#viserys targaryen (son of rhaella)
gotham-at-nightfall · 6 months
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Valyrian Couples: Part II
Aegon IV Targaryen, Naerys Targaryen and Aemon (son of Viserys II) Targaryen
Daemon I Blackfyre and Daenerys (daughter of Aegon IV) Targaryen
Brynden Rivers and Shiera Seastar
Aelor Targaryen and Aelora Targaryen
Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen and Daenora Targaryen
Jaehaerys II Targaryen and Shaera Targaryen
Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen
Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen
By Jota Saraiva
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coveredinsun · 2 months
what i think about sometimes is that it’s lowkey crazy that it took 130 years for an eldest girl vs. younger boy succession conflict to break out into Actual War among the targaryens. i mean, in every single generation after the conqueror’s sons (in which there were no daughters at all) the eldest child of that generation had always been a daughter, but their inheritance was never formally scorned until rhaenys.
firstly, rhaena was aenys i’s eldest child, but she was quickly married off to her brother, not necessarily with the explicit intention to prevent a succession conflict, but prevention was a result; it made for a simple father-son succession with a built in queen consort.
of the next generation, there were 2 daughters elder than jaehaerys’ eldest male child aegon (who died as an infant and actually left a presumed female heir for a few years, daenerys!): aerea and rhaella. rhaella was sent away to be a septa, but aerea was even proclaimed heir! her claim against jaehaerys, like rhaenyra and daemon later, was a matter of king’s daughter vs. king’s brother. however, her inheritance was unofficially spurned, and with less publicity and outcry than rhaenys, because A) her father aegon “the uncrowned” was, as his nickname implies, never officially crowned king; and B) she was proclaimed heir by maegor, which left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. but jaehaerys was indeed chosen over her because of the male primogeniture that put viserys over rhaenys! and rhaena, her mother, held a valid resentment over that.
and then finally after jaehaerys is crowned king and has ruled for a little while, he actually has an eldest female heir, daenaerys, for ~6 years—and her mother alyssanne specifically contended for her right to be heir! but then she dies, and jaehaerys gets an uncontroversial male heir, AND a uncontroversial male backup. but then both of those male heirs die, and like 4 of their daughters die/run away/are sent away in rapid succession (alyssa, daella, viserra, saera, maegelle) and suddenly there are TWO possible options for jaehaerys’ children, so he turns to his children’s children, and we all know how it goes.
TLDR: the dance of the dragons was not the first succession conflict based on gender. it is simply the only one that did not have a clean “wrap up” (sorry for such an insensitive turn of phrase), and thus turned into a war. targaryen women have been spurned since day 1, but it was never officially ordained until rhaenys, and never viciously fought over until rhaenyra.
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agentrouka-blog · 21 days
While I don't think Dany is a hero in ASOIAF, it stills icks me when some of her Antis claim that Dany allowed Drogo to kill Viserys. I think Drogo killed Viserys because he threatened to kill Drogo unborn child and Dany in Vaes Dothrak. Dany didn't had a say in it. She already tried to protect Viserys before. I don't think in this situation Dany has any agency.
I agree. Viserys doomed himself and the only thing Dany did in that moment was quit trying to save him from his own self-destruction. There was nothing she could have done to save him, and he gave her every incentive to feel relief at his demise.
This moment isn't about Dany failing him. This moment is mainly interesting because what Dany takes mental refuge in during this traumatic display is the idea of the "true dragon", and it gives us a glimpse at what danger there is in a sense of personal invulnerability and exceptionality. Viserys feels safe to indulge in a deeply disrespectful tantrum, because of a legal technicality, because he is bitter and he has suffered, because the feelings of the distasteful business partners he has acquired don't matter to him. Because he has a story in mind for himself, and this is not it.
He is very wrong. And Dany only sees the dragon he isn't, the dragon she is. There is a lesson in there she will have failed to learn down the line.
