#not all media is meant to be consumed while agreeing with the main characters
olderthannetfic · 1 year
Antis are ridiculous, and on this we all agree, but I think that the next step of ridiculousness is people who consume queer medias while being squeamish about the non-fictional part of it.
An incredible example is A Little Life.
The book went viral on booktok and a bunch of people bought and read it. The contents of the book are pretty extreme: Jude, one of the main characters, is revealed as having been raped as a child and then as a teen, was forced into prostitution by a man, and his entire life up to adulthood has been nothing but being the victim of rape at the hands of many men. It's so much extreme violence that plenty of people have called out the author for trivializing trauma porn at the expense of a gay man to sell to a majority female audience.
Still, the people of booktok love and recommend it constantly.
But you know what issue they have with it? The cover.
The cover picture is titled "Orgasmic Man," and even if the title is pretty suggestive to what it represents, if you look at it it can be a man who's coming, sure, but it could also be a man yawning or in agony. It's meant to be open to interpretation. Its photographer was Peter Hujar, a gay man who contracted and died of AIDS in the 80s, and it's very likely that the model pictured in the photo was a gay man himself.
In a book written by a straight cis woman and that focuses on gay relationships between men, with one of its main characters who has gone through years of sexual abuse at the hands of men, the thing that must be censored because it makes them uncomfy is the only piece of work that was, in fact, realized by a gay man.
In a book that's supposedly about queerness, they want to cancel out the actual signs of queer men.
Yeesh! I'd say that's quite a clever choice of cover, personally!
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channel1600 · 5 months
Perception doesn’t keep your image alive, it kills it
◌ I just got done watching “Nope” directed by Jordan Peele, the same man who directed “Get Out,” and as much as I would love to sit and pick apart the hidden meanings and messages, I feel that would be counterproductive. As Keke Palmer said, the movie should not be explained and I have to agree because as much as I tried to wrap my head around what it truly meant, my grasp just kept slipping and that’s supposed to happen! The characters want to be recognized and what to accomplish something big, the impossible even. Yet, the lengths they go and the pain they're willing to endure to do that is mind-boggling. That’s why the title is so ironic. Anytime they face the unknown, they immediately chicken out saying, “Nope,” but when given the chance to be a part of something, they can’t help but go for it. And that’s all that can be said about the movie!
◌ I think people’s need to be seen and acknowledged is one of our biggest downfalls, and as someone under misanthrope allegations, I think it’s what makes us so infuriating as well. I have been consuming a lot of media lately that’s making me think, for recreation and academics, and the way they depict perception so differently is jarring, almost. In one of my classes, we’ve been discussing “The Outsiders” by S. E. Hinton and Johnny Cade, a character in the book, is being domestically abused. He says that he prefers his father’s physical abuse over his mother’s verbal abuse though because when his father hits him, he feels seen. He just wants to be seen and if getting hit is how that happens, he’ll take it. Contrastingly, a fanfiction that I read follows a main character living in a super power based society, but he doesn't have one. As super powers developed, so did the idea of super heroes! He can not be one, however, without a power, so he turns to vigilante work and doesn't want any kind of publicity. He intentionally learns to blend in with shadows while working through what he's going to do with his life. The protagonist doesn't save people expecting anything in return, just that he might lose his own life while doing right by others.
◌ Just like any other person, I’ve dealt with wanting to be recognized and I think my biggest accomplishment is being a hero for myself. I’ve come to terms that while my impact on the world may be little, I saved one person: me. I hope I never get pulled into this spiral of popularity and public appearances. I just want to live a carefree life filled with my interests and people I love.
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neotrances · 2 years
hey!! i agree w u on the whole “u can still consume media even when the creator is bad etc” but i was wondering what youre thoughts were on aot? because obvs the creator is a freak and ofc it rolls over to his work but i (cringe) watched it up to the second part of the fourth season and its not? as bad as people make it sound? like obviously genocide is bad and the storyline about oppression is going to be uncomfortable but those things are framed in a negative light in the show and from where i am in the show the whole plot rn is to stop the impending genocide. im just curious as to what you think because its been on my mind lately :]
erm well i think u should look at what a lot of jewish people are saying, aot is antisemtic but not in the way some people frame it, eren and the main cast and everyone inside the walls are meant to be jewish coded, the problem with this is everyone inside of the walls are titan shifters and get their powers from eating people, it’s basically blood libel, while eren becomes a villain and tries to do genocide and create an ethnostate many of the characters r agaisnt him and his new thought process, the show is bigoted and the creator is definitely a bad person however the show makes a point of saying eren is in the wrong up until the final chapter where eren is redeemed which makes the over arching plot kinda worthless bc it started going “war is bad, we are people just like you, we don’t want genocide” to “eren was right we needed an ethnostate for jewish people by any means” in the very last chapter which is obviously bad spoilers or whatever but but the manga itself even when attempting to give out a positive or “woke” message for lack of better terms still lends it self to blood libel and “jewish people are secretly monsters” even if most of said jewish coded characters r good people and are nothing like what eren becomes, ur better off going to a aot fan for like specific details tho, all in all most fans (the general public) are too stupid to even make the connection of the mcs being jewish coded which is where the problem comes up bc they get too caught up in the action and war aspect that they overlook the implications of the story
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deadlydelicious · 1 year
I'm not saying you're wrong but i interpret it differently. I think that shauna let jackie define her childhood. 'did i force you to be in my shadow shauna?' the answer is no.
I think actually we kind of agree but maybe from different angles? I think Shauna did let Jackie shape her, it wasn't forceful molding on Jackie's part, it was merely passive acceptance of being shaped on Shauna's part. Jackie strikes me as someone who lived life in 'main character mode', and treated Shauna's like her faithful sidekick- not in a way that she saw her as lesser, but in a way that see always expected that where she stepped Shauna would follow. She would make the plan, and then JackieShauna (one word, one being) would carry them out. There was no need to consult with Shauna because of course she'd agree with Jackie.... right?
except no. because Shauna, passive accepting limb of the creature that was JackieShauna, was starting to rankle under the lack of control over her own being.
I think that Shauna's passive acceptance stopped at some point just before the show begins, so we enter into the relationship at this friction point where Shauna is trying to detach her identity from Jackie. but at this point the only way she knows how to define her self is in relation to Jackie, so she has to do this by defying her - which is what i meant by obedience vs opposition.
And then smash the crash happens and they arrive in the wilderness. And while Shauna works to accept this new reality, Jackie refuses to- and the two divide with catastrophic consequence, as you would expect when one organism attempts to suddenly split itself in two. I think the result of that division, partnered with the trauma of SUDDEN adulthood for Shauna has her running back to the safe zone of JackieShauna- this two bodied creature they always were. but she can't. Jackie's gone. there can be no return. so instead she devotes herself to recreating Jackie, because once 'Jackie' is restored, 'Shauna' will be as well.
Its like Shauna is a small creature, and Jackie was the warren that she has lived in for years, and just as she was attempting to climb her way out and emerge as her own being, an earthquake hits. Terrified she tries to return to the familiarity of the warren, but its gone, caved in when the earth moved. Shauna has nowhere to return to. so now she digs desperately, unable to move on without a safe home to return to
On a separate note, thank you for your message! don't be worried to politely disagree with meta! I think that's wonderful, it lets us open up and have discussions about what media means to us as fans. that comes into play ESPECIALLY in a show like Yellowjackets. I think the meta of this show is like the religion at the core of it. its so amorphous and personal that i think all fans approach it and internalize it differently as they consume it. its not necessarily a matter of correct or incorrect, but a matter of what you find personally relevant.
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kitchen-scamp-vibes · 2 years
What do you mean by "loosely" queer? I agree with you about Matt already having platform and not needing to be on d20, but feels kinda shitty to be like "these people are Real Queer and these people are Fake I mean Loosely Queer" ? like, I'm hoping I'm misunderstanding your meaning here but to say the regular cast on d20 like Ally Beardsley is "loosely" queer compared to who else d20 brings on is ? bad? Or to be like no I meant X from CR is the "not really queer" one is like also bad?
TLDR: I should have capitalized queer/Queer.
So firstly, I want to be clear that both this response and the OP are personal opinions/preferences, rather than say true fact, or something I think everyone should believe. Critical Role is not for me (yes I have tried) and I don't expect my feeling that way to change how someone who really likes that show feels and I'd hope the same would be true for the reverse (although prior experience would suggest otherwise). The same goes for my personal preferences as a queer person on what media I feel meets my standards for queer storytelling that I devote limited time and resources to.
That being said, my personal belief is that there is a difference between queer and Queer. I know that's not exclusive to me and there are smarter queer theorists than I who have discussed the topic but my personal bare bones is that one is merely a descriptor and the other is a political ideology or statement. It goes without saying that in a country that systemically hates most people, existing at all outside those boxes will get you some level of mistreatment and loss of privacy, but there are degrees to which that will impact a person based on how obviously they break those boundaries. This isn't to say that on an individual level anyone is more or less queer than someone else, but on a societal level one could be SEEN as more queer than the other based on a variety of factors. I'm not saying it's fair or that I agree it's the way the world SHOULD work, it's just is how it does right now and colors the conversation we are having.
To use some other celebrities as an example: Ellen DeGeneres, Neil Patrick Harris, Vico Ortiz, and Caitlyn Jenner might all be queer but I would only consider Vico Ortiz Queer, at this time (time and politics shift and there was a time where all of them have been more politically Queer but I'm speaking of their current existence). It might be a generational thing, but I have mixed feelings about trying to normalize gayness or queerness by making it look exactly like straightness except for two men or two women. It feels very "we're the safe gays" to me and while I again don't have an issue with that on an INDIVIDUAL level, I just prefer the personas I follow and media I consume to be doing a little more pushing back.
If I saw Liam O'Brien and Ally Beardsley both at Pride I wouldn't think "one of them has more of a right to be here than the other," they are both family on an individual level. I do think one of them has done more pushing back through the characters they create and the way they go through the world than the other. And when I'm criticizing companies and productions, that's what I'm talking about and focusing on. Dimension 20 has had a multitude of trans, ace, gay/lesbian, queer, etc. folks on their show and I'm not saying Critical Role hasn't done that at all, but they have done it significantly less and in a less successful way in my opinion. Again, I haven't watched any of their campaigns in full (I have tried all 3) but I remember when C2 ended there were fans pissed that Caleb and Essek "didn't end up together" and yet when I listened to that part of the episode it was clear to my ace ass that they were obviously in a partnership that fit their needs and was just as deep as it would have been if they had sex or kissed.
I know a lot of D20 fans are Intrepid Heroes/main season fans only but I personally tend to enjoy the Side Quests just as much, if not more. That means I've had a LOT of different casts and characters to enjoy, as well as DM/GMs, in a way that I wouldn't get from Critical Role, and thus more varied exposure to identities that are different from my own and each other. With the wealth of people I've gotten used to expecting (when will my wife, Jasmine Bhullar return from war?) I was disappointed to see that I was getting the most basic of mainstream people on the show I watch. Again, not to mention the racism and other grossness that CR has either condoned or enacted both on and off their shows, which was an equal part of my post that you chose to ignore. I'm not going to go into that on this response but V.J. Harris has a series plus other standalone videos on their tiktok about more of that stuff, if you are interested. He is by no means the only one who has spoken on this or made content about it but has been watching the show since the beginning and comes from an in-group POV which should be easier for the diehard Critters to handle. They are also concise while covering a broad range of events and incidents.
My final note, which is again a personal preference and not something I believe to be fact: just based off the energies of the recordings, I as a queer person feel safer with every D20 table/cast I've watched than I do the main CR group. That isn't based on a true belief, it's just the energy of their table puts me on edge. I'm sure they are decent people but they are just not for me and I prefer to spend my time and money elsewhere.
