#not a single braincell was used drawing this
lace4forest · 16 hours
The Legend of Zelda Forgotten Songs
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We've recently been drawing on Stream, so we ended up making a Legend of Zelda AU. (I'll post the stream vods on my channel later)
Basically Din and Farore decide to mess with Nayru, and shuffled the Triforce pieces.
Anyway! Zelda, the Hero of Songs, needs to search for the Forgotten Songs lost to Hyrule, to bring light back to the Kingdom. She teams up with Link the bard and the two travel together. The Scholar King Ganondorf of the Gorudo is trying to take over the Kingdom of Hyrule and bring silence and darkness to keep the Kingdom under his control.
The Nicknames Zelda - Song (Songs) Link - Lute Ganondorf - Cacophony
Rabbit hole time!
Zelda is the Hero of Songs. She has the Hero's Spirit, and was given the Triforce of Courage!
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Zelda is a menace to society. Yes. She fights in this dress, and she is GOOD AT IT. Her "Roll" is a little jump and spin. She also is a very physical character, she doesn't use a lot of magic Items, and don't let her looking frail fool you, she is very strong. (Yes Zelda has the Master Sword)
Link has been nicknamed Lute. He isn't fully Hylian, he is only half! The other half is Siren! He is a Bard. He also has the Triforce of Power! (Think of Zelda 2 btw) So the Northern Palace? Everyone remember that place? Yeah, Link's house is on the beach north of there, he has a cute little beach house, and also has an under water one (Because Siren/mer fun stuff)
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Now Link here is a little Uncanny, right? Well, literally EVERYONE in town think's that. That's why he lives out by himself on the beach. He does go into town and play music for money, and he's really good! (Because Siren) and people ALWAYS PAY HIM- (Because SIREN) He doesn't do anything bad tbh. Lastly, Link uses the magic Items here, he is also holding onto the Interments and sheet music they get from the Dungeons! (Looking for the Forgotten Songs of old to save Hyrule)
Now, Link and Zelda are besties, Zelda was traveling past his house, and she just wanted to see who lived there, met Link, liked his weird vibes (Literally all her guards were like NOOOOO SIREN BOY- But Zelda doesn't know) Also, Zelda gave Link Anxiety. (Zelda "No Fear" Hero of Songs traveling with the Siren Bard Link the Lute player)
OH! One last thing, Zelda doesn't know Link is half Siren. She just knows he has funky vibes and she likes the funky vibes. Someone (Villager) will be like "That is a Monster" and Zelda will be like "THAT IS MY BEST FRIEND" (Holds Link's face) "NOW SAY SORRY TO HIM" Villager - "....sorry" Zelda doesn't care.
(another link thing, sorry, that hair? that short hair? Yeah, No. That's an under cut, he has long hair, its just brained and stuffed into the hat)
LASTLY we have Ganondorf! He is cousins with Zelda, and he holds the Triforce of Wisdom! Ganondorf want's to take Hyrule, and he knows he is right behind Zelda for the throne, so all he needs to do is Kill Zelda! (He tried to just hire a guy to shoot her with a cross bow, the guy shot, Zelda cause the arrow, AND THREW IT BACK- NO BOW- and Killed that man.) Ganondorf had to think a little outside the box. His list of Priorities goes 1) Kill Zelda, 2) Kill Link and 3) Take over Hyrule.
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Now, Ganondorf here is SMART. (Nicknamed Cacophony) Ganondorf and Zelda are Cousins, and they are pretty close. Their relationship is VERY complicated. Like - Someone talking crap about Zelda in front of Ganondorf "HOW DARE YOU SAY THOSE THINGS!" Person - "That is your Mortal Enemy!" Ganon - "THAT IS MY COUSIN!" (Zelda does the same thing)
Link and Ganondorf also have a complex relationship, they have an emotional support group for talking about the crazy things Zelda did and the two just need a moment to reassure they are normal and it's just Zelda being weird.
Also Ganondorf is a magic user in this AU. He tries to outsmart his opponents when need be. And in this game he is fighting Zelda and Link, who share a single braincell. (I love those two so much oh my gosh XD)
The Dungeon's in the game would be actually kinda hard, relying on your ability to remember things and a LOT of Puzzles. The beginning you can just switch between Link and Zelda to figure stuff out, one being in another room and yelling the answers to the other type of thing. But as the game goes on (After Dungeon 3) Link will become unable to get into the Dungeon without Zelda finding the Interment inside and summoning him inside. (There will also be a Dungeon where you do mainly play as Link in, it's the water temple.)
Now, Dungeon's 1 through 6 you can get Link inside to help, but less and less. By Dungeon 7 Link is unable to be summoned inside. Again, you would need the Dungeon Item to summon Link, BUT Ganondorf is SMART. He figured this out, and went and TOOK THE ITEMS OUT- They are now in other Dungeons (You may find 2 Items inside one dungeon) You might need to return to a Dungeon for a Door you were unable to unlock with a new Item/song/sheet music.
But During Dungeon 7, when Zelda leaves she can tell a fight happened, the area is destroyed, and Link is nowhere to be seen. Ganondorf and his men ambushed Link, and Kidnapped him. (Along with all your stuff.) Zelda heads to Dungeon 8, learning that Link is somewhere inside.
(Our reasoning on why Link get's Kidnapped- "WELL ZELDA GETS KIDNAPPED ALL THE TIME! IT'S LINK'S TURN!")
Now Dungeon 8. Ganondorf is Smart. Zelda and Link Share a SINGLE Braincell. Each room is one of three things. 1) A previous Mini Boss (Link Dungeon 8(?) in Link's Awakening) 2) A Puzzle to get a key or something (Normal Dungeon stuff) OR 3) A Puzzle from a previous Dungeon, but the hint isn't in the Dungeon and Link isn't here to yell the answers for you.
So you will have to do one of three things for those rooms, Look up a guide online, Have a good memory and know what to do, Or go back to the Dungeon it was in, and write it down.
But if you leave you'll have to restart/run through the Dungeon again! AND THIS ONE DOESN'T HAVE A MAP- HAHAHA-
We wanted to create the hardest/funnest Dungeon. (Ganondorf is SMART, HE WANT'S ZELDA DEAD.)
Also, Ganondorf convinces the King to send Gaurds after Zelda and Link. (Kinda like Lttp, but instead of "YOU KIDNAPPED THE PRINCESS" It's more like "Zelda Please, You Need To Come Home!" and Zelda is like "GANONDORF IS EVIL" "No HE ISN'T!" "HIS VIBES ARE RANK!")
I might draw some short comics of them later tbh! (I think it's fun to make stories with everyone on stream, it was good, 10/10 will draw on stream again XD)
If you have any questions, just ask.
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ni053791 · 1 year
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TRISTAMP x FFXIV WHM Artifact Gear 2-5
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vasito-de-leche · 2 months
your post about 37 in the self aware au is so interesting?? not trying to sound condescending but i think you definitely hit the nail on the head with her character (+ the others i've seen you talk about, honestly)
thank you, thank you!! o7 I rlly appreciate that and I'm glad ppl like my analysis!
I wish more ppl posted long rambles and analysis of characters outside of shipping vertin, sonetto and schneider. or just. vertin because its always the same 2 pieces information over and over. and because every other character is just. SO INTERESTING..... IMAGINE ALL THE DETAILS I COULD'VE MISSED, ALL THE DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS FROM DIFFERENT PPL I COULD BE READING AND ABSORBING................!!
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diadoodledump · 1 year
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a messy fifteen minute sketch of the dumbest bitches
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
Do you have any really specific and/or personal Zukka headcanons that you’d be okay with sharing? I eat up every hc you put into your drawings like they’re candy, I was wondering if you had any others :D :D
OH boii i sure have,,, nothing coherent is coming to mind atm so ill just expose my Extensive backstories of zukka bethrotal armbands that idk if i will find a way to sneak into art.
sokka’s armband for zuko is forged back at Piandao’s mansion, and it's one of the most fine stunning pieces of jewelry ever crafted. it’s not the usual southern ivory but metal, more similar to the armbands worn as an accessory in the fire nation. it’s made of intertwining bands of gold and black meteor metal, with patterns of waves and dragon scales that seem to ripple and move when the light catches on them just right. and the pendant is a traditional blue stone from the swt.
There are no particular engagement gifts traditions in the fn, so zuko goes on a deep dive into southern water tribe ones, asking sokka’s family and friends about jewelry making and learning to engrave over the course of several trips to the swt. He makes sokka’s armband with ivory from his own first (successful) solo hunt. i’m not sure abt the material of the pendant lmao maybe gold? but amber would also be cool methinks
as for the pendant engraving they display a unique single braincell moment (untrue i just want them to match). love the fact that both of them are sea savvy navigators, love to think that in their pining era they spent a lot of time watching the stars and showing each other the different constellations and navigation pointers of their nations, so in both of their armbands’ stones are depicted the constellation used to guide sailors back home, sokka engraving the swt’s one on zuko’s armband and vice versa.
if they were sun’s out guns out kinda guys before this only gets worse during the first weeks of their engagement. shirts are banned. everyone look at the bethrotal armbands NOW.
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krsnaradhika · 26 days
can I ask about what the drama around "palace of illusions" is about and why it's bad?
Hey! Sure thing. Lemme list my problems with the book :-
1) The author presents Karna as some tragic hero compelled to be in the company of Duryodhana who clearly committed multiple murder attempts, went on to sexually harrass his sister-in-law and troubled another woman during the Ghosha yatra. Karna was NOT an outcaste. He was a Suta— meaning one with a Brahmin mother and a Kshatriya father. Adhiratha, Karna's adoptive father, was a wealthy man as he was Bhishma's charioteer. Keep in mind that charioteers used to play important roles in warriors' lives - as advisers, close friends and well-wishers. Krishna was the charioteer of Arjuna. Karna had all the opportunities the Pandavas didnt. He had parents who loved him, while the Pandavas were left halfly orphaned with the death of Pandu and Madri. Veda Vyasa describes Karna as "the trunk of the tree of adharma".
