#noble gasses
theprofessormcg · 8 months
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Make your final decisions.
@a-homiesexual-book-boi @beastofthebog @panickedpanromantic @pawfulofwaffles
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first of all, i love that 1/4 of the final sixteen are noble gasses. second of all, what if you guys did a potassium sweep?
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sharpth1ng · 9 months
I love blatantly gay Sid is in your fic and I totally believe she's in the movie too i don't care what anyone says :)
YESS!! She should be fucking Tatum not Billy! Also just like, the very gay screenwriter has basically said that she's a self-insert for him, she has an indigo girls poster, SHE'S GAY. Even in the movie she has way more chemistry with Tatum than anyone else fr.
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
The MILLISECOND you can expand on the planets for the turnabout au I will highly encouraged you to SHARE because tkwmymmwkykajtn this thing has taken up plenty brain space of me and my buddy and istg I CANNOT GET ENOUGH!!!! Pls pls pls keep up the good work!!!
ajdhfk i definitely will! i have two more to add to the alpha kids batch, and then ill think bout beta kids void session
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kumamedia · 2 years
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Elemental Helium and Elemental Argon concepts! …They need more work—
I imagine the Elementals could “share” their powers with each other- like bonding elements- they would grow more powerful and unlock new abilities when they work together.
Noble Gasses, like helium and argon, are unable to do this; their elements are very stable and thus physically incapable of bonding to others. However, this also means these girls can freely use their abilities in most any circumstances with little influence.
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louderfade · 1 year
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hakuryuu · 1 year
worst part of current brain problems is that the translation from head to hands is fully zero. it's not just 'has an idea but can't make it look right, im used to that and used to working with it, its 'picks up medium and immediately goes completely blank'. ive been drawing endless spirals and straight lines in my notebook because if im going to pick up my sketchbook i want to get into the habit of following through but there's nothing in there!!
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wizerdraws · 5 days
Changing our pronouns to he/ne/ar/kr/xe
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cafffine · 10 months
You need to make a molecular orbital diagram to fine xenon’s bonds -source I teach chemistry
thank you 😭 I took my final and I feel ok about it but there was one question about Xe bonding that I’m like 50/50 I got right. If you were my teacher i’d have nailed it though 🫡
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sreegs · 2 months
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charyou-tree · 1 month
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Image ID:
Screenshot of a reddit thread, with one top-level comment and one reply. The top-level comment by user SuspicousBananas asks
"I don’t understand what Putin thinks he is going to get out of taking Ukraine? At this point I don’t think he can ever recoup the losses he’s incurred during the war, so what is the point in continuing?"
The reply, by user TriageOrDie answers
"He's personally trapped. 
He can't withdraw form the situation without something of a victory or he will be disposed of by other aspiring dictators when the Russian population wakes up the fact that their young men died in ditches for literally nothing. 
The continuation of this conflict does nought to improve Russia's geopolitical standing. 
Resources are being drained. Billions are being spent. Manpower is dwindling. 
Putin wanted to cut Ukraine in half, secure a land bridge between Russia and crimea. Gain access to more black sea ports and the natural gas reserves that sit just off shore. To secure the noble gasses manufacturing in eastern Ukraine and finally to create more of a buffer in the event of an all out conflict with the west. 
All of this is in ruin, so the only reason this is continuing is because Putin is scared for his personal safety. 
It will continue until the US election, Russia is hoping for a Trump victory. Which is at present Putin's only hope to end major western support for the conflict. So they can sign a hasty peace deal, carve off done provinces from Ukraine and go back to lick their wounds. Only this outcome can save Putin now. 
Not only does Putin know this, but so do the rest of the highly influential oligarchs, politicians and generals. 
If another democratic Whitehouse is secured, expect things to change rapidly within Russia and on the ground in Ukraine. 
Between now and the election, expect increasingly erratic behaviour both from within this conflict and around the world. 
Russia will be sponsoring destabilising acts that may increase the likelihood of a republican presidency. 
The further ahead Kamala pulls, the more reckless you can expect them to be. 
Big things are coming. "
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longing-for-rain · 5 months
imagine being so insecure over people liking a relationship with actual love and chemistry"
what love and chemistry? there is none.
define chemistry. noble gasses have more chemistry than katara and zuko.
katara dgaf about that man IJBOL.
Aw is someone mad I insulted their favorite little incest ship in the notes of a confession blog?
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You’re right, I’m just so delulu because these characters clearly have zero chemistry and don’t really care about each other :(((
I guess maybe if I spent my spare time deep frying my brain in zucest r34 I’d probably have zero media literacy too. I’m kind of surprised you were able to take your hand out of your pants long enough to send me this anon tbh
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
DRDT Characters’ Quirks and Roles (BNHA AU)
I made a typo one time calling Hope’s Peak “UA”, so now I have to course correct. In other words, here’s the quirks (essentially superpowers for the uninformed) I think the DRDT cast would have if they were in BNHA, and what roles they would play in the story! Well, this was originally just going to be quirks, but I got carried away and now I have a whole AU. How did this happen.
Get ready for somewhat clear favoritism, especially 1-B supremacy.
Btw, I know DRDT characters are older than high schoolers, but I’m still making them first years so they can fit better in the narrative. And pretend hero course classes have a different number of students allowed. Oh, and I will use first names for DRDT characters and last names for BNHA characters, don’t @ me.
(This is way longer than it should be)
Xander: Rebel Heart
(He can’t stand to do nothing)
Whenever he perceives something he deems an injustice, his eye(s) begins glowing and his strength grows exponentially! Over time, he’s learnt to activate it on command by simply remembering injustices he’s seen. (Credit to @accirax for the idea! Tagging them 'cause they said they wanted to read this if I ever made it)
However, if he loses his temper too much, his body will begin using hysteric strength, which can damage his muscles and bones. Not to the extent of Midoriya, but still pretty bad.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. He did not like the stunt Aizawa pulled in the quirk apprehension test. Keep away from Bakugo at all costs. He constantly clashes with people like Iida and Yaoyorozu on ideals, and loves to argue. His enthusiasm does draw in people like Kirishima, Ashido, etc. He's essentially an honorary member of the Bakusquad, but Bakugo and him avoid each other a bit too much for Xander to truly be a member.