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vtori73 · 2 years
Saw JJK spoilers &... I REALLY want to read the new chapter now 😭😭😭
I don't mind angst/dark story lines though, so I'm actually looking forward to it but I will say I was/am hoping for a sort of twist ending where things turn out okay with JJK despite how much dark stuff happens BUT I can't say I have high hopes for that currently but regardless I really don't necessarily mind.
Regardless of if things go to shit or turn out okay I would like for the other woman characters to get more limelight before dying (because everyone/main are dying most likely so I don't think killing off the girl/woman characters is necessarily a bad thing but like... give them more screentime especially since there are more male characters so it's little uneven).
Not 100% related but reminds me of thoughts I had when I saw someone talking about how basically because it's shonen you shouldn't bother with complaining/critiquing about sexism in the medium because it is meant for boys... okay that isn't EXACTLY what they said but it's honestly what it amounts to (or maybe it was basically what they said, Idk, I have one pretty shitty memory).
And it just reminds me of when people have legit criticisms of western cartoons, specifically racism, and people will disregard the criticism because 'its a cartoon, what do expect it for kids it not serious etc," and like.... do y'all not personally care what our kids (I don't have kids, I'm using 'our kids' because regardless of if I or you have kids or not all adults are responsible for children to some capacity because I believe in community & how we are responsible for each other especially marginalized people like disabled ones) are consuming media wise because... that's concerning.
I do get that some people don't believe that media doesn't have any influence on us though & that's honestly fine ur allowed to think whatever BUT regardless you should realize that while that argument does work for adults doesn't work too well with kids whose whole purpose while being kids is to learn as much as they can from the stuff around them because they are new humans who don't know anything that hasn't been taught to them.
Sure you can argue it's the parents job to make sure they are watching the right kind of stuff & I agree to an extent because yes parents should be aware of what their kids watch for various reasons but also should be making sure they arent watching stuff that is not meant for their age BUT that's as far I think it should go because once you start controlling EVERY SINGLE THING your kid can watch, read, etc it starts to feel to them less like your protecting them and more like you don't trust them & want complete control over their lives (which I the case for some parents honestly, many people see their children as things/objects and no as individual humans).
Now yes, it is the parents job to make sure their kids don't get the wrong ideas & speak with them about what they read, watch, etc BUT that's putting a lot of responsibility on just what is normal 1-2 people. Which is why I said this is a community problem, not just a parent one because they aren't magically able to know everything about their kid & honestly they probably shouldn't because kids should be entitled to privacy just like adults are.
And also not to mention not all adults have the time or resources to be able to discuss with their kids about the media they are consuming all the time or at all such as poor and/or disabled parents/guardians and NO the solution to that is not 'poor/disabled shouldn't have kids" because thats just eugenics and you should feel bad for thinking only rich people are allowed to have children.
So besides just talking with kids about what they consume media wise I think what is also very important to this topic is that we SHOULD be encouraging critique of what is being made, advertised, marketed towards children so that this stuff CAN improve & so that regardless of who the kid and their background they aren't continued being spoon fed shitty regressive ideas unchallenged.
Also also reminds me of some people claiming ANYONE who feigns concern for media targeted to kids is just fox news/republicans who just hate gay people & yeah they do use the argument of concern for kids A LOT as an excuse for bigotry BUT can we admit it's a faux concern? Like can we TRY to learn there is a difference between faux and real genuine concern and learn to spot it because it REALLY isn't that hard, tbh.
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superrman · 4 years
I got a couple asks about my reply to an ask where I said that I acknowledge cop propaganda in procedural’s, and believe that everyone falls for it, while still acknowledging that I have enjoyed those shows. More than one ask said they are fully aware of the propaganda and so they can still watch those said shows, this is something I want to expand on because No one is above falling for propaganda.
I have loved and watched cop shows since I was 12, and I also have studied propaganda academically for half a decade, and that is why I can say with certainty you have internalized and fallen for propaganda within cop shows. 
It is important to note that cop shows are designed with the aid of professional police for this exact purpose, they are insanely important to the normalization of behaviours of police, and justifying their actions, because you as an audience emotionally connect with the characters. 
There are many things that have circulated around tumblr that have acknowledged certain forms of propaganda - the continuous use of violence, in a way that claims that the police must in many cases resort to violence, Trevor Noah did a great small clip showing how many cop shows do this. On top of that the villainization of internal affairs and the entire defence system, claiming public defenders are moronic and don’t defend their clients well, which in turn makes people afraid to turn to public defenders, which in turn results in people not asking for a lawyer, and at the same time paint defence attorneys as evil as well, and an impediment to justice which makes people dislike lawyers in general.
These are all important functions of the propaganda system as it justifies many actions of cops, but there are so many layers of propaganda, with hundreds of cop shows, all with police consultants, all employing underhanded tactics and specific messaging impacts you, below is a small list of things I either personally have internalized or know people have internalized. In brackets I mention just a couple shows I have seen this on, keep in mind many shows do this and they all tend to overlap
1. We as a society all agree that murder is wrong, but how many times in a cop show have you rooted for the police to get away with murder? How many times has the protagonist killed someone for personal reasons? They may find a way to kill said individual in the line of duty and that is legal, and or in many cases personally hunt them down and commit murder, and then the story line is about them getting away with murder,  but at the same time many story lines in the same series say no one has a justifiable reason for murder, and they may even arrest someone for the same reason as they killed someone.
This teaches the audience that you can’t kill for abuse, country, cause, or revenge, but the police can and should kill, and if they do kill it was only for a valid reason
(NCIS, NCIS LA, The Mentalist)
2. The ‘red tape’ and intense scrutiny of police shootings is the worst, and harmful for the police, in general the scrutiny of all of the measures meant to prevent police violence and harassment of citizens is hindering the police. How many shows have you watched where the main character scoffs at the idea of mandatory counselling post a shooting, or is angry by the idea of having to justify why they took a shot and killed a man
(Rookie Blue, Cold Case, Hawaii 5-0)
3. The police are underpaid and lack the funds for the necessary policing measures. This one in particular I internalized to the extreme, I have always held the false assumption that police are underfunded like all of the other services they equate themselves too - but the police departments have more than enough funds as the protests have revealed. Yet, every cop show depicts a scene of complaining about budget cuts, lack of funds, cannot pursue a case because of budget cuts. On top of that any cop that gets caught stealing is justified because if he was paid fairly, he wouldn’t have to do that.
(Castle, Lucifer, Brooklyn Nine Nine)
4. The police can’t save ‘everyone’ in the context of the most vulnerable of society drug addicts, sex workers, the mentality ill, the sad reality is that some people ‘don’t want help’ - it says societal problems are unsolvable not that the police are not qualified or effective in solving society problems but even then there is a plucky do good cop not yet jaded that will try and try to save people, but eventually have to come to a hard realization you can’t save everyone
(Perception, Criminal Minds, Law and Order SVU)
5. The police always work with experts in the field, have the best technology and moreover, experts will want to work tirelessly for the police or the police themselves are geniuses- this is not the case, in fact in many cases police incompetence and ignoring experts leads to false convictions
(Bones, Rizzoli & Isles, all the CSI, Criminal Minds)
But the most malicious form of propaganda is the way in which police procedurals acknowledge the real world political climate and use the criticism as a way to bolster the police, by this I mean, so many cop shows will have an episode of focusing on a corrupt cop, or a civil rights activist wrongfully arrested, wrongful conviction in general, and the narrative will show outrage throughout the system, cops all banning together to undo this injustice, but with enough resistance from some bad apples to make it seem as if they acknowledge the system is not fully functional but reinforces to the audience that many cops can and do fight the system to get the wrongfully accused out of prison, to protect civil liberties and that cops do care and will willingly fight their own to do it .
Moreover, this is shown in the context of the importance of police brotherhood. Being a cop is always more than a job it’s a lifestyle, you can’t stop being a cop, and it’s a part of your identity, so its extra heroic that the protagonist challenged the corrupt cop, it’s as if he or she turned on his own family to do what is right.
There are always episodes about going after the rich and politically connected and how no matter what the protagonist will do what’s right and fight against the system to get justice for a poor, or poc , or down on their luck victim, it teaches us that even though in the news cops might not be able to stop all of the big evil rich people, Kate Beckett or Jake Peralta is out their fighting the fight, trying to take on corporations, it teaches us to go on faith that the police are separate from the corrupt system, and will try to take on politicians and corporations rather than the reality of them working for those same people
Finally, so many cop shows have minorities and women leading the charge to challenge the old guard, usually with the new era of white men, that laugh at the police brutality and incompetence of older generations. It’s hard to ignore the damage the police have done, but every show simply disregards this with a change in the vanguard, newer cops are immune to racism, classicism and agree older cops used to break the rules and where more corrupt but now that isn’t the case. It’s meant to undermine all of the arguments against police, think about how many people agree that the police during the civil rights movement of the 1960s were bad, or the police that co-operated with drug dealers were terrible but no more, cops now are much more ethical.
Propaganda is dangerous, because it is continuous and repetitive, it is subtle and seeps into your life, you internalize things because we all consume media for enjoyment not to subject it to academic rigour, and that's how they get you to sympathize and feel for cops, we constantly watch stories of brave souls putting their lives on the line for us, and of course we want to believe that this is a real life story and reflective of most cops, but we need to realize now that this is not the case in reality, and its not just a few bad apples, but a system that is broken beyond repair, who relied on the entertainment industry to spread and maintain the false face of the police industry to avoid and undermine criticism.
Just remember No one is above falling for propaganda
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inawickedlittletown · 3 years
Queerbaiting and Buddie
(word count: 1,900)
I keep saying that I don’t want to spend any more time on 9-1-1 meta or fic, but the events of this weekend made me open up a document where I had some unfinished meta and in light of the S4 finale airing tonight, I thought I might at least write this: 
“Queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ representation. They do so to attract a queer or straight ally audience with the suggestion of relationships or characters that appeal to them, while at the same time attempting to avoid alienating other consumers.” 
That is how Wikipedia defines queerbaiting. And I really feel like everyone needs to read that and then read it again and realize that what is happening on 9-1-1 with Buddie is NOT queerbaiting. 
I don’t want to go into the long history of queerbaiting because we would be here all day and anyone that wants to do some research should go and do so. There are a lot of resources out there. Use them. 
But the short of it is this: queerbaiting has a lot more to do with the way a show is promoted, with the way that anyone involved in the show talks about a queer ship, and with the show deliberately scripting scenes that hint at a relationship without any intention of following through. Expectations and wanting a queer ship to go canon and those expectations not being met do not alone equate to it being queerbaiting. 
For any of us that have been around a long time there are a lot of perfect examples and if you compare Buddie to any of them, they are very different. I’ll name a few:
John Watson/Sherlock
Emma Swan/Regina
Castiel/Dean Winchester (though they did go canon...barely)
Buck and Eddie do not fit into that list. Which isn’t to say that someday they could belong there, but I just do not believe that they will even if Buddie never becomes canon. And this all lies in how Buddie as a ship has been treated both on screen and off. I’ll break it down by season. 
Eddie is very clearly introduced as a new character, a straight Army veteran with a disabled kid and family drama. He and Buck have immediate chemistry. We can’t deny that, or deny that from that first episode there are immediate sparks. Unintended sparks, but sparks nevertheless. And it is easy to tell that no one on the production team expected that and the story reflects that. 
Yes a foundation for their friendship is formed and yet the season long story focuses on Eddie’s relationship with his estranged wife and Buck is dealing with his own growth after being left by Abby. Their friendship shines and their scenes are great but none of them suggest romance and there are actually a lot of episodes where Buck and Eddie barely interact in S2 aside from in the background or for small work related moments (this mostly happens after Shannon returns). 
S2 does give us the first acknowledgement from the powers that be aka Tim Minear that they know what the fans have seen. This is why the elf scene exists, but it exists in a space where it’s a nod to the fans and not meant to do much more than that. The other moment is during the call with the livestreamer. But S2, places them completely and without question on a strong friendship. 
