#noah centineo fic
ruerecs · 3 months
i’m gonna be the first to say it. . . where are all of the peter kavinsky fics on here? i’m actually super surprised there’s not more of talbilb fics 😭
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viscountoflondon · 11 months
Que Sera Sera 1.0
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A/N: Please do not copy my work, only reblog or like. Tell me what you think, remember I’m sensitive about my shit
GIF: Credit Brunettessource
Warnings: Curse words, alcohol, implied sexual things
You sit by the kitchen watching the group engage in post thanksgiving dinner games, a tradition for your 2 families, Y/L/Ns and the Centineo’s. Ever since Noah and your younger brother became best friends in elementary school they were practically inseparable. So much so that the families had just decided why not throw one big thanksgiving dinner instead of doing the come to our house we’ll host next year thing.
“You okay honey?” Your mom asks
You smile “Yea!”
This would be the first year post your separation with your ex husband. It was strange territory he was your highschool sweetheart and now it sometimes felt like a part of you was missing
“You sure?”
“Yea mom! Just watching Lucas and Noah make asses out of themselves”
“HEY!” Lucas screams “I heard that!” 
You smile “sorry just telling the truth!” 
The night is filled with many events: games, movies, popcorn, second round of thanksgiving dinner, more games, and finally sleep. 
Tomorrow was the Y/L/Ns turn to make breakfast one last big feast before the two families split apart and went their separate ways
You work in the kitchen quietly humming to RnB that played softly in the background
“Morning” you hear Noah’s groggy voice
“Kid?” he groans he hated that nickname “what are you doing up?” 
In a very sleepy tone he asks “The question is what are you doing up? Its 5am and we all went to bed at like 2?” 
You shrug “I am prepping for breakfast if you must know” you answer, you briefly glance at his shirtless body “so what are you doing up?” “Heard some banging had to check on the noise” “I did not bang!” you whisper harshly  “I accidentally dropped the tray sorry for waking you up” 
He nods understandingly “It’s cool, need help?” “Nope! Go back to bed baby boy” 
He groans and throws up the peace sign, too tired to argue with you. You watch as his muscular figure disappears around the corner. 
Unknown: I miss you 
You roll your eyes, the real reason you were up at 5am making breakfast had nothing to do with you prepping but with your ex husband pestering you non-stop. So much that you were losing sleep. You didn’t want to tell anyone that he had started stalking you and you were positive he was standing across the street watching you in the kitchen. At least in the house full of people you felt safe.
Actually the reason you had dropped the pan was because you received the text 
Unknown: You look so beautiful 
It sent shivers down your spine freezing you in spot and ultimately causing you to drop the baking tray. 
You couldn't’ sleep after that expecting him to pop up in your room and ultimately cause harm to you like he had threatened so much. Even the restraining orders weren’t deterring him, you knew how this story ended and you contemplated packing and moving across the country so many times but then you would have to explain why and you just didn’t know how. You were an adult like your father preached. You have to learn to manage your own problems so you are doing your best. 
When morning comes and everyone is happily feeding themselves breakfast or left overs you’re brought back to reality when Noah plops down next to you
“Omg Noah! Almost spilled my coffee!” you complain wiping the droplets of coffee that were rolling down your cup
“Sleep well sleeping beauty?” he asks 
You roll your eyes “fuck off kid”
“Awww, i guess that's a no”  he fake pouts before taking a bite of the bacon
“Honestly kid, what are you doing here?’
“First of all stop calling me kid, and also you were looking like a sad puppy in the corner and your cousin asked me to come check on you” he motions to Lizzie
“I was not” you argue
“You were” he counters
You huff “I’m fine so you can go now”
“Or nothing” you were nursing 
“Orrr I can stay here and bug you he grinned showing all his teeth
“Okay whatever” you reach over his plate and grab a piece of bacon 
He pulls his plate away “Hey get your own!” 
You shrug “I cooked i have dibs on everyone’s plate” 
He rolls his eyes “fair enough”
“Y/N did you cut the fruit?” your dad calls to you from the kitchen “Oh yea its in the fridge hold on” you stand up and walk towards the kitchen leaving Noah where he sat
At the end of the weekend both families say their goodbye well Lucas and Noah were on a plane to NYC while the rest of you remained in California.
Noah being a semi famous actor now took Lucas with him everywhere, he gave Lucas the title of assistant manager. They would argue a lot because Lucas was in charge of his schedule and if he had to be in NYC in the morning and Miami by the afternoon thats just what he had to do. You’ve rolled your eyes at the many arguments you had to settle between them offering suggestions for Lucas to be less involved in Noah’s schedule and more involved in the background which of course they refused. Boys what can you say? 
The next holiday is Christmas, something you really used to enjoy but not so much now that you were in this predicament with your ex. 
“Y/N what is going on?” Lucas looks around your home “Are you not decorating for Christmas or what?” he asks as him and his friends occupy your living space
You shrug and look around “Oh I’ve just been busy Lucas didn’t have the energy”
“Wow so you’ve gotten lazy” he teases
You groan “Fuck off Lucas” 
You turn to look and watch as Noah silently observes you, he always did that just watched you from afar. It wasn’t creepy just Noah being Noah. 
“What’s up kid got a smart remark too?” you ask. He throws his hands up. For some odd reason he felt like the reason you provided was an excuse but he didn’t want to push it as he could see the bags under your eyes. He knew from Lucas that the divorce from your ex was taking a toll on you. Lucas had expressed concerns but never really dove into details just saying he wished you would snap out of it and forget all about your ex. 
“I need help with Sarah’s (Lucas girlfriend) gift” the conversation moves on and just like that the mood switches and everything is back to being light and joyful 
Another year, another year filled with you’re hoping this time more joy and spontaneity. You sigh and look down at your phone, it was new years eve 5PM if you were going to have fun you needed to leave now. Because LA traffic was not to be played around with, all that was pending was for it to get darker and that would be it! Grid lock for hours. It kind of sucked no one was available to hang out. Lucas was out of state with Sarah, your cousins were out with their husbands/boyfriends, you weren’t going to third wheel your parents, you didn’t want to go out but you had no choice as your friends had egged you on. Told you you had to get out of the house and live life, as they said,  they knew what was happening they were worried about you but they had lives too.  
You guys go downtown, you dress in your best attire, the best you could muster up anyway. You did a few club hopping until your final destination, the club where “Bitter Moon” an upcoming pop rock band in LA, were playing. 
The space is so packed you can barely move around, you manage to get drinks and sing to the songs from their EP and some of the popular songs they covered with their own spin. 
On your way back from the bathroom, you spot someone that looks like Noah ahead of you and think that it couldn’t possibly be him but decide to call his name anyway “NOAH you scream his name making him turn around 
He smiles when he sees you making his way towards you leaving the circle of friends he was hanging out with.  “HEEYYY, HAPPY NEW YEAR” He gives you a side hug 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE KID?” He rolls his eyes “RIGHT SORRY NOAH” you two had made a deal not too long ago that you would stop calling him ‘kid’
He chuckles leaning down to speak in your ear “I am here for Bitter Moon, my friend plays the drums” 
“Oh cool! Not throwing a party?” you reference last years New Years events
He makes a face “HELL NO!” You giggle, the cops were called, it was a mess too many people had showed up, things were stolen etc etc.
“Where's your crew?” He asks  
“Oh uh”  you stand on your tip toes and shrug after your failure to locate them, “they are around somewhere” you point towards the neon sign “over there” 
He nods drinking his beer
A popular song comes on you lose yourself in the moment singing a long 
“AYYEEE look at you!”  You stop and blush looking away “AYYEEE KEEP GOING!”  he urges
You shake your head vigorously “No it's embarrassing” 
“Why?” he mouths to you singing along as well. You shake your head feeling bashful and turn to face the band. He doesn’t push, instead he bops his head to the beat. 
The song ends and the band takes a 10 minute break 
“I should go back” you speak “girls are probably wondering where I am” you say as you pull out your phone “Oh actually they left, going to the next club ‘Inferno’” you chuckle as you read the group text “so i need to catch up with them” 
“Orrrr” he begins to bargain  “you can stay, with me” he smiles at you
“Oh well i didn't wanna ruin your chances of getting some tonight” He makes a face. You motion with your head and he follows the direction of the group he was with earlier “Those girls are giving me the death glares” 
He scoffs “Fuck them i dont know them!” 
“Still I should really” you step away from him slowly
He grabs your hand pulling you closer “STAY!” he nods excitedly trying to convince you  “you should really stay and get some more drinks! And enjoy your new years!” he speaks with high energy 
“Okay okay okay” 
He pulls his arm towards him “Yesss! what are you drinking?”  
“Uh I was drinking white claw”
“One white claw coming right up don’t move” 
You nod and watch as he walks away you look around and boy if looks could kill they would. You knew Noah was getting more famous so of course the groupies were trying to shoot their shot and it's not like you were of any competition if they only knew you were a family friend. 
He doesn’t stay gone for a long time he returns when the band starts the next set. 
“They only had watermelon, yuzu and blood orange I got you the watermelon couldn’t get your favorite blackberry” 
“Oh that's okay thanks ki...Noah” 
He smirks as he turns to face the band, before you know it you are smooshed up against Noah. You guess its because they let more people in it was nearing midnight after all 
“Oh shit. Sorry” you say as you spill white claw on him “Sorry sorry” you reach in your purse to grab napkins
“Its cool its cool, don’t worry about it” 
“I’ll foot the dry cleaners bill” You offer y
“Will you relax It’s cool” 
“Okay” you turn around slowly and get lost in the music again 
He stands behind you and at some point snakes his arms around your stomach planting you against him so you wouldn’t get shoved around.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, in one minute we will be ringing in the new year and I want you to look to your left look to your right and back to your left find someone to plant a juicy fat kiss for your favorite band BITTTERRR MOOOON” the crowd goes wild you can't help but giggle. 
The minute comes to an end “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Confetti drops from the ceiling along with streamers and glitter 
You blow hard on the noise marker and turn to face Noah “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”  You scream as Auld Lang Syne plays loudly in the background
“Come here”  you read his lips right before they connect with yours (think about tabilb when Peter grabs Lara Jean and kisses her during Lacrosse practice)
“MMM!” It takes you by surprise, he isn't rough with it, in fact he kisses you gently, his arm anchoring you against his body, your hands move to his shoulders slightly pushing him away. It was brief roughly 5 seconds kiss or maybe longer or shorter, your eyes widen when he pulls away 
“Wha.. Wha.. What was that?!” you ask 
He shrugs “New years kiss” taking another sip of his beer 
You shake your head “We shouldn’t have” god if Lucas found out he would kill you “Oh come on its new years!”
You go to take a step back but you can't. Noah dips down for another kiss this time his other hand holds your head in place so no leaning back for you.This time instead of one long kiss its a burst of short interval kisses. And for a brief moment you let yourself get lost in the sensation, so much so when he licks your bottom lip you don’t fight it instead you let him have access to your mouth. Damn his lips are soft, so soft. When he pulls away you find yourself raising up chasing his lips. 
He smirks hiding his smile when you finally open your eyes
“Umm”  you blush tucking the hair behind your ear. What a way to start new years that's for sure. The band continues to play music and you two say nothing else to each other instead this time he rocks your body to the music.After an hour he suggests that you two leave 
“Oh what about your friends?” you ask 
He chuckles “I’ve been with you for the past 3 hours I think they’ll be alright” 
You nod as he grabs your hand pulling you out. You two get in an uber and he gives the driver his address. What was happening? Why did it feel like you were in a movie  watching yourself? When you turn to look at Noah, he sat nonchalantly skimming his social media pages. 
‘What do I do? Am I really gonna hook up with my younger brothers best friend?’ you think to yourself You begin to panic you had to find a way out of this. This wasn’t cool there's a code of ethics right? You couldn’t do this
When you arrive at his place you think to stop things right then and there say you should go home that it was all a mistake but its like your body is on autopilot and instead you follow him towards his door and inside his place. You’ve been here many times but now it felt foreign, too intimate in fact. 
He sighs when he sees your expression, a sort of  deer in headlights “look we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But we are both drunk. My feet hurt and I’m sure yours do too” motioning to your high heels.
You look down and play with your necklace “Right” 
He walks past you and towards the kitchen and looks in the fridge. I got left over pizza, ice cream, frozen corn dogs, fruit salad, some pre-made meals, water kombucha, beer, wine, chips, cookies, salad mix, cheese, and dressing. 
You turn to face him slowly after you text your friends letting them know you were safe
“Oh umm wine please” you slowly walk up to him. 
“Pizza okay?” he was too drunk to wait for the frozen corn dogs to cook in the oven  
“Yea!” You say placing your bag on the counter
“Don’t need to look like you’ve seen a ghost” he chuckles placing the pizza in the toaster oven 
“Sorry” you blush as he turns to face you “just a little” you swallow “taken aback”  
“Come on Y/N you know I’ve had  a crush on you ever since.....shit I can’t even remember” 
“Yea but I thought...” 
He interrupts you “Thought what?”  he straightens up and walks towards you pushing you against the counter, the height difference all of a sudden intimidates you. You who said you could fight him no matter what. 1 on 1 you could take him down.  
You can’t help but feel your face flush “That it was like a highschool thing like you grew out of it” you gesture with your hands
“Well” he clears his throat and cages you in with his arms “I haven’t”  he steps back a little so he could lean on them making you two eye level. “In fact it’s gotten stronger”
Your eyes widen and a meak “oh” escapes your lips 
“So right here right now I’m telling you I want you” he declares  
You go to say something but there are no words that you can find this is all too much.  
He straightens up and looks down at you “What do you say baby?”  he leans in and kisses your lips this time there's no hesitation from you in fact your arms immediately wrap themselves around his neck. He lifts you up placing you on the cool counter it startles you making you pull away you can’t help but giggle 
He chuckles softly “What is it?”  he asks stepping in between your legs 
“I” you giggle “I don’t even know what to say” because what do you say to something like this?!
He pushes the hair away from your face “then show me” 
You smile and pull him down for another kiss this time it's deeper, filled with the same desire he had for you, a deep moan rumbles from him as he pulls you closer, your legs naturally wrapping themselves around him. You two tease each other biting lips pulling hair but neither of you cross that boundary only because the toaster oven dings putting a pause to your make out session. 
