#not sure if i succeeded but she's cute so it's okay
iceicewifey · 2 months
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eccentricwritingbaby · 2 months
baby finn series, sneaking onto stream
series list - house divided - bedtime stories - babysitting and date nights - the necessary reactions
lando norris x mom!wife!reader
summary - little baby norris misses his dad and goes on a mission to find him, when found - it can only result in cuddles
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it was a quarter past six at night in the norris household, and having just finished eating, the young family parted for their different nightly duties. lando bringing finn to his bath as you began to clean up the kitchen after dinner. succeeding a few moments of your comfortable silence - which isn’t ever silence in your house, it’s the distant baby giggles and splashes in the tub and the quiet coo’s coming from your husband - you ready the house for nighttime. setting out finn’s playmat with a few toys near the sofa and dimming the lights around the home, you feel at peace. just then you hear the light laughs and footsteps as your husband comes down the hall, with a fresh and clean baby, as you're starting to put away the clean dishes.
“there’s momma! i told you she was waiting for you, bubs,” lando softly speaks to your son in his arms. 
“was someone missing me?” you turn from putting away the dinner plates in the cupboard to face your two favorite boys. 
“mommaaa” finn begins to make grabby hands in your direction as he whines, causing you to stroll over and grab him from your husband’s arms.
“been askin’ about you since the shampoo portion of the bath,” lando chuckles a bit as his left hand finds your waist to pull his little family closer to him.
“you missed me, baby?” you ask again to your son as he cuddles into your arms.
“wan’ boaf of you, momma and dada for bath time,” finn answers quietly, sleep gracing his voice in the way both you and lando cherish.
“you wanted both of us buddy? next time we’ll both be there, okay?” your husband assures your son with a ruffle of his hair. he lets out a soft ‘otay’ back to the two of you and you both are just enamored by his cuteness. lando’s hand then drops from your waist and instead moves to your head, bringing it closer for him to plant a kiss on top. 
“i’m heading to stream with the boys, love. just come on in if you need anything,” your husband then dips down to plant the same kiss on his son’s head as he jokingly waves a finger in front of his face, “no trouble for momma when i’m gone, mister. no parties, no girls, no staying up and drinking too much milk,” your son just laughs at his father’s antics as they are a regular occurrence and you can’t help but join in on the amusement with your own giggles. one more kiss to your forehead and lando is heading down to his streaming room in order to get started and you make your way over to the sofa.
setting finn down on his playmat, he begins to crawl and walk around, playing with his toy cars and other sets, leaving you to finish your business in the kitchen. you had a burst of energy that night to give a thorough cleaning to your home, and it seemed like your son had that same energy as well. you were able to see the playmat from your spot in the kitchen, but didn’t have too much concern for your son’s actions due to the babyproofing lando had set up when finn began crawling and walking. 
“momma” finn calls over to you from the living room, holding his papaya car in one hand and ferrari car in the other. 
“yes, love?” you call back, peering over the kitchen island to get a look at your baby. 
“where dada?” 
“he’s in his office, baby. he’s streaming, remember?” you gently remind him, hoping he was tired enough to not have a tantrum, but not too tired where he would also have a tantrum. the joys of a toddler.
“wanna play cars with dada,” he whines a bit and you sigh, struggling to quickly figure out a response.
“what if he plays cars with you tomorrow? i’m sure he would love that and then you would have sooo much time, too!” you try to steer him into the excitement of your idea, “because you’ll have to go to bed soon, so you won’t have much time tonight,”
“boaf?” your son lets out in adorable curiousness with his question.
“not both, love. and not tonight, i’m sorry,” you gently push again, “do you want a bit of bluey before bed? you didn’t get any tv time today?” with that offer your son is vigorously nodding his head yes, leading you into a laugh as you walk over to turn it on. ‘so spoiled’ you hush out with a laugh under your breath, heading back into the kitchen to pick up where you left off. 
lando had been on the stream with george, alex, and charles for about half an hour. he knew that soon you would leave a gentle knock on the door, alerting him of finn’s bedtime. he would quietly pause the game, head out of the room, tuck in your son with you, say the goodnights, and then head back to his game. however, the knock he heard this time was a little different than yours, and the sound came from a lower area on the door. which only meant one thing. 
as lando pulled the door open, his son tumbled a bit from leaning against it and your husband’s father instincts cut in as he caught him, swinging his body up to his hold, “what’re ya doing, buddy?”
“miss’ you, dada,” finn quietly speaks to his father, nuzzling deep into his neck in order to achieve peak comfort. 
“aw, bubs, dada missed you too,” lando sighs while rubbing his back. even though you both didn’t want to subject finn to the public, he made appearances here and there. and with lando’s mic having been left on, he couldn’t really hide the fact that his sleepy son was in the room. the comment finn made also tugged on lando’s heartstrings, which led to his decision to climb back into his chair with the sleepy boy on his lap. lando traveling constantly for work and you not being able to follow him every time, leads him to cherish his moments he can achieve with finn. therefore, aiding in his decision to not seek you out, and instead have his son join him. 
as lando takes a seat, he announces into his mic that a ‘special guest appearance’ will be happening, and finn appears on the screen, cuddled into lando’s lap. the comments on the stream begin to go by in a frenzy, lando only picking up a few ‘awwww’ and ‘baby finn!!’ comments along the way. the boys on the stream all notice and begin to say hello as finn picks his head up to glance at his father.
“they’re all saying hi, bub. do you wanna say hi back?” lando asks gently to his quiet son.
“who dada?” his innocence shining through his wide eyes and parted lips as he stares in awe of your husband.
“well, you remember charles and alex and george, right?” lando begins, attempting to coax finn’s memory to his paddock friends, “charles drives with uncle los?” lando pushes a bit further.
“uncle los is here!” finn perks up at his favorite uncle’s name, and the boys on the stream all groan, earning a chuckle out of lando. 
“bubs, you remember them, here, look,” lando points up to the screen as his son follows his finger to see all the boys smiling and waving. finn - loving the attention, just like his father - attempts to stand up on lando’s legs, sticking a hand out to wave back. lando’s hands go straight to his son’s waist, holding him close and ultimately pulling him back down onto his lap. 
“i like your pajamas” charles laughs out through the screen, identifying finn’s bright red ferrari pj’s he attempts to wear every night.
“charles likes your jammies, buddy,” lando relays, “what do we say?”
“tank you, cha!” finn screeches out while giving a giggle. the boys all then begin to comment on how the mclaren driver’s son is eating, sleeping, and breathing ferrari - just as you quietly open the door to the room, facing right at your boys but not in view of the camera. peaking your head in, you make eye contact with lando, him giving you a non-verbal communicator that he’s got finn and you’re okay, easing the panic in your eyes. 
“momma!” finn lets out a yelp as he notices your presence.
“hi, baby. you disappeared on me, i almost had to send out a search party!” you amuse your son as he gurgles into his father’s arms. 
“i sowwy, mommy. i jus’ miss dada” he says back, furthering his cuddling into lando’s arms, who simply pulls him closer and pecks his head with a kiss whispering a ‘missed you too, buddy’. 
“it’s alright, baby. next time just tell momma before you go, okay?” kindly reassuring the boy. 
“otay, mommy,”
“but it is bedtime, mister. so say goodnight to daddy and his friends,” you nod towards lando and his set up. 
“nooo, mommy pwease! dada and i have fun!” your son gives you an adorable whine as he lays against your husband. looking up to make eye contact with him, you see lando's puppy dog eyes on full display. 
the same ones that got you to go on a date with him, the same that got you to marry him, the same that got you a baby with him, the same that have you trying for another baby with him, and the same that are going to make you say yes today and deal with a cranky little three year old tomorrow. 
lando see’s the wheels turning in your brain and decides to add on in order to hit the nail in the coffin, “please, momma. five more minutes,” your husband pleads with your son. finn looks up at his dad, then whips his head back to you and nods his head, agreeing with his father.
you let out a defeated sigh, “fine, five more minutes,” your boys begin to cheer at their victory but you cut it short with a quick finger pointed at lando, “but you’re dealing with the cranky kid tomorrow,” you bite with a smile. your son looks up at his father, letting out a ‘ooooooo, you in twouble’ leading to everyone, including the stream, erupting in laughter. 
lando shakes his head at the teasing, hugs his son tight to his chest, and replies back with his best answer, “worth it,” while shooting you a wink as you shut the door.
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wordsarelife · 8 months
—call it what you want
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pairing: theo nott x fem!potter!reader
summary: in a school filled with people that have a watchful eye on them like they're celebrities, theo and y/n try to keep their relationship private
notes: this just came to me and i thought it would be cute! also theo calls reader belle as a nickname sometimes
-> let me know if you want to know more about their relationship, i think they're my favs now
"can you turn the page, please?" you were laying cheek down on the table in the library, your boyfriend next to you
he sighed before he did turn the page. "we could just stop studying if you're tired" theo suggested
"absolutely not!" you protested sitting up straight suddenly and nearly loosing your balance, theo catching you before you could fall off the chair.
"why are you so determined to study till you're sleeping?" theo asked, while he pushed you back into a comfortable position "i don't even think this is healthy"
"i just know what all of them think" you narrowed your eyes at two whispering two years across from you
"okay" theo said confused, following your line of sight "and what would that be?"
"oh look at y/n potter" you changed your voice to sound more like one of the whispering people in the school "she's doing worse in class than her brother since she got a boyfriend. proves that you can't be smart and pretty"
theo broke into laughter at that and was immediately shushed by madam pince. he quickly apologized before he shook his head at you. "no one is thinking that"
"really?" you asked sarcastically "because i just heard someone say exactly that on the way here"
theo sighed "so what's the plan, baby? you're gonna break up with me?"
you shook your head and rolled your eyes "obviously not"
"okay, then what?" before you could answer, the girls across from you started giggling and theo send them an irritated look, which seemed to be enough for them to leave you alone. they quickly gathered their books and left the library, but not without sending another look in your direction
you ignored what had just happened and buried your face back into the potions book. theo gently pushed the fallen down hair out of your face. "i just have to study until i'm sure that i'll be better than harry. i don't want to be the one whose grades suffer only because she had sex"
theo tried no to laugh, because he noticed that you were actually concerned about that. "i know that you're incredibly smart, belle" theo mused "you will be amazing without studying the entire night, and even if harry is a little better than you, it's just one class, isn't it?"
"i suppose"
"good" theo closed the book and slid it under his arm, standing up and holding his hand out for you to take "let's get you back to your common room"
you sighed, but nodded and took your boyfriends hand, who walked you directly to the gryffindor common room. "don't think about what they're saying anymore, okay?" theo said softly "only you and me know the truth and no one else has to know it"
"i know" you smiled "it just feels so weird that all they seem to do is talk about us"
"we knew that they would, sweetheart" theo reminded you "you're the chosen ones sister and i'm like your very own forbidden fruit"
"no, no, no" you giggled "you will not get away with calling yourself my forbidden fruit" you laughed again and theo smiled, happy that his plan to make you laugh succeeded
"fine" he nodded. he held the book out for you to take "that reminds me.." his hand wandered to his pocket, taking out a small box
"theo...." you said slowly
he detected what you thought immediately "i'm not going to propose" he deadpanned, before he held the box in your direction, taking the book once again so you could look into it.
"theo" you said, but happy this time. in the box was a beautiful gold necklace with the letter 't'
"i don't mean it in a possessive way" he explained "it's just.. eh i don't know.. i'm always next to you, okay? i'm always on your team" he paused, not being able to interpret your expression "you know what? it's stupid, you don't have to keep it" he outstretched his hand, ready to grab the box, but you pulled it away before he could reach it.
"are you stupid?" you asked and theo gulped "i love it" his smile returned as quickly as it had vanished a few seconds before. "can you help me put it on?"
you turned around and theo quickly closed the chain around your neck, plastering a featherlight kiss on it, before he took your hair that you had been holding and gently pulled it down. you turned around to him and smiled "thank you" you kissed him and theo felt like his heart could burst.
"of course, belle" he smiled and waved you off, when you entered your common room. then he turned around and walked back to his own.
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bunnliix · 6 days
When Eight Becomes Nine - Chapter Eight
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Okie, I know I said this wasn't gonna get finished tonight. I lied. But to be fair, I was able to relax and write this at the same time, also I had idea help, so thank you @ja3hwa baby!! I love youuuu <3 <3 *kiss kiss*
Pairing: Ateez x 9th member!reader  Summary: Y/n heads to the pack den with Mingi and Wooyoung, shenanigans ensue, and a cute moment with a member. wc: 1.8 k AU: a/b/o  Genre: Fluff/Angst  Nets: @newworldnet warnings: anxiety?, dissasociation kinda?, cursing as always, yelling and people getting mad, Hongjoong interrogating others, mentions of injuries, mentions of a hospital, mentions of the scandal/Dispatch bs, y/n is just struggling a bit rn, but Wooyoung and Mingi have her. I think that's everything?? Honestly we're working with half a braincell here rn I'm sorry! masterlist
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Y/n hadn’t really processed the day so far. Frankly, it had been a blur, and she was grateful for the two men for helping her. She never envisioned getting into a scandal, let alone one with the members of Ateez. She just stared out the car window, watching the scenery go by as Wooyoung held onto her hand.
“Are you okay, baby omega?” She heard him ask, and she found she could only nod her head to tell him she was okay, she didn’t feel talkative at the moment. All of her courage from the day seems to have disappeared into thin air.
She felt him squeeze her hand as she continued to stare at the window. She tried to shake herself out of this unfocused state, but only succeeded in making her a bit more aware of her surroundings. She realized that Mingi kept looking back at her through the rear view mirror, a look of concern clearly seen on his face. She imagined that Wooyoung had the same look on his face.
As she had this realization, Mingi pulled into their spot at their apartment building. “We’re here.” Wooyoung gently informed y/n. She shook her head, looking over at him with slight confusion in her eyes. She hadn’t exactly been listening to what the omega told Mingi when they got in the car.
Mingi noticed her confusion, “Wooyoung asked me to bring us back to the pack den.” He told her gently.
“Oh. Okay.” She replied, not sure what to say to that. She wasn’t pack, so she couldn’t think of why Wooyoung would bring her back to his pack den. She had her own nesting materials back at the dorm, so she would have been fine to go back there instead.
She zoned out once again, until she realized she was being picked up and held in someone’s arms. She squeaked in surprise, looking up to find she was in Mingi’s arms once again. She squirmed and tried to get out of his arms, only for the tall alpha to hold her tighter. “Don’t try and get down. It’s better for you to stay here, with your injury.” She was told by the alpha.
Once in the building, it doesn’t take long for the trio to reach their floor and then to reach the aforementioned pack den. Y/n was still not allowed to walk as they entered the apartment, as Wooyoung took it upon himself to take off her shoes after removing his own, and was given y/n as Mingi took off his own shoes. Y/n took this as an opportunity to escape, taking the chance while Wooyoung held onto her loosely, and she squirmed and successfully got out of the other omega’s grip. The problem was that Mingi blocked the entrance, so she decided to run for one of the rooms and hide out for a bit. Was it a smart idea? Probably not. She went with it anyways, it’s been a day and her brain wasn’t exactly working at 100%.
“Yah! Get back here!” Wooyoung yelled after her as she took off, quickly finding a room and hiding in it, finding a walk-in closet to hide in. She hid herself in between the low hanging clothes and quieted her breathing. There didn’t seem to be anyone in here, but the smell of the clothes was very nice. It was a very calming scent that surrounded her, and due to her exhaustion after only part of a busy day, she ended up falling asleep quicker than she realized.
With WooGi…
“Well, fuck.” Mingi said simply. “Good job Wooyoung. Now we have to go and find her.” He deadpanned, and Wooyoung whined at the scolding he received.
“I didn’t think she’d try and get out of my hold. She seemed like she had calmed down by the time we got up here.”
“Well now we have to find her, idiot.”
“You’re an idiot too, you just stood here with me!”
“Why are the both of you fighting?” Seonghwa interrupted them, an eyebrow raised.
“No reason.” The two say in unison, making Seonghwa even more suspicious.
However, before he could try and get more out of them, Hongjoong comes through the door. He pushed past the two younger men and quickly disappeared deeper into the dorm, ignoring the other occupants.
He had not had a good day, after sitting in on every single interview and trying to find out who had sent those pictures to Dispatch. It was unsuccessful, besides the expulsion of the beta who assaulted the sole omega trainee of the group, over her involvement in the photos. Hongjoong didn’t blame her in the slightest, he knew how vicious the industry and the fans were, and she had done nothing wrong. She hadn’t even touched a hair on two of his packmates, he knew that from the staff member’s assurances. All he wanted was his favorite hoodie and to disappear into the home studio to produce for the rest of the night.
