marcogiovenale · 5 months
aggiornamenti sui social: individuare differx/marco
_ ​mi trovate qui: slowforward slow whatsapp slow telegram slow tumblr slow @ archive.org + DIFFERX.noblogs.org GAMMM ESISTE LA RICERCA COMPOSTXT PONTE BIANCO + marco / facebook marco / instagram marco / threads marco / mastodon marco / bluesky marco / twitter differx / tumblr differx / instagram (e su discord: chi vuole unirsi al server di scrittura di ricerca mi scriva) _
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
Alternatives to Mainstream Online Platforms
Facebook | Diaspora, Friendica
Twitter | Mastodon, Pleroma Left/Anarcho/Alt friendly sites: todon.nl, todon.eu, ni.hil.ist, kolektiva.social
Reddit | Raddle
Youtube | Peertube Left/Anarcho/Alt friendly sites: Squat!Net Peertube, Kolektiva Peertube
Gmail/Hotmail |
Free Riseup, ProtonMail, Tutanota, Disroot email, Autistici email
Paid Mailbox, StartMail
Instagram/Imgur/Flickr | Pixelfed
Forums | Discourse, Disroot Discourse, nodebb, Raddle
Wordpress.org | noblogs.org, network23, Pleroma
Whatsapp, Telegram, SMS | Signal (Centralized), Matrix, Briar, Silence
Slack, Discord | Matrix, Rocket Chat, Pixie.town, Revolt (Unencrypted), Mattermost, IRC, XMPP
Google Docs | CryptPad, Disroot nextcloud
Political Organizing | Amplify, Mobilizon
Events Agenda | radar.squat.net
Craigslist | Freecycle
Apple Maps, Bing Maps, Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps | OpenStreetMap
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chaiaurchaandni · 11 months
statement by Queers in Palestine
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full statement here: Queers in Palestine (noblogs.org)
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hangorin · 5 months
パリ五輪が迫り、5月8日にはマルセイユに「聖火」が到着する。 パリでは反五輪団体saccage2024が4月30日から5月12日まで「反オリンピックの春!」と銘打って様々な抗議行動を予定している。 詳細はこちら→https://saccage2024.noblogs.org/archives/2869
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そこから新国立競技場へ向かい、そこに展示されている「聖火台」にバナーをかける! 私たちは3年前、コロナ禍で苦しむ人々を横目に「聖火」がお祭り騒ぎで全国を駆け回ったことを忘れない。
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しかし、この色使い…何かに似てる…というわけで、大阪万博公式キャラクター「ミャクミャク」パンも制作。だいぶ気持ち悪いがこちらも食い尽くした。 五輪も万博も中止だ中止!
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nando161mando · 3 months
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June 11th is International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & all Long Term Anarchist Prisoners.
UK Prisoners list via Brighton ABC
This years PDF via https://june11.noblogs.org/
Statement from Marius
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the-final-straw-blog · 4 months
Memory, Movement and June 11th 2024
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This week on The Final Straw, we’re sharing an interview we conducted in recognition of the upcoming celebration of June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and other long term anarchist prisoners. This week you’ll hear Julie Herrada, a long time anarchist activist, comrade of Marius Mason and worker at the Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan. Julie is joined by Matthew Hart, another longtime anarchist involved in labor organizing, historical research with the Dockstadter Mutual Aid Society and the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross chapter of the Federation. We speak about history, memory, prisoner support and continuing the struggle.
If you’d like to hear more about the history of June 11th and voices of anarchist prisoners and those who support them outside, we’ve taken the opportunity each year to have at least one show focusing on specific cases or concepts related to ongoing struggle and anti-repression work.
But first up, you’ll hear a comrade reading the 2024 call entitled No Separate Worlds and you’re hearing a conversation between anarchist historians and prisoner supporters about memory and the upcoming June 11th international day of soldiairty with marius mason and longterm anarchist prisoners. More info at June11.noblogs.org
Fundraiser for Oso Blanco’s Family
There’s a fundraiser for the family of Cherokee anarchist prisoner, Oso Blanco, as they recently suffered a housefire that destroyed their home. You can learn more and find where to donate at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-political-prisoners-family-cherokee-rebuild-after-fire
. ... . ..
Featured Track:
Blindblindblind by Thee Silver Mt Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band from 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons
Check out this episode!
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mudust-x · 2 years
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crimethinc · 4 years
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In the midst of uprisings, we remember those who are imprisoned for fighting for a better world. Since 2004, June 11 has served as a day of solidarity with captured anarchists like Marius Mason and many more.
