#nontraditional omegaverse
Things I think more ABO au’s should include:
- Similar scents between family members
- A bitter or undesirable scent for an omega
- Alpha/alpha pairings
- Omega/omega pairings
- Platonic Nesting
- Beta protagonists
- Scent marking places of comfort
- Side characters or antagonists with incompatible scents
- Sharper teeth
- Pining for someone already bonded
- Damaged noses
- Seeing eye dogs but for like scenting
- Betas that aren’t just ‘normal humans’
- Alphas disguising themselves as omegas
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whatareu4 · 1 year
Y’all its been posted! Second gimbappe fanfic !! 🫶🏽
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
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Nest, Please by @homosociallyyours
2k Harry/Louis, O/B, Gen
When Louis learns that Harry is in need of building a new nest, he immediately offers to help. Nevermind that as a beta he doesn't have any experience with nesting -- there's nothing he won't do for Harry.
Written for @wordplayfics week 4 prompt: describe
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trudemaethien · 2 years
Just added a part 3 to this series
Woke Up Alone In Our Bed
the first two deal with heat and rut and are explicit; this one deals with social/community issues and is rated mature (i never write M stuff! amazing!)
“He is an alpha,” Rex says, annoyed. “Stop trying to kriffing brainwash him, Slick.”
“Why don’t you ask him what he is, instead of assuming or outright telling him, huh?” Slick argues. They both look at Dogma.
Dogma is afraid, Slick can see. He tries to imagine what it must be like to be in Dogma’s position, and recants his implicit demand. “It’s okay, love. You don’t have to,” he murmurs, extending his hand across the table.
Dogma clutches it immediately, screwing his eyes shut and shaking his head in frustration. “N-no, I w—it’s— I am an omega,” he rushes out. Rex’s shock is palpable. Dogma hurries on. “—an omega, in an alpha’s body, and I need—this is hurting me, to try to act like a proper A-type, sir. I can’t—Slick, please?”
read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/40265379
now with a fourth and final story to the series
Happy ending, promise!
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pack-the-pack · 2 years
Do you have any ideas you could throw my way about an Alpha MalexOmega Male pair that's super traditional? The alpha loves being the leader and the protector, and the omega loves to have someone he can trust deeply enough to follow and who will protect him after so much heartbreak. However, there's a catch: they don't fit the stereotype of what their dynamics generally look like. The omega is a manly handsome muscle bottom and the alpha is a willowy fem top lol
I honestly don't have headcanons for that mostly because I don't like this sort of physical inversion in A/B/O. It does not appeal to me, so I don't derive any pleasure from reading or making stuff for it.
I particularly don't like muscular Omegas. Tall ones are fine and even toned ones, but I think that's my limit. In my verses Omegas can't even physically build that much muscle to begin with.
Usually if there's a character I like that I see as Omega and they're canonically muscular I change it in my headcanons/writing. For example Dick Grayson, canonically buff, but in my verses he's just taller than avarage for an Omega, svelte, a bit toned with a well defined waist, baby birthing hips and thick thighs.
And Alphas are rarely not big and rarely can't build muscle very easily, specially if they're males. I think in my verse an Alpha would have to have a medical issue for that to happen or REALLY bad genetics, or not have been born an Alpha which is the most obvious one.
And your question confuses me a bit. If they're traditional why would they not try to fit their appearances to that mindset? Wouldn't the Omega not want to build muscle to appear more fragile and frail and "protectable"? And wouldn't the Alpha work extra hard to build muscle to be a "protector"? Idk that to me sounds a bit egodystonic as far as I see it.
But dude, I'm not saying you can't have this headcanon, it's just a little observation abt it. You can write whatever you want and have whatever headcanons you want. You do you, it's your omegaverse story. I however, am the wrong person to ask about this one.
Try some other blogs, there's many of them and they're very friendly most of the time, they can probably help you better than I can.
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asexual-vampire · 3 months
Okay I've got more omegaverse concepts. Less horny, more nesting focused because I'm feeling all cozy in my nest right now
An alpha building a nest as an act of service for their omega. Maybe the omega is disabled in some way that makes building a nest difficult. Maybe their heat gives them fatigue. Maybe the alpha just wants to do something nice to show their omega how much they love them!
An omega building a nest specifically for their alpha. It could be to make them more comfortable during a rut, or just a nice surprise, or any number of reasons! Either way, I'm sure the alpha in question is incredibly touched by the gesture.
Omega/Omega relationships where they share one nest that never gets taken down and they just keep taking turns adjusting it. One person buys a new blanket for it, the other buys a new pillow, sweaters are constantly being added to and removed from the pile to keep their shared scent fresh.
Transalphas whose partners think it's adorable that they never lost their desire to nest
Transomegas building nests for the first time and getting super euphoric about it
An omega without a mate asking to borrow clothes and pillows from their closest friends so that they can still make their nest smell safe and comforting
Nests featuring the omega's (+ their partner's) favorite stuffed toys 🥺
Omegas in long distance relationships getting clothes and blankets shipped to them from their partner for their nests
An omega with multiple partners working extra hard to make sure that everyone can fit comfortably in the nest all at once
Alternatively, a polycule working together to build a nest that everyone can fit in, with items brought in by all of them so that it's a perfect mix of their scents. Maybe they even do this as a surprise gift for an omega in the relationship!!
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martian-writes · 10 months
Are You Not Entertained?
Potent Alpha.
It's all you could smell in the air. It's all you will smell in the air for weeks to come.
It's the annual mating fights. A big event in the little village that called to alphas all over the map.
Alphas loved to fight and posture other alphas all to impress a mate. So why not make them do it and entertain the entire village? While also proving their worth to their omega. So alphas lined up around this time of year, presented courting gifts to their chosen omega and prepared to fight other suitors.
The fights worked in a bracket kind of way. The winner of each fight would move forward and the last alpha would get to truly prove their worth.
By fighting their chosen omega.
That was the /real/ entertainment. The /real/ fight. It was no secret that omegas are strong and can handle themselves. There is a big difference between needing an alpha and wanting one.
Omegas /wanted/ alphas, didn't /need/ them.
It's why alphas had to prove themselves. Omegas don't want any ol alpha that smelled good or looked good. Alphas had to be strong, had be able to protect and provide.
Alphas have to fight their chosen omega to prove that they could do all that.
The idea wasn't to deal damage to your chosen one. The idea was to pin them, pinning them down meant the alphas won the right to mate and claim their omega.
Don't be fooled. Alphas never have it that easy.
- - -
Each omega in the village is given a week for the suitors to fight it out. The village had entertainment for a whole month and sometimes two depending on how many participants each omega has that year.
This week is Izuku's. The most sought after omega in the village.
Almost all the alphas in the village have had fought for Izuku in the mating fights. Only to have their asses handed to them by other alphas or Izuku, himself. They had half a mind to set their sights on someone else but others... well they weren't so bright.
Like Mineta.
Poor little alpha got himself flung into the concrete wall of the coliseum.
He tried every year, just to be the first one out for the count.
Even alphas from around the country would come and try their hand to win Izuku over and fail. Izuku takes pride in beating alphas, Izuku loves the victory of shoving a prideful alpha down. But in recent years he has become bored, all these courting gifts every year, all these alphas and /none/ of them were strong enough for him.
Izuku wants the best and all he gets is mediocre.
So Izuku sat bored in his little viewing section as the redhead alpha by the name of Eijirou was fighting. Eijirou is a foreigner brought to the village as most non-native alphas are. With the promise of fights and alpha posturing for a mate. He brought Izuku a fine courting gift; a wrist cuff made from the finest metals, in the middle a red gem that matched his eyes and a bunch of green ones around like scales on a dragon. He gave it with a promise to win all his fights and Izuku's heart.
Izuku told him to prove it and the male showed promise. He was big, burly and beast when he fought.
Izuku is /itching/ to fight him.
Maybe finally he'd settle down.
Izuku sat up properly as the crowd screamed, as Eijirou delivered a bone crushing hit on his final opponent. The other alpha was knocked out and Eijirou stood victorious.
Wide grin, arms wide open. They made eye contact as Izuku slowly rose from his seat.
He was getting that tingly feeling he got before a promising fight. It wasn't as strong as his first few years of mating fights but it was something.
Izuku made his way to the pit of the coliseum. Eijirou's courting gift on his wrist, It was customary to give omegas wearable gifts so they could wear it during their fight.
Give alphas incentive to win and give omegas pride, if and when their alpha won.
It was also customary for omegas to return said gifts to the alphas when they lose. A token of sorts, saying you did your best and your efforts are appreciated.
"Now. Time to truly prove your worth alpha" Izuku says as he enters the pit.
Eijirou turns slowly slightly confused. "Are we going to" his face became as red as his hair "... here?"
The pit smells of blood and aggression. But Izuku could make out orange-tang like scent that was wafting off Eijirou.
"Silly Alpha" Izuku says as he circled Eijirou taking in the fact the big alpha had only taken minimal damage in his fights.
That was so /good/. It meant the alpha was strong. Izuku could feel himself slick up a little.
"You have to fight me now" Izuku says
The alpha looked shocked and Izuku tilted his head.
"Do you not understand?" Izuku questions "you only win. If you pin /me/ down. If you /entertain me/"
Eijirou's eyebrow furrowed for a moment before realization settled on his face and Izuku got into a fighting stance. His body buzzing with excitement to fight such a powerful alpha.
Then Eijirou dropped to his knees, head bowed.
"What are you doin?" Izuku hisses eyes scanning the crowd.
They were murmuring. Alphas didn't do this. They weren't supposed to do this.
"Im so sorry" the alpha says looking up at Izuku "But it's unmanly to fight omegas where im from"
Izuku stood straight, eyes wide with rage.
"I am submitting to you" Eijirou says, head bowed again.
Izuku snarls and rips off the wrist cuff, chucking it at Eijirou's feet.
"You. Are. Too. Weak. For me" Izuku says, his tone of voice causing the alpha to whimper and flinch.
Izuku left the pit, feeling angry. Feeling frustrated but most of all embarrassed. He has never had an alpha submit under the notion that they wouldnt fight him because it was "unmanly" what the fuck is that?
