#not really but the tag keeps within reach of my other batman posts
littleeyesofpallas · 4 months
Dumb bit of comic nerd shenaniganary I get my knickers in a twist about is how often people try to complain about that one time Batman and Batgirl had an awkward fling. And it's not like I ship it, it was half baked, with zero chemistry, and poorly written. But people will get all uppity about there being a problematic "age gap", which, for one, just is an immaterial thing in a work of fiction. But also it's just flat out wrong.
Bat canon is wonky at the very best of times, but there are a few anchoring events we are kind of expected to take for granted in any timeline that doesn't explicitly state otherwise:
Bruce starts Batman'ing at 25
Dick's parents die when he is 8, and in Year 2
It's not clear when Dick forms the Teen Titans, but the earliest it could be is 13, obviously.
When Barbara is introduced the Teen Titans already exist
When Barbara is introduced she works at the Gotham Libtary
Other than the 1966 TV show, this fact is extended to her having a MLIS; that's a 3 year degree, minimum.
90s continuity had her graduate high school at 16, this doesn't apply retroactively, but could be assumed of later iterations
part of her origin includes being inspired by Batman after overhearing a phonecall between Batman and Comissioner Gordon as a "teenager"
Dick drops the Robin moniker to go to college, implicitly around 17-18
Shortly after he dons the Nightwing moniker for the first time
(I'm not counting the nu52 timeline where she starts as a college undergrad because that one doesn't gel with any of the other versions and has to be its own standalone thing.)
Conveniently there is an overlap of constraints: if she is 13 in year one, the earliest she could overhear the phone conversation, and she graduates highschool early, then with 7 years of secondary education, the earliest she could debut at batgirl would be 22-23, which lines up with Dick being 16-17, nearly the latest time she can debut while he is still Robin. If she graduates HS at 18 she overshoots Dick's tenure as Robin entirely. This puts one cap on this.
But on the other hand, she can only get older than Dick if we try to nudge her timeline around. The other end of this is that if she overhears the phone call at 19, the latest she can, then she would have to spend a number of years between graduation and debut as Batgirl in order to give Dick time to form the Teen Titans at, at the earliest, 13yo. And that pushes her debut age to 25.
In either case, she is 6-12 years younger than Bruce, and conversely 12-6 year older than Dick. The split on Bruce:Dick:Babs ranging from 34:16:22 to 31:13:25. But, again, I don't think people who try to scrutinize the ""morality"" of fictional scenarios, least of all romantic age gaps, are in touch enough with reality to even warrant arguing with, but you see the problem with just the basic math, right?
She's a grown ass woman by the time she starts Bat"girl"ing and people just have this obnoxious hangup about infantilizing her all the damn time for seemingly no real reason, fans and actual creators alike. Is it because the name has "girl" in it? Is it because of some residual thing from Bette Kane being an obvious parallel to Dick? Or just the fact that they date at all? Is it just the general history sexism in superhero comics as a genre?
Also I didn't mention it because it's kinda firmly outside of consideration for this, but she even has a golden age story where part of her origins being inspired to be a superhero includes meeting Superboy as a teenager. They even dated for a hot second.
Seriously, people need to remember that she is decidedly not the same generation of heroes as the Teen Titans or even her seeming brand parallels like Super Girl or Wonder Girl --I won't try to nail down the Superfam and Batfam timelines, because they just do not play nice together, not enough to get a hard number on anyway, but Kara lands on Earth as a 17yo, vs Babs' aforementioned debut as a 20-something.
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blondebatt · 3 months
RULE ONE  this account is for roleplay only, i will only be interacting with rp accounts. personal blogs are fine to follow, but please do not interact with my posts.
i will not follow back/write with characters who participate in b*tcest. if i have come across your blog and followed: i definitely did this by accident. feel free to block. no hate, no drama. the stuff triggers me so i prefer to keep it off my dash. thanks!
RULE TWO  it’s completely fine if you don’t agree with the character choices i’ve made, but i ask that you are respectful and kind. no one likes gatekeeping, or drama, and there’s always an option to just not interact.
RULE THREE  this blog is for 20+ muns only. my content is teen-appropriate but the bottom line is this: i like to keep my spaces adult only as i am in my late twenties myself. nothing personal! please do not lie about your age, it's not cool.
RULE FOUR  my depiction is not like wayne family adventures. stephanie is associated with batman's crew, but i do not consider her a part of the 'family'. she is a coworker at times and family member's girlfriend/best friend at others. my muse is also canonically batgirl, in present times, not spoiler. please be warned that stephanie may not appreciate or respond well to above things if assumed by your character.
RULE FIVE  MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE. my character may say and do things that do not reflect the thoughts/beliefs/actions of my own life.
RULE SIX  i am both selective and incredibly slow/sporadic at checking out blogs before following. thank u for your patience.
i haven't forgotten about our thread! you don't need to remind me. my muse comes and goes, and adhd brain takes over most of the time. sporadic replies apply. sometimes you'll get a reply within ten minutes, sometimes it'll be months. this is a hobby that i enjoy and never want anyone else to feel pressured to respond.
RULE SEVEN  if you have certain tags blacklisted i make sure that i use the format #cw ____ with no other special characters. due to the general nature of DC comics, there will be discussion and plotting surrounding dangerous situations / general violence. stephanie brown also may have content on this blog that refers back to: - unhealthy/abusive relationships with family members - underaged drug use/unprotected sex/underaged pregnancy - S.A. - torture
These will be tagged responsibly and to the absolute best of my ability. These are serious subjects and deserve to be treated with care and respect. It is not 'whump' fiction, to me.
RULE EIGHT  basic ettiquette applies here. i cut my threads, i use reblog karma, and i start a new post for ask answers. i ask that my roleplaying partners do the same. i also reserve the right to unfollow/softblock at any times if i feel as if we are not a good match as roleplaying partners or if i find the content to not match with the content i am trying to write. i am also never offended if any other parties do the same to me.
RULE NINE  for shipping: both of us will need to opt-in for it to be applied. i will never force ships on anyone, and i ask that others do the same. that goes for 'canon ships' as well. If those are referenced they are ALWAYS from a 'different version' of your muse.
RULE TEN  ask memes are always the easiest for me to break the ice. i assume nothing except what i learn on your character bio and rules. i try really hard not to 'connect the dots' when it comes to pre-established relationships, but hey we're always learning and growing! bc of this, if our characters in canon are 'tight', then i might reach out via dms and just catch a vibe of your portrayal and how you want to tackle our muses together.
0 notes
heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
Resentment Ch. 1 (Ethan x MC)
Summary: After 2 months of not seeing each other, Ethan and Naomi do not have a pleasant reunion.
A/N: So...I’ve been writing this for the past 2 weeks. Open Heart 2 is ripe with angst and untapped drama. Tbh, this is my 5th draft, and I kept deleting and writing, and deleting and re-writing this, and I had to step away multiple times, as this was probably be one of my more draining fics to write. But anyway, if you’re still reading this long winded ass note, thank you lol. And enjoy, as always!
Tags: @ao719 @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @ramseyandrys @choicesobsessedd @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @perriewinklenerdie @doroshi-desu @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @lapisreviewsstuff @akacalliope @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramsey @the-soot-sprite @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @dr-nancy-house @adrian-motherfucking-raines
Seeing Ethan Ramsey again nearly knocked the wind out of her. It feels like she saw a ghost. But here’s here, at Donahue’s, strolling through the garden as if this is any other night. As if he didn’t disappear off of the face of the earth for 2 months.
Naomi didn’t plan on having such a visceral reaction to seeing him, but she has little to no control over her body these days. Her heart speeds up, beating twice as fast, a cold sweat breaks out, starting at her forehead, and there’s the flip of her stomach and unmistakable taste of bile rising in her throat.
‘Do not throw up,’ she silently begs herself. ‘Do not throw up. Please, keep it together, Valentine.’
The chant doesn’t work, the nausea hitting her hard, like a wave crashing against the shore. She jumps out of her seat, ignoring the looks of confusion from her friends, and makes a beeline to the restroom, pushing past the other patrons at the bar. She barely makes it into a stall before she’s on her knees, emptying the contents of her stomach into a dirty public toilet.
Naomi isn’t sure how long she’s like this, embarrassingly clutching the toilet, but a knock at the stall door breaks her out of her trance. “It’s occupied!”
“It’s Sienna,” the voice on the other side says softly. “Can I come in?”
The door swings open slowly and Sienna attempts to squeeze into the small space. It’s a tight squeeze, but she manages to make it work.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine,” Naomi mumbles weakly. “You didn’t have to follow me.”
“Yes I did,” Sienna argues. She helps Naomi to her feet and pulls at the roll of cheap toilet paper. She bunches it up and wipes the corner of Naomi’s mouth. “You’re as pale as a ghost.”
“I feel like I’ve just seen one,” Naomi quips back. “Let’s just say I did not expect to see Dr. Ramsey here tonight.”
“You didn’t know he was coming back?” Sienna asks. “I thought you two were close.”
Naomi thought they were close too. But she got ghosted. It was jarring, going from sleeping with Ethan and openly flirting with him, to him being her boss again, to him disappearing and cutting off all communication within a span of 3 days. “I thought we were too.”
“How do you think it’ll be, working with him tomorrow?”
“I have no idea what to expect,” Naomi replies honestly. “Hopefully the rest of the team is nice.”
Sienna lifts Naomi up, helping her stand on her feet again. They exit the stall and Naomi washes her hands furiously like she’s about to perform surgery.
They walk out of the bathroom, Sienna with a protective arm around her friend’s waist. The rest of their friends are now inside, at their usual booth.
They all stare at Naomi, and she hates it. Now they’re probably going to think of her as the weirdo who threw up upon seeing her boss (an ex-lover, though not everyone is privy to that information).
“You just missed the wildest shit,” Bryce says, almost breathless. “Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Thorne nearly got into a fight!”
That was the last thing Naomi expected to hear. “What?”
“Thorne was being a real creep, and he tried to feel up some young girl. He touched her and she broke his hand!” Elijah exclaims. “He got loud and rowdy, he pushed her down, and Ethan came out of nowhere, swooping in like freaking Batman. I thought he was going to snap Thorne’s neck at one point.”
“Where is the girl?” Naomi asks. 
“She ran out of here as soon as she could.”
“I hope she’s okay,” Naomi murmurs, mostly to herself.
“Are you okay?” Bryce asks. “I’ve never seen you get sick before.”
“Whatever virus is fermenting in your body, please keep it away from me,” Jackie says, not even giving Naomi the chance to respond.
“Jackie!” Sienna tsks in annoyance. “Have some compassion.”
“She’s either drunk or it’s the stomach flu,” Jackie says with a shrug. “She’ll survive a little teasing.”
“It’s okay, Sienna,” Naomi insists. She loves her friend’s protective nature, but it really isn’t necessary. “You don’t have to go into mother hen mode.”
“Fine. But I’m making you soup after work tomorrow.”
Reggie announces last call, and the gang starts talking about their post-bar plans. Be it getting food, going downtown, or just going home. Naomi drowns out the conversation as her eyes settle onto Ethan. His back is turned to her and Naomi notices that he’s the only one left at the bar while Reggie is cleaning up.
“Does last call not apply to you?” Naomi asks, getting his attention.
“Reggie and I go way back. We have an arrangement,” Ethan says simply.
“An arrangement.” Naomi rolls her eyes as she repeats the words. “Is that what you call a friendship?”
“I don’t have friends. But...I wouldn’t mind you joining me if you were so inclined.”
Naomi weighs her options. She can go home and put this night behind her, or she can stay out with Ethan. And actually talk to him.
She turns back to her friends. “You guys go on ahead. I want to check in about tomorrow with Dr. Ramsey.”
She doesn’t believe that excuse for one second. And if her friends don’t believe it either, they don’t say anything. Sienna just tells her to not stay out too late, before they all leave, going their separate ways.
Once they’re gone, Naomi joins Ethan at the bar. She looks at, really looks at him. He’s still the same handsome guy, just more...rugged. He’s much more tan than she remembers, it looks like he’s gained weight—muscle, not fat—and he’s sporting an entirely new look.
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a brand new Ethan Ramsey,” she muses.
Ethan looks down at his green jacket, a vast departure from the sweaters and button ups he usually wears.
“This jacket’s been through a lot with me,” he explains, toying with the sleeve.
“I like it.”
She doesn’t miss the way he perks up at the compliment, almost as if he was hoping she’d say something. A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “Duly noted. And the beard?”
Ethan doesn’t know why he needs her stamp of approval so badly, but the validation she gives him feels nice. He likes to know that she thinks he looks good.
“It looks good on you,” Naomi answers honestly. Ethan scratches the beard, his fingers flying towards it unconsciously at her words. He nods, soaking in her praise.
“I’ve gotten used to it.”
Naomi looks around as an almost awkward silence settles between the two of them. She’s now actively aware of the fact that it’s just the two of them, alone.
“Why don’t we move this outside?” Ethan suggests, some of the tension dissipating. “It’ll be winter before we know it. Might as well enjoy the weather while we can. You want something to drink?”
Naomi’s stomach flips at the mention of alcohol. “You know what I want? A cup of ice water.”
Ethan’s eyebrow quirks up at the answer. They’re in a bar and she wants...water? He shrugs but heads behind the bar, nonetheless. Grabbing a Pilsner glass, he fills it to the top with ice and he also finds a bottle of water. He hands them off to Naomi. “For you.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” They make their way outside. It’s so quiet now that everyone is gone. It feels peaceful. Ethan drops down in a chair near the fire pit and Naomi joins.
“I can see why you like it here.”
“Because nobody’s annoying me?” Ethan jokes.
“More or less,” Naomi concedes. “It’s peaceful.” Ethan nods in agreement. “So...how was it, being in the Amazon?”
“It was quite the experience. It kept me on my toes.”
“Fighting an epidemic in a different country sounds...thrilling. And scary. You’re brave for doing it.”
Ethan snorts. Naomi always manages to see the best in him, even when he doesn’t deserve it. “That wasn’t bravery.”
Naomi looks down at her lap. “You didn’t keep in touch. Two whole months without any form of communication seems extreme, don’t you think? Especially after everything that’s happened with us?”
“Everything that happened between us is exactly why I didn’t contact you.”
“192,” Naomi says. 
“192. That’s how many times I’ve called you in the past 2 months. I also sent 75 texts and 30 emails. You could have responded to at least one of those.”
Hearing the numbers out loud makes Naomi feel ridiculous, like a stalker. And Ethan just feels...awful. He remembers his chest going tight every time he saw her name flash across his screen. He remembers the restraint it took him to not call her back, or reach out in any way. He needed to stay away. It was for the best, for both of them.
“Naomi, if we’re going to work together on the diagnostics team, we need a fresh start. Your professional development is too important to jeopardize it with whatever...what is was that we had.”
Ethan probably would’ve been better off taking this glass of ice water and throwing it in her face. The callousness in his voice chilled her to the core. “That’s how you’d describe it? As ‘whatever’?”
Ethan sighs heavily. Of course his relationship with the younger woman meant something to him, but if he was going to be her boss, they needed boundaries. There had to be a line.
“Pouring my heart out to you on multiple occasions and vice versa, secretly saving our boss’s life, you bringing Mrs. Martinez’s son to my ethics hearing, the sex, it all just culminates to a...whatever. What? Is what we went through just a casual experience in the life of Ethan Ramsey?”
“Of course not, but Naomi, I can’t go down this road with you again. We need to have a reset if things are going to work.”
She doesn’t know why the word ‘reset’ makes her laugh, but it does. She laughs, hard, almost maniacally, until her sides hurt and she can barely breathe. Ethan says nothing, staring at her in confusion.
“You know what, Ethan? Fuck you.”
