#now I love god(dess)!MC
l3viat8an · 1 year
Omg, God/Goddess MC😖😩
Golden horns that grow just above the ears and stop about 3 inches above their head
A third eye on their forehead that glows white
A birthmark on their stomach with a person balancing the 3 realms
MC's pupils are a raindrop (but yellow, you'll see why)
A white and gold striped halo that floats right above the horns
4 Large White, feathery wings, with some gold feathers. (Sorta like Lucifer's when he was holy😭)
And last but not least! Wait for it... Wait for it... Still waiting... THEY CRY GOLDEN TEARS 🤩 (so when they hit the floor, it turns solid)
Maybe MC had a bad day, they're stressed and tired, their body hurts. They have a headache from the brothers shenanigans and so they release the horns and halo they've been hiding(along with opening their third eye. Their back hurts from being curled up in a corner all day, so they let out their wings. They move to the middle of their bed, They're balling their eyes out. And then somebody walks in. (Maybe they have on a see-through shirt or croptop to see the birthmark)
I literally just wanna know how you feel abt the concept of this🤭
How do you think they will react? Maybe shookith🙈
Inspired by Tears Of Gold by Faouzia✨
Omgomg- this sounds sooo cool!! ‘n MC sounds so pretty!!! The horns!!!! The wingssss!!!!!! 😩
No matter who walks in MC has to answer some questions jsksjsj- (tho it’s worse with Lucifer or Satan because they’d want practically interrogate MC (jokes jokes-))
Imagine Mammon walking in ‘n being torn between trying to comfort MC and frozen in place because, like, gold tears are staining their bed and think of all the grimm that could be- comforting MC wins out but he’ll be asking about selling their mattresses later helpshsj
Or Lucifer walking in to apologize for dragging MC into another drama filled day, but they’re wrapped up in their wings crying. Wings and horn…gold tears he probably already knew MC was a god(dess) even if they didn’t tell him but he’ll try to calm them down by asking questions. Simple things at first just to get their focus on something else.
Asmo sees MC crying gold and wants to help- but when he moves to sit on the edge of their bed to comfort them he starts gently running his fingertips over their feathers…then he’ll realize what he’s done and apologize, saying they’re just so pretty…
Levi is stuck in the doorway- like I’m not sure he’ll be able to help or even move for a bit- one of the other brothers has to come slap him out of his awestruck state-
Satan freezes too- but it’s because he knows what he’s seeing and he knows when his emotions get like this he wants to be left alone. But it’s MC…he wants to help them, asks what’s wrong and- well he’ll just have to wait.
Beel or Belphie walking in and the first thing they think of is how much MC’s wings resemble Lucifer’s old wings. Those same white, fluffy, wings he used to wrap around them when they were scared- then slowly taking in the rest of MC’s body. The little horns, the third eye….the tears.
Uhhh- anyways- I rambled too much I’ll have to come back to this again when I’m actually, fully, awake shkahaja but I love the idea sm!!!!!
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Immortal Desires Project Update!! [Finally]
Hello my friends! I'm so sorry about the radio silence. There's been a lot going on in my personal life, so progress has been a little slow!
However, I have some big updates and more sneak peeks, including three new characters, since I've starved you all of updates.
To start: We're looking for more writers. One of our writers had to back away for personal reasons, so it's down to a two people team. If you're interested, pop into the message box so we can chat :) To be able to join the team, you must be 18+. No exceptions to this rule.
In way of programming... There's been a lot of progress. I've been working on this for weeks now, and for being literally brand-spanking-new to the world of coding, there's a lot of progress and it's coming out well. The custom character menu is done, animations for various objects are done... Just have to tighten some screws and we're probably good to start implementing the chapters!
... And chapter 1 is nearly complete! The base layout of the story is feeling pretty solid as well. I know this isn't the most comprehensive writing update, but there will be more soon.
There are many new characters being added to the game. It's taken a lot of time to make quite a few of them, minus the more side-esque characters (think of like Margot or Nicole). Speaking of, here are two of your new potential besties! Meet Solana and Julian!
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Before we continue, yes, Julian is basically reskinned Donovan from MAH. In my defense, the sprite is just too beautiful to never be used again! He's also a mix with the green-haired bully man who pops up from time to time. At the moment, he's your run-of-the-mill half sprite; I'm hoping to give him an actual body soon. Then we have our non-binary god/dess, Solana! They're not entirely new, but they're heavily edited with hair that is 10/10 stolen from Morgan in HSS:CA; I've always loved Morgan's hair. You can possibly meet them when you first arrive in...
BOSTON! There'll be a slight change in scenery for some of IDFP, but Crimson Beech will still be joining along for the ride.