We see a lot more conflict for Buck and Eddie in this season and we see how close and important they are to each other. Those are the two main things. That can be read as friendship easily and it’s a season where both Buck and Eddie deal with their pasts and in one way or another start to get closure while their friendship remains intact. 
Yes there are some scenes that make us squint and go huh, wtf? (I’m looking at you kitchen scene), but narratively we also know that neither of these boys is ready for a real relationship with anyone, let alone each other. But we can bask in how close they are as well as how Christopher fits in into all of it. 
But in S3 we are also introduced to Ana and we see the return of Abby. We also get to see that Buck and Eddie have become closer than ever and that the lawsuit only serves to highlight the importance that they both feel about having the other available to them. I’ll also quickly mention that Eddie Begins worked hard to highlight Buck’s devotion to Eddie. 
Without considering the events of the finale (I am avoiding spoilers and know nothing about it or the speculation), we’ve seen Buck and Eddie both grow and get further closure on their past. This season has paralleled them well and their friendship has not faltered, they’re as close as ever. 
The beginning of the season was heavily focused on Buck and we saw him grow as a person and begin to work on himself in a healthy way and we’ve seen Eddie be supportive of that. 
We also have Ana to consider and her relationship with Eddie as well as the return of Taylor and yet the appearance of these women has not changed the Buck and Eddie dynamic. And I find it fascinating that Eddie beginning to date Ana, is the thing that prompted Buck to start dating. The parallels are all over the place but it is the strength of the friendship and the way they care so deeply about each other that remains whether that becomes romantic is still to be seen, but it could still go either way.  
Off-screen by the end of S2, Tim Minear had already addressed Buddie by throwing in that elf scene in a wink/nudge fashion that said “I see you” and in the scene with the girl with the livestream with the comments. During S3 he tweeted about being frustrated by the fans demanding and being hostile and thinking that that would make him more likely to do what they want (I’m paraphrasing what I remember seeing). Tim has never once said that Buddie will happen or shut the door on the ship entirely, but he did say he did not want to engage in conversation about it because he doesn’t want to get into arguments with fans. 
Oliver has always been enthusiastic about Buddie and has even said that he would be perfectly fine with it happening both a while ago and more recently in promo for S4. Conscious of queerbaiting and not wanting to give fans false hope, he has specifically said that he does not know if it will or won’t happen and that he wouldn’t speak on that as he’s not the one making that decision. His support for it happening does not mean he has any sway one way or the other. He’s said this a few times and even wrote a letter to the effect to make it clear to fans that the last thing he wants is to disappoint someone due to something he’s said. 
All in all, it just isn’t a constructive environment for anyone working on the show to interact with fans on this topic because any time that they do, they get attacked by overly enthusiastic buddie shippers that in many ways are making everything worse. 
In all of the interviews from Tim that I’ve seen, he has always been very quick to hint at what was coming up on the show in a way that at times has been misleading on purpose. The number one thing that comes to mind is early in S4 where Buck was said to get a new woman in his life. Tim absolutely made it out to seem like it was a girlfriend while knowing fully well that it was a therapist. This is an excellent example of what promoting and hinting is actually like. No one from this show has done that in regards to Buddie. 
No one has gone out of their way to hint that it may happen in a way that excites the fans. And this is one of my main reasons for knowing that Buddie is not a queerbait. At no point in the life of the show so far has anyone used Buddie in a promotional way to bring in viewers. Because THAT was the whole point of queerbaiting in the past. 
It was a way that some showrunners found to bring in a lot of viewers when they needed to up their numbers in order to show networks they were worth keeping around. Someone figured out that LGBTQ people wanted to see themselves represented so much so that they would tune in to anything that promised an LGBTQ character in some fashion. It was a tactic that worked well in the landscape of tv where there was so little LGBTQ content on mainstream media that anyone wanting it would latch onto anything. And then they just wouldn’t deliver on those relationships or characters. In 2021, that is not the world we live in any longer. 
In today’s tv landscape there is so much to watch and so much to pick from and diversity has grown, it is celebrated. Queer characters are well represented as are queer relationships and queer stories. The times are different. A while back I was listening to a podcast (Bait: a queerbaiting podcast) and something I found interesting was how the hosts both agreed that in today’s tv landscape there is no more real queerbait and that we won’t easily find anything like the ships I mentioned above. I think I agree more with this than I expected to, because I do think that it exists in some spaces, but it definitely isn’t what it used to be. This is a good thing. 
Specific to 9-1-1, this is a show that has that diversity and that isn’t afraid of tackling that diversity and giving us interesting and nuanced perspectives and stories embracing that. We have characters of color, women in positions of power, a F/F relationship, two multi-racial relationships, a disabled character, other queer characters including a M/M relationship. There is so much in this show that embraces diversity and that embraces the reality of what the world looks like. To call it queerbait is to disrespect everything else that this show is and has done and the hard storylines that have been tackled that we would not have seen on tv ten years ago. 
And I get that Buddie would be another breakthrough. It would be a novel way to tell a queer story, and it would be amazing if it were to happen. The set up is there, but it isn’t fully realized, and Buck and Eddie can still be read as just friends if we take off the shipping goggles. But it also isn’t queerbait or likely to become queerbait and people have to stop calling it that. 
What Buddie resembles is one of the many unintended slow burn ships that have frustrated viewers in many forms across fandoms and we just have to go along for the ride and maybe it will happen. Or maybe it won’t. But if we know anything about relationships on tv, it is that a lot of the fun comes from the journey, even if the destination is good too. 
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Better Man. ( Taehyung x OC)
Chapter 1    Chapter 2
Rated 18 +
Post Divorce, Getting Back Together, Second chances, Angst.
Chapter 3 ~ The problem with marriage is this  : it isn’t worth the pain of divorce. 
Denial isn’t healthy.
 But sometimes it helps you stay sane , at least long enough to get your act together. When you’re in denial, you kind of keep yourself together a bit. You process things a bit more slowly. Take your time examining the facts. 
It helps you make a delayed but possibly more informed decision.
 Impulsive decisions never end well.
 So it’s good to stew in denial for a while ( a short while) and then slowly begin processing what happened, think about it, think how its gonna affect you and then make a choice. 
Unfortunately for Taehyung and I... I wasn’t in denial. 
Maybe I should have been.
 The time between Taehyung turning up drunk and the me leaving the house was less than twelve hours. Taehyung showed up drunk and I just told him I was leaving. That we needed a break and I didn’t know when I’d be back. 
Terrible choice.
 In the first twelve hours, the hurt is so potent and strong , the wound so raw and fresh that you can’t think beyond the pain . Your instinct is to repay the pain, to retaliate and make the other party feel exactly what you’re feeling. So you think of the thing that would hurt them the most and you go ahead and do it. 
Like move out of your shared home of eight years, take away the son he adored and possibly rip the ground right out from under his feet. 
And then after the first twelve hours, reason begins to catch up. 
I had wanted to go back. 
I had wanted to go back to him but I was scared. 
Scared that I was being weak.
 That if I didn’t stick to the choice I made, Taehyung would forever see me as a pushover. That he would take it as some sick permission to do it all over again. That he’d just think I was too weak to walk out on him. 
And i couldn’t have that. I couldn’t have him hurting me and not facing the consequences of it. I just couldn’t.
So I stayed away. 
I worked on the seventh floor of a high rise in Gangnam, probably a twenty minute drive from Taehyung’s agency. It was an electronic/ tech company that dealt with everything from mobile phones to home fittings . As the  assistant director of Marketing I dealt with branding and keeping up the image of the company. Annual budgets, endorsements, campaigns and what not. 
I was good at it and i enjoyed it . everyone agreed that i did a good job because the numbers spoke for themselves. But I think the main reason I got the job was because I was married to the biggest brand ambassador in the country. 
“ I need the reports on consumer trends for this month and I want to meet with Social media team before lunch. There’s a drop in our web traffic and that needs to be fixed.” I told my assistant, accepting the hot coffee and muffin that he held in his hand before moving to the corner office, my strides faltering just a bit when i noticed that  someone  was already inside. The figure had his back to me but I could vaguely recognize the broad shoulders and muscular arms. 
“Mr. Jeon’s been waiting for about ten minutes now.” Mingyu said with a smile and I nodded. 
“That’s fine , I’ll handle him.” I waved my assistant off and moved to the  door, unlocking it and stepping in. 
“Morning, Jang Mi.” He smiled, eyes flashing with ill concealed delight and I inhaled to calm myself down. . 
I could already feel a headache coming on. 
“Jungkook.” I said curtly. “ To what do I owe this very early visit?”  I glanced at my table finally taking the bottle of champagne in the small ice bucket. 
“Thought we’d celebrate you finally being free.” He grinned. 
Jeon Jungkook was handsome, intelligent , and annoyingly good at everything he did.
At 34,  He was one of the youngest CFO’s in the industry, and everything he touched turned to gold. I didn’t report to him and he had zero reasons to be in my office at any given time. But , unfortunately he had never gotten that particular memo. 
“I’m not in the mood, Jungkook.” I sighed, moving to the back of my desk and dropping my bag on the small ottoman on the side and my keys in the desk. I plugged my phone into the cable on the side and then went to open the blinds. 
“Come on... You know how sick I’ve been of two years of  hearing ‘ I’m sorry, I’m married.’ .... you’re gonna have to come up with  a better excuse the next time i ask you out.” 
“No. No is a whole entire sentence that you should be able to accept.” I said evenly, fixing the cushions on the couch only to have him plop down on them immediately after. 
“One date. Dinner anywhere you like. i can fly you to Paris if you want.... Macua? Jeju Do? Tell me what you want and I’ll get it done. ?” 
i stared at him. 
“I want you to fire Kang Yeseul from the Social Media team.” I said with a shrug. 
He frowned. 
“The new girl? Why?” 
“She’s been posting nudes that she took in my office when I was on leave last week. My name plate is literally visible.”
“Jesus fuck...these bitches get dumber by the minute.”
I couldn’t even deny it.
“I’ll take care of it.” He said swiftly. “ Anything else?”
“Web traffics gone down and I’m gonna find out why. It’s probably time for us to work out the budget for the Christmas Carnival. I think we should go for something new this time. If you can set up a meeting with all the department heads we can brainstorm a few ideas...” 
“I can’t forget about that night.” 
I froze. 
i turned around to stare at him as he lounged on the couch. If Kim Taehyung was the most handsome man I’d ever seen, Jungkook was definitely the second.
 He was disconcertingly good looking and where Taehyung’s image was always the clean cut gentleman with the perfect character, Jungkook had a reputation as a bit of a delinquent. Simply because he had a penchant for leather jackets and liked to ride around Seoul on his motorbike on days off. 
Which was ironical because in truth, Taehyung was far from a saint and Jungkook was relatively more put together 
He was also a divorcee and a single parent. His daughter Jennie was easily the cutest two year old on the planet.
His wife and him had fifty fifty custody but she had cheated on him with his best friend. Jungkook had no patience for her. They had a very volatile relationship but he was fighting for full custody and rumor was that he would most certainly be granted it, soon. 
A marathon runner ,  he didn’t drink or smoke.  
Jungkook liked to paint and volunteered at an animal shelter once or twice a month because he loved dogs but couldn’t keep one because of his busy schedule. 
So all in all , a pretty solid candidate if I was looking for a guy. 
Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that I was completely and utterly done with relationships for the rest of my life, I would actually give the guy a chance. 
But , it is what it is. 
“That sounds like a  you  problem. “ I shrugged. “ It was supposed to be  one  night  with no strings attached. And by string I meant awkward conversations three months later .” 
Jungkook groaned and sat up straighter, legs spread and shirt sleeves riding up to show a very sparkly watch. Rich men and their vices. I smirked a little. 
