#not even quarter life crisis
"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?"
I have never in my life related so hard to the first few lyrics of Katy Perry's "Firework" then I have leaving my freshmen year of college. I don't know what I'm doing with my life or my major, going back home to an incredibly small town that bullied me relenteslly throughout my teenage years and feeling torn between two versions of me, the one I am with my family and friends at home and the one I am becoming with the new family I am making here at college.
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I'm having a quarter life crisis unpacking comp het. I Know I'm asexual and nonbinary. But I don't even know what romantic attraction is?! Where is the line between romance and platonic love? I want to cuddle, to feel close to another being, to watch sunrises but not "because that's what you're supposed to do" but because sunrises are calm and peaceful & I want to share that moment with someone or several someone's, to sit in silence and be without any expectations ruining it. I hate dating it feels so limiting and disingenuous with high expectations. My friendships are more fulfilling because I've only ever experienced dating as putting on a performance. I can not watch a Nicholas Sparks film without rolling my eyes or feeling insanely uncomfortable. I want to live in a house overflowing with love. The only crushes I've had have been on people who understood me, like 2 people ever, a trans boy and femme presenting girl. What am i?! Am I aromantic? Am I pansexual or panromantic?
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People calling it a "quarter life crisis" forget that with the way life expectancy, healthcare, and food nutrient content is going these days it's probably a "third life crisis" at best.
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sexynetra · 12 days
Pre-Birthday blues please send me photos of your favorite queens and/or photos of cute animals 😭
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Here is my Jaida tax to get this post on your dash <333
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hoom · 8 months
it’s not just that Martha ended up with Mickey i mean. if they had a 1-minute interaction i would be like sure, they couldn’t get Tom Ellis to return and since RTD would not let his female characters without a male love interest for even a moment... fine whatever, i’d hate it all the same but i could still be accepting. it’s just how little care and respect for her character went into it that breaks my heart. i mean Rose’s ending was shitty as well but RTD obviously put soooooo much thought into the Love Story angle that it’s serviceable. but Martha’s was just like. thrown in there. she apparently faked her death (?? what about her family?? the one she left the doctor to take care of??) to go freelancing (??) as an alien fighter with fucking. mickey of all people. and then they both get a 2min scene where she doesn’t even get to interact with the Doctor at all. just complete disrespect.
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theinfinitedivides · 5 months
can't believe we're doing this for the second time in less than six months but. you see any Key content being reblogged during the next few weeks (whether recent creations or over the past comebacks) that's the queue talking. someone needs to take that man back to church and pray for him what is he doing
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How is your relationship with your friends?
...do you Miss Black Sheep?
(yes hi creator is back anyways Anon, when you Anon, Anon when I catch you Anon, Anon when I catch you anon)
It's very nice..a lot of things are nice actually.
Crackle, he's in my opinion, the best..ahem, don't tell Le Chèvre that...thank you.
As I was saying, he is very, very fun to be around with, no wonder Black Sheep saw him as an older brother. I admit that there was a time where I thought as well, but now I don't, I was at least 19 back then......wait..I can't be that old..how old am I even..like..24 ..I think..then, I turn 25..in less than a month..oh. 😨
Tigress is uhm, okay to be with. I don't approve of her behaviour, especially with Black Sheep, but she can lighten the mood ever so barely. I don't think she's a bad person, more of a troubled one..VILE does contain many people with things troubling them, I'm no exception either. The only person she actually gets along with is Le Chèvre, but they only just make fun and gossip. I hope she changes soon or later, she can take her time.
If I start talking about Le Chèvre I might just end up making it as long as it already is. Uhm.. where to begin..there's a word I'm looking for..I know it in Tagalog and Spanish but I forgot the English saying of it..ehh..oh wait..uh..forgot it at this point I'll just say it in Spanish..it is "marilag"..no wait that's Tagalog.."majestuoso" is the Spanish term, I wonder why I mix them up often, it's not they are the same language..
Our relationship is better than more couples in my opinion. We were basically, inseparable on the island. But now that we are actually dating it's more like the average married couple who has been together for at least twenty-years, and we aren't even married (yet.) ..no wait..(actually they are -creator said so) hold on, me having completed a quarter of my life is messing with my head..
Our relationship isn't bad, it's just that some days he's actually nice to me and some days he treats me like he treats everyone else, and someday he's not nice to himself. Tigress calls him a uhm, "fem queen"..? Is that just some American label..or uh... But if I ask him to go and let's say, jump off a cliff, he would do it's just that he'll be questioning heavily before he eventually does it, that counts, not that I am going to tell actually to do it..
That last of your ask though, I don't like being questioned a lot. If I say what I want to say here then The Faculty would get involved, or then Le Chèvre would find it and one) try to make me not miss her, or 2) look for makeup remover because he would be crying with me. And yes I did just admit I do cry whenever I think about Black Sheep.
