#noelle i am so happy for you
balls-on-my-face · 3 months
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growing pains 🦋🥣
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steakout-05 · 5 months
can you believe it guys? christmas! just a week away! christmas is in a week! woohoo! i am so happy about this information.
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+ bonus early sketch
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acaciapines · 1 month
Please tell us abt the parallels :o
in this au (and as i write ralsei in my canon always lol) the biggest thing that puts pressure on ralsei's life is the prophecy--it says a human, a monster, and a prince from the dark, and because it is a prophecy, and it is fate, is HAS to be true, and ralsei, as a darkner, a group of people who literally exist below the lightners, is charged with bringing this prophecy into fruition. she has spent her entire life ALONE, with nothing but this prophecy for comfort, saying that one day, ONE DAY, she'll get through this and she'll have friends. but yknow, that weighs on a person! its heavy and terrible and she has contorted herself to fit what fate tells her she must be.
and then for noelle, the big thing putting pressure on her? her dead siblings (dess and kris. kris isnt technically her sibling but yknow for ease of language thats what i use. also we know they arent dead but noelle and the rest dont). with their deaths means noelle is now the baby of the family, a family that is shaped by this great gaping grief noelle cannot comprehend, because when dess and kris died she was young enough she barely remembers them beyond like, maybe half-formed memories but she isnt sure if those are real or just what people have told her. shes expected to be grieving her dead siblings but really she just sort of. hates them a little bit. for going off and dying and now her mom and toriel are super overprotective of her, and she knows its her fault asriel never left to go to college and hasnt even left hometown, and its just. its rough.
so both noelle and ralsei have these Huge things that have defined their lives that neither of them want, but. too bad! WHICH LEADS TO EVEN MORE PARALLELS. slash foils lol.
because when it comes to the prophecy? noelle isnt supposed to be in it!!! while this au is sort of a roleswap in that noelle takes kris's place its not a roleswap in Any Other Way, which means, yeah, the prophecy is still supposed to be a human. and noelle, uh, isnt that! but she goes around and helps close dark worlds and is part of the delta warriors anyways, which is, for ralsei, this like, really scary point.
cause ralsei? adores noelle!! thats her best friend!!! ralsei doesnt know if she has a crush on noelle or wants to be noelle! noelle just does what she WANTS. she bucks against the pressures her family puts on her. she dives into the dark despite the fact that this world was never made for her. shes TRANS. shes a GIRL, and she can just DO THAT, and ralsei looks at her, and just. wants. in every sense of the word.
because noelle has all these things put on her like ralsei does--but noelle gets to slip out of them. noelle gets to be a person.
and ralsei, non-person, darkner: she doesnt.
she never will.
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axxilotl · 1 year
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Can you believe it guys? Christmas! Just three days away!
I would have drawn more for the holidays but my drawing tablet decided to break beyond repair so that's very cool and awesome.
Anyhow, merry holidays, happy christmas, Don't re-upload or steal my art blah blah blah
Transparent version under cut
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loverdude · 1 year
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I got an iPad 4 Christmas so I drew noelle :3 also idk if it's my phone or the iPad or the file or what but it looks kinda dull color-wise I i think unless I click on it or like view the full thing??? IDK
Dont repost/use 4 anything ✨️ COMMISSION INFO
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cactuuu · 2 years
The Month is here...
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nooooough · 1 year
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Something is wrong
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steddiealltheway · 8 months
(Happy happy birthday Noelle (@frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe) thank you for all your amazing fun facts which are the source for this little ficlet. I hope you enjoy <3)
For some reason, The Party had decided to rent Friday the 13th for their upcoming movie night at Steve's house. With all the shit they've been through, Steve thinks that maybe it's a strange choice, but he knows better than to question the kids.
"What a nice choice," Robin says sarcastically as she looks over Steve's shoulder at the tape. She hasn't quite grasped how defensive the teens can get, but they seem to respect her more than they respect Steve. Figures.
"Isn't it?" Dustin snarks back as he grabs the tape from the counter.
Max rolls her eyes and adds, "I said the same thing."
"Yeah, because you want to watch some shit like Cinderella," Mike whines.
"Does it ever hurt your tiny, sexist brain to think of those weak insults?" Max asks with her eyebrows raised.
Lucas tries to hide a laugh as Mike glares at him.
"Alright, alright, this is the Family Video. Take it outside if you guys are going to bicker," Steve says with a sigh as he moves to restack some tapes Dustin had nudged just to be annoying.
"You and Robin bicker all the time," Dustin says defensively.
Steve gives him a look. "Do you want to lose Harrington house privileges?"
Dustin sighs, looking like he really wants to argue before he turns around to the group and announces defeatedly, "Alright, let's get snacks before tonight."
As they're filing out the door, Dustin runs back to the counter and adds, "I almost forgot. Is it fine if Eddie comes?"
Steve shrugs, trying to look unphased by the question. "Sure," he says, voice cracking a bit.
Dustin instantly lights up. "Great! I already invited him, so that would've been awkward. See you later!"
Robin comes up to him and lightly shoves his shoulder. "Sure," she mocks him. "You're so smooth."
"Shut up," Steve says with a sigh. God, Robin will never let him live down what he thought to be his deathbed confession of his crush on Eddie. In reality, he was just put on so many painkillers in the hospital that he had gotten confused when he woke up in a hospital room.
And yeah, maybe the crush still hasn't gone away and Robin definitely knows, but he refuses to acknowledge it.
"You're going to be at the movie night, right?" Steve asks.
Robin groans. "I've already told you, I have my parent's anniversary dinner tonight."
"So, you'll be at my house tonight," Steve jokes.
"I wish."
Steve nudges her shoulder. He's already seen the obnoxious pictures of Robin and her parents from every year of their wedding anniversaries lining the walls of one particular hallway. It's endearing really, but Robin hates it.
"You better call me later if anything new develops between you and Eddie," Robin whispers although there's no one in the room.
