#nostalgia really is a liar
antheraea · 9 months
Flash Was Killed Because It Was Objectively Dangerous
I get it, I get the Flash nostalgia and the fondness for old Flash games. I was big on Neopets before they decided to ruin the art and make all the pets samey paper dolls to play dressup with (completely ruining the point of the far more expensive "redraw" colors like Mutant and Faerie and Desert). I have fond memories of Newgrounds games and I even managed to take a class for a semester in high school where I could learn flash.
But I also remember how terrible it was. And you should too.
Leaving aside all of the issues involving performance and inaccessibility (such as being easily broken by bog-standard browser actions like the back button, and its ability to modify web code AND OS code in real time likely broke a lot of accessibility tech too), Flash was legitimately one of the most dangerous web technologies for the end user. An end-user is you, or more specifically back then, child-you.
According to Wikipedia and its sources, Flash Player has over a thousand vulnerabilities known and listed and over 800 of these lead to arbitrary code execution.
What is arbitrary code execution? That's when someone can just run any commands they want on a machine or program that didn't intend it. A fun way to see this is in this infamous Pokemon tool-assisted speedrun where they manage to get an SNES to show the host's twitch chat in real time. It's not so fun though when it's someone stealing all the files on your computer, grabbing your credentials so they could clean out your Neopets account (yes, really, it was a pretty common concern at the time), and other nefarious works. Also, there was a time where it allowed people to spy on you with your webcam and microphone.
Oh and on top of all of this, Flash had its own "flash cookies", which could not be cleared by ordinary means and thus could be used to track users indefinitely, at least until Adobe slapped a bandaid over it by introducing yet another screen an ordinary person wouldn't know to use. (I assume this is how the infamous neopets "cookie grabbers" worked, so they could get into your account. This is mainly what I remember about using Flash back in the early 2000s lol) So it not only was a "stranger taking over your machine" concern, but a bog-standard privacy concern too, arguably a precursor to our current panopticon internet landscape, where greedy websites would track you because they could and maybe get some money out of it, facilitated by this technology.
When Apple decided to block it, it wasn't out of greed; Steve Jobs cited its abysmal performance and security record, among other issues such as an inherent lack of touchscreen support, and Apple cited specific vulnerability use-cases when blocking specific versions before they nuked it entirely. When Mozilla, who makes Firefox, decided to block it, it's not like they would've gotten money out of doing so, or by offering an alternative; they did so because it is fucking dangerous.
Your ire and nostalgia is misplaced. Flash was not killed by our current shitty web practices that ruin unique spaces and fun games. Flash was killed because both Macromedia (its original developers) and Adobe were incapable of making it safe, if that was even possible, and it was killed after third-parties, in an unprecedented gesture, collectively threw their hands up and said enough.
Well, that and HTML5 being developed and becoming more widespread, being able to do everything Flash can do without being a pox on technology. One could argue that you should bemoan the lack of Flash-to-HTML5 conversion efforts, but that requires asking a lot of effort of people who would have to do that shit for free...and if they have to run Flash to do so, opening themselves up to some of the nastiest exploits on the internet.
Nostalgia is a fucking liar. The games themselves I think are worth having nostalgia over (look, I still find myself pining for that one bullet hell Neopets made and Hannah and the Pirate Caves), but Flash itself deserves none of that, and absolutely deserved to be put in the fucking ground. You're blaming the wrong causes. It was terrible.
(specifics and sources found via its wikipedia page, which has a lot more than is mentioned here. and also my own opinions and experiences back then. lol)
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elfilibusterismo · 4 months
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i'll miss his crazy ass...
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"Things used to be better" in all its infinite variations is more often than not just factually incorrect or only correct for a specific audience or context (ie. "Raising a family on one income used to be easy" which i think is obviously a phenomenon mostly impacting white middle class information professionals). Which is like, fine in terms of posting goes, I don't expect everyone to be fact checking graphics from Twitter.
But it's also one of those thought patterns that is absolutely foundational for right wing reactionaries of all the scariest and most dangerous stripes. And I think the occasional times the thing someone is talking about IS actually at its absolute worst now is truly not worth the rest of the time being wrong and at serious risk of giving space to those kind of people
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hrina · 1 year
super happy i was selected for this job but also one of the first people i wanted to tell was him before remembering that we’re no longer speaking. but also fuck that man and i deserve better. but also… sigh
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shiptowreck · 1 year
cannot stop grieving for the past!!!
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 10 months
You didn't have the full experience of having your social media/pop culture manipulated and set for you if you don't recognize either of these men/hj
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insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
#why do I still feel like I need you so much?#I know nostalgia is a liar sometimes and all that but God it’s still killing me when it hits so hard like this#all I want to do is talk to you all day and have a really long conversation like we used to#I’d be willing to bet that even though today is a ‘lazy day’ for you I still won’t get more than 1-2 messages from you all day#I just don’t know what changed or why#and if I bring it up it’ll just start a fight again like last time so I’m basically never allowed to be bothered by this ever again#I still want what we had back and I hate that I want that so badly even though I know we can never have that again#I shouldn’t care this much and should be able to move on with my life but I can’t get my feet under me#I feel like I’ll always be begging you or someone else for attention and affection and whatever else for the rest of my life#I feel like I’ll never truly get what I want or get to be fully and completely happy/satisfied all the way around#my thoughts are a jumble and are all over the place and I’m just babbling at this point#but my chest feels tight and I’m holding back tears and this shit always hits me out of nowhere and I don’t know why it keeps happening#I don’t know how to stop feeling this way or distract myself or process it or move on#I can’t predict when it’s going to hit or what triggers it completely so I can never make it stop it seems#and it just makes me want you back even more which makes it all hurt worse again#I think of my girlfriend and how she doesn’t deserve a partner who’s still dealing with this shit and thinking about someone else#I feel so guilty all the time because I’m still thinking about you so much and I can’t get you out of my head#she’s the one I should be thinking about and feeling everything for#and we’re about 90% there overall so it’s not like I’m not trying to put all of myself into our relationship#it’s just that last 10% I can’t seem to fix and that’s why I’m so ashamed of myself#yet I still can’t move on from you and I don’t know why#you carved yourself out a piece of my soul and how do I get that back? I don’t know#personal
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on god i NEED to be kissed
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sirfrogsworth · 2 months
Froggie's Birthday Retrospective
My birthday was Tuesday, July 30th.
