#rfa imagines
password-door-lock · 2 years
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shewrotesomething · 1 year
Saeyoung - The Day He Realized He Wanted to Marry You
There were 3 moments for him. The first 2 were times when he, out of nowhere, just quoted a meme reference and without missing a beat you responded. 
But there was a moment he vividly remembered. 
It was at a party. They had decided to increase the capacity of the guest list, and though you never expressed it, there was a bit of pressure on your part as the planner. He tried his best to help but he was occupied with work and his brother settling in. 
You took it like a champ, but the nerves really set in on the morning of the party. 
He watched you that day clean, moisturize, and exfoliate every inch of your skin. Saeyoung didn’t dare bother you during the ritual. 
Finally, the party came. Normally, Saeyoung would drive you to the venue, but since his brother wouldn’t be attending, he wanted to make sure everything was in order before he left him. And so, you headed to the venue earlier.
When he arrived, the party was already well underway. 
His eyes searched the crowd for your familiar stature with a half-jesting apology already forming on his lips. 
He spotted you by one of the tables speaking to the owner of a small jewelry business. The woman seemed to enjoy your company. She was inviting you to the new store they opened in the mall. It was their first expansion and you looked just as elated as she did.
A younger woman was beside her. Immediately, your demeanor shifted. You were a bit cheerier, a bit less formal. She was talking to you about a dating sim you both played. You laughed at something she said. Something about tragic backstories and how writers knew how to hurt their readers.
And he found himself pausing at the sight… at the normalcy of the scene.
His midnight thoughts crept up in his moment of hesitation.
Perhaps this is what you really needed. Normalcy. Idle chatter about going to the mall. Playing video games to pass the time. It should be this and not…
Not waiting for hours on end to make sure he comes back home in one piece
Not dealing with sleepless nights because you got woken up by the screaming
And certainly not putting up with… him.
With his skillset, it would be a simple thing to disappear. To retreat into the crowd and wipe the entirety of his existence from your life. 
You got pulled into this life because of him and now that you’re with him…you’re even deeper.
No, you don’t deserve this. You deserve a normal life. A peaceful one. 
His mouth suddenly dried and the half-jesting apology dissipated on his tongue. 
He took one step back. And before he knew it, he was walking away from the scene… from you.
His heart hammered in his chest. Taking hold of his breaths. Thoughts ravaged in his mind.
He’s doing it again. He’s pushing you away. 
No, this is the right thing to do.
Wait, just… he has to calm down. This isn’t the answer.
But it is. The only thing he’s going to give you is trouble.
No, that’s not true. You love him. You’ll always love him.
But he doesn’t deserve that. And you… you don’t deserve all the shit he’s got with him.
No, it’s going to be okay. Just calm down.
No. Disappear. He has to leave right now. Before you fall in deeper.
No. Stay. Just stay.
No. Leave—
Arms snaked around his waist. His fight or flight instinct flared up. He fists clenched but before he could do anything else, a voice halted the torrent of his thoughts.
“Caught you!” you yelled with a giggle. 
He turned his head as you rested your chin on his shoulder. “H-h…hey,” he answered in a low voice. You smiled at him. His heart slowed at the sight of your face. “You look beautiful.”
Your eyes narrowed in a jesting glare. “If you think flattering me will get you out of trouble you’ve got another thing coming, mister. Don’t think I didn’t see you running away while I dealt with Mr. Dokgo. That was seriously cruel.”
His hands reached up to touch the arms holding him in place. “Sorry. I didn’t think you needed me.”
“And where did you get that idea? I’ll always need you and because of that,” your glare became sharper and your voice dropped an octave, “I will always find you.”
Something in those words and the jokingly ominous manner you phrased it unlatched something in his chest. And with it, a warmth washed over his stature and he felt his mouth spread to a grin. Then, catching onto your jest, he faked a sob. “There will be no escape for me. This is my life now. Trapped and helpless.”
“I’m glad you understand your unfortunate circumstances. As punishment, you are sentenced to feeding me honey buddha chips while we watch the best or arguably worst bollywood film I can find.”
He chuckled. “Okay.”
“And… and you have to buy me and Saeran our favorite ice cream flavors.”
“Roger that.”
“We each get one pint.”
“Hm. You’re really milking this aren’t you?”
“Oh! And you’re taking me to a cat cafe as soon as you’re available.”
He nodded with equal parts of sincerity and resignation. “Yes, ma’am.”
The two of you paused when you heard a sigh. In front of you, Zen stood with a bored expression. “I mean, I know you guys are in love but really? In front of the guests?”
A blush coated your cheeks. A real one. Not the kind that your makeup gave you. You released him immediately and the urge to distance himself has all but dissipated.
“It’s time for your speech,” Zen informed.
You gave Zen a mock salute before walking off. “Hey, I’ll catch you later, okay?”
He smiled. Softly. Knowingly. This was his life. It's you and him against everything. And he wants it for the rest of time. So he yields to his fate and answered, “I’ll be waiting.”
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Jumin Han's Relationship Questions (1)
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💜Who Wakes up first in the morning:💜 Jumin would wake up before his S/O he is very much a person even on vacation or on break he has his set time he will wake up. Most of the time he will wake up earlier than when he is supposed to leave and watch his S/O sleep taking in their breath counting how much time they breathed within the hour and noticing when S/O  is starting to stir awake. He does love making S/O breakfast first thing in the morning, morning coffee, and pancakes with Elizabeth the 3rd sitting on your lap.
💜Who’s the first to fall asleep at night:💜 His S/O is the first to fall asleep before him. Jumin is usually busy with work and being the director of C&R often comes home late. He does attempt to come home to share dinner with his S/O and chat about their day, after heading to their room where he will pet S/O’s hair and sing softly to them till they fall asleep. He is just feeling his heart swelling with such containment and giving her a gentle kiss on their temple before going to sleep.  
💜What they playfully tease each other over:💜 His S/O can playfully tease him about his lack of skills with housework, or knowing modern slang, or just how regular people work and live. He takes it in good stride as he would also tease his S/O with his dry humor or compare them to Elizabeth the 3rd and such. His sense of humor is weird and such and sometimes he says weird things that would catch S/O off guard but still laugh.
💜What they do when the other’s having a bad day:💜 Throw money at the problem, he is rich, and he will throw whatever money he can at the problem to make it go away. His S/O was looking at this necklace before he went to work, he will buy it. They spoke of Spain; He will take them there. It probably gets overwhelmingly fast, but he will also offer a shoulder to cry on. If his S/O wants just his attention and to be just with him and listen to their worries he will be there. For his bad days, just his S/O being there having someone being there for him and loving him for who is, is enough for him.
💜How they say ‘I’m sorry after arguments:💜 Throw money at the problem, and he will be out all day after an argument, he will be feeling guilty and such. He will come back later that night with all kinds of gifts and stuff he knows his partner would love before apologizing to them and explaining how much they mean to the world to them. He will try to fix whatever bothers his S/O other and such. His S/O can apologize any way they feel comfortable, a song or art piece, or even using Elizabeth the 3rd he will forgive his S/O and such and keep the song or however they apologized.
