#not sure how that would go for the other fusions tho
ajdrawshq · 1 year
i am so very thankful to my professor for making my presentation due the second day we're doing those bc she knows me so well.. now if i could actually get myself to use my extra time to work on it that would be nice
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marsmarbles · 8 months
I can't help but want to see what a ship child of Speaker!Scott and Joel would look like.
I wasn’t sure if you meant Chained Life!Scott or specifically Speaker!Scott, because I do see them as two different entities. I don’t think I’ve done a very good job at establishing that distinction yet tho. I mentioned little details and if people noticed them or not in another ask about GrianxBigB and one of the things I was referring to was my Waltz in E-Major, Op. 15 “Moon Waltz” art cover featuring Speaker!Scott
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Things I’d hope people would notice to make them question on if this was our Scott or not was the different outfit(which is hard to notice), the shorter hair(which is also hard to notice), and the fact that the chains are going straight up and not connecting to either of Scott’s wrists.
I’m sorry I went on this long tangent about the separation between Chained Life!Scott and Speaker!Scott. Back to ship kids!!
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I did two quick sketches and here they are. I kinda just treated this like a Scott and Joel fusion. Of course they’d have their own Speaker abilities(That kinda power would be pretty scary in the hands of a child lmao). I probably won’t do much of anything with them in the future but I still think they’re cute. If anyone’s got any name suggestions, headcanons, other ideas for them, or how Joel and Scott would be as parents(that sounds like a nightmare actually), lemme know.
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bobamilkk · 7 months
Silly lil swap au!!! Steven’s mom is white diamond and the og 3 homeworld gems are the crystal gems!! Greg’s still his dad and most of early season one would be pretty much the same but with a more dysfunctional found family cuz they’re silly like that. The og crystal gems are now villains to be redeemed but in like. Slightly different ways idk man- With the diamonds it’s Pink in White’s place and then blue plays a bit more of an aggressive role than yellow does
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-Jasper is the first time he sees a gem poof. It’s similar to the pearl episode but it’s a robot Peridot made instead of a pearl hologram- She gets frustrated with Steven not taking his battle training seriously and gets punched straight in the face because of it. She doesn’t stay in her gem nearly as long as pearl does and Peridot actually helps him when this weird lil robot keeps trying to fight him- The only reason Jasper doesn’t come back in a few hours is cuz she’s embarrassed she got poofed me thinks
-Sapphire comes to earth to use her future vision to see the status of the cluster and properly check on it- She has her group of 3 rubys with her and they manage to poof Jasper in the same manner of Garnet getting poofed by Jasper in canon. Ship chaos happens and Jasper manages to poof 2 of 3 rubies while the last one escapes in the escape pod with Sapphire. Steven bubbles the rubies cuz he’s silly like that and wants to make sure they’re going to be ok
-cue a couple fights later and Jasper gets frustrated that she’s lost a few battles to a lone ruby and a sapphire of all gems and starts pushing the other gems away and preventing them from fighting with her- She goes to attack Sapphire while Ruby’s catching her breath since she’s seemingly defenseless but Ruby jumps in and they fuse and sit there having a panic attack. Jasper stands there in shock for a moment cuz she’s not entirely used to fusion either before going to attack again-Only for Steven to jump in the way and save them
-Ruby’s getting stressed over the cluster and pacing in the barn so Lapis recommends Steven goes to show them what it’s like on earth-Cue Sapphire and Ruby slowly realizing they love each other. Also the frog. Steven shows them what a frog is and Ruby excitedly shows it to Sapphire. Gay people-They don’t fuse as often but like. By future they’re permanently fused?? But for the majority of the main series they only fuse when needed
-Amethyst comes to earth to collect Sapphire!! She has her limb enhancers to make up for her height n stuff- Idk how the baseball episode parallels will work but. They’re there. Somehow!! Garnet also gets to fuse to hide Sapphire since Amethyst wouldn’t expect a fusion idk anymore
-garnet somehow manages to poof Amethyst in her panic and Steven unbubbles her because he’s curious about her limb enhancers and peridot won’t tell her because she’s scared of him knowing too much about homeworld. She traps herself in the bathroom peridot style until Steven manages to make her realize she’s safe here and the cluster is bubbled and she’s allowed to be herself and doesn’t have to be afraid of being shattered for being defective if she messes up even slightly. She gets her peridot arc or smthn
-Greg gets taken to the human zoo like in canon but Pearls there with Holly Blue Agate to watch over the humans and their growth. She was sent there after white was shattered as punishment for failing her diamond and it’s seriously messed her up- She does see them being free tho and helps them escape with Greg without thinking- Steven offers for her to tag along and she hesitates until Holly Agate comes along and she immediately jumps in the ship
-Pearl watches Steven sleep like in canon but it’s. Creepier. It’s habit from the human zoo but she starts to investigate his gem in the process and realizes it’s her diamond aka white. She goes to remove the gem to free her diamond back-Maybe get her status back by having white back-Desperation type beat- only to wake Steven who panics and pushes her away- She panics massively and starts sobbing and calling him her diamond
-Instead of the loud distraction yell of “She’s Gone” from pink Steven- Steven accidentally mind controls pink for a split second and it makes them both tumble back- I don’t know fully how this scene would work tbh I gotta brainstorm more but. Ik white diamond Steven has a different set of powers than canon Steven- He’s got whites mind control powers n shit
-Bismuth takes the role of Spinel in the movie!! Not in the same abandoned sense but in a “you ruined our perfect plan” and wants to kill him for it whether her diamond wants her to or not- she’s silly like that!! She resets the gems like Spinel does and Jasper signs her life to Greg like pearl does- She carries him around n is super protective of him. Ma’am’s ready to kill someone on sight for Greg-
-Post-Corrupted Steven gets silly lil corrupted traits still. 1) his gem is flipped so it’s like a horn now 2) he’s got silly lil underbite fangs 3) spikes on his shoulders so his jacket is tied around his waist so it doesn’t get ripped 4) he’s like. Extra extra tired all the time someone save him
You should send me asks about the au it’d be so sexy of you /j
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otakween · 5 months
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 28
American title card this time because the fansub one was badly cropped. Although this was basically a repeat of the Koji/Duskmon fight in some ways, it still had a lot of interesting moments and visuals (thanks to Mercuremon's theatrics). Plus we get the satisfaction of the ending of an arc with the defeat of the final bad guy warrior (Duskmon no longer counts) and the birth of Patamon. Let's goooo!
I was grateful for Takuya asking "how can Mercuremon and Sephirothmon exist at the same time??" Finally someone acknowledges the weirdness of the digimon inside him! Of course Mercuremon is like "that's my secret ;')"
Mercuremon has theater kid energy, especially in the dub. He had a whole set design for his battle complete with special effects.
Lol at the Christian symbolism. Typical anime. This isn't the first time I've seen a crucified digimon btw (one of the games did that too).
Finally we see a digimon actually do something with the code they scanned! Mercuremon is able to use Seraphimon's data to digivolve into BlackSeraphimon. It's cool that BlackSeraphimon combines bits of Mercuremon and Seraphimon's designs. I would have liked to have seen more fusion-like designs like that. I looked up BlackSeraphimon and he does look different in other franchise entries. Apparently I fought him in DW3 and forgot about it lol.
A little silly how after Takuya does his double spirit evolution he's just suddenly impervious to damage and basically all powerful. Ya know, until the next time he uses this digivolution and probably can take damage.
When Takuya's goggles break I was like "oh snap, not the goggles!" but of course they're fixed moments later through...fire magic? Sure...
Aldamon is just as underwhelming as Beowolfmon was. I feel like he has the exact same face as Agnimon and the fact that this show is doing close ups most of the time makes it feel like he barely changed at all. (At least he's got a cool Hindu name)
The final blow against Mercuremon was pretty badass and violent, with Aldamon shattering the mirror on his torso. Very satisfying.
