#nobody was harmed in the making of this tiktok
dragontatoes · 5 months
maybe it's how it gets people on the radfem pipeline or maybe it's me being triggered from erasure of my own experiences, but I've been seeing a lot of gender essentialism in the last couple weeks and it has me feeling like joker from the joker
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saintvampy · 9 months
"non-recovery mental illness spaces online are toxic" i think being absolutely alone with a very isolating illness where people often kill themselves because theyre so alone might be more toxic but ok! lets just group everyone together now! awesome take!
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navree · 2 years
Duolingo got into shit bc the tiktok account made a joke about amber heard during the trial and the social media manager cried on their personal account about how they’re still learning lol
oh my god YES that's what it was, anyway if you've been running any kind of social media ever for longer than two days that part of your learning should have been completed already
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jewish-vents · 1 month
i am SO sick and tired of the usage of zionism amongst goyim. the obsession around this word in general makes me lose my mind because i don’t think goyim should be even using it, since they don’t get it and they probably never will. all they did was twist this word and turn into a fucking slur, as if it’s an insult. even people who are pro-peace and aren’t into the idea that israelis deserve to die avoid being associated with zionism like the plague, which is fine. you should identify in whatever way you like, but i feel like zionism has been taken out of context by goyim to an extent that the only definition this word carries is negative and evil. and while zionism does have different types, like the political one that people in the israeli government take advantage of, the core of zionism means no harm. all it means throughout my life in israel as a jew is supporting the existence of israel and that we have a right to live in our ancestral homeland. that’s literally it. nothing about violence, nothing about persecution, nothing about fascism, and nothing about palestine to begin with. goyim always assume for some reason that zionism = kahanism which just. isn’t exactly correct. like you should definitely oppose kahanism because it really is bad but ffs stop being so obsessed about a jewish movement (i’m talking about zionism not kahanism obviously) that has been around for more than a century. it traces back to our history and culture, you cannot separate it from our roots. not to mention the fact that this word is in hebrew, and this all just feels like cultural appropriation to me. they took zionism and destroyed the values it held, the struggle and the pain jews had to face during their years in the diaspora, they’ll never get it. we belong to zion, and nobody can take the connection that we have to this land away from us. no gaslighting, no propaganda, and no hatred will help these crybabies.
zionists are just regular human beings and aren’t monsters, they don’t want to kill children, and the majority stands against the fascists who sit in the israeli government. i wish everyone could just shut up already and normalize the fact that most people who identify as zionist want peace and two state solution as much as the next person does. extremists don’t represent us and for some reason goyim can’t distinguish that. it angers me so much
also seeing zionism on goyim’s dni criteria while they put it next to antisemitism will never fail to make me laugh. they think supporting the existence of the only jewish state is as evil as nazism, what the heck. like it’s okay to criticize israel but how come wanting israel to be destroyed into oblivion is cool and heroic exactly? or dehumanizing an entire group of people cuz idk… somebody on tiktok or twitter told you. i know it’s debatable, but antizionism = antisemitism and nobody can convince me otherwise. they will always treat us like scum of the earth
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pigagainstsuicidism · 21 days
The difference between the power to use and the power to abuse
A very common tactic by those in privilege is to conflate between access to subsistence and resources to meet one's needs and access to control over others. Like, you know that thing people have noticed where queer-centered orgs are way more white supremacist than even most leftist orgs? Like this tiktok is about how whenever you call out their white supremacy, they're all like "I am a transmasculine fem nonbinary neurodivergent obsessive compulsive chronically ill culturally Jewish non-monogamous demiromantic..."
Or when you point out the undeniable problem that TME people have power over TMA people in queer spaces and regularly abuse them, take away their home, etc. and they hit you with a bunch of random, completely unrelated ways in which TME people get oppressed and abused that are specific to them. How is that relevant???
They list parts of themselves that make them disposed to lacking access to subsistence and resources to meet their needs. Being marginalized in all of these ways will harm your life chances. If you're white transmasc, transantagonism affects you in ways specific to transmascs and you get systemic, negative experiences that are largely exclusive to transmascs.
