#normally i put a ton of thought into plot or whatever
rexscanonwife · 1 year
Tbh I don't know if I'm just tired or busy but I don't have a ton of specific thoughts to share about my ship with Luigi, I'm just rotating him in my mind atm
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
My thoughts on Spy x Family: EYES ONLY Guidebook (English ver) - part 1
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I finished reading through my copy of the English version of the SxF manga guidebook "EYES ONLY." There's tons of fantastic information about the series, but I wanted to share my thoughts/commentary on parts that were the most interesting to me. Since there's so much content to cover, I'll be dividing it into a few different posts. Also, rather than go in the order of the book's sections, I decided to group the content based on topic. This first post will cover Endo's comments about the characters individually, as well as information about Garden.
Endo's Q&As and comments about the characters
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I like that Endo provides a reason for why Loid wears a WISE logo pin as it's something more than one fan of the series has questioned! And I totally agree with Lin about his "lack of distinctive features." Compared to so many other anime characters, especially shonen main characters, Loid's design is so plain, particularly in his hair and clothes. At least in his spy outfit he has a gun to make him a little flashier, but when he's in his casual clothes, he literally just looks like "some guy," haha. But that also makes sense for his character.
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I love how Endo gave specific numbers for comparing Loid and Yor's strength (Yor: 10, Loid: 6-7)
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I did notice what Endo is talking about how Anya's design changed over time. But that can be said for all the characters really, and it's definitely not uncommon for manga-ka's styles to evolve as they get a better feel for their characters and world.
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He mentions the classical language thing that was also brought up in chapter 42. Definitely makes me think that will somehow tie into her backstory.
Speaking of Anya's backstory, there was this little excerpt about the researchers at the lab. So one thing we can say for sure about her past is that she was not treated well there at all (which has been hinted at in the series).
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Endo also discussed the origin of Anya's pink hair (namely, there really isn't any origin, lol).
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Interesting that he spent the most time designing Yor, and also about the origin of her stilettoes. And his apology to the cosplayers for that bonus feature about Yor's hair, haha.
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I had to chuckle when he said they can't measure her strength because she keeps breaking the instruments! Also the fact that she hasn't learned how to make a single successful meal since the stew…Endo is such a savage sometimes, lol. But keep in mind that this book was originally published over a year ago, and obviously we know from recent chapters that her cooking is improving. I also like that he mentions that she has left witnesses to her work, like in Extra Mission 2. I wonder if that will be a bigger plot point somewhere down the line.
Like Anya having pink hair, Endo expresses some regret about making Yor an assassin (but his laugh makes it clear he's not terribly hung up about it!)
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I know some people are bothered by the fact that Yor is Bond's least favorite. But I think Bond's (initial) dislike for her originated from the chapter where he assumes he would have died from her cooking. Also the fact that Anya put the idea in his head that she would "murder" him if he did something she didn't like, like shun her food (which is obviously heavily exaggerated). But again, this book was published over a year ago, and the most recent chapter revealed that he definitely doesn't dislike her even if she's not his favorite. It's perfectly normal for pets to have family members they prefer over others for whatever reason.
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I love that Franky does charity work. I hope we'll see that in a future chapter.
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It's interesting that he ranks Fiona's combat ability so low, especially when you consider what she did to Wheeler in the recent arc. But to me, that wasn't so much a display of combat prowess as it was totally raw, uninhibited willpower.
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I love his blunt answer about whether Yuri has other interests besides Yor. Also intriguing that he mentions Nightfall when discussing Yuri's combat ability…maybe those two will meet eventually?
Information about Garden
Since Garden is still such a mysterious entity in the SxF universe, I tried to gather everything about them that the book mentions.
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It's interesting that Yor sees Shopkeeper as her mentor since he taught her survival skills in her youth. The book also raises the question about how Yor found Garden in the first place…maybe something Endo will expand on in the future?
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So the information Franky gives us about Garden is exaggerated? Gah, that just makes them even more mysterious!
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The above was a cool bit of trivia...so it seems like the secret police might know more about Garden than WISE. Perhaps Yuri will find out about Yor's real identity before Twilight?
Continue to Part 2 ->
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notafragilething · 4 months
911: Tommy is mentioned in the synopsis and why I think it's important.
I was going to save this for the update to my ramble tonight but I decided this deserved it's own post because I think this might be another sign Tommy's sticking around / is a bigger part of the next episode then we think? If you haven't seen the synopsis for next week's episode please check it out:
The 118 and Tommy are presented with the Medal of Valor for their work on the cruise ship rescue. Meanwhile, Hen and Karen encounter an unforeseen hurdle in their foster care journey, while Eddie’s emotional affair develops further.
So I immediately noticed Tommy was listed, which isn't new information (we saw him in the promo), but something immediately screamed "this seems important that he's named." And I couldn't figure out why.
Because obviously Tommy's been listed in these before, right?
I went back and looked at all of this season's episode synopsis and looked at who was listed by name in them. I made main cast bold, re-occurring regulars like family and love interests italics and everyone else normal.
Abandon 'Ships: Athena, Bobby
Rock the Boat: Bobby, Athena, Hen
Capsized: Athena, Bobby, Hen
Buck Bothered and Bewildered: Athena, Harry, Buck, Eddie
You Don't Know Me: Hen, Karen, Eddie, Marisol, Buck
There Goes the Groom: Maddie, Chimney
Ghosts of a Second Chance: Maddie, Athena, Hen, Karen, Mara, Eddie
Step Nine: Bobby
Ashes, Ashes: Tommy, Hen, Karen, Eddie
Out of the many names listed, there are only two other characters who aren't part of the main/re-occurring cast that got listed. Most of the time they were vague and descriptive if another character was featured.
Such as referring to Tommy as "someone else," Mara being referred to as "a new addition to the family," and Amir as "a victim of the apartment fire."
So let's look at those two other names and the roles they played in their respective episodes.
We have Marisol getting her name in the summary for episode 5: You Don't Know Me. She doesn't necessarily appear a ton in this episode but is pretty significant in the plot since Eddie's storyline revolves around finding out she was a nun and how the impacts him. She was in 3 scenes and talked about in multiple others.
Mara was named in Ghost of a Second Chance, which was her second appearance. This episode had Karen and Hen's storyline focused pretty heavily on her and reuniting her with her brother.
So the fact they name dropped Tommy? Would only happen for one of two reasons.
He's going to be in multiple scenes this week or important to the plot.
They know people want to see him and are listing him to pull in viewers.
Both are fairly good signs for people who want him to stick around.
I also want to point out that Marisol, Mara and Tommy all have something in common. They're three characters that have the potential to move into a more re-occurring longterm role in the series next season.
Mara has the potential to become family (assuming they get over whatever hurdle is happening next week) which would put her in the same category as the other children in the show.
Marisol and Tommy both have the potential to be re-occurring role as a longterm love interest like Karen.
I was convinced Marisol was going to be gone but the fact that they are referring to this as an emotional affair and Ryan has made comments about how Eddie could see himself long term with her and loves her? I could see it going either way on whether or not they keep her since they might try to make the case he didn't physically cheat on her (even though I really hope she's gone soon simply because of the actress).
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cripplecharacters · 14 days
Hi! I had two quick questions about one of my characters.
She lost one of her eyes as a child (she had it removed as a child due to cancer) and now she wears an eye prosthesis. She's a very friendly, outgoing, funny person and she's a fashion designer.
Question 1
I know a lot of people like to customize their canes/wheelchairs/etc. and have them in fun colors, put stickers on them, etc. and since she loves making and wearing tons of fancy, cool outfits, I thought it would be fun if she had customized eye prosthetics.
I've seen ones that look like gemstones, funky patterns, and even smiley faces and that seems like something she would love, but I'm not sure if that would be bad in some way?
I guess I just don't want it to come across as me saying disability aids need to look super cool and crazy or else they're boring? She does have a normal one that she wears most of the time, but sometimes she just likes to have fun with it and wear a wacky colorful one, especially when she's dressing up.
Question 2
She's a very funny person and she loves making jokes and pulling pranks. I know a lot of people with prosthetics like to make jokes with them (for example I've seen one of those "this outfit is super expensive" videos but the twist was that most of the cost came from their prosthetic arm, which they proceeded to swing around inside their shirt).
She's absolutely the kind of person to make those types of jokes, but I want to make sure it doesn't go too far or come off as offensive or rude.
One of the jokes I was thinking about is her pretending to sneeze, popping out the eye, and then going "omg I sneezed so hard my eye fell out!" only to reveal that it's a prosthetic.
Another one would be someone asking her to keep an eye on something and she goes "Yeah man I got this" so she pulls the prosthetic out and sets it down on whatever she's supposed to "keep an eye on".
(Don't worry she's going to clean the prosthesis after setting it on stuff lol).
Having custom prosthetic eyes is completely fine and, at least in my opinion, doesn't imply that they need to be cool/fashionable/fun/etc. It's just another way for your character to express herself!
Something to consider, however, (Especially if you're going for realism) is that prosthetic eyes are expensive and, depending on your character's circumstances, her insurance would likely only cover one (And a fairly simple/basic one at that). Custom made prosthetics are always going to be a lot more expensive and a lot less likely to be covered by her insurance.
You mentioned that she's a fashion designer, however... if she has some connections in the fashion community, she may have easier access to those kinds of prosthetics than other people would. Maybe she knows people that make them? Or maybe she can trade favours/designs for them? Either way, it could be a solution or even just an interesting plot avenue to explore.
In response to your second question, writing characters making jokes about their disabilities is fine but you want to be careful about how you go about it -- especially if you're not disabled in that way yourself. It's a bit of a balancing act to make sure your character isn't being written to be the comedic relief (Which is, unfortunately, something that happens with a lot of disabled characters).
Although the jokes seem to be in fine taste, I do have some logistic concerns with them.
For the sneezing one, I'm not sure she'd be able to pop it out that quickly and, if she can, it wouldn't be the best idea. Popping the eye out quickly is a great way to drop and damage it and, as mentioned, they are EXPENSIVE.