That catches him off guard. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me loud and clear. Fuck. You. You’re a coward. And a runner. You run at the slightest hint of something being hard, or if you have to face your own emotions and vulnerabilities. You run off, drinking yourself silly and keeping your head in the sand, and then you come waltzing back as if nothing happened, but guess what? Life still happens. There is no reset, no do-overs, no pauses. Time still moves forward.”
Tears prick the corners of her eyes and she wills herself to not cry in front of him. He doesn’t deserve any more of her vulnerability. She doesn’t know why it hurts so much, but it does. The idea of him moving through life as if what they shared was minuscule and insignificant burns. It causes a sharp ache in her chest she didn’t realize she had the capacity to feel.
“While you were in South America, ignoring the almost 400 pieces of correspondence I sent, I was still here, still dealing with shit, still caring about you, worrying about you and your safety every fucking day. I don’t have the luxury of turning my feelings on and off whenever I see fit, and I don’t get to delude myself into thinking I can turn back time.”
How many times are they going to play this game before she realizes she’s always going to be the loser? She and Ethan get close, he rejects her but leaves just enough space and opportunity to keep her hanging on.
Naomi wraps her arms around her midsection and slightly curls into herself. Not even her own embrace is soothing at this point. The rejection stings, and she feels...stupid. Why does she keep holding out hope for Ethan, hoping he’ll want her the same way she wants him? Why does she keep coming back, waiting diligently like a little puppy, nipping at his ankles for the slightest bit of attention? Maybe she’s just a glutton for pain.
“If you want to hit the reset button, you can do it by yourself. I’m not playing that game with you.” Naomi abruptly stands up, clutching onto the back of her chair for stability. “Goodnight.”
Panic settles in his chest. He doesn’t want things with her to end like this, with her hating him. He wants her to stay. He wants to take back everything he just said. “Naomi, I–”
“Save it!” Whatever he’s about to say, whatever line it is that’ll feed her just enough false hope to keep hanging on, she doesn’t want to hear it.
After gathering her belongings, she turns on her heel, looking for the exit. Her entire body is rigid, defensive and ready to strike at any given moment, and she feels like she’s going to throw up again, which is something she truly does not have time for.
She’s fully prepared to walk away from him with whatever shred of dignity she still has, but she stops herself. She turns around, facing Ethan again.
“I called you a lot while you were gone. I left countless voicemails until your mailbox was completely full. Did you listen to any of them?”
“I haven’t listened.” Ethan feels ashamed by the answer, and he refuses to meet her big doe eyes, opting to look at the ground.
Naomi doesn’t dwell on the answer. She shakes off the hurt, and powers through.
“Last Wednesday, at 5:21 am, I called. You obviously didn’t answer, and I left a message. I’ll set the scene for you because I’ll never forget the moment. I was sitting in my bathtub, crying, almost hysterically. It was the type of crying that gets Meryl Streep and Viola Davis Oscar nominations, the kind that makes you feel sick to your stomach. But I live with 3 other people, so I had to sob into a face towel until the worst of it passed. And then I called you. Logically, I knew you probably weren’t going to answer, but I figured one last Hail Mary couldn’t hurt so I did it anyway. 
In the voicemail, I practically begged you to talk to me. To answer at least one of my calls. It was so...desperate. And pitiful. The old Naomi would rather get buried alive than to ever be so emotionally available and needy, but I didn’t care. In that moment, I needed you, I needed solace that I thought only you could give me, but I know now that it won’t happen. You’re way too emotionally stunted and unavailable.”
She inhales, something shaky and full of vulnerability, and every bone in her body is screaming out to just shut the fuck up and turn away.
“But you didn’t answer, you didn’t acknowledge it, and I was just absolutely gutted,” Naomi continues. “Because had you answered that call, or called me back some time that day, I would’ve told you that I’m pregnant.”
With that confession, Naomi visibly deflates. It feels like a crushing weight has been lifted off of her chest.
But Ethan feels the exact opposite. Unable to move, he gapes at Naomi. “You-you’re what?”
“Pregnant. 9 weeks, 5 days. It’s the size of an olive at this point, and before you ask, yes, it’s yours.”
Paternity hadn’t even crossed his mind at this point. He’s still stuck on the fact that she’s pregnant. 
“So while it hurts to know what you want a reset, and to pretend we didn’t share anything, it is also literally impossible to do so,” Naomi says with a humorless chuckle. “But don’t worry, I’ve received the message loud and clear. See you at work tomorrow, Doctor. Oh, and congratulations.”
Ethan watches as she leaves, even though he calls her name, asking her to stay. His chest feels tight like someone is squeezing him from the inside, and he struggles to inhale. The revelation stifles him, and he can’t get his bearings.
Unable to do much else, Ethan falls back into his chair. Despite trying his damnedest to get things back on track, it feels as if he’s made everything so much worse.
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jjk-biased · 4 years
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*not canon or part of the storyline, sorry 😔✋🏽
smau masterlist
content that didn't make the cut:
— chapter 25 alt end:
𝗶𝗳 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹 𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱
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“Daniel Y/L/N,” you gritted out.
“Long time no see, sister.”
The fucking nerve of this guy to even have the face to meet you. He somehow still upheld a small smile, which made you more livid.
“Why are you here?”
“To make amends. Is that too bad?” He shrugged lightly, too casual for your liking.
This was the asshole that had caused you a lot of years of suffering. He was the reason you had to shed blood, sweat, and tears to simply finish your degree in college. He was the root of your problems, the cause of why you had trust issues.
Mainly, he was the reason why the only people you could call your family was the seven best friends who took you in.
“You lost that chance years ago, Daniel!”
You tried your best not to let the anger within you take the wheel. If it did, you were sure you had to leave Seoul with a case of murder stained in your records.
“I’m leaving,” You murmured, snatching Jungkook’s hand and storming off to God knows where.
He followed you wherever you went though. No matter how many turns you took, he was hot on your tail. It took so much in you not to break Jungkook’s hand from the frustration you felt.
“Just give me a chance to explain, sister,” He pleaded.
You finally heard the desperation leak in his tone. Giving up, though not letting your guard down, you allowed it. You gave him yet another chance to redeem himself.
With reluctance, Jungkook left you to talk to Daniel. After reading his last message and texting Hoseok, you closed your phone.
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Let’s relive the years of anguish, you sarcastically cheered internally.
“Don’t call me sister. That title died with you three when you moved to America without even so much as telling me,” You breathed out, tears trying their best not to fall from your eyes.
Daniel visibly flinched at that jab. He was a shitty brother after all.
“I… I didn’t mean for it to happen…”
“What a shitty excuse. You didn’t mean for it to happen? What bullshit is that?”
“I never thought they’d take it too far,” He whispered, unable to keep eye contact with you. If he did, he would see how much pain he had caused you.
You chuckled rather sarcastically.
“Yet they did. And you never did anything, did you Dani?” You sneered, the nickname that left your mouth didn’t feel as warm as it did.
Growing up with a traditional family wasn’t something you both could escape from. Your parents had a love-less marriage, meant only to expand whatever business they had.
As first-born, Daniel was expected of a lot of things. Intelligence, charm, and any other business-related characteristic that should help them prosper. But he wasn’t any of those things. He didn’t take interest in the entire idea. Instead of stocks and investments, he wanted modelling. Instead of maths, he wanted fashion.
Neither your mother nor father were having it.
So while he was forced to sacrifice his childhood for your parents, you had the freedom to exercise yours.
He’d be gifted with various accountancy and business related textbooks and would watch as you played with your toys and dolls. He never had those.
Your parents didn’t pay mind to your hobbies. They didn’t mind that you often geeked out at every video game you loved. They were too focused on making Daniel the CEO he will be.
He was angry. He was envious.
But he would be lying if he said he didn’t love you.
You were an empath at heart and would often cheer him up when the pressure was too much. He could still remember when you discovered him breaking down after a certain scolding happened— you dropped everything to rush to his side and say “It’s okay, Dani. I’m here for you.”
The memory of the countless cupcakes you had attempted to make just to make him smile was still etched in his mind. They weren’t the best tasting cupcakes out there, but they were made by you. And it made everything okay.
However, every thread snaps when it reaches its breaking point.
He had reached his— his envy became far too strong than the care had for you.
It was supposed to be a light remark so their parents could give him some sort of leeway in life. But the anger rushed out of his mouth and he couldn’t stop the word-vomit from pouring out.
He watched your parents’ treatment change and had to witness you take the burnt for him. You were now the one they had criticized at every twitch of a finger. They suddenly turned against you, angry at how you “wasted” your life with videogames.
He regretted every single thing he had said.
Perhaps it’s too late now.
“I had no power over them, you know that,” he muttered, taking your silence after he had explained everything as a cue to speak.
“You know… I never really minded them moving to America. But even you left me, Dani,” you croaked out.
“I’m sorry.”
“I became broke when I entered college. I had to work different jobs and eventually stick with the career I have.”
“I’m sorry,” He whispered once again, hands clasped tightly.
“I had no one else to rely on for a few years until my friends showed up,” You sighed.
“I’m sorry.”
It seemed more like a mantra by now. While it wasn’t enough to compensate for each day you had to go by without anyone else, it eased your heart a little bit.
He had also mentioned that he was sent by his parents to fix whatever you two had for the sake of the company. Your fame would bring them benefits, they said. Your brother ignored whatever ulterior motive they had initially planned, and took this chance to finally own up to the shittiest fuck up he had done.
You were thankful for the honesty, sensing that he was true to his word.
“I can’t forgive you immediately, you know,” You reminded, fiddling your thumbs out of anxiety.
“I know. I don’t mind waiting.”
Your brother had finally returned to you.
Jungkook stood beside you as you two waved your brother goodbye. He insisted on holding your hand when you two bid Daniel adieu.
With a heavy sigh, you turned to Jungkook, who had been patiently waiting for you and Daniel to talk it out.
“I’m so—”
He cut you off by tightly engulfing you in his arms. Jungkook softly patted your head as he brought you closer with his other hand.
“I’m glad you’re okay, pumpkin,” Jungkook said ever so gently, resting his chin on your head.
Turning red at his gesture, you allowed yourself to melt in his arms and returned the hug by wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Thank you, kook. I can’t tell you that enough,” You murmured, feeling warm from his gentleness.
He had sadly broken up the hug soon after. It was the first time you’d seen his ears become red but you didn’t point it out.
Clearing his throat, he once again took your hand in his and led you to wherever the others were. He said you might get lost if he didn’t clutch one hand and it would be hard to find you because you were vertically inclined.
If everyone else heard his excuse, they’d definitely say Sure Jan.
You didn’t mind though, actually liking the feeling of his large hands encasing yours.
And if you did mind, you couldn’t actually speak. After all, Daniel decided to leave you with a few parting words that made you embarrassed and rattled.
“You seem to have a crush on your guard dog, N/N.”
Ah you should’ve smacked him when you had the chance. You? Have a crush on Him??? How ab...surd…
You honestly didn’t know anymore. But Jungkook’s hand in yours, you were certain that everything will now turn out fine.
Jungkook’s only problem now was how he’d be able to find the courage to say what he wanted to say earlier.
I like you, Y/N.
But he was content with whatever you two are now, your hands snugly fit with his.
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*note: the reason i didn't chose this path is because it seems illogical. don't you think?
i mean,,, it won't be easy to forgive Daniel for what he had done,,, so i made him the bad guy ;-;) but it gets better in the end i swear!
also another reason was i really wasn't happy with how it turned out ;-;) seemed too rushed for them to make amends doesn't it?
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this post is part of my special milestone event!
and another fate's game bonus is a q&a with the characters!! (but no one sent in asks throughout the week so it's still open) so if you have questions for the characters, send asks!!
taglist: @armymaknae @rjsmochii @chogiyeol-utopia @deolly @liitlefaiiery @patpus @br0ther-s @tyraparker @ancailinaerach @tae165 @cherrycolababie @nininek12 @atulipandarose @hannahdinse8 @hereforaus @thewariestofheads @thia-aep @diorhobii @seungcheoluwu @mipetronella @callmesenpaix @jungshookmeup @yoongisabby @parkchaeyoung1997 @alpaca1612 @bangtan-serendipity @karissassirak @fullsunkook @salty-for-suga @cholychi @smolbeaniejimin @netflix-batman-sleep @snickerdoodleeee @faeriegukkie @kpop4mysoul @crazylittlemay @theneighborhoodfangirl @ughtear @youurkryptonite @lovelyseomin @pureshinso @kawaiimusiccollection @aviwasabi21
permanent tag: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie @amoreguk @bbyjoonies @borednia @tanumiki @taescake
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nightwang96 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DCU, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, SladeRobinWeek 2020, Day 2: Merfolk, I know nothing about boats, and you can tell, ambiguous ending Series: Part 2 of SladeRobin Week 2020 Summary:
'“Deathstroke,” Bruce said finally.
“That’s what he’s called. Or at least what we call him anyway.”
Dick’s head was swimming. He’d heard of mers being given names before, usually old mers who showed up in the same places over and over. But he’d never heard of Deathstroke.'
For the SladeRobin Week prompt Merfolk.
Dick had seen mer before. It was pretty unavoidable when you spent as much time on the ocean as Dick did. Most sailors didn’t particularly care for mers. They were inquisitive, smart creatures that enjoyed interacting with humans, but this often led to mishaps. Mers had been known to grab things off of ships, to tangle rudders and even sink smaller boats. They never hurt anyone on purpose, as far as they were aware, but often they couldn’t help it.
Dick had never really had a problem with them. In fact, he quite liked the mer. He liked to watch them streak through the water beside the ship, playing in the surf, breaching the water with a flick of their powerful tails. He liked listening to their curious chitters, and on rare occasions, the beautiful sound of their songs.
He never tried to interact with them though. That was always a recipe for disaster. Bruce had told him once about a young crewmate who had reached out to touch a mer’s tail and instead had been dragged into the water by the creature. According to Bruce, it had looked like the mer had only wanted to play, chittering excitedly as the crew desperately tried to pull him back on board. It had let him go once he had drowned, perhaps no longer interested once he had stopped moving, and they had managed to drag his body back onto the ship.
Bruce told the story often, not to incite violence against the mers, but as a cautionary tale. They were wild creatures, and though they looked like humans, they were not. They were something else entirely, and they were dangerous. You were better off leaving them alone.
Dick had been a crewmate on Bruce’s ship ever since his own parents had been murdered by pirates when he was eight. Bruce had taken him in, given him a job, and saved his life. He’d been sailing with him ever since, and in all that time, he’d never forgotten Bruce’s warning.
So when he saw the mer, floating quietly a little ways away from Dick’s post, he’d simply watched, curious. The mer was huge, easily the biggest one he’d ever seen, with a thick tail covered in gleaming orange and black scales. He was drifting on his back, white hair fanned out around his head, and Dick realised that he was missing an eye, thick scars a tangled mess over the socket. The mer was watching him too, gaze sharp as he lazily kept pace with the ship.
Dick was tempted to call someone over, maybe Jason or Tim, so that they could see the mer too, but something stopped him. Most mers tended to hang out in pods. They were incredibly social, and those that were alone tended not to draw attention to themselves, keeping away from boats and humans.
This mer was definitely not in a pod, or at least, hadn’t brought his pod with him to check out their ship. Dick slunk closer, leaning his elbows on the edge of the ship so he could try to get a better look. The mer tilted his head, turning over slowly to swim a little closer.
“What are you doing alone out here?” Dick murmured. The mer couldn’t understand him. They mostly communicated through chitters and clicks, and occasionally, wordless songs that carried across the salt air.
The mer made a strange clicking noise in his throat, and splashed his tail a little. Dick grinned, and the mer tilted his head, before peeling his lips back in an imitation of a smile, showing a row of sharp, deadly teeth.
“Yo Dickface! Get over here!” Jason’s shout obviously startled the mer, because with a flick of his tail, he dived beneath the dark waters, disappearing from view. Dick was a little disappointed, scanning the waves for any sign of it before giving up with a sigh, and going to see what Jason wanted.
