#not going to right now i could really honestly see myself getting back into CDs and getting a decent quality walkman
coughloop · 2 years
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seriously considering getting swagged as fuck
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DIABOLIK LOVERS GRAND EDITION Gentei Tokuten Drama CD ”The Test Wars: Winter Break On the Line!”
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Original title: 冬休みをかけたテスト戦争
Source: Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION Gentei Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Takashi Kondou, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: This CD was honestly a little...disappointing? It felt like very little was accomplished in the end and none of the guys really got to shine. Even though it’s about the exams, we don’t get to see (or hear) any of them study at all. I guess it’s because they already did a CD very similar to this one, so I suppose they didn’t want to repeat that. I honestly would have much rather seen a CD about the Sakamaki & Mukami family going skiing together over the winter break. That could be a wild ride. :p
Ayato: …Oi! Whatcha bein’ so restless for? God, I can’t believe you’re gettin’ all excited over Winter Break. How old are you, five? 
Anyway, as my possession, you’re bein’ quite cheeky, thinkin’ ‘bout how you’ll spend the break and all. You just need to spend time with me, end of the story.
You ask him how he will spend his break. 
Ayato: …Shut up, Chichinashi! That’s none of your business, is it? Why do I have to tell you? It’s already bad enough that I have to go to school period, so no way in hell I’m also adjustin’ to some stupid rules made up by a bunch of humans.
You ask if he would rather not have a winter break at all then.  
Ayato: Haah…? I never said I don’t want a break, did I? Honestly, a break sounds great just ‘bout now. Studyin’ is just a big pain in the ass after all. 
Reiji: Haah…I was wondering what the two of you could be talking about over here, but you’re already discussing your winter break plans? 
Laito: I think you might be getting a bit ahead of yourself there, Ayato-kun. 
Kanato: Agreed. Besides, she is mine, so I’d highly appreciate it if you would stop talking as if she belongs to you. 
Ayato: Haah!? Who are you callin’ yours…!? 
Laito: Nfu~ Kanato-kun’s casually trying to claim her, but Bitch-chan belongs to me, remember? 
Subaru: Haah!? Cut the crap! I can’t believe you’re just lettin’ these guys say all of this stuff…Why don’t you talk back a lil’ too, huh!? 
 You frown. 
Shuu: Pwaah…Nn…Shut up…You guys woke me up. You really are a nuisance. 
Reiji: I believe you are the biggest nuisance of us all for sleeping in such a place. Although right now, I have to give Ayato a reality check first. 
Ayato: Haah!? What do you mean, reality? Honestly, you always talk like you’re the shit.
Reiji: Good grief…Sorry to break it to you Ayato, but I am afraid you simply do not learn. 
Ayato: …What’s your problem, you fuckin’ Four-Eyes!? Dare say that one more time!
Reiji: I do not mind repeating myself as many times as needed if that is what you wish. 
Ayato: Che…!
Reiji: Since you appear to be completely ignorant of your current predicament, allow me to take this opportunity to make it clear to you. While you are free to get excited about the break, please do not forget that there will be exams right before. 
Ayato: …!? E-Exams...you say!? 
Laito: Aha! Geez, Ayato-kun! Seems like it completely slipped his mind!
Subaru: How do you even forget about that…? You’re a sophomore, aren’t you!? 
Kanato: I’m sure he’s the type of guy who conveniently forgets everything he doesn’t want to remember. 
Ayato: …Fuck off! Get off your high horse already! I only forgot ‘bout those stupid tests because I didn’t deem them worthy to remember!
Kanato: You plan to ignore Father’s orders? I doubt you will get away with that. …Aah, but, I suppose that could be interesting as well. Right, Teddy? 
Ayato: N-No way! I never said, did I!? 
Reiji: Ayato. Your homeroom teacher called me in to talk earlier. Your grades are far too terrible, if you keep this up, you will surely have to repeat the year.
Ayato: Repeat the year…!? Oi, are you bein’ serious!? 
Reiji: Why would I lie about it? For one, you sleep through most of your classes. So how would you expect your grades to be stellar when you never study at home either? 
Ayato: Keh…
Shuu: Tests are just a big pain in the ass. I honestly don’t understand the people who get all serious about them. 
Reiji: Shuu. This warning applies to you as well. After all, who is the guy who already had to repeat his year once because he could not be bothered to do anything? 
Shuu: Oh yeah, I guess that happened. Well, I definitely don’t want a repeat of the North Pole fiasco, so I actually anticipated and did the bare minimum this year. 
Reiji: …
Laito: Reiji. Too much anger is not good for your health. Shuu has always been like this, so why get upset over it now? 
Reiji: …Either way, to ensure that no other member of this family gets held back a year, I shall personally tutor you so Ayato, please bear that in mind. 
Ayato: Haah…!? 
Reiji: By the way, you do not have the right to refuse. If the results of your tests are not up to par, then you will devote your entire winter break to your studies. 
Ayato: Reiji, you bastard…Don’t be decidin’ this for me! …Also Chichinashi, what’s up with that look? Don’t tell me you’re pityin’ me!? 
Laito: Bitch-chan is so kind~ Those bad grades are something he brought upon himself, so no need to pay mind to it. More importantly…How would you like to spend our winter break? How about we both retreat to my room for some ‘naughty fun’...~? 
Subaru: Don’t make me gag! I don’t see how anythin’ good could come from lettin’ you have her during the break. 
Laito: Oh? Would you perhaps like to join in as well, Subaru-kun~? I don’t mind. I guess the three of us can all have a good time together then!
Subaru: Did you listen to one word of what I said!? Fuck…I never alluded to that, did I!? ーー O-Oi! Whatcha touchin’ her for!? 
Laito: …Mm~ Bitch-chan’s hair smells so wonderful. This fair skin of yours as well…Even just looking at it makes me weak in the knees…I guess it’s because your blood is just so sweet and delicious? 
Shuu: Oi, Laito. Can’t you shut up for even one second? It gets even worse when you’re around her so back off. 
Laito: Eeh~? No way. If anything, I want to cuddle even closer to her. Nfu~ I wouldn’t mind having a little sip of her blood eiーー 
Shuu pulls you away from Laito. 
Shuu: Enough with the bullshit. …And what is your deal, huh? At least fight back a little more. By reacting like that, you’re basically asking him to suck your blood. 
Laito: Excuse me, Shuu? Could you not pull her away out of nowhere? She seems to be in pain. 
Shuu: …It’s your fault for trying to suck her blood.
Laito: Eh? You’re putting the blame on me!? How cruel!
You frown.
Shuu: You always seem to be having such a good time when I suck your blood, so can’t you let this one slide?
Kanato: Please just let go of her hand already. It’s highly upsetting. …What is the problem with you guys? Are you trying to show off on purpose? 
Shuu: Not really…That’s not my intention. 
Kanato: Honestly…You’re not in the clear either. You always let everyone do with you as they please…Are you testing my patience, perhaps? While I do like submissive dolls, it isn’t exactly enjoyable to witness other men have their way with you right in front of my eyes. You don’t seem to realize that you belong to me. You are my plaything. Therefore, all you need to do is do as I please. If you fail to comprehend that…Perhaps I should just make it so you cannot move at all? 
Subaru: …Ugh. 
Subaru: Cut the crap! …Oi, you! Come here already!
Subaru pulls you his way. 
Kanato: …!? What do you think you’re doing, Subaru!?
You thank him.  
Subaru: Ah? …No need to thank me. Honestly, these guys just keep on spoutin’ bullcrap…It pisses me off!
Reiji: Please leave it at that! We have gotten quite a bit off-topic…but the matter we need to discuss right now is Ayato’s grades problem. 
Ayato: Who cares ‘bout that crap!? 
Reiji: Stop being so stubborn, Ayato. If you fail these upcoming exams as well, you will no longer get any pocket money!
Ayato: …Hah!? Fuck that!
Laito: Ayato-kun, I think you might regret going against what Reiji says~ Or else it won’t just be during the winter break, but you might never get any money again.
Subaru: Heh! Serves you right!
Ayato: That’s fuckin’ dirty, Reiji!
Reiji: Call it whatever you please. Besides, as a noble Vampire, you should be ashamed of yourself for getting worse grades than mere humans! 
Ayato: Fuck…Guess I have no other choice. Just this one time, ‘kay!? Still, you really think I’m gonna study all by myself? Chichinashi and all of these fuckers will suffer with me as well!
Subaru: Haah!? Why do we have to keep you company!? 
Kanato: Exactly. You’re the one who’s at risk of having to repeat his year, correct? This doesn’t apply to us!
Shuu: I’m definitely not tagging along.
Laito: Hm~ Personally, I wouldn’t mind joining in if Bitch-chan is there as well~
Reiji: How ridiculous…Are you perhaps hoping that I will be more lenient with more people around? I believe it is time to you stop struggling in vain and just honestーー 
Kou: M-neko-chan~!
Reiji: You guys…
Kou: Hey, hey! It’s almost winter break, right? The four of us are planning a ski trip so why don’t you join us? 
Ayato: Aah!? Are you out of your fuckin’ mind!? She’ll be hangin’ with me during the break!
Kou: Eh!? You don’t have any time to play, do you? Don’t you have to study? I’m pretty sure that you’ll be stuck studying the whole break if you get bad grades on the upcoming exams so you won’t be able to hang out, will you? 
Ayato: Kuh…
Reiji: Eavesdropping, I see. What a nice hobby you have there.
Laito: Hm~ The whole Mukami family is here, it seems. 
Kou: Man, you really must have it rough having to keep up with the selfish whims of the Sakamaki family. …Hey, don’t you think so too, Subaru-kun? 
Subaru: Shut up!! I mean, I’m part of that family too, aren’t I!? I bet you’re askin’ me on purpose!
Kou: Geez, how cold. If you keep on making that scary face, you won’t get any love from M-neko-chan~
Subaru: …!! You bastard…!!
Yuma: Oi, Sow. Yer grades aren’t half bad, are they? Then why don’t you join us before Ayato gets ya involved in his mess? 
Azusa: Hey, Eve…Let’s hang out together…I’m sure skiing will be fun…Ah, but I guess it might not be with me around…Although in my case, I enjoy any time as long as we spend it together…
You assure Azusa that you enjoy his company too. 
Azusa: Ah…I’m happy…You really are so kind…
Kanato: Kuh…Why are you guys here? 
Azusa: Why…? We just so happened to pass by…That’s all…
Kanato: Please don’t tell such blatant lies! I bet you secretly followed us, didn’t you!? That’s so creepy, it’s making me gag!
Yuma: Oi…! Stop throwin’ a hissy fit over every fuckin’ lil’ thing! 
Kanato: How about I sew that loud mouth of yours closed instead!? 
Yuma: Aah!? The fuck did ya just say!? Ya wanna throw fists, mate!? 
Ruki: Cut it out. What’s the point in lowering yourself to their level? There is no need for us to give those guys any attention, is there? 
Ayato: Ahー God! Shut up already, all of you! We stay quiet for two seconds and you instantly assume you can just run your damn mouths! All I need to do is pass my exams, right!? 
Ruki: I honestly cannot imagine that happening to the guy whose grades have been rock bottom the whole semester. 
Ayato: Kuh…Oi, Ruki! Don’t think you’re the shit just ‘cause you’ve got good grades! I can pass those exams with ease as long as I put in just a little effort. 
Kou: A little, you say? That’s an interesting claim, Ayato-kun. Ruki-kun is pretty smart, you see? 
Ayato: Shut up! Keep that mouth of yours shut!
Ruki: Then, how about our families having a competition to see who can get the best average score? The winning family earns the right to keep her all to themselves over winter break. 
Ayato: Heh, interesting. You’re on!
Subaru: Don’t be decidin’ that on your own! I’m not doin’ this shit!
Yuma: Hah! Is Mr. Hikikomori scared of losin’, huh? 
Subaru: You bastard…Are you pickin’ a fight with me? 
Azusa: …Can we win? …Right. We might be able to…if Eve cheers us on. 
Kanato: Please do not voice your ridiculous fantasies out loud. It’s unsettling. 
Shuu: I don’t want to deal with any trouble. 
Laito: I like the idea of all of us fighting over Bitch-chan like that! It kind of sounds like the plot of some cheap romantic drama, it’s giving me the shivers! 
Reiji: Good grief…Things have become quite bothersome because of you. However, we cannot back down now. Very well. We accept this challenge!
Ruki: It’s settled then. I hope you will not have any regrets, whatever the outcome may be.
Ayato: So this is where you’ve been Chichinashi! Don’t make me look for you!
Reiji: One would almost assume that you are avoiding us on purpose. Do you understand that you are not entitled to do so, I wonder? 
You try to explain yourself.