As for our third new character, one that took me days to work on... [TW: GORE but it's underneath the GIF of how it felt making her and wanting to bash my head into a wall for like a week]
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Meet Priscilla! Literally nothing else is being revealed about her!
To close, all of the masc MC sprite sheets are done. However, despite being non-binary myself (as in Devlin), I know nothing about fashion, especially masc/cis-male. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm nothing but an edgy punk and don't explore much outside of that, outside of wearing slacks and button ups to work. Anywhoo, all of the original outfits in ID have been resized to the new body sizes! I also have a few new outfits for the masc MC!
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And here's a couple more femme MC sprites I fiddled with!
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Thank you all for the support, despite Pixelberry announcing an official ID2. I've definitely been feeling the love, and again, I do apologize for the lack of updates. Between school, personal bizz, work, and developing this project, it's been hard to squeeze in the time. Maybe I'll try my hand at doing text updates for the future; I just like being able to have substance for all of you.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO ASK US QUESTIONS. We like answering them (unless they don't have an answer, am sorry)! We want to know about ya'lls opinions and curiosities. Without all of you, this game would not be in development and it may have been dropped by now if we didn't have all of this support coming our way. Truly, thank you.
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Monthly Update - July 2023
There's still a week left before the end of the month but I'm going to be mostly offline these days since my mother's birthday is coming up followed by mine and my brother's, so I'm posting this today :D
Everything I didn't do last month I finished last week! Every scene with the ROs is written, and I must say it surprises me how different they act depending on if the MC is only their friend or if they're becoming something more (subtlety looking at one tall, purple-haired god/dess lol). Now all that's left is Enid's scene and the end of the chapter! Which may sound like it's not much but every time I say there's little else to do I always find out there's more to write than I thought... And everyone who knows me knows how slow I can be :')
I also got a new scene planned for Act 3 that I'm very, very excited to make! Obviously it's going to take quite a while before I can actually write it, but man, I love it already! Just a few hints: a bit of music, a bit of dancing... maybe a chance to make a special someone's heart race and forget about the important task they should be focusing on ;)
And while I was listening to the song that inspire this new scene, I also found something else. I had specific songs for every character of the main group, but now I also have the song that summarises the whole story! It just fits perfectly with the plot and the character it focuses on! The song is called 'Estabas Conmigo' by Maldita Nerea, and it was released this same month, in fact! It's a Spanish song, so probably the majority won't understand the meaning, but trust me, it is the one hahaha
On another note, lots of people have started following these pasts few days and it blows my mind! I'm so, so happy and grateful that so many people are giving this story a chance considering it's only beginning and is still way too rough around the edges since it's only the first draft! Thank you very much. I hope you all enjoy it :D
Have a fantastic month! See you at the end of the next one ;)
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || fan service scene: resting with you
series masterlist characters: diluc, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: the creators of genshin impact have graciously gifted the players with a fan service scene featuring you! notes: i know dill's doesn't contain sleeping in your lap,,, i'm sorry but i hope you like what i provided :))
diluc -
diluc isn't one to have many sleep issues.
until the nightmares kick in.
whenever he can't sleep, he tends to just sit in his house.
it's always quiet.
not something you'd want after a nightmare, but he deals with it.
it's better than trying to expose himself to thousands or even millions of people.
but one night, after a particularly harsh nightmare, he remembers that the next day was supposed to be when he streams the newest genshin update.
but, he's already up...
he probably will try to take a nap later today anyway...
"i know it's a bit of an early, or late, stream but i was already awake."
his stream is definitely worried because this is the first time he streams at like 2:00 am.
he won't address it, though.
they don't need to know, anyway.
he pretty much tries to ignore any questions about his sleeping habits and opts to answer them very vaguely.
he is excited to play the update because he knows there's some more (name) content :))
he'll get everything done that he needs to do like commissions and events from them nice nice primogems.
and then here he is, ready to start the newest feature.
go to the angel's share.
ah yes, the place his character officially met you for the first time.
(he definitely has issues with interacting with patton before going inside)
the quest basically has diluc go around to collect more things needed for the winery.
pretty simple quest.
canonically, the quest takes the mc a few hours to complete because the materials are everywhere.
so a cutscene plays when he gets back to the dawn winery, which is where charles told him to bring the materials.
he walks inside and there you are.
greeting him with a brief nod and a wave of your hand.
mc drops the items on the table, ready to turn around and leave for another commission.
until you call out to him.
"ah, traveler."
mc turns back around and walks back to stand next to you.
you stand up from your chair and place a hand on their shoulder.
you stare at them for a moment.
"...i apologize. you must have been traveling for a long while to get the materials."
mc tries to wave you off.
