#not that I want more per say my point is simply that any hcs I do have could easily be disproven by not a lot of new information
arolesbianism · 1 month
If I ever do get properly into dst character modding I like have to make an oni character mod at some point, but the issue is Id want it to be an Olivia mod so bad but also Nails is as far as I'm aware the only legal character name wise and as such it feels like it has to be them, y'know for the bit. But also I have already written too much Olivia dst dialogue and I need an excuse to use it damnit
#rat rambles#oni posting#starve posting#also good ol dr winslow would be dead in seconds I think#not that most of the cast would fare much better but I believe in olivia to last longer#more importantly though it would simply be easier to justify olivia kit wise as while nails was involved in printing pod stuff they didnt#yknow. invent the damn thing.#idk we technically dont have olivia initials yet she Could have a w middle name if we believe hard enough#we have a jackie middle initial tho so shes off the table doubly because she also would have like 50 in each stat lol#also again olivia constant dialogue is just so much more fun to write#especially when it comes to mob examination quotes#also several jokes and bits that I could technically do with nails too but olivia is easier to craft a consistent voice for#as much as we get a surprisingly large amount of characterization for nails they still only have one log of dialogue at the end of the day#like I have hcs and stuff but they are fragile as hell#klei could come out swinging and recontectualize everything theyve ever said at any time if they wanted to it wouldnt be hard#again its one log with little context to most of the things they say#so while we have a glimpse of their character we don't rly see them in enough contexts to rly get a solid general characterisation I think#not that I want more per say my point is simply that any hcs I do have could easily be disproven by not a lot of new information#like itd be very easy for them all to crumble into dust the second klei adds more logs#technically many of my olivia hcs are equally fragile but those are mostly the ones that dont matter much in this context#like idk they could be like fun fact olivia actually loves kids and gets along great with them but I doubt thatll happen#oh that reminds me scariest thing abt oni actually is the idea that some of our lil scientist guys could have kids#like the email abt there not being a bring your kids to work day doesnt inherently mean any of the characters we know have kids but it#makes me remember the possibility and that scares me#like I dont wanna think abt devon potentially having a kid I dont wanna imagine them putting pictures of their baby with toast online#I mean I do but its still like wtf why do you have a life that existed thats scary and it also makes me sad but its also funny so its good#I still stand by my frankie and mason divorce hc frankie got custody of the baby devon got custody of the food blog#its a good think jackie and olivia dont have a kid thatd suck for the kid so bad#like imagine your moms being the worlds saddest wettest cats of women and just having to grow up with that#and theyd be terrible parents for sure jackie would be an absent father and olivia would become an alcoholic
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junnieverse · 10 months
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➙ synopsis: your boyfriend sunghoon gets jealous whenever he sees you getting a bit too close to another member and he can't take it
pairing: park sunghoon x gn!reader [ft. jake sim]
genre: fluff, a little angst
word count: 0.8k
request: " hi! can you write about hoon being jealous cause you’re being (platonically) flirty with your friend? like saying ily to each other, cuddling, taking couples pics etc "
warnings: not proofread (may be typos), not based on the Olivia Rodrigo song
a/n: here it is, I kinda changed it up and made hoon jealous because (y/n) was more 'flirtatious' with another member so I hope that's okay too, if not, just tell me and I'll change it to your liking as per your request :)
a/n (2) EDIT: the people who saw this as a hc, no you didn't. and I rewrote this because I was quite unsatisfied with it at first and so I decided to use what I had before and made it a oneshot instead.
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You knew your boyfriend was someone who was always cracking a joke with friends, but you also knew Park Sunghoon was a jealous person.
Having dated for quite some time, he thought it through and decided to finally introduce you to his group members because they were not only his coworkers but also like a second family to him.
Ofcourse he wanted his the people he spent majority of his time with to like his favourite person.
You were able to meet his members and they absolutely loved you, some more than others Sunghoon noticed too.
Undoubtedly you were a very likeable person. You were kind, funny and outgoing, the perfect partner to him he would say but you were being a bit too kind to his members.
He at the very least thought you would simply be cordial with his members, he didn't expect you to be so close to them to the point where you would playfully banter and share inside jokes with them.
To be more specific, why did it have to be Jake, his best friend.
Sunghoon's jealousy was like a ticking time bomb.
Yes, he was upset to find out you were a Jake pc collector but he let that go.
And yes, you showed him the lego bouquet Jake made for you and despite his rage burning inside of him, he let that go too.
But this new friendship between you and his friend was driving him up the wall, he was bound to explode at any time.
At some point he did have enough of it and he confronted you about a post you made with Jake, having captioned it, 'out with my favourite person, luv u <3', you hadn't seen any harm in this platonic flirting whereas your boyfriend couldn't wrap his head around the fact that it you couldn't see anything wrong with it AND he felt like he was slowly losing you to his own friend.
You had came over to the enhypen dorm later that day to have a movie night with your boyfriend and passing by the kitchen, you notice Jake and excitedly give him a hug before sharing a handshake.
He let out a scoff not believing it, how could you have a handshake with Jake but not him, YOUR OWN BOYFRIEND?
"Well if you'll excuse us, I have a movie date with MY girlfriend." Sunghoon interrupts your conversation with Jake as he held onto your wrist and dragged you away into the living room where he had everything set up.
Everything was going just as he liked, you were both cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, you had all the attention on him and obviously, no Jake.
Or so he thought.
"Hey, could I join you guys if you don't mind. Ni-ki and Heeseung are out playing basketball but I felt like staying in today." he says scratching the back of his neck.
"Ofcourse Jakey!" you say right before Sunghoon was about to protest as you patted the seat beside you as Jake sat down getting comfortable.
JAKEY?! Sunghoon was fuming at this point, when did you even reach the nickname basis with him? He loved his best friend, he really did, but more than anything in the world right now, Sunghoon wanted to cuss him out for ruining your indoor date.
Looking over you at the end of the movie, Sunghoon turns to see you laying your head on Jake's shoulder peacefully asleep and that was his breaking point.
All that pent up jealousy and possessiveness he felt finally exploded.
"Yah! Are you trying to steal my partner from me? I'm tired of you always trying to take them away!" he quickly stands up as he yelled at Jake pointing an accusing finger at him.
The commotion had woken you up and before you could talk to your boyfriend he left the room to try and calm himself down.
Jake had felt bad for making his best friend feel this way, it obviously wasn't intentional, he just thought you were a great friend he made who he got along well with.
"I'm so sorry Hoonie, you know it was never my intention to make you feel like a third wheel of some sort, you're always my number one." you try your best to reassure him.
As angry as he was, he also knew he was at fault for lashing out on both you and Jake as well as not expressing how left out he felt.
It took alot in him to do it, but Sunghoon put his pride aside and apologised to Jake and ofcourse Jake apologised too, they knew they couldn't stay mad at each other anyway.
All you needed to do to keep your boyfriend happy was to make sure you gave him your undivided attention alot more and ofcourse showering him with all your kisses and compliments did just the trick to see his beautiful smile again.
"Wow, I have the most handsome boyfriend huh?" you tell him trying to fuel his ego as his ears went red and he gave you a kiss on your cheek.
"Gross." you heard a voice say turning to see Riki pass by making a disgusted face at the amount of affection you and Sunghoon gave each other.
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nights-at-crystarium · 5 months
Fragments - episodes 31-35 author notes
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
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The chasm in their understanding of what makes Vivi tick.
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The stakes in this scene seem low and the twins are just overdramatizing the danger for the sake of unwinding and being silly, right? Yesn't. One wrong move or word, and they join those leafmen scattered all over the place.
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Finding the line between bad actor and caring sister.
Of course Alisaie wants to hang out with Vivi. She doesn't want to admit that to herself, let alone risk looking desperate in her brother's eyes. Tsundere moment. It's been a while since they've. Had a rest. Between rescuing Minfilia from Laxan Loft and making their way to Il Mheg. Alphinaud, at least in my hc, isn't as physically durable, but definitely as stubborn and proud as Alisaie, so he wouldn't simply agree to chill out for a moment. Alisaie makes him tunnel-vision her bad (?) acting and openly throwing the game for supposedly selfish reasons, while she gets what she wanted, AND forces Alphi to sit his ass down.
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I’m sorry but I really need to point out that her ahoge did, in fact, launch into the stratosphere.
More under the cut~
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....Can you blame her tho.
Vivi’s shirt’s a bit more plain than usual, he needed to wear something practical under his crystarium guard disguise in Laxan Loft.
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The flashback in episodes 32-33 has no dialogue per se, only monologues, to emphasize how disconnected they are.
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Technically both vivis are real, but Exarch’s memories are definitely heavily skewed. He’d only known Vivi during the CT quests, in this story it’s a month or two in summer, during which literally nothing bad happens, sans the finale. Alisaie, however, got lucky to experience Vivi during Stormblood, his absolute low.
Exarch and Alisaie sit on opposing sides of the bias, one wears pink glasses, delusional and bluepilled, the other one’s (heh) redpilled, perhaps a bit too much. Hence Alisaie feels the whiplash when her jerkass woobie friend suddenly acts mellow (back in the present), still she has the expertise to tell that he’s not affected by a fae spell or anything.
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Full page because I’m so proud of the paneling here, simple as this trick is, these speech bubbles blocking Vivi from sight neatly illustrate that Alisaie just babbles away, paying no heed to his state.
With the power of flashbacks and stories told by one character to another, I’m able to revisit any moment in their past whenever I please. I didn’t commit to a linear story because there was no story! Well, just the outlines. Vivi as a character began in ShB because I really needed to fuck that old man, I started writing down the lil scenes loosely connected by the canon plot, and that’s how the whole concept of Fragments came to be.
It may not work for everyone, but my secret sauce’s that you don’t have to begin at the beginning. Make a guy, put him in a situation, then ask a lot of whys and hows to expand his story backward and forward.
Keeping the past events for later allows me to flesh things out at a leisurely pace. This Alisaie flashback is actually an iteration, originally I’d planned to have Vivi stand alone and just think the broody thoughts, and that was supposed to be the transition between ARR and ShB arcs. I grow more writing muscle as I go, and I’m infinitely happy that I avoided that angsty infodump.
Okay this’s becoming a big fat tangent, but I wanted to acknowledge another pitfall: overusing a character as a mere exposition tool. I wouldn’t do this for, say, Tataru or Y’shtola. Being THE flashback haver makes sense for Alisaie because a) they’re close with Vivi, b) her worldview and opinion on Vivi are changing in ShB, she’s a smart lil thing who would slow down and reflect when appropriate, c) she has a distinct arc in my comic, and knowing what’s going on inside that elf brain will give you the most entertainment out of her actions in the present moment.
I’m new to writing and very excited about the story that comes together as we speak, so I like to show around my kitchen. Please lemme know if you enjoy this. I don’t know if I’m parroting the boring 101s, or if this’s actually useful to someone.
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“Meals made for me” YEA HE CAN’T COOK. Well, barely.
New sharp outfit, procured by our most magnanimous branch. The “tail” will help me draw the upcoming Titania fight, it adds fluidity to his movements.
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*presses the upgrade button*
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There's a lot happening in his head that's not being shown. I hope at least some readers wonder who or what he leaves behind in his mind's eye in this moment. What we know for sure is that he doesn’t take too long to make a decision.
Not sure if subtle, but I did try the breadcrumbing:
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Unfortunately for everyone, including himself :’>
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I love this one especially because, instead of telling that about himself, Vivi asks Ardbert, kinda gauging his wol experience against the other wol’s.
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Episode 34 really shook people awake and reminded that we’re off the msq rails with this story. I loved the response it evoked in the tags, lots of thoughtful rambling about being a hero.
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Fae temptation jokes and all, but Feo Ul really says what Vivi needs to say out loud to himself.
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Normalize prioritizing self-care over world-saving.
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Vivi genuinely cares about Feo Ul. That’s unusual. It might be my storytelling mistake that I didn’t show much of his typical indifference before this scene, unless you count the episodes where he does this
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instead of hurrying the fuck up with the msq. Or, perhaps, it’s okay, since this gets plenty of attention later on. You won’t miss the fact that he isn’t eager to set himself on fire to keep others warm. Feo Ul just lucked their way into his heart, and, as a result, he approaches the Titania fight with unusual consideration.
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/srs mode on ^
Remember how I just talked about developing this story in all directions at once? I planned Vivi to have this demeanor during the early days of writing Fragments. Like, most of the time. He’d be a broody bitch, get slowly thawed by Exarch’s kindness, and... That’d be it. In veeeeeery broad strokes, this’s still the case, but the current iteration has much more nuance.
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Vivi and Titania’s likeness has no deep meaning, take it or leave it. Vivi cares about appearances, he was bound to notice this. Feo Ul can see souls, visuals are secondary to them. But Vivi, being himself, must doubt and question everything.
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He moves fast and thinks a lot as the adrenaline speeds him up.
Notice how he lets Titania speak and remains quiet. This’s common in most fights: he doesn’t indulge with chats or banter those who he sees as mere targets to destroy. There’s like a point of no return, if an enemy poses no threat and can be talked out of dying, Vivi will speak, sadly he enters this fight knowing that Titania has to die no matter what.
Once he’s familiarized himself with the situation, and realized that Titania’s more than just a mindless husk, things change up a bit. But for now, he just runs in circles, analyzes the situation, and overthinks about their visual resemblance :’>
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Sorry not sorry but unintentional reference x’DD
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To be fair Vivi IS being a magical boy in this miniarc so this works lmao.
Wrapping up on this note, thanks for sticking with me and reading till the end~
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kreamcakez · 8 months
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Pet play- Uzui family
(kinktober day 16)
Smut 100%
CW: I know I'm down bag for Tengen, Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio so this is pure horny thoughts.
AN: I love them all so they all get one "★" per person and one for all of them. Please keep rude thoughts to ya' self cuz these are my thoughts and opinions. Also this isn't proofread and takes play in 21st century. But please enjoy 🫶🏽
★ Let's start with Hinatsuru, I full one believe with her claim personally there is a very observent and dominant woman, Also when it comes to pet play she just really likes the submission that you give. She enjoys seeing you Infront of her. Depending on the day and time and what not, depends on how deep she's getting into it. Like example, if she falls really sexual frustrated and Tengen, Suma and Makio are doing something amd your not. She'll ask you to help her. (Wanting to be respectful ofc) but she's definitely into seeing you Infront of her on your knees, begging her for relief, begging to touch and taste her. He simply enjoys seeing you needy.
