#not it trending on the day of the eclipse
tacobellabeanburrito · 2 months
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Found this strange and exotic plant outside during the eclipse… He looks kinda cute!
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evabloom · 3 months
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Outfit of the day, rouge passion 🌹
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gallusrostromegalus · 10 months
Proposal: The Holiday Bloat Treaty
(This Is An Joke Post)
So, we all know the gag about "the only war on Christmas is Halloween coming to support the unjust invasion of Thanksgiving*, in which Christmas is the aggressor", and that is all well and true.
*The debate over Thanksgiving's seat at the table of worthwhile holidays does not invalidate it's right to not get bowled over by christocaptalism.
In recent years however, I've noticed another insidious holiday creep- Halloween is also starting earlier and earlier every year. While I am a big fan of Halloween (I'm a queer little agnostic it's MY DAY), I am disgusted by this trend because it's being used to squash another extremely important but often-overlooked holiday:
Labor Day
Now, I am not so paranoid as to suggest there is a conscious conspiracy by the forces of capitalism to Bloat Halloween like Christmas so that it eclipses the Workers Rights Day in the public mind. I think there is a conscious effort to Bloat Halloween into a second major money maker, but the net effect of erasing Labor Day is much the same
Hence I propose an addendum to The Holiday Non-aggression treaty, something that is very real and totally enforceable (lol), that, as Christmas cannot begin until Thanksgiving/Indigenous People's Day has had it's day, so too must Halloween wait it's turn until after we all acknowledge the contributions of workers in our lives (you know, in the traditional way of "don't use the services of any private employees and see how much life sucks", not "make a retail worker miserable at the labor day sale").
After that, it's Skelly Time BABEY :)
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its-avalon-08 · 1 month
Can you write a Nico Hulkenberg x Deaf Reader? press being a pain in the a****, but the fans and drivers always supporting!!
signing my way to you (nh27)
(im sorry this took so much time, based on recent requests i have been super consumed by everything)
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nico hulkenberg wrestled with the steering wheel, knuckles white. the monaco grand prix was a blur – the roar of the crowd, the blur of the track – all secondary to the image that burned in his mind. y/n, his girlfriend of a year and a half, her face flushed with a mix of anger and hurt, as a reporter peppered her with condescending questions about her sign language.
it wasn't the first time. since their relationship became public, the press had transformed y/n into a caricature – the silent accessory to a racing driver. they'd mock her conversations with other drivers' girlfriends, their words dripping with a disrespect that made nico see red.
he pulled into the pits, the anger a hot coal in his chest. as he climbed out, his engineer, liam, placed a hand on his shoulder. "nico, calm down. max and lewis already tore into those reporters in the pre-race interview."
nico grunted, his gaze flickering to the monitor showing the post-race interview. max verstappen, ever the blunt one, was giving a scathing rebuttal.
"honestly, some of these reporters need to get a life. y/n is an intelligent, kind person, and frankly, none of your business. how about we focus on the actual race?"
lewis hamilton followed suit, his voice cool but firm. "max is right. y/n is a part of the f1 family, and we all respect her. perhaps you reporters could try the same."
nico felt a surge of gratitude towards his fellow drivers. charles leclerc, carlos sainz, lando norris, and daniel ricciardo all chimed in, their defenses a shield around y/n.
almost all people on the paddock had learnt basic sign language ever since y/n came. they loved her sarcastic personality and dry humor. the wags like alexandra (charles's girlfriend) was so fluent in sign language that you both used to gossip for hours on end.
later, at the team debrief, nico found y/n by the window, her back to him. he approached slowly, his heart heavy. "hey," he signed softly.
y/n turned, a small, sad smile gracing her lips. "hey yourself. rough interview session, huh?" she signed, her expression wry.
nico wrapped his arms around her, his chin resting on her head. "those reporters are a bunch of—" he stopped himself, frustration momentarily eclipsed by the need to protect her. "they don't deserve your tears, okay?"
y/n squeezed his hand. "i know. max, lewis, everyone… they were amazing."
a fierce pride swelled in nico's chest. "they wouldn't have it any other way. you're one of us, y/n."
the next day, the internet exploded. fans rallied behind y/n, showering her with messages of support. #respectY/N trended worldwide. the tide was turning. the atmosphere was different. reporters approached y/n with a newfound hesitancy. she greeted them with a polite smile, her hand resting on nico's arm, a silent statement of their unity.
the journey wouldn't be easy. but with nico, his fellow drivers, and the fans by her side, y/n wouldn't be silenced. they would rewrite the narrative, one race, one sign, at a time.
the barcelona paddock bustled with pre-race energy. y/n, hand in hand with nico, navigated the throng of fans. today was different. gone were the snickers and pointed fingers that used to follow her. instead, enthusiastic waves and shy smiles greeted them.
suddenly, a young girl, no older than eight, broke free from her parents' grasp. her gaze locked onto y/n, her eyes wide with excitement. the girl's father rushed to apologize, but y/n knelt down, a warm smile on her face.
the girl, her face flushed crimson, fumbled with her backpack, pulling out a brightly colored friendship bracelet. tentatively, she held it out to y/n, signing in broken but clear motions, "love you!"
y/n's heart melted. "thank you, sweetie!" she signed back, taking the bracelet gently. it was woven with vibrant pink and blue beads, a perfect match for the one adorning y/n's wrist.
nico chuckled, pulling out a similar bracelet from his pocket. "didn't know you were starting a trend, love."
y/n winked at him, then surprised the girl by tying the bracelet around her wrist. the girl's face broke into a joyous grin, and she launched herself into a hug around y/n's waist.
news of the interaction spread like wildfire. soon, a line of fans, young and old, gathered, each eager to exchange a bracelet with y/n and sign their message of support.
a teenage boy, clutching a slightly misshapen homemade sign that read "you inspire us, y/n!" approached, his cheeks flushed. he fumbled with his hands, finally signing, "thank you for showing us that being different is okay."
y/n squeezed his hand, her smile even wider. "thank you for showing me the power of kindness," she signed back.
a wave of warmth washed over her. this wasn't just about the bracelets; it was about a connection, a silent conversation that transcended words. it was a victory lap for inclusivity, a celebration of the human spirit.
as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the paddock, y/n looked up at nico, his eyes filled with pride. her wrists were adorned with a kaleidoscope of colors, each bracelet a tiny token of appreciation.
"this is amazing," she signed, her voice thick with emotion.
nico leaned down and kissed her forehead. "they see you, y/n. you're an inspiration."
and in that moment, amidst the cheering crowds and the roar of engines, y/n knew she was finally home. the silence that once defined her had become a bridge, connecting her to the world in a way she never thought possible.
i hope you enjoyed! happy reading <3 do send in more requests! as for pre existing requests- im working on it! lots of love ava
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sassyminnesotan · 2 months
Little Shop of Horrors trending on the day of the solar eclipse is so funny actually
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readnburied · 7 months
13 Moons Reading Challenge 2024 — Announcement
So it’s finally time for the announcement of the 13 Moons reading challenge for 2024. Another year, another list of prompts that will make your reading journey exciting. This reading challenge is created by me for the entire reading community. So if you love reading or are looking for a reading challenge to try for the upcoming year, then here is one for you. 
