#note that I'm very tired and I did not proof read
shadowkat678 · 1 year
I know there are people here who'll absolutely misconstrue my words, so before I continue, this is NOT a justification for awful actions or choices or beliefs.
HOWEVER! (Yeah I know, always a great start to a post)
It seems very... unhealthy when I stumble across responses or posts in a certain vain talking about groups of bad people in the context, say, of like law enforcement or conservatives or military or whatever where people instantly paint them as "They JUST wanted to do x, y, or z because it lets them feel this or hurt these people or gives them an excuse to give into their darkest impulses".
Like. It's not necessarily always wrong. But I think there's a habit of going "No, they're lying when they say they want to (Insert positive intention here, such as serve their communities, Protect The Children, uphold values they believe help people, whatever), and that is an excuse to hide behind." and turning it into...I don't know.
Cardboard cutouts to put all our grievances and anger and pain on that simplify bad people into things we don't have to have any relation to. Something simple and straightforward and easy to dismiss without being hurt as much by their choices more than you have to already be.
But people often do fall into harmful ideologies and groups fully buying, still even to the end buying, the reasons they give. That's what justification is! People want to feel like they're backing something or doing something that matters! That makes them feel good or vindicated or heroic!
The road to hell IS paved with good intentions, and that's one reason people double down so much! Even with facts shoved right in your face, how do you reconcile everything you built around yourself being a lie? That you hurt people? That you're not even the story's villain often, but a pawn of lackey of a greater evil?
That's why we praise those who escape that, right? It's hard. It hurts. Your entire perceived reality crumbles around you. To face that and accept it anyway, then strive to be better, and find ways to undo the harm is an enormous life altering choice that could lose you so much. And it's terrifying.
And added on to that, you have to do so facing people who may rightfully hate you. It'd be so much easier to continue falling further in, with people who justify your actions and offer you compassion and kindness while everyone else is calling you a monster, but YOU know you're not a monster, right? You're just trying to do what's best. Your beliefs are justified. They have to be.
Of course you're a good cop, you bought that mother who couldn't afford a booster seat one instead of ticketing her, right? I mean maybe you couldn't let everyone off, and some people unfortunately get hurt or can't afford rent because you didn't let them off when you caught them going 10mph over the speed limit but they could control that more so why is that your fault? Yeah you defended the cop that got accused of shooting something wrongly, but it was a mistake. People make mistakes don't they? And you know his family. He's been on patrol with you.
He's a good guy, it was just a mistake. You're a good guy. If you hold him to his mistakes, what about yours?
This isn't, AGAIN, saying not to hold people to their choices. This is not a justification post. But there's a very real fear I have, that if you go too far in forgetting those in the wrong are complex, people who have love, redeeming qualities, and humanity...well, how do we recognize ourselves when we fall down our own holes?
When we justify our own actions. Because we're good people, right? Isn't that how exclusionists happen, leaning so hard into doing this to PROTECT other vulnerable populations from infiltration and abuse, for example? How The Good Feminists justify turning their pain and honing it as a weapon against sex workers, men as a whole always being a dangerous force to constantly guard against (specifically referencing the harm done by ignoring intersectional struggles and the way the patriarchy hurts literally everyone, which by the way I fell into for a while too), etc etc etc etc etc
It's easy to other those who've hurt us and paint them as monsters. But in forgetting the complexity of those who hurt us, we open ourselves to blindspots, and also further push away those who might be on the fence to turn away from these harmful choices and beliefs.
I think we do ourselves a disservice in not understanding the more scary evil of those we fight against. That they're just people, and we could very well fall into our own traps. That evil is often not that of cackling villains fooling everyone around them while enjoying the harm they cause, but individuals justifying their actions through their own fear, anger, distrust, misplaced intent, or prideful arrogance.
You can hate them just as much! Their actions are just as reprehensible!
You don't need to flatten the complexity of your enemies as fully fledged people to oppose them and what they've done!
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5ummit · 2 years
So there's this post with a troubling number of notes going around insisting that "dead dove" is not a genre, it doesn't inherently have anything to do with darkfic, and that the tag could be applied to fics that are "100% fluffy where everyone's having a good time" if they happen to contain some abnormal (though entirely non-problematic) content like an unusual kink. The claim is that "dead dove: do not eat" is simply a "courtesy tag" that means "this is a very specific niche, mind the tags." And that's just... wrong.
I wrote up a whole rebuttal to this post since I can't stand misinformation and frankly OP was being kinda rude and judgey on top of their wrongness. But right after I posted my reply, OP turned off reblogs because, and I quote, “some fuckwad added some dumb shit onto this post and it is no longer educational” (the “fuckwad” being me and the “dumb shit” being proof that they were wrong). A couple people have asked me to make a rebloggable version of my response, which I've decided to do because this isn't the first time I've heard similar claims and I want to help set the record straight. However, I'm not linking the original post on the off chance this gains traction because OP did the right thing by turning off reblogs, preventing it from circulating further, and I don't want them to get hate for being unfortunately misinformed.
For those who don't know the history, "dead dove: do not eat" was originally proposed as a catchall "hydra trash party" alternative label for any fandom to warn that the content of a fic may be considered problematic or potentially upsetting and to read the tags carefully so you know what you're getting into and won't complain later. Specifically, DD:DNE was intended to convey that the Bad Things in the fic would likely be reveled in and not explicitly condemned by the narrative, which some people tend to get up in arms about, hence the need for the extra warning in addition to the tags. Don't believe me? Here's the original proposal (note DD:DNE can be found on a handful of fics dated before 2015 but this is when it really took off and became a Thing).
There are currently around 50,000 fics tagged as "dead dove: do not eat" on AO3 and close to 50% of those also include the rape/noncon warning (which of course is not the only type of "dead dove" but is one of the most popular and most consistently tagged). The normal percentage of noncon fics in any given fandom? Around 1-3%. That's a HUGE disparity. So don't tell me that dead dove is just a general "courtesy tag" and doesn't or shouldn't have dark connotations. Even the context of the original joke on Arrested Development has a dark undertone. Micheal Bluth casually finds an animal carcass in a bag in his refrigerator with the label "do not eat", as if eating it would be any sane person's first thought. The whole situation is kinda fucked up. And this fucked up vibe very much carries over into fandom usage too, as was intended.
The claim that dead dove has nothing to do with the content's genre and could just as easily be used to describe a 100% fluffy fic in which everyone's having a good time is straight up Wrong, or at the very least, severely warping the original meaning. Also, when someone these days says that they like/dislike "dead dove" most people in fandom automatically understand what that means because of the consistency of its usage over the years and the way language evolves. Whether you like it or not, "dead dove" IS a genre now and the term does carry a specific connotation. I do agree that DD:DNE should definitely still be used in conjunction with other tags, when applicable, to be explicit about the exact type of fucked up content you may find, but to say that the term is meaningless on its own is patently false and I'm tired of people who don't know what they're talking about pushing this narrative and causing even more confusion.
You want a generic term that also means "mind the tags" and doesn't have any inherently dark connotations? Just use good ol' "what it says on the tin" instead of trying to force dead dove to be something it's not.
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captainofthedauntless · 5 months
Bayverse Donatello x Reader imagine
Info + Warnings: Donatello finds himself all over your life. No gendered language, pronouns, or Y.N used for Reader, but they use Spotify. Friends-to-lovers type beat. Set a few years after OOTS.
Commentary: While it's not strictly necessary reading, this is the sequel to Glow in the Dark, and is set to this playlist.
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Donatello has always prided himself on his observational skills.
He notices things other people don't. He recognizes patterns, he collects data, he observes.
It's why Leo turns to him first for mission analysis.
It's why April sends him documents to proof-read.
It's how he fixes codes that refuse to work and reverse engineers biological weapons and is able to turn scraps into functioning gear.
He sees.
Especially when he's already interested in what he's looking at.
Which is why, in the middle of the night, he glances at your activity in his Spotify sidebar.
It's just in his nature.
He does it every now and again- well, okay, every time he opens Spotify- and it's become a bit of a game for him, to try and hone in on your music taste and then casually send you very casually considered recommendations.
He's the most casual turtle alive, everyone knows that.
Sometimes, he spots you playing a song he's given you, and he gets a dorky little smile on his face as he alt-tabs his way back to work.
This time, it's a song he'd given you months back- StarWaves, off of the Oblivion soundtrack, by M83- and just as his lips quirk up and his fingers find his keyboard, he notices something else.
Just below the song, he spots the playlist title.
It's a purple heart emoji.
He hesitates, hand over keys, eyes lingering on his screen.
His timing is fantastic, because the song changes. Little Dark Age by MGMT, which he'd sent you when he last updated the surveillance system- still on purple heart emoji.
This is why science is such a comfort to him- it ties all of those constant observations to something concrete, makes them matter. Observation alone means nothing; study gives him structure.
This means nothing.
But further study- tabbing back and forth between his latest project and Spotify every three-or-so minutes, noting song after song that he remembers giving you- suggests that the purple heart emoji means him.
It makes his heart do something dizzy in his chest, to think that you've tucked his suggestions somewhere safe. That you've taken them with open hands and set them in a display case.
That you make use of them.
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It's not even a week later when you come into the lair with a smile and your computer bag over your shoulders and bags of take out in your hands. You set your phone and keys on his desk, both tangled in your headphones, and head off to dole out food, and he can hear a Phantogram song heavy in the earbuds.
Another one of his, he notes happily.
You come back a few minutes later, a tired and amused expression on your face as you offer him his food.
"I take it Mikey found you," Donnie says in wry, fond amusement, and he's rewarded by a little snort of laughter.
"He did," You respond, setting your own food on the desk- next to your things- and shimmying your bag off your shoulder. "I swear, it's like you all let that guy starve when I'm not here."
"He does a lot of things when you're not here. Starve is not one of them."
He almost misses your response- "Tell that to him, he nearly tackled me for his lo mein!"- because something green catches the light of his computer and, in turn, catches his eye.
It's a little piece of circuit board.
One you'd helped him pull out of a haul of scrap tech, and once he'd deemed that piece useless you'd made a joke about it making a cute keychain.
He'd taken an old soldering iron and melted a hole in the corner, threading a keyring through it, and passed it to you before you left.
It was mostly a joke. You'd been joking. He'd just tapped in and taken the bit to the next level.
And the joke was somehow still in one piece, hanging off your computer bag.
It makes his heart do something fluttery in his chest, to think that you carried that silly (warm, safe, delightful) memory around with you.
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It's nearly two weeks after that when he climbs in your window in the early part of the night, a little earlier than he should probably be out, with a bag of snacks hanging from his elbow.
You're in front of your TV, flicking through movie options, and he intentionally scuffs his shoe in the doorway to make sure you know he's there.
He somehow still isn't prepared for the way you tilt your head back to smile at him in greeting.
"I know it's kinda warm out, but I made hot cocoa," You say sweetly. "I got marshmallows on sale, so..."
"I brought those chips you like," He responds, slipping the bag to his palm and holding it up as though you can see through it.
"You're the best!" You chirp, slipping off the couch and leading him to the kitchen.
You already have two mugs set out, filled to the brim with marshmallows- he assumes there's cocoa beneath them somewhere, but has little proof from just looking at them.
One mug is your favorite, the one you've been using as long as he's known you.
The other is new.
It's dark purple and large, with an oversized handle. About the same size as the one he probably left on his desk when he left the lair. Large enough to comfortably fit his hand, he suspects.
It nearly stops him in his tracks.
"What is it?" You ask.
"Is this new?" He asks in place of an answer, nodding at the drinks.
"The mug?" You're using that carefully nonchalant voice you use whenever you do something nice. The one that usually obscures a lot of time and effort. "Yeah, found it at that antiques place I told you about. The one with the iron giraffe by the door?"
He remembers.
"It's- pretty," He says haltingly, trying to keep himself in a logical, reasonable headspace.
It isn't a big deal. It's a mug.
(It feels big. Feels huge. Feels like he's going to suddenly collapse under his own emotional weight and leave a black hole in your kitchen where he had been.)
(It's you adapting to his- and his brothers', he reminds himself sharply, trying to stay in the realm of reasonable and unimpacted- quirks and needs. It's you accommodating him in your own home. It's his color. He thinks his unwieldy feelings for you grow a size right here, standing in your kitchen.)
"I thought so," You agree lightly, your back to him as you grab bowls. "Thought you might like it. Thought maybe it would be nice to have one here. For you."
Reasonable is rapidly becoming less and less realistic as his heart skips a beat. There's weight in your words, despite your best efforts- he's more sure than ever than you'd set out to find this mug, that this had been a mission for you.
You never act this casually about something you're actually casual about.
"Vank- er, very nice," He stumbles over his words, slowing down to enunciate. "Thank you."