He originally joined UA just to ‘fight the bad guys’ and save people, but quickly gets convinced the Hero System is in desperate need for reform, and wants to revolutionize it from within. Over the course of the year(s), he adds people to his cause to completely overhaul the system.
Hero name: Revolution
(Thus starts the trend of me being bad at names)
Charles: Atomic Rearrangement
(Weakness is to be conquered, not ignored)
By touching an object, he can remove electrons, protons and neutrons from its atoms to change its chemical makeup, as well as rearrange the object’s molecular structure! He can later use the removed particles to create small electric shocks, or add them to another object and change its chemical makeup.
(I don’t think that’s how this would work, but pretend with me)
Common tricks include creating carbon-only weapons from the oxygen in the air, though he prefers creating carbon alloys with oxygen and stuff from his hero costume; reducing oxygen to hydrogen and blowing it up with a shock, a la Bakugo (he has to be careful, since he doesn’t have as much blast resistance as the other); vaporizing walls, weapons and armor by reducing their components to noble gasses; among others.
However, his quirk takes a toll on his mind, simply due to the effort of keeping track of the sheer number of particles he manipulates. He can generally fight without much focus, but he gets sloppy after too much use and can even lose the ability to speak for a while. He has lapses in memory when he really overdoes it. It’s a bit like Kaminari, but toned way down, and also, he resents the comparison.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. He began with an elitist attitude, only considering a few of his classmates to have have truly heroic quirks. He’s quickly humbled as his hemophobia becomes a problem since the very first time Midoriya uses his quirk. He has to work hard to be able to fight when blood’s involved, but he learns quickly. He gets better over time, in part thanks to his hero costume’s goggles blocking out the red color of blood to help him, but he still prefers his fights as bloodless as possible.
He ends up becoming quite well-liked after that bad first impression. Kaminari and Ashido constantly bother and prank him, but he's still first choice when they struggle with Chemistry. Todoroki and him enjoy just sorta existing near each other. Yaoyorozu and him regularly talk about chemicals no one but them even knows how to pronounce.
1-B and 1-A have a much closer relation in this AU (you'll see why), but the amount of time Charles spends with 1-B is still surprising. Until you realize Whit is in 1-B, and then it makes more sense.
Hero Name: Elemental
(I swear these get better)
Ace: Cavalry
(An unsure jockey will always move forward, but it will be the horse who chooses the path)
(Disclaimer: I know nothing about jockeying)
If he puts his legs over any object, in the same way one would put their legs over a horse, the object will begin flying forwards or backwards (he chooses) at great speeds, like a horse! Or, perhaps more accurately, a witch’s broom. Ace prefers horses for the explanation because as scary as they are, they’re less scary than witches.
His main trick involves jumping and bending his knees, which will trick his quirk into activating on his pants. As soon as he does, his speed will instantly increase to that of a good horse’s top speed, but given enough space to accelerate, he can even rival Hawks. This allows him to quickly and erratically reposition himself in battle, and kicking while flying at these speeds is his most usual form of attack. This leads to an extremely unorthodox, yet weirdly effective fighting style, where Ace constantly swings back and forth in the battlefield, kicking like a wild horse.
(I am not good at coming up with quirks)
UA Hero Course student, class 1-B. But you think he wants to be a hero? Fuck no! That’s scary! But it’s what everyone told him he’d be good at, and he doesn’t want to disappoint them. He hates fighting and especially practicing, which is what makes his actual ability so strange.
He’s really good at both fighting and rescue, despite never wanting to practice for either. He even managed to grab everyone’s headbands during the cavalry battle of the first year Sports Fest, and kept them until the end! That one was awkward. The organizers had to make a tie-breaker game on the fly; 5 people from class A made it through, alongside Shinso, and the rest of the final 16 was all class 1-B, since Ace’s group was just people from his class.
The Common Sense Kings constantly bother him, he's fun to prank. Regularly receives Kendo neck chops. Monoma doesn't like Ace's quirk all that much, and Ace takes that as a point of pride. He will get punched by Kamakiri one day.
Deathly terrified by Pony Tsunotori.
Hero Name: Blowout
(I swear that's a real jockeying term)
Arei: Bowling Queen
(Because that’s what heroes do)
When she touches any object below a certain weight limit with her left hand, she can change its shape to match the size and shape of a bowling ball. She can additionally throw this ball with extreme strength and precision. Doesn’t work on things in direct contact with a person (read: clothes). She carries small marbles on her hero costume to expand into a bowling ball size and destroy her enemies. No real drawback, her arm just gets tired from throwing too much shit.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-B. She goes through a similar arc as she does in the killing game, but with Kendo comforting her instead of David when she breaks down at Eden’s niceness. She does actually get the chance to make it up to her, and she promises to buy support gear from her and only her for as long as she’s a hero. It’s the best support gear out there anyways (according to Arei, at least), so if anyone has any problems with it, they can eat a bowling ball.
Apart from that, she gets along with class B once she becomes nicer. Tokage and her in particular are a menace together. They also occassionally go bowling as a class, and she destroys everyone.
Hero Name: Strikeout
(I hope I’m not fucking up the bowling terminology and this isn’t bad. It just sounds better than ‘striker’ or something)
Rose: Photographic Memory
(An eye for details)
She can perfectly remember everything she’s ever seen, down to the most minute detail, and notice even extremely minor shifts in how things look!
UA Support Course student, class 1-H. She is the early warning system for Hatsume’s explosions (when she’s paying attention, anyways), since she can spot any malfunctions pretty much instantly. Her quirk incidentally allows her to perfectly visualize the things she wants to make, and her artistic abilities let her make incredible sketches. Only issue is she’s a bit of a perfectionist, and absentminded as always, but she’s one of the best students in the Support Course first year.
Eden's her friend, and usually drags her along to talk to the Hero Course. Rose likes hanging out with them, but is usually exhausted after spending too much time there. Rose, Todoroki and Kodai understand each other on a fundamental level, no need to speak.
Support Codename: Photographic Forger
(Get it? Forging like metal and copying art? What? What do you mean support codenames aren’t a thing?)
