#not that R is okay w them dying whenever over and over again or as if he doesnt care. seen in s4 hes a lot more careful w the boys
cloneslugs · 10 months
ik rusty and brock are very nonchalant about the clones 19 years down the line but i do think the first time they had to use them must have been awful, assuming jonas sr didn't have it perfected/completed for rusty . the clone slugs are one thing, but the computer housing their memories/selves (the computerized [souls]) is a whole different mess, plus it also just means watching your kids die (for the first time) . and it's not like competent clones are a thing you can test for. sure you can check that the slugs are functioning and healthy, but it's not like you can test your backup data is gonna work bc once you put that into a slug then it's not a clone slug anymore, now it's your son, and neither of you are gonna kill your son . one of you is supposed to keep those kids alive (well really both of you, but one of you is specifically hired for it) & one of you is such a failure in all things science, all you can do is hang on to your father's coattails and hope he keeps you afloat, but you call these slugs your life's work. and sure your dad was doing some clone research when he was alive, but these boys arent his, they're yours. And you dont want to be your father as a father you want to be your father as a scientist, and you make these clones because you're a father, not because you're a scientist . etc etc dont know where i was going w this . rips off my shirt to show off another shirt that says "ask me about my ideas on the vital relationships related to clone slug twin sons"
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gyuluster · 3 years
one last present | (f)
“Soobin gifts you something unusual, but oddly perfect.”
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oneshot | established relationship! au | 1.7k words
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s u m m a r y : soobin has one last birthday present to spoil you with, and you certainly did not expect it.
w a r n i n g s : literally just fluff, so much fluff, soobin is best boyfriend, a little nerd information about animal disease but nothing too grim, a little kiss at the end ):
a u t h o r ‘ s  n o t e : hello hi this sounds all over the place but idc because it’s @soobmint birthday and this is tailored very much to her liking anyway happy birthday chae i love u so much <3
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The said boy furrowed his brows, bottom lip jutting out slightly at your words. Despite the image being extremely adorable, you refused to submit.
Choi Soobin had spoiled you enough.
“But, ____,” he began, getting up from the sofa the both of you were cozily settled upon. A few of the opened presents fell on the carpeted floor from his lap, and, letting out a noise, he instantly dropped to his knees, picking up the objects.
“No buts!” you exclaimed, crossing your arms. “You’ve gifted me half the shopping mall! You can’t expect me to accept more!”
The pout was more prominent with every word of refusal. “Honey,” he murmured, and the endearment had your heart skipping a beat. He propped the fallen presents atop the coffee table before you, standing up straighter once again. “I like buying you gifts. I mean, It’s your birthday after all.”
Indeed it was so. Of course you knew, but your boyfriend made sure that you never forgot — the excitement which radiated from him these past few weeks almost became unbearable, knowing he was planning all these lavish outings and presents, but you could not help but go along with his wishful preparation. His pure, unadulterated joy at wanting to make your birthday as special as possible truly touched your heart.
“And plus, after this one, there are no more.” 
When you answered him with a raised brow, quite unconvinced, he raised his fist into the air, a little finger erecting. “Pinky promise.”
“Pinky promise, huh?” You could not help a small smile escaping. “That serious?”
Nodding, he hovered the finger closer to you. “This present will be your absolute favourite.”
Looping your own pinky with his, he helped you off the sofa, making sure you didn’t drop any of the gifts around you. Then, wrapping the rest of his fingers around your hand, he led you out of his living room.
Taking a long journey into the hallways, you both turned to the kitchen, a vast marble sensation of countertops and island bars, courtesy of his parents’ wealth. Catching sight of the wall-length, transparent doors, Soobin held out his free hand, careful to be quiet as he opened the doors into the nature beyond.
The Choi’s garden was another world entirely — perhaps bigger than his house, a fine collection of all the fruit trees, bushes and flowers, scattered upon the lush grass, freshly trimmed this morning. You closed the door after you stepped into the cool evening air, the sun on its way to descent below the horizon.
“Where is this present, Soobin?” you asked him, curious as to why he steered you outside. He only answered with a knowing smile, converse quiet against the grass, hand on yours unwavering.
Your confusion only grew as, swiping past the trail of gran old oaks and birches, you ended up upon the small pond right at the end of your boyfriend’s garden. It shimmered with the golden light of the dying sun, a few crickets resonating around its edges. The little reservoir was your favourite place inside his domain, a lilting peace always exuding from the calm waters, lapping against the slight bank. 
However, as your eyes wandered, there was a new addition, settled beside the pond. “What is this?” you wondered out loud, gazing over the small, wooden structure, slightly bigger than a sandcastle. Its detail was incredibly intricate, a tall arc carved out in the front, a moving creature fidgeting at the edge. The roof was slanted, like that of a miniature cabin, and your previous interest had only heightened, tugging on the sleeve of Soobin’s white shirt.
“Stay here,” he said, letting go of your hand for a moment. Carefully stepping along the edges of the pond, he kneeled next to the wooden construction, leaning in as his hands slid inside the open doorway. You crept a step closer, craning your head forward to catch a glimpse, but when you saw your boyfriend murmuring sweet nothings to the unknown inside, you stopped.
That was when he brought his hands out, now very much occupied. 
A gasp escaped you at what was revealed.
Two small ducklings snuggled in the folds of Soobin’s hand, making soft quacking noises as his finger stroked each of their heads softly. Your face morphed into one of infinite tenderness as a smile curled instantly upon his lips at the reaction.
Slowly, as not to disturb the animals, he walked over to you, eyes never leaving their faded yellow coats. Only when he stepped before you he looked up, sharing some of his elation within your gaze.
“My last present,” he declared. Hovering his full hands closer to you, he added, “Here.”
You did not dare answer him, holding your hands out as, ever so gently, Soobin dipped the ducklings into your care. Their webbed feet clung onto your palms as they curled against you, welcoming your warmth. Your nerves had to be thanked for that, rising with each caress of their feathers against your skin. 
Your eyes lifted to the boy before you.
He was not wrong at all — this really was your favourite present. “How…” you got out, but of course he knew, of course he knew that you had wanted these creatures for so long. 
It wasn’t exactly a secret that you wanted ducks — it was certainly a bizarre first pet to have, but you always found these types of birds adorable. Whenever you and Soobin would walk through the parks in your city, you would rush to the waterworks within nature, and stare at the families of ducks for hours on end. Sometimes, the poor boy had to haul you out of the forests, but he always found his heart turning in on itself whenever he stole a glimpse of your excited smile.
So when he ended up in the animal shelter one day, weeks before tonight, in search of these animals, he saw these two baby ducklings, and instantly made sure to whisk them away within his pond, hiding them and their little cabin from your curious footsteps. 
Until this day. When now, they nearly slept with the gentle stillness you kept them in.
He could see it in your eyes. You were already in love with them.
“What…” you gulped, thumbs caressing their tiny heads. “What did you name them?”
Soobin’s hand crept up to his neck, scratching awkwardly. “You better not laugh.”
You narrowed your brows. “Why?”
He pointed at the left duckling. “So this one is Aristotle,” he began, awaiting your teasing, “And this one—” pointing to the right, “—is called Plato.”
There was a long silence before you burst into soft laughter. 
“Hey!” he exclaimed, locking his hands behind his back. “I told you not to laugh.”
“I’m sorry, baby!” you gasped out, grinning. “I didn’t realise one semester of Greek Philosophy could change you this way.”
“Stop!” he whined, stepping closer as he observed the slumbering ducklings. “I don’t know, I just really liked the ring of it, okay?”
“Awww, don’t worry, Soobs,” you reassured him, nudging his leg with your foot. “I like the names.”
It was his turn to give you the unconvinced raise of his brows. “I’d bring out my pinkie, but my hands are a bit occupied.”
Satisfied, he nodded, watching you tend to your living gift with your fingers. “There’s something a little wrong with them, ____.”
Smile fading, you glanced up at him. “What do you mean?”
He crossed his arms. “The lady at the shelter mentioned some time of...preen malfunction?” 
You knew exactly he was inferring to. “Malfunctioning preen glands?” Your fingers brushed against the base of the ducklings’ tails, feeling an odd texture around their feathers. “I researched this while I was looking for ducks as pets. It means that their feathers don’t dry properly, which can be really dangerous for them.”
“Oh my God,” he muttered. “I should have looked into it further!” He groaned, swiping away his hair from his line of sight. “How am I going to take care of them properly?”
Your stare upon him seemed to calm him down. “Soobin, it’s okay.” Gingerly, you patted their backs. “I know how to treat this.”
“I’m sorry for putting this responsibility on you, honey,” he mumbled, taking one final step to you before planting his hands on your shoulders. “I wanted you to have some ducklings, but seeing these sick ones just...it did something within me.
“I felt like I had to get them somewhere safe, ____. And the only safe haven I could think of was you.”
Your eyes widened, his touch all the more prevalent. Soobin noticed, cocking his head. “What are you looking at me like that for?” 
His hands crept up, sliding from your neck to hold your face in his slender fingers. “Do you not realise that I associate you with all the good things in the world?”
You swallowed a lump in your throat, refusing to let the sting of tears win over you. “There’s a reason I presented you with the ducklings, honey. If you’re so good to me, then little Plato and Aristotle will forever be loved.”
Oh, God. How could you fight the waterworks after that?
Raising upwards, you closed your eyes as you captured Soobin’s lips, insides singing at how he welcomed the touch. His fingertips stroked your cheeks as he leaned further into the kiss, moving against your mouth like a lovestruck fool, yearning for you and everything you represented. 
As the sun fully descended, you opened up slightly for him, the boy clinging onto your bottom lip till a soft moan escaped you, causing him to lose nearly all of his senses. He might have gone further, may have teased his tongue along the swell of your mouth, but he held back. 
If it weren’t for the creatures nestled in your hands, he would have dared, but he pulled back, breathing a little panted as his thumb caressed the apple of your cheeks. 
“Happy Birthday, ____,” he whispered, eyes swirling with lifelong affection.
“I love you, Soobin,” you replied, lips curving upwards.
Then you looked down at the slumbering ducklings, smile growing.
And I love you two, too.
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
Flightless Birds Chapter Four: Birds of a Feather
Chapter One Here
Chapter Two Here
Chapter Three Here
Chapter Five Here
Summary: Y/n wakes up in their new home, and learns the rules of living with Hawks. But it makes them sick to their stomach to have to keep their eyes open here.
Word Count: 3K Words
Warnings: abuse, mentions of drugs, gaslighting and manipulation, extreme toxic behavior, abuse, choking, crying, mentions of rape and sexual assault, vomiting, PTSD, abusive parents, PTSD flashbacks, physical abuse, cliffhangers
Other: I’m so sorry this took forever to come out, I had a shit ton of other drafts I was working on. Reader has enough hair to pull on. 
Flightless Birds Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @cathy8taffy @1small-frogs @catcherisvibin @waffleareniceandfluffy @mandalorian-baby-bird @theblueslytherin @hawksadmirer @assassinslittlesister @deepcollectorphantom @thesubtlewhore
Sharp white snakes of fire were shooting up your spine, but the rest of your body was ice cold. You wanted to scream, but you just didn’t have the strength to. Your whole body was so heavy, you felt like a rock falling beneath the waves, drowning helplessly as the person who threw you in laughed.
Who was laughing?
Behind the laughter was music, you listened to all the notes, beautiful Cs, Ds, Es, and Fs tied together in half steps. 
Of course it was in minor key.
It wasn’t a song or an artist you recognized though, and it didn’t sound like it was coming from a phone or speaker. 
Someone was playing the piano.
You needed to open your eyes. 
But fuck it if it wasn’t gonna l be difficult. 
You felt like your body was made of lead, and opening your eyes was going to be like lifting a truck.
A bright blob of white light pierced your pupils as you peeled back your eyelids, finally seeing your surroundings.
There was a flat white ceiling staring down at you, and a silver fan was whirring away, white light burning your retinas.
The walls were light blue, clean and bright. It looked fresh, the room still smelled like paint. You hissed, pushing yourself up to a sitting position. As you moved, you felt something soft brush against your neck.
You slowly lifted one hand to your neck, grabbing at it. You felt leather and metal pressing against your palm. A soft feather was attacked to a small metal loop. You tugged on it, trying to detach it from your collar.
It wouldn’t budge.
You let go of the feather, letting your arm flop to your side. You felt exhausted, and everything was so foggy. What the hell was happened? Where were you? Where was Izanagi?
You heard a loud creak, and the realization hit you that the music had stopped. When did it stop?
“I-Izanagi?” You whimpered, trying to focus your eyes on the blurry figure in front of you. You saw tanned skin, something yellowish on their head, and two large red blobs behind them.
You heard the person coo, and felt their gentle fingers on your face, tilting you up by the chin.
“No no, Izanagi’s not here, my dear~” you felt your blood run cold, and you attempted to push the creature away. He was like a rock wall, unmoving and unaffected.
“No-“ you whimpered “please go away!” 
“Tsk tsk tsk” your vision was slowly starting to clear, the only thing blocking you from seeing your captor clearly were the tears building up in your widened eyes. 
“I’m not going to leave my love alone like this, now should I? That would be so irresponsible of me~” his voice was calm, smooth like honey, and it made you want to scream. “I’ve worked so hard to get you here, I need to make sure you feel so comfortable! That’s why I’m here~”
“Hawks.” His golden eyes lit up when you murmured his hero name. He nodded happily. 
“Yes, yes you recognize me! The drug must have worn off for the most part by now… how do you feel?” His face was awfully close to you, and his hot breath fanned out over your face.
“Scared, please let me go.” You muttered. He sighed, shaking his head.
“Dumb little birdy.” He tutted. “You shouldn’t go outside, y’know. Too dangerous for a pretty little thing like yourself! Tell me how you feel.”
“I feel like leaving.” You were slowly regaining your physical strength, and your eyes darted to every corner of the room. There was a window, locked and boarded up. There was the door, wide open. 
Just outside you could see a hallway, a little dark table with a vase on it. You could run out there, grab the vase and smash it. You could threaten him with it and maybe get to the front door, wherever that was.
You felt Hawks’ hand lower from your face to your chin, squeezing your cheeks together so your lips poked out in a cute pout. He pressed his forehead against yours, and you could feel him growling.
“I said, you’re not fucking leaving. Did I not make myself clear?” You sniffled pitifully.
“You’re scaring me, Hawks.” You whined. He softened again, letting go of you and leaning back.
“I’m so sorry, Baby Bird. Don’t you worry though, so long as you listen to me, I won’t have to be scary again.” You nodded, moving quickly to smack him hard in the nose and dash towards the door.
Your collar tightened around your neck, something pulling you backwards. You collapsed to the ground with a choked out gasp, arms flying to your neck to relieve yourself of the pressure.
Of course there was a leash tying you to the bed.
You tried to scream, but your throat was closing up from the pressure on your neck. Your tears finally flooded down your cheeks as you writhed pathetically on the floor.
Your eyes found Hawks, carelessly crouching above your wriggling, dying body. He sighed, wiping away one of your tears.
“See what happens when you disobey?” He lifted your head with his hands, pressing a soft kiss to your nose. “You get hurt. That’s why you gotta listen to me. Promise you’ll listen to me?”
“I promise!” You barely managed to get the words out between your sobbing and choking. You saw his face stretch into a lazy smile as he loosened your collar.
Your body fell limp as your lungs sucked in air. You gasped, coughing and crying as your hands reached for something to hold, eventually landing on his hands.
Hawks helped you to your feet, sitting you down on the bed. His hands rested on either side of your thighs as he studied your tear-stained face.
You kept your eyes on your lap, shaking. You didn’t want to be here, tortured by this sadistic bird. You wanted to go home, you wanted Izanagi. 
“Please sir, I want to go home!” You cried. His face twitched.
“As much as I live for you calling me ‘sir,’ you’re not going anywhere. This is your home now.”
“I want Izanagi.”
