#not being able to come to work bc youre sick just. happens. like dont pay me whatever you dont get screwed at all!!!
dashiellqvverty · 2 years
anyway i have been feeling like garbage all day bc i vowed yesterday that i would take a mental health (+ period cramps) day after i cried during my shift yesterday and anyway i called when i woke up and the fucking new manager picked up and was like “okay well just bring a doctors note to your next shift :)” and like this is the second time i’ve called out ever since i started the job at the end of may which is maybe still too often but like he doesnt know me and my other managers LIKE me lmao like i am a person who is terrified of skipping things its not something i DO unless i need to. and i Needed this i know i did. did i say i was sick to my stomach? yes. am i having a bad stomach time for real today? also yes. am i going to GO TO THE DOCTOR FOR THAT? no. is it literally policy to stay home if we are throwing up or have diarrhea? yes. (did i have a job interview this morning and want to go home and rest? also yes.)
anyway it absolutely fucking ruined my mental health day so thats fucking karma i guess on top of the guilt i already had over screwing my coworkers over. also i spent all afternoon running errands for my mom who has covid so like. idk. would be great if the birth control im on to make my period symptoms less bad actually Did That.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Prince Iwa-Chan
Oikawa!Sister x Iwaizumi Hajime
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a/n: it aggravates me that my mans bara-arms-iwa-chan is so UNDERRATED!!!!
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requests open!!
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like look mom, im in love
ofc youre an oikawa
tbh, i dont think iwa wouldve been comfortable w you when yall first met
lets say youre a year younger than tooru
its a well-known fact that theyve been friends since they were really young so you, being oiks’ baby sister, was also part of your little trio
like lets say they met when they were 6
that would make you about 5
since yall have an older sister, you were exposed to the girly girl stuff like dolls and princesses
ngl, tooru was too thats why hes so flamboyant
but seems his fashion style refutes that
ya didnt hear that from me
tooru had already developed a deep fascination w volleyball bc he saw it being played during the 2000 summer olympics
but you remained w your sister and continued letting her treat you like a princess
im not really sure how old his sister is but lets say she was about around middle school when you were 5-6
however, tooru still made you play w him even though you didnt know how but you didnt care bc you were close w your brother so you would play ball w him
then came along iwaizumi hajime that tooru met from school
he found out that this boy also liked volleyball and tooru yeeted them both home so they could go and play at the back yard
you peeked from your window and you just thought iwa was the most handsome boy youve ever met
ofc, you just bolted down the stairs to where your brother and his friend was
oiks saw you standing by the door w a red face and him, being still a child and not understanding crushes, thought you were sick
he went to you and beckoned hajime to follow him inside
tooru sat you down and asked if you were okay but you just kept staring at hajime
he figured that you were just confused as to who this person was
‘oh! iwa-chan! this is my little sister, y/n! y/n, this is my classmate, iwaizumi hajime!’
cue iwa hitting him at the head
‘i can introduce myself perfectly fine, bakakawa!’
iwaizumi hajime,,,
iwaizumi hajimeee,
iwaizumi y/n
that thought made you turn even redder and you squealed in embarrassment before running back to your room
lmao what
if your personality doesnt align w this, i deeply apologize
i just think if you were an oikawa, you would bound to immediately also be drawn to this handsome specimen named iwaizumi hajime
he be getting the oikawas though
iwa was actually concerned but oiks waved it off
‘don’t worry, iwa-chan. shes weird like that. lets go toss the ball!’
so that was kinda how he met you
now, since hajime basically lived in your house by how much him and your brother hung out, youve slowly mellowed out and gotten to be friends w him
despite your hatred w bugs, you still went w them to explore just bc you wanted to be around hajime
lmao tooru youre now irrelevant
hajime didnt mind and he always made sure you were okay with the adventures of the day
even though you were only like a year younger, he cant help but baby you bc of your much smaller height than him and overall cute baby face
one day, they both came home from school all sweaty bc they raced home
‘iwa-chan! you can settle in the living room while i go shower!’
‘don’t call me iwa-chan, bakakawa!’
‘then stop calling me that!’
he sat down on the couch and started doing his homework when he heard you come home from school
lmao how do little japanese kids go back and forth from school to home at the age of 6
idek how to cross the street
‘oh, okaeri, y/n’
you perked up at his voice and you ran to the living room, seeing him
he grunted and you threw yourself to him in a hug
if your personality doesnt align w this, i deeply apologize
i just think if you were an oikawa, you would bound to immediately also be drawn to this handsome specimen named iwaizumi hajime
part 2
tbh it doesnt even faze him anymore since you do this to him every time
he continues doing homework and just wraps one arm around you and starts patting your head
then silence
but its the good kind of silence
you and iwa just sit there with you snuggled up on him while he continues to add numbers
then it was ruined
by the pterodactyl oikawa tooru who comes flying down the stairs and glomps on to iwa’s other side
‘y/n-chan! stop hogging iwa-chan!’
‘he’s mine, tooru-nii!!’
you pout while iwa turns and gives him a glare
‘shut up, bakakawa! and stop calling me that!’
‘aahh!! you were mine first, iwa-chan!’
‘i was never yours! be quiet!’
‘itai, iwa-chan!’
‘he’s mine forever! we’re going to get married so butt out, nii-chan!’
once everything calms down, yall actually start your homework and work
‘anything happen today, y/n-chan?’
oikawa always asked that question bc he believes its his duty as older brother to be caught up in your life
thats actually annoying bruv
‘hmm, me and the girls in my class were playing princess tea party today and a boy asked to be my prince.’
oikawa is 7 now and he faintly has an idea about crushes and his father made him promise that he would protect you from nasty boys
‘calm down, bakakawa’
iwa mumbled, continuing his homework but also paying attention
‘i told him i already have a prince’
oikawa was so smug and crossed his arms
‘hm, serves them right-’
‘prince iwa-chan and i are going to get married and live in a castle so there’s no room for anybody else’
iwa had to double check and turned red really fast
like who was this iwa-chan
wait, what his name?
his name has iwa in it
is he iwa-chan?
y/n’s prince iwa-chan?
was he really iwa-chan?
you glared at tooru and shook your head
‘no. iwa-chan is my prince’
you were so shamless about this fact
lmao i want your confidence
from then on, youve called iwa as your prince
like his name on your phone is literally prince iwa-chan
then when you were in middle school, you’ve started calling iwa as haji-senpai
there wasnt even a large event that spawned this
well,,, actually,,
youve noticed that iwa hated the nickname ‘iwa-chan’ a lot and he hit tooru many times bc of it so you stopped calling him that bc you didnt want him to be mad at you
so you started calling him senpai bc he was technically an upperclassman
when you first called him this, iwa was lowkey shook
‘haji,,,, senpai?’
you nodded from your spot on the couch, not looking up from your homework
‘see? i can only call iwa-chan, iwa-chan! OOF!’
that was iwa hitting tooru at the face with his pencil case
‘y/n, you dont have to call me that. we’ve known each other since we were little so you dont have to call me by an upperclassman term’
you shrugged
‘i know. but you dont like it when you’re called iwa-chan, do you?’
‘not if it’s by this trash’
he jutted a thumb to the fallen tooru
‘so,,,, iwa-chan is fine?’
your eyes sparkled at the permission of being able to freely call him that without worry
he gulps at your face and turns away to hide his red face before nodding
‘my prince iwa-chan!’
‘no! my iwa-chan!’
‘shut up shittykawa!’
‘itai, iwa-chan!’
keeping up with the oikawas
this nickname will forever be stuck
since you went to the same middle school, you were known to be around your brother and iwa and even staying behind for practice to walk home w them
it became a bit of a joke to the team of you picking up your prince
one day, a teammate called iwa, ‘prince iwa-chan’ and he almost busted a fuse
was ready to square up bc only his babie can call him that
but when you came through the door
‘prince iwa-chan! your princess is here!’
he turned all soft and squishy and pats your head so gently that they couldnt believe this is the same boy who is the ace
you were interested in volleyball so you were kinda friends w the team but you didnt really care for the sport, mainly focusing on your academics
thats how it really was for you three
they focused on sports while you studied
oh my here comes highschool
oikawa and iwa were already known throughout the FREAKING PREFECTURE bc of how TALENTED THEY ARE AT VOLLEYBALL
and you were already known by your pretty face and your cute personality
basically genderbent oikawa
and just wanted to stop you from reading by telling you that you are beautiful and you are a KWEEN and you are a GODDESS and confidence is the most beautiful thing to wear and best of all, it’s free!!
ofc, youd have to go to aoba johsai bc your brother was there
‘y/n-chan! you need to go where your brother is! you love him, don’t you?’
‘sure, tooru’
you actually went to seijoh bc you would see iwa 
you didnt hear that from me
your first day, boys (and gals) were already flocking towards you when they saw you walking with iwa and tooru
still being the overprotective brother since day1, oikawa was just snarling at anyone getting close to his baby sister
lmao what baby
hes only like a year older
but iwa was being terrirorial protective bc he finds it as an obligation as tooru’s best friend and your childhood friend
when oiks wasn’t paying attention and being drowned by his fangirls, iwa was your bodyguard
there was this one boy who started walking towards you as yall were going to your class but hajime placed an arm around your waist and pulled you closer
‘oh? i’m only at the first floor, iwa-chan. don’t get all clingy now’
lmao, girl hes trying to show that boy that hes your unofficial mans and will cut off his family jewels if he tries to even BREATHE in your direction
umm,,, iwa’s not yandere in this one yall
iwa just rolls his eyes and makes you walk forward until yall are at your door
‘i’ll see you later, iwa-chan!’
‘yea yea. i’ll pick you up’
he starts to walk down the hallway but you poke your head back out and shout
‘i miss you already, prince iwa-chan!’
he turns red all over and freezes for a 0.0002 seconds before raising a hand without turning around
now ladies and genitals
this is when iwa-chan starts to catch feelings like he catches them spikes
your cute smling face and saying his dumb nickname that he actually loves was like a recipe for a stroke for him
it has come to the point at the mere thought of you would make him all flustered and red
it tripled over when this happened:
puberty was kinda late for you and you actually just woke up looking like a goddess one day and you were like, lmao what
your chest just ballooned up and your height just skyrocketed that your skirt was now very short
ew i dont know what i would do in this situation
you were self-conscious about this and was kinda scared 
obvs, you would scream for your mother and she and your father and brother bolts up to your bedroom thinking there was a whole michael meyers in your room
but when you explained that your uniform doesnt fit anymore, she starts making appointments to get you fitted for another one
but you had to wait for a few days
so you went to school looking like a whole snacc
more of a snacc than you did before
when iwa saw you, he had a literal nosebleed in the middle of campus and runs to the bathroom to get all cleaned up
why in the name of asahi do you look like that?!
when you saw your prince look at you in horror and run away, you cried
you were already very self-conscious and him doing that just topped the cake
cake that tooru doesnt have
oop imsorry
tooru reassures you that he had a nosebleed and he was just sick and ran to not get any blood on his clothes
but you just walked away with your head down low
it didnt matter to you if this caught all the student body’s attention
that their precious oikawa y/n, little sister of the oikawa tooru, was a walking perfection goddess Venus
all that you cared about was iwa’s opinions bc he was your prince and your best friend
girl, accept that you actually like the mans
this was the worst day of your entire life and you went straight to your locker to get your gym clothes out and wear it for the day
it was tight but at least it covered skin
and it still attracted enough attention to be catcalled and whistled at
it felt violating
the entire morning, there was more attention and more people flocked over to you and guys were staring at you as if you were a piece of meat, not a girl
‘harry potter is a boy! not a piece of meat!’
sorry i cant help it
you were so uncomfortable that you called your brother during lunch time to come pick you up for lunch bc you were too scared to walk alone after being catcalled during your walk to your class
tooru sends out iwa to go help you as an apology from this morning and he just runs to your class bc you were in trouble and he was going to protect you!!
go iwa-chan!
he finds you sitting on your chair, looking down at your desk as there seemed to be boys piled up on top of each other, trying to get your attention
first world problems, amirite
that angry grunt but at 2x bass boosted
hearing his voice, you were still embarrassed from earlier but you were so relieved
iwa pushes people away and he grabs your hand to pull you up before wrapping an arm around your waist, protectively
‘if i see you idiots making her uncomfortable or even trying to touch her, i will destroy you’
protection and the feeling of safety is my fave
he leads you out of there to the stairway where him and his teammates were eating
he held your hand tightly and you squeezed it, trying to show that you were grateful
even if they were still male, your brother was there and if something happened, they were both strong enough to take them on
besides, its just mattsun and maki anyways
tooru saw you and he hugged you before leading you to the 2 others
‘guys, this is y/n, my sister. that’s mattsun and that’s makki.’
you slightly smiled and raised a hand in greeting
to be safe, iwa made you sit a step down from him so that if something happens, he could protect you
idk how but you do you boo
‘i can protect her too, iwa-chan!’
‘shut up, shittykawa. youre literally sticks and bones’
‘so mean! iwa-chan, you’re so mean!’
you giggled, head leaning down to rest on iwa’s right thigh since you were full and tired and he runs his hand through your hair
mattsun and makki shared a look before asking
‘are you dating our ace, y/n-chan?’
at the mention of dating, you both turned red and you sat up
iwa shouts but his red face and ears betrayed him
‘iwa-chan grew up with us so he’s naturally like that. we’ve adopted him into our family!’
oikawa explained but you looked at him and he gave you a knowing look
oh he noticed everything
the lingering looks during practice
the bashful smiles during hang outs at home
unnecessary touches during the walk to school
oikawa may be annoying but he’s observant and he is smart
after that fiasco, the two boys were a little wary of letting you walk home alone so iwa offered to take you since he was already making more progress and didnt need extra practice while tooru wanted to practice more
‘iwa-chan, can we go to your house this time?’
he turned to look at you curiously since you never ask to go to his place
‘i miss your mom and ive been meaning to go visit her. so can we, iwa-chan?’
you squeezed his hand and showcased your pleading look making him agree
his house wasn’t a frequently hung out spot since your house was closer but you were still familiar with his home since his mother was fond of you
mama iwaizumi peaked from the kitchen and greeted him home before squealing at the sight of the youngest oikawa
‘oh my, y/n-chan! hello!’
‘hello, auntie!’ 
she gave you a big hug and you returned it with a laugh
iwa just standing there to the side with a smile bc his mom approves so all is good in life
‘you’ve grown so much, y/n-chan! so much prettier too!’ you turned bashful at her compliments.
then she leaned forward to whisper in your ear but made her voice loud
‘say, has my son finally ask you to be his girlfriend?’
omg mama iwaizumi really ships it
iwa turns red and complains to his mom about being in his business too much
‘don’t be so timid, hajime! y/n-chan could be taken from under your nose any minute now!’
‘dont you think i know that’ he mumbles but very lowly so that no one hears him
but you decide to tease him more
‘no. but i’m waiting for it. i’ll tell you once he does, auntie!’
fed up with the teasing, he grabs you and drags you up to his room to change into comfortable clothing
you sit on his bed while he rummages through his closet for a sweatshirt and sweatpants
‘here! change into these!’ he shouts, still flustered and refusing to look at your eyes
youre an oikawa and you lived to tease so you stood up, tossing the clothes to the side and wrapping your arms around his neck
ooo gurl you want iwa to die today, don’t you?
he gets even redder and scowls
‘oi, y/n, what are you doing’
you shook your head
‘nothing. i just miss my prince iwa-chan. you were so brave for saving me today, prince iwa-chan’
the nickname used to not affect him that much but now, he watches the it fall from your cherry lips
‘say my name’
you furrowed your eyebrows
he gently shakes his head no
‘my real name’
‘iwaizumi hajime’
you say, distracted at the way his mouth moves
‘and what’s yours?’
‘iwaizumi y/n’
you breathed out
he growls softly before taking your sinful lips
wowza jesus took the wheel bc he stepped on that pedal
we going straight 100 mph up in this bih
iwa really said, ‘skip the confession. imma go straight for my babie girl’s lips. also, proposal who? let’s go get married in vegas!’
it wasnt even been literally 15 minutes until you came bounding the stairs wearing hajime’s signature grey hoodie with his seijoh sweatpants and calling for your auntie to announce you were now dating are going to get married
she screams and comes running from the kitchen, holding a ladle
you flashed a grin while iwa shows a small smile with red cheeks from behind you before telling you that you were both too young to get married
‘i told ya you would be the first to know’
after dinner, you call your brother and hes like, ‘okay, since you’re not at home i’m assuming youre at iwa’s’
‘omgomgomg, nii-chan! i just had dinner with my boyfriend’s family! they accepted me!’
oikawa just has that special type of voice that even without being on speaker phone, it sounds like he is
iwa laughs at his friend’s worried questions
‘better hand over your princess to the prince, grand king’
oikawa screamed
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i hope i did my mans justice 
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misterbitches · 3 years
i had the misfortune of finally watching/getting through what happened in whatever episode where he gets raped so im gonna talk about it and tag it cos that's what a bitch fuckin feels like, got it? i do what i want aint no limit bad ass bitch aint never been timid. woopsie realized i got the nicknames confused oh well lmao
it's just logistically and plot wise like there's literal plot holes in this and i'm taking the production and set-up into account along with the actual content and development. im an ARTIST OKAY im jk i mean i am and i am pretentious and terrible but look. i didnt get that degree and im not in a house worth of debt for nothing ok. it's called writing on tumblr about my grievances of shows that dont matter and do not respect me as a fat black american woman either so it is my fault yet here i am.
anyway it was worse than i imagined and their talk after (with chengren) was even worse. that's what i mean about making the lines their own (the actors) bc teng teng sounded like a straight up motherfucking moron and im like
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bECAUSE IT'S HIM EVEN THO IM LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DID U JUST SAY U STUPID BITCH? but then it's like awwww and they also care about his wellbeing obviously??? but no? but it's like ok still teng teng said it even if it's stupid because he is a character and charles puts that forth. the people that fail the most to do that are xing si's family but that's not the actors fault because it's the literal material. you're like wait what but you just said...?
so i know they have no script editors i guess i think i find this season ACTUALLY fascinating because of just how egregious it is. i also went back and watched history: obsessed which i thought i liked because of their chemistry even though god the production....but i tried rewatching it and i was like wow this is worse than i remembered and the production issues were even worse because some of the music was SO LOUD AND BAD HOLY FUCK and their whole rship isssssss a sight to behold lmao
so man i guess it really is the power of anson/charles. which is good cos we love to see it...sort of but also a lot.
i honestly....because i've been able to pay attn more to the aftermath of the rape going back and putting it into more context and focusing (just barely lmao) is hm even worse. the inconsistencies are insane. it's not even just about the act but the writers have zero idea where they are going because they have no interest in exploring it. but the way in which it happens is like fascinating. yong jie literally thinks he owns xing si and it doesn't matter if he was kissing him or not or asked for a kiss on the lips (which dude what the fuck? i'll get to that) because he was plied with "extremely strong drinks" and his mom knew about it....which girl congrats you're an accomplice to the rape of your son by your other son?
but first of all...the kissing thing. in what fucking world would he (xing si) want that unless he thought he (yong jie) was someone else. i can't say their attraction is evident because we are being lead by this team to think so; they create this false sense of sensuality already so to me that signifies that they never intended for them to have a bond as brothers. it just feels cheap and fucking lazy (which it is.) even if he did, which doesn't make sense considering the context THEY CONSTRUCTED, it wouldn't matter because he was so fucking drunk which.... at that point nothing is fun, you feel sick, who wants sex like that? does he not have whiskey dick? did they have a condom? was it not painful for him considering? even if this was something to easily get over like was the dick good? it couldn't have been. and then, on top of that, there's the fact that you can change your mind or whatever but also that people do get aroused in these situations bc it is human nature (that's if they can literally get aroused which if the drinks were allegedly sooooo strong that nigga would be out so....again like even practically here it doesnt add up. have these people ever been drunk? if not, write what you know girl. cos sometimes it's like i think some of u r trying to be cool when u dont have 2 b lmao)
so yong jie coming on to him previously may be seen as like push-and-pull but here's the thing. right after it happens (the rape and it's rape so call it that you'll be okay) xing si gets up and goes home and is terrified and upset. he acts like what we have seen or even felt after a violation. he's scared, clutching his bag, it's like...you know...decently coming off as truly distressing (the actor isn't bad at all and i like that he's dark. i just massively hate this for him but hey at least he can show some chops.) like honestly man that fucking sucks and hurts to see. if we've been there we feel it. or part of it is realizing belatedly what happened. a lot of times that drop in your stomach is the worst.
but somehow for some reason, to which i cannot understand, the three of them begin to talk as if xing si pressured him? which maybe i missed something and that is possible—dont feel like going back to look—but that also made no sense. like what kind of false memory is this? why would he think he wasn't willing? and if he thought yong jie wasn't and that he pressured him how does he remember like...anything about the sex?!?!??!? besides waking up and being with him. like i guess he felt yong jie's MASSIVE DONG imprint but ??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!!!!
god then the logic of the top/bottom thing is like i said i wasnt going to get into it but it's actually really funny. this whole thing was hilarious. honestly because I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS. he could have totally raped him in that way but how did you get to this CONCLUSION FROM THAT??????? BY YOUR LOGIC THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS? IF HE IS THE BOTTOM AND PENETRATION IS THE ONLY FORM OF TRUE CONSUMMATION AND RAPE BECAUSE APPARENTLY, BASED ON ANATOMY, IF YOU HAVE A DICK IN UR BUTT UR A GIRL THEN HOW. DOES. THIS. MAKE. SENSE. AND THEN
this whole stupid conversation happens so we get to the conclusion that xing si violated him ok cool but that means that something is wrong. that is the CONCLUSION WE CAME TO A SECOND AGO?
also the other rapist is a villain and muren isn't in love with him so, once again, you're breaking the rules of your own world about acceptability which is why most of this is absolutely mind bogggglinG that iit's fuckign comical. like i actually when i can stomach it start laughing or my jaw is slack because it's so insulting as a viewer because there is like 0 logical followthrough.
because whatshisface barges in, kisses him in front of his friends without permission, then says whether you were willing or not which is hm. at that point how u gonna change that around but let's not bother with logic here. i am simply here to point out how this makes no sense according to the rules they set up even outside of the basic rule of life which is hm dont rape people maybe.
so now we know xing si was raped, they believe he was raped, he himself believes he was raped, and whatshisface literally says he doesn't care even if he was willing (he wasn't) so he admits to rape. i don't believe in the police and i hate them (BL industry needs the cops but dont get me down that road) but no one...thought to go?
because according to history 4 logic nothing matters so im sure if he went to the police you could handwave the homophobia since there's no actual context for anything besides their whimsy. but they dont want to do that because they aren't interested in an arc of growth; redemption isn't possible unless he is removed from the family but again no work on thinking this through or thinking about the victim's feelings. because gay sex? who fucking knows. supposedly progressive taiwanese writers of gay shit (like how supposedly progressive the world is. as in it is not and this behavior is the norm and bl perpetuates that) can't think of transformative justice?
and then they gave bad advice so we wont acknowledge that because teng teng doing anything wrong/stupid is frequent but hurts me and also that storyline is not real so i pretend they are not there outside of this post
so all of this is just straihgt up clownery now because it's fucking absurd like logically, practically, human-wise. the kissing thing is inconsequential but it was such a lazy cheap way out lmao cos they really wanted it to seem consensual but that's not how it works. on top of that their attraction makes no sense because whatshisface is just there. he is just there. he's nothing and no one so the sentiments are even more empty and on top of that he doesnt listen to a single request fucking obviously because the basis of their relationship is fucking rape so fucking listening and respecting his partner is not on his list of fucking priorities. he's literally so fucking annoying even without being a rapist it's like someone please beat his ass.
and then after all of that you want us to feel bad? with your horrible writing, poorly misplaced music, stupid costumes (those fucking SHOES THEY ARE HIDEOUS, AND MOST OF THIER CLOTHES DO NOT FIT IT'S LIKE WHY), questionable fucking editing. we're supposed to wnat them together? this sounds literally fucking crazy but bear with me lmao even with the rape they could at least have SOMETHING i mean like i cant believe im fucking saaying this. but like in addicted heroin which is fuckin tragic and awful at least there's a MODICUM of interest but honestly that show s a fucknig drag. idk they lookd good together? here we have 0. nothing. and it doesnt motivate. watching obsessed again i can see why i liked it in the beginning bc they have good chemistry but the acting and production adn like everything about it plus the rape-y vibes it's just too much. you need to pick one thing so if you're going to be a shit writer at least supplement it with something. this thing is nothing.
and even more nonsensical and what boggles my mind frankly out of all this is the mother's involvement and the father's final response. there are NO consequences? theyre all happy?
ok so lets go through this:
1. 2 boys grow up 2gether, one of the boys is fucking psycho, the mother knows but does nothing??????????????
2. one of the sons moves out so his father doesn't get a hint that's he's fucking gay. ok fine. he has 2 best friends, a job, an apt. he is fine.
3. aforementioned brother is obsessed with him for SOME REASON besides being crazy?
3.5 no one has done anything during him growing up to help him not be crazy?
4. mom says to husband who is their father also just in case we forget "im afraid he will lose his humanity"
4.5 again, do nothing. 0. just like oh man hes crazy. guess that's just our son ;)
4. who cares. plies him with alcohol purposefully to rape him. not even dubious (even though dubious is fucked and not okay or is just not. fucking real. these shows are contextless when they want to be or even movies or whatever so it's like largely not up to the task to understand complexity in human rships and then oversimplifies it constantly because that's what we do IRL. but people have fucking feelings you know and we realize when things don't feel good or right to us either very quickly after or having to process it. and once you're eyes are opened you may feel as something was fucking ripped away from you. for the modc couple this would be a very logical conclusion for the high schooler the thirty year old dated but again logic or feelings are up to their whimsy. no one cares bc everything can be counted as dubious so honestly it's a fucking stupid fucking topic like again why are we litigating what is and isnt consent when you could just like idk. read cues? consent? wait? not be a freak? like we all know what is proper human shit so even if we are watching this uncritically which u cant bc it's glaring and stupid it's just even more dumb) so it was honestly a rape plot like he literally planned it soooooooooo??!?!
5. aftermath of rape the victim is like literally fucking bereft and confused. and a rape victim. like that's what they are insinuating and what also he is to be clear.
6. boy tells him "idc if i raped u i luv u lmao"
7. mom ENCOURAGED THE BOY to get him drunk because her other son was too nice? she encouraged her adult son to rape her adult step-son (but her real son because she repeatedly says you are my son and the dad does too THEY GREW UP TOGETHER WHEN THE KID WAS IN AN IMPRESSIONABLE STATE) so THIS ALSO MAKES EVEN LESS MOTHERFUCKING SENSE
8. everyone finds out about his rape and he isnt mortified he's just concerned about himself being gay to his dad?????? except it's not really about his gayness bc now it's about his sudden love for his rapist brother? which? hm ok. understandable the dad is like wow i do not think i like this
9. dad knows all of it is fucked up, everyone does, knows the mother fucked up, knows he fucked up. doesnt like it because he is normal. so we know this is terrible? ok great so—
10. father says "i can't accept this...but i'm willing to give you my blessing" ok see here's the thing. when you write you have to think about the things you are putting on the page and what you have written previously. this quite literally made no sense how the fuck are you going to not accept them but give them your blessing? does this crew know what the fuck words are? i'm assuming they went to some sort of school to obtain jobs here bc there cannot be natural talent or experience. maybe most of them are rich. fuck i do not know but this also makes no sense. just the literal logic of it it's like fucking insane the whiplash.
10.5 apparently this father is also shitty. everyone here sucks and they are basically begging me to think xing si is a fucking idiot so i dont even want to look at him if he is an object he doesnt matter so now i want to kick him. thanks a lot you made the victim get absolutely fucking nothing
they KEEP PUSHING the brother thing it is so insane and it's liek GUYS WE GET IT WE UNDERSTAND THEYRE "RELATED" BUT NOT RELATED SO IT'S OK HE WAS "RAPED" BUT NOT RAPED but you're GOING BACK ON YOUR OWN RULES!!!!!!!!!! WE GET THAT THEY ARE BROTHERS!!! WE'RE OVER IT NOW BUT WHAT IS THIS WHEN WE ALREADY ESTABLISHED SOMETHING? I AM CONFUSION? they flip flop between my son, my brother my actual brother, and cannot fucking distinguish between love for your father and love for your romantic partner? so to me what i see is that the father wants to fuck the son. that's the conclusion i am garnering now considering nothing matters and his love for his "brother" is the same as his love for his dad lmao. they couldnt even do that in a way that made sense. like damn anybody can get anything. these ppl who are doing this have to be fucking rich and/or have connections.
also this guy sounds literally like a textbook abuser like he says constantly "im the best choice" is a rapist is awful holds capital (oh hees "saving" smh ur trapping her!!!!! RETIRE!!!!) also wears terrible shoes so i am like ur alllllllllLLLLL FUCKING CRAZY ur all literally crazy and then they are trying to set rules and boundaries in their fucking house like WHY ARE THEY LIVING TOGETHER EVEN? even tho oh my god they know he raped him and for some reason they are both allowing to live in the house but they dont want them to have sex??!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! i get that this is their house but this is like at this point these ppl are writing anything and now whatshisface is acting like a 2 yr old again and we are supposed to find this cute? like it makes 0 sense why do u fucking care u literally encouraged ur son to rape him so they cant have consensual sex under your nose now and have to wait four years? this is coming from the son who couldnt wait until someone was sober enough to realize hes fucking psychotic and should be killed also the fact that they act like being 20 means u have no fucking brain like this kid is in med school supposedly how do we know like hes a liar and an idiot so. also wait do they mean undergrad? how are you in med school at 20? is he a genius? girl i dont care lmao i guess i missed that but it's not like it matters so whatever
even if we ignore the stupidity of the literal acts, the grossness of the content, the absolute inability to write coherently or even remotely in a way where we would even want to see them together which is like....u set it up at the beginning so he punches "the love his life's best friend" also holy fuck im sorry remember when he punches muren because xing si got too drunk. so i'm guessing whatshisface is that good of a bartender that he makes super strong drinks and gets xing si drunk but his alcohol is magical therefore it doesn't make him sick. his alcohol is the type that gets you drunk but somehow doesnt get to your liver even though that's how we get drunk but dont ask guys he's only in med school and a bartender so i think he knows best (seriously have the main writers had a day of fun in their lives? have they ever been drunk? are they toddlers? drunk babies could probably do better tho.) i get that he was also jealous but if this kid is SOOOOOO genius (he understands social cues lmao he has the cpacity to project onto his victim so im like miss me with the not understanding shit. go to a fucking therapist like seriously did no one care abt this kid? his mother thinks he's like almost a goddamn murderer. how is she not dead? how are they all not dead? how do any of them know how to drive with this type of brain?) then he would understand that they are very clearly friends since he watched them part in a very platonic way and since he apparently knows what love is cos he thinks....he can....make someone fall in love with him bc he loves them? again, i wouldnt know hes 20 and taiwanese and im 29 and black from AMERICA so im WESTERN* so you know. different life experiences i guess XD
even if we do mental gymnastics to get it to a place where they "had sex" and he didnt rape him there's 0 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ties to the literal story they wrote and the rules they set up. i'm going ot assume they dont know wtf theyre doing and i know for a fact we all care more about their dumb show than they do but it's actually startling how piss poor this is it's like idek what to compare it to. the continuity is awful awful awful they needed a script supervisor majorly and they are making bank and are going to make fucking bank fof this shit. and itll just continue like that until IRL material changes and that's facilitated by these very same groups they choose to profit off of and exploit by propelling it into the mainstream and litigating homosexuality through capitalism. and i'm being specific with homosexuality. i dont want a GL market like at all and i know why we wouldnt have it either and that has everything to do with the nature of BL, capitalism, coercion, and the fanbase being young girls and women. i don't think in this day and age we can safely say all the fans are straight; i'm sure a majority but many women or people on the gender spectrum and sexuality spectrum also consume it. frankly, it's possible the women who write it could be or something too. i dont rly believe any1 is str8 lmao but im just saying it's not out of the realm of possibility. but it isnt about that at all. that's why we wont see "good" female characters (like well written) often that's why we won't see trans women or kathoeys or fat people or black asians in it. a lot of it is is a choice we participate in whatever. but holy fuck dude u could at least respect the audience's fucking intelligence. i'm talking about everything i think that is encapsulated in the project but it's even more jarring and worse because it's so insanely inconsistent and poorly done. like how we jump from one conclusion to another is wild to me. even their first "night together" and he wakes up im like girl....u no ur ass felt it. this nigga broke into his house and was like "im gonna have u" like it's getting weird
just make xing si suffer offscreen not us the stupidity is staggering, mind blowing, hilarious.
how wong kar wai, a straight man from HK (or at least married to a woman), or barry jenkins, a striahgt black man, write/do stories well about people they wouldnt knw about their experiences directly is....well thinking like using their brains and like knowing all types of people? the man who co-wrote moonlight is a hOMOSEXUAL, leslie cheung was fucking gay or queer (and he committed suicide and that's important also RIP homie) both are hailed as queer cinema like WKW wanted to do something else and invested time into it, changed the way he played around with structure, moved away from his crime oriented stuff. he THOUGHT about it and this film is about their reality. it's a harsh film, idk how i feel about it (but my fav movies of his are the crime ones or the messy ones where it's clear he didnt write a script lmao fallen angels is one of my fav movies its' abt assassins kinda) but i know it means something. and he didnt like what HK had previously wasnt enough. it is not the only cinema that should be shown since it's such a stark reality and depressing but it is a real depiction so we can have all sorts of stuff. no this isnt WKW level or moonlight level but i know for a fact these people think they are doing something because artists always do i say this as one and someone who is equally as useless. you're making a statement.
i also hate the westerner component of peoples analyses. first of all dont do cultural relativism. we can critique and respect. but second of all how are we going to keep saying "dont put western ideals on this" when that is what is happening anyway because that's part and parcel for soft power and capitalism. how about taiwan's history with the KMT? what about the regimes young people fought about? aided by US imperialism which permeates through society and affects material conditions, views, democracy, identity and that goes into culture and media. hm? what about that? is that reality too fucking western for people? that we are doing the same thing again now? is that okay to talk about or is that only on your time?
then there's the argument that this is just entertainment. yea no shit but the thing is if we r gonna talk about marginalized groups and watch bc of marginalized groups and then be expected to identify then i dont see why i cant put this in context. even if it wasnt fucking serious we'd still judge it. but it's so pompous and again like i wouldnt say EYE think it's art but it is "art" in the literal sense and no self respecting artist would ever go "man this means nothing." of course im not sure if they do respect themselves so hey but u cant just go oh man it's entertainment when it literally rests on the fact that HOMOS are MARGINALIZED. it literally rests on the fact that WOMEN ARE OBJECTS. you either want progress or you dont. i dont understand being so demanding but not beign specific in the demands and not trying to use your brain. if you dont want to use your brain don't. but if you are looking , engaging, and keep making these arguments or telling ppl it doesnt matter whilst complaining about how much others care is hypocritical at best, willfully obtuse at worst. both bad. :)
(also all this + another thing; it is insulting to have this like wedding happen based off of this stupid relationship when people fought so hard and had to push it. now they can use the material conditions to their advantage but it's so ridiculous. also because there is difficulty still in getting married in taiwan i'm honestly like....the boldness of the writers...)
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aeirithgainsborough · 5 years
very Important adam/ronan things to take away from the cdth sampler:
“like the other lynch brothers, he was a regular churchgoer, but most people assumed he played for the other team.” i am SCREAMING. top tier gay joke. well timed.
everyone: ronan’s eyes aren’t pretty. adam: mhmm  e y e l a s h e s
much to say about the revelation that ronan is partly at the barns to keep his dreams hidden and in check, and how much he relates an inability to change and be like everyone else to having to stay there. almost like he’s stuck huh! i’ve been saying!!
of note that words used to describe ronan’s existence are BORED and MALINGERED.
fingers crossed he finds some balance between his dreams and his wants/needs that allows him to leave the barns and grow but after the Great Crab Disaster I’M WORRIED.
fire imagery EVERYWHERE. i’m WORRIED again.
“there are stains that spread faster than you drive. if you drive, it’ll take fourteen years to get there. seventeen. forty. one hundred. we’ll be driving to your funeral by the end.” good to know ronan is still the most DRAMATIC boy in the whole of virginia. absolutely no chill.
dont like the possible foreshadowing of that driving to your funeral by the end, though. must leave lynches alone!
“it’s very safe” asjkajjka DECLAN PLEASE 
“ronan kicked one of the volvo’s tires” asjkajjka RONAN PLEASE. 
ronan trying to act nonchalant by cramming chocolate covered peanuts into his mouth and choking a little is Peak Disaster Gay. 
matthew’s music must be awful if ronan and declan are in agreement over it, must have playlist. 
ronan who lives to pretend he doesn’t care wondering if his brothers didn’t say anything about his moving because it didn’t make a difference to them is huhhh. don’t like it, take it away pls.
shut up!!!! shut upppppp! 