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florzzzs2 · 5 months
Princess Rhaenys 🌺
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She should have been the delight of the kingdom ☀️🥹
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
Could you imagine if a grieving Rhaenyra had gotten overwhelmed or had a panic attack while being swarmed by smallfolk? I can't with all the hypocrisy Helaena is bringing out. The same people who declare there was something "chilling" about Dany's "non-reaction" to her guardian-abuser's death. The same people who call Rhaenyra "selfish" and "entitled" when her trauma of course makes her view marriage as a death sentence and the men lining up as the executioners. Now suddenly it's, "We can't expect everyone to react the same to traumatic events. People worthy of grace (and only those worthy) are worthy of grace!"
Those people are the same ones who call Rhaenyra "bratty" for her behavior (negatively) are the ones who don't criticize Aegon's reaction to go wild and dismiss Otto/raise Criston up for his stupid plan to assassinate Rhaenyra through Arryk.
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 1 year
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targaryenssurvive · 7 months
My Targaryen family height chart. Before we proceed, I feel that I must mention that I headcanon most of the Targaryens of being short and most of the Martells as being very tall (except Arianne)
Aerys: 5'3
Rhaella: 5'4
Rhaegar: 5'3
Viserys: 5'2
Daenerys: 5'1
Elia: 5'9
Rhaenys: 6'2
Aegon: 6'0
Aemon/Jon: unpopular opinion, 5'0. I always picture Jon as really short.
Rhaenys, Aegon and Elia are giants in this family.
Bonus, Lyanna: 5'4.
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forestcat000 · 8 months
This was a comment in response to me wanting an excuse to ramble about my Targaryen's survive AU so thank you @celerieth for this opportunity and thank you for the follow (:
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Btw I am sorry to everyone who only follows me for aphmau content because I keep posting game of thrones stuff.
Warning, long post
So I've mentioned my AU and it's concept on my blogs before. The premise is basically all the Targaryen's survive the rebellion and kill the Baratheons, Starks, Arryns, and Tullys for their treason. Aerys remains king but I kinda stall his madness for the sake of story telling so Jaime does not kill him.
My fic starts at the same time as the Canon books except it basically only (so far) takes place in kingslanding. All the Targ kids (Aegon, Rhaenys, Daenerys, Viserys, Jon) get their own chapters, Rhaella and Elia, get them as well. Rhaegar is the only one so far without a chapter in progress.
The story mainly follows the more domestic drama and relationships between the characters so far, with everyone having to endure Aerys. But I do add in a lot of fluff for the Targ kids so it can be sweet.
Aegon is the picture perfect prince, smart, funny, kind, good looking but he has a few problems. Aegon has some pent up hatred towards Rhaegar for abandoning the family during the rebellion, this results in Aegon being more critical and distrustful of Rhaegar, viewing Rhaegar as mad for chasing a prophecy. This extra tension since Aegon is the child who Rhaegar views as the prince who was promised and thus pays extra unwanted attention to Aegon. Aegon is very close with his siblings, and mother, feeling extremely protective of them.
Rhaenys is an intelligent, witty, charming girl. Rhaenys shares Aegons feelings towards Rhaegar for the rebellion but she's much calmer and more lenient with Rhaegar, mainly because she doesn't talk to him often, he's distant and often in his head so neither cares enough to reach out. Rhaenys is loving towards her family and often tries to keep them in line, especially Daenerys. She has a slight rivalry with Daenerys but it's largely loving. She is the only one of her siblings in a relationship, she is secretly courting Willas Tyrell, heir to Highgarden.
Viserys is much nicer and calmer than in Canon since he never had to go through the trauma of being on the run and having his family die. Viserys is a loving older brother and uncle. He's a mama's boy, he tries his best to support his mother while she deals with the abuse at Aerys hand. He has a slightly odd relationship with Aerys. Aerys spared Viserys a lot of the abuse that the other family members suffered because Viserys is his favorite son, while he was saved from the physical and mental abuse he developed a guilt of sorts, feeling guilty that while his family is hurt he is safe. This guilt causes Viserys to be a bit protective and he tries to remove his family members from the area when Aerys get violent and loud.