Rules & Levels
The rules for this reading challenge are simple. First of all, this is just for fun so no need to feel pressured into doing anything or reading anything you don’t want to. You can also be flexible with the prompts if you choose to do so. The challenge will run from January 1st, 2024 and till December 31st, 2024.
There are a total of 104 reading prompts divided into 13 categories. There is a list of levels given and you can choose which level you wish to participate in based on your preference. The levels you can participate in are as follows:
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 13 books — fulfill one prompt from each category 
Partial Lunar Eclipse: 26 books — fulfill at least one prompt from each category
Central Lunar Eclipse: 52 books — fulfill at least one prompt from each category
Total Lunar Eclipse: 104 books — fulfill all the prompts
The reading challenge is given below. I am trying to create a graphic for it, and if I succeed I’ll edit this post and attach the graphic later, but for now I will write it all down here in case you wish to participate and plan your TBR. So without further ado, here is the 13 Moons reading challenge 2024. 
13 Moons Reading Challenge 2024 
Wolf Moon
A Stand Alone novel
A furry creature on the cover
Hair on the cover
The words Straight, Waves or Curly in the title
Hair color in the title
A book about found family
A book about adoption
A book with a hierarchy
Snow Moon
The word White in the title
Blanket on the cover
Read a book while drinking a hot beverage
Read a book while burning a candle
Hat/Cap on the cover
A book about mountains
A book about a fresh start or a new beginning
A book with necromancy themes
Worm Moon
Read a book in a series with more than 5 books
A book about rebirth or reincarnation
A cozy book
Book about insects 
Continue a series
A book that gives you the creeps
A book you’re not sure about
A book you’re thinking of unhauling 
Pink Moon
A book with a princess
Book about women empowerment
A pink object on the cover
Book recommended by a celebrity 
Book that tickles you pink
A coming of age book
A celebrity memoir
Start a book on a new moon
Flower Moon
Book by a BIPOC author
Book about friendship
A book club pick
Book with an animated cover
Book with a character named after a flower
A speculative fiction
A book set in spring
Read a book at any time of the day 
Strawberry Moon
Read a book from your backlist
Read a book with Bubbles on the cover
A book with less than 400 pages
Book you see trending on social media
Read a book from an author which is new to you
A debut novel
Book with the word Leaf in the title 
Book about swimming 
Buck Moon
A book that has multiple editions
A Paperback
A book recommended by a friend
A biography
A book you’re seeing everywhere 
A 2024 release
A 5 star prediction 
Book with a Man on the cover 
Sturgeon Moon
Book with a map
Book that people have been forcing you to read
Book with a title that starts with the first letter of your name
Book you hauled recently
Book with a Tree on the cover
Book with the word Can’t in the title
Book with a dark cover 
A novella
Harvest Moon
An anthology
A book you had to read for an assignment
A book with a movie adaptation
Book you’d recommend to somebody else
A book chosen by somebody else
Book with a Fish on the cover
A fruit in the title
Book about a celebration 
Hunter’s Moon
Book about food
Book set in Europe
Book with an Umbrella on the cover
Book about a topic you’re curious about
An award winning book 
Read the 7th book on your shelf
Book with Buildings on the cover 
book divided into parts 
Beaver Moon
Book about a psychological phenomenon 
Book with the word Five in the title 
Book with a Street on the cover
Start a book in the evening
A book about a specific country 
A book from your monthly TBR
Book with a cover you don’t like 
Book about a single parent 
Cold Moon
Book set in the medieval times
Book with a Spider on the cover
Read a book while wearing a pair of socks
A memoir
Book about a historical event
Book with a character’s name in the title
Book you think you will love
Book from a Goodreads shelf
Blue Moon
Book with a unique format
Read a classic
Book with 3 or more people on the cover
Book recommended by your favorite social media influencer
Book with a dramatic title
Book with a Dagger in the story
Book set in high school
Book about a spy
And there you have it. This is the 13 Moons reading challenge 2024 for you all. Let me know if you like it. If you wish to participate I’d love it if you can comment below to tell me you’re participating in the challenge. If you don’t want to comment, that’s fine as well. As long as you enjoy doing the challenge, I’m happy. 
Happy Reading!!
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onefey · 2 months
ohh i forgot little shop has a plot-relevant eclipse i was confused why it was trending at first. happy "buy a strange plant that appeared out of nowhere" day, the plant is very nice i'm sure and nothing bad will happen to u or ur girlfriend after u buy it. i prommy
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ereana · 6 months
Neuvillette x Furina - Sleep doesn’t come that easy without you
Furina will never forget how it started. 
That first night when she’d found her new Iudex—
Not hers. Not really. A dragon could never belong to a human, but she could pretend. She was very good at it.
—stood alone in the hallway, looking out of the towering palais window to the rest of the city below with those mesmerizing eyes of his. She’d been so cautious around him at first, terrified that he would easily see through her facade that still felt shaky in those early years. But that night he’d looked so…lost that it had struck a chord in her heart. It was the first time in their partnership that she’d been able to understand him in a single glance, it wouldn’t be the last.
How strange this must all be for him; to be summoned to a city full of humans by an archon and given such an important role at the very heart of a society he had scant understanding of. Strange and lonely.
Furina had joined him at the window. She’d been wrapped up in some fancy silk nightgown, the mask of Focalors not yet eclipsing Furina entirely, and offered him a smile. Not a glamorous, shining grin that adorned her face when she sat in the courtroom and laughed majestically at the trials on display before her as gifts. No, her smile had been softer than that, it didn’t feel painful as it stretched across her face from ear to ear.
A tentative expression that would be used with decreasing frequency as the years wore on until she could no longer remember how it felt to curl her lips in any manner that wasn’t for show.
Neuvillette had simply blinked at her, neither turning her away or welcoming her, and that had been enough for her to start talking. 
Furina hated silence. She wanted the air to be full of music and song and applause and laughter and anything but the coldness of quiet. So she’d babbled at him, the mighty Hydro Sovereign himself; going on tangents about the best shops to visit, the most delicious cakes, the newest trends and the theatre. She’d spoken about the theatre quite a bit. There had been a new play opening at the opera house ‘Finding Cleverland’ about the life of one of Sumeru’s greatest playwrights that she’d been dying to see since.
It was only after about fifteen minutes that she’d realized how rude she must have seemed; intruding on his solitude with useless talk that he would have no interest in without even letting him get a word in edgewise. Her cheeks had burned in shame but when she’d turned to him to apologize she’d been struck quiet by the look on his face.
Neuvillette was listening to her every word, every silly little word that spilled forth from her mouth without heed or caution. He gave them the same level of attention that he had given the words of a condemned man in one of their trials earlier that day as if they were of equal importance. 
Furina was used to being obeyed, not heard.
Which didn’t really make any sense at all but there was a difference! She felt it in the rush of warmth that washed over her when he continued to wait expectantly for her to continue.
The rest of the conversation was admittedly a bit of a blur but she’d never forget that happy warm feeling that bloomed to life in her chest at his sincere attention. They’d sat down on one of the opulent couches in the hall and she’d fallen asleep against his side.
It had been quite a shock to wake up beside him the next day. She’d nearly clobbered him with her bedside lamp before remembering that he wouldn’t know the social implications of such an act. When she asked why he hadn’t left for his own room after bringing her back he said that he enjoyed being near her and that she’d refused to let him go in her sleep.
Once she’d finished dealing with her humiliation she'd given him a lesson on sleeping on a lady’s bed if she hadn’t invited you in. That should have been the end of it.
