#not to mention adding her husband/lover into the mix
shivunin · 1 year
For the record, Zevran changes his last name to Tabris at some point, even though they refuse to publicly admit they're married
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
best friends mom!emily prentiss and reader. where readers bsf invites her to join their vacation for winter break and r accepts not knowing that emily was her best friends mom that she has been fucking for weeks. a few days there, r decides to go to in the hot tub, emily joins after without thinking. emily and r has unbearable tension so they fuck in the hot tub while emily’s ex husband and r’s best friend are out skiing.
- 🐦
*Authors note~ I love the Emily prompts so much and I missed writing for my favourite lady*
Trigger warnings~ mommy kink semi public sex, cheating milf Emily x 21 year old reader
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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Delilah happened to be your best friend of 2 years, you'd met at college and instantly became thicker than thieves. For anyone who didn't know your story, it appeared you'd been friends for years. Yet realistically you didn't know each others family or home towns, you knew each others college lives inside and out. Delilah mentioned a family vacation she was being taken on and allowed a plus one, which was going to be her ex boyfriend, but the key word there was Ex. So it had all been payed for, she offered you to join in, knowing you'd been swept up in meeting the mystery girl, you'd return covered in love bits and satisfied for a few days. The cycle would repeat but you refused to divulge much information, only offering her gender and saying she's older, but god damn amazing in bed. So the break would do you the world of good.
That was how you found yourself and your best friend driving up to the cabin. A skiing holiday. Both singling obnoxiously loud to a special playlist of all your favourites. The emotional response would change from breakups to sexy to sad to happy and in love, a true mix but all of them loved by you both. When you arrived at the cabin you got all settled in your room before Delilah's dad and step mother arrived.
The shock of your life came when you saw your secret lover stood next to the man Delilah addressed as dad. "Emily" she nodded at your secret lover and that's when your eyes met, she was just as shocked to see you here too. Neither of before realised you were talking of the same girl. Delilah. You knew her as li and Emily addressed her as Delilah, so truly it was understandable how one didn't connect the two. Emily of course told you of her failing arranged marriage, her mother unwilling to accept that Emily was Lesbian so she arranged the marriage with a wealthy man, it made her look good so what was Emily's happiness to her?
With a nervous hi to both adults you began to listen in to what was going on. Delilah and her dad wanting to hit the slope as soon as possible, Emily hoping to stay back at the cabin maybe get a little nap in. So they were completely divided which meant they turned to you. "Uh um I could stay here with Emily? I could do with a nap, I'll hit the slopes tomorrow with you li?" You murmured hoping it would be okay.
Soon enough it had been decided li and her dad would hit the slopes and you and Emily would hang back here. As soon as they both left, Emily made her way to where you were staying, "that's your li?" She murmured as her eyes raked over your body. "You have a step daughter and a mommy kink em?" You teased watching as she smiled and came closer to you to steal a kiss. "Shut up princess you have no problem with calling me mommy when I'm attending to that pretty pussy of yours" she murmured against your lips before shoving you against the wall, the moment your back connected with the wall you let out a ridiculously loud moan. "Now now princess don't scream too loud or we will get caught" she teased before removing herself from you, "get a swim suit on, there's a hot tub and Im sure you'd hate to leave mommy all alone in there" she purred adding a quick swat to your bottom before heading to change.
By the time you had changed, Emily had already found herself in the hot tub, her burgundy swim sit hardly containing her plentiful boobs from spilling out over the cups. Her head lolled back in relaxation as the steam rose hitting cold air. "Mommy?" You whimpered as your need clouded your mind. It had been way too long since you'd had your lips on her pert buds, or lapping at her slick folds, hell you missed being dicked down by her strap. You missed your mommy and here and now with her like that, you just had to have her. "Join me princess" she murmured not even bothering to open her eyes as you scurried to join her.
The water was warm and you couldn't help but moan slightly as it washed over your skin, taking a seat next to Emily. "Now now princess you know mommy likes you on her lap" she murmured causing you to now straddle her lap. "Hello pretty girl" she murmured before kissing you hard enough to make your toes curl. "Mommy" you whined rolling your hips, only to find out she's packing.
"Mommy need you" you whined into her ear. "Princess it's been a few days since we you've had mommy, such a needy little slut aren't you?" She murmured before freeing her strap. "Gonna ride me like a good girl" she demanded really before slipping the binki bottom material to the side before allowing you to sink onto the faux dick.
"Oh mommy, fuck yes more" you whimpered eyes rolling back your head as you felt her hit that spot inside you only she could find. "Come on baby. Let mommy use that pretty pussy of yours" she murmured and you began to bounce on the strap. The hot tub jets adding bubbles to hide what was going on, "mommy mommy fuck want bed" you murmured in coherently. Quickly hoping off her strap you stumbled from the hot tube and to the bedroom you were staying in. Emily got on your heels.
Immediately you were bent over the bed, strap entering your core once more, this time pace being ruthless and erratic, "fuck princess feel so good. Take it. Take mommys cock. Fuck squeezing me so good baby" she moaned as to simply laid there taking the brutal assault, murmuring incoherent words and pleads. "Mommy! Love you mommy mommy please" you whimpered, "gonna cum" you warned. "That's it princess come for me. That's it good girl"
Emily fucked you through your orgasm before slipping from your core and moving to kiss you, "oh princess this holiday is going to be so much fun, now go clean up and look busy they'll be back soon, I love you princess" she murmured before leaving the room to freshen up.
Word count~ 1188
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toms-cherry-trees · 9 months
Fires of Harrenhal || AemondxReader/AlysxReader
Summary: Secrets and deceive always find their way through the stone halls
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: Angst I think? Betrayal. Character death. Very mild NSFW. Canon divergene from both book and show. Mention of war crimes and murder. Idk how else to do this without spoiling. No beta reading I have no one to beta for me
Author's note: Never. EVER in my life had I written something so long. And it has me very anxious. Also I don't know what this is exactly. It is not angst, nor fluff. I don't know. Enjoy!
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A gentle drizzle fell from the overcast skies. Fine droplets of water collected on the braids in her hair, beading in her eyelashes, rolling down the curve of her neck to the swell of her breasts. The fabric of the green gown slowly soaked, and the air around her chilled, but she did not feel the cold. The measly mizzle could do little to match the frost spreading through her bones, born from the very depths of her soul, turning her to ice from the inside out.
His emblazoned cloak still hung loosely from her shoulders, heavy and comforting, even though the warmth of his body had been long lost to the rain. His scent lingered, smoke and leather, a faint hint of spiced wine; and something else which is entirely his own, indescribable and unexplainable, but it evoked danger. And death.
Words befitting to the place she stood. Harrenhal had been long cursed, ever since Harren the Black mixed blood in the mortar which kept the bricks together. Ever since the Black Dread torched down the fortress with the King and his sons inside. The passing of the years only added to the jinx. Death and misfortune followed whoever dared to settle within the crumbled and slagged walls. Entire houses and lineages exterminated, most recently house Strong; from the eldest man to the babes in the cradle, put to death by Aemond’s command. All of them but one.
A Strong bastard, from all people. 
Aemond’s infatuation with the wetnurse stunned those who bore witness to the affair, and speculation soon arose that the so called witch of Harrenhal had laid an incantation on the Prince, for otherwise it could not be explained that such proper and devoted man, always guided by rules and correctitude, devoted of the Faith, could so brazenly take a lover, an unworthy one at that, while his beautiful, perfect, dutiful wife awaited for his return at King’s Landing. No, Aemond could never.
But he could and he had.
Alys hadn’t been the first one. Others had been fleeting affairs or pleasures of one night, both before and after their wedding. Ladies from the court, his mother companions, town girls, even the occasional maidservant that caught his eye. But unlike with Aegon, they all came willingly, ensnared by the mystery of the one eyed prince. All of them forgotten as soon as dawn broke through, their silence bought with gold or jewels, and a cup of herbal tea drank under the watchful gaze of a maester.
She didn’t let their existence bother her too much. Always keeping her head held high and her gaze ahead, haughty, beautiful and proud. Aemond took great care to not leave a trail of bastards in his wake, unlike brother dearest, and never flaunted them in the open. No, before the court he only had eyes -eye- for his wife. A gentle hand on the waist, glances across the table, a kiss on the hand when they parted, and one in the forehead when they reunited. A most perfect and devoted husband, whose mask fell as soon as the doors closed behind him.
Some days she wished he would openly hate her, because at least it would prove him capable of any feeling towards her. Instead, he only offered her an impenetrable barrier of indifference bordering cruelty. Aemond would walk the Godswood with her, barely rewarding her with a hum of acknowledgement when she tried to engage conversation of any sort. She tried to show interest in his heritage, but he said she would never understand the history without carrying Valyrian blood. When she suggested meeting his dragon, he retorted that Vhagar didn’t take kindly to strangers, citing false concerns for her safety. 
Even the bedding he treated like a chore to be dealt with. Methodical, efficient, and dreadfully boring. He laid with his wife as little as possible, just enough to avoid any whispers or bad talking. He would send a servant to inform her in advance that he would visit her bed so she could be “prepared”. A quick affair, his body always on top, not a sound heard other than the occasional creaking of the bed, done. He rolled over and fell asleep before she had finished cleaning herself. Hells, she didn’t hold great expectations of the act, but for a man who took so many lovers she hoped for a bit more effort. 
When he became Regent, the weight of the borrowed crown awoke something deep within him, something that had always been there, dormant and expecting for its moment of glory. An obsession with control and power. He became possessive. He had to have her in sight at all times. If he sat the throne, she stood right next to him. When he held council, she acted as cupbearer, but only to serve his cup and his cup alone. If Aemond decided to sit in the library until the hour of ghosts going over scrolls and maps, she had to be there, dutifully waiting by his side until he decided to retire for the night.
They no longer slept separately, since he simply had the maids move all her belongings to his own chambers, while also disposing of things he decided she no longer required, like her childhood dolls, books of fantasy or any gown not made in green and gold. He also kept her diary in the drawer of his desk; it had to be back there every night without fail. She did not know if he read her entries, but decided to not risk it and write only about things he would like. The hours became long, since he allowed her to speak only with people he approved of; very few had earned that trust; and those who did she would rather not speak to. Even her servants had been swapped, her maids and guards replaced with former attendants of the Queen, more loyal to the Dowager than they would ever be to her.
Aemond’s departure for Harrenhal came as a relief, his presence having slowly grown into a suffocating weight on her chest and lurking shadow on her back. As soon as Aegon could rise from bed again, he sent his brother to retake the dilapidated fortress from their uncle, although she suspected it more to be a cock show off; to remind the people that even though the Greens had less dragons, they still had the biggest one.
Aemond requested his wife to accompany him, but Aegon swiftly refused. A warzone is no place for a lady, he said. She did not trust his intentions, but given he could barely do anything other than speak and drink, she felt confidently safe in the newfound solitude, dividing her time between accompanying Helaena, prayers with her good mother in the sept and her own recreations, in which she could now indulge fully, free of her husband’s criticism.
Bliss, however, proved to be fleeting. One day Aegon summoned her while she broke her fast, to his bedchamber of all places. The alcove smelled stale, a combination of souring wine and the sickly scent of various medicines and tinctures, all mixed with the pungent stench of something unidentifiable decomposing somewhere. Perhaps the putrefaction within finally caught up to the surface, and Aegon himself had begun to rot from the inside out. Which wouldn’t surprise anyone, given his current state.
The open letter in his scarred hand and the knavish smirk on his lips gave her a bad feeling. He sat unabashedly naked in his bed, his immodesties hidden only by a sheet soiled with something indescribable. She tried and failed not to look at the ruggish and reddened skin marring his left side, the movements of his arm clumsy and stiff as if Aegon had been coated with tar. Although that probably would have been a kinder fate than his armour melting into his flesh.
When her eyes met his own, she saw a twinkle of delight sparkle on them. A sick pleasure earned from her evident discomfort at the sight of himself.
“Your dearest husband summons you to his side, now that Harrenhal is back under our command. And I, ever the benevolent brother, will allow it”
Suspicion gnawed at her insides. More so when she tried to take the letter from Aegon’s hand, and he kept waving it teasingly out of her reach, displaying surprising agility despite his wounds. Right before she could snatch it away he tucked the paper under the sheets, in a place where he knew she’d never reach out, even under threat of death by dragonfire. His smile reached his eyes for the first time in months as he dismissed her, pleased like a child who got away with a prank.
Sleep refused to come to her that night, forcing her to toss and turn as she went over the day. She didn’t trust Aegon more than she’d trust a dog guarding a roasted pig. Aemond summoning his wife at his side would not be inconceivable; the brother who fulfilled his duty to the Crown and now demanded his prize. But Aegon’s willingness to let her go told a different story. Nothing entertained him more than toying with his little brother, and what better way to do it than denying him access to his wife only because he could.
An ulterior motive had to be there for the King to grant such freedom. Something she could not yet see.
Aegon even arranged her departure himself. A messenger went ahead so everything would be arranged for a proper welcome. The retinue, albeit reduced, included fine soldiers and swordmasters, all dressed in plain cloth and without pomp. Ser Criston himself joined in on the journey, wishing to also meet up with Aemond to discuss war strategies and their next moves. 
Green and gold banners and soldiers in formation awaited them in the immense courtyard upon arrival. The whistling of the icy wind through the cracks in the masonry made sounds like the fortress wept and howled, the souls of those who died within the walls using the wind to disguise their lamentations. 
The steward and a knight led them inside, up the Kingspyre tower and towards where she assumed her husband awaited. Large double doors of blackened wood stood slightly ajar, allowing a sliver of light into the hallway. The steward pushed the door open and announced Criston and herself. Both stepped into a large dining room, a table laid out with a feast to feed a dozen. Yet only two sat at the table. 
Aemond presided over the supper, at the spot of honour in what could only be described as a throne. In his lap sat a woman of milky skin and raven curls, cherry lips pulled into a seductive smirk, her elegant fingers carding through Aemond’s silky tresses. The bodice of the woman’s silk gown had been unlaced, one breast out of the garment and firmly captured in Aemond’s mouth.
She didn’t have time to see Aemond’s face before Criston pulled her away by the arm, his broad form standing between the disconcerted woman and the indecorous scene. But she made eye contact with the black haired woman, the woman who sat her husband’s lap, the woman whose fucking tit he suckled like an indefence infant. Green eyes bore into her own, resplendent and alluring like emeralds. The last thing she saw before the door slammed shut was the woman winking at her, as if they shared a secret.
Everything made sense now; the scattered pieces falling into place perfectly. Aemond had never written. Why would he, when he had a woman keeping his bed warm and his needs fulfilled, a woman whom he craved like a drunk craves a drink. Someone, no doubt a carefully placed spy, had surely written to Aegon to report the affair. And the King, in pain, scarred and woefully bored, allowed himself some entertainment. Soon enough he would be doubling over in laughter at the picture of his perfect brother caught with the Strong bastard’s tit in the mouth.
The tension in the air could be cut with a knife in the days that came. In order to preserve her own dignity, she had to act as if nothing had occurred. She broke her fast every morning with Aemond and Criston, not a single word spoken besides the usual morning greetings. Aemond could not look any of them in the eye, especially not his fatherly figure, who had never gazed upon the prince with such disappointment before. The silent treatment hurt Aemond more than the cut of a sword, that much was evident upon his face. But his wife didn’t feel an ounce of pity for him; in fact, she rejoiced in his shame. She wanted Aemond to feel at least a fraction of the silent disgrace she carried with herself. She wanted him to be the one who had to keep his head down and his mouth shut.
He hadn’t even tried to come to her chambers, aware of the reaction that would await him if the thought so much as crossed his mind. Which is why the knock on her door, late on the seventh night, came as a surprise. On the other side stood no other than Alys, the so-called witch, wearing the same gown of that first day. The wife tried to slam the door shut, but not fast enough to keep the woman out. Alys entered the chamber and sat near the fire, her skirts spread around her as she stared into the dancing flames. 
Before she could hurl insults and perhaps something more tangible at the whore, her voice echoed through the alcove. She had never heard Alys talk. Sweet and velvety, every word slipping past her plush lips in a mellow murmur. Even though they stood away from one another, the witch’s words resounded in her ear like a close whisper.
“You are unhappy”
Not a question. An affirmation.
“Unhappy because your husband doesn’t love you like he loves others. Because he refuses to show you care and adoration like you always dreamed of. He doesn't know how to cherish you, and you think you deserve better. You know you do”
Every fibre of her being urged her to scream insults at that brazen whore, to drag her by those perfect curls of hers and push her out the window. Yet she found herself unable to move or speak. Because, deep down, Alys had only said the truth. As if with just one look, she had been able to read her deepest thoughts and laid them out plainly in a way she never could. Tears pooled in her eyes, but her prideful nature kept her from letting them out. Crying in front of her husband’s mistress was a disgrace she would never recover from.
Alys stood, eyebrows knit together and features contorted in what could only be described as pity. Her soft, motherly hands cupped the younger woman’s cheeks, dabbing at the corners of her eyes with her thumbs. They stood like that for a moment, the tension dissolving into a comfortable silence as they assessed one another. At last, it was the wetnurse who broke the spell.
“I have seen your life in the flames. Not even diamonds shine as bright as your future”
The witch gave her a brief kiss on the lips and walked out silently, her steps silent in the flagstone, leaving behind a flabbergasted woman. 
After that, Alys came to her chambers every night. And for some reason, she didn’t turn her away, not even once. Maybe because she knew, deep down, that the woman could not be blamed for Aemond’s weakness of mind. Because her words had struck a chord inside her. Because if not her, she had no one to turn to at the moment, alone and isolated in a place where everyone bowed to Aemond’s bidding.
Maybe because she found herself enjoying Alys’ company more than she ever did his.
She found in the witch a friend she never had in the Red Keep. They strolled through Harrenhal together, Alys narrating the story behind those walls, and the lives born and lost there. She taught her about medicinal herbs and plants, knowledge forbidden to them as women. Alys had a voice suited for melancholic songs, and she would sing to the lady as she brushed her hair at night before bed, and before returning to the Prince’s rooms. Shared between two spouses who refused to look at one another, and whose only thing in common was their infatuation with the Rivers woman.
The arrangement felt ideal for her, having found in this odd circumstance the closest thing to happiness she had experienced since the day she recited her vows in the Sept. But Alys kept pushing for reconciliation between her and Aemond, urging her to salvage the feeble bridge of their marriage before it sank into the abyss. She felt unwilling, finding great comfort in not being forced to endure his presence. But Alys brought forth a greater problem, a problem which grew by the day under her dress.
“It is only you who can help me, my girl. One day he will tire of me, and me and my babe will be put to death, just as he did my entire House. He had the infants smothered in their cribs before the eyes of their mothers, and the women bury their children with their own hands before their heads rolled. What do you think he will do to a bastard born of another bastard?”
Panic and rage bubbled in her stomach at the thought of losing Alys. She had been witness to her husband’s cruelty during his time as Regent, which only grew after being given free will at Harrenhal. Servants lashed at the faintest of errors, maids with their heads shaved and fingers broken. Executions on the daily, followed by new servants being forcibly dragged from their homes to Harrenhal to maintain the cycle. Anyone who tried to flee ended with their head on a spike and their body fed to Vhagar. It seemed like the curse of Harrenhal had slipped into Aemond’s mind, filling him with blackness and slowly pushing him to the brink of destruction like many before him. And it disgusted her to no end.
No, she could not allow herself to lose Alys. She needed her like she needed to breathe. She needed those motherly hands braiding her hair, that sweet voice entoning the saddest melodies ever written, the scent of her skin embedded in her pillows to soothe her into sleep as nimble fingers caressed her hair. 
For her, she would try.
That night Alys came to her chamber as usual, Aemond with her. Husband and wife stood face to face at last, infelicitous and tense like their first night, their unspoken words lingering heavy in the air. Alys moved to stand behind her, hands on the younger woman’s shoulders. Soft fingertips tracing the curve of the neck, up to the crown of the head and then down to the collarbones; calmness spread through her veins like a salve, warming her to the tips of her toes. Alys’ lips caressed her ear, her words seeping into her brain like smoke and clouding her thoughts.
“Trust me”
Trusting Alys came as easy as breathing. Even as she undressed the lady slowly, taking her time to undo the laces of the bodice and the clasps in her skirts. Peeling away silk, lace and linen, baring soft skin and feminine curves. Aemond’s pupil widened with lust as he stood spectator, witnessing his mistress caress his wife with the greatest love and care. Kisses brushing down the neck and collarbone, gentle hands tracing the curve of the hips and the descent of the thighs, moving over forbidden places as warm lips met into a shy and delicate kiss; tongue against tongue, small sounds of delight escaping through. 
When Alys finally passed her into Aemond’s embrace, she whined in protest. Aemond didn’t know how to touch her. His coarse hands were clumsy on her flesh, too harsh where she wanted featherlight, and not enough effort where she wanted more action. When her husband laid her on the bed, nestled between her thighs, Alys sat at the head, kissing, teasing and fondling while Aemond chased his own pleasure amidst grunts and pants. Alys’ hand snaked down her body slowly, between the breasts and past the navel. She screamed her climax into the woman’s neck, legs instinctively wrapping around Aemond’s hips as he too found his release.
The routine repeated night after night, for weeks on end.
And the more they did it, the more she found herself wishing it was just her and Alys; Aemond’s presence having gone from a necessity to a nuisance. His wife no longer wanted him to touch her, and only withstood on the promise that it would be her favourite witch the one to rip the highest throes of ecstasy from her body. This no longer was just about securing Alys’ safety; she wanted her safe and sound, by her side. Forever. And as she said, one night long after Aemond had left them, only one way they could secure such idyllic future for themselves.
The news of the fall of King’s Landing had reached them not long ago. The relief of Aegon’s disappearance alongside his children could not placate the terror Aemond felt at knowing his mother and sister remained at the Keep, now prisoners of Rhaenyra and her mad husband. Aemond wished for nothing more than to climb Vhagar and torch down the Crownlands, burning the last leaf on every tree to retrieve his family. But he stood put, on Alys’ command.
“You do not need to chase the war, my Prince. It shall come to your door through clouds of storm”
So they sat and waited, as day after day passed with sunny and clear skies, the God’s eye reflecting the blueness, waters calm and inviting. A fortnight after Alys’ vision, the night chilled and the wind picked up. She stood behind the lady, a silver comb in hand as she untangled her hair before bed. Her scent filled her nostrils and eased her fears. Picking up her uneasiness, she brewed her tea, which she fed her slowly, one spoonful at a time.
“All will be well, my child. Our troubles will vanish and our futures will be clearer than the waters in the God’s Eye”
That night Aemond didn’t come. That night belonged only to Alys’ and her little lady. To taste in the seclusion of the chamber what would be theirs for the rest of their lives.
The next morning, grey clouds hovered over Harrenhal, the breeze carrying the smell of rain mixed with sulphur. The high pitched dragon cries echoed in the mountains around the keep, alerting of the approaching danger. Aemond emerged from the tower, a vision of black and gold in his armour, his sword hanging from his belt and a cloak with the three headed golden dragon in his back.
First he bid Alys farewell. She whispered secret words in his ear; whatever she said, it made him set his jaw and tighten his fist around the hilt of the sword. Then he moved onto his wife. He had shown himself warmer and more loving since Alys’ intervention, blissfully unaware of his wife’s feelings. He cupped her cheek in one hand and kissed her like never before, humming against the softness of her sweet lips. She fitted his helmet over his head, tucking the silvery white braid away. The first drops fell from the clouds, and he unfastened his cloak to wrap around her shoulders, providing warmth and safety.
“I shall see you at the end” He murmured the words against her hairline, placing a tender kiss upon her brow.
And with that Vhagar rose to the skies with a deafening screech, the flapping of her leathery wings sending gushes of warm wind around Harrenhal’s dilapidated towers, the empty halls and vast chambers echoing with eerie wails that forewarned the battle to unfold. On the opposite side of the God’s Eye, Caraxes appeared as well, high pitched roars and puffs of smoke sent as a warning, his misshapen body cut over the greying clouds. Once more, dragon against dragon would clash in the sky, and tears would be shed in the wake of their fire. 
Any witness would assume Aemond had the upper hand, the deformed and younger Blood Wyrm being no match for the considerably larger and more experienced war dragon. But dear Alys’ visions had never failed her, and they wouldn’t betray them now. Nor would the gentle poison she had concocted for the occasion, spread across the wife’s lips just moments before she kissed Aemond farewell, not strong enough to kill, but the right dosage to ensnare the senses and befuddle the mind. 
Calm, deliberate steps took her to the top of Kingspyre tower, her path illuminated by the blazing glow of the fire coming in through the windows, the skies tinted in bright hues of red and orange. The wind blew warm and strong as she approached the ledge, ground trembling beneath her feet, reverberated by the clashing of colossal bodies. For a brief moment she feared for her own life when they flew too close to Harrenhal, but the vision had been precise and showed no threat to her life. 
Her hands rested on the stone, ancient dust sticking to the sweat of her palms; heartbeat quickened in anticipation. As predicted, in perfect synchronisation, both dragons widened their jaws. Caraxes pierced Vhagar’s throat, while she tore his wing to shreds and slashed his belly open. Both beasts spiralled downwards, locked onto one another. From afar she couldn’t tell, but it seemed as if a small, black blur fell from Caraxes’ back. Whatever it was, it was soon obscured by the spray of water that rose from the Eye as both dragons sank, the gout as tall as the tower she stood in. When the lake finally settled, all that marked the spot of such a great battle were bubbles and steam rising to the surface, and then silence. A silence like never before had existed.
She remained rooted, hands on the stone, eyes fixed on the middle of the lake until the last bubbles popped under the raindrops. She did not move from her lookout post. Not even as the rain fell stronger, droplets hitting her skin like icicles, aiding into the ruined shell of the freshly grieving widow she pretended to be. 
A knight came to her, nervous and apologetic, calling her attention with a sharp clearing of the throat. She looked up, rapidly blinking away unexisting tears, and dabbing at her cheeks with the back of her hand. Composed but frail. Dignified even in the face of loss. He waited for any sort of acknowledgement, and when none came, decided to speak.
“We share your sorrow, my Lady, and our thoughts are with you. This has washed ashore, and we thought you may want it” The soldier’s voice did little to sway her, and she didn't even grace him with a look. 
The heavy, loaded silence between them was broken by the soft tapping of female slippers and the rustle of stiffened skirts. A brief exchange of hushed words later, the knight left the rooftop; she remained silent and still until she could no longer hear the metallic clanking of his armour. 
Alys stood by her side, dark curls fluttering freely in the wind. In her pale hands, resting lightly atop the curve of her swollen belly, was Aemond’s helmet, still in pristine condition, not a scratch upon its surface. The older woman stared at it for a few moments before placing it in her hands. It felt final. Like closing a tedious book, or awakening from a bothersome nightmare. The last word in another chapter of history. A chapter written by their own hands.
Alys called her name, moving to stand behind her. A soft kiss pressed at the nape of the neck, slender fingers running down the length of her spine soothingly, making her shiver pleasantly. The smell of sandalwood, lemongrass and honeysuckle engulfed the girl. 