2) The Karna Draupadi ship is bullshit because Karna called the latter a whore during the disrobing sequence as well as presented the idea of "there should be no clothes on servants." Yes, Karna was the one who suggested her public sexual assault. She had blood stains on her garment and was dragged into the court of nefarious men by her hair. People who blame her for the assault inflicted on her are sick and need serious psychological help. You cannot defend attempted rape as one with working braincells.
3) So, shipping a victim with her abuser is not fun y'all. This is not some mentally unstable wattpad dark romance. It's itihāsa. The true history of Bhāratavarsha. Let's draw the line. She was an ekavastraa (meaning a woman in a single cloth, as she was menstruating) during the attempt at disrobing, and the man who called for it shouldn't be hailed. Karna also lied to Parashurama of his caste due to which he got cursed, had an unhealthy obsession with Arjuna and because he wanted to kill him for competition, Drona did not provide him with the knowledge of celestial weapons.
4) It is an ignominy against Lady Draupadi to ship her with anyone apart from her husbands because clearly, the Mahabharata says that she's Indra's wife Shachi while the Pandavas are the cursed five Indras of different kalpas. It is . . . not nice to ship one's wife with another man. It is creepy. Draupadi is one of the panchakanya, one of the five pious women whose names if chanted with sincerity wash off one's sins. She expresses her pride over her husbands multiple times in the text because all of them cherish her to no end. Yudhishthira does not hesitate on the fact that Draupadi is the five brothers' fortune, calls her ‘Kalyani’. Bhima kills Keechaka for her, threatening the revealing of their identities. Arjuna becomes Brihannala and spends most of the time near her during the incognito. In the book, however, the Pandavas do not give a damn about her. Yikes.
5) The book says that Draupadi faced prejudice because of her dark skin. I call bullshit again because Madreya Nakula, Partha Arjuna, Krishnatmika Devi Rukmini according to the Harivamsha, Devi Shri Jambavati (who is said to have a blue lotus like complexion), and lastly Shri Rama and Shri Krishna themselves are dark according to our scriptures. And, none of them faced discrimination because of it. Kanha is in fact called "Bhuvansundar" - the most beautiful one on the earth while Draupadi herself is hailed as one of the most beautiful women canonically.
6) Draupadi was never attracted to Karna. Neither did she pine for him, as the author portrays. Sheesh. Please please, we do whatever with human characters. But with divine ones, you have to be careful with the message you get across. This book is saying that ancient india was casteist and colorist, literally the times when the son of a fisherwoman, Veda Vyasa became a Brahmin and the said fisherwoman went on to become a queen mother of one of the most influential dynasties back then. Krishna was raised a cowherd, though a prince. He went on to become the most erudite diplomats and established Dvaraka, which was en engineering marvel as it was constructed on reclaimed land.
7) According to the author . . . Draupadi felt something more than just friendship for Krishna too. Heavens, I can't do this. Let's normalise a man and a woman being normal friends now, shall we? Krishna is Mahavishnu, he's not supposed to invoke romantic feelings in Draupadi who is Shachi, Indra's wife. Indra and Upendra (Vishnu) are brothers according to a legend. And technically too, since Vāmana was born of Mata Aditi's womb, who Indra's mother and of all the Adityas' too.
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pixiemunsons · 2 years
la petite mort (em)
you have two deep, dark secrets; you've never had an orgasm, and you're in love with your best friend. eddie thinks he can rectify them both.
la petite mort; the sensation of post orgasm as likened to death
(3.7 k words) soft sex, f!receiving oral, reader has nipple piercings and a praise kink, first orgasm, best friends to lovers, protected sex, reader really likes eddie’s rings and tattoos (same girl), no use of y/n or reader descriptions, weed and alcohol use, eddie and reader are in love w each other but also share a single braincell, reader is eighteen eddie is nineteen, no spoilers
this is a combo of two requests which i loved so thank u anons!!
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there was absolutely nothing to do in hawkins, indiana.
as you got older, you might reflect on your childhood and teen years and everything you overlooked while you were too busy hating your hometown. the woods that offered endless hours of exploring, the lake in which you swam most summers. the video shop. the arcade. even the shitty roller rink that played nothing but cheesy 70s love songs.
before then, though, right now, your free time was best spent doing exactly what you were doing right at that moment; smoking weed with your best friend.
and listening to him bitch about a girl who didn’t wanna fuck him.
‘i just don’t get what she doesn’t see in me! like, she said i was weird looking.’ his head was laying in your lap as you buried your fingers in his hair, playing with the surprisingly soft strands and weaving tiny braids. 
‘i mean, i think i’m pretty hot!’ you looked down to his chocolate brown eyes, and shivered slightly at the way he was already looking up at you. your crush on eddie had been building for years, nurtured by the loving nature of your relationship, and by the time you realised you thought he was cute at sixteen you were already halfway in love with him. and yet, for some reason, here you were. eighteen years old, still pining after the one guy you wanted but couldn’t have whilst he complained that other girls didn’t like him. great.
‘i don’t think you’re the problem, eddie, i think she’s a stuck up bitch.’ you explained, reaching over to grasp the joint from his fingers. you’d both smoked two each already and were pretty high, but he’d insisted on finishing off what he’d skimmed from his supply and well, who were you to say no to some of rick’s primo shit?
’i think she needs to have a orgasm.’ your eyes widened as you choked on the smoke in your lungs, drawing half-breaths. eddie seemed totally nonplussed, as if he’d mentioned the weather or asked about a class of yours. bringing his left hand up to play with the sleeve of your t-shirt, the cold silver of his rings brushed against your arm, and you shivered once more. when eddie had started wearing rings the year before, it had pushed your crush into a whole new realm. they featured in every single fantasy you had; cold rings brushing your lips as he stuck his fingers into your mouth, imprints left behind after he smacked your ass, pushing up against you as he thrust his fingers deep into your-
‘you’re probably right. ‘m sure she’d benefit greatly from one.’ you laughed it off, stubbing the joint out in the ashtray by his bed and trying to play off just how horny you felt. talking about sex was something you had always avoided; the few boys you’d slept with had gotten you nowhere but disappointed, and admitting that you were eighteen and had yet to make yourself cum, let alone anyone else make you, was not a fact you were all too willing to give up. you looked down and let out a shaky breath as your mind ran away; eddie’s shirt had ridden down as he’d turned his face in your lap, and you could see the very edges of ink inside his collar. it made you feel hot under yours. eddie suited this new look so well, and you indulged in staring at him for a little while. you wondered what he looked like without his shirt, when all of his tattoos were exposed. you could feel your mind going hazy, the weed finally taking effect, and you couldn’t help but giggle softly at your own thoughts.
‘what’s s’ funny, peaches?’ he was peering up at you with an eyebrow arched, playing with the skin at the edge of your shirt sleeve, fingertips dangerously close to the curve of your chest.
‘nothin’, just thinking about what you said about her needing an orgasm.’
‘we could all benefit from one every now and again,’ he shrugged, and when you muttered an almost indecipherable ‘i bet,’ against your better judgement, you hoped he wouldn’t hear. but years of listening to shitty cassettes and teaching himself to play guitar from scratched records had given eddie an irritating superpower; he had fucking fantastic hearing.
‘what’d’you mean, “i bet?”,’ he sat up, making quote marks with his fingers around the last two words. 
your skin erupted in goosebumps, and you suddenly became very interested in the hangnail on your left thumb, pulling the skin between your teeth. eddie was transfixed on the way your teeth pulled, how your tongue darted out to swipe against the skin there, and he almost forgot that you’d been talking about until you spoke up again.
‘’s not a big deal,’ you whispered. ‘just never happened for me, ya know?’ you were looking hopefully up at him, and then it clicked.
‘you’re fuckin' kidding? no one’s ever made you cum?!’ he almost shouted the last words, and you buried your face in your hands. you could feel your skin getting hot and you knew you couldn’t look him in the eye as you spoke.
‘i-i’ve never done it with someone. or on my own, really, either. i just can’t let go enough to get there, it’s not a big deal.’
eddie wanted to reach out and take you in his hands, smooth your hair back and soothe your embarrassment.
‘it’s nothing to be ashamed of babe, but wow. i thought everyone had had an orgasm.’ you scowled up at his words.
‘way to make me feel better, eds.’ his eyes widened, apologising instantly.
‘i’m sorry babe, i didn’t mean it like that. look, i’m sorry, i’m just surprised is all. you’ve like… been with people, right?’
you frowned again. ‘yeah, a couple, but they’ve never got me there. they think they have, course, but i dunno… never seemed that important. i enjoy sex without it.’
eddie could feel himself going bright red, and he didn’t know what it was; the weed? talking about how much you enjoy sex? the knowledge you’d never had an orgasm? or the fact that you’d had enough sex with other people to know what you liked? he shook his head. of course you’d had sex, you were fucking gorgeous. anyone who you wanted to fuck was lucky. so lucky. so how had they had the audacity to not make you cum? that should be, like, a fucking crime. the more he thought about it, the more irritated he got, until finally, he snapped.
‘how about i make you cum?’
you had reached to take a sip of eddie’s beer, and at his words had spat it out all over yourself. your black shirt was soaked through and he really wished he hadn’t noticed how clingy it was, because it was making this a lot harder.
‘what- what the fuck did you just say?’ you sputtered, and eddie steeled himself, wiping his sweaty hands on his ripped jeans.
