#noctua gaunt
nexeliam · 7 months
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A new chapter of "THE BLIND WIZARD - The curse of the lake" is out, with a bunch of illustrations it goes with.
Feel free to check it out !
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findingtruenorth23 · 2 months
Memories of Noctua
One of Ominis’ earliest and most cherished memories was of his Aunt Noctua comforting him. He would never forget the sound of her voice, the feel of the beaded strings of her dress beneath his fingers, and the faint scent of roses as she promised she would always love him.
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TT with video with audio can be found here.
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Noctua & Ominis Gaunt by Pasta As Avatar
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blue--ingenue · 1 month
Ominis Gaunt headcannons {Pt. 4}
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Author's Note: when i'm trying to think of what to write i like to walk around spots in the game and think of what the characters would think/do. what would their favorite study spots be? do they have a favorite place to curl up with a book? etc. anyway, this came to me while i was walking around the slytherin common room. hope you enjoy :) and i'm starting a taglist for my Ominis headcannons series, so let me know if you'd like to be added :)
he knows most of the house elves by name. the Gaunts are notorious for their abuse of house elves, so most of the kitchen/cleaning staff steered clear of them for the first few weeks of his first year. then one day, when ominis was still getting used to the charm he used to see, he tripped over a one of the elves’ mop buckets. the young Gaunt’s face flushed bright red and he fumbled for his wand before pointing it directly at her. she froze in place and cowered, waiting for whatever punishment he would dole out, but none came
he stuttered out an incantation and flicked his wand in her direction - and the rag she wore dried instantly. confused, but still terrified, she remained frozen. young ominis apologized profusely, using the few spells he knew to clean up the mess. all the while he explained how he was having a bit of trouble maintaining the charm for extended periods
after the bucket was righted and the water had vanished from the floor, he helped her up and asked for her name. Niffy explained that few witches or wizards ever asked, and that she’d never had a student offer to help her, let alone with magic. he continued on his way, but Niffy made sure to tell every elf in the castle to keep a protective eye on young Ominis
not many students know this, but there are plenty of snakes that have made their home within the castle. while Ominis doesn’t enjoy speaking parseltongue, he likes that the snakes bring him gossip from around the school. when Sebastian asks how he seems to know everyone’s secrets and rumors, he replies that he simply listens more than he talks. (while this is true, the snakes’ rumor mill is mostly responsible). behind the walls and within the pipes, they hear everything about everyone (which means Ominis does, too)
this boy has managed to free nearly every house elf tied to the Gaunt name. when he first came to hogwarts his parents assigned one of the house elves to follow him around. he hated feeling coddled, but he knew his father would take his anger out on the house elf if ominis sent him back
there’s a trip to Hogsmeade for all of the first-years a few days after the sorting ceremony. the prefects break them into groups and give them brief tours of all the shops. at the end they’re given a few hours to roam before everyone returns to the castle for dinner. Anne and Sebastian, ever curious and looking for the greatest source of action, follow him from a distance. they know he’s a Gaunt. they’ve heard of his family’s reputation. nearly everyone in their year avoids him like the plague, but the twins don’t find him to be any different from their classmates (aside from the house elf that never leaves his side)
it turns out Ominis had taken out as large of a deposit as he could and had the galleons sent by post. his poor owl couldn’t carry the sack of gold, so he was told he could retrieve the coins at the post office. the twins watch as he nonchalantly shoves the equivalent of a year of Solomon’s earnings into a sack and enters Gladrags
naturally, they follow him. he purchases the warmest cloak in the shop, but doesn’t leave. puzzled, the twins watch as he asks Mr. Hill something and hands the coat back to him. he sizes up the house elf with a quick once-over before waving his wand over the garment. when he’s finished, the coat is ten times smaller than before. they watch in awe as young Ominis presents the clothing to his house elf, along with the sack of galleons
the house elf begins to weep, but Ominis merely kneels so that he can speak to the elf without tower over him. as the pair exit the shop, they hear him tell the elf to “be careful, and live well” before they embrace and the elf apparates away with a loud pop
the next day they introduce themselves, and the trio become inseparable
(Ominis’ father stops sending house elves to Ominis, but only after the young boy has managed to free half of their household staff)
Taglist: @caramel-hufflepuff, @fanfiction-she-wrote
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sissyisawitch · 2 months
Relationship: Ominis Gaunt & Noctua Gaunt
Summary: For his seventeenth birthday, Ominis receives a very unexpected present… A letter informing him that he has inherited his Aunt Noctua's house, and all the memories that go with it.
Word Count: ~2.5k
Author's Note: This one-shot was really important for me to write, so I really hope you'll like it!💚
Warnings: Remembrance of a lost one
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Dear Mister Gaunt,
In the name of the Wizengamot, it is with great regret that I remind you of Noctua Gaunt’s passing.
I am writing to you as the executor of your aunt's will to inform you that, before her passing, she appointed you as the fortunate and only heir to her Gringotts vault, and house in Manor Cape. Now that you are of legal age, these assets rightfully belong to you.
To proceed with the official transfer of the property and funds, I will wait for you in Headmaster’s Black office on Monday morning, so that we can discuss the details and the steps to follow.
Best regards,
Ernest Hawkworth
It was the umpteenth time Ominis was rereading the bloody letter with the help of his wand. He had never expected to receive such a poisoned gift on his seventeenth birthday. "'Fortunate heir'"... What a ridiculous thing to read. Who in the world would be happy to learn that a member of their family had died? Someone cruel surely... Or simply anyone other than him in the Gaunt family. Any income was good news for them, whatever the context.
Ominis sighed dejectedly, and tucked the letter away in the inside pocket of his jacket. It was Monday morning. He had better get to Headmaster Black's office.
Mechanically, his feet carried him towards the Gargoyle Corridor, and led him up the stairs. He barely had time to knock on the wooden door before it flew open.
“Ah! Mr. Gaunt!” An unfamiliar man hurried to shake his hand enthusiastically. “I’m Ernest Hawkworth. Thank you for coming.”
“Of course…” Ominis answered idly. “Mr. Black is not with you?”
“No, no. He simply guided me here and left, claiming he had more important things to do, which I have no doubt he does.” Hawkworth explained with a wide genuine smile that could be heard in his voice.
“Typical Black…” Ominis muttered under his breath unintelligibly.
“Nothing.” The Slytherin student quickly replied, before changing the subject. “How did you want to proceed to the transaction, Mr Hawkworth?”
“Well, to start with, I need to show you your aunt's house.” Hawkworth suddenly looked embarrassed. “If you see no objection to… taking m-my arm, I'll apparate us to Manor Cape.”
Ominis knew that this abrupt stuttering had nothing to do with anything other than the fact that he was a Gaunt, a highly reputed family considered to be royalty by the other Purebloods. Hawkworth was probably intimidated by the idea that he was about to touch one of the Slytherin heirs.
Ominis did not bother to reply, restraining himself from rolling his eyes. He simply placed his hand on the man's arm as lightly as possible.
A second and a loud crack later, Ominis found himself in the middle of a radically different scenery.
