#noah st. clair
dragonanne · 1 year
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Here’s my entry for the annual secret santa event for The SIlver Eye. I don’t know if the person I drew it for has a tumblr, but the prompt was: "Apen and Noah begrudgingly helping decorate gingerbread houses (possibly wearing Christmas sweaters? You decide!)" This one was a lot of fun! I imagine Noah wouldn't be the most helpful in the decorating department. And he is 100% wishing he had a cigar in his mouth rather than a candy cane 😂 Also, I don't know who's going to be chewing them out later for not building their house on a platter of some kind rather than directly on the table, but I would be willing to bet it'll be Berlyne. (They're definitely going to get an earful about all that powdered sugar 😆) As always, thank you to @drawingsworth for blessing us all with her fantastic story, comic, and characters. And also huge thanks to @aceofstars16 for organizing this event every year. You do an amazing job, girl💖
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hainethehero · 6 months
I want to be so clear when I say this, Noah Schnapp, Brett Gelman, Shaun Levy and the Duffer Brothers are absolutely vile people, which is why I will not be watching/posting/writing about ST5 or anything ST again.
The Duffers and Shaun have shown their full support for Biden (g3n0cide Joe) who refused a cease🔥 in Palestine and thanked him for his actions.
Noah thinks Z!onism- an ideology that has nothing to do with Jews & is very similar to Naz!sm- is sexy & that the current geno of over 15,000 Palestinians is justified. Additionally, he's made fun of Palestinians despite having played a character that was both Palestinian and "Israeli". He's talked about Khamas being like is-is despite the irony of both groups being created by Israel. He fully supported Amy Schumer's WILD & antisem posts online.
Brett Gelman and his wife have been posting absolutely vile, Islamophobic rhetoric online & have openly & proudly mocked thousands of 💀 P/stinian civilians. He attended pro-Israeli rallies that called for the continued bombing of Gaza & perpetuated racist rants of all Arabs being "r*pists & t3rr0rists".
None of them have had their jobs affected despite being openly rac!st & xenophobic online/in public. None of them have had to fear for their lives as they sit in their mansions while innocent Arab-americans are targeted/shot by radical, yt, Israeli supporters. They've been living in luxury & comfort while pro-Pals have been facing mounting 💀-threats, are being doxxed and silenced.
And for the other cast members who remain silent & refuse to speak out, either against their cohorts or against geno, WE SEE YOU.
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wanderingwolpertinger · 10 months
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(More!) TSE as Babylon Bee
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
Idony: “What state do you live in?”
Marcus: “Confusion.”
Apen: “Crippling anxiety.”
Noah: “Worry.”
Enel: “Um, there are no states in Gallitan?”
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accidental-spice · 1 year
My TSE Secret Santa contribution, for @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord !
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The prompt was "Idony and Ruya prepare for the St. Claire's first Christmas all together (sisterly bonding and picking on Noah ensues)"
Hope you you like it, and Merry Christmas!!
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tseappreciationweek · 2 years
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Day 3 - Hope
Nobody is so depleted of hope as Noah, and nobody is so full of hope as Chara. They make for a fitting duo. (I hope the image works this time)
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captaingondor · 1 year
The Invitation
Here is my TSE Secret Santa for @accidental-spice for the prompt "Noah and Ruya in college." enjoy!!
Noah walked from the library side by side with Ruya, where they had been studying together for their end of semester exams. In truth, he would need to be doing some further studying after they parted. He had not gotten as much out of this session as he might have. Ruya's presence could be… distracting. When he was meant to be poring over notes, he kept sneaking glances at the furrow in her brow and purse in her lips as she concentrated on something she was reading, at her fingers slowly twirling a pencil between them, at a lock of hair sliding down from her shoulder and hanging in front of her eyes, begging to be pushed back into place. All the same, whether or not it had been ideal studying conditions, he considered it to be time well spent.
They were both bundled against the cold, hats pulled around their ears and the shoulders of their thick coats almost rubbing together as they walked. Ruya's mittened hands clutched the straps of the bag slung on her shoulder, and Noah's were shoved into his pockets, where they wouldn't betray him and try to reach for hers.
He wasn't sure he was ready to think about what that would mean.
