#not me being normal about the lannisters?! again.
attonitos-gloria · 2 years
What asoiaf/got ships/dynamics that aren't from the dance of dragons era do you like?
ANON, thank you for this question, i could spend hours here talking about that actually, and i apologize in advance for the longest answer to an ask ever seen in this blog <3
so, i think the main answer to that is: i love all the dynamics of house lannister, from AGoT onwards. (i like problematic, abusive families???) jaime and cersei reflecting each other's perfection in a sea of shared grief until jaime loses his hand and the mirror shatters; tyrion's devotion to jaime, the way they are tied together through a lie until the moment jaime cuts the thread off. the friendship between tyrion and penny is so so so important to me, too. 
i love, love, love, the ghost of joanna, the what-if that haunts everything, and how it impacts tyrion's life, how he's been forced to carry this blame and associate this blame to his disability... the everlasting impact tywin imprinted in each one of them through consistent abuse that they repeat and pass onto other people, and how they have to literally dissociate to handle the trauma. i i love the weight of the valonqar prophecy. how cersei is delusional and paranoid thinking it's about tyrion because she is too blind to realize that her downfall is right in the mirror, right there in the face of her twin - that is, her own face.
i love how the prophecy creates this rift between cersei and tyrion, because cersei is the only person who could make tyrion feel truly loved, if she could just let go of tywin's ways. where cersei goes, jaime follows; together, the three of them could have a chance to protect each other. but they don't protect each other! they harm each other in horrible ways! how could cersei escape her father? this god-like figure, larger than life? and so she hates tyrion. she shapes her heart after tywin's; she doesn't know any other way. jaime tries to control the damage, but he can't escape tywin either, no one can, so he inflicts more damage on tyrion in tywin's name by lying about tysha. he makes his little brother believe he will never be loved and, by doing that, through terror and shame and guilt, he cages tyrion in the confines of house lannister, too. 
jaime tries to run, then, by joining the kingsguard: he doesn't want to be tywin's golden heir. but then, he is stuck in a court where the king rapes his wife and wants to set the world on fire. he is seventeen, the king is mad, his father is at the gates: jaime can't escape tywin - or rather, he can’t escape his own heart, shaped after tywin, and what he decides to do then haunts him for the rest of his life. (i'm not saying it wasn't heroic of him to save the city; but the timing was just too convenient for house lannister. as were the methods. as were the people he chose to save, and the people he chose not to.) and the war is over, at last. cersei is going to be queen! all she ever wanted! but the new king is not the prince she dreamed of. to ensure house lannister's power, her father marries her off to another man, a man who abuses her over and over. all jaime wanted was to stay in court with his sister. now they are finally there together, but jaime is watching his twin, his queen: married with a violent king and unable to do anything to protect her. a joke of a knight. none of them can escape house lannister's grasp, until tyrion finally breaks free, in the most chaotic way possible. when tyrion kills tywin, he kills the only god he and his siblings ever knew. this quote lives in my head rent-free: 
Snatch scratched at his stubble with the point of his hook. "Nasty thing, a crossbow. How many men you kill with that?"
"Nine." His father counted for at least that many, surely. Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Shield of Lannisport, Hand of the King, husband, brother, father, father, father.
sorry, i’m never getting over this; tywin is their whole world???? he is a multitude of men? tyrion repeats father three times, one for cersei, one for jaime, one for himself, he thinks there’s no space tywin doesn’t fill and now that tywin is dead the world is kind of void, empty. that’s religious! he is speaking as someone who abandoned his faith, who apostatized!!! (my friend @thistle-and-thorn​ has a theory that tyrion’s arc in ADWD is just grrm processing the lost of his catholic faith and his journey toward atheism. she can explain it better, but i think there’s good arguments for that.) WHY WOULD GEORGE DO THAT TO ME???? 
anyway, tyrion leaves house lannister, but house lannister doesn’t leave him, as it often happens when you abandon your faith: there’s something that lingers. tyrion acts as a monster: he acts like tywin made him. he is not a well-behaved victim. he doesn't mourn and suffer prettily. how could he? after a lifetime of being lied to, of being told he is unlovable, and finding out he wasted the only true love he ever had? no, tyrion is not going to be merciful; he is paying back in the only currency house lannister knows and the only language they understand. lannisters only speak in debts. he is going to be the one to destroy house lannister after all; he's already begun..... and each one of them are really just reaping what tywin sowed.
just... house lannister, man.
i think the future of the lannisters is being utterly destroyed and i want to watch my favorite dysfunctional family burning in despair in the aftermath of their own decisions so badly. like, i just want to see tywin's legacy destroyed, ashes on the ground. i am going to DANCE on tywin's grave when it happens. and if tyrion can’t let go of the tywin that lingers in his heart, he will go down with it? that remains to be seen, though, and i hope meeting Dany will start the process of his healing.
ok. i am VERY sorry about this crazy lannister moment. let's move on.
i love the relationship between tyrion and sansa. i'm completely obsessed with this doomed, horrible marriage. not that i think anything should or could have happened when sansa was a child-hostage in king's landing!! but i like the story being told through them: how tyrion embodies, at once, the knighthood that sansa dreams of (by trying to protect her from joffrey's abuse, by not raping her. 'i am only a little lion, and i vow: i shall not savage you' was literally one of the first thing he's ever said to her!!) and the abuse she suffers on virtue of being a maid (by being forced to marry him, and her overall situation as a hostage of his family); how sansa is a sort of projection of tysha (i've angrily ranted about it here) at the same time he is painfully aware that sansa represents a life he will never have (a family that loves him, a wife that wants him). how sansa wants to be loved but thinks no one will ever marry her for love, only for her claim, at the same time tyrion is thinking he doesn't want winterfell only, he wants her, he wanted a chance of a true marriage with her. and yet, they CAN'T communicate. they can't, it's impossible, like that pathetic scene of overcooked peased and mutton: sansa is too afraid, tyrion is too aware of her disgust for him, there's a fracture between them that cannot be healed or crossed. but they are together in this in a weird way; they are alone together. i think this was one of the few things i liked about the show - i didn't like tyrion's overall whitewashing, but that particular adaptation was made with george's approval and it makes sense in the light of the books. they depicted sansa and tyrion as some sort of tragic team-up in king's landing, as each other's allies in the saddest way possible - because it is a fruitless alliance. it leads nowhere: tyrion is not going to rape her, so their marriage won't give him lannister children; he is protecting her but effectively keeping her in the lannister household so he is not... really, actually saving her (no one escapes tywin, etc). without children, neither of them are going to be given winterfell. it is a barren marriage, a pointless island of safety, but it's what they could do with what they had in hand, that is, each other. and something about this is deeply moving to me? i think there's a lot of hidden kindness in this ship. they break my heart. in every universe, they do, and i have tried not to ship them! but i can't!! they are very compelling from a narrative point of view. that being said, i don't think they will ever be happy together, and that's kind of the reason why i ship them in the first place. i look forward to them meeting again in the books, though. they are my ultimate one true pairing, unfortunately. we don't get to choose who we ship.
i love jaime and brienne. i love how brienne forces jaime to confront his failures and his flaws. i love how she is, in all ways that matter, the anti-cersei: she is not there to reflect his own image back to him; she is everything he wishes he could be one day. she exposes him, she touches his deepest wounds, by simply existing and doing her thing. i think it's supposed to have romantic undertones and i ship them that way, but even without the romance, i still think it's one of the most important relationships of the series. (also love podrick, their adopted son, with uncle tyrion in the family??? like? oh my God: i think tyrion should be everyone's uncle.)
they never met in the books, but after so many intentional narrative parallels i am convinced george wants me to get deeply invested in jon/dany/tyrion. he demanded that of me, personally, he came into my house. these three are going to save the world and rule together. or they will all die in the war or kill themselves in the process; i don't know anymore. all i know is that they'll meet and it will be THE event of the asoiaf series. i particularly have a very soft spot for tyrion/jon? their interactions in AGoT warm me on cold nights; jon's young curiosity about tyrion, tyrion's harsh kindness...
and, because i am crazy about the lannisters: i’m sorry, but given the intentional parallels that grrm created between dany & cersei (different approach to women in power and how to handle your fire weapons no, i don’t think dany is the mad queen of the series) and the obvious similarities between jon & jaime (different approaches to what it means to keep your oaths and break them and being honorable), YOU UNDERSTAND HOW JON/DANY/TYRION IS THE FOUND FAMILY THAT JAIME/CERSEI/TYRION COULD NEVER BE???? *going crazy again and running in circles*
i do believe everything is about house lannister, yes. when i said we were moving on from them, i LIED, i was lying.
let’s try again. moving on!!
sansa is the character i relate to the most: the way she sees the world as a story, a tale, and people as characters in it, with these predetermined roles? and the shattering of this worldview as she finds out that people don't play their part? so with that in mind: the parallels between sansa/ned and sansa/littlefinger is something that i often think about. in the end of the books i believe it will be clear that sansa is, and has always been, ned's daughter, and not petyr's. the parallels and similarities between ned and sansa overwhelm me (this idealism is present in ned's chapters, too, a lot). i think the way grrm inserted petyr there to expose this rift in sansa's character was brilliant: is she going to be ned's daughter and hold on to honor, to kindness, to love through loyalty, to the hidden truth in every ideal she's learned even though the world is not ideal (all the songs can't be lies)? is she going to be petyr's daughter and live in a liquid world based on lies, on cynicism, assuming the worst of everyone and using everyone as pieces on a board? it's where she is now, as alayne. but it's not how she's going to end, i hope? (don't get me wrong; i love petyr/sansa, it's a ship i relate to a lot, unfortunately. and it's so wonderfully written! but i very much want sansa to kill petyr one day. i want all my faves killing their abusive fathers!! hello alicent?!? get it over with girl)
they haven't met yet in the books, but when sansa and brienne meet, i think i will legitimately cry. (something something the lady and her knight)
bran is my second favorite character, and the friendship between him, meera and jojen is the most precious thing to be defended and protected at all costs. it's just too pure. like, the only not-problematic dynamic of this list, full of incest, underage pairings, daddy issues and abusive relationships. bran, jojen and meera are rays of sunshine.
and it's weird, but i have very specific headcanons about lyanna and benjen being the closest among their siblings - everyone talks about lyanna and ned, because he went to war for her and adopted her son, but benjen literally grew up with her when ned and brandon left to be fostered in the Vale? he mourned her loss so much that he took the black when she died? 🥺 everyone out there competing for lyanna's attention, going to war and trying to prove they loved her more than ALL THE OTHERS, and benjen just. couldn't live in winterfell without her. he just quietly went away and no one knows why? i think about that, sometimes.
ok, there's more. this list keeps growing, but these are the faves that consume my time and energy. THANK YOU FOR ASKING. i am SO SORRY about the length of this, it’s just..... i love talking about the blorbos!!! i'd love to know yours, please tell me about them.
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catsteeth · 2 months
Sugar & Violence
Podrick Payne x reader 
+:✿ Chapter 3 ✿:+ : Waves Of Emotion
Chapters: 1 | 2 | _ | 4
Summary: You’re a Mormont being held hostage by House Lannister.  You are acting now as the Handmaiden for Margery Tyrell, whom you’ve grown quite close with. But it seems that a squire has caught your attention as you have caught his. 
CW: afab reader, SMUT, MDNI, Oral (Mutual), unprotected P in V sex, praise, insanely sweet fluff, mention of alcohol consumption, mention of NSFW themes.
Word Count: 5125 
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꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
It had been some time since your night with Podrick. 
Since then you and he rarely had a moment together alone longer than a few moments. On the walks back from Tyrion's chambers you would speak quietly. About anything. And when you arrived at your chamber if there were no one around you would kiss him. However, that was all. 
Ever since Margery and Joffrey were engaged, your moments together had grown fewer and far between. 
Tonight was the wedding of Lord Tyrion and Lady Sansa. One that you knew was not going to be a happy one. But with this wedding on the way it would seem Margerys was becoming closer. With her as queen you’d be free soon enough. 
“What was it like?” Margery asked as she rummaged through her gowns in her wardrobe. 
“He finished me first. No man has ever done that.” You said as laid on a lounge chair while you chewed on some grapes.
“If you were paid to do it, would you refuse the money?” She said not turning her attention away from the dresses in front of her. 
“I never refuse money.” You said as you plucked another grape off its vine. 
“Do you believe another would?” She asked looking back at you,
“Perhaps.” You looked at the grape vine you stripped clean. You realized you’d no interest in disclosing any intimate details about Podrick. As if it were a betrayal to him. You changed the subject as you threw the bare grape vine onto a tray next to you. “What was your evening with Joffrey like?”
She looked back at the dresses in front of her. “Enchanting as always.” She said sarcastically, “Let's change the subject shall we?” She spun around holding two dresses, “Black or Red?”
“We already dressed you.” You said with a raised eyebrow
“This one is for you.” She said with a smirk
“I have to come to that repulsive ceremony?” You whined
“You are my lady,”
“I am your handmaiden.” You corrected her,
“And I wish for you to be with me during such a repulsive ceremony.” She held the dresses up higher trying to direct your attention back to them. 
“No green?” You pout your lips. 
“It’s a Lannister wedding, you are fortunate I am not making you wear gold. Or perhaps one of those terrible wrapped gowns Cersei wears.” You continued to pout and she felt the need to convince you, “Joffrey already does not like all the green you wear.” She sighed
“Black.” You conceded, at least black was the second color of your house. 
Margery buttoned and tied you into the gown. she turned you around and rested her chin on your shoulder as you looked into the mirror. 
“You are going to need moon tea after that boy sees you tonight.” 
“No need, he won’t finish in me. He says he does not want to “sully my body”” You said the last part in a mocking tone
“He said that?” Her eyes widened and you nodded, “I’d say he does love you.” 
“No, he doesn’t” You shook your head. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
The ceremony was as droll as you imagined. 
However it did once again give you an opportunity to dance and drink. 
As the night went on you tried your best to get on with the things that brought you joy, like drinking and dancing however none of them were helping. You danced from man to man, all of them pleasant enough but none of them made you feel the way Podrick did. 
You looked around the room that night and saw Podrick standing behind Tyrion’s wedding table. He was dressed somewhat nicer than normal, wearing a cape. He stood there with his arms crossed and a timid yet stoic expression. As soon as your eyes found him, his eyes met yours. 
You took a break from dancing and grabbed a chalice of wine. You made your way over to Podrick, once he noticed this he stood up straighter.
“Podrick,” You said with a slight nod, greeting him. 
“Lady (Y/N),” He looked flustered, “You look beautiful.” He said softly
“It’s Lady Margery's dress,” You said, running your hands over the fabric of the gown.
“No, I meant you.” He said softer, and your eyes went back to him. “I would like to ask you for a dance, really I would but I cannot leave my Lord.” He said, keeping his eyes low as if he were disappointed in himself.
“I see,” You said looking over to Tyrion, who was drowning himself in his cups. “He seems to be enjoying himself. In one way or another I suppose.” You said with a smirk, making Podrick smile “Besides, I have grown tired of dancing. Hardly seems appropriate.” You said into your chalice.
“How do you mean?” He asked 
“Does this appear to be a happy or willing union?” You asked as your eyes wandered from the drunk older lord to the young to the miserable young lady.
“Well I-“ He began but was interrupted by the shouting of Joffrey. 
“Come, everyone! Time for the bedding ceremony!” Joffrey shouted pulling Sansa along with him
“Bedding ceremony, a great joke.” You said sarcastically lower.
“There will be no bedding ceremony.” Tyrion said,
“Where is your respect for tradition, uncle? Come everyone pick her up and take her to her wedding bed, rid her of her gown she won't be needing it any longer.” Joffrey commanded Podrick however took a step backwards, 
“Ladies attend to my uncle, he’s not heavy.” Joffrey said mockingly
“There will be no bedding ceremony.” Tyrion reaserted.
“There will be if I command it!” Joffrey Shouted back,
“Then you will be fucking your own bride with a wooden cock!” Tyrion shouted as he stabbed the table with his knife.
As the tension grew, Podrick slowly moved his arm in front of you and gently pushed you behind him. You were unsure of how he planned to protect you if anything did happen but the gesture made you feel a warmth growing in your belly. 
You stood behind Podrick, standing closer to his back as you watched the exchange dwindle out. As Tywin was able to play Tyrion’s justified rage filled outburst as a joke and drunken foolishness. 
Tyrion eventually got up and began to walk away with his new bride. 
As the two of them walked off, you leaned toward over Podricks shoulder and whispered in his ear, “Not quite a happy union, would you say?” 
You then walked past him and out of the feasting hall. 
The scene that played out in front of you made you feel sick. How Joffrey's cruelty may lay dormant towards Margery for now it may not forever.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
You went for a walk outside. Walking along the stone walls that stand beside the ocean sea. You took in the sounds of the sea, how comforting it was to hear. It reminded you of the Island, how the ocean wrapped around it beautifully. You held yourself tightly as the cold air blew past. 
“Are you running away?” Podrick’s voice beckoned uncharacteristically loud, it made you jump. You turned around and saw him standing there, like a scared puppy.
“You scared me!” You clenched your neck, 
Podrick walked closer towards you, “I am sorry- are you leaving?” He reiterated his question,
“No, no I’m not.” You relaxed a bit, walking closer to him, “How’d you find me?” You questioned.
“I-I-” He stammered
“Were you following me?” You asked with narrow eyes.
“I wanted to be sure you got to your room safely.” He kept his eyes low
“I can ensure my own safety.” You said, still a little angry how he scared you.
“I know, I know you can, I’m sorry.” He said about to leave you, 
“Podrick,” You said as you walked to him, grabbing ahold of his arm, “It’s alright, I’m sorry. I was only frightened.” 