But what on Earth does that have to do with whether or not you have power over a BIPOC, or a transfem, and so on? Like there are whole masterposts that are popular on this site by huge tumblr users that are meant to "debunk" the claim that TMA people face a special, extra form of oppression which is regularly exploited by non-TMA people, and it's literally just a bunch of links to completely irrelevant experiences. Nobody is denying transmascs have it fucking tough, but how the hell is that pertinent to the fact that TME trans people have power over TMA people!?
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tryingtofindava · 9 months
Do you write for Liu? If so, what are your hcs for dating him?
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to source
a/n: starting 2024 w Liu and Sully lolz
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This boy has probably has little to nonexistent experiences with dating (minus like maybe dating one or two girls in high school), and it fucking shows. He’s an absolute nervous wreck lol.
I’m gonna be COMPLETELY honest with ya here babes, but literally NOBODY saw you two becoming a thing.
“No one will believe us when we turn up together.”
“You know I love to shock people, so this will be great.”
He wants to escalate the relationship, but he doesn’t know how without making him seem like a desperate loser.
Cute little dates involve quieter and more intimate settings where he feels more comfortable in less crowded areas.
So maybe a trip to the library during its quieter hours or just wandering around the most scenic parts of the woods.
His love languages are: words of affirmation, gift giving, quality time and acts of service. So basically all of them except physical touch.
Speaking of physical touch, he isn’t against holding hands on kissing, he’s just not all that into PDA. He’s a snuggle bug behind closed doors tho :)
Words of Affirmation: Since he’s self conscious about the stitches (which have been in since 2011 take ‘em out girly) and scarring that litters his body to remind him of the past. He likes when you mutter sweet nothings in his ear. Tell him he’s pretty, he’ll melt.
Quality time: Just being near each, not talking just comfortable silence as you guys just do your own things. As long as you’re near, he’ll be alright. He treasures these moments between you two w his heart and soul.
Acts of service: he’ll bring you you’re favourite snacks, and helping you out when you’re struggling with whatever (bad mindset, chores, etc…)
The first he held hands w you, it’s a nervous yet heart warming moment to see, he’s such a cutie patootie.
Now it’s time for Sully lolz…
On the creepypasta wiki it quote on quote says: ‘He holds some consideration and feelings for Liu himself since they share a body and he refrains from killing anyone Liu cares about due to 'Not wanting to make Liu depressed.’’
Sully’s the type of mf to randomly flick you on the forehead and laugh a smidge before going back to being all Batman-y and brooding.
And depending on his mood, he might act sorta lovey dovey. Might.
The most you’ll get his maybe a arm around the shoulder. Maybe.
“On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-“
“At least a twenty.”
He will maybe let you rest on him tho. But if anyone was to walk in, you’ll get a slight nudge off.
He’s deffo the more jealous and possessive one, especially around Jeff lol. He’s not letting that Heath Ledger joker lookin mf getting ANYWHERE near you.
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dreamersville · 1 year
hi lovelyyy can you do a "theyre the type to-" but fluff edition for the bnha men?? pleaseee🥹 thank youu
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an? hiii loveee! ofc i could do this for youu, especially when you ask so nicely🥰💜💜! i hope this was what you were looking for .. lmk if it not and i would happily do something else for you ml🫡💜. thank you requesting i had a lot of fun writing this for you. request are open
pairings? bakugou x reader, kirishima x reader, todoroki x reader, sero x reader, tamaki x reader, iida x reader, shinsou x reader, denki x reader, mina x reader
tw? none that i know of .. lmk if there are any 💜
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you mean like how katsuki is the type to just pick you up from wherever you are, sitting where you were then placing you in his lap expecting you to continue on like nothing was happening ?? Kiris likes this too, but not as aggressive as katsuki. He tries to refrain from doing it too much until you tell him that you actually like to be manhandled sometimes. Now he's doing it as often as katsuki, but still not quite as aggressive as him.