"So," Ruya said, her voice somewhat muffled by her thick scarf, "do you have plans for Christmas break? Are you going home?" Ruya didn't know where "home" was for Noah, but she knew it wasn't particularly nearby. Enough that his traveling for break might be in question.
Noah shook his head. For the first few years of this whole arrangement, Bhatair had wanted to spend his Christmases with his family, meaning Thoth had been free to share his with his. But people had been begging Velvare to stay for some big to-do in Greenway, so maybe that would be nice for Avidan. Maybe. And that meant, of course, that Thoth would stuck out here being Bhatair. Maybe that would be nice for him, spending Christmas with Gudrun and Nathan and Delaney, instead of his own son. Noah couldn't exactly crash that party without raising a lot of questions. So no, he did not have any plans for Christmas. It wasn't as though he could travel home on his own.
"No you don't have plans or no you're not going home?" Ruya asked, when he gave no further elaboration.
"Both," Noah said, and shrugged. "I mean, I guess I'll go to a service, and… get a nice meal somewhere." If he could find somewhere that was open on Christmas. Maybe he'd just be eating in his room, all alone.
This was actually a bit depressing, now that he thought about it.
"You can't be spending Christmas alone!" Ruya protested, aghast.
"Ah, it's just how things worked out this year," Noah replied, trying to sound nonchalant, like this was not really a big deal and did not bother him even a little bit.
"No, no, that is not acceptable," Ruya said, prodding him in the shoulder with mittened fist m , for emphasis. Before Noah could ask what she expected him to do about it, she continued. "I'll have to tell my parents that we're inviting you over. They'd be thrilled to have you, I'm sure. No one should be alone on Christmas."
"I don't know," Noah said doubtfully, rubbing the back of his head, although the thought of his own lack of Christmas plans was sounding more and more dismal the more he thought about it. "I wouldn't want to intrude…"
"Nonsense! The more the merrier. What's Christmas spirit if it isn't shared?"
"I guess it's pretty miserable," Noah said, with the image in his mind of sitting alone next to a tiny, sad tree and a carefully wrapped present he wouldn't be able to get to Idony until well after the holiday.
"You see? Don't act like you don't want to celebrate with someone," Ruya said, and Noah had to admit that she had won. Now that he could no longer try not to think about it, he could no longer deny that he really, definitely, did not want to spend Christmas alone.
And spending it with Ruya, specifically, would definitely fill him with cheer appropriate to the holiday.
"Alright, yes - if your parents say it would be fine, I'll come over. I would be glad to." Ruya grinned and clapped her hands, or rather produced a soft thump from her mittens. Noah smiled and ducked his head, finding he was actually very excited by the invitation now that he had allowed himself to accept it. "Is it going to be a big crew?" That would make it a lot easier to fit one more person in, and he wouldn't have to feel like he was putting anyone out of their way.
Ruya shook her head. "Just us, a quiet little celebration. Hope that's alright."
"Of course," Noah said quickly.
"What's it usually like for you at home?"
Noah thought back to Christmases past in the overcrowded orphanage. "Chaotic." He smiled fondly. He would miss being with his family, but… "I don't think I'll mind having something a little more peaceful, for a change."
"Well, good, I don't think we can provide much chaos, if that's what you wanted. But we can provide a delicious dinner, and entirely too many cookies, and a warm fireplace."
It sounded heavenly. "And good company," Noah added, leaning over to knock Ruya's shoulder with his own.
"Something you'll be bringing along yourself, too," she replied, looking aside at him with a smile. Noah dared to wonder, then, if their study session had been exactly as productive for her as it had been for him. He watched her face, for just a little too long, before answering.
"Well… just let me know once you've talked to your parents." He came to a stop. They'd reached the point in their walk back where their paths would diverge. "Tell me where and when to show up, and I’ll be there."
Ruya half-turned to face him. "I will. And I know they'll say yes. They’ve heard a lot about you.”
Noah raised an eyebrow. “Good things, I hope?”
“Of course!” Ruya exclaimed, and giggled. “Great things, don't worry. We'd all love to have you. Um. So I'll see you later!" She waved and hurried off down the path. Noah held a hand up, watching her go.
I'm not totally clear on the timeline of Noah's education, but I figure this happens sometime between the start of his time at college and Thoth's death. I don't feel confident enough in writing Ruya's parents, of whom we've barely seen anything, to write this actual Christmas dinner, but I hope the invitation is sweet enough on its own! Merry Christmas!