“I didn’t want to scare you,” He said as his hand found yours, “I just saw you out here and I-” He stammered again, “I thought you might be leaving.” 
“I’m not. I needed to get away for a moment.” You pulled him along, walking along the water. “The water calms me.”
“Reminds you of home?” He asked softly. 
You nodded, “I miss it terribly.” 
“I’m glad you’re not leaving.” he pulled your arm closer, pulling you closer. “I’m sorry I did not dance with you tonight.” He looked at you, his eyes were deep and loving, it scared you.
“I didn’t ask you to,” You say, looking away from his gaze.
“No but I regret not doing it.” 
“You had a duty.” You say lowering your head, before looking back at him “Besides, you still can.” 
“Now?” He asked as he stopped walking.
“Why not?” You smiled softly,
“There's no music-” He began as you pulled him closer in front of you, wrapping one of your arms around his neck and the other taking his hand.
“There is, there is the sound of the ocean.” You said as you rested your head on his shoulder. His hand found your waist as you both swayed together. Using the sounds of the waves to keep your rhythm. 
“I know nothing of your life.” You said sweet and soft into his ear. 
“I told you, I squired for ser-” 
“I know that but I don’t know about your life. Before all of that.” 
“Not much to say I fear. I mean there is, but it's not interesting.” He stammered slightly as your hand trailed across his back, “I was born in the Westlands. My father died in Greyjoy’s Rebellion, my mother left when I was young. I was taken in by my cousin.”
“Was he kind to you?” You asked sweetly into his ear as you continued to sway back and forth.
“I suppose he gave me shelter. I did things for him, tended his horses, cleaned his mail-”
“You were his squire.” 
He couldn’t argue with it, it was true. 
“I had a dog, Hero.” His voice was softer than velvet.
“Was he one?”
“No, but he was a good dog.” 
“Do you ever miss it? Your home?” You asked as you let go of his hand, wrapping both arms now around his neck.
“No. I didn’t really have one, I mean I did but… I didn’t.”
“You must think I’m silly for wanting to leave mine.” You lifted your head from his shoulder, now having the courage to look him in the eye.
“I wouldn’t think that. But I am curious as to why you did.”
“When you’re on the Island, they believe there is nothing outside of it. Nothing of value or beauty. Life there had become dull, but I miss it. The dull is comfortable.” You said with a sadness in your voice,
“What was it like?” He asked you, wanting to know more about you desperately. 
“I’ve told you, cold and dark.” You smirked,
“No, not the Island, your life. What kind of clothes did you wear, what did you do everyday, what kind of foods did you eat, who did you know?” He asked you softly
“Well,” You sighed, “I wore much more than this,” You looked down at your dress. “Furs, leathers, armors,” 
“I’d like to see you in that.” He said with a uncharacteristically confident smirk,
“Would you?” You said with a flirtatious smile.
“Mhm” He said, his hand coming up to brush some of your hair behind your ear, “Keep going,”
“What was next?”
“What did I do everyday?” “What did you do everyday?” You asked in unison, making you giggle,
“Mm lets see, riding, archery, and sword trainings. But I grew tired of that quickly, and turned my attention to healing.”
“You’re quite good at it.” 
“Thank you,” You smiled, and he nodded at you wanting you to continue with his questions, “Right… Foods were less decadent as the foods here. Hardly ever any fruits. Kidney or liver pie, soup, really anything hot. And as for people, I knew everyone on that Island.” 
“Any men?”
“Yes, many men.” You smiled holding back a giggle
“Did you love any of them?” He held you slightly tighter,
“No.” You shook your head, “I had been with men, not many. However none of them I loved, much less did they perform well enough to inspire any interest.”
“Do I do well enough?” He leaned in closer and spoke softly, just in case anyone was around to hear it.
“Very well,” You smiled, “but you already know that.” You said leaning your forehead against his, rubbing your nose against his. When you pulled away you asked softly, “Have you ever loved a woman?”
“No.” He responded quickly
“You’ve been with a woman before though,” You asked with a raised eyebrow
“Yes. But, it was… only.. Physical.” He seemed flustered by the question.
“Other handmaidens?” You teased
It only flustered him more, “No- no, no, they were…”
“How did you-”
“Rumors spread quickly, though I suppose worse rumors have been told.” 
“You do not judge me for it?”
“Every man has done it. Very little of them admit it. Even fewer of them would admit it to a woman, I’d not judge your honesty.” You smiled softly
“I won’t be doing it again.” 
“You’d not enjoyed it?”
He shook his head “I wouldn’t anymore.” His eyes became desperate, and filled with longing “I’ve missed being near you.” His voice was lower, and his grip on you tighter. It didn’t feel like lust. It felt like something that scared you terribly. 
“Stop that.” You said, almost a plea.
“I don’t believe you see how wonderful you are. I don’t know how you don’t, but you don’t.” His hands went from your waist to your face, cupping your jaw. “When you asked me if I had ever loved a woman. I said no, but that was a lie because the answer was yes and it was now. I love you.” His voice was desperate.
“Stop that I said-“ You said pulling his hands away from your face, 
“I can’t, I can’t hold it inside any longer, I love you.” He said as you passed him, almost running away. 
Spending so long being used for one thing, it didn’t make sense for someone to love you. And for you to love someone else. 
How could you love someone when you were so close to leaving this place. As you walked down the halls, tears in your eyes. You realized you weren’t walking back to your own room but his. You realized that you did love him. And you realized that he loved you. If you were going home once Margery was queen and you’d never see him again. You wanted, no you needed to tell him at least. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
When you walked into his chamber you waited for him. It wasn’t long till he arrived. 
Podrick walked into his chamber. He looked like he had cried. A he noticed you and you could see the relief wash over him.
“I thought I scared you off.” You said, breathing a sigh of relief as he approached you.
“It wasn’t you that scared me. But you were right, I am frightened.” You said as you wrapped your arms around him
“Tell me why?” He pleaded as you petted your hair.
“Once Margery is queen, she had promised me that she’d send me home. I was frightened of how much pain I’m going to be in when that happens.” You held his face in your hands, “But I could be content here. If you were with me.” You smiled softly, eyes still glassy from the tears.
“I can’t make you stay somewhere like this if you’ve a chance to leave it. A chance to be somewhere where you’d be treated as you deserve. Where your name has weight. Where you’d have power.” He said softly his eyes filled with a heavy sorrow
“You wouldn’t be making me.” You shook your head.
“(Y/N),” He began
“Stop,.. I admit I find it hard to find the language to describe this. Where I come from we don’t speak of such things. It’s silly and pathetic to us. But I find the urge to tell you this now.” You pleaded, “I’ve not felt this emotion toward another. Ever. It is greater than any ambition or desire I have. It makes me forget the things I miss because I know if I’m without you, I’ll miss you far greater than all that. I believe this to be what they say love is. Tell me, have you felt what you feel for me for anyone other than myself? If you have, say it now, plainly. And I will not burden you-“ 
Podrick took you by your face and kissed you deeply. Desperately. 
He broke your kiss, he held his grasp on your cheeks. 
“It’s a feeling that consumes me and my thoughts. I feel it surrounds me whenever I am near you, and I feel it’s absence when I am without you. Like a cold emptiness in my chest. Each night, when I lay alone I think of your face. No, no I have never felt this for another.” He brushed your cheek with his thumb, he looked into your eyes in awe. “This must be that companionship they talk about in songs and books, but it feels like we’re inventing something.” He said, a small smile pulling slightly at the corners of his mouth.
“Do all lovers feel that way?” You asked, breathlessly as you held him close.
“I only care for us, how we feel, how you feel.”
“I miss your lips on mine, kiss me again.” You said into his lips as he kissed you again. 
This kiss was desperate, passionate, and loving. His lips were gentle but firm. Your lips left his as they kissed his jaw and his neck. Your hand roamed from his back to shoulder down to his stomach and then to his cock.
Breathlessly Podrick spoke again, “I watched you all night,” He said stifling a moan as you palmed his hardening cock through his breeches.
“Did you?” You whispered into his neck,
“I did,” He moaned softly, “I envied every man who danced with you-”
“Envied?” You whispered into his ear as you kissed and licked at his ear. 
“Hated.” He corrected, his voice deeper than it was before.
“You’re the only man I want.” You said, breathlessly as you pulled the ties of his breeches loose
He shook his head, “You’re the only woman I have ever wanted.” He brushed his thumb over your bottom lip, you kissed his thumb.
“I want you to feel good.” You said, almost in a moan.
“I feel very good-” He said but was catch off guard by you getting on your knees, he stammered slightly “You don’t have to”
“You don’t want me to?” You asked as you slowly released him from his breeches. You took him in your hand. Admiring just how pretty his cock was. It was girthy enough that you just about couldn’t close your fist around it. 
“I- I do but I don’t want you to feel as if you need to.” 
“Sweet boy, “ You kissed the head of it making him swallow hard as his cock twitched, “would it change how you think of me if I told you I want to do this.” You asked, looking up at him with doe like eyes.
He shook his head no, and was about to tell you how he would never think of you differently when he let out a moan as you licked up and down his shaft. 
He grasped at your hair instinctively but released his grasp almost immediately not wanting to feel like he was forcing you. But his hand stayed on top of your head. 
“Beautiful,” He cooed as he petted your hair
You pulled your tongue away from his tip,
“You like it?” you asked sweetly as you took his tip into your mouth. 
“Ve-Very m-much” He stammered trying not to moan
You took him out of your mouth once more, “You can tell me,” you said before sinking him into your mouth completely. 
“I don’t want to be vulgar to you- mmmm,” He gripped slightly harder onto the crown of your head as you sucked harder, working your tongue so skillfully up and down his shaft “but it’s so good. Gods!” He winced
“(Y/N), please, I need to- to-“ He stammered as he pulled himself out of your mouth. He dropped to his knees and kissed you deeply. “I wasn’t going to last long, I don’t want to finish yet,” He whispered into your mouth. 
His mouth moved away from yours to kiss your cheek, and your jaw, then your neck. “I’ll be careful not to bruise you this time, I promise” He said sickeningly sweet. 
“I don’t care if you do,” You said as he wrapped an arm around your lower back, he began moving closer and closer to you, slowly pushing you down onto the ground. 
You smiled up at him as you laid on the ground. You pulled your skirts up exposing your dampened small clothes. Podrick took your hand, kissed the inside of your wrist, then your palm, then each of your fingers. 
“I want you,” You said softly, 
He kissed from your hand, to your wrist, down your arm, all the way to your shoulder, til finally he kissed your neck. 
“Can I do… something.” He whispered into your neck, you nodded back in return. 
He pulled your small clothes off, and kissed your inner thighs gently. “If we were wed,” He kissed your other thighs' delicate inner skin, “I’d never let them perform the bedding ceremony.” He bit your inner thigh delicately making you whimper and squirm, “I’d never let any man handle you that way.” He said into your weeping cunt, the vibration of his voice made you mewl. He began by simply kissing your clit. One of his hands ran up and down your inner thigh, while the other he used to run his thumb up and down your aching slit. 
“More, please..” You mewled, 
“Whatever you wish,” He said before he pushed a finger into your weeping core as he began to suck on your clit. You arched your back at the sensation, your eyes went to the back of your head as you whimpered out his name. 
Then he pushed in a second finger, and curled his fingers upwards into that sweet spot in your cunt. Pulsing his two fingers against it, again and again. It made you moan out, “Podri-Mphm!” you curled your toes and gripped his hair tightly, making him moan into your cunt, the vibration against your clit only making the pleasure that more intense. “Aaawh!” You practically cried out. 
You could believe someone would refuse payment for this. 
You couldn’t help but buck and grind against his face, which he didn’t seem to mind telling by the way he moaned into your cunt. 
But you didn’t want to come undone on his fingers and tongue, you wanted more, needed more.
“Podrick,” You said softly, and he immediately halted his actions and looked up at you. 
Those big brown puppy eyes, so sweet and loving. You petted the top of his head, rubbing your thumb against his temple a few times. “I need you, all of you.” 
He arose from between your thighs. Panting, and immediately pulling you into a kiss. You could taste the sweetness, the bitterness, the saltiness, it was intoxicating, and it was you. 
“You taste so good, so good,” He whispered into your lips as he positioned his aching cock against your soaking entrance.
“I love you,” He said, and before you could say it back he was sliding inside of you, you moaned loudly and clenched around him making him bury his face into your neck and moan out your name so desperately. 
You gripped at his back. With his face in your neck, you kissed into his ear between your own desperate moans. As he pumped himself in and out of you, his hand found your face, cupping your cheeks and looking into your eyes with awe and wonder. Love. 
“Do- Mmmphm! Do I fe-feel good enough?” You asked breathlessly between moans. It made him smile and thrust even harder into you, 
“Very,” He thrusted harder, “Very,” and harder, “Very” and harder again, “Very good.” 
As his thrusts continued, faster, and harder, he trailed down your body and to your cunt again. Circling your clit, he somehow always knew just how much pressure to apply. You felt yourself tightening, and so could he. 
You thrusted against him, the lewd sounds of your bodies colliding mixed with the sounds of your shared moans filled the room. 
As you felt your peak reaching you grabbed ahold of his throat, tightening your grip only slightly. Enough for him to feel the pleasure of it. 
“I want it this time, I want it in me.” You whimpered against his lips as you held him by his throat,
He nodded frantically in return as his thrusts became more and more erratic and you clenched down on his cock more and more. The heat is tightening in your stomach more and more. 
Soon you finally felt his hot seed spill inside of you, you felt the heat spread inside of you. It was too much for you and you came alongside him. 
He stayed in you for a moment. You both held one another panting, sometimes kissing one another before he pulled out of you. 
Still panting he laid beside you, on the floor of your chamber, still in your disheveled clothing, your fingers entwined. 
You looked over at him, still trying to catch your breath, “How did you get so good at that?” you asked softly.
“I hoped for so long I would find someone I loved. I imagined it all, countless times.” He looked over to you, “Waiting for you.” 
“You dreamt of it?” You asked in a whisper,
“No, I thought of you.” 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
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If anyone gets the Portrait of a lady on fire reference I will kiss you on the mouth. 
@ryn-away @boojaynaqueen @holierthancunt @symonedoesart
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lilap20 · 6 months
Chapter III: Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. Part 1
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Since the death of Queen Aemma two years ago, the castle has become silent. Princess Rhaenyra had been named heir and King Viserys had remarried Alicent Hightower. Life returned to life in the palace when the engagement of Princess Rhaenyra and her cousin Leanor Velaryon was announced. After two years, Princess Nymeria finally sees the new lord of Winterfell. Rhaenyra: 18 years old Nymeria: 16 years old
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Ser Erryck approaches me as I dismount, my thoughts immediately turning to my past activities with my uncle. Our horseback rides, our dragon races. It's over since he was banned.
-Did you enjoy your walk, Princess? Asks Ser Erryck with a smile on his face -I took the opportunity to clear my mind, thank you very much Ser Erryck.
My guard smiles at me as he gives my horse's lance to the squire. I take off my gloves while he follows me, chatting with him about everything and nothing.
-Did you finally ask your father to come down to the North? Asks Ser Erryck
I sigh exasperated by my father's response when I ask him:
-Even if I rode a Dragon, he would not be reassured, I am growing up and I want to travel. -Princess, you go to Dragonstone every two moons, replies Ser Erryck, it is a long journey, and there are many things to study. -The North hides so much history, I would like…
I would like to see them, understand them and even see Cregan again. But I keep that thought to myself.
-The North is one of my destinations, once married I won't really be able to travel, I might as well take advantage of it when I'm not yet. -The King will not give you your hand quickly. Try to reassure me Ser Erryck
We arrive at my door and I sigh, turning back to him, a sad smile on my face.
-It's just a matter of time. The Lannisters feel slighted after my sister's refusal.
This does not surprise me, Rhaenyra did not go easy on the Lannister son, my father put him in his place, and I am very happy that he did so the Lannisters were becoming arrogant, more arrogant than usual.
Ser Erryck grimaces and I can't help but laugh, the idea of ​​being a Lannister would make me grimace too, I pray it never does.
-The guests… -Some are already arriving Nymeria, Ser Erryck cuts me off kindly.
The idea of ​​the castle being packed with guests and Lords doesn't appeal to me, but it's my sister and my cousin's wedding, I can't miss this moment. I would have happily spent the day in the Palace gardens but unfortunately I have no choice, the King probably wants to expose his youngest daughter for the sake of the bride, something that Uncle Daemon would not have accepted I'm sure.
“Selling you like game to a butcher” I laugh thinking of his reprimand
If I miss him I can't imagine how my sister Rhae misses him, she must only think about him, especially after what happened in the brothel, after she begged his father married Daemon and he made the same request but without success. The King was uncompromising on the matter, there was no question of the two getting married, he even sent Daemon away.
I breathe thinking of this, taking off my riding outfit not caring that the maids see me naked, I go to my bath and slip into it, it is hot with a steam that reminds me of the hot breath of the dragon, I heave a sigh of happiness.
But I swallow it quickly when I think of my mother, normally in the morning before taking a bath I would go to her rooms, now they are occupied by Alicent, my sister's former best friend. And this has been happening for two years now. This thought disgusts me and I immerse myself in the bath trying to erase them.
These fucking Hightowers! Little by little, they managed to integrate into our family and irreversibly. This change in status for Alicent shook us all up, my sister feels betrayed and I felt it coming. I felt the manipulation playing over our heads.
I stay in the bath for a long time, looking at the landscape of King's Landing, I would like to fly again, go far and take Talyssa with me this time, she would love it, like last time.
