#peter kavinsky fic
ruerecs · 3 months
i’m gonna be the first to say it. . . where are all of the peter kavinsky fics on here? i’m actually super surprised there’s not more of talbilb fics 😭
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antoine-triplett · 1 year
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... covinsky + undercover agent au ... “Peter?!” Lara Jean exclaimed, ushering him inside. “Oh my god, look at you! What happened?”
Her boyfriend was wearing an expensive silk suit, but it was ripped in places and spotted with dirt. The tie had been discarded, the shirt creased. He was panting from exertion and beads of sweat glistened on his skin and flattened his curly hair to his forehead. What alarmed her most, however, were the angry red gashes running along one side of his face, like he’d been hit with a spray of broken glass. Blood caked his face and stained the collar of his crisp white shirt, suggesting he hadn’t done a single thing to tend to the wounds or staunch the flow. She winced and cradled his other cheek in her hand while examining the cuts. Some of them would likely need stitches. 
“Lara Jean, there’s something I have to tell you. I’m an undercover agent with the CIA.” he said, all in a panicked rush, eyes wild with fear. 
She almost laughed, arm dropping limply to her side. It was his eyes above all else that convinced her to pay attention. Peter Kavinsky, always so easy-going and ready with a joke, was dead serious. 
“Are you saying that you’re a… spy?” 
Peter took her hands, fixing her with a steady, imploring gaze. “I promise I will explain everything the second I can, but for now I need you to trust me. Please?” 
“Why? What’s going on?” she asked.
Before he could answer, a sudden bang followed by the rip of splintering wood cut through the air. Pieces of the front door exploded inward and landed at their feet. 
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viscountoflondon · 11 months
Que Sera Sera 1.0
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A/N: Please do not copy my work, only reblog or like. Tell me what you think, remember I’m sensitive about my shit
GIF: Credit Brunettessource
Warnings: Curse words, alcohol, implied sexual things
You sit by the kitchen watching the group engage in post thanksgiving dinner games, a tradition for your 2 families, Y/L/Ns and the Centineo’s. Ever since Noah and your younger brother became best friends in elementary school they were practically inseparable. So much so that the families had just decided why not throw one big thanksgiving dinner instead of doing the come to our house we’ll host next year thing.
“You okay honey?” Your mom asks
You smile “Yea!”
This would be the first year post your separation with your ex husband. It was strange territory he was your highschool sweetheart and now it sometimes felt like a part of you was missing
“You sure?”
“Yea mom! Just watching Lucas and Noah make asses out of themselves”
“HEY!” Lucas screams “I heard that!” 
You smile “sorry just telling the truth!” 
The night is filled with many events: games, movies, popcorn, second round of thanksgiving dinner, more games, and finally sleep. 
Tomorrow was the Y/L/Ns turn to make breakfast one last big feast before the two families split apart and went their separate ways
You work in the kitchen quietly humming to RnB that played softly in the background
“Morning” you hear Noah’s groggy voice
“Kid?” he groans he hated that nickname “what are you doing up?” 
In a very sleepy tone he asks “The question is what are you doing up? Its 5am and we all went to bed at like 2?” 
You shrug “I am prepping for breakfast if you must know” you answer, you briefly glance at his shirtless body “so what are you doing up?” “Heard some banging had to check on the noise” “I did not bang!” you whisper harshly  “I accidentally dropped the tray sorry for waking you up” 
He nods understandingly “It’s cool, need help?” “Nope! Go back to bed baby boy” 
He groans and throws up the peace sign, too tired to argue with you. You watch as his muscular figure disappears around the corner. 
Unknown: I miss you 
You roll your eyes, the real reason you were up at 5am making breakfast had nothing to do with you prepping but with your ex husband pestering you non-stop. So much that you were losing sleep. You didn’t want to tell anyone that he had started stalking you and you were positive he was standing across the street watching you in the kitchen. At least in the house full of people you felt safe.
Actually the reason you had dropped the pan was because you received the text 
Unknown: You look so beautiful 
It sent shivers down your spine freezing you in spot and ultimately causing you to drop the baking tray. 
You couldn't’ sleep after that expecting him to pop up in your room and ultimately cause harm to you like he had threatened so much. Even the restraining orders weren’t deterring him, you knew how this story ended and you contemplated packing and moving across the country so many times but then you would have to explain why and you just didn’t know how. You were an adult like your father preached. You have to learn to manage your own problems so you are doing your best. 
When morning comes and everyone is happily feeding themselves breakfast or left overs you’re brought back to reality when Noah plops down next to you
“Omg Noah! Almost spilled my coffee!” you complain wiping the droplets of coffee that were rolling down your cup
“Sleep well sleeping beauty?” he asks 
You roll your eyes “fuck off kid”
“Awww, i guess that's a no”  he fake pouts before taking a bite of the bacon
“Honestly kid, what are you doing here?’
“First of all stop calling me kid, and also you were looking like a sad puppy in the corner and your cousin asked me to come check on you” he motions to Lizzie
“I was not” you argue
“You were” he counters
You huff “I’m fine so you can go now”
“Or nothing” you were nursing 
“Orrr I can stay here and bug you he grinned showing all his teeth
“Okay whatever” you reach over his plate and grab a piece of bacon 
He pulls his plate away “Hey get your own!” 
You shrug “I cooked i have dibs on everyone’s plate” 
He rolls his eyes “fair enough”
“Y/N did you cut the fruit?” your dad calls to you from the kitchen “Oh yea its in the fridge hold on” you stand up and walk towards the kitchen leaving Noah where he sat
At the end of the weekend both families say their goodbye well Lucas and Noah were on a plane to NYC while the rest of you remained in California.