“It’s over” Her words tickled her ear “His name will not be called again, and no good thoughts will be evoked upon his memory”
Another kiss behind the ear, hands on her breasts, pulling her flush against her body “I know your thoughts are troubled, my child, but the right thing has been done. His fire burned too strong, and he would have brought the realm to ashes, including you and me”
Her words were soothing. She was right; Alys was always right. Aemond would have been their demise. They did what they had to protect themselves, and protect the realm. A kinslayer could not be trusted; it had been his nephews before, and any day would be his brother and anyone else who stood between the sapphire Prince and the Iron Throne. He had to be stopped.
“My only regret is that he died not knowing it was me. The one he would have never suspected. I would gladly give all my family’s gold for the chance to tell him, even if it meant paying him visit in the Seven Hells where he belongs”
The neckline of her gown was pushed aside, plush lips leaving a trail of kisses down her neck towards the collarbone, hands sliding down from her bosom to the hips, digging into her flesh.
“Worry not your little head, my girl. That does not matter anymore. His bones will rest forever at the bottom of the God’s Eye. And whatever you wished to tell him, you will soon be able to pass the message along”
Alys and her cryptic words. She loved to speak in riddles and rhymes, unnerving those who heard them and didn’t know better. She only smiled and nodded. 
And then the helmet rolled down.
Her hands remained mid aid, fingers curled around nothing, every muscle tense and trembling. She looked down past them towards the crimson stain growing upon the fabric of her bodice, and the sharp length of blade protruding from between her hips, coated in a red so deep it seemed black, viscous drops falling from the tip onto her husband’s last possession.
The scream died in her lips as the dagger was twisted and dragged upwards, effectively slicing her open like a squeaking boar. But she had not made sound, nothing aside a choked cry of agony as the weapon was brought down again, ensuring the cut along to be neat and thorough
“I truly didn’t want things to end like this, my sweet flower” Same gentle voice and soothing tone, words dripping venom and malice mixed with honey and sugar. Her index traced a slow line from her neck down to the point where the hilt of the dagger was pressed against her back, the carved handle still firmly grasped in her hand
“I truly enjoyed our time together, and you could have been so much more. You have the guile and the guts to match, and your mind is a most resourceful place. You could have achieved greatness, and with my nurturing, no one would have been able to stop you”
Both of her tender, motherly hands placed upon her lower belly, right under the fatal wound. The blood soaked her hands, red on white, and she gasped almost excitedly, basking on the feeling of life spilling on the stone. She did not know how her body was still standing. Perhaps it was the witch’s doing. Dragging on her demise, enjoying the wicked pleasure that came along with having power over someone else’s life. 
She made a shushing sound against her ear, tenderly rubbing her abdomen in circles as the first tears finally poured from her eyes.
“I see it all, you see. Everything and more. I have seen what lies ahead of you. Trust me, I am sparing you from a lot of pain and grief”
The edges of the world faded to black, vision narrowing until all she could see was the dagger. That and  the puddle of her own blood growing at her feet. 
“His blood cannot carry on beyond the confines of Harrenhal. Only this cursed place can halt the strength born of his offspring. But there can be only one”
Her voice sounded distant. The last thing the lady saw was the courtyard, far down but growing closer as her body felt weightless in the air.
“Only one son can be born”
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lilhwahwa · 2 years
heart swindler - J.WY (Part 1)
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ part 1: Moving back to a capital city seemed exciting enough but it also brings competition in your field. You work hard to provide for you and your nephew but business is harsh and your rival, Wooyoung seems to be having a streak of good luck. Wooyoung’s streak was not your only problem as you find yourself bumping into strange a man at the club, you have a feeling it is not the last time you’ll be seeing him either. 
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Female Pronouns Conwoman reader! x Conman Wooyoung! Enemies to Lovers. Angst. Fluff. Smut.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: 18+ smut themes in the future parts. Mentions of drug abuse. Abusive parenting. Violence. Bi? Wooyoung? Stalking. Slowburn!. Conning? More to be added... This is fiction and does not represent the real idol.
words: 7.8K
tags: @bl3ss3d-curs3d​ @mayosgrises​ @k-queen​ 
The night club was jam packed this Saturday night. You could recognize some rap song blasting through the bass-boosted speakers, blurring out the sounds of people around you. The clubs in the central area had no motivation in making a good mix for the night, rather re-using anything that could be considered loud and sexual enough.
At least the bass is alright here you thought as your eyes scan over the crowded dance floor from a balcony on the second floor. Some nights you felt like a hawk hunting for prey. Your eyes had been trained to see through the sharp strobing lights which helped you speed things up.
There were often times you wondered what name to put to your career. Some people from your past would scream conwoman…
Your eyes scan the gray and black newspaper as a small smirk spreads over your lips.
“Young woman conned man out of half a million dollars, read page five”
You quickly flip the light pages of the newspaper before landing on the page where you were met with the pathetic face of the said man. Asshole, he was the one who offered you the money anyway. That job was way too easy. He only went crying about being conned after his poor wife had received the anonymous message from you to her phone;
Anonymous: This is how much your husband loves you *image*.
You admit, that move was a little too asshole-ish even for you. Usually you would keep out of your target’s private life but it was simply sweet karma after hearing the bastard speak degradingly of his wife who had fallen ill and been hospitalized. The audacity men have. Damn you could even say you took some pity on her. That’s how you justified sending the video of him on his knees in front of you, worshiping you as if you are some greek goddess.
Anytime now…you thought and the loud chime of your phone ran through the luxurious hotel room just a few seconds later. You smirk and reach over to answer.
“Hey there sweetheart” you tease, holding the phone up to your ear as your eyes wander over the artwork hanging on the walls in the room. Many of them portrayed naked lovers, making you roll your eyes at the stereotypical art. You don’t even flinch as a loud voice curses you on the other side.
“I will kill you, you fucking bitch. You ruined my marriage- my career! I trusted a fucking conwoman” the older man that had so unfourtnarely been your previous target, curses in disbelief.
The words didn’t affect you anymore, hell you were in the luxurious hotel room thanks to his money to begin with, he could curse you all he wanted.
“Well, learn not to fuck women other than your wife, thought I doubt she will let you near her again” you replied with a dry chukle, hanging up to block the number. Time to change phones…
Other times people recognized you simply as a tactful business woman who occasionally used men for money. You usually prefer this title anyway.
LUX, which was the name of the club you had settled on for tonight, was one of your favorites. It has beautiful architecture with many well-built bars spanning over three different levels, but that was not why you liked it so much. Neither did you really care about the club’s entertainment which consisted of half-naked girls dancing on poles spread around the first floor.
The reason LUX was your favorite was rather obvious. Anybody who entered, either had straight connections to the owner or was packed with millions. Both of those options ultimately meant that most men in attendance could give you what you were looking for; money.
Hongjoong, the owner of the place, allowed you to do business in the club in exchange for a friendly percentage. While you normally shrink away at the idea of sharing your profits, you have to remind yourself that without him you wouldn't even have access to a place like LUX.  
After what felt like hours, you spot a man sitting alone on a bar stool on the first floor. White button down shirt, a golden watch on his left wrist that reflected off the strobing lights and a half empty drink. Perfect.
Time to act. You make your way down the spiraling staircase that connects the three floors at LUX. You feel the blood being squeezed out of your feet thanks to the tight high heels you wore. They were at least a size too small, but you were determined to show off the fancy brand in hopes of catching attention. You suck it up and soften your mischievous expression into a softer, more innocent look. Men and their pathetic instinct to act as protective heroes.
You make your way over to the first-floor bar, not too close to the target you had picked out. Only a few seats were taken by the counter, most people having found a dance partner for tonight.
It was obvious when people turned their heads as you walked past and you had to keep yourself from smirking at the fact. At least with the act you were putting on.
You lean over the bar right to the side of the man who was sitting by himself, looking around as if trying to look for the bartender who was not present. Sighing dramatically, you look over at the man only to find he had acknowledged your presence.
With pouty lips and knitted eyebrows you wait for him to give you a friendly smile before moving closer.
“Excuse me, would you happen to have a phone charger? My friend left me here on my own and my phone has run out of battery” you offer a crooked smile, hoping he’d fall right in your trap.
Up-close, your target looked to be in his late thirties. This category was either a hit or miss. Some were too aware of your antics from earlier experiences, some totally oblivious.
The man ran a hand through his slicked back, brown hair, dimples popping as he smiled and leaned closer to yell over the blasting music.
“I don’t, but you could borrow my phone?” he suggested and you rolled your eyes in your head. You were rather impatient tonight, your last payment had been longer than two months ago and your savings account was drying out.
“Oh, I can’t remember the number though and she has my purse too- oh lord how will I get home?” You sound alarmed, acting panicked as you start glancing around the room, fingers intertwining as you fiddle in front or your victim who frowned with worry.
“Look dear, maybe I could just call you a taxi back home? And tomorrow you could meet up with your friend?” The stranger suggests. His intentions were nice for sure, but he didn’t seem to glance down at your red dress even once since you approached him.
“Would you do that? You are-” you begin with an innocent smile before somebody steps closer to you, shifting to stand between you and the stranger.
“-I’m back. Ready to go, pretty?” the voice makes you freeze. You clench your jaw to keep composure and not lose your shit in front of the whole club. The voice laced with honey belonged to someone you were more than familiar with.
You look up and lock eyes with him. Jung Wooyoung.
Wooyoung, who’s jet black hair now was dyed a shade of platinum blonde, looks down at you with his plump lips lifted into a signature smirk. He was well aware of what he had just done, and undoubtedly took great pride in interrupting your attempts at his target.
You offer him a tight-lipped smile, lacing it with spite that you were certain he could feel even if telepathy wasn’t a thing.
The man to your side stands up from his seat and smiles shyly, looking down at you as he hovers tall.
Pick somebody your height, asshole, you mutter in your head, wishing that Wooyoung would somehow hear it.
“I am afraid I have to leave, good luck getting home darling” the man comments politely as Wooyoung wraps an arm around the man’s waist. The men walk off towards the staircase and you could only imagine Wooyoung had the third floor full of private VIP rooms in mind.
Before disappearing out of your sight, Wooyoung glances over his shoulder at you with a mischievous smirk, shooting you a wink. You cock an eyebrow at him before flipping him off, middle finger adorned by the diamond your last target had been fooled into buying. It was always a game of show off between people who did what you did. And Wooyoung was one undoubtedly one of the best, to your dismay.
You take a seat on the barstool, slouching over as you decide to give up for the night. Truth be told, you were getting tired of this business. Having sleazy and naive men give you money was one thing, but entertaining them had slowly been eating away at your nerves and patience over the past year.
While the benefits of a successful job looked extravagant to anybody on the outside, the endless nights of guilt and feeling dirty after a job was not something one can ever be prepared for.
“The usual, bullet?” the bartender snaps you out of your thoughts by calling your nickname. You made sure that nobody ever found out your true identity. Switching names, ID’s and phones often to ensure the feds always were a step behind you.
You smile bitterly at the bartender and nod. It was alright, you thought. The weekend wasn’t over just yet.
The following night you are bending closer to the mirror as you trace the tip of a red lipstick over your lips as a finishing touch for tonight’s look. You made sure to switch up dresses, not wanting to risk being seen in the previous night’s outfit. The high heels from yesterday were switched for chunkier thigh-high boots, which complimented your black dress.
The dress in question was what one could call a lucky charm. You have been able to secure many deals whenever wearing it, hence why you created the belief that it would somehow make you luckier and keep you safe. Whatever the science behind such beliefs was, you just needed something to keep adding fuel to your hopes for the night. Tonight was Sunday, the last day of the weekend and your last chance of the week to secure a deal that would ensure stability for the upcoming future.
Honestly, you did not really give a shit about how you’d end up surviving a month without a deal. You could crash at an acquaintance's place. Or get some quick cash by selling a designer bag or two. But as your eyes meet a pair of soft, brown ones staring right at you through the full-body mirror, you are suddenly reminded of the reason why you keep trying.
You turn around, eyes landing on the young boy sitting at the edge of the hotel-room bed. The child was watching you get ready in silence, never interrupting or questioning what for.
“Y/n, do you really have to leave tonight too?” Jisung mumbles, looking down at his chubby fingers as they impatiently roll and fiddle over one another. You stay silent, gaze shifting to notice how he was growing nervous by the way his feet swung and hit the edge of the bed or the way his lips twisted outwards into a pout.
With a sigh, you take a seat beside him on the soft bed. Your hand reaches to grab his smaller one, squeezing it in reassurance. Although Jisung had just turned six, he was a lot smarter than most kids his age. He knew that the life you both lived was not ideal and he was humble and never took things for granted when you managed to bring in a lot of money.
You remembered how tiny he was when your sister first brought him over. She had taken something again, you weren’t sure what but her addiction seemed to grow stronger. The excuses of being busy or tired and needing help taking care of her only son, Jisung, only rolled in as soon as she had gotten a glance of you being responsible enough to take care of him. You were barely an adult when that happened, having to take care of a child throughout your late teens was not something you desired either. Shivers still run down your spine when you remember the night Jisung was to move in with you.
“Auntie? Can you please come get me? Mommy is scaring me” a tiny, familiar voice whispers. You were barely awake, eyes stinging as you lifted your phone from your ear, the bright screen blinding your sleepy eyes. You weren’t sure if you were dreaming still, your body engulfed by the warm and heavy blanket in your bed.
“H-hello?” Jisung whispered again and you finally realized that it was no dream. You were on a call.
You glance over to your night stand, the time reading 1:22AM and you wonder why Jisung was awake at such a time. And most importantly, how did he manage to call you using your sister’s phone?
“Hey buddy, what happened? What is mommy doing?” you ask gently, trying to mask your scratchy morning voice to not scare him further. Truth be told, as soon as the words “mommy” left his lips you could guess what this would be about, but you surely were not prepared for it to be as severe as it ended up being.
“Mommy is- mommy said she has to free me. She said I could meet daddy in heaven if I let her” he whispers, as if the call to you was a secret. As if he was hiding. “-And I wanna see daddy but mommy has a knife and I remember auntie said I can’t touch a knife” although he stumbled over his words and grammar, you did not need any clarification. You sit up in bed, throwing the covers off your body with such force that they end up on the floor. Never in your life had your heart dropped through your whole body so fast and ended down at your heels. It was as if a shock wave went through your body, sliding a heavy brick over your chest until you couldn't breathe properly. She had really gone insane now.
“Listen to auntie, baby. Where are you right now?” you ask as you reach for any clothing that could cover your body, never even sparing the pieces of fabric a glance as you rush to pull them onto your body.
“The toilet-” he mumbles but his voice is cut off by a gasp as you hear noises over the phone. Loud thuds make Jisung cry out and for a second you thought there was no way you would make it in time to see your nephew again.
“Lock the door baby, auntie is on her way, okay? Don’t hang up the phone” you command, leaving your dark bedroom, mind awake but body sloppily moving from exhaustion as you fumble with the stubborn lock to your apartment.
You weren’t sure how to get to your sister’s place. It was a twenty-minute car ride away and at this time no taxis were out by the worn-down neighborhood you had been living in for the time being. That is how you committed your first crime, legally speaking. Your eyes catch the tall street lamps shining straight down onto a row of bicycles, all alined perfectly and strapped to a metal bicycle stand. If that wasn’t a sign from the universe, you weren't sure what was. No guilt was ever felt as your eyes landed on a bicycle with a missing lock. It was way too tall for your body, the seat reaching way past your torso. But you were determined, you had to leave now and it wasn’t like you were stealing because you wanted to. You'd return it as soon as you’d be back, with your nephew.
“Auntie is coming, I’m coming to get you. Don’t open the door until I’m there” you breathe heavily, throwing your phone into the basket attached to the front of the steering handles as your feet push off the uneven ground to gain momentum and get the wheels spinning. You barely reach the pedals when you sit down on the bicycle seat, legs long enough so that your toes could push the pedals and keep rolling down the poorly-lit streets. Your lungs burned as you kept pushing your legs to work the pedals quicker. You could make out some sounds coming from the speaker on your phone as Jisung asked how much longer you’d be.
“Almost there, auntie is almost there baby” you yell, hoping he’d hear you even when harsh wind hit you as you turned and navigated the night to your sister’s house.
“Y/n?” Jisung’s voice cuts in, pushing the flashback back into the depths of your brain. You blink quickly and look over at him, meeting his gaze as he stares right at you with his questioning eyes. Jisung looked a lot like your sister, round shiny eyes and healthy curly hair, both colored by a combination of auburn brown. Yet he was very different from her. He was mature for his age, but also very sensitive and caring. He had experienced things he really shouldn’t have and you sometimes worry about the effects it could have on his future.
“Sorry buddy, I zoned out” you chuckle, playing it off as a goofy smile spread over your lips. You reach up and mess up his curls to get a high-pitched giggle out of him.
“You know that I have to work. But I promise to be back as soon as I can. I'll even bring you a burger” you raise a knowing brow at your nephew who’s lips now part slightly at your promise. Of course he’d be sold at the mention of a burger. You shake your head in disbelief.
“Now tell me the rules one more time” you tell him as you stand up from the bed, grabbing a small crossbody bag to hang it over your shoulder. This was routine every time you went out and left him all by himself. Something nibbles at your heart when you realize just how lonely Jisung must  feel while you're gone, but you convince yourself you were doing it with his best interest in mind. And since you were leaving him all alone in a hotel, he may as well learn to stay safe.
“Don’t leave the room. Don’t open the door, even for staff and if they ask why I’m alone, I say my parents are out for dinner. Call you only in emergencies. Call the police in serious danger-” he lists the rules one by one, holding up his chubby fingers to help him hold count. You nod in affirmation. “Well done. Now be good, I will be home before you even know it” you lean over to place a kiss to Jisung’s forehead, stealing one last glance at the boy as he watches you leave with a small pout on his lips.
Sunday’s were not half as busy as Saturdays. The line of people outside was barely stretching down the sidewalk when it usually went all the way around the street. You make your way to the front of the line, never facing the people who vocally complain about you cutting in line.
“Hey Mark, new suit today?” You send the bouncer a charming smile as he recognizes you, nodding with a pleased look.
“New dress today, bullet?” the tall man winks and you roll your eyes playfully, passing by him and into the storm of loud music and people.
Today you decide to change your tactic, moving straight to the bar instead of making your way to a higher ground and picking a target out. You silently thank yourself for wearing boots instead of a tight pair of heels like the previous night.
The music blasting today was rather calmer than yesterday, a mix of RnB and reggaeton setting the mood to your advantage. Before you could take a seat you are suddenly interrupted by a body stepping in front of you. You look up at the man, raising your eyebrows at him before rolling your eyes and stepping aside to move out of his way. Yet the stranger follows, stepping right after you to block your way.
“Move” you say bitterly, wondering what the asshole’s problem was. He didn’t look much older than you and he wasn’t dressed to impress anyway.
“Y/n wasn’t it?” he says and it takes you everything not to react. Nobody in this area should have enough information to even know your name so why was this man in front of you saying it so proudly? You were careful not to expose the way your stomach squeezed for a second.
“Wrong person, buddy. Now move” you roll your eyes and this time push the man away with force to make yourself comfortable at the bar. You don’t turn around to check whether he was still after you. After a tense minute of waiting for something to happen, you sigh in relief. Maybe he had seen you years ago and recognized you but either way, you could not engage with anybody who threatened to expose you to the feds.
The bar was even emptier than yesterday, all people migrated to the dance floor but hey, at least Wooyoung seemed to be missing too, to your luck. He must've been successful with picking the right target yesterday, maybe he would have already left the country and was spending nights on a resort somewhere across the globe.
The bartender brings over a welcome shot of some liquor and you down it almost immediately. Chatting up people at the bar didn’t seem like the right tactic and you once again found yourself changing your plans last second as you stood up to disappear into a crowd of dancing people. The club wasn’t fully packed and you were sure that tonight, you would be able to handle the people around you. You notice the way people move in waves, eyes closed as their bodies sway them side to side to the music which means bodies start bumping and pushing into you the deeper you go. As much as you’d love to give in and just relax for once, you look around to spot any man decent enough to try hitting on.  
Recently you have noticed a downfall in targets, downfall in successful deals and overall bad luck in business. You knew larger cities would have other workers of your field, but was it really that bad? People familiar with you named you bullet when you first started conning. You were quick, silent and lethal just like a bullet. But it seems as if your reputation was slowly going downhill as more and more nights left you empty handed or worse, beaten to a target by Wooyoung. You didn’t even notice when he had moved cities, started going to the same hunting places as you and now even stealing your targets right in front of you. 
Back where you started, everybody had their own place to perform business at, always resulting in getting at least one successful deal a month. But it seems the capitals have no rules. Whoever reaches first, keeps the target.
You lose track of time as the bass of the music travels through your body with a buzz, successfully throwing your concentration off course as you give in and sway to the enchanting music. Whatever happens tonight, you were not going to beat yourself up for not getting a deal, yet another week in a row. It feels good to not have to worry, but you have gotten way ahead of yourself as your eyes shoot up once a pair of arms wrap themselves around your torso from behind.
Suddenly, you are hyper aware of your body. The humid air in the club made it no easier to breathe, your chest rising dramatically to gasp for air as panic set in. You trash around and turn around in the embrace to face whoever had approached you from behind, eyes wide from the initial shock. You are met with a familiar face. The asshole from earlier stood in front of you with a cocky smile. Your hands fly up to push at his chest, yet to no avail. He had trapped you.
“Why so surprised, did you think I wouldn’t find you again?” He speaks over the music. His hands are locked behind you, pushing on your back to close the gap between your bodies as he practically glued your chests together.
“Let me go '' you yell over the music, heart beating harshly against your rib cage and you wonder whether you would start hyperventilating in a club full of strangers.
“You could at least dance with me” he answers and before you can reply, he moves to forcefully sway your bodies to the music and you can’t put your mind as to why he would go to such lengths to get you. The fact that he had so surely said your name earlier only fueled the anxiety brewing in the pit of your stomach. You try to take a good look at his face but the strobing lights were throwing you off your guard, making it harder to see the man and also remember to keep yourself from going into an anxiety attack.  
“I said, let-”
“-Let go off her” another voice cuts in from behind you, loud and clear. You don’t put much effort into identifying whoever was stepping in, just wondering how much longer you could keep breathing. Soon you feel lighter. You watch as the man’s arms swing back from your body as if somebody had forcefully pried them off.
You take a step back to free yourself from the proximity of the stranger but instead bump into another chest. You whip around, still in panic as the crowd around you seemed to quickly be closing in, every voice ringing in your ears. You catch a glimpse of blonde hair and as if on command, your body determines it safe for a time out. Your knees grow weak as your brain goes completely blank with bright white light blinding your vision.
“Fuck” Wooyoung mumbles, hooking his arms around your torso to keep you from hitting the ground completely.
“Fuck off” he barks at the man who watches with a blank face, nodding to himself before raising his arms up as if to indicate he was innocent as he disappeared into the crowd. With the man gone, Wooyoung's problems did not lessen. With determination, he squats down to wrap his arms around your upper thighs before lifting you off the ground and onto his shoulder. He makes sure to pull down on the elastic material of your dress, not wanting to expose you to the people around. Thankfully everybody seemed to be busy dancing or drinking, never looking twice in his direction as he carried you outside.
The line outside of the club had dissipated by now, it was way too late for people to keep entering. A queue of taxis were lined outside by the sidewalk, patiently waiting for customers to start rolling in but Wooyoung had other plans. He walks across the well-lit street filling up with people dancing and singing still as they come out of multiple packed clubs for fresh air.
Soon, he is at the parking lot he used whenever he took his own burgundy Mercedes to a night out. He unlocks the car and opens the passenger seat to set you down in it, making sure your body leaned against it comfortably before sighing. He catches his breath, allowing for questions to roll in. His most obvious one, why the hell had you passed out so suddenly? And who was the guy at the club trying to get to you? The question he refused to acknowledge though was why he had even gone up to help you in the first place. His mind convinces him he was merely being a decent human being, it’s the least he could do after snatching multiple deals right from under your nose.
The faded sounds of people shouting and music coming from the clubs is what slowly brought you back, eyes fluttering as the chilly wind grazes your exposed legs. It was silent now and the people from the club weren’t crowding you anymore. You catch the sight of a cream-colored car interior and suddenly realize you were not at the club anymore. Sitting up straight you immediately look around to get an understanding of your surroundings. The car door was open, so you were not being kidnapped. How did you get here?
“Geez, calm down, you’d think I was kidnapping you or something” Wooyoung snickers, seemingly having similar worries as you. He steps forward to reveal himself to you, unsure of  how you would react to his presence. Both of you weren’t really celebrating the fact that you had settled on working at the same club. Would you tell him off for what happened yesterday? And many other nights before that? For the first time in his life, he decided to keep his mouth shut.
You look up at him, somewhat surprised that out of all the people that could have helped you, it was him standing in front of you. Small recollections flow back to you and you manage to piece together that you were in Wooyoung’s car after you so gracefully collapsed in the middle of the dance floor at LUX. You clear your throat and stretch your legs out of his car, standing up to face him.
You open your mouth to say something but you realize you were not sure what smart comment to insert in such a situation. Wooyoung's eyes look at you blankly, and you wonder if he thinks he has successfully caught you in a weak moment. You couldn’t allow him to even think such thoughts.
“Thanks for the help” you say, but curse yourself as your voice comes out thin and light. “But you didn’t have to. Don’t you have new money to spend?” you sure sound like a jerk. But rather a jerk than letting Wooyoung think he was superior to you.
“You can never just admit I helped you and move on with a simple ‘thanks’, can you? Besides if it wasn’t for me, who knows what that asshole would have done. Who is he even?” Wooyoung is quick to defend himself, his chin lifting higher as each word comes out quicker than the other. You notice how easily heated he becomes when he speaks yet for some reason it stretches your lips upwards into a humored look, which you of course quickly hide.
“If I knew him, do you think I'd react the way I did?” you roll your eyes, hoping that if you ignored the first part of his sentence, he’d forget about it as well.
“Forget it, since you don’t want help, you’re welcome to go” Wooyoung raises his eyebrows, waiting for you to act.
“Fine, good night” You spit but as you whip around to storm off, your foot catches the edge of the sidewalk, sending you flying down onto the asphalt ground. You catch yourself on your palms, wincing as the rough ground scratches your knees and if it wasn’t for your boots, you are certain you would have torn your skin apart.
Wooyoung is surprised to see your body sprawl over the ground below him and steps closer to get a strong grip around your arm, pulling you up effortlessly.
“Ow that hurts!” you yelp at his grip, standing up only to feel shocks of pain shoot up through your left ankle and up your calf. You look down at the dirty material of your boots and wonder how long it would take before you settle down on the sidewalk and just let all your frustration out.
Wooyoung sighs dramatically and instead snakes an arm around your waist, holding you up as you lift your left ankle off the floor to stop the pain.
“I don’t need your help, good night Wooyoung” he mimics a high-pitched voice, face grimacing as he mocks your earlier words. You stay silent, clenching your jaw to keep you from saying something you’d feel guilty for later at night. Besides, you needed the help for real this time and he was the only one around.
“I can give you a drive home, but I expect you to at least thank me. Sincerely” he offers, holding your waist tightly. Wooyoung subconsciously moves you closer until your side is pressed against his and you are suddenly aware of his scent. You couldn’t make out each individual ingredient in his cologne, but your mind settles that it's a mix of bergamot and musk. It is surprisingly not too strong and you hate how well it suits him. You wonder if he would notice you moving closer to catch another whiff of it, but decide against it. Men like Wooyoung shouldn’t be complemented, their ego would get too big and you had enough of his already.