The first thing he noticed was the melodious trill of birdsong. With each chirp and whistle, he felt a sense of tranquillity wash over him, as if the birds were welcoming him to the only place he had ever called home.
He looked up at the sky, taking a moment to savour the gentle breeze of the countryside brushing against his skin with a soft, comforting touch. It carried with it the faint scent of grass and flowers, a fragrant perfume that filled his senses and invigorated his spirit. Ominis inhaled deeply, taking in the earthy aroma of the land, feeling a deep connection to the natural world around him.
With each step he takes, the man becomes more attuned to the beauty of his surroundings, the sights, sounds, and scents of the countryside enveloping him in a sense of wonder and awe. In this tranquil moment, which awakened all the memories of the moments spent in the house that had enchanted his childhood.
“Well, here we are!” Hawkworth announced eagerly. “There are just a couple of things left to sort out. Don't worry, it won't take much longer.”
“That's all right…” Ominis automatically replied in a dreamy tone.
“First of all, here's the key to your aunt's Gringotts vault... which is now yours. All the arrangements have already been made with the goblins on your behalf.”
“Thank you.” Ominis placed the golden key in his pocket, taking no notice of it.
“And finally, you just need to sign this paper to finalise the inheritance.”
Ominis took the quill that Hawkworth handed him, and signed at the bottom of the parchment. Admittedly, Ominis could not write because of his deficiency (yes, he considered his blindness as such, just like the rest of his family had always done). As a result, he had always used a Quick-Quotes Quill, or asked someone else to write for him. However, once he was older and more mature, Ominis learnt to write his own signature by himself.
“Congratulations, Mr. Gaunt! You are now officially the owner of this delightful residence.” Hawkworth grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously. He had found a brand-new sense of confidence, which even allowed him to pat Ominis on the shoulder. “May I take you back to the castle?”
“No, thank you. I'll stay here.” Ominis replied, taking a step back to put an end to this unwelcome contact.
He heard the man in front of him take in a sharp breath, “Very well, then. I won't keep you any longer. It was an honour to meet you, Mr. Gaunt.”
Ominis gently touched the stones of his aunt's house – which he still struggled to accept as now his own. Each stone, cold and ancient under his fingers, seemed to whisper anecdotes of the past, of days filled with laughter and the quiet hum of magic that once filled these rooms.
As he traced the rough texture, the ivy that climbed the walls reached out, tenderly tickling the back of his hand, as if nature itself was trying to comfort him, to bridge the gap between the loss he felt and the legacy he had inherited. It was a small, almost imperceptible connection, but in that moment, Ominis felt a little less alone, surrounded by the lingering presence of his aunt and the life she had cultivated in this magical place.
Hesitant to enter his childhood refuge, Ominis chose instead to wander towards the garden, finding solace in the idea of being closer to nature before confronting the memories housed within those stone walls. On his way, he caught a few wild branches in the face and heard twigs cracking under his feet, a testament to the many years spent without Noctua's care for her plants.
Despite the pitfalls, Ominis continued peacefully towards the lake. The smell of humidity and the soft murmur of the water's gentle eddies... seemed to call out to him, to urge him closer.
With a deep breath, he sat at the water's edge, slipping off his shoes and socks to touch the water, its icy caress sending a shiver up his spine. The cold sensation on his feet jolted a memory loose—a memory of a younger version of himself by this very lake, with his aunt by his side. At the time, he truly could not understand why his aunt had insisted on taking him to an unknown place, something that terrified him, given that he did not yet have his wand to guide him.
He had complained the whole way there, and upon touching the water, he had burst into tears, overwhelmed by the cold and a sudden fear of the unknown depths. His aunt had scooped him up, comforting him with her laughter and assurances that there was nothing to fear. He could still feel her breath against his ear when she whispered that she was right there with him, and that even though he could not see it, the world was too beautiful not to explore it.
Sitting there now, feet submerged in the chilly water, Ominis could not help but smile tenderly, because he now agreed with her. Even though his aunt was gone, her lessons and love continued to guide him, teaching him that it was okay to be scared and that there was strength in facing one's fears, just as he was doing now, one step at a time.
And just like that, his aunt’s words once again gave him the strength to face his current fear. He cast a drying spell on himself, put his shoes back on, and strolled back to the house. He stood still as he faced the front door, before taking a deep breath.
With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, Ominis finally summoned the courage to open the door and cross the threshold. Stepping into the living room, he was immediately enveloped by a wave of nostalgia and melancholy. The room was a shrine to his aunt's life, filled with her belongings and memories that seemed to echo with her presence.
Ominis put his wand away in his pocket and moved forward, holding his hands out in front of him to avoid bumping into furniture, as he used to do when he was only a young child.
First, he came into contact with the worn armchair by the fireplace, where she would sit and read late into the night. watch him, while she lent him her wand and taught him the spell that allowed him to see the outline of the objects surrounding him (the one he still used to this day). It was the first time he had really discovered the world, and it was entirely thanks to her. It was she who had created the spell. Just for him.
And it certainly was not the only time that Ominis had felt such gratitude towards his aunt, for not far away there was a library full of books written in Braille. It was Noctua who had taught him to read in the same way as blind Muggles, because it was essential to her that her nephew should be able to acquire an education from a very young age.
As he moved through the room, Ominis ran his fingers over the familiar objects placed on the shelves. Only souvenirs that Noctua had brought back from her various expeditions to the four corners of the Earth, and which she took great pleasure in recounting to her nephew afterwards to lull him to sleep at night.
Every object held a story, a piece of his aunt's past that she had carefully preserved… but he knew that not everything was there. His aunt's research was missing.
He knew he would find it in her study, which happened to be the room Ominis dreaded the most, out of fear it would bring back too many memories and shatter his heart with grief all over again. Still, he climbed the stairs to go there, and a sense of unease settled in his chest. The weight of anticipation mingled with apprehension, each step a reminder of the memories waiting for him behind the door.
With a trembling hand, he pushed open the door and stepped inside, the air heavy with the scent of old books and dried herbs. The room felt frozen in time, untouched since his aunt's passing, a silent witness to her tireless pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
Instinctively, his hands reached out for her desk. To his greatest surprise, he felt parchment under his fingertips. With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, he reached out and picked it up, his heart pounding in his chest.
He unfolded what appeared to be a letter, and took out his wand, guiding its tip along the lines…
My dearest Ominis, my little boy,
If you are reading this letter, it’s unfortunately because my curiosity and my research into Salazar Slytherin have gotten the best of me. I have always been fascinated by the history of our ancestors, but I fear that this time, my enthusiasm for the past has led me a bit too far.
I am writing these words to you, my dear child, because it is important for me that you know why I have chosen you as my sole and only heir. You might still be young, but your soul carries a wisdom and a purity that I haven’t found in any other member of our family. While many have let themselves be corrupted by greed, pureblood supremacy, or the desire for power, you have always followed your heart, staying true to your moral values and that integrity that so defines you. It is for this reason, and this reason alone, that I know my belongings and my research, but also my hopes and dreams for a better future, could not be in better hands than yours.