It kinda feels like the kids have forgotten all about Koji? Takuya doesn't question the fact that he's missing and they're all joking around about Bokomon giving birth at the end. Lol, poor Koji
In the Japanese episode, Bokomon calls Patamon his "son-daughter?" IDK why tho. I know in Tamers that digimon were genderless but in this series they've called digimon "female" before, so that's not the case. Maybe only some digimon are genderless (the less humanoid ones) or maybe he just said that because he doesn't know Patamon's gender? Either way he can just say child lol
Patamon inheriting Bokomon's haramaki is silly and cute
I get to experience the excitement of having no idea what's going to happen next! I guess they'll probably go looking for Koji so I guess it's time to figure out who Koichi is?
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dyad-tmesis · 2 years
going feral over your fusion au its so unique! do you have any little funfacts/random info bits about the au? id love to hear them!!
Oh why thank you! I love when people froth at the mouth over my stuff 💕 y’all are too sweet
Ohohohoh boy alright here’s some little bits of ideas I had for the fused au
So as said before Jekyll and Hyde are still separate people, they have aspects that resemble a system with perma co-fronting to it (I’m not a system myself but I always try to double check with my partner who is part of one to make sure I’m not doing anything dumb with this. If there’s anything at all that seems inaccurate or anything like that feel free to let me know. I just included it because I feel it’s the best way to explain how they function in this state)
Again as mentioned before they have their own separate voices and are fully capable of taking turns speaking with said voices, however if they become stressed or can’t decide the right words to say right away they’ll just start talking over eachother as seen in the comic with Jasper. When they get tired or unfocused they have a habit of mumbling to themselves.
They upgraded pronouns lol, he/him and they/them
Early on when they were still freshly fused Hj7 would leak every now and again from their face, hence the stains you see on their shirt in the comic (“mom I frew up :(“)
Taking the Hj7 does pretty much nothing now apart from a small boost in their stamina, boost in strength, and some leaking from the face, splitting the human soul involved tapping into the bodies hidden strengths after all
Both Jekyll and Hyde have equal control over their body, so sometimes there are moments where Hyde will use one hand to reach for something shiny to steal observe and Jekyll uses the other hand to swat it away
Their current height is somewhere between the two of them, so their clothes are either just a smidge too big or a smidge too small. Hyde likes to look like a Christmas themed disaster while Jekyll tries to give their now mixed wardrobe some cohesion (with Rachel’s help)
Since they’re both technically in a new body and both are experiencing things at once they can sometimes get sensory overload
Once things calm down it’s more or less a “this is our get along shirt” sort of deal and are forced to confront how unfairly they’ve both been treating eachother, this was all caused by Jekyll trying to permanently get rid of Hyde after all.
While Hyde is still technically a part of Jekyll they’ve spent a whole two years growing in different directions as people, they have the same roots but their branches are entirely different and can’t assimilate back together seamlessly (which is something that I always disagreed with when looking at other fused aus, they’re still all cool and valid tho)
They develop a habit of biting their lip in order to prevent themselves from unintentionally speaking with both voices, they can now also have proper internal dialogue together but sometimes that’s hard to keep quiet.
I already like the ASD hcs (may or may not be projecting) people give the two of them so…they like to stim
I think that wraps it up for now! If you have any specific questions about some of this stuff ask away
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xsoulxsilencex · 9 months
So, arc 7 is over and rn, I don't know how to feel about it. (maybe doing a proper post about it later when the subs for ep 90 are out)
But: I do give props to Bridge for doing this since I didn't think they would actually go down this route:
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Me and a couple of other people were believing in Kuaidul and Yudias fusing together like Judai and Yubel did. And at first, it did look like it might happen for real. But then, Kuaidul had a change of heart (?) despite Yudias accepted them becoming one and died while reuniting with the Creator.
I'm not even a huge Kuaidul fan (neither love or hate him) but I think this is my favorite scene of the arc final since Kuaidul can finally see the person he loved the most again even if it means to die for it. (and before people assume things: You can define Kuaidul's love the way you want, I don't care if platonic or romantic)
For an antagonist's death, I think Kuaidul got an ending that is rather... nice? Sure, he dies but he can reunite with his beloved sensei. They could've just fused him with Yudias and so, he would learn to "become a better person" while sharing a body with him or completely ditching the fusion idea and Kuaidul still becomes friends with Yudias and co. while keeping his body. But no, Bridge actually said "yeah, we let our antagonist die after his final duel for once" and I really never expected them to have the guts to do this.
I will admit tho that I'm not 100 % buying in Kuaidul staying dead. The end of the episode said something about all Velgearians are disappearing soon? So either this will really happen (which would explain why no sign of Yudias during Sevens) or they find a way to change the future even more - and that could also potentially mean that Kuaidul can be revived somehow. (it's ygo, so they can pull some bs to make it happen)
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
Slightly little bit more spoilers from TD2023 and more spoilers from the other following thing contained in it
Hey Hey guess who rewatched SU and got dreams from that but TD SU (I slightly got emotional damage from revisiting the lore but feel lazy to rewatch Future jeez)
Well TD SU AU coming right up Alright boys now that I think of it, basically from what I think for this one but except the fact the plot gets darker with it’s progress throughout it and along with some subplots with it (atleast I think less amount of subplots) (I really would wonder who would be Lapis, Peridot, Bismuth, Jasper and the others since I’m getting confused into some complicated plot points tho but you can decide!) No seriously like literally I had this one dream and it was TD2023 but it’s the movie but except it’s entirely different from the movie (I am sure having wild imagination fever dreams these days more like hyperfixation) Well here is what I think (TD2023 cast but according from what I’m thinking also, basically og cast gens 1 to 3 and I guess RR gen too) 🩰 | Julia (???) - Pearl (I have no idea how the hell this would work out but this is a AU after all, I mean I significantly feel like Priya and Pearl have similar vibes but nothing much I guess) 🍬 | Nichelle - Garnet (I feel like this is really accurate but from what I think generally it doesn’t really match in perspective but when it comes to stuff, this is fine but this is really would be cool from what I’m thinking tho) 🎭 | MK - Amethyst (like as said from Shark / you, but from what I think this is a cool match like very accurate to say) ⭐️ | Daimen - Steven (Okay okay I don’t think a short person like him being started as their mother reincarnates into them having literal trauma throughout slightly late / the near end of the series then get slightly tall, as I said again this a AU we could do anything we want as long it goes well with the element with it or anything idk I mean I guess this is fine too but gonna say I have no damn idea who the hell is Rose Quartz like ???) 📚 | Priya - Connie (I think this is good in my perspective like she also has those vibes I think of she might not be but I think it’s good as I think it should be but I think it would go well in my opinion) extra: 🥀/🌷Scary Girl / Lauren - Spinel (calling it, true, for real, going crazy, this is super accurate in my perspective literally it is LIKE same vibes would go with it really well) AND that is what I could think of so far andddd also here take this AU gift while I go on a acid trip from thinking this as a dream Also feel free to think about characters in your own perspective and your own opinions! :D
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I may or may not have gone through a season 5 + Movie binge to answer this ask 😅 I’m gonna look at this as a general SU au instead of just a SU movie au I hope that’s alright!
🩰 | I also don’t really know how Julia as Pearl would work, I suppose they have similar physique and color palette, but their personalities are very different, I think if we were to try and compare Pearl and Amethysts dynamic with Julia and MK’s dynamic we could start getting somewhere... but in my binge this came to my head, hear me out: Julia as Peridot. They give me similar vibes, specially post ep 5 Julia to Peridot, like just imagine Julia calling people buttknuckles like Peridot calls people clods!
