#nonverbal hobie
hows-my-handwriting · 8 months
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one warmup hobie and then days 7-9 of whumptober but. lazy cuz i am like. scrambling. (8 came before 7 cuz i thought day 8 looked cool.
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hoseoksluna · 27 days
BERRIES | jjk ft. jhs
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pairing: ex-boyfriend!jungkook x oc (feat. hobi)
genre: angst, tiny fluff, itty bitty smut
word count: 6.0k
summary: your ex-boyfriend shouldn't have this much influence over you when you have a new man, should he?
playlist: berries / pinterest board: berries
warnings: depression, daddy issues, use of titles, oc has dirty thoughts about hobi (do we blame her? no, we do not), slowburn, implied sex, dd/lg, soft argument
note: this took every last bit of my strength, so i had to split it up. i'm sorry if this is a piece of absolute shit, but as you all know work this week squeezed everything out of me and i'm so exhausted that i'm not even sure if this is worth posting. i struggled a lot with this fic, rewrote it multiple times, and i'm so very happy that it's finished. i hope you all enjoy the start of a new series, this time a slowburn that will have more parts, more depth and everything. and surprise! it features hobi, my beautiful husband. it was my first time writing about him and he's missing so terribly from my soul that it was one of the reasons why i struggled so much. i wish it weren't like this for my first time with him, but oh well. i hope you, guys, enjoy. please, let me know what you think. <3
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The satiny material of your cream-colored dress must be the one and the same that these sculptures had worn centuries ago. You can almost imagine the softness kissing your fingerprint instead of the cool stone as you graze your touch against each and every immortalized angel of loveliness. You’re stirred by a sense of poignancy—that you’re alive and they’re not and yet you believe that as you stare at them, feel what they’ve been through the more you study their eternal expressions, they stare right back with their eternally tender eyes, see right through you, through your heart, know its contents. You wish you were in their place instead; you’re sure they would’ve handled your cursed life better than you can. 
Or you wish you were as stony as them. 
But you’re an opulent fountain of emotions that are anything but gentle. 
This thought distracts your attention from the way your feet ache in the boots you chose to wear to impress your date. Thigh high, with black knee socks underneath to keep you warm from the cruel breath of autumn. Hoseok is carrying your trenchcoat as you’re adventuring on your own in this art museum and that’s the only sliver of kindness he’s shown you this very morning. 
The only compliment you’ve received from him was a nonverbal one. An up and down look with a smirk creeping in when he picked you up at your apartment. No hug, no caress. You felt so small—and awkward a little bit, comparison rushing in. Not in the form of a wave of the sea, but in the form of a snake, its thick body tightening around your throat. An ouroboros, which made you regret going out on a date so soon. 
It hasn’t even been a month since you’ve become a single girl again, learning how to walk in this new, harsh reality, your legs wobbly, weak and too, too heavy. And the lack of comfortable physical contact made you see your ex-boyfriend before your own eyes, the memory of how he acted at the beginning of your first date. The way he picked you up into his arms due to his excitement of being with you and carried you inside his car. He put on your seatbelt for you. Drove carefully. Held your hand as he led you to the restaurant he picked for you. Even during the walk after while you talked about the stars and you couldn’t help but tell him that his eyes were filled with them. 
Hoseok did neither of those things. He had asked you where you wanted to go and you’ve wanted to visit the museum for quite a while, so you suggested it. He had agreed, no sort of enthusiasm evident in his voice muffled by the phone call. And you’ve barely exchanged a few words during the half an hour of your time spent here, let alone led an entire conversation. You should’ve heeded the warning when it was right in front of you.
Hoseok is certainly not of the artistic kind. 
Looks quite bored as you turn your head to look at him, your coat dangling from his arm so terribly devastatingly. And when you focus your gaze to your right, where a dark wine-tinged room, with golden frames of paintings, awaits you and where you’ve longed to go the moment you stepped a foot inside this grand building, a distaste pools on your tongue, your former aesthetic elation ruined. 
You’re surprised he didn’t stand you up. 
You don’t even want to take pictures. As a matter of fact, you want to go home. But you can’t. Can’t ravage your only possibility and means of forgetting the person you still love. Can’t really encourage Hoseok to leave your life, not when you’re the type of person that doesn’t find love upon every corner you turn to. 
This is your only chance. And he’s the only man you’ll conceivably have in your life for quite some time. 
You walk up to him and take your coat from his arm. His eyes deepen on you, in fact they haven’t strayed from you during the entire half an hour—and that bothers you. If your ex-boyfriend were here, he’d share the beauty with you. Make you laugh so hard that the sound would echo around the vast room. Perhaps give life to the sculptures and they would laugh along, too. 
Your heart hangs heavy in your chest, sinks ever so slowly and you can’t bear it. You need to leave. Take this date elsewhere, hope for betterment to grace you—to have but a fragment of pity for you. 
“You hungry?” you ask, softly, willing your voice to be smooth and not divulge the brassy storm of your emotions to him. Hoseok doesn’t know anything about you. Doesn’t know that you yearn for another person to be standing in his place. “Did you have breakfast?” 
Hoseok needed the date to be in the early hours. Said he had a meeting in the afternoon. Would be working on a project with his colleagues until the late hours. You didn’t mind, not really, in fact it animated you—brought briskness into the sadness of your headspace, knowing it was rainy and cloudy outside. Perfect weather for the influence of the arts. That is, until you realized that it was a grave mistake to take a businessman to a museum; that you dragged a heathen to a church.
Hoseok shifts his weight on each foot, his shoulders swaying with the movement, and he licks his lip, bringing your attention to them. Small, but full—you wonder what they would feel like against yours. Wonder if he’d be gentle with you or violent. If he’d stroke your hair or grip it; fondle the ribbon you’re wearing in a half up do or untie it, entirely. Use it for another means like your ex-boyfriend invariably did. 
Your distaste grows, but not for Hoseok. It grows like poison ivy for yourself and your tendency to compare him with someone he doesn’t deserve to be juxtaposed with. 
Guilt blossoms in your sternum, the leaves of that poison ivy. Pretty to the eye, but deadly for the body. Just like you. You’re too baneful for such a pretty man like Hoseok. You’d do well to respect his boundaries and abstain from physical contact, prevent red rashes from marring his skin.
“I haven’t eaten yet,” Hoseok says, just as softly, rubbing the nape of his neck, the black cloth of his dress shirt taut over his arms—a pretty sight, one that could be hanging in the wine-tinged room for generations to gawk upon. “Truth be told, I was too nervous.” 
A brief smile adorns his slender face and you melt, the poison ivy scratching you raw. Your heart picks up its rhythm, flattery clothing it in a protective layer and you pout, your hand itching to graze his forearm. But a hidden fight rises in you, an army of darkness ready with their bows, their arrows shooting thoughts into your brain about how little you’re worthy of such kindness and favor. 
Though when Hoseok blushes upon seeing your tender expression, it gives you some sort of strength to stand tall against those demons. Despite the fact you don’t understand it, you don’t question it either and you cling to it, sensing its freedom speaking to you in a foreign language. A yearning forms in you, one you haven’t yet had the possibility of meeting. A yearning to learn its syntax and vocabulary. And when you give in to it, the poison ivy in you lessens. 
This is good. 
You reciprocate his smile and you coo. Find it the easiest thing in the world. And because you’re so grateful for what he’s unwittingly done for you, you decide to share your truth with him as well. 
“Let’s go eat, then.” Your eyes crinkle and you’d bet light flickers in them, for your whole body does, you sense it. A warm light enlarges on its axis, taking a hold of the heaviness you felt. “There’s no need to be nervous. It’s what I told myself when I was getting ready. My stomach hurt and believe it or not when I told myself these words, it stopped.” 
Hoseok chuckles, his arm slapping back to his side, but you notice that it trembles. You’re so touched by it that you become angry at yourself, self-hatred clashing with that warmth. You misinterpreted him so unfairly and what’s more, you wallowed in your brokenness and your heartbreak, when Hoseok had been nervous and timid the whole time, which now sheds light on his lack of closeness with you. 
You’re despicable. And the awareness of it transforms into that snake tightening around your throat again. Only this time, you welcome it. Long for it to take your life. It’s the least you deserve. 
But you’re not letting yourself loll in the bed of your horrendous emotions. No, you lift your hand and you caress his arm, the one that quakes. And amidst the sepulchral attention of the sculptures, you’re a witness to that trembling’s halt, to Hoseok’s visible tranquility, and you want to weep. 
You know if you were to gaze at the eternal angels of beauty, you’d see stony tears appear on their ivory cheeks, too. 
“I’m sorry,” Hoseok mumbles and you curl your brows in confusion, not knowing what he’s apologizing for. Hoseok opens his mouth again to speak, but he pauses, sloshing the words in his mouth. You feel so bad that a craving to better yourself overcomes your entire being. “I’m sorry for being such a buzzkill. If you wanna explore this place more, we can. I saw you looking at the room with the paintings.” 
He tilts his head in the direction of the aforementioned room, but you care very little about it as of now. You’d much rather take this elsewhere and get to know him better, so you don’t make the mistake of distorting him again. You’re not very keen on forcing a heathen to pray, either, however you do appreciate his willingness and attentiveness. Carry those things into your jarred heart, fold them inside its chambers, the edge pieces to the puzzle of his personality. 
“Don’t worry,” you murmur, taking it one step further and hooking your arm around his. Hoseok sighs, his shyness slowly breaking apart as he clasps his hand over yours and if you could dissolve any more, now would be the perfect time for it. His hold is strong and steady—and it creates something stable within you, an orchard of fruit trees, pink and green, and bushes of berries, a safe place you want to rest in; lay down your brokenness and woes in. “You’re good. No need to apologize.”
His blush deepens at the reassurance and he smiles, softly, running his thumb over your knuckles. And the gratefulness you feel due to the fact he’s touching you, it is the rain that freshens up the apples and cherries hanging on the twigs of those trees, guiding it into full bloom. You focus on it—focus on the thick, cottony material of his dress shirt as you rub his forearm in response. You want to acknowledge yourself with the unspoken parts of him like these, remember them, allow them to heal you and crack the plaster over your heart. 
And there you hear it. The crumble as Hoseok leans in and presses a chaste peck onto your cheek, lingering there for a second more, inhaling your sandalwood scent. And his smile widens as he looks down on you at such close proximity, erasing your touch-starvation once and for all. It’s your turn to blush now and you feel an inkling to shy away from his gaze, but you stifle it back. Curl your mouth in a smile—your heart thumping louder amidst the orchard now that it has more space to function in. 
“No, I really want to apologize. It’s been too long since I’ve been on a date and you’re so stunning that I’ve forgotten my game, so I can’t help but to be nervous. I don’t know how to act around you,” he says, mutedly, punctuating his sentence with a breathy laugh, glimmering eyes flicking to the lining of your silky neckline just below your collarbones, tracing the miniature cherub hung up on your dainty necklace plated in gold, motionless against your dress. Your own heart grows wings and momentum in its place, fluttering in haste to move closer to him. He bores his gaze back into yours, letting it stay there. “Art isn’t really my thing, but you look like you belong here. Look like all those angels around.” He nods at your necklace. “And like that angel, too. Can I take a picture of you?”