"no, no. you'll hurt yourself. hm... come with me."
you literally CARRY MC TO A SPARE ROOM.
anyway, you pull up a chair next to the bed before placing the mc on the bed.
you simply sit in the chair, quietly stroking your thumb along the mc's arm.
"take a break. i'm sure the adventurer's guild will do just fine for now."
diluc is trying his hardest to hold back tears.
he just... really needed this.
xiao -
it's widely known amongst xiao's community that he has insomnia.
he talks about it a lot on how he has trouble sleeping and he even streams on the nights where it gets so bad he doesn't like being alone with his thoughts.
such is the case here where a new update drops and he's up and ready to play.
he greets everyone briefly as they enter the stream, rubbing his eyes and letting out small yawns every once in a while.
they always know when it's an especially hard night for him, so they come prepared with (name) emotes to try and cheer him up.
they don't have the heart to spoil him about the new update and what it includes.
of course, there will always be that one person who tries to spoil something.
the chat sees that and just spams (name) emotes to hide it.
and since xiao is pretty sleep deprived at this point, he doesn't notice.
now he's ready to actually play.
he'll complete his daily commissions and anything else he needs to get done before checking out the newest features.
he does know that there's a part in the update that features you :0
he doesn't know what the actual update is but he just knows that he'll be able to see you again :))
so he's going through the update, right?
just admiring you even if he's half asleep.
and here comes the part that actually almost put him to sleep right there.
his mc and you are walking down the streets of liyue and it's all dark.
there's a few lights here and there.
you two are walking down to the inn he had first met you at.
passing by the boss lady at the front counter.
walking up the stairs.
and there you two are, on the very balcony he ad first seen you on.
"...you seem tired."
his character doesn't say anything (as expected) but just rubs their eyes and nods.
pain is floating beside you two before going off towards the kitchen downstairs.
now it's just you two.
"you should take a rest."
your voice was so soft :))
you look around the balcony before sighing, taking a seat on the ground.
his character stares at you for a bit before you pat your legs.
"i told you to rest, didn't i?"
his character takes a bit before finally letting their head rest in your lap.
he's thanking whoever animated this part because it's a POV shot from the mc.
he's just staring up at you.
you're looking down at him with the softest expression he's ever seen.
"...rest now. i won't let anything harm you."
his chat is freaking out.
he's almost asleep at this point.
life is good.
zhongli -
zhongli doesn't have a lot of sleep issues either...
if he did, he'd probably just drink some tea and try to sleep again.
he isn't the type of stream late at night/early in the morning.
because of this, he plays the newest update for genshin at his scheduled time.
some people who watch him are going to bed though, so it's late at night/early in the morning for them :)
he knows this and tries to tell his viewers to get proper rest.
"it isn't good for you to stay up so late."
he really cares about them :))
he's happy to talk to them though.
(he definitely knows people like his voice so he's happy to help them sleep by talking to them)
his daily objectives take longer considering he's taking the time to read to his viewers.
of course, all of the things he's reading are genshin based.
more specifically you, but they don't mind.
anyway, he FINALLY gets his stuff done.
now he's finally ready to start the new (name) quest.
he's like... one or two hours into the stream already.
but he doesn't mind longer stream, especially when it concerns you.
go to third round knockout
ah yes, the little restaurant you go to for stories about yourself.
and, of course, there you are sitting at your usual chair and drinking tea.
you invite him over to sit down, which causes another cutscene to play, talking more about your adventures as a god/dess.
and, to zhongli's delight, the quest fully begins.
the quest follows you and mc going around lie, exploring different areas while you talk about what you've done there in the years you've been alive.
it's a more chill quest that features lore and character building :))
and then you get to a more secluded spot in lieu.
just the two of you.
the sun has already set and the stars are shining down on the two of you.
zhongli isn't saying anything, reveling in the silence as if he were actually there, standing next to you.
and then your character takes a seat in the grass.
and mc follows suit, sitting beside you.
it isn't long before zhongli's character begins to drift off to sleep.
and that's when it happens.
you reach over and pull mc into your lap, your storytelling continuing as if nothing happened.
"this may be awkward, but i noticed you were falling asleep. go on ahead. i'll be happy to share my stories to help you rest."
zhongli, once again, isn't saying anything. he simply lets the cutscene play.
you're still recalling tales of your past, calmly telling them to whoever was listening.
it's calm and quiet.
and zhongli now knows why people love hearing him tell stories as they sleep.
because he is definitely getting that same sensation hearing you recall your past.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
I have 38 minutes before valentines is officially over for me so here are the brothers
Warning: slight NSFW
THE BROTHERS and valentine’s day 
Although he thinks the day is ridiculous because why is there just one day to worship the most important person in his life? He still goes all out. Now, he won’t be as extreme as Diavolo, but do expect a very nice package in your room with a very (expensive) elegant dress/suit that will match his outfit perfectly. Of course, you’ll be going out to Ristorante Six or any human restaurant he deemed extravagant enough. Upon arrival, he’ll be sure to top off your outfit with the matching jewelry and a bottle of the best wine you’ll have ever tasted. Lucifer is nothing short of class and he’ll be sure to treat you like royalty the whole evening. Don’t even think about lifting a finger, because he has it all covered. To top it off, of course, he leads you into his candle lit room, rose petals covering the floor, and champagne at your disposal, although he’s hoping for the more adult activities before you open the bottle to celebrate. 
