#none of them were ever her friends... her one friend did not return. its delicious!!
bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
"friends of lava" new lgbtq+ euphemism
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dyrewrites · 8 months
In Fog -- 13(p2)
We waited by the hotel, hidden beneath the trees, for all those watching eyes to shuffled off to their homes.
Then we climbed the hill and it knocked, on the door, my love, as if selling treats.
A woman answered, lovely in a way, with her sharp face and soft body. And I could not help wondering how she would scream.
“We are friends come to visit,” echoed, more than when it spoke to me it echoed, and I saw the fog before the woman could respond.
Into her ear it slipped, then out again, further into the house for other ears. While the woman stepped clear and I was pulled inside.
It latched the second the door did. On the woman as the beast it was, clinging with near the passion it did me. But it did not kill her; it took only enough that she could not flee.
It left me the husband. Hazy from the fog, the assurances pressed into it, he stood in their living room swaying.
There were others in the home, but they were hidden when we entered, and thankfully until we finished.
Those screams I ached for, my love? I found them in that man, those and more, so much more, through our witnesses, both his love…and mine. It watched intently, smiling, ever smiling as it held the woman—forced her eyes open. Overjoyed that smile beamed, entranced by my eager hands and steady blade.
That woman’s face haunted me, even now it haunts me, twisted as it became with her shrieks of terror.
But, in the moment, with that man's life sprayed along my face and dripping down my fingers, his agony singing as bold and cavernous as any operatic ballad…I knew only bliss.
The hidden members were revealed in the man’s last breath, found in the woman’s. Father and mother they had been. Their children were few, young, weak, and it had one before I could stop it.
Fallen as I had, filthy as my soul, I would not end a child.
“Wait,” I pleaded, knowing a new button to press, “my love, please...” Covered in blood and bits of viscera, I lured it away with rough kisses and pleaded more, “Your words, tell them where to go, what to do, but leave them breathing.”
Narrow eyes it gave me, but its lips wore a smile, “For you, darling, for you.”
And so I was to blame for our hiding.
They told, of course they told, once its words had worn off they ran to the first adult they could find. Our faces they could not recall but they remembered enough to make staying impossible.
Our cottage was lost.
“This is your doing, darling,” it scolded as we ran, its tone kept even despite the speed. Even and without a hint of anger, I had ruined its plans and it only teased.
While I gasped, from strides behind it, “They were children.”
Sighing, it turned and rushed to scoop me up, not returning to the pace it had kept but a swifter one. And it spoke still so easy, so even, “They were witnesses.” My face must have said something I was unaware of then as it laughed at me, “You are adorable, darling...naive, but adorable.”
“I will not...kill children,” I did not speak to it, exactly.
But it answered, “Well then, we will have to ensure none get in our way.”
“I do not want you killing any either,” I did speak to it that time, my love, directly to it, certain to keep my eyes hard until it met them.
It smiled and, with all of the warmth it had shown in the months before that evening, the chill of that smile shook me.
 “As you wish, darling,” it promised.
We ran, for hours, a day perhaps; time was nebulous for me then. But we found shelter, and what luck, my love, what damnable luck…the proprietor was blind. She could not see the horror that caked us, or pick us from a group should any come searching.
It was after a shower too long, too sweet, intimate and delicious after what we had done…that I asked what I had wondered but feared asking. It killed every time, did it not? Yet it had fed on me, in anger only, but it had...and I lived.
So I had to know, had to ask.
But I waited until we were close, tangled in limbs and sheets, with it half-asleep.
“You...you never answered whether you need,” It was difficult. Why, why was it difficult, a simple question, and I had asked already. Before I knew it, before I...
“I do not need the death,” it answered, knowing my question, of course it knew.
My face fit too well in its neck, was it yours still, my love? Did it count then?
“Then why?” I asked the warmth there, no chill to be found, not anymore.
“The taste, darling, the power, you felt it tonight,” soft hands, sliding, searching, not a strip of skin or fold of flesh was unknown to those hands, “in the screams?”
I had, it jittered through my veins, igniting me in ways nothing ever had...I wanted more but, but that was barbaric. I knew, my love, monstrous that want. And still mine...still mine.
“Oh, darling,” pitying its tone as it took my face in its hands, “Still so wound, still lying to yourself. Denying what you want.”
Already so close I needed it closer, wrapping my arms tight until all of its skin touched mine, before I answered what it had asked with its pity, “Take me, not the sip of before but all of me. Devour me.”
Softly it kissed my lips, my forehead and the pity in its tone dripped with a sorrow I had not heard in that voice, not yours, not its, “No.”
“Please, I,” I could not say it, but my thoughts shouted, I am nothing, all I have done has stained me too dark, I know not who I am. Just let me be something, please...let me sustain you if nothing else.
And that sorrow poured from it as tears, my love, as tears. Hot and wet on my skin it cried for me as it angled to hold me tighter than I could it, and then it denied me, “You are everything to me. And death is not a wish I will grant you, darling, not ever.”
But it was one it intended me to grant, delighting so in how well I took to it. My confessions, my love, have been many...and yet not enough, not near enough. This soul of mine is blackened by my actions, my time with that monster. Does it matter that it loved me, truly loved me? That I loved it? Was my...my desperate need to be desired, to be treasured, worth my soul?
These are the questions I should have asked then and these are the questions I ask now, when it is far too late for answers.
After its tearful declaration, despite my apprehension of what it intended of me, I could not deny it succor. Not that face, not that pain so deeply creased through it, no. I welcomed all of it into my arms, my love, holding it with its forehead to mine while all its sorrow drained.
Did I ever hold you in that way? I cannot recall. I remember finding comfort in your arms, the certainty that you were my home, the only place I felt welcome...
Right then, with it in mine, the end of its sorrow known by the decreased pressure against me, I wondered of your embrace, was I your home, my love?
“You are mine,” it answered, voice yet soaked though its eyes had dried.
And in those words, in those before it, so close and warm and loved—couched as it was in uncertainty—I was there again, my love, if but for a moment...I was home.
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multistoty · 2 years
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Open Au: be the rescuer to my pansexual princess. Adult Female Muses Opening
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The moon is a loyal companion.It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections. Home was so necessary even the air tasted like wonder. Like candied butterfly wings caught in sugared spiderwebs, and drunken peaches coated in luck. All the princess ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with her hands but with her heart. Josie could not control the race of her mind were this myserious figure was. She found herself wanting to be the friend she fall hopelessly in love with. The one she take into her arms and into her bed and into the private world she kept trapped in her head. The saltzman heir wanted to be that kind of friend. The one who would memorize the things her rescuer said as well as the shape of her pink lips when she said them. She wanted to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of the dark haired girl’s body. She wanted to know where to touch her, even wanted to know how to touch her. The onyx haired girl wanted to know how to convince her mysterious knight to design a smile just for her. And all of it were not in her warehouse of carefully filed human emotions. Hope was hugging her lithe frame like the frayed edges of cotton candy colored tulle, holding her in its arms, wiping away her tears and telling her that today and tomorrow and two days from now she will be just fine and, after this ordeal, she is so delirious that she actually dares to believe it. Hope is a difficult thing to kill, just a spark of it can start a fire. This woman with a paintbrush delicate face perfected by whatever creature lurked out there smelled of magic and heartbreak, and something about the combination made her think that despite what she claimed, she wanted to be her hero. Raven might have been a liar and villain, but she made both things look very good. her first impression of her  was that her name was apt and she was tall, roughly handsome, and dangerous, like poison dressed up in an attractive bottle. Only proven further by being place in the dangerously lovely space between her arms and against her chest. She imagined getting to love her would feel like falling in love with darkness, frightening and consuming yet utterly beautiful when the stars came out. Gold shimmered no matter what, but few people could make darkness glitter the way she did. yet, her safety in the sameness and nobility of court were this sort of closeness was unheard of though she couldn’t deny the necessity it was in the dew stained air that felt like thick honey in your throat. Mice being a plague like the darkness over them. Josie had always been straight laced. never breaking protocol even if it made her the silver medal to the glittering gold of her twin sister. Someone needed to keep the royal family together as well as taking the less ruthless path of the court. Instinctively, the other girl’s body contoured to the closeness of the other form. A blashful smile returned to the others which threatened to deliciously break apart her spine. Many men and woman had wanted her hand and none had caught her eye. But this was her first opportunity to be selfless. To be alone with her wants and thoughts in the exhaustion and after math of such an emotional capture where the siphoner witches power had been realized by those who would use it for wrong. “Your warmth…? Oh. Yes, you come to my rescue again, fair maiden. I had thought that fairytales were just that. Yet, here you stand. And I can not keep words inside my head.”
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eviesessays · 5 months
38. What is the farthest you have ever traveled?
In 1974, my husband Colonel Philip Pahl was about to be transferred to Hanscom AFB in Bedford, MA.  I was devastated initially as I hoped never to leave my job in Washington.  Easter vacation was approaching and Phil suggested we take advantage of flying on available space for the Easter vacation.  Many more opportunities were available from nearby Andrews AFB than would be at Hanscom.  Heather chose not to go and stayed with a neighbor who had a daughter her age.  Three days before school vacation began we learned that we would be flying to Frankfort, Germany the next day.   We were going with Phil’s son David and my three youngest, Jaylyn, Robin and Peter.  I cautioned them that we were flying free and they were not to utter a word of complaint about accommodations.  As it turned out we were going to Frankfort on an Air Force One backup that was on its way to Vienna to pick up congressmen there for a conference.  It was very comfortable with leather bucket seats and treats replenished by airmen.  Peter came over and whispered to me, “Mom, this isn’t bad at all.”  I guess not.
We rented a car in Frankfort and dared to venture out onto the autoban with no speed limit signs in sight and none seeming to be in use.  Having no command of German we ate some strange meals but what we ate was delicious. We drove along the Rhine and toured a very old castle. We had a tour guide who was glad that there  were Americans and Brits in the group as he did speak English.  However, his strong accent well disguised his bilingualism in Peter’s estimation.  We spent three days in Frankfort and then flew to Madrid, Spain.  We immediately headed to the center to visit the palace but this was Holy Saturday in a very Catholic country.  We were immediately caught up in a sea of people drifting through the streets, dressed in black and praying their rosaries.  We drifted along until we were able to duck into a small cafe that had wonderful pastries and tables to stand at to eat. There we met a Russian visitor with whom Phil struck up a conversation.  Phil had studied Russian at Annapolis and the two of them began quietly singing a little Russian folk song.  at the end he remarked that if people could just get together and sing their folk songs there would be no need for war.  It was a touching moment.
We took the train to Segovia to visit Isabella’s castle where she bid Columbus goodbye before he left for America. There was an old looking woman at the castle gate selling trinkets.  She was dressed all in black and wore a hood. She had a long nose with a long hair growing out the end.  We visited the 700 year old aquaduct that was still in use.  On our return, when Peter’s friend from next door asked what we had seen Peter  told him in detail about the lady selling trinkets outside the palace gate.
We visited the Prado and experiences more of Madrid and then took a train and headed south.  We were advised not to go to Torremolinos as it was overrun by Americans. We headed South to Malaga.  There we visited a very old church and picked oranges off a tree.  We then went on to Fuengerola to our three bedroom apartment on the fifth floor.  It had three balconies looking down on the beach.  We watched an impromptu volley ball game going on below.  Our kids soon joined kids from Germany, Scotland, England and Norway.  the activities director spoke to all in English. The burning question  our kids were asked was, “Is Nixon guilty?”  We could not escape that which consumed all our newscasts at home.  It was the height of the Watergate scandal.
We spent five days in this beautiful place in the sun and  then began to wind our way back home.  The train took us past miles of olive orchards and back to Torrejon AFB where we boarded a cargo plane.  We were strapped to the sides of the plane facing an enormous tightly bound mass of cargo.  The roar of the engines prohibited conversation.  We were headed to Dover, Delaware.  There we were met by our neighbor who drove us home.  
It was a splendid vacation. We had flown 4055 miles to Frankfort and 1478 miles to Madrid. It was 331 miles to Malaga and a few more to Fuengerola.  It was the same 331 back to Madrid and 3781 to Washington. We had traveled more than 10,359 miles .  It was a totally wonderful experience.
I have had many vacations to Italy, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, England, Scotland and Ireland.  I have made several trips to the Canadian Rockies. I have seen the Rockies with Jaylyn, Anne and Diggs.  Peter, Jenn, Kalote and I made the trip from Calgary through the Columbia Ice Fields where we walked out onto the Athabasca Glacier which is now rapidly receding. At Jasper, we turned West and headed to Quesnel for the wedding of Peter’s cousin 
Brian Kolody.  If I were able I would do that trip again on a moment’s notice.  
Although not nearly the longest, one of my favorite trip was to Ireland with Anne.  The car rental place was unable to provide our economy car in our contract so we were forced to drive for ten days in a brand new Jaguar.  Anne could not have been happier. We sampled Guinness beer and Jamison whiskey. We drove to Waterford, the Dingle peninsula, past the hills of Mohar, ferried across Galway Bay and on to Kylemore castle.  We wound our way back to Dublin and our flight home.  Ireland is beautiful.  We were both sad at leaving.  It was  not by far, my longest trip but very memorable.
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red-letter-imagines · 3 years
heyy there!! can you do another part of the “reaction when you suck on their tongue but with Mikey, Rindou and mitsuya?
You have no idea how happy I am that my work's so well-received! So there's been more than one request for a part 2, but for different characters. This little dove, however, is the first one so I'll be doing this, then the other characters in later parts, alright? Alright.
Now *cracks knuckles* let's begin!
Reaction When You Suck on Their Tongue Part 2 (Sano Manjiro, Haitani Rindou & Mitsuya Takashi)
Sano "Mikey" Manjiro: (Bonten! Mikey)
You sure you don't need a chaser with that? Sanzu snickers from across you, pupils already blown wide from the pills he'd taken half an hour ago. The pure vodka sears your esophagus, a pool of liquid fire in your abdomen. Tears are springing up your eyes and you wince. Truly, it had been a horrible idea on your side to make bets with Sanzu, of all people. That man has had every drug imaginable enter his system and three overdoses later, is still standing. You should've known better than to order Spirytus, but Sanzu has a way of getting under anyone's skin, especially yours.
He knew you had more than several bones to pick with him after he coaxed Mikey into accepting a million-dollar drug deal with some shady Western cartel. Throughout Bonten's history, it was one of the more careless business trades you'd ever gone through, one that put Mikey in a precarious position. The cartel demanded Mikey's audience for the deal to be done, and while Sanzu reassured you that nothing would happen to their "King", that never stopped you from worrying your head off.
A part of you wanted the drugs and alcohol put him into a coma; you just had to hold your liquor until then. Yet this poisonous bastard is still standing, while you barely have the confidence to stand up straight. He's fucking crazy.
You eye the remaining shot glass. It's rim and ridges bounce the bright glow of the chandeliers above you, its crystal clear contents an elegant deception to those unaware. You suck air through your nose and grab it. Before you could down the last drink of your life, a slender hand slides to your shoulder.
You turn to face Mikey's lilac-rimmed gaze, the darkness swimming within sucking you in like a vacuum. Once he sees the flares of red across your cheeks and down your neck, his lips curl a little. Mikey hates alcohol with a passion; he told you early on that he abhorred its bitterness and how it hazed your mind.
Instantly, you cave under his disappointment, and none-too-gracefully drop your shot glass back on the counter. You barely had time to utter his name before he cups your cheek and kisses you. It's gentle, caring yet the pressure of his pecks stamp his dominance into your very soul.
He plunges his tongue into your booze-laced cavern, and you eagerly latch onto it like a hungry pup. He tasted of red bean paste, its sweetness a balm to your burning senses. He keeps a hand on your neck while you have your fill, biting your lower lip when you part.
You're panting, eyes glazed with wanton need. He strokes a thumb under your ear, and you smile.
You could drink all the alcohol you wanted, but nothing could make you drunker than Sano Manjiro's affection.
Haitani Rindou:
You frown to yourself as you waited outside the heavy steel gates of Roppongi's juvenile detention center. It's been six months since the Haitani brothers had been arrested because of Tenjiku. Along with the other Heavenly King named Mucho, they also scored a reduced sentence, and today will be their first taste of freedom in half a year.
You'd been forced to stay behind when the battle happened; Rindou told you that he didn't want to have to look after you while fighting. A cover-up for his worry, of course. The younger Haitani isn't known for being as emotionally apt as his older brother, yet somehow that rigidness of his is one of the things you love most about him. To this day, Ran still loves to give you both shit for it.
Rindou knew that you'd be pissed beyond belief once you got the news; he promised not to leave you alone again like last time. You didn't come to his trial nor see him when he got permitted for visitations. Ran is in a different cell, and he had nothing but time.
Of course, other than being absolutely furious with him, there were other reasons you couldn't come see your bone breaker of a boyfriend. With them detained, no one is left to defend their title as the Kings of Roppongi. No one except you, that is.
You're quite the force of nature yourself, even before meeting Ran and Rindou. Roppongi had been your stomping grounds since you were ten, and when they started making a name for themselves you refused to submit. Thinking back, it was quite a comical scene: a scruffy-looking little girl baring her teeth at two brothers who'd basically killed a man not too long ago. Despite how ruthless they truly are, they never stooped so low as to hit a girl, much less gang up on one to prove a point. Instead you became friends, and later on fell in love with the younger Haitani, and he with you. Together you ruled over Roppongi, and the rest is history.
So while your man stared at white walls in the slammer, you splattered blood across brick walls as warnings to those who thought they could conquer the city. All on your own, you reigned over Roppongi the entirety of their sentence, and now it's time for the kings to reclaim their throne.
You hear them before you see them; Ran's whimsical tones against Rindou's monotone rebuttals. They're wearing casual clothes instead of the jumpsuits, Ran's hair is in braids as always, but Rindou...
The extra inches of hair does something to you. It flowed around his face like a lion's mane, faded blue streaks shining in the noon sun. He's wearing contacts instead of his frames, and his jaw is sharper than you ever remembered it. Fresh out of prison, and he looks every bit the king of carnage you adore.
Licking your lips, you saunter over to them. The clacking of your heels turn their heads, and they smirk at you. You could see Rindou tense for a split second before reigning himself back in. Once you get close enough, you rear a hand back and slam it against his cheek hard.
Then you grab him by the collar and smooch him right in front of the jail gates. His recovery is quick, and he pulls you close in a vice-grip. You press a thumb down his chin and take his tongue right from his mouth. The light graze of your teeth against the flat of it earns a growl from Rindou. You left me again, you fucking asshole you hiss as you pull away. You doubted he really heard you though, because he dived right to your neck after your liplock. You sigh, meeting eyes with a disgusted Ran.