shoto would definitely be the type to stare at you. you could be doing anything it doesn't matter this man eyes will be locked on you. you always catch him too but he still wouldnt look away. you don't see any harm in it so you just let him continue. sometimes you would walk past him and give you a kiss. sero would also be caught looking at you, but isn't shameless enough to keep staring after getting caught, but just because you caught him doesn't mean that he won't be right back to looking after you turn back to what you were doing.
nobody finna tell me my sweet baby tamaki wouldn't get all flustered when you're attention is on him. he was talking to mirio about how a different breed of squid had compared to the usual he eats, when he sees you looking at him with interest in your eyes, now he fumbling over his words trying to remember what he was talking about before he caught your gaze upon him..
iida is definitely the type to lecture you about eating Honey Buns all the time until he decides to eat one and see why you're so obsessed with them, now everytime you get a box for him you have to get a box for him too. please don't let this man see you warming it up, it was good at room temp but slightly warmer??????? He thinks he found heaven.
Shinsou's favorite thing to do is take a nap with you, or with you around. so he definitely tries to make his dorm sleep approved. black out curtains to stop the light from filtering in, but don't worry cause he got a lap on his desk and a taller one in the corner. a fan to keep the roomer cooler. don't get me started on his blanket collection. He has weighted blanket soft blankets. 2 blankets from where he was in his lil crocheting era. Overall he tries to make his room the ultimate sleeping spot, and he feels like he is succeeding as he snuggles more into your stomach.
denki is sending you a 100 millions tiktoks. These include dances that he wants you to learn so that y'all could have them together, different challenges, posts that remind him of you, part 267 of a series you and him are watching, and many many more things.
Mina is definitely the type to get you up and out to try new things, she doesn't want to sit in the dorm all day when she could be out shopping with you hello??
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i hope you enjoyed reading * thank you so much for the request, request are open
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spoekelse · 2 years
Mfers will hear about the “ROGD uniquely affecting poor innocent young girls” argument transphobes make and then claim transandrophobia (or whatever you want to call it) isn’t real
Or even worse, that it is real, but it’s really proof trans people assigned female at birth are being “protected” by society and are therefore benefitting from the oppression of transfems
As if infantilisation isn’t harmful, and as if this isn’t literally preventing people from transitioning, therefore leading to them dying. If this is a benefit, where? Where’s the benefit?
Sure, transfems are harmed by the transphobia being cultivated here, nobody is denying that. They’re being harmed by the assumption that there are no trans men, only trans women. In their minds, only confused girlies and male predators.
This fear of transness being a social contagion that spreads within female social groups makes any transmasc the vector of a dangerous disease, who must be shunned by society, in addition to the other obvious harm. It was bad enough when people thought I was a lesbian- now they really, really don’t want me around their daughters.
It’s a fear of maleness or masculinity that creeps into racism and transmisogyny, and this fear is behind tiktok transvestigation pages.
Infantilisation is always bad. It’s not a “lesser” form of oppression- and even if it was, there’s no sense in comparing oppression. Transandrophobia is one side of the polyhedron that is transphobia as a whole. Its existent doesn’t negate transmisogyny or intersexism/endosexism/perisexism. Disabled people face infantilisation the most, and are extremely frequently abused and denied agency. The same goes for elderly people and yes, even children. It’s never good.
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aphidclan-clangen · 5 months
you don't have to post this, but I thought it would be funny!!!
Nimblekit: I just scream a lot... I just, scream... a lot
Goldshine: With all due respect, which is none,
Sparkspeckle: You know how someone can say “I respectfully disagree”? What about “I disrespectfully agree” for when you hate someone but they are unfortunately correct.
Shadebreak: I am always up for potential rule breaking.
Goldshine: Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself, I do it regularly.
Nimblekit: 80% of people are actually ugly because of their face, you know.
Pearlstar: Trans people? In my clan? It’s more likely than you think.
Blisswhistle: For the last time, you can’t die of adhd.
Sparkspeckle: You can do whatever you want forever :D
Stormwhisper: I love you, but that is not helpful.