“I refuse to celebrate Valentine’s without making you mine, first.”
Ah shit, that was today? Lol he’s going to pretend that he forgot and he’s so good at it that you’ll believe it up until the very end. Before you even have the chance to wallow in self pity inside your room while angry tears are streaming down your face, he’ll show up in his best suit and a deep blush on his cheeks. He won’t be taking you out, no. Instead, he prepared a nice meal himself, after begging Barbatos to teach him how. Is it the best? Eh, Barbatos still makes it better, but it comes from the heart. He wants it to come from the heart. What’s the point of Valentine’s if you’re not the one spoiling your significant other? Don’t worry, he has other, after dinner things planned as well. 
“I ain’t tryna get too sappy… but I love ya, MC.”
Oh he dreaded this day so much. He’s not romantic or talented in anything particular. Hell, he can barely remember to kiss you back on most days! But he knew he needed to do something for you. Going out was out of the question, so he decorated his room a bit. He put up some Valentine decorations, blew up some balloons, and made some heart-shaped cookies that he decorated extra well. One of them has your guys’ initials on it with heart shaped sprinkles around. He’s both proud and embarrassed of that one. The main gift, though, is a scrap book he put together of all you guys’ adventures together as of now. Pictures, quotes, inside jokes… they’re all saved in this book. Other than that, he really just hopes to take an easy day with you. Maybe some romantic anime and some much needed cuddling. 
“You’re my Ruri-chan, MC.”
Satan is a little old school, but he’s also playful. First, he has a scavenger hunt planned out for you. Follow the notes, solve the riddles, and at the end you’ll find an outfit just for you. Sleek and nice, but not over the top expensive or too elegant. He still wants you to be comfy. Inside the outfit, he’ll ask you to come back to his room where he’ll have a romantic candle lit dinner set up with your favorite foods and soft music playing in the background; you’ll notice that these are your favorite songs. After you sit down, he’ll put a necklace around your neck; heart shaped with your guys’ names engraved. He made it himself with some magic so it truly is one of a kind. The night can go however you want it to, although he does have some lingerie/more revealing outfits he’d like for you to try…
“Happy Valentine’s Day, kitten. Let’s enjoy the evening, just us two.”
The minute you wake up, Asmo makes it all about you. First, he’ll take you to a spa day. Full body massages, facials, manicure and pedicure, and of course, a nice hair-do that will come in handy later. Well, not really. It’ll probably be trashed later haha. Of course, he’s sure to take you shopping as well to pick your outfit. A tight suit? A flowy dress? Definitely some thigh highs for your later activities! Don’t think this night will end in just cuddling. He’ll take you out for dinner, although he made sure to prepare the dessert himself, which you will be able to eat either off of him or he off of you. What do you say? 
“You’re blushing, MC…. is this embarrassing for you?”
Like Levi, he actually dreaded this day. He’s confused on what to do. Isn’t he supposed to show his love, like, always, every day? He opts for the bouquet of roses and a nice dinner at Ristorante Six. Of course, he ordered their whole menu but he’s actually waiting for you to take everything you want before he ever thinks about digging in. Then, he’d love to dance with you, at which point he apologizes for being unprepared, but really, could you hate this guy for it? He still managed to get you a nice, silver infinity bracelet that will look beautifully on your wrist, although he feels like you deserve so much more. You are a god/dess after all. How you want this night to end is up to you, but just so you know, he does have chocolate sauce and strawberries ready in his room for you. 
“I’m still hungry, but it’s a different kind…”
He’ll prank you. Not badly, just… he’ll sleep through most of the day, or so you think. What he’s really doing is setting up the attic with fairy lights and rose petals. He’ll get a TV just so you can watch romantic movies together. The pillows will be fluffed and a pile of blankets will be ready for you to hide in, or build a blanket fort with, that’s up to you. Before all that, though, he’ll spill his true feelings for you under the stars, dragging you out onto the roof through the window and making sure you’re nice and secure in his arms, where you belong. It may not be extravagant, or even what you wanted, but he hopes you find comfort in his efforts anyway. Take out?
