#not me forgetting to celebrate hetalia day-
enbyonsteriods · 11 months
Happy All Hallows’ Eve-
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This is technically my second contribution to the hetalia fandom
I’ve had so much homework that it took me over a month to complete (and I’m probably still missing something-)
I came up with this idea on a whim, and I wish I could’ve dressed up as America for Halloween, but sigh 😔 /j
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grem-archive · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Oh, geez, so I’ve never really done one of these before haha but thank you to @draw-a-circle-thats-the-compass for the tag!
What book are you currently reading?
Unfortunately, I haven’t been reading much lately, but I am looking for suggestions! The last thing I read was Pox Americana by Elizabeth A. Fenn. It’s about the smallpox epidemic that hit North America around the time of the American Revolution and its effects, but it simultaneously takes you on a broader look at the impact, such as on Native American populations and the outbreak in Mexico City. Granted, it was for a class but a wonderful read that will make you not only think about history but reflect on the pandemic of today.
What’s your favorite movie that you saw in theatres this year?
Top Gun Maverick…I went and saw it three times with three different friend groups.
What do you usually wear?
Ah, well, the winter fit is usually sweatpants of some kind coupled with any random assortment of t-shirts, both short- or long-sleeved, then some kind of hoodie or jacket. I’ve been trying to break in a leather jacket though so that I can paint it! That thing is far comfier than it should be.
How tall are you?
5’ 5” or about 165 cm.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I am a Cancer. I don’t really believe in astrology, but I know far too much about it because of friends. They tell me I am a “classic Cancer,” and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. And I do! June 21. I share a birthday with Chris Pratt and the U.S. Constitution. It’s also the day the Sox pitcher Rube Foster no-hit the Yankees 2-0 at Fenway in 1916. Make of those what you please.
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
I go by my nickname Jill, or Grem/Gremlin online. Call me whatever the hell you want though, I’ll reply regardless.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I wanted to be so many things as a kid. Astronaut, microbiologist, paleontologist, a whole plethora of other things… As long as it had to do with using my hands for something and getting to learn and sate my obnoxious curiosity, I would be happy. Doing archaeology checks all those boxes, so I can’t be mad! I’m a recent convert to anthropology and I love it. Learning more each day just makes me love how diverse the Earth and its inhabitants are. I’m a filthy optimist, okay?
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Single and vibing.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I don’t think I’m much good at anything, but I guess I can draw! Would love to be better at writing.
Dogs or cats?
Don’t make me choose.
What’s something you would like to create content for?
To keep it in the scope of Hetalia, I would like to continue the historical fic I started writing centered around the American Revolution, as (early) American history is my secondary study. But I’m not confident in my skills enough to continue it. Forget posting it anywhere. But I had a prologue, first chapter, and second chapter in different states of completion before putting it down.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Cold War-era armor.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
My grades. [rimshot and laugh track plays]
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I don’t think being ADHD-fueled human encyclopedia counts so…I can write with my toes. I can sing and play euphonium, too, I guess! Idk guys fr
Are you religious?
Not particularly. I am a very lazy pagan, at the very least.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
All my friends and mutuals with their fine asses right in front of me so that I can give them all ginormous, lung-squeezing, spine-cracking hugs. Y’all need to stop being gorgeous double-cheeked-up baddies on this Tuesday evening.
I’m nominating @sunnysssol @ironicorange @cicadatalia @magictrio1118 @sunnylolli @modernday-jay @abbittheturtle because you are all wonderful and are either close beloveds or super chill!
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gerswe · 3 months
2023 Events
Feb 20-26 : historical-hetalia-week | found here
10000 BC - 5000 BC | Heirlooms
5000 BC - 0 | Celebrations
0 - 1500 | Discovery
1500 - 1800 | Ages
1800 - 1945 | Shadows
1945 - Today | Reform
Feb 20-26 : spaus-week | found here
Soft touches | Coffee shop au | "Why are you such a tease?"
Letters | Gakuen | "Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes"
Drunk | Demon/Priest au | "I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. I loved him, and sometimes he loved me too"
Jealousy | Omegaverse | "I want to still be close to your heart"
Moonlight | Soulmates | "I see everything you can be, I see the beauty you can't see"
First time | Nations revealed au | "A nation's heart is a deep ocean of secrets"
Jun 18-24 : aphfrukweek | found here
London & Paris | War and Peace
Omg they were roommates | There’s only one bed
Spies | Royals
Pets | Growing old
Mistakes | Letters
Folklore | Pining
Jul 2-8 : amechuweek | found here
Beginnings | Secrets | Farewells
Mistakes | Forgiveness | Recovery
Celebration | Formal | Dinner
Tarot | Fate | Choice
Gaming | Sports | Glory
Astronomy | Astrology | Cultural exchange
Freedom | Monsters | Free
Jul 3-9 : usukweek | found here
Arranged marriage | Historical
Stars | Canonverse
Sins | Pirates | Cowboys
Long distance relationship | Human au
Immortality | Unusual professions
Academia | Cardverse
Jul 30-Aug 5 : aphfrainweek | found here
Islands & seas | Dance
Heat | Cottages & farms
Sunset & sunrise | Drunk out of their minds
Historical | Seafolk & mermaids
PDA | Omg they were roommates
Garden | Sun & moon
Aug 8-12 : aphcardverse-week | found here
Royalty - arranged marriage | coronation | tradition
Jokers - curse | spirits/hauntings | escape
Conflict - forbidden love | espionage | duel
Nature - garden | inheritance | fairies
Celebrations - constellations | gods and monsters | family
Folklore and Mythology - fairy tales | magical creatures | fortune-telling
Aug 21-27 : hetaberia-week | found here
Historical | Domestic
Betrayal | Summer
University | Fairytales
Pets | Love language
Royalty | Ghosts
Sea | Childhood rivalry
Bad habits | Gods
Free day to replace any prompt
Sep 24-30 : hetalia-rarepairweek | found here
Royalty | Cottage
Culture | Comfort
Mythical creatures | Celebrities
Folklore | Assassins
Historical | Meeting the family
Magical and/or fantasy | Ghosts
Oct 1-7 : germanbrosweek | found here | overall theme as fear
Distance | “You need to leave”
Forget | “Sorry, who are you?”
Blood | “It’s not that bad”
Monsters | “Get back!”
Death | “Goodbye brother”
Nightmare | “I slept fine, thank you”
Oct 22-31 : hetaween-event | found here
folklore | cabin in the woods | after dark
trick or treat | werewolves | cosmic horror
witchcraft | haunted | in the mirror
fairy tales | found footage | underworld
sweets & candy | demons | witching hour
ghost hunting | autumn | blood stains
vampires | ocean | biggest fear
urban legends | nightmare | horror movies
graveyard | magic spells | bloodthirsty
halloween party | ritual | body horror
Oct 25-31 : hetahorroweek | found here
haunted | tethered | stalking
should be dead | monster | eaten alive
distorted vision | experiment | needles
poisoned | coughing up blood | bleeding out
suffocation | beaten and bruised | bloodbath
trophy | decapitation | prisoner
free day | hunter and prey | wilderness
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rein-ette · 3 years
Howdy! I'm going to ask your awesome question back at you ;) what do you think of England, both as a character and as a country? Do tell me all of your feelings towards the grumpy man 👀
Short Answer:
To borrow a phrase from my favourite writer/historian Barbara Tuchmann, if Canada is the country of my birth, England has always been the country of my heart.
Long Answer:
I actually fell in love with England the country a long time before I even knew England the character, but Hetalia certainly reinforced my infatuation ten-fold. I can't say when or how it started because I think I was pretty young (I remember my mom making me take notes on Greek and Roman history when I was like, 7, and uh, let's just say my obessession with Europe only grew after that). It's also kinda difficult for me to parse why I like the country because it's been a constant in my life for so long, but I'll try my best.
I think it might have begun with my fascination with WWII history. There's this Chinese idiom -- 乱世出英雄 -- which kinda encapsulates why the world wars and British history in particular so enchanted me. The literal translation of it would be "heroes emerge in turbulent times" but I think a better figurative approximation is the phrase "for darkness shows the stars." The world wars, British participation in the world wars, and British history in general has many, many dark episodes and in many ways exposes the worst of humanity. But I think it's also true that British history also brought out the best of us -- exposed the "heroes", so to speak. I refer not only to household names like Churchill but also the commanders on the ground, the suffragettes, the workers in the factories, and naturally the common soldier. Of course this is not a phenomenon unique to British history, but it was through British 20th century history that I first fell in love with history in general, so it holds a bit of a special place in my heart.
From a more objective perspective, Canadians are really steeped in British culture, ideas, and history, even if we don't realize it. I mean, most of the ideals we embrace, such as the rule of law or constitutional monarchy, as well as the things we celebrate -- the abolishment of slavery, for example -- stem from Britain. One cannot teach Canadian history in school without learning British history, and when you consider that Canada's massive sacrifices in the world wars also played a defining moment in its national identity, it's really no wonder that many still feel a kinship with the UK. Plus, like I mentioned in the response to needcake's ask, a lot of being Canadian is trying to differentiate ourselves from Americans, and one primary way we do that is by pointing to our loyalty to England and shared monarch.
I'm not sure if this is really obvious from the other side of the pond, but Queen Elizabeth also, like, plays a really insidious role. Idk if Aussies or Kiwis feel this way, but we really love Queen Liz and can't imagine a world without her on our money and all our fancy buildings and occasionally making her speeches. I was an air cadet as a teen too! We had to play God Save the Queen for closing parades every night, and I remember thinking, gosh, one day we'll have to sing God save the king, and they'll have to change all the lyrics and coins and bills and what not, and that's really weird.
But yeah, besides the history and the environment in Canada, I also follow British politics to some extent? It's not as common as following American politics here (if you talk to Canadians ab the American president it's not uncommon to hear people say "why did we elect him" etc.) but it isn't rare either. I mean, I read the Economist (no i'm not 10 billion years old) and I've done courses in British politics, read British authors, a lot of people like British actors and films and shows...the culture is just really widespread, I guess. I also have close friends who lived/live in London...oh, and I went to a British international school when I was young for a year. That might have played a role too. I should say here that I've never actually been to England in person so I can't comment on what its actually like, but it feels so familiar that sometimes I honestly forget i haven't been. I hope to actually study in London soon, actually, so if you have any advice/warnings, hit me!