You’re so taken aback that you don’t have time to respond. Pulling out his phone from the pocket of his dress pants, he withdraws from you and gently ushers you in the direction of the closest angel, your trenchcoat slung over his arm again, vibrating with life. He positions you how he likes—right in front of the immense sculpture, your head turned slightly to the side so the wisps of your white ribbon in your hair can be seen. His touch grounds you, tells your bloodstream, your organs that everything is okay, repeats it a little louder to your headspace—all before war could be declared with you. 
Hoseok, the prince of peace. 
The prince that crouches to the dirty floor so the vastness of the angel’s wings can fit in the shot. Yours, too. You think you’ve grown a pair of your own, alongside your heart, now that your shared honesty brought you closer.
You struggle to hold back your sob, to stop the corners of your mouth from rounding, your chin from quivering—all because the lightness that you sense wrapping over your heart is one you haven’t felt in a really long time. You feel taken care of, feel like you can depend on him, and while you can’t explain why you feel that way, you consider that such an immense blessing, regardless. So much that your eyes wet for the camera, but you don’t mind. Let that be captured in the memory—the mending that occurred. And let that be safe with him. 
You smile and the flash goes off, which causes you to burst into giggles, your liquid softness forgotten, and run to him, your palm covering his phone camera so nobody sees his defiance. You look around to make sure no employee is in sight before you face him, cheeks warm, heart warm, wings warm, body warm. Hoseok quirks a brow, confused, gaping up at you from his position, and you take a deep breath to halt another inrush of laughter.
“You can’t take pictures with flash here. They’ll throw us out,” you whisper-shout, your giggles escaping your tightened mouth. His own forms into an ‘O’, fingers clicking on his screen, presumably turning off the automatic flash.
“I didn’t know,” he whisper-shouts back, mouth stretched in a lopsided grin. “I haven’t been here since I was a kid.” You shake your head, shoulders still shaking with the last of your giggles. He probably didn’t have a phone back then, which makes it even funnier. He inspects his settings again to make sure it’s all good before his hand finds your thigh and pushes you back. “Okay, I turned it off. Go back to the angel.” 
It’s your whole body that flutters now, not just your heart, both pairs of wings unfurling, and when you retrace your steps, you still feel the heat of his touch—half on the fabric of your dress, half on your bare skin. And as you smile more naturally for the picture this time, greed kisses your core. A greed for more of his touch; on the same place as well as elsewhere. 
A twinkle of where he could possibly touch you flashes before your eyes and it’s all your focal point consists of when you turn your head to your former position the way he wanted it and he praises you for it: “Good, good.” 
Your muscles clench as you imagine his hand going underneath the fabric, exploring what’s hidden in there for him. The words of praise he would utter at the discovery of your private flesh. Your ears must be red. Such a twist of events you didn’t expect. A meek form of demureness creeps in, enveloping you in a feminine sensuality and you’ve missed feeling this way. Missed feeling pretty and alluring for yourself first, then for a man second. Missed being the center of your attention like this, of someone else’s as well. 
You’ve always loved it. Perhaps due to the fact that you very seldom have it—so when it does come, it changes your life and you attach your being to it. 
You didn’t anticipate going home with Hoseok, especially not on the first date. But because you’re being fed, you don’t really care about being proper. You want to go home with him and so you simply shall. 
Can’t let the opportunity run away from you. 
And so you arch your back a little bit more, look up at the angel and give her your silent thanks, your hair flowing around your form when you flick your gaze back to Hoseok to see him concentrated on the task, his smooth features gravely serious. Your stomach flips. 
“Now from the back,” he instructs without lifting his eyes off of the screen of his phone. “Just like you were.” 
A breath lodges in your throat, the double meaning burning the poison ivy down to ashes and you swallow it, let your stomach acid consume it until there’s nothing left of it, until all that your body carries is nothing but the lightness and the seductiveness that Hoseok gracefully gave you, the comfortable heft of the wings that grew because of him. 
It’s those things that drive forth your following words with the world’s ease, unabashedly. 
“You want it from the back?” 
Hoseok’s mouth parts and the look he exchanges with you should chill your blood, but it doesn’t. If anything, it boils it. The heat that wafts off it pools in your core before ascending to your imaginary wings, leaving them dripping with sweat and the dew of titillation. Hoseok’s eyes narrow, shadowed by the furrow of his brows, encouraging it all the more. 
There is it—the heady energy shift, permeated with the sweetest of berry juices, stemming from lust, from the orchard he planted in you. Strengthening your allure, steeling you from head to toe. You submit to it; kneel into it, notionally. Your elation raises from the dead—and you grin. 
A pulse in your private parts. The lengthening of your expression of delight. Your wings, your muscles clench and the same winged creatures soar to your heart from your stomach, squeezing the beating flesh. You swivel on your heels, the hem of your dress rippling, exposing more of your tender skin, the ribbon in your hair following suit. 
Hoseok sucks in a breath. Your cheeks ache from the joy’s strain and it is utterly exhilarating to you. 
“Yes, sir.” 
Hoseok coos his approval and you can’t take it anymore. You let him take a few more pictures as you move around, dancing in your own way, running your fingers through your hair, trying to distract yourself from the throbbing between your legs, but to no avail. And when you sigh and face him head-on, Hoseok is already on his feet, walking towards you with a reappearing lopsided grin that forces the butterflies gnawing at your heart to go absolutely rampant. 
You’re done for. You need to take him home. You’re not even curious about how the pictures came out—you can always look at them later. 
Hoseok seems to know about your neediness because when he crosses the distance, he cups your chin. Makes you look up at him. And his smirk deepens while your heart increases in size, wings flitting at the special attention. 
“Such a pretty girl,” he murmurs, caressing your skin with his thumb. Your eyes round and the heat you feel is sweltering underneath your clothes. All the more reason for him to take them off. “The pictures are great. Wanna see?” 
Biting your lip, you shake your head, briefly. “What I want is to make you breakfast,” you say, mirroring his tone, hoping he gets the hint. 
Hoseok waggles your chin, humming. “Oh, yeah?” 
Fuck. If his scolding already didn’t make you submissive, then his response and his actions have. You wet your mouth, teeth instinctively sinking back in, and only nod. Hoseok opens your coat and covers your shoulders in its warmth, pressing the cotton twill fabric against your sternum. 
“Thank you, sir.” 
A fond sound pours out of him and the fact that he likes to be called by that title heightens the pulse between your legs. “Let’s go.” 
He leads you towards the exit with a hand on the small of your back and you’re so happy to be touched at last that with a final look at the angels, you send out your silent love and goodbye to them, thank them one last time for the kindness you received because of them, one that you so ferociously sought after and longed for. 
They seem to bow to you, happy to be of service, and you smile so profoundly that you feel as though nothing could stain your joy and mar it all over again. They wouldn’t allow that to happen—and a tendril of hope burst open within you like sunlight tearing through clouds, one that is suffused with the notion that Hoseok would stand in the way, side by side with those sculptures, too.
And he does when you swivel your head back and catch a glance of someone you know. 
A piercing on the side of his brow, unchanged from the last time you saw him. Round eyes, murky. Ashen complexion that used to bloom with vibrant tints. Full, soft-toned mouth, ever so stuck in that pout, one you used to kiss until it bruised. 
Your bloodstream doesn’t cease its flow. Not until you notice the person beside him. 
A girl with an aura so cataclysmic that it forces you to stop dead in your tracks. An August night storm personified, obnoxiously sweet-smelling of the past summer that you spent with her companion. The hollow, funereal scent of a meadow doused in petrichor—she walks with it, her hands intertwined before her in a clasp. 
You wished for him to be in Hoseok’s place so ardently that he appeared. And now that you contemplate him, the lack of distance between him and the girl, it makes you regret that you ever did. 
Because, unknowingly, it drenched you in gasoline and his presence is a lighter, hers the hand that has flicked it to life and now serenely holds it against your skin, waiting until the flames, little by little, devour you whole. 
And the job is finished when both of their heads whirl, meeting your livid stare. 
And Jungkook, too, stops dead in his tracks. 
“Do you know him?” Hoseok asks and you find it strange that you can hear him when all you can see is red. 
And the red fades into the matching black shirt that Jungkook is wearing, into his bluntly pained mien; into the strands of his date’s short hair and her scrunched up brows as she regards you with a strong aversion that makes you scoff. And the same red weakens when Hoseok turns your attention to him by playing with the ends of your ribbon, grazing them before twirling them around his finger. 
A breath of fresh air, he is. 
You don’t know what to say. Don’t know whether to tell him the truth or come up with something that won’t devastate what you have currently going on with him. But if you lie to him, you’ll stumble into a dead end you’d much rather stay clear of. You’d see it before your eyes once you do take him home and it would ruin the newness he brought up with you, preventing it from taking root in you. 
Devastation awaits you in either case. Both you and Hoseok. 
Cursed, your life is. Doomed, absolutely fucking doomed. 
What would the angels do in your place? 
Seeking their wisdom behind you, it is not in them that you find your answer, but in the passing pair dressed in black, making their way over to the dark-wined room. He’s pretending he didn’t see you at all, walking away from you without saying a word, despite the fact you broke up on good terms. 
You worshiped him in this very building almost on your knees and he dismissed you as if you meant nothing to him, caring for the feelings of his date, instead. 
Peculiarly, the sentiments Hoseok installed in you, both of the passionate and the soft kind, turn that fire blue and it becomes the driving force that guides you to act without a single thought spared. 
“Yeah, I do know him. Do you mind if I quickly say hi to him?”
The corner of Hoseok’s mouth curls and he caresses your hair down your back one last time.  “Go, I’ll get the car ready.” 
Such a confident, strong man, broken out of the confines of his former timidness. Not possessive, nor insecure—letting you do what you want. Respectful of your personal life that doesn’t include him just yet. And for that very reason it will—as soon as you’re done putting out that fire in you. 
It’s not only you that has gone through a change upon this hour and it strikes your awe, enough for you to lean in and peck his cheek, just like he did to you. 
Hoseok makes a sound of endearment, pivots on his feet to leave you to it, but you grab a hold of his hand. Have a need to say something to him. 
His brows rise at the attention and you brush your hand across his knuckles, mimicking his previous actions, having learned them, intimately. 
“Thank you, Hoseok. Really,” you say with a smile that could magnetically pull the sunlight out of its hiding place behind the clouds and bathe this bizarre room in light. You squeeze his hand. 
A swirl of shyness flushes his face in rose pink and he shakes his head. “No need to thank me,” he assures, reciprocating the smile. “And call me Hobi. You can save Hoseok for later.” 
Your jaw falls open and Hoseok chuckles, warmly, deepening the pulse between your legs until a wet spot adorns your panties beneath your dress, one that you look forward to showing him at the aforementioned time. 
He pivots again and you watch his tall, lean figure leave. Back muscles clothed in black, straining against the fabric. He must’ve undergone his military service. 
A beautiful man. You can’t wait to taste him. Taste that manliness. 
Loosening a breath, you turn around to search for your ex-boyfriend. And much to your dismay, he’s appreciating the angel sculpture—the very one and only Hoseok took your pictures with. Fire licks at your every nerve ending, but then you notice that his date is nowhere in sight. 
A perfect opportunity to do what you want to do. 
Pulling out your phone out of your little purse, you look for his name in the history of your calls and tap on it, placing the device against your ear, your hoop earrings clashing against the screen. You watch him palm his pocket as the vibration disturbs his aesthetic pleasure and he casts a long glance at your name filling up his screen. Doesn’t comb his gaze through his surroundings. No, he seems to be transfixed by the twist of events and when he swipes his finger to accept the call, his stare begins to dig a hole into the dirty, marble floor. 