This man is going to be the death of you one day.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Throughout your relationship, Mitsuya is nothing but gentle. It almost gave you whiplash how different he is when he's with you and when he's with Toman. He's more than happy to bash some scumbag's face in, yet he couldn't look you in the eye if he shows up to school bruised the next day. You're one of the reasons he got so good at dodging blows in the first place-all of this just to keep you from remembering just how dangerously he lives.
His carefulness translated through his affections, most of all. He didn't hold you, he cradled you. When he kissed you, you could practically feel the repressed passion just burning beneath the surface. He treats you as if you were a dandelion on a windy day.
And while you thought his unspoken sentiments are nothing short of chivalrous and sweet, you also found it quite stupid. You knew what you were getting into when he sheepishly confessed, knew about him being a captain of Toman's second division. So naturally, you'd braced yourself for all sorts of chaos. Plus, only having to witness one side of him irked something inside of you that you couldn't quite explain. You'd made it perfectly clear that you loved him, bruises and all. Yet when he looked at you with such adoring lavender eyes, you couldn't bear to chide him for wanting to treasure you.
So, you decided to show him through other means.
You're waiting for him to finish inside the sewing club room. He's finishing the hemline of a kimono-a birthday present he's preparing for Draken early on. His eyelids hang low, but his gaze is as intense as ever. Nothing is said between the two of you, but you can't help staring at his pursed lips, now bitten red from his habit when focusing. You internally proclaimed your love for him yet again, unable to stop yourself from wandering over to his hunched form.
Just as he looks up from the sewing machine, you dive in with a kiss that, even you had to admit, is a little too intense to be this sudden. Yet you couldn't help it; even the simplest things he did could turn you into quite the sap.
He doesn't fail to reciprocate it, though. His lips, a little rough and a bit wet, switch from caressing your top and bottom lip each time you return to each other. Somehow, it ended up with you sandwiched between him and his desk, thighs on either side of his hips. His hands never stay in one place, smoothing down your uniform and rubbing your back. He never strays too far down your waist, and that tang of frustration sours your sweet little moment yet again.
Bracing one hand on his shoulder and the other on his jaw, you grind down hard against him. His mouth drops open in a barely contained moan, and you close your lips around his tongue. The noise he made when you licked at it could've put BL voice actors to shame. His fingers rake against the sides of your hips, jolting you out of your sultry scenario and into a bout of giggles. And while you sit there steaming in your embarrassment at ruining such a delicious moment, he simply gapes at what just happened, his face stained a pretty crimson.
Well, that was awkward...but you wouldn't have had it any other way.
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Dream Analysis of Mugen Ressha
Spoilers for the movie, while it does not depart from the plot of the manga, they made adaptational choices which I may refer to within.
While Enmu has control over what kind of dream his victims see, ultimately, he would have no way of knowing all of the details of his victims' lives, so we can assume that he is prompting his victims to fill in a lot of the details themselves. These are the worlds they surround themselves with consciously, but their untouchable unconscious spaces say just as much.
I've said some of this before, but these dream sequences give us so much to say about Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kyojuro, and Tanjiro.
Into the dream: Did that "Rengoku-aniki" thing really happen???? It's animated like a fever dream (or drawn like a typical Gotouge-being-Gotouge panel), but both the movie and the manga leave this inconclusive. It can be interpreted two ways: 1. The two other demons were there all along as decoys, set to appear only when Enmu's blood technique slowly started to take effect so that they'd let their guard down. In this way, we'd know that the boys had a true way of witnessing Kyojuro's prowess and a true bonding moment, thereby making his death hit all the harder later. This would also mean that one of the cars was totally unusable for passengers, and many of the passengers were already thoroughly spooked before falling into sleep. It would also imply that they were all super excited, thoroughly relieved, returned to their seats, and then just passed out.
2. The moment the tickets were clipped, Enmu's very, very, very realistic dreams took immediate effect, but he still needed time before it took effect enough that their guards would go down. If this is the case, then it implies the following: 1. Enmu's illusions can be shared 2. Everyone syncs extremely well together to have all been sucked in by the same illusion (it's possible it was only Tanjiro's, but since we get in everyone's heads a little in this part, I believe they all experienced the same thing). Reacting in ways so true to how they would in waking like, they learned as much about each other as truthfully as they would have if they were fighting while awake. 3. The "Rengoku-aniki" thing is the moment they're falling into a deeper stage of sleep, when any bizarre thing will make sense. They've lost any sense of holding back and are embracing the emotions as they hit them. Even if that was all a dream, the bond formed was very real. But then, as they fall deep, they fall into their own headspaces. Inosuke: I love how bombastic this dream is. It moves at a very fast pace, and everything revolves around Inosuke. He is physically much larger than Ponjiro, Chuuitsu, and Pyonko, who clearly follow him as their leader, the most powerful person in this cave exploring world full of wonder and excitement. True to life, these underlings can at times be frustrating or stupid, but there is no one else Inosuke would rather have at his side to take on a hugely impressive foe. It's a relatively simplistic world, what Inosuke really cares about is his place in it, and who is there.
Taking it a step deeper, he should not be able to manifest in his self-conscious space, but Gotouge attributes his and Zenitsu's ability to do this and protect their cores from intruders to their strong senses of self. What's telling is that his subconscious space is practically identical to his conscious dream space; like there is no breakage between one stage of reality and the next. In its Zen-like simplicity Inosuke's mind is never at odds with itself, its interpretation of reality is fluid and seamless. However, being at this deeper state brings us to a deeper state of self actualization, with Inosuke manifesting closer to the ideal beast he views himself as.
Now, with Inosuke being so fully invested in what he sees as reality, he's still got a carry-over effect from dream after waking up, which one could interpret as not having fully shaken the effects of Enmu's blood technique. After all, Zenitsu simply never broke out of it, Tanjiro had to kill himself in his dreams each time to fully snap out of it, and Kyojuro was the only one powerful enough to have broken through its effects through his own willpower. When Tanjiro says the train is a demon, he buzzes with "I was right!" (a conviction that only got stronger in his dream), and Inosuke's declarations of being the boss and Tanjiro being his underling are indignantly plentiful and he fully believes what he is saying every time he brings it up, even if he's aware that he's no longer in the cave exploring dream. But, given that Inosuke is so at peace with his own version of reality, it's also just as likely that his conviction of being The Boss was also only compounded by the dream, and all that dream did was give him a more fun setting in which to play around in. But, what was so fun about the dream, what made him sleep-giggle with pleasure, was that everyone else was finally getting with the program and recognizing him as the boss, as they should. Finally. It's so frustrating in real life that he has to keep reminding them to get it right. Get it, Santaro?? GOOD. Zenitsu: What I love here is the contrast between subconscious and conscious space. Both of them have the same theme melody, but played in very, very different ways. They also both play with the same core desire in very different ways as well. Is it so much to ask that he can just spend some time alone with the girl he loves?? If we jump straight to the pitch black unconscious space, he specifies to the intruder that only Nezuko is allowed there. Not just girls in general, not a close friend like Tanjiro, only the one girl he loves, and even then, you'd have to love someone a lot to invite them into the deepest, darkest corners of your soul. And it is a very, very, very, very dark corner. Zenitsu's spent most of his life building that dark, pessimistic personality, compounded by the treatment he's always received throughout his life and what he believes about himself at his core. He's ugly and depraved there, and very defensive. Because he holds himself in such darkness, that makes him desire the bright, happy, completely idealistic world of his conscious dream world. It's rich with detail and warm and he knows it well, that places is the first place he ever felt someone have hope for him; it's Jiichan's home, that sunny place with delicious peaches and full of clovers and lush greenery and a charming stream. Of course he'd want to show it all to Nezuko, she deserves to see such a happy, pretty place! And, while the world is idealized and happy, Nezuko is e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y cute and actually wants to hang out with him too. She's willing no hold his hand, none of the girls who dated (read: used) Zenitsu in the past were ever willing to hold his hand. He even gets to show her that he can be cool, and she likes it!! She looks him in the eyes and is totally honest about enjoying his company!!
He just wants someone to want him back. He wants to belong in the sunshine too. So, even if he had it in him to wake up from Enmu's blood technique, who can blame him for staying there? (You know, besides Tanjiro, who has been desperately screaming for them all to wake up and help him protect the passengers. Zzzzz, five more minutes, Tanjiro, zzzzzzz----) Kyojuro: This... isn't really a happy dream. Kyojuro has accepted a lot of sad parts of his reality so wholeheartedly that he doesn't seek the comfort of a dream in which his mother is still alive, or a dream in which his father is proud of him. Instead, what Kyojuro was looking for was the chance to go back and say more to Senjuro. This implies that on the real day he knelt in that room, while his father faced away and read the book* while Kyojuro told him all about how he defeated Lower Moon Two and became a Pillar, and was met with his father's heartbreakingly unenthusiastic reply, he later went outside and...
...didn't say any words of comfort to Senjuro.
This regret, that he didn't do more for his brother whom he knew was hurting in his own silent ways this whole time, was what sat most bothersomely in Kyojuro's otherwise peacefully self-assured psyche (or fired-up psyche, if you go by his subconscious space) . It makes sense that in his dying wishes, the first thing he requests is that Tanjiro do this in his stead. *Speaking of that book, Kyojuro had forgotten about it until his memories pulled together to create the details of the dream, which was why he thought to mention it to Tanjiro later. This shows that Enmu is not an architect of people's dreams, he only sets them in motion. How believable they are depends on each victim. (Totally unrelated, I love the design of the Rengoku estate's garden??? It's primarily evergreen and unflowering trees, meaning it stays relatively steadfast throughout the year, a garden designed in samurai villa taste. Plus the details of the house also fit really well, I think??? Would need to review research of buke-yashiki architecture to say more.) Tanjiro: ...*deep breath* This boy really, really wants to go home. Like, the climax of the movie is amazing and all, but it's the scenes with Tanjiro's family that make me cry. Ugh, where do I start. Enmu probably just grabs on to whatever thread of a desire a person has, and then he just tugs on it and says "this way, let's go really far in this direction, show me where it goes, hmm, okay, nice, lovely. Have fun here, I've now seen enough to write my own angsty version for later." So... so I'm just going to work backwards a moment. Enmu screwed up here, thinking he could really read the depth of Tanjiro's family and his feelings for them. He thought he could make a convincing version of these "characters" cry and shove Tanjiro around and speak meanly to him and make him feel shame. And the cut to that dream, OH MY GOSH, truly horrific sound and color change. But Tanjiro's sees through it so fast that he wakes up immediately and uses that anger at how Enmu wrote them to cut off his "head." You screwed up, Enmu, you blew it, maybe other people would very so blown down by the shock that they wouldn't question how unreal that dream sequence is, but Tanjiro has honed his fighting spirit so much that it's been nagging him even throughout his happy dream. And he really, really, really wants to stay in that happy dream. Like, even though he's on guard at the beginning, so much so that he only focuses on the familiar feeling of a demon being around and does not notice the familiar landscape AT ALL. But the moment Hanako and Shigeru step in, convincingly made from Tanjiro's memories and unedited by Enmu, Tanjiro throws that all away in an instant. As he says when he's trying, after trying and trying and trying to rip himself away from the dream, he was never even supposed to had left this world. He was never supposed to had touched anything like a sword, they were all supposed to stay there together, living their simple life. If things hadn't gone wrong that one night. Tanjiro cares deeply about his mission, he's adopted his training deeply, he has serious desire to improve, which is why his subconsciously keeps trying to call himself back to reality, but it's so hard, because this is where he wants to be, and it's even harder because it feels so real. It's a little peeve of mine when families with lots of little siblings are written to be too angelic and idealistic, and there is some of that with the "let's make sembei, yaaaay" scene, but... but that's actually pretty true. I'm giving myself away with how close this hits to home, but it's a dynamic in a lot of large families, especially large families pretty happy to stay to themselves and people who live the same sort of conservative, traditional lifestyle, to foster in the older siblings some pride in taking care of the little ones and helping create that happy world for them, even if taking care of little kids can be rough. It's not to say that things are always happy and fluffy, they're not, and that's not to say even
happy kids don't resent being in a large family sometimes. But there's plenty of moments in daily life, especially in the presence of small children, that you get swept up into a sillier, happy, caretaker side of yourself, and since you all grow up with these silly moments together, you're going to naturally fall into into some silly, scripted-feeling moments of "then I'll be in charge of eating the sembei!" "no faaaaair!". So, I'll give the sembei scene a pass because that IS a moment that happens in years of moments with the same posse of kiddos around you all the time. But it's also so striking to me how each of Tanjiro's siblings, however idealized, has their own personality. The traits are so subtle but consistent and Tanjiro knows all of them. They pick up on things about each other, they grow realistically annoyed and surprised and concerned and scared like they would if they were real instead of only Tanjiro's memories of them. Those kids feel so real to me, even if they are annoyingly overidealized in some parts as Tanjiro is letting himself get swept away. And just when he's managing to part from it to go face reality, Enmu makes more attack: he brings in Nezuko, trying to make it feel like there's no point in Tanjiro running at all. She's fine. There's nothing left for him to fight for. Everything's fine. And all over again, Tanjiro just stops. He KNOWS it's not real, but he's hurting so much to hear her voice again that he just sto-o-o-o-ps. And his desire to stay with the others catches up to him all over again, and he's tempted all over again to stay, EVEN KNOWING IT'S NOT REAL and there are very, very, very pressing matters to attend to. Even if it was all a little happy and idealized, more than anything, it felt like life always did. It's telling that when Tanjiro finally, FINALLY pulls away from that that time, he doesn't look back, and the family stops chasing him. This is Tanjiro accepting reality, however much it hurts. He's already had a couple years to accept this, but it was all overwhelming to get such a vivid taste of it again.
Tanjiro wants to do well to his organization and honor Urokodaki's training and avenge the fallen and prevent anyone else from being hurt and see an end to Kibutsuji Muzan and make Nezuko human again, but more than anything, he wants that simple life. And it's so, so heartwarming that at the end of the manga, he gets it.
It's not the same. It'll never be the same.
He never wanted a life with a sword, but he's been working so hard at it anyway.
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ephemerlskies · 4 years
constant craving | jjk
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⇢ pairing: jungkook x reader
⇢ genre: drabble series, angst, unrequited love, idiot!jungkook, idiot!oc, basically everyone's an idiot
⇢ word count: 1.7k
⇢ warnings: unreciprocated pining, explicit language, themes of hopeless romanticism (!!), (slightly) unedited
⇢ summary: your best friend decided to confide in his best friend on how to win his girlfriend back after a fight. you tell him exactly what to say to her, however he is unaware that what you were saying was a sincere delivery of your once undeclared love.
♪ playlist: constant craving - k.d. lang, bad religion - frank ocean, misunderstood - lucky daye, neu roses - daniel caesar ♪
╰ series index: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 (final)
a/n: hello my little loves!! this was definitely ;) not ;) an impulse write and release ;) ;) sorry for being so inactive lately. i've been focusing on myself (i know how cliche that sounds but it's true). anyway, enjoy this incredibly angsts fic i wrote at 2 am for absolutely no reason at all other than i'm an emotional sadist and a masochist. love u!!!! <3
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part one: control
He was coming over for the third time this week. Third time. Three times is two more times than he'd gone over his girlfriend's house, but you did everything in your power to convince your inconvincible heart that it meant nothing. Friends see each other more than their girlfriends, right?
It was making a racket in your chest, that muscle that strained much harder for a man who had his pumping for the girl of his dreams.
But, he was coming over for the third time this week.
The first time he said this visit ranked, in his words, 'out of the question' on the degree of necessary that he come over and show you Star Wars. You played a good game of reluctance when asking if it was the entire series or just one movie, and in your head, you hoped to God it was the entire series. For him, you'd watch the series four times over if it meant you sat through this outrageously nerdy movie next to the even more outrageously nerdy love of your life.
The second time was particularly funny to you. He called while you were cooking dinner, almost as if he was in stride with you in a way that was an ounce too synchronized to be platonic, and asked if you were whipping up a delicious meal that he could mooch off of. Knowing he was a terrible cook, plus the fact that when he begged so politely you felt your posture unbind into to a puddle, you more than happily obliged.
This time, the circumstances made it harder to say yes, but not yet impossible. And it was a second or two before you heard that knock on the front door that had your once pounding heart come to a complete halt. It was still, waiting for you to make a decision.
Since it was Jungkook, of course, you'd say yes. And your heart would continue beating. Beating, as in sending sharp jabs that stained the inside of your chest with bruises. Beating, as in when the time came, the final blow of your constantly craving heart would devastate your entire being.
"Thank you so much, ___. God, I'm such an idiot." He walked in with all the confidence of someone who was a bit too familiar with your company. Jungkook's feet reintroducing themselves to your floors in the same manner as he would the night before, and the night before that, and the countless nights you kept secured in your collection of memories. As if he belonged there; as if he was coming home.
"An idiot with a great friend." That last word nearly withdrew the bile you had been ever so gracefully holding in.
"Yeah yeah." And he was comfortable with that same word, 'friend', that deepened your bruises into scars. He had absolutely no clue. Idiot. "I can't believe I broke up with her. I was so angry and acted on that instead of logic. Fuck, why would I do that to myself? I love her."
"Well, you never know. Maybe..." You hated yourself for not resisting the selfish temptation that was about to fall from your lips. The words you've been internally screaming to him to leave her and fall in love with you instead were diluted to something much more tame when your tongue formed them into sound.
"Maybe it was for the best. Maybe you guys are better off apart? To, um, grow or whatever."
"No." He said that with too much certainty and too little hesitance and just enough conviction to sink another wound in the organ exhausting itself in your chest. "She's the one. I know it"
He looked at you with all the earnestness of a man who carved his utmost and unchanging dedication to her. A look that any love-induced sap would kill for. A look he would never direct towards you.
Your eyes weren't under your control as of now. The glue that held them to his eyes, his lips, his hair, and every other part of him you dreamed of was more than a marathoned yearning. It was an adhesive twelve years in the making, not showing the slightest sign of wearing away.
"The way you love is something to die for..." And then he smiled at you, but still not for you.
You were utterly crushed.
"She'll take you back in a heartbeat. I mean, she has a brain, so of course, she will. Anyone would."
I would.
"I hope you're right." The couch was four feet wide at most, but there was an impressively vast space between you and the man who was sitting next to you. "Can you tell me what to say? You know I suck with words."
"Uh... Yeah. Of course. Anything."