Taking the prosthetic eye in and out frequently also increases the likelihood of causing damage to the eye by irritating the socket or turning the eyelashes inward which, trust me, is NOT comfortable. You would also want to be careful with setting it on random objects. Because the prosthetic eye is going directly into the eye socket, you really don't want it to be dirty when you put it back in and if they're out and about, it may not be possible to clean it properly right away.
This isn't to say you can't do this. It could be funny once or twice but doing it regularly could have some not-so-ideal consequences so it's good to keep this stuff in mind.
You didn't ask about this but I'd just like to mention: Be careful about writing self-deprecating jokes about her disability. It can get VERY uncomfortable for your readers very quickly, especially if you don't have that/a similar disability. Honestly, I'd advise that able-bodied writers avoid writing these kinds of jokes for their physically disabled characters in general.
Overall, your character sounds great and very well thought out! I'm glad to see more characters that are blind from illness/medical causes rather than the usual traumatic incident.
~ Mod Icarus
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babygirldabi · 2 years
Runaway Part 2
CW: MDNI, 18+ themes, porn without much of a plot, f!reader, mentions of domestic abuse, oral sex, hard sex, degradation, praise, Daddy kink, creampie, This took a minute so you better like it, fair warning that I didn’t do a ton of editing, might do a part 3, who knows 
Your first couple of days with the League are awful. Shigaraki and Dabi interrogate you until you’re blue in the face. Shigaraki goes into a deep dive on the internet, reading every detail of your life that the media has had any inkling of. After you’ve had to recount every bit of your abusive marriage, again, hear yourself explain how you’re basically a total failure to Hero society, again, Shigaraki puts you on what he kindly refers to as “bitch duty.” You cook, you clean, you keep your mouth shut- you assume that this is a hazing of some sort and just go along with it. The league members come and go as they please, all without a word to you except to give you another order (Though Toga throws you winks and secret smiles at least three times a day), all except Dabi, who you know Shigaraki has put on “bitch babysitting duty”. As you scrub the floors, wash dishes, dust and mop, Dabi lounges around headquarters, trying to pretend he’s not watching your every move. After his coldness following the hookup, you two don’t speak much, which only makes this more awkward. It’s better than being dead, you reason, and it’s better than being stuck in your marriage, worried for your life. At least here, the rules are clear and concise; follow orders, prove yourself, and you can live. Maybe you can even help, eventually. 
Dabi mostly stays on the couch or putters around his room, smoking, flipping through magazines, watching tv, glancing at you whenever your downcast eyes are focused on something other than him. He’s not thrilled with the babysitting duty, but keeps telling himself that it’s only temporary. He misses being out on the streets, causing mayhem, chasing pussy. This is a temporary annoyance, he tells himself, heaving a sigh as he flips a page in whatever bullshit magazine he’s reading now. Think of it like a vacation.
The thing is, Dabi cannot stop fucking thinking about you. 
He would never admit it out loud; it sounds pathetic even when he’s just thinking it. He’s used to hook-ups and then kick-outs, never worrying about any girl he might fuck by the time he’s done cumming in her. But you, you can’t leave. You live here now. And you’re so different from any other girl he’s fucked, you’re not some villain-chaser from the street. You’re educated, you’re smart, you’re strong- he can see all that and he’s known you for about five seconds. He can’t stop thinking about the sounds you make when you come unglued, how tight you were, how you bounced on his cock. In fact, he’s had to take several trips to the bathroom over the last few days to fuck his fist in private over it. He’s a fucking mess, and it’s embarrassing, but he can’t stop thinking about the next time he can work his way into your cunt, make you say his name. 
 Your first couple of nights, you slept in his bed alone, and he chose to sleep against the door to ensure you weren’t going to bolt. But his fucking back hurts, and the floor isn’t getting any softer. That’s why, around 11 pm, when Shigaraki finally dismisses you for the night and you come into the room, he has himself situated very carefully on one side of the bed. 
You pause in the doorway, hand freezing in the spot where it was rubbing the back of your neck, and take him in, shirtless, smoking a cigarette and reading a book as though this is a normal bedtime routine for the two of you. You don’t say anything until he offers you a wry smile and pats the empty side of the bed. 
“Bedtime, dear,” he drawls. “Turn off the light.”
Slowly, you reach over and flip the switch, flooding the room in darkness, and shut the door behind you. “I thought you were gonna be on the floor again,” you mumble. Clumsily, feeling him watch you, you begin to undress, turning away from him towards the door and shedding the clothes that Toga has lent you. 
“I was going to, but my back is killing me from the floor, and not for nothing, I don’t think you’re gonna try and leave, considering you have absolutely nowhere to go.” He smiles as you throw a glare at him, but keep your mouth shut, because, after all, he’s right. He continues, “and i don’t want to be hobbling tomorrow for your first mission.” He waits for you to process this, watching as you step into Toga’s sweatpants and yank a thin tank top over your head. 
You spin to face him. “My first…?”
“Surprise.” he flashes you a blindingly white smile that you can see even in the dimness. “Shig decided that your third day will be a test. He wants to see how you do out on the streets.”
“Wow,” you mutter, undoing your bun to fix your hair and put it up more securely. 
“Of course, you know that if you try to run, or otherwise fuck us, we have to kill you,” he adds, conversationally, but there’s an edge to his voice that makes you shiver. 
“I know.” 
“Good. Well,” his voice suddenly brightens. “Bedtime. You need your rest.” He’s half-mocking you, and you roll your eyes as you gingerly climb into your half of the narrow bed and pull the covers around your shoulders. 
“Nice and cozy,” he chuckles, then turns on his side so that your backs are facing one another. “I can’t wait for you to get your own fucking room.”
Same here, you try to say, but the day has worn you out, and you’re asleep before you can actually formulate a response. 
An indiscriminate amount of time later, you wake up suddenly. It’s still nighttime; the streetlights flood the room, and you can’t figure out why you’re filled with anxiety before you realize that Dabi has wrapped himself around you in his sleep, and something is wrong. 
His face, the little bit that you can see, is tucked against your chest and contorted; his body twitches against you, fingers squeezing at your waist; his chest heaves. 
“Dabi- Dabi? Wake up-” gingerly, you reach down to shake his shoulder softly. “Dabi, I think you’re having a nightmare, wake up-”
“No,” he moans, turning his face up to yours, you can see how desperately he’s trying to pull himself out of the dream. “Stop-”
His arms wrap around you tighter, cutting off your breathing, making you gasp. The wind is knocked out of you, and you shake his shoulder again, a little harder. “Dabi, please- I can’t breathe-”
His eyes fly open to meet yours, and he lets you go immediately, swearing as he sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed so that his back is to you. His shoulders heave as he catches his breath, wiping sweat from his forehead. 
You sit up, leaning on your elbow, wanting to reach out to touch him and check in, but fully aware that it would be a dangerous move to make. You both sit in silence for a couple minutes in the dark, listening as his breathing slows to normal. 
“Are you okay?” you finally whisper. You can’t bring yourself to touch him.
Still facing away from you, one long arm snakes out to the bedside table and grabs an open pack of cigarettes. The blue flame from his index finger briefly throws shadows around the room as he lights up, taking a long drag. 
He’s silent for so long, you’re beginning to think he didn’t hear you. Finally, he mutters, “yeah.”
“You’re okay?”
“I said yeah.” 
“Do you need anything…?”
“I need my own room back.” It comes out harsher than he wants it to, and he feels you cringe away from him, sitting up and grabbing your pillow. 
“‘M sorry. I can sleep on the floor,” you offer, as he turns to face you and grabs your wrist, preventing you from actually getting up.
“You’re not sleeping on the floor.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have to either, this is your room-”
“Neither of us are sleeping on the floor,” he says firmly, still avoiding your eyes as he takes another drag of his cigarette. He’s embarrassed, you realize, trying to take some control of the situation. You fall silent, letting him take charge.
“Lay down,” he mutters, stubbing his cigarette into the ashtray. “Go back to sleep.” You comply, laying down against the worn sheets, resuming your position on your side, but your heart is still pounding from the scare, adrenaline coursing through you. He stands and heads for the front room, making a beeline for the bar and downing a glass of whiskey in the dark before getting back into bed. 
 The bed creaks as he lays back down, the room silent except for the sounds of breathing. Dabi lays on his back, staring at the ceiling, trying to ground himself back to reality after whatever happened in his nightmare. Afraid to move at all, you stay on your side, hugging a pillow to your chest and staring out the window for what feels like forever. 
Finally, you feel Dabi shift in the bed and feel a wave of relief; he’s asleep again, you can relax.
And then you feel Dabi’s fingers ghosting over your hip. You freeze as they dance over your hip, down your side, spreading warm across your ass, cupping each cheek before moving back up to caress your thigh. Even though you’re still overcoming the fear from before, you can’t help but enjoy his touch. It’s soft, so soft that it’s dangerous. Warmth pools between your legs. 
Before you can ask, Dabi pushes on your shoulder, pressing your back into the mattress and rolling on top of you to crush his mouth to yours. 
“Wha-” you mumble, cut off as his tongue sweeps across your lips. 
“Can’t sleep,” he mutters, tugging your sweatpants down insistently. You hesitate, lips frozen against his as he pulls on the soft fabric, feel the cold drafts of the room coming up around your ankles, between your thighs. Dabi feels you debating with yourself and pulls back, putting one hand to your chin and guiding you up to meet his eyes. 
“Tell me to stop, and I’ll stop,” he breathes.
The thing is, despite the last few days, the tension, trying to adjust to a whole new life, you can’t stop thinking about Dabi’s hands, his mouth, his cock. It’s actually humiliating how much you’ve thought of it, of letting him fuck you again. You’ve been chiding yourself for days now, reminding you that Dabi is a literal villain and is not looking for something- what’s the word? Ugh, ongoing. Guys like Dabi don’t go for more than a one night stand. You’ve been telling yourself over and over again that this was a one time thing, but now Dabi is on top of you, frantically tugging at your clothes, trying to get closer to you. The swell of his cock is pressing through his own sweatpants and you sigh your permission as he grinds against you, brushing against your clit. 
