my-name-is-apollo · 9 days
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Illustrations by Janet and Anne Grahame Johnstone
The four winds
Athena, Aphrodite and Hera compete for the golden apple
Apollo appears to Orestes
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crystalmagpie447 · 4 months
kinitopet art dump
irun away
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 7 months
The wind gods all had a thing for and/or with Apollo at one point or another.
Boreas: Literally myth canon. You've heard me yak about this often LMAO
Zephyrus: Briefly talked about this in my Boreas post! Onesided Pinning rippppppp
Eurus: from @literallyjusttoa's most recent stream, post-Hyacinthus Apollo bangs Eurus because what do you do when you hate the West Wind? YOU FUCK THE EAST WIND!
Notus: Created in the Discord during a chat with @fuzzystudios @xxzephyrbreezexx and @godofdumpsterfalling! Either refuses to acknowledge his attraction because he has BEEF with Boreas, or it was a one-time thing and uh...Apollo said no to round 2 XD Or BOTH!
I imagine the bros being like;
Boreas: *incredibly smug about being "Apollo's favorite"*
Zephyrus: *desperate pinning*
Eurus: *chill about it because it WAS just a one-time thing*
Notus: *ignoring the attraction ever existed*
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yorgunkalem0 · 11 days
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Yanında olmak isteyen bir yolunu bulup yanında oluyor, yüzünü güldürecek olan bir yolunu bulup yüzünü güldürüyor, sana değer veren bir yolunu bulup bunu hissettiriyor.
O yüzden olmayana çaba harcamaya gerek yok. İsteyen istediği şeyi gayet güzel yapıyor aslında..
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hepeksikk · 29 days
Yaralandığın yer senin kör noktandır…
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oxygenisachoice · 8 months
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The four winds ❄️🍃💧🍂
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When wife big
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siyah-kugu19 · 1 year
"Belki de ihtiyacımız olan tek şey, değer verince değişmeyen insanlardır..."
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cicikiz58 · 9 days
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yakazakalb · 2 months
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"Allah sana yâr ise, kim sana dünyayı dar edebilir."
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sentientgolfball · 3 months
Nobody asked for this and nobody but me cares but I’m going on a ramble about Ministry lore and the first ghouls
Not necessarily but if you read Origin first this will make more sense.
The first ghoul ever summoned by the founders of the Ministry was Ivy. Summoning rituals are time consuming and expensive, they didn’t have the luxury of mistake. They had to make it work or all of their plans would fall through. So they decided on an earth ghoul. They figured it would be the easiest of the five elements to summon. That and having one around may help them convert the massive amount of land into an abbey much faster.
When they pulled Ivy from the Pits there was a celebration, a feast. They welcomed it Topside like it was a guest of honor, almost worshiping it. They explained to Ivy who they were, why it was summoned, and what their goal was.
They were creating a Ministry in honor of Him. A place for all in the Morning Star’s flock to safely live. They needed, wanted, the help of ghouls. They were creations of Him. They would know the best way to serve Him. They also needed help. They were a small group, not many were sympathetic to their cause. They wanted to eventually summon a ghoul of each element.
Ivy’s place in this as the earth ghoul is to protect the land the Ministry stands on as well as help cultivate produce. Ivy easily agreed. It had been summoned before. It had seen the things humans wanted with infernal power. But these humans? There was something interesting about them. It wanted to watch them, see what becomes of them.
It was months before they could conduct another summoning. Almost a year since Ivy came to them. It had helped them in the allocation of resources, allowing them to perform another ritual that much faster. They decided air would be the next best element to try. According Ivy they live in the mountains of the Pits. They live the closest to the surface.
Notus was the first air ghoul. They treated him much the same as they treated Ivy when it was first summoned. Celebrate, feast, explain purpose. He would help them clear a space for their abbey to be built. Like Ivy he agreed, though unlike Ivy this was his first time being Topside. He thought what these humans were doing was noble. He has only ever seen damned souls, he never would have imagined there were humans who wanted to worship the Morning Star.
Notus was the last ghoul summoned for many, many years. Not because they couldn’t, but because there was no need.
When these two ghouls disappeared, never returning to the Pits, whispers began to travel. A ghoul had never been summoned without being returned shortly after. Returned once their contract was fulfilled. The whispers eventually reached the Morning Star Himself. He became curious. If His creations were being stolen He needed to know by who. He would not be like His Father. He would not abandon His creations.