Alright, onto Arthur. I just? Really? Love him? In particular I really admire his pragmatic worldview, even if I don't always agree with the conclusions it leads him to. When it comes to knowledge and analysis, he's someone who refuses to turn away from the truth, no matter how incovenient. Yet when it comes to his own emotions he's the complete opposite. That mix of cynicism and then escapism to relieve the emotional burden of his own cycnism is just...fascinating. I also really admire his intelligence in general, as well as his work ethic.
Perhaps what I love the most about Arthur, however, is his spirit. I mean, he's just so alive. Whether he's furious or devastated or overjoyed, he's someone who lives life so intensely, so fully, with such fury. When I write Arthur, that's often the feeling I try to capture: someone who cannot help but see all the suffering in life, but someone who cannot help but fight on, regardless. In a strange way, Arthur embodies hope at its most irrational. As Samuel Beckett wrote in the Unnamable, he's someone who is always telling himself: "You must go on. I can't go on. I'll go on."
Absolutely no one asked for fruk, but I'm just gonna seize this chance to throw out a little headcanon. I think this intense, somehow mortal quality of Arthur is what first captivated Francis. As I've written about a bit before, Francis to me has the most "eternal" feel out of the all the nations. He loves humanity and life as a whole, whereas Arthur lives like every second counts. For someone like Francis, who just adores beautiful, wild, transient things, Arthur is like mortality in a bottle -- so utterly enthralling that once he tasted it he could never get enough. Unlike Joan or other real humans, however, Arthur has proved far more durable to wear and tear :P
My final thought on Arthur is that he has so much contempt for fate, its actually both funny and admirable. If I may quote Tuchmann again, "no man ever lived who was less willing to be the victim of events." Arthur's someone who simply refuses to be bullied, even by grandaddy destiny itself, and I think we all love him for that, a little.
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feynavaley · 4 years
Hetalia Writers Monthly – October 2020
I didn’t have much spare time so I just wrote a short ficlet (I hope it’s all right! It’s still longer than 500 words, though, so the last part is under the cut) but I still wanted to participate as I think @hetalia-writers-monthly​ is a wonderful idea! I hope I managed to fit the prompt and that somebody will like it. 😊
Theme: Celebration of Writers Prompt: “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”  —Toni Morrison Characters: Canada and England (Gen)
Sweet Memento
Terror and desolation were constant companions in Canada's first days as a British colony. The sudden illness that gripped him left him too weak to move or even talk, helpless against the fever blazing in his body. Sometimes, when his chest was so heavy that drawing each breath felt like a fight against a rock compressing his lungs, Canada thought he was going to fade and die.
England's earnest reassurances that everything was going to be all right didn't help much.
England was kind. He sat next to Canada's bed and ran hesitant fingers through the child's hair, tried to curb the fever with a soft wet cloth on his forehead. He even forced himself to speak French, although the awful accent and frequent, brief pauses as he fumbled to find the right words made it clear it took quite an effort out of him.
But Canada didn't know if he could trust England.
France had been kind but he had lied; there was no reason England couldn't be the same. For all Canada knew, England was trying to make him comfortable before he drew his last breath. While deeply appreciated, England's gentleness didn't loosen the knot of fear in Canada's stomach.
His stories were a different matter.
When he was telling stories, something changed in England's demeanour. His shoulders and back became straighter, his eyes bright and focused as his smooth, confident voice retraced the adventures of old kings and knights. He was mesmerizing; Canada could do nothing but let himself be swallowed and trapped inside the tale.
And as he did, the pain and fear seemed to fade as well.
Much to his surprise, Canada slowly got his strength back and his illness ended in recovery instead of death.
The difficulties didn't end there, however. Everything was new and daunting – a different language he didn't speak nor understand as well as he had thought, people looking down at him in disapproval because he was 'a foreigner'… sometimes, Canada got to the end of the day so weighed down by sadness that he was even too exhausted to cry.
England's stories, however, always broke through the clouds looming over him and made the air lighter. In those words and adventures, he found comfort and even the strength to face the following day.
As time went by, Canada grew accustomed to his new living situation, but England's bedtime stories were still treasured among his favourite parts of the day. By listening to them with unrivalled attention, he committed them to heart. Oftentimes, during his darkest moments, Canada would find his mind going back to those stories, mentally retraced his favourite passages as he tried to ground himself. Every time despair was about to strangle any hope, the memory of England's words and those moments they had shared brought a trickle of relief.
As it turned out, Canada remembering England's stories was a stroke of luck. For England eventually stopped telling them.
Rationally, Canada knew that he shouldn't be disappointed: at that point, he was old enough not to need a bedtime story and England was far too busy to worry about that. The knowledge didn't stop disappointment from clenching his chest. Despite telling himself that he should have coped, Canada often mourned that loss.
And maybe, Canada hadn't been the only one benefitting from those moments. Canada couldn't forget how lively and relaxed England had always been when telling his stories – so different from the frazzled young man Canada often had in front of eyes; one who seemed about to break into pieces in spite of how hard he was trying to keep himself together.
It took Canada weeks to gather enough courage to ask the question. Every time he was about to, he would take notice of England's tight features and tired eyes and feel silly for burdening him with such trivial concerns.
The solution came easier than he had feared. A single mention of intentions to America, and his brother was already yelling across the room.
"Oi, Artie! Did you ever write down the stories you used to tell us when we were kids? You know, all those fairy tales and stuff… They were cool!"
England stiffened at that, his face flushing bright red. As usual, he didn't offer a direct answer to America's question, but Canada didn't need that. All he needed was in the mumbling about how those tales had been mostly made up on the spot – and even more, in the haunted longing that for a moment England wasn't able to hide from his eyes.
For once, Canada knew what to do.
The first time he placed his hands over the keyboard, his fingers trembled; looking at the white page in front of him closed off his throat. In spite of everything, his memory was still good. After a bit of fumbling, the words started flowing easily on the page. It wasn't long before Canada realized with surprise that he was actually enjoying himself: those words he was writing were filled with the pleasant memories and feelings that came with them; a reminder of some of the best moments he had lived and of the bonds he shared not only with England, but also with America and even Australia and New Zealand. They weren't only stories but a memento of their family.
Self-doubt once again assaulted Canada when he extended his trembling hands to present the book to England.
England stilled, his eyes widening in surprise.
Canada's stomach made a painful summersault, a voice in his mind berating him for overstepping boundaries – but the gentleness England stroked the cover with almost spoke or reverence. The incredulous smile that slowly morphed his lips made him look younger and more relaxed.
"Those stories… they meant a lot to me," Canada explained without being able to conceal the slight trembling of his voice.
England's answer was in the way he hugged the book to his chest.
(word count: 988)
Just a brief note: the reason Canada only mentions Australia and New Zealand in addition to America is that I don’t think he was ever around any other British Colonies while they were still young enough to need bedtime stories. He had contacts with other colonies as well, of course, but in my opinion, only when they were all a bit older as Canada was kind of isolated (mostly due to geographical distances) until travelling became faster and easier.
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owakoblack-portspa · 4 years
(APH PortSpa, SpaPort) A Night in Seville
This is Hetalia fan fcition.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.
Pairing: Portugal/Spain, Spain/Portugal
Summary:  Pedro is the nation of Portugal and Antonio is the nation of Spain. For convenience, I use their human names instead of the names of nations in this fiction. Perdo and Antonio spend a night together in Seville. 
This is the first chapter. There will be mature content in the second chapter so it could only be found on AO3.
AO3 link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/29062689/chapters/71336199
A Night in Seville
The most Spanish city in Spain is neither Madrid, nor Barcelona, but Seville in Andalusia, a place full of sunshine and pasión, history and historias. When you are in Seville, do not forget to take a walk in the Plaza de España at sunset. Only at this time of the day, the south-facing Plaza would be painted orange by the warm setting sun. When standing at the centre of the Plaza, you try to take a photo of the whole building with your wide-angle-lensed DSLR but only to find that you cannot, and you will be amazed by the grandeur of the imperial glory of the past. If you are lucky, you would see bailaors dancing in the corridor of the main building, and you definitely should not miss watching them.
 Pedro stood in the crowd of people who were attracted by the flamenco performance. He wore a caramel short-sleeved shirt, his skin sun-tanned, and body toned. There was a cross of the Order of Christ hanging on his neck, its redness so prominent that as if to point out to every passer-by that how sexy his chest cleavage was. If such a young and beautiful appearance was not sufficient to gain people’s attention, then the dark-brown pony tail and the beauty spot under his right eye would make him stand out among others.
 However, even though Pedro was such an attractive guy, it seemed that nobody in the crowd had time to notice him, for down the sun-basking corridor, a young bailaor had already caught everyone’s attention. The dancer had dark-brown short hair, and wore a ruffled scarlet wide-sleeve shirt and black skinny pants. Holding a red carnation in mouth, he danced to the rhythm of flamenco on a wooden slab placing on the floor. The quicker the rhythm went up, the more strength his foot tapping gained, and the more radiance his smile shone.
 “Yo quiero
Vivir solamente de amor
Solo por amor
(I want to
Live only for love
Just for love)”
 As he was singing, he saw among the audience a young man looking exactly the same as him. His bright green eyes began to look as crystalline as the blue River Tagus, a touch of blush mounted his face, and his sunny smile shew some shyness of the chaste Artemis. Just like the reflection of Narcissus on the lake surface, Pedro in the crowd also shew the same expression as the young bailaor’s. I want to live only for love, just for love, only if I could, Pedro thought.
 Pedro usually had many things to think of, but he was not keen to express them. If he encountered something peculiar during the day, he would continue thinking about it till night, but he would not say it out loud. Today, he had been thinking about Antonio, but did not search for him at the Plaza until the sun began to set. He had been wanting to see Antonio, but before that he had thought of many, many things. He thought--which mattered him most--that if he got too close to Antonio, they might end up badly just like long ago.
