filter and blacklist and never see them again while still granting them the same freedom instead of actively making their experience worse.)
you say its to avoid drama. but seeing a post you dont agree with is not 'drama'. and blocking is not solving anything except for you personally. fandom was more fun when we remembered that every user is a real person you share a space with, and probably some mutuals as well, so you find a way to live with each other. starting with a restraining order seems a bit excessive and is not contributing to anything. it's not that hard to be respectful and tolerate others and acknowledge people have different opinions and interests and still co-exist in peace. its not that hard to be nice to people and try to find common ground with them and interact with the stuff you DO like. you do this in every aspect of your real life, so why not online?
i hear you say: 'but that requires WORK and i don't NEED to do any of that bc i can just block them'.
yeah, you can try to create your own bubble and only hang out with like minded people but you wont EVER fully achieve that (no matter how much you block, social media WILL keep feeding you posts you disagree with bc it makes them money). social media WILL pressure you into an 'us vs. them' mentality where you constantly feel like everything online is a threat or an argument you have to win and where being mean and unnuanced gives you the most notes and where you don't even see, let alone be able to treat, other users as people anymore bc you don't interact with them anymore other than to block or fight them. that's not how i want it to be online. it's not fun to me. and maybe i'm a pessimist but i think it will eventually be the death of online fandom and sites like tumblr. look at the state of twitter right now. DOES blocking give you a better experience in the long run? i doubt that it does. overall, i think it makes people even less tolerable and more vulnerable to hate and fear mongering, and social media an even more hostile place.
it's everything i hate about social media and everything i want to fight against and WILL fight against. i won't pretend my meager contribution will change anything, but i LIKE to just scroll past posts i don't vibe with and not see every argument online as a personal offense. it keeps me curious. most posts aren't that bad when you know the person behind it. i mean, you do you, i'm not gonna say what you should or shouldn't do bc that's up to you, but i recommend it: free yourself of the block button and bring back supportive user communities based on a shared love for the same thing and focus on what you have in common with people, just like you would do in real life. save the block button for the rotten apples who DO keep trying to pick fights and exclude others.
(which is, now that i think about it, probably the main difference: most people see the block button as a neutral way to prevent worse. but. that's only the case on an individual level. and treating everything online as an individual choice to which there are no further consequences, especially if they happen on a larger scale, is already a loss.)
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tag game
tagged by @jgyapologism
1. why did you choose your url?
it was something different but i made a fan account on twt and then decided to also be found here? or maybe it was specifically when twitter started going to shit and we thought it would shut down the first times that i made this account an extension of that one? (it wasnt much before). and now i dont even use twt so lol
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
no because i dont understand how they work
3. how long have you been on tumblr?.
9 years? i think i joined in 2015?
4. do you have a queue tag?
no cause i queue randomly and often. (i like getting to surprise myself with posts i like at a random later date)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to follow accounts that talked about my interests!! also i felt too cringe for the other sites and this webbed site has a loser reputation
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
uhhhhh it was my twt one last or maybe two pride months ago and i stuck with it. (it used to be bokuto in season 4 looking at hinata with his eyebrows iykyk)
7. why did you choose your header?
the power of volleyball yuri!!! i chose it to celebrate vnl but now that vnl is over ig i can change it... but i love melissa vargas so much i want her there
8. what is your post with the most notes?
"they should invent joints that dont hurt" <- banger i know and it has like 16,000 notes last i saw
9. how many mutuals do you have?
uhhhh idk how to even tell that
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
96 which is a lot but not all of them are active anymore :(
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
see my most popular
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
like 2-3 times, more if im bed bound.. is this chronically online of me? probably
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not on this website i dont think...
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
i immidiately scroll past any "you need to __" make me want to not look at it
16. do you like tag games?
yes! but sometimes they make me nervous for no reason!
17. do you like ask games?
yes but i feel bad sending the asks cause what if i do the thinks ive been asked to wrong
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
in terms of certain tags/fandoms maybe but overall tumblr famous then no
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no <3
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maloosh-baloosh64 · 7 months
lately i've been feeling extremely hopeless about everything so if i seem to be not reblogging as much activism stuff as i should be that's why. im taking a break from that for the time being. hit my limit after hearing about that nonbinary kid get killed at school. feels like all i ever read anymore on this website is just the most depressing shit i've ever seen being one-upped by itself over and over again. people are disgusting and i wanna point a minigun at the heads of everyone making these awful things happen and pull the trigger till there's nothing left. seriously if there is a god why hasn't he started turning people into salt already or whatever other fucked up things that evil ancient narcissist has done.
anyways i get that as a cis white guy i shouldn't even have anything to say about this. the victims of these abhorrent tragedies are the ones who need a break. i should be round the clock 24/7 about this. but it's just very hard for me right now given that i'm struggling with unemployment and i've tried so hard to be a good person and to post about this stuff ever since 2020 and it feels like all it's done is make me extremely angry, sad, scared, and so fuckign ready to end it all so for now i need to take a break. if yall want me to keep fighting this good fight then i need one so i dont lose my sanity.
i hope that other people will continue to scream louder and harder about these awful things happening in the world. i specifically hope more cis white men talk about it since they have the privilege and the power to do so and be taken seriously.
so yeah. free palestine. protect trans women. protect trans people. protect online privacy. stop ai art theft. end capitalism. end racism. all that good stuff. im going to reblog things that make me happy for now and if any of yall have a problem with it keep it to yourself before i lose my mind about it.
