#nobility rp
ryanhelps · 3 months
hello, we are new bridgerton/the buccaneers inspired rp and we are looking for another admin or two to join us! we arent open yet but plan on opening within the month. if its okay, can we please get a shout out?
such a pretty main and a fun premise! GO CHECK THEM OUT!!
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modernrp · 3 months
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» welcome to modern affairs! dive into the glitzy world of wysteria, a fictional island nation in the atlantic ocean. as a jcink premium modern royalty site, we offer a slice-of-life experience combined with a world that will change and grow with its characters.
♛ index ♛ guidebook ♛ canons ♛ face claim ♛ adverts ♛ discord ♛
we are celebrating our official grand opening!!!!
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black-swan-official · 8 months
yo, if anybody wants to change their deadname in the registry, you know who to call
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universestreasures · 3 months
Dragon Hunt: A Nobles Of Nature Arc 1 (The Pale Moon Circus) Playlist
Start of Something New /// Yuzu & Yuya
If I Never Knew You - End Title /// Yuto & Ruri
The View from Up Here /// Rin & Yugo
What Is This Feeling? /// Serena & Yuri
Something There /// Zarc & Ray
Rewrite The Stars /// Kisara & Seto
Surface Pressure /// Kaito
It Takes Two /// Koutei & Yuri
As Long As You're Mine /// Asaka & Ren
Armed and Ready /// Kai
Other Friends /// Ren @ Q4
So Close /// Zarc & Ray
Come on Out /// Asaka & The Assassins
Cold /// Aichi
Love Power /// Eve
Ready As I'll Ever Be //// Q4, Yuzu, Kaiba, Mokuba, & The Pale Moon Circus
The Greatest Show /// The Pale Moon Circus
Nevermore /// Aichi & Kai @ Ren
When the World Was Mine /// Asaka
Drink Your Light /// Zarc
For @abysseeker (Happy 8 Year FriendshipRpversery, Crix Twix <3)
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elftwink · 1 year
saw a video about 2 player ttrpgs and one of them was like "this one's about a pretend marriage" and i was like oh? and i looked it up on itch (eyes on the prize, fyi) and it's 50% as of right now and i was like OH? and i bought it immediately & ive read most of it and i am a big fan. and i KNOW that i have friends who would have fun playing it (it's a 2 player or 4 player game; the 4 player variant has 2 fake couples) but asking them is going to be so cringe. yeah we're gonna make up people and pretend to be them and then pretend to pretend to get married and the characters when they start their pretending they're gonna be like "oh we don't have any romantic feelings towards each other this is strictly plot" but then (get this) they will start to develop real feelings for each other. and we're gonna act it out together and pretend to be them but don't worry! we have no romantic feelings towards one another. this is strictly plot. when WE (irl) pretend to be in love it's actually platonic, unlike the people who we are pretending to be to each other. so do you have like 2-5 hours you wanna dedicate to that next week
and the worst part is that's 100% what i want. like i have roleplayed romance before with friends it is literally not a big deal because the whole point of roleplay is that the character ISN'T you. but with a fake relationship the crushing weight of dramatic irony hovers behind me
#i do want to play it though it seems fun. i actually think it would be more fun to do the 4 player variant#just bc like. to me fake dating is all about the audience. the way you act alone vs in public#it's about the drama. the show. having other people to bounce of off in rp i think benefits that#eh. im overthinking it i'll get over myself & bring it up. i at least wanna talk about it to people even if we don't intend to play it#i also kinda think you could use the game as more of a writing prompt than a roleplaying game if you wanted?#like. ideally you're still have 2 or 4 people who have a character they mainly control#and you'd like. co-write a story by hashing out responses to each card (which is the main game mechanic) & writing it down#but you would lose some of the imo more like... silly (affectionate) parts of the game?#because some of it is really about the improvisational aspect of both ttrpgs and the fake dating trope#but i still think it would be really fun. and i have done a lot of text-based roleplay before#so i am biased towards it just in general.#i also think you could probs play with 3 players with slight bending of the rules and in and out of game acceptance of polya relationships#esp because the setting is like. vaguely period piece fantasy nobility. you go to fancy parties and shit#i feel like those people had very complicated love lives i think a throuple would be fine#also We Are Playing Pretend#good idea generator#unrelated but did wtf when did they update the post editor the tags are so ugly LOL
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elwin-at-your-service · 3 months
do you just work a foxfire? Or help out the other hospitals in the lost cities? And aren’t you just a pediatrician, why do you treat adults too? Something are just not adding up… 🤨🧐🤨
Hmm. I think you ask this with a human-centric understanding of medical care (and perhaps, even within the human medical paradigm, a Western-centric understanding).