 “De Espanha, nem bom vento, nem bom casamento.” As the Portuguese saying goes, “from Spain there is never a good wind or a good marriage.” Last time when he got close to Antonio was in the year of 1580. On that day, he had been attracted by Antonio’s baile just like today, and they had spent a wonderful night together in Antonio’s bedroom. However, when he woke up on the next day, he found that he was under control--he had became a satellite nation of the greatest empire in the world.
 Pedro had suffered too much under the sixty-year rule by Antonio, and he had learned enough lesson that he should always keep distance from Antonio. However, unexpectedly, on a holiday in Ceuta, he had kissed the person who had brought him lots of misfortunes. “Love is a rebellious bird that none can tame; if I can’t love you, then I love you!”
 Pedro shook his head. As soon as the music stopped, he turned around to leave.
 “Espera, Pedro.” He heard his voice calling himself in Spanish.
 Pedro had to stop and turn back. The red carnation was presented to him.
 “I want to make love with you.” Antonio said sincerely, his eyes big and bright.
 Pedro looked at the person who looked exactly like himself, and even smelled the same scent.
 “Claro.” He accepted the flower that Antonio gave him.
  The Spanish always know how to enjoy life well, and it is not difficult to find a comfortable and romantic place to stay in Seville. This night, Antonio brought Pedro to a hotel lodge on the outskirts of the city, where they stayed in a two-storey cottage. Glasses of wine in hands, they stood shoulder by shoulder, leaning against a fence of the courtyard, while looking up the Milky Way shining brightly in the summer night sky.
 “Oh I almost forgot! I have bought a bottle of champagne from Champagne, France!” Antonio went briskly into the cottage, and bounced back to Pedro with a bottle of champagne in his hand.
 “Why champagne? Anything to celebrate?”
 “Porque, to celebrate your staying over, of course!” Facing Pedro deliberately, Antonio pulled out the cork to let out streams of white bubbles spilling onto the defenseless Portuguese.
 Pedro looked down to see his champagne-soaked shirt, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. At this moment, Antonio laughed out loud:
 “The great seafarer is lost at sea while he is still in the courtyard!”
 Pedro took off his wet shirt, and said moodily, “what’s the point of laughing? I’ll get another bottle for you, and let’s see who’ll have the last laugh.”
 But before Pedro could turn on his heel, suddenly, Antonio took off his own shirt too, revealing the same muscular torso just like Pedro’s. “Go ahead then, I’m not afraid of getting wet!” Grinning, he opened his arms to Pedro, his chest looking so spectacular and sexy.
 Pedro understood well Antonio’s invitation, and yet he started to think a lot again: 1. he and Antonio were probably related by blood, but wait, wasn’t Antonio’s smile sweet and cute? 2. from Spain there is never a good marriage, oh veja, how tight Antonio’s belly looked, how attractive his mermaid lines were; 3. getting too close to the Spaniard would cause his death, damn it, Antonio looked so seductive that he wanted to fuck him.
 Pedro jumped into Antonio’s arms, and kissed ardently the lips which tasted like alcohol.
 “Hmmm...” Antonio could not wait to respond to this kiss, and all he wanted was to suck Pedro’s mouth for more wine as energy for the love-making battle that was about to come. However, he was not satisfied merely for this. Deep in, he sensed the nuclear power dangling between Pedro’s legs, from which the hot, precious liquid of love and life was his ultimate target.
 Feeling Antonio’s hand fumbling towards the southern part of his body, Pedro reluctantly broke their kiss. Nevertheless, as he held up his head, he saw the light in another cottage far behind Antonio was still on, some children’s voices being heard from inside. He grasped Antonio’s fumbling hand, and said, “let’s get into our cottage.”
 Antonio did not obey but held up Pedro’s seizing hand, put its fingers into his mouth to suck, and it was not until the fingers were all wet that he raised up his head. Bright eyes reflecting the stars above both of them, he whispered, “fuck me, Pedro.”
 Pedro kissed the Spaniard’s forehead. “We’re watched.”
 “No importa.”
 “Let me take you in.” Smiling, Pedro grabbed Antonio by the waist, but the latter had no intention to move at all. Without alternative, he pulled with great efforts the lazy guy who tried to pull back too, but eventually he managed to drag both of them into the house.
(The following part contains mature content. For further reading, please find me on https://archiveofourown.org/works/29062689/chapters/71336199)
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hwsverse · 5 years
#HHVD! Day One - Roses.
This is a short FrUk one-shot I wrote at 1 AM! I apologize for any mistakes or typos, but english is not my first language, so I hope you understand. I am open to criticism, so if you have any writing tips for me please DM me! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy Hetalia Valentine’s Day!
The 14th of February had finally come around. A date that Arthur dreaded since the beginning of time, for a variety of reasons, but mainly because the couples making out, exchanging gifts, and taking pictures made him feel even more alone than he felt the rest of the year.
Turning off the dreadful alarm on his nightstand and kicking the sheets off of himself, he got up with his day already planned out: get ready, go to stupid meetings, go get groceries, have dinner at home and possibly drink himself to sleep. May seem like a pretty sad way to spend Valentine’s Day, but to Arthur it was just what he needed to keep his mind busy and forget about his loneliness.
But something just had to go wrong (or just extremely different, depending on your point of view).
11:03: The british man almost groaned at the sight of the poor delivery man desperately trying not to drop the massive bouquet of red roses someone had decided to be extravagant with. His eyes went back to scanning his computer screen, and back again to the glass door when he heard a knock.
“Mr. Kirkland? These are for you.”
18:01: Having finally gotten all of his work out of the way, Arthur made his way to his car with slumped shoulders and worn out eyes. He fished the car keys out of his pockets, but when he looked inside, he was met with a mountain of bright red roses jammed in his backseat. He could see more of them in the truck, and a crimson petal sticking out of the glove compartment. Whoever was playing that sick prank on him, they had left the same card Arthur had received with the bouquet:
“Happy Valentine’s Day, mon cheri.”
21:34: By the time the grumpy blonde got home, he was way too tired to even contemplate making dinner. Back at his mansion, he had been met with the same surprise as earlier in the day: an enormous bouquet of gorgeous, scarlett flowers. Same number of roses, same letter, same confused expression. Before he could angrily call Alfred and interrogate him about this prank, the phone rang.
“Good evening, Arthur.” Francis’ voice echoed on the other end of the call. “Did you receive my gift?”
The British man wanted to yell, more at himself than the other, for not figuring out who would do such a thing. “It was you…”
“I couldn’t let you spend such a beautiful celebration all alone!” Did he have to sound so cocky all the time or was that mocking tone of voice just in the spirit of Valentine’s Day?
“Don’t you dare pity me.” Growled the British man, his grip on the phone tightened.
“There he is! I was worried when you didn’t yell at me after picking up the phone… ”
Arthur pondered for a second: he didn’t feel angry, or sad, but instead he felt relieved that someone remembered him on such occasion. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as alone as he thought he was.
“Are you celebrating with anyone?” Asked the blonde, almost sure the answer was going to be yes.
“As surprising as it may be, I am not. There was someone I was interested in, but they happen to be an active opposer of this wonderful celebration.”
Despite not being in front of Francis, Arthur’s demeanor suddently changed: his cheeks were now as red as the roses in his hand, and he was anxiously tapping his foot. “Then… maybe you’d like to spent it with me?”
He heard a light chuckle on the other end of the phone, and his heart skipped a beat. “There’s nothing I’d like more”.
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court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: Louise 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: My last name translates to Butt cheek in the native language. Long story involving some of the people in Norway doing what they could to give the Nazi a middle finger when they occupied the country. 3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: 1. Fit-ish, not that they have to be ripped but at least healthy weight. 2. Big ears, I just think they frame a face well. 3. Clean short hair, Beards and mustaches ok as long as their well kept. 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Chicken 5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Cucumbers, I can’t breath when I eat them. 6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Christmas songs when it’s no where near December 7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Fuzzy pants and a t-shirt usually, or fuzzy shorts if it’s hot. 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Looking for serious, but it takes me about 6 months of casual dating to be comfortable with trying something serious. 9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: Gotten into video work sooner, started a YouTube channel. 10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Not usually except when I do show affection it’s always over the top. Such as I forget to verbally tell people I care about them, and write them 3 pages of poetry about how much I care about them. Also nervous about touching usually.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Spiderman into the spider verse, or Monty Python and the Holy Grail 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: Any animal? I’d rescue a Fennec fox since alot of people aren’t taking good care of them. That and a sun conure 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS:  Brock/Lucy (Pokemon), Natalie/Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Lady Bug), Blake/Sun (RWBY), Karen/Lysandre (Pokemon), Subura Mikazuki/Nana Okami (My Roomate is a Cat) 15. PIE OR CAKE: Strawberry Pie, specifically the one that’s a family recipe for me 16. FAVORITE SCENT: Campfire smoke 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Honestly none 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: If only for a day, Norway, a place where I can see the Northern Lights though 19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introverted extrovert. Need recharge time, at least 24 hours a week, but can’t be alone too long. 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Eh to horror movies yes, but to threats no. 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android, I’m poor and need the battery. 22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Pokemon, Luigi’s mansion, Stardew Valley, I want to play so many poor but time and money. 24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Save a majority of it so it gathers interest, and invest some in stocks. 25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: Minoru, why is he allowed to exist? 26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Hetalia sort of (still enjoy the show but not as active), Fruits Basket (Ending was boring and turned me away from it), Bakugan (I KNOW IT’S BACK WHERE DO I WATCH IT!?), Adventure time (I got so far behind), and some others
tagged by: Stole it tagging: anyone who hasnt!