Stormwhisper, too nervous to ask for emotional support: Man, it smells like wrongdog in here.
Gravel: Aren’t you like 5’2?
Firebeetle: I self identify as tall.
Pearlstar: Every day my joints are shocked and disgusted that I would use them for their intended purpose.
Sparkspeckle: You can never lose an argument if you say “shut up nerd” at the end.
Icesheep: Yes you can.
Sparkspeckle: Shut up nerd.
Goldshine: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not care enough.
Nimblekit: Your honor, in my defense, who cares like omfgggggggg who cares????????? Like come onnn.
Skykit: Are you a girl or a boy?
Shadebreak: Uhh, well some people aren’t girls or boys!
Skykit: Wow, just like snails...
Shadebreak: ???
Straight Man: Hey
Titania: That’s enough.
Lilacpaw: I respect perfume commercials being like, we can’t show you a smell, mind if we just go insane for 30 seconds?
Shadekit: Hey we are all really small, do you wanna sleep in a pile.
Icekit, Stormkit and Sparkkit: Yes.
Blisswhistle: “Fuck it, we ball” (Malnourished, heavy eye bags, dehydrated, on the verge of insanity.)
Goldshine: Evil infodumping where you just tell lies.
Sparkspeckle: Tiktok
Icesheep: 5-minute crafts
Shadebreak: Resume
Stormwhisper: Men
Nimblekit: I fucking hate the hand that feeds me, I think i’ll do something fucked up to it.
Nimblekit: Sick injury bro, would be a shame if i added insult to it.
Pearlstar: I laugh at my own jokes because I am my target audience. Y’all just happen to be there fr.
Gravel: I wish they sold offbrand cars, get me a damn honder.
Firebeetle: Pulling up in the revolver.
Shadebreak: When two buses pass each other and the bus drivers don’t wave at each other, like omg... did you guys break up...
Blisswhistle: I can still crack a joke mid-breakdown, that’s why everyone is lucky to have me in their lives.
Gravel: They don’t kill the presidents like they used to.
Berrykit: The LMAO+ community.
Nimblekit: It’s LMFAO+ this is party rock erasure.
Sparkspeckle: It’s harder than you think to communicate with someone who isn’t familiar with the world of spongebob.
Goldshine: Pipe down your honor, you weren’t even there.
Goldshine: JFK?? Like from umbrella academy?? Haha... you know he’s not... real, right?
Stormwhisper: Wait, I though JFK was from clone high??
Sparkspeckle: JFK, as in Jesus Fucking Khrist, from the bible?
Icesheep: Isn’t JFK that fried chicken fast food chain.
Shadebreak: Guys cmon, it’s Jennedy Fennedy Kennedy, you gotta know this.
Goldshine: Mfs be named “James” and it only be one dude.
Nimblekit: Does violence have to be the last resort, can’t it be like third.
Lilacpaw: Free my man, he did all of it but I don’t care.
Pearlstar: Let me get this straight. Grabs the nearest heterosexual. Now, where were we. (He is holding nobody)
Blisswhistle: I’m so done with self care, it’s time for others harm.
Shadebreak: Fun fact. Shut the fuck-
Sparkspeckle: Nuh uh
Icesheep: FYM “NUH UH”???
-⚡ anon
Genuinely made me laugh, I love these
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desire-mona · 5 months
more modern poets hcs for greenie!
charlie -
charlie used to post like "annoying gay ppl vs normal gay ppl" memes, had a huge turnaround and they cringe when they think of that time. mentioning blaire white or kalvin garrah would make him jump
has an "i <3 milfs" design of every article of clothing, could make an entire i <3 milfs outfit. shirt, hat, pants, socks, belt, shoes, hoodie, you name it.
todd -
todd is nonbinary bc he is autistic and autistic ppl generally view gender differently. not debating this. this is a fact and this is canon. they/he/she todd anderson, what of it.
chronic procrastinator when it comes to anything besides school. they will put off doctors appointments, finishing tv shows, even charging their phone.
