mostlymarvelsstuff · 10 days
Moi Devochki (My Girls)
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Summary: Omegas are forbidden to be with each other, but that doesn't stop Wanda and Y/n from falling for each other. Childhood friends to secret lovers, will they be able to find an Alpha that wants them both, will let them be together, and that will protect them from any ridicule or punishments they might otherwise face?
Warnings: sexual assault(attempted), angst (happy end), hurt/comfort, canon typical violence, a/b/o stuff(claiming, knotting, mating), sexual content(fingering, oral, vaginal sex)
Authors note: This had been unfinshed on my Wattpad/AO3 for a while, so now that I've gone back and finished it up, I figured it was time to bring it here
Status: Complete! 💖 (just not all posted yet)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
NSFW Alphabet: Omega Wanda
NSFW Alphabet: Alpha Natasha
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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maxislvt · 5 months
I've been thinking so much about omega Wanda and alpha reader and I was thinking about omega Wanda buying alpha reader hoodies and stitching in her last name on the chest just to show that Reader is hers, it started off as just a small w.m on the sleeve but then it grew and moved to the left side of reader's chest where Wanda always places her hand when she leans in to give a little peck to reader throughout the day
warnings: omegaverse, nonsexual dominance, suggestive
i wrote this in like 2 hours
As much as you hated to admit it, your wardrobe needed upgrading. Before Wanda, you were all work and no play and your clothes reflected that. All the formal attire you had was bought at the last minute for missions and barely fit. All your lounge clothes were just workout clothes you felt comfortable to sleep in. You had four pairs of shoes and two of them were technically a part of your costume. 
It was only a matter of time before Wanda had to intervene. 
“Sweetheart, I understand that these clothes mean a lot to you but you have to get rid of something to make space for new stuff,” Wanda said. She was having a hard time getting through to you. Alphas were quite territorial and had a hard time letting go of their things. She understood why to a certain extent. These were the clothes your mother had given you when you were rescued. It wasn’t easy for Wanda to get rid of them either, but some of your clothes were barely holding together. “Look at this,” she gasped. “I can fit my head through this hole!” Wanda put the hoodie over her head to show the truth of her statement. 
You chuckled at the sight of Wanda. “Can’t you just patch it up? There’s no point in buying a new one if it does what it’s supposed to.” You simply shrugged when Wanda groaned. The need for new clothes wasn’t above you, but admittedly you didn’t know how to go shopping for clothes. “Look, I’ll get new clothes but I’m not going to just toss all of the stuff I got already.” You began putting your clothes back on the hanger. It was easier said than done considering Wanda kept snatching clothes away from you. Some of them you let go, but when it came to a particular leather jacket, you refused to let it go. “Nuhuh” — you pulled the jacket back towards you — “I’m keeping this one.” 
Wanda pulled back. “It’s not even real leather. I promise you we’ll find a better one when we go shopping.” She was usually careful with your things, but the leather was peeling and the sleeves were stretched to their limit. She wouldn’t blink twice if it ripped in half right now. You were far too cute to be caught dead in such a tattered piece of clothing. She tugged at it again. “We’ll get you a new one,” she said, this time her words were more pronounced. A clear warning.
Of course, you were just as stubborn as Wanda. You wanted your jacket. Not a new one, not a better one — it had to be that jacket. “You’re not the boss of me. I want to keep the jacket and that’s final.” You said as you finally yanked the jacket free from Wanda’s grasp. You had the jacket, but now there was a bigger problem. Wanda wasn’t too pleased with your defiance. “Look Wanda I—”
“Bend over, and you better not miscount.”
After a brief conversation, you and Wanda agreed to go shopping. 
Wanda wanted you to explore different stores so you find clothes that interested you, but she wanted to get the essentials first. That unfortunately meant spending a dreadfully long time in a tailor. To make matters worse, it was 8 am on a Saturday. That was when you usually woke up, but that was for training. Not for playing dress up. The tailor was nice, but no amount of kindness could make you less upset about the detour in your schedule. The worst part was that Wanda insisted that you have plenty of accessories to go along with the new suits you bought. You were too upset to even bother looking for regular clothes. Wanda agreed to take you home after the fitting, but she hated seeing you upset. 
Wanda knew she had to apologize and there was only one way to do it.
It was supposed to be just the one jacket. It was a decently priced repair and sewing her name initials on it was a quick process. Then she found a few of your old hoodies and got a little carried away. Each time her name got bigger and bigger. By the fifth one, her last name covered the entire backside. She was thankful only a handful of your hoodies were truly salvageable. Once she was done, she simply placed them back into your closet while you were off on a mission. 
You noticed that they were back in your room almost immediately. The thought of Wanda owning you so blatantly made you blush, but you liked it. You began wearing them all around the tower. Whether it was a debriefing or while you were working out. It felt good knowing you were owned.
Wanda was just hoping for a little more.
“When I made these, I was thinking you’d wear them outside.” She wrapped her arms around your shoulders and snuggled into your neck. Wanda’s lips brushed against the mark she left on your neck months ago. “We’re not a secret anymore.”
You let out a deep breath to keep calm. “I’m more worried people will try and copy the design.” It wouldn’t be the only time a company copied something of yours for hero merchandise. “I love them, but all it takes is one picture of me in this thing, and suddenly everyone has one.” Your head leaned back against her chest. Sometimes you wished you were just a stay-at-home alpha. You had no idea how to take care of a home, but you’d be more than willing to figure it out if Wanda could have you to herself.
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hoteldreamss · 16 days
Wanda Maximoff || imagine
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Метки: омегаверс; фемслэш; контент 18+; омега!ванда х омега!читательница; омега!ванда.
Слов: 753
Обычно циклы пар могли синхронизироваться легко и быстро, особенно если они ставили метки друг другу. Но были случаи, когда циклы друзей тоже синхронизировались, и это чаще всего никак не отражалось на дружбе, хотя иногда она прекращалась и люди могли стать парой, если всё заканчивалось хорошо. Конечно, подобные случаи происходили между альфами и омегами.
Ты понятия не имеешь, что будет с тобой и Вандой. Ты даже не знала, что твой организм поступит так с тобой. Твоя подруга тоже не знала, что всё может обернуться таким образом для вас.
Но вот, ты позволила ей устроить гнездо в твоей квартире. Мягкие одеяла расстелены на полу, образуя место для Ванды. Она принесла несколько с собой, а несколько взяла у тебя, к счастью их было достаточно и для твоего гнёздышка.
Вы дали разрешение друг другу устроиться рядом. Изначальный план был в заботе друг о друге, у Ванды никого не было, у тебя тоже. И ты была уверена, что твоя течка начнётся позже, когда Ванда отойдёт от своей. Всё началось наследующий день после неё.
И вот, ты свернулась калачиком рядом с ней.
Твой первый день был всегда самым тяжёлым.
Твои глаза прикрыты, а дыхание медленное, спокойное. Обычно ты дремала, но каждый шум или шорох всё равно не ускользал от тебя.
Когда изящные пальцы переплетаются с твоими, ты распахиваешь глаза, встречаясь со жгучим зелёным. Она смотрит на тебя с сомнениями, но с желанием, не страстью, это что-то иное.
Твоё тело слишком слабо, чтобы что-то предпринять. И ласки с заботой были единственными желаниями.
— Ты в порядке? — Ванда склоняется к тебе, подползая на четвереньках. Её дыхание обжигает твою щёку, пока твои глаза полуприкрыты. — Скажи, что мне сделать, чтобы помочь.
Ты слишком слаба для разговоров, но твоё чувство стыда совершенно отсутствует. Омеги во время течки могут вести себя нестандартно, это знает каждый. Поэтому ты переворачиваешься на спину, разводя колени и отпуская руку Ванды, твои пальцы легко скользят под резинку спортивных штанов. Тебе необходимы прикосновения. Ванде они нужны не меньше.
Пронзительный взгляд твой подруги не отрывается от тебя, она догадывается, что ты делаешь под плотной чёрной тканью домашних штанов. Желание увидеть всё воочию настигает её быстрее, чем Ванда может сама это осознать, но вот, она уже тянет за резинку твоих штанов освобождая тебя от ткани.
— Я помогу. — Наклонившись к тебе, она оставляет влажный поцелуй на твоих приоткрытых губах и устраивается между твоих ног.
Твоё нижнее бельё промокло, избавив тебя от этого клочка ткани, Ванда склоняется к твоему жару. Она мурлычет от твоего запаха и проходится языком по всей линии, от низа до вершинки, напоминая тебе кошку. Пару таких лизаний, и ты стонешь в голос, зарываясь пальцами в её волосы. Но ты ласково гладишь её, сдерживая себя от грубости из жадности.
Её язык тёплый, даже горячий, слизывает твои соки, активно и от нежности переходит к поеданию. Из твоей груди вырывается столько благодарных стонов, что Ванда не может поверить, неужели ты настолько возбуждена? Она на самом деле помогает тебе или ты получала бы удовольствие от любого соприкосновения твоей разгорячённой истекающей соками киски с любой поверхностью.
— Ванди, — ласковое прозвище слетает с твоих губ, и она только активнее поедает тебя, схватившись за твои бёдра.
Она чувствовала, как твои соки остаются на её лице, но это заставляло её лоно пульсировать сильнее. Жажда, обрушившаяся на неё пару дней назад, была сильной, но утихла, пока ты не распласталась перед ней, демонстрируя свои влажные складочки и мяукая для неё. Теперь её жар увеличился и влажность нижнего белья была как никогда ощутима за последний день.
Ты брызгаешь ей на язык. Ванда послушно глотает каждую каплю. Ваши раскрасневшиеся щёки с трудом видны в полутьме твоей квартиры. Тебе не хватает сил подняться и поцеловать свою милую омегу, ты слишком расслаблена и слаба для этого. Но ты тянешь к ней руку. Ванда быстро понимает тебя, нависая над тобой, ты первая тянешься к ней, слегка приподнимаясь, чтобы утянуть её в поцелуй. Её губы припухли, и ты ощущаешь сладковато-солёный вку�� на её языке. Это странно приятно, будто это в порядке вещей, что-то обыденное.
— Дай, мне минуту. — Ты тяжело дышишь, поглаживая Ванду по щеке. — И я отдам тебе должное.
Она хмурится, кажется немного оскорблённой твоим замечанием.
— Ты ничего мне не должна. Я хотела помочь своей омеге.
Ты хихикаешь.
— Так… теперь я твоя омега?
— Если бы ты не была моей омегой, знала бы я какая ты на вкус?
Она расслабляется. Обида больше не отражается в её взгляде, и не слышится в голосе. Она хорошая омега, которая хочет позаботиться о своей хорошенькой омеги.
Ванда ложится рядом, обнимая тебя и утыкаясь носом в твои волосы, когда ты поворачиваешься на бок, прижимаясь к ней спиной. Тебе нравится, какими нежными объятиями она проявляет собственничество.