★i know what I am about to say might be very confusing or something, but Smua gives switch energy but mostly submissive. Like I know some people say she's a complete submissive girly but I feel like it depends on her feelin. Like she's a fan of having power but also feeling said power. Like she's definitely into holding you on a leash but also likes that same leash and collar on her. Things like calling her a good girl or paries is a turn on for her. She likes when you're eating her out, and you whine or beg for her to cum soon. She also like whenever you pull her closer using the leash, so you can whisper in her ear.
★ Makio gives bratty bitch energy ( in a good way.) She's definitely into feeling you in control. She is the type to try to not moan, and she trys but fails. Like she's definitely going to say she hates when you make her begging, but deep down she wants you to do it more, she wants you to put her on her knees. To make her so needy. She loves when you make her beg so you'll take care of her. And when she's about to climax and you tell her to beg, she'll completely forget get your name and call anything that gives you more power that you already have. She completely adores when you call her a good pet, or a good girl. She. Melts. Like fr.
★Tengen is most definitely a power bottom and a hard Dom. So he's also a switch. When he subs it's like Makio but he still holds some control. Like he has definitely flipped the roles a couple times. Let's say you're Infront of his standing. Holding him on a leash so sorts patting his headt, ya' know all that stuff. Then he'll out of nowhere he'll call you any pet name that makes you swoon. Then hell pully you down and pin you under him. He most definitely won't let you hold your Dom stop for more than three rounds. Maybe he waits to see you beg? But when he starts of as the dominating one he most definitely is calling you his bet calling you a good pet, calling you all types of names. He's teasing you senseless while fuckin your brains out. He has you on his lap then he his holding your hips and bouncing you up and down on his shaft.
★ who a picture the set up for when it's all of you, is Hinatsuru and And Tengen, being the ones in charger then Suma and Makio being the two pets being and pleading for release. Like definitely toys if most kinds are used to "train" the pets into shape 🫰🏽 (and your on witch ever side you want.) Tengen is more so subbing for Hinatsuru, while she's the main one who is dominanting all of y'all. Like her and Tengen are taking care of Suma and Makio (maybe you if you want) making them needy to a point it hard to stop form giving them the relief their craving. The Tengen is also slightly under the control and overall domination of Hinatsuru.
AN: I hope this was enjoyable, I know it's kinda random and honestly I'm down bad... But I hope you still liked it
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blutomindpretzel · 2 years
your guy and honey hc's are always so so good. it breaks my heart that it's ash's sibling that's the one finding it hard to fit in but the idea of their dad being hard on them feels so accurate. do you have any more ideas for how the way they were raised impacts them today? I also feel like honey KNOWS guy and ash would get along and is afraid of letting him into more of their life partly because of how well he already fits and how well they know he would continue to fit. that scares them
also for my own Milo obsession how do you think milo and honey get along?
Thanks, Anon! AND YES- Ash mentions his dad being a little bit of a hard-ass, so I only assumed these two had mega daddy issues. Ash and Honey were almost the same in height and size while being shifted, but their personalities couldn’t have been any more different- so ofc their dad treated each of them very differently. Not well- but still differently in a way that was noticeable. [CW: FAMILY ISSUES, ABUSE, TRAUMA RESPONSES]
Ash’s and Honey’s parents divorced early on, which only made things worse at home for these two. The split from their parents only led the split with their family, Ash was trying so desperately to keep things together- but Honey had already lost hope.
It got even worse when these two hit puberty and could finally shift. Their dad would hit the both of them, so Honey worked themselves to the bone to be strong enough to protect Asher. Honey basically had to raise Asher once their parents divorce was finalized.
The energy at home was so tense, especially when their dad was at work. Ash and Honey argued like madmen. Honey completely lost it past that point and became super reckless, happening to fall into the same crowd as Darlin- leading them to Quinn of course.
Asher was pissed off at Honey for being so reckless, but he was tired of arguing. So he just ignored them altogether. AND THEN HONEY GOT IN TROUBLE WITH QUINN AND ALL THAT JAZZ.
Once Honey heard all these stories about an ‘unnaturally large dog that looked big enough to be a wolf and then some’, they knew who he was talking about. They knew how similar Guy and Asher were- and in a way their mate filled that void for them, but Honey could never tell Guy that.
Guy fits so well into their life, and it terrifies them to no end. They mean the words ‘I love you’ more every time they say them- WHICH IS WHY THEY REFRAIN FROM EVEN SAYING THEM AT ALL. Letting Guy in seems like their worst nightmare, then he’d know how messed up their life really was despite the front they tried so desperately to uphold.
Asher, as well as Marie, texts Honey every now and then- Marie’s are just checking up on them, Asher’s is begging them to come home- or at least to come see him.
OOOH Milo and Honey…. They got along super well with his ma of course, Marie is simply the best woman in existence. But Milo gets sort of pissed at them for putting themselves as well as the pack in danger in the past.
He understands though, feeling the need to protect his parents after a hard time- especially after a messy divorce. Milo and Honey have a sort of unspoken understanding of one another- they don’t dislike each other per say, but they used to play fight until they were both bleeding when they were kids. And Marie was always the one to patch them up after the fact.
Honey constantly feels like they’re putting people in danger just by being around them, especially Guy. They want so desperately to call him their mate, but it’s never a good enough time- so they decide on never. For now.
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luckynatured · 2 years
HC Dump - Hilbert’s Arc
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At the start of his journey, Hilbert had a very devil-may-care attitude when it came to being a Trainer; to the point where he literally left his starter decision to a roll of the dice. The way he saw it back then, everything about being a Trainer was a matter of luck. So, why not make the starter decision as random as anything else?
It was for this reason that (per my hc) Cheren proposed a set of rules that would dictate Hilbert’s entire approach to catching Pokemon; only attempt to catch the first Pokemon he sees per area. Duplicates don’t count, and shiny Pokemon are fair game.
As he continued on his journey and confronted Team Plasma, Hilbert did make a few mistakes along the way. He didn’t actually reflect very long on those mistakes until he fought Clay.
At that battle, he had a Ducklett named Derek that wanted to fight against Clay’s Excadrill. Since Merlot had put the Ground/Steel type to sleep at that point, Hilbert allowed it. He hadn’t anticipated Excadrill waking up that soon, and he definitely didn’t anticipate him using Rock Slide. Derek didn’t stand a chance. 
Clay absolutely tore Hilbert a new one for his mistake. Most of what Clay said wasn’t anything Hilbert couldn’t handle. Clay was stern but fair; just like Hilbert’s mother. Then he said this; “Maybe Team Plasma was right if they were talking about trainers like you.”
Hearing that was the swift kick in the ass that Hilbert needed to take a step back and start reflecting on what he was doing. And to his credit, he hadn’t suffered any casualties since Driftveil Gym…at least, until Dragonspiral Tower.
After losing Jude, Hilbert’s priorities changed from simply venturing through Unova to stopping Team Plasma and avenging his Krokorok. He didn’t have the slightest idea on how to start with waking Reshiram up, but he was going to try.
Then he lost Captain and Matt. That caused the grief of everything that had happened thus far to crash down on him, and it was devastating.
He was given an extra day to prepare for battling Drayden, which Hilbert used to backtrack. He went to Mistralton Cave because he heard that’s where he could find a Dusk Stone for Belle. 
He hadn’t expected to find Cobalion there. As Hilbert and his team defeated Cobalion and Virizion in battle (because the Swords of Justice were intent on testing his worth as a potential ‘Hero of Truth’), he got some of his spirit back - enough to bring himself to face Drayden.
After beating Drayden, Hilbert had a better idea on how he was going to approach N and Zekrom. He still tried to get Reshiram to wake up, but he wasn’t going to try to force it. It was here that he decided on his final team (the main party), and got to work on training them up for the League. This including finding and defeating Terrakion.
When he finally confronted N and Zekrom, Hilbert declared that he could take N and Zekrom down without Reshiram’s help - the Pokemon that helped him get to this point would help him just fine.
Of course, that was when Reshiram finally woke up. Hilbert was able to catch them with few issues, and that’s when Reshiram had one more test for Hilbert; they offered to fight by Hilbert’s side. Hilbert refused again, saying that he was trying to prove that people and Pokemon could work together; he wasn’t going to do that if he sent one of his party Pokemon to the PC for a legendary that he literally just met.
“They’re the ones that helped me get to where I am right now,” Hilbert had said. “N might have had Zekrom’s help with beating the League, but I can’t say the same for you. You were sleeping in my bag while they did most of the work! They’ve given me reason to trust them, but you just haven’t.“
That’s when Reshiram decided to pick Hilbert as their Hero - not just because he woke them up, but because he was willing to follow his truth despite having done so. They get sent to the PC.
So in summation; Hilbert becomes a lot more thoughtful over the course of his journey. He still has a strong sense of justice and he can be cheerfully stubborn too, but he’s a lot less reckless than he used to be.
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ficmachine · 2 years
Uhhh, crush HCs for Sun/Moon & GR!Bonnie, please! With a GN Reader, if that's okay. :) <3
Making an exception for 2 characters per ask ONLY because i feel bad that its been in my inbox for so long.
Sun/Moon/Glamrock Bonnie (FNAF) x GN Reader
[Crush headcanons]
Sun -
Sun is much more chatty than normal towards his crush. Sure, he talked a bunch before but now he'll go out of his way to talk to you whenever he can.
He's also much more affectionate. You're not only getting hugs during 'hello's and 'goodnight's but you're also going to get plenty throughout the day! Oh and maybe he can get away with holding your hand sometimes? He'll definitely try.
Whenever you're in sight he gets more distracted. He'll stare at you from across the room longingly and sigh deeply because you're so very nice to look at. And you're so kind! And you're sucha pleasure to spend time with!
He can and WILL compliment you both to your face and when talking about you. Hell, he won't shut up about you.
Somehow all the conversations and up finding their way back to you – it probably gets to the point where it's a bit annoying for others to talk to him. They can try, sure, but as long as you're around? You're basically all he'll talk about.
Even Moon gets annoyed.
He considers you his very best friend and he hopes you feel the same way. He wants more than just to be friends, of course, but for now he's more than okay with that.
Moon -
Moon very well could approach you more often, but he won't. There's no way he'll go out of his way to see you, neither will he actively seek out your comfort. Why would he? It's not like you're anything special.
Or so he says.
He won't admit it to anyone, especially not Sun, but he did adjust his route slightly to bump into you more throughout it.
He memorised your work schedule and he actively looks forward to those days. He won't give you any greeting other than a nod of his head as you pass each other when you clock in, but that's more than anyone else gets.
Sometimes he'll look for you whenever he's bored, both to bother you and to check up on how your work is going (and how you're doing) so far. You're interesting to hang out around but he tries not to make it an obvious habit.
He can and WILL bother you throughout the night. He's not showing any favouritism, of course he's not, but he will try to poke and prod at you gently with jokes and snarky comments. It's obvious that at the very least he finds your reactions amusing, though with that said he'll reel back completely and apologise if he ever happens to cross a line.
Unlike with Sunny? There's no way you'd be able to tell he has any feelings for you other than liking to bother you.
When asked why he stops by you throughout your shift? The answer's simple. Too many people here like you so someone has to bully you, because you clearly weren't bullied enough as a child. (he doesn't mean it)
Glamrock Bonnie -
Boy does Bon get distracted around you. He'll trip over his own two feet, let things accidentally slip out of his grasp, and even completely blank out someone talking.
He goes from a confident bastard to a stammering mess the first few sentences you exchange. He catches himself quickly but he'll still occasionally slip up.
It's very obvious he's looking at you whenever you talk. Not just looking because he's got to, no. He's looking at you with such a look it sometimes flusters you to no end – his big eyes simply filled with so much adoration it's impossible to not blush.
He'll gradually make it more and more obvious that he's got feelings for you but he won't outright start flirting with you. Not until he knows you better, and not until he knows you won't just up and disappear like someone else he loves once did.
And speaking of flirting? He'll flirt. He'll definitely flirt.
He's seen and picked up on the subtle ways humans around the plex flirt, not to mention he's not new to relationships – he knows what he's doing and man does he do it good. Petname here, compliment there, gentle brush of his hand against yours. Within the first few minutes your heart will be hammering in your chest as you catch his eyes flicker down to your lips for the 7thtime during your conversations.
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utakoi · 4 years
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Pairing: Soft Yandere!Enji Todoroki x GN!Reader 
Summary: A reformed Enji gives you a bath and contemplates your relationship with him.
Warnings: Yandere themes (abduction + mention of lewd thoughts + bindings [it’s rlly soft stuff tho])
A/N: never thought I’d write for Endeavor, but felt like this kind of concept fit his character the most after his redemption arc and uh... Idk kinda soft and horny for him whoops. Also I started a new aesthetic for my fic headers to separate them from my hcs, but idk if I like it yet
“Is the water too hot?”
You say nothing back to Enji as you kneel next to the tub, dipping your fingertips into the water. After a few moments of inspection, you rise from your spot and give Enji a pointed look over your shoulder. Knowing what the look means, Enji turns his back towards you and crosses his arms. 
For the past couple days, you’ve been trying out a new tactic of defiance: the silent treatment. 
Silence in his home isn’t new to Enji. Rei had been a quiet wife for most of their marriage, only conversing with him if he spoke to her first or if it was in regards to their kids. After Rei’s hospitalization and Touya’s death, his life had practically become silent, save for the times his remaining sons would jeer at him and the small talk his daughter would initiate. 
But he’s not used to silence with you. The first few weeks after he abducted you were anything but silent. Begging him to let you go, screaming that he’s an asshole, shattering fine china when you threw the dishes at his face and missed… and most recently, breaking the bathroom mirror during your scheduled bath time. He had come rushing in, only to be caught off guard when you swung a shard towards his chest the second he burst through the door. Luckily, his instincts as a hero allowed him to react quickly enough to swerve to the side. After the incident, he told you that he would have to monitor your baths from that point forward. You spat at his feet in response. 
To be honest, Enji thinks you should be more grateful that he didn’t punish you more severely for attempting to kill him and for your other past acts of rebellion. He could have easily done whatever he had wanted to you. For a second, images of your wrists tightly bound by rope and your quivering lips forced apart by a dirty rag flashes through Enji’s mind. He shakes his head. 
No, he’s a new man now… sort of. He’s trying his best to please you, at least, as much as he can as your captor. Sure, he’s forced a few cuddles here and there, but he had never forced himself on you sexually. Even when you were stripped bare to bathe, he hadn’t made a single move.