💜Which one’s more ticklish:💜 His S/O probably but he does have a few ticklish spots, around his neck and under his jawbone he is a bit ticklish but that is a secret only his S/O knows of…..
💜Their favorite rainy day activities:💜 Shopping, his apartment is built for shopping he will take his S/O looking at anything and everything they want before both of them heading home and sitting and enjoying wine and discussing the day with Elizabeth the 3rd on his lap or his S/O. He at times will love the simpler things and life and sitting and drinking wine and watching the rain fall is one of them.
💜How they surprise each other:💜Gifts, Jumin’s love language is gift giving and he will surprise his S/O with an expensive gift he saw and thought of them, or vacation trips just the two of them with of course Elizabeth the 3rd or taking them to private screenings of their favorite movie or show even meeting actors. But the best surprise is when he comes home early and they spend the day cuddling. He gets surprised just seeing his S/O around him loving him for him, of course, if his S/O wants to surprise him bringing another cat into the relationship is always fun.
💜Their most sickening show of public affection:💜 He is completely enamored with his S/O and just in the RFA talking about how much he loves them and how being around them just brightens his day. It often leaves the other members speechless, of course, he isn’t against physical affection and such either. Hugging and kissing his S/O even while people watch and saying the words ‘I love you,’
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mys-me-stuff · 8 months
hi friends, i'm hella late to the party but i grew up on mystic messenger and fanfic, and recently rediscovered a love for both of these things. with that said, i'm also very unsure of where to start.
will not write: anything that is socially unacceptable, pls don't even make requests like that. that's a wide range of things, i'm aware. just be normal, i beg.
will write: angst, fluff, (bad) smut, anything else within the realm of normal people requests that someone smarter than myself may come up with.
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natasha-in-space · 8 months
Sunflowers are one of my favourite flowers and lately ive been thinking of a yooran fic where ray compared yoosung to a sunflower (in the sense that he associates yoosung with sunflowers) and he also says that the way sunflowers follow the sun is similar to the way yoosung follows rika and this keeps on rotating in my head. Do u think yoosung is like a sunflower
First ship fic, whaaat? Anyways, I don't really ship Yooran, but I do think there is a whole lot to explore with their potential dynamic. I know this was probably requested as in Yoosung being in place of MC as a tester, but I decided to take it into a more darker and grounded in canon territory. That is, Mint Eye effectively winning, and taking the rest of the RFA into its ranks. It is also kind of one-sided, but it was definitely a fun little challenge for me to write!
There are now flowers for each of them in this garden.
The reason was a rather straightforward one. The garden simply couldn't be completed without all of Rika's most beloved friends, who she longed to see by her side so badly. With each new member slowly coming to accept true happiness into their hearts, the garden bloomed fuller and brighter. And how could it not? Rika believed that the garden resembled any living creature on this Earth. It needed care, nourishment, and company to grow big and strong in order to survive against the harsh mountain winds and colds. It would grow sad when it was neglected and abandoned, and it would grow happy when it was being cared for and loved.
And now, finally, the garden has been fully completed. Blooming beautifully in the soft moonlight. A living proof of Rika's success in building a prosperous and thriving paradise for all who felt abandoned by the cruel world outside of these secluded walls.
Bluebells for Zen.
Violets for Jaehee.
White chrysanthemums for Jumin.
And sunflowers for Yoosung.
All of them were together now. Blooming and growing happily among the daffodils that were always present in this garden. They are a constant reminder of its selfless creator.
On the other hand, Mr. Ray was a mystery to Yoosung. He was the one who led them all to the truth hidden behind those traitors' many lies, along with MC as his helpful assistant. He was the one who welcomed them to paradise first and guided them into Rika's loving emrace that would open them up to true happiness. And he was the one protecting them all.
Yet, they rarely, if ever, saw him after that. Of course, he was preoccupied with his duties. His contribution to Magenta's prosperity was almost as great as Rika's. But, out of everyone, Yoosung found himself growing ever more curious of the man that his cousin has trusted so much.
He was still unaware of so many things. It was fortunate that Rika was so understanding and considerate of all of them. She didn't scold him once for being too noisy: simply smiling and informing him that she is more than happy to arrange a shared activity for them to bond over.
As long as he doesn't interfere with their work schedule, that's fine by her.
That's how they ended up taking care of the many flowers in this rather huge garden. Yoosung would be completely lost if it weren't for Ray, who gracefully whirled through the many narrow paths sprinkled throughout the flower-filled grounds, like it was his second nature. His steps were one of confidence and precision, and it was hard not to admire him for his excellence.
It was almost a bit of a challenge to try and keep up with him, without losing sight of his magenta blazer in all the other bright colors surrounding them from all sides.
"-Savior has stated that we should check on the pink roses. She's worried some pests might have damaged them from the last time she visited them." Ray's voice was firm and measured as he instructed over his shoulder. Yoosung always found it odd how he spoke to Rika and the rest of the believers in a completely different way. Not to mention MC. It's like he was a completely different person altogether, depending on who he was speaking to. Still, he would be lying if he said he didn't like this confident and measured way of speaking. It made it easy to just let go and follow his lead without thinking much, if at all.
"Pests? I thought we had a few gardeners to take care of the garden?"
Ray scoffs, walking through the flowery bushes at a quick pace, making Yoosung hurry after him. "It would be a shame if their incompetence made Savior upset."
The conversation was not very pleasant, to say the least.
Yoosung sighs as silence resumes between them once more. It's evident that Ray is only doing this because Rika instructed him to. He can't help but wonder why is Ray so disinterested in anything that has to do with them. The only times he has ever seen him get emotionally invested in something, is when he saw him talking to MC next to his workroom, as well as his meetings with Rika. Yet, to the rest of the believers, Ray appeared almost indifferent and cold in his approach.
He decides to take a chance by initiating a conversation on his own accord. Looking at Ray, who had been examining a leaf of the particular rose, it seemed that his attempt had been successful. As, the man paused, his gaze darting off to the side for a moment, before he straightened up again.
"Yes, that is correct. Savior had that in mind since the moment the first flower has been planted. Magenta's garden couldn't be completed without you all here by her side."
Yoosung's heart froze. He was aware that Rika had never left them, of course. Not really. But, to hear the confirmation of her always wanting to reunite them one day... it made him smile.
He will always be thankful to her for exposing him to the truth.
He couldn't resist his curiosity. Taking a small step towards the white-haired hacker, he brought up the question that had been on his mind for some time now. "Is there a flower that represents... me?"
Ray returns his gaze, as if he were observing him silently. Despite this, his expression remained neutral. He nods, folding his arms behind his back as he stands to face him. He almost looked like a prince, standing with his back straight like that. "There is. There is a flower for each of you."
"Can I see it?" Instantly, Yoosung perks up and takes another step closer, almost instinctively.