Steve just nods, feeling the blood rise to his cheeks as he still refuses to verbally acknowledge the ridiculous crush that maybe fills his stomach with butterflies and all those obnoxious things.
He sighs and turns to Robin. "How am I going to survive tonight without you?"
"The world may never know," she says dramatically.
And really, the world may never know. At least, that's how Steve feels.
Okay, maybe Steve is a little bit of a mess.
Sure, Eddie has shown up, and Steve has been playing it cool, but it's like he can't take his eyes off him. He's made so much eye contact, he's sure that he's creeping Eddie out a bit or giving away his huge crush.
But he’s Steve Harrington. Like Steve “The Hair” Harrington. Inventor of the Harrington charm. All that stuff. And… Eddie has absolutely melted him into a puddle of goo. Christ.
By the time the movie starts, Steve’s head is practically buzzing with all his thoughts of Eddie is sitting next to me. What do I do? The kids are here, so I can’t make a move. But I don’t even know if he likes me.
Then, Max’s question breaks through the thoughts as she asks, “When is the next Friday the 13th this year?”
“Well, fun fact, any month that starts on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th,” Eddie says with a proud grin.
Steve ignores the kids’ responses asking when that month is and the subsequent response from Eddie saying he doesn’t know, but he just knows the fact.
But for some reason, the fact is absolutely blowing Steve’s mind.
And yes, maybe it’s because it came from Eddie, but truly, when Steve associates fact with something, it is never fun. But this truly is a… fun fact.
He must have a look on his face because Eddie eyes him and asks, “What?”
Steve just shrugs and says, “I just… really thought the fact was… fun.” Jesus, did his Harrington charm just evaporate or something?
But he thinks the honesty of it works for Eddie who smiles softly at him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, how did you know that?”
Eddie swings an arm casually over the back of the couch and leans in. “I’m full of fun facts, Harrington.” He gives him a winks before leaning back.
Steve leans into his space, trying to close some of the distance between them. “Tell me another one.”
Eddie laughs, “I’m going to max out my fun fact limit to one a day.”
“That doesn’t seem fair.”
Eddie tilts his head toward him. “It’s fair if it gives me an excuse to talk to you every day.”
Okay, yeah. That was blatant flirting. Which Steve is about to match, until the kids decide now is the best time to interrupt and yell at them to be quiet as the movie starts.
As the movie goes on, Eddie and Steve drift closer together while trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible in front of the kids. They haven’t talked about it, of course, but Steve’s pretty sure neither of them want to scar the kids. Or maybe, Steve just doesn’t want the kids to very accurately point out his feelings for Eddie and force him to deal with them.
Unfortunately, this also means that Steve doesn’t get a moment alone with Eddie to further flirt with him or try to push him for another fact. But maybe it’s not such a bad thing. Especially since Eddie gave him an excuse to talk to him tomorrow.
“What’s another fun fact?” Steve asks as soon as he hears Eddie on the other line.
“Christ, I just woke up. Give my brain a few seconds,” Eddie groans into the phone, voice rough with sleep.
Steve smiles. “Good morning by the way,” he says sweetly.
“Good morning,” Eddie replies back, sounding a bit less grumpy. There’s a bit of shuffling on his side of the phone before he says, “It’s illegal to feed pigeons on the streets of San Francisco.”
Steve’s jaw drops. “There’s no way!”
“Go ahead and feed a pigeon there then,” Eddie says with a laugh.
“Maybe I will. If you come with me and promise to bail me out.”
Eddie hums on the other line. “I don’t know. I think it would be fun to spend a night in a jail cell with you. Maybe I’ll join you in your crime.”
“Scratch that, I’m bailing you out.”
“That’s sounds about right, Bonnie.”
“Bonnie?” Steve questions, feeling like he’s missed something.
Eddie gasps on the other line. “Like Bonnie and Clyde!”
Steve doesn’t respond, waiting for Eddie to fill him in.
“Okay, this doesn’t count as a fun fact because this is just a story of one of the greatest crime couples to ever exist,” Eddie says excitedly, rambling on about the two.
Steve sits back, cheeks hurting from smiling a little too hard as he listens to Eddie and tries not to linger too much on the fact he compared the two of them to a real life couple.
The phone calls continue every day, but the fun facts really are just a starting point to a long drawn out conversation about whatever’s on their mind.
Robin has pretended to get tired whenever Steve calls her right after Eddie has to hang up or spends hours talking about Eddie during their shift at the Family Video. But he knows she’s secretly just as enthralled about the fun facts as he is.
“Did you know that the Statue of Liberty wears a size eight hundred seventy nine shoe?” Steve asks Robin, still in disbelief over the fact.
“Sounds like you’re talking about me,” Eddie says, somehow coming into the store without Steve noticing.
Steve’s heart beats a little harder as he turns to him. “All good things of course,” Steve says with a wink.
“I was scared you were passing off my facts to Buckley as if they were your own for a second there,” Eddie says, leaning across the the counter.
“And what if I was?” Steve challenges, leaning on the counter.
“Then, I would have to revoke my daily fun fact.”
Steve’s jaw drops. “You’d never.”
Eddie shrugs. “Maybe you’ll just have to see.”
Steve just laughs and shoves his shoulder lightly. “What are you doing here though? Coming to deliver my fun fact in person?”
Eddie blushes and looks down. “No, I was actually just… wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight.”
“Sounds good,” Steve says automatically, not even stopping to think if he has any other plans.
“I’ll see you after your shift then?” Eddie asks, tilting his head a bit.
“I’ll see you then,” Steve confirms with a smile.
Eddie nods and turns to leave.
“Oh, wait!” Steve calls out.
Eddie turns around.
“You haven’t told me your fun fact for today.”
Eddie smiles. “You’ll just have to wait until tonight. After all, it’s a pretty good excuse to make sure you come over.”
Steve scoffs, “As if that’s the only reason.”
Eddie just pulls his hair in front of his face as his smile gets a little wider. “See you soon.”
“Bye,” Steve says, waggling his fingers at him.
“Holy shit,” Robin says, startling Steve. “I thought you said your crush was hopeless.”