“Good girl,” Dabi chuckles, eyes alight as he slips out of his pants and bites into your neck, making you whine. You expect him to settle between your thighs, but instead he seizes you by the hips, pulling you to the edge of the bed in one swift movement, ignoring your squeak of surprise. Kneeling on the floor, he parts your thighs and dives between them, giving soft bites and kisses intermittently as he works his way towards your cunt. 
“Wanna taste you,” he mutters, one hand parting your folds to admire you. You pant in anticipation as he takes his time, eyes lingering on your clit, before circling it once with his thumb. Your body responds unabashedly, your back arching as you press into his touch, nipples hardening, and all you can think is more, more, more. With a smug laugh, Dabi leans in and licks a stripe all the way up your cunt, body humming in approval. 
“So good. Such a mess for me,” he whispers, spreading your thighs further apart as he begins to lap at your cunt. His tongue is long, mind-blowingly strong as he inserts it inside you and begins to tongue-fuck you. You try your hardest to stay sitting up, trying to watch as his mouth begins to unravel you, but it’s too much. You let yourself fall back against the mattress, throwing your head back as your legs open wider for him, fingers carding through his hair as he takes your swollen clit into his mouth and sucks.
“Dabi- Christ- I-hah,” you can’t even speak, giving in to his ministrations and thrusting yourself against his face, openly begging for more. When you peek back between your legs, you see Dabi watching you, his eyes dark and hooded, and you know what he wants.  
And aren’t you a sight to see. Your cheeks are rosy, a flush that has spread not only across your face but down to your collarbone, mouth open, chest heaving as you pant, grinding against his mouth shamelessly as he makes a mess of you. Dabi rarely offers this service to anyone, but he’s been dreaming about what you taste like for days. He can’t wait for you to fall apart, to feel you clench and shake against his tongue.
You can feel yourself inching closer to your orgasm, and it makes you reckless, greedy. You grind harder against him, listen to him moan against your clit in approval. 
“Please- please, Dabi, ‘m gonna cum, don’t stop-”
He reaches up in response to cup your breasts, pinching the nipples between his fingers, making you mewl piteously. 
“Come on, baby. Give it to me,” he murmurs, and you explode, gushing against his mouth as you cry out, twitching as he hums his approval against your slit, rubbing your clit gently as you tremble against him. 
“So good, baby. So fucking good,” he coos, snaking his way back onto the bed and settling in next to you, running his hands up and down your body. “I need you to help me, now.”
Of course, you think vaguely, that’s only fair. Before you can respond out loud, Dabi is pulling you up by your shoulders, gently pushing you off the bed. “Your turn to kneel,” he whispers, and you comply, settling against your heels on the cold floor, looking up to him for guidance. At this point, you’re so compliant that you will do anything for him- anything. You look up at him with wide eyes as he pumps his cock in front of you, take in his slightly parted lips, the way his chest is rising and falling rapidly in anticipation. “Open your mouth, baby. Open it wide. Stick your tongue out for me.”
You do, and are rewarded by a loud groan as he taps your tongue with his cock a few times- it’s so thick and heavy and warm- this is something you’ve only seen in porn, but always thought was kinda hot. You whimper as his dick seems to get even harder, and he lets out a deep sigh. “Suck my cock like a good girl,” he orders, and you comply, tucking your teeth behind your lips and taking as much of him into your mouth as you can. 
“Oh, fuck…” he breathes, chest hitching as he watches you bob your head against him, sucking gently as you take him to the back of your throat. “That’s a good girl. Didn’t know you could give head like a whore.” Without warning, he pushes your head down so that you can feel him in your throat, automatically gagging against him. “Take it, baby. I know you can,” he groans, and begins to fuck your throat mercilessly. 
You let him take charge, trying to keep your throat relaxed for him, relieved when he lifts you off of him a few times to let you breathe before going back to face fucking you. You’re rewarded by the absolutely fucking sinful sounds that come out of his mouth; nothing you’ve heard yet, his usual cool demeanor going up in smoke as he plunges himself into your throat again and again. 
“Look at me,” he hisses, and you do, eyes shooting to his obediently as he slams against your lips, spit puddling at the corners of your mouth, your cunt getting wetter by the second. He notices as you twitch from your place on the floor, pressing your thighs together to relieve the ache in your lower belly. “Touch yourself,” he groans, still pumping against your lips. “Touch your slutty little pussy for me while you take this cock.”
 Almost crying in relief, your hand darts to your cunt and begins to rub, circling your clit before you shove two fingers inside yourself and curl them, looking for that sweet spot. You already want to cum again, so wrapped up in the sounds ripping their way out of Dabi’s throat, intoxicated by the fact that you’re the one unraveling him. 
When he slides his dick out of your mouth so you can take a breath, you choke out your plea; “please fuck me. Need it so bad-”
“Yeah? You want met to fuck you, baby?” Dabi seizes your arms, hauling you upright and tossing you onto the bed as though you’re a rag doll. “Want to get pounded like a good little fucking whore, huh?”
You whimper a soft little “yes, please,” and Dabi thinks he might bust right then and there. He climbs on top of you, hips already bucking. When his dick begins to rub against your cunt, you whine, letting your hands settle on his shoulders as he teases you, your legs spreading wide beneath him. 
 “This pussy is so fucking good, baby. Can’t stop thinking about it,” he groans, fucking his way into you with shallow thrusts that bring pretty noises tripping from your lips. 
“Ye-e-e-sss,” he snarls, pushing himself further until he bottoms out and you whine into his neck.  “Fuck.”
“Fuck- Dabi,” you whine, grinding against him as he pauses, rock hard inside you. As soon as his name falls from your lips, he snatches your face between his fingers, causing your eyes to shoot towards his. 
His eyes are glowing coals. “What’s my name?” He snaps.
“Daddy,” you whimper, still rocking in search of friction. “Daddy.”
“That’s my good little cumslut.” Dabi begins to thrust, pounding into you like his life depends on it, his fingers digging into the plush of your hips, nipping at your neck, your breasts. He begins to suck on your skin, leaving a little trail of deep purple marks trailing from your ear to your chest, a constellation of bruises that sting and make you wetter at the same time. You whine as he fucks you deep, choking on moans and stuttering breaths as your hips begin to match his pace. “Oh, jesus-fuck, Daddy,” you cry out, feeling yourself tighten around him. “Gonna-’m gonna cum, gonna fuckin-”
“I know, baby, let it out,” He gasps into your ear, knowing he won’t last another thirty seconds. Your body twitches as you explode around him, wrapping your legs around his waist as your second orgasm takes you, babbling nonsense into his neck. 
Dabi follows your high quickly, biting down on your shoulder hard enough to make you cry out as he gushes inside you, painting your walls with thick, creamy cum. 
“Mmmmfff. Fuck,” he groans, panting against your neck as his cock twitches inside you. You are exhausted, your two orgasms catching up to you as he pulls himself out of you, parting your folds to admire your swollen, dripping cunt. 
“Good girl,” he says softly, but you don’t have the energy to answer him. “You okay?” he asks huskily, waiting for you to nod, then picks you up easily, returning you to your side of the bed. 
This is nothing like the cold Dabi you experienced last time, you think sleepily, as he lays you against the sheets and covers you with a blanket. You don’t know what this is, but you’re not complaining. You can barely keep your eyes open, and allow him to tuck you in. 
“Now we’ll both sleep,” you hear him say, as if from far, far away. You fall asleep before you can think of an answer.  
When you next open your eyes, sunlight is streaming in through the window, blindingly bright. You wince and turn over, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep before a League member needs you to shine their shoes, or whatever other bullshit tasks that they may have for you today. 
Then you remember what Dabi said. Today is your first mission. 
Your eyes fly open and find themselves staring into Dabi’s blue ones, inches from your own. You swallow a gasp of surprise and watch as a slow, easy smile quirks up at the corners of his lips. 
“Morning, sunshine. Hope you’re ready for today.”
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mumblingsage · 3 months
I was going to link a blog post or article defining "zero draft" but I'm actually not happy with any of the results. They all have too many rules!
"zero drafting is writing a rough draft (usually no longer than ten pages) of your novel"
My zero draft was at least 15 or 20 pages long, though it's hard to measure because at some point the file was a combination first draft of the beginning of the story and zero draft of the remainder (you can start the first draft before you finish zero drafting, if you've zero drafted to the point you feel ready, don't let anyone tell you otherwise). You shouldn't be worrying about numbers anyway. If your zero draft is 2 pages, that's also fine. You are not going to get a fucking bad grade in zero drafting! That is not normal to want or possible to achieve! Not even God will ever know or care how many pages this thing was!
"don't put dialogue in zero drafts; that's a detail to hash out later"
Why are we forbidding fun!? Developing character voice is part of the discovery phase a zero draft is perfect for! You shouldn't feel pressured to write out specific details, but if you start having them as you brainstorm, the zero draft is the perfect place to put them! The mental effort of having ideas, repressing them, and then hoping to remember them later to put into a first draft is way more stressful than just writing them down (and again, writing down an idea that comes to you is fun!)
"don't worry about the form of the book when you zero draft"
At this point if a zero draft isn't about details in the story and isn't about the shape of the story, I'm not sure what it is about (it's about both. It's about whatever you've got to work with.)
"don't worry about grammar or spelling"
I mean, you will write wonky sentences and have a ton of typos in the zero draft, that's life and it's not a problem (not even God will read the zero draft). But "how does this sentence function" isn't a bad thought to have in mind every time you write a sentence, not least so that when you come back to reread your zero draft, it actually makes sense to you, plus building a habit for how to think while writing. Here I feel the same way I feel about the "don't include details": it takes more effort to suppress this stuff than it does to write with it. And if you are actually writing with no grammar...inasmuch as that's even possible...if you're slamming down strings of verbs and nouns without connective tissue? That's just not a draft, it's an outline of the "grocery list notes-to-self" format. Also a fine thing. But why call it a draft.