Yes, I miss her, we all miss her. All except Tigress to be clear..Tigress technically does miss her, just not in the way you would expect, like, miss making her life just hard for no reason.
Le Chèvre used to say back on the island that I'm way more suited for the older brother role than Crackle because of the amount of time I spent with her back on the island before graduation. Yes we did have some good times, but I don't believe that. I'm more of a side character, while she's the main character, I would say.
I guess it wouldn't be right to call her Black Sheep because now she's going by Carmen SanDiego..I don't think Carmen was in the wrong when she left the island. Sure, having riches and prosperity is nice but, she didn't believe in the thing you'll have to do in order to gain that. And I confess that sometimes I mess around with the things set up for my capers sometimes just to make it easier for her. But then in the process, Le Chèvre gets more annoyed by the fact she can capture her for good, i think he is just either annoyed or mad at her for what she did that day.
Now that I'm writing this I still question why Shadow-san decided to fail Black Sheep when she was the best in the class. She has yet to tell me that, but that's the day I get to make cookies with her again like we did back on the island.
(hi creator is back Anon I will find you and when I find you no one else will find you after that okay okay good night Anon)
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My problem is I’ve been a girlfriend for all these years when I should have been just a girl.
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m-ayo-o · 6 months
when i thought my inbox was gonna be full of cute / sexy / smart msgs:(
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I'm just listening to music at work and the lyrics "where's all the talent i had last decade? Another 'gifted kid' that burned out in the 10th grade" really got me thinking
Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki would go above and beyond to make sure that Yuri Plisetsky never, ever has to experience that sentiment.
They remind him that there's so much more than skating. they take him to do things even if all Yura does the whole time is complain because he needs to have established a life off the ice so that when he gets to their age he isn't having the same breakdowns that they did. They want to help him learn from their mistakes so badly. They'll do whatever it takes to make sure that Yuri knows he has value on and off the ice, that just because he is a skating prodigy doesn't mean that is the only value that he has in life.
They both know form experience what that feels like and they aren't going to let it happen to Yura, even if it means hours of yelling between the angry teenager who just wants to be "left alone" and Yakov, who wants to kill the older skaters for "sabotaging" Yuri.
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babes how are we supposed to handle it when two good friends get engaged and one informs me he's joined the military all within a few weeks of one another
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obsessedobsesser · 27 days
I'm so ready for my 20's to be over
if it means that this bad luck that came with being 29
Because fuck
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musicalchaos07 · 10 months
The wedding AU (which has a name maybe idk I'm between two) Can be summarized as "El is the only sibling with the braincell all weekend"
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la0hu · 4 months
ugh i had the call with the recruiter and the moment she realized i didn't have working experience with react she was like "this job is gonna say no" like okay fine. i didn't even want the job that bad
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notjanine · 2 years
i am in suuuuuch a weird headspace rn, my brain is like. i want half a boyfriend i want a husband i want an easy carefree hookup i want to have sex with only one more person in my entire life i want to have a slut era i want someone to fall in love with me i want to ruin a man's life. who am i
#like okay i said that guy was messy and maybe i am messy too#but only internally! i can at least be consistent and honest in my communication and behavior#but idek what is going on with me#is this a belated quarter life crisis is this being thirty is this what happens when grad school and an internship scramble your brain#scramble your brain so hard that your emotions and physical desires also go haywire#this month is gonna be so weird for me and like i'm depressed enough to not care if i live or die which is when i do my best flirting#and i (theoretically) will have enough time off to take care of myself and get good sleep and do skincare and hair care and work out#and do all the little things to make myself feel more confident#anyway all i know is. i have baby steps initiated progress on some things.#but also the mutually agreed upon six-month post-breakup communication moratorium with my ex is almost up and i am half tempted to call him#i am also half tempted to mess with the OTHER guy in our internship cohort even though that would be THEE messy bitch move#(do not let me do it physically stop me from doing it if it seems like i'm going to)#(but y'know he's. nice. nearby. single. quietly hilarious and has full lips and a similar schedule to my own. pls stop me)#(we might hang out next week. i will not WILL NOT invite him over. i repeat do NOT let me invite him over)#earlier this week i talked to a close very cool and fun and social friend about wanting to start dating again and she was like#Oh i know like ten guys for you lemme have another party and invite all of them and you#and i'm thisclose to being like. actually just fucken see if any of them will go on a blind date with me next weekend.#what the FUCK is wrong with me rn#ANYWAY lemme go work out and finally start the vampire show#bc exercise will distract my body and that toxic relationship bullshit will put a damper on these desires right. right??#starting to understand why so many religions are like watch out for sins of the flesh or whatever. like how they're like temptation is bad.#lizzo_boys.mp3
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bluesidedown · 1 year
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