Steve just shrugs. “It’s Eddie, he flirts with everyone.”
“Not like that.”
Steve pauses and thinks back on their conversation and all the flirtatious banter leading up to this moment. Maybe she’s right, but also he remembers… “Did you know that bubble wrap was invented by accident?”
Robin runs a hand over her face and says, “You two are going to be the death of me, I can already tell.”
Steve just smiles and thinks maybe they will be.
A few hours later, he shows up at Eddie’s, trying not to overthink things too much.
They were just hanging out. Just… two people… hanging out… alone… who flirt all the time…. And one definitely has a major crush on the other.
Eddie opens the door to the trailer immediately after Steve knocks only a single time. “I heard your car pull up,” he explains as soon as the door is open.
“Been lingering at the door for long?” Steve teases.
“Hours,” Eddie replies dramatically. But there’s a hint of nervous energy that Steve can’t help but pick up on. “Come on in.”
Steve steps inside and is hit with the smell of spaghetti and breadsticks. “Did you make dinner?”
“Nah, I picked it up from Enzo’s,” Eddie says with a smile before closing the door behind him and gesturing to the couch where two plates are laid out. “I thought we could… watch a movie while we ate or… something.”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” Steve replies with a smile, noticing the way his response relieves some of the nervous energy that is consuming Eddie.
“Perfect, right this way madam,” he jokes as he leads Steve to the couch with his hand resting on the dip of his lower back.
Steve sits down and can’t help but ask, “So, what fun fact did you make me wait for?”
Eddie freezes and curses, “Shit, you were supposed to ask that after all of this.”
Steve’s eyebrows furrow. “Why?” He asks nervously.
Eddie fidgets with his rings and mumbles, “Okay, you can do it.” Then, he turns back to Steve and says, “Fun fact… I’ve been dying to ask you out for a while now, and… I was hoping that this could be a date? And further fun fact, I will absolutely shut up forever if I read things wrong, and I’m so sorry if I did. Oh shit. Did I? Because really, I thought-”
“Eddie,” Steve interrupts him quickly, placing a hand over his. “I think it’s finally time that I share a fun fact with you.”
Eddie nods, eyes wide and scared.
“Fun fact,” Steve says and takes a deep breath, “I’m really upset that you beat me to asking you out because I’m a damn chicken. And fun fact, I’ve liked you since I saw you interacting with Dustin for the first time. And you can confirm the fact with Robin who I told while I thought I was on my deathbed.”
Eddie’s expression slowly morphs from fear to relief to happiness. “And that’s really all a fact?”
“Yes. Fun ones I hope.”
“Very very fun,” Eddie says with a laugh. He worries his bottom lip before saying, “Fun fact, I really want to kiss you.”
“Fun fact,” Steve echoes cheesily. “I would love to kiss you.”
And he does exactly that.
(Later on, Steve calls Robin from Eddie’s house and yells, “Fun fact, I just kissed Eddie!” Into the phone so loudly that Robin complains that his “fun fact” is giving her ear damage. But she also lets him know that she’s happy for him, as long as he doesn’t keeps phrasing everything as a fun fact.
Only, Steve can’t help it, when everything involving Eddie becomes the best facts he knows.)
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Happy Birthday, Noelle!
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Thank you for the lovely flowers! Is there anything I can do for you in return? I've recently been learning how to make lots of different Fontainian snacks, just to give the Knights a chance to try out something different.
But if you'd like something else instead, I'd be more than happy to make——
Oh, so all you want is for me to stay by your side? O—Okay then.
It's been so long since the last time I spent such a leisurely afternoon... Ah, am I talking too much? I'm so sorry, p—please don't mind me!
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dreamgrlarchive · 7 months
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ some updates:
hi, since i’m no longer active on here i’ve been doing a lot on other platforms and i just wanted to show you guys what ive been up to!
#1: the looks i’ve been styling!
i had a huge shopping spree recently and it inspired me to plan more lookz. i’ve been on a huge black + pink, and pink + brown kick lately. the vibe is very preppy yet sexy and glam.
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#2: i’ve been building my tiktok audience!
i recently made slideshows talking about my bedroom and pinkmas wishlist. also been really into glamour magick too (basically doing my makeup and dressing myself with spiritual intent)!
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#3: shopping!
i actually checked some things off my wishlist. those including my new phone and my fall wardrobe! here’s a peek at one of the hauls (expect a try on haul soon pretties) i got stuff from i am gia that i’ve been wanting for a while and WILL BE supporting @finegirl on their next drop! stay tuned, xo!
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#4: youtube planning!
i’ve been making my “youtube kit” which is just elements i’ll be using to boost my brand in my new vidz!
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#5: dolly wishlist!
finally SAT DOWN and started making my doll wishlist. i’m not done but this thing is longgg. but i like that, it’ll give me a reason to take my time expanding my collection!
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#6: career planning!
most of you may not know, but i was in cos school in 2019 and unfortunately had to drop for personal reasons. but i’ll be going to this beautiful school in my city come the end of this academic semester to start my advanced esthetics, + then nails certification. i’m so happy because this career will support me through finishing my credits for my degree. just a focused barbie on a mission right now.
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#7: posting on my moodboard again!
i kinda abandoned my instagram moodboard a while back but i’ve been using it again and it’s really fun seeing what’s changed and stayed the same with my aesthetic. luvs it!
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thank you for reading! let me know if this is something yall want me to do every now and then! i know a lot of you only really use tumblr. but till next time babes, muah! ❤︎︎
- amara noelle
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hitomisuzuya · 5 months
Don't mind this, everyone. This is just me high typing cause I am lonely. I should probably be typing fluffy Childe smut, but I digress. Bear with me.
I really love the idea of self aware Genshin characters. It's such a Yandere thing. I am gonna include my own experience a little in farming for Scara and using him in game for the sake of flow of whatnot so I can talk about this. The narration may change a bit in some places. I'll change the font style and whatnot, continuing on.