You shrug, turning to him with the bowls, eyes trained on them. "Since I like having you here, might as well, like, make it easier for you, huh?"
He's glad, in a way, that he's green. When he blushes, it's a lot more subtle on him than it is on somebody like Casey.
(He hopes you're not feeling particularly observant.)
"Being here is easy," He says quickly, a confession he hadn't really meant to make.
It's simultaneously huge and just-the-surface.
Being around you is easy.
You look up now, eyes meeting his with a searching look, and you smile. "I'm glad," You say, that weight still in your voice, some extra, unknown thing just beyond his ability to figure out. Then it shifts, and you're more smirking than smiling, and the air shifts from uncertain warmth to a familiar playfulness. "That means you can easily pick a movie. I'm sick of looking."
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He stays long after the credits roll, listening as you look up tidbits about the movie and the cast and how the effects were done. He's on your couch, one leg crossed beneath the other as he angles his body to you and rests an arm over the back (staying very carefully on his side, thank you).
He chimes in as you read out trivia ("I'm pretty sure that should be lucis, but my Latin's a little rusty." "You're right, according to this. Wonder if that was an error or a stylistic choice?") and laughs as you stop mid-sentence to re-read twice because something is so littered with typos that you can't immediately tell what it's saying.
Neither of you look at the clock.
You finish the chips he brought, and you make popcorn, and the two of you finish that, too.
The movie trivia gives way to a story about your friend's dog, and the laughter from that flows into him telling a similar story about Mikey as a child- because apparently, chewing on skateboards is a more common behavior than he'd thought- which shifts into you showing him the meme Mikey had sent you earlier in the day.
Mikey'd sent it to him, too, but he didn't mention it. He let himself lean into your bubble to half-look at your phone, just to be near you.
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When he finally gets home- late, very late, the sun's already planning its ascent- he's grateful that everyone seems to be asleep.
Until he hears a throat clear behind him and he winces.
"Hi, Donnie," Leo says, knowing and smug and making Donnie stifle a groan.
Leo asks how you are.
"Good," He says simply, turning and holding his oldest brother's gaze. "We had lots to catch up on."
"Clearly," Leo says, a clear undertone of teasing.
Donnie resists the urge to roll his eyes.
"I'm glad you had a good time," Leo says, teasing fading from his voice, leaving an earnest tone in its place as he bumps a fist into Donnie's shoulder. "Just let me know next time movie night turns four movies long, yeah? Keeping your dinner safe from Mikey isn't my idea of a good time."
Don can feel the blood in his cheeks again. He hadn't meant to stay so long- disrupting your sleep schedule isn't his idea of a good time- but it just... was easy. "Yeah. Will do."
Leo nods and smiles and takes his mug- strong green tea, if Don's nose is to be believed- towards his room.
Donatello exhales softly. He'd expected worse-
"Oh, Donnie," Leo calls playfully, "Mike's come up with several new songs including "k-i-s-s-i-n-g", so I'd brace myself for a musical breakfast."
This time, Donnie does groan, not bothering to respond as Leo chuckles and leaves.
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He eats the dinner Leo'd kept guarded- pasta with meatballs, cold, because Donnie thinks that if the microwave wakes either of his other brothers and he has to deal with them before he sleeps he's going to ask you if he can just live on your couch- before shuffling into his lab and flopping into the chair at his workbench.
He leans back into the chair, stretching his neck out with a soft groan before his eyes land on the little glass sun hanging above him.
He watches it for a moment, a soft smile creeping onto his face.
Then he stretches out- too lazy, too tired to get up- and flicks the lights off.
The sun glows, and it looks almost as bright as his heart feels, and he feels himself sink fully into the chair and memories of you and the unwieldy, bright feelings you spark in his chest.
After a few minutes in comfortable, sweet silence, he shifts forwards and boots his computer up.
Just for some music.
Work will have to wait until he gets some sleep. You'd be livid if he jumps in now.
He pulls up Spotify and his eyes go to the sidebar out of muscle memory more than conscious effort.
Your username is the first on the list, right above a purple heart.
He lets out a little laugh, a you-shaped feeling turning bubbly and warm behind his ribs.
Deciding you have the right idea, he pulls up Random Access Memories and hits play on his favorite track, letting the bass softly fill the room and enjoying the feeling of it beneath his fingers as he quickly types out the few ideas he'd had while at your place.
He's asleep before the song ends, face buried in his forearms on the desk.
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sserajeans · 1 year
friendly fire
kim minji x fem! reader
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synopsis: ever since you bought a new game for your ps5, you've been spending a lot of your free time with hanni, the only other member who knew how to play properly. minji gets tired of it eventually.
others + genre: 6th member y/n, 04 liner y/n, outgoing (and very loud) y/n, straightforward y/n...., 04 line just a bunch of bffs who parent maknae line togt tbh, fluffyflfuufyflfhfyf
notes: requested!, nothing much.. just hope u guys enjoy.. perhaps not proof read, VERY SHORT‼️
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"hanni behind you!"
"y/n i need a revive i'm behind the factory!"
"good game... didn't know players could control tanks..."
"yeah, well! now we know i guess.."
it had been a while since you spent a good portion of your first paycheck on a new ps5 and a first-person shooter game. and ever since then you and hanni have spent every hour of free time the group had playing.
which hadn't been an issue for you and minji!
or so you thought.
promotions for omg finally ended, so you and hanni intended to complete the game's storyline by the end of the day. you both slept early the night before, and getting on the game was the first thing you both did after taking a bath and eating breakfast.
unlike the rest of the girls, minji had schedules that day as a special mc, so she left the dorms an hour after you and hanni started your little game marathon. (neither of you forgetting a cheek kiss goodbye, despite hanni's disgust)
now you see, minji doesn't really get jealous easily, and if she did, she'd rationalize it without having the need to talk to you about it (not wanting to bother you). but with you spending almost every hour of your day playing with hanni, and doing so for the past week, it's been building up, and today was the breaking point.
when minji left the dorms, you were on the console, and when she arrived, you were still playing. the proximity between you and hanni didn't help much either, but you get cold easily and both of you were too lazy to get up and grab a blanket.
"oh! welcome back, min!" minji's worries left for a split second hearing your voice and a smile grew as she removed her shoes and coat in front of the door.
she sat on the couch behind you and hanni, trying her best to observe the gameplay, but ultimately failing as her eyes glued on your right arm intertwined with hanni's left.
"fuck i really need to pee.."
"let minji play for a bit she can cover."
hanni was gonna regret suggesting that.
"oh true." you turned around to face minji and handed her your controller before running to the bathroom. "PLAY WELL FOR ME, MIN!"
you should win a world record for fastest female peeing, 'cause it barely felt like a minute before you came back to the living room, drying your washed hands off with tissue.
"what the hell! i'm trying to detonate the explosives but someone's shooting at me! minji can you get them!" hanni exclaimed in fury as she focused every fiber of her being into the game's side puzzle.
your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes traveled to minji's half of the screen. she was definitely shooting someone! but somehow whenever minji's character shoots, the health bar on hanni's screen depletes.
realizing what was happening in front of you, you bursted out into laughter, hanni's face full of confusion and focus, minji's blank with a light smile.
"babe you're shooting hanni."
but by the time you pointed it out it was too late. hanni's character died, marking it a game over.
"sorry about that, pham." minji managed to let out in between laughter. you sat beside her and set the game back to the main menu before resting your left arm around her shoulders.
"yeah.... sure.. i'm gonna take a nap." hanni playfully glared at minji before disappearing into the hallways to enter her shared room. "you lovebirds have fun!"
you let out a sigh of relaxation as you felt your girlfriend's head rest on your chest, your left arm pulling her closer. you heard a hum of satisfaction from minji as you kissed the top of her head before resting your cheek on her.
"you knew you were shooting hanni's character didn't you?"
you didn't hear any response, but a soft chuckle instead, which was more than enough to confirm your theory (that you thought you were crazy for to think of it).
"i love you, you know?" you felt her softly nod a yes before replying with a very soft "i love you too." that almost got drowned out by the game's background music.
"we'll deal with hanni's game progress later. how was work today?"
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mistressroxielove · 1 month
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Hey everyone~ I'm back, and this time with a new fixation!
Long story short, I've discovered the new Fairly Oddparents reboot, absolutely loved it and was inspired to make this AU idea for the show! With a slight reimagine/redesign of the characters as well. And the first one I decided to do was Peri!
Here's some more info about my AU:
Fairly Odd Parents AU/Rewrite
Au Name: FairlyOdd Brother
Perri (previously known as Poof) recently graduated from Fairy Godparents School and is eager to start granting Wishes for his very own godchild! Only problem is that with his lack of experience Jorgen is weary of giving him an assignment and keeps finding excuses/reasons to not give him a godkid. Realizing it might be a 1,000 years before they give him a chance to be a Fairy Godparent, Perri decides he needs to be a little bold and perhaps, bend Da Rules, to get his foot in the door so to speak. And his answer comes to him from a new neighbor in his human home, a family with a sweet shy 10 year old girl who is absolutely miserable. Perhaps Perri might be able to offer this girl a little comfort and fun as her new Fairy Godbrother!?
(Basically the same premise of the show, except Perri’s first godchild is Hazel, and through a technicality in the rule book, becomes her god brother instead of her godparent.)
ALSO please note this AU is more of a slight reimagine of the original show, meaning I did tweaked / changed some of the characters personality to match the new story I made for them. Nothing majorly different, but again just a heads up before you read on. Hope you like it~
Name: Perri Poof Fairywinkle Cosma (He goes by Perri now but still keeps Poof as a middle name to honor it)
Age: Human equivalent of 22 years old
-Usually it takes at least 1,000 years for a fairy to grow from a baby to an adult, however since Poof spent his first couple of years being raised alongside Timmy, his body magically enhanced itself to basically go through a growth spurt and age as a normal human. But now that he’s fully mature he won't physically age anymore and will stay a 22 year old for at least a couple hundred thousand years.
Sex: Male
Human Physical Description:
-Basically just did a mix between Wanda's and Cosmo human designs. Something simple and fun, I also added some blue to his color design just to make him stand out more.
-I also gave him crocs, I just found the idea cute and thought it would give him a more casual look for his human design
-I was originally gonna give him glasses similar to Cosmo but for the life of me I couldn't make the design work with his hair style, so I just gave him a earring with the same design his wand has
-Similar to Cosmo Swavy car sale business man personality from the pilot.
-He’s a smooth talker with a deep rich voice to match, could sell a refrigerator to a eskimo
-Knows his way around rules and is always eager to grant wild and crazy wishes with the most imaginative interpretation possible, this eagerness to break rules can be a blessing and a curse, as this is what gets him in trouble the most
-Is a bit of a smart ass (But in a nice and lovable way), always has to have the last word, can be really petty when he’s mad
-Is really good a persuading people into doing things, though he doesn’t use this power to be malicious, only uses it to get small favors and mostly for Hazel to wish for crazy stuff, again it's never meant to be malicious
-Though he still has a lot to learn before becoming a godparent, he’s extremely sweet and caring to hazel and his friends, and will do anything to keep them safe and happy
-Is eager to proof himself to be useful and mature, is tired of every fairy treating him like a kid despite being older now
-Is a bit flamboyant and cares about his appearance, likes to paint his nails and wears earrings similar to his mother
-Though he does have a good head on his shoulders, he does have a tendency to interpret wishes in uniquely bizarre ways sometimes, something he inherited from his father.
Other fun facts:
-Peri really likes marine life/fishes, since he spent the first couple years of his life living as a fish, he has an appreciation for the creatures. And even has a pet goldfish!
-Despite being 22 years old, the fairy’s still treat him like a baby since a normal fairy baby would have taken at least 1,000 years to grow to maturity. This is what caused him to change his name, desperate to make the other fairy’s take him seriously and to not literally treat him like a baby
-Lives in an apartment building in the human world that is also connected to the fairy world, he’s the first of his kind to have a home like that. For most fairies it's extremely hard for them to ‘act human’ 24/7 which is why most prefer to turn themselves into childhood pets whenever they’re living with their god kid. As being human means they have to walk everywhere, not being able to use magic, and if they mess up once it could expose the existence of fairies and magical creatures in general. Peri however, once old enough to move out of his parents house was vocal that he wanted to live among the humans. He told Jorgen and the fairy council he wanted to live there to understand humans better to be a better godparent to them, but he mostly did it because he missed earth. Missed all the stuff that he grew accustomed to when he was a kid and also likes being able to find people ‘his own age’ to talk and relate to. After his endless demands and persuasion the council finally budge and allowed him to live on earth. But was warned if he was ever discovered to be a fairy, he would lose his godparents license and would never be allowed back on earth ever again.