‘i mean, we don’t have to fuck. you don’t gotta do anything to me, you don’t even gotta do this. i just think we all deserve to have a really fucking good orgasm, and you said you can’t let loose enough to do it, and i thought maybe because we’re so close you’d trust me to-‘
you flung your arms around him, chests pressed together, and nuzzled your face into his chest. looking up at him with those doe eyes eddie couldn’t resist (he always said yes to you very quickly when you flashed them, mostly because they gave him a hard-on every time without fail) you fluttered your eyelashes, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth (it made him even harder whenever you did that) and sighing.
‘you’d really do that for me, eds?’ you spoke quietly, nervously. really, it was very sweet of him to offer. he wasn’t going to get much out of this - at least, he didn’t expect anything from it - and he’d asked so kindly, so sweetly…
‘of course i’d do that for you, baby,’ he brushed a piece of hair out of your eyes, cupping your face. a new tension had swept the room; you were both so excited the air was crackling. ‘are you gonna let me? need you to tell me you want this. also, i’ve caught you staring at the rings, i know you wanna know what they feel like.’
you hit his arm as he laughed, then leant forward to press your forehead to him. you heard him gulp, and you were glad for the weed you’d smoked, or you knew the two of you would’ve been too nervous to move on each other like this.
‘i’d like that very much, eds,’ you breathed, and that was enough for him.
he pushed you down gently by the shoulders, laying on top of you propped up on his elbows with his legs between yours.
‘you’re so goddamn beautiful,’ he whispered, and then his lips were on yours.
his lips were chapped but he tasted vaguely of the strawberry chapstick he had stolen borrowed from you months back. one of his hands was resting on your lower back, the other on your face as he guided you in the kiss. it was unlike any other kiss you’d had before; they’d always been rushed, tongue down your throat, sloppy. but eddie was taking his time with you, his lips moving languidly over yours, being careful to relax you into it. you almost wished he’d go faster, harder, but your mind was already cloudy from the weed and the feeling of his mouth on yours, and you wondered if it was always meant to feel like this with boys. his tongue probed at your lips carefully, not pushing, and when you finally let it in you felt the hand on your back slip to your hip, squeezing gently. you nipped gently at his bottom lip, and the moan that he pushed into your mouth in response sent you dizzy. suddenly, there was more; he was hitching your left thigh over his hip, creating delicious friction between you and he was tugging at your lip, tongue flicking over the back of your teeth. you couldn’t help the way your hips were moving of their own accord against him, it felt like you were floating above your own body.
eddie’s lips left yours to press against your neck, nipping and teasing down your throat, and you were sure you’d have marks tomorrow.
‘y’can leave marks, eds,’ you whimpered, tugging on his hair in response to a particularly hard bite, ‘can wear a turtleneck to school tomorrow, s’okay.’ he chuckled against your neck, moving his mouth up to a spot just below your ear.
‘don’t want you to hide ‘em, babe.’ before you could ask what he meant, he was sinking his teeth into the spot where his lips sat, a place you knew no jumper or jacket would hide, and you felt almost delirious at the idea of people seeing it tomorrow.
‘can i take your shirt off, baby?’ he asked, bringing you back to earth.
‘god, yeah,’ you sat up slightly to wriggle out of it, ‘take the bra too, shit,’ you moaned, and eddie started to laugh before he got your bra off and the laugh turned to a choke, then a cough, and he felt like he couldn’t get enough air in his lungs.
because you, his beautiful, kind, goody-two-shoes to everyone else, grade-a student best friend had your nipples pierced. and he was looking right at them.
‘fuckin’ hell babe, where’ve you been hiding these?’ he was practically drooling imagining how the silver bars would feel in his mouth, and if he hadn’t been fully hard before he was rock solid now.
‘got ‘em done a year ago, thought they’d look pretty.’ you were whimpering, squirming in the firm grasp he now held on your waist, and you cried out when he reached up to pinch one. ‘they’re real sensitive, fuck, feels like so much.’ eddie flicked out his tongue, bathing your left nipple in his spit before blowing cold air over it, making you tremble and moan out his name.
‘they’re very pretty, baby. i mean, i knew your tits were like, wow, but jesus christ i could spend every day the rest of my life playing with these.’ you laughed shakily, head thrown back for him to scatter kisses down your neck and chest.
‘anyone seen them before?’ he muttered, and you almost thought he didn’t want you to hear him.
‘no, just - shit eddie, i can’t concentrate when you’re playin’ with ‘em like that - just you, no one else.’ you swore you could see his eyes darken as he looked up at you, then latched onto your left nipple with a renewed vigour that had you arching your back, desperate for some friction. one big hand pushed your hips back down, sending a spark of electricity down your back as he manhandled you.
‘stop it, babe, gonna need you to wait there a minute, be a good girl f’me.’
what the fuck
what the fuck
what the FUCK
you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips, and your eyes widened instantly, clapping a hand over your mouth. eddie stilled his movements, raising his head so he was eye level with you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. he pulled your hand from your mouth, observing the way your eyes had widened and how your cheek felt hot under his hand.
‘did you like it when i called you a good girl?’ he cocked his head to the side, and from the way you looked up at him, with such desperation in your eyes, he knew he had his answer.
‘no one’s ever told you what a good job you do for them, have they?’ he cooed, smiling down at you as you shook your head.
‘tsk. well that just won’t do, will it baby? i think you deserve to be shown what a fantastic job you’re doing for me, how good you feel in my hands. want me to show you what a good girl you’re being, give you a present?’
you had died and gone to heaven. that’s the only answer to this. eddie was on top of you, feeding into your most desperate of fantasies, telling you he was about to reward you for being a good girl for him. either that or you were dreaming. because he was pulling your jeans down, kissing down your thighs and telling you how cute your panties were, how wet you were for him and oh-
well, you definitely weren’t imagining that. because you hadn’t known what it felt like when someone put their tongue on you, when they licked a stripe from your hole up to your clit and lapped at you so messily you could hear it, but you did now, so surely you couldn’t be imagining that-
‘baby, you okay? you with me?’ eddie’s voice snapped you back to reality, and you looked down to see your best friend, cheeks pink and led between your legs with his shirt off and a slick on his face; you on his face, and you couldn’t help but reach down, wind your fingers into his hair and tug him back to where he had been.
‘eager, are we?’ you could almost hear the smile on his face, and you knew he was trying so hard to keep up the cocky act, but you could see the way his hips were making minuscule movements against the bed and his fingers were going to leave bruises on your thighs with how hard he was gripping them.
‘shut up, you’re loving it too,’ you gasped, and in retaliation he seemed to ramp it up. suddenly, he was two fingers deep in your sopping wet pussy, head thrown back once more as he pressed them into the plush of your inner walls, right against a spot that made your mouth dry and your thoughts spin.
‘eddie, fuck,’ you cried out, and his other hand rubbed your thigh reassuringly. you imagined he would’ve spoken to you in reassurance had his teeth not been wrapped around your clit, tugging just the right way.
‘eddie, think it’s comin’, you were slurring now, and to eddie’s delight, when he looked up at you, you were toying with one of your puffy nipples, bucking yourself up towards him. his fingers were cramping up and his jaw hurt but he wouldn’t, couldn’t stop now, not when you were half riding his face. he lifted up, using his left hand to rub circles on your clit as his other hand fucked into you.
‘relax, sweetheart, you’re doing so good for me, y’can do it baby, just need to let go for me, eddie’s got you, such a beautiful good girl f’me…’ eddie was talking away, bringing you closer and closer to the precipice until you fell over the edge of it, body turning to jelly. you couldn’t believe you’d been so happy to miss out on this all this time, so willing to do this to boys and not have them do it back. eddie was working you through it, kissing your cheeks and your nose and your eyelids and your mouth, letting you ride the aftershocks on his hand. 
if you’d been more with it you’d have noticed how he was looking at you; like you were the only woman on earth, like he could never get enough of this, like he’d never leave this bed if it meant he could make you do that over and over and over until you were crying, begging, putty in his hands. you felt like it was lasting forever, riding wave after wave, until finally your whole body relaxed, flopping down against eddie’s bed.
‘so, sweetheart, how was it?’ eddie asked, almost nervous now that the energy in the room had dissipated a little. you were still naked and panting, making no effort to cover yourself up, which he supposed was a good thing; you still felt comfortable around him, didn’t regret what you’d let him do to you. he had half-expected you to leave after, too much for you to do that with him, so when you rolled over and kissed him like your life depended on it? a welcome surprise. even more so when you reached for his painfully hard cock.
‘whoa, baby, you don’t gotta just because i did,’ he sputtered, and you brushed him off, leaning up so you were on all fours above him. you were pouting. fucking pouting.
‘but i wanna. don’t wanna suck you off, not this time at least, ‘m too tired,’ he almost asked what you meant by this time before you interrupted him once more.
‘want you to fuck me, though, eds. please.’ 
he really hadn’t been expecting to get anything out of tonight other than spank bank material. he was more than happy to get you off then never speak about it again, if that was what you wanted. of course, what he really wanted was to marry you and fuck at least two kids into you, buy a house and live in the suburbs. but for now he’d settle for making you cum on his tongue and maybe, when you weren’t looking, steal your panties. but eddie munson was never one to say no to you, especially not when you were naked and begging, so he pulled his pants and boxers down in one movement before rolling himself on top of you.
your hand went to his cock instantly, rubbing a thumb over the leaking tip.
‘christ, eds, were you just gonna deal with this later?’ you asked, eyebrows pulling together in a concerned expression. ‘you’d have exploded.’
he let out a laugh, kissing your neck as he fumbled about in his bedside drawer. he was naked except for the guitar pick necklace resting on his chest, and you leant up to kiss it, hand still sliding up and down his cock.