Except Neuvillette had nodded and asked if he could sleep with her again.
Hearing him ask such a thing in that deep voice of his had sent her into another spiral of blushing embarrassment and she should have said no. He didn’t know any better. He was still learning. It was her responsibility as the one teaching him about humanity to explain why that wasn’t a good idea.
Furina should have said no.
But she didn’t.
She couldn’t.
Not after learning how good it felt to wake up in his arms, not after the overwhelming sense of safety she’d felt as she curled up against his massive form and the protective way he’d held her close.
It was a weakness.
One that she’d allowed back then when she was still young and learning. Not that those were excuses for her sin. She’d taken advantage of Neuvillette’s inexperience for her own selfish need for companionship and continued to do so for five hundred years. 
They didn’t spend every night together but it was still a regular occurrence. No matter what happened during the day or what they said to each other he would show up outside her door. Furina would strain her ears listening for that polite knock before striding across the room to allow him entry.
Striding with power, authority and not bolting across the floor to fling open the door and drag him inside like she always wanted to.
They would lay down on her massive bed — which always felt too big when he wasn’t there — and he would reach for her after asking permission to do so.
Silly dragon, as if she would ever refuse him.
She needed him too much, needed to feel the coldness of his skin against her human warmth, needed the relief of being held by him, tangible proof that she wasn’t completely alone. Nights in Neuvillette’s arms had been one of the few things that had kept her sane during those long years and she’d clung to the comfort he offered her even though he didn’t know what he was giving her.
Then the traveler came.
Then the waters rose.
Then Poisson was flooded.
Then came the trial and the climax of the grand masquerade.
Then Furina left the palais and its grand hallways and beautiful rooms for a medium sized townhouse in the city.
She should have been happy. She was happy, the weight had finally been lifted from her shoulders and the truth revealed. Furina knew that she needed time to heal after everything, she knew she needed time away from the people involved in the grand trial so that she could learn who Furina truly was.
But the nights were hard. She would lie awake in her much smaller bed listening to rain pelt the window and grip her new vision tightly in her hand, as tightly as Neuvillette used to grip her. Sleep didn’t come to her as easily anymore and her traitorous soft heart yearned for the presence of another to soothe her soul.
Her fingers would tighten on the brilliant blue stone, another reminder of him, and she would bury her head into her pillow unaware of the dragon in the Palais Mermonia standing by a window looking down at one particular building in the city with a familiar lost look on his face.
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talisman975 · 2 months
Happy Watching And Dreaming anniversary and welcome to the final day of the BelosFansTakeover event!
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These past several months have been so much fun with you guys, especially when we’re able to come together and bring justice to Belos’s character when S3 could not.
Even if we’re unable to make it to the trending page this time, what matters is Belos fans having fun without feeling scared and ashamed to.
So for this final activity, let’s celebrate his humanity and evil doings by spreading the #BelosFansTakeover as much as we can!
Share your art with the tag, post your favorite screenshots of him with the tag and explain why it’s your favorite, talk about other Belos artists, share your Belos headcanons, and the most important activity of all:
Share the tag with all of your S3 rewrite ideas!
It could be an entire post altogether, it could be a simple episode that you only want to rewrite or just a few moments, don’t matter! Give Belos, and by extension The Owl House, the season three they deserve!
And since this is the WAD anniversary, do Belos the greatest justice of giving him the ending he deserves. Could be a simple art, or a drabble or even a few sentence post, Belos/Philip is a character that has been done dirty since his creation, the one thing we can do is end him, and this event, on a high note.
Also I want to give a BIG shoutout to all of those non Belos fans who went out of their way to call out the mistreatment of Belos fans, you guys are genuine troopers and you have my respect.
And if everyone wants to, talk about the event! What are your thoughts on it? I’d like to hear in the tags, replies, reblog comments, and even separate posts of you want!
That’s it for now! Enjoy the eclipse and happy anniversary!
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: Until We Meet Again Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. In a LONG POST, I’m writing today about New Siwaj’s incomparable drama, Until We Meet Again.]
TW: suicide, suicidal ideation, psychological trauma
Gah. I am so psyched to be finally sitting down to write my thoughts on Until We Meet Again, but I’m actually at a bit of a loss on where to start. There is SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT.
I think, where I can start, is to first say that this was, in my opinion, AN ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR SHOW. I did NOT expect this, at all. I’ve been around the way with New Siwaj, the UWMA screenwriter and director, a few times now for the OGMMTVC -- his writing on Love Sick, his work with Cheewin on Make It Right, and his work on MAME’s novel in Love By Chance have all been on the OGMMTVC list. I know that Between Us, the UMWA WinTeam continuation, was considered mostly a let-down for weak writing, and that New’s more recent shows, including A Boss and a Babe and Double Savage, were viewed quite critically (although I am a Double Savage apologist, for which I’ll explain my viewpoints later in this post). 
So. What I did not expect from 2019′s UWMA was to experience so many layers in a drama à la the work of Aof Noppharnach. Yes, I cannot believe I’m going here, to compare a New Siwaj drama to Aof’s oeuvre, but damn if I will, because good lord, New took his magic hat of tricks, pulled out THE GOOD STUFF, and made it all work. 
This is a list of themes that I saw in UWMA, that will help me structure this long write-up, but by no means should it be considered complete, as I’m sure I’m missing themes that you all likely caught in your watches and re-watches:
1) A new narrative structure for New -- balancing the impact of side couples by leveraging focus, equally, on two MAIN couples 2) The continuation and end of the 2019 trend of reincarnation and spiritual connections to love 3) Intergenerational queer trauma (micro-level) 4) Generational acceptance of queerness (macro-level) 5) Food and its Proustian effect on memory 6) Reflections on filial piety and the devastating effects of expectations -- and how children and parents seek redemption, particularly in New’s work
And before I even dive into THIS list, can I just say: MY GOD, FLUKE AND OHM. And Earth and Kao! But FLUKE AND OHM. Jesus, does New have an eye for talent -- from the Make It Right guys, to Perth and Saint, and then to Fluke and Ohm. I was seriously TAKEN with their chemistry. I did hear from a number of folks during my UWMA live-blogging that they can’t rewatch UWMA because of Fluke/Pharm’s rendition of the blushing maiden trope, but for my tastes -- I think the way he rendered the trope was really necessary to communicating Intouch’s story, history, and emotions, and just -- Fluke just ATE this role, my gawd. And Ohm/Dean responding in kind vis à vis Korn’s regret. YOW. It’s been a few days since I finished the show, in a total RUSH of drama hunger, and I’m still shaking my head and MARVELING at their performance.
Okay, back to the themes list. So, early in my Thai BL journey in the fall of 2022, after I had watched KinnPorsche and The Eclipse as my first two Thai BLs, I watched A Tale of Thousand Stars (way before the OGMMTVC was born), and noted that I appreciated the lack of side couples in the ATOTS storyline. I now realize, through the OGMMTVC, that side couples are both a BL trope and a byproduct of the drama styles from which BLs were born, the ensemble-based dramas like Love Sick, Senior Secret Love, and Kiss/Kiss Me Again.