My thoughts are stopped by the sound of my door, I sink a little deeper into the bath in case Ser Erryck comes home.
-Ser? -No, you would have wanted that, wouldn't you?
Talyssa's teasing makes me roll my eyes which makes her laugh, she closes the door, her purple dress looks great on her, her red hair braided into a low bun.
-The water becomes lukewarm Princess. She remarks with a smile -It's still nicer than the guest room. I respond blushing
Ser Erryck kissed me a few moons ago in the great library, I had never kissed anyone and I do not regret his gesture. Only I don't really share his feelings, and if anyone ever finds out what we did, their head will be ready to be bitten off. I don't want to risk the life of my faithful friend and guard.
-Nymeria, you spent two hours in this bath, the sun is almost at its peak, you have to get ready, it's your sister's party.
Talyssa's scolding makes my ears ring, of course it's my sister's birthday, I should be happy, rejoicing, only… my mom isn't here to celebrate with us, Daemon is banished from King's Landing, and I sit next to the queen. , enough to die if I could.
-Exit from this Nymeria bath. Talyssa orders, hands on her hips.
I sigh in defeat and stand up so she can wrap the towel around my body.
-It's not by staying in a cold bath that things will change, you know that? Talyssa whispers as she wipes my hair. -However, I much prefer the company of a cold bath to the court.
Talyssa can't help but laugh at my remark before taking me to my bed to get dressed.
I put on my little clothes before letting Talyssa tighten my corset with the help of the servants who bring me my outfit. A long golden dress covered in red flame patterned embroidery with a dragon subtly sewn onto the neckline of my chest looks back at me.
I am helped into putting it on, the dress fits me perfectly, showing off my slim waist and lifting my developing chest a bit, the long sleeves are sheer fabric with gold rhinestones representing Arryn's symbol.
Sitting in front of the mirror, I watch Talyssa style my hair into a sleek braid.
-It's just lunch, Talyssa. I remind her what made him smile
-Do you understand the issues of this lunch?
-Yes, and I am well aware that slipping away will be difficult. But don't put too much pressure on my head. I almost beg her
-OK OK. Laugh Talyssa
My lady loves my hair, its light curls and what she can do with it. She leaves the curls of my hair up in a beautiful bun tied with a gold comb and a red ruby. Hair styled, messy, I like it a lot.
-You are adorable Nymeria.
I look at myself in the mirror, unconvinced by his words, my pale eyes make me look divine, but compared to Rhae, I'm not as divine.
-Thank you Talyssa, I sigh, come on, the King and all his clique are waiting for us.
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The gardens are multi-colored, not because of their flowers but because of the many dresses of the Lady in the garden as well as the Lords. They all wear more extravagant outfits than each other wanting to stand out from the crowd. A ball of color and wealth that the Velaryons continue to beat with their gold colors showing their riches to the great Houses.
-Your sister's husband took his lover. Talyssa points out to me
I watch Joeffrey dressed in blue talking with my cousin Leanor, he notices me and smiles at me, greeting me with his hand. I greet him in turn, then turning to Talyssa.
-Let's ignore this, otherwise everyone will focus on this.
She nods then follows me into the gardens. Everyone greets me, the smiles on the faces of some are hypocritical, others are respectful. My lips try to stretch, but I can't quite smile. I'm already tired of their companies.
-Alert, Lannister in sight.
Jason Lannister, the idiot who tried to marry off my sister, walks straight towards me, taking two glasses of wine with him. By the Seven Hells and the Old Gods, I must find a way to leave.
I change direction but the Lord calls my name leaving me where I am. By the Seven why me?
-Princess Nymeria, you are a beauty.
And you freakish stench Lannister, I want to respond, but I say nothing, smiling at his comment trying not to appear hypocritical. How dare he seduce me when he did it with my sister. They will do anything to have a Targaryen.
-You are entering the age where one attracts attention, he says and Talyssa grimaces which makes me smile, I have not been insensitive to your beauty… -Nor that of my sister. I cut it drinking a little wine
Talyssa giggles loudly, putting her hand over her mouth so as not to attract attention. Jason Lannister widens his eyes shocked by my remark, he is already trying to catch up but I hand him the glass of wine and stride away, running away from him without looking back.
Talyssa follows me but is quickly stopped by the ladies of the court, she tries to make her way but she cannot reach me, so I take the opportunity to leave towards the Heart Tree wanting to get away from the crowd.
Around this big tree we always find peace, we always find silence and rest. And that's what I need. I approach the tree thinking of climbing the branches, but that's not a good idea because I'll tear my dress.
I sigh and approach the tree, peering closely at its ghostly face. Curious, I approach to try to pet it but the sound of a broken branch startles me.
-Have you come to pray? Ask in a deep voice -I…
My voice fades when my gaze falls on my interlocutor, the Lord of Winterfell is no longer who he was two years ago. He swapped his braided hair for shorter, crest-shaped hair with beads on one strand. I remain clinging to his mischievous gaze absorbed by his two colors, the heat comes to color my face.
-Princess Nymeria. It tilts automatically
I immediately pulled myself together, nodding in greeting, holding out my hand, struggling to breathe. When his lips brush against them, I feel my world turn upside down and my face and neck burst into flames.
-Lord Stark. I smile again, stunned
-The last time I saw you was in this garden. Remember the Lord with a smile
I smile in turn, although embarrassed, remembering the circumstances of this meeting.
-Luckily today I didn't climb the tree.
Cregan Stark gives me a sidelong glance before smiling broadly and responding in a slightly mocking tone:
-Well, I had the impression that you were going to go up… -I wasn't going to, I quickly cut him off and he laughs.
I love his laugh, it vibrates in my chest and makes me dizzy, my lower stomach heats up when I hear it. What is happening ?
-Why aren't you at the party? Asks Cregan smiling -I can return the question to you.
He laughs again with less fervor, however, he sighs, folding his hands behind his back before responding:
-Ladies, I run away from them. -At this point ? I give him a friendly nudge and he remains shocked -You have no idea. he sighs
I can understand how he feels, we are going through pretty much the same situation. Cregan Stark and I attract Lords and Ladies because of our single statuses as children of a great house.
I am of marriageable age and I am a Targaryen Princess, Cregan Stark lost his wife over 12 moons ago, they were newlyweds, but she died in labor, which must have been marking.
Know that no one will bother you here, Lord Stark, I smile sadly, there is only the peace of this tree here.
-Do you believe in the Heart Tree? he asks surprised
-I have a special relationship with religion and the Old and New Gods. Here we worship the Seven, some Targaryens worship the Gods of Valyria, and in the North it is the Old Gods. I admit that I am lost. I answer honestly
Cregan doesn't react immediately, turning to face me, his face is stern like it was two years ago but I continue to say that his features remain divine. His gaze plunges into the men and I still feel my heart tighten in my chest at the intensity of his gaze. By the Seven!
-Who do you think you believe in the most? Who do you turn to when you need peace? This is how you will see who you believe.
-And if I turn to several? I ask, raising an eyebrow.
-It's between you and the Gods, Princess. Answer it with a little smile
The wind blows through my dress and my hair, the Heart Tree dances with its branches and its red leaves. The calm of the garden surrounds us with kindness.
-You have changed Princess. Cregan hums in a soft but rough voice.
I curse myself for my redness.
-You too have changed Lord Stark. I compliment in turn trying to breathe
-Am I getting old? he start to laugh
Panicked, I shake my hands in front of me. Nymeria!
-No, no, I didn't mean that. I apologize in panic
He laughs even more at my embarrassment, triggering a ball of feeling in me that continues to swell. I notice he has scars on his face, probably from his fight to reclaim Winterfell from the invaders. That makes him even more beautiful in my eyes.
-Princess Nymeria?
His voice takes me back to our discussion and I'm struck by his intense gaze on me. I gulp and curse my thoughts for they are heading to places unclean and unworthy of my position. I quickly look at his lips feeling mine quiver with desire.
-Nymeria… he hums in a low voice -Cregan…
He gets closer to me and I don't move waiting for his next movement, my breathing becomes rapid, my breath ragged, my heart flies as fast as my dragon. Cregan's mysterious and intense gaze moves across my face before settling on my pale violet eyes. Our breaths almost mix, our noses brush and I completely lose my mind. He opens his mouth to speak but…
-Princess ?
Ser Erryck's voice makes us jump and we take three steps away each with a red face for me, I quickly catch my breath trying to look away from the Lord.
-Lord Cregan Stark. Salutes Ser Erryck with bowed head
Cregan does the same without speaking, giving me a little worried look because I didn't speak. I find his gaze and reassure him which earns me a nod then I turn to my knight with a shy smile.
-Everything is fine Ser, what can I do for you? My voice still trembles a little
Ser Erryck looks from Cregan to me, and I can see the question in his eyes. I don't let anything appear to confront his gaze, which earns him a sigh.
-Your sister calls you Princess, she wishes to retire with you before the big banquet tonight and the ceremony.
I nod thanking him then turn to Cregan who hadn't spoken. I approach him, my hands clasped in front of me smiling at him a little shyly after what we almost did. As I approach, Cregan turns to me, smiling, my heart jumps.
-I hope to see you this evening, Lord Stark. I struggle to hide my smile
Cregan's smile makes me as warm as the heat of dragons, he takes my hand in his and I almost faint at the feeling of his lips on my hand, the sweetness of the kiss makes me soar.
-I will be present, Princess Nymeria.
I smile like I've never done before, greeting him one last time before leaving with Ser Erryck who looks at Cregan once again before following me. My heart races so much that I only hear him when Talyssa speaks to me or when Leana and Rhaenyra take my arm to head towards our rooms.
I still haven't opened my mouth, my long curly hair being brushed by Talyssa is the only thing I smell or observe. The girls have been talking since we arrived in the rooms, my cousin Leana is styling Rhaenyra with rubies and Targaryenne braids, she is already wearing her wedding attire, a white scaled dress with a golden cape bearing the Velaryon symbol. There are blue highlights on her cape, gold threads on the curves of her dress, she is the embodied representation of the strength and wealth of the Targaryens and Velaryons.
-You are beautiful too, Nymeria. Talyssa compliments me
I jump with force, my return to earth is so strong that the chatter stops and the girls turn to me with worried expressions.
-Is everything okay cousin? Leana asks, approaching me.
-Yes, of course, of course. I respond hastily playing with my hair
-Do not touch. Talyssa already scolds
-It's my hair, let's see. I answer her annoyed, but she slaps me on the hand
-You're very quiet Nymeria, notices Rhae taking my hand, what's going on sister?
I sigh thinking of my discussion in the gardens with Cregan, our ragged breaths, our lips a few millimeters apart, his kiss on my hand.
-Nothing very important, I feign indifference.
-Perhaps it is in relation to Ser Erryck? Talyssa eyebrow cheek
I couldn't be more red. My eldest's mocking gaze finds Leana and they giggle, a servant brings a chair for her and my cousin sits down while Talyssa continues to do my hair.
-Your knight? Asks Leana intrigued
-Nothing can pass. I whistle redder than an apple
-They kissed in the big library. Talyssa whispers
Leana opens her mouth wide sweeping her beautiful frizzy silver hair, Rhae raises her eyebrows intrigued before asking more.
-Nothing very interesting, he kissed me, I liked it, that’s all. I respond hastily wanting to end this discussion
-You are a terrible liar Nymeria. Rhae mocks with a big smile.
-But it's the truth, I accuse in a low voice, Ser Erryck likes me, and I admit to having liked him, but everything has been over for some time. I admit a little ashamed
-Since Cregan Stark? Rhaenyra asks
Surprised, I look at my sister with my mouth wide open. How does she know about Cregan? I never talked to her about it, sad to say, but I almost never talked about my life with her since our mother died. Rhaenyra had her own problems, I didn't want to bother her.
-You wonder how I know? She smiled, Well, it turns out that Cregan Stark kept looking at you at the last tournament, my throat tightens, and then you were looking at him too.
-And then this obsession with going down to the North. Add my cousin and I can't be more embarrassed
Talyssa laughs as she braids my hair and I glare at her, she's enjoying this discussion too much.
-So, are you interested in the Wolf of Winterfell? Ask my cousin Leana
I sigh looking at myself in the mirror. Am I interested in Cregan Stark? Yes, am I afraid of taking it on? Yes.
I sigh in defeat, telling myself that my words will never leave his twenty walls.
-I' am.
The girls squeal with joy, Rhaenyra forgetting that she is wearing her wedding dress and cape, jumping around with my cousin and Talyssa hugging each other going around. Stupid girls.
-It's okay, it's okay.
Rhaenyra approaches me and takes me in her arms, my tears almost fall as I miss this gesture so much. She kisses my forehead and smiles at me.
-Go ahead Nymeria, I know you can. Go tell him.
Go tell him?
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agentrouka-blog · 1 month
Was Barriston lying about Viserys showing signs of mental illness at a young age? Cause while we all know how he turns out he seemed like a fairly normal kid and Daenerys remembers him being a good brother to her at one point. It's only after where they are forced to sell their mother's crown that he truly loses it.
Well, let me, a known Barry-hater, try and state my opinion on his credibility as a source.
She turned to Ser Barristan. "You protected my father for many years, fought beside my brother on the Trident, but you abandoned Viserys in his exile and bent your knee to the Usurper instead. Why? And tell it true." "Some truths are hard to hear. Robert was a . . . a good knight . . . chivalrous, brave . . . he spared my life, and the lives of many others . . . Prince Viserys was only a boy, it would have been years before he was fit to rule, and . . . forgive me, my queen, but you asked for truth . . . even as a child, your brother Viserys oft seemed to be his father's son, in ways that Rhaegar never did." [...] "Why ask for truth," Ser Barristan said softly, "if you close your ears to it?" He hesitated, then continued. "I told you before that I used a false name so the Lannisters would not know that I'd joined you. That was less than half of it, Your Grace. The truth is, I wanted to watch you for a time before pledging you my sword. To make certain that you were not . . ." “… my father’s daughter?” If she was not her father’s daughter, who was she? “… mad,” he finished. “But I see no taint in you.” [...] “So I am a coin in the hands of some god, is that what you are saying, ser?” “No,” Ser Barristan replied. “You are the trueborn heir of Westeros. To the end of my days I shall remain your faithful knight, should you find me worthy to bear a sword again. If not, I am content to serve Strong Belwas as his squire.” (ASOS, Daenerys VI)
Barristan Selmy is entitled to his opinion and we are entitled to question the worth of his judgment, if he'll pronounce madness in a boy who was maybe seven years old the last time he saw him, and younger than that the last time he saw him with any sense of regularity. We're talking about a kindergarten-aged little kid.
But in the same breath, he claims the Targ heir who abducted Lyanna Stark, hid in a tower in Dorne for most of the Rebellion and then went and badly lost the only battle he ever fought, was not "his father's son", a.k.a. not dangerously mad.
And then goes on to swear undying loyalty to the teenaged girl who has last been seen ordering people burned alive or killed for wearing a tokar (aged 12 and up!) or crucified by the dozens. Because he sees "no taint" in her.
Convenient, isn't it?
Yeah, sure, Barry.
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vsenyatargaryen · 2 years
Waking The Dragon (3)
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Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader
Warnings: unwanted male attention, pregnant reader, fluff, soft smut, oral (f receiving), angst, swearing, jealousy, Daemon Targaryen, mentions de*th [*peralta vOice* guess who just got murdered? ]
Word count; 2,500
a/n; thanks for this request! hope you like this <3
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Previous part
There was a freedom in being able to walk around the city, unrecognised. With a cloak and an old dress you’d borrowed from one of the maids, it was a fitting disguise.
You had only visited this part of king's landing a couple of times before, but the bustling streets filled with people reminded you of home. It was such a far cry from court life, a normality you often missed.
It was nice to be away from the Red Keep for a while, especially after the confrontation Daemon had with the King over your response to Jason Lannisters inappropriate offer to wed your daughter, Aleana.
You were looking at the market stalls for a gift to take back home for her while Daemon agreed to meet you after he’d run some errands. You weren’t entirely sure what he meant by that, but you had a good idea it was something to do with the upcoming arrival of your baby.
Not many people noticed it with him, but he was a doting father. He’d had a cradle made especially for Aleana before she was born, a dragon engraved on the side. The colours matched perfectly with the dragon egg he’d seeked out for your first daughter.
“Is it really you?”
You looked up at the sound of a man’s voice, surprised to see the tavern owner you’d once known standing beside you.
He looked older than you remember, no doubt aged by the struggles of everyday life in the city. In the last few years at Dragonstone, it was all too easy to forget about the luxury of your own life compared to others.
Gods. You couldn’t even remember his name.
“You look well,” he smiled, the glint in his eyes a familiar one as he looked you up and down. It brought back memories of those nights you’d find pleasure in his arms, and you desperately tried to ignore the warmth bristling across your skin at the thought.
Owen. That was his name.
“How long has it been?”
“Over 6 years,” you answered, consciously tightening your cloak around you, your baby bump more evident. The way he was looking at you felt different from before. Felt uneasy. Maybe it was because your relationship with Daemon had changed, it felt like you were being unfaithful, even when you hadn’t done anything wrong.
“It feels like a lifetime ago,” Owen chuckled, briefly looking down at the wooden crafted dolls you’d been looking at before drawing his attention back to you.
“What brings my Lady back to the streets of silk?” He asked.
“Just running some errands,” you said casually, hoping he’d grow bored of the conversation.
“You don’t have maids to do that for you at the Red Keep?”
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise, making Owen smirk.
So much for being unrecognisable.