“I’m not going to hurt you unless you disobey, so there’s no need to be scared.” He started. “And I must say, you should feel guilty. You shouldn’t have been staying so close to Kouten Yuu and Izanagi Fujikawa. You’re probably cold because I have the AC on. Now that light feeling is from that drug I gave you back at the police station.”
“Ask for another man again and I’ll kill him.” Well that sure shut you up quick. 
“So tell me. How do you feel? And look at me when you answer.” You slowly lifted your head, rubbing your arms to stop your shaking.
You met his eyes.
“I… I feel scared. And- and guilty. And I- I’m so cold. And I feel- I feel kind of light chested? Like- like my lungs are full of helium and have lifted up sort of- I don’t know, I’m- I’m so sorry, please don’t hurt me!” You shied away from him, hiccuping as you covered your face with your arms.
He shushed you, pulling your arms down and wiping away your tears. He seemed merciful, but you knew better than to think that of him.
You swallowed, he was so casual about drugging you, as if it was perfectly normal to stalk and kidnap someone and expect them to love you.
“Now darling, I’m going to explain some rules and punishments. Pay attention, Dove, I don’t want you to forget any, okay?” Your hands latched onto his jacket, and you nodded slowly.
Rule one: Do as I instruct, always.
Rule Two: You will eat everything I give you.
Rule Three: You will kiss me good morning, goodnight, and whenever I ask.
Rule Four: When I come home from work, you will kiss me and take my jacket.
Rule Five: You will cook what I want you to, using recipes I give you.
Rule Six: You will wear the clothes I give you. You will not dirty anything.
Rule Seven: You will thank me for everything I give you, kisses, clothes, gifts.
Rule Eight: You will call me Keigo, Sir, Daddy, and Master. Nothing else.
Rule Nine: You will not mention any person or thing from your old life. 
Rule Ten: You will not try to look out the window, and you will not leave here.
You nodded. This… was going to be your new life, and you feared what could happen if you ever had the gall to break one of Haw- Keigo’s rules.
“And now I will explain your punishments and privileges. I want to be merciful, so please don’t disobey.”
“Okay, Keigo…”
Punishment One: Revoking entertainment
Punishment Two: Starvation/ Dehydration
Punishment Three: Beatings
Punishment Four: Forced Intercourse
Punishment Five: Isolation
“W-wait, Punishment four is- forced intercourse- as- as in- as in-”
“Yes.” His face hardened. “But that’s one of the more intense punishments, only for when I’m very angry or you break a major rule. If you’re good, then I’ll back off when you say no. But do understand, eventually, we will have sex. You’re too fucking sexy for me to not fuck you.”
“I- um-”
“I gave you a compliment, darling. Rule seven?” 
“R-right. Thank you… sir.” you watched Keigo shiver, his angry expression morphing into a sadistic smile.
“Oh baby, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you call me that.” He leaned in close to you, his hand running up your thigh. “Rule Three, give me a kiss baby~” 
Hesitation rippled across your face, a chill spreading through your body. You didn’t want to kiss this man, who’d tried to kill your friends, who stalked you for weeks, who’d drugged and kidnapped you. You didn’t want his filthy lips touching you, his slimy tongue in your mouth. You didn’t want to kiss Keigo.
“Y-yes sir.” you whispered, closing your eyes as his face grew bigger, getting closer and closer to you. You remembered the mist that spread across your mind when he drugged you, how it left you immobile and blank. You grasped at the dark fog, pulling it forward and covering you, blocking him out.
After a few moments, you pushed it away. Keigo pulled off your face, and you felt a wad of saliva on your tongue. It tasted greasy and cheesy. Not your saliva. 
You swallowed it, looking at him with wide, scared, eyes. Since you dissociated, you had no idea what he or you had done.
“Did- did I do a good job?” Your voice was hushed. It wavered like your shaking body under his gentle, loving touch.
“Yes, dove. That was the perfect first kiss.” He purred. “You did wonderfully.” You relaxed a little, and his hand lifted off your thigh. “Now I’ll tell you a few more things, then I’ll make dinner for you.”
Privilege One: You may watch TV and read, but you can’t use social media.
Privilege Two: You may listen to music and dance, but only with me.
Privilege Three: You may have hobbies, but I will participate in them.
Privilege Four: You are allowed to reject sex, unless it is a punishment.
Privilege Five: You are allowed to request objects and gifts.
Privilege Six: You are allowed to walk around the house, but you will wear a shock collar. Sensors will be located in certain rooms. They will shock you and knock you out for an hour and send me a notification. 
Privilege Seven: Eventually, I might get you a phone. You will have no phone numbers but mine, and no social media. 
Privilege Eight: I have a garden and pool, at some point when I trust you, I will let you outside for walks and swimming.
Privilege Nine: You’re allowed to cry, to scream, to fight back. I like the battle, just know I’ll always win.
Privilege Ten: You will be allowed a pet one day, maybe two pets, depends on how good you are.
There it all was. Everything he expected of you. Your eyes fell to your lap, to the hands you’d clasped together as they shook. The soft texture of your sweatpants calming you just enough to keep you from throwing up all over Keigo.
“For now, you will remain collared to the bed. I’m going to go to your old home and retrieve all the gifts I gave you.” He stood up, hand lifting up and tracing your body. 
“Okay…” you whispered. Keigo cooed, finally lifting off of you. He left briskly,
shutting the door behind him. You heard a small click before his footsteps started to fade away. You put the book down next to you, taking the moment to examine the room you were being kept in.
There was a desk underneath a window, it was tinted dark so you couldn’t see outside. The desk was a pale brown, a violet vase decorated with little bees had seemingly been knocked over, and it was kept from rolling off the desk by the green book leaning against it. You managed to make out the words Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Part of you wondered if Keigo was a fan, or if it was just there for no reason.
A bookshelf was right next to the door, and on the lower shelves, there was a CD player and a box labelled toys. You could figure out what type of toys were in the box, and you were pretty sure it wasn’t LEGOs. On the other side of the room was another door, wide open. You could see a toilet and shower curtains, so it had to have been a bathroom.
Escape wasn’t through there.
Next to the bathroom door was a closet, the door was open a crack, and you could see a couple of dress shirts inside. Probably all his. Part of you wondered if he was going to make you wear some of his shirts, rule six said you must wear whatever he gave you, and that could mean his clothes.
Was… was this really happening? Were you really in the number two hero’s house? Was he really going to keep you in his house forever and ever? Would-
Were you fated to never see your friends and family again?
To never see an ice cream store?
Or a park?
A moment before, it really all felt like a bad dream. Like you could pinch yourself and you would wake up in your bed, and go to the park with your friends. 
Kouten would bring some more delicious food, and you would make a mess while eating it..
Izanagi would sit next to you, and hug you and laugh as he teased you or Kouten about something or another.
You, you would fly, you’d be free.
Slowly, you spread your wings. They bumped against the bed, against the walls and the nightstand with the pretty Viridian lamp on it. You couldn’t even open your wings all the way in this tiny room, this room wasn’t meant to house a free bird.
It was meant to cage a pet.
All the emotions that the fog had blocked out rushed in like a flood, destroying every little bit of peace you’d managed to build up in your life. It slammed into your memories, into your hopes and dreams, and tore them all apart until all that was left was the rushing water, roaring filling your ears. You grasped at your hair, yanking as hard as you could in the hopes of tearing it out.  Maybe the physical pain of a thunderstorm could turn your mind away from the tsunami. Maybe if you had chunks of missing hair, Hawks would become grossed out by you and kick you out. The collar rubbed uncomfortably against your neck, reminding you that he was still there, choking you, restraining you, claiming you as his. He didn’t see you as human, just as a pretty little thing he’d collected, like jewelry or rocks. Everything swirled around, and you couldn’t see any more. It hurt, it fucking hurt. You felt something tug in your stomach, and then your body was pulled forward.
You closed your eyes.
You heard it all splatter on the floor, the meal you’d been served. You tried to make it to the toilet, but all the food in your stomach felt so gross, and you needed to get it out, out, out, out.
You heard a gasp behind you, and you spun your head around. Your eyes widened at the sight of her. Her face was rigid, eyes like knives through your skull. Your tiny hands clutched at your torn shirt. You’d barely finished vomiting and now she was here. 
“Please, please no I’m sorry!” You cried, lower lip quivering.  “Sorry isn’t going to cut it!” the walls spun, moving quickly away as the ceiling dipped down, you could see her hands, and you could feel sharp pain in your skull as the floor was dragged away from your body.
“I work so hard, day and night to get food for you, and you just barf it up all over my floors like the ungrateful little brat you are! My floors will stink and stain, and it’s because of your insolence!” You couldn’t see anymore, but you could feel ripping. Did your feathers not want to be on your back anymore? What was that wet thing you felt against your face? 
“Your lucky your father isn’t around, I know for a fact he wouldn’t even tolerate this sort of behavior! You make my already shitty life so much more difficult! Be grateful I haven’t sent you away!”
Words bubbled up from your throat, you were barely conscious, and at this point you knew she was hurting you, but you were so tired, you couldn’t even do anything to stop it.
“Please don’t send me away, I’ll do better! I will!” 
FInally, the warped darkness was tugged away from you, and you found yourself alone, sittin on the hardwood floor. The vomit had already been cleaned up, but there were bloodstains on your clothes. 
You were small, terrified, cold, angry, guilty, sad, and so, so alone.
You closed your eyes.
You didn’t want to open them.
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cherriesradio · 3 years
Poly! SFW alphabet Sero + Denki !!
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Credit for the template to @the-coldest-goodbye !!
Warnings: slight angst
Word Count: 1.7k
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A = Affection
Sero isn’t TOO affectionate, he like giving you + Denki affection but doesn’t really love getting it himself :/ which is fine, but both of you wanna spoil him SO BAD
Denki is VERY affectionate!!! Whenever he’s walking by he’ll kiss the others cheek/shoulder, and he’ll hug them from behind when their cooking, hold both of your hands in public, unless one of you ask him not too
B = Best Friend
Sero was first friends with Denki but eventually you got into their friendship, and he adored you since the beginning. You were so funny and cute and even if you aren’t smart he doesn’t really care, he’s friends with Denki after all.
Denki was friends with you since you were kids but you transferred to UA in the middle of first year. He introduced you to Sero :) he loves doing “favors” as he puts them, like buy you snacks and will get anything you need from the store if he can afford it (will likely use his whole allowance on you two)
C = Cuddles
Again, Sero isn’t to into getting affection. He’s mostly the big spoon but if he’s feeling bad that day/night/afternoon he’ll ask if he can lay his head on you or Denki’s chest
Denki loves cuddles, at first he would accidentally shock you two because he got to excited. Is often in the middle of all three of you are cuddling. All three of you mostly cuddle at night, most other times it’s just you and Denki, sometimes while Sero does work and play music in the background :)
D = Domestic
Sero cooks the most cause he’s the only one who wasn’t scared to cook with Bakugo. He’s not near as good as him but he can still cook. He hates cleaning but will remind you and Denki when you clean the apartment.
Denki doesn’t mind clean but HATES washing the dishes. If it’s his turn he just shoved everything in the dishwasher that barely works because he broke it ten times and tried (his best) to fix it.
E = Ending
Sero, if he broke it off, would break it off really gently. He would be really nervous and you both would try to hold his hand but he would shake them off, softly mutter “I’m not happy like this anymore.”
Denki would be overwhelmed. He would be fidgety most of the day, he’s the type who gets so comfortable he can’t imagine leaving. So he just keeps it in till you two start noticing that he’s fidgety and nervous a lot and then finally tells you two.
F = Fiancé’s
Sero isn’t very sure. He’s scared of commitment but in the end realizes that he wants to be with you two for his whole life, and that he is a better person because of you both.
Since the start Denki wanted to marry you both, but he thought of it as teenage bliss. But once you were out of college and hero’s, and you were still together, he brought up marriage.
G = Gentle
Sero is often gentle. He can play around really wild but at home when it’s chill he’s really soft and sleepy often times. But he does admit that he once gave Denki a bruise from playing to hard-
Denki is capable of being gentle. If he’s cuddling or comforting one of you, he’s really gentle and soft spoken. But other times he’ll poke your sides and zap you, or play wrestle.
H = Hugs
Even if he’s not too into affection, he’s really good at it. He does that thing where he wraps his arm around your middle and then the other is sat on your head, probably accidentally pushing you into his neck.
Denki loves to pick you two up and spin you around when he’s excited!!! When he’s a little more ~chillax~ he’ll pick you up wrap your legs around his waist and wzhrdkkeasjpifvfwqwonf
I = “I love you two.”
Tbh Sero said dropped L-bombs even when you were just friends. A lot of the time when you made him laugh is would get out and a few years into the relationship he admits that he meant it almost everytime
Denki says it pretty early into the relationship. Not like “we’ve gone on three dates and I’m in love with you” kinda thing but a about two months in he says he thinks he’s in love. You and Sero say that your not sure if your ready to sya it yet, and he’s completely okay with it.
J = Jealous
Neither of them get jealous of each other. There have been times before you all got together when they would get a little mad at other people for checking you out (and you would too lol) and start getting extra clingy but besides that their chill.
K = Kisses
Sero is the one more into on-the-mouth kisses. By that I’m not saying he needs them constantly, I’m saying he likes them more then Denki. He often uses quick pecks as hellos and longing, “you probably lay in bed tonight TJ knowing of it” kisses. If he’s bored he does those Spider-Man kisses, and if your a little to far he’ll use his tape to pull you over.
Denki isn’t as into on-the-mouth kisses. When you were only friends you had a inside joke where he would kiss both of your hands when greeting you both. As I said before he likes kissing your cheeks and foreheads, ADORES the “getting both cheek kissed at the same time” kisses!!!
L = Little Ones
They both LOVE Gravity Falls. There are way to many times they babysat Eri and either played Gravity Falls or sung the karaoke song. Basically their only experiences with kids is Eri???
M = Mornings
Denki and Sero and total bed heads and refuse to get out of bed before like, 9:59. You usually get up before them and make them both coffee, and I love the idea of getting sticky notes and labeling their mugs, a doodling on them. Like with Denki it would be little lightning bolts and with Sero it would be flex tape.
N = Nights
All of you go to bed at a pretty normal time, around 10 or 11, but… Denki. Denki is for sure the type who will not fall asleep in like ten minutes and then would get on his phones cause he “can’t sleep” and wake you and Sero up.
O = Opening up
When you were just friends you all got pretty close. You and Sero knew about Denkis ADHD, you and Denki knew about Sero’s insecurities about his quirk, they knew your past.
But when it turned romantic and even closer is when they really got how every felt, starts ranting for hours about how they felt and how it affects them now.
P = Patience
Neither of them get angry that easy, even if you do something that would upset them they end up thinking it’s a joke :/
Which does become a problem, but you all put effort into talking to each other about problems.
Q = Quizzes
Sero remembers really little things - like what your favorite emoji is and your favorite pop tart flavors - but it’s hard for him to remember bigger stuff like… your parents names :-/
Denki is the opposite. He’ll remember if you like the same thing, but it’s easier for him to remember stuff if you mention it more. Like, around you birthday Sero would remind him every day “hey Y/n’s birthday is in a few days.” So he would remember.
R = Remember
One of your favorite memories is going to this ice cream shop. It’s not like it was the specialist place or gloriously beautiful, but it shows your dynamic well. Denki kept poking you and zapping, and Sero pulled so many jokes and puns. You giggled and then showered them in attention as soon as you got home.
S = Security
Sero is pretty good at protecting you. If he feels a threat, he’ll just wrap his arm around your waist and hold his other arm to where you can clearly recognize him as a hero.
Denki is VERY protective. Because of his ADHD (a headcanon), he once hyper-fixated on how many people get robbed and how many girls get raped and how many poc get killed out on the streets. He used to be more worried about himself but now he gets really scared for you and Sero.
T = Try
Sero usually makes casual dates. Like quick walk before work, or a home cooked dinner. But sometimes he’ll plan out big dates for holidays and anniversaries.
