antifragi1e · 2 years
you hate alice . No i dont. yeah . u despise her u complain constantly about how vapid and annoying she is. You hate her. it's pitiful , how u wont stop making fun of her stupid little podcast. Let Her Have The Podcast. i don't know what ur talking about. U hate listen. To her podcast. wait.... what???? and u made a swear on our lives not to tell anyone. Jordan is that true??? i like your podcast alice :) what is ur podcast about ? hanging out with your smartest and funniest friend . (jordan groans) Did you just.... Groan??? no. when i said "hanging out with your smartest and funniest friend" 🙄 oh my god LIKE THAT. LIKE thAT Fuck! YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN. NO I DIDNT. First of all, A PODCAST TAKES A LOT OF WORK OK . you have to organize the guests u have to do a google calendar and and and you Build a following IT TAKES A LONG FUCKING TIME .AND IVE BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR A WHILE OKAY . and then... let me say THAT NOBODYLIKESYOU. OKAY. NOOOOOOOOOBODY LIKES YOU NOBODY LIKES YOU do you know when ur drunk and u cry to me "Ohhhh im afraid nobody likes me coz im mean and a bitch and i suck!" well you do OKAY you fucking Suckk and i only hang out with u out of pity and the suffocating weight of our shared history And That is all... ANDDDDD youre just sooooo in love with your RAGS to riches narrative like ur the only fucking person in the world who didnt come from money , You know what??? Ur parents. are Upper. Middle. Class. no theyre not. jordan.... they are. They teach. at a university. it's public . Oh... my god OH MY GOD i mean. no wonder sophie od'd... Who could date a fucking Spreadsheet with a superiority complex . its like. you're such a BI- (GUNSHOT) OWW. What the fuck??? what the Fuck jordan??? oh my god ARE U SERIOUS?? Did u just fuckinf shoot me??? No. U FUCKJGN SHOT MEEE . WITH A GUNNNNN!!!!! No i didnt shoot u :( YOU FUCKING MURDERED THEM U FREAK . UR THE MURDERERRRRRRRR I KNEW JT I KNEW IT . YOURESUCH A BITCH UR SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt murder anybody:( YES YOU DID. JORDAN put the gun down IVE NEVER BEEN SHOT BEFOREEEEE IT REALLY FUCKING HURTS
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adriheavymetal · 1 year
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#Repost @horror__memes
Mood #idontcare #idc #nobodylikesyou #idgaf #mood #moodmeme #thisisme #facts #charlieandthechocolatefactory #willywonka #johnnydepp #horrormemes #moviememes #idontneedyourapproval #goaway #idfwu #kthx #yourloss #bye #goth #haha #idontlikeyoueither #antisocial
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nonsensegnomes · 9 months
okay so i for one am actually happy we're getting mjf & max caster onscreen interactions bc now i can pitch my better version of a feud where they have dykedrama promos on the level of that scene at the end of bodies bodies bodies
ahem. like so:
you hate max (caster) . No i dont. yeah . u despise him u complain constantly about how vapid and annoying he is. You hate him. it’s pitiful , how u wont stop making fun of his stupid little soundcloud raps. Let Him Have The Soundcloud Career. i don’t know what ur talking about. U hate listen. To his soundcloud. wait…. what???? and u made us swear on our lives not to tell anyone. Max is that true??? i like your raps max :) what is ur music about ? getting dunked on by your smartest and funniest friend . (mjf groans) Did you just…. Groan??? no. when i said “getting dunked on by your smartest and funniest friend” 🙄 oh my god LIKE THAT. LIKE thAT Fuck! YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN. NO I DIDNT. First of all, A DISS TRACK TAKES A LOT OF WORK OK . you have to make up the beats u have to research people on cagematch and and and you Build a following IT TAKES A LONG FUCKING TIME .AND IVE BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR A WHILE OKAY . and then… let me say THAT NOBODYLIKESYOU. OKAY. NOOOOOOOOOBODY LIKES YOU NOBODY LIKES YOU do you know when ur drunk and u cry to me “Ohhhh im afraid nobody likes me coz im mean and a bitch and i suck!” well you do OKAY you fucking Suckk and i only hang out with u out of pity and the suffocating weight of our shared history And That is all… ANDDDDD youre just sooooo in love with your "SALT of the earth" narrative like ur the only fucking person in the world who comes from money , You know what??? Ur parents. are Upper. Middle. Class. no theyre