Heading into his room, he found the door slightly ajar, not really thinking much of it, since the others did tend to steal his stuff if they needed the reassurance that came from his scent and he wasn’t around to provide that calm himself. The omegas were the ones who often stole his clothing the most. He quickly headed into his closet, finding the piece of clothing he was looking for, but as he tried to pull the hanger out, he found that he was unable to. Maybe it was stuck on something? He thought, and moved the hangers on one side of the hanger in question, only to find someone holding onto the sleeve of his hoodie as they slept. It wasn’t one of the boys, none of them would do this. They would have just taken it from his closet and room. He squatted down, taking a closer look and finding it was the omega, y/n. How did she even get here? He was concerned, but not for how she got here, that she felt safe enough to fall asleep in his closet.
They weren’t close, they hadn't had the chance to talk much, other than the day before. So it was odd that his scent, because he knew that’s what it was, was already something her omega found safe. His alpha found it endearing, that she felt protected and safe surrounded by things that had his scent. He felt protective over her, and he didn’t quite know where this feeling came from, but it was similar, if not the same, to the feeling that he felt with his other members when they were originally paired together over half a decade ago. He felt the tiniest bit of a smile make its way onto his face.
“You just had to go and find yourself here, didn’t you? I’m surprised you didn’t find Hwa’s room instead, I figure he would have been more comforting, yes? Though I wonder who brought you here, since I doubt you knew that we lived here, or how to get in.” He talked to himself really, since y/n was deeply asleep.
He couldn’t leave her here, she’d be sore when she woke up. He steeled himself for what he was about to do. Hongjoong carefully and slowly pulled her out from underneath the closet rail, and then gently took her into his arms, freezing when she stirred slightly, before falling back asleep. He quickly, but without jostling her too much, moved her from the closet floor, deciding that the easiest place to put her at that moment was on the bed, his bed. He gently placed her down on his bed, before pulling the blanket out from underneath her, trying his best not to disturb her. The only movement from her was to pull the rest of his hoodie closer to herself. He chuckled softly, so quietly it was almost inaudible. Once freeing the blankets from underneath the omega, he pulled them over her, tucking her in, and completely on instinct, placing a kiss on her forehead, just like he would with Seonghwa or Wooyoung when they fell asleep in odd places.
He froze once he realized what he had just done, and quickly turned around and left his room, having decided on giving up on his original mission. He made his way to the living room, where he found the three members he bypassed earlier while entering the pack dorm. He walked closer to the three, as he asked, “Who wants to tell me why I had an omega, specifically y/n, the trainee/auditionee, asleep in my closet? Let alone why she was here in the first place, at the pack dorm?”
Wooyoung immediately looked away from either of the ‘98 liners, who immediately knew that it was his choices that led to this.
“Wooyoung wanted to go see y/n because of Dispatch, I wouldn’t let him go alone because he would have made stupid decisions and I didn’t want to get in trouble for letting him go alone. We found y/n in the practice room, one of the betas had injured her earlier this morning and Wooyoung had made the injury worse after tackling her, so we took her to the hospital to get it treated. Wooyoungie felt so protective over her and decided we were coming here instead, I assume because he was either going to trap her somewhere in the apartment, maybe the nest.” Mingi quickly explained, since the younger omega had no intentions to.
“Thank you for explaining, Mingi-yah.” Hongjoong thanked him.
“She’s okay?” Wooyoung asked, concern in his eyes as he looked at Hongjoong.
“Yes. She is okay. However, how did she end up in my room in the first place?” Hongjoong said, to which Wooyoung sighed in relief before looking away again.
“She may have gotten out of my arms after Mingi wouldn’t let her down, and then she was passed over for me to carry while he took his shoes off. Then she ran for it, and ended up in your room.” Wooyoung said, still not looking at either of the older members.
Hongjoong sighed, though he was grateful for the explanation. “Well, she’s asleep in my bed now. She fell asleep in my closet holding onto my favorite hoodie. She seemed exhausted, so we will let her sleep. No Wooyoung, you are not to go into my room and potentially wake her up. She’s had a troublesome day, she deserves the sleep.” He told them, practically ordering Wooyoung.
He turned to Seonghwa, “I’m sorry for ignoring you earlier, darling. I’ve had a bit of a long day at the company.”
Seonghwa nodded, though he had an amused look on his face. ”I figured, love. It’s okay, I understand.” He said as he stood up, coming over and kissing the pack alpha’s cheek, before heading to his own room.
“Okay, I’m heading to the studio here for a while. Mingi, keep an eye on Youngie please.” He received a yell in response to his request, from said person. “Don’t let him wake her up. If he does, you’ll be responsible and punished for it.” He told the younger two, before heading off, hearing arguing as he headed down the hall to his little home studio.
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xanasaurusrex · 6 months
I was wondering if you would write Clarisse larue x daughter of Hecate headcannons??
⇢ ˗ˏˋ clarisse la rue x hecate!daughter ࿐ྂ
a/n: okay so there is a full fledged fic coming of this but i just thought this would be cute for some general clarisse x hecate!daughter!reader content bc i love writing headcanons
okay so first thing's first, this pairing is the definition of opposite's attract
clarisse is just such an intense person, and hecate kiddos are like, famously chill
you probably fell for clarisse first, from afar, because hecate kids and ares kids don't generally run in the same circles
like there's no bad blood or anything, they just aren't very alike so they don't usually hangout
once clarisse did notice you, the two of you started hanging out pretty frequently
there was a period where you both had heart eyes whenever you were near each other, but were both convinced that the other would never like one, and so you were both just practically prancing around each other, doing your best to hide your feelings
(and not really succeeding)
this period was pretty much hell for all of your friends
because the two of you would rave to your mutual friends when the other wasn't there about how much you like each other, and they would just have to sit there and internally scream and hope that you two get together soon
you probably found out when someone accidentally let it slip that you two like each other
after a very long, heartfelt conversation, the two of you were officially dating!
now for the dynamic of your relationship!
clarisse is extremely protective over you
if anyone even looks at you wrong, she's there defending you
you find this really romantic, but sometimes it can get overwhelming because you don't love confrontation, and she does, so sometimes you just want her to leave the situation alone
she can usually tell when you're in this mood, so the two of you just leave the situation before clarisse can get more heated
you're one of the only people that can really calm clarisse down
as previously aforementioned, she's a very intense person, and gets really intense emotions that she doesn't really know how to deal with them, which is something you can help with
just being in your presence calms clarisse down
going back to the protectiveness thing randomly, clarisse always makes sure that hecate cabin is on the same team as ares cabin, and even though everyone knows it's so she can protect you, everyone pretends they don't know
hecate kids obviously participate in capture the flag but they're not the most helpful
so you're not all that bothered when clarisse takes you to a nice, safe place in the woods where she hunts around you to make sure that nobody gets close to you
one time someone from the blue team managed to snag you as a prisoner for the red team, and when clarisse found out she went on a literal rampage
chiron had to step in and tell clarisse to calm down
when blue team finally released you, clarisse just held onto your hand with a really angry look on her face
when you two were alone she finally expressed how nervous she'd been
another big thing to mention: you are clarisse's biggest weakness
she loves and cares about you so much, and as much as she tries to hide it, she kinda can't, so she knows that if anyone were ever trying to get to her, they would go to you first, and she really hates that
there was a time in the beginning of your relationship when clarisse tried to break it off, saying that it wouldn't be safe
and you reminded her that you are also a demigod, and just existing as a demigod isn't safe, so she'd better just get over it
she did, and now the two of you are still together and happy!
clarisse tries to pretend like she has some independence from you, but everyone knows that she doesn't
clarisse gets even more irritable during the winter months because she can't see you everyday like she can during the summer when you're both at camp
clarisse is a year rounder camper, but you aren't, so she always tries to get you to come back for weekends and school breaks
you're always giving clarisse different crystals to help with different things
one of the first things you gave her was a rose quartz necklace, and she practically never takes it off
she rarely ever takes it out from under her shirt because again, she's paranoid about the whole thing of you being her biggest weakness
but it's always there, and she sometimes can be seen holding tightly to it when in tense situations and/or nervous about something
she thinks of it as somewhat of a tether to your love
which sounds cheesy, so don't ever tell anyone clarisse told you that
or else
(she says jokingly)
clarisse is a very touchy partner
she likes to act like she isn't, because she's all tough or whatever
and wanting to be hugged and cuddled every once in a while means that she isn't tough apparently
you've told her a million times this isn't true, but she doesn't believe you
sometimes the two of you will cuddle in front of the campfire, and clarisse is always hesitant because there's so many people around, but all you have to do is bat your eyelashes (and occasionally make grabby hands if she's feeling more stubborn) and then she's there, cuddling with you
when the two of you are alone though... oh my god she will not stop touching you
if you like get up to go to the bathroom she starts complaining immediately about how the two of you were all warm and comfortable and then you had to go and ruin it
she shuts up when you come back though
when you brought clarisse home to meet your mortal parent... let's just say it was an entertaining day
clarisse likes to present herself as a very put together person, and that not much can shake her
but oh dear gods
you're sure that you've never seen her look more nervous than on the way to your mortal parent's house
like sweating and stammering and acting soooo nervous
she wants to make a really good impression, but kinda believes that she can't
it doesn't help that you kiss her in front of your front door to help calm her down, and THAT'S when your parent opens the door
she actually does end up making a good impression, but she still leaves thinking it went horribly
it probably would take a lot of convincing for clarisse to introduce you to her mom, if she ever does, because the two of them aren't on the best terms
basically, the two of you are so freaking in love it kinda disgusts your friends, but it's better now than it was when the two of you were pretending you didn't like each other
thank you so much for reading! there wasn't a lot in this abt the hecate!daughter thing it was basically just dating clarisse headcanons so i apologize for that but i am open to doing a part 2!
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chilschuck · 2 months
Hear me out...
Witch/mage half-foot reader x chilchuck? Iy would be cute i think?
Maybe they have that carefree, mad hatter-y vibe that makes chil grow white hairs every single moment lol
(sorry for any mistakes, english isnt my first language)
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA and i hope i did it justice!!! struggling to write for some reason lately but i got this out for you and i’m so happy that i finished it!!
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— CHILCHUCK: x mage half-foot!reader.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw + gn!reader!
꒰ wc: ꒱ 570
✦ hope this turned out okay!!! i am trying to get out at least one request a day! <3 enjoy!!
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✦ You made it very known you were interested in joining the party, and Laios suggested it wouldn’t be too bad to have another magic user around. Since no one had really any objections to it, you became the party’s second half-foot member.
✦ With a smaller amount of mana than other races, you used your magic in smaller bursts. Even with having to be more observant of when you used it, you were definitely more of a carefree soul than the other members.
✦ Running headfirst into whatever monster made an appearance was common for you, and Chilchuck grabbing you by the collar and pulling you to safety with him was as well. You seemed to have a knack for making Chilchuck grow more gray hairs, whether it be by scaring the hell out of him with reckless behavior or disappearing for a span of time before popping up right behind him. (He didn’t want to guess what exactly you went off to do.)
✦ Chilchuck, when given the chance, would grab you by your shoulders to get onto you about your reckless behavior. To his dismay, you usually gave him that sly, carefree grin you always did. You two were definitely polar opposites in some regards, and Chilchuck had to routinely keep his heart from stopping when you put yourself in danger.
✦ That isn’t to say you weren’t skilled at what you do: even Chilchuck knew you had talent. It was more so that you had a bit more fun than needed, which caused the already older half-foot to feel like he’s aging more.
✦ All his concerns and reprimanding aside, he really did enjoy your company. Maybe it was your whimsical sort of outlook or the way you carried yourself, but he was definitely drawn to you. The first time he realized this was when you scared him so badly that he thought he had lost you. After letting him know you were fine and that it’s nothing some healing won’t fix up, he knew you had begun to grow on him.
✦ You made sure to tease him about his concern over your wellbeing, letting him know you were more than capable of taking care of yourself. Maybe even purposefully putting him on edge with some of your shenanigans just to see him freak out a little.
✦ Secretly, Chilchuck admired how gutsy you were, even if your mad hatter-like personality gave him heart palpitations. He wondered what it must be like to not have any concerns like that, sometimes catching his attention being solely on you and your work.
✦ It didn’t help that you and your personality were pretty charming, after all. Maybe he even found it cute how engrossed in certain aspects of magic you’d get. And how excited you got when you succeeded at something. Also how you’d sometimes catch yourself daydreaming and get lost in thought. The list goes on, much to his dismay.
✦ The half-foot would always deny it, but sometimes Marcille sees the way he looks at you and absolutely teases him. Apparently, it reminds her of a romance novel she read once, about a grumpy man and this mage that taught him how to live life to the fullest. Chilchuck swatted her away, trying his best to ignore the feeling in his chest at that. He definitely has some thinking to do… (And feelings to acknowledge!!)
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune! <3
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
College!Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
You’re at a party when your friend’s older sister approaches you. One thing leads to another and you wind up alone with her
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Cursing, oral, fingering, daddy kink, dom!natasha
Note: This is spicy lol. Follow my library blog @togrowoldinvlibrary for fic updates! I’m aware a part cuts off on mobile. See the library reblog for more. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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There she is. Standing across the room from you with a beer in her hand is the girl you have had a crush on from the moment you laid eyes on her. Natasha Romanoff.
Everyone’s favorite mystery girl that no one could seem to get with. The hottest guys and the hottest girls had no luck.
You are friends with her sister, Yelena, and there were countless times that people would ask her how to be approach her sister. She would warn them against trying. Nobody ever succeeded.
She catches you looking at her, but instead of shooting you a hard glare, she smirks at you and takes a sip of her drink. You shiver.
“What was that about?” Your friend Kate appears at your side.
“Huh?” You try to play dumb.
“Nat totally checked you out,” she says.
“What? No she didn’t!”
“Sure, okay,” Kate teases. “That’s why she’s coming this way.”
Before you can reply, Kate sneaks off probably to find her girlfriend. And you turn to walk the other direction, but you run directly into a person.
“Hey sweetheart,” Natasha says. She’s called you that since the first night she met you. Yelena had invited you home for the holidays and Nat coined the term for you. The close proximity to her makes your heart pound.
“Oh hey Nat,” you reply, trying your best to sound cool and collected.
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Nat says. The party is crowded, but it feels like you’re the only two people in the room.
“Yelena has been busy with Kate, so-“
“That’s a shame,” Nat says. She moves closer to you. Her hand comes to your chin and lifts it up. It’s like she’s trying to memorize your face with how intensely she’s staring. “I missed you, pretty girl.”
You open your mouth to speak, but no words come.
“Cute,” she says. Her eyes look from your lips to your eyes and back. You think she just might kiss you when suddenly you’re interrupted. Natasha drops her hand from your face and steps back.
“Hey y/n,” a voice comes from behind you. You turn to see a girl that you’ve been out with a couple of times, but she ended up dating someone else instead.
“Oh hey Wanda,” you say.
“Are you here alone?” Wanda asks. You don’t miss the jealous glance she throws at Natasha.
Nat knows what happened between you and Wanda because Yelena had told her. Secretly, she asks after you often.
“Actually,” the redheaded woman interjects. She wraps an arm around your waist. “She’s with me tonight.”
Wanda is taken back by her words. She gives you a measly smile and walks away.
“What was that for?” You ask Nat once Wanda’s out of earshot.
Nat pulls you by your waist upstairs and into a room where you could hear each other better. She shuts the door behind you.
“She treated you like shit. You can’t fall back into that scheme she does. Sure she’s hot, but it’s not worth it,” Nat explains.
“You don’t get to make that choice for me. I didn’t mind telling her that I was here alone. And do you really think low enough of me that you think I’d fall back into her trap?” You ask her. You’re feeling yourself get angry, but Nat just smiles. You sigh. “What?”
“That is the most I have ever heard you speak,” Natasha says.
You feel heat rush up your neck. The fact that you’re alone here with Nat is finally sinking in.
“Oh, I guess I’m kinda quiet. But I just needed you to not have a bad opinion of me and think I’d try to get with her. She has a boyfriend and I would never,” you explain.
She crosses the room to get closer to you. Once again, she invades your space.
“You’re cute when you ramble,” she says. She’s just inches from your face.
“Natasha,” you say, practically breathless from how close she is. You’ve never seen her this up close before. She’s even more beautiful than you thought.
Nat takes your cheeks in her hands and rubs her thumbs over them.
“You’re gorgeous,” she says. You could shrink under her strong gaze, but you stand tall. “Did you know that?”
“No,” you mumble honestly. You’ve never been one to boast about your appearance.
“Oh that won’t do,” she says. “Can I make you know it?”
You’re not sure what you’re about to agree to, but you want to say yes more than anything in the world.
“Yes please,” your words come out and you feel embarrassed but Natasha doesn’t let that last.
She surges forward and presses a soft kiss to your lips. It feels like it never has before. One of her hands comes to the back of your neck as she deepens the kiss. Her tongue slips into your mouth and your knees actually do go weak. She gives you a break.