He’d forgotten all about the mer by the next time he saw it. Orange flashes had caught his attention, bringing him over to the edge of the ship to peer into the frothing waters. The mer poked his head up, and Dick almost fell back on his ass, letting out a surprised laugh. The mer grinned at him, rolling over to float on his back, tail twitching.
“Hello again,” Dick said softly, pleased for a reason that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. The mer chittered back at him, eye half closing, face turning towards the afternoon sun. Dick watched him for a long moment as the mer sunbathed, examining the pattern of his scales, and the litter of scars that were dotted across the mer’s torso.
“You’re a fighter hm,” Dick said. Mers often got involved in territorial disputes so it wasn’t unusual to see scars, but this many? Dick couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Had he been forced from his pod? Bullied? Hunted? Were those scars from other mers, or humans?
There were people who would kill a mer. Either to protect their ship, or to prevent them from overfishing certain areas, or for their meat and scales, or even simply because they found them annoying. Dick had always found it distasteful. Mers were intelligent, beautiful creatures, and the thought that some people would kill them simply because they got in the way, left a bitter taste in his mouth.
The mer seemed to sense his souring mood, because he sunk a little in the water, tail flicking in agitation. He chittered loudly and splashed a little, and Dick stepped back enough to avoid getting sprayed.
“Wow look at that thing.”
Dick had been so distracted, that he hadn’t noticed Jason coming up behind him. He spun around, the insane urge to hide the mer from view making him step in front of Jason.
“What are you doing here?”
Jason gave him a look, like Dick had grown an extra head. “I’m doing my job. Obviously you have more important things to be doing.”
Jason leaned over to get a better look at the mer, whistling when he eyed the thick, muscular tail. “That thing could probably do some serious damage.”
“It seems pretty docile,” Dick defended, not sure why it was so important that Jason not think badly of the mer.
“Docile? Have you seen the scars on it?” Jason made a sharp gesture and the mer, who had been watching him carefully, gave an agitated hiss, teeth bared.
Jason stepped back, discomfort clear on his face. “That thing is dangerous Dick. Leave it alone and get back to your job.”
Shooting him a glare, Jason gave one last assessing look to the mer and then stomped away. Dick sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes. Jason was right. The mer seemed docile and friendly, but he was a wild creature. He was unpredictable.
A soft chitter drew his attention back to the mer. He was almost within touching distance of the ship, gaze sharp as he eyed Dick. A swish of his tail, lifted him up in the water, and for a moment Dick was tempted to lean down and meet him halfway.
“I’m sorry,” Dick croaked, even though the mer couldn’t understand him. He turned away, and hurried across the deck, trying to put all thought of the mer from his mind. Dick would forget all about it, and the mer would lose interest, and everything would be fine.
Dick was woken by a haunting song, drifting through the salt air. He listened for a long moment, blinking into the dark of the cabin, an indescribable emotion swelling in his chest. Then he pulled his boots on and made his way up onto the deck.
Bruce was stood at the wheel, a dark shadow in the soft moonlight. He turned to look at Dick as he came up beside him, face drawn and serious.
“What’s that noise?” Dick asked, hushed. The melody was louder now, out in the open. It was beautiful and sad, and Dick wanted to close his eyes and fall into the smooth, low tones.
“It’s a mer,” Bruce said, just as quietly. His grip was tight on the wheel, eyes gleaming as he scanned the mirror glass surface of the water.
“You’re worried.”
Dick knew that Bruce was wary of mers, but he hadn’t realised that he would be so concerned, just hearing the song. Bruce had seen mers hundreds of times, and never looked like this.
“How many times have you heard a mer sing?” Bruce asked, and Dick was confused by the subject change.
“I don’t know, once maybe?” Once in the wild at least. It had been much more distant than this, higher and still beautiful, and far enough away that there was no hope of seeing the mer that was singing. Later that night there’d been a storm. Two ships had been lost at sea. Dick had been lucky that they’d made it out alive.
Bruce’s gaze was heavy. “Hearing mer song is never a good sign.”
Dick had never taken Bruce to be superstitious, but then Bruce had far more experience with mers than Dick did. His stomach squirmed, anxiety creeping beneath his ribs, as he scanned the horizon. Somewhere out there, somewhere close, was the mer, its mournful song echoing across the waters.
Tim appeared beside him, rubbing sleepily at his eyes, closely followed by Jason. “What’s going on?” Tim asked, voice thick.
“It’s a mer,” Dick parroted.
Jason shot him a look. “You don’t think it’s that mer that’s been hanging around do you?”
Dick hadn’t even thought of that. This bone-chilling melody, echoing through the still night, was so far removed from the mer that Dick had seen, that he hadn’t even equated the two together.
“What mer?” Bruce snapped, his focus suddenly laser sharp on Dick and Jason.
Jason shrugged. “It was some big, scarred up mer. Dick was messing about with it the other day.”
“I wasn’t messing about with it!” He knew better than to mess around with mer. He’d just been watching it, talking to it a little. That was all. “It was just kind of, floating around by the boat. It didn’t do anything.”
“Have you seen it before?”
“Yeah, once I guess. Why?” Dick got the feeling that he was missing something. Mer hung around the boat all the time, they were harmless for the most part. He didn’t get why Bruce was so bothered by this.
The music cut off suddenly, and Bruce’s jaw tightened, ignoring Dick in favour of scanning the waters again. The silence was almost eerier than the music had been, only the soft sounds of the wind and the gentle lap of the water as the ship cut through the surface.
There was a bang and the ship shuddered through a hit, rocking with the force of it. Dick cried out, startled, and staggered not to lose his footing. The rest of the crew spilled out from their quarters, shouting in alarm and hurrying to their posts.
“What the fuck?” Jason shouted.
“There,” Bruce said, pointing into the dark. Dick squinted into the water and, yes there, a flash of orange, the surface of the water breaking. It was the mer. But what was it doing? Another thud, and the boat listed like it was riding a wave. Dick couldn’t believe the sheer power behind it, the strength it must take to rock the ship like this.
Bruce grit his teeth. “It’s going to bring the whole ship down.”
Dick ran to the edge, leaning over to try and get a proper glimpse of the mer. Behind him Bruce shouted in alarm, but Dick ignored him. If he could just get the mer’s attention, maybe calm it down, then maybe it would stop attacking the ship.
“Hey,” he called out. The wind whipped at his hair, his clothes, carrying his voice out into the water. Another thud, followed by an ominous groaning sound. Dick gripped the edge of the ship for all he was worth, riding out the shudder. If the mer kept hitting the ship like this, it would breach the hull. The whole ship might sink.
“Hey, stop! It’s okay!” he called again.
“What are you doing you idiot?” Jason shouted, close behind him.
Dick ignored him, leaning a little further over, and there just beneath him, orange scales and then a flash of white hair. The mer floated up to the surface, his one sharp eye fixed intently on Dick. And that was good, as long as it was focused on him it wasn’t destroying the ship. Dick smiled and the mer smiled back, sharp teeth gleaming in the moonlight.
The mer disappeared, diving beneath the waters. Dick scanned the still surface for a long, anxious moment. Then the mer was breaching, lunging up towards him, and Dick pulled back in surprise, but he wasn’t quick enough to avoid the grab, the mer’s sharp claws digging into his wrist, dragging him out over the edge of the ship.
For a moment, Dick seemed suspended in motion, too surprised to scream as he fell overboard. Then hands grabbed the back of his trousers, halting his fall, and more hands gripped the back of his shirt, his hips, hauling him backwards. The mer bared his teeth, snarling furiously and tugged painfully on his wrist. Blood dripped down his arm and splashed onto the mer’s cheek, but the mer didn’t even seem to notice.
Then Bruce was there beside him, leaning over the edge to thrust a pike down at the mer. It twisted away, but the sharp end still caught its shoulder, and it shrieked in pain. A great heave, and Dick was falling backwards onto the deck, the mer releasing him with a howl. He collapsed in a tangle of limbs, heart racing, the blood roaring through his ears.
“You fucking idiot!” Jason was yelling, but he was still holding onto Dick, hands grabbing at his shirt as though Dick could slip away at any moment.
Dick leaned back against him, gasping in desperate breaths. He couldn’t believe how close he’d come to being overboard, in the water with a mer. Tim crouched beside him, hands fluttering in the air.
“What was that?” Tim’s voice was high pitched, strained. “Why did it grab you?”
The hits on the boat had stopped, maybe because the mer had lost interest, maybe because it had failed to grab Dick, maybe because Bruce had injured it. Bruce himself was a taut line in front of him, pike still clenched in his fists.
“I don’t know,” Dick gasped. “It’s never done anything like that before!”
“Deathstroke,” Bruce said finally.
“That’s what he’s called. Or at least what we call him anyway.”
Dick’s head was swimming. He’d heard of mers being given names before, usually old mers who showed up in the same places over and over. But he’d never heard of Deathstroke.
“Why Deathstroke?” Tim asked.
“Because he’s dangerous,” Bruce turned to look at him then, and his face was pale in the moonlight. “He’s got a reputation for attacking ships, sinking them, and then slaughtering anyone in the water.”
He hadn’t felt malicious, when he was drifting lazily beside the ship, but then again, he had just attacked them.
“I’ve never heard of him grabbing people off the ship before though.”
Jason snorted behind him. “Trust it to be you Dick.”
“But I didn’t do anything. Bruce I swear,” Dick said. All he’d done was watch it, talk to it a little. The mer couldn’t even understand him.
“Jay go check if there’s been any damage done. The rest of you can go back to bed,” Bruce said, rubbing his temple like he had a headache coming.
Dick clambered to his feet, feeling strangely unsteady. Tim hovered by his elbow, hands out like he was worried Dick was gonna fall.
“I’m fine,” Dick said, giving Tim a wry smile.
“You’re bleeding.”
Huh. Dick had forgotten about that. Now that Tim had pointed it out, his arm was throbbing, bleeding all over his shirt from punctures and scratches in his skin. He examined the deep claw marks with a morbid curiosity. Mers were predators after all, and their claws were huge, and sharp enough to rend the flesh from your bones.
“It’s not too bad,” he said, but he let Tim fuss over him anyway, cleaning and dressing the wound.
When he climbed back into bed, he found himself thinking again of the mer. Why try to grab him? Had it been trying to drown him? Kill him? He’d thought that the mer had liked him.
It was an uneasy, restless sleep that night.
He didn’t see the mer again for a couple of days, and he’d been watching out for him. He’d hoped to catch a glimpse of him during the day, maybe try and see if the mer was hostile, or if he was back to his lazy curiosity.
When the mer did return, it was night again, and Dick was awake, taking a turn keeping watch. Orange scales caught the moonlight, and Dick was instantly alert, heart racing. The mer’s head broke the water surface, his gaze unerringly meeting Dick’s and the mer tilted its head and chittered, splashing his tail. Dick edged closer, cautiously and the mer reached towards him, as though beckoning him. Dick stepped back instinctively, shaking his head, and the mer bared its teeth with a strangled hiss.
“Bruce!” Dick shouted, just as the mer lunged down, smashing against the hull of the boat with his tail. The cabin door flew open and then Bruce was running towards him, Jason and Tim hot on his heels.
“It’s back?” Bruce snapped, then grit his teeth as another smash resonated up the hull He grabbed up his pike and rushed to the edge, peering over in an attempt to get the mer in his line of sight.
“It’s going to sink the ship,” Tim said quietly, and Dick realised suddenly that he was right. Under the water, it was almost impossible to hit the mer, and the ship couldn’t take the repeated battering. He moved to stand beside Bruce, chest clenching at the older man’s expression, fear and grim determination.
“Get away from the edge,” Jason snapped. “It’s you it wants.”
Dick blinked, Jason’s words sinking into his brain. Dick wasn’t sure if giving the mer what it wanted would stop it from attacking the boat, or killing the rest of the crew, but at this point they were kind of out of options. The ship groaned and shuddered, and they couldn’t even see the mer, let alone hit it. If they didn’t do something, they were all dead anyway.
Dick climbed up onto the edge of the ship. Bruce made a startled noise beside him, and as Dick dived, he made to grab him, fingers brushing against Dick’s ankle. The water, when he hit it, was ice cold, stealing the breath from his lungs. He kicked up to the surface, looking up at the ship as the waves buffeted him.
Jason was yelling, leaning over the edge, and Bruce was holding him back, face devastated. For a moment they tussled together, shouting, until Tim grabbed Jason around the middle and Jason slumped in his hold.
The water broke in front of Dick, the mer breaching the surface to regard him with a tilted head. Bruce shouted something, but Dick couldn’t hear what he said, all of his focus on the dangerous creature in front of him. His teeth chattered, fear flooding his veins, instincts telling him to swim away fast. But that would be pointless. The mer was faster, stronger, deadlier, than Dick. He just had to pray that whatever happened, if he was killed now by the mer, that the ship would be safe. That his family would be safe.
The mer chittered, swimming close enough that Dick could reach out and touch him if he wanted. Dick was treading water as the mer floated in front of him, and Dick couldn’t tell what exactly the mer wanted. Tentatively, he brought a hand up. The mer copied the movement, touching their fingers together.
Dick smiled, and the mer grinned back at him.
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marmolady · 5 years
Milestones and Memories
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Book/Series: Endless Summer
Main Pairings: Estela x MC/Taylor (f) 
Summary: Post-ending.  Snippets of a life on La Huerta and beyond, the trials of a world collapsing around them now far in the past. And Taylor and Estela have company on this road they travel... their little girl, Liv.
Read this one first! Livita
Warnings: Coarse language. Mentions of homophobia.
Word Count: 4956
Reviews and reblogs are hugely appreciated!
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @sceptilemasterr @bbaba-yagaa@edgydepressedchoicesthot@blightarts@princessstellaris@acidsugar0@taramitch96 @sapphovonchat @strangerofbraidwood  @noeschoices @queerchoicesblog  @mrsmontoya 
Taylor stirred at the sound of a sharp cry which grew louder as she tried to adjust her eyes to the darkened room. She felt Estela move beside her, barely awake.
“’s okay,” she mumbled, groggy, “I’ve got her.”
In the little sidecar crib beside their bed, baby Liv was hungry and intent on making everyone know about it. Taylor sat up, and leaned across Estela to pick up the crying infant. As she gathered Liv to her chest, pushing her singlet up out the way, she glanced at the clock. Almost quarter-past-five. Not too bad. Only two wake-up calls during the night was nothing to sniff at.
Estela emitted a soft, rumbling groan as she rolled onto her side. She huddled closer, spooning her wife, and gazed up at her and the baby with tired eyes. Her hand reached out, resting tenderly on Liv’s back as Taylor tried to settle her. “…Shhhh… Livita…”
“Oh, sweetness…” Taylor murmured, rocking the child ever so gently, “it’s okay. Mommy’s got you.”
The cries became quiet grumbles, and within a couple of minutes, Liv settled to nurse. Taylor heaved a grateful sigh and grinned.
“Well, it’s getting easier. We’re practically pros at this.”
Through the two months since her birth, baby Liv had been the light of her mothers’ lives. Secluded in their home outside Elyys’tel, the initial bonding period had been idyllic, which was just as well, for sleep could be elusive.
“I might take her for a walk, watch the sun come up. It’s not as if she’ll go back to sleep now.”
Taylor instinctively snuggled in, defiant at the thought of leaving her lovely bed. She pointedly ignored her wife sniggering at her. “God, you are a maniac.”
“Are you coming?”
“Ugh. Fine. But I’ll be talking Liv into sleeping in tomorrow morning.”
Estela laughed, reaching for the sling she used to tie the baby against her chest, before pecking Taylor’s lips with a kiss. “Good luck with that. But, honest, you’ll feel better for getting up.”
The gentle breeze was cool, the stifling heat that was so synonymous with La Huerta’s tropical zones having retreated with the previous day. Even after just a few steps outside, Taylor knew that Estela had been completely right; this really felt nice. She took her hand and let herself be led up the lush hills beyond their home. From the highest point, they could look over Elyys’tel and across the sea to Sharktooth Isle. For a beautiful sunrise, there were few more impressive spots on the island.