New’s Make It Right -- while beloved in my heart, for the chaotic duos of TeeFuse and FrameBook -- WAS messy, with all the other couple stuff happening around it. That, along with Love By Chance, made me wonder -- why do BLs that center fabulous dyads with sizzling chemistry take away from that energy with all the side couple action? Even Together With Me, a non-New Siwaj and non-GMMTV drama, got sidelined in part with a VERY questionable side couple plot in BrightFarm.
Reflecting back on KP and The Eclipse, I had that question in mind as I started UWMA, and wondered where the Alex and WinTeam storylines were going to go. But, frankly, I ended up appreciating what NEEDED to happen with DeanPharm and KornIntouch, because -- the original novel storyline clearly demanded that these two couples, who were NOT side couples, but MAIN couples, needed a MAIN spotlight for their collective story to be told. @clairificusrex mentioned in a liveblog comment (THANK YOU, LOVELY HUMAN!) that New Siwaj benefitted in the screenplay from having a wonderful original novel to work with, and while I don’t read Y Series canon, I can only imagine that this was indeed the case.
So, New, in order to hew to the novel, had to perhaps hold back his usual instincts to muss up the main couple vibe, by centering DeanPharm and KornIntouch. With that control necessary to the story -- I think the narrative STRUCTURE of the drama just blew open. It was FASCINATING, it drew me in, and the structure allowed for another New predilection to be leveraged WELL, in his love for flashbacks. @lurkingshan, you mentioned that your taste wasn’t necessarily aligned with New’s fancy for flashbacks, which I totally understand -- I think flashbacks hurt the overall narrative structure of Double Savage earlier this year. But I think, here for UMWA, they were necessary, and I might very well be apologetic to that considering what I DID see in Double Savage by way of the story that New ended up screenwriting over there in regards to intergenerational family trauma (again, more on this later in the post).
This narrative structure lent itself handily to the next four themes on this list, all of which deal in memory, in spiritual roots, and/or in the generational passage and inheritance of trauma and emotion. 2019, as we know now, was a big year for shows themed around Thai spiritual culture and/or reincarnation. We have He’s Coming To Me, we have Dew the Movie -- we have art here, queer-centered art, that does not lend itself to happy endings, that depicts, through reincarnation or, in the case of HCTM, a ghostly purgatory, how DIFFICULT it had been to be comfortably queer and/or openly out in past and present Thailand.
And then UWMA comes along, telling TWO generational stories, intertwined by the red thread, but also, in the words of the WONDERFUL @bengiyo, connected by Korn and Intouch’s intergenerational queer trauma, the most PERFECT coinage of a theme for this show. In 1988, when Korn and Intouch die, they cannot be out. They cannot even be SECRETLY in love. Their bad dads use the foulest of language to describe their love (much like Phop’s dad in Dew). And Korn kills himself, and Intouch follows.
And what we learn, through Dean and Pharm, are the emotions, the regrets, the LEARNED BEHAVIOR that Korn and Intouch have picked up on in the afterlife, embedded in Dean and Pharm, that keeps Korn and Intouch’s love alive, with CORRECTIONS and ADJUSTMENTS made by Dean and Pharm that reflect on how not only Korn and Intouch’s love has changed and improved, but also how Dean and Pharm are learning how to love EACH OTHER, themselves, as they adjust to their OWN belonging to each other, in Pharm’s own words. GAH -- my aching heart. (Thank you to @lurkingshan for talking this through with me early on in my UWMA watch.)
I mean. THE DEPTH OF THIS. Intouch is a terrible cook, and Pharm is like, a restaurant-level chef?! Pharm is so resistant, and Dean is so FORWARD? (OHM THITIWAT, GAH!!!) (Listen. Pharm. P’Deeeean can grab MY butt, okay?) (See what I did there, @lurkingshan and @bengiyo? THANK YOOOOUU.)
And Pharm’s blushing maiden approach. Yes, I will also admit, that sometimes, it was a little cringey. But I think the blushing maiden trope was really necessary to the story -- ESPECIALLY IN THE CONTEXT of Intouch’s anger, ciphered through Pharm in the last episode. And I think that Fluke Natouch ultimately rendered the trope beautifully -- again, especially against the gorgeous ending of the show. Oh, THAT CONDO SCENE, PEOPLE. I LOST IT. 
Of course, Intouch would want to hold back through Pharm in the present day. If Intouch DIDN’T hold back vis à vis Pharm -- he might lose Korn again, if Pharm missteps with Dean. Intouch may have felt that HIS forwardness lent to their troubles -- so Intouch holds back, through Pharm. And Intouch ultimately communicates his love for Korn differently in the afterlife, more hesitantly -- through a resistance to intimacy, and through food and cooking in Pharm, which itself was another amazing move in this show.
Listen. Even my pinned post says what I value in dramas, not just in BLs. You give me food in BL, and I give you my heart. But also, let’s talk about the meaning of food in Asian dramas for a second. It’s no coincidence that MANY Asian dramas and doramas center food, including my favorite BL of all time, Kinou Nani Tabeta/What Did You Eat Yesterday?. If you don’t know Asians, of any ilk -- let me make a BROAD continental and sub-continental judgement. ALL WE THINK ABOUT IS FOOD, lol. While I’m with my family, while I’m working, while I’m writing meta -- I’m thinking about food, I’m thinking about what I want to cook, what I want to order, how I can mix the cuisines I love (Thai-Indian curries, anyone? YUM). Malaysians literally boast about having multiple meals, way past three meals, a day. We Asians are proud of our cuisines, and we want y’all to be EATING, A LOT, and to try all our dishes. (ITSAY, your Hokkien mee is calling me...) 
But, also: FOOD MEANS FAMILY. Let me say it again: FOOD MEANS FAMILY. You FEED the people you LOVE, with delicious food. Shiro and Kenji. Kurosawa and Adachi. The guys in Jack o’Frost. The guys in The Eighth Sense. Omg, even Kinn and Porsche. We’re seeing it in Tokyo In April Is... And Pharm, to Dean, Intouch to Korn.
And BESIDES Intouch/Pharm becoming a great cook, GOD, the story ALSO INCLUDED the Proustian reference of the madeleine and involuntary memory -- but in SUCH a stunning way, as to RECALL DEAN’S FAMILIAL MEMORY of eating his grandmother’s Thai desserts -- his grandmother, Intouch’s sister, and how Dean could get an indirect spotlight into Intouch and a depth of an understanding of Intouch’s happiness besides his love for Korn. And how Pharm EMBODIED that love for Thai desserts through Intouch’s family lineage. Oh, just get me MESSY, PEOPLE. FUCKING GENIUS SHIT. 
Memory on memory on memory. Dream on dream, nightmare on nightmare, tears and red threads, inherited trauma, intergenerational trauma. The micro-level of what Dean and Pharm had to live with on a daily basis in their recollections of Korn and Intouch. The macro-level of what Pharm and Dean experienced when all of their parents accepted them for who they were as queer individuals, and their partners, as well. How Dean’s dad could ACTUALLY RELATE to Dean himself, because Dean’s dad had been rejected by Dean’s mother’s family. And how that ALLOWED Dean’s dad to accept Dean and his choice to be with Pharm. How that trauma was relieved, how Dean and Pharm DID NOT HAVE TO PHYSICALLY RELIVE what Korn and Intouch had gone through, and how those involuntary memories that Dean and Pharm carried vis à vis Korn and Intouch traumatized them until Dean and Pharm could RECEIVE their OWN familial acceptance.