“Come on... its just dinner. I want to get to know you, that’s it.” he held his hands up. 
“There’s nothing to know Jungkook. I’m actually more boring than i appear, which is saying something. I’m not going to be the girl in the leather jacket clinging to your waist when you’re joyriding that motorbike of yours through Seoul. That’s not me. I would hate something that” 
He chuckled. 
“Are you sure? You ever tried it?”
I stared at him in disbelief.
“That’s not the point.”
“I’ll buy you a jacket. Join me this weekend. We’ll go a ride. Then you can make a decision.” 
I opened my mouth to argue when the phone rang. I grabbed it quickly.
“This is Lee Taemin from the Advertising Department.”
“We have a Mr. Jung from HYBE on the phone. They want to talk to us about a possible candidate for our Christmas Campaign.... “
I blinked, surprised. 
“We haven’t even decided on a theme yet. “
Choosing the right actors to endorse stuff was usually the last step. 
“I know but he’s saying they want to talk about Mr. Kim Taehyung as a possible candidate?”
I felt my entire jaw come unhinged. 
I turned to Jungkook stunned. His eyes widened at the look on my face and he mouthed a ‘ What’ 
“Please tell him I’ll call him back in fifteen minutes.” I said quickly.
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook demanded. 
“Taehyung’s manager...he... he wants to make him the face of the Christmas Campaign.” I said dully, mind ringing. I was utterly stupefied. 
Taehyung was the face of Gucci and Versace . He was so far out of our company’s league it wasn’t even funny. 
Jungkook stared at me in disbelief.
“No.” He said quickly.
I gaped at him.
“No... we can’t have that. He’s.. he’s obviously doing this to get back with you...”
I shook my head.
“that can’t be it. He’s the one who gave me a divorce. He’s the one who wanted to end it. “ 
It was the shock of what I’d heard. There was no other explanation for why I said that to Jeon Jungkook. 
Jungkook gave me a look.
“Really? But you wanted one too right?”
“Of course I did.” I lied easily, waving him off. “Anyway that doesn’t matter. We can’t say no to him, Jungkook. Our sales would skyrocket if we get him onboard.” 
Jungkook swore.
“Fuck, you’re right. The Ceo will probably piss himself in excitement. You sure you’ll be okay with it?”
Jungkook looked worried. 
“You forget that Taehyung and I are actually quite good friends.” I said gently. 
He grimaced.
“That's just unnatural. If you can stay friends with an ex it clearly means that either you’re still in love with each other or....”He shrugged. 
“Or what?” 
“Or you never loved each other in the first place.” 
I swallowed the remark hitting a little too close to home for comfort. 
“Schedule that meeting Jungkook. We’ll come up with a campaign theme that would fit Taehyung’s image. I’ll take to Hoseok and Taehyung.” 
“You’re going to call Taehyung?” Jungkook asked casually.
“Hoshi’s with him today. I’ll probably go over to his place after work and talk to him in person.” 
“Lucky bastard. He gets to hurt you and yet  still have you.” Jungkook said bitterly. 
I rolled my eyes.
“He doesn’t have me.”
“Doesn’t he? Why else would you turn down dates with anyone who asks? its one date.. a dinner... If you’re not still hung up on your ex husband why wouldn’t     you just go on one date with-”
I’d really had quite enough of it. I threw my hands up in sheer exasperation. 
“Alright fine.” I yelled, “  I’ll go to dinner with you...can you just stop psycho analyzing my relationship with my husband?” 
Jungkook’s smile told me that I’d been played like a fiddle. 
“excellent. Go see your husband after work and I’ll come pick you up at eight.” 
“What...no wait...”
“I know where he lives. Don’t worry about it. I’ll schedule that meeting and maybe after lunch we can go over the kind of budget you’ll want. Okay?”
I felt a little like I’d stepped into quagmire. 
I didn’t go see Taehyung after work. 
I didn’t have to. 
An hour before I was due to finish my daily report, he turned up at the office with my son. My assistant let him in and I could only gape at him.
“What are you guys doing here?” I asked , completely thrown. 
“Mama I had ice cream with strawberries and sprinkles in a hundred colors.” Hoshi looked excited, eyes shining the way they usually did when he was with Taehyung. 
“That sound incredibly exciting....”
“We missed you mama....can we go again?” He said excitedly.
“I’m sorry honey, Mama’s a little caught up with work...”
“Why don’t we wait?” Taehyung said cheerfully, “ Mama likes blueberry scones so we can get those for her...” 
I stared at him.
“Okay...” I sad carefully, staring him down. What was he doing really?
“Okay... Can I go see the fishies....” Hoshi waved at the large fish tank built into the wall in my office and Taehyung laughed, letting him down.
“Sure bud.. go see how many of the fish you can identify...” He said brightly. 
“ Since when do you pick me up for blueberry scones after work?” I asked briskly and he shrugged.
“Let the kid be happy , Mia. I heard Hobi hyung already spoke to you.”
“What is that all about, Tae?” I said tiredly. 
“All the other offers i got are out of Korea. I want to stay with Hoshi during the Holidays so i thought this way , we could spend some time together..”
“By we, I hope you mean you and Hoshi.” I said drily.
“Of course. I could’ve picked another mall or something but i thought it could be a good thing if we worked at the same place... we can keep Hoshi with us and there wont be all the commuting back and forth nonsense....” 
I nodded. 
“I suppose you’re right. “ I sighed. “But be warned, you’re probably not going to have a very exciting time. 
“I’ll enjoy it nonetheless.” 
I nodded. 
“I won’t tell you how to live your life And I most certainly won’t look a gift horse in the mouth. My Ceo might just give me a huge pay raise for this. He’s been waiting for it since the time he hired me.”
Taehyung gave me a smile.
“I would have done it the minute you asked. You never asked.” 
I shrugged. 
“Like I said, I won’t tell you how to live your life.” 
“Jang Mi?” The knock on the door made us both look up.
Jungkook stood framed in the doorway, jacket off and slung over his arms . He looked bigger than usual, muscles straining against his button down and hair mussed. 
He stepped in casually, holding a hand out to Taehyung.
“The golden boy of Korea. in the flesh. A pleasure to meet you Mr. Kim. I’m Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook” 
The pair of them shook hands and I felt that I would rather be anywhere in the world than there. 
“ Nice to meet you Mr. Jeon.” Taehyung smiled politely. 
“We still on for tonight?” Jungkook asked casually, turning to me with a bright smile. 
This is why i hated men. 
Taehyung’s eyes snapped to me so fast that i was sure he must’ve got whiplash. 
“Sure. I’ll call you.” I said shortly. 
“What’s tonight?” Taehyung smiled, face neutral and smile still in place but his eyes flashed and his voice carried a knife edge to it. 
“Business dinner. We’re going over the budget for the Christmas campaign.” 
“Oh... where?” Taehyung asked with the same smile and I frowned.
“We’ve not decid-”
“I thought I could cook for you. i make a mean steak dinner and I thought I could pick up a bottle of your favorite wine on the way. You have my address right? ” Jungkook smiled. 
Taehyung went still next to me, his entire body taut . 
“A little inappropriate for a business dinner, don’t you think?” he snapped.
Jungkook glared back at him, eyes narrowed. 
“Well, you know what they say about all work and no play-” he began but I’d had enough. 
“I think this conversation needs to end now.” I said loudly. 
They  both shut up but glared at each other.
“I’m gonna make a reservation at the Hyatt for tonight. I’ll meet you there at seven thirty. “ I said, glaring at Jungkook. 
He nodded.
“Pleasure meeting you Kim Taehyung.” He nodded curtly at my ex husband before moving away. 
The silence he left behind was pretty awkward. 
“Bit too much of a douchebag than your usual type.” Taehyung said casually. 
I groaned.
“Don’t start.” 
“ I won’t if you don’t date him.” 
I opened my mouth to argue but then stopped. 
“Lets just get that ice cream ? “ I said tiredly. Hoshi reappeared from the inside room, looking excited and happy and I smiled despite my weariness. 
I could use a little sweetness in my life after a bitterly exhausting day. 
Author’s note : Feedback is welcome . Probably going to be a long , terribly angsty fic with a lot of pain for everyone involved. I still haven’t decided who ocs going to end up with so we’ll see... what do you guys think? 
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mistsofavalon13 · 2 years
Not a girl. As an enby, you should know better than to jumping to gendered labels. You're an ignorant child at best and a malicious piece of shit at worst. And it's not just a t.v. show. It's a cultural phenomena that fetishy freaks like you are turning into the abuse apologia fest. You don't actually care about queer men (unless it's watching them suffer) and your idea of good queer rep for them is abusive relationships (you're an Izzy stan... That tells me literally everything I need to know about the kind of person you are and your attitude towards mlm people).
as much fun as it is to have anon hate for the first time since 2016, i’m gonna nip this fast. first off, apologies for the gendered term! it was used humorously and i meant it in a gender neutral way. next, i haaate the term ‘enby’ and you shouldn’t use that for nonbinary people unless you know they’re cool with it.
third, i actually hate izzy!! so fucking much! he’s a pathetic piece of shit and i want to see him drown in the ocean for what he’s done. however, he’s a well-written, multifaceted, fictional character. because of that fact, making fun of him and enjoying how his actor interacts with fans doesn’t mean i condone the character’s actions. basic media literacy and an ability to critically consume stories makes it possible to enjoy ‘villainous’ characters while also hating them and their actions. send an ask like this to a transmasc hannigram blogger and see how they react to your argument.
also, don’t assume that i make light of abuse or condone it in any way. i also don’t even understand what you mean by “your idea of good queer rep is abusive relationships” when i don’t ship him? with anyone? i hope he sticks around in season 2 because he’s an interesting character and con is a fun actor, but i want him there so he can be fuckin punished. i also think it would be funny if lucius and pete bullied him into accepting love, but that isn’t a requirement. as a queer person who cried with every queer kiss on the show and still tears up a bit thinking about how i never saw wholesome, healthy queer rep like this on tv as a kid, i don’t appreciate being accused of shit i don’t support. izzy can rot for all i care, i just want the three main couples reunited and happy asap.
i agree that ofmd is extremely important and represents a lot for folks like us, but it’s still a show. it’s changed my life in a positive way, but it’s not a religious text. it’s a romcom, man.
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nadohunter · 4 years
kind of disappointing to see you supporting something like H*talia, I liked your art a lot but you support one of the most racist anime out there....
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Okay. Lets talk about this. I’m actually going to copy and paste something I already wrote on my main blog about Hetalia then I’ll add a few notes... Yes. Hetalia the show is problematic. I garentee most sane Hetalia fans will agree, the fandom is probably going to go down in fandom culture history as one of the first disaster fandoms way before the fandoms that surrounded voltron or Steven Universe. Again, most Hetalia fans will also probably agree with that. There’s certain bits from the comic and show that are absolutely not okay- however for those of you making a ton of assumptions about ppl who were in that fandom or are excited about the possibility of it coming back-> let me just explain a few things.
1. Hetalia made massive history nerds out of a lot us, it’s not that didn’t have some problematic results and of course it’s very euro-centric. But I’d argue because of this show It made a lot of people interested in the world and history way more than they ever would have and educated themselves further as a result
ADDED NOTE: The fandom, while small, I’d say has grown up a LOT. The people in it are a lot more informed and aware - The abbreviation was changed pretty damn quick as people started coming back with the new season announced from “APH” (Axis Powers Hetalia - We can all know what’s wrong with that) to “HWS” (Hetalia World Stars).
