#no you can’t make a nest under my night stand YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT
blendy-pens · 1 year
Y’all there’s nothing worse than living with a horny rabbit why have I done this to myself again
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Elllow! Today’s bookcomb consists of Peeta being protective of Katniss. Could have been much more implied moments but here’s some explicit ones 🤗
But it’s too late to run. I pull a slimy arrow from the sheath and try to position it on the bowstring but instead of one string I see three and the stench from the stings is so repulsive I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t do it.
I’m helpless as the first hunter crashes through the trees, spear lifted, poised to throw. The shock on Peeta’s face makes no sense to me. I wait for the blow. Instead his arm drops to his side.
“What are you still doing here?” he hisses at me. I stare uncomprehendingly as a trickle of water drips off a sting under his ear. His whole body starts sparkling as if he’s been dipped in dew. “Are you mad?” He’s prodding me with the shaft of the spear now. “Get up! Get up!” I rise, but he’s still pushing at me. What? What is going on? He shoves me away from him hard. “Run!” he screams. “Run!”
I trip and fall into a small pit lined with tiny orange bubbles that hum like the tracker jacker nest. Tucking my knees up to my chin, I wait for death.
Sick and disoriented, I’m able to form only one thought: Peeta Mellark just saved my life.
I jump as Peeta grips my shoulder from behind. “No,” he says. “You’re not risking your life for me.”
“Who said I was?” I say.
“So, you’re not going?” he asks.
“Of course, I’m not going. Give me some credit.”
Anger flushes my face. “All right, I am going, and you can’t stop me!”
“I can follow you. At least partway. I may not make it to the Cornucopia, but if I’m yelling your name, I bet someone can find me. And then I’ll be dead for sure,” he says.
“You won’t get a hundred yards from here on that leg,” I say.
“Then I’ll drag myself,” says Peeta. “You go and I’m going, too.”
“We’re going!” says Peeta, shoving the Peacekeeper who’s pressing on me. “We get it, all right? Come on, Katniss.” His arm encircles me and guides me back into the Justice Building.
Peeta steps up on a crate against the wall of the sweetshop and offers me a hand while he scans the square. I’m halfway up when he suddenly blocks my way. “Get down. Get out of here!” He’s whispering, but his voice is harsh with insistence.
“What?” I say, trying to force my way back up.
“Go home, Katniss! I’ll be there in a minute, I swear!” he says.
“He was poaching. What business is it of hers, anyway?” says the man.
“He’s her cousin.” Peeta’s got my other arm now, but gently. “And she’s my fiancée. So if you want to get to him, expect to go through both of us.”
When we’re outside, I turn to Peeta. “You go on back. I want to walk by the Hob.”
“I’ll go with you,” he says.
“No. I’ve dragged you into enough trouble,” I tell him.
“And avoiding a stroll by the Hob . . . that’s going to fix things for me?” He smiles and takes my hand. Together we wind through the streets of the Seam until we reach the burning building.
“Peeta’s argument is that since I chose you, I now owe him. Anything he wants. And what he wants is the chance to go in again to protect you,” says Haymitch.
I knew it. In this way, Peeta’s not hard to predict. While I was wallowing around on the floor of that cellar, thinking only of myself, he was here, thinking only of me. Shame isn’t a strong enough word for what I feel.
“You could live a hundred lifetimes and not deserve him, you know,” Haymitch says.
“Yeah, yeah,” I say brusquely. “No question, he’s the superior one in this trio. So, what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know.” Haymitch sighs. “Go back in with you maybe, if I can. If my name’s drawn at the reaping, it won’t matter. He’ll just volunteer to take my place.”
The reaping takes only a minute. Effie, shining in a wig of metallic gold, lacks her usual verve. She has to claw around the girls’ reaping ball for quite a while to snag the one piece of paper that everyone already knows has my name on it. Then she catches Haymitch’s name. He barely has time to shoot me an unhappy look before Peeta has volunteered to take his place.
“And I’m not saying I’m not going to try. To get you home, I mean. But if I’m perfectly honest about it. . .”
“If you’re perfectly honest about it, you think President Snow has probably given them direct orders to make sure we die in the arena anyway,” I say.
“It’s crossed my mind,” says Peeta.
I check over my weapons, which I know are in perfect condition, because it makes me seem more in control. “I’ll take the lead,” I announce.
Peeta starts to object but Finnick cuts him off. “No, let her do it.”
No one’s thrilled with the idea of me going off alone, but the threat of dehydration hangs over us.
“Don’t worry, I won’t go far,” I promise Peeta.
“I’ll go, too,” he says.
“No, I’m going to do some hunting if I can,” I tell him. I don’t add, “And you can’t come because you’re too loud.” But it’s implied. He would both scare off prey and endanger me with his heavy tread. “I won’t be long.”
Nothing. I find nothing. Not so much as a dewdrop. Eventually, because I know Peeta will be worried about me, I head back to the camp, hotter and more frustrated than ever.
I know it’s stopped when I feel Peeta’s hands on me, feel myself lifted from the ground and out of the jungle. But I stay eyes squeezed shut, hands over my ears, muscles too rigid to release. Peeta holds me on his lap, speaking soothing words, rocking me gently.
While Johanna collects water and my arrows, Beetee fiddles with his wire, and Finnick takes to the water. I need to clean up, too, but I stay in Peeta’s arms, still too shaken to move.
This is when Beetee reveals the rest of the plan. Since we move most swiftly through the trees, he wants Johanna and me to take the coil down through the jungle, unwinding the wire as we go. We are to lay it across the twelve o’clock beach and drop the metal spool, with whatever is left, deep into the water, making sure it sinks. Then run for the jungle. If we go now, right now, we should make it to safety.
“I want to go with them as a guard,” Peeta says immediately. After the moment with the pearl, I know he’s less willing than ever to let me out of his sight.
I’m so light-headed I’ll black out in a matter of minutes. I’ve got to get away from this tree and —
“Katniss!” I hear his voice though he’s a far distance away. But what is he doing? Peeta must have figured out that everyone is hunting us by now. “Katniss!”
Caesar leans in to him a little. “I think it was clear to all of us what your plan was. To sacrifice yourself in the arena so that Katniss Everdeen and your child could survive.”
“That was it. Clear and simple.” Peeta’s fingers trace the upholstered pattern on the arm of the chair.
A hush has fallen over the room, and I can feel it spreading across Panem. A nation leaning in toward its screens. Because no one has ever talked about what it’s really like in the arena before.
Peeta goes on. “So you hold on to your wish. And that last night, yes, my wish was to save Katniss.”
“When that wire was cut, everything just went insane. I can only remember bits and pieces. Trying to find her. Watching Brutus kill Chaff. Killing Brutus myself. I know she was calling my name. Then the lightning bolt hit the tree, and the force field around the arena . . . blew out.”
“Katniss blew it out, Peeta,” says Caesar. “You’ve seen the footage.”
“She didn’t know what she was doing. None of us could follow Beetee’s plan. You can see her trying to figure out what to do with that wire,” Peeta snaps back.
Peeta’s on his feet, leaning in to Caesar’s face, hands locked on the arms of his interviewer’s chair. “Really? And was it part of her plan for Johanna to nearly kill her? For that electric shock to paralyze her? To trigger the bombing?” He’s yelling now. “She didn’t know, Caesar! Neither of us knew anything except that we were trying to keep each other alive!”
Caesar places his hand on Peeta’s chest in a gesture that’s both self-protective and conciliatory. “Okay, Peeta, I believe you.”
Gale’s expression darkens. “Peeta might have done a lot of damage tonight. Most of the rebels will dismiss what he said immediately, of course. But there are districts where the resistance is shakier. The cease-fire’s clearly President Snow’s idea. But it seems so reasonable coming out of Peeta’s mouth.”
I’m afraid of Gale’s answer, but I ask anyway. “Why do you think he said it?”
“He might have been tortured. Or persuaded. My guess is he made some kind of deal to protect you. He’d put forth the idea of the cease-fire if Snow let him present you as a confused pregnant girl who had no idea what was going on when she was taken prisoner by the rebels. This way, if the districts lose, there’s still a chance of leniency for you. If you play it right.” I must still look perplexed because Gale delivers the next line very slowly. “Katniss . . . he’s still trying to keep you alive.”
To keep me alive? And then I understand. The Games are still on. We have left the arena, but since Peeta and I weren’t killed, his last wish to preserve my life still stands. His idea is to have me lie low, remain safe and imprisoned, while the war plays out. Then neither side will really have cause to kill me. And Peeta? If the rebels win, it will be disastrous for him. If the Capitol wins, who knows? Maybe we’ll both be allowed to live — if I play it right — to watch the Games go on. . . .
Caesar and Peeta have a few empty exchanges before Caesar asks him about rumors that I’m taping propos for the districts.
“They’re using her, obviously,” says Peeta. “To whip up the rebels. I doubt she even really knows what’s going on in the war. What’s at stake.”
He asks Peeta if, given tonight’s demonstration, he has any parting thoughts for Katniss Everdeen.
At the mention of my name, Peeta’s face contorts in effort. “Katniss . . . how do you think this will end? What will be left? No one is safe. Not in the Capitol. Not in the districts. And you . . . in Thirteen . . .” He inhales sharply, as if fighting for air; his eyes look insane. “Dead by morning!”
“Katniss!” He whips his head toward me but doesn’t seem to notice my bow, the waiting arrow. “Katniss! Get out of here!”
I hesitate. His voice is alarmed, but not insane. “Why? What’s making that sound?”
“I don’t know. Only that it has to kill you,” says Peeta. “Run! Get out! Go!”
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forever-rogue · 3 years
if your still accepting prompts, maybe an introspect fic with Frankie or Whiskey. Like they find out that their s/o is pregnant and it just triggers them into reminiscing about their life together. Maybe fluff/angst— my thought was maybe them thinking back to when they almost broke up and if they hadn’t gotten back together, then they wouldn’t be expecting a child together right now -🦔
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Pairing: Jack Daniels x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: pregnant reader
Pedro Character Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you woke up, yet again, in the middle of the night as your bladder screamed at you. A hand went to your burgeoning belly as you tenderly cradled it. You wanted to be annoyed, but you couldn't find it in your heart to be so. Despite the multiple wake-ups throughout the night, you couldn't have been happier.l
You didn't bother to look to make sure you didn't wake your sleeping husband, needing to get to the bathroom quickly. Throwing the blankets back, you slid out from them and padded to the bathroom in search of the toilet. 
As you finished washing your hands, you studied yourself in the mirror. You definitely looked tired, circles and lines under your eyes from a lack of fitful slumber, and your body felt heavy. It wasn't just the fact that you were nearing the end of your pregnancy, it was just that your limbs felt tired and worn down. But in the end, you knew it would all be worth it - you and Jack had both wanted this more than anything. It had been the most pleasant of surprises.
"Time for you to calm down and get some rest," you whispered softly to your belly before flipping the lights back off and giving your eyes a moment to adjust the early morning darkness. 
Carefully fumbling your way back into the bedroom, you slipped back into the warm nest of blankets. Reaching for you Jack's body, you quickly realized that he wasn't there. Strange - he'd gone to bed with you earlier. It was no matter, you quickly decided, he'd probably rejoin you soon enough.
But as you laid there and tried to fall back asleep…it rapidly became a futile effort. You huffed, staring at the ceiling, as you quickly realized how much easier it was to sleep with your husband next to you.
“Alright, alright,” sitting up slowly, you wiped the remaining bit of sleep from your eyes as you gave up on it entirely. It was still early, early enough to where you could crawl back under the covers and sleep for a few more hours, but that idea was quickly abandoned, “let’s go find your daddy, little peanut.”
Shuffling into slippers, you made your way down the stairs, one at a time as you were destined to do so these days, keeping an ear out for Jack. Once you reached the landing, the smell of fresh coffee overwhelmed you, and the urge to run and grab a cup was first on your mind. But for now, you decided against it, knowing your caffeine intake was limited and not wanting to blow it so early in the day. 
Trapezing past the kitchen you spied the french doors to the back porch and quickly came to the conclusion that Jack was outside. Grabbing one of the blankets from the couch, you wrapped it around your shoulders and wandered outside, finding your favorite cowboy sitting at the glass table, a steaming mug of coffee in his hand as he watched the early morning sun slowly rise.
“Hi Sugar,” his face lit up as soon as he saw you, dark eyes softened and his dimple became more prominent, “what are you doing up so early? I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“It wasn’t you,” you promised as you sat down in the chair across from, well...I woke up and had to pee...again, and then I couldn’t go back to sleep. It’s not the same without you. So I figured I might as well get up, and low and behold, I found my favorite person.”
“I hardly am deserving of such a little as favorite person,” he shook his head as reached for your legs and placed them in his lap, “I’m just an old fool.”
“Shut up,” you snorted as you bundled up and got comfortable, “I say you’re my favorite person and you accept that - or else! But tell me, my love, why are you up so early?”
“I suppose I couldn’t sleep either,” he admitted, taking a long drink from his coffee before setting it back on the table. He was silent, almost still, for a few long moments before he put his hands on your legs and lightly massaged your sore muscles, “a lot on my mind.”
“I hope it’s nothing too bad, cowboy,” you whispered softly, “anything I can help with?”
“You’ve already done so much for me,” he reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “you have given me so much and more. I don’t know where I would be without you - how lucky I am to call you my wife and the mother of my child.”
“And what about me? I must be pretty lucky then too,” lacing your fingers together, you studied your hands. Yours just managed to fit perfectly into his - just like it was meant to be, “is that all that’s bugging you, Honey?”
“I just…” he caught your eye and thought twice about dismissing your worry. You could always see right through him, and it seemed like your senses had only heightened with your pregnancy. He laughed lightly at himself before nodding, “I was just thinking about how we almost didn’t have this. How all of this could have been taken away.”
“I know,” you reminded him with a gentle nudge, “there were a few times when I wasn’t sure we would make it either. But I’m glad we did, Jack. I know it sounds horribly cliche, but I can’t help but think that somehow the universe wanted us together, like we were meant to be.”
“I don’t think that’s cliche at all, Sugar,” he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles, “I don’t know what life would be like without you. You really are everything to me.”
“I like to think life would be terribly boring and much worse,” you insisted, “nothing is better than when I’m with you. I love you, Jack.”
“I love you too,” he promised softly, “always and forever.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Several Years Prior
“Sugar,” Jack’s hands were on his hips as he watched you flit about the room and throw random items into your suitcase. Whatever you could find was thrown into the big case and you could barely stand to look at him, “what on earth are you doing?”
“What does it look like, Jack?” you stopped for a moment and huffed at him, throwing up your hands in exasperation, “I’m leaving. I-I-I can’t do this anymore.”
“Honey,” he came over and tried to gently grab your hands in order to help calm you down and ground you, “just slow down, it’s okay. It’s okay, you don’t have to do this.”
You didn’t jerk out of his touch like he had half expected you to, but instead you acquiesced to his touch, “Jack...I can’t...do this. It’s too much for me, and no matter how much we try, I don’t think we can work this out.”
“Jack…” you looked at him, tears already welling up in your eyes as your pouted lips trembled, “you work such a dangerous job and you’re gone so often and when you’re gone I can’t communicate with you all the time, and it makes me worried sick. All I do is wonder if you're okay, and if this is the time...if this is the time that I’ll get a call tell me...telling me you’re dead.”
“That is never going to happen,” he insisted, despite the fact that both of you knew it wasn’t a promise he was qualified to make, “nothing will happen to me, Sugar. I will always come back to you.”
“And what if you don’t?” a single pearled up in the corner of your eye and slowly slid down your cheek. Jack tenderly wiped it away and cradled your face in his hands, “what if you leave me one day? I can’t think of a life without you. I don’t want that. And you’ve been gone so much lately...this is the first time you’ve been home in what? Weeks?”
“I know this isn’t easy on you. I know that, and you are the strongest woman I know to - to stay and put up with me? That must make you some kind of superhero,” he chuckled softly at the surprised expression on your face, “I know it seems like some sort of last ditch thing to say to you but I’ve been thinking about this a lot.”
“About what, Jack?”
“I’m going to start cutting back my hours at work,” he said and instantaneously your face lit up, “it’s something I’ve been talking a lot about with Champ, and I think the time is right. I mean, I’m not getting any younger, and I don’t want things to always be like this. I want to spend my time - and my life - with you. And hell, if cutting back or even quittin’ is what keeps you here, I will do it. I love you, Sugar. And I only want you.”
“Jack, Honey,” you caught his eye and there was a twinkle in this, as a tentative smile tugged on his features, “I-I don’t want you to say that or do something like that if you don’t want to. I don’t want this if it’s something you don’t want either, or it's something you’ll be upset about forever.”
“It’s not that,” he leaned in, just so where your lips were barely brushing, “I want to do this, Sugar. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. I want this, I really do. I only want a future if it’s a future with you.”
“Jack…” his name was but a mere before you closed the miniscule gap and kissed him. It was a soft, tender thing, short but sweet, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispered, “I know we’ve talked about it...but I want to take the next step in our relationship with you...I want to marry you and start that family we’ve always talked about.”
“Y-you want that...with me?” Jack felt his heart start to melt as you looked up at him with the sweetest eyes he had ever seen, “do you mean it?”
“Of course I do,” he promised, “I’ve been trying to plan this whole big thing where I propose to you - properly - and we spend a romantic weekend away together. But when I saw this...I knew I couldn’t not say anything…”
“Yes,” you nodded eagerly, “of course I’ll marry you, and of course I want everything with you too, Jack. You’re my only one. I just...I might have been acting in haste, but it’s just...I want you to be safe.”
“I will be,” he reminded you, “I’ve been thinking about this for some time, and I think the time is right. I don’t have the ring here on me right now, but I promise I’ll make do on a good, proper proposal soon - when you’re not even expecting it.”
“I look forward to that, Cowboy,” you teased lightly as you offered him another quick kiss, “I’m sorry I acted so rashly. I just…”
“No apologies needed, Sugar,” he wrapped you up in his arms as you buried your face into his shoulder, “I love you.”
“I love you,” you agreed softly, “thank you for this - for everything. We really do make a good time, don’t we?”
“Just like we were divined to be, if I do say so myself.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Come on, Sugar,” Jack slowly moved your legs off and set them on the ground. You gave him a look of confusion as he slowly stood up and offered you his hand, “it’s chilly out here. Let’s get back into bed and get you a few more hours of sleep.”
“Hmm,” you let him help hoist you to your feet, “that sounds perfect, Jack. You’re my favorite blanket!”
“Ulterior motives,” he chuckled as he slowly pulled you inside and towards the bedroom, “whatever you want, you’ll have it, Sugar.”
“Just you is plenty,” you grinned at him, “but I’ll take some breakfast later on too. A lazy day sounds pretty good, don’t you think?”
“Sounds perfect to me, Sugar.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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holylulusworld · 3 years
The taming of the shrew (8)
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Summary: The babies are on their way. Will Dean survive seeing you give birth? Will the babies are cute and even more important – will your alphas breeding kink awake? 
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Characters: Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Sam Winchester, Alex Jones; John Y/F/N Dean Winchester (baby boy), Y/M/N Mary Y/N Winchester (baby girl)
Warnings: pregnant reader, nesting, scenting, cuddling & snuggling, overprotective Dean, general cuteness, giving birth (nothing graphic), nervous Dean (let’s be honest, he’s a wreck), daddy Dean
A/N: Y/F/N = Your father’s name; Y/M/N = Your mother’s name
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
The taming of the shrew masterlist
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“Breathe in and out, Y/N,” Alex instructs, looking at you while she moves one hand to your mound. “I will check how far you are, okay. You are safe, your babies are alright. My husband is just down the street and waits for my call if we need more help.”
“O-okay,” you pant, looking at Dean who, as expected, paces around the room. He’s a wreck for half an hour. “Dean, I need you alpha.”
“I’m here,” stumbling toward the bed, reaching out for you Dean tries to find a way to take the pain away. “What can I do, omega? How can I help you?”
“You could sit behind Y/N and let her rest her back against your chest. Put your hands on her belly, rub it gently and breathe with her,” holding back a smirk Alex watches your alpha clumsily move behind you to replace the pillows he stuffed behind your back.
“Okay, hands on your belly,” Dean pants heavily but he follows Alex’s instructions. “Slow and gentle. Now breathe with me, sweetheart. Like we trained with Alex.”
“I-I’m trying, but-“ you cry out, scream in pain when another contraction ripples through your body. “I want my mommy,” you whine, watching your mother usher inside your room. “Please.”
“I’m here, Y/N,” your mother stands next to the bed to hold your hand. “Just breathe with your alpha, he’ll guide you through birth. I know you can do it. Your bond will help you ease the pain, okay. Soon you will see your babies and all the pain is forgotten.”
“Omega,” Dean purrs against you, lets the vibrations run through his chest to make you feel safe. “I know you can do this. We are all here. I can already see our babies in your arms.” you fist the sheets underneath you, snarl in all directions before you finally concentrate on Dean’s words.
“Babies,” you sniffle, looking down your body. “I can’t let them out already, can I? I need to protect my pups. What happens if anyone wants to hurt them?” panicked you look at Alex when she tells you to push again.
“Push, Y/N. I can already see the head,” whining you squeeze your mother’s hand. “One more time, sweetie. You can do it. The first baby is almost there…”
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“Aw, look at his tiny hands,” you coo, looking at your baby boy in your arms. Your little bundle of joy sleeps peacefully, doesn’t even flinch when you gently nuzzle him. “I will never not hold him.”
“If he grows like Sammy and me, you’ll not be able to lift him,” Dean gently rocks your baby girl, looking at her with big wet eyes. “She’s so pretty. Look at her tiny nose. I bet she will scrunch it up as you do anytime you don’t like my food.”
“I love your food, just not the burger monstrosity you bought,” pecking your son’s head you sigh deeply. He feels so small and vulnerable in your arms and you hope Dean and you can protect him from any harm. “They are perfect, and we made them, Dean.”
“And it was fun making them,” purring low in his throat Dean looks at you on the bed he built. I can fill you again soon. I want a house filled with kids one day.” proudly puffing his chest your alpha looks at you, a smirk on his lips.
“Dean,” you would like to protest by all you get out is a soft purr. You never expected to fall in love with your babies the moment you lay eyes on them but now, you are addicted. “Not now. We got our hands full of our pups.”
“She smells so good,” sniffing at your daughter’s head Dean smiles. “Like a mixture of you and me and cuteness. Aw, she just cooed.”
“Dean, stop making me cry,” sniffling you watch your alpha sit on the bed to show you your baby girl in his arms. “I can’t cry or they will wake up. Let them sleep a bit longer.”
“I can’t wait to hear them call me daddy,” nuzzling your daughter Dean purrs, wanting his children to get used to his voice. “Could eat her alive. Just look at my cute baby girl.”
“Is said – don’t make me cry,” you whimper, hating you are an emotional wreck at the moment. “I need to hold back to not cuddle our baby boy too much. He’s just too cute.”
“He’s mine, how could he not be cute?” Dean grins, giving you a wink. “Every pup I’ll put in your belly will be cute and handsome.” cockily looking at you Dean waits for your confirmation. “Right?”
“Handsome?” humming you look at Dean, knowing he wants you to compliment him. “I don’t know, Winchester. Maybe you are cute but handsome-“ you shrug, laughing as Dean grumbles under his breath.
“Don’t make me cuddle you, omega. I will put our baby girl in her cradle and cuddle you like never before,” giggling you look at Dean, give him your brightest smile as he tries to give you a stern look. 
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“I want to see my grandchildren,” Mary paces outside your house. “Did they let you have a look?” shaking her head your mother places one hand onto Mary’s shoulder.
“I was there when Y/N gave birth but had to leave the moment the first pup arrived. Dean was too dangerous. If I stayed inside the bedroom, he could’ve attacked and killed me.”
“Newborn pups and his vulnerable omega around turn every alpha into an overprotective beast. You should know that Mary. Do you remember the day Dean was born?” furrowing his brows John tries to not smirk. “I almost killed your father.”
“You bite him, John,” sighing deeply Mary looks at the house again. “Are they okay? What if anything happened? God, what if they need our help?”
“The babies are healthy and safe,” Sam grins, showing his father the pictures Dean took of you and his pups. “Aw, he took a selfie with his baby girl.”
“Names, seize, weight,” Mary pants, snatching the phone out of Sam’s hands. “They are perfect. Oh, god my Dean is a father,” feeling her legs give in Mary grasps for John’s hand. “Did I tell him everything about parenting? What if I forgot something?”
“Mary,” John laughs. “Calm down. Dean is an adult, a man, and an alpha. He knows how to take care of his omega, apparently.” Now the elder alpha grins, looking at the phone. “Or Y/N wouldn’t have his kids.”
“JOHN!” scolding her husband for his indecency Mary sighs deeply. “Do you think they’ll show the pups to us today? Maybe if we ask nicely?”
“Ask or demand?” John snickers, nodding at your father. “I mean, Y/N lied about her parents, told Dean they are dead as she didn’t want anyone to know about her family. She even hid things from her alpha. Do you think she will show you the kids right after she gave birth?”
“I-I hope so,” nibbling at her lower lip Mary looks at the phone again. “He’s a good father, a good alpha. Dean will be so-“ starting to cry Mary hides her face in her husband’s chest. “My son is an adult now, John. He’s not my little Dean anymore.”
“Mom, I hate to say it, but Dean ain’t a kid for the longest time,” smirking Sam watches his father roll his eyes.
“Can you just not, Sammy? I can barely tame your mother. She wants to tear down the door to get to her son. Jesus, you need to learn a thing or two about omegas before you have pups.”
“LOOK!” your father says, pointing toward the door when you and Dean slowly step outside. “Y/N, sweetie!”
“Five minutes,” Dean growls, stepping in front of you. “You all got five minutes to look at the babies and then you’ll leave us alone.”
“Five minutes?” Mary almost trips over her feet when she rushes toward Dean to look at the little boy in his arms. “He’s so pretty, Dean.”
“John Y/F/N Dean Winchester is his father’s son. Of course, he’s handsome as hell,” Dean exclaims, nodding at his father.
“Aw, the little girl, look Y/M/N!” Mary sniffs, looking at the little girl in your arms, but she dares not to touch her. “What’s her name?”