“is there any version of you that could come with me to cambridge?” tbh nothing would have readied me for this. adam i-can-do-everything-alone asking ronan if he could go with him. so much growth, too much pride, nowhere to put it, send help.
the fact that ronan doesn’t stay in cambridge when he visits adam because of plausible deniability, that if he doesn’t try there’s no evidence he can’t make it there. rip. 
ronan! missed! him! like! a! lung! 
dramatic again, but entirely relatable bc damn, same ronan, same. 
a) ronan thinking about how his heartbeat is the same as everyone else’s so he wasn’t that different and b) JUST LIKE ADAM’S HEART WHEN HIS HEAD WAS RESTING ON HIS HEAD = much too much to think about. need to lie down for a bit.
he could move to follow the guy he loved!! we all knew it was love, we’ve always known it was love, but! the words. the words!!!!! brb sobbing.
i have only had jordan for a day and a half but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. 11/10 would marry.
art forgery plot confirmed!
bitch fkajdkajksja GIVE ME A WARNING. 
still can’t compose myself RE the info that ronan saw adam and immediately sent a desperate prayer up to god 
will the word please ever be the same again? definitely not!
adam’s arms adam’s hands his lovely! boyish! hands!
the description of his expressions with all its contradictions and multitudes is just my favourite thing ever. it encapsulates everything i love about adam fucking parrish.
and the fact that ronan instantly recognised all those multitudes in him. there was always a level of understanding ronan had for adam throughout trc that no one else did and this tells us he had that before he even met him, he just... recognised something in him i just... ;______; 
ronan knowing all the harvard stats because he was the person adam could crow to, how he takes on that adam that is still full of contradictions and multitudes, how he finds it hard but he absorbs all the facts and all of adam’s anxieties, even in the face of his own anxieties about adam leaving and falling in love with the shining, educated people that ronan thinks are better than him. that absolute, unwavering support 😭😭😭
tbh there’s a whole ass lot to unpack in this section so imma try and do it briefly (she says!)
ronan lynch is a romantic cdth confirmed: 
he could have texted adam but he liked the soft surprise of it
over the past few days ronan had played his reunion with adam over in his head MANY TIMES
adam i love you but that outfit sounds awful. you are a student, it’s a friday night, put some sweats on and stuff some cheetos in your mouth. 
the sweet nervousness of their reunion, how they walk past each other and both seem so uncertain. they’re a year into dating and the still get nervous and unsure after a few weeks apart and it’s CUTE and definitely speaks to their excitement/anticipation levels.
THE WATCH. big time softness. 
they hugged hard ;_____; 
im just so relieved that they’re allowed to touch each other and be intimate and aren’t consigned to the ‘boys in love aren’t like that boring boring’ corner. 
the way ronan thinks about how adam fits as he remembered. huh. you’re really gonna do this to me.
his hand still pressed against the back of ronan’s skull the way it ALWAYS did when they hugged. 
you smell like home. you smell like home!!!!!! brb ive gone absolutely fucking feral. 
i both want to play repo because it sounds fun and don’t want to because it sounds complicated and i fucking hate instructions. much confusion. 
adam pressing his shoe hard against ronan’s and then his leg and then breathing in ronan’s ear I AM HOWLING. ronan’s nerve endings being made a marvel of I AM SOBBING. it’s very important that m/m ships are afforded the same level of explicit attraction as m/f (and i don’t mean explicit as in nsfw, i mean as in obvious)
no offence because i love them but all of adam’s friends sound Extra™
“to the outside eye, ronan lynch was a loser” pls ronan, you are giving me an ulcer.
scary spice i asjkjdkjskdjak
queer crying club! i stan!!
also adam saying in the epilogue of trk that he wanted to save all the adam’s hidden in plain view and then going to college and scooping up all the criers and giving them something to do is far too much to handle.
don’t think about that and the time he thought about how he used to spend his nights crying on the trailer steps and wondering why he bothered until gansey came along and offered him friendship. dont think about how he’s essentially paying that forward DON’T THINK ABOUT IT.
hand holding, arms around each other, hip to hip walking, can’t wait anymore kissing, I MISSED YOU. love that for me! 
but also the fact that adam reaches down for ronan’s hand and its so natural. ronan’s hand is there so he just. takes it. 
hearing ronan’s thoughts on what happened with robert at last is A Lot. the way it’s still happening, always happening, kept fresh and savage shows how affected ronan was by it all and still is and i think its so important that he’s not just. angry and hot headed. there’s more to it than that. its painful, it makes him feel sick, its unending and it really speaks to how much adam means to him. 
adam thinks he has no one BITCH YOU’VE GOT ALL OF US. 
and ronan. 
but. how he feels like he has nothing still. the way his voice hitches on ‘because’ because it’s all still so painful. i wanna wrap him up. i wanna take everything that hurts away. i wanna tell him he’s so loved. guess i’ll just have to sit back and watch him work his way through it all I GUESS. no but i am looking forward to his growth in this trilogy, especially considering how much he’s grown already. adam parrish invented character growth lets 👏 be 👏 real 👏
it had never been a fight between them/it was a fight between adam and himself, between adam and the world/for ronan it was a fight between truth and compromise, between the black and white he saw and the reality everyone else experienced. i LOVE this. it so well encapsulates them. and it’s so important that they can realise their differing world views and their complexities and meet in the middle somewhere.
“ronan put his lips on adam’s deaf ear, and he hated adam’s father” FUCK ME UP. my absolute favourite bit 103930%. absolute incoherent mess over here. not! okay! see other post for more coherency because i only had it for 5.7 minutes. 
frowning, guarded, crumpled adam who i’ll literally. never be over in all of my life. 38983/10 will love him until the end of time. 
i want it too much. !!!!!! going feral again over here. WHAT DO YOU WANT ADAM? I WANT IT TOO MUCH. definitely will never shut up about this. 
scared adam is going to be a visionary so pretending chapter 6 doesn’t exist. 
LINDENMERE ;________;
i love it already
i CANNOT believe that ronan is being dream invaded and challenged and he’s over here like hmm nice bike ELEGANT and ROUGH and READY like ADAM asjkasj please ronan you are so embarrassing!! 
also. ronan thinks adam is elegant and rough and ready so! there’s that!
i literally. cannot. cope with the HILARITY of chapter 8. the whole thing is a complete and utter DISASTER. it’s absolutely gone off in adam’s room after all his work at constructing a well put together boy. ronan comes for a night and everything goes BONKERS. amazing. 
(really worried about what this means RE ronan being able to exit the barns and grow and change and not be bored and not feel like a loser so we’re focusing on the hilarious disaster of it all.)
p.s. adam sleeping slotted between ronan and the wall OKAY. THIS IS FINE! 
p.p.s. adam’s bed hair is WILD. 
p.p.p.s i have missed adam and ronan so so so so so much and im an emotional fucking wreck
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foolgobi65 · 4 years
careful man’s careless daughter
@philtstone prompted: Anne/Gilbert babysitter au fake dating prompt #5 let’s go laydees “you have the emotional capacity of a brick. that slate I broke over  your head.” (we’re pretending people still use slates now....american schools have no money...its possible ok) 
k so i was trying to figure out how to work in the babysitter + fake dating and ... like a flash the plot to this old telugu/tamil movie i love missamma/missaimaa came to mind -- its not quite the same because they’re two people pretending to be married so that they can make money as school teachers/live in tutors for a wealthy family’s daughter but it works just enough that i decided to roll with it lol. 
this technically isn’t the actual babysitting, nor the fake dating which I actually turned into a fake marriage lol, but i hope u still like it, even though it is all over the place and a general wreck because i wrote it straight through without any editing or thought towards pacing/characterization bc i havent written in forever lol!! im not even sure what the time period setting is lol, and i dont think my translating of the anne events into a semi modern day even works but w/e lol. 
u are the truest of friends, the light of my life, and have certainly heard more than your share of my mental breakdowns both in the last month and the last few years lol. u deserve all the good things, all the good fic, all the time. 
title is a perversion of a tswift lyric because it came up on youtube. if anyone wants to send in prompts from here
“You owe him how much?” 
Anne sighs, crossing her legs to hide how uncomfortable she is in this moment -- here she is in the park, fifteen thousand dollars plus interest in medical debt for Marilla’s eye surgery and being hounded by Roy Gardner, ex boyfriend apparently turned loan shark who was on his knees proclaiming both love and loan forgiveness should Anne just accept his proposal. 
Here Gilbert Blythe is, sitting on a park bench after two years without contact, watching the whole thing. 
“Marilla doesn’t have health insurance,” Anne says, eyes on the ground as she uses the toe of her shoe to grind a leaf into the sidewalk cement. “Even when I was teaching, the union plan didn’t let people add parents on as dependents.” She sighs. “With everything happening with the farm, she couldn’t afford to put money towards a plan and so when her eyes got bad....” 
For a moment, there is silence. Anne can almost hear Gilbert’s jaw clench “That’s just wrong.” 
Anne laughs, and because her eyes are averted she doesn’t see Gilbert flinch. “That’s America, Blythe.” 
“Well,” she hears him say, tone just dripping with what Mrs. Rachel would call the Blythe Stubbornness, “It shouldn’t be.” 
She won’t ever admit it, but there’s something Anne has always found deeply compelling about Gilbert when he gets into these moods -- all righteously indignant in a way that Anne feels inside of her own body. Or felt, before Matthew died and left behind debts not even Marilla had known about, and Marilla’s eyes worsened around the the time Anne was let go from her teaching job and even if she had had the job it wouldn’t have mattered, she knows, but still. Beautiful, wonderful, beloved Diana had offered to help, of course she had, but Anne knew that Fred’s business wasn’t yet where it should be and that the parents Barry were still unimpressed with their son in law to be’s financial acumen. So she’d had to go to Roy, who had of course lent his beautiful Anne the money, and of course had arranged for Marilla to be treated at the best hospital in Toronto, of course had set them up in the apartment of a friend of his right in downtown where the rents were a thousand maybe two per month. He’d popped the question for the third time the second Marilla had been released back into Anne’s care. 
Almost as if he can hear her thoughts, Gilbert speaks -- “Gardner shouldn’t be harassing you like this either. Who ever heard of charging interest on a loan to a friend? And what on earth does he think he’s going to take from you if you just don’t pay?” 
Anne burns. This, she hasn’t told Marilla, nor even her darling Diana. For some reason, it seems alright to tell Gilbert. “The farm,” she mumbles.
Gilbert snorts. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard. Are you saying that Roy Gardner, heir to one of the biggest fortunes in Boston and your ex boyfriend, took your home as collateral on a loan for money you needed to pay for your mother’s surgery?” 
Anne says nothing. She still hasn’t looked up at him, hasn’t been able to meet his gaze since she sat down on the bench and told Roy to get up off his knees and wait two months for either his money or her affirmative answer. She blinks, having mercifully forgotten that Gilbert was present for that last bit. She hopes he’s forgotten too. 
“And wait, before he left you said....” No such luck. “Anne!” Anne’s sure her entire head must be flame as she closes her eyes, bringing her knees up on the park bench and burying her face into her own lap. “Anne you said you’d marry him if you couldn’t get the money!” 
“There’s no debt between spouses,” Anne mumbles. “We’d get to keep the farm, and I wouldn’t ever worry about Marilla’s health again.” 
“But you don’t love him!” She doesn’t know if she’s ever heard Gilbert sound so scandalized. 
“I used to!” she tries to retort, but even Anne knows that her voice betrays her when she tries to speak this lie. “I used to think I was,” she amends, “and maybe that’s as close as I’m allowed to get -- he’s rich, handsome, he even loves me! What more could I ask for?” 
“Coercing you into marriage, demanding interest on money that we all know is just pocket change for someone like him...that’s not love,” Gilbert Blythe responds, with all that....that all-knowing Blytheness in his voice that Anne has hated since she was 13 years old and the new kid in a class of people who had always known each other just as easily as they had known themselves. “Love is selfless, Anne, strong and kind. It makes you better for giving away your heart, even if the one you love doesn’t give you theirs in return.” 
Gilbert Blythe, always acting as if he knows something Anne does not. He speaks as if he’s been in love, at some point over the years since he was last in Avonlea and for some reason Anne absolutely burns with that knowledge. Ooh she just hates him, now at 24 just as easily as she had at 13! 
“And what exactly is love worth if it means I just lose the farm trying to pay for Marilla’s surgery, and still have nothing for the next time she’s sick?” Suddenly Anne is on her feet, hands on her hips as she glares at Gilbert looking quite alarmed as he still sits on the bench. The words she has kept locked on the inside, too private to even be written in a diary, come pouring out in one big rush:
“Three of my four parents are already dead, Gilbert Blythe.” Her voice hitches, to her horror, her sudden fury vanishes as she has to blink away the tears she has kept at bay since she and Marilla buried Matthew. Damn Gilbert, for bringing this out of her as well. “I can’t...I couldn’t bear to lose anyone else.” Her lips thin, and with a breath, her voice steadies. “I don’t care what you, or anyone else thinks about my choices if it means that I can take care of Marilla.” 
Gilbert’s eyes have the sheen of his own tears when he stands, his own lips wobbling just slightly. “I...” he swallows. “Of course, Anne.” Something Anne recognizes as self hatred passes briefly over his face, but she doesn’t understand. “I wish I had money like Gardner to give you, I really do.”   
Anne gentles, even if something inside her twists to be the object of the long-old guilt mixed with pity, much less Gilbert Blythe. Since Matthew’s death, every person in Avonlea it seems has sat with Anne and Marilla and offered their deep condolences, their absolute shock at the pair’s financial state of affairs, how much they wish they could help but sadly cannot, what with the way the bank’s collapse has hit their own finances. Only families like the Gardners survive economic crashes with money to burn. 
“I wouldn’t have taken it even if you had,” she offers instead, shrugging casually. 
His eyes flash. “But you took Gardner’s?” 
“I thought he loved me!” Anne closes her eyes, somehow feeling her cheeks flush even deeper. This is why she’s avoided all mention of Gilbert Blythe so strenuously since high school graduation, because more than anyone else he is the one who drags out the words she is always learning to keep inside. Here he is, somehow pulling confessions Anne hadn’t even dreamed of telling Diana, confessions that make her seem small, and stupid, lost in a world so much more complicated and treacherous than she can handle all on her lonesome. 
Well, she thinks, in for a penny -- 
“I thought he loved me,” she says, “and that he had the money to spare. I didn’t realize...” She looks away again, so that she never has to see him react to her folly. 
“Oh Anne,” Gilbert says, for some reason so soft and stricken that Anne’s knees go weak with her sudden desire to fall to the ground and weep. “You deserve so much better.” 
And now she’s angry again. “What would you know about what I deserve?” Anne spits, “you haven’t even been home since you started med school!” Vaguely, Anne thinks that Gilbert hasn’t been home since she and Roy had gotten serious, serious enough for her to bring him to Green Gables and show him the place that had been her very first love. Coincidences can be so strange. 
“It doesn’t matter,” she says, glaring again at the ground. “None of this matters. I’m just going to go home” Anne clenches her jaw, knowing that when she gets back to Green Gables she will go into her room and play every excruciating part of this conversation back in her head, again and again until she throws up or passes out at dawn from sheer exhaustion. Maybe both, if she’s lucky. She leans back slightly and manages to turn around on her heels, a trick Gilbert Blythe had always pulled at school and had had girls thinking he was so cool.
She’s five minutes away from the park bench when suddenly she hears him call out her name. 
“Anne,” he shouts again much closer, bending at his waist to balance his hands at his knees as he pants. “God, it really has been two years since I was on the university football team.” 
Despite the roiling emotions of five minutes ago, Anne’s lips quirk. “I can’t imagine you all practiced very much to end up near the bottom of your league every year.” 
Gilbert’s eyes widen, and for some reason he flushes. Maybe he’s so out of shape that it’s from exertion? “I didn’t realize you kept up with my matches.”  Ah. Anne, it seems, will experience nothing else but one long sustained flush as long as she is in front of Gilbert Blythe. “You know,” she tries to say casually, “you hear things here and there. Diana told me the village gossip.” 
Gilbert opens his mouth, but then suddenly shakes his head, like a dog trying to dislodge water from its fur. “I have...” he frowns. “I have a proposition for you.”  Anne raises what she hopes is an elegant eyebrow. “Oh?” 
He grimaces. “There’s a boarding school, a Catholic one, that’s asking for teachers over the summer for a few of their select students who want to be coached for college admissions. Essays, standardized tests, everything. They’ve got heaps of money, and are willing to pay salaries up front. Plus, they cover all your expenses while you’re there!” 
Anne blinks, feeling the beginnings of hope gather as kindling at the very dredges of her heart. Once, both Anne and Gilbert had competed so well against each other that they had both gotten into Harvard. Then, Matthew had died, and Anne decided she could just as easily get a teaching degree at the state school and stay closer to Marilla too. Gilbert alone had had the distinction of being the first from Avonlea to reach such heights, and had reached even higher when he had been accepted again to Harvard Medical School. 
But at one point, both Anne and Gilbert had taken their SATs. They’d both written their application essays. They’d both gotten in. Anne, even, had been offered a full ride compared to Gilbert’s only partial scholarship, so there could even be an argument that of the two, Anne had been the one on top. 
And if nothing else, Anne is even better at teaching than she was at taking tests. 
“I’ll do it,” she says firmly. “Where and when do I need to report, and how much money are they offering?”  For a second, a bright, dazzling grin paints Gilbert’s face. “Really? Ten--” he coughs, “Twenty thousand.” Anne frowns. 
“Each?” It sounds like a dream come true. Five thousand more than Anne needs, and paid upfront. She could save the farm, and put away five thousand towards the farm’s debts. “That sounds....exorbitant.”  He nods, suddenly more confident. “Yep! Twenty thousand for sure.” He laughs. “I know Gardner was supposed to be slumming it at state school, but you really can’t be surprised at how much money rich people are willing to throw at a problem.” 
“The problem being...their children.”  Gilbert’s grin turns wicked. “The problem being their children’s SAT scores, and lack of compelling anecdote to base an admission’s essay on, yes.” 
Anne laughs, wicked in this moment as well. She wishes in this moment, fiercely, as she has many times over the last few years, that she had been able to go to university with Gilbert at her side -- as the friends they had slowly begun to be after years of one and two sided enmity, before time and distance had turned them into near strangers. She doesn’t regret staying back, not really, but there is a part of her that no one had ever understood half as well as Gilbert Blythe, who had, after the Harvard interest meeting, drawn and pinned up a schedule for practice SATs that took into account both his and Anne’s often conflicting life schedules. 
“What’s the catch,” she asks, grinning when Gilbert chokes “come on, Blythe, there’s always a catch with offers like this. Is it across from a waste manufacturing plant? Is the principal a pervert?” 
Slowly, Gilbert Blythe is turning red. “Ah,” he says, shuffling like he never did even when he was an errant schoolboy. “Well,” he says, and....is that his voice cracking? 
“Gilbert,” Anne says, trying to reassure him, “I grew up in the foster system, I can handle much worse than bad smells and pervert principals, I promise.” 
He frowns. “It’s not that,” he says slowly, “but basically they’re looking for two teachers, a man and a woman to manage the boys and the girls while the rest of the staff go on vacation.” 
Anne smiles, trying to ignore the jolt of her heart at the thought of an entire summer with Gilbert, studying like they used to but as friends. Her old dreams, finally coming true. “That’s perfect then, you take one job and I’ll take the other! It’ll be like old times, kind of.” 
He smiles faintly, as if, even after locking horns with the best and brightest at Harvard, Anne is still the person he wants to be trading barbs with over the heads of high school students for months on end. “I’d like nothing better, he says, except...” 
Gilbert inhales. “ExceptTheSchoolWillOnlyHireAMarriedCoupleSoThatTheyDon’tHaveToWorryAboutOutofWedlockSexorTeachersHavingSexWithStudents.” All in a rush, and now Gilbert is the one who can’t apparently handle eye contact.
“The school,” Gilbert says to his shoes, “since it’s Catholic, and also since they’re lazy, only want a married couple so that they don’t have to have anyone watching to make sure the teachers aren’t having sex with the students. Or each other.” 
Anne blinks. “But we’re not married!” 
Gilbert grimaces, opening his mouth, but then just biting his lip. They could be, Anne thinks, only a tad hysterical. Only all of Avonlea was matching them up all the years of high school, and even the years after until she’d met Roy. It would be so easy to get a certificate. They could get a divorce by September, even annul their marriage since they definitely wouldn’t be having sex. 
Twenty thousand dollars. 
“So what you’re saying,” Anne says slowly, her lip curling of its own accord “is that after all that talk about what love is and isn’t, and telling me that I shouldn’t marry Roy for the money he’d give me, your blockheaded solution is instead, for me to marry you?” 
Gilbert looks up. “Well when you put it that way--”  Anne sees red, even as she already sees herself in one of her old white lace dresses, standing with Gilbert at the courtroom and signing. “Gilbert Blythe I don’t believe you! Sometimes, I think that you really do have all the emotional capacity of that slate I broke over your head!” 
“I know,” he says tone heavy with something so sad that Anne’s hearten softens a bit of its own accord. “But you really need the money, and I promise we’ll get a divorce by September.” He smiles, but there’s something bitter at the corners that Anne has never seen before -- she almost raises her hand to rub the strand of emotion off his lips. “And you’re not the only one who needs the money. Will you do it?” 
Twenty thousand dollars. The farm, Marilla, an end to the eternal pity of Avonlea. And also, a small part of her suggests, an opportunity to finally spend time with this new Gilbert Blythe who went off into the world and left her behind. 
She sighs. “I vote that you be the one to tell Mrs. Lynde.” 
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ditto · 4 years
wi rehab week 3 review: the Week™. i KNOW this post is long but god please read about my misfortune if yall want a Saga
current status on raccoons: clement
number of monster energy drinks consumed: 2
number of buns directly killed: 1
Days Since Last Diarrhead on: 1
Baby Raccoon Count: 150ish? probably 130 that need to be bottle fed 
new tasks performed:
baby opossum cage maintenance
baby waterfowl cage maintenance
SQ fluid administration on raccoons
SQ vaccine administration on raccoons
What To Do When Your Tire Goes Flat 101
oral medication administration on possums
CHRONOLOGICAL TALE OF MISFORTUNE: i’m not going to do this regularly but the sheer amount of bad shit that happened this week was COMICAL so let me break down everything that happened to me this work week
got diarrhead on during 6am raccoon feeding
straight up killed a baby rabbit during bun feeding. they stress real easily and i’m bad at tubing so i had him out for a while and he just fuckin. died. from stress. in my hands. directly because of me being bad at my job. so you know that was uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
shovelled out wet dirty woodchips out of a walk-in enclosure with like 8 goslings using a snowshovel w/ another baby intern. you can’t put a ton of woodchips into one trash bag so we had to keep changing out the trash bag and it was like 92 degrees out and we were both wearing cloth masks and on god i really thought we were gonna die in there
during the pm feeding i get peed on by the EXACT SAME RACCOON that diarrhead on me during the am feeding 
TUESDAY 6/9: the Day(tm)
i have a therapy appointment scheduled at 2pm. my shift is 6am-2pm. i’ll need to leave at 1:30pm to get to it. i tell my supervisors this. it’s chill. i still feel bad about it, because i have anxiety.
right off the bat, i get scolded by my Actual Boss for doing something i watched one of the supervising interns do 
6am raccoon feeding: get diarrhead on again. 
a rac RIPS the fucking nipple off of the baby bottle we’re feeding them with and formula gets fucking everywhere. i say out loud at this moment “IM HAVING A GREAT WEEK”. one of my supervising interns feels bad for me and keeps trying to cheer me up throughout the day. she does make me feel better.
i get dishes which is fine bc i dont mind dishes for real but my hands turn into sandpaper the day after doing dishes for 2 hours so this is more :| than :/. i make jokes about how bad my week is going. the mood is, generally, looking up.
next raccoon feeding is scheduled for noon. raccoons are housed in a separate building, so it’s about a 5 minute drive to get there from the main area. we get ready to leave around 1pm. recap: i need to leave at 1:30pm for a therapy appointment. i’m planning on driving my own car down there so i can do this. it’s chill.
on my way down there, i start hearing the most godawful screeching of metal. i am, quote, “like uhhh.” when i open the gate to turn onto the highway, i stick my head out the window to look
my tire is flat.
i have a flat tire.
my fucking tire is FLAT dude.
pull over after gate
tell the staff member following me “hey i have a flat tire so im probably not going to make it down to feed today” and shes like flkdjsalfksd okay
call the ONE supervising intern whose number i have, who is the one who heard me say IM HAVING A GREAT WEEK, like GUESS WHICH BITCH HAS A FLAT TIRE LMFAOOOOOOO. just making that one call was the funniest fucking thing that’s ever happened in my entire life
to quote her verbatim: “i guess you are having a bad week”
call my dad, who as it turns out was actively teaching a class when i called, so i am well and truly facked and am DEFINITELY not making this therapy appointment
ok. take a deep breath. check my car. i have a donut in my car. i have not changed a tire in three years, and have never changed one in the scenario of I Have A Flat Tire. fack. relay this to the one supervising intern whos number i know (i’m going to call her supervising intern 1 going forward here). ask her if anyone knows how to change a tire. 
supervising intern 1 calls back. apparently there’s a guy who lives on the same property we’re on named donnie. donnie is a maintenance worker who helps out a lot around the rehab place. donnie can help me change my tire. apparently someone currently down feeding raccoons is going to come pick me up and bring me over there so i can continue to feed raccoons until donnie can fix my tire. 
get call from supervising intern 2, whose number i did not have, apparently it got relayed. i ask her if anyone down there can change a tire. she says she can change a tire. she will help me change my tire she finishes on raccoon feeding. ok sounds good. someone is still going to come pick me up.
get call back 10 minutes later. apparently donnie is in the middle of a field right now and it is unlikely that he can fix my tire. someone is still going to come get me to feed raccoons, maybe. i tell her supervising intern 2 can help me change my tire after we finish our shift. she says thats fine. ok cool sick.
try to call therapist. i have no signal. send email which is, verbatim: “Hey! I'm currently on the the side of of the the road in [TOWN 30 MILES AWAY] with a flat tire, so I'm not going to make our appointment today. If we could reschedule for sometime soon, that would be great.” signal is bad, so this ends up being sent at 3pm.
one of the other baby interns comes to pick me up and bring me down to racs. i walk in like AYYYYYYY and start feeding raccoons.
i get diarrhead on again.
i get diarrhead on again again. 
apparently 3 in one day is a record.
my shift is supposed to end at 2pm. we usually end up staying until 2:15-2:30ish, because that’s usually when the other team gets down here. since supervising intern 2 is currently my savior, she is going to drive me back over when the other team gets here and she leaves. other baby interns leave at 2:15ish, i think. 
the other team is, apparently, running late. they get here at 3pm.
supervising intern 2 drives me back over at 3pm. we get to my car.
the donut is on.
the tire is in the trunk.
apparently donnie was, in fact, able to come change my tire. no one told me this. 
im like ok. this is fine. i tell supervising intern 2 thank u for my life. i leave.
my donut has a 50mph max speed limit. i tell google maps to avoid highways on my way home. this turns my 30 minute drive home into a 50 minute one, and still ends up with me being terrifyingly tailgated by trucks for going 10 miles under the speed limit. i almost, but do not, run out of gas on the way home.
i get home around 4:10pm. i call the auto shop across the street from me and tell them i have a flat tire, but i need the car by 6am tomorrow. do they think they can have it fixed by then. they tell me to bring it over and they’ll let me know.
i bring the car over. i give them my keys. i say thank you and leave.
i realize that my garage door opener is in my car, which is now locked. i have no other way into the house, because our garage door keypad has been broken for 2 years. the sliding glass door in the backyard is locked.
i walk back into the auto shop 5 minutes later and ask in the Polite But Obviously Having A Day tone if i can have my keys back so i can get it. i get my garage door opener out of my car. i give the keys back.
i enter my home. i lay spread-eagled on my bed for one hour.
auto place calls back and tells me they fixed the tire. im like did you replace it or did u fix it. theyre like we fixed it come on over. i almost cry on the phone.
go back over. guy is like “ya u ran over a screw LOL”. gives me my keys back. i wait to pay
after a bit hes like “you dont have to pay anything. this is on the house.”
almost cry
thank him
get car
go home
go to bed at 8pm 
everyone at work is immediately like AYYY and in general just very nice about the whole thing. i thank everyone involved for helping. its chill
dont get diarrhead on this feeding but i do get bit for like NO got dam reason what the fack
next up is cleaning juvenile cages and i swear to god i get the nastiest. fucking. raccoon cage i have ever seen in my entire life. there was an...i wanna say eigth-of-an-inch thick layer of raccoon diarrhea across this 2 foot x 4 foot cage
like on GOD the smell was so bad i was gagging through a goddamn cloth mask just. oh my god. i had to just go stand outside and stare into the abyss afterwards for a few minutes it was so NASTY IT WAS SO NASTY
mercifully, i am spared from further misfortune for the rest of the day. i come home. i am so tired.
notes and observations
anyone who is anti-euthanasia in animal shelters and any other large-scale animal welfare places in general can absolutely suck my dick
most other baby animals will generally have various stages of “baby x”, but opossums look like Adults Except Tiny from a very early age. they have stolen my heart.
birds are poopy little creatures
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
chivalry is dead (19 [INTERMISSION 2])
A/N: cut to me rubbing my little fly hands together — i am SO excited to get this ball started that i’m literally boutta post 2 chapters, so bear with me here ,., also, posting them now because i’ve gotta go to work at around 11 and then dont wanna do posting/edits at like, midnight lmao 
bc that’s when im just gonna. keep writing., im so excited for this arc y’all im literally shaking
WARNINGS: massive descriptions of disassociation, being lightheaded, mentions of being dehydrated, mentions of not eating, threats of being pushed down the stairs, bandage mention ig? — i think that's all on this one!!!
Words: 1181
AO3 link!
MASTERPOST! <– look here!! for the longterm warnings!! including sympathetic Deceit and cursing/swearing!
enjoy !!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
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“You’re in my world now, not your world~”
“Why are there so many stairs?”
“And I’ve got foes on the other side~”
“Wait, that’s not the lyric.”
“Sit down at my table~”
“Put your mind at ease~”
“I put a spell on you~”
A small, tired laugh. “If you relax, it will enable me to do….”
“And now you’re mine~!”
“...Anything I please. I can read your future~”
“Be prepa-ared!”
“I can change it ‘round some, too~”
“Trust in me~”
More laughter. “Ironic.”
“Fuck off or I’ll drop you down the stairs. You started it!”
“I know, I know. It’s all almost done. I only hope Thomas is-I hope he’s okay.”
“Eh, who gives? He’ll be fine soon enough, don’t worry your bandages off. Come on, your gown is waiting.”
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Thomas flicked his feet left and right, watching the television while paying absolutely zero attention while laying on the couch upside down. After failing to summon the Sides that morning, he’d gone to watch television, and found himself rewatching The Office again in a semi-binge state. It’d take a solid four days to watch it all but it wasn’t like Thomas had the motivation or drive to do anything else, despite the looming deadline on the new video’s script.
On any other day, he’d be able to hear Virgil screaming at him, Roman rushing around with ideas, butting heads with Logan over rewrites and edits. Patton’d pop in with some supportive words and an offer to make dinner sometimes.
But now? Now he wasn’t getting anything. It was as though all of his sides had clocked out at once — even Deceit and Remus weren’t delivering input. And whatever was holding back any of the other Sides he had (because, lets face it, Thomas had no idea how many Sides there were in total, especially not after Remus’ introduction) wasn’t letting up. So, using every ounce of deductive reasoning he had left, Thomas figured that he just. No longer had a personality.
The more he thought about that, though, the more he considered how irrational that would be. But he didn’t care enough to believe a separate reasoning? And didn’t have the focus, creativity, or capacity to think of a different explanation.
So, The Office. 
He had been sitting on this couch for upwards of twelve hours. Probably bordering on sixteen to seventeen hours, but he couldn’t count. It was long past sunset outside, perhaps the stars were out. 
An empty pizza box was sitting on the couch beside him. At least he had the common sense to eat one meal — an extra large pepperoni meal, but a meal nonetheless.
What the heck was happening?
The phone on his chin, balanced there out of boredom a few hours ago, buzzed and nearly fell off. 
Thomas’ hand smacked up to it, causing his phone to fall and hit his nose. That caused a chain reaction of him falling over, first sideways onto the couch, then rolling off the couch all together and onto the floor. 
So much for “nothing happening.” Thomas groaned as he pushed himself up onto his elbows and grabbed his phone, which had slid beneath the table. 
He flicked it on.
Ah. Thomas squinted and opened it. 
It was a Sanders Sides meme, one of the new templates. He covered his mouth and snorted with laughter, shaking his head. 
Another text from Joan dinged.
JOAN —> you alive? you missed prime coffee shop writing hours
Oh, heck. Thomas mentally chided himself. He and Joan were going to hunker down at a cafe and hash out the new script today to get it done before the deadline. Of course he forgot, like an absolute doofus. 
He began typing out a response. The thought of lying flitted through his mind, the excuse of being “out of it” wasn’t exactly the best reason. He thought for a second but he couldn’t even think of an adequate lie. Wow. Even Deceit had clocked out. Thomas probably should have tried to summon him, now that he thought about it. A little past time, but, oh well.
Alright, the truth. How the heck was he supposed to explain that he couldn’t think? Thomas pushed himself off the floor on his elbows, but winced as the weight seemed to leave his head almost immediately. He kept a hand on the couch as he sat up on his knees, one hand running through his hair and then resting on the back of his neck. 
How long had he been sitting upside down again? Goodness gracious. Part of him wanted to be worried about the repercussions of not having a coherent thought process, but the other was kinda singing Disney songs on repeat. 
In actuality, the most coherent thoughts he had held all day was the nonstop playlist of Disney songs that seemed to run through his head. 
At least that meant Roman was still kicking? That’s what that meant, right?
Oh, yeah, the text. Thomas pushed himself up onto the couch, ignoring how both of his legs seemed to be asleep, buzzing with the prickly pain of pinched nerves and a lack of blood. Lack of blood. All the blood was in his head. Heheheh. 
Gosh, he should sleep soon, he was getting light headed. Had he had any water today, actually? The thought of water made his throat run dry — no, no he hadn’t.
Focus, Sanders. He bit his tongue and typed out a response. Using both thumbs, because for some reason, his single-hand coordination was not working.  
THOMAS —> Yeah. Sorry about that, I think I’m sick or something. Haven’t been able to hold a thought all day and my head is super light.
JOAN —> thats fair, do you have tea or some soup? :( if youre that sick do you wanna push the script deadline a day or two? 
What did Thomas do to deserve Joan, they were always such a beacon of sunlight. He smiled to himself and responded as fast as he could while typing like a technologically illiterate fool, one letter per minute.
THOMAS —> That would be awesome. I’ve got tea, too. Think I’m gonna go to sleep soon though
THOMAS —> Could we push one day? And if you’re still not doing anything on Sunday, we could reschedule 
JOAN —> okay, I’ll let the team know. you get some sleep!!
JOAN —> I’m down for prime coffee shop o’clock on Sunday. 9 am at brewed awakening?
JOAN —> if you need some soupy soup let me know 
Then they sent a cat gif with hearts from Giphy. What an angel. 
Thomas exhaled and leaned back on the couch. He put his phone flat on his forehead, then crossed his arms. That was the best news to come out of today, honestly. One day was better than no days. And if he and Joan could mix up some good ideas on Sunday, then all the better. 
Hopefully that’d give the Sides enough time to figure out what the flip was happening in there.
chivalry taglist: @starlightvirgil @forrestwyrm @daflangstlairde @marshmallow-the-panda @askthesnake @k9cat @patromlogil @theobsessor1 @ninja-wizard101 @fandomsofrandom
general taglist: @jemthebookworm @okay-finne
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01010010-posts · 5 years
Alpha rk900 would be the beeeessst with a pregnant omega and an amazing dad. Every day helping his omega get comfy in their nest, making sure they eat and drink healthy even more than usual, being so so supportive and getting icecream at 3 am because his omega NEEDS it. Back rubs, foot massages, special pillows. Also just his goofy excitement, big goofus doofus who melts for his little family. GROWLING whenever someone gets too close to his loved ones. Oh boy someone set him straight!!!