If breaking hearts were a crime, then Jungkook would have much to atone for. You'd be convicted as a willing accomplice for holding on this long. Up until this point, you've let every small glance, every shy smile he sent your way, every eyebrow twitch conveying a meaning only you knew well enough to retrieve him from whatever awkward situation he needed rescuing from, every accidentally brush of his hand against yours, every purposeful embrace that lasted so long your tears stained his right shoulder string you into a knot of miserable, unrequited love.
And up until this point, you had hope he would choose you.
Each ring of his phone worked in tandem to reduce your undying devotion to Jungkook into a compressed seed of denial.
I don't love him. He's just my best friend.
Your pulse pronounced itself loudly in your ears, as a not-so-gentle reminder of how much you hated him for loving him. Somehow, your heart beat faster. Then again, anything was possible when it came to him. Anything except the miraculous event of him hanging up, declaring his love for you, and living in the land of happily ever after that only existed in your deluded imagination.
"Hey Irene! I'm so fucking glad you picked up."
He gave you that look. With the arched eyebrow, his widened doe eyes, and the slightly hung jaw, you read each feature better than words and nodded to signal you knew exactly what he needed.
"I'm sorry about what happened." You said, in a whisper, though the deflated volume of your words carried no implication of the unbridled sincerity sealed in them.
"I'm sorry about what happened." He repeated, laying down that same Irene-contrived smile on you that fostered a smile of your own, knowing fully it surfaced as a reflex from hearing her voice.
"It might be crazy to try this, because I don't know how you feel."
If the thing people say about your life flashing before your eyes during encounters with death, then you were sure your heart was about to consume its last pulse of blood. The scenes of you and Jungkook spending your Friday nights when you were a ripe city dweller in your shoebox apartment doing everything and nothing at all had convinced you that you were certainly about to go into cardiac arrest.
"It might be crazy to say this, because I don't know how you feel." Jungkook was so many things, however emotionally perceptive was not one of them.
"But I love you. I have loved you since the moment I met you." Those words tasted sweet despite fermenting in a chamber of your heart you kept preserved since, as you said, the very moment you met him.
"But I love you. I have loved you since the moment I met you."
"No matter what, I'd choose you. It doesn't matter how mad I am or how annoyed I am, I will choose you because if I know anything in this damn, cruel, punishing world, then I know that I'd rather be angry, annoyed, or anything else with you than without you."
He repeated your words, but dehydrated all of your sentiment from them. You were left with the remnants of the feelings, and none of the words from him you were so desperately starved of. He took them right from your throat, along with the very breath that seemed to keep returning because of Jungkook, molded them into his own, into a sequence of sounds that were meant for Irene. You were left hungry, breathless, and forever wanting.
"No matter what, I'd choose you. It doesn't matter how mad I am or how annoyed I am, I will choose you because if I know anything in this damn, cruel, punishing world, then I know that I'd rather be angry, annoyed, or anything else with you than without you."
Irene must have been smiling right about now. Who wouldn't smile hearing those things from someone like Jungkook?
"Because with you, I'm complete. My story can't end if I'm incomplete. Please, choose me back. Complete me. That's all I ask."
Then, you began to ask yourself another question.
If you make me complete, Jungkook, will my story ever end?
You knew the answer to that. You swore your heart beat in a morse code that told you everything you needed to know.
"Because with you, I'm complete. My story can't end if I'm incomplete. Please, choose me back. Complete me. That's all I ask."
Jungkook looked to you, before Irene could form the proper response, and smiled. It was the third time he smiled at you today because of course, you were keeping track. You knew it was his own physically linguistic version of a 'thank you' or a 'you're a life saver' but somehow, to you, it translated to something similar to a 'goodbye'.
Your legs miraculously rose and carried you to the back porch. The sun was just beginning to dip in the horizon, proliferating a warm orange that was about to subside to an indistinguishable and unpredictable dusk. Whatever color came after the sunset, you were ready to accept it, to memorize how it reflected against a world without the possibility of him. And even though the night will always embody undertones of orange, it was time to focus on the colors around it.
It was time to let go.
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a/n: i might make this into a drabble series!!! if anyone would be interested in that please let me know :)) thank you for readinggggg <3
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colossal-fallout · 4 years
Can you write a imagine for Annie x fem reader where her and Annie have been fighting non stop for a week and the others get sick of their fighting so they lock them in a room and the have hot,angry makeup sex and when they finish they step out the room and everyone’s like 😳
Ahaha! I love it ❤️
Collision 💥
Warnings: 18+ Smut, slight rough sex. A short one shot.
Fem bodied reader X Annie Leonhart
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"Did Niccolo bake it?" You ask innocently, yet eagerly as you walk down the hallway with Armin and Connie.
You didn't know something as delicious as fancy cakes existed until you met that wonderful cook.
"Hm? Oh, yeah." Armin replied avoiding your gaze.
Your pace quickens as you shuffle along. You had to get some of that delicious dessert before Sasha inevitably catches wind of it. You expectingly raise your nose in the air, knowing you were nearing the kitchen, nostrils flaring, hoping to catch scent of the usual deicacies that aromates through the air.
You round the corner and...
You're met with Jean, Sasha and Annie who were standing outside of the kitchen also. Annie's eyes flicker for a moment, before stabbing into a harsh scowl.
Shit I'm too late.
You still haven't caught on, your usually sharp mind clouded with the lust for a food item.
"Back off Braus. Let us have some -" before you could finish your sentence you and Annie were harshly shoved into the room, the door slamming and locking behind you.
"What the hell, guys?!" You yell through the solid wood, slamming your fist against the door.
"You two have been fighting none stop all week." Jeans muffled voice calls out. "It's distracting as hell. Sort it out and we'll let you out."
"Yeah!" You hear Connie chime in. "The wars out there man... OUT THERE!"
"Just you wait til I get my hands on you Kirstein!" You yell in a temper.
"Typical." Annie mutters behind you, makin you turn and glare at her. "Resorting to anything rather than just growing up and facing your problems."
"Oh, give it a rest, Annie." You roll your eyes and fold your arms. "Just pretend we've made up and we can get out quicker."
"No." Her monotone voice replied.
You arch and eyebrow, trying to keep your cool. You didn't want to prove her right by losing it.
"What do you mean, no?"
"They're right. It's distracting. We smooth this over, now."
She was half being truthful. It was indeed distracting for the others, but at the forefront of her mind was how it was distracting her. It hurt that you two weren't getting along; she cared for you a hell of a lot and having thoughts of you cloud over her mind was getting under her skin.
"What's that?" You exaggerate your movements and place your hand by your ear, tilting your head. "Is that the sound of Annie thinking she can tell people what to do? Again? No way..."
Annie glares at you, her teeth bore into a vicious snarl before...
Her leg flicked up in a kick to your head, but you caught her blow, her ankle in your hand. Your eyes widen in disbelief.
Is she that wound up?
"Annie..." You whisper, your fingers digging into the skin of her lower leg.
Her eyes soften; hurt that her literal knee jerk reaction could have hurt you. "Y/N... I -"
You smirk before she could finish and yank her forward, giving her the only option to hop towards you on one leg, lest she fall on her ass.
Resting her leg on your shoulder you move your hands onto her back to keep her steady; this position a breeze for the flexible Annie Leonhart. Your heart begins to race as her body heat rolled off her onto you, her scent pleasing you more than that cake ever would.
God you'd missed her. You didn't enjoy fighting with her either.
Your right hand slithers down her back and around to her peachy backside, putting your face close to hers with a sly grin. "God I've missed you."
Her lips instantly collide with yours, a hopeless high pitched moan echoing in her throat as those beautiful blue eyes clasped shut.
Gently lowering her leg back down, you press her against the wall, your hands pawing at her hungrily as her pleading hands grab onto your clothes, tugging.
You pull her shirt open and she begins to tug down your trousers, sliding her sweet tongue into your mouth.
"I've missed you." She breathed as you step out of your pants, moving her over to a table and sitting her on it, your fingers digging into the elastic of her trousers and pulling them off in one swift movement. Your kisses find their way to the crook of her neck where she gasps as your teeth sink into her flesh.
Your hand grabs her crotch; her panties already damp with wanting. Your lips graze up her stomach and back up to her neck.
"Of course you missed me." You breathe, still pretty pissed from your week of arguing.
Her hand finds its way to your neck, giving it a firm squeeze.
"Watch who you're talking to like that." Her body was fired up, burning with a swirling toxic concoction of lust and anger.
Ignoring her, you just remove her panties, pulling them down her gorgeous, toned legs. You yank yourself away from her grasp, pushing her back and instantly sucking her clit into your warm cave.
"Ah~!" She cries out, fisting at your hair while you harshly add immense pressure with your tongue.
Her face is flush as she begins to rock her hips, gladly riding your face into glory. Taking your two fingers you slide them inside of her tight pussy, moaning at how wet you've gotten her before you hook your fingers and begin to rock her harshly.
"Ah! Y/n! Shit!" She squeals, her legs locking together against your head.
"Always could get you to roll your eyes in more ways than one." You sneer.
She ignores you, too hazed to bite.
Returning to your feet, you push her back and pull her to you, lining up both of your sopping clits before colliding them - the table being the perfect height to do so.
You both groan and whine as your cunts rub together, you place your leg up over hers for better access, turning slightly.
"Fuck Annie... You' feel so good." You hiss as she bucks her hips into yours, her high pitched groans only adding to your sensual pleasure.
"y/n. I'm going to..." She begins, her grip on your arm tightening.
"Me too." You grunt, your pace quickening, the feel of her heated sex against yours beyond heavenly.
You both cry out the others name loudly as you ascend, your legs shaking as your cunts seemingly begin spitting at each other, your cum mixing and swirling, splashing against you both.
Panting, you plant a soft kiss onto her lips before standing and pulling your panties back up.
"I guess that's sorted it then." You laugh softly.
She just nods, face still crimson and body still quaking.
You both get dressed, slightly giddy with relief and satisfaction when..
The door unlocks.
Annie's eyes fly to yours, both of you totally forgetting your friends were in close proximity of your... "Intervention"
With a deep breath, you both meekly step outside, to be greeted with;
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"...We made up." You press your lips together tightly.
"...Yeah. We know."
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bobohu4eva · 4 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 8
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader (feat. EXO members)
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, smut 
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo @bobohumyonlyboo @wooya1224 @strawbaeri-s @xiuweetbbh
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For Baekhyun, the first half of the week was spent preparing. For the first date of all first dates. A first date that would be heart flutteringly romantic, yet private and comfortable. Exciting, but also intimate. Something where he could talk to you, where he could touch you if he wants, where nobody else could see and judge. But also somewhere where he wouldn’t be able to bend you over and take you if you decided to start teasing him again. That would need to wait until after the date, for which he also had big plans. 
 Endless phone calls were made. Flowers, chocolates, and champagne needed to be bought. His mind was set, this date would be nothing short of perfect. So perfect in fact, that you would have no choice but to fall for him the same way he’d fallen for you. The man was dedicated. 
First though, he needed to ask you in a way that would guarantee a yes Baekhyun, I would love to go on a date with you, and not just an ‘okay’. 
His first stop was the florist, owned by his friend Minseok. It was a quaint little shop where he knew he’d be able to get a perfect custom arrangement with all your favorite flowers. Little did you know Baekhyun had used his professor status to look up Mia’s school email, and had been in contact with her in order to make sure he got the best possible things to fit your preferences.  
“Lilies and roses, those are her favorites. As many of them as you’ll give me.”
Minseok ended up putting together a box, a wide white cylinder overflowing with lilies and roses in all shades of white, red, and pink. It was big, a bit extravagant, and quite expensive. But Baekhyun did not care, if anything he was trying to go as over the top as possible, to really show how much he cared and wanted to make this special. No purchase was too large, no gift too much. 
The chocolates were imported from Switzerland. A large box with endless flavor varieties, each one more delicious than the last. The last time he’d had them had been on vacation in Europe, and it was not so easy for him to get his hands on them outside of the EU. But after a few phone calls, he had them on their way over with 2-day shipping. 
Baekhyun wasn’t one to usually spend much money at all. Not because he didn’t have it, he just didn’t feel the need. He had a nice home and a nice car. There wasn’t anything he regularly bought, aside from food. Most purchases would either be related to movies and games online, or would be for his friends. 
But he loved spending money on you, because for the first time in his life there was a girl who cared about more than just his family’s wealth. You actually cared about him. He’d never wanted to spoil someone like this before out of fear that they might only stick around for the financial benefits, but that didn’t worry him when it came to you. He found it almost laughable that after so many years of dating ‘proper’ women, women his family would’ve liked, women who looked great on paper but brought him no excitement and used him for his money, he finally found someone who actually cared for him at a strip club. The universe sometimes works in mysterious ways, he told himself. 
Once the chocolates had arrived and he had acquired the flowers, it was time to get going. 
Wednesday afternoon you and Mia decided to put away your homework for a while and bake something together. Apple pie was the agreed upon project for the day. You were in the process of slicing up the apples when you started to wonder just what was taking Baekhyun so long, after all he’d already told you he was going to ask you out. Why couldn’t he just do it? 
“I wonder why Baekhyun still hasn’t actually asked me on a date yet, he said he was going to on Saturday and it’s Wednesday. Do you think he might’ve changed his mind?” 
Mia had to work to hold back her smile. Not only did she know when he planned on coming to ask, she knew the exact flowers and chocolates he was bringing, as well as the date and time of the date itself, all of which Baekhyun had carefully discussed with her. 
“He definitely hasn’t changed his mind, that’s for sure. He’s probably just taking his time to make sure it’s special.” 
“He’s only asking me on a date. He could literally just text me. It’s not like I’ll say no anyway.” 
At that, Mia couldn’t help but crack up. Maybe that was the norm for college guys, but Baekhyun? Ask you in a text? After everything he’d done? It was laughable. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing!” Mia said and put two hands up in the air in defense, but you’d known your best friend for long enough to tell when she was lying. 
“You know something. Tell me.” You demanded, taking your apple slicing knife and pointing it towards her. 
“Get that away from me! And my lips are sealed, sorry.” 
No matter how much you annoyed her about it, she wasn’t going to tell you. Not only was she sworn to secrecy, she wanted you to enjoy the surprise. 
“Come on, did he say something to you? Just tell me.” 
“I’m not saying anything. You’ll just have to see, but I promise it’ll be worth the wait.” 
“You are so evil.” 
“You still love me” 
The pie was eventually assembled and put into the oven, at which point you returned back to your own room to continue doing homework. Mia stayed out in the living room, since she knew there was a guest arriving shortly. 
It was finally time for Baekhyun to go to your house to ask. After approximately 30 minutes of just making sure his hair looked right, he finally grabbed the chocolates and flowers and got on his way. 
It was a pretty warm day, but even with the AC blasting as high as it would go Baekhyun was still sweating. He knew you would say yes, but his hands felt slippery on the steering wheel of his car anyway. It had been almost 5 years since he had last done this, since he had asked a girl out. It had been even longer since he’d asked someone out that he was actually excited to spend time with, and really hoped would say yes. 
The closer he got to your home, the more nervous he became. He couldn’t even explain to himself why. He knew you were home, he knew you would say yes, he knew you were free the day he was going to take you out, and he knew he had the perfect gifts. This was exactly why he’d interrogated Mia via email for days, but when it actually came down to it he couldn’t help worrying. What if you were mad that it took him so long to ask and wouldn’t wanna go anymore? What if something came up last minute and you wouldn’t be able to? He wasn’t sure if his heart would be able to take a response like that. Especially since setting up the date itself had been a whole other story, one that not even Mia knew about. 
Baekhyun could feel his heart thumping in his chest as he got the chocolates and flowers out of his trunk and started walking up to your front door. When he knocked, Mia was the one to answer. 
“Hi Baekhyun!” She said, looking him up and down, and then to the flowers and chocolates he was holding, a wide grin on her face. “I’ll go get her.” 
You heard your name being yelled from the living room so you peeled your thighs off your desk chair and made your way into the common space to see Baekhyun, holding the most enormous flower arrangement you’d ever seen. 
Mia went to her room, leaving you standing before him, slightly flabbergasted. 
“Sorry I didn’t do this sooner, but can I take you out on Saturday?” He asked, peeking over the mountain of flowers that hid the bottom of his face. 
You immediately grinned and nodded enthusiastically, pulling Baekhyun through the doorway. You grabbed the flower arrangement and set it down on the coffee table before sitting down on the couch with him. 
“I would’ve asked days ago already but I wanted to bring these too and it takes a little while for them to get shipped from Switzerland.” 
The flowers had distracted you so much you hadn’t even noticed the box of chocolates he was holding as well. 
“Baekhyun this is crazy, how much did all of this cost?” 
He only rolled his eyes. “You know none of that matter, I just want to make you happy, okay? And you like them right?” 
“Well of course I love chocolate, and the flowers are beautiful, roses and lilies are my favorites.” 
“I know.” He grinned at you.
“I never told you that?” 
“I might’ve found your friend’s school email...” 
Your eyes widened. “You did not-” 
“Professors have access to every students files and that includes school email addresses, and you mentioned her a few times so I figured I would ask her some stuff.” His hand made its way to the back of his neck and he looked down at the ground nervously. “Sorry if that’s weird, I just wanted to make sure I’d get the right things and that you wouldn’t already be busy or anything.” 
You smiled “It’s alright, this is definitely the most anyone's ever done for me for a first date, or any date for that matter, sorry if I don’t really know how to act right now.” 
“Nobody’s ever bought you flowers or chocolates before? Really? Are those boys you go to school with that dumb?” 
“I don’t really date around much anyway, and maybe once or twice for valentines day or something, but definitely never like this.”
“Well you deserve to be showered in flowers and chocolates all the time.” He smiled and grabbed the box and untied the fancy looking ribbon holding it together, and removed the lid. “Try one, this stuff is crazy, no other chocolate has been the same since I first tried it on vacation in the alps a few years ago.”
Of course he went on fancy European vacations. You wondered if someday you’d get to tag along. 
He picked a piece and held it up to your mouth and you took it between your lips. He was right, it was amazing. 
“Oh my god this is so good. Holy shit.” He was right, this would pretty much ruin all other chocolate for you. 
He watched you as you finished eating it and placed a hand on your chin, bringing your eyes to meet his. “Give me a taste.” 
He pulled you in for a slow open mouthed kiss, savoring the flavor of the chocolate on your tongue and leaving you breathless. You weren’t sure if you’d ever be able to get used to the way he kissed you. He was so good at making you feel like your insides were melting with desire it felt almost dangerous. 
“You’re intoxicating, I could kiss you all day.” He said as he pulled away from the kiss just enough to speak. You could feel his breath on your face and his eyes as they bore into your own. 