Hu: Metamorphosis
(Yearning for change; let the future always be brighter than the past)
At will, she can transform parts of her body into those of a giant butterfly. However, she becomes extremely tired if she uses the quirk too much.
+She can manifest large butterfly wings made of pure energy (they go through clothes because I said so). By default, they're neon green, but she can change their color at will, which can be useful for visual communication, among other applications. She can fly with these wings, and with training, she can choose to either fly straight and effectively, or fly with the erratic turbulence butterflies usually do, to make her movements harder to predict.
+She can manifest an extra set of arms under her standard two. These are also made of energy and can go through clothes (can you tell I have a grudge on certain women's quirks), but they always have a neon green outline and are see-through. Obviously useful.
+She can manifest compound eyes over her regular ones, though it's advised she closes her human baseline eyes before doing so. This grants her a 360ª field of vision, and the ability to see UV light.
+She can manifest antennae, granting her extra sensory abilities, mainly in smell and the ability to feel nearby disturbances in the air.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. She gets on extremely well with Yaoyorozu, Shoji, Tokoyami, and basically anyone else in that class who doesn’t shout all the time (so like three people), but she’s nice to everyone for the most part. Zither playing is a hobby, but she's obviously extremely good at it, and thus she was part of the Culture Festival band.
Hero Name: Lepidoptera
(I know that’s boring, but it sounds cool)
Eden: Clockwork
(Take your time; you will hear the clock chime again)
She can alter the flow of time on any inanimate object she touches, but only one object can be affected at a time! This effectively means she can slow down or speed up anything. However, whatever effect she applies, the opposite applies to her: she slows down when she speeds something up, and speeds up when she slows something down. She can’t fully reverse time. The gears in her eyes turn when she uses her quirk.
She typically uses Clockwork to test out support gear, slowing them down to observe how they work and what issues they may have, or speeding them up to see how they react to prolonged use.
UA Support Course student, class 1-H. Hatsume worries her sometimes, but they have a ‘blast’ (or several) designing support items together! Their energy cannot be contained when they’re in the mood. Eden establishes a great relationship with Arei after a tumultuous start, but she also gets along well with several Hero Course first years and of course Rose and Levi.
Support Codename: Hourglass
Nico: Mammalian Encyclopedia
(In the end, we are naught but animals)
They can change parts of their body (but never their entire body) to match any mammal they’re aware of! Well, except other primates for some reason. However, their mental faculties and instincts change to more closely match those of the species they transform into, so it’s generally recommended they stick to highly intelligent and non-aggressive species. Their favorites are felines of any kind, however. Also, they get permanent cat ears and whiskers, even if they completely change their head to match another animal.
Their main weapon is using bear paws and jaguar teeth; you sort of don’t need much more than that usually, and those two are intelligent enough to where Nico can suppress predatory instincts from the jaguar. However, their repertoire is immense; horses for kicks, lynx for vision, bats for echolocation and flight, cheetahs for speed (though they have to be particularly careful not to destroy their energy reserves), the list goes on.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. They instantly got along with Koda for obvious reasons, and quite quickly got adopted into the 'quiet kid' club. Great friends with Hu, of course. In fact, she helped them figure out how to fly as a bat, since they always struggled with that. Bats aren't very smart.
They hate water, a lot, but they’re actually one of the best in sea rescues alongside Asui. The orca may just be their best transformation, even though since they can’t do full body and always end up looking more like a mermaid. Still, echolocation, strength, speed and practically unimpaired mind make them the only real threat to Asui in water exercises. They also have hippos for lower water level floods, but they’re… dumber. And way too aggressive to be viable for long.
Actually, aggressiveness is a real use. They never go too far with classmates, but they have gotten quite close to killing quite a few villains. The rumors they even tried to kill 1-B student Ace at one point don’t help them.
Sometimes gets the urge to eat Nedzu. Nedzu is slightly scared.
Hero Name: Fauna
Whit: Cupid’s Arrow
(A match made in heaven)
By kissing the air, he can choose to shoot an arrow made of energy, its tip shaped like a heart and leaving a heart shaped trail. When two arrows impact two different targets (be it objects or people), they will be attracted to one another as if pulled by a magnetic force. The effect will wear off when the targets touch, and they will be immune to Cupid’s Arrow for a few seconds after. Overuse of this quirk can lead to acute heartaches and arrhythmia, and may have permanently damaged Whit’s cardiovascular system there is nothing Whit’s classmates have to worry about, he’s perfectly fine :)
UA Hero Course student, class 1-B. One of the driving forces for the two classes being closer than in canon BNHA. They still love to bother Charles the most, but when he’s not around, Monoma, Kuroiro, Shiozaki, Ace, among others, are great targets for puns and teasing. Whit is dubbed a Common Sense King alongside Awase, Tsuburaba, Kaibara and Rin.
Whit may or may not have a cousin with a quirk which magnetizes people based on gender. This cousin may or may not have disappeared a few years before Whit got to UA. Magne from the League of Villains may or may not have had a cousin with a quirk related to shooting heart-tipped arrows by blowing kisses. The Summer Camp attack may or may not have gotten awkward when Magne and Whit met.
Hero Name: Cupid
J: Lights Show
(The brightest lights cast the darkest shadows)
She can perfectly control photons in a radius around her! Sounds simple, but she’s essentially a walking flash-bang, smoke screen, flare system, etc. However, she mostly fights by concentrating light at her fingertips and launching lasers intense enough to create small explosions where they strike; and perhaps even more impressively, by manipulating photons to act as particles for long enough to work as solid matter. Weapons of pure light are one thing, but her mobility and defense thanks to light platforms and shields is impressive.
UA Hero Course Recommendation student, class 1-A (they get three recommendation students per class because I said so). She was recommended by her mom, pro hero Mariabella Rosales, but she hides this from her classmates as long as possible. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki knew, but didn’t say anything until the Sports Festival, where her true name was called out in front of everyone, and all eyes where on her.
Despite her quirk and lineage, she actually wants to go underground. She likes Aizawa pretty much instantly, even after the quirk apprehension fiasco. The same way canon J doesn’t like egocentric actors, BNHA AU J hates flashy heroes. She even has a grudge against All Might, though it slowly goes away as she spends more time around him. Her and Todoroki get along from shared Endeavor hate, though.