I fondly remember all the moments we have shared. Your first steps into the world of magic, your eyes wide with wonder when you finally saw how the world was shaped. You were so wise, so shy, and yet already so determined to do what is right. Your tenacity, even when faced with the greatest challenges, has always impressed me. You were that little boy with a stubborn temperament, the one who refused to be walked over, all while maintaining a softness and kindness that made you so special in my eyes.
Today, as I write these lines, my heart is heavy at the thought of not being able to meet the handsome young man, wise, intelligent, and accomplished that you surely have become. I have no doubt that you have grown to become an exceptional person, upholding the values we have shared and that I have tried to teach you.
My last advice to you, my dear nephew, is to never lose sight of who you truly are. You are a Gaunt, and you have strong convictions and a heart of gold. So, yes, you are a Gaunt, but it does not necessarily have to be a fatality. Stay true to yourself and show the world that not all descendants of Slytherin need to be feared.
Take care of yourself, my child, and always remember that you have within you the strength and wisdom to change the world.
With all my love,
Your aunt who loves you the most.
Ominis's tears flowed uncontrollably, falling onto his hands. He put the letter down for fear of soaking it and destroying one of the only things he had left of his beloved aunt.
Despite his deep sorrow, Ominis was suddenly overcome by an unshakeable determination. He vowed to himself to carry on his aunt's legacy. Armed with her research and her unwavering belief in him, he knew that he could face whatever trials awaited him. He felt a deep sense of connection to her, as if she were still there, guiding him with her love and her wisdom through this new chapter of his life… even from above.
She was the one who had shown him the world... so he was going to give his heart and soul to making it a little more like she had dreamt.
“You can count on me, Aunt Noctua… I’ll do it for you. I’ll make you proud. I promise.”
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terra-esperra · 10 months
I Will Always Want You
part I
OminisxSebastianXF!MC (+children) Family. F/M/M. Hurt/Comfort. Mild suggestiveness. Teenage angst. Abusive family member.
Years have passed since the twins were born, and their daughter struggles to find her place.
Sequel to I Didn’t Know How Much I Wanted You ✼  ҉  ҉  ✼ ✼  ҉  ҉  ✼ ✼  ҉  ҉  ✼
The majority of mornings, Ominis would be the first of his spouses to wake up. His sensitive hearing was keen to the sounds in the home and surrounding areas. Consciously, or subconsciously, keeping an ear out for any signs of danger or other troubles for his family. Though most of the time the sounds that would awake him were that of his children getting out of bed and ready to start their day, regardless of if the adults were ready as well.
This should have been the first sign that this morning was different.
While he was still the first to wake up, it was not due any sound or noise. It was silent throughout the home, other than the soft snoring of his wife and husband next to him. Only birds and the wind were heard from outside as the morning sun rouse.
Rather than any noise, it was the sun’s warm rays coming through the window that woke him up. He couldn’t remember a time that has ever happened before. Most certainly not since the twins were born. They had a habit of getting up before the sun and getting him along up with them.
‘The twins…’ Ominis thought as his brain was slowly clearing the haze of sleep. 
Before Ominis could question it even further, a shriek from a small female child disturbed the peaceful morning and sent a chill down his spine. Ominis shot up from his bed, his sightless eyes open wide.
“Noctua?!” Ominis called out to his daughter. He was answered by another scream from the girl. The sound was coming from outside their bedroom window, in the back of the home.
“Noctua!” Ominis yelled again, jumping out of the bed, arousing his partners from their deep sleep. He was able to navigate easily enough through the home to the front door, but from all was dark as he tried to listen for his daughter. In his panic, he has left his wand behind. What’s worst is now he couldn’t hear anything now other than his heart pounding in his chest like a drum.
“Noctua? Where are you?!” He focused in on listening, trying to make out what danger was surrounding them and had his child.
He had not anticipated hearing a giggle as a response.
He turned his head towards the sound. He hands reached out to the outside walls of the home, using it as a guide to the back. As he got closer, the sound of giggling increased. 
“Papa! Papa!” He heard is daughter's squealing voice, “We’re up here, Papa!”
 Up here?
In addition to his daughter’s giggles, he could hear the excited laugher from another child. His son, Archie, was with her. Additionally, Ominis could hear the flapping of strong wings, combined with the feel the air moving around him like wind from the power of those wings.
Ominis was so focused on trying to figure out what was going on around him, he hadn’t realized his wife and husband were approaching him from behind. It wasn’t until he felt his wife’s small hand on his shoulder, and Sebastian’s strong arms wrapping around his waist had he noticed their presence. His wife gave his shoulder a quick squeeze as a sigh of relief left her lips. Her relaxation helped eased his tension.  
“They’re fine Ominis,” Sebastian whispered in his ear, sending a reflexive chill down his spine, “They’re with Highwing.”
And just like that, Ominis stress and worry returned immediately.
“What??” Ominis exclaimed frantically. ‘Highwing?‘ His wife’s hippogriff companion? “What do you mean by with?” Ominis felt like his lungs where rejecting air.  
Their wife chuckle as she watched her children play on the beast. She turned towards her husbands and snuggled into Ominis chest, nuzzling her head under his chin and wrapping her arms around his body. One of Sebastian’s arms moved from Ominis’ waist to the small of her back, effectively sandwiching Ominis between the two of them.
“Sebastian is right Ominis,” She turned her head around from his throat to look over her shoulder and watched the twins. “They are just fine. They’re riding on top of her, but Highwing isn’t too far off the ground. She’s very gentle and aware how small they are. She’s being very careful with them.”
His spouses did not have a once of concern in their voices. Ominis should have found comfort in that, but he couldn’t understand it. The toddlers were not even four years old yet. How is riding a hippogriff safe for two small children.
“Darling, are you sure? Are they not too young and small to be playing around with such a large magical beast?”
She could only smile as she turned her face back to his throat and snuggled further into him. The spring morning air was cold outside from the wind, and her nightgown did little to shelter her from it. Ominis noticed and pulled her in his closer as he felt her body shiver. His arms engulfing around her, he nuzzled his nose in her hair. Her scent and their presence helped in grounding him. His worry finally starting to ease. Sebastian too squeezed his two spouses tighter in his arms. He placed a small, discreet kiss at the base of Ominis’ neck.
“Ominis, sweetheart, they’re children. Not porcelain dolls. They won't shatter. Bruises and bumps are a part of growing up.” Sebastian spoke softly behind him.
Ominis was convinced now that his husband should have been an author, rather than an Auror. What Not To Say to A Frantic Father, by Sebastian Sallow.
“Maybe your childhood was filled with bruises, but I don’t want our children getting harm-“
“Ominis. Love.” Their wife hushed him with a firm squeeze to his rib cage. “The children are having fun. Let them enjoy themselves. Highwing won’t do anything to put them in harms way.”
Sebastian moved his chin to rest on Ominis’ shoulder, his eyes looking up to follow their kids. “Archie. Noctua. The two of you okay up there?” He called out to them flying a couple feet in front of them.
“Yes Daddy!” They said unison.
“Higwig is sooper big Daddy!” Archie, or miniature Sebastian, called out laughing. Sebastian chuckled at the child mispronunciation. Archie was sitting in front of his sister, at the base of Highwing’s neck. His little hands had a firm grip on the beast’s feathers, his sister’s arms tightly secured wrapped around his body.