Reiji: You do not wish to get in the way of our studies? How imprudent of you. Seeing as you are part of the reason why this challenge was set up in the first place, do you not believe it would only be logical to help us out? If you fail to realize your own position, then I believe I will have to make things extra painful for you today. Please brace yourself. 
Laito: You heard him, Bitch-chan~ Reiji can be quite scary, can’t he? Personally, I would ensure that you experience the ultimate pleasure alongside the pain, so what do you think? 
Reiji: There is nothing to think about. She does not have the right to choose after all. You will come to my room once we’ve returned home, do you understand?
Laito: Eeh~? Then once you’re done with her, can it be my turn next? I’ll show you a world・of・fun~
Subaru: God…I thought we were goin’ to study? 
Kou: Ah! M-neko-chan, found you~! Come and study with us~
Ayato: Aah!? Chichinashi’s goin’ to help me with my studies! Fuck off!
Yuma: Haah!? I bet you’re the one who decided that on your own!
Ruki walks up to you. 
Ruki: I doubt you have the time to look after other people right now, do you? You should worry about your own grades first. Come here. I’ll help you study.  
Your eyes widen in surprise.
Ruki: Don’t look so dumbfounded. Are you really that surprised by my offer to help you out? While I hate unintelligent women, I believe you have potential. 
Azusa: Lucky you…Ruki is a great tutor, you see…
Ruki: Come here already. 
You join Ruki. 
Ruki: Do you have any questions regarding the test material? 
You point something out. 
Ruki: I see. Well, you’re supposed to use this formula and…
Kou: Ah-aah~ Ruki-kun snatched her away. Look at how they’re basically huddled together. I want to cuddle up to her as well. I tried so hard to finish all of my work in time too, it’s no fair Ruki-kun gets to have all the fun…
Ruki: Kou. If you are going to talk badly about someone, at least lower your voice. How is she supposed to concentrate? 
Kou: But I mean…When do we ever get the chance to study together like this~? So even if it’s only for a short period of time, I want to spend every second of it together. You feel the same way, don’t you? 
Ruki: Come on. How long are you going to stay distracted? Stay focused. …Your cheeks are flushed. Your breathing is somewhat ragged as well. Heh. Seems like you’ve got some other things besides studying on your mind. 
Kou: Heeh~? Are you perhaps hoping to get sandwiches in between Ruki-kun and I as we both suck your blood simultaneously~? 
Ruki: It would be rather absurd if that were truly the case. While it still makes sense for us to crave your blood, for you to seek out our fangs as well…What a greedy Livestock you are. 
Kou: Ahahaha~ For real! You actually have some nerve. If my fans find out about this, they might just kill you, you know~? 
Yuma: Hey, how much longer? It’s our turn now, isn’t it? …Heave-hoh.
Kou: Ah…Hey! Yuma-kun! I can’t believe you lifted her up with the chair and all…You’re such a brute.
Yuma: …There. Oi, help Azusa and I study as well. …Hah? What are you sayin’? Why bother askin’ Ruki for permission if you’re fine with it? Come on, teach us already. 
You start explaining. 
Yuma: …Oh. Hmー Hm. …Heh!? …You’re pretty good at this! I think ya could totally become a great teacher!
Azusa: But for now…She’s our own personal teacher…
Yuma: Heh. A private lesson with a female teacher, huh? Sounds pretty good. 
Azusa: In that case…I’d love to learn more about you…instead of the subject matter…Although, I suppose that’d make you feel troubled, wouldn’t it? I’m sorry for saying something inappropriate…
Shuu: If you know that you’re being inappropriate, then you won’t complain if we take her back, correct? Let’s go. 
Shuu: Why are you so easily won over by others? The triplets are throwing a tantrum because you were taken away. If you want to pretend to be a teacher that badly, then go ahead and do so close to me.
Azusa: …They left. 
Yuma: Che…That guy pisses me off with everythin’ he does!
Ayato: Ahー This shit makes zero sense! I find the motivation to keep goin’!
Reiji: I am teaching you in a way that even an idiot should be able to pass the exam. If you have a somewhat-functioning brain, at least try your best to remember this. 
You return with Shuu.
Laito: …Ah, Bitch-chan~! We’ve been waiting for you! Those Mukami’s didn’t pick on you too much, did they?
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! Teach me this part. Havin’ Reiji teach me is an absolute nightmare. 
Kanato: Excuse me? She will obviously teach me first. We already know that you will fail the exam, Ayato, so it’d just be a wasted effort. 
Laito: I’d love to have you thoroughly teach me as well~ …Okay, Bitch-chan? 
Reiji: Good grief, you lot…You want her to teach you that badly? Right. I suppose if I teach her first, then it will naturally reach you guys as well. 
Ayato: Ah? The fuck are you sayin’? 
Reiji: This is in your best interest as well, so I will not take no as an answer. In that case, I am counting on your full cooperation. 
Laito: Eeh~? We’re going to study? 
Subaru: Haah…I’m headin’ home first. 
Reiji: Hold up, Subaru. I shall not allow you to leave. 
Reiji stops him. 
Subaru: Oi, let go of me. Ayato’s the only problematic one here, right? 
Reiji: Excuse me? This concerns our whole family. Even if it is just Ayato who fails the exam, all of you will have your monthly allowance cut. 
Subaru: Aah!? Fuck off!
Kanato: Why do I have to face the consequences of Ayato being an absolute idiot!? 
Shuu: Haah…Ridiculous. 
Shuu: …!
Subaru: Oi, Shuu! Don’t you dare try and sneak out by yourself!
Reiji: Well then, let us get started. If Ayato gets a failing score, then I shall give all of you a taste of Hell. So keep that in mind. 
Ruki: The results are in but…
Reiji: As much as I hate to say this, it appears that our challenge has ended in a draw. 
Ayato: Hehe! How’s that? Pretty amazing, huh? I skillfully dodged failin’ my exams!
Kanato: Oh please, don’t brag about that. 
Laito: Oh well, all’s well that ends well, I suppose?
Azusa: Since we both got the same score…Does that mean Eve will have to hang out with us…as well as with the Sakamaki’s…? 
Yuma: So we can’t have her all to ourselves durin’ winter break? 
Subaru: Hah! Serves you right! Told you we wouldn’t let you fuckers have her!
Yuma: Shut up! Ya guys can’t keep her all to yerselves either!
Shuu: Oh well, I suppose we’ll have no other choice but to accept these results. 
You suggest you all hang out together. 
Shuu: …Hah? 
Reiji: …All of us together, you say? You mean both of our families…? 
Ayato: No fuckin’ way! I don’t want to spend time with them!
Subaru: Che…Ridiculous. I’m not gonna pretend to be pals with these bastards. 
Kanato: It’s unpleasant but I suppose we have no other choice. Those who have a problem with it can simply spend the break by themselves. 
Ayato & Subaru: Fuck off!
Subaru: Who says I have a problem with it!? 
Ayato: I never said I’d spend the break alone, did I!? 
Laito: You won’t gain anything from that kind of attitude. Just try and make the best of it~
Kou: Yeah, exactly~! Let’s all have a blast together! Right, M-neko-chan? 
Azusa: Mmh…I’m also looking forward…to spending winter break together, Eve…Say, what should we do…aside from skiing? 
Yuma: There’s still some time until the end-of-term ceremony, so we’ve got plenty of time to brainstorm. 
Ruki: Right. Why don’t you come over to our place so we can set up a plan? 
Kou: Nice idea, Ruki-kun!
Azusa: Well then, with that settled…Let’s not waste any more time. Eve…Let’s go. 
Subaru: Hold up! Don’t be tryin’ to abuse the situation to take her away! Didn’t you agree to spending the break all together just earlier!? 
Yuma: Hah! Says the guy who didn’t seem to like the sound of that at all!
Azusa: Mmh…Yuma’s right. 
Subaru: Shut up!! Besides, why do you guys get to decide everythin’!? 
Ruki: The more people, the more difficult it becomes to come to an agreement. Rest assured, once we’ve settled on a plan, we shall inform you guys as well. I cannot deny that the challenge ended in a draw after all. However, winter break has not yet started. 
Kanato: Exactly. Do you really think that twisted logic of yours will fly? 
Yuma: What do ya mean, twisted logic!? He’s makin’ perfect sense!
Azusa: Exactly…I don’t believe Ruki is wrong…
Kanato: Are you an idiot, Azusa!? I’m trying to say that I can’t give you guys permission to take her to your house. 
Subaru: No way we can trust some kind of shady plan you fuckers came up with. …Come on, you too! You don’t need to feel obligated to go with those guys. For today, just come back home with us, ‘kay? 
Ruki: Do not make a fuss simply because things have not gone your way. It is painful to watch. 
Subaru: Kuh…Ruki…You bastard! Meet me outside so we can fight it out!
Ayato: Cut it out, you shitheads! It was always the plan for her to spend the winter break with me!
The Sakamaki’s and Mukami’s start arguing in the back. 
Reiji: Well, I do find it frustrating that we were not able to put those Mukami’s in their place, I suppose I can hardly complain seeing as Ayato did manage to pass his exams. …That being said, I am already getting a headache just from knowing that I will be the one having to constantly stop them from arguing. Good grief…Haah…
ーー THE END ーー
228 notes · View notes
yayforocs · 1 month
CD #3
A throat clears, and for a minute, the only sound is the soft whirring noise of a crank being turned.
Eventually, though, there’s a breath in, then out, and then a voice.
“So I think I learned what a ‘supernatural thriller’ is today, heh…” There is no smile in the laugh. There’s a noise of uncertainty. “I- So- It’s-” A sigh. “From the beginning, yeah…”
“When we went to the world for today, Zeta- that's Shantil, she prefers to go by her last name- had told us that it was going to be a ‘supernatural thriller’, which now I think means ‘scary magic’, essentially. With ghosts. It was… It was a uh…. I forget what it was called, but it was- we started out in this room covered in posters, an’ then this train showed up, which is like this big machine used to transport a buncha people at once, an’ then suddenly we were on it, like I blinked and then suddenly Voltage was in my face tryna shake me, so I guess I- well, Mask, too, he went to her after I responded, so I guess something happened to us an’ we blacked out? But when we woke up, we were on the train, which I didn’t learn was even called a train ‘til later, but-”
“Anyway, there were a buncha different rooms in the train, an’ each of ‘em were themed to a ghost that had died on it- like one was pink an’ the ghost- Nikola? I think? Was like magically writin’ all over the walls an’ stuff, and there was another one that was a yellow maze, an’ another had this paper sculpture in it, an’ one- well, we went into it once, an’ it was all black an’ had what I guess was the last one in it- but it wasn’t a human ghost anymore. It was this black monster thing with red eyes an’ it kept popping up an’ chasin’ us all over the train as we teleported from room to room. It didn’t start once we got in the room, though, it was goin’ way before we ever found it. Voltage had had a run-in with it before he woke me an’ Mask up, so we were running pretty much from the start of it.”
“We had to figure out a buncha clues and get everyone’s name so we could- right, yeah, yeah, because it um- the monster thing would take memories. It’d completely wiped the other ghosts on the train, they couldn’t even remember their names, we had to like. Give ‘em back to ‘em. An’ then when we figured out the last name- or- really, that the last name left had to be the name of the monster, because it was a human once too- we were able to team up with one of the ghosts- the purple one, I… I don’t remember what her name was, but she knew spells an’ stuff, an’ we were able to team up with her an’ get rid of the monster- and…”
“I- I wasn’t thinking, it was stupid, she’d said she could summon it or whatever so I thought it’d appear in the circle, the- the magic circle thing, an’ didn’t think about it coming through one of the doors, an’-”
“I’d- so- it-”
There’s a long breath in, and a long breath out.
“I put myself on the other side of ‘em, b’cause they were gonna try to hold it off if it didn’t work, and honestly I can’t do magic, I don’t have magic, so I thought I’d put myself where I could do what I’d done last time we ran into it there an’ just be ready to throw my dagger at it an’ run so I could distract it for ‘em, an’-”
“I mean, I- I guess I did- be a distraction, I just- didn’t think it’d come from behind me, is all. Don’t even know what it took, just that it took something, an’ it’s driving me nuts. I feel like I remember everything, but that’s just ‘cause I don’t know what I’m missing, and I know I’m missing something.”
“I think I’m gonna go home tonight. See if I can figure it out. An’… Honestly, I’ve… kinda been avoiding goin’ back, b’cause like- What do I even say to them? Would they believe me? I-I mean, I guess Kale an’ Kid have prob’ly dealt with weirder things, considering – the- god- thing- an’ they both just kinda seem- weirdly knowledgeable about a lotta things, honestly- but Tab would- …Or, well, no, I- I guess she might, since she had like- talked about dimensions and stuff. So. Mm. But they’re gonna be so- I don’t think they’d want me to go back. But I dunno if I even wanna come back after that. If- if there’s stuff like that here, then- am- I’m still gonna remember them after a couple months, right? Years? How long is- I mean, the other party’s been here for twenty an’ they’re still goin’ strong, so- it- it could be a while, right? If stuff like that is here, that could- that could really change a person that drastically- would- would I still be the same?Or- if that was just a- a one-time thing, like… I mean, it- it prob’ly was. It was just in that- world, or- whatever.”