He makes the weirdest excuses for planning big dates. “Its national national cream puff day we need to go to the fancy restaurant down the road and get some.”
U = Ugly
Sero always does his errands at rush hour???
They both where the ugliest shoes JUST to annoy you.
V = Vanity
Sero does not care to much for his looks. He used to be insecure about his looks as a teen but since then you and Denki shower him in compliments so all of the insecurities died away after a bit.
W = Whole
Sero wouldn’t. He’s become a better persona FB happier because of both of you. He can’t imagine losing you both. He has nightmares sometimes about you two dying or breaking up with him, and it’s breaks him.
Denki wouldn’t either. He thinks he would barely be able to function by himself without you two. He associates you both with his growth and how much you all have improved over the years.
X = Xtra
They randomly get obsessed with random things. One day you’ll come home to them trying to teach themselves the ukulele, or trying to bake but making a huge mess, or trying to code.
Y = Yuck
Sero hates pda. At least involving him. He doesn’t care if you and Denki heckin make out in public, just don’t do it in front of him.
Denki doesn’t like how much work you both have. He can make big hits and break off up to hundreds of people at once, so he didn’t have to stay at work to long. But you and Sero care a bit more than him (he still cares tho) and he hates just sitting at home alone.
Z = Zzzz
Denki stays up late a lot from staying on his phone, but if you and Sero really commit to ~cuddles~ than he’s willing.
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Reblogs appreciated!!
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Kaminari nsfw alphabet
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fuck me I’m so tired =_= might take a break soon idk 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It depends, normally he's the sub who needs to be kissed and reassured but when he does go hard on you he is very sweet and jokey afterwards. Kaminari is a sweetheart He likes to hold you and kiss you all over. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He is very proud of he abs and all of his muscles in general, like he worked so hard for that washboard sixpack damn right he’s going to show it off. 
On his partner he really likes their hair, especially if it’s unique like dyed/ shaved sides/ Textured Denki loves the aesthetic of it and also pulling hair not the point
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Okay, his diet is... not the best and his cum tastes RANCID at first you make him eat four whole pineapples before you go down on him again. 
He loves to cum inside of you, there is just something magical about still being warm and enveloped by you when he climaxes but he can be persuaded to cum on your face if he has too :,(
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
uhm not really a secret because you were there but like when he lost his virginity and came for the first time he short-circuited  
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
none what so ever he probably lost his virginity to you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He’s a little scared to do anything outside of missionary but he does like a deep mating press with your ankles around his shoulders so he can fold you in half or honestly having the same done to him when he’s on bottom. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He seems like the type to goof off and he’ll definitely talk your ear off during foreplay but in the thick of things he’s too caught up in his own head to do anything but moan but definitely will make a joke if something awkward happens. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he also has a little lightening bolt carved into his pubes /j He keeps himself trimmed pretty nicely, doesn’t like it when things get too shaggy. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
when he gets overstimulated he just chants “I love you” over and over again while tears form in his eyes but that’s about as romantic as it gets. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
pretty often tbh. Like if he can he will just have sex with you but he wants to have sex every day and that can be a lot so sometimes he just has to jerk it himself. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
pet play- Listen he loves puppy ears and tails on his partner they make him so horny but like... He gets even more turned on when he’s the puppy boy.
cockwarming- love-hate relationship with this one. he loves being inside of you with your walls slowly convulsing around his soft cock slowly making him hard. But he hates it when it’s used as a punishment and he isn’t aloud to move and he just gets more and more turned on while you don’t seem bothered at all.
edging- again he hates it when he’s just about to cum and you pull away from him FUCK DUDE but when he finally does get to cum he swears its the best feeling in the world. Plus now he can pay you back for all you’re teasing. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he loooooves to fuck in broom closets or enclosed spaces like that it’s just much more romantic and he loves the thrill of being caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you’re wet, like if you got caught in the rain or send him a picture just out of the shower gets rock hard just thinking about it he also gets turned on when you sit on his lap. he is a simple man like that 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Degradation. He hates being told he’s stupid or talked down to in anyway, he’s fine with being your slutty little cat boy but just as long as you say it with love. Likewise he just loves you too much to ever say anything beyond teasingly mean.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
please please please suck his dick. He needs it so bad he loves to cum in your mouth he promises He can return the favor as soon as you’re done so please just blow him. 
I supposed enthusiastic is the right way to describe how Kami goes down on someone. not skilled or mind blowing but... certainly enthusiastic. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He tries to go slow because he knows if he goes fast he’ll bust way to soon but He is not very practiced so inevitably he will speed up 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves quickies he will get them whenever the opportunity presents it’s self 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s pretty game to experiment it’s not that he doesn’t have any limits but he is willing to push those limits
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
... he makes up for it okay. but no he doesn’t last very long. at least at first but he builds up stamina overtime.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He has a few toys that he loves but it’s not an extensive collection by any means
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Denki usually doesn’t have the patients to tease but at least a little bit, He likes to hear you beg for him to touch you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
a lot of heavy breathing and groans until he gets close to his orgasm then he’s full on screaming and crying like a little baby
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
once he tasted his own cum just to see what it was like and honestly it wasn’t that bad
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
his dick isn’t really that big but it’s proportional to the rest of his body, swears that it’s not size of the boat but the motion of the ocean
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
poor baby he is always horny 24/7 he is hard as fuck and wants to bone 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he likes to go to sleep right after but he tries to take care of you at least a little bit
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phalene33 · 3 years
Choptop x Kat (OC) Part 2
Nubbins is alive in well in this story btw.
Warning: Mention of sexual things
Choptop and I had a wonderful time together, and because he agreed to give me the album after I came to one of his band practices, I decided to drive him home. I was immediately greeted by Drayton who mentioned that I said I would have dinner with them. I got out of the car and walked inside with the two brothers. What I noticed first was a rather large man who nervously sat at the dinner table. His mask looked different but I shrugged it off knowing my own since of style isn't the norm either.
We had a nice dinner together, and I could tell that Choptop's twin brother was just as energetic as he was. At one point he got up and chased me around the house. What was the reason? Don't know but Drayton took care of him. After dinner I was about to leave, but I was pulled into a living room. Decorated with suspicious looking bones. Choptop told me they were from a Halloween store. I don't know how much I actually believe it, but it's the only normal reasoning they would have them.
Choptops younger brother, who I found out was named Bubba, put in a movie for us to watch. The movie was called "Tangled". "Ugh not this one again, come on Bubba does she look like the kind of girl who would want to watch this crap." Drayton grumbles off and looks over at me. "Oh my little sister Link loves this movie. I don't mind watching it with you guys." I give Bubba a reassuring smile. Drayton just groaned again and kept quiet. As the movie played Choptop would mention something about each scene. He especially liked the music bits and we both sang along together at those parts.
"R-Rapunzel should have k-killed that bitch sooner." I chuckle to myself. "Maybe you should make a parody movie so she can kill mother Gothel sooner." He looks at me and smiles. "I w-would be a very p-pretty princess." "I'd bang you whether or not you were a prince or a princess." I focus my attention back to the movie. "H-he so wants t-to fuck R-Rapunzel." I roll my eyes at his comment. "Bobby this is a children's movie." "S-so what?" I heard an auditable sigh come from Drayton. "Would ya shut up and watch the damn movie?! And stop saying such dirty things around our guest." "Oh sh-she don't care! R-Right Kat?" I just shrug and ignore them both.
For the most part Nubbins was quiet. I think it was mostly because he didn't care for the movie. But some scenes he was quiet interested in what was going on. "Th-The f-fuck boy is g-going to die! Yes! Yes! W-wait?! No! D-Don't save him!" Bubba was quiet emotionally invested in this movie which I found was cute. He would gasp whenever something intense happened and would squeal in happiness when a romantic scene was on. Speaking of romantic scenes. Chop put his arms around me when the first one came on. But after that things got too intense between us whenever Flynn and Rapunzel were doing their thing. Chop would not stop trying to kiss me. I knew this man for about 2 days and I've never met anyone who was this quick to get into a relationship. As the good girl I was I'd push him away everytime he would pull me in for a kiss. Eventually I settled on letting him kiss my cheek because I'm a people pleasure and I could tell Bubba would get happy when Chop kissed me.
After the movie I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Eh I'll see you guys later I better head home." I stand up about to leave but arms behind me grabbed my waist and pulled me into them. "H-Have dinner w-with us again th-this Friday. L-lets hang out t-tomorrow a-also." I nod and gave Chop my phone number and agreed to have dinner with them again.
The rest of the week Choptop would not stop calling me. Even late at night when I was trying to go to sleep. Sometimes I wouldn't be able to hear what he's talking about because he would have his radio blasting in the background. So I figured he just wanted to hang out with me. I call him up on Thursday and ask him to come over to my place to hung out. He sounded really excited. Not even 30 minutes later I could see his truck driving quickly down my driveway. No wonder the damn engine overheated.
I sigh getting up and open the door. Choptop was already at the door. "Hey Choptop, come in, we can listen to music together and talk." "O-Okay!" Choptop runs to my couch and turns on the radio that was on the nearby table. "D-Do women e-ever look at their b-boobs in the m-mirror?" I set next to him. "I don't personally nor have I seen anyone else do that." Choptop think about this for a minute then continues. "H-How many sex t-toys do you h-have?" I look at him for a second. "What? Uhh that's none of your business you.. Umm... British teeth looking ass." Choptop gives me a confused look and scratches his plate. "Wh-What do you do for fun?" "I like doing art related things such as drawing and painting. I make pin designs and I do some sculpting with air dry clay. I'll take up any artistic hobby as long as I find an interest in it." Choptop gets really excited once he heard this. "C-Could you make m-me a Iron B-Butterfly pin?!" I smile to myself. "Of course, would you like me to make you another pin?" "Y-Yes please, make one for me b-but don't tell me what it i-is, I wanna find out when I-I get it." I nod and pat him. "Alright well I'll do that for you." Choptop hugs me tightly. "Th-Thank you, a-and I'll make something for you too."
A day later Choptop showed up at my house again. He seemed to be hiding something behind his back. "Hey I finished your pins." I hand him the Iron Butterfly pin and another pin that looked tie dyed. "I-I drew you something, i-its not p-perfect but I-I worked hard on i-it."
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I look at the picture and smile. "Aww I love it it's so cute, I'll hang this up on my wall in my bedroom." I hug Choptop tightly as he hugs back. "Th-Thanks, a-and don't forget y-your having d-dinner with me a-and my family tonight." I nod in understanding and take Choptop to my couch where we talk about whatever pops up in his head.
Part 2 is finally done. I'll do a part 3 if I decide I want to continue this or if someone asks for one.
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ddullahan · 4 years
Here's a prompt I've been thinking about writing but never will Ruby finds that whenever she checks out a book from the library its been checked out before by a W.Schnee as well. Like every book she chooses. So she's suuuper curious as to what type of person she is. She thinks theyre really similar because they have the same tastes in books.And they meet and she finds out that Weiss is nothing like her at all.And cute shit happens? Idk I didn't think this through 😂
BRUH WHAT THIS IS SO FUCKING CUTE I went ham on this lmao thank you so much for the prompt idea!! I picture Ruby and Weiss in their twenties in this as a PSA lol ---------- The library was solemn that afternoon. Ruby wandered the stacks, breathing in the paper and leather from the shelves around her. The tips of her fingers skimmed the spines, silver eyes drifting over with no real clarity behind them. She pulled a book free from the shelf with the title The Beast of Vale, automatically flipping it open and skimming the inside cover. Someone sneezed with the force of a gunshot in the distance and Ruby nearly dropped the book, a flustered apology whispered out of sight. She recovered with a soft giggle, tucking it under her arm. Arching up onto her toes to glance at the other covers, there was a second sneeze and another hasty apology. Ruby bit her lip to stifle another laugh, pulling a second book free, Dust Below Dawn, and set to reading the inside cover. She pinched that to her side too, reaching for a third book - and a third sneeze rocketed through the quiet library. She heard a soft swear nearby and shuffled her books into her hands, curiosity pricking at her skin. She slunk to the end of the aisle, poking her head around the corner. “Bless y-” She choked off mid-sentence, her eyes widening. The woman seated amongst the thick red leather couches was far too pretty to be real. Stark white hair draped over her shoulders in silk waves, braided at the temples and leaving the rest to fall loose. White bangs framed her brow, partially covering a thick pale scar over her left eye. Most of her face was covered by a pale blue handkerchief furiously rubbing at her nose, but Ruby could still catch the gem blue eyes squinted against the pressure. They matched the dark and light blues of her three piece suit and matching heels. She had a sleek looking laptop on the coffee table in front of her, a lipstick stained coffee cup set beside it. Accompanying the laptop were several blue-bound books stacked as far away from her as possible, without the threat of them falling off the small table. The woman sniffed daintily, catching Ruby’s movement and hastily folding her handkerchief back into her inside pocket. “Oh -” “Oh um -” Ruby stammered at the same time, nearly jumping out of her skin as those blue eyes focused completely on her. “Did I -” “Bless you!” Ruby blurted out in a panic. The woman paused, blinking at her. “...Thank you..?” “You’re pretty - Welcome!” Ruby squeaked, her heart pounding so hard she was sure she could feel it through the books clutched to her chest. “You’re pretty welcome. Yep.”    An almost invisible smile pitched the corners of the woman’s eyes, amusement coloring her tone. “Pretty welcome. That’s a new one.” Ruby flushed red to the tips of her ears, a clumsy little laugh bursting from her, unchecked. “Well I’m uh, a new one. New-new person, I mean. We’ve never met before. So I’m new. To you.” The working percentage of her brain immediately wished to crawl into a hole and never come out again. Thankfully, her flustering seemed to amuse the woman further, prompting a light, stuttering laugh from her red lips. Ruby was surprised with herself, amazed she was still standing beyond the force of that smile. “You are.” The woman said evenly. Ruby immediately wished she’d worn something nicer to the library, as the weight of those blue eyes skimmed over her attire. Big black boots and black rose stockings lead up to a simple short black dress cinched at the waist and deep red cardigan thrown haphazardly over her shoulders, the tattered ends reaching down to her ankles. The soft red sleeves were pushed up her forearms, black bracelets around her wrists and a simple black choker wrapped around her throat. She didn’t bother with make-up that day, and she bemoaned it silently. “S-so um.” She shifted awkwardly, the woman’s eyes snapped up to hers immediately, the words sticking in her throat. She swallowed and tried again, clutching her books tighter for sanity. “A-are you um. Okay? Those were some pretty powerful sneezes.” The woman’s spine stiffened a little, crossing her legs at the knee. Her hands folded over on her lap. One of her heels drifted a little loose, cruxed at the ball of her foot. She had the presence of someone three times her actual size and Ruby could only watch the transformation in awe. “I’m fine, thank you for your concern. It seems I’m mildly allergic to the dust in these books. And not the useful kind.” Her lips pursed in the semblance of a frown. “Oh, that’s tragic.” Ruby flushed back up her eyes. “I-I mean, not tragic tragic. Just, um. It sucks you can’t smell the paper without sneezing.” “Yes I...thought the same.” She tilted her head, a few strands of her hair curling over the sharp line of her shoulder. Ruby wondered absently if meeting someone gorgeous was supposed to feel like dying. “Have you read those books before?” “These?” Ruby looked down at the books in her hands like she’d forgotten they were there. Honestly it was hard to remember anything now that she could breathe. “Uh no, not yet. I was planning to check them out though.” “Dust Below Dawn is enjoyable, as long as you don’t mind egregious prose and flowery alliterations.” The woman hummed, her spine relaxing as she reached for her coffee cup. Ruby tried not to stare too hard as her pale throat bobbed with a sip. “Wow, words.” Ruby murmured under her breath, shell-shocked that she’d missed her entire sentence. “Alternatively,” The woman continued, either ignoring or missing Ruby’s lack of attention, “The Beast of Vale is a masterwork. The author spent a dangerous amount of months near Mount Glenn just researching the properties of the city and grimm surrounding.” Ruby snapped out of her daze, glancing down at her copy of The Beast of Vale in wonder. Her feet were moving before she even realised it, cardigan sweeping out in a flutter behind her as she dropped into the opposing red couch. She leaned over the books now relocated to her lap, leaning forward eagerly. “Wow so you’ve read both of these before?” It was only after a beat of silence that Ruby realised how pink the other woman’s cheeks were, how wide her eyes had grown. “I- well yes. I wouldn’t know anything about them if I had no interest.” “Do you research the authors of all the books you read?” Ruby asked curiously. “Only the ones I care deeply for. I like knowing the process involved.” “That’s super neat!” The woman blinked like she’d just been blindsided. “Thank you?” “On a scale of one through ten, what would you rate Dust Below Dawn?” Ruby bulldozed on through the conversation, gaining confidence now. “Six.” The woman replied, almost startled by her own quick response. “The Beast of Vale?” “Nine.” “Okay okay, how about - are these books yours too?” Ruby prodded the small stack closest to her, careful not to jostle the stained coffee cup. “They are.” “Have you read them already?” “...Yes.” The woman’s flush crawled higher on her cheeks, her sharp scar imperious amongst the pink. “Okay,” Ruby flipped the top book over, skimming the title. “What would you rate - oh hey, I’ve read this one! What would you rate Atlas Knights?” “Ugh, two.” The woman wrinkled her nose. “I read it faster because I wanted it over with. The main character was unbelievably whiny.” “I dunno, I was under the impression she had a hard time expressing herself.” Ruby hummed, flipping the cover over to the library checkout slip.  