Alphas usually submitted because they thought Izuku /liked/ that.
Izuku snarls as he makes it back to the viewing booth. The first day of his week was a total bust.
Total disappointment.
- - -
The second day Izuku didn't have much luck either the alphas who made it to final rounds knocked eachother out at the same time.
Ties were not allowed, they'd have to try again the next day if they wanted too.
The third day was just as boring. What was wrong with these alphas? How could they offer Izuku such pretty gifts and fail??
Was he not worth all the fighting they were doing?
Didn't they want him?
The fourth day got a little more interesting... the purple haired alpha... Hitoshi that's what Izuku thinks his name is /really/ surprised Izuku.
The purple haired alpha was tall, lanky and skinny. He was toned of course but Izuku didn't think he'd have a chance. Handed him a courting gift that sparkled in the sun because of how it was bejeweled, a pretty dangle necklace. Hitoshi gave it to Izuku the last day before the mating fights began. High blush on cheeks and he barely made eye contact with Izuku.
As far as Izuku knew for as long Hitoshi had been in the village this was the first time he was participating in the mating fights.
Hitoshi won the chance to fight Izuku.
The alpha was all types of beat up but it proved he could hold his own. Izuku really didnt get that tingle, the fight didn't seem so promising as he entered the pit to fight the alpha.
Hitoshi was heaving for breath, his body bruised and beaten. Izuku would have offered him a way out, but it was the feral look in his eyes that made Izuku charge him.
The fight was over before it really started. Hitoshi's body was too exhausted to actually fight against Izuku's first charge at him. Toppled to the dirt floor like a statue, and then he couldn't get back up. Even when Izuku pressed his bare foot to the side of his head and demanded the alpha get up.
"I cant" Hitoshi wheezed, ashamed.
Izuku clicked his tongue, pulled the necklace off and dropped it on the alphas chest.
"You surprised me." Was all Izuku said to him.
Fifth day was a bit more interesting, Shoto was an Alpha that had randomly turned up in the village earlier in the year. Handsome one too, the omegas in the village had the hots for him but he didn't seem interested. He wasn't interested in anyone or anything.
Stoic that one.
So yeah, Izuku was shocked when the two toned alpha handed him a silver arm cuff with his family crest on it. Oh the jealousy that came off the other omegas made Izuku smug.
When Shoto entered the pit on the fifth day, Izuku was curious. He never saw the alpha workout or spar or anything really. He wondered how he would fare.
Shoto fared quite well, Izuku tingled a little watching him fight. The tall Alpha was just taking down his opponents like they weren't worth anything. In fact Shoto looked bored as he fought them, like he /needed/ a challenge.
Izuku could be his challenge.
Izuku wanted to fight him so /bad/.
Shoto won. He stood unbothered, arms crossed, foot digging into his opponent.
"You already knocked out?" Shoto questioned
It made Izuku laugh as he entered the pit.
"You seem bored" Izuku said to the alpha
"I suppose fighting you will be more entertaining?"
Izuku smirked "Id hope so alpha"
The fight was getting good, Izuku had Shoto in a leg lock. His thick thighs wrapped tightly around the alpha's neck. Shoto managed to sneak a hand in there to try and pry the omega off but was truly struggling.
It was making Izuku hot, he was slicking up and he knew the alpha could smell it. So when the alpha tapped out, Izuku had become dryer than a desert.
He released the alpha with a suck of his teeth. Stood up, dusted himself off and pulled off the arm cuff. Dropping it beside the alpha.
He didn't even check on the alpha as he coughed and held his neck. He just walked out the arena.
Tapping out meant the alpha would take that lost.
Tapping out meant he was /weak./
Izuku was thoroughly disappointed /again/.
The sixth day was just as boring as the second and third. Izuku was truly losing hope, these alphas weren't worth his time. They weren't worth his affections.
How sad. Maybe he should leave the village? Maybe he can find a worthy alpha then.
The last day of his week rolled around and he wasn't even paying attention anymore. Popping grapes into his mouth, slouched lazily in his seat.
He glares at his gifts.
Worthless he thinks. All the gifts are worthless.
"ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?" The current alpha in the pit yelled.
Izuku slid a look toward the pit and it was an ash blonde alpha, a foreigner much like Eijirou. He was staring right at Izuku, one foot shoving his opponent down, scowl aimed at Izuku.
He wasn't entertained. So Izuku shot the alpha with a look of boredom and turned his whole head away from the show.
The alpha roared in annoyance and socked the other alpha dead in the nose.
Broke it.
The alpha took great offense and made a show of it by being /loud/ and /more/ violent. Izuku had angered the alpha with his dismissal, and the blonde alpha was a /monster/ in the pit.
He was taking down his opponents as if they were mere flies. And after every take down he would look to see if Izuku was watching.
Izuku /was/. He couldn't look away.
The alpha was large, scarred. He wore a necklace with teeth of what was clearly a kill and colorful beads. His muscles bulged when he moved. And the more he fought the more excited he got.
"COME ON! BRING ON ANOTHER" The blonde yells as the other knocked out alpha was dragged from the pit.
The blonde has this wild crazy look in his eyes, like as if he is boarding a feral state.
Gods it was hot. It made Izuku hot. It felt himself slicking up as he watched the blonde alpha take down every single one of Izuku's potential suitors.
Oh gods. Izuku didn't want to get his hopes up.
He /really/ wanted to fight this one.
He /really/ wanted him to /win/.
The alpha did, headbutted his final oppoent and had blood covering all his teeth as he grinned victoriously at Izuku.
Izuku was so desperately trying to remember the alpha's name, the gift he gave him.
What /is/ his name??? Ka- kac- kacchan?
And the alpha gave him gold bangles... two for each wrist and three for one of his ankles.
The alpha pointed to Izuku as he slipped the courting gift on and yelled "Come on down! Your ass is /mine/ omega"
Fuck. If that didn't make Izuku hot all over. His body tingle with excitement, the alpha looked feral, so fucking primal. That izuku was feeling as if this was his first time fighting an alpha.
Oh fuck. He could feel the dampness in his pants.
- - -
Katsuki heard of a village that did annual mating fights. Where alphas lined up to fight each other for the affections of their chosen omega. While yes this was a big reason why Katsuki had traveled from the south to north, it was the fact that; when a single alpha had beaten all the other suitors. That alpha got to fight their omega.
Like really fight their omega.
Katsuki's village has a similar custom. Although it's done more privately between a courting pair, the "fight" part wasn't truly a fight. Omega tended to submit early on in the fight after a chase into the woods.
Katsuki didn't want that... he wanted an omega that would challenge him.
He wanted... the omega by the name of Deku.
When Katsuki arrived in the village, there were many omegas to choose from. All strong, all pretty and they all smelled... decent he guessed. They weren't exactly all over him but they aren't shy about their attraction. It was something Katsuki had grown used to, he knows he is a fine specimen of alpha, he didn't /need/ omega fawning over him to remind him.
He didn't need omegas throwing themselves at him either.
When Katsuki entered the village he was looking for a place to stay and wanted to make sure he was in the right place. He stopped a green haired omega to ask and got snarled at. Katsuki's head had jerked back with surprise and normally he'd have some snarky ass reply to something like that.
Katsuki was struck by three things.
One the omega, because yeah no alpha smells like that. By that Katsuki means forest rain on a hot summer's day. The omega smelled like coming home and Katsuki didnt know what the fuck todo with that.
Two the omega was fucking beautiful, his face was sunkissed with brown little specks scattered across his nose, cheeks and bit on his forehead. He looked like the gods blew star dust on his face. He has big green eyes and moss green hair to match.
Three... the aggression that was in that snarl. Like if he could take Katsuki in a fight. That made Katsuki interested, that made Katsuki's cock twitch.
Once he was settled nicely in the village, it was time to start scooping out omegas. In Katsuki's case one aggressive green haired beauty. Katsuki didn't want to ask around... there were a lot of alphas sniffing around and last he saw the omega had a lot of courting gifts.
Not that Katsuki didnt think he could take em, he could take on any alpha and fucking win. But the less he had to fight the quicker he could get to fight the omega.
That was his end goal.
That and well ya know... mating and claiming him.
Katsuki heard... around, ya know picking other people's conversations. Shut up he's not nosey, he just didn't wanna ask around.
Found out the omega's name was Deku. Which Katsuki thought was fitting because that omega looked as if he could do /any/ and take on /anyone/ in a fight. Found out that every single year some alphas in the village and mostly from outside the village were smitten with him. Every year they'd try their hand at the mating fights to make it to the end only to /lose/ to the omega.
Deku was what the village called a warrior omega.
The omega liked to fight for sport, he liked to go hunting and the all things that proved your strength the omega excelled at. It was celebrated, the village elders were convinced that when he finally got an alpha those pups would basically be demigods.
That's how respected Deku was. That's how strong Deku was.
After that, Katsuki watched Deku from afar. Deku never paid much mind to the alphas around, not even to the ones that handed him courting gifts. The alphas always seemed shy when giving him a gift and Deku always seemed /bored/.
This big stupid redhead had given one, promised to win his fights and his heart and Izuku stared at him, not amused, not with a smile and just said "prove it".
Two other alphas handed him gifts that day and same thing.
Katsuki wasn't sure he wanted to court an omega who would seem /bored/ of him. Or seemed dismissive of him simply because the omega underestimated Katsuki's ability to win against him. Katsuki wanted a strong omega yes but not one that just seemed like they were going through the motions of life.
Katsuki saw the omega fight, spar really but all the same. It was against customs for alphas and omegas to spar for obvious reasons. But alphas could spar with each other and so could omegas.
There was buzzing in the village that day. The pups around the village excitedly run toward the sparring area.
"Deku is sparring! Deku is sparring" they yelled.
So Katsuki followed the pups through the villages and to the sparring area. There Deku was shirtless, adorning beautiful scars that told stories of his bravery and strength. He had legs for days, stocky build, Deku was a walking wet dream.
It's no wonder he had so many suitors.
