#nook talks
4thenookie · 9 months
'omg hes such a silly cutie patootie pookie wookie' and then i show you a 6'9 half-demon with eyes of tar and hands the size of a human head
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razzafrazzle · 6 months
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lot of middle-aged men with issues in animal crossing. i enjoy it
[image description: a simple sketched comic of tom nook, lyle, and redd from animal crossing. the first panel has tom happily gesturing to lyle and saying "He actually turned his life around". the second panel has redd looking back at tom and saying "Thats a shame I hope he relapses and dies. Right now." tom seems disturbed at this comment. end id]
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elle-thereafter · 19 days
Yes ok Essek Hotboi and absolutely Astrid Bitterness Becke but listen, far more important than either of those things: HOW THE FUCK DOES THE CHASTITY NOOK SMUT SHOP OWNER BECOME FUCKING PENPALS WITH YUSSA ERRENIS?!?
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butters-flower-mom · 3 months
People who call Tom Nook a landlord have no idea what a landlord is.
Tom Nook doesn't charge you rent. He never threatens to kick you out. Hell, he never even asks you to pay your loan until you want to expand your house. And the money you pay him back is 99% his own damn money that either he or his kids (I know they're not related but you can't convince me he doesn't see Timmy and Tommy as his boys in some capacity) paid you in exchange for frickin' butterflies and apples. On top of all this, he donates almost all of his money to orphanages! He's not hoarding wealth like people accuse him of!
Tom Nook is a kind and generous man and I will not sit idly by and watch him be slandered anymore!
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tinfairies · 1 month
I'm not afraid to say it.
Tom Nook is a dilf. A fat, hairy dilf.
I want him.
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
If wukong told (lied) to macaque that he never cared about him, do you think that would make macaque even more aggresive or like shut down/be the final straw that finally makes macaque let go of wukong
so, just like my answer for whether macky would willingly erase swk from his life, I think this answer also depends on when in the show swk told macky this, and what better way to explain this than by going through each outcome per season :)
looking at s1, we meet a Macaroni who is very hellbent on killing (or at the very least, heavily damaging) SWK because he feels like the guy never truly gave a shit about him (<- my interpretation). thus, it is safe to assume that if Wukong were to laugh off Marnolo's hurt and anger and tell the guy that he never cared, Mac&cheese will only feel that his current assumptions of SWK are correct and that the guy only cares about himself and his image.
would he feel hurt about it? oh absolutely. maybe punch a wall, destroy the "dojo" he allegedly lives in in an outburst of power and anger. maybe scream and cry but be mad at his own tears (begin to wipe them away but is too hash so he scars himself and then can't stop bc he's very self-destructive)
technically, Wukong is MIA so this would never happen. BUT! have you considered!!! Wukong telling MK that Macdonalds was just some guy from his past, nobody super important, basically a nobody he wronged in his long list of enemies. which MK might possibly parrot back to Macadoo in 2x07
heavens above Marconi would be pissed.
forget trying to be a dick to MK and "teaching" him that his path of emulating Wukong has already made him forget his friends (untrue, but this is what i assume was Macky's interpretation of MK's actions since the guy didn't actively search for his missing friends, who MK thought left him on purpose).
nah, Macky is hunting SWK down. he is out for blood because "did i serious mean so little to you? were our nights under that tree sharing secrets, dreams, peaches fucking nothing to you?" (and idk....maybe after the air clears out, possibly, macky would realize SWK's true reason for being MIA and....help out???? mayhaps???....yeah, yeah, i know only in my dreams T^T)
ok, so we could technically say this sort of happened in ep1 when Sun Wukong said, "i thought it was someone important," and, "so what, you're her puppet now? i mean, makes sense. you always did have a sidekick kind of vibe."
and that is basically Wukong implying that he viewed his relationship with Macaque as one where he didn't consider Macky to be important to him, or someone he saw as a close friend. however, this is also a tactic Wukong uses against nearly every villain he interacts with, simply to get a rise out of them. so, pin that down as Wukong being observant enough to know which words to use to hurt.
AND Macky's reaction to it is him jumping out of his cool-ass looking jet and body-slamming the monkey king to the floor. so, uh, it is safe to assume that Macky was pissed off at Wukong's comment.
THUS! with that in mind, we can say that in this context, Macackle will be upset enough to fight him; however, if we were to consider the end of s3 (like Samadhi Fire ritual to the end) i would go with the option of Mackarell shutting down and feeling like that comment is the nail in the coffin for their relationship.
in s4? absolutely not. he would be dragging Wukong by the ear, demanding that he repeat what he said, ordering Wukong to try and convince himself that their past meant nothing while Macky still lives and breathes. and especially after the s4 special.
you could argue that Macky could shut down in the beginning of s4, but i think he'd probably laugh it off because he knows now that Wukong is lying. he's being his old deflective self and probably doesn't know where to place Macanoli in his head now that they're technically on better terms with LBD done with.
but after all the drama of going through SWK's memories? nuh uh, Wukong can't get out of this, nope. you handed iMac a chocolate peach popsicle. it is too late for you turn back and lie about your feelings. you can dig your grave and lie about it, but he's just gonna hit you right back with your own medicine and make you understand that if y'all truly want to reconcile, you cannot continue lying to yourself that you don't care.
not anymore.