2. If you were a fan of Hetalia…. that honestly actually meant you were more a fan of the fandom than the actual show. Hetalia has more AUs than probably any fandom I’ve EVER seen: these people made a ton of content Off of characters that appeared in episodes less than 5 minutes long. It got to the point where a lot of people’s interpretations of the characters were SO far removed from the original show they may as well just be entirely new characters. I’m not going to sit here and argue like the fandom couldn’t get toxic, I was there, I remember. This is absolutely a piece of media you SHOULD ABSOLUTELY still be critical of and many many many many many people since the day Hetalia showed it’s face and the ended up getting a creepy pasta story made out of it already have. We’ve been here. Fans have used these characters as an easy way to inform and educate, even more so now than there used to be. So any new fans coming in as well may actually learn a lot about history and other cultures. Which can be really important when done right. It CAN aND HAS been done responsibly. So at the very least if you see a few current or ex Hetalians on your radar just don’t automatically assume shit. It’s way more complicated, we’ve all been through this shit before. Us oldies have seen and understood many a fandom through aaaaaallll the highs and lows.  We were there. We know both the bad and the good that can come from this, as is the case with literally any fandom ever. All of them can be great, creative, and create friendships and community (I have my long term best friend in large part due to Hetalia) … and they can also be latched on to by people who aren’t gonna have others best interests at heart, and are gonna try and use something for bigotry or being just gross. That’s why you stay I n f o r m e d above all else. If you weren’t there for this whole rodeo before, just… at least get the idea that this ain’t a cut and dry situation FURTHER ADDITION: “One of The most racist anime” is a pretty bold claim. Shows like Attack on Titan I would argue have way more damaging mixed messaging around the holocast and nazism. However I wouldn’t go so far to call fans of it racist. Because either A. People aren’t focusing on that aspect of the anime and just like the cool action or B. They know but they’re consuming and reacting to it critically and making informed choices about where they put their money and time. Naruto and Once Peice - two of THE MOST POPULAR ANIME for a LONG time out there, have characters that are EXTREMELY racist charactures of black people but no one talked about that for a long time. I would also argue that yes, the Hetalia dub has some very racist and problematic things with it, we should all get on funimation’s ASS about that, however, the original sub is mostly harmless outside of just plain not acknowledging the horrors of the holocost - which I think since the show is supposed to stay a comedy is why the author steered away from having things set in the 1940s because at a certain point and most modern Hetalia strips don’t touch it - you either make a mockery of a serious topic (cough cough the musical in a lot of ways) , OR you don’t touch WWII and just keep the setting modern and you can continue making fun of Europeans especially all you want.
Point being, If I draw Hetalia fanart... that is not me putting a stamp of approval on everything in the show. If you see a Hetalia fan drawing a character in a Nazi uniform, or putting the pasty-ass character for America in a Native American headdress of course! Call them the fuck out! We are too! Report and block them! So... yeah. And look, I get it, from an outside perspective where the only thing you’ve heard about Hetalia is the absolutely WORST of it, of course you would feel that way, that’s how most Fandoms get a bad reputation. It IS good to talk about this. And if you or anyone still wants to disagree with me, look I’ll still hear you out... but I think we have to get out of this headspace in any fandom of EITHER YOU STAN EVERYTHING ABOUT SOMETHING AND SUPPORT EVERYTHING ABOUT IT OR YOU MUST HATE AND DESPISE IT. Life... human thoughts... just don’t work like that.
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caelumsnuff · 2 years
Fair warning: long rant-y post.
I think you’re the account that mentioned people favoring the “good” characters over the “bad” characters, and I put those descriptors in quotes because I really don’t think characters are as black-and-white as good and bad. I mean, case in point, David, he was a complete asshole in the beginning of his storyline, but even at that time, people still saw him as a “good” guy. Regardless, I just wanted get this off my chest because it almost feels like I can’t within the fandom. I feel as though people here have unified to push this sense of unfair character superiority. 
I completely understand liking characters over others, but to take offense to the differing opinions of others is a bit derisible. Especially because there is very clear approbation (sometimes a little undeserved, in my opinion) for the typical comfort characters, while the storylines with real angst and a more gripping plot are seen as lesser than. For example, I posted a tier-list a while back, after which multiple people messaged me telling me that I was “bold” for posting such a thing. Or even some people hinting at my moral standards because I put Kody, Vega, Adam, and some inversion characters above or in the same as characters like Geordi, Asher, and Lasko. And while, yes, some of those people were joking, I know that others weren’t. I had to go as far as to state clearly that I wasn’t comparing and ranking morale, I was ranking my interest in the storylines. 
It’s not that I’m annoyed at people for liking the more traditional comfort characters, this world is a shitty place and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t seek solace in Redacted myself, but nobody should be berated or criticized for expressing interest in an antagonistic character because you don’t particularly enjoy that character. Or because you don’t find easement as a result of listening to that character.
I also understand that the love for a particular relationship may very well come from a place of empathy for the listener or character or both. A point that I’m making is that not every character has to be resonated with in order to still be deemed like-able or listenable. Going back to the whole respect-other-people’s-opinions thing that we’re all taught as children. 
P.S. I think you have a really good take on allegory used within the Redactedverse.
Hi! So no problem with the length askdkffads, noticing a lot of people apologize for that, but i genuinely appreciate them so thank you.
I looked through my posts to make sure i knew what post youre referring to, and there was one i made a while back (that didn't go in the main tag) about most people ranking the characters that were "bad" in the lower tiers where as all the "good" characters got put higher and how i was judging them. I didn't really clarify why i had this opinion or why i was judging them, so i think i'll do so now asdfada. When i specified "bad" over "good" characters, i definitely meant in a narrative sense. Antagonists vs protagonists, characters that are favored by the narrative and framed as "good" guys, vs characters who are not. And when i talk about grey characters, i am talking about both characters who have a grey personality, grey actions (mix of good and bad or just complex), or are not exactly painted as good or bad in a narrative sense.
I feel like in this fandom, there is a remarkable lack of critical thinking while consuming the content. Not critical thinking as in "being critical of," but critical thinking as in just analyzing the media and making decisions and conclusions for oneself. I agree with you, people are pushing the superiority of some characters over others. Its odd to me that such a large portion of the fandom seems to hate characters that are "bad", especially considering how many of them are interesting, suave, or charming (at least in my opinion). I think they’re letting the story just tell them which characters you should like and which you shouldn’t. It really seems like a lot of people are deciding that because these characters are "bad" that you can't like/enjoy them without displaying some sort of personal moral short-coming. It's an opinion about how reality and fiction interact that im very much not a fan of, no one should have to explain that liking a villian doesn't mean you condone their actions. Most of us are adults, we should just know this by now.
It is also strange to me that because the "good" characters are "good", people often ignore their downfalls as characters. It wasn't until very very recently that i started to see people actually talk about how much of an asshole David was in the beginning of his story. Not that i think having flaws or previously being an asshole makes a character grey or bad, but its just odd that the same people who berate others for liking antagonists also choose to not acknowledge these faults in their “good” favs.
I understand why so many people favor the typical comfort characters, they exist primarily for the audience's comfort. I would also be lying if i said i didn't find comfort in many of these kinds of characters on his channel, but I think we should respect the opinions of others, and their like and dislike for characters whose actions you don't agree with.
I’m sorry that people berated you over your love for some of these characters. If we want to love Regulus, or Vega, or Adam, then we should be able to without others questioning our own morals.
Also thank you, im glad you think im based asdkfas
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ardenttheories · 4 years
I think I may have said this before, but if not, let me say it here now:
One of the biggest reasons people dislike Homestuck^2, beyond how unsatisfying it is to read unless you’re really into the metanarrative complexities and connecting all the little dots, is that it doesn’t host the feeling of Homestuck anymore.
Homestuck was written with the fans in mind. Hussie had us front and centre first and foremost, especially during the first few years of Homestuck’s creation. At no point were we not involved, even when we could no longer include any of our suggestions because the fandom was simply too big for him to pick one. 
We can all agree that there’s a point where Homestuck stopped being written “for us”. There was just a point at which it didn’t quite hit the same way, but it was still Homestuck, and they were still characters we loved, and to some degree we were still involved. Even at some of the worst times, we were there. We can definitely say there are some parts we disliked, and some things that didn’t quite hit right, but overall we can still look at Homestuck as something worthwhile. Something that we still love even four years after its conclusion. Something we can still reread and produce content for.
But when Homestuck was over? When the main story had finished? When the Epilogues were released? That’s when it really stopped being “for us”. That’s when they stopped caring how we felt about the characters, what we wanted, what would hit right for us. The Epilogues were meant to hurt. They were meant to play with our connection to this story, to these characters, and they - for a lot of people - went a step too far. They were heavy. And while the metanarrative stuff was interesting, and there’s so much we can get out of it as theorists and literature students and writers, for the normal fan? The everyday content consumer? There’s nothing enjoyable to get out of reading the Epilogues. Everything is tinged with bitterness. 
This brings us back to Homestuck^2. 
Homestuck^2 was touted to have a base storyline that could change - and would change - with fandom involvement. That they’d pay attention to us and would include us in the writing process again. In other words, it was going to be like early Homestuck. We were going to be a fundamental part of something we love. This was the chance for it to feel like Homestuck used to - and, maybe, for us to get something enjoyable out of the Epilogues. 
But what’s happened instead? More and more of Homestuck^2 is coming out, and every time there is a flurry of posts detailing how much people hate it. How it hurts. How they don’t understand what the fuck is going on with these characters. How it’s just a bit too far. 
Every time I tell people who don’t read Homestuck^2 what happens, I don’t get a response of “oh shit, I gotta catch up!”. I get “oh thank fuck I decided not to read it”.
This is not the response of a fandom that feels they are part of a writing process. This is not the response of a fandom that is enjoying what’s happening as much as they did with the original piece of media. This feels like a fandom watching a train wreck; horrified, uncomfortable, but unable to look away. 
Does this feel like a story being influenced by fandom voice? When a majority of the fandom is uncomfortable with what they’re reading? When a fair portion of the fandom has outright stopped reading? No. It doesn’t. 
This is another story being written without thought for the fandom. Arguably, this is being written against the fandom. There’s just so much that is inherently unenjoyable. And when the original text was founded on fandom interaction... this just doesn’t vibe the same. 
I get that there’s the argument that this is like the Marvel comics multiverse. That there’s different authors, different series, and that at the end of the day, you as the reader hold authority over which you like, which you see as canon. But this isn’t that. 
This is an actual continuation of Homestuck. This is “what comes after”. You can’t consider this the same as bringing out a new series of Spiderman - because this is the Hussie-approved followup of the original story. This is partly the story he wrote. 
You know what would have been more like the Marvel comics argument? Paradox Space. Multiple authors writing equally canonical and noncanonical comics that are hosted within the same universe as Homestuck, but aren’t involved in the original, core story. No one PS comic is the true “continuation” of Homestuck. But Homestuck^2 is. 
You quite literally can’t cut that tie. You can’t state that this isn’t the official continuation of Homestuck when it’s written by Andrew Hussie and the official writing team under him. You can’t disconnect that Hussie Seal of Approval from Homestuck^2. You can’t cut that influence that this is how Homestuck goes on.
Trying to tell us that “if you don’t like it, don’t read it” just doesn’t fly. It doesn’t give the writers a right to speak out against an unhappy fandom. It doesn’t give them a right to do worse things and then be angered or upset when we don’t like it. “This isn’t something you have to read” doesn’t work when we’re all avidly aware that this is what Homestuck is now. That it’s completely out of our hands, and there’s nothing we can do about it because the writers aren’t upholding their end of the “we’re listening and co-writing with the fandom” bargain. That it isn’t a Marvel comics situation. 
Homestuck^2 is Homestuck. There’s no two ways about it. But it fails to hit every note of what made Homestuck the wonderful cult classic it is, because it fails to take into account the fandom in a text that is historically untangleable from the fandom. 
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natsubeatsrock · 3 years
Should Hiro Mashima die?
My answer is no. 
Though, this isn't about actually killing Hiro Mashima. Kinda got you with the title, though, huh? (This was originally going to be titled “Is Hiro Mashima dead?” and released on his birthday. You’re welcome.)