I turned 43.
And I was unconscious for most of it.
I started a new dose of medication and it did not go well. I was quite sick. I have been out of commission for most of this week and was unable to celebrate my birthday with all of my friends.
I was feeling pretty bummed so I decided to look back at pictures of my past few birthdays and hoped nostalgia would make me feel better.
And it did.
But you can never seem to get the sweet without the bitter when grief is involved. Despite the happy feelings, it was also a huge reminder of what I lost. And it made me really miss Otis and my parents.
These are such joyous memories and I am so grateful I was learning photography and was eager to document everything in my life. And I decided to re-edit all of the photos with my current skills and I think they turned out pretty well. So I'm going to share them with you and we can all celebrate my birthday virtually.
We start with me and Otis in our birthday headgear.
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And here is The FrogMom joining in.
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Seems I got a few presents that year.
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But no present can top a corgi trying to sneak attack with an ear licking.
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The next year I ordered some cool Batman birthday hats.
I did not get cool Batman birthday hats.
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I was a little grumpy about that.
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"Otis, we are doing our grumpy face!" "But I wanna be a pretty princess." "Okay, but will you do a grumpy face first?"
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Mom and Otis had a pretty special relationship. And seeing them together always tugs at the heartstrings.
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My good friends Sarajane and Erin came over for a birthday dinner.
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And I was trying out a new photography apparatus to help me get better portraits. Something called a "tri-reflector."
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So naturally I needed some test subjects volunteers.
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I didn't really know how to use it properly, so it mostly just made their necks brighter, but I got a few good shots.
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Sarajane made me one of my all time favorite gifts...
A Jayne hat!
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And another, tinier Jayne hat!
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Let's see if we can get Otis to wear that.
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Let's try one more time.
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You know what, I'll just wear the tiny Jayne hat.
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Everyone must wear a Jayne hat!
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"Hey Dad!"
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"Are you really asleep?"
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The next year, my good friend Brittany joined the fun. And someone gave her a knife for some reason.
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And my dad got very serious. So I used my very serious LUT on the photo.
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Such deep thoughts.
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Deep thoughts concluded.
Deactivate serious LUT.
My friend Ryan came across the country to watch me blow out a candle.
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Just so you know, I am not a 1 year old in this picture.
My mom found this in a drawer somewhere. It was the only birthday candle she had.
And then the next year it was just Brittany and Erin and Otis. We had a pizza party.
I asked them to do a Renaissance pose.
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And then ruin it.
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Renaissance pose...
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And then ruin it...
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I've had some pretty good birthdays with amazing family and friends. And I am grateful for those memories.
And I do plan to redo my birthday when I am feeling better. Perhaps I will finally try a real sushi restaurant instead of just getting it at Sam's.
In any case, if you are inclined to get me something for my birthday, I have an Amazon wishlist.
Froggie's Amazon Wishlist
I also am trying to build a new photography studio upstairs, and if you would rather help with that, these are some things I could use.
Froggie's Photography Wishlist
And I also have a PayPal and Venmo if that is easier.
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majimemegoro · 10 months
Kamurocho dashboard simulator
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🏵 tojoc0re Follow
nishiki was 27 years old???
🏵 tojoc0re Follow
he shouldnt have been made a patriarch the dragon of dojima would of been better at it :/
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📸 daily-mac-photos Follow
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#kamurocho #tokyo #tenkaichi street #japan landscapes #photographers of japan #travel #cyberpunk #not as zesty as my usual subject matter but #lmao pls reblog this i almost got beat up by color gang members taking this photo
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🦢 chinpiraposting Follow
my hungry ass can't be left alone with staminam x i suck those bad boys down like juice
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🚲 wackycyclist Follow
#the entitlement i see on this site sometimes is disgusting #y'all will just post about having easy access to bicycles??? #some of us had our bicycles wrecked in fights??? #vent #do not rb
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🗡 koinodiscoqueen Follow
I've talked a lot about this already on this blog, but I want to have everything collected in one post so next time some dipshit with a hannya hand icon slides into my inbox to call me a liar I can just link to this post. tl;dr shimano futoshi made my cousin feel realy unsafe while she was shaving his head, and here are the receipts:
Keep reading
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🚡 matsushigeboss-deactivated30190547
fr we need to stop letting twunks be in charge of anything
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🍜 i<3kazama Follow
i stg if one more of you tells me the old yakuza way is dying I KNOW ALREADY shut UP
#feel like pure shit just want cold noodles
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📖 kamuroscamwatch Follow
today's scam: Aha water (again)
Was walking down pink street when I got stopped by a barker who promised that all my problems could be solved..., long story short, anyone remember Aha water from the 80s? Well, they rebranded as AHA water (subtle, I know) and they''re back at it. I stalked the people who make it and they literally collected puddle water from the champion district to put in the concoction. I didn't really feel well after drinking it, but the overall experience was good because they totally tapped into that nostalgia. Overall a really solid scam. Stay safe out there kamurocho.
4/5 stars
#scamblr #aha water #1980s #scams #scam rating #safety #scam review
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👺 hannya69 Follow
batting center is a normal place to get nastay in reblog if u agree
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🚗 thepocketcricuitfighter Follow
Does anyone here still play pocket circuit? :)
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📈 reglarsalaryman Follow
wtf this guy just ripped off his shirt in the street and started whaling on some guys?? everyone else started clapping and cheering and I just went along with it lmao 😅 am I missing something????
#this is right after he sang a song and saved a couple from jumping off a building #he was glowing too.... #average night in kamurocho
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🐛 majimaunderlingbaddiebracket Follow
🔘 shinji-deactivated30190303
here y'all go again pitting two bad bitches against each other
🌀 jingusforehead Follow
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🌊 thugbaby Follow
everyone who voted minami is an arson apologist #nishidasweep
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🔥 businessboi Follow
fuck my job so much. everyone manifest an attack on millennium tower so I can go home.