“So?” he speaks up, the hand on your waist giving you a small squeeze to remind you that he was awaiting an answer. You bite down on your tongue before your ego gets the best of you and just chirp out a dry “please”.
For some astronomical reason Wooyoung is not in his usual cocky mood, but you tell yourself not to get used to it. He simply nods and carefully helps you sit down in the leather passenger seat of his car again. Shivers erupt over your bare arms when Wooyoung removes his arm from around you, suddenly realizing how warm he had felt against your skin. You push the thoughts towards the back of your brain, not wanting to overthink the matter. You get comfortable and buckle your seatbelt, observing the details of his car as he shuts your door and moves to get in from the driver’s side.
As Wooyoung focuses on starting the car, you finally have time to look him over closer. His hair was dyed blonde, that you knew already. But what you had failed to acknowledge was the way it made his golden skin glow brighter, accentuating it in a way that you hadn’t noticed before. He wore a button down with cheetah print and you wondered how anybody his age could pull it off, yet he made it seem as if it was made solely for him. The first three buttons were unbuttoned and you couldn’t help but trail your eyes down the vein on his neck that disappeared into his prominent collarbone. You let your eyes glance just a little further down to sneak a peek of the smooth skin that was the beginning of his chest.  
“You done staring me down? I need your address” Wooyoung mused, never turning his head as his eyes focused on the road ahead. You catch the way his lips tug into a small smirk and you ball your fists in your lap to keep you from cursing at him. Of course you had been wrong to think he would be free of his cockiness.
“The Imperial Hotel” is all that leaves your mouth as you turn to look out the car window, refusing to catch yourself loosening up and trailing your eyes over places where they shouldn’t be.
“The Imperial Hotel?” Wooyoung repeats, tone low and and curious. “Are you really broke enough to stay at a hotel?” he asks but realizes his mistake right after the question came out in a way that he didn’t intend for it to. “I mean, don’t you have a place?”
You snort, eyebrows raised as you turn to look at him, arms crossing over your chest. Who was he to question you like this?
“I don’t have a place because I like the anonymity. I like moving around so I don’t need a place” you bark back, hating how you felt threatened by his attitude. Not that you would admit it. “Besides I don’t have to explain anything to you, just take me there.”
Wooyoung stops at a red light, using the opportunity to raise a questioning eyebrow as your eyes meet. His gaze is challenging.
“Take you there?” he repeats your words, each word coming out of his mouth as if you offended him.
“Please” you mumble.
“Much better” he drives off with a pleased grin. The next moments you find yourself in silence, to your surprise comfortable. You listen to the sound of the wheels moving against the asphalt at different speeds as Wooyoung drives. For a moment you feel a warm feeling of what could be dejavu in your chest, as if this has happened before. As if driving together like this was something you did often. Your eyes catch a bright red and yellow sign and you are suddenly reminded of Jisung.
“Wait!” you yell out suddenly, making Wooyoung slam on the breaks as he looks over at you with a concerned expression. His sharp brows are knitted together as he questions you.
“What? What happened?” he breathes, seemingly awaiting something much more serious than the question that comes out of your mouth.
“Could you um, go through the drive through?” you ask carefully, nodding to the fast-food sign right off the freeway.
“Do you realize you just made me slam on my breaks and potentially crash my new car just for Mcdonald’s?” he snaps, immediately checking the mirrors behind him for traffic which was empty seeing as the time was about to hit three am. He clicks his tongue but follows your request, turning to drive up to the restaurant.
“Don’t you have food at home?” he grumbles as you lean over his seat to get a glance at the menu screen outside his window. You support your hand on the center control between your seats, stretching as far as you could over him.
Wooyoung’s gaze shifts to your face in front of his, eyes narrow as they jump over your features and the way you concentrate on the menu. He hesitates but slowly brings a hand forward, warm fingers pushing back a rogue strand of hair behind your ear in order to clear your view. You are busy ordering Jisung his promised burger to notice, voice loud and clear as you speak to the employee over the microphone.
As soon as you’re done placing your order you turn your head to look at Wooyoung, it would be nice to ask if he wanted something since he was nice enough to drive here. It was the least you could do anyway.
You blink in surprise at how close your two faces are. Close enough to feel his shaky warm breath on your cheek. His eyes immediately fall to your parted lips as he swallows harshly. You take notice of this, your own eyes following his actions as you watch the tip of his tongue peek out to brush over his lower lip, wetting it. His lips glisten in the harsh lights situated outside the fast-food restaurant, illuminating the skin.
“D-did you want something too?” your voice is almost a whisper as you speak, slowly sinking back into your seat as if whatever just happened would go unnoticed. Wooyoung bites down on the inside of his cheek, shaking his head as an answer before he drives up to the window, seemingly unbothered. You press your back against the heated seat, wondering why your heart suddenly had picked up its speed. At this point in your career, you always found yourself around men, none of which made you nervous simply by existing so close to you. Wooyoung’s expression seemed sour, jaw clenching as if he was in deep thought.
A part of you wondered if this was a part of his game that he played with his targets. In which case you’d totally understand why he scored successful deals nine out of ten times. You weren’t sure if you wished for another moment like this or if it was that lone single shot of alcohol you had taken at LUX coming back to make you overthink, so you decide against thinking at all. You are tired, that was the true excuse.
The rest of the drive continues in silence. Yet somehow your earlier plans to overthink had betrayed you as your brain jumped at anything you could connect to Wooyoung. From how you first met, to how you had seen him work his targets, to right now.
“We’re here” Wooyoung announces, stopping by the entrance of the obviously fancy hotel. Even though it was late night, a doorman stood guard and you kind of felt bad for him. You unbuckle your belt and shift to move but sudden pain shoots through your ankle again.
“Fuck” you mumble and look up at Wooyoung who was silently watching you struggle.
“Don’t tell me I have to carry you inside too” he says, wondering why he even bothered helping you if it would have taken so much time. Yet never truly complaining because he honestly hadn’t minded it all that much.
“If it burdens you that much, I’ll just hop on one leg” you scoff, if he chose to help, he might as well go through with helping you all the way to your room. But the Mcdonald’s take-away bag suddenly reminds you that Jisung was in the room and there was no way Wooyoung could find out. “Help me to the elevator at least?” and as Wooyoung opens his mouth to cut you off, you add a silent “Please”.
Wooyoung sighs and gets out of the car as a way of agreeing. He walked around the front before opening the door for you. Shivers run down your spine when the cold air hits your legs but you choose to stay silent, knowing that if you would complain it would only turn into endless bickering between the two of you.
You place a foot on the ground, lifting your hurt ankle up and Wooyoung immediately leans closer to reach for you inside of the car. One of his arms sneak under your thighs while the other wraps around your back, lifting you up into his embrace with ease before shutting the car door with his foot. You stay silent as you let him carry you, eyes trailing back to the golden skin peeking out of his buttoned down shirt once again. Since when is a tiny piece of exposed skin something to be shy of? Your eyes trail further up, running along his neck and sharp jawline. You weren’t sure why you were so keen on disliking him, maybe it was in fact that he was too pretty and that he was aware of it.
Wooyoung sets you down by the elevator. It was as if any time you spent with him, whether it was in the car or him carrying you inside, was over in a few seconds and you felt somewhat disappointed as a weight settled in your lower abdomen. Even though you found yourself surrounded by men almost every weekend, there was none that you had sincerely liked. Then, do you like Wooyoung? Probably not. He simply caught you in a weak moment and that was all. You will probably not hear the end of his heroic actions next weeknd at LUX.
“Well... you’re welcome” Wooyoung teases, straightening up as he pushes the button to call on the elevator. The doors open immediately and you dread leaving him. Wait, dread was too strong of a word.
“Thanks” you reply, putting on a poker face to make sure he wouldn’t crack your ego any further. Wooyoung snorts lightly at your attempt at thanking him, but decides to accept it.
“Well then, see you next weekend, honey” he shrugs and turns to leave, raising his hand above his head to wave goodbye as he walks off. Dick, can’t even face me when he leaves, you think and stumble into the elevator, hissing as painful shocks shoot up your ankle.
“Don’t say it like that, people will think you are someone to me” you raise your voice, knowing he’d be able to hear it.
“And am I not, honey?” he glances over his shoulder but just then, the elevator doors separate you as they trap you into the tight compartment. You sigh, shaking your head to yourself.
The elevator was surrounded by mirrors and you catch yourself staring back at an expression of a teenage girl who had been out on a first date with her crush. Only as you look at yourself do you realize your cheeks had heated up and your lips were pulled up into a tiny smile.
You quickly furrow your brows again, trading the smile for your usual scowl to seem unaffected by anything, or anyone.
The elevator gives a metallic ding to indicate you arrived at your floor. The number 13 stands out in golden numbering, how ironic.
You assume Jisung is asleep because nobody greets you as you enter the hotel room. Throughout the year of living together, you’ve mastered the technique of going into rooms almost soundless. As if you're a mouse sneaking in to steal a piece of cheese. Finally you are away from any watching eyes. Finally you do not need to think about the way you act and what to say.
Your cellphone comes to life as it lights up the hotel room and you curse, hopping towards it on your only useful leg. Who is even awake at this time? Could it be…Wooyoung? No, you can’t expect him to even know your number. And even if he did, why would he text you?
You slide the message open and see an attachment. The number was unknown and you wondered if somebody had sent you a drunk text by accident. You open the image. It does not even take two seconds for you to register what it was. The number 13 stood out in gold and the background wall was a warm beige, just like the one on your floor if not the exact same one. You furrow your brows before a text bubble pops up.
“You got away too quick tonight, thank your little boyfriend for that. Next time, it’s over for you”
thank you for reading. i haven't written for ages and had this idea for the longest of times. i hope you are here on my writing journey and see me evolve but also have fun reading this word. all feedback is welcome because i want to improve as best as i can. are you looking forward to part 2?
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misch1efmanaged · 3 months
(REPOST) heart swindler - J.WY (Part 1)
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ part 1: Moving back to a capital city seemed exciting enough but it also brings competition in your field. You work hard to provide for you and your nephew but business is harsh and your rival, Wooyoung seems to be having a streak of good luck. Wooyoung’s streak was not your only problem as you find yourself bumping into strange a man at the club, you have a feeling it is not the last time you’ll be seeing him either. 
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Female Pronouns Conwoman reader! x Conman Wooyoung! Enemies to Lovers. Angst. Fluff. Smut.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: 18+ smut themes in the future parts. Mentions of drug abuse. Abusive parenting. Violence. Bi? Wooyoung? Stalking. Slowburn!. Conning? More to be added... This is fiction and does not represent the real idol.
words: 7.8K
The night club was jam packed this Saturday night. You recognize some charting rap song blasting through the bass-boosted speakers, blurring out the sounds of people around you. The clubs in the central area had no motivation in making a good mix for the night, rather re-using anything that could be considered loud and sexual enough.
At least the bass is alright here you thought as your eyes scan over the crowded dance floor from a balcony on the second floor. Some nights you felt like a hawk hunting for prey. Your eyes had been trained to see through the sharp strobing lights which helped you speed things up.
There were often times you wondered what name to put to your career. Some people from your past would scream conwoman…
Your eyes scan the gray and black newspaper as a small smirk spreads over your lips.
“Young woman conned man out of half a million dollars, read page five”
You quickly flip the light pages of the newspaper before landing on the page where you were met with the pathetic face of the said man. Asshole, he was the one who offered you the money anyway. That job was way too easy. He only went crying about being conned after his poor wife had received the anonymous message from you to her phone;
Anonymous: This is how much your husband loves you *image*.
You admit, that move was a little too asshole-ish even for you. Usually you would keep out of your target’s private life but it was simply sweet karma after hearing the bastard speak degradingly of his wife who had fallen ill and been hospitalized. The audacity men have. Damn you could even say you took some pity on her. That’s how you justified sending the video of him on his knees in front of you, worshiping you as if you are some greek goddess.
Anytime now…you thought and the loud chime of your phone ran through the luxurious hotel room just a few seconds later. You smirk and reach over to answer.
“Hey there sweetheart” you tease, holding the phone up to your ear as your eyes wander over the artwork hanging on the walls in the room. Many of them portrayed naked lovers, making you roll your eyes at the stereotypical art. You don’t even flinch as a loud voice curses you on the other side.
“I will kill you, you fucking bitch. You ruined my marriage- my career! I trusted a fucking conwoman” the older man that had so unfourtnarely been your previous target, curses in disbelief.
The words didn’t affect you anymore, hell you were in the luxurious hotel room thanks to his money to begin with, he could curse you all he wanted.
“Well, learn not to fuck women other than your wife, though I doubt she will let you near her again” you replied with a dry chukle, hanging up to block the number. Time to change phones…
Other times people recognized you simply as a tactful business woman who occasionally used men for money. You usually prefer this title anyway.
LUX, which was the name of the club you had settled on for tonight, was one of your favorites. It has beautiful architecture with many well-built bars spanning over three different levels, but that was not why you liked it so much. Neither did you really care about the club’s entertainment which consisted of half-naked girls dancing on poles spread around the first floor.
The reason LUX was your favorite was rather obvious. Anybody who entered, either had straight connections to the owner or was packed with millions. Both of those options ultimately meant that most men in attendance could give you what you were looking for; money.
Hongjoong, the owner of the place, allowed you to do business in the club in exchange for a friendly percentage. While you normally shrink away at the idea of sharing your profits, you have to remind yourself that without him you wouldn't even have access to a place like LUX.  
After what felt like hours, you spot a man sitting alone on a bar stool on the first floor. White button down shirt, a golden watch on his left wrist that reflected off the strobing lights and a half empty drink. Perfect.
Time to act. You make your way down the spiraling staircase that connects the three floors at LUX. You feel the blood being squeezed out of your feet thanks to the tight high heels you wore. They were at least a size too small, but you were determined to show off the fancy brand in hopes of catching attention. You suck it up and soften your mischievous expression into a softer, more innocent look. Men and their pathetic instinct to act as protective heroes.
You make your way over to the first-floor bar, not too close to the target you had picked out. Only a few seats were taken by the counter, most people having found a dance partner for tonight.
It was obvious when people turned their heads as you walked past and you had to keep yourself from smirking at the fact. At least with the act you were putting on.
You lean over the bar right to the side of the man who was sitting by himself, looking around as if trying to look for the bartender who was not present. Sighing dramatically, you look over at the man only to find he had acknowledged your presence.
With pouty lips and knitted eyebrows you wait for him to give you a friendly smile before moving closer.
“Excuse me, would you happen to have a phone charger? My friend left me here on my own and my phone has run out of battery” you offer a crooked smile, hoping he’d fall right in your trap.
Up-close, your target looked to be in his late thirties. This category was either a hit or miss. Some were too aware of your antics from earlier experiences, some totally oblivious.
The man ran a hand through his slicked back, brown hair, dimples popping as he smiled and leaned closer to yell over the blasting music.
“I don’t, but you could borrow my phone?” he suggested and you rolled your eyes in your head. You were rather impatient tonight, your last payment had been longer than two months ago and your savings account was drying out.
“Oh, I can’t remember the number though and she has my purse too- oh lord how will I get home?” You sound alarmed, acting panicked as you start glancing around the room, fingers intertwining as you fiddle in front or your victim who frowned with worry.
“Look dear, maybe I could just call you a taxi back home? And tomorrow you could meet up with your friend?” The stranger suggests. His intentions were nice for sure, but he didn’t seem to glance down at your red dress even once since you approached him.
“Would you do that? You are-” you begin with an innocent smile before somebody steps closer to you, shifting to stand between you and the stranger.
“-I’m back. Ready to go, pretty?” the voice makes you freeze. You clench your jaw to keep composure and not lose your shit in front of the whole club. The voice laced with honey belonged to someone you were more than familiar with.
You look up and lock eyes with him. Jung Wooyoung.
Wooyoung, who’s jet black hair now was dyed a shade of platinum blonde, looks down at you with his plump lips lifted into a signature smirk. He was well aware of what he had just done, and undoubtedly took great pride in interrupting your attempts at his target.
You offer him a tight-lipped smile, lacing it with spite that you were certain he could feel even if telepathy wasn’t a thing.
The man to your side stands up from his seat and smiles shyly, looking down at you as he hovers tall.
Pick somebody your height, asshole, you mutter in your head, wishing that Wooyoung would somehow hear it.
“I am afraid I have to leave, good luck getting home darling” the man comments politely as Wooyoung wraps an arm around the man’s waist. The men walk off towards the staircase and you could only imagine Wooyoung had the third floor full of private VIP rooms in mind.
Before disappearing out of your sight, Wooyoung glances over his shoulder at you with a mischievous smirk, shooting you a wink. You cock an eyebrow at him before flipping him off, middle finger adorned by the diamond your last target had been fooled into buying. It was always a game of show off between people who did what you did. And Wooyoung was one undoubtedly one of the best, to your dismay.
You take a seat on the barstool, slouching over as you decide to give up for the night. Truth be told, you were getting tired of this business. Having sleazy and naive men give you money was one thing, but entertaining them had slowly been eating away at your nerves and patience over the past year.
While the benefits of a successful job looked extravagant to anybody on the outside, the endless nights of guilt and feeling dirty after a job was not something one can ever be prepared for.
“The usual, bullet?” the bartender snaps you out of your thoughts by calling your nickname. You made sure that nobody ever found out your true identity. Switching names, ID’s and phones often to ensure the feds always were a step behind you.
You smile bitterly at the bartender and nod. It was alright, you thought. The weekend wasn’t over just yet.
The following night you are bending closer to the mirror as you trace the tip of a red lipstick over your lips as a finishing touch for tonight’s look. You made sure to switch up dresses, not wanting to risk being seen in the previous night’s outfit. The high heels from yesterday were switched for chunkier thigh-high boots, which complimented your black dress.
The dress in question was what one could call a lucky charm. You have been able to secure many deals whenever wearing it, hence why you created the belief that it would somehow make you luckier and keep you safe. Whatever the science behind such beliefs was, you just needed something to keep adding fuel to your hopes for the night. Tonight was Sunday, the last day of the weekend and your last chance of the week to secure a deal that would ensure stability for the upcoming future.
Honestly, you did not really give a shit about how you’d end up surviving a month without a deal. You could crash at an acquaintance's place. Or get some quick cash by selling a designer bag or two. But as your eyes meet a pair of soft, brown ones staring right at you through the full-body mirror, you are suddenly reminded of the reason why you keep trying.
You turn around, eyes landing on the young boy sitting at the edge of the hotel-room bed. The child was watching you get ready in silence, never interrupting or questioning what for.
“Y/n, do you really have to leave tonight too?” Jisung mumbles, looking down at his chubby fingers as they impatiently roll and fiddle over one another. You stay silent, gaze shifting to notice how he was growing nervous by the way his feet swung and hit the edge of the bed or the way his lips twisted outwards into a pout.
With a sigh, you take a seat beside him on the soft bed. Your hand reaches to grab his smaller one, squeezing it in reassurance. Although Jisung had just turned six, he was a lot smarter than most kids his age. He knew that the life you both lived was not ideal and he was humble and never took things for granted when you managed to bring in a lot of money.
You remembered how tiny he was when your sister first brought him over. She had taken something again, you weren’t sure what but her addiction seemed to grow stronger. The excuses of being busy or tired and needing help taking care of her only son, Jisung, only rolled in as soon as she had gotten a glance of you being responsible enough to take care of him. You were barely an adult when that happened, having to take care of a child throughout your late teens was not something you desired either. Shivers still run down your spine when you remember the night Jisung was to move in with you.
“Auntie? Can you please come get me? Mommy is scaring me” a tiny, familiar voice whispers. You were barely awake, eyes stinging as you lifted your phone from your ear, the bright screen blinding your sleepy eyes. You weren’t sure if you were dreaming still, your body engulfed by the warm and heavy blanket in your bed.
“H-hello?” Jisung whispered again and you finally realized that it was no dream. You were on a call.
You glance over to your night stand, the time reading 1:22AM and you wonder why Jisung was awake at such a time. And most importantly, how did he manage to call you using your sister’s phone?
“Hey buddy, what happened? What is mommy doing?” you ask gently, trying to mask your scratchy morning voice to not scare him further. Truth be told, as soon as the words “mommy” left his lips you could guess what this would be about, but you surely were not prepared for it to be as severe as it ended up being.
“Mommy is- mommy said she has to free me. She said I could meet daddy in heaven if I let her” he whispers, as if the call to you was a secret. As if he was hiding. “-And I wanna see daddy but mommy has a knife and I remember auntie said I can’t touch a knife” although he stumbled over his words and grammar, you did not need any clarification. You sit up in bed, throwing the covers off your body with such force that they end up on the floor. Never in your life had your heart dropped through your whole body so fast and ended down at your heels. It was as if a shock wave went through your body, sliding a heavy brick over your chest until you couldn't breathe properly. She had really gone insane now.
“Listen to auntie, baby. Where are you right now?” you ask as you reach for any clothing that could cover your body, never even sparing the pieces of fabric a glance as you rush to pull them onto your body.
“The toilet-” he mumbles but his voice is cut off by a gasp as you hear noises over the phone. Loud thuds make Jisung cry out and for a second you thought there was no way you would make it in time to see your nephew again.
“Lock the door baby, auntie is on her way, okay? Don’t hang up the phone” you command, leaving your dark bedroom, mind awake but body sloppily moving from exhaustion as you fumble with the stubborn lock to your apartment.
You weren’t sure how to get to your sister’s place. It was a twenty-minute car ride away and at this time no taxis were out by the worn-down neighborhood you had been living in for the time being. That is how you committed your first crime, legally speaking. Your eyes catch the tall street lamps shining straight down onto a row of bicycles, all alined perfectly and strapped to a metal bicycle stand. If that wasn’t a sign from the universe, you weren't sure what was. No guilt was ever felt as your eyes landed on a bicycle with a missing lock. It was way too tall for your body, the seat reaching way past your torso. But you were determined, you had to leave now and it wasn’t like you were stealing because you wanted to. You'd return it as soon as you’d be back, with your nephew.
“Auntie is coming, I’m coming to get you. Don’t open the door until I’m there” you breathe heavily, throwing your phone into the basket attached to the front of the steering handles as your feet push off the uneven ground to gain momentum and get the wheels spinning. You barely reach the pedals when you sit down on the bicycle seat, legs long enough so that your toes could push the pedals and keep rolling down the poorly-lit streets. Your lungs burned as you kept pushing your legs to work the pedals quicker. You could make out some sounds coming from the speaker on your phone as Jisung asked how much longer you’d be.
“Almost there, auntie is almost there baby” you yell, hoping he’d hear you even when harsh wind hit you as you turned and navigated the night to your sister’s house.
“Y/n?” Jisung’s voice cuts in, pushing the flashback back into the depths of your brain. You blink quickly and look over at him, meeting his gaze as he stares right at you with his questioning eyes. Jisung looked a lot like your sister, round shiny eyes and healthy curly hair, both colored by a combination of auburn brown. Yet he was very different from her. He was mature for his age, but also very sensitive and caring. He had experienced things he really shouldn’t have and you sometimes worry about the effects it could have on his future.
“Sorry buddy, I zoned out” you chuckle, playing it off as a goofy smile spread over your lips. You reach up and mess up his curls to get a high-pitched giggle out of him.
“You know that I have to work. But I promise to be back as soon as I can. I'll even bring you a burger” you raise a knowing brow at your nephew who’s lips now part slightly at your promise. Of course he’d be sold at the mention of a burger. You shake your head in disbelief.
“Now tell me the rules one more time” you tell him as you stand up from the bed, grabbing a small crossbody bag to hang it over your shoulder. This was routine every time you went out and left him all by himself. Something nibbles at your heart when you realize just how lonely Jisung must  feel while you're gone, but you convince yourself you were doing it with his best interest in mind. And since you were leaving him all alone in a hotel, he may as well learn to stay safe.
“Don’t leave the room. Don’t open the door, even for staff and if they ask why I’m alone, I say my parents are out for dinner. Call you only in emergencies. Call the police in serious danger-” he lists the rules one by one, holding up his chubby fingers to help him hold count. You nod in affirmation. “Well done. Now be good, I will be home before you even know it” you lean over to place a kiss to Jisung’s forehead, stealing one last glance at the boy as he watches you leave with a small pout on his lips.
Sunday’s were not half as busy as Saturdays. The line of people outside was barely stretching down the sidewalk when it usually went all the way around the street. You make your way to the front of the line, never facing the people who vocally complain about you cutting in line.
“Hey Mark, new suit today?” You send the bouncer a charming smile as he recognizes you, nodding with a pleased look.
“New dress today, bullet?” the tall man winks and you roll your eyes playfully, passing by him and into the storm of loud music and people.
Today you decide to change your tactic, moving straight to the bar instead of making your way to a higher ground and picking a target out. You silently thank yourself for wearing boots instead of a tight pair of heels like the previous night.
The music blasting today was rather calmer than yesterday, a mix of RnB and reggaeton setting the mood to your advantage. Before you could take a seat you are suddenly interrupted by a body stepping in front of you. You look up at the man, raising your eyebrows at him before rolling your eyes and stepping aside to move out of his way. Yet the stranger follows, stepping right after you to block your way.
“Move” you say bitterly, wondering what the asshole’s problem was. He didn’t look much older than you and he wasn’t dressed to impress anyway.
“Y/n wasn’t it?” he says and it takes you everything not to react. Nobody in this area should have enough information to even know your name so why was this man in front of you saying it so proudly? You were careful not to expose the way your stomach squeezed for a second.
“Wrong person, buddy. Now move” you roll your eyes and this time push the man away with force to make yourself comfortable at the bar. You don’t turn around to check whether he was still after you. After a tense minute of waiting for something to happen, you sigh in relief. Maybe he had seen you years ago and recognized you but either way, you could not engage with anybody who threatened to expose you to the feds.
The bar was even emptier than yesterday, all people migrated to the dance floor but hey, at least Wooyoung seemed to be missing too, to your luck. He must've been successful with picking the right target yesterday, maybe he would have already left the country and was spending nights on a resort somewhere across the globe.
The bartender brings over a welcome shot of some liquor and you down it almost immediately. Chatting up people at the bar didn’t seem like the right tactic and you once again found yourself changing your plans last second as you stood up to disappear into a crowd of dancing people. The club wasn’t fully packed and you were sure that tonight, you would be able to handle the people around you. You notice the way people move in waves, eyes closed as their bodies sway them side to side to the music which means bodies start bumping and pushing into you the deeper you go. As much as you’d love to give in and just relax for once, you look around to spot any man decent enough to try hitting on.  
Recently you have noticed a downfall in targets, downfall in successful deals and overall bad luck in business. You knew larger cities would have other workers of your field, but was it really that bad? People familiar with you named you bullet when you first started conning. You were quick, silent and lethal just like a bullet. But it seems as if your reputation was slowly going downhill as more and more nights left you empty handed or worse, beaten to a target by Wooyoung. You didn’t even notice when he had moved cities, started going to the same hunting places as you and now even stealing your targets right in front of you. 
Back where you started, everybody had their own place to perform business at, always resulting in getting at least one successful deal a month. But it seems the capitals have no rules. Whoever reaches first, keeps the target.