🍬 | Garnet is a difficult one, because not only is she her own character but she’s also the combination of two separate characters. Nichelle as Garnet is a cool idea I agree, like if Nichelle was a girlboss instead of a girlloser lmao. But there’s also a different way we could go about this; Make one character Ruby, one character Sapphire, and make a literal fusion of both be Garnet, I think that’d be really cool and If so I propose either Raj (Ruby) and Bowie (Sapphire) or Axel (Ruby) and Nichelle (Sapphire)
🎭 | Glad to know you agree with MK as Amethyst! 👍
⭐️ | Damien as Steven is a very interesting choice! It very much made me realize Damien does have that main character energy to him and I think I can definitely see it, specially with Priya as Connie! (I also don’t know who Rose Quartz would be but like we can figure this out eventually I believe in us)
📚 | Both Priya as Connie or Pearl are such 1000 IQ ideas because they both fit so much, She fits Connie as a socially outcast girl that values her one friendship so much and has a natural knack for battles, and she fits pearl as a strictly trained, battle trained person who does everything she does not for herself, but for someone else.
🥀/🌷 | REAL x2 Scary Girl as Spinel so true!!!
Some extra thoughts/ideas!!!
So I remembered about the “do it for her” song I and imagined the possibility of Millie as Connie and Priya as Pearl, seeing as Priya trained Millie in the show like Pearl trained Connie. But something I think would be interesting though too is Millie as Pearl, idk why but like it makes sense in my head.
Idk why but I Can very clearly imagine Julia as Peridot, Nichelle as Lapis, and Axel as Bismuth, opinions?
I also think there’s high potential for Emma to be part of this AU somewhere, I just can’t immediately tell what character she’d be. Emma as Sadie could be neat! Which I guess would make Chase Lars? But like I want her to have a bigger role in this au though because she deserves it.
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
i was tagged by @cyber--grrl to list ten songs with food and or beverage in the title. thanks fer the tag :3
ill also rate how yummy each song is for fun! 😋
1. dog food - 100 gecs: mm yummy girlkibble just for me ^w^ also very yummy song. the beginning gives me goosebumps every time, and the ending vocal noise feels very eating kibblecore.... u agree right? umm 8/10
2. Chocolate Matter - Sweet Trip: if there were something out there generically called like "chocolate flavored matter" i think id eat it. also DELICIOUS song lots of variety and good texture here 9/10
3. Cream Soda no Yuutsu - ......... : ill admit im not much of a cream soda fanatic. nothing against it in fact it sounds quite yummy at the moment i just don't really have it ever. similar feelings about the song. good i just haven't listened to it much.. feels like im on a cream soda beach being soaked in the waves 7/10
4. Lean Beef Patty - JPEGMAFIA, Danny Brown: mmm yumm yummy yummy scaring the hoes for dinner AGAIN fuck yesss 🥰😻 however just a patty? in a state of being .. maybe cooked? could just be raw meat on a plate. hmmmm. while the song would be near perfect yumminess on my Violet Yumminess Scale the title brings it down a lot... ill say 6/10
5. honeydew blue - 800 Cherries: oooh double fruits on this one :3c melons besides the famous wawermelon aren't really my go-to fruit snack but id have a little if u were having some o_o and like u were making it look really good idk... oh and id have a few of those 800 cherries u have too even tho i said i didn't really like those too... also the song is what i hear when im full from a nice fruit meal. and the triannnggllleeee 😩 chews on it. it is metal. i was gonna give this song an 8 but me not liking honeydew that much should not bring it down this song is a 9/10 yumminess
6. Fresh Meat - Diet Tea Other Cola: yet again we run into the clash between song and title yumminess. fresh meat: the song's yumminess comes from dtoc's slick lyrics and how they mix like backing screams into these songs with little midi beats? i think they're an interesting artist but thats for another time. fresh meat: the food however? would maybe not be as yummy i think. 4/10 bleh!
7. Princess Lunas Glorious Grilled Cheese Sandwiches - Cats Millionaire: i would do unspeakable things to a grilled cheese rn. especially if it was one of princess lunas 😳.... isn't my favorite off fun fun fun but is still yummy in its own right! 7/10
8. Hotel Breakfast - Bladee: listen if there's a whole buffet of shitty breakfast food im there. and if there's a bladee song about it im also there. wait he missed the hotel breakfast bc he slept too late? rookie mistake. 6/10 for missing it lol
9. Stir Fry - Migos: mmmmmm im just making myself hungry now. personally id fuck up some stir fry. chunky ass noodles. little corn. shit. and this Migos song? yummy enough to back it up 8/10
10. Piggy Pie - Insane Clown Posse: hmmmm if we're talking like a pork pot pie from the freezer section yeah sure yummy as hell. however im not sure about these fellas food handling credentials or their ingredients..... song is very crunchy and record scratchy and yummy however so to balance all this. a 7/10 yumminess :3
okay here is where i use my summoning spells.... in case anyone would like to show off their yummy songs as well ^w^ u don't have to rate them that was just for me hehe.... u don't even have to make a post we can just think about yummy songs together instead! ummm okay here i goes @numetalpuppygirl @metroid-fusion @transgirlmononoke @malicious-face @toriel-vapes @a-little-bit-poss SHAZOOO spell of increase ur notification number by one
and as always thanks for w
and as always anyone can lie and say i tagged them if they wanna do yummy song game!
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sineala · 1 year
I saw your tag about generation kill in the quality of fic post. I watched the HBO war shows a couple of months ago and ended up reading really cool fic on ao3. I also loved the fic you mentioned. The fandom seems so small tho at least now.
When did you watch the show? how did you find about it? Also, do you only ship brad/ray? or do you also read brad/nate or any other ship? sorry im just really curious about your thoughts on the show and the fics. Do you have other fic recs that you remember?
Judging by the dates on all my bookmarks, I got into Generation Kill in about 2011. I think the fandom was always pretty small. I think also there are a bunch of fics that didn't make it in the great LiveJournal-to-AO3 migration.
I did not begin by watching the show. I feel like my being interested in this fandom was probably the fault of Surexit, who was in both Eagle fandom and Generation Kill. I began by reading Every Marine a Wolfbrother by @dsudis, which is a fusion with the Iskryne series in which everyone has psychic wolves; this is the story that later gave rise to Petra's Psychic Wolves for Lupercalia challenge.
Anyway. I read that fic and thought it was great and read a bunch of other fic (probably the rest of Dira's fic, actually) and eventually thought I would check out the show. So the fun thing about my shipping preferences and this show is that I absolutely thought I was going to be shipping Brad/Nate. I'd read a bunch of great Brad/Nate fic; I really loved Lake's Fidelity series -- all of Lake's fic is great and it's mostly Brad/Nate -- and Tevere's Sixteen Days in September.
Then I watched the show. And the pairing I actually ended up being really into was Brad/Ray. This was a complete surprise to me. I mean, I read and like all the fic in this fandom; I am not extremely about the OTP or anything. But I sure did not expect to like them best.
Because I am in fact totally into so many of fandom's beloved tropes, it's not actually a surprise that my two favorite Brad/Ray stories are luxover's The Latent Bonding of Devil Dogs at War (accidental soulbond) and derryderrydown's Take MOPP Off As Directed (sort-of fake relationship in a D/s verse).
Going through my bookmarks to try to figure out the name of that last story made me remember the days when we all called the D/s AUs "Directedverse," after the SGA story Take Clothes Off As Directed. I had totally forgotten this was a name for the genre until right now.
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head---ache · 1 year
how do you design your fankids? i wanna design a fankid for my favorite ship and you were the first person to come into my mind so...do you have any tips?
I'm not sure how to explain myself, but I'll try!!!!
My first couple of tips actually work with any character you would want to make, not just fankids. The first thing is to think of a personality! Doesn't have to be a super complicated one, to just start with one main personality trait is good enough, to base the first pass of the design off of that:] You can take in consideration shape language for this!! If you aren't familiar with it, a very shortened explanation is: triangles=dangerous, usually villains are very triangular, squares=serious, or generally stubborn characters, and circles=friendly, this is why you usually see main characters from kids media being very round:] You can see I did this with Lash and Destiny the most!!!