“I saw you land with the Prince on his dragon. I thought I’d had too much to drink at first,” he told you with a laugh, the mention of Daemon reminding you of his promise the night he’d broken off the arrangement between you.
“Understand this, dear wife, if you even think of opening your fucking legs to another man again, I’ll cut him to pieces and feed him to Caraxes. That tavern owner you frequently visit will be the first on my list.”
“So, are you his new wife or one of his mistresses?” Owens' question broke your train of thought. “It’s hard to keep track.” His tone grated on your nerves and your mind was screaming at you to leave before you said, or did, anything reckless.
You gave him a tight lipped smile. “It was nice to see you, Owen.”
As you turned to walk away, he stopped you by grabbing your elbow.
“Come back to the tavern,” he whispered, bringing his face close to yours, “I hear the prince doesn’t know how to finish. You know that’s not a problem for me.”
You pulled away from him with a deadly glare before storming off, unaware that Daemon had seen everything from one of the windows overseeing the street.
Angry tears welled in your eyes, blurring your vision slightly as you aimlessly walked through the city. You were sure you’d shouldered past numerous people and made them curse at you in return, but you were too wound up to care.
Not only were you reeling because of Owens comments and unwanted attention, but it also hurt that people thought Daemon had mistresses. If it were the beginning of your relationship, you wouldn’t have even cared, but now you wished people realised that he was yours and you were his.
"Watch where you're going.” A deep voice warned as you bumped into a hard shoulder, making you look up to see a familiar face.
"Ser Harwin,” you gasped.
"My Lady," his features morphed into that of concern when he noticed your teary eyes. "Are you OK? You shouldn't be out here alone."
You were just about to reply when Daemon appeared behind you in his dark hood, making Ser Harwin step aside and carry on with his duties as your husband came and took your hand in his, leading you through the streets.
"Did you get your errands done?" You asked, immediately comforted by his presence.
"I did."
He proceeded to tell you about the cradle he’d found, the patterned wood strong and ‘fit for a dragon’, as you journeyed back toward the Red Keep.
There was something so intimate about walking the streets with Daemon like this, moving through the sea of people as if you were an ordinary couple. It was that simple moment when you were grateful not to be an ordinary couple, to be with Daemon. To be his lover, the mother of his children, his wife.
"Wait - " you stopped outside of the pleasure house you knew he was familiar with, making him look at you with a mixture of confusion and intrigue.
“Jaelan ao,” [I want you] you told him, having practised more of the Valyrian tongue lately, and bringing your free hand to gently caress his cheek.
What you also wanted to say was - I want people to know you’re mine as much as I am yours.
Daemon only hesitated for a brief moment before leading you through the doors and narrow hallways to an empty room at the back of the house.
The sounds of people enjoying the other array of pleasures in the house were soon drowned out the moment Daemon’s mouth met your desperate cunt, your skirt hiked up to your hips as his warm, wet tongue easily navigated through your folds, licking and sucking at your clit.
“Oh, fuck-” you whined, fists clenched in the sheets. You desperately wanted to watch him, the sight of his silver haired head between your thighs as he enjoyed ravishing your pussy like a starved man always added to your arousal, but your bump prevented that tonight.
You felt Daemon smirk against your cunt as his fingers seeked out your entrance, the cool touch of his rings brushing against your inner walls as he found a steady rhythm, easily aided by how wet you were for him .
“Daemon-” his name came out as a long moan from your lips as he continued his onslaught, your wet sex eagerly taking his fingers and mouth.
The multitude of pleasures had the warmth in your belly grow tenfold, your orgasm soon consuming you.
After licking you clean, Daemon stood up from his knees with a wide grin, your arousal still evident over his chin. Gods, it was a sight to behold. A sight that had you wanton all over again.
“Ñuha dōna riña,” [my sweet girl] he praised, and you turned to your lie on your side as he moved to settle behind you, arms wrapped around you as he sprawled his hands over your bump.
You pushed back against him, feeling the swell of his cock hidden beneath his clothing and pressing against you.
“I need your cock inside me, Zaldrīzes dārilaros.” [dragon prince]
"Mm,” he smiled against your neck, moving his hands up to grope at the swell of your breasts, “you're insatiable when you're pregnant.”
You mewled at the touch, rolling your hips back against him. "It's your own fault.”
He laughed. "I never meant it as a complaint, jorrāelagon ābrazȳrys.” [dear wife]
With that, he pulled his pants off and tossed them to the floor before settling back behind, longing, breathy moans shared between you as he guided his cock inside your needy cunt.
It was sensual and soft, the way he moved against you. You knew he didn’t want to do anything that would cause harm to the baby, another attribute of his that had you falling for him over the past years.
You held onto his arms as he caressed your breasts and neck, consumed by the way his body fit so seamlessly against your own. The way his cock reached your sweet spot so perfectly, the way he was always bringing you bliss no other man had. Not even Owen.
You clung to him and him to you as you both came, easily lost in one another.
You’d have happily fallen asleep like this, with him still inside you, so you were a little disappointed when he pulled away, getting up off the bed and walking to the bedside table where a jug of wine stood.
You sat up on your elbow with a yawn, sleepily admiring him. "You've never told me...”
"Told you what?” He asked, pouring himself a cup of wine.
“Why did you change your mind about our arrangement after we wed?”
He looked over at you with light amusement, “Do you really crave another man so much?”
You smiled and rolled your eyes at his jest.
"I'm just curious," you said after a moment.
"You want the truth?”
You nodded.
"I was in a tavern and the owner started boasting about a woman he'd fucked. He said she looked highborn and gave a false name, but by the way he described her, I knew it was you. He told me how he'd fucked your pretty body, the sounds you'd made, how you'd always go back for more.”
Daemon frowned at the memory as he sat on the bed, staring at the contents of his cup.
"I've never felt a feeling like it. This envy. Over a man fucking my own wife," he chuckled dryly before taking a swig.
You felt a chill down your spine. Owen.
You reached for his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze, “I love you, Daemon. I would never go with another.”
Daemon finished his drink before he stood up and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
"Get some rest, sweet wife,” he said, and you finally let your eyes close, giving in to the tiredness you felt.
You didn’t even know how long it had been, time seemed to drag on and on as you continued pacing up and down the room, occasionally checking out of the window for any sign of your husband.
Daemon had been gone when you woke, the other side of the bed cold as stone. You cursed yourself for thinking he’d have the decency not to leave you, his wife, alone in the bowels of a pleasure house. You thought your relationship meant more than that.
But really, what could possibly be so important he had to leave in the middle of the night?
It wasn’t until there was a quiet knock on the door, which revealed Mysaria standing on the other side with a plate of bread and fruit for you, that you learnt where she’d seen Daemon last.
You hadn’t touched the food at all, too concerned to eat.
“Where have you been?” You snapped when he finally returned, casually walking into the room and taking his cloak off like nothing had happened.
The smell hit you first, embers of a burning fire. Then you noticed the dirt and dried blood across his cloak. Seven hells.
“You smell of smoke,” you pointed out.
“I’ve been flying. Caraxes does have to burn his food before he eats, my love.”
“You couldn’t wait until we got back to the Keep?”
“I do not decide when a dragon is hungry.” He didn’t even look at you as he sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off his boots, his nonchalant tone not easing your anger.
“You left me here, alone, in a pleasure house!” You raised your voice, finally gaining his full attention.
“Did something happen while I was gone?” He asked, a recognisable fury threatening to burn behind his lilac gaze if you’d said ‘yes’.
“No,” you answered. “Mysaria told me you visited the tavern before you left on Caraxes.”
Daemon scoffed. “You believe the word of some common whore over your own husband?”
“She’s the same woman you once took to Dragonstone as part of one of your many schemes,” you coldly reminded him, earning a glare from your husband. “I believe she knows you almost as well as I do.”
He rolled his eyes before standing up, “I’m sure you shared fond stories while I was gone. Did you let her eat your cunt, too? She's got such a sweet mouth,” he reminisced.
You clenched your fists by your sides, tears brimming in your eyes as you awaited the answer you already knew was coming.
“Daemon. Tell me the truth.”
“Which truth would you like to hear, ābrazȳrys?” [wife] he mocked.
You let out a quiet breath, trying to calm yourself a little before you asked, “Did you kill him? The tavern owner?”
The silence that followed was deafening and suddenly the smell of smoke made you feel sick. Now you knew for sure exactly what Caraxes meal had been.
“I didn’t fuck him again, Daemon!” You yelled, smacking at his chest until he took hold of your wrists and stopped you, pulling you in close to his chest.
“I saw him with you. Saw how he looked at you. How he touched you. He’s a cunt,” he spat. “I should’ve killed him the first time I saw him.”
You abruptly pulled away from him and turned around, tears rolling down your cheeks.
You definitely hadn’t parted on the best of terms with Owen, but he was part of your past, once a source of comfort when you needed it most. Now he was dead. Sliced and burnt.
Maybe you’d been blinded throughout the years - you'd somehow forgotten how deadly your dragon prince still was. That he was still the man you married.
“It would be easier to hate you if you had,” you sniffled, holding your swollen belly.
“Whatever is left of him is on a beach somewhere. You can pay your respects before we leave if you are that concerned.”
You turned to him with a glare that matched his own. “Why didn’t you just kill him in the street when you saw him with me? Have Caraxes burn him there and then, just to prove your point.”
He snapped, taking hold of your jaw with a loose grip and bringing you face close to his, lilac eyes burning into your gaze, “You act as if he had no effect on you, but he made you eager enough to fuck me in a whore house afterwards.”
“I didn’t fuck you here because I lust over him!” you argued, “I only ever want you. I just wish you felt the same.”
Daemon’s features softened slightly and he was about to reply when you suddenly doubled over in pain, clutching your stomach.
“The baby is coming,” you told him, wide eyed.
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princesssszzzz · 27 days
Team Black has interesting characters, but I need them to have more conflict with one another to see them truly shine.
Thoughts on this post?
Hmmm I don’t fully agree. HOTD is a drama, but not a telemundo soap opera. They don’t need to argue with other characters in every scene to be interesting. They don’t need to create any problems, the problems are already there and just need to be fleshed out.
One of the issues with how people are reacting to these characters is trying to force their favorites to be villainous or nuanced like the Lannisters when no one in HOTD will ever come close to that. It’s forced “my fav is so bad and different”, especially when the characters have no agency and the few who do like Larys or Mysaria get ignored basically. My criticism for the show is not that I want all the characters to hate each other or it’s boring. I just want the characters to have natural reactions to what’s going on around them, and some of those reactions are negative. It doesn’t have to be plot altering or extreme. Like with Rhaena, I don’t expect her to HATE Daemon and start plotting his death. I just want them to talk about his behavior and have the show portray the effects it’s had on her. That’s actually very minor in the grand scheme of the story. People should also separate political vs personal happenings in the show because for some reason that keeps getting mixed. I like the realism of GOT, and it’s not realistic to have everyone on the same side in constant turmoil with each other. I genuinely get bored with main characters, so that’s just me. I get burnt out seeing the same character promoted over and over again. It’s like when they keep playing the same song on the radio it’s just annoying.
So I’m personally bored with most of the characters like Alicent, Rhaenyra, and majority of the them I won’t ever be interested in them and that’s how I was with GOT also. I don’t support either team, and people on both sides will claim the show is giving favoritism when really it’s…….both?? but only certain characters are being white washed so idk why people pick and choose when to have an issue with that. Rhaenyra has clearly been white washed but that’s not the only character. Like Aemond is a total horrible person in the book and now is allowed the grace to be the victim of teasing by Jace as a child that’s still brought up when he’s basically an adult now. He’s not controlling Vhagar, so not killing his nephew on purpose and people even vilify Baela and Rhaena claiming they started the war over wanting to claim Vhagar. Like if he’s a villain than he can’t be the victim at the same time. Characters like Rhaena are not given grace for their young age or how things in Westeros could be out of their control, so again people like to pick and choose and I don’t think the writers giving people conflict will stop a fandom from behaving like that.
Daemon is one of the morally worst characters right now (even if people ignore that) and will be that way when the show ends, and he’s actually portrayed as crazy. He himself I don’t think was white washed or portrayed as a good person, I just want the other characters to react to what he’s doing instead of just moving on to the next plot point. With Jace I’m interested in his character regardless if he’s portrayed as good or bad, but I just want him to have reactions to what’s going on in addition to his normal Dance plot if that’s makes sense. How he’s coping with being a bastard.
I kinda just gave up on Rhaenys and Corlys because I know they are just keeping Rhaenys around until she dies early in the war and Corlys will not always support team black. Season 1 Corlys is ridiculous and I think he’s been shown as ridiculous especially with trying to marry off Laena and they did have a scene with Rhaenys blatantly saying those aren’t their grandkids. But more is going to happen as the seasons go on. This is why I’m always comparing some of the the HOTD characters to their actual GOT counterparts and parallels. Rhaena and Baela especially they are surviving the war but they won’t have 8 seasons to flesh them out and then bring them back together so they can’t really have huge beef with people established to begin with bc it won’t be settled on screen. And people are not allowing time for the characters to actually be developed before trying to create some finalized view of them. They weren’t even in a full season. Idk why characters 16 and younger are adultified by the fandom when the grown ups are being treated like children. That’s so bizarre. Also for some reason a large section of the fandom only views the show and characters through a shipping lense and refuse to perceive the characters outside of that.
The characters I’m most interested in seeing interact is some what somewhat Daemon, Baela, Rhaena, and Jace & Aegon, Criston, and Otto and most of these characters will not have conflict. Criston and Aegon are about to be on the same page basically for the rest of the show. I don’t think Daemon and Baela will ever have serious beef on screen. And that goes way beyond the Dance because like I said in a post last year there’s more going on with them being girls in a patriarchal universe than people just yelling at the screen for them to do their own thing. We already know Jace doesn’t really like Daemon like that and the Daemon/Rhaena thing I’ve explained a couple times. Jace/ Baela interactions, it depends on how they portray Jace…….
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Pls Tell Me More about How Politically Scary Ella's Marriage to Robert Tyrell actually is.
Robert being related to everyone started out as a fucking bit, & now Robella is literally one of the most terrifying matches in the fucking fic.
I talked about the premise of the branch of House Tyrell that Robert is from here. The tl;dr is that the Lord Tyrell during the beginning Jaehaerys's reign had a bunch of bastard sons, & I made one be legitimized as a backup heir. That son, Ser Luthor the Knight of Thorns, is the late uncle to the current Lord Tyrell who, at the moment, only has daughters. So, with all that in mind: we are immediately starting with "Ser Garth Tyrell, the current Knight of Thorns & Lord of Thorn Hall, is the direct cousin of Lord Mathos Tyrell & the son of the guy who almost inherited High Garden. He is affable & well liked, & if he was more ambitious he could push to inherit over his cousin's daughters." Lord Mathos is, overall, jazzed that his cousin has net zero ambition & genuinely likes not being in charge of the entirety of The Reach; the threat is still there though. This isn't aided by the fact that Garth's wife, Lady Danielle Reyne, would absolutely love for her husband to push for High Garden. She's kind of ambitious for the sake of ambition, but that's just sort of how House Reyne is in SOTF. (Also, I feel like naming your son "Garth," or really any "g" name in The Reach is the equivalent of a Targaryen naming their son "Aegon." That kid is named the equivalent of "King McHeir" at that point)
Through just the Thorn Hall Tyrells Robert has connections to:
House Oldflowers by way of Ser Luthor's widow/Robert's grandmother, who are the last (& most direct) verifiable descendants of House Gardener/the guys who had High Garden before the Tyrells.
House Oakheart by way of one of Garth's sisters (Cathryne) being Dear Bosom Companions with Lord Oakheart's sister. House Oakheart is one of the oldest & most powerful noble families within The Reach, trace their lineage all the way back to Garth Greenhand old & powerful.
House Hunt by way of one of Garth's brothers (Ser Gregor) being married to one of them. The Hunts are just Tarly bannermen, but that's still something & could potentially bring in the Tarlys themselves if push came to shove (depending on how close Aunt Caryss is to any family members who married into House Tarly)
Oldtown & The Citadel by way of another of Garth's brothers (Garlan) having become a maester
House Strong by way of Garth's other sister having been Lyonel Strong's second wife, & the mother of Larys. RIP Delylah Tyrell, we will never know if having had you in his life would have made Larys normal to be around
House Pommingham by way of Garth's oldest son/Robert's older brother's wife. The Pommingham's are kind of a nothingburger House, but that's still a noble family Robert has ties to.
Then you factor in Robert's mom's side of the family bringing in connections & it gets more ridiculous:
House Reyne, Robert's mother's birth House who is already pretty powerful & influential within The Westerlands
House Stark, by way of Queen Alysanne's friend Alarra. Robert's maternal grandmother was Lord Alaric Stark's daughter/Cregan Stark's Great Aunt
House Serrett by way of Danielle's younger brother (Lord Samson) being married to Lord Serrett's niece. Like the Pommingham's kind of a nothingburger House within canon, but that is, y'know, still a family Robert has some kind of connection to.
House Strong again, because Robert's cousin & the heir to Castamere, is married to Lyonel's oldest kid/Harwin's older sister
Danielle's Aunt Elisha/one of Robert's Great Aunts, is the mother of Lord Humfrey Bracken (the dad of the guy who got murdered in Boremund's living room). Y'know, the Brackens? The guys who keep fighting with the Blackwoods about who's more important?Those guys.
Danielle's Aunt Ceira/Robert's other Great Aunt is the mom of Jason & Tyland Lannister. I don't think I have to explain how being related to the Lord of Casterly Rock is a big deal.
So Robert is related to fucking everyone, including 2 guys on the small council. This shit gets fucking worse when you factor in Ella.