I am not a paediatrician. There is no such thing in the Lost Cities. No physician specialises in a single field of medical study - our lifespans aren’t so limited as human ones, which is the primary driver behind their proclivity towards singular specialisation. We elves train to a specialist level across all fields before we are qualified to practice independently. It takes a 100 year apprenticeship.
We also do not have hospitals.
The vast majority of care is provided in the patient’s own environment, which has marked benefits for their healing (and for public infrastructure needs). There are also a number of Healing Centres, such as mine at Foxfire, which allow drop-in services for more minor ailments as well as temporary admission for the small number of cases which cannot be treated in the home, for whatever reason.
My only Healing Centre is the one at Foxfire, but it is by no means my sole location of practice. I perform a substantial number of house calls, office calls, and site visits of other descriptions. I have a long and varied medical career in the Nobility and thus have accrued such respect as would place me as the preferred physician for many Regents, Emissaries, and even a number of Councillors. I mostly go to them - but my Healing Centre happening to be within a school doesn’t stop any one of them visiting me there should the need arise.
Plenty of physicians, such as Livvy, do not keep a Healing Centre at all and instead solely practice on the move, greeting and treating every need they meet in a fluid and flexible manner.
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futurefind · 3 months
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//The horrifying realization that, esp early on, Rea had every reason to procrastinate getting her injuries from Bulga healed and thus minimize scarring because that way she can, literally, try and hide her (direct) scars from TWS by burying them underneath other ones :')
Something something and how Rea tries to 'handle' her ghosts by burying them under the bodies of others'—whether it's the ghosts of others' struggles and trying to help them, or more of her own but ones she's far more comfortable with :')
(And also smth smth how Rea's extensive scarring from repeated and regular experimentation means she only accepts magical healing from others (barring like, her hands, neck, and fingers?) and handles All of the first aid 'management' or w/e firsthand and thus Literally handles all of her worst wounds by herself so help her god)
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rpdepartment · 2 years
your desire of revenge is иσвιℓιту disguising ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇss                                                                nothing more
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ardynzunia · 1 year
@battlexfodder  from here  In general, Luche had lost much of the respect he'd ever had for the royals and nobility of Insomnia over the years he'd worked there. Prince Arctus wasn't nearly as bad as the others, though. He actually gave a shit about the Glaives and the refugees, which earned him a lot of points in Luche's book.
Even so, he'd somehow expected the prince wasn't the sort to have gotten into many fights in  his life. Which was why he paused, catching sight of scars across his skin when Arctus was changing.
Luche turned his back to him to let him finish changing, not mentioning the scars. "When you're ready, the car is waiting outside," he said instead. He was supposed to escort Arctus out beyond the wall to heal some people.
Arctus didn’t miss Luche’s gaze when they lingered along the patchwork of stripes across his back. There were other scars too, from scuffles in Altissia and from defending himself on the field when he was helping Glaives. But the ones on the back were usually the eye catchers. He imagined it was a surprise to Luche too most Glaives who came after he was adopted didn’t know he was from Altissia, in spite the remaining accent. 
He appreciated the man not asking though. It wasn’t a huge surprise from a glaive, but he knew Luche didn’t have a high opinion of the royals. Not that Arctus thought he was wrong to. He got comfortable in the passengers seat and gave Luche a look. He should tell him right? Man deserved to know he’d be looking out for dangers on both sides when healing, after all. 
“A merchant in Altissia took a belt to me,” He explained as they started driving out. “I was homeless for about three years after mom died, before Dad’s people found me. Hence the whole ‘Refugee Prince’ Title.” 
