#not actively cause problems for me :)
femmeidiot · 1 month
the way that some people have twisted my words and made them into anything other me expressing my own feelings of dysphoria and feeling excluded from a community I had been a part of for like 20years is disappointing but not surprising. the fact that everyone who wanted to put their 2 cents in on my feelings only referred to me with she/her pronouns despite the posts literally being about the fact that I'm Not a Woman and didn't even try to neutralize the pronouns was disappointing but not surprising. I have been in online community with many of the people who interacted with those posts about me on another person's blog is extremely disappointing and furthers my feelings of isolation from many of the people I interact with on this website. The fact that not a single person wanted to share their feelings about my feelings with me is weird and unproductive. I don't expect anyone to empathize with me about this because many of you have proven incapable of that. It is however always interesting to see people who create circles of gossiping and complaining about other members of the lgbt community take the moral high ground as if they didn't make like 7 posts about how stupid I am.
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jessicas-pi · 3 months
hear me out on this ok. ROTS AU where Anakin still turns to the dark side but that's Palpatine's problem.
So, Palpatine decides last minute that ehhhh maybe dooku could come in handy later and he doesn't encourage Anakin to kill him, and Dooku gets arrested and imprisoned in the Jedi Temple awaiting trial. (Also he didn't get his hands cut off because of uhh plot reasons?)
Fast forward.
Palpatine is encouraging Anakin towards the Dark side, tells him about Plagueis the Wise, etc. etc. But see, the thing is, Anakin is at the end of his tether, probably hasn't slept more than three hours over the past week, and has no remaining impulse control or inhibitions, and upon hearing that the Dark Side can save people from death, his first thought is, "wait a sec, we've got a Sith Lord in-house at the moment!" and he sprints out of the space opera and books it back to the temple.
Now, Dooku has been calmly waiting in Temple custody, confident that Darth Sidious will arrange his escape. But THEN Anakin barges into the cell like OMG THE CHANCELLOR TOLD ME THE SITH KNOW HOW TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM DYING AND I'M HAVING DREAMS ABOUT SOMEONE DYING AND I NEED YOUR HELP TO SAVE THEM
At which point, Dooku realizes Palpatine's plan. He's going to tempt Skywalker to the Dark side and REPLACE DOOKU. this is totally uncool.
So he's like "...who are you dreaming about, exactly?"
Anakin freezes. He can't admit it's Padme because their relationship is top-secret and he can't admit how important she is to him so he tries to think of a good fib and goes "uhhhh OBI-WAN! Obi-Wan, it's Obi-Wan, I'm dreaming about Obi-Wan dying-" and he just throws himself into the drama because now he IS imagining obi-wan dying because Obi-Wan is fighting grievous at the moment and he MIGHT ACTUALLY DIE and that's in addition to Padme dying and he's totally spiraling at this point- "pleasepleaseplease you gotta help me he's like the only father i've ever known I don't know what i'll do without obi-wan I have to save him YOU GOTTA TELL ME WHAT TO DO I'LL DO ANYTHING--"
Dooku begins to smile.
(Would stealing Skywalker out from under his Master's nose be petty? Oh, yeah.)
(But it would also be very, very satisfying.)
Obi-Wan calls in to a council meeting to report his defeat of Grievous, but before he can say so, Mace announces that Dooku has escaped and the Sith Master has been killed.
Silence falls between the eleven councilmembers (eleven, not twelve, because their newest one is conspicuously absent. Obi-Wan wonders just what Anakin's up to now. Honestly, that boy will be the death of him.)
Obi-Wan clears his throat.
"...indeed," he says, trying to handle the shocking news with composure. "Well... at least we're down to one Sith, now."
Another awkward pause.
"Yeah, about that--" Mace begins.