Noah quickly removes the slices placing them on a plate
You cover your face in disbelief and chuckle
“What is it? Why do you keep laughing?” he asks amused taking a bite of his pizza 
“Lucas is gonna kill us” 
He shrugs, “Let me deal with him,” he says. 
This was new territory for you, it had been a long time since you were in the company of a man you most certainly didn’t think the next one would be Noah. You both agree you both needed to be sober before you ventured into the next step. However that didn’t stop the heated make out sessions nor the waking up in bed half naked the next day. 
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vintageaesthetic20 · 2 years
Ok. Why the hell are there no fan fics of Owen Hendricks on Tumblr. Like seriously someone pls write something about him.
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silverwolfdesign · 2 years
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( ☽ ) ✦ Fan cast
🡒 ✨ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝘕𝘰𝘢𝘩 𝘊𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘰.
ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏ ʙʏ: ꜱᴀʀᴀʜ ʙᴀʜʙᴀʜ
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starboye · 1 month
(fics ive made)
*updated regularly
smut = ★
angst = 🏹
fluff = 🍥
Rafe Cameron-
First Timer★
Dealer!Rafe Cameron★
The Cameron Boys★
A Night to Remember★
Please be Mine★
Sleepy Convos★
Risky Call★
Morning Rafey★
Jj Maybank-
Yard Worker!Jj Maybank★
Double Team★
Nate Jacobs-
jealousy, jealousy★🏹
A Feeling Unknown🍥
My Cum Toy★
Nick Nelson-
Cheater pt2★🏹
Cheater pt3★🏹
Cheater pt4🏹
Charlie Bushnell-
Fair Date★🍥
Vinnie Hacker-
Streamer Head★
Drunk Fun★
Sly Boy★
Birthday Present★
Bryce McKenzie-
Kj Apa-
Breed Me★
Free Use★
Baby By Me★
Matt Sturniolo-
Beach Day🍥
Morning Horny★
Movie Night Teaser★
My Nerdy Boy★
First Time★
Harry Collett-
Video game Lover★
Charles Leclerc-
Need Love★
Chris Sturniolo-
Movie Night Gone Right★
You're Mine★
Stream Tease★
David Corenswet-
Daddy's Boy★
Manu Rios-
Work For It★
Harry Styles-
Make Up or Make Out★🍥
Ross Lynch-
Double Trouble★
Dylan Minnette-
Double Trouble★
Shower Time★
Steve Rogers-
First Date★🍥
The Boys-
Table Talk★
Drew Starkey-
Hot Jealousy★
An Award of my Own★
Your Brothers Best Friend★
Nico Greetham-
Sweaty Love★
Noah Beck-
Rough Love★
Chris Hemsworth-
My Boy★
John B-
Double Team★
Prince Henry-
My Good Side🍥
Ryan Reynolds-
Brady Hepner-
Wild Side★
My Use★
Sam Golbach-
Newly Weds★🍥
Colby Brock-
Newly Weds★🍥
Tanner Buchanan-
Chris Evans-
Lesson Learned★
Ryan Garcia-
Breakfast in Bed★
Ethan Landry-
Ghost 🏹
Eijiro Kirishima-
Gamer Fuel★
Katsuki Bakugo-
Gamer Fuel★
Jacob Elordi-
Free Use★
Jack Harlow-
A Want★
Scott Summers-
Time Fucked★
Stiles Stilinski-
A Dream Cum True★
Richard Madden-
Work Pet★
Steve Harrington-
Gay For You★
Hughie Campbell-
Shy Boy★
Bellamy Blake-
Supply Collectors★
Jensen Ackles-
Hard Worker★
Prince Ben-
New Kid★🍥
Harry Hook-
New Kid★🍥
Rudy Pankow-
My First Time★🍥
Simon "Ghost" Riley-
Bf Headcanons★🍥
Phone Sex★
A Gift★
Captain Price-
Chace Crawford-
Co-Star Fun★
Bill Skarsgard-
Dick Grayson-
Robby Keene-
Winner Winner★
Noah Centineo-
Bed Breaker★
Jake Gyllenhaal-
Spiderman Far From Done★
Tom Holland-
Spider Man Far From Done★
Fucked Senseless★
Hole Used★
Hole Used★
Joe Goldberg-
My Husband🏹
Lip Gallagher-
New Feeling🍥
Rome Flynn-
My Bitch★
Joe Burrow-
Letting Off Some Steam★
Charles Melton-
Gym Bros★
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ouatnextgen · 3 months
Get to Know: Roland
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I stole the character template used in this fic, because I thought it was really thorough, and a good exercise for character building. So thanks ao3 user StarkPark!
Roland Locksley Hood. Marian named Roland. His name means “brave land,” and he was named to honor his father somewhat. His middle name is his father’s former last name.
RoRo (by his friends)
Boss (by the Merry Men)
Hoodie (by his friends, to annoy him)
Dark curly hair
Tan skin
Brown eyes
Scars on fingers from bow work, and on arms from dagger training.
Got the same tattoo that his father had on his left arm
Wears Enchanted Forest clothes until he officially moves in with Regina at age sixteen.
He wears warm flannels, baggy jeans, plain t-shirts, and converse.
Face claims
Raphael Alejandro (young)
Noah Centineo (older)
Is usually very laid back and chill. The person his friends turn to if they need a break from their chaotic lives.
He is a generous and trustworthy friend, but independent, and most of the time, prefers to think with his heart rather than his head. He can sometimes come off as irrational because of this.
He is family oriented first, anything else later. He would gladly give his life to protect any of the Merry Men, Regina, Henry, and Robyn.
He has violent vehemence of respect for his (soon to be not) late father. Any slight against him or Regina leads to punishment. He longs to make his father proud, and will often hide parts of himself to accomplish that.
Camping and hiking
Playing acoustic guitar and writing music
Baking and cooking, but mostly baking
Teaching Robyn archery and survival skills, like how Robin taught him
Electro pop music
Video games
No magic, and greatly distrusts magic.
Literally ate dirt as a child, so very good immune system. Only has gotten sick a handful of times
Might be on the spectrum, definitely has some type of nerodivergency
Aromantic Bisexual. No romantic inclinations, but is sexually attracted to all genders
Disappointing his father
Letting his family down
Loud noises
Showers once a business week (Enchanted Forest habits die hard)
Picks his nose
Snores like a son of a bitch
Movies: Likes nature documentaries, but not much else
TV Shows: Not fond of TV
Music: Only likes acoustic, and listens to acoustic covers of all genres
Books: Not much of a reader, but likes reading his father’s tales
Parent: Very close to Regina
Family member: He loves his baby sister, Robyn, obviously
Sport: Archery (duh)
School subject: Never went to Storybrooke High, but he would have loved P.E
Food: The Meats. Mutton, lamb, beef, and even haggis.
Sweet treat: Regina’s cookies
Colors: Red, Orange, and Yellow
Animal: Loves to bird watch. His favorites are the robins, though
Toy: Stuffed puppy dog Regina gifted to him when he was four
Game: Hates video games and games of skill, but will play chess with Alice if she begs
Least favorites
Movies: Anything loud and with flashy visuals. Gives him headaches
TV Shows: Anything loud and with flashy visuals. Gives him headaches
Music: Screamo, rap, electro, pop, basically anything with a lot of moving parts
Books: Any book series longer than three books
Parent: Little John is on his shit list for Reasons
Family member: Zelena for…obvious reasons
Sport: Never understood american football, no matter how many times Leo explains it
School subject: Never went to Storybrooke High, but he would have hated History class
Food: Hates tofu on principle
Sweet treat: Not a fan of sweet ice cream, but likes sorbets
Colors: Grey, blue, purple
Animal: Bears. They are deceptive. They look cute and pettable, but can kill you
Toy: Baby toys that make obnoxious sounds
Game: Hates video games and games of skill
Career aspiration
Secretly wants to open a bakery in Storybrooke, but is currently being trained up to lead the Merry Men.
Social life
Mainly hangs out with the Merry Men, or Robyn and their friends
Not the Mom friend, but the Dad friend. He lets his friends do the stupid thing, but helps them clean up afterwards.
No pets, but will sometimes nurse baby animals at the Storybrooke Shelter
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manyfandomocs · 13 days
Glee OC Masterlist (K-Z)
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Name: Kaipo Steele
Fic: How Far I’ll Go
Love Interest: Jake Puckerman
FC: Auli'i Cravhalo
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Name: Karina Jimenez
Fic: Walk In The Sun
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce
FC: Melissa Barrera
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Name: Knox Berry
Fic: Berry Beautiful
Love Interest: Sugar Motta
FC: Noah Centineo
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Name: Kyra Puckerman
Fic: A Rose By Any Other Name
Love Interest: Marley Rose
FC: Antonia Gentry
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Name: Leonard Sparrow
Fic: Mirror In The Sky
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe
FC: Logan Lerman
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Name: Marceline Giles
Fic: Dancing Through Life
Love Interest: Mike Chang
FC: Sofia Carson
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Name: Marigold Stinson
Fic: Walk Walk Fashion Baby
Love Interest: Sam Evans & Mercedes Jones
FC: Josie Totah
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Name: Nico Nichols
Fic: Like A Prayer
Love Interest: Sam Evans & Mercedes Jones
FC: Michael Evans Behling
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Name: Ramona Harris
Fic: Love Song
Love Interest: Rachel Berry & Quinn Fabray
FC: Victoria Justice
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Name: Reagan Harlow
Fic: Show Stoppin’ Number
Love Interest: Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman
FC: Sarah Jeffery
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Name: Saoirse Flanagan
Fic: Luck of the Irish
Love Interest: Mike Chang, Ryder Lynn, Artie Abrams endgame
FC: Brenna D'Amico
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Name: Scott Macmillan
Fic: Slapshot Romance
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce, Sugar Motta, Finn Hudson endgame
FC: Jack Falahee
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Name: Sophia Hummel
Fic: The Tiniest Lifeboat
Love Interest: Mercedes Jones
FC: Mary Mouser
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Name: Steve Schuester
Fic: Faithfully
Love Interest: Jesse St. James, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray
FC: Mitchell Hope
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Name: Warren Anderson
Fic: Perfect Son
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe or Hunter Clarington or an OC
FC: Dylan Sprayberry
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Name: Xavier Carver
Fic: Still Frames In Your Mind
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
FC: Charles Melton
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Name: Zeke Beiste
Fic: Take Me On
Love Interest: Kitty Wilde, Marley Rose
FC: Booboo Stewart
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footballffbarbiex · 9 months
I don’t think I’ve ever asked you before, but besides footballers, does a particular actor catches your eye?
I’ve gone through a few actors tbh, with writing for Henry Cavill, Noah Centineo and Jesse Lee Soffer’s character Jay Halstead, Chris Evans (and some of his characters) and the same goes for the Supernatural fics I’ve written. But I can’t say I’m riding the tv and movie wave tbh currently.
Who catches yours? 👀
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centhands · 5 years
Truth or Dare - Noah Centineo Smut
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AN: OK YA’LL, SO I haven’t written a fic or one shot in about, oh god I don’t know, SEVEN FUCKING YEARS?!?!?!?!? I was all about hazza back in the day but tbh there is some SERIOUS DIRE NEED for NOAH FUCKING CENTINEO SMUT on here and I cannot believe I wrote one?? Just spent the last 3 hours on it, instead of sleeping. It might be bad but idk it’s at least ONE MORE NOAH SMUT SHOT?? Idk :///// lemme know what you think!! It’s super long pls bear with me I TEND TO ALWAYS WRITE NOVELS OH GEE LOOK AT THIS LONG AF AN!!
TLDR: you’re about to play truth or dare (kind of?????) with Noah fucking Centineo. PLEASE SIT DOWN BC FILTHY SMUT IS ON THE WAY!!!!
Hope you enjoy, let me know if you do!! (Pls message me I need friends and followers on tik tok, jk, only jking about tik tok, I really need friends
You gazed at the clock once again, for the what was actually the thousandth time that night. 11:00PM on the dot. To make matters worse, it was a Friday. Not only could you not fall asleep for shit, but the daunting thought of being home alone on a Friday night, only made your insomnia worse.
You sighed as you rolled out of bed and walked lazily to your living room. As you plopped down on your couch, you decided to open up Instagram. While scrolling through your feed, you happened to notice you had a message notification. You clicked on it and instantly a smile lit up your face. A photo of your best friend, and roommate, Noah, with a sad, puppy dog face and a pair of nerdy 3D glasses. The simple message is what really did you in. “Wish you were here. Xo.”
You and Noah had been best friends for the last five years and have been living together for two. You’ve loved him since you met him. His gorgeous eyes, his toned body, his adorable, dorky smile, his hearty laugh. It all made you melt.
You were completely in love with him and he had no fucking clue.
It was absolutely frustrating, to be quite honest. At times, you get so fed up that you just want to pack up, leave, and go start over somewhere else, hoping you’ll forget all about Noah Centineo. Forget all the times he hugged you tightly and wiped your tears away as you cried. Forget all the movie and dinner dates you had gone on, one of the best parts being your spitball fights. Forget all those times he’d tell you he could never sleep, and he’d ask you to just lay with him until he dozed off, saying he just needed a quick cuddle before bed. Forget all of the little, most adorable, seemingly insignificant (but actually meant the whole world to you) moments you both had shared together.
But you knew there was no way that could or would ever happen. You were absolutely smitten.
You noticed he had sent that message over two hours ago. His guy friends had declared it their “Boys Night Out” and decided to go see a thriller 3D film. He looked so cute in those glasses..
You felt your phone buzz and noticed Noah had just texted you.
“Hey, you up? Be home in five. Let’s hangoutttttttttttt! :) Movie sucked. Should have just stayed home with you and watched Clueless for the 18th time. That bad.” He wrote.
You scoffed and instantly replied, “How dare you insult Clueless. Not sure if I can hangout with assholes who insult classic chick flicks.”
“I’ll have you know I’m well versed in chick flick classics. If you can honestly call that a classic….. yikes.”
You laughed, as you typed your response. “You’re evicted. Goodnight.”
“The lease is in my name, love. Let me in little bo peep, I’m outside.”
“We don’t take our keys anymore, now?” You inquired, as he strutted through the door, popping his collar to perfect his extra sassy entrance.