The LAYERS OF THIS SHOW. Before I get to the last theme on my list, I really just need to metaphorically slam my palms on an allegorical table and give New Siwaj a huge hug, because THIS SHIT IS NOT EASY TO PROCESS ALL AT ONCE, and I can’t wait to do a UWMA rewatch to try to catch more (and I’ll likely need to write another meta, ha, when I do that). I mean, again, just to use food as an example of a kind of storytelling TOOL to INDICATE memory, especially in the context of lost and found love, of intergenerational trauma and relieving regret -- BRILLIANT. BRILLIANT.
And. The last theme on the list, the theme of filial piety, of Asian family systems and devotion and loyalty and expectations, and the devastating effects on the micro-individual level (and even the macro-social level as well) that those expectations can have. 
So, I watched Double Savage, screenwritten by New Siwaj, out of order from UWMA. Very quickly, since many of you have likely NOT watched Double Savage because it’s not a BL (but it DID have Ohm Pawat and Perth Tanapon in a hose-off scene -- you can’t take the New Siwaj out of New Siwaj, amirite): Double Savage is about Korn (Ohm P.), a middle son who is branded a jinx by a HORRENDOUS Thai-Chinese father, and how the abuse leveled on Korn by his dad has intergenerational ripple effects across their family and community. 
Let’s break this down. I now know that New Siwaj does bad dads from Thai-Chinese lineage very well. UWMA’s Korn is expected to take over a mafia business. His dad is disapproving that Korn doesn’t want to take over the business -- which is an UNQUESTIONABLE and EMBEDDED expectation in most Asian family lineages (hello, Jeng and Step By Step) -- AND Korn’s dad is ALSO disapproving in Korn’s love for Intouch and vice versa. Separately, Intouch’s dad is disapproving that Intouch is in love with Korn, a mafia scion. 
Modern times are modern for a reason. 1988 was 31 years from 2019. I want to emphasize here the understanding that Korn and Intouch likely had -- that besides running away, there was no other existence for them to be together than to kill themselves and be together in the afterlife. And running away, and still living and existing, would have been a guilt-ridden and dangerous existence, for what Asian children are expected to do and live for vis à vis their parents. Korn likely HAD NO OTHER IMAGINATION for a life that he could live OTHER THAN to take over his father’s business and to be a heteronormative adult in the late 1980s. And, to top that all off, both of their dads were fucking assholes. 
I really liked how this was juxtaposed to the relationship between Dean and his father. Dean was clearly set up to be as stubborn as his dad. Meaning, at least to me -- that Dean was FAR less likely to be told what to do by his dad, that Dean would and maybe COULD, stand up to his dad. We didn’t see it happen, but I could have imagined Dean not accepting “no” for an answer from his dad to accept Pharm. (Makes you think about Pat, Pran, and Ming, no?) Dean had Korn in him. Dean/Korn was NOT GOING TO TAKE THAT SHIT AGAIN, and that was CLEAR. I want to emphasize: THAT’S BIG. That was BIG on New Siwaj and the UWMA novel writer to include that in the story. That’s parental defiance. That needed to happen in order for Dean and Pharm to survive. As an Asian, that gives me a kick of welcome energy.
But I also really want to note what New Siwaj did at the end of the show, something so deft, it might have left non-Asian viewers wondering what was going on. In the condo scene, Dean and Pharm are ciphering Korn and Intouch -- and when Korn’s father shows up in the wheelchair, Korn’s father knows what’s happening.
And Korn apologizes to his dad. Korn had already apologized to Intouch, but Korn also apologizes to his dad, and to his brother, and to his nephew in Sin. This really gets me, y’all, I understand this as an Asian. Korn is APOLOGIZING for the PAIN he caused in his family AND in Intouch, because -- filial piety. He knows what he did to himself was devastating to the Asian family system he was born into, to the Asian society he was born into, and he apologized for the suicide he committed unto himself that caused that extra-social pain. 
Like. As crazy as that sounds, it’s also an INCREDIBLY SOPHISTICATED way to ACKNOWLEDGE that Korn had broached a social boundary, and Intouch had followed him. THAT IS A HELL OF A LAYER TO ADD TO THIS STORY, ONE THAT I DID NOT EXPECT, and that SHOOK ME at the end of this series.
A similar situation happened in Double Savage. Despite the horrendous psychological abuse that Double Savage’s Korn received from his father -- an adult Korn ends up apologizing to his father for the trouble that HE may have caused. Now, what I appreciated about Double Savage was that THAT dad was like -- no, no, *I* should be the one apologizing. BUT, I want to indicate and emphasize here, that BOTH storylines acknowledge that Asian children NEED to know, SHOULD know, ARE BORN TO KNOW, that their actions have collective effects on a wider family system. We are born to understand and think like that. We are not dealing with an individualist Western perspective here. (I literally FLIPPED when I realized that New Siwaj has had MULTIPLE CHARACTERS NAMED KORN APOLOGIZING TO BAD DADS, and I’m an Asian over here UNDERSTANDING WHY, and I’m just like, pfffftt GGGAAAHHHH.)
Why am I harping on this? BECAUSE: vis à vis EVERYTHING ELSE that is lineage-based in this story -- from children being born, to intergenerational trauma, to reincarnation -- UWMA is structured around an über-macro theme of worlds being linked, by threads, by genes, by history, by spirit, by trauma. We are collectively linked. Babies are born -- we saw many babies in this show. Children belong to families. Lovers belong to lovers. Dean PHYSICALLY belongs to Intouch’s family, and Pharm to Korn’s family. A happy existence will be when a family accepts a child’s partner. Happiness is in a family growing, not a family shrinking. Warmth and growth and love happens when a happy family sits at a table and eats together. 
As Pharm says at the end of the show -- oh, my HEART -- “I belong to Dean.” Yes, you do -- because you have become Dean’s family, and Dean has become Pharm’s family. Korn’s family BELONGS to Intouch’s family, and vice versa. They are destined, MEANT to be linked together, AND TO BE FAMILY, ALL TOGETHER.
Kurosawa and Adachi become family in the Cherry Magic movie. WDYEY’s Shiro and Kenji become family by way of living and eating together. Even if BBS’s Ming doesn’t acknowledge Pran -- Pran is Ming’s family. LOVE. MAKES. FAMILY.
What Korn apologized for was the impact his decision had on his family — WHILE HE WAS IN LOVE WITH INTOUCH, WHO KORN’S FAMILY WAS NOT ALLOWING KORN TO MAKE AS KORN’S NEW FAMILY in the 1980s. Korn was able to apologize in the afterlife — BECAUSE Dean and Pharm DID WHAT HE AND INTOUCH COULD NOT DO, by way of generations, by way of family acceptance, by way of inherited trauma and STOPPING that inherited trauma in its tracks -- very much like Pat and Pran banding together and doing the same for themselves. Dean and Pharm did the hard work of making the relationship a real one, in every aspect of their intimate, micro-level family lives, to a public, external existence in the world. Korn could FINALLY experience the release of GUILT he had towards Intouch and towards Korn’s family, now that Korn’s love for Intouch could FINALLY flourish outside the constraints of filial piety through Dean. THIS IS HUGE. I have no words to tell you what the BRILLIANCE of this means to me as an Asian. LOVE MAKES FAMILY, and LOVE THAT IS ALLOWED TO FLOURISH GIVES YOU THE RELEASE TO BE YOUR TRUE SELF. 