He traveled to earth, following the trail of infernal magick to a vast forest far from civilization. At the heart of it He found His creations. He also found a small group of humans. He watched from the shadows as they ate together, laughed together, embraced one another. The Morning Star was touched seeing His creations treated the same as his creations. He made Himself known then, revealing Himself to the humans.
He questioned them, asking why they had taken two ghouls without returning them. In their stupor they tried to explain to Him who they were. What they were doing.
They called themselves The Clergy. They were creating a Ministry in His honor. He was taken aback. He was aware there were humans who chose Him over His Father, but to have a group dedicate themselves in this manner? He could never have predicted this.
This knowledge combined with testament from Ivy and Notus helped Him come to a decision. He gave these humans, The Clergy, His infernal blessing. He called forth the one responsible for the summoning of ghouls, a man with the name Emeritus. He made this man their leader, blessing him and his bloodline for centuries to come.
He also left them with a gift. Three to be exact. Their names were Alpha, Delta, and Omega. The rest of the elements, perfect specimens of their respective types.
With a full set The Clergy was able to build their abbey without needing any outside resources. They created their safe haven for those in His flock. As the years passed and their congregation grew the first ghouls grew alongside it. More were summoned, Clergy began to pass and get replaced, but they remained loyal as ever.
Ivy began to fade into obscurity though, becoming more of a Ministry legend than a person. It was their protection. It stayed in the forest, bonding so deeply with the plants they began to grow on it. It was able to talk to them. It could know if there was something moving on the opposite end of the forest.
The other four tried to keep it company, but they too began to forget about it as their own duties piled up. Ivy was never resentful. It enjoyed what it did. It was proud to know every human and ghoul could safely live their lives because of it.
Alpha and Notus maintained the Ministry. Alpha knew every inch of the gigantic building, he helped design it after all. Notus was able to reach the highest points, the places Alpha could not. It never fell to ruin, never damaged by even the worst of storms. Those two would not let it.
Omega and Delta took care of the residents, human and ghoul alike. Omega was their healer, able to cure even the worst of wounds. Delta listened to their woes. He made sure there was not a single soul in the Ministry who felt alone. Even in death he made sure there was someone for them, visiting graves to leave offerings.
These were the first ghouls.
They have seen everything.
They will be the last.
They will not leave until the earth has turned to dust.
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yourgodlyparent · 2 months
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Wind Gods
Boreas, Eurus, Notus, and Zephyros, the four Anemoi, serve Aeolus, Master of the Winds
Aeolus: Master of the Winds
Aeolus kids 🌬️Moody 🌬️Big goals 🌬️Always ready with an unhinged hot take 🌬️Seem to have watched every TV show ever made
Boreas: God of the North Wind and Winter
Boreas kids 🌨️Drama-free zones 🌨️Stoic 🌨️Refuse to keep up with trends  🌨️Always win trivia nights
Eurus: God of the East Wind and Autumn
Eurus kids 🍁Introverts 🍁Overly-complicated coffee shop orders 🍁Prefer big cities over small towns 🍁Universally liked
Notus: God of the South Wind and Summer
Notus kids 🕶️Charismatic 🕶️Know how to get things done 🕶️Anger management issues 🕶️Passionate about their hobbies
Zephyros: God of the Gentle West Wind and Spring
Zephyros kids 🌷Sweethearts 🌷Aspire to a cottagecore lifestyle 🌷Give great compliments 🌷Constantly flake on plans
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yorgunkalem0 · 1 year
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Vicdanımın rahat olduğu hiç bir konuda açıklama yapma gereği duymam.
İstediğinizi anlamakta özgürsünüz. (!)
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hepeksikk · 13 days
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“Bizim vuslatımız göz göze gelmemize bakar.
Bin yıl da geçse sen bana yabancı olamazsın.”
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maeljade · 5 months
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day 1: Introduction
"So Notus, are you prepared to be introduced to the convocation as my successor?" "Oh yes, I just can't wait to see the look on the face of the most honorable Emet-Selch when he sees me"
"Try not to give him too much trouble ... even though I know you will." "You know me too well, Venat. I'm more worried about their reaction to your announcement."
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bensarikaranfil · 6 months
Bazı şarkılar var sen susuyorsun onlar konuşuyor...
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