My best friend has this fun little headcanon that Scara came somehow manipulate the game in some way, make it glitch for lack of better word. Like, he would know when you are playing him. He would sense it, mainly being able to feel how you feel through your hands, seeing as how, especially if you are a mobile player like I am, your hands around your phone the whole time.
He could feel when you are happy, and when you get unsure about something. He would notice like dependent habits you have, like if you have him in your party and rotate him out for say like his cool down for his burst or ESkill, or to put up a shield with whatever character (for me, it would be Noelle, my girl🥰), he would feel the unease you feel having to rotate him out for a few moments.
Or if you are fighting and have another character on field, and you freeze in the middle combat whether it be because you hesitated or weren't sure about having this particular character on field, and you rotate him back in and he instantly feels you relax because you can rely on him to carry you (no joke, get that boy up in the air and let his tracking go to work😌).
You depend on him, and that's what validates him. He can feel how you feel about him. It sends him reeling when he realizes that someone could depend on him. Could love him? You loved him despite everything he did, and everything he'd been through. You trust him, love him, and rely on him with every fiber of your being.
You were loyal. He can even hear the affection in your voice when you tell him good morning or good night. He loves that you love him.
Basically, the more he feels you through your hands, the more he comes self aware. This feeling is doubled, especially if you are in a high stress situation like..*twitch*..The Spiral Abyss. My two teams are obvious strike teams built around Scara and Childe.
He always went on somewhat of a power trip whenever you went to the Spiral Abyss. You built one of your teams so carefully around him. He'd felt how much thought you'd given it. If he had it his way, you wouldn't need a second team.
He was the only one you needed. Meandering in the Spiral Abyss was just another way for him to prove that he could take care of you.
You were his.
He is even able to see what you look like, being able to widdle away the barrier between you, him, and the game. Soon, very soon, he would be able to breach the barrier and reach his fingers into your very world.
I'm sure we all remember putting our noses to the grindstone farming for him. We all twitched from the same trauma of farming Rukkhashava Mushrooms, all while still exploring a newly released Sumeru. And the Handguards.
He wondered what it had been like preparing for him. You'd had everything all gathered in a nice neat pile for him. He hated that you'd had to rely on another character even though you were preparing for him (for me it was Xiao).
He couldn't stand that you inevitably do have to be away from your phone (or whatever you use). He has a lot of time on his hands to whatever in Teyvat until you returned, but all he could think about was you.
What were you doing? Who were you talking to? Or who you were with? He wouldn't need to worry about that much longer, he could by now hack into your phone and find out whatever he needed to know.
He has to have you now, especially when he saw just how in love with him you really were. Question is, would he stay here in your world with you, or would he steal you away and take you back with him?
Those two questions echoed in his mind as he looked down at you in the dark of your room while you slept. His precious treasure was now close enough for him to touch, to brush some hair off of your face.
Who the hell is gonna read all this 😂 But, I am going to bed now, I gotta get up early tomorrow. Thank you if you even read this far. Goodnight, everyone.
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suiana · 8 months
the way i look at you (various yandere! characters x gn! reader) (angstober day 10)
i see the way you smile at others, see the way your eyes crinkle at the corners every time you smile and laugh. it's precious. i wish time would just stop whenever you smile. because your smile and laugh should be preserved for eternity.
and your laugh- it's contagious. i find myself laughing along with you even when no one else is.
i relish in the knowledge that you openly love and adore me. i love it, love it more than anything. i love it when you call me yours. i love it when you get possessive over me, it makes me feel like you truly love me. with you, i feel at home.
i also notice how you hide your face in your hands when you're embarrassed. it's cute, really. when you get all red and flustered and try to hide it. i like being the one who gets to witness this side of you. not so much when others do though.
that's why I've taken it upon myself to get rid of those who've seen it.
they do not deserve to be alive after seeing something that's meant for me. no, not at all. so i drag them to our home and paint our walls red. it's a beautiful sight. that's why i show it to you. wouldn't you like it too?
but then i notice how you've changed. your behavior, your actions around me... they're no longer carefree and joyful. you're... scared?
i look into your eyes- they're shaking and fearful for their life. and it hurts me. am i scaring you? do my action terrify you?
i try to ignore it. try to push away the thought that you're no longer comfortable with me. but I can't stand the fact that you and i will no longer have the cute relationship that we used to have.
that's why I've decided to kill myself. I'm the source of your fear, no? so if I'm gone, you'll no longer be scared.
it's fine.
I'm fine, really.
as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.
i just don't want to see you cry or scream in fear whenever you look at me.
death is nothing when i am the source of your troubles.
so I'll go. I'll leave this earth if it'll make you happy.
i just hope that in the next lifetime that i see you. I'll notice how your eyes light up in happiness rather than in fear, just like how they once used to.
yosano akiko, ryunosuke akutagawa, yuuji itadori, noelle your faves
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aspenfrosten · 1 month
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Hello! my name is Aspen Frost, and I am the host of the Entourage Subsystem! I am a Sheep-Wolf Demon with a passion for party games! I have dedicated the past two years of my life to streaming as a vtuber, but I am trying to live as my most authentic self (selves?) and be more open about my involvement as part of a system. I am also learning to be a little less of a front hog, and after careful deliberation I have decided to include my alters Exploit and Noelle in my journey as a creator! 💜 I'm loud, I'm proud, and I take no shit from anyone! I do my absolute best to make all my friends and supporters feel included in my community! freedom of expression and pursuit of health is so very important to me and my system! This blog will primary be run by me Aspen Frost, but the rest of The Entourage Subsystem has their own secondary blogs to post on, and I will be re-blogging all of their posts on this primary blog!