She is one of the people most on board with Xander’s idea of revolution of the system, since she’s seen the flaws firsthand. Lots of political drama ends up having her orbiting around, but always just out of the public eye.
Hero Name: J
(She doesn’t see a point of making it more complicated than that, since she’ll be underground and all that)
Veronika: Living Nightmare
(But is it selfish to have fun?)
She can cause people in a certain, mid-range radius around her to hallucinate vividly. Auditory hallucinations are the least energy consuming for her to do, but visual and olfactory aren’t exactly difficult either. Her eyes swirl wildly as she uses her quirk (think trial 1 Komaeda reveal), and her vision even becomes blurry if she puts in a lot of effort at once.
If she doesn’t concentrate, the hallucinations default to horrifying effects such as harsh whispers, large shadows, monsters, bright eyes, darkness, blood, death, etc. If she actually tries, she can fine tune them to be extremely effective. Sounds of opponent teammates shouting for help, “cloning” herself to confuse her opponent, temporarily blinding them with quick flashes of nothing but black, not to mention what she can do if she learns any trauma her opponent may have.
When her quirk awakens, she can even induce tactile hallucinations, though they take much, much more effort than the others. However, it’s worth it; she can make her opponents hallucinate being burned alive, frozen to death, electrocuted, stabbed, all of which they could actually feel. Fighting Veronika becomes nearly impossible without inhuman pain tolerance or a quirk to help resist her tactile hallucinations.
Overuse causes migraines first, but quickly causes her eyes to bleed and for her to cough up blood. Veronika has ridiculously high pain tolerance in this universe, though, so she can fight effectively even while in excruciating pain. But her quirk has… another drawback.
You see, her quirk causes her to hallucinate as well, if she doesn’t use it for a while. This gets especially bad when she’s bored. She despises boredom so much, her body instinctively gives itself horrible hallucinations just to entertain itself. But, these hallucinations can be so vivid, Veronika can act irrationally when afflicted by them.
Had she gotten help early in her life, she really could have lived normally. Her hallucinations would have been manageable, and she may have been just another horror-obsessed girl.
The problem is, she didn’t get the help she needed. Mental health protection systems in the BNHA universe are notoriously lacking. So… you know Toga’s backstory? That the lack of systemic support for her led her to lose control and murder a classmate? Veronika ended up doing something similar to her, if not worse. I’ll let you imagine the details.
The point is, after she broke definitively, society certainly wouldn’t accept her back, so she ran away and became and outcast… until she found Stain’s ideals interesting.
Yep! In this AU, Veronika ends up as a member of the League of Villains! Not because of her condition, mind you, but because it wasn’t treated properly. You didn’t think all these people would be on the heroes’ side, did you?
Well, if you were worried about Veronika’s quirk being overpowered, there’s your explanation. LoV members tend to get stronger quirks to balance out their lower numbers.
Besties with Toga and Twice, naturally. They bond over the systemic failures which led them to where they are. Toga... realistically may end up developing a crush once she sees Veronika crying and coughing blood after using her quirk. It may be reciprocated.
She always analyses the League’s trauma, as expected, and it seriously pisses Dabi off. Although he’s lowkey scared she’s eventually going to find out his identity. She receives the most disintegration threats from Shigaraki, and she wears that as a badge of honor. Spinner is scared of her. Guess who forces the League to watch horror movie marathons?
She had never intentionally killed before joining the League, which causes her to hesitate with it in her first few missions. But after the Meta Liberation arc, when her quirk awakens, she gets rid of the hesitation. Keep in mind, she's much stronger than she looks. She also briefly joined the Haissaikai when Toga and Twice were sent there too, which made the raid a lot more horrifying than it originally was.
Hero Villain Name: Phobia
David: Starry-Eyed
(A beacon of hope)
His pupils turn into stars when he smiles. :)
UA General Education student, class 1-C. He’s the most famous person in the class, as he still creates his motivational speeches in this universe. After all, his quirk is pretty inoffensive, all things considered. Teruko doesn’t like him, and Shinso thinks there’s something off about him as well, but everyone else in his class adores him.
Although he didn’t make it past the race in the Sports Festival, it did make the Hero Course notice him, and a few of the students there, such as Xander, recognized him. He hangs out with the Hero Course a lot after that, and they love him there. Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Kaminari, Midoriya, Hagakure, Fukidashi, Shoda, and more; all big fans of his speeches.
Overall, he just lives a pretty standard life.
Hero Name: N/A
But you don’t really believe all that, do you?
David: Starstruck
(An abyss of despair)
His pupils turn into stars when he smiles. If someone looks him in the eyes while his quirk is active, they will believe anything he says with absolutely no question, as long as it doesn’t contradict their core beliefs too much. Admittedly, that limitation is so vague, not even David has any idea where the limit actually is, but he works around it. The afflicted person must be using both their eyes when looking at David’s for the quirk to work, but Starstruck can even fool other quirks such as Lie Detector. (Credit to @accirax for the idea!)
The reason his quirk is officially listed under ‘Starry-eyed’ is that he fooled the quirk registry people into thinking his quirk really was nothing more than his pupils turning into stars. He originally did it so people wouldn’t be scared of him, but now it’s a good way to cover his… less than legal practices.
Key member of the Meta Liberation Army, later Paranormal Liberation Front. He plays a similar role to Trumpet, an important public figure who secretly helps the MLA. Officially, he helps because he wants people to reach their “full potential”, motivational speaker and all that. His real motivations are unknown, but some speculate he simply wants to be as famous and appreciated as possible, and to do that he needs to be able to reveal what his quirk really is without much backlash, thus he needs Meta Liberation. So he just wants people's love.
(Please, it's so hard to figure out David's motivations-)
He was not present during the MLA-LoV war, however, as his position as an UA alum was deemed too important to risk just for a little bit of backup in a war the MLA was sure to win anyways. When that doesn’t happen, David tries to talk to the League members now in the PLF, but they’re never allowed to see eye to eye for some reason.