Noah being a semi famous actor now took Lucas with him everywhere, he gave Lucas the title of assistant manager. They would argue a lot because Lucas was in charge of his schedule and if he had to be in NYC in the morning and Miami by the afternoon thats just what he had to do. You’ve rolled your eyes at the many arguments you had to settle between them offering suggestions for Lucas to be less involved in Noah’s schedule and more involved in the background which of course they refused. Boys what can you say? 
The next holiday is Christmas, something you really used to enjoy but not so much now that you were in this predicament with your ex. 
“Y/N what is going on?” Lucas looks around your home “Are you not decorating for Christmas or what?” he asks as him and his friends occupy your living space
You shrug and look around “Oh I’ve just been busy Lucas didn’t have the energy”
“Wow so you’ve gotten lazy” he teases
You groan “Fuck off Lucas” 
You turn to look and watch as Noah silently observes you, he always did that just watched you from afar. It wasn’t creepy just Noah being Noah. 
“What’s up kid got a smart remark too?” you ask. He throws his hands up. For some odd reason he felt like the reason you provided was an excuse but he didn’t want to push it as he could see the bags under your eyes. He knew from Lucas that the divorce from your ex was taking a toll on you. Lucas had expressed concerns but never really dove into details just saying he wished you would snap out of it and forget all about your ex. 
“I need help with Sarah’s (Lucas girlfriend) gift” the conversation moves on and just like that the mood switches and everything is back to being light and joyful 
Another year, another year filled with you’re hoping this time more joy and spontaneity. You sigh and look down at your phone, it was new years eve 5PM if you were going to have fun you needed to leave now. Because LA traffic was not to be played around with, all that was pending was for it to get darker and that would be it! Grid lock for hours. It kind of sucked no one was available to hang out. Lucas was out of state with Sarah, your cousins were out with their husbands/boyfriends, you weren’t going to third wheel your parents, you didn’t want to go out but you had no choice as your friends had egged you on. Told you you had to get out of the house and live life, as they said,  they knew what was happening they were worried about you but they had lives too.  
You guys go downtown, you dress in your best attire, the best you could muster up anyway. You did a few club hopping until your final destination, the club where “Bitter Moon” an upcoming pop rock band in LA, were playing. 
The space is so packed you can barely move around, you manage to get drinks and sing to the songs from their EP and some of the popular songs they covered with their own spin. 
On your way back from the bathroom, you spot someone that looks like Noah ahead of you and think that it couldn’t possibly be him but decide to call his name anyway “NOAH you scream his name making him turn around 
He smiles when he sees you making his way towards you leaving the circle of friends he was hanging out with.  “HEEYYY, HAPPY NEW YEAR” He gives you a side hug 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE KID?” He rolls his eyes “RIGHT SORRY NOAH” you two had made a deal not too long ago that you would stop calling him ‘kid’
He chuckles leaning down to speak in your ear “I am here for Bitter Moon, my friend plays the drums” 
“Oh cool! Not throwing a party?” you reference last years New Years events
He makes a face “HELL NO!” You giggle, the cops were called, it was a mess too many people had showed up, things were stolen etc etc.
“Where's your crew?” He asks  
“Oh uh”  you stand on your tip toes and shrug after your failure to locate them, “they are around somewhere” you point towards the neon sign “over there” 
He nods drinking his beer
A popular song comes on you lose yourself in the moment singing a long 
“AYYEEE look at you!”  You stop and blush looking away “AYYEEE KEEP GOING!”  he urges
You shake your head vigorously “No it's embarrassing” 
“Why?” he mouths to you singing along as well. You shake your head feeling bashful and turn to face the band. He doesn’t push, instead he bops his head to the beat. 
The song ends and the band takes a 10 minute break 
“I should go back” you speak “girls are probably wondering where I am” you say as you pull out your phone “Oh actually they left, going to the next club ‘Inferno’” you chuckle as you read the group text “so i need to catch up with them” 
“Orrrr” he begins to bargain  “you can stay, with me” he smiles at you
“Oh well i didn't wanna ruin your chances of getting some tonight” He makes a face. You motion with your head and he follows the direction of the group he was with earlier “Those girls are giving me the death glares” 
He scoffs “Fuck them i dont know them!” 
“Still I should really” you step away from him slowly
He grabs your hand pulling you closer “STAY!” he nods excitedly trying to convince you  “you should really stay and get some more drinks! And enjoy your new years!” he speaks with high energy 
“Okay okay okay” 
He pulls his arm towards him “Yesss! what are you drinking?”  
“Uh I was drinking white claw”
“One white claw coming right up don’t move” 
You nod and watch as he walks away you look around and boy if looks could kill they would. You knew Noah was getting more famous so of course the groupies were trying to shoot their shot and it's not like you were of any competition if they only knew you were a family friend. 
He doesn’t stay gone for a long time he returns when the band starts the next set. 
“They only had watermelon, yuzu and blood orange I got you the watermelon couldn’t get your favorite blackberry” 
“Oh that's okay thanks ki...Noah” 
He smirks as he turns to face the band, before you know it you are smooshed up against Noah. You guess its because they let more people in it was nearing midnight after all 
“Oh shit. Sorry” you say as you spill white claw on him “Sorry sorry” you reach in your purse to grab napkins
“Its cool its cool, don’t worry about it” 
“I’ll foot the dry cleaners bill” You offer y
“Will you relax It’s cool” 
“Okay” you turn around slowly and get lost in the music again 
He stands behind you and at some point snakes his arms around your stomach planting you against him so you wouldn’t get shoved around.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, in one minute we will be ringing in the new year and I want you to look to your left look to your right and back to your left find someone to plant a juicy fat kiss for your favorite band BITTTERRR MOOOON” the crowd goes wild you can't help but giggle. 