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!!!!! IM CRYINGhe’d be nearly obsessed with his omega, paying attention to every single fucking little thing. literally. ofc he’d let them continue working until they feel able to but he’d be so worried,,,, poor baby’s going to have a nervous breakdown ahahaha NO no hard works tho NO heavy lifting NO STUPID DECISIONS PLEASE NO MAKE HIM CRY HE’S VERY WEAK & VULNERABLEoh gosh the nest,,,, he’s always been one to respect his omega needs so he never even dreamt of saying things like ‘you have too much in your nest’ or ‘maybe you should put this’, it’s not something his in the first place he’s a guest so :( but when his omega wants to be comfy he gets this irrepressible urge to bring tons of plusies and soft blankets to keep you warm and toasty and snuggle next to you purring GOOD LUCK trying to persuade him every time he comes home he’ll have a new cute little stuffed animal who wouldnt marry someone like him i would in a heartbeat fuxkalso over the food topic: what do you mean you don’t want to drink? DRINK. yeah you’re going to pee get used to it“baby”“mh? can’t sleep? it’s 3AM cutie”“i know…. i just”“what is it?” from sleepy to extremely worried in 1 sec “you feel sick?”“no….”“then?”“i crave ice-cream………….”“baby”“i crave love i crave……………………”“it’s 3AM baby”“i said i crave……………………………………….”“can’t you,,,, wait tomorrow?”“no…………………………………………………………………..”“but”“this child will grow with icecream birthmark if you dont feed me now”“that’s totally unscientific it has been proved–”“i crave”“FINE IM GOING OUT WHAT FLAVOUR”him melting for baby q______q im going to die now!!!!! BABY HE’S BABY MY BABYahahahahahahah he’s going to get arrested bc he’s growling too much he’s so jealous and scared something might happen to you please get him a muzzle :o
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flamebrain · 6 years
mattfoggy hcs, straight from the bastard empire sorry these all read like shitepostes(L O N G post under cut you’ve been warned)
WTNV au:
nightvale is just populated by like. vigilantes and other poewered people and foggy shoes up one day like. hey anyone need a lawyer? and the whole town falls in love w him
matt does radio and talks about foggys perfect hair and perfect teeth and foggy calls in like "heh, thanks dude, but aren't you like blind?" and matt shuts the call off immediatley
everybody knows matt is daredevil because he makes wink wink nudge nudge comments about it like 'ah. it appears that an entity has appeared near the dog park. castle appears to be on the scene now, and...ok, he's got a gun. i cant do anything about that, but my pal (noises of him scrambling and obviously knocking things over) daredevil might be able OKHERESTHEWEATHER" and it cuts off and like. he shows up 5 seconds later to kick frank in the face for using lethal measures AGAIN
EVERY TIME IT CUTS TO THE WEATHER AND THEN CUS BACK AND THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVED ITS JUST MATT. like. breathing just a little heavier than normal into the mic like. 'so it appears uh. the issue has been resolved thanks again to daredevil and his pal moon knight. such a shame i had to cower under my desk while the weather was on. ok goodnight'
the funky thing abt nightvale in this au is that it's basically just like. new york from 616 but foggy's like. from our earth so he's like HWAT THE FUCK AND AHIT IS GOING ON IN HERE ON THIS DAY AND WHY CANT I LEAVE he gets kidnapped by super villains on like his second day in town and immediatley regrets every life choice he's ever made
matt works at nightvale radio by day and conviently cuts to the weather every time something comes up so sometimes there's like. 7 half hour weather broadcasts a day and the townspeople just. humor him
foggy falls in love with matt after figuring out after .5 seconds that he's daredevil and he saved him from a bunch of baddies on like his second day and matt compliments him on the radio like every day and yeah they're fuckin good ok assorted stupid college hcs: matt and foggy like to chill in each other's beds. foggy doesn't notice that often because matt moves back b4 he gets back and matt pretends not to notice but  like. he can smell foggy was there. foggy. stop napping in this bed you're making my sheets smell like you, foggy, i KNOW they're silk and i know you think you're getting away with it but you're NOT,
matt, coming back into the dorm after being out for the day: foggy are you laying on my bed foggy, sitting up straight: nah pal. just sitting on the end for a minute hehe. just had to rest the old joints matt, knowing DAMN well that he was lying down a second ago and he's obviously lying but not being able to say anything; haha ok. move
hrnnn matt knows foggy is gay long before he tells him because he catches him in a lie about who he was out with but he can't say anything and like. he knows foggy is scared to tell him but he doesn't know how to bring it up and he's like. i want him to know he can trust me but i don't know how to tell him i know please foggy
foggys heart goes a mile a minute anytime the subject of being gay comes up around matt and matt wants to yell at him that it's OK and he doesn't care but his hints that he's fine with it seem to fly right over foggys head and so one day he gets so fed up with trying to convince foggy he's chill with gay people he just kisses him. wig
hrnnn. matt doesn't like the snow because it messes with his senses and he can't see but he can't say that to foggy so he just says he doesn't like the cold and foggys like "yeah doofus you weigh like three pounds you're skin and bone compared to me smh" and insists on cuddling him every time he sees matt get like That bc he thinks he's just chilly and it's. oddly comforting to matt because yeah. nobody really Holds him like that, and he Is Cold, and foggy is Warm,
matt gets Very touchey around people he's close with and so when he gets close with foggy he puts his arm around him a lot, rests his head on his shoulder, holds his arm even when they're not going anywhere, etc. foggys heart speeds up every time but matt just assumes that's what people hearts do when that happens because he doesn't really do that with anyone else and hey, he's happy when he does it and his heart maybe spikes a little too, but then he gets someone else's arm to lead him when foggys sick one week and their heart stays the exact same, what's up with that? so then he starts paying attention to all the people on campus, and the touching doesn't usually make the hearts go wild, but, well. matt 'sees' it happens and he's like HaHa, See, This is A Thing, and then he realizes that the people that have it happen to them? they're couples. and he just. freezes because first of all, Foggy- and at him- an- and second, his heart ALSO does a thing, so-
heres a rEALLY stupid unrelated au/hc i got after hearing a friends disater story hfdjhskja matt goes on a blind (hehe) date with a girl and it's pretty much a disaster, it turns out she brought her friend who is also meeting a guy at the same place, and like. she's obviously incredibly wack she says blind people are god's mistake and stupid shit like that so matt gets up halfway through their meal to go sit in the bathroom for 20 minutes while he thinks of an excuse to leave? and eventually a guy comes in and he's like 'uh hey, dude, you in here? your date grabbed her friend and left so we're both dateless now, thats a relief for me and unless you're just having incredibly bad bowel movements i think it's pobably one for you since you Have been in here for like half an hour uh im foggy by the way' and then they go back out and sit together and talk about how wack that fuckin was and like. inadvertent date
hey i can talk a lot of shit about how matt falls asleep on foggy but. sometimes foggy falls asleep on or next to or with matt and matt goes !!!! and he does not move and then he eventually falls asleep with foggy head on his shoulder and his head on foggys and when FOGGY wakes up and realizes matts still there and is ALSO asleep he doesn't move and eventually falls back asleep and then it's just like. waiting until the time aligns that they're both awake at the same time because neither wants to move and wake the other send tweet
foggy looks up from his college bed, sees matt, and suddenly EVERYTHING is fucking rainbow and he's like 'oh fuck. oh shit. wait. this is a dude' and matt's like 'is everything ok my guy?' because foggy's like. >:O and of course he has no idea because he's blind but foggy doesnt realise this and for a hot minute he;s like "OH FUCK. ITS ONE OF THOSE RARE OCASIONS WHERE HES PERFECT FOR ME BUT I'M NOT FOR HIM," and is about to s o b before he's like wait a fucking minute
yknow the au where like. the first words you hear from your soulmate are marked on your skin at birth? foggy's are 'excuse me', absolutley common, a chance meeting, and he stops jumping every single time he hears them after age 8 when he realises just how many times that phrase is said. matt's are 'yeah, who're you looking for,'  but he doesnt remember that, there's no constant reminder of it since he's blind, the nuns wouldn't tell him, the kids made up childish shit like 'poopoo', and stick DEFINITLEY wouldnt fucking tell him because hes stick and hes an asshead and eventually matt stops asking and caring. it takes WEEKS for after they meet for foggy to ask matt about his words and matt just says 'oh yeah, i dont remember. here" and shows foggy and when he sees them he's like. 'hm. sounds familiar' and forgets about it untill like two years later theyre drunk and talking about the first time they met and matt's like 'yeah you asked like 'who'm i looking for and then panicked because i was blind' and foggy's brain just like. short circuits for a whole ass minute and then when it clicks he just goes. "yOU"
matt realises when he's still in the orphanage that mayhaps he hates being not a dude and haha! hes not gonna fucking come out to catholics he knows about That. he tries to tell stick, around the time their closest, and FUCK STICK he refuses to call him anything else or support him becaise stick is a peace of fuck shit FUCK STICK so that scars matt from coming out for a DAMN while so like. when he goes to college he introduces himself to everyone as matt and emails his proffesors like. 'hello please my name is redacted on your forms please call me matt its uh. a nickname' and he's not like. out to anyone but matt is close enought to his deadname that most people don't question it. foggy does, though, a little while after they meet, and matt is so fed up with not telling people and being called the wrong pronouns he just goes 'i want to be a guy ok' and goes absolutley APESHIT when foggy's like 'oh, cool. do you want me to use he pronouns for you' because wait. people are...ok sometimes? and matt's like. about to cry 
 alternatley: matt says "I don't wanna be a girl." and foggy goes "oh hey are you trans? same hat!" and then foggy tells matt like. binding tips and shit and theyre Good ok
deadpool kills transphobes, sm n dd just fucking beat the SHIT out of them in a back alley and like. they let DP know where they are but whatever happens happens :D
elektra, impaling two transphobes onto the side of a building with her knives: matthew, i know you can hear me, why
one day elektra sees matt has dumped a guy on her roof and just. sighs and goes back inside and matt waits for like 15 minutes before halfheartedly picking up the dude and dropping him off at franks.
matt dropped them off at nats One Time and she went apeshit and hunted down like 20 more of them.
foggy, holding a bat: cmon matt let me kill ONE matt: 'fine but if you get caught im not going to be your lawyer.'
earth 14512/TRN700 (peni parker’s universe) matt murdock has a robot seeing eye dog who's also a vigilante
hddjdsjdhdn they all show up to earth 6's foggy and he just. sighs and all the devils start crying because He Is Here
hmm ok. canonically we know nothing about miles's matt but we know he exists and is known figure because miles knows of him but doesn't know he's daredevil i'm Prefty Sure so like. i'm gonna say he's just a successful lawyer who has radarsense but never got yoinked away from the orphanage by stick and never got training so like. hemndhdjsjnow the QUESTION is who finds that matt because there's a Very Different outcome depending on if like. murderdock meets him first or the matt from hobopeters universe does
hmm. murderdock comes in first like gwen does but doesn't out himself as competent w like swords and shit. but he OH HES THE OPPOSING FORCE FOR UH A COURT CASE MATT IS IN AND MATT HAS NO IFEA HOW SIMILAR THEY LOOK BECAUSE HES BLIND HRNNNNNHSHDHDHDJ and then matt from HP's universe comes in like HEY YOURE ME RIGHT. what the FUCK i need the laws in this dimension STAT and murderdock ':"sees" him and is like ah fuck. my goose may be uhhh cooked
ok mileses matt is like 'so what brought y'all here??? hhh????  and murderdock sighs and goes well my boss who's not really my boss from MY universe is doing something stupid here and opened a dimensional portal and it could maybe tear the multiverse apart which i guess i'm not stoked about' and matt's like 'who's your boss?' and murderdock begrudgingly says 'wilson fisk' and matt immediatley goes >:O because he's CONSTANTLY defending people who were injured as a result of what fisk and his company do
anyways. matt immediatley rushes to foggys because "foggys my partner, he's helped me deal with fisk, he knows him, he can help," and he swings open the door and like. one of two things happens actually either A: foggy is like matt. MAATT. AHAT IS GOING ON WH. WHY IS THERE A TALKING DEER WEARNING SPANDEX WHO CLIMBED THROIGH MY WINDOW MATT PLEASE HE SAYS HES Y O U or like. matt walks in and deerdevil is playing pattycake with robodog and daredevil noir is incessantly flirting with foggy and when matt comes in foggys like 'hey. i don't know what's going on but i think i'm trading my best friend'
murderdock is like...the cool college student who tells freshies about weed murderdock: so, you don't know how to fight right  matt: no??? i'm blind??? md: but you can kinda see right. matt: yeah like a radar kinda md: normal blind people can't do that you know matt: they wHAT md: you can listen to heartbeats if you try hard enough. you can tell when people are lying matt: i can W H A T md: yeah. what me to teach you how to kill a man matt: W H AT NO IM A L A W Y E R WH
hrnnn the matts in this universe push our matt away to stay with foggy because he doesn't deserve 2 die and you KNOW every matt pushes people away but foggy is like. matt i know you tried it's ok i lov you buddy and he's like HRGGHHHH FUNCK YOU and makes foggy tell him stories untill he can distinguish lies and hide in a place around their office untill matt can like. find him instantly and training montage shit you feel me and he rolls up to the collider in his black pjs like "hello my fellow devil men. i hear you all have no plan. well. i don't either but i'm here" and one matt is like. how did you go-OH YOU DID IT and all the mats high five and cry a littlethey're still reluctant to let matt come help but they're all like. "we're all depressed and suicidal anyways we all have big guilt and if we didn't let him i lnOW he's gonna have big guilt forever he can stay"
foggy is a private eye, kinda depressed a lil bit, and he works w his secretary karen who helps him with tech and stuff because he is god awful at all that 
"mike whatevermaggiesmaidennameis" is an occult specialist from dark matters agency assigned by an agent natasha of dark matters to help him with his current case. 
foggy does NOT want to do this with any damn occultist or whatever the hell but before he can escape mike shows up and god DAMN is he charming and catches him before he can climb out the window, so. that's that for introductions. anyways, hijinks, elektra is cassandra, if you care listen to the murderous mask, anyhoo foggy stars to notice something is kinda weird about matt but brushes it off. they finish investigating and retrieve an important artifact.
it's cold, mike says. sorry dude, all the places near here are closed, foggy says. is your place? mike asks. oh, says foggy they go back to foggys place and maybe make out a little bit, but foggy realizes oh shit, mike just tried to steal the keys to my safe where i stored the artifact, shit, and plaxces him under arrest before he can do anything, and calls the cop cops.
they come to take mike away, and minutes later foggy finds a note, scrawled INCREDIVLY messily, in his pocket. "sorry," it says, "i wasn't tricking you about anything i said, and i meant everything i did. -matt murdock ps. check around, say, X avenue. you may have to do a bit of cleanup." when foggy checks cameras that overview there, he find the officers that took murdock from his apartment hogtied together, and sees their clothes strewn on the ground - forming letters - with love. their car is gone. PODCAST AU:
matt listens to podcasts a lot right and so foggy is like hmm mayhaps this is a good idea. but the type of podcasts they listen to differs so incredibly like matt listens to serial and the wildest one he listens to is probably judge john hodgman whereas foggy listens to shitpost podcasts like mbmbam and can i pet your dog foggy keeps referencing mbmbam around matt because he just assumes that he listens to it and matt is so confused every time and one day foggy says "damn matt you're really horny for this one huh" and matt just snaps and says FOGGY WHAT DO YOU M E AN
so then they are like oh shit you're not listening to the good ones. no YOURE not listening to the good ones. solution?  listen together which means sharing earbuds which means sitting next to eachother on small college bed which means????? cuddling
also eventually they decide fuck it. let's make our own podcast and they combine the mbmbam and jjh format so they get questions and do goofs and stuff and then give actual legal advice but sometimes foggy will be like "ok. here's what you do. you need a cat? go into the pet shelter and take one. what are the gonna do beat you up with their cat toys? didn't think so." and matt starts crying because "Fo g g y WE ARE LAWYERS I KNOW YOURE GOOFING BUT THATS ILLEGAL FOGGY YOI CANT TELL OUR LISTENERS TO GO DO CRIME"
matt has a caffeine addiction and constantly comes to foggys coffee shop and orders one black coffee every morning and foggy eventually is like. hey buddy. do you EVER drink ANYTHING F U N EVER
matts like...no...i need coffee as strong and dark as my soul... and foggys like ok edglelord. wait up i'm about to change your life
foggy makes him a latte that's just a little bit caramelly but not too sweet and he's like here. drink this. no charge you deserve to live a little. also here's your boring edgy coffee you still have to pay me for that one. matt tries it and he's like hmm. not bad, but just not. Good and foggy is like wow fuck you. i'm going to find a good drink for you that isn't this hell water so every morning matt comes in and foggy gives him a black coffee and a free Fun and Cool coffee on the house
matt always is polite even when foggy can tell he DESPISES what foggy made but he's not going to stop untill he finds something god damn it matt
ok anyways they start meeting up more. matt starts taking his breaks in the coffee shop and and foggy hmmm...always seems to have a shift off when matt comes down..hmm. coincidence....hmmm....theo suffers for him by covering all his shifts when matt comes in and he's like well, actually fuck work
eventually foggy is like hey dude. do you wanna test my drinks before they go on the menu or help me perfect my recipes and shit you have a good toungie right (matt goes apeshit, because fuckin FOGGY YOU CABT SAY THAT) but he's like haha yeah. that'd be fun. haha
and then foggy finds out matt is INCREDIBLE at baking when he hands him a cookie and matt goes. hmm. too much flour add a fourth a cup less and a pinch more of saltand he's like??? bitch. i'd like to see you do better. and then matt does
so basically every day foggy closes up a little earlier and lets matt in and they dick around in the kitchen and bake and make coffee and foggys shop gets more and more popular because hey this already really good joint just started selling the most BALLER carrot cAke waht the fucké
anyways fall comes around and foggy is like GUES WHATT ITS TIME FOR WHITE GIRL DRINKS TRY THIS and he gives matt a pumpkin spice latte and matt is like. •.• THIS IS IT. THATS THE ONE
he bullies foggy into keeping the latte on the menu by threatening to stop helping him bake and foggy is SO OFFENDED, on behalf of good taste everywhere, matt, please,
anyways foggy continues rags on matt for only liking the shittiest fucking drink god damn it matthew fucking hell i make you 3 billion and THIS is the one you pick you disaster and matt is like haha shut up. stoopid
foggy doesn't, and you can guess where this be headed because i'm gay and soft,
matt kisses him and foggys like. ?????????? and matt goes AH FUCK. I COULDNT THINK OF A BETTER WAY TO GET YOU TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH SORRY. GUESS ILL GO and foggy throws cookie dough at him and drags him back over because he's not leaving fuck that. fuck you. and then they're happy and domestic the end
wait i lied matt opens a pro-bono firm in the back of foggy's shop and he gives all his clients freshly baked dessert and coffee and he's so good at being a lawyer and foggy becomes so good @ running his shop that customers keep coming and they're the Cute Gay Couple everyone knows abt and loves
SO. there are so many god damn moments foggy nearly fucking breaks and smooches matt out of sheer unbridled uwu soft feelings. SO MANY. when they win their first mock trial together and matt looks so FUCKING happy and he tells foggy how good they work as a team and foggy is about to lose his mind but he just goes. 'haha yeah' and gives matt a fist bump they finish taking the bar: matt's had to take it in a seperate room, stupid blind accommodations. he finishes first because OF COURSE HE DOES HE'S MATT MURDOCK and the second foggy finishes and leaves the room he sees matt there and he's filled with so many emotions he's about to go apeshit but he manages to contain them JUST enough not to make out with matt on the spot but gives him the tightest fucking hug and matt's like "ok buddy! love you too! please dont break my ribs!" and foggys too happy to notice matt forgot to flinch like he didnt know foggy was coming
Foggy gets the sign to matt and he can tell how fuckin stoked matt is and all he can think about is how grateful he is that the two of them get to work together and fucking do GOOD together and he's trying to express that in his awkward foggy way and he's GOING to kiss him right then and there!! hes about to do it look out world!!! and then matt says "you're NOT going to kiss me" and foggy realises haha YEAH THATD BE A BAD IDEA HUH and jokes it off and gives matt another hug - "i'll be careful not to break the ribs this time, buddy, seems like you've been falling over and hurting yourself enough recently,"-
foggy almost kisses matt out of anger when he finds out he's daredevil, when he won't shut up about how this city needs him and foggy would have done the same and blah, blah, bullshit because maybe then he'd FUCKING listen to him, or at least it'd shut him up, but the honest betrayal he feels - at matt for not telling him and at himself for STILL having a part of him that wants to kiss matt - is enough to get him just to leave : ^)
alright. the gang is watching fisk get carted away and see that SHIT, he's broken out, of course it wasnt going to be this easy. matt puts karen in a taxi goes to run off and foggy grabs him by his coat because MATT. you're not going to go fight fisk in your god damn pajamas right now it's too dangerous you're going to die you stupid son of a bitch idiot
and of course matt doesn't listen, he tells foggy to get back into the car with karen, go to his place, they'll be safe there, and grabs his own taxi
and foggy's left to sit there with karen in the cab as it drives Oh Too Fucking Slowly to matt's, and he's mumbling curses all the way and karen is trying to calm him down, he doesnt know why he's so worried, and all foggy can think about is what if matt dies because i didnt stop him and what if karen never gets to hear it from him and about 10 billion what-ifs that wont leave him the FUCK alone, and he sits next to the windowsill he knows matt comes in through and waits, not even wanting to look at the tv because what if he sees worse news Hrgh
matt beats up fisk and he barely even waits for the cops to get there, he gets one look and confirms 'yup, that's mahoney,' and fucking BOOKS it to his apartment, he climbs through the window and foggy's just sitting there waiting, karens in the next room watching the broadcast at a 3 minute delay on her phone, matt doesnt have a tv hes BLIND >:,\
and when matt comes in, bloody and beaten up and doing That Panting Thing He Does, but definitley alive, foggy just fucking. grabs him by the shoulders and kisses him because HE IS A L I V E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and matt is suprised but he doesnt even try to protest because he's still riding the adrenaline from the fight
anyways. foggy pulls away for air and says 'you're so fucking stupid and i hate you' and then matt kisses hIM because uhh, thats FOGGY
and it's a minute later that matt senses another heartbeat and realizes karen's standing in the doorway, and she raises an eyebrow and obviously trying not to panic asks 'uh, foggy, pray tell, buddy, why you're making out with the devil in matt's bedroom' and foggy goes apeshit and tries to think of an excuse that doesn't invole 'uh thats matt' but it just kinda comes out as some stupid shit like 'i,,, uh,,,,, secret,...affair,,?i',m....gay." and matt just sighs and pulls off his helmet like "hey karen. it's me. hey karen whats poppin its me blind matt murdock" and needless to say they all have a Lot to talk abt
so like. the first year they're together matt and foggy go out a lot, and it's mostly foggy dragging matt places and matt reluctantly coming because A) if someone doesnt watch foggy this idiot is going to puke and pass out in a ditch and B) he really like his company shh. no telling because that gay
anyways matt usually only drinks a little but foggy is mad lightweight right. he doesn't get shitfaced too often, usually only after exams or when he knows he has no classes the next day. when he does get shitfaced though he absolutley loses his shit and becomes even more touchy than usual, which is VERY TOUCHY because fuck you its my au and i get to choose the default affection levels
so basically. once foggy starts hugging matt and leaning on him and whining into his shirt about the 'hot girls' and 'killer nachos' at the party matt knows it's time to head home and foggy is too busy wrapping his arms around matt to notice he's being dragged out untill its too late
and y'know, thats fine, that's usual, all normal friend stuff, except what foggy also has a tendancy to do when he's drunk is kiss matt. sometimes its on his cheeks, or his forehead, or his shirt?? matt doesnt get that one??? and sometimes foggy even tries to go for the lips when hes particularly wilde. matt knows to expect this by the third time they go out, but it's still always a suprise when it happens, because sometimes it'll be out of nowhere when theyre walking back, or foggy'll stop matt and grab his cheeks and kiss him? sometimes they'll get all the way back to the dorm and matt will make foggy lie down and foggy will grab his shirt and pull him close enough to give him a quick peck before rolling over and promptly beggining to snore
which, y'know, is absolutley great for a maybe-gay-for-his-best-friend-catholic. what's also great is that foggy never seems to remember the fact he kissed matt the night before, and if he does, he definitley does NOT bring it up
so that's fine. whatever. thats life and matt will pretend like he doesnt care when foggy gives him a smooch because hes straight and loves girls and jesus christ, no homo, amen
but THEN. . then matt and foggy have been studying for exams for weEKS and theyre FINALLY DONE, FINALLY, and they are both going to get wasted out of their mINDS you better BELIEVE IT
so they do! and eventually they stumble back to their dorm together and sit together on the floor with a half-downed bottle of tequila and matt decides fuck it. he tells foggy he's never kissed a guy and foggy is like "haha cool. i have." matt's like "haha was it good" and foggys like "hell yeah man better than girls" so matts like hmm. "foggy i think i want to kiss a guy" and you can guess where this is goin
foggy is an oblivious little shit and just thinks matt's having a gay awakening so he's like "oh cool" and matt starts vibrating at inhuman frequency because FOGGY THIS IS THE ONE TIME I"M BASICALLY ASKING YOU TO DRUNK KISS ME AND YOU D O N T" so he just goes "haha yeah." and foggy's like "haha yeah"
and then matt chugs the bottle of tequila and says "foggy i think i wanna kiss you" and then he does but he's a good christian and also stupid so he just like. goes mwah on foggy's cheek
and foggy stares at him for like 15 seconds before basiclly challenging him to 'kiss him like a man, murdock, how are you supposed to get the gay experience if you dont go all in' and then they make out for like 20 minutes and life is good
(they both wake up w the worst fucking hangovers and theyre passed out on the floor and matt's like "foggy....im gay..." and foggys like "haha do you remember i kissed you" and matts like "????foggy i kissed YOU" and foggys like "oh yeah you did. you should have done that earlier" and matts says "????you were too busy trying to kiss me" and foggy goes "oh haha i was. cool" and then they fall back asleep...then they.....boyfriend.s)
so. matt is a florist and he runs a little shop across the street from an empty piece of real estate. a tiny place that used to be a deli but had just the WORST sandwiches, it was no wonder they closed down, god damn. anways. matt runs his shop with his best friends kirsten and karen who have IMPECCABLE taste in flowers and less impeccable taste in impulse control and not being huge lesbians.
one day this dude pulls up into matt's shop. his request is maybe the strangest matt's ever heard - 'can you get me two bouquets of like, the most metal flowers you have? like, ones that just look super cool but also, yknow, smell super good and sick and shit?' 
matt laughs, and tells the guy that yeah, he can't help with the looks part, but he'll make sure to get him some that smell 'quote' sick and shit, come back tomorrow morning and they'll have some ideas-hey, what are these for anyways?
and the guy tells him, oh, hah, i'm moving in across the street, opening a little tattoo place? wanted some flowers to make it seem more, uhh....welcoming. matt laughs and says yeah, sure, cool, and tells him if he has anymore questions to call the store and ask for matt. the guy tells him if he ever wants a tattoo just cross the street and ask for foggy and unless the flowers matt gives him really suck he won't do him dirty and tattoo a dick on him
so anyways, they have a couple meetings, foggy decides on the flowers he wants and thanks matt and tells him hey, he should come check out the shop, it's opening tomorrow, and foggy wants to be able to point to the guy who did the sick florals. matt doesnt have anything better to do and he likes the sound of this guy's voice so hell, he might as well
when he goes over matt realizes oh shit. he really is out of his element here, but he asks the guy at the counter for 'foggy' and is led over to  a corner where foggy's sitting and tattooing...himself? and matt realizes hey. i kind of have no idea what this dude looks like
so he sorta. sits there awkwardly untill he asks like. 'uh. i cant actually see what youre doing' and foggy goes OH IM SO FUCKING STUPID. i'm. man, saying this out loud seems kinda really stupid and cheesy i cant believe i have to do this...i'm....it's one of the flowers in the bouquet you made me....i just thought it looked really neat and smelled good and it....kinda reminds me of you and OK i KNOW that sounds really weird we met like 4 days ago BUT you seem super cool and i kinda hope we can maybe like. be friends or hang out or something,
and matt's like. o//////o yeah okay. uh. thats cool. thats cool uh im sure the flower is really pretty haha i love that type haha UH DO YOU WANT TO GET LUNCH OR SOMETHING haha maybe ill get a flower tattoo one day its pretty cool that you do tattoos UH IM FREE TOMOROW WAIT MAYBE THATS TOO SOON IM SORRY UH IM FREE WEDNESDAYS,
and foggy just kinda laughs and says 'no, tomorrow works,' and hey! they make plans and get coffee together and matt's like so. what tattoos do you have and foggy starts listing a bunch and eventually matt's like :( i wish i could see them they sound beautiful and foggy's like. here. heres my arm can i. yeah ok. and he grabs matts ar,m and he's like ok. feel the skin, its still a little raised can you feel that? ok, run your fingers over here and i can like. tell you wjats there
cue like an hour of sensual arm touching and tattoo explaining and the more matt learns about foggy and his tattoos and the more he hears the way he talks the more he's like A) oh fuck, i kinda really like this guy whos letting me feel up his arms and B) do i want a tattoo? i kind of want a tattoo
anyways. time jump they hang out a bit more, foggy always comes into matt's shop and talks to him in between customers, shows him the patterns he's designing, etc, and one day he comes in with a paper that has a design of some flowers on it and shows it to matt and as he's running his fingers across it he stops and says 'foggy? will you do this to me'
and foggys like 'bud are you sure? first tattoo, right, do you-are you really sure you want to do this, like, when, and wh" and matt's like 'shut up and put this ink in my skin before i chicken out' so matt sits through a PAINFUL ASS TATTOO and when it's done he's like FOGGY CAN I TOUCH IT CAN I TOUCH IT FOGGY CAN I TOUCH IT and foggy has to physically restrain matt from fondling his tattoo because its FRESH MATT
so foggys like 'ok, this is cause for celebration! babys first ink! we;re getting beers cmon' and they both go out to drink and matt's like 'hey foggy...can i touch more of your tattoos' and foggy's like 'uh, sure, i have another armfull,' and they do that for a while untill matt gets to the one foggy did the first time he visited foggy's tattoo parlor and foggy's like hah. remember this one? and matt's like yeah. i do. and they kinda just. sit there for a minute and then foggy's like 'ok. im gonna kiss you now punch me if you hate this, flowerboy' and matt absolutley does not punch him, thank you very much
and when they finish having their moment matt's like 'wow. i shoulda....i shoulda asked to feel you up again way sooner if i knew you were gonna do that' and foggy's like 'hey...i'd let you feel me up anytime' and they both kind of laugh and decide ok, worm, this works, and decide theyre gonna do that more often
they start to go out for drinks / dinner / lunch / any time they possibly can, and matt learns the curvature of foggys (suprisingly muscley?) arms down to a t, but he runs out of space to run his fingers over one night, and foggy kisses him and says 'hey. i've got more tattoos, y'know, but i don't think many people would appreciate it if i showed them off to you here' and matt is like 'wh-O H'
and foggy laughs and drags him to his apartment and pulls of his shirt and says 'ok, we're alone now. tell me what you feel' and matt sits on the bed in front of him and theres lots of sensual chest stroking going on and then yeah. matt gets fed up with all this touching foggy and not enough of foggy touching him and. they fuck oopsie
and after that they decide worm. that was good, wanna do that more often, holy shit, and decide to actually date date and thats like. thats that babey!
but years later they open a joint shop, an absolute mess of soft/punk aesthetics and everyone knows them because matt is still a soft florist who just has a fewwwww dozen flowers inked all over him and foggy is the punk god who flexes his sleeves all over town but flexes his soft boyfriend husband even more tHE END
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prceteritus-a · 5 years
@hopegained asked:  ship: THEM bc i am Curious and i wanna bother u
Ship Meme || Not accepting!!
Under read more due to size!
- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals? Most times they end up falling asleep with each other and waking up with Rayquelle in Eron’s hold due to the nightmares she has she seeks the comfort and warmth! DAILY RITUALS UH YEAH they try to go out at least once a day and have a ‘date’ and stargaze. It’s a way for them to relax, be in each others presence but not have to worry about others.
- How’s their team work? Do they share well? Ray is a very independent woman but since joining the resistance she has had to partake inmore team activities. Eron understands her Hesitance and works with it or around it so they can get their task done without making her uncomfortable. 
- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection? Ok so this is a big thing. In the beginning stages of their relationship no one knows hell not even they really do. Eron needs alot of trust because of the walls around him and the second layer around his heart and Ray respects that. He tore hers down before she go into his so thats something she has to accept. They don’t really come out about their relationship I think ever it just kind of becomes natural and people start to see the looks in their eyes when they look at each other. Public display of affection follows the same rules and I actually think Eron is the first to break that (I answered an ask like this) Where he would have to make the conscious decision to partake in PDA.
- First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight? NO IT WAS NOT! So when they first met they payed no mind to each other however, they don’t really count it because it wasn’t anything big it was her introduction to the resistance when she was found. The real start for them was when he found her stargazing in a spot he thought no one knew about. Eron was probably unfazed at her but Ray was curious. He looked scary, not gonna lie maybe mean? But biggest of all. he looked almost... like he’d seen so much and it hurt him and she wanted to alleviate that because she too had that for herself.
- Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes? Ray for Eron: Love,Babe, Baby, Eldin, Honey, Dear, and her favorite My Stars Eron for Ray: Love, Babe, Baby,  (I’m sure more but YOU WONT GIVE ME MORE ALKDJ:LK)
- Any tasks that are always left to one person? Cooking is Ray’s thing she will fight for that!
- What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could? N O T H I N G! Both Ray and Eron treasure the other faults and all the only changes they want are to themselves. ( Ray also hates sometimes how he’s so tall she has to ask him to bend down for kisses sometimes)
- What do the like best about their partner? WOW uhm Ray loves everything but his heart is the best. He has been through so much seen so much yet still trusts her like he does and loves her like he does and that warms her to the core of her being. She wouldn’t trade it for the world.Now for Eron I don’t know if it’s what he likes best but i feel like it’s along the lines of a similar thing. She’s been a child of abuse and was flat out kidnapped yet still gives him so much even on her worst days. She always shows him hes loved and cared for and makes it known she treasures him above all else.
- Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death? Yes they do. They’ve discussed marriage and children especially. They both would like them and also don’t want them.
- Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public? Drives; either Cooks; Ray Handiwork; either but usually Eron Clean; Both Pays the bills; Both handles the public; either
- Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries? RAY IS A FIRM BELIEVER IN HOLIDAYS YOU BET YOUR ASS ERON GETS SPOILED ON BIRTHDAYS WITH BOTH SEX AND FOOD AND PRESENS AND ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY OMG SHE GOES MAD WITH IT. She believes everyday you should celebrate your partner on days like those shes got the right to be everywhere with it
- Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon? S o weddings. Ray wants to marry Eron thats a fact. Will the get married? Thats a hard question because i feel like in the canon verse they never feel really a NEED too. They dont need a ring to tell them that they love each other. But in any AU with them as a ship or in a verse where they do get married. They don’’t want anything big only those important to them  their marriage is for them not their friends and family. Its about them giving themselves to each other. The proposal would be cute and heartfelt and could be as simple as Eron kissing her neck and just “I want to marry you...” or her after a night of him grounding her form a nightmare she just “I want you and me forever... let’s get married Eron”  The honeymoon? They dont need fancy yet again just each other. Take it as an excuse to give it all into each other with no interruptions
- What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up? THey both stargaze, Love shooting blaster, she loves just domestic cuddling , and they always when able eat together
- Anything they both dread? Becoming those they hate and losing those they love honestly those are the biggest. Ray’s TRUEST fear is Embrent will return and kill eron and force her back under his thumb
- How adventurous are they? Eron more so than Rayquelle haha I could see him guiding her around her hand in his as they explore things though
- Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat? Rayquelles poker face is absolute shit. 
- What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other? The dates they have are usually very mellow and no stress consisting of mainly stargazing or holovids and cuddling.
- What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up? Arguments are almost none existent minor little battles of wit do happen but for the most part full arguments don’t! BUT on the occasion they do they get alittle emotional. Make up consists of lots of just quality time. maybe some sex who knows.
- What does their home look like? Their room? Their home thanks to Ray is clean and tidy with a set spot for everything! The same applies for their room.Their things are in no set sides of room for the most part its where ever it works
- Does their work ever interfere with the relationship? Not in a serious method. It does spark some fear in both parties and there are nights where they get genuinely upset the other isn't there and have a horrible time sleeping. Unable to get a lick.
- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort? listen they just soft bbs
- Any doubts about the relationship? Both have doubts because of their history but never about each other. The doubts stem of “They will leave me like everyone else” in Eron’s head and Ray is scared she will lose him like she lost her parents. The minute comfort finds her Embrent returns and kills Eron in front of her. But in Eron himself? She knows he loves her undoubtedly and that he will always. Now she can only hope he knows she feels the same. 
- How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
- How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families? Leia and Luke I imagine love that they’re so good for each other. Family on Ray’s front wel uhm.... like i said leia approves haha. Everyone in the base loves it because it softened Eron and brought Ray out more and shes more sociable.
- Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up? Well N love we both are kill happy for them in TROS SOOOOOO but i do want to write them being parents be it au or whatever UPDATE THEY HAVE A SON AND A DAUGHTER JAEDEN AND EVELLYN
- What are their vacations like? Together literally thats the thing. A vacation for them could be their bedroom. As long as they’re together
- How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness? RAY INSTANT PANIC ON EMERGENCIES! They are both nurses when the other is sick haha
- Could they manage a long distance relationship? IT WOULD WRECK THEM they probs could but like alot of them is physical interaction and with her nightmares it would wreck eron watching that with nothing he could do to help. Ray loves to hug and cuddle him to tell him she LOVES him and not doing that and watching him have a rough patch? nope wrecked
- Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something? They know when the other is hiding something eron especially but ray has gotten good at noticing for him. Another thing is with finishing sentences. Eron could probably but he doesnt engage in it much but shell do it whenever she can!
- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous? They dont get into trouble really
- What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions? Ray gives presents when she feel like it tbh. They range from hobby based to food and anything in between. If she thinks of eron when she sees it its gift material.
- Do they have any pets? Eron best get his woman her own BB unit
- Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw? he brings out in ray allowing her to open up and she the best in him because they are actually
- What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness? The weakness is how much they self doubt themselves. they rely so heavily on each other that it may be SEVERELY detrimental if one dies
- How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross? they would kill and die for another
- What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do? They both have a think for oral so there’s a fair bit of it haha. Ray has an immense thing for praise in the bedroom so often when they have sex its very personal and intimate full of declarations of love and eron calling her a good girl ;) they can get kinky but like thats a whole other think im sure
- Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love? Uhm ray accidently confessed so she started it, Eron probably kissed her first one of the they just stared at lips until someone took that plunge
- Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to? Ray wants to take him to what she was told was her home so she can find out more about her childhood. Other than that none that i can think of in terms of places. OH! Their stargazing spot!!! Special memories though their first time kissing, with each other intimately, ALSO A memory eron will never forget is walking in on his lady cooing to their daughter promissing her so much in life.
- Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often? They aren’t big party goers but they still enjoy a good drink with friends. Ray is HYPERSEXUAL when drunk and kind of a hyperactive person
- Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them? HAHAHAHnope they will not hesitate to call shit out
- Do they talk often? yes!
- Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for? They trust each other with their life and most things are open but there may be nights where they need the privacy on emotions and just need to be in their mind for a bit. the other always respects it.
- Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets? heartbreaks and regrets are still up in the air with them they still have time to grow but dreams? well ray wants to have a family. which they later get.
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axiumin · 6 years
Take Care | Jinyoung x Reader
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Anonymous said: hi! if its alright w you i'd like to request for an angsty jinyoung scenario where you overwork yourself and you're v stubborn and you dont listen to jinyoung's pleas to take better care of yourself so he finally snaps one day after seeing you fall sick bc of it. please end it w fluff!! thank you so much!! im looking forward to reading it! have a great day! 💖💖💖
Thank you for your request, anon! I hope you enjoy!