🔥 businessboi Follow
by talos this can't be happening
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jadeoru · 1 month
liar's love.
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00: prologue -- masterlist
warnings: family issues, briefly mentioned religious trauma, smoking, slight alcoholism, unhealthy coping mechanisms, broken childhood, depression, self harm (burning skin with cigarettes), overall pretty angsty, you have been warned!
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She remembers when she was a kid; watching models twice her age strut down a pristinely clean catwalk, looking flawless. She remembers the flame that ignited within her, her eyes sparkled at her cheap television. It was old - older than her, and it frequently froze and glitched. She remembers battling the dust that rested on top of it, choking on it as she hit it with whatever was closest to her, trying to get it to work again. Static brought her a strange sense of nostalgia; the snow reminded her of cold evenings, barely back from school and immediately locking herself in her room. She’d stay up until the sun rose, over-analysing each and every model she saw: every move, down to the smallest of habits. She wrote down everything in a pink glitter gel pen, inside of her unicorn notebook she spent all of her allowance on. Before bed, she’d read through every note, with the television blaring in the background.
The noise created a shield, a blanket, that helped protect her from the outside world. To her, her bedroom was an escape. In her eyes, she thought it was normal; the shouting, the sounds of broken glass, furniture being thrown to the ground. She wasn’t aware that it was wrong, but it made her feel bad. Her parents shouted a lot, and although she didn’t comprehend what exactly was happening, she knew she didn’t like it. She was too young to understand the words they’d scream. Instead, she shrugged it off, waiting for the day her teacher would mention the terms; definitions. Unfortunately, ‘affair’, ‘alcoholic’ and ‘divorce’ weren’t relevant to her education. When the snow danced on the screen, and the low humming static snapped her back into her sad reality, she felt a pit in her stomach. She didn’t have the vocabulary to describe it, other than “painful, but not physical”. Whenever the aching feeling washed over her; found home inside of the deepest parts of her mind - where not even sunlight could reach, she’d reach for the remote, and fill it with noise.
She always liked fashion, although due to her financial situation she could never express her passion the way she wished she could. She remembers staring through the windows of designer stores, up the ‘rich people’ side of town. She’d take her mom’s phone, and take pictures of all the beautiful gowns that were on display. She was never really sure why she did it, she just liked looking at them; drawing them in her unicorn notebook and imagining it was her wearing them. She dreamed of the day she could wear those clothes. Unfortunately the second-hand charity shops in her town didn’t have the extravagant garments that she’d find behind those windows. Her fanciest dress belonged to an old lady before it fell into her hands. It barely even fit her. She didn’t like the life her parents put her in, but she wouldn’t dare complain. Her father, although he never had much to say to her, made it clear that her opinions weren’t worth his time. If she had a problem, he’d send her to her room, to ‘pray it away.’
She always had a weird relationship with god.
She remembers when she came home from school early one day, to the television accidentally left on. She didn’t know where her parents were, they were often gone. She learned not to question it. Instead, she took her shoes off, and curiously checked what show her mother left playing.
That was when she first discovered modelling, and quickly she fell in love with it.
The camera’s blind spots hid a lot of things from her, she realised as she got older. She learned much more when the camera’s stopped rolling than she ever did on tv. She was fooled by the tabloid press into thinking her life would become a life-long party. She thought she’d finally have the life she’d dream of; she’d earn her way to happiness. She never had much free-time. As a model, she needed time to ensure she was always in peak physical condition, to meet the demands of the job. As a freelance model, she used to spend up to eight hours a day in front of a camera. Sometimes she’d take a break, and enjoy a day to herself, but sometimes, that would make her think. And whenever she thought, the empty feeling from her youth revisited her. Which is why she worked hard, consistently; constantly. She buried herself in work, to distract herself from her cruel mind. Maybe if she worked hard enough, she’d finally feel fulfilled.
Luckily, when her career started to kick off, and her name started to get recognised, she found a modelling agency that would support and represent her with pride: the Tsugi Agency. They helped project her in ways she couldn’t fathom: booking frequent jobs, scheduling shoots, runways, interviews, everything she needed to boost her career to the fame she has now. They provided help and wisdom, encouraging her and helping her reach the confidence she didn’t know she was capable of having. She finally had the life she dreamed of as a kid. Her face was plastered on billboards all over the country, and she couldn’t step outside of her house without people recognising her face, knowing her name. It was weird, and there were plenty of times she felt as though she didn’t deserve any of this. Despite the fact that she was living the life she dreamed of,  it felt wrong. She distracted herself from those thoughts by working. She bottled up every negative feeling, just as she did in her family home; the static television filling the emptiness inside of her. She ignored her body's need for breaks. She ignored how desperately it needed to release the growing dread and sadness that she buried deep within her.
Instead, she worked.
She remembered the first time she held a cigarette to her lips; the smoke hit the back of her throat, causing her to choke. It was weird, and she didn’t like it all that much, but she didn’t stop. The smoke filled her lungs, providing her with warmth similar to a hug - it was the closest thing she had.  She remembers when her thoughts got the best of her, and she put the cigarette out on her skin for the first time. It didn’t hurt much, especially in comparison to the pain her mind brought her. In a way, it was relaxing. The light scars that accompanied the burns made her feel stable, secure. But the pain was only temporary, and the guilt that followed her after never felt worth it.
Eventually, that wasn't enough to distract her. Her shaky hands brought the cigarette to her lips, but the smoke no longer felt like home. It wasn’t enough to satiate the ache that begged to be hidden. The ache that only seemed to go away when she’d suppress it, burying it in other problems: Her sweet distraction. That was the night she tried alcohol for the first time. At that moment, when the bottle crashed onto the floor, shattering into shards that reflected the broken remnants of herself, she understood why there were always so many empty whiskey bottles next to the sink. As she witnessed her father’s drunken state, she remembers when she promised she’d never drink; swore to herself that she’d never end up like him. But, as the bottles began piling up in her room, she came to the cruel realisation that she was always her father’s daughter. Nothing could ever change that. Even as a child, she mimicked his coping mechanisms without realising; blaring the television, drowning out her problems - to the present, burying herself in work.