‘fuck babe, i was just gonna beat it when you’d gone home,’ he gasped, batting your hand away so that he could roll the condom he’d fished up on himself. he looked down into your eyes, kissing you gently. ‘i’m not gonna last long.’
‘don’t care, just need you.’ you mumbled back, pulling him down into another kiss as he slid into you.
it felt like he was made for you. no painful stretch, no disappointment. he fit in you so perfectly you could’ve sworn this was exactly how it was always supposed to be; you and eddie, eddie and you. every other time with every other boy felt so totally redundant you had no idea why you’d even bothered when you could’ve been doing this the whole time. and when eddie moved, it was more like lovemaking than fucking. his left hand was intertwined with your right on the pillow, his other holding your face as he looked into your eyes. yours was pressed against his hip, guiding him into you gently as you writhed under him.
‘i’ve wanted this a really long time, sweetheart,’ he spoke quietly, honestly, and it was a far cry from the cocky eddie you’d come to know over the years. he seemed genuine. vulnerable. you kissed him again then, trying to pour everything you wanted to say into it as his hips rocked faster against yours.
‘shh, i know eddie, i know,’ you kissed his chest again, his necklace dangling in your face, and you used it as leverage to pull his face back to yours.
‘come for me, baby, c’mon,’ you were whispering against his lips, pressing your hips up against him for the new angle, and he came with a gasp of your name, gripping the back of your neck and kissing you.
when he pulled out, snapping off the condom, he pulled you onto his chest without a word. he was red and sweaty, hair frizzy and lips swollen, and you had never been so in love in your whole life. you traced the tattoo on his chest, new to your eyes, and you hoped you’d get to see it every day.
‘you didn’t get to come again.’
‘that’s okay, sweetheart. you’ll get as many chances as you want.’
‘you mean it?’
‘always, when it comes to you.’
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waveglox · 9 months
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me and @soldier-el chose a color palette to draw 2 separate things in... and not tell each other what we're drawing..... guess who has the same single braincell (not us no definitely not)
inst | twitter | "patreon"
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
H-hey,,, i-i'm on anon because this is very e-embarassing to ask for... b-but i found this v-very long post basically fakeclaiming a lot of systems online and claiming that being plural is a trend. T-they also said that pluralkit is anti-recovery and a bunch of other stuff. I-i feel destroyed inside and I know i should not care about haters that much, b-but i was wondering if you can respond to the post in some way, by debunking it i-or maybe just saying that it is not valid. I-i understand if you cannot do this and i wouldn't be mad at you, i just thought that i might try. /gen
This is the post: https://www.tumblr.com/nbhdsc4ss/742946435586277376/im-tired-of-this-boom-of-plural-trend?source=share
Yikes! That's such a terrible post!
Alright, let's go over this.
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First, just another reminder that if 1.5% of people have DID as is estimated, over a hundred-million people in the world should have the disorder.
Just on this alone, I find fad claims to be nonsense. We aren't actually seeing anywhere near the numbers of people with DID online who should have it. And that's without touching other forms of multiplicity.
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This is an incredibly unhealthy outlook.
A system shares their life. The life doesn't belong to any single headmate. Hosts can change over time. And many systems don't really have a true "core." The very concept of the core is largely outdated.
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I think this post is killing my neurons! I can feel my brain cells dying as we speak! 🙄
Anyway, just in case anyone was worried this might be true. It's not. I don't know what they're talking about. There's nothing about switching killing neurons anywhere.
As far as I can tell, any association with cerebral palsy is also made up.
Honestly, I could spend eons unpacking the misinformation in this paragraph alone.
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I made this blog back in 2021.
The Plural Association was founded in 2020.
"Endogenic system" was coined in 2014.
The Natural Multiples movement dates back to the 90s.
And "system" has been in the vocabular of all these groups since even the beginning.
And while it's not quite a medical term, it does at least originate in medical contexts. The only difference is that the plural community uses it as an identity label for plurals while most academic sources refer to a personality system as something everyone has, with the personality system of multiples being composed of dissociated parts. (Sometimes called "subsystems" in DID literature to denote alters being personality systems within personality systems.)
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Words make communication easier.
Calling a headmate an "introject" is easier that referring to them as a headmate based on a source.
Also, blurring and blending generally mean that multiple headmates are, well, blending together. It's hard to know who is fronting because there are multiple headmates who feel like they're mixing, and it makes it confusing.
But another reason for not knowing who is fronting could be a sort of autopilot like in DPDR. Differentiating between these experiences is useful.
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Wait... Affection between alters is anti-recovery?
You know, this really puts the earlier lines about non-host alters stealing the life of the host into perspective.
Not only does this draw a picture of an adversarial relationship between alters, but they're treating that adversarial relationship as being good for recovering, and feeling affection for them as a bad thing.
This is possibly the most harmful take I've ever seen.
As for the rest of it, subsystems (as we use the term) are just headmates more closely linked. I've never heard anyone phrase it as an alter having DID. But I guess I can see the parallel. And again, splits and switches don't damage braincells. Having a bigger system isn't going to make the "days of the body count down."
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Wait... weren't you just claiming switching literally kills neurons? I mean, I agree that alters can't permanently die (under normal circumstances) but this feels kinda contradictory.
As for having different disorders, this depends a lot on the disorder. By and large, I believe any condition that can be psychogenic can be experienced by some alters and not others.
But what conditions could be psychogenic would probably surprise you. Look at the woman who had some blind alters and some sighted alters.
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Polyfragmented systems were traditionally systems with upwards of 100 alters. (And "highly complex" isn't a medical term.)
And again, splitting and switching doesn't kill neurons. Having a bunch of alters isn't going to kill you! Nor will it allow your rights to be stripped and get you forcefully institutionalized against your will so you can be studied like a lab rat!
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Why would you just assume the doctors are misdiagnosing you though?
I mean, typically, DID is incorrectly diagnosed as other disorders far more often than you have people be incorrectly diagnosed with DID.
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Again, there's this disturbing emphasis on the alters existing for the host and being bad for wanting things of their own, which bring back to mind their assertion that affection between alters is anti-recovery.
And I just... feel really bad for the other alters in this system. This is just so... sad...
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If they're not real kids, then what's wrong with them being on the internet?
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I mean, yeah, all alters need pronouns. If any identify as a different gender, it's important to have pronouns for them so you know what to refer to them by. Why is this controversial? 🤷‍♀️
And what does the part about alters becoming useless mean?
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Talk therapy isn't magic. Yes, it can help to speak to a professional, but I don't understand the view that it's impossible to fuse without seeing a therapist.
Oh, and the line about how "knowing things about another alter is impossible" is nonsense too. Most DID systems don't have total amnesia all the time every time they switch. And many who do experience amnesia can still communicate. They can learn about their alters by asking. And even ones who don't communicate internally can learn to communicate through notes and text!
Yeah... this post is just... so... so... SO bad. In every way! Just mountains upon mountains of harmful takes and misinformation!
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aannonn · 7 months
Going through some things right now,
but seeing and making ColorGang content makes me happy so
I got more headcanons! xd So- like- A part 2 of this post? Probably lol
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed sharing it! <3
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╰┈➤ Whenever one of them is sad, they will immediately pull each other into a big group hug. Saying comforting words to the other. Watching some movies. Drawing and/or animating together, and etc. Just doing everything they know it makes the other happy!
﹌﹌﹌ They also won't pressure the other to tell them why they are sad. They just want to be there for each other in their darkest nights. ❤
﹌﹌﹌ They will hear each other out, and will do their best to be there, not only for the one who is sad, but also for each other.
╰┈➤ They are all really dramatic. Not in a bad way, but like- They can speak, but at the same time they are speaking they are also doing many movements and motions as they speak because they are dramatic like that lol
﹌﹌﹌ Alan can't hear them outside the computer, and since Orange is the only one who knows how to talk to Alan, the rest of the group just does many moviments and motions so Alan could understand what they are saying.
﹌﹌﹌ Alan doesn't understand a thing, so Orange often speaks for them, but at the same time Alan doesn't really mind and, instead, finds it adorable xd
╰┈➤ Green didn't taught only Orange how to sing - even though it didn't really work well xD - He taught the others how to sing, too!
﹌﹌﹌ Red is a quick learner, so it wasn't too difficult to teach him how to sing.
﹌﹌﹌ Blue was a lil' more difficult, but it wasn't that hard, either. - Green suspects Blue used potions to learn how to sing, though...
﹌﹌﹌ While with Yellow, surprisingly it was harder to teach him, but he got the hang of it eventually.
﹌﹌﹌ So- Basically; Orange is the only one who can't sing;')
╰┈➤ Yellow is the most intelligent of the five(5), but he also often uses only one(1) braincell when doing shenanigans with his friends...
﹌﹌﹌ He's such a genius when it comes to technology and redstone engineering, but when doing shenanigans with his friends... Oh boy.
╰┈➤ Blue and Yellow are the epítome of; Work Smarter, Not Harder.
﹌﹌﹌ In summary; They are all pretty smart, but they'll often lose braincells whenever doing shenanigans with each other. But can you really blame them? They are kids, after all. They just wanna have fun and fight and just be silly
╰┈➤ The group can often pays a lil' visit to Orange and Alan when they are animating. Either to just watch their father figure and best friend-sibling doing work, or to try to help them with their work.
﹌﹌﹌ They are like lil' kids watching their parents work lol (I do not mean this in a Alan x TSC way...... Plz don't take this the wrong way-)
╰┈➤ It might be a canon thing, or maybe not, but Green loves attention. Any kind of attention is good for him.
﹌﹌﹌ Talking good about him? Awesome! Talking bad about him? Awwn shucks, but cool. Just mentions him in only one single part of the conversation? He's instantly the happiest stick in the world.