“Oh come on you’re just saying that because of the chocolate.” You laughed as you pulled away further, face now a bright shade of pink. 
“The chocolate is amazing, but your lips are even better.”
“God you’re so cheesy.” You rolled your eyes at him, but he still just smiled back. “So where are you taking me Saturday?”
“It’s a surprise, I’ll pick you up here around 3:00 and it’ll be a bit of a drive but I promise it’ll be well worth it.” 
“Can you give me a hint at least? Will there be food? What should I wear?” 
“Yes there will be food, and just wear something comfortable and weather appropriate.”  He considered it for a moment, trying to think of something that wouldn’t be too obvious. “It’s an outdoor thing, and something I’m almost 100% sure you’ve never done before, but that’s all you’re getting out of me. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
“You’re so mean.” You pouted. “You make me wait for days and now you won’t even say where you’re taking me.” You really wondered what was so special that he couldn’t just tell you. It was only a first date so it wouldn’t be anything that extravagant anyway right? 
“Once you see you’ll understand why I want to keep it secret, just trust me, okay?” You rolled your eyes again, “Hey, y/n, look at me.” 
He put his hand on your thigh before giving you a serious look. “I know this might not seem like that big of a deal to you, but it’s been over 5 years since I’ve taken someone out like this, and even longer since I’ve been this excited to. I just, I really want to make this special, so can you trust me?”  
You gave him a soft smile and a nod. “Of course, I'm impatient is all... And I haven’t really done this in a while either...” 
“It’s really shocking to me how someone as beautiful as you doesn’t have a constant stream on boys trying to take you out.” You chucked, and thought back to Lucas and how he’d asked you to a party. 
“Me and college boys don’t really mix well, I’m not someone who enjoys big parties and they usually aren’t really interested in getting to know me anyway, or once they do they realize I’m just a boring STEM major. You saw that guy Lucas, I’m sure he was just hoping I’d go party with him and get wasted enough to end up in his bed. No thank you.” 
“He was so pushy too.” Baekhyun said as his face fell into a frown at the unpleasant memory. 
“Boys will ask me out sometimes, sure, but it’s always just to a party or a movie or something, somewhere you can’t really have any kind of meaningful conversation anyway, so I assume they just want to sleep with me. And I’m not really interested in that.” 
“You seemed more than happy to let me rail you in my office last week.” Baekhyun laughed, making your face blush an even deeper shade of red.
“That’s different!” You said in defense, giving a light slap to his shoulder. “You’re not some college boy, and we have technically known each other for a while already.” 
Baekhyun had a wide smile plastered on his face again, “Doesn’t change the fact that I’m the one who had to keep it from happening.” 
“Which I still think was pretty lame of you...” 
He caught your eyes again, before leaning in to whisper in your ear, “Baby I’ll make sure that was worth the wait too.” 
You shivered, and as soon as he had pulled away you couldn’t help but throw your arms around him and pull him into another kiss. He quickly deepened the kiss and pulled you onto his lap. The two of you sat like that for a while, exploring each other’s mouths, enjoying the closeness and intimacy of it. Eventually you ended up laying down next to one another, still kissing lazily in each other’s embrace. You knew better than to escalate it into anything sexual now, so you just enjoyed the softness of his lips on yours and his arms wrapped around your waist. 
After some time Baekhyun had to go, and you thanked him again for the chocolates and flowers. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Mia emerged from her bedroom. 
“See! I told you he’d ask soon! Also, he’s even cuter in person.” She giggled and you laughed in agreement. 
“Did he seriously email you about me? What all did he say?” 
“He asked about your favorite everything pretty much, when you’d be home this week for him to ask you, when you’d have time over the weekend, all that. I assumed you wouldn’t mind missing work for the date so I told him Saturday night.” 
“Was there anything else? Any idea where he’s taking me?”
“No, I asked but he wouldn’t tell me either. It was really cute though, the way he was talking about you. He’s seriously whipped.” 
“You don’t say.” You laughed gesturing towards the huge flower arrangement and box of chocolates still on the coffee table. 
“You have to tell me where he takes you, I’m really curious. Did he tell you anything?” 
“Just that it’s outdoors and I don’t need to dress fancy.”
You could tell Mia was thinking, trying to figure what it might be the same way you had. “A picnic maybe?” 
“That feels almost not fancy enough for him, but I don’t know. I really can’t think of anything outdoorsy that nice.” 
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to find out! Come on, let’s cut into this pie.” 
The evening was spent eating pie, and with Mia showing you Baekhyun’s emails to her. They made you feel like your heart might explode from the sweetness and consideration he had when planning everything. He’d even made sure to get you milk chocolate rather than dark chocolate. There were a plethora of other seemingly unrelated questions as well, including your favorite snack foods, colors, and more. You felt a little bad for how much he’d asked her about. 
As the hours went by, you were looking forward to the date more and more.
 Saturday afternoon couldn’t arrive soon enough. 
Next Chapter
A/N: Sorry this one is late and a bit short, but the next update will be *much* more exciting I promise ;) 
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xmalereader · 4 years
Thomas Shelby X Vampire! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
This short imagine goes to my friend here!! @fanficsforheartandsoul They had such a wonderful idea that I couldn’t help but write it out! So please enjoy and have fun with the fluffy stuff!
Summary: Reader is a vampire doctor who works with the Shelby family but the Shelby family has no idea that they are friends with a blood thirsty vampire.
Warnings: fluff, bat traits, Thomas knowing everything, blood, gore, and slight angst.
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“Where are you going?” Thomas asks Polly as he watches her get ready. “What? Now I have to tell you everywhere I go?” She shot back as she fixes her hat and grabs her coat that hung by the door. “I’m going to see Michael, he’s been the hospital for awhile now and I want to make sure that he is recovering properly.” She explains to Thomas as she gives herself one last look in the mirror and turns towards the table to snatch up a small dbrown bag which catches Tommy’s eye. “What’s in the bag?”
Polly rolls her eyes. “Do you have to ask about everything?”
“Just want to be safe, Polly. Michael is in the hospital due to a rival of ours getting to him and I just want to make sure that you are safe. Don’t want to lose anymore family members.” Polly can only sign at Tommy’s words as she turns to face him. “These are just apples for Dr. Hemlock. Heard the young man likes fruits more than anything else—its like the poor man doesn’t eat at all due to him working late hours in the hospital.�� She collects her things and sighs. “No wonder he is so pale.” She added before giving Thomas one last look. “Well than, off I go.” She says before leaving the house and heading towards her own car that Thomas had gifted her on one of her birthdays.
Tommy walks over to the window, pulling the curtain back he watches Polly drive away from the house. Once she turned the corner and disappeared down the road that’s when tommy steps away from the window and sighs deeply. “Dr. Hemlock, eh?” He murmurs to himself as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it up. He inhales some of the smoke before blowing it out, tilting his head up as he stares at the ceiling and hums. “I didn’t know vampires ate.”
On the way to the hospital. Polly makes sure to park her car close by, not wanting to park to far out and get into any danger If she were to be around an isolated area where she could easily be taken. She makes sure to take the bag of fruit before entering the hospital.
The Shelbys were known around town that even the hospital knew when a Shelby were to arrive, some of the nurses and doctors feared them since they were the ruthest and most troublesome people to deal with and lets not forget that gangsters are not to be challenged. As Polly walks through the hospital halls, her heels clicked against the hard floor as she makes her way towards Michaels room. Upon entering she sees Dr.Hemlock and Michael arguing.
“I already said that you are not allowed to do that here.”
“It’s just one smoke.” Michael exclaims as Dr. Hemlock shakes his head and sighs deeply. “Smoking can worsen your conditions—“
“I’m feeling better!”
Dr. Hemlock frowns and wacks Micheal behind the head with a folder. “Do not interupt me!” He says, glaring at the son of Polly Grey.
“Please don’t hit my son too hard, he can get a concussion.” Said Polly as she butts into the conversation that the other two were having. To be honest she wasn’t really upset about the doctors actions. He was doing his job which is to keep micheal healthy and to make sure that he is recovering from his wounds. “Miss Grey.” Said Dr. Hemlock as he give her a kind smile.
Polly still hasn’t gotten used to the doctors kind personality. It was strange seeing someone warm up to the Shelby family so quickly and without fearing them. Every time someone in town heard the name ‘Shelby’ they would run away in fear, but not this man. This man was different and it frightened Polly.
“I see that you ar scolding Michael once again, Doctor.” She says as she approaches the two once she had dropped her things on the small table that was in the large room.
“He should know better when it comes to smoking in the hospital, it’s not safe for our patients and it could also damage his wounds—and please call me Y/n.” Polly chuckles. “Very well y/n.” She says as she stand next to him and shows him the bag. “I got you something as a thank you for taking care of—not only my son but also the rest of my boys.” Y/n accepts the small offering and looks inside the bag, his eyes widening as he takes out one of the apples. “Thank you Polly, I haven’t had much time to eat but I’ll make sure to enjoy these as much as possible.” He puts the apple back inside the bag and turns towards micheal. “Very well, micheal is slowly getting there but we need him to stay a little longer, still need to make sure that he is healing properly and safe for him to return home but for now you may spend as much time as you want here.” He explains to Polly who gives him a nod. “thank you, again.” She repeats before turning towards micheal who was glaring at the doctor btu y/n ignores his glare and gives the two a fake smile before leaving the room.
Y/n has been working in the hospital for as long as he can remember, being immortal stressed him out. Having to see people that he knew grow old and die away, brings back the doubts and fears of him being lonely forever, but so far he has gained some friends. He’s gotten closer to the nurses in the hospital and would have small conversations with them whenever he has the time and he has slowly gotten closer to the Shelby family. The first time he met them was when Arthur got shot in the shoulder during one of their bar fights. The family quickly took him to the hospital where y/n could be the only one to help out the older brother. The Shelby family were stubborn people on that day, that he had to yell and kick them out of the room. He couldn’t concentrate with all the yelling and arguing that he had to throw out the family until Arthur was taken care of.
Y/n’s actions shocked the doctors and nurses. Everyone in town knows to never argue with a Shelby and that’s exactly what y/n did. Not only did her kick out Thomas Shelby but he also kicked out the entire family! He remembers the nurses murmuring about him and saying how they would pray for him to be okay once Thomas Shelby confronted him about his actions, but y/n wasn’t too worried. He’s dealt with worse things in his past life.
On that same day, Thomas Shelby had approached him and he expected the man to yell at him and to tell him to never disprespect his family like that again. But instead he got a simple thank you from the man before leaving to see his brother. Y/n was very confused that day, wondering as too why Thomas didn’t yell at him or let alone shot him right there and then. That’s because Y/n’s actions had gotten Thomas attention, causing the man to observe him during Arthur’s recovery and to figuring out who y/n really was.
Thomas found out about y/n being a vampire during one of his visits with Arthur. He remembers Thomas searching for him, wanting to ask how his brother was doing and if he would be return home anytime soon. He had searched the entry hospital and found no sign of the doctor, he had asked a few nurses if they have seemed him and they all told him the same thing.
“Dr. Hemlock usually heads home during these hours for a small break.”
Thomas can only scoff at the nurses words.
He once asked for Y/n’s home address but none of the staff members knew where he lived and had no information about his living space. This only caused suspicious to grow inside of Thomas as he leaves the hospital by taking the back doors, leading him exactly to Y/n.
He had found y/n hiding in the alley way, eating rats.
Thomas had witnessed y/n snatching up one of the rats that roamed around the alleys, gripping it in his hand as he stares at it with cold eyes as he slowly kills the small rodent. At first Thomas thought that he was some crazy sociopath but what he saw next was way worse. As he watached y/n from around the corner—the doctor could only stare at the dead rodent, bringing it close to his lips as he opens his mouth to reveal a pair of fangs that sunk into the rodent as he eats away.
That was the first time ever, Thomas felt real fear.
“I seemed to have found a lonely bat.”
Y/n looks up from his apple only to see Thomas standing at the other end of the alley. “Shelby.” He says back as he goes back to eating and leans back against the wall as Thomas approaches the younger male.
“Question.” He says, causing the other to raise a brow at him. “I thought vampires only drank blood, so how come your eating an apple?”
Y/n chuckles and shakes his head. “Not all vampires are like in your bedtime stories. Not every vampire drinks blood, some of us still have a bit of human inside and we enjoy the smaller things—for example;” he holds the apple up to show Thomas as he takes a bite.
“Some of us like fruit while other prefer to hunt and kill innocent people.” He replies back as he chews on his apple and swallows it down, smiling at the delicious feeling of being able to eat something that he really likes.
“What about blood?”
“What about it?”
“I thought that was the only thing you needed in order to survive?” Thomas stands next to him and leans back against the wall as he pulls out a cigerette to smoke.
Y/n sighs. “Some of us can last days, even months without blood since some vampires know how to control there hunger, just like me.” he says softly. “But your a doctor, your surrounded by blood for 24 hours straight, how come you don’t lose control?” The doctor didn’t know if he should ignore Thomas questions but also can’t help but explain to him how his species worked.
“The reason why I can control myself around patients is because I’m used to the smell of blood. I can smell it anywhere and everywhere that I have grown used to being around it but, some vampire can lose control by a simple drop and that’s because they don’t schedule out there meals.” He begins to explain as Thomas listen carefully.
Thomas has know about y/n being a vampire for almost a year now but he too doesn’t know very much about them. His mother would tell him stories about monster like them and how they are vicious creatures who only eat as they desire. He was a young boy around that time that he feared easily, but his mother always told him that they were stories and never true.
Maybe she was wrong the whole time.
“I schedule my meals every week, I tend to eat a current amount of blood that can last me up to a month. So that way I don’t have to starve myself and lose control. Some vampires can’t keep control that they go into a rampage, going from town to town. Devouring anything that crossed there paths—those are meant to be killed. They have lost their human side and shouldn’t be roaming around freely.” He explains to Thomas.
Thomas was always curious about y/n’s kind and hearing this new Information finally helped him understand as too why Y/n can work as a doctor without having to lose control. As he thinks about that another question suddenly pops into mind. He turns his head to see y/n eating the apple in silence as he blurts out another question. “Have you ever killed another human due to hunger?
He noticed y/n freeze, gripping the fruit right in his hand as he lowers it away from his mouth. “Once.” He answers back as he turns to give Thomas a glance. “I was just a teenager, I had no one to teach me how to control myself that I had to learn on my own...” he looks away from Thomas and sighs through his nose. “She was a mother of three—“
Thomas pushes himself off the wall as he stares at y/n.
“I saw her at the market and she was alone, buying food for her kids and husband...I was alone at that time so I used to steal rations from people. I am able to eat some human foods In order to survive but eating to much could cause a deep hunger from the lack of blood.” He stares at his apple and tosses it away. “I cornered her on the way home and tried to take her food but I hesitated. Not because I couldn’t, but because I could hear the blood pumping inside her body.” Y/n hated explaining this part but he trusted Thomas and Thomas trusted him. The two have secrets of there own that only they can share between eachother.
“I lost control and attacked her...I remember telling myself to only take a small amount but once the first drop of blood touched my lips I couldn’t help myself, so I drained her and took every ounce of blood she had inside her.” He pushes hismelf off the wall and tosses the empty bag away in the garbage, making his way back towards the back door that allowed him back inside the hospital.
Before he could head inside he looks over his shoulder to see Thomas standing behind him with a concerned look on his face.
“I became a monster that day and I wish to never become one again.” He added as he swings the door open and heads inside, he takes his coat and slips it on and takes his files. Heading back to work as usual.
Thomas, who stayed behind, can’t help but question himself as to why he decided to befriend the vampire.
Was it because he was lonely?
Or that maybe he was slowly growing a liking towards the man?
He can only shrug to himself as he puts out his cigerette and blows out the last bit of smoke that he inhaled. “I can’t be falling for a man who had died many years ago.” He tells hismelf as he chuckles. “Polly won’t be too happy once she finds out who y/n really is.” With that he enters the hospital to go see his Aunt Polly and cousin Micheal.
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As It Should Be ~ Lucy x Caspian
A/N: Hello lovelies, so this is well out of my wheel house. But thanks to Shadow and Bone I am well and truly back on my Ben Barnes Bullshit. Which included re-watching the Narnia movies and then I had some feels. I'm completely ignoring the books and this is way AU but I couldn't get it out of my head. So if there's any Lucian shippers out there, this ones for you. Spoilers for the movies.
Summary: Lucy had not been ready to leave Narnia. And Caspian had not been ready for her to go. Perhaps fate still had a plan.
Characters/Pairings: Lucy Pevensie/Caspian (everyone is of age, time works funny between the realms); Edmund Pevensie, Aslan
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of angst, pining, spoilers for the movies.
Word count: 5800 (I don't know how it happened. I just had a lot of feels)
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Caspian’s voyage on the Dawn Treader had been a success on all counts. But in spite of his resolve to be a great king of Narnia and to treasure the lands and people he had been chosen to rule, the young king was sorrowful on their return journey. His crew had known better than to question him when he returned alone from Aslan’s country. Drinian put a comforting hand on his shoulder, and Caspian clasped it for a moment before giving him a meaningful nod. Drinian got the Dawn Treader sailing for home while Caspian ducked below deck for just a moment to mourn the loss of his friends. When he returned, his smile was not quite so bright as it had been when the king and queen of old had been on the ship.
The crew was happy to be going home, but they also felt the loss of their companions quite acutely. It had taken no time at all for them to love Lucy and Edmund. The younger of the Kings and Queens of old were kind and hardworking and had immediately treated them as old friends. Narnia they supposed was their great love. And while Eustace had taken some extraordinary circumstances to warm up to, he too was missed, and they all found the ship far too silent with Reepicheep’s running commentary.
Their return took nearly six months as they returned all those who had been taken by the mist to their home islands. So, while the crew was joyous to be returning home after nearly two years, everyone was weary when they finally docked on the shores beneath Cair Paravel. Drinian directed the landing team, as more sailors came to help them unload. Caspian gazed up at Cair Paravel in all its glory. It had been mostly restored before he departed, but now, it was back to its true grandure, he wished Lucy and Edmund could have seen this.
He had only a moment before his advisors were upon him, welcoming him back and informing him that a feast was already being prepared for his return. They clamored for his attention, luckily with good news. They each were reporting that peace remained and things had grown even more bountiful in the past six months. Caspian listened carefully making notes on what to discuss with them tomorrow, before finally excusing himself to clean up before the feast.
After what could only be described as the most delicious meal he’d ever had, Caspian took his time reacquainting himself with the halls of his castle. During his time away, the team in charge of the interior restoration had finished all of their projects, which included the portraits of the Pevensies at the height of their rule. He inspected each one closely, trying to find the familiar features of his friends in the older faces.