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I'm so glad you could find me here on Tumblr!
Name: Kitsune Aliases: Kit, Kitsu, KitKat, Aimer, Sailor Birthday: 9/25/09 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Personality Type: INFP-T Region: United States of America (Type EUROPEAN, Half-Irish) Languages: English (Native), Spanish, Japanese, Latin, French, Korean, and a little bit of German and Russian Other Social Media (Crossed out text means: not as active on the social media): Character.ai, Wattpad, Online Sequencer, Music Box Maniacs
INTERESTS (Biggest interests/hyperfixations are in bold)
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants Friday Night Funkin' (Especially Mid-Fight Masses) Countryhumans/Countryballs Gumby VeggieTales (Especially LarryBoy) Sailor Moon My Little Pony (MLP) SEGA (yes, all of it) Star Wars Anything starring Bruce Lee (especially Fist of Fury, from 1972) The Terrible Two (a book by Mac Barnett and Jory John) Minecraft Dumb Ways to Die Unikitty Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd) Vocal Synths (Vocaloid, Utau, SynthV, etc.) Spy vs. Spy Dog Man Futurama Kelton (a series by a user named "inkspecco") Interland (a game made by Google) FNAF: Security Breach Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K) Bibleman "Maus: A Survivor's Tale" by Art Spiegelman The Owl House Teen Titans (2003) Thomas & Friends
Basic dni (racist, sexist, ableist, MAP/lolicon/shotacon/pedophile/child fiddler, zoophile, lgbtphobe, nsfw accounts, all that jazz) Proshipper (this includes, but is not limited to, minor-adult shipping, incest, and/or sexualization of minors regardless of if they're fictional or not) Support the Westboro Baptist Church, PragerU, Autism Speaks and/or PETA Neo-Nazi/Anti-Semitic Use disorders/disabilities/mental conditions as an aesthetic MCYT/DreamSMP stan (the kind that made up fake sexualities and races based on Dream and/or ship DreamNotFound) Call the UN and/or other do-gooder organizations "the antichrist" and harass supporters of said organizations for it only slander me for my toxic past (mostly dumb shit i did when i was too young to be using the internet) Use the "fatherless" term as a way to describe people who are cringe Wish to spread negativity about my interests (especially TETOCU and VeggieTales)
K-Pop stans Go!Animators/Vyonders People who used to be friends with people i don't like but got away from said people People who were my friend for a while but left because i didn't make them comfortable anymore People who use "Jesus" as a slang word (I am, or at least am considered, half-Christian-half-Buddhist for context, and I was always told to not use Jesus's name as a slang word) People who preach religion too much to the point that it sounds like they're forcing the religion on others
If I tell you my past at any point in time, it means I have a certain amount of trust in you
If you're gonna be my friend then please tell me what it is that makes me uncomfortable to be around before asking me if we should end the friendship
sometimes i dont know the best way to respond to things and sometimes when you talk to me i'll need you to include a tone tag since i cant immediately figure out your tone
I don't take art requests because one, I want to feel independent, and two, I don't want to accidentally butcher anyone's ideas in my own artstyle
I use curse words and I'm used to hearing curse words, so if you berate me for using curse words yet don't berate others for the same reason, consider yourself blocked
I'm a very curious girl so expect to see me reblog things that interest me
Before you send me an ask, I would like you to read this post about why I don't allow anonymous asks ===========================
Have fun on my profile and remember, A smile makes every day worthwhile!
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dreamliners · 11 months
im tired of having to fade away from fandoms (one direction, harry styles, mcu, star wars and now stranger things?!)
nope its already bad enough that some of the st actors are wilding online but now eddie fans are fighting within ourselves and for what??? a book??? as if ya'll havent read/written better or more interesting.
you dont have like it or even respect it as canon, whatever. but to tear down someone else for liking it is bullshit. i hate to say it but some of ya'll need to be reminded. THIS IS ALL FICTION. guess what eddie isnt real, hawkins isnt real. it not real folks.
but the message is. eddie was an outcast, he looked out for the people left out or rejected. yet somehow you guys are doing to people what he is against. he isnt a self appointed "freak" thats the label he was given by people who bullied him. the same bullying you guys inflict on writers and other people in this fandom. its bullshit.
we all enjoy different aspects, au's and tropes thats fanfiction. but to diss a writer who writes for your fav, who loves them just as much is so fuckin dumb and wrong. if you dont like their style, then find another author. its not that hard. idk when in the internet timeline people became boomers who complain whenever they dont get what they want immediately. like dude no one will take you seriously when you act like an entitled brat.
also if you dont write then you dont know how long the process really is. even when theres hella inspo and drive it still takes a while. respect writers. we just had a full on writers strike about this shit. i dont wanna see anons anymore either. you wanna spew out your lame ass take, do it off anon since you think you're entitled to that shit.
thats one more thing. you got the nerve to shit talk, have the same amount of balls to do it off anon. you wanna shit talk a writer say it with your whole chest, aint no reason you wanna hide if you really feel that way about it.
imma get real disrespectful rn. if you say shit on anon because you dont wanna be bullied or have "anxiety" imma personally call you a punk ass bitch. because nah i've seen too many anons get comfortable saying dumb shit but not having the nerve to say that shit with their blog name showing. and tbh i will reblog laughing at you for not have the gall to talk your shit without hiding.