"a zero draft takes about an hour to write"
I have never sat down and written a zero draft from beginning to end. I open the WIP file (literally my zero drafts are in a big honkin' file titled "WIPS"), write down the ideas I have, leave it and come back later, hours, weeks or months later, often in 5 or 10-minute spurts, sometimes in 2-hour ones if the juices are wildly flowing. I do not sit down thinking "I will write straight through from the beginning to end of the story", that's too much organization to worry about bringing into zero-draft work. I write what I have and put it in an order I think it might go in. The shape of the plot happens as I write, it doesn't guide what I write.
"Sage, at this point are you sure you aren't the one in the wrong and what you're recommending isn't actually a zero draft?"
I might be, but I'm not sure what else to call the thing I do, which is certainly shaped like a primordial draft that's more detailed than an outline but far less organized or in-character than a first draft.
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sexcromancy · 5 months
bowie, what does it mean that bride is only "sort of" omegaverse?
thanks for asking, bowie. i've thought about this a lot, so allow me to clarify.
I want to start at the beginning, with ali's omegaverse fic. I'm linking one example of several, notable because it has an arranged meeting component (relevant to bride) and because she cited a johnlock omegaverse work as an inspiration for her worldbuilding (this gave me, to put it lightly, a fright). I think that's where I initially connected Ali and omegaverse early on in my interest in her work. i could see the shades of it in her first three novels, but my analysis faltered as i tried to bridge the gap between those and her fic. when i read bride, this clarified.
ali has often used emojis to describe the book on instagram: 🐺 for werewolves, 🩸 for vampires, and 🪢 for knotting. this allows for some level of euphemism in her Instagram posts, meaning she doesn't have to explicitly get into the kinkier parts of the story in public. she does also make a lot of puns on the word knot but it still feels like an in-joke - if readers want to understand what a knot is, they have to read the book. i attribute this coyness in part to the significant leap between her first three contemporary adult romance novels and this new foray into much more explicit supernatural romance, and specifically the introduction of knotting and interspecies kinks that might be unknown to the average booktoker.¹
now, to get into the actual content of bride. the book is a vampire-werewolf romance novel, where the vampire (stylized vampyre) is a woman named misery (!) and the werewolf (stylized were) is a man named lowe. lowe is also the alpha of his werewolf pack. mates are a factor in the worldbuilding; some but not all weres have them and recognizing them is scent-based. knotting happens only in sex between mates. lowe and misery's romance is framed by their arranged marriage, a political deal to ensure peace between vampyres, weres and humans.
if we refer to the original supernatural rpf kink meme prompt that is supposedly the origin of "omegaverse", there are three key elements: 1) social roles, in this case "alpha male and bitch male" which later became alphas and omegas; 2) dog-like sex, "the knot, tons of come"; and 3) mating/biologically enhanced long term monogamy.
bride has #2 for sure. it's not the full extent of their sexual dynamic, but those two elements are certainly present. it has #3, although I think this is somewhat complicated (but not exactly subverted) by it being an interspecies romance. it's technically not a biological "mating" bond in the way weres in this world understand it. instead, lowe recognizes misery as his mate by scent, and misery, unable to reciprocate biologically, chooses to define herself as Lowe's mate at the end of the story. i appreciate that this introduces an element of agency for misery, which is what i normally struggle with in soulmate stories.²
it's #1 where I get sort of tripped up. in this book, biological determinism wrt social roles as it is portrayed in most omegaverse fic³ does not exist. lowe is an alpha, but his closest confidants are "seconds," not betas, and it's more a social/political role than anything else. there are no equivalents to omegas. however. the interspecies aspect of the relationship does still introduce elements of biological determinism, ie, sexual urges that can't be controlled; physical needs like hunger literally and metaphorically standing in for sexual desire. misery is also, crucially, a social outcast to her fellow vampyres, occupying a similar role to the omega social role in many omegaverse works. I cannot deny that's a lot of similarity, but for whatever reason, ali chose to elide this particular element of the worldbuilding. my best guess for this is empowerment of misery as a character. as mentioned above, she has more agency than many damsels in supernatural romance novels. empowered heroines with their own plot, relationships and sexual desires are an important part of popular contemporary romance; often books with too weak a heroine get lanced on tiktok (as was the fate of anastasia grey, for example).
finally, i want to talk about to inspiration. ali cites the johnlock fic as a framework for her reylo fic, and she has repeatedly spoken about her longstanding love for fanfic, obviously including omegaverse. but as an informed reader of her books, I think I can actually trace some aspects of bride further back. in the press tour and marketing for bride Ali continuously brings up nalini singh, an author who has been publishing interspecies romance since 2009. the first book of that series, slave to sensation, shares a lot of DNA with bride, especially in how our main characters connect and differ from each other other.⁴ the kink meme prompt largely credited as the origin of omegaverse in fanfiction dates to 2010. other supernatural romance authors Ali has cited as influential, like kresley cole, have been publishing even longer.⁵ the original kink meme prompt was obviously hugely influential, and I am still happy to credit it with those three specifics of omegaverse. to my knowledge, none of these prior romance novels include those elements in that combination.⁶ my point here is more that omegaverse was joining an existing lineage of erotica related to interspecies/animalistic/monsterfucking sex, rather than creating an entirely new mode of erotic engagement. ali, in bride, was combining and reworking these ideas that were so evidently influential to her development as a romance writer.
personally, I believe that Ali, in bride, is participating in the longstanding tradition of creating conditions for her romance novel characters that will best facilitate hornier and hornier scenarios. just as misery lark is the vampyre collateral, a political role invented for the plot, jensen ackles was assigned the newly created role of bitch male/omega because that made the most sense for the fantasy our requester was entertaining. worldbuilding in these books serves the primary purpose of enhancing and creating scenarios for horniness, which means that often it can be somewhat loose. I certainly had a million frustrated questions for Ali while reading bride, but I had to keep reminding myself that it's not about what part of the US the story is taking place in, or the political realities of a world with three separate species-specific governments. its about hot vampyre-werewolf sex and the catharsis of enemies-to-lovers. and also how good peanut butter is. thanks for reading.
1. i have seen many, many booktokers and tubers discuss how this was their first foray into supernatural romance, and they wouldn't have tried it if not for enjoying ali's previous books. i have a whole other post to publish about profit incentive and marketing on ali's books, which i'll hopefully remember to link here when it's done. suffice to say, enormous win for ali's team.
2. it does not, however, allow any agency for lowe; he is in his own little romance-as-horror plot wherein he is suddenly having uncontrollable physical reactions to a member of a different species, about whom he knows nothing. luckily for him he has a blood-drinking kink. yay!
3. for an excellent reading of biological essentialism in same-gender omegaverse pairings, read my friend ari's post. heterosexual omegaverse pairings do not have the distancing aspect ari discussed, but they sexualize the same dynamics that come out of sexist, bioessentialist hegemony. exploring why this is hot to straight women has been a large part of my ali related work.
4. i also read slave to sensation for research purposes. do not recommend. as discussed above, though, i think a major difference is that the dynamics in singh's books (and similar) are dated and adhere pretty strongly to bodice ripper tropes. ali is taking those ideas and translating them into a contemporary romance voice.
5. again, to be addressed in my marketing post, but i have my suspicions about these inspiration plugs being strategically picked for which authors have upcoming books to promote side-by-side with ali's. its totally possible she also read and loved them, but its hard to ignore she and nalini singh share a publisher.
5. as Lindsay Ellis fans may know, there are many popular straight omegaverse series out there, but i couldn't find any evidence that those series pre-dated the kink meme.
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walkawaytall · 6 months
Now that I finished reading (and reviewing) Collateral, I thought I'd come with some questions, if you haven't answered them before! This was the first fic you posted, but was it the first HxL fic idea you had? How did you come up with this particular take on the Ord Mantell mission? Are there any subtle Easter eggs that you had fun including?
Ooh, thank you for asking! Other than a vague idea I started to write down as a preteen that essentially amounted to “Han proposes to Leia the night after the Battle of Endor and I’m sure I’ll come up with an actual plot later”, this was the first fic idea I had. I had written for another much, much smaller fandom in high school, but hadn’t written or read fanfic in probably 15 years or more. I was in severe professional burnout toward the end of 2022, had just sort of re-embraced Star Wars after avoiding it a lot post-TROS, and decided to start reading for my original OTP. I had also been working on a novel for quite a long time and it was driving me insane, so after blazing my way through a ton of Han/Leia fics on FFN, and later on AO3, I thought I might try writing some fanfic just to have fun with writing again since the novel was making me miserable.
I remember coming up with the idea for the Committee first — the intent with at least part of the fic was to suggest that a lot of the stuff Leia and Han say to piss each other off in ESB are kind of low-blow-type callbacks to private jokes or things they had discussed previously. I also remember reflecting a bit on their relationship and how it’s portrayed at the beginning of ESB — how some people have interpreted that to mean that they spent three dang years griping at one another, but somehow fell in love in between verbal jabs. I think I mentioned this in an early author’s note on Collateral — I had a friendship that was mostly verbal sparring and stupid arguments about things neither of us cared about and it stops being fun after awhile. Eventually, we both just kind of started acting normal around one another. And I just kind of figured that, even if Han and Leia started out picking each other apart, there’s no way they’d go from that to romance in a few words, so I felt like they had to have a friendlier history than what we’re shown. (Plus, I may be reading too much into it, but the way Carrie and Harrison play those parts in that movie, it doesn’t seem like two people who just hate each other to me; it seems like two people who’ve been deeply wounded by one another and aren’t sure what they’re supposed to do. And you have to care about each other somewhat to be wounded by one another, ya know?)