For the most part he could see it. Although it was odd to see them at that age - all older than his 23 years. Well, all but Lucy. She had been just shy of 21 when they tumbled back through the wardrobe. She was the only one who never mentioned how hard it was to go from being an adult back to being an 8 year old. But he suspected that she struggled more than she let on, though she would never tell her siblings while they suffered their own distress. His thoughts lingered on the youngest of the great kings and queens. He couldn’t help but wonder if his dear friend would look the same when she reached 20 again.
Her portrait hung beside her sister’s and one could easily spot the differences. Susan held a quiet beauty, befitting her title of Gentle. But even the stillness of a portrait could not tame Lucy’s wild beauty and adventurous spirit. He knew well the twinkle of excitement the artist had captured. It was one that never failed to bring a smile to his face.
Caspian had been captivated by Lucy during their time on the Dawn Treader. More than he’d been willing to admit, even to himself. Though he suspected Edmund had seen it. He’d even expected a brotherly talk at one point, since Peter was absent. But he merely smiled, and took every opportunity to let them be together. Drinian had also made more than a few subtle comments, but Caspian had chosen to remain silent.
While the young prince had had eyes only for Susan upon their first meeting in terms of amorous intentions, Lucy’s unwavering faith and goodness had endeared her to him. When she stood across the river with only a dagger in her hand, facing down an army with a smile he could see why she of the four was the Valiant. She was amazing, even at age 11.
Her return 3 years later, had only deepened that opinion. She had matured and Caspian found himself lost in her. He’d been telling the truth when he told her that he hadn’t found a queen as beautiful as Susan, but what he left out was that there had been none as fierce as her either.
The pair had spent every possible moment together – stargazing, checking maps, telling stories. He loved her stories. Queen Lucy the Valiant had truly been a queen of her people. While her siblings had often been on the frontlines of battle, Lucy had always been protecting the people – evacuating them, learning from the healers how to dress wounds that didn’t require her cordial. She was the most beloved of the four, even in the stories Caspian had heard before he met them. Though she would refute that claim a thousand times over.
Other stories were filled with tales of dancing with fauns and dryads. Mr. Tumnus was a frequent character, and Caspian could hear the heartache in her voice when she spoke about him. He would often take the opportunity to squeeze her hand in comfort, which she also responded to with a grateful smile. Edmund would often join in, offering tales of his own or teasing Lucy.
One time in particular, he felt the need to remind her of the time a suitor had come to court and she had been so used to dancing with the fauns during their revelries that she panicked when he had offered his hand for a formal dance.
“All you could hear in the ballroom was Tristan grunting and Lucy apologizing,” Edmund chuckled.
Lucy’s cheeks flamed red and she glared at her brother for a moment, before a smirk slid across her features.
“At least I didn’t end up in a fountain after my first kiss,” she shot back.
Edmund’s cheeks tinged ever so slightly, but his expression was wistful.
“She was lovely. And it was worth it. I hope she had a good life.”
“I’m sure she did. But I’m sure she missed you.”
The siblings shared a look, regrets and memories flowing through their minds. Once again, Caspian was struck by how much life and loss these two “children” had experienced.
Later that night, after confirming their course with Drinian, Caspian was ready to retire to the barracks area for a few hours of sleep. But as he passed his quarters which he had given to Lucy, he heard humming. Moving as quietly as he could, he neared the cabin, noting the slightly ajar door. Caspian couldn’t help the smile that crossed his lips as he watched Lucy dance to her own tune as she looked in the mirror, the steps somewhat disjointed. He slipped inside, leaning against the doorjamb, making sure she couldn’t see his reflection.
“Would you like a partner?” he finally asked.
Lucy jumped at the unexpected voice, whirling as her cheeks filled with color upon realizing she’d been caught.
“Caspian! I was just… Edmund made me remember and I thought I’d practice.”
“In case we have a ball on the Dawn Treader?” he asked, grinning wildly at her.
“Of course. I’ve been to many balls on ships,” she giggled before sobering slightly. “No, but there’s dances back home. And I’ve never been, but I suspect they don’t much care for the type of dancing the fauns and dryads do.”
The mention of home twisted in Caspian’s gut, but he pushed the thought away. He would enjoy what time he had with her. Each moment was a gift.
“Well, I don’t know how they dance in your world, but it always helps to have a partner. May I?”
She nodded, uncharacteristically shy.
He snapped to attention and made a formal bow, which made her laugh but she curtsied anyway before taking his hand. He pressed a quick kiss to her knuckles, before placing her hand on his shoulder. His right hand fell to her waist, he his left clasped hers firmly.
He wasn’t positive, but they both sounded breathless.
He began to hum, counting the beats by gently tapping his fingers against her side. He gave it a count of 8 before he began to move. It was rough at first, they were both out of practice… and nervous if he was being honest. But after a few crushed toes, they found their rhythm and soon they seemed to float. Caspian waltzed her around the room, twin smiles adorning their faces. Before they knew it, they were simply swaying in place gazing into each other’s eyes.
“I wonder if Susan is dancing like this with her naval officer,” Lucy wondered aloud, regretting it the moment it slipped past her lips. “Oh, I’m sorry, Caspian. I wasn’t thinking.”
He chuckled and shook his head.
“Don’t worry, Lucy. I’m not upset. I’m happy that your sister is moving on with her life. No one deserves to be alone.”
“But you’re alone,” Lucy pointed out.
Not cruelly, more confused by his logic.
“I’m not alone right now. I’m with you.”
And I will take that, he thought to himself. Just this moment and whatever else I get.
“Susan and I are worlds apart. In more ways than one,” he added slyly.
Lucy gazed up at him, no longer swaying at all.
“Caspian, I-“
At that moment, the ship lurched sending her crashing into his arms. It lurched again and sent them both to the floor. A storm had reached them and they heard the crew members racing about on deck. They shared one more moment before sprinting into action.
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“Your majesty.”
His chief advisor’s voice jostled Caspian from his memories.
“Lord Pallburn. How can I help you?”
“You requested updates on the refugees and the five lords.”
“Of course. We shall speak on the way to my chambers.”
Caspian shot one last look at Lucy’s portrait before leading his advisor away.
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Lucy sighed quietly as she watched the happy couple spin around the dance floor.
Years ago, on a ship a world away, Lucy had been held like that. Her thoughts strayed to Caspian and his near obsidian eyes. She had thought of him often in the years since. She wondered how long it had been for him.
Was he married by now?
A father?
Her heart couldn’t bear that last one. She had to believe Caspian was alive and well and happy or she wouldn’t be able to carry on.
She shook the thoughts away and returned to the view in front of her.
Susan was absolutely radiant in her wedding dress. Her smile lit up the room as Tom held her in his arms, leaning down for a peck as the song ended. They held hands as they exited the dance floor to chat with their friends.
Peter had his younger daughter, Jane, balanced on the top of his shoes as he moved them about in a decent facsimile of a waltz. Lucy smiled as she remembered her oldest brother doing the same with her when she was much younger.
Edmund was sitting with his girlfriend Margaret and their cousin Eustace laughing quite merrily.
With the exception of her cousin, Narnia had taken on the golden tint of a fond memory. But a memory none the less. Her siblings had been content to leave it at that. Lucy could not find it in her to do the same. Narnia had always felt more like home than this world. A fractured childhood would do that to you she supposed. After all she had grown up in Narnia first.
She still knew their customs and constellations better than England’s. But she knew it wasn’t just that. Her heart lay in Narnia, or rather with the King of Narnia. Caspian had a way of making Lucy feel seen when others didn’t.
“Enjoying the party, Lu?”
She nodded as she looked to Edmund who had slipped into the seat beside her.
“It’s wonderful. Everyone is having so much fun.”
“I’m having fun,” she insisted, knowing Edmund could see right through her.
“Talk to me.”
She looked again to the dance floor, eyes flitting from couple to couple.
“Do you think that I could ever find that here?”
Lucy nodded again.
“What makes you think you won’t?” he pressed, avoiding her question.
“I can’t imagine finding anyone to share my life with like that. There’s so much I couldn’t tell them. I don’t know how you all do it.”
Edmund hummed in response.
“Narnia meant everything to me. It made me who I am, but the only one who needs to know about it for it to be real is me. And I’m lucky enough that I got to share it with you, and Peter, Susan, and Eustace. Margaret doesn’t need to know what made me the man I am. Only that that man is someone she wants to be with.”
Lucy regarded her brother carefully for a moment. He’d clearly put a lot of thought into this and she appreciated it.
“I guess that makes sense. I guess I’m not ready to admit that Narnia is my past. Even though I have to.”
They were quiet for a moment.
“Is that the only reason you think you won’t find love here?”
Lucy knew where he was going with this, and finally she sighed – more an exhale after holding one’s breath.
“I think I loved him,” she whispered, not needing to specify who “him” was.
“Loved?” he clarified.
“Love,” Lucy corrected.
“He loves you too for what it’s worth. I could see it. Clear as the Northern Sky.”
“I don’t think it matters much. We’re worlds apart now. He’s probably married by now. I’m not sure how I managed it, but it seems I’ve left my heart in Narnia.”
Edmund wrapped an arm around her shoulder and tugged her into his side. She leaned her head heavily against his shoulder.
“What has been lost, can be found. We just need to have faith about these things. You taught me that.”
Lucy smiled at the reassurance.
“Thank you, Edmund.”
“Anything for you. Would you like to dance? We can even pretend we’re at Tumnus’,” he offered.
Lucy shook her head, but smiled more genuinely than she had all night.
“I think I’m going to take advantage of the gardens, and get some fresh air.”
“It’s not like there isn’t air inside,” he joked making her roll her eyes.
“I’ll be back soon.”
Edmund nodded and squeezed her once more before letting her go.
“Be safe.”
Lucy slipped through the crowd unnoticed, as usual. After a few minutes walking through the gardens she happened upon the entrance to a hedge maze. Looking back at the lights of the reception, she took a deep breath and hurried into the maze, following the turns at random.
It couldn’t possibly be big enough for her to actually get lost.
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Caspian perched on the rail of his balcony, one knee up as his back was pressed against the palace wall twirling Lucy’s dagger in his hand. If anyone entered his chambers they wouldn’t be able to see him unless they stepped outside. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back against the stone enjoying the cool breeze off the Eastern Sea. He had chosen this room specifically for the view of the water. It had always calmed him, and now it held an even more special place in his heart.
In the morning, he would return to his duties as king and this journey would leave the forefront of his mind to make room for diplomacy and logistics. And if his advisors had their way, finding a queen. But for now, as the wind whipped around him, he could imagine that he was back on the Dawn Treader. And if he listened closely enough, he could hear Lucy’s familiar humming. He allowed his mind to run wild with memories.
When the humming only grew louder, even after shaking himself from the sweet memories, Caspian grew concerned. Alert now for possible danger, he scanned the grounds for the source of the sound.
The beach was clear. As were the cliffs to the north. But as he turned his gaze to the south, a flash of auburn hair in the garden maze caught his eyes. She was deep within the heart of the garden without alerting the guards which was no easy feat.
Fastening his sword belt on, he sheathed Lucy’s dagger which she had gifted him on the shores of Aslan’s country.
“I think you’ll need this more than I will.”
“It shall never leave my side.”
You shall never leave my heart had remained unspoken.
Not wishing to alert the guards, Caspian scaled down the side of the castle, jumping from the lowest window and rolling to his feet.
The wind was carrying the humming to his ears quite clearly, as though it was actively helping him find the intruder. At the edge of the maze he took a deep breath before stepping inside. He allowed himself to be led through the turns by the voice, although he was nearly certain it must be a trap. Surely it was a siren or some spell luring him with his heart’s desire. But still he pursued her.
A few times it seemed they were just on the other side of the hedge from each other, but he would round the corner and find only a dead end.
Finally, he caught a flash of lavender fabric whooshing around the corner and he sped up as well as he could while maintaining his stealth. Lucy’s dagger fit comfortably in his hand. Peeking around the corner to ensure she was coming, he waited until she had passed by before leaping out and grabbing her, the dagger pressed against her throat.
“Who are you? And what are you doing here?”
She froze in his arms.
The woman squirmed in his grip enough to see his face and in his surprise he let her.
“It is you. How on Earth did you get here?” she asked.
“Lucy?” he mumbled as he released her and she turned to look at him, giving him his first good look at her.
“Yes, it’s me. I know I look a bit different. But goodness, you haven’t aged a day,”
“Lucy,” he repeated before dropping the dagger and pulling her into his arms, burying his face in her neck.
She held him just as fiercely as if he would disappear if she let go for even an instant.
“I missed you so much,” he murmured. “I thought of you every day.”
“As did I. How long has it been for you?” she asked as she lifted her head to look at him, unwilling to break their embrace any further.
“Six months and thirteen days.”
Lucy huffed out a little laugh.
“Is that all?”
Caspian already knew it had been much longer for her. Years, he guessed, given how much she looked like her portrait.
“How long?”
“Six years. Four months. Eleven days.”
She’d been counting. In spite of knowing that Aslan’s plans for Narnia did not include her.
“Oh, Lucy,” Caspian sighed.
Years. She had thought of him every day for years. The knowledge made his heart beat faster.
“It’s okay. You’re here now. How on Earth are you here?” she asked again.
Caspian glanced upward, just to ensure he hadn’t been transported to her world, but sure enough his stars remained, twinkling down at him.
“Lucy, you’re in Narnia.”
Whipping her head around to gain bearings she didn’t know she’d lost, Lucy’s expression clouded with confusion.
“But how? I was at the wedding. I just stepped out for a few minutes –“ She paused and shook her head with a serene smile. “Things never happen the same twice,” she murmured. “Or four times I suppose. I’m not sure how it’s happened, but I am glad to be home.”
Caspian’s heart both clenched and soared at the word home. But he was still stuck on the earlier revelation.
“You were at a wedding?”
His mind raced as he took in her demure dress and artful curls.
Six years, his mind screamed. Even if she had thought of him, of course she would have found someone else in that time.
“Yes,” she affirmed absent-mindedly. “Of Susan will be so cross I’ve left her wedding.”
“Susan’s wedding?”
“Yes.” Lucy’s face dropped. “Oh, I’m sorry, Caspian.”
“So you are not married?” he asked, ignoring the apology.
Lucy’s laughter was a balm to his soul.
“Goodness, no. Not even close. The closest I’ve come to marriage was holding hands with Dennis Macmillian when we were 17. And even that was mainly because I was slipping on the ice. I’ve never even gone for a stroll with a boy.”
Caspian smiled, pulling back just enough to offer her his arm.
“Well then, please, allow me. It would be a shame to waste such a lovely Narnian evening.”
“So it would,” she agreed, looping her arms through his. “Tell me everything I’ve missed,” she insisted as they walked deeper into the maze.
“There’s not that much to tell you. We’ve only just arrived back to Cair Paravel this morning. It took us several months to return everyone to their homes before we could return. Beyond that, I’ve just received reports of peace in Narnia.”
“That’s wonderful, Caspian.”
“I’m sure your time has been far more interesting. Tell me everything.”
“Longer doesn’t always mean more interesting.”
Caspian shot her a look of disbelief.
“I’m telling the truth. After the Dawn Treader we stayed with Eustace until the end of the War. After that, once Susan, Peter, and our parents returned, I went back to school. I learned how to become a nurse.”
“Did you now?”
“Mhmm. Top of my class even. It’s been fascinating to learn, although I still think the healers here have a better bedside manner. And goodness have there been days where I wished for my cordial on the job.”
“It sounds intense.”
“It is. But I love it.”
Her smile confirmed it.
“It suits you,” he agreed.
“Besides all that, not much has changed for me. I spend most of my time working or with my family, though that’s been difficult of late.”
“Difficult? Why?” he asked with a furrowed brow.
“They’ve all become convinced I’m doomed to become an old maid. Well, not everyone I suppose. Mainly my parents and Susan. Peter would prefer it that way, over protective as he is. And Edmund, well he just wants me to be happy.”
Despite her comments, the fondness she had for her siblings still shone through.
“I’m sure they all want you to be happy.”
“I know that. I just wish they wouldn’t keep trying to set me up. I think falling in love should happen naturally.”
She glanced up at Caspian who was watching her closely.
“As do I. So it sounds to me that you’re turning suitors down left and right.”
“Hardly,” she scoffed. “Although I think Susan believes that she’ll have a better chance at marrying me off now that she’s officially taken. They’ll have to settle for the lesser Pevensie sister.”
Caspian narrowed his eyes at the assertion, footsteps coming to a halt as he turned to face her.
“In what way lesser?”
“In every way,” Lucy laughed humorlessly.
“You are Queen Lucy the Valiant. The most beloved Queen Narnia has ever seen,” he reminded her, continuing on before she could argue with him. “You are amazing. You are in no way lesser.”
His words made her smile but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“That may be who I am here. But in my world, I’m just Peter and Susan’s little sister. An afterthought.”
Caspian hated to hear her talk about herself like that.
“Then everyone in your world must be fools. You are valiant and beautiful in every world.”
Lucy found herself unable to hold his intense gaze.
“I’m not beautiful like Susan.”
He lifted her head up with a finger underneath her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“Perhaps not. But you’re beautiful like you. And brave. And kind. And loving. And a million other wonderful things.”
“No one’s ever seen me the way you do.”
“It’s an honor to know you this way, Lucy.”
He reached up cradling her cheek before sliding his fingers into her hair.
“I love you.”
It was a relief to finally say it out loud, and her smile was well worth it.
“I love you too, Caspian. I have for a long time.”
He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. When he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against hers.
“I was so scared I’d never see you again,” she whispered.
“I was too. I was certain that I’d lost my chance. But you’re here now.”
“I am.” She looked around and somehow he knew she was looking for Aslan. “But I still don’t know why.”
“I’m sure Aslan has his reasons.”
“He usually does,” Lucy agreed with a smile. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out in time. For now…”
“For now, I’m just going to be grateful. And enjoy every second of my time with you.”
“I like that plan.”
They walked through the gardens for a time before Caspian escorted her up to the castle.
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Sure enough they spent the next few weeks enjoying their time together. In fact the entire kingdom rejoiced at the return of their queen. But with no indication as to why she was there, soon a quiet anxiety crept in.
Neither Lucy nor Caspian were willing to make too many plans when they didn’t know when she would be returning, so instead they focused on ensuring Narnia was well taken care of. Lucy helped Caspian reinstate the High Council so that every type of creature was represented. Caspian watched in awe as the land flourished and now that everyone had a voice they found it even easier to keep peace. In fact, many days it seemed there wasn’t much ruling to do at all. So he spent more time with his people than ever, which he loved.