“Arcie! Ask Higwig to go higger!” Their daughter’s excitement caused two of the three parents to laugh, the other wasn’t as amused.
“Absolutely not Archie!” Ominis called out to their son. “The three of you are high enough.”
They children were extremely vocal on their displeasure at their father’s command. He let himself relax when his partners didn’t go against him with his wish, though their snickering under their breath wasn’t missed.
“Ominis,” His wife pulled herself from their embraced slightly. Her eyes held so much adoration for him, if only he could see it, but he could fell it in her voice. Her hand came up to carcass and then held the side of his face. “You won’t be able to protect them from everything all the time. It’s important for them to explore and learn on their own as well. Figure out the limitations for themselves. They aren’t in any danger right now, so relax and let them be children.”
Ominis huffed out a sigh of defeat. He knew she was right. 
“I know, darling. I just…” Ominis paused, trying to figure out how to put his concerns into words. “Seems like only yesterday, they were small and squishy little babies. Totally depended on us. And now,” He turned his head upwards, following the sounds of the children, “They’re getting out of bed on their own. Somehow getting on the back of a fully grown hippogriff without our assistance.” He paused again. Small tears started to form in the corner of his eyes.
“I fear that one day, they won’t need us at all. That they won’t need me at all,” Ominis confessed to his loves. He felt his wife go lax in his embraced. She was unsure of the words she could say to ease is fears. Sebastian on the other hand, gave him another firm squeezed and he let out a laugh.
“That’s silly Ominis. We’re their parents.” Sebastian placed another kiss on Ominis' neck. “They’re always going to need us. Sure, the twins could become stubborn and believe they won’t, especially when they become teenagers, but they’ll need us in different ways. And we will be there for them always.” Sebastian gave him third kiss to the back of neck, this time running his tongue up along his neck to the bottom of his ear before giving his ear lobe a little nip.
“Sebastian,” Ominis gasp. His cheeks getting flustered.
He only chuckled. “That still many years away. Enjoy these simple times while they last.” Sebastian let out a deep and content sigh. He tightens his grip on their wife, pulling her closer back to Ominis, into a firm embrace once again. Ominis suddenly could feel his husband’s harden length against his arse, as Sebastian trusted his hips into him. “Of course, though, if you wanted to, we could try for more children, and start the cycle all over again.” Sebastian continued to nibble on Ominis’ ear.
“Sebastian! The children!”
Sebastian gave a hearty laugh, “They aren’t paying any attention to us at all. Come, let's work on giving them a little sibling while Highwing babysits.”
“Darling?!” Ominis exclaimed towards their wife as Sebastian grabbed both their hands and led them back inside to the house.
She only laughed and offered no assistance to him.
“Sebastian may have a point Ominis. Besides, trying for another child may help with all this tension you’re holding on to.” She giggled as she grabbed ahold of Ominis free hand and begun to drag him away with Sebastian to the front of the home to go back inside. “Highwing won’t take them far, they’ll stay right around the cottage.”
Ominis sighed in defeat. There was no use in protesting the advances of his husband and wife. And if they aren’t worried about the children, then he supposed he had nothing to worry about either.
Ten Year Later~
The end of summer was approaching fast, and the first of September was just around the corner. Which meant her brother would be leaving her again. They were thirteen now. No longer children, they were teenagers. She would be an adult soon enough, and she knows she needs to not be so attached to her twin, but she just can’t help it.
The past four years, Noctua been left behind during the school semesters. Her brother’s magic had awoken in him in the beginning of summer when they were ten, just enough time for their parents to help him with minor spells before he became a first year at Hogwarts. Noctua waited patiently for her magic to bloom, but as seasons came and went, and now years, she is still without magic.
She’s happy for her brother. Truly she is. She just wishes she could follow him.
She felt like she was being left behind. With her brother going off to Hogwarts, and her parents’ jobs, it was just her in the home. Her fathers worked for the ministry and would be gone all day or days at a time. Her mother was home as often and she could be, but she had her research she needed to focus on as well.
She felt so alone.
She felt like a failure.
She knew her parents would be upset if she voiced such thoughts. Papa especially is very sensitive to her moods. Almost like taking the slightest tone of sadness her voice as a personal offense.
Which is why she seeks shelter in the woods by their home. Hiding in the trees, overlooking the cliffs edge to the sea and sky. She comes here whenever her emotions become too much for her to bare, and she didn’t want her parents to over coddle her.
The sea breeze caressed over her like a refreshing hug. It brought some comfort, and help calmed her mind- if only for a few moments. 
She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t paid any attention to her surroundings.
She heard her papa’s voice calling up to her from below. It never fails to surprise her how a blind man can find her in any of her hiding spots so easily. With or without magic.   
“Yes papa?”
She sniffled a bit. She hadn’t even realized she had tears streaming down her face. Noctua quickly whipped her face with her sleeve, a useless attempt to hide her emotions for her father.
“Can you come down? Please?”
Noctua sighed but did not voice any resistance. She quickly made her decent down the tree, climbing down one limb at a time. It did not take her long to get down to the ground and to make her way to stand in front of her father. 
“You know I do not approve of you climbing up those trees. What if you slip and fall.”
Noctua knew her father was only concern; he didn’t mean anything more to it than that. However, Noctua felt extremely offended by one messy comment. Anger spread throughout her chest too fast for her to catch, and she suddenly consumed with rage.  
“My apologies, papa. This weak Squib did not mean to make you worry.” She snapped out, the words drenched with venom.
She watched as her papa took a step back from her, his face twisted in shock and horror.
The hurt on her father face was too much for her to handle. As suddenly as the anger came, it was replaced by regret and remorse. She put that pain on her sweet papa’s face. He did nothing to deserve her wrath.
She felt her small body trying to handle too many different emotions at once. It was too much for her to handle, and she didn’t want to take her emotions on her papa anymore.
“Just leave me alone papa!” She took off away from him, running as fast as her legs could take her. Ominis tried to get a word out to her, but she was already gone. In the opposite direction of home too.  
Ominis’ arm that had reached out for his daughter, fell back along his side in defeat. Shoulder slumped, the weight of his emotions too much for them to carry anymore. He was so lost. This was all new territory for him.
He talked to his wife about his concerns about their daughter, but she assured him it was normal.
‘Girls go through these changes when they become teenagers. It’s nothing to worry about.’
Except, she was worried about their daughter too. Ominis can tell by the tone of her voice. She just would not admit it or is trying- and failing- to reassure him.   
Ominis sighs in defeat before making his way back home. There’s no sense in chasing after her. He feared he’d only push her away further.
It didn’t take him long to make it back to their cottage. Ominis could smell the dinner his wife had repaired from a few yards back; as always, it smelled delicious. Though, he didn’t think he would have much of an appetite tonight.
“There you are,” His wife called to him as he entered through the front door, “I was getting worried. It already dark outside.”
Of course, he wouldn’t have known if it was dark or not.
“Where is Noctua?” Ominis heard his son Archie ask from the kitchen table.
Ominis tried to put on a brave face for his son, “I’m sure she’ll be on her way shortly. You know how she is.” He faked a smile before stepping away. “I’ll be right over love; I’m just going to wash up.” His family didn’t say anything more.
