#not even ti deny it
hannibard · 4 months
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Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
saw your most recent post about really good fics that contain uncomfortable kinks and i immediately thought "ah, biscia must be reading the mpreg soriel fic" and almost left a reply talking about it but i stopped myself because i realized that would be an insane assumption to make. needless to say i felt so vindicated when i saw you link it in an earlier post.
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like. HELLO?
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#answered asks#''I fear nothing good ever comes of it when it does'' is straight up SEARED into my brain as the toriel line of all time I've ever read#there's some character interpretations I don't share there. like i said i don't think either of them would cry that easily#and while the different conception (badumtss) of sex/gender in various monsters was interesting#i felt like it didn't quite deal with the ramifications of not strictly binary reproductions on social perception of gender like I could've#eg the part about boss monsters being closer to humans in how it works and thus having a different concept of mom/dad compared to skeletons#was pretty nice. but if you establish that skeletons work like ghosts but distinguish she/he ''for some reason'' even though all of them#can bear kids. and then you make a comment about ''the child possibly growing into a woman considering the shape of the pelvis'' it's like#why??????? why. whywhywhy. why would that be a factor. even hypothesizing a certain physical dimorphism. WHY pick the one tied to pregnancy#the ONE ASPECT that you decided was shared between both ''male'' and ''female'' skeletons#it's also like. objectively an argument that is leveraged to hurt and deny trans people irl so it was just. unbelievably uncomfortable#this is what we mean with mpreg and transphobia btw#not that the concept is inherently transphobic or hurtful to trans people#but that that kind of alternative biological worldbuilding implies an alternative social conception of gender role for the characters#that a lot of authors just. straight up miss. because their view of the world is still very cis/perisexist#BUT!!!!!!!!!!#it was still over all a very good fic. I'd rec it to pll not into that for the initial 2 chapters alone
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dailykugisaki · 6 months
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Day fifty-four | id in alt
Oh noo Gojo.... Keep your infinity onn oh noooo.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
yo a persona au? I want to know more <- persona my beloved
gonna take this as a free space to talk about what I want so. let’s talk about impulse’s hanged man social link, who as it turns out is also his foil/the hidden bad guy, and person I was rotating in my head a lot in the car going to pick up dinner earlier: bdubs.
so, I think bdubs joins the party deceptively early—like, he’s not the last guy, or very obviously suspicious early on. in fact, he’s very happy with impulse! unfortunately. okay so like. impulse’s central arc in this is sort of that his tendency towards being a people-pleaser leads to him trying to be everything for everyone and also his existential crisis over being the one guy aware of like, the game mechanics of confidants and stuff, leading to “oh god are any of my emotions here actually real”.
bdubs… has always been singularly devoted to one guy. and bdubs got his special little guy well before impulse got here, and that special little guy happens to be our story’s big bad. (or at least, the human one.) it is because of bdubs’s singular devotion to this person—and difficulty being devoted for real to other people outside of his use for them—that lead him to realize that, with the help of his own abilities as a persona user, unlocked before the start of the story, he could find people’s negative selves and drag them into the negative world, taking out people that our story’s big bad wanted removed and accelerating the terrible end the world was going towards.
(side note: possibly making the big bad here like, a religious organization or something. idk if that works well enough thematically but I do sort of like the idea of “evil god that wants to send everyone into a deep sleep/eventual death, possibly because it has decided humanity’s impulse of creation only creates evil things, and therefore humanity’s will to create must be destroyed”. and the idea of it having a church associated with it and that church having bdubs be deeply devoted to it, even secretly, is fun.)
over time suspicious things pile up about bdubs, especially as the link between victims, the big bad, and bdubs also pile up. however, impulse is loyal to all of his social links—the least he can do is trust them if he’s busy using this social connection for his own gain, right? the least he can actually try to help them, even if it’s not for altruistic reasons, right?
so I think, first, that either bdubs’s social link is suspiciously automatic or you have to get it to like, rank five to get the true ending. (note that to actual impulse he wouldn’t notice it’s automatic but you know suspiciously to the player.) then after a certain point you’re locked in and at like, rank 6, impulse goes to confront bdubs, and maybe also warn him, and like. they’re friends they’ve bonded bdubs is… part of the team so he’s also under the fool… he keeps on saying how much he loves impulse… right?
and the confrontation is basically. yeah, but that wasn’t a real connection. we were useful to each other, right? and bdubs talks about the big bad and his actual goals and tells impulse to tell no one. and I think we have a clock moment except now impulse also has “I gave you everything like I gave it to everyone else, oh god what if this is also all for nothing.”