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scar-lie · 2 months
Omega Pt. 11 [Natasha]
Summary : Natasha finally have a genuine smile on her face
Pairing : Alpha ! Natasha Romanoff x Omega! Reader
Warning: Nothing
Word count: 1,215
{OMEGA PT. 10} {OMEGA PT. 11} {OMEGA PT. 12}
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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“So basically the cure is Natasha?” Tony said with still frown on his eyes, Bruce are trying to calculate the situation while the team keeps listening
“That explains why Omegas dying after breaking the bonds, so Nat I would like for you to stay as close as you can get to Y/N until we figure out her case” Natasha nodded, happy that at least she could help in you
“How about the meds we're giving her?” Bruce asked looking at Cho who's getting up to leave the room
“I-......I think it's best if we stop it, and see how her body progress, maybe the meds we're giving her can be one of the reasons why she keeps crashing”  Bruce nodded and follow Cho out of the room
“Hi” Wanda come inside your room after a few hours, seeing you cradling one of your pups but her sudden action alerted you while Natasha is right outside of your room
“Hey hey, it's just me” Wanda show the tray full of delicious foods she made, you let her walk towards you and rest the tray in the table before sliding it in front of you
You eye her and the food not saying anything sp Wanda sat besides you and gave you a small smile
“Don't worry I didn't poison it, you should eat to gain your strength” then Wanda pointed to the pup in your arm that you quickly shield with your body
“Oh….I just thought to hold him for a bit while you eat” you give her a skeptical look, sure you know her pretty well but you just can't find in yourself to trust anyone other than yourself
“Don’t worry I’ll be right here with him” you give her a small nod and hand your pup to her looking at them making sure that Wanda stays besides you in the chair before you start to dig in
“He's such an angel, the three of them they have both yours and Nat looks, a good combination” Wanda admire him while a smile form in your face
“They are wonderful” you mumble getting a big smile on Wanda then there's a knock on the door, making you alerted especially when Natasha peak her head, making you growl
“Hey, I was just checking but….I think it's not a good time” Natadha smell a little, sensing that you don't want her in the room
“Oh no, I was gonna leave since Y/N already finished her meal” Wanda give you your pup so your get him and cradle him in your arm
“Just took a baby step, she's adjusting” Wanda whisper patting Natasha's shoulder before she exit the room
You keep your eyes on Natasha, every move she make didn't get unnoticed to you and that makes her even nervous, making her hands sweat
“Hi…..uhm” Natasha pointed to the chair
“Ca-can I sit there?” you didn't give her any sign, just looking at her in cautious
“O-ok….uhm just gonna sit ….there” Natasha pointed to the couch, far enough for your liking but close enough to see her perfectly
“So how are you feeling?” Natasha trying to start a conversation but you just keep looking at her  until your son cry in the crib, taking your eyes off her and to the pup, laying in the crib
Out of instinct Natasha stand up to calm her pup down but she instantly stop when you growl in her way
“Hey, I-I just want to calm him down” Natasha put her hand up and you try to get out of the bed, hissing because your body is still in pain
“Don't push it, you need to heal, I prise I just want to calm him down” you contemplate but after a few seconds when your son scream are getting louder, you give her go signal
Natasha carefully approach her son and smile seeing his redden face so she took him in her arms, smiling widely while looking at him, like all her worries and problems vanished just because of the little pup she created with you
“Shhh it's ok my little prince, I’m here shh I know” Natasha start to bounce him a little while gently swaying then she can feel that someone's looking at her
Her gaze then turn to you, seeing how worried and scared you are seeing your pups in her arms, this broke her heart but she knows you have reasons but also she can see the longing and curiosity in your eyes
“Can I sit there?” Natasha offer to sit in the chair but you quickly scooter over to give her some space to sit in, this makes her smile knowing you want her to sit besides you even knowing it's because of your son
But Natasha didn't hesitate and have second guess, she quickly sat besides you and show you your other pup
“My other baby boy” you whisper smiling, caressing his chubby cheeks
“This little prince is the naughty one between them two” Natasha said smiling too, seeing how soft you are
“Why?” Natasha's chuckle thinking of the things he did to his brother
“He has more energy than that prince, he sometimes kick or punch his twin, he also talkative then the other one, and he's the one who cry first making his brother cry too” you giggle imagining the scenery, happy that they are safe and happy
“And her?” You whisper looking at Nat then to your daughter
“She's lovely, she's not bubbly like this two but she likes squeezing our fingers” you nodded still eyeing your daughter
“You want me to wheel her here?” You quickly nodded so she careful wheel the incubator next to you
“She looks like you” Natasha whisper sitting besides you again
“She's beautiful” you compliment smiling
Natasha is loving this moment, she feel safe and contended but also happy, happy you're finally awake, happy that you give her a consent to hold his son and talk to you and not pushing her away but that quickly stops when Tony come in
“Hey, Wanda said you're awaker, I just want to see it myself” Tony said getting inside
“So ahh I talk to Cho, she said that tomorrow you can discharge from medbay but needed to still stay in the compound to monitor and observe you if your test performed well so, I already organized everything, your room, everything you need are all set up, so basically we’re gonna put you to your room but still getting medication you needed” Tony explain standing still in the door, you shake your head to him
“No, I will here, with my pups” you then grab Natasha's wrist, Incase she stand up and leave, you just want to be sure
“Oh no worry they will be with you in the room, no need go worry about them being taken away, we will never gonna let it happen” you just look at him not sure if you will trust his words
“Oh and Natasha Fury asked you” Natasha nodded putting the oup in her arm in the crib then roll the crib besides you
“Thank you” Natasha nod before she leave with Tony to talk to Fury outside your room, away from your window
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
Gonna request an Alpha!Natasha with pregnant!omega!reader ;) but the angsty part is that reader past relationship was with Wanda, but she cheated on her w vision they had a rough break up after 1 month of the break-up reader discovers that she's pregnant w Wanda's pup, she goes to Wanda to resolve the situation but wands doesn't assume the child saying it's not hers, afterwards reader goes full pissed off and crying to Nat bc she doesn't know what to do and Nat says that she's gonna help raise the kid Months go by, and they fall for each other, only to the both of them confess after the birth of the twin girls when the visits are allowed wanda comes in to see the twins and reader gets protective and starts growling at her while Nat is scenting marking both of the pup's and reader
Ending fluffy bc it's Christmas time
(The pup's name can be Slavic cultured)
My Omega
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Pairings: Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x omega!reader, (past) Alpha!Wanda maximoff x reader
Word count: 2407
Warnings: ABO universe, pregnant reader, giving birth, cheating, angst, fluff, mentions of vomiting, think that’s all!
Summary: After you caught the love of your life, your alpha, cheating on you when you were pregnant, you left. Nat cared for you and took you in, caring for you the way Wanda never had. You couldn’t help but fall for her.
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
Grabbing the test you walked back to you and Wanda’s shared room, your heart full of joy as your life would forever change. You opened the door without knocking, seeming as it was your room so you assumed there was no need to announce your entrance. The sight you walked in on made your heart full of joy turn to an aching pain. Betrayal. That’s what it was. You felt betrayed seeing Wanda on top of Vision, the two in bed making out. She gasped and got off of the man hearing you walk in.
“Y-Y/N..” Your head shook back and forth, trying to convince yourself this was some time of dream, a nightmare. Her hands rested on your arms, the stick dropping in the process. She looked down for a moment before registering what it was, leaning down to pick it up.
“Baby, what is this?” You walked backwards slowly, her trying to follow you.
“No! Don’t go near me, you cheating bastard!” She flinched lightly at your words but continued to look at you with pure shock.
“Is it mine? Are these pups mine?” She gripped your arm tightly before you could leave, making you whine out in pain. She removed herself from your body, looking down at the red mark in shame.
“Yes they’re yours! Unlike you, I don’t cheat.” You could see the anger in her expression start to boil, scoffing in your face.
“Oh really? Because you seem to be real close with Nat, wouldn’t be surprised if you two fucked. Hey, maybe even it’s hers!” You fake laughed and ripped the test out of her hands aggressively.
“You’re fucking insane Wanda! You cheat on me and now you’re trying to also put the blame on me? What did I ever do to you?” At this point, Vision had already left. He must’ve gone through the walls like a coward. Nat was currently walking through the halls, planning on going to her room until she heard yelling. She knew it wasn’t her business, but when hearing her name she had to intervene. She stood close to the door, hearing every word filled with emotion. She could hear the hurt in your voice, the pain. And she could hear the anger in Wanda’s, she had no right. Even if Nat barely knew what was going on, she could understand by the words you two were shouting at one another. Wanda had cheated, Nat wishes she could say she was surprised. All of her sneaking around, it was suspicious. When she warned you, you only denied it saying she could never hurt you. But here she was, doing that exact thing.
She saw you run out of the room and stop in front of her, looking into her eyes with sorrow before continuing your voyage to your room. Wanda rushed out and made eye contact with the woman as well, a scowl marking her face. Nat considered going to your room, would you yell at her? Would you accept her caring nature? She decided to go with her guts and followed you, softly knocking on the door only for you to dismiss her. She didn’t give up though, she stayed there until you opened the wooden entrance and let her in.
“What do you need?”
“I don’t think it’s about what I need, what do you need?” You sighed and sat down on your bed, sitting criss crossed and codling your knees as support. She sat beside you and rested her hand upon your thigh, trying her best to soothe or comfort you. You grabbed the small tests and handed them to her, not being able to look at her shocked face.
“Oh. Oh, this- this is great! You’re going to have pups!” She said excitedly, only to remember why you were so down.
“But, not with Wanda?” You shook your head and tried your best not to let the tears flow once again, but when she cuddled you into her arms, you couldn’t stop it. You cried like a child into her shoulder while she whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“It’s going to be alright.”
“How do you know that? I just caught my partner cheating on me when I was going to tell her that I’m pregnant, with her fucking pups!” You exclaimed loudly, the fear and hurt in your voice evident.
“I know it’s going to be alright because I'm going to be with you the whole time. I’ll take care of all of your needs, it’s what you deserve, what you need at this moment.” You felt bad. This wasn’t her job yet she was stepping up and doing what Wanda could never.
“Nat, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking, I’m telling you that’s what I’m going to do. I don’t care if they’re not mine, I will treat them as though I’m their mother. I will show you and these little pups so much love, you’ll even reconsider ever having Wanda by your side.” She muttered the last few words jokingly, getting the first laughs out of you in the night.
“See! I’m already doing amazing, aren’t I?” You nodded and she chuckled lightly before helping you get into bed, the crying and screaming making you tired. She got a bottle of water and rested it on the nightstand for when you awoke, along with an Advil pill as she knew you’d have a headache soon enough. You fell asleep quickly and she admired your peaceful state, one that she hasn’t had the privilege of seeing for awhile. Nat made her way down to Fury’s office and explained your situation, requesting that you and her would not have to go on mission until a few months after the baby is born and you’re all recovered. He agreed, already planning for this day with each omega in the building.
The months went by quickly, Nat keeping her promise and making sure you were healthy and happy. Every craving you had, she got, even in the dead of the night. Whenever you were bent over the toilet puking, she’d hold your hair back and cradle you afterwards. She’d figure out anything that made you nauseous and threw it all away, banning the team from having it in the compound until after you’ve given birth. When the pups kicked for the first time, she was there crying gently and talking to them as if they could hear her, she liked to believe that they could. Every doctor's appointment, she was there holding you. During the gender reveal, she cried when finding out she’d have two little girls. She’d pretend that they were hers sometimes, it made her smile. Touching your stomach alone made all her worries disappear, knowing that they’d be here soon enough. She’d sing them lullabies, ones that her mother sang to her and Yelena when she was little. Whenever you two slept in the same nest, her arm would protectively wrap around your stomach. And when she slept alone, she’d toss and turn relentlessly. She knew she was falling for you, if anything, she has loved you since you were with Wanda. For the longest time, she tried to deny it, deny her feelings for you. She tried so hard, even going so far as to try and ignore you for weeks to months. But it was too hard, she couldn’t go a day without seeing your beautiful face. And when she heard about Wanda cheating, she knew that was her time to step in and be what she could never. She gave you time, let you adjust to the new heart break that Wanda left behind. But she wanted you to be hers once and for all, she wanted you as her omega, not anyone else. She wanted to mark you as her own, no, she needed to.
The moment your water broke, she went into action. It was terrifying, all the practice and training went to waste as she panicked. But she kept it under control, monitoring your contractions and getting you to the med bay as fast as possible. She didn’t trust hospitals, she wanted someone she knew to deliver your baby. You both agreed to give birth in the compound’s medical wing, it was faster and more efficient anyways.
You pushed and pushed, yelling at the doctors and even at Nat who was supporting your back and holding your hand. When the first baby started crowning, she moved to watch as tears escaped her, her pups were finally here. They were hers, she may not be related to them biologically, but they were still hers. The first was born, Alla. You both took months to decide good names but eventually figured the perfect ones out, Alla and Ania. They were Slavic cultured, Alla being a mix between Russian and Ukrainian meaning up while Ania meant grace. She held her baby like it was the last time, cradling her small face with her finger. The nurse took her and Nat prepared to help you push out the second, well, give you emotional support.
Not long after you got to hold your little girls, Alla in your left arm and Ania in your right. Nat leaned over your body and stared at the two with love in her eyes, she couldn’t believe it, her pups were finally here. Her little own family was together. The nurse soon took your bundle of joys into the other room while you were left there with Nat.
“Oh Y/N, you did amazing today, I’m so proud of you. You pushed out two little angels all by yourself, you did such a great job, baby.” You leaned into her touch, staring at her lips as she did the same.
“Please, I need this. I want you to kiss me, make me yours.” She complied and connected her lips with yours, it felt like heaven. The moment you both have been dreaming for finally happened, you were connected.
“C-can I mark you?” She asked in a low whisper, seemingly nervous for your response. You only nodded and she smiled before moving down to the junction between your neck and shoulder, biting and sucking the skin lightly. You moaned lightly as her saliva hit your scent gland, completely marking you as her own. She looked you in the eyes and gave you a teeth showing grin before resting her forehead against your own.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” You silently agreed with her before yawning, being quite exhausted after giving birth.
“Rest, my love. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” You let your eyes shut as sleep took over you. Nat moved a strand of hair away from your face before kissing your cheek softly.
After two days, you were finally able to take the pups. You both held them carefully and walked over to the team as they all excitedly held and cradled the baby as you two did not long ago. They all congratulated you before catching their eye on your neck, you put your hair in front of it nervously as a way to cover it up. You could see Wanda out of the corner of your eye glaring at you and Nat. As much as she wanted to hold the baby, you didn’t let her just yet. She ran upstairs, causing you to glance at her before Nat turned your attention back to your friends and now, family.
Later that night, you and Nat placed the pups in their cots and got ready for bed happily. Nat went to go grab a glass of water and a book she left downstairs when you heard a knock on the door. Opening it you were greeted by the sight of a teary-eyed Wanda.
“W-Wanda, what are you doing here?” She sighed and looked down but shot her head back up when hearing a soft giggle from Alla.
“I came here to see my pups, they’re not just yours and they sure as hell aren’t Nat’s.”