Her childhood habits followed her into her adolescence, providing her the comfort her parents failed to teach her. Eventually, when she stared into the mirror, it was her father’s face that stared back. As his angry eyes stared into her, her own screaming filled her ears; nails grasping her hair for stability,
She decided to give sobriety a try.
It ultimately made her worse.
There was only one person that understood her, and that was her stylist, Hitoka Yachi. She was younger than her, only by a year, and she was beautiful. She wasn’t as experienced as her in the modelling field, but her enthusiasm made up for her inexperience. She was great; the living embodiment of sunshine. She could light up a room just by entering it. In a way, she kind of envied Yachi. She wished happiness could come to her as naturally as it did to Hitoka. Her smile filled out her cheeks after almost every sentence, like muscle memory. She was one of the only people in her career that treated her like a human being, and not an object to shape and mold to their desire.  She always felt comfortable around Hitoka. When she saw the burn marks that littered her skin, in places her clothes would usually cover, (she was a model after all, she couldn’t let the media see her flaws.) her voice was filled with genuine concern, a tone she only heard a few times prior to that. A voice she never heard as a child. 
Yachi understood her. - in ways no one ever had. She cared for her, in a moment of her life when no one else had. They often spent late nights together; after a frustratingly eventful day. They stayed in her dressing room, and talked about every problem that crossed their minds. She opened up to Hitoka, and never once did she shame her. She was flawed; made so many terrible decisions, mistakes, and honestly spent most of her life being a terrible person, but Hitoka never  judged her: she listened to her, and understood. She saw through the mask she wore, she knew the fragile, broken person that hid behind it,
And yet she stayed.
“Hitoka?” her voice was low, almost a whisper. She turned her head to the side, facing her friend, who was lying on the cold floor with her, staring at the ceiling next to her. “Hm?” Her head turned too, a brief silence encompassing the room as they held eye contact. Her mouth opened, lips twitching slightly as she hesitated to speak.
“You shouldn’t be my friend.” Her words were certain; demanding. Her tone was like a warning. Yachi’s eyebrow raised, a small smile creeping onto her face, the same smile she never struggled to wear. The same smile that she shared with everyone, spreading it around the office like a breath of fresh air. “And why’s that?”
“Because,” she began, turning her head back up to the ceiling, “I'm a mess. You deserve to spend your time with someone happy. - like you.”
She laughed, loudly, it almost made her feel stupid; regret even opening her mouth to begin with. “I’ll leave it up to me to choose who I’m friends with, thank you very much.” she spoke matter-of-factly, elbowing her gently; playfully. “I want to be your friend.” Yachi added, noticing the uncertainty in her friend’s eyes. Her voice was significantly softer, she spoke her name like it was natural to her, like she’d been saying it all her life. She sighed in response, “I’m miserable. I’m going to drain you.” She briefly paused, before continuing, “I’m- I’m going to make you miserable.” She did a bad job at hiding the shakiness of her voice. 
She squeezed her eyes shut, both to fight the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, and to brace herself for the oncoming insults she would inevitably throw at her. She waited for Yachi to realise the truth: That she really shouldn’t be her friend. Although she knew it to be true, she silently hoped she was wrong. She was broken. She was an empty shell of a young girl that used to be so bright, so full of life, so passionate. She ruined everything she touched, everything she loved inevitably tainted by the infectious evil that nestled its way into her fragile core. Her life was a constant losing streak, and she prepared herself to lose the one person that made her feel normal; safe. Before she responded, she flinched slightly as Yachi grabbed onto her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.
“It’s okay, I won’t let you.”
Over the course of a few months, they quickly became best friends. They were inseparable. Finally, she had something in her life that made her feel valuable, and special. She had a constant. She had finally found the key to recovery; the lighter that reignited the fire inside of her that died so long ago. She found someone that made her realise she wasn’t a horrible monster that only caused destruction,
She was just young, and scared.
All good things come to an end. She knew this. She had everything good taken away from her, that’s just how things were. It always happened, no matter how hard she tried to fight it.  But still, she mustered up the wounded faith that was forced upon her, and prayed for a change. She prayed for God to take away her pain, and grant her the freedom and salvation that was ripped away from her.
As usual, he never listened. 
She remembers walking into her dressing room, coffee in her hand as she prepared for another busy day of shooting. She looked forward to seeing her; excited to talk to her about a funny encounter at the café she spent her morning in. She looked forward to seeing her signature smile; hearing her laugh that always made her happy. The laugh that made her laugh in return. But as her eyes scanned the room, there was not a single trace of her to be found. Instead, standing in her side of the room, was a tall man, with glasses hung lowly on the end of his nose. A man with dark hair, and a cold, focused gaze. Not Yachi. He had a clipboard in his hand, and was meticulously writing something down on it. Before you could even question the stranger, his eyes turned to you, and he quickly filled the suffocating silence.
“You must be Yn. It’s nice to meet you.” a fake, sickeningly polite smile plastered on his face. 
“My name is Akaashi Keiji, and I’ll be your new stylist from now on.”
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TAGLIST (open): @wyrcan @kawamarii @moucheslove @mollyrolls @t8tiana @eggyrocks @soobin1437 @dazqa @hibernatinghamster @starkyu @g0vernment-hook3r @giocriedpower
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gojos-fr-bae · 10 months
Liar pt.4
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Mother son power duo, angst, minute fluff, angsttttyyyy, not proof red
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Heyyy~~~, It's been a while no? I was procrastinating this for so long and had more to write but i'm too tired, smh. Hope you like it!
(Requests open)
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Year 2
You stood outside of Jujutsu Tech with your son in one hand and a large suitcase in your other. You planned on getting all your other belongings shipped to you later. You watched as principal Yaga ran down the stairs to greet you before his eyes landed on the small child’s big blue eyes staring up at him. Nonetheless, he still walked to you and gave you a bear hug.
