#nothing wrong with that whatsoever.
yellowocaballero · 1 year
I feel like I'm always discovering awesome aus on your blog lmao
There are so many other extremely cool bloggers who have like 10 different AUs that they post about and draw fanart for and I am both jealous and not one of those people. Sometimes I can just spend hours on their blog scrolling through their AUs, it's fun. Most of the time they're like a list of headcanons and worldbuilding and it's fun to mess around there.
I'm not quite like that, since I'm not a very creative person and when I have a good story idea 85% of the time I just write it. If I have a really robust series of headcanons for an AU I've written then I tend to just write another story. Also people send me asks where I can give more detail on my AUs! My stuff is always the tip of the iceberg in terms of what's fucking going on there, so I love the excuse to talk about it.
But there are some stories that I know are awesome ideas but will just never get written, which includes the Green Lantern story (I'm guessing that's what you're referring to?). I didn't really present it as a list of HCs, because my mind doesn't work that way, but just the summary of a story that won't be written. Thing is that I know for a fact it's a story with a lot of potential, but - and I really normally don't think like this - the audience would be so incredibly niche and the story would have to be so long that the ROI would be low. I write tons of stories that I never post, but those are usually because I have demons and my brain goes crazy if I don't write it. There's limited hours in the day.
All of my AUs and a few meta/HC tumblr posts are on the masterlist on my blog, so browse to your heart's content :)
#imagine if the no chip au was just a few rambly tumblr posts#nothing wrong with that whatsoever.#but I think I wouldn't actually understand the story or have the ability to make it a good story#if I didn't actually write it#I can generally tell by looking at an idea if it would make a good story or not#but oftentimes it's something you have to figure out while writing#there's plenty of stories on my gdrive that are two pages long because I realized it wouldn't make a good story#if a story is hard to write it's not good.#that's the case for me. good stories are easy. and ALSO hard. but good stories are easy and hard.#they're hard bc you have the ability to go above and beyond#and stretch yourself and do something great#badly structured or story ideas that don't work are hard to write bc they don't work#oh oh oh to clarify this:#it is easy to write SHORT bad stories#i have gotten into an argument on the internet about this#w/a guy who was like “i have no story structure climax or tension and my stories are great”#yeah theyre like 3k words. you can do whatever if it's 3k.#but a story that's meant to be longer collapses under its own weight#and it's PERFECTLY FINE to write 3k stories where not much happens#we write for fun do what sparks joy etc#but you won't grow as a writer#and imho very personally it's not fun to do a hobby and#never get better at the hobby.#you feel stagnant and talentless and you never get the satisfaction of doing something hard#..........maybe this is why so many writers on tumblr seem to hate writing.??.....ill never get that#oh well#my asks
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california-112 · 4 months
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Canon Hellsing ships: Boy character and girl character totally wuv each other but unfortunately 90%-100% of the development of their relationship occurred offscreen sowwy 🥺
Alucard and Anderson: We were both reduced to weapons by war, so the only intimacy we're capable of is the respect shared between opponents, and the only time we shall feel each others flesh is as we tear each other apart. In each other we saw our salvation, and we also saw that salvation ripped away. I tore the beating heart from your chest, and you told me not to cry
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lunar-years · 6 months
The horrifying fandom takes and theories it's generated aside, one of things I really love about Ted Lasso is the way it handles motherhood/babies/the future for its two main female characters. Like, on the one hand is Rebecca who so obviously and vocally has always wanted to be a mother, but married someone who didn't feel the same way and put her own desires aside for his, then had that fact thrown back in her face years later after he's abused and divorced her and gotten another woman pregnant.
A big part of Rebecca's arc is the constant frustration of having to accept the hand life's dealt her even when it's the opposite of everything she'd always wanted for herself. She's someone who wanted to be a wife and wanted to be mother and then finds herself in middle age as neither of those things. Then she makes the decision to pursue it on her own (which was awesome, I love that they showed her going to the fertility clinic and inquiring about whether pregnancy was a possibility for her! there's not way to become a mother!) and then she has to face her inability to get pregnant. And it sucks! but as sad as that is, it's also very...real? And the show doesn't miraculously let her have a miracle pregnancy anyway (like stupider shows would do, tbh), but instead has Rebecca come to terms with herself and her life under its new circumstances. She finds purpose outside of the things she once thought she would be and the roles her younger self assumed she would play as an adult. By the final episode, she's calling Richmond her family! She's realized what she wants most is the stay at the Club. She's come into her own. And then, yeah, there's the little ambiguous opening of Matthijs and his daughter and her possible future there with them--but importantly it isn't the end all to her happiness, anymore. It's a sign that she still has opportunities, just maybe not in the way she first envisioned, that no doors have closed forever and that what she's been looking for might come from unexpected places. there's no timeline!