And he grew to love Lucy more every day. He knew at some point that she would have to leave, to return to her family, but he also knew that he couldn’t bear to be without her. His decision was made, although he was sure that many would consider it selfish.
Which is why a year after she arrived, Caspian led Lucy into the maze he had found her in.
“This is quite lovely. We haven’t done this in a while. What brought this on?” she asked as they walked.
“Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. And I have a question for you. And I thought this would be the best place to ask it.”
She tilted her head in question, noting the slight nervousness in his voice.
“What kind of question?”
“An important one.”
They had reached the center of the maze and Caspian led Lucy to sit on the edge of the fountain that contained a stone carving of Aslan. He hoped it would bring them the Great Lion’s blessing.
He took both her hands in his as he sat beside her on the edge of the fountain.
“Lucy, my love, ever since I first met you, you have been a source of strength and someone who I have never failed to believe in. On our first adventure I learned never to overlook you, and I am eternally grateful for learning that lesson. Because it allowed me to see you for who you are on our second adventure. On the Dawn Treader, I fell in love with you. And the day I had to say goodbye to you it felt as if my heart would never be whole again. But by the grace of Aslan, you were returned to me. And I have spent the past year falling more and more in love with you. I’m not sure how long we have left in Narnia, but I don’t want to waste another moment without asking you to be my wife.”
She gasped as Caspian shifted down onto one knee.
“There is no other I would bind myself to. I love you, Lucy Pevensie. And my only wish is to have you by my side for as long as you’ll have me. Will you marry me?”
“Of course.”
She tackled Caspian to the ground in a very unladylike move, and kissed him soundly.
“Of course I’ll marry you.”
Caspian’s smile was brilliant as he reached up to cradle her face before pulling her down for another kiss. They reveled in their new engagement alone for a while longer before deciding to return to the castle.
They were nearly out of the maze when they saw a flash of golden fur.
Lucy took off after the lion and Caspian was right on her heels. He couldn’t help but wonder at the timing.
They made it back to the fountain and found the lion himself in front of his stone counterpart.
“Aslan, it is you.”
Lucy launched herself at him, burying her face in his fur.
“Hello, dear one.” It came out in a deep rumbling laugh.
Caspian knelt before Aslan, keeping his eyes on the ground.
“Rise, King Caspian.”
“Aslan, what are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to talk to you about your future, dear one.”
Caspian felt unease coil in his stomach.
“My future here or…?”
Lucy took a step back to stand next to Caspian taking his hand in hers.
“That is your decision to make, Lucy. Your heart longed for Narnia when you returned home. You had not been ready to leave it behind. Is that still true?”
She looked to her betrothed and considered her words carefully.
“I could leave Narnia. But I cannot leave my heart. I cannot leave Caspian. Not again.”
Aslan turned his massive head towards the king – looking at him expectantly.
The king lifted Lucy’s hand to kiss her knuckles, looking to her as he answered.
“Narnia was the only home I ever knew. But Lucy is the only home I will ever need. I would leave Narnia if she wished me to. If you would allow it,” he added as he finally turned to face Aslan.
“Caspian?” Lucy gasped at him.
Aslan seemed to nod so Caspian continued, looking back to his love.
“Lucy, in the past year we’ve changed Narnia. It is ruled by its people. As it should be. They don’t need a king. But I need you.”
Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, but there was no mistaking her smile.
“Are you sure?”
“I am,” he assured her.
Lucy kissed him for a moment, before turning to Aslan.
“Aslan, is it possible?”
He huffed a laugh and nodded with a shake of his mane.
“Yes, dear one. It is possible. All is as it should be with Narnia thanks to you. But you both must be sure.”
They shared a look before turning back to Aslan.
“We’re sure,” they said in unison.
“But we must not abandon Narnia this time,” Lucy insisted. “I want to say goodbye properly.”
“Of course. You two can stay as long as you like, you have earned that. When you are ready return to this fountain and take the path behind it.”
They both peeked around as the hedge directly behind Aslan’s statue opened up. If she listened closely Lucy could hear the music of the reception.
“You’ll be returned to when you left,” Aslan answered her unspoken question.
Lucy hugged him again and Caspian joined in this time.
“Thank you, Aslan.”
“Thank you, for all you have done for Narnia. It is better for knowing you, dear heart.”
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Lucy and Caspian were married after six months on the day before they stepped down and allowed the high council full rule over Narnia. Surprisingly, no one begrudged them their decision. Narnia was happy and they saw that they could rule themselves and be their own heroes.
Two years to the day after Lucy arrived, they said their final goodbyes to the land that had given them so many gifts, the dearest of which was each other.
Hand in hand they entered the maze and followed the turns to the center. With one last look at the great stone lion, they walked through the hedge behind him, coming out into a dark night. Lucy was once again in her lavender bridesmaid dress. Luckily she had had the foresight to have a suit made for Caspian so he would blend in.
“Shall we?” she asked, excited to see her family after so long. Well so long for her. Just moments for them.
“Are you sure I shouldn’t just wait here until after the wedding? How are we going to explain me just turning up?” Caspian asked, daunted by the new world around him.
It was louder than Narnia, and undeniably strange. Lucy cupped his cheek, and kissed him.
“The evening is nearly over. The others will want to see you. You were at the other party and we ran into each other in the garden. You’re an old friend from our time with the professor. And I insisted that you come say hello and congratulate Susan in person.”
“You’ve thought about this,” he teased, considering the plan in his head.
“Of course. It was the first thing I thought when you threatened me with my own dagger,” she reminded him with a mocking look.
“Oh really?” Caspian chuckled, quirking an eyebrow at her.
“Yes. Right after ‘he’s here. Maybe I get to be loved after all’.”
“You are so loved, my valiant Lucy. And I shall love you forever. In every world.”
She smiled up at him, blissfully happy.
“And I you, Caspian.”
They shared one more kiss before walking hand in hand back to reception. Everything was as it should be.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed this. I've got loads of Ben Barnes feels lately and this is how I'm dealing with it lol. Thanks for reading!
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supercorp-exile · 3 years
This one was based on this amazing piece of art by @papurrcat.​
It has been stuck in my head since day 1 and it's all I've lived for since. Go check out her stuff.
Kara and Lena share a moment, and it feels like flying.
Read on AO3
14. flying
It had been a surprisingly smooth event. Quiet even, Kara thought. No assassination attempts, no explosions, no one trying to interrupt. Lena gave her speech, cut the ribbon, and Kara stood there by her side with the rest of their friends, happy and proud. She had expected trouble, but there was only joy, and inside the party was fun and full of laughter and good promises for the future. Kara had walked around, talking to investors and children alike, occasionally finding a breach to stuff some of the delicious buffet food in her mouth and mingle with her family. Even Eliza had come along.
But the night was long over when Kara touched down on the balcony of the venue the gala was hosted. Lena was still there, going over something with one of her employees and looking as stunning as ever in her burgundy suit, the tired expression on her face taking nothing away from her beauty. Kara walked over to her slowly. Upon seeing her, Lena smiled and dismissed the woman she was talking to.
"I checked the perimeter, everything looks as clear as the night." 
“Thank you, Supergirl.”
 "A successful one, I'd say. Did you enjoy it?" Kara asked, her professional tone from before slipping into something more familiar. She stood closer to Lena. 
"I did, yes. It was actually nicer than I predicted."
A few people were still milling about, getting things ready for clean-up and making sure everything was in the right place. A delicate light illuminated the room, casting out shadows in farther corners. A soft song played in the background through the speakers, even though the DJ had already left for the night.
"You know, I didn't get a chance to dance with you." Kara said, taking one step closer. Lena's eyes looked up at hers, intense and searching. Kara reached out a hand. "Would you do me the honor?"
"Stop playing around Kara. There's people here." Lena's voice was low and whispery, laced in secrecy and worry. "You're still in uniform." 
"I don't care, Lena. I just want to dance with you." Kara said, earnestly. "Please?" 
Lena’s expression softened and she nodded. Took Kara's hand. Joined, Kara led them to the middle of the ballroom. 
They swayed slowly, Lena's hand that wasn't holding Kara's resting on her arm, Kara's on her lower back. 
Kara felt herself breathe deeply and let go, enjoying the music and Lena's touch on her skin, her cape flowing behind her. She pulled Lena tighter, held her closer, letting Lena's arms slip around her neck and her head fall on Kara's shoulder, and allowed her eyes to close. 
She had been feeling a sense of foreboding lately, like her whole world was tilting on its axis and converging on the woman in her arms. Ever since her return from the phantom zone they had been dancing around each other, moving from the fringes of their previous relationship and getting closer and closer together, building something new in the process. 
They hadn't talked about it. None of them had been brave enough yet. But tonight…
As if something had unexpectedly clicked in place, a revelation, Kara just couldn't hold it in anymore, couldn't pretend this woman wasn't everything she ever wanted in her life. She could be reckless for one night.
The sound of her own name snapped her out of her revelry. She opened her eyes. 
"People are staring." 
Kara hummed.
Let them, she thought. But she felt Lena stiffen a bit in her arms and gave her room to maneuver, pulling back as much as possible without pulling away. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." 
"I'm not, it's just. I don't want to put you in a difficult situation. Or embarrass you."
The look Kara gave her was firm, but loving. "You could never embarrass me, Lena. I asked for this. I want to be here. I know the consequences. But we can stop if you want." Kara assured her. 
"I don’t", Lena answered, and slipped her arms back around her neck. 
They danced for a while. After a few moments, Kara felt the presence around the room dwindle and pulled back. 
"I think they're finished for the night. Ready to go home?" Lena nodded. 
Hand in hand, they walked to the same balcony Kara came from, a light breeze blowing their hair. In silence, Kara gently scooped Lena up in her arms and took off, flying them carefully towards her penthouse. Close to their destination, she felt Lena's heart pick up, a shiver run down her body. Kara smirked. 
"Still afraid of flying, are we?" 
From her place buried in the crook of Kara's neck, Lena chuckled. 
"I still don't love it, no." 
"I'll win you over someday, I know it." 
"You already did." Lena’s voice was so low it was no more than a whisper. Kara heard it as if shouted into her ear.
"What?" she gulped, slowed to a stop. Lena's head got up from its nest, and green eyes bore into blue. 
"You have already won me over."
Lena's right hand, the one that was holding her neck, was now scratching slightly on the nape of it. Kara felt it like a burn, like that point of direct contact was sending a jolt of electricity straight to her heart, melding with Lena's voice to build a current so powerful it would surely ruin her. Instinctively, she leaned closer. 
"Lena, I-" 
"Shh, Kara. Don't ruin the moment." 
In the end, Lena was the one to close the rest of the space. The one to first connect their lips together and hold Kara close by the neck, the pressure gentle and grounding as they kissed for what felt like forever and no time at all. It was sweet but passionate, slow and languid like the promise they had been keeping between them for so long. Kara thought it felt like release. 
When they stopped, Lena's balcony stood under their feet. She lowered them down, touched the ground. Lena still didn't let go. 
"There's so many things I need to tell you." Kara started, her forehead touching Lena's, breathing in her scent. 
"I know, darling. So have I. But it can wait a little longer. Tonight, I need some rest." 
Lena pressed a kiss to her cheek, long, loving. “Thank you for the dance.” She lowered her feet and started moving away. Kara stood there, watching. 
"Good night, Kara." she said, just before pulling the glass doors closed. 
"Good night, Lena". 
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multistoty · 2 years
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Open Au: be the rescuer to my pansexual princess. Adult Female Muses Opening
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The moon is a loyal companion.It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections. Home was so necessary even the air tasted like wonder. Like candied butterfly wings caught in sugared spiderwebs, and drunken peaches coated in luck. All the princess ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with her hands but with her heart. Josie could not control the race of her mind were this myserious figure was. She found herself wanting to be the friend she fall hopelessly in love with. The one she take into her arms and into her bed and into the private world she kept trapped in her head. The saltzman heir wanted to be that kind of friend. The one who would memorize the things her rescuer said as well as the shape of her pink lips when she said them. She wanted to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of the dark haired girl’s body. She wanted to know where to touch her, even wanted to know how to touch her. The onyx haired girl wanted to know how to convince her mysterious knight to design a smile just for her. And all of it were not in her warehouse of carefully filed human emotions. Hope was hugging her lithe frame like the frayed edges of cotton candy colored tulle, holding her in its arms, wiping away her tears and telling her that today and tomorrow and two days from now she will be just fine and, after this ordeal, she is so delirious that she actually dares to believe it. Hope is a difficult thing to kill, just a spark of it can start a fire. This woman with a paintbrush delicate face perfected by whatever creature lurked out there smelled of magic and heartbreak, and something about the combination made her think that despite what she claimed, she wanted to be her hero. Raven might have been a liar and villain, but she made both things look very good. her first impression of her was that her name was apt and she was tall, roughly handsome, and dangerous, like poison dressed up in an attractive bottle. Only proven further by being place in the dangerously lovely space between her arms and against her chest. She imagined getting to love her would feel like falling in love with darkness, frightening and consuming yet utterly beautiful when the stars came out. Gold shimmered no matter what, but few people could make darkness glitter the way she did. yet, her safety in the sameness and nobility of court were this sort of closeness was unheard of though she couldn’t deny the necessity it was in the dew stained air that felt like thick honey in your throat. Mice being a plague like the darkness over them. Josie had always been straight laced. never breaking protocol even if it made her the silver medal to the glittering gold of her twin sister. Someone needed to keep the royal family together as well as taking the less ruthless path of the court. Instinctively, the other girl’s body contoured to the closeness of the other form. A blashful smile returned to the others which threatened to deliciously break apart her spine. Many men and woman had wanted her hand and none had caught her eye. But this was her first opportunity to be selfless. To be alone with her wants and thoughts in the exhaustion and after math of such an emotional capture where the siphoner witches power had been realized by those who would use it for wrong. “Your warmth…? Oh. Yes, you come to my rescue again, fair maiden. I had thought that fairytales were just that. Yet, here you stand. And I can not keep words inside my head.”
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
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Die For You
Requested by Anon: “hi :) can I request Jennie scenario based on The Weeknd’s song ‘Die For You’? I also wanted to say I really love your works, they’re really good”
Pairing: Jennie x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,705
Warnings / Misc. -- Angst, Fluff, Near-Death Experience, Happy Ending
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Thank you anon! My schedule is getting busy again, so writings may take a bit longer to get posted; I apologize for the delay with this one, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Let me know what you guys think!
PS ~ This is my first time writing a song request, so I kind of just went with it lol. It’s a little messy, but I think it has charm. Happy reading!
Jennie Kim has a magnetic pull to her -- one that is relentless and unwavering once it takes control of you. It’s hypnotic in every way; sweet torture in its truest form; and you’re always left to pick up the pieces.
The arrangement that you share with Jennie has been clear from the get-go: friends with benefits, no strings attached. Neither of you have time for anything serious, and this seemed like a win-win: always having someone to come home to when you happened to be in the same area at the same time? Hell yeah. 
You hate that you want me
Hate it when you cry
You're scared to be lonely
'Specially in the night
Gradually, though, things got messy -- lines became blurred as feelings mixed into the equation. You did everything in your power to make them go away, reminding yourself time and time again of the agreement you had. But in moments like these, as you lay in bed with Jennie, her head resting on your chest as your hand runs through her hair, you can’t help how your heart swells. Pale moonlight traces patterns on the floor, wiggling its way into the room to offer a soft glow and ambiance. In here, you’re untouchable: no cameras or prying eyes; it’s just you and Jennie, free to be yourselves. Given this fact, you’ve grown to have a love-hate relationship with these four walls; they’re your haven -- your refuge -- but they serve as a brutal reminder of just how limited your relationship with Jennie is.
Nothing is certain: weeks turn into months -- especially when she’s on tour or otherwise occupied with her busy schedule -- and you’re left to your own devices, waiting on her return. Each day without her brings you closer to believing that you’re strong enough to move onto something better -- something more consistent; but then there she is, knocking on your door again, completely pushing that absurd idea from your mind. One smile from her is enough to reel you back in, and it only makes you feel more conflicted. 
Jennie stirs in her sleep, nuzzling her face closer into you as she brings a hand up to rest against your collarbone. Her body twitches lightly, lips pursing and pouting against your neck, and you wonder what she’s dreaming about. She doesn’t seem to be distressed in any way, so you take the opportunity to get a good look at her. Within the next couple hours the alarm would be blaring that sound that you despise more than anything else in this world, signalling for her to get ready and head off to the airport to leave you all over again. Despite the circumstances, you're comforted by the fact that she always makes sure to set it for the very last second, barely giving herself enough time to catch her flight -- she wants to spend every moment possible with you, and she makes it a point to do just that. Tearful goodbyes in the back of your car would be too involved for your “relationship”, so you always try to seem unaffected (or, at least, as close to that as you can manage). You save your tears for when you arrive back home, where you spend the evening coming to terms with her absence. She would never tell you, of course, but her flights are known to bear witness to plenty of sadness for her as well; with each new mile added to the distance between the two of you, her heart breaks a little more.
It’s been 4 months since you last saw Jennie. The time apart had offered you a new perspective, something in the long nights without her affirming what you already knew to be true -- you weren’t capable of continuing on like this much longer. Nothing about your situation was ever simple; the instant you began catching feelings, it all became muddled. The one rule set -- the only principle you were tasked with following -- had been broken, and there was nothing you could do to repair it. 
A knock at your door echoes out across the empty apartment, and you quickly put down the food that you had been preparing. With a swift adjustment of the dial, you set the burner to simmer and make your way to the door. None of your friends had mentioned that they were coming by, so you’re genuinely clueless as to who it could be. 
“Jennie?” Surprise is inadequate in describing the feeling that courses through you upon meeting that familiar gaze. The metal of the knob is cool in your hand as you grip it, knuckles turning white while your emotions run wild. She had failed to let you know that she was coming back to town, neglecting even to text you recently.  
“Miss me?” How are you to answer that? Part of you wants to blurt out your thoughts, effectively ripping the metaphorical band aid right off, but another part of you wants to deny her: the past few months had allowed your feelings to become somewhat dormant as you attempted to see a future beyond this arrangement, one void of her presence. It’s completely normal to feel like that, you tell yourself. It’s strange, but as in love with her as you are, you’re almost as equally indifferent about it all. How many more times could you watch her walk away, only to string you along until she came waltzing right back in? 
The more important question of the matter is apparent: how would you even begin to tell her what you’re feeling? In the past, you’ve tried to make her aware of what you’re going through, only to be met by a change of topic. She always stayed reserved, opting to spend your time together talking about anything other than that.