“It’s so good to see you again!” He beamed. And you returned his smile.
“And I’m guessing this must be Kaito?” He said, smiling down at the shy boy who buried his face in your neck, clutching your t-shirt even tighter. “Not very social I see?” He smiled, thinking about how different his personality seemed to be compared to his father. 
“Let me help you with that” He said, picking up your suitcase as you began to make your way up the stairs.
“Thank you”
You walked through the entrance of the school and were immediately hit with gigantic waves of nostalgia. From when you were a student, your days as a sorcerer, and all the time you spent with your friends and loved ones. With Satoru.
You snapped out of your trance when you saw Megumi standing at the end of the long hallway leading to Yaga’s office.
You screamed, startling the child in your arms as your eyes began to water. You gently put your son down and made a sprint towards your (technically) first child. He opened his arms and caught you as you leaped into them, giving him the tightest hug you could.
You pulled back, giving him a kiss on the forehead and both his cheeks. Although he tried to hide his emotions, his eyes still held crocodile tears.
You bombarded him with questions and just as he was about to answer them, you felt something tugging on your jeans. You looked down at your confused baby boy who was making grabby hands at you. You picked him up before explaining the situation to him.
“Sweetheart, this is your brother, Megumi, don’t you remember him?”
He looked up at Megumi, still slightly confused before a bright smile spread across his face. 
“GUMIIII!!”He squealed in excitement, recognising him from all the video call they had throughout the years, reaching out to be carried by him.
Megs extends his arms out to him, holding him gently. 
"Would you mind staying with him for a bit while I talk to principal Yaga?” You asked Megumi
“Sure, no problem,” He said, throwing your baby up in the air, causing him to erupt in laughter. 
You smiled at the two boys before following Yaga into his office.
“Please, have a seat,” He pointed out to the seat on the opposite side of his desk.
You looked around the office, and your eyes landed on all the plushies strewn around the room. Some you recognised, others you couldn’t. 
“So, your back, finally,” Yaga spoke up.
“Yeah, it seems so,”
“And you would like to teach again? And work as a sorcerer?”
"Yea, but only if you'll have me," you responded with a small smile.
“Of course we would love to have you back, you know better than anyone how desperately we need sorcerers, my question is, why?”
“Kaito is getting ready to join kindergarten in three months, but money was short and I wasn’t sure how I would manage, but working as a sorcerer makes me way more than enough money to give him a good future,” you said, smiling softly at the thought of your son.
“Okay…that makes sense, but my second question is, does HE know?”
You knew exactly who he was referring to, the father of your child.
“I haven’t spoken to him since he was sealed and so I didn't really feel the need to fill him in I guess.”
“You understand that he’s going to find out one way or another, and that he has every right to see his child, not to mention that you two had never officially gotten a divorce and so are still technically married.”
You heaved out a heavy sigh, “We’ll get there when we get there I guess”
“If you insist. We have already arranged for your dorm. You will find your uniform in there as well. We’re holding a staff meeting tomorrow at 10am, make sure you’re there.”
“Yes sir,” You said in mock seriousness before thanking him and making your way out of his office.
You picked up Kaito, thanking Meumi for the help before you began to walk towards the dorm.
As you began to unlock, you heard footsteps coming your way before coming to an abrupt stop a few meters beside you.
You looked up and were met with a site you had wished never to see. It was Satoru, but not like you had remembered him. His eyes were sunken, bloodshot, and surrounded by dark circles. He looked unbelievably skinny and barely standing,  but with pure shock on his face, eyes so wide it looked like they would pop out of their sockets. He looks so…different and yet so familiar.
He knew it. He knew he sensed her. From the moment she crossed the barrier separating Jujutsu Tech and the outside world. And he sensed him too. His child, his baby boy. At first, he ignored it, opting to stay in his office and focus on his work and reaching the bottom of his Johnny Walker. But he just couldn’t shake the feeling, and truth be told, it was you. His wife…and his and his son.
He stood in front of you in pure shock. You looked so fucking stunning. Your hair was longer and tied back and you were glowing. Seems like motherhood was treating you well. And so was life without him. And his son, he looked JUST like him. He couldn’t help the small sense of pride that bubbled in him as he stared at the big blue eyes that looked back up at him, before his own drifted back to you.
He had missed you so, so much, and all of the pain that had been building up and buried over the past few years all came rushing back to him. He was about to run towards you before you put your hand up in front of yourself, signaling for him to stay where he was.
He watched as you mouthed the words ‘thirty minutes’. You slowly opened the door and disappeared into the room. He couldn’couldn't do anything but wait. And so… he waited.
You had to hide, take Kaito away. You didn’t want him to be there as you confronted his father. Your past. The love of your life. A stray tear rolled slowly down your cheek. You didn’t even notice until you felt a small chubby hand against your cheek.
“Mommy? Why you cwying?” Kaito asked, concern evident on his face.
“Nothing my love, sorry. Now come on, let's get ready for bed.” You said, placing kisses all over his face before making your way to the dorm's bathroom. Mentally preparing yourself for the rollercoaster that stood outside the room’s door.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Edit: I final edited this, I reread it and realised I just, forgot to add some lines, like I said them in my head but didn't type them out😭 this should make more sense now.
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here
© gojos-fr-bae
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ef-1 · 11 months
WHERE is the AD18 post you liar 🤕 jk ilysm pls take your time I'm just curious
let me preface this by saying that there really wasn't anything notable about AD18 (Fernando was "retiring" but we knew that for months in advance, Charles was replacing Kimi at Ferrari but we knew that for months in advance, it was Daniel's last race at RB but we also knew that for months in advance etc) most of what I feel about that weekend is probably nostalgia but. It was the ✨️vibe✨️ the vibe was so immaculate. Drivers used to say that the last race of the season feels like the last day of school but 2018 really just captured that sentiment, no one wanted to be there but in the best way possible you know?