-He wears a curler in his hair similar to Wanda when he sleeps, just a cute detail I wanted to mention
-Also just like his mother he has a tendency to call the kids/Hazel Buddy similarly to how Wanda likes to call people Sport but still has his own fraze, just a small detail that I thought would also be a cute nod to his parents
-He's also crazy for Chocolate, this is based off an episode in the original show where Wanda went insane just to eat some chocolate. It was just a one off gag but I really love that gag and decide to include it. He loves chocolate and has a dangerous addiction to it, but its still not as bad as Wanda's addiction to the stuff
Short summary of how he ended up with Hazel:
Peri has just recently graduated Fairy Godparent School and is eager to get a godkid, since his parents are still on their 10,000 year old trip he wanted to surprise them with the news of him having a godkid to make them proud of him. However Jorgen is extremely reluctant to give Peri a kid due to his extremely young age, inexperience, and his tendency to always try and bend ‘Da Rules’ as he pleases. So he puts Peri off again and sends him home, much to his annoyance. Irritated and now back at his human home in Dimmadelphia, Peri begins to hatch a plan to get himself a god kid since he knows it would take 1,000 years at least before Jorgen would finally give him a chance. But how could he possibly bend the rules to allow him to mentor a kid without Jorgen assigning him?
The answer comes to him from his new neighbors, a small family with a sweet but shy 10 year old girl who’s having a tough time adjusting to her new surroundings. Due to some hijinks Peri ends up babysitting for Hazel as her parents are now busier than ever with their new jobs and don’t have as much time to watch Hazel. They don’t mean to leave her alone so often, and actually apologize to her constantly for the unforeseen high work time. But it does little to help Hazel with her adjusting to her new environment. With the addition of her having a bad day in school and her brother, do to the storm, is unable to come up and visit until his next break (which is a few months away) Hazel, being miserable and finally had enough and in a fit of rage and desperation, wishes she could just fly to her brother. This wish for the first time activates Peri magic, before he can stop his wand appear and grants Hazel's wish, turning the girl into a fly.
The part of the episode happens similar to the original first episode, with Peri trying to get Hazel home before her parents come back from their work. He eventually does but again similar to the first episode Hazel gets stuck in a venus fly trap as Peri tries to get her to wish to turn back into her original form. After the talk with the ant Hazel realizes her mistake and finally wishes to become human again before her parents could discover what went wrong.
After the commotion, the next day Hazel goes to Peri’s apartment to question who he is and what the heck just happened. Peri tries to deny it but during their conversation he realizes that technically speaking…..Hazel did have good and caring parents. They weren’t the reason why she was sad and miserable, she was miserable because her brother wasn’t with her anymore and she desperately missed him. And technically speaking, there was no rule or need to ask Jorgen or the fairy console to become a kids Godbrother. He only needed their permission to be a Godparent. And besides……..he more than understood the feeling of missing a big brother.
Making his decision he officially introduces himself as Hazel Godbrother (In a similar manner to Dev introduction) and promises to bring a little magic to her life~ Much to Hazel shock and joy, as for the first time since moving to Dimmadelphia, she felt true joy and happiness.
Sooooo ya, tell me what you guys think! Any questions or suggestions for the AU I would love to hear, good to be back!
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moo-siala · 2 months
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PAIRING: jamal musiala x best friend!reader
SUMMARY: jamal and reader have been best friends since forever but they can't hide their love for each other any longer.
CONTENT: fluff, jamal and reader being scared, slight mention of sexual intercourse (nothing too graphic), some teasing, not proof read.
NOTE: this is a repost because i didn’t realize i posted it with an ask that had nothing to do with this story 💀
you and jamal have been best friends your whole life. your mothers were best friends, so it made sense that you two became so close.
you were there when he had his first try out, you were there when he signed his first contract, and you were there when he won his first trophy.
you were also each other's first, that night being one of the most beautiful and intimate moments you shared. you can still remember how his hands caressed your whole body, how gentle he was, and the sounds both of you made. but in fear of ruining your friendship, it didn't turn into something more, no matter how badly both of you desired it.
when jamal signed his contract with bayern, you thought that was going to be the end of your friendship. with him going away and you still in high school, it was going to be very complicated to see each other. but that changed when two months before graduation, you received an acceptance letter from the university you had applied to in munich, meaning that the two of you would be able to see each other as much as you wanted.
jamal was so happy that he offered to be roommates, not wanting to be away from you anymore. at first you said no because he wasn't going to let you pay half of the rent like you wanted, but after he agreed to let you take care of groceries, you accepted.
it's been a couple of years since that, and you've never regretted that decision, neither has jamal. in fact, it brought you closer than ever, both of you seeing the best and worst versions of the other, and always supporting each other no matter what. that is how you became jamal's rock, like he says.
even on vacation you're together, like right now. after the euro, all jamal wanted to do was relax under the sun and in the ocean, that's how you ended up in italy, on a boat.
"fali, can you help me?" jamal asked, showing you the sunscreen bottle.
oh yeah, alfonso and leroy had given you the nickname "faline" after bambi's girlfriend and it stuck. you didn't understand why faline was the nickname chosen for you instead of thumper, who was bambi's actual best friend, but you never thought much about it.
"of course, bambi" you got up from your seat and grabbed the bottle, pouring some on your hand and rubbing it on jamal's back.
"that feels nice" jamal chuckled, making you playfully roll your eyes.
"you two! get a room already!" alfonso yelled from the other side of the boat.
"they never get tired, do they?" jamal asked and you shook your head no.
"it's okay, we're always bullying each other" you giggled as you rubbed sunscreen on jamal's chest. your hand made its way down his abs making jamal stiffen, but you didn't notice so he sighed in relief.
"all done" you smiled at him.
"thank you" jamal smiled as he planted a kiss on your forehead.
"no problem"
after spending the afternoon eating, swimming, and tanning, you all agreed to watch the sunset for a little before going back to the villa. jamal sat next to you, placing your legs on his as vou aave him a small smile.
"did you have fun today?" he asked, softly caressing your thigh.
"i did. did you have fun?" you hugged his arm as you leaned your head on his shoulder.
"i always have fun when you guys are around. when you're around" he was now looking at you.
"me too" you whispered.
"mhm, i'm glad" his hand found your cheek as he stared at your lips. "i have something to confess, but please hear me out before saying anything"
you nodded and jamal took a deep breath.
"i know we agreed on not trying because we didn't want our friendship to be affected, but truth is, it's affected already and it has always been." he caressed your cheek. "it was affected the moment you hugged me and told me i was going to do great before my try outs. it was affected the moment you kissed my cheek and said how proud you were of me when i signed my contract. it was affected the moment we became each other's first, when our bodies became one" his eyes intense.
thank god he told you not to say anything before he was done, because you were speechless, butterflies going crazy in your belly.
"so i want to try. i'm so in love with you it hurts not being able to call you mine just because we're scared of something that may not even happen. so please, give me one chance to prove to you that we can make each other happy" he softly said, his eyes pleading.
"you don't need to prove anything to me, jamal" he looked at you confused.
"you don't need to prove anything to me because i feel the same way. i thought about telling you this, but i was scared you wouldn't want me like that" you blushed.
"i want you in every way, schatz" he cupped your face and gave you a soft and tender kiss.
"ABOUT DAMN TIME!" mika laughed.
"shut up mika" you said at the same time.
"well, now you're officially faline" jamal giggled, placing you on his lap and hugging you tightly.
"i guess so" you kissed his cheek and cuddled up to bambi, your bambi.
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riswippiesx · 8 months
Love & Care | Toji Fushiguro X Fem! Reader
🌷 Part two
•The confession and aftermath🌸 Part one(headcanons)
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Theme: mild angst, fluff, slightly suggestive at the end(very mild, just some hint)
Warnings: ooc Toji, age gap(Toji is in his early 40s and reader is in her early 20s), suggestive jokes, nervousness, not proof read[I'm lazy asf😐]
Notes: Finally the part two is here. I'm sorry if Toji doesn't sound like Toji😭 I didn't want to make him a rude bratty guy here. also so sorry for the delay. This Toji has no filters and says suggestive jokes. I have portrayed Megumi's relation with Toji in a frank manner. They are like friends more than typical son and dad.
Also long stroy warning!!⚠️ I just love to write long fics! So don't mind. I hope you enjoy🦋
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Oh the nervousness! It was ruling over your mind and you hated it. Once you even decided to ditch the evening meet up and put some excuses later on when Megumi would be furious at you. You could handle it, you were great at calming Megumi down all the time. It'd be piece a cake. But again, you knew you would regret in future thinking everything was already fallen in places except for one single piece, The confession.
The dilemma was draining but a faint possibility of getting together with a man whom you actually wanted, was keeping you up and thus you decided to shrug off all the thoughts of ditching the meet up and went to take a shower.
And the shower worked like charm for you. Your mind was finally working straight and you did all the routines you needed. You pampered your hairs and your body just the way it seemed right. After all, the evening might turn into something really special. Well there were chances, at least.
You dried yourself after shower and texted Megumi if the date was still on and he reassured you everything was fine. He didn't forget to warn you about the scary circumstances if you dared to back off in the last moment and the last thing you wanted was to offend determined Megumi. So you assured him that you won't back off.
You mothered Megumi, but sometimes he turned into a strict guide towards you and this time wasn't any exception. So you chose a outfit, suitable enough in your eyes. You decided to keep your look subtle. You were almost done when your phone ringed once. It was Megumi, who texted you the address of the beautiful cafe where he decided to bring his dad. You texted him back and left for an uncertain but exciting evening.
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"Are you sure that you will be okay with me? I mean you said it was a hang out with your friend.. So..?", Toji asked, buttoned up with black shirt.
"Of course dad. Will you stop asking me the same question for like tenth time now?", Megumi looked at his dad's direction with a tired expression. He purposely didn't mention your name. He said that his friends wanted to meet his dad, since they thought his dad was so cool, which was quite a truth but Toji barely believed that. But Megumi somehow convinced him.
He felt like a dad, who was trying to set up two children. It was too much to deal with but if the whole thing turned out in the way he thought, it would be worthy enough. But he didn't have any plan about the opposite results at all.
He brushed off his thoughts soon after and hurried his dad, "C'mon, why are taking so long to get ready, dad? Hurry up already..or we will be late"
"Oh boy. Don't rush me up. I'm an old man. Spare me", Toji smirked at his son while fixing his waist belt. Megumi sighed in response.
"You? Old man? Yeah sure", Megumi mocked back. He wasn't as old as he claimed. After all, he was the one who was getting a girl, while Megumi barely had a talking phase with anyone. Anyway.
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It took you 30 minutes to reach to that certain cafe but you were the one who reached first, actually. You stood outside and noticed the ambience inside. Being honest, it was really beautiful and eye catching. The dim lights added an extra charm to it. You smiled. Megumi did a great job in finding a proper place.
You waited for near 10 minutes when you heard a familiar voice calling for you.
Yoy looked back and found your dream man with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. And that was enough to melt your heart. Moreover, he looked extremely handsome in his all black look. His black shirt, black pants and that gorgeous black overcoat— oh he looked expensively glorious. You couldn't look away.
"T-Toji san..", a smile appeared on your lips as you stated his name.
"I didn't expect you...to be that friend...?"
"....what friend?"
"The one who said that I was cool and wanted to meet me..?"
Oh so that was Megumi's excuse huh.
"Yeah..I well..actually they will arrive soon.."
"Alright...is there any other female friend?"
"I see...so here...." He offered the flowers to you. "Megumi told to give these flowers to the his female friend and since no other female friend of his is coming, I hope these are meant for you..?" He smiled and you died at pretty his smile.
"..thank you...these are my favorite.."
"Oh? Great. But Megumi couldn't give it to you..sorry for that..he said he left his phone at home and he needed it contact with that certain friend..so he went back to take it and I came here....that boy is so clumsy.." He laughed.
What a great actor you are, Gumi! You praised him in your mind and smiled. "That's okay.."
"Yeah let's wait here till he arrives."
"It's fine, let's.. Go inside if you don't mind..he will join us later..? Or...well the tables might get all booked..."
Toji was silent for while before he agreed and you two entered the cafe. If it looked great from outside, it looked heavenly once you entered. The light music in the background was putting everything together.
The two of you were guided to a pre-booked table and sat there. You had plenty of topics to chat about but this evening wasn't for chitchat. You needed to get to the point but it was scary. You couldn't bare rejection, not from your dream man. Toji was speaking to you but it was hard for you to focus when so much was going on in your head.
"Y/n..you are not responding.. Are you okay? Feeling alright?", he sounded worried and you realised that you were zoning out the entire time when he spoke.
"Well..sorry I was zoning out.."
"That's fine..you are okay right?"
"Yes", you smiled. He sounded so soft and caring. Was it real? Or were you being delusional? You couldn't tell. Then you forced yourself to engage in the conversation. You needed to divert your mind before actually confessing. It was just some basic chitchat when he mentioned.