“Do you believe it now?” She asks.
“I might need some more convincing,” you try your best attempt at flirting.
Natasha smirks and nudges you onto the bed. She crawls onto it and straddles your waist.
“So you can flirt,” she marvels. She leans down and kisses you once again. Her lips feel even better this time. Soon, her lips find their way onto your neck. You feel her lips, tongue, and teeth against your skin.
“Oh Nat,” you moan out and she smiles against your neck.
“Keep doing that, baby. Tell me what you like,” she says between kisses.
“Okay,” you say.
She stops kissing you and lifts her head up. You take in the sight of her above you. She’s ethereal. Her fingers slip under your shirt hem.
“You’re going to have to answer me better than that,” Natasha commands. You look at her confusedly.
“Um- yes?” You try.
“No. Come on, baby girl, you know what I’m trying to get you to say. Can I take your shirt off?” She feeds you the question.
It hits you then what she means. You’ve not called anyone that before, but it feels right with her here taking such good care of you already.
“Yes daddy,” you say. She smirks.
“Good girl.”
Natasha picks up the pace from there. She takes off your shirt and her own before slipping off your bra as well.
She takes one breast in her hands as she licks your nipple on the other. Nat takes her time worshipping your body. Each second makes you wetter and wetter.
“Let daddy take care of you,” she says as she moves down your legs and unzips your pants, slipping them off expertly.
Nat litters soft kisses to your thighs. Your body is threatening to reach your peak without her even touching you right where you need her.
“Natasha, please,” you can’t help but beg. She stops kissing your thighs and you practically whine at the loss of contact.
“Patience, dorogoy,” she says. You don’t know what it means, but the accent she uses makes you even wetter.
She ghosts a finger over your panties and moans when she feels the wetness through them.
“Did anyone ever touch you like this?”
“No. Only you, daddy,” you answer.
“Where did my shy girl go?” She teases you. You turn red at her words.
She smirks and finally pulls your panties to the side before she slips her fingers through your wetness.
“Fuck,” she mumbles. “All for me.”
“All for you.”
She plunges a finger inside of you and immediately you’re moaning louder. Nat wastes no time adding a couple of more fingers and filling you up.
“You take my fingers so well, sweetheart. Imagine what you’d do to my strap.”
And you do imagine it. You can’t help but want that to happen with her.
“Nat I’m so-“
“Come for me, baby. Come for daddy,” she says.
And you do. You coat her fingers in cum and she works you through every moment of your orgasm.
“Fuck that was so hot,” Natasha says. She brings her fingers to her mouth and licks them.
You watch in awe as she keeps eye contact with you. She smirks and shifts to kiss you. Nat leaves you with a bite to your lip before she slips her fingers into your mouth. You suck on them as she wants you to. Once she relents, you try to take control.
“I want to taste you,” you tell her.
“Oh, do you?” Natasha teases.
“Please daddy.”
“Well, I can’t say no to that.”
She lays on the bed next to you and unhooks her bra. It falls to the side. Your eyes go wide at her breasts.
You move over her and suck on her nipples probably for far too long. But the moans you’re pulling from her are well worth it.
Eventually you move on and take her pants off. You’re careful as you pull them down her legs and she smiles at your softness.
“You’re not going to hurt me, sweetheart,” she says. You take them off. She’s wearing boxers underneath. Your brain is fuzzy as you slip them off of her as well.
“Natasha, you’re so beautiful,” you tell her as she lays there naked. She seems shy for first time.
You wonder if this is why no one ever succeeds in getting with her. She has more layers than you thought.
“Please,” she says.
You don’t tease her like she teased you and instead jump right in. You lick her softly and she pushes your head further into her center.
When you take her clit in your mouth, she moans and you add a finger to work in tandem with your mouth.
“Fuck baby,” she says. “I’m so close.”
“Come for me, daddy,” you say.
You love the taste of her against your tongue as she comes. She relaxes and you move up the bed to lay next to her. Nat turns her head to you and you feel shy again.
“Do you know you’re gorgeous now?” She asks.
In lieu of answering, you kiss her lips ever so softly. It takes all of your confidence, but the way she chases after your lips for another kiss gives you a boost.
“We should probably get back to the party,” she says.
“Yeah,” you agree.
But neither of you make the move to get up.
“Yelena’s gonna kill me,” you wonder out loud.
“Oh god. Please don’t say my sister’s name when I’m naked in bed with you,” Natasha says. She feigns disgust and you grin. “But I won’t let her kill you.”
“Thanks Nat.”
After a few more moments, you both get up and find your clothes.
“You ready?” She asks. It seems like another loaded question. You’re ready for everything with this woman and you hope so much that she’ll indulge you in this fact.
“I am,” you answer.
Nat surprises you when she intertwines her fingers with yours before you exit the room together.
You’re hand in hand with Natasha Romanoff, the woman you’ve been in love with for some time. It’s absolutely perfect.
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lurkingshan · 4 months
Cherry Magic Episode 12
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MY HEART IS FO FULL. This adaptation has exceeded my wildest expectations to become one of my favorite bls of all time. They really put their backs into it and gave us everything we could want for these characters, and I will always be grateful. This show managed to be a faithful manga adaptation, a loving homage to the jbl, and a fresh take on the story all at once. An amazing feat to pull off and this creative team deserves so much love and kudos.
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The way Achi and Karan have grown together over the course of this show has been fantastic to witness. I love how seriously the show took their growth, and that we got to see them put in the work to improve their communication and become a great team. Meeting the parents was a big step for them, especially because they were uncertain how their respective families would react, but I loved that they were so open with each other throughout about how they were feeling. I loved, too, that we got a contrast, with Achi's mom being so warm and loving (but still managing to get a dig in on her son, lmao) and Karan's being more avoidant and passive aggressive and needing a talking to her from her eldest child to get her shit together. I love that the drama created space for things to not go perfectly with the parents, and to show us that people can be moved to acceptance.
We got a bit of a parallel with that message in Jinta and Min's story this week, with Min's fans initially attacking Jinta, but backing off once Min named him as his faen and asked them to respect his relationship. I like the choice to model positive fan behavior, and it felt a bit pointed from this production company. Both with Pai and now with this new group of fans, the show has said consistently that being a fan should be about love and support, not control. That you can admire your idols but you also need to give them privacy. That it's not your place to judge who they love. I just love that message.
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Of course, I have to talk about the mutual proposal and the wedding. I am pretty sure Karan has been carrying that ring around in his pocket since the second day of dating, but it was such a welcome surprise to see that Achi had already made his own plans, too. The show really succeeded in taking this relationship from something that felt a little one-sided to a very mutual partnership I can believe in. I teared up when right along with Karan when Achi followed Karan's proposal with his own, and you could see how much it meant to him to know that Achi is really truly on the same page. Getting to see their wedding and the love surrounding them on their special day was the cherry (lol) on top of this fantastic love story. I also absolutely loved the wink to the jbl elevator non-kiss in the way they framed their final married couple kiss and then cut away from the bed.
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Continuing the love fest, I also love the changes this version made to the side couple's story. Min getting to fulfill his dream, Jinta being an excellent supportive partner, their agreement that they will marry someday when they're ready--it was all just lovely. The nod to the jbl pen proposal was cute, and I love that they took it a step further by drawing rings on each other. The flip in the sexual relationships was also quite welcome, with that triumphant arc reserved for the main couple in this version. Jinta ended the show with his magical powers still intact, but it didn't seem like that would be the case for long.
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As for Rock and Pai, I am happy with how the show handled their story. To the end, Pai stayed true to herself, and Rock came to know her better and understand what kind of romantic relationship he could reasonably expect from her. She will always have her head more on her ships than on her own love life, and he seems okay with it. I think you can still take an aroace read on this Pai if you choose, and I appreciate that the show made space for that. I like, too, that Pai helped Rock reconnect with his own passion for dancing and find a fun outlet for his creativity. They were another reinforcement of this show's overarching themes about the importance of kindness, support, and clear communication in relationships.
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This show left me with such a warm feeling. I'm so glad they stuck the landing, that episode 8 never happened, and that we can rewatch and remember this Cherry Magic so fondly. I never expected Thailand to go so above and beyond the original live action drama, but they have undoubtedly delivered my favorite version of this story.
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v3nusxsky · 4 months
Hello! I love your work and was wondering if you’d write about larissa x femreader, r is pregnant and just fluff of larissa being extremely overprotective of r! Thank you and takr your time!!
Real mama bear
*Authors note~ I have a few pregnancy Larissa requests so I’m going to answer the asks separately as drabbles and then finally compile them into one big fic*
Trigger warnings~ pregnant fem reader? Overprotective?
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Ever since that one night where you accidentally stumbled upon just how far Larissa’s ability could stretch when she was desperate for you, it awoken something in the principal, the instinct to get you pregnant overwhelming her. Of course, neither of you knew if she could, but you sure had fun trying.
Once your period didn’t arrive, you knew she’d succeeded but still took several tests just to be sure. Each and every one showing positive results causing you to sob. Happy tears of course, but nonetheless they alerted your wife to your possible distress. There was no time for a cute reveal, Larissa making it to the bathroom in record time instantly stopping in her tracks seeing the multiple tests on the counter. “Darling?” She murmured approaching you with extreme caution, “are you? Is that?” Her words stuck in her throat as you turned to face her, nodding with tears streaming down your cheeks.
From that second onward you immediately saw the change in your wife, it started with her hands holding your flat stomach as you leant on her chest, her whispered promises to protect you both with her life. Then you weren’t allowed to lift anything Larissa deemed too heavy, she would constantly try and make sure you were at maximum comfort, running off to get your cravings no matter what or when. Even walking through the halls she would wrap a hand protectively round your waist pulling you closer to avoid anyone accidentally hurting you or your child.
Things got worse when you began to show, Larissa seemed to panic more, wanting to make sure neither of her loves got hurt, even going as far as to refuse to make love with you because she didn’t want to hurt the baby. You protested of course, if that’s how the baby was put in there she wouldn’t hurt them, but Larissa would just reassure you she loves you both and doesn’t want either of you to be hurt. Eventually you settled on making a comment about pleasing yourself which in turn had your wife jealous and willing to break her new rule if you both were careful.
In the third trimester Larissa was on another level of protective, she didn’t want you to unexpectedly go into labour alone, so she ensured you’d never be alone. To the point where she wouldn’t let you even lift shopping bags anymore. “Rissaaaaa, I’m pregnant, not incapable” you whined in a protest of watching the blonde struggle to carry everything. “You’re growing our baby, that’s hard enough, go rest my darling I know your tired it will be okay.”
“You’re such a mama bear” you grumbled as you waddled yourself to the bedroom. You love Larissa with all your heart but you couldn’t help but wonder if the baby was a girl, she’d be in for a difficult time when it came to dating for sure.
Your daughter lay snuggled into your wife’s neck, as her nails trailed ever so gently over her little back. Larissa absolutely enamoured with the little being that seemed to be her double. “Rissa?” You murmured blinking to clear the sleep from your eyes. “Shh darling, you should be sleeping my love, you had a hard day” she murmured softly coming over to kiss your forehead without disturbing the newborn. “Mm she kay?” You mumbled voice still thick with sleep. “She’s perfect darling, a true little heartbreaker. Our sweet little Angel.”
The nurse came in to take your little one for a few tests and you immediately noticed Larissa being hesitant to hand your daughter over but did so eventually after a raised eyebrow from you. “Such a mama bear” you teased lightly before shifting and wincing in pain. “Darling, what do you need? What can i do?” Her immediate response was to manage what she could. “Larissa?”
“Thank you for protecting us”
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Kawaii Sensei
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part two
paring: Student Gojo (18) x sensei reader (22)
Summary: You are their new teacher. You are young, and they consider you very loving and kind. You're considered cute by one student. You are his kawaii sensei. And he loves you...
Warnings: short NSFW
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"Good morning everyone. My name is (y/n) (l/n). From today I am your new teacher." You said with a nice smile, looking at the three people in front of you.
Were you expecting a little more enthusiasm...
At least a little smile...
Meanwhile, you were standing there looking at the short-haired brunette who looked like she hadn't slept at all. On the other hand, they were dark haired in a bun with a neutral looking face (at least he looked nice), his face was neither serious nor smiling, so you consider it a good sign. The other boy with white hair looked like he wanted to leave here. As if he didn't want to be in this class at all...
"So..." You started clasping your hands together.
You're not much older than them... This is your first day as a teacher at this school.
You graduated from this school some time ago, but your skills weren't very high, so you couldn't count on being higher in the hierarchy. And since you like children, you chose to teach at the Jujutsu school.
Besides, teachers are very much needed in such a school.
Few people can teach in a school like this, and you were a sorcerer, so you had the opportunity. So you chose to teach kids instead of doing missions all the time.
"...Want to know something about me? Or tell me something about yourself?" You gave them a nice smile.
But the principal of the place came to the room. The man who just a few days ago became the principal.
He was the man you took over teaching this class. And you still did not expect what adventure awaits you while you teach this one white-haired boy.
He was practically your teacher a few years ago.
You even remember him well.
And he agreed to let you teach at least one class so that he would have a little less work.
He ran for the position of principal and succeeded.
Therefore, he will have a little more responsibilities. Now at least you'll do it for him a bit.
He's always liked you, that's why he let you go, and he believed you could do everything and look good.
However, you don't understand why he finds these three students troublesome...
Okay, even before you came here, you heard that the white-haired one is sometimes a problem. And sometimes with him his best friend.
You wish you had come here as their teacher now and not from their first day of school.
They are now in their second year. So they know more than the basics.
Besides, these two are already a higher grade than you...
It doesn't bother you because you don't care where you are on the level that much. Sometimes these divisions don't make sense...
You're semi-grade 1 and they're grade 1. And Yaga told you that their skill is still increasing so he's sure they're capable of going into special grade.
Therefore, you are not to save them.
You probably wouldn't be able to murder them in training... You don't want them to experience the same as you in training...
But they still look like well-built young men. So you can guess that Yaga has exhausted them already.
You're not a fan of 24/7 non-stop training.
Poor guys... You don't want to know what they went through before you were their teacher.
Now you're going to make sure they don't hate classes with you.
As far as you know, the white-haired one is Gojo Satoru, who possesses both of his bloodline's powerful techniques. Character description by Yaga: conceited, selfish, inconsiderate, irritating, but very capable and trustworthy. Addicted to sugar and sometimes childish.
The dark-haired boy is Geto Suguru. They both are best friends. He comes from a family of non-sorcerers and possesses the technique of manipulating curses. You are not to be nervous when you sense curse energy, because his cursed energy is just like curses. Character description by Yaga: more composed and calm. He can be like Satoru sometimes. A talented boy who will always get used to the situation.
And the girl is Ieiri Shoko. She's not often included in teddy bears because she's here learning to master the reverse cursed technique.
So far you've only received them. I guess you should make it.
"This is your new teacher. I have more responsibilities than looking after you, so I'm assigning you to her. Don't embarrass me in front of my former student." You looked at the man with a small smile and nodded that he might leave you.
As you stood in front of them, you began to get more nervous.
"I don't know where to start... I know you're training outside today... Sorry, but it's my first day as a teacher..." you said nervously. "The only thing I know about you is something from Yaga-san...your names as well as your skills. I'd like to get to know you more since we spend the next few years together. And who knows, maybe one of you will want to become a teacher later?"
You met the eyes of the white haired man.
You blush with shame. It must have been a bit visible, right? Since none of them even responded...
You hoped that someday you would be able to get close to them and start working with them normally.
It used to be. Half a year ago.
It was completely different now.
You were like a real teacher to them.
They did not expect that they would be able to be so close to the teacher.
They felt like you were their friend and not their teacher, even if you were giving them assignments or teaching them in class.
And there was something no one expected either.
According to one of them, you were adorable.
Cute sensei.
Of course you blushed when you found out. Because no one ever thought you were cute before.
But well, you didn't expect such a comment from anyone...
You were very protective of them.
You knew that your students liked you very much.
You got chocolates from Satoru on Valentine's Day. You don't know if it was a coincidence because he also ate his, or if he gave it to you on purpose.
You couldn't feel anything for the student... It was probably forbidden... You didn't want to take it badly.
So you stood on tiptoe and stroked his soft hair, enjoying the white stripes under your fingers.
You saw his blue eyes widen slightly as you did, and his cheeks flushed a nice pink.
You smiled at him, thanking him with all your heart.
It was the first time you got something for Valentine's Day from someone.
And you felt so good about it. Even if he was your student.
You didn't know that right after that he went to his friend with a big smile.
"Why are you smiling like that? And why don't you ever knock when you enter my room..." he muttered seeing the white haired boy sit down quickly on his bed and lay down with a big smile like an idiot.
It was as if he had overdosed on sugar even more than ever.