Estela sat down carefully, cradling Liv with one arm. The baby squirmed against her chest, eyes wide and curious in response to the light of day slowly spilling into her world. Estela unwrapped her and held her up in her arms. “See, Mama Taylor? It’s a beautiful morning.”
With a giggle, Taylor nuzzled in and tickled Liv’s belly with kisses. She heard a sudden gasp, and looked up. “What?”
“Do that again!
“What is it?
“She just smiled! Oh my god, Taylor; it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…”
“What? No! You do it- I wanna see!”
Having passed Liv to Taylor, Estela blew raspberries against the baby’s stomach. In no time at all, Liv’s small, rounded face was lit up with a wide smile- one that made Taylor’s heart race.
“Oh, my Livi! My happy girl! Is that funny? Is Mama ‘Stel funny?” she babbled in wonderment. “Oh, my girl, you have just the prettiest smile in the whole wide world!”
They tickled and played peekaboo, completely enraptured in the totally new feeling of connection with their little one. When they finally looked up from a beaming Liv, the sun had already emerged over the horizon.
“And you wanted to just stay in bed…” Estela couldn’t help but smirk.
“I’ll give you this one,” Taylor conceded, scooting closer and resting her head on her wife’s shoulder. “I don’t even mind that we missed the sunrise.”
Estela inhaled blissfully as she pressed a gentle kiss into Liv’s wispy hair, and then turned to Taylor. She whispered against her lips. “...I’m so happy…”
Taylor smiled into a sweet kiss. “Guess that makes all three of us, hey? All these milestones… moments that we’ll never get back… I don’t wanna miss a single one…”
 “Can the birthday girl do her trick?”
“Please, she is not a performing poodle!”
Diego pouted, but caught Taylor’s eye. She grinned discreetly and brought Liv over to him.
“If you don’t mind death glares from uptight Uncle Al, go ahead,” she said.
With a happy squeal, Diego leaned in close and started singing under his breath. “Na na na na na na na na…”
“Batman!” Liv squeaked, her hands flying up in the air.
“Yaaaas, queen!”
Aleister rolled his eyes, amid cheers from everyone else.
“Na na na na na…”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake!” he grumbled, as the whole group got in on the act.
“Na na na na na na na na na na na…”
A pause. All eyes on baby Liv.
“Chyeah boi!”
Taylor giggled and kissed Liv’s beaming face. “You’re so clever, babygirl! Mama’s gonna go and get a special cake, just for Livi… can you say ‘cake’? ‘Ca-ake?”
The infant’s face was a picture of bewilderment.
“Okay, that one was a bit tricky. But I know you know this one…” She pointed towards Estela. “Who’s that? Is that Mama?”
Recognition lit up Liv’s eyes. “Ma-ma,” she said, flailing an arm out in the direction of her other mom, who caught it gently and kissed her fingers. Liv gave a happy chortle. She looked up at Taylor. “Mama!”
“That’s right, also Mama…”
“Mama… Mama… Mama… Mama… Batman…?” Liv babbled.
Aleister, walking by, scoffed. “Didn’t I say you would confuse her with this nonsense?”
Estela just laughed, light and utterly carefree, and tickled her baby under the chin. “Oh, Livita! He’s just grumpy because you said ‘Mama’ before ‘Uncle Al’.”
Then came the cake, lit with a single glowing candle that seemed to hold Liv in a trance, only broken as her mothers simultaneously leaned in to gently kiss her head.
Taylor whispered through the other voices that began to raise in song. “Happy birthday, angel…”
 Squealing as she went, Liv paddled wildly, her tiny arms sending splashes in all directions.
“You’re doing it, Liv!” Taylor cried, arms outstretched, ready to scoop up her happy toddler. The child reached for her, a look of satisfaction on her cherubic face, and Taylor wrapped her into a hug. “Yay, Livi! Such a clever girl!”
A couple of feet away, Estela watched, beaming with pride. “No fear at all. Figures.”
She ducked under the calm sea waters, and Taylor pulled an exaggerated face of feigned confusion.
“Oh no! Where’s Mommy gone, Liv? Where’s Mommy?”
“Oh no!” Liv mimicked, turning her head this way and that. “She gone!” Boldly, she put her head under the water and paddled forward, secure in the knowledge that her mothers would let no harm come to her. Some two years old, she spent her waking hours exploring the big wide world, and testing the boundaries of her wriggly little body. The seas around La Huerta were just another playground to her. Confidently, she swam down and wrapped her arms around Estela’s shoulders, hugging tight as they surfaced together.
“Found Mommy!” she hollered.
With effortless strokes, Estela swam out further, unable to stop herself from grinning as Liv babbled contentedly from her safe perch on her back. She felt the toddler let go, endlessly trusting, tiny arms reaching gleefully skywards.
Taylor streaked forward until she was just about keeping up. She was a strong swimmer, but Estela was basically a porpoise.
“You be careful, Miss Liv!” And, of course, the toddler just laughed.
As Estela slowed to tread water, Liv fell forwards, hugging around her head and getting a face-full of wet hair. She nuzzled her face in.
“… Wuv you Mama…”
Estela’s mouth fell open, her eyes grew wide and then scrunched shut, teary. “Livi…” she gasped. “I love you too. I love you so much.”
“Woah, did she just…? Oh my god!” Taylor swam over and put her arms around her wife and daughter.
Giggling over her mothers’ excitement, Liv swung her arms back and forward around the back of Estela’s head and kissed her, before reaching out to Taylor. More confidently, she cried, “Wuv ‘ou Mama!”, and echoed Taylor’s delighted squeal.
“And I love you, Liv! Lovely, lovely Livi!” And Taylor kissed her, and kissed her, and kissed her some more, while Liv shouted with laughter, the whole time bouncing up and down on Estela’s shoulders.
“Wuv ‘ou! Wuv ‘ou! “Wuv ‘ou!”
Liv yanked her arm away from her mother’s grasp, her fierce glare never faltering. “I hate you!”
As if slapped across the face, Estela recoiled. She tried to steady herself, but her voice trembled as she spoke. “Liv, go to your room right now. Don’t you dare make me tell you again.”
The small child’s breath was an angry pant. She stormed into her room and slammed the door. “I hate you; I wish you weren’t my mom!”
Estela shuddered and buried her face in her hands, still crouched on the floor beside the front door, where she’d been restraining her daughter. And then she felt Taylor’s arms around her shoulders, and the gentlest of kisses against her temple.
“She’s upset… she didn’t mean it…” It seemed inevitable that one of them would cop those three words, the ones that stung like barbs in a parent’s heart. But on Mother’s Day of all things… Shit, thought Taylor. “Estela…” she whispered, “love, what happened?”
Staggering to her feet, Estela let herself be led to the couch, and she wrapped her wife in a hug. Damn, she needed that hug. Indignant shouts and screams rang out from Liv’s room. Out of the corner of Estela’s eye, she spotted the card that Liv had given her that very morning, the first she’d ever made all on her own, and could no longer hold back from weeping.
Taylor rubbed Estela’s back. “Deep breaths…”
“She kept running away from me,” Estela said with a sigh. “It’s simple and it’s stupid, but that’s all it was. She wanted to go after Taari and those other kids who thought they’d spotted the new sea guardian, and she wouldn’t hear ‘no’. I turned and she was gone… I caught her trying to hide away in one of their boats.” She roughly wiped her eyes. “And I… and I yelled at her. I grabbed her by her arm and dragged her all the way home.” A pause, and then her voice shook when she spoke again. “I… I think I scared her, Taylor… God, I’m used to people looking at me like that, but her…” Tears came anew. It was all new and frightening. She’d never lost her temper with Liv, no matter how hard the small child pushed her. And push she did; Liv was sweet and affectionate, but she had a will of iron.
“…Hey… when she’s calmed down, we’ll talk it out together. Look at me, baby… she knows you love her, that you’d never hurt her. Livi loves the bones of you. She looks at you like you’re her hero.” Taylor kept up her gentle caressing, kneading her wife’s shoulders, so tight and tense. Mother’s Day was always hard. “I guess we skipped through the terrible twos and got the terrible fours instead. She did go too far. Maybe we’ve gotta be stricter; it’s just been so nice to feel like we can have a loose rein on her.” She shook her head, lost in thoughts for a few moments. Their little Liv led a carefree life, oblivious to just how dangerous the world could be. They’d tried to give her that. Estela had been adamant that they give their daughter at least a few years before shattering the illusion. La Huerta these days was paradise, but even in their safe haven, the shadows remained. “Estela? Maybe it’s time we really talk to her about your mom? I know she’s still little, but she’d understand why today is hard for you.”
Estela’s eyes squeezed shut. Her mom would have been better at this. She’d have known how to handle Liv- she’d survived her own headstrong daughter after all. She’d know exactly what to say. Since her own child’s birth -really, since the pregnancy began- the aching feeling of missing her mom had taken a new depth for Estela. For all those years, grief had been anger, but it was only after that passed that the hollow sadness could take its place. For however much she felt herself moving on and letting go, there were some days when all that emotion returned with a vengeance… and with it, the fear of losing someone else dear to her heart. Liv could not have known why she’d overreacted as she did…
“Maybe…” she whispered. It occurred to her that the cries had quietened. Her own anger had fizzled out, and more than anything, she wanted to hold her little girl. “But right now, I just need to talk to her about what just happened.”
As her wife rose to her feet, Taylor looked at her with admiration. “Do you want me to come with you?” she asked.
Having considered for a moment, Estela nodded her head. “Yeah… yeah, I do. We’re a family, and we’re in this together. She needs to see that we’ve both got her back, and each other’s.” Hand-in-hand with Taylor, she approached Liv’s bedroom, her heart pounding. Here goes nothing…
 The banging of a small fist on the door woke Taylor from her slumber. A glance to the clock beside the bed told her that it was six on the dot; the earliest agreed wake-up time for special occasions. From behind, Estela nuzzled against her neck, and even sleepy as she was, Taylor’s lips curved into a smile.
“Happy birthday, mi amor. Thirty-three…”
Taylor rolled over with a low ‘hmmph’, facing her partner. “Bullshit,” she murmured. “Technically, I’m only eleven.”
“If you say so. Not too old for being jumped on by a small bribona?”
Liv bashed more forcefully on the door, and Taylor laughed.
“All right then, Livi!” she called, “Bring it, girl.”
The door flew open and Liv vaulted onto the bed, one arm outstretched, reaching to hug Taylor, the other in plaster and a sling. In her hand was a colourful piece of folded card.
“Haaaappy birthday, Mommy!”
“Oof!” Taylor grunted. Jesus, that child always seemed to find a way of sticking her knee into tender organs… “Thank you, sweet pea.” She wrapped her arms around Liv and found herself the recipient of a clumsy and rather wet kiss. “Just be careful of your arm… and my kidneys…”
After a few affectionate bounces on Taylor’s midsection, Liv tumbled sideways so that she was sandwiched between both of her moms. She hugged Estela’s arm with her left, and with her plastered right hand she offered the card to the birthday girl.
“For you.”
“Oh, thank you! Did you make this?” Taylor admired the messy illustration of a smiling sun looking down on a family of two women -one of whom wearing a party hat-, a little girl, two dogs and a purple cat. “Or was some clever artist spying on our family?”
Liv giggled. “It was me, silly! And, uh, Mama Estela helped.”
“I just held your hand steady, mija. This was all you, Liv. You might actually be better with your left hand now.”
“Olivia Andromeda Montoya, you are such a talented artist!” Taylor gushed. “See, I can tell it’s you, because you’ve even drawn your blonde streak in your hair.”
The ‘blonde streak’ was a lock of Taylor’s hair that had been woven into Liv’s. The recently adopted fashion statement had come about on the day of her aunt and uncle’s wedding, at which the small girl had briefly dabbled in hairdressing. Inspired by her cousin Reggie’s dissatisfaction with his recent neat-and-tidy haircut, Liv had decided to help him out, utilising scissors, Jake -dead to the world after a long string of flights and several whiskeys-, and a big pot of glue. Her hair styling debut had been met with mixed reviews, but before her antics were found out by any of the attending adults, she’d managed to scissor off a great chunk from the back of an unknowing Taylor’s head. In her childlike naivete, it had been a compliment; she wanted to look like both her mothers. There had been some amount of shouting, a little bit of horrified screaming… but in the end, good humour prevailed. As far as Estela was concerned, that her daughter had such ingenuity was something to be proud of, especially as her actions had been made only out of love. After the initial shock and a much-needed discussion about haircuts and consent, Taylor -who now wore a pixie cut- found herself touched by the gesture. When she looked at the lock of blonde hair hanging by her daughter’s face, she saw an honest and loving tribute to their bond.
She opened up the card and read ‘Dear Mama Tay, have a day with hugs and kisses, you are 33, love from Liv, Ps I love you lots’.
“Honey, that’s really special.” Taylor leaned in to give Liv a great big kiss on the forehead. “I must be the luckiest person in the world.”
A deep frown across her face, Taylor emerged from the Principal’s office. Of course, there was a first time for everything, but the first phone call to pick up her daughter from school after she’d slugged some other kid in the nose… that wouldn’t be one for the albums. Liv sat in the chair, just outside the door, her legs swinging nervously. Six years old, perhaps small for her age; even faced with an unavoidable reprimand, her dark eyes shone with defiance.
Taylor held out a hand. “Come on, Livi. We’ll talk in the car.”
With the little girl not forthcoming with details as she sat strapped into the car seat, it fell to Taylor to break the silence. Damn, she hated this. Their little angel had an attitude on her, but she’d never before been in real trouble. There had to be a good explanation for her to suddenly be lashing out.
“Why did you hit Jamie, Olivia? Did he do something to upset you?”
Liv scowled. “He’s a butthead. That’s why I hit him.”
The venom in the tiny child’s words took Taylor aback. It wasn’t exactly surprising that there might be something of an aggressive streak in her, but it certainly hadn’t surfaced before. “You broke his nose. That’s very bad.”
“I know how to hit good. Mama ‘Stel showed me.”
Fucking great, thought Taylor. “Hmmm…” she said instead, “I think when she showed you that, it was so you could protect yourself in an emergency. You only hit when there’s nothing else you can do to stay safe. We don’t just punch people because we’re mad. I know you know that.”
Liv was quiet, looking pointedly out the window.
“I’m gonna need you to give a real apology to this boy when you go back to school…”
“Mommy, I hit him ‘cause he deserved it. I’m not sorry.”
Taylor bit her lip. She didn’t like the attitude, but her instincts told her there was something beneath it.  “Honey, what happened? Whatever this kid said or did, we can work out together how to fix it- without hitting.”
Liv’s brown eyes welled with tears as she looked down into her lap. Through the mirror, Taylor saw her daughter’s distress and immediately felt an aching desperation to wrap her arms around her.
“Hey, Liv… it’s okay. You can tell me what happened when we get home. It’s okay, sweetness; we’ll work this out over a cuddle.”
Mother and daughter sat side by side on the couch, Liv huddling up close, her head hanging. Taylor pecked a kiss to the child’s forehead and waited for her to open up.
“Mom, Jamie was being really mean. For, like, a long time. He says that I’m a lez-bean because I have two mommies, and we are all gonna go to hell for being disgusting. I don’t even know what that means, but he says it like its bad.”
Taylor sighed heavily. This was something she’d expected they’d encounter at some point, but certainly not this early on. She put an arm around Liv, giving her a gentle squeeze.
“That must have made you sad. Some people don’t understand that families can be made up of any combination of mommies, or daddies, or grandparents, or friends, or aunts… or… you get it, yeah? What matters is that we love each other.”
“So… we won’t go somewhere bad?”