Deku bounced on his toes while the other omega- who honestly looked like a gray haired version of the redhead alpha, stretched. The other omega was a lot larger than Deku but he didn't seem phased.
They charged at each other, but Deku was quick on his feet. Moving and maneuvering with such agility that it looked as though he was dancing. Katsuki caught the green haired omega smiling, it was blinding.
It was beautiful.
He was beautiful.
Deku was so in his element, he didn't look bored or like he was going through the motions. He was much like Katsuki, someone seeking a challenge, someone to keep him on his toes, bring him that rush of excitement.
The fight was over in five minutes. Katsuki was stunned when the little omega stood on top of the other omega’s back. Grinning, ferally. It did something to Katsuki, made his heart flutter and his dick swell that's for sure.
Katsuki decided Deku was /his/ omega and he was going to do everything and anything to have him.
Going back to his little hut that he was set up in, Katsuki got his courting gift. It was something his sire had given his dam before they mated and married.
Gold bangles. They were special, a family heirloom if you will.
One day one of their pups would give it to a lucky mate. And so forth.
When Katsuki got back to the sparring area, Deku had just finished another match. Different omega, blonde with a weird black streak in his hair, Deku helped him off the floor.
Katsuki approached slowly.
"You need to work on your form Denki." Deku said to the omega "You can't join the fights with a weak form. Then any ol alpha can have you... you aim to be the best. You get the best"
The blonde omega nodded "Right! Can we spar-"
But the omega cut off once he made eye contact with Katsuki. Making Deku look at him, Katsuki bent his neck in a submissive manner and held out the small box with the bangles.
Deku raised an eyebrow as he slowly took the box. Katsuki did not utter a word to Deku, he didn't make any promises. He just stared into those deep green eyes.
Deku has really pretty eyes.
Then Deku shook the box and the bangles jingled and that snapped Katsuki out of whatever trance he had been in. With one last look, Katsuki walked away.
Deku didn't say a word to him.
But that was okay. Because they would have a lifetime to talk once they were mated and married.
A lifetime.
- - -
Izuku's bangles jingled as he dodged Kacchan's hits and grapples. This alpha is so fun and everytime Izuku thinks he has him pinned the alpha pulls some trick to get out of it.
It makes Izuku slick up, it's practically sliding down his thighs.
The crowd was yelling and roaring. It's the first time an alpha has been in the pit this long with Izuku. The village is holding their breath, had their warrior omega finally found the perfect alpha? To give him demi god pups?
Izuku's body is slowing down as he heats up. He isn't doing it on purpose, his body was going into a pseudo heat. Slowing down giving the promising alpha a chance to pin him. For the first time, Izuku and his inner omega where in agreement.
This was THE alpha.
"Come on little omega" The alpha says tine taunting, but his tone also held annoyance. It is likely the alpha didn't realize /why/ Izuku was slowing down. "Where's all your fire hah? Fight me like you mean it"
The alpha /wanted/ Izuku to fight him. He /wanted/ to fight Izuku.
Didn't that knowledge make Izuku /burn/.
Izuku felt the slick drip down his thighs before he charged the alpha. Using the half broken pillar the was in the pit bouncing off it like a bunny and wrapping those thick thighs around the alphas head.
Normally an alpha would fall if Izuku threw his weight like that. But not this one, oh this one took his big hands and gripped Izuku's ass and pushed izuku further on to his face, like he needed to get a /good smell/.
The alpha chuckles darkly, making Izuku shiver. "Oh. I see."
Then Izuku felt the alpha's tongue trace the damp spot on his pants, running from his sopping wet hole to his tiny cocklet. Izuku felt everything through his pants. Izuku squeals, his hands flying to ash blonde locks that were surprisingly soft despite how spikey they looked.
The alpha took that moment to slam Izuku down into the dirt and Izuku gushed more slick like a popped berry. His hands still dug into the spikes, the alphas were still buried in between his legs.
But Izuku was pinned. He could hear the crowd shouting a count down and he tried to wiggle out of the hold but the alpha pressed his body down with one hand and shoved his face further into Izuku's clothed heat.
Izuku's head flew back, eyes wide.
This was it, the warrior omega will be claimed.
Izuku looks in between his legs and the alpha vermillion eyes are already watching him. They held a glint of /something/, whatever it is. Izuku just /knew/ deep in his bones it's whatever he has been searching for all these years. He slicked more, more than he has ever had in his whole life.
The alpha nipped at Izuku's pants and ran his tongue once more over the wetness that had seeped through the pants as the crowd shouted celebratory.
Izuku released the alpha's hair, allowing him to get up. His chin was soaked with slick, /Izuku's slick/ and the alpha couldn't have seemed any prouder.
Crouching slightly, his muscles flexing as he roared loudly.
The alpha was celebrating.
Warmth spread through Izuku and the pride he feels, made him tingle.
The alpha held a hand out to Izuku to which he grasped. Izuku looks up at his alpha, the man is beautiful, sculpted by the gods.
High cheekbones, chiseled jawline.
The alpha looks like everything. Smells like it too, smokey and sweet like someone cooked bananas.
"In my culture" The alpha rasps pulling off his tooth beaded necklace "chosen omegas wear the beads of their chosen alpha before mating"
The alpha places the necklace on Izuku. "It is to claim you. Before my mark is on you"
Izuku looks down at the necklace and then back at the alpha, eyes hooded "Mark me alpha. Make me /yours/"
The alpha growls scoops up Izuku in a bridal carry. The villagers are shouting Izuku's name, pride filling them.
Kacchan takes him out of the arena and into this tiny hut that Izuku assumes he has been staying at. He drops Izuku on to his bed and rips- yes literally rips at his pants. Izuku crawls backwards on the bed and the alpha grabs his ankle, yanking him toward the edge of the bed.
"Don't run from me now /omega/"
Izuku licks his lips "I wouldn't dream of it"
Which was true, Izuku couldn't. This alpha had beaten him, pinned him. That feat alone was /enough/ for izuku.
Izuku had been waiting /years/ for an alpha to match his energy. For an alpha to be worthy enough for him.
He wouldn't run now. Not ever.
Kacchan is the /perfect/ alpha for him.
There was a sudden tear and Izuku was no longer clothed, having been shirtless for the fights. Izuku takes in the alpha before him, all his scars, all his muscles... all his glory.
The alpha's cock hung heavy, already hard dripping with precum. Izuku's gaze traveled slowly up and was met with a look of hunger, he physically couldn't stop the shiver or the slick that wet the bedding beneath him.
So he opened his legs, inviting his chosen alpha in.
Kacchan dove. Forcing Izuku's legs wider than he had offered and lapping at his slick soaked cunt lips. Izuku's hands flew to the hair and gripped tightly as the alpha's thick tongue fucked into his hole.
Then the alpha licked all the way up to his tiny cocklet that was more like a really big clit than anything else. He nipped, suckled and licked at it making Izuku become a moaning, dripping mess.
A thick, large finger circled Izuku’s hole before sliding knuckle deep.
"Oh gods" Izuku whines "More"
And the alpha gave more, working izuku open until he was squealing with his legs shaking. Izuku had already cummed but the alpha was working him toward sensitivity.
"Alpha /please/" Izuku begs
"Please what?" Kacchan's voice is rough and gravely
"Fuck me" Izuku whispered.
Kacchan growls and pulls his fingers free from Izuku, who whines at feeling empty. Kacchan kisses and licks up Izuku's body to his mouth and claims it with a hot, feverish kiss.
Kacchan lined himself up and slowly thrusted into the omega. Izuku grabbed the alpha's shoulder's to steady himself, as his body tried to accommodate the large cock entering his body.
Both Izuku and the alpha's head gets tossed back when he finally bottoms out in Izuku. The pace is slow at first, the alpha paying very good attention to his omega's facial expressions and scent. Searching for any signs of distress or discomfort.
He is such a good alpha already but he finds none of those things. Just pure bliss, happy omega.
Izuku is in heaven.
He just needs his alpha to work faster, fuck him harder. So using his powerful legs he flips them over, stunning the alpha. Izuku's hands press firmly into the alpha's chest pushing him down as Izuku slams himself down on that thick dick.
"Want your knot alpha" Izuku whines "Be a good alpha and /give it/ to me"
"Anything" Kacchan groans "anything you want"
Kacchan's big hands gripped Izuku's waist in a bruising hold. He loved it, the alpha timed his thrusts for everytime Izuku slammed down.
The little hut was filled with the sounds of their coupling, the room was saturated with their mixed lustful scents.
They smelled /so good/ together. Its driving izuku is almost feral.
"KAC-ALPHA!" Izuku cries, tossing his head back, his thighs starting to burn.
The alpha sits up, holding the omega close. "I got you. I got you"
The blonde flips them so the omega is on his back, one leg wrapped tight around the alpha's waist and the other on his shoulder. The angle drives the alpha thick cock deeper, making the omega cry out.
Izuku was so close but he /needed/ more. He needed his alpha's mark, his knot.
Izuku needed /everything/ his alpha had to offer.
Kacchan pulls out making izuku whine and pout. He leans down kissing his omega breathless.
"Present for me" he whispers against Izuku's lips.
Izuku quickly flips onto his stomach. Face down ass up, he wiggles his bottom.
Kacchan strokes himself before sliding back into that hot heat. His pace becomes brutal, pounding into his omega. His cock craving a home into the greenette, Izuku's scarred hand runs down to his abdomen, to feel the bulge in his gut as the alpha fucked into him.
He moans. Izuku feels so full. So good.
Kacchan's calloused hands drag up from Izuku's waist to in between his shoulder blades pushing him down.
"Such a good omega" He snarls "Strong omega. Gonna give you strong pups"
The praise makes Izuku's inner omega preen.
"Yes! Yes" Izuku screams "Give me your knot. Pup me"
The alpha inflates but it doesn't quite catch yet. Izuku's hair gets pulled and his back is pressed to that amazing chest. The alpha yanks the omega's head to the side nose dragging up to the scent gland where he took a big sniff of the sweet scent coming from the omega.
His tongue flicks out, he laps and sucks on the gland till it's swollen and a bit red. Ready to be claimed, Izuku whimpers and begs for the alpha's mark. It makes his knot throb, Kacchan bites down just as he thrusts his knot all the way into the omega.