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Exploit's Personal Blog
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Noelle's Personal Blog
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Mothra's Personal Blog
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Aspen's Userboxes
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Frequently Asked Questions this is for your well-being, not mine! I WILL KEKW AT: endogenic "systems" sourcecalls anti-recovery behavior uneducated singlets fakeclaimers TERFs anything I damn well please I WILL BLOCK ON SIGHT: MAPs/Zoos Loli/Shota ED/SH identity police transphobes homophones racists xenophobes
you may block me freely. I will not pursue you, contact you on an alt, or harass you. but if you're an idiot and you're posting about being an idiot online, I WILL laugh at you. I wish no harm on you, but you are hilarious and I hope you get help. I block freely as well, we both are in the right to curate our own social media experience. I abide by Twitch culture and Twitch social norms, as that is my primary platform. There's a fine line between being able to take a joke and being an actually shitty person. Do not cross that line with me. I WILL NOT ENJOY SHITTY HATEFUL JOKES. I WILL BLOCK YOUR ASS LOL.
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I have addressed basically every problem people have ever had with me in these tiktoks (besides being a little bit of an asshat, which is something I am not sorry for or isn't misinterpreted)
Twitter thread about Anti-Grooming and prevention Tiktok Replying to the r/SystemsCringe Doc Tiktok replying to the Aspen Exposed Doc
if you have a problem with me, feel free to make a ticket in my discord server! I am happy to discuss and talk in good faith!
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if you like me, you'll LOVE my friends! or if you hate me, you'll probably want to block them too! The Anti-Endo blocklist even made a convenient list of all my friends!
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dearbraus · 9 months
Between the Stacks ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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— Lisa Minci
⊹ Details. 18+ minors dni, dni if you are not sapphic, afab!reader, reader described as being able to have visible bruises, oral (reader receiving), power bottom lisa, subtop reader, liberal usage of canonical pet names, reader is referred to as puppy, praise, teasing, tit sucking, semi-public sex (in the library) and making out. ⊹ Run time. 4.0k ⊹ Note. This fic as been marinating in my drafts for a while, the smut isn't my favourite as I'm a bit rusty but I hope you all enjoy <3
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The Knights of Favonius Library is quiet, unusually so. It lacks the usual hum of life and hushed chatter that bounces off the ornate pine wood shelves. All that lingers in the deep recesses of the thick stacks is the quiet jingling bell that’s attached to Lisa’s wide-brimmed hat. If you closed your eyes you might’ve been tricked into thinking one of Maraget’s kittens had gotten loose in the library, but the telltale sound of Lisa’s heels clicking alongside her bell told you it was her.
“You should probably take this off,” you whisper, a coy smile, “Lest we want Jean to suspect that we’re milling about after hours.”
Lisa tosses you a look over her shoulder, “She’d surely scold us, and wouldn’t that just be terrible!” She laughs, swiping her gloved fingers across her forehead to push her bangs out of her eyes, “The Acting Grand Master barging in here to tell us off, are you shaking yet my dear?”
Sticking your tongue out at her, you take a single, daring, step closer to her. Lisa’s eyebrows shoot up to her forehead when you delicately pluck her hat from her head. Tossing it to the floor, you try not to cringe as dust flies up from the shelves.
“Dear me! I really should get Noelle in here to do some cleaning,” Lisa whines, her lips falling into a pout.
“That’s not Noelle’s job!”
“It kind of is.”
The innocent look Lisa sports crumbles all too quickly, like she knows no matter how well she wears it, it’ll never convince you. Pressing your fingers to her jaw, you bring her gaze back towards you, “It’s not, but you know I’d be more than happy to be put to work.”
“I’d love nothing more than to put you to work, cutie,” she hums, “But, not in the way you’re thinking.”
Cocking your head to the side, you narrow your eyes at Lisa, “Oh yeah?” You question, “And what exactly am I thinking then? Since you and that genius brain of yours know everything.”
Smoothing her gloved thumb across your bottom lip, Lisa offers you a smirk. It makes a shiver zip up your spine, goosebumps dotting along the length of your arms despite the balmy summer air that filters through the cracked open windows. Pressing down on your lip to expose your teeth to her, Lisa chuckles at the small whimper that crawls up your throat.
“Obviously you think I want you to be my maid,” Lisa says, as it if truly were the most obvious thing in the world. Initially, you did think that’s what Lisa was aiming towards, getting you all worked up only for her to ask you to help her finish dusting. It wouldn’t be the first time Lisa would dangle the carrots in front of your nose, nor would it be the last, “Though, I must admit you would look absolutely scrumptious in a maid dress.”
Allowing her other hand to fall around your hips, Lisa continues on with a laugh, “However, what I had in mind was a bit more … racy …” She hums, “C’mon darling don’t play dumb, you know exactly how I want you.”
“I do?”
It’s a genuine question. At least you hope it came across as convincing enough for Lisa to share some of the wicked thoughts that were bouncing around her mind. You liked it better that way, when Lisa indulged you with the depravity a scholar like her could conjure up. Not that you weren’t all that creative, but there was something about the language she used, it boarded on academic like she’d learnt it just to explain all these complex theories and concepts and still wanted to be seen for the brilliant mind she was even amidst the throes of pleasure. It was fucking filthy. You shivered at the mere thought of it, preening in hopes of her indulging you once more. After all, there was no better place to flex intellectual prowess than Mondstadt’s one and only public library.
“You do,” Lisa settles on a hungered expression, it doesn’t quite mask the pithy swamp of lust that permeates her green eyes but it keeps you from coyishly leering. The lilt of her tone tells you she’s grown tired of your games, tired before they had ever truly begun but she was never one to play by the rules of another, “Are you really gonna make me say it?”
You nod, and your eyes find themselves trained on her lips. They’re painted a lovely shade of pink, it’s glossy enough that you know she’s wearing something but still neutral enough for foolish men like Huffan or Pallad to think they were naturally like that. You liked it better when she painted them with something rich and deep, a colour that would mar the pale skin of her face when you smeared it; something that would mark you too when she blotted her lips along your neck and jawline. This, this would do though. 
“Yes,” you breathed, wrapping your hand around her wrist, “Enlighten me, you know I’m nothing but a fool around you so I need you to fill in the blanks.”