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: Louise 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: My last name translates to Butt cheek in the native language. Long story involving some of the people in Norway doing what they could to give the Nazi a middle finger when they occupied the country. 3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: 1. Fit-ish, not that they have to be ripped but at least healthy weight. 2. Big ears, I just think they frame a face well. 3. Clean short hair, Beards and mustaches ok as long as their well kept.  4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Chicken 5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Cucumbers, I can’t breath when I eat them. 6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Christmas songs when it’s no where near December 7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Fuzzy pants and a t-shirt usually, or fuzzy shorts if it’s hot. 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Looking for serious, but it takes me about 6 months of casual dating to be comfortable with trying something serious.  9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: Gotten into video work sooner, started a YouTube channel. 10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Not usually except when I do show affection it’s always over the top. Such as I forget to verbally tell people I care about them, and write them 3 pages of poetry about how much I care about them. Also nervous about touching usually.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Spiderman into the spider verse, or Monty Python and the Holy Grail 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: Any animal? I’d rescue a Fennec fox since alot of people aren’t taking good care of them. That and a sun conure 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS:  Brock/Lucy (Pokemon), Natalie/Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Lady Bug), Blake/Sun (RWBY), Karen/Lysandre (Pokemon), Subura Mikazuki/Nana Okami (My Roomate is a Cat) 15. PIE OR CAKE: Strawberry Pie, specifically the one that’s a family recipe for me 16. FAVORITE SCENT: Campfire smoke 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Honestly none 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: If only for a day, Norway, a place where I can see the Northern Lights though 19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introverted extrovert. Need recharge time, at least 24 hours a week, but can’t be alone too long. 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Eh to horror movies yes, but to threats no. 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android, I’m poor and need the battery. 22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Pokemon, Luigi’s mansion, Stardew Valley, I want to play so many poor but time and money. 24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Save a majority of it so it gathers interest, and invest some in stocks. 25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: Minoru, why is he allowed to exist? 26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Hetalia sort of (still enjoy the show but not as active), Fruits Basket (Ending was boring and turned me away from it), Bakugan (I KNOW IT’S BACK WHERE DO I WATCH IT!?), Adventure time (I got so far behind), and some others
tagged by: Stole it tagging: anyone who hasnt!
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Chapter 1
The Tiger and the Dragon by George deValier
Chapter saved by fluffchemy ♥
"Yao, honestly, will you lighten up… you haven't said a word all night," said Arthur, throwing a red paper streamer at Yao's head.
"It's called fatigue. I haven't had a day off in two weeks," replied Yao, throwing the streamer back. Alfred intercepted it and swung around, placing it over Yao's neck and tying it into a bow. Yao stopped and glared at him.
"Yao, you have to celebrate!" said Alfred, grinning down at him.
"Why?" asked Yao through gritted teeth.
"Because it's Chinese New Year! It is a time for your people to gather, dress as giant dragons, consume fortune cookies, and buy tacky little Buddha statues!"
Yao continued to glare. He didn't know which was more astounding - Alfred's ignorance, or the fact that after all these years, it still managed to surprise him.
"Alfred, you are an imbecile," said Francis, swatting Alfred over the back of the head.
"What?" asked Alfred indignantly, rubbing his head as Arthur laughed. The four young men continued walking down the busy, colourful street, passing performers, crowds of onlookers and rows of market stalls.
A talking, yelling, cheering crowd filled the streets of Chinatown, and Yao could feel a headache developing. He had not ventured out for Chinese New Year for a very long time, and now he remembered why. He grimaced in annoyance as a loud group of men pushed through them and nearly knocked him over.
"Watch where you're going you bastards!" shouted Arthur. One of the men made a rude gesture and Alfred wearily restrained Arthur from chasing after them. "Wankers!" Arthur finally gave up and fell back into step with the others, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it swiftly.
"Guys, seriously, why did you make me come out here? We could have just had drinks back at my apartment," said Yao in exasperation.
"You never want to go anywhere lately, you're becoming a complete bore," said Francis. He took a swig from a bottle concealed in a paper bag and offered it to Yao. Yao took it and drank, feeling the strong wine burn his throat. Maybe it would get rid of his headache.
"That's not true," said Yao. "We just went out like last week, remember… that big party at Ludwig's place."
"That was a Christmas party," said Arthur, reaching for the wine bottle. Yao took a few more gulps before handing it over.
"Fine, so it's been a few, er, months. And? You know how busy I get at the restaurant."
"Oh, for the days when our Yao was the life of the party," said Alfred, shaking his head melodramatically.
"What days were those? I never remember Yao being the life of the party," said Arthur between gulps of wine.
"Well, at least we could drag him out of the house."
"Um, guys, I'm not dead," said Yao. "I've just been busy lately, aru." He swore under his breath, annoyed that they had got an 'aru' out of him. An old nervous habit of his, he only came out with it these days when either very angry, irritated, or nervous.
"Oh please," said Francis. "You are making excuses. I work practically the same hours as you at the restaurant."
"You see? And Francis hasn't turned into a predictable, boring old man," said Alfred.
Yao scowled at him. "I hate it when you call me an old man. And I'm not that predictable. Only the other night I stayed up until four am."
"Four am, look out, he's a wild one!" shouted Alfred. He ducked as Francis aimed another swipe at his head.
"Really? What were you doing?" asked Arthur.
"I was… rearranging my shoes." The others just looked at Yao blankly. "I couldn't sleep, and they were messing up my closet, and…" Yao trailed off, feeling irritated. Fine, so he'd been a little antisocial lately. That was no reason to attack him. "What the hell is it to you if I want to stay home and organize my wardrobe anyway? I don't have an obligation to go out with you anytime you want, you know."
"Oh, forget it, cheri. We are here to have fun, no? Here, have a Buddha statue. It may bring you luck." Francis stopped in front of a stall and picked up a small figurine, throwing it to Yao before turning and paying the stall owner.
Yao seethed silently. He knew he should be used to Alfred's teasing by now but it was still irritating… not least because Yao knew he was kind of right. Sure, he worked in a competitive business, and he strived for the top… but maybe that was just an excuse. Maybe he really was what everyone saw him as… tedious, boring and predictable.
"Red streamer neckties, little Buddha statues… you're getting into the spirit of the New Year after all," said Alfred, grinning widely. Yao had to restrain himself from kicking him.
"Is there an off licence around here somewhere? I finished your wine," said Arthur, waving the empty bottle at Francis.
"Merde, who gave you that?"
"Whad'ya mean by that?"
"I mean, ros-bif, that it is never a good idea to hand you a full bottle, for it will invariably be empty before you hand it back."
"Sod off, Frog, this French piss tastes like vinegar anyway," said Arthur, exhaling a mouthful of smoke at Francis.
"What the hell is an off licence?" asked Alfred.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you only speak Dumb American," said Arthur, flicking his cigarette butt onto the ground.
"You expect me to keep up with your insane British names for everything? Why can't you talk normal?"
Yao walked a few steps away and looked down at the tiny Buddha in his hand. Years of practice had enabled him to tune out the sound of his friend's arguing and all he heard was the noise of the crowd. He turned the small statue over in his hand, slowly coming to a decision. He was sick of being thought of as boring, predictable, old man Yao Wang. It was infuriating. It was insulting. And it wasn't who he really was. Well, starting right that moment, he wasn't going to be that Yao Wang anymore. His luck was going to change. Putting the figurine in his pocket, Yao jumped as he heard a voice close behind him.
Yao spun around. The first thing that struck him was the man's size. Yao almost had to strain his neck to look up into the man's smiling face, and his chest and shoulders were massive. The next thing that struck him was the man's eyes, cold, piercing, unsmiling and almost violet. The third thing that struck Yao was that he was staring dumbly at a stranger in the street and gawking like an idiot. He quickly cleared his throat. "Um, hi."
"You are very beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?"
Yao paused, feeling a little thrown. He opened his mouth but did not know what to say. The man just smiled down at him, those violet eyes stared through him, and Yao felt some reckless part of himself grasp at what seemed a perfect opportunity. "Okay." He turned to his friends to find them all staring at the stranger warily.
"I'll be back soon, this strange Russian man is going to buy me a drink."
Arthur, Alfred and Francis stared at Yao with open mouths and raised eyebrows. "You're not serious," said Arthur.
Yao shrugged, enjoying the shock of his friends. Now who was being boring. "It's early. I'll be back soon." He grinned. "I'm being unpredictable."
Alfred grabbed Yao by the arm and dragged him a few metres from the stranger. "Are you crazy?" he hissed. "Accepting drinks from Russians in trench coats isn't unpredictable… well, okay it is, but it's also insane!"
"I say go, he's cute," said Francis, gazing appreciatively at the Russian.
"I am going," said Yao, shaking his arm free and walking away. "Bye guys!"
"Wait!" called Alfred.
Yao turned around. "What?"
"Do you have a can of mace?"
Yao just raised his eyebrows, shook his head, and turned back to the stranger. He looked up at him, heart thumping in his chest, and smiled. "So. Where are you taking me?"
To be continued...
Next Chapter
Disclaimer: This story belongs to George deValier. Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. I own nothing.
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celosia-starfall · 5 years
A Chance Encounter (Part 6 & 7)
Here’s the fourth part of the fanfic that I’m posting for the fifth day of the Hetalia Extravaganza by @weekofhetalia !!!
AU: Futuristic Fantasy
Pairing: Romano x Canada
Summary: In a world where magic and technology are at odds with each other, Lovino is a fire faery that has escaped from an American laboratory that had been holding him captive in order to experiment on him. After escaping, he managed to flee across the border into Canada, where Matthew finds him nearly unconscious in the cold and carries him home in order for Lovino to heal.
Chapter 6
Lovino was placing the dirty dishes in the sink when he heard the first soft strains of the tune. His eyes widened slightly as he felt a shiver run down his spine. He sat down the knife he'd been about to clean and made his way out to the greenhouse, feeling like he was being pulled by an unseen force. He quietly made his way over toward the blonde violinist, his wings unfurling as he walked. He could feel the faint magic spilling into the music causing the insects to dance through the air in recognition.
He stopped beside one of the trees surrounding the pond, his wings glimmering slightly from a sudden surge of energy he was sure was caused by the Canadian. Several fireflies made there way to lazily swirl around him, encouraging him to dance. He almost gave in. Almost. There was a small part of him that realized the music would stop if he joined.
Matthew's lips tugged upwards into a smile as he watched the butterflies and fireflies dancing around the moonlit pond. He hummed quietly, closing his eyes as he continued to play the tune. After a few more moments, Matthew took a deep breath, relaxing as his mind started to drift slightly, a familiar yet foreign set of words forming in his thoughts.