Formative event for me personally was Sebastian and Lewis trading helmets. I think what makes #sewis compelling now is how far they've come. But how far they've come also has the added disadvantage of neutering and sanitising what Seb and Lewis were back in the day. I mean 2018 literally started in Aus with Lewis telling Seb he wanted to wipe the smile off his face. At the beginning of 2018 Lewis was a 4 time champion, tied with Seb. Seb said again and again and again that he had a vested interest in Lewis not winning anymore championships, for his sake and for the sake of protecting Michael Schumacher's record. Anyway it was like. WILD and heart-warming and a very big deal
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Re: Fernando retiring. So like. At that point, his last race of his career*, Fernando had already shat on McLaren in literally every fucking conceivable way, calling the engine an f2 engine (gp2), when asked about the very expensive updates on his car he replied "feels good. Much slower than before. Amazing". And ofc in AD18 he couldn't leave without one last jab, his race engineer was trying to gas him up to fight for p10 and he's like "you can fight for that 1 point ☝️ Fernando🔥🔥 1 point is on the table💯" to which he replied "👹I HAVE 1 THOUSAND AND 8 HUNDRED POINTS⁉️👹"
Re: re Alonso retiring, they painted him an ugly ass mural (support artists pls but it looked funny) in the driver's meeting room and during the important drivers debrief while Carlos was giving a lecture about safety or something Daniel lost it and Fernando filmed him losing it
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nothing will ever go harder than this im afraid + obvi it was the champions sending Fernando off with 🍩 but fate is a fan of aesthetics so Kimi who was supposed to do donuts with them retired from the race (I think it would have thrown off the composition of the photo with 2 red cars so I'm glad)
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Lewis offering Seb a Monster and Seb replying "I prefer Red Bull" (<-I Died that day)
During the last Team Principal conference of the year, of course they sat Christian and Cyril next to eachother. And of course they asked him about losing Daniel and the renault engine, to which Christian decided the best way to answer that question is to remind Cyril that while they're both basically the same age, when Christian was the youngest TP in F1, Cyril was working in the kitchen 😭
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In conclusion it was chaos and I loved it so much and it will forever hold a v special place in my heart
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medialog july 2k24
the seven samurai - classic that holds up IMO!! like lawrence of arabia, one where you can see why basically every person to make a movie since cites it as a formative influence. lots of really beautiful shots but what really stood out to me was how human it felt - small scale but not in a way that means "minor," in a way that emphasizes that even the smallest of scales is everything to the people living it. every character feels so real and carries such a sense of a life lived, thanks to both the writing and the absolutely wonderful performances. it feels so empathetic and compassionate and warm even though it's ultimately a war movie - one of those movies where you get the sense a fundamental love for humanity is one of the animating creative impulses. also toshiro mifune, one of the hottest people ever to live, spends the back half of this movie, to quote nick, dressed like hercules with his ass hanging out and it's incredible.
tank girl - every single Look and Aesthetic in this movie is an absolute 100/10 and lori petty is a foul-mouthed delight, but wow was I not prepared for how much of this movie is about the discovery of a secret underground society of kangaroo people
megan whalen turner, the thief - a pair of friends of mine basically shoved this into my hands when i was at their apartment with the promise of great craft & an ending that goes crazy. the first in the series of six, this one is more or less a sturdy and fairly straightforward middle-grade adventure story, and while it was at times a little heavy on descriptions of the characters making their way across various types of terrain, overall my interest was sustained by a few things: a clean, deliberate writing style that washed me in nostalgia for the middle-grade classics of my own youth (which this could have been - it came out in 1996 - but somehow i never came across it); a setting deliberately out of any real historical time but clearly influenced in Vibes by (among other places) ancient greece, which contributed to the nostalgia; glimpses of a convincingly rendered mythology (and the fascinating choice, which continues throughout the series, to render the characters' occasional glimpses of the actual divine as more unsettling than anything else); and a wonderfully compelling set of characters, above all gen, the book's narrator and the series' central character (although not most of the books'), who as i said a while ago is a classic blend of clever, brave, and incredibly annoying to everyone he meets.
monique wittig, the straight mind - collection of essays by a french lesbian feminist/theorist i first heard of, to be very honest, because adele haenel was one of the panelists at an event at the local french bookstore and i wanted to see her in person, lmao. the first essay in the collection opens with a call to abolish the concept of sex, which is one of those claims i'm not sure i actually endorse or even fully understand but find really invigorating to read, all of which more or less applies to my experience of the collection as a whole (including the part where i was not sure i was always following it). i did particularly appreciate her interest as a writer (she was a novelist as well as a theorist) in language and the role it plays in upholding gender/the work of imagining a way to play a role in dismantling it. and i found her general rejection of "the myth of woman" quite bracing.
rick emerson, unmask alice: LSD, satanic panic, and the imposter behind the world's most notorious diaries - i heard about this book on an episode of you're wrong about before i stopped listening and it was in fact an incredibly entertaining and fascinating bit of light nonfiction about a truly bonkers episode in american publishing history. go ask alice is the obvious draw here, but a large chunk of the book is devoted to "editor" and professional liar beatrice sparks's follow-up, jay's journal, which emerson reveals to have, in fact, started as the actual diary of a suicidal teenager whose family entrusted it to her in the hopes that their dead son's pain might somehow be able to help other families prevent similarly tragic outcomes... only to have sparks expand his few dozen entries into a story of the absolute most insane satanic panic ground zero nonsense (this book predates michelle remembers!), but somehow leave in enough identifying details that everyone in the family's small mormon town knew exactly who it was about. truly truly monstrous and if emerson sometimes veers a little close painting sparks as a cartoon villain, it's honestly hard to blame him given how much time he spent contemplating this unbelievably heinous act.