"I can say some boys checking you out"
"Yeah but let's ignore them. But you..do look pretty." A nervous giggle was the only thing you could do as a response. Your heart was pounding so hard that it might come out. Even Toji might hear it. Shit. You needed to get yourself together.
"Y/n are you really okay? Are you feeling uneasy? Want to go back? We can..."
"No..it's fine..no worries."
"You look like I need to worry. Your forehead is sweaty..it's kinda chilly today..you must feel sick.."
"No I..I am totally fine trust me..."
"Are you hiding something? Or you want to say something?"
You looked away. Your heart rate never became this fast. You knew it was the right time. You had to tell him your hearts content. Megumi worked hard to bring you two this far. You won't let him down. You won't let your future self regret. But you wasn't sure how to start.
At that moment of extreme nervousness, you felt Toji's hands on yours.
"It's okay Y/n..you can tell me pretty much whatever you want. I know I don't mind much. So calm down first and then say it."
Your eyes drifted back to his and his eyes hinted some care. Care for you. He was trying to comfort you. He was trying to help you. And it actually worked. Your extreme nervousness reduced a bit. You grabbed his hands back and closed your eyes. Yours eyes were shut untill you were again in control of your nerves.
You slowly opened your eyes. The peace you were feeling in your heart was so soothing. Your dilemmas weren't that much bold anymore. Your lips parted to form a few words.
"Toji san...I...like you...not as Megumi's dad..as..you..yourself.."
Toji took a moment to process the words you stated. You liked him? You? Such a gorgeous woman liked him? Was it a joke? You eyes didn't seem like one though.
Both of you stayed quiet and took your time. Your hands were still in his hold. But he took back his hands. And that was the last thing you wanted to happen but you imagined this a thousand time in your head. Rejection. Rejected by your dream man. Rejected by Toji Fushiguro. Was he refusing your feelings? Of course he was. Why would he ever be with a younger girl like you? He wasn't that fallen to consider his son's friend as his partner.
Your heart and mind was getting bitter.
"..excuse me..for a bit..y/n..I need to go check if Megumi is coming..."
Part of you wanted to yell ans say that he won't come. This evening was meant for you and him and him only. But another part kept your lips shut together. You just nodded in approval and with that Toji left the cafe.
You were certain that he partially rejected you. He didn't like you. Megumi was wrong, so wrong. You shouldn't have listened to him. You could have faced the longing but this..this wasn't something you could bare. All the times you spent with Toji, made you fall even further for him. His laugh, his jokes..you laughed a lot. His eyes, so deep to even drown you. His noticable scar, which he stated to be sign of his daring younger life's stunts- you adored that a lot. His face even looked better with it. You loved all of it but it was all for your own self. You didn't have to confess it. Dumb! Really dumb!
You looked down. The bitterness was consuming you. You wanted to cry but some strong determination in you didn't let you embarrass yourself any further in a public place. You just sat there with you head on your both hands.
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Toji quickly came out. He really hoped that you didn't notice the faint blush on his face. He couldn't recall the last time he blushed like this. It was overwhelming. He wasn't sure when things turned into something more than just some chitchat about Megumi's well being. He ignored it all untill one day, when he found himself thinking about your pretty smile while working or making dinner or taking a pleasant shower.
He was ashamed of himself when he found that he had fallen for a girl half of his age, and she was literally his son's best friend. How could he? But he did and it was hard to sallow that fact. Everytime you stopped by to chat or met up to hang out, he was mesmerized by you. You brought a ray of sunshine in his dull days. His heart was filled with so much love after many years. Your memories, smell, words lingered around him for hours after you left each time.
But he thought it just one sided. Sometimes he felt you might like him back but he scolded him for thinking that far.
It was all proven actually right when you confessed. His heart stopped, ears perked up. You felt the same as he did? How could the world be so perfect. His heart told him to accept right away but a person appeared in his mind's mirror. Megumi. His son. How would he react if he found out his dad with his best friend?
And that was when a lot came in together. He got a faint clue about Megumi's consent in all this. Almost every time you two met up cause Megumi brought you two together. You two were all in meet ups while Megumi left each time with some weird excuses. He guessed something but certainly not this far. He needed to confirm if it was all in his brain or Megumi was actually involved in this. Thus he excused himself and came out of the restaurant. He knew that it was rude of him. He noticed how your face darkened when he excused himself but he couldn't afford to make a mistake in taking his further decision where you two were linked.
He brought out his mobile and dialled Megumi's number. He didn't pick up. Toji kept on calling and in the seventh attempt, Megumi finally picked up the call.
"Yeah I just got back and grabbed my phone, dad. Don't worry i'll be..." Megumi's fake statement was cut by Toji.
"Megumi be honest with me. Did you willingly set me up with Y/n?"
Megumi went silent. He had nothing to say as a reply to that.
"Megumi, I want an answer." Toji again spoke.
"Yeah I'm listening"
Megumi sighed in disappointment, "...yes...I did..sorry..."
"How many times?"
"Pretty much all the time..."
"Are you upset?"
Toji didn't reply to that. He couldn't. He wasn't upset bur he was confused.
"Sorry...if you are...just don't blame her-"
"I'm not..just tell me one thing. Why did you do all these? Are you okay with... Your best friend being with your...dad?"
"I am always okay. Even I want you two to date"
"Why do you say so?"
"Why? You two literally talk about each other all the time. You have no idea how Y/n just keeps praising you all the time. And then at home, you do the same about her. You two didn't know how to keep things up, so I did the favour. Now tell me one thing. Did she confess?"
"She did."
"I hope you accepted"
"I came out of the restaurant without saying much"
"Dad...you are a game spoiler..."
"How on the earth would I know that you were this intrigued about us.."
"I thought you would creep out if you get to know about I was dating your friend-"
"No I won't. When you two go so well with each other, why would I?"
"Right...so should I ...accept..?"
"You are asking? Yes you should! Geez!"
"You old people are so dramatic"
"Still your best friend liked me over you", Toji grinned over the call and Megumi could heard the sarcasm in his tone.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Just go back and accept."
"Sure, thanks"
And the hang up. Toji was sure about his next move. He would confess as well that he liked you, he loved you. You were the woman who made him gasp from time to time. You were the woman who fluttered his heart.
Thinking about you brought a smile to his face. He took a deep breath and turned to go back inside. That was when you came out. You looked tensed and upset. He knew he screwed up. He had to fix it.
"You were right.. I am actually not feeling well. Don't worry I talked with the manager. They cancelled the booking. You can go back. Sorry for wasting your time. Also, Toji san..forget what I said. Please. It was just a....well don't mind", you forced a smile.
"Y/n no..you're getting it wrong.."
"Please don't push yourself Toji san. I totally understand."
"No you don't. Y/n listen to what I want to say"
You were silent. He took that chance and spoke.
"Y/n.. I didn't mind. Not at all. Why would I..when I felt the same.."
You looked up at him. Your eyes were slightly widened.
"Yes..I like you too..and not just as Megumi's friend. As you. Y/n you amaze me. You're an wonderful woman. I just didn't accept right away because..I wasn't sure what Megumi would think of me..if I did..."
"Gumi knows about-"
"Yes I talked to him already. Actually I came outside to call him. Didn't expect my boy to go that far" he laughed a bit. "But I'm glad he did. Because I didn't have that courage to make a move on you. It felt so wrong to think about you as my partner at this age..I thought it was one sided. But your words cleared my thoughts and I'm really so glad that you feel the same for me."
"Are you...sure?"
"One hundred percent" he stated confidently which was enough to make you chuckle. Oh how pretty you looked with a smile on your face. "So ......is the proposal still valid?"
"It is always valid." You smiled. Toji's eyes softened a bit more as he grabbed your hand and kissed it.
"Great. Now let me ask you out this time..okay?"
"On a street side?"
"For now, yes."
"The people?"
"I don't really mind"
Toji got on his knees and hold your hands close to his heart. "Y/n..will you...will you do a favour to this old man and be his girlfriend?" You giggled at his goofy confession and replied, "I'd love to" and with that he kissed your hand once again.
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Since you cancelled the booking, Toji decided to take you to his favorite bakery and you tried some of the cookies and desserts, so did he. You two were like two birds in love. And it was actually pure love. The adoration was so content in your relationship that you both felt at home in each other's presence.
After hanging for a bit more, Toji stopped at a flower shop and bought your favorite flowers for you, as you left the previous bouquet at the cafe. Also he didn't buy that with the intension of giving it to you in with his consciousness. So it was needed. You were delighted, so was him.
You walked as you talked. His car wasn't there since he told Megumi to drive back to take his phone. Well he didn't know things were all planned anyway. So you two decided to walk to your home.
It was a long walk yet that felt so less. Distance never seems enough when you are with your favorite person.
"Well, we are here..", Toji spoke with a smile.
"Yes..thank you..for today..Toji san.."
"Just Toji.."
"It'll take some time to adjust", you laughed.
"No problem"
"Good night. Let's meet another day, soon"
"Sure.." Smile never left his lips. You nodded and turned to get inside of your apartment but he again called you. You looked back while he stepped closer
"Forgive me for this but..." He didn't finish his sentence when you felt his lips on yours. That heavenly feeling, which you imagined so many times, was actually happening to you. Your soul jumped and shivered. You were quick to close your eyes aa you got lost in that one kiss. It hold so many emotions. After so many days, you were finally being kissed by the man you loved and adored a lot, by YOUR man.
He, on the other hand, found the peace of the world on your lips. His heart raced yet it bought peace to him. Your lips felt soft on his and his hands cupped your face. He just couldn't let your lips go.
Finally he let your lips go and looked at your face. You looked even more gorgeous up close. He admired you. Your eyes were closed yet he could tell your eyes would speak of happiness and excitement.
His breath fell on your face as you opened your eyes again. You eyes met his and his gaze brought the very common yet sweet factor of love to you, shyness. Your gaze drifted to the ground and your lips were slightly swollen from the kiss. He just wanted to kiss you again but he had to control himself. He didn't want to over do it. So he slowly let you go but stayed close to you.
"Did I cross the limit?" He smiled.
"Glad to know" he kissed your cheeks and your heart just almost stopped. You wanted to hide your face. His direct gaze was piercing your through your soul. So you hugged him and hid your face in his embrace. Your action made him giggle softly and he hugged you back.
"There there..did I make you shy?"
"Didn't know you were such a tease"
"Well sweetheart, there's a lot you will learn from now on"
"..looking forward to it.."
"Yeah?" He slowly pulled you back and looked at you. "Sure?" and you nodded. A mischievous grin appeared on his features. "You will learn how far my teasing can go...soon" and he winked as he grabbed your waist. Your face was burning with shyness.
"Toji san! It's getting late...you should go back now..good night !" With that you made yourself free and ran inside your apartment with your racing heart.
The whole thing made him laugh hard. His phone rang and it was his son.
"How did it go..?"
"Very well. She is now my girl"
"Yeah I even kissed her.."
"Well I didn't need to know that much dad....but yeah good for you two" Megumi smiled.
"I know. Just a show off"
"Old man!"
"Hey! Don't insult me like that..your mom won't like it.."
"Y/n..she would certainly not like it if you insult her boyfriend and her possible future husband"
"I would never call her mom! No way"
"Someone else will..."
"Yikes. Can you please be careful about what are you saying and whom you are talking to! You are disgusting! Y/n would be so mad if she knew that you were saying such weird stuff to me about you two"
Toji laughed in response. "Sorry sorry..just kidding. Will be careful from now on don't worry.."
"Come back soon"
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Well...sorry for being so late omg💀 the college works are just..anyway..anyway...I hope it was okay? Cause I typed for so long lol☠️
Also, Requests are currently closed! I'll inform when they will open again. I'm keeping my chat box open but I would just delete all the requests if I get anything from today untill I open my request box again. sorry💗
Thanks a lot for reading!
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Reblogs and comments are always appreciated ♡
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vraiao · 7 months
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✰ . this is just pure fluff because i love xiao so much he is my everything and i would die for him, gn!reader and gn pronouns used
a/n: this is inspired by this really amazing xiao fluff I just read, written by @/the-traveling-witch(linked). ALSO!! thank u guys lots for all of the notes on my dan heng fic I'm literally blushing <3
this is NOT proof read i am too damn tired😭
you and xiao had been pretty close for quite some time now, and had both fallen pretty hard for each other, despite each of you being completely oblivious to the other's feelings. xiao had no idea how you managed to crack the icy and distant walls he had so carefully built around himself or why he even let you do that, but he was grateful nonetheless.