"Something happened to make you so happy?"
"She took the chocolates from me!" He said happily.
"Wait... Did you really give it to her?" he asked, his eyes widening slightly.
"Yeah! And she smiled! It was so cute! And you know what she did then?!"
"She's probably touched you somehow or said something nice... But there's no way she's kissed you... You'll have to wait until the grave with that fantasy...
"She stroked my head!"
"He often does this to us..." he replied.
He didn't want his best friend to get overexcited that you might let him in.
Geto knew very well that his best friend fell in love with you.
First they talked about you, and then he started to think you were cool. Until the end, he thought you were pretty and charming.
You never did anything they didn't want. You were still their teacher, but your teaching was so much better.
You weren't that strict, and you asked what they wanted.
You were kind and so soft.
It was cute.
And Geto might have expected Gojo to be attracted to you.
Someone who likes your behavior and enjoys your company.
Until one day he told him that he must have fallen in love with you.
He couldn't stop thinking about you.
He didn't like to see you walking next to anyone other than him.
He was even jealous that you gave him less attention than usual. Then he would come to you asking for an explanation of something he knew very well or wanted to ask for help with a non-existent problem. Those were his excuses to meet you to give him more attention than others.
"But she did it to me with such a cute smile!"
Geto didn't want him to be disappointed by unrequited love...
You were older than them. Perhaps you already had a boyfriend or husband. It would be very difficult for him to dissuade Gojo from loving you. But for the sake of his psyche, he wanted to do it.
He didn't want his friend to be heartbroken.
"What if (y/n)-sensei got other chocolates, like from her boyfriend?" He asked.
He preferred to gently show him that it may turn out that there is already someone in your life.
They didn't know exactly how old you were, and they didn't know much about your private life either.
There was no wedding ring on your finger, and you didn't talk on the phone often, which you basically would if you had a boyfriend or a husband.
It might also be surprising that you had a house near the school and when they were there because you invited them to dinner, they didn't see anyone but you there.
It's like there's no one else in your life.
Sure, Geto doesn't prohibit Gojo from having a happy relationship. However, he didn't want his heart to break if it turned out otherwise.
"I've never heard that she has anyone."
"Satoru, we don't even know how old she is."
"She's a little older than us. She's only just qualified to become a real teacher."
The dark-haired sighed.
"I don't want you to react badly, but we don't know what she thinks of you. She might as well consider you a nice student. I'm sure she would never play with your feelings, but I don't want you to be disappointed with your feelings." He said calmly. "This is probably the first time you fell in love with. You're happy, I get it. But..."
"I know. What do you say we ask tomorrow how old she is? I doubt she'll refuse to answer us."
That's how you ended up walking between them as you headed to the field to practice.
You felt more and more squeezed by them. Why did they have to be so tall?
You felt Satoru getting closer and closer to you.
Until you finally heard the first question you didn't expect.
"(y/n)-sensei, may we know how old are you?" he asked suddenly coming very close to you.
You looked at him questioningly. But you felt so small and intimidated by his eyes.
"I'm just asking out of curiosity... I've heard more than once that you're only a little older than us, so it's just curiosity."
"...Um... Satoru-kun... I'm actually 22 years old. Soon 23." You said calmly.
You couldn't stop thinking about the warmth of his touching your skin.
Satoru-kun is handsome, but you can't think of him other than as a student. It is true that your young mind is speaking here, telling you that you are of similar age and you could at least try. Because he seems to be interested in you somehow.
You like him a lot. Maybe if you weren't as a teacher...
He's 18. I'm sure he'll find someone better than you.
You were snapped out of your trance of thoughts by his next personal question.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked looking at you.
You blushed and jumped back slightly at the question.
"S-Satoru-kun, I-I don't think it should matter, right...?" You said nervously.
Suguru didn't answer.
"I just wanted to know. A cool sensei like you doesn't deserve any asshole."
Your distraction made you really careless.
That's why you didn't even notice that you were about to come down the stairs. You were all red because of his words. And you didn't notice the dip under your leg.
"Wah! Be careful!"
You heard just that and felt him pull your arm back, wrapping his arms around you.
When you realized that you had almost fallen down the stairs, you were pressed against your student's chest.
If only you were older, he wouldn't even want to be so close to you!
You could have skipped a few more years until you were in your thirties!
Maybe then your mind wouldn't rather take vengeance to heaven when you look at your student you could practically say you love...!
You wanted to burn yourself with shame...
You were supposed to look after them, not them you.
"Wow, be careful, kawaii sensei." He said, pushing you away gently.
What did he call you?!
"Umm... What?"
"Um..." you murmured.
"What "What?", Sensei?"
You tried to leave to join Suguru at the bottom of the stairs.
But he grabbed your hand.
"Is it what I called you, sensei?" He smiled.
It was a cute but slightly cocky smile.
But with something like this on his face.
Maybe you can quit your job here before your face catches fire from the heat?
This was your second such situation.
First chocolates, then you hear a student call you cute, then he practically asks you to pat his head like you always did and now he hugs you, asks if you have a boyfriend and also calls you "kawaii sensei"?
What is this?!
You were nice to them because you wanted to. But you didn't expect that someone who didn't seem to mind having another teacher at first would suddenly start to be so close to you.
You are friends???
Are you any closer than you should be???
You are four years older than him!
And he is already an adult! You didn't expect him to act like that, he should be doing that to his girlfriend, not to the teacher!
He suddenly leaned lower to your face.
"You are kawaii sensei. My favorite teacher I've ever had." He chuckled and his lips curved into a kind smile.
Teachers can be close to students. And there is nothing strange about it.
But should it be that you feel butterflies in your stomach when he does something like that?
Should it be that he feels butterflies in his stomach when you're next to him? 
You tried to forget about this situation.
But he didn't know how long he would last.
You gave them a completely different job than usual. It was an art class.
You didn't feel like doing anything, neither did they.
So you wanted to teach them to do some origami. It can be very relaxing if you have to talk about it.
A change from those activities that even you get tired of sometimes.
You're also fed up with the fact that you feel so warm in this classroom, and your bed at home is often cold and empty.
Their energy here is nice. And there's only you in your house.
It would be a nice change if you ever had any visitors there.
Why don't you invite them to dinner sometime?
You practically didn't answer Satoru's question he asked earlier. What could you say? You don't have and have never had a boyfriend.
When you went to school here, you were alone in the class. Turns out your year didn't have that many sorcerers. However, there were more people in classes older than you and younger.
You tried your best to be a warm and kind senpai to the younger ones.
That's why you liked the idea of ​​becoming a teacher.
You calmly ran Suguru's fingers over the paper, showing him how to fold the paper properly.
Satoru wondered how nice your hands felt...
He wanted you to show him that too. And she touched his hand.
He was jealous of his best friend.
"Sensei! Can you also show me? I think I ruined it." He said, raising his hand to get your attention.
Honestly, you didn't expect them to be interested in doing this at all.
You walked over to the white haired boy.
He showed you a piece of paper in front of him.
"How do I start?" He asked looking at you.
"Bend the corners of the paper inwards." You said pointing to the right and left corners.
"How?" He asked.
He knew, but he wanted you to guide his hands.
You took your piece of paper and showed him how to fold it.
"Sensei, from what I can see, you folded the bottom corners of the paper."
"You have to do it with the upper ones." you said.
"will you show me I don't want to spoil it."
"What kind of origami do you even do?"
"I wanted from a heart template. It looks nice." He said calmly.
You also tried to stay calm.
"Fine, so bend like in the template I gave you, what to do step by step."
"Will you show me like you showed Suguru?" he asked with puppy dog ​​eyes.
Until you finally gave in.
You stood behind him, grabbing the piece of paper in front of him. And you folded the paper.
You gave him a list of how to perish the paper.
"How am I supposed to hold it?" He asked.
You felt like you were with a child.
But you grabbed his hands and fingers, guiding them.
You smiled slightly. You were curious how big his hands are compared to yours. And that really was the difference.
And he smiled at the feeling of your warm hands.
He tilted his head back, looking at you.
Sending you a warm smile.
"How about I bring you cookies tomorrow?" You asked pleasantly.
You could somehow distract yourself from how cold it was in your house sometimes.
You were smiling all the time at school for them. But you really wish you had the same at home.
I think you need to find yourself a boyfriend...
Because it's probably impossible for Satoru-kun to be so interested in you.
I was making cookie dough when he came home. Until suddenly you heard a knock on the door.
You quickly went to see who it was.
You saw Gojo who said earlier that he can help you prepare the cookies.
You appreciated his help.
But he came with other intentions.
Either you reject it or you accept it.
You either you reject him , push him away, or hit him back.
The moment he kicked off his shoes and the door closed, you felt his lips on yours.
When his body pressed you against the wall in your house.
He wanted to at least enjoy this one moment. Even if you could have rejected him.
However, you never behave the same at home as you do at school.
You are such a nice and sweet person. And such people who care for someone else cannot be neglected by being home alone. With no one around.
You could have pushed him away, punched him in the face.
But you didn't.
Especially after he mumbled into his declaration of love.
You didn't push him away. You didn't hit. You didn't reject his feelings.
You just accepted it.
He's young, but his heart doesn't lie.
He loves you and doesn't want it any other way.
He wants you to be together.
That's why...
That's why you didn't reject him. Because you started feeling the same.
Especially by his behavior.
The warmth he gave you.
You finished the cookies with him. With his arms around you.
With his mouth on your face or neck while you had your back to him.
Your house has become pleasantly warm. Thanks to him.
You waited for the cookies to bake, kissing without saying a word.
Was it really okay?
It was fine...
You weren't much older than him. He's an adult and he's decided he wants it.
Your bed hasn't been this warm in a while.
It got hot as you lay underneath him, your legs spread wide for him, as his oversized cock for a young man rammed into your virgin pussy. By ridding you of any illusions that he loves you.
His hands held you tight as he moved faster and faster, hitting your wet walls.
Your first was your apprentice. And you don't regret it. Because he is someone you love.
You're 22, and now you've found happiness.
You might not even have left Jujutsu High. You could have stayed there and watched him first appear there.
It would leave you a little more room for imagination.
You could see his whole body now. When naked, he hovered above you.
His muscles rippled with his every move.
And you can't stop thinking about how handsome he is.
Your back arched as he made you moan for him.
He beat against your body at a steady, hard pace as you got used to the new feeling of his cock stretching.
"Several times I've thought how nice it would be to have you like this..." he groaned. And his words mixed with his breaths and your soft moans as well as the sounds of skin slapping against skin.
Dirty scenes flashed through your mind as your student jerks around in his room saying something he would say to you.
And so it was.
He did it by imagining you underneath him.
That he was cumming on you instead of the sheets.
And now his erotic dreams have come true.
Because he could bury his cock in your tight pussy and touch your body. See you whole.
Hear you moan his name.
So your red face that contorts in pleasure.
After all, he had his kawaii sensei the way he wanted.
And he will no longer share your attention.
Because he is your warmth at home.
You are his happiness.
You could spend as much time with him as he wanted. You didn't have to worry about the cookies burning.
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ddoxhan · 1 year
that feeling when
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baby's breath and lemon candies
word count : 2.1k words
genre : fluff in the season of spring; you were always bitter when spring came, but things changed when she came along; florist!hanni x fem!reader (a year older than hanni); hanni's a confident baby and reader fell for her at first sight but doesn't realize
t/w : none :) just cuteness overload
a/n : hanni just has the sweetest smile that can melt hearts (including mine of course) I wanted to portray that spring vibe and soft colors that are associated with it, hope I succeeded haha enjoy !
spring morning, pastel sky, chilly breeze. it was just like every other morning in this season of cherry blossoms, and that was the exact reason why you despised this time of the year. from the very first thing that greets you as you leave your doorstep, was the couple next door.
it was fine, no one was forbidding them from dating. but it was that they decided to dress tone-on-tone, to add that it was a couple look. (you were just bitter since you were the only one still single among your friend circle)
just as you make it out of your apartment building, you are met with another. at this point, you were sure that god was just making fun of you. (no, you were just bitter and single, so everything seemed to be against you, when in reality, yes you are just hella bitter)
'what a way to start my day,' as you thought to yourself. a cup of americano was exactly what you needed to refresh your day, as if whatever happened before that cup was just a dream. but soon, you do hope that it wasn't just a dream.
getting onto your bicycle, you pedaled away from your usual route, which was headed towards campus. you were on your semester break after almost losing your sanity from the dreadful event named 'finals'. (human physiology took away at least 10 years from your lifespan)
so where were you headed to so early in the morning if you were finally on that break you very much needed? to your beloved senior, chaewon's cafe. she and her girlfriend, minju, finally opened their dream coffee shop after they had graduated. (degree who? and you were so done with chaewon bringing this up whenever she was on the verge of rage quitting during her final year)
it wasn't too long ago so the shop was still relatively new to the area. that meant they neither had customers nor employees. you figured that you could lend a helping hand for the time being as they advertise their new cafe. your neighbourhood wasn't big so everyone knew everyone, therefore things weren't going to be too hard for them. yet, you wonder how you know everyone here, and still failed to notice her around.
as you were on the way there, the owner of blue rain called, pausing the music in your ears from your headphones.
"yes, ms. owner. relax, I'm on my way, no worries that I overslept."
"that's exactly why I called. I have all the right in the world to be worried cause you quite almost drooled all over your pillow while everyone in the hall was racking their brains over the final paper."
you rolled your eyes at her constant reminder of that particular 'incident' in your first year. it was a one time thing but she still brings it up whenever she gets the chance to. and like the mom she is, you're creeped out by how she knew.
"I can see you rolling your eyes at me, child. we all know you were to repeat your subject if I didn't barge into your place."
"alright alright, I made mistakes and learned from them. I'm on my bike right now, okay? continue your nagging when I'm there, bye."
you ended the call before she could even say another word. knowing she was going to give you an earful, all you could do is smile to yourself. the nagging can be annoying at times, but you know chaewon only meant good for you as someone older. it feels great to know that someone cares for you no matter where they are. (you're always a brat towards her, so she would cry happy tears if she knew this is what you thought of her)
making a left turn, you arrived at a road you weren't familiar with, mainly due to the fact that it wasn't the main road you usually ride past. just how did these two find a place over here? it wasn't somewhere people would drive past, not to mention that it was sort of secluded away from foot traffic.
although with that said, there were a handful of shops and a convenience store on the corner lot. this view feels familiar yet foreign, despite it still being part of the neighbourhood you knew. while the scent of flowers invaded your senses, you slowed your speed to a halt and got down, pushing your bicycle with you while admiring the scenery this street offered.
a noodle restaurant came into sight, and a laundromat sat right across it. further in, a tailor shop greeted you with a record shop beside, making you wonder if you really did travel back in time a little from all the shops. everything was so vintage until you reached the part where the cafe was supposedly located. but before that, the florist shop, blooming potion as it read, that was two lots apart caught your eye, which you still didn't know why. (flowers were always associated with spring, hence the same hatred for it)
as you approached, the sign on the glass door read 'open' but no one seemed to be in sight. maybe the owner was in the storage room, hence the unattended empty counter. the door wasn't locked either, perhaps nothing would happen if you invited yourself in, right? (you were just dumb, it's a shop, of course you can enter if it says it's open)
you looked around, finding yourself enjoying the scent of flowers, different from how it was earlier. something felt off but you couldn't put your finger on it, it just did. as your eyes laid upon a bouquet of baby's breath, a door swung open, however it wasn't the door that led to the back room, rather the one you entered from. strange, isn't it.
"I'm so sorry, miss! I didn't expect a customer so I left for some coffee real quick."
you should've known from the way you stepped into this florist shop, from the sudden fondness towards flowers. nothing could've prepared you for this sudden encounter with her. but at that moment, you didn't know.
a young girl, a little too young to be the owner, places her cup of coffee on the counter before rushing to put on her apron. she was slightly taller than you were, and probably the most beautiful girl you've ever met.
"oh, no worries. I was just taking a look around."
"is it your first time here? I've never seen you before."
she settled down a little, before flashing you that endearing smile of hers. you knew you were a goner when you noticed how your heart swelled at the way her eyes curled up into crescents. but still, you didn't know then, you couldn't have when it didn't come to mind that it was love.
"yeah, I was headed to the cafe down the road but something made me stop by."
the way her eyes sparkle every time you spoke, the glint of curiousness and attention within those orbs. it suddenly felt a little hot for you as the tip of your ears burned up a little (and it didn't go unnoticed by the girl).
"really? then it must have been fate for you to come in! feel free to choose any flower from the store, think of it as a first time gift."
you were an introvert, hence the awkwardness around people you first met. but she made you feel comfortable within this new space. so comfortable, you don't realize you were warming up to this stranger more quickly than you do with other people. (you took a total of 3 months before actually warming up to chaewon)
"oh no no, I can't possibly just get it for free."