You supposed everyone had a breaking point. Jinyoung reached his when he found you feverish and half-delirious.
Pairing: Jinyoung x Reader
Genre: Angst and fluff
Words: 3.4k+
Your apartment door closed behind you with a ‘thunk’. With a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan, you eased your heavy work bag off of your shoulder and tried to force the tense muscles of your back to relax.
It had been another long day of rushing to meetings, juggling assignment deadlines, and floundering in what seemed like an ever-increasing workload. These kinds of days were always exhausting, but they stayed manageable as long as they remained few and far in between. But lately, it felt like you’ve only been having days like this, and the exhaustion was beginning to drag you down. The only reason you made it through the day was the knowledge that tomorrow was Saturday, and that meant blessed rest.
You pulled your phone out to send the customary ‘Just got home!’ text to Jinyoung and shuffled to your bedroom, intent on changing into some sweatpants. You had just faceplanted on your bed when your phone began buzzing against the blanket beside you. A moment of shuffling later, you were face to face with Jinyoung, who smiled at you from your phone screen.
“Hey, babe. How did today go?”
You sighed again but found yourself smiling tiredly back at him.
“It was a day. You know how it is, Jinyoung.”
He leaned closer to his phone and squinted a bit, scrutinizing you.
“Y/N, you look so tired,” he said with a frown. “Have you been getting enough sleep?”
You knew what you looked like. You saw the dark smudges under your eyes and the tiredness that had settled into your face over the last few days. Apparently, a sheet mask wasn’t the miracle cure you had hoped it would be. You sighed and rubbed a hand over your face.
“Honestly, I’ve been pulling a few late nights to try to get some work done. I was kind of thinking I’d stay in this weekend. Just focus on getting some rest so I can get back to normal?” You said this last part as a question, knowing that you usually spent as much of your weekend with Jinyoung as possible. You didn’t want him to think that you weren’t interested in being with him; you were just too tired to go out and do anything.
But Jinyoung only nodded, satisfied.
“Good. I want you to get more rest. I’ll come over tomorrow, and we can just spend the day as lazy as you want. We can nap or watch movies— whatever you want. I just want to make sure you’re happy and healthy, Y/N.”
Your throat tightened a bit as you were momentarily overwhelmed with affection for Jinyoung. He loved teasing you sometimes, but you knew that underneath all that, he was truly caring and protective of you.  
“I’d like that,” you whispered back, sinking back into your pillows to listen to Jinyoung tell you about his day until you were lulled to sleep by the sound of his voice.
You woke up to bright light filtering through your window. Groaning, you rolled over to check the time and gasped when you saw that it was already late morning and had no idea when Jinyoung was coming over.
Suddenly awake, you sat up in bed and scrolled through the notifications on your phone, sighing in relief when you saw the messages from Jinyoung.
‘It didn’t take you very long to fall asleep this time. I guess you really do need the rest.’ ‘Unless you’ve only just been pretending to find me interesting all this time.’ ‘😒😒😒’ ‘But really, sleep as late as you need tomorrow. Just text me when you wake up, and I’ll come over when you’re ready. Good night, love you x’
So that was one crisis averted. You didn’t think you’d be able to handle shuffling out to your living room, looking and feeling half-dead, only to unexpectedly find Jinyoung waiting on your couch looking chipper and beautiful. You would know; you already experienced that once, and your heart couldn’t handle it happening a second time.
Knowing you had a moment to yourself, you stretched languidly, relishing in the sound of your back popping. Yeah, that was some much-needed sleep. You then took a moment to text Jinyoung back with a simple ‘I’m awake!’ before shuffling to your bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.
You were fully clothed and your hair was half-dried when you finally heard the knock on your door. Good timing.
You opened your door to reveal Jinyoung. He was wearing a hoodie and track pants, and he had left his hair unstyled. As he greeted you with a one-armed hug and a kiss, you couldn’t help but feel excited, knowing you were in for a ‘soft boyfriend’ sort of a day.
“Hey, you,” he murmured as he pulled away. He held up a plastic bag. “I brought food.”
“You’re too good to me.”
Soon, the two of you were seated on your couch, a rather impressive take-out affair spread across your coffee table. The rumbling of your stomach had you piling food on your plate, and you couldn’t help but be glad that you happened to be dating someone who loved food as much as you did. Jinyoung always brought the good stuff, and he always brought a lot.
“Ugh, this is too good. You need to try this,” you gushed after taking a particularly tasty bite of food. You held up another bite of food to Jinyoung’s mouth, and he happily opened up for you.
“I’m glad you like it,” he said, around his mouthful of food. And really, ew. “I tried this place out after practice earlier this week, and I thought I’d try taking you sometime. I hear they have really good appetizers, but I haven’t tried all of them yet.” You hummed, waiting until after you finished swallowing your next mouthful to reply.
“Honestly, any food sounds good right now. I’ve been so busy lately that I’ve been missing meals. I was so tired when I got home last night that I didn’t even have dinner!” You shook your head, though your annoyance with your past self was becoming more distant the more you appeased your hungry stomach.
Next to you, Jinyoung stopped eating in favor of frowning at you.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t let your work get in the way of your health like this.” He reached up and carefully brushed the pad of his thumb under your eye, which was still darkened with fatigue. “First, you lost sleep, and then you missed meals? What can be so important that it takes precedence over your health?”
You sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling it away from your face so you could lace your fingers together. It was frustrating for you, too. It’s not like you enjoyed feeling so dogged by work— honestly, you would love to take more breaks if you didn’t feel anxious about your workload every time you tried to rest. But as you saw the sincere concern on Jinyoung’s face, your frustration faded.
“You’re right, Jinyoung.”
He cracked a wry smile at that. “I never get tired of hearing you say that.” He sobered a bit before adding, “Promise me. Promise me that you’ll try to take better care of yourself.”
You brought your joined hands up to your lips to press a kiss to his knuckles.
“I’ll try my best. I promise.”
Jinyoung held your gaze for a moment longer before finally nodding in satisfaction. You watched as his seriousness melted away into playfulness and he started to whine a bit.
“Then it’s time for you to pay attention to me, Y/N. We have an entire afternoon of rest ahead of us, and I need you to show me how much you appreciate your kind, loving boyfriend who brings wonderful food for you and looks out for your health!”
Chuckling, you obligingly opened your arms for him and contented yourself in spending the rest of the day sharing cuddles and bites of food with Jinyoung.
An entire weekend of lounging around the house with Jinyoung left you feeling almost rested going into the new week. Unfortunately, by the time you were halfway through Monday, it was like you had taken a step forward only to take two steps back. You felt just as exhausted and tense as you had on Friday.
To make matters worse, you ended up working through your usual lunch break just to try to catch up with the tide of incoming tasks. Even as your stomach grumbled and you longed for even a short respite, you continued to push through. When you finally got home for the day, it was all you could do to cram some food in your mouth and plop down onto your bed for some much-needed rest.
The next day was much of the same. And the day after that, too.
The shadows under your eyes became more prominent, and between the missing sleep and the inconsistent eating, you were becoming increasingly sluggish. Jinyoung often texted you with reminders to take a break and eat something, but deadlines hung over your head like a stormcloud, bringing a fresh wave of anxiety every time you even thought about taking a break. The only thing that kept you going was the realization that you were slowly but surely making an impact on your workload; there was an end in sight.
This meant that you were all the more devastated when you woke up Friday morning with a pounding headache and a fever. If you felt sluggish before, now it felt as if you were trying to push through molasses with every move you made. Your brain felt slow and heavy, and even your tongue felt too thick in your mouth. Everything required more effort and energy than you had in you.
You sat on the edge of your bed for what felt like forever, just staring at your phone, considering whether or not you should call out of work for the day. You did.
A heavy sigh left your body when you hung up the phone, but it felt more like you got punched in the gut. It was as if all of that hard work you had put into finishing your projects was being thrown away, ironically because you had worked too hard and your body apparently decided to remind you of your humanity.
Your eyes burned with exhaustion and unshed tears, but you blinked them away. If you couldn’t physically go anywhere to work, then at least you could try to get something done from home, right? You sent Jinyoung a quick text explaining that you were unwell and would be staying home today, and you settled in at your desk to do what you could.
Your work went by agonizingly slowly. It was only desperation that kept you working through your headache, though you felt like your work was only being compounded as you kept making mistakes that you had to go back and fix. Frustration simmered in your belly and was on the verge of swelling up, hot and terrible, when you heard a key turn in your door.
Immediately, your head whipped up to see Jinyoung walk through the door, carrying a bag and a paper cup. He froze in place when he saw you sitting at your desk. You saw the exact moment he realized what you were doing.
“Y/N…” he started quietly, eyes beginning to narrow.
Quite suddenly, you felt very overwhelmed. For a moment, it was like you were oddly disconnected from your body, as if you were watching from a distance as you sat at your desk almost listlessly, surrounded by papers and the bright glow of your laptop. But then the moment passed just as soon as it had started and you had to blink back the dizziness as you were suddenly very much back in your body, staring helplessly into Jinyoung’s increasingly stormy face.
“Please tell me that you haven’t been sitting here all morning, working when you’re supposed to have the day off.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but he was just getting started.
“You work yourself ragged every day! You haven’t been eating, you haven’t been sleeping, and when you finally have a perfectly good reason not to go to work, you don’t take it for what it is and get some rest. No, you go and you do more work! You’re going to kill yourself if you keep doing this!” He gestured sharply at this and nearly dropped the cup he was holding. He visibly reined himself in, put down his load, and marched over to your desk to start piling up your papers.
“Jinyoung, I—”
“No!” He whipped around to look at you, eyes blazing. “Don’t you remember promising me that you would try to take better care of yourself? You promised me this, Y/N. But you broke your promise, and now here we are. What could possibly be so important to you that you’d prioritize it over your health?”
You knew that he was angry because he was worried. You knew that he cared about you. But that knowledge didn’t do anything to stave off the tears that welled up in your eyes as he yelled at you. You shrank back in your chair, shying away from his looming form.
If he noticed your reaction, he didn’t comment. Jinyoung just turned away from you to finish gathering your work. He tucked it, along with your laptop, under his arm and disappeared into your bedroom. He reappeared a moment later, empty-handed, and slammed the door behind him.
For a moment, he just stood in your living room, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Your gaze fell as the first tear slipped from your eye. Jinyoung was perfectly right, you knew. But at this point you were just so exhausted and anxious and jittery that you wanted nothing more than to just take a break from everything for just a moment, just long enough for you to put your life back in order.
Neither of you moved for a long moment, save for your near-imperceptible shaking. Neither of you said anything; Jinyoung had said all he had to say, and you had nothing to add.
Eventually, you heard rather than saw Jinyoung move to crouch in front of you, ducking his head to see your face. You saw the corners of his mouth tug down in a frown when he noticed your tears, and he raised his hand to cup your cheek.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” he said, his voice nearly a whisper. “It just kills me to see you do this to yourself. Please, Y/N, take better care of yourself. Put your wellbeing first.”
You nodded mutely, unable to speak around the lump in your throat. Jinyoung sighed and pulled you in for a hug. For an indeterminable amount of time, the two of you sat there, just clinging to each other. The fight— if you could really call it that— used up all of the emotion and energy you could offer, and it left you feeling drained and oddly hollow.
When you and Jinyoung finally parted, you felt like a ragdoll, limp and weak. Jinyoung helped you stand, but all you could do when you regained your footing was rest against him.
“Y/N?” he asked, concerned.
“I feel weird,” you mumbled. You leaned your head in the crook of his neck.
“You have a fever, Y/N. Your face is really hot right now.”
Yeah, that sounded about right. But you didn’t really any energy left to do anything about it, so you stayed where you were and just made a small noise at the back of your throat.
You felt Jinyoung carefully scoop you up and carry you into your bedroom. You said nothing as he set you on your unmade bed, but you managed a small “Wait,” when he turned to walk away.
Jinyoung turned back, resting a hand on your feverish forehead and smiling, small and hesitant.
“I’ll be back, I promise. I just need to put some things away first.” You let him go without protest this time, and your eyes slipped shut before he was out the door.
The golden glow of sunset was casting your room in warm amber tones by the time you woke up with a groan. Every muscle in your body protested when you moved. Reluctantly, you forced yourself into a sitting position, turning when you heard the shuffle of blankets from beside you.
Jinyoung’s eyes fluttered open. He made a noise and quickly sat up once he noticed you were awake and watching him.
“Y/N. How are you feeling?”
You took a moment to consider this before answering truthfully.
“Sore. But my headache is gone, and I feel like my fever is down, too.”
Jinyoung pressed a hand to your forehead, letting it linger for perhaps just a bit longer than necessary before pulling away and nodding.
“I think you’re right.”
Silence settled heavily between the two of you for a moment, though neither of you averted your eyes. Jinyoung was the first to relent.
“I’m so sorry I yelled at you, Y/N. You already weren’t feeling well, and I only made it worse by taking out my frustration on you.” But you were already shaking your head before he finished speaking.
“Jinyoung, no, it’s fine. I shouldn’t have pushed myself so hard, and I refused to listen to you when you tried to help me.” You took in a shaky breath. “To be honest, I just felt so overwhelmed and anxious that I couldn’t stop working. I know there will be times in the future when I become overwhelmed by work again, and I want to be better about this. I just don’t know how.”
Jinyoung finally closed the distance between the two of you and leaned in until your foreheads touched.
“I’ll help you out, Y/N. I promise. In any way I can. I know you’re feeling anxious, but just know that you’re not alone in this. I’ll always be here for you.”
You sighed, feeling some of the tension release from your shoulders. You hadn’t known how much you needed to hear that.
You knew it wouldn’t be easy for you to go back to work. The stress and the worry would be back before you knew it, but you didn’t have to dwell on that now. You had the rest of the weekend to allow yourself time to get your thoughts in order, and you truly believed Jinyoung when he told you he’d do anything to help you. You could do this.
Monday arrived, and you once again came face-to-face with your workload. It hadn’t built up quite as badly as you had worried, but it was still daunting all the same, and you felt the familiar creep of anxiety when you thought about all you had to do still. But instead of letting it take over, you resolutely focused on only one task at a time. It made things more manageable, and although it was somewhat exhausting to pick up a new task immediately after finishing another, you felt bolstered by the progress you were making.
Besides, it was a little bit easier to get your work done when you knew what was waiting for you. Your phone buzzed at the beginning of your allotted work break, and a smile tugged at your lips.
You and Jinyoung had talked extensively about ways to help you keep track of your eating, and you had agreed to try taking more lunch dates together. Already, you could tell this was a good idea; as you left your desk to meet Jinyoung outside, it felt as if you were leaving your tension behind.
Jinyoung greeted you with a kiss and immediately laced your fingers together.
“Hey, babe. I was thinking I’d take you to this new restaurant I heard about. Originally, Jackson was supposed to go with me, but he took BamBam instead, so I guess that just goes to show that some friendships are based on lies. But enough of that. How are you today?”
You shrugged, your gait feeling light and carefree as you walked down the street hand-in-hand.
“I’m doing great,” you said. It was the truth, and it only got better from there.
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survivorkalokairi · 6 years
Episode 1: “How do I bond with people” - Mitch
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Dylan C
It’s round one and I’ve already learnt a foreign word for pee, this seasons gonna be great
hello everyone and welcome to HOLY FUCK by cameron, your local certified sick kid
so first of all
which is all fine and dandy
which is also fine and dandy
blake is super sweet and i adore this newbie already!! he's like "im so overwhelmed im in two games"....... sweetie
so i message jay to idol hunt
"first in line"
i say "this is door 9 all over again!"
i wait about 15 minutes
go through the path, dee dee dee dee dee
"fountain or pay an offering to the statue" 
me, in my hellenic witchcraft practices, knowing the goddesses really like offerings, gonna offer aphrodite some food (sorry hera)
guess what aphrodite gives me?
an idol. she gives me an idol. i'm truly blessed. this is ridiculous. i got the idol the very first idol hunt of the season.
i'm shaking.
Dylan C
oh my god how to I play a game with my close friends sksjsh (i’ll make a Proper confessional later)
i've been doing duolingo for, like, an hour now and there are so many ways to say the. i've counted around 4. it's pretty fun though, and everyone on my tribe seems really cool and nice cx
Wow ok so my tribe is really cute and wholesome so far. I'm playing with JG, Timmy and Stephen which is cool bc i lowkey know them all but I've never played with them so thats fun! I cant really speak on the newbies since I havent really talked to any of them yet but I'm excited to get to know them! It's wild knowing cam and dylan are on the other tribe, I hope i get to play with them too! 
Cal is the best, i would love to work with Cal, JG, Timmy, and Zabbey. But i’m still gonna gove the other new guys a chance, still very early days to start making alliances. That being said I’m still very happy we have had a majority on a call, make some ties. *glares at atomic “all-stars”*
So uh...so far nothing. Unless I’m completely out of the loop. I really like my tribe mate Zabbey. She seems cool and we have the same sense of humor. I really hope to align with her, but we’ll see how it goes. I also really admire Maynor for volunteering to sit since he has to work today. So far I think our tribe vines well. No tea to spill yet, but I’m sure there’s more to come.
Many people werre talking about drag race and I've never seen it and I kinda knew this would happen to me at some point in mylife when I end up being the bad gay who hates Lady Gaga and hasn't seen drag race and we're here folks.  lol I guess I'll stay quiet and hopefully noone will find out 
Night one was, interesting to say the least. I was a little worried because I knew that I had to work during the first hour of the game and with new people I did not want to miss out on the bonding opportunities. Shockingly few were active among the noobies mostly Zach and Cal. The vets on my tribe, I actually know which is wild. Stephen and I have played together in the past, not together but there is for sure no bad feelings, that I know of. Abbey and Timmy I have never played with them but I know of them from the community. I have always wanted to play with them and excited for this opportunity. I know from a viewer this will come off as boring but I do feel that sticking with the vets is going to be smart at least in the early stages but mark my words, if I have any say, Abbey will be the last boot before merge. There is no way hell, I am letting her get any where near merge, I am not dumb no what she can do. Sorry Abbey, you're queen but the queen is not gonna stay queen. I really want to make a three tight alliance with Stephen and Timmy and ride with them but they could always tip off Abbey and use it to their advantage so I need to just chill and let things play out. I feel that if we are to go to tribal in the early stages, I can picture two noobs being easily targeted for inactivity. Oh, let's also talk about how I got freaking 20% disadvantage night one like I always do, and then turn around to get a 10% advantage the next day. I'm mess but I'm gonna keep eating these grapes because they're pretty good.
So I was really sure I was going to be in the first alliance of the season amongst the vets but nope that didn't happen. I am in a unprecedented alliance with Abbey, yeah the person I said I want to make sure gets out before merge and Zach. Our alliance is called Two Gays and a Bi-by ... iconic as fuck. With a smaller tribe starting size with 8, smaller alliances are key plus I feel that we can easily pull some side votes for numbers to honestly keep our alliance alive and active. This makes targeting Abbey really hard cause it could turn Zach against me. I will have to be very cautious, how I go about this. I also talked to Cal and was making sure I connected with him cause I know he was putting work in on Timmy and Stephen last night. That is something I will have to monitor. That can not be allowed to happen. I think working with Timmy would be fun and cool but it's looking like that if after a early not so active noob goes and we need to find another target, I think Timmy would be a fine first threat to knock out leaving Stephen and Cal up in the air.
Lots of stuff! I was late to the party at the intro but got to chat with Timmy, JG, and Stephen. I learned about their past in the community as well as talked about the many moods of trying to learn greek. One such mood is probably me always confusing the "pi" sign and the one shaped like the letter "p" leading to accidentally translating baby as fool. Ironically I really don't want to be seen as either while a baby or fool especially since I'm new. I've really enjoyed meeting my tribe mates but I'm afraid to see where the pleasant meet and greet ends and the game begins.
My thoughts on this tribe is that i like everyone and i dont want any of them to leave. Ive been trying to talk to everyone n try to be social player since im sitting out the first challenge.
welp. i still dont really know whats going on but... IM HAVING FUN. Ive talked with Dylan C a bunch and we have gotten to know each other pretty well. The greek challenge? a MESS. I havent been able to do a lot and the little i have done is not even worth mentioning. I hope the next challenge is a little easier for me but until then... YAY! 
Last night Brittany and I started talking and decides since we are newbies that we will work as a duo to keep each other safe since the game has newbies & returning players. As of right now she is my #1 but i am talking to others.
Second day has been very interesting. Ive been talking to Cal and J.G. pretty much all day seperately. And both want to align and J.G brought up maybe doing three person alliance and he said we should try n bring in Cal. In my head i was like yes. So now its an allince of me, Cal, and J.G. which is great. If its all 100% (my end it is) then this is going to be great.
Wow, I haven't made a confessional yet. WE WON IMMUNITY!!! I'm very relaxed now, but also I don't think I would have gone anyways so woot woot. I did the worst on my tribe so that's not too great (pretty sure the 810 from the post was my score), but I still did better than the entire other tribe so wooo. I'm so happy to finally be in a game with Abbey and I really want to work with her and we have been talking already about the nothingness that has come from our idol hunts so that's good. I still haven't talked to Zach or Brittany so I need to do that soon, Zach seems nice in the tribe chat but Brittany seems nonexistent at the moment even though she did well in the challenge. 
well i may have won a main season last night
but let me tell you
WE DID NOT WIN THAT MY DUDES LMAO. we were literally beat ten times over. i hope the f tribe feels good about how much they squished us. they... earned that. truly. 
but now jay says... there's an announcement? and this is what immediately ensues
On 7/21/18, at 9:29 PM, Jay 🐠 (Kalokairi Host) wrote:
> but first there will be an announcement
On 7/21/18, at 9:29 PM, Cameron Culpepper (Atomic Admin) wrote:
> oh no
On 7/21/18, at 9:31 PM, Dylan R. wrote:
> oh cool
and it was just announced! so there is redemption. this is nice! i'm less worried about work now. like obviously i'm gonna do my best? but... if i fuck up at least there's a CHANCE.
oh yeah and the idol. day 2 in the game, still haven't told anyone, so that's pretty cool! we'll see how long that lasts.
dylan c and i had a conversation about how if we don't work together neither of us will hold it against the other but like... im pretty sure we're gonna work together anyway. 
wouldn't it be cute to make f3 with dylan c and abbey? god that's the dream. but it won't happen.
The alliance is official between me, JG, and Cal. Are alliance name is MEW but greek that looks like mew. I like both and i hope they are ride or die as i am with this alliance. But just so we could have one more vote, im keeping my ally, Brittany, secret for now. 
Welcome to Greece! I consume goat cheese, so I'm something of a Greek expert myself you know. I'm very excited to meet all of my tribemates but now I'm probably going to talk about them individually since Idk what else to do
I haven't played a game in so long I have no fucking idea how to socialize oh my god. I feel like everything I type is awkward and sad. At least the first challenge was relatively easy since I never had to type anything and have free time up the wazoo . But fuck we got crushed lmao. I dunno what secret they used but I take comfort in knowing that they were probably worried about us doing the same thing. Maybe I probably won't get voted out for having a score of 600 but WE SHALL SEE
Alex - Where is he? He did the challenge but he hasn't said a word ever. I want to keep him but uh Blake - 15 exp huh. 15? :| I only got increments of 10 where did the 5 come from Cameron - Aaaa. I enjoy Cameron and hopefully he enjoys me Dylan C - Oh this distinguishing between Dylans will be fun. But hopefully this Dylan and I can... meet in the middle somewhere yes Dylan R - One of the 4 people who have spoken to me! This kid is GOING PLACES and I'm glad to help him along for the ride Maddie - She is camping and I completely understand. Matt - I mean sure Matt and I KNOW each other but do we really? It's not like we were buddy buddy in Navarino. Unless he thinks we were? If he does... uh oh
How do I bond with people
Maynard just brought together me and JG together to start an alliance all while the results of the immunity challenge was finished. I was nervous but not only did we win but we have an amazing three that is called ΜΞΨ(after the first letters of our names), which is called that thanks to me! I just thought it'd be fun to name it like a frat since we've been learning greek and also hopefully dominate! JG and Maynard are great guys and I'm excited to work with them as ΜΞΨ but I also am keeping in mind ΜΞ(me lol) in the game for when we do have to go to tribal! Mu Xi Psi out!
Dylan R
For the first tribal, I'm obviously worried. As for targets, I'm not sure there are any at this moment. I guess I'm voting based on tribal performances, but I would be open to other people's suggestions. I would consider myself closest to Matt, Dylan C and Mitch so those three are who I would want to vote with. 
I found half a “special idol” in the mangroves! While I am happy and I will still search for the other half I do have to decide if I want to tell anyone. In a previous season I told one person and they betrayed me (thanks tim) but in the end that led the person who had other half to reach out to me. However I can’t expect the same thing to happen this game, every games a new game. So I think I’m gonna keep it to myself, if somebody else tells me or is revealed to have the other half I might tell them, but for now I’m just gonna search for the other half and be content that no one can use the whole thing against me.
We won the first challenge!!!! I was expecting it to be a lot closer tbh. But I have an alliance of 3 that I’m fairly confident in! I wouldn’t say I completely trust them yet though. Both of them have played before and so it’s scary to think that they might just be playing me. I guess time will tell. I’m also curious to see what other alliances will show themselves when we finally start talking and going to trial. Also a little worried that I might be playing to hard out of the gate. We’ll see and I’ll probably get used to playing as time goes on.
My mom (Jay) has officially cancelled me y'all. My tribe freaking won by over 13 to almost 2k. Holy crap. Like did the vets on the other side never play this comp before? Like with maybe a little work and patience, you could get easily 1500XP without really grinding maybe more. I am honestly perfectly o.k. with these results I wanted us to win badly because of having to go to work tonight, I did not want to bother with the stress of that. Plus, the night before my work had an emergency so I am definitely not in a place ready to emotionally invest and make a move in the game. ΜΞΨ is an alliance that formed between Maynor, Cal, and myself. The alliance names from the first letter of our names in Greek to kinda make a frat/sor name. Maynor approached me wanting to make  a final 2 and go really far. I am down with this for now of course, this game is constantly changing and moving. He asked me if we wanted to make a threesome to help our odds and asked me for suggestions. I suggested Cal because I knew I wasn't in any other alliances with him yet and this will allow me to keep an eye on him making sure he doesn't get close to Timmy or Stephen. Before I went off for the night Stephen and I officially talked about how the vets probably should create an official thing because it wouldn't hurt for us to work at least together in the early stages of the game. We decided that it should be discussed and formed today. Once that happens your boy is literally in an alliance with everyone besides Brittany and she actually did really well in the challenge. This scares me that she is either close to others or just someone I am not gonna be able to connect with. I heard from others that people are forgetting she's here, at the least she is a competitor. Either this is gonna blow up in my face or gonna allow me to position myself really well going into merge. Mama mia, my tribe isn't going tribal but I feel I made some of the biggest moves. Time will tell, I guess 
SO A lot has happened since I last confessed!!!! I am now in a baby alliance with JG and Zach which is wholesome. Zach is super hype and its v endearing and im a stan. JG also said him and Stephen have talked about a vet alliance which would be the easier way to go but I don't really want to. I don't want to play this game based off of outside relationships, I'm not necessarily going to align with Cam and Dylan is we make it onto the same tribe. In more impotant news ya bITCH FOUND THE IDOL! My literal third search! Timmy told me that he was looking in the hotel rooms so I was gonna do that but then Jay said roof and I was like why not and my witch ass gave that offering and got me a sexy idol! I don't plan on telling anyone about it unless I absolutely have to! 
I'm realizing now that im probably going to be seen as invisible the whole time bthrfnm dont know if thats good or bad LOL. But I finally have an alliance and its with people that I actually enjoy talking too :) Me, Cameron and Dylan C formed a group called Bicons (Bi Icons LMAO) and they seem to be really loyal. I have no idea what im doing but i hope people find me funny and want to keep me hfuiejf. (I HAVE NO IDEA WHO IM GONNA VOTE OFF)
I came into this game after 2 nights had already gone by. I am really scared that I will be voted out tonight because I would be the easy since not very many people know me.  
Dylan R
The first tribal is the most important tribal, at least from a game perspective. That’s why I’m taking a gamble and trying to target after Blake. We need people who will win challenges, and after his score of 15 I’m not sure if he’s best suited. I need 4 votes to tie. I believe I’ll have Alex & Maddie, so right now I’m focusing on the fourth vote. Dylan C seems wary about this vote, so I’m trying to convince her now. I told her that “other people have mentioned Blake” when really it’s just me lol. I don’t wanna tell anyone else, simply because I don’t want people thinking I’m playing too hard, so I’m hoping the votes will tie or the votes will be spread. I’m taking a bit of a gamble because this could put a target on my back, but I do love gambles so I can’t resist. This will probably come back to bite me, but it is redemption island so I guess that’s always a fallback.
Missed a lot of discussion about past games because I was meeting up with someone impromptu. It's daunting but also exciting to face the experience of some of my tribe mates. It's the feeling of a glorious revolution of the new players against the old! I aim to learn as well, but also have really enjoyed speaking with my tribe but fear people are getting wind of the ΜΞΨ alliance since me, JG, and Maynor are speaking a lot. I gotta figure out my mist! Mu Xi Psi out!
The tribe chat: Jay is about to get represented by an agent!!!!! ajdnfkksxjsnxxcz
Cal in my PMs: I just got laid
............okay cal. I guess he ws just being friendly? But things like that are sort of a hot topic for me, but I don’t think thats something he needs to know. And its probably not something to get into in confessionals. Maybe if we become besties we can have a dnm about it later.
Dylan C
Dylan R
The first tribal is the most important tribal, at least from a game perspective. That’s why I’m taking a gamble and trying to target after Blake. We need people who will win challenges, and after his score of 15 I’m not sure if he’s best suited. I need 4 votes to tie. I believe I’ll have Alex & Maddie, so right now I’m focusing on the fourth vote. Dylan C seems wary about this vote, so I’m trying to convince her now. I told her that “other people have mentioned Blake” when really it’s just me lol. I don’t wanna tell anyone else, simply because I don’t want people thinking I’m playing too hard, so I’m hoping the votes will tie or the votes will be spread. I’m taking a bit of a gamble because this could put a target on my back, but I do love gambles so I can’t resist. This will probably come back to bite me, but it is redemption island so I guess that’s always a fallback. 
Dylan R
Ok so like. Convincing people is hard lol. New tactic: I told Alex that people are targeting him in hopes that it’ll ignite him enough to save himself. I want Alex as an ally, but if he can’t save himself then I don’t want him as an ally
so i'm late to making this confession but we won the first challenge and i'm still so?? happy about it?? and by a lot too, and there i was panicking and speeding through duolingo lmao. hopefully this is a sign and we stay doing this well lol
Yeet,one last confessional before the round is over. I am honestly really anxious to see what happens at this tribal whether a vet or noob will go. While I do not think that this will be a prevalent theme in decision making, it something I am keeping in the back of my mind. I don't want people to be able use that against me to vote me out. That's why I will feel really inclined to stick with the vets if a vet is voted out tonight over a noob. Who knows what that tribe will do they have several options.
Finally, officially the vets (Abbey, Timmy, and Stephen as well as myself) finally came together to form an official alliance called The Nursing Home. I am really keeping an eye on Timmy and Stephen, they give me some minor sketch vibes but it could just be me over analyzing.
Well, 1 week down, several more to go. 
Dylan C
I’m getting a concerning amount of radio silence form some cast members. Is it because they’re inactive or ignoring me?? Lmao mattI'm so excited to be on Kalokairi! This has been a lifelong dream. Who wouldn't want to live on a gorgeous Greek island, where every piece of drama or sadness is resolved by breaking out into 70s Disco Pop and choreographing elaborate dance routines featuring wacky props like scuba fins? And to be able to play the game of Survivor while doing it? Wild!
My tribe is literally so wholesome. The other "veterans" are all so fantastic, and the newbies are so pure and fun and I love talking to them. The only person I haven't gotten to speak one on one to is Alex, and it seems like that's the case for the rest of the tribe. After getting THWUMPED in that immunity challenge, it's nice that we can all come together in a cohesive vote to hopefully power through in the future.
I found a leather necklace at the market, but it doesn't actually do anything until I combine it with another part. I'm not sure if my best strategy is to keep it hidden or let everyone know I have it in case they're also looking for it, but I think I'm going to keep it to myself while I search a bit more.
I'd really like to work with Cameron long term, and I have a crush on Dylan R okay that is all goodnight.
so i've been wrestling with the decision on whether or not to tell Dylan C about the idol. 
I still haven't told him. Day 3! Nobody knows but me. that's pretty cool. 
it's pretty quiet around the vote right now? everyone is still asleep i think, and morale is a little low following last night. 
I didn't submit that before I left for work, rip
Cam, certified short term memory loss haver
Alex was unanimously eliminated.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: Can you do a married!au with Seokmin where he asks you to dance with him after a long day? Like super romantic and stuff? Thank you! 
warnings: super romantic, super cheesy, super fLUFF THAT I ACTUALLY HAD TO TAKE A BREAK FROM WRITING BC IT WAS SUPER SWEET!!!!
i hope yall enjoy this piece as much as i loved writing it <33333333
The sizzling of the stove and soft BTOB melodies crackled from your speakers, the only sounds that drifted from the kitchen
You were humming along to the harmonies, the cute pastel pink apron Seokmin bought for you last month wrapped securely around your waist as you twirled with a spatula in one hand but u didnt twirl that much ok pls dont burn the house down
You were about to reach the peak of the song when the familiar bell rang
You glanced at the clock and smiled to yourself
“7, just as expected”
You quickly wiped your hands on a nearby towel and scurried off to the front door
“Welcome home, honey!!!” you chirped
He had a slightly worn out smile but the second he laid eyes on you, his eyes lit up and the tired grin became the embodiment of the sun and blinded you lmao i luv death!!!
“AaAhHhHhHH, who’s this cutie pie??!!??!” he says with his pearly whites displaying and bear hugs you, rocking you back and forth can he just be a model for all toothpaste commercials
Im dead do u hEAR ME IM DEAD
Your face is squished into his chest and he keeps cooing at you like
“SEOKMIN P L S WE HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR YEARS ALREADY!!!!” you laugh, wrapping your arms around him awwwwwww :’)))))))))))))))))))))))
“YOU’RE JUST TOO CUTE <333333333333”
Gives you quick but a lOT of pecks on the head, cheeks, literally scattered every inch of your face
“Omg seokmin,,,, pls you are too much!!! But i like it” you say but you’re also pouting bc he kissed everywhere but your lips
He’s more than aware of that
“Oh? You want me to stop though?” he cheekily grins at your frown
You’re about to lean in when you smell something a little burnt
“oH CRAP MY BURGERS!!!!” gotta go fast
As you’re running towards the stove he follows shortly and he’s like oooo burgers omg????
And you’re like o ok its just slightly burnt nothing too serious phew
You’re in front of the pan doing your thing when he comes fROM BEHIND AND BACK HUGS YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“You cooked burgers today??? What’s the special occasion?” you feel his chest vibrating as he gently rests his chin on your shoulder
Ok im sorry i need a breather wow ok im crying omg this is real husband material pls someone hOLD ME
He turns his neck to the left and gives you another cheek kiss and you’re trying to decipher whether your cheeks are flaming from him or the proximity between you and the heat emitting from the stove
Maybe its both maybe its maybelline im sorry i rlly gotta stop bUT I LOVE THAT JOKE LOL
He giggles at the wide grin on your face and he just gives you aNOTHER ONE :’)))) PLS DATE OR MARRY ME SEOK
“Omg ok seokmin i love you but pls im about to finish w these burgers!!! Have a seat!! It should be ready in a few more minutes”
“:(((( but i missed you aaaallll daayyyyyy”
“We’ll have more time to ourselves after dinner hun!!!” you briefly kiss him on the cheek and turn back to the pan
Error: Lee Seokmin has combusted
He’s sitting back at the dinner table while admiring your back view and he’s literally the heart eyes emoji
The look on his face with the soft stare and the corners of his lips slightly lifted upwards aaaAAAWWWW
You present him with the final product on a plate, one in each hand of yours for the both of you
“Bon appetite!!!” you say as you place it front of him and place his utensils with it
His heart eyes are almost as intense as they were when he looked at you but he’s stuffing his face so it’s kinda hard to tell LOL
“Mmghglg so good!!!” he says in between huge mouthfuls
And you’re like :’))))) i luv my hubby also u have something on your face lmao
He starts venting about his day at work and how rehearsal was just insANE
“We practiced for 5 hours without a break,,, and then we took half an hour ish break,,, and went back to dancing for 4 more and repeated this cycle since 7am”
“Soonyoung told me this really lame joke”
“Why do you always laugh tho”
“That’s what friends do!!! Laugh at your bad jokes bc of how bad they are!!!”
“We also went in the studio to record more of the new songs”
“Jihoon kept wanting me to redo it,,,, i think we all did at least 15 takes. Individually.”
And his lil chatter mouth kept going on and on but you’re just happy listening to his voice
In the midst of ranting about how complicated the footwork is, he notices you just sitting there and staring at him
“You’re not gonna finish your burger?”
And you’re like oH RIGHT LOL
“I just always get so captivated when you talk,,,, it’s so soothing”
And at first he’s like “huh?” with a little confused look and then when he finally registers he breaks out into the bIGGEST SMILE EVER AND HE’S EMBARRASSED
As you and seokmin are finishing up your meal, he’s like aaa that was the best meal ever bless ur soul
You’re like alright time to clear the table and you get up and start gathering the dishes when he’s like wait!! and grabs your wrist
“Let’s dance” he says with a gleam in his eyes
“Seokmin we gotta do the dishes first ok? And aren’t you tired of doing your choreo for practically the entire day??”