“Darling, no. People who think things like that are too busy being angry at the world to remember what really matters. I don’t believe hell is a real thing, but I know that if it was, you definitely wouldn’t go there for loving another person.”
Liv finally looked up to her mother’s face, beseeching. “And, uh, he said more mean things.” She winced. “About Mama Estela.”
“Oh.” Taylor felt her heart sink further. Of course, standing up for her loved ones would be what would get Liv into hot water. Like mother, like daughter.
“He started saying that her beauty stripe makes her look like an ugly monster, and then all the other kids started saying it too. And pretending to run and hide at pick-up time.”
“Oh, Liv, I’m sorry.”
Liv sniffled and wiped her nose. “Today he drew a stripe on his eye and chased everyone around. So I hit him in the face.” She tugged on Taylor’s sleeve, her wet eyes pleading. “Please don’t tell her. I don’t want her to be sad.”
Taylor bundled the child into her lap and snuggled her close as she cried, stroking her silky hair. “I promise I won’t. But I need you to do something for me, okay?” She held Liv out, and gently tipped her chin so that their eyes met. “Next time someone’s being horrible like that, I need you to walk away. You’ve gotta walk away, ‘cause you deserve better than to have to listen to that kind of talk. And then I need you to tell a teacher what’s happening, ‘cause kids like that need to be dealt with. By a grown-up. Not by you and those flying fists of yours. Do we have a deal?”
“Deal.” Liv flung her arms around Taylor’s neck and hugged her with all her diminutive might.
Just then, the front door creaked open.
“Livita, are you okay, mija?”
“Mommy!” Liv jumped up and ran into Estela’s arms and nuzzled against her chest. “I’m okay.”
Taylor joined them. “Our little lady has been putting bullies to rights. Apparently, she’s inherited your strong right hook. But we’ve had a talk. It’s all fine.”
“God, Livi, I thought I told you- emergencies only?” Estela left several fierce kisses on the top of her daughter’s head. Getting a call that her beloved Liv had been sent to the office for fighting, protective instincts had flared up in an instant. If she’d have been hurt…
Looking up, Liv looked sheepish for the first time. “I’m sorry. It felt like an emergency. I know what to do next time, I promise.” She reached and softly kissed Estela’s long facial scar. Some dumb bully couldn’t stop her from seeing something beautiful. “I love you…”
“I love you too. My brave girl.”
“And Mama Tay?”
Estela chuckled and tugged Taylor closer so that Liv could impart the requisite sloppy kiss on her face. “And Mama Tay.”
“And Batman?”
“Well at least I got a mention before Batman…” Taylor rolled her eyes, laughing. It looked like Liv would be all right. She’d have another talk with the Principal when the suspension was over, but for the time being, it was hard to deny that having a few extra days with their daughter at home felt like a special treat. Taylor had made a promise to herself a long time ago that she’d cherish each moment, each memory made together. It wasn’t always easy, but feeling the arms of the two loves of her life around her… Liv’s suspension wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
Liv was biting her nails as the car pulled up at the gymnasium, her nerves plain to see. Now seven years old, she had grown but remained petite. Her dark hair, so long that she could sit on it, had been lovingly braided into a bun. Almost constantly overflowing with bravado, her apprehension could not go unnoticed; her eyes gave it all away at a glance.
“Livita… it’s okay to be nervous.” Estela sat down in the seat beside her daughter and took her hand. The big brown eyes that looked up to her were desperately seeking something… reassurance? “You can do this. But if you really don’t want to, no one’s gonna push.” She paused, her thumb stroking Liv’s hand. “Why don’t you tell us what you’re most worried about… maybe we can help?”
With a shuddering exhale, Liv started to speak, breaking the silence she’d held since they’d started the drive to her very first gymnastics showcase evening. “I don’t like people staring at me. When people stare at me… it’s never ‘cause they’re thinking nice things. It’s ‘cause they think I’m weird. If I screw up, they’ll laugh at me more.”
Taylor reached out from the front seat, and stroked the little girl’s knee. “That’s not what’s happening tonight, honey. I’m here, we’re both here; and Uncle Diego, and Uncle Al, Auntie Grace and Reggie, -and Tio Abuelo came all the way from San Trobida- we’re here to support you. We’re going to be watching you because we’re proud of you. And because we love you.”
Liv’s bottom lip trembled.
“Olivia,” Estela spoke more firmly now. “Forget about everyone else. No one who talks garbage about you is worth caring about, you hear? When you’re up, look out and find me. I’ll be there, on your side. Always.”
At those words, Liv looked up. Her eyes met with Estela’s, gaze suddenly steely and determined as she nodded. “Okay. I’m ready.”
Sometime later, Liv’s family had gathered in the stands, ready to cheer her on. She had indeed drawn quite the little crowd of supporters, including her cousin and best friend, Reggie, who had come straight from school. As Liv stepped shakily out onto the floor, her caught her eye and poked out his tongue.
“Reginald!” Grace reprimanded lightly, unable to keep the laugh from her voice. Manners be damned, the grin that flashed across her niece’s face made it clear that Reggie had done exactly the right thing.
Uncertainty still in her eyes as she took to the balance beam, Liv searched the stands for her mothers. As she knew they would be, there they were, hand in hand, pride in her written all over their faces. She met Estela’s gaze, sending back a look of fierce confidence. A slight wobble, but then she caught herself with a deep breath. And then Liv turned a perfect cartwheel, finishing to the sound of applause with the broadest of grins across her face.
Now brimming with confidence, Liv seemed to fly through the showcase, and all the while she could feel the loving eyes of her family on her through every movement. She finished with a back handspring- pulling it off for only the third time ever- and skipped off the floor, triumphant, straight into Estela’s arms.
“Mom, did you see me? I did it!”
“You killed it out there, Livita.”
Taylor joined in the tight hug, feeling the elation that shone out from her beloved child. “Hon, you looked incredible! Give me five, girl!”
Their hands met, and they were united. Together, and loved, and unafraid.
Sunlight brought colour into the hills over Elyys’tel, though for the time being, it was all too distant for the baby in Estela’s lap to make out. All baby Liv knew were the two people who stayed close to her, tickling, cuddling, kissing her.
Taylor reached for her phone and took a quick photograph. “I know some things are best not experienced through a camera lens, but she is not gonna stay like this for long. If that little smile isn’t worth capturing for forever, I honestly don’t know what is.”
Sucking contentedly on Estela’s fingers, Liv soothed herself after what was almost too much excitement. She kept glancing around, seeking eye contact with her mothers. When Taylor leaned in for yet another kiss, her smile returned, wide and gummy. She cooed, reaching out to touch and tipping over onto the dewy grass, guided by two pairs of hands until she was wriggling on her belly.
Estela scooched up against Taylor and looked out over their home, her head resting on her wife’s shoulder. She found herself grinning like an idiot at the feeling of her little Liv grasping at her feet. How much more perfect could life even get? “So, uh, you ready to keep going? There’s a whole lot of beautiful morning left for us to take in.”
Gently, Taylor took her wife’s face in her hands, touched by her easy radiance. Being absolutely blissed out on their family life could do that. And she kissed her, long and sweet. When she came away, she lingered with her face but a breath from Estela’s.
“That sounds wonderful,” she said, and then she couldn’t resist pecking one more kiss to her beloved’s lips, and another to Liv’s head as she bundled the infant into her arms. “What do you say, Livi? How about we go make some memories…”
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tarralin · 6 years
a Clauses and Contracts story
Chapter One
TW: Adult situations, implied nudity
Warm morning sun streamed through the window, pulling Duchess from deep slumber. She shifted slowly, stretching as far as her muscles could reach to clear the morning mental fog from her mind. Crisp spearmint wafted through the air on steaming puffs from the nearby bathroom accompanied by the familiar sound of a running shower. The mirror fogged slightly but the open door prevented full cloud coverage.
Duchess sat up to finish her morning stretch when a metallic squeak rang out, signaling the shower’s occupant exiting the stream and stepping into full view of the mirror.
Oh… Good morning to you too!
Her brain raced to remember the name of the honey-eyed best man that could very well put Adonis to shame should the famed god ever wish to experience the sting of failure. Many things from last night crossed her memory; the two glasses of champagne she nursed to keep her wits about her, the dimly lit dance floor of the reception hall, the warm arms she allowed to guide through dances. Those same arms being the ones she spent the night in.
But, damn, what was his name?!
“Like what you see, Duchess?”
A flash of heat crossed her cheeks at the realization she had been caught staring, averting her gaze immediately to the floor. “Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean-- I was just--”
His warm laughter at her flubbering was oddly soothing. “It's ok, otherwise I wouldn't have left the door open.”
It was her turn to laugh at her own awkwardness. “I should probably be getting up. I need to sneak back to my room to get ready to see the happy couple off on their honeymoon.”
“You don't have to do that. You can get started here and I’ll get your luggage.” He dressed quickly in fresh clothing and was out the door in the next instant with her key card in hand, but not before twirling a lock of her hair on his way out and motioning toward a covered breakfast.
Certainly know how to treat a girl, don't you, Hideyoshi?
Hideyoshi! That's his name!
She rushed through the fastest shower on her personal record once the door clicked behind him, utilizing the complimentary toiletries provided by the hotel and stepping out just as Hideyoshi returned with her overnight bag. Pointedly focusing on her own reflection, she couldn't help the slight tilt of her lips as she saw him freeze in his tracks through the mirror at the same vision he had given her moments ago.
“Like what you see, Hideyoshi?”
Okay, so maybe he hadn't purred her name like she just did his but the pink coloring his features was definitely worth the effort.
“You might want to text Princess.”
“Why?” Her brows knit in confusion for only the second it took him to cross the distance separating the two of them.
“We're going to be late seeing them off.”
They weren't terribly late to the departure party. Princess and Nobunaga hadn't even shown up yet by the time Hideyoshi turned in his room key to the receptionist. After their morning interlude, Duchess had agreed it wouldn't be ideal if they arrived together and made her way to the lobby ahead of him. She’d already made herself comfortable in the sunny waiting lounge with a prepared coffee in hand, engaged in lively chatter with the other two bridesmaids as well as Mitsuhide and Masamune-- who was currently taking up the whole couch with his legs dangling off the other end and head rested in the fair haired bridesmaid lap.
“Really, Masa?” Hideyoshi scolded as he halfheartedly kicked Masa’s boots off the edge.
“Really, Hide?” Masa mocked as he resettled in place, tucking the woman under his arm and resting his head on top of hers.
Hideyoshi arched an eyebrow at the duo but kept his thoughts to himself as he sat across from Duchess. She had also noticed the closeness of their friends but continued to sip her coffee with indifference before sitting up and continuing the conversation. “So, what all do you guys do for a living? Princess hasn't said much other than Nobu being a business CEO she met while tailoring his suits.”
“Yes,” Mitsuhide answered. “Of a technologies corporation.”
Duchess sat straighter and her eyebrows arched with new interest. “What kind?”
Mitsuhide simply smirked. “A little bit of everything. Ieyasu is head of a med-tech firm, Masamune is in charge of military research, and I control the communications and security properties.”
A laugh escaped the second bridesmaid who had remained silent until now. “So let me get this straight… Nobu is CEO of a corporation involved in medical, military, and security advancement. Is he trying to be the next Batman?”
Amicable laughter rang through the group a moment and then Duchess’s smiling emerald eyes fell back to Hideyoshi. “What about you?”
“Vice President,” Hideyoshi sat a little taller as he boasted his own title with a grin.
“Don't be shy,” Mitsuhide sneered. “Mother Dearest here doubles as head of Human Resources. As well as meddling in all of our own work.”
A crumpled napkin flew across the open space, pelting the silver haired kitsune between the eyes. “If you kept me updated, like you're supposed to, then I wouldn't have to meddle.”
A familiar chuckle resonated from the other side of the lobby, alerting the group to the newlyweds’ arrival. “Should have known the lot of you couldn't go long without discussing work.”
“Duchess!” Princess scowled down at her friend. “I thought I told you no business talk.”
“We're not discussing my work.” Her emerald depths glittered with such mischief, Hideyoshi could have thought she were related to Masamune in that moment and that edge of challenge was back in her voice. The same one that reignited last night’s flames within him when she purred his name that morning.
“Close enough,” Princess huffed. “I would like everyone to relax and avoid anything business related.”
“You do realize you're talking to Duchess, right?” This from the friend sitting next to Masamune. “You know, borderline workaholic? I'm surprised she's survived this long without checking in at work.”
“Baroness, you know well why I do...”
“Yes, and I also know there are two capable VPs to handle things should the ice queen himself refuse to emerge from his frigid fortress.”
“Eh… ‘capable’ may be a questionable term right now with everything.”
“Anyway!” Princess butted back into the conversation. “It's getting late in the morning and our driver will be here soon so let's get some final pictures done!”
The receptionist was more than capable of taking a few group shots before the gathered bunch split to finally wish the couple well on their honeymoon.
“Hideyoshi, be sure to send me the minutes from the shareholder--” Nobunaga attempted one last order but Princess was quick to shut it down by covering his mouth her hand.
“No. You. Don't. The company will be fine without you for a short time.”
Light hearted laughter echoed through the car drop off. Masamune clapped Nobunaga on the back. “Don't worry, Devil King, it will take more than two weeks to bring down Oda Tech.”
Baroness and Countess gasped sharply at that just as Princess cowarded behind her husband. Duchess froze stock still, all color draining from her face.
“O-oda Tech?” She blinked twice before her thoughts seemed to catch up with her, breaking the spell as hysteria laced giggles bubbled from within. “I am so fired!”
“They can't dictate what you do on your own time!” Princess squeaked from her behind Nobunaga's shoulder.
“I have a competitors fraternization clause, they most certainly can! Oda Tech is listed by name. I have no idea what they did to my boss but that man hates Oda and-- oh God.” All the fury left her as suddenly as it came, freezing her in place with an emotionless mask. “I won't even be eligible for severance… I--I have to go.”
Turning again on her heel, Duchess snatched her bag off the ground and started toward her car before marching back when she realized her mistake. She pulled Princess into a tight hug despite the wrinkle still etched into her forehead. “Have fun! I love you. I'm upset with you right now, but I love you. I have to go. I have to call the photographers to make sure they don't post any pictures yet. Ah, hell! Social media!”
The frazzled ball of nerves continued muttering to herself as she settled into her car and drove from the parking lot. A heavy silence surrounded the three remaining women as they gazed after the tail lights of their friend while the men glanced to one other, each failing to make sense of the scene they had witnessed until Nobunaga finally addressed his new wife.
“Princess, mon amour, would you like to explain and translate what just happened?”
“Uh, no. Not really.”
The fair haired bridesmaid known as Baroness rolled her eyes. “Duchess is a higher-up at one of your rival companies.”
“And Princess thought it a good idea to keep that fact from everyone.” Countess finished.
“Shame,” Mitsuhide smirked. “I do so enjoy networking… from whence does she hail then? What does she do?”
Countess and Baroness pointedly glanced to Princess with tilted heads and strained smiles, preventing her from escaping the topic.
“I was just trying to avoid any awkwardness and, personally, I feel I succeeded. But, if you must know, Duchess is an Executive Assistant.”
“To who?” Nobunaga persisted.
The forced innocence of her smile faltered as she realized avoidance was no longer an option, releasing a single name on a defeated sigh. “Takeda Shingen.”
Hideyoshi had been mid sip of his own coffee when the name choked him, causing him to double over in a coughing fit to push the liquid back out of his lungs.
“Oh?” Mitsuhide’s eyebrow rose with the corner of his smirk. “Looks like one of us networked quite well after all.”
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anxiouslyfred · 6 years
Doctor Anxiety
Summary: Before Accepting Anxiety, Logan comes down with a cold and when Virgil discovers it becomes a rather frantic side trying to look after him.