“You shine brighter than any of these stars… I love you.”  
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That last anon ask is so ><! Because the idea of gently flustering Ray really is one of the most fun things in the world ( ˃̣̣̥﹏˂̣̣̥ ✿)
And and and. “Baby steps when you lead. Huge leaps if he corners you”? ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
You’ve got me thinking about Ray x an easily flustered Mc again, because only in my head am I brave enough to try and turn him pink. Have you ever written something for Ray x an Mc who is very much like he is: in the aspect of getting so flustered/overwhelmed because they find it so hard to believe someone like him likes someone like them? I think it’s crazy to imagine how differently things might go if he was able to take most of the lead and or see an Mc with his mentality. That “but I’m so, and you’re so?” Thought process.
Imagine after the garden kiss they BOTH run 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️
I might have made this kind of ask already idk jfjfjs
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imagine the expression on Ray’s face when you grasp at his coat. His cheeks are red, his lips are trembling, and he can’t look away from you. But, there’s this look in your eyes that rivals his. You’re overwhelmed, overstimulated, and you’re looking at him with fear and desire. What is this? Why are you both stunned and lost? 
He knows something isn’t right, but why is his heart beating so fast? Why is the world not moving? Why? Did he do something wrong? All he said was that he’d loved the look in your eyes when you smiled. It wasn’t a lie. It was the truth. He loved everything about you and he couldn’t help himself when he felt the need to confess his adoration of you. 
Why can’t he breathe now? Why can’t he think about anything at that moment when he’s already imagined a hundred ways of kissing you in this garden until you forgot how to breath? Why is it that every single thought in his head up and vanished the second you grasped at him? There’s a million questions in his head but the only one that persists is the feeling of your body pressed against his. 
“What are you doing?” his voice quivers. He wants you to do things with him, but his insecurities are eating away at him. “Was I too much? Should I have shut my mouth, prince/ss? Did I say something wrong?” 
He wants to feel the strength to push on ahead, but you’re his God/dess. He can’t say no to you, and he certainly can’t do anything to pin you down when you’re holding him. It doesn’t make sense. Yes, it makes sense he wants you. But, are you sure you want him? 
What if he does something wrong? 
There’s an anxious laugh at your lips. You don’t seen to know what you want to say, either. “I... I don’t know. I just— I thought you were so... every time you talk to me like that, I get this feeling that tells me if I don’t kiss you soon... haha... I might... I don’t know... um... You’re just so amazing, Ray. Nobody’s ever looked at me like that before.. I guess I just want you to know how beautiful you are instead of letting you say all these nice things without being... scared to... say it back.” 
Kiss him? 
Your hands trembled against him again. It was obvious that it was taking a lot of your emotional strength to admit these things. He knew that look on your face because it was the same look on his. It was the feeling of being infatuated with someone so much that you didn't know what to do with yourself. 
It was the feeling of knowing that the person that you admired was right in front of you and you could say the things that you felt. It was the chance to leap when you felt like you were going to fall. 
However, his heart was pounding so hard that he didn't know what to do with himself. There was a part of him that was happy to hear that you wanted him the way that he wanted you. But there was another part of him that was afraid of not being enough for you. His insecurities told him that he just wasn't good enough. Nevertheless, he wanted to hear these things. He wanted to know you wanted him. Even if it made him feel like he was going to faint.
If he didn't know any better about this, he would have said that you were just as overwhelmed as him. He didn't understand why you would be. You seemed to understand things that he didn't, and you had a lot more experience in the world than he did. You could have had anybody that you wanted and the fact that you were trying to hold onto him was amazing.
“I... I want to... do... do that with you, too,” he whispered, barely audible. “I want to do that... but... I don’t want to... make you feel like you have to do that sort of thing for me... I know I’m not good enough for you. I wish I was... I wish I brave enough to...” 
Without thinking, you leaned forward and brushed your lips against the crook of his lips, only to let out an embarrassed squeak, “I’m sorry,” and ran off back in the direction of your room. Immediately, it made his face warm up incredibly. He knew that you weren't apologizing because you didn't like it. You realized that you were apologizing because you wanted to do it and couldn't stop yourself.
It was... you were... Ray’s body felt warm. He needed a shower, now, before he had impure thoughts and considered chasing you down.
It looked like you both wanted the same thing, but you weren’t good at showing it. 
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Heracles/Hercules HCS?
Heracles/Hercules HCS?
The only excuse I have is that I had a bit too much homework  and had to self-taught an entire subject
I'm gonna do  god/dess MC because I got one asking the same but with human!MC 😄.Let's start!
After being turned into a god I suppose someone must have been NICE ENOUGH to show him around. Who am I fooling, they are all bitches.