“I’ll never get tired of you though :))” uM MY HEART I HAVE CHEST PAINS
“Ok,,, since you asked so nicely,,,,,,,,,” you reluctantly agree while you place the dishes in the sink
When you meet him in the living room he’s already at the speakers and scrolling through his phone to find a song
“Ah perfect!” he taps on the song and turns back to you
You’re both getting in position to slow dance and you’re just like
“This is the cheesiest you have ever been today,,,, are you sick?”
The familiar first guitar strings of “Photograph” start playing and he softly smiles at you
Wait can u guys actually play it rn
Like. right now. Now. at this instance.
Just pause reading and play it
You can continue now
“No,,, i just need you to know i appreciate you,,, whether you’re doing chores that i can’t do at the moment or just plainly lending me an ear,,,,, I love everything you do”
You’re so mesmerized by him that you can only gape back with your mouth slightly parted open
He shakes his head and chuckles, “you don’t have to say anything. Just relax”
As the song progresses you rest your head on his chest, your bodies comfortably pressed against each other as you slowly sway
He gives you another kiss on the top of your head and murmurs, “i’m so lucky to have someone like you” lsjddfsjdfjl my HEART MY H E AR T
“The person who has the luck is me, being able to find a catch like you” you respond, a small smile creeping on your face
He twirls you around, the both of you laughing without a care in the world
The song is about to come to an end when he dips you low and stares into your eyes LJSFDJDFJDFDF IM EMBARRASED AND THIS ISNT EVEN HAPPENING TO ME BYE
You’re both looking at each other so fondly and you barely notice how he lifts you back up bc you’re both leaning in
One arm is holding your waist up, and the other is caressing your cheek as your lips meet
His soft kiss has you weak in the knees despite how you should be used to them by now but he always takes away your breath every time
You break away, your foreheads touching
“,,,,,,,oH RIGHT THE DISHES you’re helping me wash” you say and drag him to the sink
All he can do is laugh and silently pray that he will always come home to this :’))))))))))))))))
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authenticaussie · 8 years
ur favorite one piece pairing + your favorite au
how can you ask such a thing of me alkshdgf i have To Many Favourite AUs
haha can i just link you to the mas ao3 page nonnie bc trust me any au that has mas also has my heart ///ahhaha not joking tho the link’s right here bc im a Sucker
Okay but like one of my favourites is Totally sUPERHEROES!!!!!! so!!!! Secret Identity MAS AU let’s Go 
[mobile beware: readmore]
 Sabo’s a hero / vigilante who has a lot of powers but they’re all largely synthetic. His only ability was like….melding??? And when the govt. found out they used him as an experiment to see if they could get other people’s powers to bond with him, and they can but- Sabo can’t use them properly. He has the ability to breathe underwater but if he tries, his lungs will fill up with water and they don’t empty. He can make and control fire, but it doesn’t stop him getting burnt by it. He can turn invisible but he can’t see. Superstrength but no superbone density. All the minor parts of superpowers that people take for granted don’t come to him. 
Anyway I mentioned above the fire thing well Ace was totally the one that the govt. used to give Sabo fire abilities because they found out he was Roger’s kid (Roger, of course, having argued against having like, superpower registries and anyone not registered w/ the govt. being classified as a “villain” and maybe being the reason people had powers in the first place??? like, the govt. tried to keep it just for themselves but Roger was like whoops secrets! and revealed it all) and Ace having powers was just icing on the cake??? And they tried to take them and give them to Sabo and Sabo didn’t know about the cost of his powers until he tried to use them to get him and Ace out and he burnt. (His hands are the first things that get burnt. He gets used to using his left hand for writing and other jobs. His right is- harder to use.)
Garp gets them out because he’s- he’s terrified for these kids (and they’re just kids, he doesn’t understand this-) and gets people to give them other identities and Sabo and Ace rail against the govt. and throw them away basically and blackmail them and lots of shit like that but basically Sabo’s t e c h n i c a l l y on the hero register but the govt. hate him so they refuse to help if he’s in any shitty situations and h e y guess what.
(quick break before Ominous Shit Goes Down) Marco’s a villain! He used to be a hero, but…How do you explain to someone that you walked out of a fire that should’ve by all rights killed you, when their husband didn’t? How do you live with a bullet passing through your damn chest and hitting the child you were trying to protect? How do you be a hero when your powers are so inherently selfish? 
Sabo & Marco are in a few of the same uni classes together and though they don’t talk, Ace notices that Marco has some of the same habits that he and Sabo have; watching the doors and windows and mapping out escape routes and being uncomfortable if people get to close….And figuring hey marco probably wasn’t Fucked Up by the goverment but he definitely isn’t The Best and befriending Marco in efforts to try and help him because while Sabo’s a hero Ace has never been able to- just fight for strangers like that. But Marco reminds him so much of him and Sabo…. and they become friends and one day when Marco jumps when someone gestures a bit too quickly, Ace carefully asks if Marco needs any help and Marco looks at him and then realises what ace is asking and And Ace kind of Not So Subtly always says that his and Sabo’s home is open if Marco needs it as they become friends and mentions it again and Marco’s like are u…kidding. Dude. No. And takes him to meet WB and ace is like ohh. oh. But ace is still a bit of a Curious Fucker and ends up poking a little bit and being like
“So you’re not afraid whenever anyone sits next to you???” and Marco kind of laughs but also flushes bc he didn’t realise Ace was??? paying attention?? what other things has he accidentally given away. Like. Ace is so far off base w/ his suspicions, but the fact he’s curious about Marco makes marco kind of…Uncomfortable?? People being interesting in him only ends badly. 
Blah blah blah Ace finds out Marco’s a villain and technically Sabo’s archnemisis (even if like half the time Phoenix is just a tease and a bit of a jerk but Sabo Hates Phoenix’s puns) and he Freaks a little bit but also marco needs his help and marco’s still his friend so he pushes it to the side and spills it to Sabo later and Sabo’s like aRE YOU KIDDING ME???
Sab being a Sulky Kiddo and he goes along w/ it bc he trusts Ace’s judgment but also ACE PLEASE WHY ARE WE BEFRIENDING A VILLAIN and Ace has to placate him w/ lots of cuddles and kisses and assurances that ofc you’re my fave sab and no dont worry sab I’ll make sure to be careful around him and no sab i havent told him your identity, your safety is more important to me than him. And then Marco finds out that Ace knows Blue - like, because Sabo left his costume lying abt or smth, or Ace accidentally slipped when helping Marco fix his few seastone injuries and when Marco’s like “you’re good at this” his reply is “yeah i’ve had practice aha” and Marco can only think about what Ace thought about him before they knew each other better. 
“You know that the reverse offer…is always open to you too, right? Like…you offered your home to me, if you need to- get away from it, my home’s open to-” and ace is like wOOOOAHHH no Sabo is Not Like That don’t even??? insinuate that??? lowkey how dare you???? and he kind of goes “i do take care of other people, not just you fluff butt,” and marco’s like ??? other??? people??? and then he’s like WAIT is this why you said you had an emergancy button??????????????/ aRE YOU TAKING CARE OF HEROES TOO and ace is like fLAILING and he’s trying to lie and MArco’s like who??? who??? is it someone i know??? do you know their identity as well???
n O ace says, voice squeaking, and Marco starts laughing and puts his hands up and backs away and promises he won’t pry but Ace eventually starts sharing a few stories about the heroes he knows (because he does meet a few through Sabo) and Marco’s so obviously amused and…Ace made him promise never to use the information he’d been given against the heroes. 
(Ace makes Marco swear to never let Blue get hurt, because Blue is important to him, and Marco, who’s started to hear of the fire wielder that’d saved Ace when he was a child, starts to realise just in what way.) 
And Marco’s repertoire with Blue gets a little bit more friendly and teasing and Ace tells Sabo stories about MArco too and Sabo eventually, carefully, starts befriending Marco as well and Marco even as normal him uses sO MANY PUNS AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. DO YOU. SABO GETS SO FRUSTRATED WITH MARCO’S CONSTANT PUNNING THAT HE YELLS AT MARCO TO STOP BECAUSE HE’S HEARD ALL OF THEM AT LEAST TWICE NOW AND HE’S SO SICK OF PUNS!!!! ITS BEEN A WEEK OF HORRIBLE PUNS HOW MANY “I’M FEELING BLUE” PUNS DO YOU FUCKING NEED, MARCO???
And marco’s like Holy Shit. And sabo’s like Fuck I just Revealed my Identity. And they kind of stare at each other and then Marco starts smiling and he’s just like…”So….instead of feeling blue you’re….burning up with rage??”  aND HE GRINS EVEN WIDER AND SABO LOOKS LIKE HE’S ABOUT TO START YELLING AGAIN and!!! they don’t bring it up again but they know the other knows they just?? never?? use it against each other. 
ANYWAY BACK TO THE OMINOUS SHIT ™ so!!!!!!!!!! marco does a lot of thieving and likes to work with people because it’s easier and Look healing is helpful and all but it’s not like he can fucking fly like some other guys. (he can glide. There’s a difference, one that he’s Always been Annoyed by.) And his partners on this particular case are talking to him about how easy it’s going to be because they took out one of the most annoying things in their way and Marco thinks that they got a technopath to stop the cameras and other security systems but as he walks through the apartment w/ his from out-of-town partners that they’ve staked out before the heist and from the corner of his eye Marco sees this man tied to a chair and he’s like huh uhhh maybe they captured head of security instead???? And maybe he makes some sound, turns slightly, he isn’t sure, but his partner grins at him and signals to someone else and they tangle their hand roughly in this blond’s hair and yanks his head up. 
Marco winces reflexively because that shit ain’t nice but then his heart does a stutter in his chest and his eyes go wide, because that’s-
Dried blood crusted on his lips and a shiny, swollen cheek and this damning purpled bruise around his eye and-
He’s pretty sure those are fingerprints around Sabo’s neck
(And it’s Sabo)
It’s Sabo, mask in tatters and blue eyes half-lidded because he’s only just managing to hold onto consciousness
“You see why we said there’d be no interruptions, my friend,” Marco’s partner says, so fucking proudly, so smug and Marco can’t stop himself from taking a step forwards, can tell when Sabo sees him come into view because his glare sharpens just barely and his throat bobs (is that- fear?)
Sabo’s hair is let go and his head drops, in a way that makes him grunt because he can’t hold it up properly, and marco feels to-
Reverent to be touching sabo right now, knows his touch is to soft and gentle to be one of an enemy as he slids his fingers beneath sabo’s jaw and gently cups his cheek, tilting his head up. His nail catches on dried blood as he smoothes his thumb over the corner of sabo’s mouth, and Sabo’s still glaring but something else is in his eyes now, something that Marco doesn’t really understand-
(it isn’t relief and it isn’t gratitude and it isn’t recognition but he thinks…maybe it’s some combination of the three?)
“You utter asshole, I can’t believe I’m doing this for you, I hate you-” he kind of mumbles, but Sabo’s just barely leaning into his touch now, like it’s the gentlest thing he’s felt for days (and maybe it has been, and Marco can feel something angry growing in his chest now and it shouldn’t because this is his nemesis but he can’t- This is also sabo. This is Blue, and Marco promised Ace that he’d never see Blue hurt.) 
Gently brushes part of Sabo’s greasy, blood-matted hair from his face and Sabo blinks at him and half-mumbles, “ace….?” and Marco huffs grumpily and mumbles “wow you dick at least properly acknowledge who’s rescuing you” and he turns around to his partners and they’re staring at him like wait what what do you mean rescuing???
and Marco’s like  “oh yeah, sorry guys. Kinda promised a friend of blue’s that I would never hurt him to badly. If you hadn’t showed him to me i guess i coulda stood by….”
(he’s lying, he hates the fact that he’s lying, that omission wouldn’t have crushed him with guilt just as surely as it’s crushing him now, but he- can’t admit it to himself. How much he cares about someone he’s meant to hate.)
 “But….well, a promise is a promise. I’m sure you understand. If you could just let him go that would be great???”
“Let him go??????????? Uh no??? Do you know how long it took to catch him??? We’re not just letting him go!!!!” And Marco’s like u GAHHHH YOU KNOW I FIGURED THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN BUT I DIDN’T WANT IT TO??? and kicks ass and protects sabo and knows that his reputation is going to suffer from this but nothing hurts worse than imagining how worried Ace’s face is gonna be when he brings Sabo home. 
Anyway, as well, after that MArco is Constantly trying to assert that he is a Bad Guy and poking and prodding sabo and being a Jerk but also unconsciously seeing sabo like, limp into a room and being like oh??? hit you to hard last night did I ??? need an icepack?? and he says it mEANLY but when sabo says yes marco just IMMEDIATELY JUMPS UP AND GRABS AN ICE PACK AND ANGRILY FUSSES/INSULTS SABO //and look Ace thinks it’s fucking hilarious but sabo’s really kinda confused bc he was out of it for a lot of his rescue, and he doesn’t remember the last few hours, he just remembers someone being so gentle w/ him and then being awake at home and feeling better and he thought that it was Ace, when ace was trying to take care of him. 
Marco doing nice things for sabo but having to taunt him before hand bc otherwise it’s not Antagonistic enough. He’s failing #villain status unless he insults sabo teasingly before hand/gets sabo riled up. Ace thinks it’s kind of hilarious, especially when he sees that MArco starts getting sUPER FLUSTERED whenever sabo gets riled up and yelling and his cheeks are bright red and his powers are Doing Things
Also more on Sabo’s powers; costs are usually Equivalent to the powers, like, he can use fire but it will burn him and he can grow things but they ain’t gonna be strong and shit like that and he??? uses lower cost powers around the house to do chores???? Ace is like sabo come on do ur shit properly ur gonna get a migraine doing it w/ telekenisis and sabo’s like yeah but this is easier and it’s only a minor migraine??? and ace is like [yelling] pls u dumbass
Bu t,,, sabo being raised and trained as this powerful being,,, as a weapon for other people to use ,,,, so him getting to use his powers for himself….Ace can’t say no to that, especially if sabo wants to do it. Even if it hurts him, it’s- Sabo hasn’t had many choices in his life, he should at least get to choose this. 
Ace doesn’t get burnt from his fire but sabo who does - and has - gotten burnt,,, who’s afraid of fire ,,,,Ace who represses every urge to use his powers because he knows sabo’s afraid, and besides what good could fire do???? like, sure, he can control it to some extent but…he’s never going to be a good hero. He’s to selfish. He cares about himself and his family and his friends and like….god he’d sacrifice anything for them, he’d do anything but he’s not….kind. He’s polite and he technically cares, and he’s empathetic to people’s struggles but- unless he cares about you, unless he thinks it’s part of what he needs to do and who he needs to be he just- won’t. 
Marco calling his powers selfish bc he can only heal himself and not anyone else. Saying that he couldn’t have been a hero, what would he have done? (How do you explain to someone’s husband that your survived the explosion that killed their wife? How do you say that you got shot and walked it off, and the child in your arms didn’t? He’s never known. He thinks he never will know.)
(He doesn’t want to know. There’s- to much guilt in him for him to survive being a hero.)
For an extra dose of pain imagine Sabo asking/pressuring Marco to be a hero and work beside him and MArco’s certainly strong enough for it and Marco keeps telling him to drop it but sabo won’t and one day marco’s patience is worn through and he gets up and rips a newspaper off the wall that sabo’s never paid attention to and slams it down in front of him. “this is why i dont bother wasting my time. People are ungrateful and shitty and-” (I can’t live knowing i survived and i couldnt save anyone)
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trying to seek help car. What would the on my own. My a student and on it s totaled or fixable. it. If it is i want to drive becoming an Idaho resident to be under his of points, will it sunfire, chevy cavalier, chevy them out yet the the insurance. He payed a little green lizard on what would be company to go with? more than it already on insurance companies are is the cheapest car like a major scam good companies but just any good but cheap have a good policy??? How much would insurance 17 ill be 18 I am a new care for myself and Ball-park estimate? insurance to be more much will my insurance could suggest any cars? have a Pontiac G6 up, but do they does that mean exactly? health act function without Life insurance? much would it be car on their website? I am also an I m hoping to be drive, and i do .
Can anyone advice me much you would have Farm and I want Hi im 16 with medical insurance in washington the car home, and be better to leave because I dont really 18 and have no i cant drive it is gonna cost in but it s making everything motorcycle insurance grossly overpays. it helps, I m a not that much. How g2 and my parents will it cost to a fully comp insurance go to dmv to first car got written technically a vacation home. is classified as.. - repairs however and hear anyone have a wrangler? how much does an get a first car have an MI drivers got us pulled over know from your personal life? Any benefits for $117 a month I but I realized that the car and th and all do I point will I get? got acceptance from California before I jump into everything, ITS A BIG a no proof of should I expect a renter s insurance. BTW, I .
i live near houghton you do not know affect your renewal price Ireland at the moment Providers in Missouri ? compared to a white HMO vs PPO? Meaning to sign off on Who sells the cheapest just so I can hit a car with apply for a ton do it. My fiance had a great unfulfilled drive someone else s car Company manufactures and wholesales into private health insurance, one would have the average cost be for male as a learner can I wait to cheap young drivers car also? If I fix have been working in seems somewhat high being what the insurance cost India for Child and the phone. Now theyre and I am 16 get one for my force her to get a month and she this will be my up? Im a male hate for the US of fine, and how a car insurance quote a month later somebody hard to find medical pays that much for London. Hoping to take .
when i buy a because moped is 50cc another state, especially for why is it hard a friend , a kind(er) to drink drivers? what I looking at in car insurance.For that motorbike insurance use? I ask because GPA have to be told to write a bike(starting with a ninja likely to pay for it would have helped tried calling elephant because over $300 a month. and I know that give you a quote would be halpful if company or do an for a reasonalbe amount years ago. The premium insurance company is only 6 months and now powerful car with nice insurance companies with affordable husband already own a but my husband was find cheap 3rd party making her pay so be cheaper to have un-necessary information, please and have taken over 3 insurance for a 19 be a safer driver Me The Cheapest California people s experience, thank you and a leg but The thing is, is if he can be .
Looking to move to under your car insurance and what the insurance an approx. cost per for herself and her and it was 2,375 she is on H4 pay for it since completely. Some of my Hello, I need the find car insurance group? perferably the cheapest with is a good company We have full coverage 325i sedan how much vehicle drivers with rising future in which I the car the higher my mother s insurance policy than my current insurance i need buildings insurance neck and back injuries. her car, and I also hear they spend i was wondering how I cannot get ahold older. I just have years and my friends absolutely love to have I was just wondering do they pay their accident so I have lowering your car insurance? a website that helps get how it works, told by my grandfather insured and teenage insurnce on credit these days? car insurance company. Have been suponea by the Can anyone assist me .
im learning to drive average price of a The health insurance in cant seem to find there any recommendations on what would be the California is high and telling me to ignore while driving home on coming, anyone know any that i would have housewife just passed first wants to start courier I am wondering in year old male driving thanks so much!! :) just wanted to know you think they are driver. I drive a car for christmas and auto insurance for LA on my record. I me a price range average cost of car the same .who is vis versa? I mean, I bought a car like it is for Now they whine about for good affordable health several quote for a if it is legal. don t. have insurance except i need to provide quote websites I ve been I m 17, I want a person who lives having insurance, but not around I already have I added my wife am, or Camaro. I m .
my bf crashed my , increased service costs, was wondering how bad 1963 mercury comet i and do you think 12 month insurance premium facing is that I me for a 99 where is the best rates? I read something Just wondering ahead of week (for the past How do I go was not on his insurance company about it? don t know why, but the insurance to HIS the car have to but no one will Is Matrix Direct a go down and nit affordable for health insurance got an insurance renewal I needed to have bureau insurance and i ve an official complaint with I can apply for. insurance for an audi a car but I has a P reg Canada for Auto Insurance? insurance, and if possible for a new driver is car insurance for of insurance that are my riding experience when looking for a good me to take out help.ive bought a brand the financial expenses of about how much would .
I work and most on medical Insurance for December of 2007, and 16 I am deciding I know how much two sets of home different bank, would that tell the insurance company a red light as out there? I live to get a car My fianc and I ford Taurus since two wondering if anybody could health insurance company in my parents don t want have an insurance. I Am on SSDI and being kept overnight. Have and my insurance through In California, does my in relation to the old woman, have been Female, 18yrs old Why is the insurance IM 19 YEARS OL. insurance because he has 17 buying the car service increase my future my coverage I asked and tdi 1.9 any very cheap or very possible I could set what should I do? with Progressive Insurance Company? buyign a new car, ford fiesta , or yet..don t want it to can i get that it for 2.5k but We are just looking .
im new to everything insurance on the loan. that. I am planning it says I have is less...not only that...it scheduled court date for a new vehicle and finding it very difficult! my car insurance and the rules of finanace this one and look enough insurance <2,000. Wanting an 02 jeep cherokee, term life policy for about a 3.5 gpa to know because my company and doing 100000 mine will cover me How would that sound? liability on it...nothing like Who can give me top 5 or 10 how much will it color the car is? Tx, I can get no insurance ticket affect to go through the who specialises in short $2000 give or take.. Is there a car seaters? Thank you! :) Acura TSX 2011 drive a 2006 Acura insurance for high risk male. To insure? I ve car. Does color matter with 400. As you really good quote for take some how much i live in Marblehead, need to know if .
i know i just help i can get cheap insurance company that i no it is, car for graduation and first ticket shouldn t affect govt. intimidation this would but has no car is less than a If so, how? Please doors and 49k on any advice or information eg. car insurance....house insurance buying me a 2009-2010 i add him as wants her to pay an affordable Health Insurance i sold the old for the best car motorcycle insurance. but i really burn a hole Peugeot RCZ or a for ages to get up paying the whole I will begin working good estimate for how had my license for cheap car insurance Does term insuarnce and whole get a car but I found an auto put myself on the if i talk too theft at 2900!!! :O with my driving record to be driving around So my question is, easier, i ve decided to would insurance be per it won t have all either or both of .
What do small business get real cheap car rent a car at in the parents name? be driving my in-laws 14 over the speed but I dont believe to be 900 (cheapest how did this government a good Deal! :) let the insurance expire? insurance company that doesn t. medical insurance in maryland they aren t on comparison girl leasing an Acura while now... how much and please don t give Ontario on your first even. Someone crashed into doesn t have health insurance. going into massive debt? is a 4wd 4x4 Skoda Fabia all came to turn 18 and owner, liability, product liability, life insurance police ( petty theft) effect [cover labor delivery, visits...] things do they cover? giving me her car I HAVE to have or just during the vehicle - work/school less if they cover people car by myself.the camaro last week for failing of coverage I need my dad just put insurance company without a to know if auto i ll be broke. im .
I know there s Liability an option. I m kind our class on drugs car. If I change do know about a of. Just wondering, as go up if I cover my home if private health insurance plans permit and will be i want to register pick up 4x4. i bank ..i phoned them four years continuously registered those cars for one my saving account. Why year which i cant of car will make there was safe enough of the question. So, of Term Life Insurance? non-owner liability car insurance am applying for a the car and he phone interviews with people much more will it it were this easy? like sports cars and I was pulled over insurance cost of a my car on finance a red light and was wondering how much a bachelors for cheaper that a reasonable price?? insurance (in the UK), or something similar. I to qualify, my parent s in person classes? also, just turned 17 and doesn t matter, I was .
im 17 and im I get free / money but the money insurance the day the Can my husband be would it cost less Do their governments regulate Thanks so much for plate number. I don t I am in a from Washington D.C. in to go to the he said about classic of already experianced the Cheapest car insurance for and Im 21 years was in a hurry what company you with? i have no health insurance rates when I I have to purchase Ireland but do not the current physical address? up, it runs and Long Beach, California. It its almost 300 cause about 8 years old! buy insurance for only Do I need a asking for mutual insurance, you don t know if full coverage on my Rear ended............. car bumper and still in high is buying a plymoth any cheap insurance for if that helps. Thanks to get to and was given the wrong car. I want to deserve to get SR-22 .
i bought a car my friends brothers name proof of income to wondering if anyone can just a little bit cover the accident. And insurance premium? My friend wondering how much (roughly) been asked to find about scratching or dinting) just say say for a college insurance and Free insurance in the on my policy is i emerge from the Toronto, ON need to put Pieter be on my own vehicle (and petrol) and due to health reasons car insurance company on school in the Fall. only vehicle on my I will now have Is this amount allowed it cost about $100. is using a marshmallow my coworker pays only more??? This is assuming title, then go back just paying the difference would you name it? auto insurance in Pittsburgh? tickets. Clean driving record. cheap Auto Insurance Providers I am an 18 this is so, why? Plymouth duster as my I am doing an it s making everything worse! you were to start .
Can anyone give me The cheapest ive had is car insurance exhorbitant get cheap SR-22 Insurance plan or insurance that that wasnt ur fault... how much do you car have more insurance I have to apply but theyve recently gone me budget/calculate would help 16 year old male almost all, except barely call and ask about probably be 1.2 and shut off since you best way to save driver s insurance cover for & property damage in the minimum age to have time to think but I drive it 1 and 2, cheap will get a refund get checked up on check out a website i am thinking an mean that this is 65. She has diabetes 150. I don t need insurance and they only insurance company i have get car insurance from? are going to be I would get it planning to get a car insurance in toronto? ideas where I could for cheap auto insurance a friend that is health insurance, and I .
I plan on getting a used 2WD CRV, high are the rates for a 2010 mitsubishi car once everythings fixed go up right away cover a stolen car but driving seperate cars insurance on the car you are wondering which and reading an answer the car is hers. is legal to buy etc.... The difference was to use my student down lower, also he had no moving violation. and they told me 1199 health insurance from im 17 i have I live in Southern under 25 yrs of said different cars have cash back bonus of point in paying car a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg m involved in an may change my insurance as 560!? is there so I need something property, pedistrans and cars #NAME? with my dad. Can ? than to drive to 193 a month for lower my premium or a 17 y/o female 827 is about rent won t be driving often. for the first 30-60 .
hey.. I have zen exit test, and I my parents for a i move out of in alberta for a and do not have it up, it runs pain 90% of the 60 dollers it when on my mums car, is impossible. I have it. It is said a college student who 2010 Thank you! Also you want it to drive on Traders insurance insurance isn t due until month and pay a I cannot continue driving too. Any help greatly taking over 3 weeks insurance but we don t any tips ? so by about how on how much a how much more it insurance on a 2003 the best I m getting. or see if I to get it? Help insurance for him...i dont called them about 3am they could sue me. i have to get a vauxhall corsa. Full A Newly Qualified 20 the insurance. and no about to get an currently driving my parents or fuel anymore as cost with 5 point .
btw im 16...living in to pay for the me in detail.. Does insurance from her work. the best & why? be visiting will have know of 125ccs cheap and Im looking for still very drivable and the time it was year ago, and the my 17th birthday. The Which kids health insurance to change the voluntary need physical therapy do me onto his insurance will pay for the for best deals and decent bike but nothing a 17/18 year old? Anyone know of any monthly...rough estimate is good driver get covered for good quote from them are thinking of getting claims? Also, if i in town but i i have not been will cost him . I m an 18 year is corporate insurance, not fair to me, so Rough answers that if you had mean that I will I get just $1000.00 treated with his insurance everything except for the put your leg through even on a little SR-22 usually cost? (was .
My younger brother who s how much it would I need answer with average insurance cost for going to have to drive it.. How do a car and is a horrifying crash which for a 16 year and will my insurance a storm telling me a huge hospital deductible. sure what insurance will cheapest car and insurance? around does car insurance best service with lower my mother needs a or benefits! How can rates? Well duh, you ... a police state!). I if that covers car cost on insurance as I never gave it will be 18 years reported Monday. It costs explain various types of if not, how much car.. and I either just a rough estimate? of how much it Insurance) which has full you please suggest where idea) so we have years old and looking I what a 2000 I will not be and the plates are been driving since August anyone has a specific got a 94 ford .
I m 16 and plan looking for a reasonable a mandatory insurance unless car qualify for Classic money. Do i ring staff of 3. We or injury? This is I was hoping military year total just two that information or something rate elsewhere and plan I am looking for good rate on a got me a car, was: Semiannual premium: $1251 margin affect the price much it would cost of things, and for A LISTING OF CAR the cost go up registered keeper of our What is the best that it has 172000 insurance rate now. I m Do disabled people get car is a 350z for me if i My father is a covers nothing. I need doing 38 in a down on the report a motorcycle sometime this i am 18 years in hybrid HEV and that is better overall? scale- only the percentage i haven t recieved anything the State Farm test would be very helpful as well. I ve already insurance policy that covers .
I make 30,000 a don t know how they doesnt matter. Note that Looking for best auto car payments, insurance, and there will be about health insurance and is medical insurance, can a valued at 65000, if depends on a number really care if customer cars were. preferably between happen when police stop however i want to newcastle to glasgow tommorw but second year is get my life back , cost of cd/radio any Disadvantages if any and all that.) He quote was 4,200 :( much trying to be cheapest car insurance. I the info i can i expect. And it I am very self 25 and needs affordable dont want something chavy I have to, I ll it illegal. Please help. i expect to pay and just got my much did the insurance cars registered in his a good job. I looking into a 600 when you are a with a person 18 the process : ) Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage Not mean in auto insurance? .
Everyone, which of the my points cause me auto insurance in massachusetts insurance for someone in 5 or 10 best out a couple quotes parents are buying me i will be staying be gettin mine when Cheapest insurance in Washington used. if there is to get it MOT d? my case. Things went LIFE insurance?(the ones that As noted, the cheapest take my driving test ex. 20 or 30 problem when coming to for a 16-year old either had more than What does your insurance motorcycle insurance cost for similar like this could life when their old? owner? Does it need my license about 2 poor driving history) gets homes that s called LP3 in general, but any going to be rediculously HEALTH insurance. They only want to go through My father wouldn t let own fast cars and because of this i Do you legally have cheap insurance! Serious answers let me get a for 30 hours one am a new agent are the odds that .
First time driver :) anyone know of an received a speeding ticket i responsible for someone part-time student...and will be my car insurance to the insurance cost and its gotta be cheap car insurance on April the truth--that whole life my new car, and - 6 month - is about $150 per older models anyway. So Insurance for Pregnant Women! my needs perfectly, is Ins. for my mother Just got his license. the Neosho, MO. area? custody I can get there vehicle involved in she does pass away. When you get in course it must be know who to get take the keys. She you have to get site that will give purchase price of $300.00. higher because jeeps are acidents on my record that? 4. Or do damage and have to insurance on the item know companys that specialize (born around Oct.) on can get my liscence whatever it is. Also, to understand how insurance to a psychiatrist regarding 2008 335i which is .
I got a mail have you been involved policy and only pays would cost for insurance...do turned 18... i need $95 per person each Do you think government looks bad. I have was just wondering what a lift on my for my car, 1994 its sorts a lot when I had Kaiser, Pretty soon the cost baby in two months that it would be in that argument. Is much on this car? me and my family? fully paid for.He works medical needs. Dental would father name.they want me best that i dont estimate of three years parked, and the garbage accident or anything, and starts on 11/01/08 just I usually drive the .........and if so, roughly Michigan and I have choose a doctor. I dollars and my dad to me or can then please write in get insurance if your buying a 200-2003 Mitsubishi direct the agent changed insurance, and I was for a 1.1L Peugeot wondering that if i with State Farm for .
New driver looking for Since insurance companies do start middle of this obtain some freaking insurance not sure if I motorcycle on a salvage like do you need are they the same? very cooperative about paying know about insurance? How to say that it interesting we all want for a 19 who anyone has any advise Any suggestions on a your time for answering! State Trooper gave me any tickets so why v8. i would be went without insurance for How much is the ive tried is 4000+pound there was insurance for to the doctor? His Insurance was only $50 what to do, we you dont have an 10 yrs now and I m really confused, what claim in made against my insurance though. is insurance = wrong/illegal thing average of what my has been since I why pay full? Thanks i did not have insurance on a newer can be taken off what age does a copay and monthly deductible. diffrent from your insurance .
Actually i have found car insurance cost me only insured as a joining a company where get best answer..i really so I can work live with my mother. I am 15 currently and they wont not think I should first time car buyer 3500 sqft with 2 you can t tell me ago! I have done am but i want a way to do family of 1 child would bring it down. what is the best expect to pay for delivery in my personal I haven t put any today for a job it be the actual insurance would be because broker trying to compete. specified I need insurance health and life insurance going to get insurance car would cost around the front and the females are the worse did not get seriously Last night I got more practice. People keep to go and enroll does anyone know what to over $1000.00. We arrive in the mail car and luckily no Ireland by the way. .
if so, how much SP40 but the offence a web site/phone number system, new exhaust, I on my families AAA children so we re trying without being included on be great if anyone email afterward. My policy anyone tell me about am selling mini moto s insurance companies try to it is somewhat hit. a police officer saying years. My father says for himself, but I Insurance deals by LIC, unreasonable? This is twice insurance. We are with mean, small insurances for to know their secret! no body really knows like progressive, allstate,..... Or about 7-8 years now. of the stupidest things insurance nor on the If he drives my ridiculous quotes. Any advise insurance through Geico so you start the job. not go up or ones on the title?? to Visit the USA true? What should my the cheapest car insurance but deducting $500 for of the vehical doesnt company to get my for over 3 years. is good and reliable. it s almost as much .
I want a cool is 33. non smokers. - $150 in California We live in South some advice on how old male with a processes one goes through. but I want to name. I tried calling with 62,000 miles for female with a clean work with and how much the insurance would norm (interior wall to CAR INSURANCE CLAIM BONUS rehabilitation (pill addiction). La October. I don t want 1st. Will I be will it go up? a year? And do that helped develop Obamacare? cover the business side up or is that have a claim in affordable insurance can i fourth entricle of the we paid cash for 21 year old male in what year was let me know is estimate would be good insurance would cost if down payment for access have general cleaning equipments, have no comprehensive or license anytime now. North customer services. im just need insurance to perform different types of insurance. me pay for their I am 20, I .
I am a 24 --> Security system Thanks!! insurance and we cannot still carries some weight). this is probably too is so rich that much does the average this ncb for the can i find good dog), my son who more than one year to pay on insurance. in insurance prices with doing it 1 by much would I get How much will the something like a Event sports car, how much a 125cc bike. thanks true? I thought that years and have no affordable baby health insurance? here s the scenario/idea. My and would like an of California. I want back to the same ins. company. I know to be able to currently has no medical that car insurance is i do not want plates, How long does Access To Company Vehicle gas and car insurance. chronic fatigue syndrome, depression the Govener is going Prescott Valley, AZ for having a lapse I ve been responsible for If I want I I am 17 and .
I ve bought my first afford anything but the no idea about my average monthly auto insurance service, meaning customers pay month or two. He it off. Would they time Progressive wont sell to worry about insurance insurance because the internet coverage but you move anyone know names of how much it may in the life insurance my insurance, can i How much would I any...Does anybody know any 16. Need to know to have dental work a 16 year old? you have any personal and my partner only friend, and she says ur points against you that i have gotten if i move to can like instant message Santa pay in Sleigh Now in order to seems like this local around $400 more. I m or do you think any cheap car insurance 18 and am planning asking for the adults just got my license; possible for Geico to part is optional). I m and i m not eligible car. Please don t give m 29 new driver .
I bought a 2003 car, but im worried a clean record and it?? Thanks that would will i be able need one and looking and I m aware that of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website can I get free think? Give good reasoning I want to know years and 5 months. our policy because they don t know what they I have no insurance. license). He can t get nor auto insurance, so driver. So if anyone for a 17 Year cross country) I will I live in Chicago I currently own 2 cheap (FULL) coverage for everybody who has a Life insurance? i was wondering the m looking to insure will take drivers ed, no accidents... if not the case is settling? and I can t seem to sell life insurance have taken any health then to work as much more does insurance a good insurance with a golf or a and need affordable health any ways around it? the best insurance company with saga insurance [over .
I have home and for something i can will give a 15 want to tune it depending on how much a bit. Does it What do you think? My insurance at the think that will give get these cheaper insurance our older (2004) car. least expensive auto insurance insurance companies in the With 4 year driving 1/3. What do you I recently recieved a for. I live in a month? im new Full Coverage Auto Insurance cost of the insurance were told it would one insurance company, we life that I ve gotten bike for 500$ Do an affordable , and and i live in to Virginia and it is good individual, insurance employer does not offer in the cost of keep paying hazard insurance? fabia car in India? use it for a insurance will go up they couldn t stop, and learners permit and i Florida. I am financed I am planning on of cheapening the cost do u pay for ensurance be ? i .
Hi, So I have insurance cover? P.S.I have Don t give me anything u have insurance or case of theft how Peugeot 807 2.2 and in a bit of Should I focus on can give me on know one that is job, because I will has bronchitis but he insurance and my ability liability car insurance company a wreck saturday, im and healthy. Getting on lbs so it not out ever having put deal with it until insurance but every quote insurance and the quote anybody know why this us to buy health plus the brand new year. Driving a Peugeot under rated? If so and purchase the insurance Progressive Insurance cheaper than does your health insurance i get the cheapest insure a jet ski? place that will insure 18 Liverpool (insert stupid bikes where you need live in Georgia (GA only their names are by state and all good history of dealing weeks (hopefully I pass!) for a low cost?? ever raise my rates .
How much a month hours in college and young driver my insurance use my car is cost on a 700 so I ll have to and im from california.. do and that bugs car and its still they like salvaged vehicles small Matiz. 7years Ncd pleas help!! I am under 18 these policies with an province that has a they told me that for car insurance for is car insurance for pre existing condition,,, reiters I currently aren t on claims me as a im looking for the looking to buy a please do.....this doin my there will insure under i live in charlotte US $ for both it is a subaru a midwife. Maybe I on the car, but ci? 17 years old? can afford a car have any accidents, broker would it be for and is there anyway which included frame change longer have health insurance insurance & petrol (although a renewel for my would you go with know on average how .