Triggers: Sickness, Panic (Or at least I think that’s how some of my descriptions came across as
Tags: @awesomelissawho, @fandersfic-virgil
5 sneezes in the last hour had come from the living room and Virgil could no longer ignore them. It might just be nothing, as he’d hoped when he heard the first one, just some extra dust of pollen having managed to get into the mindscape but now it was concerning.
Even if Roman was going to threaten him again for being in the communal spaces he had to know the others were okay, and possibly do some dusting just in case that was what caused them to sneeze so much. Patton might be trying to include Anxiety more in the meals the other sides had together but he could tell that Logan and Roman just put up with it for the fatherly trait, but even so sneezing that loudly couldn’t be ignored anymore.
Appearing in the living room however immediately had Virgil’s worries increasing, because Logan was curled into the armchair the others usually avoided in favour of the sofa, sniffling. His nose was red and it looks like the logical side was shivering ever so slightly even as he hunched over Thomas’s diary and 5 post it notes that Anxiety presumed were appointments or plans Thomas had made.
“AHHH-CHOO!” Logan sneezing again made Anxiety jumped into action instead of scanning over the other side, snatching the diary and everythings else from the other trait.
“No more working while you’re ill.” Virgil insisted when Logan immediately scrambled to take them back glaring at the hands now holding his work.
Logan scowled, still focused on the diary. “I’ve told you already, Roman, I need to get this done.”
“Not Roman, and not going to listen to anything that leaves you working. You’re sick, Logic.” Virgil pointed out, sinking out even as he spoke, rushing to put the diary in Logan’s room, more chucking it through the door than anything else while grabbing the blankets he had collected in his room to take back to the living room.
Logic was standing by the time Anxiety returned, blowing his nose but a determined glint in them before he found what seemed to be a blanket heap herding him back to the sofa. “I have work to do, Patton, I don’t need any blanket.”
“Seriously, if Patton let you get away without a blanket when you’re sick, then I need to have a word with Dad about how bad illness can become. Now lie down.” Virgil demanded, still full of frantic energy and making up anything could that might make the other side feel better.
“Anxiety, I need...” Logan tried to protest, pushing the blankets to the floor and making to stand until Anxiety wrapped one tightly around his legs.
“You need to rest, Logic. You need warmth and rest and Liquid.” Virgil almost cheered the last word, having been trying to work out what he always wanted most when feeling unwell. Knowing what to get next didn’t however stop the anxious trait from having to keep fighting Logan to get the blankets wrapped around him. “That’s what you need, something to drink. Stay here, stay warm I’ll get you some juice. You like orange in the mornings so I’ll get that one.”
Logan could only blink and try to hold back a sneeze as Anxiety tore away from him into the kitchen. They might have been getting along a little better since their debate but this amount of fussing was far more than he’d expected, especially since neither Patton nor Roman had been particularly bothered after he insisted on working through it.
“You decided to take a rest then Logan?” Patton asked coming down the stairs with the blanket he’d tried giving to Logan earlier.
Before Logic could reply however Anxiety was back in the room. “Juice, you need to stay hydrated right, so juice. Oh, I forgot to bring the tissues over. Take the damn drink, Logic so I can fetch them.” Virgil ranted, only just registering Morality as he rushed past the fatherly side. “Morality, why didn’t you force him to take a break, Logic can’t keep working if he’s sick. Why did you let him try to.”
“Because it didn’t seem that bad, Kiddo. It’s just a cold.” Patton blinked, almost feeling like he’d walked into a hurricane as Anxiety dashed to fetch tissues as soon as Logan had taken the glass from his hands.
“How can we be sure of that? He keeps sneezing and was shivering and looks like his nose is blocked and he has bags under his eyes like he hasn’t been sleeping and he’s LOGIC! I’m the one whose trait makes it normal to struggle with sleep but he shouldn’t look tired, self care is like, Logan’s favourite thing to talk about and oh my god! It really is dusty on these shelves. I’ll get to cleaning that right now.” Virgil’s words were spilling from him almost as quickly as he was thinking them, so once there were tissues within arms reach of Logan he was back in the kitchen getting cloths and cleaning supplies to start getting rid of any dust there was around.
Logan let out another sneeze before glancing at Morality, hoping he might be able to help. “I’m being forced into resting by Anxiety it appears. Would you mind fetching the diary so I can keep working on Thomas’s sched...”
“NO! You need to rest, Logan, no more working until you’re better.” Anxiety commanded once more, glaring fiercely, almost more scary than when he was trying to stop them from letting Thomas do something potentially dangerous.
Patton began to frown a little. “Anxiety, are you okay? This really is just a cold, nothing to get so worked up over.”
“Why are you asking me this? Logic is sick, we need to look after him. What else do you need? Food, would food help?” Virgil brushed the concern off, watching Logan closely as though he could get worse any moment even while asking his questions.
“Can you just breathe for a moment Kiddo? He’s going to be okay, it’s just a small cold.” Patton attempted to sooth, though Logan coughing almost immediately halted any calming impact he could have had.
Virgil’s eyes immediately went to the glass of juice which Logan had drunk half of already. “Do you need more juice, Logan? Or something soft to eat? What about toast?”
“Soup is better for unwell people, Thunder Tornado.” Roman’s voice came from in front of the TV to announce he’d just popped up. 
“Soup! I’ll get soup then, Keep Logic resting you two.” Virgil nodded, hurrying back into the kitchen now the two other sides were there to look after Logan.
In the living room however Roman just stared at where Anxiety had been stood. “Okay, why is he so worked up?”
“He’s looking after Logan, isn’t it so sweet?” Patton grinned, realising how much Anxiety must care to be this upset about Logan’s illness.
“I don’t need looking after though. I was perfectly fine just working through it the same as I always do for colds.” Logan muttered, pouting towards the door, but not making a move out of his blankets in case it summoned the Anxious side from the kitchen once more.
Morality frowned at the response. “Now, Logan, he’s just trying to look after you. There’s nothing wrong with being worried about each other.”
“There is when he immediately went frantic as soon as he saw I was sneezing. I was perfectly fine working on the scheduled before he stole it from me.” Logan insisted, crossing his arms and hunching into the blanket.
“Does he actually know how to look after us when we’re sick though? Anxiety literally never left his room except for videos until after your debate.” Roman sceptically asked, trying to shove some of the many blankets closer to Logan so he could sit on the sofa since Patton had taken the chair.
“Ah.” Logan nodded, his thoughts fairly clouded by the cold but Roman’s words helping him understand a little more. “Perhaps one of you two should actually help him learn how then, since he is completely focused on looking after me however he can work out to do so and quite frantic about it.”
“I will. I’ll helped our hurricane healer.” Roman declared, standing up once more to head into the kitchen until Virgil appeared in the doorway holding a bowl of soup.
Virgil just blinked, glaring lightly at the movement before looking around the living room and back to the tray in his hands. “Is there a cushion or big book or something that Logan can have on his lap to keep this on so it can’t spill on him as easily? Scold burns can happen too easily.”
A click of Roman’s fingers had a cushioned tray set over Logan’s legs even as Patton moved to help the ill side into a more seated position. “Anxiety, would you mind if I aided you in looking after our logical side? Between a Dark Knight and a Prince we should have him feeling better in no time.” Roman offered easily, though didn’t move to take the food from Virgil at all as he headed over to Logan.
“How...How can we do that properly? Will medicine work? Where would we even find it in the mindscape?” Anxiety asked, worry shining through his eyes as the one thing he always wanted but had never been able to get when he’d been sick suddenly jumped into his mind.
“Easy, Batman, we simply fetch it from Thomas’s memories, but we need to let him eat first.” Roman instructed, before glancing over Anxiety. “While Logic eats however, why don’t you take a few deep breaths and try to calm down a little. All this hurried activity around him might make Logan take longer to heal.”
Virgil sucking in a breath, nodding. “Sure, I guess I can do that.”
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jaimistoryteller · 6 years
OC/Author PrideFest Question Mess Part 3
Thanks for the tag @raevenlywrites​​ ! Ended up sleeping longer than expected, here’s the last part of the set of questions.
Rules I am going with: answer the questions you know or are comfortable sharing, tag others, add a question if you feel like something is missing.
Note: I will be answering in three different posts, one per section, rather than all together because of how many questions there are.
Questions for you:
Introduce yourself! Tell us a little bit about you and what you write
Why do you write LGBT+ characters?
Have you always written LGBT+ characters? If no, what inspired you to start? Is it a deliberate representational choice?
Do you use modern labels in your work? Why or why not?
World builders: do you have any neat societal twists? (unique names for IDs, different marriage practices, etc.)
Do you write outside your own experiences? (cis writing trans, wlw writing mlm, etc.) If yes, how confident do you feel about it?
Tell us about a favorite book/character someone else wrote that inspired you (or just plain gave you a warm and fuzzy)
Any advice for someone else writing LGBT+ characters?
Would you like people to ask you more questions when this is over?
Free space! Wax poetic about something near and dear to your heart.
Questions for your Ocs (in character or out, dealer’s choice):
Say hi! Let us get to know you, you big beautiful person, you!
How do you feel about the world your author has created for you?
Are you out? To whom, why or why not, etc?
Tell us a little about your journey. Have you always IDed the way you do now? Are there parts of you you’re still figuring out?
Do you feel settled in your ID, or do you think it might change as you and your author go on?
Did your author always know you were [blank], or did you have to tell them? If yes, oh please, please tell us how! :3
Is being [blank] particularly hard in your world? How does your society treat you differently than ours might?
Tell us a little about your unique experiences with your ID. Do you experience dysphoria? Is it impossible to find a date? Just want to find that special someone for snuggles but everyone expects sex? Unload for a minute, it’s okay to struggle sometimes.
What’s the best part about being [blank] in your world?
Do you like getting fan-mail? Would you like people to ask you more questions when this is over?
Grab that mic! Drop some truth on us, something you’ve just been dying to share! Shout out to your besties!
Questions for either you or your OCs:
Going to answer these like I would a Q&A post, with the first three characters that comes to mind for each question.
What’s your orientation and gender? Wave that flag!!!
Tichina - female and pan. I’m proud of both. While I have not yet met my soulmates, I have had a variety of partners over the year that covers the spectrum of genders and sexualities. 
Quin - agender and queer. I am much more comfortable with my gender then I am my orientation. 
Stepan - male, demisexual, pan or poly romantic, never quite sure which is a better fit. I’m good with my alignments and try to always be respectful of other peoples. If my patient has one I am unfamiliar with, then I make sure to do research so I can help my patient to the best of my abilities. 
When did you realize you were LGBT+?
Jon - as a preteen. The others on the gymnastics team were talking about how cute people were and I didn’t see it.
Isa - in my mid-twenties. I’m older than I look.
Nazreen - after meeting my soulmates in my mid-twenties, prior to that I just thought there was something wrong with me.
What makes your heart melt?
Nazreen - not technically related to my orientation, but seeing Akaal with the children, particularly the smaller ones. He’s so big and yet I know he’s never going to harm them. 
Sitara *chuckles* Nazreen beat me to that one, *thoughtful look* I’m going with the way acceptance is the norm and not the unusual within the Balakhnov Building.
Tichina - any time I am able to get one of my high risk kids off the street, bonus points for the ones who find themselves and do so proudly. 
Do you have a favorite LGBT+ song? Movie? Book? Artist? (comic?)
Marie - too many books to list them all, the beauty of being an editor. I’ve always enjoyed All the Things She Said by t.A.T.u
Ioanna - Father would have been horrified if still alive to know I play games like Saints Row 2. I think that Gat, Aisha, and the main character are a triad. Since the main character can be anything the player ones, I take them to be genderfluid, so no matter how the relationship unfolds it’s bi
Sparks - Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman. You know she keeps them in line and makes Bruce stop brooding so damned much. 
Do you have a secret crush outside of your own work? Some wild crossover OTP?
Aither - I spent my teenage years shipping myself with Buffy and Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and there was that one time I wondered what it would be like to be an Aither sandwich with Squall and Seifer from FFVIII. . Of course, as an adult I have also shipped myself with Sam and Gabriel from Supernatural. 
Aaron *tries not to fidget* Q from the Craig!Bond movies is quiet adorable and I wouldn’t mind a good snuggle with him. 
Diego - I don’t know if I’d like anything more than friendship, but I’d love to get to know Stiles and Lydia from Teen Wolf. Maybe Even Scott if he could get his head out of his rump long enough to actually act like the friend he’s supposed to be. 
Tell us about your LGTB+ headcannons (I’d really love to see someone’s character answer this)
Karl - I always thought that William and Geoffrey from A Knight’s Tale were boyfriends. When Jocelyn joins them, they form a proper triad. 
Isaak - no one can convince me that Bones, Spock and Jim weren’t a space-husband triad!
Vara - I’d like to think that Nathan, Audrey, and Duke in Haven are a triad. Most of Nathan and Duke’s conflict coming from the fact neither of them wants to admit it for whatever silly reason.
What’s your favorite thing about being LGBT+?
Vasilia - I’m myself and able to accept that I am myself, rather than trying to be someone I am not because I hadn’t accepted being transgender.
Isa - there is a community of people like me.
Keywon - pride in my friends and community. 
Is there a cool place you like to hang out with your squad? Maybe an LGBT+ meet up?
Keywon - well, our team hangs out at the basketball court a lot, we also spend time in the community center where we are able to get help with any school work we need. We’re encouraged to bring others our age or orientation to hang out and what not. 
Quin - before meeting Aither, I spent a lot of my time at the queer book store, I didn’t really have a squad, but at least it was somewhere safe for me in public. Not that I like being in public too often. 
Molon - while I do spend a lot of time at the community center and at the basketball court, I also spend a lot of time at the nomyn san (Mongolian Library) where a lot of people of a similar descent hang out to share culture.
What are some things you do to keep positive?
Tichina - I help those in my community and the communities around mine. Every time I do so, I know I am helping someone else avoid the hardships that I and others before me went through. They’ll have a chance at a better life. 
Tzvia - prayer and regular worship, I am active in the both my faith and sports. 
Isaak - studying helps me keep positive because it means I can reach for the stars (literally)
Do you have any advice for young LGBT+ people?
Jon - you’re not broken, wrong, or otherwise odd. No matter what some people might claim, they’re idiots. 
Aither - own whatever space you are in, most won’t know how to take it.
Jamie - be yourself, it might require leaving what you know, but in the long run it’ll be far better for you. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Isaak - hopefully on the moon, it’s going to take a lot of hard work and study, but my Uncle and Aunt are making it possible so I’m not letting them or myself down.
Falco - retiring, I hope. I sometimes feel far too old for position within the Network that I hold. 
Ioanna - I happier and healthier me, preferably. 
Welp, that took way longer than planned because of a host of reasons. Still, have some more information on my massive world.
Tagging some peeps I am getting to know off the writer peeps spreadsheet so they can see my answers or do them as they feel fit.
@authordai @forlornraven @lagamerita @writing-at-dusk and @wordsbysarah
 Part 1 and  Part 2
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kyulilitanako · 7 years
How I fixed “The Emoji Movie”
(inside my head, without actually having seen it, or "Wreck-It Ralph," or "Inside Out," or "The Lego Movie," I seriously need to get out more, although I did see "The Lego Batman Movie" and that was pretty cool.  ♪ Friends are Family ♪ )
So, if I was the Queen of Hollywood, this is what I’d do.  Let us begin.
1. A little product placement is not a sin, but full-blown product immersion is both a sin and a crime, and in a world run by evil geniuses, the guilty would be stripped naked, wrapped several times around in succulent vines and acacia leaves, and dangled upside-down from a crane just inside the giraffe paddock at the zoo during feeding time.  More on this later.
2. Gene's new problem is that he desperately wants to help Alex take a shot at true love with Addie, because he's a romantic at heart, but fears he will never have the opportunity to do so, since kids...probably don't send a "Meh" to their crush to demonstrate their affection.  At least I don’t think they do.  But anyway.  Gene feels the pang of unfulfilled dreams because he thinks (based on what other emojis say) that humans ONLY interact through their phones.  We’ll fix this.