She found her name, R. Rose, and another below hers, W. Schnee. A bit of recognition itched at the back of her mind. The woman scoffed. “Well what rating would you give it?” Ruby’s attention switched on a dime. “Mm… probably a five.” Ruby frowned. “The world was cool. But if the main character had a hard time expressing herself, the author also didn’t give her a chance to be better. It’s like, she’s saved by her knight, but still a brat. The other characters all know she’s a brat, but none of them talk to her about it. She isn’t given a chance to be a person, she’s just given a flaw and stuck with it for the entire story.” The woman hummed in reticent agreement, reaching for her coffee again. Ruby pointedly didn’t watch this time, sliding the book aside to look at the one underneath. She made a little curious hum under her breath. “I’ve read this one too. What did you think about Song of Ice and Rust?” “Probably rated a seven or eight. I enjoyed the twist immensely.” Ruby looked up at her with a bright grin, heart thundering uncomfortably in her throat. “It was so good, wasn’t it!?” She received a small but genuine smile for her enthusiasm. It made her feel like she could fly to the rafters. “The dragon really sold it for me, I wasn’t expecting it to be the ancient king.” “Gods I read that and almost screamed - it was like three in the morning though so I had to contain myself.” “That must have been hard for you.” The woman said with false sympathy, though her smile remained curled. “Hey! I’ll have you know Miss -” Ruby glanced on the inside of the cover, finding again her name and the same W. Schnee underneath. “Schnee, I’m perfectly capable of containing myself.” “This conversation has proved otherwise.” She replied smoothly, though a bit of stiffness had returned to her spine. Her gaze seemed to be searching for something, but Ruby wasn’t really sure what it was she wanted. Shrugging it off, she moved on to the last book on the table, a small frown gracing her face. “Man this is so weird, I’ve literally read all of these.” Ruby said, tilting her head curiously. “We must have similar tastes in literature.” “We must…” Ruby squinted at the inside of the cover, spotting the same W. Schnee below her name. Something itched at the back of her mind again. She dropped the cover closed, swinging open Dust Till Dawn’s cover. There was the same simple cursive of W. Schnee. “Have you read The Nevermore’s Quarry?” Ruby asked, suddenly, looking up at her. She knew full well that book wasn’t anywhere near their little table. The woman blinked, leaning forward curiously. “Yes, I have. How did you-?” “The Harbinger Sons?” Ruby asked, silver eyes widening. “...Yes?” The woman looked equally as mystified. Her eyes drifted above Ruby’s head in thought. “Have you read Of Bones and Evil?” “Yes,” Ruby breathed, her grin growing wider by the second. “Fortune’s Fallacy?” Ruby just nodded, her entire body lighting up with a different kind of energy. “What in the world…” The woman murmured. “I think you might be my library soulmate.” Ruby said. She had no idea someone could turn so red in such a short time, admiring the flush under the woman’s scar. Ruby was almost entertained, watching as she sputtered in the cutest kind of fluster. “Y-you can’t just say that to someone!” She stammered. Ruby’s confidence came roaring to life. She pouted. “So that means I can’t ask you out either?” “I- what.” Blue eyes blinked rapidly, the very picture of an error message written in human form. “I thought your name looked familiar. I’ve been reading the same books as you for almost a year straight.” Ruby tried not to show how much her palms were sweating, nerves shuffling in cold versus the warm wake of her momentary confidence. Predictably, her mouth started running without her permission.“I think we have a lot in common and I’d like to get to know you and maybe possibly talk more about books when I don’t look like a scrub. You’re like, other-worldly gorgeous and you’re so far out of my league but my sister says I can’t write anything off without trying it first and I figured I’d try it out y’know, benefit of the doubt and holy moly I’ve been talking for way too long-” “You only know my name from the books we’ve read?” The woman spoke it more like a statement, almost like she couldn’t believe what she was saying. “Um. I mean I’d like to know your first name. But, yeah.” Ruby gave in and brushed her palms down the front of her skirt, fingers starting to shake with adrenaline. “Weiss.” She replied absently. “Weiss Schnee.” Ruby’s lips twitched into a nervous smile. “Ruby Rose.” Weiss gave her a once over, the astonishment fading into something entirely different. Her gaze carried a weight to it that had Ruby’s palms sweating double time, her twitchy fingers immediately fiddling with her red cardigan. “...Alright.” Weiss gave a slow, smooth smile. Ruby almost passed out. “Wh- really?” “Do you have a pen on you?” “I- yes!” Ruby all but evacuated the library ten minutes later, a number written on the back of her hand next to a clear, red lipstick stain. She nearly ran into a pole, but she knew it’d be ten thousand percent worth it. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Yang’s face.
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mrkis · 4 years
nsfw a to z analysis — donghyuck
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[version two]
A  — Aftercare he does make sure you’re okay at first, tracing unknown patterns across your skin and getting you a glass of water until he turns into a big baby, clinging to your side and tucking his head away into your neck as he whines for you to play with his hair.
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners) donghyuck loves your legs, there’s something special about your legs that make him go crazy. he loves to rub his hands down the length of them, squeezing the flesh even if it’s an act of innocence. but when he’s in the mood it’s a whole different story, the grips become tighter, the touches linger longer and he enjoys to bite and suck little marks into the skin.
C — Cum in a condom or your mouth. donghyuck is still young and he has his whole life planned out ahead of him with nct, he doesn’t want any accidents to happen so he will most definitely use a condom every time you have sex. even if you are on the pill, donghyuck will still be reluctant to do it. just in case.
D — Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) he’s a switch. donghyuck is a straight up switch but he will never admit that to you, wanting to keep that ‘dominant’ image as he likes how you react underneath him. but secretly, he wants to you take in charge, he wants you to make him whimper and whine for more. E — Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) donghyuck isn’t very experienced, i don’t think he’s had a girlfriend before so you will definitely be his first for everything. the only knowledge he knows about sex is from the porn that he occasionally watches, mentally taking notes on what to do and what to not do.
F — Favourite Position he’s all about physical contact and is clingy so his favourite will be missionary, it’s not only an easy position but he’s able to be close to you, arms wrapping around your body and lips touching your skin.
G — Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) donghyuck will go between being serious and being playful. right before he enters you, he might pull a face or say something funny to calm his panicking nerves and to make you laugh, but then he’d switch immediately into his serious mode as he concentrates, wanting to make you both feel good. but there’s no doubt that donghyuck will occasionally giggle and crack a joke.
H — Hair (how well groomed they are) donghyuck would be a little self conscious during maybe the first month or two in your relationship you so he would completely shave until he’s bare. he would start getting comfortable further into the relationship, maybe allowing it to grow but still keeping it to a minimum. 
I — Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) donghyuck isn’t the romantic type that will light candles, throw rose petals across the bed or floor. he’s the type that will show his romance through i love yous, caresses, cooing and kisses. donghyuck always feel overwhelmed, no matter how many times you have slept together, he always ends up feeling overwhelmed and sometimes emotional, holding you close to him as tight as he can
J — Jacking Off donghyuck jacks himself off a lot. he can’t help it, he loves wrapping his hand around his length and jerking himself off to some porn. you catch him 50% of the time because he isn’t discreet as he thinks he is which makes him pout but he doesn’t stop. obviously, he would prefer you helping him out but sometimes you aren’t around as much... he’s got to do what a man has to do.
K — Kink(s) his kinks are quite tame, they aren’t too extreme or over the top. he likes body praise, love bites and overstimulation(which will happen further into your relationship)
L — Location either his bed or your bed. he will not dare do anything that isn’t inside the comfort of one of your bedrooms, maybe he’ll have sex with you on the sofa but it has to be on your sofa. doing it at the dorms is super risky and if one of the members catches him, he’ll be a wreck.
M — Motivation (what turns them on, what gets them going) he gets turned on by soft lingering touches and/or praises. if he comes off the stage after a show and you praise him on his performance while pushing the hairs out of his sweaty face, he would want to go home as quick as possible. he hates to admit it, but even making out with him turns him on. he finds it slightly embarrassing how all you have to do his kiss him while sitting on his lap and he’s immediately hard. 
N — No donghyuck will not do anything that could hurt you and him. he’s not into a lot kinky things and he’ll most probably be more open to trying things out in the future but bdsm will be completely ruled out, and also doing it in public.
O — Oral he absolutely loves it when you go down on him. it’s a new experience and feeling, the warmth and wetness of your mouth could almost make him faint. with a lot of time and preparation, he’d learn how to go down on you and make you feel good. the first time he did, it was a little messy and he was nervous, not exactly sure on what to do, but he’ll learn and it’s his mission to give you the best orgasm of your life with his just mouth.
P — Pace (are they fast or rough, slow or sensual, etc) this all depends on the mood. usually it’s slow and steady, wanting to feel everything and drag the moment out. other times, you could both be going like erratic rabbits, his hips snapping into yours as you’re both eager to get a release.
Q — Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often it happens, etc) these happen a lot because of the busy schedule he has, some days shorter than others. he doesn’t really like them that much, but he wouldn’t turn one down if you were both horny. he grumbles, whines and pouts about it not being the same but he still gives it his all
R — Risk (are they game to experiment, would they take risks, etc) he is not a big risk taker at all. he wouldn’t try anything outside of the bedroom as he knows you could both get into big trouble. but with experimenting inside the bedroom, he isn’t opposed to it. as long as it doesn’t lead to anything harmful
S — Stamina (how many rounds they can go for, how long do they last) donghyuck is quite competitive so he tries to go for as many rounds as he can, trying to beat his last score. some days he as a lot of energy but other days, not so much. 
T — Toys (do they own toys, do they use them) he’s not very keen on having or using toys, it makes him feel a little self conscious because he’s afraid they’ll make you feel better than he does. donghyuck only wants you to feel good if he’s doing it himself, either with his mouth, hands or cock.
U — Unfair (how much they like to tease) without a doubt, donghyuck is a brat. he’s a tease whenever it’s inside or outside of the bedroom. he won’t tease you during sex until he’s fully confident with your body and sex in general, wanting to make you beg and whine for him.
V — Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make) being hypersensitive and new to everything in the relationship, he will be very vocal. mainly high pitched moans and whines. he’s louder than you sometimes, which you don’t particularly mind, and he isn’t afraid to be loud when to of you are alone. but if there’s a time where you’re both having fun in his bed at the dorms, he struggles but he tries to keep as quiet as he can.
W — Wild Card “ah, oh no, not good— shit! n-no, it’s fine, i nearly died” donghyuck curses into the headset as his fingers type rapidly against his keyboard, trying to keep his breathing normal as he feels you slide down his cock again. he fights the urge to roll his eyes at the back of his head, resting his chin on your shoulder to keep his attention on the computer screen in front of him as you roll your hips forward with your arms wrapped around his own shoulders for support, clenching his length with your warmth. you gasp softly as donghyuck’s accidentally jerks upwards at the sudden feeling, hitting the spot inside you that makes your legs quiver. you whine softly.
“what was that sound?” you heard johnny’s voice speak on the other side of the headset as donghyuck complains from dying, his arms finally coming around your waist to pull you closer to his body as his hips grind upwards.
“nothing” he whispers back to johnny, muting the call his he presses his lips against yours. 
X — X-ray (let’s see what’s going on in their pants, picture or words) average size, more girth than length for certain. regardless of the size, he knows how to use it well.
Y — Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) quite high to be honest. he’ll be new to sex and inexperienced so he’d want to learn through having sex as much as you both could. once he gets the hang of everything and he’s confident, he’ll want to have sex all the time.
Z — Zzz... (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) he taps out first, most definitely the first to sleep. he’ll discard the condom first and puts on a pair of boxers, passing you his shirt before he gets back into bed and cuddles into you.
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seanfalco · 3 years
Duncan Taylor | nsfw alphabet headcanons
Many of you asked for Duncan next, so here y’go, some filthy headcanons for our favourite British 🇬🇧 asshole.
[blank list - x] Headcanon Masterlist
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s usually a one night stand kinda guy, get what he wants and get out, so don’t expect him to stay the night or want to cuddle afterwards. However he is surprisingly tender in some small ways, like helping you clean up afterwards, but he’d do it in a brusque aloof way that hides that he might care. What a tsundere lol
There is a caveat, however. I think if he were to actually have feelings for/trust his partner he would be more affectionate -- holding you afterwards, some playful teasing pillow talk (I mean, he is the king of banter after all), falling asleep in your arms, just don’t expect him to be over the top romantic or anything like that, you gotta take what you can get.
B - Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He may be a thin guy, but he’s got pretty toned arms and he likes to show them off. On his partner, I think he’s definitely an ass guy.
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He likes to cum on his partner, doesn’t really matter where, he just likes the sight of them painted in his seed, especially over your ass or face. It drives him crazy to see it roll down your chin before you swallow.
D - Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Don’t tell anyone, but he finds it really hot when you get feisty/mouthy, and though he likes to be in charge in the bed room, it turns him on when you put up a fight for control, suddenly making a move on him/getting a little rough with him (within reason of course).
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Duncan will try to make it come off as if he’s some big player, but let’s face it, he’s a scrawny computer analyst and programmer, so I doubt he gets a lot of action, usually.
F - Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
From behind -- he likes the amount of control this gives him to set the pace, pull on your hair, restrain your arms behind you, ram into you with abandon etc. He also loves being able to slap that ass whenever he feels like it. I can see him also enjoying cowgirl/reverse cowgirl too though. While it gives him less control (though he can still power bottom from here) he likes the view he gets with these positions.
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
More serious, though he still likes his banter. This man pretty much never shuts up.
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Dark pubes, doesn’t care that much about appearances.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Not really very intimate, especially if he’s taking you from behind. If you end up on top however, you might catch a flash of affection in his gaze and he’ll be inclined to kiss you. If you pay attention though, like with his aftercare, there will be veiled tenderness during the moment, you just have to look for it.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Okay, I think he masterbates quite a bit. Not as much as Nathan would, but still on the higher side. Maybe once every other day or so. Usually in the shower.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Voyeurism -- I think he would get off on watching you undress or masterbate without you being aware he was watching.
Bondage -- he loves seeing you restrained, giving him power over you
Degradation (though not like super extreme)
Rough sex -- he likes choking and leaving hickies/bruises/hand prints
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do)
While a bed would be nice, that’s not usually an option when you’re stuck on the space station, so he’ll take you where he can get you. Anywhere slightly secluded where he can bend you over something is his favourite place.