“Oh really? Weren’t you the one insisting that they were Nat’s when you cheated on me?” She tried getting through the door but you stopped her short, blocking her from seeing the two. She was about to forcefully move you until a loud growl-like sound came from behind her. Wanda turned to see who it was but was met by Nat’s angry glare.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She asked, her arms crossing against her chest. Wanda didn’t back down, she stood proudly and returned the look.
“I’m going to see my pups, that’s what I’m doing.” You speed walked towards the two and protected them from the women fighting at the doorway. They wailed heavily, making Nat look over at them in fear and protection. She pushed Wanda aside and carefully took Ania and Alla in her arms, kissing each of their precious little faces while rocking them back and forth. She whispered sweet words to the two as Wanda scurried off, muttering a small ‘fucking bitch’ under her breath. When the crying came to a stop, Nat settled them back down and let you lay down in the nest.
“Thank you Natty.” She smiled and laid beside you, peppering little pecks on your lips. Her arms wrapped around you protectively, the same way she’d do when you were pregnant.
“There’s no need to thank me, you know I’d do anything to protect our family.” You were so grateful for her, she never even got mad at you. She went from yelling at Wanda to holding you tightly, you were the only exception.
“Ijust want you to know how much I love and appreciate you, the little ones too. They’re going to grow up loving their momma and mommy, I bet they’ll like you more, you’ll spoil them rotten I know it.” Hearing you call her the pups momma made water leak from her green eyes. She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her from your last words, you were right. She would give those little angels anything they ever wanted and more.
“Oh baby, I’m going to love and cherish you forever, I love you so much.” She placed kisses all over your sweet face before speaking once more.
“Rest now, my little omega. I’ll be right here when you wake up, I promise.”
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bagdaddyb · 7 months
Hi!! Oh my gosh seeing you posting again was such a huge joy and surprise for me I’m so glad to read your new work!!!
I was wondering if you could write a wanda maximoff x fem!reader ABO fic where either Wanda or reader are new to the team with a whole bunch of pining where they eventually figure out that they are each others mate? You can make either Wanda or reader alpha/omega!
It’s super okay if you aren’t feeling this request, either way I’m so excited to read more of the amazing work you share with us!!!
Hiiiii! So I got super carried away with this and I originally intended for this to be mean emo Wanda but sweet soft Wanda took over, I hope you enjoy! 💗
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Pairing: alphag!p Wanda x omega fem! spyReader
Warning: Sickeningly Sweet, 18+ MINOR DNI NSFW NSFW
AN: Wanda 🥰
You'd only been on the team for a year when the mess with Ultron happened. It all happened so fast, you could barely process everything happening around you before something new would arise. Sitting across from Natasha sipping coffee as you spied on the twin alphas you felt the most relaxed you had in weeks. Natasha kept glancing their way while your focus stayed on her, two people staring was more suspicious than one. You and the red head proved to be a good team over the past year. Two omega spies flying under everyones radar. The world still assumed the Black Widow a one woman show and no one would ever believe her to be an omega. The breeze felt nice on your back, bringing a hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear before looking down at your coffee.
"This has been a real shit show eh?"
Your voice held a familiar accent one you'd grown used to using under your many aliases. Natasha's eyes returned to you as she sipped her own drink.
"Not anymore than usual."
You hummed in response eyes wondering to the innocent civilians around you. Sipping your own cup you wonder if life would be better among them. Oblivious to the realities of the world to caught up in your own day to day menial task. The weight of this job seemed to weigh a bit heavier on your shoulders everyday, the question of wether the people you save amounts to the people you don't plaguing.
"S toboy vse v poryadke?" (Are you alright?)
The red head ask and you nod eyes returning to hers.
"Tired, it seems everytime we try to relax something detrimental in the world happens. I wonder what it would do without us."
A small chuckle escapes Natasha despite the truth in your words, her eyes shooting to the pair on her right once more. Though not a 'graduate' of the red room you hold your own tramatic story. Experimented on in the basement of Oscorp for years you'd been turned into a lab rat by the corpo bastards that owned the building. You'd escaped only three years ago, changed. Transformed into a human machiene, non-aging, ridiculously strong with a sirens song. You did the only thing you could and played the cards you were delt. Seducing mediocre alphas out of millions before any one even got a whiff of your existence but you could truly only thank Natasha for that. It wasn't until Natasha was taken down but the Black Widow kept striking that shield realized there was more than met the eye. It was Tony himself that went undercover to catch you and honestly had he not been an Avenger with intel he would of ended up caught himself. Another rich egotistical alpha who thought himself on top of the world. You didn't go down easy and spent a week in a cell before even uttering a word. In retrospect it all seems silly now you often think about how much time you wasted fighting the people who wanted nothing more than to help you. Eyes lifting to Natasha's face you can't help but feel greatful for the opportunity she's given you to help others like you.
"They're on the move."
You hum in acknowledgment before finishing off your drink mind finally wondering to the matter at hand. Your mission was recruitment nothing more. Ultron having been made unreasonably strong by the twins he somehow came to be in alliance with. You'd gained enough information merely listening in on their conversation, so you and Natasha retreated returning to the group in order to solidify your advances. Standing in time with Natasha you link your arm in hers smiling before chatting away about absolutely nothing in russian. Missing the way a certain alpha glanced your way when your scent drifted down wind. It only took twenty four hours for everything to go to shit almost a record breaker in your books. Ultron whineded up to be nothing after the male alpha was nere fatally injured the red headed woman taking care of him like clockwork. Luckily your team stood nearby able to quickly extract the alpha towards safety and medical attention. You worked efficiently getting him secured before moving to help the rest of your team fight off Ultron's bots and it isn't until the end when you stand with the support of Thor that you realize the red headed alpha had come with you. Returning to the compound there is tension on the quinjet. The group unsure what to do with the twin alphas who quite literally just tried to murder them and it causes you to roll your eyes.
"You could at least not talk about them as if they aren't right there."
You scold before moving towards the pair. The red head having been unmoving crouched over her unconscious brother.
"Privet." (Hello.)
You say making yourself known as you approach the alpha causing her to glance up at you.
"On dolzhen polnost'yu vyzdorovet'." (He should make a full recovery.)
You speak in a whisper trying to be soft.
"YA uveren, chto on ne khotel by, chtoby vy bespokoilis'." (I'm sure he wouldn't want you to worry.)
The woman merely returns her eyes to the unconscious man below her.
"Will you lock us up? Treat us once again like dogs?"
Your eyebrows raise and your posture straightens.
"No of course not, everyone deserves a second chance. You believed you were fighting for the right thing, there are many on this team who have been in a similar circumstance. Do not believe simply because we are labeled supergeroi that none of us have a dark past." (Superheroes)
With that you take your leave allowing the woman to be with her loved one. Upon returning to the compound you go into seclusion, you needed a break both mentally and physically. Just a few days where the world wasn't ending and it was entirely up to you to save it. Six days later you emerge slightly re-energized and fresh ready for the next catastrophe. The first place you visit is the gym already hearing Natasha's scolding on breaking your routine as you pass the common room you see the two twins on the couch alone. In this light you see them both clearly, while they hold the title twin they couldn't look more different. You study them both your eyes lingering on the red head. She was an attractive alpha, very attractive. You hear the tv playing but don't recognize the program they have on. Detouring into the room you catch their attention waving as you approach.
"Hello, I am rather embarrassed to say we never formally met. I am (Y/N) nice to meet you both."
You bow your head in greeting sending them a bright smile and both of them seem to freeze obviously caught off guard by your friendly approach. The male recovers first standing up before bowing his head back and sticking out his hand.
"Pietro, and that is my sestra Wanda."
You recognize his accent reaching to grip his hand in yours.
"A pleasure, I hope you two are adjusting well."
It isn't until then his sister jumps up a slight flush on her cheeks.
"It has been familiar, we are rather alienated but that is how it has always been."
You hum in response fighting back the disappointment in your expression.
"Don't fret, we are a group of antisocial extroverts forced to be in a group setting. Well expect for Tony but it just takes us all time to engage and meet new people, they will come around before long."
You finish with a smile.
"Have you two at least been taken care of? Food, water, lodging?"
They nod simultaneously and its enough for you.
"Good well I'm off to the gym, don't be strangers."
With that you leave not taking note of the full face flush on the woman's face.
"Kto-nibud' nashel svoyu sestru-omegu?" (Has someone found their omega sister?)
Pietro says in a teasing tone and Wanda punches him in the shoulder muttering at him to shut up. The moment you cross the threshold of the gym you flinch.
"Nu posmotrite, kto eto." (Well look who it is.)
"Can we skip past the part where you scold me so I can just apologize?"
You ask turning to meet Natasha's sharp gaze.
"Will your muscles magically regain their mass?"
You sigh accepting your defeat beginning to stretch as Natasha begins her speech on commitment. It is another four days before everyone finally comes around to the twins slotting them in as if theyed been there since the beginning just as they had you. Walking towards the gym you release a content sigh, a full ten days since the world seemed as though it'd collapse. What bliss. Quickly looking up your eyes fantically search for some wood unwilling to risk jinxing yourself.
"Dobroye utro." (Good morning.")
You hear from behind turning to be greeted by Wanda.
"Good morning indeed. Off for your morning cuppa are you?"
You ask and Wanda merely nods in response fighting back a yawn.
"Not a morning person?"
You ask with a smile walking beside Wanda.
"Not at all."
She says somewhat grumpily.
"Then what are you doing up at six a.m?"
You ask with a laugh and Wanda has to fight back a blush. She couldn't admit that she woke up at this time merely to see you every morning but what could she say.
"I like to cook but I'm not very good at it.... so I practice early before the others wake up."
The words spill out of her mouth quickly unable to think of anything better and you beam your white smile at her.
"Well how about tomorrow you sleep in till eight then I can help you learn, I am an amazing cook. I even know how to make some traditional dishes."
Wanda can't help the flush that comes to her face this time and it makes you feel a tingle inside.
The red head responds and you nod giving her arm a little reassuring squeeze as you come upon the kitchen.
"Good luck dorogoy." (Dear)
You say before continuing onto the gym and Wanda is sure her face matches her hair. Sure enough the next morning Wanda doesn't head towards the kitchen instead she spends the morning pacing her room anxiety ridden. You'd said for her to sleep in but how could she when you agreed to spend alone time with her. She couldn't tell Pietro and deal with his repeated teasing so she kept the information in slowly but surely having a meltdown. As she paced she played with her hair, bit her finger, twiddled her thumbs. God she couldn't do this. She'd literally been an experiment for Hydra and never felt this nervous in her life. The time passed quickly. To quickly. Right as she truly began to spiral there was a knock at her door, eyes shooting to the clock she realizes its already eight o'clock. Brushing off her clothes quickly before taking a few deep breaths and recuperating she opens her door. The moment her eyes land on you it all seems for naught, your hair is tied back. You wear tights and a tshirt covered by an apron. Your eyes spakle matched by your bright smile and Wanda feels herself melt a bit.
"I figured you'd meet me in the kukhnya." (Kitchen)
You say with a giggle and Wanda becomes a tomato realizing its not only eight but eight eleven.
"I'm sorry I slept in and lost all track of time."
You hum with a smile clearly not mad at all before turning to be on your way.
"All is fine I just didn't want to start without you."
Wanda follows behind you closing her door quickly. Her eyes wonder your body not being able to help staring at your ass.
"Ty slushayesh'?" (Are you listening?)
Wanda's eyes shoot up attention back on your voice.
"I asked what your favorite dish is."
"Oh um I love traditional pirozhki, my mother used to make them just slightly burnt at the edges. The taste reminds me of home."
You turn and smile softly her way.
"Perfect then that's what we will make, cooking can seem overwhelming but it isn't as scary as many think. I always recommend learning to cook for yourself first because it is much easier than cooking for others."
In the kitchen you gather the suppiles, you cooked often so the ingredients for this dish were easily found.
"I'll have you make the dough, it is all simply measurements so I'll do no more than verbal instructions."
You say as you prepare the area for Wanda.
"Here put this on, gotta protect your clothes and tie your hair back no one wants hair in their food."
Handing the apron to Wanda while standing by waiting. You bite your lip as you watch her. Running her fingers through silky red locks before pulling it up exposing her neck to you. She wore grey sweatpants and a baggy t. The sweatpants doing little to hide the member between her legs and you press your thighs together pleasurably. Wanda on the other hand was trying to think about how to see this lie through. She was an amazing cook, taking the responsibility of her brother from a young age. How was she going to play clueless. She should of at least said a dish she truly wasn't aware of how to make but when you asked her favortie food she couldn't help but answer honestly. You talked Wanda through the steps praising her for being a natural when the dough came out well. Leaving it to make the filling.
"What did your mom fill hers with? I do a simple meat and rice mixture since it goes along with my bulk."
Wanda nods along as she listens debating a moment before responding.
"Lets make them like yours, I've never had them any other way and I'd be eager to try."