The alphas practically howls as he cums and Izuku cums with a loud scream of 'Kacchan' and his body goes limp in the alpha's arms. Kacchan grinds into Izuku as his knot is milked for all it's got.
Kacchan moves them to lay down while they are tied together. They are exhausted, between fighting and this, they need the rest.
When Kacchan came to, a few minutes later, his knot had deflated and he slowly pulled out. Izuku mutters his complaints but the alpha keeps cuddling his omega. Scenting the greenette, till he pauses recalling the name the omega shouted when he came.
"What the fuck did you call me, Deku?" He curses 
Izuku's eyebrows furrowed " 'm name is I-zu-ku, and you're Kacchan"
"The hell i am! Its Kat-su-ki"
The alpha roars, flipping Izuku from his side onto his back. It made Izuku giggle, how such a name worked the alpha all up. The alpha snarled in Izuku's face which resulted in Izuku snarling back. Which made the alpha pop a boner, which turned into another round of mating where Izuku got to claim the alpha back.
They cuddled after, Katsuki drawing shapes into Izuku's back while Izuku traced the alpha's scars.
"Deku means useless you know" Izuku says
"Tch, as if your stocky ass is useless" Katsuki replies "In my culture. It means you can do it."
Izuku hums. "I like that"
They are silent for a few minutes before Izuku decides he wants to know more about Katsuki and his culture.
"Can you tell me more about your culture?"
"Hm?" Katsuki tiredly hums "We have an entire life for you to learn. No need to rush. Sleep."
The alpha shoves Izuku into his chest and izuku sighs contently. He supposes the male is right.
They did have a lifetime.
- - -
Izuku adjusted his collar and cuffs as he stared at himself in the little mirror. The was form fitting, made from animal hide with an alpha claiming fang dead center of it, lined with different jewels.
Kacchan had it made for him, after their mating. Used his teenage alpha fang as a centerpiece.
The collar and cuffs made no sense to Izuku because he was already claimed.
But it was a part of Kacchan's culture and was customary for an omega to wear a collar given to them made by their alpha on their wedding day. That was another thing Izuku didn't understand.
They were already bonded for life, why get 'married'?
But it was a part of Kacchan's culture, it was customary. It was less of a real wedding and more like a celebration, the new mated pair showing off their bond. Katsuki had explained, like how in Izuku's village after  the mating fights were over and all the omegas that had gotten alphas were celebrated.
There was a feast and each couple had dried lavender and rose petals thrown at them.
Izuku's village celebrated hard, this year's celebration was different. The elders never offered blessings to the newly mated couple but offered Katsuki and Izuku.
Their warrior omega was mated. It was going to bring the village great fortune.
"You are like a god to them" Katsuki had whispered to him after the last elder offered their blessing.
Izuku laughed "No. I'm a warrior. You are the god who took me down"
That was an unnecessary boost to Kacchan's ego that Izuku thinks that the alpha did not need.
Now he runs around his village calling himself a god.
"Deku you ready? We don’t got all day!" Katsuki yells as he walks toward their shared bedroom.
"I beg a differ Kacchan! What did you tell me the day we mated? We have a whole lifetime?" Izuku yells back, turning around just in time to see his mate enter the room.
He looks so handsome, with his tribal paints, cape. He lacked his beaded necklace but that was because Izuku had to present him with a new one that /he/ made today at the ceremony.
"What?" Katsuki questions
"You look so handsome" Izuku purrs, his scent shifting slightly as he steps closer to his mate.
Katsuki scented the air and his eyes widened "oh no you dont you little vixen! They are waiting for us"
"But kacchannnn" Izuku whines
Katsuki plugs his nose and backs out of the room "Not uh! /after/"
"But i /need/ you now!"
Katsuki already started hauling ass out their house. Izuku has been insatiable since their mating and Katsuki is unsure how much more his knot can take before it falls off.
"I KNOTTED YOU THREE TIMES ALREADY" Katsuki yells as runs down the hall, he can hear his omega running after him.
Katsuki throws open the front door, spotting Hanta, his best friend (not that Katsuki would say that outloud to him or anyone for that matter) and his omega Mina. Katsuki's eyes had to look wild from how startled the pair looked.
"HE IS TRYNNA FUCK ME" Katsuki yells at them which makes them cackle.
When Katsuki looked over his shoulder his omega was already looking like a predator who was about to pounce on their prey. In the end... Izuku and Katsuki are drastically /late/ to their /own/ wedding ceremony. Because knotting his omega four times, /was not/ enough.
What can Katsuki say... they have a lifetime for everything.
The End 
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hawnks · 11 months
would you disown me if i wrote top omega gojo x beta reader 🥺👉👈
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the-mad-starker · 4 months
is your requests open? :)
I mean, you can send a request in but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to fill it. There's a 50/50 chance that it'll inspire me and it'll get written in a day, and that other 50 where I end up sitting on it cause I get bogged down with other works
Take your chances if you want? 😅 I'm a slow writer 🐌🥲
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liron-ao3 · 10 months
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Mature / 22k words
With art by @golby-moon 🎨
Written for the @dadstielminibang
When Castiel's mate dies eight years after their arranged bonding, the omega is sad but not heartbroken. From now on, his life revolves around his pups Claire and Jack, as he tries his best to guide them through their grief and give them a happy childhood. The children are his whole world. Until a green-eyed alpha steps into his life.
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outtoshatter · 4 months
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This week's author spotlight: @hedwig221b!
Over 10k:
Take me Away From Here | E | 33k tags: nontraditional Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, historical, mpreg, angst & hurt/comfort, possessive Derek Summary: Derek Hale looked terrifying. With his broad frame and muscles, with his wild black hair and thick beard, with his eyes the color of blood and fangs of a killer. Despite his kindness and his apparent attraction to Stiles, he was still a stranger, a predator, a wolf.
The thing is, Stiles would deal, but others might not. People found Lord Hale horrid, monstrous and unapproachable.
If Stiles stood behind him, no one would touch him.
He’d be safe with the wolf. If not from him, then definitely from everyone else. And that was enough.
Full and Void | E | 23k tags: established relationship, canon divergence, void Stiles, dark Derek, captivity, gore Summary: Stiles could be meek, sure. In Derek’s arms, softened under the touch, pinned under his weight. He allowed himself to relax only in Derek’s sole presence.
Stiles could also look meek. Small, scared. Let the enemies think he was hiding in his mate’s shadow. After all, no one would stop to think that the shadow could ever be dangerous.
Torn Apart and Set Anew | M | 18k tags: established relationship, omegaverse, werewolves are known, whump Stiles, stalking, murder Summary: “Someone’s here,” Stiles whispered, feeling weirdly numb.
The metal latch clicked. With ice filling his lungs and his fingers shaking terribly, Stiles swiveled his head in the direction of a window and froze for a beat of a second.
There was a face behind the glass.
Forgettable and plain, but at the same time familiar face.
Wait for me | M | 64k tags: Cursed Derek, Spark Stiles, mates, alcoholic Sheriff, angst & hurt/comfort Summary: “Stiles, we know about your Spark,” Scott looked at Stiles with desperate eyes, trying to convey something. “He is the Werewolf who's been chasing you. You must run. We’ll help you…”
Stiles stared at his friend, genuinely concerned for his sanity, because the nonsense he was sputtering was really fucking confusing.
The Rarest of Gems | E | 26k tags: mates, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending Summary: "There, somewhere, a flower grows. Its curious petals reach in curiosity, but get burned in return. It craves a soothing touch, a lover’s kiss. It is the sweetest nectar, the brightest moonlight, the most alluring starry night. It is the rarest of gems. It is your mate, alpha Hale. But beware and haste, for the flower grows among the most vicious thorns, who can’t wait to tear it apart."
Under 10k:
Devoured | E | 5k tags: Sex Deity Derek, virgin sacrifice Stiles, consensual somnophilia Summary: Breathless, Stiles shifted his gaze up and went red from the knowing smirk on the deific face. The man’s red eyes sparkled in the moonlight, glowing like two fires on the tips of the candles. One of his thick eyebrows was lifted in amusement.
He was the most beautiful being Stiles had ever seen. As was probably expected, considering he was the god of sexual desire.
Kiss it Better | T | 1k tags: fluff & hurt/comfort, established relationship, mpreg Summary: Eli was healthy, bubbly and happy most of the time, a perfect overly energetic and curious child, but sometimes he just gave Stiles this studying, almost suspicious long stare and pursed his little button nose, as if thinking very hard about something.
Today was one of those days.
Mountain to Hide Behind | T | 3k tags: established relationship/married, mpreg, implied cheating, no actual cheating Summary: “Did you honestly think Stiles wouldn’t notice your absence? He can’t even stomach his dinner, because he knows you’re busy fucking side-chicks as he does so.”
A stunned silence filled the room.
Right then, faced with the sentence he was too scared to even think of, Stiles realized he couldn’t take it anymore. At his first mortifying quiet sniff, Derek swerved around to look at him.
He looked horrified.
Safe | Not Rated | 974 tags: fix-it-fic, established relationship, magical Stiles Summary: “Where is he?” Stiles rumbled, glancing at each member of the pack in front of him, before settling his incinerating gaze on one person he once considered a brother. “Tell me, Scott, where is my husband?”
Fate is Not a Real Thing | E | 5k tags: werewolves are known, full shift wolves, witch Stiles, mates, angst with happy ending Summary: See, the nature was a nasty thing. Yes, Derek despised him, hated him, may be wished him dead sometimes, but he couldn’t fight the instincts. Sometimes it was hard for Stiles to remember that none of that was done out of Derek’s free will. His glares and frowns and his silence always put Stiles in his rightful place, though. He was a mistake and a joke. It hurt, very much so, because, even though Derek didn’t want anything to do with Stiles, he wanted everything with Derek.
The Happiest of All | 2 works | 57k total | complete some tags: mates, angst with happy ending, possessive Derek, true alpha Derek, spark Stiles, mpreg
Go check out hedwig221b's AO3 page, and don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos and maybe even a comment!