(Unbeknownst to him, All for One had been interested in his quirk since it got originally diagnosed, before he made the consultants change it. The eyeless AfO quickly realized he had no use for Starstruck, but David was deemed enough of a threat for the big bad to tell Kurogiri and Shigaraki about the quirk)
David tries to manipulate as many people as he can in Gen Ed, and is annoyed because Shinso and Teruko don't seem to be affected by Starstruck for some reason. He suspects Shinso's quirk gives him a natural resistance to brainwashing-like quirks, but he can't figure out why Teruko is unaffected.
(Turns out, it's actually Teruko's prosopagnosia fucking with the quirk)
However, his ideals are shaken by UA, more specifically, Xander. See, because Xander only has one eye, he’s immune to Starstruck, yet he still likes David. And the way he speaks of his ideals, with such unshakable conviction…
Well. Let’s say if Xander’s revolution ever needs a man in the PLF, someone might be willing to help.
MLA Codename: Megaphone
Min: A+
(Mistakes are meant to be corrected)
She can instantly spot any mistakes anyone in her sight makes, and her quirk also warns her whenever something she’s about to do is a mistake. However, for something to be considered a mistake, she must be able to properly explain why it’s a mistake, meaning she has needed to study a ridiculous amount of battle theory for her quirk to activate in any given fight. To accommodate for the overwhelming amount of information she receives at any given moment, her mind also processes information significantly faster than the average.
(Does this quirk make any sense? No? I don’t care)
As her quirk isn’t physical, she relies on more basic weapons and fighting styles. She is regretfully not allowed a gun yet (even though her quirk says it’s a mistake not to let her have it), but she does have a powerful and compact paintball gun for now. She’s surprisingly effective with it, seeing as she literally cannot miss (her quirk warns her when she would, and she adjusts). Other weapons include a taser, hyper density seals (inspired by Nighteye), grappling gun, retractable baton, and a switchblade she keeps hidden in a pen.
Don’t let her simple fighting style deceive you, though. If there is a single flaw in your strategy, she will exploit it to the maximum. If you attack her and leave a way to dodge, she will. There is no easy way to fool her or distract her, as she makes no mistakes (usually). However, forcing her into a situation where she has to make a mistake (all options are bad), she can be quickly overwhelmed and frozen in indecision.
UA Hero Course recommendation student, class 1-B. No one knows who recommended her, and she’s weirdly tight-lipped about it. Todoroki suspects it was Nedzu (no one believes him, but he may have a point). She’s one of the main reasons classes A and B have such a good relationship, as she deemed it a mistake to antagonize each other. That said, with her as a tutor, class B tends to massively outperform class A, as all their mistakes are quickly corrected.
Elected class rep originally, but she deemed it a mistake to let anyone but Kendo take the position, so Min is the vice-rep. She gets along with everyone in her class, but particularly likes to talk about dinosaurs with Tokage, philosophy with Shiozaki and Yanagi, mushrooms with Komori, literature with Shishida and Kuroiro, and especially insects with Kamakiri and Yanagi again. She’s very knowledgeable.
Min has a secret, however. Although she usually acts as if her quirk is all-knowing, that’s only because doubting her quirk is deemed a mistake… by her quirk. Because of that, most people don’t question it either. However, Min herself doubts her quirk in more complex topics such as the Hero system, and even disagrees with it at times. Her quirk is weirdly obsessed with the status quo, and Min suspects that’s where it gets a lot of things wrong.
However, publicly she never defies her quirk, which makes her clash with Xander pretty much constantly. He’s the only one who absolutely does not trust A+ on anything but the most objective facts. Min sort of admires that, even though it usually ends in Xander doing stupid things she had warned him were stupid in the first place.
(Other times, though, Min finds herself correcting the mistakes in Xander’s arguments not to prove him wrong, but to make the arguments stronger. Maybe they agree on more than they realize)
Hero Name: Straight Ace
Arturo: Perfectionist
(Imperfection isn’t ugliness; some have yet to learn this)
By closing one of his eyes, Arturo can immediately spot imperfections. His left eye spots aesthetic imperfections, his right practical imperfections. One of them is significantly more useful for combat, I’ll let you guess which one. This applies to both objects and people; with his right eye, he can spot both structural weak points in buildings and things like robots, as well as weak areas of a person’s body, quirk or fighting style. This does not require previous knowledge, which actually makes it a powerful aid for A+. Arturo finds the weaknesses, Min knows how to exploit them.
Like Min, his fighting style is quite basic, but centered around intelligence. He also carries a taser and a short-range sharp weapon on the form of a scalpel (no one but him knows why the hell he chose a scalpel), but he prefers to use long range weapons so as to not risk disfigurement in combat as much. Guns aren’t elegant enough for him, so he has a wrist mounted crossbow he uses to shoot specialized arrows, equipped with a laser pointer to shoot precisely. It seems somewhat inoffensive, until you remember he knows exactly where to shoot to make it hurt as much as possible.
(Listen, I didn’t know what to do with him, alright? This is the best I got)
UA Hero Course student, class 1-B. After all, since Min helped tone down the class rivalry and Monoma is actually normal, class B needed a few more mentally unstable people. Arturo considers heroism (read: fame and glory) inherently beautiful, but he still thinks all his classmates are ugly as sin. Yaoyorozu and J post-reveal he would consider beautiful, but, well, I put him in class B for a reason.
Apart from that, he considers a few of his teachers as “beautiful people”, namely Midnight, Present Mic, and All Might. Yes, even after the Kamino fight. All Might just has that effect on people. Other examples are Edgeshot, Miruko, Ryukyu, Hawks, the list goes on.
You may be wondering how his idea of conventional beauty interacts with heteromorphic transformations. The answer’s simple: even people who greatly diverge from the human baseline can be beautiful, though most are no prettier than the average. Kamui Woods is an example of someone Arturo considers beautiful, for instance.
In fact, the most aesthetically perfect person Arturo knows is Wash. No, you don’t get to ask.
Naturally, most of his classmates dislike or straight up hate him at first, but it smooths out over the course of the year. Mainly because Kendo is just too insistent on everyone getting along, and Arturo has enough self-preservation instinct not to mess with her. Also, Tokage and Honenuki have enough connections with the hero world that he decides to put up with them, ugly as they are.