A sigh.
“Or maybe I just- won’t say anything ‘til I know what to say, an’ just… be home. That… sounds kinda nice, actually. I- I think I’ll do that. I’ll just be home. An’ if they ask, I’ll just- figure it out, I guess.”
The whirring slows, and then stops.
Aron blinked, and realized she was- she was in her room. Her room- and Tab’s, of course. Sitting at the desk, blueprints laid out- though the wings were still strapped to her back. She stood and took them off, as well as her bag, and put them in their corner where she usually stored them. Didn’t make sense for her to be wearing them while she was just looking over the blueprints, and the longer she could last without questions asked, the better. She just knew they’d not be happy with her running off by herself- though she was with a group so she wasn’t exactly by herself- and not want her to be in the extra danger that she was clearly putting herself in. She’d lost a memory, after all, and the back of her neck still hurt from where the thing grabbed her like that. She didn’t know if it’d left a mark- oh gods, she hoped it didn’t. She’d noticed a bruise around Voltage’s neck… was that from his run-in? Did she have one, too?
She reached up and lightly touched her neck, then less lightly as she realized that yeah, while it still hurt, it didn’t feel bruised. Maybe because she’d been dropped so quickly. Her sigh of relief let her hand and shoulders fall back down.
She looked around the room.
She looked around the room.
[My bed] [.91m] [Tab’s bed] [.92m] [Black oak door] [1.22m] [Retractable paraglider wings] [.61m] [Note: A gift from Something Owner, whatever that means]
Good. It did work, it was just- something weird with the universe, she guessed.
But it did seem that she was the only one here currently, and she was antsy about it. Aron needed to see someone- anyone would do, just- after that, and not knowing what she forgot- gods, she hoped she still remembered who all her friends-
There was a knock at the door.
She whirled to face it, and had to force herself to not rush to the door and to not rip it open- after all, her coming to the door to answer would be an oddity in and of itself, considering who'd called out to her, but she couldn't not, not now.
She opened the door to see Kid.
And she grinned.
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meimi-haneoka · 1 month
I am so sorry that I haven't been responding to your articulate and kind answers to my asks. Honestly, my professional as well as personal life in the last month and a half had been a complete mess (it would be more appropriate to call it a tragicomedy at this point) but I had been wrapped up in my exams even though I had tried to keep myself up to date with the announcements. From what I understand, no news of season 2 of CCS CC anime, right? In any case, it does seem that patience would be the best virtue for now. Sigh. On the other hand, I have come across some screenshots of a CCS CC mobile game from a few years back. From what I gathered, it had a scene where Syaoran teases Sakura by saying cheesy romantic stuff in English and then refusing to translate it for her. Lmao. This guy. I am beginning to see shades of Horitsuba's Syaoron and TRC's Li Tsubasa in him. Look at this formerly grumpy little brat being all sly and flirty. Plus I also saw screenshots of elementary school age Syaoran with Fujitaka at the latter's home, presumably discussing archaeology with interest and Sakura serving them sweets and mostly smiling indulgently from a distance. I really want to know the context of this one. Fujitaka and Syaoran's bond was one of my fave in TRC and to watch them in CCS, bonding over archaeology despite the different contexts and origins of this interest in this world would be a joy. You just know that Fujitaka's greatest fanboy is going to be his son in law. (Also, is it just me or is Li Tsubasa more of an anthropologist, like the cultural anthropology kind, than an archaeologist like Syaoran?)
Dear Aubretia, you don't need to apologize! I also don't always feel mentally available, or have time to answer to asks, so I might take some days too! But your comments and asks are always welcome here, whenever you feel like it!! I hope your situation got better in the meantime! 🙏
Yep, April 1st didn't bring any anime S2 news aside from CLAMP confirming in a Space that an announcement might take some more time, but it is surely on the way: now everything is basically left in Kodansha's hands, to make that announcement.
Ohohoh I know very well what you're talking about! The legendary (and defunct) Happiness Memories mobile game! I played that game myself for the one year it lasted, and sometimes I was literally shocked at how pertinent and relevant that game was to the anime (but also manga) storyline...so much that I wondered more than once if Ohkawa wasn't a ghostwriter for it or something... For example, in the game you could play a "photo story" where Akiho practiced with Kaito her introduction for her first day of school at Tomoeda...it was very sweet but I thought it was just "an invention" of the developers of the game... But when the two Drama CDs came out with the Special Edition of volume 7 and 8 of the manga, I was shocked to realize that Ohkawa wrote a line for Akiho where she recounts her first day of school to Kaito, and she says "I was able to greet everyone in Japanese, just like I had been practicing!" <- just like in the game!!! That felt too much of a coincidence (in a CLAMP thing?? coincidences don't exist!!) to me, so I lowkey consider whatever happens in that game "canon"! 😁
I had made some threads on my Twitter account, back then! And I remember I translated some of the content of that SyaoSaku Happiphoto here!!
I also remember the one about Fujitaka and Syaoran, I mentioned it in my Trivia post about all the literary references, because in that photostory Fujitaka mentions a particular book to Syaoran while talking about archeology...but unfortunately I didn't get to play that photostory, so I don't know many details about it!! But yes, I totally agree that Fujitaka's biggest fanboy will be his son in law (and this reminds me we didn't get an interaction between them in Clear Card!! This is totally one of those things they can feature in the anime, though! 😁)
Hmmm for Tsubasa and Syaoran, yes, it might be like you say! And it would make sense because despite one is the clone of the other, they are two different people and had different experiences, even their personality is sliiightly different!
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voxnumbskull · 1 month
Hey guys, feel like I haven't posted anything Nanu related in a while because I've been in a bad slump, and I'm just now pulling myself out of it again, so I decided to treat you with some headcanons.
If any of these are repeats, I'm sorry. I can't remember what I have and haven't said, and I really don't feel like going back and looking.
That being said, I just have hcs about his past before becoming a cop today.
•I always imagine Nanu in his early 40s. I hc him being born on November 14th, 1981, putting him at 42 years today. Also, I chose this date specifically because something about it felt right, and he really gives me November Scorpio vibes.
•Nanu to me always resembled some other characters in the franchise vaguely, at least as far as facial features go. He definitely screams Unovan, with a strong jawline and larger eyes reminiscent of an American man. But he also has something about him that screams Hoenn, mostly really specific facial features that makes him resemble characters like Norman and of course Kabu, who is canonically from the Hoenn region. This always made me believe he's mixed Asian American. Unovan father, Hoennian mother, tales as old as time.
•Whether or not they lived in Alola at any time during his childhood is honestly up to your preference. I could genuinely see him growing up pretty much anywhere around a more large urban area.
•I like to imagine his father served in the military at some point, since in our world, Nanu would have been born not long after the end of the Vietnam war. I imagine his father was a hard ass, and his mother was the strict parent who just wanted to see her son doing well. Their influence most definitely made him the rebellious type when he got older, and the embarrassment of some of the things he did, or getting involved with the cops one two many times inspired him to turn over a new leaf later in life and join the academy.
•Nanu would have been a teen to young adult in the 90s, so I imagine a lot of band tshirts, washed out jeans, flannels, dirt stained Converse, and messy hair. No doubt his grungy style and interests drove his parents crazy. Especially the music. Favoring 90s grunge, 80s hairbands and old school thrash, trad metal, etc. Anything loud that drowned out the high expectations placed on his shoulders.
•This makes me feel like he eventually would've tried making a band with some of his high school buddies. Not his idea, of course, but it sounded cool and gave him something to do. Hell, he even enjoyed the idea of getting to be a dope ass bassist like some of his faves.
•Maybe he gets his first job in retail somewhere just to save up money for his own shiny red bass guitar, and he practices by recreating his favorite bass lines from his horde of CDs.
•Maybe they even get as far as becoming a decently popular garage band in their area, who knows?
•Around the age of 20-21 though, Nanu starts getting serious about his future, and he quits the band to join the police academy, where he showed real talent. The rest was history.
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putschki1969 · 1 year
Hello Puts!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas ❄️
How are you doing? How were your holidays?
I have a question/thought about Hikaru?
I'm so worried about what she's going to do next. Will she continue to sing? On the one hand, the fact that the contract was not renewed is logical - it is obvious that the agency could not offer her anything new. But what's next?
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Hello there!
Thank you! All the best to you as well!
I have honestly felt quite drained in the past few weeks.T_T After getting back from Japan I went straight back to work. I haven’t really had time to rest properly. This has frustrated me to no end because I still want to write a bunch of reports about my Japan trip but damn it, I just can’t bring myself to do it *sighs* Anyways, enough complaining, I will get to that stuff eventually! Now let’s see what we can do about your question.
It’s a really good question and I have been wondering the same thing. Hikaru’s current situation is quite literally a mess but in her New Year’s post she was pretty straight-forward about wanting to continue to make music in some shape or form. I expect her to make some guest appearance this year and maybe we’ll even see the one or the other collaboration (possibly with Keiko). She doesn’t seem to have the means to organise proper one-man-lives at the moment so she has to rely on small gigs with other artists. Let’s hope she can move past that soon. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy she has some work at least but performing three songs in a tiny live house in front of a hundred people won’t get her far in terms of reaching a wider audience (or even her loyal fanbase). I know it’s not necessarily her goal anymore to become popular but I would want her events to be a bit more accessible.
I am glad she has her theater commitment right now because that seems to keep her busy and happy. I briefly mentioned it in my report of the Ambient Border -DAWN- event but it’s obvious that she feels very comfortable with the C.C.C theater group members. It’s a good thing to see her this carefree and passionate about something. The fact that Hikaru gets to sing not only one but two songs (Ambient Border & Under the Rain) for the upcoming play gives me hope that there will be some sort of CD release accompanying the show. Also, please let there be a broadcast like last time! I am so curious about her performance!
With all her involvement in theater work, I wonder if this is maybe her slow transition into musicals? I mean, it would be the next logical step for her. It’s what Hikaru started out doing as a kid and teenager. It’s obviously something she enjoys and from what we have seen so far, she can quite masterfully tackle the acting part. These days there are quite a lot of Japanese artists who are doing musicals once in a while. Her vocal range might not be suitable for all roles but then again, if singers with the most generic anisong voices (e.g .May’n or Nana Mizuki) can do musicals, so can Hikaru!! Unfortunately, the Spice guy and his theater gang don’t strike me as particularly influential in the entertainment industry so they probably cannot help Hikaru get a foot in the door of the musical world.
As far as Hikaru’s YouTube videos are concerned, I have no idea where she is heading with her channel. I am enjoying her stuff a lot but it doesn’t really seem to lead anywhere. There is no way she is gonna attract a wider audience with her current content, especially since there are a ton of other Japanese YouTubers out there who are doing the exact same thing. That specific influencer/content creator market is already very saturated. In my opinion, she should really post more music-related videos because music is what she is known for so she has a big advantage in that field...
Everyone, feel free to chime in...
Funnily enough,Hikaru posted this tweet today (January 15). Sometimes I feel like she reads my blog XD
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I've received several messages about work inquiries and while I would like to talk about them with you I am currently not able to. It hurts me to say that this disingenuous state will continue and I am honestly so sorry about it. I'm working hard to reach a place where I can openly talk with everyone and explain the situation. Please rest assured that I will tell you everything as soon as I am able to.
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Frasier episode 3.13 "Moon Dance"
I came to the 90’s sitcom scene for Friends, but I stayed for Frasier. More specifically, I stayed for Dr. Niles Crane. The best episodes of Frasier are the ones that open with Kelsey Grammer casually ducking out to visit Frederick for a few days, not to be seen for the next half hour while Niles quite literally trips over himself for Daphne. I don’t dislike Frasier as a character, but he’s a lot. He’s yelly and condescending and he’s been around for so long that it’s nice to have a breather from him every now and then. And the rest of the Crane clan has no problem holding their own. The sign of a truly well-rounded cast of characters, when Frasier returns to bookend these episodes, I find myself thinking that I can’t believe how much has happened since he left.
             “Moon Dance” is one of these episodes. I’ve seen it more times than I could count, and every time I find myself shocked that it’s only 22 minutes long; it really is an emotional rollercoaster. Frasier deftly ducks out to take Frederick to Williamsburg in the cold open, yet it doesn’t feel at all offbeat to find Niles in his apartment in his absence- in fact, he’s here to bemoan his lack of a social life. Niles and Maris have separated, and he’s become privy to rumors and photos of Maris seeing other men. Martin, honestly an adorably patient dad, suggests Niles put himself out there and have some more self-confidence.