Dean had learned from the inherited trauma that he got from Korn that he needed to stop the trauma train in his tracks, and he did, and he confronted his father, and his father blessed the union of Dean and Pharm. When Dean took the gun away from Pharm, and embraced Pharm, Korn and Intouch KNEW that they could finally be safe in the afterlife. Dean and Pharm were the ciphers that finally ALLOWED Korn and Intouch to exist happily together in spirit. Korn, especially, could exist freely, now that he was relieved of his guilt. Dean and Pharm were, LITERALLY, Korn and Intouch’s FAMILY -- the FAMILY that ALLOWED the FINAL RELEASE for Korn and Intouch to be together as their true selves and spirits. 
And Dean and Pharm confirmed that in FRONT of the family member, in Korn’s father, that had originally caused all this pain. The intricate layers, communicated to a primarily Asian audience, of Korn apologizing to his father, and then of Dean embracing Pharm and confirming their love AND Korn and Intouch’s love, in front of that former barrier -- that is GROWTH and FLOURISHING in the face of generational defiance, and about as sophisticated and eloquent a communication of familial transcendence as I could possibly imagine seeing in Asian drama art. WHOA. I’m a little out of breath with this.
Wow. And speaking of being one’s true self: I deeply loved that Dean and Pharm took a three-month break. I loved that Pharm was smart and strong enough to demand a break to understand if DEAN and PHARM -- INDEPENDENT of ANYTHING they had INHERITED from ANYONE -- actually loved each other and belonged together. Fuck. Pharm was like, no -- this one’s on me. I need to see, outside of ANY INFLUENCES, FROM ANYONE, ANYWHERE -- if I love Dean, if Dean loves me, and if we belong together. Brave. Badass.
AND, I truly loved how Korn and Intouch -- DEAN AND PHARM’S FAMILY -- came BACK to Dean and Pharm’s dreams to offer thanks. I loved how, in the end, the past and his family came back to give Pharm that little contextual nudge to say to Pharm, it’s okay to love Dean for Dean, AND to love how you two came together, through Korn and Intouch. And Pharm could acknowledge, finally, that he belonged to Dean. God damn.
This story was so multilayered, SO complex, SO filled with a respect for love at its highest and most complicated levels. This story was filled with CRITICAL SCRUTINY towards Asian family systems and the trauma that those systems can render. This story was filled with an acknowledgement for the power of LOVE that those same family systems can offer unto children who NEED pillars of love and support (Pharm’s mom and brother, badasses!). 
Y’ALL. I just, I DID NOT KNOW that New Siwaj could DO THIS! I know that UWMA is considered his best show, but like, this is his best show BY A LOT, A LOT. Double Savage, in contrast, had a lot of narrative and structural issues that detracted from the core stories of filial piety that were ultimately very important to tell. 
UWMA did not fall into that trap. It was SMART, it MOVED (FOR SEVENTEEN EPISODES! I SLAMMED THIS SERIES! I could have watched MORE, I cannot believe I’m SAYING THAT!), it was. It was just BRILLIANT. It was an ode to romantic love, to family love, to the power of memory. In 2019, it joined He’s Coming To Me in a burgeoning echelon of cinema-influenced BLs in storytelling, soon to be joined by I Told Sunset About You, ATOTS, and others. It took the sad endings of He’s Coming To Me and Dew the Movie and said -- not today. Today, we will let love LIVE, let QUEER LOVE live, in REAL LIFE, in REAL TIME, and we will not let our lovers live in regret. We will take queer love, we will give queer love FAMILY, and we will give it the HONOR IT DESERVES.
Until We Meet Again is a must-watch of the highest order, and goes on the shortlist of shows that I will refer to as one that makes me proud to be an Asian. It was easily one of the most important shows I’ve watched in this project. All credit to New, Fluke, Ohm, Earth, and Kao for a PHENOMENAL experience -- my heart and mind have been bettered because of this show. 
[FLUKE. AND. OHM. Fluke and Singto coming thru in Shadow the Series? Sign me the FUCK up. Actors on actors. WOW. Did UWMA ever introduce me to another crop of dudes who can fucking tear up a screen. I had SO much fun watching UWMA, whew!
And, yep. I had to follow this up with 2gether, ha. I’m going to spare myself a little pain, if y’all don’t mind, and combine my write-up of 2gether with Still 2gether. I know there’s a lot to be said about the lack of intimacy in 2G, which I can’t wait to dive into, but I can’t help but to also run into another wall of analysis with dear P’Aof’s work in S2G. I’ll make it all work!
After I get myself together with 2gether (HA) -- it’s ITSAY time. I will be planning on watching ITSAY TWICE before writing, as I’m preparing myself to catch EVERYTHING I can before I pen words. Stay tuned.
Status of the list below. As always -- if you have feedback, send it my way!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (I’m watching this out of order just to get familiar with OffGun before Theory of Love -- will likely not review) 13) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020)  17) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (watching) 18) I Told Sunset About You (2020) 19) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) 20) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) 21) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS 23) Lovely Writer (2021) 24) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 25) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 26) Not Me (2021-2022) 27) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 28) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 29) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 30) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 31) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 32) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 33) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 34) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 35) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 36) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
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south-sea · 10 months
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i've been promising it for ages, so here are finally some notes on the two iterations of black arms/doom i write for. in this house we ignore the "black doom is an evil space tyrant for the sake of being an evil space tyrant" thing and have fun exploring his motives from different angles
(it's because i had no idea that was even a thing until like a week ago. i've always thought the motivator was Just Food, and i like that significantly more.)
i like to think of eclipse's paternal qualities as something telling to black doom/the species as a whole, at least outside of canon instances. so that's an intentional trend across both.
it's also intentionally implied the alt arms are more or less what aruna's hive could/would have turned out like if he were less traditionally stubborn and foolhardy.
as for their plans and how things ended up:
alt doom started out as generally interested in how humanity might progress. once in contact with gerald, his plan was to trade his DNA for the chaos emeralds as a source of energy for the black comet, as its at-the-time power would have been mostly depleted by the time it circled back around in 50 years. this agreement was doomed to fail; both he and gerald almost immediately realized how badly it could backfire, got paranoid, and mutually planned to destroy each other. the fact humans are good sustenance for the black arms was just a convenient bonus at that point.
given shadow didn't make it past SA2 on this timeline, it left sonic to defeat the black arms. and in sonic fashion, this meant putting them in their place and sending them packing without properly destroying them.
alt doom is not so much one to accept he's been beaten, and more one to re-approach something from a different angle once he realizes his methods were flawed. this leads to him picking up and just going Somewhere Else. he's a scientist too, on some level. he can figure it out. and he does. rather than being all traditional and stubborn, he learns to work with other species, which in turn leads to securing better/more diverse materials, more ethical/convenient food sources, etc. the arms' population booms and advances at breakneck pace from then on. they diversify and spread out. without having to fight for survival, things are chill. it's considered the good end.
aruna's is the bad end. shadow is present on this timeline, and summarily wrecks his entire shit (for good reason).
the trouble with aruna's hive is it was in a constant state of nutritional deficit. they were the multiverse's scavengers, tending to pick planets clean whose populations were already critically low. not for any moral or ethical reason, just that the hive itself was so comparatively small in numbers, they didn't much have a choice.
this led to desperation. he got Tired of it. his last ditch effort to secure some means of easier travel/means to acquire food was to obtain the chaos emeralds. so he struck a deal with gerald, as these things always go.
he comes back 50 years later, finds his son has sided with the humans, and just snaps. just goes absolutely nuclear. if the deal isn't going to be upheld, and shadow sees the black arms as The Enemy, then he's just going to take the emeralds (and by extension the whole planet itself) by force. he's done playing nice. he and his people are starving. have been starving for enough years he's lost count.
this ends with the entire comet being blown up, and that's the last thing he sees as he's falling back to earth.
what all goes on after that point is between nobody but him, the multiverse's worst and, somehow, eventually, a familiar fallen god. (it's going in another aruna-centric post, some day, maybe, i hope.)
there's even still more i could say about how their respective hives operated and how they interacted with them personally, but that also needs to go in another post because this one's already long enough. but oh man is there more to say.