3. Jailbreak doesn't reject being a princess, she just wants being a princess to mean something more than a pretty dress and sparkly crown. She wants to do something heroic because she understands girls can lift themselves up without pushing approximately half the population down, and that you can be pro-woman without being anti-man. (Source: am girl.)
4. Hi-5 has been reduced from sidekick to running gag, showing up only occasionally to deliver a zinger and then disappear again for awhile.
5. Alex gets more screen time, often while he uses his phone to record a vlog about Addie, the Girl of His Dreams, but he never plucks up the courage to post it to...wherever, and always saves it to "Draft." But Gene watches these videos religiously, becoming more and more determined to bring the two of them together, somehow. Vive l’amour!
6. Smiler doesn't persecute Gene for being a multi-faceted misfit, she gleefully attempts to exact justice because Gene now exploits Jailbreak's mad hacker skillz to send cryptic, Cyrano de Bergerac-esque messages to Addie's phone, pretending to be Alex. See, the world can never know that phones have tiny sentient entities inside them, running around having coherent thoughts (ohai, Skynet!), therefore Smiler believes whatever fate she calls down upon Gene is justified, and...y'know...once in awhile, the villain has a point.  Crazy, I know.
7. Some of the rounder emojis have bodies now! I mean...Jailbreak already had a small one, because she's wearing a skirt (that's a skirt, right?), so why not put a little meat on ALL of their bones so they don't look like ping pong balls on sticks? Then Jailbreak can slap a sparkly pink crown sticker on her cargo pants and say, "This is my princess dress."
8. Jokes.  There should be some!  Low-hanging fruit should be kept to a minimum, with no more than three (3) instances of scatological humor throughout the picture.  Sorry, Mr. Poop.
9. And about that Poop emoji.  In my version, he is now a mentor who shows up about an hour in, to reveal to Gene the myriad ways in which humans communicate, and to encourage Jailbreak to forge her own path to princesshood through valiant deeds, all while delivering a powerful message about transcending one’s limits, as he must have done himself to become such a wise oracle despite starting his digital life as a neatly-coiled pile of excrement.  I would gladly have Sir Patrick Stewart voice my headcanon Poop emoji, even knowing that he probably thoroughly enjoyed doing the job he’s already done.  To each his own.  Moving on.
10. Gene’s parents have a little less screen time now, and instead of debating what kind of “Meh” their darling boy will make, they can just do a bit about the red-hot passion of their marriage, but in the same monotone voices.  It’ll work.
11. Instead of old school emoticons being “the elderly,” maybe they’re just a bit older than other residents of Textopolis, and not totally decrepit, shouting “Ow, my colon!” when someone bumps into them. Seriously, old people don’t say that.  You generally cannot feel your colon.  Maybe they walk into the McCafé app and get a free senior’s coffee instead.  That’s plenty.
12. Back to the product placement.  If you’re gonna have your main characters running through apps, the goal is to do something clever with it, which is the opposite of what I gather has already happened.  So, you’re running from some bad robots, and you run into the Facebook app.  Can you rip elements off the phone’s screen and use them as weapons?  Rip off a “Like” button and hold it up as a shield?  Would the “Like” button then disappear as Alex was about to tap it?  Was this possibility even explored?  You remember those animations of the stickman who runs amok all over the UI and does battle with the user by attacking the cursor?  That shit was awesome.  Let’s do some of that.
13.  Instead of trying to get to Dropbox so they can alter their own source code..........? (LOL THEY DON’T KNOW HOW TO COMPUTER)  Instead of that, Gene and Jailbreak go to the Cloud so they can infiltrate Addie’s phone and deliver proof of Alex’s ardor “in person.”  If we absolutely must visit Candy Crush, maybe they flip over a bunch of red jellybeans in the shape of a heart, or...something.  Maybe they could meet their Meh and Princess counterparts over there, and maybe they’re hilariously different.  Or something.
14. Once that happens, though, Smiler is going to go into absolute panic mode, and probably send a whole army of robo-meanies to all sorts of different phones trying to track them down.  As the virus of her own making spreads, chasing the virus of her worst fears, she resolves that she will use her bots to wipe every phone within her reach rather than let the secret of living emojis be discovered.  We’re already suspending ten kinds of disbelief to get this far, so expanding Smiler’s powers might not be terribad.
15.  Meanwhile, Gene and Jailbreak, while trolling around inside Addie’s phone, learn that she’s leaving with her family for the whole summer (maybe going to the cottage?  around here folks love going to the cottage, it’s the summer thing to do), and if Alex doesn’t make his move soon, he could lose her.  Oh noes!
16.  Home stretch now.  Gene realizes, after all his efforts, the best way Alex can tell Addie how he feels is with his own words, and fortunately, Gene knows where to find some of them!  With Jailbreak’s help, he transfers a copy of Alex’s unposted vlog to Addie’s phone, where she stumbles across it and plays it.  Now...if this happened in real life, it’d be some pretty serious stalker stuff, but again, we’re suspending fair amounts of disbelief already.  Did the actual movie establish Addie crushing on Alex at all before the end?  Well, whatever.  Maybe if his vlog is sensitive and heartfelt enough, she might not feel too creeped-on.
17. Which brings us to the big action finish.  Working in tandem with someone still back on Alex’s phone (idgaf, pick someone at random.  It can be Hi-5 if you really want.  I guess.), Gene co-ordinates a series of brief messages between the phones to get both Alex and Addie out of their houses and walking around outside.  Jailbreak hacks into the traffic light system (yeah, this is starting to pop up even in small towns now, they can change the length of a green light with two mouse clicks at a price tag of $15,000 per intersection or something) and actually manipulates the traffic in the real world to herd the lovebirds towards each other, all while robo-meanies chase them through Addie’s phone, up through the Cloud, and back to Alex’s phone in a big production that has all the emojis on Addie’s phone banding together to aid the success of their mission, as well as their subsequent escape.
18. Alex and Addie find themselves standing on the same street corner with nothing to do but have a conversation, which they somehow manage.  Addie suggests maybe Alex and his folks can come up to the cottage for a visit.  (I’m sure her parents will love that.  Invite some more strangers while you’re at it, honey!  We’ll have a luau!  But anyway.)  It’s not everlasting love, but it’s a start, and that’s all we’re really looking for here.
19. Back home again, Gene is proud that even a “Meh” like him can help fan the flames of a budding new romance (wait, buds don’t flame....) and learned that human speech is far more powerful at conveying emotion than he was led to believe by his peers.  Jailbreak is proud to be her own definition of a “princess,” having demonstrated courage, valor, and encyclopedic knowledge of several programming languages.  Smiler keeps on smiling, even though she’s seething with twelve kinds of rage, which she won’t be able to act on because...heck, I dunno, maybe the robots didn’t make it out of the Cloud.  RIP robots.
20. No dance party at the end.  Just.......just no.
And that’s how I would fix “The Emoji Movie.”
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minnievirizarry · 6 years
12 Ways to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media
Social media doesn’t feel very “social” when you’re just another face in the crowd, does it?
And then we look at the likes of GoPro, Wendy’s or Starbucks with their rabid followers and wonder how we can replicate just a fraction of their performance.
The reality, though? If you’re struggling to stand out as a brand, you’re definitely not alone.
No, seriously.
Based on data from Sprout’s 2018 Social Index, brand awareness represents social marketers’ top priority right now.
But given how competitive the modern social landscape has become, perhaps this isn’t much of a surprise.
With more and more people taking to social media to research and sound off on brands, getting your target audience’s attention is easier said than done.
So what does an effective brand awareness strategy look like, anyway? How do you become a familiar face within your followers’ feeds versus someone they just scroll past?
We’ve highlighted twelve strategies businesses of all sizes can take to boost their brand awareness. From fine-tuning your profile to experimenting with your content, any combination of these tips are fair game.
And with that, let’s dive right in!
1. Give Your Social Presence Some Personality
First thing’s first: your social media presence shouldn’t look like everyone else’s.
And while this may seem obvious, many brands fall into the trap of becoming robotic.
They play it totally safe. They post a picture or link, tack on a few hashtags and call it a day.
Here’s the deal, though: that’s not how you stand out. Not by a long shot.
Moonpie is a shining example of a seemingly “boring” brand that’s exploded in popularity because of their distinct voice and sense of humor.
Tips for a safe and fun Fourth of July   1. Do not eat any fireworks 2. Eat a MoonPie – the American Classic! 3. Respect the heck out of some bald eagles 4. You may also eat hamburgers and a hotdog
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) July 4, 2018
Sure, it’d be easy for them to post generic promos. However, it’s their off-the-wall personality that’s made them so endearing to followers.
And “personal” is the keyword here. Followers want to see more than promos and links: they want personal, human-centric content. That’s why selfies and story-driven posts typically perform so well.
On this Rio history walk, your host Thais will share the long past of the Afro-Brazilians. She's spent years learning about traditional communities like Quilombos. Get ready for an eye-opening experience, photo opportunities at historical sites like the Pedra do Sal and a new dear friend in Thais. For more #AirbnbExperiences created by locals like Thais, click the link in our bio.
A post shared by Airbnb (@airbnb) on Jul 7, 2018 at 9:05am PDT
Instagram pages like that of Humans of New York post almost exclusively story-based content. They’ve amassed nearly 8 million followers solely through tugging at the heartstrings of their fans.
“A couple weeks ago we were coming home from visiting my brother in Long Island and we stopped at a burger place off the highway. He had a Junior Whopper. I had a Whopper. We split the fries. And while we were eating, he said: ‘You know what Daddy? You’re a really great Daddy. I love you Daddy.’ And that got me. I almost choked on my burger. Because it wasn’t bedtime. He wasn’t leaving for school. It was just off the cuff.”
A post shared by Humans of New York (@humansofny) on Jun 17, 2018 at 7:46am PDT
Marketers are told time and time again to create “unique” content. It might sound corny, but the person behind your social presence represents a one-of-a-kind voice.
Before you hit “post,” make a point to ask yourself: “Does this sound like something a bot would say?”
2. Fine-Tune Your Profiles
Recognition is a key element of building brand awareness.
When followers glance at your social profiles, they should be able to understand what you’re all about. Likewise, they should recognize that you are, well, you.
From social bios to profile images, how you set up your profile determines whether or not people recognize you. Check out how ThinkGeek has a clean logo and nerdy Facebook cover photo to match…
  …while boasting the same logo and branded bio copy on Pinterest.
Spoiler alert: people’s attention spans are microscopic. You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention and say “Hey, this is who I am.” A clean, well-optimized profile and photo is key to spelling out your brand to someone who might not know you.
3. Make Your Posts Pop
Here’s a common thread between most of our brand awareness tips: a bit of creativity can score you major brownie points with followers.
For example, check out how oVertone makes bold use of color throughout both their Instagram bio and content.
This sort of content does double-duty of highlighting their brands’ voice and making scrollers stop in their Instagram feeds to drop a “like.”
casual. @deathcats in #overtoneextremeyellow
A post shared by oVertone (@overtonecolor) on Jul 1, 2018 at 8:00pm PDT
Not taking eye-popping images featuring your products? No problem. The principle of making your posts pop rings true in content marketing, too.
Notice how Sprout’s blog posts are all coupled with these colorful illustrations instead of generic stock photos?
Pinterest’s users are far-reaching and high spenders. Did you know: 55% of users use the network to shop? Keep this in mind as you plan your next marketing campaign! https://t.co/dW2eAP1YhT
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) July 10, 2018
Or how brands like Hubspot couple their Twitter chats with image macros instead of just using text?
Question 4: Do you think in quantity or quality? #HubThoughts pic.twitter.com/a7hPODqB6c
— HubSpot (@HubSpot) July 10, 2018
Anything you can do aesthetically to make your posts stand out is a point in your favor. Even if you’re not a design master, there are plenty of image creation tools to help you whip up some eye-catching imagery.
4. Tag Others to Get Them Talking
Tagging (@ mentioning) is a brilliant brand awareness strategy because it only takes about half a second and instantly amplifies your content.
Think about it. Anyone you tag via Twitter or Instagram instantly receives a notification, meaning you win an extra opportunity for engagement. Not only that, but it’s a surefire way to make positive impressions on others players in your industry.
If you have an opportunity to give someone a shoutout, go for it.
So many metrics, so little time. In this nifty list, I broke down some pretty sweet #social monitoring tools including @simplymeasured @BuzzSumo and @Brandwatch (and of course, @SproutSocial !): https://t.co/Z6bC3L4ULC #smm
— Brent Barnhart (@brentwrites) March 5, 2018
5. Harness the Power of Hashtags
In our guide to how to use hashtags, we note that social posts with hashtags receive more engagement than those without them.
While each network has its own best practices, hashtags don’t have to be rocket science. Hashtags instantly make your posts searchable and smaller, niche tags help introduce your brand to dedicated communities of potential fans.
Awesome Dr Strange project by #Repost @billybolt ・・・ Some people asked if I was going to make the green time spell from Doctor Strange. I already made those haha . . . . . #cosplay #cosplayer #drstrange #marvel #craft #marvelcomics #drstrange #mcu #magic #comiccon #green #spell #dnd #anime #fullmetalalchemist #fma #manga #otaku #drfate #zatanna #dc #dccomics #batman #cosplayprop #lit
A post shared by SparkFun Electronics (@sparkfun) on Jun 16, 2018 at 5:25pm PDT
Also, consider how creating your own hashtag is a smart move from a brand awareness perspective. Smaller, local brands can use their own branded hashtag like bigger brands: it’s all about reinforcing your identity and encouraging others to engage with you.
This is our Elvis doughnut but a filled version. Chocolate Bavarian Cream filling, with banana icing, chopped peanuts and banana chips 🙂 We also have: Fruity Pebz Cotton Candy Caramel choc chip Strawberry Lemonade Passion Fruit Strawberry Blueberry Sprankle Glazed Churro UFO Apple Fritter Don't forget to tag us in your photos! #valkyriedoughnuts #dairyfree #eggfree #notglutenfree #tonsofgluten #orlandogoods
A post shared by ValkyrieDoughnuts (@valkyriedoughnuts) on Jul 5, 2018 at 4:07am PDT
6. Creative Commenting
Not unlike tagging, people receive notifications in real-time for social comments.
Let’s be honest: most social comments aren’t exactly compelling. This spells good news for brands who are willing to put a bit more thought into comments beyond “Nice! or “Cool!”
Posting creative or thoughtful comments is a great way to break through such noise. It’s also another opportunity to show off your brand’s personality to potential followers.
7. Repurpose Your Content
If you’re like most marketers, you’re probably trying to boost brand awareness across multiple networks, right?
In that case, it’s important to repurpose your content to fit in with the best practices of each platform. After all, what works best on Instagram might not be prime for Facebook or Twitter.
For example, let’s say you publish a killer case study. Rather than post a mere link, taking the time to package it into an infographic is a surefire way to score shares and links alike.
Where are the world's self-employed based? https://t.co/tuJN9xzLUt pic.twitter.com/tPmwOGA3LR
— Forbes Asia (@ForbesAsia) July 10, 2018
As such, one-size-fits-all content and captions aren’t going to win your brand much attention.
Photos. Videos. Blogs. Your stuff. Other people’s stuff.
To keep your feed from growing stale, you should always have new social media ideas on the backburner to keep your feed fresh.
8. Break Your Own News
According to Buzzsumo’s current state of content, the best performing pieces on social media are those that people can reference.
Stats. Case studies. Surveys.
If your brand is conducting any sort of original research, it can be a huge authority booster that does wonders for brand awareness, too.
THE 2018 SPROUT SOCIAL INDEX IS HERE! See it for yourself and find out why @SproutDarryl is doing the data dance. https://t.co/qW8ODNDAPc
P.S. If you're as excited as we are, send us a video of your own data dance! #SproutData pic.twitter.com/GrvkHMCeRD
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) June 5, 2018
And if you’re not in a position where such research is possible, don’t panic.