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Like I said earlier, it turns him on when you get feisty. Pushing your buttons and seeing you all riled up just does something for him. He would never admit it, but he finds the challenge sexy and the promise of a chase will always hold his interest. Also a nice tight pair of jeans, or a good eyeful of cleavage never hurts. Trail your fingers over his neck or collarbones and he’s putty in your hands, while deep french kisses and neck kisses also do the trick.
N - NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don’t see him having any hard no’s, other than he probably wouldn’t be into pain or anything too hardcore.
The easiest way to turn him off is to show too much intimacy too fast. A sudden declaration of feelings, for example, if he doesn’t feel the same will make he want to run.
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Receiving, for sure. He loves the sight of you on your knees and your mouth wrapped around his cock. When he’s giving, it’s… intense. He likes the power he has over you and seeing you squirm for him, often aiming to overstimulate you, forcing a second orgasm.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough is what Duncan prefers. He likes to toss you around a bit (though you like it too), but he can be persuaded to go slow, again, if he actually has feelings involved, caring about your pleasure more than he would otherwise.
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Quickies are his thing, as they suit his needs perfectly and he’ll take one anytime he can get one. He probably won’t have proper intimate sex that often and only if he cares for his partner.
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Not particularly. He likes what he likes and he doesn’t really care to try new things that often, unless you persuade him. The biggest risk he’ll take is where you have sex. He’s not afraid to do the do in semi-public places.
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Not all that high. If he’s incredibly pent up he might be able to last for two rounds, but he’d need to rest inbetween. He doesn’t last long, probably (partially) why quickies are more his jam.
T - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s not much for toys, though he does have a small remote control egg vibrator he’s been dying to use on you.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease, but not excessively. He’s too impatient for that and would rather get down to business. Though when he is in a teasing mood, you better watch out because he can be downright evil (in the best way.)
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not loud, per se, but fuck is he mouthy. So, so much dirty talk. He only quiets when he’s really focused or if it feels especially good. However, if you really wanna hear him moan, go down on him. That’s when he’s the loudest and least coherent.
W - Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
His first time was with a prostitute and it was messy and quick.
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Uncircumcised, 7”, a little on the thin side, but with a slight upturned curve.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Surprisingly not super high? He acts like it is, but I’d say, probably a medium, unless you start in on teasing him, trying to rile him up.
Z - ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Fairly quickly, since his stamina’s not exactly the highest. He’ll usually be out before you and if he trusts you enough to fall asleep with you, he tends to fall asleep on you, on his stomach draped over your chest is his favourite.
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bitchiha · 4 years
Hi~~~ since requests r open can I please get uhhhhhh sum Good shisui fluff?? Ik it’s not helpful but literally . Any kind of happy feelings ok my boy NEEDS HAPPINESS ;-; I LOVE HIM SM BUT THERES ONLY ANGST TTOTT THANK U~~~~ ✨
A/N: yes qween 💫🧚‍♀️ you asked, therefore I will serve and yes I wrote it like an hour after I received the request.. bc this is my first request ever and I was dying w excitement
Even tho I am lowkey very minimally educated in Shisui bc I remember when I was watching the episodes w him I was multitasking in writing an essay for school. It’s okay though, I tried my best
Also I’m too lazy to actually write a full on fluff one shot rn and idk if you wanted a oneshot or hc’s but I’ll do HCs rn and I’ll also make sure to work in a fluff oneshot over the weekend <3 I’ll probably post it sometime next week tho bc my teachers love choking me w assignments!
✎ Fluff headcanons x Shisui
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He’s definitely a protective boyfriend, but not in an overbearing way. Like if he thinks a mission you’re going on is dangerous, he will try and talk you out of it. If you refuse to, then he will probably suggest that the two of you do some training before you leave — that way he can at least give you some tips before you go.
Will train with you whenever you both have time — if you’re not an Uchiha or don’t have sharingan — he will teach you how to break out of their genjutsus, period. Even if you’re not a ninja, he will still have you train somewhat. He does this out of fear of the Uchihas and the Leafs tension. He wants to make sure you are gonna be able to protect yourself incase he isn’t there to protect you.
That stuff didn’t sound real fluffy so here is where the fulffy shit starts :
He’s respectful as fuck, like he won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. There’s never any pda aside from the cute shit like hand holding and maybe him having his arm around you when in public. he does love having you beside him tho, so he will attach you to his hip. When you two are alone though he will be way more touchy — with a dash of needy.
Likes forehead kisses — both receiving AND giving them. Honestly just likes kissing in general if I’m being honest here. Cheek kisses, neck kisses, hand kisses, nose kisses. Anywhere that he can, he will kiss.
After long missions all he wants to do is go and see you. He would prefer to sleep yes, but it would be better if he could sleep next to you. So even if he’s tired he will drag himself to your place just for cuddles and kisses. After missions though he especially prefers if you were the one giving him kisses. He will melt.
As for the cuddling, he’s constantly changing in the way that he wants to cuddle. Like after a mission he wants your body literally plastered to his, like full on your almost laying on top of him type beat OR he’s the one laying on top of you. If it’s a lazy day he would want his head on your lap or chest so that you could run your hands through his hair. He can be both the big spoon or the little spoon but expect him to literally engulf your body when he’s the big spoon, just because he wants to feel close to you.
Also he loves being outside together?? Like just going on long walks where he can once again attach you to his hip and you two can just talk. He loves the sound of your voice though, so he’ll most times prefer to listen to you instead of the opposite. 10/10 will stick a flower in your hair. You two could sit down on a blanket and just stare out at the nature and the sky for hours and he would love every second of it.
He would be so good with kids too, like if you have a younger sibling they will adore him and vice versa. When he swings by your place he will definitely give them some sweets or something cool he found on a mission. They’ll probably ask him to play ninja with them and he’ll drag you into it too. They will low key like him more than they like you.
Likes giving you little things, but will overflow with happiness if you ever ge him anything. You bought him a bracelet once from a village you passed through on a mission and he refuses to ever take it off. Literally anything you give him he will keep in his room and cherish. He likes buying you flowers and cute little Knick knacks.
Lives for being alone with you! Like you two are all alone together at your place, the window is open, there is a slight breeze and the sun is shining into your room and he is once again tangling his body with yours and will most likely fall asleep.
Also likes getting praise from you, he will be the most supportive boyfriend ever, but he needs love too. Will go out of his way to watch you doing your hobbies or things you’re proud of. Compliments you a lot as well, they’re sweet comments about how pretty you look or how smart you are, etc. His heart will skip a few beats though if you return that energy with him. Telling him he has soft hair? He didn’t expect himself to literally beam at that. He likes being called smart, strong, brave, etc... Your compliments definitely fuel motivation for him.
Thinks about you all the time on missions. If something exciting happens his first thought is that he can’t wait to tell you about this on your next walk together. Or if he sees flowers he thinks about how nice they’d look in your hair.
Overall: soft, respectful man we must stan
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rieson · 3 years
@sanjis-simp submitted; Hi! Can I get a matchup for One Piece if you’re still open for them? Please and thank you! I’m 5’5 and am a plus size girl. Super pale with dyed black hair with straight bangs and hair to my shoulders. Personality wise I’m an infp or 6w5. I I’ve been told I’m kind but I’m also very opinionated especially about civil rights, politics, and how people are treated so I can come off bitchy to some people. I do curse a lot and will absolutely obsess over something until I learn all I can or until I get bored of it. I’m a big homebody never really go to parties or anything like that. I’d rather stay home and watch tv or read. Thanks again!
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hello ! thank you so much for requesting love, i match you up with . . .
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word count; 1,440
Donquixote Rosinante / Corazon !
Now, let me start with the usual height difference between you both; I'm sorry but you look like a dwarf standing next to your 293 cm boyfriend.
Like, an absolute DWARF. (Why is he so tall god dammit)
It's embarrassing but, he first met you when he stumbled down the stairs trying to deliver paperwork to Sengoku's office ─ you were coincidentally trying to go up the stairs so Rosinante ended up kissing your shoes.
If one were to ask 10 year old Rosinante where he would see himself 10 years in the future, the answer was probably going to be something he always wanted to do; "helping people" and NOT tripping down the stairs ─ face planting and possibly kissing someone's shoes right now.
"A-Am i dead..? Am i in heaven?" He mumbled groggily, looking up to see a blurry pale figure with dark hair, "Are you an angel...? P-Pretty ...Pretty angel" The words seemed to slip out of his mouth unconsciously, but it still made you blush.
You cleared your throat, blush still visibly apparent in your cheeks, and you handed out a hand for the stranger to take, "Are you okay? Here get up"
The stranger seemed to snap out of whatever daze they were in, finally processing what just happened.
His lips pursing, he stared at your hand ─ and stared at you ─ and back at your hand ─ and then back at you; you stare at him back.
His face visibly flushed, he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly; before deciding to close it and avert his gaze to the floor that seems oh so interesting now.
"I..Uh....Are you gonna get up? You looked like you were in a hurry" You spoke out; voice so gentle yet it was clear that you held alot of confidence.
The stranger finally deciding that the floor wasn't interesting after all, looked up at you with soft hazel brown eyes, and accepted your hand.
You pulled him up; startling him as if he didn't expect to get pulled up, and he stumbled yet again ─ but this time, he was stumbling forward.
Towards you.
You immediately wrapped your arms around his torso, stopping him from falling down again and possibly bringing you down with him.
To others, it looked like sexual harassment but honestly, the stranger just seems to be really clumsy.
Your whole body was dwarfed by his unusually tall, freaky height, making it a challenge to keep him stable but you did it anyways.
"Whoa! You okay?" A chuckle escapes your lips, "You're really clumsy"
The man flushes at your comment and nods hastily, and stands up as you unwrap your arms in his torso.
You got a good look at the man, he was tall. Like TALL tall, perhaps even more than 250 cm? You couldn't tell.
The man wore a white, short-sleeved shirt emblazoned with the Marine emblem; a simplified gull with the word "MARINE" underneath it, on the back; a blue neckerchief; dark blue trousers and above his shoulders wore a coat, "Justice" on the back. He wore the coat like it tends to be worn like a cape, draped over the shoulders with the arms not in the sleeves; indicating that he was indeed, an ensign.
His unruly blond hair seemed to go towards every direction, making it (if not) tangled.
The man finally spoke out, "Y-Yeah sorry about that.." his voice was a bit deep and husky.
"It's fine, you looked like you were in a rush" You answered kindly, crouching to gather his scattered papers he dropped.
He seemed to notice this and started to panick; arms flailing around.
"W-Wait! It's okay I can pick it up!" He sheepishly spoke out, finally taking a look at you and panicking more as he saw that you were a Rear-Admiral.
"No, No it's fine." As he was about to stop you, you were already done gathering the scattered papers, handing it to him with a smile.
"You're in a rush, aren't you? I understand, i also tend to get a bit clumsy and panicky when i wasnt in time." You chuckled.
"Y-Yeah! Thank you ...once again" He took the papers from you, and bowed.
"It's no problem! Please don't bow to me it's a bit awkward haha.." You nervously trail off.
"I- IM very sorry! I didn't mean to- I mean- I-"
"It's fine, it's fine ! You're going to Sengoku's office right ? Better be fast then" You gave him a wink.
The man blushes, "R-Right! My name's Rosinante ma'am" He gives you a shy smile.
You gave a smile back, "Chanae."
And that's practically how you two met; cliche yikes but it's fine !!!1!#!
You both kept accidentally crossing each-others paths and decided to atleast be friends because it was starting to get awkward with the short "hi's" and "how are you's"
As you got closer to Rosi, you found out that he was indeed, an extremely clumsy dork.
Its pretty comical actually, despite you hating the amount of bruises he gets from his clumsiness.
Rosinante grew up and up the ranks; finally reaching the marine commander rank.
While you, only going up to Vice-admiral, just like garp.
You've been offered the title 'Admiral' quite often but you declined, not wanting such a heavy title to be put on your shoulder.
Rosinante was disappointed to say the least but he was supportive with your decision.
Over the past few years of doing missions with you, Rosinante gained a not so small crush on you.
Scratch that, he mf loved you.
He wanted to confess how he felt to you; even if you dont return the feeling back ─ he can relax knowing he's confessed already.
Hence, that's why he's outside of your office, bouquet in hand, as he thinks of a thousand scenarios that would happen when he knocked the door to your office.
Taking a deep breath, Rosi finally gathers enough courage to knock on your door.
And so he did.
A door creaking could be heard, your head peeked out of the door, face visibly displaying confusion.
"Uh- Hello Chan!"
"Rosi..? What are you doing?" You narrowed your eyes at the suspiciously acting 9 foot tall man.
"Uh..I....I wanted to tell you that I like you!- I-Uh- M-More as a friend..And i was hoping if I could take you out on a d-date...?" He trails off softly, his gaze glued on the floor, face flushed.
Your eyebrows raised in surprise, flushing lightly before shrugging, your mouth forming a smile unsconiously "Sure!"
You both took the relationship slowly; not wanting to rush and make one another uncomfortable.
You and Rosi has alot of things in common; including civil rights.
Rosinante was raised to not be like other celestial dragons; he was truly kind.
And you wanted to make sure people were treated how you think is right.
You both hate celestial dragons; you more than Rosi.
Often, when someone gets offended by you cursing your mouth off, Rosi will usually be the one who will apologize profusely while you continue throwing profanities at the celestials.
Rosi also admired your hunger in knowledge; he knows a bit but he isn't as extreme as you.
Rosi HAS to drags you to sleep sometimes otherwise, you'll loose your sleep because you were focusing on learning too much.
Rosi doesn't like to go on alot of parties either, he instead just likes to be alone with you; either cuddling you or watching you read with a lovestruck gaze.
He absolutely loves the fact that you're plus size! He doesn't care what other people thinks, it makes you supper huggable and Rosi loves it.
Likes to shower you with kisses everywhere. Literally, everywhere !!
He can and will send death glares at disrespectful men that keeps checking you out; you don't need to worry about creepy men from now on. (Rosi drinks his respect women juice !! )
Both marines, you don't have much freetime so Rosi usually buys a dozen of books to give you whenever he sees one that he thinks you'll like; it's his way to remind you that he loves you and also because he loves the way your eyes shine everytime you learn something new.
If you're both not busy though, he'll take you out on nice picnic dates !!
You tried doing a pottery date but that ended up horribly as he kept accidentally smashing his creations and kept slipping on the clay.
Rosinante absolutely adores you and your flaws; he forever will and no one could ever replace you ─ same goes to you for him.
[ Runups : Sabo )If Rosinante doesn't pair well with you.) ]
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i...i think i went too far ?? i'm sorry i just love this dork alot.
sorry if Rosinante isn't the most compatible with you, although this is only my take on who would balance well with you.
note; not proofread ! sorry for any grammatical errors.
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aerynwrites · 4 years
Relationship alphabet with Ezra? But only if it inspires you. 🥰
Ahh thank you for sending this in friend! I love Ezra and hope to write for him more. I Hope you enjoy and I captured his character well!
A- Activity (What is their favorite activity to do with you.)
Ezra loves to read with you - well, read to you since you always take pleasure in just listening to his voice as he reads you his favorite tales.
B- Beginnings (How do they act in the beginning of a relationship)
Ezra is kind of skittish at the beginning of your relationship. As we all know, this man has severe self-esteem issues. He is constantly baffled that you chose him as your SO and is sure that you’ll leave him when you get the chance. But as time goes on, you assure him that you love him and don’t plan on leaving.
C- Communication (Are they good communicators? How do they normally talk about their problems or solve issues)
Ezra is an extremely good communicator. He always wants to talk to you and talk about any problems that may arise. He usually tends to be the one bringing up an issues and is adamant about resolving them as peacefully as possible. The only thing that might affect his communication skills is his very eloquent and roundabout way of speaking - sometimes you get a little confused and have to have him clarify something
D- Drunk (What are they like when they’re drunk)
If you thought Ezra was a talker sober - you are in for a surprise. This man seems to talk even more when he’s drunk.