Doesn’t say anything. 
You scoff, fury grazing your fire. “You’re pretending not to know me? That’s low.” His pout rounds and the tip of his shoe traces the edges of the ruination he’s caused. Remains silent. “Who’s your little girlfriend? I thought you’d introduce me. Where is she, anyways?” 
It’s him who scoffs now and he flicks his gaze towards the face of the angel. It’s like he’s staring right at you. “You shouldn’t be doing this, little one.” 
The too familiar pet name brings agony to your heart and you would break had Hoseok not given you his strength, if the dependability of him waiting for you outside wasn’t real. And the allure and the lightness in you, perhaps the very love of the sculptures encompassing you—all of those things only vivify your solidity. You have no reason to break, you’re safe. 
“Well, I think you should be a good Daddy and meet me right there in the red room,” you seethe, glad for the anger to be lingering in you, for the utterance of the title leaving you unscathed. You’re just giving him a taste of his own poison, nothing else. 
Jungkook runs a hand through his hair and sighs, clenching his jaw. “Don’t call me that.” 
You chuckle, enlivened by the provocation. “I can do whatever I want. Besides, you started it.” 
He grits his teeth. “Not when you’re talking to me, you can’t.” 
Your fire rises in overwhelming waves, your curt response ready on your tongue, but Jungkook hangs up, making you shut your mouth, instantly. 
You hate him for that; hate him with the entirety of your being. 
What has happened to your friendship? To the sweet, weeping Jungkook who broke up with you because he didn’t want to cause you any more pain with the state of his mental health, who has been dealing with depression for so long that he’s reached a point of no return, a lightless room with no windows, where all he saw was you, and he didn’t want you to be a victim of such unhealthy attachment. So he bid you goodbye, hugged you until you couldn’t breathe and let you go. 
Three weeks ago. 
You haven’t seen him or heard from him since until now. Until you’ve found someone else and moved on with your life. That’s just your luck. 
And now the person you’re gazing at, it’s not the same one that wept against your chest. Yes, he might have been strict with you during intimate times, teased you with his fatherliness during the day even—but that invariably was imbued with the mellowness of love. 
Try as you may while his words ring in your headspace, you cannot unearth any trace of that same mellowness in it. Only bitterness, coldness and a profound darkness. 
Jungkook pockets his phone and, leaving both of his hands there, sunk deeply, he walks over to the wine-tinged room, his frown obscuring the place in gloom. Murky clouds, personified. A perfect match to the storm of his companion. Bile lodges inside your throat. 
You follow after him, your feet aching terribly in your boots, but it serves as some kind of alleviation to the tautness of your emotions, of your confusion, disgust and offence. Makes you feel better—because once you see Jungkook ogling a certain painting of a woman beaming at him softly, dressed in flowers, blues and greens as the redness akin to your fire burns in her background, the agony tries to slither its way inside your heart, but fails.
You’re a locked orchard. 
Jungkook senses your presence and he swivels, biting the inside of his cheek, pierced brow quirking. There’s a strain to his shoulders and his Adam’s apple bobbles as he takes in your appearance. The creaminess of your short, silky dress, the darker shade of the same color of your trenchcoat slung loosely over your shoulders, exposing your brown, leather, high-heeled boots, your matching purse clutched in both of your hands as you strut towards him. Calm, all of a sudden. It does nothing to you, nothing whatsoever—your heart momentarily attached to Hoseok.
“I thought you’d already left,” he murmurs, tipping up his chin. Begins to sway back and forth on the balls of his feet, the carmine hues of the room swathing him in a deeper shade of darkness. “Isn’t your boyfriend waiting for you?” 
You don’t bother to correct him. It’s none of his business who Hobi is to you, not when he treated you like a stranger.
“We were about to leave, but then I saw your actions,” you say, quite monotonously, your calmness as disturbing as it is triumphant. You yourself even wonder at it. “What the fuck was that?” 
A smirk. “Glad to know I still have some kind of effect on you.” 
You scrunch up your brows, distaste once again pooling in your mouth. “Trust me, I would’ve done this with anyone I know. You’re not special.” 
His smirk widens. “So, you’re not jealous?” He rubs the side of his jaw, staring at you, intently, and disgust comes over you like a splash of a wave, soaking you in cold sweat. 
He did it for that very reason—to make you jealous. Walked right past you, just to get a rise out of you. As much as you loved him half an hour ago, that affection turns into dust within you, sprinkling the fruit trees and the berry brushes with its gray smithereens, poisoning them. 
Ouroboros, all over again. Full circle. Anger covers your disgust. 
A voice echoes within the room. Airy and light, as feminine as it is otherworldly, and you know, without a doubt, who it belongs to. It doesn’t suit her, not in the slightest. 
“There you are,” your ex-boyfriend’s companion trails off, the clapping of her flat shoes halting. “Who are you?” 
You only turn your head to the side, signaling to her that you’ve heard her question, because you fix your stare back at Jungkook as you answer it. “It’s not something you should trouble yourself with. Can you give us a minute?” 
You don’t hear any movement, so she must be stubbornly staying where she is. All right, she can join the conversation for all you care. 
When you turn your head back around, you catch stars oozing from Jungkook’s eyes, a conveyance of adornment painting his face in gentle colors that could never be associated with this room. There it is, the face you know, so resplendent of the one you last saw. And it grazes your anger, whispers to it that it was a mistake, a game of pretense, because you’re reverently acknowledged with his soul—you know who he is. While it may explain his fucked-up behavior, you don’t soften. Not at the hint of familiarity. Not even at the hushed hint of your deduction telling you that the reason why he unmasked himself was because you chose him and didn’t run away when his companion spoiled your short time together. 
You don’t soften because you simply don’t want to. 
You don’t want to give in to any means of getting close to him. 
The chapter is finished. You shouldn’t have called him. You should’ve left with Hobi. 
You don’t wish to keep him waiting long, nor do you wish to keep sprawling in your mistake. You pivot, ready to leave, but Jungkook captures your hand. Desirousness palpitates in his eyes as if he, too, needed to tell you something of urgency. 
You’ll hear him out, but that’s the end of it. 
“Can I see you later?” he asks, pupils growing in size until they absorb his chocolate irises, his grip over your hand tight and heated. A wind blows in your orchard, sweeping away all the darkened smithereens left by the bane, freshening you up. 
You don’t really think that’s a good idea. 
“I won’t have time for you later, I’ll be with Hoseok.” 
To Hobi, you won’t lie, but the same can’t be applied to Jungkook. 
His breath hitches in his throat, disappointment weighing him down, the thought of you being intimate with someone who is not him causing his posture to slouch even more. 
But he surprises you with the words he says next. 
“I’ll wait, then. Let me know when you’re alone.” 
And you surprise yourself even more when you nod, turning on your heel and scurrying off to meet Hobi outside. 
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𓂃 ౨ৎ LOVE-KISSED BABIES: @tkslovechild, @jjk7k, @parkinglot-nights, @bethvar, @Sexytholland, @yoongibaybee, @crystaleah.
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s0lidar1ty · 4 days
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⋆✩★ pairing: hobie brown x fem reader ★✩⋆
⋆✩★ tags: smut. ★✩⋆
⋆✩★ word count: 300 ★✩⋆
Dom!Hobie who’s gentler than you thought he’d be.
When you two first met, his entire demeanor gave off ‘terrifying’. His height intimidated you and so did his voice, but the way he touched you always reminded you that he was nothing to be scared of. “Deep breaths, sweetheart. Ian gon’ hurt ya, alrigh’? I’ll go easy on ya.”
Dom!Hobie who rarely raises his voice at you when he’s upset. He’ll speak to you calmly and if you start raising your voice, he’ll ask you who you’re talking to. If you ignore him, he’ll fuck the answer out of you and continue doing so until you can’t speak at all.
Dom!Hobie who loves fucking you from behind (in front of a mirror) because he can’t stop watching his dick slip in and out of you.
Dom!Hobie who doesn’t stop eating you out until you’ve cum at least six times. If you were bratty earlier, he’d make you cum till you pass out, whether it’s from his tongue, fingers, a toy, or his dick.
Dom!Hobie who doesn’t care too much for you calling him pet names while you two are fucking. He’d rather you scream his name than anything else.
Dom!Hobie who knows all your limits. He’ll never go overboard or make you take more than you can handle. Even though you have a safe word, if he sees you going nonverbal he’ll slow down and ask you how you’re doing and if you think you can take more. If you say no, he’ll stop and start on the aftercare, if you say yes, he’ll go easy before eventually speeding up. “Doin’ so well f’me, love. I know it hurts but you can take it righ’? That’s my girl. Tell me how you’re feelin’.”
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fightingsnails · 6 months
I don't think Hobie talks a lot, like I think it's a lot of quick short smart ass responses. I just don't think he'd like going on about something for a long time (except maybe his intro).
Like I think instead of him talking a lot in general, he'd keep the responses short in group conversation, but once the two of you are alone expect long winded rants and tangents about the political rallies that he's been putting on or random things that just fall out of his mouth.
I think he does a lot of nonverbal communication. A lot of nodding or motioning to stuff.
At first you'd think he's probably doing it to be funny or an ass, because everytime you lost something at his house and ask him if he knows where it is, he always just points in a vague direction.
Either that or he'll just flat out get up and grab it for you, because he has this uncanny ability that if you set something down in his house, he knows where it is.
Sometimes he can get away with not talking for a whole conversation, and sometimes it's a game with him to see how long he can get somebody to go on without any of his actual input, but the other half he prefers it that way.
At the end of the day, he's more of a listener than a talker, and he'd much rather listen to the things going on around him than share what's going on in his.
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fariesoiree · 7 months
minors mdni
hobie absolutely does not care if you sass him.
to be quite honest, he finds the whole thing a bit amusing. you’re so little compared to him, huffing about. constantly demanding him to do things for you and rolling your eyes at his words. no matter, he cannot allow you to continue on like this.
usually, you’re so loving. always calling him sweet names, responding to everything he says as if he created you, himself. you only really get like this when you’re overwhelmed or when the day has been particularly draining for you.
it’s not hard to figure out the explanation behind your constant attitude and sideways glares when he thinks about how much time you spent with your family to these past few days.
they’ve finally gone home but you’ve come back to him in a sour mood. clearly you haven’t had any time to destress and possibly needed time alone, despite clinging to his side. when he does try to leave you alone, you’ll pout and whine about how he doesn’t care about you only to ignore him until you want something.
hobie knows you like the back of his hand. he knows that if he doesn’t eventually pull you out of your rut, somehow, your hums and grumbles in annoyance will eventually turn into silence. you’ll go completely nonverbal and it’ll be a terrible experience for the both of you. you’ll feel guilty for your lack of communication and fall into a continuous cycle of quietness while he tries his hardest to ensure your prolonged wellbeing.
that just won’t do.