Ray quirks a brow, a slight change in his expression that didn't escape Yoosung's attention. Was he taken aback? Curious? Or maybe just annoyed with him getting nosy instead focusing on the job? It was difficult to read. Ray was like a book that was closed tightly, with its cover blank or fully scratched out, preventing you from even reading its title, much less its contents. Yet, for some reason, Yoosung found himself wanting to read that book more and more with each passing day.
Nodding, the hacker instructs the other man to follow him with a quick shake of his head. "I suppose the Savior wouldn't mind you learning of that."
As they walked, Yoosung was deeply in thought. What is it that made him so interested in Ray? It's not like they worked together. Or even knew one another. Their ranks were all they had.
Oh, but he was aware of the reason.
Ray was by Rika's side during those years when they were apart. He was the one who knew so many things that Yoosung didn't.
There was a part of him that felt guilty and ashamed. Rika has given them everything they need to know. She has provided them with the whole truth about that liar V and that traitor Luciel. She has given them what nobody else could. Eternal happiness.
Yet, despite everything, another small part of him, the tiniest, quietest part of him, was still in desperate need of answers.
And they were all in Ray's possession.
"-There they are."
He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost bumped into the other man's back, making him scurry off with an embarrassed flush to his cheeks. Ray either didn't notice his clumsy stunt or didn't care about it. Yoosung followed his gaze to the flowers his attention was directed at.
He squints and raises his brows in confusion. "Sunflowers?"
Ray nods. "Sunflowers represent many things. But, they mostly hold the meaning of lasting happiness and loyalty."
He seemed quite knowledgeable about the topic. Yoosung came up to the large flowers, his fingers tracing over the stem of one of them thoughtfully. Lasting happiness and loyalty... is that how Rika thought of him? Such a sentiment made him smile.
What made him believe V's shameless lies in the first place? Of course she never died. He knew it in his heart.
"There is... more to it, though."
Ray adds, his voice sounding quieter this time around.
The other man is now standing close to him, their shoulders touching ever so slightly. Ray doesn't seem to notice or think anything of it, but Yoosung finds himself becoming rather flustered at the sudden proximity, staring up at the hacker with a light blush dusting his cheeks.
"Sunflowers always follow the sun, wherever they turn. With no exceptions, no setbacks. My Savior told me that their unwavering loyalty to the sun reminded her of you. And, once you joined our paradise, she knew for sure that you will never stray from her." Ray turns to look at him in the eyes, his gaze strangely methodical. It causes him to gulp nervously. "-Sunflowers are lost without their sun. They cannot survive without its guidance. A sunflower without its sun there to tell it where to look, is lost and wilted. It will continue to wilt in misery until its sun comes back to show it where to turn."
Yoosung's breath grows shaky. He may have been bad at catching allegories, but this one was pretty on the nose. It left behind a bitter taste in his mouth.
"...I suppose a sunflower really is... my flower."
For some reason, that admission felt heavy in his gut. Like a bag of rocks settling deep within his body, pulling him down with their weight.
"You should be grateful that our Savior will always be there to guide you from now on. You will never feel the absence of her gentle hand again. Isn't that what you always wanted? To be told what to do."
"...Savior is too kind."
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moth--blood · 2 years
RFA with a scenekid MC
707, yoosung kim, jumin han, zen, jaehee kang
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absolutely loves your style
lets you set up a work area by his desk for your jewelry / DIY projects!
not a huge fan of stepping on loose beads but hey, there's worse things to step on
thinks it's so interesting if you make kandi with can tabs or toys, or just general jewelry with stuff you find in the house. he admires all the creativity that goes into your projects
if you make clothes/masks with beads he is always so proud of you and the results, even if they're not as expected. he voices that very loudly; you're his 606, of course he's proud of your work!
if saeyoung has a lot of agency work, and you have unfinished projects, his favorite thing is both of you working in silence on your own projects, just enjoying the others presence. you being around always helps him focus and if its the same for you, he's more than happy to sit with you while you work
LOVES your music taste, especially if it's more electro
if you make him anything, jewelry or otherwise, he will 100% tear up and wear/use/show it off forever. he adores whatever you give him, regardless of what it is.
100% steals your clothes
kind of copies some of your jackets and hoodies, putting his own patches in similar places so you match (though if you do it for him he will never take it off. he's terrified of your work getting messed up if he does, so it's definitely a hassle cleaning it)
his apartment's not all that big, so you both manage to do your own things or work together on projects in his bedroom. when it's not being used, he'll let you stack bead boxes and supplies on his PC (though they will quickly get ((gently)) discarded to the floor when he decides its LOLOL time)
more a fan of "quieter" scene music, though he can absolutely get behind some hyperpop or nightcore
if you make him anything (and i mean anything) he will cry, on the spot, and keep it forever. if it breaks, or tears, he'll put it on his desk and refuse to touch it until you can fix it (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) poor boy feels awful even if its just string snapping from being worn too much
definitely tries his hand at Kandi making for a few months and ultimately lets it fade out like the majority of his intrests
not a giant fan of the music but he admires the effort you put into your projects
will beg you and beg you to make Elizabeth accessories, and after that it's
"well, she can't be alone, we should have matching bracelets - and colar, in her case - with Elizabeth. ....we should have matching ones, can we have matching ones (Y/N)?"
he will wear it everywhere and shows it to his dad all excited once you make them
"look at what my lovely (husband/wife/spouse) made us, they're very talented. Elizabeth has one too."
always adores anything you give him, no matter how small; it's still a gift, and he cherishes them
gives you a whole room in the penthouse for your work!
he sets it up while you're off with Jaehee or another RFA member, making sure to add posters from your favorite games/shows/movies/ext. he blows so much money on the set-up and is so pleased with himself when he gets your reaction
always makes an effort to resupply anything you're running low on, asked or not.
if you diy any clothes for him he will wear them out, reputation be damned
tries getting you to sell (or at least promote, c'mon y/n) your work at the RFA Parties with V's pictures
has never seen an episode of Invader Zim in his life, probably never will unless you ask, but he thinks gir is cute.
this just in jumin han is a Gir enjoyer
like seven, enjoys the more electro side of your music tastes
",,,,if i can ask, can you make me something related to this play zen was in--" his biggest fan even through your work lmao
if you diy her any clothes, those are now her favorite home/sleep clothes
same with jewelry, though she'll find a way to incorporate those into her work outfits so she can subtly show them off
just like the others, admires all of your work every single time. kandi single? "that's so nice, (Y/N)! I love the colors" kandi cuff? "that's very impressive! i like the patterns :)" necklace with a toy connected? pearler? your spin on toy jewelry from a game you had as a kid? doesn't matter, she looks at all of your projects as a whole play of their own. she loves hearing the inspiration behind each peace
her favorite peaces are the ones where your spiel of inspiration is something really simple, like "haha i thought this would look funky, so i made it!" like- that little bit of thought made *this*? she's amazed.
if you make pearlers or things of that nature, and give some to her, she *will* put that on her lanyard. she will find a way.
god please make him something, little as it may be, he will never take it off
he has more sense than Yoo if it's clothes, though. just "be careful, (y/n), i know you know how to do it but be careful i really like that one—"
gets all flustered the first few times you give him something you made. some part of his brain cant wrap itself around the fact not only is he with such a wonderful creative person but you're using that creativity on him, he's honored
if you send him anything revolving around "rawr, i love you in dinosaur!! x3" he will seriously start saying Rawr. he wants to tell you he loves you in any way he can, wether that be in korean, english, or dinosaur, he's doing it
he'll humor all of your music, from the most whitenoise sounding hyperpop to stuff like Hollywood Undead. more a fan of nightcore/daycore though
if you make/give him any bracelets he absolutely wears them when he's acting, modeling, performing, exct if he can. he loves showing off your work :)
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devilishdelights · 2 years
those mystic messenger bitches had you UP
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
i'd love to hear your interpretation of the day 8 call ("You don't give up do you?") on Saeyoung's route! that has to be my favorite call, especially the end lolol
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I mean, if anything, this is a representation that goes against the idea that Saeyoung "suddenly becomes a big meanie in his route and he's not playing games with me anymore, he's such a jerk! The time we've spent with him in the apartment is awful because he isn't the silly guy on the game previews!"