“Nope,” he said, popping the P, “I have them. Just wanted to annoy you and get greeted by your lovely face.” He said, wearing his proud smirk.
“Well, that trip from the couch to the front door made me tired. I’m going to bed,” You jokingly said, turning around to play into it.
“Noooooooo,” he whined, running over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you, “Be nice to me!”
You felt yourself getting weak in the knees, your head spinning and your stomach churning. You didn’t know how much longer you could possibly put off kissing this boy. Especially when he put on his cute act like this. He could be so sarcastic one minute and so fucking cute the next. How were you supposed to control yourself?
“Okay, okay,” you said laughing, collecting yourself after what felt like an hour but had only been a few seconds. “What should we do?”
“I think it’s been quite a while since a proper game of “Truth or Dare”, wouldn’t you say, (Y/L/N)?” He asked, winking at you. Oh, this fucking boy.
“Of all things to do on a Friday night at 11:15, you want to play Truth or Dare?” You asked, giving him only slight fake tude, crossing your arms over your chest while smiling at him.
He grinned. “As a matter of fact, I do. Sit down. I’ll start.” He finished, patting the spot next to him on the couch.
You rolled your eyes but listened anyway, getting comfy next to him while you waited for him to start.
“Y/N, truth or dare?” Noah asked, staring at you intently.
“Do you still sleep with your nightlight?”
“Um, DUH! You know it gets way too dark in our apartment with these dark ass curtains you picked! I refuse to be tortured because you like to sleep in and not know the sun has risen!”
“That was obviously a touchy subject. My girl thinks the curtains are too dark. Noted.” He laughed as he spoke, obviously getting a kick out of you. He always did.
He would randomly throw in the, “My girl,” comment whenever you would get a bit snarky with him. He always pointed out how you two were already like a married couple. The playful banter would sometimes solicit him making those couply jokes, and as much as they made you melt, you would also realize it didn’t mean what it did to you, to him.
“Hello! Earth to, Y/N! It’s my turn!”
“Sorry. Uh, tr-Truth or dare, Noah?”
“I dare you to go ding dong ditch someone on the 5th floor.” You said, looking down at the ground.
“Y/N, you’re so boring. And I’m way too cozy to be getting up for something so childish right now,” he smirked. “I might as well give myself a dare.”
“Well, why don’t you go on then, Mr. Too Cool For Lame Dares?” You chuckled, looking at him now.
He suddenly got a little more serious, which you knew meant business. He was always lighthearted and happy go lucky. Of course when situations called for it, he was an absolute rock. He gave the best advice, best pep talks and words of encouragement, and you always felt like you had someone on your side. Something must have been weighing on him.
He licked his lips before he spoke. He started slow, “Alright then,” he said, letting out a small nervous, and slightly unsure laugh. “I…. I Dare myself to kiss you, Y/N.”
“You.. what?” Had you heard him right?
“I dare.. I fucking dare myself to fucking kiss you. It’s all I’ve been wanting and needing. This has literally been on my mind for way too long now and it’s driving me crazy. You’re driving me crazy,” he rambled on, his eyes fixated on you for your reaction. “I can’t keep pretending like every time I see you, or every time we hug that I don’t just wanna hold your face and kiss the fuck outta you,” he finished.
You were stunned, mouth open. Speechless, really.
He cleared his throat, his voice sounding much raspier, and sexier, as he reinstated, “So, as long as you’re okay with it and maybe want that too, I dare myself to kiss you.”
“Noah.. I-Uh.. okay,” you silently answered, looking at him with big eyes. You didn’t know how to react, you were worried it was some kind of joke. It didn’t seem real. This handsome, amazing guy, wanting you just as much as you wanted him?
“Okay,” he breathed out a laugh; his breath had hitched as he answered.
He kept his eyes on you as you both slowly leaned in. You closed your eyes and the instant you did that you felt his lips on yours and honestly, you could have cried. Everything felt so right and everything was hazy. You felt yourself get more comfortable and more into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands found your face, as he pulled away from you for a second, eliciting a quiet whimper from you.
“I cannot begin to express how long I’ve wanted this for. And I really cannot explain how beautiful I think you are. Everything about you, Y/N. You’re all I think about. All I thought about while watching that dumb movie was how small and delicate your hands are, how good your hair smells, how your smile literally lights up my day.” He then dropped the contact from your eyes to your neck as he dipped low and kissed your sweet spot. “How badly I want to be with you,” he continued on, sucking your neck a little bit this time. “How badly I need you.”
“Oh Noah,” you moaned, “I want you too. I want you to be mine. I want to be yours. I need you. I really fucking need you.” You were panting at this point, as he was still sucking your neck. You weren’t sure how but you realized at this point your fingers were wrapped between his curls and his breath was shaky against your skin.
“Fuck love. Are you sure you want this? I promise I do, I just want to be sure this is what you want too. I just want you happy, Y/N. I’ve been in love with you from the moment I met you, and I’ve been so nervous to fuck this up. I can’t lose you,” he said, looking back into your eyes, searching to make sure you were okay with what was about to happen.
His words had reassured you, and you finally felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. You gently kissed him, and felt him get into it, lips lightly caressing yours, tongue skimming your bottom lip. You pulled away to say, “I’ve never been so sure, Noah. I’m in love with you too. Always have been. Pretty sure I always will be. Kinda hoping that’s not too honest, but I’m just trying to keep it real,” you laughed a bit.
Noah laughed too, and replied, “You silly, silly girl. You think that honesty of yours isn’t one of the main reasons why I’m so head over heels for you? You’d have thought that in the five years you would have picked up a clue on one of my many obvious signs. Dork,” he teased.
Before you had a moment to retaliate, his hands wandered to your hips and he pulled you in for the most passionate kiss you’ve ever received. He kissed you so gently, yet so fervently, you felt your body turning to mush. He slightly tugged the tips of your hair and you moaned into mouth, allowing him access to slip his tongue in. His warm tongue glided over yours and softly caressed yours. He made you feel so fucking sexy by just kissing, you couldn’t imagine how he could make you feel kissing other parts of you or doing other things with other parts.
You’d only hoped you’d ever be able to find this out. It was your lucky fucking day.
You shifted your body to lay more into him and rested your hand in his lap, only to hear him let out a guttural moan. You’d been so into the heated kiss you hadn’t realized you were a bit further into his lap than you thought and you’d been grazing his dick.
This time, you smirked at him, and went right back in for the kiss, slightly palming him through his jeans, feeling him getting harder with each second that passed by.
“Fuck, Y/N, you make me fucking crazy. You make me feel so good,” he half whimpered, his voice, and his cock, straining.
“C’mere,” he muttered, easily picking you up and shifting you onto his lap. “That’s better,” he grinned cheekily, his hands now resting on your ass.
He put his hand behind your head and pulled you in for another hot kiss. He had one hand resting on your ass, and his other was used to tangle your hair around his fingers. He deepened the kiss by adding his tongue, and you felt your panties absolutely pooling. You needed friction and you were quite sure he definitely wouldn’t mind some.
You stood up, having to break the kiss and having Noah pout at you, to take off your pants. You went to get back on Noah, but he grabbed you gently to stop you. “Tsk, tsk,” he tutted at you. “I believe you’re still wearing too much clothing down there,” he said, pointing to your panties.
“Well, don’t you think the person who has a problem with them, should be the one removing them?” You quizzed, your voice sounding extra sultry and turning Noah on even more so if possible.
“That’s definitely,” he started, getting on his knees in front of you, his head right below your waist, “Not a problem.”
As he finished his sentence, you were a bit confused, but that only lasted a second. He made his way to the elastic band of your panties and locked his teeth into it, pulling them completely off, and pulling you back onto his lap, in one slow, seductive yet swift move.
“That’s better,” he sexily smirked, once again resting his hands on your, now bare, ass.
You decided to be the bold one, and begin to move on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Slowly grinding down on his hardened cock over his jeans, the pressure feeling absolutely out of this world on your clit. You could tell Noah was into it too. Besides his hooded eyes resting directly on your face and his soft moans, his hands were pushing your ass back and forth on him and slightly down a bit, so it felt better for both of you.
You started slow, yes, but fuck, Noah was fucking packing and you couldn’t help but pick up the pace. You started grinding your hips faster, and that still wasn’t enough. Noah felt that you needed more so he pressed down a bit harder and pushed you a bit quicker back and forth over his cock. You couldn’t help but stare down at where your clit was rubbing his jeans and notice the big wet spot pooled on his pants. It felt so dirty, so raw, so fucking hot. Noah’s hands travelled to your tits, as he started to squeeze while you kept your fast rhythm, humping your bare pussy over his jeans.
“Fuck, Y/N.. I feel- I feel you through my jeans. You’re soaking. I need your shirt off. Now. Fuck,” he strained, his voice so raspy and needy.
He removed your shirt quickly, and proceeded to finally remove all of his clothes in one take. You took to your new found favorite place, yet again, on his lap and slowly lowered yourself onto him. You started grinding on his cock again, teasingly slow. The instant your dripping pussy touched his tip, he let out a moan from his belly, a long, dragged out, “Fuuuuuuuuuck.”
He flipped you over so you were beneath him on the couch. Both of you were silently thanking yourselves for deciding to purchase the couch from Ikea that turns into a flat sofa, big enough to be a bed.
He brought a finger to your mouth, in which you happily obliged and allowed him to put his finger tip in and you began to suck on it. He watched you from above, his mouth in a slight “o” shape, precum leaking from his dick from being so fucking goddamn turned on by you.
He removed his finger from your mouth and brought it between your legs and toyed with your slit, expertly gathering up your juices, and slowly bringing his fingers to your clit to rub circles.
“Noah, just like that. Right there. Feels so— yeah, feels so fucking good, Daddy,” you said, trying to wind him up. You had called him it as a joke previously one day during another playful fight, and he tensed up for a bit and shortly went to his room after. You now had a slight hunch as to why.
“Oh my god, Y/N. What are you doing to me?” He moaned, slipping a finger between your folds and then slowly entering your warm, wet, pussy. “You’re so fucking tight. God, I can’t wait to feel my girl wrapped around me. You’re gonna feel so good, love. I’m gonna make you feel so. Fucking. Good.” As he finished his sentence he gave you a couple of nice pumps with his fingers, as he added another one in somewhere along the way and it only heightened your pleasure.
You were a moaning mess and needed him. You weren’t beneath begging. In fact, it turned you on. You wanted Noah to have his absolute fucking way with you.
“Please, I need you Noah. I need you,” you whimpered, feeling his dick now pressed between your folds, slowly grinding up and down on your swollen clit.
“Mmmm, my girl is so polite right now, isn’t she?” He toyed, moving his head down to suck your nipple whilst staring at your eyes.
“Please, Noah. I need to feel your big dick inside me. I need you to fuck me so good that I can’t fucking walk after. I need you to be so deep inside me that all I know is you and your name. I need you to cum for me. Please,” you begged, whimpering as he was still sucking, and now moaning, on your tender nipples.
“You don’t have to fucking ask twice. Especially when you sound so sexy begging for me, love.” He stated, bringing his lips closer to your ear, “I’m going to be the best fuck you’ve ever had. You won’t remember anyone before me, and there certainly will be no one after me, I’ll make fucking sure, love. Grab my shoulders, babe. Or pull my hair. Your call,” he whispered, sucking your ear lobe at the end of his cocky speech. It only made you that much more soaked. You were dripping on his thigh that had been pressed between your legs during the duration. He also noticed this, as he said, “Mmmm, I love feeling you on my thigh. You’re fucking drenched.”
“All for you,” you whispered, totally out of breath at this point. How the fuck did you end up here, naked, under your best friend who you’ve been in love with for all these years, whose also naked and has just professed his love for you, as well? Um, WHO FUCKING CARES, WE GOT HERE!
He slipped a condom on and positioned himself at your entrance. “Like I said, let your hands roam wherever they choose. I’m gonna take you on the ride of your fucking life, princess.”
He slowly entered you, neither of you being able to contain the moans that erupted in your bellies. “Shit,” Noah whimpers, as one of his hands grabs onto the end of the couch, the other around your waist, “You feel so amazing. So warm, so wet. So. Fucking. Tight.”
He was all the way inside you, balls fucking deep. He slowly slipped back out and all the way back in, his cock caressing your insides and making you feel as though you could already cum all over him. You had your head in his neck as he continued pumping himself in and out of you, and you started sucking on his neck.
“Yeah, fuck, that feels so good. You feel so good. Fuck. I can’t believe we waited this long. I love you so much, Y/N. My god, fuck. You’re so fucking tight for me.” Noah said, panting after every other word.
“Oh, I love you too. So much. Shit, yeah Noah! Oh my god, right fucking there, Daddy! You feel so fucking good. Your big cock all the way inside my pussy, you get so fucking deep. My god, go faster. Yeah. Please, please keep fucking going,” you moaned, your voice definitely raising an octave.
“Fuck,” Noah whimpered, pumping faster to keep up with your demands, as he locks eyes with you, his mouth completely open as he slams in and out of you while keeping his fast pace. The couch is shaking and it’s only elevating the sex appeal of the entire situation.
Noah can tell you’re getting close, and he’s feeling like he could bust at any second, so he brings his fingers down to rub fast, hard circles on your clit, while he pumps quickly in and out of you.
“Fuck, Noah, yes. Oh my god, yessssssss! Keep fucking going, just like that,” you yell, turning Noah on more and more with each second that passes. He feels as though he can combust just fucking watching you. You’re absolutely perfect.
“Yeah, you like when I’m fucking you so hard and playing with that pretty pussy of yours? You like when I take care of you huh, my girl? I want you to let me know how fucking good you feel. Let everyone in the building know who’s making you feel this good, love. Cum on my cock, Y/N,” he panted and moaned, sounding just as close to his release as you were.
“Yeah Noah, you make my pussy feel so fucking good. Right there, you’re hitting my spot fuck. I’m gonna cum all over you, fuck. Oh fuck, yeah please, oh my god I’m cumming, Noah!” You yelled, definitely loud enough for all of the neighbors on the 7th floor to know exactly what you’re doing and whose doing it to you. You released all over him, your ears ringing and legs shaking. Your body felt ignited in a way you’ve never experienced before. You wanted him to cum so bad. You needed to see him cum. Ultimately, you needed to be the reason he had to cum. “Fuck, Noah, please cum for me. I need to watch you fall apart on top of me. I need you to show me how good I make you feel. Let me know how much you love my pussy,” you panted, pushing him to his release and his thrusts getting sloppier.