Since most of the canon Sonic characters have powers, surely their kids will too!! You can also take that into consideration for the design!! I don't usually do it too much, since it's a bit harder to show in a design, but I did do it with Destiny!! -again lol- It's just a good way to tell more of your character's story just by the way they look:]
Now specifically for fankids, I usually make two first passes, each one looks more like one parent than the other, and later I merge the things I like the most of those designs into a new one. This is how you get your character looking like both of their parents!! I usually try to make it obvious who the character's parents are, but with rare ships is a bit harder lol I still did it with Bria tho!! And Sparks as well.
I usually try to stay away from mixing the parent's colors into one??? Like, blonde dad and redhead mother isn't going to result in an orange haired kid, that isn't how genetics work lol But that's just personal preferrence!!! It also helps making the kid actually look like their child rather than a fusion.
Also, this isn't much of a tip, rather just one thing I like to keep in mind, that the kid can have their own personality, it doesn't need to be just like their parents' lol
And that's all that comes to my mind rn!! Hope it's helpful!! And I'm SOOO glad you want to try!!!
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arctic-hands · 6 months
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[Image Description: a rookie-level embroidered patch made of a light gray gauzy fabric, cut into the shape of an uneven heart. The heart is outlined in black and has a black fishnet pattern unevenly stitched within it. Off center in the heart is a cross-stitched Palestinian flag (three horizontal stripes of black, white, and green, with a red triangle facing right on the left side). The proportions aren't prefect, but it's recognizable for what it is. At the top of the patch is a simple safety pin going through it. End I.D]
Finally finished this patch for @thetabirb that took like three weeks after hospitalizations and headaches kept getting in the way. I wasn't sure about sharing it bc I don't want it to seem like I'm capitalizing likes for doing so, but I've also seen and heard people affirm that support for Palestine needs to be visible, so I figure I'd share. I'm going to paint my own pin later on, as I'm running out of black embroidery floss.
The original plan was to buy kufiyas from Hirbawi, but I missed their last stock before they sold out again, and it didn't feel right to just keep waiting to make our support visible. I did the fishnet background in an attempt to honor the traditional Palestinian kufiya. Hirbawi and a few other sources say the pattern is to honor the fishing community that keeps Palestine–especially Gaza–fed. I hope that's okay, esp since it didn't come out exactly like the fishnet pattern on the kufiya.
(Ignorable complaints on the actual creative proccess: naturally everything went wrong at the very end after three weeks. It wasn't until I had most of the green down that I realized how askew the red triangle is and how it messed with the amount of green relative to the white, so I had to go back and go over some of the white with the green. Nothing I could do to fix the red tho. Then when cutting it down to size the gauzy fabric–part of an old curtain that was too sheer but was the only white fabric I have–started to unravel fast after threatening to fray away the entire time it was in the embroidery hoop, so I had to quickly glue it down to another, studier piece of fabric. But then the glue I used–Arleen's Fabric Fusion–said it would dry clear and just... didn't. The fabric was originally bright white but now it's gray 😮‍💨)
Oh and if anyone's concerned this is just a hollow gesture, both of us have donated repeatedly to buy esims for Gaza.
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weekend-whip · 8 months
-20 asks for Fic Writers-
hey-lo!! I was tagged by @rainofthetwilight for a fun ask game!! Thank you!! ^-^)/
for tags, any fic writer that comes across this and feels compelled! You have my blessing! Go forth and rant about thy fics!!! Share your words with the world!! Give people new stuff to read!! Flaunt your beautiful achievements!!
. . .
1.How many works do you have on AO3?
19! And counting!
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
...791,937 and counting *lies down* (at least most of it is just one fic? Ahaha? ha?)
3. What fandom(s) do you write for?
right now, just ninjago! I wrote for some other fandoms back in the day (with...equally ambitious endeavors) and I initially made my Ao3 account for Definitely Not Ninjago...but, here we are :d
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Born to Be a 21st Century Ninja: 1116
Thank You, For Giving Me Wings: 560
Way of the 21st Century Ninja: 546
Assorted Thoughts and Feelings: 201
Married to the Sea: 161 (which I'm sure will get beat-out by GNL here soon haha)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I TRY, REALLY, MOSTLY, AND USUALLY but sometimes I get too excited and things shift through the cracks (hence why I generally make it a habit to respond to stuff I missed before/around/after a big update! That way it's on my mind!)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i haven't written it yet I MEAN WHAT it's Married to the Sea. I'm not big on writing overly bad/sad/tragic endings yet
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Paper Plate Moon, the only fic without an existential crisis of some kind (just a slightly lovesick Kai with a smaller scope crisis) Orrr, A Little More Than Sixteen Candles, which is also about Kai! Except he cries. But it's a happy cry!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
(...wait, there's 'kinds' of smut?!?! do i dare even ask)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Braaaaah I looooooooved crossovers when I was younger. My biggest story from my youth was a crossover. ...I won't be telling you what it is, though. It's part of my dark, mysterious past.
(I also don't count Legacyverse as a crossover, either. It's more of a...fusion! But. Y'know. The roots are there.....)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Only once, and it was the aforementioned crazy crossover fic from above. They were dealt with very swiftly tho :3
12. What's the longest time you've spent working on a fic? And what's the shortest?
Longest that I've finished would be Born to Be; that took me technically almost two full years to write x-x
Shortest would be all the Aftershock oneshots I manage to speedrun in a few scant hours on holidays lmao
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I've triiiiiiiied a couple times in the past; only one attempt was successful though.
14. What's your all time favourite ship? From all the fandoms?
Destiny's Bounty! Man, I adore that ship so much.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
THE MERMAID AU or the Jesse Fanseason or all the little prompt things from June '22 that still haunt me to this day or some of legacy!sidestories I should've done ages ago or-
16. What are your writing strengths?
*grabs some stuff from comments* I have strength in character development and providing emotional depth for scenes! *I* also think I write some kickass fight scenes, thank you.
17. What are your writing weaknessess?
BASIC GRAMMAR LMAO and probably using too many commas and ellipses but I am trying to ween myself off of it and incorporate shorter sentences. I always forget to vary up sentence length until the end waaaah
(I also miss typos a lot but I am of the camp that believes it keeps one humble~ *should probably just get a beta reader but hnnng*)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
...something video game related
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably Born to Be just because of how darn big of an achievement it is! and I reread it a lot <3 <3 <3 <3
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Eden's remembrance vessel also states that she first met Elysia at the MOTH base after being rescued
Referencing this reblog thread
Exactly! Looks like a good old retcon to me.
@tea-cat-arts come see this stuff. Scroll all the way down for the conclusion.
Elysia: About Eden
Elysia: Eden is like a sister to me. We were best friends before she became a MANTIS. Mei: Seems like you said the same thing about someone else. Elysia: Did I? I can’t recall. Elysia: But Eden is different. We’re closer than the others. Elysia: She was a victim of the 7th Honkai Eruption. Mei: Hmm? Elysia: On that day, she witnessed her world crumbling in blood and fire. Elysia: But she lived, joined the MOTHs, and became a MANTIS. Elysia: The flames that scorched the earth could not reach the stars above. She’s destined to shine brightly. Elysia: Whether on the stage or in this dying world.