not. max…. they are. They own. a bagel company. it’s paleo . Oh… my god OH MY GOD i mean. no wonder everyone leaves you… Who could date a fucking Xerox Machine with a superiority complex . its like. you’re such a BIT- (GUNSHOT) OWW. What the fuck??? what the Fuck maxwell??? oh my god ARE U SERIOUS?? Did u just fuckinf shoot me??? No. U FUCKJGN SHOT MEEE . WITH A GUNNN!!!!!! [A/N: this is the hot new way of saying someone betrayed you via bang bang gang teamup, which has caught on company-wide by this point in the storyline. mjf has made the crowd chant "gun control" at least once bc i am crafting a brighter timeline where he uses his powers for good <3] No i didnt shoot u :( YOU FUCKING MURDERED THEM U FREAK . UR THE MURDERERRRRRRRR I KNEW JT I KNEW IT . YOURESUCH A BITCH UR SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt murder anybody:( YES YOU DID. MAX put the gun down IVE NEVER BEEN SHOT BEFOREEEEE IT REALLY FUCKING HURTS
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disordersgirl · 1 year
you hate alice . No i dont. yeah . u despise her u complain constantly about how vapid and annoying she is. You hate her. it's pitiful , how u wont stop making fun of her stupid little podcast. Let Her Have The Podcast. i don't know what ur talking about. U hate listen. To her podcast. wait.... what???? and u made a swear on our lives not to tell anyone. Jordan is that true??? i like your podcast alice :) what is ur podcast about ? hanging out with your smartest and funniest friend . (jordan groans) Did you just.... Groan??? no. when i said "hanging out with your smartest and funniest friend" 🙄 oh my god LIKE THAT. LIKE thAT Fuck! YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN. NO I DIDNT. First of all, A PODCAST TAKES A LOT OF WORK OK . you have to organize the guests u have to do a google calendar and and and you Build a following IT TAKES A LONG FUCKING TIME .AND IVE BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR A WHILE OKAY . and then... let me say THAT NOBODYLIKESYOU. OKAY. NOOOOOOOOOBODY LIKES YOU NOBODY LIKES YOU do you know when ur drunk and u cry to me "Ohhhh im afraid nobody likes me coz im mean and a bitch and i suck!" well you do OKAY you fucking Suckk and i only hang out with u out of pity and the suffocating weight of our shared history And That is all... ANDDDDD youre just sooooo in love with your RAGS to riches narrative like ur the only fucking person in the world who didnt come from money , You know what??? Ur parents. are Upper. Middle. Class. no theyre not. jordan.... they are. They teach. at a university. it's public . Oh... my god OH MY GOD i mean. no wonder sophie od'd... Who could date a fucking Spreadsheet with a superiority complex . its like. you're such a BI- (GUNSHOT) OWW. What the fuck??? what the Fuck jordan??? oh my god ARE U SERIOUS?? Did u just fuckinf shoot me??? No. U FUCKJGN SHOT MEEE . WITH A GUNNNNN!!!!! No i didnt shoot u :( YOU FUCKING MURDERED THEM U FREAK . UR THE MURDERERRRRRRRR I KNEW JT I KNEW IT . YOURESUCH A BITCH UR SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt murder anybody:( YES YOU DID. JORDAN put the gun down IVE NEVER BEEN SHOT BEFOREEEEE IT REALLY FUCKING HURTS
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itsthishotel · 5 years
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When The Popular Kids Don’t Talk To You (Anymore)
Coming back from adventures far away after significant time has passed feels a lot like school and trying to fit in with the popular kids.
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Popular kids can be kind of mean but so can the non-popular kids.
Sometimes we have to do some kind of journey to make ourselves better (or at least try to get better). We as humans often go on journeys to find ourselves or inner peace or just to find some adventure or see something new or discover something spiritual related. Sometimes that’s down the road to the supermarket or the local watering hole or some kind of park, other times that can take us into different cities, towns, villages, timezones or even countries and continents. 
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But it can also take us back home to where we belonged all along and maybe never should have left.
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We do things every day and sometimes they are popular and sometimes they surely aren’t. Life is popular we all live it, but how we live it matters more than what is popular.