He also becomes very handsy when he has s few drinks in him. not that your complaining of course.
E- Emergency (How are they in emergency situations? You get hurt, they get hurt, someone is dying etc..)
Ezra is very levelheaded. Automatically trying to find the quickest and most efficient way to help. If you are hurt, he is a bit less composed, his worry over losing you clouding his judgment. However, if he’s hurt, he is as levelheaded as ever, walking you through what to do if you don’t know and helping you help him.
F- Free Spot (I’ll give you any headcanon I come up with)
Ezra is a handsy motherfucker. He just loves to have his hands on you whenever possible whether its holding your hand in his, resting his hand on the back of your neck, wrapping a hand around your waist, or even going a little lower...
yeah, he just loves to touch you.
G- Gifts (What kind of gifts do they give? What kind of gifts do they get?)
with both of you being harvesters and wandering ones at that, you never had much money. Sp the gifts you give each other aren’t usually bought.
Ezra loves to give you flowers he finds when he is out and about, or if he finds a particularly beautiful gem he will give that to you instead.
Meanwhile, you always give Ezra any books you come across. you know he loves to read and hate that he has to read the same ones over and over. So whenever you find a discarded book or can trade for one, you jump on it.
H- Hugs (How do they show affection/cuddle)
Ezra loves to hold your hand - not sure why he just does. But more than that, he loves slipping into your cot as you are going to bed and wrapping his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. He just loves to be close to you, feeling your breathing and heartbeat, and taking in the smell that is just completely you.
I- Irritation (What is something that irritates them? How do they show their irritation?)
since the loss of his arm, his inability to perform tasks as efficiently irritates him to no end. he usually shows this irritation by muttering curses under his breath or just going silent altogether.
J- Jackpot (How would they spend their winnings if they won the lottery?)
Ezra - even though he’s been a drifter his whole life - would use the money to settle down somewhere with you. finding a nice planet with a quaint house that the both of you could spend the rest of your lives together in.
K- Kryptonite (What is their ultimate weakness?)
as cheesy as this sounds - you. you are the only thing that could truly break him if anything were to happen to you. He loves you too much and too deeply.
L- Laughter (What makes them laugh?)
one of the things that makes him laugh is when you try to mimic his way of speaking - it’s just so endearing to him that he can’t help but laugh.
M- Morning ( How do they wake up in the morning? Are they a morning person or a morning grouch?)
I think Ezra is a bit of a morning person, not by choice but by trade. the life of a drifter means early mornings, rising with the sun to get the day started early.
before you came into his life, he woke up and pretty much instantly got out of bed - getting dressed, eating a ration bar, and then heading out to the dig site.
However, now that you are here, he takes his time waking up. He pulls you into his chest, nuzzles his nose into the crook of your neck, pressing gentle kisses there until you too wake up. Then you both get ready together.
N- Needy (When do they feel particularly needy? How do they show it?)
Ezra still has days where his depression over losing his arm haunts him. Those days he doesn’t want to do much else than lay in bed and hold you close to him as you whisper calming and loving words into his ears.
O- Oasis (Where is their happy place? Where would they go if they didn’t have anything holding them back?)
His happy place is wherever you are. And if he didn’t have anything holding him back, I would like to think that he would take you back to his home planet - wherever that may be.
P- Pain (How do they handle pain? How do they handle when you are in pain?)
Ezra is pretty used to pain, he has gotten injured one too many times being a drifter not to be used to it. However, when you’re in pain, he will do anything to make you feel better - he may be used to pain, but that doesn’t mean he wants the same for you.
Q- Quote (What’s a quote that fits them and your relationship)
Kiss me and you will see the stars. Love me and I will give them to you. - Author Unknown
R- Reunion (How do they celebrate seeing you after a long time of being apart)
If you are apart for a long time its because of being pulled to different parts of the galaxy. Neither of you knew if you’d see one another again. So when you do, Ezra - for once - Is speechless. after he recovers, he is striding over to you and pulling you into a tight embrace.
“You truly have no idea how much my heart has ached for you all of these moons little bird.”
S- Stress (What stresses them out? How do deal with stress and how do they relieve it?)
Any altercations at dig sites tend to stress Ezra out. Before, he would become territorial and confrontational. But now, with you here, the last thing he wants to do is put you in danger.
he relieves this stress in one of two ways usually it's by moving to another site and digging there, getting back to work helps calm his mind. But if that doesn’t work than he always finds comfort in you. both figuratively and literally 😏
T- Terror (What are they afraid of?)
As we have discussed several times already lol, he is terrified of losing you. He has finally found his person, someone he loves more than anything in the entire galaxy. He never wants to lose you, and that is an ever-present fear in his mind.
U- Unique (What is a quirk that is unique to them?)
Definitely his way of speech. His way of speech and his accent are all unique to him.
V- Violence (Do they fight a lot? Are they a good fighter? What is their fighting style?)
I wouldn’t say he fights a lot, only when necessary for survival. He is a decent fighter when he has his thrower, having become skilled in using it while being a drifter. He tried to fight from a distance rather than up close.
W- Wow (What do you do that really surprises them? What do you do that they really like?)
Your constant and unwavering affection and love for him. He had never expected to be loved like this - so it always surprises him when you show him this.
X- (Explicit headcanon. For all you degenerates)
okay so like - we all know Ezra fucks right? okay, good. Because this man fucks. Ezra absolutely loves getting you into bed and just worshiping your body. constantly praising you and cooing to you in that all too familiar lilt and elevated speech. yeah...Ezra also lives for dirty talk (sorry not sorry😬)
Y- Yucky (Is there something that grosses them out so badly that they can’t deal with it?)
hmmm...I don’t think so. I don’t think there’s really anything that grosses him out that badly, or at all really
Z- ZZZ’s (What are their sleeping habits? Both with and without you)
When he’s without you, Ezra tends to sleep on his stomach, arm under the pillow, and blanket around his waist as he snores softly.
when he’s with you however, his favorite way to sleep is on his side with your back to him while he holds you to his chest. he just loves to hold you while he sleeps, the fact that you are right there next to him comforting him and lulling him to sleep.
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monst · 5 years
The oblivious goddess
All Characters 18+
Kirishima x Dense! Reader
Warnings: I tried hard to not make it angst.. It worked but you still might cry tho…..Don’t @ me. 
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Kirishima was in love. At least that’s what it felt like. everytime you looked his way he felt his Heart flutter, his face would feel hot, cheeks as red as his hair while his palms got sweaty kinda like Bakugou… 
Even when you weren’t around he felt a smile pull at his lips when he thought of you. Your sweet smile, bright kind eyes, manly personality- 
“Disgusting you’re still daydreaming about that loser.” Bakugou scowled.
“I can’t help it.” Kirishima flushed. 
“Whatever at least pay attention you idiot you almost ran into that fucking tree. Ah shit I think it’s going to rain.” He grumbled. 
It wasn’t like him to be so distracted but he couldn’t help it. You were a literal goddess sent from above in his eyes. He was a stuttering mess whenever it came to speaking with you. Especially after he almost called you his goddess to your face. That was embarrassing. 
Kirishima could recall the day he fell for you like one could recite their name. It was his third year and he was still doing work study with FatGum. One particular villain had him messed up pretty bad. He was pushing over the limits of using his quirk. He remembered how bruised he was blood matting down his hair his wrist bent at a wrong angle. Hell he couldn’t even stand. Just as the villain was about to put him out of commission he was blinded by a strong ray of light. 
When his sight finally adjusted he couldn’t help jumping back in shock. The villain that had given him so much trouble was unconscious. But, what took his breath away was you. Everything was still bathed in the heavenly glow and there you stood. In front of him a reassuring smile across your face. You looked like an angel a warrior. He vividly recalled your words asking if he was okay and not to worry. He remembered the shocked look of his senpai as you carried him back to the agency while also managing to drag back the criminal.
You were so amazing. After that he’d see you more often since you both attended hero work studies in the same district. Sometimes you would run into each other on patrol or come together to battle it out with some lowlife. You were so strong. Your quirk allowing you to make quick work out of anyone who stood in your way. He had honestly lost count of how many times you had saved him. When he’d thank you you’d always give him the same responses. ‘No problem dude! You can always count on me!’ or ‘I’ve always got your back Red!”
He was over the moon when you both had hung out without it being hero related. Sadly it wasn’t often. It’s honestly been months since he’s realized that he loved you, but he could never find it in him to confess. He had tried what his friend Mina suggested. ‘Dropping hints’. However, you didn’t seem to pick up on them. Or what he didn’t like thinking; that you did pick up on them but never said anything because you didn’t feel the same way and you wanted to spare his feelings! Kirishima was surprisingly very insecure… 
But seriously everyone knew he liked you. FatGum, Suneater, the people at your agency, his old classmates and his seething best friend. He was teased relentlessly about it. Especially when he began ‘dropping hints’ or using Kaminari’s pick up lines. His face still turned red when he recalled the last humiliating thing he’d said to you. It was something Kaminari suggested and with a shaky grin he had stuttered out how he thought you were shocking….
The poor man was so caught up in his thoughts and feelings that when the wind was knocked out of him he only let out a big oof. He had ran into a tree… His best friend did what any other best friend would do and quickly snapped a shot while snickering. 
“Seriously bro? Ya could have warned me.” He grumbled rubbing his forehead. 
“I did shitty hair.” Bakugou scowled as he rolled his eyes. 
“I was thinking about her again.” Kirishima sighed.
“No shit.” Bakugou responded while typing on his phone. “I don’t get why you don’t just tell her you like her.”
“It’s not that easy!” The red head whined. “What if she doesn’t like me?! What if it ruins our friendship?! Mina and Jirou spoke to her, they had a whole girl talk and they came back with nothing! All she said was that I was the softest hard boy! Like what is that supposed to mean?!”
While Kirishima went on a tangent on how your feelings for him were obscure. Bakugou decided that he’d do his friend a solid. Only! Only in hopes to get him to shut up and stop being so annoying. That was his only reason. The sole purpose. 
“Here you fucktard. I sent you her location. She’s at walmart right now. Be manly or some shit and confess. If you don’t some other loser is going to do it.” 
Kirishima’s eyes sparkled with admiration for his blonde friend. Bakugou was right. As a rookie pro-hero you were already getting a bunch of recognition. You had many fans many male fans… Maybe today would be the day! 
“I told her you were at walmart too just pretend to buy hair dye or something.” Bakugou said clicking at his phone. “Don’t say I’ve never done anything nice for you hair for brains.” Bakugou smirked. Now invigorated with motivation he gave the blonde a departing fist bump. Bakugou was a great friend. How’d he get so lucky? Wait Bakugou had your number?……
Kirishima felt his heart leap out of his chest when he saw you. You were in the aisle with all the hair dye in your hands two boxes each with a different shade of red. When you finally noticed him he almost melted, you’d gifted him with another heavenly smile. Was it so obvious that he was smitten? When he finally got to you, you pulled him into a friendly hug. You also smelled really nice. Oh he was being creepy again.
“Hey Kirishima!” You chimed.
“I’ve told you (Name). Just call me Eijirou.” He pouted. 
“Right! So Eiji, Katsuki told me you were here buying hair dye.” Normally he found guilty pleasure when his name rolled out your lips but he couldn’t help the feeling that settled in the pit of his stomach. Katsuki?….
“Uh yeah! Roots are showing and I don’t want to go in for a touch up.” He smiled.
“Makes sense.” You mused. You leaned in closer to him to reach and touch the red strands. You could clearly see his roots coming in without having to part his hair. 
“That’s weird.” You mumbled.
“Weird is what?” He stumbled heart pounding at the proximity. 
“Your hair you don’t usually wait this long. Has something been bothering you?” You asked in concern. 
“N-no i’m fine. I just haven’t gotten around to it.” You had noticed he hadn’t dyed his hair! Progress?! Trying not to be too weird he turned to look at all the dyes trying to find the one he usually bought.
“It’s this one right?” You asked holding up the dye he always used while placing the other brand back.
“Yes, wow you really are amazing!” He gushed only to clasp a hand over his mouth.
“Lol Eiji it’s just dye.” You laughed. He was on cloud nine your laugh was beautiful. You were beautiful. Amazing! No enchanting. He really liked you. He was dying to be able to call you his. To have your small hand in his, hug for longer periods of time, wear matching clothes, share cute kisses…. get intimate….. With that in mind he decided that now was as good of a time as any. 
“(Name)” He said ‘hardening’ his nerves.
“Hmm.” You said looking at him.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” He trailed off.
“And that is??” You questioned.
“I um…. oh man come on Eijirou you can do this…. This is so unmanly…” He flushed.
“Uh? You wanna try again?” You giggled.
“Yes!” He shouted. “S-sorry I was just wondering…. Why you were at walmart!”
The crash could be heard from a mile away. He had messed up. You blinked up at him a bit confused as to why that question would make him flustered. You were going to answer when Kirishima shocked you.  Your eyes couldn’t have gotten wider as frustrated tears welled up in his eyes. 
“Eiji a-are you okay? You know you can tell me anything right?” You said placing a hand on his shoulder. “You know you can always count on me Red. So don’t cry.. Do y-you want me to call Katsuki?” He shook his head sniffling.
“I-it’s just that i’m such a mess. Everytime I talk to you I mess up.” He sighed. “(Name) Your a goddess. I-I really like you but I can’t seem to even tell you.”
“W-why would you need to tell me that? You know I like you to Eiji that’s why we’re friends.” You said your face growing warm at being called a goddess. 
“Friends.” He gulped clenching his fists. His chest felt tight all of a sudden. He felt tears coming. He didn’t want to be near you while he bawled at the realization. “R-right, thanks (Name) for being a good f-friend.”
“Yeah no problem!” You smiled. “Huh? Where are you going? Hey! Eiji your hair dye!”
Kirishima had rushed off suddenly. You bit your lip in contemplation. Had you done something wrong? You quickly called Bakugou.
“Hey cuz. Something weird just happened.” “No.” “He called me a goddess. Why?” “Wait What?! He what?! Kacchan this better not be a fucking joke!” “Oh shit.” “I said we’re friends.” “Well how the hell was I supposed to know he was confessing?!” “Whatever bye.”
You quickly took off running as soon as the call ended. With amazing speed you checked out the hair dye and ran outside the store. As soon as you stepped out you were pelted with the angry wrath (of the fangirls tears at your stupidity for hurting the sweetest angel in existence.) of the harsh rain. You felt your clothes stick to your body uncomfortably as you ran trying to catch a hint of red. 
You had finally spotted him. He was walking down the street, his head bowed and his hands in the pockets of his sweats. You wasted no time in rushing to him. Narrowly avoiding traffic and waving off drivers as they honked at you in irritation. You had one goal in mind. One person in mind. With that in mind your body came crashing onto the red-head. Your arms wrapped around his waist as you dug your face into his back.
“I’m sorry!” You cried into his back. Kirishima stood frozen in place not knowing what to make of your words. Did you finally understand how he felt? Were you apologizing for not loving him back? “K-Katsuki told me everything.. I-I’ve been-”
“So you know now.. Please spare my heart I don’t want to be left with a wound or resentment for my best friend.” He whispered.
“Wh-what?” You let go and you felt your own eyes water when he turned around. He looked so dejected unlike his usual self. His usually bright eyes were dim and you could see him biting his cheek to keep his lips from quivering. 
“It’s okay (Name) I-I’ll get over it. You don’t like me and, I don’t want to ruin our friendship. So, just give me time some space-
“What the fuck Eijirou! What stupid nonscense are you spewing?! I’m terrible with social cues!” You yelled as Kirishima held his reddening cheek. Tears spilled from your eyes as you grit your teeth and balled your fists. “I may not have noticed your feelings for me but you’ve never noticed mine for you!”
“Wha-” He sputtered ‘your what?!’
“Why the hell do you think I always say that to you!” You shouted your eyes narrowing at him. “You can count on me! I’ve got your back! You think it’s some fucking catchphrase or something?! I-I fucking love you okay?! I-I just down know how else to- Fuck Dammit.”