You lose track of time as the bass of the music travels through your body with a buzz, successfully throwing your concentration off course as you give in and sway to the enchanting music. Whatever happens tonight, you were not going to beat yourself up for not getting a deal, yet another week in a row. It feels good to not have to worry, but you have gotten way ahead of yourself as your eyes shoot up once a pair of arms wrap themselves around your torso from behind.
Suddenly, you are hyper aware of your body. The humid air in the club made it no easier to breathe, your chest rising dramatically to gasp for air as panic set in. You trash around and turn around in the embrace to face whoever had approached you from behind, eyes wide from the initial shock. You are met with a familiar face. The asshole from earlier stood in front of you with a cocky smile. Your hands fly up to push at his chest, yet to no avail. He had trapped you.
“Why so surprised, did you think I wouldn’t find you again?” He speaks over the music. His hands are locked behind you, pushing on your back to close the gap between your bodies as he practically glued your chests together.
“Let me go '' you yell over the music, heart beating harshly against your rib cage and you wonder whether you would start hyperventilating in a club full of strangers.
“You could at least dance with me” he answers and before you can reply, he moves to forcefully sway your bodies to the music and you can’t put your mind as to why he would go to such lengths to get you. The fact that he had so surely said your name earlier only fueled the anxiety brewing in the pit of your stomach. You try to take a good look at his face but the strobing lights were throwing you off your guard, making it harder to see the man and also remember to keep yourself from going into an anxiety attack.  
“I said, let-”
“-Let go off her” another voice cuts in from behind you, loud and clear. You don’t put much effort into identifying whoever was stepping in, just wondering how much longer you could keep breathing. Soon you feel lighter. You watch as the man’s arms swing back from your body as if somebody had forcefully pried them off.
You take a step back to free yourself from the proximity of the stranger but instead bump into another chest. You whip around, still in panic as the crowd around you seemed to quickly be closing in, every voice ringing in your ears. You catch a glimpse of blonde hair and as if on command, your body determines it safe for a time out. Your knees grow weak as your brain goes completely blank with bright white light blinding your vision.
“Fuck” Wooyoung mumbles, hooking his arms around your torso to keep you from hitting the ground completely.
“Fuck off” he barks at the man who watches with a blank face, nodding to himself before raising his arms up as if to indicate he was innocent as he disappeared into the crowd. With the man gone, Wooyoung's problems did not lessen. With determination, he squats down to wrap his arms around your upper thighs before lifting you off the ground and onto his shoulder. He makes sure to pull down on the elastic material of your dress, not wanting to expose you to the people around. Thankfully everybody seemed to be busy dancing or drinking, never looking twice in his direction as he carried you outside.
The line outside of the club had dissipated by now, it was way too late for people to keep entering. A queue of taxis were lined outside by the sidewalk, patiently waiting for customers to start rolling in but Wooyoung had other plans. He walks across the well-lit street filling up with people dancing and singing still as they come out of multiple packed clubs for fresh air.
Soon, he is at the parking lot he used whenever he took his own burgundy Mercedes to a night out. He unlocks the car and opens the passenger seat to set you down in it, making sure your body leaned against it comfortably before sighing. He catches his breath, allowing for questions to roll in. His most obvious one, why the hell had you passed out so suddenly? And who was the guy at the club trying to get to you? The question he refused to acknowledge though was why he had even gone up to help you in the first place. His mind convinces him he was merely being a decent human being, it’s the least he could do after snatching multiple deals right from under your nose.
The faded sounds of people shouting and music coming from the clubs is what slowly brought you back, eyes fluttering as the chilly wind grazes your exposed legs. It was silent now and the people from the club weren’t crowding you anymore. You catch the sight of a cream-colored car interior and suddenly realize you were not at the club anymore. Sitting up straight you immediately look around to get an understanding of your surroundings. The car door was open, so you were not being kidnapped. How did you get here?
“Geez, calm down, you’d think I was kidnapping you or something” Wooyoung snickers, seemingly having similar worries as you. He steps forward to reveal himself to you, unsure of  how you would react to his presence. Both of you weren’t really celebrating the fact that you had settled on working at the same club. Would you tell him off for what happened yesterday? And many other nights before that? For the first time in his life, he decided to keep his mouth shut.
You look up at him, somewhat surprised that out of all the people that could have helped you, it was him standing in front of you. Small recollections flow back to you and you manage to piece together that you were in Wooyoung’s car after you so gracefully collapsed in the middle of the dance floor at LUX. You clear your throat and stretch your legs out of his car, standing up to face him.
You open your mouth to say something but you realize you were not sure what smart comment to insert in such a situation. Wooyoung's eyes look at you blankly, and you wonder if he thinks he has successfully caught you in a weak moment. You couldn’t allow him to even think such thoughts.
“Thanks for the help” you say, but curse yourself as your voice comes out thin and light. “But you didn’t have to. Don’t you have new money to spend?” you sure sound like a jerk. But rather a jerk than letting Wooyoung think he was superior to you.
“You can never just admit I helped you and move on with a simple ‘thanks’, can you? Besides if it wasn’t for me, who knows what that asshole would have done. Who is he even?” Wooyoung is quick to defend himself, his chin lifting higher as each word comes out quicker than the other. You notice how easily heated he becomes when he speaks yet for some reason it stretches your lips upwards into a humored look, which you of course quickly hide.
“If I knew him, do you think I'd react the way I did?” you roll your eyes, hoping that if you ignored the first part of his sentence, he’d forget about it as well.
“Forget it, since you don’t want help, you’re welcome to go” Wooyoung raises his eyebrows, waiting for you to act.
“Fine, good night” You spit but as you whip around to storm off, your foot catches the edge of the sidewalk, sending you flying down onto the asphalt ground. You catch yourself on your palms, wincing as the rough ground scratches your knees and if it wasn’t for your boots, you are certain you would have torn your skin apart.
Wooyoung is surprised to see your body sprawl over the ground below him and steps closer to get a strong grip around your arm, pulling you up effortlessly.
“Ow that hurts!” you yelp at his grip, standing up only to feel shocks of pain shoot up through your left ankle and up your calf. You look down at the dirty material of your boots and wonder how long it would take before you settle down on the sidewalk and just let all your frustration out.
Wooyoung sighs dramatically and instead snakes an arm around your waist, holding you up as you lift your left ankle off the floor to stop the pain.
“I don’t need your help, good night Wooyoung” he mimics a high-pitched voice, face grimacing as he mocks your earlier words. You stay silent, clenching your jaw to keep you from saying something you’d feel guilty for later at night. Besides, you needed the help for real this time and he was the only one around.
“I can give you a drive home, but I expect you to at least thank me. Sincerely” he offers, holding your waist tightly. Wooyoung subconsciously moves you closer until your side is pressed against his and you are suddenly aware of his scent. You couldn’t make out each individual ingredient in his cologne, but your mind settles that it's a mix of bergamot and musk. It is surprisingly not too strong and you hate how well it suits him. You wonder if he would notice you moving closer to catch another whiff of it, but decide against it. Men like Wooyoung shouldn’t be complemented, their ego would get too big and you had enough of his already.
“So?” he speaks up, the hand on your waist giving you a small squeeze to remind you that he was awaiting an answer. You bite down on your tongue before your ego gets the best of you and just chirp out a dry “please”.
For some astronomical reason Wooyoung is not in his usual cocky mood, but you tell yourself not to get used to it. He simply nods and carefully helps you sit down in the leather passenger seat of his car again. Shivers erupt over your bare arms when Wooyoung removes his arm from around you, suddenly realizing how warm he had felt against your skin. You push the thoughts towards the back of your brain, not wanting to overthink the matter. You get comfortable and buckle your seatbelt, observing the details of his car as he shuts your door and moves to get in from the driver’s side.
As Wooyoung focuses on starting the car, you finally have time to look him over closer. His hair was dyed blonde, that you knew already. But what you had failed to acknowledge was the way it made his golden skin glow brighter, accentuating it in a way that you hadn’t noticed before. He wore a button down with cheetah print and you wondered how anybody his age could pull it off, yet he made it seem as if it was made solely for him. The first three buttons were unbuttoned and you couldn’t help but trail your eyes down the vein on his neck that disappeared into his prominent collarbone. You let your eyes glance just a little further down to sneak a peek of the smooth skin that was the beginning of his chest.  
“You done staring me down? I need your address” Wooyoung mused, never turning his head as his eyes focused on the road ahead. You catch the way his lips tug into a small smirk and you ball your fists in your lap to keep you from cursing at him. Of course you had been wrong to think he would be free of his cockiness.
“The Imperial Hotel” is all that leaves your mouth as you turn to look out the car window, refusing to catch yourself loosening up and trailing your eyes over places where they shouldn’t be.
“The Imperial Hotel?” Wooyoung repeats, tone low and and curious. “Are you really broke enough to stay at a hotel?” he asks but realizes his mistake right after the question came out in a way that he didn’t intend for it to. “I mean, don’t you have a place?”
You snort, eyebrows raised as you turn to look at him, arms crossing over your chest. Who was he to question you like this?
“I don’t have a place because I like the anonymity. I like moving around so I don’t need a place” you bark back, hating how you felt threatened by his attitude. Not that you would admit it. “Besides I don’t have to explain anything to you, just take me there.”
Wooyoung stops at a red light, using the opportunity to raise a questioning eyebrow as your eyes meet. His gaze is challenging.
“Take you there?” he repeats your words, each word coming out of his mouth as if you offended him.
“Please” you mumble.
“Much better” he drives off with a pleased grin. The next moments you find yourself in silence, to your surprise comfortable. You listen to the sound of the wheels moving against the asphalt at different speeds as Wooyoung drives. For a moment you feel a warm feeling of what could be dejavu in your chest, as if this has happened before. As if driving together like this was something you did often. Your eyes catch a bright red and yellow sign and you are suddenly reminded of Jisung.
“Wait!” you yell out suddenly, making Wooyoung slam on the breaks as he looks over at you with a concerned expression. His sharp brows are knitted together as he questions you.
“What? What happened?” he breathes, seemingly awaiting something much more serious than the question that comes out of your mouth.
“Could you um, go through the drive through?” you ask carefully, nodding to the fast-food sign right off the freeway.
“Do you realize you just made me slam on my breaks and potentially crash my new car just for Mcdonald’s?” he snaps, immediately checking the mirrors behind him for traffic which was empty seeing as the time was about to hit three am. He clicks his tongue but follows your request, turning to drive up to the restaurant.
“Don’t you have food at home?” he grumbles as you lean over his seat to get a glance at the menu screen outside his window. You support your hand on the center control between your seats, stretching as far as you could over him.
Wooyoung’s gaze shifts to your face in front of his, eyes narrow as they jump over your features and the way you concentrate on the menu. He hesitates but slowly brings a hand forward, warm fingers pushing back a rogue strand of hair behind your ear in order to clear your view. You are busy ordering Jisung his promised burger to notice, voice loud and clear as you speak to the employee over the microphone.
As soon as you’re done placing your order you turn your head to look at Wooyoung, it would be nice to ask if he wanted something since he was nice enough to drive here. It was the least you could do anyway.
You blink in surprise at how close your two faces are. Close enough to feel his shaky warm breath on your cheek. His eyes immediately fall to your parted lips as he swallows harshly. You take notice of this, your own eyes following his actions as you watch the tip of his tongue peek out to brush over his lower lip, wetting it. His lips glisten in the harsh lights situated outside the fast-food restaurant, illuminating the skin.
“D-did you want something too?” your voice is almost a whisper as you speak, slowly sinking back into your seat as if whatever just happened would go unnoticed. Wooyoung bites down on the inside of his cheek, shaking his head as an answer before he drives up to the window, seemingly unbothered. You press your back against the heated seat, wondering why your heart suddenly had picked up its speed. At this point in your career, you always found yourself around men, none of which made you nervous simply by existing so close to you. Wooyoung’s expression seemed sour, jaw clenching as if he was in deep thought.
A part of you wondered if this was a part of his game that he played with his targets. In which case you’d totally understand why he scored successful deals nine out of ten times. You weren’t sure if you wished for another moment like this or if it was that lone single shot of alcohol you had taken at LUX coming back to make you overthink, so you decide against thinking at all. You are tired, that was the true excuse.
The rest of the drive continues in silence. Yet somehow your earlier plans to overthink had betrayed you as your brain jumped at anything you could connect to Wooyoung. From how you first met, to how you had seen him work his targets, to right now.
“We’re here” Wooyoung announces, stopping by the entrance of the obviously fancy hotel. Even though it was late night, a doorman stood guard and you kind of felt bad for him. You unbuckle your belt and shift to move but sudden pain shoots through your ankle again.
“Fuck” you mumble and look up at Wooyoung who was silently watching you struggle.
“Don’t tell me I have to carry you inside too” he says, wondering why he even bothered helping you if it would have taken so much time. Yet never truly complaining because he honestly hadn’t minded it all that much.
“If it burdens you that much, I’ll just hop on one leg” you scoff, if he chose to help, he might as well go through with helping you all the way to your room. But the Mcdonald’s take-away bag suddenly reminds you that Jisung was in the room and there was no way Wooyoung could find out. “Help me to the elevator at least?” and as Wooyoung opens his mouth to cut you off, you add a silent “Please”.
Wooyoung sighs and gets out of the car as a way of agreeing. He walked around the front before opening the door for you. Shivers run down your spine when the cold air hits your legs but you choose to stay silent, knowing that if you would complain it would only turn into endless bickering between the two of you.
You place a foot on the ground, lifting your hurt ankle up and Wooyoung immediately leans closer to reach for you inside of the car. One of his arms sneak under your thighs while the other wraps around your back, lifting you up into his embrace with ease before shutting the car door with his foot. You stay silent as you let him carry you, eyes trailing back to the golden skin peeking out of his buttoned down shirt once again. Since when is a tiny piece of exposed skin something to be shy of? Your eyes trail further up, running along his neck and sharp jawline. You weren’t sure why you were so keen on disliking him, maybe it was in fact that he was too pretty and that he was aware of it.
Wooyoung sets you down by the elevator. It was as if any time you spent with him, whether it was in the car or him carrying you inside, was over in a few seconds and you felt somewhat disappointed as a weight settled in your lower abdomen. Even though you found yourself surrounded by men almost every weekend, there was none that you had sincerely liked. Then, do you like Wooyoung? Probably not. He simply caught you in a weak moment and that was all. You will probably not hear the end of his heroic actions next weeknd at LUX.
“Well... you’re welcome” Wooyoung teases, straightening up as he pushes the button to call on the elevator. The doors open immediately and you dread leaving him. Wait, dread was too strong of a word.
“Thanks” you reply, putting on a poker face to make sure he wouldn’t crack your ego any further. Wooyoung snorts lightly at your attempt at thanking him, but decides to accept it.
“Well then, see you next weekend, honey” he shrugs and turns to leave, raising his hand above his head to wave goodbye as he walks off. Dick, can’t even face me when he leaves, you think and stumble into the elevator, hissing as painful shocks shoot up your ankle.
“Don’t say it like that, people will think you are someone to me” you raise your voice, knowing he’d be able to hear it.
“And am I not, honey?” he glances over his shoulder but just then, the elevator doors separate you as they trap you into the tight compartment. You sigh, shaking your head to yourself.
The elevator was surrounded by mirrors and you catch yourself staring back at an expression of a teenage girl who had been out on a first date with her crush. Only as you look at yourself do you realize your cheeks had heated up and your lips were pulled up into a tiny smile.
You quickly furrow your brows again, trading the smile for your usual scowl to seem unaffected by anything, or anyone.
The elevator gives a metallic ding to indicate you arrived at your floor. The number 13 stands out in golden numbering, how ironic.
You assume Jisung is asleep because nobody greets you as you enter the hotel room. Throughout the year of living together, you’ve mastered the technique of going into rooms almost soundless. As if you're a mouse sneaking in to steal a piece of cheese. Finally you are away from any watching eyes. Finally you do not need to think about the way you act and what to say.
Your cellphone comes to life as it lights up the hotel room and you curse, hopping towards it on your only useful leg. Who is even awake at this time? Could it be…Wooyoung? No, you can’t expect him to even know your number. And even if he did, why would he text you?
You slide the message open and see an attachment. The number was unknown and you wondered if somebody had sent you a drunk text by accident. You open the image. It does not even take two seconds for you to register what it was. The number 13 stood out in gold and the background wall was a warm beige, just like the one on your floor if not the exact same one. You furrow your brows before a text bubble pops up.
“You got away too quick tonight, thank your little boyfriend for that. Next time, it’s over for you”
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snailsgoingdowntown · 10 months
can you write a drabble fluff for Eliot Charon & Hebaron Nirtha (separate) x female reader about how she doesn't seem to realize how attractive she is. She doesn't know why men always seek for her hand in marriage. You can choose any of the characters above, it your decision to write what you feel is appropriate. Have a nice day
I just learned that a drabble is actually 100 words and this 600… oh well, I guess.
I couldn’t think of anything for Hebaron, so I’m sorry about that. I also hope you don’t mind the suggestive nature of this… I tried; I really did but this was the only thing that kept popping in my head. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!
Minors/blank blogs dni
Warnings: slight jealously, mentioned past harassment
Not-sfw warnings: suggestive
Blog contains dark content/dead dove, don’t eat.
You were an extremely beautiful woman.
Lovely as roses, smile as bright and warm as the sun, eyes shining like jewels – so beautiful, so lovely. Eliot himself had fallen at first sight, but it was a puppy crush then. And well, four years later, and two weeks after returning from the campaign, he’s proud and grateful to call himself your fiancé.
But when he did return, something was amiss.
You were clingier than usual, more openly affectionate. One would think it would only be natural, considering he was away for three years, his life on the line and survival uncertain. It was added to the mix, yes, but it didn’t take him long to realize you were making a show of it; at first, he thought you were marking him in a way, telling every young woman that he was off the market. He was wrong, apparently.
For a week after his much-wanted return, you had told him in bed, naked form cuddled into his chest.
“Men kept proposing to me after you left.”
His fingers brushed against your shoulders, your hair tickling his chin. Eliot hums in response, grip on you becoming a bit tighter. He kisses the crown of your head, loving the way you nuzzled deeper into the crook of his neck, hands sprayed across his bare chest. He should have known as much.
You were a beautiful woman, extremely so.
It would only make sense that others would take the chance presented before them. Of course, they would never have dared to act in such a way. But with him gone, on a dangerous mission at that, uncertain if he would return alive or not…
Of course, they would target you. Why would they not? A pretty lady would mourn her fiancé’s death at any given moment. Waiting for his return, and even if he made it back alive, who’s to say that he didn’t find another lover on the trip? Or if he lost a limb or two? Became a different person, harsh and rash instead of the gentle giant?
They probably told you those things. Said how you can’t live without a husband, and what good is a woman if she is unwed? Unless you’re a high-ranking servant, or a servant in general, how could you make a proper living?
They told you things like that, didn’t they?
“I see. I assume they did not give up easily?”
“Mm, they kept harassing me to say yes. They were practically buzzing flies and annoying dogs… hounding me like that…” you throw a leg over his, skin as smooth as he remembered. And between your thighs was a mess – a claim, of sorts. Something you had begged for. Maybe it was the events that went on for three years that made you beg for it, reckless and yet, he was too.
He just missed you so much.
“Majority of the other women were left alone, even though it was their husbands and fiancés who left for The Campaign as well.”
The annoyance was starting to burn hotter in his chest. “Did they get physical?” Eliot holds you closer to him, tighter if possible. When you shake your head ‘no,’ his fingers slowly loosen their hold on you. He closes his eyes, kisses your forehead, threading his fingers through your hair. “That’s good,” he says, letting out a sigh.
“I just don’t understand why they were so… persistent. Every day, a new one would come, and every week I had to shoo them away. I just don’t understand why me, and why they leaped at the… ‘opporuinty’ once you left.”
Oh, if only you knew…
Instead of saying it – he plans to, tomorrow – Eliot raises, supporting himself on his arms, palms pressed against the bed. And when you look up at him with those eyes and kiss-swollen lips, who can blame him for starting another round?
Might as well make them hear who you crave and love.
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sweetestpopcorn · 6 months
Thank you for writing what I always wish Daemon and Rhaenyra's story was in canon. The truth is that I was never a fan of Daemon x Laena, however, I loved the portrait you made of her in your fic and I can imagine her being that way completely, however, as far as Harwin is concerned, I know that I have a rather unpopular opinion, that of having children bastards with him seemed to me a totally unnecessary addition by Martin to weaken Rhaenyra's character as future queen and destine people to death, their relationship also did not seem to me based on love, but on desire, he never knew how to give Rhaenyra a stop or advice to stop having children who were clearly his and who would question her as an heir, I admit 1 but 3 seems to me a very big impudence, more knowing that there was no way for them to look like their mother (another favor from Martin to rhae) . In addition, in the case of Daemon and Laena, at least they were husband and wife, something that Harwin and Rhaenyra were not, I feel that their relationship is very romanticized, honestly they were lovers, it is not that they could have a family life in the eyes of the entire court and clearly To me it seemed like a patch in Rhaenyra's life for being married to laenor... and not being able to have been with the man she wanted. It has already been seen that he had 3 children with Harwin in quick succession... Daemon came back and it was over and once he had 3, what does it matter a 4? Lately, since the premiere of the abomination on hbo, there are many harwin fan girls who endorse him a lot and I don't understand it to be honest, his children weren't destined to be kings either, I'm of the opinion that it wouldn't even have happened if there wasn't dance. A true ally who thought with his head and nothing else would have acted differently, I think. I'm sorry to have such a negative opinion but it's tired to see people selling him as Rhaenyra's great love when he wasn't, in my opinion, of course. It also tires to always see the children born of their love affair as more loved and developed by the fans than the next kings of westeros🤣. I hope you don't mind my opinion but the Strong boys didn't fulfill my Targaryen supremacist quota so I'm more than happy reading your story, where you represent Harwin in a way that I can imagine quite simply at least in relation to Rhaenyra and good-natured, but for me that's it. I hope not to see like a bad person haha, I can be very direct in saying my opinions and sometimes they are questionable, i know ❤️
Greetings ✌️
Hi there 🤗
I hope you are well (and still there X'D) because this was such a big delay on my part 💔 but better late than never!
First, thank you so so much for your beyond kind words ❤️ I write what I wished the story could be as well, so I am happy others like my choices 🩷 asoiaf Daemyra are prime steak and adding anyone else in the picture is putting ketchup on it so I am just serving the steak and removing the ketchup 😂 just prime fillet mignon which is asoiaf Daemyra.
I absolutely agree with the fact that George added the "Velaryon" princes to add more drama to the mix and to make the whole claim thing more balanced and less just about Rhaenyra being a woman. Of course that ultimately I would argue that George didn't do it very well because although the "Velaryon" princes should have been a HUGE thing the fact is they were an afterthought of the Green Council - brought up only by Criston and Alicent - and none of the lords either pro or against the Blacks and/or the Greens ever mentioned them.
I think George succeeded at making it a big thing for the fandom and at making other people look at what Rhaenyra's behaviour said about her and at the lack of legitimacy of her three eldest heirs and going "Yeah I'm neutral" or "Yeah I am Team Green" (the latter a very small minority not even 10%), but he definitely failed at showing that this was a such a major thing for the characters. Besides the Greens mocking the "Velaryon" princes and Rhaenyra it's like... no one really cared, and this would contradict the very strong (no pun intended) hatred that many of the asoiaf characters have concerning illegitimate children. So yeah... I think that should have been explored a LOT better.
In my story, however, that issue is removed, and I have had many fans who consider themselves neutral tell me that actually in my story they are Team Black because there are no "Velaryon" princes, and the fact that Rhaenyra married Daemon - a Targaryen - and only had Targaryen children + her being her father's choice of heir would make it very hard for the Greens to have a step to hold on to. And this is not because I have embellished Rhaenyra or Daemon mind you. I have lost count of the times I had people say that Rhaenyra is annoying, childish, spoiled, arrogant, stupid, oh personal favourite "window-licking clown"... or that Daemon is cruel, and an assh0le, and that he doesn't love Rhaenyra. Hells, I had someone say that until a point they thought I was actually a Team Green fan X'D but the issue of the "Velaryon" princes that made the issue less clear is removed, and in such circumstances it's almost impossible for someone to not stand the Blacks - which just adds to how weak the Greens' claim is and how dependent on the existence of the "Velaryon" princes it also is. And also mind you, I made a lot of choices to make Alicent look better - for instances, it's Otto who wants to marry Helaena and Aegon, she has reservations, and at the start she is not very on board with many of her father's plans. I also added more depth to Aegon, and explored his relationship with Sunfyre for instance, and downplayed many of his "advances" at maids and women. I also don't shy away from showing what a sh:t sister Rhaenyra was, and this is another complain I frequently had - how she treated her siblings.
I might be Team Black but I give credit where credit is due and I like to explore the fault the Blacks had, and the good the Greens had. They are still the villains, but they clearly were the villains in canon to. That's not changing and someone can be the clear villain and still have reasons.
Moving to canon now and to why Rhaenyra in canon had three illegitimate children I have a simple answer: because she could and because she didn't care.
I think it is always important to consider that pre-Dance was the pinnacle of Targaryen power - they had never been as powerful before and never would again. All of them were raised to believe they were more god/goddess than man/woman and all of them were arrogant to a fault. And as I have said before, why shouldn't they be? Truth was they were superior to almost everyone in almost every way, and truth or law was whatever they said it was.
Even in good freindly Walserys wee see this. If he wanted a woman to rule he could do it. If he wanted people to patch up and be friends he simply demanded it. And if he wanted his daughter to marry a gay man and have children with him that would happen thanks to his Hand's son :D
Rhaenyra was just the same, and you see her have this attitude. Her reply to "Your sons are bastards" was always to either kill or threaten. Hells, she had the audacity to hear Aemond call her sons Strong and be like "Well who told you that lie?! We must get to the bottom of this!"
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Everyone else:
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Meanwhile Aegon II said and well - oh GOD I am defending Aegon II 🤢:
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As to what drove her to Harwin Strong, I mean, people can tell themselves whatever they want, but at the end of the day it was mainly three things:
Daemon was not available - had been exiled under penalty of death two years prior
2. Harwin had courted her and likely she liked him well enough
3. She was married against her will to a man who left her alone during the celebrations of their wedding and never consummated the marriage at 17, and wanted someone to love her Harwin was there, she liked him well enough, and likely she knew HE liked her well enough to keep his mouth shut and take his affair with him to the grave Spoiler :D he did! Rhaenyra:
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Now as you say and well, very clearly Harwin was a source of comfort for her above anything else, and I agree that it speaks volumes how many children they had before Daemon returned, vs. how many they had after he returned and how quickly she again fell in Daemon's arms and got pregnant. Given the timeline it's very likely that Harwin was actually still alive when Rhaenyra got pregnant with baby Aegon. My brothers in Christ literally the day Otto arrived in King's Landing following Harwin and Lyonel's deaths, word arrived that Rhaenyra had married Daemon. Even if we are to believe it was only after Harwin died what a fine way Rhaenyra had to mourn the "love of her life"... by banging her former lover and marrying him. Someone who could have been involved in Harwin's demise btw.
And they say romance is dead!
