#no thanks s6 s7 s8
nomadicism · 2 years
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
House M.D. but it's when House says Wilson's name
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Top 5 mash episodes! 😁
sorry, friend, best i can do is uh... top five per season? will that suffice?? (sorry, every time I try and pick just five out of eleven seasons... i go feral. so it goes.)
Season 1:
Chief Surgeon Who
Dear Dad
Sometimes You Hear the Bullet
Yankee Doodle Doctor
Dear Dad Again
Season 2:
Deal Me Out
Carry on Hawkeye
Dear Dad Three
5 O'Clock Charlie
Season 3:
Life With Father
Aid Station
Alcoholics Unanimous
The Consultant
Season 4:
The Kids
The Novocaine Mutiny
Mail Call... Again
Dear Peggy
Some 38th Parallels
Season 5:
Movie Tonight
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Mulcahy's War
The Colonel's Horse
Season 6:
The Light That Failed
The Merchant of Korea
Your Hit Parade
Temporary Duty
Potter's Retirement
Season 7:
Peace On Us
The Party
A Night at Rosie's
Point of View
None Like it Hot
Season 8:
Mr. and Mrs. Who
Old Soldiers
Life Time
Morale Victory
Heal Thyself
Season 9:
Oh, How We Danced
A War for All Seasons
Depressing News
Death Takes a Holiday
Season 10:
Where There's a Will, There's a War
Sons and Bowlers
The Birthday Girls
Twas the Day After Christmas
Give 'em Hell, Hawkeye
Season 11:
Goodbye, Farewell, & Amen
As Time Goes By
Trick or Treatment
The Moon is Not Blue
Settling Debts
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codename-mango · 2 months
Hey Mango! 💗🧡🥺💗🧡
Because I keep thinking about it sksggshshs, how would you design Clarice and Gourami with Season 6's character creation options? 👀☕️
SO! I downloaded the game to test it, and decided fuck it. I made them in every season 4 through.... are we up to 8 now? So let's see what we got.
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First is Season 4: Bombshell. Definitely a very limited character creator. This was an awkward stage for the new app, having just done Season 3, and having just done Matchmaker with their airbrush style as well. The weakest of the seasons. They don't even give Gourami the option to have pink hair.
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Season 5: Ex in the Villa. Clarice would not survive this season. Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of the style of this one. They are just so so shiny. But the hairstyles aren't bad and you have more flexibility.
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The one you actually asked for! Season 6: Double Trouble. I don't mind this one. Gourami came out alright, but I really couldn't get Clarice right. Some of the long hair options are odd. The bathing suit options are cute though!
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Season 7: Stick or Twist. The face options are good. They're more appealing than the past two seasons. But the hair options are limited. If you want short hair, your only free option is pretty bad. But babe..... WHAT ARE THESE CLOTHING OPTIONS?!
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Season 8: Tempting Fate. Clearly, a throwback to Season 2. Not classic S2. Matchmaker S2. But it feels like the right choice in terms of style, even if the posing is weird. The face options are better. You have more flexibility than the season this style is based on. It really bothers me that there's like 2 whole options for free hair though.
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calliettes-posts · 2 years
I wonder if Druck/Funk/ZDF knows that they fucked up just by noticing the lack of dms/engagement they got after s8 compared to after s6
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bookworm-2692 · 2 years
saw your tags (mumbo main activate!!!) mumbo's season 6-7 are SO good and i highly suggest checking out some of his older stuff!!!
thank you for the ask!! i'll eventually get there... i started with double life and intended to watch third life and last life after them, but by then i had already started grian and pearl's hermitcraft s9. and then scar. and then tango and impulse. those five because of double life. and then zedaph (my beloved) as well. so i didnt have time to watch third life and last life...
but then i got curious about s7! so i started watching etho's s7, and finished it. and then started grian's s7. and then i also got curious about s8 so i watched pearl's pov there. so at this point i think i got up to ep28 in s7 and ep8 in s8 or something... but by then the s9 plot absolutely exploded so i've had to put s7 and s8 on hold to focus on s9 (and actually watching other hermits than the ones stated above at random)
so i have seen some of mumbo in the various s7 and s8 episodes ive seen, and obviously early s9, so its not that i dont know him at all, but right now im definitely focusing on the active hermits. past mumbo seasons will be there later when either s9 or real life calms down enough to watch more
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whateverisbeautiful · 29 days
Now we need the MP of every MP pinned. But fr thank you for this!! It give us richonners life.
Thank you! 😊💗 Making this the pinned MP of every MP 👌🏽
Richonne in Retrospect (S3 - S6)
Reveling in Richonne (S3 - S7)
Reveling in Richonne (S8-S11)
Richonne Top 30
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nipuni · 2 months
Happy finishing Dr Who!