Daenerys is reckless and chaotic but loving. She has a complicated relationship with her father. Aerys goes from doting on his daughter in every way to yelling and screaming at her at an instant, as a result Daenerys tends to avoid being around her father unless necessary. She's extremely close to Viserys with him being her safe person, kinda seeing him as a father or a caretaker more than a brother.
All the family members that have POVs are the main characters but Jon (Aemon in my rewrite) has the biggest one planned out. Jon is the last known member of the Stark family since he's Lyannas son. Jon is raised as something similar to a prisoner, being a symbol of the war and all the people the Targaryens demolished. Jon is antagonized by Aerys frequently to the point Jon loses sleep every night over the possibility of being murdered and having dreams of being burned alive by Aerys. He feels something similar to survivors guilt, believing he didn't deserve to live, and viewing his birth as the cause of the rebellion (will alaborate if needed)and as a result the cause of death of everyone who died in the rebellion, including all the Starks and his mother. Jon is extremely paranoid and fearful. Hes so paranoid that he went mute because he was scared of saying the wrong thing and being killed, his fear is intense that he can't talk if he tried, he created a mental block to stop him. he is rarely away from Aegon who he is close to, if Aegon is in a room Jon cannot go in he'll wait by the door for Aegon to come out. Jon is close with Rhaenys as well, often going to her for comfort.
That's base info, I know there's a lot, and that's just the stuff that I'm posting, I have pages of lore I'm waiting to implement.
If anyone is interested in any of this feel free to ask questions. Also thank you Celerieth.
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forestcat222 · 6 months
Jon and Aegon used to share a crib in 'all the Targaryen's survive AU'. They shared blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and a crib egg.
In my AU, while all the dragon eggs are stone, the Targaryen's never stopped giving the kids crib eggs.
All my current Targaryen's have them, they just don't keep them out in the open.
Aerys and Rhaellas eggs are both hidden in a secret compartment in their room because Aerys was paranoid about them being stolen
Rhaegars egg is in his study
Viserys egg is attached to the chandelier in his room (he's a bit dramatic.)
Daenerys egg was sewn into one of her stuffed animals, she sleeps with it
Rhaenys egg is in a chest in her room, it's wrapped in several silk blankets
Aegon keeps his and Jon's egg in Aegons closet. Jon and Aegon used to take turns taking care of the egg when they were little but Aerys banned Jon from touching the dragon eggs and he got scared, now the egg stays in Aegons room.
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strangesmallbard · 6 months
currently thinking about why some targaryen names are reused and not others. i think it’s mostly intentional, if not always. there are surface-level plot and characterization reasons why, but i also think these choices reinforce certain targ family narratives overall + reveal the patriarchy-laden marrow of the whole thing. none of these thoughts will be in logical order but bear with me LMAO.
i've already posted a bit about aegon, but also: the targaryens are trying to rebirth aegon i again and again and they always fail bc aegon i was always an ideal, not a real person who existed. aegon i was also an imperial conquerer; anyone who tries to live up to him will once again re-enact that violence on themselves, their family, and the people he subjugated. there’s “viserys” and never a living visenya; a warrior queen may have built this dynasty, but only her sons can take her place. the first rhaena targaryen, who had a similar political disposition to visenya, was denied the same power. (she was also named after rhaenys, known for being more gentle and kind-heated despite her own active participation in the conquest).
all three women/girls named rhaenys were, in different ways, overshadowed by male family members. rhaenys became a unwitting martyr to aegon (and visenya's) imperial cause, while rhaenys 2 was denied the throne in favor of viserys. rhaenys 3, meanwhile, is murdered during wartime; her younger brother was (maybe) saved to preserve rhaegar's bloodline. a bit like her first namesake, she becomes an unwitting symbol for oberyn's vengeance.