I wanted a fic that was limited in scope for my first fic so I wouldn’t get too carried away with trying to add to a meandering plot or whatever, so I decided on the couple of weeks before ESB starts. I had read a handful of fics about Ord Mantell or referencing Ord Mantell and decided I wanted to do my own take on it. I didn’t know a ton of Star Wars lore, so I remember having to research on Wookieepedia a ton. I do believe my initial intent was for Han and Leia to start their romantic relationship on the trip, but the characters misbehaved while I was writing and Leia kissed Han in her room instead, and I ended up going with that.
Even though I knew most H/L fans would be expecting Ord Mantell to go poorly, I wanted to repeatedly put people at ease, at least in theory. The gang isn’t even worried about Ord Mantell, so why should we be? Everything’s going so well! Han and Leia go on a cute date and everything is fine! Basically, if someone went into the story not knowing about the infamy that Ord Mantell has gained in H/L circles, I wanted them to wonder if anything was actually going to go wrong.
As far as Easter eggs go…I wrote Han with the “Han Solo is mildly Force-sensitive” fan theory in mind. It’s not blatant, but it’s there. Some of the conversations they have reference Leia, Princess of Alderaan and From a Certain Point of View (Leia knowing Huttese comes to mind), and I do assume people catch this, but just in case someone didn’t, the final big conversation that Leia and Han have in her office occurs the afternoon before ESB picks up. The sensors she talks about are the same ones he and Luke are placing at the beginning of the movie.
Oh! Wait! I forgot my favorite one. I never come out and say it, and I don’t know if I even ever implied it, but in my mind, the reason the Falcon is in such rough shape at the beginning of ESB is because, after Leia and Han’s interactions go entirely sour, she stops helping with background repairs, which means Han and Chewie have more to do with just the two of them.
This was incredibly long! Hope that’s okay 😂
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mikithelibrarian · 2 years
Hey! Can request a reader × Lisoo plot, wherein, Lisoo are called to the army station regarding their spouse. They are worried sick and imagine the worst possible scenarios that might have happened to their spouse, since y/n works as a army general. But, upon reaching they see their spouse with a baby, peacefully sleeping on their chest and are informed that Y/N has agreed to foster the baby who's a war refuge. But this is one of the foster fail stories, where they adopt the baby as their own in the end, not able to get separated from the baby. ( Angst with happy ending).
P.S I love your works and it helps my body to pump more happy hormones in my system. 😇
Won´t Leave You - Poly! BLACKPINK Lisoo - GN! Reader
First of all, I'm so sorry about not updating anything in months. Life was just too much and whatever time I could dedicate to writing, the inspiration wouldn't flow as normal, and I didn't want to release something just because I had to.
Anyways, here's your request! I'm very glad you liked my works (And I hope you still do since this request was made around September...)
Anyways, and as some side notes; I've seen other writers put like a list of specific anons, naming them with emojis and stuff, should I open one and call you Captains instead of anons?
And of course, I will still update It Takes Two and AUs.
Extra Note: In this story, we’ll jump a little bit into the future. Jisoo and you will be around 35 years old, while Lisa is 33.
TW: Mentions of war, little bit of strong language (?)
Added code: (Y/CN) - Your Child’s Name (I made your baby gender neutral too, for you to choose what you wanted)
And as another extra note, while I investigated about military ranks and adoption processes, I wasn’t realistic about them in the story, not wanting to over complicate the story legal terms and all that stuff.
Now, onto the reading!
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When fate decides to unite different souls, it's difficult to refuse its calling
When they were called to the army base, they expected the worst, and the fact that you took a trip to the front lines to supervise everything didn’t help their nerves. It even came to a point that Lisa started shaking a little bit, crying in the van from time to time, she couldn’t lose you, both of them couldn’t lose you.
Now, imagine their surprise when they saw you there, at your office, asleep on your chair, and with a little baby sleeping on your chest as you leaned backwards. “General (L/N) is very tired as you see” The soldier that escorted them to your office whispered. “But after what they did, I guess they deserved this and months of vacation”
“What did (Y/N) do?” Jisoo asked in a low voice and with a confused tone as she only thought you were there to supervise some things, ‘just a routinary task’ you said.
“The General coordinated our last military operation, we won because of it”
Jisoo and Lisa didn’t seem amused by this new information, but before proceeding to kill you, there was another matter to attend.
“And who is that kid?” Lisa questioned.
“I actually don’t know a lot about the story” The soldier answered “I should let you discuss that privately, I’m afraid I’ve said more than what I should have, if you’ll excuse me”
As soon as the soldier exited the room, Lisa and Jisoo looked at each other and then back at you, debating if they should kill you or praise you, because: number one, you lied to them; number two, you came unharmed and with a victory in your hand; three, you apparently saved a baby and four, you kept the child without at least asking if they’d agree, although, considering you were in, this last point they could look over.
Jisoo walked towards you, while Lisa stayed in her place, and gently shook your shoulder, waking you up after some seconds. You slowly opened your eyes, still feeling your body as if you are carrying a ton of weight, but as soon as you saw the beautiful face of one of your girlfriends, all of it just vanished away… up until you noticed the frown in her face and knew you were lowkey screwed.
Then, you noticed your other girlfriend, Lisa, standing just a few steps away with her arms crossed.
Now… You’ve seen the face of death, met her in the eye and drank a coffee with her as you tell her all about your military career; you’ve been at the wrong side of a gun barrel and saw your life through the inside of a rifle up until it ended on the dim shine of the bullet just at the bottom of it… But nothing could beat the angry face of your partners.
At that sight, you whispered whatever defense you could think of. “Before you think about killing me, I have a baby in my arms who has already taken a liking towards me” None of them talked back at you, making your nerves to skyrocket. “Look, I lied, I actually…”
“We know” Lisa interrupted you. “Let’s discuss this at home” Jisoo nodded, and you sighed, already carefully planning how you could win their forgiveness.
“Start” Jisoo instructed you. The three of you at your dining room, both of your girlfriends across you as if they were judging you in a court, all while the baby was still asleep in your room.
“I was called by my superiors to coordinate the last advance of our army, it was an order, not a request. I lied because I knew how risky it was and I preferred that, if I died, you would just know about it all at once instead of torturing for weeks, making you wonder if I’d return alive or not” You put your hands together on the table, nailing your eyes on them, refusing to the meet the couple of stares in front of you. “I was wrong, I know and about that baby in our room… after our victory, some of my soldiers heard crying in one of the alleys and when they went to investigate, well, there was a woman, shot in the back multiple times but who still remembered to fall sideways so she could protect the baby in her arms. When I heard about that, I felt guilty, even if none of soldiers killed her, it happened through the course of my operation, so I offered myself to foster the baby while the government take care of all the papers and authorizations to look for adoptive parents” Sighing, you looked up and saw the small tears forming in their eyes. “I’m so sorry”
“You’ve never lied to us” Jisoo pointed out. “So as long as you don’t make it into a usual thing, I forgive you”
“I do too, but I prefer to know you are in danger instead of just knowing that one day, you’ll never come back to us” Lisa added just before some cries started to echo around the penthouse.
“I’ll see what they need” Jisoo and Lisa nodded before you stood up and went to your room.
“I’ll order food for the baby and…” Jisoo looked at Lisa and put her hand on hers over Lisa’s lap. “…I’ll let you choose their clothing” The Thai smiled brightly.
“I’ll do my best”
Some weeks have passed ever since, and your life had drastically turned. You were still working in the army, but you have been less diligent about it, trying to take most of your free time to think about (Y/CN), and yes, along with both of your girlfriends you named the baby, even if you were still fostering them, just like right now.
You were on your coach, baby in your arms and holding the feeding bottle to (Y/CN)’s mouth, Jisoo and Lisa looking at you in adoration.
“I’ll resign from the army” You suddenly said, still looking at the baby, leaving Jisoo and Lisa into a little bit of a shock.
“Why so suddenly?” Lisa asked.
“It’s not sudden, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, I just didn’t have the courage to imagine a life outside the army, but after what happened in the last operation, the blood that was spilled under my orders, I just feel that this is the right option”
“We’ll always support you” Jisoo smiled at you.
“I know” You stopped feeding the baby and saw how their little eyes looked at you, in pure adoration. You were their protection, almost by instinct they saw you as their shelter, their parent.
That moment would have lasted longer just if your phone hadn’t started to ring scaring the baby. (Y/CN) started to cry because of the sudden noise, making Lisa to stand up and take the baby off your arms and take them into your room so you could talk to whoever was calling you.
As soon as you picked up the phone and listened to the voice on the other side of the line greeting you, you knew what this call was about. So, you just greet them and let them talk as you closed your eyes, confusing Jisoo.
“Have a good day” You ended the call and looked at Jisoo. “A couple has started searching to adopt an international baby and adoption services want to give them (Y/CN)”
Jisoo just nodded and stayed quiet.
This was expected to happen, so, why did you feel like that? Broken?
“Look!” Lisa whispered-yelled as she entered the living room, with a big smile on her face. “I finally managed to calm (Y/CN) down” Jisoo and you looked at Lisa, her happy face breaking both of your hearts even more. “Did something happen?”
“Adoption services want to give (Y/CN) to a couple” Lisa’s smile suddenly disappeared, and her eyes fell on the sleeping face of (Y/CN).
No words were spoken afterwards.
That dreaded day has arrived. All the baby things the three of you bought were now packed and ready to be given to adoption services as soon as the ring the bell of your home.
Jisoo was carrying (Y/CN), looking intently at the baby while sitting on the couch, wanting to engrave their face in her mind, with Lisa and you on her sides, doing the same as Jisoo.
“I don’t want to let (Y/CN) go…” Jisoo whispered as her hand very gently caressed the head of the baby.
“I love you (Y/CN)” Lisa sadly smiled.
But you, you were quiet.
Back when you were training, you were taught not to care, to think rationally, to fight and to follow orders, not to against them; but how could you ever do that now?
It was cruel, wasn’t it?
One thing was to have never met (Y/CN), for their biological mother to survive, to never feel this kind of happiness and sadness.