﹌﹌﹌ For Green, just talking about him just proves how cool he is. Cool enough for people to even bother talking about him. (and he's so right omg i love him sm)
╰┈➤ Since it wasn't confirmed how tall they actually are, then for me; From Tallest to Shortest; Yellow, Blue, Green, Red & The Second Coming!
﹌﹌﹌ It's not that much of a difference, though. Like- Only a few inches of height difference.
﹌﹌﹌ They will playfully tease each other for their heights though. ;)
╰┈➤ Probably a canon thing, but; They can sometimes get carried away and ends up hurting each other, but they will always make up in the end.
╰┈➤ They have some trauma, not only from The Dark Lord fight, but also from when they fought King Orange and when they got betrayed twice by Purple. They can get a lil' paranoid about it sometimes.
╰┈➤ RYGB are all very forgiving, not just because they are kids and kids usually forgive pretty fast, but because they were unwillingly taught to forgive.
﹌﹌﹌ The StickMans were created to fight, and while it can hurt sometimes, especially when a player gets too carried away, they will always forgive and forget, because they did not have any other choice but to keep fighting.
﹌﹌﹌ If they know they were created to fight, and will keep fighting for the rest of their technology lifes, then what's the point of holding grudges because a Stick got too carried away?
﹌﹌﹌ Most of the time it wasn't even their fault, but the player's.
╰┈➤ Even after RYGB met TSC and finally got freedom from their site, they still can't help but to keep going doing what they were created to do. Old habits die hard, after all.
﹌﹌﹌ They do not dislike fighting, though. They still love having battles with each other, be competitive, and etc. It's kinda like a comforting nostalgic thing for them, to keep doing what they were initially created to do.
﹌﹌﹌ And because being competitive it's fun.
╰┈➤ For me, pronouns do not define gender. So like- I like to think that the ColorGang are all genderless, or atleast they identify as genderless, but they feel more comfortable with he/him/his and they/them pronouns? Gender is something really unimportant to them. xD
﹌﹌﹌ It wasn't important before, and It won't be important now.
﹌﹌﹌ They are, overall, neutral about She/Her pronouns, though. They don't mind it, but not really their preference.
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Weell- I think that's all the headcanons that I have about them so far. There will probably be more, though. But, for now, that's all! &lt;3
Now.. I'll probably share my headcanons that I have so far about the RainbowGang(ColorGang + Purple) and HollowHead Bros someday! But, for now, that's it.
It's already 1 am from where I am now so- XD
Welp! I think that's it..? I might do a part 3, since my imagination is endless and I would love to do as many ColorGang content as possible, but, for now, that's it!
Cya u all in my next post! Goodbye ~ !
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kalijhomentethi · 5 days
Headcanons: Akali Tropes I Hate
Really strong title right off the bat but there’s really no way to sugarcoat it. To be clear: My aim here isn’t to attack anyone. I got inspired by people posting headcanons in my dash and since it’s been a while since I’ve done one, I figured I’d throw my hat in the ring too! The tropes I’ll be tackling here are people’s perceptions of Akali that I’ve gathered over the years, and I just can’t stand it when I encounter them in any shape or form. They’ll mostly be about Popstar Akali because it’s what most people are interested in out of all her skins/verses since the K/DA boom. I'll also be using this post to talk about how I portray and understand Akali!
The most popular tropes I’ve seen are the following:
Stupid Akali
Fuckboy Akali
Nothing but baby Akali (derived from her being the maknae/youngest in the group)
The worst trope I've seen for her is when people portray her as an idiotic person with 1 or no braincells at all 24/7. I don't know how this became such a common characterization for her, but I hate it this pops up. It's one thing for her to be silly at times (anyone can be, really) but it's another thing entirely to constantly see her as straight up stupid. I draw the line at seeing Akali as inefficient, irresponsible, and wholly incapable of doing anything.
Akali can be silly enough to put on a shirt backwards and then take it off when she realizes. She can be silly enough to offer up an improbably idea or suggestion while being fully aware of the implications of it. She can be silly enough to distract a reporter on purpose so she can get away from an interview while grinning mischievously to herself all the while.
She’s not stupid to the point that she can’t understand basic instructions/information. She’s not stupid to the point that other people have to speak for her. She’s not stupid to the point that she’s slow to process anything. She’s not stupid to the point that others have to physically steer her from place to place. She’s not stupid to the point that she can’t do the most basic calculations in her head.
I write her doing pranks sometimes on even the most serious characters but not because she can’t realize that pissing them off would mean trouble. I write her making “corny” jokes sometimes but not because she can’t read the room. I write her stumbling over her words or even herself sometimes but not because she can't express herself and not because she's a clumsy mess.
She can be reckless when she decides to spraypaint something while knowing the cops could chase her down any moment. But whenever she wants to go out spraypainting, she's always dressed up to prevent anyone from recognizing her, she has her entry and exit points mapped out, she has it planned. So, if she does all these preparations beforehand, does she really not exercise caution? Akali knows her own limits. She also knows the streets like the back of her hand. With her being incredibly athletic, she can and will outrun and outmaneuver anyone that wanted to track her down. She does it for the thrill and refuses to let anyone restrict her creative spirit. In fact, the risk of being discovered while vandalizing property tends to be low because she's either done before anyone is tipped off or she's using an abandoned location as her canvas.
She can be overconfident when it comes to doing things she loves and knows she's good at. It won't matter if she's seen as an underdog, she's going to prove every single person that expected her to fail wrong. There's flair in everything she does because of her pride in herself. Breakdancing, rapping, art, fighting, you name it. This attitude of hers backfired many times in her life but if her pride takes a beating, she's not going to stay on the ground. If she's going up against a reigning champion, then she's going into the ring swinging. If she's in a rap battle, she won't be afraid to turn up the heat (it's how she got popular in the Music universe after all). She even makes her own diss tracks aimed at people who do her dirty.
She can be chaotic. She can come up with all sorts of crazy ideas because she thinks it'd be fun, she can write songs in not one clear-cut way and as a result have lots of scratch paper on her desk or incomplete beats/documents in her computer, and she can get side-tracked even when she was previously focusing on one task. But she is not messy to the point that her can't even organize her things, to the point that objects are strewn about everywhere. She can take care of herself.
She's not negligent. This woman can keep track of so many things at once. It's canon in the Music universe that she's still capable of wielding her weapons and you can bet she regularly and properly maintains them. Her lyrics are rewritten and polished multiple times before she thinks they're good enough. She has important dates saved in her calendar to make sure she won't forget to treat her loved ones. Whether she regularly interacts with someone or not, she still checks on them to make sure they're doing okay. She can be methodical in her approaches to some things because she puts great care into them. Her loved ones are important to her, and her weapons, lyrics, etc. are extensions of herself and are a window to her soul.
She's not tactless when she refuses to play along with an interviewer. She's just not one to stir up drama for the sake of it. She's not afraid to openly cold-shoulder someone riling her up especially when her reaction is being broadcasted live. She'll tell a reporter to back off when she doesn't like the questions she's being asked. Does she come off as rude? Yes, to those who thrive off juicy gossip. But she also has a reputation of being a no-nonsense person despite that. She shuts down anyone who insults her or anyone she's close to.
In line with this, not only can she walk the walk, but she can also talk the talk when it's worth it. She can be a smooth talker if she wants to be. She's not always the quiet type. In the ALL OUT interview, Akali was very lively while explaining how they came up with the EP and even joked around about True Damage being the reason for her "leaving" K/DA.
Although I don't completely see the ALL OUT interview as canon. Riot had to call on Shannon Arrum Williams, the voice actress of Jett from VALORANT, since she can speak both Korean and English. I don't know if that's the only reason why they didn't choose Krizia Bajos (Base Akali VA), but I want to say that although Akali and Jett are similar personality-wise, Jett comes off as more playful in contrast to Akali being more aggressive/sarcastic. Akali's songs paint her as an untouchable badass with Soyeon sounding close to Krizia, but Jett's VA just does better voicing a generally more upbeat character and I believe that played a part in how Akali was done in that interview.
Akali can be talkative and cute and excited—with the right people. Not just a random interviewer. I'm just saying that Akali's lines in the interview have been delivered a bit differently. In K/DA's interview with PopRox, Akali never willingly offers up information herself until she's prompted. She sounds much cooler and composed. In fact, Akali has the least number of lines in the article. In both the article and the All Out video though, we figure out that she's much more open to talking about her creative process.
The second worst trope for me is when people see her as a fuckboy. This commonly appears in settings where she has a complicated relationship with another person or if she has recently broken up with them. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth when this plot in general is used, not even just for Akali specifically.
There's nothing wrong with a character being sexually active. My problem is when people use this trope to portray Akali as someone who treats others with little respect, only going after them for the sake of satisfying herself/her curiosity. The pride of being able to get anyone she wants is conveniently amplified in the Popstar universe because she's rich and popular, therefore making the process easier. And this whole "get anyone she wants" thing is what's supposed to bring her a false sense of comfort or at least distract her from whatever problem she's going through. Honestly, I think a part of why this trope is so popular is because it's supposed to make Akali more attractive or charming* by building her up more as the "bad boy/girl" type.
But a character can be the "bad boy/girl" type without being in everyone's pants.
With that, I don't think Akali would be the type of person to sleep around for the sake of it. A character as standoffish as Akali wouldn't so readily take the closest person to her to the nearest bedroom, even with no strings attached. Her sense of independence is a core part of her character, it would take her forever to genuinely warm up to someone, much less come to terms with her wanting their company. And it's also how she protects herself. K/DA Akali is mellower (mainly because of the setting) compared to her Classic counterpart but even when someone is upfront with what they want with her, Akali will not shy away from shutting them down without mincing her words. I pretend this scene from the Zed comic doesn't actually exist because I write Akali as a lesbian but for this part of my post, it's a good example of being direct. She takes her vibe checks seriously. She may flirt with women she finds interesting or talk to them in a way that makes her sound like she's flirting, but it doesn't necessarily mean that she'll follow through. She can also be tough when she doesn't really want anything to do with someone but needs to talk to them. She'd be up in their face while clearly wanting to be anywhere else but there.