Ella is a Royce. The Royces just are one of the oldest & most influential families in The Vale. They control the vast majority of The Vale's coastline, & her brother is not only married to a Baratheon, but the Baratheons love him.
One of Ella's cousins is Jeyne Arryn, her grandpa was her regent until he got Medieval Prostate Cancer & retired back home. Jeyne loves her Royce family, she's got good memories with them & they've always defended her
Ella's Great Aunt is the Head of House Mormont, which isn't that impressive, but that's still an old family who is regularly fending off the Iron Islanders. This Great Aunt also has a Manderly for a husband--a Manderly who encouraged his nephew (the current Lord of White Harbor) to foster Ella's baby brother.
Regardless of the fallout with Laena, Yorick is still friends with Laenor & Rhea was friends with Rhaenys. That pulls the Velaryons in at least a little bit.
Ella's Aunt Rina is married to the Lord of House Costayne. That's one of the Hightower bannermen, & within the canon of SOTF, Aunt Rina's husband is the cousin of Hobert & Otto Hightower. Like, those guys' mom just is sotf!Owen Costayne's aunt.
Ella has friends strewn across the Free Cities thanks to her hot girl gap year
The Strongs are once again being brought back out because Lyonel & his third wife were friends with Lady Rhea, & their daughter is married to one of Ella's cousins
There is, of course, the elephant in the room of her being related to House Targaryen. Ella's uncle is the king, she is maintaining a friendship with at least one of his kids at all times, & she's friends with his second wife.
Not only does Ella have a sentient WMD she takes on joy rides, so do her 2 brothers. And these are some of the largest & oldest of the dragons that are currently alive.
If Robert Tyrell had loftier ambitions than just being a professional trophy husband, boytoy, malewife he would be the most politically terrifying man in Westeros. He has connections to most of the Great Houses, several of the oldest & most powerful Houses within Westeros, most of the eastern coastline of Westeros & part of the western coastline, Essosi nobles & politicians, the royal family, 3 guys on the small council, & an insane wife who rides Jumbo Peepaw Vermithor
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daenakills · 2 years
What will you do about it?
Tywin Lannister x fem!reader
Summary: Reader is an old friend of Cersei, but after years without seeing each other Reader realizes that Tywin is more excited about seeing her than Cersei.
Warnings: age-gap, manipulation, Tywin Lannister.
You were used to the presence of the Lannisters, after all you could consider Cersei as an ally, since they have grown up together, despite the fact that she was a few (if not enough) years older than you. They talked about boys together too, like when she said that she was engaged to Rhaegar of the Targaryen house. She really talked more about those issues than you, for a long time all you did was listen and agree with her.
Now that you two were adults, the two of you couldn't get together as much as before. She married Robert Baratheon, the king. And you hadn't married anyone at all. You didn't understand why it was that no one wanted to be with you, it depressed you and made you feel inferior to other women. Whenever someone wanted to be with you something suddenly happened to them so they couldn't be with you.
After so many years, you came back to Kings Landing for a celebration that King Robert was having. You didn't usually go to those kinds of celebrations, but they were enjoyable according to what the few colleagues you had told you. You had also received an invitation where Cersei told you to go, that she had something important to tell you.
When you arrive you see King Robert next to Cersei, on the other hand there was a table where his children were. When you saw Cersei again, she greeted you cordially as she got up from where she was.
— Dear, I'm glad you're here, as you never come to any. Although I understand you, between so many parties you no longer live a normal life. — she said, finally with an obviously fake giggle. Even though you were sure that only those who know her well notice her.
— I came for the letter I received, I am interested in knowing what it is about.
— Which letter? Dear friend, please don't tell me that at such a young age you suffer from a bad memory, I can call a maester f you need it. - She said laughing a little mockingly.
You kept quiet because you knew there was no way you could get the better of Cersei in an argument. You decided to go a little deeper into the castle, or rather, you decided to sneak into the castle. But when you were advancing you heard a voice.
What are you doing here, miss? You should be enjoying the dance and the celebration. — Seeing who said that, you saw Tywin Lannister, Cersei's father whom you knew for a long time.
— I wonder the same thing, what is my lord doing here? You should be enjoying yourself too.
— Oh, believe me I'm enjoying myself here. Can you answer my question why you are here?
— I'll answer it if you answer mine.
— It must be very satisfying to believe that others must obey when you ask them for something.
— It does not feel bad, I admit it.
— It's also very naive.
— But I bet it works for me every time.
— I'm glad there are people who feed your delusions of grandeur.
When he said that you decided to go to the party but he took your arm.
— It's rude for a lady to walk away from a conversation, I know why you're not married yet.
— That is not of your incumbence!
— I'm sorry if I hit a nerve with my comment.
The two shared looks that said everything. For some reason after a while you felt strange being with him now. You wondered if it was the fact that you were so alone that you were desperate.
— Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the celebration. – Tywin looked at you as you left, with a look that seemed as if he had been waiting for this a long time, with a small smirk on his lips.
When you arrived you immediately started dancing with a Lord, after all this I could get you a husband. But something interrupted your dance.
—Would you give me the pleasure of dancing with the beautiful lady?— He said getting closer. You thought that maybe Tywin didn't remember that his daughter was one of the hostesses, since that's when Cersei arrived.
— I thought you didn't like dances, father.
— It depends on the person. — He looked at you with his eyes as deep as a poem of two lovers. Looking at him you felt a tingle in your belly. God, how you needed it.
Cersei left looking at you with her penetrating gaze. Tywin ignored it and began to dance with you. Most of them were surprised that Tywin Lannister danced with a woman, well, that he danced himself was crazy.
— I'm glad that you finally asked me to dance, I felt like you were watching me from afar. You obviously haven't courted anyone in a couple of years.
— I saved the experience for someone special.
You wanted him to stop flirting and start kissing you but it would be so inappropriate.
— In the end, you never told me why you were here.
— I came for a letter someone sent me, I thought it was Cersei but she denied it. — when you said it Tywin approached your ear and whispered
— How would you react if I told you it was me? I was the one who sent you that letter. I've been the one who makes your suitors walk away.
You got upset but all he said was — What will you do about it? —
I haven't edit this yet so if I have smth wrong pls tell MEEEEE
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bucknastysbabe · 1 month
Cal idk if you’ve seen that meme about someone getting pegged in a Bentley and being proud about it.
But I can totally see either modern!Aeg being so proud of the fact that he finally made his dream of getting pegged come true, especially if it’s not his car and he just has to tell everyone. Or head empty puppy modern!Criston getting pegged and just being so wowed by the experience that as soon as someone asks how he’s doing he just blurts it out, the other person just stares at him.
It was a holiday. Everyone, everyone, was home at the ancestral manor. Aemond and Daeron got their chance to catch up on some smash bros. It was a brotherly bonding moment— even if Aemond took losing a little too serious for a normal person. Who am I kidding. It's Aemond. He's fucking weird.
Anyways the two were at it again. Aemond had his brow furrowed in concentration, fingers flicking and clicking the controller. Daeron whooped and grinned, enjoying the experience, eyeing his brother with a little grin.
A third party entered the room, plopping down right between the two on the couch. Aegon, looking quite disheveled, grinned as he slumped into place. Yet his siblings ignored him. That was against the rules.
Aegon wanted to be ignored on his terms.
Obviously his idiotic brothers should know he has something to say.
Daeron paused the game, Aemond exclaiming in annoyance "Dare you little! Oh it's you. What do you want Aegon?" The younger sibling was kinder in nature, nudging Aegon with a fist. He inquired what the whole deal was.
Aegon smirked, tossed his waves and hummed, “I just got pegged. Lannister's Bentley."
Aemond twitched violently, face growing blotchy with anger as Daeron asked for details. Aegon was waving his hands and describing lurid tidbits to his wide eyed little brother. The eldest hummed, "Didn't even get my knees burned up on that butter soft leather, truly amazing." He elbowed Aemond and grinned.
"Bet you wish that was you and Alys huh?"
Things did not end well after that. Aegon could treasure the soreness of his ass rather than his nose or busted lip. Aemond WISHED he could get pegged in a Bentley. Loser. Bitch. Cyclops.
Ah. Locker room talk. Criston was sweating. He rarely participated anyways. The other agents could yap all they want. He was…was..waiting for marriage like a good Catholic should. So they stopped asking and was instead deemed ‘Chaste Cole.’ How embarrassing.
Then he got a girlfriend. Who was also Catholic.
Criston was sweating again. Cargyll Two and Darklyn talked about nutting on a woman’s lips. Criston could not tell them she came all over his lips when she rode his face and called him a ‘whiny filthy slut.’
He cried and came on his stomach after that.
The agent blinked as their increasingly freaky sexcapades flashed through his mind. Criston begged himself— ‘please don't get hard please don't get hard.’ Then he remembered he had a chastity cage on and no one would know besides him and excruciating pain. 
“Your holiness, Chasteeee Coleee,” Harwin Strong sing-songed, “You gotta girly now, doing the old anal loophole to escape God’s wrath?” The rest of the guys laughed, others chirping in to ask.
Criston Cole meant to say, “Piss off, none of your business.”
He stuffed his gear away and walked skipped out of the locker-room filled with stunned silence. The man exhaled with a smile. He hoped to be railed in the Bentley again soon. Maybe with stockings on.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Challenge - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x Fem!reader Tyrell
Warnings: GOT 
Word count: 526
Summary: Jaime’s only showed Y/n what everyone says about him and his family. That's not going to win her over.
Authors Note: I read an imagine with a similar idea and I want to make something similar to it.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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“Are you following me, Ser Jaime?” Y/n asked having noticed her seemingly constant shadow.
“Now why would you think that?” He questioned back, deciding to join her since she had caught him. He had followed her wondering what she did all the time when she disappeared into the city.
“Because everywhere I seem to turn.” She answered glancing over to him for a second before turning her attention foreward again, handing a little wooden horse to the child infront of her with a smile. “You’re there.” Y/n finished watching the child run off smiling.
“Maybe we just so happen to have the same interests.” Jaime shrugged his shoulders, and started following her through the streets of Kings Landing.
Y/n scoffed at his words. “Taking care of the lower born people doesn’t sound like a Lannister thing to do. Defifently not an interest of yours, I’m sure.”
“What makes you say that?” he asked with furrowed brows. Jaime felt a little offended at her statement.
“Flashing your Lannister gold at all your problems may be the main reason.” Y/n said with an agitated tone, that’s all he had shown her since she’d been there to see if a marriage between them to unite their respective houses would work. And it made her mad.
Jaime nodded reluctantly. That is what he had shown her, that’s normally what other lady’s fawned over. But apparently Y/n Tyrell was different. “I will admit that is all I have shown you, yes.”
“If you want me to think differently about you then show me.” Her words made him stop in his tracks and look at her, with his mouth slightly open in his shock. Y/n took a deep breath softing the look in her eyes before she continued. “Show me who you truly are. She me what lie’s beneath what you show to the world. Show me the true Jaime Lannister.”
Y/n continued walking as Jaime stood in place thinking about her words. It didn’t take him long to make up his mind. He couldn’t deny that of what he’s seen he did really enjoy Y/n’s presence and being married to her could actually be an enjoyable existence. Maybe even more than just enjoyable.
“I accept.” He said after a moment of thought, stopping her in her tracks.
“Excuse me?” She turned around upon hearing him confused at his choice of words.
“I accept the challenge to show you who I truly am.” Jaime he smiled at her, confident in his decision.
Y/n laughed shaking her head in amusement. “It wasn’t meant to be a challenge.”
“Oh, but I’m taking it as one.” Jaime smirked as he walked over to her. He planned on proving to her that he wasn’t who he’s been showing her he is. Raising his arms out to the side smiling brightly. “I’ll prove to you I am more than what I’ve showed you.”
Y/n smiled at the blonde and nodded back excited to see the real him, and amused at what possible ways he will use to show her the real him. “I look forward to it.”
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starogeorgina · 1 year
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Broken bonds
Paring: Ser Harwin Strong/ OC
Warnings: None
You stand on the opposite side of the painted table from Daemon, while Ser Harwin stands in the corner of the room. Originally, you tried to keep him out of your scheming and planning, but your uncle insisted that he be present. His reasoning was that your sworn protector wouldn’t be able to do his job properly unless he knew what was going on. You and your uncle had been going back and forth on who would be most likely to betray your family’s house and side with the Lannisters if it came to that.
“Jason and Tyland are loyal to House Targaryen. I doubt either of them would listen to Thomas,” you sigh. “The biggest threat we have is the crossbow. If our dragons are taken out, we are left vulnerable without them.”
Your uncle's face twists into one of anger. Only a true dragon rider could understand the special bond between Targaryen and his dragon. “What about the Hightowers?”
“They wouldn’t need the excuse of war to plot against our house. Given the opportunity, Otto would push for Aegon to be king instead of Rhaenyra. I'm surprised he hasn’t already started planting that seed in my father's ear.”
Daemon clicks his tongue while tapping his fingers against the table, growing impatient. He wanted the threat to be dealt with, not caring if it provoked others, just as you wanted to avoid any further conflict. You shift your weight from foot to foot, watching silently as Daemon looks over at the knight, studying him. “Ser Harwin, do tell us your opinion?”
“I don’t consider my words to be of any use in this matter.”
See, Harwin had been holding his tongue all morning, which you were grateful for, but your uncle wasn’t going to let it go. You both valued Harwin’s judgment, but if he disagreed with Daemon, it could be the thing that causes your uncle to snap. The knowledge that your father's sister was in danger had him more riled up than normal.
“Perhaps it’s not—”
“Ser Harwin," your uncle ignores you; he claps his hands behind his back while facing the knight. “Your job is to protect a Targaryen princess; your words are far more useful than you realize.”
“Have you considered informing the king of the plan to usurp his heir?” He asks. “You said he believes in dragon dreamers.”
Daemon looks blankly at the knight before walking back to his original position at the table, giving you a sideways look as he does. “Viserys has always been a father before he’s been a king.”
“The weapons being built are being kept under Ely's house,” you say, changing the subject. “We need to destroy them before they can ever be used.”
“We eliminated Craghas Drahar and his army, and we will eliminate this threat all the same.”
You remain silent as you try to figure out a plan in your head, trying to push away the sound of screaming you hear in your dreams. Eventually, you come up with a possible solution that would hopefully avoid any bloodshed. “My sister will be married soon,” you say, getting their attention. “Rhaenyra is the realm's delight; even those who aren’t invited will stand outside for hours to see a glimpse of her before her wedding.”
Daemon catches on to your trail of thinking, “leaving Ely's house unarmed.”
“We would all be at the wedding so nobody could point the finger at—”
Your conversation is cut short by a knock at the door. You open it to see a nervous-looking servant; she didn’t look older than two and twenty. You knew by the way she directed her gaze at your uncle and the fresh bruise-like marks on her neck that she had most likely had sex with him the night before.
“Princess,” she greets you before leaning in and whispering in your ear.
You smile at her and ask, “Your name?”
“Thank you, Bethany; I will see to it right away.” When she is gone, you turn to face Harwin and Daemon and say, “It seems Varos has been picking fights with Caraxes.”
“Again?” Your uncle chuckles. “I thought he would have learned from their last encounter.”
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go and see what injuries he’s obtained.”
You heard your uncle chuckling before offering Ser Harwin a drink. Servants and knights stop and bow when they see you walking down the hallways. Being polite, you always smiled back, but your face dropped just as you were about to step outside. Arthur Weststar. You made a mental note to ask your uncle why an ally of the Lannisters was on Dragonstone.
You laugh loudly as Varos breathes fire into the air one last time before landing on the beach. The moment your feet hit the ground, you were left with an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach. You could sense many eyes on you from afar. “Varos, jikagon.”
At your command, Varos takes flight. You didn’t particularly like parting with him, but your desire to keep him safe was much greater. Compared to Syrax and Caraxes, Varos was just a baby dragon. He likes to fight with the older dragons, often toying with them until they snap, biting back at him, and he’d fly away. You found it ironic in a way, because you and Rhaenyra used to do the same thing. Being carefree children without responsibility, you’d playfight for hours in the garden, only to return covered in mud, cuts, and small bruises. Now, Varos often returns to you with cuts and grazes on his body.
You weren’t overly concerned by the other dragons, knowing Cannibal was the only one that caused a real threat, but the idea of humans harming him terrified you. It was a miracle either of you survived the war for the Stepstones. The crossbows Thomas intended to build wouldn’t do much damage to an older, larger dragon, but to Varos, it would definitely kill him.
Daemon pours himself a drink while observing Ser Harwin, who was looking out onto the beach from one of the towers. “Dragons are beautiful creatures, aren't they?”
“Yes, the beauty of Caraxes is not exaggerated.”
Daemon sniggers into his own cup before offering one to the knight. “I was meaning my niece.”
He watches in amusement as Harwin swallows his drink, pretending not to have heard him. They stand in silence for a few moments, watching as two dragons circle each other in the sky above the beach Princess Vaella is on. The bottom half of her dress was soaked as she walked on the shoreline, unbothered by the sand and water blowing onto her from the strong winds. Although Daemon’s relationships with Vaella and Rhaenyra were very different, he loved both of them to the bone.
Perhaps it was because Daemon was an outsider looking in, or because he’d spent most of his life in the shadows observing others, but he recognised the fiercely protective look in Harwin’s eyes whenever the name Thomas Lannister was mentioned. “When the day comes and my dear niece finds herself without a husband, potentially suitable suitors will be lining up to ask for her hand in marriage.” Daemon clicked his tongue, waiting for the knight to reply, “Of course it will only be her dragon womb they seek.”