I saw you've been watching other David Tennant things - have you seen his and Catherine Tate's version of much ado about nothing? Very good chaotic vibes and I highly reccomend. It's on the internet archive.
Do you have any favourite dr who eps?
Thank you so much!! 🥰 We have and we love it! So far from his filmography we have watched: Taking Over the Asylum, Blackpool, Casanova, Einstein and Eddington, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, Richard II, Decoy Bride, The Escape Artist, Broadchurch, Mad to be Normal, Around the World in 80 Days, Inside Man, Good Omens and Doctor Who of course 😊
As for favourite DW episodes ooohhh there are so so many, let me pull up a list so I can go in season order 😆
S1: Father's day, The empty child/The doctor dances, Bad wolf/The parting of the ways
S2: The Christmas Invasion, New Earth, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
S3: Gridlock, 42, Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Blink, Utopia/The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords
S4: Voyage of the Damned, Fires of Pompeii, The Doctor's Daughter, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Midnight, Turn left
Specials 2008: The Next Doctor, The Waters of Mars, The End of Time I and II
S5: The Beast Below, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, The Big Bang
S6: A Christmas Carol, The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People, The Girl Who Waited, The Wedding of River Song
S7: The Rings of Akhaten, Hide, The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor
S8: Deep Breath, Listen, Mummy on the Orient Express
S9: Last Christmas, Under the Lake, The Zygon Inversion, Heaven Sent, The Husbands of River Song
S10: The Pilot, Oxygen, The Pyramid at the End of the World, World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls, Twice Upon a Time
S11: It Takes You Away
S12: Spyfall part I, Fugitive of the Judoon, The Haunting of Villa Diodati
S13: The Halloween Apocalypse, Eve of the Daleks, The Power of the Doctor
Specials 2023: Wild Blue Yonder
and if I had to pick my most favourites I think they would beeee The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, Doomsday, The Family of Blood, Blink, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Midnight, The waters of Mars, The End of time I and II, The day of the Doctor, Heaven Sent, The doctor falls and Wild Blue Yonder 🥰
This ended up being so long I'm so sorry 😭 AHH we are already rewatching and loving it even more the second time so this list will just get longer over time lmao
Thank you for the message!! I had so much fun answering this 😊❤️
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tournament-of-ninjago · 4 months
thanks @thenindroidtherapist for the poll idea! ninjago has too many seasons so i'll split them into two separate polls. this week's one is from the og (wilfilm) era :)
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shade-e-e-es · 8 months
this is TECHNICALLY an art request but i was looking thru ur art tag and noticed the different lengths of hair Ren had throughout them ^_^ do you have a hair length timeline or anything in mind, or do you just draw him how you feel at the time? i loveee hair headcanon stuff its so fun
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I could kiss you tbh thank you for indulging me let me write out what this says cause my gay ass has horrible handwriting + I have notes on things
Weird girl
Teenager: dysphoria begins
S4 Post top/T start: nervous about dog hybrid status. Hat boy (hides his hair length/ears with a beanie)
S5: no longer shy/ got haircut for resistance (After a season with the hermits he doesn’t mind them knowing he’s not a human, Iskall and him gave each other haircuts)
S6: starting to actually care about his appearance (Doc gave him the shades in s5 to me sorry gri)
S7: oops nvm he’s fucked up mentally (Season 7 was a huge mental strain and he stopped cutting his hair)
S8: Hair got singed off a lot by the lava (a bit shorter than he usually likes it)
S9 (start): s8’s ending destroyed him. Had to basically be sent back to square 1 by X. Body was changed including hyper hair growth.
(Basically jumping into a giant ball of lighting destroyed the fake lungs he had to use to breath. X had to basically alter his core code to allow him to live. When he respawned he was basically a ball of hair and fur. This is where the dog legs/paws/furry arms begins)
S9 (current): hair got cut when he was degraded/dethroned. Unsure if he wants to grow it out again or cut it
(When impulse killed him in the final challenge, he beheaded him, including his hair. Dying is very weird to Ren now and it changed his body again, giving him his people arms back. He gets more furry and less furry and random intervals now.)
There’s my hairs for now, I have so many thoughts about Ren I love him so bad he’s so slay to me I’ll draw certain scenes in my head at some point mainly that last one also sorry for the physical sketch I couldn’t be bothered to digitalize the same face 9 times
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skylaryozora · 6 months
So I finally finished (re)watching S6 of Winx Club few days ago, and I gotta admit this was exhausting, I felt like I was wasting my time for the most part. From what I heard, S7 is even worse, so this marks the end of my "live" commenting era on IG.