#Dooku totes anakin back to the Separatists but Anakin's loyalty has really only ever been to like 3 people so he kinda doesn't care#as long as he doesn't have to fight obi-wan or ahsoka he's cool with it#his favorite part of the job is when he has to 'kidnap' padme and/or their kids for uhhhh Political Reasons#and they get to hang out as a family#obi-wan is always the one sent to 'rescue' padme#the rescues mostly consist of obi-wan rolling his eyes while Anakin and Padme draw out a goodbye longer than a midwesterner#(secretly obi-wan thinks it's kinda funny)#also as Anakin is now a Sith he learns about all the Sithly Plans including the clone chips and he immediately panics#'THIS COULD HURT OBI-WAN OR AHSOKA WE HAVE TO STOP IT'#and offers free healthcare (aka chip removal) to all clones on separatist planets (including active warzones) and somehow it works?#despite being the most drama-queen Jedi out there Anakin somehow becomes the most chill sith ever#like he will absolutely fly off the handle if anyone threatens Obi-Wan or Padme or Ahsoka but he's not into the causing-suffering thing#(which I know isn't how the dark side works really but for the purpose of funnyness yes it is)#he's pretty calm in general though! still wants to help people!#dooku sends him to conquer a republic planet that's fighting the separatists and he gets there and he's like#WELL OF COURSE THEY'RE FIGHTING US! LOOK AT ALL THE PROBLEMS WE'RE CAUSING FOR THEM! THEIR ECONOMY IS IN SHAMBLES!#*to the planetary leaders* don't worry I know someone in the Senate who can help with relief aid. in the meantime let's talk treaties!#when he gets back dooku is like YOU ARE A *SITH* YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO CAUSE *SUFFERING*#and Anakin is like I TIED ALL THEIR SHOELACES TOGETHER WITH THE FORCE WHILE WE WERE IN DIPLOMATIC MEETINGS WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?#jessica's random thoughts#star wars au
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crowcryptid · 2 months
I hate my job, man. I’ve told my boss so many times “can we please switch everyone over to printed forms instead of handwriting” and she waves me off saying she’ll talk to them about it. She never has.
no one listens.
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What does this say? mulan? mulah? mulaw?
Nope, it’s mularo.
ok. Now the patients results have been delayed cause we couldn’t read the damn name.
guess what, we couldn’t read the insurance ID either so it’s delayed even more.
I requested that they clarify the name and insurance ID. They only sent the name. They’re closed on Fridays.
You have delayed the results a whole 4 days, congrats.
Then they complain to us that the results are delayed. Amazing.
I wonder why.
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splatbastards · 1 month
i think I'm gonna go on a hiatus from this blog for a while. I've ended up with a negative association with splatbands as a whole due to interactions with people in the fandom and i just don't really wanna think about it anymore. *does the john lennon walk into the all encompassing fog*
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otaku553 · 1 year
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On this day I have been dealt an unprecedented amount of psychic damage
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socksandbuttons · 7 months
ive repeated myself so many times about KC and Earth and Creator they TOTALLY couldve used that. My comic does a little expansion on that but thats like, the ONE part with memory issue and Creator literally effecting her where it upset her without even KNOWING it was Creator ("You couldve gotten away without being hurt" BULLSHIT. SHE ALREADY WAS BEFORE SHE EVEN KNEW.) Like I understand Sun and Moon have been there first and understand everything happening. But they didn't get the 'Creaotr actually evil af' reveal until After KC got that info. Who went and isolated himself to get away from the creaotr using him. Earth knowing there was like LITERAL SENTIENT KILLCODE out there. Maybe. Would she have acknowledged it?? Probably no given how she was coded to just Ignore certain things. A frustrating thing, they couldve had. Anyway i am not good with words always but MY VISION.