and there's more! king aenys was considered weak compared to aegon; no other children were named after him. maegor was considered too cruel, even by targaryen standards; no other children were named after him—except, of course, the royal quarters in the red keep are in a building called maegor's holdfast. his legacy follows every targ born since, even though they openly scorn his name. little prince jaehaerys and princess jaehaera both die horribly because of a succession crisis that jaehaerys i helped cause. jaehaerys ii brought his namesake’s incest back, dooming his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren before they were ever born.
meanwhile, rhaella names dany because the last daenerys brought peace to westeros (according to the targaryen pov); all dany craves is that peace, even though she only knows how to express that desire through the violent vestiges of her ancestors. young griff inherited the Aegon Curse, despite his dubious origins. will it matter at all, in the end? as the banners are raised in his name? and there's the jon snow of it all, the secret targaryen named after his uncle's father figure. not his father's hoped-for visenya, nor another aegon. i hope he doesn't have a targaryen name at all, in the end. i think that would be much more powerful than anything else.
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darknight3904 · 2 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖆𝖈𝖊
ᴀᴇᴍᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ᴏᴄ! ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ
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ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴘᴀʀᴛ / ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ /ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
Rhaella is 18, Aemond 17
132 AC
"You are acting like a child."
His mother's words fall on deaf ears.
"It is not fair. Fat Lord Tyrell's son does not deserve her." Aemond seethes
"She is heir to Runestone, she needs to take command and have her own family, Aemond. Did you think that your father and I were going to let her flit about the castle with you? Reading books and flying off to the lake in the Kingswood to swim?" His mother asks as if the answer was plain as day.
"Bethrothe her to me. We will strengthen our bloodline." Aemond says staring at his mother
"Aegon and Heleana are strengthening the bloodline. You and Daeron will secure alliances when you are married." Alicent sighs and rubs her forehead, like he is asking an impossible feat.
"Fuck alliances," Aemond says
Alicent looks at him, and Aemond is unsure if it is a look of pity or anger.
"You will forget about her. It will take time, but you will. Happiness can be found in all places." She says, trying to assure him of his future.
"Is that what you and father have? Happiness?" He mocks
"Your father and I are friends. Something that is important in a marriage." She says
"Rhaella and I are friends!" He cries
"You can make more friends." Alicent dismisses
"I don't want more friends. I don't want some lords's daughter to be wed to. Engage me to Rhaella mother. You will not regret it." He says, determined.
"No. What's done is done. She will leave for Highgarden in a fortnight." Alicent says, "Now go, I'm sure you have training with Cole."
Aemond storms out of his mother's chamber, unwilling to accept what was occurring. Surely his father hadn't conceded to this after all Viserys spent all day in bed now riddled by milk of the poppy. His mother had to be pulling the strings behind all this.
He finds his legs taking him towards Heleana's chamber. Fuck Cole and his training, that could all wait.
He could hear Rhaella's musical laugh as he got closer. She is entertaining the twins and Maelor with some fairytales of Wrights and the brave men of the Night's Watch. He pushes the door open just enough to peek inside. Rhaella sits on the floor surrounded by his niece ad nephews who laugh when she mimics the flight of a dragon with her hands. Heleana smiles, a rarity, as she looks up from whatever bug she's holding.
How could his mother send Rhaella off? She was an integral part of their family. Even Aegon was not so bad to her. Save for his rather explicit comments when Rhaella was not listening...
He couldn't believe he was going to have to let her go. Let her fly off to Highgarden and those stupid golden roses.
"Brother." Heleana greets, spying him lurking in the hall
"Sister, Nephews, Niece." He greets as he enters and sits down on a small stool, "Rhaella."
Rhaella looks up at him, her face is joyful but her eyes are sad. Perhaps she is here distracting herself with the youngest Targaryens to pretend she is not being forced to leave.
"I thought you had training with Cole." Heleana said
"I do. I'm...finding myself rather bored with him these days. All he speaks of is tourneys. I want real combat." He admits, too proud to say he missed Rhaella.
"Is it not better to not have to fight? It means the realm is at peace." Rhaella says
"I suppose so. I want the experience though." He says
Rhaella lets out a small hum and then reaches to help Maelor with his wooden blocks.