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maxislvt · 1 year
The Perfect Pair
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Summary: What happened before Christmas was an accident. It should've been a one off thing that neither you or Wanda would mention again. However, Wanda isn't satisfied with just letting you slip through the cracks and though you'd never admit it, you didn't want to slip through them either.
Warnings: smut, omegaverse, alpha!reader, omega!Wanda, nontraditional omegaverse dynamics, anal play, pegging, anal fingerings, butt plugs, jealousy, rough sex, teasing, claiming, very brief and non serious injury towards the end, aftercare
Author's Note: I swear I was writing the professor Wanda fic but this literally consumed my every waking thought FOR WEEKS!! This is technically a part 2 of Let It Snow but this can be read on its own!!
"I understand you may be worried about some of the repercussions of our… escapade before Christmas and I assure you they are small. As you know, how I acquired my powers has rendered me barren. I won't stop being friends with you because of this but I cannot let something like that happen again. It would be detrimental to the team to continue such a relationship based on our urges." 
You were so serious, Wanda almost believed you. With your back so straight and your voice so stern, Wanda should've been convinced you wanted nothing to do with her. Like always, she could see right through you. The smaller details always told her what you were truly feeling. Your heels dug into the carpet of her room, you fiddled with the leather strap on your jacket, and the way you simply refused to make proper eye contact with her. You were nervous, unsure of the words coming out of your mouth. It was adorable. Wanda could only imagine you hunched over a desk constantly rewriting your speech in that little notebook you kept on you.
"Who said it wasn't only based on urges, hm?" One question was all she needed to break your facade. Suddenly,  you were right back to that bashful alpha she had trapped underneath only weeks earlier. Wanda stepped into your personal space. Her hands spread out over the muscular surface that was your chest. "You can sense me watching you, can't you?" Wanda ran her fingers down your arm, following the curve of your muscles. "I know about that adorable little sketchbook you bring on missions and the stickers you use to color code your files." Her hands slid back up your arm, groping and squeezing the unmoving muscles. "I know you're the mysterious little chef that leaves cookies out for the team on Sundays."
She began to circle you. You were nothing more than prey for her to pounce on at any second. "I can see inside that little head of yours," Wanda whispered in your ear. You were practically shaking underneath her touch. She could hear your brain frantically searching for some excuse or explanation. Wanda had heard your filthy thoughts. Of course, she had. She wrapped her arms around your waist from behind. "You're tired of being in charge, aren't you? You just wanna let go and let someone else do the work. Isn't that right?" A smirk spread across her face. She had you. Stuck in a limbo of accepting the truth in her words and about to lose yourself in the pleasure she was giving you. 
You were doomed. Your dick twitched and throbbed in Wanda's hands as she groped you. It pained you to admit it, but she was right. Being underneath Wanda was the freest you had ever felt. No reports, no stupid tests to be run, and none of society's standards telling you to be ashamed of what you wanted. Wanda's touch felt heavenly. Soft and freshly manicured nails rubbed up and down your crotch until you were completely hard. Part of you just wanted her to make the leap and take you then and there. "Uh i-it's, it's more complicated than that," You strained out. The slow, methodic strokes were almost enough to get you begging for more. Almost wasn't enough. Just as a shudder ran up your spine, you grabbed Wanda's wrist and pulled it off of you. You turned to face her. "I don't get to just drop anything and play whatever sick game you're dragging me into." Stepping away was the hardest thing you've ever done. "Maybe we can be friends, but I can't let this happen."
Wanda raised her eyebrows in disappointment. You could never lie to her. She knew too much. Wanda simply smiled and cupped your face. "Well, I'll believe it when you can look me in the eyes and say it." In one swift motion, she leaned forward and kissed you. Once again, you were helpless and completely pliable from simple touches. All it took for you to relax was a few seconds of a kiss. You wanted her, Wanda knew that, but you'd never have her if you denied yourself so often. Her hands wrapped around your waist. The fabric of your suit was harsh against her skin. "Let's get this off and see how much you don't want me, hm?" 
With your mind clouded by lust, you almost let Wanda have her way with you. "Wanda, I- I'm serious! If this gets out of hand, there's no telling what'll happen to the team!" A defiant huff came from your chest as you stepped away. Your face was flushed red and your body felt hot. It wasn't fair. How come you couldn't fluster Wanda the way she flustered you?  You were an alpha. Alphas weren't supposed to be mushy and dependent. They were supposed to be hard workers and leaders. "I'm serious, I'm not letting this go on any longer! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend and I will not let you be the reason I'm late!" Shouting felt unnatural to you, but you were frustrated. Without another word, you used your powers to disappear into the shadows and leave Wanda's room. 
Wanda merely groaned and shook her head. She'd make you confess one way or the other. 
Despite the confidence you had to walk out,  you were beginning to regret it. Stress was starting to get you. Having sex with Wanda was the first time in almost a year you hadn't suppressed your heat and your body was missing her. You were starting to worry that maybe your heart was too.  If you weren't careful, every thought you had would suddenly become about Wanda. It was particularly embarrassing when she'd enter your mind when you needed comfort. 
Like when you were trapped in a pressure chamber and had to force yourself to become whole again.  No matter how many times you found yourself in that position, you could never get used to the pain. A necessary evil you told yourself. At least Bruce would always be there for moral support. However, after a two-week-long period of using your powers almost non-stop, you were subjected to the worst session of it yet. You practically collapsed the second you stepped off the Quinjet and it felt as if your condition only worsened from there. It was a cruel process. Several minutes of what would've been bone-crushing pressure to anyone else, then you'd get a minute of nausea, and then you'd have to do it all over again.
All you could do was curl into a ball and scream. 
The other Avengers occasionally stopped by during the process to offer you encouraging words or bring food when you'd be let out for a real break. After nearly two hours of medical torture, you had almost given up on it. Then, Wanda came in. 
She almost immediately regretted it. Never had Wanda seen you so weak. Strained tears rolled down your face as you clawed at the floor beneath you. It was awful to look at. "What's up with them," Wanda asked casually, hoping she'd seem disinterested. 
"Rethreading. Y/N uses their powers too long and their atoms forget how to arrange themselves back to the way they were before. The only way to get them back in order is to brute force it." Bruce turned off the pressure, allowing you to rest. "It isn't pretty, but it's the only thing that works." He looked up from the monitor in front of him and came face first with a very confused Wanda. "Okay. They're a human, which is solid, but their powers turn them into this weird shadowy gas thing we can't put a name to just yet. It's cool, but if they do it too long their atoms forget how to become solid again. Pressure forces them back into one piece. 
Wanda nodded along, only understanding part of the explanation. "Have you tried magic? What if I just…force them to go back together, gently." 
Bruce hummed and scratched the back of his neck. "It's not exactly my field of work, but if you think it'll work…go ahead."  He pressed a button on the panel in front of him. "We're sending Wanda in…don't give me that look. It's worth a shot and probably less painful." A wave of his hand signaled for Wanda to enter the chamber. "Pressure's off, go ahead." 
Wanda honestly had no clue what she was doing. It'd be a miracle if you even let her touch you, it'd be something else entirely if she could help you feel better. "Let's just make this easier for the both of us, alright?"The door to the chamber closed behind her and she took a deep breath. Though you didn't say anything, she took you laying down as a sign of submission. She kneeled beside you and firmly placed her hand on your chest. "Just…breathe." 
You begrudgingly followed Wanda's instructions. One deep breath as the magical red mist surrounded your body. You weren't entirely sure what you were experiencing, but it felt good. After hours of fruitless torture, your body seemed to finally listen. Wanda's magic had tamed the unruly science that ruined you and made you whole again. Everything was peaceful. No nausea or pressure, just calmness. 
"I…it worked. It worked!" A relieved laugh bubbled through your body. "Oh god, Wanda you don't know what this means to me! Thank you, thank you!" Without even thinking, you pulled Wanda into a hug. A real hug. Not those awkward side hugs you gave to politicians during banquets. A full hug filled with gratitude and adoration.  Genuine enough to make you forget your self-imposed rule of distance. Only for a moment though. After nearly a full thirty seconds of hugging, you forced yourself to let go and cleared your throat. "Your assistance is greatly appreciated and I will never forget how you've helped me today," You said with a flat voice devoid of the excitement you had just seconds early. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have mission debriefings to finish up and submit." You gave Wanda a firm handshake before standing up and leaving the chamber. 
Wanda just barely fought off the urge to roll her eyes, but she let you leave without saying anything else to you. She stood and shrugged at Bruce. "I'm not exactly sure what I did, but I'll do it again if it must be done." Part of her was disappointed she let you slip through her fingers once again, but embarrassing you in front of your friends certainly wasn't the way to catch. Maybe now, you'd come to her. 
You had come running to her sooner than she expected. Mere hours after dinner, you stood in front of her doorway. You looked so meek. A noticeable red blush on your cheeks and ears as you waited to be let in. The only way you'd look any cuter was if she put a collar on you. "Is there a problem?" A simple question, but one that gets you worked up for no reason. 
A deep breath came out of your lungs but did nothing to calm you. "I would like to apologize to you. For this evening and what happened last week, I think." Wanda stepped to the side to let you in her room. You were hesitant to accept her offer. Wanda was unpredictable and you weren't sure you had the willpower to deny her much longer. Just being alone in her room puts you on edge, mostly because you didn't fit in.  A spot of inky blackness in a sea of bright reds and pink. You chose to sit on the loveseat and subconsciously held onto the tiny stuffed bunny that was in your spot. "I realize you were just trying to help me with my problems and I appreciate that. I shouldn't have been rude to you after that, you're a good person." You squeeze the bunny in your lap before talking again. "...but I can't let us be anything more than friends. I'm an alpha. I shouldn't bend to your whim and you shouldn't want an alpha that does." 