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Delusions and wishful thinking aside, one can argue who the love of Daemon's life was. The love of Rhaenyra's life however should be undebatable for anyone with reading skills and basic comprehension and that someone was Daemon. See all of this for book passages showing that Rhaenyra loved Daemon at every damn stage of her life: as a child, teenager and adult as agreed by all sources. And every damn time this b:tch returned Rhaenyra just turned around and went:
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And fell in his arms and maybe pieces of furnisher like bed or in the rocks of Blackwater Bay if you believe Mushroom X'D
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About the show I don't consider it so I am not even going to go there, I will just say that how anyone can have any ship in Redacted outside Renada/Alicia or Helen/Diet Almond Milk is a mystery to me because they all absolutely suck and apologies but having a man look at you like he's going to tear your oesophagus from your body and wear it for a necklace is not romantic, or the only interaction you have with him is just some witty banter where once again you are showing what a fine Girlboss you are. But wtf do I know about the fandom's standards?! I know they are lower than the Titanic.
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I don't think you sound like a bad person or anything of the like, if anything it says a lot that many of the so-called "Targaryen" fans only seem to like Targaryens who are less Targaryen and don't look like Targaryens, and the same people who love the "Velaryon" princes and call themselves Team Black fans hate Aegon and Viserys and go on to posts made by their fans to call them monsters. Their greatest sin? Why they are very pure Targaryens with Targaryen parents who enjoyed banging each other's brains out, had no reservations about incest, and looked so Targaryen that Aegon's hair was almost white.
Wincest is not for everyone.
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Now, personally, I have nothing against the "Velaryon" princes. I actually like Jace and Luke and feel bad for Joffrey because imagine your siblings being Jacaerys, Lucerys, Rhaena, Baela, Aegon, and Viserys, and you are Joffrey... ain't no ointment for that burn. #cancelLaenor But I don't buy for a minute that even if there were no Greens that they would just be one big happy family and that Daemon would gladly tell his legitimate kids step aside for Harwin's illegitimate sons to take their place.
Sorry, I have oats with my milk not delusions or Disney. Daemon is a grey character and if you think that equates to his d:ck not working when he's sad or conflicted thEn we didn't read the same books :)
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Well this was a long answer XD hope you are still around Anon to see me enter my Joker Era because I am so DONE. I really need some good asoiaf content and to touch some grass because after almost five years... I don't know how much I can take it.
But oh well. If my Joker Era can make anyone laugh it's what we here for fam.
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All the love to you 🥰❤️
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Being Lizzie's lesbian lover ~ Lizzie Stark Headcanon
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
Notes: This is part 2 to this request
Warning: Sexual content, mention of past sexual assault (18/21+). I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
You two meet when she is already married to Tommy for a significant amount of time
Unlike her, you are born into this life and so it comes natural to you. Like her, you are also married and in a rather traditional marriage, although traditional in the sense that you and your husband had had the much desired ‘heir’, the insuring ‘spare’ and a third child for good measure, during which he, as a gentleman had been true to you.
But when you informed him that you were done having children, you decided to move on, after all, you had never been in love in that way, but had decided to build your marriage on friendship, and the fact that everyone on both sides were incredibly happy about it so now you just added honesty to the mix. He was free to do what he liked with whom he liked and so were you.
Of course, your husband was a little concerned about unfortunate consequences on your part at first, but when you informed him that that was not something he ought to concern himself with, he had scoffed, smiled and only said “How very Greek of you”. From then on your marriage was built on honesty, friendship, companionship, devotion to your children and the kind of love that wrapped itself in and around two people, tying them together but didn’t extend to the bedroom. It was perfect. 
Together you navigated the social and political dance floor with ease, and in truth your marriage was better than most others that had started in infatuation, including the one of Mr and Mrs Shelby. 
Business brought your husbands together, and convenience to two of you. In truth, while admiring Lizzie’s beauty, you approached her because you pitied her. She was a fish out of water if ever you saw one and even though she was the elder, you decided to take her under your wing under the guise of playdates between your three and her two. It took her a long while for her to trust you and you find out the reason why when you make a visit to one of the charities she supported, one that helped women who had ‘fallen into hardships’, as your mother would say, although most others would use far less flowery terms. 
It is only then, after one of the women being helped recognised Lizzie from her old life, that she decides to tell you. You can’t lie, it is a shock, and you do need to have a rather strong cup of tea to calm your nerves but after a sleepless night of thinking everything through, you arrive with the children to the next playdate, finding an utterly shocked Lizzie, who had fully expected you to turn on her. When she tells you that even her husband weaponises her past in moments of rage, you want to strangle him, after all, there wouldn’t need to be sellers if there wouldn’t be buyers. It is that silent strength and resilience that attracts you to her, and the fact that she had refused to let her past make her into a hard and vengeful woman. It makes you admire and want to protect her even more. 
It is not too long later when she catches you with another lover at a weekend retreat when she wanted to return some gloves she had borrowed (having mixed up the proper attire). Now it was you who expected judgement, but instead you get a lot of questions, almost childlike, but not about the physicality of things, rather about the emotional side, and about genuine attraction to women and so you give her a stack of books, Poems by Sappho, Emily Dickinson, and even some works by Charlotte Brontë
Before long she is not content with just reading and wants to try it out for herself and she finds that female pleasure is a whole different thing when it is not demanded by a male customer. 
For that, you invite her on a holiday to a villa your father in law had bought you and your husband after the birth of your second child. You husband hated France and despised the French, so it was practically your own unless lent out to friends, like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Vita Sackville-West or Viginia Woolf. You spend a two week holiday there which is more than enough time to try out all sorts of things. And you two return at least twice a year. 
The first few weeks of your affair, you are the more guiding partner, but bit by bit Lizzie starts to gain confidence and enjoyment from taking the lead in your bedroom activities
She is incredibly good in bed and can make you melt with just a few touches, even if they seem benign and meaningless. She is also a very, very giving person, but she also derives a lot of pleasure from having control, something she has never had in any physical relationships before that. And you don’t mind giving her that, not when you know the amount of pleasure you will get from it and from knowing how much she likes it
Lizzie enjoys watching your every reaction and eye- contact, especially when you try (and more than often fail) to hold it. She loves knowing what kind of effect she has on you, both in private and in public. She will pull you aside during dinner parties, charity events and the like, just to make a point and leave you hanging. But she would always make sure it would be worth your while in the end. 
There would also be presents (with the money taken from Tommy’s account) day clothes but also expensive Parisian lingerie, sometimes with personalised lace that has her initials in it, but also jewellery, mainly necklaces, or a personalised bracelet which has a tiny lock so only she could take it off. There is also a kind of jewellery which can be worn under clothes, which you didn’t even know existed. It is often the last thing you will be wearing after some fancy event that ended with you and Lizzie in one bed. 
She would never hurt you, neither emotionally nor physically, even though some people do derive pleasure from pain - not in any way, but after a while in your relationship she does like to push your limits with sensory play and deprivation, restricted movement and overstimulation. While a bit of bondage and blindfolds are a go for you, they are hard nos for Lizzie. Situations in which she feels like she is feeling restricted in any way bring back too many bad memories. 
Lizzie is the absolute Queen of aftercare, like you never could have imagined, warm baths with scented oils, where she would get in with you, wash you, massage your tired limbs and take the time to wash your hair and comb it dry, even if you are dozing off during jt. She will make sure to keep you hydrated (on something other than the expensive champagne). 
That level of care had been unknown even to you, and so you try to return it in any way you can, with or without the connection to sex. Sometimes you will just talk, or you will read to her all night long. Sometimes she just needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to hold her who won’t put out demands or ask questions. 
The realisation that you love her is bittersweet- in a way, you are happy together, but you can’t really be together. Not in that way. 
Whenever things went bad with Tommy, she would come to you. You know she can’t leave him, not legally and not emotionally either, which makes you hate the man even more. Every pain he inflicted on her, every betrayal cuts twice as deep and unlike Lizzie, you refuse to forgive. She told you everything, about his affairs, about the way he treated her as his employee, and before that. You know about the nights he used her to sooth his grief, and about the day he used her as bait. You know, and the only reason for you not going through with that terrible, though thoroughly planned accident, is that Lizzie still cares for him, and that he is the father of her child. But in your eyes, she would make a far better widow than a wife. 
Your own husband knew of your liaison fairly early on, and he doesn’t mind as it fits perfectly in the framework of your arrangement (and because there would never be consequences in form of other children). He also rather likes Lizzie, as she is a very polite and apolitical person, unlike some of your former lovers who had been far more scandalous and out there than she was and he had his own ever changing affairs. He is not at all opposed to seeing her at the dinner table or in your bed (although by now he had probably forgotten where your bedroom even was) and didn’t mind Lizzie and her children joining you and your on holidays together. 
You don’t know exactly when Tommy finds out, but you do notice dark glares and glances coming from him, not that you would ever care what he thinks. He may be Lizzie’s husband, but you are her lover. You can’t get rid of him, but he can’t get rid of you either. She chose him once upon a time, but she chooses you time and time again. 
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Thank you for requesting and participating in my celebration - I hope you liked what I wrote.
Thank you everyone for reading and as always, I hope you enjoyed and would love to hear your thoughts!
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @chlorrox @watercolorskyy @books-livre @quarterpastmidnight  @lilyevanswhore  @polishcrazyone  @zablife  @just-a-harmless-patato  @stevie75 @flyingjosephine-blog @runnning-outof-time @babayaga67 @butterfly-skinnylegend
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Well here it is. My fanfic. This is just chapter one there will be more to come.
First things first, this is an alternate universe fanfic. My universe. Some things will be similar to the canon storyline and others wont. This fic is about Javert and his overall character and developing that character in a way that I would have liked to have sene done in ‘The Brick’. I think Hugo did him dirty in numerous ways. So this is my take on Javert, his life and the possibilities for things he didn’t experience in the book. The first few chapters will be slow burn as I introduce you to a couple of new characters and allow things to develop from there. Who knows where this story will go in the future, but I have decided that instead of making it a one-shot I’m going to be continuing it and hopefully soon adding some illustration to it as well. Please note all places (inn’s, taverns, hotels, etc) are completely fictional with names made up by me because I havent had time to research everything yet and I’m still reading ‘The Brick’. My AU Javert will be based on Quastvert (particularly his image)
Trigger Warnings: This story as it unfolds (as previously stated more chapters will be added to this specific fanfic) will contain descriptions of a sexual nature, and descriptions of violent crime. It will also allude to mental health issues. Read at your own risk. I’d say this fanfic is not suitable for anyone below the age of 16. Also this is my very first fanfic so feedback is important to me. 
Themes: Friendship/Lovers/Romance/Character Development (Javert & New characters)/Mental Health/Culty Mindset Deconstruction/Learning to livea normal life. Also: Murder, domestic Violence/Other Crimes/ Police Investigations/Obsession.
New Characters: Catherine Bernard, Chloe Bernard, Pierre, Rose & Andre.
Pre Barricade Era. 
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Javert: Out of The Shadows  
Chapter 1
It had been a long day, longer than it should have been, stressful and unpleasant. After finishing his shift, Inspector Javert made his way home, changed out of his uniform and into less formal attire and, having taken into consideration advice that was offered by a few of his colleagues, he decided to go out and try socialising once again. he had attempted to a couple of time previously after he got a bit of rubbing from two junior officers about his lack of a social life, wife, girlfriend, family and even friends. He had always ignoreed his collleagues when theysuggested he ‘get out more’. he had never had any interest in mixing with society. But lately he had begun to relaise how little he had in his life, besides his job his life most certainly lacked all of the things his colleagues had mentioned. Relationships had always been a no,no for him. He saw women and emotional attachment as inconvenient, however he had never experienced these things so how could he possibly know? 
A week or so prior he had met a woman in Le Chien Noir, a tavern where he had stopped by and indulged in one or two drinks. Not much of a drinker of alcohol it had taken him almost 4 hours to drink 2 glasses of red wine and the next morning he had awoken with a headache. His new lady friend, although he had only seen her once since meeting her was called Catherine or Cathy as she preferred to be called. she was an attractive 38 year old widow who had moved back to Paris from Boulogne-sur-Mer 2 years after her husbands death after finally being able to sell their properties and close up his estate. Catherine had no children due to her husbands propensity for violence having afflicted 4 miscarriages. 3 years prior to moving home her husband had murdered his business partner and tried to flee France. Luckily he was caught at Calais and apprehended. From there he was taken to jail, but rather than take accountability for his crimes and face the likelihood of the death penalty, he had hung himself. Uncomfortable living in Boulogne-sur-Mer Catherine returned to Paries and a neighbourhood not too far from where she grew up to start her life over. 
On the night they he met her, Javert had been almost instantly captivated by Cathy, she was vivacious, fun and had a wonderful sense of humour. She had blue eyes and dark brown hair, she was short, around 5 feet in height, and voluptuous. But she had no edge to her, she was polite, well manner, kind and attentive to the various customers in the tavern. On and off throught that evening they had talked and he had enjoyed their conversation. Cathy had even managed to amuse him more than once and once he had relaxed a little he had even managed to smile. He had been able to tell that she had been curious about him and no doubt the parisian grapevine had provided plenty of tid bits of information about him and his unusual lifestyle.   
Javert’s life beyond his work as a police officer was quiet solitary. With no family to visit him or vice versa and no real friends to socialise with and not to mention an aversion to getting to involved in society generally, he was not used to being out in public, drinking in taverns and fratinising with the ladies who worked in them. He just wasn’t comfortable in these situations and preferred to be alone. Though he occasionally admitted, only to himself, mind, that he did get lonely and yearned for companionship of some kind. He had never had a relationship, never courted in his youth, though he did flirt with girls back then as he got older and more devoted to his work he decided those kind of distractions were something he didn’t need. So he committed himself to his work, to the law and allowed himself no time for pleasure or company of any kind. Not even a pet dog or cat. 
When Cathy had finished her shift that night, Javert, who had just finished his drink to a little plunge into the uknown and offered to walk her home. Cathy had happily accepted his offer so they walked into the night towards Cathy’s home which was close to an area where a series of violent robberies had taken place in recent months. On top of that two women had been murdered on the route that led to Cathy’s neighbourhood. Cathy had been understanbly concerned about walking home alone and seemd glad to have the company of the normally distant and somewhat mysterious policeman. 
On the way to Cathy’s home they had talked about the recent crimes in the area.
“I’m not a regular member of staff at the tavern, the owners, Pierre and Rose are friends of mine, I help them out when they are short staffed. It’s not fun, finishing a shift and having to walk home when the fastest route is on the exact street where two women have been murdered.” She said.
“I exepct not, but you need not worry, I’ll walk you to your door and as long as I’m not working and you don’t feel like I’m imposing, I can walk you home from the tavern when you have shifts there in future.” He replied.
“You surprise me Inspector. Everything I’ve hear about you is turning out to either be complete lies or only half truths.”
“How so?” Javert asked.
“Well town gossip states that you never go out, have no friends, no family and beyond your work your not interested in anything.” Cathy replied.
 "Well, it is true that I have no family, I am unmarried and have never been married. My parents are dead and I have no ther family. It is also true that I don’t go out much if at all and when I do it’s usually to eat.“ He said.
“Yet you have, been to the tavern a few times in the past few weeks. Also you have been quite sociable, especially this evening. I’ve rather ejoyed talking to you.“ 
"The feeling is mutual Madame and I am glad to be able to make sure you get home safely.”
“So am I Inspector.”
“Please call me Javert.”
“Has the killer been found yet?” She asked
“Sadly and rather annoyingly, no he hasn’t. But we are searching for him.” He replied.
For a few moments they walked in silence and turning into the street where Cathy lived, he wondered whether or no he should ask her to go out with him. But what on earth would make him think she would want to. 
They reached Cathy’s front door and she turned to him and asked
“Would you like to join me for a drink or some supper?”
He was a little taken aback and trying not to seem to eager he replied
“No, that is quite alright, I don’t expect you to go to any trouble. Besides, it is late, I’m sure your tired and would prefer to turn in for the night.” He was blushing and felt a bit of a dolt for turning down her offer. 
“It’s no trouble at all, and you didn’t eat at the tavern this evening, I bet you’re hungry. Come on in.” She insisted, smiling. 
Then she turned to open the door. As she walked into the house she found Eponine (Thenardier), who had been taking care of Cathy’s young neice while she was working, curled up asleep in a chair. Cathy gently woke her and queeried as to how things had been while she had been out and was pleased to hear that her niece, Chloe who was four years old had been well behaved and was fast asleep. Cathy paid Eponine and Eponine left to go home with arrangments made to take care Chloe again on Sunday afternoon/early evening. 
Cathy handed Javert a bottle of wine while Cathy made some sandwiches for supper. Normally she would have a soup or a stew prepared and ready for heating up but she hadn’t had time to make either of those meals today because Pierre had sent is 12 year old son, Andre to give her a message that they were short staffed at the tavern. She had literally only had enough time to change her clothes, brush her hair and leave the house. Eponine had stayed overnight the night before so she was already there and happy to stay and look after Chloe for what was only supposed to be 4 hours but ended up being 8 hours because the tavern had been busy. 
Javert and Cathy chatted well into the night. Luckily, neither of them wer eworking the next day and by the time Javert got ready to go home, Cathy had already decided she had wanted him to stay. But before she could ask him, on reaching the door and bidding her goodnight he turned around and why he did it, he had no idea, but he had the urge to touch her, even to kiss her, and without thinking he gently stroked her cheek with the back off his fingers, and then again with the palm of his hand, wondering as he did this if he was going to get his face slapped for pushing his luck. Cathy, stood there looking up at him. Her eyes met his and she placed her hand on top of his pressing it more firmly against her cheek. She then moved his hand a little, down towards her lips anf she kissed the palm of his hand. Needing no further encouragment, Javert gently took her face in both of his hands, leaned down and kissed her, softly and politely at first and then a little more passionately, she returned his kiss with a needy enthusiasm and he gathered her up in his arms and held her tight as he kissed her. When they ended their kiss, she reached up and placed her hand on his face with a pleading expression on her face she said softly.
“please stay with me.”
He wanted to, oh god he wanted to, at that moment he wanted all of the things he had never had or experienced. But a voice inside his head told him it was the wrong thing to do, that if he stayed with her he would be taking advantage of her even though she had asked him to stay. She asked again;
“Please, I’m not expecting anything form you. I’d just like you to stay with me and hold me.”
She couldn’t remeber that last time she had laid in bed with a man who was happy to hold her, show her any kind of affection or even make love to her. Her husband had been something of a  savage beast. Everything he did was done with anger and haste as though he were doing it literally for his own satisfaction. He had never been loving or even caring for that matter and their marriage had been deeply unhappy. Their physical relationship was more often than not forced and brutal and she had dared not complain because he would beat her if she did. Violence was something he really liked, he enjoyed it other than that his only other pleasures were alcohol and money. When he killed himself in prison he she was glad that part of her life was over. Relieved that she could move on and make a life for herself elsewhere. She could not lie to anyone but not least to herself that she was glad her husband was gone. She didn’t miss him at all. The thought of anyone justing lying in bed with her and holding her made her happy, but after what had just happened, how she had felt when Javert held her and kissed her, she wanted more, and she wanted it from him. He had lit a flame in her that had long since burned itself out, and she had lit a flame in him that had never even existed. 
Javert, now feeling guilty at the thought of leaving her alone relented and agreed to stay. vowinf to himself that he would behave like a gentleman and only hold her as she had asked him to. But he was not so sure that he could keep that vow. Cathy smiled and he retook his seat at the kitchen table, while Cathy washed their supper dishes and finished her glass of wine. After that she led him upstairs to the bedroom. 
Eponine stood outside on the street deciding whether to go to the hovel she had been staying in with her mother and sister or whether to go and find her friends and spend the night in their company. She watched from across the street as Cathy’s house went dark. She had also taken a mental note that she had not seen the Inspector leave. Eponine decided to keep this information to herself, she liked Cathy and adored her niece, Chloe and did not want to cause problems as Cathy would often give her food and allow her to spend the night and on that night like an idiot, Eponine had told Cathy she had made arragements to spend the night with her mother and sister. It had been a lie, but in a way she was glad to not be in Cathy’s house this night even though nothing at all might have been happening, though she knew that thought was probably unlikely. 
Cathy led Javert into her bedroom and lit a lamp then hung it on the hook on the wall. She left the bedroom for a brief moment to check on Chloe who was sleeping soundly. On returning to her bedroom she found Javert sitting on the bed looking a little unsure of himself and of what to do next. She closed the bedroom door and walked over to Javert, she could tell he was nervous. He opened his mouth to speak and she placed her finger on his lips, then, taking his face gently in her hands she leaned downa kissed him. He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her body against him. Their kiss became more passionate, more urgent, as he slipped his tongue between he slightly parted lips and into her warm, moist mouth. His tongue stroked hers and hers in return, stroked his, they kissed deeper, harder and began to undress each other. She slipped his jacket over his shoulders and then removed his cravat. Frantically unbuttoning his shirt she brushed her lips across his face and then down passed his jaw, to his neck as he removed her blouse and unfastened her skirt allowing it to fall to the floor. With an even great sense of need and urgency she removed his undergarments and then started to unfasten his trousers. As her hand moved slowly over his groin she felt his manhood hardening. He broke off the kiss and pressed his face against her ample, curvaceous breasts. 
“I need to take off my Shoes.” He whispered.
“As do I.” she respinded with a giggle. 
They removed their shoes and he then took on the challenge of removing her corset. He failed to understand why w woman would want to go through such rigmarole just for the sake of keeping the wobbly parts in place. Cathy giggled like a little girl as his finger lightly tickled he spine while he was unlacing her corset. His hands were warm though a little bit rough. As he removed the corset and the rest of her undergarments he cupped his hands gently around her breasts, coaxing her nipples with his fingers until they were erect, while she reached behind her having still not removed his trousers and slowly caressed his manhood which was now almost fully erect. She then pulled down his trousers and as they dropped to his feet he kicked them off. Then he removed his socks, and lay down on the bed pulling Cathy onto the bed with him. 
He couldn’t remember a time when his curiosity had been so heightened. He softly caressed Cathy’s body, making sure to explore every curve with his hands as they travelled from her shoulders down to her ankles. He moved atop her and kissed her, deeply, firmly, passionately and with more confidence and contentment than he had ever been able to imagine feeling in such a situation with a woman. Moving from her mouth to her neck he kissed, licked and nibbled his way around her voluptuous body, raising his eyes only to glance at her lovely, face which shone with contentment and like porcelain in the dim lamplight. From her neck to her shoulder, down to he breasts, her nipples down her waist, her hips to the outside of her left thigh and across to outside of her right thigh, then to the inside of her right thigh and across to her left thigh, working his way up and she moaned with pleasure and writhed with the ever increasing arousal. He put his hand between her legs and with one finger he gently and eagerly massaged her most private and intimate area, causing her to become moist, he then slipped his finger inside of her entrance, exploring, investigating the inner sanctum, he moaned louder and writhed more vigorously, he fingered her a little long, slipping another finger inside of her as she raised her legs and rested them on his shoulders. He licked the outer nipple between her legs and then removing his fingers from inside her he slipped his tongue in, swirling it around and savouring the taste of her. 
Cathy was breathing heavily now and faster, she couldn’t control herself or the sounds that were escaping from her mouth. She whispered:
“Please, I want you inside me.”
He kissed and licked his way back up her naked body again then he lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips, with one thrust his generously sized, hard cock was inside of her and she clutched at his shoulders, digging her fingernails into his skin leaving light scratches, she raised and lowered her pelvis to join with him each time her thrust. It was intense and wonderful and she hadn’t felt like this before nor had she felt so utterly wanted by anyone. Javert rolled over pulling Cathy on top of him and she rose up and down on his throbbing, hard cock. He held her hips trying to control her movements as she had almost completely lost control of herself and her actions. Javert sat up and thrust as deep into her as he could get, he was completely enveloped by them warm, wet hole by which he had been enveloped. They climbed the mountain together and fell from the summit together, sweating, moaning, panting as Cathy collapsed on top of him and pressed her forehead into his shoulder. He held her for what seemed like a long time but was only a few mere minutes. She rolled off him and turned onto her side to face him, stroking his face she pressed her lips agains his and kissed him and they snuggled up together and fell asleep.
Javert could still scarcely believe that it had happened, and on the first night they had met, no dinner date, no lunch in a cafe, just a woman at work and him a customer, a man, who had never believed he was worthy of any such attention and, not even looking for such an encounter. Though he had seen her a couple of time since then, both times he had been working and unable to spend time with her. This night he had paid little Gavroche Thenardier a little bit of money to find out whether or not Cathy was working at the Tavern. If she was not there he would go to her home and hope to be able to see her there. He met up with Gravroche who told him that Cathy was working in the tavern that night. So off he trudged to Le Chien Noir. 
The tavern was busy again and he wasn’t comfortable in such crowded places. He looked through the window and spotted Cathy putting on her coat and saying goodbye to the other staff. He waited in the alley beside the tavern and as she left he stepped out in front of her almost scaring her into an early grave. 
“Jesus Christ Javert! Why are you lurking around in the shadows like an old phantom?" 
 "I apologise Madame, I did not mean to frighten you, my intention was to surprise you though.” He responded.
“Surpise me eh?.” she said shaking her head. “That you most certainly did.”
“Are you alright?” He asked.
“Yes, I’m alright, just give me a moment while my heart works it’s way back into my chest. Have you come to walk me home again?" 
"Yes. I’ve also brought some supper and wine if you’d like toshare it with me.”
“I’d love to.” She smiled and nodded. 
Cathy took Javert’s arm and they set off walking back to her house. 
“I also had an overwhelming desire to see you again, and spend more time with you. I like to get to know you better.” Javert said a little embarassed at how open he’d been in the moment but he felt so comfortable with her, he just couldn’t help blurting it out.
“I’d like to get to know you too Javert. Will you be spening the night with me again?" 
"Would you like to me to?” He asked.
“Yes I would.”
“Then I shall stay with you again.” He replied with a knowing smile.
She smiled back at him, linked her arm through his and for a moment or two, leaned her head against his arm. she didn’t understand why the locals feared him. in many ways no different to any other man despite having chosen to live his life in mostly solitude with only his work to keep things interesting. But little did she know how complicated, interesting and multilayered he could be. They had discussed little of his past, his childhood or his life before he became a police officer. While to him it was very simple because that’s they way he had constructed his life to be. He had built it around a very basic, but flawed view of the world and humanity and also that he was not accustomed to letting people into his very private little world, or displaying his emotions and thoughts. But she would find out soon enough. The streets in Cathy’s neighbourhood were quiet as they reached her modest yet cosy home. Eponine had fallen asleep on the chair again. Unable to wake her, Cathy left her their as she and Javert went into the kitchen to partake of their supper and wine. They chatted quietly for an hour or so before discreetly making their way upstairs, leaving the ground floor rooms of the house in darkness. While Eponine and Chloe slept peacefully throughout the night, Javert and Cathy intensified their relationship even further. 
By For The Love of Javert
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Tomorrow I get drawing again and see what I can come up with.
The Qustvert pics are to mark the beginning and end of the chapter. Hopefully soon I'll have a thinner page divider to separate the chapters or possibly an illustration of my own.
Good night I'll check in tomorrow to see what the commentary is like. I'm dreading it btw. Especially as I stayed up until 5.15am to get it finished.