Deciding that you were taking far too long to respond to her, she steps into the room, closing the door behind her. The time away from you had affected her more than she’s willing to admit, and she’s more than ready to embrace you. Her arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling your body flush up against hers, and she sighs at the feeling. “I’ve missed holding you, Y/N.” The sweet nothing does it’s job, making your heart flutter as the words register in your mind. You’re still tense, though, and she doesn’t fail to notice; before long, soft kisses are being trailed across your face -- her attempt at relaxing you. Sometimes you wonder if she knows your body better than you do: it responds to her, just like she knew it would, and you loosen up. 
After what feels like minutes of just standing there, bodies intertwined, her hands make their way to your hips. She leans forward and ghosts her lips over yours, her gloss smudging a bit in the process. A battle is being fought in your mind: should you allow yourself this indulgence? Or is this the time to be strong and finally put your foot down? The choice is made up for you by the way that she slowly backs you up against the wall, along with how her mouth brushes against yours as her warm hands steady you. Before you can stop yourself, you close the distance. 
Her lips move against yours in perfect time, a delicious rhythm being set in the process. It brings to mind the notion that maybe -- just maybe -- the two of you are meant to be. After all, you fit together like a puzzle, being complete in the presence of one another. 
As her fingers play at the band of your shorts, hands roaming further with each needy kiss she presses to your lips, you debate with yourself. Her actions tempt you to cave in and give yourself up to her, but you decide that you can’t go down that road again. At least not until everything gets sorted. Quickly -- as to not give her anymore time to change your mind -- you step back and run a hand through your hair. Hers is messy, lips red and pupils blown wide. She reaches out for you again, but you simply hold your hand up in response.
“I can’t, Jennie.” The words come out as a reluctant declaration, your tone sounding tired.
Her brows furrow, but you continue.
“I can’t keep doing this.” 
“Elaborate.” Her demand is clear, but you miss the effort that it took for her to come off that way. At your words, panic began to course through her; she can’t lose you. 
“Whatever this is,” you say, motioning between the two of you. “I can’t be someone who waits around for you all the time, just keeping your bed warm.” She wants to laugh at that one; it’s almost comical how far you are from the truth. Jennie knows she’s good at hiding her feelings, but she’s shocked that she managed to make you believe something that ridiculous about yourself. You mean the world to her -- she’s just too afraid to admit it.
“No, don’t even try to change the subject; I’m sick of it. Please, just listen to me for once.”
A subtle nod from her serves as your cue to continue.
“I never meant for things to get like this, Jennie, believe me. But I can’t pretend anymore: I like you, a lot. And after having you in the ways that I’ve had you…” you pause, allowing your eyes to trail up and down her body as you clench your jaw, “I can’t bear the thought of someone taking my place when I’m not around. Do you know how hard that is to deal with?”
Happens every time
I'm scared that I'll miss you
I don't want this feelin'
I can't afford love
She seems stunned, to say the least; she blinks a few times before gathering her thoughts and speaking up. “You’re all I think about, no matter what I’m doing.” For a second, you’re hopeful: your heart beats a little faster at her confession, and you finally believe you’re getting somewhere with her. Sadly, she continues: “But I can’t afford that. I don’t have time for a commitment like that, and we have something good right now. I’ve seen plenty of relationships go bad and end in heartbreak; why should we risk it?”
“Aren’t you tired of it? Sometimes I really start to think that you like me back, but then you’re as guarded as ever, pushing me away again. I never know where I stand with you. So unless you tell me how you honestly feel, you’ll have to take me off your list of fuck buddies.”
Your language catches her off guard, seeing as how it’s unexpected and unlike you. How are you so oblivious? You’re so much more than that to her.
“Fine, Y/N! I’m in deeper than I care to admit. I’ve tried to run from it, but I can’t. You’re the one person I can’t seem to forget, and I can’t stand you because of that. And yeah..” she pauses, a bit exasperated, and takes a deep breath before continuing. “I won’t deny that I’ve been with other people when I’m away.” You close your eyes at her admission, that familiar sadness beginning to seep in -- it wasn’t anything you didn’t already know, but that doesn’t make its confirmation any easier to hear. 
“They’re not you, though. They don’t know me like you do… they’re not fun like you. I’ve never felt like this about anyone, and I don’t want to. It terrifies me.”
“That’s kinda part of the deal, Jennie -- it’s a scary thing. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but I’m willing to try with you. What we have right now is wearing me down, and I don’t deserve it; so either listen to your heart and be with me, or you won’t be seeing me again.”
Following your ultimatum, she doesn’t dare speak. Her brows are slightly furrowed again, jaw set, and she’s looking at the ground. Out of habit, your arms cross against your chest -- being vulnerable is never something you particularly enjoy (especially with so much on the line) but you’re sick of beating around the bush with her. One of the first lessons you ever learned from Jennie is that she avoids her feelings at all costs; so, standing there, you wonder what it would take to make her finally open up. Would your absence be enough? Maybe you were foolish for thinking so.
With every second that passes, silence remaining unbroken by the words that you so desperately want to hear from her, your heart sinks more and more. Every insecurity you have is swirling in your mind, further clouding it. Her lack of a response confirms your fears, and you nod quickly, knowing what you have to do. 
“Okay, I get it. I’m gonna take a walk, but you can stay here and take a shower since you just got in. When I come back, though, I want you gone.”
She doesn’t even raise her head to look at you. Inside, her heart is breaking; every fiber of her being is begging to say something -- anything -- but she stays quiet. It’s hard enough for her to keep her feelings for you in check with the arrangement you have now; if you become official, she won’t know what to do with herself. She’s falling hard, but she’s fighting it all the while -- her lifestyle doesn’t have room for love. You deserve someone who can be with you whenever you want them, not someone who’s always a world away. Calls and texts only go so far, and she knows it wouldn’t be enough for either of you. She’s spent your latest stint apart attempting to come to terms with the idea of life without you; it’s the last thing she wants, but she needs you to move on and find someone better. For you, she’s willing to hurt, so long as it means you’re happy. 
After a beat, she accepts your words, confirming that she heard you by giving a simple nod. Any remaining hope you were clinging to fades away completely, and you’re left feeling empty. Now at the coat rack, you pull your jacket over your shoulders and slip your shoes on. “There’s food on the stove, by the way. Don’t let it burn.” You say over your shoulder, too sad to look at her again. Maybe that’s some sort of symbolism: the wonderful thing you had spent so long creating was fizzling out right in front of you, Jennie being the one who could fix it all. She can step up and repair things, but that doesn’t seem very likely to happen. Tears are brimming in your eyes, and her heart breaks at the sound of your sniffles. 
Even though we're going through it
And it makes you feel alone
With a thud, the apartment door closes, and Jennie finally breaks down. It all hits her in an instant, and soon she’s sliding down to the floor, her tears mimicking her actions as they fall onto her cheeks. Why did this have to be so hard? Seeing the pain etched so plainly into your features was definitely the hardest part to all of this; she’s being cruel to be kind… if only you knew that. 
I try to find reason to pull us apart
It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect
And I know that you're worth it
I can't walk away, oh!
As soon as Jennie had realized her feelings all that time ago, she racked her brain for any and every logical reason to end things. She would pick fights over small things, praying to every higher power that you’d get tired of the stupidity and give up on her. So many other people had in the past, so why wouldn’t you? Knowing that you’re different from all the rest -- perfect for her in every way imaginable -- only scares her more. You lit a fire in her heart the day you met, and it’s only grown stronger ever since. 
20 Minutes Later
You have no real destination in mind; you’re content with just allowing your feet to take you wherever they wish to go.
Chatter from across the city makes its way to your ears, oddly offering a sense of comfort in your time of need. The night sky is full of stars, and the city bustles with life and activity. As you pass different businesses and shops, their iridescent lights shine just for you. Distant cars honk as they traverse the streets, and your mind begins to think of all of the different things those people might be doing right now. Surely some are having a great day, maybe on their way home, eager to be greeted by their loved ones. Others might be hurting just like you.
And you won't find no one that's better
'Cause I'm right for you, babe
I think I'm right for you, babe
Jennie fails to realize that all you want is her; you’re not naive -- you know how crazy her schedule is, but you’re more than willing to make sacrifices if it means she’ll be yours. No one makes you feel the way she does, and the thought of spending your life searching for something that can never compare scares you. 
A slight breeze rolls in, ghosting over your skin, and you’re reminded of all the times she would pull you in close to keep you warm. Her sweet perfume would fill your nose as you snuggled into her embrace, sharing the heat that her coat offered. Getting over her would definitely be a bitch.
It's hard for me to communicate the thoughts that I hold
But tonight I'm gon' let you know
Let me tell the truth
Baby, let me tell the truth, yeah
The peace -- if you can call it that -- is broken by a shout. “Y/N, wait!” Confused, you spin around on your heel towards the voice. It’s Jennie; she’s sprinting to you, her brown locks bouncing and flowing in the wind with every step. Conflicted, yet again, your feet appear to be rooted in their spot. What does she want now? It seems that every time you get your hopes up, she’s always letting you down. With this in mind, you slowly turn back around and continue your walk. Eventually she’ll catch up to you, but you need the extra time to gather your now-jumbled thoughts. 
Just know that I would die for you
Baby I would die for you, yeah
It all happened in a blur. As you began crossing the street to put more distance between Jennie and yourself, the high pitched sound of tires squealing against the pavement rang out. The car came out of nowhere, barrelling straight towards you with no signs of stopping; they had run a red light. Your eyes locked with the driver’s, both of you donning an equally terrified expression, and you had no time to react. Just as the bumper was about to come into contact with your body, you were instead forcefully shoved out of the way. Another person -- your savior -- comes tumbling with you just in the nick of time, and the driver swerves around you.  
“Are you okay?!” It’s Jennie; her voice is ripe with worry, her thoughts focused solely on your wellbeing. She doesn’t even notice the cut that she received from the fall. You bring your hand up to her forehead to assess the wound.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. But you,” you say, touching her injury and eliciting a pained hiss from her in the process, “...are not.” The two of you are breathing hard as adrenaline courses through your systems; once it has died down a bit, you stand up and check each other for any more sore spots.
“Thank you, Jennie. I don’t know how to repay you for something like that.” 
“I’d do it again a million times, Y/N. I’m sorry for putting you through all of this. I came to tell you that I love you, and that I’m done running. Seeing you leave really put things into perspective for me.”
“Am I supposed to believe that, or will you change your mind again?” The words are harsh, your voice laced with the bitterness that you still hold onto. You can’t find it in yourself to cushion the blow much; you’re still hurt by what’s happened in the past, and rightfully so. Beyond that, though, you’re trying to be cautious; after hearing her confess like that, you know there’s no going back. 
“Okay, I deserve that one. But I mean what I said. You’re the best thing in my life -- the best I’ve ever had -- and I just want you to be happy. I’ve always been afraid that I can’t give you that if I’m so far away all the time.” 
“Oh, baby,” you start, cupping her cheek and running your thumb across it soothingly. She leans into your touch, and your expression softens. “All I’ve ever wanted is you. You’re everything to me, you know that? We can do this together, so long as you’re willing to try.” 
“I am.” She utters before pulling you in, sealing your new agreement with a kiss. Her lips move against yours gently, taking their time as they attempt to make up for her previous behavior. It’s soft yet urgent, a million different things passing between you without words. 
Suddenly, you pull back, and Jennie panics for a second. 
“Did you turn the burner off?”
“Oh shit!” She exclaims, a look of pure fear gracing her features. 
Just as that cold, prickly feeling of dread begins to spread throughout your body, she grins. 
“Yes, I did.” 
You roll your eyes and huff loudly at her, delivering a rough shove to her shoulder. 
“Don’t do that to me!” 
She responds by pulling you in again, kissing away your frown. “I love you, too, if you didn’t catch that earlier.” You declare, feeling her lips turn up in that beautifully iconic smile of hers. She hums at that, pulling you in closer just as the chilly wind blows again. Huh, maybe the universe had been listening all along.
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lockefanfic · 4 years
Green Silk
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Part 1 of this series of oneshots.
“I’m going to ask her to marry me,” he said as she excused herself from the table to go to the washroom, not knowing that every syllable that left his mouth was a dagger into your heart.
On the outside you smiled, laughed, clapped him on the back and said the words of encouragement that were necessary and expected of a best friend. That’s what best friends did.
On the inside you struggled to contain the emptiness in the chest one feels upon receiving ill news. You suddenly would’ve rather been anywhere else, anywhere else on Earth aside from this bar where you’d decided, foolishly, to meet up with your friends for drinks.
“Listen,” he says, turning to you, seeing the proud eyes of his best friend but blissfully unaware of the pain and anguish building just behind them. “I… I’ve been thinking about it, and honestly, I have to thank you. I wouldn’t have met her if it weren’t for you.”
“Bro, naw, don’t worry about it,” you say, adding a shrug and a wave of your hand for emphasis, even as the knot of emotions in your throat threatened to choke out your ability to speak.
“No, I’m serious,” he continues, his arm on your back now, his hands squeezing your right shoulder in a friendly hug. “You met her first. You had dibs. But you still let me take a shot. And now here we are three years later and I’m like, an hour away from proposing to her.”
He reaches into the inner pocket of his jacket, where he withdraws a small red velvet box. The glint in his eyes and the smile on his lips are those of a young man who knows his life was about to change that night.
“Bro, I’m so proud of you,” you say once more as he puts the ring away. You bring him close for a hug, ostensibly to show your pride - but in reality so that he wouldn’t see your eyes and the emotions they would betray.
“I’m gonna go take a piss. I’ll grab drinks on the way back to celebrate,” you manage to spit as you rise from the table. Your eyes are watering. The lump in your throat is thickening. You needed to get away.
“Just don’t mix those two up!” your best friend replies, before some other friend at the table cracks a joke, and his attention finally, mercifully, leaves you.
A whirlwind of emotions assault you as you stumble towards the back of the bar, alcohol and feelings and nostalgia all mixing into a heady cocktail that you weren’t quite ready for, weren’t sure you would ever be ready for.
You wanted so much to be proud of him - of your best friend, who’d shared so much of your ups and downs in the many years you’d known him. After so many shitty relationships he’d finally found someone he’d wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
All thanks to you.
You’d known her for almost a decade, having met while you were both in university. You’d kept in touch after graduation, and when the small start-up company you’d worked for had finally decided it was time to hire a full time marketing manager, and she fit the bill perfectly. You’d become close friends since you started working together, and while it was clear you were both attracted to one another, the stars never aligned. You were both too busy with work or meaningless dead-end relationships. That moment - the moment that takes a friendship and turns it into a relationship - never came.
One day you decided to invite your best friend to after-work drinks. She was there as well. You thought nothing of it. You didn’t know that you’d find yourself regretting sending that invitation for years to come.
When he asked you to introduce him to her that night, you did. When he asked you if it was okay for him to ask her out you said yes. When they started going out, you were happy for them. And when they became serious, you were proud of them. 
Because that’s what best friends did.
You rub your forehead as you approach the rear of the bar and the hallway where its washrooms were located. You could feel a headache starting. You decided that perhaps it would be best if you made up some excuse and left - you weren’t sure how you could handle seeing them together, just minutes before they became enga-
“Hey,” comes a soft voice to your left - and a pale hand on your shoulder stops you mid stride.
When your eyes meet hers you feel the breath leave your lungs - the same way they often did when you made eye contact. 
“H-hey,” you manage to mumble, caught off guard. Her hand leaves your arm, and you both stand there awkwardly, unable to look each other in the eye. You both stare at the floor and your feet.
“I was… just on my way to the washroom,” you say beneath your breath. You look down the hallway towards the washrooms, unwilling to face her.
“That’s a lie, and you know it,” she says suddenly. Her accusation causes you to look up at her, and while those beautiful features of hers are as bright as they usually are, there is a hint of something else behind her eyes.
“Red handed,” you admit, raising your hands.
“He’s going to propose to me tonight,” she says softly, eyes returning to the floor.
“Really? Wow, that’s great-”
“Don’t pretend he didn’t just tell you,” she says, looking up at you again. “You know how he can’t keep a secret. You know him.”
You smile, although it is a sad one, with little happiness behind it. “Yeah, I do,” you admit.
“Then you should know how terrible he is at hiding jewelry brochures,” she says, this time with a soft smile of her own.
“Yeah,” you say, not quite sure how else to respond.
You both stand there awkwardly for a few moments, your eyes locked on one another. The bar is busy, and the loud voices and shouts of the crowd fill your ears, but you registered none of it. You stood only a few feet away from her in the cramped hallway, but it felt like it may as well have been miles.
“Congratulations,” you say, and while you intended the words to sound sincere, your heart betrays you, and your voice cracks slightly.
A sad smile appears on her lips. Her eyes glisten in the low light of the hallway. Her bottom lip gives the slightest of trembles.
“Thank you,” she answers softly.
You turn away to continue down the hallway when her hand reaches out to your arm to stop you from going any further. You stand there for a split second, her small hand on the crook of your elbow. It lasts only a second. It feels like forever.
She pulls you towards her until you are facing her. Her lips crash into yours.
Nothing could have prepared you for it. Neither of you could have said or done anything that could justify it. But as her soft, sweet lips press themselves against yours you knew damn well that you loved every moment of it.
It is over too soon - and when she breaks the kiss her eyes look into yours with desire and need and a million other emotions that you knew she’d been keeping inside for far too long.
“Just once, please,” she says, barely above a whisper. 
She reaches down to your hand, grasping it with hers, and leads you down the hallway. She pushes open the door at the end of it, revealing an empty staircase leading to the upper floors.
Even before you are fully past the door she is already pulling you towards herself, molding her small body against yours as she pushes you against the wall. Your hands embrace her torso involuntarily, wrapping your arms around her, delighting in the feel of her warm frame against yours. All the while your lips continue to duel, your tongues searching for and finding one another as you kiss.
Her lips taste of sweet cherry and her breath smells of a beer or two. 
The kiss tastes like sin.
Your hands roam her body, delighting in the feel of delicious curves beneath thin silk. She was wearing a tight, short strapless green dress that clung to her like a second skin, making it easy for you to appreciate the delicious curve of her naked back, her small waist, and the round fullness of her ass.
She gasps a little as you palm her butt, her breath filling your mouth as she exhales into it. She breaks the kiss, and you both stare at each other, faces mere inches apart. You both stand there for a few seconds, teetering on the edge, ready to pull yourselves away and apart - or fall willingly over it.
She makes the decision for you.
“Take me, please, just once, oh, please, just once…” 
Her pleas break down the last of your restraint, the last vestiges of caution still present in your lust-addled mind. A decade of unfulfilled lust and need joined you both on the edge and threw you both over it.