"I insist, I left you unattended when it was my job not to, so let me make it up to you. besides, it's just a few flowers."
the attention of hers on you made your palms sweat, not that you didn't like it. you loved it, and again you just don't realize. as well as the fact that the girl don't just look at someone with such endearment.
"well, I guess I can't deny your offer if you insist, thank you."
it was already unusual that this girl seemed too young to be the owner, let alone offering a bouquet of flowers for free. you didn't question further and just accepted her kind act. not gonna lie, your heart might have skipped a beat from the thought that this was the first flower gift you received, regardless of it from a stranger. (later on, you found out that the girl didn't offer flowers to just anyone)
before the girl came bursting through the front door, you were admiring a particular bouquet of baby's breath. you remembered and decided to go with it, figuring it would be a perfect gift for the opening of the cafe. or it could be staged as chaewon's lovely thought for her girlfriend, you just knew she would do that.
"baby's breath? you must have a special someone you love a lot."
you choked a little when you heard that. usually if it came from someone like chaewon, you'd just glare at her and punch her (not literally, your punches are of a baby kitten). but when it came from her, you didn't want her to think you have a lover.
"me? not really. I've been single my entire life, it was flattering to hear that you were offering a free bouquet."
sometimes, you wanted to smack yourself when you try to impress someone with your humor but clearly, not everyone found your jokes funny. but to the girl, you were the funniest person she has ever met. (you didn't notice at that time, the girl had a small smile of victory when she heard that you were single)
"oh, that's unexpected."
"why's that?"
"I mean, you're pretty and funny, I thought you were taken."
chaewon knew you were annoying and dumb, but she didn't know that you were this dumb to not realize that the florist girl was very clearly hitting on you. the older is so glad that this little angel found you cute for being so clueless. (fun fact, minju was this clueless of chaewon's feelings that the older had to kiss her for her to realize. perhaps that was why you clicked so well with minju)
"you know, that's what I should be saying to you."
for the first time, it was the girl's turn to feel slightly flustered, but she maintained her composure. because you looked younger than you were, she thought you were her age or a year younger. which was why, she was slightly bolder than she usually is when someone interests her. (she enjoyed watching you get flustered a little, thinking you were a cute baby then)
"thank you for the flowers, really. I hope to see you around."
you didn't know where that ounce of confidence came from but you did say that, and that had the girl stifle a giggle at your attempt. you thought you were smooth, but when you heard about this interaction on another day, it happened while you were avoiding eye contact and stumbling a little over your words. as you finally got to know, you couldn't help but just cover your face with your palms as you drown in embarrassment.
"lemon candies? you really don't have to."
"I just happened to have some with me, think of it as me trying to make your day better with some gifts too."
feeling a bit overwhelmed by the flowers, you rummaged through your pockets, pulling out a few lemon candies for the girl. well, that was part of your reasoning, the part that you were mostly interested in her played a very big role. it wasn't something extravagant but they were your favourite candies, offering them to someone means they are someone important to you.
the girl brought her palm over the candies before picking it up, placing them in her apron. you swore, that smile of hers that she gives you is so contagious, you find yourself smiling along like an idiot.
"it was a pleasure meeting you too."
"if it's okay, can I get your name?"
"hanni, and I too, look forward to seeing you around."
placing the bouquet carefully into the front basket of your bicycle, you bid farewell to the girl. while you pedaled to the cafe, you couldn't figure if your heart was thumping from it, or the thought of hanni's smile.
hanni, even her name sounds lovely. if lovely and adorable was personified, it would be her. maybe this spring season was finally getting on your good side, because it was making you feel something. what was that feeling again?
that feeling when someone is in love? yeah, that feeling.
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Okay, we all know being a demigod is a shit position. Its scary and gets you killed in really nasty ways. But I feel like being a Big Three Kid has to be the shitiest position in all the shit positions.
Like, imagine being Thalia Grace. Your dad is king of the gods, lord of the skies. Led a war to get rid of a tyrant. And the only thing you get is his scorned wife AND brother, who both try to kill you (with one technically succeeding), a drunk of a mother, and brother who you thought was dead. Oh, wait, he’s not dead! No instead he was used as an offering to appease your dad’s wife and help fight in a war and prevent mass destruction.
Or maybe you can imagine being Percy. Son of the sea god, the stormbringer, the earthshaker. You get to live with a disgusting, abusive man for around 6 years. Who smells like literal shit. All because your scent as a demigod is too strong, BECAUSE of who your father is. You see things that you aren’t supposed to see and do things that people can’t do and go years thinking something is wrong with you. That your the problem. Then you get to the one place where you’re supposed to be save. But! Here is the kicker! You’re not! Your uncles hate you and you’ve been accused of stealing a symbol of power. A series of events that will kick off a war, and guess what. You’re a center point for it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood.
Mhm, but then there’s Hazel. Daughter Pluto, god of the underworld and riches. But that doesn’t really change anything does it? She’s still living in 1930s America, in a red state. One where confederate flags still hang if you go deep enough into the city. She go to a school where the kids are supposed to be just like her! They still don’t like her tho. She’s got no idea who your father is, only that he left her with a parting gift. Only it’s not really a gift. Sure, she can pull rubies and diamonds from the earth, all worth millions. But anyone who’s ever gonna touch it will die. She lives with her mother, a woman gone so mad with greed it kills her. And Hazel, by the way. Laying dead Alaska, inhaling oil. But it doesn’t end there! She can’t have her mother suffering for eternity, can she? The answer is no. Hazel gets to spend the next 70 years in the Fields of Asphodel. It still doesn’t end! Because when she’s brought back to life, she gets to fight in a war against giants, her sad story seemingly never ending.
Nico’s a son of one of the Big Three, one of the most ancient and most powerful. But most people look at him as something bad, something not worth taking a second glance at. Something too look away from, mostly. He’s from the 30s, spent years in a magical time casino with only his sister at his side. She doesn’t stay for long though, she dies soon after they discover their heritage. And he doesn’t remember his mother much, a name without a face. A face without a name. He survived an attempted assassination at 2, though it wouldn’t be the only time his was life was threatened. He clings to his sister, even though she’s dead. He’s the son of the god of the underworld, is he not? There had to be a way, and there is. Only she won’t talk to him, she seems more concerned with communicating with the guy who got her killed instead. She chooses rebirth, and he decides to lay it to rest. She’s not coming back, and he has a war to fight in. (He gets stuck in a jar and forcibly outed a few years later, but that’s a lot to get into for now.)
Jason Grace is a pillar of New Rome, their golden boy, their American boy. He’s a son of Jupiter, a natural born leader. He’s been at camp for as long as he can remember, he wants to be praetor soon. He’s had a rocky start, but maybe he’ll be one of the lucky ones. Retire a veteran and live a long life with Reyna in New Rome. Only that never happened. He has no idea where he is, there’s a girl holding his hand, and she’s cute but it feels wrong. They get attacked and people come in and call him a Greek demigod, familiar, yes, but still wrong. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t put things into perspective the way it does for Piper and Leo. He’s goes to a quest to rescue Hera, the name sounds wrong. He nearly dies but at least he remembers who he is. He spends the next 6 months trying to get back home, even though he isn’t too sure on where or what home is. He gets there, eventually, but it doesn’t stop there. He’s dragged on quests and battles and fights in the war but at least he survives it, he’s still there. Apollo needs help, he and Piper give him aid. He gets dumped. He doesn’t get to he a veteran in New Rome. Not with Reyna, not with Piper, not with anybody. He doesn’t get kids or grandkids. No, he gets shot down, another demigod buried.
You could be any one of them, really. Pick your poison, but I guarantee you won’t like any of them. Spending years trying to find a place where you belong, where you feel safe. Only for it to never come.
Percy, who, if you really look at the books, isn’t really all that well liked until he’s at least 2 years into camp. Only to then be sidelined because the courages, brave, fearless daughter of Zeus is back from the dead. Nico, the son of one of the most feared and hated gods. Who has death written all over him, who excludes it so much animals can smell it and humans can sense it, who’s been ostracized and pushed off to the side since he was 10. Hazel, who was treated like disease as soon as she stepped foot on camp soil. Who’s gone her whole life looked as something that’s cursed, that will only bring misfortune, a bad omen.
Shit positions, all of them.
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arxxq · 1 year
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The name Scaramouche, kunikuzushi and kabukimono has been forgotten in the world of teyvat, no one but the traveler knows him now...but what if there was someone other than the traveler who still remembers him? someone who wanderer cherished and loved...(I apologize for the small text used, it looked cute to use)
(apologizing if I mentioned she/her pronounces I'll fix it one day..I write in my perspective and I'm a female...so that's why there might be things indicating this for a female but I promise you all genders may read)
(first time writing genshin)
(mistakes will be fixed one soon)
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You're no human that's for sure...or were you human?
You never considered yourself as human...maybe because you were cursed to live an external life. Ever since the downfall of what we know as the fallen nation, you were cursed with immortality. You were no one important but a citizen of inazuma but why is it were you cursed as well?
Could it be because you have never saw yourself as a human being? or was it because you never had a reason to live? You never knew.
Living for centuries and decades you were all alone till one day you met him. A puppet he told you. He told you he was a puppet created by his mother or in other words the electro archon but was then discarded by her. The puppet named himself kunikuzushi.
Your interaction with him was quite unexpected. He seemed so tense, like a closed book. But from that day onwards you vow to yourself to be his friends no matter how many times he had refused...
As time goes on in teyvat you succeeded. You stayed by his side no matter what. Even if those time he had changed to be a ruthless fatui member, you never failed to stay. Even when he joined the fatui you gladly stayed with him even after what he had done...and instead of being his friend the two of you became more of lovers instead.
But you never liked it how he joined the fatui. You had mixed feelings of it. You don't trust anyone in it including the cryo archon the tsaritsa. But the person you absolutely held suspicion on was the doctor also known as dottore.
Years adds on, one day you informed scaramouche that you'll be returning to inazuma to see how much the city changed after hearing a brave traveler had saved it. Scaramouche was hesitant to let you go but he did but what he didn't tell you was that he was headed to sumeru for something you would never had agreed on.
you enjoyed your time in inazuma and even made alot of acquaintances but something felt off. You never heard anything from Scaramouche, no letters at all. It didn't feel right. That's when you decided to ask a fatui guard. Lucky for you they didn't ambush you but when you asked...you were in disbelief when they said they don't know who this "balladeer" you were talking about.
You explained to them he was the 6th harbinger but they all assumed you were crazy and delusional. "I'm sorry ma'am but the 6th spot has remain empty for years...are you okay?" You heart broke. What in teyvat happen to your lover. "Ah..I'm sorry my head must be playing games on me..sorry to interrupt," you played along. You were in utter shock. It was as if your beloved was wiped from teyvat's existence.
To say the least you were devastated. It felt as if you were crumbling from teyvat's surface once more.
That was months ago. You decided to travel instead, well with the help of one if the friends you made. Without captain beidou and kazuha you might as well be...well hopeless. They helped you with your grief although they themselves know nothing of this person you grief of.
One day as you were walking with nahida you caught a glimpse of someone you had missed so much. "Uhm miss nahida?" You called out for the archon. The archon looked at you and smiled. "Something the matter [name]?" You look at the direction of that familiar male. "Do you somehow know who that is?"
You then afterwards head of to explore a nation you absolutely adored from it's name, culture and it's wisdom. The land of wisdom, sumeru. The more you spent in sumeru the more attached you were to the land. You even somehow came across the hero of the 4 nations aether/lumine was his/her name along with the great archon of sumeru nahida.
Nahida looked at the person you looked at and she simply answered you. "He's just a wanderer, why you ask?" You look at the male again and replied with an answer that shocked that archon. "He looks like the balladeer...well not like you know him,"
"oh..well I don't know who that might be but he seemed like someone you really care of," silence took over till you whispered "yeah...he was,"
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It was midnight, you were never able to sleep or in other words you never usually sleep or needed it. So you decided to take a stroll outside and go to a cliff you'd usually go. Usually during this time, When Scaramouche was still with you, you'd usually sleep with him or sing a lullaby for him just so he'd calm down whenever he was stressed. Oh how you missed him.
The breeze of the wind on this hill and the view...it all looked so calm and relaxed. You closed you eyes enjoying the silence and the wind. Meanwhile you didn't had realised someone behind you. The male it was none other than the wanderer nahida said but as I said you haven't noticed him yet.
In the wanderer's perspective he looked shocked to see you because he knows you. You are no...you were the love of his life back when he was still known as Scaramouche who is know forgotten. You were the person that never left his side, his lover that promise him. You promised to never leave and you fulfill it but he was the one who broke it by leaving you all alone. But he had no choice. Part of him knows he can't have you back but part of him wanted you to remember him..
some people say that your love would be meant to be...just not the right time. What was it called, right person wrong time? He didn't care. He wanted you back, he craved for you touch, your voice but he can't have it back. He doesn't want to restart. No no no he doesn't because the thing you had with each other was something special. Something that cannot be restart with once more.
While Scaramouche or wanderer was lost in his head, he didn't know that certain someone had noticed his presence. "Lost in thought are you strange wanderer," your voice had snapped him from his thoughts. The voiced that he loved so much to listen. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous for a someone like you to be out at this time,"
"are you saying I'm weak? I can defend myself you know I'm not a little girl/boy," Scaramouche took in your appearance, you certainly had changed especially since you had a vision dangling down your waist. "Staring is rude you know?"
"bold of you assume I was, show some respect," he said. You laughed. "Hey wanna know a fun fact," you asked him. "Not that I'm interested but go on I'm listening," he looked you, the way you smiled as if you were recalling something so deep in your heart and memories. The soft gaze you had towards him, it clearly warmed his heart.
"you remind me so much of my lover...his name was Scaramouche, but I call him kunikuzushi.." those words caught him off guard. Did you just...you uttered the name that was forgotten. How...how were you able to remember. "I'm sorry if I offended you! It's just that you look so much like him. You hair, your eyes, your voice and the way you speak! Basically almost everything match up,"
"I really miss him...but it's as if he vanished from the world. At first I was assuming you were him but...nahida and so many others told me you were just a wanderer so...I guess I lost hope once again," a tear fell from your eyes...sadness really ingulf the atmosphere now.
" I miss him so much..I miss just talking or looking at him...ah sorry I'm being to emotional sorry for rambling"
he was speechless. He couldn't say anything. The way you rambled about him, the fact you remembered him. He wanted to say something but tears broke out before he could utter a word. His knees even gave up...was this what they called mixed feelings. he felt relief yet happy but then again sad.
"hey wait why are you crying!? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "you remembered me.." he muttered. "What? Come again?" "You never forgotten who I really am..."
You looked confused. "What do you mean...aren't you just coincidence? Everyone told me he doesn't exist what do you imply exactly?" Was it really him. Was this person you have been searching for, yearning for... The person you mourn and grief.
"[nickname]...you really do remember me," that nickname...no one used it before. No one dared called you that because the only person who did was none other that Scaramouche. Tears came running like a waterfall...you vision was blurry and you embraced him as if you never wanted to let him go again.
"I'm not dreaming or hallucinating am I...I am seeing the kunikuzushi I love right?" His hand held you cheek. The hand of his was reached you cheek and wiped the tears. His touch, you were sure it was him.
Your head tells you it's not him but you're soul knows that it's him. "Now why would I lie to you my love..." This was him. You know it and you finally found him. "I don't know how you still remember me but I would like answers from you..." You look at him and thought of your answer...
"I never forgot you my love...
And that's because...
my love for you is too strong for the world to make me forget you,"
hmm it seems like those two were perfect for each other weren't they? Cause even if the world tried to take them apart, fate will always bring them back together no matter how big the challenge make be.
This is the end...
of the story named..
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(29/4/2023) do not plagiarize my works, all rights reserved of @arxxqs-blog
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scmg11 · 2 years
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How are you?
First of all I wanted to thank you for 250k views on Wattpad... are you kidding me?! I don't even know if there are enough words to describe how thankful I am for all of you! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart ❤️.
Anyway, let's start, shall we?
As always, let me know what you guys think, it's really important to me! ❤️.
Sending love ❤️.
Summary: Y/N and Kate are away on a mission and after their covers blow up, they go back to the place are staying, causing Kate to learn something interesting about their shower.
Warnings: do I need to say it? It's smut.
Word count: 7984 words.
"Ugh finally!" Kate grunted as she fell face first on the mattress and let her muscles relax after long hours of flight.
"It took longer than I expected." Y/N mimicked Kate’s gesture and laid beside her, but on her back, as she let her body rest for a few minutes.
"I’m exhausted."
"Me too, Kate. Me too." Y/N hummed in agreement as she instinctively placed her hand on the archer’s back and caressed gently there, hearing a hum of approval from the black haired girl. "But we have work to do!"