…yeah so remember how I wanted to do a thing an actual persona game probably wouldn’t and have impulse have a bit of a breakdown over being everything for everyone all the time? right now like, throw in the horrible realization that bad things can cause social link rank ups. and I think that’s the final straw here; this idea that he’s pouring so much into these relationships that he’s not even sure are “real” because he’s doing them for bullshit magic reasons and that the bullshit magic will sometimes say “the path to win directly involves hurting you and people you care about”.
and impulse just sorta… shuts down a little bit? he’s horrified and upset. and he badly scrambles to try to warn the others but he wasn’t prepared for any of this.
which gives bdubs the opening he needs to drag impulse’s own negative self into the negative world, because this is the point that impulse hits such high degree of burnout that, despite being a persona user, despite arguably being THE persona user… the negative world can technically infect anyone if they’re upset and burnt out enough.
and then in the most self-indulgent but fun twist for me in the world, the next day, the news impulse was found in his apartment, having contracted sleeping sickness, gets conveyed to the party. we, the player, know bdubs is a traitor, but the party does not. and impulse’s social links and the party decide that, that’s impulse. they’re going to save him.
and THEN we get to have the sappy but also sad “this is what makes our leader despair” maze as like, the penultimate maze, which is also the one you fight bdubs in. undecided on whether bdubs can actually be saved as well. also gameplay-wise it’s a very difficult dungeon and the ultimate fight is very hard, but if you’ve raised your social links, it gets easier, both because you’ll have a better equipped party and because the people who have bonded with impulse want to try to help him, and that energy makes the enemies weaker the better you’ve done bonding with everyone.
…but there’s my idea for that.
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fayevalcntine · 10 months
If y'all are absolutely insistent on referring to Louis as a woman can you at least please, for the love of God, not act as if the femininity he's ""performing"" is white and then go off on a tangent about what "white womanhood can even be if a Black man can be one" when white supremacy has a considerable history of upholding white women/womanhood in order to continue their racist blood purity beliefs? At least go into Black femininity as an overall topic of discussion
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I hope Gege gets better soon, lately his health hasn't been the best :c, at the end of the day Gege is just a silly cat trying his best and I respect that
NO BECAUSE …….. i think . that criticism towards akutami and his writing is completely fair and understandable but some people really do just. forget?? how awful his working conditions are i think 😭😭 like genuinely. the manga industry is completely fucked and it affects all manga undergoing serialization rn including jjk!!!
like yes i think akutami is rushing the story but criticism about that in particular should be directed towards the industry pressuring him to pump out new chapters every single week, not the mangaka being worked to the bone.
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valeechtine · 4 months
Ok so the universe hates me I see
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bibiana112 · 5 months
And for bad oversharing medical news the arrhythmia from december never went away but I thought maybe the throat infection was still there right so that could be a reason but then I went to a specialist and not only is it practically cured (just lingering a bit) but my lungs sound fine as well! which means! the shortness of breath is probably something wrong with the oxygen in the bloodstream and the slight chest tightness is also extremely worrying I could only make an appointment to get it checked next friday and that sounds like way too long
#I know it's morbid but the only thing I can think about is how fucking mad I am at my parents and how I wish I had someone else to take care#of my things and burial if I were to die#they don't know me#they would do everything against my wishes because they never cared to listen#and Especially I am mad at my dad cause when this started he was around and I was really scared and upset and nearly crying and I told him#that I was considering going to the hospital right there and then and then he didn't. fucking say anything or ask if I was okay#they'll never listen anything just registers as crazy fucking kid having a tantrum again let's give her space leave her out of sight#And I had to Yell at him to stop telling me not to go to the hospital the next day and I mean Yell and he still said they'd deny it#that I was making it up if I had just been on my fucking own I wouldn't have double guessed myself on it and gone to the wrong specialist#and wasted time and gotten to the point where it's not like debilitating pain but constantly aware that it's there and I can only like eat#heart healthy shit that I don't even like and wait and god I am so upset at them why so I have to be alone and yet still be so tied to them#why pretend to care when I've said time and time again they're still hurting me like nearly everytime we see each other#Okay nevermind I actually Need to distract myself now usually confronting feelings is my favorite#but my body is telling me that if I want to cry I have to deal with it physically feeling like there's a hole between my ribs so#I'll hold off on it#I'll be fine#god going to sleep has been the absolute worse#delete later