Your teeth catch the fabric of her glove, it’s loose around the tip of her thumb and dangled precariously in front of your face as she tugged and taunted your bottom lip. Lisa lets out a small yip of surprise when your bottom teeth catch at her flesh before clamping down on the silk. Your head reeled back and Lisa had no choice but to let her hand fall slack as her glove slid up the length of her deceptively long, lithe fingers. You let it drop to the floor without a second thought, threading your fingers with hers as she blinks back at you.
“Oh, how could I forget,” she hums, pressing the back of your hand against her mouth, “You’re just a dumb little puppy, who needs to be told exactly what to do, isn’t that right darling?”
You nod happily, your body aching to reach forward and touch all the parts of her you had been deprived of while the two of you worked.
“Sit, puppy,” Lisa instructed, tipping her chin towards the worn, lumpy couch that sat behind you.
The springs groaned beneath your weight as you plopped back, dust and stray feathers plumed around you. The cushions are well-worn, frayed around the edges, and lumpy from how many times they’ve been restuffed and fluffed up. Despite its age and the way it creaks when you move around too much, the couch was comfortable and your body began to melt into the cushions as Lisa watched you with hawkish eyes.
Curling her forefinger towards her, Lisa beckons you to angle your hips towards her. Hooking her hands behind your knees, Lisa helps you settle near the edge of the sofa. The bottom of your skirt bunches up beneath your bum and exposes your frilly panties. There’s a hot, sticky wet spot along the seam of your cunt, it soaks through the thin cotton, begging for Lisa’s attention.
“What’s this?” Lisa coos, her bottom lip catching between her teeth, “Someone’s needy, aren’t they?”
“Shut up!” You whine between gritted teeth, Lisa laughs at your petulant tone and it drives another moan up your throat.
Lisa’s thumb presses into your throbbing clit through the damp cloth and that seems to quiet your voice as your mouth falls open into a sharp gasp. She playfully teases you through your panties, languidly rubbing circles until your legs melt against the sofa. Your bottom lip catches between your teeth to stifle the whimper that has slithered up to the tip of your tongue. The firm pressure of her thumb against you is just enough to warm your body up and leave you wanting so much more from her, but Lisa liked it when you begged just a little bit too much. You didn’t want to give her the satisfaction, not yet.
A set of soft green eyes sear holes through you from between your thighs, “Does this feel good, puppy?” Lisa questions though she can tell from your pinched expression that you’d say no, “Does my puppy like when I touch them like this?”
You shake your head just to watch Lisa roll her eyes, a breathy moan passes through your lips before you suck in another deep breath and clamp your lips shut. You were in a library after all and Lisa was always reminding you to keep quiet.
“No?” She fakes a pout, her brows pushing together as she stops her ministrations, “Let’s see if I can change that then.”
There’s an audible squelching sound when Lisa begins to peel your underwear away from your drooling cunt, your slick desire soaking the supple skin of your inner thighs. Lisa’s pink tongue darts out to wet her lips, you wonder if they taste of cherry or vanilla. Soon, they’d taste of nothing but you.
“Such a pretty pussy,” Lisa hums, trailing one delicate finger along your hip, “Should I have a taste, puppy?”
You nod before your brain has a chance to verbalize a response, “Yes,” you pant, your hands reaching out to caress the top of her head, “Please Lisa, I’ve been waiting all day for you to touch me … and kiss me.”
“I’ve already done both of those things, darling.”
The devilish glint that simmers within the wells of Lisa’s eyes sends your mind into a tizzy.
“I know.”
“And, besides that's not what I asked you,” Lisa muses, “Be a good puppy and answer me, unless you prefer to sit like this and have a chat?”
Pushing away the urge to roll your eyes, you peer down at Lisa with a pout, “Please eat my pussy out,” you whimper as the soft pads of your fingers graze against her scalp.
A low sound of satisfaction rumbles from within Lisa’s chest, your response must have pleased her.
Her plump lips press against the swell of your pussy, a chaste and affectionate kiss placed upon your labia before she spreads your lips apart with two dainty fingers. The tip of her tongue is teased against your slit as if she were sampling a glass of wine before deciding if she wished to commit to it. Your head lolls back against the plush couch, sweat-dabbled tendrils of your hair stick against the length of your flushed neck. The air has grown thick and even hotter, Lisa always kept the windows closed to preserve the wispy, aged pages of parchment contained within the library at Jean’s alleged behest. It made your skin grow even warmer, the humidity making your clothing cling uncomfortably to your body. Your mind could not ruminate on your discomfort any further because Lisa seemed to have decided she was ready to feast.
Her tongue is pressed flat against your cunt, licking a clean line up from your weeping hole to your swollen clit. Your hips buckle beneath the weight of her hand as you squirm in her hold, “Right there,” you rasp, boorishly pushing her head deeper into your pussy, “Need you right there Lisa!”
The rumble of her laughter sends a jolt up the length of your spine, Lisa allows her lips to wrap around your clit for a moment as if to say “Here?”.
The weepy moan you let out makes you feel pathetic in the best possible way, “Yes,” you cry, angling your hips upwards so she can take you deeper into her mouth, “Please, baby!”
She seems to oblige your needy disposition, lavishing you with her tongue and feather-light suckles until you writhed beneath her. Your thighs threatened to clamp around her head as they twitched. Pressing a finger against your hole, Lisa slowly begins to work your cunt open, curling it slightly upwards. Her name slides from your lips in a repeated melody, as if you were nothing but an entranced sailor and she was the siren whose spell you were bound to.
Lisa slides in another finger as a gasp pours out of you and for a second the wind is knocked out from within your lungs.
“Breathe, sweetheart,” she murmurs against you, worried eyes flitting upwards, “You need to take a breath.”
You feel a bit stupid as you greedily inhale as per her instruction, nearly making a show of how well you take to her instruction. Thank Barbatos, you think to yourself. It’s morose and for a moment you’re distracted by a flash of panic at the prospect of the Anemo Archon becoming privy to your sex life because you had been dumb enough to invite him with your thoughts.
“Eyes on me.”