“Fuck, you’re so filthy. My feisty, dirty girl. Who knew you had such a filthy mouth? You’re gonna make me cum, Y/N. Oh fuck, yeah love, fuck I love you. Oh, yeah, shit,” Noah moaned, voice literally raspier than ever as he slammed his hand down on the end of the couch, gripping it for dear life. You felt his cock twitch inside you and his face scrunched up while he moaned inaudible words and chanted your name and he released into the condom, still inside of you, locking eyes with you just as he had cum but he had to close his eyes from the pleasure being so intense.
His body collapsed onto yours, and you wrapped your arms around him, as you both came down from your highs. He was silently tracing shapes on your arm while his head was resting in the crook of you neck, planting small kisses to the spots he had sucked on earlier.
As you both finally caught your breaths, he lifted his head and caught your eyes. He raised his hand to brush away a piece of hair that clung to your sweaty face, as he sweetly and softly laughed.
“I can’t believe I went to that dumb fucking movie and came home to tell you how in love with you I am,” he said, smiling down at you.
“All thanks to a solid game of truth and dare that hardly took off,” you chuckled, staring right back into his gorgeous, sweet eyes.
“Shit,” he said, realizing you hardly got through the game. He smirked, “Y/N, truth or dare?” He asked, as he grabbed your hand.
“I’m too tired for another one of your kind of dares.. Truth,” you said, snorting as you laughed.
He kissed you gently before placing his lips at your ear and whispered, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
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brien-odylan · 6 years
L.I.E. (Love Is Easy)
Title: Falling in love (Part 1)
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien x Reader
Word count: 8.2k
A/N: OMG OMG OMG. I am screaming cause you all have no idea how long I’ve been thinking and writing this fic. I’m not sure how you all will fell about it, but I can honestly hope and pray that you like it. This is the first part two a three pieces series, staring our beloved Dylan O’Brien. lol It’s gonna involve some love triangle (don’t you love it?) and some angst...? Perhaps. 
Massive shout out to @disbestiles who, as always, had to deal with me freaking out about this story and the amazing @hope-stilinski for proofing. Love you girls so much!!!
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Actor commented on Y/N Y/L/N’s photo and made everyone go crazy for a couple of hours
That Noah Centineo is up and about giving us all a heart attack with his beautiful smile and amazing soul is the understatement of the year. The 22-year-old heartthrob took internet's breath away with his wholehearted performance of Peter Kavinsky - Peter K for the friends - in To All The Boys I've Loved Before and from then on he made sure to stay constantly in our minds - and hearts.
Centineo is known for being openly active on social media, with his fun stories on Instagram or thoughtful - as well as mysterious - tweets. However, fans had something to freak out about last weekend, as Sunday the actor liked and commented on a recent photo of model Y/N Y/L/N, to the despair of the fangirls.
Hundred of thousands of replies have been recorded and when asked about it, Centineo laughed it off. “She really is gorgeous. I’m not going to deny that.” (See video below)
Of course, there was nothing from the 26-year-old model, but there are theories going on about it on the internet, theories that have left this journalist open-mouthed. But would Y/N have been having anything with the sweetheart of the moment or is it just a long shot in the dark?
There hasn’t been anything about the two of them meeting in real life and while Noah Centineo is always out and about, the same can’t be said about the model, who likes to keep her privacy and is often seen with another hot-shot, Dylan O’Brien, although neither of them has confirmed any kind of relationship between them and both say they’re only friends.
Whether or not this was just Centineo being a normal guy and complimenting a girl, we can’t stop thinking about how cute of couple those two would make! We even managed to manip our new favorite ship! (See below)
Y/N stared at the screen of her phone a few more moments before cracking up. She couldn’t believe her life had led her to this moment, one she would be featured in teenager magazines and shipped with some new actor she had never met. Of course, she knew who he was, she had watched the movies and she had to admit that he was all that everyone was saying. But had she met him? No, of course not.
Her notifications on Instagram had been blowing up for the past 48 hours, making the girl mute the app and ignore all kind of messages she had been receiving. It was a good idea, no drama, no fans throwing insults at her (something that would happen, she was sure of it), no fans asking things she couldn’t answer, no gossip magazines mentioning her on Twitter… Nothing. It was just Y/N, the bed she had been on, Netflix and some good company. That is until she got a call from her best friend begging her to read that article.
Violet had been in her life for as long as she could remember, her best friend ever since they were little girls playing on the sandbox. They might have taken completely different paths in life, but they were always by each other’s side whenever it was needed. Y/N was willing to read the article because it was Violet who wrote it. She would trust her best friend with everything in her life, even gossips the media wanted to spread.
The fact that Violet had been chosen to write something about her life was completely amusing. Sometimes, she wondered if she had told her boss they were best friends and that was why, but the truth is that she knew, for a fact, that Violet had kept her mouth closed when it came to being friends with someone as famous as Y/N and it could only be the most ridiculous coincidence in the world. No one had ever suspected anything.
With a small smile, Y/N closed the e-mail her friend had sent her and shook her head. As always, Violet had written something so close to the truth without saying anything that she couldn’t believe the way her friend had with words. She had no other way than saying it was perfect and she wouldn’t change a thing.
From: Y/N To: Violet
You know, one of these days they’ll get suspicious as to how you know so much about my life.
From: Violet To: Y/N
I’ll just tell them I stan you. I’m an obsessive fangirl. But how is it?
From: Y/N To: Violet
You know it’s perfect. Now stop freaking out, cause I know you are!
From: Violet To: Y/N
This could very well be my ship!
From: Y/N To: Violet
You are aware that I’m almost 5 years older than him, right?
From: Violet To: Y/N
Oh, sweetie… What is age but a number?
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was reading. There were times she worried about Violet living for far too long in her teenage years with all the young celebrities she had to be in touch with for her job - and for her own pleasure too -. Of course age is just a number, but there was no way Y/N would ever be with Noah Centineo. She was perfectly fine the way she was, with who she was. Even if she didn’t have anyone, exactly, at the time.
Her life was great the way it was and adding drama to it, as the comments had made sure to confirm her worries, was nothing but a waste of time.
Violet sent her just a thumb up as a reply, something Y/N knew that meant she had posted the article and Y/N couldn’t wait to see what else would be said about her after that. With a devious smile on her face, the girl opened her Instagram for the first time that week and clicked on her most recent photo, the comment Noah had left being the first one. And then she clicked on the heart next to it without a second thought.
Instantly, her phone blew up with at least five messages from her best friend.
From: Violet To: Y/N
You bitch!
I can’t believe you just did that
I’m gonna fucking kill you, Y/L/N
Couldn’t you have done it before I posted it?
I hate you so much!
From: Y/N To: Violet
I just gave you another story to write. You should love me!
From: Violet To: Y/N
The laugh that erupted from Y/N was loud and genuine. She loved messing with her best friend to the point of making her professional life a living hell sometimes.
“What’s so funny?” a raspy voice called her out, her laughter slowly dying out as she stared ahead, the once empty room now giving sight to something she quite enjoyed.
There was a reason Y/N liked to keep her life private; There was a reason she found no trouble at all in setting all her apps on mute and that reason was standing right in front of her, his wet chocolate hair dripping into the floor and slowly tracing down his handsome face, leading down past his shoulders, glistening in the fluorescent light against his chest, one she had so many times run her hands over, the marks of her nails still painting in a soft red the pale skin, dying down on the white towel poorly secured around his waist.
Y/N followed all of it in complete silence, her eyes never daring to move from the man standing in the doorway of the bathroom, his caramel eyes focused on her shallow breaths, the way her chest seemed to rise and fall in the bra she was wearing, the only piece of clothing her upper body was sporting. Her eyes had turned into a darker shade, something he could see from where he was, something he enjoyed a little too much. Her long legs, hidden under the white thick duvet, squirmed under his intense stare, her insides churning in excitement as she watched his hungry eyes roam all over her.
Dylan had known Y/N for a good three years. They had been introduced in a party Shelley had thrown and hit it off immediately. At the time, both of them had completely different lives, both of them dated and there was nothing more than genuine friendship. They were both easy people to talk to, had pretty much the same interests and even though they had super busy schedules, it was always easy to talk through messages and phone calls.
It all started to change, though, when both of their relationships went down the drain and what once was an innocent friendship saw there the chance to change into something else. There was no name to what they had, they hadn’t talked about it. A whole year had gone without it being fully addressed, but it wasn’t just a friends with benefits thing and they both knew it. It was something else, something that, as much as they liked to deny, with deeper feelings involved. It wasn’t easy to simply hide it from everyone. They had to be cautious, they couldn’t let people out of their friends' circle get suspicious, they couldn’t let anyone notice how much they meant to each other.
It was easier that way, less dramatic, more personal, something they would only share with people they were comfortable with. And yet they weren’t anything official. There was something dreadful in being in a committed relationship when they had started whatever they had. The ghosts of their pasts still lingering over them, so it was only natural to take things as they came, to move around it and see where it was going to lead them. But maybe neither of them had thought it would last this long without coming to a real thing. They had grown used to how they worked and thought that there was nothing to be talked about.
“It’s just Violet,” she shrugged it off, her brain finally snapping out of her thoughts. There was something she would never be able to do when standing anywhere near that man, and it was stopping fantasizing about him. He was like her own kind of Greek god, the personification of a sacred deity thrown into this Earth to be of her delight. There could be a thousand lifetimes and there weren’t going to be one of them that she didn’t find him handsome, no matter what. He just caused that kind of feelings on her.
“Oh,” he muttered, his body leaning off the wood, his soft steps echoing through the floor as he made his way to the girl. “I thought we were supposed to pretend we were stranded in a deserted island,” he smirked, his eyes ravishing over her exposed chest, taking every inch of her skin in, his tongue darting out of his mouth to run over his smooth lips.
“You were taking a little too long on that shower,” Y/N murmured, her eyes wide open as she watched the man walking up to her, her hands twitching in excitement to run over his torso and add a few more scratch marks to it. The hunger in his eyes was like fuel to her, burning too bright and hot that she felt it in her core, her breath fanning over her his face, now too close to her and yet too far. He was towering over the girl, his body hovering hers, not touching an inch of it, much to her dismay. “I had to keep myself entertained,” she breathed out, her lips brushing against his in a feeble attempt of toying with him, baiting him in her mercy; he didn’t buy it. Dylan knew her way too well.
“I’m sure you could have thought of better ways to do it,” he mumbled, his hand slowly tracing the curve of her neck, intertwining in her hair softly, caressing her while still running his tongue over his lips, watching as she tried to keep her eyes on his, but failing to unfocus from his mouth. “I’m sure you could’ve just…” he started once again, his hand now retreating from the hair and sliding down her arms, softly and slowly, the touch leaving goosebumps in its wake as his breath fanned down on her, her eyes now shut in anticipation. “You could’ve just joined me.”
Dylan left no time for a reply, it was never his intention. Without a single second to spare, his lips crashed down on hers, roughly and hungry, their breaths mingling and panting, the only sound in the bedroom aside from the occasional smacks of their lips. Dylan’s hands couldn’t find a home, traveling from her arms to her waist, pulling her closer to him, feeling her chest flush against his, her warmth spreading through him as a safety blanket, her legs freeing from the confines of the duvet before closing around him at the same time his hands reached her back, his fingers carefully running down her spine, the touch so gentle she couldn’t help but moan at the feeling it caused, her back arching off the bed and into him, her mouth opening in the shape of an O.
Dylan took it as his advantage, sliding his tongue into her mouth in a wet kiss, the muscle exploring every corner of her mouth, massaging her own tongue before fighting for dominance over the kiss, which she surrendered to him. Y/N kissed him in abandonment as if leaving her whole life to him, giving him everything she had, everything she would ever have.
She clutched to his neck fiercer, her fingers slipping into his hair and pulling at the roots with wanton, desperately trying to draw a moan out of him, with success. He could never get enough of that woman and she knew exactly what to do to get him going, but if he was to ever make it to their appointment, he would have to put an end to it and soon. He could feel himself coming up with excuses to his friends as to why he didn’t show up to their party already.
Gasping out for air, Dylan broke their connection, his nose running along her cheeks to her shoulders, leaving open-mouthed kisses on her collarbone, his mind reminding him of not leaving any visible mark on her skin before, finally, sucking in the skin on her chest, right above her breast, a small gasp coming out of her throat, her eyes still closed as she bit her lips together in pleasure.
“You should get ready,” Dylan murmured against her skin, his lips still taunting her endlessly.
“Can’t we just… Skip it?” Her voice sounded so broken for having to leave at that exact moment. She just wanted to spend the rest of the evening lying on that bed at his mercy. The real world could suck sometimes.
“Again?” Dylan chuckled, his face now in front of hers. “Didn’t we just skip your friend’s party yesterday?”
“And look at how much more fun we had,” she bargained, her Y/E/C eyes dark in want as she stared at him. His beard always seemed to make him look a hundred times more attractive and although it hid the beautiful moles he had, she loved when he let it grow, the feeling of it against her face was amazing, the way it burned her thighs when he ate her out indescribable. Dylan O’Brien had the power of making her turn into putty by only being in the room and he knew it.
The actor smiled down at the girl, pressed a lingering kiss to her lips and pulled away before she could get too carried away.
“Go get ready, beautiful,” he laughed walking away.
Contrary to his belief, they actually left home and just in time to miss the rush hour, something both of them were glad. It was one thing to be stuck in traffic when you didn’t have much to do, but when you had a party, even if a small gathering, the anxiety of being in the same place for too long would be too much.
Y/N sat in the passenger seat, enjoying the view of the city flashing past them as the car headed south, a low song playing on the radio, keeping the atmosphere in the vehicle serene and light. Golden specks of light entered through the windshield, the last rays of sunshine of the day illuminating their skin in a golden tone, Dylan’s eyes hidden by his black ray-ban focusing on the road ahead.