courtney summers, i'm the girl - the simplest way to describe this book is to paraphrase the author in some interview i can't remember as a story about a girl who confuses beauty for power because that's what the world has told her is true; it's emotionally rough but highly readable, and as always i just so admire summers' lack of interest in morality tales or lessons learned, her keen understanding that having a sixteen-year-old being groomed come suddenly and fully into a perfect feminist analysis of what's happened to her would make the book more palatable to some but ultimately be a betrayal of the character she'd created. summers has alluded in her newsletter to this book, loosely based on research about the epstein/maxwell case & the testimony of their victims, closing the chapter on the first arc of her career as a writer - eight thorny, painful novels about interior lives of teenage girls struggling with themselves and the world they live in - and it feels like a fitting capstone, one that both calls on the skills she's developed over the years and feels like it digs even more deeply than the project into an area of interest that feels fitting for an author who started writing YA in her early 20s and is now in her late 30s, namely, how to write a book that makes space for real empathy with a young person naive enough - some might say, and indeed some have said, stupid enough - to be well and truly taken in? (and i think one of the smartest things the book does is foreground early on how badly its protagonist doesn't want to be thought of as stupid, which is part of what makes her vulnerable and part of what makes processing the reality of what's happening to her so difficult.) also, despite the fact that romance has never been a huge or simple part of summers's novels, she's always had a knack for crafting a YA dreamboat love interest, and as someone who it turns out was figuring out her sexuality in her 30s around the same time summers was - it was great to see her do it again but this time with a girl :)
ted chiang, exhalation - my friend recommended me this because i was looking to read more sci-fi short stories but running into my perennial problem with sci-fi which is that frequently the writing is bad. ted chiang is pretty good! i liked how much he clearly conceives of or intuits that form & story are one and the same - almost all the stories in this collection take the form of a document that has some in-world reason to exist, which keeps the style feeling fresh and which he often uses to merge character work & sci-fi concepts in a cool way (as in a story with the fascinating premise that creationism is real but earth is not god's favored planet). it was unfortunate that the longest story in the collection was by far my least favorite, being both the most subject to sci-fi bland prose disease and focused on a concept it is impossible for me to muster interest in (the ethics of digital sentience... they're pictures on a screen...). the last story, the only other one written in the third person, suffered a little stylistically as well, but made up for it with an INSANELY good premise, which is that it's a multiverse story focused on a variety of psychological challenges people might have in response to learning for sure parallel universes are real - there's a support group for people addicted to checking in on their parallel selves! that's the most awesome multiverse concept i have ever come across.
evelline adams, astrology for everyone - astrology got less fun when the ratio started shifting of people viewing it as A Fun Pretend Thing to people taking it very seriously, but i do retain the same aesthetic appreciation for the particular kitsch of vintage astrology writing that i did when i borrowed this from my friend several years ago.
patrick radden keefe, rogues: true stories of grifters, killers, rebels and crooks - a collection of 12 of keefe's new yorker #longreads that i read because (a) i liked empire of pain, his book on the sackler family, a lot (b) i'm trying to get back into my library ebook habit to keep me away from Scrolling and hopefully learn some things and substantive-but-still-easy-to-read journalistic nonfiction is my favorite genre for this purpose because i don't feel i lose anything by reading it in 5 minute snatches while waiting for the train, and (c) his other books had all the licenses checked out. anyway this gave me what i wanted! i think my favorite was the one about wine fraud just because i think wine fraud is funny because anyone shelling out crazy money on wine deserves to be scammed so it's basically a victimless crime. the book closes with his profile of anthony bourdain, which is a really lovely read although incredibly sad in retrospect because bourdain comes across as so full of life and would die the year after it was published.
megan whalen turner, the queen of attolia - book two in the series, and everything is growing up a bit, as we shift from an adventure story to a war story, from gen's narration to an expertly deployed omniscient/shifting third, and from an irrepressible protagonist to one Truly Going Through It. this book kicks off strong by opening with a set of circumstances that permanently and painfully changes gen's circumstances, and the question of how he's going to process this and move forward drives a lot of the emotional suspense of the book. it also upends our understanding of a character introduced in the first book en route to an absolutely insane romance that shouldn't work but in its quasi-mythical context absolutely does. i tend to prefer hard copies for fiction, but starting here and for every book after i got to the end and went straight to the library app so i could keep going.
megan whalen turner, the king of attolia - THIS BOOK SLAPS SO HARD IT'S UNBELIEVABLE!!!! at first you're like, WHY is the narration primarily focused on some random no-name member of the royal guard we have never met before? but then you realize it's so that the entire book can be propelled by the dramatic irony wherein we, readers of the series, know gen well at this point and also know exactly how and why things went down the way they did at the end of the last book, but almost no one else does and (partly because of the ways he is annoying) many assumptions are being made... so a lot of the "suspense" in this book comes from, like, when is this new guy's understanding of gen going to start aligning with ours? it's soooo cool and something i don't remember reading in a series before (although i don't read a ton of series), and this book is, like, relentlessly entertaining on its way to its insanely satisfying conclusion, and also contains two of the most romantic paragraphs i have read in my LIFE despite the fact that the couple they center on barely appears together in the book.
megan whalen turner, conspiracy of kings - we catch up with a character from the first book who's been having a rough go of it and now needs to toughen up a bit in response to his circumstances. i think as a novel this is maybe the weakest of the set but as a character i love my sweet baby sophos so much i would have read 500 more pages. also contains one of the DUDES ROCK scenes of all time.
megan whalen turner, thick as thieves - this one picks up with a minor character from book two that i was happy to see again, because he really punched above his weight in terms of interest. it kind of combines the adventure-story of the first book with the dramatic irony as suspense of the third, and both the narrator and the central dynamic between the two main characters are delightful. this book has the least gen of all the books and i did miss him but it was funny how intensely his whole Deal hung over the circumstances regardless, and also despite the fact that the ending of literally all of these books so far has involved the reveal of some five-dimensional chess magic trick, so to speak, and thus i knew logically it was coming, i once again found myself so swept up that i was fully :O when it all went down.
megan whalen turner, return of the thief - an incredibly satisfying ending to the series, even if it left me sad that it was over! as was often the case with these books, it was, like, so satisfying that part of me almost felt like it should feel like cheating... but it didn't and i was just so happy to be there rooting for all my close personal friends. also the narrator of this one is a new character who is both physically disabled and nonverbal, and a) i thought that was generally pretty cool and the way the text engaged with people underestimating him was interesting and b) the descriptions of him as a kid being fascinated by triangles & numerical patterns was THEE most endearing thing i have read in my life.