… Ok, he’s not completely innocent; he’s had lewd thoughts, but he never acted on them. 
The sound of your robe falling to the floor brings Enji back to the present and he waits until he hears a splash to turn back around. Once he does, the sight that greets him makes him crack a smile. 
The tub is ridiculously full of bubbles, the cloud-like mass practically engulfing your form. If any more of the soapy solution were to be added, he’s sure that he’d only be able to see the top of your head peeking out from the suds. To top it all off, you’re pouting like a child, clearly not wanting to give him the gratification of seeing you enjoy the perfect bath he prepared for you. 
“I know that you’ve been wary of your modesty, so I made sure the bath had more bubbles today,” he says as he sits cross-legged by the tub. “Though I suppose that I went a bit overboard with them.”
He eyes your face for any type of reaction. You say nothing back to him, but he catches your eyes soften. 
Enji’s not exactly sure why they do. Are you finally warming up to him? Or perhaps you're just grateful that he had gone through the efforts to make sure your intimate parts were concealed while he washed you? It’s most likely the latter, but he can’t help but let the hope of the former possibility sweep through him. 
“Which shampoo and conditioner would you like to use today?” Enji asks. You take a while to eye the several bottles in the shower caddy before indicating your choice by pointing at them. Enji makes a mental note of the brands as he squirts the shampoo into his calloused hands. 
As per routine, you shift yourself against the tub so that the back of your head is facing Enji. Gently, he lathers your hair. To be honest, he could probably trust you with bathing yourself; it’s not like you could do much damage by swinging some shampoo and froth at him. He could have just stood by the side and watched, making sure that you wouldn’t do anything like before. 
Still, he can’t help but just want to spend some peaceful quality time with you. Anytime you’re in the same room as him, your shoulders are always squared, as if you’re prepared for an attack at any moment. The few times he’d gone in for a hug after an exhausting day of hero work, you struggled and told him to fuck off. Your bath times are the only moments where you allowed yourself to relax. 
Actually, the first bath time after he announced your punishment was completely opposite to now. You had screeched and clawed at him when he tried to touch your hair; Enji still had a light scar on his forearm from where you managed to scratch him. 
Now… Well, he could only guess that you gave up on rebelling, at least, during your baths. Enji felt warmth pool in his chest at the thought. He had put in a lot of effort in trying to make the baths as nice as possible so that you could ease into the practice easier. The idea that he had succeeded in making you happy made his pride skyrocket. 
He takes his time scrubbing your arms and legs, savoring the feeling of your skin against his. You’re obviously aware of his actions, but seem to let them slide, only giving him warning glares when his hands would get too close to your torso. He turns his back towards you again once he’s done with your limbs, leaving you to clean your most intimate parts and wash off the foam. 
When you give him a tap on his shoulder to signal that you’ve put the robe back on, he sits on the lid of the toilet and lightly holds onto your waist to pull you onto his lap. Once you’re situated, he takes a brush and combs through your damp hair. While he could trust you in washing yourself, he could never trust you with combing your own hair; the brush was what you used to break the mirror. 
He stops brushing your hair for a moment, surprised that you had broken your silent treatment. He hadn’t even realized that you had called him by his given name for the first time rather than his hero name until after you leaned your head back to lay on his chest. 
He clears his throat before responding with a shaky, “What is it?”
“Will I ever be able to bathe alone again?” You tilt your head backwards to meet his downward gaze. 
He resists himself from frowning at your question. If he let you bathe alone, he wouldn’t have moments like these anymore. He’d be back to experiencing your anger and malice 24/7 again.  
“... If you behave for a while longer, then I’ll consider it.” He hopes that, while it’s not a straight yes or no answer, it’ll suffice.
To his relief, you merely let out a hum in response and lean forward again. Enji goes back to brushing your hair, trying his best to be gentle when combing out the knots. 
For a while longer, he lets himself enjoy the serenity of the moment, pretending as if this wasn’t a punishment. 
He was just taking care of the love of his life and you were simply enjoying being pampered by your loving husband.
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fnf-amateur-writing · 3 years
Hey! It’s Fox again! How are you doing? I just started school back up today, so I’ve been busy Xp.
Think you would be cool with writing some Pico with an s/o who is a writer, and tends to ask him about things like “hey, how long does it take someone to bleed out” or other things like that?
I understand if you don’t feel like it, and I hope you’re having fun 😊
Hello again Fox, I'm doing quite well rn. I'm cool with your prompt, especially since I need more writing material anyways.
Took me a while, because I didn't want to do a hc, but rather come up with a oneshot with a little twist to the style. Well, hope it works well.
Good luck with school, mate!
TW: Mentions of violence, swearing, slight sexual reference, and crime.
Pico with a writer S/O who asks him strange questions
On a chilly autumn morning, you were sitting out on your patio with a laptop and a mug of your favourite beverage next to you. Whenever you looked up, you could see the warm coloured leaves fall as the breeze accompanied you. The whole scene was an aesthetic.
When your boyfriend, Pico, came outside to see this, he knew that the nice environment you surrounded yourself with meant one thing. "You're back in your writing space already. Heh, with that bestseller you published, I thought you were comfy taking a break." You simply smiled and said, "can't waste the inspiration rush I got right now."
Pico had a good point though, with your rising popularity as an author, you were near set to retire before turning fourty. But you wish you weren't given all of the credit, since your boyfriend's stories of his dodgy job has occasionally sparked some ideas for your stories. However the books you wrote in the past were usually meant for the young adult and had few mature themes. This time, you thought maybe it's time to garner extra inspiration from those stories.
You were met with some disappointment when you realised that your mug was empty, only a drop entering your mouth. "Here, babe, I'll ya some more," Pico said, taking your mug and walking inside. "Quick question," you stopped him. "Yeah?"
"What would be the best place for a murder cemetery?"
"... What?"
Chapter 1:
"So you're doing some story about the police hunting down a mass murderer?"
"Pretty much."
"And to think you were gonna write Pixar's next script. Aight' I respect that." Pico takes a seat next to you with a refill of your drink placed next to your favourite writing laptop. "Thanks, Pico. But yeah, I want to branch out to something edgier, and I think you can help too."
"Let me show you what I've got so far." You showed him some of your notes in a little notepad document, detailing the story thus far and your current plans for this chapter. "Oh, that's it? Just looks like boring police preparation mainly," Pico commented. "Yeah, it's not much right now. But it'll get juicy later." "And bloody?" "And bloody."
"Welp, I'm gonna head back in," Pico got up, "let me know if you need anything." He head back inside, closing the door, but then opened it almost immediately afterwards. Pico stuck his head out, "by the way, the guy should use some strong alcohol or something to throw off those sniffer dogs."
Chapter 2:
"And then, because they used a silencer, the police don't immediately notice the--"
"Nope! I'm calling bullshit (Y/N)!" Pico had suddenly interrupted your explanation of the scene you were currently working on. "Silencers can help prevent some hearing loss, sure, but they're not magic."
"Alright," you reply, "no silencer, but the killer still has to kill in a way to not get blood on them, so I thought shooting and killing them from a distance would work." "Well, they're alone. Instead, have the guy get shanked in the neck or something, and have the killer use a plastic bag as a glove. It saved my ass one time."
"Woah!" you exclaimed with a giggle, "you used a knife once? What happened to my trigger happy boyfriend, huh? That's pretty sus."
"I forgot to reload the Uzis, alright?"
"What an impostor would say."
Chapter 3:
"What would be the best way to muffle the scream of someone you kidnapped?"
You two were sitting on the couch together watching a show. You didn't have your laptop on you, so Pico didn't expect you to still be thinking about that book. "I can't say from experience, really," he said as he paused the show. "However, shove a rag in their mouth and duct tape it in, and you should be good."
"Thanks Pico, also one more thing." "Yeah?" "What if our killer also wanted to..." God, this one was gonna be awkward, but you had to say it or else no help. "You know, cut off this victim's willy. How would you do that?"
"Wai-wha-uh-ga," Pico started fumbling his words like never before. He stopped, then took a deep breath. "YO, WHAT THE FUCK?!" "It'll make sense in the story later, I promise!" You watch Pico begin to lose it, breaking into laughter. "Ladies, gentlemen, and others," Pico dramatically stood up, pulling a little Showcaster impression and directing his arms towards you, "my famous 'young' adult novelist partner!"
Chapter 4:
It was in the dead of night, but you awoke to Pico on his phone. His vpn was on and Tor was up. As per usual, he was checking up on his little hitman service, where others could request for a certain someone's guts to fly if they paid him a hefty sum first. Though tired, you ound this to be the best time to ask him some more questions.
"Pico, how do those sites work?"
"Oh, you're awake," Pico blankly stated, sleepy too. But he still answered you. "Basically, some anonymous rich guys in the area give me money and a target, then I just do the thing and send a mission accomplished email." "Do they pay you in person?" "Nah, we use always use Bitcoin. It's a lot harder to trace than real money."
"Thanks Pico. Goodnight," you wish him, yawning and going back to sleep. "You too... So this guy is a hit man too?" "Hush. Tomorrow." "Okay." Pico puts his phone away, leaving it on a nightstand. You then spoon the night away, peacefully thinking of murder as you drifted off.
Chapter 5:
On a morning similar to before, you two sat on the patio with your drinks and laptop at the ready. Pico watched rather awkwardly as you typed away, wondering why you haven't entertained him with another question yet.
"You gonna ask anything else?" "What? Oh, nah," you plainly state. Inevitable, sure, but he was kind of saddened. He liked being able to share his messed up wisdom. "So, you're done?" "Almost." You turn to look at him, "want the spoilers?" Pico smiled, "sure thing."
In the novella you and Pico crafted together, the main character is a cop who hunts down a killer. They eventually notice that there would be two murders at a time for unknown reasons. Well, it was unknown until one victim had left up a dark web hit man for hire site. They that the hit man not only kills the target, but the client as a hidden price for the service.
And any request will be fulfilled, according to the hit man's site.
"Do they catch 'em?" Pico asked. "Well, ANY request is granted. So, if our hero were to... hire him to kill himself..."
"No way!"
"He did. They find both of their bodies in his bedroom."
Pico was a bit impressed with the ending you came up with, but then he remembered something. "Why did that guy get his thing cut off?" "Lol, I forgot," you giggled. "He sent a message to the hit man, saying he wishes the target would choke on his dick."
"That's my favourite part."
After everything was finished up, you sent the book off to your editor. After the initial joy of knowing how the story ended, you saw that Pico was still in thought. "What's up with you?" "Oh nothing, well it's just... I'm probably just biased, being that I'm a bit of a hitman myself, but it's kind of sad to see the guy go."
"Then I should spoil the epilogue I came up with." Rather than being excited, Pico nervously asked, "what's an epilogue?" He didn't get an answer, only you staring at him. "Sorry, school held too many bad memories for me to pay attention."
"Anyways," you continue, "the rest of the police gang did some background checks, and find that our killer was a normal guy with no criminal history."
"No. But I did decide to take a more supernatural approach here. Somewhere across the country, another string of double homicides occur and that site is active once more. And the story kind of repeats itself."
"You joker," you give him a playful little kiss on the cheek, one that definitely caught him off guard. "So is it canon?" Pico smirked. "Nah, just thanking you for being my cute little co-author." "Oh," Pico started, "so we're flirtin' now, huh. Come here babe!" He tackled you onto the ground, giving you several kisses in exchange.
"Actually, I think we call that 'making out'," you chuckle out, flustered. "But that doesn't mean I said stop'!" You pull him in for more, accidentally bonking your heads together rather painfully. "Nice double kill there, (Y/N)."
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Dimitrescu Daughter HCs
I thought this would only take a few minutes. I was so, so very wrong. Anyway, some of these are somewhat exclusive to my fic (Serenade), but they’ll make sense even if you haven’t read that.
Others have already talked about how Daniela reads a ton of romance novels, so I’m not really going to go into that very much, just saying that I agree 100%, I mean c’mon, it’s practically canon.
While she mainly sources books from her family’s library, there are a few she’s “acquired” over the years that she keeps locked away in her room. These tend to be a bit, ahem, steamier than her mother would approve of/let her read under normal circumstances.
How did she get these? Well, there has to be someone who delivers goods to Castle Dimitrescu (Duke, perhaps?), seeing as the Maidens need, like, actual food to survive. Sometimes Daniela manages to convince them to order books for her, usually just asking for books by authors she likes, or ones she’s heard maidens whispering about.
No, the delivery person does not read the book’s summaries or reviews, they have a feeling (based on titles and covers alone) that they don’t want to know.
As for her experiences with actual romance… she’s so very, very excited about it, all the time. Wants to kiss every cute Maiden she sees, and sometimes daydreams about a beautiful woman fleeing from lycans who comes to the castle for shelter, clinging to Dani for warmth and protection, and it’s love at first sight, and they kiss and kiss and right as it gets to the good part-! Someone interrupts her daydream (usually Cassandra).
However, her actual experiences are fairly limited. Sure, she has kissed Maidens, but she tends to get over excited. Like in Serenade, she starts to rush the process, and usually ends up draining her “lover” aka victim before anything more intimate happens.
She’s definitely done sexual things, just, well, not with other people. Private things. Usually during or after reading one of her special books. You get the picture.
Because of this, and her aforementioned love of romance novels, Daniela has become somewhat obsessed with the idea of her first time. She wants everything to be perfect. The setting, the timing, who she’s with… Hence her reaction in chapter 3 of Serenade. It’s not that she didn’t want to continue, just that the circumstances didn’t feel right. She’s very particular!
Favorite Music Genre: Girl goes wild for an emotional, gut-wrenching love/power ballad. The type to lie in bed and cry while listening to Hozier or Lorde (not that she can hear either of them, considering her limited music options). Doesn’t admit it, though, and mostly listens to indie pop when other people can hear. That and whatever the Maiden plays on piano ;)
Okay it feels weird to joke about her loving music I wrote, anywayyyy
Hobbies: Other than reading there’s not too much I can see her doing, really. She’d be sure to get into anything that her s/o enjoys, though, even if it’s something difficult or time-consuming. Writing is something she’d love, but it’s difficult for her to keep her focus on just one project at a time. Ideally she’d write short stories, romantic ones obvs, and have someone else proofread/edit them. For the most part she’d write within fantasy and historical setting (seeing as she’s got experience in both of those departments).