The minute comes to an end “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Confetti drops from the ceiling along with streamers and glitter 
You blow hard on the noise marker and turn to face Noah “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”  You scream as Auld Lang Syne plays loudly in the background
“Come here”  you read his lips right before they connect with yours (think about tabilb when Peter grabs Lara Jean and kisses her during Lacrosse practice)
“MMM!” It takes you by surprise, he isn't rough with it, in fact he kisses you gently, his arm anchoring you against his body, your hands move to his shoulders slightly pushing him away. It was brief roughly 5 seconds kiss or maybe longer or shorter, your eyes widen when he pulls away 
“Wha.. Wha.. What was that?!” you ask 
He shrugs “New years kiss” taking another sip of his beer 
You shake your head “We shouldn’t have” god if Lucas found out he would kill you “Oh come on its new years!”
You go to take a step back but you can't. Noah dips down for another kiss this time his other hand holds your head in place so no leaning back for you.This time instead of one long kiss its a burst of short interval kisses. And for a brief moment you let yourself get lost in the sensation, so much so when he licks your bottom lip you don’t fight it instead you let him have access to your mouth. Damn his lips are soft, so soft. When he pulls away you find yourself raising up chasing his lips. 
He smirks hiding his smile when you finally open your eyes
“Umm”  you blush tucking the hair behind your ear. What a way to start new years that's for sure. The band continues to play music and you two say nothing else to each other instead this time he rocks your body to the music.After an hour he suggests that you two leave 
“Oh what about your friends?” you ask 
He chuckles “I’ve been with you for the past 3 hours I think they’ll be alright” 
You nod as he grabs your hand pulling you out. You two get in an uber and he gives the driver his address. What was happening? Why did it feel like you were in a movie  watching yourself? When you turn to look at Noah, he sat nonchalantly skimming his social media pages. 
‘What do I do? Am I really gonna hook up with my younger brothers best friend?’ you think to yourself You begin to panic you had to find a way out of this. This wasn’t cool there's a code of ethics right? You couldn’t do this
When you arrive at his place you think to stop things right then and there say you should go home that it was all a mistake but its like your body is on autopilot and instead you follow him towards his door and inside his place. You’ve been here many times but now it felt foreign, too intimate in fact. 
He sighs when he sees your expression, a sort of  deer in headlights “look we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But we are both drunk. My feet hurt and I’m sure yours do too” motioning to your high heels.
You look down and play with your necklace “Right” 
He walks past you and towards the kitchen and looks in the fridge. I got left over pizza, ice cream, frozen corn dogs, fruit salad, some pre-made meals, water kombucha, beer, wine, chips, cookies, salad mix, cheese, and dressing. 
You turn to face him slowly after you text your friends letting them know you were safe
“Oh umm wine please” you slowly walk up to him. 
“Pizza okay?” he was too drunk to wait for the frozen corn dogs to cook in the oven  
“Yea!” You say placing your bag on the counter
“Don’t need to look like you’ve seen a ghost” he chuckles placing the pizza in the toaster oven 
“Sorry” you blush as he turns to face you “just a little” you swallow “taken aback”  
“Come on Y/N you know I’ve had  a crush on you ever since.....shit I can’t even remember” 
“Yea but I thought...” 
He interrupts you “Thought what?”  he straightens up and walks towards you pushing you against the counter, the height difference all of a sudden intimidates you. You who said you could fight him no matter what. 1 on 1 you could take him down.  
You can’t help but feel your face flush “That it was like a highschool thing like you grew out of it” you gesture with your hands
“Well” he clears his throat and cages you in with his arms “I haven’t”  he steps back a little so he could lean on them making you two eye level. “In fact it’s gotten stronger”
Your eyes widen and a meak “oh” escapes your lips 
“So right here right now I’m telling you I want you” he declares  
You go to say something but there are no words that you can find this is all too much.  
He straightens up and looks down at you “What do you say baby?”  he leans in and kisses your lips this time there's no hesitation from you in fact your arms immediately wrap themselves around his neck. He lifts you up placing you on the cool counter it startles you making you pull away you can’t help but giggle 
He chuckles softly “What is it?”  he asks stepping in between your legs 
“I” you giggle “I don’t even know what to say” because what do you say to something like this?!
He pushes the hair away from your face “then show me” 
You smile and pull him down for another kiss this time it's deeper, filled with the same desire he had for you, a deep moan rumbles from him as he pulls you closer, your legs naturally wrapping themselves around him. You two tease each other biting lips pulling hair but neither of you cross that boundary only because the toaster oven dings putting a pause to your make out session. 
Noah quickly removes the slices placing them on a plate
You cover your face in disbelief and chuckle
“What is it? Why do you keep laughing?” he asks amused taking a bite of his pizza 
“Lucas is gonna kill us” 
He shrugs, “Let me deal with him,” he says. 
This was new territory for you, it had been a long time since you were in the company of a man you most certainly didn’t think the next one would be Noah. You both agree you both needed to be sober before you ventured into the next step. However that didn’t stop the heated make out sessions nor the waking up in bed half naked the next day. 
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saywhatjenn · 1 year
If Jenny Han’s books/movies/tv shows exist in the same universe, movie Peter Kavinsky and Conrad Fisher could be at Stanford at the same time.