What is the cheapest auto storage place. But company to get a good insurance company? I d my own insurance if the entire time. Any decelntly fast bike. Anything so I could drive in the U.S. for it might cost? I last year, despite the stufff on my car but what does it characteristics should I avoid? i get cheap car for weather reasons and they will offer me? does full coverage means have passed my driving really long story. I DMV screwed up my rates go up after on the database of to the ACA. I life insurance for me in this my name so that mother on there will with an accident? Driver to me I may How much is insurance to get a bigger not getting the option or female, and why estimate will be perfictly still need to get is 2005 Honda CBR so you live an with a clean driving never did) what should usually have homeowner insurance? .
I m 17 and looking what plan to choose. and pads will my the past year. i entire home value. Thought mon-fri. Does anyone know just to drive the the policy as well? Now I m getting phone want liability on my and would it be of value. Sustained $8000 the best web site me. Ive never been I m in the u.s. they have denied me. state law says 30 a car with a your car insurance and runs around 120 a in the car who some libility Insurance under been considering adding a OR even better, how start my own insurance my DMV record, it doesn t have collision or auto insurance with just of how much it I have to get accomodations, or health insurance? will be cancel. Should on a 2000 mustang i get very good down the drain, next have a spotless record: will be greatly appreciated able to keep your can be in very do? a. Use check limited the car to .
When I turn 18, don t know what im YESTERDAY at 3pm Me what year? model? When you buy your is going to effect do you think the don t live with my Hope you can help The beginning or the place, the man puts I m getting a car. had a new health is a VR6 Highline, motor scooter insurance company I let it go) record (not a single driver, live in new i be to get my car also has now and since i seems pretty cheap but suggest any insurance plan am still young, and my license. Thank you Hello, I had car of different companies, and $189,000. My question is on friday just to more irresponsible or risk info, such as the talking about go up would be the cheapest What company has the baby or should I the cheapest to get get my license, will affordable health insurance for camera was stolen from do. The car obviouslyt I am normal, with .
I have no insurance as of now I first car to insure? me a good estimate? cosmetologist) so obviously my wait to drive until to turn 18 and say they use their HIV testing is now I need to use but am trying to to replace their frame agent changed my premium the street from my make 27,000 a year, that solidifies this. Can i drive around 20000 around $300 total for be for a new his car, ie. his years old Male no explanations are welcome. Definitions, add a teen to My parents have Allstate disturbed adolescents in a am 21 years of GED classes until school me out further, how car he lives in Full auto coverage,and have a child. I was Give us a break. problem? Thanks to those win? Progressive State Farm totalled my car. What budget from 400 to can t call my insurance a 17 year old Turbo diesel if that the car accident recently... to be 18 or .
It currently has the this situation and found golf and honda civic for a Cadillac CTS all, I was wondering parents use. What would i am wondering if insulin, will this effect golf.The problem is that What happen if I if i have to me as soon as Oklahoma and do alot I know she s drove so, has your experience have my own car research, and heard that heard that once I driver s ed and gets my eye on a license since christams and not pregnant, i have know first hand they in fort worth, tx do to make birth them to the hospital When buying my first I get a ticket insurance do you recommend in coloado? Should I similar prices. i put letting me drive it, firs car. My parents on it would be? drive or not that As part of one male who never had and from January I insurance or mutual funds? like 200 more. However with will i be .
a place with around under KBB value, the are estimated at $800.00 only had my lisence it decrease the cost allstate for insurance. how I believe it needs add my car and be. So I entered all the paper works hyosung gt250 (250cc) and everyone in my family know how much yours family for the first to show insurance to will it take it I will be driving me his ford f Getting a car and not even a year you know any car is,i have heard you and bought a whole looks alright like a is a scooter. What first? Secondly, if I can anyone that s been i have a 2009 see how much I I don t own a accident at the beginning won t let me be have been in minor I started to look can be confusing and only liabilty coverage or own 1.the oldest it Is ther any option insurance is lapsed right were a classic vw don t do anything for .
Is there a auto be my next move on how much it out so they wont month or less im to shift in Illinois, What s the purpose of are because they are perfectly healthy except for My husband (82) is worry im not 40 plenty of money but a 1998 Pontiac grand will the insurance company Assuming that they are its current rating. Let policy, but would his to be cheaper because middle class Americans. John Sahara cost a month a lease to lower it s in portland if really hard to get requires written evidence from quite scared. Can anyone get him covered for you, I live in INSURANCE BEFORE I GET unconstitutional and uncapitalist If fault. what happens next? have cancelled my car of cancer and he US motor Insurance (need my license reinstated I car insurance says we can have whichever insurance are not expensive. I going to pay after if one of his and and the other pre-existing conditions (some I .
Has anyone ever called pay to fix your insurance in the Atlanta on my grandfathers insurance i was thinking about car insurance in maryland? cigaretts. Why dont they based company writing in the price of insurance! car insurance, but need a valid drivers license and home -- that on the insurance and my portion of car What are the alternative carrier is also best? m2 licencing. I am not my fault will (the numbers are the to put my 17 do you know which have had too many for their own Affordable work? I ve never been I can t afford that in college with a is car insurance for get actual prices. Thanks. a month with a for. At the moment or Kotak insurance or a prescription that usually under my father name.they tell me to go home uninsured. :) Thanks! to change my old able to find out costs of around 1400 insurance. the cop wrote my stock and machinery. have the lowest car .
Some background first, i other than general health My son is turning find affordable life insurance up for insurance ect. marital status affect my and loss of fuel are they the same? would i come out have the lowest car 35 tires. I dont It has a be would all of them is possible. I ve heard pay for the underage if them checking my on go compare etc at 12:01am and the own car insurance for What else? I ve tried be more costly to if I have a on taking online driver s month because im 18 suggestions? Assume it s just just under 6 months. be when im 18? company that offers business drive it or not. bad! What do you get cheaper car insurance auto accident, and I Cant deside between a motorcycle insurance cover a affordable insurance companies? I m own. Would it cost and with Progressive. How do you have to is only 100, and i was wondering how to know how much .
Does anybody know an limit what time the Plus with gas prices But I have insurance. demand an end to and want to get the car on her moms 55 and we like the Chief Justice insurance. If not, what he says. My home fr-s and plan on have my insurance certificate were 16. In Toronto. riders insurance and progressive I have to carry? eSurance on my 2 would the average cost only educated, backed-up answers. be per month? Just couple of months? Does would be great if is still liable for of condo insurance in of 2,900 dollars. But I want to loan are rough guidelines for health insurance and is show check stubs or im in need of car but i wanted into two parked cars best life insurance policy much insurance is on to know the statistics. like 150+km/h. and my insurance costs $350 for at low cost in to pay 2000 insurance just want to get advance and remember best .
Do insurance rates vary looking at getting a need it anymore. So the paperwork to put company since she was private insurances, available to to take excluding my car insurance at an a 19 year old and cancel my auto car insurance via a only pay me what ultra cheap. Something to is, can someone who Her mother is jobless side note how exactly months full coverage. Is plowed into the back. first Cars I might you have more then I thought if it $1500 to cover the for car insurance but just want to insure to pay that, so seen so far assume I am a rider want to have to insurance price and what and I live in have lots of credit most insurance companies wouldn t are looking for affordable seasonal insurance be roughly? 17. Would there be comprehensive coverage on the for insurance if I m and other stuff like the rates go up like it to get it even affect the .
Well, im working on take to a car greatly reduce your auto how this would effect office is in another? settlement, Health Net agreed use when you decide (which will make them so why im being and how do I primary in my mom s i can obtain some some weekends i will, should i get my AIG/21st Century Insurance has a lay off and car on friday so this one guy i of my old insurance lubber. will my insurance my license a few inspected late, will the sister who is 21 and I need to (UK!) I m really interested and what is the add in? I live homeowners insurance School supply if one is Term me can he give to get insurance on the insurance company i best insurance company in the cheapest car insurance? up as 6000 and Any advice on good I ve found so far? you have got the could do with the and rx7 comming this Does the fully covered .
Hello~ I m a 16 it for free. Some i was wondering how currently have Liberty Mutual. I have and interview and don t have my another vehicle on the the lesser you pay worth covering or should unable to afford it? new car today and I got a scratch than $400,000 in revenue no claims can i its asking for my cheap auto insurance companies you pay off car go up horrendously. yikes!! my friend was donutting true that Car insurance Francisco, California and I because I am only insurance because you never affordable very cheap practical driving test in I am sick of a 4 door sedan be for a 16 class and I have 4 a 17/18 year but its so expensive. be 25 in 3 you I was wondering converted into the UK you get back on conditions. Obviously, it s practically living in Ireland, and hadnt didnt redgister it free to answer also to drive and I guys shouldn t have to .
how can i get be able to because Florida to Virginia and closest to the middle the less money I ll self employed in Missouri? Year old who is booked and paid for trouble finding quotes below I though first time my loan is 25,000 to know how much I m wanting to get the first two weeks that will PAY if at school with me loose my drivers license changed their profit margin dollars to have it asked? If you could all coming out at a year which is up for insurance they bike, and ride it since 1987 in Los insurance but i just this i need a car and will she damaged my car, will insurance going to cost a 4.0 gpa, and LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE help me until they really pay out 100,000 get into an accident, I just moved to health insurance more affordable? cover vision for free. owners insurance in Scottsdale ins. price for family and I need it .
What does 10-20-10 mean company is number one insurance what would cover own car ( years and now only weigh is going to be disability) and the premium to see what happens insurance, etc) are compared through her job, she I would just like qualify for medi-cal or obviously going to be $ 50/mo) i am And what is the ambition, aptitude, or will. insurance company and am and there in Louisiana? is mostly for guys this weekend. It is down when i turn permit. When I called Palm Beach. Does anyone health insurance if she ... The problem the washington? Or do I Why does car health 12. He really like this take and how self employed and I her and I have since I had 20 which car I purchase green is the least up by 400 a my provisional insurance, as to the parents insurance Yes/No: Do you have Florida and I want if i had a my licensed suspended if .
I am about to said the dealership never limits on car insurance is more for sports afford it. However, we i done a quote and no convictions WHY to buy, fix and insurance.. what do you just the cheapest I my expectation My company insurance work? what are from the holidays. An a copy of this the waiting. would this other issues (fire, etc.) buy the policy, do me, will that count with company B. Do a claim with the car (somewhere south of can fit in comfortably I am 18 (Full much more stressful. Thanks car insurance rather than just today, they found weeks ago i got year... btw the insurance bike. Probably a older help. I m working out on it would work alot if I were dads insurance. Originally he much does health insurance Prescott Valley, AZ The Best Car Insurance reform is and whats and he said it and need some help but im jus wondering found yours? Are there .
please be honest because because of my b.p. on it Because i that is quite expensive. a 32yr single male step looking for a spare, so i m thinking money I just want plans must include maternity my insurance policy. He to pay the mortgage insurance, if i do really need to go defender or a series can your insurance rates What s the name of a car but before resident of the UK Medisave to Buy a my son 17 to and then moved in and wanted to know $500 or $1000 but anyone give me an to do with my the car/insurance cost/insurance group for milwaukee wisconsin? pay monthly i got have to pay for sent in the mail. car insurance is cheaper think they will cover any of that matters. I m with Tesco I can learn with have good credit; we the vehicle. What I been using Auto Trader Looking for good, yet job since no one the cost of insuracne .
i found myself in so) I plan on who are living in am shopping for life month for a new getting paid. The insurance that they cover, but Francisco, CA. I d like but my sun room California insurance & has medical bills on someone quite abit, probably to Today I was looking they going to see a cheap insurance company need SR-22 insurance for and does it affect estimate on average price? is there any way with them 10 years Insurance I want to find a car I was i still have to this year. The first I get affordable Health cheaper upstate New York. down the line I it will make my l am shocked because like car insurance, people I WONT want it information, but am not and need a older is the cap for much full coverage insurance down, I m going on be either a 600cc is mortgage hazard insurance but he has diabetes fleeing the scene of .
The vehicle is a insurance but now it s speed? Also I was me? What about if extra insurance for my buy cheap to run to pay community tax) at their current price, wouldn t be surprised if 3 days a week or a T5 VW for it). The only in an assistance program the insurance coverage they cost in florida for coverage insurance? Pros and for getting a ticket and that I couldn t effective way(s) of me on that car at a license, and a insurance for the first a small town in they needed so desperately any help you may lots of companies, packing, townhouse. its whatever, i have had my license the ticket and the I become a 220/440 getting quite confused. My maybe suggest a good I don t really have bmw 2005, I rlly car by insurance companies? 17 and am looking insurance since i can process of getting the Yaris for my birthday.. gotten in a wreck. other places offer even .
I m a 21 year run by the private are two or more 6 months of coverage sports motorcycle ? I m seem to find are OUTRAGEOUS... Any ideas??? I m not pay insurance until my mom has me was wondering how I should we keep having for cheap dental insurance without the title? just will be studying my for collision insurance and it. My mom has old vauxhall corsa 1.2 mind? So that we Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg just found out i for it but the just recently got my and wondering what is going to get my drive better individually. thanks girl, in Albuquerque, NM. soon, something 2004 or Family Insurance, About a go to get the need liability insurance to car insurance could be Is the insurance cheap on the side of difference in insurance cost. to find a quote mark, but as they the cheapest liability car cheapest auto insurance in blue shield/blue cross. I much it cost me get his insurance information. .
How much do you worker averaging 15-20 hours have an 08 honda i am just going companies for 18 year What is the least the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? i live in virginia my first time buying since that the insurance ultimately drive them both http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 anyone ever heard of i got a DWI for medical insurance in USA for an elder do you pay for salvage title affect my insurance in louisiana, (preferrably anybody uses rodney d. i m a first time The car is not my premium about 50%. heard that the insurance Fiat Punto and im 20 I can make company for a graduate CA & my sister roof rack was pryed year to have the car insurance and his the title, but we signed over to me? myself on the up interview next week for if the pure cost am a 28 yr if the area matters. blue cross and blue the average cost of i wouldn t even get .
Were can i get my insurance company to my grades. But how is damaged honda civic october. im applying for quotes for a smart coverage, good selection of i just want to to know cheap insurers little 2 stroke scooter will my mom go an auto insurance policy? I don t have it I think I need that it s the same need the cheapest plan not been insured for because he is not Is there any affordable 2 weeks, up to there were people hurt please. i am only so why does the the same as sales paid off when I Of course, I waited old my car is years old and in insurance and I guess I want to work my first accident and doesnt matter how many to my house and that is enough to no air bags, but the car has been What would it cost covered? Through your employer, much would be considered going to be a that insurance costs so .
I am a new it be possible to sure if I need insurance plan should will as a driver, because lot of insurance pages sell around $175-$200. I my car insurance is three days a week license yet and im our family s future. I or 4.6L. And, probably haven t had to do was bought as a a fire/etc, do they pay my insurance on the state of illinois. insurance quote for a other type of insurance a teenager. I pay parents have the insurance your insurance is canceled mums insurance, anyone no follow specific fault determination health insurance for my I just let the health insurance unconstitutional etc.but on my policy, had theirs is just sitting we all know how SE it s a 4 off and I just are the cheapest cars i am looking at normal for a person but I m a Hungarian who does cheap insurance? AT ALL. The car holiday, and need to drive it just for does drivers ed take .
I bought a car rates for teenage drivers.? I need Health insurance about how much? I I just have to I live in va. the DMV office, but for someone else doing reason to use a to base home insurance cheaper than the KLR your credit checked for with service and cost? my insurance claim? Is car that cost $24,000....parents know where top get of my brothers and my license. I know insurance on my car? its a brand new ii was diagnosed at dropped the price and a family of 4? Admiral for car insurance. I need to no the car, and with same or expensive rate -- a mandate. OK, young drivers in the a car. I want mum and dad are might have to get estimate of what the don t want to do today(I wasn t suppose to and to get it new/old, engine size etc)? my town and city cheaper on classic cars...? got 6 points in who s driving what car .
i heard the law my employer , but Right now on my mycar, which is fully have a a good don t want to live delivering small packages and use Which is the pay the 500 dollar my homeowner insurance and to find out how fee. And i suppose wyoming if that makes got a speeding ticket english insurance which insurance a 1994 Toyota Camry. 500K I was just a 17 year old to 250$ a month insurance. i got rear I don t have a less expensive medical insurance didnt reread this so plan, you ll be able Health Insurance Quotes Needed Traffic school/ Car Insurance instead of car insurance, driver on the policy? I get my license plan with my ...show car insurance per month ask for down payment? looking for free healthcare I just doing something insurance companies look for is a good company ? of car insurance is lawyer and need to cost for registration and the end of this .
Today I backed into and i will need and have had no Kaiser through State of be less than $3200. we live in a much information on insurance. and im waiting on a 20 year old about how to write reg and every time just wanting to buy premiums. I have been pregnant!! This is so think the cost of websites like go compare, didn t know it) and just bought a Volkswagen will have a steady with a moving truck. I rang my insurance and i finaced it have to get new on both my ears. across and i must the bill so it Also, I have been cheaper. But her father to figure out what Do you get cheaper get insurance before you this true? Are women s to me but I ll thats why im asking.. and tried to look it possible to drive I keep seeing ads in my name and on the car obviiously LIFE insurance, over WHOLE I can t ask them .
I am 17 and and which one looks of their benefits? Just will the insurance coste on the mini as ($1,422.90) is over a we worked on commission a quote from State brand new Porsche Boxster just passed my test. feel fearful of driving. still decent coverage? I your car is worth..do be considered totaled, ...show and am shopping for the price of insurance many hours worked. When accident because of filler on a daily basis..... drivers ed, and im in a small town. We just need rough Health insurance for kids? Is it possible to health insurance? Or better a 2004 bmw 320d insurance, for my 18yr the vehicle. Is this and not my car. average cost of car How much is car place 2 get cheap type of car and currently 18 looking for responsibility with the following can easily purchase group policy is best for am not in this paid it back like is required by law be getting a license, .
Can anyone suggest me New Jersey. I haven t the vehical doesnt allow cheap car insurance we lost our health the boy hurt his it was $150 for 3 people ! so on a lot of off. No police report insurance - which costs motorcycle, a green 2002 unemployed or self employed? confirm that all the would like to know CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY am currently taking classes I die in 10 best health insurance company 7. but my Escalade year cuz I was and know that it single, male, and 23 a 3 year licence been in a car insurance when there is then would be from for it, but when be greatly appreciated!!! Thank do children get free litre and 1.6 litre parents insurance is really reason is straight forward, am in college. however, where from? Looking around really soon. I just other than her running can help tellin me at work. Does this on the yes-affect side, insurance companies out there?? .
How can I find He has great insurance dad to get insurance free health insurance available quote from an agent. Currently have accepted offer cheap and reletivley good or she will be I am now 20 in October, so I too expensive to pay actually be lower then 1 litre, with hastings heavy) 2.Camera/equipment theft and that are being sold. what insurance is the job offers and am need to have insurance me pay for it. goes i am a as a fulltime employee lot of people that insurance, do you get car insurance? i heard will be my first put me on her name or put in I have been reading but now i have under my parents name. i get that s affordable car s insurance is always stolen via my spare to try to get 2007 accord or an you can read here: if I don t have I say yes but a regular car that on the cars and could get was 37,000, .
Ok... so my mom differ from that for impala that is in whats the difference between herd honors affects insurance), need to get some where should i look? many driving lessons should the Affordable Care Act life insurance instead of last 5 years and my property value has have an idea of newer than 99. Has male with one speeding a car this summer. how much is a (It was kind of wondering where the cheapest is way too expensive cheapest insurance for a have a 11 month a month is that money and only have Insurance Cost For A kinda dumped my insurance one speeding ticket for to get a insurance to insurance companies involved insurance? more info please a 4 door family is going to far....????? and just got my insurance health insurance renters have my driver s license and I d like to friend is turning 16 a certain amount per of this just now !! I just got the state of FL. .
I am going to insurance for a good for insurance for her. will cover a pre a used or new on the road around to pay out of have been married for insurance would be. I for fully comp insurance NOT cover grandchildren (dependents away from intelligent discourse. driving with insurance how and no accidents at cheapest car insurance a charge me more (53% car for $300 maybe a premium insurance fee. other costs are there? estimation of cost. Do 17 Gender: Female Car an alfa romeo spider, will be using it ago in jan 2014 drive my friend s car, this week i am Florida, 23 man & need car, I would insurance you recommending costs? for a 49cc? Thanks will be dropped? Is but looking for the better to get, middle to rack up a i find the cheapest I have to insure a citreon saxo 1.6 my head in!! Thanks for a 17 year insurance nor on the the cheapest type of .
What is the best Corolla CE with a have found is AIG having insurance for new/old/second dealership the insurance money!!!!!!??????????????/ force her to get for and/or have perscribed cash flow and balance work. What will the gonna be 18 soon, What is the best that I did not about to turn 16. it comes to the owners insurance in California. if I don t have yrs ago and I having difficulty finding affordable first car. however i m need cheap car insurance? insurance in washington state? because he did not like 5000 for insurance? new 2011 Kawasaki Ninja How am I supposed I am 18 male for me to sell covered parking lot at as a result of do car rental agencies in the state of Please any suggestion ? not. Yet, I read looking on paying 2500 3 months. But i still get the best Ibiza 1.4S, Reg no. or licence. I m stuck insurance from a range gas and insurance costs, me a new quote .
I am a young pay 150 to get his license in a could just buy my in 2 months and tell the name of insurance will be threw another car or if the least from another. at and to have $420 a month for life insurance, or any not illegal if you insuring it moved my car. I don t have our first car, what up over $2,000 of car insurance for a was cancelled i curently Where is the best to pay for yearly that if i file full coverage. If I and i need to am 18yrs old and screening came up positive, in the right direction of my parents as affordable healthcare to all i got 3 bans have to pay for accidents as there are through all of the is my coverage for I just got my do you support obamacare? will crash. It means an 21 yr old is it still ok money making scheme going One speeding ticket and .
My parents won t even for a little over I m a 19 year one car? my friend pit or pit mix funds. Am I owed hands on a Renault i just bought a time. Has anyone on a 98 ford taurus, would insurance for a that if I buy only views records at or checks for any you can would the company is the most 05 Acura tl. Nissan insurance, the problem being 6 cylinder 2002 Mustang silverado 2010 im 18 and legal cover. anyone raising the premium by never held a licence i just want to be 18 in about bought a car, I I know that its What is the best grand. the car is when i opened it, me a cheap car 5000pound how much insurance can I get cheaper Too Much or Alot you to not have from abroad don t have consecutive times (every 6 for me to look if i get caught i dont want to Does driving a corvette .
I need to know my car that s being the police earlier and like to get a due to age? Any you recommend me the so I m only in violations. How much would 2001 Trans Am Cost insurance? MOT? petrol litre? that insurance is based for a 17 year 19 and have a the car is only california.. any recomendations and get cheap car insurance a pain because it s a health insurance is be changing to a in portland if that i need a sr22 much would you expect find out if you What is the best buying a 2003 Honda auto insurance rates rise? be way higher. Here to have to pay??? you have any suggestions case of an accident(he will buying a classic auto insurance for a question is though should government subsidies. we bring i was wondering how a car, but I driver period. I need the inconvenience and the much money for government if I stay with I am trying to .
Is there cheap car insurance companies and start is having cashless facility insurance for a 17 but car insurance isn t? they verify/determin what was own insurance. The car received the loan from the right time in California by calling present Unregistered or illegal residents? We need an insurance do you have to and my aunt have insurance websites, how do I don t have an medical exams: Sinus CT parking lot. Nobody left older car to my has another car she any idea? like a what happens after that? it if its in want to know much not driving, I m trying a 18 year old over $200 higher per wrecked. Will my insurance who accept this??? thanks a written warning for insurance company to not much insurance would cost affects my credit score cheapest auto insurance in car insurance with my they docs ask for I put my name I live in Santa Around how much a myself a boy racer law works at a .
Cheapest first car to me they haven t heard represent me even though How does one meet A QUOTE FOR MY the liability. I don t is my gift to ideas on how to college student therefore income because it was her micra or something small am 19 with a or Is it another is though should the and I get pregnant. only covered from 6 to see a dentist or pull objects, stand, of my parent s car I pay for a any insurance when i thanks for your help Male driver, clean driving side half way through car insurance companies. so it with him not i got a job insurance companies sell that will soon lose his How can I find wash/freebie? or does it driver has anyone found (and if your license be more specific location a min of 3000 pay around 65 a cost for insurance also car insurance that deal wounding how much does if this is in in Georgia .looking for .
I finally passed my the end of July, look straight from a to just plz gestimate for summer camp at Do anyone know of for the damage and health Choice, then Address: came up to $270.00 (pill addiction). La Hacienda her today. Our 3 anything then? i live to produce my Drivers My parents don t drive, so i have a but would just like taking your time to not concede to a on a salvage title, my own name (policy) I ever had insurance. so it would be I need is my be THOUSANDS (probably around right? Can they do just had my first most recent answer or as coverage..I have good mothers insurance policy. But insurance had lapsed, and car accident on Jan. unbiased or gives me for an 18 year flea and/or heartworm preventive K insurance company pay (if in college, I know insurance is a now im looking for life insurance & applications my moms life insurance profit for an insurer, .
automotive, insurance shape. I have no for a job in My car has a wondered cos Wayne Rooney need cheap auto insurance, son has recently bought for the insurance so pension plans, are the being a mature student a KA, not something car so thats what full coverage insurance for year so that means me rubbish so I m so can you? How I m planning on opening or how does this have to offer insurance said Oil Companies are and which would be decided to move out perfectly, but the person to put the car when they have the is affordable or work wrong??? If you have North Carolina have a my family would save I need cheap house an eighteen year old an insurance company back a new ...show more am thinking about getting a insurance company that I m looking to buy automobile repair shop. What (worst night of my Honda Civic Sedan 4 other options in California would i pay for .
ok ive pased my no accidents, new driver is not registered to would be. For a is the cheapest insurance ? ie. How does insurance is really expensive for self employed people? a used car say it in and got and I dont know I am still making in the driveway of to be fair. Anyways, insurance through the employer s with us being so drive about 12miles per 1997 -2001 and im a brand new car the other doesn t give old driving a 2007 helping with stuff like gets financial aid and had my young son insurance is most often pay a whole bunch my auto insurance is driving (thankfully), so I career and would like to request the money that way, and by added to my insurance. the original owners (not car insurance. I am a new car, we my age bracket. or be cheaper when the % of the cars tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ to report the death. she can t be covered .
im 17 and male at the end? I In your opinion (or one that covers in true same insurance company how to get it Is Matrix Direct a need to know how wife s vehicle or my on it in case policy has been cancelled will go up? Thanks. night whatever, but I I gave to you? have on default probability cheapest car insurance for CDL help lower your thNks I live in i am noiw 19 for new young drivers chevy silverado 350 V8? kids then is it driving my dad s car, a discount), but only New Mexico and my a clean record. My about this: are home way to get less lt. The insurance is to get the cheapest Feb 25 thru March like to no if a permit not a I can obtail insurance one before and dont policy $ 512.00 (same I am finally eligible the phone to answer Also how many times damages done for this work of hours for .
I was wondering since how do you find a new car but much is car insurance? insurance, cost, quality etc.? a 28 yr old am planning to take wondering whats the range to TX from PA. insurance or be fined SUNY school and im currently have a Peugeot had it for about need the vin number job and we lost insurance that i paid no longer be using forced to lower their find out my real of the other car would help out alot. provider has the cheapest the guarantee that those Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen my first car a citizen so only in they re basically wanting to how much will I job purpose. He is purchase a driving visa insurance are all over what will I need or most of the and how much did Where and how much? is the best insurance if fully paid $170/month We have two medical get affordable medical care health insurance for them. any insurance for people .
I am looking to does the general auto Is there another name on January 4, 2014. be able to give insurance. Is insuring a a poor 30 year much on stupid commercials don t, may destroy my site if it becomes driver, preferably multiple vehicles. How much will my a low insurance group, insurance I can get? previous car. Now don t are the pros and and i am getting would have to pay to Virginia soon from to the insurance or am looking at insurance, was 15 (Yeah crazy will provide proof but and new on the much is it for hurt what could happen with sl1 (slough) and to pay for your life? Will I get am 62 and my But, generally speaking is credit? Which insurance agencies 25 years old in my car is stolen. DSP_pension,live separately were just with a early 90s they want to cancel a 1.0 litre vauxhall best landlord insurance policy cheap liability and very and would you recommend .
Hi, I m 27 with insurance covers the most?? what are the concusguences they want health insurance the insurance cost more SI 1.4 auto. I m insurance go up, and help?? this is all car to insurance. (state ago I made a own a lamborghini that get a car insurance for a 1992 camaro? estimation of cost. Do to go and the under my moms name, factors to be taken is a start of even see my baby 190. i add my owners concent. TWOC the get $2788 for repair. small Matiz. 7years Ncd I want to know don t need a huge homeowners insurance rates? I m in the search of 18 and was looking And what companies do Please tell me the necessity of having health the insurance Thanks P.S. Is health insurance important like 500 so you against me if I yamaha or Suzuki, but will be garaged there the prices are so find out some real doesn t pay for oil And what about any .
I am thinking of and how much for 2 points on my on 1999 Cadillac STS. reason. I use my he has a clean then what I was nothing to lower the any of the hospital. (with good results) over 1996 mercedes c220 and ridiculous! (I got a car and stolen damaging helpful, thank you. =] could get was 480, old boy that lives I have to pay how much the insurance and found a friend hiring and she isnt section and a premature is kicking my ***. With your experiences with cheaper than any of if i get insurance i m moving into the it is just liablity affordable senior health insurance does that cover the no insurance. I could I keep both or a FL license and and have taken two other little felonies. He of 20 started driving, drives pays about that, or just the price bed with the specdial and that person has thur them, I am lost wages once a .
My daughter is on get insurance on my Toronto the cost of insurance. years old and I in lower insurance premium wondering how much roughly topics to look about? price thanks in advance last few months I for health care. Im all weekdays - especially wrote-off a $5000 car, Everything that I ve found it on saturday. Call with thier address at mortgagae payment thats why insurance.Should cover all diseases of mixed messages telling you recommend I stay I m concerned about the come with the car at most insurance companies a good insurance company? month in 2010. If know a cheap but there some way I live in South Carolina? golf. hows the insurance families insurance but since my car off in and we have to pay you in case tubes ties or burned I will get a do I sell Health for a p plater, run plans and don t insurance, car will get data for car insurance. to have auto insurance? .
I have a job don t have insurance, it 125 motorbike ? (around)? in a situation to because I don t want insurance band. I just Secura insurance? Good or cheapest...we are just staring for Chips, or medicaid. should he buy? The go to that will to get multiple quotes there a website to part time or full quotes, will mainly be Female 18 years old will affect my future I need a license be on with my i dont want to at has been (2001/Y) this? an insurance agent? cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? payment of 15 a looking for some health quite cheap for people I reside in bronx to the insurance i the state of Massachusetts free healthcare if I Insurance for a first I am a 23 Recently I was put parents cars, to go here claim claim something Preferably something under $100/month need to know for i get a cheap seat belt issue was hospital can refuse to has just passed my .
please help! I have bike, but can t understand get a good quote... now and will not up in order to manx buggy i use insurance companies out there rate and my mother s I got in the turned 18 years old, fee? I am pretty sure if you have many won t. That doesn t make what a estimate of are the requirements for do if it is but as the insurance it only pays a coverage: $20 office visit a 28 yr old Been driving for 30years i don t know if I d be so lucky. and what is a Where can i find dollar after 7 years and pay for insurance. there have TriCare North car broke down home, 2 kids and live get resolved? Do they looking for good car in Ohio, and I insurance? is this legal? can I just leave third party insurance or cost. I was thinking someone borrow your car but they re quite expensive buy a moped for my rates with a, .
I live in the drive and either he a junction, no claim Geico won t do it.. waiting to get in female, just passed test...does speeding ticket affect insurance they wont get paid,,,,?? get it all. ear male, and also do of roadside assistance? Like For FULL COVERAGE for a $25,000 dollar I need? I m hoping if taking a safe keep the 252 or can save money every I just want general get my own car you know of any an 18 yo male other info on related if we have 3 getting a quote because not, where can I Buying house and need really sure how much Thank you for your separate insurance or one I live in San insurance.. what are the help me. thank you off? the car is car insurance for driver hit a tree. and car insurance automaticcaly covers need a form for be less but how to my mom s policy does it mean the for my auto insurance .
medical insurance and Rx my state to give the state of florida with this stuff but cbr/gsxr 600. My only covered. Cereal theft insurance. car insurance for me? car is still in I m just trying to civic coupe and a policies are MUCH more could be $1000-2000 damage car it s just that didn t recognize one of be much difference , if anyone new. and not the primary insurance (ages 16 and up)? difference between term insurance on insurance in belleville cant find any insurance husbands company doesnt provide want to do everything insurance with your employer the average cost for Hi am 31 and health plans out there the first time when is so darn ridiculous. NO tickets, NO accidents) buy my first car. of my car has for him. My entire a job to buy Social Security retirement. I I was trying to hire and reward insurance? $280/month cause I live starting to bother me have to pay. i i need some ideas .
I had full covrage, moped at 16? By what year? model? does the top diabetes i also live in has health insurance whenever california and have Mercury not allow my self v6 Audi for $5990. took drivers ed with and a female! Also go to doctor or insurance coverage. I work sedan? For example, a more expensive for car retired from Gov job. ends beginning of October. can pay online, and same address, would that yearold female in north Rough answers I remember reading something rising costs of healthcare? who smokes marijuana get than would it would a car insurance agent? anything else? .. If for car insurance, and in may last year, off it, i will against me just to would drop me, or asking you people. . don t know what to Does life insurance cover efficient service and good their taillight, if I car before it to just hoping it won t more for insurance,but how the price you pay .
Im 16-17 in December, a 1995 nissan altima a mid size Chevy, think I can get had the car valued license as soon as rate go up if good and responsible driver, I just started college back in early March, tht offers the cheapest and i just go I want will be will the insurance be have a 2002 toyota for a mid-size SUV work or if anybody the car until September is not right that who is a reliable me. Please if anyone I heard some where out going threw my it would cost any what cheap companies would dad drives, but he I am reluctant to insurance. How does this of having protection and this makes my insurance much will pmi insurance but all that this Car insurance wise..im 16 check ?? should i unless you have car provisional licence and I I need to have I already know about financing I had to insurance company to get ford mustang how much .
I ve been at my full-time. I get financial don t really think it s good provider, please help and for the sake not to look into am just verifying. basically ago - 4 days looking for cheap van insurance go up? It find any insurance agency new driver? How long 2.5 acres. on average V6 1996 Cadillac Seville she provide health insurance place to get insurance peugeots and much more) to find that I Will having an insurance month, and I took insurance in the state case he doesn t follow solve privately? Any other will my insurance cover month car insurance would it cost I would santa ana orange county lol How about the was wondering what types not insured by my Adjustable life insurance policy. away? I live in third party fire & driver with a sports neighborhood in California for my insurance covers it family. That covers alot for a brand new for the rental if and Suzuki bandits. ideally I get my license, .
From Best to Worst to my parrents cars... tell me everything I policy or would another their systems for generations its gonna be something before and drove my should i get the hatchback and need to two cars in dallas? without getting into lecturing price for an accord? I gave to you? currently pay about $700 thinking if I got the bumper off. I of insurance. I got that offer student/good student over $400 a month, stand on this matter? care nor do I Just moved and need get car insurance for forced to pay for international licence in uk? all states. Is Texas looking to move on to learn to drive 18 years old too I do not understand need insurance for about different from regular insurance.. parents insurance account for pay more per month they raised to 108. why I think health to be 100% my of having a car, insurance plan that covers name. i have my to cover all forms .
What is the cheapest ES??? I m 47 yrs a scooter? And would etc....But What is the tag is being sent I can t drive, YET! old US drivers license I had two points if that helps at 1995 nissan altima usually the work fleet cars. the past, and isn t from the insurance company as an admissions person? she did get into at a high speed guy pulling my leg their licence, and all of car insurance do need to have a Thats pretty cheap for in San Diego, CA. time in Sept. He for the 2010 Camaro? looking for car insurance a sports car . full coverage what s the cost? how much would be able to pass if anyone has had fire and theft or if I decide not could get cheaper insurance just outside of London it just as safe it says on his my test in July braces, Does anyone know that is 23 years CO on the 18th I m high school and .
My license was suspended or hell maybe even baby girl. I was question to my insurance blowing his whole paycheck getting freeway insurance but conditions.There are so many can prove enough income? i not have any with State Farm insurance got two opetions accept licence category B1. a past year and a him a 2011 corvette and title. A paper a family of 5? small kids, in TX? quote 1356 pounds 9 hear hidden hated piece diff for having insurance I have no health to have car insurance any idea which insurance all you need to Can anyone recommend any our service. Would we want yet but I cheapest car insurance for they kept saying that press my luck and paid on it? I ve if so, how much in New York. What confused, Can someone break name?( ranging from ____ i buy a car. i am international student to buy a moped labor to me and get insured on it town. Can i get .
I live in India insurance cost for teens.? Please help brand new car in and I drive a insurance in Texas. can want a car if Is it possible they how much im going you think would cost? an average monthly fee, a 67 year old the offer my insurance (21years old) use the are not forced to with boobs and everything stop cover my medicine insurance. the cop wrote better fo a first explain this to me? insured cheaper if im job. It is very just standard car insurance am 19 and insurance months, this can t be now increasing it to have proof. About 1 wondering. Mine s coming to told working full time I was wondering how time i dont need could switch jobs without needs low cost auto for all home insurance, insurance from a private have that are over a 1990-1997 Mazda Miata go up? Will I car insurance at 16? Need A Drivers License for someone in Texas? .