“Y/M/N Mary Y/N Winchester,” you laugh when Mary starts to cry. “Dean insisted she needs my name too so, she has three names now, just like her brother.”
“Well done, Dean,” Sam purrs, looking at your babies. “Luckily, both look like your mate.” he grins but his heart swells watching his brother hold his baby boy in his arms. “He’s cute, I give him that.”
“Son, good job,” John smirks, watching your father silently cry. “You made everyone cry. I am proud of you and your mate. Never thought you can make such cute babies. On the other hand, Winchester men are attractive as hell.”
“Cockiness runs in the family, I see,” giggling you lean your head against Dean’s shoulder. “If you all excuse us now, we are tired and the babies need sleep. We booked a room for all of you at the lodge nearby. If you behave like good grandparents, you can see the pups tomorrow morning after we fed them.”
“Tomorrow,” nodding eagerly Mary bits her goodbye is the first one to step aside. “I’m glad everything worked out. You are so-“ she sniffs. 
“We see us tomorrow,” John leads his wife toward his car, wiping a single tear off his cheek before anyone can see he shed a tear too. 
“I hope you know that we are sorry, Mary and me. I’m proud of you and Dean, Y/N,” your mother pecks your cheek. 
“What your mother said,” your father whispers, kissing your hair. “You’re going to be a great mom.”
“Don’t kill the babies,” Sam laughs before he runs after his parents. “And don’t make more overnight. I don’t think our parents will survive more cuteness, Dean…”
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“Finally, alone,” snuggling closer to his pups Dean looks them all over. You placed the babies between you and your mate to keep an eye on them on their first night in this world. “Look, they are already asleep. Little angels.”
“Little angels,” swooning you watch your alpha peck the babies’ heads, purring for them to assure safety and warmth. “And a devil.”
“I’m no devil,” he grins, giving you a dirty look. “Maybe when you feel better and recovered I’ll give you a hell of a ride, omega…”
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“Fed, clean and cute,” Dean hums, watching you rock both babies in your arms. “See, we didn’t kill them. Now calm down and watch your grandchildren.” laughing at Dean’s words you look around the living room. 
Everyone gathered in the room this morning to check on their newest family members. Now they watch you with the babies in your arms, sighing and purring now and then.
“Dean changed his first diaper this morning and succeed,” they don’t have to know your baby boy peed onto his father’s shirt before he could stop him. “He wants to learn how to breastfeed too.” You blur out to break the tension.
Sam is the first one to laugh at your bad joke, followed by your father and John.
“I would,” grumbling Dean sits next to you to runs his hand over your baby boy’s head. “Just don’t have enough milk.”
“But he’s warm and the babies like to sleep on his naked chest,” you say, grinning as Dean nods eagerly. “Especially our baby girl prefers to sleep on her daddy. She cries anytime I tried to put her in her cradle.”
“In conclusion, we are doing fine. Now we have something to announce,” Dean gets up, clears his throat before he looks at you and his babies again. “Y/N and I are going to marry-“ he raises his hand, stops his mother before she can freak out. “Not a word, mom. Yes, you can help us but no, you’ll not decide anything.”
“We want to wait till spring,” you jump in, nodding at Dean. “There is enough time to plan things and to make sure we will get the wedding we want.”
“Last but not least, Sammy, you will be my best man,” hiding the choked-out sob poorly Sam nods, giving his brother a soft smile. “Good, now let’s eat cause I’m hungry as hell. I prepared breakfast.”
>> Epilogue
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More tags in reblog.
The taming of the shrew tags
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: Some references to explicitness towards the end
Trigger Warnings: None in this chapter.
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
Chapter: 16/16 (all chapters)
You were proud of your home.
You had painted the walls yourself, built cupboards and shelves and painted those too. You’d crocheted your own throw blanket and stuffed every single cushion you owned.
You had made room in one corner for a moses basket and built a wine rack for when you had adult guests over.
It was warm and cosy and you often found yourself dozing off on the couch.
Today, in fact, was such an occasion. You opened your eyes to soft light, snuggled up in the same position as when you returned from work. You had taken off your coat and shoes and set aside your purse, meaning to take a couple of minutes before getting up to make dinner.
Clearly, that had not gone according to plan. You sat up with a wince and rubbed the spots of your back that had grown stiff. How long had you been asleep?
You moved to get up from the chair but that was easier said than done. You were, after all, extremely pregnant and even if your center of gravity wasn’t completely displaced, navigating your swollen belly was getting increasingly difficult.
This was your last week at work before you left for maternity leave and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t glad. Your nesting instincts had hit you hard within the past month or so and you’d reshuffled the furniture more times than you could count.
Nezu had been more than accommodating when he brought staff members into the dorms on site. Your dormitories were more like apartment complexes than the shared halls the students lived in. Your apartment was built to very specific requirements, namely that it was sound proofed and made from two apartments merged into one larger one, with doors connecting them together. There was enough room for Hizashi to do his radio show, for a home office, a bedroom for Eri and, more recently, a nursery.
Eri had a room to the left of yours, specifically chosen for easy access when she had nightmares and needed reassurance. You chose the room on the right of yours for the baby. Eri had offered to share her room, though you got the feeling she didn’t understand much about babies in general, let alone night time feeds and diaper changes.
You could hear three sets of voices coming from the nursery and you waddled towards it, clasping one hand over your belly and the other on your hip for balance.
Hizashi, Shouta and Eri were in the middle of building a crib, Hizashi leaning over the half finished frame, Shouta holding out tools and Eri sitting cross legged in the nursing chair, squinting at an upside down set of instructions.
“Are you sure that’s the right screw?”
“It’s just that...I need five of them. How many do you have there?”
Hizashi was a lot better at DIY projects than Shouta, thanks in part to how much of his time he spent building sound rigs and fixing his equipment. You could have lingered in the doorway forever, just watching them, though your back and ankles were already beginning to protest.
“Having fun?”
Eri gasped in happiness at the sight of you standing there, launching herself out of the nursing chair and reaching for your hand.
“We’re building the baby’s bed,” she said, hopping on the spot as you lowered yourself into the chair. “They’re following my instructions!”
“So I see,” you said. “Looks like you’re being very helpful!”
“We couldn’t do it without ya, Eri,” said Hizashi, before turning back to Shouta. “How many do you have now?”
“ One .”
“That can’t be right.”
Hizashi sat up and shuffled across to Shouta, counting out the screws and other materials.
“One,” he said, turning the screw over in his hand. “Why would they only give us one ?"
“Probably so we’d have to go back and spend more money,” said Shouta.
You sat back in your chair and rubbed your hand over your belly, glancing round at the near complete nursery. Everyone had contributed something; all four of you (and several others) had made your mark on this room.
Hizashi had assembled just about everything, from the changing station to the bookcase to the nursing chair you were currently sitting in. The very same day you told him you were pregnant, he came home with an armful of toys, almost all of which were sound related and certainly far too advanced for a newborn, though he refused to hear it. He’d also bought a music player and specialised headphones so that he could play music or voice recordings through your belly. It had become his favourite thing to do ever since your bump got noticeable, mostly because it almost never failed to make the baby kick.
Eri (under supervision, of course) had painted rainbows, clouds and kitties on the walls, as well as a picture of her and the baby enjoying a basket of apples. She didn’t know much about babies, much less what this one would look like, so her painting looked a little like a potato. She’d been something of a bad influence on Shouta, too, who couldn’t refuse her at the best of times, much less when she was pointing out cute onesies.
Shouta supplied almost all of the stuffed animals in the room, as well as the mobile you planned to hang above the cot. You hadn’t realised just how many baby toys, clothes and equipment were cat themed until Shouta bought almost all of them.
Nemuri’s gift lurked in the corner; an enormous teddy bear with glass eyes and a tartan scarf. It was almost as tall as you were and possibly the most hideous thing you had ever seen, but she and Hizashi had both smiled so widely when she brought it over that you had had little choice but to put it next to the bookshelf.
Your colleagues at UA (with the exception of Shouta and Hizashi for obvious reasons) had gifted you a storybook, with buttons at the side. They had recorded themselves speaking the lines and sometimes, when you wanted a giggle, you pulled it off the shelf and pressed the buttons yourself.
You had overseen everything without picking up quite as many individual items, though in your defense you were contributing the baby.
“That reminds me,” you said aloud without meaning to, “just a second…”
You had done something a little special, something you had been working on for weeks and couldn’t wait to hand over.
You climbed up out of the chair and waddled into the bedroom, coming back with a box you’d gone so far as to wrap with a ribbon.
“What is it, doll?”
“I got the test results back a few weeks ago,” you said with a grin, holding the box out towards them. “I was wondering how to tell you...so I made this.”
Due to your somewhat unique circumstances, you had gone through much of your pregnancy without knowing the identity of the father. You knew it was either Shouta or Hizashi, but couldn’t put that on the birth certificate.
You’d sent samples of your blood and Hizashi and Shouta’s saliva to be tested, though as far as they knew, that was where the story ended.
Both of them eyed the box in your arms, knowing that whatever was inside it would change the course of your futures. One of them was about to become a father, biologically speaking.
Eri didn’t fully understand the situation, but she did understand the concept of presents.
“Can I see?” she cried out.
“Sure, sweetie, why don’t you open it?”
You handed the box to Eri and sat back down in your nursing chair, watching in anticipation as she unfastened the ribbon and lifted the lid.
Maybe it was the hormones, but you’d been thinking about Ego a lot lately. You remembered glasses shattering against the floor, remembered your heart shattering into just as many pieces.
“It’s a onesie,” Eri cried out, dragging the black fabric out of the box.
“Sure is, honeybun,” said Hizashi. “What else is in there?”
It had been years since that night at the bar that changed everything and up until then you hadn’t been the biggest believer in destiny.
“Look,” said Eri, dragging out a small, grey strip of fabric, “it’s a scarf! Oooh, and there’s goggles!”
“That’s right! It’s a hero costume.”
You remembered how long you had shivered inside of a toilet stall, scrubbing away a stranger’s cum. You’d panicked, the reality of what you had done sinking in. You had never been so happy as when you got your next period; you didn’t even complain about the breakout and hellish cramps that came along with it.
You planted a hand on your belly, unable to stroke your son’s hair and so settling for his general vicinity.
Needless to say, you were a believer now.
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savnofilter · 3 years
Second to Last Catch
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Dabi x 『FEM』Reader
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ(s): dabi is a slight asshole.
ᴡᴄ: 1.3k words [5 mins, 10 seconds].
ᴀ/ɴ: ilyt babe! i hope this turned out good, i kinda wanna writer a second part,, this is a little crack-ish cause i wrote this at 4 in the morning kfbnbv thank you, anon!
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Dabi isn’t use to people getting in the way of his plans.
~ yk,,, ever since he left the bird’s nest.
anyways, Dabi was a lad to always go solo dolo. before he even heard or thought of the LoV is when he had already been tallying up his kill score for his own personal vendetta.
it wasn’t until one fateful night when he itched to get his next target, one who deserved it.
you see, he wasn’t one to deep dive searches on his counts, but this one was what peaked his interest.
the grade A scum he was about to burn alive was ready to take. 
he spent so many nights perfecting to catch the damn criminal -- and for Dabi to consider this guy worse than him meant that there was a severe problem.
Dabi had spent nights, days even just to get this guy the pain he deserved.
but unlike his other easy and quick (at least to him) kills, you were there already finishing the deed...
“What the hell.” Dabi said in the same stoic tone he used. His short sentence had gained your attention, cerulean blue eyes meeting with your e/c orbs. Your pupils widened and shrunk in exact confirmation that you were seeing the correct person in front of you.
“You.” That was all you said. His brows quirked curiously at you, his once wide and wandering gaze narrowed to a condescending look you’d have to catch if you read his words wrong.”
“You?” Dabi repeated after you, stepping through the window and into the office of the man he planned to kill. His nose flared as he watched the ink from your blade-like feathers impale the ‘trash’ that laid on the floor. 
“Yes, you!” 
Oh, so we were playing games now. 
He had been confused for a second, staring at it for a second before giving you a look over once again. He hadn’t noticed the quite measurable pair of black wings that sat on your back. Your lips twitched into a proud grin at his ogling, spreading your wings to give him a good look at them. He rolled his eyes at your cocky attitude. He didn’t like it and he was sure he wasn’t going to like you either.
You on the other hand? You were going to have so much fun.
“I’ve seen you on the news. That little group who terrorizes those little student soldiers.” Had it been for you not grinning already you would’ve broken character. You had always had a way of picking at people's buttons, never fully pressing it to trigger them so much more. 
Your response had left him stunned, at least he didn’t show but you could see right through him. If he could blush it would’ve given him away right about now. His jaw clenched as he had been grouped up with Shigaraki’s hot mess of a plan, knowing damn well for himself he could give a rats ass about what they were doing. Or maybe he was getting so heated that you had boiled down their plans as “terrorizing” teens. Or the fact that he was just a bit goofy for not even thinking about it that way.
“Didn’t know birds squawked this much at night, you should shut up.” Dabi relaxed his jaw as he tried to calm himself down. Something was tugging at the back of his head, and it seemed that you weren’t the only one who recognized one another. You laughed at his words, crossing your arms as you leaned against the wooden desk.
“Wow. You know making remarks about people’s appearances because of their quirks these days is a touchy subject right…” You trailed off, lifting your hand to cover your mouth as you finish your sentence “Burnt fry.”
His stance relaxed, already use to the comments about his skin and appearance. While he let your trash travel from one ear through the other, he had examined the crime scene that he sadly didn’t have the chance to commit. It took almost too long for him to realize before it clicked to him.
You were a vigilante. More a less a broke, cheap, rip-off of the no-good hero society. Still clinging onto saving the day with the last remaining bits of hope you could offer to the world. He wasn’t surprised to find out and put the pieces together about who you were. He was amused to find that the talk of the city wasn’t what he had thought. This one -- correction, you were interesting. He huffed to himself as he concluded his inner monologue, looking at you again once the image of your murder had been ingrained into his head. If he looked too long it never did him any good.
“Don’t you have a curfew to abide by instead of flirting with a villain, Princess?” He remarks, smugly shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning against the open window that welcomed the drafty breeze in.
Your cheeks heat up at his remark. You knew that he was talking some bullshit and yet you still let him surprise you like this. “I do not need a curfew.” Damnit. Was that all you could come up with? Really?
Dabi made a move to walk towards you, instinctively making you move away from him. You tripped over your own feet as you watched him get closer, plucking one of your large feathers and sticking the now poisonous and knife weapon at him. “S-Stay back!” 
Of course, he didn’t listen. Soon enough he had backed you up against a wall, only about five feet apart from you. He looked down at the pointed blade, his eyes were narrow again as he slapped it away from your hand. The feather flipped and firmly stuck into the floor of the office. You didn’t dare to look back at him and your beautiful wings shrunk along with your witty responses. 
You had no idea why you were so nervous, there should be no way why the person you’re supposed to fight against was making you stammer like this. You were hoping that if you just stayed still enough that you’d stay still. You held your breath as you froze in place, earning a snort from the villain. 
“What are you doing?”
“If I can’t see you, you can’t see me.” 
The silence that passes between you is pregnant. He couldn’t figure out how… bold you were. Thankfully two could play at that game. 
He grabbed your jaw and moved your head to look at him. The look in your eyes was of a different breed and it made him uncomfortable. You two were fighting a silent war to outwit (if it’s that what we want to call it) each other while still feeling the odd cringe of how you got along. You watched up at him expectantly, hands pressed against the wall to give you some support against the curiosity if he would burn your chaotic ass or not.
“We should work together,” Dabi started carefully, a teasing edge to his voice. He leaned down to your ear, lips ever so slightly brushing against your earlobe. “As a team.” You spluttered at the feeling, pushing him away and squealing as you patted your ear trying to rid of the butterflies in your stomach and the flutter of your heart.
“Ew, you even squeal like a bird.”
You whipped around and glared at him, reaching over and under the forgotten desk to press the emergency button. His eyes widened as he watched you scrambling to find files that you needed, taking whatever you needed and shoving it in your duffle he didn’t even realize you had brought with you. 
“My business card. Back pocket.” You pointed at him before shifting nodding for him to get the message. You wasted no time in diddle dallying. You left no room to give him a choice to talk, speed walking to the window and hopping out with a smile. “Call me if you’re lonely!”
Dabi was left standing there awkward just like when he had originally entered. His hand skeptically reached to touch his butt pocket, hesitating upon feeling that there was something stiff in it. He tilted his head in curiosity and pulled out the piece of ripped up paper. Though, your vigilante name and number read clear as day. He scoffed thinking about how fast the interaction had been, already finding himself missing your company. 
He frowned at the sound of the police arriving outside the business building, taking it as a sign to finally leave as well. He gave your shitty card another look over before stuffing it in his pocket once again, shaking his head as he made his exit using the window as well and closing it behind him.
He’d have to call you soon.
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talkfastromance4 · 3 years
Three Days of Love--Luke&Lily Valentine’s Day Special
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A little love from Luke and our flower girls!🥰💕
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: implied sexual situations, mentions of pregnancy and morning sickness
Luke&Lily Masterlist
February is a very fun month for the Hemmings household. Yours and Luke’s anniversary is on the 8th and then there’s Valentine’s Day which the girls have always loved. Lily loved having you and Luke help make her Valentine’s Day mailbox for school; she loved using glitter and placing hearts all over it. Posy loved to make and decorate the heart shaped cookies you always baked and made one special for Ashton who boasted about it for days.
This year was a little different because ever since you found out you’re pregnant again, your morning sickness has been every day and all hours of the day.
You’ve had a migraine ever since you dropped Lily off at school. You gave her a kiss, made sure she had her Valentine’s all ready to hand out (a special glitter one was for Roman only) and reminded her Cory and Ella would be picking her up after school.
Thankfully, work was on the slower side, but your head and shoulders were full of pain and even the slightest bit of movement made your stomach turn but you never got sick which was a very small win considering. Halfway through the day there was a knock on your door and a man with a large red box and a white bow strode in.
“Y/N Hemmings?” he asks.
“Yes, that’s me,” you respond watching him set the box on your desk. There’s a small card under the ribbon with your name on it. You’d recognize Luke’s loopy script anywhere.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” the delivery guy says and leaves the room.
You pull the box towards you slowly, making sure your stomach stays inside, and open the envelope. It’s a small card with two little lovebirds on the front. On the inside he wrote:
I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful wife than you. Thank you for being the wonderful woman you are and for being mine. You’re a bird, I’m a bird and we create the sweetest song. I love you endlessly my love.
xx Luke
The tears of love and tenderness fall freely, you won’t even deny it’s partially from your hormones, but Luke is the sweetest and you can’t wait to go home to him and spend the weekend together. You untie the ribbon and lift the box to see a beautiful display of red, pink, and white roses designed into a heart shaped ‘wreath.’ The smell is intoxicatingly sweet, but in a good way. At the bottom of the heart is another ribbon with the words ‘My Sweetheart’ written in glittered calligraphy.
How’d you get so lucky with Luke?
By the time you get home, your feet are sore, your breasts are tender, and you’re absolutely famished. Your nausea tends to disappear at nighttime, and you want to eat everything in sight. When you open the door and kick off your shoes, you see a display of all your favorite foods on the counter.
Luke and Posy are sitting at the kitchen table coloring in her coloring book she got from Ashton.
“Mama home!” she shrieks dropping her red crayon and slipping off the kitchen chair. Luke’s hands hover around her little body to make sure she doesn’t bang her head on the edge of the table, then she runs to you.
You set your box with Luke’s delivery on the table and lift her in your arms.
“Hi, my love bug,” you kiss her cheek and wipe away a leftover crumb from her goldfish cookies. “What are you coloring with daddy?”
“Veggies!” she raises her arms and you peer at the table just as Luke stands up. He’s wearing basketball shorts and his black FOF hoodie. He looks extra cozy.
“Ashton better frame each of these on his fridge since he’s such a veggie man,” Luke grins grabbing onto your elbow. He ducks down to give you a soft kiss. “Welcome home, lovie.”
“Hi,” you respond almost shyly, bringing his hand into yours. “What’s with all the food?”
“This is the first gift of the weekend. I have all the food you’ve been able to tolerate right now and the three of us are going to watch Princess movies until this little one’s bedtime.” He pinches Posy’s cheek lovingly; she giggles in response.
“And what are the two of us going to do, then?”
“You’ll see,” he winks. “Let’s eat.”
After singing and reading Posy to sleep, Luke takes your hand and leads you into your bedroom then into the bathroom. There’s candles lit, soft music playing, and the bath is drawn complete with bubbles and rose petals.
“Oh, Luke,” you exhale breathing in the warm glow of the room.
“I have your pajamas on the counter and bought you some new lotion,” he kisses your neck before pushing you closer to the safe haven of water. “I have your playlist set up but if you want to watch your shows or a movie, that’s all set up too.”
“Aren’t you going to join me?” you turn to face him, a slight pout on your face. His blue eyes dance with the flickering of the candles.
“Not tonight. Tonight, this is all for you,” he kisses your forehead. “Tomorrow it’s you and me because Posy is spending the night with Ashton and KayKay. More surprises are coming your way, Mrs. Hemmings.”
He gives you a soft peck, but you keep him closer by holding onto his neck. You press your body against his, feeling how warm he is, and your fingers tangle in his curls.
“I’d rather have you make me come…” you murmur. He groans.
“We have all of tomorrow and well into the night for that, trust me,” he gives you one more kiss. “Now, get in there before I change my mind.”
“Yes sir,” you sigh slinking away from him. He makes another audible groan, and you smile to yourself as you start to strip.
You peek behind your shoulder to see him watching you, his fingers stroking the sides of his beard that you’ve been aching to feel between your legs. The way he’s watching you gives you butterflies, it’s with such an intensity as his eyes follow your slow movements. The way he’s looking at you doesn’t even make you think about your stretch marks or the extra parts of skin you just can’t get rid of. The way he’s looking at you makes you feel…empowered and sexy.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you say bashfully and climb in the tub carefully. The water is the perfect temperature as you sink further in.
“Like what?” he asks picking up the tub remote. He turns on the jets.
“Like you’re about to devour me,” you pick up one of the red petals and give it a sniff.
“That’s for tomorrow, lovie. Enjoy your bath,” he kisses the air in your direction then exits the room.
You’re woken up to Posy’s cries from down the hall. Your muscles still feel relaxed from your bath and as you stir, Luke does as well.
“I’ll get her,” he grunts trying to get up.
“I got her, stay in bed,” you pat his shoulder affectionately and get out of bed. Petunia follows you into Posy’s room. “Good morning, Po!”
“Morn’mama!” she sits up in her crib, her curls looking like a rat’s nest from just waking up. “Unca Ash?”
“Not yet, Posy,” you shake your head lifting her from the crib and to her changing table. “Uncle Ash will be here at lunchtime. What do you want for breakfast?”
After breakfast, going for a morning walk, and Posy’s nap. It’s time for Ashton to come pick her up for her sleepover. Luke already has her overnight bag packed with all her essentials ready to go. After your shower, there was another little card pressed in the mirror’s edge.
Wifey was written on the outside. When you opened it you read,
While I prepare for OUR special night tonight, you will enjoy a full spa treatment. Mani pedis, a facial, and a ninety-minute massage. When you come home, you’ll be in the dojo of our love.
“You’re ridiculous,” you murmur into Luke’s neck from behind the couch. You pepper his cheek in kisses, his soft beard tickling your lips. He’s watching Blue’s Clues with Posy until Ashton arrives.
“How so?” he laughs craning his neck to look at you.
“You’re spoiling me way too much this weekend,” you wrap your arms around him.
“It’s my job to spoil you,” he hums and kisses your jaw.
“Where’s my favorite two-year-old?” Ashton’s voice booms as he enters your house.
Posy gasps and is quick to hop off the couch.
“Careful, Pose, careful!” Luke reprimands gently as she darts towards Ashton’s voice.
“Unca Ash!”
“Hi my girl! Are you ready for pizza and chocolate and dance parties and jumping on the bed?” Ashton tallies off as he spins Posy around.
“Ashton, do not—”
“Don’t worry, I’m supervising the children,” KayKay smiles shaking her head at the pair. “There will be pizza and chocolate and a dance party…but we don’t jump on the bed.”
You and Luke laugh at her statement but know full well the couple will take care of your Posy. She always has a fun time at their house.
“Thanks for taking her again,” Luke stands up from the couch. You follow him as he lifts Posy’s things to Ashton. “Want to have a special night with my lady.”
“Then why are you sending me away?” you laugh.
“It’s all a gift!”
“Ridiculous,” you shake your head at him fondly. “You be good for Uncle Ash and Aunt KayKay, Posy Mae, okay?”
“Otay, mama,” Posy smiles reaching her arms out to you. “Bye.”
“Bye, I love you,” you hug her tight and kiss her cheek before handing her off to Luke.
“We’ll see you tomorrow when we go pick up Lily. Have fun, yeah?” Luke pokes her nose, and she nods. “I love you, bug.”
“Love you!” she wriggles out of Luke’s arms to the floor then grabs KayKay’s hands tugging her to the door. “Time to go!”
“What time will you be by tomorrow?” Ashton asks hefting her two bags on his shoulders.
“Around ten, then we’ll get Lils from Cory’s,” Luke explains.
“Awesome, see you then. Have fun you two,” Ashton winks then follows his own love and Posy out the door. KayKay and Posy are singing baby shark, a song that Ashton introduced her to and wouldn’t stop singing for weeks.
“And then there were two,” you sigh dramatically twisting around to face Luke. You intertwine your fingers with his, grinning up at him like a lovesick puppy.
“Technically three,” his eyes drop to your stomach that is just starting to show. “How are you feeling today?”
“In love with my husband. And also wondering what he has up his sleeve,” you giggle.
“You’ll see soon enough, lovie,” he smiles.
Your spa day was very much enjoyed and went by too fast but that just made you more excited to get home to Luke and what he was planning. Before you left for your day, he told you to call him before you were on your way, so you did.
“Hi lovie,” he greets before the second ring went off. “How was your relaxation?”
“Amazing,” you sigh pulling away from the curb. “Am I safe to come home?”
“You are,” his voice surrounds the whole car over the Bluetooth. “Before you come inside…there’s something you need to grab from the mailbox first. Then ring the doorbell.”