Wanda watched as you nervously toyed with the stuffed animal in your lap. It was adorable. Watching you try to be something you weren't was so amusing. "Says who? Who says I can't want a nice, soft, adorable little alpha like you?" She laughed as you squirmed in your seat. "I don't care for some meathead alpha that puffs out their chest over every little thing. I much prefer one that'll win me over with chocolate chip cookies and brownies instead." Slowly, she walked over to you and didn't stop until she towered over you while you sat down.  Her gentle hands cupped your face and tilted your head back so you were forced to make eye contact. "I'm going to court you and I would appreciate it if you came to your senses and accepted it." 
You swallowed a lump in your throat. The eye contact you held with Wanda was intense. You were too scared to look away. Not that you could. Wanda had you frozen in place. "I- You can't just…" The words you wanted to say were right on the tip of your tongue. Wanda couldn't force you to accept her offer. It didn't matter how much of a pushover she thought you were. I have every right to say no. Alphas didn't need to be coddled and talked down to. I can handle myself. All powerful and true statements that just won't leave your mouth no matter how hard you try. It didn't help that Wanda just smiled down at you every time you tried speaking. Purposely trying to fluster you. A different kind of evil you could never dream of defeating. So instead of arguing, you merely disappeared again. 
It didn't frustrate Wanda this time. She already had a plan. 
It had been about three days since you had properly talked to Wanda. Disappearing at the slightest frustrations wasn't a good habit, but talking to Wanda was near impossible. She was always in your personal space, she always knew how you truly felt, and she was always so pretty. It wasn't fair. You could talk to her if she wasn't always touching you with her stupidly soft hands and covering everything in that stupidly comforting scent of hers.
Who knew the smell of strawberries and cinnamon would be so dreadful?
You couldn't escape it. Even with a gym full of alphas, hers always managed to stand out. She'd always be in the kitchen with her brother or sitting right next to you during meals. You were lucky Wanda didn't attempt to start any conversation with you because you were sure you'd embarrass yourself. She hadn't shown any signs of courting you and you were convinced you had scared her off. You convinced yourself you didn't care if you had by enjoying the peace of training without Wanda gawking at you the entire time. 
The peace was short-lived. Once you entered your room, you were greeted with a familiar spiciness that wasn't your scent. It was subtle. Maybe Wanda hadn't been in your room for long, but she had certainly been there. But what for? Your drawers hadn't been looked through and nothing had been touched. No matter how many times you looked over your room, everything was the same. Ultimately, you were too tired to keep searching and just flopped onto your bed from exhaustion. 
You pressed down on your bed again.
Squeak, Squeak. 
After several more squeaks, you pulled back your blanket and came face to face with the cutest plushie you’d ever seen. Jet black yarn crocheted into the shape of a bunny with the floppiest ears. The solid red eyes and X-shaped mouth were adorable accents. It even had both of its ears pierced like yours. You looked around your room a few times to make sure no one was around and gave the bunny an affectionate squeeze. Wanda had scented the bunny, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be mad about that. After a few more squeezes, you notice a note and a gift bag resting on your pillow. You put down the rabbit and picked up the note card. ‘Let's fuck like rabbits ♡!" Had been written on the card. Part of you wanted just to rip up the card and return the gift, but you knew she’d somehow turn it against you. A heavy pit of anxiety settled in your stomach as you pulled out the drawstring holding the bag together. “OH!” You nearly dropped the bag out of shock. A buttplug with a bunny tail attached to the end of it and lube. It felt less like courting and more like an assassination attempt.
"What, you don't like it?" 
Wanda's silky smooth voice made you shudder. "I appreciate the stuffed animal, but this is inappropriate!" You refused to look Wanda in the eye. It would kill you to see the face she was making. That devastating mix of smugness and adoration. Like she was happy to see you flustered. It wasn't fair. "I won't accept it!" You threw the bag back in Wanda's direction. "Omegas don't court, they get courted! If you really want to give e it a try give me a chance to"
"If you sit down and stop talking I'll show you how to use it." 
You sat down on your bed with your arms and legs crossed defensively. "This isn't me accepting it! I'm just.. curious." A shiver ran up your spine as you watched Wanda crawl onto your bed. The look in her eyes was hungry. It made you squirm. Just the feeling of her hand on your barely thigh made you throb. You were doomed. Wanda was going to fuck you in the ass and then you'd be too dumb to deny her ever again. So, you decided to make it difficult for her. When she leaned in to kiss you, you turned your head. "No mouth kissing, this isn't romantic." Where you expected Wanda to huff and push you to change your mind, she simply decided to attack your neck instead. "Ah! Mmm…" A shaky breath fell from your lips as you tried to act unphased by the feeling.  
Wanda bit back a smirk. She was starting to realize you needed to be eased into things. Praised and coddled until you were truly comfortable with her and your desires. She guided you into laying back against the mountain of pillows and slowly uncrossed your legs. "Can I take your boxers off?" Her scent slowly began to fill your room.  You were so tense. "I need you to relax. You'll hurt yourself if you don't." Every breath she took filled her nostrils with your scent. Milk chocolate and caramel. Sweet and gentle scents. Just like the skin of your thighs. Sugary sweet in her mouth and oh so fragile. It would take nothing to sink her teeth in and mark you as hers forever, but she chose to wait. Instead, she chose to pepper your thighs with kisses until the muscles fully relaxed. "That's it. Do you think you're ready?" 
You're painfully hard and in need of release, but you don't want to embarrass yourself by cumming the very second Wanda touches you. It took a full minute of deep breathing to control the buzzing underneath your skin.  "I'm ready," You said barely above a whisper. A gasp escaped your lips at the feeling of Wanda smearing the cold lube against your puckered hole. The stuffed rabbit and Wanda's soft praise were the only thing that brought you comfort. Once you stopped squirming, Wanda eased her middle finger inside of your hole. "Ah, ah! Slower, please go slower!" 
Wanda stopped moving, her finger only halfway inside. "Okay, just breathe. Tell me when you want to go again." For a moment, she considered pulling out entirely but she didn't want to risk you tightening up again. "Can I touch your knot? It'll make it hurt less." The meek nod from you sent her heart into a fit. Her hand slowly wrapped around the length of your cock. The pace she set was just as slow as her finger.  "Oh, there we go. That's a pretty sound, isn't it?" She dragged her tongue along the underside of your length. 
Your lips quivered and you tighten your grip on the rabbit. "Thank you, thank you so much. That feels good," You said through a breathy moan. A fire spreads underneath your skin and you're hopeless to stop it. Wanda's fingers were so long. "F-fuck, can you just put that thing in me already?" Despite your pleas, you were only given a second one of Wanda's fingers. They could barely move inside of you, but she spread them apart regardless. You choked on a gasp. "What's that! What's that!" 
Wanda kept rubbing against the patch of nerves inside of you again. "You don't know where your prostate is? How cute." She continued to rub and press against your prostate. Her tongue collected the drops of cum that leaked from your tip. "A little someone tells me you like it."  Wanda took her sweet time milking you. She worked you up into taking three fingers before pulling out entirely. The sight of your gaping hole makes her feral. "I think you're ready." Wanda smeared lube over the plug and eased it inside of your hole. "There we go, nice a full." 
The fullness was foreign, but enjoyable. Your breath was shaky and you were horribly overstimulated. "Can you…can you keep going? I just wanna cum please." A near pornographic moan escaped your lips as Wanda began stroking your cock again. The tip of thumb rubbed your slip and she jerked you off. Your cock practically throbbed in her grasp. Despite the brain melting pleasure, your eyes found themselves drawn to Wanda's lips. They curled into a gentle smile. Not the condescending ones she'd thrown your way when you'd turn into a stuttering mess, but a comforting one. They looked warm and inviting, like they were just begging for the chance to press up against yours.  "Can you kiss me? Like a real kiss?" 
The question threw Wanda off and she nearly lost her movement. She recovered quickly and dived in and molded her lips against yours. Your lips are chapped and raw from your constant biting of them, but she was strangely attached to it. Her tongue explored the warmth of your mouth. Dominating your mouth was just as easy. You were desperate for it. A shudder ran down her spine as you moaned into the kiss. It was near impossible for her to let go of your lips, even when she needed to breathe. She continued to jerk you off until you couldn't handle the stimulation. "Let me court you." It was more of a command than a question. 
You could only whimper as your orgasm overcame you. For a moment, you couldn't even look at Wanda. Her tongue had taken up the job of cleaning the cum off of her hand and your stomach. It's obscene, but the two of you had certainly gone too far for you to be embarrassed about it. Your eyes didn't move from the blanket beneath you. "I…Fine, but can we keep us behind closed doors for a bit? I've never been courted before or y'know courted anyone before." 
Wanda dragged her fingernails up and down the side of your thighs. "I'll take care of you." Her hands guided up towards your face. Words couldn't describe how excited she was to be able to kiss you. She peppered kisses all over your face. It was addictive. "Isn't that what you want? Someone taking care of you." 
You nod slowly, under the daze of affection and lack of energy. "Okay, but this isn't happening right away." It's embarrassing to have given yourself up so easily, but Wanda made you feel good. It caused a stir in your stomach, but one that settled the very second Wanda snuggled up next to you. 
You were intentionally apprehensive about being courted. It just didn't feel right. For every gift Wanda would give you, there was the urge to buy at least three more. You were thankful Wanda had gone from gift giving to actually taking you dates. The Amazon list you had racked up for her had grown large and your wallet would never forgive you for it. 
"So, where are you taking me?" You had asked the question at least four times during the train ride and three more during the walk. It was a good thing Wanda had grown to love your curiosity, because anyone else would've threatened to tape your mouth closed.  Honestly, you wouldn't have asked so much if Wanda hadn't been so vague and unplanned. You had just finished training in the gym before she mysteriously appeared with an outfit for you and told you to stop by her room. Now you weren't really sure where you were. "Also, did you really have to pick my clothes out for me? I'm capable of dressing myself!" 
Wanda simply rolled her eyes, kissing your knuckles as she  guided you into the building. "I spent 10 minutes looking for clothes that weren't just your suit and 10 more looking for something that didn't have your name on it." It never occurred to Wanda how small your wardrobe was until she had come face to face with it. Nothing but tech gear and workout clothes. "At least those sweatpants make your ass look nice," She said before giving your ass a firm squeeze when you walked in front of her. 