Shiozaki still periodically warns him he’ll go to hell, but he doesn’t really care. The Common Sense Kings constantly fuck with him because he gives great reactions. He also has a surprising amount of medical knowledge, which proves extremely useful, enough so that a lot of his classmates are able to put up with him when Min’s not around.
This medical knowledge also inspires Yanagi to show him movies like ‘Human Centipede’. Because Veronika isn’t here, but he still can’t escape the horror fanatics.
Oh, yeah, Veronika. They meet in Summer Camp, and she almost kills him, but hesitates and doesn't. She haunts his dreams after that, but something about her makes him want to… save her. Or something. I like Verturo, okay? Even though Toga might kill that ship.
Hero Name: Utopia
(That good enough? Not really, but we’re going with it)
Levi: Thread Weaver
(Weaving a protective net, so that no one has to suffer)
He can control threads and fibers near him with immaculate precision! However, they move rather slowly, and the quirk has a strict limit on how much material can be affected at a time. Essentially Best Jeanist’s Fiber Master, except weaker but more precise. No relation to the hero, though.
He can use this quirk to interweave regular fabric with protective fibers far more effectively than any other human or any machine could, making the hero costumes he designs particularly sturdy and durable.
UA Support Course student, class 1-H. His mysterious, dark past is the reason he didn’t pursue heroism, although he still wanted to protect people. With his quirk, he decided the best way to protect others would be by protecting the heroes with essentially armored costumes.
People originally went to him just to reinforce their costumes, but Levi is still the Ultimate Personal Stylist. That means he has better fashion sense than anyone in UA, especially the Hero Course students. Word of his skill quickly spreads, and soon he becomes the consultant for practically all things hero costumes. If you want a gadget or complex mechanical item, you can ask Hatsume or Eden or Rose, but for costumes, you go to this guy.
No matter how good someone’s costume is, not only can Levi reinforce it, but also give advice on how to make it look better. Sometimes he simply reassured the customer their costume is excellent, as was the case with Komori, Kaminari, Kendo, among others. Other times, they aren’t that interested in aesthetics, such was the case of Tokoyami, Kuroiro, Jirou and J. Occasionally, people take his good-natured advice as a personal insult, like Bakugo, Kamakiri and Ace (though Ace still listens, at least). And every now and then…
Every now and then, Levi wants to strangle whoever the hell approved some of these costumes. This king will give Momo and Toru actually decent costumes, you will not stop him.
Support Codename: Needle and Thread
Teruko: Desperate Misfortune
(She makes everything worse)
A passive, reality bending ability, which causes exceedingly unlikely events to constantly occur around her. It follows seven core axioms.
The events originated from this quirk will always be considered extremely bad luck by the user. This can range from simply making Teruko prone to paper cuts all the way to seriously endangering her life.
The quirk acts on individual instances. Once an incident occurs as a result of this quirk, another unlucky event won’t happen until an indeterminate amount of time has passed.
The effects of this quirk cannot be predicted. It does not follow a proper logic, so no amount of analysis will be able to prepare for it. Even other quirks like Foresight are unable to see its effects ahead of time.
The quirk is pervasive and affects everyone around Teruko. In other words, when she’s around, unfortunate events can happen to everyone in the general area.
It comes without warning. An unfortunate event can happen without Teruko noticing, leading to a seeming “stacking” of bad luck. For example, if she gets invited to a summer camp that’s about to be attacked by villains, the invitation itself may be considered bad luck, opening the possibility of further misfortune happening after the attack begins without interfering with axiom 2.
The quirk is immutable, and cannot be interacted with. It cannot be erased, destroyed, rewound out of existence, taken, given away, copied, analyzed, among many other things.
Teruko Tawaki cannot die, no matter what. Upon being put in a perilous situation, all other axioms will be nullified until Teruko’s life is no longer at risk. Instead, her fortune will swing the other way, and the universe itself will tilt on its axis to keep her alive. Lightning, earthquakes, whirlwinds, meteorite strikes, spontaneous combustion of anyone attacking her, the list goes on. Unlikely, even outright impossible events will happen simultaneously until Teruko’s continued survival is guaranteed. In these situations, her luck is simply divine.
UA General Studies Course student, class 1-C. Teruko, a hero, with her luck? Yeah, no chance. However, that doesn’t mean she escapes the plot. She somehow manages to be at the USJ and Summer Camp incidents, hell, she was visiting Kamino the day of All Might’s retirement and almost got killed by All for One. She was kidnapped by the yakuza at one point, and was about to be killed by them. Guess when Nighteye conveniently found a guy who he could Foresight the Shie Haissaikai’s location out of. She cannot escape her protagonist role, evidently.
Incidentally, that means she ends up hanging out with the Hero Course more than Gen Ed, since she manages to be in the middle of every traumatic thing that happens to them. Min’s A+ doesn’t see it as a mistake to hang out with her, meaning the students of 1-A and 1-B are the only people who feel comfortable having her around.
(Teruko doesn’t say it, but she very much thinks A+ is wrong about her. She blames axiom 6 for not letting her quirk be properly analyzed by Min’s)
They mostly interact once the dorms are formed, and they get to spend the days together. However, it’s usually better to keep her away from Bakugo and Todoroki, since they’re essentially walking fire hazards together. Midoriya is fascinated by her quirk, since it’s nothing like anything he’d ever seen before. Shiozaki thinks demons are at fault and has tried to exorcise her, repeatedly. Kuroiro and Yanagi are convinced it’s a curse, and want to study it. Among other hijinks. Teruko would never admit it, but she’s really happy when she’s around the Hero Course (and there isn’t a villain attack going on).
Gen Ed mostly stay away from her, unfortunately. They don’t have Min’s quirk to assure them it’s alright to hang out with Teruko. One of the only exceptions is Shinso. They have a similar sense of humor and bond over “villain quirk” related trauma, and Shinso isn’t too bothered by the bad luck. As stated previously, Teruko is also immune to David’s Starstruck due to her prosopagnosia, so she doesn’t trust how easily everyone seems to adore the guy.
Hero Name: N/A
And that’s it! The main cast is covered!
We’re missing someone, aren’t we?