You make a face at the odd set of rules.
“Uhh…okay? That’s oddly specific,” you laugh.
“I’ll see you soon. Drive safe.”
When you open the mailbox there’s a small box inside. You open it to see the cotton nightgown he bought you for your anniversary this year. It’s a blushing pink with white lace along the breasts and on the hem. It was also very see-through cotton. On top of the nightgown was a red blindfold with the words ‘sexy time’ written across the eyes.
“Ridiculous,” you chuckle and make your way to the front door. You ring the doorbell like he said and he’s quick to open and shut it behind him before you can peek inside.
“Let me put this on you,” he takes the blindfold holding it over your eyes. His fingers are gentle as he ties the satin, he kisses the crown of your head. “Now I’m going to lead you to the bedroom and you’re going to put this on for me and come into the living room.”
His lips graze your ear as he tells you the next set of instructions. You smell and abundant aroma of sweet flowers as you pass the living room. He spins you around, gives you a knee buckling kiss then takes the blindfold off.
“I’ll see you out there,” he hums.
When the door snaps shut, you move as quickly as you can to take off your clothes and put on the nightgown. You’re glad you shaved this morning in the shower. You freshen up a little bit, spritz on a bit of perfume and make your way downstairs where you hear Luke playing guitar.
When you turn the corner, you recognize it as ‘stuck in gravity’ which is your wedding song and Luke is sitting on the floor on a large, white fur rug. His black shirt is open, exposing the planes of his chest while he plays and hums along to the lyrics. He lifts his eyes to you, smirks, then starts to sing.
If he didn’t take your breath away then the rest of the room did. There’s balloons everywhere, fuzzy pillows and an array of sweet treats on the coffee table. A pink balloon is in front of the table forming the word ‘love’ and in front of Luke is a red rose.
“Yeah, this high, high love that you give to me is dripping down my hands like honey, it’s all I’m missing…”
You take in the whole room, amazed at the twinkly lights and candles. The pool even has floating flowers that are lit up shining through the sliding doors. You move towards him, the fur rug tickling your toes and you sit next to him. He sings of dripping honey, but his voice is what sounds like it. when he’s finished the song, you launch yourself at him, kissing him hungrily.
“You’re the most amazing, thoughtful, kind, and best husband,” you tell him. He chuckles beneath you and shifts the guitar from his lap.
“And you’re the most wonderful, kind, loving, and sexiest wife,” he whispers.
He lays you down gently on the fur rug. You moan at the comfort of it and at Luke’s hand slipping up your nightgown. You make love amongst the flowers and sweet delicacies; his heavy breathing and your soft moans fill your space of love.
You eat the food he’s prepared, feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries. When a drop of chocolate drops on your shoulder, Luke is quick to lick it up and it’s your turn to push him on the floor.
It’s a night where you’re the only two in the world. Loving on each other, whispering sweet sentiments, fingers and hands exploring spaces you’ve memorized. You’ve never felt so loved.
Posy runs up the walk to Cory and Ella’s door where Ella is standing smiling and waving. She lifts Posy in her arms and waits for you and Luke to come inside.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, guys!” she says giving you both a hug.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” you smile and take a good look at her. She’s almost a month further in her pregnancy than you are and she’s glowing with the perfect bump.
“I hope you two had a good night,” she nudges your elbow knowingly.
“The best. Luke spoils me too much,” you throw him a look and he grins.
“Mama! Daddy!” Lily exclaims bounding to you and Luke.
“Hi my sweet! How was your weekend?” Luke swings her up in his arms.
“Fun! I made you all Valentine’s!” Lily says happily. “And I got this from Roman.”
You and Luke look down at her hands that are touching a candy necklace. There’s a big heart in the center that says ‘be mine’ on it. You share a look with Luke. Roman and Lily have been best friends since kindergarten, you and his moms always tease about them getting married someday. Trina and Sophie are one of your closest friends and they’ve raised Roman to be such a gentleman.
He’s so sweet with Lily but he also brings her out of her shell a little bit. They’re a great pair of friends and now you know why she gave him the only card with glitter on it.
“That’s very pretty, Lily,” you smile. “Did you say thank you?”
“Yep! He liked my card and said he’d use it as a bookmark!”
“Hey guys,” Cory says. “Brunch is just about done if you want to head out back. Hey man.”
Luke and Cory shake hands then Cory gives you a sweet kiss on the cheek. You follow Ella to the backyard where they have a nice table set up with a pink tablecloth and a vase of daisies.
“I picked the flowers!” Lily states proudly pointing to them from Luke’s arms.
“They’re very pretty, my sweet, you did such a good job,” Luke kisses her cheek. “What are we having for breakfast?”
“She also selected the menu,” Ella smiles sitting down in a chair. She situates Posy on her lap. You sit next to her and give Posy one of her toys she brought to play with.
“Can I try and guess?” Luke asks and Lily nods while he sits next to you. “Hmm…I think Lily would pick…blueberry pancakes…hard boiled eggs…. prune juice….and turnips.”
“No! Wrong, dada!” Lily laughs heartily.
“What? What was I wrong about?” he fakes surprise.
“It’s scrambled eggs and orange juice and no yucky turnips!” she pokes his dimple.
“No turnips? Hmm…then…are we having cupcakes?”
“Cookies! I decorated with sprinkles!” she claps her hands excitedly.
“She did a very good job, too,” Ella praises.
“It sounds like a delicious meal, I can’t wait to eat it,” Luke smiles and kisses her forehead just as Cory comes out.
“We also have bacon and breakfast sausages; Ella’s been craving bacon.”
“Mm, and I’ve been craving breakfast sausage,” you smack your lips.
“Yeah you have,” Luke smirks over Lily’s head and you give him a stern look.
You learn about what else Lily did this weekend. She helped Ella pick out a design for the baby’s room and Ella cried when Lily presented her with Valentine’s cards for her and the baby. Lily’s really excited to be getting two more siblings.
“Are you two going to find out what you’re having?” Ella asks as you all sit back and let your food digest.
“I don’t think so, we want to be surprised,” you nod at Luke who’s also nodding.
“Are you going to find out?” Luke asks rubbing Lily’s back.
“Yeah, we want to know,” Cory smiles. We’re playing around with a few names, but nothing is really sticking.”
“How’s your morning sickness going?” Ella asks while Luke and Cory change the subject to a new lawnmower they read about.
“Still bad,” you laugh rubbing at your belly. “Luke got most of the things that were making me sick out of the house, and I calm down more at night. What about you?”
“I literally threw up before you got here,” she grimaces.
“Oh no, do you want us to go? You can go lay down,” you tell her.
“No, no, it’s okay. I want to hang out with you guys,” she smiles. “It comes in waves. Lily was such a big help this weekend, you’ve got one special little girl.”
“And me!” Posy shouts.
“Yes, and you, Po,” Ella laughs brushing her hair away from Posy’s forehead.
“She’s excited to be a big sister to your baby,” you tell Ella.
“I’m glad. I don’t want her to think Cory will forget about her or something…”
“I don’t think she thinks that. She knows he loves her.”
“I’m secretly hoping we’re having a girl,” Ella says in a hushed tone.
“As soon as you find out, I want to know!”
“We’ll have a party, don’t worry,” she smiles.
You spend another hour at Cory and Ella’s place then Posy is yawning. It’s almost time for her nap and you know she’s going to be asleep as soon as she’s in her car seat. You all hug each other goodbye, promising to get together next weekend.
Lily tells you and Luke all about her day at school Friday. She said everyone loved the glitter on her mailbox and she loved shopping with Ella. When you got home, Luke took Posy to her crib to finish her nap and the three of you looked through her Valentine’s from the rest of her class.
“Wait!” Lily slips off the couch and goes to her backpack. When she comes back she has two big cards and hands one to each of you. “I made these with Daddy and Ella.”
“Are these for us?” you ask and see her lopsided writing of ‘Mama’ on the front. There’s glitter and stick figures you’re assuming is you and Lily.
“Uh-huh,” she smiles joining you on the couch again.
You open it up and see Ella wrote what Lily probably told her to write.
“Read it out loud!”
“’Dear mama,’” you begin and pull her close, “’I love how you play with my hair and always make bad dreams go away. You’re the best mama. I love watching movies and finding rocks at the beach. Love your Lily.’ Oh, honey, I love it, thank you so much,” you cry into her hair and give her a big hug. You’re very emotional today and her sweet words pierced your heart in the best way.
“Dada’s turn!”
Luke clears his throat and opens the card dramatically.
“’Dear dada, I love when you sing, and I love singing frozen together. You make me laugh and I love when you make me chili! I miss you when I’m gone or you’re with Unca Cal playing for the people. I love you lots and lots. Love your sweet.’”
Luke is speechless and you’re crying even harder at her sweet words.
“You thought of all that by yourself?” you ask her.
“I did. Ella helped write because I don’t know some words. Do you like it?”
“We love it,” Luke tells her and pulls her on his lap. He hugs her tightly. “Thank you, Lily. I love you very much.”
“Love you, too, dada.”
For the rest of the day, you play outside. While Lily and Posy are playing with Petunia, you give Luke his present which are plane tickets to Australia. It’s been a while since you’ve been there and you want to head out before the baby arrives. His gift to you was a bracelet of pearls. It’s a lovely weekend that you never wanted to end.
Taglist: @calpalirwin @myloverboyash @loveroflrh @cxddlyash @princesslrh @spicylftv @notinthesameguey @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sarcastically-defensive17 @another-lonely-heart @devilatmydoor @thatscooibaby @suchalonelysunflower @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​ @calpops​ @littledrummeraussie​ @sexgodashton​
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abruisedmuse · 4 years
19 for the prompts :)
A treat this time
Prompt: 19 “You want to go trick or treating?” "Seriously?”
Pairing: Nessian
a/n: Sorry it took a while! my writer’s block has been really bad lately. Enjoy!
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Today was Halloween. Her favorite holiday. Not only for the fact she loved the costumes, dressing up, the weather and films, but because it was the night she had met Cassian. If it wasn't for a party six years ago she might not have met him.
However, this year, Nesta Bellator nee Archeron found she wasn't particularly in the spirit of spooky. Not when she looked like an overgrown pumpkin, with her bump jutting out of the shirt. From Braxton-hicks, aches in her lower back, not to mention the swelling in her feet, she was over this pregnancy. At this stage, Nesta's fairly certain her feet were to be permanently stuck that way.
This time around she and her husband of almost three years decided to stay in. Opting for appropriately themed films and eating take-out from her favorite Italian restaurant. The one that made the breadsticks so perfect, the bread seemed to melt in your mouth. A mere thought of them made her mouth dry. She would savor every bite while Cassian rubbed her pudgy toes. Tell her she's beautiful, though in this state, she felt far from it. Half of her clothes didn't fit. Even her maternity clothing seemed to be a struggle. Hell, everything was nowadays. Being ten long days past your due date would do the trick. 
Nesta heard the sound of jostling keys in the door. Prompting her to slide the bowl of half-eaten candy under the Cherrywood coffee table. Candy that was supposed to be for the neighborhood kids. She should feel guilty for eating most of it. In her state, Nesta found she could care less. They weren't miserable and exhausted beyond measure like her. Besides, the kids in their neighborhood didn't need all the sugar. Not like she did.
Hearing the creak from the front door and the click as it shut. A faint sound of heavy footfall from her husband's boots echoed from the hall. The sound becoming louder with each step inching towards her. Nesta stood with a groan from the grey sofa. Settling a hand on the swell of her back. Walking, no waddling, like a godsdamned penguin to greet her husband and the food she was dying to devour. Tonight her pain seemed to worsen.
Most likely from lazily hanging on the couch most of the day. She moved as quickly as her nesting body would carry her to the dining table. The square mahogany table adorned with orange, red, and brown on the runner, matching the leaves littering their yard outside. Nesta winced as she smiled at her hero, walking towards her. With bags of food from Nuala and Cerridwen's restaurant, La Bellezza di Cibo. He dropped the bags and rushed to her side. Nesta hitched a breath as the bags hit the floor with a thud. If her food were a mess, he'd deal with her, her... Nesta clutched the back of a ebony chair. 
"Nes?" he questioned with worry displayed on his ruggedly handsome features, a hand placed gingerly over her shoulder before resting on the swell of her belly, "Sweetheart, are you okay?"
Her knuckles bloomed white from her tightened grip on the rounded back of a dining chair, "fine." Nesta gritted out, glancing between concerned hazel eyes and her food abandoned on the floor.
 Once the tremor subsided, Nesta stood upright. Hands resting over Cassian's warm ones, "Fine," she replied again. Feeling the light kicks and punches from within. By the awe touched grin on her husband's lips, he felt it too, "Just Braxton hicks. As you can tell, he's content in there.
"Nes…" Cassian's thumbs rubbed along her belly, "I think you should call the doctor."
"I think," she huffed out, " you should pick up the food, feed your hungry, very pregnant wife, and rub her grapefruit-sized feet." Nesta realized a moment too late that the words were coming out harsher than intended.
By the way his posture tightened, and his jaw clenched, she knew he was fighting against what he truly wanted to say. That she wasn't in this alone, he should have a say too, and if he's concerned to humor him and call the damned doctor. They had called a few times, and tonight she wasn't doing it. She wasn't going into the hospital yet again only to hear they are Braxton-hicks and have those nurses look at her with slight annoyance—the kind she gave her customers daily. Cassian offered a tight smile, kissing her brow in a silent expression of okay. 
She watched his shoulders slump as he picked up the bags walking to the sofa. Her heart constricted as her gaze continued to follow him setting up dinner on the coffee table. He was trying in the only way he could. 
Cassian didn't know the inside of her body as she did. His only tells of possible labor were her movements and time. He sighed, pulling out her favorite drink, iced green tea, no sugar. Silently she moved towards the couch. Her husband now putting on Practical Magic, one of her favorites. He preferred the gory films. lately Nesta couldn't stomach watching those.
If she weren't pregnant and past due, Cassian being upset for a few minutes would be nothing. Nesta would have rolled her wines and left him be for thirty minutes, an hour, sometimes all night before talking. Now, she couldn't stand it. Bracing herself on the back of the charcoal sofa, Nesta shook away the dull pain in her spine. 
"Hang on," Cassian grabbed the couch pillows settling them against the back of her seat, "okay, now sit."
She did leaning into the pillows as best as she could. Laying a hand on her belly, the other on his thigh. "I'm sorry, Cas. I'm just.. I'm so tired all the time, I'm gigantic and in pain. Calling the doctor and going to the hospital just to be turned away, I can't do it. It's annoying and disheartening. If one of those nurses look at me like that again I will stab them in the eye with a syringe." Those last words she promised as a threat. A sigh escaped Nesta, laying her head against his shoulder, "and I just want to meet him."
 Cassian squeezed her hand, reaching for a breadstick with the opposite. Nesta took it, biting into the bread, still soft and warm. She could feel the sting of tears behind her eyes while she chewed. Cauldron this gods damned pregnancy has ruined her non-crying streak a hundred times over.
"I know. Trust me; I'm ready too. It seems like he has both of our stubbornness," he took her in his arms, running fingers through her hair. Nesta wiped her tears with the back of a hand, "You don't have to apologize, Nes. Yeah, I got annoyed for a minute. I don't know what's happening. I walked in, and you're bent over in pain. I had no idea if this had been going on all day or not. He pulled away, taking her feet in his lap. Gingerly rubbing the expanse from toes to ankles with the hardened padding of his thumbs. Nesta hummed her approval.
"I know."
"And you're not gigantic. I mean you-"
"Don't finish that sentence!" she snapped, cutting him a dry look.
He laughed, grinning like an idiot in the way it made her heart flutter, "You're carrying our child, and you look gorgeous doing it. Better?"
"Yes. But you're at morning foot rubs now and speaking of mornings. Tomorrow you're making me crepes."
They fell into a blissful rhythm of silence watching the movie. At some point, Cassian handed her the tea. She didn't eat the chicken parm or touch the Tiramisu Nesta claimed to have been craving for weeks. However, he wasn't sure about that. Cassian, the dutiful husband he is, knew every craving and memorized everything she wants and needs. Learning the lesson from Rhys, who was kicked out for a night for getting the wrong the sauce. Feyre's wrath was nothing compared to Nesta's. Paying careful attention to all her tells he knew she's hurting tonight more than usual, which gave him an idea. It was stupid he knew, but if it worked...
"Nes, wanna go trick or treating?"
Turning, she looked at him incredulously. He chuckled at her mouth fully agape, a bit of breadstick tumbling down her black shirt.
"Cassian, you're thirty-one years old, and you want to go trick or treating?" a nod, "seriously?" a second nod, Nesta sat a little straighter, "Let me get this straight, you want to take your nine and then some months pregnant wife trick or treating?"
"Yes, sweetheart. That's exactly what I'm suggesting. We can paint your stomach like a pumpkin with body paint. The doctor said walking helps a chance of labor, free candy, and I'll throw in a rub as soon we get back. I'll even hold your breadsticks and tea."
Before she had a chance to consider, Nesta felt a rush of liquid flow from her. Like someone, some little one popped a balloon filled with water. Nesta stilled for a moment. Time slowed as her stormy grey eyes moved down to her belly. She could feel her cotton leggings thoroughly soaked. Her jaw fell, and her heart pounded loudly. To the point that Nesta knew Cassian was speaking, yet couldn't hear his words. There were only dull noises and a wet feeling underneath her. This was happening. There was no trickery tonight—no falsified contractions. 
Cassian knelt in front of her. Face twisted in worry, he quickly transferred to a half-smile, realizing Nesta was smiling from ear to ear.
Meeting his gaze of amber and green flecked eyes, Nesta finally broke, "We can't trick or treat. Cassian, my water broke."
Tag list: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @hizqueen4life @clockworkgraystairs @b00kworm @negativenesta @sjm-things @whataboutmyfries @justgiu12 @illyrian-bookworm @thesirenwashere @ireallyshouldsleeprn @forbiddencorvidae @vanessa172003 @thewickedkings @sleeping-and-books @thefolkofthefic @yafandomsdotnet @aknymph @alittledribbledrabble @iminsanenotobsessed @figuredihadanodustollensofalife @df3ndyr @awkward-avocado-s @maastrash @knifewifejude @st00pid231 @elide-lochan-salvaterre @gisellefigue08 @se-ono-waise-ilia @strangeenemy @The-girl-who-reads-to-much @piratejudedemdji @junipersuns @ladywitchling @superspiritfestival @kendarbahr @shadowhuntersshadow-world @pcarnatio @wanderingjpg @whimsyrhys @bookishwitchling @sayosdreams @theoceanfaewriter @acourtofbookworms
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bittywitches · 4 years
I’m obsessed with the college roommates concept— maybe you’re feelings lonely and kinda sad abt ur love life one night and Grayson offers to take you on a date just for fun as friends but then ~feelings~ happen ☺️
Umm do you mean that one episode in season 8 of friends where Joey takes out pregnant Rachel and gets his crush on her??? Bc yes :))
It’s probably just been one of those weeks, you know? An assload of assignments, tests and exams every other day, most of which you’d completely bombed and were feeling shitty about. You hadn’t had more than 5 hours of sleep a day in like a month, you’d been living off of microwavables and instant noodles, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a sip of water since all your energy has been from coffee. And the kids in all your group projects this semester? Idiots. Selfish pricks. Every single one of them.
So it was needless to say that you were just in one of those moods. It was a Friday night, so things had slowed down enough, finally, but it also finally gave you some time to let yourself think, and god it was not great when you had to think.
It had started as just one of those basic thoughts; “What am doing? Where is this going?” which lead to “Why am I even in college in the first place?” Ending with “Oh my god I’m wasting my life and I’m gonna be alone forever”.
By the time Grayson had made it home that night, you were huddled up in the living room sofa under a blanket, your laptop open in your lap and snacks all over the table a couch while “Isn’t she lovely” by Stevie Wonder played on your phone as you tried your best not to burst into tears at the thought of never finding a boyfriend.
“Whoa, I don’t remember getting my invite to this slumber party.” He laughed, kicking his shoes off and throwing his bag onto the single sofa next to yours.
You slumped your shoulders. “It’s not a slumber party, it’s a pity party.”
“Oh?” He sat himself down on the sofa. “Who for?”
“Me, who else?” You wallowed, stuffing some more popcorn into your mouth.
“Why, did you get marks back?” He asked, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, a bit concerned at the volume of popcorn you were putting into your mouth with each bite.
“No, but what’s the point? I already know I’m doing bad.” You slumped backwards into the couch, just wishing you could be swallowed by the pillows and cushions.
“Hey,” He placed a hand on your knee, looking at you seriously now. He knew you. Your general melt downs he was used to, but this was different. He could tell something was wrong. “You okay?”
You sighed, grabbing your phone off the counter and pausing the song so you could think straight. “You don’t wanna hear about it.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.”
You sighed, slipping your legs out from under you and dangling them off the couch. “Okay, um..” Grayson’s hand had fallen away, and you suddenly felt like rubbing the spot on your leg where it had been. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve just been so busy lately, and it’s just gotten me thinking about my life in general. And how I haven’t gone out on a date in like…” You had to stop and think, and started laughing after a few seconds. “In so long I can’t even remember. Wow, god.” You sunk back into the couch. “I miss dating.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “Yea?”
“Yeah, you know,” You waved your hands around vaguely. “The whole excitement of it. Getting to dress up and look all nice. Feeling all pretty.” He tilted his head at you, and you shook your head and laughed. “But you know, not that I need the reminder. I’m obviously hot as fuck.” You gestured to yourself, highlighting your nest of hair and your stained sweatshirt. You waited for him to laugh, but he just continued to look at you with that weirdly deep expression.
“How about I take you on a date?”
You blinked at him, then started to chuckle, confused. “Huh?”
“You know, as friends. But I’ll give you like, the whole experience.”
You almost spit at that. “The ‘whole experience’?”
He rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. We’ll get all dressed up, go out to a nice place for dinner or something.”
You sat up now, your eyes narrowed at him. “Why?”
“Why not? It’s a friday. If you have stuff to do you can always do it later.”
“You know where that mindset gets me, Dolan.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun.” He smiled. “Plus, you deserve a fun night.”
You scoffed. “Yea, but not with a boyfriend or anything. With my roommate.”
“You think you could do better?”
“God just shut up and go change.”
You laughed. “I— You know what? What the heck.” You got up, and he did with you. “Ah, okay!” You gave him a quick squeeze before running to your room, and his eyes followed after you, a gentle smile on his lips.
He’d done the whole shebang. He got dressed in a nice dress shirt and clean black jeans, something you’d actually never seen him wear before. He’d somehow gotten you a bouquet of flowers, which, you weren’t even sure where or how he’d gotten them, because you couldn’t have taken more than twenty minutes to get ready. Nonetheless, he truly was the gentleman you had never expected. This was Grayson, the guy you watched old disney movies with and cried with during finals. He was the one you’d eat whole pints of ice cream with and play The Last of Us with and helped you master. He certainly wasn’t the one who was supposed to be complimenting you on your dress and taking you out to nice dinners. But here he was, doing just that.
He’d parked his car and was now escorting you inside this tiny but upscale italian restaurant, simple but elegant. As you entered through the glass door, the dazzling chandelier above the waiting area along with the gorgeous red sconces blew you away.
“Grayson how did you get a place like this on such short notice?” You whispered to him, gripping his arm, a bit intimidated by all the fancy folk waiting inside.
“I know some people.” He responded, a small smile on his lips.
You slapped his arm. “As if, you don’t even know the name of the Starbucks barista on campus.”
He rolled his eyes. “Can’t you let me be cool?” You stared at him waiting for the response, and he sighed. “This place is fairly new. Not that many people know about it yet, so it’s pretty easy to get a reservation.”
“How’d you know about it then?”
“Found it when I was looking for a place to take Sarah to.”
“Oh my god that girl from your Kinesiology class?” You looked at him with wide eyes and a grin on your face. “No way! I didn’t think you’d grow the balls to ask her out.”
“Hey,” He said, but you laughed. “Well, I haven’t exactly asked her yet. I was just checking it out.”
“Well either way, she’s going to love this place, it’s so extravagant.” You made it to the front and Grayson informed the woman standing there of his reservation. She escorted you both inside and brought you to a table next to one of the windows. She’d dropped off two glasses of water and menus for you both to look at in the meantime. You peaked at the one in front of you, and your eyes grew again.
“Gray, did you happen to look at the prices before coming here?”
“Don’t worry, I’m buying.” He flipped through his casually, as if he wasn’t exasperated at the large numbers printed on the cards.
“Are you serious? What are you, made of money?”
“Hey, I promised you a fun night, right? I can make a few sacrifices.”
A young man came up to your table, and you both gave him your order. You ended up choosing the cheapest thing on the menu, because a) you didn’t want to be too much of a burden on Grayson, but also b) you barely knew what any of it was anyways. He left, you both chatted for a bit, and he returned with your meals, both of them being some sort of pasta that you were a bit embarrassed about not knowing the differences between.
Grayson didn’t really know that much either, to be quite honest, but for some reason he felt the need to impress you with this place. And he was pretty giddy about the fact that it was working.
But throughout this, you had kept staring at him, frankly a bit shocked at the whole situation you both were in. You had to shake your head to get your thoughts straight, but ended up giggling. “So, you always this sweet with the girls you take out on dates?”
He bit his cheek, but decided to play along, lowering his fork and leaning in towards you to hear you over the chatter in the restaurant. “Why, you interested?”
“No, just curious what it is that Grayson Dolan pulls to get a girl.” You crossed your arms on the table, on elbow propped up with your chin resting on your hand. “Tell me, you have any moves?”
He laughed. “What, that I just use with every girl?”
“Don’t act so modest. There’s gotta be something. What gets them drooling?” You asked a playful smile on your lips.
He rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his food. “Okay fine, um.” He cleared his throat. “It usually starts out the same, I ask them about themself. Where they’re from, what they do— like, okay. What do you like to do in your spare time?”
You snorted. “Are we doing this? Are we playing this out?”
“Yesss, go with it.”
You laughed. “Okay, uh well. I like to paint sometimes.”
“Yea? What kind of stuff?”