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queenie-004 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: To All the Boys I've Loved Before (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Kavinsky/Lara Jean Song-Covey Characters: Lara Jean Song-Covey, Peter Kavinsky Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Fluff and Smut, Summer Love, Established Relationship, We Like a Girl who Knows What She Wants, One Shot, Don't copy to another site Summary:
Set the summer after the end of AAF this could be a companion piece to Sparks Fly Into the Night. Just Peter and Lara Jean acting like teenagers and seeking out time alone as they start to face the reality of a relationship 3,000 miles apart.
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diorgirl444 · 1 month
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to all the greasers i’ve loved before - a dallas winston x reader multiple part fic ˚୨୧⋆。˚ •
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introducing my to all the boys i’ve loved before outsiders au that i’ve been hinting at for a while! i’m so happy to finally share it with you all! to all the boys i’ve loved before has been one of my favourite romance books since i first read it aged eleven. obviously whilst this fic is based on the book it won’t follow it directly due to different settings, characters, time periods, plus that i may just want to include different things! this fic will be my first multiple fic of mine so i’m very open to advice! and with all that out of the way let’s meet the characters!
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lara jean! reader or the sweetest of all the curtis siblings ˚୨୧⋆。˚ •
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the kind of girl who makes wishes on stars, who fills the house with the scent of fresh cakes, who sews dresses out of table cloths and who goes to bed dreaming of her prince charming…
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this fic’s peter kavinsky or dallas winston ˚୨୧⋆。˚ •
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the kind of boy who curses the sky, who’s hands are stained with cigarettes, who can drink you under the table and who has been in love with the same girl ever since he moved to tulsa…
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first chapter will be coming soon! hope you like it! xoxo, flo <3
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jamiehe4rtsmen · 3 days
-> side dish ! : "man shit"
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tldr ; seems like someone liked the movie more than he thought he would... -> a / n : i <3 this movie, it's so delusional hopeless romantic core. also sorry its soso short! school is KICKING my ass !! 💌 : mixtape to this fic ; beginning middle end by leah nobel (from the to all the boys i've loved before soundtrack)
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,, yo, what're ya watchin' ? "
,, re-watching to all the boys i've loved before, " you chirp, snuggled up on the couch, petting both of the cats as they lay on your chest and stomach. he'd been wondering where the cats were as he streamed, and he'd strolled into the living room watching you with practical heart-eyes as you intently watched your movie, your whole body leaning forward as you hung onto every word.
,, that's such a girl movie. " he scoffs, crossing his arms as jambo hops off the couch, standing at his feet before he picks jambo up, holding the cat to his chest like an overprotective mama bear.
,, nuh-uh! my dad watched it with me growing up! " you argue weakly, mirroring his movements as you crossed your arms as if to prove a point.
,, yeah, and he was probably thinking, 'damn, i can't wait until my kid turns this shit off so i can go watch sunday night football and drink a beer. can we turn on a real movie, like american psycho?"
immediately you grimace, your tongue sticking out childishly. ,, eugh, no! that movie's nasty - there's just blood, blood, blood. there's no way you actually like that movie. "
,, it's a like, take on modern societ- " he started rambling on one of his famous filmbro rants which definitely were 100% not searched up on the internet by him with some version of 'how to look cool' and 'what films to like to impress your partner' and 'do people really like american psycho', unbeknownst to you.
you tried to interject, ,, bullshit- " but schlatt was a man, if not a determined one.
,, - and there's no way you actually like THIS movie! it's basically crack in a romcom, it's so cliché." he finishes, huffing and throwing his arms up, exasperated like a toddler sick of his first day at kindergarten.
,, just give it a chanceee, " you whine.
he grumbled something along the lines of being a man and how american psycho would be so much better, but despite his hatred for the 'girly' movie he stood in front of the tv, his arms crossed, huffing and grumbling - asking questions periodically such as "wait, who's josh again?" or comments such as, "man, this gen gal is a bitch - this is a romcom, right? do they kill people off in romcoms? can we kill her?" and praising peter kavinsky like, "yeah peter, you the man", or "yeah peter gettin' pussy!" ("jay, shut the fuck up!" you exclaimed after the fifth bro-comment along the lines of "get the girl, peter!" & "damn, he's the whole package." "jay, do you have a crush on peter kavinsky?" "shiiit, maybe i do! hey, can peter kavinsky be my hall pass?")
and in the last scene, to your surprise, he laughed, his eyes wide as he shook you back and forth. ,, peter got the girl!"
,, hm, seems like someone was paying attention. did you like the movie?" you tease, smirking, putting your hands behind your head as you kicked your feet up, studying his excited, giddy expression that the movie had a happy ending where his "boy" peter got the girl.
he instantly puts on the tough-guy facade, scoffing and guffawing as if that were ridiculous, but he mumbles under his breath,
,, maybe. dont tell anyone though, it'd ruin my image. "
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divider credits to the lovelyyy @strangergraphics-archive. divider makers out here savin' lives 🙌
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fiapartridge · 3 months
𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐓 𝐗 𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐄𝐋 ˙ ✩°˖🎀 ⋆。˚꩜
beckett sennecke x bookstore!girl au!
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meet hazel becker 💖💌🎧🌸🧚‍♀️
☆ age: 18
☆ nicknames: haze, zelly
☆ education/hobbies: hazel is currently a first year at cal state fullerton. she's majoring in creative writing. she aspires to be a young adult author in the future. she loves reading, writing, & baking.