And then...he began to sing. "Toue rei zue kuroa ryou toue zue. Kuroa ryou zue toue ryou rei neu ryou zue. Va rei zue toue neu toue ryou toue kuroa. Ryou rei kuroa ryou zue rei va zue rei. Va nue va rei va nue va zue rei. Kuroa ryou kuroa neu toue rei kuroa ryou zue rei va. Rei va neu kuroa toue rei rei," he finished, drawing out the last note on the violin as it resonated throughout the greenhouse.
Blinking open his eyes, Matthew shook his head, snapping out of the trance-like state he had been in while playing. Dropping his hands to his sides, the violin and bow still in his grip, he stared at the moon's reflection for a moment before walking over to the bench and sitting down, returning the instrument to its case. Resting his arms against his knees, he watched as the butterflies and fireflies returned to their previous activities before the music began, several of the butterflies fluttering over to the Canadian and landing briefly on his fingers before returning to their sleeping spots.
Matthew let out a soft chuckle when one landed on his nose before fluttering off, causing a small smile to appear on the blonde's face as he tilted his head back, staring at the moon through the frosted glass roof of the greenhouse.
Lovino's skin was tingling slightly from the residual magic in the air. He watched the Canadian with awe, having realized just what it was that made the animals flock to him. He stepped out of the shadows of the trees, his wings shimmering faint pinks and golds in the moonlight. His voice was a bit respectful as he spoke. "That was beautiful." He moved to stand beside the bench Matthew was sitting on.
Matthew's eyes widened as he looked up at the Italian, his face flushing darkly. Covering his face with one of his hands, he looked down at his lap. "U-Umm, m-merci. I didn't know you were listening," he murmured, dropping his hands to his lap as he fiddled with the edge of his shirt. Swallowing, he said quietly, "I'm...glad you liked it..." The blonde glanced over at Lovino, smiling sheepishly.
Lovino tilted his head to the side. "I was right when I said you had a bit of magic earlier." He carefully sat on the bench beside the Canadian so as not to crumble his wings any. He rested his elbows on his knees. "You can't feel it though, can you? If you could, you wouldn't use it so carelessly…” His wings fluttered lightly of their own will. "I didn't change back on my own... You pulled my wings out with the magic. I don't think you meant to though." He rubbed the back of his neck lightly as he tried to find the right words to explain what he meant. "It's old magic. Not many people have it. You must have either a mage or fae somewhere in your family tree though. It's extremely strong for being unnoticeable."
Matthew glanced at the wings that were now visible on the Italian's back. He slowly shook his head. "I didn't even know I had magic...or that what I was doing was magic... I just...play music... The butterflies like it, and I've read that music helps plants grow...so I've just been doing this everyday for years..." He looked into Lovino's eyes, his gaze flickering over his wings briefly. "So I'm basically able to cause fae to reveal their true forms..." he trailed off in thought, his brows furrowing in concern. "Lovino...if magic is inherited, then...what would be the odds of my twin brother having the same or similar abilities?"
Lovino shrugged. "I'm not really sure if you only powers involve causing us to reveal ourselves." He murmured. "I could have probably fought the change of I had wanted to." He rolled his shoulders slightly. "You're right about your music making the plants grow though..." He pointed to a few blossoms that had opened in the tree branches above. "The butterflies and fireflies don't really seem to mind though. They were thoroughly celebrating you." He smirked. "Then again, if I lived on flower nectar, I probably would too. Your music opened enough blossoms for every one of the bees, fireflies, and butterflies around here to get drunk on nectar."  He watched a firefly move lazily through the air in large looping circles. ��As for your twin, he could have abilities, or just be another human. Magic is strange like that. It selects some and ignores others."
Matthew chuckled softly, looking up at the blossoms that Lovino was referring to. A small smile appeared on his face as he rested his elbows on his knees. Pressing his palms against his eyes, he let out a relieved sigh. "Okay. That makes me feel a little better. He...works for one of the American labs across the border..." He chewed on his bottom lip. "Possibly the one that you were...being held at... But anyways...if he had abilities like mine, then...the people at the lab could end up using him to help locate and capture fae...or use him for their experiments... I don't know..." The Canadian let out a tired sigh, crossing his arms across his knees as he rested his forehead against his arms. "And my life just got a hell lot more complicated than I thought it was," he chuckled, closing his eyes.
Lovino shrugged, "Life sucks sometimes. Believe me, I know." He thought for a moment. "Does your twin look like you? Or is it just fraternal?" He couldn't shake the feeling that Matthew looked more familiar than he should have now that he studied the young man sitting beside him. "What's your last name, by the way..."
Leaning back against the bench, he stretched out his arms and legs in front of him. "We're identical twins...except that he has blue eyes and our hair is different. Dieu, that stupid cowlick of his..." He shook his head, his blonde curls bouncing slightly. Turning on the bench, he sat cross-legged, facing the Italian. "I go by my mother's maiden name of Williams, but...it technically should be Jones. That's the last name that Alfred uses, at least." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down with a light blush on his face. "But yeah...mine is Williams."
Lovino groaned softly as the image and name fell into place in his mind. "Medical Specialist Jones...." He tipped his head back and stared up at the moon. "If it helps any, your fratello was actually one of the nicer humans at the lab. He never did anything.... Unorthodox... and always treated any injuries we got from the other technicians..." He huffed softly. "I guess what they say about it being a small fucking world is true though, hm?"
Matthew sighed. "I guess that makes me feel a bit better but..." He shook his head, letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, I suppose that you're right though. A really small world." Matthew tilted his head to the side as he looked up at the Italian. He smiled as he placed his hand on the other's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "But...I'm really glad that we got to meet each other," he murmured as he dropped his hand to his lap. The Canadian watched the faery for a few moments, the dappled moonlight shining on them through the trees, before he turned his attention to the pond.
The Italian nodded and stared out across the moonlit pond as well. "Si. You're not half bad for a human, even if you're a mage." He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "This place you have here is nice..." He mumbled. "I don't think I'll be too irritated staying here a while."
Matthew laughed softly. "I'll take that as a compliment," he murmured, resting his arms on the back of the bench. Laying his head down on top of his arms, he closed his eyes with a quiet sigh. A small yawn escaped his lips as he nuzzled closer against his arms. "I'm...glad that you're staying... I hope you enjoy your time here..." he murmured, trailing off with another yawn.
Lovino smirked slightly. "You look like you're about to fall asleep. You should head to bed. I'll come inside in a few minutes." It had been a while since Lovino had just sat peacefully with nature and he wanted to have a moment to himself, no humans involved.
"I'm not...tired... It's just the warmth is...making me drowsy... But if you insist..." he murmured, covering his mouth as a much larger yawn escaped. Standing up, he patted the Italian's head. "G'Night, Lovi. Don't forget to put your wings away," he said quietly, walking back into the house with his violin in tow. Once he reached his bedroom, he collapsed on the bed, not bothering to close the door or turn off the light as he fell asleep almost immediately.
Lovino huffed softly at the comment on his wings. "Yeah, whatever. Buonanotte."
As soon as the Canadian was back in the house, the Italian stood up from the bench and walked over to the edge of the pond. It had been a while since he'd had a good chance to stretch his wings properly. Most humans thought it was strange that a fairy the size of a human could fly with just thin looking wings, but the fact was, most of Lovi's bones were hollow, like a bird's, when he was in his full fae form. He gave his wings a tentative flap to test their strength before beating them with a bit more force and hovering.
Immediately, the flock of fireflies in the area came swarming around him and he smirked as he understood what they wanted. The game of tag was on.
A little while later, a thoroughly exhausted Italian, sans wings, made his way inside. He sighed as he passed Matthew's room and saw the blonde sprawled across the bed. He stepped inside the Canadian's room and tugged a blanket over the man before flicking of the light and carefully closing the door. It wasn't long before he was snuggled in his own bed, snoring softly.
Chapter 7
Matthew groaned as the first light of morning shined through the cracks in the curtain and into his eyes. His head was pounding as he pulled the blanket up over his head, nestling deeper into the dark warmth. The Canadian quickly drifted back to sleep. It wasn't until a good three hours later at nearly ten o'clock that the blonde forced himself out of bed, making a small mental note of how he hadn't had a blanket on him when he fell asleep last night. He trudged down the hallway, rubbing his eyes as he entered the kitchen. Matthew grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit he had set out yesterday morning, leaning heavily against the counter as he took a bite of the obtained fruit.
Lovino had gotten up a little earlier and had been out in the greenhouse, enjoying his breakfast of fresh tomatoes. He had picked a few that might have gotten too ripe if left on the vine and was bringing them into the house. He tilted his head at the rather tired looking Canadian. "Morning, Matthew..." He couldn't help but wonder if the man wasn't a morning person.
Matthew blinked blearily, looking in the direction of the voice. It took a few seconds to focus on the person whom had spoken, and when Matthew recognized said person, a wide grin appeared on his face. "Good morning, Lovino," he murmured. "How are you?" he added with a grin, tilting his head to the side as he took another bite of his apple.
Lovino crossed his arms and frowned. "Apparently a lot better off than you." He marched over and pressed the back of his hand against the Canadian's forehead. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but humans aren't supposed to be as warm as you are, are they?"
Matthew stared at the Italian for a few moments before blinking and taking a step back. He winced slightly when the edge of the counter dug into his back. "I-I just have a headache. I'll be fine," he murmured, unable to prevent a small shiver from passing through his body. He tiredly rubbed at his eyes. "I should probably stop staying up so late," he murmured.
Lovino's frown deepened. He could tell the Canadian didn't feel well. "You should go back to sleep for a bit. Maybe that will help your headache." He huffed softly and pulled a kitchen knife out to start slicing the tomatoes he'd brought in.
Matthew looked at the Italian for a few more moments before stretching, his back popping quietly as he did so. He nodded at Lovino. "Alright...I guess..." he murmured, heading toward the hallway. He stopped at the doorway, looking back at the faery one more time before heading down the hallway.
Matthew paused briefly to turn the thermostat heater to ten degrees warmer before going to his room and laying down in his bed, snuggling under several thick blankets before drifting off to sleep again.