ADHD, BABY. Bigtime, seriously. Maybe this is just my adhd ass projecting, but I can’t not see her as having it. For her it mainly manifests with hyper-focusing/difficulty staying on task. It’s like a switch with those on either end, flipping back and forth every once in a while. She can spend six hours reading two different books in one sitting, but if someone just breathes too loudly it disrupts her completely. Because of this she’s somewhat prone to abandoning projects. It’s a sore subject for her, and her sisters are aware, normally only bringing it up if they’re really angry with her.
Opinions on the four lords: Thinks Heisenberg is a tool (pun intended), also thinks that he secretly reads super erotic novels. She doesn’t have any proof, though, and would never say anything about it out loud. Just makes fun of him in her head. Doesn’t actually judge him for what she thinks he reads, just judges his personality and the “need he feels to hide his secret”. Loves Donna, and low-key thinks she’s attractive. Daniela mostly bases that off the portrait she’s seen, but, like many fans, also thinks the hands are nice. The puppets don’t bother her, though she also doesn’t really care about them, other than thinking that Donna interacting with them is cute.
Opinions continued: Moreau is… uh… fish boy. Daniela thinks he’s weird, kinda gross, and hardly considers him a “real” lord. Poor boy :(  At least she doesn’t actively make fun of him?... Even if that’s only because she kinda forgets about him most of the time. As for Lady Dimitrescu, well, obviously Daniela loves her mom. The whole family is very close, and as the “youngest”, Daniela gets a lot of attention. Sometimes she thinks her mother is too strict, but at the end of the day there’s no love lost.
Cleans up after her sisters a lot, but still nowhere near as much as any of the Maidens do. Often agrees to help with messes in exchange for blackmail material. “Oh, Daniela, what a shame you broke mother’s favorite dish… I could help, but you owe me one.” At the end of the day, though, there’s plenty she would slide.
Being the “oldest”, she’s expected to behave the best, and often feels more restricted than her sisters. Being an example is hard! Occasionally she’ll have the impulse to rebel, but this usually only manifests in scenarios like the one mentioned above, aka she’ll simply be more lenient of her siblings for a bit.
Overall far less sadistic than her sisters. Cares more about the quality of pain then the amount of it. Only ever goes overboard if someone full out threatens or hurts her family. Insults towards them still earn her ire, and will get her to punish someone, but it’s not enough to make her resort to torture. Usually.
Gets the most restless out of the three. As cool (and large) as the castle is, it’s all she’s ever really known. If not for her weakness to cold, she’d go out on hikes a lot. Nature interests her, fascinates her, but she’d be a little less fond of most of it in person. Like, oh, waterfalls sound so cool, followed by a hundred complaints about the noise. Thinks deer are the cutest shit ever (second only to humans, maybe).
Unlike Daniela (though that HC is relevant almost exclusively to Serenade), Bela has actually slept with a Maiden before. She doesn’t really care for them enough to consider it a relationship, instead admiring them for their entertainment value. Definitely could fall for a Maiden, simply hasn’t yet. Of the three I feel like she takes the longest to fall in love, and even longer to actually act on her feelings. Sometimes resents her siblings because they unknowingly “claimed” a Maiden that she was starting to be interested in. However, she fully acknowledges that she should have said something if she didn’t want to lose the girl, considering the situation they live in.
Favorite music genre: Classical, full orchestra style, with a soft spot for swing/jazz. Enjoys having music play softly while she reads, and is very particular about the volume. Absolutely would argue with her sisters if they tried to change the music or turn it up.
Hobbies: Reading, duh. Less interested in romance than Daniela by a considerable amount. For the most part she reads non-fiction books, enjoying learning about history and the sciences. Astronomy is at the top of her favorites list, followed by biology, then obscure (and often bloody) pieces of history. Niche=perfect. Also enjoys music, even if she had to rely mostly on self-teaching books. Knows the basics of piano, but doesn’t actively play, much preferring both the violin and harp. Most of the time she’ll only play if she knows her sisters won’t bother her, or if her mother asks her to.
Opinions on the four lords: Admires Heisenberg’s work/his edgenuity, but thinks the actual man is a temperamental child… who smells like wet dog. He’s only been at Castle Dimitrescu a couple times (per Mother Miranda’s request), and both times Bela moved to the other side of the house so she wouldn’t have to acknowledge his existence. While she would never admit it, she’s low-key creeped out by Donna’s dolls, and really only tolerates Angie. However, she would never act on her nerves, out of consideration for Donna’s feelings. She knows that her mother gets along well with the dollmaker, and keeps this at the forefront of her mind.
Opinions continued: “Moreau who? Oh, the fish guy? He’s still alive?... Good for him.” Wants to make Lady Dimitrescu proud, but not as desperately as Cassandra. Unknowingly mimics a lot of her mother’s little habits and ticks, and would be quietly embarrassed if someone pointed it out to her. As mentioned previously, she feels like she has to be an example for the others, and somewhat resents the pressure this puts on her. On the other hand, she does enjoy being “responsible for” (read: in charge of) her sisters. Additionally, she is the most likely to get away with lying to Alcina, though she does not often do so. This isn’t because she’s the most manipulative (that’s Cass), or the best liar (that’s Dani, if she’s trying), but simply because Alcina doesn’t think her oldest daughter would lie. Even if she doubts something Bela says, she’ll usually give her the benefit of the doubt… as long as it doesn’t happen very often.
Sleeps the most of the three, if only because she’s the most active of them. Not as fast as the others while in swarm mode, but the fastest on foot, partially because she’s more likely to simply walk places. She knows the sound of feet on the floor scares the Maidens, and she drinks their fear with utter pleasure. Additionally she claims that it just feels nice to “stretch her legs”. But she will not hesitate to enter swarm mode when chasing someone. As fun as it is to smell their fear, she can get impatient, wanting to get close and personal to her target.
Tends to hide most of her feelings, sometimes even opting to “convert” them into anger. In other words, think of her emotional state as an ever-filling bottle of water. As things happen, she feels emotions, and the rate at which water pours into the bottle increases. Ideally if the water level started getting too high, she would address whatever is increasing the flow of water. Instead of that, she often uses anger, which is equivalent to shaking the bottle a bit and letting water messily spill out of it. Doesn’t address the actual problem, but let’s her release some pressure/free up some room.
Goes through Maidens faster than her siblings (yes, even Daniela “draining you of blood is romantic” Dimitrescu). Not all of them even die in the basement, sometimes what was supposed to be a “warning” turns into “oh shit the blood won’t stop coming out, this is how I die, in this accursed castle, no friends or family to mourn me, just the painful knowledge that I will not be the last, I will die for no cause, no glory, just the bitter whims of a blood-soaked mistress” or something along those lines.
While more likely to get attached to someone than Bela, Cassandra isn’t one to do much about it. She might flirt, might even try to kiss (or, uh, kiss while also not wearing clothes wink wink), but she won’t (usually) claim someone as her own, or protest if one of her sisters wants to have some fun with them (even if it’s the bloody kind of fun). Technically gets over breakups and “breakups” (i.e. death) easier than either of her sisters. To be fully accurate, Daniela still goes through lovers faster, but she also remembers them and cares for them for longer post-breakup.
Somewhat of a blood kink. Like, more than vampires automatically have. In intimate settings she cares more about the quantity of blood and what she can do with it (loves bloodstains) than what causes the bloodshed.
Favorite music genre: Rock ‘n roll. Leans towards older stuff, as well as heavier songs. Soft spot for symphonic metal, but doesn’t admit it out of the fear that some might consider it a “weaker form” of the genre. Almost exclusively listens to bands that have female vocalists, and gets crushes on them more than she’d ever admit.
Hobbies: Art! Painting, mostly, but dabbles in sculpture from time to time. It’s been too long since I took an art class for me to suggest a style for her paintings, but I imagine her sculptures would be somewhat abstract. Her art would revolve around emotion, the stronger and rawer the better, with viewers often being left uncomfortable. While Alcina buys plenty of art supplies for her, Cassandra is fond of improvising, especially by creating her own “tools” (of questionable efficiency) out of items she has laying around. She is absolutely the one who took her mother’s lipstick. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry, it’s just mentioned in one of the RE8 notes that Lady Dimitrescu’s valuable lipstick is missing.
Opinions on the four lords: Tolerates Heisenberg more than the rest of her family by a considerable amount. She’s seen glimpses of his work, his steampunk-adjacent style, and actually kind of digs it. While Bela cares more about the science behind his work, Cassandra just digs the aesthetic. Sometimes for her art she also needs things she can’t get from the castle, and are too obscure to get from a merchant, so she trades tools/ideas with Heisenberg in exchange for him making something for her. “Can you make a battery but whenever it’s in use it makes a horrible screaming sound?” “Yes. PS I hate your mother and Miranda.” “I didn’t fucking ask.”
Opinions continued: Doesn’t really care much about Donna, but acknowledges her as a fellow artist, and would be willing to consult her if she talked more (and talked without Angie). Cassandra hasn’t met Moreau, thankfully (he would cry). Knows about him from her sister/mother, and as a result doesn’t care about him. Internally whenever someone mentions him, she pictures, like, a Goldfish Cracker (the snack that smiles back) with legs except also it’s green and moldy.
Opinions cont.: Loves her mother so much. Determined to please her, to make her proud, but often left feeling less loved than her sisters. This strains her relationship with her family, not that she’d ever voice her feelings and talk through the issue. Let’s be real, Alcina would probably feel guilty for not realizing how Cass felt. Nonetheless, Cassandra probably spends the most time with her mother, often offering to assist her with tasks, or trying to get her to appreciate her art.
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mcyt-imagines · 3 years
TommyInnit Confession HCs
This is a combination of an imagine and some headcanons, this is a new way of writing for me so let me know if you enjoyed this format! 
- Tommy realising he loves the reader and how he’d confess to them - 
Tommy definitely would deny being interested in the reader in the beginning.
It would probably be a natural progression of feelings but tommy just wouldn’t realise it until WAY too late.
Like he just catches himself thinking about them when he’s just doing schoolwork and chores. And then he’s aware of just how much his mind wanders to them. Far too often in his humble opinion.
He lays hints about his crush when talking with Tubbo. He’s real defensive about it though. “You much of a ladies man Tubbo?” Trying to discretely get advice without actually asking for any. And Tubbo being Tubbo means he completely missed all the hints Tommy was dropping. (Not that Tommy’s hints were any good)
His stream for sure notices a change in his behavior, more scatterbrained showing visible signs of stress maybe a little more irritable too. Tubbo definitely notices the changes too and asks him about it. 
Tubbo would probably ask tommy on stream or in private something along the lines of. “What’s up Tommy, you’ve been kinda uh, distracted lately…”
Tommy for suuuuuure blushes and stutters out a response that even Tubbo doesn’t buy. (So instead he talks to Tubbo about it off stream, doesn’t mention his crushes name, but he keeps Tubbo in the loop. Tubbo finds the whole thing very funny because of how defensive Tommy gets in response, however he offers his support to Tommy, obviously. “Even though I have no experience with romance Tommy. I’ll do my best to be the best wingman ever!” With a salute to Tommy on his webcam. Tubbo quickly leaves the call saying he needs to do some ‘research’ (he puts the word in quotation marks with a wink)
Tommy would be a stubborn flustered MESS if stream ever figured out that he was crushing on someone.
And of course they find out because Tubbo slips up and mentions Tommy having a crush.
By that point he is absolutely CONSUMED by his thoughts about the reader as the more he tries to not think about them the more he wishes he was with them.
He also would 10000% be ignoring or avoiding his crush for as long as possible because he knows he wouldn’t be able to utter a single word to their face. His usual ‘big man’ façade would be in absolute shambles if he were around the reader during this time.
There would be a lot of internal and external swearing from Tommy when he finally realises and accepts that he likes you though.
However, this acceptance doesn’t make him any less stressed because now he needs to figure out whether he is even going to tell you!
But he knows he can’t keep living like this as he can’t keep avoiding his crush forever. And he knows the next time he sees you he knows his heart is going to literally burst out of his chest. And he won’t be able to stop himself. So, he devises a plan.
He gets a pep talk from Tubbo in which they help brainstorm his confession plan but he finds himself messaging Wilbur one late night after his stream. “Hey, can I get some advice?” Wilbur is shocked. “Tommyinnit asking ME for advice? Never thought I’d see the day.”
Wilbur teases him for a short while surely. But when Tommy finally puts his pride aside and tells Wilbur about his crush he sobers up quick and dishes out some solid advice and support for Tommy. “In exchange for my services I better be meeting this crush of yours Tommy.” “You got it big man.”
After speaking with Wilbur Tommy feels as if he can finally breathe for the first time in weeks since he first started to realise his feelings for the reader.
Tommy sends the reader a text in the mid-morning asking if they wanted to hang out sometime later today. Also apologizing for how ‘busy’ he’s been the last few weeks using schoolwork or chores as his excuse.
He’s furiously texting Tubbo the WHOLE time he’s waiting for a reply from them. Tubbo pulls Tommy onto Minecraft to try and take his mind off the situation. Offline of course, Tommy would not be able to handle streaming right now.
Even Wilbur sends him a few messages to check in, jumping on discord to give his ear for Tommy to chew off. Which he most definitely does.
Eventually his phone dings and Tommy DIVES for it. “THEY SAID YES!” Both Wilbur and Tubbo groan from Tommy’s mic peaking with his screech.
Tommy waits for a few minutes before replying per Tubbo’s request. “I read it online! You don’t want to seem too into them.” He proclaims with false authority as Wilbur chuckles in the background of the call.
The rest of the afternoon blurs for Tommy as he stays on call with Wilbur and Tubbo as they do their best to distract his overactive mind.
However, as the clock ticks on he knows he needs to start getting ready or he’s going to be late.
Wilbur demands that he choose Tommy’s outfit. So for the next half hour Tommy proceeds to perform a free fashion show for the two, only for Phil to join for a short while to give his two cents before going back to his stream.
Eventually Wilbur settles on what he dubbed “-a classic Tommyinnit look-” one of his favourite red shirts paired with one of his nicer black jackets and the dark charcoal pants his mum had made him get a few months ago for a wedding. They are very uncomfortable.
Tommy heaves a sigh as he thanks Wilbur and Tubbo for sticking around with him today. They both send him away, “Good luck Tommy!” “Go get ‘em big man.”