willow, empathogen - i don't know why willow decided to put out the best tori amos record since scarlet's walk? but i'm glad she did, because this album rocks! (and, like, seriously, if you're a tori person, you owe it to yourself to check this out - the influence is strong and undeniable, IMO, and on its own merits the album sounds gorgeous and takes you on a rich and textured sonic journey, even if you do maybe get the sense that being the very rich daughter of two incredibly famous millionaires in the entertainment industry is an impediment towards having all that much to say as a lyricist.)
anna di resburgo - my friend had an extra ticket to a short-lived production of this, the only surviving bel canto opera by a woman (recently assembled for performance from its discovery in some archive). it was only her second aria and as per the program notes kind of flopped, possibly partly due to its thematic similarity with another opera first produced around the same time by donizetti, by then an acknowledged master of the form while di resburgo was a novice (she had previously composed one opera, which has since been lost, and none after, although iirc she did some other composition) (also disclaimer that i know very little about opera, like just barely enough for all that to kind of make sense to me lol). anyway the work is uneven and (as my friend pointed out) oftentimes the music, while pretty and sometimes interesting, is at odds tonally with the plot - the plot is in theory quite dramatic with life-or-death stakes but for much of the runtime the music feels more suited to a farce - and the libretto is... not a piece of well constructed drama overall or scene to scene or line by line (there are some, like, accidentally comical exposition dumps along the lines of "father, do you remember that mysterious orphan that showed up on our doorstep all those years ago?"). but it was not without its highlights, and we agreed that as a second outing it showed promise we wish the composer had received support for the way men with similarly Just Alright second operas did.
inwood shorts - we went with some friends (actually the same friend as above) to see some shorts by local filmmakers at a place in inwood with an incredible view of the river featuring on that day an unbelievably gorgeous sunset and while nothing really wowed me a nice time was had by all & there was a big laugh in the crowd when the guy in a short giving a little "tour of my neighborhood" schtick said "for a while i lived in this place upstate called yonkers." :)
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discotitsposts · 5 months
true genius-
my actual favorite episode ever ever ever I’m SO INSANE FOR THIS EPIDODE
this is like the first one o watched on my own ITS SO GOOD
reid centered so yayy
this is how i fell in love w him
spoilers ahead
lol typical making out in a car
the zodiac killer case is so interesting like wym dude never got caught
“yes a fetish for trees” HES SO AWKWARD I LOVE YOU REID
lol this guy runs a company
The way if reid was at a conference i’d run and be listening to every word
awww reid’s sad :(
rossi lol “no way” yes way
this is so interesting like how did bro get the original artifacts from the real case (i know how he did it)
reid reid reid!!!!
imagine if spencer knew how many people love him and write fanfic about him LMAO
he’d be a little terrified let’s be honest
but just a little
“three can keep a secret if two are dead” i thought this was criminal minds not pretty little liars
i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve seen this episode
like this is MY episode i claim this one lol
bros playing chess on break
lol enlightening
he wants the printed out version of the paper 💞💞
the way spencer just knew this wasn’t the real zodiac killer is why i was like this guys great 💞💞💞 my heart
it’s so funny because i’ll be watching this show and this is my view
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the barbie’s r like wtf
lol reid ended this guy
LOL his presentation
“your soulmate is standing before you now” is he talking about the lady or himself
i remember originally watching this because finn wittrock but fell for spencer/matthew instead lol
i like this detective from the local pd
“where do people find the time” lol reid
dr spencer reid i love your mind
“youre not as smart as you think you are” 😫😫😫💞💞💞SIR IM STUPID FOR YOU 💞💞💞
y’all have to see this
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dude has a detective board
lol he thinks she wants to call off the wedding
bro she doesn’t want you
“How old are you 29,”
nikola tesla my beloved
emily lol
doesn’t he accidentally see a pattern lol dudes so smart
emily’s little smile lol
for he
god he’s so smart
the problem is i think i could understand the code and idk my iq but it’s prob not 160 or above
how do u even calculate that shit
reid’s face is perfect
the taxi driver, didn’t he kidnap the best friends wife from the back of the cab
i don’t think i made this very clear but this is my favorite episode EVER
i’m gonna fucking bite spencer if he keeps being so adorable
finn ain’t no angel in this
vegas!! matthew’s hometown
mY leg itcjes
i also would like to catch the zodiac
staring at nothing
best friend activities
i need him now
aDmiT iT yOure HaVing FuUuN
i literally can’t get cozy
listening to him💞 💋
no matches
doesn’t he plant a piece of evidence
they found him
o love when reid comes up behind him
bro kidnapped his future wife
it’s spencer reid’s world we’re just living in it
bro said “sanctimonious” wtf does that mean
“not really” 💞💞💞💞💞
the vest 😫😫💞💞
i don’t think harvey here is going to shanghai anymore he going to jail
SULPHURIC ACID dude that’s insane
LOL REID “i’m sure he’ll send you a postcard”
spencer reid you’ve made the biggest difference in my life 💘💘💘
lol morgan the way he’s in his 40s now😭
awww him blowing out the candles he looks so happy
the end
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Given the consistent nostalgia for 80s movies (Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Fast Times at Ridgemont High) and America's fascination with shows set in classrooms (Euphoria, Riverdale, Pretty Little Liars), I think that an animated adaptation of Dimension 20: Fantasy High: Freshman Year (voiced by The Intrepid Heroes) would do absolute numbers. It's got action (combat episodes), drama (Kristen and her parents, Fig and Gilear), romance (LGBT, Hetero and whatever the fuck Fig is up to in Season 1) and, on top of that, it's a mystery that you can solve if you really pay attention.
Plus, imagine how much more depth the Intrepid Heroes could bring to these characters now that they're in Junior Year. Relationships would be flavored differently, arcs could be foreshadowed (like Fabian's dancing) and characters could be introduced for future seasons much earlier.
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