You had grown used to Wanda's rather inappropriate forms of physical affection, but the compliments  never failed to make you blush. "Ah, you promised to stop saying stuff like that out loud! What if someone hears?" A pout covered your features, but it didn't last very long. You were immediately curious about your surroundings. It was a kitchen, that much was obvious. Embarrassment settled over your features. You were a regular at this rentable kitchen. A rentable kitchen was the best way to do all your baking endeavors without leaving behind any evidence. No one should've known about this except for
…Bruce. Of course he told Wanda about that. The little sneak. "Who told you about this place?" 
Wanda tried to suppress a giggle. "Oh um, no one. Just found it while searching for a place for us to go." She kissed your cheek and pushed you up the stairs to the floor she rented out specifically. The glance shared between you and the desk attended wasn't lost on her, but she kept her thoughts to herself.  "I wanted to take you somewhere nice, but I figured you'd throw a fit if I took you out for dinner and tried to pay for you so I bought everything ahead of time so you can just sit there and look cute while I cook!" 
You frowned. Wanda was right, you'd die before letting her plan something nice and let her cover the whole cost. "Okay, well what if I just cook everything to make up for it?" 
"I was hoping you'd ask that," Wanda hummed excitedly. She clapped her hands and suddenly you were tied down to a chair right next to her. "I'll just have to keep you all tied up so I can cook." She affectionately tapped the tip of your nose before she started cooking. Her eyes rolled at your disapproving grumbles. "I'll let you bake cookies if you play nice," was all she needed to say to keep your behavior in check. "Why don't you tell me about yourself? What's going on in that adorable little head of yours?" 
At first, you ignored Wanda's question and decided to watch her cook. You were hoping she'd make a mistake and you'd have an excuse to at least boss her around a bit. Unfortunately, no such mistake came and the silence was making you uneasy. "Oh um, why don't you just read my mind?" The glare Wanda gave you was deadly. You made a quick note not to suggest it ever again. For a moment you sat there tied and confused. Small talk was irritating but there was no other way to learn about each other. "I'm the only alpha in my family, well in my house at least. My aunt says it's why I'm so soft. It was just my mom and my two siblings growing up." 
Wanda continued chopping up the ingredients as you talked. Life in Sokovia was tough, even with two parents and a twin brother. She couldn't imagine how hard it was for you. "What was that like?" She could hear you shuffling nervously. "I don't gain anything from running off and telling everyone your business. Just trust me." 
You huffed out of frustration, but you knew she was right. Wanda had somehow mastered the balance between keeping your relationship a secret and not completely ignoring you in public. "It was…it was weird honestly. I was the youngest in my house but I always had to get into fights for my siblings. I wasn't big either, so you can imagine I got roughed up a lot." Opening up to people was rare for you, but it felt natural with Wanda. Even with her back turned to you and the knife coming down against the wooden board, you knew she was listening. "My mom hated it, but I couldn't just sit there and let people talk down on her." 
It was a little sad, but the image of a younger version of you patched up with a heavy pout on your face was adorable. "I get it, Pietro had to do the same for me, sort of. He wasn't physically fighting because he was big but he was always pushing someone around for me." She scooped a bit of the soup she was making onto a spoon and turned towards you. The corners of her mouth turned upwards when you subconsciously leaned in and ate it. "All the younger kids thought I was weird and it was free reign once I presented."
You let Wanda wipe the corners of your mouth. The conversation continued like that. You'd share something about your life and Wanda would give you information about her in exchange. Some of the stories were sad. Others light hearted and hilarious. The conversations rarely lulled and you two only stopped talking when dinner was ready and Wanda needed to focus so she could plate the food. Even then, the silence while you two ate was comfortable."I really want this to go somewhere. You're the first person that didn't make me feel bad for being me." 
Her hand inched up your thigh and gave it a firm squeeze. "Well, I like you a lot better when you're soft and baking cookies for me." Wanda's hand moved further up until she reached your belt. She could feel you squirming underneath her touch. You were adorable and every day you gave Wanda another reason to think that. "Alphas need to be taken care of too, let me be the one to take care of you. Okay?" 
One look into Wanda's eyes and you were locked in a trance. Your face felt hot and your heart rate shot through the roof. It was so much harder playing tough and constantly denying yourself. "I…okay. I love you." The kiss Wanda stole from you was much softer than the other ones you got from her. 
She didn't have to rush. Wanda's tongue carefully explored every inch of your mouth and was careful not to bite you too harshly. By the time she pulled away, your lips were swollen and your face had gone bright red. "You're mine now and I'm gonna make sure you remember that." 
Wanda didn't mind having to be secretive at first. Though she couldn't stand your obsession with appearances and reputation, she knew you'd have to let them go slowly. You were already learning so fast. Days where you would argue about being a little spoon or refusing to wear the clothes Wanda picked out for you, were long gone. You were putty in her hands. No one else had the privilege of loving the real you. That didn't mean she was the only one that had the privilege of staring. Wanda expected people to stare. Even if the other alphas talked down on you, the omegas were always comfortable with you. You were nice and always respectful of them. Being pretty and mysterious only made them want you more. 
So it was no surprise that when you were respectful, pretty, and mysterious in a suit, the omega were practically begging for your attention. You were much too kind to do anything but give it to them. Small compliments that meant nothing to you, but seemed to be the word to them. 
Wanda could only watch from the bar while you were practically surrounded. The thought of claiming in front of everyone was heavy on her mind. 
"Oh, green is not your color," A familiar voice said from behind her. "One white Russian please."
Wanda let out a frustrated groan. "I'm not jealous. I just don't like other people touching all over what's mine- They're not mine, they're their own person!" Natasha always managed to get Wanda to slip up and confess her most embarrassing feelings.  
"What's yours? That's a new one for sure." Natasha chuckled before taking a sip of her drink. "Look, I've worked with Y/N for a long time. They're not a risk taker. If you want them, you're going to have to get them before someone else does."  She nudged Wanda with her elbow and tilted her head towards your direction. 
In just a few short minutes, most of the omegas surrounding you had disappeared and that left you corned by one. Some low level SHIELD agent she'd seem following you around a couple times. There had always been a few feet of distance between you, but now she was all over you. Her hand kept rubbing your bicep and she just seemed so interested in being right underneath you. 
'My room, now.'
A shiver ran up your spine and you immediately began searching the room for Wanda. You found her staring directly at you with red eyes. Even from halfway across the room, you could tell she was at risk of breaking the glass in her hand. "Um, I have to go to the restroom. Don't wait up!" Before the agent could ask you any questions, you wiggled out from the hold she had on you and made your way out of the banquet hall. Wanda had never looked at you that way. Was she angry? If so, was it your fault? Even with your concerns, you found yourself sitting on the edge of her bed with your stuffed rabbit, now named Noir, in your arms. 
Wanda sat down her cup and made her way up to her room. She wasn't mad at you, she couldn't be. It wasn't your fault you were so attractive. No one would touch you again if she claimed you. That's all she had to do. Mark up that pretty little neck of yours and make you hers forever. 
"You look so handsome in your little suit," Wanda said affectionately as she began unknotting your tie. She always took her time undressing you. A gentle kiss placed on every inch of skin she uncovered. "You're my alpha, not theirs. They can't touch you."  Once she fully unbuttoned your dress shirt and tossed it to the side, her hands immediately focused on the tent in your pants. "Oh, and that makes your adorable little cock mine too. Doesn't it?" The tips of her fingers teased your erection, but pulled away when your hips started to buck upwards. "Ah, I want to hear you say it." 
You whined softly at the lack of contact. "Yours…my knot is yours and you can do whatever you want with it. I'm your alpha."A shaky moan fell from your lips when Wanda began touching you again. It was hard to figure out why Wanda was so upset when she was doing her very best to turn you into a thoughtless mess. "Did—ah! Did something happen?" 
Wanda considered ignoring your question and just toying with you until her jealousy fizzled out, but she knew you'd keep asking until you were satisfied. "I don't want anyone else touching what's mine. Not you and especially not that omega that couldn't keep her hands to herself." She finally freed your cock from the confines of your pants and boxers and started jerking you off. Her strokes were slow and dominating. "I'm gonna have to claim you so everyone knows to stay away. Doesn't that sound good? I sink my teeth into your neck and everyone will know you're mine." 
The thought of claiming Wanda hadn't crossed your mind before. Being marked by her just sounded right. You knew it was typical for alphas to claim their omega first, but you weren't the one taking control. Wanda took control. It was only fair she claimed you first. "Okay, that sounds good." Your words came out jumbled and rushed, but Wanda took pity on your flustered state.  "Claim me." Her magic was quick to wrap around your legs and waist to keep them spread. Tying you up was necessary. You were antsy and Wanda wasn't strong enough to hold you down on her own. Regular rope was much too harsh on your skin and you'd phase through it anyway. 
Wanda undressed and put on her harness while you squirmed helplessly on the bed. "Relax, it's the same one we used last time." She rubbed the tip of the toy against your hole and smiled. You weren't as tense as before, but you needed a bit more foreplay to help you relax. "Hold your little bunny while I use my fingers, okay? I won't hurt you." She carefully smeared the lube over your hole, then eased three of her fingers inside. "You're already taking me so well. I could just fuck you like this." 
A heavy moan fell from your lips as you were stretched out. "Fuck, oh my god!" Wanda had conditioned you to be louder and so much more vulgar. You'd take from her with wild abandon. "Please fuck me, I can take it." Despite your pleas, your hips bucked up and followed Wanda's fingers as they pulled out of you. Wanda was quick to replace her fingers with the tip of her strap-on. 
You and Wanda moaned in sync as she eased the fake cock deep inside of you. "God, fuck you're so tight." Enchanting the strap wasn't an easy feat, but she was forever thankful she managed to do it. Nothing would ever compare to the feeling of being buried inside you. "God, you're practically sucking me in. You're just a needy little hole, aren't you? Say it, tell me you're my needy little alpha." Her scent flooded the room as she began peppering open-mouth kisses along the side of your neck. 