Harwin’s eyes darkened, his jaw tensing. “Unfortunately, most men wouldn’t think twice about marrying a Targaryen for political purposes.”
Daemon smirked, “But you are not most men, Ser Harwin.”
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maxii031 · 11 months
Here‘s to courage
Aemond Targaryen x reader/original female character
About 6k words long
Modern! AU
TW: sexual harassment (not by Aemond though), talks of infertility
With a loud sigh she let herself fall into her chair, the light of the computer felt like it was burning into her eyes. The pounding headache was still not gone, even after taking painkillers it did not get any better. Maybe she should not have drunk that much last night, knowing that she would have to drag herself to work the next day.
„Good Morning.“ the voice of Otto Hightower brought her back to reality. He was standing in front of her, his long coat draped over one arm and the suit he was wearing looked like the newest edition to his wardrobe, a deep navy blue with a white dress shirt.
„Good Morning, Sir.“ she smiled at him, his eyes wrinkling slightly at the sides. He looked a lot more happy than he usually did. Most of the time his expression seemed to be sulking or unhappy with something, but on this particular morning he looked like a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.
„How was your weekend?“ he asked, hanging up the coat on the rack. The young woman was slightly startled by the question, Mr Hightower had never been a rude employer, but he had also never been particularly interested in his employees personal life.
„Good. My brothers and I drove up north to visit family, it was nice. Both my brothers thrived on being up there again. How about yours?“ she laughed softly and shook her head at the thought of how happy her older brother had been to see their older sisters again and how good the air up north had been for her other brother‘s lungs after he had developed severe pneumonia. She could, however, not tell him about the more bitter and sad part of the weekend, which led to her thundering headache.
„That is good to hear. My weekend has consisted of the usual business.“ he waved his hand in the air and sighed softly. She knew what that meant, it meant that his grandchildren had driven him up the wall and his daughter had probably ranted about her husband and maybe his oldest grandson had even brought around his new girlfriend or even one of his many kids.
„Could you call a few people for me before the normal issues of the day come flooding in?“ he asked her as he picked up the briefcase again, which he had sat down before hanging up the coat.
„Of course.“ she held back her comment that this was exactly her job, calling people for him, taking calls for him and scheduling every event while keeping track of all the requests that came into the Mailbox during the day.
„Here is the list and what I want from them or what you have to tell them. Some calls are internal, others are external.“ he handed her a large piece of paper, which he had drawn out of his breast pocket and unfolded with one hand.
She just nodded and smiled at him, with that he disappeared into the room which was behind her office. It was not really an office, she was only a secretary after all and that meant no big office for her.
As she looked down at the list she let out a drawn out groan, it was long and a few of the names on it were not her favorite ones to call. His handwriting was neat and tidy, yet it was elegant, which made it easy to read.
Lyman Beesbury
Ask about the debt to the Lannister Banks and how much of the budget for the new project has to be loaned to the Company
Jason Lannister
Tell him that we will not be able to pay the debt back with the current interest rate, negotiate (if he is not willing to cooperate put him through to me)
Harwin Strong
Put through the list of attendees for the Gala and the current security guidelines that have to be taken into consideration for such an event
Hobert Hightower
Also put through the list of attendees for the Gala and tell him that I want him to prepare a separate account for the donations for the Gala
The list went on and on with tasks like these, most of them either relating to some form of finance or the Gala coming up in a month. With a heavy sigh she placed her head on the table, closing her eyes before looking at the last point on the paper.
Aemond Targaryen
Tell him that he will be attending the six o‘clock meeting with me tomorrow.
She rolled her eyes at that, but also felt some kind of relief. Aemond was always polite when she called and never snapped at her so at least there was something to look forward to while she was making some of the more dreadful calls on the list. With a glance at the clock she picked up the phone on her desk and started to dial the number of Lyman Beesbury. She had exactly one and a half hours before the usual rush of the day started to flood in and then she would be buried in work.
With a groan she hung up that second to last call and dropped her hands on the keyboard in front of her. She had a deep resentment for that Baratheon man, he always made disgusting comments about her and her professional relationship with Otto Hightower. She looked at the clock again, it was now almost an hour into the normal work day and she was already stacking up work for the rest of the day, making copies of certain documents, putting things away, sending Emails to different people with requests or telling them that they did not do their job correctly. One more time she picked up the phone and dialed the number of Aemond Targaryen. After one ring he picked up.
„Hello, Aemond Targaryen speaking.“ his smooth voice came through the speaker.
„Hello, Mr. Targaryen! Here is-„ she was interrupted by him.
„Ah, dear. How can I help you?“ his voice was calm and she could hear the tapping of a keyboard in the background. It always flustered her that he called her dear, but she never said anything because it did not make her uncomfortable.
„I am just calling because Mr. Hightower wants to let you know that you will be joining him for his six o‘clock meeting tomorrow.“ she waited for him to say something.
„Alright. Tell him that I will be there. I just have a quick question: who else is attending the meeting?“ he asked, the tapping in the background had stopped a few moments ago and scribbling had come into the audio now.
„Uhm…I can answer you in just one moment.“ she hacked the date and time into the calendar, which she kept for Mr. Hightower’s meetings.
„The meeting is with Ms. Rhaenyra Targaryen,“ she paused and continued to read the other names, a bad feeling settling in her stomach. „Mr. Corlys Velaryon, Mr. Vaemond Velaryon and Mr. Daemon Targaryen. As well as Mrs. Targaryen and of course Mr. Hightower." She licked her lips and waited for him to say anything. There was only the sound of his breathing now.
„Thank you. One more question; is my grandfather currently available?“ he sounded angry about something and she really did not want to know what he was angry about. She knew a lot about the problems within the Targaryen family, but by far not everything.
„Uhm, yes he is. He is in his office right now.“ she said calmly.
„Thank you, goodbye.“ Before she was able to say anything he hung up. Quickly she sat down the phone and now stared at the documents laying in front of her. With a sigh she took the stapler from the side of the desk and started to look through the dokuments, wanting to know which of them belonged together and which of them needed to be put away separately.
While she was stapling and putting away all the documents she remembered why she had such a blaring headache. It had not been a pleasant night, normally she did not drink that much, but due to her unnerving aunt she had drunk one glass of whiskey after the other and had realized too late that drinking almost three quarters of a Whiskey bottle was not a good idea. The woman had been asking about when she would get married and why she was not engaged and when they would be able to welcome more children into the family. Her aunt was particularly cruel when it came to things like these. The woman never kept it to the annoying enough questions, but always started to insult the other person the drunker she got. The best insult of the evening that had been thrown at her head had been:“defect breeding cow“, which would have not affected her as much if it was not for the fact that her Gynecologist had recently told her that the chance of her ever having children was slim, not zero but close to. She shook her head to get rid of the images and the feelings associated with that night, pushing the stapler aggressively into the paper and then putting it in the hole puncher to even more aggressively punch the holes into the papers.
Suddenly the door flew open and Aemond strode into the room. His face filled with annoyance as he closed the door behind him. Closed was the right word, he had not slammed it, he never slammed doors unlike his older brother who seemed to be always slamming doors.
„Mr. Targaryen,“ she nodded at him, her eyes turned back to her work. She did not want to bother him, especially not when he was angry about something. He smiled softly at her, greeting her and continuing to Otto Hightowers office.
After Aemond had entered, muffled voices were audible from the room, however only a mere moment later the muffled voices turned into something that sounded much more like shouting.
She tried hard not to listen to anything they were saying since it felt like a huge invasion of privacy. Luckily their voices were only muffled again after a few moments.
The young woman was not sure how long their talking continued, but after some time Aemond left the office again. He walked slowly and also closed the door gently again. Now she was finally able to get a good look at him. Aemond Targaryen was in his mid twenties, lean and had gorgeous platinum blonde hair, which shone softly. Otherwise he was also very good looking and always well dressed, on this particular day he accentuated his frame with a tight fitting, emerald green dress shirt and black slacks.
„Would you like to come to the kitchen with me and get a coffee?“ he asked her as he was about to leave the room.
„I would love to!“ she smiled softly and got up from her chair, her back aching since she had been sitting since the early morning.
He opened the door for her and let her pass, he left the room after her and gently closed the door. Together they quietly walked through the corridor.
„You have probably heard that my dear father will be hosting a Gala next month.“ Aemond broke the silence as they continued their way to the kitchen.
„I have, actually I have been making calls about that all day and sending Email out about certain regulations that have to be met.“ she chuckled softly as they turned a corner.
„Oh, well that is also good to know. At least I now know that someone competent handled the bureaucracy of the whole event.“ he said.
„Thank you, but to be honest: Mr. Hightower did a lot of the bureaucracy things, I just sent out the Emails for him and made the phone calls.“ she laughed softly.
He just hummed in what seemed like disagreement, but she was not able to place the sound combined with his nonchalant facial expression.
„Have you received an invitation?“ he asked, seeming genuinely interested in the answer.
„Oh no! I do not get invited to any events of the sort. After all, I am just a secretary that does not have that much influence. There is no need to invite me.“
Aemond looked over at her, his eyes opened wide and his eyebrows raised.
„Well, then. If you have not received an invitation yet then please see this as your invitation to the Gala, as my plus one.“ he said.
She stared at him in shock for a moment. He had seriously asked her to come to the Gala as his plus one. She took a shaky breath and swallowed the lump in her throat.
„Thank you, Mr. Targaryen.“ she said quietly.
„Aemond.“ he responded plainly.
„Excuse me?“ she asked, not quite understanding what he wanted to say with that.
„Please call me Aemond. I believe that I have told you on a few occasions already that I do not like to be called by my last name.“ he smiled softly as they reached the kitchen.
„Thank you, Aemond.“
„Have you finished up everything for the day?“ Otto Hightower asked as he exited his office. He seemed to be in a hurry to leave, which made sense since tonight was the big night in which hours and hours of planning had been invested. He probably also had to get changed since his usual plain suit would not be doing well at the Gala.
„Yes, Sir. Everything is finished, all the pile up of the last few weeks is also gone and you can go to the Gala with a good conscience.“ she smiled at him as he put down the briefcase.
„Good, good.“ he paused for a moment, „You do know that Aemond told me that he invited you as his plus one, right?“ he asked.
She felt her face heat up slightly as she looked at her hands. All the time after Aemond had invited her she had not told Mr. Hightower since she did not know what he would say, but the fact that Aemond already told him made things much easier.
„No, he did not tell me that he informed you about that.“ she laughed softly, trying to cover up how flustered she was. The older man hummed slightly, but just nodded.
„You should also leave, I believe getting ready will take you some time.“ his expression was kind as he picked up the coat and draped it over his shoulders.
„Until later.“ he said, after she also said goodbye he left, shortly after she also took all of her things and made her way home.
She took a deep breath as she looked at herself in the mirror. The light green dress was smoothed out perfectly and her hair had been done perfectly by one of her friends who worked as a hairstylist, falling loosely over her shoulders and complementing the color of the dress. For her shoes she had opted for cream colored strap heels, which blended nicely with the color of the dress. A pair of small golden hoops dangled from her ears as she took the clutch.
Aemond had told her not to worry about what she would be wearing and wear something she felt comfortable in, which turned out to be harder than she thought at first since most of the dresses she owned and already knew felt comfortable in were not appropriate for a Gala in any way. As she looked away from the mirror she glanced at the clock, it was almost time for him to come pick her up, nervously she smoothed out the dress once again and made her way over to her coat rag. It was not too cold, but still rather cool, especially since she was wearing a dress that unfortunately did not have any sleeves. Before she was able to grab her coat the bell rang and she walked towards the speaker in the wall.
„Hello, Aemond?“ she simply spoke into the microphone. For a moment there was silence.
„Yes, dear.“ as she heard his voice she pressed the unlock button for the door and went to take her coat and her clutch. She opened the door and made her way into the stairwell, closing the door and locking it behind her.
As she was about to call the elevator the doors opened and Aemond stood in front of her. She felt like someone had knocked all of the air out of her lungs. He stood there, looking like a model. His lean body was clad in a beautiful black suit with a black dress shirt, but no tie or fly. The soft platinum blonde hair was brushed back, but still hanging loosely over her back and shoulders.
„Hi.“ she whispered softly as she stepped into the elevator, almost realizing too late that she had been staring at the man.
„Hello, dear.“ he smiled softly at her as he pressed the button for the ground floor and seemed to relax.
„You look beautiful in that dress.“ he looked at her with an expression that she was unable to read. His one eye looked her up and down while the glass eye, which he had chosen to be a sapphire, shone bright in the light of the elevator.
„Thank you. You look rather handsome yourself.“ her eyes traveled up and down his figure again, the first two buttons of his shirt were opened, which made it look a lot more relaxed than it would have looked if he had been wearing a tie. At the statement he chuckled softly.
With a soft ding the elevator came to a stop, as the doors opened he stretched out his arm, signaling her that she should take his arm. Her hand landed on the crook of his elbow, making her feel like she gave up some sort of control, a fact that would have terrified her under normal circumstances, but this was different, right now she was happy that someone was guiding her.
They approached a car that was standing in one of the parking spaces in the area. It looked to be an older Porsche model, but she had in all honesty no idea what kind of car it was. Aemond opened the back door for her and she took a seat in the back of the car, putting on the seat belt, greeting the man that was sitting at the wheel. The young man rounded the car and took a seat beside her.
As the car was set in motion by the driver she looked out of the window. His voice brought her back to reality.
„I will give you a fair warning before we arrive. There will be a lot of people taking photos, especially while we exit the car.“ he adjusted his cuffs as he spoke.
„Oh.“ she swallowed harshly, knowing that that would be hard for her, she had of course expected it, but it still felt odd.
„No need to worry.“ he chuckled softly. „I will guide you. Wait for me to get out of the car, then I can help you exit.“ he paused again and studied her face for a moment. „While we are in the main hall, you can just mingle. Before the buffet there will be many speeches, they are not the most interesting, but you will be able to pass the time. Afterwards it is just food, polite conversation and dancing.“
„Thank you. I am good at mingling and listening as well, that is a positive.“ she smiled softly as Aemond raised his eyebrow and looked at her with confusion written across his face.
„Well, mingling and listening is my job after all. I do not only send out emails, but make calls that need a sensible tone and an open ear.“ she smiled softly. „And if I may say so myself; I have gotten quite good at listening to people talking about things that I have no idea about.“
He laughed softly and shook his head. „Then I should keep you close since listening to the ramblings of my father‘s business partners is not my strong suit.“ There were a few moments of silence then he spoke again. „Also I would recommend you leave your coat in the car as well as the bag, there will not be many places to hang it and things can easily get lost at these Galas.“
„Oh, alright.“ She began shrugging off her coat, knowing that the hall which they had booked for the Gala was only a few minutes away from where they currently were. A slight shiver ran through her body as she felt the warm coat leave her body. Only shortly after she pulled it out from beneath her and folded it on the middle seat.
„I have never seen someone take a coat off so elegantly while sitting, even my dear my mother is not able to do that.“ he laughed and shook his head in amazement.
„It comes easier when you spent most of your childhood in a car. You actually learn to do a lot of things while in a moving car.“ she laughed softly.
The short rest of the drive was spent in silence. The car pulled up beside the hall and stopped at the height of a red carpet. Smoothly the driver reached for her coat and clutch and put it on the passenger seat before Aemond opened the door. As he did so she heard and saw the flashes of cameras going off. Waiting a short moment she scooted over and also got out of the car, taking Aemond‘s hand in the process. The only thoughts on her mind were to keep your legs together while getting out of the car and your hand on the neckline of your dress. Luckily, she exited the car smoothly and without issue.
As she stood securely Aemond offered her his arm again, she took it and they began to walk. She smiled softly as they made their way to the entrance of the hall. The flashes of the cameras were truly blinding and she was happy that Aemond seemed to be so confidently strudding towards the entrance.
It became apparent immediately that they entered the building since the flashes stopped. She took a deep breath and looked up at Aemond, looking to find some kind of reassurance, which she also found: he wore a gentle smile and nodded at her. They continued into the main room of the hall and she again felt like someone knocked all the air out of her lungs.
The ceiling was made of glass and shimmered softly, but the most impressive thing of the whole building was the massive chandelier, which was hanging in the middle of the ceiling. It was made of glass and what seemed like crystals, the light cascading down from it made the room feel like a scene from a fairy tale. This feeling only intensified as she looked at the people in the room. All of them were immaculately dressed as well as having some kind of regal air about them.
He moved his arm away from hers, but quickly placed his hand on the small of her back. She tried to follow his gaze, which led her eyes to a group of people with the signature blonde hair of the Targaryens.
„Come, my family is there. I think we should greet them.“ his voice was soft, yet it still carried over the muttering and talk of the crowd with ease. She just nodded and he directed her effortlessly through the crowd, people parted to let them through.
Finally they arrived at the group. She recognized a few people; Viserys Targaryen and his wife seemed to be the first to notice the pair approaching. Alicent Hightower, the wife of Viserys, was a beautiful woman with big brown eyes and a soft face, she was clad in a dark green evening gown with black heels and her hair pulled back in a slick bun. Viserys Targaryen himself was seated in his wheelchair, the suit he wore looked similar to the one Aemond was wearing, just that he wore a red tie with it. The other people were Aegon Targaryen and Helaena Targaryen, Aemond‘s older siblings, as well as Daeron Targaryen, Aemond‘s youngest brother. They all looked immaculate, Helaena wearing a golden dress with long sleeves, Aegon looked the most casual out of all of them with his white dress shirt and black slacks. Daeron wore a dark green satin suit paired with a black dress shirt and a green tie. Moreover there were Rhaenyra Targaryen and her husband Daemon along with Rhaenyra‘s sons and Daemon‘s daughters. Rhaenyra and Daemon‘s daughters, Baela and Rhaena, wore black dresses with varying accents of red. Daemon in a black suit with a black turtleneck pullover and all of Rhaenyra‘s sons seemed to be matching their grandfather.