I really don't care for people who talk about him that way. If you only value him because he's silly, then you don't actually value him at all as a person. That's why you drive right into the bad ending, figuratively and literally. If you don't value his emotions and allow him to come to terms with what just happened to him, then you don't like Saeyoung.
Saeyoung just realized he sold his life away for NOTHING. Rika and V promised him that Saeran would be safe, and now he's just learned it was a lie. It was all a lie. His brother isn't safe, he's suffering in horrible ways that Saeyoung can't even begin to imagine because every time he closes his eyes, he wants throw up at the thought of Saeran being forced to learn how to hack and hurt others.
He traded his autonomy away to give his brother a chance at a free life, and not even a perfectly free life, a life that could be as free as he could have been given the circumstances. Saeyoung did it because thought the sacrifice would be worth it and threw away everything for nothing. It was for nothing because his brother has no nothing but misery. 
Can you imagine what it must feel like to sacrifice everything and realize it was for nothing? Do you think anybody in his position will be silly and goofy? No. That's not even the entirety of his being. He is not just some guy who likes to play pranks on people. The RFA is his family, and he’s accepted they’ll be the only family he’ll ever have because he can’t be with Saeran. So, he looks over them and does all kinds of things to lift their spirits. 
He got Yoosung into LOLOL. 
He runs Twitter bots for Zen. 
He hangs out with Jaehee and lets her vent about work. 
He’s aware that Elizabeth’s collar has SENSITIVE INFORMATION on it, and is constantly pressing Jumin to up his security. 
Sure, he plays around and pokes fun at everybody, and yes, that’s a part of who he is. But, if you only believe he's a silly prankster, then you have spent no time reflecting on why he's wearing a mask and settling it in the first place.
Saeyoung Choi is a multifaceted person and he isn’t just a joke. He's a compassionate man who will do anything and everything to take care of the people he loves, he loves going out for drives, he loves working on robotics, he can make up a story on the spot about the stars, he loves cosplay and cross-dressing, he loves so many things and he could spend three hours explaining his love of language and linguistics to you if you ASKED.
He is serious and if he's trying to piece together a plan, he's going to have a contingency ready for his contingency. He's ready for anything you throw at him. He can hold a conversation at length about any subject you throw at him and he will enjoy it far more than you think he will. 
He's stubborn to a fault. He can be clingy and paranoid at his worst. Sometimes his anger gets the better of him and he says things without thinking. But, that's what makes him human, with all his faults, flaws, and aspirations. There is so much more to him than being a jokester and if you don't understand that, you're not paying attention to what's happening during your time in the apartment. 
All of this is to say that it's not okay that he's mean to you in the apartment, but a lot of people tend to blow what he's doing out of proportion. If you are actively calling him throughout the day and listening to what he says, it is so obvious that he is lying through his teeth. He may be the best liar in the world when it comes to his work in the agency, but when it comes to you, he is the worst liar I have ever seen in my entire life.
He cannot hide how much he cares about you. When he thinks you're not eating he goes out of his way to make sure he orders every kind of sandwich imaginable just in case you have a picky palette. When you leave the apartment to get something for him, he gets upset with you, not because he's angry with you, but because he hates that you're not thinking of your safety when his brother could have really hurt you even if it hurts him to admit that. 
And, you know what happens in this phone call? He sees you crying and he immediately folds. It doesn't matter how frustrated he is with the fact that his life is built on a lie, he still wants to comfort you because you make him happy no matter how afraid he is to admit that.
When it comes down to it, he's just afraid of letting you into his life because the last time he had somebody close to him that he would do anything for, they suffered. He just watched what happened to his brother all because he cared about him and thought he could trust his brother with people who didn't give him a reason not to trust them. 
The only reason he tries to push you away is because he's afraid of you getting hurt like his brother. He can't stomach what happened to his brother as it is, but the thought of watching another person he loves suffering isn't something he can stand. If you work with him and give him the space he needs, then he'll apologize to you and realize that he can't live his life this way forever.
He can't deny himself happiness for the rest of his life just because he's afraid to make a leap. This call shows he can't lie about anything when it comes to you no matter how hard he tries. He could lie to the rest of the world but he could never lie to you. 
My favorite part is the way his voice trembles near the end of the phone call and he asks you if it's okay to Hold Your Hand despite everything. 
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mystmesstolemysoul · 9 months
What if MC had no choice but to reset? What if, after enough cycles through each story, they know exactly which night they'll go to sleep next to their love then wake up all alone with a text telling them to go to an address they already know by heart. What if MC was cursed with repeating the same events over and over again, falling in love but never getting to grow beyond a certain point with the love of their life?
(lil drabble below the cut. There's a little bit of reset theory sprinkled in, along with a smidge of reference to a song I think goes with MysMes perfectly)
Which guy I'm talking about is intentionally vague so you can imagine your fave <3
Angst with a happy? bittersweet? ending
Not proofread, I don't have time for that shit, sorry lol
The first time it happened, it was jarring. A panic setting in as you woke up, back in your old old apartment, no sign of him anywhere. Had it all been a dream? Surely not.
Then came the text, and it all came flooding back. What was happening?
You were less fearful this time as you walked up to Rika's apartment, even knowing all that you did now about the mysterious circumstances that had brough you here.
When they, the RFA, your family, greeted you as a stranger, it stung in a painfully nostalgic way. Had they really forgotten all about you? But it wasn't that; they hadn't known you in the first place.
You did some things differently, this time around. You gave more attention to one of the members that you'd brushed off the first time. Confusion clouded you on day five when everything began to drift away from the story you remembered. Despite this change, your new bachelor managed to sweep you off your feet, though you always felt guilty whenever he, your lover from the first time, called or texted. You felt guilty having to push him away to stay loyal to your new man.
You had almost forgotten about that jarring day when everything had reset. Almost. Until it happened again. You were more prepared this time, but felt almost exceedingly empty as you read the text asking for your help. You wanted to ignore it, to stop this toying with your heart. But you knew you couldn't stay away from the RFA. You were bound, heart and soul. So you did as 'Unknown' asked.