Lovino sighed. He had a small idea as to why the Canadian was sick. He couldn't help but somewhat remember the feeling of being wrapped in a warm coat when he hovered on the edge of consciousness as Matthew had brought him home. He put the tomatoes in a pot of water to boil for a bit. If Matthew was sick, the least he could do was make the blonde some soup.
Matthew shivered as he curled up tighter into a ball under the blankets. He hadn't managed to stay asleep for very long apparently. It was either because he was feeling too cold or he smelled something being cooked. Either way, the Canadian was unable to return to sleep, his thoughts drifting constantly in his state of semi-wakefulness. The blonde eventually became vaguely aware of another presence within the room with him. Blinking open his eyes, Matthew noticed that the Italian was there with him.
Lovino had just entered the room a moment before, a bowl of steaming soup in his hands. He sat it on the Canadian's nightstand and looked down slightly. "Sorry for waking you up..." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
Matthew shook his head, sitting up slightly. "You didn't wake me up," he murmured, a small smile on his face. Another shiver passed through his body as he pulled the blankets up closer around him. "That smells really good, by the way," he added quietly, nodding toward the bowl.
Lovino nodded. "Of course it smells good. It's tomato soup." He smirked a bit. "I thought it would help cure whatever's giving you a damn headache." He held up a spoon. "You feel up to eating?"
Matthew chuckled softly, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards into a slight grin. "I might be..." he murmured. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "And...it might be more than just a headache...." He scooted over slightly on the bed before patting the spot next to him. "Sit with me?"
Lovino huffed softly and sat on the edge of the bed. He picked the bowl of soup of the nightstand and offered it to the Canadian, making sure it wasn't actually hot enough to burn the blonde. "Glad to see you finally admitting it." He murmured. "I would offer to cure you, but knowing my luck, I'd just make you worse."
Matthew felt the heat rise to his cheeks that had nothing to do with his fever. "Y-Yeah, well I...I didn't want to worry you..." he murmured, taking the bowl from the Italian. "Merci." He held the warm bowl close to him, closing his eyes as the warmth began to seep into his body, some of the chill he had felt beginning to dissipate.
Lovino shrugged. "It's my fault you got sick, right? Making you feel better is the least I can do." He pulled his legs up on the bed and leaned back against the headboard.
Matthew smiled slightly. "Having you around makes me feel better," he murmured, mostly to himself as he stared into the soup. "It doesn't matter if it was your fault or not. It wasn't intentional," he added, stirring the soup with the spoon before leaning back against the headboard next to the Italian. He hummed quietly, eating the soup.
Lovino blushed slightly at the Canadian's words. He fell into his habit of playing with a small flame on his fingertips. He tilted his head slightly after a moment. "Is the soup good?"
Matthew paused mid-bite before continuing the spoon's path to his mouth. He turned his head to the side, nodding. "It's excellent. The best that I've had in...years at least." He smiled gently at the other before eating another spoonful.
Lovino smiled faintly. He enjoyed when others praised his cooking. "You'd better not be lying. Tell me the truth if it sucks." He continued to dance the tiny bit of flame around his fingertips as if it was a toy.
Matthew shook his head slightly, wincing a bit when his headache worsened from the movement. "I'm not lying. It's really, really good,"  he murmured, smiling at the Italian. After a few moments, his smile faded slightly as he raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying that you haven't tasted it?" he asked, before holding up a spoonful toward the brunette.
Lovino blushed brightly and crossed his arms over his chest defensively, the flame vanishing. He huffed slightly. "Of course I've tasted it. I'm just biased to my own damn cooking. It tasted good to me, but I know humans have strange taste in food sometimes."
Matthew blushed, lowering the spoonful back into the bowl. "Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you..." he murmured, swallowing thickly. He stirred the spoon around in the already three-quarters empty bowl. The Canadian stayed silent as he continued to eat, keeping his gaze averted from the Italian.
Lovino stared randomly around the room, his cheeks still a faint pink. After a few more moments, he tilted his head. "Do you want me to bring you any... medicine... For your cold?" He paused a moment trying to remember the proper word for what he was offering to go find. "It might help you some, right?" The fae had absolutely no idea how human medicine worked, but knew that it helped humans hel faster, much like being spells helped the fae.
Matthew shook his head slightly. "I don't like it," he murmured, staring into the remains of the soup. "I've tried to take it before, but I'm allergic to one of the ingredients or something. So I ended up worse than before I took the medicine." The Canadian frowned, remembering the incident. "Herbal remedies are healthier anyways. And they work better in my opinion, too, rather than the manufactured, synthetic shit that the government makes." He wrinkled up his nose before finishing off the soup and setting the empty bowl on his lap.
Lovino shrugged slightly. "Oh. That makes things a hell of a lot less complicated for me at least." He reached over to take the bowl. "I'll bring you some mint tea of something later then. That always seems to help mio fratellino."
Matthew nodded, picking up the bowl and handing it to the Italian, his face heating up as their fingers brushed together. He turned his head away as he coughed lightly, clearing his throat as he withdrew his hand. "That sounds really good. Merci, Lovi," he murmured, pulling the blankets up around his shoulders as his eyelids drooped slightly, a shiver running through his body.
Lovino stood up from the bed. "Yeah, whatever... Just get some more sleep. I'll come back later with the damn mint." He carried the bowl to the kitchen, pausing slightly in the blonde's bedroom door as he left the room to glance back at the sick Canadian.
A small smile appeared on the Canadian's face as he layed back down in bed. A long yawn escaped his lips. Curling up on his side, he pulled the multiple layers of blankets up over his shivering form. Almost as soon as his head hit the pillows, he fell into a deep sleep.
Lovino came back to the Canadian's room about an hour later. He held two ceramic mugs of steaming water with a few mint leaves floating in each. The scent of mint was surrounding him as he quietly made his way to the blonde's beside. He sat the mugs on the nightstand and gently pressed his hand to Matthew's forehead. He sighed as he realized that the man was still much too warm.
Matthew stretched his legs under the covers. Sniffing, he brought his hand up to his forehead, blinking his eyes open in confusion when his hand pressed against something else that was really warm. Another wave of shivers passed through his body as his eyes closed once again, pulling the warm object closer to his body. A small content sigh escaped his lips as he nuzzled closer to the warmth that the object produced.
Lovino blushed brightly as the Canadian snuggled his hand. He was half tempted to pull away, but sighed as he realized that Matthew was shivering. He huffed softly and sat down on the bed. He knew how horrible it was to feel cold. It was one of the most unpleasant sensations in his personal experience. He sighed softly and shifted so that he was laid out on the bed beside Matthew and let his body change just enough so that he had his natural fire faery's body temperature. The mugs of mint tea could cool for all he cared. He could easily heat them again later.
Matthew subconsciously let out a soft sigh when he felt the warmth. Letting go of Lovino's hand, he moved closer toward him. Draping an arm across the fae's torso, he unconsciously cuddled against him, resting his head against the Italian's chest. "Warm..." he mumbled in his sleep before letting out a deep shaky breath as his body began to relax, his shivers gradually dissipating.
Lovino felt his cheeks heat up quite a bit as he was snuggled like a body pillow. He wasn’t used to being touched affectionately in any way by anyone other than his overly clingy little brother. He let a faint smile ghost across his lips as Matthew relaxed, the way the Canadian mumbled softly reminding him a little of his brother back in Italy. The Italian sighed softly and decided he might as well enjoy a bit of a siesta while he had a good chance.
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nyxravessnow · 5 years
2.5D Stage Ranking (Personal Opinion) pt.2
This is the part two, the ranking of enjoyment
Top 10 in Enjoyment
This will simply be how much I enjoyed the stage. Mostly I prefer comedy so for me quite a lot of these will have a lot of funny moments but not all of them do. 
This will be extremely opinionated but I will try to be positive. Weirdly even though these are the ten shows I most enjoyed, I don’t think three of them would be in my top ten favourite. Some explanations will be more emotional than others.
I will also not explain about the plot to the shows and will try to spoil as little as possible.
1. Prince of Tennis
This should come as no surprise and I won’t go into this two much but Prince of Tennis is the show that really kickstarted 2.5D in my opinion and is the show that made me absolutely fall in love with the industry. I can sing over 100 of the songs and know most of the actors names and is my absolute addiction. I just think Prince of Tennis is so fun, diverse and it’s so exciting to see all these actors who start in Prince of Tennis grow so much and appear in so many other things
2. Mankai A3
I was so surprised by A3. I didn’t really enjoy the game at first and was so confused as to why it suddenly became so popular. I must admit its popularity was one of the things that held me up watching it until I found I cheap version of Spring and Summer then gave in. I thing watched it every day for a week.This show completely pulled me in with fun songs, a compelling cast of characters and a surprising amount of emotion. (For me who did not play the game, if you did play the game, this would not have been surprising)
The company of actors is split into four groups and I was surprised how individual each group was. My favourite, summer, are the youngest of the company and I absolutely loved their play. 
For anyone trying to get into 2.5d plays, this is probably where I would point them first. It is such a fun play with a perfect blend of comedy, emotion, drama and action
3. Yowamushi pedal
Disclaimer: I have only seen up until the end of Ogoe Yuuki’s run as Onoda.
While I didn’t put Yowamushi Pedal on my top 10 for quality, I don’t think it was ever trying to be a high quality show. The showrunners knew there was no way they could show people cycling on stage in a wholly serious manor if they couldn’t use actual bikes. So, they decided to change the tone of the show, which I think wouldn’t have worked in the anime but works perfectly on stage.
If I ever need cheering up Yowamushi Pedal stage is definitely something I would turn to. Every single show has me crying with laughter and it is amazing to see actors having so much fun on stage.
There are so many hilarious moments but the top two for me is when Izumida’s peck Frank, yes his pecks are anthropomorphised on stage, starts touching the other members of Hakogaku and when they are at Toudou’s inn and their cleaner is Harry Potter and he cocks his broom as fires it like a gun at two actors who are pretending to be ducks. Both make absolutely no sense but are amazing to watch and I don’t think I will ever not laugh while even thinking of them.  