„Aemond! I knew you would bring the cute secretary!“ Aegon shouted as they approached. His face lit up as he saw his brother, she saw as much, but felt a wave of nervousness hit her as all eyes were on her and Aemond. The large family all seemed to expect her to say something.
„Good evening everyone.“ Aemond greeted politely. He let go of her for a moment to go over to his mother and kiss her on the cheek. „Mother.“
„Hello.“ she smiled as relaxed as she could, but still felt like anyone from the group would be coming at her at any given moment. Before anything else could be exchanged Aemond took his place by her side again, looking positively annoyed by the fact that his nephews were present.
„Just a fair warning Aemond, the waiters have not finished setting the table. Take care so that they don‘t get to your other eye.“ Lucerys, one of Aemond‘s nephews, snickered. She felt how his hand slit over to her hip and the grip on her seemed to get stronger.
„You should be careful as well, nephew. We do not want an accident to happen to your eye, would we?“ Aemond seemed so calm as he said it, but there was a very definite threat behind these words. She felt a lump form in her throat as hateful glares were exchanged between the men.
„No, we wouldn‘t.“ a new voice came from behind her. She turned around, looking for the person that had just spoken. It was Otto Hightower and she never felt relief wash over her quicker before. A warm smile spread across her face as she saw her employer.
„Mr. Hightower.“ she nodded at him. He looked away from both of the young men and sent her a kind smile, his expression turned stony again as he looked at his oldest grandson.
„Aegon, come. Some people want to meet you.“ his voice was stern as he said those words, clearly displeased that they wanted to meet the young man.
„Do I really have to?“ he whined.
„Yes!“ Mr. Hightower snarled, turning around again to make his way back into the masses. Aegon followed him silently.
They stood there in silence for a few minutes then Aemond spoke again.
„If you would excuse us.“ Aemond already started walking away, almost dragging her behind him.
„Goodbye.“ she hurriedly said as she walked with Aemond. He seemed annoyed as they walked through the crowd.
„That was intense.“ she muttered under her breath, happy about the fact that she was able to escape that circle of hell. After Aemond had asked her to accompany him to the Gala they had spoken more and he had invited her for coffee and cake from time to time. That led to her knowing a lot more about the formidable Targaryen family than before and not all of the things she learned were good. However, she had not expected things to get out of hand so quickly once they were all gathered in one place.
„There have been worse things to happen during family get-togethers.“ he muttered under his breath. Before she was able to say anything to him about the interaction again a large man swept in front of them. He was broad shouldered with shoulder long black hair and clear blue eyes.
„Now, now Aemond Targaryen!“ the man laughed and held out his hand. It was Borros Baratheon, the current head of the Storms End company, a man she strongly disliked for many reasons. Sadly, she had to interact with him regularly on a professional level. Before he was able to say anything to her someone took her hand and tugged on it.
„Come, I want to show you the balcony.“ the voice of a woman said. She looked at the woman, it was Helaena. Looking at Aemond for a moment she just nodded.
„Of course.“ Helaena dragged her to the balcony and stopped once they overlooked the city. Kings Landing was beautiful during the night, many lights were shining from all the buildings and even some of the smaller quarters of the city were alight. This city was never truly asleep, everywhere at any time people were making their way through the city and working.
„Thank you.“ she whispered softly as she leaned against the railing, looking down at the magnificent city.
„There is no need to thank me. I know how much you hate him.“ she hummed softly. Her eyes seemed distant, like she was somewhere completely different. She had been well acquainted with Helaena for most of the time she had worked for Otto Hightower, however their friendship had only begun shortly before Aemond had asked her to join him for the Gala.
They stood outside for what felt like half an hour, looking at the city and speaking hushed whispers, giggling softly at each other's jokes. Suddenly she realized that she was freezing and needed to get inside if she did not want to get hypothermic.
„Helaena? I need to get back inside, I am freezing.“ she muttered softly. Helaena just nodded and hummed.
She entered the warm hall again and felt her skin prickle at the warmth of the air. Now the next step was to find Aemond again, she did not want to be alone for too long. While walking through the crowd she greeted a few people politely and even held short conversations with them. Most of them she knew, having already met them at meetings or similar events. Out of nowhere a warm hand landed on the small of her back. She turned, fully expecting to see Aemond but she was wrong, very wrong. It was Jason Lannister.
„How nice it is to see you here!“ he greeted her with a polite smile, his hand not leaving the small of her back the whole time.
„Mr. Lannister, it is a pleasure to see you.“ she nodded politely, trying to writhe her way away from his hand, but it stayed there, moving up to her hip. It was easy to smell that the man was drunk out of his mind, his breath reeking of alcohol.
„Now tell me, doll. What did Aemond Targaryen promise you if you showed up here with him?“ Now she heard that his speech was slurred, only confirming her theory.
„I do not quite understand what you are talking about, Mr. Lannister.“ she felt how his grip on her hip only got more intense.
„You know, did he promise you money? Maybe a promotion? Or a good fuck? Because the last thing he can‘t give you, however I know someone that might.“ his face was dangerously close to hers now and she felt like she was about to throw up as her brain fully processed what the man had just said. As he was about to press his lips against her he was pulled back from her, it was such an aggressive pull that she stumbled back slightly.
„Back off Lannister. She does not want to talk to you.“ Aemond hissed as he wrapped his arm around her waist, still placing himself slightly in front of her. Before Jason Lannister was able to say anything to her or Aemond, Aemond pulled her away and into the crowd.
After they had put a good distance between them and Jason Lannister, Aemond let go of her.
„Are you okay?“ he took her hand and looked her in the eyes. For a moment she was contemplating lying to him, telling him that she was okay that this had not affected her in the slightest, but it had. It had scared her and she felt like she was about to throw up.
She just quietly shook her head and took a step closer to him, Aemond understood the gesture and pulled her into a warm embrace.
„Alright, let's find you a place to sit down.“ he took her hand and guided her through the crowd to one of the tables. He sat her down on the chair in front of him and gently rubbed her arm as he scanned the crowd. She tried to follow his gaze, she spotted the same person he did or rather the two people. It was Aegon and Otto Hightower: Aemond shouted Aegon‘s name and the man turned right away. Aemond waved his hand, signaling him to come over, Otto Hightower followed behind his grandson. As they arrived Otto‘s eyes immediately fell on the young woman sitting on the chair, she looked like a scared deer, eyes glossed over and hands shaking.
„What happened?“ he asked right away as they arrived. His face was hard and he seemed displeased.
„Jason Lannister happened,“ Aemond snarled. Otto raised one of eyebrows, Aemond leaned in and whispered in his grandfather‘s ear. His expression became furious.
„I will get one of the security people to deal with him.“ Otto disappeared after that. Aegon now stood there, looking like he had no idea what to do.
„And what do you need me for?“ Aegon asked.
„Get two lemon cakes from the buffet.“ Aemond‘s voice was commanding and Aegon quickly obliged.
The rest of the evening went by without incident. Jason Lannister had been escorted out of the building by a group of security people and no one else had dared to come near her after that, the fact that she was attached to Aemond‘s arm for the rest of the evening probably also played its part.
Just like Aemond had said the speeches were boring, but she just let her thoughts wander during that time. After the buffet had opened and people had started dancing, the shock of the encounter with Jason Lannister slipped off her like a blanket and she began to enjoy herself. While she was chatting with Helaena she looked over at Aemond who was just speaking to Criston Cole, one of the private security people of the Targaryen family. He looked a lot more relaxed now, but there was still a certain tension in his shoulders.
As he returned to the table she got up from her seat.
„Is everything alright?“ Aemond asked, surprised that she seemed to get up so abruptly.
„Yes, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to dance?“ she smiled at him, this request seemed to have taken him by surprise.
„Of course, why not?“ he smiled and took her hand. As they reached the dance floor a more upbeat song started playing. Aemond twirled her as they danced to the song. Moving towards each other, then apart again, twirling and turning. She laughed as Aemond dipped her down and pulled her up again. They continued like that for what felt like hours. She was in a bliss of pure enjoyment, especially when the slower songs played and he would place his hands on her hips and just gently sway with her. As one song came to an end she looked up at him, seeing how he looked down at her with an unreadable expression, but it was not unfamiliar, he looked at her like he had looked at her in the elevator. Then suddenly he leaned down and gently kissed her, their lips met and she was unable to breath for a moment, she was shocked, but in a pleasant way. He pulled away again, a soft smile on his lips as she looked up at him with big eyes.
„I hope that was okay.“ he whispered softly as they continued to dance.
„It was.“ she laughed softly.
The rest of the evening they danced, they danced and laughed. Aemond knew that it would not be easy for him, but courage was a first step in the right direction.
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goodqueenaly · 11 months
My friend and I are disagreeing on Pia and Peck's sexual relations. I say there is an obvious power differential problem. She says it's 100% consensual and fine. What do you think?
Putting this all under a cut.
I have to address right off the bat the fact that Pia was at this point somewhere between 22 and 35, while Josmyn Peckledon was around 15. While I am going to talk about issues around Pia’s potential lack of consent - and I think those are real issues here - it is nevertheless worth noting that we are talking about a world which disturbingly and grossly normalizes an adult woman having, indeed being expected to have, a sexual relationship with a teenage boy. This relationship is problematic for a lot of reasons, none of which cancel out or justify the others, and Peck as a victim of Westerosi sexualization of children is one of them. 
On the one hand, I don’t want to ignore the attempts (limited as they might be) to acknowledge Pia’s consent (or at least potential for consent) to a sexual relationship with Peck. Jaime did, after all, first consider Peck’s interest in Pia by thinking that there would be no harm in Peck having sex with her “so long as she's willing”. Likewise, Jaime prefaced his encouragement to Peck by saying “If she’ll have you, take her”, and his advice to Peck focused on him, Peck, treating Pia nicely during sex. It also appears that Peck, to at least some extent, did genuinely care about Pia: he was the one who found her a gelding to ride, who talked to her about comparing Darry to Harrenhal, and who tried to help her light the brazier when Jaime camped at Riverrun. 
However, there are to me deeply concerning aspects of this relationship (to the extent it can be called that, anyway). It is worth noting as an initial matter that Jaime only asked Peck about his desire for Pia, and that only after Pia had left the room; so far as we know, Jaime never approached Pia about any desire she might have had for Peck in turn, underlining his exclusive focus on Peck’s wants in this situation. Further, Jaime made two automatic assumptions about a sexual relationship between Pia and Peck: first, that Pia would not have minded being used as a sexual outlet for Peck (or, indeed, being the person to first instruct Peck on sexual matters), so long as she was “willing” to have sex in the first place; and second, that Peck would never (and should never) have wanted to marry Pia. Both of these assumptions greatly disregard Pia’s feelings and experiences. Maybe Pia, who was repeatedly raped and sexually abused by various knights (not to mention other soldiers too) while at Harrenhal, would not have wanted a transitory sexual affair with a highborn (almost) knight; maybe Pia, who might have reasonably (again, given those experiences) associated sex with trauma and abuse, would not have been interested in trying to teach a teenage virgin “a few things [he’ll] find useful on [his] wedding night” (ahem ahem, I’m looking at you, GRRM, with the story of Coryanne Wylde); maybe Pia, who certainly romanticized and fantasized about a sexual relationship with the young and handsome Jaime of the tourney of Harrenhal, would have been looking for someone who would love her rather than treat her as a handy sexual partner. However, Jaime’s assumptions did not allow room for any of these possibilities: so long as Pia crossed the base threshold of “willing”, Jaime seems to have decided, it was fair to expect Pia to be the available sexual instructor who would satisfy Peck’s desires and then graciously step away once Peck found a suitable (which is to say, presumably virginal and highborn) bride. 
Was Pia sexually attracted to Peck? Did Pia feel she had the ability to say no when Peck indicated (however he did so) that he wanted to have sex with her? We have no idea about either answer because we’re not in Pia’s head, but I think there are some real concerns here, at least with the latter. Pia not only depended on the Lannister war machine, and specifically Jaime, for her employment (having been explicitly exiled from Harrenhal by Bonifer Hasty), but was also, again, repeatedly raped and sexually abused (to say nothing of her physical abuse) while there. What did she believe might have happened if she said no to sex with Jaime’s own squire, and a Lannister war hero in his own right to boot? Would she have worried about being dismissed by an angry Jaime, or being subject to the sort of horrific abuses she had experienced during the War of the Five Kings? It is a point unable to be answered but worth considering nevertheless. 
Plus, while Peck himself might not have been pulling rank in approaching Pia for sex, it is impossible to talk about their relationship without addressing the class difference between them. As nice as Jaime hoped Peck would be to Pia, and as much as Peck might have thought he cared about Pia, she was by virtue of her social class viewed by Jaime (who then insisted as much to Peck) as a mere outlet for sexual desire, not someone to love or, Seven forbid, marry. In a world where (as Theon ruefully notes) the term “washerwoman” is “the polite way of saying camp follower, which [is] the polite way of saying whore”, and where Pia herself had been subjected to repeated and public sexual abuse (while being designated a “slut"), Pia’s position was not entirely dissimilar from that of Shae - a lowborn, homeless, uneducated, female (pseudo) sex worker, dependent on the whims of the highborn men who took an interest in her but who could also dispose of her easily. That to me calls into question how meaningful any consent by Pia could have been in such a situation.
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snow falls hot | part 4.
Summary: (Y/N) Snow isn’t a Snow at all. She’s a Targaryen— Rhaegar’s child. Taken in by the Starks, she leads her life as another on of Ned’s bastards. Will she be able to live in Westeros comfortably? More importantly, does she have any ambition to see herself one day on the Iron Throne?
Warnings: in this part none but this is game of thrones so…
Pairing: robb stark x reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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A wedding in the middle of a war was not how you pictured your wedding. When you, Brienne, and Catelyn had arrived the camp was almost to Riverrun— Catelyn’s childhood home. After having to be there for the funeral of their kin, Robb and the entire army decided to make Riverrun their home base. Despite living in the North all your life, you had never been to Riverrun. Ned and Catelyn preferred keeping you in Winterfell. It was safer that way. The place was nice— well the places not swarming with Robb’s army. Most of the stuff was already there, now only a few supplies were left to be transferred.
You stayed close to Robb the entire time, head covered and dragon hidden in the saddle bag. Even after arriving, you greeted Lord Edmure and the Blackfish and quickly scurried to the room claimed for Robb. He was left with the task of informing everyone of the ceremony that evening while you worried in the room until he got back. He seemed to sense it as he wrapped his arms around your middle, swaying the two of you from side to side. He kissed your temple and then took one of the white-tipped curls between his fingers.
“We’ll have another one,” Robb said. “In King’s Landing or back in Winterfell. Or even here but with proper preparations, we’ll have the wedding you want.”
The dragon on the table yipped causing the two of you to laugh. Like Godswood, the dragon was black as night with a glimmer whenever light seemed to shine on its scales. Robb tried to pet it again, this time being allowed to. He hissed as the dragon bit at his finger.
“She knows you’re afraid of her. You can’t be, a dragon is a lot like a dire wolf. Strong owners are rewarded with their company.”
“Have you named her yet?”
“Shadow… I don’t want another one, another wedding. This one isn’t perfect but I only want to be married once and I am, to you.”  
Gruff soldiers cleaned up as best as they could. Everyone was actually excited. A wedding was a semblance of normality. Not much could be done in terms of decoration and the food wasn’t any better than it normally was but a wedding was still a wedding. Catelyn, Edmure Tully, the Karstarks, and other important figures stood at the front near you and Robb. They cheered as the vows were finished. You turned away from Robb and to the wedding guests.
“I know everyone is aware of the letter sent by Eddard Stark. He told the truth but it was still only partial. I am still a Northerner through and through, married to King Robb Stark in the North who I am proud to stand beside. And we Northerners do not bow. Now what I say next, for the safety and sake of Arya and Sansa Stark cannot be repeated. The secret I am to share cannot be uttered again until they are safe in our arms, I beg of you.”
The hall grew silent. Robb’s hand found yours and he gave it a gentle squeeze. You breathed in deep and looked at Godswood. With what you could only assume was a nod of understanding, Godswood left and returned with a dragon on his back. Gasps popped up through the crowd. Even the men who seemed to show no emotion at anything had looks of surprise and wonder on their faces. No one could believe the sight in front of them. Murmurs started about how they saw the white tips of your hair but couldn’t say what had caused the random change overnight. Shadow flew, not very far, from Godswood to your shoulder.
“Joffrey was personally responsible for the death of Eddard Stark. With my own eyes, I watched the man who safely raised me die. For such an act, the false king Joffrey Lannister must pay. Lord Eddard Stark will not die in vain. He bent the knee to protect his family and was murdered for honor. I will not bow anymore. My mother was Neryssa of Dorne briefly married to my father… Rhaegar Targaryen.”
You looked to Robb, who hadn’t let go of your hand the entire time. His eyes urged you to continue going.
“I stand before you as (Y/N) Targaryen Stark, first of her name, last of the House Targaryen, Lady of Winterfell, Queen in the North and rightful heir to the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms.”
You looked out at the crowd. You knew most of these men since you were a child but there was still a small thought in the back of your head that now they would turn on you. You stiffened slightly when Rickard Karstark pulled out his sword but Robb didn’t seem nervous at all. Lord Karstark raised his sword high in the air.
“(Y/N) Targaryen Stark!”