(and a shoutout/direct link to @motobug as always for the mobian design)
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gooses-trenchcoat · 2 months
when 911 only finally leaves tumblr trending after like four days and it's because of the solar eclipse
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rando-simps-alot · 1 year
Simp list (canon)
In chronological order
“[Outdated]” is a character i no longer like, for whatever reason, however I keep them on the list for historical record
10 is MMMMMMMMMM 1 is kinda smash
1. Spanish moon (five nights at Freddy’s security breach) 10/10
2. Sun (five nights at Freddy’s security breach) 9/10
3. Moon (five nights at Freddy’s security breach) 10/10
4. Clover (@inks-ns original character) 10/10
5. Sammy Lawrence (bendy and the ink machine/bendy and the dark revival) 11/10
6. NeIL (@sillystanleystuff original character) 10/10
7. The ink demon (bendy and the dark revival) 7/10
8. Peter (your boyfriend game) 0/10 [Outdated]
9. John Doe (John doe game) 7/10
10. Alan Orion (my dear hatchet man) 9/10
11. Ren (14 days with you) 7/10
12. Loki (@you-are-a-superstar original character) 10/10
13. N (murder drones) 10/10
14. Audrey drew (bendy and the dark revival) 3/10
15. Monika (doki doki literature club) 7/10
16. The projectionist (bendy and the ink machine) 6/10
17. Lord heart (@inks-ns original character) 8/10
18. Lord storm (@inks-ns original character)8/10
19. Meteorite (@inks-ns original character)8/10
20. Volo (Pokemon legends Arceus) 10/10
21. Betty (bendy and the dark revival) 10/10
22. Keepers (bendy and the dark revival) 4/10
23. Max (@aboutchicken298’s original character) 5/10
24. Springtrap (five nights at Freddy’s) 5/10
25. William afton (five nights at Freddy’s the fourth closest graphic novel) 8/10
26. Emo boy ink demon (by @iilusion-of-living) 10/10
27. The jester (@iilusion-of-living’s original character)5/10
28. Withered bonnie (five nights at Freddy’s 2) 5/10
29. Simon (@sillystanleystuff’s original character) 8/10
30. Fell sans 😞 (due to @kazachi69’s amazing video) 10/10
31. Eclipse (five nights at Freddy’s security breach) 10/10
32. Sarah (@you-are-a-superstar’s original character) 7/10
33. HoR (@sillystanleystuff’s original character) 9/10
34. Blood Moon (the Sun and Moon show) 8/10
35. Scout (@sillystanleystuff’s original character) 9/10
36. Lovesick Sun (@inks-ns’s original character) 9/10
37. Lovesick moon (@inks-ns’s original character) 9/10
38. Vampire moon (by @xitsensunmoon) 10/10
39. Timekeeper (Stanly parable untra-delux) 8/10
40. Roxanne wolf (five nights at Freddy’s security breach) 7/10
41. Cyn (murder drones) 10/10
42. Father Grigori (half life 2) 6/10
43. Satan (the Bible) 5/10
44. Twisted Alice (bendy and the ink machine/bendy and the dark revival) 8/10
45. Nightmare sans (due to @glitchysquidd) 7/10
46. Gavril (Gavril) 9/10
47. Shattered Dream sans (thanks kaz) 8/10
48. Kerlineo (@iilusion-of-living’s original character) 6/10
49. Dust sans (thanks @monsterroonio) 8/10
50. Megaira (@sillystanleystuff’s original character) 9/10
51. Leya (@sillystanleystuff’s original character) 9/10
52. Bill cipher (Gravity Falls)
53. Dr. Jekyll (The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) 8/10
54. Mr. Hyde (The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) 8/10
55. Ruin Eclipse (Five nights at Freddy’s Security Breach: Ruin) 10/10
56. Ruin Sun (Five nights at Freddy’s Security Breach: Ruin) 7/10
57. Ruin Moon (Five nights at Freddy’s Security Breach: Ruin) 5/10
58. Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) 9/10
59. Cthulhu (H. P. Lovecraft) 5/10
60. Winston (1984) 6/10
61. General Grievous (Star wars) 6/10
62. Eclipse (Sun and Moon show) 3/10
63. Jax (The amazing digital circus) 9/10
64. ROOM (@cursedxbf’s oc on ref sheet and pixel art)
65. Mr. Hyde (Mazm: Jekyll and Hyde)
66. Lucifer (hazbin hotel)
67. Husker (Hazbin hotel)
68. Vox (Hazbin hotel)
69. funny number is reserved for the time being
70. angel dust (hazbin hotel)
Please ignore any trends related to Yandere or sharp teeth, they are coincidences
37 characters until 100
Below are stats
22/51 on the list are robots
4/51 are confirmed human
35/51 are men
8/51 are women
8/51 idk their gender
9/51 are inky
18/51 are my friends ocs
28/51 are from or based on a horror franchise
1/51 have no canon form
0/51 are 1s
0/51 are 2s
2/51 are 3s
1/51 are 4s
5/51 are 5s
1/51 are 6s
8/51 are 7s
10/51 are 8s
9/51 are 9s
9/51 are 10s
1/51 are 11s
6/51 are alterations of existing characters
Stats Last updated at 51 characters (6/28/23)
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dangermousie · 4 months
List of dramas everyone loves but I either watched and did not love or didn’t even want to watch because I found them unappealing to that degree.
1. Nirvana in Fire - the protag was way too OP and I also never did overcome my conviction that Wang Kai would get eaten alive by the court the moment MCS died - ideals and inability to do sleazy compromising morally grey things combined with too much morality make for a terrible ruler.
2. Castaway Diva - it was so fucking precious I wanted to scream “you can’t do magic realism with your magic chirpy castaway.” Sure Jorge Amado could but you ain’t Jorge Amado.
3. Extraordinary Attorney Woo - I do not do lawyer dramas at all. And as a contrarian, the more people fangirled over it, the more annoyed I got.
4. You are Beautiful - yeah it’s old but I can hold a grudge. Watching it as it aired was extremely not fun with insane fans who were enraged the ratings were not whatever it was, the characters were annoying as fuck and JGS decided to cosplay as his character in this for a decade after, the ending was lifted from A Star in my Heart. But honestly it’s the psychotic fans that really did it for me.
5. Start Up - why it inspired this degree of obsession and virtiol is beyond me but I couldn’t look at anyone involved for years.
6. Legend of Zhen Huan - I hate all harem dramas and the better made the more I hate them because all those smart women fighting for attention of one gross fail man so as to survive or for power or because it’s him or nobody is, historically accurate or not, depressing as fuck.