Lisa looks peeved that you’ve allowed your mind to wander even for a moment and you mutter a small “I’m sorry,” between heavy, pleasured sighs. Keeping your eyes locked with hers, heat floods the apples of your cheeks. Her gaze is piercing and slightly predatory like she’d chew you up and spit you out once she was done with you. The whispers called her a maneater but as she ate you, you couldn’t help but relish in the irony.
“Sorry,” you pant, pathetically whining when Lisa pinches your thigh. Her nails are long, naturally and they’ll leave a mark on your skin because you’ve always been one to bruise easily, “You’re so good to me, I feel so… mm, good.”
She chuckles a bit, “Are you already this dumb for me?” Lisa questions, caressing the moon-shaped indents she’s left on your skin, “All you can say is ‘good’?”
Nodding your head, you press her head back towards your cunt, keening as she slips in another finger. You might have agreed with her but whatever you tried to say became swallowed up by a wanton moan. Your tongue felt too heavy to form any other words and any lingering thoughts on the semantics of the archons slipped away. All you could think of was how her hot, wet tongue swirled around your clit and the heavy little pants of breath she let out. 
Your nails dig into the soft flesh of her scalp as you press her face impossibly closer. Lisa welcomes the weight of your calves on her shoulders, it allows her to keep your hips pinned down with ease as you squirm. The muscles in your abdomen tighten as a wave of pleasure rolls through you. Bliss is within fingers' length and you inch toward it at a mind-numbing pace. Lisa was too good, she knew your body too, and it made you resent how easily you fell apart at her hand. The fun would be over too soon but somewhere in the back of your head, you could hear her pretty voice telling you to let go and be good— to come for her and her alone.
Dropping your head into the worn cushions of the sofa, you whimper her name. Her long, lithe fingers have found that spot inside of you that turns you to putty as she rubs the pads of her fingers along it. Your orgasm rolls through you with ease and brings forth a fuzzy, heavy feeling to your head and your limbs as the tension in your body melts away. Your pussy squelches around Lisa’s hand as she finger fucks you through your high. She laps up your juices as your cunt gushes with such an eager vigour that your cheeks fill heat.
The wet pop that sounds as Lisa pulls away from your pussy is embarrassing but your whines are silenced as she plants a sloppy kiss on your still throbbing clit. Her face is flushed pink and her mouth is glossy. Lisa kisses you before you’re able to spend too long admiring her appearance. The taste of you lingers on her tongue and lips and you moan into her mouth as she lavishes you.
“Feel better?” She coos as she brushes her knuckles across your cheekbone.
You nod lazily a small, “Yes,” passing your lips as you hum.
With a quick peck to your cheek, Lisa rises to her feet. She wobbles for a moment as the blood rushes back to her legs and disappears into some far corner of the library within a blink of an eye. Though, she doesn’t leave you for too long, her smiling face emerging from around the corner just as you were about to call for her.
“Did you miss me, darling?” She asks with a giggle, her hands tucked behind her back, “Now, don’t lie to me because I can see it in your face!”
You stick your tongue out at her like a petulant child but still open your arms to beckon her into your embrace, “Come here, I wanna cuddle.”
“I would, but I have a surprise for you!”
Cocking your head to the side you peer up at Lisa with expectant eyes.
“You have to guess!” She exclaims, tucking herself between the arm of the sofa and your thigh, “Come on, you know you want to, sweetheart!”
Pressing your finger to your lip in faux contemplation you pretend to think long and hard, “A bottle of water?”
Lisa rolls her eyes in a playful manner, lightly smacking your thigh, “You’re supposed to try!” She whines, “You’re no fun, no it’s not a bottle of water!”
Producing her hand from behind her back with a flourish, Lisa presents some sort of sex toy. 
“What is that?” You ask, furrowing your brows together.
“It’s the latest fun from Fontaine, “Lisa muses with a giggle, “Gods, they never fail to amaze and amuse me!”
“How does it work?”
A devilish smirk rises to her lips at your question. Wordlessly, she swats at your other thigh until you get her hint and rest your knee on the sofa. Lisa swipes her fingers along your still sensitive pussy to collect a bit of your slick to coat one end of the toy. 
“Can I put this inside you?” She asks only moving once you’ve nodded your head in consent.
The shorter end of the toy slips into your still pulsing while with ease. The rest of the toy sits snugly against your clit and protrudes upwards. The shape of it is vaguely phallic and realization clicks into place, bringing a giggle to your lips.
“It’s a strapless strapon!” Lisa exclaims, running her fingers along the pale purple tip, “Figured we may as well read it out now that you’re nice and wet.”
“Are you?”
“Hm?” She hums.
“Are you wet?”
Lisa pouts a bit as she hikes up the bottom of her skirt, “You always get me so worked up, my love,” she reassures.
The dark plum of her panties sports an obvious wet spot that Lisa strokes absentmindedly. Hooking her fingers around the fabric, she pulls her underwear aside to reveal her pussy to you. Her bush glistened and dripped with her arousal. You bit your lip at the sight, your hands reaching out to urge Lisa toward you.
Hiking her thighs over yours, Lisa settles comfortably into your lap. Dipping her hand between her legs, Lisa rubs a slow circle against her clit. Loose brown ringlets spill over her shoulder as she rests her cheek upon it, she softly moans. Digging your nails into the fat of her hips, you suppress your own moan, eyes growing lidded as you watch Lisa touch herself.
“Open wide for my baby,” she instructs as she prods your bottom lip with her middle and ring finger, “Mhm, just like that.”
Your tongue swirls around her digits to chase the fleeting taste of salt and skin. Spit leaks out from the corner of your mouth, dribbling down your chin as you sloppily suck on her fingers. Lisa preens at the sight, drinking it up with greedy eyes.
“So messy,” she laughs, nuzzling her nose to your cheek, “But so good for me.”
Lisa coats the silicon cock with your spit but still makes a show of rubbing the head in between her soaking folds. The ridged edge that is pressed against your clit makes you shiver as Lisa experimentally fiddles with the toy.
“Oh? Does that feel good?”