*I get the idea that a person that sleeps with a lot of people is someone that must be charming. Typically. But Akali can be charming without catering to the fuckboy trope. Because here's the thing: my ship partners, since the start of this blog, are all hard-to-get muses. What's hotter than a bad girl type girlfriend that only has eyes for you? A partner whose walls were broken down by one specific person? Akali knows she's a hotshot and handsome as hell, but she only wants her partner. It's a huge deal for her to be in a relationship and she won't entertain others while she's busy showering her partner with love and affection. Not to mention that she won't appreciate other people trying to get her partner's attention. Akali is protective of her loved ones, and her possessiveness can show by keeping her partner close, especially when said partner has shown disinterest in everyone else.
Credit also would have to be given to her partner because it means they showed Akali that it's worthwhile for her to stay and emotionally invest in a proper relationship.
I had some difficulty describing this without making it sound similar to the first trope. The best way I can differentiate the two is that Stupid Akali downplays her intelligence as a whole and Baby Akali downplays her maturity.
As I stated in the start of this post, this trope typically comes from Akali being the maknae of K/DA, but Akali's role in the Classic/Runeterra universe also plays a part in it. Because of her also being the youngest out of all the known Kinkou champions and her leaving Shen's tutelage, she's seen as a brat. People can't stand her indignance at Shen's teachings and they always downplay her actions as her "not knowing any better." She fights for what she believes in and if it ends up with her not quite making as big of an impact as she hoped, then people roll their eyes at her.
Maybe people are expecting her to be an anime MC or something since she's already a ninja complete with an arsenal of weapons and the N.aruto run, but the point of her character is that she's been forced to stick to the shadows and watch as everything is taken from her and everyone around her. She is tired of doing nothing when she can help. She may not always know the best solution to every single problem, but that doesn't change the fact that she wants to do something. Serial killer Jhin is right in front of her after she was held hostage by him? Time to punch him in the face, beat him to the ground, and shoot him with his own gun. Giant tree guardian uproots itself with the aim to kill a Noxian kid? Her principles pull her into attacking the guardian even when she herself was going to teach the Noxian a lesson prior to finding out he was a kid. Undead behemoth 4x her size leading an army to rampage across Ionia? You can bet Akali's going headfirst into the fight and making sure Sion gets a taste of her steel.
Now you may be thinking, why does Akali tend to default to violent solutions? Because she refuses to fall back into the trap of passiveness disguised as something good for the sake of balance. She doesn't go for violent solutions because she's a bloodthirsty brute.
"It's not the killing I'm about — it's the cause." - Akali, long move in game.
Her line of thinking does not always work in her favor because the very land she lives in operates under that same concept of balance she walked away from. If it's not other people that are getting in her way of doing things (e.g. Shen and Zed when she wanted to kill Jhin in the Zed comics), then Ionia will force her into the back foot, evident in the way she handled the Tree Guardian in the LoR cinematic. Now, I'm not saying the people that tend to this balance, such as Shen, have no wisdom. It's just that Akali has been exposed to the horrible effects of having to enforce that balance, as stated in her biography. And it doesn't help that the ones that could've helped her deal with these feelings are either missing/probably dead (her father), busy at times (Shen and Kennen), or clearly don't like her (her mother).
But Akali’s soul was restless, and her eyes were open. Though the Kinkou and the Order of Shadow had come to an uneasy accord in the wake of the Noxian invasion of Ionia, she saw that her homeland continued to suffer. She questioned whether they were truly fulfilling their purpose. Pruning the Tree was meant to eliminate those who threatened the sacred balance... yet Shen would always urge restraint. - Excerpt from Akali's champion biography.
In the LoR cinematic, when Shen tells her how to calm the Tree Guardian down, her first instinct isn't to figure out how balance can be restored. No, her first course of action is to throw herself into danger, insisting that saving a person's life is more important than upholding the rules that govern the land.
"Can't we just bend the rules? He's a kid!" - Akali, in reply to Shen in the LoR cinematic.
She has strong complicated feelings about Ionia's balance. Hearing her in-game voicelines, it's obvious that she's fueled by this sense of justice, hellbent on avenging those she failed to protect, and wanting nothing to do with the Kinkou. She even goes as far as outright mocking the fundamental principles of the Kinkou. Except you can also look at this voiceline beyond something as simple as showing disagreement with the Kinkou. What was the reason for Akali turning rogue again? She saw countless Ionians fall to the Noxians. Why can't the Ionians be the people still living and breathing after the invasion? She is not willing to let go of what she endured during her time with the Kinkou.
"You're dead, I'm alive. See? Balance!" - Akali, killing a champion in game.
Akali being so happy at the end of the cinematic is so bittersweet because in this instance of restoring balance, nobody had to die. One life was saved (the kid's), and another was made better (Shen casting a spell on the shrine protector that turned it into a bigger tree), for the lack of a better term. Of course, one can argue that technically the lives of the trees the kid cut down were still lost. The important thing in this cinematic is that Akali knows she did everything in her power to prevent casualties.
K/DA Akali with the Baby Akali trope is treated with more "affection" but in such a way that's essentially exaggerated babying to the point that some people border on infantilizing her. I say "affection" because I get that people want cute scenarios where other characters spoil Akali but sometimes it's overdone and paints a picture of a useless Akali. And to clarify, I'm not against muses spoiling or being affectionate with Akali. I'm pointing out here that this trope stems from how people overemphasize the babying and then it would seem that Akali relies on being treated like a child. Of course, this trope can pop up even without the active enabling from other characters. She is not a ramyun guzzling gamer with a horrible sleep schedule. She is not a gremlin that hides in her room while her bandmates stock her up with her daily dose of ramyun.
She has her likes and dislikes like any other person, but I hate it when people condense a character into a fragment of what they really are because they choose to only emphasize certain likes and dislikes. I'm sure she does love playing video games and I see it as a way for her to bond with friends, who may or may not be good in the same games as her. She does love spicy ramyun, as stated in the 8 facts part of her profile, but that is not her entire personality.
In a way, this trope loosely connected to the Stupid Akali trope. This trope doesn't appear as often as the first two but it's still annoying when I do see it. It's honestly insane how the same trope can have such contrasting perceptions on the same person, just in different settings.
I think Akali's main character traits make these tropes nonsensical. She's quick-witted, independent, and strong-willed. Not to mention that the tropes come from people overdoing something until it turns into a tasteless characterization of Akali.
After all this though, I'm not saying that my portrayal of Akali is perfect. There are times when I'm indecisive with how I want certain things to happen or when I'm unsure with how I want Akali to talk back to someone. I suppose aside from taking the opportunity to talk about how Akali can be mischaracterized and how I write her, another point I wanted to make through this post is that I hope people don't come to my Akali talking in a way that's influenced by perceptions such as the ones stated above.
I hold Akali dear to me, having written her for years already. I do not appreciate it when her character is misconstrued, and an interaction is based on an out-of-scope idea (not related to lore, existing headcanons, relevant plot, and the like). Fictional character or not, we're all on this platform roleplaying for a reason.
And that's all for this post! :) Thank you for reading all the way through, I hope everyone has a nice day ❤️
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mslanna · 7 months
You can Build Your House on My Hill
Chapter 13 of Be My Guest now up on AO3
Progress is being made on almost all fronts. Time to be soft.
Tav wakes alone in the huge four-poster bed. Disappointment seeps into their thoughts though they know devils don’t sleep. Raphael cannot waste that much time and the sheets and pillow smell of him still. They roll over taking in how every inch of their body feels sore and scraped. Their fingers trace the lines of bite marks on their skin with a sigh.
The table is still untouched. The flowers glow in the soft light and drop lush petals onto the polished wood. Two wine glasses stand untouched next to an open bottle. There are chocolates. There is candied fruit. Raphael indeed prepared a whole stage. And they blew it. And him. Later. Not as an apology.
The night unfolds slowly in Tav's memory and they have to jump off the bed and busy themself before it gets so bad, they run off to drag Raphael right back to bed. Or not. It seems that a bed was optional. Tav splashes cold water into their face.
Tav picks up the books. A novel in verse titled "Medora Out of Her Depth" and a collection of offensive limericks sorted by the number of places they are banned in. They lower the books and pop a chocolate into their mouth. It is delicious. It will go perfectly with the velvety red wine.
Well, today was certainly a day and all days end. Pocketing a handful of candied fruit, Tav steps into the throne room. It’s still empty, if you disregard a few eternal debtors already scrubbing and cleaning the spotless room. But the other doors stand open and they can see Raphael in his study with a devil and more of them gathered in the other rooms.
A day indeed with day activities for all involved. Tav makes their way towards the stairs and is almost run over by a fiend coming down. The devil sends them a scathing glance that skips on Tav's neck. Then she turns into the council room, disgust trailing behind. Arguing voices come from it, but Tav can't make out a single word.
Maybe using the shortcut to the library will be a life-saver once more fiends frequent the House of Hope. For a moment Tav wonders if it even is the House of Hope still, what with Hope gone. But the have no better idea for a name. House of a Single Braincell doesn't flow well and House of Abysmal Communication Skills doesn't fare much better. Also, there is Hope here. Tav hopes the war goes well. They hope to see the sun again soon.