But to meet her, feeling all these emotions and suddenly having to let her go, that was another thing.
The ring of your doorbell sounded across your home, Lisa and Jisoo suddenly tensing up at what that meant, but still, they did not let go, they wanted to hold onto (Y/CN) until the last second.
“I’ll go open the door” You offered and stood up without receiving any kind of response.
All that Jisoo and Lisa wished was to wake up, this had to be a nightmare. It felt too surreal, it broke them to a point where they were questioning why they would let themselves love (Y/CN) if they knew someday, they had to go.
When they heard the door open, Lisa put her head on Jisoo’s shoulder, seeking any kind of comfort.
It felt like an eternity until they heard the door close and some steps getting near them and stopping just behind them. They did not want to look, fearing that as soon as they turn around, they’ll people in fancy suits asking them to give up (Y/CN).
“(Y/CN)’s adoption process has started” Your voice brought with it the start of their worst fear, there was no turning back now, (Y/CN) was no longer under your care. “After some visits to the psychologist and some others from adoptions services for evaluation, they should give us the adoption certificate for (Y/CN)”
Did they hear correctly?
Give us? Us?
Both of them turned around slowly and noticed the lack of any personnel from adoption services.
“(Y/CN) is going to be our kid” Lisa was the first to react and run towards you, jumping into your arms and kissing you all over your face. Jisoo smiled brightly and looked towards (Y/CN), their eyes were open and looking back at her with that spark only (Y/CN) could have.
Jisoo stood up and went towards Lisa and you, getting as close to you as possible. All three of you looked at (Y/CN), finally, without any fear, you could call yourselves their parents.
Once you love someone, you give them a part of your heart, as a proof of that devotion; then, it is no surprise that when they leave you, it hurts like hell. A part of your heart has been taken away, it will take years to repair and even then, you won't be the same one ever again.
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ribombeee · 2 months
star wars and star trek for the ask game?
reverse unpopular opinions
star wars:
I LOVE LUKE SKYWALKER. truly one of the most well written transitions from idiot baby teenager in a stupid hat to the guy with the most responsibility in the world galactic legend Luke Skywalker or whatever. u would hardly notice he’s changing but if u were to finish return of the jedi and loop straight back to a new hope he’s so changed….. i love u luke mwah
also star wars original trilogy has some of the best set/costume/prosthetic/puppet design of all sci fi. extremely immersive worldbuilding that no star wars since has been able to capture. i feel like a lot of sci fi reeeeally struggles with the type of environments star wars thrives most in, which is like. normal people settings. rural farming towns. random ass bars. etc. as opposed to super epic or grandiose or technologically impressive places. the people of the original trilogy seem very integrated with the technology they use. 10/10
star trek:
if ive said it once ive said it a million times i love when star trek characters stare directly into the camera and say shit like if ur racist ur not only evil but also stupid and embarrassing urself. the extremely earnest bleeding heart social justice warrior snowflake nature of star trek is so crucial 2 its nature and i love it and its great. i love the optimism but also thoughtfulness and caution of star trek. there’s a lot of work being put into conceptualizing a future earth society that has vastly improved since our time, but also a lot of discussion of ways that society might be limited or its failures and downsides. no matter how fanciful or dreamlike a piece of tech is they almost always consider the kinds of new problems it could cause (take the elevator and come out two people etc etc)
as for TOS i love the campiness the experimentality and the creativity. yes there are many episodes of TOS that are batshit insane and notttt in a very good way. but thats because almost no two episodes of the show are the same/similar. dozens of sci fi writers contributed to this show that was, timeline wise, still pretty early on in the existence of our modern definition of sci fi. they were throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck and thats why it ended up creating so many foundational sci fi concepts!! and also. wheeeee shapes and colors. they had a ton of plywood some felt an eyebrow pencil and a dog in a hat. and a dream. and it looks so beautiful and silly. nothing will ever top the TOS mini golf course ass planets
as for TNG i do genuinely like that every episode has like 17 simultaneous plots. they never ever take the easy way out with TNG plots and most episodes end in a way u could never have predicted from the first 15 minutes. as a show its very averse to simple solutions and easy answers and i like that the characters are frequently making decisions that are difficult-to-impossible. but mostly i like all the silly outfits they put them in. now see them as detectives now see them as cowboys now see them in macbeth. a dozen 45 year olds that all value amateur improv more than their own lives. now see them play poker. now see them ride horses. these people genuinely work like 3 hours a day and spend the rest doing fuck all i love it. re: a society that has vastly improved since our time. we should all be doing tons of improv basically
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alexissara · 1 year
Gundam: The Witch From Mercury - Quick Review
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury or as we'll refer to it as Gwitch has finally wrapped and I wanted to share my thoughts quickly in the quick review format [written in basically one take with just all the points I feel like bringing up]. This is a show I'd watch with my Gfs and my Metamore every single Sunday for a while now and that's given it an extra special flare. I was captured by the stunning animation, great fights and the blooming of some lesbian feelings.
This 24 episode toy commercial is among the best in the Gundam series and is probably one of my favorite anime. However, it is a flawed series that I feel was really lacking in a lot of ways likely due to executives being worried about both having a woman be the protagonist of their warm crime cartoon and to have queerness be a center of the season.
The shows 24 episode length feels too short to tell the story that was being told, while individual episodes don't ever feel like they waste time there was not enough space for things to have impact and Miorine in particular feels like she is kind of just an object for the plot whose feelings vary depending on what the writers want. She isn't given the time to cook up an arc for her so she ultimately just serves the plot as a "I don't think killing is good" character. Still her romance with Sulleta is compelling even if it's not the connection to Sulleta that is my favorite [Sulleta sapphic polycule all the way really].
The show has good background music but it is mostly the same song. The opening and EDs are all really great songs. The mech designs are mostly super cool and they are in fact, great toy commercials. While I would never put together a model kit, I would and very likely will, buy whatever video games they produce that put Sulleta in the for front. It set up an interesting world I would like to see more stories told in.
The fights are all really amazing but the end does include one fight between broths that really muddles the rest of the plot to sell one more toy and it sucks ass. Still the rest of the fights were really Immculate.
The series does kill off most it's women who can pilot a gundam which is annoying because we see men getting to live. While the show does center a Lesbian relationship the most explicit romantic desires outside of Sulleta are expressed by men about women. In general the show puts a ton of men in the spotlight and keeps them in the forefront. It feels like the show was insecure about women taking the center stage so the rest of the plot is mostly focused on men. Women do get to do plenty of things but it still feels like we could have had more women taking the stage in battles. For gundam though, it's a decent amount of women in mechs. Plus Sulleta does get to be in a mech most episodes.
The show doesn't have a kiss in it, there is no kisses between anyone but the lack of a sapphic kiss feels bad. Like you can say "yuri doesn't do kisses" but you would be old if your saying that because I do quick reviews of Yuri manga all the time here and basically everything I am reading has kisses, a lot also have explicit sapphic lust, and increasingly even using the word Lesbian. This show instead opts to say "Gay Marriage is normal" in episode 1 and then never show anyone being gay who isn't the main couple, there are ships but every single known romantic connection outside of Sulleta and Miorine is a man's feelings towards a woman or a woman's feelings towards a man. Queerness isn't even off handily mentioned by anyone else. Still it is really nice to have them be gay married at the end even if we're not seeing the wedding or a kiss we do know for sure their married, that's explicit and they have matching rings.
Still, the show does offer us a lot of really cute sapphic ships. It also offers us a really good cast of women even if I wish they got to do even more. Chuchu is maybe my favorite gundam character ever, Prospera my beloved I will stan forever my wonderful wife, Secelia  is a bitchy queen, and a lot more are also bangers.
Politically the show nods to leftist politics but it doesn't really fully commit to that as it keeps giant companies around in it's time skip and it seems there has just been some kind of "balance" stuck where captalism is fine again. Even though the government is evil we don't fight it really. I'd like to see a show in this world that takes on the Space Assembly League. I guess the takeaway is buy Gundams, I mean Revenge is bad.
Overall, I really enjoyed the show Sulleta is such an endearing main character she is charming and sweet and strong and she is for sure my favorite MC of any mech anime and in general one of the best anime main characters of all time. I think the show is a great piece of art but short of a master piece. Perhaps these are the limits of a show that is a toy commercial. Regardless, I had a great time and I don't look forward to my wallet running dry on prints from fan art of Gwitch and Super Robot War games and shit.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hi! so i dont know much about 2008 finantial crisis, i think you mentioned something that succ fans should learn about it to understand economy better and all that jazz, so question;
would a good deep dive into it significantly improve the succession experience
do you think the show looses its full narrative when one is watching without understanding much about anything bussiness related, or is it more of a "if you get it you get it but if you don't its whatever" kinda thing
well im biased because this is what happened to me, but i think it's impossible to study 2008 in any depth and not come away with a profoundly cynical understanding of how finance and global capital works. like the way capitalism demands the use of risky financial derivatives (because it demands increasing profits, always) means that vast swathes of the economy are several layers abstracted from any material product or process; are essentially gambling games in which owners of capital can bet either side and banks can bet both; and are consequently at constant risk of collapse and meltdown because their normal mode of operation is fuelled by bullshit and confidence. it's like when you read about anna delvey, and then you realise the way she faked having wealth was essentially donald trump's entire business strategy forever, because you don't actually need to have money to be wealthy as long as you have a name or connections and banks are willing to keep writing you lines of credit. like it makes you a little insane to think about. words are just complicated airflow.
also i think there's a degree of intertextuality between succession and the big short specifically, partly by subject matter and partly because adam mckay directed the succession pilot and is still a producer on the show. and this is not me defending mckay (bitch ass liberal) or michael lewis (rules but also sucks) but i've always thought the succession ending is going to hit a lot of the same notes as the big short ending: here is a system that is fundamentally unjust, that puts working people at risk, and that runs not on some kind of mystical business genius but on brazen greed, reputation, and wilful ignorance of economic risk; the people who are granted access into the upper echelons of this system will not face consequences for participating in it, and they will continue to make the world worse and meaner as long as they are allowed to do so, by the state of deregulation and by capital's tacit reliance on such practices for its own continued growth.
business-wise... i don't know a ton about business honestly, and i think the show does a pretty good job of conveying the plot points you absolutely need to understand. like there are maybe some nuances some viewers have a tendency to miss (the psychological ramifications of stewy being in private equity?) but i think it's possible to get a lot out of the show without necessarily understanding the intricacies of business practices. this is hard for me to answer though because i guess it really depends on what baseline level of knowledge you're coming from here. i guess i would say if something confuses you in an episode, no harm in googling?