neil -
doesnt use tiktok but he watches todd scroll thru her fyp sometimes and gets very mad at those "acting pov" videos. hes like "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ACTING POINT OF VIEW" "POINT OF VIEW YOU ONLY HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF WORDS???????? WHAT DOES THAT MEEEEEAN"
i see ppl saying that neil would be a swiftie but i would like to suggest that he's a big ethel cain fan, a collection of songs that tell a fictional character's story? tell me thats not right up his alley
meeks -
i dont think this is the type of math meeks bases a career off of but i do think he rly pays attention to architecture and city layouts and stuff. will forever complain abt how inconvenient it is to have a car centered society and how every place should be walkable OR have public transport
collects records despite not having a record player, tapes despite not having a walkman, and cds despite using his cd player maybe 3 times a year. quite honestly its just to have a physical collection of his music taste
pitts -
pitts went thru a "nice guy/ vaguely incel-ular" phase in middle school, but he didnt talk to a singular woman in those years. by the time it went away there was no harm done to anyone but himself and a very annoyed meeks who had to listen to how girls "only go for assholes"
he has a fashion sense so good that ppl online *ask* him to post fit checks, he doesnt do any if theyre not requested of him. pitts is also the one with the biggest online presence, most notably tiktok and twitter
knox -
type of guy to constantly post shit like "like for a tbh" or post anonymous question things on his story. nobody interacts with any of it so he usually just deletes them after half a day
haaaaaaaates texting and will either send very long voice messages or just ask to call whoever he's talking to (me fr i send ppl voice msgs almost exclusively)
cameron -
cam is suuuuuuuper creeped out by ai "art", especially the ai washing feet commercial during the superbowl, which he had nightmares about for a week
his parents are constantly trying weird diets (most notably keto) so he has the weirdest assortment of random ingredients in his pantry. has come up with the strangest "meals" any one of those boys have ever seen
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ohmerricat · 15 days
psychosis (spiritual, religious, otherwise) is only psychosis if the ‘delusional’ beliefs are actively harming the person experiencing them or those around them. if these experiences do not cause the subject any damage, emotional, physical or otherwise, then, no matter how eccentric or incredible they sound to you, you cannot go around armchair-diagnosing them with ‘spiritual psychosis’. just another word tiktok has misappropriated and is over-eager to fling at every stranger they see whose personal practice isn’t 100% distant and sombre and who dare to, idk, make jokes sometimes or post comedic reenactments of a conversation they had with a spirit entity. nobody obliges you to necessarily believe what they do, or agree with their approach, but since when is “just scroll” not an option? what’s with the tone of mock concern, “oh poor baby you’re so deluded and confused, you need mental health treatment asap”… babes you sound like a christian
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
Bengals’ Social Media Admin - Instagram AU
(Bengals Quarterback! Joe Burrow x Social Media Admin! OC)
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liked by yourinstagram and 336,470 more users
Bengals: Happy Birthday to us 🥳
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officialskylinechili: Happy birth-Dey 🥳
username1: 56 years ago… DAMN, y’all are an old football team and still haven’t won a Super Bowl 🤣
yourinstagram: happy birthday to the best NFL team!
Chido: don’t forget it’s my birthday too!
↳ username2: why am i just finding out that me, Chido , and my favorite team have the same birthday?!
fccincinnati: Happy birthday 🎉
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liked yourinstagram and 69,013 more users
CincyProblems: it looks like the Social Media Admin for the Bengals isn’t holding back today 🤣
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username1: the Bengals have the best Social Media Admin out of all the football teams!
username2: did y’all see that Twitter thread on who the identity of the Bengals social media admin could be?!
↳ username3: wait no… i didn’t see the Twitter thread,
↳ username2: so basically one of the users that got a reply from the Bengals’ Twitter account posted how they got a notification from someone with the username @.yourTwitter that had responded to their tweet and then when they clicked the notification, the reply was deleted… but then a few seconds later, the same reply was posted by the Bengal’s Twitter team. (also the Bengals’ social media accounts and Joe Burrow follows Y/N on Twitter and Instagram).