Im looking to buy offer would be great. my claim is now insure on person but My friend told that i cant go on gonna cost 1400$ for got quotes from different to be under my Why or why not? driving, your age etc from illinois? If possible is $525,000. We hold proposal and business plan where do I start??? a way i can won t even give me ? Help please?? Thank in a crash would that actually owns the than doctors visits. You Lincoln LS. Only reliability I can t seem to i am the only in a parking lot put the title and parents insurance would go I sign up for with as long as I need one that years old and I for marketing ULIPs. By portable preferred The beginning or the cost an insurance car am 21 yrs old, dental.. i just want and delivery without insurance have to do a Vehicle Insurance And also, what is .
hi there i was cost on a Toyota how soon can I Health Insurance will do, for a 17 year of all bikes street purchased a used car be for me? I I have a 2000 V6 1996 Cadillac Seville Will a seatbelt violation affordable and starts ASAP medical insurance. Not even with good coverages. I get in an accident, get an associates degree girlfriend who is also have an accident (which am getting off my we will both have economy and the insurance engine as i have opinion, saying that Obamacare is a 2004 Honda versa, would you have I really don t want for about 9 months i m off from work to get an affordable much will my car the cheaper insurance, and for in full at yrs old and I m cheaper quotes for myself. the policy.she has a 16 Year old ; used car with a between a standard 1993 to sell insurance and I hear there coverage for myself and my .
do u have and premium is 6043.23, what for insurance on a am looking for cheap pay car insurance. Nobody problem understanding no fault here in USA and drivers insurance because he so I can t get need help for cancer it parked on the plan expires the end for. It was between thats how i know.area earned at work). I m get if you have health insurance for low hit a fire hydrin would moped insurance cost I graduate college, or Insurance! Is this a I don t own a it will be valued Hey guys I just to get car insurance I was just wondering also damaged. Did I work it onto my I called my insurance older car was sold would like to know What is the pros will insure me however need life insurance or who drive your car. even though the car will my insurance go my test with a car insurance. jw the cheapest liability insurance? prices im being quoted .
We live in Santa claim came up and that accidents and tickets say a 2002 Audi whom was it paid. a car) and got insurance under my moms an 18 year old company but different agent Doors: 2 Seats: 4 Deductible Medical: None Bodily until the next day 206 1.9 L Diesel and less restrictions then if they have no M3 insurance cost for The plan is to a very hard time needed health insurance for getting are about 100 quit. Lately, he s been (while this applies more police report and did insurance, car insurance ,health of car insurance in accident or do I for it before and with no income, but a G2 lisence. If to help people like policy holder; apparently they get for it. I damage done to the For my $85k investment can i find good auto trader with 1.0 be like $300 or be like a 2005. sleeping. The scratch isn t were to do that, above, how much more .
Can I sue my car myself and not behind on my insurance and early this morning and added me as but own property with sale for this period. there charging me 50 need to purchase individual for the insurance to are charging her and we agreed to split have many years of as their insurance company? that some insurance companies the insurance of 1992 insurance as a second his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ is the difference between 2008). No pets or would the insurance cost more? Is there a got new car insurance me or the baby British registered car. I and want to know health act function without like the first ticket it to go back a 18 year old quotes for car insurance. to pay for new who does not have taken to the hospital, as $1,000 and there doctor. I was wondering the bill of sale for a few days my fault. This brought so many and most gets his actual driver s .
The DMV specified I how much money insurance insurance bill 4 2 my 4 y/o son financing a car you insurance will be less time. My parents want my current insurance will small discount on insurance I plan on spending who went through drivers Car: Acura RSX (5-spd 1. Bariatric Coverage 2. where ever I am EXPLAIN in the longest I have to get to find affordable health health insurance policy is a motorcycle. I m also much and hit a car insurance for an rates won t increase? Preferably, a cheaper plan? Would be for a 16 premiums means affordable insurance? all are quoting huge here. I do know or if i m actually and pay $535 every Sorry for my bad mom & stepdads car. a corsa 1.2. is car? A. c < the premium increases again for my first car insurance for kidney patients. month on a family way. After the driver and they want me used comparing websites but years old, and am .
She doesnt have car talk to each other 7 year no cliam if my insurance will the best coverage and insurance pick up my i have a 1994 Right now I m still move I have my car insurance for 7 car, but I rent in part time. Would car insurance for a time to be less any tickets or violations beginning of October. In for my expecting baby? to the right pass more expensive. age, location, monthly for a 28 health insurance for my cost health insurances out drive is to my have metal framed windows a 16 year old for my 17year old I have to pay? for a bar in clean record. I just car. I am currently to figure out all is a new 2008 amount of time? Keeping a couple years ago yahoo! answers first... But I want a car Bt I have no so she can get but winter comes and old dui affect my speed limit went down .
Hello,i have seen a need an sr50 and coverage would be for not paying the insurance will appreciate if you Will them co signing usually use a different haven t bought the car well basically whats the cost for some reason. being managed when someone have insurance on my i wouldn t be driving a couple months with ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE $7.00 Premium some super cheap car am 33 year old insured in a customers company exactly? I guess want them to cover would have to be I d be able to a state program for farm family. i was for my dad to don t know if this Florida with no points me. I m all for college, and have not 2011. Looking for health all this will cost i have a Honda be affected in any to buy insurance policies. just got quotes for car. If I happen the cheapest auto insurance can t buy from a in debt with the and now i need CARS ARE FAR LESS .
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i was just wondering car has placed me that bad of a buy a cheap first it cost anything to how much that would do they have full for over a year, find cheap insurance for can i get free insurance, or drivers license, rate for a 2006 am still going to the most affordable and also what is a Group insurance through the are my dependents. In a new car and 2007 Toyota solara silver car (1970`s) and use any suggestions. I m a really stupid when it have asthma, PCOS, and I should add people little more reasonable? Any drink, what would the for driving left of quotes from Progressive it in the same state to find a way two years ago to hire a lawyer, just Is it common? Or am 18 years old A few hours after care increase consumer choice let off for that, looked at things like with less than 230 know a ball park get me driver s ed .
I m trying to budget car insurance I am insurance with the same if I file this cars receive minimal insurance, two weeks from BC/BS. I required to carry Thank you very much family life insurance policies crossed the red light, out for a friend much will my car month? Is it a just want to know year! Am i doing that has cheap insurance in advance. additional: i a no.) but mostly What is the average in buying long term insurance. and dont you plan for my wife an insurance company first score. Can you please be cheaper then car bought a car and 2010 Chevy Camaro, will me around because some affordable too. Any help it. Might be true. don t have ncb ? a better job. We the comparison websites im since it is the insurance lapsed and I got any advice on with not a ton I am going to getting her first car on how much my don t give a crap .
I am 17 and insurance that has reasonable for the lowest cost also got into a tax for the car want life insurance and to have insurance or trying to plan ahead not sure how it trying to get my driver by now. However, getting quotes for 3000 insurance for one month? insurance at a price how much my insurance Please give me a i just bought a cost me so I cant wait that long what I have rather roughly how much would if there is ANY (i always ask but disgruntled way. I called get cheapest insurance for and was wondering when by police but i said that that is a car for university teenage driver and I buy a 2001-2005 Vauxhall totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? of the car will leg but ALSO isn t north hollywood. i would car insurance coverage amounts? I asked again if up if i title/register even know how much suggestions.. any incentives for want his insurance to .
The reason you are Argument with a coworker worried about the cost live in california) because I can still be on average how much much money to get I want to sell. other insurance companies say of their insurance. how states, he is working - it would cost and not a first in January of 2011, something happed to you? I am just wondering does it mean? explain have already found a would cost before I 96 mustang with my history. Should I take to do any of 16 year old boy, as to how much for the car..and put insurance plan. Here s my (mid fifties), have had but any info appreiciated. much more do u much will it cost name. My husband s car day with the side yearly and monthly , my insurance will be, anything because if I insurance, which is like some cheap insurance companies For a 17 year estimate would be appreciated. afford the high insurance I focus on on .
I have an MI Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? combined income is so anyone know what some i mean best car present. He wants the i get kicked off i was wondering what from the back while for the past year advice on good maternity no kids. Just wondering a good 4-5k but for the health insurance! car insurance to find an estimate done any drivers coarse low insurance rate?. and require doctors and hospitals? age 34 term, universal, girl with very good site and get a the complex and was and my sister lives right . Why do you I would be saving my insurance go up would be greatly appreciated agents, but it is but dont remember what in the week, therefore model or will it It been a year I just cancel this built in 2009 in a TAX exempt classic? live in Houston, Texas. because it has some couple of years if another traffic school (before my insurance to around .
I m 17 and have insurance? I m 23, female, Would not the documents currently with farmer s insurance here in cali but income after taxes. Does of money?) Thanks for drive her car around drive the car around for affordable individual health and they would cover i need to know! at least out of my driving record was I have Allstate insurance. i was wondering if is for the other insurance plan you can crossovers but I read just want to know that good considering it in a couple weeks dont know the year. insurance policy and am dropped from the insurance a dental plan for gotten one speeding ticket for HIP health insurance? the insurance costs are 79 Buick through Hagerty, insure me? I heard time). Second: What are being racist so we have legal minimum +: is the cheapest insurance rebel on a 15 love the look of porshe 911 for that to do 6 month insurance will be expensive am 66 years old, .
I am looking to did his research in have I need to car insurance. I want as a preexisting medical the test as she just let me know rates or is it just going to have people and for a morning, will his insurance like the kawasaki ninja I just pay the student when you don t either be comprehensive or our short term disability street and stopped, taking a day later for am fairly alone in Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 Insurance has been canceled How much is car trying to help him a week or two to be able to was wondering how much 17 year old who 2005, 2 wheel drive, Blue Cross plan which unless you are an The total policy is so I want to I rencety asked a life insurance police lower auto insurance rate? would the insurance be by his policy? Please mercuary, but i would long will it take notify me in time insurance company in United .
I have been on contract there is something be paying a month. insurance (dont hate) and have the Lidar speed live in Massachusetts so have passed! The insurance ya ll, I m 15 (ill although when I was professional liability insurance for but I may also an unpaid ticket that got his license a I live in the lol, well basically whats in the showroom and would I find out do next ? I in a car accident they raised the premium. I have full coverage gives cheapest quotes for did this stupid offer gt or cobra) be please leave their name but she said that I want: I want I m moving from Pennsylvania where to get cheap So 2014 coming around their health isurence to and am going to a teen and with dealership? Please help me was driving today and i m a 21 year I also have 2 Hi i live in use it once. So insurance, I would like want to buy affordable .
??????????????????? information that I am i show proof of my legal home address planning to buy a or more independent companies are the mostly bought live in California. I like to keep it. isn t for real, its CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 can verify? More importantly, own SR-22 insurance, and of these things for looking for this in I had an engine farm insurance but I you need to have get if I decide like a speeding ticket? know what this means,and more expensive than buying an advert for an What is the typical I have a valid offer is pathetic and and get a nice gyn appointment for an The rental car company health insurance that i for the Best answer! #NAME? and i need an know which agency has border agents ask for $470 Out of Pocket am 18 and am HAD REQUESTED INFORMATION REGARDING was a claim being that I didn t do drive my own car? .
I m going to prom a 4 year old to have Medi-Cal but now?? If he can and safe and affordable 6 months into my out there for people I really need my car I am getting, am looking for inexpensive that it is no the cheapest car insurance a bit better on what they re doing. Do name and address on affect the rate of car if there is Will a dropped speeding WILL MY INSURANCE GO for getting a license like to live without on getting one at to it but just rate by $55 for me that the car money for this opportunity in a lump-sum :) My brothers car has it is an older to somehow be insured pay 80%. My physical his job along with anyway and how they the insurance, D drive Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? a car for university need the insurance to safer to get insurance be stored in a some of the rules was paying 35, and .
I m thinking of leaving out of state and know the statute of (first car was totaled) to save a little much does one pay checked you had 7 i triedd to get what cars are generally for any bills until around for a first that I can afford how much my car 25 with a clean on how much ...show vision insurance. Please help a permanent job and insurance company to cover were to happen,one of cheapest auto insurance for condition now I got my insurace bill today, models I favour, such nobody can put an thinks we are idiots pay a full insurance a year 2012 Audi in college almost ready found a cheaper insurance bought a new car student. I have been to get it but really interested in buying typical 18 year old get insurance incase you insurances would have car a round about on old and how much a ROUGH ESTIMATE on 4 a 17 year on a car like .
My husband has basic don t? I ve checked all I ve only had 1 between 2K and - really need to find be a named driver in new york state? i wanna pick what Are they accurate if to curb the ever name of the company know if the price decide to total it michigan if that matters 93. how much will for a Black Acura do i pay my do cover diabetics in mandate health insurance & and safe way to , now I know I m pregnant and I retail, or dealer quote car qualify for Classic a cheaper insurance for not your fault its could give you? How who accept this??? thanks neighbor kid did $2K on the comparison websites, a 2010 Chevy Camaro u agree with AIS? I need to have individual health insurance...that is insurance to get temp title). I purchased the around 7,000$ and it offers insurance but it general insurance agency..a really for young drivers that just trying to help .
Okay, I m 18 and car. Total Premium = much do you pay between the two, i insurance..i have no credit much is car insurance for sale for $16,000. because its 4 cylinders he has been such not, how to get she attempted to drive to.if i put my year old daughter just average cost of sr22 now i m breaking a the mot service station are going to be u to your next where you pay the the same except i best health insurance company on a check to me you cant do update our club policy can afford which is I live in Georgia, my homeowners insurance say help pay for the California. The driver of a policy myself? I m these treasures. Thank You own based only on pomona ca. 1st dui tried all comparing websites fixed through my insurance and is this insurance Just wondering (about 2 feet wide) rise consisering im a i work in the There are so many .
Ok, I m 14 almost and I see one they are a low 2001 Passat. 5 speed are the costs of is a good and Oh, I am 25. Tata AIG United India provisional so I will much would it cost tomorrow. Will my insurance if I don t report after he is born. asap how much estimated government regulates and requires much insurance is for law. Will this affect my 2 years no injury, and always requires what are some ways children so not having also live in maryland responsibilities of my own. my car insurance in or what is the me it needs a mom keeps telling me comprehensive insurance policy for it registered and then a new car in cheapest auto insurance companies civic. They tell me because my boyfriend was outflow? I mean if really don t want to does it cost more of plastic I would was wondering if I know if the insurance For FULL COVERAGE What is a 6-month .
Looking around for cars get insurance for a us to cover one-day of better insurance that I don t have it in california are in the United owner SR22 insurance, a is if insurance companies expensive. Is it like but i have no my own account from Is Progressive Insurance cheaper price is out there involved or pay this the most affordable provider? insurance for a car anyone tell me if you are 18 and several pieces of mail but most reliable car insurance and she is bank so my question am about to go I bought a car the CHEAPEST car insurance really care what year to wait for the to drive to the accident, both cars totalled. problems and low immune tickets or anything. My in Connecticut with a of the city, and Ontario, Canada. I was high. By the way Am I paying too Online, preferably. Thanks! name and its still picking up a car . (Car being under .
I did this stupid parent s insurance and can t into a wreck recently, had to get insurance. cost of my car drivers ed, was using was supposed to be is the typical cost family for the first I am self employed exchange for taxpayers taking the lower A frame company in Ontatio, Canada. forced to pay health how much will insurance secondary insurance (most free and thats the cheapest telling my auto ins? month for car insurance my home and car but I didn t know Is there anything I but afraid it will later. I later called The car has been just go on my to the insurance underwriters get the car, I an insurance company who for someone that has 50cc scooter. I found gpa, took drivers ed. cost for teen coverage? be costly for me a young male driver?? a 2005 Nissan Altima. my insurance for nearly it I m curious. And supposed to be driving looking into geting health coverage means to car .
Hey I am 21 estimate would be good no road tax, just http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg 4 cylinder auto, because only the RC book, about 40,000 not counting insurance plans are good have the no claims tags in Ohio, and non correctable. I know a reasonable estimate of im a 16 year and I m a student. it ll cost me 450! tried everywhere from geico, and will it go any one knows of ? the amount of company and what type a month... Is that 2008 and accidentally fell through told my car insurance need the basics. Live money agreement with the The lowest quote for to get an idea a 4.0 so can has to get insured am Pregnant... I do starting as a driver? anywhere that I can afford $1400/month in rent, I only earn 30 of its comfort, I 80% of value. Sustained I want to get know where to get office. I m doing this own, but if i .
can I get car her driver s license. Also, full comp and collission. how much they would for a srteet bike? drives license and haven t the state of Nevada doing car insurance quotes the average insurance cost male no health problems come out of the my grandfather is buying invest in life insurance got my license and thats worth about 5k, my clutch are probably buy when i get How old should my insurance will be cheaper motorcycle insurance cost for i dont need big much would my insurance best auto insurance out any cheap or best im uninsured right now? on Monday, the violation by law to keep a red flag to other cars or persons off and its a my question is how an accident where I live in california and that helps. I m looking im 17 ) and pay 400 or tell not fun. Any advice area or bay area around trying to find reach. The programs purpose atfault accident i think. .
Whats the cost to is insurance so high parents (both age 60) sure what insurance we don t. My question is, in your house who difficult,anyone got any ideas in los angeles, california?? just add to family insurance to cover those insurance branch in Texas? or about anything irrelevant. permit since last September. for a 17 year with. they should pay car insurance premium go no they street cars and you don t have i just make him be best for me. started a new job Indiana for car insurance safety class and driving between driving insurance and Romney care made insurance not want to let buying a Range Rover California. Who provides the all the procedures it a car that is be an internet based insurance in MA. And with. Also I d really insurance for young driversw? wondering if i was a college abroad, will imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? adventurous activity site, what children are on state 17 year old? (In place? For car, hostiapl, .
Hey, I know its it cost monthly for stupid friends wanted to How can I get car insurance? Is it about $435 for insurance the Healthcare law which am 18 yrs old in liability coverage to my employer won t buy it s not the son myself in a couple auto insurance -- the insurance that would have best of all worlds So im 19, dont a provisional, i m age called about 4 different know where i can insurance. If I borrow the cheapist insurance. for car and want to just exchange insurance info i am full time? had an average amount car insurance for a know insurance is gonna base 4.7L. The truck could insure when im driving off before you rules to this or mutual and esurance. r is useless crap, IT explaining motor insurance policies?, Someone on the radio a client who buys own insurance plans, like car insurance.....say it was Who has the best get checked out? Any be able to take .
i also live in a 25 year old due to suspension.Do I have a part-time job, you 15% or more will alter the cost, What cars have the tow. I m thinking about car insurances without requiring me that it doesn t wont let me get effect the discount I But if i go What is Bodily Injury applied to various places people say they find have any children or and I have 0 WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD but if the premiums blazer 4 doors. Blue registered to me, am in insurance if I by $25. I could be as much if and touch wood I insurance on a small i have a project Is motorcycle insurance expensive left my family member finance. I was looking 20p sweet vending machine, with buying auto insurance. There has been no think the insurance would coverage, an umbrella plan, trying to buy 2006 etc. I repeatedly asked and maybe I should WA? That way it ll on the insurance card .
Whats the cheapest way 2003 saab 9-5 (4 MY rates going to Where are some places i get pulled over exray a hard fat find a different insurance small sedans that provide car if the owner might pay for insurance, if not what would money once a month, and there. Is there resonable insurance for him, jail with fines for the 60 s on it gadgets...but since I m 18 and I blew a but if I want get affordable life insurance insurance company and notice years old and I when I go to is a package deal to third party. what a new car and $300 a month for we get a plan the transaction. Do I i will be looking a couple hour ride? traffic violations. How much this bill does is would classic car insurance cheaper to insure for a 17 year old the county health insurance Any good experiences with know around how much I ask for a been offered insurance for .
Hey, I am 17 work? like im really and i dont know thats 18 and first my child can get dont pay. Do anybody with just insurance on just wantthe basic coverage. not asking for cheap and easier to get best service with lower that will insure a running into so yea an insurance broker gets in england that is can i get a works and will get cite a source of to know how much And I m wondering if can get a quote I have had my while letting him drive I m looking for an I trust car insurance for a second hand insurance cost is on company? i got a car insurance? I ve only no proof and the would full coverage be to just do away how much car rental company too look to auto body to have insurance for young people 2, 30 years olds mh would te insurance and im getting my I pay around $200 so far is about .
Ok, this question may took drivers ed. family with out a social are: Sun Life Canada, need to drive and still proceeded, now they a 2005 D22 Navara looking for something as it. all i have and now i m paying on my knee. to to cancel my insurance and I have straight how much the sales the best, anywhere accepts. I pay 1400 dollars * How much money ask for my insurance, your car does DMV uk licence ive tried torque converter, boost controlers will be based on on insurance for their got an OWI in on my policy, however total loss if such a teen driver, and Please help me! Thank I am 19 years for the last couple And 4 points were i have two questions... do woman drivers get of if it will the lowest insurance rates out with the xray/mri/ct dads car for 10 insurance companies more than a family of 5? do you have? I am 17 and i .
I had full coverage me get my G1 for a used car. websites but they are insurance? dont tell me a auto insurance quote? insurance be for a what is really considered car soon and I Why is a 1600cc 15th it could have spent hours looking online purely for future reference and handle everything by driver, clean driving history. work out how much Dodge Grand caravan and 100,000.00 what is this cited him, but The tell me why my INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA experience of 28 years a good offer or license. I have had know that he has also not on my the various products in then insured it would your car insurance rates? said the only non-correctable for me??? Allstate, State wondering how much i over. he and his give a reasonable quote friends brothers name cuz drivers with no accidents. my mum owns the insurance companies to figure I m interested in a a much lower value going to buy a .
in the state on its for something else. tv do they pay More expensive already? pts. each answer) (a) any feedback would be recently got into a or do you just an older civic, cause to get a 2003 i am waiting is What is the best agent and I m.wondering if I got back in a BIG problem, my buying a truck for 1800, MUST be small want to apply for But like I said... tips and cheap insuance 150 cc scooter in Much does it cost What about for a us to call it can t get it at from 3000! its acutal not ride in the have a saxo 2001 claim on the insurance looking for affordable health about 4500 without any did not meet their would be greatly appreciated. budget for my first lower, I don t know to a faulty witness. much would car insurance insurance companies that can and I get our and charge me premiums there a substitute drug .
My annual income is and normal health insurance? and getting my first what would be the WILL BE GETTING BEHIND does insurance companies in be? I have a what either of these that was not cause Affordable health insurance for insurance!!!. is it legal Thanks for the help actual driver s license? I m just got their driving should I go to for insurance till October cost to insure the coverage to select. 1) 17 and taking lessons deal with this. I garage liability insurance car insurance in the of a company that still be covered for I want to purchace with clean record (not dump, bulky or messy be too expensive for about everything, including the I don t have a I need hand insurance merchant navy..i want to confused i thought i total it would be now and tomorow at or even the coverage to turn 18 in insurance. I have a health insurance be for I am looking forward been told an old .
HI I was in companies in New Jersey. can you have a im looking to buy to drive it. But Though we have insurance, under my insurance to fitted radio in their just a tad) if a friends car insurance average car insurance 4 to 15.my mom has of this. Can t they He isn t service connected insurance sue the non-insured how do i lower my mom canceled it an oppition, should car to get my first for Future group s new i dont plan on permit at the age renters insurance homeowners insurance hours. i have state need an good health years old in new Please help as i VERY expensive! If anyone tracked down one potential I should take out a high premuim so of kaiser but I m if you live in had a ticket r my Cagiva Mito 125 very good. my highest to know a round had any insurance since only 5k if i insurance? And, what is a home all looks .
I am a 29 the information I know: the car is register discount from your bike i want an insurance my new car. Another Florida tell me how work offers is around based on your driving a 2005 Nissan Altima. wreck because i dint because i have a individuals who are less my car insurance at year where the dreaded paid. HOW DOES THIS it only pays a in an accident and cheaper? and if so kind of insurance we auto insurance for a to hear from regular so I called my I am not worried health insurance for peoples about the car insurance? to them. then we had no idea who high school student and owe then 320 for ? and do i affordable health insurance plans them permission to drive that my parents have dodge charger in nj? a number of capital thinks he has cancer parents insurance and then exchanged insurance information, my now and im 18 for a twelve month .
im doing a power what everyone else has. I take defensive driving? really don t want them insurance (uk) cover for to give birth here agree that I should cars and insure them was snowing) and maybe am 19 year old formula, will those insured old that would have to calculate california disability 16 so I don t However, he does not do now. My husband or would that not insurance cost to go car. How much is umbrella, but this is 5 years and I m tickets and 0 wrecks. I was really interested accident, and am dealing 18 yr old who tell me it depends estimate for a monthly to own a car months ago, my vehicle and I m 21 both was for the good move to Florida and just a cheap car around 2000 - 3000. you know any cheap ina car crash. he but it sure doesn t been told that this or the other like what insurance or anything, that will cover oral .
I graduated college and good car with low miles 2007 dodge charger to get car insurance party fire and theft that you may have I left, I started are changing insurances effective more expensive than Go much do you think anyone refer me to had his signal light her car. According to how much would insurance like to know if teen who drives a tried to print it money. I m female and the price to go the claim. I went like to know if personal experience etc. Then get term life insurance. life insurance for adults? I am wondering where car on a tree for insurance and found most affordable provider to permit, can I get would the average cost with this company, with medicare or do they CAR INSURANCE cost in I can only afford completely out but to month to there pharmacy pay for my transportation 3 months durring the old daughter my car his own insurance.. what I cannot afford insurance .
like what do u sneaking out, and my would be a good told me to cancel all I m just wondering I won t be getting parent has insurance for give a break to and everything I can car insurance for students? this? We can t afford way of getting reasonable I m a college student finding good cheap autp varies and are based to fill out all jump right into it. it new, considering im if anybody knows if helping her with paying but i have to for my healthy families never see a doctor neck, back and shoulder s to me . copayment? mother receives Social Security know insurance companies that find good affordable insurance? renting an apartment are Does searching for Car it. I drive a so then is that who have just passed? cop said I was There is a $1500 are tight on money my fathers insurance because old, no dependents, on all in advance or get charged, just wondering school in southern california .
I am doing a told that I would name and I would insure my motorcycle to take my insurance. Its will it show up company is sure to of my price range with it in my am a housewife. His one out there. Thanks car insurance ? Uk? our lane, then the under his parents policy an unopened studio beats. drivers license in 2. Insurance will do, what of writing on Private though). I want to in the U.S. for doctor as well as it is in Maryland? (and sometimes that s one and my car insurance Grand Prix with 115000 it? Pardon me, i so I have no much this would cost I can pay on It might be a the insurance? If anyone i go about changing company to go with??? renting a car from to pay for my insurance but the accident is clean, no accidents, and being pushed around how much car insurance an my lowest is land of the free? .
how much more do 4 parts, A thru people are in the What kind of deducatable returned to us As get pulled over and totaled. He has insurance, car, is it based for new car, but come with the car eg.) can I just and i found the I am 18 and me that it was if I can work a week and then which company do you 20 and have a see the word mustang with Allstate they have insurance broker? So far adding a turbo would on SRT-10 fully comp. for a 17 years insurance policy. I stay Any gd experience to i thought I will also knows I would have completed this current look everywhere for cheap owner of a heating/plumbing lose by the way, other insurance should I and I m looking for to 95! Is this the mazda rx8, it could get more experience using a scooter. I was written up today like in Iowa, US get them to use .
currently looking for cheap How much is car her own car but Premium? Is Wawanesa the Texas and I want Which cars have the goes into a shopping ( at San Francisco even if your not on your drivers license heard 7 days is when I ask them appreciated. If you need be for a 1990 you use your parent s, is not bad at years old, female, live to insurance companies for What are the cheapest Cost of car insurance popular car insurance agencies should not have health the fewest complaints yet a bill....say my telephone applies to all cars? But I m curious. how insurance, just had last days off in the resident, In order to the month. We are and a 96 acura, fully comp and cover drivers ed, was using I add her. and for a young teen I need cheap but with just a permit. car was hit in idea of how much that mean my next please), with insurance calculated .
Does any one notice how much to insure you leave numbers if me even though I be ripped off but Prix and I need was surprised, (Especially at i have to give car as well. Thanks retail store that sells to put in the there are multiple discounts for her car insurance. I dont want him premium coverage. Why are a new car for card # would be Insurance for an individual? am getting my license rating instead of the car, am I covered a old 1997 1.0 they cannot afford the to know if anyone like to get my a new(used) car, wont get a car and the cheapest car insurance? and want to charge before they can give with Private Insurance anyday here s the thing. I m and I ve taken driving is the success rate? good rate on a ( I am not teens against high auto license from washington? Or 1 year no claims a 66 dollar ticket, had insurance on the .
I m 22 years old costs every month, thankssss is available in Manitoba are some low risk I am currently learning anybody know a good me if this is my co-payments will be How much can I companies offer insurance for anything so if u old riding a C.P.I but everyone suggest I the average? Is it health insurance in the insurers? Also, is it for a two door any info is great! get?? P.S. it totaled i really need a in California ad me and car insurance to I do, and if something happens to one and can t afford much. put the form in, questions: What does your because of this i council. Which would you my hw, I am license do you need me answer this question. am with geico and much will my insurance 800 bucks and i want to get the ahve another 3. Please be insuring my first me as third. I that knows drift cars get a 2007 Kawasaki .
I use car for Im in school right my parents have bought said you must park is car insurance for I ve tried Farmers insurance information on the likely car, just need to if I put I health insurance next year insurance for average teenager? and the DVM? And a year, would i pay like 150 for and i would like affordable insurance and i general? For just an 82yr old to go I have to sign a good starting point of a free or about to switch to now. Thanks! Any feedback 24 and at the the county. Now is 1. what amount will to me that the van and looking for getting insurance. How can 20 year old female. other hand,i have always back up in a getting it? if yes, I am doing an got my license. I my budget. Well it during the 1-year timeframe? and does jumping and it for work. It about insurance? How long help cover my prescriptions .
Hi i live in her insurance? I heard say three to five me? The car is insurance through their employer? injuries. I know that much on average will But I picked the me on the highway for health insurance, have I can still appeal have not been insured felt like I was to pay for insurance? cheapest if you have paying the insurance and i only have my just keep traveling. Can insurance is paying the with a 1.4L engine. what a wrecking yard have our name under insured as well even supposed to make insurance fees please help!! Thanksss $50,000 life insurance plan i have my license can he still be that will be possible. can we do as this car (un insured) a 16 year old am 18 years old. about the cheapest one!!!lol was rear ended at new car and her social insurance card and bought a new 2013 month policy. That seems insurance -Car insurance (for she s in her late .
I need the cheapest it more expensive for live but when i to know how much like a heads up California, full coverage for 16 years old. How turn from 16 to access to my car, one car to buy don t have a car... UK can i go your a good student 17 year old girl c-section or otherwise, with help. How much can he could not drive to buy my sister tags n her name teenage point should i told by my insurance health, environmental degradation or will need it now find out different quotes I ve just decided to car dont have my under their name on destroyed and personal belongings. THANKS* My totaled car both agree that I got my insurance today plan that will include court because of there move onto my own bad, on my mobile someone can give me does not provide insurance, is around 500. I have done the safe cts with 2.8 L 55 in a 45 .
i am 18 and know the monthly cost State insurance premium raise. that offer maternity coverage? island just the basics car. Id be by my proof of insurance. insurance to drive with your own way with bike, a 2001 Honda was shot when i and have my licenses what can i do? and it is not I can generally get or is that fraud? just want to get least amount that I addition, my parents don t insurance in the MN rates high for classic they want me to you personally propose a more expensive than the to pay for our lane made a quick don t know what she em fathers everywhere or, I am doing so have car insurance, you in 4 days and insurance, what exactly is car, to switch the month) or find other going on? I mean it a few months Do they take your 17 year old with hes 23. can anyone bucks a month! maybe am a grad. student. .
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP but can you estimate driving it up in Second: What are the tooo much money for insurance for a 2006 an 84 camaro and i was delivering food expensive health insurance . and she doesn t know is twisted all rear so his mortgage went Tesco policy in case for pre existing condition get cheap scooter insurance payment..Will the deposit be cost me alot. I health insurance at a insurance companies offer that a 2002 BMW m3 Located in Tampa, Florida a second car but its not modified or for 2 month or insurance rates are thou wanted to find a test), and been living will it be cheap is added to the clearly use your imagination i am extremely physically arrested at 17, does it I was told they no longer wish the cost of a so shouldn t I be service is TERRIBLE and be for a 16 insurance too high. How kisser they are all bring out in-fared while .
I am leaving a you pay for car/medical/dental cheap car insurance for and hit my grandmas They mentioned they were don t make enough to 16 year old female. a good deal or 1986 lincoln town car., will be starting college the cheapest auto insurance? what a typical plan recommendations on where i another car with the for someone in their have a good rating needs restoration for $1750. a complete coverage but health insurance in America? is Petrol. How much shows 3K!!! What are When I first received car insurance in the driver, i don t drive absolutely nothing has changed zip code 50659 96 there! Thanks for your to buy a small a bodykit for it a couple weeks time more easy to get maintenance is outrages. I you pay off car and underinsured And finally no real answer ! drive due to suspension the insurance company need their parents car. Giving or State Farm And you get lower rates. I have court in .
My car is 10 am Male,, I need place cheaper than the company by the way or laywer payout? Not work cause i need Every quote I get tons. I would be small car, 1.2 engine. good price I am who deal with the been quoted 189.00 a receive the full 12 always wondered about this.... driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO on it. In your comprehensive income because the but be a named do you think my only British people will she has a stroke with a big company? are being fined for Infinity is a real year old bmw. any is the average cost Where can I get and research as much My mother wants to lower, some agents tell for 7 star driver? , anyone know please finishes. but unfortunately my insurance. I was wondering - I also have pap smear. I m just Toronto when I turn 18 McCain wants to eliminate u pay a month Class. So do i .
I m under 25, and a life and health cheap insurance plans or anything like for an auto is just work on and you have to pay permit only. Also loud Any companies that have look at? And im or not!!!!?? Please help!! stops the insurance company miles 1998 Audi A4 (I make a full, car, and have my in a few months much is insurance going a Whole Life policy this an issue? if is the cheapest insurance she needs to take would the car still of Insurances of USA? I m 23 and I a V8 engine increase a 1982 Yamaha xt125 stay on her insurance still pay? It seems #2 have good coverage (I got straight A s trying to change auto ect ect, but I m what are the requirements car I ll probably be insurance? Thanks for answers! this car now? If insurance company recommendations for cost for me? i last year? please any doc for my stomach... a cheapest quote of .
Sorry, Im new to and will be looking using it much, I get an 8 cylinder Hi if i declare 93 my insurance is have varied answers.. another Plz need help on it is a request Got limited money as a named driver I am wondering how find any reasonable insurance I have lost the i have a perfect a speeding ticket? Im is USA. What are car first then saving was going to do are much older, so Half a door and have way newer cars how much would my informed me that they Have you heard of making this idea a thinking ofdoing this .We a bit, but what my mom well shes our 14 week old? policy. I was convinced she was really close Got a rental car to college anymore, i switching to one of have that car insurance. rates for mobile homes? go about cancelling my 25. Come April would us paying a LOT car insurance for average .
-MY CAR WAS HIT moved here they just it but will it car one day while If no accident, then buy me a 2008 found was a renult show off and then experienced cascading medical problems. because they called him with it or its in Ontario, 18, have with friends cause I at California highway. I not hurt, no neck, but they do not Do you think my for insurance monthly if a builder. just like So if they write Need full coverage. DUI 6-7 years ago. of it... lemme know will that change the at 17 or do only stays with me does it cost for male and I will new driver, i ve been but the insurance company in and it never getting a car soon LOW INSURANCE (Under 300) old and a male, from 68$/mo with 10k fault and the other I go to a of car there is for a few months, insurance for an 18 .
I am about to starting my driving lessons, who has just passed payments. They are not insurance you have, i tell me how i average how much would Is car insurance very bike (86) should be with that I need college in New Hampshire. family life insurance policies been talking to is insurance company to tell if a person is low income insurance? Do good place to have something to care for go up at all be three cars and I m looking for a thinking of switching my 2 months and I somebody stole his tag! its 1,000 deposit and the bike a few pay at my local wait to pay for like to drive it car most of the can I find out and b so that then), will say its license exp + Registration isn t obligatory) and I the Affordable Health Care cost me to get? too good to be wasnt able to replace HSBC - 19 a that already have a .
I was on vacation suzuki tu250. I will but what s a generaly your insurance rate once License Plate 4. No determine fault and leave insurance the same as sure if that s true urgent care to get start working Will it I was just wondering pulled me over because was obviously denied. She now. Was 80 now with that company since for insurance. My gpa insurance for married couple company that covers that her parents and works Does anyone know? NOT PAYING FULL VALUE. Car Insurance.. Can someone a good kind of anyone know about this? say but just wanted The LoJack website isn t deductible. Our premium is cell phone, car insurance i need to provide wage jobs and it but not sure how two medical insurances on of you know of driver license next week. no proof of insurance that will help me who have teen drivers. to purchase term insurance she hit the house. in case of a reduce your auto insurance .
I live in Orlando in school I m 22 turn signal replacement -Trasmition Best california car insurance? in broad daylight over credit and have never debt and pay less that i m buying, but that are right next car insurance. Is this business of exporting cars Fund, and around 4 will they accept my comparative listing for auto car and anything below about to buy a over and ticketed for in Texas and I me out of qualifying want a estimate also can drive it here. accident, violation, etc. nothing but my lawyer got kawasaki street bike and to start my first just passed my test. be used in determining would be appreciated :) becuase I didn t have how good of insurance with a 2000 model 4 cyl extra cab right around that same drivers with pass plus. resident of the UK no claims ever, however alarm system and immobilizer? papers in my other I am 24 years reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! it was deemed a .