As soon as the washroom door closed, Ominis let out a shacky exhale, an attempt to let go of all the troubled emotions that plagued him. He missed the carefree days when the twins where young children. He was able to protect them then. Shelter and care for them. He and his spouses seemed to have the answers to all their questions. Now though, they were starting to go off on their own, away from his protective presence.  
‘A weak Squib’
His daughters voice ran through his head. Just where did she learn that word?
Just as he got in bearings and went to exit the washroom, the door opens in front of him, knocking him back to the opposite wall.  
“Excuse me?!” The door closed behind the intruder. Their hands came up to hold his face in the palms. Sebastian.
“What happened. Where’s Noctua?”
His husband’s voice was laced with concern. Ominis knew his husband's concern was only for Noctua not returning home, but for him as well. And that's all it too for Ominis to break.
He stepped forward and leaded his head into Sebastians chest, his hands came up to grasp the sleeves of his shirt at his husband forearms, as silent tears threaten to escape his clenched eyes.
“I don’t know what to do Sebastian. She’s in pain and she will not talk to me.”
Sebastian’s arms enclosed around Ominis back and held him close. It was the only thing Sebastian could do right now to console his husband.  
“I know she’s a teenager,” Ominis continued, “and she is experiencing new changes and hormones and whatever else nonsense,” Ominis had take a deep breath, “but she called herself a Squib.”
“What?!” Sebastian quietly explained. Understanding now why Ominis was so upset. Sebastian drew Ominis closer, his arms encircling his shoulders and a hand came up to hold the crown of Ominis head.
“I knew she had concerns for her magic not awaking in like Archie’s,” Ominis gasped out, “but I thought- supposed foolishly- that if we love her enough, and show her magic isn’t the only way of life, that she would be okay.”
“She will be okay, Ominis,” Sebastian tried to reason with him, “She’s a strong girl. She’ll be okay by tomorrow.”
“But what if she’s not!?” Ominis shook his head in his husband’s chest. “You didn’t hear the pain her voice. She comes from a family of strong wizards; her mother is the strongest witch known to date! And now her brother is following our footsteps and is becoming a promising young wizard.
“I’m not trying to take anything away from Archie, Seb. I’m so proud of him and love to hear about his adventures and how he’s doing in his classes, but-” Ominis body slumped in defeat in Sebastian’s embrace, relaying solely on his strength to hold his body up, “I just wish is didn’t bring her so much hurt.”
Sebastian was silent for a long moment. Trying to find the right words to say. He knew Ominis loved both their children equally, but he knew that Ominis was especially protective of their daughter.
The daughter he never wanted until she was born.
Ominis has lived with much hidden guilt for initially voicing he never wanting to father any other their children. When she was born, it was quite clear she Ominis’ daughter, the realization of how his fears affected the family was evident. He’s been trying to make up for it ever since.
Sebastian and their wife have tried to tell him he shouldn’t feel guilty, that there was nothing to forgive, but he has held on to that guild for the last thirteen years.
“She needs to learn how to accept herself, Ominis.” Sebastian voiced calmly. “I know it hurts you to not be able to take away her pain for her. To not be able to give her the answers to questions she doesn’t even know she has. But this is apart of her growing up. All we can do as her parents is comfort her when she’s ready to come to us, and love her unconditionally,” Sebastian gently pushed Ominis back gently, just enough to hold his face in his hands as be bent his head down to rest his forehead on his, “She needs to find her own way, all we can do is try to point her in the right direction. Okay?”
Ominis frowned. He knew his husband was right, but that did not mean that he had to like it. Ominis brought his hands up to hold Sebastians against his face, taking encouragement from him.
“Not really, but I’ll try.”
Sebastian chuckled. “And we thought our hands are full when they were toddlers. Imagine if we were outnumbered.”
A sad smile spread across Ominis face. He unfortunately thought Sebastian had a point. After months and years of trying, they were not able to get pregnant again. Their wife seemed to be okay, happy with the two blessings they did have. Though Ominis often missed the playful screaming laugher of children greeting him every day. Sebastian was right though, he was at his wits end trying to do right with just one daughter, he couldn’t imagine trying to keep up with the twins with the additional younger children.
 “Come on now,” Sebastian began again, interrupting Ominis train of thought, “Our wife has a hot meal ready, and I hate to be on the end of her anger if we let it cool.”
Ominis leaned into Sebastian quickly, locking their lips for a kiss. After all these years together, their touch still brings him so much relief and solace. Sebastian didn’t hesitate to return the kiss tenfold. The pressure causing Ominis to take a step back, before Sebastian letting him go. Ominis could hear Sebastian chuckle, fill his face felt flush.
“Let’s go have dinner.”
The following day, the Sallows went to Diagonal Alley to get supplies for Archie’s up incoming semester. Her parents told Noctua she didn’t have to join if she didn’t want to, but she insisted on coming along.
Noctua had returned home last night just as her family was finishing up dinner. She refused to make eye contact with anyone as she all but ran to her room, quickly shutting the door. She heard her mother calling out to her but ignored it. She was awful to her papa and didn’t want to face her momma and dad either. So, she went to sleep without any supper.
In the morning, her dad told her that they were taking her brother shopping for school supplies. She told Sebastian that she would join the family. There less of a week before her brother would depart and the family won’t be whole again until the Christmas holiday when Archie would return.
Her family was more important than her raging out of control emotions. That fact did not escape her.
Besides, she liked Diagonal Alley. She like watching all the busy people run around. She could literally feel the magic in the air.
Even if she wasn’t a magic user herself.
Noctua was following behind her family, though she wasn’t paying much attention to where she was going. Her head turn towards looking into the windows of the shops as they passed. Nothing had really caught her eye, until a gorgeous looking owl caught her eye in the window of Magical Menagerie. She halted with gasp as she pressed her face and hands to the glass to admire the bird.
The Little Owl had the most beautiful pattern of chocolate brown and snow white feathers she’s ever seen. Her big eyes were golden like the sun. She was so lovely.
‘Athene Noctua.’ Of course, she would remember the bird’s scientific name. This bird was meant to be hers. Whether she was a witch or not.
“Momma! Papa! Dad!” She called out to her parents, “Can I please-” she suddenly stoped her question when she realized her parents weren’t in front of her anymore. Neither was her brother.
“Papa? Momma?” She tried calling out again, turning in all directions trying to find her family, “Archie!? Dad?!”
Only unfamiliar faces greeted her.
Noctua took a deep breath, trying to calm the panic that was rising in her chest. Getting scared would not help her right now. She continued to take deep breaths to calm her nerves before starting in the direction she thought her family was going.
Why hadn’t she paid attention to the shop names that they needed to visit for her brother.
She continued to call out for her family, and she hurried along the streets of the town. Her head turning all around, trying to find them- yet again, not at all paying attention to where she was going.
“Pap- uff” she let out a huff has she ran into something hard in her path. She quickly realized she had run to someone. The tall person let out a grunt themselves after she connected with their chest.
Noctua took a step back to gaze up at the man she ran into, unconsciously letting out a small peep and attempted to make herself even smaller when she noticed how the man looked down on her.