“angel,” hobie settles in the car, reaching into the cup holder to take a sip of his drink. the ice crashing into each other is the only sound ringing through the air for a bit but he’s patient. your brain must be bursting at the seams.
you have the passenger mirror flipped, fussing with your hair. it’s such a minuscule detail but for some reason, it’s such a big deal. you thought it was fine this morning but now it was too tight, too high up, too far to the left. “mm?” your lips are pressed together as you preen.
to hobie, that’s a telltale sign. you’re too far in your head to turn and smile at him like you usually do. he misses it, misses your eyes full of adoration.
though if there’s one thing he’s is, it’s understanding. he knows you aren’t quite sure how to manage your feelings but it’s a bit difficult to take you seriously like this.
by this, he means all dressed in white. little poms hanging off the side of your skirt. fuzzy white hat acting as a halo. your nails click against each other. the pink and silver gems catch the sunlight. you look like a princess you usually are, swallowed by his jacket loosely strewn across your shoulders.
“what?” you say eventually when he doesn’t respond further. your eyes cut to him, narrow and expectant. his eyes were heavy on your frame and you do not like the way it feels.
“you gonna tell me what’s wrong or you gonna keep breakin’ my heart?” he sets the cup back in the cupholder and leans against the door. his head is pressed up against the window while he eyes you. you feel small under his gaze, especially when he looks so neutral.
this isn’t a new scenario to either of you and despite knowing how it’s going to end, you insist on taking the same route each time.
“don’t know what you’re talking about.” you flip the mirror up with a loud snap! and dig in your purse for your shimmery pink lipgloss. it’s always so much easier to change your focus on an inanimate object. “can you just drive? i would like to get everything done today.”
he doesn’t miss your lack of please and thank yous. not only have you decided to stop minding your tone, it appears you’ve thrown your manners completely out the window. hobie sighs. he already knows he has to mentally prepare the both of you for what’s coming next. his sweet girl clearly needs some help communicating. it’s his job to ease some of that distress.
“please cooperate with me, love. i know it’s hard for you to talk right now but i promise you’ll feel so much better if you do. at least a little bit. you’ve been talking crazy to me all day. i don’t like that.” his much larger hand encases yours. his fingers graze your knuckles lovingly and for a moment, your temperament softens.
until you actually have to form words.
you purse your lips. you want to tell him you just have too many thoughts running around but the stress in simply telling him made you feel icky. “nothing is wrong ‘bie.” you turn your head to face the window and stare at the pedestrians passing from the safety of tinted glass. “stop fuckin’ askin’ me.”
you draw a sharp breath when your head is tugged around. you can feel his hand anchored under your chin, pulling you close. there’s no where to run to now, no escape from him and his questions.
hobie’s eyes circle between your wide ones and glossy lips. his are just barely downturned. it was only a matter a time before he let you know just how displeased with your attitude he is. “☆, i’m trying to help you. you’re givin’ me an attitude for no reason and i’m trying to help you. you can tell me what’s goin’ on in that pretty little brain of yours or you can figure it out yourself. what you’re not going to do is talk to me like that, yeah?”
you can feel yourself sinking into the seat with your hands gripping the center console. a whimper leaves your lips and hobie tsks, releasing you from his grip.
“you’re a big girl. use your big girl words.” he’s back to softly caressing your hand in an attempt to draw out his perfect girl, again.
you find yourself craving his comfort and proximity. he always had this effect on you. ever since you met, hobie’s closeness alone kept you docile. there was no need to think around him and he’s just as happy to guide you through the way.
“can’t,” you subconsciously lean towards him, eyes full of need. needing for him to do something, anything. fortunately, hobie is a mind reader when it comes to you.
he presses a kiss against your hand and another against your cheek. his lips graze the skin on the way down your neck. you can feel the coolness of his spider bite on your skin. your thoughts are all muddled and foggy. it has the perfect effect, having you no longer concerned with what to say and how to say it. “it’s too much.”
“what’s too much, pretty?” you can feel him speak against your skin, vibrating your nerves in a way that makes you tense. hobie suckles on your neck. his teeth graze and nip on the most sensitive areas. you do your best to sit still, to be present in the moment but you can’t help but squirm. your breath hitches when his tongue runs across your collarbone.
your mouth forms the words before they come out. you clutch hobie’s wrist and press your legs together. “e – everything. can’t talk.”
his tongue feels hot against your skin. his hand, trailing down your side, leaves your nerves burning in his wake. “too much goin’ on in there? need me to make it better?”
you nod feverishly. you’re just about ready to climb over the center console, keening to his touch. your body is on fire when hobie flips up your skirt. he shoves his way through your white tights and lace panties.
you gasp as he brushes his fingers against your clit. you’re already slumped over after days of stress and the lack of his touches making you extra sensitive.
“relax, angel. y’know i hate it when you move too much.” he lightly chastises you. hobie has a grip on your hip to keep you stabilized. his fingers plunge into you with little resistance. you must have been more worked up than you thought.
you lean against him, breath tanning over his skin. you can’t help but fist his shirt, pushing yourself into his hand farther. he’s knuckle deep in your cunny, drawing endless juices out and leaking all over his fingers.
you lurch forward when he bumps against that one spot, whining directly in his ear. hobie doesn’t have to wait for you to tell him to abuse it. he’s silent, grinding the palm of his hand against your clit.
he keeps you still while he plays with your hole. though your provocative reactions were the source behind his pants feeling suddenly constricting, this wasn’t about him. this was about easing your body, wound up too tight to function.
“ohmygosh, ‘bie. please! i’m gonna – don’t stop!”
you only invite him to drive his thick fingers deeper, as far as he could. hobie glimpses at your expression and nearly cums in his pants.
you look so erotic, glossy mouth formed in an o shape. your eyes are squeezed shut and the cute little hat that was previously so neatly atop your head was all lopsided. the glitter on your lids only helped his horniness. in his eyes, you were absolutely heavenly. he has the best girl with the best pussy.
you don’t even notice how he’s observing you, especially when your hole spasms on his digits. your creamy cum is siphoned out of you until your body twitches in sensitivity.
gradually, hobie’s fingers come to a stop and are gingerly sliding out of you. “all better?” he asks. he’s lifting your cheeks again, only to push his fingers passed your lips. he’s flashing you a satisfied smile when your tongue is swirling around him.
you hum in confirmation. the edge in your behavior is gone and it’s evident in the placidness in your eyes. you’re pleasant again, looking as if he’s built you the world by hand.
“you’re not gonna be mean to me anymore?” hobie pops his fingers out your mouth. he smears your spit on your cheek and even though it probably left some imperfections in your makeup, you couldn’t care less.
“mm mm.” you grin softly and settle back in your seat, only after hobie has fixed your tights and smoothens out your skirt for you. your gaze is fixed on the poms on your skirt, but this time in contentment rather than avoidance.
alas, after your little break, he starts the car. “there’s my girl.” he reaches over to buckle your seatbelt for you, fixing your hat immediately after.
and of course, you’re all gumdrops and rainbows after that. thank god you have hobie around to bring you to your senses, right when you need it most.
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OMG! I love that you included the age regression part in the Hobie and neurodivergent reader thing! It's really cool to see people write for it especially with Hobie! It would be really cool if you could write more for it! No pressure tho! (Your writing is really really cool! /srs)
OMG TYSM ILY I- <3 <3 <3 /p
ofc!! if you want i can try writing it for all characters ? but im scared it'd be repetitive 🥲
so here have a lil fic :3 tysm once again ily this made my day /g /p
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sharing a non verbal moment in little space with hobie !
author's note: omg anon you made me so happy you fr got me giggling and kicking my feet in the air /pos
author's note 2: age regression is a coping mechanism often used by trauma/abuse victims in which one puts themself at the age they were when the trauma occurred - find more about it here!
synopsis/content: just a whole bunch of fluff for my new favorite anon <33 reader is a non verbal age regressor and gender neutral 🦅 this won't be proofread 🕺🏻also hobie is the reader's boyfriend <3 aaaand small mention of trauma
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you heard some gentle knocking on the door of your room.
"doll? can i come in?" hobie asked, waiting for your response.
seeing you didn't say anything, he gently invited himself in.
as he noticed you playing with your stuffed animals on the floor, he instantly knew you were age regressing.
though you never talked to him about your trauma, he knew what were the signs of you being in your little space, so he tried his best to support you as he knew it was a trauma induced coping mechanism.
"i'm sorry i arrived late at the tea party" he says, joining you on the floor.
you chuckle at the sight of your boyfriend - the punk, careless boy - taking parts in such activities.
you took a small piece of paper and a colorful, shiny pencil next to you and started to write something.
"me.. can't talk.. me is nonverbal.." read hobie. "no problem!" he says with a frank smile. "you don't have to talk if you don't want to, there's really no pressure. do you want to watch some cartoons while i prepare you your favorite food? we can cuddle and fill in some coulouring books if you'd like to?"
you nod and flap your hands in excitement.
a few moments later, your boyfriend got in the living room with two plates of dino nuggets and a glass of vanilla milk and sat next to you.
while the two of you were eating, you excitedly pointed to the tv.
"bluey? is this who you are trying to show me?" he asked.
you nod as excitedly as you pointed out your favorite character again.
"you're right, star." hobie nods. "bluey is also my favorite character. you know why? because she reminds me a lot of you - being so cute and when she's all excited."
you and your boyfriend kept on watching bluey and filling out coloring books for so much time you started to get tired.
"say, isn't my little star getting tired?" he asked as he noticed you started yawning.
you tried to shake your head as a way to say no, but soon after that you started falling asleep on your colorings.
"come on, little one, i think it's time we go to sleep" hobie said softly. "don't worry, tomorrow we will have plenty of time to finish those coloring pages."
you headed to the bathroom, holding hands while he helped you brush your teeth and fix your hair.
he then helped you getting in bed, making sure that you didn't leave out any plushies on the floor (that made you sad) and joined you for some pre-sleep cuddles.
"have a good night star" he says as he softly kisses your cheek. "i love you."
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eyesxxyou · 6 months
Ok but hobie would be the most depreaved fucker in bed. Like this mans kinks make 50 shades of gray look like it's for toddlers. This man would have you quivering, nonverbal for a month minimum
I personally don't think he's bdsm levels of intense but I do think he has more intense kinks he'd love to consentually try with you.