Tommy had agreed to meet the reader at the park, he thought dinner would have been a bit much. Wilbur and Tubbo both agreed on that front. This park was right near the water, so it had a great view of the sunset. He was still pretty chuffed about that fact, his chat was sooo wrong, he could be romantic if he wanted to after all.
Of course, he was a little late. He repeatedly told his mum to speed. She refused of course. His mother of course had noticed exactly what this ‘hang out’ was and had quizzed him about his crush the night prior.
“Don’t leave the car mum.” Tommy was quick to warn her, he did not want her to be anywhere near them. She didn’t need any more dirt on him to embarrass him with. She could end his whole streaming career in an instant if she wanted. A truly terrifying thought.
Tommy was quick to move near the waterfront puffing slightly, nose a tinge pink with the oncoming chilly wind from the lake. “Hey Tommy.” Tommy would freeze instantly before quickly turning with a forced smile, a little too big for his face. “Hey!”
His crush would lead Tommy over to the nearby bench they had been sitting on before he arrived. And they would definitely sit closer to Tommy than he would have wanted.
Tommy would be so obvious. Stuttering over his words, a LOT of frantic hand movements whenever he’s speaking to them.
Mid-conversation his crush starts to laugh. “Tommy I think I’ve figure out why you have been ‘busy’ recently.” Tommy stills immediately, sweat dripping off of him in POOLS. “H-Huh!?” He makes a noise in the back of his throat that he has NEVER made before.
This seems to only make his crush laugh more, they turn fully to him and take one of his clammy hands. He quickly goes to yank it from their grip knowing how sweaty it is. But their grip is strong, and surprisingly calm in contrast to his shaking hands. He gulps simply staring at the spot where their hands are touching. “Tommy.” His gaze snaps up to their smiling face hiding slight worry. “Breathe.” And he finally does. His tense shoulders drop, and their hand leaves his. And suddenly he’s laughing harder than he ever has before realizing how ridiculous he’s being right now. And when he looks over, so is his crush.
The conversation from that point on flows naturally as the two finally begin to catch up after not seeing each other for a few weeks.
Tommy finally realises how comfortable they make him feel. He simply stares at them as they speak. Awed that it took him this damn long to figure out he liked them.
His crush stops talking, noticing him staring. He jumps out of his thoughts, “Hey Tommy, take a picture it’ll last longer.” And suddenly he’s sweating all over again as they laugh.
His crush is having the time of their life watching ‘big man’ Tommy squirm beside them. Trying his best to scrounge up the courage to say something, anything to them.
They open their mouth to speak when suddenly Tommy yells, “I LIKE YOU!”
Tommy isn’t even looking at them, he has his eyes squeezed shut and he thrusts his arm outwards holding something which promptly shoves into his crush’s chest. Effectively winding them.
They wheeze in response, “Me too. Don’t know why though goD!” They push out through gasps of air, pressing a hand to their chest. Pain beginning to subside as Tommy realises he literally just punched his crush.
His jaw drops and his silence continues as they take what was in his hands. A small book.
A scrapbook.
His crush’s face softens as they flip through the photos, memories flooding back to them of days long gone by.
Tommy stayed up all night yesterday just to finish the final details on the scrapbook, it isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing thing. (Even he knows that) But he put his heart and soul into it.
“Very sweet of you Tommy. But I didn’t bring anything for you…” They end up mumbling in response. Tommy only grins. “So you like it?” They scoff and finally pull Tommy in for a hug. He stills for a moment, then melts into their hold.
Tommy mumbles his apology for literally punching them into his crush’s hair. They giggle into his chest in response, letting him know that it’s fine, they’re okay. Tommy mumbles something incoherent into their hair and presses a cautionary kiss to the top of their head.
“AWWWWW!” A loud noise comes from behind their bench. Tommy and his crush dive apart only to see Tommy’s mum hidden behind a nearby tree.
“MUUUUUUUUUM!” Tommy screeches as his crush cackles out a laugh.
Tommy’s mum ends up driving his crush home as well, they sit in the back seat of the car holding hands.
“This didn’t go at all how I’d planned…” Tommy complains with a deep pout. “Oh really? Your plan didn’t involve punching me? Huh?” Their crush sniggers at him.
“Oh! His real plan-“ His mother starts and in order to cut her off Tommy just starts yelling at the top of his lungs “Nononono!!”. Causing his crush to burst into laughter as the two try to increase their volumes to drown out the other.
His crush shakes their head with a grin and wonders what the hell they’ve just gotten themselves into.
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palmett-hoes · 3 years
per your post "every single one of the monsters is autistic and/or adhd" will you elaborate on that?, if you do i will love you forever (not that i wont if you dont do it)
oh boy i would love to!!! unironically nothing brings me more joy than writing long, convoluted character analysis posts
okay so i’ve written several posts before about why andrew is autistic. his moral code, the roundabout way he communicates, his body language, his stimulation-seeking behavior, his strict adherence to transactional deals, the emphasis on honesty, and a dozen other details. at this point i just take andrew being autistic as fact, not just an interpretation
h o w e v e r  i also hc that andrew is dyslexic, which is also a neurodiverse condition
- - -
similarly, i’ve seen more than one person interpret kevin as autistic, and i absolutely agree that it fits. not just the hyperfocus on exy but mostly the way he communicates. he’s very indirect, especially in his affection but very direct with his opinions. he tries to be helpful in a material way to the people he cares about, even if he comes off as negative. he wants the people he cares about to be safe and successful so he pushes them to work hard and reminds them in measurable ways how to stay healthy. he doesn’t factor in a lot of room for emotions, so instead he focuses on quantifiable things that he can improve. i personally act very similarly. approaching someone emotionally is hard for me, so when the people i care about have problems all i can think to do is try offering solutions, check up on their well-being, etc. practicality instead of conventional sentiment is extremely common with asd
- - -
so now let’s talk about neil. i had to think on this one for a WHILE but ultimately came to the conclusion that neil is adhd, probably hyperactive type. 
like obviously neil is high energy. i would say he probably does the most exercise of anyone on the team. morning run, morning practice, afternoon practice, night practice with kevin and andrew, plus he doesn’t have a car so he runs to class (on a BIG ass campus), and goes for an extra run when he feels stressed. that’s... insane, honestly.
neil reminds me SO MUCH of this post that goes:
“Was just informed by my mom that I do in fact have ADHD and the reason I thought I didn’t was because ever since I was seven whenever I got super energetic my mom would have me go chop wood so now when I’m feeling The ADHD I go chop wood”
(phenomenal post) and that’s neil to a t. tell me this isn’t exactly how neil handles his problems and also exactly what mary would have had to do to keep her unmedicated and very energetic son focused on the task of staying alive
neil also definitely has that ADHD on/off switch with his interest. the obvious being exy which is like the definition of a hyperfixation, but you can see it in other things: the way he runs totally hot or totally cold with people, his complete disinterest in his schoolwork, the way he can’t seem to sit still long enough to follow movies. but then there’s also the hyperfocus. doing the same drill for hours on end. watching exy game after exy game. staring at andrew until time falls away
what’s more, neil on many occasions shows racing thoughts, both in an anxiety way (and anxiety often goes hand-and-hand with adhd) but also as a way to quickly and accurately take in details about people to build a character profile of them. this is what allows him to connect with the foxes, how he manages to get through andrew’s puzzles, and even how he knows what to say in order to knock riko down a peg. his brain just works so fast and it takes in a lot of very specific details and disparate information to make connections.
but also like,, neil has a HUGE problem with time blindness. like the instant he didn’t have his mother around to manage and direct him anymore he lost all sense of time. he stayed in Millport for a YEAR. and what did he keep telling himself during that time? basically “i really need to move on, but not just yet.” for a YEAR! then he gets to palmetto and he’s like “i’ll cut and run in a month or two” then he doesn’t “i’ll be gone by halloween” wrong again “i’ll leave by the raven’s game” nope. like,, the boy just has NO sense of time and he can’t seem to make himself DO anything outside of an externally enforced schedule. and even then,,, HE HAD 48 FUCKING DAYS TO FIGURE OUT SOMETHING TO DO TO NOT GET MURDERED! 48 WHOLE DAYS. he didn’t make a plan, he didn’t write down any letters with goodbyes, he didn’t GO TO THE FBI LIKE HE’D INTENDED TO THE WHOLE TIME! nah he just made out with andrew and when he finally got to zero he was just like “ah shit, that was fast. oh well guess i’ll die” and that’s time blindness, babey!
let’s move on to nicky. 
now i think it would be really easy to say nicky is just adhd because he’s high energy and forgetful but tbh,, i don’t think that’s all of it. like if you really look at nicky’s character and especially at his problems, he has asd problems just as much as he has adhd problems.
so nicky is dual diagnosis asd and adhd. also nicky reminds me a lot of a girl i used to know who was autistic/adhd
so, adhd:
very generally speaking, ppl with adhd will struggle with sitting still, listening to and following instructions, planning/organization, following a schedule, and some social boundaries like “appropriate” times and topics of conversation
i would say you see hints of this with nicky. he’s definitely a rambunctious personality, constantly on the move, constantly stimulation seeking. he’s very tactile. he likes to dance, he likes to party, he complains about it but he’s an elite-level athlete. he’s also decidedly very chatty, and doesn’t seem to really pay attention to what he’s saying. he distracts himself and the people around him have to keep him on track. he has some trouble with boundaries. he’s a little all over the place. he’s almost a bit of an adhd stereotype
also one thing i find interesting is that when neil sees him in the library doing work neil is surprised to see he’s capable of that, especially bc when we see the upperclassmen doing work they generally do it in their dorms or on the bus and/or with other people around. that hyper-social nicky would be alone in a quiet place is weird. but this is like the most common tip for dealing with adhd. don’t do it in a familiar space. have a designated space and time to do work. limit distractions. just a lil detail
so now, asd:
in all honesty, most of nicky’s actual problems in the narrative could be viewed as stemming from asd symptoms. his number one issue being that he has a lot of trouble with nonverbal cues (and tbh, verbal ones too). the twins are mostly quiet. andrew especially (when he’s sober) communicates primarily nonverbally, and nicky seems to have a lot of trouble with this. despite knowing them for the longest on the team, nicky honestly seems to have the least insight into the way either of the twins actually thinks or processes things. he loves them, and he’s very forgiving of them, but he fundamentally doesn’t understand them. 
the twins, andrew especially, put up a LOT of nonverbal boundaries, and nicky sort of inadvertently keeps trampling all over them. he’s touchy in a way they don’t like. he talks a lot about their personal lives to other people. he treats them like they’re joking when they’re serious. etc. and like,,, you kind of get the sense that the upperclassmen feel similarly about him. beyond the homophobia, beyond the fact that he’s loyal to andrew, the upperclassmen still treat him with this sense of,, bafflement, i suppose? it’s clear that they don’t really understand him and he doesn’t really understand them. although, nicky IS curious about the upperclassmen, while the upperclassmen are pretty dismissive of him. it reminds me of when my sweet, floppy dog tries to play with my cat. their body language is different; they’re each receiving different signals than they believe they’re sending out
only,, nicky loves people!! he likes being around them, he likes talking to them. he’s interested in their lives and stories, but it’s very clear that he can’t read between the lines on people. he has an incredibly hard time with people who expect their actions to speak for them, which is most people, but is especially his cousins.
actually this is very much also an issue that i have: things need to be spelled out for me. the way i deal with it is i ask a lot of questions. ‘how do you want me to react to this potential situation?’ ‘what are specific things that make you most comfortable?’ ‘please explain to me exactly how you feel and what has prompted those feelings?’ and i’m always communicating vice versa like that with other people. a lot of specifics in both questions and answers
and the interesting thing is, when i was skimming through the books reviewing dialogue styles for another ask, i noticed that, actually, nicky DOES do this. with neil and the upperclassmen, nicky asks a LOT of quick, clarifying questions. things that ask after tone, that ask after intent. it’s kinda sad that he does this for communicating with acquaintances, but with the twins, the people he’s closest to, he makes a lot more assumptions. and i’m really proud of nicky for having this coping skill, because i can’t imagine it’s something he grew up doing. there’s no way he was raised in an environment that fostered this kind of open communication so it must have been something he learned about much later, probably in germany with the kloses, which would also explain why he’s a lil imperfect about it
now last but not least, aaron
this is another one i had to think through for a long time before it felt like it fit
much like how i felt that it would be easy to read nicky as simply adhd rather than also asd, i think it would be easy to say aaron is autistic simply because he is quieter, less rambunctious. however, i actually think he’s adhd, likely primarily inattentive type
in all honesty, aaron’s #1 character trait for the first two books is basically that he’s disconnected. detached. separated both from his family and his team. not in the same forcefully apathetic way that andrew is, more,, spaced out. he’s just kind,, there. not really paying attention to what’s going on, tuning in every once in a while only if something really catches his eye/ear then tuning right back out again. just sits in his corner and plays on his phone. and the thing is, from the moments when he does tune in, you can tell that he actually does care. he backs nicky when seth insults him in tfc, and we know he cares deeply about andrew even if he’s become disillusioned with their fraught relationship. he even hangs with his family, doesn’t seem to really try and slip away to other friends besides katelyn, he’s fine spending his leisure time with the monsters. so it’s not totally apathy, he’s just,,, tuned out most of the time
and, yea, that sounds like adhd. it’s not the type that most people are familiar with, and for a lot of people this causes it to slip under the radar. it can make it hard to get help or a dx because it doesn’t fit with how adhd “should” look or how someone “should” act, but difficulty focusing your thoughts and staying in tune with the current moment is absolutely part of adhd
addiction is also a huge problem for people with adhd. a lot of stimulants affect people with adhd very differently than neurotypicals, especially in small doses, and an adhd kid who’s struggled their whole lives with the disorder might try speed or god-forbid meth or fuck even coffee and suddenly find that things are a lot easier for them. they start to self-medicate, they don’t actually know what they’re doing, and then they’re addicted, and everything spirals out of control. we don’t know too many details about aaron’s addiction other than that his mother enabled him, but wouldn’t this fit? it’s also an explanation for aaron still taking drugs at eden’s, given that cracker dust seems to be a mild amphetamine. (aaron talk to betsy about the neurocog and get an actual prescription please)
(total throw away but aaron plays videogames and videogames are like,, adhd culture)
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vrisrezis · 3 years
the matsunos reaction to knowing their s/o have a kid and meeting them?