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liked by joeyb_finsta and 69 more users
yourfinsta: 😘 💻
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↳ yourfinsta: WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!
↳ finstagramBFF: there’s a Twitter thread going viral about how you’re the SM admin for the Bengals 😭💀
↳ yourfinsta: oh shit 😳
joeyb_finsta: I love how you’re taking selfies on your laptop while your secret identity has been discovered!
↳ yourfinsta: shut the fuck up JOEY and help me NOT GET FIRED from MY job!
↳ joeyb_finsta: i got you the SM admin job remember that… it’s not my job to help you KEEP the job!
↳ yourfinsta: alright, if i get fired from the admin job i’ll expose your finstagram… i bet all the tiktok girls and tumblr girls would LOVE to see all the after work out shirtless mirror selfies and headband selfies 😘
↳ joeyb_finsta: i’ll make some phone calls 🙄
liked by yourinstagram and 330,404 more users
Bengals: A hot debate 😂
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camsample5: If they didn’t say Lebron they wrong
username1: the SM admin is posting this to try and make us forget that her identity has been exposed 😅
↳ username2: wait… is it a BAD thing that her identity has been exposed to football fans?!
↳ username3: i wouldn’t say it’s the WORSE thing ever because she’s never posted anything that could harm her in the real world… she just posts about the Bengals on IG, Twitter, and Tiktok. the only reason it would be a “bad thing” is if she didn’t want her identity to be revealed but her social media accounts are public and are followed by Joe Burrow, so maybe she never really tried to hide her identity.
bjhill5: I got the best step backkkkk!!! Nobody can check me 🤷🏾‍♂️
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liked by joeyb_9 and 169,513 more users
yourinstagram: everything is better in orange 🧡
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CincyProblem: miss social media admin is HOT 🥵
username1: the bengals have the funniest and most GORGEOUS social media admin… we really won!
username2: i’m a Bengals fan now because of you.
username3: the caption is right… everything IS BETTER in orange!
joeyb_9: sexy lil pumpkin.
↳ yourinstagram: PUMPKIN?!
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Author’s Note:
this Instagram AU is inspired by the F1 Secret Admin Social Media AU series by @holllandtrash
if you have any requests for an IG AU, please send the requests in my Inbox and i’ll try to get the Instagram AUs published as fast as i can.
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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chronicbeans · 1 year
With the Welcome Home characters in modern times, it was fun for me to think of home falling in love with Alexa and Wally asking this artificial intelligence a bunch of questions.Can we see more about the characters interacting with current technology?
OMG Home falling in love with Alexa sounds like such a mood for some reason-
MORE Welcome Home Cast with Current Tech:
TW: None that I know of!
📺 Home does, actually, end up falling in love with Alexa. It is like a cute crush type of deal. The part that genuinely scares you is that, sometimes, late at night, you hear Alexa turn on and start chatting. Then, when you go downstairs, you see Home sitting next to Alexa, who is chatting away as if someone is talking. As far as you know, Home can't talk... but nobody else is there. You are unsure as to whether or not Home is aware that Alexa isn't sentient, but considering how these puppets are sentient, you are willing to bet that you might be the one in the wrong.
📺 You have caught Wally trying to get on your computer and watch, specifically, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. He seems to be growing obsessed with that show. You are a bit concerned that it might influence his behavior or something, considering how he has always had a different vibe compared to the rest of the puppets (Home doesn't, too, to be fair), but he always finds a way to get the computer or phone. He likes the episode about creativity the best.
📺 Julie has a fascination with internet drama, now. Specifically the drama between makeup artists, since that is the type of content she tends to consume. She has also begun saying things such as "hey sisters", and showing you videos by the channels she likes. Surprisingly, she hasn't watched James Charles, and got the "hey sisters" line from a much smaller channel. She also has started watching a bunch of LGBTQ+ YouTubers, and shown Eddie and Frank them, as well.