And then you have Keeley, who's in her 30s and focused on her career and still figuring out how she wants that to look and who she wants to be. And yeah she's dating, and she has a serious onscreen relationship, but the topic of children (or marriage for that matter) never even once comes up! It's not made some big arc about how she doesn't want those things, and it's not some big fight with Roy or a goofy "really, you've never thought about babies?' conversation with Rebecca, it's just never something that's made relevant to her character nor her growth! She's a whole person without those things and she's clearly not actively pursuing them. And these two women with very different goals and wants are completely supportive of one another--it's never even a question :)
I thought both of their storylines in that sense were very refreshing to see on TV and like, comforting? If anything, the discourse it's spawned has been very...eye-opening...about how conditioned people have become to expect traditional marriage and babies storylines from every single female character. But the show doesn't give in to that mentality and instead shows that there's not one way a family has to look and not one way to be a mother and there isn't a set timeline for any of this stuff even if later you change your mind. And then if things don't turn out how you think, it doesn't mean you aren't going to end up with a good life! that was such a good message.
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sleepymaven · 1 month
HSR: Halovians' Halos
My Headcanon/Idea About Halovian Halos
Alright, let's get into it!
So, halovians' halos are not attached to their heads, as we already know and can see clearly with Robin.
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Robin with her halo clearly removed from her head to disguise herself.
We can also see in Robin's trailer that they can shine their halos, like gold and any other metal.
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Robin getting her halo shined for the cameras. Courtesy of our beloved Sunday ♡
So, this got me thinking. What if the halos are just pieces of metal?
Thinking about it some more, no matter how you look at it, there could be no way they are born with metal hovering over their heads, right? Whether they hatch from an egg or come out live from their mother, it would theoretically be impossible.
Unless, somehow it sprouts up after they are born, this just wouldn't work from a biological standpoint.
So... what if their parents make their halos for them after they are born?
It could be a sentimental and special experience crafting and welding the metal for their new child together, gifting it to them once they are born so they can keep it with them for their whole life.
It would explain why they are removable, can be cleaned and polished, and would add a nice sentimental touch to every halovians' unique halo as it would have been painstakingly crafted from their parents.
This could also add a sort of angst element if you were to create a halovian character without a halo or just with a plain halo.
It could mean that they were abandoned or their parents did not put much care or time into their child and that would be reflected more outwardly that way.
Perhaps a lack of halo could also signify a halovian going against their heritage and abandoning their family themselves. After all, what better way to shun your parents then to rid yourself of the one special gift they gave to you to remember them by?
Omg, I love this thought of mine! I'm so proud of myself here for thinking this up at like 2 in the morning! This is one of my best thoughts I've dreamt up in a hot minute. :3
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bleue-flora · 4 months
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crocrubies · 1 year
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ask2ps · 4 months
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i made interps of 2p liech and 2p swiss so many years ago but never posted em... not sure where the files are now. >__< but i finally am working on the new ones lol. i know that 2p swiss and 2p liech arent as popular, but theyre one of the few i have an Actual history planned out for.
tldr: the worlds ultimate paranoid germaphobe and his creepy little sister, who is armed with lysol wipes and also a Gun
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
please tell me people are joking when they say sonic prime is queerbaiting with sonic and shadow. that is not whats going on here please be serious you guys just see sonic and shadow interact in any way and become unable to turn your shipping brains off
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I'm just saying, if you look at Percy in the comics, animation, and streams, you are going to notice that this man is almost constantly shielding someone, physically or metaphorically, often at his own risk. Percy, who lives with the guilt of not being able to save his family, who gave Cassandra his food when he was starving, who has taken hit after hit and wound after wound so someone else didn't have to, even putting himself between Vax'ildan and the literal goddess of death in an attempt to save him. I am perfectly normal about this and you must be insane to think otherwise.