You buried your face into your hands worked up from your emotions. Kirishima rubbed at his eyes trying to clear the liquid. However due to the rain it didn’t do much. He let a small smile slip onto his face. You loved him. You actually had feelings for him. He could cry. And, he did. Before you could walk away he lunged at you wrapping his arms tight around you. You returned the embrace your burning face hidden in his chest.
“I love you too.” He smiled. “I haven’t been very manly about coming out and saying it but I really do love you (Name). Your my goddess.” He laughed.
You were practically glued to Kirishima’s side as he had one arm slung over you pulling you closer. You were both shivering still wet from the onslaught of rain. Both of you really regretted not bringing an umbrella while you waited for Bakugou to pick you up.
“H-how many m-minutes left till Katsuki gets here.” Your teeth chattered as you spoke.
“F-five.” He shivered pulling you closer. 
Before you could check your phone again you saw a black car pull up in front of you. Jumping to your feet both you and, Kirishima ran to the back seats that were covered in plastic. Bakugou was also nice enough to bring towels.
“I should have let you both freeze and die of hypothermia.” He sneered. “I see a drop of water on my seats and I’ll skin you both!”
“Yeah, Yeah thanks cuz.” You dismissed rubbing one of the towels on your head.
“Cuz?” Kirishima mumbled. ‘That explained a lot…’ 
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Confessions Through Anxiety
Warnings: Only Fluff and Cuteness. 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: NejiTama (Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki) 
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A stuttered breath came from the frightened man who was currently sitting on Nejire’s couch, never in his life had he been more grateful to have such a great friend. Despite the fact, his legs were pulled up to his chest and his arms tightly wrapped around them. Trembles coursed through his whole body as he tried his best to calm down. God, he hated this. He was supposed to be a Pro Hero. Tamaki Amajiki. Suneater. He shouldn’t have to be going through this. Stupid panic attacks and he didn’t even know what brought it on!
Either way, his chest felt constricted making it all that much harder to take calming deep breathes as Nejire had instructed him to do. She was always so calm and positive, kind of like Mirio only toned down a bit. She was more motherly than anything and Tamaki often found himself running to her whenever he had a problem which she would happily listen to with a smile on her face. She always gave Tamaki an affectionate hug after he was finished and told him what she believed he should do. 
Honestly, whenever she touched him. Hell whenever she was near him, he felt his heart pound wildly in his chest. He didn’t want to admit it at first, having feelings for your best friend. But it was true, somehow or another he found her more and more attractive each day. Which was a funny thing considering most people thought he’d end up with Mirio. Come to think of it, maybe that’s how this panic attack came about. If he thought about something for too long he would only get overly worried and then those paranoid thoughts would come. 
“Tama ...are you okay?” Came Nejire’s caring voice accompanied with a gentle hand on his back. Another tremble came as he snapped out of his thoughts, God his mind was a dangerous place. “U-Uh I ....” He tried to speak, but his mind was blank for the moment as he unwrapped his arms from his legs and stretched them out. He took a deep breath and turned his body to better face her. But that might have been a mistake because as soon as he looked at her or tried to, his stomach filled with butterflies and he felt his face begin to heat up. 
Quickly he ducked his head and began to pray she only thought it was because of his anxiety. “Huh?” Nejire tilted her head to the side, her long hair following the motion. Dammit, he felt like a fool. He knew this wasn’t the proper solution to anything! He almost missed the days where he didn’t have feelings for Nejire but he knew deep down he didn’t mean that. Sure it was easier to talk to her when his heart didn’t threaten to jump out of his chest, but it was almost a wonderful feeling. Falling for someone. 
He felt that hand leave his back and almost immediately he missed the warm touch. “Tama, you’ve been acting so strange lately!” The girl gave a huff, turning her head to the side. Her eyes slipping closed for the moment as she placed her hands on her hips. If she didn’t know any better, she would almost suspect Tamaki was hiding something from her. But why would he do that? They were friends after all and friends shouldn’t hide things from each other! 
He felt his mouth grow dry and his shoulders stiffened, damn. Did she figure him out already? No, no, no, no! The thought alone was about to bring on another panic attack. Tamaki bit back his fear and swallowed hard to try and rid himself of that lump in his throat. “I ...I-I’m sorry!” He squeaked out as he finally lifted his head to look at her. Even in this state, whether she was angry at him or maybe just frustrated. She looked beautiful, especially when she opened her eyes and turned to look at him. 
Another huff came as Nejire leaned closer, practically brushing her nose against Tamaki’s which almost made him jump back. But no, he had to be brave and he forced himself not to move. “If you’re sorry, then tell me what’s wrong! I care about you Tama and you’ve been acting this way around me a lot ...” She said, her voice cracking a bit at the end. She was a little sad that Tamaki had been having so many panic attacks around her lately and she was beginning to think that maybe she was the problem. 
“I ...I don’t ...” Tamaki glanced to the side, hearing the pounding of his own heart ring in his ears. It was now or never! He was kind of hoping to keep his feelings a secret for as long as possible, but he knew this would eventually happen. Nejire would grow too suspicious and corner him until he confessed, on occasion, she did that. Always so determined to help people, especially her friends. 
His fingers curled into the fabric of his jeans, every time he thought about confessing to her. It always ended badly, either with thoughts of her rejecting him or even their friendship coming to an end because of his feelings. He knew, either way, this would affect the relationship they had, but if he didn’t get it off his chest now. He might stand to lose her for real. He took a deep breath and hesitantly looked back at her and Nejire was sitting there with a cross look on her face as if dying to hear Tamaki’s explanation. 
“Nejire ...” He said her name so sweetly, despite his mouth feeling dry and at any moment he swears he was going to faint. “I ...I’m sorry, I ...I don’t uh, really know what to say but ...I ...I do have something to tell you.” Tamaki was lucky he even made it through that sentence, but he watched Nejire’s facial expression drop and once more she tilted her head in curiosity. “What is it, Tamaki? You know you can tell me anything!” She insisted and he knew that was true, Nejire wasn’t one to judge or just blow someone off. 
He nodded, “Yeah, I ...I know.” His hand came up to grasp at his shirt, he could feel sweat beginning to drip down his neck and for a moment, he thought about lying. Just give another excuse as to why he was acting the way he was but that wouldn’t solve anything and he had already committed to telling her, he had already jumped into the lion’s den. So he needed to push through, he was a Pro Hero after all. He could do anything he set his mind too. 
Another deep breath, ‘Stay calm Amajiki, you can do this’ or at least he hoped he could. “Which is ...why I ...I uh, I’ve been thinking about you ...a lot!” He confessed, his voice going high in pitch which seemed to startle Nejire as her beautiful eyes widened. “Really? What do you mean a lot?” She questioned which only sent Tamaki back a step. He let out a soft groan and facepalmed himself, trying to think of how to say what he needed to. 
His hand slid off his face and plopped down next to his thigh and yet his free hand came up to rub at the back of his neck. Nervous little nails digging into his skin. “I ...mean ...a lot, I t-think about you every day. Every moment of every day even!” Nejire parted her lips as if she were surprised to be hearing this kind of thing from Tamaki, then again she hadn’t seen him like this before. Not in all the years of their friendship together. 
“I ....” He swallowed again and forced himself to continue, maybe he should just cut to the chase. “W-When I first met you, I ...well I didn’t think even really know w-what to think of you. You were j-just ....so bright and happy and everything I wasn’t and ...recently I’ve noticed that well, I uh, I’ve n-noticed you more ...” Nejire looked confused, her cute little eyebrows knitted together. “Noticed me more?” Tamaki was beginning to feel like this was a game of answer and question. 
But regardless, he nodded. His tongue coming out to swipe at his lips that felt as dry as his mouth. “I ...I’ll just come out and say it!” He declared, throwing his head back a moment and his hand's curls into fists before he lunged forward. Grasping at Nejire’s shoulders which got her full attention. “Nejire ...I ...I think I love you!” Tamaki felt a shiver go through his spine as he finally confessed and his expression went blank. 
His eyes nothing but white and his jaw hanging open as if he were terrified and he was. He felt himself struggling to breathe again or was he just holding his breath? He honestly couldn’t tell at the moment, his mind was too busy racing with horrific ways Nejire would reject him. But Nejire just sat there a moment, her hands delicately folded in her lap. Those eyes still big and bold and her lips were pressed together in a straight line. 
He messed up! “Uh ....” He leaned back and held his hands up. “N-Nevermind! Uh, forget I said anything ...okay!?” Tamaki frantically rose from the couch, ready to book it when he felt Nejire’s hand pull him back. “Ah!” He cried out and stumbled back, falling awkwardly on the couch as Nejire grabbed onto his shoulders and loomed over him. God, even from this angle she looked beautiful and that was bad! 
“Uh ...uh ...” Tamaki stuttered out, he felt frozen. His lips parted and his mind gone of any rational thought. He only saw that smile grow on her face and more panic filled him as she leaned closer. “Ah! W-What are you doi-mm!” His words were cut off by her hand which was so perfectly placed against his heated cheek and those lips, so soft and plush pressed against his own. 
“Mm! Mm ....” He mumbled against those lips, his body slowly relaxing and he gently placed his hands on Nejire’s arms. Slowly but surely melting into that kiss, which was actually better than how he imagined. She tasted so sweet, almost like strawberries and, well was it too soon to say he loved it? He closed his eyes and gently tilted his chin, returning the kiss to the best of his ability. It’s not like he actively practiced this anyway. 
His breath hitched when Nejire pulled away and Tamaki couldn’t help but reach up to touch his lips which felt warm, moist and slightly swollen. He glanced up at Nejire who stroked her thumb across Tamaki’s cheek affectionately and giggled. “I love you too Tamaki!” She declared happily and for once, Tamaki felt his heart skip in a good way. “R-Really? You’re not ...just saying t-that right?” He questioned, but he should know better and yet Nejire indulged him and nodded in response. 
“Heh ...” He felt himself smiling and leaned up to press his forehead against Nejire’s. “That ...makes me so happy to hear.” Tamaki’s voice came out gentle and calm, that smile still on his face. Sure maybe they’d have to find a way to explain this to Mirio. But for once he wasn't going to worry. 
“So, do I still have to worry about you having panic attacks? Not that I mind! I just want to know that you’re okay after all.” Nejire said, her eyes open and looking at Tamaki’s relaxed expression. It was adorable.  Tamaki shrugged. “You don’t have to worry ...w-whenever I have a panic attack, I’ll just run into your arms and I’ll feel ...safe again.” He smiled and reached up to touch her cheek just as she did to him. “Thank you ...Nejire.” His best friend and more. 
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mingishoe · 4 years
50 kpop questions
Just because I’ve been stuck inside for exactly 31, almost 32 days, which is terrible for my mental health sO i’m doing this to keep my mind off of things. Also I’m really sorry for not posting this week, I’ve been working on requests and I’ve just been taking my time and stuff so yeah. Thank you for being patient babes~~
1.)The first song that got you into kpop? So surprisingly it wasn’t a  BTS song even though Run was the first kpop song I heard... it was Sorry by The Rose  
2.) The first group you starting staning in kpop? So sorry was a song that really stuck with me for the longest time and almost immediately after I started staning The Rose. Usually when I tell people its a band and not necessarily a ‘normal’ kpop group that has choreo and stuff, they’re always really surprised because even now they’re not super super popular. 
3.) Your first bias? So even though The Rose isn’t a normal choreo kpop group my first bias was Dojoon but pretty soon after I got into BTS and before I learned their names I was really drawn to Namjoon, so I’d say either one of those.
4.) Your first bias wrecker? Okay so in The Rose I didn’t really have one but in BTS my bias wrecker was Yoongi and obviously he wrecked me because uhh yeah Yoongi is now my bias BUT it’s still Yoongi after years sooo...
5.) Your favorite boy group? My favourite boy group is Ateez (obviously lmao)
6.)Your favorite girl group? My favourite girl group currently is Itzy but I’m really stuck between BlackPink as well.
7.) Your ultimate bias If it’s not obvious enough, its Mingi... hence my username
8.) The main fandom your apart of? I’d say I’m mainly Atiny, but there’s a huge Army inside of me.
9.) Your ultimate group? My ult group is also Ateez
10.) Your favorite era of your ultimate group?
Dude all of Ateez’ eras are literally all perfect but I’d say either this past comeback, the Answer era or the Wave/Illusion era.
11.) Your opinion, black haired idols or dyed hair? I love me a good pretty hair colour *Cough* mingi’s red hair and Yoongi’s mint hair *cough* but also P L E A S E let their hair B R E A T H E BEFORE IT FALLS OUT!
12.) Aegyo master girls?
So the groups I watch honestly don’t really like/don’t have the best aegyo but Lisa is really cute so I’d say her
13.) Aegyo master boys?
We all know our boy Jooheon- as much as it makes me wanna invert on myself it’s also insanely cute
14.) Your favorite maknae
So you know... it’s between Jongho and Jungkook but I think I’d have to say Kook.
15.) Your ‘child’ group?
I don’t really know what that means so UHHH
16.) The group you could see yourself becoming best friends with?
Dude honestly as much as I love ateez I just wanna be best friends with BTS so FUCKING BAD like dawg they’re just so funny and yeah 
17.) Your favorite boy group kpop song ?
This is a really hard question because there’s like a million answers but I’d say Utopia. That song without a doubt makes me cry every time I listen to it because it’s just so beautiful and it just makes my heart so happy,
18.) Your favorite kpop song girls?
I don’t wanna be basic or anything but it’s either ddu-du-ddu-du by BlackPink or ooh-ahh by Twice
19.) Are you more into girl groups or boy groups?
I’m more of a boy group stan because I’m not a huge fan of the cutesy stuff most girl groups do, but I do enjoy girl groups as well it’s just more difficult for me to get into them.
20.) Favorite kpop girl dance?
Once again I don’t wanna be basic but I really like either Whistle or BOOMBAYAH by BlackPink or Cheer Up by Twice. 
21.) Favorite kpop boy dance?
I really like Love Shot and Ko Ko Bop by EXO or Serendipity by Jimin BTS 
22.) If you were stuck in a horror movie you’d want which group with you?
Okay so no matter what group I’d pick I’d be dead bUT I think my best bet would be maybe Ateez because they got Jongho and that boy is strong and not scared of anything.
23.) Favorite fandom light stick?
By far my favourite is the BlackPink light stick because it’s literally the cutest thing ever aND IT SQUEAKS!!! like someone please buy it for me. Please and Thank You.
24.) Favorite fandom name?
I really like Ikon’s ikonic and Ateez’ Atiny
25.) Visual king?
Yeosang PERIODT, baby gets slept on way too much on his visuals and KQ was right to make him a visual.
26.) Visual queen?
Dude Jisoo from BlackPink. She’s so beautiful and shes in my top 3 of female idols I think are the most gorgeous thing in the world.
27.) Dance queen?
Lisa from BlackPink. If you’ve seen her mentoring on that chinese show- BITCH you can see how serious she takes it and it’s so satisfying to watch but also I’d cry if I’d ever have to dance in front of her.
28.) Dance king?
Hoseok from BTS. Like once again you can physically see how serious he takes it and its insanely hot but also very scary and like Lisa I’d cry if I’d ever have to dance in front of him.
29.) Rap king?
This is an opinion and I’ve met so many people who have actually fought with me on this one but Hoseok from BTS is literally such a good rapper. I understand he might not be the best but he is my favourite rapper in kpop. I just absolutely love his tone of voice and idk UGH i just love Hoseok overall.
30.)Rap queen?
I know a lot of people are probably gonna disagree with me on this one but uh I think Moonbyul, Hyuna, and Jessi are some of the best rappers because personally I just really like their tones and UGH they’re all just beautiful. 
31.) A group you’d really like to get into?
There are SO many groups I would love to get into but I’d say a girl group would be Dreamcatcher because I listen to their songs and they’re all great but I just haven’t found the time to sit down and learn their names or anything. A boy group would be MCND because I saw their debut like an hour after it released and it was really good and once again I really like their debut album but I just haven’t found the time to sit down and learn their names either.