📺 Sally has begun making plays based on the newer cartoons and shows she has watched. As of lately, she has gotten into Batman content. Batman content in general. You don't know HOW she got to more mature Batman related content, like Gotham or The Batman 2022, especially because you have been trying to keep the childish innocence of the puppets in case they find a way back into their show (you are scared that them getting exposed to too much mature content might harm the show if someone finds and watches it)... But she has. You suspect Julie might've found pirated versions and showed her.
📺 Poppy has gotten into TikTok baking. She tries to recreate the recipes she finds, to great success! She once presented you with this huge cake made to look like a unicorn. It was so cute you didn't want to eat it. When you did, however, you were surprised to find that it tasted like Jolly Ranchers.
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audristarzz · 2 months
I've been feeling anxious and stressed with this whole kosa thing im trying not to panic but sometimes it feels like no matter what we do they wont listen to us i just saw a tiktok saying that their not even reading up on this bill which pisses me off more. And we are telling them time and time again to not pass kosa. I remember so many content creators were talking about the dangers of the kosa bill i remember it being talked everywhere and now it's just silence which confuses me why is no concerned about this bill did everyone just forget or just doesn't care anymore. This is just reminding me of the whole tiktok ban thing again but so many people online were talking about that but not kosa at all like this bill is going to affect everyone and then everyone will start panicking if it does pass when they could've spoken out about the bill. I'm sorry for the kinda long rant im just stressed anxious idk what to do i have been calling emailing whatever im just so tired i've been spreading info in my twiiter/x account and none of my mutuals seems to care i know people are focusing about what's going on in palestine congo sudan etc so am i but you focus on multiple things at once this bill can censor people talking about these countries too so it makes me really confused why there's barley anyone concerned about the censorship and online safety thing and the whole government id like literally no one of my mutuals care their just only liking posts about me retweeting stuff about palestine sudan and congo like what about the kosa bill it can censor us talking about israels war crimes hello people you should be concerned and make some noise about kosa. I'll try to distract myself i guess but it's hard not to worry i hope it doesn't immediately go to the house once it fully passes the senate since from my understanding only a committee passed it so it might pass the senate tomorrow or some shit idk. Im glad there's slightly more opposition in the house it gives me hope also do you think even if it does pass that it can be stopped with congressman and the government being sued i heard something about lawsuits in a few posts on here and twitter/x but again sorry for the long rant you can ignore if you want it is a long rant sorry lol.
hello!! don’t apologize for ranting I can understand why it’s very stressful and scary especially since it feels like you have nobody to talk to about this, it is infact a scary time for us right now with everyone going on but I’m very proud of you for spreading awareness about KOSA, I myself am trying to stay positive since there could be things that stop the bill (opposition, the possibility of it getting sued and the fact it’s harmful for lgbtq youth and unconstitutional as fuck) but I’ll admit it the anxiety and stress of it does get to me but I’m not going to give up and neither should you. I learned about KOSA a year ago and the reason why it’s just NOW getting to the senate is because we voiced our opposition, Evan Greer is a reliable source where I get my information and she does a lot to try to keep KOSA from passing. A reminder that KOSA tried to pass before in previous years but didn’t because there was so much opposition of it. Maxwell Frost, a representative opposes KOSA amongst others which is good, Once again, there is more opposition and skepticism about KOSA in the House than Senate. I know it’s scary and worrisome but please, don’t panic and if it gets to the point where it’s to much for your health take a step back from looking at updates for a minute. KOSA won’t go straight into effect after it’s voted to the Senate, and IF it passes it will take 18 months to go into effect depending on which state you’re in. But it’s not to that point yet, It has to get to the House which if we keep voicing our concern and opposition will not pass and then get signed to the president, which given everything that’s been going on in the presidential race, may be a bit tricky or take longer to get too. Senate goes into a break in August so I’ve heard so that gives us time to keep calling/ emailing and faxing. If you have any trusted adult I would recommend voicing your concerns to them, i myself am in a very much homophobic republican family (democratic state tho) and i felt hopeless for awhile since I had nobody to voice my concerns to but then I talked to my older cousin and it made me feel a lot better since she voted for Biden. Im not an expert when it comes to politics and this, I get my research from other amazing blogs on Tumblr, articles and Evan Greer since I don’t have any other social media platforms. But I hope I was able to bring some reassurance to you, if not I apologize but please do not give up because the silence is what’s going to get KOSA to pass, keep voicing your opposition, calling / faxing and emailing. It’s going to be okay and please do not panic, whatever happens tomorrow will be a step forward or back but regardless we can fight it and not let KOSA pass. You’re doing great Anon. 💗
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puhpandas · 8 months
seeing ao3 works tagged as AI generated or "i asked whatever to write this for me because i cant write" sucks so unbelievably bad. like yes the fanfiction archive definitely needs something written by a robot. very valuable and needs to be saved for safe keeping next to all the fics written with love by real people.