☆ family: she has one younger sister (9) and one older sister (21). she's very close with both of them and calls them regularly. she's also super close to her parents and they're very supportive of her career path and everything she's working towards. she's originally from seattle, washington but is at csuf for school!
☆ hazel's quirks: she's a hopeless romantic! she believes in love at first sight and wants a fairytale, romcom, book-ish type of love. she's never been in a serious relationship before (if you don't count justin ramirez during freshman year of hs - it was a month long and never went past handholding and quick pecks). she would much rather be with the guys she dreams about in books and writes in her own than the guys she meets in real life. she's also a huge swiftie. she's in every single playlist that she has (she's currently trying to make beckett a fan). her favorite colors are pink and yellow, and her fashion staple are baby pink converse <3 she couldn't live without them!
☆ comparable characters: lara jean covey (to all the boys i've loved before), liz buxbaum (better than the movies)
☆ spirit animal: orange tabby cat
meet beckett sennecke 🏒⭐️🦆🧡✨
☆ age: 18
☆ nicknames: beck, becky, beckster
☆ education/hobbies: beckett is currently (in the au) playing hockey for the anaheim ducks.
☆ beckett's quirks: he's also never been in a relationship! not because he has some ideal girl in his head (i mean, yes, but that's not what's been stopping him) but because he's literally pathetic. he cannot talk to girls. he gets flustered soo easily. he's also a little spoon. he also loves the off campus series by elle kennedy. and he has a teddy bear named captain fuzzington.
☆ comparable characters: peter kavinsky (to all the boys i've loved before), troy bolton (high school musical)
☆ spirit animal: golden retriever
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fics ->
☆ captain fuzzington
☆ does he know?
☆ 4th of july!
☆ robbers
blurbs/thoughts ->
☆ how they met pt.1 - how they met pt. 2 - how they met pt. 3 - how they met pt. 4
☆ beckett reading the deal
☆ their second date
☆ his voice lmfao
☆ finding out he's a hockey player...
☆ beckett's explanation
☆ her touch calms him down
☆ first sleepover
☆ their first cuddle
☆ her major!
☆ their first kiss
☆ making it official
☆ so high school coded
☆ one monthiversary gifts
☆ beckett buys hazel expensive jewelry
☆ hazel's family!
☆ "love" and "baby"
☆ beckett calls her hazelnut
☆ beckett + hazel are 18 by one direction coded
☆ beckett + hazel do a tiktok trend!
☆ hazel comforts beckett at a press conference
insta edits ->
☆ hazel’s life update
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siriuslytruee · 9 months
i was rewatching to all the boys I've ever loved before for the millionth time yesterday and I realised what a great jegulus fic it would be.
like picture this regulus could be Lara jean, Sirius is Margot and he's dating Remus who would be Josh (and regulus' ex-crush), kitty could be Pandora (but they wouldn't be related. also, I think kitty and Pandora's energies almost match a lil), James would obviously be peter kavinsky who was dating Genevieve (Lily Evans), Barty would Regulus' crazy best friend, and so on and so forth...
I can't consume media normally anymore. everytime I watch something I try to see how much I can make about jegulus😭
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fafi-and-oblivia · 1 year
About Oblivia!
Hello! You can call me Oblivia! I am one of two admins on this account. Feel free to talk to me about Buzzfeed Unsolved, Jack Manifold (+other youtubers/streamers), Taylor Swift, MCR, Lovejoy, Fall Out Boy, BTS, Minecraft, Cryptid Coffeehouse, baseball, and many other things!!
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I will write: angst, fluff, fics, headcanons, character x reader
I will not write: NSFW, yandere, gore, anything morally wrong (pls use common sense, I will just delete asks with typical taboo topics), I also will not write for real people, or character x character.
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Fandoms/characters I write! Asterisks(*) denote favorites to write. List is subject to change!
Blooming Panic (current obsession): Nightowl*, Quest, Xyx*, NakedToaster*, Two2, BIGLADY*, Onionthief*
Harry Potter (fuck JKR): Harry Potter, Ron Weasley*, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom*, Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood*, Draco Malfoy, Matteo Riddle, Lorenzo Berkshire
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson*, Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan*, Jason Grace*, Leo Valdez*, Piper McLean*, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Connor Stoll*, Lityerses, pretty much anyone!
The Quarry: Ryan Erzahler*, Dylan Lenivy*, Nick Furcillo, Jacob Custos, Abi Blyge, Max Brinly, Kaitlyn Ka*
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester*, Castiel, Kevin Tran*, Jack Kline, Charlie Bradbury
TSITP (boycotting season 2 bc I hate Belly): Jeremiah Fisher*, Conrad Fisher, Steven Conklin
To All The Boys/XO, Kitty: Josh Sanderson, Peter Kavinsky, Kitty Song-Covey, Min Ho*
The Umbrella Academy: Diego*, Five, Klaus
Bones: Zack Addy*, Vincent Nigel-Murray*, Wendell Bray, James Aubrey, Angela Montenegro*
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani, Jamie*
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yns-world · 2 years
John Ambrose Dating Headcanons
a/n: he’s the bestest boy and deserves the world <333
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the sweetest baby boy :(((
soft touches and delicate hand holding
his hand is so comforting and warm and safe
his hugs melt all of your worries and always ground you
his kisses are so angelic-- his lips are so gentle and soft and you can always taste his lap balm <3
he’s always staring at you with heart-shaped eyes and a goofy grin
he's so lovesick that it grosses everyone out (peter kavinsky specifically)
he takes you on the sweetest dates ever :((
your first date was a picnic on a lazy sunday
john showed up bright and early to your doorstep, presenting you with a bouquet of flowers and wearing the biggest smile you’ve ever seen
he then took you to this serene lake hidden deep in the woods-- it took a bit of walking to get there-- but it was so worth it.