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing well and that your trip is good and fun. But holy shit, i hope you and your partner manage to stay covid free! I’m sending some healing thoughts to your SIL since covid absolutely sucks!
Also a few things i do have to say because you need to know (most of them i was told to tell you guys): we went to the doctor yesterday and he was proudly wearing his new shirt. Everyone found it hilarious and accurate portrayal of him/his year. And then he told the whole office (2 doctors and 3 nurses) that he is now famous on the internet because i told bunch of people about him watching the show. And the doctor who is in charge of his case (the guy who did the surgery lol), looked at me, pointed at him and slowly went ‘you made him other people’s problem?’ And my brother proudly said ‘Yes, she did! *realized what was said* heeeeey, i can be quite a delight, just ask the people on the no porn site’ (yes, that is how he told them about tumblr). And my brother wanted me to let you all know that his cast has to stay on for another week, so he is very sad about that BUT the big news that he immediately looked at me (in the office in front of them btw) and went ‘you gotta tell my new homies about this’ was that in two weeks he has his final check up with his surgeon bc he wants to do all tests one last time and then if all is good which they believe will be, he can officially go home and back to his whatever tf normal life is for him. So looks like I’m losing my two roommates soon. Shit will be boring ngl.
Then the other more important thing! My brother had your blog opened on his tag, but i guess he went to check out the rest of the blog because he walked in this morning and went ‘did you fucking know that they write stories?! About Brian and Blondie? WHAT IS THIS? AND THERES SO MANY FUCKING COOL GIFS TOO. LIKE SHIT TON OF THEM! I saw one where Gale was talking in that interview about Prom and Blondie from that panel and then there were gifs from the episode and behind the scenes with it! That had to take for fucking ever! Do people just make them all the time? See? when *puts out one hand* Fandom and *puts out the other hand* love, come together *puts his hands together* beautiful things come to life.’
So he is currently going through your ao3/bookmarks but i did tell him to read your other fics before the new one.. Btw he didn’t move from the couch for a few hours after he discovered it. His favorites so far are: we didn’t know we could reach the stars (he thought that one was a very accurate portrayal of what Brian and Justin would be like if the writers didnt ruin it), clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them (he really enjoyed that one btw. He especially thought the ‘not the first boy to jerk off to thoughts of Brian in this bed’ was clever as fuck and literally went ‘ooohhh shit’ when he read it)
and Youre like a tattoo (he gasped when he realized the plot and went ‘ITS REVERSED!’). And when he finally made it to your new fic he fucking lost it (he had a tiny report on it)
I did show him your replies from previous messages and here’s the message from the guy himself (read this as if youre listening to a very caffeinated person pacing up and down, for accurate pov): I was a breath of fresh air for them? Fucking hell, so this fandom is in like a hibernation, huh? I’m fucked, aren’t I? Well anyway, thank you stranger for very sweet words. I fuck with this person! I think we’d be friends. I FUCKING LOVE LITTLE EDIE! Me and (his best friends name) always quote the ‘It was quite the scandal actually. It was in all the magazines at the time’ in Jinx’s voice whenever some random shit is asked. Them and their spouse sound like they’re fucking fun to be around. Wait you gotta tell them I read the stories they wrote, i’m still reading other people’s shit, i have a lot to catch up to. But that one that isn’t done yet is fucking brilliant. I mean they all are but I read that one twice! I had to watch the reunion episode from season 3 because it made me all nostalgic when they got back together. It’s exactly how I’d like the show to be. Its nice to read and go mhm thats my bri bri, unlike in the show where it was not my bri but an imposter. I also very much fuck with older Brian who has a beard and glasses. Because he looked pretty as fuck in that little comic con video. I’m excited to see how they end it and i really really hope that they had fun writing these stories because i had a lot of fun reading them. Anyway, tell them, they’re fucking cool, their stories are fucking dope, i also really liked that one about them sharing their clothes AND THE ONE WHERE BLONDIE WAS THE SUGAR DADDY! I fucking told you that will happen..i was just wrong as to where. And im glad to see that the *lifts his cast* ally, is catching on.
PS, we both got all ‘awwww’ and a little emotional ngl, when we read your response how you’ve been thinking of us while writing. And just so you know we spent all day today discussing your fics (when he got to the cliffhanger, he went ‘i am once again being teased just like with the love confession’) and some other fics from other creators that he read and enjoyed. The man is in awe. Every time he’d read a new chapter/fic he goes ‘this is the best thing ive read’ over and over.
Hello hello hello dear sweet anon and brother anon!
Thank you for your well wishes. My SIL tested negative this morning so we are officially in the clear (and can abandon our masks). I think we did a good job being responsible within the circumstances. Luckily, my SIL’s symptoms never got bad and the cold I arrived with (was it a cold or an intense allergic reaction to cleaning my apartment and kicking up all that dust?) never evolved into anything more unpleasant.
I love that we’re not the people on the “no porn site.” And we do all think he’s delightful. I’m glad he’s recovering well and can soon live independently from you but I imagine life will be a lot quieter and less chaotic without him and feline BriBri.
Yes! Gifs allow us to relive every moment of the series, draw parallels etc. Let’s give a hand to @sophsun1 who is basically carrying the fandom on her back with her beautiful gifs.
I am absolutely floored by his reaction to my fics. Thank you so much for passing along the kind words he had. I’m glad he like the 5+1 clothes sharing fic (I have such a soft spot for it), and We Didn’t Know We Could Reach the Stars is such an overlooked fic (I forget I wrote it!). AND of course Tattoo was my beloved fic this year.
The fandom isn’t in hibernation so much as it is small and basically zero new content has been released in eons and so it is a small fandom with nowhere near the works produced that large currently or recently active fandoms have (tbh those fandoms intimidate me - I will read GO fic but joining a discord or writing fic in there? so scary!).
“It was quite the scandal really…” is the other quote I say to my spouse on hair wash / hair turban days! I like to think we *are* fun to be around. Especially if quote RPDR S5 is your idea of fun. Then we’re a blast!
I do have fun writing fics. I bitch and moan and complain, but I love writing them and getting to put them out into the world. I’m even more excited to write and post the last chapter of Fireflies now that I know your brother has read it. And I’m delighted to hear that he thinks I kept his beloved BriBri in character (if we ignore WTF happened to his character in S5).
I’m honestly a little bit emotional from your PS. I write fics because I love to write them but hearing that you’re sitting around discussing them? I love writing them but I do want an audience (otherwise I wouldn’t publish them) and there are fics out there that I feel that way about (written by other people) so for my fics to be that to someone… just, I need a moment and a tissue.
*makes fist* ally
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mamamittens · 1 year
Alright, ngl, I fully planned on writing this week but work decided it was time to do inventory again. At the literal last minute.
I. Hauled. Ass.
And tomorrow I'm probably going to be counting a fuck ton of shit sooooo RIP IG
Anyway, as a small apology lemme talk about the au of Sweet Child, Grow (now the nickname for "How our Seeds Grow"). And fittingly, I'll start with the name!
I actually didn't think too much about the name before rolling with that but it's kinda genius in hindsight because now the two read as "Oh, sweet child of mine, how our seeds grow" which sounds awful wistful don't it? And sweet. I like it. And it's very poignant considering the au is all about little reader growing up with the WBP.
Also! I did write a fair bit for the next chapter but it felt short and I thought I could more or less squeeze in a few chapters now that the narrator (child reader) is way less angsty about being kidnapped and not as observant so there's less wordage to get across here. And as I did I realized I accidentally wrote in a little plot hole in the first one.
See, reader's supposed to really love animals. But what happened to their den den mushi? The snail from the beginning? So I'm taking a moment to answer what no one has asked.
They didn't get to keep the snail until well after they returned since it's apparently pretty easy to convert them into 'phones' so to minimize shenanigans, they just withheld it until they felt they could trust reader.
And since in Grow the reader is just a scared kid, they get to keep the snail with a normal shell. Reader named him 'Cream' even though they weren't supposed to because it's not 'their' snail. It's the marine's snail. Little reader has gotten better at hiding how attached they are to their issued snail at whatever base they're on but not very well.
As a treat, here's a little snippet!
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Oh! And before I forget!
I'll try to remember y'all that asked to be tagged in the next update but I make no promises! If you're super concerned about it though as soon as it comes out you can also read not only Sweet Child but Grow as well on AO3! Or maybe follow the tag for the story??? Idk how reliable that is, I don't really follow specific tags on Tumblr ngl
AO3 is currently experiencing some minor issues (8/30/23) though, so please be patient if it won't work immediately and perhaps check back later!
Anyway! Thanks for being patient everyone, as well as the fairly positive-ish neutral reaction to my new rule concerning asks for updates! It's a lot less stressful thinking about which fics to update now that I have a hard line. I'm afraid the personal clash between pathological demand avoidance and people pleasing is incredibly uncomfortable to grapple with at the best of times. And it leaves me feeling like either a raging bitch or a doormat 😬
I'm hoping to get some writing done soon but with inventory in full swing tomorrow I won't be surprised if I just pass the fuck out when I get home. Istg I opened cult of the lamb for a quick sesh and next thing I knew it was 9 (my bad entirely. I know damn well that game is very hard to put down- always one last thing I can do before going to bed but it's never just one is it???)