i had thought i wouldnt have to become a dickhead in a fandom space again, but here we are. if i see you disrespect my mutuals, or mutuals of my mutuals i will come for your ass anon or not. because respectfully eddie would have too. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤍
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angeldiaries777 · 1 year
Blog potentially being deleted
I want to delete my tumblr I’m bored of it I feel like posting on here just gives me more incentive to complain and waste more of my life on the internet which I didn’t even think was fucking possible because I’ve literally been online for as long as I can remember and even when I do logout or delete the app I always just end up redownloading it to vent
I’ve been Locked out of twitter since like 2022 and making new socials just seems stupid atp cuz like I don’t rlly wanna interact with strangers anymore I never really did tbh even on the internet I’ve never had like online friends or anything but i somehow always ended up in fights and drama cuz of my lit opinions and mentally ill brain also I was just a stupid 14 year old kid being cancelled like every 3-5 business days because I was edgy. Like I was being bullied at school everyday (that’s not true everyone was actually pretty nice to me cuz im actually cool and not a loser) and I’d come home and spill that anger on the internet. Take a shot everytime I type internet DONT. Please don’t. Anyway My point before my adhd took over was I’m still really sick and def need to just not be on here.
I thought my existence on the internet was healthy now cuz I generally keep to myself and just reblog a quote every now and then but looking at all this healing content and stuff instead of actually healing is getting old.
I know I’ve made so many improvements the past few months even weeks alone yet I still feel so unbelievably depressed and I was lashing out at myself for never feeling happy and really just blaming myself for being mentally I’ll instead of accepting it.
Lots of people said things about me that either hurt me or were untrue and that only made me want to hide even more than I already did and my safe spaces got boring and dark and just everything is just this frustrating web of thoughts and I just want to be happy for once but even if I don’t neglect myself and do what I’m supposed to do I still don’t think I’ll escape depression. My only options at this point are medication and more therapy which both sound like nightmares
Don’t really have any others resources atm
Just even going to therapy made me feel worse the more I went and my anxiety took over so I just stopped going
As for medication there’s just so many logistics around it it’s been jarring to even consider it as an option for so long
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wickjump · 5 months
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My name is Wick (she/they/star/it), also known as Wickskip (TikTok), Wickjump (Tumblr), or Hopwick (AO3*).
On all platforms my content centers around Undertale and the Undertale Multiverse, however I’ll also sometimes reblog/post about a few other fandoms.
What I post and reblog can contain themes of violence/abuse, mental illness, suicide/self harm, suggestive themes, and more. For those reasons, this blog is intended for audiences 16+ in age.
information zone /ᐠ - ˕-マ。˚ᶻ 𝗓
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[⁉️] byf/dni:
dni: pro/com/dark (i do not support harassment or doxxing), TERFs, zionists/pro-isreal, anti-semitics, bigots. aka obvious assholes
byf: i will sometimes post/reblog things of a suggestive nature, but none of said posts will be graphic nudity. nsfw content may be discussed, but not in detail. i will also post whump content which can include gore, torture, conditioning, dehumanization, etc.
i will occasionally talk about my experience in being groomed, abused, formerly proship (and now against it), or other traumas of mine, but posts containing those themes will always be tagged appropriately.
if you’d like to send an ask relating to your experience in any of these things, asking advice on how to write these themes, etc, you can! ^^
*my ao3 account is not intended for children.
yes nsfw/18+ blogs can follow me i really dont care given i have one of my own
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[⚠️] boundaries:
no asks referring to substance abuse or alcoholism, pretty pls.
no i will not date you lmao,,, i don't do online dating, nor catch feelings over the internet. please don't ask on anon anymore thanks???
do not tag me in posts containing themes that apply to my dnis or general discomforts. that includes grooming, pedophilia, incest, proship content, bigotry, etc.
do not tag me in posts that are centered around the harassment of another individual or group of individuals.
don’t flirt with me or make sexual comments towards me, regardless of age or relationship status, including jokes!!!! conversations with graphic sexual themes are generally uncomfortable for me and i’d prefer not to have them. conversations about sex or sexual themes (as in characters doing the do) in a way that isn’t nitty-gritty is fine as long as you’re 18+ and not being weird towards me (or in general) about it.
don’t drag me into fights/start them under my posts!!!!!!! id like to be informed of the base of what’s going on, but not included.
sometimes i can be wrong about things. if i am wrong about things, tell me so i can improve!! i never mean to make anyone upset because of something i said. on this note, also send an ask or dm if i reblog or mistakenly support a not-good person, it would be much appreciated!
aint a boundary but itd be appreciated if you didn’t use starself, only star/stars. not for any important reason it’s just a grammar pet peeve of mine
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[⭐️] faves:
things that are bolded are my current hyperfocus
aus: xtale, handplates, dusttale, reapertale, aftertale
au sanses: cross, reaper, lust, dream, dust, error, sci and fresh (not in any order)
canon ut characters: chara, frisk, asriel/flowey, toriel, alphys
other au characters: xtale alphys, xchara, xtale toriel, uf!toriel, uf!flowey, reapertale chara, handplates gaster, starlo (ut:y), outertale grillby, core frisk
ships: crepic, kross, lustblue, hypersomnia, mtt + crepic poly, epickross, bad sans poly, mtt + cross poly, mtt poly, drinkberry, errorink, afterdeath, etc. but im not a picky shipper :3
tropes: devotion, friends -> lovers, hurt/comfort, opposites attract, soulmates, whump
color, animal, movie, book: pink/red, cats/wolves/foxes, the little prince (1974)/the lion king, fading echoes/the forgotten warrior (wc)
coffee order: 60-130k word slow burn friends to lovers whumpee/caretaker recovery fic rated M
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[🕯] other assorted info:
no twitter, discord, or insta :(
i have another name btw it’s winnie :3 throw it in every now and then if you want to confuse people. not too often though i like wick better
no i don’t have kids, i have cats. two of them. but they cost as much and take as much time as human children would, probably.