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niymue · 2 months
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and to her great surprise, someone not even that strange or ugly showed up after responding to her ad: Noah St Clair.
also yes she dyed her hair before he came over lets just gloss over that
daniela: so uhh. i'm going to get an inheritance out of this. what do you need to be married for? noah: i'm in the military. can't live off base unless i'm married (lol) noah: it has to look realistic though, or i'll lose my job. daniela: hmmm. yeah i think i'll be able to do realistic...
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esf-art-and-design · 5 months
Comprehensive list of Queer Pop Artists (wether through themes in songs or through confirmed ID) you could be supporting instead of throwing a fit over the fact that Swift is not gay and would really like if y’all stopped speculating (because it’s wrong to boil someone down to who they bone, and dangerous and harmful to out someone, thought we knew this as the queer community, but I digress)
List was created by a now deleted account on Reddit, so I can’t credit the exact person who created it
A Comprehensive List of LGBTQ+ Pop Music Act’s
additional reference: /u/[**frogaranaman**](https://www.reddit.com/user/frogaranaman/)**'s list divided by identity:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/c3rpga/happy\_pride\_in\_honor\_of\_the\_month\_here\_is\_a\_list/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/c3rpga/happy_pride_in_honor_of_the_month_here_is_a_list/)
^(i divided by genre, so some people appear on multiple lists. I am not a musicologist; please do not ask me why i categorized an artist in one genre, but not the other. if the grammys never even get it right, how can i?)
**methodology**: i included artists who give a clear answer being a part of the community, have had it verified being queer and/or queerness some tangible way, have passed, and/or discuss queer themes in the first person in a moderate or significant part of their body of work. ^(i did not include comedy artists, so you will not see too many camp acts or drag queens here.)
* *\** = person and/or representation of color, mostly black
* *(+)* = noticeably problematic
* *(#)* \- uses queer themes or narrators often, but not verified
if I missed someone, or misidentified someone, post a response with their name and genre. i will edit & include them.
# adult contemporary
* ben abraham *\**
* jennifer knapp
* will young
* sam smith
* billy porter *\**
* michaela jai *\**
# alternative folk & country
* orville peck
* adeem the artist
* tj osborne / brothers osbourne
* angel olson
* joy oladokun *\**
* sufjan stevens (#)
* evil *\**
* kd lang
* izzy heltai
* trixie mattel
* steve grand
* adrianne lenker (of big thief)
# alternative hip-hop & rap
* taylor bennett *\**
* snow tha product *\**
* zebra katz *\**
* shygirl *\**
* rob.b *\**
* tiger goods *\**
* naeem ***(formerly spank rock)*** *\**
* mykki blanco *\**
* princess nokia *\**
* mahawam *\**
* heems *\**
* saul williams *\**
* kalifa ***(formerly le1f)*** *\**
* omar apollo *\**
* keanan *(drill) \**
* drebae *\**
* cuee *\**
* junglepussy *\**
* angel haze *\**
* mista strange *(drill) \**
* the last artful, dogdr *\**
* dizzy fae *\**
* kelechi\*\*\*
* ilovemakonnen *\**
* kamaiyah *\**
* kidd kenn *(drill) \**
* leikeli47 *\**
* isaiah rashad *\**
* dai burger *\**
* azealia banks ***(+)*** *\**
* chicka *\**
* jaboukie *\**
* dapper dan midas *\**
* baby tate *\**
* kevin abstract / brockhampton *\**
* cakes da killa *\**
* iamjakehill / ur pretty
* cazwell
* lil lotus
* lil aaron
# alternative pop
* purple crush
* aurora
* st. vincent
* black dresses
* anohni
* maggie lindemann
* scott matthew
* oscar and the wolf
* steve lacy *\**
* dreamer isioma *\**
* vaultboy
* coco & clair clair *\**
* shamir *\**
* empress of *\**
* cat burns *\**
* kučka
* king mala
* lava la rue *\**
* devonte hynes / blood orange *\**
* jessica 6 *\**
* naeem ***(formerly spank rock)****\**