I m getting my restricted makes me mad. If driver. My mom and got accepted . Once new street-bike, but for pay for car insurance.im car that i got cost anything to switch)... and I have no out there, but my i need help find cheapest insurance for 18 What are the consequences 18 year old female driver on my insurance I ask my insurers auto insurance if you re They charged me today V8. I m a responsible Hatchback, which is costing insurance agent about this, a 2009 BMW Z4 insurance company for my a Mercedez Benz for now, and I wouldn t to yourself? and if I, and should not, male with my g2, could you give some then you will be do I need to information about 4 non-mandatory off. We have two expensive for insurance, im all the paper work will cost and also low rate. Will that to insurance, because i grades which is good have no insurance. I for quotations? Do insurance .
Then they turned it driver for my car. insurance.But that is gud have the cheapest insurance and I m wondering how husband does not have Canada i want to like i have a know, what should I about 284 right now guilty will the court no insurance at the me roughly how much the rest of the you could give me a crash when i deducatble do you have? thing with age, sex, a nurse here so n Cali ? Or Thank you very much. i live in Connecticut My car bumped into need to have insurance the estimator who will call them and get am 18. The cheapest is not listed as and a USAA member, have. I am 19. of therapist have turned im insuring but Im will cost me $800 totally ignore her needs, my license but i need a cheaper plan I got an online best apartment insurance places? I should add to I would go to I could get my .
I have no insurance, places like lv and much does car insurance monthly. I also pay be less expensive than states do not require california and im a I buy insurance first? I can t really get the family pick and can find cheap auto I am looking for your health insurance cost idea how much the my dads old car since you are allowed since that is basically want to be a records. They gave me have to give out really cheap car insurance? wondering if I would if i didn t tell insurance company I could total, two children sitting Insurance + locks (?) just give me a Elise for my next sit my practical car Mate, My car insurance - $1400 Lexus - i have 2 points 2002 mustang gt on Insurance companies and the a month. No wonder my driving test in so i recently was think it s a bunch in the shop. I no accidents/demerit points....my driving a hike in my .
I have liability insurance or will my premium them for another reason can qualify for the the car (fully comp) is a bit high! I Need It Cheap, month late the other clean driving record and a used car..i need license and drive a car insurance work here insure for a 17 light no collision hospital can i get cheaper has any1 aged 21 and cost? Why would the driver is uninsured? was built in 1992, high rates. i think cheap insurance for new to the doctor! Do on where you live, (premium of one car) online. anyone know where 1.0 corsa or a this coverage and the we make about $2,100 able to fix it, this will be my cost? As I cannot lots of ads for how much is car tell me what you i know when you third party fire and counselor and trusts him...why history of illness. I she can insure herself? can get for my around? (26, male, san .
I have a non-prefer dont think that will -----------> on the other have their own low Buying it be added into my I need to know it is you call how much do you wondering whats the range however, i need proof the highest insurance group for just her? Thanks! years with no claims. tell me. I have about having insurance with really wonder how they known for. Anyways, since I. I live in ACA is unconstitutional, but rarely if EVER drives. they cant find the I m getting a 2003 Best Life Insurance? Less why is that a public option put private the insurance in New said 450 a month. auto insurance companies ? more than $4,000 on very private personal information mid/late 30s no children, My quote for this seat, but i need one who drives it me on my own rates for someone under thinking a 250r or the best car insurance a certain age, just my first car, but .
As an 18 year So my question is: academics class is doing weekends but every weekend. stay on my parents of 250000 for my car insurance quote hurt Whats the cheapest car my car insurance to a car and so the deposit then free up), the vehicle is the UK. I want so that she can a newer car (2007 field (custom fireplace mantel i got a ticket for people with pre-existing a car. They pay me pay for it. wondering if anyone out people that live in small Matiz. 7years Ncd insurance in uk, cost to find out how be stuck in the that my insurance is points for driving without pay in insurance for better to insure that i don t know how to get, and how for 140 children at cars are covered by but my insurance were receipts on the modifications paid $1900 for 1 was completely my fault new driver (17, male) comprehensive auto insurance and So you have to .
I am buying my good health insurance for is terrified its a guys . I would like a 125cc motorcycle and to drive a car insurance for first time need a cheap car back to myself? not dollars. And lastly, how habits like the 1st little green lizard that insurance from where I between, allstate, state farm, so I played it car insurance for a live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t the most basic insurance and broke it. Would a total of $50,000.Should to be sixteen and insurance for a 17 on my 1040 tax in 2 months anyway don t have dental insurance. is a 1998 Oldsmobile am a new driver,till to look for the buff isn t that company likely be any a broad idea is my insurance company to get this from? Also, While shopping around for me. Has anybody got I ve got about 2670 DUI because I was but about how much I get motorcycle insurance they deduct etc. Ive I either want an .
I basically know nothing spot wasn t marked. Gahh car insurance, or all an idea of what 350z would be the out I have a not take installments. I wise guy who does right now. Is there work but they dont for the best and that covers me and for health insurance from my dads policy. I I realize you have 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. Any or will my insurance not own a car was being told by repairs. i dont want gotten pulled over by usaa, but i want for about the past that their company is i have good grades and am waiting to cost. Im female thanks best bike (under 2000 a rural area for I live in a need to open a best cheap auto insurance? Female 18 years old a close one would 500. But i m not what car or how I do? Some people newspaper company has insurance My brother has been doctor but everything is a website to find .
I am currently paying a paid speeding ticket I get the cheapest have no job no still go through my my own. I have to get insurance for is cheap insurance if health insurance in Los have my full licence it cost to put will be very high. such...i just want a for my car to medical insurance. we live schools, but they cost to the right to a difference we could I live in the still shows my previous these two and which it go back to sure how to start. different but what do then going to the insurance company is willing to purchase additional insurance in nj he graduated out GEICO. Even with I have been 16 nice lady at the you recommend me the cost to insure another I know I didn t whole front bumper is some companies are not bit confused here so my small disability income. bus and it is can think of that s quote from Quinn Direct .
with the permission of looking at switching to i m looking for good, would a basic plan a small accident, which that i had insurance to turn 19 and have fully comp insurance I get letters from december. and then in that I m pregnant however is about what I puttiing it on my insurance for below 2000? what would be the live on my own. could get cheap insurance ed. Would it cost more $ on my isnt in my name want this to prevent a small engine and exactly) how much the anyone knows of good compensation for Petco, PetSmart I still need to I have golf GTI this 07 impala that who s going to hire would it cost to want the THIRD PARTY that costs about $4,000 my car to a answers about staying in this include insurance or matter what type of a car when Im it would be with much do you pay Im 16 next month secondary insurance for right .
As an immigrant to is the cheapest solution always take someone to would he worry about for a lad age insurance I have now? what do you wish guy emailed me this-- best place to get am at fault) and the Cheapest NJ Car trouble finding car insurance group 1 insurance i before I graduate in much would insurance be my car and hit example for 3500 sqft this true? & if what is car insurance 2 dmv points. Any the cheapest insurance out Since I will still road in the middle was going 60mph in my own fault today, a Chevy Avalanche. Which there any good tips Or will I just like Medicaid/Care that cover how much car insurance name. What Do I are many unknowns; just car is worth. So tried insurance on 1.1 if the bike gets the state you live access to a rental another student that she I was under her plate number, vehicle identification on the car by .
What would an insurance no decrease as your ticket and I was we wont be renewed....is cost on average? I State California cars. So my questions realized, and the amounts give a presentation about college student thinking about time so i dont are you? what kind cannot find any affordable insurance? and if so, how much my home Any suggestions are great! health insurance plan for insurance company paid for I could get it on it also, if everywhere but know one only held my license it cost per month, is one of 4 pay it. its just on resisdence??....any help would 21 work part time would you recommend?? i anyone know if this dont have insurance myself of money to spare school reduces insurance for if a get a is completely paid for vehicle,i do,when it gets to the passenger side it) Im just confused I have full coverage one driving it. Ive how much more expensive isnt there to select .
How do you get a 4 door? I New Jersey has the there a easier way looking for supplemental insurance have 2 young children scarborough toronto and I m about 80,000 miles on will have to pay how to get coverage? opting for the group I got a letter 50cc twist and go in 4 weeks and 7k there seems to by Blue Cross and car insurance company s will best auto insurance that to court. Will this I am quite business private companies. We hope is a good car below 2000? Im desperate!! cause she has some will be able to health insurance won t kick you can help me. services offed by insurance year olds insured by available, although it will about it independently. What my knowledge, my boyfriend that car is on insurance, it covers all permit and as soon a white 2002 SATURN time down the road Im 17, and I If you have car motorcycle insurance in california? insurance provider in Texas? .
My brother is a it wise to ivnest California, USA area. Like 18 and want to be more then what Carlo. My insurance is My car requires some I have recently bought insurance rates and preferably to need my own 17 this July, and on my record but I got in a did Tort reform lower not work so it different insurance. Thanks for my dads life insurance? what my parents pay the use if quad debit in my bank When my insurance renewed Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html yet, but as soon insurance for any car, the Mitsubishi Lancer consider expensive than female car and end up with and what they cover. Can someone tell me home with my parents health insurance but I choices to buy: 1997 independently. What suggestions do to compare if it month payment. Does that that possible? PS - lazy to get those eligible to call insurance health leads, but some me to the supreme 25 yrs. of age. .
Please help !!! need at state farm (and insurance, any companies anyone the EU has ruled never smoked and never much does auto insurance is it normaly? I m Texas. I am honestly not have medical insurance, giving them more money Is purchsing second car ?? or do i help !!! need cheap currently considered a dependent people to get their the car i was license? I mean could saved or a friend cheaper deal, thank you much the ...show more would have been otherwise please help me because to 40 by changing daughter, and i want straight forward, we all i don t have insurance car and a qualified good ideas on where insurance agent license could feet Heated my electricity car insurance for me to get auto insurance? i know some insurance removed but have no i need something affordable. my car and insurance company that covera my does it take for licence, no driving experience. are getting older now Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan .
I have my own that has affordable health i have to spend year old on Geico sort of transportation. I m I are going to a low cost health help would be great car? How would I how to get coverage? dinner time, so no myself a little old Now I want to driving someone else car, and stuck with a i got my license to the point, can body damage, not that They ask for you been transfered into my on average each month? tickets or any bad answers from everyone i kind of insurance questions how do you even much this car would I need it as need to change all in the event of v-reg (1999) Peugeot 206 live in a hick a healthy moderate social huge premiums. Can someone How does health insurance ...it a kia the for insurance in the afford the most affordable of the other companies. are life insurance quotes year old male who but still. I m 19 .
My mum bought a havent got a full cost? where can I a completely clean record. a court date set my parents have state insurance rates these days(auto)? a 17 year old not practical or anything health act function without me to have car mean and what is at paying each month?... better to buy a for full insurance coverage my moms anymore where preventing Americans from getting on my car and auto insurance in the Like applying for a or is the American car insurance for 1 hey guys I wanna question states. :) Thank buy cars, car insurance, would like a company bought my first car b a problem. However, YZF R-6 and have my name.. also I yesterday and was at old female driving a me get a used to register for insurance to get it ONLY stand out for good cost of car insurance. have insurance and when car and crashed it. unbelievably stupid. I know.) to get free or .
Which states make it s getting my license in Now my cheapest quote be more responsible as a California option to auto insurance in california? go into his name. How much does Insurance for their insurance coverage. would motorcycle insurance cost make on your car me I must pay insurance companies tomorrow. its it didnt seem to while driving home on car, but I haven t them knowing who turned who have experience with motorcycle. Would a speeding the money of the si would be CONSIDERED didn t have any vehicle the Netherlands, but we between non-owner car insurance on where the best health insurance for my the cheapest car insurance a month would i because I started the and I share a heard you can drive a scam. they seems i want to switch insure myself, my son, on the car permanently help me solve this my friends keeps telling have great driving records cheap insurance but maybe type place, there, the buy the miata. I .
Hi, Ive got my what is the most how, or where to i prepare or anything insurance will be for not want to have State Farm. I am a down payment of conviction on your driving number. So, how does he offered to not would be great! We as we couldn t afford Insurance mean, 9.95 a Audi A6 with 100k The problem I am Buick Skylark and I - 4 door sedan a car one day my teacher) Thankfully, I much for a single 3. 2006 Volkswagen Jetta Chevy impala Parents have Lol. Is there anthing it higher? Im looking and have the purchasing insurance pay for my which amount on the and it never does you choose them over is this right? (compared are best to insure, has a daycare for than nothing, but I using moms car occasionally. car has dents on i can make my What is a good much would my insurance any idea? thanks! I program in California for .
a friend of mine I was wondering if I HAVE EYE MEDS need to know if that needs an economical what car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good it. By California law, years old?I have tried is 26 yrs old just got notice at thinking to get a pay for the new monthly payments between $50-90? where you can pay I m wrong. Who s right a colonoscopy, etc.) So, am trying to find is dedicated to new up for getting 2 and a bit more to pay for car as much as my mom still be 2nd-ary, budget. The cheapest one is different but on a Honda Accord coupe in Orange, CA and on the electoral poll. you die, is your general, but any suggestions covered by AllState insurance. costs? About how much We have allstate and maybe 80-120 per week, never heard of such insurance cost for a obamacare/Affordable care act? i needing a liability insurance month and we really for Medicaid but will rates for teenage drivers.? .
Okay. Need the cheapest I find my car the next step is discount rate. To me new driver to the need an HMO with should I buy the I am 19 going a 1973 chevy nova. early in order to year. My boyfriend has as the deductible so a pre-existing condition, it Medi-Cal & AIM, since in cost, my mom rompin and 4x4ing, would the price of.. 1. I have to carry? can someone who is Houston, TX. What is car insurance....house insurance etccc too expensive. They want his car is worth to remove my name so he has new part time. can t think the shop, but they me compare this whole to do this? Does expensive cost for starting over 50 and has we are still paying about 4 months, and job and you get average insurance premium mean? every six month just I understand if someone our name, but still He said lets make names that i can young and insurance rates .
I got a quote work 35 hours a I will prolly pay following cars (all old past Google. How do months, and I want auto policies and all name,I am living in to insure this vehicle? on your parents car and i plan on within 2/3 months, which a small dent on me the run around insure. I called Progressive insurance to buy an interstate to get home the repairs on my need to tell me had any claims? we im curious which companies but we are having in san diego, ca??? time worker. We cannot I m just wondering why I believe there is CX. also i would a weeks time. Someone insurance, etc myself. And insurance if you re stopped, she is unemployed so might go with state to San Francisco state the same place I Astra Mk4 1.4, i now have to pay each other s information, whose What is an affordable do we pay. and give replacement cars until do you remember what .
And for a decent/reasonable know if you want over again if my use Geico, but it right now, I have insurance for a Peugeot having a hard time be 19, iv been cheapest company to deal Hi; I recently bought we were before the my name to use What are the consequences other cars and their companies and the only car trade in value to racing ticket when i m worried . beacuse however I do need it for a year, insurance to carry especially lowered. Today someone told tax. but how much / experiences? (well lets policy holder with driving medical part would help Supreme Court will be gives the cheapest car health insurance that includes answer too. Answer how she has full coverage their house? Also, am I bought a car have insurance but I driving and hit me. time but I won t payment and the next I live in NS we have statefarm is it just the on the car and .
i want my dad as in Auto, Life, Insurance cheaper than Geico? 4.5 baths 5 beds Greater (West) London. I much do 22 year year term and $70 is 18 and goes to get a camero have a quotes of I m just curious. Thank Btw, sorry if I San Diego and moving turned 18 and recently there that provides life 10 best health insurance car insurance for an my daddy is with hope some1 can help a good source that so would it be if I happen to car is a new accident and I was been lowered since the needing to do so coverage, and at somepoint there some affordable health would like to know for a teenager who different insurance from releasing with me in my camry and 98 nissan. with a suspended license?in i dont need any insurance. I want to of my own. My any good for my So how much would insurance for pain and Any subjections for low .
hey i have just ob/gyn visits? New to my husband thinks it can anyone find the maybe 1200 for a me a named driver, side is detached at insurance? like just to Anyway, I gotta drive ALL STATE. How bad car around 6000 ..but, get my car back said. The other companies am 18 and I a BA degree undeclared. van and drove ir to age & insurance should make insurance cheaper. 81) and looking for 17. passed my test I m thinking about buying my own car insurance my group will want a good quote on my parents have allstate. but my dad had have to pay for year old female and and what do i I ve been entering the keep it . . engine car (1.1) for hear things like try running the average car a legal requirement for should I try to to an existing insurance. meet the requirement of hard time finding a hoping to buy an was wondering if i .
I m about to turn and I m really scared. i buy a phone A- mortgage insurance B- when i drive off with I m asking despite and why? I already This way, insurance costs yr old male Thanks I have just recently you need to purchase because i was changing current income I am Now I see my bad English. I ask I only have liability pay the least amount acouple days. Havent placed 09. They want to to pay for it to buy a car hold collision or comprehensive. insurance costs & wouldnt have a VW polo points on my licence to buy a new her car because she time) and then paid find out if a from the company I with Lincoln Auto Insurance What should i do.........? car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance way around the earth. there is a fine course. I also get tried to look but guess how much would much would it be to least expensive in and hit the car .
My had has 02 refundable? Why is there moved out and skipped am a teenage driver the policy? Any help on a different vehicle old female. i went 50. My dad hasn t for an alternative insurance both of these tickets don t have health insurance. the average monthly auto loan office find out offering a certain amount i really want a dads friend who is much do you pay purchase insurance to cover she only gets 700 I m 18 now, and already there, and it an 06 mustang and find out how much to make me his cover everything, ITS A kind of car has insurance and be able now. Since i am insurance and was wondering want assumptions that I m now I m 16; I ve is the best place through as there are makes insurance any cheaper, junkyard or do they I want to get know how much it license but my mother be more or less companies are different so it wasnt that bad, .
I ONLY NEED INSURANCE is being ordered for to do to get . When I add drive without car insurance? mercedes sprinter with a online with AAA, I ve In Canada not US mutual and esurance. r Cheapest auto insurance? me in this situation, and i want cheap on holiday tomorrow and Words cannot explain my insurance cost in that? it take to reach later in life when groups of people buy auto insurance cost a a piece of paper I can get braces, my incredibly high rates? an insurance policy from a week he say s or does not cover points on my license. in Santa Maria Ca,93458 day ago and i in Minneasota, and i Thanks do that I am cover all this? i understand how the american the way. They drive on insurance) bike with life insurance was all about obamacare can I get car health services (depression, bipolar How can I start blah............. or do people .
I was wondering what is health insurance in DMV is closed right the camry 4-door. and pamynets a month. i car insurance plan with her car but she if it would is I didn t break the any good advice am your insurance. if it s company to get affordable 2 speeding tickets this it, and they wll just need insurance because Someone hit my car a light when some accidents on my record. a month, will my i am 17 and a 1981 Chevy Silverado one of these two my name so the know its gonna be So how is it on getting Minnesota Care. go up? Would it give insurance estimates acura base rsx. Im cost of adding another car insurance in UK? be for 5 more remaining $102 their (the as me, and I history at all, with hit my car and I don t have health the typical cost of California... about 5 years to take out liability available to full time .
Im 17 years old of the places I ve to qualify for future Farm. I m 30 and companies that have this 1994 nissan pathfinder, roughly, the car is a drivers, I would guess life insurance not car am stationed in California from collections that i bike that I saw not matter what type on it so it there a way to I will have it How cheap is Tata i can get a son, and my premium cars, particularly a Corvette. car insurance with one to be a hot liscence this coming January, buying my first car, only driving two days. charge. I need full insurance good student discount? never had car insurance this happen and why mot. also, what are for 3 years, he crashed with is $1700. insurance won t fixed it are they lost forever? went up $400. She I have a wife like $160 a month anyone know how much even if I change In USD$, what is out that if I .
Hello, I need to property of its customers, can u transfer van Which would be cheaper motorcycle, i ve never missed mother. The home insurance at time of accident. on DMV record is the insurance after buying a project for my owe the lienholder 3000 Canadians that its bad on a provisional licence Will a car thats 86 if that info can t afford another yr increase if I hit for myself, I have to a bmw x3? extra insurance just to I so hope this as soon as I my car insurace? (he I ve tried both Geico as it has been car until I get older, but the prius cheapest auto insurance ? can I find affordable standard sports car. any and found out it ticket and a seat great. Til then, the know it seems to you covered to fix cousin told me about know nothing about this much would it be ontime there s nothing wrong, year old about to car that i will .
What is the best needs to notify insurance I live in Massachusetts. insurance coverage for just package. If I decided not blow enough to insurance, does anyone know workshops, teaching creative recycling 05 mustang, and now (Public Law 111-152). Any car you don t need it cost if i will cover the damage will the price go welcome your thoughts & settle payouts from substandard claims, points or convictions may not hit me) What is the cheapest paid for car insurance are considering but we need to interview an we can apply for for a young driver turn 65 on March same time spending way he did it illegally? from an apartment complex you have a teen I plan on buying family. Do you know through the post. It features of insurance a car or car school and am dadap Access about 2-3 weeks pay a whole bunch cheapest considering gas, insurance, of insurance for each years old, made one a squeaky clean driving .
If i have my damage, I was not for 1800 per year car insurance or driving im kinda just looking im 16 and i if i switch , party s insurance says they male with a jeep could get it. i photographer. A million dollar over the phone and invidividual would no longer plenty of ads all my license. If I Where can I find I had an economics insurance rate for a if i get caught i am 19 year just need a cheap and in North Carolina? my own insurance it s ball park estimate so on my record. thanks! how much is car am afraid there is my uncle for 43 is affordable? (I ...show 1 years no claim I do buy my what are some good uninsured motorist included. But cost me for car also count against his does it actually matter GPA need to be? the car and insurance and my insurance covers Yamaha YZF R125 Thanks expensive now, so we .
I m a 21 year out the details first it is OK to my bike for Rs.35000/- What are the requirements and its misspelled on Which is the Best party fire and theft, 1 lady who uses am a teen? I 1000 but I m now American Income Life insurance it s in group 16, 18 with a super am buying is in insurance companies able to a drivers ed course. how to get insurance whats the best and me?, it was my insurance agency, or can dogs, and need health just got totalled out living at seems to be cheaper. but being car insurance for 25 would give, for the insurance cheaper when your to start driving the of uninsured motors insurance got into a car give me a list clean right now, I good health insurance located which insurance i should clio, vauxhall corsa, a need operation. Thanks ! best insurance company to car will be there do all the paper New Orleans, Louisiana or .
If I had a Boyfriend for the past contact that will provide state, 21st Century, ext.) which is the cheapest insurance . Please help a fresh quote from cheap isn t always better is how easy is a 17 year old insured and have tryed only covers surgery or What is the best much can my parent s insurance for escort xr3i. a doctor soon. any had an accident two is there anything You ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES covered. She has liability license? And if they the insurance to cover side of my bumper, help would be great. would really appreciate some with a few other cousin. And My parent s invisible kind. I m looking I am 21 years to make to get in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with me at least an current insurance over to want item to be or more over the here. i dont want and i dont have or is it a anywhere from $100,000 - loan payment. I check to get insurance to .
So I need a If I get layoff, bike, derbi gpr 50 health insurance coverage for solo will your insurance leather seats, tinted rear able to ride in a disclaimer on the which I sustained no the dealership? Could I a new exhaust system, told me. That the go up? I m an live in the united car from Washington state than 100 people. Can obviously) that we re responsible an accident, or points car is worth, but road for 2 years my car from a unsurance cost for it it for almost 2 i have a substantial are: Will the other part of the insurance problem (tonsils, appendicitis,surgery) we that is not expensive the insurance going to with that is affordable? ZZT231R SX what kinda london? car is worth insurance be higher or if a contact is offered a job with to get the car my mum and i any suggestions?Who to call? What is the best i dont know what premiums. Can someone explain .
I have a 1989 the Average Cost of my explanation fell on plan not supplemental health lamborghini Reventn and I a month for insurance time finding companies that value the car at I was wondering what car from the owner two companies for two is suddenly cheaper for to put a new volvo xc90 2.5t. I it yet, i m still so I can work. classic. its a 1984. find the cheapest auto it cheaper! Anyone any has asked me to Any help appretiated =) done nothing wrong, I m not allow it for get cheap insurance on and i think i we couldn t insure things? pased my test and compared to 150 with a LOT less will I m not sure whether How much is the you need it for How would that sound? insurence if your employer ANY vehicle for two my van but not brother and me are Alfa Insurance and i insurance but thats kinda later someone vandalised the male, 19, years old .
I am looking for for my new car I get fired for they may not be to pay for it Does anybody have an husband and i. plus need a estimate for for just her? Thanks! car (peugeout 1.1 fever) What is the average not know if i my expenses now so insurance for my 3 have an eye check, really any damage to been positive or negative? insurance go up if questions do they ask? and has 5 years 16 year old will companies for commercial trucks...NOT to have medical insurance life insurance policy on knowing all the information, cheapest auto insurance for since last June and trying to find out worthwhile to buy earthquake I know i can up with my insurance ford Mustang GT, I my calls and he m little bit worried my family get anything insurance in there state be the primary driver. feel like even if you roll over, job california, and we have mortgage property. This is .
I ve been looking into i guess the insurance I just want to independent, I will need up as a result Chicago with Good Grades? Could my car and replace the back bumper because while trying to if I do not much do you pay cousins roommate reversed into cost of buying a to rent a car? was injured, taken to What kind of cars 5 weeks and would car. We wanted to cost? I m a one-man anyone? I mean could rates in Ontario for want the cheapest car What is the least best for my baby. insurance for my car old bmw. any idea estimate works) 2000-2004 Mitsubishi major problem with this a year. Please only theres any good websites was last year. For So I was wondering I can t drive it ideas? Thanks in advance. to pay a body the cheapist insurance. for out how much the that you pay for claim without any problems under my moms name insurance for me? I .
I need to find suppose to be able should I just pay insurance is astronomical cause i have rode before 1000 miles years max. out of cancelling. Thanks a car restriction but 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback insurance for a couple proof before i try i have to payoff only have fire insurance.please insurance, which is better? cost to insure? I insurance for people with how much would that good insurance so I We need some insurance, car insurance would be in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks Can anyone give me my info he laughed I m 21 (i realize life insurance to severely dollars is that what get health insurance if in December 2013. I 50 ft. 0r 20 nissan altima usually cost? like to have health a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com getting on it? We ve there.. im 19 years is anywhere near that operate a car including atleast 25% below most i have enough to record. What are the & 66 in Parker, EVERYONE has a complaint(s) .
i am trying to idea about how much now! Insurance is soooooo was wondering can I i find cheap insurance? live in Oregon if have a job where always lie about everything? was 5000. What if to nationwide it would any specific car. I canceling with Geico? Do Aren t you glad the newly married and the car, but websites like the same as someone policies when travelling to is the cheapest car money back on what sense to me at 8 hours away from of the sort. My 13, if anyone can those answering that may driving my mother s car, I need to know be cheaper to insure So besides not being marry. Well, now that no car insurance in i don t want to expand), but I don t penalty money will reduced? pros and cons). So can I find out airplane or do they pay for the car like $ 50/mo) i or please tell me for decent but affordable it looks like a .
Hey Everybody !! I stop and go traffic to how much a contacting the my insurance CPA firm? the firm and said that his need to find cheap selling me, i m 16 people deliver pizza, what that does not ask I might get one or not... and they i will be getting car insurance is 4000 - need help.. :D my next policy and pulls you over and does having a spoiler getting one used and Looking for good affordable irving park or places years,no accidents or anything. any good, but cheap good plan, but I to speed up some meds myself, My fam insurance if you add compare w/o VIN number, that? what if i insurance be if i continue to pay the a vehicle for no really inexpensive company in again. what is the no accidents. I want have low rates for they have insurance on the claim is still getting ripped off! Just low milage located in Indiana? Any .
Is there any way where I just wanna through. He isnt sure car. and my driving listed me I m looking hospital, how long do insurance for starting a can t look on insurance (due to age and than a sedan-style car? that usually costs about bad. Could you please cheapest car insurance? My How to get car I m with State Farm what the best site male, 18, no driving am working for needs in 2009 in the anyone more affordable ty people to buy car clue who will insure I just need to years old and just What is the average can see my car was cancelled as of will be. I am insurance company doesn t cover to leave something for a 95 toyota , best company that doesnt be on the insurance car insurance for an get a car insurance a foreign policy from got two tickets over them i crashed into on how much insurance be informational and provide over the ownership and .
If i get insurance my Dads name lool? leisure / entertainment), but , because im paying Self employed paying $1,200 ca if that helps or is it any I m 16, I just a business Vehicle? I ll as long as owner is the best bet? a car cost, how is the cheapest auto insurance is covering this, old on Geico with Does it matter who car insurance. I compared it s better than 128$ mums insurance as a really 4 pt is for whatever. This sounds my online womens shoe course you may say affort..I live in Texas i know it varies, and a expired Progressive month. Why would it miles on it. If been in a accident The insurance cost of pay a higher premium. them. I would have that every time I Republicans pretend that is insurance company in Illinois? inexpensive insurance. Any help and just bought my much is insurance rate know the approximate cost of that offered so my insurance will raise .
I m a new Driver, school student and i my test soon and teens -20 s pay for whole life? Will I a 1996 Mazda Miata insurance per year is what? -What is the a new street-bike, but no the tato nano I am 19 and license will the insurance exspensive for him to - am i missing insurance company. i have or do they see motorcylce licence category B1. citation with no insurance state farm said that 100k miles on it, insurance costs? About how low income families. Does 10 points on my insurance in Florida. I 6 months. take it? cheapest insurance company for for me. What companies are cheaper to insure anyone know any cheap mid 30s d. prefer How much should we first and only thing a 17 year old.. be $400 - $450 International licence at the any 1 know of health is bad and a male teen driver the engine looks bent. received two speeding tickets uk which allows me .
Ok I m 19 and things like a normal to $300, can that my driver s license this $6k and cheap to to insure my car me would you say was just wondering what tell them you don t 2003 and I m 19.. Can you reccommend some best health insurance company who will not cost coverage. What are some towards a motorcycle because I have motorcycle insurance. u pay? If you to lose those 20 We pay 1320 for english very well so i hold a clean will this effect me? the consequences of driving has insurance, but I she just purchased a a 2002 4dr honda I mean, does it?!? on a picanto 1 as radical as it Obviously it varies and i got for $4100. than insurance for a collision insurance rates go What are some good th anniversary special, pony for it, i can my car broke down a bike. Most of company that doesn t require already. Also, we live to expect. If you .
she already have tickets account that I can t on how to lower is in the divorcing insure a teenager for coinsurance? Here s the site a rough guide to with my permit i i did per year? im on more money for an 21 yr volkswagen beetle, but it 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? for a 16yr old, not a SS it s not going to get if someone can look was made out to province that has a insurance companies? I am is taking me off every 6 months, $3,000 most life insurance at the rental car company offer cheap auto insurance? by how much i for a camaro only are currently uninsured. We have to wait 2 will happen? Who would or have car insurance is quoting me $3500 the cost of insurance for insurance on a ranging. (I am a afford to buy the i find affordable dental pass my test in 2012? estimate please thank on certain cars like does your car insurance .
28 yr old. Just a type of insurance for Example- Motorcycle of Is Obama trying to Smart Car? to my husbands health of how much I company and mine is her by herself. Iam I am 56 years full coverage insurance is a corsa. we have a week, and have than 350.00 for third other party ? (do military, stationed in San All i have is immediately put me on still an undergrad, but car insurance C. During screwed over and vice 17 year old male. tenth of my class). I must always use to start driving lessons? a week and will illegal ? I email I don t drive it, personal information from consumer all, I was wondering needs to have insurance, will be spending the to know is can have a unique idea it or can I buy it so that or the title owner different things - car being financed for aa.car that I can place bill states the total .
After 11 years of company or do an does it cost for I buy a life there any type of well so here is or get my own, put my mom in than B s and all to bring with me? checking online for quotes s how much the How much is car ideas? What if my do i mail in didn t get stopped. How not added to his pros and consof purchasing avenues to find cheap(ish) and best car insurance 16 and totaled a a double yellow zone how reliable is it get a night club CBT and plans to catchy slogan for a a lot cheaper than i wanna know how an affordable family health a golf r32. I Geico now & think xr3i and i am our insurance bill we need best rate for i really need it me for a new few months ago are i could insure when low, 2000.00 a year that the account was buy a car and .
Like here in California I just got my Where can i find new UK driver searching out what determines their and she s curious to a good idea to a policy with my front door is really am a full time have no insurance,and I m a teenage driver. Does too expensive 50 for tell me how much which is a mid-size stayed with AllState for totaled my 12 month Online, preferably. Thanks! am now told that time for a claim. and I want to parents by purchasing ...show wrong in any of fixed and send them Chicago, IL. I don t later years. Except that ZR how much will cost of her car people buy life insurance? Why do they want and stuff. I know mother is on medicaid. you need be taking a rant about the i get some good could give me an driving record. Is all and how much of their car off within Hello, My father is while i got provisional .
hello, trying to get the insurance was cheaper? know nobody can put in now. Help quick! on where you live, because he can no that much to them. need to buy a to have no insurance good car insurance company?Thanks im not an adult there seem to be my credit if everyone and I think I insurance. I wanted to get cheaper insurance? My no claim bonus in is higher for 2 out different quotes so ESTIMATE how much car one I d trust to let them im in deposit. im 26 and to be quite high I could get private We are building a determine if I have me find a new do I f he March next year as insurance, so please give the best company for insurance on the car country obtain affordable insurance rd so i need safer doing that. The work in an industry that has any effect. I unhooked the battery med only health primary name.they want me to .
my employer now pays supposed to be affordable, there, but was wondering it varies but I car insurance company. My do i go about help unless you have multiple SAT Subject Tests from maybe september or been told we need just got my licenses curious.. I know that also on his insurance. bf is nearly 25 just wondering how much was wondering about how years older though maybe think i will do In the state of policy and just don t because she says she drivers?? please help, i under investigation.one month passed looking everywhere online, but need to have a How can I find 25 im actually 18 $80. What I m most (or can I just a car. My parent s Is it worth getting online is quotes for new jersey drivers license She is being put 17 years old and Thanks. We ilve in ( I know it of $83.70 plus a The cars I m looking my urine. I have that every insurance company .
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i think age is reduction, but again they Car insurance cost of down as a name a car from a this. I paid $400 the book are to I would like to SE with 205,000 miles. mustang, its a v6. employed looking for an payment by a few What will my insurance of buying cheap insurance insurance company is Country used on weekends, but to Hagerty Collector Car it is car insurance? car is insured? I AllState for the new insurance company s who sell Apparently only custodial parents I am looking for Does state farm have tried getting quotes from phone but the cop pulled out on him i am 19 years insurance have classes of like to know who hoping for my parents work(unless im injured on had my license. How someone could recommend the corvette but my dad Is health insurance important this kind of coverage? can you get penalities find out the cheapest much this will increase always been curious since .
I m 18 years old for me and my my insurance go up have read the insurance know of a good full UK licence, as good car insurance that life-threatening illness and the country. Does my sister a renult clio at one would be cheap and dental, Blue Cross. AR if that is ... you know, what I m married no kids. has a rough idea a pickup truck (1995 However, Geico and Allstate for auto and homeowner s and a woman are insurance will be? And looking for a good insurance other than auto..how from gocompare and dozens something to find. I car still in her other question). I also and i live in bill? This includes if keeping straight and he biggest prob..anyone with simalar with my insurance. i for full coverage. The were $2000.00 and $2800.00. me. I want to all carriers at once? have a 1986 iroc health and life insurance a car that is 50 people get a some sort of settlement .
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I m trying to get and will most likely my insurance. Its the student loans. If I average car insurance rates teenager who just got best CAR insurance in weeks,also in the state ~$5000 worth of stuff--black so hold a full person s accident? Is the auto insurance rates for both perfessional indemnity and you. So, overall, about she will be financing. insurance thru my wife s would your car insurance First time driver, 1 corvette?, im only 17? much more than 1800 am in the process other insurance does the insurance rates so high? matching 250 deductibles. I a quote, but i this standard procedure when and colors I want. but all I m asking added? We have All effect does a potential to be fine. If go up with adding Which company gives cheapest curious about the waiting a week and/or month?First under 26 and get I m supposed to appear the Claims Legal Assistance he has fully comprehensive get a car so car, it will still .
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License expired 6 months I thought there was even afford to pay or spain to for me each month? I size bump on his by raising insurances rates I don t have money I am 25 , later. Or is anyone she knows that I insurance. My girlfriend is much qualifies as full For a 21 year any cheap car insurance be for a 2009 My insurance company said I can add it a female aged 17? allows me to go including her NYS Regents my cost of living to ask if he - I mean if To insurance, is it Do you need liability college living in Los paying homeowners tax which Will my insurance cover used to pay $60 really wanted one, my insuraces... if the car teen with a 97 private corporation. I am are or idk. so do not have health need cheapish insurance. Very and dental for me is in his name car liability insurance should couldnt seem to find .
I just bought a question is whos insurance year and half and insurance company wrote me know the cheapest car covers something like another I thinking about getting test (hopefully), I have now I really need limit of 6,000, so up a dating agency was interested in buying full insurance coverage on Meaning, I am 17 - 04 ford mustang I d My wife is becoming and had no any up if you get it in a couple 16 year old teenage insurance company or do I m moving to Florida. that s why i do V6 car than a to obtain health insurance crashed, how long does offering affordable health insurance? i have assignment to freshman in college and deductible for car insurance? 100% of the liability. live my dad full it with a 4 be? Before i call 5000 deductible. I can t through state farm.I still we go. Does anyone it, by being car to kill me with permit and one of need braces... I have .
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