every time i talk about ink in a relationship it is always queerplatonic on his part, even if i don’t clarify!! i personally don’t ship him romantically.
i have diagnosed autism, adhd, anxiety, and some others but that’s my personal biz. if i come off as awkward, ‘trying too hard’, unable to realize when a joke’s ended, or just weird/unlikable, that’s why. i’m seriously bad with that stuff but i’m trying my best!!
i’m an ace lesbian (i love women) and fxminine (a gender that basically means agender/lack of gender with a strong connection to femininity).
i am squirrelstar, nightcloud, and mapleshade’s biggest fans ever!!!!!!!!!!!
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[🐇] links to thingz:
Undertrap Sans/Milkbone Sans
Sona Reference Sheet
Strawpage (carrd but cooler + u can submit drawings?!??!?!?!)
Ao3 / TikTok
18+ Sideblog
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(pride divider by aquazero, cross stamps by lazyartost, error sans & warrior cats dividers by sister-lucifer)
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incarnateirony · 8 months
God. What a definitionally crazy cunt. Stalks an ex for three years on their blog. Tries to intentionally invade friend groups that they had formerly blocked and abused and pretended to be interested in just to worm in to try to access closer friends to disrupt. Deadass invests HALF A YEAR OF HER TIME on this. Deadass ignores me telling her to her face back then that everyone was aware of her shit and she was choosing to walk into a shark tank. Is still so goddamn sure of herself she dedicates that half year to being a crazy bitch. Everyone sits waiting for her to expressly and publicly be a crazy bitch. And, because she can't control herself and no longer recognizes what stability looks like anymore in the presence of her equally toxic enablers, she flew off the handle and stunted some of the funniest crazy bitch shit ever off of a simple dual vibe check.
Then sits there sobbing like I DONT WANT TO LOSE A FRIEND. LOOK IM CRYING, IM CRYING, I FEEL SO BAD MAN, HER MANIPULATIONS WERENT WORKING!! SHE WAS UNABLE TO DISRUPT OUR 20 YEAR FRIENDSHIP IN A FEW MONTHS OF HER BEING A STUPID SHIT. She's SOBBING about all these months she wasted her life trying to be a manipulator on YET ANOTHER FRIEND GROUP, but picked a fight with one too storied and historied outside of fandom to mislead with her horse shit, and in fact, had already played her hand out ten years ago doing the same shit with the same people, and they were just watching her pattern through. But she's crying guys!! That's like. TOTALLY Corban's social responsibility that my ex who formerly abused him online because of her own mistakes wasted six months of her life ignoring everyone to try to be malicious and target a friend group she heard I was playing with again that were glad she was gone. Just like ten years ago the first time she backstabbed me and replaced me with another guy, when the other guy turned out to be a useless sack of shit, before she came calling for me to save her house, bugged Corban this same guy demanding he have to transport her life choice problem out of state for her and blocking him when he laughed and said no. All over again.
and I've got news for you sweetheart. It doesn't stop at the circle of friends you wanted, or TK. It's time for you to stop being wilfully obtuse, recognize I've been honest with you, scroll the last few pagesof my blog reblogging the last few months of poignancy, and start realizing you already dug your hole to the center of the earth. That sound is your shovel tinking off the core. Stop digging, it's not going anywhere. Slow down long enough to read the warnings you were given this whole time, and a few time stamps and notices. Slow the fuck down and stop hurting yourself and crying to us about it.
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yanbub · 3 years
them as your online crush
— includes: diluc, xiao, and childe x gn!reader
— genre + warnings: pure crack. cw: some of my headcanons on the pronouns of the characters included, tho its all for jokes dont take them srsly.
— note: hi im alive 🤗 not completely back but i just wanted to write this ,,, please reblog if you've enjoyed ! it helps me a lot <3 kinda based from what happened 2 me lately so ig based from experience LOL. unedited and not proofread and this is very messy zzz sorry in advance for errors n whatnot
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diluc ;
literally your local he/him with handsome (aka formal) typings on the internet. he can literally just say “hello :)” and get SO MUCH clout. he doesn’t even have to try to be some random clout chaser, he automatically gets clout just for being a he/him.
he seemed cold at first but the more you get to know him, he wasn’t that bad. his handsome typings didn’t even seem cold anymore, it’s just how he really types to anyone anywhere.
he’s so caring even if you just text each other like. what the hell? and you found him intimidating of all things… it’s rare to see him crack a joke online but he actually cracks a few with you (woah special treatment wish all)
nothing much to say, he just sounds hot when he types and he’s a green flag because he’s really caring and nice. so who wouldn’t even crush on him?
xiao ;
another he/him. gets more clout than diluc. probably one of those “he/him, 16”s that you see on twitter or something. he can just say “hello tl” and get more than 10 replies.