You smile brightly at the alpha before nodding in response. Again you talk her through it always believing hands on with clear instruction was the best way to learn any skill. It gave the student mutiple ways to intake the information and made it harder to forget. Once the process is complete you help Wanda cut and stuff the dough, this part of the process being the longest and most tedious. You leave her to fry them as she likes since she'd mentioned her mom let them cook a bit longer and instead move to clean around her. Never a fan of a messy workspace. You hum as you clean, mindlessly really. It seems a tune that always floats around you. One Wanda is sure she's heard you hum before. By the time Wanda is done cooking you've cleaned the kitchen and are able to sit down and enjoy the meal with her. Of course the moment doesn't last and before either of you can even take a bite the smell of food draws in hungry Avengers.
"Mne vsegda nravitsya, kogda ty gotovish'." (I always love when you cook.)
Natasha says entering first, the smell of traditional food equivalent to a cat with its automatic feeder. Steve, Bruce, Tony, and Sam all slowly trickle in after stomachs growling audibly making you laugh.
"I suppose if I didn't cook every once in a while no one would eat around here hmmm?"
The group shares a laugh as they line up one by one to make plates.
"But in all honesty this meal is thanks to Wanda not me, I merely talked her through the steps."
Wanda can't hide the pink that dust her cheeks and all is going well until a certain twin walks in.
"Pirozhki! You always cook the best food sestra."
The blonde kisses his sisters head as he passes by and you can't help the eyebrow that raises in response.
"Always hmmm?"
You hum and Wanda is saved by the entrance of Thor who could of eaten the entire helping had he got here first.
"Mighty (Y/N) your meals are always most invigorating."
You smile at the God and try not laugh when you see his downcast face once he realizes he is the last one to show. Wiping your face after you finish you excuse yourself it was already nearing noon and you still hadn't even looked at the moutain of paperwork on your desk. Wanda watches you go. Over the next three weeks you and Wanda grow closer she begins training with you and Natasha in the mornings and you read with her sometimes in the afternoons, you don't question her about Pietro's comment after your cooking fiasco and Wanda never says anything about it because that woukd mean admitting to you that she was desperate to spend time with you.
Natasha ask as the two of you jog around the gardens. It was early afternoon in fall, the cool winds combating your rising body heat making the jog enjoyable.
"Yebat' will she ever make a move?" (Fuck)
You merely shrug.
"I don't know, I'll start showing signs of heat by the end of the week if that doesn't trigger her there's no hope."
Natasha laughs at that.
"Tak khochetsya al'fu, da?" (So eager for an alpha eh?)
"Not just any alpha, Wanda."
The week passes slowly and as the weekend gets closer your pheromones get stronger. The team knew your heat was approaching as they kept a calander for the Alphas so they could know when to distance, well everyone except Wanda apparently. Its Thursday night by the time she's had enough of your distance and decides to ask why you aren't at the table for dinner with the rest of the team.
"Where's (Y/N), I swear I haven't seen her all week."
Natasha sends a small smirk Wanda's way before Steve speaks up.
"Her heat is approaching so she is keeping extra distance for everyones saftey, she should come back around a week or so from today."
Pink hue coats Wanda's cheeks as the thought of you in heat takes over her mind and the pink only gets darker as her hard on begins to form in her pants. Her mind plummets into thoughts about your slick, and body. Thoughts about filling you with her seed and you being full with her pups causes her to be embarrassed by how hard she's become. If not for the table her bulge would be hard to miss. Wanda remains in a fog for the rest of dinner try as she might she couldn't get her mind off mating you and as everyone stands to part ways she remains seated making the excuse that she'd clean up the kitchen. Wanda strained painfully against her pants she could almost smell you now.
Rubbing your sides you walk towards the kitchen dinner should be over by now and you're starving. You need to get as many calories in as you can before you succumb to your heat tomorrow. The pain was slowly starting to set in and you'd be lying if you said you were looking foreward to the next seven days. You let out a groan as you turn the corner a sudden sharp pain stabbing your side. As you enter the threshold of the kitchen goosebumps rise on your skin the familiar smell of Wanda infultrating your nose before your eyes lock with the alphas. You're almost sure you see Wanda begin to tremble but you quickly begin to back away.
"I'm sorry I thought everyone would be gone by now."
You go to retreat from the kitchen and Wanda stands so quickly her chair falls behind her. In a second she's in your face grabbing you softly by the jaw making you look at her.
She whispers as she sniffs at you rubbing her nose against your cheek before falling to your scent gland.
She whispers again and you chirp. Your omega finally satisfied being acknowledged by your alpha. For a few minutes nothing happens, the two of you stand there relishing eachothers presence. You chirp at her as she lightly growls at you and you feel satisfied, whole even. Then you are painfully reminded of your situation causing you to sharply intake air and groan. Wanda growls louder at the noise of your distress and you whimper.
"It hurts."
Wanda's grip on your jaw becomes tighter, pushing you into the wall before pressing her own body against yours.
"Tell me where it hurts, I'll take care you shchenok." (Puppy)
You groan again, your heat suddenly over taking your senses as a result of having your mate so close. Your hands raise to grip Wanda's arms tightly, nails digging into her skin through the fabric of her shirt.
"Need you, please. Alpha. Mate."
Your words come out as little whimpers. Your panting, you don't know why but suddenly you can't get enough air for full breaths. So caught up in Wanda you don't even process you're about to be mated in the tower kitchen but honestly you don't care either. Wanda however does she feels territorial, primal even. She needs you to herself, needs privacy with you. She'd attack anyone who might see your bare body if she mated you here. Her room was on the other side of the compound, the alpha side far from the omegas and living area but your room was just down the hall. Wanda releases your jaw hands moving down your body till she reaches the back of your thigh. You bite your lip enjoying the electricity you felt from her touch. As she picks you up you wrap your legs around her torso tightly. Her hands against your thighs causing your sex to tingle. You wrap one hand around her neck before running the other through soft red hair. You return to chirping at her, the feeling of finding your mate an overwhelmingly happy one. You rub your cheek against hers softly and the alpha lightly growls in acknowledgment. You are consumed by Wanda's presence unable to focus on anything but her. When she lays you lightly on your bed you aren't even sure where you are, you just know you're there with her. Wanda bends over you, tucking her nose into your scent gland once more and growling loudly. She needs you, needs you marked, claimed. Needs everyone to know you belong to her.
The word is once again a whisper but you hear it all the same. The time to romantically strip you would have to be later gripping opposite sides of the loose shirt you wore the alpha literally tears the cloth off of you exposing your bra cladded torso to her. Your breathing speeds up the intimacy of the moment undeniable as you feel Wanda begin to run her lips down your body. It was like electric shock, the currents Wanda's touch sent through your body. She magiced your bra away completely exposing your upper half and growling as her soft lips wrapped around your nipple. You moan loudly in response, it felt good too good. You could get lost in this sensation alone.
Wanda growls against your skin before moving along to your other nipple. Your hands grip at Wanda through her clothes before you whimper.
"Need to feel you alpha."
Wanda growls in response, her eyes glowing red as she magics away her own clothing her skin now pressing against yours. She moves back up your body mouth hovering close before she lays claim to your own. The kiss is magical, the locking of your lips causing what you could only descibe as bliss throughout your whole body. You felt like you were glowing arms and legs wrapping around the alpha tightly you were sure this must be heaven. Wanda began to grind against you through the fabric of your pants, your underwear gliding against your excessive amount of slick. You blush, embarrassed by how wet you truly are from so little foreplay but the feeling doesnt last long when Wanda growls above you. Wanda pulls your pants off your waist guiding them down your thighs just enough to expose your slick and shudders when the smell of you tingles her nostrils. She's overcome with the need to knot you, breed you as she makes her mark on your neck. But she also feels the feral need to take you, to have your slick dripping down her chin as she causes you to come apart on her tongue. Starting with the latter she pulls your pants off quickly. Breaking away from your lips to slowly kiss down your body. You take a long gasp of air eyes dialating as you watch Wanda work her way down. Your hips begin to twitch unable to stay still at the excitement of what was about to come. Wanda's hands move to firmly grip your waist holding you in place as she kisses your stomach moving lower and lower your stomach muscles flex, a wave of arousal flowing through you. When she reaches her destination her hands move to your thighs lifting them up to hold you wide open for her. You're leaking, literally and Wanda can't wait to have a taste. She dives in slurping up the excess before moving to your center. Sucking on your clit then tongue fucking you like a woman starved. Your slick quenches a thirst Wanda didn't even know she had tongue lapping at your clit before quickly moving towards your hole eager to drink up the slick as a result. It doesn't take long and under normal circumstances you're sure you would of been embarrassed but none of that matters when your muscles spasm. Back arching in the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced, your thighs shake, eyes shut, mouth open in a silent scream. Wanda doesn't stop eagerly drinking up your orgasm before wanting, no needing you to do that again. You whimper in overstimulation but don't stop your alpha, just as turned on by her need for you. You squirm against the red heads mouth a little towards her a little away, this time you last longer if only for your slight sensitivity causing time before the feeling was pleasurable again yet you cum all the same. Wanda moans loudly as you release into her mouth again. She could do this all day she's sure of it. But now as her precum begins to soak her boxers she knows its time. Lifting onto her knees between your legs red eyes glow as her pants disappear and through your haze you see her in all her glory. You reach down gripping her in your hand moaning at the size while she moans at the sensation. You pump her, an overwhelming feeling to suck her down your through the way she'd done you comes over you but Wanda quickly grabs your hand removing you from her.
"You're going to make me bust shchenok." (Puppy)
Wanda hesitates a second if only to allow her own incoming orgasm to subside, she needed to bury herself in you and it wouldn't look good for her if it ended just as quickly as it started. In the meantime she leans down over you meeting your lips in a hungry kiss the taste of you on her lips causing another wave of your own slick to pool between your legs. You push at her lower back willing her to enter you but she resist. Kissing you eagerly before breaking to kiss to move towards your scent gland, you pant quickly. Wanda's kiss having stolen all the air from your lungs.
Wanda whispers against you, hips beginning to grind against your slick in order to lubricate herself. You shudder in response.
"Yours alpha, take me. I want to be yours."
Wanda reaches down gripping herself in order to slowly slide into you. She's thick stretching you out in ways only she can, the burn sends waves through you and by the time she's completely sheathed you're a whimpering mess.
"Yebat' you're so tight." (Fuck)
She pulls out only to slam back into you, her pace is brutal, hips slamming against yours hitting a sweet spot you didn't even know you had repeatedly. Your moans are as loud as the sound of your wet slick sucking Wanda back in. You claw at her wanting her impossibly closer as she fucked you into next week.
"Holy fuck I'm cumming. Alpha. Alpha."
Your eyes roll back as you arch. The orgasm makes you see white and Wanda doesnt stop. You squirting fueling her ego.
"That's right shchenok. You love the way your alpha fucks you, love how deep I am in you. Look shchenok can you see me."
Wanda brings your gaze down the visible bulge in your stomach when the alpha bottoms out causing your stomach to tighten.
"I'm right here."
Wanda says as she pushes down on the bulge and you spasm again another light orgasm washing through you.
"Fuck I'm gonna fill you up, get you pregnant with my pup."
Wanda pumps into you harder, her knot slamming against your entrance as she nears her own release.
"Alpha. Alpha."
You whimper to fucked out to form any other words.
"You're gonna look so pretty swollen with my seed all mine."
You moan again as Wanda bends towards your scent gland the feel of her canines against your neck enough to almost send you over the edge. She sinks her teeth into you right as you hear a pop. Her knot having settled inside you easily combined with the blackout orgasm of your mating bite. When you come to Wanda is still knotted deep inside you. Nuzzling at your cheeks with a low growl. You chirp back to weak to do much else and Wanda hums.
"My mate, my omega."
10 months later.
You were exhausted, to say the least. A new born was a lot of work and a lot of lost sleep. Wanda wasn't here, literally dragged away for a debrief she was required to attend. If you were honest you didn't mind, she'd been slightly smothering you since you gave birth and while you loved her for it just because you gave birth didn't mean you were no longer a functioning adult. You'd been picking petty arguments since your third trimester which you always felt bad for. It was the hormones combined with being put on bedrest so you didn't get to do your job combined with sexual frustration since the doctor said it was no longer safe for intercourse. You sighed as you stepped out of the shower, now with the added insecurities about the changes in your body since pregnancy and child birth you weren't sure you even wanted Wanda to touch you. Ignoring the mirror you dry yourself before wrapping a towel around you. Exiting the bathroom right as your little baby boy woke up with soft cries. You coo at him lifting him out of his crib you lose your towel throwing it over the side in order to hold your baby against your bare chest. You were barely one month postpartum but glad to be past the part where you were in a sense literally wearing a human diaper. Your son instantly calms at the sound of your heart beat as you bounce him lightly moving to sit in your bed you lean against the headboard letting out slightly pained noises as you try and relax your overworked back. You cover your lower half with the blanket already feeling the chill of the room as you begin to hum at your son. You don't hear the door open to focused to the little boy in your arms, getting comfortable as you move him to breast feed. You hiss as he begins to work at your sore nipple but eventually relax becoming accustomed to the pain. You rub his little head of hair softly smiling at him a fullness in your heart only created by the birth of your child as Wanda makes her pressence known.
"You're so beautiful dorogaya." (Dearheart)
You bite back your own insecurities at her comment humming in response. Looking up you meet Wanda's piercing eyes before meeting her lips in a kiss.