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aprikosengamine · 11 months
All My Ships
(with some added context sometimes)
Claire Kincaid x Jack Mccoy (Law and Order), tbh this was the first relationship I saw that made me have butterflies and squealy feelings after something bad happened to me, and made me think about entering another relationship some day. They just had this chemistry and the looks they gave each other, i hate it was never officially confirmed expect maybe in like season 9, but tbh I've never watched past a bit of season 7 cause Claire was my OG, my fashion inspo, my raison d'être.
Sybil Crawley x Tom Branson (Downton Abbey), the way they killed her off, absolutely heartbreaking I've never managed to fully watch that episode again. They deserve to be happy in Ireland with all the babies they want and her career, with the perfect husband who backs her up whenever.
Hermione Granger x Fred Weasley (Harry Potter), I can't even remember why I started liking these two, it was so long ago probably came across a fanedit or a fic by accident. I just love the funny one and serious one matching, and finding that they're actually more similar than you think. But a PSA to everyone interested in this ship, writers sometimes don't say if Fred lives or dies in their fics and getting to the end thinking these sweet characters who love each other are going to get through this with the author being pretty unclear about the final battle only to be hit with "it's been two months since Fred's death" BOOOO!!!
JJ x Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds), specifically in fics where she doesn't get in a relationship with Will, or it doesn't get to the point where they have Henry, not a huge fan of the honorary uncle/aunt then becoming the kid's stepparent trope. I also don't like to watch the show much anymore bc I worked in that field and when it's real on your desk everyday, watching that mixed with the sappy family stuff (also garcia, not a fan) is not enjoyable anymore.
Ellie Bishop x Nick Torres (NCIS), thank god a lot of their episodes were after Abby left, no offense to Abby lovers but dear god she's pushing 50 at the end, act like it??? I think I'm just into hot people bantering with each other.
Keeley Jones x Jamie Tartt or Roy Kent (Ted Lasso), we only saw J&K together at the beginning when he was more of a prick, but the new and improved Jamie I think could be a good match bc they have similar personalities. I liked Roy and Keeley together, they were really different but a lot of what each other needed. I loved pretty much everybody in that show, except Nate. Nate can go fuck himself.
Emily Rhodes x Aaron Shore (Designated Survivor), ok maybe it is just workplace romances, these guys had some banter, on opposite sides of issues, but why did the writers decide nah we're just playing she's going with Seth, no real buildup on that.
In summary: Workplaces romances, or romances that occur when two people are forced to be in the same environment. I've never had an office fling, all the men were way older than me and in much higher positions, the few that weren't yeah no thanks, or like a summer camp forced encounter thing but I live vicariously through these people having to be professional in public and absolutely smitten in private and seeing it melt through. I'm also sucker for the guy loves her more and realizes before she does.
These aren't all the ships I've liked in my life. I was in middle school during this site's most infamous shipping thing, can you guys guess what I was reading on my phone after I was supposed to be asleep? Here's an abridged list of some of the ships I've liked over the past 10ish years doing this: Sherlock/John Watson, Destiel, Doctor(10)/Rose, Dan/Phil, and those are just the really big ones that made it through the preteen fugue state, I do get a mini heart attack every time someone in my day-to-day life mentions any of these expect doctor who.
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doubledgesword-2 · 3 years
This is a request from someone on wattpad! It was before the announcement so I will reiterate it since this has to do with it: Due to some personal reasons I will not be doing extra mega super ultra explicitly detailed smut. Smut will happen but it will be more implied than anything and there will be no more character x character fics. I will focus more on one character x readers. I apologize if these teas are not everyone’s cup, I understand, but I’m doing it for me and I will still deliver amazing teas no matter what flavor they are!
No warnings! Soulmate au enjoy!
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To say you were nervous was an understatement; you were almost sweating bullets.
"We're going to my parents, as my soulmate and wife, you have to meet their approval," Illumi told you one day in the middle of training.
You stopped mid-punch and got a swift and powerful kick to your stomach, making you fall backward a couple of feet away. Illumi was in front of you in a second, questioning why you left yourself open right when you were about to attack.
But there was no answer, except your pants and heavy breathing.
Illumi raised a fine eyebrow, letting out a breath as he picked you up in his arms, coming inside to the cottage for a nice bath. After all, you had to be presentable and at your best to meet your future in-laws.
He set up the warm water while you were undressing. You let out a groan when taking off your shirt; the huge purple and already forming bruise on your stomach hurt quite a lot. Illumi turned once the water was warm, and all the soaps were mixed with it. His unwavering and monotonous eyes scanned your body. You have become stronger under their tutelage, but that didn't take away your pain resistance. Your overall physique had improved monumentally, but your body was scarred and bruised from training. He didn't mind in his eyes you were perfect, and he knew in his mates' eyes you were gorgeous. The corners of his lips quirked up in a gentle yet small smile as he looked at you. You didn't notice though, you were too busy trying to rub on your stomach.
When Illumi noticed your actions, he knew it wouldn't be long before he tried to take you to bed. Just imagining you rubbing your growing belly with his child inside sends chills down his spine. But now was not the time. He needed to get you ready.
You didn't notice when Illumi was standing right in front of you; you were looking down at your ugly bruise. That's when Illumi took your hand in his, making you look up. His was expressionless as always, but in his eyes, you could see the amount of tenderness and desire he felt towards you.
He guided you to the bathtub letting you sink under the warm water. It was oddly relaxing. The nice smell of lavender, mixed with the water's perfect temperature, not too warm to boil but not too lukewarm to disappoint. You let out a sigh, eyes close and leaning back against the porcelain. It was cold, but you didn't gasp at that; you gasped at the lingering kiss Illumi placed on your head.
"You have nothing to worry about, my love. I'll be with you" he gently whispered like a secret lover, his hands scrubbing your arms with care.
Another kiss to your neck as he washed your chest.
"No harm will come to you as long as you do as I say. They will never lay a hand on family."
Illumi grabbed your face in his hands, and that made you open his eyes to look into his ever swirling ones. He kissed your forehead.
"Finish here. I will prepare your clothes, and then we leave."
And that's how you find yourself here, in between Hisoka and Chrollo looking at Illumi. The limousine was nice, but the luxury and the entirety of the situation were so overwhelming you couldn't focus on the finer details. That's why you didn't notice Hisoka's hand on your thigh rubbing circles on it.
"Hisoka" Illumi's voice sounded annoyed for once, and Chrollo lightly slapping Hisoka's hand away woke you from your anxiety.
Hisoka shrugged his shoulders, giving Illumi a playful look, eyes closed, and a close lip smile.
"Whatever did I do?~"
"Hisoka, don't play games now. Our little darling is frightened enough."
Chrollo opens his hand, laying it palm up and offering it to you. You took it and clench it hard while this thumb rubbed your knuckles.
"That's what makes it fun; she's too tense. Wouldn't it be better if I loosen her up?~" he asked Chrollo, tilting a bit forwards with his finger on his lips as if questioning things.
"No. Now sit back. We're almost to the mountain. If you behave, I'll reward you."
"Mmmm," Hisoka licked his lips. "Oh goodness~."
Once Illumi opened the huge stone doors, which left you aghast, the four of you walked inside, getting into another car. This one was less spacious, but it was still luxurious. But none of that mattered. Every ride and minute that passed brought you closer to them. Dread settled in your stomach like a boulder, pressing down on your stomach. Chrollo never let go of your hand as you all came to the mansion.
There was no time to think, no way out, and no matter how much you wanted to run in your (color of choice) lolita dress, you doubted you would even make it far inside that dense forest. Not to mention the huge wolf you saw stalking the SUV as you all made your way to the mansion.
Your breathing hitched when the butler opened the door, and Chrollo exited, holding your hand to help you out. Hisoka placed his hand on your shoulder once he was out.
"Don't worry, little fruit, you'll be fine," he whispered.
Illumi came behind you, putting both of his hands on your shoulders. You thought it was out of comfort, but he merely straightened you and rubbed the wrinkles away. Your hand clenched Chrollo's, who chuckled and let go. They all thought you looked adorable, being stressed and nervous when in reality, you seemed as stiff as a cat who just got dumped in the water.
As you were contemplating everything, you noticed the old man standing in front of the enormous house. He had an amused look on his face, and his whole demeanor screamed he was more powerful. That just made it worse.
Illumi pushed you forwards, and the four of you walked towards his grandfather.
"Afternoon, gentlemen, miss," you gave him a small nod/ curtsy; your nervousness was blatantly obvious, and it amused him greatly.
"Silva is expecting you," he stated and opened the door with all of you right behind him.
At the mention of Illumi's father, you thought you would die.
After a series of turns through different hallways, you arrived at a nice garden area. There was no denying the place was stunningly gorgeous and breathtaking. The pond with the fish, the nicely cut grass, the different flowers with all the colors you can imagine, and even the cement wall covered in a blanket of vines added a touch to the paradise-like place. You let out a breathtaking everything in and didn't even notice the small smile gracing your lips; the trio did.
"Illumi," an authoritative voice pierced your bubble, and it reminded you why you were here. "We're glad you could make it; your mother and I are anxious to meet your soulmate."
Your breath hitched as Illumi approached his father and left you in between Chrollo and Hisoka. His father was so tall, much taller, and stronger looking, and you thought he would disintegrate you the moment he looked at you.
"Illumi!" A shrill voice called, and this time you turned to look at a woman approaching quickly. The way she was dressed made you think you were all in a Jane Eyre novel, now your clothing choice made sense. She came to her husband with practiced grace.
"My dear beloved son! Illumi, mother had missed you deeply. Ever since most of my children have left me alone, it has been dreadful. Oh, why must everyone leave!"
You raised an eyebrow at her. 'What the heck,' that's when she turned to look at you as if you had called her.
"Who is that, and what are those criminals doing in my house?"
Both of your eyebrows were raised as she approached you, and her aura didn't give you good intentions.
"Mother, they're my soulmates. All three of them."
Silva's eyes widened for a split second before his lips turned up in a greeting smile. He knew who Chrollo and Hisoka were. He had fought the first one and had seen the second one lingering about his son. But you, he didn't recognize, and that intrigued him as well as annoyed him.
"Why all three of them?! This is unacceptable, not at all respectable. What would everyone think about the Zoldyck family when they hear our son has three soulmates!"
"Kikio, that's enough," Silva's authoritative voice resounded, and Illumi's mother stopped dead on her words. "Outside these walls, they're whatever they may be, but here they're Illumi's mates as well as our guests. So behave accordingly."
"Yes, darling," her honeysuckle voice came back as if nothing had happened, and she grabbed your hand, leading you to a nearby table already set with tea and pastries.
"Have the butlers arrange another pair of chairs and refreshments for our guests."
"That would not be necessary, sir. If you excuse us. We will be fine in the lounge, after all, we have met before, and our darling is the one you don't know. It will be better if you four converse." As refined as always, Chrollo replied, making Hisoka pout. He dragged the jester away, who follow a butler inside the house.
Alone amongst strangers. That's how you felt; even though you knew Illumi and have been with him for almost a year now, it still felt weird.
"So dear, what's your name?"
"(Y/n-n), sir."
Silva chuckled at your nervousness "there's no need for you to be nervous. After all, we're family."
You nodded. Illumi grabbed your hand under the table, and you felt a bit relieved.
"Dear, I must say your dress is quite lovely. At least my dear llumi's mate knows how to dress," Kikio chuckled afterward, "do let me take you out to my best tailors. You simply must have a dress made by each of them."
"That would be lovely, ma'am" you sipped a bit of the tea even if you felt you couldn't stomach anything at the moment.
"I'm sure you will look beautiful for our dear son. So tell me (Y/N), Why is there no information about you anywhere?" Ahh, here come the important questions.
"Oh, I understood my soulmates' jobs and didn't want to intrude in their lives. After all, anyone could've used me to get to them. So I simply disappeared from the system."
"Well, now we know. If anything were to happen to you, no one would know," Kikio giggled gracefully after that statement, and even if she meant it as an apparent joke, you were terrified.
"When are you going to marry? You certainly must be married to ensure the Zoldyck legacy carries on. What about children? Silva and I are very excited to have grandchildren, now that you can actually have them."
"Kikio, you're going to overwhelm her" you were already on the verge of hyperventilating.
"We will marry very soon, and we will carry on with the Zoldyck legacy, mother. You have nothing to worry about."
After that particular conversation, you felt faint. Children? Marry? What? Once the conversation ended, and you were approved by the parents, all four of you were lounging around. The parents had given you an entire wing of the mansion during your stay. Chrollo and Hisoka had their own rooms since Kikio was aghast at fate. You and Illumi shared a room as fiancé's should. While you were breathing normally for once today, Illumi was putting away some of his clothes he had brought from his room.
"Now, what?"
"We get married, of course."
"But Illumi I-I don't exist, there's-"as you turned, Illumi was in front of you. You gasped and looked up into his eyes. He grabbed your face.
"We will marry, all of us, accordingly, and when we do, we will continue the Zoldyck legacy as it's expected from us..." he kissed you tenderly. Still, you felt the underlying fierceness and possessiveness.
"Without complaint, hmm?"
"Without complaint," you mumbled back as he hugged you close.
Thanks you! Request might lag a bit since these two coming weeks I’m gonna have a lot of school work! But don’t despair!
Remember this is the last adult trio together in a relationship fic I will make due to personal reasons.
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The Marrying Type
Rating: !!18+!!  Minors DNI!
Relationship: Takeru (Hatter)/Female Reader
Summary:  The lovely @cheshiya made a post about being in a relationship with Niragi and Chisiya, but you kill them both and inherit their money.  I’ve taken it a step further by adding my man, Hatter, to the mix as husband/victim #3.  But...will everything go according to plan? 
Tags:  death mentions, murder, suggesting conversations, flirting (similar to ‘suggestive conversations,’ I know, but there’s just a LOT of that in here), bad science, unlikely scenarios, dubious consent (although it’s not particularly memorable, I’d rather tag it and not need it than need it than not tag it!  The paragraph in question will have an asterisk * at the beginning, in case you want to skip.), major character death (obviously)
“So,” he says, setting the glass down on the table beside him, “what was it that you put in the wine?  Cyanide?  Rat poison?  Perhaps something more sophisticated, since you were married to that doctor…”
Your heart skips a beat—and not in a good way.  
“Darling,” you say, the first fingertips of fear tickling up your spine, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but—“
“Don’t lie to me.”
Although his tone stays conversational—cheerful, almost—you feel his grip around you tighten.  Although Takeru is a thin man, he is a very strong man.   Strong enough to easily overpower you.  
“Go ahead,” he tempts, “tell me what you put in.  I’ll be dead soon, so it doesn’t matter.”
Ah, Danma Takeru.
How does one begin to describe such a man?
He is temperamental. Mercurial. A man of personality and eccentricity and drama and—simply put, he is very much, which is simultaneously off-putting as it is charming. The life of the party, even when there’s no party to be found. Vivacious. Reckless. Sharp. Stubborn.
And, most important of all, disgustingly financially secure.
It had been so easy to seduce him, and easier still to get him to agree to marriage—much to the surprise of his friends and family, who were under the impression that their Takeru would never settle down, and certainly not so quickly—but all it had taken was a sweet little story about ‘true love’ at the engagement party to win them over. Well, that and Takeru’s spitfire of a mother declaring that you and her son were ‘perfectly matched’ and threatening anyone who tried to come between the two of you with various forms of bodily harm.
And it’s not that she’s particularly wrong. Out of all of your husbands, he’s certainly been the most entertaining. Funny, spontaneous, clever, flirtatious—not to mention, a more than satisfactory lover—he has kept the past few months exciting, to say the least.
It’s almost enough to spare him.
“Husband,” you say flirtatiously, “shall I fetch you another glass?”
Another thing about Takeru—he is a man of excess. A true hedonist, whether it be at the bar or in the bedroom or even in the snack aisle of a convenience store. It is no secret that his fondness for drink often outweighs his good sense, so it’s only natural that you fit that facet of his personality into your devious plans.
“Why, Mrs. Danma,” he replies, lowering his sunglasses to peer at you with mock suspicion, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to get me drunk.”
“We both know you’d never turn down a good rosé,” you say, plucking the empty glass from his grip, “especially if I’m the one serving it to you.”
By all accounts, your honeymoon has been going extremely well. A rather luxurious room at a rather lovely resort overlooking the water—a little slice of heaven, perfect for any newlywed couple to looking to enjoy a romantic start to their marriage.
You take a moment to admire your husband—while you still can, that is. A handsome man, to be certain, whose beauty lies somewhere between ruggedly masculine and subtly delicate. What’s worse is that he knows it, and he’s certainly not too shy to bask in the way your gaze rolls over his form.
“I also wouldn’t turn down an early bedtime,” he replies, “especially if you’re getting into bed with me. Preferably in that little lace number you wore last night.”
With a roll of your eyes, you turn on your heel and walk the few steps across your balcony—making sure to put a little extra swing in your hips to tease him. Sliding the glass door open, you enter the cool, air-conditioned embrace of your suite. It really is a lovely room—minimalist and modern, all white fabrics and blond wood accents.
Your feet sweep across the wood floor with a whisper as you make your way to a small table in the corner. There, resting innocently in a bucket of ice, is a half-finished bottle of blush.
“You mean the one you ripped in half,” you teasingly ask, voice raised slightly so as to be heard around the corner.
From your left pocket you pull what looks to be a tube of lipstick. And it is a tube of lipstick, in a silky hue that colors your lips the most perfectly kissable red—but, like the wearer, it has its secrets. A twist to the bottom causes the tube to open, revealing a hidden compartment.
A little white pill falls into your palm.
“A necessary sacrifice,” he calls, voice tinged with the merry laughter you had come to know so well, “Given the choice, I’d do it all over again.”
You laugh—a short burst of noise, half-faked and half-not. You swirl the wine, watching the way the pill fizzes and dissolves into nothing. It’ll be nearly impossible for him to detect, and even if he does figure it out after the first sip, it’ll already be too late.
“Makes me concerned for the future of my wardrobe. I won’t have anything left to wear if you keep it up.”
You walk back out, wine in hand, making sure to let your hips sway just a little bit more than usual with each leisurely step.
“And what a tragedy that would be…”
A pair of hands grip your hips, pulling you down to perch atop your husband’s lap.
“…poor Mrs. Danma, forced to walk around naked because her insatiable husband couldn’t keep his hands to himself.”
True to his word, those insatiable hands begin to wander—first, pulling you back to rest against the long line of his body, and then to caress the shape of you beneath the soft fabric of your dress.
“You promised me that we would watch the sunset together,” you remind him, relaxing against the solid of his chest and sighing lightly as his touch roams. For all his faults—and there are a fair few of those—he is very physically affectionate, which you happen to enjoy greatly.
“But why watch the sun go down,” he whispers against the sensitive skin of your neck, “when you can watch me go down on—“
“You,” you scold, slapping a playful little sting to the side of his knee, “need to learn some self-control. Twenty minutes of peace, that’s all I want.”
He responds with a low sigh, arms snaking around your waist and chin coming to rest stop your shoulder.
“I suppose I could wait that long,” he says, “but the second the sun’s below the horizon, I’m throwing you over my shoulder and taking you to bed. Or couch. Whichever’s closest.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t suggest the lounge chair behind me,” you say, leaning your head to rest against his. His hair brushes against your neck, sending a tickle down your spine.
“With what I’m planning on doing to you, darling,” he says, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “Why, we’d make the moon blush.”
You laugh. He laughs too, but you don’t really care about that because he has snatched the wine out of your waiting hand and is now taking sipping a rather sizable mouthful. When you hear him gulp, it’s impossible to hide the smile that slips its way onto your lips.
“So,” he says, setting the glass down on the table beside him, “what was it that you put in the wine? Cyanide? Rat poison? Perhaps something more sophisticated, since you were married to that doctor…”
Your heart skips a beat—and not in a good way.
“Darling,” you say, the first fingertips of fear tickling up your spine, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but—“
“Don’t lie to me.”
Although his tone stays conversational—cheerful, almost—you feel his grip around you tighten. Although Takeru is a thin man, he is a very strong man. Strong enough to easily overpower you.
“Go ahead,” he tempts, “tell me what you put in. I’ll be dead soon, so it doesn’t matter.”
You shift uncomfortably in his grip. If only he didn’t have your arms trapped, too—you could give him a quick jab with your elbow and escape while the shock of pain sets in. But as it is, you can only shimmy your shoulders in protest.
“…Unless,” he continues, “oh, you clever thing! You’ve slipped me a sedative, haven’t you?”
“I can’t say I approve of desecrating that lovely rosé with whatever sleeping pill you managed to dig out of the medicine cabinet,” Takeru remarks, “but I suppose you had to make sure I’d drink it, right? And what better way than in my favorite beverage?”
While his right arm stays stubbornly in place, his left reaches for his wine glass once more. He shushes you as you try to wiggle your way out of his grip.
“Tell me,” he says taking another leisurely sip of his drink, “did you drug your other husbands first, or am I special?”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say, as calmly as possible. The sedative should be kicking in soon—along with all of the side effects that come with mixing it with alcohol.
“The first one—Niragi, wasn’t it? He was the game developer,” Takeru recounts, setting the wine back down on the table and bringing his arm back around you, “found approximately three days after his death from carbon monoxide poisoning. Apparently, there was a problem with the new oven he’d had installed in the kitchen.”
You gulp nervously. You hadn’t remembered telling Takeru all of this information. When the topic of your previous husbands had come up, you’d always steered the conversation elsewhere—you’d tell him it was too painful, that you’ve moved on and don’t want to think about them any more. Takeru hadn’t pressed the issue, much to your relief.
“Luckily, his new wife was visiting a friend out of town, so she was spared,” He presses a kiss to your cheek, “isn’t that just so lucky?”
“It is,” you say—not that your response matters much, because Takeru is very obviously trying to prove a point.
But to what end?
“A horrible thing, dying alone,” Takeru muses, “but at least your second husband didn’t share that same fate. You were with him, when he passed?”
“Yes, he,” you say slowly, “he had a heart attack. When I woke up, he was…unresponsive.”
“He was such a healthy young man, too. But I suppose the stress of being a surgeon can get to anyone. Especially if they’ve been abusing caffeine pills the way he was…”
“Why,” you say, mouth dry and stomach churning, “why are you doing this?”
“Am is a man not allowed to appreciate his wife’s brilliance? The way you made their deaths look so natural, as if it were truly an accident…why, it’s simply intoxicating.”
*He begins to mouth at your shoulder, just where the slope of it meets your neck, and—wait, is this turning him on? The hand that has somehow managed to wander down to tease the sensitive skin of your inner thigh supports that theory.
“I wonder how you’ll do it,” he says, voice taking on that deep, husky tone he uses when trying to seduce you, “Will you lay me down on the bed and smother me with a pillow? Or perhaps I’ll be left to drown in the bathtub?”
“I don’t—“
“Or maybe you’ll decide later, once the sedative takes effect,” his hands stop abruptly, “Speaking of which, it’s taking an awfully long time to kick in, isn’t it? I don’t suppose you know why that is, do you?”
Your mind races. Could he have switched the pills when you weren’t looking? But it would be nearly impossible to find another, more harmless pill that was the same shape and size as the original. And then he would’ve had to swap it out of its hiding place, which he definitely wouldn’t have known about—
“You know, I had appendicitis a few years back. The pain was excruciating,” he recounts, “Mori had to carry me into the emergency room. Made sure I hit my head on the door, but I suppose that’s fair payback for screaming the entire ride over…”
Honestly, this man and his stories—while he may be an adept conversationalist, Takeru is prone to strange tangents. It’s charming, but only for so long.
You don’t feel charmed right now. You feel confused. You feel concerned. You sort-of-kind-of feel upset that his hands have, for the most part, stopped teasing their way over your body.
“Anyways, the thing was apparently about to burst, so they rushed me into surgery—oh,” he gasps, “wouldn’t it have been so funny if it was your dead husband who cut me open? There’s a chance it was—“
“Is there a point to this story?” You interrupt, your patience wearing thin. There is only so much of this you can take.
“There is always a point to my stories, dearest. The point of this one being that I, for whatever reason, have an unusually high tolerance for sedatives. So much so, they had to perform the surgery while I was still awake.”
“That…sounds fake,” you say, before your brain has time to catch up.
“Doesn’t it? But, as you can see, I’m still more or less in control of my mental faculties. Sure, I feel a little more relaxed, but,” he chuckles, “I’m sure it’s because I’m watching a beautiful sunset with my beloved wife.”
A quiet falls over the both of you. The sun has slipped gently downwards and now rests halfway above the horizon. He was supposed to be unconscious by now (or, at the very least, minimally responsive), but your plan has obviously failed.
A chilling realization sweeps across you.
“You…you knew,” you say, “This whole time, you knew that I—“
“—That you were in it for the money? Yes, I did,” he confirms, “and I was perfectly content to play along. The conversation was good, the sex was even better—you’re welcome, by the way—and, well, I wanted to see how you were willing to go. Which, apparently, is pretty damn far.”
“But that doesn’t make sense,” you conclude, going over the details in your head, “I mean, you know that I killed my last two husbands. Why go through all of the trouble of marrying me, knowing full well that I was going to kill you…”
And then, everything begins to add up. Why he agreed to such a hasty marriage. Why he didn’t require a pre-nup. Why he was so agreeable to merging your bank accounts. Why he insisted on keeping the apartment above his weird little hat shop.
“You…you fucking asshole,” you shout, “you only married me for my money!”
You see red. Immediately, you begin to struggle against him, kicking and writhing in an attempt to make him feel your rage. Takeru just laughs in response, squeezing you tighter against him in a strong embrace.
“Mother was right; we really are a good match,” he muses, “which is why I think we’re ready to move to the negotiation phase.”
Suddenly, the arms that had you so tightly pinned against him are gone. You immediately scramble away from him, feeling very grateful, but also very confused as to why he let you go so easily.
You turn around to face him—your still-alive husband, who is apparently just as devious as you are. He’s taken the opportunity to light up a cigarette, and you watch as the burn of it flare and fall as he enjoys the flavor of nicotine on his tongue. For a man who just avoided murder, he’s irritatingly calm.
“Now, darling,” he scoffs, “don’t look at me like that. I’m prepared to offer you a very generous deal. One that will make us both very happy.”
Always the salesman. In truth, Takeru had a way with people—his quiet manipulation, the way he convinces people that his way is ultimately the best way—that’s what makes him such a successful businessman, you suppose. That also makes him a liability, particularly for your purposes.
“Or I could just kill you now, take the money, and move on to my next target.”
“I had a feeling you’d say that…”
He leans to the side for a moment, hand digging into his pants pocket as if looking for something.
“…which is why I’ve enlisted the help of a friend.”
He pulls out his phone and swipes across the screen. You feel your stomach drop.
“Mori, my love,” he says, “you’re on speaker. Tell us, did you happen to grab that sexy little confession?”
Ah, Aguni. Reliable, suspicious Aguni. Had things been different, you could have been friends—you actually liked him, his quiet nature and deadpan sense of humor—but circumstance has decreed that he be nothing more than a thorn in your side.
…Especially now that he has your murder confession on tape.
“See, this is why I made you best man. You’re just a gem, Mori,” Takeru praises, “An absolute peach—“
“Right, okay. Can I go now?”
“You may,” Takeru says, asking his cigarette over the edge of the balcony, “but, what are you going to do if you don’t hear from me within the hour?”
A deep sigh can be heard over the phone.
“Call the authorities, release the recording, go hide out at your place.”
“Good,” Takeru says, “now go on; get the hell off my line, Mori. I’ve got a deal to close.”