Eden: About Myself
Mei: Eden, can I ask you a question? Eden: Sure, my friend. Mei: I don’t understand why you would join the MOTHs and become a MANTIS. Mei: It’s hard for me to connect this decision with your background. Eden: You’re right. I didn’t know I’d set out on this path either. Eden: I only learned of the existence of the MOTHs after the great fire in Australia. Eden: I lost everything and was taken to their base as one of the survivors. Eden: There I received treatment and support for a long time, and I got to know some of the MOTHs soldiers. Mei: That’s when you met Elysia, right? Eden: Yes, she was the first friend I made there. The first one that asked me to join them. Eden: And I didn’t turn her down. Mei: …Why? Eden: Because I realized something. Eden: The singer Eden died that day in the fire, along with the rest of the old world. Her starlight had gone out. Eden: But as a MOTH, Eden could still shine bright in the world. Eden: While I’m still alive, I’ll live my life to the fullest til the last moment - that’s what I told myself. Eden: So I became a MOTH and participated in the MANTIS program. Mei: …Impressive. Eden: Maybe. Even Ellie was shocked when she learned I was to become a MANTIS. Mei: Hard to imagine someone would accept the surgery voluntarily. Eden: But I couldn’t allow myself to stand idle. I couldn’t watch the light of Eden die. Eden: So before undergoing the surgery, I asked her if I could choose the Honkai Beast to be used for Fusion myself. Mei: You could do that? Eden: No, normally you couldn’t. Eden: The surgery had to factor in the recipient’s physical attributes and how they matched the Honkai Beast genes. Eden: But if there were multiple matches… Ellie said the doctor would give me a choice. Mei: So.. what did you choose? Eden: I said to her: “if there’s a choice.” Eden: “Choose the most dazzling one for me.”
This contradicts the theory that the concert could have been shown to the MOTHs. Eden didn't know that they existed! Elysia in ER points out that she knew Eden before she became a MANTIS, but further retelling specifies that she met Eden after the fire, but before Eden became a MOTH— this is further supported by Eden's recollection A New Star. So the original script has them meet post-fire, when Elysia has been a soldier for five eruptions.
Now when we look at the latest information that was given to us, chapter 31:
Strange Girl: Whoa! Is that the restaurant with a never-ending wait list? Wouldn’t it be too much trouble to bring me along? Eden: Not at all. They always save two seats just for me. Eden: One day that might change, but we should still be good… for tonight at least. Strange Girl: That sounds… awesome! Of course, I’d love to go! Strange Girl: But… after all this talking, I realize I haven’t even introduced myself. The young girl looked back, smiling at Eden. The moonlight reflected silently on her face. Elysia: My name is Elysia, the symbol of paradise… and you?
This is clearly meant to be Eden and Elysia's first meeting, as they introduce themselves to one another. Eden is also still doing shows without second thoughts, which she seems to have given up after the fire, so this scene had to happen before the disaster.
Eden: I’m Ellie’s friend who’s kept her company for the longest time.
Eden claims to have met Elysia first. This means this scene has to have happened prior to Elysia joining the MOTHs, because she met Mobius pretty much right away, and Kevin a few months later and so on, long before the 7th eruption.
There's a contradiction. ER came first, so Chapter 31 is the "latest" canon, which means it's what the story acknowledges (and in-story it's also information that's less likely to have been faked, as the scene is internally recalled by Eden while anyone can lie while talking to Mei.)
They retconned the fuck out of Eden and Elysia's relationship to make it more special.
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twilightknight17 · 10 months
P5T Story Finale - Part 1
I'm just starting off with the assumption that this will have to be 2 parts, to fit all the pictures I took. XD
So, where we left off, I was doing pretty good.
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We'd beaten Metal Marie, and Lavenza had some challenges for us to unlock our final skills. I was kind of hyped, because honestly, it seemed like a good opportunity to get everyone's ultimate personas back. And then Erina could just have whatever.
It was not second awakenings, despite the way they talked about it sounding very second-awakening-ish. Instead, we get a maximum power skill for each Thief's specific element. And, sorry everyone, but Joker's is the coolest.
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I also think that it's worth mentioning that when you die, Lavenza quotes Paradise Lost at you.
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She also quotes it at the very start of the game, so she's very well-read. Probably Margaret and Theodore's influence; I can't see Elizabeth sitting through a book like that. XDDD
Anyway, Lavenza's challenges were some very elaborate puzzle levels and endurance missions with gimmicks, but nothing that was completely unreasonable. The one where you had to kill everything in one turn by using one-mores and platforms to get Joker to the top of the level to trigger the widest-possible AOA range was awesome. I felt smart when I finished them, which was the important part.
And my reward, other than skills, was......
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You have to be level 96 to fuse Satanael, tho, so like... holy fuck, Atlus. Booooooo. And he's got like seven components, which I'm pretty sure he did in P5, but you couldn't fuse him til NG+, so you at least would have had most of them by then. This is just taunting me. Plus, it's not nearly as easy to get money in this. You have to replay missions, and later missions give more money but also take longer, so it seems like it'll be a little tedious to complete the compendium.
Metal Yoshiki and Metal Shadow Toshiro went down next, and I'm pretty sure it confirmed that it wasn't actually Toshiro's shadow, just a piece of Salmael masquerading as it. I wasn't... super impressed with these fights? They were basically the same as the first go round, just with more health, more damage, and slightly different arenas. Metal Shadow Toshiro skipped his first round and went right to Giant Scary Eri, so... Yeah. They were fine, I guess.
I did notice something a little funny, though. The final Kingdom is "The Path to God" in the replay menu, and there are six missions (not counting the bosses), each with a letter appended to them.
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All six in order spells "A S Y L U M".
If Salmael rules this Kingdom, is he the crazy one, then? :P
So, we are off to the final boss. My goblin kids are ready to beat the shit out of their third god in like... four months? Wow.
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Slap him so hard he drops his head, Futaba!
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I finally realized what this thing's appearance reminds me of. Some weird fusion of Yald, and the Queen from Deltarune.
He has the SMUGGEST VOICE of any god so far and it just makes me want to hit him harder. Maybe I should have done some grinding for Satanael after all.
He just wants to ~save humanity~, and I'd just like to mention how much I love my wife.
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Salmael is totally cool with our disagreement, obviously.
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Us? All by ourselves? You think so highly of us~
Salmael says that his actions are the consensus of humanity, so we should just give in. The game gives you an option here between "Our wills are firm" and "Send us back to the real world." Which, if you remember, he offered to send us all home without our powers or memories, so... put a pin in that. We'll be back. In THIS timeline, we tell God to fuck off, as is our wont.
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I feel justified in writing Ryuji calling Yaldabaoth "Yald" in an actual fic, now. XD
Seriously, Atlus, one line of dialogue. "We've already beat up a 'god' who thought he knew what was best for us." Call Maruki on his BS.
Anyway, as always, these gods who want peace and happiness and order are willing to murder us. Ooohhhh nooo, I don't waaaaant to use force, you just leave me no chooooooiiiiiice~ Blarg. XD
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The battlefield is wild, though. I'm always down for a good giant clock.
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The five platforms rotate either forward or back based on a skill that warns you in advance. Platforms that go past the end positions sink into the green, and more arise on the other side to replace them.
So, we wallop the shit out of god while avoiding being tossed into a green abyss. I only lost Toshiro during this stage of the fight, so I still had my three primary fighters and three baton passes.
Salmael, upon being knocked down in round 1, throws a temper tantrum, and... well, I guess calling it "going one-winged-angel" isn't appropriate here. He's still got all his wings, just gets more raggedy and dirty.
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But the important part is that he loses the mask and his face is FUCKED UP
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He gets two new attacks for this round. The first one is a very Dark Hour-esque clock which leaves numbers on some of the platforms. That's how many people need to be standing on that particular platform to avoid triggering an attack that paralyzes you on your next turn.
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Overall, challenging! Especially because the numbers don't rotate with the platforms, so if he does both skills at the same time, you've gotta make sure you're not gonna rotate away from the number you need. (Learned that the hard way.)
The second one is some kind of giant antenna that spawns in the middle of the arena, and you have like... three turns to AOA it before he does some horrible targeted missile barrage. I had the worst time with that. That's how I lost all three of my remaining squad in one turn, because I couldn't get the downed enemy to line up right to allow the AOA.
So we're down Ann, Morgana, and Akira. Welcome to the fight, Haru, Yusuke, and Ryuji!
Salmael's second form has about twice as much health as his first form, which can be mitigated by AOA-ing the antenna, because Futaba can then turn the missiles on him. I only managed that once. X'D But the game REALLY smacked me when it did the clock attack and the arena rotation on the same turn, and the clock was four platforms, each with a 1 on it. I didn't have Toshiro anymore. I couldn't put one person on each platform. So everyone got paralyzed, and the rotation was poised to dump both Haru and Yusuke into the abyss with no way to move them.