"I mean it dorogaya or have you forgotten I can hear your thoughts."
You can't help but frown not used to not being able to keep secrets.
"Ah ah ah no buts, you're even more beautiful now than the day we met. Pregnancy and childbirth has given you a glow nothing else can."
You sigh a familiar warmth filling your chest in response to Wanda's love.
"YA tebya lyublyu." (I love you)
You whisper your free hand coming to rub against Wanda's cheek.
"I ya lyublyu tebya. Forever and always." (And I love you)
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marveltournaments · 5 months
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littlemissomega · 8 months
alpha!Wanda x omega!reader
Summary: Y/N joins the Avengers thinking she’ll be able to hide being an omega. Wanda bursts her bubble.
Warnings: smut, overstimulation, mating, biting, penetration, omega heat, fingering, knotting, pet names (malyshka, baby, luv, luvie), Bucky’s an asshole, a kinda maybe spark better Bucky (I can’t write fight scene without banter), scenting, scent blockers
Sorry if I forgot anything
Author’s note: This request for this was so sweet! I finally made myself sit down and finish this over the weekend :) I also marked where the smut starts if that's what you're here for
Edit: Just realized I posted this the first time with 'Emily' instead of 'Y/N'. I write my fics with a different name for the reader cause it flows easier with I brain, I just forgot to change it later. Please ignore 🤦🏻‍♀️
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“Okay, everyone, this is Y/N! She’ll be joining the Avengers,” Tony voices.
Y/N fiddles with her bracelet as she gives the group of strangers a small smile. The overwhelming scent of alphas smacks her in the face, making her feel shyer than normal. She prays her scent suppressants and beta scent perfume are strong enough.
“Who decided that?” a brown haired man asks.
“I did. And I think you all will agree when you see what she can do,” Tony responds.
“It would have been nice to be consulted right, though,” a blond man points out.
“Well, I do bank roll this team, so…”
Y/N’s cheeks flush as the good discuss her like she didn’t there.
“Guy, don’t be rude! Ignore them. I’m Natasha,” the red haired woman smiles, “That’s Bucky, and that’s Steve. Steve is only agreeing with him because he wants to get laid later,’ “Hey now, ‘Tasha!” Steve laughs. 
Natasha shrugs at him with a smirk.
“That’s Clint,” a man dressed in all black waves at her, “And that’s Thor,” Natasha finishes, pointing at a man with long hair.
“Nice to meet you guys,” Y/N smiles, finally finding her voice and feeling awkward and meek around the group.
“Am I the only one who wants to see what the little lady can do?” Thor asks.
“I agree,” Bucky nods.
“Okay! I guess she can spare you, Buck. Show you guys what she can do,” Tony smirks.
“Gladly,” Bucky smirks back, shrugging off his jacket.
Y/N ties her hair up and pushes her sleeves up, trying to compose herself.
I can do this! Mr. Stark believes in me, so it can’t be that hard!
“Here’s the rooms; No cheap shots. We’re all big kids here. No weapons. If the other person says ‘yield’, you win and everyone stops. If the other person is pinned or down for 30 seconds or more, then the other wins. And don’t kill each other,” Tony explains.
“Remember that word, beta,” Bucky voices, getting in a fighting stance.
Y/N ignores his taunts, focusing on the energy bubbling up in her core. She imagines it spreading through her body and resting under the skin of her hands. Her hands start glowing with lavender purple energy, and Bucky’s cocky expression cracks for a second.
“Begin,” Tony announces, leading against the wall.
Bucky lunges forward, but doesn’t get far before a stream of glowing lavender energy shots from Y/N’s hands; wrapping around Bucky’s foot and pulling him to the ground. He lands with a grunt but doesn’t stay down long. Natasha’s laugh rings through the room.
“A little warning would have been nice, Tony!” Bucky calls as he swings his metal arm back to punch her.
Y/N’s glowing hand makes a shape like she caught his fist (she’s not actually touching him), and his hand stops. Her eyes start glowing a faint purple as she turns her hand to the side, and Bucky’s arm goes with it. He lands on his back. A frustrated groan slips from his lips, causing the corners of Y/N’s to go up.
Bucky rolls to his feet and jumps forward. Right before he grabs her, Y/N teleports to the other side of the room. He stumbles forward, but regains his balance.
“The f-”
He starts towards her again, and Y/N’s wills the water in a cup to the side to rise, turning into a disk of ice. It shoots towards Bucky, but he catches it with his metal hand and throws it back at her. The ice evaporates before it reaches her.
“Okay, no more magic, kid. Why don’t you level the playing field and beat me fair and square?” Bucky asks as he lunges toward again, panting slightly. Y/N side steps him and teleports behind him. She kicks him square in the back, causing him to go down.
“And why would I do that? I’m just using my resources wisely!” Y/N points out.
“Oh, so you don’t think you can beat me without your little party tricks! That’s okay, not everyone is strong enough,” Bucky eggs her on.
“You’re kinda an asshole, you know that?” Y/N shoots back, “How ‘bout this; I don’t use magic for 60 seconds. Give you a little head start. If you can beat me in that time, then great. If you can’t…”
“Deal,” he growls, kicking his leg out and sweeping her feet out from under her.
Y/N tumbles to the ground, landing hard on her ass. Bucky pins her to the ground, but she elbows him in the nose, causing his grip to loosen enough for her to slip away. She makes it to her feet before he makes his next attack. He swings a punch at her, but she douges it, dunking under his arm and elbowing his side. Bucky lets out another growl and Y/N shivers. 
“You scared, beta?” Bucky chuckles.
“No, I’m just getting a little cold from how little I have to work! And my name’s Y/N,”
Bucky wraps a hand around Y/N’s throat, and she tucks her chin while bringing her other arm around and breaking his grip. She grabs his arm and spins him around, putting him in a choke hold. Bucky’s hands fly up; trying and failing to break her grip around his neck. Y/N wraps his legs around her waist to stabilize herself as Bucky starts slamming her into the wall. She lets out a grunt as the air leaves her lungs.
“You smell…sweet?” Bucky points out, his voice muffled from his lack of air.
Shit, Y/N thinks. She realizes she’s started to sweat, which must be causing the scent blocker to wear off faster.
“I think you’re hallucinating, Barnes,” Y/N huffs as he slams her into the wall again, “And, your time’s up,”
Y/N teleports away right as Bucky slams against the wall again, causing him to take all of the blow. She kicks him in the stomach and he crumbles against the wall. Purple bands of light wrap around him, pinning him down. He struggles against them, but they don’t break.
“And.. Y/N wins!” Tony announces as the 30 seconds is up. The bands of light disappear immediately, and Bucky stumbles to his feet.
“Good match,” Y/N smiles, sticking her hand out to shake Bucky’s.
Bucky begrudgingly shakes her hands. Y/N thinks he’s being a good sport until he jerks her forward, dipping his nose down so it brushes the scent gland on her neck. Y/N gasps and stumbles back.
“Interesting,” Bucky chuckles softly.
“Did you just fucking scent me??” Y/N asks, shocked.
“Whoa, that’s too far, Bucky!” Natasha scolds, shoving Bucky.
“Sorry, sorry!” Bucky responds, the smirk not leaving his face.
“Are you okay?” Natasha asks.
“Yeah! Yeah..it’s whatever,” 
“He’s just grumpy cause he lost and wanted a reaction. That was pretty badass though, newbie!”
“I agree! That was hardcore!” Thor laughs, slapping Y/N on the back. Y/N jolts forward a little, but laughs it off.
“Hey, has anyone seen Wanda today?” Steve asks. He’s holding hands with a still slightly fuming Bucky.
“I’m right here!” a voice calls from the door.
Y/N turns to see a beautiful woman with dark ginger hair that falls in soft waves and blue gray eyes. She’s dressed in red and black leather, and Y/N struggles to keep her eyes on the woman’s face instead of the curve of her breasts. Her scent of fresh coffee and cinnamon hits Y/N like a freight train, causing a whole different heat to grow in her core. She can feel her own scent growing stronger.
“Hey, Wanda! You missed the show!” Natasha laughs.
“Did I?” Wanda asks, looking at Y/N, “What’s your name, malyshka (babygirl)?”
Y/N opens her mouth, but no words come out. Natasha quickly covers for her.
“This is Y/N! She’s joining the Avengers and she just kicked Bucky’s ass!”
Wanda’s eyes don’t leave Y/N, causing her to squirm a little. Y/N pulls out her phone, and looks at it, pretending to see a notification.
“Oh, I have a missed call, so I need to go call them back! But it was nice meeting y’all!”
Bucky smirks and gives Y/N a knowing look as she runs from the room. She fainting hears the other calling bye.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Y/N mumbles as she slams her bedroom door shut, rummaging through her stuff for her scent suppressant. She swallows two of them dry, then douses herself in the beta scent perfume.
Flopping down face first on the bed, Y/N reminds herself that joining the Avengers is a good thing. Her stupid omega pheromones just need to get their shit together. And Bucky keeps his stupid mouth shut.
Two weeks pass, and Y/N starts to settle into her new life. She trains with Natasha and Steve during the day, and they go on missions. She and Bucky continue to bully each other and have ‘friendly’ competitions. And Wanda. Oh Wanda.
Wanda has been so kind to Y/N, showing her around the compound and taking every chance to talk with her. But she also takes every chance to touch her. From putting a hand on Y/N’s shoulder when passing to letting their legs touch on the couch, Wanda has taken every chance. And Y/N hasn’t minded. Not at all.
Y/N hates how shy she gets around Wanda, and the almost gravitational pull she feels to her.
A knock on the door snaps Y/N from her thoughts.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Natasha asks through the door.
“Yeah, I’m fine!” Y/N voices, rolling over.
“Okay! Well, dinner’s ready! You hungry?”
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a second!” Y/N responds, glad to be included in the group.
Y/N quickly takes her hair out of the ponytail, fluffing the top of it. When she opens the door, Natasha is waiting for her. She smells of fresh sheets and leather polish. She’s an alpha, but her scent isn’t as overwhelming as most.
“What’s for dinner?” Y/N asks as they enter the kitchen.
“Chicken noodle soup!” Wanda responds, “How’d your call go?”
Gods she looks so pretty
“I-It was good! Just a friend,” Y/N voices, nervousness pooling in her stomach.
As they make bowls, Y/N realizes Bucky and Steve are missing.
“Where are the others?” She asks, carrying her bowl to the table.
“Oh, I heard Bucky and Steve arguing earlier, so they’re probably fucking by now,” Natasha laughs.
“My room is next to theirs, and you wouldn’t believe the things I’ve heard,” Tony voices, “Haven’t had a good night’s sleep since they mated,”
Y/N blushes, staring at her bowl. It’s always amazed her how some people are so open about sex. She picks up her spoon and takes a bite of the soup, almost moaning as it hits her taste buds.
“You like the soup, malyshka?” Wanda asks with a grin, sitting down next to her.
“Yeah!” Y/N nods, swallowing, “It’s really good,”
“I’m glad you think so,”
“Sorry, what does malyshka mean? Is it a different language?” Y/N asks. Wanda has taken to using the nickname with Y/N, and she had never asked what it ment. 
“It’s Russian for babygirl,” Natasha explains with a small, knowing smile.
That’s all Y/N can say as her face turns bright red. She coughs a little and takes a gulp of her water. Wanda’s shoe brushes against her calf.
“Don’t choke, princess!” Wanda chuckles.
Princess? Babygirl? This woman is going to be the death of me.
Y/N sets her cups down and focuses on eating without embarrassing herself. Halfway through, Steve and Bucky show up. Steve is limping significantly.
“Nice of you to join us,” Tony snickers.
“Shut up, Stark,” Bucky responds with a chuckle, “You’re just jealous you’re not getting any cause Pepper’s on a business trip,”
Y/N grimaces as pain shoots through her abdomen and lower back. She grips her spoon harder; her knuckles turning white. Natasha taps her foot under the table and mouths ‘You okay?’ at her. Y/N nods, relaxing her grip on the spoon even as the pain continues. The intense need to bury her face in Wanda’s chest and sit in her lap fills her.
It doesn’t help that every breath she takes is overwhelmed by Wanda’s rich scent.
Is she doing that on purpose? Y/N wonders. She can feel herself starting to sweat and takes a sip of water.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Steve asks, sounding genuinely worried.
“Yeah! O-of course!” Y/N responds, trying to sound normal.
“You look pretty flushed. Are you warm?”
Steve you’re very sweet, but please shut the fuck up. Y/N begs in her heat.
“A little! It’s just the soup. I think I’m actually gonna turn in for the night,” Y/N decides, grabbing her bowl to put in the sink. Wanda stops her.
“I can get that!” Wanda voices.
“No, that’s okay! I can-”
“Leave the bowl, malyshka,” Wanda voices, dominance seeping into her voice.
Y/N sets the bowl down and rushes up the stairs.
“What’s up with her?” she hears Tony ask.
“I wouldn’t bother her for the next week,” Bucky responds, sounding arrogant and almost condescending.
“Why not?” Natasha asks.