“Well I used to do more traditional stuff, my parents were really into those pretty realism paintings. I’d do flowers and fruits and whatever, but every since, I guess junior year of high school, I’ve been doing more pop art pieces? And a lot more self-indulgent stuff. And I…” You trailed off, realizing you were rambling, but also realizing that Grayson had his soft eyes fixed on yours.
His eyes widened a little, as if you’d shook him out of a daze, and he chuckled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just, uh... “ He smiled. “Your eyes are really pretty.”
Your face flushed a little bit, and you looked away from him, taking a sip of water to use it as your excuse. “Ah, thank you.”
He shook his head. “Anyways, so do you still do pop art now? Or has it changed since you’ve started college?”
You blinked at him, then covered your mouth as you opened it in slight shock. “Wow, that was really good.”
He laughed. “Yea?”
“The eye thing was good on it’s own but to know you were actually listening to me? I’m impressed.” You nodded in approval.
He tilted his head, chuckling. “Thank you, thank you.” He took another bite of food before continuing. “So what about you? You have any moves?”
You snorted again. “Gray, I barely go out on enough dates in the first place, much less enough to establish any moves.”
“Why are you always so modest? You can tell me you know.”
You laughed. “Yeah duh I know, but I’m genuinely serious this time. I don’t get asked out all that often.” You shrugged. “It’s why I get excited when I do get to go on dates. It’s fun.”
Grayson was the one who couldn’t help but stare now. He blinked at you, unable to really comprehend what you were saying to him. How could people not want to ask you out? You were incredible. Looking at you now, your hair up in a dainty bun, a few curls falling down the sides of your face; your pretty off the shoulder dress that matched your deep magenta-maroon lipstick. And he wasn’t lying about your eyes, they really were so pretty. They sparkled, even more so when you were laughing. Which was usually accompanied by your scrunched up nose, making you look like a cute little bunny. He smiled at the thought, as he loved seeing that expression on your face.
“Huh.” he said out loud then, not realizing when it was he had starting noticing your small actions like that so much.
“What?” You asked, looking up at him, and suddenly, seeing those same eyes he always saw staring at him, he felt almost light headed. His face felt warm, seeing you look at him like that. He was almost afraid that you could see what he was thinking. But why would that be a problem unless…
Grayson slowly widened his eyes. Did he seriously have feelings for Y/N?
“Nothing, sorry.” He said with a smile, looking back down at his food. Sure, he’d always thought you were amazing. You were gorgeous, sure, and you made him laugh. And yea he loved hanging out with you, watching movies and playing video games, and he adored being your roommate, having late night conversations and spending all your free time together…
He wanted to mentally smack himself in the face. Shit, he had feelings for you.
This was going to be a long night.
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chickensarentcheap · 3 years
Never Gonna Be Alone- Chapter 56
Title: Visitors
Warnings: profanity, slight angst
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y, @innerpaperexpertcloud, @miss-smutty, @tragiclyhip, @ocfairygodmother, @ocappreciation
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28860450/chapters/80479972
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He dreams of one of his tours in Afghanistan. Two years into his time with SASR and his platoon imbedded with local friendlies; two dozen militia members that hated The Taliban just as much as the rest of the world and wanted a hand in bringing them down. He’d only been thirty at the time and already considered a seasoned veteran; several deployments into active and heavy combat, scars left behind from gunshot sounds and where shrapnel from roadside bombs had embedded into his skin. He’d felt as if he were eighty years old; shoulders weighed down by the horrors he’d seen and the things he’d had to do. No longer flinching when he had to take the life of another, but still feeling nauseous and when confronted by the bodies of those tortured and mutilated at the hands of terrorists. The healthy, the disabled, women, children; no one was safe from the brutality and it wasn’t uncommon to pass corpses in the streets or drive through bombed out towns.
Threats were everywhere; he’d long ago learned to sleep with a gun underneath his pillow. His instincts and senses sharp and keen and always on high alert; ears pricking to the howl of the wind or the rustle of rocks or the stirring of sand. Actual rest was a rare commodity for younger soldiers, but he’d become used to bedding down in the earth; body accustomed to the hard surface beneath him and his head not minding his rucksack as a pillow.
Three days had been spent navigating through rough terrain despite brutal elements they’d been faced with, and on the fourth night they were able to find refuge in a cave carved into the mountainside of the Tangi Valley. On their way to Mazar-i-Sharif; a well known Taliban stronghold. There they and the Afghan friendlies would attempt to take back the city; hoping and praying that they’d have enough weaponry and ammunition to wipe the enemy forces out. And that their own death tally wouldn’t be too high.
It was the first time he’d been afraid while with the SASR; warned that even with success, the chances of getting home alive were extremely unlikely. His wife had been pregnant at that time. Three weeks away from delivering his son; experiencing difficulties because of her own stress and worries revolving around his health and safety and his whereabouts. There’d been close calls already; snipers in the mountains, ambushes with rocket propelled grenades and tanks. His hyper-vigilance had been on high alert; every strange noise or shift of the rocks jarring him awake and seeing him reach under his backpack for the handgun he’d hidden underneath it.
He feels it now; the presence of someone standing beside him. Hears it; the soft breathing and the slight rustle of clothes. And he acts on pure instinct; hand sliding under his pillow and waiting for his fingertips to come in contact with the barrel of his Glock. Its absence sending his fear into overdrive and immediately instilling panic; eyes snapping open as he bolts into a sit and both hands shoot out to grab hold of the threat.
“Hi daddy.”
He blinks rapidly. The dream quickly evaporating and the cavern of sand and rocks dissipating; replaced by the wall of windows that provide a view of the darkened backyard and the glow of the space heater located in the far corner. Swallowing down the bile that sits in his throat, he briefly closes his eyes; using a forearm to clear perspiration from his forehead.
“Are you okay?” Addie inquires as she stands at the side of the couch. Clad in her favourite pair of unicorn themed pyjamas; Franklin the stuffed koala tucked under her arm, dark hair mussed from sleep.
He finally manages to gain control of himself; senses registering the familiar surroundings. “What are you doing?”
“I got up to go pee and then I wanted to snuggle with you and mummy in the big bed, but you guys weren’t there. I know I’m not supposed to come downstairs by myself while everyone is sleeping, but I was worried and I wanted to find you.”
“Are you okay? Did you have an accident in your bed?”
“Nope. I made it in time. I was scared; when I didn’t find you and mummy in your room. I thought maybe you left us.”
“Why would we leave you? You guys need us. We’d never do something like that. We love you guys way too much to ever leave you.” Reaching out, he gently cups the back of her head in his palm. “You know that, right? That mummy and I love you guys so much.”
Nooding, she tucks Franklin under her arm and she balls her hands into fists; rubbing vigorously at her eyes. “Why are you guys down here? Why aren’t you sleeping in your normal bed?”
“Mummy and I were up late. Talking.”
“About what?”
Addie tilts her head to the side. “What kind of stuff?”
“Stuff that mummies and daddies talk about. That little ears don’t need to hear.”
“So scary stuff? Or stuff with lots of swears in it?”
“Just stuff you don’t need to worry about.”
“Were you talking about…” she taps a finger against her lips. “... my birthday party?”
“You have a birthday coming up?”
Giving a dramatic huff; both hands find her hips and a pout curves her lips. “Daddy! You know my birthday is soon. February thirteenth. The day before Valentine’s Day. How could you forget that? Your own kid’s birthday! Your favourite kid!”
“I’m teasing you. I didn’t forget your birthday. I could NEVER forget it. Ever.”
“Mummy said maybe we could go to the koala place again.”
“That’s where you went last year. And the year before.”
“It’s my favourite place in the whole world. Mummy said to ask you. If we could go there. She says it’s up to you because you’re paying AND driving.”
“If you want to go to the koala place, that’s where we’ll go. Or we could go to the one in Melbourne; fly down and make a weekend of it.”
“I don’t want to fly. I don’t like it. It’s scary. “
“Since when? You’re fine with it when we go to Disney World.”
“That’s because I know I’m going to see Belle and Ariel and Snow White and Moana. That makes it worth it; being scared to death and worried the plane is going to crash.”
“The plane is NOT going to crash.”
“You don’t know that. Can’t we just drive to the koala place we always go to? They know me there. The koalas. They’ll be happy to see me.”
“If that’s what you want to do, we’ll do it. Now….” he reaches out and clears messy strands of hair away from the sides of her face and out of her eyes. “...why are you still up?”
“Isn’t today when we go to the American Girl store?”
“Yeah, but not for a while. Not for a LONG while. It’s still dark out. What time is it? Grab my phone. Check it”
Snagging the item in question from the cluttered coffee table, she presses the button on the side to make the screen come to life. “It says it’s six zero two.”
“Addie….” he groans and presses the heels of his palms into his eyes. “...it is way too early to be up, Peanut. Sun’s not even out.”
“Can we have breakfast? And then when we’re done it’ll be time to go to American Girl?”
“Baby girl, we’re not leaving until eleven. So even if we eat really slow, it’ll still be hours away. Why don’t you go back upstairs and lie down. See if you can fall back asleep for a bit.”
“I don’t want to go back up there. It’s too dark and I used up all my courage coming to find you and mumma. What if something chases me up the stairs? And catches me?”
“Where’s your monster spray I made for you? You all out?”
“I forgot it. In my room. That’s why I had to use all my courage to come find you. I’ll go back up there if you come with me. And snuggle for a bit.”
“I got a better idea; climb in here and snuggle with mummy.”
“And you?”
“I don’t snuggle.”
“You do too. Why are you so embarrassed to admit it? Snuggling is nice. It feels good. It makes your heart happy. It’s never a bad thing when your heart is happy.”
“Yeah,” he smiles, and lightly ruffles her hair. “It does. Come on; get in here.”
“I’m too tiny to get in.”
“You can make it. I know you’re like a spider monkey; I’ve seen you scale the fridge and the cupboards trying to get to things. Come on, hurry up.”
Tossing Franklin over the top of the sofa, she glances around the room; a fingertip pressed against her lips as she considers her options for assistance in getting to her final destination. Electing to push the coffee table over; groaning and grunting dramatically as her tiny body puts all the effort and strength it can in getting the heavy wooden object into place. Climbing effortlessly onto it and then slinging one leg over the top of the couch and then another; sitting on top of it with a victorious, proud smile that spreads from ear to ear.
“I did it! Daddy I did it! All on my own!”
“I knew you could do it. You just had to think about HOW you were going to do it. You’re crazy smart, you know that?”
“Not as smart as Tanner.”
“Nobody is as smart as Tanner. Not in this house anyway.”
“Not even you or mumma?”
“Definitely not me. But your mumma comes pretty damn close.”
“Mumma’s pretty smart. I mean, she has to be right? She fell in love with you.”
He grins. “You’re smooth, you know that?”
“I learned that from you. I’mma lie with you for a bit, okay? Then snuggle with mum.”
Nodding in agreement, he pulls the sleeping bag back and then he places his hands on her hips, steadying her as she slides down the back of the sofa and then plants herself on his stomach. Both arms wrapping around her tiny body as she stretches out along him; lips pressing against her brow as he head settles on his collarbone.
“It’s like a nest,” Addie enthuses, as he covers them both with the sleeping bag. “I like it. Maybe we can do this at home sometimes.”
“Maybe.” A tiny hand reaches up to brush against his beard, and he turns his face into it and kisses the palm.
“You need to shave, daddy.”
“Last week you said you liked my face like this. What gives?”
“It’s getting TOO bushy. I can’t see your face. Why you want to hide your face? It’s a cute face.”
He frowns. “Excuse me? I let you into the nest and you treat me like that?”
Addie giggles. “Sorry. I know it’s worse than a swear to you. You let mummy call you cute.”
“Sometimes I let her get away with it.”
“Well, I’m a mini mumma so that means I should get be able to get away with it too.”
“Your logic is actually pretty sound. I can’t argue with it. I’ll clean it up when we get home; thin it out, get my hair cut…”
“Don’t shave it off though. I don’t want you to have NO hair. I don’t think it would suit your face. If you were bald like Grandpa Koen.”
“Short, but not too short. Sound good?”
“I’ll agree to it. Mumma would NOT like it; if you got rid of all your hair.”
“She definitely wouldn’t. Speaking of mumma, let’s not talk so loud okay? Mumma didn’t sleep well last night; she needs her rest.”
Addie lifts her head from his chest. “Is she okay? She’s not sick is she? I don’t want mumma to be sick.”
“She’s not sick. Just tired. She hasn’t gotten a good sleep in a while. So let’s help her do that, yeah? Help her get the rest she needs? So she can take care of you guys? Be the mumma she always is? Can you do that? Help her get some sleep?”
Addie manages a nod; chin tucked into her chest and tears sparkling in her eyes.
“Hey…” he brushes her dark locks away from the side of her face. “...what’s wrong? Why are you going to cry?”
“Are you sure she’s alright? Are you sure mumma isn’t sick? That there isn’t something wrong with her?”
“Peanut, I am one hundred percent sure there is nothing wrong with her. She’s just tired. She hasn’t been sleeping well and she’s trying to catch up on what she’s lost. That’s it.”
“Are you sure, daddy? I don’t want mumma to be sick.”
“Mumma is NOT sick. She’s just tired. Would I lie to you?”
“No. You don’t lie ever. Maybe sometimes for your job because you have to, but never to us. OR mumma.”
“You need to trust me, alright? She’s fine. Just really tired. And that’s why we need to help her; keep our voices down and let her sleep. Make sense?”
Addie nods.
“Don’t cry. There’s no reason. Come here…” Laying a hand on the back of her head, he presses a kiss to her forehead and then draws her back down to rest upon him. “....mummy’s okay. Just sometimes, she gets worn out. She does a lot. For you guys, for me. She just needs to recharge her batteries. That’s all.”
Addie frowns. “Mumma doesn't have batteries. She’s human. Like us. She IS human, right?”
“Sometimes I wonder if she is; considering how awesome she is and how much she loves and takes care of all of us. But yeah, she IS a human. It’s a figure of speech; needing to recharge your batteries when you’re really, really, REALLY tired.”
“You promise she’s okay?”
“I promise. I would never, ever lie to you, Peanut. Mummy’s okay. She just needs some rest.”
“Alright,” she relents, and once more lays her head upon his chest; her eyes closing as his fingers repeatedly comb through her hair. One of her hands finds his right ear; softly pinching the top before her fingertips begin a slow and repetitive caress of the outer edge. Both she and Millie had adopted the same self soothing technique when they were just babies; the thumb of one hand shoved firmly in their mouths while the fingers of the other either stroked his ears or twisted at his hair.
“I need to ask you something, okay? About when you get upset. Like you did just know about mummy. Is that okay?”
“That’s okay.”
“When you get like that, does it make you feel any different? Is there a change from how you normally feel?”
“Whaddya mean?”
“Inside of you. Does anything different go on? When you get worked up like that, do you notice anything weird or funny or strange going on? Like in your stomach or your chest or your head or…”
“It hurts a bit,” Addie admits. “Like someone is squeezing my chest really tight. And my heart goes really, really fast and my tummy gets all butterflies in it. But not good butterflies; like when you meet someone beautiful and fall in love with them. Bad butterflies; like I’m gonna throw up. But I don’t.”
It’s the last thing he wanted to hear; yet another one of his kids showing telltale signs of mental health issues. Apparently running rampant through the family thanks to the combination of parental genes; moderate to severe anxiety issues, neurotic tendencies, feelings of panic and fear, episodes of mild to severe depression. He’d hoped that none of them would ever have to battle those kinds of demons; praying to whatever higher power existed -if any- that they’d be spared and their lives filled with nothing but love and light and the most trivial of problems. The guilt is quick to set in; blaming himself for the ‘fucked up, messy genes’ that have been bestowed upon them; a father with a lifetime of trauma and severe mental health issues that bears the titles of alcoholic and drug addict.
“Is that bad?” Addie inquires, and when he glances down he notices the worry that darkens her eyes and lines her face; deep furrows across her brow and the pout capturing her lips. “Am I sick? Am I going to die? I don’t want to die, daddy!”
“You’re not going to die,” he assures her, and tightens his hold on her. “And you’re not sick. It’s pretty normal. A lot of people feel that way. I know I do.”
Her face brightens at his confession; the joy of sharing something -even anxiety- with him and the relief that she isn’t alone in her struggles. “You do?”
Tyler nods. “Quite a lot, actually.”
“That’s part of your brain stuff? Feeling like that?”
“It’s one part of it. One of MANY parts.”
“Is my brain sick too? Is it sad like yours?”
“I don’t think so . I think it’s just something you’re going through. It’ll probably go away as you start growing up.”
She scrambles into a sit. “What if it doesn’t? Will I have to take medicine like you do?”
“You know what, how about we only worry about that IF it happens? Let’s see how it goes, alright? As you get bigger. But if things get worse and you start feeling like more and more and it’s getting stronger, you have to tell me or mumma okay? It’s important that you tell us. Will you promise? That if things get worse you’ll tell me or mumma?”
“I promise.”
“Good girl.” Laying a hand on the back of her head , he gently pulls her closer; pressing a series of kisses down the bridge of her nose. “Mumma and I need to know; if you’re feeling stuff like that.”
“I promise I’ll tell you. I won’t keep it a secret. Can I ask you a question now?”
“Can you lie down and ask it? Because it’s still really early and we still need to get some more sleep.”
Nodding in agreement, she once more stretches out along him. Side of her head resting on his collarbone and her fingers immediately reaching for the chain around his neck; rubbing the pendant -engraved with his and Esme’s zodiac symbols- between her thumb and forefinger.
One palm rests in the middle of her back as the other softly strokes her hair. “What do you want to ask me?”
“What did Austin look like?”
“What?” He gives an uncomfortable laugh; the mere mention of his son’s name tightening his chest. It’s creeping up on him; Addie’s sixth birthday and the anniversary -just three weeks later- of the death of his first child. Some days he doesn’t think of Austin at all; his past life nothing but a faded memory as he enjoys the new one that continues to play out in front of him. Other days the grief is profound; ripping at his heart and clawing at his throat and making his sorrow nearly unbearable. He wonders if it will ever go away; if he’ll wake up one morning and realize that years...decades even…have passed by without being haunted by his son’s demise and his horrible mistake leading up to it. “Where’d that come from?”
“I had a dream. He was in it. He didn’t say his name or anything and I don’t know what he looks like, but I KNEW it was. He was at our house. In Australia. And he was playing with us; chasing us in the sand and throwing us into the water and helping look for rocks and shells and sea glass.”
“Was he a little boy or…?”
“No. He was big. Older than Millie even. A teenager. He looked like you; he was tall and he had your eyes and muscles. Not as big as yours, though. Little ones. What DID he look like?”
“He looked a lot like TJ. Blond hair that was always kinda messy. Blue eyes. Same nose. Ears.”
“That means he was cute then. ‘Cause Tyler’s cute and he looks just like you and you’re cute so…”
“You realize you’ve called me that twice? In less than an hour?”
“It’s a compliment, silly. Mumma said you can be cute AND a bad ass. At the same time.”
“Well if mumma says it, I guess it’s true.”
“Austin was just little, right? When he died?”
“He was. He was six.”
“I’m going to be six soon. Does that mean I’m going to die too?”
“No, Peanut. It doesn’t mean that at all. It has nothing to do with turning the same age. Austin was sick and the doctors couldn’t fix him. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re healthy. VERY healthy.”
“If he was six when he died and you met mummy four years after that…”
“He would have been ten when I met your mum. And I met her almost thirteen years ago.”
“So he’d be…” her eyes narrow and she chews on her bottom lip. “...twenty-three now.”
“That’s pretty damn good; you figuring that out. You’re pretty smart.”
Addie beams. “Like mummy.”
“You’re like mummy in so many ways. And that’s a good thing. A VERY good thing.”
“If Austin never died, would he have lived with his mummy or with you and my mummy?”
He doesn’t have the heart to tell her that if Austin hadn’t passed away, the life she knows wouldn’t even exist. SHE wouldn’t exist. Had his first born son never been diagnosed with cancer and had lived a healthy life, he would have never gotten into the job; he would have stayed in the military and made it his career and would have never had a reason to even think about the ‘job’, never mind actually getting into it. And although his first marriage still would have fallen apart for many reasons, his path never would have crossed with Esme’s. Meeting her had only taken place because of his choice to become a mercenary; his enormous guilt and regret and immense sorrow pushing him in that direction.
Addie couldn’t handle hearing it; the cold, hard truth. Not even at fifty years old, never mind only five. She’s remarkably different from his other girls.; tiny and dainty and sensitive to a fault. Prone to easily having her feelings hurt and bursting into tears if someone so much as raises their voice at her or casts an angry or disappointed look in her direction. Millie and Brooklyn are ‘harder’. Boisterous and fearless and ‘rough and tumble’ ; never blinking under the often harsh teasing from their brothers and never flinching when they’re scolded or punished. They’d never needed the amount of coddling and physical contact that Addie craves; always needing cuddles and kisses and unabashedly seeking them out whenever she craves them. The others hate the idea of being ‘babied; fiercely independent and not needing the level of attention and reassurance that their sister does. And it’s a welcome change; the one little girl that he can dote on and spoil and treat like a princess. Something he -of all people given his sheer size and physical prowess and often intimidating nature- had never known he wanted; something so bright and beautiful that needs him almost as much as he needs them. She keeps him grounded and ‘light’ in ways the others can’t; her purity and her innocence infectious, her giggle and her smile and the way the word ‘daddy’ sounds coming out of her mouth doing wonders for his aching body, mind, and soul.
“He probably would have lived with his mum,” he says, fingers lightly dancing over her silky, dark hair. “And come to visit us.”
“He had a good mum? She was good to him?”
“She was VERY good to him. She loved him very, very much. And he loved her just the same; they were really close. Did everything together. Because I was away a lot.”
“When you were in the military?”
He nods.
“Was she as good as my mum?”
“Peanut, I don’t think there’s anyone in this world that is as good as your mum. Your mum is pretty awesome. She’s been through a lot of stuff in the past twelve years. Stuff that would have scared other people off. But she hung in there and she made things work even when I thought they might fall apart. And she had all you guys; all seven of you. That’s something. That’s a lot of babies.”
“No one is as good as my mum. No one. She’s pretty and she’s funny and she always gives us hugs and kisses and stops whatever she’s doing to pay attention to us. And she does fun things with us. Even when she doesn’t really have the time to do them. She just stops everything and gives us whatever we need. And she has fun doing it. Spending time with us.”
“Your mummy loves you guys so much. You know, there was a time she thought she wouldn’t even be a mummy. And I think that’s why she gives so much of herself. Why she’s always willing to put everything else aside for you guys. Because she never thought she’d have kids. And now she’s so happy she does.”
“But she had to have help, right? To have us. You had to help.”
“I played a little part in it.”
“What did you have to do?”
“Things that you’ll find out when you’re older. MUCH older.”
“How much older?”
“I don’t know…” he presses a kiss to her forehead. “...thirty? Forty?”
She giggles. “Daddy! That’s way far away! I need to know before that.”
“I’ll decide when you need to know those things. Until then? I’m going to keep you locked in your room. So no boys can get to you. Or girls, if that’s the way you wanna go.”
“Like Rapunzel,” Addie muses. “She was locked in her room. But her parents were mean and that’s why they did it. You and mumma aren’t mean. You just don’t want me meeting someone and moving away.”
“That’s EXACTLY it. I don’t want that. I want you to stay little forever. Exactly how you are right now. The one that still wants me to cuddle her and still likes to spend time with me.”
“I’ll ALWAYS want daddy cuddles. And to spend time with you. Why wouldn’t I want cuddles? Why wouldn’t I want to do things with you? You’re my daddy. I love you.”
“And I love you. So much. So very, very, VERY much.”
“If I’m going to be like Rapunzel, I better start growing my hair faster.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. “You better.”
Abandoning the chain around his neck, her fingers move to the tattoo that graces the left side of his throat. “What was her name?”
“Austin’s mummy. What was her name?”
“Why so many questions? Especially about this stuff?”
“I’m just curious. What was it? Her name?”
“Her name is Sarah.”
“That’s a pretty name. Not as pretty as Esme, though.”
“No. It’s not. But you and I are a little biased, so…”
“Just a bit,” Addie agrees. “What does she look like? Does she look like mummy?”
“Nope. She’s totally different than your mum. She’s tall and heavier and more muscley. Blond hair. Green eyes.”
“She sounds pretty. But no one is prettier than mummy. NO ONE.”
“I have to agree there. I don’t think anyone else is either.”
“Was she nice? Austin’s mum?”
“She had her moments. And speaking of moments…” he lightly pats her bum. “...the moment is long past for you to go back to sleep for a while. So you’re not too tired to have fun at the American Girl store.”
“I’m not sleepy though. I’m too excited to be sleepy. I get to spend the day with you. All by myself!”
“And you know what? I’m excited about that too. But I’m also very tired and if I don’t get any sleep…”
“You’ll be really grumpy. Like a bear with a sore asshole.”
Laughing, he clasps her face in both palms and presses a kiss to her lips. “I think you sometimes listen to your mum TOO much. Do you think you could try? To get some more sleep?”
Addie nods. “I’m going to lie down on the other side of mumma. So she’s in between us. Then we can both snuggle her, okay?”
“I think that’s a great idea. Be careful though…” he lays a hand on her hip as she gets to her knees and begins the gingerly process of climbing over her mother without disturbing her. “...don’t fall on her, kick her, knee her, anything like that, okay?”
“I’m careful. And smooth. Like a ninja.”
Crawling under the sleeping bag, she settles herself on her side between Esme and the back of the couch. And he watches silently as the five year old’s hand begins softly exploring her mother’s face; gently fingertips moving across her forehead and over her eyes and along the bridge of her nose. So much love and adoration written all over Addie’s face that it brings tears to his eyes and causes a lump of emotion to settle in his throat.
Esme stirs; soft whimper followed by a groan of disapproval. And he rolls over onto his side and moves closer to her; lips meeting the back of her head as his hand rests on her hips. “It’s alright, baby. It’s just Addie. Climbing in with us.”
“Okay…” she mutters, and her eyes flicker open.
“Hi mumma,” Addie greets, her smile spreading from ear to ear.
“Hi little bug.”
“Daddy said I could sleep here. You’re in the middle so we can BOTH snuggle you. Alright?”
“Alright. I can’t think of anything better; stuck in the centre of a daddy and Addie cuddle sandwich.”