“Mhm,” you whimper, your eyes flitting up to meet hers.
Lisa peers down at you with heavily lidded eyes. She grins much like a cat who caught the cream and she seems oh so pleased with herself for being curious enough to buy this toy. Her smug expression is quickly washed away when you reach between your bodies to grab the base of the toy and nudge the rounded head against her hole.
“Why don’t you relax, baby,” she huffs, her lips catching between her teeth as she slowly sinks down onto your strap, “Let me ride you.”
You’re all too ready to agree with a quiet and compliant, “Okay,” slipping through your teeth when Lisa slowly rocks her hips against yours.
Her breasts jiggle and nearly spill out from the low neckline of her dress giving you an eyeful of her milky skin. Pressing a few sloppy, open-mouthed kisses to her collar you bring your hand to rest against the small of her back and press her flush against you. Lisa hums in content, pushing her hair aside and bearing her neck to you. A low throaty moan melts past her lips as you begin to graze your teeth against her pulse point, nipping at the sensitive skin between pecks.
Lisa groans against the shell of her ear, her lips gently brushing against your ear lobe, “You feel so good inside of me, darling,” she rasps, “You wanna suck on my tits, hm?”
You look up at her with eyes blown wide with lust, your head bobbing up and down before she’s even finished speaking. You loved the days when Lisa chose not to wear a bra for many reasons, most of them having to do with how easily accessible she became to you and right now it took everything in you not to shower her with thanks as she tugged her dress down to expose her breasts. Dragging your teeth and tongue along the slope of her neck, you lavished her chest with little bites that left her skin blushed pink.
Lisa is a vision unlike any other and you feel immensely lucky to be the only one privy to such a sight. Her kiss-bitten bottom lip is pressed between her teeth to keep her moans hushed lest she get too loud like she was when the two of you were hidden behind the closed doors of your shared apartment. Sweat is dabbled along her pinched brow and a few silky strands of her hair sticks to her forehead. You’d never tired of watching her expression grow debauched and wanton before your very eyes.
Cupping the bottom of her breast, your tongue lolls out and dribbles a bit of spit onto her puffy and soft nipple before your lips wrap around the bud to suckle on it. Lisa’s hips stutter for a moment and she laughs to herself before picking up the pace. Your eyes roll back into your head as the toy begins to rub against your throbbing clit.
“So good,” Lisa moans, a quick curse flying past her lips when the strap angles just right inside of her, “You gonna make me cum, sweetheart?”
Dipping her hand beneath the fabric of her crumpled-up dress, the pads of Lisa’s fingers find her clit.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick I know you’re still sensitive.”
She throws her head back, trying her best not to jostle you around too much as she rides you. Pressing your free hand against her lower back, you help to steady Lisa, she must appreciate it because the lilt of her voice becomes affectionate as she sighs out your name with a gooey sort of expression settling onto her features.
Running your teeth along her sensitive, hardened nipple, your eyes flicker upward to watch as Lisa’s mouth falls open. Her orgasm slowly washes over her, forcing a shudder to wrack through her body. Slumping against your shoulder, Lisa sighs softly, her hand coming to caress your shoulder.
“How was that for putting you to work?”
“If this is how you treat all your maids, well then I’ll be sure to apply for the position,” you laugh, releasing her tit with a loud pop, “Though, I must say I much prefer being your lover.”
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© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.  
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
i forgot to make this post because i got kind of... 'swept' up archiving the sweepstakes. heh. but man i am SO happy that susie sucks. i am so happy we have actual content of susie canonically sucking ON SCREEN. even in chapter 1 when she bullies kris what she does could be explained from whatever family background she has and is eventually overshadowed by her character development. but THIS? saying "your mother is gonna get sick of you" to an obviously troubled adopted kid? this is inexcusable. this sucks! i'm hyped! and you know why? because it's gonna make her character arc better. jucier. because she is a tridimentional, complex female character who develops throughout the story.
and i cannot WAIT til mayor holiday appears ingame and is just as nuanced, just as sucky, just as tridimentional as she is when she gets better. because queen, who is as direct a parallel as it could physically be implied, has an entire arc about controlling noelle because she wants what's good for her, and it's her not respecting her agency that should be questioned, not her ultimate intentions. because even king spades is sympathetic and has the moral highground at times. and i can't wait till every person who thought TOBY FOX, MAKER OF ALPHYS, would write a plot important female character whose only defining characteristics are 1) bitch, 2) abuser, comes crawling back with their tail between their legs.
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hellspawnmotel · 7 months
I realize that it's not your preference but what do you think about non-snowgrave kriselle?
I like it! I think even outside snowgrave their dynamic is really interesting. they have so much history together and there's so much about their relationship we still don't know, but we can infer a lot. I'm really compelled by their nature as childhood friends who were brought together not because they were drawn to each other but because their families were close long before they were born. I really like to speculate about that, and the dreemurr-holiday family dynamic on the whole. like, if dess and asriel are around the same age, like kris and noelle are, was it a coincidence or did the two families coordinate to have children around the same time so they could be friends? was there ever hopeful talk about dess and asriel getting married one day and officially joining the families? did that attitude ever shift onto noelle and kris as well? that's probably not something that's going to get brought up but I enjoy thinking about it.... I'm getting off topic here especially since there's soooo much more going on with noelle and kris already, but that's not new information. to bring it back around, yes I am a fan of kriselle of any flavor and while I largely prefer it to be complicated and kinda strained no matter the route, their interactions as we see them are also wonderful and sweet and I think it's so cool how they know each other so well and are so comfortable around each other, it allows for a lot of humor between them and seeing sides to them we otherwise wouldnt. isn't that such a fun contrast? they're so close at heart but they're standing on opposite sides of a rift at the same time. they're chained together by birth but forced apart by fate, and they still love each other but the distance makes it awkward sometimes. I don't think I see them ever being like, a happy "normal" couple but I love seeing them together and their conversations and thinking about them whether it's funny or scary or sad. not at all a stretch to say it's my favorite relationship in deltarune
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