32.)Your favorite ship?
I’m personally not really into ships so I’ll just use ships as friendships so I’d say either Yoonmin, sope, but probably Vmin would be my favourite, which are all BTS ships.
33.) Your favorite intergroup friendship?
I think I’m gonna say Jackson Wang from GOT7 and Namjoon from BTS. They’re both just really cute so yeah kjdfskd
34.)Ballads or upbeat songs?
Personally ballads because I prefer slower more cute or sad songs or the complete opposite and like trap with a loud ass bass.
35.) Have you ever met any of your idols?
No but I would love to. Rationally thinking I think I would completely shut down and not know what to do because some of these people I look up to so highly and literally thank them for the sole reason of me being happy and being able to get through such difficult times.
36.) Do you prefer cute themes or sexy themes?
Once again I don’t really like cutesy themes that much so I’m going to go on the sexy themes side. also i’m a hardstan so obviously.
37.) How long have you been a kpop fan?
So I’ve been around Kpop for a really long time because a few of my friends listened to BTS and Super Junior and stuff like that I always listened to it but I was forcefully trying not to get into it but eventually I gave up and secretely got into kpop around 2017 but then i “Came out of the kpop closet” as my friends like to say after the Burn The Stage movie came out because my friend took me to go see it with her when it came out in 2018. But yeah if I let myself I would’ve been a kpop stan a long ass time ago.
38.) Your favorite comeback song?
There were so many comebacks that I really loved so there’s a few but Got7 You Calling My Name and Ateez Wonderland are two of my favourites.
39.) Do you have any kpop company you tend to prefer?
Not really, but I’d say I listen to many artists from JYP.
40.) Barefaced idols or make up?
41.) Is you bias list as out of control as mine?
My bias list is pretty much all rappers except maybe 2 or 3 so I’d say I have a type sdfskfhskjd
42.) How many groups do you actually keep tabs on?
A lot more than I actually realize but mostly Ateez, BTS, Monsta x, and Itzy. But I heavily rely on twitter for the rest of my groups
43.) Your current favorite kpop song?
I really don’t even know... but I’d say Utopia by Ateez.
44.) First kpop dance you’ve attempted to learn?
So I attempted to learn a bunch of dances but I really just gave up bUT a dance I’ve actually solidly learned is Ddu-du-ddu-du by BlackPink.
45.) When I hear kpop songs in public I....?
Personally I’m not ashamed to like kpop in public or anything. Like I’ll wear merch and stuff in public sO I’d probably not even make a big deal out of it and just sing along quietly.
46.) If I knew someone irl who had the same bias as me I would...?
Honestly we could like thirst and bond over having the same bias> I don’t get the people who get actually offended if people have the same bias and then defensive and possessive whenever they do have the same bias.
47.) Kpop idol I would most like to meet?
I probably would like to meet Wooyoung or San from Ateez. They both just seem like the nicest, sweetest people ever and I’d just love to have that experience.
48.) Kpop idol who is like a role model to me?
Namjoon from BTS. Do I even have to explain that? Honestly that man should be a role model and an inspiration to everyone but...
49.) Favorite kpop lyrics?
Sunrise by Ateez. The lyrics have helped me through many difficult times and every time I listen to it it’s a reminder that everything is going to be okay.
Why is my life so dark? Why, always makes me hard? A lost heart The burden on my shoulders Let's wait a little longer, even if it's cold. It's gonna rise. Sooner or later. Let's wait and see, alright. What I want someone to say to me, even if it's a lie. "You don't have to worry." "You're doing great." "Just keep it up. Just like you do now."
50.) If I had a whole day with my bias I would....”
I would honestly just wanna do something chill. Like Imagine just chilling and watching movies while eating snacks with Mingi- idk about you but honestly that’s probably the best thing I could imagine.
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trvelyans-archive · 6 years
alistair was tired.
he couldn’t remember the last time he moved from his seat in the library - it could’ve been hours, or days, or perhaps an entire year. his ass was numb - it had been for a while, actually, but his legs were asleep and he didn’t want to stand up - and every time he moved too quickly he felt like blacking out. he couldn’t go to sleep, though, unfortunately. his final was in two days, and, as per his usual luck, he just so happened to forget an entire semester’s worth of content. he was forcing himself to cram, for his self-esteem’s sake.
but he really needed something to cheer him up.
if he knew elara wasn’t studying for finals as well, he’d call her - actually, he’d probably text her, because he’d chicken out of asking her to come visit once he heard her beautiful voice - but she was probably as busy as he was, if not busier. but he missed her. they hadn’t had a movie marathon night in weeks, and he was longing to sit next to her on his fold out bed in front of his decrepit laptop and share a bowl of caramel candy corn and apple juice.
he was reaching for his phone before he realized he was doing it, and was about to press the call button when he was rudely awoken from his trance.
“no, alistair,” he murmured firmly to himself, sliding his phone across the table from him and shaking his head. “don’t even try to distract her. or yourself, for that matter. your grades couldn’t handle that.” (that was partially true, but he also just needed a good enough reason not to call her - he wouldn’t be able to resist otherwise, yet he also knew it would end embarrassingly and he didn’t want to suffer the humiliation.) 
as if on cue, his phone lit up with a call from elara. he could make out her contact photo from the opposite side of the desk - her orange hair a messy halo around her head, her smile wide and irresistibly pink. he shot up from his seat - a little too enthusiastically for his tired brain, because it rendered his vision spotty and dark for two seconds - and grabbed his phone, hurriedly answering the call.
“hi!” he said. “i was just thinking about you, haha.”
stupid, alistair.
“o-oh!” elara’s voice was quiet, and had a nervous, overly-excited lilt to it. “were you really?”
“i mean... not in a creepy way, i just... i just thought it’d be nice to have you here right now helping me out with these equations.”
you are a fool. 
“what are you, uh... equating?” she asked. thankfully, he could hear the smile in her voice, and he smiled in response.
“i don’t know, actually.”
she laughed loudly, and his smile grew at the sound. she always had a way of bringing out the biggest smiles in him - it was something about her cheerful attitude and her cute face. and, of course, a lot of... other things - she wasn’t just cute, she was fun and clumsy and made him laugh, and laughed at all of his jokes no matter how dumb or cheesy they were, and... and she was so...
“so! what’s the haps?” alistair asked as casually as he could manage.
“what?” elara replied confusedly. he could picture her face - her nose would scrunch just a little, and she’d squint at him. he shook his head, recovering from his embarrassing choice of words.
“i mean... liiiii-ke... why did you call me?” after a second, he added, “not that i’m complaining, i just... i’m just wondering. shouldn’t you be studying, you... you... scallywag? heh.” 
ugh. what?
“oh, yeah! i was, i was just... taking a walk to get some juice from the canteen.”
the canteen was right next to the library. if he moved over to the window and looked outside, he could probably see her walking across the plush rolling lawns back to the dormitories. if that was where she was going. or maybe she’d want to sit out on the mall - it was the warmest day they’d had in weeks, and she was always one to sit and bask in the warmth whenever she could.
maybe alistair could join her.
so he cleared his throat, preparing to say something hopefully not embarrassing and hopefully not nonsensical, when she said - “actually, i called to... tell you something.”
his stomach dropped.
not for any particular reason. she didn’t sound angry or mad - she sounded so, so nervous, actually - but he couldn’t help the way his chest lurched when he thought about what she could say. what if she was moving? or found someone else - or just someone - she wanted to date? what if she was dying?
oh, maker, what if she was dying?
“what?” elara exclaimed through the phone.
he hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“oh, sorry!” he said quickly. “sorry, sorry! i didn’t mean that - i  don’t think you’re dying, you’re as healthy as can be - not that i’ve noticed - i mean, i have noticed, it’s not hard to notice that you’re not dying, i mean - it’s just...”
he smothered his face with his hand.
“please, continue,” he half-whined, half-begged, closing his eyes and shaking his head, cursing at himself.
there was silence on the other end for several seconds - so much so he thought she had hung up or lost connection. and then she cleared her throat and laughed quietly, likely to herself, and stammered out a few unintelligible words before sighing and giggling one last time.
“we’ve been friends for long time, right?” she asked. alistair blinked a few times - the question threw him off guard for a moment.
“erm - yes?” he replied finally, shaking his head in confusion. “i mean... yes, yes we have been.”
“and... uh...”
elara coughed once, and then twice, and then the other end of the line went silent once more, like she was covering the end of her phone with her hand.
“sorry! sorry, it’s just...”
she sighed and laughed awkwardly.
“i’m a little... nervous.”
alistair chuckled and sat down in his chair, tucking his free hand into the pocket of his khakis. “well, that’s... that’s...” he frowned, then, tipping his head onto the back of his chair. “should i be nervous?”
“i don’t think so,” elara responded. “i mean... there’s this...”
she stopped talking again.
“can you tell me what’s happening, please?” alistair asked pitifully. “i’m... ha... really rather confused right now.”
on the other end of the line elara sighed once more, murmured something - maybe to someone else, someone she was standing with - and breathed in and and out several times before speaking again.
“i was just walking out of the canteen when this... uh... filmmaker? approached me.”
elara wasn’t an actress. alistair raised an eyebrow, perhaps feeling more in the dark than he had before. how on earth could a filmmaker be involved in why she had to call him? it wasn’t like she was leaving school to work on a film of some kind, was she?
“oh... kay?” he squeezed his eyes shut, desperately trying to reach out for a piece of a puzzle that he didn’t even realize he was solving.
“and she...” elara blew out steadily. “she’s doing this video about... uh...”
“about what?” alistair said. “wildlife preservation? global warming? you know a lot about both of those things, haha. is that... why she’s talking to you?”
“no, she’s...”
her voice was shaking. he could tell that she was on the verge of crying - he always knew exactly when the tears were about to spill. except it was worse now because they were talking over the phone and there was nothing he could do but talk - and he wasn’t very good at that in the first place, especially when she was crying. he was better at comforting the non-verbal way. he couldn’t exactly give her a hug over the phone.
“she’s doing this... video,” elara repeated, “and she’s asking... uh... people to...”
she took a deep breath.
“ask the person they like... on a... date?”
the words came out a squeak, so high and quiet alistair could barely hear them - and then he genuinely thought he hadn’t heard her right. he shook his head and tugged at his earlobe a few times, trying to clear invisible blockage from his ear.
“sorry, elara, it sounded like you said... uh... ‘date’.” he laughed uneasily.
the line was silent for a moment before elara hurriedly replied, “yeah, i did.”
“oh.” alistair raised his head and blinked a few times - a date. a date. the filmmaker was asking people to call the person they like and ask them on a date. “oh!” and then he was blushing profusely, the tips of his ears turning red, his mouth opening and closing in shock as he tried to think of something to say. “so you... called me?”
silence, and then, “yes?”
before he could say anything else, elara continued: “i mean, unless that’s... unless that’s not what you want, in case, and then, uh, we don’t... we don’t have to... i can call... someone else? i mean, not that there’s anyone else to call, but, if you don’t want to... for the...”
she laughed, and he could hear her sniffle.
“you can hang up, now, if you’d like.” she spoke defeatedly, and he hated that he let her.
“what?” he asked quickly. “no, i - i don’t want to hang up, elara, i would never. firstly because that’s not what best friends do, and secondly because... well... i’d really like for you to ask me out on that date, actually.”
“... r-really?”
“yes,” he said, a chuckle in his breath. “yes,” he repeats, this time a little louder and more encouraging, “but i do have a final to study for, so... perhaps... you should just... say it. no stammering or anything. okay? you can do it.”
the anticipation was nearly killing him, his heart beating so quickly in his chest that if she didn’t ask him right now he would explode. his words were supposed to coax her into calmness as much as they did for him.
“alistair theirin, would you like... to go on a date? with... w-w-with me?”
“elara surana... i would love to.”
and then, on the other end of the line, there was a cheer of some kind, so loud he had to pull away from the phone and wince until it had died down.
“just how many people were listening, exactly?” he asked, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and his forefinger. he didn’t mind the date, or the asking of it over the phone - even if it was for a video - but the fact that people he might have known were listening to their every word made him feel very uneasy.
“a-about ten or so,” elara replied.
“w-... what?” he shook his head and laughed in disbelief.
“i’m sorry! i’m sorry,” she said shakily. “they were just so... excited.”
“what, was this an invitational of some kind? did you advertise this event?”
he was joking to relieve tension, but realized he sounded like an asshole.
“i’m kidding, i’m kidding,” he told her, hoping that she hadn’t pulled away from the phone to cry. “are you okay, by the way?”
“not really,” she replied, laughing despite herself, the words muffled underneath what he guessed to be a hand pressed against her face. “i’m kind of... crying? and shaking? a lot? ha.... ha?”
“yeah, i could tell,” he said, getting up from his chair and wandering over to the window, scanning the lawn of the school for her orange head. “i’m in the library. do you want me to come down and give you a hug?”
he spotted her after a few seconds. she was standing near one of the big oak trees, and sure enough there was a group of about ten or so people clustered around her, including a tall qunari woman with a camera propped up on her shoulder and a wide smile on her face.
“it’ll only take me a minute to reach you,” he told her. “look, i can see you right now. turn around.”
elara spun around on the ground and spotted him after a second of wild, head-jerking searching  - and then raised a half-hearted finger at him, doubling over and shaking her head while the filmmaker smiled even wider and pointed the camera towards him.
suddenly he felt self-conscious about his study-slob outfit and backed away from the window, laughing nervously. “no, no, wait, i look terrible right now! elara, make her stop.”
but elara was too busy laughing to notice, and alistair smiled at the noise, happy knowing that she felt she had no reason to be nervous anymore.
they exchanged a few words as he packed up his studying supplies, but she was laughing too hard to keep up conversation, and eventually he started laughing too, mainly at the sheer ridiculousness of the whole charade as well as the fact that their first date was going to happen because a woman with a camera approached elara and made her cry. there were worse ways to be asked on a first date, but alistair was sure there were none that were weirder, and perhaps he was thankful for that. 
“i’m on my way,” he said finally, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “perhaps you could take me on that date now? i desperately need a break from studying or i’m certain i will drop dead.”
“would you care if our first date is a nap in my dorm room under messy, unwashed blankets and a pile of calculus notes?” elara asked, giggling, a sound so close to the tinkling of bells alistair turned around and half-expected to see the jazz band sitting somewhere in the library. 
“not at all,” alistair replied, shaking his head in a bid to keep himself awake until he at least made it out onto the quad. he was very, very tired, he realized - much more than he thought he had been. if he didn’t go to bed soon, he was sure he’d start hallucinating. “sounds nice, actually. i don’t think i’ve slept in years.”
“well, good,” she said. “having you to myself for a long time sounds... very.... good.” 
alistair laughed and shook his head, trying to squash the rising of butterflies in his stomach as he pushed through the front door of the library.
“i’m going to hang up now,” he told her. “i’ll see you in a sec.”
she chuckled. “okay, yeah, see you in a sec,” she chirped in response, and then alistair pulled his phone away from his ear and hung up, grinning widely.
when he woke up several hours later in a dark room, he was half-convinced the whole thing had been a dream. he dreamt about elara more than he liked to admit, and while this would have been tame compared to some of the others, it was certainly very strange. after a minute of sleepily patting his surroundings, not recognizing the fabric of the blanket or the way moonlight slanted on the pale-blue wall he didn’t remember, he felt a small body curled up in bed next to him, calculator still in hand. 
so it wasn’t a dream after all, then.
he slid a hand up to her cheek and cupped her face, leaning closely to press a tender kiss to her forehead. she groaned sleepily, softly at the action, shifting around for a moment in response and pulling the blankets higher up on her shoulders before settling back into a peaceful sleep.
if this was what he was going to wake up to from now on, perhaps alistair should find excuses take naps more often.
inspired by this!!!
elara surana belongs to @fen-harel!!! 
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