the calm water reflected hundreds of the sun’s diamonds on its surface; the cicadas chirped alongside the songbirds in the background
john set up the picnic right next to the lake and you guys spent the entire day chatting, eating (the food that he handmade and poured so much love into <3), and gazing into each other’s eyes like the adorable lovers you are
but the date didn’t end there-- you guys were still there long after dark, watching the sunset together, and moongazing for a majority of the night <3
once you started to get sleepy at around 2am, john cleaned up the date and took you back home
both of you were tired the next day at school but it was so worth it <3 (you both spent the lunch period leaning on each other’s shoulders and trying to catch up on sleep)
this was a little something that came to me today because i don't see enough fics for my favorite boy >:(
if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging because it helps my account <3
as always, check my pinned post for request rules :)
i hope y'all have a wonderful day and i'll catch y'all in the next post! ;)
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hendolish · 11 months
Hii so I have a few ideas for some fics. I'm on half term break so I'm thinking of writing or at least starting a few fics inspired by movies I've watched. I'm thinking of doing a Trent/Jude fic inspired by To All The Boys I've Loved movie trilogy. If you haven't watched it then that's fine but if you've watched it, I'm thinking of making Trent Lara Jean and Jude will be Peter Kavinsky. Do you think those roles suit them or do you think it should be switched. You don't to help if you haven't watched it tho. Thank youuu luv☺️☺️
this sounds so fun anon!! curious as to who the other letters would be sent out to if trent is lara jean 👀 hendo? dominik? madders? endless possibilities hehe
jude as peter seems surprisingly fitting! i think jude would be comfortable with his feelings for trent, know what he wants, and be confident about it, so the role fits quite well :)) although saying that if you switched the roles around you could have jobe send out the letters which would be pretty funny lol <3
go with whatever feels best!!
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peter-covinskys · 4 years
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All I’ve Ever Known
Lara Jean Song-Covey believes in fairytale romances. She believes in love and destiny, and everything magical about falling in love.
So when she and John Ambrose McClaren divorce after 10 years and a son, she's left searching for what happens next.
Peter Kavinsky has never been one that believed in happy endings. His divorce from Gen proves that, he thinks. As he begins his new life as a co-parenting dad to their little girl, he isn't sure what comes next. And maybe that's what's good for him.
But fate has a funny way of bringing people back together when they least expect it.
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cougarforcenty · 6 years
hung the moon...
a/n: some of you may dislike the ending as its a bit of a cliffhanger. i couldn’t make up my mind. may write a second part to this one. feedback is glorious + nourishing fruit.
summary: noah + the new costar who hates him get stuck in a precarious situation. costar’s faceclaim is the beautiful zazie beetz.
word count: 2638
warnings: none
You couldn’t really place it. You didn’t know what it was about him, or the general idea of him, that you found so untoward and irritating. You had enough self-awareness to realize that it may be the complete makings of your own neurosis and natural distrust but you just couldn’t shake it.
Everyone positively loved him. He had the cast and crew practically eating out of his hands. The girls in hair and makeup laughed at all his silly, menial jokes. The director showered him with compliments and tempered direction. Your co-stars would retell stories from the nights you went to bed early about some stupid prank he pulled on someone.
All in all, it seemed like you were the only one not fully on the Noah Centineo train.
But really, that was completely okay with you. You didn’t have the time or energy or mental capacity to be sucked into the false charm of another male co-star.
Been there, done that, didn’t even get a t-shirt.
At this point, you wanted to focus on your craft; wanted to truly harness your emotive propensities. You wanted to give a stellar performance and then get onto the next set, with a completely new group of people and hopefully not be cast alongside the world’s next biggest heartthrob.
You hope that your reticence with him isn’t coming off in your scenes together. You try to play it off as how your character would organically feel in a situation of love triangle proportions. You watch the dailies and can see that slight sheened veneer you put on when your characters are entangled. Whether emotionally or physically, or in the most difficult of spaces when both were required.
You’d skipped out on the suggested bonding practices that predated production and have maybe said 5 words to him directly when not in character. Though he’s tried numerous times to bridge the gap.
You continued to tell yourself it wasn’t unprofessional, you were simply protecting yourself. You wondered if your faux indifference would make for awkward promo after the film’s end but hadn’t thought that far in advance.
You were an actress after all. You knew how to fake it so you weren’t actually that concerned.
But this was the first time on one of your only days off that the director wanted you to meet her at a new location prior to shooting there.
Your reverence for her work made the inconvenience well worth it. Even in the middle of a very chilly fall in New York.
While waiting for the elevator doors to open in a rickety old building, you see Noah approaching.
You hadn’t realized you had both been called for this specific task. You’re instantly annoyed and pull your jacket around yourself snuggly.
He looks just as surprised to see you but doesn’t say anything.
You wait for the elevator in complete silence which seems to be taking literal years to make it down to the first floor, the little illuminating button almost taunting you with its beaming.
Finally, the doors slowly open and you walk in, he follows you a few paces behind.
He casually leans against the opposite side of the elevator and watches you push the button for the 7th floor.
“You know what this is about?” Noah finally says loosely, you can feel the weight of his gaze on the side of your face.
You shake your head lightly.
“It’s cold today,” he offers.