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bucksbirthmark · 1 year
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ericlovessharks · 10 months
did u know sh.arks are cool
#ep#anyway vent time mbmb#i miss my bf#and#i sparked a fight between our parents bc we eat slowly#sorry ig but it would help if our dad didnt insult us everytime we ate yk#sorry we're slow and ruin everything dad#we would listen to u if u didnt insult us and then turn around snd deny that u did??#even our mom knows how bad he is we've sobbed to her so much ab him#he's great when hes happy but if hes even a little upset then we're the worst person in his life#and we have to be fine when his emotions change on a dime but ours cant we have to be happy and obedient 24/7 or else we ruin everything#snd if we start to cry bc of what he says he laughs at us#he's so great when hes happy so why does he have ti be so so mean when hes not#now our emotions are so extreme partly bc of him.and i dont want this#why do we either have to be extremely happy or so so sad or angry or anything#we just tske naps to not hsve to deal with this all the time#and im sobbinf to serenity ab this andni love her but it hurts to.feel like no one else cares#i know.some ppl do but why be such a burden to them and complain#esp when our dad is so great and he just has these lows and highs that are.totally uncontrollable!! and not hisnfault but completely ours!/s#he never treats anything we say seriously and hes such a hypocrite and we want him gone but we love him and we'd miss him and cry#why do.es this have to be com plicated ehy cant we just have a good relationship all the time#i dont want to be blamed for every bad mood he has anymore its so tiring tohear him take itnout on us and insult us#at least with our mom she hears us out but he's the man of the house so what he says is final and no one can argue n shit whatevr#he just yelled at our mom to shut up (in nepali) bc she was nicely trying to tell him to be a little calmer after blowing up on me lmfao#ok im done i need water my throat is so dru and i need to stop cryinf before our familyc omes up#vent
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dutybcrne · 8 months
No matter if friend or significant other, no matter how harrowing, Lumine will never willingly tell nor talk to anyone of her adventures with Dainsleif & their fight against the Abyss Order.
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afieldinengland · 1 year
marks that we left on each other pinkish in colour again
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leahthedreamer · 2 years
People feel mixed about the Pink Venom’s chorus but to me it’s sooo cunty like speak-talk-singing done right in my eyes.
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littlegalerion · 1 year
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I mean...it's an idea...
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#spoilers#particularly amaurot brainrot rn#with emet-selch. n full fathom five. neath dark waters. ykyk#THE TEMPEST#'The waters recede. The Tempest's floor is laid bare. In defiance of the blinding sky/ this place holds fast to its gloom.'#'The last refuge of he who denies the light with every fiber of his being.'#'You stand at the precipice/ hero. Journey unto the Heart of Darkness. Finish it.'#i remember that so well!!!!#the parts w amaurot n all are still among my fav parts of the whole ffxiv story#even the song.#i love water. the sea. ocean. n then yk with to the edge as well. the lyrics w angels n light n dark#remembrance as a core theme with emet. and they faced their end. while here we 'heroes' are to stop our end#hermes similarly is actually tied w emet now for my fav chara. but in a way that def i'd still choose emet always#bcs hermes w the. wings. bird. freedom. understanding. his loneliness. the stars. flowers. blue#emet w azem tho is smth that's really special to me#emet-selch always told the truth. he wanted us to understand. and remember. slave to sentiment; captive to love#n then the nier quests sob i'm still not over that. 'vestiges of paradise' n everything there is still stuck in my head#'Some days ago/ a light appeared in that endlesss darknesss.' :') opening lights like he's back home#n then w hyth. just a moment of weakness. how painful remembrance is. how painful it is to be alone for thousands of years#how it twisted him. n then w endwalker pls pls pls 😭#he's such a fool for holding unto hopeless remembrance. but i would've done the same. i would have done the same#'And yet...I fancy I hear his words to us echoing throughout this ocean trench. He would have his story known.' my beloved ;;;;;#his heavy burdens. & 'Surely Emet-Selch has recognized the hint of “her” in you...?' PAIN#'The decision to press on lies with you. Just as it lies with each and every one of us...' HDFJELKDFJLKFJD#ffxiv shb hurt so much oh god i rmb crying so bad. the story-telling is so good....#You wage a titanic battle not only against Hades/ but the hopes and dreams of Ascian-kind/ of which he is the keeper.'#'In the end however your own unwavering conviction brings the ancient being low. You have done a great & terrible thing.' ow
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umishiqu · 23 hours
that post pissed me off which is why this post exists
i'm putting a read more here for the mini scarabia analysis bcuz no one wants to get swamped with this in the tags. prolly kalim biased? but idk bcuz i think i quoted rly rly specific scenes for either jamil or kalim's characterization