PLEASE the way he types sometimes is lowk scary but there's no ill intention to them. he just sounds mad everytime he types. i have no idea why, he just does.
is actually some fun guy to talk with, you’d never regret a moment with him <3.
light banters here and there probably, he literally does personal attacks when he gets the chance istg 😭. he’s also a slight jokester… just slight. it’s either his jokes would suck or they would be funny.
commitment issues so you’d probably hesitate to crush on him in the first place, crush material with caution !! stay safe
jokes aside, he’s the type who’d defend you on twitter of all places. probably would waste time sitting on one spot and is arguing with strangers online over something they accused you of idk.
HE’S JUST NICE OK scary at first but really nice to hang out with yeaaaa
childe ;
literally the reason why i did this post LMFAOOOO
enemies to lovers on the internet, yall fight so often like what the actual fuck is up
also another one who does personal attacks to make you lose, foul move, honestly.
for some reason people think you’re dating, but in truth you’re just friends. you two are so close so maybe that’s why ppl thought of that.
it’s normal for most to see you two arguing, especially when they see you and childe telling the other to deactivate as a joke. fighting is basically how you interact…
if you act nice to him once he’ll probably ask if you got possessed or something similar to that LMFAO. but he’ll act nice back !! he knows when to joke or not.
doesn’t like labels so you hesitate on crushing on him 😂👍
your dms is either filled with you two telling the other to deactivate or just random drama spilling.
no because he sometimes do those handsome typings too </3 if you tell him you’re doing something he’d always remind you on it. (for example: “SHUT UP im taking a test can u please bully me later instead 😁😁” “oh, do your exam first. just talk to me later” (as if he wasn't telling you to delete ur account a few moments ago))
idk what to say atp uhm yea he’s a different breed than the other two LOL
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Nightmares (Part 1)
No permissions to repost anywhere online or print or reuse in any fassion. Reblogs are appreciated.
Warnings: nightmare blood gore other people afraid of self harm missunderstandings steve being an idiot and doing too many missions in a row.
It happened all at one
Bed dipped I woke and saw a I woke up darkness. All the lights were off the windowshade was closed....darkness.
"Shhhh" i felt an arm sneak around my waist pull me to him. It made me smile his warmness his... his something was off
I turned
Darkness. But this time it was from a mask.   he put his hand over his  lips would be and air my throat caught but I was able to scream and I screamed i shot up in bed.
The same freaking dream. Again.
God I couldnt wait until Steve was back from his mission. Then I heard the door creak open.
Oh god i can't be one of those dreams within a dream can it?
I sat up slowly
"Sweetheart?" He said tentatively. I could hear his bag slowly get place on the floor with a thunk followed by another thunk.  "Why are you awake?"
"Oh thank god."
"Nightmares. Since you've been gone."
With two steps he was right next to me.
"The winter soilder trying to kill me."
"Babe, I know that was scary for you. You never saw me like that before."
Understatement. Bruised and bloody and unconscious with no explination why until he woke up. But he wasn't waking. Well he didn't wake uo for a while rather.
"But you're safe here. I'm fine. Tony makes this place a fortress. We can move in  completely if you want. You won't just be here alone when I'm gone. Friday is here."
"Not helping Steve" say what you want. That thing is creepy at times. He knew I thought that.
"I'm sorry babe," he kissed my forehead and rubbed circled on my back.
He looked dirty.
"But I'm back now and I'm here."
He was here.
"Go shower you smell I'm sleepy. " I smirked.
He smiled and kissed my head again and then turned to the bathroom.
I layed down and closed my eyes. Feeling safe Steve is home. And safe.
I closed my eyes. Im not sure for how long but the man has to learn to dry his hair off better as dripping on my neck woke me up.
"Hey go back to sleep," he kissed me on his cheek even his kiss was wet. Ugh. And warm. Eww.
I turned and opened by eyes.
There was blood all over him like, like he was in an explosion or something a sword fight a gun fight. I couldn't do anything just pant in horror as I saw the crimson blood drip onto the cream colored sheets. He just sat there leaning up no shirt on.
"What's wrong babe?"
I couldnt see a wound no no wound but blood so much blood.
"Honey" he leaned over  to me moving his arm off his body and I saw a gaping hole in his side and I could see in. That's when I screamed. I had woken myself up and in one movement had pulled away from Steve and rollen onto the floor from the middle of a king sized bed. Covered in sweat shaking.  I breiefly remember  Steve being shook or looking shocked, maybe he reached for me I'd like to hope he did, before I ended up on the floor but then he was right next to me. As I sat there crying.
" What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?"
All I could do is just sob.
"Its ok you're ok. I'm here i wont let anyone touch you. You're  ok." He had pulled me into a tight hug. One of my hand was on the carpet. It had such a nice texture. Soft but billowy and I dont know....the feeling was nice... That calmed me down more than Steve.
When I calmed down he asked. "Nightmare was bad this time hu?"
"You were covered in, there was a hole," I reached to his side moving my hands over where i recal the injury to be. It was smooth. "There was so much...." my breathing was finally calming down.
I put my head back to lean the side of the bead.
"I can't  do this anymore. I really don't think I can do this anymore Steve."
He looked at me heartbroken like I was so low so pathetic so... like he felt bad or maybe I was....
"It's ok. Its ok it's ok im here. I'm right here. It'll be fine. I promise you it will be ok.." but to me it he had broken me, my resolve. My thoughts. This him running off not caring about getting hurt was too much for me but it wasnt just that it was I dont know but he was too much for me.