You turn her around so that her back is against the wall, and you dive into her neck with your mouth, filling your mouth with her taste and your nose with her scent. She tastes of vanilla chased with lust; she smells like strawberries and raw need. She gasps softly as you begin to explore her body, her open mouth next to your ear giving breathless voice to the sinful pleasure quickly building within her.
Your trail of kisses reaches her upper chest - and she is the one who grasps the top of her dress and pulls it down, revealing her perfect, round breasts. They bounce free from their silk prison for only a moment before your mouth is on them, wet tongue quickly latching onto her stiff nipples, swiping the hard bud with long, needy licks before latching on to it and sucking deeply.
Her gasp turns into a moan as you suckle from her breast. Your hand finds her other mound and teases the nipple there as well. Her own hands are not idle - they go from digging almost painful furrows into your scalp to down between your bodies, where she quickly finds the buckle of your belt and begins to undo it.
It’s your turn to moan out loud when she finds your cock, already stiff with excitement at the opportunity to indulge in the body of a young woman you’d lusted after for so many years. Her slim, thin fingers wrap themselves around your shaft, quickly pumping as best she could given the position and the fact that you were still suckling on her breasts. 
“I need you, in my mouth, please, just once,” she gasps, the words spilling from her mouth, each syllable heavy with pleasure and lust and need.
You finally tear your mouth from her to look her in the eyes - hair frazzled, breathing heavily, dress pulled down to reveal saliva-streaked breasts. But she looked no less beautiful. You’d never needed her more.
She wastes no time - soon she has dropped to her knees. You almost wished you had a moment to just stand there and take in the moment. But she was having none of it. She’d waited a decade for this moment. And so had you. 
When she takes you into her mouth you feel like you’d just died. So many years of being the good friend. So many shared hours in the classroom or in the office or at the bar, searching and waiting for a moment that would never come. So much tension built up over long gazes at one another, accidental touches and goodbye hugs whenever you parted. And it all found its release here, in the back stairwell of a bar, on the eve of her engagement to another man. 
You look down, almost afraid to watch for fear that the sight of her taking you in and out of her mouth would drive you insane. But when you finally gaze down, and find her eyes looking back at yours, you wonder if there were any sight that could have been more lustful, more intensely intoxicating. 
And the feel - of her tongue pressed against the underside of your shaft and swirling around your tip with each bob of her head, and of her hot, wet mouth and those tight, soft pink lips wrapped around it - it was almost too much to handle. You watch as she pumps the base of your cock with her left hand while her right hand plays with the wet flesh between her thighs. It was probably a minute or so she spent there, on her knees, sucking deeply and firmly on your cock as she fingers herself. Every second of it felt like an eternity.
Every second of it felt like sin.
She was forbidden fruit now; not simply another man’s girlfriend - now soon to be another man’s fiance. She was already alluring. Now she was irresistible, and you had to have more.
You grasp her naked shoulders softly and pull her up. She lets out a soft moan as your cock leaves her mouth one last time, but she knows what is to come next. Her eyes tell you all you needed to know. They tell you she wanted this, had been wanting it for as long as you had - consequences be damned.
She reaches down between your bodies and grasps the hem of her dress, pulling it up towards her waist, revealing her lack of underwear - and the glistening pink lips between her thighs. She looks up at you, eyes half-lidded with need.
“Fuck me, please.”
You reach down and grasp the back of her knees before lifting her up off the ground, pressing her against the wall. She wraps her legs around your waist. You reach down and point yourself at her entrance. You slip inside her.
When you fill her completely for the first time you both let out a long gasp into each others’ shoulders. A need fulfilled, a lust sated - but one that was tinged with the betrayal of a man who was close to you both. 
Sinful pleasure. But the sinfulness, the wrongness - it made the pleasure more intense.
You begin to thrust into her, fucking her against the wall. The years of need and frustration give you all the strength you need to hold the entirety of her weight. She was already wasn’t very heavy - but tonight she may as well have weighed nothing.
The tight, wet, hot silk of her pussy; the light, airy gasps of barely restrained lust leaving her mouth and filling your ears; the warm heat of her long legs and soft thighs wrapped around your waist - intoxicating, inebriating. You were drunk on her, and you needed every drop of the drink she was pouring down your willing throat.
Gasps and moans fill your left ear in a wordless jumble of sounds. No words, no dirty talk - only the sounds of a woman giving in to temptation and sin. What words could either of you possibly say in this situation? Words were foreign concepts. There was only lust, and need, and sex - and the only language here was the one being spoken by your bodies.
Your cock drills into her again and again and again, her wet slickness lathering your shaft with juices, some of it dripping down onto your balls and splashing wetly in small drops on the floor. Her nails begin to dig almost painfully into your shoulders. She could have drawn blood, and you wouldn’t have noticed or cared. All that mattered to you was the next thrust. The next entry into her body.
Every second you spent inside her was a sinful betrayal of your best friend. But you threw that knowledge aside, pushed it into some dark corner of your mind for your future self to deal with. All you wanted now was the next second, and the second after that. A dark part of you wanted it to last forever, claim her for your own, never let her go.
She orgasms suddenly, as though wanting intentionally to rouse you from your dark thoughts. Her body spasms and shakes around you as the pleasure overcomes her senses. She gasps and moans directly into your ear. Her pussy pulsates and tightens. She quivers. She shakes. The feel of her body’s reactions causes you to tremble in response.
So far she’d been the one in charge. She was the one that stopped you on your way to the bathroom. She was the one that pulled you into the stairwell and she was the one that kissed you.
It was your turn to take charge. It was your turn to stake your share in your sin.
You pull your shaft slowly from her body, and she lets tired legs fall to the floor. With hands on her hips you spin her around so her back is facing you. She catches on. She spreads her legs, her back arching deliciously as she presses her ass against your crotch. Needy. Wanton. Lustful. Consequences and the possibility of later regrets be damned.
You enter her again - this time she is tighter and wetter. A drink with an added shot. A drug laced with something stronger. 
You fuck her roughly against the wall. She moans and gasps and quivers as she is taken, the wordless tumble of sounds leaving her mouth telling you that she was deriving as much wicked pleasure from this as you were. 
You burn the image of her in your mind - torso pressed against the wall, expensive green silk dress a mere sash of fabric around her midsection, exposed breasts pushed against cold concrete, the round cheeks of her ass bouncing with each thrust of your hips. The wet, slick lips of her pussy, barely visible, are tightly wrapped around your cock with each exit and welcome it greedly with each entry. 
Her dress seems oddly vibrant and colorful, despite the dim light of the stairwell. It is almost a teal color, or a dark jade green. Green like envy. Envy for a relationship another man enjoyed, one you never had. Green like jealousy - jealousy you knew you shouldn’t have felt, for a man who was your best friend, and for the long life full of love that was laid out before them.
She had the same feelings for you that you did for her. 
She should have been yours.
The realization of it almost makes you go mad. It makes you angry.
You fuck her even more roughly, your cock pistoning in and out of her helpless pussy at an even quicker pace - and her moans and gasps rise in volume in response. Her walls tighten and pulsate around you once again, and you know she is on the verge of orgasm once again. You snake your right hand around her torso to find her right breast, finding it cold with the chill of the concrete wall. You find and pinch her stiff nipple. She lets out a long, needy moan as you take her body, have your way with it.
You feel your own orgasm beckoning. She tumbles over the edge first, becomes a wet, quivering, trembling mess only held up by the cock nailing her to the wall. You bury yourself as deep as you can into her body.
When you cum inside her nothing else exists. Not the sinful temptation, not the knowledge of knowing you were cumming inside your best friend’s soon-to-be fiance. And surely not guilt. That would come later.
For now all that existed was the hot wetness of the mess you were making inside her body with each spurt of hot semen you fire into the depths of her pussy. That was all that mattered. That was all that you gave a damn about.
You both stay there, frozen, for more than a few minutes as your bodies slowly recover from the intensity of your respective orgasms. The pleasure worms its way through every inch of your body, and when it winds down you are afraid of losing it. You want to chase it, hold on to that feeling forever, even as it left your body like grains of sand between the fingers of a desperately grasping fist.
You bury your head against the crook of her shoulder. You relish the feel of her warm body in your arms and the wet flesh between you that connected you to one another.
You close your eyes - a part of you never wanted to open them, for fear of what you would have to face when you did.
After you slip from her body you both spend a few awkward minutes in silence making yourselves look presentable. Reality returns, unwelcomed, to your world. You tuck yourself back into your pants. She pulls her dress back into place, wiping the wicked evidence of your sinfulness from her thighs with a tissue she retrieves from the purse she had carelessly discarded on the floor when she first pulled you into the stairwell. 
She avoids your eyes. When she is ready to leave she faces the door to the bar’s bathroom hallway, her hand on the knob.
“Last chance,” she says, softly, barely loud enough to hear.
A few moments pass as she waits for a reply. Her hand on the doorknob trembles ever so slightly. Even in the dark of the dimly lit stairwell you can see her eyes are glistening with tears. 
One of them falls down her cheek as she opens the door and returns to the bar. She is off to enjoy the rest of her evening, and the new life she would soon begin with her future husband. You let her go.
That’s what best friends did.
Author’s Note: oof.
Sad endings aside, I hope you all enjoyed this. I think the Dress series will be a regular thing from here on out. They’ll all (probably) be oneshots, and don’t worry, they definitely all won’t be as sad as this one. :)
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Ticking Photobomb, T, 1.6k
Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley & TK Strand
TK loves Carlos, and wants their relationship to work out. Before they can recapture even a semblance of the bliss they shared, Carlos needs to fix his mistake and properly introduce TK to his family. Until then... Carlos deserves at least some punishment. He only hopes Buck will forgive him, for involving him in his and Carlos's first big fight as a couple.
Only it's not Buck's forgiveness he'll need.
ao3 link
based off of this post
           He’s wary. He and TK are supposed to be enjoying a delicious meal outside at a nearby park, sun high in the sky, bright but not too cruel, as they sit together on a thin, yellow blanket, and Carlos cannot enjoy any of this beautiful date because a tiny voice in the back of his mind warns him that TK’s silence is a cover for something more sinister. His boyfriend’s smile, aimed at his phone as it has been since they arrived, means trouble. The small, continuous giggles that eke free sound like alarms. Giggles offered with every bite, where he’d type a short message and then set his phone down; only to grab it halfway through its jingling ringtone – TK never usually keeps that on. Carlos remembered him complaining how he hates ringtones, prefers having his phone vibrate. Why is it on now? And why is he texting while they’re on a date? And why does his laughter make Carlos cringe?
           “Who are you texting?” he asks, finally, Carlos pushing the plastic container with his half-finished sandwich to the side.
           TK glances up from his phone. “No one.”
           “No one?”
           “Just a friend,” TK says, pinning Carlos with a strange expression that squeezes his heart. It makes the sweat pricking his temples relocate and journey down, rolling towards his chin. Carlos wipes at his face as TK adds, “seriously, you don’t have to worry.”
           It’s the way he said ‘you’ that does Carlos in. That has him dredging up what he already considered resolved since before they sat down. Discussed, at length, over the phone, with Carlos apologizing repeatedly. TK assured him they were good. “I thought we were good?”
           TK sighs, “We are good.” Then, he mumbles, “As good as any two friends can be.”
           Carlos’s frown deepens, mouth resembling a severe gash carved into his face. “I knew it!” Carlos cries, pointing at him. “You’re still mad at me.”
           “I never said I wasn’t!”
           “You said it was settled –“
           “Because it is,” TK insists, a heavy glare drawing all breath out of Carlos’s chest. The façade he wore for their date has been pulled away, and Carlos sees exactly how distressed TK remained after he introduced him to his parents as his ‘friend’. Even with Carlos promising that he would remedy the situation soon, gather his boyfriend and family together and explain the truth of his romantic life, TK clings tight to the pain Carlos caused by letting fear sway his choice, both at the farmer’s market and when he let TK walk out of his home, relationship dangling from a fraying cord. It frays ever closer to breaking. “It’s settled until you work up the nerve to have that dinner you were talking about.”
           Carlos splutters, “That’s not – you know, with the pandemic how hard it’s…”
           His excuses further irritate TK, who retreats into his phone. He texts someone else. Perhaps the same person he’s been texting this entire time. “Then it’s settled.”
           “If it’s so settled,” Carlos asks, “why even bother agreeing to our date today?” He gestures at their unfinished meals, probably cold and stale. If they weren’t, it’s not like Carlos feels like eating anymore.
           TK stops texting, smirking at Carlos. Usually, it riles Carlos up in that he wants to kiss it off of him. Right now, Carlos swallows the urge to shove his boyfriend onto his ass.  “A date?” TK asks, words languid and breezy, spaced out by palpable sarcasm. “Why would you think this was a date,” he continues, phone tapping against his chin, “we are just friends after all…”
           Anger and disappointment converge violently inside Carlos, fighting for release. Neither can, as his vibrating phone pulls his focus from TK. He opens the message on autopilot, confused since it’s from TK. Confusion then drops into the cesspool of his emotions, like Mentos in Coke, and Carlos explodes.
           “Why did you send me this?” he demands, showing TK a picture he sent to Carlos of himself. A picture they took, together, when visiting a lake one weekend long ago during the summer. A picture taken after they spent the entire afternoon swimming, bathing suits forgotten on the pier. A picture where TK’s chiseled physique was on display, skin dazzling as fading sunlight turned water droplets into diamonds, and TK’s sunglasses rested low on his nose as he smiled to the side where Carlos was. Was. As in not anymore. Only his arm, slung around his boyfriend’s shoulder, remained. Saved by being impossible to crop out. “Well?” Carlos asks again.
           TK sighs, “Oh, I must have sent that by mistake.”
           “You wanted to send me something else?”
           “No,” TK clarifies, “I sent that to you by mistake. It was supposed to go to Buck, see?” TK shows Carlos his message thread, with the picture he sent Carlos, timestamped, showing he forwarded it to Buck first, then Carlos.
           “Yeah, Buck,” TK continues, leaving his texts and diving into his photo album. He selects a group shot of the 126, plus a few extra members. He zooms closer on one face, Buck’s, enough that Carlos can distinguish the two birthmark spots above his eyebrows. “I’m sure I told you about him.”
           “You did,” Carlos nods. He tears his gaze from Buck’s smile, fuming. “The firefighter who flirted with you.”
           “I mean, he also helped me save my dad,” TK says, “but, yeah… he also flirted with me.” TK lowers his phone, chuckling, “We’ve just been chatting back and forth – as friends do – when I realized… y’know, I told him I wasn’t interested, because I had this really awesome boyfriend who I love, but since that’s not the case anymore, we’re only friends apparetly, I figured I might as well shoot my shot. Find out if he’s still interested. Maybe once quarantine is done, I can take some time off and… see what Los Angeles has to offer.” The eyebrow wiggle was completely unnecessary. TK communicated exactly what of Los Angeles he intends to see, regardless of how his eyebrows moved.
           He’s better than this. Carlos knows what TK is doing. What the picture, and its delivery, was supposed to accomplish. What it’s succeeding at. He can win this, simply by ignoring TK’s teasing.
           “You are not going to Los Angeles.” Carlos scowls, “Not without me. And especially not if Buck is gonna be there.”
           TK scoffs, “What are you, my boyfriend?”
           “Says who?” he asks, “Your parents?”
           They’re outside. In public, surrounded by people who keep their distance. Unfortunately, their voices carry wide enough they draw a sizeable crowd. Carlos doesn’t notice until TK storms off and leaves him with the blanket, the abandoned food, and their audience.
           Carlos blushes, hiding behind his hands. He wishes he never fumbled back then, in the farmer’s market. He also, briefly, wishes he and Buck switched places. At least then TK would be treating him to risqué pictures. At least Carlos would be having a good time, if he were Buck. He’d be receiving sexy photos from a certified dreamboat instead of suffering because of his own mistakes.
           Buck stumbles over his words, stuttering, rushing out his explanation to a stone-faced Eddie. “Seriously,” he says, “I don’t – I don’t know why TK sent me that picture of him! It’s not like I asked! One second we’re talking about movies and the next thing I know – shirtless TK!”
           “Yeah, I know,” Eddie huffs, arms folded across his chest, “I saw.”
           He shouldn’t have. If Buck hadn’t left his phone on the table to help Bobby in the kitchen. If he didn’t hear his phone beep with an arriving message, almost vibrating off the table from it. If Eddie, along with Hen and Chim, weren’t climbing the stairs at the moment, and if he ignored Buck’s plea to hand him his phone. To punch in the code – which he knew, of course Eddie knew – since Buck was wrist deep in a turkey’s hole.
           Buck washed his hands immediately, drying them on his pants as he chased Eddie the few feet towards the couch.
           “So,” Eddie continues, “you and TK…”
           He and TK? “We’re friends,” he says, repeating himself after Eddie’s disbelieving stare. “Okay, I mean – he did turn me down once, when we were leaving Texas. But he said he had a boyfriend –“
           “He turned you down?” Eddie asks, “You flirted with him?”
           “No!” Buck shrugs, running his hand over his forehead, frowning at the sweat that pooled there. “Well, I didn’t think I was. But he did? And – and he left before I could say anything, but I didn’t think it mattered since he, y’know, had a boyfriend!” He stomps his foot, irritation bubbling from the pit of his stomach and out his mouth. “Besides! Why does it matter if he sends me pictures?” Nice pictures. Distracting pictures that made Buck question exactly why TK misunderstanding his friendliness was a problem. “Why are you so angry?”
           “Because… because…” Eddie looks past Buck, at the peanut gallery assembled by the kitchen. Hen and Chimney watching with interest while Bobby pretends cooking a turkey involves his whole focus. None of the seem keen to jump in and help. “Because… you…” Suddenly, Eddie stands. Buck recoils, stepping backwards. “You know what,” Eddie says, digging into his pocket, “I’m telling Marjan to unfollow you on Instagram.”
           “And!” he yells, phone free and on, “I’m telling her to block you!”
           “What? No – Eddie, no! Don’t!” Buck follows his friend, pleading, “C’mon, she hasn’t even liked any of my photos yet… Eddie… Eddie!”
           Eddie ignores him, furiously typing the end of Buck’s most famous connection online. In his haste, Buck forgets his phone on the counter. Eddie takes precedence over his phone.
           Later, Buck will return to it. He will respond to TK’s picture, sending a tidal wave of texts at the Texan firefighter ranging between the immense trouble that picture landed him in and how TK can repay him by convincing Marjan to follow him again.
           But that’s later. Now Buck slams his fist against the firetruck, yelling for Eddie to unlock the door.
           Eddie doesn’t.
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