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 4 months
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We're going to different high schools anyway so maybe??? I can hope we'll just naturally drift apart but like? I feel like I'd need to ghost them and I cannot do something that fucking mean?
Help I am literally shakig and cring right now
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sevenines · 4 months
Would you mind sharing some of your analyses/thoughts on Lapis Lazuli SU?
oh where do i START…
to keep this constrained i’ll try to keep this to what i think her role in the larger narrative is.
the whole series is based off of the feeling of being a child and experiencing the world unravel around you. listen to almost any rebecca sugar interview and she will bring up the theory of the sublime: the idea that there is a whole world out there, yet you are constrained by your own lived experiences (in su’s case, steven’s pov!)
when we first meet lapis, steven knows close to nothing about gems. she’s the first one outside of the crystal gems he meets, and not only is it on accident, but the gems continuously try to maintain their secrets throughout it all!
at this point in the series she represents everything steven doesn’t know about gemkind. she is first in a long line of gems to be shown suffering from some nebulous past, starts off spouting about concepts steven doesn’t yet understand, and wants to escape to an unfamiliar but important somewhere. she is everything steven has been frustratingly kept away from, and her release is when he chooses to blatantly disobey the gems and step out into the scary unknown that he isn’t really equipped for.
then we get Malachite. lapis is there, then gone. we see her for another episode and she immediately disappears. even up to her unfusing she’s a mystery that we truly only get to look into at ‘alone at sea’.
i once saw someone funnily ask why the hell a thousands-of-years-old alien was “trauma dumping” on some kid, and they have a point. for the first time in the series, bubbly, optimistic steven is horrified at a friend's actions. steven's "what!?" to lapis admitting she enjoyed trapping jasper is his first time encountering the terrifying idea that the ones he loves do awful things—which he would previously accept for the greater good, but even that reveal is too much for steven. imo, this episode is the precursor to the eventual "reveal" that rose shattered pink diamond, and won't be the last time lapis is narratively used in such a way.
as for her time on the barn, she very much reminds me of someone you really want to help but who’s struggles you ultimately can’t understand. barn mates is a painfully optimistic episode. to me it shows how even innocent actions can go wrong when it comes to a person with trauma. for example, peridot giving lapis her tape recorder is meaningful and sweet, but she ultimately gives lapis a device that can do nothing but repeats what it hears (a mirror). we never saw much of lapis’ time as malachite, and this new lapis is almost unfamiliar. seeing fan characterizations of lapis pre-barn mates is amusing; she’s a whole different person! but she has changed so much behind the scenes, a trend that will continue for the rest of the series. it makes you yearn for more of her. it’s sublime.
what happens in the barn is also narratively shrouded. we see glimpses of peridot and lapis’ relationship—how they get along but also subtle hints as to how they’re a little unhealthy. from what i can tell, fans went CRAZY over these two. putting them in a barn yet showing very little only encourages people to fill in the gaps and to wish for more. which is the purpose of a sublime work! the idea that more is happening that you can’t see, inviting you to meet the work halfway and fill in the blanks yourself. great for a show with a big fandom.
side tangent here, i find it really really funny that lapis and peridot are metaphorically married. they get a child in gem harvest and even get divorced: peridot gets the kid and lapis takes the house LMAO like they really went there huh
anyways, skipping over several episodes for the sake of length (like it isn’t long enough already), we get to raising the barn. it’s similar to alone at sea in which we finally get the full view of one of lapis’ unhealthy relationships. i really like this episode because it calls for the viewer to recontextualize their past episodes. lapis flies away, even more of a mystery now, until can’t go back.
it’s important that this episode comes right before a single pale rose. it’s poetic than in chasing down his most mysterious ally steven finally is in the right position to unlock the biggest secrets of the series.
this idea of everyone having their own unseen lives gets expanded to a majority of the cast in suf, but i think lapis was most emblematic of it in the og series.
outside of the chronology of the series, one example rebecca sugar has given for what a "sublime work" is is the idea of a model gazing off in the distance. their mind is occupied with something that the viewer doesnt know, further enticing them. most of the time, in signings and sketches post online, rebecca's drawings of the gems are of them smiling at the viewer, with a look of series-sufficient determination, or in a specific scenario. only a few are an exception to this, one of the main ones being lapis! even in her recent signing livestream, admist the cheery cast, lapis was drawn looking far off with a distant sadness.
on the sillier side, she embodies the moody and distant teenager trope so well. the crew in general describe her as having "emo goth rage", she is representative of rebecca's troubled teenage years, and is practically a "this is my epic angel demon oc". she literally was about to have angel wings. imagine that!
tl;dr lapis embodies the mystery of the show as a sublime work.