"Ugh, can’t I wait till tomorrow?" The blue eyed girl turned her head towards her best friend and teammate and summoned her best puppy dog eyes and jutted her bottom lip forward in the best pout Y/N had ever seen. "Please."
"Ugh Kate! You can’t do that. That face is irresistible!"
"I know, that’s why I’m doing it. I know you can’t resist it." Kate smirked mischievously when the Y/E/C girl covered her face to shield her eyes from that adorable sight and scooted closer to cuddle her.
"The whole world could never resist to that cute face. That’s unfair."
"Good for me then."
"But on a serious note, we can rest for-" Y/N trailed off to check the time one her watch by lifting the arm she had around Kate’s torso to cuddle her better, before placing it back down and resuming her gentle caresses. "-45 minutes. Then we need to on recon. I promise it won’t take longer. Then we can sleep."
"Okay, I’m putting an alarm of 40 minutes. Let’s take a nap."
"Shit, go!"
"Wait, my bow!"
"Where is it?"
"It should be on your left!" Kate crouched down as much as she could to shield herself from the thugs throwing at them things blindly and cursed under her breath when a chair almost hit them as she hastily searched and tried to locate her bow lingering on the ground somewhere around them, a task that seemed to be extremely difficult due to the room being pitch black thanks to Y/N, who switched the lights off with a gunshot as soon as their targets saw the two girls spying on them and made their covers to blew up. "There, on your left! I can see it, I think."
"Yeah, I grabbed it. Let’s go!" Luckily they had a clear exit and succeeded into speeding away from the building without anyone following them, but Y/N, to be completely sure, took a few alternative roads to lose their track.
"It was fun in some way, wasn’t it?!" Kate asked excitedly after Y/N opened their apartment door and let her in first.
"I guess? We got lucky they didn’t follow us though." Y/N left all the things in their small kitchen to grab a bottle of water, offering one to Kate too, who grabbed it with a grateful smile and murmured a gentle ‘thank you’.
"Damn this apartment is so small." Kate had finally the time to take it all in since they had too little time to do it a few hours prior due to exhaustion and chuckled under breath when she noticed it just consisted of a small kitchen and living room area and then one bedroom with a kingsize bed and an en-suite.
"I think it may be a big suite or something like that." Y/N pondered out loud as she lifted her butt from its laying position on the side of the counter and walked towards the bedroom. "I don’t know about you, but I’m in a desperate need of a shower."
"Yeah, me too. You can go first." Kate nodded as she slumped on the bed and hummed in appreciation when her muscles relaxed as soon as her back hit the mattress. She heard the Y/H/C girl open the bathroom door that was on the bed’s left and closed her eyes as she rested a bit before her shower. She heard the sound of the water bouncing off the silent room’s walls and run her hands over her face to prevent her dirty thoughts to start running fast with images of a naked Y/N in the shower and decided to take the small bedroom in, noticing a drawer on the right side of the room, a big TV right in front of the bed and a window that gave a good view of the city, still buzzing animatedly with people talking in the streets and cars speeding and honking loudly on the road. She was just about to start thinking about the fact that there was only one bedroom, so only one bed they had to obviously share, as her eyes took in what she was ready to call a second drawer but everything left her brain as her eyes widened comically and her mind short-circuited when she looked past the almost black glass and found a naked Y/N taking a shower, clearly not aware the archer could see her. "What the fuck? I’m not dreaming this am I?" Kate whispered under her breath, her ocean blue eyes never leaving Y/N’s naked figure in the shower.
"Ohw yes!" Y/N moaned in approval when the hot stream of water relaxed the tensed muscles around her shoulders and neck and stayed under it a few moments before finishing rinsing her hair.
"Fuck." Kate cursed under her breath as a familiar pressure made its presence known between her legs, increasing exponentially when the Y/H/C girl busy massaging her scalp with the shampoo and with her eyes closed turned slightly around, giving the perfect view of her boobs to the archer. "Oh." Kate hear herself whimper and bit on her bottom lip to prevent other sounds to leave her lips as she looked intently at the masterpiece that was Y/N’s naked body. "Shit, stop staring! It’s creepy, she doesn’t know you can see her there!" Kate murmured under her breath as her darkened irises skid up and down Y/N’s beautiful torso right on display for her eyes to admire, bummed she couldn’t see the girl’s lower half too, but the girl was turned to her side. "Holy shit!" Kate whispered under her breath when, almost like Y/N heard her thoughts, Y/N turned around to wash the shampoo off of her eyes and gave to the archer the perfect view of her ass. "Kate, stop. Look away, no-oh fuck." Kate almost fainted at that moment when Y/N turned herself around to stand again under the stream of water and gave Kate to the perfect view of her front, with her toned stomach, round, mouthwatering boobs with erected nipples and her center on display for Kate to see. Kate’s hungry eyes, widened even more when the Y/H/C girl opened her eyes when she shut off the water and met a pair of two blue, almost, black hues staring at her and screamed in shock, making Kate do the same in the process.
"Oh my god!" Y/N exclaimed as she turned her back towards the archer while Kate averted her gaze, blushing from head to toe for being caught ogling her teammate like a creep while she was unaware of it.
"Shit, sorry! I was going to tell you! I just noticed it." Kate blatantly lied as she tried to calm herself down. She heard Y/N walk out of the shower and then heard ruffling sounds coming from the bathroom. She turned around to take a tentative look at the shower and sighed dejectedly - and reprimanding herself for being so sad in that moment - when she noticed the Y/H/C girl wasn’t there anymore. She waited 10 minutes for the girl to come out of the bathroom, but she was still locked away in there, so with a loud a sigh the archer sat up and walked towards the closed door and knocked tentatively on it. "Y/N?" When the girl didn’t answer her, Kate sighed aloud again and leaned her forehead on the wooden surface, "I know you’re in there. Can you come out and- let me explain?" Kate grimaced at her own words and slammed her head on the door in reprimand, "please." She pushed some more after another minute of silence, but when she didn’t receive a response from the clearly embarrassed girl, she sighed again dejected and lifted herself up from the door. Right as she was turning around to go sit back on the bed, the door unlocked and Y/N, clad in a bathrobe and her hair almost dried out, came into vision. "Hey."
Y/N immediately broke their intense staring contest and felt a small blush appear on her cheeks at the tentative tone the archer used, "hi."
"Listen, I didn’t know that was the shower’s glass, I thought it was another drawer or something! I was minding my own business, taking the room in when I noticed that detail. I swear I didn’t see a-"
"Kate, I saw you. You were staring."
"Okay, I may have looked but just because I was too shocked to move! I mean who the fuck designs a bathroom that overlooks on the room?! An unqualified person, let me tell you that! Okay it may be stylish but can you think about the consequences of two friends finding themselves in our exact situation? They didn’t think about it! I am so mad, I’m gonna write a review-"
Meanwhile Y/N stared at the rambling, embarrassed girl with a loving smile on her lips as she talked and moved her hands around wildly in the process. She wasn’t mad Kate stared at her in the shower, she totally understood the archer. She would have done the exact same thing. She got embarrassed because of course! Who wouldn’t after finding your friend, teammate and crush staring hungrily at you while you were taking a shower completely unaware of everything? After giving herself a hundreds pep talks to go face the archer without becoming a blushing mess in her presence, she also reprimanded herself when a shiver of arousal run down her spine at the high of having the blue eyed girl looking at her while showering. The Y/H/C girl made up her mind right then and there and shut the archer’s cute rambling with a searing kiss. Her forceful movement caused Kate to stumble a bit on her spot but she quickly regained her balance as her hands instinctively went on the Y/E/C girl’s waist and she reciprocated the kiss. Y/N sighed out happily into Kate’s mouth while her hands clasped the girl’s jaw and neck, desperate to have the girl as closer as she could. "I-hm-"
"Wow." Kate opened her eyes and blinked repeatedly as she tried to wrap her mind around what just happened, "shit, if me rambling makes you do that, I need to ramble a lot more."
"You already do it Kate." Y/N countered back with a small giggle and a gentle shook of her head.
Kate stared at Y/N with a loving look into her blue eyes as a dumb smile stretched over her features at the cute sound, "it’s true. But you never kissed me to shut me up."
"Well you didn’t stare at me while showering before. I needed some courage first."
Kate sighed out loud at the girl’s words and shook her head harshly, "I’m so so sorry for that. I- I don’t know what came over me! I swear I didn’t want to look like a creep and I was going to tell you about it I promise. Okay I may looked a little but it wasn’t-" Y/N shut Kate up once again with a kiss, slipping her tongue forcefully into her open mouth and feeling the girl visibly relax as their tongues slid over each other hungrily. "Sorry, I was rambling again."
"It’s cute." Y/N admitted as she pecked Kate’s lips again, "okay, now I’m talking." Kate nodded and gestured to zip up her lips in an adorable manner, that warmed Y/N’s chest and made her heart skip a beat, "stop being so cute. I need to focus." Y/N slapped Kate’s shoulder gently and watched the girl chuckle in amusement but nod dutifully, "okay, first thing first. I’m not mad."
"You’re not?"
"No! I was embarrassed at first because who wouldn’t? But- I’m actually glad everything happened, because my crush for you was starting to become almost unbearable and I didn’t know how ask you out on a date without ruining our friendship. But shit, you don’t know how grateful I am for you staring at me while showering. I wouldn’t have kissed you otherwise."
"Wait, hold on- let’s just go back a bit- you like me?" Y/N nodded her head gingerly with a small smile on her lips at the cute way Kate needed to realize completely her admission, "as in like like me?"
"Oh shit- c’mere." Kate sighed out loud and connected their lips into a slow, languid kiss, to give them the opportunity to savor the moment without having their hormones hazing their minds. "I’ve liked you since we met, but I was too afraid to overstep boundaries to ask you out!"
Y/N didn’t answer with words, she merely shook her head at their stupid selves and pushed the archer into another kiss, that became heated almost immediately as both finally let go of their pent up feelings. Y/N’s hands slipped up and into Kate’s black tresses after freeing them from the ponytail the girl always sported when she was in her superhero costume, while Kate’s ones stayed glued on the girl’s hips. With a grunt, the archer pushed Y/N back till her back hit the door left frame while her tongue took its time to lick every nook and cranny of the agent’s mouth, pushing the girl’s torso more towards her own with the help of her hands flattened behind her back when Y/N whined into the kiss and arched her spine in pleasure. "Oh my god!"
"Oh shit! Sorry sorry!" Kate hastily tried to tie the bathrobe’s knot again when she inadvertently untied it and made the robe open and expose Y/N’s naked body underneath.
"Kate- Kate!" Y/N called the archer’s name in a firm tone when she fumbled with trembling hands with the robe’s tie and pulled on her scalp gently to stare her down, "you don’t have to worry. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before." Y/N stated seductively as she grabbed Kate’s hands and laid them on her now naked waist as the robe opened completely and exposed her naked form to the black haired girl.
"Holy fuck." Kate’s eyes strayed away from Y/N’s magnetic irises to take in her body on display for her eyes only, feeling white shocks of pure lust running down her spine and flowing right between her legs while she licked her lips hungrily. "You are gorgeous."
"So are you. But I still have to know how you look naked." Y/N stated matter-of-factly and chuckled amused when Kate pulled away to start undressing herself and stopped her when she was in the middle of unbuttoning her pants after discarding her costume’s upper part. "I actually have an idea."
"I am all ears."
Y/N took her time to appreciate the wonderful view that was Kate’s half naked torso clad in only a black bra as her defined abs contracted under her scrutinizing eyes, "you are going to take a shower, while I watch you from here."
"I’m going to lay on the bed and enjoy the show just like you did."
"Oh." Kate murmured under her breath with a small wail as a new, fresh wave of arousal spurted out of her center and ruined her panties even more.
"Do you want me to undress you or are you going to do it?" Y/N asked in a sultry tone on Kate’s parted lips, the vibrations of her raspy voice traveling from her mouth right between the archer’s legs and making her loose her balance for a moment, but a strong hand circling her waist prevented her to stumble back embarrassingly, "easy there. Did my question turned you on?"
"Y/N/N- I- ugh!" Kate grunted in yearning before clashing their mouths harshly together while her arms hugged the girl’s naked torso and hugged her closer.
Y/N let the amazing sensation of kissing the archer invade her senses for a few moments before, with a very strong willpower she didn’t know she had, she pushed on the archer’s chest and made their mouths pull away from the other, "hm- as much as wonderful this is, it’s time for some fun."
"Hm, you just want to see me naked."
"Can you really blame me?"
"Well, no actually." Kate hummed in thought, her hands still glued to the Y/H/C girl’s hips caressed the skin gently as her eyes moved from staring with a mix of affection and lust into Y/N’s darkened irises, that were showing just the exact same emotions as Kate’s ones, to skidding up and down the girl’s breathtaking body while biting on her bottom lip. "I workout that much for a reason."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. I’m always trying to show off to you when we train together."
"Ugh, your amazing abs are really distracting in training." Y/N whined on her bottom lip as her teeth sank into it in want as she remembered all the times she had to pull herself out of her Kate induced gaze during the Avengers daily workout while staring hungrily at the archer training in only sport bras and yoga pants, "now go."
"Aren’t you gonna undress me?"
"I actually just thought that I want to see your body fully for the first time to be a surprise."
"As you wish, my princess." Kate bowed down comically before laying a soft, loud peck on the girl’s lips, then walking towards the bathroom. She turned around slowly and laid on the doorframe so she could brush her lips on Y/N’s left ear to murmur seductively, "now go lay on the bed, because as soon as I am done with my shower, we won’t leave it for a very long time." Kate finished her statement with a soft lick of Y/N’s ear shell right before wrapping her lips around her lobe and biting on it right after.
"Oh Kate." As soon as the girl emitted that whiny moan, the archer reluctantly pulled away and chuckled under her breath as she walked further into the room. The Y/E/C girl let out a grounding breath, willing her core to slow its throbbing down, before walking towards the bed. On her way there she watched a still fully clothed Kate open the shower to start warming the water up and seductively winked at her as she removed completely the robe and laid it gently on the chair in front of the bed. "Focus Bishop." She teased with a proud smirk when she noticed the black haired girl frozen in her spot as she stared at her naked body hungrily.
"I am. Just focusing on your hot body."
"Hm, well I want to see yours too. So hurry up."
"As you wish." Kate nodded with a mischievous smirk before walking behind the wall, out of Y/N’s sight, to remove her clothes. In the meantime Y/N laid back on the bed and got comfortable, adjusting the pillows so she could have a clear view of the archer without risking her neck to strain from the angle and waited patiently for the blue eyed girl to show herself naked.
"I’m waiting!" Y/N teased in a sing-song voice, a mischievous smirk making its way onto Y/N’s lips as she eyed the shower stream while water drops hit the black, see-through glass of the shower, "you’re such a teas-oh."
Y/N’s words died in her throat as a strangled moan stumble out of it when the archer came back in sight stark naked and sporting a smug, seductive grin on her inviting lips, "close your mouth Y/N/N, or you’ll catch flies."
"Holy shit, Kate. You’re so fucking hot."
"So are you, babe."
Y/N stared at Kate’s front hungrily while nibbling on her bottom lip, "shit, you’re hot, beautiful, gorgeous."
Kate flushed hard at Y/N’s words and broke their staring contest just a moment to look down on the floor while her stomach flipped over itself. "Ready for the show?" The blue eyed girl watched as Y/N kept biting down on her lips as her eyes raked up and down her body as soon as she lifted her eyes back on the agent. "Y/N?"
Kate’s snarky tone pulled the Y/H/C girl out of her Kate Bishop induced trance, making her shook her head furiously before meeting a pair of amused, deep blue eyes, "hm?"
"I said, are you ready for the show?" When Y/N nodded furiously with eager eyes while her tongue slid out to lick the girl’s sudden dry lips, Kate chuckled softly under her breath and lifted her right eyebrow up seductively, "use your words babe."
"Yes, baby."
"Well then." Kate smirked mischievously and slipped under the water jet, shivering visibly and whining contentedly at the amazing sensation of having the hot water relax her contracted muscles.
"Oh fuck." Y/N exclaimed with her mouth hanging open, following a few water drops’ path down the girl’s inviting neck right between her supple breasts, causing her mouth to dry up instantly and made her lick her lips hungrily.
"I can feel you staring." Kate spoke up after a long minute of silence between them, the only sounds echoing around the bedroom’s walls were the sound of the water jet and their heavy breathing mingling together almost in synch, without even noticing. "Are you enjoying the show?"
"Mh, a lot." Y/N hummed, her hands laid on her bare stomach tingling with the need to caress her hot skin as her eyes took in the wonderful view that was Kate starting to lathering herself.
"Where do I start?"
Y/N was taken aback from the question and it made her meet the archer’s gaze in confusion, "what? You want me to guide you?"