7. Legend of Fei - color beige given form.
8. Moon that Eclipses the Sun - moronic plot, dumbing down of any historical reality of anything, lead pair with no chemistry (and leading lady who can’t act), and the start of the horrifying fluffy youth sageuk trend. If I had Thanos’ zapper to use only on one drama this would be it.
9. My Name is Kim Sam Soon - once again huge old hit and I can hold grudges - it’s not funny and the leads are an immature annoying unlikeable pair. When the only character I like is the secondary girl you know you fucked up.
10. Rookie Historian - makes Moon that Eclipses the Sun seem like Jumong. Also if Cha Eun Woo actually moves his face I think the world might end so I am grateful to him from protecting us from that apocalypse in that and every other drama.
(I did not include dramas that were popular but had a mixed reception like Boys Over Flowers etc or we’d be here all day.)
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7grandmel · 1 month
Todays rip: 11/05/2024
You Give Me Color Power
Season 2 Featured on: The Voice's Highest Quality Video Game Rips
Ripped by CrystalForce
Hey, I try not to be biased on here all too much - but fact of the matter is, that I do have a terminal case of Sonic fan disease. It was only earlier this week that I covered Rooftop Bop, I've been completely self-indulgent with rips like Imperial Touwer - and I'm about to do it again now with You Give Me Color Power. Amidst all the no-nonsense mashups on the SiIvaGunner channel, few continue to worm my way into my mind like it does, reaching the highest possible prestige of a mashup in being so good as to effectively replace the original in my mind.
To this very day, You Give Me Color Power remains the only rip yet made on the channel of Planet Wisp Act 3 in particular. In Sonic Colors, each of the three acts serve as different takes, remixes, of the same core melody - we're all familiar with Planet Wisp, as heard in Planet Wisp Mashup Medley, but the Act 3 remix gives the tune a more funky, bouncy feel - the piano and percussion playing in a far odder, repeating rhythm, as the song as a whole becomes far more of a funk tune in its pace than the original. And long before they became relevant to the world of internet shitposting through a damn Family Guy clip, Jamiroquai have been at the top of the funk foodchain - something CrystalForce was evidently well aware of. You Give Me Something isn't a song I can claim to have listened to all too extensively, but its ability to fit Planet Wisp's mood herein feels absolutely effortless. The added instrumentation compliments the Planet Wisp Act 3 bassline to absolute perfection, and Jay Kay's own vocal performance is able to carry the original track through its more piano-heavy segments with absolute grace and beauty.
I can't really speak much on how the individual pieces of this rip sprung up or evolved overtime - Jamiroquai did eventually begin showing up more on the channel with rips like Rearranging Furniture in the Underground Secret Base, but back in Season 2 his appearance in this rip was completely divorced from any ongoing trend. Rather, You Give Me Color Power is as if ripping distilled to its very core: an idea pursued purely to see if a piece of video game music would sound cool when mashed up with a song one ripper had an independent attachment to. The result is positively glowing, and perhaps amidst my favorite mashups the channel has ever produced - at once able to sonically stand completely on its own whilst also having completely eclipsed the Planet Wisp Act 3 theme for me for the foreseeable future.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: May 2023 ~  
💫 🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month!!! 🏳️‍🌈 💫
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 House of Stars - May 1st (Thailand) 
🌟 Love Mate - May 4th (South Korea)
🌟 ViAn The Series (TikTok series) - May 6th (Vietnam) 
🌟 My Partner (movie) - May 7th (Philippines/Hawaii) 
🌟 Star Struck - May 18th (South Korea) 
🌟 Stay - May 19th (Philippines) 
🌟 Ey Mi Amor - May 22nd (Vietnam) 
🌟 Tie the Not - May 24th (Philippines)
🌟 Sparks Camp (reality show) - May 24th (Philippines) 
🌟 Why You - May 25th (Cambodia) 
🌟 Be My Favorite - May 26th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 The Luminous Solution - May 27th (Thailand) 
🌟 Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa - May 27th (Japan) 
Monthly likes/dislikes
👎🏻 Our Skyy2 - it’s a shame because except for The Eclipse and NLMG none of the episodes have been good. The ABAAB episodes have been surprisingly entertaining and they were better than the show itself but overall it’s obvious that this whole production was rushed and most of them did not put the required thought + effort into creating these stories; especially the MSP episodes had me shaking my head for so many reasons. Maybe the concept of 16 episodes for 8 couples in the span of 3 months was putting too much on their plates but it’s frustrating because it had a promising start. Hopefully this season marks the end of this project altogether. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Every You, Every Me - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 City Of Angels (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Our Story (3rd sequel of My Day) - Date TBA (Philippines)  
🎥 Stay by My Side - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Pray in Love - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 You Are Mine - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Lovely Addict - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Chiang Mai Adventures - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Casanova Begins - Coming August 20th (Thailand)
🎥 Anti Reset - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Love in Translation - Coming August 5th (Thailand) 
🎥 Crazy Handsome Rich (starring LongFrank) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 7 Days Before Valentine - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 7 Times 4 Days - Date TBA (Thailand) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ GMMTV actors Phuwin T., Prom T. and Foei P. came under fire this month for problematic behavior - Phuwin was criticized for ableist slurs he said in a live 3 years ago, Prom made sexist and pedophile comments in a recent interview and Foei published an anti-LGBT post on Instagram. Moreover, Mark P., Mond T. and White N. were also criticized for defending Prom and his opinions. Phuwin, Prom and Mark have issued public apologies. 
❗️ Actors Yoon DoJin and DoWon were announced as the leads in the upcoming Korean BL Love Tractor. 
❗️ The 2016 Chinese LGBT drama Addicted Heroin will get a Thai adaption. Further info such as cast have not been announced. 
❗️ The upcoming Thai BLs Hidden Agenda (GMMTV), Naughty Babe (Domundi) and The Sign (IdolfactoryTH) have started filming. 
❗️ The upcoming GMMTV BL Cooking Crush is officially in production. A release date is still unknown. 
❗️ After the public defamation scandal around Build Jakapan and his ex girlfriend, latter came forward on social media and admitted that her accusations against Build were fake - he was therefore proven innocent.
❗️ A second season for the Korean LGBT dating reality show His Man was announced. The show is said to air in June. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The following BL actors/productions won at this year’s KAZZ awards:
GeminiFourth: Hottest Artists Award 
My School President: Most Trending on Social Media 
To Sir With Love: Best Drama of the Year 
Tay Tawan: Man of the Year
Nanon Korapat: Popular Male Teenage Award 
Nunew Chawarin: Popular Male Artist Award 
Zee Pruk: Best Actor of the Year 
Upcoming series & movies for June
👉🏻 Let’s Eat Together - June 2nd (Japan)
👉🏻 Ever After - June 3rd (Philippines) 
👉🏻 Tin Tem Jai (Special Episodes) - June 3rd + June 4th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Twins - June 6th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Love Tractor  - June 7th (South Korea) 
👉🏻 Stupid Genius - June 9th (Vietnam) 
👉🏻 Tokyo In April - June 15th (Japan)
👉🏻 Dinosaur Love - June 25th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 His Man Season 2 (dating show) - June TBA (South Korea) 
👉🏻 The Star Season 2 - June TBA (Myanmar) 
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