He flourished his hand lazily to emphasize how ridiculous the name was. He supposed the last bit would be a risk. Luche no longer liking him because his work with Glaives and refugees was because he was one before. Drop him right back down to “selfish prince”. It wasn’t wrong exactly either, considering the amount of spite that came with it. He definitely enjoyed the nobilities anger a little *too* much. 
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mika-miii · 2 years
finding 3hopes much preferable to 3houses. i like shez a lot better than byleth and also it does't waste a million years dripfeeding you plot backed with monastery busywork
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dolchester-rp · 4 months
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hello all! the past week was extremely busy for me and i wasn’t able to find the time to drop an official admin notice so i do apologize for the radio silence and extended wait! things for main have been a bit slow - most likely due to my absence so i wanted to drop this message to avoid giving the impression that i had ghosted.
— for our current applicants, if you are still interested in going through with your applications i will be reaching out individually to each of you to gather some direct opinions and thoughts for what might be best for moving forwards with this roleplay!
for anyone who has been considering our roleplay, please feel free to take another look at our pages or reach out with any questions!
yours truly,
admin daisy
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pegasus-parfait · 5 months
Tsubasa // Ellee-chan
"Princess. It's time for you afternoon lessons!"
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Tsubasa knocked at the door a few times before entering the room. When he opened the doors, he saw Ellee sleeping on the pile of books he brought earlier. Books about the history of the Kingdom and its previous rulers. It seems the subject wasn't of her interest.
"P-Princess!!" Tsubasa dropped the scrolls he was carrying in shock. "What are you doing!?!"
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"Tchubasa…" Princess Ellee woke up from her sleep. She let out a wide yawn, stretching her arms and rubbing her eyes afterwards. "What time is it? Is it lunch time?" She said, still half-asleep.
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flamesofrebirths · 9 months
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Joshua is looking with way too much interest at the available desserts. He's not really fan of these noble gatherings, but at least, he can appreciate the food. Making a decision is complicated, though, so as he notices the woman standing behind him, he quickly moves to let her pick a dessert before him.
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"Please, my Lady, you can choose before I do," he assures, a polite smile crossing his lips. "I may take a while, and... I quite enjoy this gathering from here." Because he doesn't have to force these fake conversations with people he doesn't even know.
@rosahope ❤'d !
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gxldensxldiers · 11 months
Tag dump
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1789hq · 1 year
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NAME: philippe auguste orleans.
AGE: 52.
GENDER: cis male.
PRONOUNS: he / him.
OCCUPATION: nobility.
FACECLAIM: rufus sewell.
weak, naive, soft headed - for years now, those are the words people use to speak of you, and your rule. you were never seen as a strong king, and you know they’re right. as the revolution stroke, you’re lost. with no idea what to do to save yourself, and not enough cunning to win, you wait, hoping the revolution wil somehow end as quickly as it started.
+ THE QUEEN – wife.
+ THE COLLABORATOR – younger sibling.
+ THE INSIDER – confidant, trust.
the character is currently played by ANGE ( 30+. est. she / her. ).
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morganaux · 1 year
@atdutiesend (Continued from here!)
In truth, Morganaux had not actually expected the Au Ra standing at the manor's doorstep to be the latest addition to House Dzemael's roster of knights. His greeting had been simply a means of gathering information without outright asking what his visitor why they were here. Asking them directly seemed like it would be rude, he thought, and the last thing he wanted to do was scare off one of the two Au Ra he had ever seen in the streets of Ishgard. There was a reason why their kind tended to avoid the Holy See, and he did not want to be a part of that reason like much of the rest of his adoptive family.
Grabbing handfuls of his petticoat-stuffed skirt, the Elezen bent into a curtsy before rising back to his full height and regarding Dove with a warm smile. "Morganaux de Dzemael, my good ser," he introduced, turning to open the door for them. His mind was full of questions, but he would save them for later. Much later, once his guest was settled in. "'Tis an honor to have you in our service. Pardon the coarse language, but I can already tell you've more stones than just about any knight in our service, choosing to come here of all places. Come on in and I'll fix you some tea and scones. You must be freezing!"
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