She took the time to admire it all, the way his hands held the steering-wheel expertly, sliding across it every now and then, the same hands she loved running around her body, the same hands she loved to just hold and have it clasped around hers. The sunlight kissed his skin almost adoringly, highlighting his cheekbones and adding a new color to the speck of tones she had seen his face turn into. Y/N knew that if Dylan were to take off his glasses at that moment, his eyes wouldn’t be the same caramel color they always were; they would have turned into a liquid amber-color like someone had melted gold and poured into his irises. It was mesmerizing and breathtaking, worth of losing herself into them. And she had, so many times it was beyond her comprehension, but she didn’t mind one bit.
Y/N reached her hands over the handbrake, her palm turned up in an obvious sign of telling Dylan something. His right hand let go of the steering-wheel, intertwining on hers without a second thought, his face turning to her side with a smile plastered on his lips, the devotion his eyes held hidden by the dark shades he had on. It was at times like these that the actor felt like he had everything he could have asked for. Everything felt right, even if it didn’t seem like it.
There was something about the way their hands seemed to fit effortlessly, how they always had been thinking the same thing before speaking it, how they seemed to be in the exact same place when it came to their lives. It was uncanny that they should be together. Everyone had said so, from his friends to his family, always bugging him about it, saying that he had to properly ask her to be his girlfriend. A girl like that wasn’t easy to find, that’s what his dad said whenever they visited. But it wasn’t so simple. They had been ‘together’ for so long that he just couldn’t see the right way or the right time to do it. They had fallen into a pattern that their relationship was real and official, even if unspoken, even if hidden from the world.  Saying something just felt like doubting everything they had ever had.
“Have I ever told you how much I like when you bring me to Hermosa?” Her voice disrupted his train of thought, bringing him back into reality and to the car, his hand still wrapped around hers as he drove down the road, the sun barely visible in the horizon. She had perked up in her seat, something Y/N always seemed to do when she wanted to share some kind of secret. It was endearing watching her whole self light up at the idea of telling someone something she deemed intimate.
“You do?” His eyes went back to hers, watching the excitement take over her features, her eyes brightening as she looked back at him in innocence, her head tilted to the side as if she couldn’t believe he was asking her that.
“Of course I do!” She hooted. “What’s not to like? The beautiful beach washing over the shore? The pier allowing me to walk over to the middle of the ocean? The nice almost-white sand under my feet?” Y/N proposed, her fingers snapping up as she listed everything she had said. “Not to mention the fact that everything seems so peaceful every time we’re there, almost like all this craziness hasn’t reached it.”
Dylan smiled. He understood everything she was saying and couldn’t help but agree. It seemed like they were in a safe environment every time they were there, the world could fall apart and yet they would remain one. It seemed strange that a place could hold such importance to them. It made sense to him, with his teenage years spent in Hermosa, his friends, his family. It was like going home every time he needed to go back, and the fact that Y/N felt the same way meant something to him. He didn’t know what yet, but it had something to do with the fact that his chest would feel warm sharing with her all the memories he had of the place, whenever he told her something that he had done on a specific street, or how many times he had walked down the pier and stared at the ocean for hours on end.
It didn’t mind what it was or how silly it seemed to anyone else. She would listen to him intently and appreciate the fact that he felt like he could share it with her, could trust on her with bits of him that weren’t on full display. And she loved it. She loved listening to him talking, she loved picturing his younger version doing all the things coming out of his mouth. Maybe that was why she loved that place so much.
As the days went by and things went back to their normal course, there was one thing that didn’t seem to change: the fact that Y/N and Dylan could now be seen together almost every day. It was no surprise to anyone, of course, as they have admitted they were friends, but what no one could ignore was that there was something different about them, some kind of unspoken feeling that didn’t seem so perceptible before.
They were always wearing smiles in public, despite how many people swarmed over them to take pictures, their bodies were closer to each other, their hands slightly touching and brushing against one another more often than not. To the whole world, it could mean nothing, but to teenage magazines and fangirls, it could be the information they all needed to start the rumors.
After what seemed to be a long and agonizing day, all Y/N wanted was to just cease all communication with the world and head home, get in the bathtub and and have a long and relaxing bubble bath as she tried to get her mind of all the things that had been told her that day, all the dates, names and meetings she had to memorize. And while there was nothing more than the feeling of having a good rest on her mind, there was one more thing she had to do, but it could never be considered a job for her.
The door to the small coffee shop was pushed open and in went a heavily dressed Violet, a gush of air following her as the journalist scanned the place in search for her best friend. Shrugging the coat out of her shoulders, Violet made her way one of the tables in the back, her eyes keeping contact with the girl sitting there as she sipped on her latte carefully, blowing some of the hotness away before she could put the cup to her lips again.
“I swear I’ll never get over this cold,” the girl said when she finally reached her friend, her coat now hanging in the back of the chair as she plopped herself down ungracefully, her feet kicking the table legs. “The main reason I came to California was to get rid of it.”
Y/N chuckled lightly, her hand pushing a cup of hot chocolate towards the brunette, her eyes rolling as she watched the journalist shake the gloves out of her hands and hug the warm cup as if all the warmth in her body depended on it. The temperature had dropped significantly that day, something no one was expecting in the late days of October, but by the way Violet was behaving, it almost felt like they were leaving in the new glacial era. Y/N knew her friend wasn’t keen on the cold and her core temperature must have been a little higher than most people, but she was being a little bit too much.
The model shook her head and sipped on her latte one more time, a smile never leaving her face as she watched her best friend straighten up her back and take a deep breath as she felt herself getting warmed up by the hot drink going down her throat.
“As much as I would love to spend the rest of my evening with you,” Y/N started, her fingers drumming against the plastic cup she had been holding. “I know this is not a friendly meeting, Let,” she smiled. “Your bosses want something, right?”
Let chocked on her drink, her eyes tearing up as she coughed and tried to regain the breath she had lost, her right hand hitting against her chest in a feeble attempt of getting better sooner. She knew Y/N would have guessed something of the sorts and she wasn’t wrong, but the fact that she had been so open about it like there was no other possibility for their meeting had caught her by surprise. Maybe Let wasn’t so smooth about it as she had thought.
“I know you, Let,” Y/N giggled, her hand reaching across the table and touching her friend’s arm in a reassuring way. “It’s not like I think you’re using our friendship, come on. I just know you had an ulterior reason to be here today. I don’t blame you.”
The journalist took a deep breath, a small apologetic smile on her face as she turned her head to her best friend. There was no point in lying to her, not after everything they had been through, not after all the years they had known each other. If there was anyone she could always come out and be honest, it was Y/N Y/L/N and she knew it.
Her job required her nagging and digging the dirty of the famous Hollywood people, mainly the ones that had their fanbase composed majority of teenagers and young adults. Unfortunately, it included Y/N and both girls knew what they were up to when they signed up for the lifestyle they had chosen.
“Ok, here’s the thing,” Let started, her body leaning over the table as if she was about to tell a secret, her voice dropping significantly low. “There have been some pictures of you and Dylan going around for the past few weeks and everyone is going nuts. You won’t believe how these people think your life is their business,” she rolled her eyes.
“I think I know how it is,” Y/N smirked, her cup raising as if in a toast.
“No, you don’t. It’s so much more than you can imagine,” Let shuddered. “Anyways, the fact is: they won’t stop until they figure it all out and while I’m here to, officially, get something out of you, I’m also here as your best friend to alert you there are some reporters that are trying to trick the both of you into admitting it. I don’t know how it’s gonna go, but it’s gonna happen.”
Y/N took a deep breath. She couldn’t understand why those people were so invested in her life, why they wanted to know so desperately whether she was dating Dylan or not. She didn’t have the answer to that question herself. It was a complicated thing that neither of them had addressed yet and while it seemed like things had escalated for the past few weeks, no one had said anything about it being official or not.
All the circus the media had been planning around her life certainly didn’t help it and the fact that Violet was there to tell her that meant that they were really interested in what’s happening. It wasn’t like they had anything else to do, right? Not like there were far worse problems in the world. What had happened to people being free to do whatever they wanted to without being judged? It had never applied to her or anyone else in the same position as her.
“I’ll tell them nothing’s going on, of course,” Violet said interrupting the girl’s thoughts. “I mean, I would never tell them anything you don’t want me to, Y/N/N, and you know that. I just had to come here and act as if I was doing my job so they wouldn’t get suspicious.”
Y/N nodded, her eyes still not focused on the girl in front of her. “It’s not like I would know what to tell you, Let,” she sighed.
The tone of defeat was evident in her voice, something Let had never seen before. Y/N had always been so bubbly and happy, taking things as they went and never thinking too much about it. That’s how she had ended up in that kind of relationship with Dylan in the first place.
Upon seeing her best friend so lost and her eyes still no focusing on her, Violet knew that there was something going through Y/N’s mind, something she hadn’t let out yet and it was consuming her.
“What happened?” The journalist pressed, her hand reaching for her best friend’s, squeezing it tightly in a soothing way of saying she could open up and tell her.
Y/N took a deep breath before looking at the girl she had known for almost all her life. There was something pressing on her chest, something she couldn’t quite tell what it was, something she felt changing in the past few weeks, but she couldn’t understand it.
“Y/N/N, I know something is up, so if you feel like you can’t tell me, to the hell with it. You know you can trust me. You know I’m here for you whatever it is.”
“I don’t know what it is,” she finally admitted, her eyes looking lost in thought as she shook her head. “I don’t know, Let. I just feel like I’m completely lost in my emotions. It’s all over the place and there’s this agonizing pressure in my chest as if someone was trying to prevent the air from entering my lungs. And it’s all gone whenever I’m with Dylan, ok? It’s like I can breathe properly, like the day is so much brighter and the skies are suddenly blue. I smile a lot more, everything is beautiful. And I hate it. Oh God, how I hate it.”
There was a moment of silence before Violet looked at the girl, her eyes burning into the side of Y/N’s face, trying to keep her façade for a little bit longer, but it was impossible. That was when the laughs came out of the journalist, her mouth opening in a fit of giggles escaping from her throat.
Y/N looked at her in bewilderment. She had just told her everything that had been going on with her, all the weird stuff she had been feeling and that was how Violet would react? Laughing loudly at her while dozens of people stared at them? Some best friend she had gotten.
After what felt like an eternity, and several attempts of shushing the brunette down, she finally came out of her stupor, her eyes tearing up a little bit at the sides, her breathing erratic and her fingers a little shaky as she tried to wipe some of the tears that had managed to escape.
“Oh my God, Y/N/N, I love you to death, but damn, you’re so thick sometimes,” was the first thing to come out of her mouth as soon as she regained the ability to speak. The look of confusion the model gave her had her shaking her head one more time. “You like him!” She explained.
“Of course I do!” Y/N rolled her eyes. “I think we’re way past that now, Let.”
“No, no,” Violet interrupted her. “You don’t get it. Of course you like him, you’ve been friends for years. What I mean is... You like like him. You’re in love with him, Y/N, and it’s so obvious, so goddamned obvious and you don’t see it.”
Whatever it was that Y/N thought was happening to her, it wasn’t it. How could she have been so oblivious to the way she felt about Dylan? How could she reach the point in her life that she couldn’t recognize what she was feeling?
The realization of her new found emotions for Dylan was just too much. How could she fall in love with him? How could it have happened out of nowhere?
“Stop laughing!” Y/N screeched, her hands now covering her face as she shook her head non-stop. When had it happened? “It’s not funny.”
“Well, I think it’s hilarious,” Violet admitted, her hands folding in front of her chest as she watched the girl in front of her scan her brain for signs of it happening before. “I love the fact that you’re so deep into this guy that you didn’t even see yourself falling for him. Can’t blame you, though. He is gorgeous and super sexy. Not to mention the fact that he’s fun.”
“Violet! We’re having a serious conversation here. Can you please concentrate?”
“Ok, ok,” she took a deep breath. “I’m here for you now.”
“When the hell did it happen?”
That was the only thing that was on Y/N’s mind at that moment. She wasn’t going to spend her time trying to prove Let wrong, she wasn’t going to come up with excuses as to why she was acting that way. It was true. She had fallen for him without realizing it, she had let all her guards down the first minute she met him and it was only obvious that it had happened. But why now? Why after so much time? Why when she felt like she couldn’t say anything without ruining whatever they had?
“I don’t know,” Violet said. “You tell me. When did it happen?”
If Y/N were to be totally true to herself, she would say it had happened the moment she met him, the moment she walked into the party Shelley was having and saw him in the back of the room, his head thrown back, his eyes closed and his mouth open as he laughed at whatever his friends had told him. He looked so genuine and out of worries, his face scrunching up in the most adorable way whenever he smiled or laughed. His voice carried away and entered her ears and she thought she could hear him talking for days on end, not once growing tired of listening to him.
She wasn’t going to lie. That was one of the main reasons she walked up to him, her breath caught in the back of her throat, when he was in the kitchen pouring a ridiculous amount of vodka in his cup. She knew it was wrong, she knew she had a boyfriend and most likely she had a girlfriend either. There was no way such a guy was single. But they hit it off so innocently, bonding over small things they had in common and from then on, they could never stop talking to one another.
Maybe she always had second intentions, her subconscious already knowing they would get along so much and eventually fall in love, but it had forgotten to warn her. Everything seemed so natural and light-hearted when it came to Dylan that she never saw it coming and now that it had exploded right in front of her face, she didn’t know what to do.
“To be honest?” She whispered. “I think it was always there, but it only came to light a couple of weeks ago.”
The inquisitive look on Violet’s face was all it took for Y/N to sigh and shake her head. It was time to explain what had happened that day in Hermosa Beach...
The party had died down already when Y/N took a seat next to Dylan on the couch, his arm lazily draping around her shoulders and pulling her closer to him, a drunk smile on his face as he stared at her.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said in a low voice, his eyes piercing into hers as she stared right back at him, a small smile on her face as she took in his appearance. He seemed a little bit agitated on the car like his mind was running a million miles per hour and he couldn’t focus, but now, seeing him chatting with his friends, seeing him laugh, drink and relaxed, she felt like he was finally himself and all her worries had vanished. “I missed you,” he blurted out.
Y/N bit her lower lip, containing the smile that seemed to live in her face ever since they walked into the party. Everything had been different that night, with them being able to act as if no one was seeing them, all the lies and acts put aside.