It’s hard to tell what Aguni mumbles before ending the call, but you know it’s very grumpy and not even remotely complimentary of your husband—which pleases you greatly. Takeru simply smirks and stubs out his cigarette.
“So,” you say, determined to take control of the conversation—because he has been talking far too much for far too long, “you wanted to make me an offer?”
You sit in the chair opposite him, spine straight and lips sealed into a grimace you hope is intimidating. Sure, he may have you backed into a metaphorical corner, but that doesn’t mean you’ll let him get away with it so easily.
“Ah, yes—now you want to listen to me” Takeru says, crossing a leg over his knee and resting his hands over his stomach, “Well, can’t say I blame you. That recording was, ooh, that was pretty damning…”
“Cut the bullshit, Takeru, and tell me what you want.”
“I want what any good husband wants—for his wife to be happy,” he pauses for a moment, “and I’d also appreciate not being murdered. Or, you know, ‘disappearing under suspicious circumstances,’ as they say in the movies.”
“But you said yourself that you married me for money,” you assert, “so I can’t imagine that sparing your life is going to cut it. There must be something else you’re after.”
“You know me too well, darling. What I’m after—what I’ve been after the whole time, actually,” he leans in towards you, legs uncrossing and leaving his elbows to rest on his knees, “is a seat at the table.”
“For someone who loves to talk,” you snap, “you sure don’t say anything useful.”
“Your first husband made you a partner in his tech company. A mostly silent partner, but a partner nonetheless,” Takeru slides his sunglasses back so they rest on top of his head, holding back the obsidian of his hair, “I want you to put me on the board of directors.”
You can’t help but laugh.
“You? Oh, Takeru, you’re just adorable,” you say, relishing the slightly wounded look that flashes across his dark eyes, “I would never consider you for such a position.”
“And why ever not?” He cocks his head to the side, “I’m one hell of a businessman. I own the most popular host club in Kabukicho. The hat shop is flourishing. What I lack in formal education, I more than make up for in experience.”
“You know nothing about tech.”
He shrugs.
“All the more reason to hire me. I could offer an outsider’s perspective. I may not know how to read code, but people? I can read people exceedingly well.”
…Which is true. Takeru was able to see through you, which neither of your previous husbands had been able to do until it was too late.
“You’ll be accused of sleeping your way to the top,” you counter, “could make it hard to get the respect of your coworkers.”
“Some deals are made in the boardroom. Others are made in the bedroom. Let them talk,” he flashes you a sharp smile, “I can handle it.”
You consider the idea. Perhaps there could be a place for him in the company—a place where you don’t have to deal with him, a place where he can ultimately fail and be ousted like any other under-performing employee. And if he happens to succeed, well…
“You know, I’m hearing a lot about what you’ll be getting out of this arrangement. We have yet to talk about me.”
Takeru nods, reaching to once again take up his wine glass. Your ire flares as he sips from it once more, eyes locked onto yours—he’s clearly mocking you, continuing to drink that tainted drink as if nothing’s gone wrong.
“And what could my pretty little wife possibly want? Aside from that recording to disappear, of course…”
“A divorce,” you say, “for starters.”
“Naturally. Although, I must insist we defer that for…oh, six months or so. Enough time to say we gave it a solid try.”
“And to get you established in your new position,” you add, “provided I agree to your terms, of course.”
“Of course,” he echoes.
“I’m still not so sure,” you say, shifting in your seat as you ponder the terms, “I mean, you’re getting quite a deal here. Like I’m giving much more than I’m getting.”
Takeru ponders for a moment, swirling the last bit of wine in his glass as he thinks.
“Then what do you say to sixty percent of whatever is in our bank account? For your pain and suffering.”
“I’d prefer seventy,” you counter.
“Sixty-five,” he offers, “plus, you get to keep the apartment. And the ring. It’s an antique, you know. Could fetch a nice price at auction.”
You look down at the ring—a teardrop-shaped emerald surrounded by diamonds, glittering dark and green in the dying light. Of all the rings you’ve had, it just might be your favorite.
“I must say, you make a very compelling argument.”
His face lights up at your praise.
“Compelling enough for you to say yes?”
“Almost,” you say, “although, there’s one topic we haven’t touched on yet.”
Takeru gulps down the last of his wine—oh, that is just so irritating—and gestures vaguely with the empty glass.
“You are, of course, referring to our relationship—are you not?”
“I am.”
“As far as I’m concerned, that rests entirely in your hands,” he answers, “If you want to keep fucking me, then keep fucking me. If you want us to see other people, then that’s what we’ll do. Provided that we can keep up appearances, I’m open to just about anything.”
You ponder. Really, truly ponder. Takeru has clearly thought this entire process through—much better than you would have expected, in all honesty. Every little detail accounted for, practically gift-wrapped and tied up in a pretty bow for you to tear open at your leisure.
At the end of the day, you really can’t turn him down—not really, not when he clearly has the upper hand with that damned recording and his loyal friend ready to send it out at a moment’s notice. And, really, would it be so hard to give him some random position at the company in exchange for a rather large sum of money and the assurance that you won’t be going to prison for (technically) being a serial killer?
“Husband,” you finally say, extending your hand, “I accept.”
It hurts a little bit to admit defeat, but not as much and you thought it would. Takeru, who is clearly trying to hide his enthusiasm over your concession, grasps your hand in his own and shakes it firmly.
“I knew we could come to an agreement,” he says, and you feel the delicate slip of his index finger tease your pulse point, “it has been such a pleasure doing business with you, my dear.”
You hum—a non-committal noise, one that hopefully conveys your annoyance at his incessant flirtation. Not that you necessarily mind being flirted with, in general, but…is now really the best time? Probably (definitely) not.
Takeru lets go of your hand slowly, intending for his fingertips linger for as long as you’ll allow. You don’t allow it for long, choosing instead to snatch your hand away as quickly as possible. He chuckles.
“Well,” he says, rising to his feet, “I suppose I ought to tell Mori the good news.”
He pats you on the shoulder as he saunters by—the proverbial cherry on top of your sundae of frustration.
“Ah! I almost forgot,” he says, sliding open the door, “I’ve taken the liberty of reserving the room next door for the remainder of our stay. I wasn’t sure if you’d be comfortable sharing a bed after the whole ‘failed murder attempt’ ordeal.”
“Thank you,” you reply, “I…appreciate the gesture.”
A white plastic card key is set down on the table beside you. It’s a surprisingly gentlemanly move, one that makes you feel a little conflicted. Stay or go? What to do, what to do…
“Take your time thinking it over. I’ll make my call, have a bath, and—well, just know that you’re welcome to join me at any point. Or not. Your choice, darling.”
And with that he’s gone, closing the door behind himself and leaving you to consider your options. The sun has almost completely set—only a sliver of red-orange light dancing on the horizon, lending glitter to the gentle waves below.
You look at your ring. You look at the key card. You look at the empty wine glass, taunting you with its crystalline gleam.
What a fucking bastard.
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love-bokumono-fics · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
With no game feature this week, let's look at some of the recent WIPs that haven't gotten a chance to be featured yet on the blog. These are the works that haven't been updated since I started the blog, so they haven't been included in the weekly Fresh Crops, or haven't been included in other feature posts yet.
Here's hoping you find a great new story to keep up with and await updates with bated breath!
(Have a WIP fic of your own that you'd like featured? Drop a link in the submission box! We'd love to see them!)
Edmond Route - by Mysterious_Prologue_Guy; WIP, 37/?, 54k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M
Fandoms: Light of Hope, Skytree Village
Relationship: Edmond/Light the farmer; Characters: Edmond, Farmer, Gareth, Tabitha, Harvest Goddess
Additional Tags: Harvest Moon a Light of Hope, Harvest Moon, Harvest moon Skytree Village
Summary: Contains spoilers. Meeting of Edmond and heart events.
Barriers - by krose13; WIP, 21/?, 148k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M
Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Harvest Moon DS Cute
Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff; Characters: Claire, Gray, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Cliff, Kai, Karen, Popuri, Mary the Librarian, Rick, Basically the whole Mineral Town cast, plus Forget-Me-Not Valley
Additional Tags: Drama & Romance, Complicated Relationships, Sexual Content, Slow Burn, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Not for the kiddos, Fluff and Angst, Jealousy, Unplanned Pregnancy, trying to fit a realistic pregnancy in hm time is a challenge but we doin it, POV First Person, Mutual Pining, Drug Use, Dreams and Nightmares, Drowning, I’ll probably have to add more tags as we go along but
Summary: Unlike everyone else in town, Gray wants nothing to do with the new farmer. He can't stand Claire, despite all her attempts to befriend him. But when one small mistake leads to an even bigger problem, he might be seeing a lot more of her than they both had planned.
Watered-Down Ideals - by LemWrites; WIP, 4/?, 4k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: M/M, Multi
Fandoms: Trio of Towns
Relationships: Farmer/Ludus; Characters: Original Male Character, Frank, Megan, Hector, Colin, Noel | Noelle
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Self-Esteem Issues, Slow Burn, Fluff, Self Confidence Issues, ADHD, I gave a farmer adhd and anxiety, this may have more projection then intended
Summary: Join Steve, the newly appointed farmer in the Trio of Towns world, on a journey full of; useless gay pinning, being a disaster, self hatred and more!
The Language of Flowers - by spoopybat; WIP, 68/?, 158k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M
Fandoms: The Tale of Two Towns
Relationships: Cam | Kamil/Lillian the Farmer | Sato, Chelsea/Vaughn | Waltz; Characters: Lillian the Farmer | Sato, Cam | Kamil, Ash, Laney | Lia, Georgia | Raspberry, Chelsea, Vaughn | Waltz
Additional Tags: Tags Contain Spoilers, POV Alternating, Background Relationships, Starting Over, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, Minor Character Death, Background Character Death, Minor Violence, Minor Injuries, Physical Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Socially Awkward Characters, Cliche, Mutual Pining, Awkwardness, Awkward Flirting, Emotional Baggage, References to Depression, Dorks in Love, Dysfunctional Family, Melodrama, Family Drama, First Love, First Relationship, Sharing a Bed, Making Out, Loss of Virginity, First Time, Morning After, Morning Cuddles, Christmas, Domestic Fluff, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Morning Sickness, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Constipation, Arguing, Medical Conditions, Medical inaccuracies but I'm gonna do my best, Panic Attacks, Engagement, Wedding Planning, Wedding Fluff, Weddings, Honeymoon, Body Worship, Making Love, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Mental Anguish, Spa Treatments, Fights, Making Up, Mental Health Issues, Depression, Language of Flowers, Emotional reunion [Some tags removed to keep post sfw]
Summary: Lillian, a young woman from the Sunshine Islands, left her home and moved to Bluebell. In hopes that moving to this rural farm town to escape her troubled past and find the happy life she had always wanted.
Finding You - by HarukazeRen; WIP, 4/?, 3k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M
Fandoms: Harvest Moon 64
Relationship: Karen/Pete | Jack; Characters: Karen, Pete | Jack
Additional Tags: Harvest Moon 64, Tsundere Karen, Flashbacks, Slow Romance, Handsome Pete, Karen's hearts event, Some of Gray/Popuri and Ann/Cliff
Summary: Whenever he meets her, some memories of his childhood flash in his mind. A little girl who was playing with him and made his heart skipped a beat. He tries to trace the shadow of her because he wants to make sure, why does he keep thinking of her.
Earth and Rebirth - by TheBeckster; WIP, 17/?, 66k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: Multi, Gen
Fandoms: Trio of Towns
Characters: Holly, Frank, Marlena, Wayne, Ford, Lisette, Brad, Carrie, everyone
Additional Tags: Undecided Relationship(s), Additional Tags to Be Added, lots of headcanons, Minor Character Death, Eventual Friends to Lovers, I'm not going to tag every single character, but they will all have a part in the story, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, New friends and found family, world building, Angst with a Happy Ending, Holly is an extrovert, endgame ship tbd, Cover Art
Summary: Holly considered herself fortunate to be living about as close to the dream as any young twenty-something could. A great family, a loving husband, and well, she'd admit their apartment was awful, but they'd be moving onto bigger and better things soon enough. She truthfully couldn't wish for more. But when an accident rips it all away from her, Holly finds herself seeking a change of scenery. Her Uncle's farm out in the middle of nowhere is the perfect place for her to hide to mourn. A familiar story with a twist or two.
Fire and Dew - by Juliko; WIP, 9/26, 73k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M
Fandoms: Trio of Towns
Relationship: Yuzuki/Original Character; Characters: Original Female Character(s) of Color, Original Characters, Yuzuki, Sumomo, Lisette, Colin, Wayne, Brad, Carrie, Shizu, Yaichi, Tatsumi, Omiyo, Umekichi, Lynn, Marlena, Daryl | Darius, Ittetsu, Moriya
Additional Tags: Harvest Moon, story of seasons, farming, Slice of Life, Drama, Family Drama, Family Issues, Autism, Autism Spectrum, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Female Character of Color, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Friendship/Love, Past Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Eventual Romance, Romance, Slow Build, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Humor, Eventual Happy Ending, Comedy, Friends to Lovers, Adoption, Sick Character, Lulukoko characters won't appear in this fic, Falling In Love, Dorks, Ableism, Happy Ending, Romantic Fluff, Break Up, Past Relationship, Cows, Chickens, Sheep, Rabbits, Flowers, Stimming, Family Fluff, Bisexual Female Character, Pansexual Character, Lesbian Character, Children, Childhood Memories, Childhood Trauma
Summary: For as long as she could remember, Harper Leigh Maxwell's dream has always been to become a farmer, but her father's job makes it hard to do so, since it involves lots of moving. After graduating from college, she finally decides to take a chance and get her own farm. She's determined to make the most of this opportunity and do what she's wanted. In the process, she makes new friends, learns many new things, and faces many hardships. One of the friends she makes is Yuzuki Fujiwara, a mellow, sweet natured man from the town of Tsuyukusa who doesn't have the best constitution. The two of them form a strong connection that may even end up blossoming into love. But Harper's past might make things complicated, and when it threatens to catch up with her, she may find herself facing the demons from her pre-adoption early childhood. This is the story of two different people, with different interests, passions, and paths in life, walking the same dirt road every day...
Finding the Way Forward - by AccidentallyTheWholeFanfic; WIP, 5/?, 35k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Fandoms: Story of Seasons (2014)
Relationship: Johnny/Fritz; Characters: Johnny, Fritz, Elise, Oak Tree Town, OCs
Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Slice of Life, Friendship, Family, Heavy Subject Matter, Humor, If Reina Pops Up Here I Will Refuse to Refer to Her as Licorice
Summary: Three youths move to Oak Tree Town on the verge of adulthood - each one an outsider in their own way, setting out on their own paths in life under their own circumstances. When those paths begin to cross over and influence each other, they all find that they might have some growing up to do if they want to find their way forward in life. Slash, M later. Heavy themes present.
Bring On The Wonder - by UrzaHemlock; WIP, 1/?, 2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M
Fandoms: Animal Parade, Tree of Tranquility
Relationships: Molly | Hikari/Toby | Tao, Candace | Kotomi/Luke the Carpenter; Characters: Toby | Tao, Luke the Carpenter, Candace, Harvest Goddess, Finn, Molly/Hikari is Corina
Additional Tags: Rating May Change, Slow Burn, Original Character(s), Family Issues, Plot of the game but with fleshed out magic and trials, Mostly Animal Parade but with some elements from Tree of Tranquility mixed in, more tags to come, Possible change to Mature down the road
Summary: When Corina agreed to help Finn the harvest sprite save the Goddess Tree, it seemed the perfect chance to start over. After all, how hard could ringing some bells be? But magic isn't that simple, and Corina quickly discovers that there is more to being a savior. She'll have to throw all of herself into saving Castanet, body, mind, and even soul. She'll have to endure physical trials and emotional turmoil and even confront the things she wants to run from... ...but with the help of some new friends and a rather sleepy fisherman, she might just pull through.
Trial & Error - by KuramaBabe; WIP, 3/?, 3k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F
Fandoms: Back To Nature, Save the Homeland, Magical Melody
Relationships: Gwen/Original Female Character, Gray & Original Female Character, Popuri & Original Female Character, Karen & Original Female Character, Cliff & Original Female Character, Ray & Original Female Character; Characters: Karen, Gray, Cliff, Popuri, Saibara, Harvest Goddess, Harvest Goddess Mariel, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Mary the Librarian, Original Female Character(s), Dog, Original Child Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Sexuality, High School, Graduation, Party, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Family, Family Drama, Families of Choice, Platonic Female/Male Relationships, Name Changes, Dead name, Makeover, Hair, Injury, Slow To Update, Strangers to Lovers, Starting Over, Road Trips, a capella, Fishing, failure - Freeform, Homophobia, Lesbian Character, My First Work in This Fandom, Coming Out, Cynophobia, Minor Karen/Rick, Minor Gray/Mary | Marie, Abuse
Summary: Maribelle has known for a long time she's different. But when she finally comes to accept it, her home life turns into something ugly. With the help of a friend, she changes her identity and moves to Sugar Valley. However, she has no idea she's moving into a construction zone and most of the inhabitants have already left...
15 notes · View notes
ikevamp-shrine · 4 years
To Love A Van Gogh: Chapter 1
Author: @ikevamp-shrine
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Theo x MC (Juliet)
Tags: Sex, dirty talk, nudity, mentions of throw up, mentions of possible pregnancy, swearing
Word Count: 2040
Editors: @stardust-dreamer13 and @littlecinnamonroll (thank you two so much)
        The wet slapping of skin resonated through the morning air, mixing with the soft moans slipping past her red, swollen lips. Their bodies were caught in a lustful dance of passion; their hands tracing the curves and dips of the others’ skin, memorizing each detail. Firm lips planted searing hot, opened mouth kisses along the thick tendon of her neck; her face turning away to allow her lover more space to paint his colors in the form of fiery love bites.
      Quick puffs of air floated over Theo’s shoulder as his arms wound around her slick torso. The trembling of her legs against the straining muscles of his thighs brought a shaky smirk to his lips. Shifting his knees further under her rear, Theo whimpered at the heat gripping his cock. Her walls clenched around his member as he thrusted in and out; each movement causing a lewd squelch to sound. His voice was deep and thick with overwhelming pleasure, “mijn schatje…."
Tumblr media
        The wet slapping of skin resonated through the morning air, mixing with the soft moans slipping past her red, swollen lips. Their bodies were caught in a lustful dance of passion; their hands tracing the curves and dips of the others’ skin, memorizing each detail. Firm lips planted searing hot, opened mouth kisses along the thick tendon of her neck; her face turning away to allow her lover more space to paint his colors in the form of fiery love bites.
        Quick puffs of air floated over Theo’s shoulder as his arms wound around her slick torso. The trembling of her legs against the straining muscles of his thighs brought a shaky smirk to his lips. Shifting his knees further under her rear, Theo whimpered at the heat gripping his cock. Her walls clenched around his member as he thrusted in and out; each movement causing a lewd squelch to sound. His voice was deep and thick with overwhelming pleasure, “mijn schatje…."
        He groaned into her open mouth, their tongues fighting for dominance. Their teeth clashing as her nails raked down the flexing planes of his back.
        “Damn it- you’re going to… drive me insane.”
        A shiver slid over Juliet's body. Electricity shot over her scalp, tumbling over the curve of her spine, splashing in waves down her legs, firing like lightning strikes from her curling toes.
        Theo’s hips snapped wildly against her plush skin, his breath quickening at the almost feral moans and yelps of pleasure slithering into his ear as the woman wrapped tightly in his embrace tiptoed the edge of ecstasy. His back stung, his manhood throbbing with so much pressure it felt as if his skin would split. Theo could still taste the sweet delicacy of her cum on his tongue, his fangs drawing patterns along the junction of her neck, forcing a mewl from the shivering woman. Theo felt as if he was burning from the inside out; thumping sounded as his forceful thrusts shook the bed.
        “Come on- come for me, show me how well I fuck you- show me how good I make you feel,” growled Theo, the sound of his husky voice swollen with a grating rasp made her dig her nails into his hips, imprinting crescent moons into his flushed flesh. His lips parted as his jaw went slack, shuddering breaths escaping the warm caverns of his mouth.
        “Theo,” she panted. A clench, a shaky moan, the fluttering of lashes, and she dived deep into the merciless sea of pleasure. The waves crashed over her writhing form as her soft breasts bounced. The vampire once again whimpered at the heat engulfing his form as his head snapped back, her fingers tugging insistently at the caramel tuffs of his hair. She gripped his cock with determination, the thick appendage disappearing deep within her walls as stormy blue eyes rolled shut, his jaw tensing with each rough thrust.
        Theo’s chest pressed firmly against his lover’s, the rubbing of their nipples adding to the sensation; his stomach coiled, showcasing every ripple of muscle as he followed the path she drew, pointing straight towards the sea he willingly threw himself into.
        Collapsing on his side, the vampire drew in his dazed lover, her body molding into the ridges of his own as he planted quick kisses along her forehead. A breathless chuckle escaped his lips, “That was a wonderful way to wake me up, hondje.”
        Juliet matched his laugh, remembering the sleepy moans that emitted from the man when she had slipped his cock into her warmth as he slept a few moments before. He had shot up, wrapping her in his arms and flipping their positions to where he could thrust deeply into her as she clawed wildly at his back once she had started to reach a climax.
        “I think we need to take a bath,” she continued, rubbing a soothing hand over his shoulders and red marked back.
        “Such a greedy little hondje.”
        His teases tickled her ear. Theo, wrapping Juliet in the comforter and tugging some pants on, slipped his arms under her body; the familiar weight and warmth of her limbs relaxing in his protective hold.
        The water was warm and fragrant, resembling the earthy freshness of roses and lavender; the scent brought a calming aura that surrounded the couple slowly floating in the steaming liquid. Theo’s fingers slipped through her long hair, the conditioner he had lathered onto the strands ridding her of any tangles. His chest was smooth against her back, his knees surprisingly comfortable as he supported her weight. While her mind was still spinning from their escapades, her heart beat with nervousness.
        She swallowed thickly, “Theo?”
        He hummed in response, his fingers lightly massaging her shoulders. He had always been so caring after he made her scream his name during passionate moments of lust, which had confused Juliet at the beginning, but now she found solace in his gentle touches and delicate kisses. Juliet opened her mouth only to shut it quickly and bite her lip.
        “What is it hondje? Are you hungry for some kibble?” Theo murmured, his nose tracing the curve of her neck. Her stomach growled in response drawing a huff from the female and a reverberating, content chuckle from the male.
        “Did you ever have children?”
        Theo froze at Juliet’s wavering tone, the euphoric emotions he had been feeling slowly dripping away, only to be replaced with something resembling regret, before answering in a controlled voice, “I had a son.”
        “Will you tell me about him?”
        He pulled away from his lover, sending a bittersweet pang through her heart at his actions. His brow was furrowed, lips pulled taut, stormy blue eyes finding purchase in the gentle lapping of waves against the marble flooring of the bath. Theo’s jaw clenched as he struggled to find his next words, “I couldn’t really tell you all that much about him. I had put more time into my work than I did into my relationship with my wife and son.” Juliet’s heart throbbed painfully as he continued. “He was a good boy- I know that much; had my work ethic too. He wasn’t all that interested in art, but he did enjoy architecture.”
        Theo sighed, glancing back at Juliet who had eyes so much like the stars, so full of wonder and beauty it made Theo swallow a lump in his throat.
        Theo growled with frustration, “I would be able to tell you more if I wasn’t such a shitty father and husband back then." Roughly running a hand through his damp caramel tresses, Theo turned around, placing his elbows down on the floor, resting a heavy head in his hands. He couldn’t look at her; he felt as if he didn't deserve to look at the woman he fell so hopelessly in love with. Regret and shame ran rampant through Theo, even if his outward appearance remained even-tempered.
        Staring at the pinkish, puckered scar on the Dutch man’s back, Juliet sighed, sliding her arms around Theo’s waist and placing a kiss between his tense shoulder blades. She didn't know what to say. 
        Theo’s voice startled her out of her tranquility, “why are you asking?”
        Her question was muffled by his skin, “if you had the chance to try again, would you take it?”
        Theo turned around once more, pushing Juliet away gently so his hands could rest on her shoulders. His chest squeezed at the tears brimming in her eyes, his brows pulling together as he observed his lover under trained eyes. He studied her nervous fidgeting and worried - slightly hopeless - expression like he would a piece of art waiting to be appraised. His heart beat wildly as he considered her thoughts.
        “I’m only going to ask you this once, so listen very close hondje… are you asking because you’re being nosy or because you're pregnant?” A tear slipped down her cheek, dripping off her chin and into the water.
        Theo wiped away the wet trail left by the salty substance. His lungs felt like they were in the grasp of a vengeful hand, the digits ridding the art dealer of the ability to take in oxygen. He stared at the way Juliet’s jaw clenched, her chin twitching with emotion, her lashes fluttering. She glanced off to the side, her voice tight with worry and nervousness, “I think- I don’t know. I haven’t had my period in a while, and I’ve thrown up in the morning three days in a row, and I keep having headaches, and weird cravings, and my boobs are sore, and-.”
        Theo interrupted her rapid ramblings, his own voice slightly frustrated, “you’ve thrown up? Why didn’t you tell me? You do realize I’m supposed to take care of you, correct? After all, you are still a pup.”
        “Are you serious? I’m telling you I think I’m pregnant and you’re still making dog comments- great, that’s just great.”
        A boisterous laugh echoed around the room as Theo tugged a squirming Juliet back into his arms.
        “Let me go!”
        “Hondje,” called Theo, his voice so soft it honestly shocked Juliet to the bone, “look at me.”
        She continued to struggle, her stubbornness being her only motivator, until her body went limp in his arms and her tear-filled eyes reluctantly met his own tender colored orbs. His palms were warm against the sticky skin of her cheek.
        “We will be okay. We’re not sure if you are pregnant yet, so stop worrying about something that might not happen,” Theo continued deeply, his voice sending shivers down her spine, the ending syllables rolling like thunder clouds before a storm: tranquil, low, and mystifying.
        “You’re one to talk.”
        “Haha- whatever. I will schedule an appointment with the local doctor in town and we can go together. Will you stop being so pathetic now?”
        Though his words were harsh and slightly sarcastic, Juliet knew he didn’t mean it. She nodded, curling into his tight embrace as he once more supported her weight.
        “You didn’t answer my question,” she mumbled, her hand smoothing over the curve of his chest to feel his heart thump beneath the muscle.
        “Which one?”
        “If you had the chance to try again would you? I’m asking if you want children, you dimwit.”
        “Careful now Hondje, I will still punish you.”
        Her lips were soft against his own as Theo traced a promise filled kiss on her mouth, his hands sliding up her spine to bring her body closer, their foreheads touching gently as he whispered, “it would be my greatest honor to have a family with you."
        Giddiness bubbled inside of Theo as the mental image of a babbling baby, so similar to the woman wrapped tightly in his arms, squealing and kicking at the air in excitement slithered through his mind. He thought of how Juliet would look with a full belly, her skin flushed with a glowing blush, her cheeks plump with healthy weight from pregnancy. He continued, a soft smile slowly tugging at his lips, "to see our little pups running around, causing havoc, and pissing off the other residents would honestly be hilarious. Stop with this unnecessary fretting.”