“he provides little to no support or leadership to his dorm members” did we all ignore all those flashbacks in book 4 where exactly the opposite happened or?? his support that he gives is based on what he can give. in a dormitory where everyone’s supposed to be intelligent, his resources come in a form of what they don’t have (emotional support). that’s how he’s resourceful and represents the resourcefulness of scarabia
also are we really going to place all the blame of his codependent relationship with jamil on kalim when he’s insinuated multiple times that he does want to learn, he does want to help Jamil worry less and loosen up more (magic carpet ride with yuu), but just doesn’t because he holds the promises he makes with jamil to a very high degree (because that is all the good will jamil and their parents had allowed him to give him)? if someone tells kalim not to worry, he doesn’t get sarcasm. he’ll drop the conversation. but then he goes back and really thinks on it, and this is what got him to tell his worries with yuu in the middle of the night (twice). he’s insinuated that jamil would have been a better pick as dorm leader in his ceremony robes. he’s instantly assured by jamil’s words, trusting them, thinking he is being kind. if he didn’t, then there goes his last line of sanity. if he lies about this, what about everything else? he even says in silver’s personal story that if Jamil told him they couldn’t walk to class anymore, he’d probably have a meltdown. only reason why he isn’t is because (like I’ll explain about Jamil later), Jamil’s had many attempts to kill kalim. he hasn’t. kalim’s been ignoring a lot of what he actually feels about things for a very, very long time now, and obviously feels frustrated that all those times he’s been assuring Jamil and telling him not to worry about it didn’t get to him properly like he thought his words would. all those times telling jamil that he was so good at everything, explaining to others how good and reliable jamil is, and no one else saw it because jamil kept on submitting to kalim all the time. it’s not just a problem of kalim not understanding Jamil. jamil even recognizes in tamashina mina in Kalim’s card that neither of them properly understand what the other is trying to say a lot of the time. (can I say though that they do understand each other in the little things they don’t say. where words aren’t there. Kalim successfully guesses how Jamil was feeling while lighting the fireworks in tamashina Mina, Jamil reassures him though even if it was the truth. Jamil knew Kalim was going off to stop vil in book 5, he didn’t have to say he would, he just grabbed the carpet and got to them before the poison clouds took horrible effects.)
the pressure their parents put on jamil was a lot, and it followed them into high school. middle school was jamil’s first sense of freedom; it was the time when he and kalim were separated in terms of schooling. he didn’t have to lower himself for his sake. it makes sense that all his memories with kalim were all of kalim when he was younger, and that going into nrc, he would apply the same logic with kalim again (must be under him, must not stand out), even if that was no longer the case (with all Jamil said about their parents knowing if kalim even does one thing outside of their positions, the events of book 4 - the actual events - didn’t reach their parents ears.) kalim was right multiple times to say that Jamil was overworrying about things like that. najma even says that Jamil gets serious over silly things sometimes, and she was worried that he was overworking himself too much. she knows the situation they’re both in and is the only other narrator we have to their situation. even in Kalim’s lab coat, he was telling Jamil that it didn’t have to be an overblown party and just serving the leftovers would be fine (because he knows Jamil doesn’t like large parties and casual get togethers would suit better for him when trying to let him get to know his classmates, which is what and who the party was for). jamil believed that this would reflect poorly on kalim (and him) so obviously he didn’t listen and worried over the amount of work he anticipated he was going to get (even though kalim said that just leftovers would be fine). the people who do like overblown things? Kalim’s family. they made Jamil cook a bunch of food for everyone, the entire family, 40 of them, all at once. all of kalim’s gifts from his parents are overblown things he didn’t actually need or want in the past (reserved an entire amusement park! why did his parents do that when he would just be alone with bodyguards.) . now he’s actually getting smaller things, things he can enjoy, but he still thinks his gifts are for other people (mom gave him tea leaves, this should have been for Kalim himself since he actually likes tea, but Kalim… instead uses the tea leaves to have it served to everyone else. what the heck.) (can you see how they both have this problem ….. cut from the same cloth)
(I want to say that Jamil is of the opinion that Kalim seeking new experiences all the time is because he is a bored rich person that gets bored easily and has unpredictable whims. Tamashina Mina: where he doesn’t even say his last name to the guy he’s giving the bus to; his happiness at getting to spend some time with everyone else instead of up in the lonely rafters; him telling silver in silver’s school uniform that malleus is probably lonely all the time; heck, his voice actor saying that kalim is actually a pretty lonely person because of how he was raised… you could consider it to be “rich kid is bored and wants new experiences”, but I think he just associates those “new experiences” with “not loneliness”, because everything his position actually provided him just made him more lonely in the end. the riches and assassination attempts and all.)