Dylan’s friend had been nothing but nice to her, making her feel like she belonged, including her in evert conversation they were having, telling her stories of young Dylan that she didn’t know yet only to have him rolling her eyes at them and pulling her closer to him, whispering how he would kill them into her year, only to have her laugh at him and shake her head. It wasn’t like the public moments they had had, it felt like they were back in her apartment and no one could see them. She liked it.
“I was just in the kitchen,” she smiled, her left hand intertwining with the one of his that was hanging on her shoulder, their fingers knitting together expertly like they were supposed to stay that way.
“Well, it took you too long,” he whispered bringing his head closer to hers, their foreheads touching, noses bumping slightly. “You’re not leaving my sight again.”
The girl smiled at him, her lips coming dangerously close to his this time, a small breath escaping her before she connected their mouths in a small kiss, her lips unmoving over his, the smile still present.
“Is that a promise?” She breathed out.
But before Dylan could say anything, before he could let go of the cup he had been holding on his right hand, someone else beat him to it and clasped their hand on his, pulling him up the couch, a smirk on their face as they stared at the moment they interrupted.
“Come on, Dyl, you were picked to start it,” the guy said, his hand passing a microphone to a dazed and confused Dylan, his hands holding the object out of reflection.
The actor looked around trying to understand what was going on, the smile on Y/N’s lips widening as she saw what was about to happen.
“If any of you put Wannabe, I’ll love you forever,” the girl announced, the look of betrayal now evident on Dylan’s face as he looked at her shaking his head.
“If any of you do it, I’ll kill you,” he threatened, his voice slurring a little bit, not carrying any danger, and gave a pointed look at a giggling Y/N, telling her she would regret it later.
“Come on, Dylan,” one of the girls shouted from the back. “Do as your girl pleases. Woo her with your amazing vocals.”
Dylan rolled his eyes at all the remarks, his head shaking as he turned to the screen and typed the song he was looking for. There was no way he was going to give them the pleasure of singing what they wanted. Instead, before anyone could interrupt him, he turned to Y/N and winked, the first accords of the guitar ressonating through the sound system and instantly entering her brain, her eyes widening as she recognized just what song he had picked.
“That’s right,” he said in a smug way when everyone saw the look on the girl’s face. “I know exactly what my girlfriend likes.”
She heard it. She heard the word he had said and didn’t feel like correcting him. There was something about the way it rolled out of his tongue and entered her ears that felt perfectly normal, as if he was meant to direct that word to her, to call her that. And she liked it quite a lot and hoped to God that the fact that he was drunk didn’t mean anything, that he still wanted to address her like that when he was sober.
As soon as the first words to the song started, her attention went back to the music and the tall brunette standing in front of her, the lyrics rolling out of his tongue with expertise as he had listened to it countless times before singing it to her. Maybe it was true for the amount of times she had played it in the car when they were driving with no destination. Maybe he chose it because she liked it and it didn’t mean anything, but as soon as he looked into her eyes and sang her most favorite part, she prayed it wasn’t the case.
She wanted it to be real, she wanted him to tell her exactly what he was singing, she wanted him to fall in love with her. And there was a small possibility that he already was, but she couldn’t be certain without talking to him first. And that scared her a lot.
“So he sang Falling in love while his friends were there and you still don’t know if he feels the same way about you?” Violet blurted out, having been quiet for far too long after listening to the story Y/N had just told her.
“Well, it’s just a song,” the model defended herself.
“It’s just your favorite song from your favorite band, one that goes on and on about how a guy could fall in love with a certain girl and says that every day should be a new day to make her smile and find a new way of falling in love, Y/N! Are you really that oblivious or are you doing that to annoy me?”
Y/N looked at her friend for a few seconds before sighing, her head falling against the table as she thought about how stupid she had been in the first place. She couldn’t understand how she hadn't seen it all before, how she had  left it all slip through her fingers. Thankfully, not too late, but that was a wild guess.
“Ok, here’s what you’re gonna do.” Violet started. She wasn’t going to sit around and not say anything anymore. “You’re gonna go home and think about everything. Reevaluate this relationship of yours and come to a conclusion: do you want more? You don’t need to tell me, but you gotta stop playing tricks on yourself, Y/N/N. You love him and it’s pretty obvious he loves you too. Shouldn’t you all stop pretending there aren’t any deeper feelings and just admit it to yourselves?”
Everything Violet had said that day hadn’t left Y/N’s mind for a second.  All she had done ever since their conversation was think and think a little bit more about everything she had been living, trying to see if her feelings for Dylan were real or not and the conclusion she had gotten to was that they, indeed, were.
There wasn’t a single moment she didn’t wish they could be together, even if just sprawled on the couch and watching a movie. She didn’t care if he were too exhausted to do anything, she just wanted to be able to feel her presence around her, to feel his strong arms wrapping around her and cradling her into his chest. She wanted to hear the faint thud of his heart beating against his chest, feel his hands running through her back.
Y/N often found herself staring at Dylan’s face, admiring the small constellation of moles he had adorning his pale skin, the way his beard failed to grow in some spaces, the way his lips seemed to protrude a little bit, how his eyes would change colors depending on the light, going from a rich whiskey-color to a light amber.
But addressing her feelings, letting them be known was something completely different. She had admitted it to herself and that was a huge step, one that shouldn’t be taken so close to the end of the year, when everything seemed so much hectic.
When Y/N opened the front door of her close that December evening, she didn’t expect to be engulfed in the warm air that hit her face, or the smell of something she couldn’t quite detect in the oven, even less the candlelit lights that seemed to enlighten the apartment.
Delicately, she stepped into the living room, her eyes trying to adjust to the low glow of the fire coming from the candles scattered around the place, her purse thrown into the couch as she took her shoes off. She wasn’t worried about what could be happening at her own place, as she was certain it had something to do with the mop of brown hair running around her kitchen, his hands holding a pan carefully enough to not drop it. She didn’t know, however, what he had planned.
Her steps, light enough to not be heard, led her to the kitchen, stopping right under the threshold, her shoulder leaning against it as she watched the man maneuver his way around, always securing everything with his two hands before letting it go silently on her counter.
The smell coming from the oven was delicious, her mouth salivating at the thought of the homemade meal she was about to get that night. It was nice watching him feeling so comfortable around her kitchen, knowing exactly where everything was and where he should reach as if he was part of the house.
Y/N had come to the conclusion that she could keep looking at him for days and never get tired of it. There was something about him that made her entice, under his spell and it was very much likely because she was in love with him. There was no denying.
Dylan had already noticed her standing there, her eyes glued to his figure as he tried his best to not spill anything on her white tiles. He liked the attention he was getting, her gaze on him causing a warm sensation to spread across his chest.
Setting the final pan aside, Dylan turned to the girl and smiled, his arms crossed in front of him as he waited for her to snap out of her daze, a smirk playing on his lips when she shook her head at him.
“Don’t say a word,” she warned, her index finger pointed at him as she made her way to where he was.
“I wasn’t planning to,” he said back, pushing the girl against his chest and closing his arms around her, kissing her plump lips before any of them could do anything else.
Y/N didn’t know if it was because of her feelings, but there was something else in this kiss. It was simple and short-lived, but she could feel he was trying to say something, with the way his lips lingered a little bit longer on hers and his hands grasped her sides tightly.
“Hi,” he said when he pulled back, their faces still close enough so he could feel her breath fanning against this skin.
“Hi,” she smiled, her arms circling around his neck, her fingers playing with the small hairs he had in a soothing way, his eyes shutting close at the feeling. “Didn’t know we had planned something.”
“We didn’t,” he shrugged, his eyes boring into hers, his tongue darting out of his lips and running over it. “Just thought it would be nice since you’re leaving tomorrow and won’t be back until after the holidays.”
A wider smile spread on her face at that moment. All the doubts she thought she could have had suddenly disappeared and there was only Dylan now. The rain clouds had dissipated.
“And that’s when you leave sir, so tell me… How is that fair that I can’t retribute the favor?”
“Who said you couldn’t?”
And it was seeing him there, standing in the middle of her kitchen with his arms around her, his eyes piercing right into her soul, that she knew she had to tell him everything. She knew that it was never one-sided.
To be continued…
Taglist:  @disbestiles , @hope-stilinski, @mf-despair-queen, @belleknows, @savage-stilinski, @centxneo, @golddaggers, @thebeardedcentineo, @apkavy, @inkstiles, @mrs-mitch-rapp93, @mrscutiefandobhaz, @mischiefandi, @akumakoronso
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cent-noah · 6 years
Never Love This Way Again
Author: @cent-noah
Pairing: Noah x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: fluff!!!!!!
A/N: Ok, so... I just had to listen to a song and think of it, right? Because I can’t be a normal person and enjoy a music without thinking of a fic. *sighes* Hope you all enjoy it! Also, I know it’s November, but I’m in Christmas spirits already. 
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(This is the song they dance to)
There was a warm aura inside the house, orange and yellow lights crackling from the fire lit up in the fireplace, washing over the walls and furniture, making the room seem more inviting and comfortable than it already was. There was a smell lingering in the air, taking over the whole house, infesting each room in the most delicious way. It was a concoction of flavors, sweet, sour, salty, each and every one of them adding to the ambiance the owner of the house was trying to create. Fairy lights decorated the living room, twinkling every few seconds in the tall green tree on the supposedly dark corner, illuminating the whole area brightly, showing the face of the small angels and nutcrackers adorning the leafy branches, bringing life into the now empty room.
The low humming sound coming from the kitchen could barely be heard and it would take trained ears to pick up the melody it was going to, but it didn’t matter to the girl standing there, going around the wide space with her eyes closed, feeling the energy of the air, summery and delightful in comparison to the one outside, so gloomy and cold. Her hands expertly reaching for the plates and dishes she needed, her hips swinging to the song coming from the opened laptop in the countertop, a smile plastered on her face as the memories invaded her thoughts, images of what she had gone through the years, images of the person she was with, all so very vibrant and calm.
Loving Noah was like that. It was like a Sunday summer afternoon, a breath of fresh air entering suffocating lungs. It was easy, it was living, it was looking into the future and seeing them together, hand in hand. It wasn’t complicated, it was patient, and above it all, it was reciprocal. She knew that for every day she had loved and wanted to be with him, he was right there with her, feeling the same, working through their difficulties to keep the flame alive, to keep their relationship as pure as it had always been, no interference from the outside world, no matter what. Gossips would always be a constant thing in his life, therefore something that would be present in her days too, but the trust they had in one another prevailed it all.
That was why it didn’t feel like a wintery day could spoil her night, that was why she would happily hum to whatever song would come next, that was why she had a smile on her face even when she was left alone in that house for day, even when she knew he could walk in any second and see her making a fool of herself. She didn’t care. She would gladly keep doing it, celebrating her happiness, her relationship, the constant reason to make her sway to silly love songs.
And it was amidst that train of track, so lost into her own mind, that Y/N didn’t hear when the front door opened, a gust of cold air infiltrating the warm home they had made for themselves, heavy footsteps echoing through the hallway, entering the living room and soon stopping under the threshold, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest as he watched the girl using a wooden spoon as a microphone, oblivious to everything else around her as she closed her eyes shut, her back turned to him, her hair falling in long waves down her shoulders.
Noah stood there contemplating her, wondering what he had done to have deserved such a girl into his life, one that never failed to amaze him, one that could bring a smile to his face even when she didn’t mean to, one that could fit perfectly in his arms, one that shared more than just moments with him; shared secrets, feelings, decisions, house... The girl that he would do whatever it took to keep by his side, the girl he would wait for a thousand years and more.
The man kept his eyes trained on her dancing frame, the swaying of her hips as the slow song continued, ever so slightly, in the hot kitchen. Her feet moving from one position to another, toying with the tiles, never stepping on the lines, her hands wrapped around herself as she pretended she was dancing with someone - he could only hope it was him -, her head falling back in a giggle every now and then. She seemed so pure, so untroubled that he didn’t have the heart in him to walk up to her and disrupt her moment of blissful happiness, even when all he wanted to do was to join her. So he just watched. Watched as she danced and prepared whatever she was cooking, her back always turned to him, completely neglecting the fact that she was being observed, lost in her own world that consisted of Noah and nothing else.
The song changed into another one, the type never really changing, the same soothing, calming beat coming from the speakers, but this time the choice caught his attention, his ears perking up when he heard her singing along in a slightly off key tone, not caring about anything. And he loved that. He loved that she didn’t have the perfect kind of voice, he loved that she would try to tone the song down on her own and he loved that she didn’t care at all when she went too much high-pitched or her voice wouldn’t come out. She would shrug and say that she was a bad singer, but she sang emotionally. And that she did. She could put too much emotion sometimes, dragging a smile out of him for that.
And as much as he had tried to restrain himself from making his presence known, he couldn’t help the steps he took into the kitchen as he noticed the chorus coming back, his arms reaching out for her ever so slowly, hands resting on her waist as he feels her jump slightly by his surprising touch, her heartbeat calming down a little when she realized it was him, his nose snuggling into her neck, breathing in her scent, his lips skimming her skin and placing a soft kiss to the point where it connected to her shoulders.
Y/N smiled, her eyes closed as she tilted her head back, leaning her whole body against Noah’s in a sweet surrender, her movements never stopping, making him dance along with her. She never faltered, not even when she felt his hands sliding across her body, gripping her more tightly and turning her into his arms, her palms pressed against his chest as he smiled down at her, a lingering kiss pressed to her forehead as he, too, sang along to the music, both of them looking into each other’s eyes, lost in the sea of emotions and unsaid words, mirroring their movements unconsciously, voices dropping low as the singing from the computer grew louder, the voice of the singer lulling them into a deep trance.
It wasn’t something new, that complicity between the two of them, but there was something in the air that night. Maybe it was the time of the year, that made everyone feel things with more intensity, maybe it was the silence in the house, the whole mood they seemed to create without even meaning to. Whatever it was, Noah could feel his heart beating faster, his hands feeling clammy around her waist and a hundred thousand butterflies dancing around in his stomach. He could feel his breath start to get a bit labored every time he looked at their faint reflection in the window, the way they seemed to be made for each other, the way she had her head pressed against his chest. And she looked beautiful in the dim light as the snow fell outside, white dots of ice covering the windowsill.