He’s talking about the weather and you want to die. You want to just vanish into a million little pieces.
You hate talking about the weather. You hate small talk with a passion that rivals little else.
Small talk was a waste of energy and vocal undulations.
You offer no verbal response.
Suddenly, the elevator jolts, sending you toward the button panel and then immediately stills.
Your ears start to ring as you immediately realize what just happened. You can tell Noah is saying something but you can’t make it out.
“No… no, no…” you mutter as you hit the panel. You try the emergency button, nothing. Then you hit any button in a desperate attempt to get the elevator moving again.
You feel your stomach drop when nothing happens.
“Shit,” you kick the bottom of the door which causes a jolt of pain to shoot through your foot.
You remember he’s there when you feel his hands brushing yours away from the panel.
“Don’t do that, you’ll only jam it,” Noah explains, calmly.
You angle away from his touch.
“Don’t touch me,” you mutter. You almost think you said it in your head until you look at him and realize his expression has gone from concerned to confused.
“You’re right,” Noah admits quickly, he takes a step away from you. “I’m sorry. I shouldn't have touched you.”
Pain radiates from you booted foot.
“Fuck, that hurt,” you complain, attempting to put weight on your foot.
“Yeah, well elevator’s are made of steel,” Noah remarks as he takes out his phone. “No service.”
“Ugh,” you mutter as you squeeze your eyes shut against the ever impending reality of your current circumstance. You quickly glance at your phone. “Damnit!”
You repress the urge to throw it against the closed steel doors.
“What did I do to deserve this?” You demand to the unmoving metal.
“Someone will notice the elevator isn’t working,” Noah reasons gently. He’s retreated back to his corner.
“In this damn near deserted building?”
Silence looms as you attempt to slow your racing heart by pulling some deep breaths.
“How are you so calm?” You accuse.
He shrugs. He’s studying you. The way he sometimes did. The way he did when you were on set, or running lines with someone else or at dinner with the entire cast. You’ve caught him quietly contemplating some aspect of you and always immediately acted as if you didn’t see it.
You had a feeling he was always trying to silently figure you out.
But you weren’t budging. You refused to fall for whatever guise he operated under.
“I just don’t feel the need to freak out,” he offers simply. “It’ll start working again.”
You huff and continue to glare at the elevator panel.
Of course the universe would conspire to have you stuck in an elevator with this man. That’s exactly what type of track you were on personally.
Even if your professional life was flourishing, your personal life and emotional safety weren’t necessarily corresponding.
“I can take a look at your foot if you want,” Noah offered loosely.
“Does that line typically work for you?”
“Don’t really have much occasion to use it,” he countered without missing a beat. “Can’t say that I’ve seen many women kick steel elevator doors.”
“You aren’t a doctor,” you exclaim. “You wouldn’t even know what to look for. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
You silently stare at the doors, willing the elevator to start back up again. You really need to get out of there.
“Hey, listen… if I ever did or said something to offend you, I’m really sorry,” he offers evenly.
You still can’t look at him but you feel momentarily bad until you realize that this softness, this unending affable posturing that he seemed to be angling at wasn’t gonna work on you.
You’ve been a sucker before and those days were long gone.
“You didn’t offend me, Noah,” you begin carefully. Your anxiety still looming at the reality of this enclosed space. “I just don’t buy it.”
“I’m sorry, what? What don’t you buy?”
“Your whole schtick. The act,” you respond. “The effortlessly charming ‘nice guy.’ The internet’s boyfriend. Maybe everyone else eats it up, but I see right through it.”
There’s silence on the tail end of your claim. You almost want to look at his expression after your admission but feel it better to keep your attention outward.
Then you hear a small chuckle and you’re instantly infuriated.
“When did you become an expert on ‘schtick’s’?” He questions. “Is it a class you can take?”
“Fuck you-”
He completely bypasses that remark.
“Do you typically so easily pass judgment on people without knowing them or is that a specific distinction I get the privilege of.”
“I don’t need to know you to be able to peep your whole game,” you retort.
You finally do look at him. His arms and legs crossed, leaning against the elevator. The way he’s holding his body reminds you of the easy posture of someone who looks like he’s lying down while upright. Utterly relaxed. His gaze is unflinching.
“There is no game,” Noah corrects. “I’m not the way I am for any type of personal gain.”
You laugh now. You think that maybe mirroring his own reactions will somehow allow you to calm down and make you less unnerved by his own ease. Because all it’s actually doing is making you more irritated.
“No gain? Besides everyone thinking you hung the moon, right? Okay.”
“You’re wrong,” he offers simply.
“That’s doubtful.”
“It’s actually unfortunate that you’ve relied so heavily on this narrative that’s a complete fabrication,” Noah responds. “Because if you hadn’t, then maybe we’d actually be friends or at least civil and you wouldn’t be standing in a stalled elevator seething because of some misguided hatred.”
“Oh my God,” you lament loudly, turning back to the elevator and banging on the door. “Let me out of here!”
“That won’t help.”
“Please stop talking.”
He goes silent and the silence is almost worse than hearing his incessant gabbing.
You feel a well of emotion come up dissimilar to the anger and terror you’d been trying to mask since the elevator stopped.
“You men are the fucking worst,” you mutter, not even to him directly but you know he hears you.
“What’s his name?”
“Whoever has you out here distrusting complete strangers,” Noah ponders.
“Names, plural. Your kind are real winners,” you remark, taking a deep breath in an attempt to try and subside some of the sadness creeping in.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying that. You are also not a complete stranger. You have a very public persona.”