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aprilias · 3 months
Not that I’m surprised but the way people talk about wanting their riders on a factory bike and then being annoyed about their decision to jump from a satellite machine to a different factory is kind of insane to me sorry not sorry
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pechaberriesandsoju · 22 days
Godddd I fucking hate this ugh
This isn't about the rain btw
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marklikely · 4 months
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just sharing a collection of some pics that i really like of mac <3 unfortunately he got very sick this past month and we lost him this morning. rip to a very sweet and curious boy who loved to explore and was the only one smart enough to learn a trick so far you will be missed <3
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Civilian: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
Lucy, motioning to Natsu and Gray: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
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featherymainffins · 7 days
One thing I hate is when people are supportive when you say that your doctor refuses to conduct further tests and claims it's psychosomatic until you say that you DO happen to have a diagnosis or two. Then suddenly your doctor is right for not sending you anywhere and actually it's because you be on that anxiety medication. I'll kill you.
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
tbh I really wanted the 3jimas to win that fight, to have Kiryu realize that his actions have consequences and that maaayybeee the people he keeps disappearing on to only reappear briefly to make demands of are finally sick of it and the rose tinted glasses of admiration have come off
no absolutely i really needed kiryu to just. //shakes him//
another thing i really wish we got from IW was daigo going off on kiryu- like he STARTED to but i needed that Y4 shit RIGHT NOW. if Y4 did anything right, it definitely helped broaden daigo's character in how having the chairman title pushed onto him was stressing him out and having him express this to kiryu was SO cathartic, even if daigo's words ultimately mean nothing to kiryu (or at the very least, kiryu did a bad job on understanding daigo's grievances and helping him afterwards)
it really is agitating that the jimas ended up going to the tower anyway too. i get that saejima and majima are kiryu's ex-colleagues and daigo's practically his son, and the fight was supposed to be a 'wake up call' for them. but it just diminishes the anger we saw from daigo in that first scene (and as if i have to say it, daigo becoming angry is a rare thing so that when it does happen its so jarring and it's meant to be serious) and it continues to excuse kiryu's general disregard for others if it means he gets what he wants.
its unfathomable to me that after nearly two decades of holding a position daigo didnt want for the sake of his idol, he finally gets to break away from it. and now his idol's just waltzing back into his life- after acting like he was dead for three years- asking for ANOTHER favor. and daigo's just supposed to accept it. if kiryu wasnt literally dying i just know he'd keep doing this until his last breath and no one would punish him for it because despite how many times he claims to understand daigo's woes, it's evident he doesn't care enough to leave him out of things
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prettybearbutch · 11 months
diagnosed with a tight little thrussy (doctor says I have a crowded oropharynx that could be causing sleep apnea)
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icantalk710 · 1 year
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...The subway commute today oh my god 😩
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sketchy-tour · 1 year
The welcome home site had an update!? Oh no I'm still on vacation and now I'm forced to wait a few days before getting to explore the new stuff!!!
*shaking my silly cage bars but the cage is actually a nice cabin and I'm literally not trapped* djsjdjskskkd
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werewolf-kat · 3 months
Going to keep an eye on things while on a newly prescribed medicine for my heart, but occasionally I've been feeling like crying from joy/relief. I didn't know it was possible to live with little to zero chest pain and other issues on a daily basis.
I started feeling its improvements on day 2, and then all day yesterday has been like a literal weight off my chest. Slept a bit for the night, woke up around 4am and I'm just... Breathing so comfortably. I feel relaxed. That feeling of pressure in my chest is hardly there anymore.
This cardiologist said I'd notice changes after just a day or two if it helps. And it's happening!!
Guess it's very much confirming I've had pericarditis for who-knows-how-long. Could've been overlooked since having my cardiac ablation in 2019. Been so freaking rough living with this stuff. All my symptoms were assumed to be part of my WPW Syndrome ('cause the ablation didn't get all of the accessory pathways.) This sort of inflammation can be caused by heart procedures though. -sigh- Why didn't anyone watch out for that or suspect it earlier?
I'll be having a new echo done in a month or two (forgot which appointment date it is among other tests coming up). Crossing my fingers I don't have the pericardia effusion there anymore too if the pericarditis is getting tackled by this new med! 🤞
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