            The next day punctuates Niles’ extremely social circle: he’s already in the living room when Martin, Daphne, and Eddie return from a walk. He’s practically giddy when he asks his dad if he’s free on Saturday.  Martin can barely get out his “yeah, why?” before Niles blurts out “well I’m not, I have a date!”. He’s taking an acquaintance, Marjorie, out to their social club’s annual dance (“rumors persist about her husband’s death, but hey, a date’s a date!”). Considering it’s the catalyst of the entire episode, the subject of dancing comes up incredibly naturally- of course it would never consider to Niles that he might actually have to dance at this dance (“Maris always hated public displays of rhythm”), and of course Daphne would offer to give him some lessons. Everything that happens in this episode makes for great TV and it’s also really just exactly what all of these people would do.
David Hyde Pierce has said that he didn’t expect anyone to like Niles, but he just has that extra ounce of innocence and integrity that earns him my sympathy when Frasier doesn’t. The dancing lessons start out harmlessly, not that Niles could be anything but. At first, he’s not even having that good a time: “this is boring, yet difficult” (the one-liners just keep coming and they’re too good not to highlight). But of course, after a couple drinks he can’t get enough of this quality time with Daphne. While she runs off to get another CD, Marjorie calls, cancelling their date. Martin apologizes to his son but heads off to bed before he can see Niles, tempted by the close contact of the samba, neglect to tell Daphne that he no longer needs the lessons.
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The next day Martin is properly confused, then concerned, when Niles has bought several new CDs for that night’s dancing lessons. In a quick aside, Martin tells Niles that he’s “sticking a fork in the toaster” by spending this intimate time with Daphne, which is instantly met with “well my muffin’s stuck!”. But when Daphne is back in earshot, Niles does the right thing and tells her about the cancelled date. Of course, his strength can only hold out for so long when Daphne offers to go to the ball with him herself. There’s no dishonesty in the situation anymore, and besides, she says she would have a great time.
Cue Frasier’s timely return from his visit with Frederick on the night of the dance. He’s his usual unpleasant self, announcing to Martin that he’s still on vacation and doesn’t want to hear a word from his family until tomorrow. The good news: he’s the butt of this joke, as the doorbell rings and Daphne, dressed to the nines, runs to answer it, excitedly declaring that her date has arrived. Of course, it’s Niles and the two head out, arm in arm, with Frasier’s jaw on the floor. Who could explain the situation? Certainly not Martin, who’s been forbidden to speak to him for the night.
At this point in the story, we’ve had some fun with Niles and Daphne, and Frasier has returned to bookend the episode. It could end here, and I’d feel satisfied, but we still have to go to the dance! This is when the silly and whimsical takes a turn for the emotional and poignant. Niles and Daphne arrive at the dance to many an apologetic look and anecdote about who has recently seen Maris where and with which attractive man. But soon, Daphne pulls Niles onto the dance floor and the fruit of their labor is on full display.
They take it one step further by attempting a tango, something they never worked on at home, but which Daphne insists Niles will love- after all, their bodies have to touch the entire time. Caught up in the heat of the moment, Niles declares that he adores Daphne as he twists and spins her around the dance floor, which at this point is all theirs. He claps a hand over his mouth as soon as he says it, but Daphne responds that she adores him too. Shocked but clearly elated, Daphne and Niles finish what has become an award-winning dance, and even share a kiss on the lips before landing in their final pose. This must be it, right? They danced, they shared some powerful words, they kissed, and it all happened so naturally.
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Niles is visibly blown away from the electricity of the moment, sitting down and barely even able to get a word out. They talk giddily about how everyone there was watching them, when Daphne revels over the fact that not only is Niles a great dancer, he’s also an impressive actor. The wind is kicked right back out of Niles’ sails as Daphne explains that they were doing a bit, going the extra mile to get Niles his street cred back amongst his peers. Niles lets this sink in, then, physically and emotionally drained by the most loaded tango I’ve ever seen, decides that it’s time to go.
When Daphne makes a quick run to the bathroom, a female acquaintance approaches Niles and gives him her card- in case he ever wants to go dancing again. Niles is very civil with her and is flattered by the offer, but when Daphne returns, he leaves the card on the table with no intention of taking it with him. Yet, as they make for the door, Daphne praises Niles for stepping out of his comfort zone tonight: “and to think you almost didn’t come. It’s a shame when people let fear stop them from trying something new.” Niles is struck by this, and excuses himself to return to their table and put the woman’s business card in his jacket pocket. In a layered closing line, Niles holds his arm out to Daphne; “I’m ready now”.
I think of this episode so fondly, and it is such a sound reminder that sitcoms can have depth, substance, and heart. And it did it all without its title character! Any time I want to think, laugh, and feel, all in 22 minutes, Frasier is my go-to. And I haven’t even gotten to say anything about the queer undertones that impact the entire show without ever being brought to the surface, so I’m sure I’ll be back another time with much more Frasier.  
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brightgnosis · 2 years
The music festival was great, honestly. There were a lot of hiccups emotionally, but we had such a good time; it was amazing to be back after not getting to go for a couple of years thanks to COVID.
My Husband and I did discover that we've become Orcs, essentially, since Covid, however; we don't deal well with large crowds of people and get persnippety now when confronted with them. Which wasn't great in and of itself, but we figured out what the issue was quickly enough and put things into place to deal with it.
We've also discovered that I've apparently developed some kind of potential panic disorder since Covid; between the CAG (my fun digestive nonsense) nearly killing me between 2016 and now, plus all my memory issues and memory loss, plus catching COVID in 2020 before vaccination availability, plus now the Fibro … My brain straight up just error 404's and shuts down entirely after a certain level of noise and motion- and apparently now I start panicking when that happens in large crowds?
I was having this issue slightly before now, whenever we go shopping in WalMart and I find myself too crowded in. But I never panicked before, and neither of us really understood the true extent of it I guess. We did find, though, that putting my head down, closing my eyes, and plugging my ears helps significantly. Still, it's such a strange new experience for me because I used to be so good with crowds before all this nonsense ... And now ... Eugh.
One nice thing was that our camping spot was literally right up against the fence, across from one of the stages (Stage 3). So we didn't have to walk too far to the gate to get into the festival grounds- and we didn't have to chase down nearly as many bands. We could just sit around camp and wait until they came over to Stage 3 to play instead, and just go into the grounds whenever we either wanted to see a band at the main stage, wanted food, or wanted to look at Vendor shinies.
The only downside to being right across the fence from a stage, however, is that I'm half deaf. I can't hear on a good day- which means I definitely can't hear when there's very loud music going from 9 am to near midnight every single night. And it was so frustrating because no one would speak loud enough at me to hear; even my husband was using his "polite indoor voice" because he didn't want to disturb the people across the fence. It took me several days to get him to understand that we're 10 feet back from them. Not only can they not hear us via proximity, they're not even paying attention to us, and can't hear us over the music even if proximity was an issue. It was still frustrating trying to hear him, however, and I don't think having my hearing aids would have made the problem any better.
Despite all that, though, it really was a great time. I got to eat a lot of amazing Greek food (Frank’s Greek Delights), which I haven't gotten to have since our Greek place shut down a while ago- plus Pho and Thai Boba Tea (Han Jep Asian Fusion). And I bought myself a couple metal garden stakes (one butterfly and a hummingbird from Empty Pockets Ironworks), a moonstone and copper bracelet (Mosto Creations), and a sterling silver and Swiss Topaz hummingbird necklace (Brendan White Jewelry Designs). So those were lovely treats.
Entertainment-wise, I got to watch The Steel Wheels perform again, as well as Socks In the Frying Pan (and picked up new CDs from both); saw Bing Futch again (always a classic for us); discovered a new band I think I like (Weda Skirts); And I finally got to go back to Carp Camp a couple nights in a row- which was lovely, and very much well needed (if unexpectedly emotional for me).
I even met what I'm pretty sure is a couple of Heathen practitioners running one vendor- one of whom is an Ex-Mo like me. And I met another confirmed practitioner of unknown tradition working at a different vendor's booth. Something which I definitely didn't expect, but definitely loved!
I hurt like hell today, now that I'm finally home. But I'm honestly surprised that my body doesn't hate me more than it does? I genuinely expected a flair, or something, at the very least ... But nope ... Just a lot of muscle soreness, and some very angry knees, and that's all. I even did relatively well with the heat- although we got fairly lucky and the weather was actually cool for the first few days of the festival; all in all, my body handled it really well, and I'm so damned happy about that.
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duskythesomething · 6 months
music asks: 1, 4, 6, 8 (or artist tbh), 13 and 19!!!
1. what is your favorite song. right now. tell me.
proooooobably Lovejoy's cover of The Perfect Pair, but Dropshipped Cat Shirt from Wilbur's newest album goes DELIGHTFULLY hard
4. what band started it all for you?
growing up i listened to a lot of the same rock music my mom did, and my first mp3 player had all those types of songs. i'd say Skillet and Three Days Grace were the first of those bands i notably recognized as favorites for more than just 1 or 2 songs. the first artist i personally demanded be put on that mp3 player was Selena Gomez, but the first artist that really got me insane about music and lyrics and how it made me feel was Fall Out Boy!
6. what bands/artists do you want to see in concert?
Lovejoy ofc but also Streetlight Manifesto and Joywave!! i've been fortunate enough to see quite a few of my top artists but these three have slipped by me due to timing or lack of funds when they were coming to my areas. other artists that would be cool would be quadeca or Freddie Dredd :3
8. tell me about your favorite band. go on infodump for me.
i mean currently it's Lovejoy duh but also those who know me know my LOVE for Yung Gravy and bbno$. i've seen Gravy 3 separate times (with bb for 2 of those shows) and one of them was a whole 4 hour drive away. any time Gravy goes on tour i immediately buy tix if he's coming close enough by to convince my friends to go with me (since i can't drive myself just yet). out of all 3 shows the 2nd one was easily the best! they played in a college auditorium and had a pre-show experience that came with a free pin (mine has a visual defect and i LOVE it) where we all took a big selfie. the 1st show i saw of him was at a local small bar/concert venue where i got separated from my friends, but it was fun! the 3rd time my friends and i didn't have great time management and missed the first chunk of the show trying to get back and forth from the state fair to our hotel to get ready, and get back to the state fair to the concert hall, and the seats were just folding chairs crammed REALLY close together. it was stuffy and i could barely see despite buying seats that WOULD HAVE BEEN INCREDIBLE in any other typical seats or standing room. not the artists' faults though, the venue just sucked and after a terrible day at the state fair itself it just wasn't a good time.
(below is mentioned picture from Gravy Baby pre-show experience!!)
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13. what is one album that has irreparably damaged your social skills?
i could easily just say Your City Gave Me Asthma but, honestly rather than album i'd say artist, and that artist would be Quadeca. something about the absolute angst and anger he put into a lot of different songs carried me through a really rough time at my old workplace, but not necessarily in a good or productive manner. i'm an angy person by default, so angy music doesn't always help that.
19. what is your favorite album art from one of your favorite artists?
let me highlight a personal favorite artist i practically never talk about, The Used!! their 2007 album Lies for the Liars is my fucking JAMMMMM and i specifically asked for that specific CD as a kid! the funky boxhead guy has always stood out to me, and i think his expression really captures the feel of the album. i'm also a fan of Streetlight Manifesto's 2003 album Everything Goes Numb, the red and black palette makes for great merch and the songs on it all slap. another notable mention is Joywave's 2015 album How Do You Feel Now, very funky and again perfect for the sound of the album!!
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simp4men · 2 years
Hold Me Down part 2
Part 1 
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“Jack, seriously, stop it. Your gonna fuck up the jacket and Metta is gonna kill you,” you yell at him 
“No i’m not ma, you worry too much” he says
“Yeah, you're right because sometimes you're a literal child, it doesn’t matter anyway I'm going to have to carry it around like always.” you huff taking the jacket off of Jack and draping it over your arm
Jack was getting ready for his meet & greet CD signing later this evening and was currently figuring out what he wanted to wear. He ended up just wearing a black hoodie and cargo pants. 
“So are you excited to finally get to meet people up close and personal?” you ask him 
“Yeah, my favorite part of doing all this is getting to meet all the fans” he says excitedly
“Your such a goof, but most importantly your sweet, you got them all wrapped around your finger” you laugh 
“What can I say, i’m a natural charmer” he smirks at you 
You roll your eyes at him. “You know what’s crazy, I was looking at Instagram earlier, and the line to meet you is so long it wraps around like 3 blocks and people got in line at 5am to see you” you say showing him your phone with the video playing.
“Wow” he says sarcastically, not even phased one bit.