This post is about a widely debated topic of analysis known as the "death of the author." I've talked about this a few different times in passing in a few posts over the years. You could argue that this belongs in my series rewriting Fairy Tail and I considered placing it there. However, I feel that it's better that I keep this detached from that series. This topic concerns criticism of any series. Naturally, being a Fairy Tail blog, I plan on engaging this with the context of Fairy Tail's author being dead or not, hence the title. Still, this is helpful to think about for analysis of plenty of other series.
Again, though, my answer is still no.
Let's start with the origin of this term. The term comes from an essay by Roland Barthes called "La mort de l'auteur". Use your best guess as to what that translates to. I highly encourage you to read the essay as it's pretty short. It's about six or seven pages, depending on the version. There are three main points to his essay.
Creative works are products of the culture they come from and less original than people expect. 
The idea of the author as the sole creator and authority of creative works is fairly modern. 
The author's interpretation of a work shouldn't be considered the main or only interpretation of a work.
Of these three points, I'm sure you recognize the last point. But first, I want to talk about the other points. I believe it is important to understand the arguments being made as a whole.
The first point should be fairly uncontroversial. The vast majority of creative works use established language, tropes, and elements to create a new thing. I wouldn't go as far as Barthes does in this regard. Not to mention, this is somewhat weird to know considering his third point. However, I agree that creative works should be considered products of the culture and genre they come from.
The second point is a bit trickier for me. To be clear, the point is true. You only have to look at various cultural mythologies as an example. There isn't a single version of the Greek myths. There are several versions and interpretations of the various stories and myths. 
Even recent popular fictional characters have had several different interpretations. This is especially true with comics. There have been multiple different Batman interpretations, Spiderman runs, and X-Men teams that fans love. Fans even love and appreciate numerous forms of established characters like Frankenstein's monster and Sherlock Holmes. So, as a consumer and critic of art, I can understand this.
My problem is as a creator of art. I understand this being contentious when it comes to something like religious myths. But, if I create something, I want to get the credit for it. I want people to love my music or writing. But I also want people to recognize me for my skill in crafting it.
This is true even if you hold to the first point Barthes made.  Even if you believe that no art is truly unique, isn't the skill of synthesizing the various tropes and influences around a person worthy of credit in and of itself?
Then again, I am not without bias in this. Barthes says that the modern interpretation of the author is a product of the Protestant Reformation. As a Protestant myself, I get that my background plays no part in my view of this. Barthes also blames English empiricism and French rationalism, but personal faith is the biggest influence on me that Barthes lists.
That being said, there's also something Barthes completely misses in his essay. In the past, stories were passed down by oral tradition. As the stories were passed down from generation to generation, they slowly evolved and became what they are known today. Scholars today can gather a general consensus of what a story was meant to be and some traditions were more faithful about passing traditions down than others. However, you can't always tell the original author of a mythological story the same way we know who gave us stuff like the Quran or the Bible. 
As time passed, stories were written down. With this, it was easy to share single versions of a story and identify its creator. We know who made certain writing of works even before the 1500s. For example, we have the Travels of Marco Polo and Dante's Inferno and know their authors. We could tell the authors of works were before the Protestant Reformation. 
By the way, the Reformation happened to coincide with one of the most important inventions in human history: the printing press. Now you can easily make copies of an individual's works and you don't have to rely on word of mouth to share stories.
I can't stress how important an omission this is. The printing press changed the way we interact with media as a whole and might be the most important invention on this side of the wheel. And yet Barthes doesn't even mention as even a potential factor in "the modern concept of the author"? In his essay about understanding written media? That’s like ignoring Jim Crow in your essay about Birth of a Nation bringing back the KKK.
Now, we get to the final point. The author's original intentions of their works are not the main interpretation. This is understood as being the case after they create the series. Once the work is written and sent into the public, they cease to be an authority on it.
It's worth recognizing how this flows from the other two points. Barthes argued that works of fiction are products of their culture and our current understanding of an author is fairly modern. Therefore, the interpretation of the reader is just as valuable as that of the author. As Barthes himself wrote, "the birth of the reader must be at cost of the death of the author." 
At best, this means that a reader can come away with an interpretation of a work that isn't the one intended. With Fairy Tail, my mind goes to the final moments of the Grand Magic Games. My view of Gray's line "I've got to smile for her sake" has to do with romantic feelings for Ultear. I don't know of a single person who agrees with this. Mashima certainly hasn't come out and affirmed this as the right view.
It's good to recognize that a work can have more meanings behind it than the ones intended by its creator. Part of the performing process is coming to a personal interpretation of a work. In many cases, two different performances will have different interpretations of the same work, neither of which went through the creator's mind. At the same time, both work and are valid.
That being said, there is an obvious problem with this: readers are idiots. Not all readers are necessarily idiots. But enough of them are idiots. The views of idiots should have as much weight as that of the creator. Full stop. Frankly, I maintain that idiots are the worst possible sources to gauge anything of note. (At the very least, policy decisions.)
I know this as a reader who has not been alone in misunderstanding a work. I know this as an analyst who has had to sift through all kinds of cold takes on Fairy Tail. (Takes that are proven wrong simply by going through it a second time. Or a first.) And I definitely know this as a creator who has to see people butcher my works through nonsensical "interpretations."
At the same time, the argument Barthes made comes with an important caveat. He also argued that works are the products of the culture and surroundings of the author. Barthes isn’t making the argument that author’s arguments don’t matter.
As far as I can tell, Barthes doesn't take this to mean that those influences are worth analyzing. Doing so would be giving life to the author. However, there should be some recognition that a creative work didn't come to exist out of nowhere. There's a sense in which Fairy Tail didn't just wash up on the shore chapter by chapter or episode by episode. It came to be as part of the culture it came from.
Now, you'll never guess what happened. Over the years, the concept of "death of the author" lost its original intent. Nowadays, people usually only care about the third point. "Death of the author" is only brought up to dismiss "word of God" explanations of work, after its release. I'd venture to guess that most people using the term casually don't know anything about its roots. I honestly don't know how Barthes would feel about this.
I can understand what might fuel this view. A writer should do their best to write their intended meanings in a work. It would be wrong of a writer to make up for their poor writing after the fact. I don't love Mashima's "Lucy's dreams" explanation for omakes. I know Harry Potter fans don't love the stuff J.K. Rowling has said over the years.
At the same time, my (admittedly Protestant) understanding of "word of God" and "canon" is that they have the same authority. After all, the canon IS the word of God. It is a small section of what God has said, but it isn't less than that.
Of course, it's worth recognizing that nearly every writer we're talking about isn't even remotely divinely inspired or incapable of contradiction. This understanding should cut two ways. An author should never contradict their work in talking about it. Write what you want and make clear what you want to. On the other hand, writers can't fit everything they want to in a work. I'll get to this soon, but their interpretation should be treated with some value.
By the way, people will do this while throwing out the other arguments made by Barthes in the same essay. People will outright ignore the culture and context that a work comes from in order to justify their views. Creators are worshiped and praised for their works or seen as the sole problem for the bad views on works.
What worries me most about this modern interpretation of "the death of the author" is its use in fan analysis. People seem to outright not care about the author's intent in writing a story. They only care about their own interpretation of the work. Worse still, people will insist that any explanation an author gives is them covering up their mistakes. Naturally, this often leads to negative views of the work in question.
This is just something I'll never fully understand. It's one thing if you don't like something. If you don't get why something happened, shouldn't your first move be to figure out what the author was thinking? Instead, people move to the idea that it makes no sense and the writer's a hack.
If all of this seems too heady, let's try to bring this down to earth. Should Hiro Mashima die so that his readers can be born?
Hiro Mashima is one of many mangakas who were influenced by Akira and Dragon Ball. He considers J.R.R. Tolkien to be one of his favorite writers. Monster Hunter is one of his favorite game series. He's even written a manga series with the world in mind. 
It would make sense to look at Fairy Tail purely through this lens. You could see Fairy Tail as a shonen action guild story. Rather than seeing the guild as a hub for its members, Fairy Tail's members treat those within it as family. Rather than focusing on one overarching quest, the story is about how various smaller quests relating to its main characters threaten their guild. Adopting this view wouldn't necessarily be an incorrect way to engage with the series. (Mind you, I haven’t seen this view shared by many people who “kill Mashima”.)
Though, there's more to Fairy Tail than the various tropes that make it up. If you were to divorce Fairy Tail entirely from its creator, you'd miss out on understanding them. There are ways Mashima has written bits of himself into the series. Things that go farther than Rave Master cameos and references.
My favorite example is motion sickness. I often think back to Craftsdwarf mocking motion sickness as a useless quirk Dragon Slayers have. It turns out that its origin comes from his personal life. Apparently, one of his friends gets motion sickness. He decided to write this as part of his world.
This gets to the biggest reason I don't love "death of the author" as a framework for analysis. I believe the biggest question analysts should answer is why. Why did an author make certain decisions? You can't do this kind of thing well if you shut out the author's interpretation of their own work. Maybe that can work for some things, but not everything.
I've had tons of fun going through Fairy Tail and talking about it over the past seven years. More recently, I've been going through the series with the intent to rewrite the series. I've made it clear multiple times in that series that I'm trying to understand and explain Mashima's decisions in the series. I don't always agree with what I find. However, trying to understand what happened in Fairy Tail is very important to me.
It's gotten to the point that I love interacting with Mashima's writing. I talk about EZ on my main blog. I can't tell you how much fun I've been having. I'll see things and go "man, that's so Mashima" or "wow, I didn't expect that from him." HERO'S was one of my favorite things of last year and I regularly revisit it for fun. It's the simplest microcosm of what makes each series which Mashima has made both similar and distinct.
Barthes was on to something with his essay. I think there should be a sense where people should feel that their views of the media they consume are valid. This should be true even if we disagree with the author's views on the series. But I don't know that the solution is to treat the author's word on their own work as irrelevant.
There's a sense where I think we should mesh the understandings of media engagement. We recognize that Mashima wrote Fairy Tail. There are reasons that he wrote the series as we got it and they're worth knowing and understanding. However, our own interpretation of the series doesn't have to be exactly what Mashima intended. We can even disagree with how Mashima did things. 
I know fans who do this all the time. They love whatever series they follow, but wish things happened differently. Fans of Your Lie in April will joke about [situation redacted] as well as write stories where it never happens. You love a series, warts and all, but wish for the series to get cosmetic surgery, or take matters into your own hands.
And who knows? It's not as if fans haven't affected an author's writing of a series. Mashima's the perfect example. I've said this a few times before, but Fairy Tail has gone well past its original end at Phantom Lord (or Daphne for the anime fans). Levy rose to importance as fans wanted to see more of her.
Could Mashima have done that if we killed him?
Before the conclusion, I should mention another way “death of the author“ comes up. People will invoke “death of the author“ to encourage people to enjoy works they love made by messed up people. Given everything we’ve said up to this point, that’s obviously not what should be intended by its use. For now, though, I do think that we can admit that we like the works of someone even if we don’t agree with everything they did as a person. (Another rant for another day.)
In Conclusion:
“Death of the Author” is an imperfect concept, but it’s not without its points. I don’t think we should throw out the author’s intent behind a work. However, we should be able to have our disagreements with the author’s views without killing them.
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anokaiwritingblog · 4 years
Oh hey. I forgot I have a writing blog. Here’s a WIP of my short story collection for my creative writing class. It’s a WIP for one of my major ideas I want to do.