* adore delano / danny noriega *\**
* orion sun *\**
* dizzy fae *\**
* pvris
* japanese breakfast *\**
* dorian electra
* yeule
* kevin abstract / brockhampton *\**
* christine & the queens
* davy boi *\**
* declan mckenna
* yungblud
* jazmin bean
# alternative r&b
* durand bernarr *\**
* keiynan lonsdale\*
* frank ocean *\**
* noah davis
* serpentwithfeet \*
* joy oladokun *\**
* isaac dunbar *\**
* kwaye *\**
* steve lacy *\**
* kelechi *\**
* ray laurel *\**
* mac ayres
* orion sun *\**
* kyle dion *\**
* janelle monae *\**
* kelela *\**
* jeremy pope *\**
* syd / the internet *\**
* jamila woods *\**
* kehlani *\**
* mahawam *\**
* 070 shake *\**
* davy boi *\**
* destin conrad *\**
* michelle (band) *\**
* cat burns *\**
* coco & breezy *\**
* arlo parks *\**
* devonte hynes / blood orange *\**
* bartees strange *\**
* brayton bowman *\**
* bronze avery *\**
* cain culto ***(formerly ecclesia)*** *\**
* olivia o'brien
# SPOTLIGHT: arab, persian, & desi / south-asian artists
* the muslims *\**
* hamed sinno / mashrou’ leila *\**
* wafia *\**
* remi wolf *\**
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* heems \*
* freddy mercury / queen *\**
* leo kalyan *\**
* lil darkie ***(+)*** *\**
* dounia *\**
* dua saleh *\**
* raveena *\**
* mavi phoenix *\**
* ray laurel\*
# black & urban contemporary gospel
* kevin terry \*
* mo heart \*
* resistance revival chorus \*
* james cleveland \*
* sister rosetta tharpe \*
* tonex / b.slade \*
* donnie mcclurkin \*
# blues / jazz / spoken word
* billy wright \*
* bessie smith \*
* frankie "half pint" jaxon \*
* big mama thorton \*
* johnny mathis \*
* ethel waters \*
* billie holiday \*
* little richard \*
* ma rainey \*
* billy strayhorn \*
* langston hughes\*
# camp
* iamjakehill / ur pretty
* jaboukie \*
* qaadir howard \*
# contemporary r&b
* whitney houston \*
* monifah \*
* iman jordan\*
* 070 shake\*
* bree runway\*
* coco & breezy\*
* dreamer isioma\*
# christian & worship
* william matthews\*
* semler
* ecclesia ***(now known as cain culto) \****
* sufjan stevens **(#)**
* jennifer knapp
* vicky beeching
* dion davis\*
* joy oladokun\*
* ethel cain
* julien baker
* dan haseltine / jars of clay
* ray boltz
# djs / producers
* kaytranda \*
* amorphous \*
* sophie
* mnek \*
* mike q \*
# electronic / disco / industrial
* woodkid
* robert alfons / tr/st
* bright light bright lights
* k flay
* beth ditto
* midnight pool party \*
* sylvester \*
* eartheater
* christine & the queens
* zee machine
* yves tumor \*
* passion pit
* the sound of arrows
* peaches
* fever ray / the knife
* hercules and love affair
* jessica 6 \*
* kele okereke / bloc party\*
* shura
* madison rose\*
* michael medrano
* shamir \*
* shygirl \*
# house / ballroom house
* little louie vega / masters at work\*
* azealia banks ***(+)*** \*
* tt the artist\*
* cake da killa\*
* kevin jz prodigy\*
* purple crush
* miss jay\*
* kevin aviance \*
* rupaul \*
# hyper / power pop
* 100 gecs
* that kid \*
* dorian electra
* mika \*
# indie & progressive pop
* mickey darling (#)
* fhat \*
* cub sport
* moses sumney \*
* kele okereke / bloc party\*
* minute taker
* morgxn
* shamir \*
* muna (\*)
* tawnted
* the aces
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* this japanese house
* tinashe \*
* angel olson
* mothica
* peter thomas
* japanese breakfast \*
* lava la rue \*
* royal & the serpent
* michelle (band) \*
* semler
* pale waves
* perfume genius
* gabriel garzon montano \*
* declan mckenna
* the sound of arrows
* fever ray / the knife
* kali
* lava la rue
* girl in red
* bartees strange \*
* jake shears / scissor sisters
* ethel cain
* devonte hynes / blood orange \*
* purple crush
* tegan & sara
* oliver sim / the xx
* ssion
# indie rock
* kele okereke / bloc party \*
* cosmo jarvis ***(#)***
* oliver sim / the xx
* car seat headrest
* big thief
* now, now
* lucy dacus / boygenius
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* boyish
* julien baker
* black belt eagle scout \*
* ethel cain
* courtney barnett
* pale waves
* joe talbot / idles