"I'm right here next to you. Ok. Right here. How about, how about I get you your valium hmm?" He kissed my forehead "what do you say? Could help this."
"I dont know Stevie."
"Let's just give it a try." He kissed my forehead then walked to the bathroom came back with a pill and grabbed my water bottle from my next to me, as it had toppled over as i fell out of bed and I took it. I didn't really want to but whatever.
"Just relax ok, relax. It's ok." He took me in his arms.
I dont know when or how I fell asleep. But I woke up to an empty bed but there was a note.
"Had a meeting for the mission. Ill be back later get rest- Steve"
For the mission? He just came back from a mission.  Is that what he meant. The immages from last night were still so fresh in my brain. The other "avengers were so tight It felt weird being around them. The agents saw me as Caps's girlfriend and a reason why they could be given desk duty or otherwise if they loooked at me wrong. Apparently his past girlfriends weren't nice. So It could be lonely here. With no one to talk to. I layed back down in bed. And I realized the sheets had been changed. He must have done it after I fell asleep on the floor. I know he tries but the nightmares are just too much. Last nights was overboard way, way overboard.
I looked at my phone it was 1pm. I dont know how I slept that long.
There was a text from
Sam: text me when you get up. I wanna talk to you. Steve said you've been having nightmares and last night said you dont think you could  do this anymore. Im worried.
Sam was always kind. Always had a joke a smile. But I think steve got it all wring.
Me: What no sam that wasnt what I -Steve took it all wrong i have nightmares when hes gone about I meant I dont know if I can do our relationship any longer. I love him a lot. Maybe its not actually love I care i do but. The nightmare last night steve was covered in love
Sam: covered in love?
Me: i mean blood. Sry typo. I meant blood I really did mean to type blood i dont know why i typed love. But he was covered in blood and it terrified me. I mean absolutely terrified me. I told Steve i dont know I can do this anymore. Our relationship not life. Me and Steve...I think we're done.
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𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗
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➾ 𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔:
name — bee (moots can call me belle)
age — 16 (surprising, right?)
pronouns — she/they (tho you can call me whatever you like)
sexual orientation — i..... idfk anymore
country — u.s.
time zone — pacific standard time (pst california)
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➾ 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊:
white, natural wavy/curly brunette (tho i dye my hair every now and then)
aesthetic is all over the place but i tend to stick with boxy graphic/band tees or really big sweatshirts, mostly muted colors with a small pop of bright color
plus sized, tall, faint freckles and moles, lots of acne bc ✨teenager✨, a bunch of stretch marks and cellulite
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➾ 𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞:
hogwarts house — slytherin (tho i got ravenclaw once)
three big signs — gemini sun, sagittarius moon, libra rising
personality type — istp-t
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➾ 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌:
i dont have any separate blog for shitposts and rants or interaction with friends so expect that all here. i like to think i'm a pretty friendly person (at least online) so feel free to talk to me anytime!
i write for many fandoms, including, harry potter, stranger things, the 100, and bridgerton. expect more to be added as i get invested in more and more shows and movies.
original ideas are hard, i get that completely. and sometimes you don't remember exactly where you got the idea from, which is completely fine. i do not expect any credit to be given if i inspire your writing, that's just part of the process. as long as you're not blatantly stealing anything, we don't have any problems.
if you would like to translate my work or post it somewhere else, please message me. i'm pretty chill so don't feel threatened or anything. if you find my work good or interesting and would like it to reach others, just make sure to get my WRITTEN permission and CREDIT ME!! if you don't, you will be reported and blocked. i may be chill but i DO NOT tolerate plagiarism, it is ILLEGAL!!
if you have any complaints or concerns, please feel free to message me or send me an ask as long as you're not rude about it. i'm always looking for ways i can improve, whether that be in my writing or as a person. i love getting feedback, it really helps me learn and grow
i will never be one of those blogs that block people if they spam like bc i understand that there are blogs that don't wanna have any posts on their blog or they're ashamed they're reading fanfiction or it just doesn't match what they talk about on their blog. and i do appreciate likes because it shows me what y'all like and if i should continue making something or writing about a certain character. i also appreciate the few reblogs i do get because it really helps with the algorithm, so thank you <3
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➾ 𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒/𝖋𝖚𝖓 𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖘:
i hate the feeling of velvet and felt, i feel physically sick when touching it. its basically like nails on a chalkboard.
i have a cat named oreo, who i am convinced is a velociraptor in disguise (velociraptors can open doors, that's why). She likes to open my door with her mind powers and/or knock on it and scream at me till i open it.
i love frogs and rats so so much, i really want them as pets (which is kinda hard with a cat so im probably gonna get them when i move out).
i have an "irrational" fear of spiders. every time i see one i either scream for someone to kill it, hyperventilate, or cry. my mom gets pissed at me for asking her to kill them
i've been biting my nails since before i even had a developed memory. my therapist thinks its from past anxiety that's become a habit.
i have a depression, anxiety, and adhd
i have issues with confrontation, most likely caused by ptsd (according to my therapist). i usually cry when someone yells at me or looks like they're gonna hit me (unless i started the fight and it's with someone that's either younger than me or shorter than me)
i have a tendency to focus on my insecurities for too long and begin to think i'm unloveable, which is no one's fault, i'm just a dumbass.
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i love every single one of you to the moon and back, nothing will change my mind.