Once Mephistopheles is removed from the equation, they can spend their days in the world again and their nights – well. Tav doesn't intend to leave again. As long as Raphael doesn't kick them out, which as all signs indicate, he will not, this can be a home. The thought draws an impossible grin of Tav's face.
It feels strange that so little has changed when it felt so big. Tav wanders off into the library to find something to busy themself with. Life as a trophy human is boring and they are determined to fill the empty parts.
And just like that a new normal establishes itself. The literary discussions suffer a steel decline for a couple of days until Raphael realises he can just seek out Tav whenever and request their presence for personal matters.
“You know,” Tav looks down at the very happy if rather exhausted devil, “if we spent half as much time talking at the beginning as we do fucking now, we could have started fucking a lot sooner.”
In reply, Raphael pulls them down into a lingering kiss. "Are you concerned about the pace in which we catch up?" His lips brush against theirs.
"Hm." Tav luxuriates in the devil's taste and proximity. It is never enough. The moment they part, the feeling of Raphael's hot skin against theirs is missing decidedly. Unfortunately, they cannot live glued to his side, much less naked. "I'll take what I can."
"That you do." He smiles knowingly.
"Pervert." Tav kisses him deeply. "Don't you have a war to run?"
"I do." Raphael cups his hands around Tav's shoulders. They are not a dainty human but in his arms they look small. Deliciously small. He pushes the memories down for later perusal and flips them over to pin Tav to the bed for a moment. The thought that he has his whole life to return and fuck the living daylight out of them is stunning. It is made all the sweeter by Tav's sheer reciprocal of his desires.
Raphael bends down for a last kiss. He can feel the smile of their lips against his. Ruling all hells with be sweet. Possessing all of Tav will make it even sweeter. He leaves them on the bed, rumpled and happy. The war won't wait and Tav is always there.
Tav watches their devil leave, a little heartbroken about the tension straightening out his tail and corseting his movements as he passes through the door.
What structures Tav’s time into days are their regular appointments with Haarlep and the literary dates with their devil. The latter tend to devolve into more physical skirmishes which is fine because now they always end mutually satisfactory.
And after sulking for a while, Haarlep does come around. It probably helps that Tav siphons some of the intruders to them.
"They need to have a little fun, too," they argue and can see Raphael go soft. It is too easy. Getting anything from the devil is too easy. He looks into their eyes and once his gaze strays down to their throat and up, Tav knows they won.
Alone in the library, they fumble on the skin. They forget how clearly the devil marks his territory. It is a testament to how utterly gone they are, that the bursts of pain when Raphael draws blood is firmly on the side of advantages of their situation. Tav’s fingertips run over the raised crust on their skin fondly.
Soon the devils frequenting the House of Hope get more and more careless around Tav. The census seems to be that if they are in a devil's home, they can look after themself. And know their place. Which is out of the way of a fiend.
Tav is torn between defending their space and getting out of the way to trampling entities that are bigger, stronger and heavier than them. Sometimes they wonder if Raphael knows or if they should tell him. But there is nothing they can hold up as proof that it is intentional harassment.
"Make a list," Haarlep suggests. "I'll help you." Malicious glee shines in their eyes.
"I can't keep them apart." Tav sighs.
"Have you even tried?" Haarlep chides. "You can keep me and Raphael apart just fine."
"Haarlep, my dear," Tav flops down on the bed beside them, "I cannot even keep humans apart. The moment Shadowheart dyed her hair white it was only the braids that told me if I was talking to her or Jaheira."
"A stunning weakness," the incubus purrs. "I will remember it fondly."
"You're welcome."
"You understand that this was my home long before you came?"
Tav turns to look at them with a smile. "And it will be long after I'm gone."
"Oh, certainly not. Either Raphael wins this war and I will be gone, or he looses this was and I will be gone."
"Not planning to stick around?" Tav can't keep the disappointment out of their tone completely.
"Whatever for? I was stuck long enough. And if you think I want to be a proxy for our cambion in one of his conquered hells? Hell no. I want to have some real fun again."
Tav doesn't ask what Haarlep considers real fun. Unbridled violence dances in their words and their eyes shine with malice. A true fiend. But then, everybody in this house is and they the sorry exception.
It makes them work harder on their studies while keeping even more quite about it. If they are just a plaything, some fancy accessory, Tav can bank on being underestimated. They don't enjoy becoming a little paranoid, but it seems wise.
Tav is so concentrated on conjugations that they notice Raphael only, when he stands right in front of them. "I need you to come with me," the devil says. "Back to the suite."
Blinking Tav closes the book and steps into the offered wing. It seems a little intimate considering how public they will walk, but they won't complain. Their hand finds his and this time, Raphael glances down with an indulgent smile. He ushers them down the stairs and into the throne room that is full of lingering devils.
He doesn't slow down until they reach the suite at its end. Raphael opens the door and guides Tav inside. "You may return through the secret passage as soon as you wish, but it is important you are known not to be in a public space."
"There are arch devils coming to bargain," Raphael explains. "I do not want them tempted by your person being around."
"So I am a bargaining chip now?" Tav quips.
"Always have been," the devil replies. "But I prefer if you try to bargain with me."
"On my bare knees?"
"Or any position you can think of." He allows himself another smile, this one suggestive. "I cannot tell how long this will take. But you have everything you need."
Tav glances at the table where food and carafes of water are waiting. Somehow ending up here and not getting ravaged feels wrong. They were looking forward to is when the devil collected them. "Won't be the same without you."
"All the more reason to stay invisible for now and not get abducted."
Tav sighs and rises to their toe to ghost a soft kiss over their devils lips. "For luck."
Raphael returns the favour a little longer with a lot more tongue. "For you."
When he leaves, Tav notices how the devil's tail stops moving freely as soon as the door opens. Poor sod. And also, poor them.
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wraith-caller · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
@tallmatcha kindly tagged me. @no-braincells-inc @nullcanary @fenharael @scrawnytreedemon and anyone else on here who may have a WIP they wanna share :)
here is something from my singular attempt at a more light hearted fic.
“Would you like to tell me why you felt the need to break Head Preceptor Callium’s nose just outside my class where all of my students could see it?” Rogier was truly at a loss. D had been many things, but rash wasn’t typically one of them. Perhaps he could stand to be a bit more thoughtful or nuanced sometimes, but he’d never been prone to such violent outbursts before.
Maybe things had changed in the years they’d been apart. Well, of course they’d changed. Change was the only constant, after all. Evidence of that was glowering at him from behind a featureless golden mask made to appear as if it were peering out from the gaping maw of a lion. Silver and gold replaced by the red and gold of the New Order. “I found him disagreeable,” D answered.
Rogier waited for elaboration. None came. He pressed his lips together and kept his face passive enough, even if he wanted to shout at this idiot for the scene he’d caused. Half a lecture wasted quelling the wounded pride (and face) of one ex-lover, wrangling the stoic fury of the other. He almost wished Radahn had never given up his stranglehold on the stars so that fate would stop fucking with him. Of all the preceptors for D to run into in the hour or two he was here!
Maybe it was a tad self-involved to assume that he had been the reason for D punching the other man in the face, but with so little data, Rogier could hardly begin to extrapolate. The only point of commonality between the two was himself, but how likely was it that they’d spoken of him in such a brief space of time?
He changed tactics, hoping to put D at ease and draw something approaching an explanation out. He’d have to give it to the provost before long anyway. Callium would surely twist this into being his fault somehow, after all, and he would need to be prepared with a defense.
With his most condescending smile, he eyed the red feathery thing on D’s helm. “Nice plume, by the by.”
D was still rigid, and had not taken more than two steps into the room. “So I have been told.”
Rogier let the smile soften up, something more friendly. “The students have been tracking your company’s progress since you left Leyndell. They’re thrilled to see Knights of the Order in person. You could be very popular here, you know.”
Nothing for a moment. Then, “We don’t need to speak.”
Why be precise when you can just obliterate everything at once? Such was D, Hunter of Tact, quarry ever out of reach. Rogier kept the smile but what had he been expecting? That D would see him and change his mind about everything? Sit down for a friendly chat over tea? Maybe even sweep him in close and touch his cheek tenderly like he used to? By every star in the sky, he was delusional. It’d been five years! Why couldn’t he let this damned thing die? “That makes for a very boring wait, and you’re the one who disrupted my class and caused me to have to endure it. So, you will have to deal with some discomfort of your own.” Rogier dropped into his chair and sank low, legs splayed like a child having a minor fit. The toes of his boots were peeking out the other side of the desk.
D said nothing still, and stood at attention like a soldier waiting for an order from his superior. He looked imbalanced and strange without the bust at his chest. Rogier tilted his head and let his eyes wander around his office. This was becoming painful. Had been painful for years, really. He drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair, and tried again. “How do you find Leyndell?” he asked, eyes on the ceiling.
Had he ever had a single conversation with this man? Ever?
But that was just it, he supposed. He’d had far too many. The well was dry but he kept stubbornly sending a bucket down expecting to get anything back but bones and dust. Knowing this, he threw the bucket again anyway, because he had never been good at knowing when to quit. “How is Devin?”
“Why do you continue to speak?” D asked before Rogier even finished the question.
“It is entirely normal to make conversation-”
“I don’t want to talk with you,” D reiterated.
“You punched. The Head Preceptor. Of my house. In the face,” Rogier said like he was speaking to an idiot. Because he was! What’d D think would happen if he did something like that in Raya Lucaria? That he’d just continue on his merry way without having a little talk about it first? Rogier shoved himself to his feet and closed most of the distance between them, leaving D at arms’ length. From here he could see the pale eyes behind the mask and they were as angry as they had always looked. He could imaginethe scowl that was permanently carved on D’s mouth, as if everything he beheld was an affront to him, personally. “Do you have so little to say for yourself, Knight of the New Order, for surely this conduct does not reflect highly on your station?”