As if noticing his trembling hands, Y/N tilted her head up, her eyes finding Noah’s once again, a genuine smile adorning their faces as the chorus repeats one more time. “I know... I’ll never... Love this way again,” they both mumbled at each other, their smiles growing wider as they keep swaying from side to side as the music faded out leaving them in the most complete silence.
In the cozy atmosphere of the kitchen, with some sparing white light coming from the outside through the nearly covered in snow window, their breaths mingled, their bodies still pressed against one another, another music playing in the background being completely neglected by them. There was only the two of them and their beating hearts. Noah, as he always did when those moments showed, took the time to admire Y/N again, from closer now. The way her eyes twinkled under the light, how her head reached up to the base of his shoulders, making him tower over her in the most protective way, her hair tickling his chin slightly, something he would always enjoy, something he always missed when he wasn’t around. He could feel her hands grasping the back of his shirt tightly, wrinkling the fabric with no concern, pulling him closer to her, warmth spreading through them.
“You’re home early,” Y/N was the first to speak, her voice a low whisper not wanting to break the mood they had created snapping him out of his thoughts, a smile coming to place itself over his face at the sound of her soft tone.
“Didn’t I tell you?” he whispered back, his hands running from her waist to her back in a soothing way, his breath fanning down her head. “I’ve got a Christmas Eve dinner I can’t miss.”
The girl laughed lowly, reaching on the tip of her toes to plant a short kiss on his lips, the man wanting it to last longer than it had, puckering his lips as she pulled away from him, her back once again turned as she made her way to the oven to check the food she had been preparing before he interrupted her.
And it was then that he realized that he didn’t want those moments to end. If he could, he wanted to go back home to see her every night. The right pocket in his pants felt heavier, his hand patting over the fabric to make sure the volume he had stored in there was still away from her field of vision. He wanted to wait until later that night, wait until they had dined with her parents, but his heart was telling him to do it now, to just reach into his pocket, pull out the velvet box and ask her.
But before he could do it, before he could move, she had walked up to him again, her eyes twinkling in a mischievous way, her hands behind her back as she rocked herself back and forth on the ball of her feet, lips closed tight as if preventing herself from giving anything away.
“What?” He bemused trying to contain his own smile at the sight of the girl in front of him. He could tell she was trying really hard to not tell him something, trying to not ruin it by saying something too hurriedly.
“I’ve got a surprise for you,” she let out, her smile widening as she stared at his confused face, the freckles more evident in that shade of light. Her heart was tampering, beating wildly as she waited for his reaction, telling her to go on. It was hard. She had practiced it so many times and yet she couldn’t do it. It was always harder when it was actually happening.
“Oh my God, baby, you’re making me so curious,” he laughed, his hair falling into his eyes as he nodded his head at her.
Y/N took a deep breath, her eyes studying every little bit of emotion on his face, paying attention to the slight change he could have as she finally smiled, her eyes turning to her hands as she slowly, but surely, lifted a small piece of paper to his eye level, a black and white grainy image taking over his field of vision once and for all, her hands shaking a little bit as she waited for his reaction, his realization to what she had just announced.
It didn’t come in an outburst as she thought it would. It took awhile for Noah to realize what was going on. He looked at the piece of paper in her hands, his eyes scanning the image as he tried to make sense of what was going on, his brain in overdrive not fully understanding the meaning of it. All he could see was the expectant look on her face, her eyes dancing from him to the piece of paper she was holding, growing anxious as the seconds ticked by.
Noah’s eye finally fixed in the image she was holding, his hands slowly reaching for it to examine it closer, a few tiny letters in the side, something he couldn’t read properly, but his brain didn’t pay attention to it, more focused on what was circled in the center of the black and grey picture, trying to finally see what was being shown to him.
And it was like a brick hit him in the chest, knocking the air out of his lungs as he wheezed and blinked furiously, his hands shaking a little bit, his feet faltering, stumbling backwards until the back of his knees hit a chair and he fell into it, eyes wide open staring at the scanned image in his hands, mouth slightly open.
From her place, Y/N watched as the realization came into his features, shock written all over it and she started doubting everything she had ever hoped. Maybe he didn’t want that, maybe it was too soon, she shouldn’t have done that, she shouldn’t - Her train of negative thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the chair scraping against the tiles, the taller man walking up to her hurriedly, holding her face in his hands with the biggest smile she had ever seen on him, his eyes shining with a few unshed tears, something she didn’t think she would see when she delivered the big news.
“You’re not messing with me, right?” His touch was gentle, his words pleading her to tell him the truth, to confirm it was all real and not some kind of dream or joke. He wanted it to be real, he wanted it to happen and she could see it by the way he was holding her, firmly and yet caring, pouring every single emotion he was feeling, letting her know that he was in.
She shook her head, suddenly too overwhelmed by his reaction to say anything, feeling the tears start to pool in her eyes as she watched him kneel down and hug her waist in the most loving way, kissing her barely there bump a few times, whispering sweet nothings to it as she played with his soft hair, running her hand through it, a small laugh escaping her every now and then. He looked up at her, a few tears now streaming down her face slowly.
“Oh my God, baby, you’re gonna make me cry,” he chuckled through a small sob, one of his hands finally letting go of the grip he had on her and reaching into his pocket. “This totally blows the plans I had for later, but I guess it goes in time,” he started, his free hand taking hold of her hand as the other one struggled to come out with the small squared box confined in it. “Don’t think it has anything to do with what you just told me, because you caught me by surprise,” he chuckled. “But that’s something I’ve been thinking for a long time and the timing is just too perfect to let it pass by. I know that we never planned this to happen, but you have no idea how happy I am right now. And there’s no other way of saying how much I love you, how much you mean to me and how much I want to have a family with you and grow old with you than this.”
It didn’t take much to realize what he was trying to say at that moment and as if the news that she was pregnant and his reaction to it wasn’t enough to set a wave of emotions to wash all over Y/N, the sight of Noah down on his knees, taking her hand in one of his while the other worked to pop up the black velvet box in which was resting the most beautiful ring she had ever seen heightened it by a hundred per cent more, a swirl of happiness and excitement bubbling inside of her, her free hand reaching into her mouth to contain the gasp that was threatening to leave, new tears streaming down her eyes, finding their way down her face and dying on her quivering lips.
“Will you marry me?” He asked, his tone wavering in the emotional state he found himself in, on his knees, in the middle of his kitchen, lulled by some random music he never had the care to learn. But none of that mattered, as his heart hammered against his ribcage, waiting for her reply.
“Yes,” she croaked, nodding her head nonstop. “Yes,” she managed to say with a little more clarity than before. “Of course I will marry you, Noah!”
And it was under the yellow light hanging from the ceiling, with the air smelling of Christmas and, in the far background the rustling of the wind hitting the walls of their home that Noah slipped the ring down her finger gracefully, getting up and pulling her to him, her hands once again falling on his chest, like they always did, playing with the buttons of his shirt.
It was simple, it was perfect, much like everything they had lived for the past couple of years, much like they wanted the rest of their lives to be.
Taglist: @disbestiles, @centxneo, @savage-stilinski, @akumakoronso, @thebeardedcentineo, @apkavy
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vintageaesthetic20 · 2 years
Someone help. I'm stuck i just can't go past episode 6 of the recruit and idk why.
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P.s my Damon Salvatore obsession is back and I can't find any fics that I've not already read.
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
His Pet-Names For You|Noah Centineo
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Pet-Names Series: The series where contains their special pet-names for you their special meanings behind each one.
Pet-Names Series Masterlist: Masterlist here
Sweet Love: 
It was the first pet-name he gave her
It started long before they were official 
“Why that one babe?”
“Becuase you’re the sweet lover I’d ever known.” 
Her smile would be the brightest
This one was most definitely his favorite of all 
It was always the one that got him the sweet kisses 
“My sweet love.” 
Flower Girl:
She loved flowers
He didn’t know anyone who loved them like her
“Flower girl.” 
“That’s what I call her.” 
She was his little flower girl
With new vases set up each week.
“She’s pretty as a flower.”
“My little flower girl.”
It was french 
It meant sweetness
“Cause you’re sweet.” 
“Noah don’t be ridiculous.” 
He rolled his eyes but do so anyway 
Because you were his douceur 
“Admit it you love it.” 
Cause she’s as cute as a button 
He used this one the most when she was sick
The way she’d wrap herself up in thousands of blankets
“Aw button.” 
“I made you some soup button.” 
As much as she hated it 
It was cute 
“Button time for your meds.” 
“Noah fuck off.
It was a sweet one 
And her favorite one 
It had been one of his favorites as well 
“Lovie, ready to go?” 
“Lovie, I’m going I’ll see you later.” 
This one was also the one he used the most
Not that she minded 
Hot Honey:
He wasn’t sure where it came from 
But fuck did he love it
It wasn’t used often 
But when it was she knew 
“Hot honey, let’s go.” 
“Hot honey, I need.” 
“Fuck.. hot honey those lips.”
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disbestiles-blog · 6 years
somebody who loves me
noah centineo x reader (college au) 
word count: 1,521
a/n: so, I was watching the fosters and this song by Matt Alber starts to play and I felt warmed by how much he did a great cover. After listened to for a couple times I can't do anything but sit down on my laptop and write this story with Noah. This barely resume how much he's affecting me lately but it's cute and I just can't do anything except to get out this of my head. I hope that you enjoy it and talk to me about it.
warnings: I like to say that I could be spewing rainbows with so much cuteness
you should read listening to the song
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Noah was doing his homework when he got distracted listening to an old song playing in the apartment. It was a cover of Whitney Houston's "I wanna dance with somebody", as far as he can tell. The music wasn't loud enough to upset him, but he was tired of spending so many hours writing an article for the college that anything could get his attention at that moment.
He left his room and headed toward the sound coming from his friend's room. The door was half open and he came upon a distracted Y/N with her eyes closed, running quietly around the room as if she were dancing. Her pair, a large blue pillow, seemed to be doing a great job because she was so distracted that she didn't even notice Noah leaning against the bedroom door to watch her, smiling.
That could be perfectly the scene of a romantic comedy movie, one that everyone would watch more than once and never tire of sighing. He thought it was funny but not because his friend was alone on a pillow, wearing her favorite long-sleeved pajamas with lots of little-drawn monsters, her hair stuck in a messy bun on the top of her head. He loved to see how she allowed herself to immerse in a song, feeling every note, every word. Noah was taken aback for a few minutes by that melancholy and it might have been hours if the wind hadn't slammed the window and made Y/N wake up from her trance, catching him in the gutter spying on her.
"Oh my god! What are you doing?" She asked sounding a little hysterical but not in an annoying way.
"Uuuh, just watching you dancing with your new boyfriend, Mr. Pillow, I guess?" Noah answered ironically.
Y/N's face was red with anger and shame at the same time. She threw the pillow at Noah who grabbed with an ouch as if she had hit him hard.
"How long have you been there?"
"Not that long, I just heard the interesting chorus and got caught. Is that a cover?" Noah asked absently.
"Yeah. Do you wanna hear?" She said sitting back in her bed, her legs crossed and the notebook on her lap. Noah moved closer, sitting down beside her. Something that wasn't at all strange when it came to them. He had already had several close friends during his high school time, but with none of them, he felt so comfortable to invite himself into their rooms while they were clearly doing something personal.
For Y/N this was natural too. You two met two years ago when you started college and rented an apartment with some classmates. Two of them decided to go back to the hometown and now you were there, sharing several pizza-fueled dinners, movies, and long conversations that you have only with someone you really trust. You even tried to rent the empty room to cover the expenses, but after a few failed attempts you just decided to stay the way you were. After all, you had already set an agenda together. Even when one of you was dating someone, these people would adapt to you and not you to them, as if an invisible line were always keeping one another connected. It was hard for someone new to come in and just change what you had already established as something that would be forever.
Y/N gave a play on the cover made by Matt Alber. It was a sweet version of the diva Whitney's song, the kind that Noah knew she would hear over and over again for weeks until she found another song to get by. If there was one thing he knew about her was how much she liked to stick to songs, listen to them for hours over and over, think of stories, think about why they were written and of course, dance to them alone in her bedroom. As Noah listened to the music, Y/N watched him closely, trying to catch his reaction. Her favorite songs were like pearls she didn't share with anyone, but he was always an exception. When someone asked to listen, and she agreed to share, she was eager to hear your opinion, if he also got caught as much as she.
Noah had his eyes closed, his hands in his lap as he enjoyed the song quietly. Years of coexistence and closeness made Y/N know every part of it, but even so, she always got caught up in a perfect trance by watching him so closely. With him there beside her, she could smell his newly washed hair, his shoulders and relaxed arms breathing slowly as he let himself be carried away by the melody. He looked so innocent but at the same time, she felt he was the only one with whom she could feel safe when she needed it.
When the song ended, Noah opened his eyes, staring at an anxious Y/N almost biting his nails to hear his opinion. She looked so naive, waiting for something so simple that maybe anyone could give. But she had chosen him, and Noah loved it.
"It's an amazing song." He finally answered, pulling out a wide Y/N smile.
"It is, right?! I know that you'll love it!" She responded thankfully for knowing he liked it.
"So ... do you wanna dance?" Noah asked casually causing Y/N to raise eyebrows in surprise.
"Right now?" She asked smiling.
"Yes, why not?" Noah said getting up and reaching for her.
Y/N thought for a few seconds, her temples flexed as if she was trying to solve the biggest mathematical problem of all. Of course, she would, but that sort of twist was classic between the two. Holding on to Noah's hand, she stood up, approaching him and waiting for him to guide her. She was dancing very well before but with a real person, it was much harder than dancing with an old pillow. Especially when that someone was tall and incredibly gorgeous.
Y/N finally got up, putting her hands around his neck and bouncing her head off his shoulders and letting him rock it back and forth slowly, gripping her waist. They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Y/N let out a laugh.
"What's funny?" Noah asked confused and smiling, catching himself with Y/N’s laughs.
"I'm just ... I was dancing with my freaking pillow. I'm an idiot." She still smiled.
"You're not an idiot." He answered truthfully.
"Well ... the song said to dance with somebody who loves you and I don't think that was the case."
There was no hint or half-word in Y/N's response but Noah felt the urge to use that moment to say something he had been keeping for a long time.
"Well, I do."
"You do what?" Y/N blinked faster, her head swaying from side to side trying to understand what he was saying.