You began to dread it more and more each new route, never knowing when you were going to wake up alone and start the cycle all over again. It became numbing. Heartbreaking. But you could never stay away.
Eventually, you'd seen every possible way it could end. There had been a time you'd hoped to find a road that wouldn't end. A path that wouldn't lead to you waking up alone, forced to greet your closest friends as new strangers. But you'd long since given that up.
You'd seen every success, every possible failure. Felt every swell of new love, every shattering heartbreak. Made friends, made enemies, just for it all to be washed away.
There was a time when you'd begun to intentionally run everything into the ground. It was easier to repeat random 5-day loops than to go months, years, before having it all ripped away from you. But bringing them heartbreak hurt you more.
You were careful now. So careful. Especially with him.
You could never bring yourself to be careless with him. You didn't know why, but after a while, he began to stick out to you more than all the rest. No matter which path you walked, he always caught your eye. The way he said things, his way of thinking, how he tried to look out for you in his own little way.
So you pursued him. You'd won his heart before, many times, but you did it again with a purpose. You knew it wouldn't last. You knew one day, you'd wake up and it would all be over. But you loved him. You really loved him. And when the night came that you knew would be the last, you tried desperately not to sleep. But it was as if some curse took over you, forcing your eyes to close. When you awoke, it was all gone.
But you wouldn't let that stop you. Again, you followed him, your north star, your guiding light. Again, you won his heart. And again, you woke up. It was the third time when you noticed something different. Just a moment. A spark. A faint look in his eyes when you saw him face to face, some wondrous shock, as if he couldn't believe you'd chosen him. More than that usual look in his eyes when he saw you for what you believed to be his first time.
But the look wasn't enough for you to say something. Not yet. But a fourth time, you chose him. Then a fifth. Till finally, on the sixth time through, he gave you a look as if you'd gone insane, and he loved you for it. You'd asked without thinking. "You remember, don't you?"
He hadn't had to speak a word for you to know the answer. You knew him too well. He woke up alone, the same as you. And you loved him fiercer. Again and again and again, determined now to always choose him. No matter how repetitive, no matter how painful, you couldn't choose anyone but him, knowing he'd have to watch you fall in love with another man if you chose any other path.
When the fateful night settled in, wrapped up in each others arms, you were silent. You both knew what this night meant. When the daylight comes I'll have to go. You felt his tears trickle into your hair. "I don't wanna start all over."
And you didn't either. "I know, baby, I know." You held him so close, promising, "I'll choose you. I'll always choose you." And you meant it. You'd never be able to make it through now without him. You had him, now, and you weren't letting go.
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go, but tonight I'm gonna hold you so close, 'cause in the daylight we'll be on our own, but tonight I'm gonna hold you so close.
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sadability · 3 months
Did you get mysterious messages? ~🎵
Jihyun / V
I think V would love Mitski. Just imagining him painting while my love, mine All mine plays in the background is so sweet. I also think he'd like cavetown, clario, Adrianne Lenker, Liane Flores and Tears For Fears. He often listens to it as background noise when painting or photographing but I also believe he'd practice singing using certain songs (and maybe sing you to sleep HSHSHS)
Jumin gives me trouble because I feel like he listens to music for lyrics or lack thereof rather than sound. He listens to blues, jazz, classical and maybe a soft rock love song here and there. If he listens to a song with lyrics, he'll study them. He doesn't really listen to music often but when he does, it's often used as background noise rather than him genuinely indulging.
707 / Saeyoung / Luciel
I think he'd listen to mostly everything but especially synth wave, pop, new wave, rap, noise and glam rock for some reason. I could see him vibing to Depeche Mode one moment and then Fetty Wap the next. He would definitely unironically listen to wannabe by the spice girls LMAO. Also probably really likes tv show intros like iCarly theme or something. AND DISCO!! Seven dancing to bee gees when!?!?
To get rid of the obvious he'd listen to video game osts, pixel (I think that's what the genre is called?) and probably, here me out, pop punk. Or like Falling in Reverse. I think his favourite band would be the All American Rejects but I can also see him liking old demi lavato or Camilla cabello. Both basic white girl music and then randomly pop punk mixed in. As for gaming soundtracks I think he'd really like the undertale ost and probably listens to music through gacha life amv 😔
Zen / Hyun
I FEEL LIKE HIS MUSIC TASTE WAS EXPLICITLY STATED BUT I DONT REMEMBER RAHH okay okay uhm- !! I can totally see him listening to Whitney Houston, Abba, The Cardigans, The Beatles etc for some reason but also he'd feel self conscious that his music taste is too "old" so he would throw in shit like Kendrick Lamar and Future to spice things up and he would never ever admit that his favourite song is Angeleyes by Abba.
Bubblegum Pop, Indie and Doo Wop!!! Mitski, Girl In Red, Kinneret, Princess Chelsea, The Chordettes and The Supremes are frequents of Jaehee's playlist! She only really listens to music on the plane or in the office though. It helps her relax and take her mind off the stress for a bit. I can imagine her learning piano and playing songs like Johnny Angel or Mr Sandman in her free time.
Rika likes Melanie Martinez and i refuse to argue. She would probably relate really hard to some of her music and overall loves the way it sounds. Can also see her liking Penelope Scott. On the other hand, i see her liking classical or just soft piano music. Color me Blue by Akane would also be a song i can see her liking.
Metal, Glam Rock, Glam Metal, Dad Rock, 80s rock just. Yeah. You get the point. Metallica, Journey, Mötley Crüe, Guns n Roses, Van Halen, Cinderella, Def Leppord and Dokken !! His favourite bands. Just classic 80s/90s rock for ya. Absolutely goes to their concerts religiously. Probably plays electric guitar as well..he could perform his own concert tbf
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shewrotesomething · 1 year
(so few things)
The Day He Realized He Wanted to Marry You Yoosung Zen Jihyun Unknown Jumin  Saeyoung 
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brighteststar707 · 5 months
You carry parts of past lives with you. You can't help it, you're made up of all the people you've loved before.
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A reset theory idea I revived from a years-old draft about picking up traits from people you spend a lot of time around (as I'm quite prone to doing🤭).
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There has always been this strange familiarity to you. Even back in the early days, it always felt like you were someone Saeyoung had known for years.
He likes to tease you about being easy to read, but it's more than that. The things he recognises in you are things he has grown to love so much in his closest friends.
He loves to tell silly jokes just to hear you laugh. When he promised you a life that would be happy and without worry, he meant it. Your laugh is infectious, addicting even. A laugh from you is an affirmation to someone as insecure as him.
It took him a while to catch on to the way your giggles resemble Yoosung's sometimes. It's not every time, but more than enough times to be a noticeable quirk of yours. The slight hiss of air escaping through your teeth, the precursor to a proper, real laugh.
That was the first parallel he drew. But it was not the last.
He thought he was imagining things at first, making connections where there weren't any to be made. But then you teasingly called him honey for the first time, truly affectionate and sugary-sweet and it was impossible to not think about how he had seen Zen do the same thing before to make fans of his blush. Of course, this trick worked just as well on him when you did it. When you were in these moods, you were magnetic, more so than even Zen could be.