4. Touken Ranbu Musical
It is strange that I cry in every single musical and yet I still have an image of the musicals not being sad. I think they get the perfect blend of emotion and comedy for what they are trying to achieve. The actors, on the whole, portray their characters so well and the live segments may just be pandering to the fangirls, but I am a fangirl/fanboy and I love it. The songs fit so perfectly and I don’t think I’ve ever loved reasonably minor characters as much as I do the humans in Touken Ranbu. I think all their actors are excellent and I am slightly in love with Minamoto no Yoshitsune’s eye makeup.
The thing that sold me the most on this musical however, was none of that. I am studying Japanese and it amazes me how much actual history and Japanese culture I have learnt from these musicals. To the extent of me being able to have a conversation in Japanese about the Minamoto clan with an actual Japanese History Teacher whose favourite period of Japanese history is that period and him complimenting me on my knowledge. 
Touken Ranbu also celebrates Japanese culture so much. The taiko drumming in the live, the actual drinking song included in the show and the time where they put on a festival during a live. I feel like this show is a must see for anyone who likes Japanese culture and Japan would seem to agree with me as it far outranks any other show in the industry for popularity. 
While it doesn’t appeal to me in ways that the three above do I love this musical so much I can’t wait until I can see the next one. 
5. Bakumatsu Rock
I keep on forgetting I’ve seen this show live as I saw it in 2015 which was a while ago and was only the third show I ever saw and I was also sick before it so I was a little delirious. But I still remember the feeling of utter joy I had leaving the theatre with Crash My Head stuck in my...head. The acting is so good, the songs are amazing and the actors look like they’re having such a good time. 
I won’t go into the recast as I already mentioned that in the previous ranking but they didn’t stop me from still enjoying the final two stages. I think it was very sad that the show was so short but I don’t really want to see them bring it back.
I think what we have of the show is perfect and I love it with all m heart.
6. Aoharu Tetsudou
This is a musical I think very few people will have watched. A lot of people like it for the fact it combines a lot of Prince of Tennis actors who haven’t acted with each other in a while but while that is what originally got me into the show it is not at all why I stayed. 
This somewhat factual history of different Japanese train lines is utterly insane with the strangest characters, songs and moments. And has led to some of the strangest conversations with Japanese people who know the train lines well
‘So the Rinkai line is a bit ecchi and stalks the Saikyo line’
‘Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense’
‘??? How can a train line be ecchi?’
Also, this show is unabashedly gay. There is a character who continually asks another character to marry him, three different love songs between three different couples and actual other characters saying that they are gay. While it works in a similar way to Hetalia, if countries get married they are uniting, if trains get married they become one train it is still very gay. There are also multiple instances of characters stripping and cosplaying as women. 
I love this show to bits but if you are not used to Japanese acting or you want to show a musical to someone who is not used to Japanese acting, absolutely do not watch/show this musical. I love the overacting and find it hilarious but this is the most overacting I think I have ever seen in a show ever and while I think it really works for this show it will be pretty jarring if you are not used to it.
7. Hiragana Danshi
This show in my opinion is the most underrated musical in the 2.5d industry, along with Aoharu Tetsudou but even more so. The show is about letters of the Hiragana alphabet but they are more the sounds than the actual hiragana so they represent the katakana and kanji as well. Everything they like has to start with their hiragana and there are so many puns. The cast is hugely popular and talented and each one portrays their character so well. The show is so funny and you absolutely will leave with a favourite character. 
The songs are very clever and, almost, all the actors have very good voices and the songs compliment them well. It’s sad that the show seemed to be such a passion project and was truly beloved by the staff and actors but there were not enough fans to ensure that there could be a second stage. 
8. Bungou Stray Dogs
I don’t have very much to add from my previous comments on this show. It is exceptional as I loved the original anime I was so happy to see such a well done adaptation, that slightly made me realise that I am very attracted to Chuuya. I think this show would also be a very good introduction to 2.5d as it shows off the best aspects of the industry. 
9. Mob Psycho 100
I didn’t originally enjoy the Mob Psycho anime but after I loved the stage I went back and watched the anime again and I loved it. I thought the stage was so funny and I could not think of someone more perfect than Baba Ryoma to play Reigen and I’m so happy that recently Baba Ryoma has been given more chances to play comedic characters which I really think suits him. 
I don’t have very much to say about this play except I loved it and fully recommend it
10. Cells at Work
I have seen both stages as I actually managed to go see the second live last week.
While I do think I preferred the first one overall I did love the second one and I personally think that Kitamura Ryo fits with the image of White blood cell from the anime better. 
The shows manage to be so funny but evoke so much emotion with Yamada James Takeshi’s performance of the cancer cell. I think it is the best acting he has ever done and really wish they had a 2.5d version of the tony’s so he could get an award for his role. 
There is something about them that feels distinctly different from most other 2.5d productions in my opinion and I love it.
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gerswe · 3 months
2024 Events
Apr 7-13 : aphfrukweek | found here
Why can’t I hate you? | Roses & flowers
Anniversary | Memory lane
Please don’t say you love me | Vulnerability
Pirates | Outfits
Detectives | Domestic | Music
How to cheat death | Reunited
Apr 13- ? : hwsrazzledazzle 's historic hetalia anthology | found here (yet)
Apr 20-26 : spaus-week | found here
Cuddles | Bakery au | "Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway"
Written in the stars | Lawyers au | "But none of those gems shine brighter than your eyes"
Frogs | Alice in Wonderland | "Wow, you're doing a great job. I almost thought that kiss was real"
Unspoken words | King & knight au | "When on earth was the last time you even fit into that?"
Pining | Mythology au | "I'll never forget what you looked like on that night"
Arrangement | Musicians au | "Bella gerunt alli, tu felix Austria nube"
Jun 24-30 : hetaberia-week | found here
Celebration | Food
Wine | Secret agents
Ocean | Flowers
Fate | Mythology
Coffee | Family
Fantasy | Historical
Warmth | Eternity
Free day to replace any prompt
Jun 30-Jul 6 : amechuweek | found here
Travel | Sightseeing | Explorers
Actors | Hollywood
Spies | Secret Agents
Family | Domestic
Classmates | College | Study abroad
Folk tales | Hero’s journey | Chance encounters
Jul 21-27 : summertalia-event | found here
Summer vacation in Brazil | "There's nothing better to heat things up than spicy food"
An underwater city | "I knew she was going to be the ruin of me...a mermaid"
Sand sculpting tournament | "Hurry! The fireworks are about to start!"
Turtle, sea otter, whale, parrot | "Captain! Something strange is caught in our net!"
Shipwreck after a battle | "He swears like a sailor"
Hiking trails | "I never say no to ice cream and piña coladas"
Jul 28 - Aug 3 : aphcardverse-week | found here
You Can't Fight Fate - oracle | prophecy | "I'm not supposed to be here."
You Should See Me In a Crown - coronation | celebration | chosen one
Someone Bless These Seeds I Sow - garden | fairies | rot
You Are the Peak and Art of My Universe - true love | hidden talents | "We can't always get what we want."
Baby, We Were Born to Run - chains | ritual | failure
Don't Tell Me 'Cause It Hurts - torn apart | heartbreak | "It was supposed to be you."
Aug 5-11 : usukweek | found here
Road trips | Fantasy | Fairytales
Time | Pirates | Mermaids
Early morning | Historical
Reversed tropes | Nyo
Arranged marriage | Cardverse
Music | Video games
Aug 11-17 : hetalia-rarepairweek | found here
History | Mythology
Royalty | Wedding
Apocalypse | Saying good night
Secret relationship | Love songs | Letters
Raising a family | Nature
Based on a movie | Flower language
Aug 18-24 : germanbrosweek | found here | overall theme as dark academia
Diary | "That's an invasion of privacy!"
Mentor and pupil | "I think you're finally ready to use what you've learned"
Studying | "I always feel like I'm being watched in here, and not cause of the other students”
Late night | "Did you hear that?"
Hidden | "Whoever hid this, hid it for a very good reason"
Experiments | "This is a mistake"
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casualclassical · 6 years
closing thoughts
As the day winds down and Chopin’s birthday celebration comes to an end, I’m going to share some personal thoughts on why I love Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin and why that love goes beyond him being my favorite composer.
Put under a Read More because this is going to get long and sappy.
I’ve always felt a spark listening to Chopin’s music, the kind of flame that burns from deep within your heart but is warm and loving rather than painful. I could connect with Chopin even as a kid, and even though my love for him and his music has come and gone I think ever since Spring 2018 Chopin has been a very integral part of my life.
I first learned of Chopin as a young elementary school kid. My elementary school used to have a monthly presentation called F.A.M.E. (which stood for Fine Arts Mini Experience) that featured one great artist and one great composer each time (I doubt my elementary school has F.A.M.E. anymore, which is a real shame). Once during F.A.M.E. the featured composer was Frédéric Chopin, and he just really stuck with me.
I remember the presenter teaching us how to pronounce “Chopin” by showing us a pan and saying to us “What am I doing with this pan?” The kids said stuff like “you’re frying an egg with it?” and the presenter said “but that’s in your imagination, what I’m really doing is showing it. So that’s how to pronounce this composer’s name, ‘show-pan’.”
And I dunno, that “show pan” thing, as well as Chopin’s music proper, really stuck with me, even if I wasn’t that into the composer’s life. In elementary school I enjoyed playing with a classical music activity book, and Chopin was my favorite. In elementary school and junior high, even though I never really got into Fryderyk Chopin’s life and story, and I wasn’t overly familiar with his compositions (aside from the likes of Minute Waltz and Raindrop Prelude), I was always the type to think “forget Justin Bieber and give me some Chopin”. When I was in junior high my professional pianist cousin - she’s 39 years old now - gifted me an iPod Nano (lmao, remember those things?) and loaded it with her classical music playlist, which had a lot of Chopin on it (funnily enough the pieces weren’t even formatted properly and a lot of the pieces ended up being just called “Chopin”, but I still really enjoyed them).
In junior high, so around 2010, I finally learned to play Chopin pieces. I bought two Chopin piano books, learned his “Minute Waltz” Op. 64 No. 1 and posthumous Nocturne in C sharp minor from my piano teacher (bless her), and taught myself his “Raindrop Prelude” Op. 28 No. 15 and Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 in E Flat Major (this second one was because Austria from Axis Powers Hetalia liked to play it and I was into Hetalia at the time, but I digress).