"I'm your needy alpha! Fuck, right there, please!" Your hips pushed forward in an attempt to meet Wanda's thrusts. A butt plug could never feel this good, none of the toys would. They couldn't bottom you out and fuck into you without care. None of them twitched and throbbed inside the way Wanda currently was. Your hand instinctively reached down to ease the pressure growing between your legs only for them to be immediately slapped away. "Fuck, sorry. Can you— Ah! Can you jerk me off, please?"
Wanda pulled out just long enough for her magic to turn you over onto your knees before thrusting all the way back inside of you. Her hand wrapped around your cock and began stroking downwards. "You know how much I love milking that pretty little cock. I think I'm gonna cum just thinking about it." With one hand on your hip and the other bust jerking you off, Wanda had complete control over you. She'd fucked you dumb and now all she had to do was mark you. "That's it, let your omega take care of you. I bet it feels so good." She sprinkled kisses up your back and to the nape of your neck. Without warning, she sank her teeth into your neck until she broke the skin. Her hips continued pounding into you in hopes of distracting you from the pain. 
"Fuck, ow! That hurts, it hurts!" Wanda's magic wrapped around your entire body and kept pinned down to the bed. It hurt, but your body seemed to love it. Your organs rushed over your body unexpectedly, but Wanda never faltered in her actions. "I'm cumming, please fuck don't stop!" Your knot began to swell even though you had nothing to dump it into. 
Wanda was quick to squeeze and tug at the knot trying its best to form. "Awe, your poor little cock wants to breed me so bad. Too bad you're just a tiny little alpha that can't handle that responsibility."  She squeezed your knot until she was sure every last bit of cum had leaked out of it. "I got one more surprise for you, pup." Her pace had become hellishly fast as she rutted against you. 
You were as confused as you could be with seven inches drilling into you, but you weren't lucid enough to ask. Wanda had practically abused your prostate and you were already about to cum again. You were so sensitive, but Wanda didn't seem to be paying any mind to it. Just before your second orgasm had overcome you, you felt something sticky and hot coating the inside of your walls. Wanda was cumming inside of you somehow.  You were being bred. The mere thought had you cumming again in mere seconds. 
Your second orgasm was short but had taken everything out of you. Without another word, you collapsed onto the bed and tried recollecting yourself. "How-," You coughed to clear your throat. "How'd you do that?" You could feel your hole twitching and trying its best to keep the cum inside once Wanda had pulled out. 
Wanda slowly climbed off the bed and moved your legs so you could lay down flat on the bed. "Just a little magic. Now don't move, I have to patch you up before we can shower." She quickly discarded the harness, which could be cleaned in the morning. She hadn't exactly planned out how she was going to claim you, but she always kept a medical kit in her bathroom just in case. Getting to use it had made her unbelievably happy. "It's going to sting a bit, but just bear with me a bit."
You had fought against all kinds of crazy things. Super soldiers, robots, aliens, and even highly trained assassins, but you still flinched at the feeling of alcohol being dabbed across the tiniest of cuts. Granted, the mark Wanda had left on your neck was not small, but it still hurts nonetheless. "Do you have to cover it up? I want everyone to see." A low whine came from you as Wanda pressed the gauze against your neck and taped them down. 
"I know you do, pup, but I don't want to risk it getting infected. It's just for a few days." Wanda placed a light kiss on top of the bandage and nuzzled the side of your neck. "I promise to scent you every day so no one will bother you." The sound of you purring was music to her ears. Purring meant you felt safe and relaxed. "Now let's get you showered up and in some new clothes."
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suzukiblu · 5 months
Okay, but I was glad to see your response to this^^^ because I've actually been going back and forth for Days about whether to send you an ask about how much I surprisingly ADORE your writing, so it's nice to know you get it a lot. (I didn't want to risk coming across as condescending because like. You obviously very much like the tropes you tend to write for, that's why you write them, and I didn't want you to think I was essentially going "you're not like Other authors who write this thing you like")
Like. I generally Very Much dislike kid!fic and I don't usually care about omegaverse. And then you're over here like "I have a dozen different flavors of Omegaverse, Accidental Baby Acquisition, and Is Anyone Gonna Parent That Child?" and I'll read a snippet of Kon Isn't the Father or Wet Nurse Omegaverse and start foaming at the mouth and trying to pretend I care about them a Normal Human Amount.
Hahaha, yeah, no, I'm VERY used to hearing that at this point. I am of the mind that people like what they like, and if they don't like what I like, it's fine, it's just how they roll! And like, even the tropes I tend to like, I tend to like in pretty specific ways? So I don't even always like what I like, and I don't expect other authors to be perfectly up my alley, you know?
Also like . . . I regularly subvert a fair amount of the tropes I'm into, or at least I regularly TRY to, and when I don't, I still examine them pretty closely and like . . . idk, I feel like I explain them pretty thoroughly in my writing, most of the time? So I think that's why a lot of people who don't really like said tropes can get into my stuff more easily than other writers', because it's like, an entry-level approach in that way, but also not necessarily the most fandom-common approach, beause I decided to examine a different part of the trope than the genre I'm working in usually goes for.
Example: when I write DC omegaverse, I generally make Kon an omega, buuuuut the Omega Kon tag on AO3 has, like . . . less than thirty fics in it, while the ALPHA Kon tag has over a hundred--
( GOD I wish people wrote more of Kon, but that is not the point of this reply, haha )
--so like, generally speaking, I'm usually drawn to more gender-fucky and less fandom-typical interpretations when I'm doing omegaverse, which means my concepts are usually a little different from the default assumptions and therefore, like, people are a little likelier to find my stuff, I feel like? Because the tag is less flooded, if nothing else, and also because if you want Omega Kon you probably REALLY WANT IT, given the overall drought of it, hahaha.
( For the record? I didn't even like omegaverse the first time I wrote omegaverse. It was literally just supposed to be a one-off, haha. I didn't like a LOT of things it turned out I really like, the first time I wrote them! )
And also in my experience a lot of people who dislike omegaverse dislike it because they don't like how it approaches sex or gender or feel like it erases the existences and experiences of trans and queer people or just think it's super rape-y, but I get REALLY into the gender stuff and consent and DON'T, you know, forget about the existences of trans and queer people. So like . . . I'm regularly doing an entry-level approach, but also regularly doing a nontraditional approach, so I think I just tend to attract people who don't really "get" the AU/kink/genre/etc that I'm writing and also people who don't like the traditional approach to the AU/kink/genre/etc that I'm writing.
Another example: like, I love kidfic, but when I write kidfic I am writing the kids as characters in their own right, which is admittedly not always a thing that I see people want to do, or comfortable with doing? But I grew up the oldest of four kids, have worked as a nanny, am DEEPLY fascinated by child psychology, and have like . . . four niblings between the ages of three and twenty with a fifth one on the way, hah. So I have at least SOME feel for what kids are like at specific ages, developmentally-speaking, which is an issue I see pop up in a lot of kidfic too. Just like, people describing a seven year-old as being closer to toddler-sized, or having an eight year-old that talks like a high-schooler or just things like that--stuff that can inadvertantly throw somebody who Knows Kids out of a story, basically. Also I have a lot of feelings about Being A Parent as a concept, so like . . . pretty sure that gets in there too, hah.
Basically if I'm writing more than a couple thousand words about a thing, I have a lot of feelings about it?? Like a LOT of feelings.
. . . okay this reply got involved, lol. Whooooops.
Anyway! tl;dr: idk, those are just the feelings I get for why I get that comment from people pretty often?
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ghouljams · 6 months
Ahhhh nontraditional omegaverse my beloved! I love seeing all of the different takes people come up with for an AU that has such a simple base concept. I also love seeing all the darlings being on a sliding scale of sorts depending on their personality.
Pretty sure 99% of omegaverse readers (at least with female aligned readers) are just plain, traditional omegas, so it's nice to see you deviate from that.
Griz I am nothing if not non-traditional! I gotta do something weird with the thing. I think omegaverse is such a cool concept and I agree it's very easy to make it my own which is the most fun part!!
Omega readers are very fun and valid but they always settle into a one size fits all tiny sub uwu baby. And we all know that isn't Ghoul's style. I also am taking the darlings partners into consideration since that's where most of their interactions happen. But I don't subscribe to the idea that there's any set pairing that needs to happen, humans are weird and they're going to fall for anyone.
Also I realized I forgot the demons!
Hush: omega. Emotional regulator, territorial, determined to finish fights that aren't even his, active rather than reactive.
Die: alpha. Gets depressed when on her own, hard rejection sensitive dysphoria, should be a bedrock person to lean on but is not being allowed to act according to her endotype. Incredible protective of her pack(ghost)
Luck: omega. Territorial as hell over Gaz, emotional regulator, nesting as soon as she can, feels like the stereotype and probably gets teased for it.
Demon Price: another alpha for the same reasons as human price. Bedrock for the pack, decision maker, reactive more than active, determined to take care of her pack to the point of being overbearing.
Fetch: beta. Unbothered and not hear to solve anyone's emotional problem or offer support to anyone. She's here to have fun and fuck the colonel, and do her job I guess.
Hide: beta. Again, only here to do their job. But highly mutable, they can be territorial or protective. Active and reactive, but ultimately only following Valeria's orders.
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pack-the-pack · 2 years
one of my Original Fiction couples is a F/F A/O couple! I also have fanfic couples that are Female Alpha/Male Omega, M/F A/A, and Alpha female with Beta Male (though they aren't a happily ever after type). In order the vibes are: Still waters run deep marriage, healing from trauma together but they never officially put a word to their relationship, fighting as foreplay in an arranged marriage, and "grow apart instead of together" (I swear I include every combo of Alpha Beta and Omega couple SOMEWHERE in my writing)
Bro that's really cool!
I honestly love female Alpha x male Omega stuff, I wish there was more of it, because it's just very cute. Alpha/Alpha stuff is also great!
And tour fanfics sound really interesting, if you ever need a plug just let me know hahaha I don't have that many followers, but maybe one or twk will see it and read it.
I also like Alpha x Beta stuff, but there's rarely anything for it :((
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skzdarlings · 8 months
i know these are very vague descriptions but i am just curious what might generally pique the most interest based on the general idea 🤭🧡
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