Support info—https://june11.noblogs.org
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post-leffert · 3 years
Communique from 325 Collective on the Repressive Attack upon International Counter-Information
On 29.03.21 the Dutch police raided the data center that holds the nostate.net server, seizing the server itself as part of a criminal investigation into ‘terrorism’. Nostate.net is a collective that provided a platform for international movement websites from prisoner solidarity groups, multiple campaign collectives, anti-summit pages and international counter-information. Significant sites that used nostate.net as a platform that have been targeted by this repressive attack by the Dutch police are Anarchist Black Cross Berlin, Montreal Counter-Info, Northshore Counter-Info, Act For Freedom Now! (now re-activated on noblogs.org https://actforfree.noblogs.org/) and 325.
We as a collective are aware that this was not just an attack by the Dutch police, but was done in coordination with the Counter Terrorism Unit of the United Kingdom in connection with their recent repressive attacks upon the anarchist circles in this country. Not only have they been threatening ourselves, but recently threatened nostate.net unless they shut down our site. Along with this they demanded information be given to them of the identity of anyone involved in 325. The extent that the authorities will go to attack us and anyone they suspect of aiding us is of no surprise to us, the examples through history of state forces repressing anyone who dares to stand and fight them are numerous.
This repressive attack should be seen as an attack upon all counter-information, on anarchist circles internationally. Under the present ongoing environment of Covid-19 and the repressive actions of states around the world, it is no surprise to us that they work together on an international level, the recent repression against anarchist comrade Gabriel Pomba da Silva, with co-operation between Spanish, Italian and Portuguese states, is a more than obvious recent example.
Our minds cast back to the repression of Indymedia in Germany and Greece, as well as not so long ago the imprisonment of comrades involved in Culmine, ParoleArmata and Croce Nera Anarchica in Italy. Through time the anarchist movement internationally has had its modes of communicating to the people attacked with countless anarchist publications having their premises raided, comrades arrested and even publications being censored, even destroyed, such as in the not too distant past with Alfredo M. Bonnano’s ‘Armed Joy’ in Italy, even Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’s ‘The Sun Still Rises’ in Greece.
It is also no coincidence that this repressive attack occurs now after our recent publication of ‘325 #12 – Against the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’. This publication that we feel hits to the core of what the states and capitalism are pushing forward, before and even more so now, under the cover of the Covid-19 pandemic, is a direct threat to their plans of subjugation, of robotosizing and automizing everything. Their attack has momentarily affected our distribution of the publication both online and physically, but it has inevitably failed. The technocrats that want to shape our world into one heaving technological militarized prison society are being exposed, not only by ourselves but by the already growing attacks internationally upon their infrastructure. This is what they fear, that this can grow and this is why they have come after us. From what we know, the police who are trying to hunt us down, they are relying upon tactics from their old repressive book of tricks, attempting to get others to snitch and shutting down counter-information. Ever since their ‘Operation Rhone’ aimed at attacking the anarchist circles in Bristol, they had only caught one person involved in an attack, but not anyone involved in the Informal Anarchist Federation or the other countless anarchist attacks.
Clearly they have not repressed any fire of rebellion as the riot, attack on the police station and burning of cop cars last month shows.
It has been silent for too long on this island of conformity, while the world outside starts to burn again, those embers are still glowing and we feel their warmth. More than ever there is an absolute need for co-ordination internationally between comrades, to attack directly this stinking corpse that attempts to resurrect itself, to further imprison us. Counter-information is an integral part of this international co-ordination, to allow those who want to act for freedom in this world to see the signals of complicity in every language possible, to speak the one language of insurrection and anarchy. There must be a re-energization of the international counter-information network, to once again become a threat internationally, after the repressive reaction that seeks to isolate anarchists from each other, not just around the world but even locally. The 325 Collective continue to move upon this path we already tred, even now we continue with our publication projects including a new re-print of ‘325 #12’, a new expanded issue of ‘Dark Nights’ and further projects for the future internationally. They will not silence or stop us and we will have our revenge!
About the website, we do not know yet whether it will return, it is very clear to us that if it is resurrected as ‘325’ anywhere else online, that the authorities will immediately target it once again. This also means that we could put at risk any provider in the future, as well as put other counter-information and movement projects at risk of being shut down as happened with the recent repressive attack. Who knows where all this will take us? What we do know is that we are far from backing down, not one step back, in the face of the enemy. Maybe it might be best to revert to the traditional printed word, to see peoples faces, to speak words, to conspire. We will not say never to the site returning, neither to it re-manifesting itself as a new project, only time will tell.