My depression hitting me hard in 10th grade kind of. Made me forget about Chopin for a few years, and classical music in general tbh. I would go “yeah classical music is fun but I like other genres more” (I still like musical tunes and popular songs, but not as much as classical music). But then, last year, I reluctantly (this was thanks to depression) took a music history online college class on Great Composers of Western Music, Romantic to Modern.
And man, that class really reopened my eyes as I rediscovered Chopin. This time, however, I didn’t just like his music - I fell in love. I don’t know why, but perhaps thanks to my depression giving me a new perspective I just felt that I could connect with Chopin and his music more than with any other composer. I mean, even though other composers are great I felt something special with Chopin, something special that I still feel to this day.
When I express my love for Chopin, whether through attempting his pieces or just gushing about him, I feel connected to him and everything feels right. When I play his piano pieces like his Nocturnes, Waltzes, and my favorite - the “Raindrop Prelude” Op. 28 No. 15 - I feel like he’s speaking to me, like we’re connecting, like we’re making music together even though we’re centuries and continents apart. He may be a genius French-Polish Romantic living in Paris in the mid-nineteenth century, and I may be an average Chinese-American girl living in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2019, but I still feel connected to him in a deep way that I can’t quite put into words.
Fryderyk Chopin himself has a quote, “Bach is an astronomer, discovering the most marvellous stars. Beethoven challenges the universe. I only try to express the soul and the heart of man.”
I think this is part of why I love him so much - his music has a raw emotional quality to it that just speaks to me on a highly personal level. Maybe it’s my depression and everything I’ve gone through, but I feel that I can really relate to him.
So Happy Birthday, our dear Frycek. You may be long gone, but maybe it’s better this way - maybe I’m meant to connect with you through your life and music as a girl from hundreds of years in the future. You may have died more than a century ago, but your music and legacy live on and continue to touch countless lives to this day. You’re more than my favorite composer - you’re my favorite historical figure, and not only that, you’re someone I have a deep and indescribable but powerful emotional connection with.
Happy 209th Birthday, Frédéric François Chopin. Some people joke to me that I’m in love with you, and I always laugh awkwardly in response, but maybe that’s true. I definitely feel a stronger connection with you than any other historical figure, and not to mention I talk more about you than any other person, living or dead. Your story and especially your music fire up a passion in me and touch my heart, and I always feel the need to express how I feel about you. I may get some awkward jokes at my expense fired at me as a result, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Happy Birthday Chopin, and I know that you’ll continue inspiring me and countless others for years to come.
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aph-fedya · 6 years
Today is May 15th, 2018. 
Not all of you might know this just yet, but this is an extremely important day.
May 15th is the birthday of an incredible person who, by the time you’ve finished reading this post, you will know about.
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This incredible person goes often by the name of Nísa.  Some facts about Nísa:
she’s from NI (that’s Northern Ireland for non-Europeans!)
she hates cheese
her favorite flowers are forget-me-nots
she is the toughest survivor I have ever met
I met Nísa through someone we used to be mutual friends with (Nísa was actually dating her at the time). At first we didn’t get along so well, both of us being a bit possessive of our mutual acquaintance, but since we lived super close to each other and had a lot of common interests we ended up getting along pretty quickly.  On June 21, 2014, we met up for the first time! 
Now, the relationship Nísa was in ended up being abusive. She went through hell during the end of the relationship/the breakup, receiving abuse from both her ex and some of her ex’s friends. Nísa went through a period of severe depression, during which she suffered a lot both mentally and physically. I will not provide further details, but rest assured it was an extremely challenging phase, and Nísa’s life and wellbeing was threatened several times during the course of this time.
But she fought through and ended up coming out on the other side happier and more whole as a person. She defeated her demons and for a while, everything was fine. At this point I had stopped talking to her ex-girlfriend/my ex friend altogether, and started getting closer with Nísa. My relationship with her grew better and better over the next several months.
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Nísa and I continued to talk a lot over the next years, and we became extremely close. We would talk every single day over Skype, Facebook, and/or SMS... neither of us realizing that something horrible was waiting down the line.
On June 1, 2016, while I was celebrating my 17th birthday, Nísa was diagnosed with stage 4 blood cancer. 
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Now if you don’t know a thing or two about cancer, stage 4 is basically the absolute worst stage, and sadly there are very few people who survive any kind of cancer at stage 4. 
I thought for a while that my best friend was going to die, and it crushed me. It threw me into depression and while it was a bad time for me, it was obviously a much, much worse time for Nísa, who underwent all kinds of painful and unpleasant medical procedures every day for almost an entire year. 
But during the whole time, she managed to stay hopeful. Almost every day I’d receive a sweet message from her asking about my day, keeping me updated on her health. Unlike me, she did not get depressed about the fact that she had cancer - something that would very likely kill her before she reached her 18th birthday - instead, she fought for her life every single day with a bright smile on her beautiful face. Then, a miracle happened:
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On February 9, 2017, Nísa had officially beaten stage 4 lung cancer.
My brave, strong, amazing friend pulled through yet another huge threat to her life and wellbeing. This girl had already managed to prove herself to be the strongest warrior I have ever met to this day, from her previous battles with mental illness, so you can imagine I was blown away even further when the news came out that she was officially cancer-free. 
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Not long after she visited me in my home country, Norway. We had an amazing time together, creating memories that I will carry with me to my grave.
Now, here comes the most important part of this whole post...
Today (May 15 2018) is Nísa’s 19th birthday. I want YOU to be part of celebrating this amazing girl’s birthday, and luckily there’s one way I know you can give her a great gift - for free.
Nísa has always been seriously creative - she’s an amazing writer, for one, I’ve seen her RP Iceland from Hetalia AMAZINGLY well, and she’s also a fantastic photographer - but she’s also superduper good at drawing. She’s being doing both original character art and also some fanart for fandoms like
Studio Ghibli...
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Kingdom Hearts...
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Sailor Moon...
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Hetalia... (this is an older piece, and a WIP, but I just had to include it!)
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And like I said she’s done some absolutely amazing original work, right now she’s working on a series of characters representing different sexualities! (Represented below are asexuality and bisexuality)
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What you can do for Nísa’s birthday gift, is go follow her social medias and give her amazing artwork some support + appreciation!
IG: @shiroganejpg TUMBLR: @shiroganejpg SHOP: https://umiiru.tictail.com/
Now that you know who Nísa is, please send her some nice happy birthday messages and give her some support on her artwork. She sure as hell deserves it. 
Better yet if you REALLY want to support her, go get a commission from her! She is a fantastic artist and is absolutely lovely/easy to communicate with!!! Otherwise, here’s the link to her store!
To Nísa herself: Happy birthday hun <3 Thank you so much for the amazing years we’ve known each other, here’s to many many more!
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shotfreed · 6 years
Get to know this loser me.
Rules: Answer 20 questions then tag 20 (give or take) followers you wanna get to know better!
Tagged by: @kitakaze-no-ryu
Name: Jade
Nickname: Cova
Height: 4′9″ and ready 2 fite
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: Philippine mangoes 
Favorite Season: Autumn, aesthetically. Summer is the only season my joints dont hurt all the time tho
Favorite Smell: freshly baked cookies with way too much vanilla. residual smell of long burned out too-sweet vanilla candles in a stuffy room with stale air.  
Favorite Color(s): metallic red, sage green
Favorite Animal: Siberian huskies 
Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: hot cocoa? or hot water with honey. 
Average Hours of Sleep: bruh whats a regular sleep schedule sometimes its 12 hours sometimes is 20 minutes but uhhhh maybe 4-5 hours broken up over the day?? 
Dogs or Cats: Both, but i love dogs shhhh 
Dream Trip: road trip around the states and canada to meet my mutuals!!! 
When my blog was created: this blog was deleted and remade and i have no fuckin clue 
# of Followers: 126.
Random Fact: I joke about constantly dying, but i literally coughed up blood this morning, shrugged, and went about my day. 
Favorite Food: dude i just had lumpia shanghai again the other day and fell in love all over again, but cocacola. 
Favorite TV show: im not including anime bc i couldn’t decide. but i’ve also only watched game of thrones and westworld recently soooo. 
Favorite Movie: fuck man. Either of the Now You See Me’s or Rise of the Guardians. 
Favorite Vine: fffffuck me man there’s too many. there’s one that i KNOW exists but i cant ever find and it’s the fuckin hetalia theme and like marukaite chikyuu,  marukaite chikyuu,  marukaite chikyuu-- DRAW THE FUCKING CIRCLE and that was it that was the vine and i cannot for the life of me find it. 
Sexuality: ace
Gender: fluid (he/him) 
Favorite Video Game(s): Kingdom Hearts, FFXV, UtaPri, 
Favorite Subject: my creative writing class sophomore year was so fucking wild i still have flashbacks man
Favorite Fandom(s): im hardly really involved in any atm tbh... I have such fond memories of the haikyuu fandom though. BnHA has been good to me so far? theres certain ppl in the xv fandom who will always mean the world to me. this fandom has as well. 
Favorite Superhero: shit uhhhh how far can i stretch “superhero”?? i’ve never felt very strongly for the superhero genre lmao... to be shitty i guess I kinda like where they’re going with Bakugo from bnha. I hope they don’t diminish this, i’m still fairly early on, but I like how yes he is a single track minded hot head. but he’s also not stupid. he’s observant, he’s to a point analytical, but still very emotionally driven. I really like how easy to forget it is that bakugo is very competent and while he does run away with his gut and his emotions, he’s not a blind fool and I hope they keep that aspect of him growing rather than just diminishing him into just the angry friend-rival. 
Guys or Girls: all. fuck im ace but i am also super fuckin pan wow people. there are just so many fuckin good lookin people. wow. 
Celebrity crush: bruh Kato Kazuki can murder me and i’d say thank you. 
Last time I cried: yesterday bc i had a social exhaustion induced panic attack, snapped at my friends, felt shitty about it then had to drive in a lot of pain. 
Hair Color: sunbleached brown. 
Eye Color: Brown.
What Should I Be Doing: working lol.  Tagging: bruh steal it 
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