He was extremely tall. With dark hair and cloths, but even they weren’t as dark as the scowl on his face.
“Watch where you are going, little shite.” His voice was rough and cruel. The tone washed over her, sending an uncomfortable child down her spine.
He didn’t have to be so mean.
“I’m very sorry sir,” she bowed her head, trying to avoid eye contact from the scary man, “I’ve been separated from my family and was trying to find them.”
She stood there for a moment, waiting for the stranger to acknowledge the explanation, or at least to simply walk away from her. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she glanced up at the man. As she did, he grabbed at her chin. Forcing her head up as he bent his down closer to her. She can feel his eyes examining over her.  
‘What is he doing,’ she thought with fear, ‘why isn’t anyone helping me?’ Her eyes darting at the other people on the streets. Everyone carrying on their own way, not paying any attention to the teenager in distress against this brute.  
She turned her eyes towards his when he pinched her chin for her attention. She glares back at him as her hands move up to try to pry his away, though his grip held firm and unmoving from her chin.   
A humming sound left his throat as he cocked his head to the side, giving her a curious look.
 “What did you say your name was again?”
“I hadn’t,” She bite back at him. Normally, she would never tell a stranger her name, but she knew her families name held some weight in the wizarding world, so maybe he’ll let her go once he hears it. “It’s Sallow. Noctua Sallow,” she bit back.
The reaction from the strange man couldn’t have been further than what she expected or wanted. A cheshire grin spread the mans face. Before she could react, he grabbed her by her upper arm and dragged her away to an alley next to them.  
“Hey! Let me go!” Noctua tried with all her might to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong for her. He only let her go when they were deep in an alley, tossing her down to the ground.
She scrambled to get her feet steady underneath her, taking a couple steps back from the stranger to regain her balance. She wanted to get away from him, but a quick glance of her surrounding made it clear she was trapped in a dead end.
“What in the bloody hell do you want. I’ve already apologized for running into you.” She was scared. Every cell in her body was telling her that this man was danger.
“So, you’re his child then.” It came across as a statement rather than a question. “I’m thought your features were familiar.” He continued to inch closer to her as she tried to maintain a distance.
“What are you talking about?” Noctua cried out.
“Blond hair, pale skin, you even have his small spots on your face. And share a name with the only person that coddled him.” He snickered at her, “Though I hardly believe that you exist. He was very adamant he would never contribute to the family line.”
A cold shiver ran down her spine at his words as her back hit the brick of the wall behind her. Her heart clench as the realization she had nowhere else to go. She felt sick.
“What?” She gasped out in confusion.
The stranger continued to smirk as he approached her. “Your father is Ominis Guant. Is he not?”
Ominis was her papa’s name, but she’s never heard the name Gaunt before. “No. You must be mistaken. Like I said, my surname is Sallow. My papa is Ominis Sallow.”
The stranger threw his head back with a roaring laugh that shook her to her core. He continued to laugh as he bends over, holding his stomach like she told him about the funniest joke in the world.
“That spineless mangy cur,” she heard him muttered under his breath, before he turned back to her. “Your ‘papa’ is Ominis Gaunt. My little brother. Which makes you,” he pointed a finger at her, “my darling little niece.”
The sickening feeling just gets worst. It feels like she was struck in the gut. This man was related to her? That isn’t possible.
“You lie!”
“I’m afraid not little one,” he laughed as he closed the distance she had place completely, reaching out to grab at her chin again. “My, my… you do look just like the little coward.”
Anger quickly overtook her fear.  “My father is no coward!”
He laughed again. The wide grin never leaving his face.
“Oh, but he is,” his smirking face leaned down towards hers again, this time looking directly into her eyes. “The little shite couldn’t handle the pressures of being a part of a prestigious pure-blooded family. He would shy away from even the mention of the dark arts. Salazar Slytherin would be shamed. It’s no wonder that the bastard would try to hide away his heritage by taking the name of one of the most pathetic wizards I’ve ever heard of.”
 He took a moment to look her up and down. Taking in her full appearance for the first time. She felt discussing under his gaze.
“What a mistake you must be in his blind eyes. I reckon he regrets you even more then our parents regretting him.”
Tears starting to stream uncontrollably from her face at what he said. She already felt like a failure as it was, but to hear that she could be her papa’s regret just confirmed all her fears. She tried not believing them, but they won’t hurt some much if there wasn’t some truth to them.
“S-Stop lying. Let go of me, leave me alone!” She sobbed, trying to get away from her ‘uncle’, but he had her trapped between himself and the wall.
He only laughed loudly in her face.
“What? Papa dearest never told you of your family roots? Do you really think yourself as a Sallow? You’re a Gaunt child, and your father hates all Gaunts, including himself. He swore when he left our family manor that would never continue the family line,” He was taking immense pleasure from seeing the aguish across her face. To him, this was almost better than the cruciatus curse. “You see, father was most displease to hear of the fowl relations your ‘papa’ was having that whore of a witch and wretched wizard. And he continues to bring the family name down by allowing himself to spawn a filthy half-blood.”
She couldn’t catch her breath from the sobs that overtook her lungs. She could feel the hatred this man had for her and her family, and she didn’t even know his name. His merciless words dug into her soul and stabbed at her heart. She tried to tell herself that her papa didn’t think of her as a mistake, that her papa loved her. Didn’t he?
She was lost in herself she didn’t notice another man approached them. Not until she heard them cast spells upon the man that had her trapped.
“ACCIO!” The stranger was pulled away from her, “DESCENDO!” The stranger was then slammed into the ground, coughing as the air was forcibly knocked out of his lungs.
“Keep your filthy hands off my daughter, Marvolo!”
She recognized that voice. She looked up through her tears, gasping at the sight of her dad in the alley.
“DAD!” She cried out to Sebastian as she ran to him. Side stepping to avoid the downed man, once she was close enough, she launched herself to her dad’s embraced. His warm body and strong arms caught her easily. She never felt safer then when his arms embraced her completely, as she cries and tears continued, though this time from of relief.
“Oh Noctua,” Sebastian nuzzled his face in the top of her hair, “We were so worried. He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“N-no,” she continued to wail has she tried to calm herself enough to tell her dad what happened, “but he told me… he told me that papa-” she was cut off by the man’s sinister laugh.
“Well, well,” Marvolo started as he was able to pull himself up to face the father and daughter, finally catching his breath, “look at what the mangy cat drugged in. How’s it been Sebbie? A long time hasn’t it.”
Hearing her address her dad is such a way made her stomach turn in knots. Sebastian tightened his grip on her with one arm, as he drew his arm up with his wand at the ready towards Marvolo.
“Do not take another fucking step closer. Stay the fuck right there.” Her dad growled out a warning to the man. To her surprise, the man listened and didn’t come any closer. He held his arms up, a sign of submission. A false innocent smile across his face.
“Why, I was only getting acquainted with my niece I did not know I had.” Marvolo responded, attempting to sound innocent.
“Cut this shit, Marvolo! She’s crying and you had her pinned to the wall. You Gaunts are sick despicable animals.” Her dad seethed as he tightened his hold on her, “Come near my daughter again and I will-”
“She’s not.”