"I love you," Noah said as he looked into Y/N's eyes, his heart racing as he said those words. He cupped her face lightly in his hands, drawing him close enough for their lips to meet. First, he let it be just a tag, but when he opened his eyes, he found Y/N still with his eyes closed, still waiting for him to continue, and that's what he did.
Her lips were sweet, as he had always imagined and he could feel their hearts relaxed. It was funny because when they were close to each other, his heart always tended to accelerate as if he was holding himself back from doing something he wanted very much.
Y/N enjoyed every second of that kiss and was carried away by the feeling of having Noah holding her tightly as she slipped her hands through his hair, something she had always dreamed of but never thought could come true.
The music was still there, echoing through the room, but the universe seemed to have granted a great silence in those seconds, causing the two to hear again what they were playing when they moved away.
"So ... do you love me, huh?" Y/N asked with his sly smile, causing Noah to smile too.
"I think you caught me," Noah answered, his voice hoarse and light making her heart melt once more. She loved music and a lot of bands and singers but if she had to choose to hear just one person singing for the rest of her life, she could totally choose him.
She took a deep breath, not because she didn't know what to say, but because only now she had realized how much she was expecting to hear it, and how much she wanted to say too.
"I love you too." She replied smiling and they hugged each other.
Noah held her tight and this time it wasn't because she was tiptoeing and needed something to balance herself. He held her tight because he'd never let her go and Y/N could finally feel her heart being heated up by someone.
tag list: @brien-odylan @lara-stilinski
always waiting for all of you in my ask, leggo / masterlist
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fandomnom · 6 years
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My first Noah Centineo Gif 😍
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cougarforcenty · 6 years
hung the moon...
a/n: some of you may dislike the ending as its a bit of a cliffhanger. i couldn’t make up my mind. may write a second part to this one. feedback is glorious + nourishing fruit.
summary: noah + the new costar who hates him get stuck in a precarious situation. costar’s faceclaim is the beautiful zazie beetz.
word count: 2638
warnings: none
You couldn’t really place it. You didn’t know what it was about him, or the general idea of him, that you found so untoward and irritating. You had enough self-awareness to realize that it may be the complete makings of your own neurosis and natural distrust but you just couldn’t shake it.
Everyone positively loved him. He had the cast and crew practically eating out of his hands. The girls in hair and makeup laughed at all his silly, menial jokes. The director showered him with compliments and tempered direction. Your co-stars would retell stories from the nights you went to bed early about some stupid prank he pulled on someone.
All in all, it seemed like you were the only one not fully on the Noah Centineo train.
But really, that was completely okay with you. You didn’t have the time or energy or mental capacity to be sucked into the false charm of another male co-star.
Been there, done that, didn’t even get a t-shirt.
At this point, you wanted to focus on your craft; wanted to truly harness your emotive propensities. You wanted to give a stellar performance and then get onto the next set, with a completely new group of people and hopefully not be cast alongside the world’s next biggest heartthrob.
You hope that your reticence with him isn’t coming off in your scenes together. You try to play it off as how your character would organically feel in a situation of love triangle proportions. You watch the dailies and can see that slight sheened veneer you put on when your characters are entangled. Whether emotionally or physically, or in the most difficult of spaces when both were required.
You’d skipped out on the suggested bonding practices that predated production and have maybe said 5 words to him directly when not in character. Though he’s tried numerous times to bridge the gap.
You continued to tell yourself it wasn’t unprofessional, you were simply protecting yourself. You wondered if your faux indifference would make for awkward promo after the film’s end but hadn’t thought that far in advance.
You were an actress after all. You knew how to fake it so you weren’t actually that concerned.
But this was the first time on one of your only days off that the director wanted you to meet her at a new location prior to shooting there.
Your reverence for her work made the inconvenience well worth it. Even in the middle of a very chilly fall in New York.
While waiting for the elevator doors to open in a rickety old building, you see Noah approaching.
You hadn’t realized you had both been called for this specific task. You’re instantly annoyed and pull your jacket around yourself snuggly.
He looks just as surprised to see you but doesn’t say anything.
You wait for the elevator in complete silence which seems to be taking literal years to make it down to the first floor, the little illuminating button almost taunting you with its beaming.
Finally, the doors slowly open and you walk in, he follows you a few paces behind.
He casually leans against the opposite side of the elevator and watches you push the button for the 7th floor.
“You know what this is about?” Noah finally says loosely, you can feel the weight of his gaze on the side of your face.
You shake your head lightly.
“It’s cold today,” he offers.
He’s talking about the weather and you want to die. You want to just vanish into a million little pieces.
You hate talking about the weather. You hate small talk with a passion that rivals little else.
Small talk was a waste of energy and vocal undulations.
You offer no verbal response.
Suddenly, the elevator jolts, sending you toward the button panel and then immediately stills.
Your ears start to ring as you immediately realize what just happened. You can tell Noah is saying something but you can’t make it out.
“No… no, no…” you mutter as you hit the panel. You try the emergency button, nothing. Then you hit any button in a desperate attempt to get the elevator moving again.
You feel your stomach drop when nothing happens.
“Shit,” you kick the bottom of the door which causes a jolt of pain to shoot through your foot.
You remember he’s there when you feel his hands brushing yours away from the panel.
“Don’t do that, you’ll only jam it,” Noah explains, calmly.
You angle away from his touch.
“Don’t touch me,” you mutter. You almost think you said it in your head until you look at him and realize his expression has gone from concerned to confused.
“You’re right,” Noah admits quickly, he takes a step away from you. “I’m sorry. I shouldn't have touched you.”
Pain radiates from you booted foot.
“Fuck, that hurt,” you complain, attempting to put weight on your foot.
“Yeah, well elevator’s are made of steel,” Noah remarks as he takes out his phone. “No service.”
“Ugh,” you mutter as you squeeze your eyes shut against the ever impending reality of your current circumstance. You quickly glance at your phone. “Damnit!”
You repress the urge to throw it against the closed steel doors.
“What did I do to deserve this?” You demand to the unmoving metal.
“Someone will notice the elevator isn’t working,” Noah reasons gently. He’s retreated back to his corner.
“In this damn near deserted building?”
Silence looms as you attempt to slow your racing heart by pulling some deep breaths.
“How are you so calm?” You accuse.
He shrugs. He’s studying you. The way he sometimes did. The way he did when you were on set, or running lines with someone else or at dinner with the entire cast. You’ve caught him quietly contemplating some aspect of you and always immediately acted as if you didn’t see it.
You had a feeling he was always trying to silently figure you out.
But you weren’t budging. You refused to fall for whatever guise he operated under.
“I just don’t feel the need to freak out,” he offers simply. “It’ll start working again.”
You huff and continue to glare at the elevator panel.
Of course the universe would conspire to have you stuck in an elevator with this man. That’s exactly what type of track you were on personally.
Even if your professional life was flourishing, your personal life and emotional safety weren’t necessarily corresponding.
“I can take a look at your foot if you want,” Noah offered loosely.
“Does that line typically work for you?”
“Don’t really have much occasion to use it,” he countered without missing a beat. “Can’t say that I’ve seen many women kick steel elevator doors.”
“You aren’t a doctor,” you exclaim. “You wouldn’t even know what to look for. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
You silently stare at the doors, willing the elevator to start back up again. You really need to get out of there.
“Hey, listen… if I ever did or said something to offend you, I’m really sorry,” he offers evenly.
You still can’t look at him but you feel momentarily bad until you realize that this softness, this unending affable posturing that he seemed to be angling at wasn’t gonna work on you.
You’ve been a sucker before and those days were long gone.
“You didn’t offend me, Noah,” you begin carefully. Your anxiety still looming at the reality of this enclosed space. “I just don’t buy it.”
“I’m sorry, what? What don’t you buy?”
“Your whole schtick. The act,” you respond. “The effortlessly charming ‘nice guy.’ The internet’s boyfriend. Maybe everyone else eats it up, but I see right through it.”
There’s silence on the tail end of your claim. You almost want to look at his expression after your admission but feel it better to keep your attention outward.
Then you hear a small chuckle and you’re instantly infuriated.
“When did you become an expert on ‘schtick’s’?” He questions. “Is it a class you can take?”
“Fuck you-”
He completely bypasses that remark.
“Do you typically so easily pass judgment on people without knowing them or is that a specific distinction I get the privilege of.”
“I don’t need to know you to be able to peep your whole game,” you retort.
You finally do look at him. His arms and legs crossed, leaning against the elevator. The way he’s holding his body reminds you of the easy posture of someone who looks like he’s lying down while upright. Utterly relaxed. His gaze is unflinching.
“There is no game,” Noah corrects. “I’m not the way I am for any type of personal gain.”
You laugh now. You think that maybe mirroring his own reactions will somehow allow you to calm down and make you less unnerved by his own ease. Because all it’s actually doing is making you more irritated.
“No gain? Besides everyone thinking you hung the moon, right? Okay.”
“You’re wrong,” he offers simply.
“That’s doubtful.”
“It’s actually unfortunate that you’ve relied so heavily on this narrative that’s a complete fabrication,” Noah responds. “Because if you hadn’t, then maybe we’d actually be friends or at least civil and you wouldn’t be standing in a stalled elevator seething because of some misguided hatred.”
“Oh my God,” you lament loudly, turning back to the elevator and banging on the door. “Let me out of here!”
“That won’t help.”
“Please stop talking.”
He goes silent and the silence is almost worse than hearing his incessant gabbing.
You feel a well of emotion come up dissimilar to the anger and terror you’d been trying to mask since the elevator stopped.
“You men are the fucking worst,” you mutter, not even to him directly but you know he hears you.
“What’s his name?”
“Whoever has you out here distrusting complete strangers,” Noah ponders.
“Names, plural. Your kind are real winners,” you remark, taking a deep breath in an attempt to try and subside some of the sadness creeping in.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying that. You are also not a complete stranger. You have a very public persona.”
“As do you,” Noah reminds you. “Or one that’s been crafted around your relationship at least, but unlike you, I don’t necessarily believe it.”
You prickle at that. Just the mention of your ex sends you to another realm you can’t really occupy in such close quarters. You feel like the elevator is much too small for all the vitriol you hold for him and your memories.  
“I’m not talking to Disney channel’s wonder child about any of this.”
“You’re mean,” he observes lightly. But he doesn’t actually seem offended. Which is weird to you.
Were you trying to break him? Trying to rile him? What were you actually doing besides internally screaming for something?
“But maybe not as much as I originally thought,” Noah continues thoughtfully. “If I’m honest, it sort of hurt my feelings that you were so kind to everyone else. I tried not to take it personally. But more than mean I think you’re hurt.”
“Please do me a favor and don’t ever fix your mouth in an attempt to psychoanalyze me again.”
You look up at the elevators mirrored ceiling and let out a primal scream. Once it’s out, you bend over, bracing yourself with your hands against your knees, just praying that the elevator will start working.
You silently count to 10 with your eyes squeezed shut. When you open them there’s no change.
You feel worse.
“We’re gonna die in here,” you say desperately.
“We will not die in here,” Noah assures you.
“What do you know?”
“It’s a shame our characters don’t hate each other,” Noah offers thoughtfully. “You’d have a head start.”
“You’re not important enough to hate, Noah,” you exclaim bitterly.
You feel yourself vacillating between anger, fear, sadness, and panic. All emotions you don’t want anywhere near this man you’ve kept at an arm's length.
“Will you stop looking at me?” You’ve felt his eyes on you intermittently the entire time and the longer that continues, the more unnerved you become.
“Where else am I supposed to look?”
You can tell he’s trying to be playful. Which is maddening and also a bit sweet because you momentarily forget you’re freaking out.
“Anywhere else.”
“I’m looking at you because you’re trembling,” Noah offers gently.
“It’s fucking freezing.”
“Hey, look at me,” Noah requests after a moment. It takes you a full 7 seconds to bring yourself to do as he says.
His gaze is so gentle and innocent, you almost feel like you’ll burst into tears just looking at him.
“I will not hurt you.”
Those words hit you with every ounce of sincerity they are uttered alongside.
You instantly believe him and you’re pissed about it.
He straightens and walks toward you. Which is only about two paces in that elevator. His hand’s tentatively on your shoulder and it’s only then when you physically feel just how much you are shaking.
“Is this okay?”
You nod your head wordlessly. He outstretches his other arm and with the most subtle movements, wraps you into a light hug.
You lean against him instantly, your body finally being cued to relax for the first time since the elevator stalled. Your hands come up and grasp the sides of his jacket, your ear against his chest.
He tightens his arms around you as you sink further into his warmth.
“Your heart is racing,” he mutters.
“Anxiety,” you sigh. “How are you so warm?”
“I don’t know, I just run hot.”
Being in his arms feels so good. You want to believe it’s just his body heat and the lack of your own but it’s something else. Something that pulls at the pit of your stomach and knaws at your conscious.
If someone would have told you, even 12 hours ago, that Noah would be holding you in this moment, you would have laughed in their face.
Maybe you were wrong about him.
That realization makes your heart drop and all the myriad of emotions that well up in you are steeped in regret and embarrassment.
He’s being so sweet to you and you’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass.
You feel your eyes burn with tears as you wrap your arms completely around him beneath his jacket.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch to you,” you mutter. You attempt to school your tears but they won’t be reasoned with.
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” you exclaim against his chest, your voice breaking. “I have such a shitty track record with charming men, I just clammed up. I didn’t even get to know you on a basic human level and that’s so embarrassing. I’m so sorry.”
The tears are flowing now and you feel absolutely mortified.
He pulls back briefly just to peer into your face. He wordlessly wipes away your tears and envelops you back into his arms. This only makes you cry harder.
Where did this deep generosity come from? Why was he so willing to freely give it?
“Shhhh,” Noah offers, resting his cheek against the top of your head. “It’s okay.”
“It’s so fucked up,” you cry into his chest. You don’t know where these tears are even coming from, or why you feel safe enough to unload them with him in this moment.
There’s a lot there that you haven’t even begun to speak of.
He’s back to wiping your tears away and his eyes look like the most delectable mixture of honey and amber and you feel certain you’re in the Twilight zone because all you want to do is kiss him as your eyes flick toward his mouth.
But you wouldn’t dare… it feels like too big a stretch and you aren’t that brave.
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