        Juliet huffed, letting her head fall heavy against his warm, wet chest as Theo stared at the top of her scalp, his deep breaths calming her racing heart. She had been worried- terrified even, that he would have turned away and closed himself off from her. As to why was a question she couldn’t have spoken the answer, for she had no solid reasoning for her uncertainty. If there was one thing Theo had proven was his loyalty to those he held close to his heart. He had always been there for her in the form of letters of ‘good mornings’ and ‘be dressed in a few hours- I’m taking you out’, as well as the golden bracelet now shining brightly on her wrist under the natural lighting of the bath. Even when he, himself, was miles away, Theo was always close to her. With her mind settled and pulse lulled in a gentle beating, Juliet smiled at the warmth her van Gogh emitted as he supported not only her body, but mind, heart, passions, and future.
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nanoland · 3 years
new chapter (lucifer fic)
(earlier parts are here; whole thing is here) 
Ponder on the Narrow House, part 3 
Mazikeen + Eve + Michael, gen fic (for now), warning for gun violence 
Along the California coastline, the cruise ship Illustrious Voyager bore four thousand three hundred and ten passengers, one thousand two hundred and ninety-six crewmembers, and two guide dogs.
Five thousand six hundred and eight souls, in total.
At around 4pm, without anyone noticing, that number became five thousand six hundred and nine.
Hands clasped behind her back, Eve strolled down the promenade, admiring the vessel’s size and beauty. This fresh new millennium’s wealth astonished her. Sickened, sometimes. Entranced, sometimes. But always astonished.
Back in the garden, they’d slept on and under rocks. When it rained, they got wet. When large animals came by, they hid. No weapons. No shelter. No blankets. The only resource they’d had in abundance was food. Good grief – so much food. God had been so proud of all the different fruits and nuts and mushrooms he’d made available to them, and Adam had been so grateful. Eve supposed she had been, too.
It hadn’t stopped her from one day approaching her husband and the plump rabbits resting in his lap – two of several dozen pets – and asking if he didn’t think the cold nights would be much more endurable if they each had a warm pair of fur slippers.
Then she’d met Lucifer. Fallen in love. Bitten the apple. Learned how powerful he and his Father truly were. That was when the real questions, the sticky, prickly questions, had come bubbling up.
If Lucifer has such a vast family, with so many siblings, why can’t I have even one? she’d asked the sky. Why is Adam all I get?
And later: If You can simply bring people into existence, why must I scream and bleed and shit myself in order to have children? Am I doing it wrong? Is there another way? If there isn’t, why not?
And later: Why is nothing fair?
And, most recently, after meeting Mazikeen: Why isn’t everything at least equally unfair? Why do humans get a world of options while Maze and her family are expected to serve angels from birth to death? Why isn’t Maze allowed into Heaven, even after an eternity of loyalty and hard work?
“Sorry,” she said, flashing white teeth at a passing crewmember. “I’m trying to find a friend of mine. Can you tell me how to get to Room 835?”
Half an hour later, there was a splash and the ship’s population dropped to five thousand six hundred and seven.
Before binding his arms and legs, Eve had secured Andrew Bismarck’s lifejacket and gagged him. Furious and helpless, he bobbed alongside her as the ship moved on and Mazikeen rowed up in her inflatable raft, wearing a sunset-orange swimsuit.
“Should I be worried about those, babe?” she asked as she gripped Bismarck’s lifejacket and hauled him out of the water.
Eve smiled at the dolphin pod swimming in playful loops around her, and patted the nearest one’s nose. “No. They’re my friends.”
The inflatable wasn’t big enough for three people, so Eve held on to a friend’s dorsal fin and let him drag her back to The Choronzon.
Michael stood on the deck, looking bored. As they climbed aboard, their prisoner slung over Mazikeen’s shoulder, he drawled, “Seriously? This sad specimen’s worth two million dollars?”
“Actually, his net worth is eight hundred million,” said Mazikeen, dumping him down. “Two million is just what his ex-wife is willing and able to pay.”
Wringing out her hair, Eve added, “She took half his money in the divorce but she gave almost all of it to a chimpanzee shelter. I really like her!”
His lip curled. “How delightfully sordid. Isn’t this all a little beneath you, Ms Mazikeen? I mean, you’re a big deal in Hell. High Commander of Lucifer’s legions, head advisor to the king himself. Aren’t you worried taking jobs like this diminishes you?”
Busy handcuffing Bismarck to the railing, Mazikeen said, “Eve, honey? Do me a favour?”
“Boop!” Eve chirped, having already snuck up behind Michael, and pushed him overboard.
“I know it’s your whole gimmick,” Mazikeen called down as he splashed and spluttered, his face red with princely indignation. “And I know you don’t have a lot else going for you. But the next time you try that on me, I will stop being nice. Kapish?”
“Kapish,” he muttered.
The Choronzon had barely travelled a mile before Eve spotted Bismarck’s henchmen coming after them.
“Someone gimme details!” shouted Mazikeen, busy putting a bulletproof vest on over her bikini and opening up the box she’d told Dan contained a fishing rod, not a halberd.
Eve peered through her binoculars. “Two speedboats. Twelve guys on jet skis. Guns everywhere.”
“Heh. Awesome. Mickey – move that tight ass to the front and make like a nice juicy target.”
“Wait, what about-…” Michael began, trailing off as Mazikeen dove gracefully into the sea.
Bouncing from foot to foot, Eve shot him a grin. “Don’t look so glum, sourpuss. This is the fun part.”
She’d never spoken to Michael in Heaven, despite the millennia they’d both resided only two miles apart, her in a lakeside cottage on the outskirts of the Silver City, him in the crystal palace in its centre.
Granted, she’d not exactly had a warm and fuzzy relationship with any of Lucifer’s siblings. They all knew what had happened in the garden. Some had been nice – Amenadiel had visited often, even though he’d never had much to say and they’d spent their time together skipping stones across the lake’s surface. But the others had kept her at a distance. She was a bad influence.
Michael, however, was the only angel she’d not ever said one word to.
She’d seen him, now and then, in the early days, when she was the only human in Heaven and, as such, grudgingly invited to divine family get-togethers. On those occasions, she’d spent too much time feeling awkward and out-of-place to pay attention to the sullen figure lurking in whatever shadows were available. The one time she’d glanced his way, it had been to marvel at the stories of people getting the twins mixed up; beyond the raw basics of bone structure, Michael couldn’t have looked less like her old lover.
Bullets sprayed across the hull. Humming, Eve stepped daintily into Michael’s shadow, seconds before they started bouncing off his shoulders and chest.
“It is beneath her,” he muttered.
She made an ambiguous noise. “How d’you figure?”
There came a shout and a splash from the nearest jet ski. The bullets stopped.
“C’mon. She’s Mazikeen. Everyone in the Silver City knows about Mazikeen. Ordinarily, we couldn’t give two dry shits about Lucifer’s minions, but her? She’s a minor celebrity. The power behind Hell’s throne. Christ, it’s no secret my beloved twin couldn’t govern his way out of a paper bag.”
“Yeah,” she said, smiling fondly. “He’s kind of bad at everything. Except music. He’s a great musician.”
More shouting. More shooting. More bullets bouncing off Michael’s torso. Mazikeen rode by, one hand gripping her newly-acquired jet ski’s throttle lever, the other clutching her bloodstained halberd. Watching her circle the enemy, Eve was reminded of a sheep dog.
Michael went on: “And then there’s the fact that for a while, everyone thought Lucifer was going to marry her. It was all anyone could talk about. Jophiel was taking bets on when the proposal would happen. She’d have been High Commander and the Queen of Hell. Instead? All of a sudden, Lucifer takes an indefinite vacay to the mortal realm, drags her with him, and next thing anyone knows, she’s working behind a bar.”
The remaining jet skis and their terrified, wounded riders had been neatly rounded up, which meant it was time for Eve to open her purse.
“Um – how long have those been in there?” asked Michael, watching her take out three grenades.
“You want one?” she offered. “Don’t forget to take the pin out before you throw it. I did that my first time.”  
One thing to be said for millions of dull, dull years spent sitting next to God’s Greatest Warrior, skipping stones across a lake; your aim got good.
The first blast was a warning, not close enough to actually kill any of Bismarck’s men, though the resultant waves did knock several into the water. They tried to retreat, turning their vehicles around, only to remember Mazikeen, corralling them single-handed and now armed with machine guns she’d confiscated from those already bested.
When they saw the second and third grenade incoming, they gave up and abandoned the jet skis, jumping into the sea and swimming for their lives.
“Fuck!” Michael yelped, blocking his ears at the concomitant explosions.
Gazing past the debris and smoke, Eve saw Mazikeen head for the nearest of the two speedboats. Its occupants, preoccupied with aiming a rocket launcher at The Choronzon, saw her coming far too late.
“I get your point,” said Eve, as her girlfriend and her halberd made short work of the crew. “But that’s a really… how can I put this? It’s a really angelic way of looking at things. Maze doesn’t consider anything ‘beneath her’.”
“Wow. Sick burn. You’re basically admitting she has no pride.”
“Oh, she’s got pride. Tons of pride. Her pride’s just dependant on how well she does a job, not on the type of job she has. She wasn’t happy working at Lux, but that wasn’t because she thought bartending was ‘beneath her’; it was because she prefers doing things she’s good at. Customer service isn’t really one of her strengths.”
The second speedboat was abandoned by its crew mere seconds before Mazikeen rammed the first speedboat into it, cackling victoriously.
“Actually,” Eve said, moving from Michael’s shadow to where Mazikeen had earlier set a crate of peach soda – her favourite – out on the deck, “now that you mention it, I guess I’m the one with no pride. Haven’t really ever had anything to be proud of. Your Dad never gave me the chance. I was never meant to do things. I was just meant to be.”
Michael snorted. “Lucky you. Trust me; he may have softened in his later years, but back in the day he never, ever stopped riding our asses. You think Lucy really rebelled because he had better plans for how the universe should be run? Because he was an innovator? Nope. Lazy dick just hated being told to do his chores.”
By the time Mazikeen swam back to them, saltwater had washed off the blood and her ponytail had come loose.
“Oh, hey,” said Eve, gripping her hand and pulling her up. “A mermaid.”
After pressing a rough kiss to her cheek and taking a swig of peach soda, Mazikeen asked, “You okay? He did his job?”
Eve patted the angel’s shoulder – the one that wouldn’t hurt. “He was terrific! Awesome addition to the team.”
“I didn’t do anything,” Michael mumbled.
Ignoring him, Mazikeen snatched up a towel to dry her hair. “Glad to hear it. Alright! Let’s get Bismarck back to shore, get paid, and find a place to have dinner so we can toast Team Hellrazor’s first successful mission.”
“R-A-Z-O-R,” Eve informed Michael. “To make it cooler.”
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ladydorian05 · 3 years
A life in retrospection
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(pic credit: @a7estrellas​)
Hello @scribbledghost​ !!! I couldn’t wait, I’m your Secret Santa darling!!!!!
I really, really, REALLY  hope you like this. This is actually the third try at writing your gift, I dot nervous and the self doubt worm hit me hard while writing. You mentioned you wanted ‘talking’, well my on the first one it was more talking than anything and was such a mess that I knew no amount of editing would fix it. I didn’t erase it completely I used some parts for the second one that served as the foundation for the final one.
It’s still a little bit of a mess, I suck at choosing titles and maybe the ending is a bit rushed.
Edit: Forgot to mention, Miss Daisy belongs to Scribbledghost, from her neighbour Whiskey series, check it out, you won’t regret it. 
A life in retrospection
Soulmate AU!
Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x fem character (a name is mentioned so it’s not THAT reader friendly)
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, lil bit of depression, Jack goes to therapy so expect to read a different man (we really just yeeted a whole man and turn him into a better one, the beauty of fanfics), fluffiness, this man is not afraid to cry, allusions to spiciness but just implicit.
Words: 3K and something.
He couldn’t believe this was his life now.
He thought as he watched, through a window from the inside of his warm home, as the snowflakes fell outside.
Couldn’t believe he was capable of feeling such happiness again, not after everything he’s had to live through.
A few years ago, he almost committed the biggest mistake of his entire existence, condemning millions of people just because of his trauma. Good thing a pair of gentlemen helped knock some sense into him. Literally. And god bless Champ for giving him a second chance, since then, his life had been filled with second chances.
He finally went to see the Statesman therapist and work through his issues, he gave himself a second chance, to heal, to see the world in a different way.
What he never thought he would get, was a second chance at love, at being loved, but his beloved’s favorite pastime was to just prove him wrong every chance she got.
And prove him wrong she did.
Everyone has a soulmate, even him, and just like everyone else’s, his soul mark appeared on his thirteenth birthday. Right there, the name and the first letter of his soulmate’s last name etched into his skin in his soulmate’s handwriting and just like everyone he had been excited.
He spent countless hours staring at the letters on his wrist, studying the beautiful, soft and round letters, some of them just a breath away from being cursives. Always wondering when and if he would be able to meet the person they belonged to.
As the years passed, he became more aware of how small the chance that he would actually meet his soulmate was, and while he kept wondering about them from time to time, he didn’t stop himself from falling in love with someone else.
He shared many years with her, they got married just as they were fresh out of college, neither of them caring that they weren’t each other’s soulmates. Marriages like theirs weren’t rare at all, after all the world is way too big and life too short to spend it looking for one person.
Yes, life is short and it can be so cruel to the least deserving. The day he lost both his wife and unborn son was the day something inside him broke, something he thought could never be repaired again. He fell in an abysm of self blame that in time turned into bitterness and hatred for those who fell in the clutches of illegal substances. He really thought he would never love again.
Until one day. One fateful day thanks to a mix up with his order at his favorite coffee shop, he met her, his beloved; when their drinks had been served in the wrong cups by the new barista in training.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, what were the chances that said woman would turn out to also be his soulmate. From the moment he saw her he felt drawn to her. He knew it, the moment their fingers touched when they exchanged their cups. Something in him shifted with a rush of emotions, leaving him breathless.
Hell, even now she still leaves him breathless.
They had spent the rest of that day getting to know each other, they talked about everything and anything, as if they were old friends seeing each other again after some time apart. He had heard the stories multiple times, people would talk about how they felt the moment they found their soulmate, they all paled in comparison to the overwhelming feeling of being know in such a way by someone you had just met.
He felt so blessed just being able to be in her presence.
Indiana, Indy, his love, his Moonshine, the light of his life that pulled him out of the remaining darkness inside him. You gave him a second chance at love, at actually feeling alive and not just living. And he took it, he would’ve been and idiot if he hadn’t.
They decided to take it slow to truly get to know one another and see where this connection of theirs would take them. After all, not all soulmates went on the romantic route; some, were just destined to be platonic and neither option was better than the other, that’s just the way things were.
But after many dates, after both bared their souls to one another, they were happy to discover that all along there had been something growing between them and that the feeling was mutual.
They shared their first kiss beneath a starry sky, she had taken him to her favorite spot in the city, maybe the stars weren’t as visible as in other places due to the light pollution of the city but neither of you were really looking at them, too lost in one another. After that night everything fell into place.
In the following months, they spent as much time as they could together, lunch breaks, dinners, weekends at each other’s apartments watching movies, talking about work, about anything and everything.
After Champ had notified him that he was going to be allowed go back to field work, he invited you to dinner at his place. He decided to tell you everything then and there, about his wife, about his work; he had previously asked for permission for the last one, assuring his boss that this was serious and that he trusted you completely, he even told you about what he almost did during the whole Golden circle fiasco.
He had expected to see some kind of horror or judgement written in Indy’s face when he finally lifted his head when he stopped talking, he should have known better. He found understanding in your eyes, you told him how proud you were that he looked for help after everything he went through and that ‘James Bond job’ or not, you would be there for him.
You had also added an ‘Of course your alias is Whiskey!’ that made him laugh, but that was beyond the point.
You only asked, that every time he was to go on a mission that he’d let you know, and if he had to leave at a moment’s notice, he would call or text you as soon as he could, you also asked him to be careful.
“We just found each other I don’t want to lose you.” Were your exact words. He remembers because he kissed you as soon as you said them, it started slow and full of gratitude but it soon changed into a passionate one.
That had been the first of many nights, and mornings, he got to share his bed with you. You moved together shortly after that night. Going to bed every night and waking up with you at his side soon became the highlight of his days, if he could he would spend a lifetime just lying with you in bed. He savours every moment he gets by your side.
He had been sure, long before the date of your first year anniversary approached; both of you chose it to be the day you met; that he wanted to be there for you, he wanted to protect you, to make you as happy as you make him, to be anything you needed him to be, a friend, a lover, a life partner; you just had to say it and he’d do anything become that person.
He made a decision. They had already discussed the subject of marriage on more than one occasion, so he was sure it was something you would want or wouldn’t be opposed to it eventually. He still thought about it, long and hard for days.
After his first marriage he never thought he would be open to, well, any kind of relationship that went beyond one-night stands, but that was before therapy, before he worked on the demons inside his head; and now, now he just hoped you would be willing to take an old man as your husband. Again, he should’ve known better.
He planned everything, a romantic dinner at good restaurant; not too over the top fancy but with good food; then he would take you on a romantic walk through Central park, he knew of a spot that had a beautiful gazebo with a view to a pond, he decided he would ask you there; and of course, he sent to polish his mother’s ring.
She gave him the ring some time after his wife passed away and made him promise that he would only give it to his soulmate if he met them. His parents had been soulmates, and his grandparents as well, she explained that the ring had been in the family for many generations and more times than not the marriages had been between soulmates, maybe she believed the ring would bring him luck in finding his own.
With everything carefully planned, he just had to wait for the day to arrive.
But even the best-laid plans, often go awry.
The date fell on a Friday, he was just about to clock in when he received a call from Champ, he and Vermouth; previously known as their Ginger ale; where called for an emergency mission. A Band of extremist where planning a bombing, they got the location of their hideout and were tasked to take them out immediately.
While the mission wouldn’t take him to the other side of the planet, it would take him to the other side of the country, he knew even if they hurried up, he wouldn’t be back in time for the reservation; in fact, if he was lucky, he wouldn’t be back until midnight.
He remembers how much he had apologized to you as he called you on the Statesman’s plane, and bless you and your beautiful heart, you took it in stride, telling him it was fine and that you could celebrate the next day, that all you needed was for him to return to you safe and sound.
And he did just that. At around two in the morning, he opened the door to the apartment he shared with you, he left his hat and jacket at the entrance. He was beginning to un button his shirt when he saw you sleeping on the couch, a box of pizza on the coffee table and the tv still on.
It made him feel guilty but it also warmed his heart that you had tried to wait up for him, he decided against waking you up. He turned the tv off and took you in his arms, you only stirred a little bit before your breath evened out again. He placed you on your side of the bed and tuck you in; he took all of his clothes off except for his briefs before joining you in bed.
The next morning, he stirred awake at the feeling of your lips leaving small kisses all over his chest.
“Mmgood morning Moonshine.” He said, his voice rough from sleep.
“Good morning to you too, cowboy. Sorry I woke you up, but I couldn’t resist.”
“Nothin’ to be sorry about, love. Can’t think of a better way to wake up.” He had pull you closer to his side, your head resting on his arm. “’m sorry I missed our anniversary.”
“None of that Jack, I told you it’s okay. Besides, you can always make it up to me.” You said with mirth, running your hand up and down his torso.
He chuckled. “What did I do to deserve you?” he muttered as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
Both of you stayed quiet, just enjoying the moment, basking in the feeling of being in each other’s arms; until he broke the comfortable silence.
“Marry me.”
The words had just slipped through his lips. He knew neither of you really needed fancy restaurants or romantic venues, you just needed each other. So, what better place and moment to ask you to be his wife, than in the warmth of the home you shared, lying in each other’s arms in their bed.
“What?” He felt your hand stop its movement right on top of his heart, he was sure you had felt how fast it was beating.
“I said, marry me, Moonshine. Please?” You sat on the bed, watching him with an unreadable expression.
“Jack Daniels, you better not be joking.” You had pointed a finger to him.
“Tell me my love, if I wasn’t serious, would I have this?” He said as he also sat on the bed and reached inside of the drawer of the nightstand, taking the velvet box in his hand; not the best hiding place but he hadn’t planned for it to stay there for a long time; he opened it to show you the ring inside.
“Oh my god Jack!” you covered your mouth with your hands as your eyes became glossy with unshed tears.
“Indy, Indiana, my love, my Moonshine, my soulmate. You have no idea how blessed I feel to have you in my life, there aren’t enough words in the world to help me express how much I love you, how much you mean to me. You’re an amazing person, so kind, intelligent, strong and beautiful, and I’ll be more than honored to be your husband, if you’ll have me.” He held his breath as he watched you process what he just said.
He was beginning to get worried when you just sat there for a few seconds, that felt like an eternity to him, staring at him without saying a word. You took him by surprise when you jumped into his arms, just as he was considering on telling you that it was okay if you didn’t want to or that you could take your time before answering.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes Jack! Of course I’ll have you!” By the time he got the ring on your finger both of you were a sobbing mess. He didn’t let you leave the bed until way past noon, and only because neither of you had had breakfast. He had to take good care of his fiancée.
The wedding had been beautiful, only your closest friends and family were invited to the event.
Sometime after the wedding, Champ asked him to move back to Kentucky, he offered him a promotion, he offered him his own position in Statesman, saying that he was ready to retire and that he thought that, out of everyone else, he was the best candidate for it.
His past self would have jumped at the opportunity, not only would he be in charge of the intelligence agency, he would also become the major stockholder of the distillery; but he wasn’t that man anymore, it was a huge responsibility, even if it came with its benefits.
And he had a wife. Your friends lived here, your work was here, you had built a life for yourself in this city long before he came into your life; he couldn’t just go home and tell you ‘Darling, guess what? We’re moving to Kentucky!’ and he refused to leave you behind.
He thanked Champ for the offer and asked him for some time to think about it. He told you about it as soon as he got home. He told you that he couldn’t just ask you to leave what you worked so hard to get behind and follow him down south.
You let him speak, you let him ramble on and on about why it wasn’t a good idea, he also listed some of the positive things that came with accepting the promotion.
“Wait a minute.” You interrupted him in the middle of his tirade. “As the head or director or whatever you guys call it, you would be permanently stationed in Kentucky? As in no more field work?”
“Well, yes and no. At first yes, Champ will have to show me the ropes of everything, then I’ll probably still be active for some years but then well yes, eventually I won’t be sent on missions as frequently as right now. There’s also managing the distillery and that means normal corporate stuff like business trips and all that; it won’t be that different from what I already do here.” You nodded at his words.
“Do it. You have my support.” His eyes widened at that.
“But, but Moonshine, what about your work!?”
“What about it? I’m sure I can request a transfer, and if not I’m sure I can get a new job, it’s not like we’re moving to the middle of nowhere; I could also become a free-lancer.” You listed. “Listen Jack, if moving south means you’ll be risking your life less and less as time goes on, then we’re moving south.” And that was the end of the discussion, he knew the decision was made.
He let you choose the new house, he only asked for enough land to get a horse or two in the future; he was dying to take you on romantic rides; and you chose a beautiful roomy one, neither of you wanted to dismiss the possibility of children. The extra points of the house were the beautiful chimney inside and the fire pit on the back porch, it also had a barn not far from the main building.
And it was good that the house was quite large because half a year after moving in, he convinced you to go with him to a local farm animal expo on his day off. As you browsed through the various handmade items in display, he stumbled upon a woman selling teacup pigs, and while he had always considered himself more of a horses and dogs person, his curiosity got the better of him.
They were so adorable, one in particular caught his attention, he couldn’t resist the adorable beaded eyes looking straight at him; before he knew it, he was making his way back to you holding the little piggy in his arms.
He got a “Jack, why are you holding a pig like a baby?” from you the moment you saw him.
“Because she is! Just look at her she’s so cute, she’s my cute little lady.”
The conversation about the new member of their family continued on the way back home.
“I hope you’re not thinking about letting her stay inside the house once she begins to grow.”
“What are you talking about? Miss Daisy’s a teacup pig; she’ll only grow an inch or maybe three at most.”
“Oh, so it’s Miss Daisy! She already has a name and all that. I’m warning you; I’m not going to pick up what Miss Daisy produces after eating.” You said. “Wait, teacup pig? You are aware there’s no such thing as teacup pigs, right?”
“What do you mean? The woman said they were all teacup pigs.”
“Oh my god. My love, you have been deceived.”
He may not know a lot about pigs, but he couldn’t believe that that sweet woman had outright lied to him, right?
Wrong. Like always, you were right, and he fucked up. At least he eventually convinced you to let him keep Miss Daisy inside. She’ll always be a baby to him, no matter how big she got.
And then, he became an actual father. It wasn’t enough for you to give him so much love and happiness, now you had given him the greatest gift of all. She was perfect, from her tiny nose to her even tinnier toes.
If he had cried when you agreed to marry him, and cried even more when you gave him the news of your pregnancy; he was sure he cried a river the day their daughter was born.
Here he was, years later, still madly in love with you, still feeling like the luckiest man in the world.
He was brought back from his memories by a pair of hands sliding around his middle from behind.
“Hey, I made hot chocolate, want a cup?” He turned around to properly face you, a big smile on his face. “What? Do I have some coco powder on me?”
“No,” he shook his head “no. It’s just, well, you just took my breath away.” He said wiggling his eyebrows up and down in the way he knew always made you laugh.
“Pffff, Jack, I married you, you can stop saying stuff like that.”
“On the contrary, Moonshine, I shall keep on stating the truth of how my stunning wife makes me feel every single day of my life.” He leaned to give you a sweet short kiss.
“You haven’t answered Mr. Daniels, hot chocolate or do you want a cup of coffee?”
“Mmmm, I’ll have the chocolate this time, gotta honor the drink that brought you into my life, Mrs. Daniels.” He pressed his forehead against yours.
“What’s gotten into you today?” You asked, laughing softly as the hairs of his moustache tickled your upper lip.
“Nothing, just been reminiscing my happiest memories. Want to know a secret?” He whispered the question. “They’re all about you.” He leaned in for another kiss when the voice of his little girl calling for him reached them.
“Daddy! Daddy! Look! Look at Miss Daisy! Isn’t she pretty?” He turned his head from his Moonshine as his daughter came running up to them in her cute pajamas, just in time to see Miss Daisy as she came waddling behind his lil’ sweetheart wearing a pink tutu, a tiara and he noticed her glittery pink painted hooves.
“Wow, sweetheart! She’s really pretty!” He tried to sound excited for his daughter’s sake, but he knew it came out more strained than he wanted.
She giggled before running off back to her room, with, once again, Miss Daisy running after her.
“Want me to google if that nail polish could be potentially harmful for her while you put our little tornado to sleep?” God bless his wife.
“Yes, please.” He let out a sigh. “You’re amazin’ Moonshine.” He turned back to you before placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I got you, cowboy.” He had to separate from your arms so he could go help their daughter keep her bed time schedule, otherwise they’ll surely have a cranky child for most of the next day.
“Hey honey! You want a bed time story?” he heard a distant ‘yay’ and a couple of snorts in response. “Be right back babe.” With a wink as he walked towards their daughter’s room.
Maybe he’ll never get used to this much happiness in his life, but he’ll never complain, what were the odds that he would meet his soulmate and build a beautiful home and a beautiful family with her. He must have done at least something right if he got to live this life.
And he will live it, to its fullest.
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