For now, our absolute solidarity with the comrades of nostate.net & Act For Freedom Now! Along with all the other counter-info projects affected.
325 Collective
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Free Michael Kimble! June 11, Solidarity with Marius Mason & all long-term Anarchist Prisoners. Michael Kimble is a black, gay anarchist serving a life sentence in Alabama for the murder of a white, homophobic, racist bigot. During his first years of imprisonment, Michael embraced communism, but soon moved away from it and toward anarchy because, as he describes it “anarchism is not about building a hierarchical structure for liberation somewhere in the distant future, but about living your life, now, in a fashion that’s liberating.” Michael has a long history of both individual and collective struggle against prison authority, and continues to engage in the fight against prison slave labor as part of the Free Alabama Movement. https://june11.noblogs.org/ https://anarchylive.noblogs.org/ Link to download June 11 PDFs for anyone wanting to print or share hi-res images: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kc78rj2bc3uhek6/AACDYujhJylZsIrq_508eefja?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR3BVSO3-S3VVr-4uCxG7QGjcIWpKkB5nzBBkLYD1LM__iyLdAhoBjOqsi8
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Tout est à distance, les ami.e.s, l’école et le travail. Sur son ordi posé sur son nouveau bureau, Floraine contacte et se fait contacter. Au grès des fenêtres qui apparaissent sur son écran, des connaissances et des inconnu.e.s, principalement étudiant.e.s en art, lui parlent des nouvelles modalités de fonctionnement, d’organisation pour continuer leur pratique et leur travail. Parviendra-t-elle à résoudre l’épineuse question de l’artiste en télétravail ?
04:30 Des professeur.e.s – Deux professeur.e.s 12:08 Sims et CDI – Lucie 15:34 Comment je travaille ? – Ninoa 18:08 Angoisse de feed – Camille 22:01 Production et papillons – Cécile 25:45 Mes règles d’intérieur – Mathilde 28:29 Breaking News, Interview bureautique – Cécile 34:24 Comment je travaille ? – Zoya 39:02 “j’aime bien le confinement” – Madeleine 42:10 Le travail rue Jacques Laffitte  – Zozorégale 46:30 Comment je travaille ? – Carla 51:09 WorkSong ( Reprise de Nina Simone) – Marianne
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marcogiovenale · 7 months
differx @ noblogs [gemello, quasi, di slowforward]
per motivi di indipendenza e – diciamo così – radicalizzazione di certe posizioni, circa tre anni fa avevo attivato uno spazio su noblogs.org, lasciato poi però colpevolmente languire per parecchio tempo. ora, oggi, l’ho in parte trasformato in una specie di mirror di slowforward, almeno per tutti i contenuti dalla fondazione fino alla data presente, 18 febbraio 2024. conto di non limitare il…
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black-mosquito · 5 years
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Gestern war ein wahrlich schwarzer Tag für alle Antifaschist*innen – unsere Gedanken und Herzen waren und sind in Halle und Rojava.
Wie es die »North East Antifa« auf Twitter formulierte: »Auf das die Opfer von #Halle niemals vergeben, niemals vergessen werden, auf das #Rojava niemals fallen wird. Es lebe die kurdische Befreiungsbewegung! Niemand ist vergessen!«
Eigentlich wollten wir live von unserem Besuch aus der besetzten Burgstraße 36 berichten, fanden das aber angesichts der Lage unpassend. Dennoch finden wir, dass auch gerade in düsteren Zeiten positive Meldungen wichtig sind, auch wenn sie vielleicht etwas klein und unbedeutend wirken gegenüber des globalen Grauen.
Jedenfalls haben wir gestern unseren neuen Nachbar*innen (die Besetzung ist quasi ein Häuserblock von uns entfernt) Salz und (flüssiges, reales war nicht zur Hand) Brot vorbei gebracht. Wie mensch das so macht, wenn mensch neue Nachbar*innen begrüßt.
Die Bewohner*innen haben sich über unsere kleine Aufmerksamkeit sehr gefreut und wir haben uns mal umgesehen, ein paar Impressionen könnt ihr ja hier sehen. Der Ausblick ist ja mal der Hammer.