So let's say that you offered to be his  'guide' in the start of him figuring out what he has to do as a god and stopping him from getting himself gravely hurt.
" Heracles, no, you can't jump from here, even as a god you will break your legs"
"No, Heracles, you don't just pick a fight with someone you just met, even if it's a mock fight. You are going to get yourself killed"
" Hercules just don't"
So you end tagging along in his journeys or adventure to make  sure he doesn't die. Even if he gets on your nerves sometimes with his happy-go-lucky Attitude
" Heracles, I swear upon myself that I will knock you out if you manage to get in a fight again today"
When he developed his crush after a few centuries of you two being friends he would be more affectionate/attentive but awkward about it.
" Can I drink some wine from your cup? I ran out of it" 
" S-sure! But I was just drank from it. You...you don't mind it. do you?" He retracted the glass from his lips
" No I don't'
extended his hand but didn't let go of his glass.
"Ahm? Do you mind if I…?" 
The first time he tried to confess he ended up rambling
"You are really pretty, your eyes are gorgeous, your hair too. Are you using the shampoo that Aphrodite recommended you? I remember you said it was made with leaves of the Golden Bough . I will go and get you some! Byee!"
After a few tries Hercules decided to simply write a letter and make geir send it to you.
" So do you want me to give MC this letter?"
"So the rumor that big brother Heracles had a crush on someone was true! This is a love letter. isn't it!"
Geir please stop you are going to embarrass him to death 
Then if you accept his confession and he would be smiling like a toddler.
If you vote for humanity to stay alive because of him he would feel touched, especially if you didn't like mankind at the start 
Herc: what did you vote?
Mc: for them to stay alive. Why?
Herc: 🥺 
Mc: w-why are you crying?
You now got the privilege to get called 'big sis/bro' by geir
The other gods now tease herc because of that
Geir: big bro herc! Big sis/bro MC! Good morning
Aphrodite: oh~? How is it that I didn't know about this new couple~
Zeus: huhu~ I knew I saw I little of me inside of Hercules. Ahh how I miss my prime. Fufufu
Hera: ( whispering) if he cheats stab him where the sun doesn't reach, understood little MC?
Pls help him. He is going to die of embarrassment. Especially if his SO teases him too.
Mc: Auch, My hips hurt badly 
Aphro: oh~ who would have guessed little herc was a top. And a rough one.
Shiva: I would have guessed he was a bottom.
You? Laughing your ass put
Herc? Dead 
Hotel? Trivago
This meme? Dead too
While watching the fight I can totally picture him bringing a lot of snacks, even if he wasn't interested in the fight he didn't want to leave until it was his turn to fight . I like to think that he either likes super sweet candies or spicy chips. No in-between.  
When it was his turn he would insist on getting a kiss
" please" 
" Only if when you return we go and drink some tea"
As Hercules was turned into a god when he reborns as a human and ages like one, but when he hits 12-13 herc gets a really bad fever and then after a day is the same old  Hercules
High-key a cuddly baby. Cries when you put him down
"What is the matter, I only put him down to get some milk"
" Oh you can't be serious! You were sleeping just now, but when I put you in the crib you wake up"
Baby herc: *sleeping*
MC: *backing slowly*
Baby herc: *wakes up* MC! *He raises his arms*
Mc: C'mon!
 He doesn't remembers anything that happened before until he returns to normal.  He is very sorry  and embarrassed 
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apprenticeofcups · 5 years
I saw your 5' 10" tall MC ask and I was wondering if you could do one for a MC who is over 6 feet. Like, my apprentice is my height 6' 4" and I'd just love to see one for the really tall ones. Thank you! ❤💖💖
oh hell yeah let’s show those tall apprentices some love
Tall MC (5′10″/178 cm) | Short MC (4′11″/150 cm)
🗻Main 6 + Very Tall MC (6′4″/193 cm)
Asra (5′8″/173 cm)
Same deal as the 5′10″ MC - please pick him up, please wear heels, and please stop him from climbing all over the shop counters
Loves, loves, loves sitting in your lap and reading or tinkering with charms to sell in the shop
Steals your shirts to sleep in, but good luck getting them back
His head is right over your heart when you hug, he likes to in close, closes his eyes, and listens to your heartbeat
Doesn’t mind if you use his head as an armrest - he knows how soft his hair is and he wouldn’t take that away from you
Still wants to be the big spoon
Julian (6′4″/193 cm)
You’re the same size as him, and he is horrendously tall
Now he goes temporarily brain-dead when you wear heels
Don’t think he can’t still sweep you off your feet - he’s skinny, but if he can carry his own weight through the rigging of a ship, he can carry you too
When you pick him up, though, he forgets his own damn name and turns a shade of red that’s visible from space
Always wants you to lead when you dance
Only one of you can dance on a table at the Raven at a time - Barth insisted since the two of you busted the legs off the last one
Nadia (5′10″/178 cm)
You forget sometimes you have six inches on her - Nadia knows how to take up space
Height-based nicknames ranging from loving (“god/dess”) to teasing (“my darling giraffe”)
Very concerned about your posture (tall people tend to slouch) and constantly reminds you to straighten up, put your shoulders back, relax your jaw, etc.