so, anyway, i hope this answers your question, anon! i had a lot of fun running this question around in me braincage :3
#lmk#lmk six eared macaque#lmk sun wukong#shadowpeach#bc i cannot help myself but talk about them in the context of shadowpeach#literally could have said 'i think if swk told macky this now compared to previous episodes' he would know it was bullshit (since he & MK#went through swk's memories and got to SEE swk's side of their relationship) and would've called the idiot out on it bc nuh uh are they#going to go through the same motions as before and fuck up their communication like last time you take that fucking back you bitch'#but (of course) i wanted back up for this answer and this show occupies all the nooks and crannies of my mind :)#for the sake of this mini essay (she says typing out her tags before finishing this post) imma capitalize only the names#for the bit#also mispell macky's name#for the bit....as well#no i am not counting macky out for being self-destructive#he has BEEN self-destructive to himself and his health until the end of s3#nobody can convince me otherwise#this man was on the path of destroying himself to either destroy wukong or free himself from lbd (whom i might add WAS SOMEONE#HE WILLINGLY CONSIDERED IT WA BETTER TO BATHE IN THE FIRES OF SAMADHI TO BE FREE FROM HER CONTRACT! YOU#KNOW....THE VERY SAME FLAMES THAT CAN BURN REALITIES??? THAT FIRE!!!)#*sighs* why must my answers about shadowpeach and almost everything lmk related be long T^T#not mad just confused on that fact that i have been in a writer's traffic jam for weeks but get asked this and SUDDENLY????#all my energy comes back????#rude af brain >:(#asks#anonymous
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fandomohana · 2 months
Second post, this video has the ceiling on properly, and the frame for the dust cover in place. Of course me having my big brain, I put glue at the top of the frame...For reference, the dust cover slides between the frame, and the walls, it's meant to slide up and down, meaning no need for glue at the top. 🤦‍♀️ I thought I had waited long enough, and wiped enough of the top glue off, when I slid the dust cover into place. I had not. 🥴 The result was streaked glue on the plexiglass dust cover, and me almost crying. A few alcohol swabs, and some glass cleaner later, the plexiglass was clean. 😅
This is with the dust cover frame in place, before the dust cover disaster. Note how nice the light looks when it's where it belongs, behind that hanging light fixture. 🥴
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Video of the book nook after adding the frame, and fixing the ceiling.
And finally, the book nook with dust cover.
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marshadowstea · 3 months
the inside of my brain constantly sounds like animal crossing characters talking. idk if thats a sign of mental illness or what but im literally listening to Tom Nook and Isabel fight over whatever the fuck is in her drink sooooo
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butwhatifidothis · 2 months
hmmm, 🔥 about fe3h, but make it something that would actually be one in your specific mutual corner of Tumblr as well, and not just the fandom in general (because that would be too easy)? 👀
Well funnily enough the one hot take I for sure know the majority of my mutuals don't particularly agree with is one I literally just saw one of them say LMAO but I think the monastery is not NEARLYYYYYY as bad as people try to make it out to be. I never once found it to be tedious and I loved running around talking to all the NPCs loitering about the place, and call me an omega nerd but dammit I liked reading the shit in the libraries 😭😭😭
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kirbyddd · 5 months
"oh noo we don't put confrontation in animal crossing anymore because some emotionally unstable players cried–"
NO. i want resetti to call me every slur and put cigarettes out on my forehead for forgetting to save.
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4thenookie · 7 months
my idea for a new crp oc is literally just the headless horseman if he was in a western movie 😭😭
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shyesterin · 10 months
Hi it's Anonymous from your Inbox. What's a game or piece of media you enioy that you don't think gets enough attention?
hi anon from my inbox!!!
it's become almost kind of a meme at this point to say it but. I gotta say please play CrossCode!! it plays SO fucking well while also having mostly simple controls that feel SO good to master (it's a little overwhelming at first because it's a very fast paced combat system, but it's SO good and flows so well once you get into it), the protagonist is one of my favorite characters in anything ever (and I honestly couldn't fully tell you why) (I'm also very very attached to a lot of the other characters!! a lot of them are pretty wonderful :) Emilie and Hlin my beloveds), it has wonderful pixel art, a bunch of very cool concepts that I hope get explored more in a future game, some really good humor (though the DLC does get a bit too "haha reference" in its writing at times; the main game mostly keeps the reference humor in the sidequests and item descriptions, which works a lot better), it (IMO) NAILS the feeling of being in an MMO (the first proper area's music and vibe in general made me emotional cause it reminded me so much of first playing MMOs as a kid!!), it has a lot of kickass music... it's just so very good and such a fantastic experience and I wish more people would give it a shot!! I got it right after the DLC came out (which fleshes out the end of the story and gives it a more complete ending with post-game things to do) and I loved pretty much every second of it, really can't recommend it enough
also it has a really cute gay couple in it. not saying who but it might be fairly obvious as you go through it? it gets confirmed in the DLC part of the story in a really cute way
play CrossCode. for Her
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oh yeah shit one more addition after posting this. the game has a demo you can download on steam so you can try it out and see if you like how it plays!! it's like an old build of the game so the main thing is more polished but it's still a good way to check if you enjoy the basic controls. it's good
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tanukipaws · 5 months
AHHH i got 2 tanuki plushes yesterday!! i found the big one at books-a-million and literally ran towards it when i saw it! also tom nook <3
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artinandwritin · 5 months
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My brain has been going "modern au modern au" every since @spacenintendogs waved her dragons off the coast wand at me
I am very thankful <333
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Yes, hello, this is my worksona, Mary Sue Smith. She is very people person with a background in eye contact and she loves doing the networking
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butterscotch-brigade · 9 months
hey!! weird question for the animal crossing community but i wanted to know ppls opinions on this since ive noticed some conflicting thoughts on this among the fandom, so heres a little poll i made to test smth
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