You on the other hand were kind of internally freaking out. You were a very private person, and kept out of the spotlight, and crowds were just not your thing. So working for Jack seems so ironic since he’s literally followed everywhere he goes. But you and him always had a system. You also had started working for him when he was starting his album so there was not much press, and for concerts you were always backstage away from any crowds. These meet and greets would be the first time where you would be kind of in the middle of everything, you couldn’t hide backstage for this. 
It was time to finally leave for his meet and greet, you followed him into the car. As you guys started to drive to the store you could see the line starting to form from blocks away. You started to get nervous. Once you pulled up to the store, the car had parked behind the building to try and avoid crowds but there was still a massive crowd of fans and paparazzi crowding around the van. You started to shake your leg out of habit. Jack looked over at you and saw your nervous expression and placed his hand over your thigh gently rubbing it. 
“Are you okay, Y/N” he asks concerned, he never really saw you this freaked out before. You shake your head and try to calm your breathing down. 
“Hey, give us a few minutes, don’t open the car door yet” Jack says to the driver. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks  “Honestly i'm scared Jack, i'm not used to the crowds yet” you say 
Jack instantly grabs your arms bringing them up to wrap around his neck, while he wraps his arms around your waist and holds you tightly. 
“Hey, hey I got you, you're okay. You know I would never put you in any danger or let anything bad happen to you right.” He says rubbing your back. 
“Mhmm” you mumble into his neck. Jack holds you for a while until you finally calm down. You finally release from his hold. 
“You alright now? he asks. You nod. “you promise” he says still holding your waist. You nod again.
“Ok I think i’m ready now, oh god what did I sign myself up for” you laugh trying to lighten the mood
“Better get used to it pretty girl, because you're stuck with me” Jack says 
“And you're forever going to be a pain in my ass, now let's get this over with already” you say 
He nods to the driver and security and they finally open the door of the car for you all to get out. Jack let you and Neelam go in first and didn’t get out of the car until he saw you safely make it inside before he stepped out, to avoid having you to deal with the screaming fans and flashes of the camera. 
Once you had made it inside the store you were able to hide yourself in the corner of the room away from people. You were very happy getting to see Jack meet all his fans and bring smiles to their faces, and every so often Jack would look in your direction to make sure that you were safe. 
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amysubmits · 2 years
A couple weeks ago I was standing at the deli counter of my grocery store when the man working the deli started yelling (truly yelling, I’m not using that word dramatically) at a young woman who also worked for the store and was setting up or tearing down a display. It wasn’t just that he yelled but he also was just speaking to her in a really condescending tone. “DON’T take those tags off! What are you doing?!” She sputtered a response. Then seconds later “Leave those tags on those!” he yelled. “But I thought you said...” she begins to explain but he cuts her off. “What I MEANT was...”
Apparently she was supposed to read his mind rather than what he actually said because what he ‘meant’ was the opposite of what he said. It was very rude and felt aggressive...and I can’t wrap my head around why this guy working in the deli was even telling this woman how to do her job, unless he is in some sort of manager position but was just filling in the deli spot for some reason. I don’t know. 
Anyway. It was really uncomfortable to witness. I wish I would have said something to him, but instead I just got very anxious and nearly froze, wanting out of the situation...but he then asked me what I wanted. I told him, and he was really condescending to me, too. I asked for four pieces of regular chicken and four wings and he said ‘would you like ONE?” and emphasized ‘one’ in a way that felt very condescending...but at first I thought maybe he didn’t hear me. So I said “No, four of those and four wings, please” and I pointed at the wings I was referring to. When he moved on to the wings he said “Well here are different TYPES. So you have to tell me what KIND.” So I tell him what type and again said four. His response was again “Would you like ONE?” in a way that just felt clearly antagonistic. But I got them both and got out of there fast. Honestly, I still don’t really know why it triggered my anxiety so much...but it did. After I was done I went to another department and just sort of stood there for a minute trying to process my anxiety and gather myself so I could finish the rest of the shopping. 
CD had been getting items from another part of the store, when he caught up with me he asked what was wrong. I said I couldn’t really explain right now but I would later. I wanted to just push through the shopping trip for the time being. I explained what happened after we left. 
Today we were back in the same store. I’ve been on a wings kick, so I check the refrigerated area to see if they have any marked for sale, as they often have some pre-packaged up. They didn’t, though. Before we leave that section of the store CD says “Didn’t you want chicken?”
 “Sort of, but there isn’ any cold, and I don’t want it enough to ask for some at the deli.”
“Do you want me to get them for you?”
“No, I don’t want to be a baby.”
“What if I just go stand with you while you ask for them?”
 He decided before I had a chance to answer.
“Let’s do that. You order and I’ll stay with you.”
After I thanked him and repeated that I didn’t mean to be a baby. He pointed out that I help him with things that make him uncomfortable too. After leaving the grocery store we went to Walmart to try to have a key made. We had read that this store had a kiosk that will copy your key, but we couldn’t find the machine. He asked me if I’d ask someone at customer service, they said it was in automotive. When we got to automotive, nobody was behind the counter so I asked if he’d like me to find a worker to ask, he said yes. I found someone stocking shelves and got their help. Turned out, it wasn’t a kiosk, it was a machine that only workers have access to, but he was able to help us. 
After getting our key and walking away CD said “See? We help each other with the stuff that makes us uncomfortable.”
“But it doesn’t bother me to ask workers things like that as long as they seem nice. I’m just scared of people who are angry.”
He shrugged. ‘And it doesn’t bother me to deal with angry people.”
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Original title: 僕の名前を呼んで
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 5 Sakamaki Kanato
Audio: Here (Huge thank you to @filthyhelplessworld​ for providing the audio!)
Seiyuu: Kaji Yuki
Translator’s note: Now this is the angst I’ve been waiting for! I have to give Kaji Yuki huge props because he really had to rely on his entire voice range for this CD, haha. I’m not a Kanato stan by any means, but I did feel somewhat bad for him, despite his selfish behavior from earlier. You can really tell he was struggling all along but he doesn’t know how to convey his feelings so he just defaults to throwing anger tantrums instead. 
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 3: Say My Name
“Haah...School is such a chore. Perhaps I should just burn the whole building to the ground? ...I suppose I’ll just kill some time at the infirmary for no…”
[00:20] “...!? ...You. ...Hah. I figured you were dead already since I hadn’t seen you in a while. You’ve actually been attending school, it seems. So, are you resting up here? I will excuse myself then. I came here hoping to get some alone time, but since someone is here, that plan has been completely ruined.”
He turns around.
“...Especially since it’s you. ...Well then.”
You stop him.
“Haah...What’s the matter?”
You ask if he’s feeling unwell.
[01:04] “Now why would that matter? It’s none of your business, is it? Please stop meddling with my affairs, it’s highly bothersome.”
You ask if he needs to suck your blood.
“Hahaha…! You would still be willing to offer me your blood after everything?”
You nod.
[01:27] “...While that is rather noble of you, don’t you think that perhaps you’re thinking a little too highly of yourself? If I’m thirsty, I will simply make my way to town. There are plenty of people who can take your role after all. ...Aren’t you the one who said that? ーー Either way, you do not need to worry about me.”
You frown.
“Is that all you had to say? Well then, goodbye.”
Kanato leaves.
[02:06] ( I thought you would return to my side if I continued to push you away like this. Crying, weeping, clinging to my legs. ...All while I remained completely ignorant to just how much your heart was aching. I’m sure that by this point...You had already made your resolve, had you not? ) 
[02:50] “The hours of boredom are finally over. Now to head straight home. ...Hm? That back side...It’s her, isn’t it? Hmph. I can tell straight away even when she has her head hanging down. ...Hm. Well, I suppose I shall give her a small chance. I can’t just give her the cold shoulder after all. (1)”
He approaches you.
“Good evening. (2).”
You flinch.
[03:26] “Hah. Why so surprised? Is it strange for me to approach you? That being said, I don’t exactly need anything from you. ...So, you were hunched forward quite a bit while walking, what’s the matter? Did something sad happen? ...Hah. If you insist, I would not mind hearing your story. I’m sure it will help combat my boredom. ...So, what happened?”
You brush him off.
“...! ...I-If you’re alright, I suppose that’s fine too. Heeh…”
You tell him you will head home now. 
[04:17] “Yes, please be my guest and be on your merry way. By yourself.”
You walk away.
“Kuh…! ...Hey, wait!”
You come to a halt.
“The infirmary is my resting place, so you better stay away from it in the future!”
You nod.
“Hah...Well get going then! ...What’s the matter?”
You ask if he will be okay by himself.
[05:00] “More than okay. If anything, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! Please don’t treat me like a child.”
You smile.
“...’I’m glad’ you say? ...Excuse me!?”
You turn around and walk away.
[05:42] “...Honestly, what is her problem!? I was so kind as to strike up a conversation with her too…! ...Oh well, I wouldn’t mind if things remain this way either, of course. Even if she were gone, I’d be just…!”
“Tsk...Aah, god!!”
[06:13] “Haah, haah...I have no idea where you are or what you are up to right now. You might be having your blood sucked by one of my other brothers for all I know. When I consider that possibility...I’m overcome by intense feelings of anger and despair. Haah...I...I don’t want this...Why won’t things just go my way!? Iーー To me, you’re so veryーー...! (3)”
[07:19] “ーーUgh! Guess I have no other choice! At this rate, my rage will never be quelled. While I don’t like having to do this, I will bend. It’s frustrating, but...You’re all I have…”
He opens his drawer and pulls out a piece of paper.
*Scribble scribble*
You are standing out on the balcony.
[08:07] “...Are you still awake?”
You squeak.
“No need to be so surprised. I do come and visit you from time to time, no? Either way, I’m coming in.”
He enters your room.
[08:25] “Haah...I’m surprised to see you’re out on the balcony this late at night. Were you hoping to jump to your death, perhaps? ...That would only cause extra trouble, so please refrain from doing so. Haah...The wind feels chilly. I can’t believe you would come to such a cold place when you’re already feeling unwell. Are you an idiot?”
You remain quiet.
[09:07] “...Why not say something? Like you could ask me what I’m here for? Or say you’re happy to see me!? I’m sure you’ve got plenty to say!”
You start coughing.
“Haah...There you go coughing. That’s why I warned you. You really are hopeless. ...Without me, at least. ...Listen...I didn’t come to say this or anything...Ugh!”
[09:44] “This. Accept it already.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“It’s an invitation to a tea party. ...For just us two.”
[10:01] “Why, you ask…!? Do I have to spell it out for you!? Consider it my way of telling you that you’re once again allowed in my presence. You will obviously attend, no? I was so kind to invite you after all. Not to mention, this might be your once-in-a-lifetime chance to make things good between us.”
You hesitate.
“...What are you doing? Hurry up and accept the invitation! Otherwise I can’t return to my room! I want to rest already! It’s almost morning after all. ...Here!”
You stand there dazed.
[10:51] “...Do you not want it? ...But why!? I’m trying my absolute hardest to compromise! ...Are you perhaps okay with things staying the way they are right now? ...WHY WON’T YOU SAY ANYTHING!? For one, you’re the one who caused this whole ordeal in the first place! I don’t know what your intention was, but you pestered me by going on about ‘dying’ and such!
...In reality, you should be the one apologizing to me. Begging for my mercy. Do you have any idea how I felt coming heーー”
[11:45] “...!? Hey…? Are you listening? You’ve been acting somewhat off this whole time. You seem awfully pale too...Is something the matter?”
You collapse.
“...!? H-Hey! Are you okay!? HEY!”
Kanato touches your skin.
“Cold as ice…!? Why, all of a sudden…!? How come…!?”
“This bottle...Don’t tell me…”
[12:24] “Poison…? Did you drink this? Then...You were actually trying to die? But why…? …! Because I told you...you could be easily replaced?”
“You can’t! Open your eyes!”
[12:54] “Hang in there! I was obviously lying when I said that! Why don’t you understand!? I-I mean...To me, you’re just soーー!”
You tell him he wouldn’t believe you.
“No! You’re wrong…!! When you said you were dying, I didn’t actually disbelieve you. I justーー!”
You admit to how sad it made you.
[13:16] “Uu…It was never my intention to make you suffer either…! I just…Uu…Hic…I can’t bear the thought of it…Of a world without you…I didn’t want to believe that day would come…! That’s why I turned a blind eye to itーー! Yet…Why…Why did it turn out like this…? Hic…Say?”
“Open your eyes…Wake up! …Wake up, please…!!”
[14:00] “I mean…This just can’t be…No...Who…Who gave you permission to do this!?”
You have passed out.
“…Open your eyes…and say my name…Like you always would…Please! ...Uu...No...You won’t let get away with this! I won’t let this happen!! ...UWAAAAAAAAH!!!”