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fiisheyes · 3 years
ok im trying to catch up on tag games .. @geo-bby💕 tagged me to answer these questions i think ive been tagged in this by other people but i cant find it rn so uh if u tagged me in this <3 thank u thank u mwah
why did you choose your url?
it used to be fish-eyed-idiot and i really liked the fish eye part of it but i didnt want to call myself something negative anymore because i realized it came from a unhealthy place so i changed it.. i think fisheyes was taken but two iis is cooler anyways
any side blogs?
no .. i make them and then immediately delete them afterwards
how long have you been on tumblr?
june 2020 not that long.. i mean i used to come here every now n then earlier but i hadnt made an account or anything
do you have a queue tag?
i dont get queues u guys are weird
why did you start your blog in the first place?
to reblog gorillaz art ..........
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
saw one of those icon maker posts..... idk i usually didnt care particularly but miki <33
why did you choose your header?
uh i like rain i was going for green.. googled green rain gif ooo pretty.. ....
what’s your post with the most notes?
last summer i visited my grandma and she got out like 4 gigantic boxes of photos shed took over the years... me+my sibling+my mom got to go thru them and pick out ones we wanted because she did not want any of them.... mom did not want the really messy looking ones but some of them looked sooo amazing so i saved a bunch (theyre taped up in my room now) and i thought they looked cool enough to post and i did n yeah....
how many mutuals do you have?
basically everyone who follows me is a mutual.. i did not realize how many i had but then one day i tried to go thru all my mutuals blogs and i barely scratched the surface.... very strange experience
how many followers do you have?
how many people do you follow?
727 i think
have you ever made a shit post?
i dont get what counts as a shit post .... does anyone on here post not shit
how often do you use tumblr?
during online school it was chronic....... im getting better but i might have to deactivate at some point because just logging off does not cut it
did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
i am very very bad about talking to anyone on here let alone fighting with them
how do you feel about the ‘yOu HaVe tO rEbLoG tHiS’ posts?
do you like tag games?
do you like ask games?
yes yes but i will get a bunch of asks and then answer 2 of them + then abandon the rest.... my inbox is full of deactivated blogs saying "1+16 for the asks!!"
which of your moots do you think are tumblr famous?
i have cool mutuals i dont think any of them are tumblr famous but sometimes they have big posts..
do you have a crush on a mutual?
dont talk to any of them hows that supposed to work...... dang ill say hello to them and well talk for 4 minutes then i never say anything to them ever again.......
tagging @micemirls @yknowhatimean @indierokkerss
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20cm · 3 years
check-in tag :] tagged by @bwaldorf tysm ramasha!! 💓💓 time to talk abt my blog for a bit
why did you choose your url?
i just really love follow: find you<3 one of the most mx albums of all time 💕🥳
any side blogs? if you have them: name them and why you have them
i mostly have inactive ones!! (old fandoms) but i can name some current sideblogs i use
untagged general references @hanamizake
photoshop resources @200410
langblr references @zhiluanpo
how long you’ve been on tumblr?
unfortunately a long time <3 since 2012 (tho this blogs from nov. 2020)
do you have a queue tag?
nope!! my queue is untagged both because its easier and because im indecisive with tags
why did you start your blog in the first place?
i remade back in october/november because i wanted a fresh start <3
why did you choose your icon?
i made it because blue hour era yeonjun took over my brain for a bit (he's still there)!!
why did you choose your header?
same as last 😭😭 i made it because i just Loved tht era + the pink mullet + goth cowboy look was so .... like . exactly my niche
what’s your post with the most notes?
had to break out the notes counter site across my 4 blogs ive had (old main + two old sideblogs)
this blog: this painting of oranges w/ a short poem i wrote! (2.7k)
old main: hate to admit its an old gameplay video bc i used to be an overwatch blog but it has 2.2k notes
sideblog 1: old fanmade mv 4.7k notes but i dont like to count it so we'll go with old fanart from jan 2020 w/ 1.7k notes!
sideblog 2: fanart w/ 960 notes:)
so like. technically that one video but ill count my oranges instead <3
how many mutuals do you have?
128!! most of my followers are muts 💓💓💓
how many followers do you have?
174 :] and im SO happy about it i hate having a large following im not joking 😭😭 once it gets above 1k its hell
how many people do you follow?
308 <3 i like to keep the number below 300 usually but whatever<3
have you ever made a shitpost?
that term literally means nothing anymore but like yeah probably <3 i like to make jokes ^_^
how often do you use tumblr each day?
like i dont actively use it every day but i sort of alternate between checking it occasionally and death scrolling... i usually have it open passively in a browser tab even if im doing other stuff
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
fight? in public? with another BLOG? who WON??? babygirl im not that messy
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
if theyre important informational posts i try to!! uhm. if its anything else tho where its just like.. guilt tripping over stupid shit i literally do not care babe ill block the post
do you like tag games?
YES i adore them its so so fun <3 i love getting tagged even if im nervous about tagging muts 💕🥰
do you like ask games?
yes yes yes <3 i dont do them often bc im either not online at the right time or i dont have the energy but i like sending them in to others when i see them :)
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
god i dont know like what does that even mean anymore... i def have 2 muts who i REMEMBER vividly seeing them and their posts around a lot over the years and w/e so like.. maybe 2 of them <3 but i wont name names tht feels weird
do i have a crush on a mutual?
no but i DID originally meet and become online friends w/ my boyfriend because of tumblr + being mutuals years ago :)
tagging: @porthavens ; @sodrippy ; @gaemin ; @kihyunsgf & @transyebaiyi bc i know yall are okay with/like being tagged 💕🌸
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ghostlyerlkonig · 3 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @enby-umbreon (very kind of you to think i have any kind of reach lmao, maybe on the self care blog but not anymore.