There is something about how, during discussions, you pause to gather your thoughts right before you're about to conclude a point. You have told him you do it to try and collect your thoughts into a coherent sentence so you don't jumble everything up. He thinks it's smart (and cute). It's something he is trying to implement in his life now.
He also knows it's something Jumin practices and advises others to do too. On occasion, during RFA gatherings, Saeyoung watches you and Jumin have a conversation and fall into similar patterns of speech. It's mesmerising, like watching two mirror images.
It is only after a few years, after getting closer to Jaehee at all that realises there are similarities between the two of you too.
He sees a small echo of her in the way that you tackle challenges, not just the resilience he has always known you're capable of but the way you can dissect a problem down to its core and handle it piece by piece. In the tone and cadence you use when instructing others, kind but deliberate, with no room for doubt.
But she's also in your excitement, in the way your voice builds up and rises in pitch when you're talking about something you love. If it wasn't something he recognised from your first weeks together, he'd attribute it to your many musical movie nights.
It wouldn't be fair to say that these traits are identical to theirs. They're things that are so inherent to you, he couldn't imagine you without your funny hiss-laugh or the cadence of your voice when you're measuring out your words. He finds comfort all the same in the little overlap between you and his friends. It may puzzle him sometimes, but he wouldn't change it for the world.
The cherry on the cake was one day when you were chatting and you scrunched your nose before telling a joke, in the same way he knows he does sometimes. His heart swelled three sizes that day and he wouldn't stop teasing you about it.
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kkarmiic · 2 years
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\\ synopsis: what 707, yoosung, zen and jumin would do for valentines!
‘+ genre: fluff
*# warnings: proposal mention in jumins part
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He’s a big romantic with wealth, this man wouldn’t stop at any lengths to make this valentines perfect for you.
Wakes you up with breakfast in bed, a bouquet of roses sitting in the middle of the tray, with your favourite food(s) around it.
A perfect start to your perfect valentines.
He’s even more sweet the whole day, boxes of chocolates and a card, all high end.
He lets it be known how much he appreciates and loves you, and how he’s so grateful you joined RFA and how grateful he is that you two met.
Elizabeth also gets spoiled on Valentine’s Day but shhh…
Gifts you jewellery, outfits, shoes.
Doesn’t expect anything back from you, but if you do get him something, no matter how small it is, he will be ridiculously happy.
When it’s time for dinner, he takes you to a fancy restaurant, will make sure to shower you in compliments about your outfit.
Let’s you pick anything off the menu, ensuring that he will pay for it.
He’d be the type to propose to you on valentines, and so if you’re not already married/engaged, he’d be there, down on one knee at dinner with a ring box in hand.
“Y/N you make me the happiest man alive, I’ve never felt so free than with you, would you do the honour of being my spouse?”
Something awfully sweet like that. Valentines with Jumin are the best.
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# ‘ZEN
I imagine he’d take a day off of work, and while not as romantic as Jumin, he would try his damn hardest to make the day about you.
Flowers, your favourite flowers, in the morning when he comes over to see you, along with a valentines teddy bear that’s probably way too big to fit in your bed.
A card with a sweet note telling you how much he appreciates and loves you.
Will play music and dance around with you in your front room.
And if you get him something in return, he’d softly smile, telling you just how wonderful you truly are.
Lunch at a quaint cafe, ordering sweet treats for the two of you, definitely trying out their valentines special.
He’d take you to the cinemas or a theatre to watch something, obviously romantic, maybe a rom-com.
When you come home, he’d run you a nice warm bath with scented candles and bubbles.
He treats you like royalty the whole day.
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He’s a broke student; please have mercy.
You two definitely have an indoors date.
But he gives you a stuffed toy and a valentines card at first, and then for the rest of the day?
You start by cooking breakfast together, waffles, pancakes, probably with scoops of icecream.
He apologised for not being able to do much more, but I doubt you’re angry.
If you get him something, he will be jumping up and down in glee.
If you’re a gamer like him, he’d probably set up some games for you to play, and sets up a nice date night there.
It’s super sweet, he carries you in any game you two play, trying to make sure to enjoy your time.
But if you’re not a gamer, expect movies and cuddles.
He’d put on your favourite movie, grabbing the warmest and cosiest blanket he owns, fully sets up a pillow fort for you two to watch it in.
He really loves spending the day with you, even though it’s not fancy, it’s still nice.
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# ‘707
Okay, I feel like there’s two ways this could go so I’ll do both.
But no matter what, he’d get you chocolates and or icecream to start your day.
If you get him something, he’d be grinning like mad, just so thankful he has you in his life.
First off, a movie date at home.
I imagine he has one of those big projector things and so he projects it onto a blank wall.
Puts in a movie he thinks you’d both enjoy, it doesn’t even have to be a romantic movie, it can be horror or whatever aslong as he knows you would like it.
But that’s if it’s later in the relationship; he’s a major introvert and would definitely feel more comfortable inside.
However, if it’s earlier in the relationship, he would push himself out of his comfort zone to impress you more.
Takes you to a theme park!!
Probably makes you go on all the big and scary rides (sorry).
But he takes those photobooth pictures with you! And they’re so cute.
Definitely has one where you’re kissing.
Would put it on his wall/in his phone case.
He just loves looking at you.
I also feel like, whether it’s movies or a theme park, he would take you star gazing after.
I’m not sure why, it just feels like a very him thing to do.
Tells you all about the different constellations and what they represent.
He’s so lovely.
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canned-pears · 5 months
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Character spreads! RFA is up first and below are some more MCs! For quick reference, the first two on the right are ones I made for Zen and 707 routes and the others I loosely aligned following the same order as the spread above-but tbh these designs were more for funzies and I could imagine paired with anyone from any route!
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I made colored versions of these that I'll post later as well :)
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natasha-in-space · 9 months
Okay, okay, but can we talk about the implications of the RFA preparing us these gingerbread cookies? I know they made it look all neat and tidy for us (Saeran and Jumin wouldn't have it any other way), but there is definitely a story of a completely destroyed kitchen behind them.
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I can see it going two ways: Either they each made a cookie individually, or they mitigated responsibilities between one another. For the sake of this being funnier, let's go with the first option!
Yoosung is likely to take a few attempts to complete his cookie. Not because he is bad at it (he was forced to help out making gingerbread cookies with his family almost every Christmas), but because he wants to make it perfect! After all, it's for their party coordinator! And he wants to impress you! Overall, he does a clean enough job, and his cookie turns out in a way that leaves him proud. If only Saeyoung didn't prank him once or twice in the process, that redheaded rascal!
Zen will definitely need some help. I'm sorry, I know he can cook and he is willing to learn for you, but as of now, he is rusty as heck. Surviving on nothing but salads, beer, and occasional snacks will not turn him into a good baker. He will try to follow the recipe, but he will either end up messing up, or he'll get all huffy about the cookie not looking right, and not representing his true beauty. He wants his cookie to be as handsome as he is! (Jaehee will enthusiastically agree to this statement) Actually, I can see Jaehee being the one to help him out. Maybe even in secret from everyone else, so he wouldn't get teased about it. Plus, Jaehee is just as motivated to make this cookie perfect!