Consider how you can comment on industry trends and happenings from your point-of-view. The takeaway here is that you should be contributing to the ongoing conversation of your industry at large versus just sitting on the sidelines.
9. Experiment with Your Captions
Social captions are yet another opportunity to let your brand’s voice be heard.
Again, no big brand or influencer simply drops a link without some sort of commentary. Captions can pique people’s interest and encourage engagement, giving a sort of taste to readers before they click through.
Seattle, we have a serious, insidious problem. https://t.co/oAmOJJGOxN
— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) July 4, 2018
As evidenced by the wealth of creative Instagram hashtags and captions out there, creativity counts. Whether through emojis or cracking jokes, captions are prime real estate for connecting with followers and letting them know exactly who you are.
Waffle cones are scientifically proven to taste better when eaten with friends.* 👯‍♀️🍦 *we don’t actually have any data to support this claim but trust us.
A post shared by Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) on Jun 29, 2018 at 12:20pm PDT
10. Use Social as a Tool for Teaching
In the marketing world, the brands that tend to stand out are the ones that strive to teach their audiences.
Educational and “how-to” content is widely sought after on just about every social network. Posting such content regularly positions you both as a positive resource and a thought leader.
I've always been a side projects person because it helps me avoid burnout. Do you have a side gig that helps keep you creative? https://t.co/X1nG9RHe96
— Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) May 30, 2018
This principle applies to non-marketers, too. The more opportunities to show off your brand’s product or know-how, the better. Just think about how popular tutorials are on Pinterest to see the power of educational content in action.
11. Don’t Be Afraid of Being Opinionated
According to our own data, people want brands to take a stand.
Parroting what everyone is saying might be “safe,” but doesn’t do much in terms of brand awareness. The previously noted Buzzsumo study also highlights that “political and tribal” content performs particularly well these days.
That’s not to say you should go out and alienate your audience, but you should stand by your brands’ principles and beliefs. Wearing them on your sleeve can get people talking and serve as a way to stand out against your competitors.
You almost surely haven’t budgeted time, energy, or dollars for “whatever it takes”. That’s also code for “at all costs,” and when you stop discussing costs, you know they’re going to spiral. #ItDoesntHaveToBeCrazyAtWork
— Jason Fried (@jasonfried) June 25, 2018
Of course, the key here is to tread lightly. The name of the game is being bold for the sake of your brand, not stirring the pot just because you can.
12. Show Up Consistently
Finally, consider that nobody can truly be aware of your brand if you don’t post consistently.
Based on Sprout’s own data on the best times to post on social media, brands are expected to push content out multiple times per day across multiple networks.
And if your brand isn’t, there’s a non-zero chance that someone else in your space is.
To help you save time and to make the process of showing up easier, having a scheduling tool such as a Sprout on deck can be game-changer.
The more ground you and your brand can cover, the better. It all comes down to having a specific strategy which makes the most out of the time you spend on social media.
And with that, we conclude our list!
What Does Your Brand Awareness Strategy Look Like?
Building buzz around your brand might take a bit of experimenting, but having a dedicated awareness strategy remains the number one concern of businesses today.
And by following the principles outlined above, you poise yourself toward becoming a brand that sticks out in the minds of your audience.
We want to hear from you, though. What makes a brand stand out to you on social media? If you’ve been struggling to figure out how to increase brand awareness, what’s been tripping you up? Let us know in the comments below!
This post 12 Ways to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/brand-awareness/
0 notes
jessette20 · 6 years
Brand Awareness
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Social media doesn’t feel very “social” when you’re just another face in the crowd, does it?
And then we look at the likes of GoPro, Wendy’s or Starbucks with their rabid followers and wonder how we can replicate just a fraction of their performance.
The reality, though? If you’re struggling to stand out as a brand, you’re definitely not alone.
No, seriously.
Based on data from Sprout’s 2018 Social Index, brand awareness represents social marketers’ top priority right now.
But given how competitive the modern social landscape has become, perhaps this isn’t much of a surprise.
With more and more people taking to social media to research and sound off on brands, getting your target audience’s attention is easier said than done.
So what does an effective brand awareness strategy look like, anyway? How do you become a familiar face within your followers’ feeds versus someone they just scroll past?
We’ve highlighted twelve strategies businesses of all sizes can take to boost their brand awareness. From fine-tuning your profile to experimenting with your content, any combination of these tips are fair game.
And with that, let’s dive right in!
1. Give Your Social Presence Some Personality
First thing’s first: your social media presence shouldn’t look like everyone else’s.
And while this may seem obvious, many brands fall into the trap of becoming robotic.
They play it totally safe. They post a picture or link, tack on a few hashtags and call it a day.
Here’s the deal, though: that’s not how you stand out. Not by a long shot.
Moonpie is a shining example of a seemingly “boring” brand that’s exploded in popularity because of their distinct voice and sense of humor.
Tips for a safe and fun Fourth of July   1. Do not eat any fireworks 2. Eat a MoonPie – the American Classic! 3. Respect the heck out of some bald eagles 4. You may also eat hamburgers and a hotdog
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) July 4, 2018
Sure, it’d be easy for them to post generic promos. However, it’s their off-the-wall personality that’s made them so endearing to followers.
And “personal” is the keyword here. Followers want to see more than promos and links: they want personal, human-centric content. That’s why selfies and story-driven posts typically perform so well.
On this Rio history walk, your host Thais will share the long past of the Afro-Brazilians. She's spent years learning about traditional communities like Quilombos. Get ready for an eye-opening experience, photo opportunities at historical sites like the Pedra do Sal and a new dear friend in Thais. For more #AirbnbExperiences created by locals like Thais, click the link in our bio.
A post shared by Airbnb (@airbnb) on Jul 7, 2018 at 9:05am PDT
Instagram pages like that of Humans of New York post almost exclusively story-based content. They’ve amassed nearly 8 million followers solely through tugging at the heartstrings of their fans.
“A couple weeks ago we were coming home from visiting my brother in Long Island and we stopped at a burger place off the highway. He had a Junior Whopper. I had a Whopper. We split the fries. And while we were eating, he said: ‘You know what Daddy? You’re a really great Daddy. I love you Daddy.’ And that got me. I almost choked on my burger. Because it wasn’t bedtime. He wasn’t leaving for school. It was just off the cuff.”
A post shared by Humans of New York (@humansofny) on Jun 17, 2018 at 7:46am PDT
Marketers are told time and time again to create “unique” content. It might sound corny, but the person behind your social presence represents a one-of-a-kind voice.
Before you hit “post,” make a point to ask yourself: “Does this sound like something a bot would say?”
2. Fine-Tune Your Profiles
Recognition is a key element of building brand awareness.
When followers glance at your social profiles, they should be able to understand what you’re all about. Likewise, they should recognize that you are, well, you.
From social bios to profile images, how you set up your profile determines whether or not people recognize you. Check out how ThinkGeek has a clean logo and nerdy Facebook cover photo to match…
  …while boasting the same logo and branded bio copy on Pinterest.
Spoiler alert: people’s attention spans are microscopic. You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention and say “Hey, this is who I am.” A clean, well-optimized profile and photo is key to spelling out your brand to someone who might not know you.
3. Make Your Posts Pop
Here’s a common thread between most of our brand awareness tips: a bit of creativity can score you major brownie points with followers.
For example, check out how oVertone makes bold use of color throughout both their Instagram bio and content.
This sort of content does double-duty of highlighting their brands’ voice and making scrollers stop in their Instagram feeds to drop a “like.”
casual. @deathcats in #overtoneextremeyellow
A post shared by oVertone (@overtonecolor) on Jul 1, 2018 at 8:00pm PDT
Not taking eye-popping images featuring your products? No problem. The principle of making your posts pop rings true in content marketing, too.
Notice how Sprout’s blog posts are all coupled with these colorful illustrations instead of generic stock photos?
Pinterest’s users are far-reaching and high spenders. Did you know: 55% of users use the network to shop? Keep this in mind as you plan your next marketing campaign! https://t.co/dW2eAP1YhT
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) July 10, 2018
Or how brands like Hubspot couple their Twitter chats with image macros instead of just using text?
Question 4: Do you think in quantity or quality? #HubThoughts pic.twitter.com/a7hPODqB6c
— HubSpot (@HubSpot) July 10, 2018
Anything you can do aesthetically to make your posts stand out is a point in your favor. Even if you’re not a design master, there are plenty of image creation tools to help you whip up some eye-catching imagery.
4. Tag Others to Get Them Talking
Tagging (@ mentioning) is a brilliant brand awareness strategy because it only takes about half a second and instantly amplifies your content.
Think about it. Anyone you tag via Twitter or Instagram instantly receives a notification, meaning you win an extra opportunity for engagement. Not only that, but it’s a surefire way to make positive impressions on others players in your industry.
If you have an opportunity to give someone a shoutout, go for it.
So many metrics, so little time. In this nifty list, I broke down some pretty sweet #social monitoring tools including @simplymeasured @BuzzSumo and @Brandwatch (and of course, @SproutSocial !): https://t.co/Z6bC3L4ULC #smm
— Brent Barnhart (@brentwrites) March 5, 2018
5. Harness the Power of Hashtags
In our guide to how to use hashtags, we note that social posts with hashtags receive more engagement than those without them.
While each network has its own best practices, hashtags don’t have to be rocket science. Hashtags instantly make your posts searchable and smaller, niche tags help introduce your brand to dedicated communities of potential fans.
Awesome Dr Strange project by #Repost @billybolt ・・・ Some people asked if I was going to make the green time spell from Doctor Strange. I already made those haha . . . . . #cosplay #cosplayer #drstrange #marvel #craft #marvelcomics #drstrange #mcu #magic #comiccon #green #spell #dnd #anime #fullmetalalchemist #fma #manga #otaku #drfate #zatanna #dc #dccomics #batman #cosplayprop #lit
A post shared by SparkFun Electronics (@sparkfun) on Jun 16, 2018 at 5:25pm PDT
Also, consider how creating your own hashtag is a smart move from a brand awareness perspective. Smaller, local brands can use their own branded hashtag like bigger brands: it’s all about reinforcing your identity and encouraging others to engage with you.
This is our Elvis doughnut but a filled version. Chocolate Bavarian Cream filling, with banana icing, chopped peanuts and banana chips 🙂 We also have: Fruity Pebz Cotton Candy Caramel choc chip Strawberry Lemonade Passion Fruit Strawberry Blueberry Sprankle Glazed Churro UFO Apple Fritter Don't forget to tag us in your photos! #valkyriedoughnuts #dairyfree #eggfree #notglutenfree #tonsofgluten #orlandogoods
A post shared by ValkyrieDoughnuts (@valkyriedoughnuts) on Jul 5, 2018 at 4:07am PDT
6. Creative Commenting
Not unlike tagging, people receive notifications in real-time for social comments.
Let’s be honest: most social comments aren’t exactly compelling. This spells good news for brands who are willing to put a bit more thought into comments beyond “Nice! or “Cool!”
Posting creative or thoughtful comments is a great way to break through such noise. It’s also another opportunity to show off your brand’s personality to potential followers.
7. Repurpose Your Content
If you’re like most marketers, you’re probably trying to boost brand awareness across multiple networks, right?
In that case, it’s important to repurpose your content to fit in with the best practices of each platform. After all, what works best on Instagram might not be prime for Facebook or Twitter.
For example, let’s say you publish a killer case study. Rather than post a mere link, taking the time to package it into an infographic is a surefire way to score shares and links alike.
Where are the world's self-employed based? https://t.co/tuJN9xzLUt pic.twitter.com/tPmwOGA3LR
— Forbes Asia (@ForbesAsia) July 10, 2018
As such, one-size-fits-all content and captions aren’t going to win your brand much attention.
Photos. Videos. Blogs. Your stuff. Other people’s stuff.
To keep your feed from growing stale, you should always have new social media ideas on the backburner to keep your feed fresh.
8. Break Your Own News
According to Buzzsumo’s current state of content, the best performing pieces on social media are those that people can reference.
Stats. Case studies. Surveys.
If your brand is conducting any sort of original research, it can be a huge authority booster that does wonders for brand awareness, too.
THE 2018 SPROUT SOCIAL INDEX IS HERE! See it for yourself and find out why @SproutDarryl is doing the data dance. https://t.co/qW8ODNDAPc
P.S. If you're as excited as we are, send us a video of your own data dance! #SproutData pic.twitter.com/GrvkHMCeRD
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) June 5, 2018
And if you’re not in a position where such research is possible, don’t panic.
Consider how you can comment on industry trends and happenings from your point-of-view. The takeaway here is that you should be contributing to the ongoing conversation of your industry at large versus just sitting on the sidelines.
9. Experiment with Your Captions
Social captions are yet another opportunity to let your brand’s voice be heard.
Again, no big brand or influencer simply drops a link without some sort of commentary. Captions can pique people’s interest and encourage engagement, giving a sort of taste to readers before they click through.
Seattle, we have a serious, insidious problem. https://t.co/oAmOJJGOxN
— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) July 4, 2018
As evidenced by the wealth of creative Instagram hashtags and captions out there, creativity counts. Whether through emojis or cracking jokes, captions are prime real estate for connecting with followers and letting them know exactly who you are.
Waffle cones are scientifically proven to taste better when eaten with friends.* 👯‍♀️🍦 *we don’t actually have any data to support this claim but trust us.
A post shared by Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) on Jun 29, 2018 at 12:20pm PDT
10. Use Social as a Tool for Teaching
In the marketing world, the brands that tend to stand out are the ones that strive to teach their audiences.
Educational and “how-to” content is widely sought after on just about every social network. Posting such content regularly positions you both as a positive resource and a thought leader.
I've always been a side projects person because it helps me avoid burnout. Do you have a side gig that helps keep you creative? https://t.co/X1nG9RHe96
— Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) May 30, 2018
This principle applies to non-marketers, too. The more opportunities to show off your brand’s product or know-how, the better. Just think about how popular tutorials are on Pinterest to see the power of educational content in action.
11. Don’t Be Afraid of Being Opinionated
According to our own data, people want brands to take a stand.
Parroting what everyone is saying might be “safe,” but doesn’t do much in terms of brand awareness. The previously noted Buzzsumo study also highlights that “political and tribal” content performs particularly well these days.
That’s not to say you should go out and alienate your audience, but you should stand by your brands’ principles and beliefs. Wearing them on your sleeve can get people talking and serve as a way to stand out against your competitors.
You almost surely haven’t budgeted time, energy, or dollars for “whatever it takes”. That’s also code for “at all costs,” and when you stop discussing costs, you know they’re going to spiral. #ItDoesntHaveToBeCrazyAtWork
— Jason Fried (@jasonfried) June 25, 2018
Of course, the key here is to tread lightly. The name of the game is being bold for the sake of your brand, not stirring the pot just because you can.
12. Show Up Consistently
Finally, consider that nobody can truly be aware of your brand if you don’t post consistently.
Based on Sprout’s own data on the best times to post on social media, brands are expected to push content out multiple times per day across multiple networks.
And if your brand isn’t, there’s a non-zero chance that someone else in your space is.
To help you save time and to make the process of showing up easier, having a scheduling tool such as a Sprout on deck can be game-changer.
The more ground you and your brand can cover, the better. It all comes down to having a specific strategy which makes the most out of the time you spend on social media.
And with that, we conclude our list!
What Does Your Brand Awareness Strategy Look Like?
Building buzz around your brand might take a bit of experimenting, but having a dedicated awareness strategy remains the number one concern of businesses today.
And by following the principles outlined above, you poise yourself toward becoming a brand that sticks out in the minds of your audience.
We want to hear from you, though. What makes a brand stand out to you on social media? If you’ve been struggling to figure out how to increase brand awareness, what’s been tripping you up? Let us know in the comments below!
This post 12 Ways to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from http://bit.ly/2NObEfq
0 notes