I also hate fifty shades. They're terrible, all of them
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cultrise · 10 months
I know he'd be so gentle and sweet with her omg ☹️☹️☹️
ahh he’d be so caring w her :( would know all abt her type of autism and will document himself on it. and would keep a little list with what to do if she’s not feeling well, if she has a panic attack, if she’s nonverbal.. stuff like that <3
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weirdo09 · 1 year
what are your atsv hcs??? :D
YAY!!!! someone asked !!!!
hi ollie :]]]]
ok so the aranchkids r all datin each other (except for gwen n miles) like miles - pav margo n hobie hobie - pav miles margo n gayatri pav - gayatri miles n hobie i thought a bf for gwen he’s pretty cool 😎(miles n hobie have the tism while gwen pav n margo have adhd, they’re also all polyamorous)
i’mma do like individual hcs now :))
first gotta start w my boy, miles !
he’s transmasc genderfluid n bisexual(with a male preference)
pronouns r he/she/they(just like me ^^)
him n gwen r queerplatonic
he blasts selena every chance he gets(thank mama rio for that <3)
he’s catholic(not really a headcanon but not really canon either)
gets the munchies real bad, he cannot go anywhere without a couple of snacks
was definitely that kid that couldn’t have too sugar
ipad kid
mama’s boy(not really a headcanon but c’mon)
has wanted grills but his parents instantly dissed the idea
carries around all sorts of lip glosses n chapsticks, no chapped lips on his watch
talks in solely spanish when he’s angry or real excited
has freckles(it’s canon but whatevs)
next is my girlie, gwen !
she’s trans n bisexual(the trans part is basically canon but 🤷🏾‍♀️)
pronouns - she/they
she loves punk rock(what her n hobie bond over)
she plays the guitar but drums is more her choice
has the best fashion sense besides hobs n pav
is the certified weird girl of the group /aff
loves 2000’s fashion
her music taste is generically white
once thought she was lesbian until she saw miles
loves no doubt n bikini kill
had a puppy crush on miles
her n penni r besties (canon 2 me)
onto hobie 😎
he doesn’t care about labels
pronouns - any
possess a certain gender most want
looks so cool but once you getta know him he’s such a loser /aff
the troublemaker of the group
since he doesn’t believe in consistency, his style changes but it mostly returns back to punk
uses a bunch of british slang intentionally to confuse the others
is definitely one of those ‘kiss your homies goodnight’ kinda guy(so is miles but don’t feel like addin it)
when he’s overstimulated/goes nonverbal, he talks through his guitar or signs(all the gang know bsl n asl so it’s all good 👍🏾)
my all time fav, pav !!
he’s transmasc n pansexual
his pronouns - he/she/xe/they
has tons of energy
needs all 10 hours of beauty sleep
rants in hindi(i’m assuming that’s what language he speaks but someone correct me if it’s somethin different)
talks way too fast, hobs sometimes translates
has random urges to scream
the mom friend of the group(miles is too again too lazy to add)
sometimes he hangs on the ceiling, says it helps him think
finally, my girl margo !!!
she’s transfem n bisexual(with no particular preference)
pronouns - all
prefers virtual reality to humans
very awkward
had a hello kitty phase from ages 6 to 11(it comes back sometimes)
loves beyoncé n 90’s r&b
can hold her breath for a long period of time
has social anxiety
used to wear glasses but thought they were tacky so she switched to contacts
has worn puff puffs since she was 4, her signature look
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s0lidar1ty · 5 months
head over heels
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pairing: hobie brown x male reader
tags: fluff, fluff to smut, smut
wc: 1k+
when the two of you first started hanging out, Hobie wouldn’t talk much. he’d say a few words, of course, engage in conversation every now and then, but other than that, he’d admire you. he’d look at you from a distance mostly, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t do it up close. he would (and has) but prefers not to, since if you aren't talking, you’ll move away from his line of sight. that doesn’t exactly stop him, though. he’d follow you into whatever room you hid away in, wrap his arms around your waist from behind, and ask you why you left. kissing your forehead after whatever answer you gave him and continuing to hold you for a few more minutes before whispering to you how much he loves you and walking away.
on your first official date as boyfriends, Hobie couldn’t take his eyes off of you. he enjoyed the fact that you never pressured him to talk and that you never felt bad about ranting about whatever you wanted, whether it be bad or good. once you start talking, his attention is on you. he wants you to be seen, to be heard, and he knows the best way to do that for you is to listen. when you get excited about a specific topic, you subconsciously play with the bracelets on your wrist, specifically the brown, red, blue, and black colored one that you made for him. he finds it cute and doesn’t plan on telling you you do it since he doesn’t want to risk you stopping.
he’s always watching your lips as you speak. the way you slightly stumble over your words when you catch him staring makes him smile. the way you don't get embarrassed or nervous afterwards makes him smile even harder.
Hobie loves you. you know this, he definitely knows this, and if he catches you overthinking his love for you, he’ll reassure you in every way he can. whether that be by spoiling you, having one of those long conversations that he knows you love, or fucking all thoughts out of that pretty little head of yours.
the position he fucks you in depends on if he wants to pamper you or turn you into the submissive good boy that he knows you are.
If he’s fucking you in missionary, he wants to see you. 
he wants to see while you're losing your ability to think for yourself. 
he wants to bend you in half, having your legs bend back farther than you’d ever think they’d go, and your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
he wants your hands on his back, your nails scratching and digging into it.
he’d take your hand and place it on your stomach, just so you can feel him inside you.
missionary gives him more opportunity to leave marks on you. marks that he knows will be visible.
he’ll kiss you once you’re babbling, mumbling onto your lips that he does love you, and if you thought any different, he would fuck that out of you, again. 
you always go nonverbal when you’re close, your thoughts turning into dust.
he’s your main focus.
he’s the only thing you can think of.
backshots are when he wants you to apologize. 
he wants you brain dead. 
he wants you stuttering with every thrust, your hands grabbing at the sheet as if they stop you from being rocked back and forth.
he loves when you're mumbling on and on about how you didn’t mean to upset him (he knows you didn’t), about how good he’s making you feel, how he’s fucking you “too deep” when in reality you want him to go deeper.
just hearing you lose your grip of reality makes him wanna fuck you deeper. making sure to kiss that sweet spot inside you with every thrust forward. 
he always goes at decent pace at first but once he hears your words start slurring, notices how you're crying for him now, and you become less bratty and more submissive, he starts fucking rough. his nails would dig into your hips, confusing your brain with whether it hurt or whether you liked it.
“focus on me, sweetheart. I'm the one fucking your brains out, least you could do is listen to me, yeah ?” he always made sure to fuck you harder whenever he asked you a question since he knew it'd be more difficult for you to answer.
your eyes rolled back slightly, drool started to leak from the corner of your mouth as you nod your head. “y-yes, hobie!”
“good boy,” he said in your ear, reaching under you to gently grab your dick, and match the pace of his hand to the pace of his thrusts.
you swear you see stars when he fucks into your prostate and his palm circles your tip. 
his thrusts get faster, slightly breaking rhythm.
your hand goes to stop him from making you cum so quickly, but he moves faster than you, already knows what you're gonna do before you even think about it.
“hand above your head. you said you'd be good for me, baby, be good.” he speeds up.
you want him to ruin you.
you need it.
need him to fill you up with his cum.
need him to fuck you until you're sore and crying about how “it's too much, hobes!”
“you can take it. I know you can.” he feels you tighten around him, screaming his name while he makes you cum all over his fingers.
of course he creampies you for being so good but he fights the urge to fuck the cum back into you when he sees it spilling.
if he ended up being too rough, he’ll apologize to you while cleaning you off. he makes sure you’ve had something to drink and something to eat, and settles down with you on the couch, putting on your favorite t.v. show as background noise to help you fall asleep.
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midnightsinlove · 2 years
thoughts: like salt from seawater - chapter 3
chapter 3!
So, I started reading this chapter again and remembered why I had to put it down for a moment when it was first released. The conversation Hobi, Namjoon, and Kyungchul have about using safewords and failures and limits felt very personal. Kyungchul is right that it’s important and good that Namjoon can look at his actions and thoughts and say that he made a mistake and that he is a good dom. He’s also right that it takes strength and a lot of trust to be submissive. I think i wrote in my thoughts from chapter 2 (or 1? i think 2) how that trust is so important. You trust the other person to tell you their limits. Yes, nonverbal cues are important and shouldn’t be ignored but you can’t read other people’s minds. And doing something as intense as dom/sub activities - sexual or not - means that you can go to a deeper place with someone else because of that trust. Trust you have in yourself and the other person to talk about it all - likes, dislikes, limits, etc. Yeah, went on a small rant here, but I just kept thinking about a lot of this while reading and rereading the scene with Namjoon, Hobi, and Kyungchul. 
Also - I love the start of the chapter! I find it forever funny when there’s dialogue that can be construed as sexual and it isn’t (especially along the likes of ‘it’ll fit!’, ‘it’s too big’, ‘it’s not too big’, etc.) (and ‘pivot!!’)
I really love this Hoseok. A lot. There’s a lot of myself that I see in him. I think we have different kinds of restraints in how we move in the world. But, I get him. A lot. And it makes me cry sometimes. When they come back from their therapy session and Hoseok goes off by himself for a bit, thinks, then comes to Namjoon later, it’s so so fucking familiar and in a way how I move through life and with people. I think I always worry about timing (for myself and how I am) - being too late, too early, too earnest, too yearning. It was really comforting when Hoseok went back to Namjoon and talked to him about what he was thinking and going through - self-deprecating yes, but also with less ego. I don’t think comforting to my own self, but I was just comforted for him. 
I really thought I wrote it before but can’t find it in my previous posts about this story - but! The feeling of being completely covered/semi-squashed by someone else’s body is just!!! I like that Namjoon knows when to do it to Hobi and how it stills and almost ‘sedates’ him. Their talk after the therapy was so good!! And so important! Very true that these things are far better talked about beforehand and not done on the fly. 
Ahh the build up with Jungkook! whew! 
The night that Hobi gets ready for Namjoon!! pretty underwear for a pretty boy <3 I like how you describe how Hobi feels when he’s itchy and almost crawling out of his skin, how that just builds and builds and piles up inside. And how you described Namjoon and him kissing - using that same underwater feeling but in different ways. It was so soo hot the way the sex scene in this chapter came together. And it also really shows how far they’ve come - the kind of dirty talk Namjoon used and the discussion in between with Hobi saying ‘yellow’ and working it out together. !!! And when Namjoon is fucking Hoseok !!! gah, that’s a good position - absolutely covered and then moved around to the other person’s will.. And their first verbal ‘i love you’s!!! (but ah that little dark thought in Hobi’s head about another bandmate...)
The meal they had for their date at Hoseok’s apartment sounded fucking delicious! the rice pilaf with mushrooms and green onions in particular!! and hoseok pole dancing?!?!? stfu!! amazing!!!!!!!! (pillow princess !! 🥺)
hobi in lingerie!! 💖 the sex scenes that night were hot hot hot!!! i think i read the club scene differently, like that ‘locker room’ talk but i get why 1. it was included and 2. why hoseok took it the way he did - especially with the way the sex scene following went. 
i like how this chapter also cycles back with sex. like that dark thought in hobi’s head to that bit of exhibitionism he gets later with cockwarming, the way namjoon talks about hobi to the others at the club to the lingerie and the way namjoon talks to hobi then, what namjoon says "I wanna live in you” to when they have sex in that private island later and he starts with ““Wanna cut a hole in you and fuck you through it.””. 
it took me a second, but the way they were in spain!! i just knew, based on the story title alone, that it was going to end with them there. when hoseok thinks ‘like salt like seawater’ in “He was separating him in a way that felt impossible, like pulling water from thin air, like salt from seawater.” oh man. the build up of the last few scenes - between learning more about hoseok and then showing what was happening between the two of them was so well done. and it was nice that they had that whole chunk of time just to be by themselves, and that they could do the work they love while in solitude. 
I really love this hoseok. he’s really wonderful and you’ve created such a whole character Ana. Namjoon sort of nailed it with what was unsaid in this line: “If he had half the talent Hoseok had in his body, he would probably be bragging to anyone that listened.” What went unsaid I think is that this Hoseok is a good person.  
i loved that whole section where hoseok describes how he felt like a see-through shape and then certain colors painted him based on emotions or something going on. a lot of that also personally resonated with me - especially parts about blue. and it was just lovely the way it was written. 