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today, you both sat atop mt. aocang, chatting about various small topics over dinner, and unbeknownst to you, he swore to himself that you would know just how deeply he felt for you before you both parted ways for the day. as he spoke, you couldn't help but acknowledge the way a soft smile graced his lips every so often and the hypnotic softness of his voice that you swear you could fall asleep to. not only that, but you appreciated just how ethereal he looked. the sun setting shone directly on his back, creating an almost angelic aura around him that perfectly complimented his glowing amber eyes. his hair swayed in perfect rhythm with the wind, and occasionally his bangs would connect at the ends, creating a perfect heart only for a moment.
xiao, on the other hand, was admiring how the sun's rays were cast on you, highlighting every nook and cranny of your perfect face. being around you spawned a feeling of warmth that tugged at his heartstrings in all the right ways-- something that he was very unaccustomed to. he would listen to your endless stories about your adventures in liyue harbor for the rest of his life if he could, never getting bored of the interesting things and people you came across. "ah, so you enjoyed your time in the recent lantern rite festival as well," he said as you finished up the story you were telling.
your eyes then lit up, as if you had remembered something important. "speaking of the lantern rite festival.. xiao, do you remember the first time we met?" you regarded him with a soft, expectant smile as you waited for his response.
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how could he not remember? that fateful day, meeting you, was the moment everything changed for him. because you, a shining light, were cast directly into his life that was once plagued with shadows.
it was the day of the lantern rite festival two years back from today, and the only day that xiao could take a break from his duties as protector of his beloved city, liyue. he saw no point in the meaningless tradition of releasing thousands of lanterns into the sky every year, but he'd watch them every year regardless as a tribute to his fallen comrades who once loved the lanterns.
he was making his way over to mt. tianheng because it sat directly over liyue harbor, and he could see the entire city from that spot, including every light that flew into the sky, while he could also watch out for any potential danger. nearing the area he usually sat, his eyes landed on you, sitting in the very spot that he usually did. you didn't seem like a threat, but he still neared with caution. "how come you aren't in the city, mortal?"
upon hearing his voice, you turned to face him and smiled upon seeing his face, holding up a painting of the view before you two so he could see it. "well the view seemed nice, so why not paint it!" you exclaimed. you didn't recognize him as the protector of liyue since you were clearly not from the area, as shown by the fontaine attire you wore. you patted the spot next to you, beckoning him to sit. "and you are?"
he sat down next to you, eyes scanning the painting in your hands. "i am known as adeptus xiao, protector of liyue," he said, pausing before he continued, "your painting is very well crafted. it captures the scene before us wonderfully." hearing his words, you respond with a smile before gently setting your painting down on the grass before you. "I'm actually finished with this painting so.." you trailed off, pulling an empty canvas and a few more colors out of your bag. "can i paint you? if you don't mind, of course."
xiao was seemingly caught off guard by your quest, his initial thought being to refuse. but, he thought it over and decided that no harm could come from a simple painting. he responded with a curt nod. "sure.. go ahead. i suppose it wouldn't hurt." you grinned, already beginning to paint, "great!"
for the rest of the night, you both watched the lights together while you painted him, simultaneously getting to know him by occasionally starting small talk.
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he nodded, regarding you with a gentle smile. "yes, of course i do," he said. to that, you smiled. "so, i was thinking.." you started to say before trailing off. he tilted his head to the side, saying nothing and waiting for you to continue.
lost in your thoughts, you snapped out of it when you realized he was waiting for you to say what you were thinking. "we should see the lanterns at the same spot again this year!" you exclaimed.a soft smile graced his lips again. the thought of spending this night watching the lanterns with you granted him a feeling of peace. "I agree, that's a wonderful idea," he said.
with a grin, you stood up, packing your things in a hurry before grabbing his hand and pulling him out of his seat as you began to walk. "glad we're on the same page," you said with a soft laugh. "if we leave now, we'll make it just before the lanterns are released!" the feeling of your hand interlocked with his sent a burning feeling straight to his face, which he prayed wouldn't be made visible by a rosy hue on his cheeks. he suddenly began to wonder why you didn't just ask him to teleport you both, but didn't question it and followed alongside you anyway.
after walking quite a distance, you both finally made it to mt. tianheng, and stood in the very spot that connected you both some time ago. upon arriving, the once-setting sun had now reached its full descent, and now the moon and the stars had graced the sky with their presence. you let go of xiao's hand when you stopped walking, which left a strange feeling of absence within him.
he looked out into the stars absentmindedly while you set down your things, thinking of just what to say to you. noticing his silence, you turned to face him, but to your surprise, he was already facing you. you were going to speak, but he interrupted. "hey, can I tell you something?" he said, soft-spoken with a hint of unsureness in his voice.
you regarded him with a soft smile and nodded. "of course, xiao! you can tell me anything." his heart fluttered, and with a deep breath, he began.
"honestly, i'm not exactly sure how to put this into words correctly, but.." he trailed off and paused for a moment before speaking again as he regained his train of thought. "y/n, from the moment we met, you brought the feeling of happiness back into my life, that of which I wasn't sure i'd ever feel again." he grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before continuing, his fingers intertwined with yours.
"even thinking of you makes my karma feel lighter, and I guess what I'm trying to say is.." in the corner of his eye, he could see a blink of light, and another, and another. one by one, the lanterns flew into the air, gradually painting the sky with bright oranges and reds, as if the stars themselves had come closer just for this moment. without thinking, he placed a gentle hand on the back of your head, resting it in your hair as he leaned in closer. before you knew it, your lips met in a passionate kiss that conveyed his feelings better than his words could.
initially, your eyes widened in shock at the sudden contact, but they fluttered closed as he detangled his hand from yours and placed it on your waist, pulling you closer. his other hand moved from your hair and rested on your cheek, lightly caressing your soft skin with his thumb.
pulling away, your soft breaths mingled with his, the light from the lanterns perfectly illuminating your face while complementing the hues of red that painted your cheeks as he stared lovingly into your eyes.
"i love you," he whispered.
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mintsbubbletea · 7 months
hiiiii! i was wondering if you could do a part two to mi ceilo fic it was so cute and i just love sero
𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐨 - 𝐌𝐢 𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
Word Count: 2,300
Contains: Gender Neutral Reader, cursing, angst, blood, crying, fluff.
Proof read and Edited
A/N: Thank you for the request! and thanks for the being the first one teehee. Anyways I'm very witchy so I added my own herb medicine flare to it. also big thanks to @juixxyoyo for literally the whole fic idea <3.
Part 1
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Since the moment Sero discovered your feelings for him and the effort you put into creating plants for him, he has been making more of an effort to spend time with you. He walks you to and from school, even though the dorms are nearby, just to have an excuse to be by your side. During lessons, his gaze is always fixed on you, as if the rest of the world doesn't exist. These small but significant moments have been happening for a week or two now, and it was only a matter of time before he asked you out. He loves taking you on dates that involve nature, knowing it's something you both enjoy. Whether it's going on a hayride to pick apples or visiting a museum filled with different plants, he always finds ways to remind you of him. He even took you to a tea party in a garden filled with butterflies and birds. But it wasn't just him coming up with dates. You took him to a petting zoo where you could feed the animals and enjoy each other's company. He particularly loved it when the birds landed on him, trying to get the seeds from his hands. All of these beautiful memories were captured on your digital camera.
As the school year progressed, you and Sero had been together for seven months. You had become close with his group of friends, as he couldn't keep the secret of your relationship any longer. He wanted to show everyone that he had an incredible person who loved him, and you supported each other through thick and thin. You felt the same way about him. Without him, you would still be that quiet person, solely focused on studying and worrying about grades. But now, you were living life to the fullest and had friends to share it with. You even formed a friendship with Jiro, a bond that no one expected but felt right when they saw the two of you together. When you weren't with Sero, you were with Jiro, listening to music, making mixtapes of your favorite songs, attending concerts, and creating music together. You were truly grateful for Sero and the positive impact he had on your life.
You found yourself in Sero's dorm as usual, lounging on his hammock with the scent of incense in the air. It was then that you noticed some of the plants were out of place. Frowning, you got up to investigate. "Ro?" you called out, catching his attention. "What happened to the plants?" you inquired, picking one up. "Some of them are missing," you noted as you gently stroked the succulent, gazing down at them. Sero quickly approached you. "Really?" he questioned, and you could sense that he was hiding something. "They all look the same to me, mi cielo," he reassured you with a smile. Despite wanting to press him further, you remained silent, aware of your tendency to overthink. You bit your lip before conceding, "Yeah, maybe I'm just overthinking." Sero placed a comforting hand on your shoulder before giving you a quick kiss on the lips. "Stop doubting yourself, it's your perspective," he remarked with a smile before returning to his bed. You nodded before settling back into the hammock, your emotions in turmoil. You tried to push them aside, but you couldn't ignore the absence of the plants from his desk. You recalled nurturing and tending to them, sighing as you gazed at your beloved plants.
Each time you visited, the plants seemed to disappear one by one. Did he grow tired of them? Were they too overwhelming for him? Did he no longer appreciate their presence? Countless thoughts raced through your mind, convincing you that he must have been discarding them and no longer cared for them. You knew you needed to address this with him, but the last time you brought it up, he dismissed it, leaving you hurt. As you sat on his bed, you noticed a small speck of dirt on the floor. Curiosity piqued, you stood up and followed the trail to its source. A gasp escaped your lips as you beheld the broken flower pot on the ground, with the flowers slightly bent. Your lips trembled as you empathized with the pain the plant must have felt. Sero quickly sprang to his feet upon hearing your gasp. "What's the matter?" he asked anxiously, checking if you were injured. You remained silent, fixated on the shattered pot. His gaze followed yours, his face turning pale as he understood your emotions. "Y/n, I'm so sorry-"
"Are you getting rid of them?" you questioned, desperately holding back your tears. You didn't want to break down in front of him because you two had never argued before, and you were trying your best not to cry. "What? No, I would never do that," he replied, watching you stand up. "Then why are the plants missing? I thought I was going crazy, but I know my babies well, and they're not here," you said, tears welling up in your eyes. Sero's mouth dropped open in shock at your accusation. "Mi Cielo, I understand you're upset, but I would never do that in a million years," he said, attempting to reach out and comfort you. You backed away from him, causing him to stop himself. "Then where are they?" you asked, finally letting the tears flow. Sero remained silent, not speaking up. You nodded and bent down to pick up the flowers. "Y/n, it's not what you think. Do you really believe I would do that to you?" he asked, growing a bit frustrated because you were accusing him without any evidence. "I want to believe you, but this one really hurt," you said, showing him the injured flower. "Did you accidentally knock it over? Are you being careless with them?" you questioned. Sero let out a soft scoff. "Y/n, I'm trying not to get upset here. I didn't throw them out, and I wasn't careless. Why would you say that?" he asked, feeling hurt.
You screamed, "I have no idea!" but not directed at him. "I don't know," you whispered, tears streaming down your face. You reached out to touch the flower, attempting to help, but nothing seemed to work. Placing the plant on his desk, you bent down to pick up the pot, only to accidentally cut yourself due to your blurred vision from crying. Wincing in pain, you dropped the pot. "Y/n, you're bleeding," Sero exclaimed, taking hold of your hand. "No, don't touch me," you replied, looking at him with overwhelming emotions. When it came to your plants, your mind became fuzzy, and you were not in the right frame of mind. "Y/n," he said, looking hurt. "I'm sorry," you mumbled before leaving the room, your bloody hand leaving Sero feeling confused, frustrated, and hurt.
The weekend dragged on slowly. You and Sero had not spoken since the argument, as he gave you space to sort through your thoughts. By Monday, you expected him to reach out, but there was no word from him, and he was absent from class, which was unusual. Sniffling, you knocked on Jiro's door. She opened it, seeing you in tears. "Y/n," she said sadly, ushering you inside. "What's the matter?" she inquired. "I think he's upset with me," you confessed. Jiro gazed at you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Why do you think that?" she probed. "He hasn't replied to my messages, and he always does, no matter what. Plus, he didn't show up to school today."
Jiro let out a sigh, concern etched on her face. "Listen, I'm your best friend, and I'm saying this because I care about you. Crying won't solve anything, it'll only make the situation worse," she said, gently wiping away your tears. "I love you, but instead of crying, use that energy to go talk to him. Remember, you're not the only one hurting here," she added, bringing you back to reality.
You bit your lip, feeling a pang of guilt. "I didn't even consider that. I've been blaming him without giving him a chance to explain. I need to go talk to him," you admitted, remorseful. With a grateful smile, you thanked Jiro before she pulled you into a comforting hug. "You're welcome. That's what friends are for, to keep you from doing something foolish," she reassured you.
With newfound determination, you made your way to his dorm and stood in front of his door. Gently knocking, you waited for a response. When you didn't hear anything, you knocked a little harder. "Sero?" you called out, pressing your ear against the door to listen. After a moment of silence, you heard some movement before a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry. I overreacted the other day and blamed you without giving you a chance to speak. Can I come in?" you asked, hoping for a positive response.