you literally CAN write. everyone can write. you can pick up your phone and google docs or your notes app and do it right now, you just dont want to. you CAN write what you want to see yourself. its better to view fandom/fanworks as ART instead of CONTENT. you can put your hyperfixation aside to not feed into AI. i promise you dont have to be that desperate.
theres literally no repercussions to writing when you dont have the 'writer' title. you dont need any title to do things. you can write and not be a writer. you need to understand the importance of art instead of complaining about unfinished ao3 fics on tiktok and forgetting the reason you like that unfinished fic so much is because a human person put love and passion into it.
obviously if youre posting AI fics on ao3 youre secretly interested in writing. just do it. you CAN be a writer, you just dont want to put effort into it. i promise effort does not equal stress. working hard or putting effort into a story is always more rewarding than satisfying your hyperfixation for 5 minutes by asking an AI to make something shitty by frankenstiening together real artists writing
im just saying you SHOULD care about how harmful AI is
also, another thing, nobody should ever be embarrased or ashamed of being a beginner of something and making something 'bad'. literally EVERYONE ever who is an artist sucked at the beginning. improving is apart of the joy of creation. ive noticed and im sure its no secret that tiktok specifically is hell on earth for every art form and barely anyone on that app 1. respects it and 2. has a filter. theyll say awful shit but every artist knows that those people shouldnt be listened to. any beginner should too. please dont be discouraged
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lakesandquarries · 5 months
i’m so autistic about hop along btw i love them SO much. if you’ve never heard them please please check them out espif you’re a fan of really visceral, kinda esoteric, almost story driven lyrics. tbh i think mountain goats enjoyers would probably like them! frances quinlan has such a raw energy to their voice and they’re not afraid to let their voice crack or go rough.
personally i think “waitress” might be my favourite song for the way frances sings this part
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because on paper they just seem kinda. ???? but hearing them and the emotion in frances’s voice is absolutely breathtaking
or another fave is bruno is orange and this piece
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which i’ve actually heard used on tiktok which makes me glad because hop along deserves recognition and this part is so!!! the whole song is about the singer trying to protect their lover from being punished for the two of them being together—i’ve seen some people read it as a young girl with an older man but i personally think the idea that its an interracial couple makes more sense specifically because of lines like this. the mother warns her daughter that the world is unsafe—but the mother is the one causing harm.
i could write essays about hop along okay they’re just. its so goddamn good. like okay another thought is the repeated motif of “strange to be shaped by such strange men” in bark your head off, dog, as a lyric that appears in multiple songs—i think it’s just not abel and what the writer meant but i might be wrong. but the fuxking THEMES and hold on i just thought of aomething
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(first screenshot is from “sally II” from their album get disowned, second is from “not abel” from bark your head off, dog)
the repeated motif of talking to G-d and the question of why this person. in sally II, a random nobody who lives alone, who no one notices is dead until two days have passed; in not abel the very first murderer.
i’m rattling the bars of my cage i’m feral i love hop along so much 😭
this is so disjointed and i’m sorry i just need more people to hear them!!!! will rb this and add links to some of their music
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