Y/N let out a strangled moan as she watched the girl’s serious expression on her features as she waited for instructions, "start from your neck." Kate diligently obeyed and moved the lathered cloth up and down her neck, a few shivers traveling down her spine at the feeling of having Y/N’s eyes glued on herself. "Now slid down your amazing boobs and clean them thoroughly for me."
"Oh!" Kate whined softly at the request and moved the cloth down slowly, creating goosebumps on the way to her boobs and causing her nipples to stand up in anticipation.
"Start with your left boob." Kate obliged with a small nod, making Y/N feel empowered as she watched the archer comply to her words. "Hm, that’s it babe."
"Y/N/N! Oh!"
"Shit, are you imagining it’s me touching you?" Y/N growled out, her tone an octave lower as her center started pulsating violently at the sensuality of their activities. "Do you wish it was my hand fondling your wonderful tits instead?"
"Oh yes!" Kate arched her head back and moaned loudly when the mix of Y/N words traveling straight between her legs and a particular flick of the cloth on her nipple, shot white shocks of pure pleasure in her aroused core.
"Don’t forget to pay some attention to your other boob too." Y/N instructed and instinctively moved her right hand and moved it up until she grasped her right breast and started massaging it, all the while her eyes never left the archer’s form, before adding her left one on her other breast.
"Hm, Y/N/N."
"Oh Kate!" A soft whine left Y/N’s lips involuntarily, causing the archer to move her head forward and open her eyes quickly to look at the agent on the bed, only to wail pitifully when her, now slightly darker, ocean blue eyes settled on Y/N laying on the mattress and fondling her own breast while watching her wash herself sensually.
"Fuck." Kate licked her lips hungrily when Y/N started teasing her hardened nipples while bucking her hips up to search some needed friction. "You’re so fucking hot like this babe."
"Oh Kate!" Y/N moaned again when the black haired girl’s gaze elicited white shocks that traveled right between her legs and increased her arousal copiously, "keep soaping yourself. Now-" Y/N stopped mid-sentence to moan again softly as she relentlessly kneaded her boobs, " get those mouthwatering abs all soapy for me."
"As you wish, my beautiful Y/N/N." Kate moved the cloth down her stomach and contracted her abdomen purposefully in the process, smirking widely when she heard Y/N whine out loud. "Like what you see?"
"A lot."
"I am quite enjoying my view, if I say so myself." Kate eyed hungrily Y/N’s naked body on the bed, her ocean blue irises focusing mostly on the Y/H/C girl’s hands still massaging relentlessly her round breasts.
"I noticed, it’s what took us where we are, isn’t it?"
"Yes." Kate hummed out in a hoarse tone, her hand traveling further down without noticing, teasing just her lower stomach right above her waistline, feeling her core clench needily for some attention. "And I’m so happy it happened."
"I thought you were sorry, if I remember correctly." Y/N teased with a wide smirk, arching her right eyebrow up in question and chuckling under her breath when she saw the smallest blush dust over the archer’s cheeks.
"Well, I was! For y’know staring at you without your consent. But as soon as you reassured me it was okay, I’m not sorry for ogling that beautiful, breathtaking body you have babe."
"Mh, I like when you call me babe."
"Well babe, don’t you think my abs are clean enough now?"
Y/N watched as Kate stood still in the shower, letting her stare at her abs covered in soap foam a few seconds, before moving under the water stream and wash everything away. Y/N’s mouth watered when Kate contracted her abs some more and noticed they were now even more defined as they glimmered with droplets of water under the light of the bathroom, "hm, yes. They’re clean enough." Y/N bit on her bottom lip as her eyes, with a mind of their own, skidded further down and stared directly at Kate’s exposed core, "hm-oh!"
Kate’s mouth hung open in a silent moan while her eyes took in Y/N, staring hungrily at her center and bucking her hips up in need as her hands pinched hard on her erected nipples, "oh fuck babe, are you wet for me?"
"So, so wet for you Kate." Y/N answered in a hummed tone, right after letting out a long, breathy, low moan at the question. "Are you wet for me too?"
"Since my eyes laid on you here."
"Then keep giving me this amazing show. Keep on with your shower." Y/N requested in a raspy voice, pleading Kate with her eyes, making the archer nod eagerly, "wash those mouthwatering, long legs. Slowly. Take your time."
"Babe-" Kate started countering back, but was stopped by a breathy moan coming from Y/N, who pinched her nipples once again, "can I speed all this sweet torture up? I want to worship you myself."
"Patience, my sweet baby. Just finish your shower and you can have me all night long."
Kate shivered at the promise behind Y/N’s words and got into action, a wicked idea passing through her mind as soon as she noticed a small bench on her left side and acted on it immediately. She smirked mischievously at the agent and tried to get her attention since her eyes were now staring at her chest while she kneaded her own eagerly, "babe." As soon as their eyes met, their bodies bursted into flames of pure, raw arousal, but Kate kept quiet, she decided to not say anything, and just laid quietly her left foot on the bench and bent her leg a bit, giving Y/N a better sight of her drenched cunt, a wide smirk unfolding on her lips at the shocked expression flirting in Y/N’s face at her action.
"Holy shit." Y/N stared mesmerized at the black haired beauty’s glistening core before focusing on the slow, teasing movements of the archer’s hands washing her calf. A whine left her lips when Kate purposefully grazed her cunt with the cloth before descending back down her knee. Without noticing, as Kate moved on washing her other leg, positioning the bench on the other side to allow Y/N to keep enjoying the view, Y/N’s right hand left her breast and skidded down, before sliding between her legs to tease her own wet folds. "Oh fUCK!"
At the loud moan coming from the Y/H/C girl’s mouth, Kate lifted her gaze from her legs to Y/N’s form, almost loosing her balance in the process as soon as her eyes settled on the girl’s hand on her center moving in slow but steady circles. "Oh shit! Y/N, you’re playing dirty here."
"I’m sorry, I can’t help it. Y-you’re- fuck- just so hot."
"So are you babe. So fucking hot." Kate’s hand not holding the soapy cloth gripped her thigh hard and her teeth sank on her bottom lip while her eyes stayed focused on Y/N’s hands teasing her cunt.
"You can touch yourself babe." Y/N let out in a breathy whine, a moan ripping out of her mouth when she turned her head back around towards the archer, after she moved it to the side at the intense pleasure invading her body when she finally gave her center the attention it craved, and was met with black irises staring at her hungrily, the girl still with her leg perched on the bench, but with her hand much closer to her center. "Forget about the shower. Touch yourself for me, with me."
"Shit- oh yes! Oh Y/N/N. This feels so good." Kate immediately slip her hand between her open legs and teased her clit slowly as her body buzzed in pleasure for finally paying her core some needed attention.
"Yeah. S-so fucking g-good!" Y/N canted her hips up to desperately try to increase her own pleasure, but she tried to stretch it some more with a few teasing circles on her clit while her eyes settled on the archer already teasing her folds. "Not so fast, babe."
Y/N’s firm tone stopped the archer in her tracks, making her meet the Y/H/C girl’s eyes confusedly, "what?"
"You were ready to slip your fingers in." Y/N spoke matter-of-factly, tutting the black haired girl with a cheeky grin on her lips and a small shake of her head.
"Yeah." Kate breathed out as goosebumps appeared on her skin at the predatory look Y/N was regarding her with, "like I said before, I am so wet for you babe."
"I know. But I want you to slow down and truly enjoy it."
"But, I-"
"No buts. Do like I say, please?" Y/N jutted her bottom lip out as she mustered her best puppy dog eyes, an innocent, stark contrast from the still moving hand between her legs. Kate opened her mouth to protest, but closed it right after and nodded diligently, "good girl." Kate lost her balance for just a second when her legs gave out at those two words leaving Y/N’s mouth as a small whimper left her lips. Y/N opened her mouth in a whispered moan at the reaction she just pulled from Kate and took a mental note to discuss it with her later, "now, what I want you to do is touch your boob while teasing your clit. Slowly. Or I’m stopping you."
Kate couldn’t control the loud wail that left her lips at the command, but obliged without saying anything else. Her right hand resumed its previous position between her legs, while the other grasped her left boob and started kneading it rhythmically with her fingers on her clit. "Oh."
"Fuck Kate. You are the best view I’ve ever seen." Y/N’s circles became a bit unsteady and really quick, her own arousal building as she mimicked the archer’s actions, her pleasure increasing copiously at the passion flowing between them. After spending about two minutes, torturing them both with a slow, what felt like endless, teasing, Y/N spoke up again, "pinch that mouthwatering nipple." Kate did as she was told before moaning out loud, "hm, those breasts are calling me to pay attention to them."
"You can come here. So I can fuck you properly."
"Mh, not so fast my eager archer." Y/N tutted again as she smirked proudly for edging Kate as much as she could to increase her incoming orgasm, "you can tease your pussy now. Do not enter your fingers."
Kate grunted out in satisfaction and gratitude and repeated her previous movements on her slits, feeling a great amount of wetness coating her fingers, "can I? Please I’m so wet."
"Do what? I want you to say it babe."
"Can I slip in? Please."
"Fuck- shit, okay. Together." Kate opened her eyes after closing them for a second when a particular hard swipe on her clit, elicited goosebumps all over her body, "wait, let me-" Kate watched Y/N shuffle on the bed, grabbing a pillow and positioning it right in front of her before laying herself perpendicularly on the mattress and giving her the perfect, unobstructed view of her dripping cunt. "So you can see me fuck myself better."
"Fuck-" Kate gritted her teeth hard as she closed her eyes harshly, "you don’t even know how hard I’m fighting against the impending need to run out of the shower and jump on that bed to fuck you senselessly."
Kate watched as a fresh wave of arousal left the girl’s slits at her admission and inadvertently slipped just the tip of her middle finger into her folds. "Fuck-" Y/N shuddered visibly and nodded furiously, "you can definitely do that. But later." Y/N stressed the word out and lifted her eyebrow up in challenge, "is that what I think it is?"
"I see you started without me." Kate furrowed her eyebrows confusedly but then followed the girl’s gaze and it instantly clicked. "Oh." Kate shyly slipped the tip of her finger out and whined in protest at the missing stimulation, "sorry, it kinda slipped unintentionally."
"Mhmh." Y/N hummed with a cheeky grin, not completely believing the girl’s words, but not minding it since Kate desperately trying to touch herself was a wonderful sight.
"You exposing and putting on display your deliciously dripping pussy, made me move without even knowing it." Kate admitted in a low, raspy tone that traveled right between Y/N’s legs, making her squirm as arousal pumped faster into her veins and settled right between her legs, "it was like my finger had a brain of its own. And the fact that I am dripping wet too does not help."
"Kate, fuck." Y/N’s middle and ring finger draw small, idle circles around her entrance, almost mimicking the archer’s previous movements and slipping the tip of her two fingers into herself, but fought against every single cell in her body to increase their pleasures as she prolonged their teasing a few more moments.
"I can see how wet you are." Y/N almost came at the raspy tone Kate used and bit on her bottom lip needily as all her idea of more teasing flew out of the window.
"Kate- inside. Now. Slowly. Let’s do it together."
Kate moaned out loud but moved her fingers gently, her eyes never leaving Y/N’s ones as she eased two fingers in just like the Y/H/C girl was doing, both releasing, long, hoarse moans as they finally entered themselves. "Fuck, you are so hot."
"So are you my beautiful baby." Y/N whimpered out as she forced herself to pump her fingers slowly and steadily, mimicking Kate’s tempo, "you look so fucking hot as you fuck yourself."
"Shit-fuck! Can we go faster? I need it faster."
"Just bit. Then I want you to play with your mouthwatering chest." They both sped up their tempo just a notch, shivering wildly in the process as a familiar coiling feeling made it’s presence known into their stomaches, "hm yeah, that’s it." Y/N hummed out in pleasure as she watched Kate skid her free hand up and started massaging her left boob matching her other’s hand rhythm, causing Y/N to clench on her fingers in pleasure.
"Play with you clit, Y/N/N. I can hear it beg for some attention."
"I am the one giving orders. Not the way around Bishop." Y/N countered back seductively, but cursed under her breath when her body writhed and her clit pulsated in protest, wanting to fulfill the archer’s command.
"I know and I’m obeying. I want to do the same thing with you. See how good of a girl you are."
Those words. Those fucking words made Y/N almost tip over the edge as an hard shiver wrecked her body and made her release the most pitiful whine she ever emitted, so without countering back, she moved her hand frozen on her chest down her stomach and settled on her own clit, moving it in fast circles. "Oh Kate!"
"Yes! Y/N/N!"
"Faster baby, please." Y/N whined after a couple of minutes of them just looking into each other’s eyes and ogling at the other’s body as profanities left their lips here and there.
"I’m so close, Y/N/N. I want to come so bad."
"Me too baby, me too."
"Fuck I can’t wait to lick you clean." Kate admitted as she involuntarily licked her lips predatorily while her fingers pumped into her core faster and faster to tip herself over the edge. At that Y/N came with a loud wail of raw pleasure, Kate’s sultry statement echoing into her mind while Kate’s name left her lips repeatedly and juices spurted out of her core and that sight alone made Kate tip over the edge, making her loose balance for a second and caused her to lay the hand she had on her chest on the shower’s glass for stability.
Y/N slipped her fingers out of her core and laid them, glowing with her fresh release, on her thigh, eyes still closed as she recovered from her powerful orgasm. "Babe, fuck- that was one of the most powe- OH FUCK!"
In her post-coital haze, Y/N didn’t hear the archer turn off the shower and with her eyes closed she didn’t see her come out of the shower and literally sprint into the bedroom, before kneeling down in front of Y/N and, without notice, drag her tongue from the bottom of the girl’s slits up to her clit a few times to lap up all the girl’s release, "hm, delicious." Kate licked her lips hungrily before meeting Y/N’s eyes as she grabbed her hand and slipped the fingers that were buried into herself not too long ago into her mouth, watching as Y/N opened her mouth in a silent moan while her eyes darkened instantly.
"Holy shit." Y/N exclaimed, her hand immediately burying into the archer’s wet black tresses and gripped her scalp hard as the girl sucked on her digits. "I didn’t hear you come into the bedroom."
"I actually came into the shower, but y’know-" Kate cracked a joke after she thoroughly licked Y/N’s fingers, letting them go with a loud, dashing pop, before laying her cheek on the girl’s thigh and meeting Y/N’s eyes with a satisfied smile at her own joke.
"Such a dork." Y/N shook her head with a small chuckle while caressing the girl’s scalp gently.
"How do you feel?"
Y/N’s short answer paired with a dope smile adorning her lips filled Kate’s chest with warmth, love and affection, "I’m honored for making you feel this good without even touching you."
"That’s the Kate Bishop effect I guess."
"And it’s about to become even more amazing in a second." Kate whispered sultrily on the girl’s thigh before laying a soft peck there, watching as goosebumps formed on its wake, and smirked inwardly when she watched Y/N open her mouth to probably ask what she meant with her enigmatic statement, only for her words to die in her throat as a moan got ripped out of her mouth and for her eyes to roll to the back of her head when Kate repeated the motion she did a few moments prior, licking Y/N’s slits teasingly, before engulfing her clit into her mouth and sucking on it hungrily.
"Oh FUCK!" Y/N’s hips canted up needily as they tried to chase down some friction, but a strong hand pushed it down on the mattress and prevented her from moving, "shit, Kate please- I am- YES FUCK!"
Kate felt pride invade every cell of her body at the unfiltered moans coming out of Y/N when she slipped her tongue in, immediately curling it to increase the Y/H/C girl’s pleasure and simultaneously pinched her clit gently, already setting an unrelenting pace to push Y/N over the edge as soon as possible so she could taste Y/N’s wonderful release all over again. "Oh. Kate. Oh."
The archer moved the hand tapping on Y/N’s clit to spread the girl’s thighs some more, before resuming its previous place and speeding up her ministrations when she felt the girl’s walls clench down on her tongue while her hips she was still pushing down on the mattress writhe uncontrollably under her palm. "Are you close?" Kate slipped her tongue out just a moment to murmur those words on the girl’s core, purposefully speaking in an octave lower voice, making vibrations travel from Y/N’s center and spreading throughout her entire body, and smirked proudly when she felt the girl shiver visibly as a loud wail left her lips.
"Yes, baby. So so so close."
"Then come for me." And then Kate slammed her tongue back in, speeding her movements as much as she could while rolling her clit fast with her thumb, moaning in delight when a few seconds later her mouth got flooded with Y/N’s release. She slowed her tongue’s movements to help the girl ride out her orgasm wave as much as she could and slipped it out only when she felt the Y/E/C girl’s body slump back on the bed, licking her clean with small, attentive and thorough licks. She peppered kisses from her left thigh, to her left hip, up her contracted stomach, before paying the tiniest attention to both of their girl’s breasts. She started kissing slightly all around the girl’s left nipple, sucking harder on the flesh right beside it to leave a visible mark, before wrapping her lips around the erected nipple and suckling on it hungrily a few moments, then moving to the other breast to repeat the same thing. When she was satisfied she payed enough attention to Y/N’s boobs, admiring the two hickeys she left respectively on both of the Y/H/C girl’s breasts, she continued her journey up the girl’s chest, brushing her tongue on her clavicles, biting softly on her pulse point before finally wrapping her lips around Y/N’s awaiting ones in a languid, dazzling kiss. "Hi."