Translation notes
(1) Kanato refers to the ‘carrot and stick’ method here, in which punishment and reward are alternated. 
(2) ごきげんよう is a very snobbish/high class way to greet someone. You won’t actually hear it much in modern day Japan, but some characters in anime say it 
(3) His sentence is cut off, but it’s heavily implied he wants to say something along the lines of ‘but you mean so much to me’ or ‘I love you so much’.
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simp4reggie · 4 years
Can you do a Luke x reader where the reader is Luke’s best friend and Luke is telling her about his developing crush on Julie. But unbeknownst to Luke, Y/N (the reader) had been harboring a crush on Luke, but she has to deal with seeing Luke and Julie being playful with each other, constantly feeling jealous but wanting Luke to be happy. This leads the reader to get distant and starts avoiding Luke. The bad notices this and tries to contact her, at this time Luke realizes that he has feelings for Y/N. Then they make up and have a happy ending!! Make it fluffy, good luck!!
Only Took 25 Years
Luke x Reader
Word Count: 3014 Words
A/N: @mggpleasedontlookhere I did it a slight bit different but I hope you like it! 
Back in 1995, we all died. The boys were rehearsing for their gig at the Orpheum. I was in the “audience” watching them perform their hearts out, specifically Luke. He’s been my best friend since we were very young but for years I’ve always felt a little more about him. He’s the sweetest, most energetic person I know. He’s like a puppy dog. It kills me to know he doesn’t feel the same way. 
I heard the final strum of ‘Now or Never’ pulling me from my thoughts. I saw Luke waving me over to the stage. Behind me, a waitress clapped and cheered for them. “Thank you. We’re Sunset Curve,” Reggie said and winked at her . 
“Good job guys! This might be the best one yet,” I cheered walking on the stage.
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Bobby said, still on the high from performing. “Too bad we wasted that on sound check!”
I gave them each a hug but when I got to Luke it felt like it lingered longer than the rest of them. It was probably just in my head. 
“Wait until tonight, man, when this place gets packed with record execs,” Luke said with his arm around my shoulders. 
“Alex, you were smoking,” I heard Reggie say. 
“Oh no. I was just warming up. You guys were the ones on fire,” Alex shrugged off the compliment. 
I rolled my eyes. “Could you just own your awesomeness for once?” He smiled back at me and said, “All right, I was killing it.” We all laughed before Luke suggested getting street dogs before the show to fuel up. Reggie, Alex, and I all agreed while Bobby got sidetracked and started walking towards the waitress from before.
“Hey Bobby! Where you going?” Luke removed his arm from my shoulder to go catch up with him. All of a sudden I felt cold like my skin missed the feeling of his touch. I shook the feeling off and went to stand next to the guys.
“You guys are really good. I see a lot of bands. Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it.” The waitress said to the guys.
“Thanks. That's what we do this for. I’m Luke by the way.” “Hi! I’m Reggie.” “Alex.” “Bobby,” The guys went down the line and stared at me. “Oh well, I’m (Y/N). I’m just a friend of the band.”
“She’s more than a friend,” Luke starts to say. My heart starts to race. “She’s the one who makes sure everything is set. Our instruments, the club dates, everything. Without her we’re just four boys without a clue.” I give him a little nudge. 
“Give yourself some credit. Without me you could get on any stage and become rock stars.” He gave me a side hug.
“Anyway, it was nice meeting all of you. I’m Rose.”
“Uh here’s our demo and a t-shirt. Size: beautiful.” Reggie hands her a CD and a shirt he must have grabbed from the stage before walking over. 
“I’ll make sure not to wipe the tables down with this one.” Rose says putting it on her shoulder. 
“Oh good call. Whenever they get wet, they kinda just fall apart in your hands.” I say to her. The guys stare at me unamused. “What?”
“Don’t you guys have to go get hot dogs?” Bobby says obviously trying to get some alone with Rose. 
“Yeah he had a hamburger for lunch,” Luke says while walking away. We all follow him until we're outside the theatre. 
We decide to go get street dogs a couple blocks away. After making our hot dogs off the back of the oldsmobile, we choose to sit on the couch available squishing together so we fit. 
“You guys, this is awesome! You’re playing the Orpheum!” I exclaimed. “I can’t even count how many bands have played here and then ended up being huge! You’re going to be legends.”
Luke wrapped his arm that wasn’t holding a hot dog around me. “And you’ll be there every step of the way. You’re just as a part of the band as each of us.” I smile at him. “Eat up. ‘Cause after tonight, everything changes.” 
We all took a bite of our hot dogs. There was something off about my hot dog. I couldn’t find a word to describe it. And not in a good way. Alex voiced my thoughts, “That’s a new flavor.” I looked at him and he looked back at me like “Should we really be eating this?”
“Chill man. Street dogs haven’t killed just yet.” And then they did.
After we died, we ended up going into this black room where Alex ended up crying, a lot. Then after an hour ended up in their old studio. We found out it's 2020 and a lot has changed. After a lot of screaming and pleading, the girl who lives there now, Julie, ended up letting us stay there. Now here we are a couple days later, about to watch her perform for her teacher for the first time since her mom died. 
Luke gave her an old Sunset Curve that they never got a chance to record. I know it hasn't been long but I feel like Luke has started growing infatuated with her. After we heard her sing for the first time, he hasn’t stopped talking about how talented she is. I know he doesn’t want him to know but I saw him in the studio looking through lyrics using different handwriting. I’m surprised he’s not talking about that yet. 
The pop group that is performing ends and the principal goes on stage. Julie’s friend says to her “Now’s your chance. Go talk to her. I’ll see you in music class.”
“What are you waiting for? This is your time.” Reggie looks at Julie who might “yak in a bowl” if she waits any longer. 
“I just don’t think I had enough time to work on the song.” Julie says worried. 
“I wouldn’t have given you the song if I didn’t think you were gonna rock it. Now there’s a piano on that stage with your name on it.” Luke convinces her. Julie goes backstage and walks on looking nervous. 
“Oh I can’t watch.” I go to turn around but Luke puts his arm around to keep me in place. When Julie looks at us we all give her a thumbs up, mine not as enthusiastic as the others. 
Everyone in the auditorium starts to leave, she starts to play. The piano sounds beautiful with her voice. The occasional student walks over to watch but most of them already have their feet out the door. Then there are lights put on her. The song starts to reach the chorus and all of a sudden I don’t feel Luke’s arm around me and I don’t see the guys. That’s when I notice that I hear cheering and look up to see them on stage with her. After putting two and two together I realize that they are visible to the audience. How is that even possible?
I go run up to the front of the stage. “How is this even happening?” I yell up to them. Reggie looks at me and shrugs. They look so happy. They never thought this was even possible. I look over at Luke and see Julie singing with him. I get a twinge of jealousy wishing I could have this connection with him but I never will. They have so much chemistry on stage I don’t even want to watch. I spend the rest of the time watching Alex and Reggie. 
At the end of the song, they bow and the boys disappear with their instruments. I go out into the hallway to find them pacing around. “Did that just happen?’’ They turn around and give me a massive hug.
“I can’t believe that just happened! Everyone could see us. Please tell me I”m not the only one freaking out!” Alex starts panicking so I walk over and rub his back to calm him down. 
“Bro, I think we’re all freaking out!” Luke eagerly says. “People can see us play. How cool is that?”
“So cool.” Reggie smiles at Luke and they do a little handshake.
They start talking about the performance but my mind keeps going back to Julie and Luke together on that stage. 
“Guys i'm gonna go home.”
“What why?” They say together.
“I’m just not feeling too well. Talk to Julie and see what’s causing this. I’m happy for you.” I see Luke step forward but I poof out before he can say anything.
Back at the studio, I start to spiral downward. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I can barely pick something up. I realize being at the studio is doing nothing to help me so I go for a walk on the beach. It made me realize how much I missed being alive and feeling the sand between my toes when the guys and I needed to get away from our families. The nights we would spend here watching the sunset, which inspired the band name. 
Before I know it the sunset comes and goes. The guys are definitely home at this point. I poof back to see them pacing around. “(Y/N)!” Luke runs up to me. “Where have you been? We were getting worried. 
“Just went for a walk to clear my head. A lot has been changing recently.” I walk past him to sit on the couch. I need to talk to someone about this. “Alex, can I talk to you for a minute, alone.”
Alex looks over at Luke and Reggie as if telling them to go. Luke looks a little offended that I don’t want to talk to him but he poofs out first. Reggie follows after him. After they’re both gone, he checks behind the door to make sure they’re not spying and then walks over to the couch and sits down. 
“What’s going on (Y/N)?” 
“A lot, honestly.”
“Well it must be if you don’t want to talk to Luke about it.” He looks at me knowingly. “Is it about him?”
“How do I say I’ve been in love with him for over 25 years?” Alex just stares at me like it wasn’t brand new information. “Is it that obvious?”
“To me but Reggie is oblivious to everything. Why did you disappear after the performance though?”
“Did you not see him and Julie on stage together? They totally had chemistry. I can’t compete with that.” I see him look at me with pity. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“I-I’m not looking at you in any way. I’m just paying attention.” I roll my eyes. “But in all seriousness, are you going to talk to him about this?”
“Of course not. He doesn’t like me back. He’s my best friend and I wouldn’t be able to look at him the same way if he actually said to my face.” I can’t picture my life without Luke in it and I don’t ever want to experience it. 
“Well, ignoring him isn’t going to help either. He was worried about you when you left and even more when we came back and you were gone. He needs you, too. He needs someone to be there to boost his ego.” He nudges me. I chuckle.
“You’re right,” I nudge him back. “Thank you for talking to me. I needed to get it off my chest.
“No problem. I’m always here for you.” I give him a big hug. We may be ghosts but I at least get to have these moments with the boys. 
“Oh. By the way, we asked Julie to join the band and she said yes. That’s okay, right?” Alex said quickly.
“Yeah. It’s your band, you don’t need my permission.”
Weeks go by and it’s getting harder to watch Julie and Luke sing together. I can see from the way Luke looks at her that he likes her. I’ve been thinking about my conversation with Alex about how much he needs me but he’s been going to Julie more often that it doesn’t feel like he does. Because of this I’ve been spending more and more time at the beach. Only Alex knows where I’m going in case of emergencies. 
“Hey.” I hear to the left of me. I look to see Luke standing there. 
“Hey. How did you know I was here?”
“I asked Alex. You’ve only been talking to him recently. I didn’t know I would have to find out what’s going on with my best friend from someone besides her,” He sits down in the sand next to me. “But of course, even Alex won’t tell me because he’s too good a friend.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I turn away from him.
“You know exactly what I mean. You’ve been dismissive. You’ve been acting weird ever since we performed at the spirit rally. You’re never around anymore.” He tries to get me to look at him but I refuse. “Fine. If you’re going to ignore me, I don’t even know why I’m going to try.” He poofs out. I start crying right there. I know that I said it would be hard to not have him in my life but now I don’t know because I don’t know which one feels worse. 
I hear another noise and I turn, hoping Luke came back but  of course not. “Oh, it’s you.”
“You don’t sound too happy about that.” Alex takes the spot where Luke was not too long ago. “Look, I know it’s difficult but try not to be too hard on the guy. He doesn’t know how you feel.”
“It’s not just about that. I know that we’re dead. Okay? I’m not dumb but it still hurts that I can’t help in the ways I used to. I was the one in charge of booking clubs and managing the tour dates. Now, I can’t do that because nobody can see me. I know its bullshit and there’s other things to be upset about. I just miss being an important part of this band,” I stop for a second but he doesn’t say anything so I keep going. “Too much is changing and I can’t handle it. I love you Alex, I do. And I am so thankful that you’re here right now but Luke was the one I was going to about this stuff. I can’t now, not only because I am gut wrenchingly , painstakingly, heartbreakingly IN LOVE with him, but because he’s spending every waking moment with Julie. I just, I don't know what to do.” Once I’m done I just let my back hit the sand. 
“Yes, you do.” I hear a voice that’s not Alex and I’m really hoping it doesn't belong to Luke. However, as soon as I open my eyes I see him looking over me. “You always know what to do.” 
I stand up to look at him and notice that Alex left us alone. “Luke... what are you doing back here?”
“After I went back home, I realized something. I couldn’t leave you alone. Obviously, you had something going on. It shouldn’t have mattered if you told me anyway. Just that you weren’t alone.” 
“How much did you hear?”
“Enough. I didn’t know you felt that way. About any of it. I know it’s hard that you can’t help like you used to. It’s not bullshit, okay? You helped us so much and now it may feel like we don’t need you but we most definitely do. Who’s going to keep us sane? Alex? Seriously, he cried for 25 years with no hug and he won’t let us forget it! No, you will. You have been there since the beginning and you are a massive part of this band. You always will be.” Tears are streaming down his face.