"Shall we build a tower?" She asks him
Maelor, who can't speak yet nods and smiles. He babbles what sounds like a yes and picks up a red block to hand to Rhaella.
Aemond is fully focused on Rhaella. HIs heart squeezes as he watches her laugh and help the baby build. He never wanted to share that laugh with another. Every smile she gives, every laugh, the crinkle in her eyes when she smiles, he wants it all. Rhaella is consuming every fibre of his being and he hopes it is the same for her. He has seen her eyes on him every day, how she watches closely if he rolls his sleeves up during a hot day of training. He swears he saw her even lick her lips once.
Aemond wants Rhaella. He wants to keep her with him forever. No other perfumed lord should even look in her direction as far as he is concerned. He wanted to curl up beside Rhaella the way they did when they were younger at the lake. He'd rest his head on her chest and listen to the steady beat of her heart.
Fuck. He was losing his mind.
Aemond is officially the definition of down bad. Get him a mega simp shirt or something.
Super short part. My trip is going well. Hope you enjoyed it. We are going to be going back to the main plot soon so strap in!
Next Part
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The Royal Families of The Seven Kingdoms: Part 1
By Jota Saraiva
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alienoryva · 4 months
A targaryen name that only used by one person in the family ;
Aenar (Father of Daenys the dreamer)
Daenys (Daughter of Aenar the exile)
Maegon (Son of Aegon & Elaena/grandson of Daenys the dreamer & Gaemon the glorious)
Aelix (Son of Aerys/great-grandason of Daenys the dreamer)
Daemion (Youngest son of Aerys/great-grandson of Daenys the dreamer/father of lord Aerion/grandfather of the Conqueror siblings)
Aenys i (only child of Aegon the Conqueror & Rhaenys)
Aerea (Daughter of Aegon the uncrowned & Rhaena Targaryen/twins sister of septa-princess Rhaella Targaryen)
Maegelle (Sixth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Vaegon (Seventh child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Viserra (Tenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Valerion (Twelfth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Gael (Youngest/thirteenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Rhaenyra i (Daughter of Viserys i & Aemma Arryn)
Helaena (Daughter of Viserys i & Alicent Hightower)
Baela (Daughter of Daemon & Laena Velaryon/Twins sister of Rhaena)
Jaehaera (Daughter of Aegon ii & Helaena/Twins of Jaehaerys)
Daena (Eldest Daughter of Aegon iii & Daenaera Velaryon)
Naerys (Daughter of Viserys ii & Larra Rogarre)
Rhaegel (Third son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Maekar i (Youngest son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Aelor (Son of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Aelora (Eldest Daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn/Twins of Aelor)
Daenora (Youngest child/daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Valarr (Eldest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Matarys (Youngest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Rhae (Youngest daughter/child of Maekar i & Dyanna dayne)
Rhaelle (Youngest daughter/child of Aegon v & Betha Blackwood/grandmother of Robert i,stannis,renly Baratheon)
Rhaegar (Eldest son/child of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
Shaena (Second child/Eldest Daughter of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
NOTE: I didn't add the Targaryen name which only uses additional alphabet but the spelling is same (Saera & Shaera / Aemon & Aemond)
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agentrouka-blog · 4 months
Was Barriston lying about Viserys showing signs of mental illness at a young age? Cause while we all know how he turns out he seemed like a fairly normal kid and Daenerys remembers him being a good brother to her at one point. It's only after where they are forced to sell their mother's crown that he truly loses it.
Well, let me, a known Barry-hater, try and state my opinion on his credibility as a source.