Speaking of Jaehee, just like with everything else she does, she will do her job quickly and perfectly. No fuss, no muss. She'll be very clean about it too. It's like she wasn't even there in the kitchen. I don't even have much to say about her, because she's just too responsible and diligent for her own good. No silly gags, just a perfectly baked delicious cookie. She'll be very proud of it, too. Make sure to compliment her! She'll get all giggly about it for sure.
Jumin is... He can bake. In fact, he is a very good baker due to his natural ability to follow given instructions precisely. But, the problem with Jumin isn't that he can't cook or bake, as it's often assumed, it's that he gets too damn curious for his own good. He is like a cat. A creature of curiosity. Will try doing different techniques and adding new things, just to see what will turn out. He finds baking to be like a science and is captivated by it. Everyone in the RFA are horrified. It's like watching the ticking bomb go off. Everyone except for Jihyun. That man is just chuckling away in the corner and occasionally poking fun at his friend, because he knew it would end up that way. Although he will have to step in, once Jumin decides to try something a bit too crazy. Can't have their party coordinator shocked in a not so pleasant way! Jumin will still present you with an entire collection of gingerbread cookies later, though. He's too proud not to. What an absolute dork.
Speaking of Jihyun, I don't know why, but I always pictured him as a pretty bad cook and baker. I don't have any canon evidence for it, this is just pure headcanon territory. He will try. Dear Lord, he will try his absolute best for you. But, his gingerbread cookies will turn out looking just as sad and skrunkly as he is. It's like a curse. He might just come to terms with his cookie looking as miserable as ever, but I like to imagine Yoosung helping him out in the end! Just because I'd like to see them bond in a cute and happy way for once. Who knows, maybe this will become a new tradition of theirs! Yoosung teaching Jihyun an art of cooking and baking. And, I think Jihyun really does view it as an art. Then again, his artistic nature can make even the most mundane of things into a beautiful metaphor for something. He just needs someone by his side to watch out for any smoke.
Saeran is one step behind Jaehee when it comes to getting the job done. He's a bit more messy, because he likes to have fun while baking (especially when he's preparing something for you), and he will definitely prepare a good batch of different variations, before he decides on the final one. Funny thing about Saeran is that the kitchen will be squeaky clean, but he will be covered in flour, frosting, and other things. He doesn't know how it happened. No one does. But, it does give his brother some opportunities for playful teasing. Much to Saeran's exasperation (but there is a smile on his face as he huffs and puffs at Saeyoung's jokes, and it melts his twin's heart for sure). Also, he will prepare gingerbread cookies for Ray and Suit, but will leave them to give those two to you later in person. These are special.
And, last but not least, we have the final boss. The one who turns a cute idea to surprise you into a raging disaster. The man behind the slaughter. Saeyoung Choi. Boy, oh boy. It's true that no one wanted to allow him to bake. Everyone was aware of what was to come. But, once they saw that painfully familiar sparkle of inspiration in those golden eyes of his? That wicked grin that just screamed of mischief? His numerous babbles in the chatroom about 101 facts regarding gingerbread cookies? It was obvious. There was no going back. Only forward. He would bake that cookie with or without them. And, Saeran would much rather be nearby if something caught on fire. The cookie you see on the plate is adorable. It's perfect. Tasty. But, there is a story of true terror behind it. Dozens of fallen gingerbread cookies, lost at the hands of a mad redheaded genuis who was having way too much fun mixing ingredients that should never be mixed. How in the world did he get flour onto the ceiling? No one knows. Why is there a batch of Dr Pepper flavored cookies laying on the counter? Why, that's another mystery added to the pile. Did he create some kind of ungodly invention or a full on robo-arm to make cookies for him? Ask Vanderwood for that.
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juminsmysticmc · 2 years
RFA x Mc who stays alone while someone tries to enter the house
So, this scenario came suddenly to my mind! Hope you enjoy!  
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It’d been a long time since you stayed alone in the big penthouse.
Jaehee was ultra annoyed because of a project and Jumin just had to stay a bit longer at the office, something he didn’t quite enjoy but couldn’t change.
You were in your private library, sitting in the relatively darker room with a little light next to you so that you could at least read the book Jumin bought for you.
You were enjoying the calmness, the quiet lonely feeling of freedom.
But still, you couldn’t wait until Jumin came home to hug you.
The day was long.
You sat there on your couch until you heard something on the window.
At first, you thought it was your imagination, but then you heard it again and tried to focus longer.
An animal? Why wasn’t the alarm going off?
These thoughts haunted you until a face appeared behind the glass, making you shriek.
In that very moment the man crushed the window with a stone he was holding in his free hand and managed to enter through it, making you scream even louder.
The alarm finally went off, over sounding your screams of fear and making the bodyguards finally react.
In a totally different place Jumin was busy working on the project while Jaehee was too busy rolling her eyes at a specific phone call.
When she, however, heard the bodyguard's words, her face turned pale.
At the same time, Seven entered the chatroom and informed everyone what just happened - somehow he got a notification when the alarm went off in the penthouse and hacked into the CCTV.
Jumin and Jaehee never arrived so quickly at the penthouse and Jumin was never so scared for your life.
His hands were still trembling when he was holding your sobbing body.
The bodyguards who were supposed to patrol the garden were fired and the security was kept even tighter. He would never let something happen to you.
,,Maybe I should call in sick,’’ he sighed, kissing your temple again.
You were rocking your sleeping baby daughter. She was just two weeks old and it already felt as if she was always there, as if you were always rocking a baby in your arms.
Your hair wasn't brushed yet and you still didn’t change your sleeping gown, but you still had a soft smile on your lips.
,,Don’t be silly, it’s just today. The director needs you, we will handle it,’’ you tried to calm him down, your eyes never leaving the baby you were holding.
She had white hair, but your eyes, something that amazed you.
But she was already so beautiful and a really calm baby.
,,I know, but I worry about you two… I don’t want to leave you,’’ he whispered and stroked his daughter's soft skin.
His daughter.
Just thinking about it made his heart swell.
But no matter how much his heart hurt at the thought of leaving you, he had to go to work.
If the director would let him fall, he wouldn’t be able to provide for you or his child - he didn’t want to risk it.
The hours passed by and passed by until it was time to make dinner.
By now you fed your daughter a few times and also changed her diapers.
Of course you changed your clothes - both of yours - several times and managed to brush your hair and get some house cleaning done.
You just needed to cook dinner now and then the day would be over.
The baby just began to whine again when you put the noodles into the soup.
Thinking you would just go away for a few seconds to take your daughter, you didn’t turn off the heat but just stepped away - it was still unknown to you that this was what saved you.
Just when you had your baby in your arms, an odd sound made you stop breathing.
Something was crushed in the bathroom.
Remembering you left open the window after a shower earlier, you thought the worst.