It was going to be up to Ryuji to win this fight alone.
...or, it would have been, but as I watched Yusuke sink into the green depths, I realized that... the platform just popped back up on the other side. Yusuke was fine. Didn't even do any damage. X'D I spent the whole fight thinking that if I got sucked down with a platform, that person would just die. But no.
In the end, Haru dealt the final blow, and Salmael took that really well. He just straight up starts taking a swing at us and throwing gears. So I guess we DID slap him so hard he dropped his head!
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My baby boy gets to say more than one line of dialogue in this game!
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This is the smile of a savior, everyone.
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Honestly this last AOA cutscene is wild. I like it better than Scramble's, I think? I need to watch it again, but it's really well done. Halfway through, Erina gets squashed by a whole ton of gears and ends up... I'm assuming drifting in the Sea of Souls, and Toshiro calls her back so she can take her Ernesto form and blast the hell out of Salmael. And then she turns back into Erina and she and Akira slam a flag through Salmael's face. :3
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Yeah, yeah. Same as every other monster.
Salmael takes defeat well, of course. By exploding.
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And Toshiro catches a brief glimpse of the overwhelming existential dread that knowing about meta-space can cause: namely that humanity is constantly accidentally almost destroying itself.
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I like to think that he gets a phone call from the Shadow Ops at some point. XDDDD
Anyway, with Salmael dead, his primary Kingdom is collapsing, so it's time to get the hell out of here. And with this, I have hit the image limit, so... Off we go. Part 2 is next!
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artistcaptainbendy · 2 years
Tagged by @tornrose24 for the tag game. Let’s go this! 
Rules: if you get tagged in this, answer the questions that are written and make sure to swap out one question at the end of it for the next person to answer.      
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes, I'm named after my dad and aunt. My name is a fusion of their names and I have my grandma’s middle name. 
2. Do you ever go window shopping on sites like Etsy, and if so, what kinds of things do you look at?  All the time, just did it yesterday. It depends on what I'm feeling like looking at, yesterday it was manatees.
3. What’s your choice of listening material when doing stuff? It’s very random at times, I just listen to whatever I'm feeling. I can go from sonic music to jekyll and Hyde to Beetlejuice to Karl’s theme to pizza tower. This is for everything I do from art to cleaning. 
4. Do you like a song for its sound or for its lyrics? Both, tho I never have listened to an instrumental of song with lyrics. I should try that more. 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? What their wearing, especially if it’s something I'm interested in,like a sonic shirt.
6. What’s your eye color? Dark brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, I just want the characters to be happy. I’m actually very scared of horror movies, even tho I love watching murder mysterious and stuff like that (shows like deadly women) I'm just confusing.
8. Any special talents? I can spin my right hand in complete circle, been doing that since middle school still no pain! (old me is going to hate me) 
9. What trait in others draws you to them? Playfulness, like they can joke with you, and you can joke back. As long as it doesn’t start sounding mean.
10. What are your hobbies? Drawing and sewing. I’ve done painting and making a manatee sculpture in the past, but I really love drawing and sewing, in fact I'm going to be making my own mimikyu cosplay by hand.
11. Do you have any pets? I’ve had a few pets in the past. I had a goldfish named fish, a rabbit named Tino, a hermit crab I got from the fair named Hermmy, and two other rabbits named Nippy and Sasha Fierce. Now I have another rabbit named brown sugar and a dog named Bella.
12. If you became a God/Deity, what would your domain be and how could you use your powers to make the world a better place? ......manatees, I would be the god of the manatees! And I will make it so that every week everyone must be chill like the manatees and help clean the ocean! 
13. How tall are you? 5 foot 3 inches 
14. Favorite subject in school? Art (yes I know very obvious) and gym. Art for the fact I got to do what I always love doing and seeing the chaos other students did (someone had a puppy in there) and gym because I got to hang out with friends and that’s where I met my boyfriend. (side story: I was the only high schooler who had a sonic backpack and a lock on their backpack, this was because my phone were stolen twice so my mom thought this would stop them from stealing my phone, but NOPE. I guess the thieves took this as a challenge and while in gym they got in between the small opening of my backpack and took my phone, but joke’s on them that phone was broken anyway! I win!!
15. Dream job? Being an animator or an professional artist in general, I do hope one day my silly little characters can actually be a show one day.
I’m tagging @jackie-sugarskull  as the next person. Anyone else can do it too.
I’m changing #2 to  What’s your favorite animal and why?
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sanchoyo · 2 years
arc v episodes 41-50 thoughts! :3
-41 answered a Lot of my questions and raised more, just like every other ep in the last stretch, lol. so, reiji got to academia when he was younger! (unclear how young exactly, but he looked between 14-15 if im being generous…? it said it was 3 years ago I think, so that puts him around 18? he looks older than 18 imo adjkf make him more babyfaced…) using a portal? did he build it or did he find it from where his dad mustve come thru it?
-interestingly, he says to his dad something like 'you abandoned me and mom!' …no mention of layra? were they not born yet? are they possibly an adopted refugee from xyz dimension? I say adopted bc 1. layra is clearly traumatized by SOMETHING and I think a War would fucking do that. 2. assuming they hadnt been born yet and his dad stayed in fusion dimension, his mom either got a new partner (and, we havent seen her with anyone else? except. maybe the bodyguard JKDSHKJF hes my other suspect. but then that wouldnt explain why theyre so TRAUMATIZED, either.) …or LEO had a kid with a woman in fusion world and tried to train them as a child soldier and reiji saved his new sibling?? like he was trying to save serena? I dont KNOW yet these are my Theories tho based on what weve been shown. yet layra is def older than 3 yrs old LMAO so where'd they come from...
-reiji's dad gives a vague statement like 'its to fuse the dimensions/combine them' or something. ok? how does that benefit you sir, and why is turning everyone from xyz into cards going to help with that? we keep seeing a big machine, and what looks like cards(?) being fed into it (I have to assume the cards ppl are trapped in) …many questions
-i KNOWWWW all the fusion kids are heavily indoctrinated so its hard for me to be mad at serena or sora, honestly, its clear she thinks leo is keeping her captive bc she thinks he thinks shes not strong enough. which is Wrong, clearly he wants to Use Her for Something, but she obv doesnt think that yet and wants to PROVE HERSELF just like sora wanted to do… reiji says smth like 'if you dont team up with me now we'll be enemies' which. I ALSO get since he wants to protect HIS city/world from his own father (very fucked and sad) its TOUGH though bc I like both of them n i dont want them to fight! she KNOWS reiji wanted to help her escape when she was little! AUGH. it hurts :( Im sure theyll be buds by the end of the series but Still I want them to be friends NOW!!!
-ok yuzu's dad being so HYPED to see her on tv being like 'THERE SHE ISSSS MY LITTLE GIRL SHES SO CUTE IM SO PROUD YESSS LOOK AT HER!!!' ME. ME TOO DUDE. WE ARE THE SAME. I KIN HER DAD NOW. I LOVE yuzu and want her to WIN!!!!
-'i'll never duel like I did against kachidoki again' yuya honey its ep 41 as I'm pausing to type this. You Absolutely Will. you're in a yugioh series. Be Genre Aware. you WILL go crazy Go Wild again. sorry! (i'm sure you and yuto will figure it out and itll be FINE in the end, but willing to bet it happens 2-3 more times before then
-interesting theres something called obelisk force…its been a MINUTE since I watched gx, but all of the dorms were named after slifer, obelisk, and ra, right? so…it implies the god cards still exist(ed?) in this world for fusion dimension to have called this force that, right? so dm..happened? ? is dm just the past of the fusion dimension, then? (but also, 5ds is implied to be the future from gx and exists separately somehow in another dimension and!!! AUGH!!! BRAIN WORKING SO HARD TO TRY TO GUESS HOW THIS ALL WORKS)
-leo implies he KNOWS why serena looks like yuzu but tells sora he doesnt need to know. but has he considered /i/ want to know. pls.