Once every century, it is said that the planets of the solar system align perfectly. In a perfect row, they cast upon the ultimate shadow upon one another; opening the gates to other realms far from our own. It was said that the fallen god rose from this gate and set his sights on destroying our system just like his own. But where evil went, goodness was sure to follow. Out from this gate came the Holy Maiden and her summoned knight. Together, they sealed away the fallen god and cast light back into our system. The two understood that the battle was far from over. “Catch a fish for a man, he would eat for a day. Teach the man how to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.” Despite their love for each other, the Holy Maiden and her summoned knight agreed to go on separate pilgrimages to spread their teachings. The Holy Maiden remained in our system and founded us, the Holy Order, to pass on her teachings and traditions to future Holy Maidens. Her summoned knight, on the other hand, returned into the gate and spread his words to the numerous realms behind the gate. With their sacrifice, we have prevented the fallen god’s awakening over a thousand times…​
“Ay yo… so, like… cool lore but like… pretty cringy not gonna lie. You lost me at the “aligning of the planets” bit. It went from horoscope bullshit to cliched pre-teen novels with a bit of a JRPG elements in there,” a voice spoke out, breaking the breathtaking spell that weighed heavy in this beautifully painted dream.
The wind blew soft through the empty courtyard as no one said anything. In a walled-off garden stood seven bodies, each facing each other in a circle with a pond that separated each figure. Each stood on their own path that was surrounded by the water on each side but behind. A mini pier if you wish to imagine. The water was clear, yet the light was too blinding to see past the surface. All seven figures were outlined well enough to show that they were all women, yet a shadow covered their faces to remain a mystery to one another. Sitting above all this was a pink-haired woman. Her hair was braided back and looked far too youthful to be talking like an elder. Her prink eyes scanned each woman to search for the back talker, a glare like a dagger and on edge. Despite that, she kept an icy façade.
“Who cut me off? Head Nun of the Holy Order?” the pink-haired woman spoke up, looking down at the crowd of women below her.
“Uh, me.”
Slicing through the air, the Head Nun’s eyes locked on to the woman who spoke up; her hand raised slightly while maintaining the image of being smaller than what she was. Her limbs were tightly held together like a defensive turtle yet flashing a Chester cat grin in reception of the attention. “No offense lady but I felt like I heard this exact same plot with some gacha game I played last month. Can we just skip all this tutorial nonsense to get to the fuckin’ point already?” the woman continued, her blunt and straightforward words not matching the lowkey appearance she was trying to give off.
“Oh! You played Fate/Grand Order too? I’ve been trying to pull Gilgamesh for my team for months,” the woman on the right of the back talker chimed in. Though she was covered in shadow, the third party was animatedly clapping her hands together in excitement that she found a companion who played the same game.
“Eh, I stopped after two months. The drop rates are insane for that game and you don’t get enough of the in-game currency. I prefer Epic Seven since you actually win the gamble in summoning a strong hero-“
Slamming her hand against the armrest of her chair, the Head Nun demanded all attention back onto her. The sound of flesh against marble echoing throughout this supernatural courtyard. Zeroing in out the outlier, the Head Nun sized her up before letting out a scoff. Receiving this judgmental look was a young woman of 21 years. If she never stood by herself, she might have blended in with a crowd with her rather ordinary looks. Brown hair, matching brown eyes, and a pair of glasses. Tell that description to any sketch artist and they would draw any other woman. One in five women look exactly like her. Was that statistically correct? Of course not, but most would believe it these days.
The nun craned her neck over these seven girls, peering down with arrogance. Who would have thought that the bold one in this group wasn’t the goth but this… loser. Despite not being affected by the spell, the rebel was overseen like the shadow of her chair or the tree’s. “Are you done speaking over me?”
“No, actually. You aren’t hurrying the fuck up and you rudely cut me off from having a pleasant and stimulating conversation from my neighbor here,” the woman said, “If you aren’t going to tell me what my horoscope is, I don’t want to hear another hour of lore.” From her sides, the woman could hear the reactions from the other girls who listen in to this back and forth. Some ‘tsk’ from her disrespectful actions while others acted a bit shocked. Of course, there were those who snickered from the show while one seemed to be rather disinterested. Tough crowd… To be fair, she wasn’t normally as blunt as she was today. She knew when to keep things to herself but quite frankly, this lady was going on for the last hour about prophecies and cosmic evils. This nun sounds like those writers who only focus on worldbuilding and not writing their story.
“Hurry up? We’re talking about the end of the world- YOUR world. This “lore” is vital. People’s lives are at stake with this information, Two,” the Head Nun said.
“Shit, really? Then why don’t you act it? Literally… no agency. This is the part where a creative writing teacher tells you “show don’t tell”,” Two answered right back; sarcasm dripping from every syllable. She wanted to correct the hag. Her name was Mia, but she understood there was anonymity for a reason. She was tactless, not stupid. Well, Mia would argue she had some tact, but her patience ran thin do this grossly, mishandled magic society. She thought those campy young adult books with groups run by idiots were meant to be… you know, fiction?
It all started right when Mia got to bed. She just got home from a long shift at work and all she wanted was nothing more than lay in bed. And that she did once she took an evening shower before bed. It was normal, everyday stuff for the third-year college student. She had school tomorrow and Mia just wanted to rest her aching body. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she opened her eyes to a completely new world. Looking around, she found herself not alone. There was one other person with her face covered and the pink-haired woman as well. Mia was greeted as “Two” and was told to wait for the other five to show.
That was an hour wasted in waiting and add in the additional hour for the hefty speech, we got our recipe for an irritated Mia. She didn’t go to bed just to stand up for two hours for some fantasy bullshit. Any other time? Sure. It’s cool. But now??? WHEN SHE HAS A TEST TOMORROW?! INCONVENIENT! It killed Mia since this was pretty fucking cool and different from the norm. Everyone dreams of being picked the chosen one but, come on… this was too predictable. If you read a fantasy book or consumed any fantasy media before, then you know what’s going on.
“Rude child. This information isn’t something as trivial as a novel,” the Head Nun spoke, looking down at Mia like a haughty teacher.
“I’m gonna assume that we’re all candidates in being chosen as the new Holy Maiden. We chose our knights or whatever. Compete and whoever wins must reseal the fallen god then tada! Happy ending! Yay!” Mia said. She even raised her hand at the ‘yay’ portion of her phrase. “Listen dude, I play too many games and read a shit ton of books for this. Can we please not do this while I’m in my pajamas?” Mia said, practically begging to be released from this mild inconvenience.
“… You guys weren’t exactly chosen. The universe brought you to us…” the Head Nun spoke, not really arguing with what Mia said. There was a cocky grin on Mia’s face as she just couldn’t help but find it funny how she got some otherworldly person tongue-tied.
“A lottery system huh… sounds about right. An NPC like me wouldn’t be chosen normally… I’m way too smart to be a main character,” Mia thought. She glances to the side for a moment before back on the show.
“Well… I’ll work with Two on this point and speed things up. Time is of the essence,” the head nun spoke, acting as if she was graciously fulfilling Mia’s wish. At this point, Mia didn’t care. Whatever helped the nun feel powerful or whatever… “As Two pointed out, all seven of you are candidates for becoming the new Holy Maiden. You will come into this realm three times a week for your lessons to strengthen your magic and during your regular days of the week, you seven will compete with one another. Your knights are the extension of your magic. When one knight trumps the other, they prove you are the strongest magic user and your defeated candidate is knocked out of the running. This continues until the last one is standing,” the nun explained, “We have hidden your faces and names from each other to keep you guys from cheating and attacking each other when you aren’t ready for combat. If you wish to fight, it’s up to you guys to discuss how to go about it.”
“A battle royal? I thought dystopian novels where kids kill each other in a game was out of fashion? I mean- they already got the Mirai Nikki vibe with the covered faces in the central hub…” Mia thought. She laughed under her breath with mild amusement at the situation. She decided to keep her thoughts hidden now as she surveys the competition. She wasn’t sure if she was going to take this seriously, but she thought she should start hiding her thoughts on the matter now. “The Head Nun never said we couldn’t figure out each other’s identity and jump them… nor any etiquettes of battle… how curious,” she continued her train of thought as she waited for the nun to finish.
“We’ll now do the summoning ritual. One, please kneel down and place your hand into the water to help your knight rise,” the Head Nun spoke. One looked around confused by the order, but she soon nervously did as she was told. She knelt and placed her hand inside. There was a good pause before One jolted. Slowly, One stood up to her feet as a tall figure rose from the water. Just like the girls, his face was hidden from everyone else but his master, no doubt. But his figure was very much noticeable.
“YO! Did you just summon a furry?!” Mia exclaimed before bursting out laughing. She pointed a finger at the girl next to her in a mocking fashion. While she couldn’t see the competition, Mia could at least see a pair of fuzzy dog ears on the knight’s head. But despite her words, Mia knew that, realistically, this knight was most likely a beast man or even a werewolf. She simply didn’t want to lose this chance to taunt her competition.
“Two! Please restrain yourself and respect your fellow maidens and their knights,” the Head Nun spoke. The pink-haired woman coughing into her hand to break up the interaction. “Now, for the love of God. Please shut up, kneel, and summon your knight.”
“Damn, at least ask for my consent before forcing me on my knees,” Mia muttered before kneeling as instructed. She felt rather stupid but seeing how the first maiden got a knight, Mia decided to just trust the action. She submerged her hand in the opaque lake. It was wet alright. Yet despite being in spitting distance to the surface, Mia couldn’t see past her reflection. “Come on RNG don’t fail me now. A hot guy would do wonders for my mental health,” Mia joked, “I hope re-rolls are free.”
On the edge of non-existence and existence, a subconscious mind rose to consciousness once more. He drowns in nothingness and breaths in hopelessness.
There was no sky nor ground to define his abysmal prison. Not even a memory to keep him company.
A hand reached out from above. A hand surrounded by light and a promise of warmth. He attempted to reach for it, yet he was restricted from moving and was forced to watch another steal the opportunity from the shadow. He watched the pair of hands meet and just like that, the light was gone.
He sank deeper into the depths of this unholy waiting room.
Yet again, a hand was extended from the dark with the temptation of freedom. Cautious to reach for it after the first time, he looked around for others who wished to take it. Many came and all walked away. No one wanted to take this hand.
He made an attempt to take it, if only to escape, but found that he was unable to pry himself free. Defeated, he decided to give up on the opportunity. It was pointless anyways.
Left unheld, the hand does not reel empty handed. No. Instead, it curled its fingers until one finger remained up.
One big ‘fuck you’.
What the fuck? So much for an inviting presence. Who did this person think they are? It wasn’t like he didn’t try to take their hand. But seeing this middle finger dangling in front of him like a fishhook with bait, he reached for it once more to drag the hand down into the depths with him. He was tied in place but after some furious tugs, he was freed with a pop.
Taking the hand, it became evident that the one getting snatched wasn’t them but him. Curled fingers shifted forms into a vice grip around his wrist upon skin contact. The dark veil that covered him were ripped off in that instance. Lights, sounds, textures, tastes, and smells flooded his senses as he became a person once again.
Planting both feet on the ground, Mia used both hands to reel up her prey. This summoning was nothing graceful like the girl next to her. It was primal and chaotic as Mia’s partner was floundering under the water. So much for a knight in shining armor. This guy isn’t fighting any dragons anytime soon if he’s having difficulty wrestling against an inanimate substance.
Letting out a battle cry, Mia used all her strength to bring her knight to the surface and onto the pier with her. It wasn’t his entire body but enough of it was on land that it was easier to drag the rest of him out with less trouble. Mia fell backwards on her butt and was slightly out of breath after that intensive ritual. Shiiiit. Carrying a body is a lot harder than it looks kids! Don’t trust what you see on TV. The more you knowミ★
Mia was the image of ‘tired’ with her slightly flushed cheeks and skewed. Fanning herself, she patiently waited for the man she pulled out to make the first move, yet he was belly-down, still as a door nail. For someone who had a lot of energy to fight against help, he suddenly became as complacent as a kitten.