I shared only a few comments about S1, because I didn't think anyone would really be interested in what I had to say. However, when I was finishing S2 and moving to S3, turned out I attracted quite a big audience, and my followers were eagerly waiting for my comments, which was quite a nice surprise. Since then I made a commitment to write longer remarks and pay attention to details, and all of that was fueled by my audience's feedback. Exchanging remarks with my followers was fun and thought-provoking, especially when we talked about complex issues.
I posted almost 400 stories about S3, almost 300 stories about S4, almost 200 stories about S5, same for S6. I also commented on SOTLK (The Secret of the Lost Kingdom) and MA (Magical Adventure), as well as on two seasons of FATE saga.
This kind of "live" commenting was both entertaining and time-consuming. With every season getting worse and worse than the first three which are, according to many, the best, I decided it's time to bring the commenting activity to an end, because S7 is considered the absolute worse from what I know, and S8 style is something I honestly despise. I have no idea if I will watch World of Winx, and the upcoming S9. Right now I feel I just got bored with the way this show is, so I will now focus on posting art from now on.
I posted some thoughts on particular moments from the show here as well, and some of you responded with your own insight, and I want to thank you for the engagement <3
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south-park-polls · 1 month
South Park Song Tournament: Round 2!
[make sure to follow @votemattrey for more south park related polls!]
Thank you all so much for the engagement you've shown with round one of my tournament! Round 2 will begin tomorrow!
The songs still in the tournament are as follows:
South Park Theme Song
I'm Gonna Make Love to You, Woman - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe (S1 E1)
The Lonely Jew on Christmas - Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo (S1 E9)
Chocolate Salty Balls - Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls (S2 E9)
Underpants Gnomes Work Song - Gnomes (S2 E17)
I Hate You Guys - Jakovasaurs (S3 E4)
Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics (S3 E15)
Carol of the Bells - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics (S3 E15)
Christmas Time in Hell - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics (S3 E15)
Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics (S3 E15)
Merry Fucking Christmas - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics (S3 E15)
O Holy Night - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics (S3 E15)
Fingerbang - Something You Can Do With Your Finger (S4 E8)
Wendy's Audition Song - Something You Can Do With Your Finger (S4 E8)
It's Butters! - Butters' Very Own Episode (S5 E14)
Montage - Asspen (S6 E2)
Sea People and Me - The Simpsons Already Did It (S6 E7)
The Ballad of Lemmiwinks - The Death Camp of Tolerance (S6 E14)
Bleeding Heart Rock Protest Song vs. Pro War Country Song - I'm a Little Bit Country (S7 E4)
Taco Flavoured Kisses - Fat Butt and Pancake Head (S7 E5)
Faith + 1 Album - Christian Rock Hard (S7 E9)
Casa Bonita - Casa Bonita (S7 E11)
French Canada - It's Christmas in Canada (S7 E15)
Let's Fighting Love - Good Times with Weapons (S8 E1)
My Robot Friend - AWESOM-O (S8 E5)
I've Got Some Apples - Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset (S8 E12)
Make It Right - The Death of Eric Cartman (S9 E6)
Love Lost Long Ago - Follow That Egg! (S9 E10)
We Can Live Together - Ginger Kids (S9 E11)
I am the Dawg - Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy (S10 E10)
California Loves the Homeless - Night of the Living Homeless (S11 E7)
Imagination Song - Imaginationland (S11 E10-12)
Canada on Strike - Canada on Strike (S12 E4)
Super Fun Time - Super Fun Time (S12 E7)
You Gotta Do What You Wanna Do - Elementary School Musical
Gay Fish - Fishsticks (S13 E5)
Poker Face - Whale Whores (S13 E11)
Minorities at my Water Park - Pee (S13 E14)
You and Cthulhu - Mysterion Rises (S14 E12)
Work Mexican Work - The Last of the Meheecans (S15 E9)
I'm Not the Poorest Kid in School - The Poor Kid (S15 E4)
Make Bullying Kill Itself - Butterballs (S16 E5)
Jackin' it in San Diego - Butterballs (S16 E5)
I Swear - Cartman Finds Love (S16 E7)
Princess Kenny Theme - A Song of Ass and Fire (S17 E8)
My Bitch Ain't No Hobbit - The Hobbit (S17 E10)
Push (Feeling Good on a Wednesday) - The Cissy (S18 E3)
The Tale of Craig's Mom's Bush - The Magic Bush (S18 E5)
The Yelper Special (Boogers and Cum) - You're Not Yelping (S19 E4)
The Ballad of Tweek and Craig - Tweek x Craig (S19 E6)
Put It Down - Put It Down (S21 E2)
I Love You Social Distancing - The Pandemic Special
Mountain Town - South Park: Biggger, Longer & Uncut
Uncle Fucka - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
It's Easy Mmkay - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Blame Canada - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Kyle's Mom's a Bitch - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
What Would Brian Boitano Do - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Up There - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
La Resistance - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
I Can Change - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
I'm Super - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
We Missed You Randy - South Park: The Streaming Wars
I Got Cred, Bitches - South Park (Not Suitable For Children)
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
House M.D. but it's when Wilson says House's name
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longbobmckenzie · 1 month
Thank you for digging for the sounds and pictures and things.