Mai: Blooming Hope
(She makes everything better)
(I ain’t slick, but I try to be)
She can make every plant around her grow exponentially in size, simply by raising her left arm. The plant’s shape and characteristics can be altered, so Mai can, for example, make grass grow into a field of vines, barberries and poison ivy. She can then reverse the effects, leaving the plants exactly as they were. The tattoo on her left arm is a mutation, and glows when she uses her quirk. She can also make flowers grow out of this tattoo, and then turn them into any useful plant she desires.
Although it may seems similar to Shiozaki’s quirk, Mai’s range is far lower and the strength of the vines she can create is much weaker. However, the versatility of being able to use more than just vines balances it out.
Particularly effective in grassy or mossy environments. Overuse will lead to severe dehydration, and in a worst case scenario, small, non-toxic plants may grow inside her body and cause all sorts of issues.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. She gets along with absolutely everyone, Bakugo doesn’t even shout at her after a while. Elected class rep, with Yaoyorozu as vice-rep. The other main reason classes A and B are closer than in canon, as she likes to spend time with everyone she can. She wants the best for everyone, and she’s deeply involved in whatever Xander’s plans for revolution are. Although she usually just makes compromises between Min and him for the actual planning phases.
Since she forgives everyone, she wants to save the League of Villains just as much as their victims. She is the model of what a perfect hero is meant to be.
Had Midoriya not existed, she would have received One for All.
She didn’t foresee the consequences.
Hero Name: Flora
(After she chose the name, Nico asked if they could match. Of course, Mai said yes)
Now that we've covered all the students, I did a recount and found something interesting. 5 DRDT characters went to 1-B, and 6 went to 1-A. You could acommodate this by having 26 student classes and adding someone to 1-B... or you can make 25 student classes and kick someone out of 1-A. And if you know BNHA fanfic, you know who's getting kicked out (hint: Mineta). I see this as an absolute win!
M-MonoTV?!: High Fidelity
(Am I a bear, a cat, a TV? Well, I’m actually a dog!)
MonoTV is actually a dog which was experimented on. Humans gave him a quirk which changed his appearance and made him as smart as a normal person, but no more. He’s from the same laboratory as Nedzu, and resents the principal for escaping without him.
He starts out as a petty criminal, but no matter what the police and heroes try, he always escapes prison. He usually causes a major breach when he does, so they don’t want to send him to Tartarus until they understand what the hell he does to escape.
His crimes grow with time, but the heroes are never too worried, since he’s too incompetent to really be a threat. Some examples of his crimes include:
He let a sludge villain out of prison the day Midoriya met All Might.
He broke the UA gate early in the year.
He robbed a store the day of the USJ incident, slowing down All Might and running down his three hours of hero work.
He was spotted talking to Stain before he attacked Native, presumably telling the villain the location of the hero.
He introduced Giran to a blood obsessed girl, a man with severe burn wounds, and a girl with a hallucination quirk.
Overhaul was spotted following him right before he met Twice.
He helped La Brava hack into UA the day of the Culture Festival.
He watched Endeavor fight a Nomu right after becoming Number One.
He helped the MLA kidnap Giran.
And more...
(You get the idea, right?)
Villain Name: MonoTV
And there we go! God, I was just supposed to do quirks, how did I end up writing so much? Anyways, that’s the basis of my DRDT-BNHA crossover AU. I don’t know whether or not I’ll return to it, seeing as I actually had quite a bit of fun writing this. If you made it this far, that’s impressive! You get the honorary badge of being quirky. Take care!
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scotianostra · 2 months
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July 23rd 1916 saw the death of Sir William Ramsay, Scottish chemist .
Ramsay was the only man to discover a complete Periodic Group of elements
He studied under Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, and predicted that dense gasses were hidden, invisible and as yet undetected in the Earth’s atmosphere. To test his idea, he designed an experimental means to remove oxygen and nitrogen from the air, and analyzing what remained in collaboration with Lord Rayleigh he found the previously unknown element argon in 1894.
He later spectroscopically confirmed the existence of helium, which had first been observed by Pierre Janssen. From the established positions of argon and helium on the periodic table of elements, Ramsay guessed that more unknown gasses exist, and discovered krypton, neon, and xenon in 1898.
Working with chemist Robert Whytlaw-Gray he discovered radon in 1900. In 1903, working with Frederick Soddy, Ramsay showed that the radioactive decay of radium produces helium, a discovery which laid the groundwork for the subsequent development of nuclear physics.
In 1904 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, while his colleague Rayleigh won the Nobel Prize in Physics in the same year. The document in the pics is his Noble Prize.
For more details check this link out https://www.famousscientists.org/william-ramsay/
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krysanthii · 7 months
Sis do you think we will going to get a more complex point of view about colonialism in later seasons?
I do hope so because on how the writers of the show has interwoven colonialism within the universe by having vampires from old houses develop a symbiotic relationship with the human dukes, kings, and nobles. And seeing in Annette's past of vampire nobles enslaving humans in plantations. I have a rather dark theory that vampires and human colonizers worked together in the Atlantic slave trade that benefited the two factions. The human colonizers get an economic boom and free labor out of it while vampires get more abundance of blood to drink from enslaved humans. I hope the show touches upon it more and explaining it to us how white settler colonialism and vampirism works just how they handle Annette's past. I did talk before how I praised how the writers shown Annette's childhood growing up in the plantations without it resulting into slavery torture porn.
I want to see of black resistance of the maroons because we don't see much of black resistance fighting against white settlers. From the many reviews on Youtube it wasn't well recieved with subjects of racism and colonialism and complaints of the show suddenly becoming "woke" because it delivered topics of slavery, racism, and colonialization. I do hope the show doesn't placate to the criticism and just sugar coat anything but keep pushing the narrative of colonialism. I am not voodoo, I don't know a lick about voodoo religion or practice but I heard from voodoo priests and practioners giving out negative criticism the portrayal is wrong. I do hope the writers fix that and hire voodoo practioners and how to portray the practice and religion accurately.