There was a brief pause before you heard a faint voice say, "Come in." Opening the door, you were met with the sight of Sero lying in bed, covered in blankets, his eyes closed and his breathing labored. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, indicating his distress.
You shut the door quietly, hurrying over to his bedside and gently placing your hand on his forehead. "Sero," you whispered, unaware that he had been n bed with illness all this time. "You have a fever," you stated, running your hand across his face to confirm. Sero let out a weak chuckle. "I'm fine," he murmured, opening his eyes. You shook your head, looking at him with concern. "You're far from fine. You've practically been wasting away in bed!" you exclaimed. "I didn't want to bother you. You were still mad at me," he admitted, gripping your hand. "Forget about that. You're sick and you didn't tell me. I don't care if I was upset, I should have been here to take care of you," you said, cupping his face and leaning in closer. "I'm so sorry, Sero," you whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his lips. "You'll get sick if you kiss me," he weakly protested. "You wouldn't be sick if you had told me earlier so I could have helped you," you replied with a smile, kissing him once more. "I'll be right back," you said, heading back to your dorm to gather some supplies. Returning to his room, you set down a cloth, some herbs, and medicine.
You prepared a special herbal tea, a recipe passed down in your family. They claimed it could cure anything, from pain to pregnancy, flu to cramps, headaches to even your dad's broken bone. "Drink this, babe," you said, helping Sero sit up against the wall. He groaned softly, catching a whiff of the herbs. "Is this the family tea?" he asked, recognizing the scent. You nodded, bringing the cup to his lips. "Yes, I made it with extra love so you'll be back on your feet in no time," you teased, watching as he took a few sips and closed his eyes, savoring the taste. You couldn't help but smile as you held the cup, then reached for the cloth, gently placing it on his forehead to help alleviate his fever.
Hours went by before Sero started feeling better, sleeping peacefully through the night with you beside him, waking up each time he moved just to make sure he was okay. The next day, he still didn't go to school, and you felt guilty for leaving him, but you made sure to check on him whenever you had a break. After school, you hurried to his dorm when he messaged you about an emergency. "What's the matter? Did you throw up? Are you feeling worse?" you inquired as he sat on the bed in sweats and a hoodie. You examined his face, and he chuckled while grabbing your wrist. "I'm okay, mi cielo," he chuckled. "Then why did you text me about an emergency?" you asked, tilting your head.
"I wanted to show you something," he replied before getting up and taking your hands, leading you out of the dorm. "Where are we going?" you questioned as you both left the campus. "Just wait," he said, smiling and squeezing your hand. After a few minutes of walking, you arrived at a vast field with a large greenhouse. You looked around, smiling at the beautiful scenery, still unsure of what was happening. "Mi cielo," Sero began, capturing your attention. "You noticed my plants were missing because I was moving them into the greenhouse. Well, your greenhouse," he said with a smile. "Mine?" you gasped, opening your mouth in surprise. "You got me a greenhouse? This huge one?" you asked, beaming with joy. He nodded. "Yes, this is yours. There are multiple units with different temperatures so you can grow various kinds of plants."
Your lips trembled as you glanced around, envisioning the countless hours you would spend in this place. "How? With what money?" you inquired. Sero grinned and then turned to the group waiting in the distance. "Momo's family owns this land, and they were kind enough to let us have it, along with the greenhouse. I had some assistance in building it," he explained, gesturing towards the group, which consisted of Class 1-A and half of Class 1-B, as they began walking towards you. You looked at him and embraced Sero tightly. "You built this for me?" you asked, holding him close. He wrapped his arms around you and nodded. "Of course I did. So when you're not busy being a hero, you can come here and just be yourself," he whispered to you.
"Thank you. Just thank you," you smiled, before gently kissing his lips. "Por nada Mi Cielo
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thelovelylolly · 2 years
frank x reader where reader is late to stitching up frank because she was on a date and he’s all jealous
You're Late
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Summary : You never would have imagine that you would come home from a date to see a bleeding Frank in your apartment. Warnings : mentions of injuries and blood, short make out scene, not proof read bc im very tired Notes : this request is probably one of my favorite ideas and i hope i did it justice lol
One of your coworkers had asked you out, and you said yes. He was sweet guy, and he was pretty cute, too. He took you to a nice Italian restaurant, held the door open and pushed your chair in, all the gentlemanly things he could do. It was a nice date, and a nice night overall.
Your coworker dropped you off at your apartment at the end of the night, promising to text you the next day. You smiled as you watched him walk away, then you turned to unlock your door.
That's when you heard a groan come from inside.
You instantly went on alert, unlocking your door before slipping your keys between your fingers. You slowly twisted the handle and opened the door slowly, slipping in and closing the door quietly behind you.
As you held your breath, you slowly walked further inside your dark apartment.
"You're late."
Frank's gruff voice came from the darkness, making you jump.
"Jesus, Frank. Do you not know how to turn on a light?" You replied, moving to turn on your kitchen light which illuminated most of your small apartment.
Frank was sitting at your dining room table, trying not to bleed all over your floor and table. He had bruises and cuts on his face, but the right sleeve on his shirt was soaked with blood. You guess some of it wasn't his, but most of it was.
You sighed, setting down your bag and kicking off your shoes. You walked over to where you kept your first-aid kit, which was constantly stocked up because of Frank. You also filled a bowl with water, grabbed a towel and placed everything on the table.
"Can you take your shirt off?" You asked as you quickly washed your hands.
"You flirtin' with me, sweetheart?" Frank teased.
"Ha, ha," you replied sarcastically. You dried your hands and walked over to him. "I'm guessing your shoulder is injured?"
"You're getting predictable, Castle," you joked as you lifted his shirt over his head. He laughed before hissing in pain as he moved his shoulder to get his sleeve off. You mumbled an apology before setting his bloody shirt on the table.
You grabbed the towel, dipped it in water, and started cleaning the blood off his shoulder.
"Where were you?" Frank asked quietly, looking up at you.
"I was on a date. You'd be surprised that I have a life other than stitching you up," you answered.
"With who?"
"A coworker. The bullet is still in there," you said, stepping back to put the now red towel into the bowl of water and open your first-aid kit. "What's with all the questions?"
You looked him up and down, not very convinced but you brushed it off. You grabbed some tweezers and moved back over to him. This time, Frank's hands went to your waist. You stopped for a second, blush spreading across your face, but you continued after a moment.
"This is gonna hurt," you warned before carefully moving the tweezers into the wound. Frank inhaled sharply, his hands gripping your waist tighter.
You carefully pulled the bullet out, dropping it onto the table and pressing one hand against the bleeding wound. You reached over and grabbed the small needle and thread you used to stitch up Frank's wounds.
As you started to stitch up the bullet wound, you noticed how Frank was unusually quiet aside from the soft hisses and sharp inhales he made as you closed up the wound.
Once it was closed, you wrapped it up in gauze and medical tape to make sure it was protected. You moved over to the med-kit, packing it up and putting it back where it belonged.
"So," you started, "why are you so quiet tonight, Frankie?"
"I...it's stupid," he answered quietly.
"Mhm," you hummed, pouring the bowl of bloody water down the sink and ringing out the wet towel. "Now, why do I feel like that's a lie?"
"It's not a lie, sweetheart. It's honestly a stupid reason."
You looked over at him, then it clicked. "Oh, is the big, bad punisher jealous?"
You walked over to Frank, but he stood up which stopped you in your tracks. There wasn't much room between you two, and the tension in the room was thick.
"And if I am?"
He stepped closer, leaving only a few inches between you two. He brought his left hand up, resting it by the nape of your neck. You started to lean in and so did Frank, his hand pulling you closer to him. He tilted his head to the side right before his lips met yours.
His kiss made you feel weightless, and you felt yourself leaning your body into his. His hand ran through your hair. Your hands ran up and down his toned body, landing on his chest when you two pulled away.
"Maybe I should go on dates more often if it means you get all jealous like this," you said, still a little breathless from the kiss.
Frank laughed. "Or you could just go on dates with me."
"Hm, good point. I may need more convincing, though."
"Gladly," Frank said before pulling in for another kiss.
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tiramissyoucake · 2 months
Not super descriptive, im afraid, but I enjoyed your last Gdorf fic and was hoping to request another :3 with gender neutral pronouns and terms if that's alright🙏
Something along the lines of him making you ride him/grind against his knee while he sits on the throne, with some good old-fashioned degradation, along with throwing in some praise here and there. Most ideally, OOT or TP Ganondorf in mind! But that's all up to you, I'm not picky.
MINORS + AGELESS BLOGS DNI, reader is his loyal attendant here- pre-marriage even? GN so very vague genitalia description. 1k words semi proof read.
CW: NSFW, thigh-riding, use of 'slut', 'whore' Ganondorf being mean but he still loves reader, reader doesnt get to nut yet.
notes: finally.. an excuse to write more for him, thanks for ur request !! he has muscular thighs in all versions so technically all versions work. this is called thigh-riding, right? for some reason it doesn't do it for me but anything Ganondorf related is good. NEW DIVIDER DEBUT tell me how ya'll like it.
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Your job was simple, answer when called and obey commands. Ganondorf was a no-nonsense man, so you ensured everything was perfect, your appearance, your work, your posture and speech.
Today was quiet, Ganondorf called for you from the throne room. Your steps were consistently quick- urgently responding to his call while keeping a dignified image. You automatically lowered your head reaching him, he stood near the throne, approaching you, a smile stretching across his strong features; your obedience was always a welcome sight.
“Raise your head, my loyal attendant.” His voice was carried across the room, you followed his order, looking at your king as your hands subtly smoothed down your uniform, the one he insisted you wear.
“I apologize for making you wait, my king. I was tending to the archives.” You explained as smoothly as you could, his eyes followed your every movement, it always made a shiver shoot up your spine. (one you learned to suppress)
“Do you tire of these journeys?” He started, velvet voice coaxing you to drop the formalities for a moment, you always had to look up when talking to him; though you assumed anyone would if they weren’t a tall specimen of the Goron or Zora.
Your confused glance made him continue. “You have many tasks to complete in my palace, you’re only close to me when it’s my chambers or this very throne room.” He settled down onto his rightful throne, one hand clutching the armrest while the other propped his head up to look at you properly. “We should assign you a seat here, shouldn’t we?”
Your first answer was no, where would it go? Next to the throne? That was a position for someone like the king’s spouse; you were just an attendant. He did not wait for an answer and simply patted his thigh. “Come here.”
He anticipated your hesitance, you stood in front of him, and he maneuvered you easily in his hands to sit on his muscular thigh, the sudden movement almost caused you to fall completely on him. Your hand firmly rested on his shoulder and bicep. it was… shockingly comfortable. Most of his armor was focused on his chest so his legs were mostly just clothed.
“Relax, when have I ever harmed you?” Ganondorf carefully tugged you closer, feeling how snug you were against him he couldn’t help a chuckle from emanating, the closeness made you blush. “Do I strike fear into your heart, my little attendant?”
He didn’t mind your secure grasp on him as he tugged you closer, the movement and pressure making you gasp before you could answer, his height, his size, everything overwhelmed you as he gently moved you back and forth. His voice lowered as he leaned closer to you. “Isn’t this what you deserve? The perfect seat for my one and only obedient attendant...” his tone was oddly sweet, the low volume making his voice carry more vibration and gruffness than it already did.
Your lips were parted, you knew you’d be a fool to object to your king’s affections, but should you be seen like this? In such a debauched way in front of the man you devoted your existence to? “But... someone might see us- sir...!”
Ganondorf laughed, deep and rich as he held your hips firmly, he could feel you begin to struggle against his planted hands holding you in place, he knew you wouldn’t disappoint him. “No one would step foot in here unless I command it.”
That assured you a bit, but he pressed on. “Do you think me cruel enough to let you be seen in such a manner? By anyone except me? flushed and panting on my thigh like a shameless slut…” you knew he was possessive, but never over you. you could barely focus over the building pleasure between your legs, you mentally curse the underlayer of your uniform, the cloth clung to your skin and yet you could feel everything and it was hard to keep your composure in your king's hands like this.
You glanced at him pleadingly, he cooed at you almost mockingly as his hands loosened, allowing you to set your own pace. “… should I let you be seen like this?” You had to look away, the idea was shameful, but you felt even more guilt at the arousal pooling within.
“Perhaps I should place you on my thigh like this when I work? I’d enjoy looking at a writhing little slut like you as I finish my tasks…” he chuckled darkly as you moved your hips less subtly now, hands clinging to whatever fabric peeked out from beneath his armor.