Momentan hat die Stadt den Bewohner*innen einen Verhandlungstermin angeboten und noch nicht konkret mit Räumung gedroht. Wir hoffen also sehr, dass uns ein paar solidarische Nachbar*innen erhalten bleiben! Auf der Brache neben dem Gebäude werden momentan Baumaterialien von der Stadt für den Straßenbau gelagert. Dieser soll erst im Juni 2021 abgeschlossen sein… erst dann könnte neu gebaut werden. Es gibt also rein logistisch keinerlei Grund die Besetzer*innen zu vertreiben.
Für alle Interessierten: schaut euch das Haus doch mal an. Es gibt sogar noch freie Zimmer, wir haben ein Foto von einem mal hier mit hochgeladen.
Ansonsten haben wir uns sehr über das präsente »Syndikat bleibt« Poster und insbesondere über die Solidaritätsbekundung mit RiseUp4Rojava direkt am Eingang gefreut.
Auf das wir eine reale Gegenmacht von unten aufbauen können! Tod dem Faschismus!
Blog der Besetzung: https://burgstrasse36.noblogs.org/
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Bill Dunne has been imprisoned for 40 years. Bill is a Marxist and comes from a time when the left literally fought back. He's survived police bullets, escape attempts, years in solitary confinement, and continued attacks from prison staff. Bill would like to receive literature on radical economics, political theory, current/international affairs. All books and magazines must be sent directly from the publisher. Bill Dunne #10916-086 FCI Victorville Medium I Post Office Box 3725 Adelanto, California 92301 For more information on Bill visit https://thejerichomovement.com/profile/dunne-bill and https://june11.noblogs.org/prisoners/
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hangorin · 3 years
反オリンピック国際集会 2022年5月21-22日にセーヌ=サン=ドニで会おう
ロンドンで私たちは、500名以上の入居者を抱えていた英国最大の特定目的住宅協同組合、クレイズレーン団地が破壊されるのを見た。そして、たくさんのジャガイモやアーティチョークやカリフラワーが植えられていたマナー市民菜園(Manor Garden Allotments)が破壊されるのも見た。
これは勝算のある闘いだ。開催を希望する都市がなくなればオリンピックは終わる。それが可能に思えるなら、このプロセスを加速させない理由があるだろうか? 私たちにはまだ、札幌やピレネー=バルセロナ(スペイン)を2030年冬季五輪から、プロヴァンス=アルプ=コート・ダジュール地方を2034年冬季五輪から救うことができる。
SNS:@saccage2024 (Twitter: @2024saccage)
連絡先:[email protected](フランス語、英語に対応可能)
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anarchistcommunism · 5 years
(A-Radio Berlin) The Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2018 in Novi Sad, Serbia
Dear all, The 12th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair took place in Novi Sad, Serbia from 28th to 30th of September, 2018. The Balkan. Every year the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) takes place in a different city across the Balkans and is organized by a local collective with an aim to connect local, regional, as well as the international anarchist community. A-Radio Berlin had the chance to talk with some of the organizers of this 12th BAB about the event, its trajectory and perspective for the future, as well as the experiences of anarchist organizing in Serbia and the Balkans. You can find out more about BAB here https://bask2018.noblogs.org/ You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2019/05/21/a-radio-in-english-the-balkan-anarchist-bookfair-2018-in-novi-sad-serbia/ Length: 19 min You can find other English and Spanish language audios here: http://aradio.blogsport.de/englishcastellano/. Among our last audios you can find: * An interview on the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2018: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2018/10/05/a-radio-in-english-the-international-week-of-solidarity-with-anarchist-prisoners-2018/ * An anarchist perspective on the last Chaos Communication Congress 2017 in Germany (December 2017): http://aradio.blogsport.de/2018/02/18/a-radio-in-english-the-chaos-communication-congress-2017-in-germany-an-anarchist-perspective/ * An intro audio to the hungerstrike of Mapuche Political Prisoners in the Iglesias Case in Chile: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2017/09/26/a-radio-in-english-chile-the-hungerstrike-of-mapuche-political-prisoners-in-the-iglesias-case/ * An interview on Charlottesville, the murder of Heather Heyer and antifascist perspectives: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2017/08/31/a-radio-in-english-reportback-from-charlottesville-unite-the-right-and-the-murder-of-heather-heyer/ Enjoy! And please feel free to share! A-Radio Berlin ps.: We are now on Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at @aradio_berlin! ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into English as well as people able to do voice recordings - in order to amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at aradio-berlin/at/riseup(dot)net!
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