“Go to sleep, mumma.” Addie presses a kiss to her mother’s lips, then snuggles into her as tight as she possibly can. “Daddy and I got you. We’ll take good care of you. Right, daddy?”
“Right,” he agrees, as his hand slides to his wife’s stomach. Palm pressed against where he imagines his unborn child could be resting; safe and secure in the confines of its mother’s body. And he leans in to place a kiss on her cheek, whispering “I love you” into her ear before burying his face in her hair.
***** She busies herself with household chores; two loads of laundry to wash and dry, suitcases that still need to be packed, a sink full of dirty dishes. The house is oddly quiet; Addie and Tyler gone for their trip to the American Girl store, Desi taking the others out shopping and to lunch and a movie. It feels odd to have no commotion going on around her; no flurry of activity, no little voices all shouting for attention at the same time, no video games blaring from the television in the living room. And while the silence and the lull should fill her with a sense of peace, she finds it even more distracting; enabling her brain to go into overdrive and allowing her to dwell on the mountain of worries that are plaguing her.
It’s a welcome relief when she hears the front door click open and her sister’s voice shouts out in greeting. Both dogs snapping out of their naps and rushing towards the visitor; the loud jingling of their tags against their collars accompanied by their raucous barking. And she laughs just minutes later as Riley’s arm curls around her neck, pulling her backwards into her sister’s much taller frame.
“What are you doing here? I thought you and Shaena were playing tourists today?”
“Way too damn cold!” The red head grumbles. “And you can’t enjoy yourself when there’s that much white shit on the ground.”
“It’s kinda weird; growing up in Colorado yet complaining about the temperature and the weather here. New York City has nothing on Snowmass.”
“Are you kidding me? It’s a dry cold there. Here? Damp as fuck; you feel right into your bones! And the wind? Why is it always so windy here? Isn’t that supposed to be Chicago?”
“I think you’ve just become completely spoiled,” Esme muses, as she presses a kiss to her sister’s forearm and then turns her attention back to the sink of soap suds and dirty dishes in front of her. “Moving to Australia totally turned you from snow bunny to beach bum.”
“Was the lifestyle change I desperately needed and didn’t even realize it,” Riley admits, then plants a noisy kiss on Esme’s temple before stepping alongside her, fetching a towel from the countertop and starting on an already full rake of plates, bowls, silverware, and cups. “What happened? Dishwasher broke?”
“The dishwasher is full. Because we have been so caught up on laundry and putting Christmas shit away and packing to go home, that we never even gave it a second thought. So sadly, I have to do it the hard way. Like the pioneers did.”
“Well thankfully, you still have electricity, running water, and flushing toilets. You do, right? Have flushing toilets?”
“When Takota isn't shoving things that shouldn’t be shoved down them, they flush just fine.” Sighing, she drops her head to her shoulder; using the latter to push wayward strands of hair off her brow and away from her forehead.
“You sound a little...stressed.”
“You think? I’m just a little...oh I don’t know...overwhelmed. I’ve still got shit to pack, I’ve got to confirm our flight plans, I’ve got to somehow pick up the girls’ dresses for the wedding between now and Saturday morning, and I totally forgot to make a hair or nail appointment. So yeah, I am just a tad stressed.”
“Not to mention you've got a little Australian hot cross bun cooking in the oven.”
Her hands still within the soapy water as she glances over at her sister, both eyebrows raised. “He told you?”
“Well, I suspected and asked. He just confirmed it. Did you know he’s already got that goofy, proud as hell, daddy to be grin going on? For a guy that only had to put in five minutes of effort…”
“Don’t ever let him hear you say that. There’s no insult quite as damaging to his ego as that. And in his defense, he puts in more effort than that. A LOT more. He’s a very willing, extremely talented, and selfless participant.”
“I do NOT need the gory details, thank you. Bad enough I’ve come over and he’s been wandering around butt ass naked. Outside.”
Esme laughs. “That’s just the way he is. He has no fucks to give. Not to mention, we’re pretty secluded where we are and we’re not used to people just showing up. If you’d used the front door like a normal person and not come down the beach…”
“I thought I’d be perfectly safe. I wasn’t expecting to see my brother in law in all his naked glory.”
“You’re lucky it’s only happened that once. Tyler’s known to strip down when he’s out there. At least four to five times a week. He’s in his own little world and there’s no one around to bother him; if he’s dirty from working on the land or he’s been surfing, he’ll just whip his clothes off and use the outdoor shower. To be honest, he’d probably whip them off in front of a crowd of people. He literally does not give a shit.”
“Well, I’ll give credit where credit is due. Even though I do go for the ladies, I was pretty impressed. It’s only fuelled my all time burning question, though. How does he NOT break you in half? I mean, you’re so tiny and he’s so….not tiny.”
“We manage. Although sometimes I wonder if he IS going to break me in half. But in all fairness, that’s my fault. I’m the one who tells him to kick it up a notch and who likes it…”
“I do NOT want to hear this. I know you’re a kinky little thing, but I don’t need the details. If you say it’s fun, I believe you. And it MUST be. You’re still satisfied with the same dick after almost twelve and a half years.”
“I have zero complaints. Nothing but praise, believe me.”
“I remember the old Esme. The one that got bored of guys really quickly and sent them on their way. I mean, other than Tyler and he who shall not be named, you’re not exactly known for being a long term kinda of gal.”
“Never met anyone that could hold my interest long enough. People I dated? All they wanted out of me was purely physical and I longed for something more than that. They just weren’t the type that I could get that out of. Not everything is about sex, Ry. I don’t quite have the resume that you do.”
“I keep forgetting; you’ve always been more into finding someone that’s soul food and not just good for the body.”
“You make it sound like there’s something wrong with me. When you say it like that. I’m not some kind of freak because I didn’t bang everyone that showed interest. I was just looking for more than that. And the people I was with? They bored me. And if they weren’t turning me on in every way…”
“You wanted both clitoral AND intellectual stimulation.”
“I guess that’s one way of putting it.”
“Kind of funny Tyler fits that bill. He’s not exactly the intellectual type.”
Esme frowns. “He’s not exactly stupid, either. He happens to be very smart, Ry. Way smarter than anyone gives him credit for. Why do people think he’s not? I fucking hate that; people underestimating him like that.”
“Okay...that’s not what I was doing…”
“It’s like people hear what he does for a living or look at him and think he’s stupid. They see the size of him and the muscles and the scars and the tattoos and they think doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together.”
“Me-Me, I do not look at Tyler that way. I never have. I was just teasing. I didn’t…”
“He’s not a dumb ass, alright? I know he has his issues; with his brain. And I know things are starting to slip; his short term memory is getting worse and he’s got some cognitive things going on and he sometimes doesn’t make the best decisions. But he’s a good man and he’s a great husband and an even better father and he’s not stupid! He’s not...he’s….” She tosses the dish rag into the sink and brings soap covered hands to her face as she bursts into tears. “...fuck...these fucking hormones!”
“Hey...hey…” Riley peels her sister’s hands away from her face and uses the dish towel to dry them. “....what’s going on? What…?”
“I am so overwhelmed. I’m not doing well with this. At all. Accepting this.”
“Accepting the baby or…?”
“Everything. Everything is falling apart, And I’m trying so hard to keep it all together and I’m worried I won’t be able to do it for much longer.”
“Okay, you need to take a breath and start at the beginning. I know things are pretty damn scary right now and having another baby wasn’t exactly on your radar, but…”
“Things are getting worse. With Tyler.”
“What things? Between the two of you? With his mental health issues? Esme, give me something here. Please.”
“With his brain injury. I know the doctor said that things could start to deteriorate; short term memory, cognitive skills, temper. Even his handwriting is getting worse. And he gets confused so easily; even with the most simple things. There’s times when he’s talking and he just stops and it’s like he can’t come up with the words. Sometimes he manages to remember them, but other times it’s like his brain just won’t let him. And then I see it; in his eyes. How it frustrates him. And how worried he is.”
“Have you said anything to him? About all that stuff?”
“I’ve tried. But he doesn’t want to talk about it. He’s scared. I know he is. I know when to back off; when not to push things. And if I push it…”
“What about his doctor? The shrink. Have you talked to him?”
“I sent him an email. He said we’ll talk in the new year. He’s away on vacation.”
“Listen…” Riley places her hands on Esme’s shoulders. “...I know it’s hard not to read into things and it’s even harder to calm down when someone tells you to, but you need to calm down and not dwell. All those things you mentioned? They’re not necessarily signs that things are getting worse. I know I’m not a shrink, but I am a nurse and I would not lie to you about this. You know that, right?”
Esme nods.
“Tyler’s been under a lot of stress. The last five years have been sheer and utter hell. And the business is really picking up and yeah, he’s struggling with his bipolar and PTSD. He’s been overworked and overwhelmed and all those things? It’s very possible it’s just how the stress and the fight with his mental health are making him act. There is no guarantee this is a sign that things are deteriorating.”
“Really. And I think he realizes he’s in a little over his head and that he needs help so things DON’T get worse. Would he have called me if he wasn’t thinking right? Me-Me, his brain is working just fine. He went into protective hubby and daddy to be mode right away; he stepped it up and he admitted he needed it and he called me. That isn’t a man who’s losing it. Not by a long shot.”
“He actually did surprise me,” she admits. “When he told me he called you. I expected him to dwell on things, you know? Tyler has a tendency to do that; he always has. But he didn’t even hesitate. He outright admitted he needed help and went looking for it. And that’s a big step for him. That’s huge, actually.”
“It is. That shows he’s progressing, not regressing. And look how well he’s been dealing with other things; how well he’s been running that business. It’s like a well oiled machine. Look at the rep he has; he’s got clients pouring in, he’s got umpteen people wanting to work for him. He’s obviously doing something right or none of that would be happening. He’s doing so well, Esme. Especially considering everything that happened to him five years ago. And I know you love him; more than you love yourself. I also know you worry about him. But right now? You need to try and calm down and concentrate on yourself. And that baby you’ve got in there.”
“I don’t want to lose him to this. To his mind. I don’t…”
“There is nothing saying that is going to happen,” Riley gently interjects. “The things you’ve noticed? Stress can do all of that. Especially to someone whose brain is already vulnerable.”
“When I think of losing him, I think of the job. I think he’ll go out there one day and someone will kill him. I’ve almost kind of relegated myself to you, you know? That if old age doesn’t kill him, a bullet probably will. I mean, he’s a mercenary. I married into this life. And honestly, I’d rather lose him that way than his brain deteriorate and watch him slip away.”
“Esme…” Riley firmly clasps her sister’s face in her hands. “...listen to me. I would not lie to you. About anything. But certainly not about Tyler. I don’t see what you’re seeing, sweets. I don’t.”
“You don’t live with him. I see it. I’m not making this up.”
“I’m not saying you’re making it up. I’m saying maybe you’re reading too much into it. We all know that you can be a little neurotic…”
“I’m not being neurotic. I see these things. That’s my husband. The father of my kids. I see what’s happening to him.”
“I think what you’re seeing isn’t as bad as your brain is telling you it is. I think you’re stressed and you’re overwhelmed and your brain is making a bigger deal out of things than it needs to. Do you really think the business would be this successful if he was losing his mind? Do you really think he’d be able to step it up and take care of you and those kids? Do you think he would have recognized he needed help and called me?”
“No…” she sniffles. “...I guess not.”
“Sweets, you need to just try and take it easy, alright? I highly doubt things are as bad as your brain is making them out to be. Considering everything he’s been through and everything he’s been dealing with? Tyler is functioning very well. You have to admit that; that he has surpassed every doom and gloom bullshit those doctors gave you.”
“He has. He totally proved everything wrong. And he keeps proving them wrong. Every day. He’s so strong, Ry. He is the strongest person I have ever known. And when I think of a life with him being that way …”
“Then don’t think about it. You’re your own worst enemy, you know that? Esme, he is fine. Do you really think if something was going to go wrong with the brain injury, it would have taken almost thirteen years?”
She shakes her head.
“It would have already happened. You see how well he’s doing. How far he’s come. He’s fine, Me-Me. I think you’re overwhelmed and you’re tired and you’re worried and it’s just making things seem worse. You need to take it easy, alright? It’s not just you to worry about now.”
“This is the last thing I expected. Another baby. I mean, I’m forty-two years old.”
“That’s not exactly old. Women are having babies into their fifties these days.”
“Yeah, well they’re fucking insane. Number eight, Ry. EIGHT. Knowing my luck, nine too.”
“I highly doubt it’s another set of multiples.”
“What if there’s something wrong? Because of my age? What if…?”
“Then you deal with it. You’re not in this alone. You’ve got an incredible man in your corner. Who loves you so wholly and completely. Right to his very soul. If any couple can raise a baby with issues, it’s you guys. Look at everything you’ve been through together. Everything that would have destroyed weaker couples. You guys just kicked ass and kept going on. And that’ll happen again; if it has to.”
“I just worry I won’t be good at that kind of thing. Being that kind of mom.”
“Esme, you ARE that kind of mom. Look at Tanner. All his issues. Look how you’ve handled that. How you stepped to fight for what he needs and what will help him thrive. You’ve gone to bat for that kid over and over again and you and Tyler are raising him to be an amazing self advocate. You already ARE that mom.”
“I never thought about it that way,” she admits. “I guess I don’t think of TANNER that way. I don’t look at him and see his diagnosis. I just see him. I just see Nugget. And how well he’s doing. I mean, he struggles and we have to help him from time to time, but he’s done way better than we expected him to. And every day he gets more and more amazing.”
“Because of how you and Tyler are raising him. Don’t you see that? He’s doing that well because of the mom and dad he has. Because you two love those kids with everything you have. And there’s nothing that stands in your way when it comes to providing for those kids and making their lives incredible. Give yourself some credit, okay? You are a good mom. A damn good mom.”
“Sometimes I think I am; that I’m doing alright. But then Millie comes along and totally blows that out of the way and makes me feel like a shit mom.”
“Millie is also two years away from being a teenager,” Riley reasons. “An asshole teenager, at that. She is her father’s daughter; she’s stubborn and she’s tough as nails and she does not give an inch when she thinks she’s right about something. Hell, she doesn’t even give it if there’s proof she’s wrong.”
“She hates me. She’s hated me since she was six years old and I lied to her about Tyler being hurt and in the hospital.”
“She doesn’t hate you. You’re her mother. You know what she IS doing though? Holding a grudge. Because like I said, she’s her father’s daughter and she’s stubborn as fuck. Probably even more stubborn than he is. And I bet the old puberty monster is howling on the doorstep and that’s only going to make things worse.”
“She’s starting to develop. Told Tyler the other day she needed to get a bra.”
“Oh shit…” Riley can’t help but snicker. “...that must have gone over well.”
“I think he aged ten years in about thirty seconds. That was NOT what he wanted to hear. That’s his little girl. His first daughter. His miracle baby. The thought of her having boobs and getting her period and boys paying attention to her? He just can’t handle any of that.”
“Well, he doesn’t need to worry too much about the boys. They get out of hand? Millie will kick their asses herself.”
“Yeah,” Esme laughs. “She most certainly will.”
“Now…” Riley loops her sister’s hair behind her ears. “...your ever adoring husband called me about an hour ago and asked me to come over. Take care of the things in the house that you’re so worried about. Shaena’s out shopping and she’s going to get someone to come here and do your hair and your nails the morning of the wedding?”
“Really?” Tears well in her eyes once more. “She’s doing all that?”
“The girls’ hair too. It’s all taken care of, alright? And she’s going to pick everyone’s dresses up and bring them here. So that’s a few things off your list already. You know what else he told me? That you didn’t sleep well last night. And he’s worried. Already in protective daddy to be mode. So, I’m here, and I will cross off whatever I can on your to-do list. Alright?”
“You don’t have to, Ry. You don’t…”
“I want to. You’re my sister. This is my family too. And when things need to get done, we step up and we help each other out. How many times have you and Tyler done that for me and Shaena? When we’ve been working or we’ve gone away and the kittens need to be looked after? You guys always step up. So, we’re returning the favour.”
“Thank you. I really DO need sleep. And Desi won’t be back for a while; he took the kids and Alannah shopping and to a movie.”
“That means you have time for not just a nap, but a long, hot bubble bath. Unfortunately, you can’t have your usual glass or two of wine with it.”
“Glass or two?” Esme scoffs. “More like the whole bottle some days.”
“Sadly, you can’t indulge. I could make you a tea. Bring it up to you?”
She nods. “Tea sounds perfect.”
“Everything’s going to be okay,” Riley assures her, then pulls her into a tight hug. “Things happen for a reason, right?”
Esme laughs. “You’re sounding like Tyler.”
“Well what can I say?” She presses a kiss to her sister’s cheek. “The Aussie’s starting to rub off on me.”
10 notes · View notes
hannigramficrecs · 4 years
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Predator by eijirouN_17 [words: 7,619] 
Will hasn't presented, he doesn't give off any scent at all so everyone, including himself, assumes he's a beta. Then Will goes into heat. At a crime scene. In front of everyone. And Hannibal tries so hard not to go feral.
I Need You To Run To Me by calabazaraley [words: 1,733] 
Will gets something he always wanted. He can have it, but only if he leaves his lover. Hannibal's worst fears gain a foundation as time progresses. Can Hannibal find Will? More importantly, can they forgive each other for the sake of their love?
There's a Monster Inside of Me by Stronglyobsessed [words: 2,557] 
“I have a monster inside me.” Will unthinkingly blurts out while his free hand goes to his stomach as if it’s metal, and the small being growing inside him is the magnet. He rubs the flat area, feeling incredibly warm and full.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Magic Fate
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Summary: You reside in the bunker as your best friend Sam insisted you need to hide from the monster as you are pregnant with his brother's child. The problem is – Dean doesn’t remember your week together…
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader (platonic/best friends), Castiel
Warnings: angst, pregnant reader, A/B/O, A/B/O dynamics, light smut, mentions of sexual intercourse/heat/rut, spells, Dean being a douche, Sam being a good friend, language, arguments, nesting
Words: 2,8 k
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Hot, slick and animalistic. 
It wasn’t your plan to end up in a cheap motel bed, the cocky hunter on top of you. He was wild, unstoppable and you submitted without thinking twice, believing Dean finally stopped hating you.
Your voice was hoarse at the end of the first night, your body sore and your neck, well it was marked with his claim.
Dean still didn’t let up, he was like a man on a mission, or possessed as he pumped his cock into you. Anytime you believed he will give you a break, Dean was on you again.
He called you his mate, beautiful and sexy but it all ended the moment Sam stormed into the room, followed by your favorite angel.
It didn’t take long to break the spell, and to your horror – Dean lost consciousness while you were wide awake.
Shame filled you as your best friend found you underneath his brother, crying out dirty words to urge the wild Alpha on.
You believed you and Dean could find a way to cope with what happened. It wasn’t his fault, nor was it yours but when he woke a few hours later – Dean didn’t remember he spent the last week with you…or that he claimed you.
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Now you are here, in the middle of a fight between the man who claimed you and his brother, your best friend. Well, not in the middle. You are standing at the sideline, unseen by both brothers.
Thing is – Dean didn’t spend that godforsaken week with you on free terms. You realized too late that the witch you were fighting put a spell on both of you.
While you can remember every detail. Every word. Every moan. Every high you and Dean reached - the hunter acts as nothing happened. Well to him nothing happened – but to you, your whole life changed.
“She shouldn’t be here Sammy, you know that. Why can’t she stay at her place?” Dean’s words make you flinch. 
“Dean, she is seven months pregnant and a hunter. What happens when any monster or demon finds Y/N in her condition? She has no one to turn to but me, her best friend.” Sam raises his voice, frantically running his fingers through his hair.
Sam had to promise you to never tell Dean what happened. The mark at your neck started to fade the moment Sam broke the spell. Now it's only a barely visible scar which will disappear sooner or later.
“That’s not my problem, nor yours. It’s the Alpha’s problem who was dumb enough to knock her up! I don’t want a needy Omega in our home.” Dean retorts. “What happens when that guy comes around and finds her with two other Alphas?”
“Dean just stop it! I don’t think he will come here, okay. Y/N is my friend since Stanford. She will not leave, period.” Sam is just done with his brother’s behavior, so he turns to leave the kitchen.
“Yeah. Why should the Alpha come back to her? It is not as if anyone wanted her…” Spatting the words Dean catches a glimpse of you.
He wants to say something, wants to apologize but you press your hand to your mouth, gasping.
“Y/N…fuck, Dean…” Sam tries to soothe you, but you step backward, shaking your head furiously. 
“I…I’ll be gone in the morning, Dean. You do not have to worry about me and my bastard child any longer. You’re right… Wy should he have stayed after he had what he wanted…no one would…” Sniffling you rush toward the room next to Sam’s to hide in your makeshift nest.
“Dean, you fucking idiot! If she gets hurt or worse…we are done…” Sam storms off while Dean stands in the kitchen, not knowing why you were that hurt by his words.
You two used to be at each other’s throat, never got along well as you tend to pretend you are Beta or even Alpha to make sure the other hunters do not underestimate you.
Not minutes ago, you looked like a kicked puppy and Dean’s stomach dropped as he never saw you cry before. The hunter always believed you are too cold-hearted to even show emotions.
Now he knows better and feels like the worst person ever…
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“Y/N, it’s me, Sam. Do you want to talk about it? Do you need anything?” Sam stands in front of your room, head hung low he listens to your silent sobs. “Y/N?”
“’m fine, Sam. I just realized it was a stupid idea to come here. Dean is right. I only caused chaos and fights between you and your brother. I’ll find a safe place. Maybe I can spend some time at Donna’s place until I found an apartment.” Wiping your eyes with the blanket you suppress another sob.
“Y/N, can I come in? I know you didn’t feel well this morning.” 
“I am fine, Sam. Just go to sleep, you need it. Stop worrying about me. Last time I checked I wasn’t your responsibility. Just leave me alone…” Your words came out way too harsh, but you need to distance yourself from Sam.
“I know you try to push me away, but this won’t work with me. You know that. I’ll leave you alone for tonight, but tomorrow we will find a better solution than you leave the bunker.” 
Sam places one hand onto your door, sighing heavily as he can hear you try to hold back another heartbreaking sob.
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Past midnight Dean strolls through the hallway, still not knowing how to fix things he listens to you talk to someone.
“I am fine, Castiel. Just a bit of evening sickness or something.” Muttering you take a sip of the water you tried to get as the angel stopped you. “Stop looking at me like I am a broken doll or crap.”
“Y/N…” Castiel sighs heavily. “You need to tell him. He can’t keep on doing this to you while it’s his fault you are in this condition. We have to do something about it.”
“No, Cas. We have to do shit, okay. I am pregnant as I gave in to my instinct. He was just lost in his instinct and the spell. It was…bad luck, I guess.” Huffing you grab your glass of water. 
“Listen, you can’t leave the bunker. Not pregnant with a Winchester baby!” Dean’s heart beats faster. 
His brother knocked you up and didn’t say a thing? Why is Sam hiding you and his brother are a thing?
“Cas, it was just my bad it wasn’t Sam who got hit by the spell. I know he would’ve been able to handle he claimed and knocked me up during his forced rut. Dean is…”
Sniffling you place one hand onto your baby bump. “He always hated me from the first day we met. There is no way to tell him it’s his son in my belly.”
Dean’s legs are about to give in as he must listen to your conversation with Castiel. Not in his wildest dreams, he would have imagined you could ever be interested in him.
You always gave him glares and snarky comments, even kicked his balls years ago. But here you are, carrying his child and you seem to be sad he doesn’t give you attention.
“Y/N, the mark is fading. You and Dean need to bond soon…” Castiel tries to help you, but your forced smile let him fall silent. 
“He doesn’t want me or my baby. Dean doesn’t have to know what happened. Let’s keep it that way.”
Walking toward your room you don’t recognize Dean flatten against the wall. He holds his breath, looks at your swollen stomach once again and his heart drops.
“You know, I am an angel and can sense you, Dean.” Castiel chuckles as Dean looks at the angel like a deer in the headlight. “I caught you with your hands in the cookie jar. It’s not nice to eavesdrop, Dean.”
“She’s…that’s…” Panting Dean looks at Castiel. “That’s my pup growing inside of her. Why can’t I remember anything? Why did Sam and Y/N never tell me so?”
“You can’t remember as only you got hit by the spell. When we broke it, you forgot what happened and we decided it’s for the best not to tell you about the witch and what she did.” 
“Why? I had the right to know!” Shrugging Castiel looks at his friend, a dark look on his face.
“The moment you woke all you had in mind was to nag about the fact that Y/N was around. You couldn’t remember Sam called her for the case and with every passing minute, I saw the hurting get worse. You have to know…”
Castiel steps closer to intimidate Dean. “Y/N can remember everything. Every word you said and every touch. I tried to stay out of her mind, but she replays the week in her head over and over again.”
“It pains me to see Y/N like that. I offered to delete the memories, but she cried even harder. Do you know what she said?” Shaking his head Dean digs his fingertips into his thighs. 
“Y/N said that this way, she has a pleasant memory of you, not only harsh words and hard looks. She’s vulnerable right now, Dean. You better stay away from her and the baby in her body…”
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Dean doesn’t listen to his friend's words. He’s running toward the kitchen to prepare a meal for you. He did a lot of research lately to find out what a pregnant Omega needs. 
Believing you would reject his help, or rather him being close to you Dean acted like he doesn’t care. 
“She’s mine…” Humming silently he prepares food, water, and sweets for you before he rushes toward your room.
Dean is unsure how to start a conversation so he just storms into your room only to find you curled into a ball on a nest in your wardrobe.
“Sweetheart…” Dean’s heart drops seeing you want to close the doors to hide from him. “You shouldn’t make a nest in your wardrobe. It’s too small for you.” 
“It's safe in here. Now one can catch me off-guard.” Pointing toward the gun, an angel blade and the sigils you added to the doors you snuggle into the flannel you stole from Dean. “Don’t need much…”
“Y/N…shit…” Placing the tray with food onto your bed Dean kneels next to your wardrobe. “This doesn’t look comfortable, Y/N. How about making one on your bed…”
“No…no…” Furiously shaking your head you try to close the door again. “’s safe in here. No one can come in.”