Hopefully the show will touch upon New World Vampires vs Old World vampires. We got a glimpse of it in the show where Drolta was gassing up Bathory to Olrox and he wasn't having it. It shows the difference that between the two. Just because they are vampires and rule over humans there is a fundlemental differences between the two. When Drolta was giving her story about her hey day being a temple priestess and creating a another world. Olrox cheekily says he heard all about it before because during Olrox's long life how many times have he'd heard about white settlers with inflated egos boosting about creating a new world and empire? Cortes? Pizaro? Columbus? Aguirre? George Washington? King George II? The countless of conquistadors and presidents? He has heard it all before of creating a new world that is build on the backs of the already indigenous population. *cough*Palestine *cough* My man is fatigued and which explains why he was so blase about it prior to meeting Bathory.
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For his many centuries he lived he can smell white settler fuckery a mile away. With Drolta gassing up Bathory to Olrox, her mistake is that Olrox had already seen his entire culture eradicated in order to create a "new world," And he's obviously not so hyped about seeing another new world being created in the backs of oppressed groups. When Olrox arrives to the chateux he's visibly uncomfortable, it shows just because they are all vampires it doesn't change the fact that he is an indigenous man entering a white space.
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Get Out 2017
From the show its been said that vampires originated from the Old World and were brought to the New World by exploration and colonization.
Olrox being a vampire he is a very young and not even 300 yet! So there is a difference in of longevity and experence between Olrox and the Old World vampires along with stagnation in their thinking. The Old World vampires wanting to return back into their glory days and for Olrox, their glory days were his dark ages. And the vampires want to return to a world were vampires are able to rule over humans and govern themselves by blocking the sun. And Olrox who's entire culture is worshiping the sun is horrified and this shows not only the difference between the Old and New World vampires but also culturally. Old World vampires see themselves above the humans the way they use and discard them and talk to them in the most condescending and dehumanizing way.
With Olrox's interactons with humans he doesn't speak to them with the same condescension or talked down to Mizrak as if he's a stupid animal. He's incredibly candid with Mizrak and speaking to him as equals. With Julia when he speaks about her he's never vile towards her even though she took the love of his life and he never mocks Richter for having an anxiety attack and running away from the crypt. Unlike Drolta who mocks Richter and calling him the "boy who ran away."
I pointed out that the difference and this scene blantanly shown when Olrox is forced to bow before Erzsebet and her cultist and guiding her to America. Which is wrong in so many levels. Take out the vampirism, you are forcing an indigenous man to take a white colonizer into his home and enslave everybody to bow down to a white settler colonizer and parade her as a God? And if they don't? She'll starve them and they'd be so hungry they'll have to eat their own vomit. By the look Olrox gave her, she sealed her death warrent.
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This immediately brought to toughts of La Malinche.
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La Malinche story needs to be taken with a grain of salt. She was sold to Cortez as a child and later became his interpreter and lover and betrayed her people. Its said with her help Cortex was able to conquer the Aztec empire. And this is exactly what Bathory needs Olrox. To guide her to America, to betray his people, and be her interpreter and advisor just how La Malinche was to Cortez.
This will be extremely touchy especially what happened to the Americas during colonialism and how it had effects people to this day. The show has already touched upon it just slightly on the Casta System.
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Annette was literally running away from slave catchers and she met Edouard in the concert hall. She was dressed in rags while he was dressed in finary. They are both black but Edouard is mixed white european and many of the mulattos were part of the bourgeoisies. The Haitian mulattos were looked down upon by both the white upper class and the black enslaved class and they would be use to which faction suited them to push out whatever cause.
Historically Edouard and Annette wouldn't be friends because most of the mulattos idenitfied with the ruling French and their culture and also took part of the slave holding. That being said they took a part of the oppression of other black people and as a result they were slaughtered along with the white bourgeosies during the Haitian Revolution.
I am bringing the Casta System because it effected heavily on the Americas as well. Many Latinos have white european colonizers, Native American, and african ancestry. I don't know if the writers are going to focus on the Casta System and latinos and how the erasure of culture has effected them. Olrox talks about how his land had been stolen but it will dive deeper to that on how the next generation has suffered with the slow erosion of their languages, and culture and slowly converting over time to Christianity and Catholicism. Forgetting their tribes, their names, their ancestors. And to be put into these boxes like pedigree.
The violence wil be explored on what colonialism has caused and the result. As of right now with the current events of groups of people being displaced from their own land, erasure of culture, languages, and customs, not being able to practice their own religion. Ethnically cleansing a people and being forced to convert or die. Bringing up subjects of colonialzation has never been more prevelant until now.
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no-truth-left · 28 days
2.003 - Bend
CW: Body horror/mutilation
The path curves in on itself, breaking at a sharp angle both left and right yet still continuing forward. Chie follows it, twisting her spine to match the curve and arching her legs into the folded shadows. Her nerves send electric pulses through her, rending pain screaming the wrongness. She steps back from them, letting the pathway properly mold their new shape. Once nerves are no longer nerves, the pain dissipates and is no more.
Her head tilts back, tilts back, tilts back and into her lower back, pushing aside skin, flesh, bone like a curtain. A sharp twist, a crack. The back of her head nestles against the front inner part of her pelvis.
This is nice, she thinks, staring up through her shoulders. She can see the nebula above. It twinkles at her, reminding her of a newborn baby’s eyes.
The path vibrates. She sways. She moves.
Corpses coming out of head-on collisions were less mangled than she was, coming out the other end of that path. But, really, what does that shape mean out here? There are no cars, no corpses. She and her body are most certainly not human here.
And then she's made it. The nebula. It pulses erratically, shining and aching with life. When her eyes break down into their base parts, she can see the bonds forming, reforming, nitrogen and carbon passing electrons to and from the hydrogen bonds.
Her own molecules vibrate. Move, they demand. Protons whine with the need to be more than this. Electrons buzz. Noble gasses, more volatile than the solid irons and carbon within her, cajole them into a bond that will last a second but feel eternal.
Who is Chie to stop them? What is she, when the multitudinous sum of her parts desire to be elsewhere? To be elsewho.
The humming parts inch to the edge of the path. Intersecting lines cut into her, pockmarking what used to be skin with impressions of stars, leylines, and the shadows in between. As the nebula’s arm swings down, low and slow across infinity and eternity, it smashes into her and shatters her to pieces.
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