You put your daughter’s pacifier in her mouth, praying to god that this would make her stay silent before you tried to slowly walk towards the door to run out. 
The steps came closer and closer and you already thought you lost, when something made another loud sound, this time coming from the kitchen.
The steps stopped and seemed to go in a different direction, the chance you used to run away.
You quickly ran out, left the door open, and ran.
Your baby was in your arms, without a jacket and shoes, you just ran.
,,MC?!’’ Zen called when he saw you, his motorcycle stopping across from you.
,,Princess, what are you doing? Why are you like that?’’ he asked you, referring to your barefoot body.
,,Hyun! Someone broke in! Someone broke in!’’ you gasped and sobbed, just now you realized how painful it was, how scared you were.
Zen didn’t wait a second to call the police and give you his jacket and shoes.
While waiting for the police so that you could drive a car back home, Zen held you and tried to calm you down.
The burglar didn’t find anything, apparently - or so showed the CCTV at home. He was surprised by the dinner and ran away as soon as he heard the door.
Still, Zen took this as a sign and decided to listen to his gut the next time he didn’t want to go to work.
,,Alright, see you tomorrow,’’ Yoosung said, kissing your head and making you chuckle.
Actually, he would be back at midnight as he had the later shift, but he liked to act as if being a vet in a hospital and having a late shift were holding him back from seeing you,being overdramatic.
You waved goodbye and then began to enjoy the free time you were going to have.
You cleaned, cooked, read a book, watched an anime, and spent your time with your friends in the chatroom.
The time passed by and before you could realize it, it was already time to go to sleep, something you did as you couldn’t manage to stay awake until Yoosung would be back.
Slowly you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep, a light slumber yet.
The warm blanket and your soft pillow were the things you loved the most after Yoosung.
And just when you thought you were asleep, something made you jolt.
A sound, you thought.
Your eyes were wide open and you were gasping for air, trying to concentrate on whatever you just heard.
Was it Lisa? No, she was with Yoosung at the hospital.
Was it Yoosung? He wouldn’t be back yet.
And then again, a sound, things falling, and steps.
Someone was here.
From the little space between the door and the floor, you could see that the light was switched on and in that moment your body reacted on its own.
You grabbed your phone and quickly but silently walked to the bathroom in your room and hid in the shower.
No one would think something valuable would be in a bathroom, right?
With trembling hands you tried to reach Yoosung. Seeing that your messages never arrived, you switched over to 707, the man who was always online, and indeed, he was.
,,707 your hero at the start, my lovely Mc, what can I do for your private message?’’ he asked you.
But you had no time to waste and spammed him.
,,Help’’, ,,Someone broke in’’, ,,I’m in the bathroom,’’, ,,I can’t run away,’’ , ,,I’m scarede,’’ , ,,*scared, typo,’’
Praying he would help you.
,,I will be there. Call me so that I can hear what happens,’’ he said and you did.
You didn’t know how much time passed, you just knew that it was hard to breathe, fearing that they would hear you.
And then everything was louder. You could hear several voices, people yelling, and your name being called in a panic.
Just when the door was opened and he held you in your arms you could manage to calm down and collapse in his arms.
,,Seven informed Jumin who immediately arrived with his men and the police and came to pick me up. Thank god we came in time,’’ he whispered with tears.
It was okay, you were okay…you were okay.
,,Take everything you need, I am not going to stop you or alert the police. Take either drinks, food, or money, I don’t care, I just want to stay alive,’’ you whispered to the unknown man standing in front of you.
You could see that he was in need, and hell, if he didn’t have a weapon, you would have let him eat something for free even.
You were the last person who would have kicked him out.
If he would have wanted, you would have even offered him a job or something, but he was standing in front of you with a knife, hands trembling while he ordered you to not move.
You didn’t plan on moving.
You were just thankful that Jaehee went off earlier before closing the shop and helping you to count the money because she had to pause something regarding Zen.
On the other hand, she could help you out with her Judo. Alone you were, well, fucked up.
,,I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOU!’’ the man hissed, waving with the knife.
You were scared, but you tried to stay calm.
You also didn’t utter a word, you were just trying to understand what the man was trying to do. Did he intend to kill you, to take something, or both?
,,Everyone just looks down on me! I am not someone to pity! I will make you all pay!’’ he cried out, making you gasp.
You still couldn’t think straight, you just wanted to live.
,,Mc what is taking you so long to-’’ Jaehee didn’t have to finish her sentence to understand what was happening.
And then everything went too quickly for you to understand. The man ran towards Jaehee, who just realized that the man had a weapon in his hands.
And before she could even dodge the stab, her body reacted on its own and she fought against him with some of her cool Judo tricks, making him land straight on the floor.
,,Thank you,’’ you whispered when you saw that Jaehee took him down in less than a minute.
Her warm arms were now around you and you could feel her heart racing against your own body.
She was worried.
The police arrived and everything was solved, although the security was tightened and below the cash register a little alarm was placed so that whatever happened, the police would be alarmed.
If there was something that was impossible, it was to enter through the security of a hacker, actually, two hackers and a person who worked for an odd agency once.
The three men knew a lot about security and none would have guessed that anyone could break that security.
But someone could, and this someone was none other than the agency.
Revenge, this was something they seeked for, Saeyoung was sure.
As soon as his phone alerted him that someone entered his house, his heart was racing.
His head was spinning and his palms were sweaty.
His mouth was dry and suddenly he forgot how to talk.
He lost Jihyun and Rika, who betrayed him and lied to him, took advantage of his little brother, and almost ended their future, but he finally found you and got Saeran back. It couldn’t be that someone else was about to destroy this happiness he just found.
,,Quickly they will realize that she’s sleeping!’’ Saeyoung gasped.
He didn’t know what exactly made him go out with Vanderwood and Saeran, he never went out, neither of them did.
But today they did. This was how strong your presence was, you could change the habits of three grown men. Your upcoming birthday was a reason for three introverts to leave the house and do something special.
Neither of them thought of putting you to any risk.
With his red racing car, Saeyoung arrived in a few seconds to his place, his phone never out of his sight, hoping that you would call him and tell him that you were hidden somewhere.
But nothing.
And he was scared that if he called you, your phone would ring and make you get discovered.
Feeling helpless was awful.
,,The basement window is broken! They are in!’’ he gasped and if he could have, he would have vomited right there.
,,The agency would never leave so much proof, it has to be someone else!’’ Vanderwood tried to stop the red haired man.
But he was sure they wanted revenge.
Well, the sight welcoming them was a bit different.
You were in your nightgown, a baseball bat in your hands, and a man on the floor, unconscious, with alcohol around him.
,,I finished him off,’’ you said proudly.
Gosh, Saeyoung’s legs gave up right there.
You were scolded a bit ,,What if he had a gun and shot you down? What if he wasn’t alone? Imagine if he would have gotten up again, Mc! What if…’’
Saeyoung only stopped talking when Vanderwood mentioned the problem of having an unconscious man in their house…at least you were alive and the agency kept ignoring you…
08.03.2023 // 21:06 MEST
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