Y/N doesn’t wait to hear Bucky’s response. She quietly closes her bedroom door and uses the lavender light to create a barrier around the room. Now, no one will be able to scent her or hear her.
She stumbles over to her desk and opens her computer, looking at her heat calendar. It isn’t supposed to come for another 2 weeks!
“Go awayyyy,” Y/N whines as the cramps continue and a different type of need fills her. She changes into a soft, silk shorts and tank top set before climbing into bed. She nuzzles her face into the only blanket she brought from home.
Y/N tosses and turns for hours, kicking off the blankets as her body temperature goes up. A fine layer of sweat settles on her skin and pain shoots through her. She can feel herself growing wetter, and her mind keeps straying to how bad she wants to be knotted. 
  —--Spice starts here—----
She tries resisting, but she can’t help but kick off the shorts and slip her hand in her underwear. Y/N dips a finger in her dripping hole and moans. She drags the finger up to that hypersensitive bundle of nerves as draws gentle circles on it. Her moans float through the room.
A knock at the door causes Y/N to groan.
“Y/N, are you in there?” Wanda asks through the door.
Her brain is too foggy to form words.
“Y/N, open the door right now,” Wanda orders. Y/N whimpers at the dominance in her tone.
The door burst open before closing again. Y/N turns her head to see Wanda standing there, eyes and hands glowing a faint red color. Her scent is intoxicating. She’s wearing a cropped tank top and a pair of low rise pajama pants. The large bulge at her crotch is unmistakable. 
“Oh baby. Did you get your heat?” Wanda croons.
Y/N nods, burying her face in the blankets. She jolts in pain as another cramp rips through her and rubs another circle on her clit, hoping to help ease the pain.
“Y-you should go Wa-Wanda! It’s not appropriate,” Y/N struggles to say, finally pulling her hand from her underwear.
“But you don’t really want me to do that, do you?” Wanda asks, her voice getting closer. 
Y/N looks up to see Wanda right next to the bed. She sits down and lowers her face closer to hers. Wanda gently grabs her china and forces her to make eye contact. Y/N whimpers and her core throbs.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me, malyshka. And I know you feel it. The bond. Begging for us to solidify it. You’re my mate, and you know it,” Wanda voices, grabbing her hand and bringing it to her mouth.
“W-what?” Y/N stutters.
Wanda eases Y/N’s slick covered finger into her mouth and sucks gently. Y/N and Wanda moan as she releases it with a pop
“Awww, you’re such a dumb baby omega! Thought you could pretend to be a beta and everything!” she brushes a stand of hair from Y/N’s face condescending, “No, you’re my mate and I’ve known from the second I saw you,”
Her eyes go wide as Wanda dips her head down and brushes her nose against Y/N’s scent glades. A small growl slips from Wanda’s lips and every hair on Y/N’s body stands up, causing her to whine.
“I’m going to burn whatever fake scent you use. And it you ever take a fucking scent blocker again, I’ll spank your pretty ass ‘til you can’t sit right for a month,” Wanda growls.
“Y-yes ma’am! I’m sor-sorry!” Y/N squeaks.
“You will be,”
Y/N lets out a shriek as Wanda picks her up and throws her over her shoulder.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Y/N asks, her tone sounding meek.
“Going to wash off that fucking beta scent! I wanna smell your scent when I pump you full with my pups,” 
“Mommyyy,” Y/N moans, her grip tightening on Wanda’s shoulders.
The tile in the bathroom is cold against Y/N’s bare feet. Wanda presses her against the wall; her lips a breath away from Y/N’s.
“I’m trying so hard to restrain myself, because I wanna fuck you for the first time in a bed, but you’re making it really hard, malyshka,” Wanda whispers, her lips dipping to hover over the scent glad on Y/N’s neck. 
Y/N lets out a breathy moan; squeezing her thighs together as Wanda’s nose nuzzles against her scent gland.
“Your scent is finally pecking through those damned scent blockers,” Wanda voices, “Now let’s wash the rest off,”
The cool air chills Y/N’s skin as Wanda pulls the shirt off her, leaving her bare. Her nipples pebble into stiff peaks and the shorts quickly follow the shirt to its place on the ground. Y/N wants to touch her so bad, but doesn’t want to anger her. Wanda’s eyes don’t leave her as she turns the shower on.
“Listen carefully,” Wanda turns her fingers up Y/N’s arms, barely touching them, “You’re gonna get in the shower and get nice and clean, and I’m gonna go get a few things. You aren’t gonna touch yourself of put on any more scent blockers, then you’re going to dry off and go wait in bed,”
“Do-Don’t want you to leave,” Y/N pouts, practically shaking with need.
Wanda gently rubs her thumb over Y/N’s bottom lip before connecting them with hers. Y/N melts into the kiss; hands coming up to brace herself on Wanda’s shoulder. She whines when Wanda pulls away.
“I’ll be right back. Be a good little omega and do as your told,” 
Wanda leaves the door cracked behind her and Y/N lets in a shaky breath from getting the shower. The cool water is a shock to her system and she quickly washes her body. Her skin is hypersensitive and she struggles to hold back whimpers as she washes her scent glands.
After turning the water off, she dries off with a fluffy towel Wanda must have left for her. Y/N wraps the towel around herself before tip-toeing back into the bedroom. The room is empty and she sits on the edge of the bed, apprehension building in her.
The temporary relief Wanda’s calming pheromones brought disappears and the intense pain continues. Y/N leaves back in the bed, gripping the sheets and pressing her feet into the mattress. Her whines fill the room and all she wants is Wanda’s knot deep inside her, breeding her.
“Fuck, malyshka, you’re so beautiful,” Wanda practically moans from the door.
Wanda’s holding a bundle of different sweatshirts, blankets, and t-shirts.
“Wh-what’s that?” Y/N asks.
“I brought you a few things for your nest, baby,”
“Want you now though, Mommy,” she whines.
“One second, luvie, I gotta get your cozy nest set up,” Wanda explains, arranging the different things on the bed.
Y/N bucks her hips and moans at the intense scent of her mate around her.
“Mommy hurryyy need you so bad!” 
“All done, baby,” Wanda soothes, straddling Y/N’s hips. Y/N’s shaky hands come up and tug at Wanda’s pants.
“Need you now, Mommy!”
“I know luvie, but Mommy’s just gotta taste her sweet baby first,” Wanda croons, sliding down her body.
Wanda growls at the sight of her omega’s dripping pussy. She licks fromm her dripping whole to throbbing clit.
“Fuck, I shouldn’t have waited so long to do this,” Wanda groans, “You’re such a good omega, you would have spread your legs for me that first night, wouldn’t you have?”
“Uh huh, Mommy! Just for you!” 
The vibrations of Wanda’s chuckle ripple through Y/N and cause the knot in her core to grow. Wanda lips attach to her clit and her moans fill the room. Her hands fly down, lacing in Wanda’s hair and presses her further into her pussy.
“Oh my god that feels so good Mommy, so sensitive!” Y/N moans.
Wanda doesn’t give any warning before slipping two fingers into her, filling her to the brim. Y/N bucks her hips up, desperate for me.
“Mommy pleaseee, need you in me so bad!”
“What part of me, malyshka?” Wanda asks innocently, “My fingers? My tongue? Or is there something else you want? Use you words,”
The fog in Y/N’s head grows with how desperate she is, and she struggles to form the words.
“Fuck, Mommy, need your cock! Need your cock in me so bad! Need you to bread my and knot me and fuck me so good!” Y/N blabbers.
“Good girl,” Wanda croons, her eyes glowing red. Her clothes disappear and she straddles her again in a second, her hard cock lined up with Y/N’s dripping entrance.
Y/N wrapped her legs around Wanda’s hips, bringing her lips up to suck on one of Wanda’s perky, hard nipples. Wanda moans and thrusts into Y/N a little too fast. Y/N whines at the intense stretch and sucks harder.
“I know, malyshka, Mommy’s cock is so much bigger that your little baby omega pussy,” Wanda croons condescending, “You’re gonna take every inch like the good little girl you are, though,” Y/N give’s Wanda’s hair a little tug in response.
By the time Wanda is halfway in, Y/N is squirming and quivering. She finally lets go of Wanda’s nipple.
“Want your pups so bad, Mommy! Want you to breed me!” Y/N cries, spasming with pleasure and need.
“I know, baby, Mommy’s gonna fill up your pretty pussy so good; gonna make you all pretty and round!” Wanda voices, thrusting her hips forward so another inch goes in, “You aren’t so shy anymore, are you baby? All you needed was Mommy’s cock stretching you out to start talking!”
“Mommy,” Y/N whimpers as Wanda bottoms out.
“I know,” Wanda repeats, dipping her head to the crock of Y/N’s neck.
Wanda inhales deeply and moans.
“Can’t believe you hide your scent from me for so long, malyshka! You smell heavenly. Like fucking carmel and chocolate,” Wanda moans, licking Y/N’s scent glad. Y/N mewls at the sensation, squeezing around Wanda.
“Gonna cum, Mommy!” 
“Cum for me, baby,”
Y/N falls over the edge, stars dancing in her vision. Her chest comes off the bed and the sounds she makes are unrecognizable. A scream escapes her as Wanda’s fangs pierce her neck. Her hands move to Wanda’s back, digging in and drawing blood. Wanda sucks on the tender wound and continues thrusting her hips as Y/N comes down from her high. The solidified bond is overwhelming. Wanda’s scent becomes even more overwhelming and Y/N can feel the pleasure she’s feeling, making her even more sensitive. 
“Mo-Mommy?” Y/N stutters weakly, her orgasm still stringing out.
“Yes, my luv?” Wanda responds gently.
“Want you to cum, Mommy! Please cum in me,”
“Oh baby,” Wanda moans.
Every vein and ridge sets Y/N on faster as Wanda’s thrust quickens, hitting every sensitive spot in her.
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god,” Y/N sobs, tears of pleasure slipping down her cheeks, “Fuck, feels so go-good!”
“Mommy’s gonna cum down, malyshka,” Wanda pants, “Gonna fill you up so good,” Wanda’s knot starts growing, stretching her mate out even more. 
“Can fe- ohhh feel it, Mommy!” 
Y/N’s wall squeezes around her, and that’s all Wanda needs to fall over the edge. Her hot cum warms Y/N and she can feel it in every inch of her body. Wanda can’t take her eyes off Y/N’s absolutely wrecked face though. Her head is thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, and mouth in an ‘O’ shape. Wanda lowers her head and kisses her check, then her lips, her other check, each eyelid, her forehead, and makes her way back down to her lips as Emiy comes down from her extended high.
“How are you feeling, malyshka?” Wanda asks softly.
“Warm…and full and so good” Y/N sighs contently.
“I’m glad, luvie,” Wanda smiles, gently flipping them so Y/N is on top.
Y/N moans softly as Wanda’s cock shifts deeper with the new position. Her alpha strokes her back.
“I love you, Mommy,” she mumbles dreamily.
“I love you too, malyshka,”
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Little Omega and Their Big Pack
Reader is an Omega AND a Little. Natasha finds them when the Team raids an enemy base.
Avengers Pack + Maria Hill, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Littles are Known, Omegas have rights
Chapter 2: Cuddle time
Note: Sorry this is formatted like this, I got annoyed and just decided to post it.
Wanda POV
Yelena was practically vibrating in her seat when I lowered us onto the Jet. The only thing keeping her from sprinting over to us was Nat’s quiet rumble.
It was so soft it sounded like almost like a purr but it got the message across. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was trying to cover up her purr, big softy.
Y/n had burrowed into her shoulder, their paci gently brushing Nat’s neck as it bobbed slowly in their mouth.
She did go and sit down next to her on the couch though. The omega scooted as close as possible to the pair. I chuckled and made my way to Nat’s other side. Yelena set her laptop down and angled it so I could see Rizzoli and Isles too.
“Why aren’t the doctor and the cop dating?”
“They don’t want the gays to be happy.”
I noticed Nat taking long blinks as she leaned back getting comfy. Yelena and I made eye contact before I smirked. Yelena grabbed Nat’s shoulders and I grabbed her legs. She grumbled slightly and Yelena let out a displeased chuff that quietened her. We gently maneuvered Nat so her head was resting in her sister’s lap and her legs were on mine. We then both started to purr softly.
“I know what you’re doing” Nat said with a sleepy glare.
Yelena just continued to purr and started to run her hands through Nat’s hair gently as the Widow pouted. Despite her resistance soon enough she was napping with our Little.
Yelena's POV
They’re sooooo cute! I wanna wake them up but lil omega’s probably exhausted, also Nat would kill me. I'm not scared of her but Wanda is very scary when she's mad. We have a Little!!! Aaaaand they’re an omega! I’m not the only one in the tower anymore! Peter is here sometimes but he usually stays with Tony and Pepper, it’s not the same. I wonder if they’d want to make a nest!
————Time Skip to Landing———————
Wanda’s POV
“Wake up Gorgeous we gotta make cookies!” I said quietly as I gently squeezed Nat’s leg and released my scent softly.
Nat grumbled and nuzzled her face against the top of y/n’s, eyes still closed. My heaaaaaart. I continued to nudge Nat in the leg as the rest of the team except Yelena left the Jet.