a lot of the “fun and games” parties kalim throws is because he thinks other people would like it, and him believing other people actually like those sorts of parties is mainly because of the expectations people have of him and his position (ie like the lab coat situation i just described, where Jamil’s seriousness about how that sort of party would reflect on him and kalim is why he doesn’t accept the answer that he should just serve leftovers casually). he’s not the type of person to actually spend his fun and free time boisterously like this. in playfulland, he doesn’t even want to go to rollercoasters or the arcade; he just wants to relax and see pretty and new things (new experiences) in the seabed stroll. even azul is surprised by kalim’s completely ordinary wants in his bloom card.
and why does jamil stay? he basically says the reason in alab nariya when he’s upset at the thief for putting all his hard work throughout the day to the dust bcuz of the stolen usb. he put hard work into keeping kalim alive and well, whether he likes it or not. he won’t have it go to waste (as per Scarabia mindset of putting in as much effort as it takes to get to your goal, like Ruggie comments when Jamil in fairy gala brings in crewel and vil for dance lessons). he figures this resolution at the end of Alab Nariya as well - where, as long as he is properly recognized like when he was the one to light the fireworks, not kalim, he actually wants everyone to come back again next year even though the day was rough on him.
I feel like people should start getting used to analyzing kalim and jamil properly bcuz they aren’t getting separated from each other, thematically and narrative-wise, any time soon (except for the separation that they need as distance between them in order to come to a resolution. like checkpoints for their individual development)
#kalim al asim#jamil viper#twisted wonderland#anyway can people start analyzing them properly#there’s more I want to say like how because of the thing leona described in book 6#when Jamil got help in his dorm uniform card (petals for garnishing food and pennants for decoration)#he literally tosses them to the wind instead and is like (I never knew these would be useful for something)#it’s so funny but it is tied into why he acts the way he does with kalim as well; its ingrained in both his duty and personality#Jamil is slowly learning to accept help and develop too#accepting it from the most unlikeliest of places#like how he actually wants to garnish his food properly since not only najma commented on it but all of his club members too in culinary#he was genuinely bothered by him actually showing his skill this time and people still critiquing it#enough that he's like “this is because they said my cooking was horrible” when they just said the presentation of it was bad#not the actual cooking which they had complimented on it directly beforehand#and then we get the “dark laughing with a knife” jamil scene xD#he mentioned in his platinum card too that he's not actually looking for an extreme solution to his problems (world domination) like idia#and what he had said abt it was supposed to be a joke. he just holds grudges really easily and is also satisfied really easily#in even just thinking about “getting revenge” on kalim (humiliation)#or his classmates#which also makes you think that him wanting to send kalim off in shame to his home bcuz his dormmates kicked him out themselves#isn't bcuz he wanted something big to come after it like a complete change of circumstance or position. but bcuz he was so done#and the revenge for this grudge was a long time coming#but while jamil is the type to hyperfocus on little details like that#kalim providing perspective on the larger repercussions (jamil's reputation; what their parents think; and his resolution by forgiving him)#gets jamil to stop and think a bit that stepping out of line -> punishment can't be the answer to every asim problem#and maybe uses that to reflect on himself too which is why he settles on the opposite answer#that no if someone does wrong by him they deserve at least a bit of that pain back#seeing as how kalim denying his trauma all his life until now made jamil look like he was overworrying about everything#which. he does overworry but kalim's survival is a different situation#so when kalim comes to him crying in book 6 actually worried about him no denying anything or not overlooking his pain he's acc relieved
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