-very surprised sora is coming back this early at all, or is healed….i expected it to be a While! I hope yuzu and yuya talk him out of taking serena back tbh. theyre FRIENDS and he rly seemed to genuinely LIKE them. bet they'll have an Angsty duel over it…yuzu's dad immediately being like 'dw we'll get sora back!' he rly does kin me. sir we've been on the same wavelength since ep 1. hes my self insert
-ok yuya's mom makes me so uncomfortable with the constant 'michy' stuff. lady hes the same age as your son, chill…and root for your actual son, tf. cringefail mom
-can I just say how I love in entertainment dueling everyone has a Gimmick. theres samurais. there's literal Knights. idol girl duelists. its so FUN, of course you'd have a THEME to stand out! to an extent its always been that way for pro duelists in ygo I feel like, or at least ppls decks reflected them a bit, and this feels like a natural progression of that. like, yuya leans into the circus theme a BIT but he could commit more to it imo. bring back the full clown outfit from ep 1. or a ringleader outfit like his dad seems to have? thatd be FUN. -actually, do you think he knows Circus Stuff? like can yuya juggle. can he ride a unicycle. can he make balloon animals. etc. go all in or go home.
-ok…so reiji's plan to keep the city from panicking about the other dimensional invaders looking for serena is…to turn the city into a huge duel grounds for a battle royale for the tournament. surely the entire city's population isnt in that stadium/indoors… I GUESS he trusts his lil squad to go duel them all, but we already know all the duelists who are in the tournament will be involved and have to step in since theyre the main characters…why not just?? tell them too?? I feel like theyd all be willing to duel to Save Their City & be able to keep it secret..surprising them with it is a dick move.
-i know. i KNOW before even checking that every single human person whos watched this show sees olga and thinks the same damn thing. shes an elsa anna frozen fusion. but she IS! SHE IS!!!! JSDKFJJK.
-the kid yuzu is dueling is SO cute. the ENGLISH LMAO. WHY IS IT RANDOM ENGLISH WORDS AND NOT TURKISH OR KURDISH?? hes from anatolia! his clothes dont look quite right from what I can tell, either… confused. but at least hes super nice despite my..qualms about how he's being portrayed otherwise…yuya, meanwhile, is dueling some ASSHOLES.
-btw can I just say I appreciate the pacing here? showing multiple duels with minor charas in one ep so we can get to the more important ones faster? not that I SUPER mind fillerish eps lol
-dennis…from BROADWAY LDS?? like CALIFORNIA?? I mean he has an incredibly American Name so. I assume thats right but…lmao. american guy. tbh when he got penalized for entering a duel and lost 2000 lp, yuya shouldve lost that duel. he was down to 200 lp, the other player was going to win before dennis did that. why is yuya not out entirely? idc if the opposing duelists are dicks. they werent CHEATING or anything, having him stay in and DENNIS ONLY getting penalized is stupid. I KNOW I'm supposed to want to take yuyas side here, and I do let a good bit of 'bc hes the protag!' bullshit slide (like always magically getting the right cards, thats ygo standard! but stuff like this annoys me…sometimes its ok for him to take the L. (ok, and I still think itd be funny for a protag not to win a championship thing…)
-dennis said 'yeehaw' while riding his monster. this deserved its own mention
-dennis was able to snap yuya out of his lil Moment, which is Good. he IS an accurate portrayal of a californian, tho. I will not elaborate.
-halil and olga and michio are all such cute minor charas i want them to be a bff trio…
-immediately the way dennis cornered yuzu gave me HIVES where did he pull that rose from. it didnt feel like he was hitting on her like the parents thought (btw yoko continues to be extremely Weird about kids her sons age…eugh), it felt vaguely Bad Vibes. why was it framed like that D: cannot say I trust him very much now! (esp since he very quickly introduced himself as yuyas friend…then again. americans are Kind of Like that. I speak from experience when I say when I talk about acquaintances to other ppl ill be like 'oh my friend said/did this or that' SO. CANNOT RLY TALK PERSONALLY.)
-halil's english is better than dennis's and dennis is supposed to be american, lmao
-yuya and shun talking abt all the dimensional stuff/yuto on live tv…just air all the laundry guys. (but also, reiji very quickly cut the feeds when the academia warriors showed up, so…good for him to keep public panic down ig…even tho im of the opinion maybe the public Should Know, tbh)
-sora being in charge of a bunch of fusion goons that look like grown ass adults LMAO imagine taking orders from a 13 yr old. embarrassing
-'thats against the rules!' is the funniest thing you could say as a reaction to seeing your friend get turned into a duel monster card before your very eyes.
-lunalights are so godamn cute im going to DIE if I dont make a deck of them immediately
-ohhkay there was a visual of yuya and yuto walking side by side and the pendulum necklace swinging between them. this is symbolism right. theyre the two sides of the swinging scale, but their feelings of rage are united in this little duel against obelisk force (yuto seeing heartlanders get carded, yuya seeing the knights earlier get carded) …i SAID EARLIER yuya repressing emotions is BAD (smile when u wanna cry is BAD advice) and this feels like. well. 2 of their Rages Overlayed (hehe xyz metaphor) but really…not unjustified rage? what the fusion dimension is doing is fucked up! its ok! to be mad about it and fight back!
-ok, the entire city got SEALED OFF FOR THE BATTLE ROYALE. ENTIRELY. TOTALLY INSANE THING TO DO REIJI, BUT I GET IT. its keeping people safe. but i imagine the ppl of the city are like, majorly inconvenienced over this…it only last 24 hours, right? still would be Annoying
-yoko could you act fucking concerned about your son instead of being weird about teenagers. for ONE second. then she made a very fucking gross racial comment about halil TOO MY GOD throw this whole woman away that is so creepy and bad. i wanted to like her bc she adopts lil animals and stuff and is involved which is rare for a ygo parent, but them playing these comments for jokes is legit making me grossed out and mad
-yugo seems so confused constantly and I relate. 'every time this glows I get teleported!' dude. sound a little more worried! also something very funny about everyone constantly misnaming him and the SUBTITLES ALSO DOING IT BY CALLING HIM HUGO. also just revving his bike aggressively like 'STOP BEING UNCONSCIOUS' LMAO??? hes so funny already. also his hair color combo is so cute, 2nd fav yu design next to yuri so far (cannot beat pink+purple combo, tho)
-hey. gongenzaka pinning yuya while theyre both pinned under a column and yuya thrashing and yelling n growling while his eyes are glowing? straight out of the fucking exorcist. huge fan of whatever the hell is going on. then everyones pinning him, HE BIT AND PUNCHED SOMEONE TRYING TO ESCAPE. VERY very concerned as to why the hell hes suddenly a fucking Demon but alright! kind of obsessed with the vibes of that. More Feral Protags in general
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contender for funniest screenshot yet. seriously, there had better be a ton of paranormal aus for this shit since its CANON hes posessed by Some Sort of Demon, right.
-aww the ninjas are surprisingly chill bros! I really really like them ;w; just guys who help for the sake of being good and kind!!
-is he…….u know…..
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-I get the logic behind yuzu and serena switching clothes and appreciate serena being at least willing to try to hear shun out. however, how would u realistically mistake them for each other w their hair being SO different even when their faces are the Same. and also, so far, yuzu and serena didnt have the same reaction yuto/yuzu had. to be FAIR those boys didnt freak out and go murdery until their monsters resonated in a duel, I think. still, it cracks me up how RATIONAL and calm the girls were scheming together. yuzu real protag for real now that yuya is possessed. he must be the damsel yuzu saves from his own inner demons. >:3
-dennis is with yuri/fusion world. knew he was sus. never trust an american (wait is he fr american or just pretending LMAO has he ever actually been to broadway. I need to know)
-yuzu thinking yuri is yugo. my god this series like like. the parent trap x4… 'ruri and rin' so now we have all (4) yuya and yuzu counterpart names, right? …weird how yuya's are all yu names but serena, rin, yuzu, and ruri seem to have..no naming scheme in common that I can tell?? maybe it's one of those things that makes more sense when reading it in japanese or something…
-oh my god yugo is THEE definition of 'idk whats going on but its FUCKED and im gonna HELP without THINKING' HE IS PERFECT.