Surprised at how much she likes being the little spoon
Her favorite way to cuddle is your head in her lap, stroking your hair while she works
She also likes to wear your shirts to bed, but unlike Asra, she gives them back, freshly-washed and smelling like jasmine
Muriel (6′10″/208 cm)
The only other person this close to him in height talks way too much, so you’re a welcome change of pace
Makes sure there’s nothing low-hanging in the hut you could bonk your head on, fixes cushions to the low roots and rafters just in case
He’s more worried about your comfort than his own, and he’s still a head taller than you
His bed is the first one you’ve had that was long enough to fit you, although it’s still a tight squeeze with two giants and Inanna
You and Muriel just end up in a sweaty tangle of long arms and legs while Inanna hogs all the blankets
One day, you get back to the hut and he’s out back by the chicken run with a stack of lumber, cutting and sanding a new bed frame
Portia (5′1″/155 cm)
You are more than a foot taller than her, but that won’t stop her
On god, that tiny little redhead can bridal-carry you for days
Pepi likes to climb you, which usually involves springing up, hooking her claws into your pants/leg, and clambering up to your shoulder 
Like I said before, her cottage is built and decorated for the itsy-bitsy, so you have a hell of a time getting around
(Julian has helpfully marked the rafters and doorways he bumps his head with a smudge of red ink, so you know where to duck)
Don’t you dare pick her up
Lucio (5′10″/177 cm)
Don’t you dare pick him up
He does own six-inch heels, but they’re just exhausting to wear all day, so he saves them for special occasions
He can walk in them fine, but don’t ask him to dance
Your penance for being taller than him is a lifetime of being the big spoon
Surprisingly, he doesn’t get whiny when you wear heels, but he does nitpick your outfit so it doesn’t overshadow his
He can’t be taller, but he can always be louder. ☕
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Hello there! Could you do headcanons for the RFA boys reacting to an MC who has a really green thumb? Like, they can make ANYTHING grow. Thank you!
HI! sorry i didn’t get to this sooner hun!
RFA boys with a MC who has a hella Green Thumb
he doesn’t think much of plants at first tbh
then you bring in this hella collection of small flowers and other plants
he is surprised to say the least
they’re all thriving
so your birthday rolls around
and he gets you a tiny, wilting rose plant
among other assorted chocolates, plushies, and thoughtful gifts
he knows its unhealthy, but he’s convinced youre a plant god/dess or something
within a week the plant is thriving and healthy under your care
this boy is impressed
he loves nature if he doesnt have to be in it
so you have this collection of plants and he dies a little
“MMMMCCC, thats too many!!”
you insist its not, keeping every single one
you leave your plants in his care for a week
you come back and they’re all dried out
“darn it, yoosung!!”
with a few days of your care they’re all back to normal
he makes this literal face: :”)
he thinks its fascinating you have so many plants
its not quite his thing tho
so he stays away from your plants so he doesn’t mess em up
you get really sick for a few days and he has to water the plants
he’s so anxious
so he gets you another plant when you feel better
and soon, the small sprout is a beautiful and thriving plant
i mean he keeps a few plants
but he’s never really? taken care of em
someone else always does it for him
so when you come over and bring a few plants he’s surprised
he feels a bit weird now that your plants are so well kept
his are wilting and kinda…close to death
“i’ll take care of it, jumin!”
you jump at the idea of helping him
he’s surprised how amazing the plants look now
but you always look better in his mind
hi! i hope this is worth the wait haha T_T you said boys so i hope i didn’t leave anyone out! ^_^ thanks for waiting!
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cutiesaeran · 8 years
Can I request the RFA + Saeren and their reactions to an MC who's their height or taller? Like zen/jumin' height? Have a good day :)
Hmm. I have a friend who’s 6’2” so I’m just going to pretend MC is her height :D
Sliiiight spoilers for most routes.
Yoosung (171 cm/5′6″)
You’ve mentioned in the chats that you’re taller than average and complained about some of the annoyances that go with it.
Occasionally you and him exchange playful banter about who has it worse, short people or tall people, since the fact that he’s short for a guy isn’t exactly a secret.
But he’s not actually prepared for just how tall you really are
He was thinking maybe 5’10”, 5’11”?
He certainly wasn’t expecting you to be taller than Jumin.