* le tigre
* john grant / the czars
* lava la rue \*
# SPOTLIGHT: indigenous artists
* black belt eagle scout \*
* keiynan lonsdale\*
* trixie mattel \*
# k-pop
* mrshll\*
* holland\*
* lionesses\*
* jiae / wa$$up\*
* wonho\*
# SPOTLIGHT: latinidad & latine artists
* arca \*
* ricky martin\*
* villano antillano \*
* cain culto (formerly ecclesia) \*
* tokischa \*
* mad tsai \*
* snow tha product \*
* 070 shake \*
* anitta \*
* kali uchis \*
* blue rojo \*
* pablo vittar \*
* maria becerra\*
* kaytranda \*
* omar rudberg \*
* empress of \*
* michaela jai \*
* willie gomez \*
* jessica 6 *\**
* mabiland \*
* princess nokia \*
* omar apollo \*
* adore delano / danny noriega \*
* omar rudberg \*
* adriano cintra / css \*
* young m.a \*
* gabriel garzon montano \*
* pablo alborán
* bentley robles \*
Also adding in general (not pop necessarily)
Elton John
Queen/Freddie Mercury
Lzzy Hale/ Halestorm
Taylor Momsen/ The Pretty Reckless
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valiantarcher · 6 months
Tagged by @sailforvalinor to post four fictional characters you relate to and let people assume something about you - thank you!
Four characters:
Riza Hawkeye, Fullmetal Alchemist
Nissa Montaine, Waking Beauty
B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager
Noah St. Claire, The Silver Eye
Tagging @isfjmel-phleg, @thetreasurechest, @marietheran, @lady-merian, @morfinwen, @theworldiswhispering, @aceofstars16, @stingrayextraordinaire, @theladywyn, and @siena-sevenwits, if they so desire.
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Not much to add here, I don't think. We continue with the new 6-option model on the polls. The submission form has closed again, with around 1,400 total submissions. Thank you all for your patience with me over the past week or so, and I hope you enjoy this week's lineup as well.
Jae-ha - Yona of the Dawn
Vanitas - Vanitas no Carte
Noé Archiviste - Vanitas no Carte
Jeanne the Hellfire Witch - Vanitas no Carte
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no Carte
Yoite - Nabari no Ou
Miharu Rokujo - Nabari no Ou
Tobari Durandal Kumohira - Nabari no Ou
Uriel - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Han Sooyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Sangah - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Biyoo - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Jung Heewon - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Lee Gilyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Shin Yoosung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Ib - Ib
Garry - Ib
Mary - Ib
Daniil Dankovsky - Pathologic
Artemy Burakh - Pathologic
Clara - Pathologic
Kenzo Tenma - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Eva Heinemann - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Johan Liebert - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Nana Osaki - Nana
Nana Komatsu - Nana
Nervous Subject - The Sims 2
Pascal Curious - The Sims 2
Ophelia Nigmos - The Sims 2
Tank Grunt - The Sims 2
Loki Beaker - The Sims 2
Ren "Nero" Atsushi - The Boy Who Fell
Henry Jekyll - The Glass Scientists
Jack Twist - Brokeback Mountain
Ennis del Mar - Brokeback Mountain
Alma Beers - Brokeback Mountain
Lureen Newsome - Brokeback Mountain
Nurm - Minecraft Story Mode
Felisin Paran - Malazan Book of the Fallen
Antarcticite - Houseki no Kuni
Aechmea - Houseki no Kuni
Dietfried Bougainvillea - Violet Evergarden
Aragaki - Megalo Box
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Tsuchigomori - Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun
Shun - Saint Seiya
Camus - Saint Seiya
Junpei - Jujutsu Kaisen
Mikoto Suoh - K Project
Hoid - Cosmere
Zakuro Oshigiri - The Ones Within (ナカノヒトゲノム【実況中】)
Jesse Ditley - The Raven Cycle
Wybie Lovat - Coraline
Dameon - Obernewtyn
The Gray Man - The Raven Cycle
The Cabbage Man - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Mindy St Claire - The Good Place
Michael - The Good Place
Shawn - The Good Place
Toph Beifong - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out/Glass Onion