Also if u want I can do hcs for these specific kids and the matsus bc god . I have ideas
Gender neutral reader
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“Wait.. you have a kid?! How?!” Osomatsu asks, bewildered. How hasn’t he known about this? Why hasn’t he met the kid yet? He’s a bit disappointed at first, not that he hates kids he just.. it means there’s another parent in the equation right? So he kinda asks you about that whole thing, are they just dead? Or like were they a dick? Or? Is your kid just adopted?
However, he’s very excited to meet your kid! He wishes you told him about your little girl sooner. He’s not worried he’ll mess up at all, (he probably should be). He doesn’t even ask any questions, he just wants to meet the kid.
You were a bit worried.. and for good reason. Your daughter didn’t exactly .. like people. She was anti social. Besides.. things had been kinda difficult for the both of you upon having to take care of her on her own. She’s been waiting for you to introduce her to Osomatsu, the man you’ve been dating for months now.
Your daughter tended to be a bit judgmental, especially when it came to your relationships. D/n may only be twelve, but she has a knack for being able to sniff out unsuitable future dads/moms/parents. The thing about your daughter was.. she was Osomatsus complete opposite. She’s serious, hardworking, an over achiever type of gal. She knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. Point is, you were a little worried about how she would take you dating a literal neet.
As you walked into your house, your daughter was reading on the floor. As per usual. She looked up, he eyes widening a little to see the male next to you. Red hoodie. She stood up, walking up to osomatsu, and he smiled, taking his hand out for her to shake wordlessly, and she takes it, shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you! I’m Osomatsu!” “So I’ve heard. My name is d/n.” She said, her face more deadpan, in contrast to his smile. He didn’t seem to mind though, like he didn’t care, which made her raise a brow. Your past lovers tended to be intimidated by her seriousness.
Seeing how well behaved your kid was, how serious she was. He didn’t even think she was real, she’s literally the perfect child. Seeing how sweet you were being with her as well. God you were a great parent that raised such a well behaved child and he couldn’t help but sigh out of pure love..
Maybe that’s what won her over, and actually be willing to be nice and have a conversation with him.
“Wait so you’re a neet?” “Yes.” “Are you looking for a job?” “Nope.” She lets out a loud sigh as he smirks. “
They talked for a bit, and honestly? Your daughter couldn’t help but sigh at some of the things he said, only making him laugh more. You are surprised she hasn’t blown up in his face yet.. but.. is she… laughing? At a joke he made? That’s so… unlike her..
You can’t help but smile at the two.
Karamatsu is extremely surprised, but he doesn’t mind. He doesn’t ask about the other parent, it’s personal and he understands if you don’t wanna talk about it. Very excited about meeting the child as well honestly. Tries to keep that cool guy act and pretend he’s not overly excited but it couldn’t be more obvious, he always brings it up whenever you see eachother as well. “So.. heh.. how are s/n and d/n.. hm??” Trying to act cool about it. You simply deadpan, “do you want to meet them karamatsu?” “YES!” He then coughs suddenly, “ahem, yes..”
You wondered if he was excited because they were identical twins. Yes, you had two kids. A son and a daughter, absolute monsters. They’re teens though, so it’s to be expected. Being age fifteen was not easy! But.. you often found yourself scolding the two of them for something new.
You weren’t too nervous about him meeting them, it would certainly be an… interesting night. He seemed rather nervous though. You gave him a reassuring smile before walking in…
Only to find a mess before you, as you expected. You sigh, “d/n!! s/n!! Get down here and clean your mess!!” You yell in a tone karamatsu has never heard you yell. Such a motherly tone with strictness to it. He heard loud stomping, only to see the two rush down the stairs. They originally would just rush, and get back upstairs but the two of them stop upon seeing a man beside you.
“Who is that?” s/n cocks a brow, and before you could answer, your daughter interrupts, hitting his arm. “Ow!” “It’s the new daddy right?! Right? I’m right! Right..?” She smiled excitedly, and he couldn’t help but blush a bit. Dad..dy.. maybe one day? You couldn’t help but blush yourself, “this is my boyfriend karamatsu. Karamatsu this is s/n and d/n. Okay you two, clean up and make it quick.” You say as they both quickly nod, yelling a “nice to meet you!” Before cleaning up all the chip bags, clothes, and wires on the floor.
Karamatsu was having a trouble time acting cool in front of these teens. They were oozing with confidence, and that is intimidating. No matter HOW young they are. They are definitely your kids. They have your confidence, your talkative and mischievous personality, your teasing, everything. “Wait so what’s your job?” “Do you live by yourself?” “Do you have any siblings?”
“Kids..!” You looked at them with that stern look, and they quickly shut up. “Sorry!” S/n grins, “maybe we’re being a bit much..” he laughs sheepishly, as so does his sister. “We’re just excited!” She whines, and karamatsu only chuckles, saying that it was fine.. “I understand you have a lot of questions about dear old me..” he adjusts his shades, “I am a sextuplet.. I love with my brothers..” “woaaah!!” “Seriously?! You love them that much?”
“What about the job?” D/n pressed, and he sweats. “As for a job.. heh.. I..” he pauses. Oh god here it comes.
“I have no plans..!”
“Jeez you paused just for that?!” Your daughter says in annoyance, as your son laughs. “Hahahah! This guy is awesome!”
“Really? Awesome?” He asks, trying not to sound hopeful.
“Yeah!” They both say at the same time, smiling.
He had to stop himself from letting out a loud sigh of relief.
Choromatsu spits out his drink, gaping at you. “You have a WHAT?!” He just can’t believe it to be honest, but at least he won’t ever have to have a talk with you about having kids with you (a talk he was terrified of having) so he’s actually thankful you have children already. He was a bit nervous about meeting the two little girls, they were age 10 but they were little demons.
As you walked in the house, you yelled, “girls! I’m home!” and he saw two little girls run up to hug you “mommy/daddy!” You hugged them back, “hey girls.. you gonna say hi?” You gesture to the man behind you, and they back up from the both of you and they wave “hello!” “Hi!” The twins say at the same time. For some reason, he felt like he was in the same room as Todomatsu. Fake cuteness and kindness to it.. god you were so right, these two were gonna be absolute monsters weren’t they?
He was a lot more scared now rather than just plain nervous, however your girls were good at conversing with him despite their younger age, asking him what he likes to watch and stuff. Not really the .. adult stuff. Which he was thankful for, it’s not like they need to know he does nothing… right?
Well, that was until the younger twin said something. It’s always the youngest isn’t it?
“Oh… I… uhm… I don’t really have a job” he rubs the back of his neck, “oh! Why?” She asks, “uhm… because I.. don’t want to..?” He says honestly, and she looks to you “can I not work because I don’t feel like it?” she looks innocently, but you know her better than that, shaking your head no. “Awww!” She pouts, but smiles. “Well, that’s okay! You can just work at home or something, like .. uhm..” she thinks for a moment, the elder twin pops in “like a malewife!”
He felt his face grow red, malewife?
“Okay girls go set up the table for dinner!” You butt in, smiling.
“Okay!” They say in unison, running off, and you notice them giggling mischievously. You roll your eyes.
These two were gonna be a lot, he knew it. But instead of feeling scared, he felt happy, relieved even.
He was a part of a new family now.
Ichimatsu is surprised as well, a kid? Well it’s not like he minds it exactly, he secretly likes kids a lot.. besides this means he can technically have one of his own if he plays his cards right with you. Which hes much more determined to do. A young 12 year old boy, a 16 year old girl. He can’t wait to meet the two of them.
The younger one was… much more energetic, mischievous even. However, he will hand it to him for digging the color purple, as it was obvious from his dyed purple hair, black and purple striped skirt, (yes, your young boy was wearing a cute skirt), a stylish young boy full of confidence. Despite his smirk though, something about him had a similar aura to his own. Then there’s your daughter, complete opposite. Pink clothing to contrast her brother. With a permanent grumpy frown on her face, he assumed that was normal for her, which he wasn’t wrong about.
As he conversed with them for a bit, it seemed like he had a lot in common with the little boy. “Hehe~ I love cats! Big sis likes em too.. she likes to act all tough and like she doesn’t tho!” He said in a teasing tone as for once looks up from her phone and stops texting. “Not true!” She blushes a bit, and he laughs.
He can’t help but smile himself, making your son smirk with a bit of pride at making your intimidating boyfriend smile. He’s definitely been trying to show a good impression this whole time. Unlike your daughter who doesn’t care either way, she’s definitely like Ichimatsu in many ways.
Though by the end of the day, when he didn’t try conversing with her as much as your son she started putting in effort.
“I didn’t take you for an anime nerd.” Ichimatsu admits, “maybe you should meet my brother.” He says, referring to Choromatsu in particular. “Oh shit you have a brother?” “Yeah. Your mother/father didn’t tell you? I have like five brothers.” “Holy shit that’s horrible” your sister looks in disgust, as her younger brother just laughs at her dramatics.
Your daughter showed much more of her true personality upon the shock of him being a sextuplet, and he ended up chuckling at her ridiculousness.
He already loved the hell outta your kids.
“Cool! When do I get to meet them?!” Jyushimatsu asks rather excitedly, and it’s hard for you to be too surprised by that kinda reaction. Of course he didn’t care you had kids.. three, to be exact. Triplets, all three girls. Yeah.. all three. Originally, you had two girls and one boy, but things have changed, and that was just fine by you, who was once your eldest child and only son, was now your eldest daughter.
Jyushimatsu was eager to meet all three, they’re all 16 years old. The eldest, was the “chill” one of the three. She often likes to just relax and can be seen as overly patient and calm. The second, often with a bored or deadpan look, she reminded Jyushimatsu of Ichimatsu. And the third, who honestly was a spoiled brat, she was grumpy at times and she always got what she wanted.
He ended up talking to the girls a lot, talking about being a sextuplet, being a neet, and of course baseball. Your eldest listened, “oh that’s cool! I love baseball!” She went to get a picture showing him pictures she’s taken with famous baseball players, as the youngest rolls her eyes. The second eldest was as quiet as ever as your boyfriend and your eldest conversed about their similar interests, the youngest complaining, Jyushimatsu laughing it off.
He had lots in common with the youngest too, and was able to eventually gain her approval. He eventually talked with the second daughter about things, which was also nice. She seemed to like him. Your second eldest tended to be the shyer nervous type despite the cold exterior that she puts on, so she really liked such a friendly dude.
He seemed to really like them. And he was really good with them. You couldn’t help but think how sweet he was being, he’s always sweet but it’s different. He’s being different with them. It’s nice.. it’s good. He would be such a good dad.
You smile at the thought.
Todomatsu is certainly surprised that you have children. He’s curious to learn more about them too. “So when do I get to meet em!” He’ll excitedly ask, “whenever you wanna totty” you smile, “though, I must admit.. they can be a bit much sometimes” you rub the back of your neck and he gives you a deadpan look. “Have you met my brothers?”
Good point.
And that’s why he’s here now, talking to the three of your kids. Three identical twins!
Technically your son is the eldest, he’s a grumpy guy though. Always yelling or cursing at something, you think to yourself that maybe it’ll go away, he’s only 16. The other twin, your daughter, is much more outgoing and hyper, his complete opposite. And finally your youngest child. They were more of the silent, mysterious type, even shy.
The eldest was nonchalant with him and honestly you could tell your boyfriend was a bit nervous with him. You smack your son at the back of his head whenever he gave a backhanded comment. He didn’t like your boyfriend at first, but he kinda gave in. Only reason was when he noticed how he looked at you when you were helping your youngest with something, it was like that stupid I’m in love with my s/o look.
He got along with the second the most, she’s easy to get along with given her friendly personality. Besides, she is always in on the newest internet drama, she was bound to get along with him the most. She adores him. And of course, the youngest. The youngest got along with him quickly, actually thinking he was pretty cool. They liked his style, his being more pastel and pink, a huge contrast to their emo style. They weren’t as kept with drama but they definitely were in on clothing trends which they both conversed about. They warmed up to him and got out of their shell, even calling him totty by the end of the night along with your daughter, your son refusing to do that.
Seeing how each one of your kids interacted with totty, it was obvious they all liked him.
He was gonna fit in great with this family.
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iwaisa · 4 years
request. (Sorry if this is too angsty for you, just delete it if not!!) But could I request Kuroo, Bokuto, and Daichi with a reader (gender doesn't matter and hc or anything) whos more of a people pleaser, like they put anyone else's needs before their own? And then one day they just snap and they help the reader so I guess with a fluffy end?? Ty sorry again!! - anon
a/n. hey anon ! this is such a cute request (especially since i am a people pleaser lol) don’t be sorry! i’m here to write whatever your heart desires! i really hope i interpreted this correctly! also, there was no relationship specified, so i just assumed it was a romantic relationship. have an amazing day/night, anon! <3
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kuroo, bokuto, and daichi with a people pleaser s/o
- genre. angst to fluff
- pairings. kuroo, bokuto, and daichi x gender neutral reader
- warnings. none
- key. 
c/l/n - classmate’s last name
f/f/n - friend’s first name
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► now shuffling...
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kuroo sat in his classroom tapping his pencil against his desk as he waited for you - his s/o - to walk into class
what he didn’t expect to see was you being bombarded with people 
“l/n-san! please give me the answers to last night's homework!”
you attempted to wave off the group of people as you made your way to your seat, yet much to your dismay, the group didn’t disperse
“l/n-san please! i had basketball last night and i didn’t have enough time to do it!” another person spoke up
the others agreed, making lame excuses for why they were simply too lazy to complete a one-paged worksheet
kuroo rolled his eyes and pushed his chair out from under his desk, walking over towards you
he slung his arm around his shoulder, “‘morning, sunshine.”
you felt your heart stutter at the name, but you were quickly snapped out of your moment when someone leaned over your desk to continue pestering you
“l/n-san please, sensei is gonna give me detention if i don’t finish this homework!”
“and why couldn’t you do it?” kuroo chimed in
“i had baseball! i got home late and i was so exhausted-”
kuroo cut him off, “and you couldn’t find any time to do a single-paged worksheet?”
the boy was attempting to stutter out an excuse, but kuroo was not having it
“just leave my s/o alone. do the homework yourselves.”