“P-please, my king…” you whimpered, it was pathetically amusing yet arousing, Ganondorf held your jaw in his hand and forced you to look up at him, your hip movements slowed but hadn’t stopped, you couldn’t stop, not when the pressure of his thigh was against all the right places, pressing your buttons and getting you so close but it wasn’t enough; you needed him to touch you.
“Please what? You have the gall to make demands to your king? When you’re humping my thigh like a needy whore?” his hand clutched your hip tightly as he sat up, the pressure forcing a choked moan out of you as your grip fastened onto him for stability. “What’s the matter? Is this too much for you?”
He moved you harshly once more, the friction shooting at your senses so quickly you couldn’t reply unless it was a lewd request for him to ruin you. he laughed, kissing your neck, it would have been a sweet gesture had it not been for his hands guiding your frantic riding back and forth.
You were always so obedient, always sacrificing anything for his pleasure and approval, seeing you chase your release so greedily. It was a sight to behold; you were always the quiet little attendant, seeing this side of you only made his desire for you triple, he could barely hold himself back.
He stopped you by grounding you down onto him, enough to stop you but not enough to hurt you. He sat up properly once more, leaning down to speak into your ear. “Enough. you’ve shown me just how much of a good attendant you can be…”
Disappointment and guilt racked your being, was this some sort of test that you failed? Had you disappointed him? Your questions were stopped as he manhandled you once more, carefully he picked you up and stood, his bulking strength made you feel like your weight was nothing as you were fitted snugly in his arms. “I was serious, you know; I won’t let you be seen like this by anyone but me... Now, be quiet until we reach my chambers.”
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scarafrisbee · 1 year
'wow, this is a pain i've never felt before!' -> alhaitham x (former) rival!reader
syn: ever since you and alhaitham got over your rivalry, you find yourself crying and laughing in his arms.
/ gn!reader, fluff, hurt to comfort?, lowercase intended, ooc alhaitham i think, reader crying, mentions of alcohol/being drunk, not proof read, implied that alhaitham is in reader's home, english is not my first language, first fic (?).
/ title and last sentence (the ones in quotes) are follow ups of each other. the sentences are very 'light work, no reaction' to 'woah... yeah, it's got a little kick...'
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you and alhaitham, to put it short, are similar in different ways. ways that annoyed you with one another before, now becomes the foundation of your silly little redemption arc.
you weren't the most sober.
that day, no, you weren't crying. just tired and drunk, stumbling out from the local tavern by the adventurers guild. who asks for forgiveness in the middle of the night, waddling home?
you, but not in the best state. after a sentence from alhaitham about your dumb 'rivalry', you vividly remember hugging him and saying 'i love you'. not that you're gonna say it any time soon, lest you and him get together.
maybe when you get over your stubbornness and sarcasm. which is happening, right... now.
"alhaitham," you muttered softly – "thank you, thank you, thank youu..."
alhaitham sits on your couch, having you huddled on his chest – sobbing for unknown reasons. saying things like 'i love you', or 'thank you' mindlessly isn't something alhaitham knows you opt to do.
he doesn't really know what to do; he's just there. patting your head and comforting you while you weep about something he doesn't know or understand.
"i love you," you continued, for the fourth time – as counted by alhaitham.
he's just trying to wrap his head around why or what you're crying about. nonetheless, alhaitham cradles you for as long as he can.
in your mind, everything is a blur. a dream or something you can't believe – did i really tell him 'i love you' that night?
you're confused. you hope he doesn't let go and leave you be in tears, hope he understands that you don't really know how to apologize.
"i'm sorry."
"i love you."
"thank you, alhaitham."
between your words is a small chuckle. are you happy that you love him? that he hasn't left?
his touch relieves you of your problems. temporarily, before you go back to quietly weeping.
maybe, just maybe you both can get used to this. together, holding one in their arms and conveying affection without words.
eventually, through alhaitham's few hums of attention and his comforting hold, you fall asleep with fresh tears.
the one person who you thought you'd black out in one punch is where you black out in tears, soon enough. he's happy you trust him, just stubborn about admitting it. you get that, but of course you'll say something about it.
alhaitham couldn't stop you from crying, but he's happy to return you to your bed and leave you a kiss to the forehead.
he also leaves a small sticky note on a book he'd lent you a few years back as students of the akademiya. yes, you didn't return it.
'[name], good morning or whatever time it is when you read this. i love you too, i'm also sorry, and i want to say thank you as well.
don't ask me to be sappy, you won't get anything out of me.
says the note, but when you walked by him this afternoon, alhaitham took you in for a hug mindlessly. just like how mindlessly you cried the evening before.
"...you said i wouldn't get anything sappy," you asked, arms around his torso as you process his embrace.
alhaitham scoffs slightly; "you didn't."
"infront of scholars?"
"that's what i thought."
you spent the day with alhaitham afterwards, definitely not doing pda. totally not.
it's weird. '–um, i didn't expect that.'
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/ hi me again. reblogs would be greatly appreciated !! :> ♡
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johnkahner · 11 months
Omg, i'm so obsessed with your blog and your fics!!! I made this account just to like and interact with you... Sorry is this weird? ANYWAY, i saw a post about you asking for mk1 ideas to write... What you think about the reader being like one of liu kang chosen is a very talented sorcerer but kinda weird, he wears black all the time, its quiet, gloomy and enjoy ritualistic stuff but the other champions who are close to him find him very likeable, funny and kind and of course hes not evil just awkward.
BUT without anyone noticing he nurtures a massive crush on Tomas and is like really nervous when they interact, Tomas actually enjoy spending time with the reader a lot because of how interestingly weird the reader is... And maybe a mutual crush happening?? I dont know im so sorry for my bad english im so obsessed with this game and Tomas especially!
Also sorry if i'm not doing this right i never had a tumblr before hahaha ok sorry i talk to much
AN: Hi! Sorry this took a while. I'm glad you like the blog! It makes my day to see people interact with it. Your English is fine! I honestly haven't used Tumblr much till I made this account. This was also fun to write. I wrote the reader as male because you used he/him. I hope you enjoy it! Not proof read.
Notes: Male! Sorcerer! Reader
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To be honest it was difficult to make friends with the people who were fighting for the protection of Earthrealm. Like the other champions and yourself got along wonderfully. However due to the stigma that sorcerer's had it was sometimes hard for you to get people to trust you. Not to mention your clothing color of choice, black, being most of the time considered an evil color.
Most people thought that you're working alongside the Deadly Alliance as some sort of spy, but that's far from the truth.
One day a Monk from the Wu Shi academy was yelling at you for some reason. You don't know what you supposedly did wrong, but most of the time if something bad happened others would blame you.
During the Monk's shouting the Lin Kuei trio were on their way to discuss something with Lord Liu Kang. Tomas approached closer to the two men to see what was wrong, and to find a solution that could fix things.
He sees you wearing a tired frown. Not a moment later you two connect eyes for a moment. It was different. There was no malice that you could feel coming from him.
"What seems to be the problem?"
"This fool was trying to listen to my conversation with Lord Liu Kang. Yet he insists that he isn’t just like a liar would.”
Looking paranoid not only for the false accusations that the Monk is making towards you, but Tomas is the one coming to your aid. Whenever he was near you, your nerves didn’t know how to act. Tomas smiled at you.
“I believe you are mistaken about my friend. He would never do that. Not to mention it’s not very polite to judge someone based on their appearances.”
The monk would argue with Tomas, but decides it’s better to just leave. Well after sending a glare in your direction.
“T-thank you for y-your help, T-tomas. I g-greatly appreciate it.” You bow a little. You really are grateful that he helped you out. He smiles at you.
“You're welcome, my friend. Would you like to hang out if you’re not busy?”
“O-oh! Sure, that w-would be nice.”
The two of you walk in silence for a moment. Enjoying the scenery around you two. After finding a place to sit down, he would ask you what it’s like to be a sorcerer and about some rituals you would perform sometimes. He wants to know almost everything about you and what interests you. Tomas listens very carefully to how you perk up at his questions, and how you ramble on about the little finer details of your explanations.
What you two don’t know is the mutual feelings that are forming between each other. Maybe one day it would blossom into a beautiful relationship.
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winterchildd · 2 months
"For a life together"
Title: For a life together
Word count: 1197 *w*
Pairing: Aang x Katara
Warnings: Noo one, just pure fluff 💕
Request: Nop, just my entry for @kataang-week 2024
Author's note: Eh eh I don't really know what to say, I really wanted to participate in this event, Aang and Katara are very sweet together, but I wasn't sure I could write something decent. I hope I didn't go out of character and that the story itself isn't overly sappy, it's always difficult to find a good balance haha ​​I thought I'd keep it simple and describe a proposal with few pretensions, intimate, without spectators, I think it's more suitable, Aang and Katara don't seem like the types to show off in these things.
Well what else to say, the story is not proof read, I did my best but... well hope there aren't too much errors.
I hope you like the story and that it makes you smile.
Please remember to stay hydratate and took good care of both your physical and menthal healt
Love you guys 🌻
Aang felt his heart beating furiously in his chest while leaned against the trunk of a tree checked once again that everything was in order for the picnic he had prepared for Katara, focusing in particular on the betrothal necklace he had made for her. He had worked on it for months, carefully and precisely carving the symbols of the Water Tribe and the Air Nomads into the blue stone. He had rejected prototype after prototype, and now that he had finally found the right combination and that the result was as perfect as he had imagined it, the moment had finally arrived: he would ask Katara to marry him, to spend the rest of their lives together.
It was a big step, maybe the biggest of their lives, and for them, who were just kids, it would be nothing more than a promise for the future, but Aang was sure. He had never felt anything like that and he knew he would never love anyone like he loved Katara. She completed him, she understood him and she made him feel good, Katara was unique. And yet, somewhere in his heart, Aang was afraid, afraid that Katara might reject him, that she might not want a life together. She had never given him this impression, they had been together for a few years now, and Katara still gave him the same loving smile as the day they had kissed for the first time, after defeating Ozai. She continued to seek the secure grip of his hand when they walked side by side, to leave soft kisses on his cheek when no one was looking, to whisper sweet nothing in his ear, to rest her head on his shoulder when she was tired and to snuggle against his chest when she was afraid or the nightmares that tormented her became too oppressive. Katara needed him the same way he needed her, she had never given him any reason to doubt her love, and Aang didn't doubt it, but after all, he thought as he fondly caressed the necklace with his fingertips, it's normal to be afraid of losing the people you love. 
It was Katara's cheerful voice that woke him up from the flood of thoughts that had invaded his mind. Quickly, with his heart beating furiously in his throat due to the tension, Aang hid the necklace in his pants pocket. Katara ran towards him, filling the air with her laughter. A gentle sound, crystalline like the flow of water, that Aang could have listened to forever without ever getting bored. Aang held her tightly, burying his face in the dark locks of her hair, breathing in the scent of ocean that, despite the distance from her tribe, followed her everywhere, as if it were part of her.
"Sorry, I'm late" Katara said, standing on her tiptoe to leave him the shadow of a kiss on the cheek. Aang shook his head, smiling kindly at her
"Don't worry," he said with a mischievous smile lighting up his face, the kind that didn't promise anything good, "I asked Sokka and Suki to hold you back for a few minutes," he confessed, Katara raised an eyebrow in confusion before widening her eyes, looking at him as if she had just found out the solution to a very difficult math problem, "Spirits," she said, letting out an incredulous laugh, "it seemed strange they didn't want to let me go, Suki even pretended to had sprained her wrist!" she said while guided by Aang, she took a seat on the blanket spread out on the grass "I had to check her three times before she let me out" Aang laughed along with her 
"I knew they wouldn't let me down!"
Only then did Katara take a moment to look at what Aang had arranged. The tablecloth, decorated with wildflowers and made more comfortable by soft pillows the same color of the sky, was full of every imaginable delicacy.
"It was worth it though" she said "Everything here is beautiful, but why did you..." Aang's lips were on hers in a delicate kiss that made the words die in the back of her throat
"No reason," Aang replied, "I just wanted to spend the afternoon with you."
They spent the afternoon eating, laughing and chatting, closed in a bubble of serenity and complicity in which they seemed to be the only existing beign. Then, at sunset, when the sky was slowly turning the softest shades of orange and red, Aang decided that the moment had finally come. His heart began beatin furiously in his chest as his gaze slid over Katara, half-lying on the blanket next to him. Her face was relaxed, serene, and under the orange light of the dying sun she seemed almost ethereal, Aang couldn't have loved her more. He breathed deeply before leaving a kiss on her hair and saying
"Mmh?" she said, snuggling closer to him, stretching out her arm to encircle his waist "what?" Aang rested his cheek against her head, between the soft locks of her hair, he sighed softly and with his voice reduced to a gentle whisper
"Will you marry me?"