Whimpering you must watch Dean get closer to your nest and you grasp for the knife under your pillow. “Stay away from my pup…”
“Jesus, Y/N. I would never hurt you or my baby.” An icy shiver runs down your spine as Dean moves closer to place his hand onto your belly. “’s my baby inside your belly…right?”
“How’d know?” Your eyes round as Dean moves one hand to your neck to brush your hair aside. 
“There is my mark. You’re my mate now let’s make a nest somewhere else.” You look at Dean as if he is crazy. “Sweetheart. Let me help you. I am sorry for what I said. It’s just…”
“You hate me…”
“No, Y/N. It’s…the thought you are pregnant with another Alpha’s pup made me go crazy. I couldn’t think about anything, but you are having that faceless Alpha’s baby…” 
He’s fighting to get hold of you as you wiggle in his grip as Dean tries to bring you into his arms. “Stop wiggling ‘mega. I want to bring you to my room. My mate will not sleep in a wardrobe…”
“I want to stay here. It’s safe and asshole proof.” Dean chuckles at your words, but you are not amused at all.
Fighting his hands, you call for Sam’s help but Dean is determined and hooks one arm under your legs and the other safely around your back to pick you up.
“Fuck, you're heavy. Sweetheart.” Smirk on his lips, Dean looks at you in his arms as he tries to get up. “You eat for three or four…”
“Only for two, idjit. Now let me down…” Punching his chest you glare at the hunter but he won’t let go of you. “Don’t drop me!”
“You’re heavy and annoying but I’ll not drop you, Y/N. Now be still and let your Alpha carry you into his room.” He groans as he gets up and you can’t hold back a chuckle as you know, you are way too heavy for him to carry you around. “I’ve got this…”
“What the…?” Sam storms into your room. Hair a mess, shirt upside down he looks at you in his brother's arms. “Dean?”
“Get out of my way. That’s my mate and pup. Next time, do not hide I had dirty and mind-blowing sex with your best friend. Damn…I wish I could remember…” While Dean forces his way out of your room, you call for Sam.
“Don’t, Sammy. She’s mine, not yours. You can open my door to help me enter the room, nothing else.” 
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“That’s wrong…” Snarling you fight for your nest. Dean brought all the pillows, blankets and clothes to his room and placed it onto his bed but you are not satisfied. “You ruined my nest…”
“It looks better than yours.” Grunting Dean puts one of his flannels onto the nest but you toss it away. “OMEGA!”
“You’re a lousy Alpha. This is my job, idiot. Do not ruin my nest…” Wiggling on the bed you straighten the blankets, put the pillows a few inches to the left before you drape Dean’s flannels over the blankets. “That’s better. Now give me the one you are wearing…”
“No! That’s my favorite.” You are unimpressed. Holding out your hand you purse your lips, faking a sob and Dean strips the plaid off. “Greedy little Omega…”
“Stop muttering. Now I want your shirt…” Dean rolls his eyes as you move closer to the edge of the bed to tug at his shirt. “I want it, give it to me…”
“Damn, are you that dominant in the bedroom too? I could give you something better than my shirt…” Sticking your tongue out you point toward his chest. “You only want my clothes, I get it…”
“If you weren’t an asshole all the time, I’d let you knot me.” Eyes narrowed you snatch the shirt from his hands, not missing the chance to ogle the Alpha for a moment.
“I bet you want me to knot you good.” All cocky bastard again Dean kicks his shoes off. “I’ll conquer this nest…”
“Nah…” Pointing toward the floor you toss a pillow at Dean. “I will not share my nest with you. This is mine…” It’s your turn to grin but Dean ignores your words. 
Dipping one knee into the mattress he glances at the free place next to you. “I’ll lie next to you and my baby. I will not leave this nest. I am your Alpha, now be a good Omega and let me rest to protect you and the pup.”
“Hmm…” Glancing at Dean you make space for him to let him lie next to you. “You can lie there to attack any enemy. Do not touch me or the nest…” 
While you eye Dean warily he rolls to his side to face you. His hand lands on your belly but you do not shove it away.
“He’s mine…” Purring for you Dean scoots closer, becomes braver as he occupies half of your nest. “You’re mine. Now rest ‘mega. Tomorrow I’ll knot you good.”
“No…” Dean ruined half of your nest, dared to lie on his favorite flannel and your eyes darken. “This is my flannel, I want it…” Sniffing you purr low in your throat as Dean smells better than the fabric. “Or I’ll have you…”
“What?” Squeaking Dean must fight your hands but it’s too late. You dragged him onto your nest, rolled the hunter onto his back to make sure he’s in the middle of your nest. “Care to explain?”
“You are part of the nest now. Shush…” Ogling your nest you hum before you grasp for the last blanket. Dean dares not to move as you wiggle on his bed until you found a comfortable position.
One leg draped over Dean’s, head resting onto his chest you close your eyes.
“Do not move! You’re part of the nest, Alpha…”
“What if I have to pee?” Dean chuckles but your serious look makes him gulp. “Y/N?”
“I don’t care. You’re part of the nest. Now let me sleep…” 
“You’re one annoying Omega. I had to knock you up…must be fate…” Dean groans and you gently pat his chest.
“You’ll get used to being my Alpha. I’ll teach you all you have to know. We will start with my lessons tomorrow by you making me breakfast. Now shut your cakehole and be part of the nest.”
“I hate you…”
“Hate you more Dean…”
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 210
For some reason only known to the lord above, on their bed, “wrapped” with a red ribbon around its handle, was a lawnmower. Blue, silver, and black in colour, this had to be Shiro’s dumb idea. No normal human would gift them a lawnmower at a baby shower, nor would they put it “in bed” like it made any kind of logical sense. It hadn’t been there when Keith opened the windows earlier... if he’d seen it, he would have moved it. Sniffling loudly, Lance then choked out
“They got me a lawnmower! I’m a terrible person!”
Now that he knew Matt had been in their space, he could smell him in the room. Too many scents were in their room. Matt, Curtis, and Shiro, three scents that didn’t belong in their space. Lance gave them pretty much free reign of the house, allowing them to violate the sanctity of his office with the promise they’d never look at his client files, or in the boxes that’d come from Lenny and were currently occupying the spare bed
“Let me take it off the bed, then you sit down and we’ll talk”
Lance shook his head, the way he gazed at their bed hurt to see
“I need the bathroom first...”
“Okay, baby. It’s okay, we’ll sort this out”
Lance came stumbling out the bathroom looking worse than when he’d headed in. Downstairs Rieva had started yelling at Matt for being stupid, then started yelling at Shiro for encouraging Matt to be stupid. Coran had tried to calm her, so she’d yelled at him about how he should understand what Lance was feeling with his nesting instincts and being close to giving birth. There was a whole lot of yelling for a party that had been otherwise running semi-smoothly, provided you didn’t count Pidge feeling a bit down and Shiro and Curtis cremating the sausages on the barbecue, somehow managing to leave the middle red raw.
Waddling over to him, Keith held his arms open, Lance going straight for the hug. Nosing at Lance’s belly, Keith sighed softly as his fiancé started playing with his hair
“You should sit down”
“My stomach feels gross, I want to stand for a bit...”
“You don’t need to hide it. Matt shouldn’t have been in here”
“I know he lives here... but this was supposed to be our alone space... I can smell him... and... and... the windows open and all our smells are gone. Why would he open the window? Why did he have to come in and ruin our room? I don’t go in theirs! Not even to clean! I get they wanted to surprise us but... this is our room! I don’t want the... the smell changing and now it’s being ruined”
With tears dropping on Keith’s hair, Keith tilted his head back to look up at Lance
“I’m... the one who opened the windows. I’m sorry. I was trying to get rid of Lotor’s scent for you. I didn’t think about how comforting scent is when we’re like this. I’m sorry I fucked things up for you”
Lance hiccuped a sob as he tried to bring his crying under control
“You... you didn’t... know... I... I don’t know what to do. This feels... wrong... in here... I can’t... I don’t know how to... how to... fix it... This... was... my safe space...”
Keith got it. Lance’s loved the comfort of blankets before he’d gotten pregnant, with all the instincts running through him, he had to have things a certain way. Despite his fiancé being anal about the dirty washing going in the dirty clothes basket, more than a few of Keith’s shirts had made it between the blankets. Keith also benefited from the space being so thoroughly soaked in their scents. He could smell the difference between Matt’s lingering scent in the halls and his fresh scent in his room. Poor Matt copping the brunt of his silent jealous as he was the only other person in the house that could get Lance pregnant, had his fiancé not already been pregnant. His ego had a hard time accepting Matt near Lance when Lance could pop at any moment. His fear made no logic sense, yet that didn’t mean that did exist
“It’s still our safe place. I’m sorry my brother is incapable of being a normal human, and I’m sorry that he was probably really proud of putting the lawnmower on our bed...”
“I want to laugh at that, it’s a good one and it’s funny, but I feel so angry that I’m not sure I won’t go for blood if we go downstairs... I don’t want to be that way. Not today. They put together a great party for us. I just wanted to be normal enough to enjoy it”
“There’s still plenty of time. We can strip the bed and change out what’s on it. It’ll help to get rid of Lotor’s scent too”
“I know. I know it’s just some sheets and blankets, but...”
“You’re exhausted. I know you are, babe. Let me change the sheets and you can have a bit of a nap. With the amount of alcohol Pidge stocked, I’m pretty sure drinking is on the plans”
“I haven’t thanked anyone... I don’t deserve any of this. Not a barbecue, or an outside set, or a really nice new lawnmower...”
Keith would steal every star in the sky if it made Lance happy
“You do. No one made our friends go out and buy anything. They chose to, and it’s not like it’s just for us. I’m sorry I didn’t get you a present”
“You don’t need to. And I don’t need a fancy ring. You keep your word, babe. That’s all I need”
“Let’s get you to bed. Tonight we’ll make sure to really stink the blankets up”
Lance gave a broken sob of a laugh
“You’d have sex with me, when I look like this?”
“If you haven’t realised by now, all you have to do is breathe and I’m like “I want to tap that”
“You’re going the right way for a smacked arse”
“Promises, promises. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to let you pull my hair as I rail you to the mattress”
“Now who’s making promises?”
“You already said it, I keep my word. Just keep your night open, because I’m not letting you slip away”
Lance fought going down for a nap, Keith fought the urge to stay with him, dragging himself from their room and downstairs. Their friends knew better than to let the pair of them disappearing bring the party to a close. Coran was now getting a lesson in beer pong from a ruthless Pidge. Rieva and Matt both seemed saddened, their scents weird as they hit his nose. Allura the first to cast a smile in his direction
“I’m assuming that Lance went down for a nap as you’ve returned alone?”
“Yeah. He needed it. I’ll wake him up in a couple of hours”
Shiro cleared his throat, Allura about to say something else but stopped so Shiro could
“I’m sorry about the lawnmower, we thought it’d be hilarious”
Lance’s obsession with grass was well known, the only way the joke could have been funnier was if they’d dressed the lawnmower in lingerie
“Oh, Lance thinks it’s funny as fuck. He loves it. He’s just super sensitive to scents, and I made it worse by airing out our bedroom. He’ll bounce back and you know he’s going to be apologising when he comes back down. I still don’t know why you guys had to go through our drawers”
Shiro answered for Matt who copped a very direct glare from Keith. Matt couldn’t help being a werewolf any more than Keith could. Both of them cared deeply for Lance, their stupid egos and scents making things ridiculous for the pair of them
“I needed a spanner. We were joking about how being Lance, he’d probably keep on in his room... you know, because he fixes everything the moment he knows somethings broken or leaking”
Keith groaned. That was logical. He wouldn’t be surprised if Lance did. Everyone knew Lance was the handiest person in their group
“Okay. That’s fair. But stay out of our room from now on. This scent thing is really messing with his head. He doesn’t want to be mad, but he’s also emotionally exhausted”
Shiro gave him a mock salute
“Message received loud and clear. Are you staying down here, or headed back up?”
The temptation to go back to Lance was enormous. Helping him strip down to his shirt and underwear, Keith had tucked him with plenty of kisses until Lance finally drifted off to sleep. His fiancé looked so angelic when he was slept, though plenty of people would argue the snoring and drooling ruined the effect
“Nah, he’ll be fine. I’m more interested in who’s winning and who’s idea it was to let Coran face Pidge of all people”
“His. Grab a beer and come sit down”
A beer sounded great... This was a party after all... but he’d been a drunken idiot far too many times with Lance taking care of him. The time had come to be an adult and stick with water for the rest of the party
“Ugh. I wish. I’ll be back in a minute”
Being a fae, they were renown as trickster demons. Keith had never seen Coran this competitive as the tables turned on the game of beer pong. Starting to make trick shots, Pidge was soon swapped out for Curtis, heading down the wrong side of tipsy she tripped and landed in Krolia’s lap, declaring a rematch would be had once she’d sobered up enough not to be yelling into Krolia’s crotch. Curtis put on a valiant effort, making more shots than he missed, yet Coran didn’t show the slightest hint of intoxication. Lance would have been shocked. Keith was shocked. In Coran’s world there was nothing better than a good cup of tea... not copious amounts of alcohol.
There came a gradual shift in the mood of the party. It’d become less of a baby shower and more of a “We need to defeat the demon in Lance’s living room” kind of a deal. Curtis was subbed out, six shots his limit. Coran, on the other hand, didn’t get the game and questioned why his cups weren’t refilled. Matt happy to refill Coran’s cups, not mentioning the aim of the game was to make the loser empty all of theirs. After Curtis came Shiro, who already tipsy from the seems of things, was beaten easily as he failed almost every throw, Coran growing more talkative and prideful in defeating their friends one by one. Finishing the cups in front of him, Shiro flopped over backwards where he sat, Coran frowning at losing his opponent as he asked
“Now what happens?”
Rieva retrieved Shiro, dragging him over to prop him up against the chair near Krolia’s feet. Firmly she brought things to an end. Shiro looked absolutely wasted as he sat there with his eyes closed and a smile playing in his lips. He didn’t even seem to notice when Krolia stuck her bare foot under his nose
“That’s it. All the cups on this side are finished”
“That’s rather disappointing. I really quite like this game of yours. My cups are still quite full. Allura, perhaps you would fancy a game?”
Allura laughed politely. She’d been cheering on their friends, though she had no idea what to cheer over, she’d given it her best shot
“I think I’ve seen quite enough. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you consume so much alcohol”
“Nonsense. This is mere dishwater compared to the stuff we used to drink. Barely made a dent, if I do say so myself”
The man had single handedly taken out Pidge, Curtis and Shiro... and was still up for more? Keith could only shake his head at the thought of a drunk Coran being as rambling as a tired Lance
“Krolia, perhaps...?”
“Nope. I’m driving Curtis and Shiro home tonight. Keith’s got Lance to look after, Hunk has to drive Shay home”
“Then perhaps our Shay would care for a game?”
Shay shook her head
“I’m not going there. You’re a demon, what chance do I stand?”
Coran burst into tears. None of them expected it and no one quite knew what to do, apart from Allura who slipped off the sofa to wrap her arms around him to comfort the fae. They couldn’t help being humans
“There, there. They are human after all”
Coran shook his head, puffing his chest out
“Don’t you see, I won! This means I’m the winner! Oh, I can’t remember the last time I won at something so fun, and on my first try!”
A silent groan fill the room. They’d bowed out, and their plan to take Coran was ruined by the sheer amount of alcohol he could tolerate. Allura clearly forced a smile to her lips, Keith sympathetic as this would surely become another of his stories they’d all be stuck listening to
“Uh, yes. Yes, I suppose it does...”
“Wait! I can still drink!”
Waving her left arm, Pidge pushed herself up with her right hand, then flopped backwards against Krolia
“No I can’t! Where’s Lance?! He could do it!”
Patting her arm, Shay broke the bad news to Pidge
“Lance isn’t allowed to drink, it’s bad for the twins”
Pidge’s eyes narrowed, animatedly she yelled angrily
“That undead arsehole! Lance! You suck! Coran, I demand a rematch!”
Coran’s eyes filled with some kind of excitement. Drunk Pidge wasn’t someone to be messed with, heck, sober Pidge wasn’t someone to mess with but with her moral compass out the window anything was likely to happen
“What do you suggest?”
“Mario! You’re gonna lose so bad! That useless Peach is gonna wipe the floor with you! Hunk, we need Mario! I won’t be happy until he feels the devastation of rainbow bridge!”
Hunk pointed to himself, Pidge nodding, Keith wondered if he should say a prayer for Coran now or later on
“This rainbow bridge sounds most interesting. How do you play?”
Pidge wiggled her fingers at Coran as she laughed, failing at trying some kind of spooky accent
“Very very carefully. No one beats Pidge on the rainbow bridge! You hear me, Lance! I’m coming for you too!”
For all her yelling, a long groan of his name from upstairs told Keith that Lance had finally woken up due to their pint sized big mouth. His fiancé’s timing couldn’t have been better as he needed an excuse to flee the living area. Coran had no idea the fire he’d awoken in Pidge. A sober Pidge with a controller in her hands was bad enough, a drunk Pidge with a controller in her hands was near on demonic. With a healthy fear of what would happen should Pidge lose, Keith opted for the convenient excuse of Lance calling for him. Yeah. Whatever happened, the others would totally take care of it... he was not a coward at all.
Sitting on the edge of their bed, Lance had gotten himself tangled trying to take his shirt off. His fiancé’s expression filled with sadness as he softly asked
“Keith... help?”
“Oh, babe. I’ve got you”
Lance had gotten one arm out, and stuck in head hole bit, too sleepy to escape on his own. Walking over to his fiancé, he dropped a kiss on Lance’s head before taking over getting Lance free of his shirt
“I’m sorry...”
“It’s okay. Is there a reason you were getting naked?”
“Wanna take a shower... I made a mess”
As Lance started crying, Keith hushed him. His fiancé pretty much limp as he got his trapped arm free and then helped him out his shirt
“Okay, mister. Pants next”
“I made a mess”
Messes happened. Lance couldn’t help it
“That’s okay, these things happen. Let’s get you out your underwear. Up we go”
Swaying on his feet, Keith pulled down Lance’s underwear as Lance kept his balance with his hand on Keith’s shoulder. The mess wasn’t what Keith expected. Lance’s underwear sodden with cum, his lover half hard as Keith tried not to stare
“Don’t... look... it’s embarrassing”
“You had a wet dream, no big deal. Was it about me?”
“You’re the one who put sex in my head... I want to take a shower”
“Do you remember what happened?”
Downstairs no longer mattered. Keith’s ego elated that Lance had had a sexy sex dream about them
“Keeeeith... please...”
Taking Lance’s half hard erection, Lance groaned as Keith slowly began to jerk him off
“Tell me what happened in your dream”
“Babe... the party”
“Fuck the party... they can afford to miss us and we really don’t want to go back down there right away”
Shifting position, Keith wrapped his lips around the tip of Lance’s dick, sucking lightly as Lance’s hand flew to his hair
Letting his lips slide to meet where his hand was, Keith bobbed his head twice before pulling back
“I want to know what you were dreaming about”
“What about me?”
Jerking Lance faster, his fiancé moaned. He knew teasing was bad, yet was too filled with elated ego not to. Letting himself feel pleasure rather than pressing need to shower and return to the party, Lance panted out his words between moans
“I... you... were riding... my dick... I was fucking you”
“Is that what you want to do? Do you want to fuck my mouth?”
“God, yes”
“Then you better do it like you mean it”
Holding Keith’s head to his groin, Lance slowly built up to fucking his mouth. His pregnant fiancé had urges, and it’d been a long while since they’d used the pocket pussy, as they usually couldn’t slow down and stop themselves long enough to think about anything other than getting off. Hallowing his cheeks, Keith had tears in his eyes, Lance filling his mouth perfectly, even if he seemed to be trying to ram his dick down Keith’s throat, despite how bad it’d initially made Keith gag
“Keith... I’m gonna come”
That was Keith speak for a yes, “while my fiancé’s fucking my face”, Lance easing back enough to give space to Keith as cum flooded his mouth, then dribbled down his chin as he tried to swallow as much as he could. The vampire coming with a low growl as his fingertips scratched Keith’s scalp.
As Lance’s knees gave out, Keith caught him by the hips, pushing him so “fell” sitting on their bed. His lover’s chest heaved, as he brought his breathing back under control, Keith wiping Lance off his face with the back of his hand
“You looked wrecked... and we didn’t even do the do”
He was horny, nearly coming in his pants from blowing Lance. Lance would fall back to sleep if they had sex now. Plus he’d be overly sensitive from coming twice
“You seemed pretty into it”
“I was very into it, now I’m very into going for a shower... want me to return the favour”
A million times yes!
“Nah, it’s fine. That was kind of hot”
“Your mouth was kind of hot... I did try to tell you I was coming”
“The meal was delicious. Am I as good as you dreamt?”
Bringing a hand up, Lance rubbed at his stomach. They’d made about as much mess as what Lance had woken up in... whoops
“Way better in real life... God, I feel fat. Help me up?”
“You’re not fat”
“Are you sure? I feel like I just ran a marathon”
“Babe, you’re in great shape. Round is a shape”
Lance kicked him lightly in the leg for his teasing
“I know how round I am, I don’t need a reminder”
“I’m just saying... You’re a very round little vampire. I wonder how chubby your bat form would be”
“Well don’t... I can’t believe I let you blow me when we should be downstairs entertaining our guests”
“Well I can’t believe it’s not butter”
His lame joke earned him a sigh from his fiancé
“That was terrible. You should feel bad”
“I do. I also feel like bending you over our bed and fucking you senseless, but you’re right, we have a party to get back to”
Lance opened and shut his mouth, cheeks flushed as he looked away from Keith
“I suppose a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt”
God. If only Lance knew how much he wanted to take him up on that offer. He probably should be putting himself in a horny mutt time out, but it’d been sooooo long since he’d had Lance beneath him. His dick was definitely up for it... Time to adult again
“It’s okay, babe, I’m joking. Besides, you’re going to need whatever energy you have left to keep the peace downstairs. Pidge challenged Coran to rainbow bridge”
“Damn. I go down for a nap and miss all the excitement...”
“He also got Shiro, Curtis and Pidge all like drunk by winning beer pong. So it’s drunk Pidge taking on Demon Coran”
Lance groaned
“My poor living room. It’ll never be the same again”
“Nope. Come on, you can lament the loss of your living room in the shower, then maybe we can wrap this party up and go to bed early”
Keith was weak and Lance’s arse was glorious. He’d been going to behave himself, he really had... then he’d been sidetracked. Sitting on the toilet, he told himself he making sure Lance didn’t slip... not ogling his gorgeous fiancé. One thing lead to another and then suddenly he had Lance bent over the bathroom counter, lasting all of a minute. It was quick quickie, even for them. Lance’s arse too cute not to touch, his lover’s opening soft and puffy beneath his fingers when he’d been supposed to help Lance dry off properly. Whoops... Keith tried to feel bad but the strength and warmth of their bond left him smiling like an idiot. He really did deserve a cone of shame around his neck, Lance’s boobs the perfect handful as he lost himself. Nobody pregnant had the right to be as perfect as his mate. His belly so gravid Lance looked as if he had a whole soccer team inside him. Keith definitely knew he had a kink for his very pregnant fiancé, he just didn’t know how to knock said kink on the head. Lance limping as he led him back into their room to get him dressed, Keith promising to clean their cum off the bathroom cabinet and floor before Lance realised he’d only cleaned him up.
Lance insisted on looking “presentable” as Keith helped him into his clothes. Keith annoyed at how many buttons there were that’d he have to undo later to get his vampire naked again. Wisely he kept this to himself. Lance would have smacked if he’d known his mind was still in the gutter after fucking his arse with as much force and need as Lance had fucked his mouth. Maybe he should try bottoming again? The weight of Lance’s stomach hanging low must have been uncomfortable as it’d taken a bit to bring Lance to orgasm, despite his hips having a life of their own. Stealing a few extra moments, Keith wrapped his arm around Lance, dropping kisses to the top of his head as Lance chuckled at him for it. He loved Lance. A good solid dose of cuddles from his fiancé was just the thing he needed before they headed back down to face their friends.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Welcome Home - Part Four
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todoroki shouto x mom!reader
warnings: vomit tw, fluff
word count: 3,062
a/n: so we back and better than evah with domestics for shouto and kaito!!!!! got some requests to do this, and finally after having this done since like august. its finally posted!!!!!! enjoy anons!!!! also can totally be read as a stand alone, but ill link the other parts too.
Part One  Part Two  Part Three
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It was safe to say you were in pain.
It was currently week twenty of your second pregnancy. To say the least you are always exhausted, in pain, hormonal, sad, angry, elated, and swollen. Even at week twenty, you were not at all showing. It had helped you continue to be an active Pro-Hero until week fifteen. It was now nearing the holidays. Statistic speaking most villain activity spiked around that time. So when you almost fainted on the job, Shouto forced you into maternity leave.
With Kaito still being four and requiring you to be around, you couldn’t go back and teach at U.A.! So you were able to stay at home restless, unattended to, and alone. 
You were now in your second trimester of pregnancy and you still had yet to tell Kaito. Hell! You still hadn’t seen the doctor outside of the pregnancy confirmation! As of lately, the paparazzi were interfering with your personal lives. You weren’t public with this pregnancy secret yet.
To be rather honest, it scared you to tell Kaito. The absolute thought of telling your sweet baby boy made you too nervous. It was to the point you were shivering and sweating thinking about it. You weren’t sure how he was going to react to this news. He would be turning five in a few weeks too. The night you had told Shouto you are pregnant again you promised something. You promised Shouto that the two of you would break the news before his birthday. But your fears were getting to you.
The last thing you wanted was for Kaito to feel that you were going to abandon him! He had bawled so much on the first day of preschool because he thought you and Shouto were leaving him! Yes, he is older than that first day of school, but he was still a mama’s boy! Even at five, Kaito demanded and loved the attention he got from the both of you! Babies were time and energy-consuming. Kaito already had less time with both of you working. Even with the above-average energy and stamina you and Shouto had, you were sure tire every day. 
So there you sat at home. You were crying as you thought about your redheaded baby as you tried cleaning. The other sound besides your sobs was the TV. You were currently watching a LIVE interview with Pro-Hero Shouto. 