“Do you so enjoy lecturing you do it in your leisure time, too?” D muttered.
“Oh, leisure, you say? You think I enjoy this?”
“The way cats enjoy mice.”
“I had no intention of making this any more difficult than it needed to be-”
“Stop bloody lying for half a second of your miserable life,” D snapped.
Rogier clenched his teeth. “I am not lying. You aren’t worth the effort it takes.”
D’s eyes were furious. But he spat, “He’s sullying your name to strangers.”
The dizzying pace of their conversation suddenly ground to a halt. Rogier’s mind was reeling from the whiplash and he squinted at D in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“The man I punched,” D said. “He implied-” D stopped and shifted his weight but kept his shoulders squared and his head high. “Unsavory behavior. On your part. To get where you are.”
Rogier stared at him, and was it suddenly quite warm in here? Was the world on fire, actually? Why was his face so hot? And oh but he was a wretch, truly pathetic, that someone defending him set his heart aflutter like a dying autumn leaf tossed to the uncaring breeze. It wasn’t that he was so incapable and helpless. He was born to nobility, of course he was used to politicking. And of course an academic life must be drenched in those politics he so despised. And of course he managed to tangle himself in them in the most foolhardy manner possible by spurning the head of his department. The idea of the faculty knowing anything about his personal life had mortified him to begin with, but he should have considered that before sleeping with and then violently severing all ties with his bloody boss.
But impulse control was something D had always had an iron grip on and Rogier could never grasp. So when he surged forward and shoved up that golden mask to capture the mouth behind it with his own, D was likely too startled to know what to do. And it was terribly immature, and brash, and stupid, and everything that Rogier did wrong on a regular basis yet somehow never learned from. D’s mouth was soft and warm and responsive, even if the rest of him was less so, still too stunned to react. This was senseless, a dog chasing its tail, a child babbling incoherently, moths chasing flames instead of moonlight, it was-
A knock at the door and the provost announced his arrival. Rogier drew away sharply and D was staring at him in shock, expression not unlike those of his students who panicked when called upon precisely because Rogier knew they had not been listening. It didn’t matter in the end. D would leave on his assignment, and Rogier would remain here at the Academy, and they could go back to studiously forgetting that the other one even existed. With that in mind, he allowed himself to admit, “I did lie.” He pulled D’s mask back down over his stunned face and held it by the chin. “I hate your plume.”
He turned to the door and set his features back to something pleasant and agreeable, but also adequately chastened and humbled, since the provost was bound to be terribly irritated that he even needed to have this meeting. Rogier greeted him with utmost professionalism as he opened the door to allow the venerable old man inside. His expression was distinctly displeased and he nodded a curt greeting as he swept in.
“I’ll make this brief,” the provost said, not even deigning to take a seat. D stood rigid and tense. “Your conduct with Head Preceptor Callium was most unbecoming, and it is only the seal of the Elden Lord upon your missive which has kept me from having you thrown from the Academy gates by a pair of knights.”
D bit out a quick apology, perfunctory and meaningless.
The old man sighed dismissively. “Fortunately, Callium’s nose will mend, but I am afraid lost trust takes a bit more time, which is not anything you have the luxury of since he was to set out for Leyndell with the others in a week’s time. I am sure your superiors will be thrilled to learn that, and so I’ll leave the reprimands to their capable hands, as my time is too precious for that. Our arrangement called for ten spellblades, and you have, whether knowingly or not, eliminated one of them from service by your own hand and so I have had to call for another.”
Oh. That certainly complicated this situation. D was going to have this unlucky sod as a living reminder of his brash and uncharacteristic behavior, which was likely to result in a black mark on his record upon his return to the Capital. Rogier pitied whatever fool they’d send in Callium’s place.
“Preceptor Rogier, I’m sending you in Callium’s place. Your courses will be divided among the faculty, so don’t worry over that.” Oh yes. That’s what he was worried about, wasn’t it? The lectures and poorly written essays he’d miss out on grading, not the dragon-sized elephant in the room that his miraculously stupid mouth kissed back into being. “You may wish to consult with each other about what preparations you ought to be making for this assignment. But do remember you are a representative of an esteemed Academy...not some ruffian out for a game of fisticuffs.” The last was aimed at D, who was undoubtedly as blindsided as Rogier and so totally oblivious.
Rogier smiled and graciously accepted the provost’s decision, all the while screaming internally and damning the stars for drawing the path of greatest resistance through the heavens the day he was born.
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entry35 · 9 months
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.○°•☆ check out my etsy!
peri. he/she. casual blogger. psycho horror buff. on ig, twt, twitch, youtube, @/periwinkleowski. co-fronter @7975832772722483756813832779
"i can't believe the horror fanatic draws horrifying art!!" -no one with a single braincell
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blog warnings: gore, suggestive content, various forms of horror, dark/disturbing fiction, drugs, s/h, things that would make your mother faint and your pastor hang himself. not sfw, per se, but not pornographic either.
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i don't associate with: pro-censorship/pro-harassment, terfs/swerfs/tehms/gendercrit/radfems/transphobes (including those who demonize transmen/mascs and ignore/belittle our very real issues, a.k.a. transandrophobes/transmisandrists), don't consider intersectionality, racists, nazis, antisemites, pro-israel/zionists (no, i do not use that as code for "all jewish people"), rowling supporters/harry potter likers, mcyt/dsmp, viziepop, anti-fujoshi/fudanshi, ableists, misuse or use "narc/narcissistic/narcissist" as an insult, believe in narc abuse, anti-endo/sysmeds, transx/transid (does not include therians), no/map/pedo/zoo or supporters, anti-kink, xtian, right wing, pro-"life"/anti-choice, antivaxx, etc.
if i interact with anyone of this sort, it's unknowingly, so please let me know. this is an asfw blog where i don't post much of... anything, but i do my best to respect boundaries where i can, and uh. also not interact with bigots. thanks! and remember to block liberally.
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thechekhov · 1 year
When planning out future chapters or writing things down for your WD au (or any projects), do you switch between different languages or favor one more than the other(s)? Also, I'm sorry if I'm supposed to ask this on your WD au tumblr instead of your regular. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Everything for WD!AU is done in English. That's the language I primarily do my creative stuff in these days. All my art and writing is always English, all the way through. The reality (for me, personally) is that switching languages for a single creative project - even for various steps of it - would be kind of a nightmare. Translating takes more braincells than just starting and finishing in any given language!
I use Russian only to talk to family these days. I use Japanese primarily at work, and for the rest - English. (At home it's a pretty even mix of English and Japanese.)
Interesting question though! I wonder if it's the same for others who draw comics/script/write etc. Feel free to chime in (in the comments)!
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If people are talking Hi-Fi Rush AU thoughts...
...Wait, does this count as an AU if it'd technically take place post-game? idk
Also spoilers I think.
So, we currently don't know if Roquefort is actually dead. He seems to share Chai's comical invulnerability and didn't explode like Rekka or Mimosa, so he might still be under that gold pile. So me and @alonsotigerheart talked and had some thoughts:
Roxanne Vandelay wanted her technology to help people, give people a new lease on life that they could not get otherwise. Roquefort was on his deathbed before Kale offered him a new body (and we don't know how much of him is still organic, if any at all). He might be a testament to what Roxanne originally wanted, if in a somewhat twisted form, so I feel that Roxanne might have some form of soft spot for him as a result.
Again, we don't know what's up with Roquefort after his fight, and that includes post-game. If he isn't dead, they Roxanne could probably send Chai back to retrieve Roquefort, or at least check to see if he's alive.
Gold pile is still there and Roquefort isn't moving, but there's still functionality signals radiating from it. If Roquefort won't budge otherwise...
Chai > Shove robot arm into gold pile. What's the worst that could happen?
Blue light erupts from the mountain of riches. Badump-badump-badump-badump. Wait, this feels familiar...
TL;DR: Chai accidentally Synchronizes with Roquefort like he did with 808. Hilarity Ensues™
Proper elaboration (and some art) under the cut lmao.
Can be considered a prequel to this thing I made. So the crack is still present, because getting clonked upside the head with a heavy golden statue has got to hurt lmao.
Considering that Roquefort's body is (mostly, at least. Again, we don't know exactly how much of his body is robotic; he could be full conversion, mind-is-AI for all we know) made of Vandelay tech and even the wholly inorganic parts still look smooth and squishy similarly to 808 (which is also Vanedlay tech), it makes me wonder if Chai could also Synchronize with him.
808 and Chai seem to immediately start sharing the braincell when they Synchronize, and both Roquefort and Chai both already like doing terrible jokes, so now imagine Chai/808/Roquefort sharing a single braincell 83. Roquefort likes cats (if using the 808 photo overdrive on him is any indication), he and 808 deserve to be friends, they could be like Marc Antony and Pussyfoot.
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(these two are Marc Antony [dog] and Pussyfoot [cat])
A big thing I wondered with the possible Synchronization would be with him gaining a new form similarly to 808's Synchronization giving her a new "Ball" form, so have some more art:
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I think he deserves sharp teef in his "human" form. Kintsugi (repairing cracks with gold) also felt fitting. Also gave his shoes three toes like his wolf form with blue nodes (similarly to his head) to denote where the claws would go. I showed Alonso GG Gio's paw pad shoe soles with the idea of Roquefort having similar because it fits and they loved them, so I added that too.
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Gave him a smaller "compact" werewolf form as an analogue to 808's "Ball" form, while still also having access to his original werewolf form (if with some design modifications). Tail is the same style I used for "Roq-and-Roll". I think he deserves to have some form of hand-paws/paw analogues in his human form, as a treat 83 [ROBOTS ARE A PAIN IN THE ASS TO DRAW. AAAAGH.]
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