1. Why did you choose your URL?
This current one isn’t too deep! I like thistles and i like toads so thistletoad! Ive kept the thistle theme going for a few other accounts, mainly twitter.
2. Any sideblogs?
Just two others :) tearoseglasses for writing and a vent blog that shall remain anon. I did have the self help/ self care one BUT after events.. It was deleted.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I started this blog when I was 13 and if you dig, you can tell, 2016. Its been around for a bit
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No. not organized or interested in keeping this that organized lmao
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted too
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Happy dumb face :)
7. Why did you choose your header?
Current one may be changed soon but it made me laugh when i made it which was good enough for me
8. What's your post with the most notes?
Uhhh the one i made when John Hurt died i think.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Genuinely couldnt tell ya. I have a lot of issues with talking to people online so mutuals here are harder to track. On twitter its easier bc we tweet at each other a lot
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Unintentionally yes
13. How often do you use Tumblr in a day?
I dont use it as much anymore. Few times a week.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
I got a bit of harassment last august for defending an artist but no specifics.
15. How do you feel about the 'you need to reblog' posts?
Like. “reblog or youre gonna die” posts or things asking for help? With things asking for help on a global scale, i tend not to as the donation things have been proven far to often to be illegitimate. the "or you'll die" usually tango with my paranoia for a bit before backing off.
16. How do you feel about tag games?
Theyre fun
17. How do you feel about ask games?
Hmmm theyre also fun
18. Which of your mutuals do you think are Tumblr famous?
The ones around the fallout fandom.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nah. crushes require physical seeing for me to get one.
i shall tag @ajaxdishsoap
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thxngam · 3 years
thank you @thumbllebee!
1. why did you choose your url?
it means gold in tamil and is something my mother calls me often. it’s sweet and it has personal significance so i figured i wouldnt outgrow it or something if i changed fandoms/hyperfixations. also its cute! i wanted just plain ol’ thangam but that was taken so i just put an x in there lol
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
nope! i suppose i should for like ~organization~ but no my followers are just gonna have to deal with me possibly taking a hard left into a different fandom 
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
idk? i had one when i was like 13 and i deleted it bc i never did hw bc i was always on tumblr. and then i got it again like a year ago? maybe longer? idk
4. do you have a queue tag?
i think so but i don’t use it very much lol
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to talk to people? i mean mostly its because there are a lot of gifsets and other content relating to fandoms i liked so i was into that and then people started sending me asks and i randomly reached out to people i liked on here (i have no filter on tumblr when it comes to starting conversation. i am very awkward irl but online my inhibitions are gone.) and suddenly i like. had friends. which was very weird bc this has never happened to me before but i love it!
6. why did you choose ur icon/pfp?
it’s me! the picrew i got tagged in was adorable (sorry i forgot who did but whoever it was thank you!) and i liked it so much that i made it my pfp!
7. why did you choose your header?
i liked the colors? i changed the whole theme of my blog to oranges and yellows to match the pfp and the header was with pretty colors and matched the rest of my blog. so. 
8. how many mutuals do you have?
idk actually? but i love all of you sm.
9. how many followers do you have?
125. but im sure some of them are p*rn bots and some of them are from when i was really into the mcu so. tww followers are probably less but i will say i am more vocal in tww than i was with the mcu.
10. how many people do you follow?
194! im not actually sure i care about all 194 people but i might? idk i know some of these are remanents of stuff i dont really interact with anymore
11. have you ever made a shitpost?
nope! but i love reblogging them!
12. how often do u use tumblr each day?
uh depends. when i was in the middle of school, not actually that often but now im so burnt out that i can’t really bring myself to do anything so its more often than i should. also i like talking to people so the temptation is high.
13. did you ever fight/argument with another blog? who won?
no i don’t think so! i mean. ive gotten weird anons and annoying commenters on ao3 but i don’t think ive ever straight up gotten in a fight. 
14. how do you feel about the “you need to reblog these” posts?
i do not like them at all. and then there are all these other people like ‘hey this actually happened to me!’ and im always like no. it did not happen bc of this post. the universe was smiling upon you but that picture of a goat you reblogged from a deactivated account did not help. they just cause stress and anxiety and i just--ugh. nope. 
15. do you like tag games?
yes! see this tag game for example lol. 
16. do you like ask games?
yes!! i love asks. they really bond fandoms too, so its not just people throwing their content into the void. asks allow people to get new ideas and get other creator’s thoughts and create relationships and i just. asks are so fun. ask games doubly so. 
17. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
idk? im not sure i know anyone? i think within subcategories of a specific fandom there are acknowledged ‘this person is amazing at this kinda fic/ship/trope’ but overall idk? (@claudiasjeancregg you are the queen of cj/toby and @jessbakescakes and @hufflepuffhermione you are both so damn good at josh/donna. @cauldronoflove you’re amazing at samjosh. i know without a doubt i am missing people and ships i care about but seriously. so good.)
18. do u have a crush on a mutual?
nope on account of never having met any of you irl but i love you all (platonically) anyway! 
tagging @claudiasjeancregg, @cauldronoflove, @welcometo-yourworld, @hufflepuffhermione, and @jessbakescakes!
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