Are you playing this season? Who do you like?
Happy to do it, anon!
I'm not playing S8, although I'm glad people are enjoying the LIs! I deleted the app after S7 because I was just sick of the limited branching, merged personalities, clear signs of AI, etc. I said before the season that S8 would have to blow people away for me to be interested, and while it does appear to be much better than S7, I don't think it has what I'm looking for.
Heck, half the reason I played S6 was because I saw the Roberto and Marshall sprite leaks and wanted them so bad. The sprite reveals for S8 were an improvement over S7, but none of the characters really do it for me based on looks.
I'm happy to keep pulling assets, I just don't go in as regularly to download the new stuff because with no leaks, there's really no point.
Thanks so much for the ask! 💕
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tvckerwash · 7 months
ah yes I've been reminded about how much I dislike wash's arc with locus on chorus because it makes no fucking sense!
like that scene in s12 where wash has that dream about shooting donut? while perhaps understandable when looked at in a vacuum, it makes absolutely no sense in the context of wash's arc from s6-s10.
wash repaid his debt to donut by protecting him from one of the tex bots in the 100 tex battle (which is what that seemingly random line in that fight where wash says "okay, we're done here" is referencing), and wash mentally justifying shooting donut in the dream with a "I was just following orders" also makes no sense because that's not what happened!
pretty much everything wash did from mid s7 through s8 were all things that he chose to do. wash chose to go to the chairman and make a deal after he found out that caboose still had epsilon, wash chose to shoot donut and lopez (because he didn't know them and had no attachment to them), wash chose to take doc prisoner, etc etc.
yet despite all of those awful choices he made, the reds and blues still refused to let him die. they chose to save wash when they had every reason to not save him, and they did it because that's what friends do—they protect their own.
this is why wash pulling his gun on lina in s10, and the words that followed him doing so were so important. wash knew what she was feeling, he understood her on an intimate level because lina was mentally in the same place that he himself had been in not too long ago—but he was not going to stand by and watch her hurt his friends, and he was not going to let her force the reds and blues into a battle that wasn't theirs (like he himself had done in s6 on his quest to defeat the meta).
tldr; wash's arc on chorus with locus doesn't make sense because the whole point of his arc (and kind of lina's arc too) prior to chorus was unironically about rediscovering the power of friendship thanks to a group of dumb guys in colorful armor.
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nix-writes-mcyt · 5 months
I've quite literally never watched hermitcraft, or any of grians videos for that matter in my entire life but I came across a yandere grian x reader of yours (specifically the watcher grian one) and it was genuinely so good that I spent the last maybe 12 hours watching grians videos and trying to find out the lore, so thank you for that. I've never been so obsessed with a minecraft series before besides back when I was 10 and into aphmau.
I'm so sorry if this was long but I felt the need to thank you for convincing me, although unintentionally, to watch grians videos. I'm currently on the EVO smp series and I'm trying to figure out what to watch next after that. I watched a bunch of videos yesterday last night, and today the first thing I did when I woke up was turn on EVO smp.
Honestly, once I get more into the grian lore I might actually end up requesting a yandere grian x reader because your writing is just THAT good. Again, sorry this was so long, I just wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work!
(I might've gone over board with this I'm so sorry.)
Anon, firstly I'd like to thank you for leaving this in my inbox. It's really brightened my evening and I appreciate it so much. It's not often I get messages complimenting my work at all, let alone someone taking the time to write as much as you have (thank you again anon), so don't feel bad about going overboard (there's no such thing :D)
I'm glad you enjoyed my fic and I'm glad you're enjoying what you're watching. I'm glad, though unintentionally, I was able to convince you to give Grian's videos a go. If you find yourself looking for another yan!grian fic once you've explored more of the stories he's been a part of you're more than welcome to return to my inbox and request something.
As for where to go from EVO.. well we all know I love me some hermitcraft. I started watching Grian in Season 7 (I had watched most of Mumbo's POV for S6 and a little Scar, but stopped when S7 released so I could focus on S7). To this day S7 remains to be my favourite season (It's the lore. S7 had my favourite storyline thus far) so that could be a good place to start after EVO if you feel like it. S8 is also a good place to start with it being a shorter season. Ultimately it's up to you anon,
Anyway.. Thank you again for your kind words, I really appreciate you leaving them in my inbox. The reason I keep writing is to bring joy and inspire others, it always makes me happy to know that 'm doing that. Have a wonderful day anon!
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