I think I have a little more to say and thoughts I had but I’ll wrap it up. This was a wonderfully written story. thank you thank you so much for sharing this. I really loved the whole three parts and this last one especially. It was enchanting seeing this hoseok be loved so incredibly and also that he was able to love as much as he could and with all that he has to offer as well. This hoseok is so tender and sweet and i’ll carry him in my heart for a long time. <3
(edited these two post scripts in cause I forgot to mention :D)
p.s oh i was also thinking about the note you had at the beginning and how things with bts are different. similar to what you mentioned, my own feelings about them have changed (a lot).  but they definitely haven’t for this story. the main reasons being that it’s a really well told story and you created wonderful characters and homes for them. (and I get being able to create works for them even after all this - though it must have been tough on one level) 
p.p.s i’m so glad to have been able to read this. :)
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
Okay first of all, I LOVED your newest chapter. I loved how you depict the MC's condition and how understanding the boys are. It's so freaking cute 🥰😍. And I'm not gonna lie their words of possession makes my heart flutter a bit ❤️
Second of all, the line "I know you don't like hugs but come here" hits way too close to home for me. Seriously, every freaking family gathering there's that few relatives that just don't understand what personal space meant.
Like dude?? I despise the smell of your perfume, how your fake nails would dig into my arms, the feel of your scratchy clothes against my skin and your infuriating voice that are just that much closer to my ears 🙄. But I can't say anything because then I would be called impolite and dramatic and attention seeking, ohh it's so frustrating!!!
Sorry, didn't mean to rant. I just have to get that out. Anyway, I can't wait for the continuation of your story 💕
aww thank you!
I tried my best to make the mc's disability easy to understand for readers as some might not be familiar with all the aspects of autism.
The boys have been in love with the mc far longer than she has known about them. Once the boys turned of age to receive their mate bonds, they each have been experiencing them with her. So they already have that soul bond with her. Their words of possession come from a place deep in their soul that already recognizes her struggles and difficulties, having seen them for themselves in Yoongi and Hobi's case.
The line about hugs is actually from my own experience. I have an aunt and cousin who, no matter how many times I tell them I don't like being touched or hugged, they will push me until they get their arms around me. On thanksgiving they literally pushed me almost against a wall until they were able to hug me. Their excuse was that they only see me once a year and deserve a hug. But ignore the way I go nonverbal afterwards and have to isolate in my room under my blankets with my headphones on.
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random hobie brown headcanons!
all will be sfw the nsfw/spicy ones will be in pink
trying real hard not to delete this acc and kms bc of a sudden trigger
also this won't be proofread because im in the middle of a mental breakdown
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he always looks for you when he performs
he's not the jealous "i show everyone who is my lover" type, more like the subtle "let's go" kind in crowded places to yk do unholy things
also small public demonstrations of affection <3 <3
like holding hands, putting his hand on your waist when you walk, small kisses both on your cheek and on your lips, small notes when he wakes up earlier than you since he's yk a spider man
he gave you one of his very own spike bracelets which i feel would be really dear to him
prob made you one esp for you
no matter how your styles differ he will still find a way to have something that reminds him of you on him whether it's a badge, a hair clip or even rings
taking you to the piercer as a first date!!
despite him being an anarchist he's actually very caring
you're sick? fuck capitalism he will make you his own medicine with some of his teas
unrelated but i feel like he's Jamaican or smth wait lemme check
ok i didn't find anything but ill js hc him as jamaican
so like yea when you're sick he makes you jamaican medicine
"take this shortcake! i know it doesn't seem yummy but i promise you'll feel better in a snap after!
you did feel better in a snap
(for fem aligned readers) when you're on your period he turns into the sweetest man ever
sometimes the two of you meet after his concerts - even though that's smth really important for him he makes sure you know you're his actual priority- you go on a rooftop and he tells you about his parents
feeling dysphoric because you're transmasc and on your period ? he makes sure you're the most handsome person he ever knew
when the two of you are doing it, he always makes sure he has your consent before trying anything new - or even before trying anything at all
he's not afraid to admit he's in love with you and he treats you like ROYALTY
you like this specific song? he'll post you to this song and even write love songs for you. remember that specific cat café you mentioned three months ago? he'll bring you there for your birthday.
going nonverbal and being overstimulated? that's no problem for him he'll sit with you in the dark in silence until you feel better.
THIS MAN IS A MAN OF AFTERCARE "you did so well for me darling <3 now what about we get some sweets and cuddle under the stars?"
he's a top most of the but yk he secretly lives when you're in control
HICKEYS HICKEYS HICKEYS ALL OVER YOUR BODY esp on your neck and in between your thighs
speaking of thighs whenever you feel insecure he turns into your girl best friend
having big thighs ? it's more comfy for when he has his head on his lap. big boobs?more comfy for cuddling. no/small boobs? it's ok clothes fit more easily. the list goes on but he always cheers you up.
p sure he love when you ride him
like you're on top of him in some way but he somehow keeps control
probably likes to asset his dominance by putting a hand around your neck (wdym i don't have a choke kink i do)
he's always down for ditching class but he somehow has the best grades
which upsets you bc you're the one who always want to ditch class but your grades ain't following
omg it's giving academical rivals au
so like he sometimes comes at your place to help you w the subjects you have trouble with
eventually you end up pinned down on your desk passionately kissing
+ seeing you in a school uniform makes him go feral
fucking you in your school skirt? boy he sure is turned on
quickies in the school's bathroom ? man he loves danger so he's obviously down
+ he loves the way kissing you makes his piercing feel (idk but if i had healed piercings on my lips id love the way it'd feel)
can you tell i love rain? bc i do
he makes sure you feel loved and says it to everyone he knows
"hey that's (reader's name) did you know they're my partner i love them sm"
he notices small habits and picks them up when he misses you (idk how to explain bit for example i sometimes twitch my nose because of my allergies- in that case if you did he would too)
HIGH PATTERN RECOGNITION even though he won't force you to tell him why you feel bad he instantly notices the changes in your behavior
"can you repeat, darling? i didn't hear what you said"
he makes sure you use your words despite you being overstimulated
+ his hands. they make you go crazy.
he's actually a lonely guy, give this poor man a big hug :(
no but fr tho he went through sm his backstory made me cry
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OK bit of a vent now🕺🏻 but first tysm for reading ily ! <3 /p
i suddenly lost all motivation to post full fics bc i keep comparing me to others, most well known posters and it really triggers me so i guess i'll make the lonely series go on a hiatus. also working on requests! but it's getting harder to not kms bc of the pressure im putting on myself 🫠
anyhoo, kaheri there,back to dreamland! see you in the next dream! (new outro who dis?)
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jungkussyficrecs · 2 years
Let's Talk About Us
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Read Part 1: Let's Talk About Sex
Part 3: Let's Talk About Love
Summary: You just wanted to spend time with Jungkook but things never go as planned.
Word Count: 4.2K
Chapter warnings: some mxm? light smut. penetrative sex, idk if it was protected, you decide, angst, kissing, uh yeah lots of talking, jk being a brat in the beginning, jungkook self-care ;)
Waking up in between his boyfriends had to be one of Jungkook’s favorite things in this world. The only way it could be better would be if you were here to join them. The hyungs all had a mutual understanding: their Jungkookie loves his noona, and if she wants to join their relationship, their arms are always open. It’s clear that you’re gorgeous, kind, and the perfect girl really. The only trouble is convincing you to become a part of their relationship. However, not knowing how you feel and knowing how sensitive Jungkook is has led to a sort of standstill. They all admire from afar and long for you, but they have to break the news to you gently.
‘What are you thinking so hard about handsome?’
‘Just us, hyung. And how lucky I am,’ he turned his head to face his hyung. As he presses a kiss to his lips he feels the evidence of Hobi’s morning arousal, and asks cheekily, ‘What are you thinking about Hobi hyungie? A little excited this morning I see ’
‘Yah, who raised you to be such a brat?’ Yoongi’s rough morning voice utters from behind him as he feels a light tap to his behind.
‘Jin hyung,’ Jungkook retorts boldly.
And suddenly he’s being rolled completely onto his back, and then when he looks up he sees Hobi looking down at him.
‘Maybe we should teach our baby a lesson. What do you say,Yoongi hyung?’ Hoseok asks as he gazes right into Jungkook’s eyes, stare never faltering.
‘I think that’s a perfect idea. Let’s show him what happens when he backtalks his hyungs.’ Yoongi replies.
Just as Hobi's hand start’s to travel south and his lips near Jungkook’s, they’re cut off by Taehyung waltzing through he door. He flops onto the bed next to Yoongi and says,
‘Jin hyung says if you all aren’t downstairs for breakfast in ten minutes, he’s going to put a sex ban on all of us. His words, not mine.’ Tae smiles while burying his face in Yoongi's shoulder. He leaves light pecks along his hyung’s neck, not in a suggestive way, just in the sweet nonverbal Taehyung way.
‘Tae-hyungie, Hobi hyung riled me up, and now I’m not allowed to fix it?’ Jungkook whines from under Hoseok.
‘Aw poor baby Jungkookie. Want hyung to deal with it?’ Taehyung says as he moves closer to Jungkook.
‘Yes,’ Jungkook says breathlessly, ‘I need it hyung.’
Taehyung starts places light kisses up the column of Jungkook’s neck, and then he leans close, and just as Kook’s eyes close thinking he’s going to get what he wants Taehyung pauses, ‘tough luck babe, there’s no chance I’m getting a sex ban because of you. Up and attem.’
Jungkook groans, ‘You’re all so mean to me,’ he pouts.
Taehyung is walking away from the bed toward the door when he turns and smirks, ‘No kookie, I just don’t fall for your maknae plots to always get what you want.’
Jungkook flops over with a loud whine, face first into the pillow. He kicks his legs like a child while mumbling about how unfair everything is before he finally makes his way out of bed. When Yoongi and Hoseok left the bed, he isn’t sure until he hears a moan from the bathroom that sounds suspiciously like his Hobi-hyung.
‘Jin hyung! Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung aren’t listening–,’Jungkook tattles as he walks towards the hall, an evil smile plastered onto his face.
There’s a lot on your mind as you think about what you’ve found out about Jungkook. Yeah, you’re happy for him because he deserves to be loved, but you want to be the one to love him. You’re not exactly sure when your feelings started. They didn’t fully register until Jungkook admitted to his relationship with Jimin; the more you think about it, the more the realization that the fondness you thought was a platonic best friend love was actually more, becomes glaringly obvious.
After admitting to his relationship with Jimin, Jungkook has started to bring him around more. Everytime he does it hurts. You wish the realization of your feelings happened sooner. Every sweet kiss they share or cuddle on the couch, while endearing to watch, is also incredibly hard to watch. They’re perfect together, but you couldn’t help but to wish you were the one in his arms. The thing about Jungkook is he’s so easy to love. He’s kind, sweet, and he wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s no wonder one of his closest friends besides you fell for him. Jungkook views the world with wonder, and it’s incredibly endearing to watch. Seeing the stars in his big doe eyes when he regards something is probably your favorite thing about him.
Some part of you thinks Jimin knows how you feel. Sometimes the way he watches you interact with Jungkook seems like he’s analyzing you for something. But the only thing that matters is how Jungkook seems blissfully unaware of your feelings. It hurts, but it’s for the best. At the end of the day, your friendship is the most valuable thing in the world.
Laying in bed moping about how you’ve lost Jungkook before even fully realizing that you want, no, need, him is going to do nothing. It’s been a week, and you still haven't fully grasped all of your feelings. So, rather than laying in bed torturing your mind with ‘what-ifs’ and ‘should have beens, you decide to distract yourself by going to his place to spend time with him.
On the drive over, all you can think about is how to get out of this situation. Ignoring him until your feelings go away is out of the question. Confessing to him is even more out of the question; however, your feelings disappearing on their own also seems highly unlikely.