Shouto was out on another island of Japan right now. He was finishing a national tour that his PR team made him go on. Given that your pregnancy was still unknown he agreed, as you two said no one could know until Kaito knew. But as you scrubbed the living room table, you wailed looking at Shouto. Your husband was looking way too attractive with his newest hero costume. On top of everything, this pregnancy was making you horny. And you couldn’t even do anything about it without Shouto there! Well, you could, but you ached so much! Most nights you almost always fell asleep the moment when your head hit the pillows. At least when Shouto wasn’t home that's what happened. Stupid baby hormones. 
You turned your attention back to the TV screen. The interview so far had been about a recent villain attack Shouto had put down in world-record speeds. Shouto had captured twenty villains in two seconds because they froze when they saw him. None of which having an effective quirk to counter the ice trapping their bodies. After a commercial break, and a promise of learning more about the personal life of Shouto, they were back! You were curious about what was going to happen. Shouto, after all, was still missing a few situational cues even at the age of twenty-eight.
“So, Shouto!” The TV hostess chirped, pushing the wisps of her hair that fell out of her bun out of her face. “You and another amazing Pro-Hero: Y/h/n make a fantastic duo out there fighting villains! You two have amazing chemistry out on the field.”
You couldn’t help the laughs that escape your lips at that statement. Oh, if only Pro-Hero Shouto was the same as Provisional Licensed Shouto in dealing with the media. He would have been so confused with that statement. You watched Shouto’s composed face melt from his media face into one you recognize as one he uses when you talk to him. “Yes, Y/h/n is, in fact, a wonderful hero, and she is amazing to work with no matter the task.”
“I bet it helps she’s your wife, too, huh?” The hostess blushes as she giggles and shouts of approval and joy echo with the live audience.
Shouto chuckles as he nods his head, “It does help, yes.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. You and Shouto were one of the first top-ranked Pro-Heroes to get married. The both of you had been the Number One Hero at some point within your so far ten-year career. It also seemed that no matter how many years of marriage went by. Or how many times the media mentioned it, everyone still giggled about your romance. As if you both were in denial. 
“And of course, your beautiful baby, Kaito-kun!”
The screen behind them presents the single photo you and Shouto had shared of Kaito. It was the first day of school for him. Kaito was wearing the navy blue uniform of the school. The shorts ironed, crisped, and clean. The white-collar of his shirt peaked out over the blue blazer of his school. The crest printed over the right pocket. Kaito’s blazing red hair had a styled back into a 'comb-over'. It was fancy for school! But Kaito had insisted he wanted it stylized “like papa” as it was Shouto’s go-to for any fancy event.
Kaito's smile was large and wide. His eyes squinted because of the large grin. Despite the amount of excitement and enthusiasm in the picture, he clutched onto your leg. You remembered the tight grip he had on you. Because while he loved taking pictures, he was nervous about starting pre-school. You had been wearing a nice, modest outfit of yours in celebration of his new year. Stylized and with makeup on. You had a hand on Kaito, while the other held onto Shouto. A smile on your face.
Shouto was also dressed up in a navy blue suit. Kaito begged him to wear it in case he was the only one in a navy blue uniform. 
Kaito didn’t quite understand that everyone was going to be wearing the same uniform. Still, Shouto had dressed up the way Kaito demanded to ease his anxiety. Kaito believed no one could make fun of him if the Pro-Hero Shouto–his papa–dressed up that way! Shouto’s hair styled exactly like Kaito, and a gentle smile on his face. His arm wrapped around you as well. His other hand resting on top of your hand resting on top of Kaito’s shoulder.
Of course, after the photo was taken, you and Shouto walked Kaito to the classroom. Kaito bawled for quite a long time, and you cried with him too. Shouto had to hug you that entire morning because you had been so sad. When you and Shouto went to pick him up later that day Kaito was ecstatic to tell you about his day. Many of his classmates were in awe over who his parents were and so it helped him to create friends.
“What a beautiful family, I'm serious. I’m jealous!” The hostess sighed as there was another round of vocal agreement from the crowd. 
“Yeah, Kaito and Y/n make me happier,” Shouto says softly as he continues looking at the photo of the three of you. “They are my world.”
The audience and you make an awing noise, but your tears crack your voice.
“Speaking of family,” The hostess slyly states, a cunning twinkle in her eye. “Can you give us any insight on why Y/h/n retired from the scene for a while? Don’t think we haven’t noticed her not appearing with you for the past few weeks!”
Shouto chuckles as he shifts in his seat, “Is she pregnant again?” The hostess questions, and your heart rate increases, and as Shouto’s mouth opens to lie, your alarm goes off. Cursing under your breath, you run to your phone, it was time to pick up Kaito from school.
“Mama! GueSS WHAT!” Kaito shrieked as he threw himself into your arms, and you groaned as his knee hit up against your sore stomach. 
“Let me see, did your best friend finally get his quirk?”
“Well, he did it’s super cool, he can make food appear whenever he wants! I had so many chicken nuggets!” Kaito exclaims as you press a kiss to his temple, his once styled hair resembled close to a rats nest on his head. Oh, those Todoroki men just could never keep their hair tidy. “But that’s not it, silly mama!”
You hummed in thought. Kaito's waiting for your response as he waves goodbye to his fellow friends and strangers. “Did you find your missing sock? The one you weren’t wearing when I came to pick you up yesterday?” You asked tickling Kaito’s stomach.
“Well… I lied, I well... I accidentally burned it when I was showing off my quirk to my friend.” Kaito meekly stated and you laughed, he had already told you that yesterday. It seemed that he had already forgotten.
“Okay, well your mama is out of guesses, what happened today?” You asked as Kaito placed his head on your shoulder, his fingers playing with your hair.
“Midoriya-chan had a baby brother.” Kaito sighed as he placed your hair against his face, and you looked down at Kaito who stared back at yours. His y/e/c piercing through you, but he had no idea that he was. “Which means that Midoriya-ojii-san can’t come to babysit me anymore!”
You nod your head as you sighed. Typical Kaito forgetting that he had found that out a few weeks ago! You and Shouto had taken Kaito to the hospital to meet Midoriya's new baby too. You and all your female friends had by coincidence gotten pregnant around the same time. It seemed that it was still happening even now.
“We met baby Midoriya last week, remember?” You prod softly as you let Kaito down as he bounded up the door, “Didn’t you say you wanted to be a big brother to him?”
“I want to be a big brother!” Kaito agreed, his head nodding as you unlocked the door, “But only so that the baby can eat my asparagus!”
Laughter overtakes you, and quickly you began to cry as you locked the door behind you. After settling down you instruct Kaito to finish his homework as he was ready to do anything but that.
Later that night, you and Kaito sat at the table eating dinner while singing along to the songs on the radio. Kaito sighed rubbing his face, “Mama, when’s papa coming back? He’s been gone for so long! I miss him...”
Your face fell in the overwhelming love you had for your child and his love for his father. “I miss your papa, too. He’s supposed to be back tomorrow, baby. Remember he called us last night and told you?”
“Yeah, but he could’ve been lying! Like when he tells you he’s doing nothing when me and him get cookies! Okay, but don’t tell him I miss him!” Kaito grinned as he shoved white rice into his mouth.
“Why wouldn’t I tell your papa that?!” You gasp looking at Kaito with squinted eyes, he was such a brat sometimes.
“Easy! I wouldn’t want papa to be sad, and then make you mad because papa loves me more than he loves you!”
You roll your eyes at your red-headed child and sighed. “I can do that, as long as you promise not to tell your papa that he’s no longer my favorite!”
The sounds of Kaito and you shouting and laughing audible from down the street. The night seems to only begin as you and your son play fought around the dining room.
But it came to a quick end when you had to stop Kaito who was trying to climb up your leg. Your body felt completely nauseous, and the gag in your throat told you that you were about to throw up. So you ran to the bathroom, Kaito’s worried screams following after you.
Bile and vomit rose up your throat as your retched into the toilet. The bitter acid burning your mouth as you threw up for a solid minute. You felt like your body was on fire as you sank to the floor unable to stop your sobs.
“Are you okay, mama?! Please tell me you're okay, mama!” Kaito shook your shoulder, and you could hear the tears in his voice as you rose back up to throw up again.
“Kaito-chan, move please.” The smooth voice of your husband calls and you look up to see Shouto in the doorway, still donning his costume.
“Papa, mama is th-throwing up!” Kaito sobbed as Shouto stepped over to you. Placing his left hand on your back, and his right hand on your neck, your body felt better as soon as his quirk activates.
Your sobs slowly stopped. You felt your sickness ease while Shouto is careful while massaging your body. Kaito is now plugged by your side, his cheeks wet with tears, and you rub your fingers into his scalp. Your free hand moves to touch your beginning to swell belly as you looked up at Shouto. Your head nodding, and a nonverbal agreement came between the two of you. You were sure you had vomit in the corner of your mouth, but Shouto leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. It's an encouraging kiss, and you feel at ease. After flushing the toilet for you, Shouto sat down on the bathroom floor, handing you a cup of water that you swallow down in thanks.
The entire Todoroki family finally accounted for.
“I’m okay, baby,” You whisper, continuing to stroke Kaito's head, “I’m okay.”
“What’s wrong with you, mama?” Kaito asks, his eyes red and puffy as he stared into your face. His tiny hands coming to press themselves up against your cheeks. “You’re not dying, are you!?”
You watch as Shouto comes and places a hand on Kaito’s head, ruffling his hair softly. “We actually have a secret we need to tell you,” Shouto says as Kaito whips his head to stare at his father. “You have to promise to keep our little secret though.”
Kaito blinks a few times. He is unsure of what this secret could be, but he nods his head as he squirms in your arms until he’s sitting in your lap. “I can... I can do that.”
“You know how I asked you if you wanted to be a big brother earlier?” You say nuzzling Kaito’s soft hair with your nose. You feel Kaito’s head nod, he was still oblivious to what's coming.
“Your mama is pregnant, Kaito.” Shouto continues as the two of you study Kaito, who turns his attention towards you. His confusion on the word pregnant swimming in his eyes.
“You’re going to be a big brother, Kaito-chan.” You whisper, tears forming in your eyes.
Kaito stands up from your lap and sits on his knees, staring at your belly. You watch as your breath hitches as he gets rather close to your belly, and places his small hand on you. “Hi, little brother, or little sister, my name is Todoroki Kaito! I’m your big brother! I don’t really know what you do? Did my mama eat you? If so, I will tell her to poop you out because that’s mean of her! I’m mama AND papa’s favorite though, so don’t be jealous when you find out they love me more! Oh! Also! I have a lot of toys you can play with!”
You stared up at Shouto with tears flowing down your face. Your facial expressions changing from glee to utmost sadness. But your eyes gaze lovingly at your husband who also wipes a tear away as your son talks to your belly. You grabbed Shouto’s hands bringing him closer to you.
You kissed him gently, over and over.
“Welcome home, Shoucchan.” You sniffle as he continued pressing small pecks to your mouth.
“Papa is kissing mama, it’s pretty gross!! Papa takes all the kisses away from mama, and all the leftovers are for me, so don’t be sad if you don’t get any! We’ll just have to kick papa out of mama's kiss list!”
A snort escapes Shouto’s as he leans back rolling his eyes, “Damn kid,” He whispers and you laugh full of mirth.
“You know what, Kaito-chan?” You say as your son tears his one-sided conversation from your belly.
“What, mama?”
“Your papa does lie a lot, look he’s back today!”
there’s going to be one more part for this little unintentional series, but i think after that it may be time to retire kaito and co. only because i don’t want to bore you all. i hope you guys liked it! please comment and like if you did ;)
“Alright, y/n-sama, and Todoroki-sama, and Kaito-chan! Let’s have a look at the baby!” The doctor smiles as she places the gel on your belly. A gasp escaping your lips from the coldness and sudden pressure of the ultrasound on your stomach.
“So my mama didn’t eat my baby? Are you sure?!” Kaito asks again as he holds onto your hand peering at your relatively small belly still. “She doesn’t look fat enough to have done that!”
“Kaito!” You and Shouto exclaim, staring at your son who decides to laugh as he plays with you hair.
“How many weeks are you again?” Your doctor asked, confusion coming across her face.
“Twenty-two.” You say glancing her way, you were nervous, why was that a major concern.
“Well, if you would like to look, here’s your first babies head.” The doctor states. Her finger pointing at a fuzzy circle. You were never good at seeing the baby through an ultrasound picture.
Wait did she say—
“First?!” Kaito says a horrified gasp on his face, “MY MAMA ATE TWO BABIES?!”
“Congrats Todoroki-san’s, you’re having twins! One girl and one boy!”
You looked over at Shouto who seemed just as shocked as you. “Oh my god…”
Tears flow out your eyes and you see the same for Shouto as he comes down to give you the gentlest of kisses.
“Papa, mama ate my baby brother and sister and you’re kissing her?! You must reaaallllyyyy love her!”
“I do really love your mama, Kaito-chan, don’t you?”
“Of course I do! BUT she ate my baby brother and baby sister. That's CRAZY!"
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mcmystery · 4 years
Cerise’s Request (long post)
Cerise has been thinking for some time now, that something may be missing in her life. She has a lovely home secluded in the deepest part of the woods within the Continent of Sanus. Everything in her home brings her comfort and joy, for she has books to read, a kitchen filled with all the things to bake and cook, even a huge outside area for her to explore and play in. Though, with her husband away at times, she has no one to read books with, someone to enjoy the things she bakes and cooks, and no one for her to explore and play with in the deep forest that surrounds their cozy nest.
She mostly enjoys her home whenever her husband comes back from his work. Once she’s calmed down from her over excitement of him being back with her, they enjoy every moment together. She takes care of him as he rests from his work and enjoys the back and forth conversations they have as she prepares loving meals for him. Sometimes, they walk through the forest and admire the nature that surrounds their home or play games of hide and seek, were Cerise always wins. Most of all, she loves the evenings where they sit together in their living room. It’s the time they can catch up with each other, each giving what they’ve done during their time apart. Both bundled together in the others presence. Maybe a glass of wine here and there, or a quiet staring contests that usually ends with loving kisses, muffled giggles and no victor.
Three years into their marriage and the cycle repeats but never dulls in her heart. It’s the time alone that brings in the melancholy thoughts of not being able to share these precious moments with someone that’s just as important to her, like her husband. Then, a beloved thought crossed her mind, or rather a phone conversation between her and her parents who nudged the idea. It was wonderful for her to think about, and she thought about it day and night. An idea she couldn’t wait to spring onto her husband. Of course, once he comes back from work that is.
The day came, that Cerise was waiting for. Her husband notified her that he would be back home in the evening and she giggled with fluttery emotions of happiness. Once he arrived, she took notice of his tired character, so she put her question away for the night and tended to his fatigue. A nice meal between the two, which followed with a warm shower that they shared. As they dried each other off, he carried her to bed and not waste time to remind her how much he loved her. Between her blurred thoughts, Cerise questioned his energy reserve, for he was quite passionate this night. Maybe he was saving his energy for this moment that they could spend together. Either way, both came to find slumber in each other’s arms.
The next morning, Cerise awoke to find her husband already out of bed. He’s well rested now, so it’s the perfect opportunity to ask him the question that’s been on her mind since her parents last phone conversation. She quickly got out of bed, dressed herself enough to be decent and skipped out the bedroom door into the living room where her husband sat reading from his scroll.
“Good morning, honey~!” Cerise greeted happily.
“Morning, sleep well?” He responded, with a bit of a smirk. She sat down next to him on the couch but gave some space between them.
“Of course, though it would’ve been better to wake up next to you.” She pouted a bit.
He chuckled as his eyes went back to his scroll reading the news for the day. “Well, you tend sleep in, must I stay and wait for you to wake up?”
“Yes.” A simple and honest answer, but Cerise already wanted to jump into the next subject that’s she’s been eager to talk about. She watched her husband’s eyes scan side to side as he read.
“Hey, honey, can I ask you something?” Cerise inserted, her heart began to quicken in pace.
“Sure, what is it?” His eyes still fixated on the screen of his scroll.
“How do you feel about…” She paused briefly, holding herself from blurting out the word and frightening him. “children?”
He looked up from his scroll, but instead of looking at her to give his answer, he’s eyes slowly made there way back to the wordy screen. “They’re pleasant to be around, innocent.”
Cerise didn’t expect that kind of answer, or maybe she didn’t know what to expect. Some sort of excited spark in his eyes, a joyful smile or maybe lunging at her to just get down to business.
“Okay, how would you feel about…us having children?” She asked again.
This time her husband put down his scroll and looked at her, “Cerise, are you pregnant?” He responded with a small smile, but eyebrows knit together.
“WHAT! No! I mean…not yet?” She shrugged and gave an awkward grin back at him.
He chuckled to himself lightly, “You want to have children?”
“Yessss!” She laid herself towards him on the couch, “I mean, we’ve been married for like, 3 years now. Plus, my parents asked when we should be expecting and oh! If we don’t have any soon now, my parents won’t last to see their grandchildren grow up!” She gripped at her husbands pants as if pleading.
He looked down at her, giving her a raised eyebrow, “Cerise, there should be a more adequate reason to have a child besides just that. Either way, having a child is a lot of work. They need care and lots of attention, to be fed, bathed, dressed and don’t get me started on education. If I’m not here, it would be a lot of work for just you, and I can’t really take time off right now.”
Cerise peered up at him, “Hmm, you sound like you know a lot about raising a child.”
He became tense with her stare. “Um-” he was caught off.
“That must mean you’re ready to have some!” She quickly got up from her laying position and climbed over him, straddling his lap. “Don’t worry, maybe my parents can come help me out if you’re not here!”
“Wha- Cerise! Please, I’m trying to read today’s news, can’t we discuss this matter later.”
“Please, honey! I really want your baby~!” She begged, gripping his shoulders and staring right at him.
His cheeks tinted a slight shade of pink, “You shouldn’t say it out loud like that!” He said as he pinned his eyes to hers.
“What, why? We live alone, what else am I to say? Please, knock me up?” She whispered her last phrase. He pushed himself up from the couch and left her to fall from him, leaving the room.
Cerise felt hurt, he never avoided her in such a way, but before her thoughts started to deepen with negative connotation, her focus is brought back to a bag of flour presented to her.
“Here.” Her husband gifted her with.
Cerise grabbed the bag of flour slowly, “What am I supposed to do with this?”
“It’s your new baby, take care of it like it’s a real one.” He responded.
Cerise looked at the paper bag of flour, “But it’s just flour…”
Her husband sat back down next to her. “It is, but just use this as an exercise. Seriously look at this bag of flour and believe it’s a baby that you must care for. If you’re serious about having a child, then practice with this. Believe it’s a real baby, do research on how to care for and nurture it. If I see you can properly take care of this, we can discuss more about having a child of our own.”
Cerise looked at the bag of flour and gave a questionable look, but if this will prove to her husband that she serious about a baby, then she’ll do it. “You got it! I’ll take care of this baby like you’ve never seen!” She leaped from her seat and raised the flour in the air, excited.
Over the couple of days her husband stayed home, Cerise read up all on how to properly take care of a child. She struggled to do a proper diaper or make a decent bottle to feed their powdery bundle of joy. At one time, she almost dropped the bag of flour on the floor but caught it roughly with her semblance of strings. At each moment her husband watched her actions and saw her struggle, but she was dedicated to face through these somewhat failures.
As the night came, he came to bed to find Cerise sleeping soundly next to the baby bag of flour. He chuckled under his breath at her devotion, because it was endearing to him. In fear of flour spilling all over the bed, he gently pulled it away from her. Cerise awoke just slightly, but her husband quietly assured her that he would take care of the “baby” for a bit. She nodded and laid her head back to bed.
He took the flour bag, that Cerise started showing loving affection to, back to the kitchen. In a humorous attempt, he rocked the bag like the baby to amuse himself. He froze. His mind raced with images of children that flashed quickly in his mind. He held the bag just below his face, looking at it. Droplets of tears fell onto the paper material and dampened it. He stayed there for a while, standing alone in a dark kitchen, as he silently let his tears run out of control.
In the morning Cerise awoke, again not seeing her husband next to her, but also the baby she came to love, missing. Her thoughts were cut off as a delicious smell trickled into their bedroom. Cerise got up and headed slowly to the kitchen. She wiped the sleep away from her eyes as she entered.
“Honey, what are you doing?” She asked as her vision came clear to seeing her husband making pancakes, next to his cooking station, the half empty bag of flour. “W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
He flipped the fluffy disc in the pan, “I’m making pancakes, how many do you want?”
Cerise was in shock, “NO! The baby!” She rushed over and looked at the damages. “How could you!?”
“Cerise, its flour.” Was his response.
“No, he’s not! He’s a baby with feelings and, and…” She came to look at the contents of what she was holding. Silence filled the kitchen. Cerise then dumped the remaining flour on the floor.
Her husband jumped back as the flour spread across the floor and the dust lifted in the air. “HEY! Why did you do that?!”
“BECAUSE YOU MADE ME GET SENTIMENTAL OVER A DUMB BAG OF FLOUR!” She answered, crunching the bag in her hand.
They both looked intensely at each other, then the husband spoke. “You’re helping me clean this up.”
“Hmph, after pancakes…” She turned her back to him, arms crossed.
As they ate in silence, Cerise pouted between bites. Her husband watched her carefully, feeling guilty. He didn’t think she would be this upset over a bag of flour, but at least he knew that she truly did want to devote her time to take care of something so important. And maybe he needs to reconsider his priorities, to spend more time with her, or at least rearrange his working schedule to make time for her and possibly a family.
 “Cerise…” He started. Cerise didn’t look at him but continued her meal. “You want a baby?”
Cerise looked at him, with a gleam of hope in her eyes. “Yes.” She responded simple and honestly.
“Will that make you happy?” He asked. She dropped her utensils and looked at him directly and clasped her hands together.
 “More than anything.” She spoke back with desperation.
 “…Okay, I promise. We can have a baby.” He spoke softly and gave a warm smile to her.
With this Cerise smiled brightly and she started eating away at her meal in quick pace. Her husband became startled at her sudden appetite.
“Hey, don’t eat too fast! What’s the hurry?” He questioned.
 “I mwant tou try fright away!!” She muffled between bites.
He looked at her, then he sat back in his seat blushing a bit, “Your honesty is too much for me sometimes…”
“You say something?” She questioned, being that she was focusing on finishing her meal.
He waved his hand in front of his face, as if to ignore what he said and replied instead with, “Just eat slower, you’ll end up throwing it all up.”
Another writing prompt for Cerise and her mysterious husband TvT!! Now we know where his promise to her came from!  Still need to work on my writing skills but I’m trying though!!
14 notes · View notes
justadreamforus · 4 years
Can I ask for lwj/wwx with abo pregnancy smut? Hehe thank you so much!
A/N: I wasn’t sure if you meant them having sex while Weiying is pregnant, or if you meant them having sex and Weiying becoming pregnant after, so I just went with the first one! Anyway, thank you once again for your request and I hope I did them justice~
PS: I might also post this on AO3 if you don’t mind
WC: 5, 702 words (this was longer than I thought) 
When Weiying had first woken up in Mo Xuanyu’s body, he had realised the latter was an omega instantly, the coy scent of ripe oranges and summer skies giving it away. And when he had received a shoe to his face a minute later, several inappropriate curse words that would have made even his dearest Shijie flinch had flown through his mind. It wasn’t because he hated omegas, oh no, he was very much a gentleman to them, but the glaringly obvious difference in strength was enough to have his teeth grinding as he looked around his abode, shame and anger interwoven with each other.
Because omegas were physically weaker in all aspects, their golden cores taking longer to mature as their bodies were born soft, wide hips and fragile bone structures enticing alphas to mate them, pup them full. Which would have been fine, if it weren’t for the objectification of their body, the amazing blessed fertility turning them into breeding bitches every heat. And that had been the case for Mo Xuanyu, Weiying had realised with startling clarity as he sat in the middle of a ruined shack with barely a blanket for a nest.
 It was cold, the scent of salt sharp in the air as Weiying had cautiously sniffed the material, identifying tears and the bitter tang of blood. This was the scent of depression, of an omega huddling underneath covers in stark fear every heat praying for salvation, and it had made his long gone alpha instincts snarl. His ire only grew more as he noted the treatment he had received from the Mo family, had glanced around the depilated shack with white fury as he finally understood the abuse his summoner had given him, the liberties they had taken with someone weaker, quieter, gentler.
 But Mo Xuangyu had gotten his revenge, painting the Mo estate with blood, and Weiying was proud to call the body his own, alpha or not. Experiencing his first heat had been, well, interesting, to say the least, and mating with Lanzhan had turned his entire world upside down. It was fun, invigorating, life changing, and Weiying was happy to settle down into pillowed forts and hundreds of blankets, safe and comfortable within his nest at Cloud Recesses. It only got better at night, when he could snuggle into warm arms and bury his face into the crook of Lanzhan’s neck, breathing in the euphoric scent of sandalwood and cotton, a happy pleased alpha crooning into his ear.
 He was starting to understand the joy of being an omega, why some would revel in their dynamic even with all the abuse they may have had to face. Because it was a power trip watching Lanzhan melt when he batted his eyes and pushed out his bottom lip, the alpha immediately caving and letting Weiying sleep an hour longer. It made a darker part of him crow with delight whenever he would pinch his inner thigh under a blanket, hidden from view, until his eyes began to water, and Lanzhan would drop his scrolls, rushing into their nest to thumb away his tears. Perhaps it was a tad mean, a little rude to play on the alpha’s overwhelming desire to provide, but Weiying had been dead for sixteen years, damn it he deserved attention!
 And it wasn’t as if he had to do a lot to receive it. Lanzhan was happy to indulge him, happy to be distracted whenever Weiying would climb into his lap and mouth at his scent gland, little whimpers escaping his mouth as he kneaded Lanzhan’s thigh greedily. It was just so easy, letting his robe slide down one shoulder to show off his mating bite, proud and dark against his snowy white skin that would have his alpha sharply inhaling, fangs beginning to emerge. There was a certain level of intoxication to having Lanzhan listen to his every whim if he lowered his eyes just right, the satisfaction of having stone cold perfection give into his warmth, melting under his touch.
 Don’t tell anyone, but it was also highly entertaining to watch Lanzhan’s calligraphy brush tremble, the alpha’s ears cherry red whenever he’s forced to look away, as if he could possibly ignore Weiying’s sobs as he fingers himself open, the scent of slick and an eager omega thick in the air.