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Speaking of which! I gotta go to sleep now lol
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ashlingiswriting · 7 months
the nations favorite writer - offer us any advice? going through a writers block rn
oh god i’m so sorry this took me so long, things got crazy for a second and i forgot 😭 thoughts below!
here (1, 2) are a couple posts that seem pretty helpful, but now i’m just gonna talk about what helped me with my last bout of writer’s block because i can still remember it in detail
again this is all just my own observations about myself because that’s kinda all i have—i’m no expert
i had too many other things going on and i did need to cut down on other hobbies a bit (in this case, i had to cut down on rp) because those other things all were...relatively small tasks and they took less time, so my brain would often go “hey what about this short and rewarding task vs this long and intimidating task?”
which goes hand in hand with training your focus—i think my phone really does impact that in a bad way. reading books helps with training focus, as does muscling through. i know muscling through goes contrary to a lot of advice, but it helped me. because a lot of times, i would start writing a scene and go, ‘wow, i hate this!’ but knowing that i didn’t have another idea of what to do, i just kept going until i realized why it felt wrong. and there were like...four or five different breakthroughs like that when i was writing my latest chapter. just ‘OHHHHHHHHH’ moments that i got to only after writing like a thousand or more words that i would not end up putting in the fic. it is NOT always like this but if you’re really blocked, sometimes it’s just cause you’re writing a genuinely emotionally complicated and crucial bit and your brain has to go down the wrong path a few times before it figures out the right one
part of that is figuring out what you feel about your current scene? like, sitting down and writing a certain scene, i would go, ‘no, this feels wrong, i don’t like it, i hate it’ and sure enough my instincts were right. it WAS bad. it was bad because it focused too much on the logistics and details of a side plot when i didn’t want to waste all that precious real estate and audience attention on something that was not connected to the core of my story. but i didn’t fully realize that till i was done. it was still good that i’d written out the long version, because it laid out all the information i needed (plus a bunch i didn’t, but still). idk. i love editing more than writing on a blank page. i love cutting more than i love creating. this may be a me thing.
could also be something went wrong earlier on, like your actual scene idea is quite good but you didn’t lay enough emotional or plot foundation for it to hit as hard as you want it to? reread your previous bits of fic and see if you can find the problem there?
i think peer pressure and/or friendship are huge for this—i don’t mean peer pressure as in ‘silly anti-drug advertisements where all the cool kids try to make you do weed’ i mean ‘hanging out in a community of writers & artists and/or with friends where there’s an atmosphere of people lowkey always working on their craft, whatever that may be’. because truly i think it helps keep writing top of mind & sort of normalizes the emotional struggles. plus the camaraderie is really nice! 
my current home of choice is the narcos fandom discord (which is only about 25% about narcos fandom at this point lbr) but i know there’s a ton of different places out there to be a fic writer in community with other fic writers, so take your pick. i will say that not every community is perfect and i think the ideal community strikes a balance between participation & low stress—that is, people support each other but they don’t feel like they have homework-reading they have to do that they’ll get penalized for not doing? yk? i’m rambling whoops
plus, getting a friend that is willing and HAPPY to talk through the fic with you—an editor, a beta reader, something like that—is a godsend. truly without bellinitini/narcolini i would literally not have even published chapter one of my current longfic. but the key is to find someone who genuinely is interested or who is willing to do a bit of a swap; you help them with theirs, they help you with yours.
and then there’s the audience for longfics, which may or may not apply to you. cannot lie, rereading comments, even for previous fics that are unconnected, is extremely motivating! maybe that’s just me! (i don’t think that’s just me) on that note, if you’re feeling real desperate you can always reblog ask games about your WIPs so that you can interact with your audience a bit?
you could always try to take in more art—that’s usually pretty refreshing for me. canon review is great, but taking in other stuff (fictional books especially) can make your brain start thinking in different ways, especially if your brain is a bit spongy like mine and tends to absorb little bits of other writer’s styles if you chug a lot of them. you could try to find books that deal with the same setting, the same themes, or the same relationship dynamics.
so for example, i read colorless tsukuru tazaki and his years of pilgrimage by haruki murakami in prepping for my next chapter of richiefic because richie references it in season 2. and genuinely, reading it made me understand his character a bit better. but i also have a character going to prison, so i have read some of the works of george pelecanos (the novel drama city and several short stories), because pelecanos deals with the justice system in a way that i think is admirably clearsighted, not melodramatic, very honest. i’m fixing to reread some of the parade’s end series because ford madox ford is, to me, one of the greatest of all time when it comes to complicated conversations where two characters are completely legible to the audience—completely understandable—while struggling through emotionally complicated conversations with each other. and i am about to try and get some more books set in women’s prisons + books set in modern day chicago. reading stuff with the context of “i’m about to write something related to this” is such a good way to read stuff, too. just feels really good and sometimes you need a positive feeling when you’re struggling through the depths of depair i mean writer’s block.
movies and tv are good too, though imo they’re not as helpful. i...personally avoid reading other people’s fanfic like the plague if they’re dealing with a specific pairing whose longfic i’m struggling to finish.
just putting it down and coming back in two-three weeks sometimes helps. couldn’t tell you why.
and finally. you could always drop the fic. it feels shitty for a while, but if the muse has genuinely left you for good, you deserve to enjoy the freedom instead of just like...struggling onwards indefinitely. this has happened to me with longfics before and it always makes me sad. but sometimes there is genuinely nothing you can do, and in those cases, forgive yourself <3 this is a hobby, after all
my top three recommended tactics, without knowing details of your situation, are: talk with a friend/editor, take in more art, muscle through. in that order.
i hope that helped??? i’m very sorry about your writer’s block, it’s the worst thing in the world. and i’m sorry that it took me so long, i need to be more organized
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azuresins · 1 year
*Builds a blanket fort, crawls inside, puts up a sign that says "Grelle Haters/transphobes do not interact with this post I am TALKING TO MYSELF PLEASE BE NORMAL THANK YOU*
This was pointed out a long, long time ago but it's never left my mind.
One thing I do miss about the anime adaptation S1, are a few of the filler-moments and Grelle interactions, specifically during the time when Grelle and Ciel were 'teaming up'... Ciel promised Grelle that if she helped him, Grelle could do anything they wanted with Sebastian.
And Grelle's immediate response was "...Even a kiss/kissing?" ... people, and even people who have worked on kuro content like the musicals, Season 2 (GODDDD), and other random material that's technically official... have been kind of quick to paint Grelle as this huge scary pervert, simply because what... They're outside of gender norms and that's what makes them predatory? Not that I dunno, they befriended a serial killer, and killed people who weren't supposed to die?
Ciel seemed pretty happy to allow Grelle full permission and access to do whatever they wanted with Sebastian and it doesn't really matter if he intended to make good on the promise or not, the point is all Grelle asked for was a kiss. They didn't ask to fuck him, some hot and steamy night or whatever (and we all know Sebastian fucks) they only asked for a simple kiss.
That's pretty innocent, all things considered. I think... she talks a big talk and walks a big walk, but she's probably a virgin, and after the laughs deep down she's actually extremely careful with her body, and who she takes to bed. IF she takes anyone to bed- I'm not actually sure she does, or not. I haven't seen a TON of fanwork, reflecting that very often and I can't say I blame fans for reacting that way because there's so much Grelle content out there but not much of it is connected to Manga canon at all... I just feel like that was a nice choice, on the part of the writers of S1.
It also warmed my stupid cold heart when Grelle stumbled upon a baby crying during the fire in london, and knelt to acknowledge it and tell it that she's not allowed to take it's life, just yet. People I think misunderstood that interaction and assumed they were being cruel or something-- I interpreted it as them acknowledging the infant and gently telling them, it wasn't their time, therefore it's possible someone else off camera rescued the baby and it got to live it's life. Some people are just really quick to assume the worst of them and I'm pretty sure 'degenerate' has been used to describe them before and I don't think that's fair, and I also don't see it.
When people pointed out in the past "but but but but Grelle tries to touch people without permission!" I take it with such a fat fucking huge grain of transphobic salt, because Madame Red full on rubs Sebastian's entire ass, RACHEL thought nothing of squeezing her own sisters tits, Sieglinde gropes Our!Ciel, I have NO idea whats going on with "Freckles/ Freckle Face" and their gender but they takes Our!Ciel's hand and make him grab their tit, and then there's all the filthy things Sebastian does. Not to mention the actual cultists/rapists, and kelvin who is an actual disgrace and sick fuck and Lao????????? I'm?????
Grelle all things considered is like THE LAST person in this manga I'd call a pervert. I know S1 isn't canon, and the plot kind of went off the rails... but I actually really liked those choices. PUT THEM BACK. 😠
In the manga and in official art drawn by Yana, I've noticed over the years Grelle has been drawn significantly more feminine, people who have never seen Grelle before can look at these pictures and not distinguish them from a cis woman... and I think that's a very nice choice, I just hope that we get more canon interactions with Grelle on a bit more of a personal level the way we did in S1, seeing as they're one of Kuro's more popular characters.
I find it an interesting choice that Othello has been just about the only character shown so far, that appears to be the most gentlemanly/respectful of her (and also hasn't tried to fight her/beat her lol) and for that reason... I think they're kind of cute, together and I hope they continue to be teamed up even if Grelle doesn't appear impressed or interested, I simply... can not unsee it. I am looking, I am NOTICING... very hard, and very respectfully in that ships direction even if it's kind of a rarepair and one-sided on Othellos part.
If William can stop beating her up for comic relief, that'd be great... but maybe I hope for too much. I think it'd be super, super, super funny if Grelle was gone for a few months, completed their transition and suddenly William fell all over his own ass and turned into a stuttering moron (because shes too beautiful) she was just, "Hiiii Will~ Gonna hit me again for filing my paperwork late? God forbid women do ANYTHING." And he was just. "Uh. --I'm.. -- No. That's enough. ////" I can see it very vividly in my head.
Anyway every time I talk about Grelle I get some weirdo in my askbox but I've been holding these thoughts in for quite some time...//////////
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