My idea of doing a life that matters sure isn’t popular. I don’t care about money or status. I don’t care about being popular or famous. I don’t care about what the world wants or tells me i should do, act or be. I don’t care about new flash things or having heaps of cool things. I don’t care about new fashions or if what i wear or do fits in with the crowd. I also don’t care to fit inside a box to please someone or be who or what i am not. I can’t be anyone else, i wasn’t designed (or created) to be. I was designed/created to be me and all I can do is be me to the best of my ability as is the same for you in being yourself to the best of your ability. There is only one of each of us. We can’t be what we are not and we shouldn’t try (or care) to be either. And to be honest its hard (physically exhausting) to be me and i am barely able to do it, i cant imagine trying to be someone else or someone i am not or someone else wanting to be me.
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When i think of a life that matters i think of very few things. Things like having people around me that i care about and that care about me and not just on the surface but down to the roots.
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I think of having people in my life that make me feel worth it and special, people that make me feel like i can do anything to be the best me that i can be. People that also make me feel like continuing on and going forward and taking big steps in life. I think of having people around that build me up and encourage me and people that i can build up and encourage as well. I think of living in a place or a community that makes me feel like i can thrive and be myself doing things that make me feel like i matter and what i am doing matters.
I also think of these lyrics by Musician NF: “If you want love, you going to have to go through the pain, If you want love, you going to have to learn how to change, If you want trust, you going to have to give some away, If you want love, if you want love”
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Being famous or popular isn’t all its cracked up to be anyway. Just ask them. Or if you cant do that, simply look at the many of famous humans that we watch and have made popular who have died from their own choices.
Im a bit of a sports person. One of the sports I like to watch (and play) is basketball.
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The big name more talented guys (the more popular ones) often get paid large amounts. One thing that has been going around fairly recently in sports is mental health issues. One of the big named players DeMar DeRozan (plays on a team out of the state of Texas called the San Antonio Spurs) opened up about his struggles with mental health. He said people say to him, “What are you depressed about? You can buy anything you want.” His simple response was, “I wish everyone in the world was rich so they could realize that money isn’t everything.”
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Truth is we all struggle with different things. Popular or not. You never know when you meet someone what is going on for them in their life or inside of themselves. We all have bad days and feel good and good days and feel bad or visa versa. Things we grow up in and around shape us. Things that happen to us shape us as well. But having good human people around you and doing things that make you happy and make you feel like you matter can change and reshape you.
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One of the only things I fear is doing popular things and hurting those I care about (that and applying for a job..yikes) or forgetting the things that truly matter (like the people that I care about). I don’t care about much (or many pointless things) as you’ve read already but what i do care about i hold deeply (especially in regards to human people and those that have made an impact on my life, helped me succeed and grow and have cared for me especially when I was low and didn’t feel like myself). Things (possessions) break and become outdated, get stolen or lost, but people (even though the may break, grow, get lost, change or move away) are aways valuable (and never become outdated). I trust and care with very little limits or boundaries. And popular or not, hurt or not i would stand up against even the Hulk to defend someone I care about and fight for them no matter what.
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I hated hanging out/around the popular kids. I never fit in but I also never felt like I fit in with the non popular kids either. I was picked on by popular and the not popular and rejected by both as well. When I was growing up and living in California I used to help at at a youth group and as well dabble in doing games (as a game director) 
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and lifeguarding (saver of lives at the pool and river) at a summer camp.
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My favorite kids to hang out with were the ones that felt just like I felt, the outsiders (the lost and confused ones). Groups (or clicks) of people always form in functions where there are large handfuls of amounts of human people around. People question why would you not want to come to such things where you can swim all day and play games in the sun for a week straight? Well, feeling like an outsider can make anyone feel uncomfortable and awkward at even the best of events. I know all to well what that’s like. Sure I’ve been blessed to travel around to different places around the world, but mostly I’ve done it alone and with questions of fitting in. Which is really never that fun. I also don’t know many days or places where I have felt like I belong. I often feel like an outcast or outsider (or maybe even not from this planet), even amongst people I think are my friends and where I feel like I thrive as an extrovert around large groups of people.