Wow, you’re tall, and he’s definitely not. He comes up to just past your shoulders?
Is that going to be okay? He’s concerned that you’ll reject him because of that.
Of course, one of the other things about being tall is that you’re used to being around those shorter than you. Plus, he’s just so darn cute, there was not even a slight chance you’d turn him away.
At least it makes you easy for him to find in a crowd
Zen (182/5′10″)
When he starts talking about his height one day, you playfully challenge him, stating that you’re probably taller than he is.
He humors you but you can tell he doubts it. So of course you look it up online fan sites have everything and what do you know, you are taller than him
What a surprise.
You try to contain your laughter at his shocked face when you show up at his apartment, but it’s hard because he’s speechless.
When he finally is able to speak again, he compliments you, saying your height is perfect and now that he’s seen you, he couldn’t imagine it any other way.
You can tell he’s a bit upset initially at being the shorter one between you two, though. He confesses that he’s always been the tall one in relationships so this is… new to him. But he gets over it quickly
One thing he really appreciates about your height is that if you play it off right, people are actually too intimidated to flirt with you.
4 inches isn’t really that much and it just means that neither of you have to make many accommodations for the other- something you both love.
In short, he ends up loving it.
Jaehee (165cm/5′4″)
She’s not really concerned when you mention that you’re tall. Even though she’s just a smidge above average height herself, she’s still used to being around people much taller than her.
But she wasn’t really expecting you to be that tall. Taller than Jumin?
She feels tiny when she approaches you with her proposition. Now she’s even more nervous than before, which is ridiculous, because you’re still you, just taller.
She absolutely loves it though.
She feels so safe and protected around you, and loves the way her body fits against yours so that you can wrap yourself around her.
You’re her Tall Person™ and she adores you.
Jumin (184cm/6′0″)
That’s his first thought when he sees you, cocking his head slightly to the side and he looks you over.
He’s used to being one of the tallest people around, so it’s a new experience as an adult to have to look up - even if it is just a small amount - to meet your eyes.
There’s only an inch difference between you two - maybe less - and it makes you feel like you’re on a more even playing ground with him. Surprisingly, he feels the same.
He’s still possessive and over-protective but when he steps up to you that one time in the beginning, placing his hand against the wall and blocking your way, it’s a whole hell of a lot less threatening that it would’ve been had you been shorter.
In fact, you just sort of raise an eyebrow at him and fold your arms across your chest, unimpressed. He falters at this, used to being in a position of power in every aspect of his life and this is… new. Not necessarily bad, but definitely new.
Of course, he’s still the type who likes to be in charge and you don’t fight him about that, just let him know firmly that you have no problems standing up against him if you feel you need to.
The two of you arriving anywhere together can be an intimidating thing, and he secretly loves it so much.
707 (172cm/5′7″)
Well, he found out when he did your background check.
He was surprised then and still manages to do a double take when he sees you in real life.
He finds it incredibly attractive, though.
You still flinch when he yells but you’re a lot more stubborn. Plus, it’s almost sort of… cute, to watch him when he’s trying to push you away.
The dynamic is a little different when you do that surprise hug from behind; your arms are still wrapped tightly around him but from over his shoulders, and your chin is resting on a shoulder; either of you could easily look at the other but he doesn’t want to. He doesn’t want you to see his tears, and you respect that.
When you move past that point, he’s always making tall jokes and you find out that he has a biiiiiit of a leg kink and you’ve got quite a lot of leg, so…
He asks you to give him piggy back rides all the time and you do… just because???
Also he becomes suddenly lazy about getting anything that he would have to reach for.
“Hey babe, can you come grab this glass for me?”
“…you can reach it if you stretch out your arm.”
“No, I can’t. Please, come help me. You don’t want me to waste away from dehydration, do you~” He’s lucky you love him
Saeran (173cm/5′6″)
This boy fell in love with you pretty much the moment he laid eyes on you.
That means he adores your height, too. Although it was interesting to hold you captive when you were in the apartment… because he couldn’t quite get the grip he was looking for.
But after all that… he can’t believe you’re giving him another chance in all of your glory.
You’re a god/dess, and you’re tall enough to be considered one for sure.
He finds it incredibly comforting that he can just fold himself into you and be completely surrounded; this helps a lot when he’s having anxiety attacks or flashbacks.
But don’t think that he’s any less defensive of you.
Smol boy will still threaten to kick people’s asses if they say one negative thing about you.
He doesn’t care that you’re bigger than him, he will be your weapon and your shield to keep you from being hurt by anyone else.
Plus, you’re always wiling to help him get back at his idiot twin and since you’re taller than both of them… you can do things he can’t easily accomplish. sorry saeyoung
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