“What about Julie?”
“What about her?”
“You’ve been spending so much time with her. Outside of the band and song writing. All you do now is hang out with her. I miss you so much, Luke. You have no idea.” I turn away from him like before.
“Nope. No.” He pulls me back to face him. “You’re not shutting me out again. You’ve spent more time here than you have at home. You can’t do that and then talk about me not seeing you more.”
“Luke you know that’s different.”
“No, it’s not.” He stops.
“What do you mean?” I stare at him, waiting for the words to come but won’t be prepared to hear.
“All of the time I spent writing and singing on stage, whenever I was hanging out with Julie, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Every time I was singing I looked at you in the audience but you weren’t looking at me. You were looking at someone else.”
“I couldn’t look at you. You were looking at Julie. You have a connection with her.”
“I have a connection with everybody I sing with. Hell, I have a connection with Reggie when I sing with him. But neither of them are you, (Y/N). I love you.”
“You what?” I walk closer to him.
“You heard me.” 
“Say it again.” I demand.
“I love you.” Luke was right. I do know what to do. I threw my arms around him and put my lips on his. Our mouths molded together like a perfect fit. I felt alive again.
“I love you too.” I said against his lips. He let me go. 
“Good or else that would’ve been awkward.” I laughed. I can’t help but hug him again. He hugs me back harder than before, resting his chin on my head. “God, I love you. It feels so good to say that.” 
 I look up at him. It feels so good to be in his arms. It feels so good to be able to hold him the way I wanted to. It only took 25 years and a hot dog.
Requests are still open! Feel free to send some my way
- Maddie xxx
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xpacestuff · 4 years
Su/gf crossover things part 2
(sorry if these aren't that good!)
Dipper: So... that glowing pink thing?
Steven: Yeah?
Dipper: Why does that happen exactly?
Steven: Oh, I'm not sure... I guess when I don't feel well? It's like a burst of energy when it happens...when i feel like i need to run away or just...-
Dipper: Oh! Like a flight or fight response!
Steven: What is-
Dipper, taking out the journal: Interesting...
Steven: What's a-
Dipper: mumbles to himself
Steven: ...Nevermind.
Steven: Hey Mabel! what are you-
Steven: Mabel.
Mabel, putting fake gems on waddles face: Whaaat... he likes it...
Steven: Why didn't you ask me to help you?
Mabel: :D
Steven: Oh, yeah, but-
Mabel: Can you turn into anything!? Like a unicorn! Or a hamster! You can do this hamster ball thing, so!
Steven: uuhh haha... I don't really... like shapeshifting... sorry..
Mabel: Aw, why?
Steven: It's just... some things happened when I did...
Mabel: Like what?
Dipper: Mabel, don't bother him! If he doesn't like it then leave him alone.
Mabel: Yeahh... you're right. Sorry Steven!
Steven: Nono, it's okay, don't worry!
this is something different than the "steven has the same powers as bill so dipper is sus" writing post i made lol (basically this one is just silly)
Dipper, walking around in circles: It's just... what does that star symbolize?
Mabel: What do you mean?
Dipper: The star on his shirt, Mabel! Does it have to do with this gem stuff? Is it related to his powers?
Mabel: Uh...Dipper, why are you questioning something like that?
Dipper: Well, he showed me a picture of himself when he was younger, and he always had this star on his shirt! Why?
Mabel: Maybe he just likes stars? Come on, bro. It's just some shirt design.
Dipper: I don't know...
Dipper: Steven... okay, so, this will sound weird but what does that star on your shirt mean?
Steven: Huh?
Dipper, pointing at it: You always have that star on your shirt. Does it have to do with your powers or something? Is it some magical shirt?
Steven: Oooh hahaha! No no, it's just my dads merchandise. Just like that pine tree on your hat, I'm guessing?
Dipper: ...Oh. Well then. rips a page from a notebook
Steven: ...Seriously?
Dipper: Yes, seriously.
So what if something dangerous happens and steven completely turns pink also starts turns into his buff chad form (haha edgy)
Steven, in that form: Oh, oh no no no... oh no.. shit..
Dipper: Wha-
Mabel: What!?
Steven: Oh god, Mabel and Dipper, d-don't look at me!
Dipper: ...Does that new form... hurt you?
Steven: What? uh.. no.
Steven: I- I didn't want you guys to see me like this!
Dipper: No, no, it's uh, okay!
Mabel: Yeah, we're here! Don't worry!
Steven, slowly getting smaller do his normal form: It's just..
Steven, as his pink glow fades: This just hasn't happened in a while...
Mabel: Well, I made you some chocolate milk!
Steven: Thanks, Mabel.
Dipper: So... you better now? You're smaller than when you were well... all pink and glowy
Steven: Yeah, yeah i'm better now. I guess I need to tell this to my therapist though.
Mabel: You better! I don't want to see you hurt :(
Steven: Hey do guys wanna fly
Dipper: Wh-
Mabel: YES!
Dipper: Um... what do you mean with "fly"?
Steven: I have floating powers. I can just carry you two and well.. fly around
Mabel: Oh my god!!! really!?
Steven: Yeah!
Dipper: How come you're just randomly suggesting this?
Steven: Well, strange things have been happening here in Gravity Falls, so I just wanted to lighten the mood up a little bit.
Dipper: Alright, then
Mabel, Dipper and Steven are basically floating now
Mabel: THIS IS AMAZING!!! You can float and summon a hamster ball! That's like, the best thing EVER!
Steven: hahah, yeah! ...Dipper you alright?
Dipper, absolutely worried that he's going to fall: y.. yes.
Steven: I can drop you off-
Dipper: AH- NO!
Steven: I mean like... slowly help you land on your feet again, yknow?
Dipper: Oh, uh, yes... please..
Steven: Alright!
Mabel: Tickle attack!
Dipper: Mabel no- hahaha! Stop!
Steven, entering the room: Hey guys
Mabel, staring at him: >:)
Steven: o h n o
Dipper: Is this your real form? You can shapeshift, after all.
Steven: Yes?
Dipper: HMM
Steven: How could I prove it to you anyways?
Dipper: I don't know-
Steven: Here, a picture of when I was younger. I can assure you that's me, and my 'real' form haha
Dipper: ...Wow you were small
Steven: You're one to talk
Dipper: Hey!
Steven: Haha!
Steven: Oh, by the way, you know that I don't like shapeshifting, right?
Dipper: Yeah... I guess you don't.
Mabel: Uuughh I'm so bored
Dipper: Yeah, me too.
Steven: Do you guys wanna uh, bake something? maybe?
Mabel: Hmmm... like what
Steven: Oh! Have you heard of cookie cats?
Dipper: Cookie cats?
Steven: Here, let me show you a picture of them shows a picture of it from his phone
Mabel: It looks so cute!
Steven: We can bake this if you guys wanna?
Dipper: Well, we don't have anything else to do.
Mabel and Steven: Yeah!
steven and dipper are just walking around the woods cause why not
Dipper: Ouch!
Steven: What happened? Are you okay?
Dipper: Yeah, it's just...I just scratched myself on this branch, i didn't even see it.
Steven: Oh, that's no problem! licks his finger
Dipper: uh-
Steven: puts his finger on Dippers wound there!
Dipper, healed: WH- HOW?
Steven: I have healing powers :)
Dipper: You surprise me everyday...
Dipper, whispering: Maybe I should tell Ford... hmm..
again before they knew steven is half gem
Mabel: I love gems!
Steven: Me too! Even though some tried to kill me, most of them didn't really know what they were doing. Mostly when they were corrupted.
Mabel: H..huh?
Mabel: Your girlfriend sure is cool Steven!
Steven: Yeah, I love her a lot.
Mabel: :")
Steven: Uh-
Mabel: No, no. It's just cute. Don't mind me. I hope when I'm a teenager I can find love like this. Haha...
Steven: You guys' grunkle is really nice!
Dipper: Yeah, at first he can be a bit mean, but in reality he's a great guy if he wants to be. Trust me, I've been there.
Steven: Aw... I said that cause he gave me something for free. That's a start, I guess?
Dipper: Sure is.
Stan, going through a box of old stuff: Ahaha, yeah. Brings back some good old memories.
Steven: Oh, can I look? If you don't mind?
Stan: Sure kid.
Steven: ...
Steven: A... Space Train to the Cosmos CD?
Stan: Yeah, haha. He has the same last name as you. I remember listening to him years ago.
Steven: Mr. Pines... this is my dad. Greg Universe.
Stan: ... What.
this is before D & M met Ford, I guess? (if this takes place when D & M arrive to GF for the first time)
Steven: So... what's that?
Dipper: Ah! It's uh- it's nothing. haha...
Steven: Dipper, are you okay? What are you holding there?
Dipper: sighs It's just...
Dipper: Mabel!
Steven: Oh, like a diary? That's cool.
Dipper: It's... more than that, actually.
Mabel: Come on! Let's just tell him!
Dippers: Well, uh, it's basically a journal that has a lot of information written down from all these weird monsters and creatures in Gravity Falls. I still have no idea who the author is.
Steven: Wow... Have you told Mr. Pines?
Dipper: He didn't take it seriously.
Steven: Hmm...
Steven: I don't understand your purpose... nor do I understand why you look like that
Steven: But I support you
Soos: Dude it's just square pizza
Connie visits again
Steven: Connie! Hey!
Connie: Steven!
they go for a hug, then fuse
Stevonnie: ...Uh-oh.
Mabel: :D WOOOO!!! HOW???
Dipper: >:0
Ford: This is so interesting... a half-gem, half-human.
Ford: Tell me, what can you do?
Steven: Well, I can summon a shield. I have healing powers. I can bring plants to life. I can bubble things up. I can also have destruct- oh, I uh, I actually don't like talking about that.
Ford: ...Can you show me your shield?
Steven: sure summons his shield
Ford: Wh- how do you do that?
Steven: Well, it's my gem that just summons it when I want to.
Ford: So how powerful is it?
Steven: Oh, pretty powerful, I guess? I was able to protect myself from the diamonds- oh uh, yeah, the uh diamonds are the most strongest gem, by the way. Yellow tried to step on me and tried to uh, hurt me haha but it's okay now.
Ford: Wow! So, how tall and strong are these diamonds? And uh, that's crazy she did that. But do tell me more.
Steven: They're really tall. I don't exactly know how much but as tall as a skyscraper... maybe taller? I'm not sure. The tallest one is White.
Ford: Interesting... I'm guessing you're a diamond too? You were able to protect yourself, after all.
Steven: starts glowing pink a little
Ford: Huh!?
Steven: Ah- sorry, sorry! That just happens sometimes!
Ford: Glowing pink... hm...
Imagine they all (Stan, Soos, Steven, Dipper and Mabel) fall into that one bottomless pit. Steven completely panics because the others are falling and he's worried to the point where he just forgets about his floating powers. But after the others start telling some of their stories, he calms down. They turn around to him and ask him if he could tell a story aswell. He tells them about how cool it was to learn combat with his (now girl-)friend Connie. How at that point he learned something very important. The others listen very well to him, and as he finishes the story they, surprisingly, fall out of the bottomless pit. After this Mabel and Dipper ask Steven about the things he has learned and if he could teach them.
Mabel and Dipper: wearing their peanut butter and jelly costumes
Steven: Hahaha! That looks nice, why are you dressed like that?
Mabel: Summerween!
Steven: Oh, I've never heard of that! :D
Dipper: Yeah cause they honestly just made all of this up.
Steven hanging out with the other teens!!! Very important!!! He needs to learn how to "act his age", y'know what I mean? explore around. take some risks (that are not traumatising, thank you). just be a teenager in general.
(i could make a whole other post for this tbh)
Stan: You have literally no legal documents, kid.
Steven: Yeahh...
Stan: I love it!
Robbie: And who are you?
Steven: Oh I just, uh, work here.
Robbie: Yeah? With Wendy, huh?
Steven: Oh! Yeah, she's my workmate, I guess?
Robbie: Hm... right.
Robbie: walks past him while elbowing him in an aggressive way
Steven, whispering: Yikes... scary.
Dipper, from the back: I know right!?
Mabel, goofing around, doing some weird stuff: hehehe
Steven: Wow... thinking about it, she'd get along with Amethyst.
Mabel: gasp Oh my gosh! Steven, look at Waddles and Lion!
Lion and Waddles: literally just staring at eachother
Mabel and Steven, with star eyes: Awww....
Wendy: Dude, your girlfriend seems really cool.
Steven: Oh, yeah! She's great. She's really smart and pretty, she can sing and play the violin... she can sword fight-
Wendy: Wait wait wait... sword fight?
Steven: Yeah!
Wendy: Your girlfriend rides a pink lion and can sword fight? That's so cool!