Miles Bron - Glass Onion
Kagura - Inuyasha
Mikage - Gen'ei EP -Envy Phantom-
Hikari - Arcaea
Jack Torrance - The Shining
The Quangle Wangle - The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Benten - Uchouten Kazoku
Lorem - Angels With Scaly Wings
Noble Heart Horse - Care Bears
Ryan Goldsmith (Golden Ryan) - Tiger and Bunny: The Rising & Tiger and Bunny 2
Elfo - Disenchantment
Jack Merridew - Lord of The Flies
Noah Czerny - The Raven Boys
Courtney - Dead End Paranormal Park
Coraline Doll - Coraline
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Shinya Oedo - PriPara
Akira - Wii Sports
Bouncer - Stardew Valley
Wario - Super Mario
Clark Kent - My Adventures With Superman
Linus van Pelt - Peanuts
Pearl - Splatoon
Romeo Montague - Romeo and Juliet
Mr Bobinsky - Coraline
Nimona - Nimona
Goldenloin - Nimona
Megan - But I’m A Cheerleader
Steve - The Owl House
Fiver - Watership Down
Sundew - Wings of Fire
Micheal Falk - The Onion
B. F. Bugleberry - Jermaverse
Jerma - Jerma Dollhouse
Earthworm Sally - Flamingo
Sammy the Strawberry - Flamingo
Filipe - Flamingo
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anewkindofme · 7 months
Here are a current list of fandoms I make content for and how I’ve classified characters thus far! If I haven’t included one, just ask and I’ll classify them for you. :) I’ll also include my OTPs that I may put together to be caregivers as well as NOTPs that I will not write for.
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Caregivers: Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Charlie Swan & Rosalie Hale.
Flips: Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen & Jacob Black
Littles: Bella Swan, Emmett Cullen & Jasper Hale
Nuetrals: N/A
OTPs: Carlisle/Esme, Jasper/Alice & Rosalie/Emmett (as caregivers only)
NOTPs: Edward/Bella & Jacob/Bella
The Vampire Diaries Universe:
Caregivers: Damon Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Elijah Mikaelson, Matt Donovan, Enzo St. John, Keelin Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, Freya Mikaelson, Cami O’Donnell, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson
Flips: None
Neutrals: Alaric Saltzman, Mikael Mikaelson, Esther Mikaelson, John Gilbert & Miranda Gilbert
Littles: Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Kol Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Marcel Gerard, Josie Saltzman, Lizzie Saltzman, Jenna Sommers & Davina Claire
OTPs: Damon/Enzo, Damon/Bonnie, Hayley/Elijah, Klaus/Caroline, Rebekah/Matt, Keelin/Freya, Damon/Bonnie/Enzo & Klaus/Cami
NOTPs: Damon/Elena, Damon/Katherine & Stefan/Katherine
I do ship Stefan/Elena, Kol/Davina, Hope/Josie & Jeremy/Bonnie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
One Tree Hill:
Caregivers: Karen Roe, Keith Scott, Haley James Scott, Mouth McFadden, Quinn James, Chase Adams, Chris Keller & Clay Evans
Flips: Lucas Scott & Peyton Saywer
Neutrals: Dan Scott
Littles: Nathan Scott, Millie Huxtible, Brooke Davis & Alex Dupre
OTPs: Karen/Keith, Quinn/Clay, Peyton/Lucas (as caregivers) & Chris/Chase
NOTPs: Brooke/Lucas & Dan/Karen
I do ship Haley/Nathan, Brooke/Peyton & Mouth/Millie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Caregivers: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Flips: N/A
Neutrals: John Winchester & Mary Winchester
Littles: Sam Winchester & Jack Kline
OTPs: Dean/Castiel
Teen Wolf:
Caregivers: Derek Hale, Noah Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Chris Argent & Peter Hale
Flips: Scott McCall & Lydia Martin
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Malia Tate, Stiles Stilinksi, Alison Argent & Liam Dunbar
OTPs: Noah/Melissa
I do ship Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Malia, Stiles/Lydia & Scott/Alison, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice:
Caregivers: Owen Hunt, Meredith Grey, Mark Sloan, Derek Shepherd, Addison Montgomery, Charlotte King, Arizona Robbins, Callie Torres, Atticus Lincoln & Sheldon Wallace
Flips: Amelia Shepherd
Neutrals: Cristina Yang & Izzie Stevens