The more you think about Jungkook, the more you are endeared by him. How did it take so long for you to realize how much you love like him as more than your dorky best friend.
As you take the elevator up to his apartment, all you can think about is Jungkook. There are a thousand thoughts racing through your head since those true feelings have been awakened. Letting yourself into his apartment, you immediately notice that he isn’t sitting on the couch yelling obnoxiously at the TV while playing games. His wallet and keys are still by the front door, so he’s definitely home. Maybe sleeping, and the idea of cuddling up to your best friend sounds very tempting. Sleeping with Jungkook is easily one of your favorite things in the world. He’s the warmest, snuggliest, and cuddliest person you’ve ever met. The way he wraps himself around you creates a feeling of safety that will never be replicated by anything or anyone else.
Walking down the hall toward his room, the door is cracked open. The excitement about the prospect of getting to nap with Jungkook outweighs any logic. As you approach the door and peer through the crack, you can’t help but be shocked at what you see.
Jungkook’s head is thrown back, his bare chest is glistening with sweat, hard cock laying on his stomach with a small pool of precum puddling above it, face scrunched up in what you can only describe as excruciating pleasure. Raking your eyes down his body and admiring the scene in front of you, the building arousal comes to a screeching halt at the sight at the end of the bed. There between his legs, the waist attached to the man Jungkook’s thighs are wrapped around, grunting while languidly moving his hips is Taehyung.
The sudden shock surpasses any building arousal as a gasp leaves your lips. Suddenly everything stops. Both of their heads snap toward you. Jungkook's lips, which were parted while sucking in gasps at the delicious pleasure Taehyung was providing, are now parted in shock.
‘Noona,’ he chokes out, ‘what–’
‘See something you like Y/n-ah? Getting reminded of the past?’ Taehyung asks, a lazy mirk on his lips as he punctuates the sentence with a roll of his hips.
‘Hyung,’ Jungkook gasps out, putting his hands on Taehyung’s hips in an effort to get him to stop.
Frozen in place, you have no idea what to say. You’re rooted to your spot. A million thoughts are racing through your mind as you consider the situation. Isn’t Jungkook dating Jimin? Is he cheating on Jimin? If he’s cheating why isn’t he trying to hide or reconcile the situation? Why do they look so good?
You turn and walk away, rushing toward the front door to try and leave as quickly as possible. Why does it hurt so bad to see him with someone else, and you’re not even the person being cheated on.
Just as you’re walking away you hear the door slam against the wall from behind you,
‘Y/n wait,’ Jungkook is running out of his room stumbling into his clothes. You both pause looking at each other; his chest is heaving with the effort it took to run after you while pulling clothes on.
‘Jungkook,’ you start softly–
He’s quick to interrupt you, ‘Let’s talk, Noona. It’s not what you think.’ He starts to approach you
‘It looks like you’re cheating on your boyfriend, Jungkook.’ You say angrily.
Jungkook starts to panic, ‘No you don’t get it. Just sit down and let me explain, please.’ He pleads.
“I don’t think I can be here right now. I love you and you’re my best friend, but I can’t support this.’ You say while starting toward the door again.
‘Y/n-ah,’ you hear from behind you. Turning toward the hall that leads to Jungkook’s room, you see Taehyung leaning against the wall. He’s regarding you both with soft eyes in that almost unbothered way he always approaches things, ‘How about you hear us out, yeah?’
For some reason his collected demeanor brings you back to earth for a moment. You look back and forth between the two boys in front of you. Taehyung’s kiss swollen lips, Jungkook’s shirtless torso, and deep breaths are strong reminders of the activities they had just been partaking in. Jungkook’s eyes have that pleading innocence you know so well. Taking a deep breath to collect yourself, you walk over to the sofa and gingerly sit down. A sigh of relief leaves Jungkook as he glances at Taehyung, and they both make their way over to the couch opposite you.
All three of you sit in silence for a moment, seemingly trying to process everything that has just happened.
‘Y/n-ah, I know what this looks like, but I think Kook-ah is the one who needs to explain to you what’s going on.’ Taehyung says softly. His ability to keep calm in such a situation is admirable. You glance over a Jungkook with a questioning tilt to your head.
Jungkook pauses and takes a deep breath, ‘Last week I told you I was dating Jimin. And that’s not a lie, but it isn’t the full truth.’
You look at him questioningly, ‘What do you mean Jungkookie? What aren’t you telling me?’
Jungkook takes a breath and a glance at Taehyung, ‘I am dating Jimin, but I’m also dating Taehyungie-hyung.’ He says while throwing a small smile Taehyung’s way.
Now, polyamorous relationship’s aren’t unknown to you, but they definitely aren’t very common. Never something you’ve had personal experience with, but there’s nothing wrong with them. You can tell that the boys sitting across from you are attempting to gauge your reaction to this revelation.
‘That’s–Ok, that’s… so what you’re saying is, Jimin knows? He’s okay with all of this?’ You ask nervously.
‘Oh he’s definitely ok with it,’ Taehyung chuckles, ‘In fact, I’d say he even enjoys watching me and Jungko–’
‘Hyung!’ Jungkook squeaks out embarrassed and ears tingeing red. ‘Now’s not the time.’ He mutters while avoiding your gaze.
‘Oh, that’s great! I’m really happy for you guys,’ you try to make the statement as believable as possible.
‘Thanks, Noona,’ Jungkook mumbles, ‘I know it was kind of awkward to walk in on me and Hyung, but thanks for being supportive.’
It seems like Jungkook buys it, but something in the way Taehyung is gazing into your eyes makes you uneasy.
‘You don’t have to lie, you know?’ Taehyung says, his gaze never falters from yours. You can feel your heart speeding up. Palms are starting to sweat a little, and without even realizing the bouncing of your leg starts up.
‘Hyung,’ Jungkook chokes out while glancing back and forth between the two of you, ‘What are you–’
‘Can’t you see how jealous she is Jungkookie? How much your Noona wishes it was her that you’re with.’
It feels like all the air has left your lungs, there’s nothing you can do to get words to come out of your mouth. Your brain wants so desperately to deny his accusations, but nothing is coming out.
‘Huh Jungkookie? Didn’t you see how she was clenching her thighs watching me fuck you? Maybe she was getting flashbacks to years ago. I bet in that pretty little head of hers she can’t decide who to be more jealous of, me or you.’
‘Hyung, stop it,’ Jungkook tries to grab his hand but Taehyung isn’t having it.
‘No, Jungkookie. I’m tired of watching you two dance around each other. How long have we been waiting for you to finally fess up to her? Can’t you see how upset she is knowing that you’re in a relationship but it isn’t with her?’
‘What?’ you can’t even think straight, ‘What do you mean ‘join us’?’
‘Your sweet best friend Jungkookie is in love with his Noona, y/n-ah, but he’s also in love with all six of his Hyungs.’ Taehyung starts.
You freeze, ‘Jungkook?’ You look up at him to see him adamantly avoiding eye contact, ‘is it true Kook-ah?’
‘Yeah Noona, I hope you don’t think any differently of me, and I understand if you don’t feel the same way, and I know you probably think it’s weird but all of the Hyungs, and I really want to try this with you–’ He’s rambling, and you can’t even process everything that is happening
‘Jungkook,’ you cut him off, ‘Just, just wait a second.’
‘Y/n-ah, this is a lot to take in, but just know, none of what Jungkook has said is a lie, and all of our feelings are genuine.’ Taehyung says slowly.
‘And by ‘our’ you mean all seven of you?’ You ask cautiously.
‘When we all agreed to date each other we knew there would always be a place for you in Jungkookie’s heart, and once we started to get to know you more, we couldn’t help but to fall for you too.’ He pauses and kneels down in front of you, ‘Ideally this is a conversation all eight of us would have together, but I couldn’t stand to see you heartbroken when you have no reason to be.’
He’s regarding you fondly from his kneeling positiong in front of you. Glancing over his head at Jungkook, you try to comprehend what just happened. Hope and uncertainty lie in Jungkook’s eyes.
Taehyung pats your hand before standing up, ‘I’m gonna let you guys talk.’
Your eyes follow Taehyung, and after we walks out the door you glance back at Jungkook
‘What should we talk about, Jungkookie?’
‘Let’s talk about us.’ Jungkook says quietly; his eyes are cast down to the floor while he says it, but once the last word leaves his mouth he meets your eyes. You both just watch each other for a moment.
‘I feel like there’s not much to talk about, Kook.’ You’re feeling overwhelmed to say the least. It’s hard to pinpoint one emotion when so many things were just revealed.
‘Noona,’ Jungkook pauses. He seems to contemplate what he wants to say next, ‘A few years ago I started dating Jimin-hyung, and somehow, slowly after that all seven of us ended up in a relationship together.’
‘It started with Taehyungie-hyung first. He kissed me one night while we were drinking, and I thought Jimin was gonna break up with me because I liked it. I liked it, Noona. I was ashamed at first. Why would I enjoy kissing someone when I already had a perfect boyfriend? We all sat down and talked; Taehyung admitted that he had been sleeping with Yoongi-hyung but he also had feelings for us. Once Jimin and I talked it over, cried, and aired our feelings out, we talked to Yoongi. Yoongi told us that he felt the same, but also had feelings for Hobi. It’s funny because at the time we were all too scared to admit to how we felt about Jin-hyung and Joon-hyung because they were already in a relationship, but once the five of us realized where things were headed we knew we needed to tell them.’
He glances up at you to gauge your reaction before continuing, ‘When we were having the conversation all seven of us, admitting feelings left and right, it felt incredible to finally get everything out in the open. But, I wanted to be transparent with them; I had feelings for you. Jimin knew, and he felt the same. Once Jimin and I started dating, he started spending time with you too, and he fell in love just the same. We were hoping one day we could ask you on a date with the both of us, but that changed once all seven of us decided to date. They all know how much you mean to me, Noona. You’re so easy to fall in love with, and they all feel the same. Deep down, I think you know that we’re all special to you, too.’ He finishes and takes a deep breath.
You look up at him with tears in your eyes, ‘Jungkook,’
‘Noona, please don’t break my heart right now.’ He pleads.
One thing you’ve always loved about Jungkook is his eyes. He has stars in his eyes, but he also has the most transparent eyes. He carries love in his eyes, he carries his hurt in his eyes, you can see the light in his eyes. They’re the most beautiful things in the world because whatever he’s feeling, you can see in them.
You let out a laugh with tear filled eyes, ‘I wasn’t planning on it.’
While he had been waiting for you to say something, his eyes had cast down to the floor, and as soon as the words left your mouth, his body went stiff and his head snapped up to meet your gaze.
‘What,’ he chokes out, ‘Are you– are you saying that you—’he starts,
‘Jungkook,’ you start, ‘I’ve been in love with you for a long time.’
He stands up from his seat opposite you, and walks toward you. Grabbing your hand, he pulls you up from your seated position. A gentle hand finds its way to your cheek while the other makes its way to your waist. His thumb gently strokes along your cheekbone as he looks into your eyes searching for any sense of hesitance, ‘Please, don’t lie to me right now.’
‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’ You whisper
Then you feel his lips on yours. Those soft, pink lips you’ve been dreaming of for yours but never would admit to yourself. You’ve heard of ‘fireworks’ but there’s none of that with Jungkook. There’s just a feeling of warmth that envelops you; you’re home with Jungkook.