“It’s my turn to hold them” Yelena huffed and carefully went to grab y/n while releasing her own calming scent.
I held my breath as Nat shifted and green eyes flickered open. Sleepy eyes narrowed at Yelena’s hands and I stifled a giggle.
“Come on you have to make cookies, I can take them” Yelena said whining quietly.
Nat just stared for a minute, eyes flickering between y/n and Yelena. She huffed quietly,
“Fine. But don’t wake them up and take them to our floor please.” The spy said grumpily.
Yelena grinned and carefully lifted the younger omega into her arms. Y/n shifted slightly, seeming to take in Yelena’s forest scent before relaxing with their nose pressed close to her neck. Nat was just laying there and pouting. Yelena began to purr happily as she swayed gently while hugging y/n close. The older Widow’s lip quirked.
Yelena’s POV
My baby omega. They smell like pie! I love pie, they’re so sweet-I’m never putting them down. I nodded at Wanda and Nat before adjusting y/n in my grip and carefully getting off the Jet.
I made my way up to Wanda, Nat, and I’s floor, which I’m assuming y/n will join as well. I paused for a second before letting my omega instincts pull me to the nesting room on our floor. I gently kneeled down and lay y/n in the middle of the California King, on top of some pillows and a super soft blanket.
I then began to carefully gather pillows and blankets from around the bed. All of a sudden I smelled a small spike of nervousness from the Little Omega. My head shot up to see y/n sleepily rubbing their eyes and peeking at me through their hands.
“Hey hey, it’s alright. I’m Yelena Nat’s sister but you can call me Yeezy if you want. Nat and Wanda are downstairs making you cookies like they promised. I’m sure they’ll be done soon.” I saw their eyes brighten at the mention of cookies, same dog saaaaame.
Y/n seemed to perk up when I mentioned Nat and they moved their hands out of their face. I continued to quietly arrange the nest, not wanting to scare them. I smiled slightly as I felt them shuffle a little closer. I could see them leaning towards me with their thumb in their mouth.
“Whatcha doin?” I heard a quiet voice mumble shyly.
“I’m making a nest,” I replied, the Little was eyeing the blankets curiously.
“Would you like to help me?” I asked softly. They nodded and took their thumb out of their mouth.
I held out a soft pillow to them and they grasped it hesitantly. I continued to shift things slowly as to not spook them. After a minute of them still not moving I paused and turned to face them, crossing my legs.
“Have you made a nest before?” I asked quietly.
“N-no I s-sowwy” they said fiddling with the pillow and looking down.
“It’s okay little pie! I’ll show you! Omegas like to nest when they have the materials available. You can put the blankies and pillows wherever you want! We’re just trying to make it as cozy as we can.” Y/n continued to watch me quietly before shifting to set the pillow I gave them down.
I smiled and set more blankets and pillows between us, continuing to work. I watched y/n in my perepheral as they became more comfortable with placing things. I started to let out a quiet purr, slowly increasing in volume. I could see the rest of the tension leave y/n’s body. They began to place things more enthusiastically.
“What’s your favorite kind of cookie?”
“Ch-choc Chip!!!!!”
“A classic. I like snickerdoodles!”
“Sn-sni ka oodles?”
“Sure oodles it is!”
“Yee?” awww they’re trying to use my nickname!
“Yes munchkin?"
“Milk too?”
“Yes little pie I’m sure they’ll bring milk too that’s a necessity.”
We finished the nest and sat back to look at our work.
“Well what do you think Baby Yeezy? Is our nest ready?” I asked my baby omega.
Y/n got up, using my shoulder to steady themself, and slowly walked around the nest with their hands on their hips. Their brows were furrowed in focus, and I tried not to coo as y/n popped their thumb in their mouth (we definitely gotta get them some pacifiers). They circled slowly before taking their thumb out of their mouth and looking at me seriously.
“Is good!”
“Wonderful, how do some cartoons sound?” I asked, grabbing the remote when they nodded eagerly.
We sat next to each other in the nest with some space between us. I could tell y/n wanted to cuddle but was too nervous by the way they kept inching closer and glancing at me.
Fuck it. I scooped them up quickly and rocked them slightly before setting them down in between my legs. They were giggling softly through the interaction and let out a full belly laugh when I gently tickled their tummy.
The room flooded with her pie scent, smelling like it was freshly baked. Joy, I hope.
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twinsunstars · 2 days
honestly i love dee bradley baker and michelle ang with all my heart, but i need more bad batch interviews that aren't just them. give me noshir dalal talking about his character and showing how he voiced those glorious screams in this week's episode. give me keisha castle-hughes talking more about emerie in a video interview rather than just an article one and what she thinks of emerie in season 3. give me jimmi simpson and how he nails hemlock's voice while not sounding like him at all in real life (at least to me based on whatever i've seen him in, I can't hear it). give me wanda sykes and how much she puts her own personality into phee.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 10 days
Moi Devochki: Chapter 1
Authors note: I'm hoping to post chapters of this fic every Friday, so stay tuned!
Warnings: smut(grinding, groping, fingering), a/b/o content (talk of marking/scent glands)
Word count: 2061
WandaNat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Moi Devochki Masterlist
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You and Wanda had been close since you were pups, you grew up together. You knew you were in love with her, you just didn’t think she’d feel the same, she always talked to you about what she wanted in an Alpha afterall. She had realized she’d fallen for you shortly before the three of you had joined Ultron in his plot against the Avengers, but she was too afraid of saying anything to you. Instead she held your hand and cuddled with you more often hoping that was enough to satisfy her. It wasn't though, she wanted all of you.
   Pietro of course noticed, call it a twins intuition. He didn’t care who his sister fell in love with as long as they didn’t break her heart, but he knew the world was cruel when it came to two Omegas being together so he cautioned her to be careful. To not let anything be seen outside the bedroom that hinted at anything more than friendship. Wanda understood, but she didn’t like it. Keeping her love a secret felt wrong, but she’d do it to keep you safe.
   When you all switched to working with the Avengers and she lost her brother you were right there for her, offering her comfort and letting her share your bed so she wasn’t alone. She knew she had to tell you that she wanted you and she was so happy to know you wanted her too, so that's when your secret relationship started. You both knew it was still considered not only taboo but illegal in most places for two Omegas to be together, but you couldn't help the way you felt about each other.
   Thankfully due to your close friendship and since you were both Omegas no one in the Tower batted an eye at how much time the two of you spent together or how one of you’d sometimes smell like the other, which worked tremendously in your favor considering the two of you would do much more than just watch tv together. 
    Currently however, that was exactly what you were doing. You were both cuddling in her nest as one of her sitcoms played on the tv. Wanda's head rested on your chest as your hand played with her hair, your other hand being firmly held by the other Omega. She laughs at something on the show, you're not sure what since you almost never paid attention to them. Your focus was always on her.
   “Y/n?” she says
   “Yes baby?” you respond as her green eyes meet yours
   She gestures to the tv show, an Alpha and some pups playing outside, “Do you think we’ll ever have that?”
   You thought for a moment before answering, “Yes, if we can find the right Alpha. But we need an Alpha that not only wants to bond with both of us, but is also accepting of us being together. I don’t know how easy it’ll be to find an Alpha like that.”
   She nods her head, sighing softly. “Do you think Natasha might be an Alpha like that?” she asks, tone hopeful
   You smile, “I’m not sure baby, but I do know she's not like most Alphas. She’s special.” she nods her head agreeing with you.
   Wanda loves you and you know that, just as she knows you love her but it was no secret that you both longed to have Natasha as your Alpha. There was just something that drew the two of you to her since you’d met her, but the Russian didn’t seem to have an interest in Omegas, which disappointed you both. Wanda more so though, you knew how badly she wanted pups, you’d give her them yourself if only you could.
   Suddenly Wanda straddles your lap and lets her hands rest on your shoulders as she leans in to kiss you. You hum in response, your hands instinctively grab onto her waist. The two of you stay like that until the need for air becomes too intense and she pulls away from you, panting slightly.
   You begin to trail kisses on her jaw, working your way down her neck. You stop when you reach her scent gland, gently you suck on her skin there before letting your teeth graze over the sensitive spot. She whines at the feeling, she desperately wishes the two of you could fully bond by marking each other. But she knows without a supportive Alpha to protect you both from judgment and punishment the risk heavily outweighed the reward. She’d already lost so much in life, to risk losing you was simply something she would never do.
   Your hands travel under her shirt and up her back, she hums as your hands undo the clasp of her bra before they travel back down to the bottom of her shirt. You take it off her with ease and her bra slips off her chest. Your hands palm her breasts, she arches into your touch a soft moan leaving her lips. 
   You replace a hand with your mouth, you gently nibble and suck on her nipple as your free hand cups her ass. She grinds down on your lap, whimpering slightly. You smirk against her skin as the hand you had on her breast moves to the front of her pants, you undo her jeans and slip your hand into her underwear. She lets out a small gasp as your fingers slide through her slick soaked folds, teasing her.
   She grinds down on your fingers this time, a needy whine leaving her lips, “Please detka(baby), I want you.”
   You look up at her, “Pants off printsessa(princess).” 
   She quickly stands, removing her jeans and underwear before sitting back down on your lap. You kiss her softly, she wraps her arms around your neck, tangling her hands in your hair as you grab her ass pulling her closer to you. She whines again, begging for you.
   Your hand moves back down to her pussy, she's practically dripping slick for you and you hum at how she feels against your fingers. You slowly insert two fingers, getting her to moan again. She begins to suck at your scent gland as you start thrusting your fingers faster for her. She gently nibbles your scent gland, sending chills through you.
   “Fuck baby, careful or you’ll leave a bruise I’ll have to explain” you tell her
   “Wish I could make you mine though.” she says in your ear
   You smile, “I am yours Wanda, always will be.”
   Her lips crash into yours as she kisses you hungrily, she slips her tongue into your mouth, her tongue finds yours as she deepens the kiss. You can feel her legs tremble as her walls squeeze your fingers slightly, knowing she's close you add a third finger and circle your thumb around her clit. She moans again breaking the kiss, you rest your forehead on hers as she focuses on her upcoming orgasm.
   “I love you Y/n.” she manages between gasps
   “I love you too, Wan” you reply as you begin kissing her scent gland effectively sending her over the edge, her slick gushes onto your fingers as she cums, her legs shake as she leans into you. 
   You slowly remove your fingers and she watches as you suck them clean, you kiss her again letting her taste herself on you. She hums at the taste. You lie back more in her nest pulling her with you so she can lie on top of you, she snuggles into you as you wrap your arms around her. 
   She looks up at you, “What about you?”
   You smile at her, “I can wait, right now I just want to cuddle you.” 
   She smiles, settling back into you. You gently run one of your hands up and down her back and she begins to purr. You chuckle softly, you found her purr incredibly cute even though you could also produce the sound. She shivers suddenly.
   “You cold? We can get a blanket, or you can get redressed.” you tell he
   She nods, getting up she grabs her clothes from earlier taking them with her as she goes to use the bathroom. No sooner does she close the bathroom door does someone knock on the door to the bedroom. You swallow hard, no one had ever come around this soon after you and Wanda had been together. You were sure whoever it was would be able to tell what had occurred if you opened the door. They knock again.
   “Hey, come on guys. I know you're in there, I asked FRIDAY to check. I got to talk to you.” Yelena says from the hall. Damn, if you didn’t answer her it would look really suspicious. 
    You walk over and hesitantly open the door for her avoiding looking at her, “Hey Yelena” you manage to say, but she doesn't reply. You chance a glance at her and find her eyes are dilated as she stares at you. Oh fuck, yep she knows.
   She quickly grabs the collar of your shirt and shoves you backwards into the room, slamming the door shut with her foot, her eyes don’t move from you until Wanda walks into the room speaking to you.
   “Detka(baby)? What was-” She freezes when she sees Yelena holding you, staring at you with dilated eyes. Wanda becomes aware the Alpha knows about the two of you and fear shoots through her. Would the Alpha hurt you for this or separate the two of you permanently?
   Finally Yelena speaks, “What the hell are the two of you doing?” 
   There's no anger in her tone but Wandas eyes start to fill with tears anyway. You can see her bottom lip tremble and you yearn to go comfort her, but the current hold the Alpha has on you prevents you from doing so.
  “Please Yelena, don’t tell the other Alphas. Don’t have her taken away from me. Please.” the Omega begs as she nervously twists the rings on her fingers, tears beginning to fall down her face.
   Yelena suddenly looks taken aback, “I…what? Hey, no I wasn't..I wouldn't….ugh.” she releases her hold on you, “Go, comfort your girl please. The tears are killing me.”
   You're confused, but you gladly go to Wanda, you engulf her in a hug, “Shh, it’s ok. I’m right here baby.” She tucks her head into your neck and her arms wrap around you tight as she hugs you back. You can hear Yelena shuffle around awkwardly behind you. You pull back as much as Wanda allows and place a kiss on her forehead before looking to the Alpha.