“tetsu, it’s okay, i don’t mind,” you spoke up
the rest of your classmates began cheering as you handed them your worksheet
kuroo frowned at you, “f/n, i know you feel bad for them, but they’re only excuses, you know that right?”
you patted his head and assured him that you were okay with giving out your homework as long as you saw your classmates happy
this carried on for weeks; you would walk into class, and would instantly be bombarded with people asking for your homework
and each time, kuroo would watch as you instantly handed it over telling them that you would be happy to
kuroo has had enough; he couldn’t stand seeing his s/o being pushed around like that
after school, you and kuroo walked to the gymnasium for his volleyball practice, when a classmate approached you
“l/n-san! i won’t be able to do my homework tonight since i have dance, so can i please have your notebook!” your classmate bowed, hands clapped together above her head
you began reaching into your bag to pull said notebook out, until you felt a hand stop your movement
“c/l/n-san, i understand your schedule is busy, but i would appreciate it if you would stop guilt tripping my s/o into giving you the answers. they also have a very busy schedule, and it’s getting tiring seeing them be pushed around as if they aren’t human too,” kuroo said through gritted teeth
you stared at your boyfriend, wondering what had gotten into him
your thoughts were quickly interrupted when you felt kuroo pulling you into the gym
he turned around and wrapped his arms around you, “i hate seeing them use you like that, f/n.”
he nuzzled his face into your neck as you chuckled, “i promise i won’t let them do that anymore, tetsu. i’ve been getting better about saying no to people, as much as it hurts to see them sad.”
he nodded and pulled back, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your lips, “i’m glad to hear that.”
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you and bokuto walked down the hallways of fukurōdani high talking and laughing, until one of your friends walked up to you to confront you about missing out on a karaoke get-together
they continued scolding you as bokuto simply watched from the side, confused as to why your friend was talking to you like that
“i-i’m sorry f/f/n-san. i promise i’ll go to karaoke with you guys tonight!”
they continued the confrontation, even after you had already apologized
bokuto tilted his head in confusion as he watched you continue to apologize
he felt himself growing annoyed with your so-called friend’s constant condemning, so he took it upon himself to step in
“hey hey hey! they already apologized, what’s the big deal?” he asked while pulling you into his side
your friend just ignored bokuto, and continued to walk past, letting one more negative comment slip
bokuto watched as your figure seemed to deflate
“hey hey! emo mode is my thing, f/n! don’t be sad! they’re no good for you if they keep making you feel bad, y’know,” he pouted, crouching down in front of you
“i’m sorry, kou.”
he assured you it was okay, and the two of you continued walking to class with him rubbing circles into your back with his hand
however, this problem remained unsolved
your friend only continued to chastise you, and your mood was worse than ever
soon enough, the only thing you could find yourself saying was sorry
this also did not go by unnoticed by your loving boyfriend, who unfortunately was not there this time as your friend approached you
“f/n-san!” your friend whined
“what’s wrong?” you asked, tilting your head
“the notes you gave me were wrong! i just failed my chemistry test!” they continued
you took the notes and skimmed over them
“b-but i just wrote down what the teacher had on the board, h-how could they be wrong?”
your friend continued, “i don’t know! ugh, i just failed a super important test because of this!”
you felt tears welling in your eyes at your current predicament
“i-i’m sorry, f/f/n-san. i’ll take better notes next time,” you sobbed
“ugh. it’s fine. stop crying will you?”
“and stop apologizing! it’s annoying!”
your friend’s negative comments never ceased, and the tears continued streaming down your face
you looked up at your friend, only to see a familiar figure approaching from down the hall
“hey!!! f/n!!! i was looking for- h-hey! why are you crying?”
bokuto ran up to you and cupped your cheeks, wiping tear after tear away
“i-it’s my fault. i gave f/f/n-san the wrong notes. i’m sorry,” you choked out
bokuto asked to see the notes, and he read the pages
“but, these are the notes sensei told us to go over. these are the right notes!” he defended
“but i still failed my test because of your s/o! ugh! i knew i shouldn’t have trusted you to take the notes.”
bokuto felt his heart break at their comment
how could your ‘friend’ just say something like that? aren’t they supposed to be there for you? shouldn’t they be reassuring you that it was okay? shouldn’t they have taken their own notes in the first place?
bokuto’s mind ran at a mile a minute, until he turned around to face them
“you know, i would appreciate it a lot if you would stop terrorizing my s/o,” bokuto said darkly
he continued, “you’re no friend! you’re just using them! they’re trying their best and all you’re doing is criticizing them! you don’t deserve to be friends with someone as sweet as f/n!” 
with that, he grabbed your arm and dragged you off to a separate hallway
he pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and blotted at your face, “f/n, you don’t have to deal with them anymore, okay?” 
he continued comforting and reassuring you until you were fit to go back to class
you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before entering the classroom, earning yourself a very giddy boyfriend for the rest of the day
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your relationship with the captain of the karasuno volleyball team was smooth-sailing
the relationship between the two of you was nothing less than loving, and the two of you always supported each other
however, one thing daichi wished was different was that you would stop hiding your true feelings from him
he could read your face like a book; he knew exactly what emotion you were feeling at any given time, but you always brushed it off whenever he asked about it
it’s been six months since the two of you started dating, and he felt himself growing more anxious at the fact that at any given moment, all of your emotions would hit you at once and you would start breaking down
he wanted nothing more than to just be true to yourself and him
“hey, baby. how are you today?” daichi asked as you walked into the gymnasium
“i’m okay! how are you?” you gave him a quick kiss on the lips, but he didn’t fail to notice how your face seemed to be less expressive than usual
“are you sure you’re okay?” he questioned, cupping your face in his hands
“yeah, i’m fine! how are you?” 
he felt himself growing annoyed that you kept brushing his question off as if it were nothing
it seemed to him like you cared more about his well-being than your own
“i’m alright. did something happen today?” he kept pressing. no matter what, he wanted to get an answer out of you
“nope! how was practice?”
by this point, daichi’s blood was starting to boil. he wasn’t meaning to get mad at you, per se, he was getting angry at the fact that he felt so useless
he felt as if you were hiding something important from him - something he could most definitely help you with
he stopped walking, and he watched as you turned around and walked up to him, tilting your head
“f/n, i need to know if you’re actually okay. and please don’t lie to me.”
he watched your expression drop, and you furrowed your eyebrows
“w-why would you think something is wrong?”
he sighed, placing his hands on your shoulders
“i know you’re hiding something from me. and i’m not mad, i just want to be able to help my best friend and my s/o with anything that’s troubling them. so please, i want you to be honest.”
by now the tears were rushing down your cheeks, and daichi offered you a seat on a nearby bench
you waited until you could form coherent sentences until you began to narrate your god-awful day to your boyfriend
he listened carefully as you described your day; firstly, you woke up late so you were unable to eat breakfast, then you received a horrible grade on your test, and then you didn’t have any lunch money to buy food at the cafeteria. you were exhausted and you just wanted some food
daichi nodded his head as he reached into his bag to pull out a granola bar, which you accepted eagerly
“f/n, please don’t hesitate to admit whenever you’re feeling awful. it’s my job as your boyfriend to make you feel better, and i can’t do that when you’re hiding your feelings from me. promise me you’ll tell me when something’s bothering you?”
you nodded and hugged him, burying your face into his chest
“good,” he sighed in contentment as he watched you excitedly scarf down the rest of the granola bar
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello, my dear! I just stumbled upon you yesterday and read a good portion of your archive until 7 AM. I don't know if you know this, but you are an amazing writer. I seriously enjoyed reading everything you've written. If you're still taking requests, might I request two reactions, one for the IkeSen boys (Masamune, Hideyoshi, Nobu, Ieyasu and Yuki) and one for the IkeVamp boys (Comte, Leo, Arthur, Theo, and Napo) in which the femMC gets involved in a girl fight and she goes 21st c on them? ❤️
Hi, hi, dear! ❤ omw staaaaap ya making me blush😳😳😳 thank you so much for the kind words 🌻Thank you so much for the request! Hehehe I got super excited when I saw this!❤🌻 I think I’m gonna try and focus on HC this week! 🔥🦊Lol also as for the other Ikesen bois... I will post that HC tomorrow or the day after, hope you don’t mind, but I combined it with another pretty similar request! 😊🦋Hope you enjoy this, dear! And I hope you have a super good day! ❤
Headcanon: MC getting in a girl fight! feat; Comte, Leo, Arthur, Theo, and Napo
You and Comte had been in a relationship for a while now, so you were used to the lavish balls and endless nights spent socialising and dancing with your dearest love (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Tonight was another one of those occasions
Comte had invited you out to a ball hosted by a dear friend of his, except what he failed to tell you, was that this friend of his was actually a woman
⚆ _ ⚆
Now you were not the type of woman to lose your marbles over Comte having female friends
This woman was clearly trying to steal your man, right from under your nose (;一_一)
The moment the two of you had arrived at the venue, she was at the door to greet the two of you (◕▿◕✿)
She gave Comte her biggest brightest smile, and when she looked at you he eyes grew dark and her smile turned strained
“and who might this be my dear Comte?” she asked with a forced smile as she looked you up and down (◕⍸ ◕✿)
“Ah my apologies, it seems you have not yet heard the news, this is the love of my life,” Comte gave your cheek a quick kiss as he flashed you a charming smile ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
The hostess of the party was furious, she had, had her eye on Comte since the first day she met him, and now some stranger just swoops in from out of nowhere to steal him away (¬_¬)
As the night progressed you and Comte danced and chatted away, you started getting a little thirsty from all the dancing, so you looked up at his golden eyes, “I will be right back, just want to get some water.” 
Before Comte could offer to get some for you, you were already off to the drinks table 
He chuckled as he watched you weave your way through the crowed 
The hostess saw you break away from the crowd and decided that if she were to do something now would be the time.
“Hey you!” the woman yelled as you took a sip of water. “Who do you think you are stealing what is mine.” ╚(ಠ_ಠ)=┐
You looked up at the woman confusion painted on your face, she wasted no time leaning in close and while she dumped a glass of champagne out on top of your head she whispered, “stay away from Comte or else.”
“If you think I am going to stay away from my soulmate, then you have another thing coming.” You glared at the woman threateningly, if she wanted to fight you were ready ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
The woman blinded by rage, attempted to smack you across the face, little did she know, this wasn’t your first chick fight!
You caught her hand mid-air and pinned it to her back(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)
The woman then started screaming and tried hitting you with her other hand. 
You simply smiled and kicked her knees until they buckled, pinning her to the floor. (─‿‿─)
Just then Comte came over to see what was happening, as sometime during your argument a crowed had started to form around the two of you ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Comte’s eyes widened in surprise to see you sitting on top of the woman as you pinned her arms behind her back in an effort to restrain her
He rushed to your side to see if you were okay, “Ma Cherie, are you unhurt, oh dear your hair is all wet, come let’s get you cleaned up.” (◕▿◕✿)
He gently took your hand in his, smiling at the way you managed to take down the woman without even throwing a punch 
So, it is no secret that before meeting you, Arthur had had a few laps around the block, if you catch my drift (~˘▾˘)~
He was an incredibly well-known flirt and well clearly some woman still didn’t take your relationship with the Arthur seriously
They low key thought you were just some one night stand, yet little did they know Arthur was serious about you (°ロ°)☝
The two of you were leisurely strolling through the markets with Vic
When suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere a beautiful woman appeared and tackled Arthur in a big hug planting a kiss straight on his lips ʘ‿ʘ
This of course had you pissed (눈_눈)
Arthur gently pushed the lady off him and gave you an apologetic smile before turning back to the woman, “Beth, I would like to introduce you to my dearest love, the one who had stolen this old playboys heart.” ಠ‿↼
The woman scoffed slightly at the statement, “Surely this can’t be true Arthur, I give it two weeks with this drab little thing and you will be out on the rebound.” She looked you up and down, disgust clear as day on her face ¬_¬
“Why don’t you ditch this little girl and come and have some fun with me and the girls,” she said with a flirty unfaltering smile (^̮^)
Before Arthur could do anything you pulled the woman away from Arthur and glared daggers at her, “Perhaps you didn’t hear him, he is in a happily committed relationship and if he is in need of a night companion I am more than capable of fulfilling that role, thank you.” your tone was authoritative and slightly possessive ノಠ_ಠノ
Yet the woman continued, “Oh I heard him alright, and I stick by what I said,” she got up real close and personal as she whispered in a taunting tone, “he will leave you within the week sweetheart and come crawling back to me.” (¬‿¬)
You honestly snapped, and before you knew it you punched her smack in the face, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief for a moment, before a dark look closed over her face  (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
She fought back, and soon the two of you were engaged in a full-blown chick fight  (ง'̀-'́)ง
Some bystanders help Arthur in pulling the two of you apart, “Come, love, she is not worth it.” (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
Arthur now had you held in a tight hug, restraining your arms from throwing any more punches (σ≧∀≦)σ
Soon the police got wind of the fight and started running to the scene with the intention of catching and locking up all those who was involved in causing the ruckus.
Arthur quickly grabbed your hand and dashed away with you trailing behind him, he ducked into one of the alleyway holding you tight in his arms  ᕕ(╯°□°)ᕗ
“You are quite the little bobcat aren’t you love,” he said while looking down at you wearing the most dashing smiles ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You let out a loud sigh, “I can’t believe I got into a fight, over a flirt none the lest,” you then started laughing, you really couldn’t believe you got into a fight over your possessiveness of your playboy boyfriend  (◕‿◕✿)
Arthur then burst out laughing at the thought of you being so jealous of the woman and fighting for his honour, “ahaha, I must say Luv your jealous face is, A-DOR-A-BLE.” (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
The two of you continued to laugh in the alley over the little incident
You and Leo were out strolling around the streets of Paris helping people, as per usual (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You were enjoying the relaxing stroll in the summer sun when all of a sudden a woman bumped into you 
She gave you one look up and down and scoffed
As she made her way past you, she whispered in you ear, “filthy commoner.” ◉_◉
Your eyes widened as you looked back and watch her walk-off
Sensing your slight distress Leo squeezed your hand and stole your lips in a quick kiss, “Pay her no mind Cara mia, yes, she clearly is uncomfortable from the stick so far up her butt.” ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
You laugh as the Italian tried to lighten the mood with the phrase you had taught him after encountering a very rude woman at one of Comte’s balls
After a full day of helping people you and Leo were exhausted (*ノω-)
The two of you walked back down the familiar road, slowly making your way back to the mansion 
When the smell of coffee filled your senses
You smiled over at Leo who also caught a whiff of the delicious hot drink, “Would you like one, Cara mia,” you smiled and nodded finding a park bench to sit on, to rest for a moment (◕‿◕✿)
That is when the rude lady from before stormed up to you
“Found you, you thieving street rat,” you looked at the woman super confused ಠ▃ಠ
“Thought you could steal my brooch and get away with it,” you were now even more confused, but the woman was not backing down getting even closer to your face and spitting out more accusations ლಠ益ಠ)ლ
“Ooooh if you didn’t steal it then what is that?” she said pointing to a small brooch of a butterfly that Leo had gifted you a while back.