The others followed suit in raising their swords and shouting your name with sprinkles of Robb’s name as well. They continued to chant as you and Robb exited the hall. Robb cleared Grey Wind from the room, the dire wolf gladly going with Godswood and Shadow. You took initiative to run your hands down Robb’s back as he closed the door. With a smile, he turned around to face you.
“You missed my name day,” you said. “You didn’t miss much though, there wasn’t any celebration.”
Robb pushed your dress down your body. His fingers attempted to make quick work of the strings. Instead of turning you around for an easier time, he maintained eye contact as he worked to undo the corset strings. You undid Robb’s cloak and belt.
“I can think of a way to celebrate. You look beautiful.”
Your corset joined your dress on the floor. Robb pulled off his shirt. For a moment it was silent between the two of you— air charged and heavy— before your lips crashed against each other. It was an ungraceful walk to the bed, neither of you able to keep your hands from the other one. You were sure you heard whispers and quick footsteps as people tried to avoid the room and the noises coming from it.
“I don’t think I could ever get tired of that,” you said, a lazy smile plastered on your face. “How are we expected to just sleep every night?”
Robb laughed. He covered you with a blanket, pressing a kiss to your back. “I understand why men fight now.”
“What does that mean?”
“After tasting you, I’d be damned if another man tried to have you… You will sit on the Iron Throne and all of the Seven Kingdoms will bow at your feet, I promise you that. I will get my wife back what is hers.”
The two of you settled in the bed, ready to let sleep take over. Morning reminded you that it wasn’t a dream— so did Robb deciding to settle between your legs before leaving for the morning to discuss battle plans. Now a true Stark in name, nothing changed as you greeted whoever you passed on the way to one of the courtyards at Riverrun that wasn’t taken over by army men. Grey Wind followed you and Godswood, the wolf enjoyed seeing his sibling. The two dire wolves settled underneath a tree as they watched you and Shadow.
It was easy to train Godswood. He hadn’t given you much trouble, the two of you bonding right away. But that was a wolf and you trained him like a dog since they were so similar. What was similar to a dragon? Shadow looked at you. The only thing you managed to do was show her that you weren’t afraid of her and deserved to one day be her rider. If she ever got that big— you remembered the tiny dragon skulls in the dungeons of the Red Keep. Your mind flashed to the visions of the ruined tower full of eggs and the book in the center of the room. Trying to remember what you saw, you mentally flipped through the book pages until a word in Valyrian popped out at you.
“Soves.” Fly.
Godswood and Grey Wind lifted their heads at the sight of the small winged creature flying high into the air. Shadow dipped and dived before returning to your outstretched arm. You tried again. Anytime you could recall a word of Valyrian, you would say it and Shadow would execute it. You bent your head and Shadow touched her forehead to yours. You almost jumped back when you were staring at yourself. A blink and you were looking back at your dragon.
“What was that?”
“What was what?”
You turned to see Robb coming with some of his men. He greeted you with a kiss and you could see the snickers of the men behind him— you would surely be teased forever. You told him to watch and touched your head to Shadow again. This time you were in fact looking at Robb but not through your eyes, you knew it wasn’t through your eyes.
“She’s a warg,” one of the men said and explained. You thought wargs were a myth.
“A Targaryen that can warg into her dragon. Those Lannister bastards don’t stand a chance.”
You chuckled, eyesight returning to your own body. “Shadow is but a baby. I would hope our war doesn’t drag out so long that she is big enough to rain fire.”
“Still. To warg into the sigil of your house is power,” Lord Karstark commented.
“Power… Grey Wind!”
The large dire wolf bounded over. He would soon be so big that he could be ridden into battle if one chose to do so. You looked at Robb and pointed to his wolf.
“They’ve always said the Starks are magic,” you offered.
His eyebrow raised like he didn’t buy what you were insinuating but Robb knelt down anyway and pressed his forehead to Grey Wind, running a hand through his fur. Robb’s eyes rolled to the back of his head till only the white part of them showed. Quickly his blue eyes returned and he backed away from his wolf to look at you and then his men. The man who first mentioned warging smiled proudly.
“A union of power is what the two of you are. For the first time, I believe in the Crown of the Seven Kingdoms.”
Robb kissed your forehead and said what he came into the courtyard to talk to you about. “We want you in the meeting.”
“A queen should know what her armies are doing,” the man said.
The corners of your lips curled upwards. They spoke to you the way they spoke to Robb and you felt warm knowing you had their faith behind you. You walked with them back inside. Anyone looking on would say the sight coming down the hall was terrifying— you and Robb with a dire wolf on either side, a dragon on your shoulder. Lord Karstark pointed to the map rolled out on the table.
“There aren’t enough men to immediately march to King’s Landing. Lannister men still outnumber.”
“Do we not have allies in Renly and Stannis, even roughly?” you asked.
“Renly’s army died with him. They fight under the Lannisters now. Stannis is as outnumbered as us, he won’t attack them again until he is stronger.”
“So we are stuck?”
“We could attempt an assault on Casterly Rock. King’s Landing is impossible but if we hit the soul of the Lannisters it would sway allegiance to us. However, it would be a great attempt. By the old gods and new, there is a strong chance we would lose this time.”
A man entered the room and grabbed Lord Karstark’s arm. He excused himself saying he would be back but his bannermen needed him. With faint nods of acknowledgement, the rest of you continued your discussion. Karstark could always be informed of decisions later.
“Then… wouldn’t it be smart to go home. Retake Winterfell, force the Greyjoys to bow to us again, try again when our men are stronger. We’d have a dragon, I could write to Jon and we’d have two.”
Bryden Tully— the Blackfish— laughed at your eagerness. “Even with two dragons, my Queen, you send your men home and they will not want to leave again.”
“Winter is coming,” Robb sighed. “If we go back to the North, it’s where we’ll stay. We could get a small band to find Arya and get Sansa but more than that would be near impossible.”
“Maybe that’s for the best? The North is ours and no matter how much Joffrey whines we will not bend the knee. Even tired Northernmen would defend it to the death if he was stupid enough to march on our land.”
“All respect, my Queen,” Bryden started. “Your speech struck something in the hearts of all those men. You and Robb give them hope. They believe in a future where The Crown takes care of them.”
“We can’t take care of them if they are dead.”
“The Lannisters wreak havoc on the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. Not all the men here are from the North. I’ve heard them talk, they can’t wait for the day they can chant your true name through the streets. What you’ve promised is a fair world that the Lannisters cannot deliver. They want to see it in their homelands. You already have love beyond the North.”
With a slow nod of understanding you decided to speak. “Then to bring them this world we need to be smart. We should try for Casterly Rock. I know where you can get more men but…”
The men followed your gaze on the map. You were staring at the Twins. Walder Frey had men upon men and could easily help you outnumber the Lannister army left at Casterly Rock. One of the men looked like he was mentally calculating.
“If we had House Frey back, we could do it. It is an assured win not a potential loss.”
“Frey left after my father’s letter. I cannot marry one of his daughters, I don’t have another Stark to promise him.” Robb’s mouth tight-lined.
“We’ll discuss this later, maybe send a messenger. Old Frey has to want something more than just the Young Wolf with one of his.”
Robb nodded. You and him moved to leave the room. The men could continue strategizing alone. With the discovery of warging, the two of you had a new task to figure out. Robb’s hand didn’t leave your waist as the two of you walked. You chuckled at the sight of Grey Wind. He was slightly larger than Godswood— you suspected because Godswood was found so far away from the others he was probably one of the runts, like Ghost. Even if he was a bit bigger than Ghost.
“Do you know of the rumors about you in King’s Landing?”
“Rumors?” Robb asked, eyebrow raised in intrigue.
“There are whispers that you can turn into a large wolf and devour your enemies, that you ride Grey Wind into battle.”
Robb laughed. “He’s still a pup.”
“A pup that is almost the size of a small horse. One day, you could.”
“One day, I might. And you?”
“What about me?”
“Will you ride Godswood or Shadow? How will you strike fear into the hearts of our enemies, beloved?”
“I don’t want to strike fear.”
Robb stopped walking and turned to face you. Both his hands rested on your waist now as he pulled you close to him. His eyes roamed over all your features, running over your hair, and finally settling on your eyes that had been watching him the whole time.
“I thought you wanted your house words? Fire and blood.”
“I demand fire and blood from those that owe us fire and blood. But I want a new world, a good world. One where children aren’t killed because they threaten legitimacy to a throne… one without the Iron Throne.”
“Didn’t you wa—”
“I know what I said but I was wrong. We don’t need another ruler on the Iron Throne, it is just a chair. A chair that brings misery. That chair doesn’t mark a good ruler. Your men follow you because they have trust in you, they see someone who can care for them like a leader. Sure, there is some fear because they know that a toe out of line and you will correct them. But that is understood as part of your job and it makes them trust you to be good to them even more. All of the Seven Kingdoms deserves that.”
“You are talking about breaking a wheel that has existed since the start of the Seven Kingdoms.”
“Aegon Targaryen built the wheel when he conquered Westeros. A Targaryen will break it… I sound foolish don’t I?”
Robb shook his head and gave you a peck on the lips. “You are not a fool. Idealistic, maybe, but not a fool. You want a new world, we create a new world.”
“One like Winterfell, with great leaders like your father. Or the lords in Dorne.”
“A world just like that. But, beloved, to do that and build the world you want will require—”
“Fire and Blood,” you whispered.
“Fire and Blood.” Robb agreed.
You sighed because he was right. Running a hand through his head of curls, you smiled at the man you could now call your husband. King in the North was a title Robb deserved. King of the entire world was what you would give him if you could because it’s what he wanted to give you as well. You opened your mouth to say something else but stopped before a word could come out. Robb looked at your eyes that had widened and noticed you were no longer looking at him but past him. He turned and, at his feet, Lord Karstark dropped the two dead bodies of the Lannister boys that were being held prisoner.
“What did you do?” Robb asked, darkly.
“A father’s vengeance.”
“Vengeance? These boys did not kill your sons. Your boys were murdered by Jaime Lannister.”
You gasped. No one had told you of how Jaime escaped, you only knew that he had gone missing days before you were set to go to Riverrun and Catelyn was partially responsible for it. Lord Karstark laughed, a gruff sort of laugh.
“My vengeance against the Kingslayer was denied when your mother let him go.”
“My mother isn’t responsible for your treason. They were just boys!”
Robb’s yelling brought the other men out of the meeting room. Bryden and Edmure drew sharp breaths at the sight in front of them.
“They are enemies,” Karstark said. “In war you don’t keep company with your enemies, you kill them. Did your father teach you that before—”
Bryden punched Karstark before he could finish his sentence. He was gearing up for another swing when Robb stopped him, causing Karstark to laugh more. He taunted Robb, saying he should have let Bryden continue.
“Young Wolf? You’re soft, act like this and you will be the King who Lost the North.”
Grey Wind and Godswood snarled. Robb barely turned his head as he spoke to the men behind him.
“Hang all of Karstark’s men and escort Lord Karstark to the dungeon.”
“I’m just the lookout. I was just watching.” One of the men sputtered as he was being grabbed.
“Hang him last so he can watch the others die.”
Robb was heated when you two entered your room. As a result, Grey Wind was pacing and growling as well. He ignored as you called his name. Robb kept muttering about the Lannister boys until he just stopped suddenly. You watched as his eyes went white and then looked at Grey Wind. After a few breaths, Robb’s eyes were the ice blue you loved once again and he was calm. You walked up to him and grabbed the sides of his face.
“Are you better?”
Robb nodded.
“You still seem bothered.”
Robb smirked. “Am I? Would you like to help me?”
(Part 5)...
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dearsnow · 2 years
- the uncertainty that kept jon quiet and watchful is thrown for a loop when you suggest becoming kids again. (jon snow x gn!lannister!reader, part of the standstill collection)
word count: 644
STANDSTILL: The arrival of the Lannisters and Baratheons in Winterfell has caused the world to quiet for just a moment- a moment long enough to last lifetimes.
a/n - this fic and the last one are kind of just an introduction to jon and your dynamic, so they are a bit short. the next ones (whenever i get to writing them) will hopefully be much better :)
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“There’s really no need to follow me everywhere,” you protest, trying to close the door. Jon sticks his fur-laden arm through the gap and blocks you from all privacy.
“It’s my job.” He really isn’t going to leave you alone, is he?
“I know full well, but don’t you think it’s… I don’t know, an invasion of privacy? I’m just having a chat with my father.” There’s a fiery determination written on his face.
“You never know.” His reply is honest, as usual.
You open the door just enough so it won’t be crushing his arm, sighing deeply the whole time. “Alright. Fine.”
The talk goes how it normally does, with your father, Tyrion, pouring the three of you wine and telling you about the latest happenings in the kingdoms, along with things he plans to fix in the future. He values your input, not just as his offspring, but as a similarly inclined mind. He trusts you with far more than anyone else, and it makes you swell with pride. You notice that his words are measured in the presence of your bodyguard, and you mirror his carefulness.
He’s called out of his room soon enough, leaving just you and (what you think may be) the most stony man in the kingdoms.
“You don’t need to be so serious all the time. Let go a little, will you? At this point, it will make me feel better.” He has no answer to that. The rational part of you knows your words went in one ear and out the other, but the emotional side hopes he’s just too conflicted to answer. “I’m being serious. I have an idea-“ you grab his wrist lightly, though you know he’ll follow anyways, “why don’t we join your siblings in the courtyard? I’m sure they know how to put a smile on your face.”
At first, he just watches, despite how many times you try to pull him into playing. He watches as you and Arya team up to dump cold slush down Sansa’s coat, though you do apologize profusely afterwards. He watches Bran trying to teach you how to string a bow. He watches for about an hour before your wandering eyes glimpse a smile on his face. Then, he finally, finally joins you.
In the blink of an eye, you’re kids again. Laughing and playing and genuinely having the time of your lives. A smear of dirt has made its home on your left cheek and the cold afternoon has frozen your lips, but you can’t think of anything greater.
That simple, fleeting feeling of joy- that’s what you’ve been looking for. You never got it as a highborn only child. It warms you from top to bottom in spite of the aching wind.
You quite suddenly realize that you never want it to stop. You never want to see Jon’s warm smile disappear behind cold eyes and a flash of steel. You never want to see Arya’s spark fleeing from her grasp, Sansa’s wit going right along with it. There’s something that buries itself in between the fibers of your heart when you even imagine Bran losing his free spirit and Rickon his loyalty. You’ve known the Starks for a little over a few days, but you know deep in your soul that you wish to know them forever.
There’s no way Jon can ever go back to being “the watcher” now that you know he’s capable of smiling like a little boy with a mouth full of chocolate. For a second, you take a step back. You watch him ruffle Arya and Bran’s hair at the same time, one kiddo in each palm. Your mouth hurts from how long it has been stretched into the dopiest grin you can muster.
This visit has changed everything, you think, and it hasn’t even been a week.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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daenerysstormreborn · 9 months
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Hi @lawonderlandwriter
I can’t reply because this is side blog. Question: did you read my post? Did you read the response I gave to someone’s thoughtful reply full of good information I didn’t know? Have you looked at my blog? My Daenerys themed blog that’s existed for months in which I am unabashedly a Dany fan? You may notice that I am a Jonerys shipper who hates the way their romance played out. You may notice that I don’t like Jonsa. You may notice my posts criticizing a lot of bullshit anti-Dany talking points.
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This is me. Five years ago. With my $400+ costume tailored to fit me, with my $100+ lace front wig, with my $100+ custom-made 3D printed chain. I was a show only for a long time and hated the way it ended but resisted reading the books because the things that happened to Dany were so horrible and I loved her so much I didn’t want to read them in a more detailed perspective. I only changed my mind because HotD re-invigorated my interest in the series and my mental health is better now so I thought I could handle it. I loved the books so much more than the show that the I had to make a tumblr blog about it. And I chose to make it Daenerys themed.
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This is also me. 6 years ago. Trying to painstakingly recreate a Daenerys-like hairstyle in my hair (which is hard when you have a normal human amount of hair and not a Hollywood wig).
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Here’s me again, 4 years ago. And how about this album of images from the past few weeks that I’ve generated using an AI app of myself as Daenerys, for no reason other than that I love her and relate to her and like to see myself as her?
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This is a considerable amount of devotion across many years for a fake Daenerys fan. And for what? To what end? To rile people up on tumblr dot com? Does that make sense? That I’d make tons of posts defending Daenerys and funnel hundreds of dollars into cosplay and maintain a Daenerys themed blog just …because? I am a PhD student who just finished my Master’s. I do not have time to host a performative fan blog for shits and giggles. Not did I have the foresight to start my performance offline six years ago just so I could infiltrate the ranks of Daenerys fans online.
Seriously. Read my post. Read my response to the reblog on my post. And consider that “I love this character and don’t want her to be a villain but have trouble believing that such a big change in her character could have just been an invention of the showrunners” is not a hateful stance. Someone else pointed out that the Starks and Lannisters are also called threats and if you have a look, you’ll see that I think that’s a great point and respond with gratitude and intrigue when the information is presented without hostility. If you bother to check, you’ll also see that I have walked back my stance and now find it much more believable that D&D invented villain Dany because I have been given new information. Of course, you aren’t required to check the notes of a post to see things like this before engaging. But when you’re going to accuse them of being a fake fan and meet them with hostility, you really, really should do a bit more investigation first.
When you reply to a post, you are directly engaging with another human being. If I had made a brief hateful post, things would be different and I wouldn’t have a right to be snappy about it. But you came onto a thoughtful post about the character my blog is themed after and decided to be rude instead of considering what I had to say and giving me the benefit of the doubt, and I can’t abide by that.
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