   “I’m not going to tell anyone about the two of you. I don’t care that the two of you are a thing, it doesn't bother me. I just panicked for you because you mated in the middle of the day where me at your door could have been literally anyone else, and I know there are Alphas and Betas here who wouldn't approve of the two of you and I don’t want them catching you and making something happen to you guys.” the Russian suddenly rambles 
   The Omega in your arms sniffles but looks at the Alpha across the room, “I’m sorry I thought the worst of you. I just saw you holding Y/n, and I could tell you found out about us and I got scared.” she admits
   Yelena nods, “It’s ok. Just, be more careful about this sort of thing. Save most of it for nighttime or daytime when most of the team is on a mission.” 
   “We’ll be more careful from now on, promise.” you tell her
   “Alright then, I’ll go ahead and leave the two of you be.” she says, turning towards the door
   “Wait, I thought you wanted to talk to us about something, isn't that why you came here in the first place?” you ask
   “It’s fine, it wasn't that important anyway.” she says with a wave of her hand and a smile
   “Ok then, see you later.” you reply, even more confused than before as she leaves
   She attempts to hold in her excitement as she heads off to her sisters room with this information. Once she gets there she doesn't bother knocking she just bursts in with a shit eating grin on her face.
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Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @when-wolves-howl @danveration @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories@imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastorm @zoomdeathknight @aeroae @sashawalker2
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maxislvt · 1 year
Missed You
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Summary: After being away on a needlessly long mission, the only thing Wanda wants is you.
Warnings: unedited because I wrote this is a total of 4 hours, omegaverse, smut, knotting, riding, might bondage (Wanda's magic), nipple play (no breast mention), omega Wanda typical levels of dominance, brief angst, brief discussion of infertility (reader)
Author's Note: Sorta considering making this into a more connected story that kinda follows r and omega!Wanda from AoU to MoM 🧍🏽 hit me up if you're interested low-key
Wanda found a lot of joy in dominating you.
After a long day of being underestimated by alphas and having her plans ruined by their thick headed incompetence — she could trust you'd be snuggled up in her bedsheets to make her happy again. You'd be working overtime to restore her faith in the world today.
What was only supposed to be a two day mission unfortunately turned into almost a week of reorganizing and trailing because a certain agent couldn't handle taking orders from a beta or omega. Losing focus because of a rut cycle was one thing. That was beyond anyone's culture and suppressants didn't always work. Not listening because of something as silly as "alpha instincts" was stupid completely unprofessional.
The extension meant you were forced to suffer through your rut entirely on your own. Wanda's pettiness and Natasha's professionalism couldn't let such foolishness go without punishment. A meeting with Fury would be another 30 minutes away from you, but it had to be done. You deserved her in the best mood she could possibly be in. Wanda wasn't going to let some idiot get in the way of that.
After justice had been served, she made a beeline for your room. Wanda was shocked to find it empty. She checked the gym and the kitchen and yet you were still nowhere to be found. It was strange. You normally jumped into her arms the second she got home. The only other place you could've been was her bedroom but you rarely went in there without her.
Wanda slowly opened the door to her room and peaked inside. It was a rather nice surprise. You were snuggled up in your own little nest on top of her bed. Alphas didn't nest so it was a nice surprise to see you make your own.
She crept closer to your sleeping form and climbed onto the bed. Wanda placed soft kisses on your cheek in order to wake you up. "How's my favorite alpha pup doing?" She whispered in a sugary sweet voice.
Your heart fluttered before your eyes did. A blush spread across your face as you realized you'd been caught. "Um, sorry about this. You were gone and I missed- I…I don't know it just felt right…" Subconsciously, you sink further into the mattress out of embarrassment. "I was gonna clean up before you got back but I fell asleep."
A smile appeared on her face. "Oh baby, you don't have to apologize. I'm just happy you're comfortable." It's a cute little moment and Wanda doesn't want to ruin it but seeing you so vulnerable and relaxed reminded her why she went looking for you. One of her hands ran up and down your stomach. "Do you want me to scent your nest? Most omegas find their nests more comfortable when their alphas scent is stronger."
For a moment you just soaked in the affection that Wanda gave you. "Mhm, this stuff doesn't smell like you anymore." Your body melted into the bed as Wanda's sweet and spicy scent filled the room. Wanda's body heat and scent were almost enough to send you back to the land of dreams. Before you could, a painfully familiar heat began overtaking your body again. It was searing hot and desperate — worsened by the proximity to your mate. "I think…I think you messed up my rut cycle."
Wanda tilted her in confusion. "What's wrong?" She could've been cruel and played dumb until you properly asked for her, but she decided to play nice. Her hand slid down to your crotch and groped the erection forming in your pants. "You certainly don't have issues getting it up." Your boxers were practically ripped off your body. She straddled your thighs and immediately put her attention on your cock. Already hard and desperate for release. "Tell your omega what's wrong, I can't help you if you don't speak up."
A shiver ran down your spine as Wanda's palm slid up and down your shaft. "Um, it uh it just- ah!" You were putty in Wanda's hands already. She had you shaking and stumbling over your words with just a few touches. The pleasure you desperately craved days earlier was finally at your fingertips. it was almost too much for you to bear. "I- I was fine this morning and I thought it was over, but you're back and it's really bad!"
Wanda hummed as if genuinely contemplating what you were telling her. "It's probably just your rut trying to even out still. Bruce did say it'd take a while for it to be normal again." Either she was right or her mere presence had somehow cranked your hormones up to eleven. Neither sounded that bad to her. She placed a soft kiss on your painfully red tip and smiled. "Tell your omega how bad you need her. Do you want to try knotting me again?"
It seemed to be more of a plan than a question as Wanda already started the process of stripping herself. Wanda loved hearing you insist and rush out an answer, but there was no reason to drag out the situation much longer.
You slipped into Wanda's cunt with ease. She was so warm and tight — it was a miracle you didn't cum in the spot. The thought of barely lasting five minutes had you scrambling to lift her off. "C-can we try another way? I don't think this is really fair to you-"
Wanda pushed you back down. Her magic wrapped around your wrist and pinned them to the head board. "Shush, I know my little alpha is sensitive right now. Just focus on trying to knot me, ok?" She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around your neck. Fortunately for you, Wanda decided to take pity on you and set a slow pace for you. Staying in control became increasingly difficult. "If we keep this up, we'll be in sync before you know it."
She nuzzled into your neck, covering you in her scent. Then she immediately slid down to focus on your nipples. "I think I should play with these more, they're so sensitive." The smirk on her face was cat-like and evil. Without much warning, she began to tweak and tug your nipples. Every whine and whimper that came out of your mouth tightened the knot in her stomach. "My little alpha pup is so sensitive at times." She chuckled before giving your nipples a hard tug.
"Noo, don't do that please!" You whined out. Your hips started to squirm and cant up. "I'm gonna cum, please let me cum inside." An unfamiliar swelling started at the base of your cock and slowly began to grow. "I think it's happening!" Your head fell back against the pillow. Overstimulation was going to be the death of you. "It's too much."
Wanda continued to rut against you. "No no, it's okay just keep going." She cupped your face, forcing you to look at her. Intimacy was always her number one priority. "Look at me, baby. You're doing such a good job." She let out a throaty moan as your knot finally slipped inside of her. "Oh baby, you're making me feel so full. I'm proud of you!"
You buried your face into your omega's neck. A low whine forced its way out of your mouth as your cum painted Wanda's walls. "Fuck that feels so good," You rushed as your knot finally slipped inside of Wanda.
The painful stretch of your knot was all Wanda needed to tumble into her own orgasm. Her walls fluttered and her hips began to mindlessly rut against you with no direction. "You're making your omega feel good, I love you so much." She peppered kisses all over your face as she rode out her high. Wanda fell forward the second her orgasm was over.
Both of you were covered in sweat, tired, and absolutely ruined.
You were the first to speak after a best of silence. "Is this…is this gonna get you pregnant?" The two of you had yet to discuss what you wanted for yourselves. Retirement, college, kids — all that stuff seemed like something for the future. It wasn't a good idea to make those decisions so quickly.
Wanda shook her head. "A knot doesn't work if you can't get pregnant beforehand." She kissed your cheek. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Just relax for now, okay?" A family would've been wonderful, but you weren't capable of getting Wanda pregnant and Avenging with a family wasn't ideal. The truth left Wanda's eyes stinging, but she trusted that the two of you could make something work.
You could see the sadness growing on Wanda's face, but decided not to make it worse. Instead, you wrapped her in a tight hug and scented her. "You can be the big spoon when I can pull out if you want…"
Wanda leaned back and looked up at you. You took care of her even when you were covered in sweat and ass naked. A loving smile spread across her face. "I don't know, I might stick to being the little spoon from now on," She said teasingly. Wanda laughed at the pout on your face. "I'm kidding. I couldn't let my favorite teddy bear go without cuddles for too long."
You let out an embarrassed huff as a blush spread across your face. "You're so mean sometimes."
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v3nusxsky · 7 months
Omega Wanda x asexual alpha gn reader who's in rut but isn't interested in the.... traditional ways of going through rut? Some fluff and cuddles ensue 👉🏻👈🏻
Hold me?
A/n~ Drabble time! Maybe if I can get to grips with Wanda more I’ll be more able to transfer this Into a fic ALSO I don’t know too much about Asexuality so if I got anything wrong please do tell me and I’ll correct it, love you guys
Tw~ mentions of past abuse r (it can happen to anyone guys gender isn’t an excuse or guide here) asexual r omegaverse omega wands alpha gn reader rut no smut here guys but mentions of it are littered in here
Prompt~ see ask^^^
You had accepted who you are a long time ago. But that doesn’t mean the time of your rut got any easier for you, luckily your omega was brilliant with you. She never forced the idea of helping you the traditional way, instead focusing on finding small ways to help you that really no one had bothered to try and find before, treating you more as an object to use for their own personal pleasure and leaving before any of your needs were found or met. But that was all before your wonderful Omega.
Wanda went through her first heat alone, not wanting you to feel forced to help her in the way she clearly needed, not really knowing where your boundaries were with her needs. But after a long conversation you both found a way to make it work. Your main point was you don’t have the interest to be touched, now Wanda thinks your scalped by the hands of angels, but that doesn’t change how you feel about it, however you aren’t against helping wanda get herself off during ruts, if she needs something to see then you provide her with what she asks of. Sometimes even going as far as controlling the toy she uses. But that’s it really, you do it for her and her needs despite receiving nothing from it yourself.
Perhaps that’s why Wanda returns the same amount of love and care when your rut hits. You often cry and apologise for being a horrid Alpha, you tell her your broken, she should go find a real Alpha to treat her right, but she simply states she wants you and will always want you. It became apparent to her that during this time you would actively seek her out to ensure you could always feel her. You often like to be burrowed into her neck, her holding you like some fine china, fragile and vulnerable as you basked in the comfort. Forehead kisses are something wanda gives you instinctively whenever she can to remind you she’s yours and she’s here. Although the beating organ under your ear is also a brilliant reminder of that fact.
Your ruts can be painful considering you don’t treat them the traditional way, but Wanda is always there to give you belly rubs, medicine and buckets full of love, because no matter what your her beautiful alpha. “M sorry wans” you whimper as your laying on her chest, tears silently falling down your cheeks. “No need my Alpha, it’s a pleasure to hold you, to love you and to be yours” she reassures bringing her hand to play with the hair on your head, “I’ll always love you y/n sex or no sex, I love this.” She murmured placing her hand on your heart. A small pained smile graced your lips, you really are the most lucky Alpha in the world
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why-i-love-comics · 6 months
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Scarlet Witch #9 (2023)
written by Steve Orlando art by Lorenzo Tammetta, Sara Pichellio, & Frank William
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scar-lie · 9 months
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Summary : Getting rejected to a head Alpha makes a toll, especially when dangers are roaming around
Pairing : Alpha! Natasha Romanoff x Omega ! Fem !Reader, Avengers x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Warning : Violence, Smut, unprotected sex, marking, breeding, knotting, blood, nightmare, curse
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Chapter 1
Warnings : Knotting, Unprotected sex (p and v), use and mention of sex toys, Alpha Natasha, Omega Reader, Possessive Natasha, Creampie, Cockwarming
Chapter 2
Warning : Yelling, curse word
Chapter 3
Warning : Curse, Fighting, discomfort, itchy, I think that’s all
Chapter 4
Warnings : Gun, syringe, nightmare, let me know if I miss anything
Chapter 5
Warning : Mention of blood
Chapter 6
Warning : Blood
Chapter 7
Warning : Mention of Blood, Mention of attacked, Thought of violence, arguing,
Chapter 8
Warning : Mention of death and crying
Chapter 9
Warning : Mention of blood
Chapter 10
Warning : Nothing
Chapter 11
Warning : Nothing
Chapter 12
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widowpunx · 7 months
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Omega!Wanda and Alpha!Natasha were childhood friends and lovers until Natasha had to move with her family to Budapest at age 17. They agree to be long distance friends until Natasha can move back, but one day, Wanda suddenly ghosts. Nothing makes sense, until eleven years later when Natasha moves back to Ohio and sees her old lover Wanda with two pups Billy and Tommy who look about eleven years old.
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