Aang's voice reached Katara's ears like a sweet but determined melody, delicate and full of love and for a long moment the only thing she could do was look at him in a mixture of surprise, uncertainty and emotion. Her heart was beating furiously in her chest, so fast that it almost hurt, even though, she had to admit, it was a pleasant pain, one that you would want to feel for the rest of your life. Aang returned her gaze firmly and Katara felt herself blush while a thousand butterflies began flying in her stomach
"Wh - what?" she asked with a trembling voice, moving away from him just enough to be able to look him better. Aang smiled sweetly at her, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks
"Will you marry me?" he repeated in a whisper, showing her the necklace he had made for her. Katara thought she had never seen anything more beautiful. The symbol of the water tribe and that of the air nomads were intertwined harmoniously as if they were one, like the two of them. She felt an electric shiver run down her arm when she touched the blue stone with her fingers.
"I know we are young" Aang began, his voice breaking with emotion "it's still early to talk about these things and I am not trying to rush you or force it." he reassured her - even thought Katara didn't really need it - "I love you, Katara, and this necklace represents my hope to spend the rest of my life with you by my side"
Moved, Katara felt her eyes fill with tears while overwhelmed by the greatest emotion she had ever felt in her life, she nodded her head, whispering in a weak and trembling voice, "Yes, yes, I want to marry you!"
And while with his heart overflowing with happiness he stole a long, passionate kiss from her, Aang couldn't help but feel stupid for even thinking that Katara might reject him.
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gunsli-01 · 20 days
I was tagged in this by @tired-and-unjellied @rainbowghostcat and @a-star-that-burns-brightly,
cute thing im coming up with this picrew of yourself and your current hyperfixation !!
Thank you all for tagging me I was happy to see it and it made me feel really included! I love being tagged in things generally. So, it really made my day to see these as I was going through my days!
I hope you're all enjoying yourselves and the new timeline information!
Oh, and Rainbow on a milgramblrgram note did you like the long greeting. It's getting great reviews-
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How was the portrayal of Mikoto, I'd like to know your thoughts if you have time to read all that- that is. No pressure if you don't though. It's pretty long.
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To be honest my current hyper is actually just me, myself, and fucking I. Yet, that's not a media and I did just write all that so ya already know I'M- (<- Accurate depiction of the fanbase falling into super hell trial three. I'll be fine though~ Because I was already in hell. So, I'm just going to be going, "Super!")
I've pretty much been embodying this song. To me selfcare is recognizing when I don't want to speak to anyone and not pushing myself to do so out of a misguided fear of missing the opportunity to, or misinterpreted my own feelings and ways of display care and consideration one-sidedly. Ultimately causing a lot of undue stress. That and generally recognizing that no one is ever entitled to the ability to access/communicate with someone else especially if someone is abusing that ability.
This may sound antisocial, maybe on some level it is. Yet, this is actually the most social I've been in a year. It's more just a reminder to myself to just not talk to people who make me feel bad about talking to anyone at all or about my hobbies. Something that some may be able to tell I've been really getting back into.
So another current hyper fixation has been my many ocs. Right now with a big focus on my little sweetie Daniel-
Who also fits that song quite a lot too I'm realizing,
Daniel: Yeah, it’s a real touristy place but a lot of students where I go hangout there due to it. Easy to get lost in a crowd. So, sometimes I just get a ride out there when invited or someone sends a ride to me if they really want me there. Nayo: Sounds fun- though it also sounds like the times you go there are very conditional. Have you ever been there without being invited Daniel: I mean yeah. Why else would I go there? Nayo: Was just curious- since you did just say that you tend to either pay for a ride when you’re invited out or someone sending one to you. For all I know, it could have been specifically to meet up with people. Daniel: Yeah, it was just to meet up with others. Not like that’s a crime though.
"I've gone outside and taken Ubers my friends have made me go."
I've been trying to to plot out the best way to finish his trial. I'm also really into Mugram (Mayumi and Masaru the oops we fucked up at work duo that is if Masaru is running a gambling scam to make quick cash.) and Tsumigram (mostly still really fixated on Toa) still. Plus, I'm interested in seeing a-star-that-burns-brightly opinion on the new timeline today. Sorry about that at first disjointed explaination on the pregnancy entrapment theory by the way I fuck up spelling a lot and sometimes forget connectors are necessary hope the edited version connected things in a more understandable way.
Also more proof for that pregnancy entrapment Yuno theory just dropped thanks to Nott sending me the graffart. Where staff just decides to highlight the red ribbon that's tied to the balloon reflected in Yuno's eyes within Umbilical the one she was aiming seeming just in case her first songs visuals were to subtle about it,
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Since the graffart is directly referencing things in the prisoners first trial songs,
I messed up I found out- Is right!
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Yuno as soon as she found out that was Yellow's baby,
"Oh, please! Gimme that baby and I'd yeet it off a tower."
The fanbase trial three are about to be out here like, "What?!"
Oh damn that's gonna be funny if it's actually the case.
So, yeah I've have a lot things that I've had my eyes on lately. Sorry for the more long response. I just didn't want to just slap all your tags together answer and say nothing else. So I brought up a few things I thought might interest all of you.
Also, go check out @apatchworkstar they put a theme on her blog for desktop that's very cute. Also on that note thanks for the all the help Tired-and-Unjellied I really hope it wasn't too much of a bother.
Oh also I'm tagging Star and @purgemarchlockdown for the tag game. Neither of you have to do it if you don't want to, though.
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mistressroxielove · 1 month
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Hey everyone~ I'm back, and this time with a new fixation!
Long story short, I've discovered the new Fairly Oddparents reboot, absolutely loved it and was inspired to make this AU idea for the show! With a slight reimagine/redesign of the characters as well. And the first one I decided to do was Peri!
Here's some more info about my AU:
Fairly Odd Parents AU/Rewrite
Au Name: FairlyOdd Brother
Perri (previously known as Poof) recently graduated from Fairy Godparents School and is eager to start granting Wishes for his very own godchild! Only problem is that with his lack of experience Jorgen is weary of giving him an assignment and keeps finding excuses/reasons to not give him a godkid. Realizing it might be a 1,000 years before they give him a chance to be a Fairy Godparent, Perri decides he needs to be a little bold and perhaps, bend Da Rules, to get his foot in the door so to speak. And his answer comes to him from a new neighbor in his human home, a family with a sweet shy 10 year old girl who is absolutely miserable. Perhaps Perri might be able to offer this girl a little comfort and fun as her new Fairy Godbrother!?
(Basically the same premise of the show, except Perri’s first godchild is Hazel, and through a technicality in the rule book, becomes her god brother instead of her godparent.)
ALSO please note this AU is more of a slight reimagine of the original show, meaning I did tweaked / changed some of the characters personality to match the new story I made for them. Nothing majorly different, but again just a heads up before you read on. Hope you like it~
Name: Perri Poof Fairywinkle Cosma (He goes by Perri now but still keeps Poof as a middle name to honor it)
Age: Human equivalent of 22 years old
-Usually it takes at least 1,000 years for a fairy to grow from a baby to an adult, however since Poof spent his first couple of years being raised alongside Timmy, his body magically enhanced itself to basically go through a growth spurt and age as a normal human. But now that he’s fully mature he won't physically age anymore and will stay a 22 year old for at least a couple hundred thousand years.
Sex: Male
Physical Description:
Basically the exact same in the show, with the exception of some additional earrings and painted black fingernails, since it matches the semi new personality I gave him.
-Similar to Cosmo Swavy car sale business man personality from the pilot.
-He’s a smooth talker with a deep rich voice to match, could sell a refrigerator to a eskimo
-Knows his way around rules and is always eager to grant wild and crazy wishes with the most imaginative interpretation possible, this eagerness to break rules can be a blessing and a curse, as this is what gets him in trouble the most
-Is a bit of a smart ass (But in a nice and lovable way), always has to have the last word, can be really petty when he’s mad
-Is really good a persuading people into doing things, though he doesn’t use this power to be malicious, only uses it to get small favors and mostly for Hazel to wish for crazy stuff, again it's never meant to be malicious
-Though he still has a lot to learn before becoming a godparent, he’s extremely sweet and caring to hazel and his friends, and will do anything to keep them safe and happy
-Is eager to proof himself to be useful and mature, is tired of every fairy treating him like a kid despite being older now
-Is a bit flamboyant and cares about his appearance, likes to paint his nails and wears earrings similar to his mother
-Though he does have a good head on his shoulders, he does have a tendency to interpret wishes in uniquely bizarre ways sometimes, something he inherited from his father.
Other fun facts:
-Peri really likes marine life/fishes, since he spent the first couple years of his life living as a fish, he has an appreciation for the creatures. And even has a pet goldfish!
-Despite being 22 years old, the fairy’s still treat him like a baby since a normal fairy baby would have taken at least 1,000 years to grow to maturity. This is what caused him to change his name, desperate to make the other fairy’s take him seriously and to not literally treat him like a baby
-Lives in an apartment building in the human world that is also connected to the fairy world, he’s the first of his kind to have a home like that. For most fairies it's extremely hard for them to ‘act human’ 24/7 which is why most prefer to turn themselves into childhood pets whenever they’re living with their god kid. As being human means they have to walk everywhere, not being able to use magic, and if they mess up once it could expose the existence of fairies and magical creatures in general. Peri however, once old enough to move out of his parents house was vocal that he wanted to live among the humans. He told Jorgen and the fairy council he wanted to live there to understand humans better to be a better godparent to them, but he mostly did it because he missed earth. Missed all the stuff that he grew accustomed to when he was a kid and also likes being able to find people ‘his own age’ to talk and relate to. After his endless demands and persuasion the council finally budge and allowed him to live on earth. But was warned if he was ever discovered to be a fairy, he would lose his godparents license and would never be allowed back on earth ever again.
-He wears a curler in his hair similar to Wanda when he sleeps, just a cute detail I wanted to mention
-Also just like his mother he has a tendency to call the kids/Hazel Buddy similarly to how Wanda likes to call people Sport but still has his own fraze, just a small detail that I thought would also be a cute nod to his parents
-He's also crazy for Chocolate, this is based off an episode in the original show where Wanda went insane just to eat some chocolate. It was just a one off gag but I really love that gag and decide to include it. He loves chocolate and has a dangerous addiction to it, but its still not as bad as Wanda's addiction to the stuff
Short summary of how he ended up with Hazel:
Peri has just recently graduated Fairy Godparent School and is eager to get a godkid, since his parents are still on their 10,000 year old trip he wanted to surprise them with the news of him having a godkid to make them proud of him. However Jorgen is extremely reluctant to give Peri a kid due to his extremely young age, inexperience, and his tendency to always try and bend ‘Da Rules’ as he pleases. So he puts Peri off again and sends him home, much to his annoyance. Irritated and now back at his human home in Dimmadelphia, Peri begins to hatch a plan to get himself a god kid since he knows it would take 1,000 years at least before Jorgen would finally give him a chance. But how could he possibly bend the rules to allow him to mentor a kid without Jorgen assigning him?
The answer comes to him from his new neighbors, a small family with a sweet but shy 10 year old girl who’s having a tough time adjusting to her new surroundings. Due to some hijinks Peri ends up babysitting for Hazel as her parents are now busier than ever with their new jobs and don’t have as much time to watch Hazel. They don’t mean to leave her alone so often, and actually apologize to her constantly for the unforeseen high work time. But it does little to help Hazel with her adjusting to her new environment. With the addition of her having a bad day in school and her brother, do to the storm, is unable to come up and visit until his next break (which is a few months away) Hazel, being miserable and finally had enough and in a fit of rage and desperation, wishes she could just fly to her brother. This wish for the first time activates Peri magic, before he can stop his wand appear and grants Hazel's wish, turning the girl into a fly.
The part of the episode happens similar to the original first episode, with Peri trying to get Hazel home before her parents come back from their work. He eventually does but again similar to the first episode Hazel gets stuck in a venus fly trap as Peri tries to get her to wish to turn back into her original form. After the talk with the ant Hazel realizes her mistake and finally wishes to become human again before her parents could discover what went wrong.
After the commotion, the next day Hazel goes to Peri’s apartment to question who he is and what the heck just happened. Peri tries to deny it but during their conversation he realizes that technically speaking…..Hazel did have good and caring parents. They weren’t the reason why she was sad and miserable, she was miserable because her brother wasn’t with her anymore and she desperately missed him. And technically speaking, there was no rule or need to ask Jorgen or the fairy console to become a kids Godbrother. He only needed their permission to be a Godparent. And besides……..he more than understood the feeling of missing a big brother.
Making his decision he officially introduces himself as Hazel Godbrother (In a similar manner to Dev introduction) and promises to bring a little magic to her life~ Much to Hazel shock and joy, as for the first time since moving to Dimmadelphia, she felt true joy and happiness.
Sooooo ya, tell me what you guys think! Any questions or suggestions for the AU I would love to hear, good to be back!
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