Oh fuck... he isn’t dead, is he? Cause that’ll be pretty awkward ngl ┐(´-`)┌
Mia leaned forward to inspect what she pulled out. She lifted his pale arm to search for a pulse. It was cold to the touch and she couldn’t tell if the steady thud she felt was his or an echo of her own. Upon letting it go, it limply fell to the ground with no flinch from him. Crap. Don’t tell her that she accidentally pulled out a dead body?! Well, Mia knew that pulling trash can happen during fishing mini games but she thought that this more of a “guarantee knight summoning” deal. Mia refused to believe that she waited five humiliating minutes waiting just to pull out a corpse. She wants a refund, god damn it!
Moving his head, Mia planned to check his pulse from his neck to double check if he was dead. There was no resistance in the action, yet she found herself meeting a pair of responsive red eyes peaking from between snowy white hair. The two of them stared at each other for a moment as they both seemed like caught criminals in the middle of a crime. The man’s chest raised up and down as he breaths; a piece of evidence that doesn’t escape Mia’s attention. He’s…
“HE’S HOT!!!”
Scrambling to her feet, Mia put both her hands in the air and let out her victory screech to the worried silhouettes surrounding her. No wait- she should be yelling how he was alive, not his appearance. Yet here she was, doing a victory dance on top of her knight in a pair of polka dotted pajamas. Give her a pitchfork and a tail then you got the image of an imp dancing on a grave. “Bro! He’s so hot... Edward Cullen lookin’ ass- I mean, not like the musty looking Robert Patterson version but how you imagine he look like based on the description,” Mia explained to anyone listening with a wildly inaccurate and vague description of the man. She waved her arms animatedly as she gossiped with her peers with the person in question crawling to his feet.
“Dude, that should be the last of your concerns,” Five said.
“I think you should make sure he’s okay…” Seven said, joining Five in expressing concern.
“Whoa there! You can’t really blame my maiden here for getting hung up on my dashing good looks. Dead or alive, you’ll notice my face first before anything else.”
Laying a heavy hand on Mia’s right shoulder, the man wrapped his arm around the woman to stand in solidarity it her. Surprised by the action, Mia tilt her head to the side to look at her knight to judge which side he was playing on. She locked eyes with him once more but not on accident this time. His touch was uncomfortable, yet she doesn’t push him away. They were a pair of souls with two different goals yet had a silent agreement to meet in the middle for the moment.
“Good to see you again, Catherine. You hardly look over two thousand years old,” Mia’s knight said, being the first to break their line of sight to look at the Head Nun. The nun sneered as the source of her stress doubled over the course of ten minutes.
“Ashley…” the Head Nun said, nearly hissing out the name. Her knuckles were turning white due to how tightly she held onto her armrest.
“Ash,” he corrected her, with equal amount of distaste in return. Ash was smiling but he on edge just like the Head Nun. But this rivalry was interrupted when Mia pinched Ash’s hand to catch his attention. He looked back down to receive Mia’s disapproving expression at his brief quip with the Head Nun. It seemed hypocritical that Mia was suddenly policing his attitude considering she was flaunting on the competition, but Ash clocked on what’s making her step in. “It’s okay,” Ash said, leaning down to whisper into Mia’s left ear, “This was just between me and her. No one heard me use my name. Not like it matters.”
“I’m just disappointed that you don’t have a chainsaw arm,” Mia whispered back, pretending she never had that concern by throwing out a seemingly random thought. Ash stared at her as if she was insane and as if to say ‘what are you talking about’ with expressions alone. “What? You never seen the Evil Dead franchise?” Mia whispered, “Not a fan of zombies movies?”
“You watched me rise from the depths, fight other knights, and you’re asking me if I’ve seen a movie?” Ash said, in disbelief at her question yet finding himself amused by it at the same time.
“I take it that you don’t have Netflix in the void then.”
Watching the duo snicker and conspire with each other like a pair of high school delinquents, the Head Nun rubbed her forehead as a migraine began to surface. She was losing control once again thanks to double trouble. Even the other girls who were patiently waiting began talking among each other. “Oh my god… like I thought, this was the worst combination I’ve ever seen in my lifetime…,” the Head Nun muttered to herself. She covered her face as she shook her head slowly as if she was contemplating something. “I didn’t realize it would be this bad… Out of all the times for that guy to make an appearance, he had to end up with her,” she continued muttering before ultimately lifting her head to look down at Mia and her summoned knight. The Head Nun needed to separate them. “Ah, Two? I don’t mean to disturb your… fun. But you summoned one of the more… troublesome knights considering his background. I’ll allow you to “re-roll”. How does that sound?” the Head Nun spoke, her voice sickening sweet and obviously fake.
Mia and Ash quickly turned to look at each other for how their partner would react. They wordlessly conversed with Mia gesturing the two of them then to the Head Nun. Ash’s only reply was an uncaring shrug but ended up nervously shaking off the water that stuck to his hair to appear distracted. “Yeah… no deal, Howie Mandel,” Mia said, trailing off for a moment to gauge last minute expressions from Ash before turning her full attention on the Head Nun. “You doing that makes me want to stick with Mr. Abominable Albino even more,” she said.
“Abominable Albino?” Ash said. He had a hand over his chest and appeared almost offending by the alliteration. He was hardly offended by being called such a thing but the fact that Mia wasted a braincell to make an awful pun in the middle of a fantastical end-of-the-world scenario.
“Whenever some untrustworthy figure makes some inflammatory comment about one of the leads, they’re obviously doing that to cause aa divide between the leads for their own benefit,” Mia continued as she ignored Ash’s offense to her words. She waved her hand in the air as if to disperse the fog of misinformation. “You even had a mini aside moment where you muttered to the readers that there’s something more about Ash!”
The Head Nun looked completely lost as Mia’s rambling turned to the meta and spoke about invisible audience members. But just like Ash, Mia ignored her words to continue her spiel. “And even if he’s a piece of shit. Worthless. Good for nothing. Pathetic. Dead weight. Only a pretty vase-“
“Okay. I think she gets it already,” Ash said, cutting in as the terms began to pile in his heart. He squeezed Mia’s shoulder to have her move on to the point.
“I will never give him up,” Mia said.
“And... why is that?” the Head Nun asked, wringing her dress in fear that Mia figured something out that she wasn’t supposed to.
“Because he is hot. I made that pretty clear since the beginning,” Mia said. She held her head high and mighty with not even a hint of shame. For a moment, Ash was about to feel touched by Mia coming to his defense. Touched enough that it would make him loyal to her and act as a spark to a turbulent but heartfelt young adult love story which would turn into a mildly popular trilogy with an eventual movie deal before fading into obscurity. But the curtains closed on that sparkling yet oddly specific future as Ash realized that he was stuck with the weird kid. “I mean- I guess I value him as a person too… or something. Power of belief or whatever inspirational term author’s like to use to tug on heartstrings.”
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CW’s Supernatural
At first glance, the CW's Supernatural may seem like any other dramatic paranormal show for teenagers, but it's so much more than that.
Not only has this show been around for over fifteen years, but it has also been a lifeline for so many struggling. Not only has the show gotten people through tough times, but the actors have as well.
The actors made a public announcement that the show's fifteenth season would be their last on the 29th of March, in the year 2019.
The video that was posted by the actors immediately got millions of views, accompanied by outrage from the Supernatural community, family, and fandom*.
While some fans attacked the actors, taking out their anger on people that didn't deserve it, others were in support of the rest of the family. That's what this is about. The Supernatural Family.
Due to running for fifteen years, Supernatural has an immense amount of plot points and character storylines, which are prone to being extremely complicated and somewhat confusing at times. The different degrees of fans is important to distinguish if one is looking for specific answers.
Some fans of the series consider themselves to be more than just passive fans. While the two may share some similarities, they couldn't be more different. Passive fans are likely to simply enjoy the show and casually talk about it with others, while 'aggressive' fans are prone to spend more time, money, and energy (both emotional and physical) based on the show and what goes on behind the scenes; whether it's because of the interest in the actors' personal lives, the making of the show, the character timelines, conspiracy theories, reading various forms of writings based on the show, or something else, the fandom is much more time consuming to aggressive fans rather than the passive ones.
Through all the confusion and ideas throughout the show, it's important to have different social media groups made of more engaged fans. These groups can help guide the fandom through the complex and intricate storylines.
As much as people enjoy the show, it's more than just a show in many people's eyes. There's confidence in saying that Supernatural characters have saved lives while their viewers were struggling with mental illnesses. Though nearly everyone agrees, even more people can say that about the actors themselves.
The main actors on the show are Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester), Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester), and Misha Collins (Castiel). Recently, there have been more characters that have remained constant on the show, and therefore more actors have joined the cast.
When somebody in the Supernatural Family is struggling, it's extremely common for them to look up to the actors and their actions for inspiration and motivation. Sharing some of those quotes may show how important these actors are to so many people of all ages.
A fellow Supernatural fan, Holly, decided to share some of their experience for this piece. "These actors have taught me to never give up. This show has let me look forward to things, and get me through the day like nothing else has before." As a fan, I can once again confirm that these actors have saved my life. These characters have saved my life. This show has saved my life. Holly goes on to say, "It's not just another show, they are not just characters." and even that cannot begin to explain the massive impact this community has had on each other.
There are so many different things that these men have contributed to society, and all of their additions to this world couldn't possibly be written down in the span of only a few short pages. It would do them a disservice.
Since all fans have different experiences with the show, the characters, and the actors, it's difficult to distinguish the little things that they do. Anybody can do a quick internet search and see the millions they've donated to financially struggling countries and families; those struggling with not having shelter and food; and many more. Financial issues aren't the only things that these men focus on.
Collins, Padalecki, and Ackles are three influencers who acknowledge that mental health needs to be focused on just as much, if not more, than physical health. They've teamed up to form multiple organizations acknowledging and helping those struggling with mental illnesses and potentially unsafe households.
The actors are part of the family and refuse to stay silent about it. They are very vocal towards those that look up to them, intent on making sure others know that they're still people and they experience difficulties with their mental illnesses as well.
Originally, the show that started on the 13th of September in 2005 was meant to end May 15th, 2020. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus pandemic prolonged the inevitable ending for over six months; the current end date now falls on November 19th, 2020.
Aside from the plot and characters, this show differs from others in so many ways. With the sentiment of the used props; the dedication of the cast; and the fifteen-year running time, this show is automatically set miles apart from any others. 
This show takes props and sets to another level. Instead of using the plastic blades that other shows tend to do, the CW uses real blades. This has resulted in the actors’ experiencing bruises, cuts, stabs, breaks, and sprains; however, there has never been a complaint or lawsuit filed. When the cast is actively avoiding being injured, they believe it makes it seem 'more realistic.’
Supernatural has been running for over fifteen years, currently making it the 12th longest-running show in US history. In the beginning, nobody knew that the show would be a hit, but the fans kept asking for more, eventually demanding it, and keeping it going for ten years longer than they'd originally planned.
Dedication is an extremely important trait in an actor, especially if you'll be playing a specific character for a long period of time. While many shows have actors that give it their all on screen, the men that took the characters and turned them into something beautiful have gone as far as getting real tattoos, spending millions of dollars for their characters or the show, and spent hundreds of hours going on tour and meeting fans.
This show has more than just a fanbase or a fandom. Over the course of fifteen years, this show has brought together so many and created a family through the episodes, the actors and their characters, and all of the work that goes into behind the scenes. 
They've gotten questions from fans, reporters, and even other crewmates, but one of them really rose above the others and struck an emotional chord with the audience. When asked, "what's the hardest part of playing your character on the show?" Ackles replied with tears brimming in his eyes and a small broken voice, saying something we could all relate to.
"Having to say goodbye."
the fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, etc. regarded collectively as a community or subculture. "Which fandoms are you part of? I'm in Sherlock and Doctor Who. Those are my favorite shows." "I'm in the Supernatural fandom and there's no turning back."
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