Y/N chuckled loudly at the dorky words leaving Kate’s mouth and pecked her lips again, "only you can go from sex goddess mode to your dorky side in an instant."
"You love it. You love both of these sides." Kate countered back with a small smile, her eyes sparkling brightly with affection and happiness.
"Yes. Just as much as I love that wonderful tongue." Y/N whispered sultrily on Kate’s lips, before slipping her wet muscle into her slightly parted mouth and kissed her hungrily, "even if I’m dripping wet all over again from your ministrations on my boobs, it’s my turn to make you scream my name."
Kate had only the time to moan out at the statement, before feeling herself move quickly when the Y/E/C girl’s switched their positions and made Kate lay on the mattress as she straddled her thighs, "shit, I can feel your wet pussy."
"You can take care of it and fuck me later. It’s my turn now to worship you." Y/N kissed Kate hard on the lips before starting her journey down the archer’s body, beginning with soft nips under her well-defined jaw, then moved on her neck, where she left a few love bites on her pulse point and at the base of her neck, before moving to her chest and immediately slipping a pebbled, erected nipple into her mouth to suck on it harshly, smirking on her chest when she felt Kate buck up her hips needily while moaning uncontrollably. She spent an entire minute on the girl’s left boob, before moving to the other and repeating the exact same thing.
"Babe, please."
"Please what, my beautiful archer?"
Kate whined in need as Y/N left her chest and started dotting her abdomen with soft kisses, leaving a few hickeys here and there while teasing her right inner thigh with her right hand. "Please fuck me, I need you to- SHIT YES!"
Without warning Y/N slipped a digit into Kate’s wet folds, shuddering wildly when she noticed how easily her finger entered Kate and added a second one right after when the girl’s hips bucked up desperately for some friction. "Hm, so good." Y/N’s mouth was back on the girl’s chest, quickly becoming her favorite addiction, as her fingers pumped fast into the archer’s core, wanting to tease her a bit more but in the end deciding against it as her need to make her come overwhelmed her.
"Oh, yes! Y/N/N! Harder baby, make me fucking- SCREAM!"
"Yeah, tell everyone who is making you feel this good." Y/N moved back up and met Kate’s eyes, murmuring her words on the archer’s open lips before slipping her tongue in to kiss her fervently, stopping a few seconds later when Kate moaned out loud when Y/N added her thumb into the equation and started pumping her fingers harder and faster, slipping in deeper and deeper after some particular harsh thrusts.
"Y/N/N! I’m so close."
"Shit, you are so hot babe." Y/N murmured in awe as her eyes took in Kate’s breathtaking features, getting even more beautiful as they contorted in pleasure, a pleasure she was the reason of.
"Baby, OH YES FUCK!" Kate came a few moments later with an high-pitched moan as juices spurted out of her core and onto Y/N’s hand, Y/N slowing gradually its movements while showering Kate’s face with sweet and soft kisses. "Shit, I never came that hard."
"Hm- it’s flattering." They shared a languid kiss after chuckling at Y/N’s reply, before Y/N slipped her fingers out and leaned back a bit to make Kate clearly see her slide her fingers drenched with the archer’s juices from her orgasm into her mouth and lick them clean. "Delicious."
Kate growled under her breath and grasped her neck hard to slam their mouths together in an hungry kiss, shuddering visibly when she tasted herself on Y/N’s tongue and making Y/N whine softly when she also tasted her own release still lingering a bit on Kate’s tongue, both girls’ bodies wracked by hard shivers at the realization of their tastes mixing together into their mouths. "Who would’ve thought, a shower made us confess our feelings and have sex."
Y/N chuckled at Kate’s words and nodded at the absurdity of everything that happened in the span of a few hours between them, "and that’s why we’re now hopping into that shower again. I want to hear you scream under the stream of water as I eat you out."
"Only if I can slam your front onto that shower glass and hear your amazing tits slid on it as I fuck you bent over for me." Kate countered back sultrily, grasping Y/N’s ass hard before slipping her hand down and teasing the girl’s slits, making her release a needy moan.
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thecinematicwriter · 1 year
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That One's For You
Trevor Zegras x Singer!reader
Summary: The national anthem felt like the most boring part of the game for Trevor. That is until a certain someone surprises him.
Sneek peak: "Don't you have a team to get to? And a game to win?" His eyes widen and you laughed even more.
A/N: Honestly this fic gave me tooth ache from how sweet it was and I hadn't even written it.
You- I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you tonight, baby.
Babe🏒- Don't worry! You said your friends had planned this a while ago. You came to every other one. Don't stress it baby.
You- If you say so!❤ Good luck my lucky number 11!
Trevor Smiled at his screen and shut it off after liking your message. He still felt sad at the idea of not seeing you in the bleachers every few glance he would cast that way during the game. His long face got the attention of one of his team mate. "What's up Z? You look like a cat just died tortured in front of you." Trevor looked at him and cocked a brow. "That was weirdly specific. And... Y/N is not able to do it tonight so I'm kind of bummed." Explaining it made him realize that he was so whipped that it wasn't even funny. "Oh... don't worry. I'm sure she'll make it anyways." Trevor looked at his team mate like he was an alien. "Dude. She's not coming. Did you not just hear me?" "Yeah I heard you. But, you never know." Trevor decided to not engage in further confusion and got in the mindset for his game.
The players were called on the ice and everyone was standing in line waiting for the usual start of a game. Trevor looked down at the ice waiting in the most serious face ever. That which made him laugh. Once, you had said after his game that his serious face made you crack up because you never got to see him like this any other day. He was insulted at first that the idea of him being serious made you laugh. But as the time went on, he learned to love your teasing after each of his games.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ice our national anthem performer of the night. Y/N Y/L/N." Trevor looked up directly at the mention of your name and there you were. You wore a cute black blouse with some beige pants and your black heel boots. You looked so good. He wished you wore his jersey but he knows you need to be impartial while singing for the game. He smiled at you when you caught his eyes and you gave him the prettiest one back. "I told you." His team mate whispered in his ear. Trevor looked at him and subtly shoved him with a smile.
When you sang, your boyfriend closed his eyes and had the cutest grin plastered on his face. You never failed to amaze him. Your voice always made him fluster and proud. In his head the sentence replayed constantly: "That's my girl, Goddam!" He couldn't believe it. The national anthem came to an end and the players went to their side benches. You started to turn around but someone came crashing on you. At first you thought you would fall but you realized that that someone was hugging you. "You were so good baby. I love you." He kissed your temple. You turned around and took a better look at him. "You're handsome. I love you." He smiled at you and faked a frown. "I'm supposed to be the one giving you compliments here." You quickly pecked him and hushed your boyfriend. "I'll never miss one game. Ever." Trevor looked as if he could cry and gained back his composure quickly. "Thank you, baby." He stayed there looking at you and you laughed at him. "Don't you have a team to get to? And a game to win?" His eyes widen and you laughed even more. "Right. Okay. See you later. " he kissed you and skated off on the ice. You never could've asked for something better. Trevor was the guy you were waiting for all of your life and he wasn't about to leave. Your career wasn't the only thing that had succeeded.
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yangtaros · 1 year
love in la (part 2)
johnny x female reader
synopsis: nct dream is on tour in la while you’re secretly dating johnny long distance.
this is a continuation of part 1. please read it first💜
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“Hurry up y/n, I want to get good seats” Your friend says waiting for you at the door to the theater.
“I don’t even think it’s going to be that packed, it’s been out for a week already”
“Maybe you’re right, but you just want to walk slow”
You take your phone out of your pocket and glance at it, waiting for a call.
“Oh! It all makes sense now you’re waiting for Johnny to call you”
“You know the time difference is so… well different! This is usually our best time. Him in the morning and me at night or the other way around.”
“Fine, you lovebirds have fun, I’m not missing the beginning” Your friend went into the theater and you soon got a facetime call from Johnny.
Good Morning babe
Hi Y/n
What are your plans for today
To stare at your face
Johnny stop it
He laughs, I have dance practice today and then a photoshoot
I’m expecting unreleased for y/n only selfies from you
Will do, when are you going to ship me a package with you inside of it
You never know I might suprise you
Where are you
Movie theater with y/f/n
She was there for our love story
Yeah she was but I get to see her more than you now, you stuck out your bottom lip
We’ll see each other soon I promise
You finished eating lunch at work with a friend and were now walking to your desk when your boss tapped you on your shoulder.
“Hi and here!” He handed you two backstage passes.
“Who is this for?”
“Remember that Teen Vogue article you did on NCT 127? They loved it. They said the members seemed comfortable like they were talking to a friend.”
You smiled, “wow that is so sweet”
“So now they want you doing more kpop articles, they also said they have another opportunity for you but they want to see how you do with this one first”
You were so grateful for the acknowledgement from the company.
“Okay, that’s great”
“So these passes are for NCT dream, they’re kind of NCT 127 but-”
“I know them actually!”
“Oh good, the concert is in a few days. Do your best!”
I know I’m not going to see you or anything, but it’s nice that I can see Mark and Haechan again, and meet the others. It’ll help me miss you a bit less.
I think you’ll miss me even more, mark copies me all the time
You giggled, Is he single
Woah he doesn’t copy me that much
Johnnnn no my friend thought he was cute at the Jennifer Hudson show
Well then yes, but he’s nerdy and shy
You were very shy when you asked for my number you think i forgot?
He blushed
How you were playing with my bracelet…
I just really secretly wanted it and my plan succeeded, he held his wrist up to the camera to show the bracelet
Y/f/n agreed to go along with you to the NCT dream concert. 70% of the reason being Mark was there.
“Do I look cute?” She asked you.
“You know let’s just say Mark likes you back are you prepared for that time difference”
“Y/n I just wanna hang out with him and whenever he comes back to the states he knows where to find me”
You laugh, “got it”
“Friends no benefits”
“I’m trusting you” You say walking to your seats. This time you were given floor seats, you were very close to the stage.
This girl next to you had a Johnny photocard in her phone case.
“I just remembered other girls look at Johnny and not just me” you whispered to your friend.
“Guess what, you’re the only girl he looks at”
You smiled, she was right.
“I like that picture of Johnny” you say to the girl.
“Thank you! I paid so much for it”
“How come?”
“It’s special edition”
“Ohh right” You thought about how you get ‘special edition’ selfies from Johnny every day.
“Is it your first time seeing them?”
“No, well kinda, my friend and I saw 127 a few months ago” Your friend waved at her.
“I love 127, if you had a good time there I’m sure you will here too”
“Thanks! Who’s your favorite?”
You nodded, thinking of all the times Haechan answered your call through Johnny’s phone when he wasn’t around to pick up “good choice”
The lights went low, the show was starting, “enjoy” you said to the girl.
Around 30 minutes into the show Haechan looked down and saw you, his face lit up. You slightly smiled and looked to the side to not cause any attention, but some people in your section had noticed.
“She didn’t even have a sign and he looked at her” You heard a girl say behind you.
“Maybe she was at a fansign”
The girl next to you glanced at you quickly before looking back at the stage.
A few minutes later Haechan put his arm around Mark and led him to your section, trying to be as discreet as possible. Mark looked at you and then your friend. Then looked up and waved at the crowd, then his eyes slowly trailed back to you two. You could tell he was trying to figure out a way to say hi but you lightly shook your head to tell him don’t bother.
The girl next to you got suspicious, “does he recognize you from somewhere?”
“Never mind”
Your friend whispered in your ear, “did you see that? his eyes lingered on me”
You chuckle, “i don’t think them putting us near the stage was a good idea”
“I don’t think teen vogue knows your Johnnys girlfriend y/n” she whispers back
At the end of the show you turn to the girl next to you, “did you love it?”
“Yes! They’re so talented”
“They are! Hey… if you could ask Haechan any question at all what would it be?”
“Um… what genre does he see himself doing as a solo artist?”
“That’s a great question”
She smiled, “well get home safe”
“You too!” You enjoyed meeting her, and you could tell she supported the boys, you wanted to give her a nice gift and get her question answered.
Once you and y/f/n gathered your things you went to the backstage area with your passes, “okay you have to be a good wing woman and somehow get them to hang out tonight”
“i’ll try but they might be tired”
While waiting to be led into the room, you saw Mark and Haechan come around the corner, “we found you guys finally!” Mark says, hugging you and then y/f/n.
“It’s nice to see you again” she says to him
“You too” he chuckles.
“Haechan you almost blew my cover” you say to him while hugging him.
Mark quickly translates what you said and Haechan laughs.
“Can we start the interview now?”
“Yeah follow us” You start to walk behind them and notice your friend stays by the backstage entrance.
“You coming?” Mark asks her
“I’m not usually allowed in the interviews”
You nodded, she was right.
“It’s okay, we won’t tell anyone” Mark walks up to her and places his hand on her shoulder.
She giggles and starts to walk, you lightly laugh to yourself. I have to tell johnny this
“Haechan your distinct singing voice is a staple in the nct sound. Do you plan on doing any solo albums?”
After it’s translated, Haechan gets shy.
“Thank you Y/n. I really do want to do one I’m not sure when yet.”
“Great, do you know which genre?”
“I love rnb, but I would really like to do Gospel as well”
“Wow Haechan that’s great, I’m looking forward to it”
You turn to Mark, “and last but not least we have the leader. Mark, you have lived in three different countries and experienced so much at a young age. How has living in Toronto, New York, Vancouver, and Seoul influenced you?”
“Wow. Good question”
As he answered you glanced at your friend taking in every word.
You asked a few more group questions and you were finished.
“Thanks guys! You must be tired”
“I’m actually not.” Mark replies, then glances at your friend.
“I’m hungry” Chenle says.
“There’s a great sushi spot by here actually!”
They all agreed when they heard the word sushi, you pat yourself on the back for being a good wing woman.
It was really late and the sushi spot was almost empty, so you all decided to eat there. While watching Mark and your friend talk quietly while sitting next to each other, you started to miss Johnny.
This would be around the time you call him anyway, “ I’m calling Johnny” you say to the table.
Haechan gestures for you to give him your phone before Johnny picks up.
Hi babe how was it- Haechan?
Everyone at the table laughed
Johnnyy Hiiiiii he says
Hi but I see you everyday show me y/n
Rude Haechan hands the phone back to you
Hello love how’d you sleep
You were in my dream
How cute
Are these boys causing you any trouble?
Well… you angle the camera to show your friend and mark in their own world
Johnny gasped, it’s happening
“Big news” your boss says to you, “check your email”
It’s been three days since the concert, and you turned in your interview to teen vogue yesterday.
You went to your email and clicked your most recent message.
“Read it out loud”
You laughed, “okay”
“After consideration, Teen Vogue would like to personally invite you to be one of the main Journalists in our kpop division. In this job you will frequent kpop concerts and conventions, interview established and up coming artists, as well as keep an eye on any kpop breakthroughs.” You pause for a second, you still considered yourself fresh in journalism and were already getting such great opportunities.
“You will be relocated to” wait what? “You will be relocated to Seoul for 6 months, and after that we will reassess before renewing your contract. If this offer sounds like something you’re interested in please let us know.”
You slowly look at your boss.
“I told you it was big news”
“Yeah that’s, that’s huge news. A job like this isn’t even close to the income that i’m making now, I could finally start taking care of my parents, but Seoul.. that’s a big decision.”
“Well while you make the decision just stay low so there’s no reason for them to take it back”
“What do you mean?”
“Please tell me you aren’t doing anything with the NCT boys or anything”
You laughed really loud, “what? what do you mean”
“It’s happened before” he shrugged
“Who and with who?”
he came close to your ear, “remember when sandra worked here”
You nodded
“2017. harry styles”
You gasped
You sat on your couch, you debated telling Johnny about the job offer. Of course you wanted to see him everyday but it was a big decision. You don’t even know Korean.
You got a text from an old college friend
Hey y/n… is this you?
You raised an eyebrow and clicked on the link she sent, not thinking much of it.
“No way…” It was a tweet with 20 thousand likes.
i’m not familiar with nct but isn’t this them?
attached was a picture of you and your friend with the boys in the sushi restaurant.
“No way”
You read a comment, isn’t that the same girl haechan kept looking at in the concert
someone replied with a video of the exact instance, it is! is that his girlfriend i’m so confused
“No way”
part 3 next
taglist (comment to be on it) @amessofthings @amazinggraxia
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