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I once had a friend that would often say, “the struggle is real.” She was a pretty decent adult and had great people around her but life wasn’t easy. I don’t think anyone has it easy and i think more often than not most have it harder than the next. We each have things (popular or not) that we are going though. I tried to find something to fill that struggle and it only made the struggle harder/worse. Flying on Jet Planes, jumping off of platforms to splash in water, traveling the countryside and swimming everyday was great, but it doesn’t fix everything or anything for that matter. The problem with struggling with yourself in your own skin and the pain and hurts that come with that is no matter where you go you take them with you. You can run but you can never get away from yourself. Momentary happiness only lasts for a moment and no moment lasts forever.
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Finding long lasting happiness is hard, I think it is the same as trying to find gold at the end of a rainbow…nearly impossible (especially depending on your definition of gold). Being popular is probably also hard. But I think being anything is hard. Life is better when we do it surrounded by people that make things better (especially when there is laughter and smiles involved). Theres a quote that says, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” and a variation of that same quote that says, “be nice to everyone you meet for you never know the battle they are facing inside.”
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I don’t hate popular kids and i don’t hate non popular kids either (to be fair i don’t really know what the difference is). But neither of them could talk to me and I wouldn’t die over it. I don’t hate change or when things change and people move away and or on. I hate missing out i guess is more so how i feel recently. I hate that i couldn’t fix or find a fix to what was going on inside me (and still haven’t). I hate that those who helped me felt like they couldn’t do enough when they did more than they will ever know or understand. I hate that coming back feels like the first time i showed up.
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Adventures can be great but not when they cost you things that (you had that) were greater.
Don’t be popular, be unpopular. Help out someone who is struggling (hug them).
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Share your lunch with the nerdy kid (bring a smile to their face). 
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Give a ride to the weird kid cause they missed the bus or were forgotten (show them they aren’t forgotten).
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Life is too short to let things come between those that matter and those we find special even if things have changed. Not everything popular is worth worrying (or caring) about. Sometimes it is actually more popular to care about and do what’s unpopular anyway.
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jasontyler85 · 3 years
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Throw away those crutches! I am not responsible for my thoughts 💭 but I am responsible for my actions ❤️🙏 #recovery #higherpower #health #faith #hope #fear #ego #selfpity #hate #gratitude #nobodylikesyou #letgo https://www.instagram.com/p/CK4K6VappFu/?igshid=1ne5xh5dizo7a
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two-shady-queens · 3 years
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What fairly tales do you believe in? #christmas #valentines #god #nobodylikesyou #memes #funnymemes https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TwoShadyQueens https://www.instagram.com/p/CJDmJ0djoaP/?igshid=ygojfn8j1f3q
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razzledazzleya · 7 years
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Happy birthday to my favorite guy in the world. I love you Paul. I can’t wait to raise dogs with you 💚 #me #selfie #boyfriend #ginger #bisexual #birthday #nobodylikesyou #whenyoure23 #hessocute #omg
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sdwalton · 5 years
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@realdonaldtrump #potd #picoftheday #jokeoftheday #nobodylikesyou #lmfao #shitsandgiggles #notmypresident #usa #america #theworld #russiancollusion https://www.instagram.com/p/B0MC1FOnqrG/?igshid=12053qvv9hiv9
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lightpocket · 7 years
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#gaybrosportstalknetwork #byedallas #nobodylikesyou
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Happy Birthday Mrs Martin #tiffanymartin #dollface #monsters #tomanddan #camelgirl #nobodylikesyou #tigolbittys (at Merritt Island, Florida)
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nobodyisontumbler · 5 years
Nobody likes @chisbeybe music... WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT #NobodylikesYou #dancing #IsNobodyNigerian #naija https://www.instagram.com/p/B076T7unIpb/?igshid=14y30bvcpc4g7
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djuptownstl · 6 years
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#reversecentaur #nobodylikesyou
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kristinhess18-blog · 6 years
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How’s that for no #snapchatfilters can’t even #promote #smallbusiness without the #hate 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 I guess 🙄 #hatersgonnahate #fuckoff #nobodylikesyou
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itsalison108 · 6 years
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Yo this dumb guy hit me up with a dm and this is the reason y yo mom don’t like ya 😂 nobody does. Get over it 😂 #thisiswhymomdoesntfuckingloveyou #meme #dm #nobodylikesyou #getoverit #dankmemes #dankmemesmatter
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