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sleepingfancies · 2 years
so fucking fascinated by how long sindri’s resentment of atreus was building tho like that was written so well. from “we’re sick of hearing about little people’s little problems” to sindri noticing the mistletoe arrows were thrown out to atreus refusing to listen to sindri warning him about freya and odin and tyr to atreus hitting him aside as a bear and finally culminating with brok’s death. yes sindri is mad at kratos too but the primary target of his anger is atreus and why shouldn’t it be when atreus has walked all over sindri since he was 11 years old without a single apology
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harmcityherald · 2 months
Breakfast time!
#My turtle chronicles#red eared slider#they love the new pellets#the correct pellets for turtles over six inches#zippy is growing im scared he may be female too.#that will cause problems#im still not sure#dymorphism is prevelant in turtles#the males are almost always smaller#they have a more balanced diet now#their last owner did not care.#he fed them shrimp daily which is a treat not balanced food and once a week raw fish#within a month they killed the magnificent five my five large goldfish in one night of murder#i read up on the red ears and changed their diet#i wont be able to reverse the pyrmiding on their backs as it is irreversable#but i feel like i have at least stopped it in time it can debilitate them.#why would you not read up on an animal you are responcable for taking care of.#he also kept them in a white and blue plastic childrens pool.#with nothing else in there just a blue and white prison with no tank enrichment whatsoever.#dont agree with none of that in my opinion he mistreated them. artemesias brother#his name on you tube is catfishnation#he has a basement full of oversize fish in enclosures that are too small#he loves his fish dont get me wrong#a side note is he went and got more turtles after seeing my set up. i told him look pal i already took 3 football size turtles from you#i cant take any more#hes to proud to admit it but he learned from me#his new tank is much better and lo and behold he put in plants and stones a real environment#so thats good i guess#some people like me love animals some people view them as possessions or tropphies#usually the pit bull owners are guilty of this
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agnesandhilda · 4 months
my father is an olympic gold medalist in the sport of emotionally tormenting women
#bolo speaks#I've had him blocked on everything for the past two years because I was one of the women he terrorizes even when I was still a girl#but I'm only able to do that because *other* women in my family are on the frontlines dealing with him. which I am keenly aware of.#anyway I got a message from my grandma asking if I was mad at her because he'd been saying that I hated her (untrue and bizarre to boot#like just factually a man I haven't been on speaking terms with since I was seventeen has no leg to stand on whatsoever wrt to what I have#going on emotionally or in my relationships. but he's nothing if not adept at digging into people's worst insecurities so I get why she'd#be bothered)#and he has a new girlfriend now who I haven't met but who he treats the way he treated my mother before they separated#going into drunk rages breaking her things degrading her etc. and *her* family encourages her to ignore it because he's got money#and I don't know. I don't know my dad's girlfriend I've never met her but I am intimately aware of just how horribly#he treats every woman in his life. anyway [NAME] if you're reading this GET OUT ‼️#and the worst part is that he is like. a genuine shameless misogynist like he'd go on these crazy rants about#how women are just vaginas and we're all stupid and hysterical anyway so it doesn't matter if me and mom are scared of him#because we're just dumb women. which has naturally torched his bridges with me and every other woman in our family right.#and his takeaway from that is that he's *right* and being put-upon by all these irrational harpies for no valid reason.#my dad voice: are women scared of me because I'm violent and unpredictable? no. it's those stupid bitches that are wrong.
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arcadekitten · 1 year
Since Theo and Zap live together in Cemetery Mary, are they found siblings? I'm just curious can I feed off of these two I love all of your games btw!! ^^
Thank you!!
I personally wouldn't describe the relationship they have as siblings, especially since they were designed with the intention for players to wonder if they were dating haha. If you like found-sibling tropes I'd sooner direct someone to Crowscare, or Pogo & Yoyo in Semiaquatic Circus! But I don't think that's the kind of relationship Theo and Zapara have ^^"
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