Sebastian back straightens as he was taken back by Marvolo comment, “Excuse me?”
Noctua watch at the cruel smile as replace by an intense harden look. He wasn’t acting innocently anymore. His entire aura went dark as black.
“She’s not your daughter.”
Before Sebastian could even respond, the rest of the family finally caught up.
“Sebastian!” Her mother called out, “Noctua!”
Sebastian let Noctua go from his arms to her mother’s. Noctua clung in her embraced much like she had done with her dad. She didn’t miss her papa coming around to attempt to comfort as well, but she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She clamped her eyes shut as the tears streamed down her face. Her mother held her, gently running her fingers through her hair.
“Sister…” her brother approached from the other side of their mom, trying to offer support to her as well.
“Ah now that,” Marvolo exclaimed when he saw Archie, his sinister cheshire smile returned, “that boy is your spawn. But she,” he pointed back to Noctua, “is not. She’s a Gaunt.”
He knew just what to say to get under the adults’ skins, and further upsetting their children.
“She is no Gaunt,” Sebastian drew in closer, his wand glowed ready to attack.
“She’s my sister!” Archie yelled out. He had no clue what was going on, but his beloved twin was in shambles and this man was obviously the caused.
“Oh, I doubt that little swallow,” Marvolo snickered to the boy, “I see nothing but Sallow in you, but your ‘sister’ is a Gaunt.”
“What-” Archie started to argue towards the man that was a stranger to him, before his mother cut him off.
“That is enough, Marvolo.” The twins have never heard their mother sound so cold before. They could feel her aura swirling all around them, as her magic biting at her skin. The ancient magic reacting to her anger of the threat to her children in front of her. “They are twins. Regardless of who you to believe may have fathered them; they were in my body at the same time and born together. They are siblings. And there’s not a care for you to have of them. This is my only warning, Mr. Gaunt. Stay away from my family.”
Marvolo’s snickered laugh was her response. “Oh, we’ll see what my father has to say about that.”
“Tell father, and I will kill you,” Ominis finally spoke up, leaving his wife and daughter’s side to stand by husband’s. His own wand pointed directly towards his brother. He did little to control the rage and fear from being expressive on his face. “I will end you and the rest of the family if I must. We won’t tell you again. We want nothing to do with the Gaunts, just like they wanted nothing to do with me.”
“Oh, but baby brother,” Marvolo’s grin somehow spread wider across his face, “she changes everything.”
Marvolo took a step towards Sebastian and Ominis, daring them to strike. “We were fine with letting you play house with your filthy partners. You were already an embarrassment to the family; we didn’t think you could sink any lower. But her,” Marvolo motioned towards Noctua again, “she is your greatest disgrace. And you named her after father’s sister. The shame you bring to our family. Adding a half blood to our line.”
“Aunt Noctua never agreed with the twisted traditions the family kept and express her distaste often! How dare you talk of her as if she meant anything to you!” Ominis was close to losing controlled. He was ready to attack, but his children were right behind him. “I won’t tell you again Marvolo. Leave us in peace.”
Marvolo simply laughed at Ominis, “We shall see about baby brother. We shall see.”
With that, Marvolo apparated right in front of them. He was gone.
With the threat finally gone, Noctua knees buckled, her legs unable to support her anymore, as her wailing cries rang out in the alley way.
“Noctua!” Her family cried out. Her mother falling with her to their knees, her embrace never waving.
Noctua couldn’t get the awful things that man had said out of her head. He claimed to be her uncle, yet he was so hateful. Though, how her papa reacted towards him all but confirmed everything he said. This Marvolo was her uncle. His family were the Gaunts, and they hated her papa, and he hated them. And she is a was a mistake.
“She is your greatest disgrace.”
--------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: its a couple days later then I promised cause would has been kicking my ass.
Also, I completely meant to write some fluff of Ominis and Sebastian being cute dads together, but my brain immediately goes into hurt/comfort/angst. It's also significantly longer then I originally intended... over a 1,000 words more the first story, and its only half way done. But I wanted to post something so I decided to split it into two parts.
part 2 will be posted next week ASAP. (work has been kicking my ass lately)
This is unedited. and please be kind.
Thank you for reading!
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slytherin-paramour · 5 months
Afternoon Tea with Auntie N 👀💀 *I'm so sorry*
~Why does the skeleton have three sets of teeth? 😫😬
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Gaunt Family Headcanons
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Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt were cousins. Due to the dwindling Gaunt line, they consolidated the family tree by marrying, leaving Noctua as their only eligible bride. Mr. Gaunt, her older brother, wanted to marry her off to a great pureblood house.
All of the major houses within the Sacred 28 submitted sons to court Noctua, but she turned down each offer. Noctua decided to become a governess, which deeply insulted all of the families (an offense not forgotten by the time the Gaunt children started seeking out their own matches).
The Gaunts have five children: Marvolo, Cedrella, Dorcas, Apolline, and Ominis. Mr. Gaunt urged his wife to continue having children until he had both an heir and a spare to the Gaunt legacy. Marvolo was fifteen by the time Ominis was born.
Desperate after having three girls, Mrs. Gaunt turned to dark magic to ensure her next baby was a boy. She was relieved when the midwife showed her the beautiful blond baby boy, and was not surprised to find out he was blind (there is always an exchange when dealing with dark magic).
Marvolo and Cedrella never cared for Ominis; they were already at Hogwarts by the time he was born. Ominis got along quite well with his other sisters, Dorcas and Apolline, until they started playing with the unforgivable curses for fun.
Mr. Gaunt picked up a gambling habit after Ominis was born. The other pureblood families, eager to put the Gaunts in their place after Noctua's denial of their sons, start colluding with one another to swindle their fortune. Only the Blacks remained loyal to the Gaunts.
Noctua disappeared when Ominis was ten. It was quickly spread within the pureblood social circle that she had run off with a muggleborn lover; despite vehemently denying the accusations, Mr. Gaunt had no proof to back it up.
Noctua knew her mission to find the scriptorium would be dangerous, and made arrangements for her belongings just in case. She left her precious Slytherin locket to Ominis, her favorite nephew. Mrs. Gaunt read this in her will and decided to pocket the heirloom, believing it was better suited for one of the older children.
Due to their relationship with Headmaster Black, all of the older Gaunt children were granted permission to bring snake companions with them to Hogwarts. Ominis was the only one to not have a pet snake.
Mr. Gaunt faced immense pressure to get his daughters out of the house once they graduated from Hogwarts. Mrs. Gaunt just thought he was being picky with their matches, but truthfully he and Marvolo had to scrounge up galleons for their dowries.
A/N: I love thinking about the downfall of the Gaunt family and how they can go from the height of society to destitute by the time voldy is born. Also the idea of Noctua being an independent lady who refused to get married
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girl-named-matty · 7 months
Imagine how horrible Noctua felt while she got stuck inside the scriptorium. Not only just because she knew she'd die there but also because she knew that Ominis would now be left alone with his family.
Up until that point, Noctua was the only person in the world Ominis loved and truly cared about. And somehow even after his death, Salazar Slytherin managed to torment the lives of his family members who didn't bend to the same views as him.