She turned to Ser Barristan. "You protected my father for many years, fought beside my brother on the Trident, but you abandoned Viserys in his exile and bent your knee to the Usurper instead. Why? And tell it true." "Some truths are hard to hear. Robert was a . . . a good knight . . . chivalrous, brave . . . he spared my life, and the lives of many others . . . Prince Viserys was only a boy, it would have been years before he was fit to rule, and . . . forgive me, my queen, but you asked for truth . . . even as a child, your brother Viserys oft seemed to be his father's son, in ways that Rhaegar never did." [...] "Why ask for truth," Ser Barristan said softly, "if you close your ears to it?" He hesitated, then continued. "I told you before that I used a false name so the Lannisters would not know that I'd joined you. That was less than half of it, Your Grace. The truth is, I wanted to watch you for a time before pledging you my sword. To make certain that you were not . . ." “… my father’s daughter?” If she was not her father’s daughter, who was she? “… mad,” he finished. “But I see no taint in you.” [...] “So I am a coin in the hands of some god, is that what you are saying, ser?” “No,” Ser Barristan replied. “You are the trueborn heir of Westeros. To the end of my days I shall remain your faithful knight, should you find me worthy to bear a sword again. If not, I am content to serve Strong Belwas as his squire.” (ASOS, Daenerys VI)
Barristan Selmy is entitled to his opinion and we are entitled to question the worth of his judgment, if he'll pronounce madness in a boy who was maybe seven years old the last time he saw him, and younger than that the last time he saw him with any sense of regularity. We're talking about a kindergarten-aged little kid.
But in the same breath, he claims the Targ heir who abducted Lyanna Stark, hid in a tower in Dorne for most of the Rebellion and then went and badly lost the only battle he ever fought, was not "his father's son", a.k.a. not dangerously mad.
And then goes on to swear undying loyalty to the teenaged girl who has last been seen ordering people burned alive or killed for wearing a tokar (aged 12 and up!) or crucified by the dozens. Because he sees "no taint" in her.
Convenient, isn't it?
Yeah, sure, Barry.
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atopcat · 10 months
I stand by this argument: a lot of Rhaenicent content is blatantly anti Alicent Hightower.
I just saw a Rhaenicent post with this poem:
In a dream I saw my mother with the love of her life and no children. It was the happiest I'd ever seen her.
It’s awful and sickening that Alicent was a victim of spousal abuse, it’s also heartbreaking that so many women before and after her were subjected to the same fate. Difference is I don’t see long posts about Naerys not loving Daeron and Daenerys or Rhaella secretly resenting Rhaegar and Viserys. Why is the thought of Alicent loving her children despite who their father is so controversial???
What’s most ridiculous is these fans wouldn’t even consider a world where Jace, Luke and Joffrey don’t exist. Rhaenyra is allowed to have Harwin and her boys, Alicent is simply happy to be in the picture because she’s not allowed to have children of her own.
They think happy Alicent is where her entire life revolves around Rhaenyra, Alicent loves Rhaenyra more than her own children, Alicent doesn’t care her grandson was slaughtered right in front of her, Alicent doesn’t care her daughter went insane, Alicent doesn’t have any political ambition other than being secretly Team Rhaenyra etc.
Well sorry to break it to you, but this is the real Alicent Hightower:
Alicent Hightower drove the Blacks out of Kingslanding.
Alicent Hightower raised a coup against her stepdaughter.
Alicent Hightower crowned her son King.
Alicent Hightower told her granddaughter to slit Rhaenyra’s son’s throat.
Alicent Hightower cried for her children on her deathbed, begging to be reunited with them.
The real Alicent Hightower gave 0 fucks about Rhaenyra Targaryen, the only “love of her life” were her four children.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Birds flew and couriers raced to bear word of the victory at the Ruby Ford. When the news reached the Red Keep, it was said that Aerys cursed the Dornish, certain that Lewyn had betrayed Rhaegar. He sent his pregnant queen, Rhaella, and his younger son and new heir, Viserys, away to Dragonstone, but Princess Elia was forced to remain in King’s Landing with Rhaegar’s children as a hostage against Dorne. Having burned his previous Hand, Lord Chelsted, alive for bad counsel during the war, Aerys now appointed another to the position: the alchemist Rossart—a man of low birth, with little to recommend him but his flames and trickery.
A World of Ice and Fire, pg. 129
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