-WOW. shingo forced himself into reijis lil batcave . love that for him, yes come back to the plot!!! force your way into the plot!!!
-cannot stop laughing over yuzu just teleporting yuri away. goodbye forever!
-yuya confirmed yuto isnt whats making him go crazy, it for SURE is some kind of Demon (HIS OWN WORDS.) I…my theory so far was smth abt both of them together and their feelings mixing was what was causing it bc of some kind of interdimensional clash or smth. but nope. demon. where did it COME FROM. WHY IS IT IN HIM?? HOW LONG AS IT BEEN IN HIM?? WEVE NEVER HAD HINT OF IT BEFORE THE OTHER YU'S SHOWED UP.
-I WONDER if its the reason he can pendulum summon? how does that ability fit in? this dimension is 'standard' apparently and all the other summoning methods are here. in all other 3 dimensions, theres only (1) method. so. either 'standard' is actually 'pendulum' dimension and something happened where all the other dimensions kinda leaked in, or…theres another?? dimension?? or pendulum is smth…from outside of the main 4…? are we SURE there's only four, bc I know Link Summoning is also a thing in later series, lol... (also..it is called arc v..v being a roman numeral for 5, right?...or?? does it stand for smth at all? gonna be real honest, I still dont kno what the gx or 5ds in gx/5ds stood for. lol)
-ok, crazy theory…its from outside of the dimensions (like, a… space eldritch being) that snuck into this one and got into yuya like yuto seems to be (is…yuto going to be able to get out of yuya at any point btw JKSDHFK how conscious is he at any given time? ? is he like. like hes ALIVe right, kind of…in spirit form for some reason, unclear on details. can we take him back to xyz world n he'll be able to pop out again. JSADSJDFK REMAINING HOPEFUL. I cant even be sad about him 'dying' bc i still dont. believe he is dead for reals)
-yuya's demon is obv evil and malicious. actually, BOTH YUTO /AND/ YUGO earlier had the 'kill destroy bite kill' eye glowy moment. so it begs the question if the demon thing isnt in ALL of them somehow…ok, furthering my Theory, the demon split into 4s and went into all of them since they seem to be kinda the same personish but in diff dimensions/raised differently?? and maybe yuris more fucked up than the others bc 1. childhood indoctrination 2. giving into that Things influence more? dont rly know but this is my Theory given what we KNOW when im typing this (ep 47)
-yuya then goes on to say no matter what he will duel with smiles and stuff. $5 says hes gonna befriend that demon too s0 yami and yugi style. this is ygo I KNOW friendship can tame the Beast. or theyll rip it out and duel it. or have an 'inside your inner mind' duel with it. or something like that…have the other yu's had experiences with it or did it rly not start acting up until they met? hm
-the V in arc V stands for Very Curious…
-SHUN FELL DOWN THE STAIRS. OOF. rolled all the way down…………feel bad for laughing but I did . I laughed A Lot
-ok, the demon thing seems to respond to strong negative emotions (every time someone gets carded, sora not listening to yuya when he was trying to tell him this was wrong…) yuya was able to calm It Down by thinking of yuto's…last words…but like. he Needs to Feel His Feelings at some point. (and id argue being mad in this situation is perfectly justified, like, any other time, if he didnt have a rage demon in him?? feels a bit like a bruce banner/hulk situation…) I cant wait for the yuya learns yoga and meditation arc
-i knew sora and yuya were about to duel. he keeps saying 'we were NEVER friends I was just messing around whatever we cant become FRIENDS from a DUEL' have some genre awareness dude. ur gonna be friends. or else. (but also, he never seemed like he was malicious towards anyone in standard. hes actually told yuya to back off several times bc he . obv doesnt WANT to hurt him or prob didnt want him involved in the first place…theyre FRIENDSSS. i love ygo friend plots so much. makes me all warm and fuzzy :)c )
-we got layras first lil smile AAAAHG im so glad…baby deserves to smile (and it was bc the other kid said they were like reiji AWW cmon man. thats cute…)
-sorry, I just realized…has shingo been swapping his deck types each duel?? JASDHF LAST TIME IT WAS LIKE, FURRIES OR SOMETHING. NOW ITS DIFFERENT…. thats so funny, has there ever been a character to do that? (ik the protags usually get new cards over the course of the shows, but not entirely new decks…)
-ok, ok, it must be pointed out, while she was running from yuri, yuzu did some SICK flips (and she did some cool gymnastic moves in her duel with masumi), and sora did some sick flips too during his duel with yuya. in the entertainment duel school do they get taught gymnastics, too? like they must, right? very fun. side note, every time sora does these stupid little flips with his suckers in his mouth i keep worrying hes gonna choke JKSDHK
-'/I/ chased academia away!' yes shingo you absolutely did, great job bud.
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-there was NO need for reiji to stand like this up there. lmao extra king
-yuya got worried when they all realized serena ISNT yuzu, then looked at sora (accusingly?) and sora immediately Ran Away. where u goin bud? going to find ur friend yuzu, perhaps?
-yuya rly said 'who gives a fuck abt the lancers. ppl are being CARDED, REIJI.' and CRIED. do NOT like yuya tears :( but also, he needs it. let it out dude, cry as much as u need to. this is scary and ur 14.
-holy shit, new op already??? uhhh op 1 still my favorite in terms of song for sure, but thats def new domino right? and JACK MY FRIEND JACK!!!! IN THE OPENING!!!!!! HIIIII JACK :D so excited…… it looks like yuzu's gonna be hangin out with yugo in new domino for a bit which is SO FUN!!! living such a hot girl summer with her many yu-friends
-im glad serena clarified it wasnt reiji's fault,, bc like. hes been trying to HELP nonstop and has been organizing stuff like the lancers for that. also, serena in general is just super cool and honest such a chad <3 (I do understand yuya being angry over this tho, he thinks yuzu was carded…)
-oh the abrupt duel between reiji and yuya when reijis just trying to explain what happened to heartland lol…ok? it was like. very sudden. I know its yuto inside of yuya getting worked up, but yuto is the one who was willing to explain it earlier to yuya many many eps ago, so..why is he suddenly freaking out? reiji kind of lacks tact but he wasnt being overly rude or anything, and he fr is just trying to protect their home, so…?? everyone CHOSE to fight, its not like reiji was puppeting them like yuya keeps saying tbh…you think any of ur friends wouldve sat around while their home was under attack?? feels like yuya is just upset and needs someone to direct it at whos in front of him, but its severely misdirected anger
-very funny shun and serena are just standing on the sidelines, calmly talking, while reiji and yuya are dueling. if anything the two of them should be the ones mad since theyre on opposite sides of a war, but theyre so…open to talking!! why are reiji and yuya the ones dueling lmao!!
-'I HavE nO inTEntION OF JOinING THE laNCErs' yuya says, then 5 seconds later: ed starts showing 'LANCER SELECTION' with yuya in the middle and hanging out with all of them LMAOOO ur the main character u dont get to Not Join the Little Mandatory Club to save the World. yaaay serena seems to be in it too! I kinda figured she would so not a huge surprise, considering shes been so willing to listen and have her mind changed p easily. I really like her, yuzu is still my fav girl in arc v but serena is Very Cool :)
-also, new ED is def my favorite out of the first 3! (guessing there'll either be 5 or 6 in the end, gonna try and keep track and rank them at the end...so far this 3rd ED and the first OP are my favs!)
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