Littles: Alex Karev, Jackson Avery, April Kepner, Jo Wilson, Andrew DeLuca, Lexi Grey & Dell Parker
OTPs: Meredith/Derek, Addison/Mark, Callie/Arizona & Charlotte/Amelia (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Owen Hunt/Anyone, Addison/Derek & Charlotte/Cooper
I do ship Mark/Lexi, April/Jackson, Alex/Jo & Andrew/Meredith, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Once Upon A Time:
Caregivers: Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, Belle French, Maleficent, Princess Anna, Prince Kristoff, Killian Jones (all versions), Henry Mills (S7 only), Ella Mills, Robin Hood, Queen Tiana, Ursula & Robin Hood-Mills/Margot
Flips: David Charming & Ruby Lucas
Nuetrals: Mother Gothel, Zelena Mills & Cora Mills
Littles: Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Alice Jones, Will Scarlet, Drizella Tremaine, Queen Elsa, Lily Page & Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
OTPs: Tiana/Killian, Snow/David (as caregivers), Belle/Rumpelstiltskin, Belle/Killian, Maleficent/Ursula, Henry/Ella, Snow/Ruby/David (as caregivers), Ruby/Belle (as caregivers) & Kristoff/Anna
NOTPs: Killian/Emma, Henry/Drizella, Killian/Gothel & Zelena/Anyone
I do ship Emma/Neal, Emma/Elsa, Emma/Lily, Belle/Will, Snow/Regina & Alice/Margot, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Pretty Little Liars:
Caregivers: Emily Fields, Toby Cavanaugh, Caleb Rivers, Wayne Fields, Pam Fields, Mary Drake, Jason Dilaurentis & Maya St. Germain
Flips: Mona Vanderwaal, Alison Dilaurentis & Cece Drake
Neutrals: Veronica Hastings, Byron Montgomery, Peter Hastings, Ezra Fitz & Ella Montgomery.
Littles: Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Mike Montgomery, Alex Drake & Hanna Marin
OTPs: Wayne/Pam, Maya/Emily, Alison/Emily (as caregivers) & Caleb/Toby
NOTPs: Ezra/Aria
I do ship Spencer/Toby, Hanna/Caleb, Mona/Mike, Aria/Spencer & Aria/Jason, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
9-1-1 & 9-1-1 Lone Star:
Caregivers: Owen Strand, Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta “Hen” Wilson, Howie Han, Tommy Vega, Judson “Judd” Ryder, Eddie Dias & Paul Strickland
Flips: Carlos Reyes
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: TK Strand, Marjan Marwani, Evan “Buck” Buckley & Maddie Buckley
OTPs: Bobby/Athena & Hen/Tracie
I do also ship TK/Carlos, Howie/Maddie & Buck/Eddie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Criminal Minds:
Caregivers: Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jason Gideon, Will LaMontagne & Emily Prentiss
Flips: Derek Morgan & Jennifer “JJ” Jereau
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Spencer Reid & Penelope Garcia
OTPs: JJ/Hotch (as caregivers), Emily/Hotch and Will/JJ (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Penelope/Luke
I do ship Penelope/Derek but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
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wanderingwolpertinger · 10 months
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(Couldn't decide between the two lol)
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(platonically ofc)
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(More!) TSE as tumblr
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
Enel: “What would you do if I was kidnapped?”
Noah: “Nothing. I’d just wait for thirty minutes until until they let you go voluntarily.”
Idony: *coughs into her hand*
Noah: “Shut up.”
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tseappreciationweek · 2 years
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definitely noah! no matter what, he is doing something for someone—whether its for idony or ruya. If i was good enough friends with him, i would definitely want someone to believe in me through hard times.   
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vitalphenomena · 3 months
i love when single muse blogs have their char's name in the pinned post for various reasons. i hate that if i did that, it would look like,
and that's crazy. that's like 100 lines
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