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eternalremorse · 7 months
I headcanon Ominis having Noctua included in his daughter's name!
She was the only family member that treated him right and didn't believe in blood purity!
We should have been able to take her remains back for burial! Same with Jackdaw too! 😭
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nexeliam · 7 months
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Here is a new set of illustrations, as part of my latest chapter of my fanfiction "THE BLIND WIZARD - The curse of the lake"
Feel free to check it out !
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I have this headcanon that Noctua was the one who raised Ominis more than his own parents did, and I wanna take a minute to talk about it.
Like, if Noctua and Ominis thought the same way, it had to have been more than mere coincidence or just visits now and then for him to think the same way. Seeing as she was only his aunt, it would have taken some serious influence to overcome his own biological parents' impression on him to get him where he is when our MCs meet him. Living in the same house as the rest of the Gaunts until Ominis was 11 is more than enough time to do some serious damage, so obviously there was some outside force keeping him from going down the same dark path as the rest of his family, and it's easy to connect that that force was Noctua. Whatever she did, it definitely worked—to the point that she became his favorite person in the world.
I imagine Noctua could have taken it upon herself to raise him after seeing how he was treated differently for being incurably blind. The rest of his family might have seen him as a nuisance or just given up on him, so Noctua teaches him how to be independent, and of course introduces him to the idea of using a wand as a navigation aid. In the process, she would have influenced how she thought. I've seen fanart about Noctua teaching him how to read or giving him his first wand, and I love that so so much. The idea of Noctua giving her wand to him until he got his own at 11 is something I think about a lot. I know there are a lot of different HCs for how Ominis reads, but mine personally is that it's like a text-to-speech thing that reads to him in his mind, and his wand reads things back to him in Noctua's voice.
I would think that when he first came into her care, he was headed down the same path as the rest of his family, and it took a lot of deprogramming to help him form healthier patterns of thought. Without Noctua's influence, idk how Ominis could have ever escaped the overwhelming conditioning the rest of the Gaunts would have imposed upon him tbh, considering it's implied Noctua and Ominis were the only ones in that era of the Gaunts who weren't violent blood status fanatics. Teaching him what unconditional familial love was and how to have compassion would have likely been a lengthy process. He would have formed a lot of coping methods just to survive the Gaunts both before and during Noctua's care—coping methods many of his relatives probably had and just accepted as normal. Idk if I really have the stomach to explore that line of thought in much detail, but yeah, it's easy to get the picture I think.
That deprogramming would have led to a lot of confusion and inner conflict too, of course. Kids are usually bonded strongly to their parents, and overcoming that bond would be very difficult, even if Ominis knew the way his parents thought and acted was wrong. It would have made participation in the crucio tradition that much more difficult. There were probably lots of days Ominis wished he could just live in blissful ignorance to avoid the emotional—and physical—pain.
Noctua probably died when Ominis was pretty young, and that would have been yet another devastating blow. I really can't imagine your guardian disappearing like that. Maybe he was old enough that she was able to explain what she was doing and that she would come back, and then never did. Between that and the rest of the Gaunts, it's kind of no wonder Ominis has the trust issues he does. But either way, her guidance was strong enough that he didn't fall back into the old habits of the rest of his family, and the sheer power of Noctua's influence really speaks for itself there. I really wish we had gotten to know Noctua better, tbh. I want to know more about her time with Ominis.
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Ominis Gaunt & Aunt Noctua by Pasta As Avatar
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blue--ingenue · 2 months
Ominis Gaunt headcannons - {Pt. 3}
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Author's Note: i'm back from the dead :) sorry for the extended hiatus! college is once again taking up all of my time, and my computational nuclear materials research is ramping up hehehe. i've been itching to write some Ominis fluff for awhile, and some lovely tags from @heyheyits-angel have inspired me to post for the first time in awhile :) hope you enjoy, and hopefully i'll see y'all in the next post in a few days!
at least one of the mermaids of the Black Lake fancies him. he often tucks into one of the plush armchairs near the windows looking into the lake with a book and steaming cup of Earl Grey. one of the mermaids is quite taken with his gentle demeanor and beautiful eyes, and a few students even swear she tries reading over his shoulder through the glass
Ominis never believes the students who try to alert him to this one-sided friendship. (he’s used to bullies trying to trick him into believing something they know he cannot see for himself). he finally believes them one day while he’s busy teasing a group of first-years. he tells them that a few hours of patient waiting may lead to an encounter when they suddenly gasp and exclaim that a mermaid is hovering near his shoulder on the other side of the glass
he’s about to open his mouth to tell them off when he hears tapping from the other side of the window
Sebastian teases him about his “secret admirer,” but Ominis, who hates the feeling of being watched, decides to curl up near the fireplace couches for the rest of term
extremely grumpy when he first wakes up. he takes great pride in his appearance, so he doesn’t want people seeing him before he’s finished putting himself together for the day
his tousled blonde hair is impossibly soft and falls over bleary eyes. his pajama pants are just a tad too long and pool slightly around his feet. his sleeves are also just a size too large, making his slender hands just barely visible from beneath the emerald silk
he has a major sweet tooth. growing up, his parents rarely afforded him candies and desserts. Noctua always snuck him a batch of biscuits or a few chocolate frogs when his parents weren’t looking
similar to potions, he isn’t particularly skilled at baking. the house elves prepared everything for him at his family’s estate, and his mother seldom spent time with him unless absolutely necessary, so he’s never learned
you discover this one day (before the start of your relationship) and insist on teaching him. the Room of Requirement senses your predicament and conjures up a grand kitchen, replete with every type of pan and ingredient you could hope for
he’s hesitant at first, but there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to spend time in your presence. at first he thinks he’ll be observing you bake, but once you start guiding him, he’s a goner. you ask if he feels comfortable with you guiding his hands and his response is an enthusiastic ‘yes.’ you place your hands over his, coaxing him to chop, mix, and whisk ingredients, and he’s grateful you’re behind him if only to hide how his face burns at the contact
the next recipe you try is one of Noctua’s, his favorite teatime biscuits, in fact, and he nearly cries as he takes the first perfect bite
you fall asleep in the Room of Requirement, nestled amidst a mountain of velvet cushions and downey blankets. a few crumbs on a nearby plate are the only evidence of your endeavor. two identical cups of tea sit cooling, untouched, as he drifts off to somewhere the nightmares can’t reach him for the first time in years
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Tia noctua
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sallow-gaunt · 10 months
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Don’t mind me, just crying thinking of Noctua Gaunt wanting to prove that there’s more to the family legacy than “evil cruel dark wizards”, probably thinking of Ominis (and perhaps his siblings to a certain degree, although we know they had no qualms about using Unforgivables) and hoping he wouldn’t have to grow up conforming to the family traditions.
Just… imagining Noctua and her bond with little Omi, knowing that the two of them felt the same way and putting herself in danger so that he wouldn’t have to grow up like all of the Gaunts before him, only to die feeling that she failed not only her mission but her nephew especially. She probably starved to death too, which is even worse because it means she’d have been feeling lost and like a failure for days, maybe even weeks.
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