 However, he was beginning to think karma was finally finding his way to him when one robust heat later had declared him pregnant and heavy with Lanzhan’s litter. Suddenly everything was too much and too little all at once, and Weiying found himself swinging between cooing at his alpha and, well, dragging his claws through all twenty of Lanzhan’s robes whenever the other irritated him. Which would have been fine if it weren’t for the fact that Lanzhan irritated him plenty, something Weiying hadn’t thought would be possible once they were mated. They were in love for crying out loud! He didn’t know why or what the alpha did wrong to warrant such visceral hate at times, and his logical brain constantly found issues with his weird responses, but Lanzhan was having none of it. And neither, unfortunately, was his omega.
 “I don’t want this blanket! I already told you I don’t like the texture! I don’t like it, don’t want it, don’t need it, don’t want anything to do with it!” Weiying snarls, fingers digging into the pillow he has in his arms like a shield as he glowers at his alpha from his cocoon, canines bared dangerously. He had been antsy since morning, pawing at the blankets and sniffing them carefully as he repositioned them throughout the day, but hadn’t been able to figure out what was wrong.
 At first, he had thought it was the pillows, but the moment he had laid them outside of his nest his inner omega had begun to cry in earnest, and Weiying had practically scrambled onto the floor for them, eyes wild and scent heavy with distress. Perhaps it’s the bottom layer, Weiying had guessed, peeling back the cotton sheet that covered their mattress, aware that it was due for a wash soon. Except he had barely handed Lanzhan the sheet before his omega had screamed, no return it mine part of nest mine mine mine, and he had almost mauled the other in an attempt to get it back, fingers shifting into claws as he spat viciously into Lanzhan’s face. But the alpha was patient, so kind and good to me, what a man, my man, Weiying had thought dazedly to himself as Lanzhan offered him blankets, soothing his omega’s rising haunches.
 And then he had offered that particular set of blankets and well.
 “I hate it! I hate it!” Weiying shouts, chest heaving as he clutches the pillow even closer, violet eyes tracking the alpha who’s standing hesitatingly in the doorway, blankets behind the line separating both rooms. “Everything’s wrong,” he growls, and oh, everything is wrong, and suddenly Weiying is gasping for breath, eyes beginning to water as he sniffles, his bottom lip wobbling as he stares at Lanzhan, at his amazing alpha who’s trying and him, stupid omega who can’t even get a nest right, a nest where we’ll be having their pups and raising them and I’m a failure of an omega-
 “Weiying is not a failure.” Lanzhan’s calm voice cuts through his thoughts, and Weiying finds himself letting out a wet gasp, choked laughter bubbling in his throat as he watches Lanzhan get on his knees, carefully placing the blankets behind him. “Weiying is trying, and that’s all that matters,” Lanzhan reminds him gently, and Weiying growls, a displeased rumble emanating from his throat even as the praise makes him preen, makes his inner omega purr.
 “How would you know that huh Hanguang-jun?” Weiying mumbles peevishly, rubbing his eyes onto the sleeve of his robes as he glares half-heartedly at the alpha. “I’ve been here all morning,” he swallows, eyes beginning to fill with tears once more as he stares dejectedly at his nest, his pathetic excuse of a nest, “been here all afternoon,” he gulps, voice rising in pitch as his omega wolf paces, lips pulled back angrily because wrong, wrong, wrong, it’s all wrong, “and I still can’t fucking figure out what’s wrong!” With a loud yell Weiying threw the pillow, the low thump as it clipped Lanzhan in the chin emphasising his point as he hissed, inner omega growling and digging its paws into the ground because stupid, everything is stupid, everything is wrong, stupid nest, stupid omega, waiting in stupid nest for stupid alpha feeling stupid and angry and empty and-
 The realisation hits Weiying like a slap to the face, and with both hands busy cradling his baby bump now that the pillow was gone, Weiying barely manages to stop himself from tumbling backwards in shock. Because now he’s aware, aware of his hole that’s steadily licking slick, wetting his robes, scent muffled by the mountain of blankets he had added to his nest once he realised he was expecting. Because now that Weiying is paying attention he can feel it, feel the way his thighs are quivering and the way his hole itches, aches for something inside. Because now that Weiying has noticed, desire is welling up in him, calling for strong arms to hold him in place as something thick and hard sinks into his fluttering hole, for big hands to grab onto his hips and hold him down, breed him silly and god am I stupid or what?
 “Lanzhan, I need sex.” Weiying says calmly, eyes wide, and is gratified to see Lanzhan choke, the alpha accidentally knocking his head against the frame of the door in surprise. It makes him want to laugh, and he can’t help the cackle that escapes him as Lanzhan hastily rights himself, back straightening even as the pink flush blossoming across his cheek bones give away his embarrassment. It’s hilarious, downright funny to Weiying because who would have thought I was angry because I wasn’t having sex and oh god I need Lanzhan to sex me up even though we already do it every day and Jiangcheng is never going to let me live this down. But those thoughts will have to wait, Weiying thinks as he licks his lips gleefully, eyes growing half-lidded as he casually runs a hand down his chest to his belt.
 His action earns him a spike in Lanzhan’s sandalwood scent, the musk turning deep as the alpha begins to pay attention, spine straightening as he takes note of Weiying’s casual posture and splayed legs. Playfully toying with the knot, Weiying smirks as he slides his calves out from underneath the blanket, revealing pale lily legs, and accidentally chokes on his own scent, mandarin orange heavy with arousal, the sharp tartness of fruit swept away by the pinpricks of heat and spice. It’s alluring, practically engulfs the entire room, and that thought has Weiying grinning, fangs on full display as Lanzhan’s hands curl into fists, the alpha’s irises blowing out as his nostrils flare, breathing in the scent of slick, fertility and lust.
 Purring softly, Weiying allows the tail end of his belt to slip through his fingers once, twice, watching indulgently as Lanzhan’s eyes follow his movements, the alpha beginning to pant even as the sound remains minimal, quiet. But it’s there, and Weiying is riding on that wave of adrenaline, on that fixated gaze as he winds the tassel around his index finger, shooting Lanzhan a coy smile. There’s a flicker of wry amusement in those honey gold eyes before they darken with desire, and Weiying doesn’t hold back as he lets out a desperate mewl, back arching prettily as he yanks away his belt with a single finger, opening his robes.
 He’s wet, literally gushing, and Weiying feels himself gasp in relief as his heated skin meets the cool air of the room, baby bump proudly on display. It’s small, the curve not quite prominent enough for him to start waddling instead of walking, but it’s enough to force Lanzhan to hyperventilate, the rapid rise and fall of the alpha’s chest making Weiying’s lips curl into a victorious snarl. Slowly, he runs his fingers through the viscous translucent liquid, scooping it up from the inner junction of his thighs and drawing patterns over his skin. He makes a show of it, lifts his fingers into the air so Lanzhan can see the thick strands that drip over his fingers and palm, and when he’s sure the alpha is watching, completely riveted by him, Weiying pushes two fingers into his mouth and sucks.
 “Weiying-!!” Lanzhan rumbles, voice tight, and Weiying smiles sweetly back at his alpha, eyes lowering demurely before he jams his fingers further into his throat, making him gag. It doesn’t taste like anything but himself, salty and a tad flowery, but it’s worth it for the way Lanzhan inhales sharply, hands reaching up to grip at his headband, the alpha vibrating with need. So needy, Weiying thinks greedily to himself as he shifts in his nest, rocking into the sheets and staining it with his slick, so desperate for me. Swallowing around his fingers and letting out a muffled moan, Weiying lets Lanzhan watch him taste his own slick, tongue chasing after the dripping liquid and sliding over his digits before he stops.
 “Weiying…” Lanzhan whispers brokenly, and Weiying sweeps a cursory gaze over his husband before his eyes find the rising bulge between Lanzhan’s thighs. It’s pushing against Lanzhan’s white robes, and Weiying finds himself puffing his chest out proudly, preening at the answer from his alpha, at how much Lanzhan wants me in his lap, wants me spread and ready for him, and that image makes his mouth water. It has him palming his cock from root to tip, grinding into the palm of his hand as he locks eyes with Lanzhan, panting from exertion. The sexual tension in the air is palpable, but Weiying has always been a little cruel, a little mean. After all, how could he not be when his darling Hanguang-jun allowed him to get away with everything?
 Which is why Weiying refuses him entry, refuses to allow Lanzhan into their nest, instead running his hands over his chest and pinching his nipples. Watching as Lanzhan’s knuckles turn white from how hard he’s gripping his knees as Weiying moans, thrashing from the tiny bolts of pleasure is riveting. It feels good, makes him whine and sob as he flicks them playfully with his fingernails, making them harden. He rubs them between his index finger and thumb too, twists and plays until they’re swollen and puffy, areolas pink and heavy, stopping only when a hysterical grunt escapes Lanzhan’s lips. Not too much Weiying, not too much, the omega reminds himself as he lets go of his nipples and heads over to his hips, pulling his thighs apart to display the part Lanzhan wants most, is salivating like an alpha in rut for.
 “Weiying!” Lanzhan’s voice is sharp and furious, and Weiying does cackle at that reaction, eyes flickering up to meet incensed golden eyes as he traces his wet rim, massaging it with the pad of his thumb. His scent blooms even more, the mandarin orange bathing Lanzhan in desperate pheromones that’s a siren call to the alpha, crooning breed me, fuck me, don’t you want me alpha? Weiying’s rim gives way easily, how can it not when we do it every day, and Weiying arches with a relieved mewl when his finger slips in with a loud squelch. Patting his walls, Weiying lets himself adjust to the intrusion, the curl of his finger, before he drags it out and plunges it back in with a loud spurt of slick. Then, with Lanzhan quivering before him from the door way, Weiying begins to talk.
 “Look at what you did to me H-Hanguang-jun,” he whispers breathlessly, biting back a smug grin as Lanzhan visibly flinches, “I wasn’t this lewd when I was here at Cloud Recesses w-was I?” Head rolling backwards in bliss, Weiying lets himself rock against his finger, hole fluttering greedily around his digit, “Was this what you wanted Lanzhan? All w-wet and desperate f-for you?”
 “Ridiculous.” Lanzhan grinds out from behind clenched teeth, and Weiying grins, fangs and all as he spots Lanzhan’s canines grow, digging into the swell of his bottom lip.
 “A-Ah you think so?” Weiying murmurs, panting as his hips begin to shake, rutting furiously against his hand, slim fingers curling in the deepest part of him and making sparks fly up his spine. “But you m-made me like this Lanzhan,” Weiying arches, ass grinding against the sheets as he spreads his legs, swollen rim clenching down greedily on his fingers in full view for the alpha, “you b-bred me, bred me every n-night,” letting out a sharp whine, the omega’s hips began to roll, thighs trembling as his head knocked against the pillows, “you knocked me up-ah!” Eyes rolling backwards from the pleasure that was steadily building in his lower half, heat swirling in his lower stomach, the omega whimpered into the blanket, latching onto a corner with his mouth as he fought through the tremors, legs twitching from his close orgasm. Now, his inner omega howled, and Weiying shuddered, head heavy on the walls of his nest as he sucked on the soft material, breathing in Lanzhan’s sandalwood scent, the scent of mate, love, protection, mine.
 “C-Come here.” Weiying whispers, eyes bleary as he pulls his fingers out with a sickening slurp, more slick pouring out of his sensitive hole that has him spasming, mind blank as he whimpers into the sheets. “L-Lanzhan,” Weiying whines, and this time he raises his head to stare at his alpha, irises blown, and cheeks flushed pink from arousal, “come here.”
 That permission, that command is all it takes for Lanzhan to snap, the alpha letting out a bloodcurdling snarl as he rips off his head band and practically throws himself into the nest. Squealing loudly, Weiying moans as a hot mouth engulfs his own, plush lips immediately prying his own apart and Lanzhan’s tongue plunging into his own. He gets a sharp nip on his lip for his troubles, for teasing, and Weiying whimpers as Lanzhan slides a hand under his neck, supporting him as he ravages his mouth. It tastes of home, of a furious desperate alpha, and Weiying finds himself pawing at Lanzhan’s robes, yanking the belt off and tossing it aside. More, more, his omega screams, and Weiying finds himself manically sobbing, canines snapping at Lanzhan’s ear as he snarls at the alpha to go faster, move, hurry up. It’s a scramble to get each other’s clothes off, and Weiying lets out a yelp as Lanzhan rips his to shreds, whimpering as the alpha snarls into his ear, angry and animalistic.
 “Lanzhan,” Weiying whispers, chokes as the other runs his nose down the side of his neck, “Lanzha-ah!” With a low growl, the alpha sank his teeth into Weiying’s scent gland, the smell of copper and blood permeating the air as Weiying wailed, head thrown back in ecstasy and pain. It’s everything he needs, everything he has been craving for since this morning when he had woken up grumbling and aching, inner omega whining that something isn’t right, need something, something’s missing. His annoyance was now all melting away under his alpha’s careful ministrations, roaring desire making his omega preen and hum, leaving him pliant as Lanzhan spreads his legs and sets a pillow beneath his hips, taking care of me like always, touch gentle even as his eyes glow, amber glinting deliriously.
 It doesn’t last though, as Lanzhan sinks two thicker fingers into him with voracious intent to drive him wild, scissoring Weiying open with rapid movements. “Hng, ngh, mmhng!” Weiying gasps at the sudden intrusion, mind turning blank with pleasure as he lets out a soundless scream, legs clamping around Lanzhan’s torso as he fights a delicious shudder that wrecks his body. It has his hands scrabbling over Lanzhan’s shoulders, eyes filling with tears as he bounces on those fingers, long and rough from hours of playing guqin, and it shouldn’t be amusing, but it earns a soft huff from Lanzhan, and Weiying laughs too, high and hysterical as he undulates, clenches tight around those fingers every time they try to pull out of his body.
 “L-Lanzhan,” Weiying whimpers, and the alpha stills as the omega tugs at his hair, lashes dotted with tears as he heaves, trembling. “R-Ready, I’m ready, Lanzhan, please, alpha,” and with an answering croon, Lanzhan twists his fingers one more time, watches greedily as Weiying arches and wails, clamping around him as he fights through another almost orgasm, hole squeezing and fluttering around the alpha’s fingers. There’s another gush of slick, thick and heavy, and Lanzhan mouths at Weiyng’s scent gland, his bite mark as he pulls the omega’s legs apart for the final main course.
 That move reveals Weiying’s core, his swollen puffy rim, and Weiying has to bite down on his fist as Lanzhan pries his hole open with his fingers, putting him on display for his mate. It doesn’t help that he’s lying on his back, that his womb is swollen from carrying Lanzhan’s pups, and shame, for the first time in his life, wells up in him as he feels his channel weakly spurt, slick dribbling out from his gaping hole. He tries to hide it, as he always does, but his face must show it all, for Lanzhan is leaning in, and Weiying sighs as the alpha rubs his nose against the other’s, rumbling reassuringly as he slides a large hand over the baby bump. Alpha is good, Weiying’s inner omega purrs, alpha will protect us, alpha has waited sixteen years for us, and with a soft sob because how lucky can I be, how lucky am I, Weiying cradles Lanzhan’s face and pulls him closer, kisses his forehead.
 “Weiying?” Lanzhan questions softly, and really this is unfair, Weiying thinks to himself as he looks up at his husband, really looks up at the man who has risked everything for him. Those sun gold eyes that peonies and all the gold of Lanling Jin could never compare to, long butterfly lashes and that gentle taciturn mouth, all of it was his. From the sweat of his brow to the tips of those long flowy locks, that strong sturdy back that bore thirty discipline whip scars and that burn on his chest that Weiying would have shared back then, was all his. Sixteen years he had waited, this beautiful gorgeous man had waited, had held a torch for him, raised his son, inquired about him, lived through seasons calling his name from spring to summer to autumn to winter. Sixteen years, and staring at the slight frown marring Lanzhan’s face, the worry hidden in golden orbs that whispered is this okay, are you okay, tell me what I can do, made Weiying feel like a carefree child running around Lotus Pier all over again, lips trembling and heart just so, so full.
 “Inside.” Weiying answers instead, voice small, and Lanzhan blinks as Weiying buries his face into the alpha’s neck, presses his lips against the shell of his alpha’s ear and says, “I need to feel you.”
 “Mm.” Lanzhan murmurs softly, and Weiying isn’t crying, he really isn’t, as Lanzhan presses a kiss to his temple, the head of his cock rubbing against Weiying’s fluttering entrance. Nodding his head in permission, Weiying gasps, eyes squeezing shut as he feels Lanzhan move, cock nudging at his inner walls and gliding even deeper. He can feel the burning heat that follows, the stretch making him writhe as he feels Lanzhan’s cock throb within him, an answering pulse as he clenches down on it, overwhelmed. They’re doing the same thing, but everything is just so much more, and Weiying finds himself sobbing as his alpha’s cock spears through his wet heat, loud and wet amidst the little worn out cries and whines that escapes his lips, those sounds kissed away by Lanzhan, the alpha crooning softly into his ear.
 “Lanzhan, Lanzhan,” Weiying babbles, tear tracks running down his face as he turns his head and latches onto the alpha’s scent gland, a desperate broken wail muffled as he laves at the raised flesh, walls trembling from where Lanzhan is sheathed in him. It feels like a million fireworks are going off, the heat of their bodies building on each other, cresting higher and higher the way drinking alcohol on a cold night always feels. It makes him dizzy, the beat of his heart echoing as he’s pressed chest to chest with his lover, the Wen sect scar a dark mark on a pure pristine canvass, a mark of ownership Weiying had placed on the alpha before he had even realised Lanzhan was his.
 Sucking harder, Weiying trills, voice garbled as he breathes in satisfaction and happiness, sandalwood flooding his senses as Lanzhan slides a hand over his baby bump. The alpha caresses the curve lovingly, and Weiying lets out a wet laugh as those fingertips dance over his stretched skin, palm hot and steady. He can feel the answering churn, of pups twisting in response to their father’s touch and these are his children, Weiying thinks dazedly as he splays his own hand over Lanzhan’s keeping the alpha’s touch there. There’s life in him, and it’s his, his and Lanzhan’s, and this time Weiying can’t help but smile, eyes filling with tears as he purrs, kneading the alpha’s forearm sweetly. It earns him a happy chuff, Lanzhan’s own rumble escaping the alpha’s throat before he decides to move.
 Grabbing Weiying’s hips, Lanzhan slides out and Weiying whimpers at the loss, nosing the base of Lanzhan’s throat as the wet sound of flesh meeting flesh meets in tandem with the slow drag of cock inside him. It’s sweet torture, feeling Lanzhan pull out, grazing his most tender spots and ignoring the way his walls clung onto the alpha’s cock, wet and leaking. It makes him weak and wanton, hips jerking upwards desperately as he mewls and paws at his alpha, screaming for attention. Inside, come back inside, his omega cajoles, hole fluttering prettily around air as Weiying looks up at the alpha through his lashes, light-headed. Lanzhan’s brows are furrowed in concentration, beads of sweat running down his temples, and beautiful, my beautiful wonderful husband, when he moves. And the sound that escapes Weiying’s mouth is visceral, unholy, as he feels Lanzhan’s cock dive right into his deepest recesses.
 “H-Hah! Hng, hn, mhn,” liquid pleasure is runs through Weiying’s veins as Lanzhan begins to move, and while the other is quiet in bed, nothing quite beats the satisfied grunts and huffs of air his alpha gives every time he pulls out only to chase the tight heat of Weiying’s hole. “G-Good, Lanzhan s-so goo-ah!” Weiying whines, head lolling backwards as he feels his lower abdomen begin to twinge, his thighs twitching as heat pooled in his lower half and slick spurted out of him. Babbling, fingers still splayed over his baby bump, Weiying moves to touch his cock only to whimper as Lanzhan slaps his hand away, growling threateningly as he slows.
 “N-No!” Weiying cries, bottom lip trembling as he rocks his hips weakly, each move punctuated with a gasp. “P-Please, alpha, a-alpha d-don-” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence as with a rumbling purr Lanzhan’s thrusts begin to pick up speed once more, a feverish light in those golden orbs as the alpha buries his head into Weiying’s neck and begins to mouth at his scent gland, tongue massaging that swollen flesh and raking his fangs across it. There’s no pain to it, only an overwhelming scent of lust, of sandalwood piqued with heavy flora, the scent after a rainstorm, and Weiying feels himself moan as Lanzhan’s grip on his hip tightens. It’s going to bruise, and a vicious sense of triumph runs through his veins as he drools, mouth gasping for air as he stares at Lanzhan, the esteemed Hanguang-jun with his eyes glowing and lips pulled back in a dangerous feral snarl, debauched, tainted.
 I did that, he thinks delightedly, fingers entwining around ebony black hair and yanking greedily, I put that expression there.
 “K-Knot m-me.” Weiying manages to utter through the rapid abuse of his body, words stuttering out as he pants, locking his ankles around Lanzhan’s torso and tugging the alpha closer. “W-Want a k-knot. W-Want Lanzh-zhan’s knot-hng!” It earns him a soft hum of delight, the light airiness of cotton making itself known as the alpha begins to move even faster, meeting his omega’s demands and oh it feels so good, Weiying thinks to himself as he keens, throwing back his head as he wails, hole wide open for his alpha to use. There’s something about this that’s finally scratching his itch, his instinctual craving that’s been gnawing at his insides all morning, and Weiying lets it be known, lets his alpha bask in the happiness that he’s satisfying his omega with every loud cry that accompanies his thrust.
 “Weiying.” Lanzhan murmurs and the omega makes a soft inquiring sound that sounds more like a ragged sob, and the alpha croons, voice a melody as he knocks his head against Weiying’s. “Weiying.” Lanzhan repeats, more breathlessly, and oh he’s close, and Weiying arches, hips shoving upwards to meet his alpha’s as he gasps out “Yes, c-come on, almost-” and is greeted with the tell-tale swell of an alpha’s knot. Moaning, Weiying grabs onto Lanzhan’s arms and moves with renewed vigour, chest heaving as he bounces on the alpha’s cock, eyes rolling backwards as his thighs begin to shake, balls pulling tight. A desperate low “Weiying” made through gritted teeth is all the warning he gets before his alpha is shoving his knot inside him, and Weiying chokes at the fullness, rim stretching tight to accommodate the cock which lodges within him.
 “Lanzhan, Lanzh-ah! A-Ah, hng, mmhng!” Weiying wails, spine bowing as he lifts off the nest, lips parted in a silent scream. It feels like he’s dying, spirit barely anchored into the mortal realm as pleasure erupts, sending his blood boiling with heat. Lanzhan’s playing dirty, grinding against his prostate and mean, alpha’s being so mean but oh how Weiying loves it. Thrashing weakly, fingers digging into Lanzhan’s biceps so hard he almost draws blood, Weiying is on the cusp of something, abdominal muscles beginning to curl as he’s fucked into his nest, the brutal abuse of his prostate by the head of his alpha’s cock making him drool and his thighs quiver. Please, please, his omega screams, wailing as it comes even closer to the high it’s desperate to reach, pup me, fill me, keep me full always, always-
 A firm hand on his cock jerks him out of his thoughts, and Weiying squeals as Lanzhan begins to stroke him, head shaking wildly as his fingers begin to morph into claws, digging into his alpha’s white soft skin. “N-No,” Weiying gasps, eyes wild as he stares at his alpha deliriously, his curved womb blocking his cock from view and wobbling with every aborted shove of Lanzhan’s hips. Pupils dilated, and lips parted in a broken wail, the omega can only shudder as his alpha rubs the head of his cock, fingers ghosting his silt and making pleasure burn through him. It’s building, the tension in his abdomen, and Weiying can’t hold back his howl of delight as the pleasure peaks, cresting magnificently as he cums, sobbing on Lanzhan’s cock, teeth bared and eyes alight.
 “Weiying, Weiying, Weiying.” Lanzhan chants, voice tight, and the omega whimpers as he feels his alpha abuse his prostate, pressure unforgiving. But this is Lanzhan, alpha, alpha who was so good, sated his omega so well, “Lanzhan,” Weiying purrs gently, fingers carding through Lanzhan’s hair as he noses at his alpha’s neck. “Lanzhan, I need you.” He whispers, voice weak as he locks eyes with glowing amber hues. And just like that the alpha is coming, breath hitching and body stilling as enlarged fangs find purchase on Weiying’s neck, the alpha shaking as he cums, spilling inside Weiying’s body in drawn out spurts.
 It’s gone now, the need to pace and to shred and to have something. Was gone the minute Lanzhan gave a low grunt and snarled, nostrils flaring as his seed flooded Weiying’s hole. Shivering from the aftershocks, body oversensitive, Weiying can only murmur soft words of endearments, breathing in the scent of sandalwood and cotton, basking in the post coitus glow. “So good, so good Lanzhan.” He murmurs, voice soft, and Lanzhan snorts, the sound muffled from where his jaws are still clamped around Weiying’s scent gland. The overwhelming scent of mandarin has faded, Weiying’s omega finally sated, and slowly, like he’s handling something infinitely precious, Lanzhan carefully dislodges his canines. It’s sore, and the wince that escapes Weiying doesn’t go unnoticed as the alpha lets out a frustrated sound, tongue soothing over the mark as he looks up at the omega worriedly.
 “It’s fine, really.” Weiying whispers, lips beginning to curl as he presses his forehead to Lanzhan’s, the headband still wound around his wrist. More than fine, his omega purrs, rubbing its head against the alpha, tail flicking lazily in happiness, alpha is perfect, perfect. Slowly moving the alpha’s hand back to his distended womb, Weiying blinks back tears as he feels the pups move, stirring slightly before nestling inside him. Mine, this is mine, he thinks, awed, and there’s no helping it as a tearful grin breaks across his face, as he rubs his nose against Lanzhan’s, heart warm and body perfectly sated. A low rumble echoes across the room, and Weiying huffs as Lanzhan pulls him closer, wrapping his arms around him and cuddling the omega close.
 He’s lucky to have his Lanzhan with him.
 “Hey, I don’t think we should let Jiangcheng name them. He sucks at names.”
 “Mm. Whatever Weiying wants.”
 So, incredibly, lucky.
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