“As do you,” Noah reminds you. “Or one that’s been crafted around your relationship at least, but unlike you, I don’t necessarily believe it.”
You prickle at that. Just the mention of your ex sends you to another realm you can’t really occupy in such close quarters. You feel like the elevator is much too small for all the vitriol you hold for him and your memories.  
“I’m not talking to Disney channel’s wonder child about any of this.”
“You’re mean,” he observes lightly. But he doesn’t actually seem offended. Which is weird to you.
Were you trying to break him? Trying to rile him? What were you actually doing besides internally screaming for something?
“But maybe not as much as I originally thought,” Noah continues thoughtfully. “If I’m honest, it sort of hurt my feelings that you were so kind to everyone else. I tried not to take it personally. But more than mean I think you’re hurt.”
“Please do me a favor and don’t ever fix your mouth in an attempt to psychoanalyze me again.”
You look up at the elevators mirrored ceiling and let out a primal scream. Once it’s out, you bend over, bracing yourself with your hands against your knees, just praying that the elevator will start working.
You silently count to 10 with your eyes squeezed shut. When you open them there’s no change.
You feel worse.
“We’re gonna die in here,” you say desperately.
“We will not die in here,” Noah assures you.
“What do you know?”
“It’s a shame our characters don’t hate each other,” Noah offers thoughtfully. “You’d have a head start.”
“You’re not important enough to hate, Noah,” you exclaim bitterly.
You feel yourself vacillating between anger, fear, sadness, and panic. All emotions you don’t want anywhere near this man you’ve kept at an arm's length.
“Will you stop looking at me?” You’ve felt his eyes on you intermittently the entire time and the longer that continues, the more unnerved you become.
“Where else am I supposed to look?”
You can tell he’s trying to be playful. Which is maddening and also a bit sweet because you momentarily forget you’re freaking out.
“Anywhere else.”
“I’m looking at you because you’re trembling,” Noah offers gently.
“It’s fucking freezing.”
“Hey, look at me,” Noah requests after a moment. It takes you a full 7 seconds to bring yourself to do as he says.
His gaze is so gentle and innocent, you almost feel like you’ll burst into tears just looking at him.
“I will not hurt you.”
Those words hit you with every ounce of sincerity they are uttered alongside.
You instantly believe him and you’re pissed about it.
He straightens and walks toward you. Which is only about two paces in that elevator. His hand’s tentatively on your shoulder and it’s only then when you physically feel just how much you are shaking.
“Is this okay?”
You nod your head wordlessly. He outstretches his other arm and with the most subtle movements, wraps you into a light hug.
You lean against him instantly, your body finally being cued to relax for the first time since the elevator stalled. Your hands come up and grasp the sides of his jacket, your ear against his chest.
He tightens his arms around you as you sink further into his warmth.
“Your heart is racing,” he mutters.
“Anxiety,” you sigh. “How are you so warm?”
“I don’t know, I just run hot.”
Being in his arms feels so good. You want to believe it’s just his body heat and the lack of your own but it’s something else. Something that pulls at the pit of your stomach and knaws at your conscious.
If someone would have told you, even 12 hours ago, that Noah would be holding you in this moment, you would have laughed in their face.
Maybe you were wrong about him.
That realization makes your heart drop and all the myriad of emotions that well up in you are steeped in regret and embarrassment.
He’s being so sweet to you and you’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass.
You feel your eyes burn with tears as you wrap your arms completely around him beneath his jacket.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch to you,” you mutter. You attempt to school your tears but they won’t be reasoned with.
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” you exclaim against his chest, your voice breaking. “I have such a shitty track record with charming men, I just clammed up. I didn’t even get to know you on a basic human level and that’s so embarrassing. I’m so sorry.”
The tears are flowing now and you feel absolutely mortified.
He pulls back briefly just to peer into your face. He wordlessly wipes away your tears and envelops you back into his arms. This only makes you cry harder.
Where did this deep generosity come from? Why was he so willing to freely give it?
“Shhhh,” Noah offers, resting his cheek against the top of your head. “It’s okay.”
“It’s so fucked up,” you cry into his chest. You don’t know where these tears are even coming from, or why you feel safe enough to unload them with him in this moment.
There’s a lot there that you haven’t even begun to speak of.
He’s back to wiping your tears away and his eyes look like the most delectable mixture of honey and amber and you feel certain you’re in the Twilight zone because all you want to do is kiss him as your eyes flick toward his mouth.
But you wouldn’t dare… it feels like too big a stretch and you aren’t that brave.
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queenie-004 · 1 year
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: To All the Boys I've Loved Before (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Kavinsky/Lara Jean Song-Covey, Peter Kavinsky & Katherine "Kitty" Song-Covey Characters: Lara Jean Song-Covey, Peter Kavinsky, Katherine "Kitty" Song-Covey, Dan Covey, Chris (To All the Boys I've Loved Before) Additional Tags: Fluff, School Dances, perfect boyfriend, Mild Smut, kitty covey dramatics, just wanted to write a little something sweet, Family Feels, Don't copy to another site, you're not ready for the peter/kitty adorableness Summary:
Peter comes to the rescue for one of his favorite Covey Girls.
I wrote this before the TATB:PSISLY trailers came out with all the Pro-Covinsky Kitty content, so this is a nice little enhancement for that!
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diorgirl444 · 2 months
okay hypothetically if i was to do a to all the boys i’ve loved before inspired multiple part x reader fic…. who should i cast as josh??? bearing in mind dallas is peter kavinsky and the curtis brothers are the song covey sisters
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