Jungkook can’t explain the feeling that washes over him while feeling your lips moving against his. This is what he’s always wanted. The butterflies in his tummy every time he see you laugh, the ache in his chest when you cry, and the love he feels when you’re in his arms, all make sense.
You both pull away panting and look into each other’s eyes. Reaching up to brush the hair out of his eyes, you can’t help but to admire the boy in front of you.
Jungkook seems to have different plans as he starts to place soft pecks on your lips repeatedly, ‘Why’d you come over here anyway? Not that I’m complaining,’ he murmurs in between the kisses he’s laying on your lips.
You smile bashfully, ‘I wanted to come cuddle you.’
‘We can do that, Noona.’ He smiles, ‘We still have a lot we need to talk about with the Hyungs, but right now I just want you in my arms.’
. . .
Later that night after you had gone home–begrudgingly leaving Jungkook’s arms with a few stolen kisses, Jungkook is lying in bed thinking of you. He thinks about how happy he is that everything is out in the air now, and how you seem to be at least a little open to the idea of a relationship with him and the hyungs. Then he starts to think about how perfect you felt in his arms, and how soft your lips were against his. The little breaths you let out when he ventured a little too far down your neck before stopping himself.
He opens his eyes after feeling blood rushing south. Is it weird to get off to the girl he just confessed to? It’s not like it would be the first time anyway.
Running his hands across his face, Jungkook plops his head back against the pillow before slowly sliding a hand down his torso. He applies light pressure over the bulge in his sweatpants, and breathes out at how good the pressure feels.
He thinks of you while he applies more pressure–thinks of kissing you, and even more that he can’t wait to do. How perfect your tits are–you weren��t wearing a bra today, and he didn’t notice until he hugged you goodbye and felt your chest pressed against his.
He lets out a groan and slips his hand under his pants, pulling the waistband below his balls to free himself. Wrapping his fingers around the base, his eyes flutter shut at the sweet, sweet relief. He strokes himself once, swiping his thumb over the head to make himself fully hard.
He's so hard and all thought of moral rights and wrongs are out the window. He kicks his sweatpants all the way down his legs. Beginning to stroke his cock, building up a steady rhythm, he thinks about how good your hands would feel around him. Your hands are so much smaller than any of his hyungs, and god your fingers might not even wrap all the way around him.
He lets out a small moan as he begins to pick up the pace. Reaching into his bedside drawer to get his lube. He drizzles some onto his hand, and then hisses at the sensation of the cold lube against his hot length.
Slick wet sounds fill the room as he adds a small twist to the motion of his wrist right below the head of his aching cock.
He whines out, 'Fuck, that's so good.
He becomes more breathless the more the pleasure builds. The thoughts of you have him picking up his pace, hips thrusting up into his hand that is wrapped tightly around his cock. He imagines your hot, wet mouth; your pretty lips wrapped around his cock. Maybe one day you’d venture down past his cock and give some attention to his balls. And maybe, if you’re comfortable with it, you’d venture down past that sweet spot below his balls, and on downward toward his most sensitive spot.
He thinks about you tongue fucking him while playing with his cock—
He lets out a loud moan and throws his head back; he’s really fucking close. He feels like a hormonal teenager again with how fast he's going to cum. There's no time to tease himself in just the way he likes because he's so turned on. Feeling his cock pulsing in his hand, that nice tingling in the base of his spine is building as the feeling in the pit of his stomach starts to become overwhelming. His hand is moving faster, and his hips have a mind of their own. He reaches down to palm and lightly tug on his balls.
'Holy shit.' He's fucking up into his fist imagining that it's you on his cock.
‘Fuck, noona, I’m gonna cum for you.’ He moans out before he topples over the edge.
Cum shooting out of the tip of his cock all over his hand, mouth wide open, balls unloading all over his chest. A loud moan of your name is the only other noise as he continues to stroke himself--hips twitching with overstimulation.
When he finally takes his hand off of his cock and rests his head on the pillow, all he can think about is how he’s never come so hard by himself before. Taking deep breaths in and out trying to collect himself from the incredible pleasure he just experienced
Just as he’s about to get up to clean himself off there’s a whistle from the other side of the room,
‘Nice show baby boy. Think you can give me another one?’ Joon asks from the doorway–an almost predatory look in his eyes.
A/N: JK really needs to learn how to lock his door...
Tags: @sleepilysworld @sunflowerxroses @iamhereforbts @min-mingii
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eyesxxyou · 6 months
i 100% agree hobie is such a sweetheart!! he's so caring i wish more ppl could see that :( you tell him to stop, he is OUT. DONE. instantly leaning down and asking what's wrong, if you're okay, if you want to stop, yk. He's totally got that whole system of safewords-- Verbal and nonverbal ones (like tapping three times on him if your mouth is busy, depending on what u guys are doing he might have the color system as well), he cares so much the absolute last thing he wants to do is hurt you in a way that he's ACTUALLY hurting you
he doesn't even want to pretend like he's hurting you
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kimsaena88 · 3 years
After giving myself time to sort through the mess of the other day, and decompress, I want to address this vile behavior we all witnessed occur on social media. With the members of BTS creating their own personal Instagram accounts, and posting personal photos/videos, many “fans” have jumped on the opportunity to feel vindicated about their twisted beliefs of the members and their relationships. Unless you live under a rock, if you are ARMY, you are aware of the infighting between “fans” in the defense of their ships and favored members. Over the years, it has gotten increasingly disturbing and completely out of hand. However, in the last few days, the worst of this fandom have seemed to hit a new low. I haven’t spoke much on my thoughts on certain BTS ships and the “fans” who ship them, but I felt compelled to, even if just for myself.
With V and JK both posting pictures together, there were some Vkook shippers who decided it was their right to take this as “proof” of their ship. But instead of simply enjoying the pictures, they sullied the moment by posting hateful anti JM comments and messages all over social media. With malicious intent, many of these posts were aimed at JM himself, in hopes that he would see how much he’s “hated” by V and JK, and everyone else. However, all that achieved was an outpouring by REAL ARMY, flooding social media with positive messages of love and support for JM and BTS as a whole.
One thing I want to emphasize here is that we as a fandom do not own BTS, and what we get to see of them is not the whole entire picture. We can speculate. We can wonder. BUT, we won’t know anything 100% unless it comes directly from their own mouths. With the content we do get, it is clear that all 7 members love and care for each other deeply. That would be hard to fake; with how often cameras are following them around. The problem is, too many in this fandom pick and choose what they want to believe and what they want to ignore. Too often, shippers (and even solo stans) will create false narratives based purely in speculation, hyper focusing on meaningless details, and overanalyzing every last word, look, and touch. This bleeds into how easy it is for shippers to believe just about anything they read online, including unverified sightings and claims of their ships going on “secret dates” or traveling together.
This brings me to the pictures that JK recently uploaded to his Instagram of him and V. Not only did these pictures cause many Vkookers to claim this as a silent “coming out,” and a chance to deface JM, but it has also become their “proof” of the Vkook “dinner date” rumor. After JK posted those pictures, the owner of the Atomix restaurant in NYC posted this:
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Many Vkookers, both Korean and International, took this as evidence enough to prove the “dinner date” rumor, and a nonverbal admission of their relationship status. They also tacked on the fact that Hobi could not remember when this would have taken place, which they then concluded to mean that Hobi and the others, were not there. What I find funny, and hypocritical, is shippers (not just Vkookers) will be quick to accept certain behaviors as “proof” of their ship’s realness, such as going out for a meal together, but negate the same behaviors exhibited by rival ships as “fake,” “forced,” or “brotherly.”
In terms of this “dinner date,” until proven otherwise, one can choose to see it as a meal over drinks between friends or a date night between lovers. The issue here is that we KNOW they are friends, but we have NO WAY of KNOWING that they are a couple. Same with any other ship, we JUST DON’T KNOW 100%. Some ships hold more water with K-ARMY for reasons that I-ARMY are lost on for multiple reasons, but that is a whole other can of worms I’m not about to open. Regardless, no one has the right to speak on what is true or not other than BTS themselves. Despite what I’m aware of, I still cannot say with 100% certainty that I KNOW the nature of JK and JM’s relationship, any more than I can about JK and V, or any other combination within BTS. I don’t know who is closer to who, or anything else. And odds are, no one else in the fandom knows 100% either.
In all honesty, if V and JK did in fact have drinks and dinner alone, I’d be glad. If you remember back to FESTA 2020 “Rolling Paper,” fans were made aware that something was up with V, and the members were concerned, reaching out to him. It was pretty clear that none of the members were entirely sure what was wrong, but they could still tell something wasn’t alright with V. Then, during the infamous talk between V and JK in an episode of “In the Soop,” V mentioned JK calling him, asking to meet for drinks, only for them to have not shared a “proper” drink together until that very night. Some time later, V mentioned in his Weverse interview, that he had experienced his lowest point, and had struggled with how his life felt aimless. However, after writing “Blue & Grey,” V said he felt lighter, wanting to let go of his own “Blue & Grey.” With all of that in mind, it makes sense that V may have pulled away from those he was closest to for a while; it’s a natural human response to feeling unhappy and being stretched too thin. V wanting to reconnect with JK would be key in his healing process, considering how close they were when they were teens. That’s what makes that conversation between V and JK so special.
I’ve noticed that some Vkookers choose to believe that this conversation from “In the Soop” was scripted and forced upon them by the company, refusing to believe the words coming out of V and JK’s mouths. They chose to ignore the beauty and vulnerability of this moment, and instead they harped on how “fake” it was. It couldn’t be true, unless it’s accepted that V and JK had grown apart for some time, as per their own words. If one is to accept this fact, then it is only logical to accept that the odds of V and JK being a couple at that time were very low. Therefore, it’s not surprising that so many Vkookers denounced this conversation, and created their own narrative that fit their own beliefs of V and JK’s relationship. Sadly, the opposite would be true if there was a change in who what talking to JK. Replace V with JM, and the reaction from this same base of “fans” would be very different. It would have been the “proof” they needed to show how JK and JM are not close, and therefore could not be a couple. Do you see the hypocrisy there? There’s no way you don’t. This is an example of a logical fallacy, and this is just one of many within the shipping fandom.
[TW: Mention of depression and suicide, hate posts]
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What I wanted to get at here in this long winded post is how dangerous shipping logic (or better yet, lack thereof) has become, where reality is easily replaced with fantasy. This fantasy has surmounted in this deranged mentality of ownership of BTS and this perceived notion of knowing everything, allowing for bdelygmia to become an everyday occurrence in this fandom. Belittling, degrading, insulting, abusive and violent words, death threats, and demands for a member to kill themselves has become rampant on social media, and it is nothing short of disturbing. Any use of this type of rhetoric against ANY member of BTS, OR ANYONE ELSE, is unacceptable. THIS NEEDS TO STOP! I know I’ve touched on this before, but we have seen one too many times before how this can ACTUALLY LEAD TO SUICIDE! Too many have succumbed to their depression, hastened by the nasty, hateful comments left by senseless netizens hiding behind a keyboard. Suicide is NOT A JOKE! Please, do not allow your fantasies to cloud your better judgment. The world is not black and white, and you, as a fan, cannot assume to color in the lines for someone else, let alone your ships or favorite idols. Be thankful for what they share with you, heed their words, learn to observe ALL CONTENT before you come to any perceived conclusions, and NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING!
I fear this will only get worse. I fear someone could actually get hurt. What more has to happen until something changes?
I just don’t know.
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