“Give it back, and i’ll forget this little incident ever happened” she said in a matter of fact tone as she folded her arms (¬_¬)
You covered the brooch with your hand and thought for a moment, “No this was a gift from my Compagno, it is not my fault you were careless with your belongings” you said meeting her challenging gaze (¬_¬)
That is when the woman reached out and decided to take the brooch by force
Of course things escalated, and you were now in a full-blown fight with the woman (=゚ω゚)つ)゚∀゚)
Leo spotted the two of you fighting and his eyes widened in shock, he paid for the coffee’s and strolled up to where you were fighting (ʘᗩʘ')
He contemplated helping you for a minute but then decided to let you handle the situation on your own, as you were a “strong independent woman.” 。◕‿‿◕。
And strong and independent you definitely were, it took no time at all for you to end the fight and come out victorious 
You dusted off your hands and looked at the woman who was now being held back by a companion of her own. The man looked at you apologetically for his partner’s behaviour and accusations, to which you just gave a simple shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“brava cara mia,” Leo said with a lazy smile as he handed you your coffee
The two of you continued your leisurely walk home, as you told Leo about the few fights you had gotten into back in the future 
The two of you were out in the bar as per usual after a long days work at the art gallery 
Theo was rather popular among the woman of the bar ಠ_ಠ
Well who wouldn’t be with a wingman like Arthur
The two of you liked each other, yet neither of you had confessed your feeling for each other yet 
So in the eyes of the woman at the bar he was a free man (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
“Oi Theo, watch my drink ill be right back, just need to quickly run to the ladies room.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It wasn’t even two-seconds after your departure, that a woman stole your seat and decided to pounce on the rugged man
Theo being Theo, ignored the woman but when she refused to leave he decided to say something, “If you haven’t noticed mutt that seat is taken,” he glared daggers at the woman as his frown deepened ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
“Tsk just what was taking his hondjie so long” (;一_一)
You returned from the bathroom to see a woman laughing and touching Theo’s hand, honestly you were gonna kill that woman and then you were ganna kill Theo ಠ_ಠ
“well well what have we here, I’m gone for a minute, and you already replaced me with a new drinking partner (¬_¬)
The woman turned around and looked at you, you could tell by the redness of her eyes that she was obviously drunk
You reach past her to grab your drink
Thinking this was an attack the woman punched you in the stomach, “bad move” you said gritting your teeth from the pain ╚(ಠ_ಠ)=┐
You then pulled her by the shoulder until she was successful of your seat, not giving up the woman grabbed a glass intending to break it over your head. o(メ・・)=日☆
Luckily for your quick reflexes, you dodged the attack with ease, but the small squabble had now turned into a full-blown brawl.
You were going 21st century on her ass. (*'Д')ノシ)゚ロ゚)
Things got so heated that Theo had to pull the two of you apart and hold you back, thankfully the bartender helped Theo by grabbing hold of the woman. ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Theo carried you out the bar like a sack of potatoes, “Geez what are you hondjie, some kind of a junkyard dog.” Although his tone was harsh, he was wearing a big smirk  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Definitely low key impressed him that you could hold your own in a fight
You and Napoleon were out teaching the street kids how to read and write
It was a nice sunny day and during the break you decided to sit on the park bench and soak up some summer sun (◠‿◠✿)
You watched the children play with Napoleon, jumping on his back and swinging on his arms
Quickly losing interest in climbing all over the former French emperor like a jungle gym some of the kids started to play a game of tag
You smiled watching the children run around with a carefree smiles on their faces (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
Just then a noble lady came strolling down the street, most likely on her way to some or other fancy boutique (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)
Immersed in the game of tag, a small little girl, ran straight into the woman. 
Big doe eyes stared up at the noble lady as the little girl started apologising profusely.  (。◕‿◕。)
The noble lady however wore an incredibly displeased frown on her face, “Why you filthy little street rat, have you any idea who I am.” ಠ_ಠ
The woman than griped her umbrella tightly and swang it back, “Clearly a lashing is in order to compensate for your filthy little hands ruining my expensive dress.”  (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
You ran as fast as your feet could carry you, you made it just on time to catch the umbrella before it struck the child, “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size you prissy little missy” you said with a dangerous smile ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
“Don’t threaten me you, you disgusting peasant, perhaps I shall teach the both of you a lesson you won’t soon forget,” the woman let go of the umbrella and swang her fist toward your face 
Thankfully you had been spending most of your time with Napoleon an excellent boyfriend and an even better fighter 
After weeks of nagging he finally gave you some self-defence classes, even teaching you how to wield a sword
You easily dodged her every attempt to hit you, taunting her every time she failed to land a punch (p゚ロ゚)==p)`д)
Just than you heard Napo call out your name, you turned your attention to him for a second, giving the woman the perfect opening to land a punch
She kicked your knees causing you to go down, as you fell you grabbed hold of the woman pulling her down with you
As the two of you rolled around on the ground, you gave this woman a 21st-century beat down, one which she would never forget. 
(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)
The children stated to circle the two of you, cheering you on (≧∇≦*)
Napoleon legit sprinted to your side and watched you beat down the prissy noble, he honestly had no words
He simply watched as you pinned her down and pushed her face in the dirt, “Yield” you simply said giving the woman an out to the fight. 
Yet she remained silent trying her hardest to struggle in your grasp, “Yield and apologise to the little girl for the way you treated her.” (≖︿≖✿)
Eventually the woman relented, “Fine, I yield.” You loosened your grip slightly wearing a smug smile, “and aren’t you forgetting something.”
The noble lady stood up with a huff and dusted herself off, she apologised under her breath and limped off  (T_T)
Napoleon looked at you with a stern expression, “what was this all about nunuche” Before you could explain the little girl ran and tackled you in a hug “Merci for protecting me” (。◕‿◕。)
Napoleon watched the girl hug you and started laughing, “I’m glad to see the self-defence classes paid off,” he ruffled your hair and gave you a big smile, “Good job giving that woman a-, what do you call it again-, ah yes… a twenty-first century smackdown.”(。◕‿◕。)
I hope you enjoyed this, dear! And thanks again for the request! 🦋🌻🌈
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caescloud · 4 years
How about some shiggy fluff with a reader that has an emotion reading quirk and she just sees how broken he is and wants to help him and he’s just like ???? What’s this? Human decency? Tomura.exe has stopped working
Anon, I almost leapt out of my chair when I got your ask because not only is your brain huge, you made me think of my oc who has pathokinesis for a quirk! So thank you for an awesome prompt, I’ll do my best to explore this topic! There are some liberties I’m taking so let me know if this is slightly out of the scope of what you wanted the power to be portrayed as, I can adjust it. And I went with two routes for this one, hope that’s alright! Also, spoilers for the content covered up until about chapter 246!
Emotion/Empathy Quirk!Reader x Shigaraki, Fluff Hcs
As someone with a quirk that allows you to literally emphasize with other people, it’s hard to ignore those who are in distress. As a member of the League, you regularly are among companions whose more negative emotions you pick up on. Shigaraki is no exception to this. For all he does to mask his feelings, be it out of repressing his deepest memories or simply not willing to let himself feel the more somber emotions, Shigaraki has his days.
Approaching Shigaraki when you sense this emotional shift in him may play out depending on how close you two are. I feel that either way, he will be wary of someone who can instantly know the extent of what he’s feeling without knowing the context- it’s this perception he has of being “seen” and vulnerable, but not on his own terms. For this reason I wouldn’t recommend opening anything major; start small,  a simple “I noticed you’ve been off, I’m here to listen if you need it.” (The second set of hcs are more fluffy than the first, I swear! )
If you’re not as close yet:
“Your vibes are off my guy” /j 
You likely noticed his mood around when you first met him, the childish glee at the prospect of carrying out villainous schemes, the apathy felt for society, the frustration when things went awry, and this...undercurrent of intensely negative energy.
Your intentions are truly straightforward when you discover him
Had you not had the quirk you had, you likely would have missed the sudden “peak” of distress one night. Shigaraki experienced a rather nasty nightmare that sent him for a bit of an inner spiral. The LOV base was small enough that you could sense him despite being in separate rooms, the feelings of fright and melancholy were too palpable for you to ignore. You could sense when emotional activity subsides when people are asleep but Shigaraki didn’t seem to fall back asleep that night. You had difficulty yourself and made a note to confront him in the morning, when he’d likely be moving around while the others wouldn’t.
Shigaraki is aware of your quirk and how it works; he is the leader who is responsible for knowing key information regarding subordinates. What he didn’t expect, and may have subconsciously hoped you wouldn’t do, is “pry” into him after an episode. 
SO in addition to that plus being in a sour mood that following morning, he may be more snappy and curt when you approach him. He doesn’t feel it’s your business nor something you should be spending energy on. He’s not really in a headspace to discuss what he dreamt about or exactly know how to put it into words; he’d likely tell you to move on because that’s what he’s doing. 
Ball is in your court at this point; sticking around him may not be the best move unless you’re going to be quiet while he soothes his thoughts on his own; having anyone around him may be more of irritation/distraction than a comforting presence. If you do try to get him to keep talking, he’s gonna flat out leave the bar in a bit of a huff to blow off steam. If you leave yourself, best not to do so in a way that makes it seem like you’re mad at him? It’s not that he’s really concerned with how you’re feeling per se, this is more of a long-term behavior. Calmly letting him know you will respect his boundaries and telling him you’ll be around let’s him know that you’re a mature enough individual which is pretty big for him. Even if he doesn’t remark on it then and there; he’s all about those little details when it comes to people. 
Even if at this moment he doesn’t especially appreciate “someone nosing around” in his head, he can’t completely ignore your intentions. You’re not on thin ice, but he’s gonna maintain a bit of a guard around you until there’s more trust solidified. After all, he can’t be scaring off competent allies like you when he needs ‘em this early on. 
If there is trust/a relationship between you two:
You two have a much better rapport with each other this time around. Between fighting alongside each other, going through shared struggles and trials, those rare late-night chats you’ve had, Tomura and you are far closer now than ever before. 
You are a valuable ally of his and someone who he lowered his walls down ever so slightly more for. As mentioned above, the fact you respected his boundaries early on while maintaining your welcoming presence has served you well in this area. If it’s you asking him about his troubles, that’s okay. You’ve seen him at some pretty harsh lows and still stayed by him and everyone. 
Heck, even prior to this, you’ve already begun to notice a change in Tomura and how he’s been acting since the Kamino incident. Showing his face and apparent care for the LOV will also likely factor into him feeling more comfortable around you as well. After losing AFO and Kurogiri, this point stands even stronger. The league is his family, you’re a part of that too of course. But out of everyone, there’s a unique bond between the two of you. 
So when you approach him as a result of the impossible to ignore feelings of turmoil, not that he’s outwardly showing this, you do so with the same, genuine concern you held the first time this happened. This is someone who you’ve gotten to understand hasn’t had much of a break when it comes to basic human kindness in most of his life. And he is also someone you truly care for, no strings attached. (Hard not to when you’ve been exposed to his innermost feelings after all.) 
He’s clearly trying to hold himself together in the aftermath of Kamino; he seems to be clutching desperately onto himself as a way to ground. The loss of AFO and Kurogiri is taking its mental toll and while the others have opted to give him space, you chose to go to him; hopeful of any comfort you could give in order to soothe the ferocious panic and frustration sweeping over his mind.
Once again you offer him your ear, a shoulder, your words if he’d rather listen to someone else talk instead to take his mind off. He doesn’t brush you off this time but also doesn’t say too much. He stares very intensely at you, searching for a trace of judgement or gratuitous pity and finding none. Despite everything, you two fall into a comfortable silence, that hand you’ve placed on his shoulder acting as an anchor.
The next time this happens is after the battle with the MLA
The base you’re in is more lavish, fitted with more space and rooms for it’s members to reside in. However, you’re still able to sense Tomura’s emotions go completely haywire. The intense loneliness, fright, anger, and sadness crash into you and pull you under.
You don’t realize you’re moving until you’re outside his door, softly calling his name, sensing he’s alert and awake now. You almost feel this will play out as it did nearly a year ago until the door slowly creaked open, a single red eye gazing right through you. You’re about to speak when he reaches for you and pulls you in.
Huh. This is the first time he’s literally reached out for you, a fleeting thought. It’s dark and you’re unable to see him, but you feel the slight tremor wracking his frame and grip. You’re thankful it’s as dark as it is because you don’t want him to see your tears; whenever someone is feeling as badly as he is at the moment, your quirk can have the impact of flooding your emotions, especially if your control is not at its peak.
“Tomura, I’m here for you. I’m ready to help, tell me what I can do,” you muster in your most soothing and level voice, masking your outward emotions well. He is still wordless but moves you and him over to where his bed is, guiding you both down onto the mattress. A low sigh leaves his lungs as he tries to compose himself, grip still around your wrist. You feel your way over to the hand that’s holding you, carefully maneuvering the fingers off and transferring his hand properly into both of yours. You work mindless patterns and pressures over the appendage, further trying to physically calm him.
It starts with an utterance of the words “bad dream, family, my sister-”. He doesn’t go into very descriptive detail but with the way he’s feeling and how he’s speaking, you know it’s nothing pleasant. “They’re gone, it’s done. So why do I still...have these ridiculous visions of them?”
Your heart has ached hearing the way he talks; whether he realizes the extent of his words, when he talks about others and himself or his past, you feel compelled to be open with him.
What happens next almost shatters your heart because he asks you not to go. He’s done talking about his dreams and the past, his fingers are itching to go at this neck, and he’s just tired. When you pull him into your embrace, him mindful of where his hands fall, he surprisingly accepts it. 
You’ve got him and you’re not letting go, gently smoothing over his hair to further placate him. He’s definitely feeling better than when you’ve found him. You only begin to drift off when you feel him truly calm down and go limp in your arms. No one dares to say anything the next morning when the future king has skipped out on a meeting.
He’s not going to say this out loud but he is truly grateful you treated his emotions with the care he didn’t realize they needed from someone like you.
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