Steven, full of love: Ah, yeah... she's amazing...
Hope y'all enjoyed this one. This is the second part! Even though none of these are in any order, so it doesn't matter. But here's the first one. Also, I just wanted to say something about the shapeshifting thing: I do enjoy posts where Steven shapeshifts to make his arm or whatever longer to help. It's really cute, but in my opinion (again, my opinion) I feel like after steven turning into a cat and kaiju monster, he'd be way too uncomfortable to shapeshift. It'd also remind him of when he became taller, buff and was glowing pink. That's just what I think. :-)
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(Answering publicly as an ask with permission)
For screenreaders, the text reads:
Hello! Sorry to bother you again... You've mentioned quite a lot of times that you're learning japanese and I see you're even able to read manga in the original text(kudos to you for that!) I'm an aspiring japanese learner myself-I've recently mastered all the hiragana and katakana, but I'm kind of clueless how to continue from there, since I'm studying on my own. Do you maybe have any tips on what I could tackle next? Sorry that I couldn't send this as an ask. Unfortunately tumblr isn't really cooperating with me today. Thanks a lot in advance!
This is going to be a long story, because: this is actually the third time I’ve tried learning Japanese.
The first time, my parents bought me a (I’m told very expensive) program for Christmas when I was twelve to learn Japanese at home--it came with a bunch of CDs and books and things. It was a lot like all of the materials for a foreign language course, at home.
But I was twelve and didn’t know what I was doing, and had no support or encouragement from anyone else, just a desire to learn, so it didn’t end up really working out. I remember some of the info from the books, but honestly, it just didn’t work for me. I didn’t really even know how to use any of the stuff.
In college, I made it through three semesters of Japanese. I learned a lot there, but it, again, didn’t quite work. I had my classmates and a couple friends, a teacher, but I have never been motivated by grades, and there just wasn’t much of a reason to keep on.
Anyway, years later, JR happened, and I desperately wanted to read them, but I was nowhere near close to being able to tackle that. At all. So I picked up Duolingo and found that my Japanese from college was coming back to me, and that was pretty cool, but it’s not like I was getting anywhere. JR is much too high a level for me to really take a crack at.
And then I ran out of YuuMori scans.
This was back in...November? The end of October? When only up to chapter 27 had been translated, and a new chapter was getting uploaded in English every month or two. And I was dying, because I’d been reading like a volume a night and other people were definitely going to accidentally spoil things for me and I hate spoilers.
But a couple of my friends who are fluent in Japanese were reading it that way, and after I saw a couple screenshots, I noticed that everything had furigana in it, and after some puzzling with a dictionary, I could figure out some of the speech bubbles, because I still remembered my kana from college! Cool! I asked one if they thought I could manage is, and she was encouraging, so after a week of debating, I went and bought volume seven so I could keep reading.
This has been going much better, and I’ve been learning far more Japanese than I have before.
Why this time?
I have a really good reason to keep reading (YuuMori, yay! Fan comics! Random stuff from Japanese people on twitter!) that I can actually hope to mostly manage because it’s not too high a level for me to make it through (although...the politics in YuuMori is...rough.)
I have friends who are fluent in Japanese this time (did not have that before--I could ask the Japanese TAs in college, but we weren’t friends, so it always felt awkward). I can ask them for help, they correct me when I get things wrong, and sometimes I pop into their DMs like “Hey, I keep finding this weird grammar bit that I don’t understand and isn’t in the dictionary, what does it mean?” And since I’m livetweeting, if they see I got something very off, they’ll comment and go, “Hey, actually....” or will help if I’m totally confused.
One of them is a Japanese to English translator, so she gave me the recommendation for the Japanese to English dictionary I’m using (which is super useful, omg), and a browser extension, which is also really helpful.
Plus, having multilingual friends is really nice when I’m like “Hey, this part of learning a language is like...normal, right? It’s a good sign, not a sign I’m a total disaster?” and they can reassure me because I’m anxious.
Another friend also recommended this book called All About Particles, which has been useful for that part of Japanese that I reference a lot. Another recommended I pick up Learning the Kanji but I haven’t gotten around to that just yet.
I have a couple friends who are also not quite fluent who I DM back and forth in Japanese from time to time, which helps up both practice, too. Having a reason to really use the language is incredibly necessary for me. After all, language is a communication tool, right?
There’s also this cool website I found a few weeks ago that I haven’t had a chance to use yet called https://learnnatively.com/. It ranks Japanese books and manga on their difficulty, so you can buy and try to read them (after all, that’s how little kids in Japan learn Japanese--isn’t it?).
Another thing I was doing all fall and winter, but have mostly stopped now, was taking out a notebook (my old Japanese notebook, lol), and diagramming out the sentences. Okay, sure, I could look up words in the dictionary, but I needed to figure out how they fit together. So I would write them out in order with the particles, look up the conjugations and particles on google, and then note that, and then piece together how all the words fit together.
I don’t need to do that so much anymore (although it would probably be helpful, lol). But then, I’m very gifted with grammar and always have been. A couple of my friends who are fluent have commented they’re very impressed by how fast I’ve picked up the Japanese grammar, and even my mother was like, “Yeah, you’ve always been good at that since you were little...” And discussing some linguistic things with my friend who has a Master’s in translation led to her asking me if I’d studied it because I said things that she’d heard there, which..well, no, it just made sense to me.
So. I have that going for me, too.
There’s also tons of podcasts and YouTube series and things like that designed to help learning Japanese...that’s not really how I learn, so I haven’t been using them and can’t give any recs. But they’re certainly out there!
Anyway, that’s what I’ve been doing, and it’s been going pretty well, all things considered.
I hope this helped, and if not, was at least sort of interesting to read.
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everything-laito · 3 years
About the theory that maybe Laito doesn't like to be touched as much as he says he does.
This was submitted by @grs-wonder320! I did not edit anything in their response (or the title), I just added paragraph breaks so it's easier to read. I'll put my response below as well!
I am not the one who asked this question, but I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal opinion on this question. As it turns out, I have a completely different opinion than Corn. That is to say, I believe that there is a good chance that Laito does not like to be touched.
Rationale: I believe that there is a psychology of "excessive pandering to those things that are disgusting or painful to you," and I think that this psychology makes us appear to be happy on the surface, even though we actually dislike them. There are many exceptions to this rule. You may be thinking, "No, no, there are many exceptions to this rule. It is true that this rule does not apply in all situations. It mainly works when he is playing a pervert. So, why does he dare to act perverted in the first place? Most of the time, it's because he wants to be smoked out by the people around him. Why do you want to be smoked? ↓ I don't want to attract them to myself. ↓ Even though he doesn't want to be around other people, he is very sociable (compared to the people around him, that is). So it's hard to imagine why he is annoyed by human relationships like Subaru. ↓ Then there is a good chance that they want to hide something or smoke you out because there is something they don't want you to know. ↓ There is often a pattern of people who want to hide the fact that they are actually perverts, so they pretend to be sane on the surface.
In other words, the Laito that is ostensibly acting as a pervert is _____? Yes, that's what I mean. (What do you mean?) It's almost impossible to play a pervert to hide a pervert, isn't it? Most of the time, people play a false image to hide the opposite nature. In Laito's case, considering what happened in the past, it can be seen as "I'm acting perverted because I want to hide the fact that I'm hurt, and I don't want to be aware that I'm hurt, so I'm acting perverted as a self-suggestion.
There are not many people who can be sincerely friendly to the events that hurt them. In the first place, being "hurt" proves that there was something disgusting about you, so we can conclude that Laito is likely to have an aversion to sexual things. I think this explains the psychology that exists in Laito. Back to the topic at hand, I think it's hard to believe that Laito likes to be touched.
In Corn's answer, he used the example of "Laito trying to get me to touch him", which I think can also be explained by the aforementioned psychology. I, too, have a desire to challenge things I dislike (although this is due to overcoming my weaknesses and seeing things that scare me, and is not the same as Laito's), so I think it is entirely possible for someone to "dare to do something they dislike. Also, there is a high possibility that Laito is not aware of his own aversion to sexual matters, and if that is the case, everything is "true" in his mind, so naturally he would not be aware that he is doing something he dislikes. It could be called an unconscious act of self-harm. In the real world, you can only be aware of it when someone points it out to you, or you break your body by going over the limit. I think Laito has that kind of thing too. (Especially Laito in MB). This concludes the explanation. Thank you very much for reading this far!
First of all, I'm unsure what you mean by "smoking out," If you could provide clarification on that, that would be great! I think I know what you mean by it, I'm just a lil confused and hope I didn't misinterpret it!
I do agree with you on your psychology on the excessive pandering part! That's exactly what Laito does most of the time, it's what fuels his facade! As for touching, I do think that speculating it could go either way. I do think Laito is touch starved though. Sure people who are touch starved might not want to be touched. I have thought about it since I made that post and honestly, he might want to be touched just like he wants to have genuine love, but he's insecure about it almost.
However, if he was excessively pandering about being touched, he might have done that more often. The only time where he asks Yui to touch him throughout the entire HDB game is only in that supposed mutual masturbation scene, and his heaven scenario. He is known to have a masochistic streak regardless. The other times its Yui either pushing him or slapping him etc. (I'm planning on going over his masochism on a later date)
Laito excessively panders when he says absolutely wild shit that makes others uncomfortable, or gets Yui to be unnerved.
In my previous post, I did say that he could be playing it up! But the fact that he doesn't have Yui touch him until late game does say something. It shows that he's opening up and being more vulnerable. Sure this is HDB Laito and we don't really get much of his facade cracking in that game compared to MB+. Late game HDB Laito is able to let down his guard slightly, since he knows he has Yui wrapped around his finger. The thing is, his excessive pandering to him being a pervert is typically used for manipulation. Your psychology checks out in everything else about him, I do agree with that. But as for touching, that doesn't really "prove" to Yui that Laito's a pervert.
If Laito wanted to utilize touch as a facade of control, he would have done it earlier. Instead, he used other methods to give Yui a false sense of security at times, which he used to break her down further. Could he be doing it in order to show Yui he doesn't have a weakness? He could, but once again when it comes to topics or situations where he doesn't want to be involved with, he acts aloof and avoids it at all costs while changing the conversation. That's my rationale on that. The fact that he has such a different reaction being touched vs his other activities that could be considered as "excessive pandering" is a lil ~sus~ as they say. Or inversely, maybe Laito doen't address the fact that he likes being touched because he might consider genuine thrill as a weakness but maybe he gets desperate. He's desperate for legitimate compassion, the mans needs it.
As for challenging things you dislike, that also checks out in general. However, when it comes to Laito, he likes a sense of control and security. Instructing Yui to touch him gives that sense of control, but also lets him be slightly vulnerable. It's not even that vulnerable because if she does anything that could potentially harm Laito, he would be able to stop it in an instant.
He doesn't like challenging himself, and we all know this. His facade was created so he doesn't have to challenge himself to get over his past trauma. It's to avoid it and not challenge it instead.
I do think that Laito is incredibly self aware and self unaware at the same time. It's a little paradoxical but I feel like he knows he has a facade, but again, he tries to avoid the fact that he does have one and that his facade is true. We do know he's self aware through drama cds and what he says about himself in the games. They're vague, but once you know his character, you know what he's talking about. The fact that he projects onto Yui also says a lot about that.
Also, a little side note as well, in MB he does have consensual sex with Yui. Before that scene happened, he was being extremely vulnerable and a good chunk of his facade broke down. There's a certain tone when you know Laito's being serious and taking down his mask, and that's exactly what he did in that MB scene. Here's a quote from it:
Laito: For some reason, I feel strangely refreshed. Don’t you think that’s weird? I couldn’t get your blood out of my head for the longest time, but it finally calmed down. Right now, it isn’t your blood, but instead I want to hold your warm body close like this… And kiss you…I want to indulge in your body until I’m sick and tired of it. Nfu~
In this scene, Laito was happy crying, which was something he was not familiar with but also hasn't experienced before. It's an involuntary bodily function, yet he was confused by it. This just shows he is genuinely happy, and the fact that he says that he genuinely is admitting to what he wants for once, I don't think it's excessive pandering in this scene, it's him developing. You could argue that he got over his aversion to being touched in this scene. There's a couple asks in my ask box that's related to him and sex, which I will also get to sometimes this week. But that's a different post.
Again I think it could be argued either way, but that's my thought process behind this aside from what I previously said! There's just a lot to think about when it comes to this, and we won't know unless if something is said in canon! But Laito's incredibly complex and there's several factors that explains his behavior.
Hope that makes sense! And once again, thanks so much for submitting! I love hearing people's opinions and their own thoughts that either confirm or challenge my own, so thank you for that! This one definitely got me thinking more. That's the beauty in analysis! Each person takes something different from the text!
And who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind in the future!
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